1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Authors: Alexander Klenin
9 }
11 unit TADrawerCanvas;
13 {$H+}
15 interface
17 uses
18   Classes, FPCanvas, FPImage, Graphics, SysUtils, TAChartUtils, TADrawUtils;
20 type
21   IChartTCanvasDrawer = interface
22   ['{6D8E5591-6788-4D2D-9FE6-596D5157C3C2}']
GetCanvasnull23     function GetCanvas: TCanvas;
24     property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas;
25   end;
27   { TCanvasDrawer }
29   TCanvasDrawer = class(
30     TBasicDrawer, IChartDrawer, IChartTCanvasDrawer)
31   strict private
32     procedure SetBrush(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
33     procedure SetFont(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
34     procedure SetPen(APen: TFPCustomPen);
35   strict protected
36     FCanvas: TCanvas;
37     FBuffer: TBitmap;
GetFontAnglenull38 //    function GetFontAngle: Double; override;
39     function SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint; override;
40     procedure SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String); override;
41   public
42     procedure AddToFontOrientation(ADelta: Integer);
43     procedure ClippingStart;
44     procedure ClippingStart(const AClipRect: TRect);
45     procedure ClippingStop;
46     constructor Create(ACanvas: TCanvas);
47     destructor Destroy; override;
48     procedure Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
49     procedure FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
GetBrushColornull50     function GetBrushColor: TChartColor;
GetCanvasnull51     function GetCanvas: TCanvas; virtual;
GetFontAnglenull52     function GetFontAngle: Double; override;
GetFontColornull53     function GetFontColor: TFPColor; override;
GetFontNamenull54     function GetFontName: String; override;
GetFontSizenull55     function GetFontSize: Integer; override;
GetFontStylenull56     function GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles; override;
GetPenColornull57     function GetPenColor: TChartColor;
58     procedure Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
59     procedure Line(const AP1, AP2: TPoint);
60     procedure LineTo(AX, AY: Integer); override;
61     procedure MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer); override;
62     procedure Polygon(
63       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer); override;
64     procedure Polyline(
65       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
66     procedure PrepareSimplePen(AColor: TChartColor);
67     procedure PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage); override;
68     procedure PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor); override;
69     procedure RadialPie(
70       AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer;
71       AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg: Integer);
72     procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect);
73     procedure Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
74     procedure ResetFont;
75     procedure SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
76     procedure SetBrushColor(AColor: TChartColor);
77     procedure SetBrushParams(AStyle: TFPBrushStyle; AColor: TChartColor);
78     procedure SetPenColor(AColor: TChartColor);
79     procedure SetPenParams(AStyle: TFPPenStyle; AColor: TChartColor; AWidth: Integer = 1);
80     procedure SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
81     procedure SetTransparency(ATransparency: TChartTransparency);
82   end;
84   TScaledCanvasDrawer = class(TCanvasDrawer)
85   protected
86     FCoeff: Double;
87   public
88     constructor Create(ACanvas: TCanvas; ACoeff: Double; AScaleItems: TScaleItems);
Scalenull89     function Scale(ADistance: Integer): Integer; override;
90   end;
CanvasGetFontOrientationFuncnull92   function CanvasGetFontOrientationFunc(AFont: TFPCustomFont): Integer;
ChartColorSysToFPColornull93   function ChartColorSysToFPColor(AChartColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
96 implementation
98 uses
99   GraphType, LCLIntf, LCLType, IntfGraphics,
100   TAGeometry;
CanvasGetFontOrientationFuncnull102 function CanvasGetFontOrientationFunc(AFont: TFPCustomFont): Integer;
103 begin
104   if AFont is TFont then
105     Result := TFont(AFont).Orientation
106   else
107     Result := AFont.Orientation; //0;
108 end;
ChartColorSysToFPColornull110 function ChartColorSysToFPColor(AChartColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
111 begin
112   Result := ChartColorToFPColor(ColorToRGB(AChartColor));
113 end;
115 { TCanvasDrawer }
117 procedure TCanvasDrawer.AddToFontOrientation(ADelta: Integer);
118 begin
119   with GetCanvas.Font do
120     Orientation := Orientation + ADelta;
121 end;
123 procedure TCanvasDrawer.ClippingStart(const AClipRect: TRect);
124 begin
125   FCanvas.ClipRect := AClipRect;
126   FBuffer.Canvas.ClipRect := AClipRect;
127   ClippingStart;
128 end;
130 procedure TCanvasDrawer.ClippingStart;
131 begin
132   FCanvas.Clipping := true;
133   FBuffer.Canvas.Clipping := true;
134 end;
136 procedure TCanvasDrawer.ClippingStop;
137 begin
138   FCanvas.Clipping := false;
139   FBuffer.Canvas.Clipping := false;
140 end;
142 constructor TCanvasDrawer.Create(ACanvas: TCanvas);
143 begin
144   inherited Create;
145   FCanvas := ACanvas;
146   FBuffer := TBitmap.Create;
147   FBuffer.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
148 end;
150 destructor TCanvasDrawer.Destroy;
151 begin
152   FreeAndNil(FBuffer);
153   inherited;
154 end;
156 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
157 begin
158   GetCanvas.Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
159 end;
161 procedure TCanvasDrawer.FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
162 begin
163   GetCanvas.FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
164 end;
TCanvasDrawer.GetBrushColornull166 function TCanvasDrawer.GetBrushColor: TChartColor;
167 begin
168   Result := GetCanvas.Brush.Color;
169 end;
TCanvasDrawer.GetCanvasnull171 function TCanvasDrawer.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
172 begin
173   // When transparency is off, draw directly on canvas for better speed.
