1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3  *                             gtk3objects.pas                               *
4  *                             -----------------                             *
5  *                                                                           *
6  *                                                                           *
7  *****************************************************************************
9  *****************************************************************************
10   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
12   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
13   for details about the license.
14  *****************************************************************************
15 }
16 unit gtk3objects;
17 {$i gtk3defines.inc}
18 {$mode objfpc}
19 {$H+}
21 interface
23 uses
24   Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, types, LCLType, LCLProc, LazUTF8, IntegerList,
25   LazGtk3, LazGdk3, LazGObject2, LazPango1, LazPangoCairo1, LazGdkPixbuf2,
26   LazGLib2, LazCairo1, FPCanvas;
28 type
29   TGtk3DeviceContext = class;
31   { TGtk3Object }
33   TGtk3Object = class(TObject)
34   private
35     FUpdateCount: Integer;
36   public
37     constructor Create; virtual; overload;
38     procedure Release; virtual;
39     procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;
40     procedure EndUpdate; virtual;
InUpdatenull41     function InUpdate: Boolean;
42   end;
44   { TGtk3ContextObject }
46   TGtk3ContextObject = class(TGtk3Object)
47   private
48     FShared: Boolean;
49   public
50     constructor Create; override;
51     property Shared: Boolean read FShared write FShared;
52   end;
54   { TGtk3Font }
56   TGtk3Font = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
57   private
58     FLayout: PPangoLayout;
59     FLogFont: TLogFont;
60     FFontName: String;
61     FHandle: PPangoFontDescription;
62     procedure SetFontName(AValue: String);
63   public
64     constructor Create(ACairo: Pcairo_t; AWidget: PGtkWidget = nil);
65     constructor Create(ALogFont: TLogFont; ALongFontName: String);
66     destructor Destroy; override;
67     property FontName: String read FFontName write SetFontName;
68     property Handle: PPangoFontDescription read FHandle;
69     property Layout: PPangoLayout read FLayout;
70     property LogFont: TLogFont read FLogFont;
71   end;
73   { TGtk3Brush }
75   TGtk3Brush = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
76   private
77     FColor: TColor;
78     FContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
79     FStyle: LongWord;
GetColornull80     function GetColor: TColor;
81     procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
82     procedure SetStyle(AValue: cardinal);
83   public
84     LogBrush: TLogBrush;
85     constructor Create; override;
86     property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
87     property Context: TGtk3DeviceContext read FContext write FContext;
88     property Style: LongWord read FStyle write SetStyle;
89   end;
91   { TGtk3Pen }
93   TGtk3Pen = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
94   private
95     FCosmetic: Boolean;
96     FEndCap: TPenEndCap;
97     FJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
98     FPenMode: TPenMode;
99     FStyle: TFPPenStyle;
100     FWidth: Integer;
101     FColor: TColor;
102     FContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
103     FIsExtPen: Boolean;
GetColornull104     function GetColor: TColor;
GetWidthnull105     function GetWidth: Integer;
106     procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
107     procedure setCosmetic(b: Boolean);
108     procedure SetEndCap(AValue: TPenEndCap);
109     procedure SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
110     procedure SetPenMode(AValue: TPenMode);
111     procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFPPenStyle);
112     procedure setWidth(p1: Integer);
113   public
114     LogPen: TLogPen;
115     constructor Create; override;
116     property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
117     property Context: TGtk3DeviceContext read FContext write FContext;
119     property Cosmetic: Boolean read FCosmetic write SetCosmetic;
120     property EndCap: TPenEndCap read FEndCap write SetEndCap;
121     property IsExtPen: Boolean read FIsExtPen write FIsExtPen;
122     property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read FJoinStyle write SetJoinStyle;
123     property Mode: TPenMode read FPenMode write SetPenMode;
124     property Style: TFPPenStyle read FStyle write SetStyle;
125     property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
126   end;
128   { TGtk3Region }
130   TGtk3Region = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
131   private
132     FHandle: Pcairo_region_t;
133   public
134     property Handle: Pcairo_region_t read FHandle write FHandle;
135     constructor Create(CreateHandle: Boolean); virtual; overload;
136     constructor Create(CreateHandle: Boolean; X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Integer); virtual; overload;
137     destructor Destroy; override;
GetExtentsnull138     function GetExtents: TRect;
ContainsRectnull139     function ContainsRect(ARect: TRect): Boolean;
ContainsPointnull140     function ContainsPoint(APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
141   end;
143   { TGtk3Image }
145   TGtk3Image = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
146   private
147     FData: PByte;
148     FDataOwner: Boolean;
149     FHandle: PGdkPixbuf;
150     FFormat : cairo_format_t;
151   public
152     constructor Create; override;
153     constructor Create(vHandle: PGdkPixbuf); overload;
154     constructor Create(AData: PByte; width: Integer; height: Integer; format: cairo_format_t; const ADataOwner: Boolean = False); overload;
155     constructor Create(AData: PByte; width: Integer; height: Integer; bytesPerLine: Integer; format: cairo_format_t; const ADataOwner: Boolean = False); overload;
156     destructor Destroy; override;
157     procedure CopyFrom(AImage: PGdkPixbuf; x, y, w, h: integer);
heightnull158     function height: Integer;
widthnull159     function width: Integer;
depthnull160     function depth: Integer;
dotsPerMeterXnull161     function dotsPerMeterX: Integer;
dotsPerMeterYnull162     function dotsPerMeterY: Integer;
bitsnull163     function bits: PByte;
numBytesnull164     function numBytes: LongWord;
bytesPerLinenull165     function bytesPerLine: Integer;
getFormatnull166     function getFormat: cairo_format_t;
167     property Handle: PGdkPixbuf read FHandle;
168   end;
170   { TGtk3Cursor }
172   TGtk3Cursor = class(TGtk3ContextObject)
173   // TODO
174   end;
176   { TGtk3DeviceContext }
178   TGtk3DeviceContext = class (TGtk3Object)
179   private
180     FBrush: TGtk3Brush;
181     FFont: TGtk3Font;
182     FvImage: TGtk3Image;
183     FCanRelease: Boolean;
184     FCurrentBrush: TGtk3Brush;
185     FCurrentFont: TGtk3Font;
186     FCurrentImage: TGtk3Image;
187     FCurrentTextColor: TColorRef;
188     FCurrentRegion: TGtk3Region;
189     FOwnsCairo: Boolean;
190     FOwnsSurface: Boolean;
191     FPen: TGtk3Pen;
192     FvClipRect: TRect;
193     FCurrentPen: TGtk3Pen;
194     FBkMode: Integer;
GetBkModenull195     function GetBkMode: Integer;
getBrushnull196     function getBrush: TGtk3Brush;
GetFontnull197     function GetFont: TGtk3Font;
GetOffsetnull198     function GetOffset: TPoint;
getPennull199     function getPen: TGtk3Pen;
GetvImagenull200     function GetvImage: TGtk3Image;
201     procedure SetBkMode(AValue: Integer);
202     procedure setBrush(AValue: TGtk3Brush);
203     procedure SetCurrentTextColor(AValue: TColorRef);
204     procedure SetFont(AValue: TGtk3Font);
205     procedure SetOffset(AValue: TPoint);
206     procedure setPen(AValue: TGtk3Pen);
207     procedure SetvImage(AValue: TGtk3Image);
SXnull208     function SX(const x: double): Double;
SYnull209     function SY(const y: double): Double;
SX2null210     function SX2(const x: double): Double;
SY2null211     function SY2(const y: double): Double;
212     procedure ApplyBrush;
213     procedure ApplyFont;
214     procedure ApplyPen;
215     procedure FillAndStroke;
216   public
217     CairoSurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
218     Widget: Pcairo_t;
219     Parent: PGtkWidget;
220     Window: PGdkWindow;
221     ParentPixmap: PGdkPixbuf;
222     fncOrigin:TPoint; // non-client area offsets surface origin
223     constructor Create(AWidget: PGtkWidget; const APaintEvent: Boolean = False); virtual;
224     constructor Create(AWindow: PGdkWindow; const APaintEvent: Boolean); virtual;
225     constructor CreateFromCairo(AWidget: PGtkWidget; ACairo: PCairo_t); virtual;
226     destructor Destroy; override;
227     procedure CreateObjects;
228     procedure DeleteObjects;
229   public
230     procedure drawPoint(x1: Integer; y1: Integer);
231     procedure drawRect(x1: Integer; y1: Integer; w: Integer; h: Integer; const AFill: Boolean);
