1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Authors: Alexander Klenin
9 }
10 unit TADrawerSVG;
12 {$H+}
14 interface
16 uses
17   Graphics, Classes, FPImage, FPCanvas, EasyLazFreeType,
18   TAFonts, TAChartUtils, TADrawUtils, TAGraph;
20 type
21   TSVGDrawer = class(TBasicDrawer, IChartDrawer)
22   strict private
23     FAntialiasingMode: TChartAntialiasingMode;
24     FBrushColor: TFPColor;
25     FBrushStyle: TFPBrushStyle;
26     FClippingPathId: Integer;
27     FFont: TFreeTypeFont;
28     FFontHeight: Integer;  // Height of text in pixels
29     FFontOrientation: Integer;  // angle*10 (i.e. 90° --> 900, >0 if ccs.
30     FFontColor: TFPColor;
31     FPatterns: TStrings;
32     FPen: TFPCustomPen;
33     FPrevPos: TPoint;
34     FStream: TStream;
OpacityStrnull36     function OpacityStr: String;
PointsToStrnull37     function PointsToStr(
38       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer): String;
40     procedure SetBrush(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
41     procedure SetFont(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
42     procedure SetPen(APen: TFPCustomPen);
StyleFillnull44     function StyleFill: String;
StyleStrokenull45     function StyleStroke: String;
47     procedure WriteFmt(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const);
48     procedure WriteStr(const AString: String);
49   strict protected
SimpleTextExtentnull50     function SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint; override;
51     procedure SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String); override;
53   public
54     constructor Create(AStream: TStream; AWriteDocType: Boolean);
55     destructor Destroy; override;
56   public
57     procedure AddToFontOrientation(ADelta: Integer);
58     procedure ClippingStart;
59     procedure ClippingStart(const AClipRect: TRect);
60     procedure ClippingStop;
61     procedure DrawingBegin(const ABoundingBox: TRect); override;
62     procedure DrawingEnd; override;
63     procedure Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
64     procedure FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
GetBrushColornull65     function GetBrushColor: TChartColor;
GetFontAnglenull66     function GetFontAngle: Double; override;
GetFontColornull67     function GetFontColor: TFPColor; override;
GetFontNamenull68     function GetFontName: String; override;
GetFontSizenull69     function GetFontSize: Integer; override;
GetFontStylenull70     function GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles; override;
GetPenColornull71     function GetPenColor: TChartColor;
72     procedure Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
73     procedure Line(const AP1, AP2: TPoint);
74     procedure LineTo(AX, AY: Integer); override;
75     procedure MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer); override;
76     procedure Polygon(
77       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer); override;
78     procedure Polyline(
79       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
80     procedure PrepareSimplePen(AColor: TChartColor);
81     procedure PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage); override;
82     procedure PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor); override;
83     procedure RadialPie(
84       AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer;
85       AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg: Integer);
86     procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect);
87     procedure Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
88     procedure ResetFont;
89     procedure SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
90     procedure SetBrushColor(AColor: TChartColor);
91     procedure SetBrushParams(AStyle: TFPBrushStyle; AColor: TChartColor);
92     procedure SetPenColor(AColor: TChartColor);
93     procedure SetPenParams(AStyle: TFPPenStyle; AColor: TChartColor; AWidth: Integer = 1);
94     procedure SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
95   end;
98   { TSVGChartHelper }
100   TSVGChartHelper = class helper for TChart
101     procedure SaveToSVGFile(const AFileName: String);
102   end;
105 implementation
107 uses
108   Base64, FPWritePNG, Math, SysUtils, TAGeometry;
110 const
111   RECT_FMT =
112     '<rect x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" style="%s"/>';
