1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Called after checking what packages need compile.
25     Check source files and compiled files for name conflicts between packages.
27   ToDo:
28     - project compiler option verbosity: dialog on duplicate files
29     - save date ignore
30     - use date ignore
31     - clear ignore on
32       - clean build
33       - error cant find include file
34       unit_f_cant_find_ppu=10022_F_Can't find unit $1 used by $2
35       unit_u_ppu_invalid_header=10007_U_PPU Invalid Header (no PPU at the begin)
36       unit_f_cant_compile_unit=10021_F_Can't compile unit $1, no sources available
37       unit_f_cant_find_ppu=10022_F_Can't find unit $1 used by $2
38       unit_w_unit_name_error=10023_W_Unit $1 was not found but $2 exists
39       unit_f_unit_name_error=10024_F_Unit $1 searched but $2 found
40       unit_u_recompile_crc_change=10028_U_Recompiling $1, checksum changed for $2
41       unit_u_recompile_source_found_alone=10029_U_Recompiling $1, source found only
42       unit_u_recompile_staticlib_is_older=10030_U_Recompiling unit, static lib is older than ppufile
43       unit_u_recompile_sharedlib_is_older=10031_U_Recompiling unit, shared lib is older than ppufile
44       unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Recompiling unit, obj and asm are older than ppufile
45       unit_u_recompile_obj_older_than_asm=10033_U_Recompiling unit, obj is older than asm
46       unit_w_cant_compile_unit_with_changed_incfile=10040_W_Can't recompile unit $1, but found modifed include files
47       unit_u_source_modified=10041_U_File $1 is newer than the one used for creating PPU file $2
48 }
49 unit InterPkgConflictFiles;
51 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
53 interface
55 uses
56   // RTL + FCL
57   Classes, SysUtils, types, math, contnrs, Laz_AVL_Tree,
58   // LCL
59   Forms, ComCtrls, Controls, ButtonPanel, Themes, Graphics, StdCtrls, Buttons,
60   InterfaceBase,
61   // CodeTools
62   BasicCodeTools, DefineTemplates, CodeToolManager, FileProcs,
63   // LazUtils
64   LazFileUtils, LazFileCache, LazTracer,
65   // IDEIntf
66   ProjectIntf, CompOptsIntf, IDEWindowIntf, LazIDEIntf, IDEMsgIntf, IDEExternToolIntf,
67   // IDE
68   CompilerOptions, EnvironmentOpts, IDEProcs, DialogProcs, LazarusIDEStrConsts,
69   TransferMacros, PackageDefs, PackageSystem;
71 type
72   TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo = class
73   public
74     Name: string;
75     Owner: TObject;
76     HasOptionUr: boolean;
77     CompOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
78     BaseDir: string;
79     SrcDirs: string; // unitpath without inherited
80     IncDirs: string; // incpath without inherited and without SrcDirs
81     UnitOutDir: string; // can be empty -> if empty FPC creates ppu in SrcDirs
82   end;
84   { TPGInterPkgFile }
86   TPGInterPkgFile = class
87   public
88     FullFilename: string;
89     ShortFilename: string;
90     AnUnitName: string;
91     OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo;
92     constructor Create(TheFullFilename, TheUnitName: string; Owner: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo);
93   end;
94   TPGInterPkgFileArray = array of TPGInterPkgFile;
96   { TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup }
98   TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup = class
99   public
100     CompiledFiles: TPGInterPkgFileArray;
101     Sources: TPGInterPkgFileArray;
Addnull102     function Add(SrcFile, PPUFile: TPGInterPkgFile): integer;
IndexOfOwnernull103     function IndexOfOwner(OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo): integer;
104     procedure Switch(Index1, Index2: integer);
105   end;
107   TPGIPCategory = (
108     pgipOrphanedCompiled,
109     pgipDuplicateSource
110     );
112   { TPGIPConflictsDialog }
114   TPGIPConflictsDialog = class(TForm)
115     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
116     ConflictsTreeView: TTreeView;
117     IDEDialogLayoutStorage1: TIDEDialogLayoutStorage;
118     ImageList1: TImageList;
119     procedure ConflictsTreeViewAdvancedCustomDrawItem(Sender: TCustomTreeView;
120       Node: TTreeNode; {%H-}State: TCustomDrawState; Stage: TCustomDrawStage;
121       var {%H-}PaintImages, {%H-}DefaultDraw: Boolean);
122     procedure ConflictsTreeViewMouseDown(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Button: TMouseButton;
123       {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
124     procedure DeleteSelectedFilesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
125     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
126     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
127     procedure OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
128   private
129     DeleteSelectedFilesButton: TButton;
130     FImgIndexChecked: integer;
131     FImgIndexUnchecked: integer;
132     FCategoryNodes: array[TPGIPCategory] of TTreeNode;
133     procedure UpdateButtons;
134     procedure IgnoreConflicts;
135   public
136     FileGroups: TObjectList; // list of TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup
137     FilesChanged: boolean;
138     procedure Init(Groups: TObjectList);
139   end;
CheckInterPkgFilesnull141 function CheckInterPkgFiles(IDEObject: TObject;
142   PkgList: TFPList; out FilesChanged: boolean
143   ): boolean; // returns false if user cancelled
145 implementation
147 {$R *.lfm}
ComparePGInterPkgFullFilenamesnull149 function ComparePGInterPkgFullFilenames(File1, File2: Pointer): integer;
150 var
151   F1: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File1;
152   F2: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File2;
153 begin
154   Result:=CompareFilenames(F1.FullFilename,F2.FullFilename);
155 end;
ComparePGInterPkgUnitnamesnull157 function ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames(File1, File2: Pointer): integer;
158 var
159   F1: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File1;
160   F2: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File2;
161 begin
162   Assert(Assigned(F1), 'ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames: File1=Nil.');