232     procedure drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry: Integer);
233     procedure drawText(x: Integer; y: Integer; s: String); overload;
234     procedure drawText(x,y,w,h,flags: Integer; s: String); overload;
235     procedure drawLine(x1: Integer; y1: Integer; x2: Integer; y2: Integer);
236     procedure drawEllipse(x: Integer; y: Integer; w: Integer; h: Integer);
237     procedure drawSurface(targetRect: PRect; Surface: Pcairo_surface_t; sourceRect: PRect;
238       mask: PGdkPixBuf; maskRect: PRect);
239     procedure drawImage(targetRect: PRect; image: PGdkPixBuf; sourceRect: PRect;
240       mask: PGdkPixBuf; maskRect: PRect);
241     procedure drawPixmap(p: PPoint; pm: PGdkPixbuf; sr: PRect);
242     procedure drawPolyLine(P: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
243     procedure drawPolygon(P: PPoint; NumPts: Integer; FillRule: integer);
244     procedure drawPolyBezier(P: PPoint; NumPoints: Integer; Filled, Continuous: boolean);
245     procedure EllipseArcPath(CX, CY, RX, RY: Double; Angle1, Angle2: Double; Clockwise, Continuous: Boolean);
246     procedure eraseRect(ARect: PRect);
247     procedure fillRect(ARect: PRect; ABrush: HBRUSH); overload;
248     procedure fillRect(x, y, w, h: Integer; ABrush: HBRUSH); overload;
249     procedure fillRect(x, y, w, h: Integer); overload;
RoundRectnull250     function RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; RX, RY: Integer): Boolean;
getBppnull252     function getBpp: integer;
getDepthnull253     function getDepth: integer;
getDeviceSizenull254     function getDeviceSize: TPoint;
LineTonull255     function LineTo(const X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
MoveTonull256     function MoveTo(const X, Y: Integer; OldPoint: PPoint): Boolean;
SetClipRegionnull257     function SetClipRegion(ARgn: TGtk3Region): Integer;
258     procedure SetSourceColor(AColor: TColor);
259     procedure SetCurrentBrush(ABrush: TGtk3Brush);
260     procedure SetCurrentFont(AFont: TGtk3Font);
261     procedure SetCurrentPen(APen: TGtk3Pen);
262     procedure SetCurrentImage(AImage: TGtk3Image);
263     procedure SetImage(AImage: TGtk3Image);
ResetClipnull264     function ResetClip: Integer;
265     procedure TranslateCairoToDevice;
266     procedure Translate(APoint: TPoint);
267     property BkMode: Integer read GetBkMode write SetBkMode;
268     property CanRelease: Boolean read FCanRelease write FCanRelease;
269     property CurrentBrush: TGtk3Brush read FCurrentBrush;
270     property CurrentFont: TGtk3Font read FCurrentFont;
271     property CurrentImage: TGtk3Image read FCurrentImage;
272     property CurrentPen: TGtk3Pen read FCurrentPen;
273     property CurrentRegion: TGtk3Region read FCurrentRegion;
274     property CurrentTextColor: TColorRef read FCurrentTextColor write SetCurrentTextColor;
275     property Offset: TPoint read GetOffset write SetOffset;
276     property OwnsSurface: Boolean read FOwnsSurface;
277     property vBrush: TGtk3Brush read getBrush write setBrush;
278     property vClipRect: TRect read FvClipRect write FvClipRect;
279     property vFont: TGtk3Font read GetFont write SetFont;
280     property vImage: TGtk3Image read GetvImage write SetvImage;
281     property vPen: TGtk3Pen read getPen write setPen;
282   end;
CheckBitmapnull284 function CheckBitmap(const ABitmap: HBITMAP; const AMethodName: String;
285   AParamName: String = ''): Boolean;
286 procedure Gtk3WordWrap(DC: HDC; AText: PChar;
287   MaxWidthInPixel: integer; out Lines: PPChar; out LineCount: integer);
Gtk3DefaultContextnull289 function Gtk3DefaultContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
Gtk3ScreenContextnull290 function Gtk3ScreenContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
292 implementation
293 uses math, gtk3int, gtk3procs;
295 const
296   Dash_Dash:        array [0..1] of double = (18, 6);             //____ ____
297   Dash_Dot:         array [0..1] of double = (3, 3);              //.........
298   Dash_DashDot:     array [0..3] of double = (9, 6, 3, 6);        //__ . __ .
299   Dash_DashDotDot:  array [0..5] of double = (9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3);  //__ . . __
301 var
302   FDefaultContext: TGtk3DeviceContext = nil;
303   FScreenContext: TGtk3DeviceContext = nil;
Gtk3DefaultContextnull305 function Gtk3DefaultContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
306 begin
307   if FDefaultContext = nil then
308     FDefaultContext := TGtk3DeviceContext.Create(PGtkWidget(nil), False);
309   Result := FDefaultContext;
310 end;
Gtk3ScreenContextnull312 function Gtk3ScreenContext: TGtk3DeviceContext;
313 begin
314   if FScreenContext = nil then
315     FScreenContext := TGtk3DeviceContext.Create(gdk_get_default_root_window, False);
316   Result := FScreenContext;
317 end;
319 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
320   Name:    CheckBitmap
321   Params:  Bitmap      - Handle to a bitmap (TGtk3Image)
322            AMethodName - Method name
323            AParamName  - Param name
324   Returns: If the bitmap is valid
325  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
CheckBitmapnull326 function CheckBitmap(const ABitmap: HBITMAP; const AMethodName: String;
327   AParamName: String): Boolean;
328 begin
329   Result := TObject(ABitmap) is TGtk3Image;
330   if Result then Exit;
332   if Pos('.', AMethodName) = 0 then
333     DebugLn('Gtk3WidgetSet ' + AMethodName + ' Error - invalid bitmap ' +
334       AParamName + ' = ' + DbgS(ABitmap) + '!')
335   else
336     DebugLn(AMethodName + ' Error - invalid bitmap ' + AParamName + ' = ' +
337       DbgS(ABitmap) + '!');
338 end;
340 procedure TColorToRGB(AColor: TColor; out R, G, B: double);
341 begin
342   R := (AColor and $FF) / 255;
343   G := ((AColor shr 8) and $FF) / 255;
344   B := ((AColor shr 16) and $FF) / 255;
345 end;
347 { TGtk3ContextObject }
349 constructor TGtk3ContextObject.Create;
350 begin
351   inherited Create;
352   FShared := False;
353 end;
355 { TGtk3Region }
357 constructor TGtk3Region.Create(CreateHandle: Boolean);
358 begin
359   inherited Create;
360   FHandle := cairo_region_create;
361 end;
363 constructor TGtk3Region.Create(CreateHandle: Boolean; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
364 var
365   ARect: Tcairo_rectangle_int_t;
366 begin
367   inherited Create;
368   FHandle := nil;
369   ARect.x := x1;
370   ARect.y := y1;
371   ARect.width := x2 - x1;
372   ARect.height := y2 - y1;
373   FHandle := cairo_region_create_rectangle(@ARect);
374 end;
376 destructor TGtk3Region.Destroy;
377 begin
378   if Assigned(FHandle) then
379   begin
380     cairo_region_destroy(FHandle);
381     FHandle := nil;
382   end;
383   inherited Destroy;
384 end;
TGtk3Region.GetExtentsnull386 function TGtk3Region.GetExtents: TRect;
387 var
388   ARect: Tcairo_rectangle_int_t;
389 begin
390   Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
391   if Assigned(FHandle) then
392   begin
393     cairo_region_get_extents(FHandle, @ARect);
394     Result.Left := ARect.x;
395     Result.Top := ARect.y;
396     Result.Right := ARect.width + ARect.x;
397     Result.Bottom := ARect.height + ARect.y;
398   end;
399 end;
ContainsRectnull401 function TGtk3Region.ContainsRect(ARect: TRect): Boolean;
402 var
403   ACairoRect: Tcairo_rectangle_int_t;
404 begin
405   with ACairoRect do
406   begin
407     x := ARect.Left;
408     y := ARect.Top;
409     width := ARect.Right - ARect.Left;
410     height := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
411   end;
412   Result := cairo_region_contains_rectangle(FHandle, @ACairoRect) = CAIRO_REGION_OVERLAP_IN;
413 end;
TGtk3Region.ContainsPointnull415 function TGtk3Region.ContainsPoint(APoint: TPoint): Boolean;
416 begin
417   Result := cairo_region_contains_point(FHandle, APoint.x, APoint.y);
418 end;
420 { TGtk3Font }
422 procedure TGtk3Font.SetFontName(AValue: String);
423 begin
424   if FFontName=AValue then Exit;
425   FFontName:=AValue;
426 end;
428 constructor TGtk3Font.Create(ACairo: Pcairo_t; AWidget: PGtkWidget);
429 var
430   AContext: PPangoContext;
431   AOwnsContext: Boolean;
432 begin
433   inherited Create;
434   AOwnsContext := not Gtk3IsWidget(AWidget);
435   if not AOwnsContext then
436   begin
437     AContext := gtk_widget_get_pango_context(AWidget);
438     // DebugLn('TGtk3Font.Create AContext created from widget ....context=',dbgHex(PtrUInt(AContext)));
439   end else
440   begin
441     AContext := pango_cairo_create_context(ACairo);
442     // DebugLn('TGtk3Font.Create AContext created from pango cairo ....');
443   end;
444   FHandle := pango_font_description_copy(pango_context_get_font_description(AContext));
445   FFontName := pango_font_description_get_family(FHandle);
447   FLayout := pango_layout_new(AContext);
448   if FHandle^.get_size_is_absolute then
449   begin
450     FHandle^.set_absolute_size(FHandle^.get_size);
451     // writeln('**TGtk3Font.Create size is absolute ',FFontName,' size ',FHandle^.get_size);
452   end else
453   begin