EscapeXMLnull114 function EscapeXML(const AText: String): String;
115 var
116   ch: Char;
117 begin
118   Result := '';
119   for ch in AText do
120     case ch of
121       '<': Result := Result + '&lt;';
122       '>': Result := Result + '&gt;';
123       '"': Result := Result + '&quot;';
124       '''':Result := Result + '&apos;';
125       '&': Result := Result + '&amp;';
126       else Result := Result + ch;
127     end;
128 end;
ColorToHexnull130 function ColorToHex(AColor: TFPColor): String;
131 begin
132   if AColor = colBlack then
133     Result := 'black'
134   else if AColor = colWhite then
135     Result := 'white'
136   else
137     with AColor do
138       Result := Format('#%.2x%.2x%.2x', [red shr 8, green shr 8, blue shr 8]);
139 end;
DP2Snull141 function DP2S(AValue: TDoublePoint): String;
142 begin
143   Result := Format('%g,%g', [AValue.X, AValue.Y], DefSeparatorSettings);
144 end;
F2Snull146 function F2S(AValue: Double): String;
147 begin
148   Result := FloatToStr(AValue, DefSeparatorSettings);
149 end;
SVGGetFontOrientationFuncnull151 function SVGGetFontOrientationFunc(AFont: TFPCustomFont): Integer;
152 begin
153   if AFont is TFont then
154     Result := TFont(AFont).Orientation
155   else
156     Result := AFont.Orientation;
157 end;
SVGChartColorToFPColornull159 function SVGChartColorToFPColor(AChartColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
160 begin
161   Result := ChartColorToFPColor(ColorToRGB(AChartColor));
162 end;
165 { TSVGDrawer }
167 procedure TSVGDrawer.AddToFontOrientation(ADelta: Integer);
168 begin
169   FFontOrientation += ADelta;
170 end;
172 procedure TSVGDrawer.ClippingStart(const AClipRect: TRect);
173 begin
174   FClippingPathId += 1;
175   WriteFmt('<clipPath id="clip%d">', [FClippingPathId]);
176   with AClipRect do
177     WriteFmt(RECT_FMT, [Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, '']);
178   WriteStr('</clipPath>');
179   ClippingStart;
180 end;
182 procedure TSVGDrawer.ClippingStart;
183 begin
184   WriteFmt('<g clip-path="url(#clip%d)">', [FClippingPathId]);
185 end;
187 procedure TSVGDrawer.ClippingStop;
188 begin
189   WriteStr('</g>');
190 end;
192 constructor TSVGDrawer.Create(AStream: TStream; AWriteDocType: Boolean);
193 begin
194   inherited Create;
195   InitFonts;
196   FStream := AStream;
197   FPatterns := TStringList.Create;
198   FPen := TFPCustomPen.Create;
199   FGetFontOrientationFunc := @SVGGetFontOrientationFunc;
200   FChartColorToFPColorFunc := @SVGChartColorToFPColor;
201   if AWriteDocType then begin
202     WriteStr('<?xml version="1.0"?>');
203     WriteStr('<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"');
204     WriteStr('"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">');
205   end;
206 end;
208 destructor TSVGDrawer.Destroy;
209 begin
210   FreeAndNil(FFont);
211   FreeAndNil(FPatterns);
212   FreeAndNil(FPen);
213   inherited Destroy;
214 end;
216 procedure TSVGDrawer.DrawingBegin(const ABoundingBox: TRect);
217 begin
218   FAntialiasingMode := amDontCare;
219   with ABoundingBox do
220     WriteFmt(
221       '<svg ' +
222       'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' +
223       'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ' +
224       'width="%dpx" height="%dpx" viewBox="%d %d %d %d">',
225       [Right - Left, Bottom - Top, Left, Top, Right, Bottom]);
226   FClippingPathId := 0;
227 end;
229 procedure TSVGDrawer.DrawingEnd;
230 var
231   i: Integer;
232 begin
233   if FAntialiasingMode <> amDontCare then
234     WriteStr('</g>');
235   if FPatterns.Count > 0 then begin
236     WriteStr('<defs>');
237     for i := 0 to FPatterns.Count - 1 do
238       WriteFmt(
239         '<pattern id="bs%d" width="8" height="8" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">' +
240         '%s</pattern>',
241         [i, FPatterns[i]]);
242     WriteStr('</defs>');
243     FPatterns.Clear;
244   end;
245   WriteStr('</svg>');
246 end;
248 procedure TSVGDrawer.Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
249 var
250   e: TEllipse;
251 begin
252   e.InitBoundingBox(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
253   WriteFmt(
254     '<ellipse cx="%g" cy="%g" rx="%g" ry="%g" style="%s"/>',
255     [e.FC.X, e.FC.Y, e.FR.X, e.FR.Y, StyleFill + StyleStroke]);
256 end;
258 procedure TSVGDrawer.FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