163   Assert(Assigned(F2), 'ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames: File2=Nil.');
164   Result:=CompareDottedIdentifiers(PChar(F1.AnUnitName),PChar(F2.AnUnitName));
165 end;
ComparePGInterPkgShortFilenamenull167 function ComparePGInterPkgShortFilename(File1, File2: Pointer): integer;
168 var
169   F1: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File1;
170   F2: TPGInterPkgFile absolute File2;
171 begin
172   // compare case insensitive to find cross platform duplicates
173   // Note: do not use CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase, because of Turkish ı, I
174   Result:=CompareText(F1.ShortFilename,F2.ShortFilename);
175 end;
FilenameIsCompiledSourcenull177 function FilenameIsCompiledSource(aFilename: string): boolean;
178 begin
179   Result:=FilenameExtIn(aFilename,['.ppu','.o','.rst','.rsj']);
180 end;
182 { TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup }
Addnull184 function TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.Add(SrcFile, PPUFile: TPGInterPkgFile): integer;
185 begin
186   if (SrcFile=nil) and (PPUFile=nil) then
187     RaiseGDBException('');
188   if (SrcFile<>nil) and (PPUFile<>nil) and (PPUFile.OwnerInfo<>SrcFile.OwnerInfo) then
189     RaiseGDBException('bug: not equal: PPUFile.OwnerInfo='+PPUFile.OwnerInfo.Name+' SrcFile.OwnerInfo='+SrcFile.OwnerInfo.Name);
190   if (SrcFile<>nil) and FilenameIsCompiledSource(SrcFile.ShortFilename) then
191     RaiseGDBException('bug: src is compiled file: SrcFile.Filename='+SrcFile.FullFilename);
192   if (PPUFile<>nil) and not FilenameIsCompiledSource(PPUFile.ShortFilename) then
193     RaiseGDBException('bug: compiled file is source:'+PPUFile.FullFilename);
194   Result:=length(CompiledFiles);
195   SetLength(CompiledFiles,Result+1);
196   SetLength(Sources,Result+1);
197   Sources[Result]:=SrcFile;
198   CompiledFiles[Result]:=PPUFile
199 end;
TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.IndexOfOwnernull201 function TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.IndexOfOwner(OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo
202   ): integer;
203 begin
204   Result:=length(Sources)-1;
205   while (Result>=0) do
206   begin
207     if (Sources[Result]<>nil) then
208     begin
209       if (Sources[Result].OwnerInfo=OwnerInfo) then exit;
210     end else begin
211       if (CompiledFiles[Result].OwnerInfo=OwnerInfo) then exit;
212     end;
213     dec(Result);
214   end;
215 end;
217 procedure TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.Switch(Index1, Index2: integer);
218 var
219   aFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
220 begin
221   aFile:=Sources[Index1]; Sources[Index1]:=Sources[Index2]; Sources[Index2]:=aFile;
222   aFile:=CompiledFiles[Index1]; CompiledFiles[Index1]:=CompiledFiles[Index2]; CompiledFiles[Index2]:=aFile;
223 end;
225 { TPGIPConflictsDialog }
227 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.ConflictsTreeViewAdvancedCustomDrawItem(
228   Sender: TCustomTreeView; Node: TTreeNode; State: TCustomDrawState;
229   Stage: TCustomDrawStage; var PaintImages, DefaultDraw: Boolean);
230 var
231   Detail: TThemedButton;
232   Details: TThemedElementDetails;
233   aSize: TSize;
234   NodeRect: Classes.TRect;
235   r: TRect;
236 begin
237   if Stage<>cdPostPaint then exit;
238   if TObject(Node.Data) is TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup then begin
239     if Node.ImageIndex=FImgIndexChecked then
240       Detail := tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal
241     else
242       Detail := tbCheckBoxUncheckedNormal;
243     Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(Detail);
244     aSize := ThemeServices.GetDetailSize(Details);
245     NodeRect:=Node.DisplayRect(false);
246     r:=Bounds(Node.DisplayIconLeft+(ImageList1.Width-aSize.cx) div 2,
247        NodeRect.Top+(NodeRect.Bottom-NodeRect.Top-aSize.cy) div 2,
248        aSize.cx,aSize.cy);
249     ThemeServices.DrawElement(ConflictsTreeView.Canvas.Handle,Details,r);
250   end;
251 end;
253 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.ConflictsTreeViewMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
254   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
255 var
256   Node: TTreeNode;
257 begin
258   Node:=ConflictsTreeView.GetNodeAt(X,Y);
259   if Node=nil then exit;
260   if TObject(Node.Data) is TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup then begin
261     if (X>=Node.DisplayIconLeft) and (X<Node.DisplayTextLeft) then begin
262       if Node.ImageIndex=FImgIndexChecked then
263         Node.ImageIndex:=FImgIndexUnchecked
264       else
265         Node.ImageIndex:=FImgIndexChecked;
266       Node.SelectedIndex:=Node.ImageIndex;
267       UpdateButtons;
268     end;
269   end;
270 end;
272 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.DeleteSelectedFilesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
DeleteFileAndAssociatesnull274   function DeleteFileAndAssociates(aFile: TPGInterPkgFile): boolean;
275   var
276     aFilename: String;
277   begin
278     if aFile=nil then exit(true);
279     aFilename:=aFile.FullFilename;
280     {$IFDEF VerboseCheckInterPkgFiles}
281     debugln(['DeleteFileGroup ',aFilename]);
282     {$ENDIF}
283     if DeleteFileInteractive(aFilename)<>mrOk then exit(false);
284     if FilenameIsPascalUnit(aFilename) then
285     begin
286       // unit source -> delete compiled files and resources
287       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.ppu'));
288       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.o'));
289       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.rst'));
290       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.rsj'));
291       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.lfm'));
292       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.dfm'));
293       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.xfm'));
294     end else if FilenameIsCompiledSource(aFilename) then begin
295       // compiled file -> delete compiled files. Keep sources.