454     // writeln('*TGtk3Font.Create size is not absolute ',FFontName,' size ',FHandle^.get_size);
455   end;
457   FLayout^.set_font_description(FHandle);
458   // writeln('TGtk3Font.Create1 ',FFontName);
459   if AOwnsContext then
460     g_object_unref(AContext);
461   // writeln('TGtk3Font.Create1 ',FFontName);
462 end;
464 constructor TGtk3Font.Create(ALogFont: TLogFont; ALongFontName: String);
465 var
466   AContext: PPangoContext;
467   ADescription: PPangoFontDescription;
468 begin
469   FLogFont := ALogFont;
470   FFontName := ALogFont.lfFaceName;
471   AContext := gdk_pango_context_get;
472   if IsFontNameDefault(FFontName) or (FFontName = '') then
473   begin
474     if Gtk3WidgetSet.DefaultAppFontName <> '' then
475       FHandle := pango_font_description_from_string(PgChar(Gtk3WidgetSet.DefaultAppFontName))
476     else
477     begin
478       ADescription := pango_context_get_font_description(AContext);
479       FHandle := pango_font_description_copy(ADescription);
480     end;
481     FFontName := FHandle^.get_family;
482   end else
483   begin
484     FHandle := pango_font_description_from_string(PgChar(FFontName));
485     FFontName := FHandle^.get_family;
486   end;
487   if ALogFont.lfHeight <> 0 then
488     FHandle^.set_absolute_size(Abs(ALogFont.lfHeight) * PANGO_SCALE);
490   if ALogFont.lfItalic > 0 then
491     FHandle^.set_style(PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC);
493   FHandle^.set_weight(ALogFont.lfWeight);
495   FLayout := pango_layout_new(AContext);
496   FLayout^.set_font_description(FHandle);
498   g_object_unref(AContext);
499 end;
501 destructor TGtk3Font.Destroy;
502 begin
503   if Assigned(FLayout) then
504   begin
505     g_object_unref(FLayout);
506     FLayout := nil;
507   end;
508   if Assigned(FHandle) then
509   begin
510     pango_font_description_free(FHandle);
511     FHandle := nil;
512   end;
513   inherited Destroy;
514 end;
516 { TGtk3Object }
518 constructor TGtk3Object.Create;
519 begin
520   FUpdateCount := 0;
521 end;
523 procedure TGtk3Object.Release;
524 begin
525   Free;
526 end;
528 procedure TGtk3Object.BeginUpdate;
529 begin
530   inc(FUpdateCount);
531 end;
533 procedure TGtk3Object.EndUpdate;
534 begin
535   if FUpdateCount > 0 then
536     dec(FUpdateCount);
537 end;
TGtk3Object.InUpdatenull539 function TGtk3Object.InUpdate: Boolean;
540 begin
541   Result := FUpdateCount > 0;
542 end;
544 { TGtk3Image }
546 constructor TGtk3Image.Create;
547 var
548   ACairo: Pcairo_t;
549   ASurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
550   ARect: TGdkRectangle;
551 begin
552   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
553     DebugLn('TGtk3Image.Create 1');
554   {$ENDIF}
555   inherited Create;
556   ACairo := gdk_cairo_create(gdk_get_default_root_window);
557   gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle(ACairo, @ARect);
558   ASurface := cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, ARect.width, ARect.height);
559   try
560     FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface(ASurface, 0 ,0, ARect.Width, ARect.Height);
561   finally
562     cairo_surface_destroy(ASurface);
563   end;
564   FData := nil;
565   FDataOwner := False;
566   FFormat := CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32;
567 end;
569 constructor TGtk3Image.Create(vHandle: PGdkPixbuf);
570 begin
571   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
572     DebugLn('TGtk3Image.Create 2 vHandle=',dbgs(vHandle),' channels ',dbgs(vHandle^.get_n_channels),' bps ',dbgs(vHandle^.get_bits_per_sample),' has_alpha=',dbgs(vHandle^.get_has_alpha));
573   {$ENDIF}
574   inherited Create;
575   FHandle := vHandle^.copy;
576   FData := nil;
577   FDataOwner := False;
579   if FHandle^.get_has_alpha then
580     FFormat := CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32
581   else
582     FFormat := CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24;
583 end;
585 constructor TGtk3Image.Create(AData: PByte; width: Integer; height: Integer;
586   format: cairo_format_t; const ADataOwner: Boolean);
587 var
588   ASurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
589   w,h: Integer;
590 begin
591   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
592   DebugLn('TGtk3Image.Create 3 AData=',dbgs(AData <> nil),' format=',dbgs(Ord(format)),' w=',dbgs(width),' h=',dbgs(height),' dataowner=',dbgs(ADataOwner));
593   {$ENDIF}
594   FFormat := format;
595   FData := AData;
596   FDataOwner := ADataOwner;
597   if FData = nil then
598   begin
599     w := width;
600     h := height;
601     if w <= 0 then
602       w := 16;
603     if h <= 0 then
604       h := 16;
606     ASurface := cairo_image_surface_create(format, w, h);
607     try
608       FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface(ASurface, 0 ,0, w, h);
609     finally
610       cairo_surface_destroy(ASurface);
611     end;
612     gdk_pixbuf_fill(FHandle, 0);
613   end else
614   begin
615     FHandle := TGdkPixbuf.new_from_data(AData, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, format=CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, width, height, 0, nil, nil);
616   end;
617   (*
618   if FData = nil then
619   begin
620     FHandle := QImage_create(width, height, format);
621     QImage_fill(FHandle, 0);
622   end
623   else
624   begin
625     FHandle := QImage_create(FData, width, height, format);
626     if format=QImageFormat_Mono then
627       QImage_setNumColors(FHandle, 2);
628   end;
629   *)
631 end;
633 constructor TGtk3Image.Create(AData: PByte; width: Integer; height: Integer;
634   bytesPerLine: Integer; format: cairo_format_t; const ADataOwner: Boolean);
635 var
636   ASurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
637   w, h: Integer;
638 begin
639   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
640     DebugLn('TGtk3Image.Create 4 AData=',dbgs(AData <> nil),' format=',dbgs(Ord(format)),' w=',dbgs(width),' h=',dbgs(height),' dataowner=',dbgs(ADataOwner),' bpl=',dbgs(bytesPerLine));
641   {$endif}
642   inherited Create;
643   FFormat := format;
644   FData := AData;
645   FDataOwner := ADataOwner;
647   if FData = nil then
648   begin
649     w := width;
650     h := height;
651     if (w <= 0) then
652       w := 16;
653     if (h <= 0) then
654       h := 16;
655     ASurface := cairo_image_surface_create(format, w, h);
656     try
657       FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface(ASurface, 0 ,0, w, h);
658     finally
659       cairo_surface_destroy(ASurface);
660     end;
661     gdk_pixbuf_fill(FHandle, 0);
662   end else
663   begin
664     FHandle := TGdkPixbuf.new_from_data(AData, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, format=CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 8, width, height, bytesPerLine, nil, nil);
665   end;
666 end;
668 destructor TGtk3Image.Destroy;
669 begin
670   if FHandle <> nil then
671   begin
672     FHandle^.unref;
673     FHandle := nil;
674   end;
675   if (FDataOwner) and (FData <> nil) then
676     FreeMem(FData);
678   inherited Destroy;
679 end;
681 procedure TGtk3Image.CopyFrom(AImage: PGdkPixbuf; x, y, w, h: integer);
682 begin
683   if FHandle = nil then
684   begin
685     DebugLn('*TGtk3Image.CopyFrom create subpixbuf ...');
686     FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf(AImage, x, y, w, h);
687     //TODO: must
688     // FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_copy(AImage);
689   end else
690   begin
691     DebugLn('*TGtk3Image.CopyFrom AImage ...');
692     g_object_unref(FHandle);
693     FHandle := gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf(AImage, x, y, w, h);
694     // gdk_pixbuf_copy_area(AImage, x, y, w, h, FHandle, 0, 0);
695   end;
696 end;
TGtk3Image.heightnull698 function TGtk3Image.height: Integer;
699 begin
700   Result := FHandle^.get_height;
701 end;
widthnull703 function TGtk3Image.width: Integer;
704 begin
705   Result := FHandle^.get_width;
706 end;
TGtk3Image.depthnull708 function TGtk3Image.depth: Integer;
709 var
710   AOption: Pgchar;
711   i: Integer;
712 begin
713   Result := 32;
714   AOption := FHandle^.get_option('depth');
715   if AOption <> nil then
716   begin
717     TryStrToInt(StrPas(AOption), Result);
718   end;
719 end;
TGtk3Image.dotsPerMeterXnull721 function TGtk3Image.dotsPerMeterX: Integer;
722 begin
723   Result := 0;
724 end;
TGtk3Image.dotsPerMeterYnull726 function TGtk3Image.dotsPerMeterY: Integer;
727 begin
728   Result := 0;
729 end;
bitsnull731 function TGtk3Image.bits: PByte;
732 begin
733   Result := FHandle^.pixels;
734 end;
numBytesnull736 function TGtk3Image.numBytes: LongWord;
737 begin
738   Result := FHandle^.get_byte_length;
739 end;
TGtk3Image.bytesPerLinenull741 function TGtk3Image.bytesPerLine: Integer;
742 begin
743   Result := FHandle^.rowstride;
744 end;
TGtk3Image.getFormatnull746 function TGtk3Image.getFormat: cairo_format_t;
747 begin
748   Result := FFormat;
749 end;
751 { TGtk3Pen }
GetColornull753 function TGtk3Pen.GetColor: TColor;
754 begin
755   Result := FColor;
756 end;
TGtk3Pen.GetWidthnull758 function TGtk3Pen.GetWidth: Integer;