259 begin
260   WriteFmt(RECT_FMT, [AX1, AY1, AX2 - AX1, AY2 - AY1, StyleFill]);
261 end;
GetBrushColornull263 function TSVGDrawer.GetBrushColor: TChartColor;
264 begin
265   Result := FPColorToChartColor(FBrushColor);
266 end;
GetFontAnglenull268 function TSVGDrawer.GetFontAngle: Double;
269 begin
270   Result := OrientToRad(FFontOrientation);
271 end;
TSVGDrawer.GetFontColornull273 function TSVGDrawer.GetFontColor: TFPColor;
274 begin
275   Result := FFontColor;
276 end;
TSVGDrawer.GetFontNamenull278 function TSVGDrawer.GetFontName: String;
279 begin
280   Result := FFont.Family;
281 end;
GetFontSizenull283 function TSVGDrawer.GetFontSize: Integer;
284 begin
285   Result := Round(FFont.SizeInPoints);
286 end;
TSVGDrawer.GetFontStylenull288 function TSVGDrawer.GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles;
289 begin
290   Result := [];
291   if ftsBold in FFont.Style then Include(Result, cfsBold);
292   if ftsItalic in FFont.Style then Include(Result, cfsItalic);
293   if FFont.UnderlineDecoration then Include(Result, cfsUnderline);
294   if FFont.StrikeoutDecoration then Include(Result, cfsStrikeout);
295 end;
GetPenColornull297 function TSVGDrawer.GetPenColor: TChartColor;
298 begin
299   Result := FPColorToChartColor(FPen.FPColor);
300 end;
302 procedure TSVGDrawer.Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
303 begin
304   WriteFmt(
305     '<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="%s"/>',
306     [AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, StyleStroke]);
307 end;
309 procedure TSVGDrawer.Line(const AP1, AP2: TPoint);
310 begin
311   Line(AP1.X, AP1.Y, AP2.X, AP2.Y);
312 end;
314 procedure TSVGDrawer.LineTo(AX, AY: Integer);
315 begin
316   Line(FPrevPos.X, FPrevPos.Y, AX, AY);
317   FPrevPos := Point(AX, AY);
318 end;
320 procedure TSVGDrawer.MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer);
321 begin
322   FPrevPos := Point(AX, AY);
323 end;
OpacityStrnull325 function TSVGDrawer.OpacityStr: String;
326 begin
327   if FTransparency = 0 then
328     Result := ''
329   else
330     Result := F2S((255 - FTransparency) / 256);
331 end;
PointsToStrnull333 function TSVGDrawer.PointsToStr(
334   const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer): String;
335 var
336   i: Integer;
337 begin
338   if ANumPts < 0 then
339     ANumPts := Length(APoints) - AStartIndex;
340   Result := '';
341   for i := 0 to ANumPts - 1 do
342     with APoints[i + AStartIndex] do
343       Result += Format('%d %d ', [X, Y]);
344 end;
346 procedure TSVGDrawer.Polygon(
347   const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
348 begin
349   WriteFmt(
350     '<polygon points="%s" style="%s"/>',
351     [PointsToStr(APoints, AStartIndex, ANumPts), StyleFill + StyleStroke]);
352 end;
354 procedure TSVGDrawer.Polyline(
355   const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
356 begin
357   WriteFmt(
358     '<polyline points="%s" style="fill: none; %s"/>',
359     [PointsToStr(APoints, AStartIndex, ANumPts), StyleStroke]);
360 end;
362 procedure TSVGDrawer.PrepareSimplePen(AColor: TChartColor);
363 begin
364   FPen.FPColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor));
365   FPen.Style := psSolid;
366   FPen.Width := 1;
367 end;
369 procedure TSVGDrawer.PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
370 var
371   s: TStringStream = nil;
372   w: TFPWriterPNG = nil;
373   b: TBase64EncodingStream = nil;
374 begin
375   s := TStringStream.Create('');
376   b := TBase64EncodingStream.Create(s);
377   w := TFPWriterPNG.Create;
378   try
379     w.Indexed := false;
380     w.UseAlpha := true;
381     AImage.SaveToStream(b, w);
382     b.Flush;
383     WriteFmt(
384       '<image x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" ' +
385       'xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,%s"/>',
386       [AX, AY, AImage.Width, AImage.Height, s.DataString]);
387   finally
388     w.Free;
389     s.Free;
390     b.Free;
391   end;
392 end;
394 procedure TSVGDrawer.PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor);
395 var
396   stroke: String;
397 begin
398   stroke := 'stroke:'+ColorToHex(FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor))) + ';stroke-width:1;';
399   WriteFmt(RECT_FMT, [AX, AY, 1, 1, stroke]);
400 end;
402 procedure TSVGDrawer.RadialPie(