296       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.ppu'));
297       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.o'));
298       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.rst'));
299       DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.rsj'));
300       if FileExistsCached(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.pas'))
301       or FileExistsCached(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.pp'))
302       or FileExistsCached(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.p')) then begin
303         // delete only compiled file
304       end else begin
305         // no source in this directory => delete copied lfm file
306         DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.lfm'));
307         DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.dfm'));
308         DeleteFileUTF8(ChangeFileExt(aFilename,'.xfm'));
309       end;
310     end;
311     Result:=true;
312   end;
314 var
315   Node: TTreeNode;
316   NextNode: TTreeNode;
317   FileGroup: TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup;
318   IndexInGroup: integer;
319   ConflictCount: Integer;
320 begin
321   ConflictsTreeView.Items.BeginUpdate;
322   try
323     Node:=ConflictsTreeView.Items.GetFirstNode;
324     IndexInGroup:=-1;
325     ConflictCount:=0;
326     while Node<>nil do
327     begin
328       NextNode:=Node.GetNext;
329       if TObject(Node.Data) is TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup then
330       begin
331         FileGroup:=TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup(Node.Data);
332         inc(IndexInGroup);
333         if Node.ImageIndex=FImgIndexChecked then
334         begin
335           if not DeleteFileAndAssociates(FileGroup.Sources[IndexInGroup]) then exit;
336           if not DeleteFileAndAssociates(FileGroup.CompiledFiles[IndexInGroup]) then exit;
337         end;
338         if ((FileGroup.Sources[IndexInGroup]<>nil)
339         and FileExistsUTF8(FileGroup.Sources[IndexInGroup].FullFilename))
340         or ((FileGroup.CompiledFiles[IndexInGroup]<>nil)
341         and FileExistsUTF8(FileGroup.CompiledFiles[IndexInGroup].FullFilename))
342         then
343           inc(ConflictCount);
344         if IndexInGroup=length(FileGroup.Sources)-1 then
345         begin
346           if ConflictCount<=1 then begin
347             // conflict does not exist anymore
348             FilesChanged:=true;
349             Node:=Node.Parent;
350             NextNode:=Node.GetNextSkipChildren;
351             Node.Delete;
352           end;
353           IndexInGroup:=-1;
354           ConflictCount:=0;
355         end;
356       end;
357       Node:=NextNode;
358     end;
359   finally
360     ConflictsTreeView.Items.EndUpdate;
361     UpdateButtons;
362   end;
363 end;
365 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
366   var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
367 begin
368   IDEDialogLayoutList.SaveLayout(Self);
369 end;
371 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
372 var
373   Details: TThemedElementDetails;
374   aSize: TSize;
375   Img: TBitmap;
376 begin
377   IDEDialogLayoutList.ApplyLayout(Self);
379   DeleteSelectedFilesButton:=TButton.Create(Self);
380   with DeleteSelectedFilesButton do
381   begin
382     Name:='DeleteSelectedFilesButton';
383     Caption:='Delete selected files';
384     Align:=alLeft;
385     AutoSize:=true;
386     OnClick:=@DeleteSelectedFilesButtonClick;
387     Parent:=ButtonPanel1;
388   end;
390   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Kind:=bkIgnore;
391   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Caption:='Ignore';
392   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.OnClick:=@OkButtonClick;
394   Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal);
395   aSize := ThemeServices.GetDetailSize(Details);
396   ImageList1.Width:=Max(16,aSize.cx);
397   ImageList1.Height:=Max(16,aSize.cy);
398   // add empty images
399   Img:=TBitmap.Create;
400   Img.TransparentMode:=tmFixed;
401   Img.TransparentColor:=0;
402   Img.Transparent:=true;
403   Img.SetSize(ImageList1.Width,ImageList1.Height);
404   FImgIndexChecked:=ImageList1.Add(Img,nil);
405   FImgIndexUnchecked:=ImageList1.Add(Img,nil);
406   Img.Free;
407 end;
409 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
410 begin
411   IgnoreConflicts;
412 end;
414 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.UpdateButtons;
415 var
416   Node: TTreeNode;
417   DeleteCount: Integer;