759 begin
760   Result := FWidth;
761 end;
763 procedure TGtk3Pen.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
764 var
765   ARed, AGreen, ABlue: Double;
766 begin
767   FColor := AValue;
768   ColorToCairoRGB(FColor, ARed, AGreen, ABlue);
769   if Assigned(FContext) and Assigned(FContext.Widget) then
770     cairo_set_source_rgb(FContext.Widget, ARed, AGreen, ABlue);
771 end;
773 procedure TGtk3Pen.SetEndCap(AValue: TPenEndCap);
774 begin
775   FEndCap := AValue;
776 end;
778 procedure TGtk3Pen.SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
779 begin
780   FJoinStyle:=AValue;
781 end;
783 procedure TGtk3Pen.SetPenMode(AValue: TPenMode);
784 begin
785   if FPenMode=AValue then Exit;
786   FPenMode:=AValue;
787 end;
789 procedure TGtk3Pen.SetStyle(AValue: TFPPenStyle);
790 begin
791   FStyle := AValue;
792 end;
794 constructor TGtk3Pen.Create;
795 begin
796   inherited Create;
797   FillChar(LogPen, SizeOf(LogPen), #0);
798   FIsExtPen := False;
799   FContext := nil;
800   FColor := clBlack;
801   FCosmetic := True;
802   FWidth := 0;
803   FStyle := psSolid;
804   FEndCap := pecFlat;
805   FJoinStyle := pjsRound;
806   FPenMode := pmCopy; // default pen mode
807 end;
809 procedure TGtk3Pen.setCosmetic(b: Boolean);
810 begin
811   FCosmetic := B;
812   if Assigned(FContext) and Assigned(FContext.Widget) then
813   begin
814     if b then
815       cairo_set_line_width(FContext.Widget, 0)
816     else
817       cairo_set_line_width(FContext.Widget, 1);
818   end;
819 end;
821 procedure TGtk3Pen.setWidth(p1: Integer);
822 begin
823   FWidth := p1;
824   if Assigned(FContext) then
825     cairo_set_line_width(FContext.Widget, p1);
826 end;
828 { TGtk3Brush }
GetColornull830 function TGtk3Brush.GetColor: TColor;
831 begin
832   Result := FColor;
833 end;
835 procedure TGtk3Brush.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
836 var
837   ARed, AGreen, ABlue: Double;
838 begin
839   FColor := AValue;
840   ColorToCairoRGB(FColor, ARed, AGreen, ABlue);
841   if Assigned(FContext) then
842     cairo_set_source_rgb(FContext.Widget, ARed, AGreen, ABlue);
843 end;
845 procedure TGtk3Brush.SetStyle(AValue: cardinal);
846 begin
847   if FStyle=AValue then Exit;
848   FStyle:=AValue;
849 end;
851 constructor TGtk3Brush.Create;
852 begin
853   inherited Create;
854   {$note IMPORTANT TODO: use cairo_pattern_t for brush }
855   // cairo_pattern_create_for_surface();
856   FContext := nil;
857   FColor := clNone;
858   FillChar(LogBrush, SizeOf(TLogBrush), #0);
859 end;
861 { TGtk3DeviceContext }
TGtk3DeviceContext.getBrushnull863 function TGtk3DeviceContext.getBrush: TGtk3Brush;
864 begin
865   Result := FBrush;
866 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.GetBkModenull868 function TGtk3DeviceContext.GetBkMode: Integer;
869 begin
870   Result := FBkMode;
871 end;
GetFontnull873 function TGtk3DeviceContext.GetFont: TGtk3Font;
874 begin
875   Result := FFont;
876 end;
GetOffsetnull878 function TGtk3DeviceContext.GetOffset: TPoint;
879 var
880   dx,dy: Double;
881 begin
882   cairo_surface_get_device_offset(cairo_get_target(Widget), @dx, @dy);
883   Result := Point(Round(dx), Round(dy));
884 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.getPennull886 function TGtk3DeviceContext.getPen: TGtk3Pen;
887 begin
888   Result := FPen;
889 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.GetvImagenull891 function TGtk3DeviceContext.GetvImage: TGtk3Image;
892 begin
893   Result := FvImage;
894 end;
896 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetBkMode(AValue: Integer);
897 begin
898   FBkMode := AValue;
899 end;
901 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.setBrush(AValue: TGtk3Brush);
902 begin
903   if Assigned(FBrush) then
904     FBrush.Free;
905   FBrush := AValue;
906 end;
908 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetCurrentTextColor(AValue: TColorRef);
909 begin
910   if FCurrentTextColor=AValue then Exit;
911   FCurrentTextColor:=AValue;
912 end;
914 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetFont(AValue: TGtk3Font);
915 begin
916   if Assigned(FFont) then
917     FFont.Free;
918   FFont := AValue;
919 end;
921 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetOffset(AValue: TPoint);
922 var
923   dx, dy: Double;
924 begin
925   dx := AValue.X;
926   dy := AValue.Y;
927   cairo_surface_set_device_offset(cairo_get_target(Widget), dx, dy);
928 end;
930 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.setPen(AValue: TGtk3Pen);
931 begin
932   if Assigned(FPen) then
933     FPen.Free;
934   FPen := AValue;
935 end;
937 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetvImage(AValue: TGtk3Image);
938 begin
939   if Assigned(FvImage) then
940     FvImage.Free;
941   FvImage.Free;
942 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.SXnull944 function TGtk3DeviceContext.SX(const x: double): Double;
945 begin
946   Result := 1*(x+vClipRect.Left);
947 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.SYnull949 function TGtk3DeviceContext.SY(const y: double): Double;
950 begin
951   Result := 1*(y+vClipRect.Top);
952 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.SX2null954 function TGtk3DeviceContext.SX2(const x: double): Double;
955 begin
956   Result := x;
957 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.SY2null959 function TGtk3DeviceContext.SY2(const y: double): Double;
960 begin
961   Result := y;
962 end;
964 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.ApplyBrush;
965 begin
966   if FBkMode = TRANSPARENT then
967   begin
968     DebugLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.ApplyBrush setting transparent source');
969     //cairo_set_source_surface(Widget, CairoSurface, 0 , 0);
970   end else
971     SetSourceColor(FCurrentBrush.Color);
972 end;
974 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.ApplyFont;
975 var
976   AFont: TGtk3Font;
977 begin
978   if Assigned(FCurrentFont) then
979     AFont := FCurrentFont
980   else
981     AFont := FFont;
983 end;
985 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.ApplyPen;
986   procedure SetDash(d: array of double);
987   begin
988     cairo_set_dash(Widget, @d, High(d)+1, 0);
989   end;
990 var
991   cap: cairo_line_cap_t;
992   w: Double;
993 begin
994   SetSourceColor(FCurrentPen.Color);
995   case FCurrentPen.Mode of
996     pmBlack: begin
997       SetSourceColor(clBlack);
998       cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
999     end;
1000     pmWhite: begin
1001       SetSourceColor(clWhite);
1002       cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
1003     end;
1004     pmCopy: cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
1005     pmXor: cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR);
1006     pmNotXor: cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR);
1007     {pmNop,
1008     pmNot,
1009     pmCopy,
1010     pmNotCopy,
1011     pmMergePenNot,
1012     pmMaskPenNot,
1013     pmMergeNotPen,
1014     pmMaskNotPen,
1015     pmMerge,
1016     pmNotMerge,
1017     pmMask,
1018     pmNotMask,}
1019     else
1020       cairo_set_operator(Widget, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
1021   end;
1023   if FCurrentPen.Cosmetic then
1024     cairo_set_line_width(Widget, 1.0)
1025   else
1026   begin
1027     w := FCurrentPen.Width;
1028     if w = 0 then
1029       w := 0.5;
1030     cairo_set_line_width(Widget, w {* ScaleX}); //line_width is diameter of the pen circle
1031   end;
1033   case FCurrentPen.Style of
1034     psSolid: cairo_set_dash(Widget, nil, 0, 0);
1035     psDash: SetDash(Dash_Dash);
1036     psDot: SetDash(Dash_Dot);
1037     psDashDot: SetDash(Dash_DashDot);
1038     psDashDotDot: SetDash(Dash_DashDotDot);
1039   else
1040     cairo_set_dash(Widget, nil, 0, 0);
1041   end;
1043   case FCurrentPen.EndCap of
1044     pecRound: cap := CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND;
1045     pecSquare: cap := CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE;
1046     pecFlat: cap := CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT;
1047   end;
1049   // dashed patterns do not look ok  combined with round or squared caps
1050   // make it flat until a solution is found
1051   case FCurrentPen.Style of
1052     psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot:
1053       cap := CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT
1054   end;
1055   cairo_set_line_cap(Widget, cap);
1057   case FCurrentPen.JoinStyle of
1058     pjsRound: cairo_set_line_join(Widget, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
1059     pjsBevel: cairo_set_line_join(Widget, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL);
1060     pjsMiter: cairo_set_line_join(Widget, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER);
1061   end;
1062 end;
1064 constructor TGtk3DeviceContext.Create(AWidget: PGtkWidget;
1065   const APaintEvent: Boolean);
1066 var
1067   W: gint;
1068   H: gint;
1069   ARect: TGdkRectangle;
1070   AWindow: PGdkWindow;
1071   x: gint;
1072   y: gint;
1073 begin