403   AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer; AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg: Integer);
404 var
405   e: TEllipse;
406   p1, p2: TDoublePoint;
407 begin
408   e.InitBoundingBox(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2);
409   p1 := e.GetPoint(Deg16ToRad(AStartAngle16Deg));
410   p2 := e.GetPoint(Deg16ToRad(AStartAngle16Deg + AAngleLength16Deg));
411   WriteFmt(
412     '<path d="M%s L%s A%s 0 0,0 %s Z" style="%s"/>',
413     [DP2S(e.FC), DP2S(p1), DP2S(e.FR), DP2S(p2), StyleFill + StyleStroke]);
414 end;
416 procedure TSVGDrawer.Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
417 begin
418   WriteFmt(
419     RECT_FMT, [AX1, AY1, AX2 - AX1, AY2 - AY1, StyleFill + StyleStroke]);
420 end;
422 procedure TSVGDrawer.Rectangle(const ARect: TRect);
423 begin
424   with ARect do
425     Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
426 end;
428 procedure TSVGDrawer.ResetFont;
429 begin
430   FFontOrientation := 0;
431 end;
433 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
434 const
435   AM_TO_CSS: array [amOn .. amOff] of String =
436     ('geometricPrecision', 'crispEdges');
437 begin
438   if FAntialiasingMode = AValue then exit;
439   if FAntialiasingMode <> amDontCare then
440     WriteStr('</g>');
441   FAntialiasingMode := AValue;
442   if FAntialiasingMode <> amDontCare then
443     WriteFmt('<g style="shape-rendering: %s">',[AM_TO_CSS[FAntialiasingMode]]);
444 end;
446 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetBrush(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
447 begin
448   if ABrush is TBrush then
449     FBrushColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(TBrush(ABrush).Color))
450   else
451     FBrushColor := FPColorOrMono(ABrush.FPColor);
452   FBrushStyle := ABrush.Style;
453 end;
455 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetBrushColor(AColor: TChartColor);
456 begin
457   FBrushColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor));
458 end;
460 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetBrushParams(
461   AStyle: TFPBrushStyle; AColor: TChartColor);
462 begin
463   FBrushColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor));
464   FBrushStyle := AStyle;
465 end;
467 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetFont(AFont: TFPCustomFont);
468 var
469   style: TFreeTypeStyles;
470   fn: String;
471 begin
472   style := [];
473   if AFont.Bold then Include(style, ftsBold);
474   if AFont.Italic then Include(style, ftsItalic);
476   // create a new font if not yet loaded
477   if (FFont = nil) or (FFont.Family <> AFont.Name) or(FFont.Style <> style) then
478   begin
479     FreeAndNil(FFont);
480     if SameText(AFont.Name, 'default') then
481       fn := 'Arial'   // FIXME: Find font in FontCollection!
482     else
483       fn := AFont.Name;
484     FFont := LoadFont(fn, style);
485     if FFont = nil then
486       raise Exception.CreateFmt('Font "%s" not found."', [AFont.Name]);
487   end;
489   // Set the requested font attributes
490   FFont.SizeInPoints := Math.IfThen(AFont.Size = 0, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, AFont.Size);
491   FFont.UnderlineDecoration := AFont.Underline;
492   FFont.StrikeoutDecoration := AFont.StrikeThrough;
493   FFont.Hinted := true;
494   FFont.Quality := grqHighQuality;
496   if FMonochromeColor <> clTAColor then
497     FFontColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(FMonochromeColor)
498   else
499     FFontColor := AFont.FPColor;
500   FFontOrientation := FGetFontOrientationFunc(AFont);
501   FFontHeight := round(FFont.TextHeight('Tg'));
502 end;
504 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetPen(APen: TFPCustomPen);
505 begin
506   if APen is TPen then
507     FPen.FPColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(TPen(APen).Color))
508   else
509     FPen.FPColor := FPColorOrMono(APen.FPColor);
510   FPen.Style := APen.Style;
511   FPen.Width := APen.Width;
512 end;
514 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetPenColor(AColor: TChartColor);
515 begin
516   FPen.FPColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor));
517 end;
519 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetPenParams(AStyle: TFPPenStyle; AColor: TChartColor;
520   AWidth: Integer = 1);
521 begin
522   FPen.FPColor := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(ColorOrMono(AColor));