418   ConflictCount: Integer;
419 begin
420   DeleteCount:=0;
421   ConflictCount:=0;
422   Node:=ConflictsTreeView.Items.GetFirstNode;
423   while Node<>nil do begin
424     if TObject(Node.Data) is TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup then
425     begin
426       inc(ConflictCount);
427       if Node.ImageIndex=FImgIndexChecked then
428         inc(DeleteCount);
429     end;
430     Node:=Node.GetNext;
431   end;
432   DeleteSelectedFilesButton.Enabled:=DeleteCount>0;
433   if ConflictCount=0 then
434     IgnoreConflicts;
435 end;
437 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.IgnoreConflicts;
438 begin
439   // ToDo
440   ModalResult:=mrOk;
441 end;
443 procedure TPGIPConflictsDialog.Init(Groups: TObjectList);
AddChildnull445   function AddChild(ParentNode: TTreeNode; Caption: string): TTreeNode;
446   begin
447     Result:=ConflictsTreeView.Items.AddChild(ParentNode,Caption);
448   end;
450 var
451   i, j: Integer;
452   ItemNode: TTreeNode;
453   s: String;
454   FileGroupNode: TTreeNode;
455   FileGroup: TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup;
456   SrcFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
457   CompiledFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
458   CurFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
459   c: TPGIPCategory;
460 begin
461   FileGroups:=Groups;
463   ConflictsTreeView.Items.BeginUpdate;
464   ConflictsTreeView.Items.Clear;
465   ConflictsTreeView.Images:=ImageList1;
466   for c in TPGIPCategory do
467     FCategoryNodes[c]:=nil;
468   for i:=0 to FileGroups.Count-1 do
469   begin
470     FileGroup:=TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup(FileGroups[i]);
472     // category
473     if FileGroup.Sources[0]=nil then
474     begin
475       // orphaned compiled file
476       CurFile:=FileGroup.CompiledFiles[0];
477       c:=pgipOrphanedCompiled;
478       if FCategoryNodes[c]=nil then
479         FCategoryNodes[c]:=
480           ConflictsTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Orphaned compiled files');
481     end else begin
482       // duplicate source file
483       CurFile:=FileGroup.Sources[0];
484       c:=pgipDuplicateSource;
485       if FCategoryNodes[c]=nil then
486         FCategoryNodes[c]:=
487           ConflictsTreeView.Items.Add(nil,'Duplicate source files');
488     end;
490     // file group
491     s:=ExtractFilename(CurFile.ShortFilename);
492     FileGroupNode:=AddChild(FCategoryNodes[c],s);
494     for j:=0 to length(FileGroup.Sources)-1 do
495     begin
496       SrcFile:=FileGroup.Sources[j];
497       CompiledFile:=FileGroup.CompiledFiles[j];
499       if SrcFile<>nil then
500         CurFile:=SrcFile
501       else
502         CurFile:=CompiledFile;
504       s:=ExtractFilename(CurFile.ShortFilename);
505       if CurFile.OwnerInfo.Owner is TLazPackage then
506         s+=' of package '+CurFile.OwnerInfo.Name
507       else
508         s+=' of '+CurFile.OwnerInfo.Name;
509       ItemNode:=AddChild(FileGroupNode,s);
510       if SrcFile=nil then
511         ItemNode.ImageIndex:=FImgIndexChecked // default: delete
512       else
513         ItemNode.ImageIndex:=FImgIndexUnchecked; // default: keep
514       ItemNode.SelectedIndex:=ItemNode.ImageIndex;
515       ItemNode.Data:=FileGroup;
516       begin
517         // file paths of compiled and src
518         if CompiledFile<>nil then
519           AddChild(ItemNode,'Compiled: '+CompiledFile.FullFilename);
520         if SrcFile<>nil then
521           AddChild(ItemNode,'Source: '+SrcFile.FullFilename)
522         else
523           AddChild(ItemNode,'No source found');
524       end;
525     end;
526   end;
527   // expand all nodes
528   for c in TPGIPCategory do
529     if FCategoryNodes[c]<>nil then
530       FCategoryNodes[c].Expand(true);
532   ConflictsTreeView.Items.EndUpdate;
534   UpdateButtons;
535 end;
537 { TPGInterPkgFile }
539 constructor TPGInterPkgFile.Create(TheFullFilename, TheUnitName: string;
540   Owner: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo);
541 begin
542   FullFilename:=TheFullFilename;
543   ShortFilename:=ExtractFileName(FullFilename);
544   AnUnitName:=TheUnitName;
545   OwnerInfo:=Owner;
546 end;
CheckInterPkgFilesnull548 function CheckInterPkgFiles(IDEObject: TObject; PkgList: TFPList; out
549   FilesChanged: boolean): boolean;
550 { Scan all source and output directories (Note: they are already cached, because
551   this method is called after the checks if a compile is needed).
