1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Donald Ziesig
23   Abstract
25   TTemplateExpander provides xml templates to replace the hard-coded
26   pascal snippets used by TCodeCompletionCodeTool.
28   The xml file fragment for the Setter method:
30   <templates>
31      *
32      *
33      *
34   <template name="SetterMethod">
35   procedure <ClassName>.<AccessParam/>(<PropVarName/>: <PropType/>);<br/>
36   begin
37   <indent/>if <VarName/>=<PropVarName/> then Exit;<br/>
38   <indent/><VarName/>:=<PropVarName/>;<br/>
39   end;<br/>
40   </template>
41      *
42      *
43      *
44   </templates>
46   produces pascal:
48   procedure TMyClass.SetMyVar(AValue: MyType);
49   begin
50     if AValue=MyVar then Exit;
51     MyVar:=AValue;
52   end;
54 ===============================================================================
56   The following xml tags are implemented:
58   <if var="SomeBool"> ... </if>      generates pascal code if string value of
59                                      the argument named "SomeBool" is "true".
61   <ifnot var="SomeBool" ... </ifnot> generates pascal code if string value of
62                                      the argument named "SomeBool" is not "true"
64   <else> ... </else>                 must immediately follow </if> or </ifnot>.
65                                      generates pascal code if the negation of
66                                      the previous tag is true.
68   <count var="SomeVar"> ... </count> generates pascal code for zero or more
69                                      values of the string argument "SomeVar".
70                                      The values are encoded as a single string
71                                      of the form "Arg0?Arg1?...ArgN?" (Yeah, I
72                                      know.  See the comments below about a hack.)
74   <indent/>                          is replaced by the appropriate Indent string.
76   <br/>                              is replaced by the appropriate LineEnd string.
78   <SomeVar/>                         is replaced by the string element of ArgVal
79                                      which corresponds to the string element of
80                                      ArgName.
82 }
83 unit CodeCompletionTemplater;
85 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
87 interface
89 uses
90   Classes, SysUtils, laz2_DOM, laz2_XMLRead, LazFileUtils,
91   CodeCache, FileProcs;
93 type
95   { TTemplateExpander }
97   TTemplateExpander = class
98   private
99     FCode: TCodeBuffer;
100     fCodeChangeStep: Integer;
101     procedure LoadCode;
102     procedure SetCode(AValue: TCodeBuffer);
103   protected
104     XMLDoc : TXMLDocument;
105     Root   : TDOMNode;
ArgCountnull107     function ArgCount(Args: String): Integer;
ArgNnull108     function ArgN(Args: String; Index : Integer) : String;
ExpandTemplatenull110     function ExpandTemplate(Template: TDOMNode;
111                             LineEnd, Indent : String;
112                             ArgName: array of String;
113                             ArgVal: array of const;
114                             CountIndex: Integer = -1): String;
FindTemplatenull116     function FindTemplate(TemplateName: String): TDOMNode;
117   public
118     constructor Create;
119     destructor  Destroy; override;
Expandnull121     function Expand(TemplateName : String;
122                     LineEnd, Indent : String;
123                     ArgName : array of String;
124                     ArgVal  : array of const): String;
TemplateExistsnull126     function TemplateExists(TemplateName: String): Boolean;
128     property Doc: TXMLDocument read XMLDoc;
129     property Code: TCodeBuffer read FCode write SetCode;
130     procedure ReloadCode;
131   end;
133 var
134   CTTemplateExpander : TTemplateExpander; // will be set by CodeToolBoss
136 implementation
138 { TTemplateExpander }
140 //
141 // ArgCount and ArgN are part of a hack to overcome the fact that
142 // "array of const" can not contain another array.