174   if FTransparency > 0 then
175     Result := FBuffer.Canvas
176   else
177     Result := FCanvas;
178 end;
GetFontAnglenull180 function TCanvasDrawer.GetFontAngle: Double;
181 begin
182   Result := OrientToRad(GetCanvas.Font.Orientation);
183 end;
TCanvasDrawer.GetFontColornull185 function TCanvasDrawer.GetFontColor: TFPColor;
186 begin
187   Result := TColorToFPColor(GetCanvas.Font.Color);
188 end;
TCanvasDrawer.GetFontNamenull190 function TCanvasDrawer.GetFontName: String;
191 begin
192   Result := GetCanvas.Font.Name;
193 end;
GetFontSizenull195 function TCanvasDrawer.GetFontSize: Integer;
196 var
197   h: Integer;
198 begin
199   Result := GetCanvas.Font.Size;
200   if Result = 0 then begin
201     h := GetFontData(GetCanvas.Font.Reference.Handle).Height;
202     Result := round(abs(h) * 72 / ScreenInfo.PixelsPerInchY);
203   end;
204 end;
GetFontStylenull206 function TCanvasDrawer.GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles;
207 begin
208   Result := TChartFontStyles(GetCanvas.Font.Style);
209 end;
GetPenColornull211 function TCanvasDrawer.GetPenColor: TChartColor;
212 begin
213   Result := GetCanvas.Pen.Color;
214 end;
216 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
217 begin
218   GetCanvas.Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
219 end;
221 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Line(const AP1, AP2: TPoint);
222 begin
223   GetCanvas.Line(AP1, AP2);
224 end;
226 procedure TCanvasDrawer.LineTo(AX, AY: Integer);
227 begin
228   GetCanvas.LineTo(AX, AY);
229 end;
231 procedure TCanvasDrawer.MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer);
232 begin
233   GetCanvas.MoveTo(AX, AY);
234 end;
236 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Polygon(
237   const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
238 begin
239   GetCanvas.Polygon(APoints, false, AStartIndex, ANumPts);
240 end;
242 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Polyline(
243   const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
244 begin
245   if ANumPts <= 0 then exit;
246   GetCanvas.Polyline(APoints, AStartIndex, ANumPts);
247   // TCanvas.Polyline does not draw the end point.