1074   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1075     WriteLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.Create (',
1076      ' WidgetHandle: ', dbghex(PtrInt(AWidget)),
1077      ' FromPaintEvent:',BoolToStr(APaintEvent),' )');
1078   {$endif}
1079   inherited Create;
1080   FvClipRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
1081   Window := nil;
1082   Parent := nil;
1083   ParentPixmap := nil;
1084   CairoSurface := nil;
1085   // FMetrics := nil;
1086   // SelFont := nil;
1087   // SelBrush := nil;
1088   // SelPen := nil;
1089   FCanRelease := False;
1090   FOwnsCairo := True;
1091   FOwnsSurface := False;
1092   FCurrentTextColor := clBlack;
1094   if AWidget = nil then
1095   begin
1096     AWindow := gdk_get_default_root_window;
1097     AWindow^.get_geometry(@x, @y, @w, @h);
1098     w:=1; h:=1;
1099     // ParentPixmap := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_window(AWindow, x, y, w, h);
1100     // Widget := gdk_cairo_create(AWindow);
1101     // gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(Widget, ParentPixmap, 0, 0);
1102     CairoSurface := cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, w, h);
1103     Widget := cairo_create(CairoSurface);
1104     ParentPixmap := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface(CairoSurface, 0, 0, 1, 1);
1105     FOwnsSurface := True;
1106   end else
1107   begin
1108     Parent := AWidget;
1109     if not APaintEvent then
1110     begin
1111       {avoid paints on null pixmaps !}
1112       W := gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(AWidget);
1113       H := gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(AWidget);
1114       if W <= 0 then W := 1;
1115       if H <= 0 then H := 1;
1116       Widget := gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(AWidget));
1117     end else
1118     begin
1119       W := gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(AWidget);
1120       H := gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(AWidget);
1121       if W <= 0 then W := 1;
1122       if H <= 0 then H := 1;
1123       Widget := gdk_cairo_create(gtk_widget_get_window(AWidget));
1124     end;
1125   end;
1126   if not FOwnsSurface then
1127     CairoSurface := cairo_get_target(Widget);
1128   CreateObjects;
1129   (*
1130   FRopMode := R2_COPYPEN;
1131   FOwnPainter := True;
1132   CreateObjects;
1133   FPenPos.X := 0;
1134   FPenPos.Y := 0;
1135   *)
1136 end;
1138 constructor TGtk3DeviceContext.Create(AWindow: PGdkWindow;
1139   const APaintEvent: Boolean);
1140 var
1141   x, y, w, h: gint;
1142 begin
1143   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1144     WriteLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.Create (',
1145      ' WindowHandle: ', dbghex(PtrInt(AWindow)),
1146      ' FromPaintEvent:',BoolToStr(APaintEvent),' )');
1147   {$endif}
1148   inherited Create;
1149   FvClipRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
1150   Parent := nil;
1151   ParentPixmap := nil;
1152   CairoSurface := nil;
1153   Window := AWindow;
1154   FOwnsSurface := False;
1155   FCanRelease := False;
1156   FOwnsCairo := True;
1157   FCurrentTextColor := clBlack;
1158   AWindow^.get_geometry(@x, @y, @w, @h);
1159   // ParentPixmap := gdk_pixbuf_get_from_window(AWindow, x, y, w, h);
1160   Widget := gdk_cairo_create(AWindow);
1161   // gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(Widget, ParentPixmap, 0, 0);
1162   gdk_cairo_set_source_window(Widget, AWindow, 0, 0);
1163   CairoSurface := cairo_get_target(Widget);
1164   CreateObjects;
1165 end;
1167 constructor TGtk3DeviceContext.CreateFromCairo(AWidget: PGtkWidget;
1168   ACairo: PCairo_t);
1169 var
1170   AGdkRect: TGdkRectangle;
1171 begin
1172   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1173     WriteLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.CreateFromCairo (',
1174      ' WidgetHandle: ', dbghex(PtrInt(AWidget)),
1175      ' FromPaintEvent:',BoolToStr(True),' )');
1176   {$endif}
1177   inherited Create;
1178   FOwnsCairo := False;
1179   Window := nil;
1180   Parent := AWidget;
1181   ParentPixmap := nil;
1182   CairoSurface := nil;
1183   FOwnsSurface := False;
1184   FCurrentTextColor := clBlack;
1185   gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle(ACairo, @AGdkRect);
1186   FvClipRect := RectFromGdkRect(AGdkRect);
1187   Widget := ACairo;
1188   CairoSurface := cairo_get_target(Widget);
1189   CreateObjects;
1190 end;
1192 destructor TGtk3DeviceContext.Destroy;
1193 begin
1194   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1195     WriteLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.Destroy ',dbgHex(PtrUInt(Self)));
1196   {$endif}
1197   DeleteObjects;
1198   if FOwnsCairo and (Widget <> nil) then
1199     cairo_destroy(Widget);
1200   if (ParentPixmap <> nil) then
1201     g_object_unref(ParentPixmap);
1202   if FOwnsSurface and (CairoSurface <> nil) then
1203     cairo_surface_destroy(CairoSurface);
1204   Parent := nil;
1205   Widget := nil;
1206   ParentPixmap := nil;
1207   CairoSurface := nil;
1208   Window := nil;
1209   inherited Destroy;
1210 end;
1212 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.CreateObjects;
1213 var
1214   Matrix:cairo_matrix_t;
1215 begin
1216   FBkMode := TRANSPARENT;
1217   FCurrentImage := nil;
1218   FCurrentRegion := nil;
1219   FBrush := TGtk3Brush.Create;
1220   FBrush.Context := Self;
1221   FBrush.Color := clNone;
1222   FBrush.Style := BS_SOLID;
1223   FPen := TGtk3Pen.Create;
1224   FPen.Context := Self;
1225   FPen.Color := clBlack;
1226   FCurrentPen := FPen;
1227   FCurrentBrush := FBrush;
1228   FFont := TGtk3Font.Create(Widget, Parent);
1229   FCurrentFont := FFont;
1230   FvImage := TGtk3Image.Create(nil, 1, 1, 8, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32);
1231   FCurrentImage := FvImage;
1233   cairo_get_matrix(Widget, @Matrix);
1234   // widget with menu or other non-client exclusions have offset in trasform matrix
1235   fncOrigin:=Point(round(Matrix.x0),round(Matrix.y0));
1236 end;
1238 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.DeleteObjects;
1239 begin
1240   if Assigned(FBrush) then
1241     FreeAndNil(FBrush);
1242   if Assigned(FPen) then
1243     FreeAndNil(FPen);
1244   if Assigned(FFont) then
1245     FreeAndNil(FFont);
1246   if Assigned(FvImage) then
1247     FreeAndNil(FvImage);
1248 end;
1250 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawPoint(x1: Integer; y1: Integer);
1251 begin
1252   applyPen;
1253   cairo_move_to(Widget , x1, y1);
1254   cairo_line_to(Widget, x1, y1);
1255   cairo_stroke(Widget);
1256 end;
1258 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawRect(x1: Integer; y1: Integer; w: Integer;
1259   h: Integer; const AFill: Boolean);
1260 begin
1261   cairo_save(Widget);
1262   try
1263     applyPen;
1264     // strange about adding +1 -1 to rectangle, but this works ok.
1265     //cairo_rectangle(Widget, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, w - 1, h -1);
1266     cairo_rectangle(Widget, x1, y1, w, h);
1267     if AFill then
1268     begin
1269       cairo_stroke_preserve(Widget);
1270       applyBrush;
1271       cairo_fill_preserve(Widget);
1272     end else
1273       cairo_stroke(Widget);
1274   finally
1275     cairo_restore(Widget);
1276   end;
1277 end;
1279 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry: Integer);
1280 begin
1281   RoundRect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry);
1282 end;
1284 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawText(x: Integer; y: Integer; s: String);
1285 var
1286   e: cairo_font_extents_t;
1287   R: Double;
1288   G: Double;
1289   B: Double;
1290 begin
1291   cairo_save(Widget);
1292   try
1293     // TranslateCairoToDevice;
1294     // cairo_surface_get_device_offset(CairoSurface, @dx, @dy);
1295     cairo_font_extents(Widget, @e);
1296     if e.ascent <> 0 then
1297     begin
1298       // writeln('EXTENTS !!!! ',Format('%2.2n',[e.ascent]));
1299     end;
1300     cairo_move_to(Widget, x, y {+ e.ascent});
1301     // writeln('DevOffset ',Format('dx %2.2n dy %2.2n x %d y %d text %s',
1302     //  [dx, dy, x, y, s]));
1303     // pango_renderer_activate();
1304     // pango_cairo_show_layout(Widget, Layout);
1305     ColorToCairoRGB(TColor(CurrentTextColor), R, G , B);
1306     cairo_set_source_rgb(Widget, R, G, B);
1307     // writeln('DRAWINGTEXT ',S,' WITH R=',dbgs(R),' G=',dbgs(G),' B=',dbgs(B));
1308     FCurrentFont.Layout^.set_text(PChar(S), length(S));
1309     // writeln('Family: ',FCurrentFont.Handle^.get_family,' size ',FCurrentFont.Handle^.get_size,' weight ',FCurrentFont.Handle^.get_weight);
1310     pango_cairo_show_layout(Widget, FCurrentFont.Layout);
1311   finally
1312     cairo_restore(Widget);
1313   end;
1314 end;
1316 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawText(x, y, w, h, flags: Integer; s: String
1317   );
1318 var
1319   e: cairo_font_extents_t;
1320   R: Double;
1321   G: Double;
1322   B: Double;
1323   // dx, dy: Double;
1324 begin
1325   cairo_save(Widget);