552   Report strange ppu files and duplicate file names.
554   IDEObject can be a TProject, TLazPackage or TLazPackageGraph(building IDE)
555   PkgList is list of TLazPackage
556 }
557 var
558   OwnerInfos: TObjectList; // list of TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo
559   TargetOS: String;
560   TargetCPU: String;
561   LCLWidgetType: String;
562   FullFiles: TAvlTree; // tree of TPGInterPkgFile sorted for FullFilename
563   Units: TAvlTree; // tree of TPGInterPkgFile sorted for AnUnitName
564   ShortFiles: TAvlTree; // tree of TPGInterPkgFile sorted for ShortFilename
565   AmbiguousFileGroups: TObjectList; // list of TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup
567   procedure AddOwnerInfo(TheOwner: TObject);
568   var
569     LazDir: String;
570     CustomOptions: String;
571     p: Integer;
572     OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo;
573   begin
574     OwnerInfo:=TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo.Create;
575     OwnerInfos.Add(OwnerInfo);
576     OwnerInfo.Owner:=TheOwner;
577     if TheOwner is TLazPackage then
578     begin
579       OwnerInfo.Name:=TLazPackage(TheOwner).IDAsString;
580       OwnerInfo.CompOptions:=TLazPackage(TheOwner).LazCompilerOptions as TBaseCompilerOptions;
581     end else if TheOwner is TLazProject then
582     begin
583       OwnerInfo.Name:=TLazProject(TheOwner).GetTitleOrName;
584       OwnerInfo.CompOptions:=TLazProject(TheOwner).LazCompilerOptions as TBaseCompilerOptions;
585     end
586     else if TheOwner=PackageGraph then begin
587       // building IDE
588       OwnerInfo.Name:='#IDE';
589       LazDir:=AppendPathDelim(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedLazarusDirectory);
590       OwnerInfo.BaseDir:=LazDir;
591       OwnerInfo.SrcDirs:=LazDir+'ide'
592         +';'+LazDir+'debugger'
593         +';'+LazDir+'packager'
594         +';'+LazDir+'designer'
595         +';'+LazDir+'converter';
596       OwnerInfo.IncDirs:=OwnerInfo.SrcDirs
597         +';'+LazDir+'ide'+PathDelim+'include'+PathDelim+TargetOS
598         +';'+LazDir+'ide'+PathDelim+'include'+PathDelim+GetDefaultSrcOSForTargetOS(TargetOS);
599       OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir:=LazDir+'units'+PathDelim+TargetCPU+'-'+TargetOS+PathDelim+LCLWidgetType;
600     end;
601     if OwnerInfo.CompOptions<>nil then begin
602       OwnerInfo.BaseDir:=OwnerInfo.CompOptions.BaseDirectory;
603       OwnerInfo.SrcDirs:=OwnerInfo.CompOptions.GetPath(
604                                     pcosUnitPath,icoNone,false,coptParsed,true);
605       OwnerInfo.IncDirs:=OwnerInfo.CompOptions.GetPath(
606                                  pcosIncludePath,icoNone,false,coptParsed,true);
607       if OwnerInfo.CompOptions.UnitOutputDirectory<>'' then
608         OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir:=OwnerInfo.CompOptions.GetUnitOutputDirectory(false);
609       CustomOptions:=OwnerInfo.CompOptions.ParsedOpts.GetParsedValue(pcosCustomOptions);
610       p:=1;
611       OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr:=FindNextFPCParameter(CustomOptions,'-Ur',p)>0;
612     end;
613     OwnerInfo.IncDirs:=TrimSearchPath(RemoveSearchPaths(OwnerInfo.IncDirs,OwnerInfo.SrcDirs),'');
614     OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir:=TrimFilename(OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir);
615     OwnerInfo.SrcDirs:=TrimSearchPath(OwnerInfo.SrcDirs,'');
616     {$IFDEF VerboseCheckInterPkgFiles}
617     debugln(['AddOwnerInfo Name="',OwnerInfo.Name,'"',
618       ' SrcDirs="',CreateRelativeSearchPath(OwnerInfo.SrcDirs,OwnerInfo.BaseDir),'"',
619       ' IncDirs="',CreateRelativeSearchPath(OwnerInfo.IncDirs,OwnerInfo.BaseDir),'"',
620       ' UnitOutDir="',CreateRelativeSearchPath(OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir,OwnerInfo.BaseDir),'"',
621       '']);
622     {$ENDIF}
623   end;
625   procedure CollectFilesInDir(OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo; Dir: string;
626     var SearchedDirs: string; {%H-}IsIncDir: boolean);
627   var
628     Files: TStrings;
629     aFilename: String;
630     AnUnitName: String;
631     NewFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
632   begin
633     if Dir='' then exit;
634     if not FilenameIsAbsolute(Dir) then
635     begin
636       debugln(['Inconsistency: CollectFilesInDir dir no absolute: "',Dir,'" Owner=',OwnerInfo.Name]);
637       exit;
638     end;
639     if SearchDirectoryInSearchPath(SearchedDirs,Dir)>0 then exit;
640     SearchedDirs+=';'+Dir;
641     Files:=nil;
642     try
643       CodeToolBoss.DirectoryCachePool.GetListing(Dir,Files,false);
644       for aFilename in Files do
645       begin
646         if (aFilename='') or (aFilename='.') or (aFilename='..') then continue;
647         if CompareFilenames(aFilename,'fpmake.pp')=0 then continue;
648         AnUnitName:='';
649         if FilenameExtIn(aFilename,['.ppu','.o','.rst','.rsj','.pas','.pp','.p']) then
650         begin
651           AnUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(aFilename);
652           if not IsDottedIdentifier(AnUnitName) then continue;
653         end
654         else if FilenameExtIn(aFilename,['.inc', '.lfm', '.dfm']) then