143 //
144 // instead of a convenient ['a',...,['x1,'x2'],...,'z'] we must use something
145 // like ['a',...,'x1?x2?',...'z'] (which is what I chose just for simplicity)
146 //
ArgCountnull148 function TTemplateExpander.ArgCount(Args: String): Integer;
149 var
150   I : Integer;
151 begin
152   Result := 0;
153   for I := 1 to Length(Args) do
154     if Args[I] = '?' then
155       Inc(Result);
156 end;
ArgNnull158 function TTemplateExpander.ArgN(Args: String; Index: Integer): String;
159 var
160   I : Integer;
161   P : Integer;
162   S : String;
163 begin
164   S := Args;
165   for I := 0 to pred(Index) do
166     begin
167       P := Pos('?',S);
168       S := Copy(S,P+1,65535);
169     end;
170   P := Pos('?',S);
171   Result := Copy(S,1,P-1);
172 end;
174 constructor TTemplateExpander.Create;
175 begin
176   fCodeChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp;
177 end;
179 destructor TTemplateExpander.Destroy;
180 begin
181   FCode:=nil;
182   FreeAndNil(XMLDoc);
183 end;
Expandnull185 function TTemplateExpander.Expand(TemplateName: String; LineEnd,
186   Indent: String; ArgName: array of String; ArgVal: array of const): String;
187 var
188   Template : TDOMNode;
189 begin
190   Template := FindTemplate(TemplateName);
191   if Template = nil then
192     raise Exception.Create('Template "' + TemplateName + '" not found in TemplateExpander.');
193   Result := ExpandTemplate(Template, LineEnd, Indent, ArgName, ArgVal);
194 end;
ExpandTemplatenull196 function TTemplateExpander.ExpandTemplate(Template: TDOMNode; LineEnd,
197   Indent: String; ArgName: array of String; ArgVal: array of const;
198   CountIndex : Integer): String;
200 // Sequential search of ArgName array to return corresponding element
201 // of the ArgVal array (appropriately processed if it simulates being
202 // an array itself.
203 function GetArgValue(Name : String; Index : Integer = -1): String;
204 var
205   I : Integer;
206   S : String;
207 begin
208   for I := 0 to pred(Length(ArgName)) do
209     if ArgName[I] = Name then
210       begin
211         S := AnsiString(ArgVal[I].VAnsiString);
212         if (Index < 0) or (Pos('?',S) = 0) then
213           Result := S
214         else
215           Result :=  ArgN(S, Index);
216         exit;
217       end;
218   raise Exception.Create('ExpandTemplate could not find Argument named "' + Name + '"');
219 end;
221 function GetBoolArgValue(Name : String): Boolean;
222 var
223   I : Integer;
224 begin
225   for I := 0 to pred(Length(ArgName)) do
226     if ArgName[I] = Name then
227       begin
228         Result :=  ArgVal[I].VBoolean;
229         exit;
230       end;
231   raise Exception.Create('ExpandTemplate could not find Argument named "' + Name + '"');
232 end;
234 function GetNodeValue(Node : TDOMNode; Required : Boolean = True): String;
235 var
236   Len : Integer;
237 begin
238   Result := '';
239   Len := Node.Attributes.Length;
240   if Required then
241     if Len = 0 then
242       raise Exception.Create('Missing attribute tag for node "' + Node.NodeName + '"');
243   if Len > 0 then
244     Result := Node.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
245 end;
247 var
248   Node : TDOMNode;
249   N : String;
250   S : String;
251   Name : String;
252   R : String; // for debugger
253   PrevNode : TDOMNode;
254   CommentFlag : Boolean;
255   CountArgs : String;
256   NArgs : Integer;
257   I     : Integer;
258 begin
259   R := '';
260   PrevNode := nil;
261   Node := Template.FirstChild;
262   while Node <> nil do
263     begin
264       N := Node.NodeName;
265       S := Node.NodeValue;
266       CommentFlag := False;
267 // plain text in the xml file is copied directly to the output (almost).
268       if N = '#text' then
269         begin
270           if Pos(#10, S) = 1 then  // Hack to work around XML parser that leaves
271             S := Copy(S,2,65535);  // A new-line when text appears in first
272           R := R + S;              // column of the XML file.
273         end
274 // indent the text using the string argument Indent
275       else if N = 'indent' then
276         begin
277           Name := GetNodeValue(Node, False);
278           if Name = '' then
279             R := R + Indent
280           else
281             R := R + GetArgValue(Name);
282         end
283 // add the line break using the string argument LineEnd
284       else if N = 'br' then
285          R := R + LineEnd
286 // process the xml 'if' tag
287       else if (N = 'if') then
288         begin
289           Name := GetNodeValue(Node); //Node.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
290           if GetBoolArgValue(Name) then
291             R := R + ExpandTemplate(Node, LineEnd,Indent,ArgName,ArgVal);
292         end
293 // process the xml 'ifnot' tag
294       else if (N = 'ifnot') then
295         begin
296           Name := GetNodeValue(Node); //Node.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
297           if not GetBoolArgValue(Name) then
298             R := R + ExpandTemplate(Node, LineEnd,Indent,ArgName,ArgVal);
299         end
300 // process the xml 'else' tag.  This is sneaky.  The else tag must (almost)
301 // immediately follow the closing of either the 'if' or 'ifnot' tags.  (The
302 // exception allows comments to intervene)
303 //
304 // The original implementation used separate 'else' and 'elsenot' tags, but
305 // the xml file got so confusing at times that it was better to add some
306 // nasty looking code here to make the xml neater.