1326   try
1327     // TranslateCairoToDevice;
1328     // cairo_surface_get_device_offset(CairoSurface, @dx, @dy);
1329     cairo_font_extents(Widget, @e);
1330     if e.ascent <> 0 then
1331     begin
1332       // writeln('2.EXTENTS !!!! ',Format('%2.2n',[e.ascent]));
1333     end;
1334     cairo_move_to(Widget, x, y + e.ascent);
1335     ColorToCairoRGB(CurrentTextColor, R, G , B);
1336     cairo_set_source_rgb(Widget, R, G, B);
1337     // cairo_show_text(Widget, PChar(s));
1338     FCurrentFont.Layout^.set_text(PChar(S), length(S));
1339     pango_cairo_show_layout(Widget, FCurrentFont.Layout);
1340   finally
1341     cairo_restore(Widget);
1342   end;
1344 end;
1346 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawLine(x1: Integer; y1: Integer; x2: Integer;
1347   y2: Integer);
1348 begin
1349   ApplyPen;
1350   cairo_move_to(Widget, x1, y1);
1351   cairo_line_to(Widget, x2, y2);
1352 end;
1354 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawEllipse(x: Integer; y: Integer; w: Integer;
1355   h: Integer);
1356 begin
1358 end;
1360 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawSurface(targetRect: PRect;
1361   Surface: Pcairo_surface_t; sourceRect: PRect; mask: PGdkPixBuf;
1362   maskRect: PRect);
1363 var
1364   M: cairo_matrix_t;
1365 begin
1366   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1367   DebugLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.DrawSurface ');
1368   {$ENDIF}
1369   cairo_save(Widget);
1370   try
1371     with targetRect^ do
1372       cairo_rectangle(Widget, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
1373     cairo_set_source_surface(Widget, Surface, 0, 0);
1374     cairo_matrix_init_identity(@M);
1375     cairo_matrix_translate(@M, SourceRect^.Left, SourceRect^.Top);
1376     cairo_matrix_scale(@M,  (sourceRect^.Right-sourceRect^.Left) / (targetRect^.Right-targetRect^.Left),
1377         (sourceRect^.Bottom-sourceRect^.Top) / (targetRect^.Bottom-targetRect^.Top));
1378     cairo_matrix_translate(@M, -targetRect^.Left, -targetRect^.Top);
1379     cairo_pattern_set_matrix(cairo_get_source(Widget), @M);
1380     cairo_clip(Widget);
1381     cairo_paint(Widget);
1382   finally
1383     cairo_restore(Widget);
1384   end;
1385 end;
1387 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawImage(targetRect: PRect; image: PGdkPixBuf;
1388   sourceRect: PRect; mask: PGdkPixBuf; maskRect: PRect);
1389 var
1390   pm: PGdkPixbuf;
1391   AData: PByte;
1392   ASurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
1393 begin
1394   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1395   DebugLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.DrawImage ');
1396   {$ENDIF}
1397   cairo_save(Widget);
1398   try
1399     pm := Image;
1400     // AData := PByte(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pm));
1401     // ASurface := cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(AData, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pm), gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pm), gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pm));
1402     // cairo_set_source_surface(Widget, ASurface, targetRect^.Left, targetRect^.Top);
1403     gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(Widget, Image, 0, 0);
1404     cairo_paint(Widget);
1405   finally
1406     // cairo_surface_destroy(ASurface);
1407     cairo_restore(Widget);
1408   end;
1409 end;
1411 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawPixmap(p: PPoint; pm: PGdkPixbuf; sr: PRect);
1412 var
1413   AImage: PGtkImage;
1414   ASurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
1415   AData: PByte;
1416 begin
1417   {$IFDEF VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1418   DebugLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.DrawPixmap ');
1419   {$ENDIF}
1420   cairo_save(Widget);
1421   try
1422     AData := PByte(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pm));
1423     ASurface := cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(AData, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pm), gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pm), gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pm));
1424     cairo_set_source_surface(Widget, ASurface, sr^.Left, sr^.Top);
1425     cairo_paint(Widget);
1426   finally
1427     cairo_surface_destroy(ASurface);
1428     cairo_restore(Widget);
1429   end;
1430 end;
1432 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawPolyLine(P: PPoint; NumPts: Integer);
1433 const
1434   PixelOffset = 0.5;
1435 var
1436   i: Integer;
1437 begin
1438   cairo_save(Widget);
1439   try
1440     ApplyPen;
1441     cairo_move_to(Widget, P[0].X+PixelOffset, P[0].Y+PixelOffset);
1442     for i := 1 to NumPts-1 do
1443       cairo_line_to(Widget, P[i].X+PixelOffset, P[i].Y+PixelOffset);
1444     cairo_stroke(Widget);
1445   finally
1446     cairo_restore(Widget);
1447   end;
1449 end;
1451 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawPolygon(P: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
1452   FillRule: integer);
1453 var
1454   i: Integer;
1455 const
1456   PixelOffset = 0.5;
1457 begin
1458   cairo_save(Widget);
1459   try
1460     // first apply the fill because the line is drawn over the filled area after
1461     applyBrush;
1462     cairo_set_fill_rule(Widget, cairo_fill_rule_t(FillRule));
1463     // + Offset is so the center of the pixel is used.
1464     cairo_move_to(Widget, P[0].X+PixelOffset, P[0].Y+PixelOffset);
1465     for i := 1 to NumPts-1 do
1466       cairo_line_to(Widget, P[i].X+PixelOffset, P[i].Y+PixelOffset);
1468     cairo_close_path(Widget);
1469     cairo_fill_preserve(Widget);
1471     // now draw the line
1472     ApplyPen;
1473     //cairo_set_antialias(widget, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL);
1474     cairo_move_to(Widget, P[0].X+PixelOffset, P[0].Y+PixelOffset);
1475     for i := 1 to NumPts-1 do
1476       cairo_line_to(Widget, P[i].X+PixelOffset, P[i].Y+PixelOffset);
1477     cairo_close_path(Widget);
1478     cairo_stroke_preserve(Widget);
1479   finally
1480     cairo_restore(Widget);
1481   end;
1482 end;
1484 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.drawPolyBezier(P: PPoint; NumPoints: Integer; Filled, Continuous: boolean);
1485 var
1486   i: Integer;
1487 const
1488   PixelOffset = 0.5;
1489 begin
1490   // 3 points per curve + a starting point for the first curve
1491   if (NumPoints < 4) then
1492     Exit;
1494   cairo_save(Widget);
1495   try
1496     ApplyPen;
1498     i := 0;
1499     // we need 3 points left for continuous and 4 for not continous
1500     while i < NumPoints-1 - (3 + ord(not Continuous)) do
1501     begin
1502       if (i = 0) or Not Continuous then
1503       begin
1504         cairo_move_to(Widget, P[i].X+PixelOffset, P[i].Y+PixelOffset); // start point
1505         Inc(i);
1506       end;
1507       cairo_curve_to(Widget,
1508                      P[i].X+PixelOffset, P[i].Y+PixelOffset, // control point 1
1509                      P[i+1].X+PixelOffset, P[i+1].Y+PixelOffset, // control point 2
1510                      P[i+2].X+PixelOffset, P[i+2].Y+PixelOffset); // end point and start point of next
1511       Inc(i, 3);
1512     end;
1513     cairo_stroke_preserve(Widget);
1515     if Filled then
1516     begin
1517       ApplyBrush;
1518       // join start and end points
1519       cairo_close_path(Widget);
1520       cairo_fill(Widget);
1521     end;
1523   finally
1524     cairo_restore(Widget);
1525   end;
1526 end;
1528 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.eraseRect(ARect: PRect);
1529 begin
1530   // cairo_surface_
1531 end;
1533 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.fillRect(ARect: PRect; ABrush: HBRUSH);
1534 begin
1535   with ARect^ do
1536     fillRect(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, ABrush);
1537 end;
1539 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.fillRect(x, y, w, h: Integer; ABrush: HBRUSH);
1540 var
1541   devx, devy, dx, dy, dw, dh: Double;
1542   ATarget: Pcairo_surface_t;
1543   ANewSurface: Pcairo_surface_t;
1544   ACairo: Pcairo_t;
1545   ATempBrush: TGtk3Brush;
1546 begin
1547   {$ifdef VerboseGtk3DeviceContext}
1548   // WriteLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.fillRect ',Format('x %d y %d w %d h %d',[x, y, w, h]));
1549   {$endif}
1551   cairo_save(Widget);
1552   ATempBrush := nil;
1553   if ABrush <> 0 then
1554   begin
1555     ATempBrush := FCurrentBrush;
1556     fBkMode:=OPAQUE;
1557     SetCurrentBrush(TGtk3Brush(ABrush));
1558   end;
1560   applyBrush;
1561   cairo_rectangle(Widget, x, y, w, h);
1562   cairo_stroke_preserve(Widget);
1563   cairo_fill(Widget);
1564   // cairo_clip(Widget);
1566   // cairo_fill_preserve(Widget);
1567   if ABrush <> 0 then
1568     SetCurrentBrush(ATempBrush);
1569   cairo_restore(Widget);
1571   // ATarget := cairo_get_target(Widget);
1572   (*
1573   cairo_save(Widget);
1574   dx := x;
1575   dy := y;
1576   dw := w;
1577   dh := h;
1578   ANewSurface := cairo_surface_create_similar(ATarget, cairo_surface_get_content(ATarget), w, h);