248   with APoints[AStartIndex + ANumPts - 1] do
249     GetCanvas.Pixels[X, Y] := GetCanvas.Pen.Color;
250 end;
252 procedure TCanvasDrawer.PrepareSimplePen(AColor: TChartColor);
253 begin
254   with GetCanvas.Pen do begin
255     if FXor then
256       Color := clWhite
257     else
258       Color := ColorOrMono(AColor);
259     Style := psSolid;
260     if FXor then
261       Mode := pmXor
262     else
263       Mode := pmCopy;
264     if (scalePen in FScaleItems) then
265       Width := Scale(1) else
266       Width := 1;
267   end;
268 end;
270 procedure TCanvasDrawer.PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
271 var
272   x, y: Integer;
273   bmp: TBitmap;
274 begin
275   bmp := TBitmap.Create;
276   try
277     if AImage is TLazIntfImage then
278       bmp.LoadFromIntfImage(TLazIntfImage(AImage))
279     else begin
280       bmp.SetSize(AImage.Width, AImage.Height);
281       bmp.Transparent := true;
282       bmp.TransparentMode := tmFixed;
283       bmp.TransparentColor := bmp.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0];
284       for y := 0 to AImage.Height - 1 do
285         for x := 0 to AImage.Width - 1 do
286           if AImage[x, y].alpha > 0 then
287             bmp.Canvas.Colors[x, y] := AImage[x, y];
288     end;
289     GetCanvas.Draw(AX, AY, bmp);
290   finally
291     bmp.Free;
292   end;
293 end;
295 procedure TCanvasDrawer.PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor);
296 begin
297   GetCanvas.Pixels[AX, AY] := AColor;
298 end;
300 procedure TCanvasDrawer.RadialPie(
301   AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer;
302   AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg: Integer);
303 begin
304   GetCanvas.RadialPie(
305     AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg);
306 end;
308 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
309 begin
310   GetCanvas.Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
311 end;
313 procedure TCanvasDrawer.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect);
314 begin
315   GetCanvas.Rectangle(ARect);
316 end;
318 procedure TCanvasDrawer.ResetFont;
319 begin
320   GetCanvas.Font.Orientation := 0;
321 end;
323 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
324 begin
325   GetCanvas.AntialiasingMode := TAntialiasingMode(AValue);
326 end;
328 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetBrush(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
329 begin
330   with GetCanvas.Brush do begin
331     if ABrush is TBrush then
332       Assign(ABrush)
333     else begin
334       FPColor := ABrush.FPColor;
335       Pattern := ABrush.Pattern;
336       Style := ABrush.Style;
337     end;
338     if FXor then
339       Style := bsClear
340     else if FMonochromeColor <> clTAColor then
341       Color := FMonochromeColor;
342   end;
343 end;
345 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetBrushColor(AColor: TChartColor);
346 begin
347   GetCanvas.Brush.Color := ColorOrMono(AColor);
348 end;
350 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetBrushParams(
351   AStyle: TFPBrushStyle; AColor: TChartColor);
352 begin
353   GetCanvas.Brush.Color := ColorOrMono(AColor);
354   GetCanvas.Brush.Style := AStyle;
355 end;
357 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetFont(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
358 var
359   st: TFontStyles = [];
360 begin
361   with GetCanvas.Font do begin
362     if AFont is TFont then
363       Assign(AFont)
364     else begin
365       BeginUpdate;
366       FPColor := AFont.FPColor;
367       Name := AFont.Name;
368       Size := AFont.Size;
369       Orientation := AFont.Orientation;
370       if AFont.Italic then
371         Include(st, fsItalic);
372       if AFont.Bold then
373         Include(st, fsBold);
374       if AFont.Underline then
375         Include(st, fsUnderline);
376       {$IF (FPC_FULLVERSION<=20600) or (FPC_FULLVERSION=20602)}
377       if AFont.StrikeTrough then
378       {$ELSE}
379       if AFont.StrikeThrough then
380       {$ENDIF}
381         Include(st, fsStrikeOut);
382       Style := st;
383       EndUpdate;
384     end;
385     if FMonochromeColor <> clTAColor then
386       Color := FMonochromeColor;
387     if scaleFont in FScaleItems then
388       Size := Scale(GetFontSize)
389     else
390       Size := GetFontSize;
391   end;
392 end;
394 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetPen(APen: TFPCustomPen);
395 begin
396   with GetCanvas do begin
397     if FXor then begin
398       Brush.Style := bsClear;
399       if APen = nil then
400         Pen.Style := psSolid
401       else
402         Pen.Style := APen.Style;
403       Pen.Mode := pmXor;
404       Pen.Color := clWhite;
405       if APen = nil then
406         Pen.Width := 1
407       else
408         Pen.Width := APen.Width;
409     end
410     else begin
411       if APen is TPen then
412         Pen.Assign(APen)
413       else  begin
414         Pen.Color := FPColorToChartColor(APen.FPColor);
415         Pen.Style := APen.Style;
416         Pen.Width := APen.Width;
417         Pen.Mode := APen.Mode;
418         Pen.Pattern := APen.Pattern;
419       end;
420       if FMonochromeColor <> clTAColor then
421         Pen.Color := FMonochromeColor;
422     end;
423     if scalePen in FScaleItems then
424       Pen.Width := Scale(Pen.Width);
425   end;
426 end;
428 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetPenColor(AColor: TChartColor);
429 begin
430   if not FXor then
431     GetCanvas.Pen.Color := ColorOrMono(AColor);
432 end;
434 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetPenParams(AStyle: TFPPenStyle; AColor: TChartColor;
435   AWidth: Integer = 1);
436 begin
437   GetCanvas.Pen.Style := AStyle;
438   GetCanvas.Pen.Width := AWidth;
439   if not FXor then
440     GetCanvas.Pen.Color := ColorOrMono(AColor);
441 end;
443 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
444 begin
445   GetCanvas.Pen.Width := AWidth;
446 end;
448 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SetTransparency(ATransparency: TChartTransparency);
FillAlphanull450   function FillAlpha(AAlpha: Byte): Byte;
451   var
452     img: TRawImage;
453     p, pEnd: PCardinal;
454     x: Cardinal = 0;
455     r: Cardinal = 0;
456   begin
457     FBuffer.BeginUpdate;
458     img := FBuffer.RawImage;
459     p := PCardinal(img.Data);
460     TRGBAQuad(x).Alpha := AAlpha;
461     pEnd := PCardinal(img.Data + img.DataSize);
462     // This loop is time-critical, so: avoid conditionals inside,
463     // use dword-sized instead of byte-sized access.