307       else if N = 'else' then
308         begin
309           if PrevNode = nil then
310             raise Exception.Create('Expander: "else" without "if" or "ifnot"');
311           if PrevNode.NodeName = 'if' then
312             begin
313               Name := GetNodeValue(PrevNode); //PrevNode.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
314               if GetBoolArgValue(Name) then
315                 R := R + ExpandTemplate(Node, LineEnd,Indent,ArgName,ArgVal);
316             end
317           else if PrevNode.NodeName = 'ifnot' then
318             begin
319               Name := GetNodeValue(PrevNode); //PrevNode.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
320               if not GetBoolArgValue(Name) then
321                 R := R + ExpandTemplate(Node, LineEnd,Indent,ArgName,ArgVal);
322             end
323           else
324             raise Exception.Create('Expander:  mis-placed "else" following ' + PrevNode.NodeName);
326          end
327 // process the xml 'count' tag.  This implements multiple lines to be generated
328 // from array or list data in the pascal code.  This was originally needed to
329 // implement the 'AssignMethod' template.
330       else if N = 'count' then
331         begin
332           Name := GetNodeValue(Node); //Node.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue;
333           CountArgs := GetArgValue(Name);
334           NArgs := ArgCount(CountArgs);
335           for I := 0 to pred(Nargs) do
336             R := R + ExpandTemplate(Node, LineEnd,Indent,ArgName,ArgVal, I);
337         end
338 // process all other xml tags (less comment) as requests for the pascal variable
339 // specified by the tag name:  e.g., <ClassName/>  will look for an argument name
340 // of ClassName in the ArgNames array and get the corresponding value from the
341 // ArgVals array;
342       else if N <> '#comment' then
343         R := R +  GetArgValue(N, CountIndex)
344 {$IFDEF DebugTemplate }
345       else
346         begin
347           R := R + '{ ' + Node.NodeValue + ' }';
348           CommentFlag := True;
349         end;
350 {$ELSE DebugTemplate}
351       else
352         CommentFlag := True;
353 {$ENDIF DebugTemplate}
354 // ignore the comment nodes in subsequent processing.
355       if not CommentFlag then PrevNode := Node;
356       Node := Node.NextSibling;
357     end;
358   Result := R;
359 end;
FindTemplatenull361 function TTemplateExpander.FindTemplate(TemplateName : String): TDOMNode;
362 var
363   N : String;
364 begin
365   if not Assigned(Root) then
366     begin
367       Result := nil;
368       exit;
369     end;
370   if Root.NodeName <> 'templates' then
371     raise Exception.Create('Root node of codetools TemplateExpander = "' + Root.NodeName + '", "templates" expected.');
373 // Sequential search of list of templates.
374   Result := Root.FirstChild;
375   while Result <> nil do
376     begin
377       N := Result.NodeName;
378       if N <> '#comment' then  // ignores first level comments
379         begin
380           if N <> 'template' then
381             raise Exception.Create('template node of codetools TemplateExpander = "' + N + '", "template" expected.');
382           if Result.Attributes.Item[0].NodeValue = TemplateName then
383             break;
384         end;
385       Result := Result.NextSibling;
386     end;
387 end;
389 procedure TTemplateExpander.LoadCode;
390 var
391   ms: TMemoryStream;
392 begin
393   if Code=nil then begin
394     fCodeChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp;
395     exit;
396   end;
397   fCodeChangeStep:=Code.ChangeStep;
398   Root:=nil;
399   FreeAndNil(XMLDoc);
400   ms:=TMemoryStream.Create;
401   try
402     Code.SaveToStream(ms);
403     ms.Position:=0;
404     ReadXMLFile(XMLDoc, ms);
405     Root := XMLDoc.DocumentElement;
406   finally
407     ms.Free;
408   end;
409 end;
411 procedure TTemplateExpander.SetCode(AValue: TCodeBuffer);
412 begin
413   if FCode=AValue then Exit;
414   FCode:=AValue;
415   LoadCode;
416 end;
TemplateExistsnull418 function TTemplateExpander.TemplateExists(TemplateName: String): Boolean;
419 begin
420   ReloadCode;
421   Result := FindTemplate(TemplateName) <> nil;
422 end;
424 procedure TTemplateExpander.ReloadCode;
425 begin
426   if Code=nil then exit;
427   if Code.ChangeStep=fCodeChangeStep then exit;
428   LoadCode;
429 end;
431 end.