523   FPen.Style := AStyle;
524   FPen.Width := AWidth;
525 end;
527 procedure TSVGDrawer.SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
528 begin
529   FPen.Width := AWidth;
530 end;
TSVGDrawer.SimpleTextExtentnull532 function TSVGDrawer.SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
533 begin
534   Result.X := Round(FFont.TextWidth(AText));
535   Result.Y := FFontHeight;
536 end;
538 type
539   TFreeTypeFontOpener = class(TFreeTypeFont);
541 procedure TSVGDrawer.SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
542 var
543   p: TPoint;
544   stext: String;
545   sstyle: String;
546   dy: Integer;
547   phi: Double;
548 begin
549   dy := round(TFreeTypeFontOpener(FFont).GetAscent);
550   phi := OrientToRad(FFontOrientation);
551   p := RotatePoint(Point(0, dy), -phi) + Point(AX, AY);
552   stext := Format('x="%d" y="%d"', [p.X, p.Y]);
553   if FFontOrientation <> 0 then
554     stext := stext + Format(' transform="rotate(%g,%d,%d)"',
555       [-FFontOrientation*0.1, p.X, p.Y], DefSeparatorSettings);
557   sstyle := Format('fill:%s; font-family:''%s''; font-size:%dpt;',
558     [ColorToHex(GetFontColor), GetFontName, round(FFont.SizeInPoints)]);
559   if (ftsBold in FFont.Style) then
560     sstyle := sstyle + ' font-weight:bold;';
561   if (ftsItalic in FFont.Style) then
562     sstyle := sstyle + ' font-style:oblique;';
563   if FFont.UnderlineDecoration and FFont.StrikeoutDecoration then
564     sstyle := sstyle + ' text-decoration:underline,line-through;'
565   else if FFont.UnderlineDecoration then
566     sstyle := sstyle + ' text-deocration:underline;'
567   else if FFont.StrikeoutDecoration then
568     sstyle := sstyle + ' text-decoration:line-through;';
569   if OpacityStr <> '' then
570     sstyle := sstyle + OpacityStr + ';';
572   WriteFmt('<text %s style="%s">%s</text>', [stext, sstyle, EscapeXML(AText)]);
573 end;
StyleFillnull575 function TSVGDrawer.StyleFill: String;
AddPatternnull577   function AddPattern(APattern: String): String;
578   var
579     i: Integer;
580   begin
581     i := FPatterns.IndexOf(APattern);
582     if i < 0 then
583       i := FPatterns.Add(APattern);
584     Result := Format('url(#bs%d)', [i]);
585   end;
587 const
588   PATTERNS: array [TFPBrushStyle] of String = (
589     '', '',
590     'M0,4 h8',              // bsHorizontal
591     'M4,0 v8',              // bsVertical
592     'M0,0 l8,8',            // bsFDiagonal
593     'M0,8 l8,-8',           // bsBDiagonal
594     'M0,4 h8 M4,0 v8',      // bsCross
595     'M0,0 l8,8 M0,8 l8,-8', // bsDiagCross
596     '', '');
597 var
598   fill: String;
599 begin
600   case FBrushStyle of
601     bsClear: exit('fill: none;');
602     bsHorizontal..bsDiagCross:
603       fill := AddPattern(Format(
604         '<path d="%s" stroke="%s"/>',
605         [PATTERNS[FBrushStyle], ColorToHex(FBrushColor)]));
606     else
607       fill := ColorToHex(FBrushColor);
608   end;
609   Result :=
610     Format('fill:%s;', [fill]) + FormatIfNotEmpty('fill-opacity:%s;', OpacityStr);
611 end;
TSVGDrawer.StyleStrokenull613 function TSVGDrawer.StyleStroke: String;
614 const
615   PEN_DASHARRAY: array [TFPPenStyle] of String =
616     ('', '2,2', '1,1', '2,1,1,1', '2,1,1,1,1,1', '', '', '');
617 begin
618   if FPen.Style = psClear then
619     exit('stroke: none');
620   Result := 'stroke:' + ColorToHex(FPen.FPColor) + ';';
621   if FPen.Width <> 1 then
622     Result += 'stroke-width:' + IntToStr(FPen.Width) + ';';
623   Result +=
624     FormatIfNotEmpty('stroke-dasharray:%s;', PEN_DASHARRAY[FPen.Style]) +
625     FormatIfNotEmpty('stroke-opacity:%s;', OpacityStr);
626 end;
628 procedure TSVGDrawer.WriteFmt(const AFormat: String; AParams: array of const);
629 begin
630   WriteStr(Format(AFormat, AParams, DefSeparatorSettings));
631 end;
633 procedure TSVGDrawer.WriteStr(const AString: String);
634 var
635   le: String = LineEnding;
636 begin
637   FStream.WriteBuffer(AString[1], Length(AString));
638   FStream.WriteBuffer(le[1], Length(le));
639 end;
642 { TSVGChartHelper }
644 procedure TSVGChartHelper.SaveToSVGFile(const AFileName: String);
645 var
646   fs: TFileStream;
647 begin
648   fs := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate);
649   try
650     Draw(TSVGDrawer.Create(fs, true), Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));
651   finally
652     fs.Free;
653   end;
654 end;
657 end.