655         begin {Do nothing} end
656         else
657           continue;
658         NewFile:=TPGInterPkgFile.Create(AppendPathDelim(Dir)+aFilename,
659                                         AnUnitName,OwnerInfo);
660         FullFiles.Add(NewFile);
661         ShortFiles.Add(NewFile);
662         if AnUnitName<>'' then
663           Units.Add(NewFile);
664       end;
665     finally
666       Files.Free;
667     end;
668   end;
670   procedure CollectFilesOfOwner(OwnerInfo: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo);
671   var
672     SearchedDirs: String;
673     SearchPath: String;
674     p: Integer;
675     Dir: String;
676   begin
677     // find all unit and include FullFiles in src, inc and out dirs
678     SearchedDirs:='';
679     CollectFilesInDir(OwnerInfo,OwnerInfo.UnitOutDir,SearchedDirs,false);
680     SearchPath:=OwnerInfo.SrcDirs;
681     p:=1;
682     repeat
683       Dir:=GetNextDirectoryInSearchPath(SearchPath,p);
684       if Dir='' then break;
685       CollectFilesInDir(OwnerInfo,Dir,SearchedDirs,false);
686     until false;
687     SearchPath:=OwnerInfo.IncDirs;
688     p:=1;
689     repeat
690       Dir:=GetNextDirectoryInSearchPath(SearchPath,p);
691       if Dir='' then break;
692       CollectFilesInDir(OwnerInfo,Dir,SearchedDirs,true);
693     until false;
694   end;
696   procedure RemoveSecondaryFiles;
697   // remove each .o file if there is an .ppu file, so that there is only one
698   // warning per ppu file
699   var
700     Node: TAvlTreeNode;
701     ONode: TAvlTreeNode;
702     OFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
703     PPUFileName: String;
704     SearchFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
705     PPUNode: TAvlTreeNode;
706   begin
707     Node:=Units.FindLowest;
708     while Node<>nil do begin
709       // for each .o file
710       ONode:=Node;
711       Node:=Node.Successor;
712       OFile:=TPGInterPkgFile(ONode.Data);
713       if not FilenameIsCompiledSource(OFile.ShortFilename) then continue;
714       if FilenameExtIs(OFile.ShortFilename,'ppu',true) then continue;
715       // search corresponding .ppu
716       PPUFileName:=ChangeFileExt(OFile.FullFilename,'.ppu');
717       SearchFile:=TPGInterPkgFile.Create(PPUFileName,'',nil);
718       PPUNode:=FullFiles.Find(SearchFile);
719       SearchFile.Free;
720       if PPUNode=nil then continue;
721       // remove .o file
722       ShortFiles.RemovePointer(OFile);
723       FullFiles.RemovePointer(OFile);
724       Units.Delete(ONode);
725       OFile.Free;
726     end;
727   end;
OwnerHasDependencynull729   function OwnerHasDependency(Owner1, Owner2: TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo): boolean;
730   // returns true if Owner1 depends on Owner2
731   begin
732     if Owner1=Owner2 then exit(true);
733     if Owner1.Owner is TLazPackage then
734     begin
735       if Owner2.Owner is TLazPackage then
736       begin
737         Result:=PackageGraph.FindDependencyRecursively(
738           TLazPackage(Owner1.Owner).FirstRequiredDependency,
739           TLazPackage(Owner2.Owner))<>nil;
740       end else begin
741         // Owner1 is package, Owner2 is project/IDE => not possible
742         Result:=false;
743       end;
744     end else begin
745       // Owner1 is project or IDE => true
746       Result:=true;
747     end;
748   end;
OptionUrAllowsDuplicatenull750   function OptionUrAllowsDuplicate(File1, File2: TPGInterPkgFile): boolean;
751   begin
752     Result:=true;
753     if File1.OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr
754     and File2.OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr then
755       exit;
756     if File1.OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr
757     and OwnerHasDependency(File2.OwnerInfo,File1.OwnerInfo) then
758       exit;
759     if File2.OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr
760     and OwnerHasDependency(File1.OwnerInfo,File2.OwnerInfo) then
761       exit;
762     Result:=false;
763   end;
CheckIfFilesCanConflictnull765   function CheckIfFilesCanConflict(FileGroup: TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup;
766     File1, File2: TPGInterPkgFile): boolean;
767   var
768     FileDir1: String;
769     FileDir2: String;
770   begin
771     Result:=false;
772     // report only one unit per package
773     if File1.OwnerInfo=File2.OwnerInfo then exit;
774     if (FileGroup<>nil) and (FileGroup.IndexOfOwner(File1.OwnerInfo)>=0)
775     then exit;
776     // check -Ur
777     if OptionUrAllowsDuplicate(File2,File1) then
778       exit;
779     // check shared directories
780     if CompareFilenames(File2.FullFilename,File1.FullFilename)=0 then
781     begin
782       // Two packages share directories
783       // It would would require a lenghty codetools check to find out if
784       // this is right or wrong
785       // => skip
786       exit;
787     end;
788     FileDir1:=ExtractFilePath(File1.FullFilename);
789     FileDir2:=ExtractFilePath(File2.FullFilename);
790     if (FindPathInSearchPath(FileDir1,File2.OwnerInfo.SrcDirs)>0)
791     or (FindPathInSearchPath(FileDir2,File1.OwnerInfo.SrcDirs)>0) then
792     begin