464     while p < pEnd do begin
465       // On the first pass, set all alpha values to AAlpha.
466       // Drawing will reset alpha of changed pixels to zero.
467       // On the second pass, flip unchanged pixels back to zero alpha,
468       // and changed ones to the desired alpha level.
469       p^ := p^ xor x;
470       r := r or p^;
471       Inc(p);
472     end;
473     FBuffer.EndUpdate;
474     Result := TRGBAQuad(r).Alpha;
475   end;
477 begin
478   if FTransparency = ATransparency then exit;
479   // For each transparency change, create a buffer bitmap, draw on that,
480   // then alpha-blend the bitmap to the canvas.
481   // This is slow, but currently seems the only way.
482   if FTransparency > 0 then begin
483     // StretchMaskBlt performs alpha blending only if the image contains
484     // at least one non-zero alpha value, so fully transparent image
485     // becomes black box. Workround: do not call StretchMaskBlt in this case.
486     if FillAlpha(255 - FTransparency) > 0 then
487       StretchMaskBlt(
488         FCanvas.Handle, 0, 0, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height,
489         FBuffer.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height,
490         0, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
491   end;
492   inherited;
493   if FTransparency > 0 then begin
494     FBuffer.SetSize(0, 0);
495     FBuffer.SetSize(FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height);
496     FillAlpha(255 - FTransparency);
497   end;
498 end;
SimpleTextExtentnull500 function TCanvasDrawer.SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
501 begin
502   Result := GetCanvas.TextExtent(AText);
503 end;
505 procedure TCanvasDrawer.SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
507   procedure DrawSimpleText(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer; const txt: String);
508   // add right-to-left mode. Cannot use TextOut since it does not respect TextStyle
509   var
510     r: TRect;
511     ts: TTextStyle;
512   begin
513     ts := ACanvas.TextStyle;
514     ts.RightToLeft := FRightToLeft;
515     ts.WordBreak := false;   // added to disable erroneous workbreaks in Linux printing
516     ts.Clipping := false;
517     r := Bounds(x, y, 1, 1);
518     ACanvas.TextRect(r, x, y, txt, ts);
519   end;
521   procedure DrawXorText;
522   var
523     bmp: TBitmap;
524     p, ext, bmpSize: TPoint;
525     a: Double;
526   begin
527     ext := GetCanvas.TextExtent(AText);
528     a := OrientToRad(GetCanvas.Font.Orientation);
529     bmpSize := MeasureRotatedRect(ext, a);
530     p := bmpSize div 2 - RotatePoint(ext div 2, -a);
532     bmp := TBitmap.Create;
533     try
534       bmp.SetSize(bmpSize.X, bmpSize.Y);
535       bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
536       bmp.Canvas.Font := GetCanvas.Font;
537       bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
538       DrawSimpleText(bmp.Canvas, p.X, p.Y, AText);
539       bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
540       BitBlt(
541         GetCanvas.Handle, AX - p.X, AY - p.Y, bmpSize.X, bmpSize.Y,
542         bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCINVERT);
543     finally
544       bmp.Free;
545     end;
546   end;
548 begin
549   if FXor then
550     DrawXorText
551   else
552     DrawSimpleText(GetCanvas, AX, AY, AText);
553 end;
556 { TScaledCanvasDrawer }
558 constructor TScaledCanvasDrawer.Create(ACanvas: TCanvas; ACoeff: Double;
559   AScaleItems: TScaleItems);
560 begin
561   inherited Create(ACanvas);
562   FCoeff := ACoeff;
563   FScaleItems := AScaleItems;
564 end;
TScaledCanvasDrawer.Scalenull566 function TScaledCanvasDrawer.Scale(ADistance: Integer): Integer;
567 begin
568   Result := Round(FCoeff * ADistance);
569 end;
571 initialization
572   // Suppress incorrect "TAGeometry is unused" hint
573   Unused(DoublePoint(0, 0));
575 end.