1579   cairo_set_source_surface(Widget, ANewSurface, x , y);
1580   cairo_clip(Widget);
1581   vBrush.SetColor(clRed);
1582   cairo_rectangle(Widget, dx, dy, dw, dh);
1583   cairo_fill(Widget);
1584   cairo_surface_destroy(ANewSurface);
1585   cairo_restore(Widget);
1586   *)
1587 end;
1589 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.fillRect(x, y, w, h: Integer);
1590 begin
1591   fillRect(x, y, w, h , 0);
1592 end;
1594 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.FillAndStroke;
1595 begin
1596   if Assigned(FCurrentBrush) and (FCurrentBrush.Style <> BS_NULL) then
1597   begin
1598     ApplyBrush;
1599     if Assigned(FCurrentPen) and (FCurrentPen.Style = psClear) then
1600       cairo_fill(Widget)
1601     else
1602       cairo_fill_preserve(Widget);
1603   end;
1604   if Assigned(FCurrentPen) and (FCurrentPen.Style <> psClear) then
1605   begin
1606     ApplyPen;
1607     cairo_stroke(Widget);
1608   end;
1609 end;
1611 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.EllipseArcPath(CX, CY, RX, RY: Double; Angle1, Angle2: Double; Clockwise, Continuous: Boolean);
1612 begin
1613   if (RX=0) or (RY=0) then //cairo_scale do not likes zero params
1614     Exit;
1615   cairo_save(Widget);
1616   try
1617     cairo_translate(Widget, SX(CX), SY(CY));
1618     cairo_scale(Widget, SX2(RX), SY2(RY));
1619     if not Continuous then
1620       cairo_move_to(Widget, cos(Angle1), sin(Angle1)); //Move to arcs starting point
1621     if Clockwise then
1622       cairo_arc(Widget, 0, 0, 1, Angle1, Angle2)
1623     else
1624       cairo_arc_negative(Widget, 0, 0, 1, Angle1, Angle2);
1625   finally
1626     cairo_restore(Widget);
1627   end;
1628 end;
RoundRectnull1630 function TGtk3DeviceContext.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; RX, RY: Integer
1631   ): Boolean;
1632 var
1633   DX: Double;
1634   DY: Double;
1635   Pt: TPoint;
1636 begin
1637   Result := False;
1638   cairo_surface_get_device_offset(cairo_get_target(Widget), @DX, @DY);
1639   cairo_translate(Widget, DX, DY);
1640   try
1641     cairo_move_to(Widget, SX(X1+RX), SY(Y1));
1642     cairo_line_to(Widget, SX(X2-RX), SY(Y1));
1643     EllipseArcPath(X2-RX, Y1+RY, RX, RY, -PI/2, 0, True, True);
1644     cairo_line_to(Widget, SX(X2), SY(Y2-RY));
1645     EllipseArcPath(X2-RX, Y2-RY, RX, RY, 0, PI/2, True, True);
1646     cairo_line_to(Widget, SX(X1+RX), SY(Y2));
1647     EllipseArcPath(X1+RX, Y2-RY, RX, RY, PI/2, PI, True, True);
1648     cairo_line_to(Widget, SX(X1), SY(Y1+RX));
1649     EllipseArcPath(X1+RX, Y1+RY, RX, RY, PI, PI*1.5, True, True);
1650     FillAndStroke;
1651     Result := True;
1652   finally
1653     cairo_translate(Widget, -DX, -DY);
1654   end;
1655 end;
getBppnull1657 function TGtk3DeviceContext.getBpp: integer;
1658 var
1659   AVisual: PGdkVisual;
1660 begin
1661   if (Parent <> nil) and (Parent^.get_has_window) then
1662   begin
1663     AVisual := gdk_window_get_visual(Parent^.get_window);
1664     Result := gdk_visual_get_bits_per_rgb(AVisual);
1665     g_object_unref(AVisual);
1666   end else
1667   if (ParentPixmap <> nil) and (Parent = nil) then
1668   begin
1669     Result := ParentPixmap^.get_bits_per_sample;
1670   end else
1671   begin
1672     AVisual := gdk_window_get_visual(gdk_get_default_root_window);
1673     Result := gdk_visual_get_bits_per_rgb(AVisual);
1674     g_object_unref(AVisual);
1675   end;
1676 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.getDepthnull1678 function TGtk3DeviceContext.getDepth: integer;
1679 var
1680   AVisual: PGdkVisual;
1681 begin
1682   Result := 0;
1683   if (Parent <> nil) and Gtk3IsGdkWindow(Parent^.get_window) then
1684   begin
1685     AVisual := gdk_window_get_visual(Parent^.get_window);
1686     if Gtk3IsGdkVisual(AVisual) then
1687     begin
1688       Result := gdk_visual_get_depth(AVisual);
1689       exit;
1690     end;
1691   end;
1692   AVisual := gdk_window_get_visual(gdk_get_default_root_window);
1693   if Gtk3IsGdkVisual(AVisual) then
1694   begin
1695     Result := gdk_visual_get_depth(AVisual);
1696   end;
1697 end;
TGtk3DeviceContext.getDeviceSizenull1699 function TGtk3DeviceContext.getDeviceSize: TPoint;
1700 begin
1701   Result := Point(0 , 0);
1702   if Parent <> nil then
1703   begin
1704     Result.y := Parent^.get_allocated_height;
1705     Result.x := Parent^.get_allocated_width;
1706   end else
1707   if ParentPixmap <> nil then
1708   begin
1709     Result.y := ParentPixmap^.height;
1710     Result.x := ParentPixmap^.width;
1711   end else
1712   if Gtk3IsGdkWindow(Window) then
1713   begin
1714     Result.X := Window^.get_width;
1715     Result.y := Window^.get_height;
1716   end;
1717 end;
LineTonull1719 function TGtk3DeviceContext.LineTo(const X, Y: Integer): Boolean;
1720 begin
1721   if not Assigned(Widget) then
1722     exit(False);
1723   ApplyPen;
1724   cairo_line_to(Widget, X, Y);
1725   cairo_stroke(Widget);
1726   Result := True;
1727 end;
MoveTonull1729 function TGtk3DeviceContext.MoveTo(const X, Y: Integer; OldPoint: PPoint
1730   ): Boolean;
1731 var
1732   dx: Double;
1733   dy: Double;
1734 begin
1735   if not Assigned(Widget) then
1736     exit(False);
1737   if OldPoint <> nil then
1738   begin
1739     cairo_get_current_point(Widget, @dx, @dy);
1740     OldPoint^.X := Round(dx);
1741     OldPoint^.Y := Round(dy);
1742   end;
1743   cairo_move_to(Widget, X, Y);
1744   Result := True;
1745 end;
SetClipRegionnull1747 function TGtk3DeviceContext.SetClipRegion(ARgn: TGtk3Region): Integer;
1748 begin
1749   Result := SimpleRegion;
1750   if Assigned(Widget) then
1751   begin
1752     cairo_reset_clip(Widget);
1753     gdk_cairo_region(Self.Widget, ARgn.FHandle);
1754     cairo_clip(Widget);
1755   end;
1756 end;
1758 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetSourceColor(AColor: TColor);
1759 var
1760   R, G, B: double;
1761 begin
1762   TColorToRGB(AColor, R, G, B);
1763   cairo_set_source_rgb(Widget, R, G, B);
1764 end;
1766 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetCurrentBrush(ABrush: TGtk3Brush);
1767 begin
1768   FCurrentBrush := ABrush;
1769 end;
1771 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetCurrentFont(AFont: TGtk3Font);
1772 begin
1773   FCurrentFont := AFont;
1774 end;
1776 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetCurrentPen(APen: TGtk3Pen);
1777 begin
1778   FCurrentPen := APen;
1779 end;
1781 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetCurrentImage(AImage: TGtk3Image);
1782 begin
1783   FCurrentImage := AImage;
1784 end;
1786 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.SetImage(AImage: TGtk3Image);
1787 var
1788   APixBuf: PGdkPixbuf;
1789 begin
1790   FCurrentImage := AImage;
1791   cairo_destroy(Widget);
1792   APixBuf := AImage.Handle;
1793   if not Gtk3IsGdkPixbuf(APixBuf) then
1794   begin
1795     DebugLn('ERROR: TGtk3DeviceContext.SetImage image handle isn''t PGdkPixbuf.');
1796     exit;
1797   end;
1798   (*
1799   DebugLn('TGtk3DeviceContext.SetImage w=',dbgs(APixBuf^.width),' h=',dbgs(APixBuf^.height),
1800   ' RowStride ',dbgs(APixBuf^.rowstride),' BPS=',dbgs(APixBuf^.get_bits_per_sample),
1801   ' BLEN ',dbgs(APixbuf^.get_byte_length),' channels ',dbgs(APixBuf^.get_n_channels),
1802   ' ALPHA ',dbgs(APixbuf^.get_has_alpha));
1803   *)
1804   if FOwnsSurface and (CairoSurface <> nil) then
1805     cairo_surface_destroy(CairoSurface);
1806   CairoSurface := cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(APixBuf^.pixels,
1807                                                 AImage.getFormat,
1808                                                 APixBuf^.get_width,
1809                                                 APixBuf^.get_height,
1810                                                 APixBuf^.rowstride);
1811   Widget := cairo_create(CairoSurface);
1812   FOwnsSurface := true;
1813 end;
ResetClipnull1815 function TGtk3DeviceContext.ResetClip: Integer;
1816 begin
1817   Result := NullRegion;
1818   if Assigned(Widget) then
1819     cairo_reset_clip(Widget);
1820 end;
1822 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.TranslateCairoToDevice;
1823 var
1824   Pt: TPoint;
1825 begin
1826   Pt := Offset;
1827   Translate(Pt);
1828 end;
1830 procedure TGtk3DeviceContext.Translate(APoint: TPoint);
1831 begin
1832   cairo_translate(Widget, APoint.X, APoint.Y);
1833 end;
1836 //various routines for text , copied from gtk2.
1838 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1839   function RemoveAmpersands(Src: PChar; LineLength : Longint) : PChar;
1841   Creates a new PChar removing all escaping ampersands.
1842 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
RemoveAmpersandsnull1843 function RemoveAmpersands(Src: PChar; LineLength : Longint) : PChar;
1844 var
1845   i, j: Longint;
1846   ShortenChars, NewLength, SrcLength: integer;
1847 begin
1848   // count ampersands and find first ampersand
1849   ShortenChars:= 0;  // chars to delete
1850   SrcLength:= LineLength;
1852   { Look for amperands. If found, check if it is an escaped ampersand.