793       // File1 in SrcDirs of file owner 2
794       // or File2 in SrcDirs of file owner 1
795       // => a warning about sharing source directories is enough
796       //    don't warn every shared file
797       // => skip
798       exit;
799     end;
801     Result:=true;
802   end;
804   procedure FindUnitSourcePPU(var TheUnit: TPGInterPkgFile; out UnitPPU: TPGInterPkgFile);
805   // find in same package the source of a ppu, or the ppu of a source
806   var
807     SearchPPU: Boolean;
808     AnUnitName: string;
810     function FindOther(Node: TAvlTreeNode; Left: boolean): TPGInterPkgFile;
811     var
812       IsPPU: Boolean;
813     begin
814       while Node<>nil do begin
815         Result:=TPGInterPkgFile(Node.Data);
816         if CompareFilenames(ExtractFileNameOnly(Result.ShortFilename),
817           AnUnitName)<>0 then break;
818         if (TheUnit.OwnerInfo=Result.OwnerInfo) then
819         begin
820           IsPPU:=FilenameIsCompiledSource(Result.ShortFilename);
821           if SearchPPU=IsPPU then exit;
822         end;
823         if Left then
824           Node:=Node.Precessor
825         else
826           Node:=Node.Successor;
827       end;
828       Result:=nil;
829     end;
831   var
832     StartNode: TAvlTreeNode;
833     h: TPGInterPkgFile;
834   begin
835     UnitPPU:=nil;
836     AnUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(TheUnit.ShortFilename);
837     SearchPPU:=FilenameIsPascalUnit(TheUnit.ShortFilename); // search opposite
838     StartNode:=ShortFiles.FindPointer(TheUnit);
839     UnitPPU:=FindOther(StartNode,true);
840     if UnitPPU=nil then
841       UnitPPU:=FindOther(StartNode,false);
842     if not SearchPPU then begin
843       h:=TheUnit;
844       TheUnit:=UnitPPU;
845       UnitPPU:=h;
846     end;
847   end;
849   procedure CheckDuplicateUnits;
850   { Check two or more packages have the same unit (ppu/o/pas/pp/p)
851     Unless A uses B and B has -Ur or A has -Ur and B uses A }
852   var
853     CurNode: TAvlTreeNode;
854     CurUnit: TPGInterPkgFile;
855     FirstNodeSameUnitname: TAvlTreeNode;
856     OtherNode: TAvlTreeNode;
857     OtherFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
858     PPUFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
859     FileGroup: TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup;
860     OtherPPUFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
861     i: Integer;
862     Msg: String;
863     SrcFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
864   begin
865     CurNode:=Units.FindLowest;
866     FirstNodeSameUnitname:=nil;
867     while CurNode<>nil do begin
868       CurUnit:=TPGInterPkgFile(CurNode.Data);
869       if (FirstNodeSameUnitname=nil)
870       or (ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames(CurUnit,TPGInterPkgFile(FirstNodeSameUnitname.Data))<>0) then
871         FirstNodeSameUnitname:=CurNode;
872       CurNode:=CurNode.Successor;
873       if CurUnit.OwnerInfo.HasOptionUr then continue;
875       // CurUnit is an unit without -Ur
876       // => check units with same name
877       FileGroup:=nil;
878       PPUFile:=nil;
879       SrcFile:=nil;
880       OtherNode:=FirstNodeSameUnitname;
881       while OtherNode<>nil do begin
882         OtherFile:=TPGInterPkgFile(OtherNode.Data);
883         if (ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames(CurUnit,OtherFile)<>0) then break;
884         // other unit with same name found
885         OtherNode:=OtherNode.Successor;
887         if not CheckIfFilesCanConflict(FileGroup,CurUnit,OtherFile) then
888           continue;
889         //debugln(['CheckPPUFilesInWrongDirs duplicate units found: file1="',CurUnit.FullFilename,'"(',CurUnit.OwnerInfo.Name,') file2="',OtherFile.FullFilename,'"(',OtherFile.OwnerInfo.Name,')']);
890         FindUnitSourcePPU(OtherFile,OtherPPUFile);
891         if FileGroup=nil then begin
892           SrcFile:=CurUnit;
893           FindUnitSourcePPU(SrcFile,PPUFile);
894         end;
895         if (SrcFile<>nil) and (OtherFile<>nil)
896         and (CompareFilenames(SrcFile.FullFilename,OtherFile.FullFilename)=0) then
897         begin
898           // two packages share source directories
899           // -> do not warn single files
900           continue;
901         end;
903         if (PPUFile<>nil) and (OtherPPUFile<>nil)
904         and (CompareFilenames(PPUFile.FullFilename,OtherPPUFile.FullFilename)=0)
905         and ((OtherFile=nil) or (SrcFile=nil)) then begin
906           // the same ppu is in both packages
907           // ... and only one package has a source
908           // for example: two packages share output directories
909           // => ok
910           continue;
911         end;
913         if FileGroup=nil then begin
914           FileGroup:=TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.Create;
915           FileGroup.Add(SrcFile,PPUFile);
916           AmbiguousFileGroups.Add(FileGroup);
917         end;
918         FileGroup.Add(OtherFile,OtherPPUFile);
919         if (PPUFile<>nil) and (OtherPPUFile=nil) then
920         begin
921           // put the orphaned ppu at top
922           FileGroup.Switch(0,length(FileGroup.Sources)-1);
923         end;
924       end;
926       // create Warnings
927       if FileGroup<>nil then begin
928         for i:=0 to length(FileGroup.Sources)-1 do
929         begin
930           SrcFile:=FileGroup.Sources[i];
931           PPUFile:=FileGroup.CompiledFiles[i];
932           if SrcFile<>nil then
933           begin
934             Msg:=Format(lisDuplicateUnitIn, [SrcFile.AnUnitName, SrcFile.
935               OwnerInfo.Name]);
936             if PPUFile<>nil then
937               Msg+=', ppu="'+PPUFile.FullFilename+'"';
938             Msg+=', source="'+SrcFile.FullFilename+'"';
939           end else begin
940             Msg:=Format(lisDuplicateUnitIn, [PPUFile.AnUnitName, PPUFile.
941               OwnerInfo.Name]);
942             Msg+=', orphaned ppu "'+PPUFile.FullFilename+'"';
943           end;
944           if IDEMessagesWindow<>nil then
945             IDEMessagesWindow.AddCustomMessage(mluNote,Msg)
946           else
947             debugln('Warning: (lazarus) ',Msg);
948         end;
949       end;
951       // all duplicates of this unitname were found -> skip to next unitname
952       CurNode:=OtherNode;
953     end;
954   end;
956   procedure CheckDuplicateSrcFiles;
957   { Check if a src file in pkg A exists in another package B
958     Unless A uses B and B has -Ur or A has -Ur and B uses A
959     => IDE: ignore or cancel
960     => lazbuild: warn }
961   var
962     CurNode: TAvlTreeNode;
963     CurFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
964     FirstNodeSameShortName: TAvlTreeNode;
965     OtherNode: TAvlTreeNode;
966     OtherFile: TPGInterPkgFile;
967     FileGroup: TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup;
968     i: Integer;
969     Msg: String;
970   begin
971     CurNode:=ShortFiles.FindLowest;
972     FirstNodeSameShortName:=nil;
973     while CurNode<>nil do begin
974       CurFile:=TPGInterPkgFile(CurNode.Data);
975       if (FirstNodeSameShortName=nil)
976       or (ComparePGInterPkgShortFilename(CurFile,TPGInterPkgFile(FirstNodeSameShortName.Data))<>0) then
977         FirstNodeSameShortName:=CurNode;
978       CurNode:=CurNode.Successor;
979       if CurFile.AnUnitName<>'' then
980         continue; // units were already checked in CheckDuplicateUnits
982       // check files with same short name
983       FileGroup:=nil;
984       OtherNode:=FirstNodeSameShortName;
985       while OtherNode<>nil do begin
986         OtherFile:=TPGInterPkgFile(OtherNode.Data);
987         if (ComparePGInterPkgShortFilename(CurFile,OtherFile)<>0) then break;
988         OtherNode:=OtherNode.Successor;
990         if OtherFile.AnUnitName<>'' then
991           continue; // units were already checked in CheckDuplicateUnits
993         // other file with same short name found
994         if not CheckIfFilesCanConflict(FileGroup,CurFile,OtherFile) then
995           continue;
997         if FileGroup=nil then begin
998           FileGroup:=TPGIPAmbiguousFileGroup.Create;
999           FileGroup.Add(CurFile,nil);
1000           AmbiguousFileGroups.Add(FileGroup);
1001         end;
1002         FileGroup.Add(OtherFile,nil);
1003       end;
1005       // create Warnings
1006       if FileGroup<>nil then begin
1007         for i:=0 to length(FileGroup.Sources)-1 do
1008         begin
1009           CurFile:=FileGroup.Sources[i];
1010           Msg:='Duplicate file "'+ExtractFileName(CurFile.ShortFilename)+'"';
1011           Msg+=' in "'+CurFile.OwnerInfo.Name+'"';
1012           Msg+=', path="'+CurFile.FullFilename+'"';
1013           if IDEMessagesWindow<>nil then
1014             IDEMessagesWindow.AddCustomMessage(mluWarning,Msg)
1015           else
1016             debugln('Warning: (lazarus) ',Msg);
1017         end;
1018       end;
1020       // all duplicates of this file were found -> skip to next group
1021       CurNode:=OtherNode;
1022     end;
1023   end;
1025 var
1026   i: Integer;
1027   {$IFDEF EnableCheckInterPkgFiles}
1028   Dlg: TPGIPConflictsDialog;
1029   {$ENDIF}
1030 begin
1031   Result:=true;
1032   FilesChanged:=false;
1033   if (PkgList=nil) or (PkgList.Count=0) then exit;
1034   OwnerInfos:=TObjectList.create(true);
1035   FullFiles:=TAvlTree.Create(@ComparePGInterPkgFullFilenames);
1036   Units:=TAvlTree.Create(@ComparePGInterPkgUnitnames);
1037   ShortFiles:=TAvlTree.Create(@ComparePGInterPkgShortFilename);
1038   AmbiguousFileGroups:=TObjectList.create(true);
1039   {$IFDEF EnableCheckInterPkgFiles}
1040   Dlg:=nil;
1041   {$ENDIF}
1042   try
1043     // get target OS, CPU and LCLWidgetType
1044     TargetOS:='$(TargetOS)';
1045     GlobalMacroList.SubstituteStr(TargetOS);
1046     if TargetOS='' then TargetOS:=GetCompiledTargetOS;
1047     TargetCPU:='$(TargetCPU)';
1048     GlobalMacroList.SubstituteStr(TargetCPU);
1049     if TargetCPU='' then TargetCPU:=GetCompiledTargetCPU;
1050     LCLWidgetType:='$(LCLWidgetType)';
1051     GlobalMacroList.SubstituteStr(LCLWidgetType);
1052     if LCLWidgetType='' then
1053       LCLWidgetType:=GetLCLWidgetTypeName;
1055     {$IFDEF VerboseCheckInterPkgFiles}
1056     debugln(['CheckInterPkgFiles TargetOS=',TargetOS,' TargetCPU=',TargetCPU,' LCLWidgetType=',LCLWidgetType]);
1057     {$ENDIF}
1059     // get search paths
1060     AddOwnerInfo(IDEObject);
1061     for i:=0 to PkgList.Count-1 do
1062       AddOwnerInfo(TObject(PkgList[i]));
1064     // collect FullFiles
1065     for i:=0 to OwnerInfos.Count-1 do
1066       CollectFilesOfOwner(TPGInterPkgOwnerInfo(OwnerInfos[i]));
1067     RemoveSecondaryFiles;
1069     // checks
1070     CheckDuplicateUnits;
1071     CheckDuplicateSrcFiles;
1072     if (AmbiguousFileGroups.Count=0) then exit;
1074     // show warnings
1075     if LazarusIDE<>nil then begin
1076       {$IFDEF EnableCheckInterPkgFiles}
1077       // IDE
1078       Dlg:=TPGIPConflictsDialog.Create(nil);
1079       Dlg.Init(AmbiguousFileGroups);
1080       if Dlg.ShowModal<>mrOK then exit(false);
1081       FilesChanged:=Dlg.FilesChanged;
1082       {$ENDIF}
1083     end;
1084   finally
1085     {$IFDEF EnableCheckInterPkgFiles}
1086     Dlg.Free;
1087     {$ENDIF}
1088     AmbiguousFileGroups.Free;
1089     Units.Free;
1090     ShortFiles.Free;
1091     FullFiles.FreeAndClear;
1092     FullFiles.Free;
1093     OwnerInfos.Free;
1094   end;
1095 end;
1097 end.