1853     If it is, don't count it in. }
1854   i:=0;
1855   while i<SrcLength do
1856   begin
1857     if Src[i] = '&' then
1858     begin
1859       if (i < SrcLength - 1) and (Src[i+1] = '&') then
1860       begin
1861         // escaping ampersand found
1862         inc(ShortenChars);
1863         inc(i,2);
1864         Continue;
1865       end
1866       else
1867         inc(ShortenChars);
1868     end;
1869     inc(i);
1870   end;
1871   // create new PChar
1872   NewLength:= SrcLength - ShortenChars;
1874   Result:=StrAlloc(NewLength+1); // +1 for #0 char at end
1876   // copy string without ampersands
1877   i:=0;
1878   j:=0;
1879   while (j < NewLength) do begin
1880     if Src[i] <> '&' then begin
1881       // copy normal char
1882       Result[j]:= Src[i];
1883     end else begin
1884       // ampersand
1885       if (i < (SrcLength - 1)) and (Src[i+1] = '&') then begin
1886         // escaping ampersand found
1887         inc(i);
1888         Result[j]:='&';
1889       end else
1890         // delete single ampersand
1891         dec(j);
1892     end;
1893     Inc(i);
1894     Inc(j);
1895   end;
1896   Result[NewLength]:=#0;
1897 end;
1899 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1900   function GetTextExtentIgnoringAmpersands(TheFont: PGDKFont;
1901     Str : PChar; StrLength: integer;
1902     MaxWidth: Longint; lbearing, rbearing, width, ascent, descent : Pgint);
1904   Gets text extent of a string, ignoring escaped Ampersands.
1905   That means, ampersands are not counted.
1906   Negative MaxWidth means no limit.
1907 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1908 procedure GetTextExtentIgnoringAmpersands(TheFont: TGtk3Font;
1909   Str : PChar; StrLength: integer;
1910   lbearing, rbearing, width, ascent, descent : Pgint);
1911 var
1912   NewStr : PChar;
1913   i: integer;
1914   AInkRect: TPangoRectangle;
1915   ALogicalRect: TPangoRectangle;
1916   AMetrics: PPangoFontMetrics;
1917   ACharWidth: gint;
1918 begin
1919   NewStr:=Str;
1920   // first check if Str contains an ampersand:
1921   if (Str<>nil) then
1922   begin
1923     i:=0;
1924     while (Str[i]<>'&') and (i<StrLength) do inc(i);
1925     if i<StrLength then
1926     begin
1927       NewStr := RemoveAmpersands(Str, StrLength);
1928       StrLength:=StrLen(NewStr);
1929     end;
1930   end;
1931   TheFont.Layout^.set_text(Str, StrLength);
1933   // TheFont.Layout^.get_extents(@AInkRect, @ALogicalRect);
1935   AMetrics := pango_context_get_metrics(TheFont.Layout^.get_context, TheFont.Handle, TheFont.Layout^.get_context^.get_language);
1936   // if not Gtk3IsPangoFontMetrics(PGObject(AMetrics)) then
1937   //  exit;
1938   if AMetrics = nil then
1939   begin
1940     Debugln('WARNING: GetTextExtentIgnoringAmpersands AMetrics=nil');
1941     exit;
1942   end;
1944   if ascent <> nil then
1945     ascent^ := AMetrics^.get_ascent;
1946   if descent <> nil then
1947     descent^ := AMetrics^.get_descent;
1948   if width <> nil then
1949   begin
1950     ACharWidth := AMetrics^.get_approximate_char_width;
1951     width^ := (StrLength * ACharWidth) div PANGO_SCALE;
1952   end;
1953   // PANGO_PIXELS(char_width)
1955   // lBearing^ := 0;
1956   // rBearing^ := 0;
1957   // gdk_text_extents(TheFont, NewStr, StrLength,
1958   //                 lbearing, rBearing, width, ascent, descent);
1959   if NewStr<>Str then
1960     StrDispose(NewStr);
1961   AMetrics^.unref;
1962 end;
1964 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1965   procedure Gtk3WordWrap(DC: HDC; AText: PChar; MaxWidthInPixel: integer;
1966     var Lines: PPChar; var LineCount: integer); virtual;
1968   Breaks AText into several lines and creates a list of PChar. The last entry
1969   will be nil.
1970   Lines break at new line chars and at spaces if a line is longer than
1971   MaxWidthInPixel or in a word.
1972   Lines will be one memory block so that you can free the list and all lines
1973   with FreeMem(Lines).
1974 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1975 procedure Gtk3WordWrap(DC: HDC; AText: PChar;
1976   MaxWidthInPixel: integer; out Lines: PPChar; out LineCount: integer);
1977 var
1978   UseFont: TGtk3Font;
GetLineWidthInPixelnull1980   function GetLineWidthInPixel(LineStart, LineLen: integer): integer;
1981   var
1982     width: LongInt;
1983   begin
1984     GetTextExtentIgnoringAmpersands(UseFont, @AText[LineStart], LineLen,
1985                                     nil, nil, @width, nil, nil);
1986     Result := Width;
1987   end;
FindLineEndnull1989   function FindLineEnd(LineStart: integer): integer;
1990   var
1991     CharLen,
1992     LineStop,
1993     LineWidth, WordWidth, WordEnd, CharWidth: integer;
1994   begin
1995     // first search line break or text break
1996     Result:=LineStart;
1997     while not (AText[Result] in [#0,#10,#13]) do inc(Result);
1998     if Result<=LineStart+1 then exit;
1999     lineStop:=Result;
2001     // get current line width in pixel
2002     LineWidth:=GetLineWidthInPixel(LineStart,Result-LineStart);
2003     if LineWidth>MaxWidthInPixel then
2004     begin
2005       // line too long
2006       // -> add words till line size reached
2007       LineWidth:=0;
2008       WordEnd:=LineStart;
2009       WordWidth:=0;
2010       repeat
2011         Result:=WordEnd;
2012         inc(LineWidth,WordWidth);
2013         // find word start
2014         while AText[WordEnd] in [' ',#9] do inc(WordEnd);
2015         // find word end
2016         while not (AText[WordEnd] in [#0,' ',#9,#10,#13]) do inc(WordEnd);
2017         // calculate word width
2018         WordWidth:=GetLineWidthInPixel(Result,WordEnd-Result);
2019       until LineWidth+WordWidth>MaxWidthInPixel;
2020       if LineWidth=0 then
2021       begin
2022         // the first word is longer than the maximum width
2023         // -> add chars till line size reached
2024         Result:=LineStart;
2025         LineWidth:=0;
2026         repeat
2027           charLen:=UTF8CodepointSize(@AText[result]);
2028           CharWidth:=GetLineWidthInPixel(Result,charLen);
2029           inc(LineWidth,CharWidth);
2030           if LineWidth>MaxWidthInPixel then break;
2031           if result>=lineStop then break;
2032           inc(Result,charLen);
2033         until false;
2034         // at least one char
2035         if Result=LineStart then begin
2036           charLen:=UTF8CodepointSize(@AText[result]);
2037           inc(Result,charLen);
2038         end;
2039       end;
2040     end;
2041   end;
IsEmptyTextnull2043   function IsEmptyText: boolean;
2044   begin
2045     if (AText=nil) or (AText[0]=#0) then
2046     begin
2047       // no text
2048       GetMem(Lines,SizeOf(PChar));
2049       Lines[0]:=nil;
2050       LineCount:=0;
2051       Result:=true;
2052     end else
2053       Result:=false;
2054   end;
2056   procedure InitFont;
2057   begin
2058     UseFont := TGtk3DeviceContext(DC).CurrentFont;
2059   end;
2061 var
2062   LinesList: TIntegerList;
2063   LineStart, LineEnd, LineLen: integer;
2064   ArraySize, TotalSize: integer;
2065   i: integer;
2066   CurLineEntry: PPChar;
2067   CurLineStart: PChar;
2068 begin
2069   if IsEmptyText then
2070   begin
2071     Lines:=nil;
2072     LineCount:=0;
2073     exit;
2074   end;
2075   InitFont;
2076   LinesList:=TIntegerList.Create;
2077   LineStart:=0;
2079   // find all line starts and line ends
2080   repeat
2081     LinesList.Add(LineStart);
2082     // find line end
2083     LineEnd:=FindLineEnd(LineStart);
2084     LinesList.Add(LineEnd);
2085     // find next line start
2086     LineStart:=LineEnd;
2087     if AText[LineStart] in [#10,#13] then
2088     begin
2089       // skip new line chars
2090       inc(LineStart);
2091       if (AText[LineStart] in [#10,#13])
2092       and (AText[LineStart]<>AText[LineStart-1]) then
2093         inc(LineStart);
2094     end else
2095     if AText[LineStart] in [' ',#9] then
2096     begin
2097       // skip space
2098       while AText[LineStart] in [' ',#9] do
2099         inc(LineStart);
2100     end;
2101   until AText[LineStart]=#0;
2103   // create mem block for 'Lines': array of PChar + all lines
2104   LineCount:=LinesList.Count shr 1;
2105   ArraySize:=(LineCount+1)*SizeOf(PChar);
2106   TotalSize:=ArraySize;
2107   i:=0;
2108   while i<LinesList.Count do
2109   begin
2110     // add  LineEnd - LineStart + 1 for the #0
2111     LineLen:=LinesList[i+1]-LinesList[i]+1;
2112     inc(TotalSize,LineLen);
2113     inc(i,2);
2114   end;
2115   GetMem(Lines,TotalSize);
2116   FillChar(Lines^,TotalSize,0);
2118   // create Lines
2119   CurLineEntry:=Lines;
2120   CurLineStart:=PChar(CurLineEntry)+ArraySize;
2121   i:=0;
2122   while i<LinesList.Count do
2123   begin
2124     // set the pointer to the start of the current line
2125     CurLineEntry[i shr 1]:=CurLineStart;
2126     // copy the line
2127     LineStart:=LinesList[i];
2128     LineEnd:=LinesList[i+1];
2129     LineLen:=LineEnd-LineStart;
2130     if LineLen>0 then
2131       Move(AText[LineStart],CurLineStart^,LineLen);
2132     inc(CurLineStart,LineLen);
2133     // add #0 as line end
2134     CurLineStart^:=#0;
2135     inc(CurLineStart);
2136     // next line
2137     inc(i,2);
2138   end;
2139   if {%H-}PtrUInt(CurLineStart)-{%H-}PtrUInt(Lines)<>TotalSize then
2140     RaiseGDBException('Gtk3WordWrap Consistency Error:'
2141       +' Lines+TotalSize<>CurLineStart');
2142   CurLineEntry[i shr 1]:=nil;
2144   LinesList.Free;
2145 end;
2147 end.