1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
20 #using <cli_basetypes.dll>
22 #include <vcclr.h>
24 #include "osl/diagnose.h"
25 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XConstantTypeDescription.hpp"
26 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XConstantsTypeDescription.hpp"
27 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XEnumTypeDescription.hpp"
28 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XInterfaceTypeDescription2.hpp"
29 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XCompoundTypeDescription.hpp"
30 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XServiceTypeDescription2.hpp"
31 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XSingletonTypeDescription2.hpp"
32 #include "com/sun/star/reflection/XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription.hpp"
35 namespace climaker
36 {
39 extern bool g_bVerbose;
41 ref struct Constants
42 {
43     static ::System::String ^ sUnoVoid = "void";
44     static ::System::String ^ sUnoType = "type";
45     static ::System::String ^ sUnoAny =  "any";
46     static ::System::String ^ sUnoBool = "boolean";
47     static ::System::String ^ sUnoByte = "byte";
48     static ::System::String ^ sUnoChar = "char";
49     static ::System::String ^ sUnoShort = "short";
50     static ::System::String ^ sUnoUShort = "unsigned short";
51     static ::System::String ^ sUnoLong = "long";
52     static ::System::String ^ sUnoULong = "unsigned long";
53     static ::System::String ^ sUnoHyper = "hyper";
54     static ::System::String ^ sUnoUHyper = "unsigned hyper";
55     static ::System::String ^ sUnoString = "string";
56     static ::System::String ^ sUnoFloat = "float";
57     static ::System::String ^ sUnoDouble = "double";
58     static ::System::String ^ sUnoXInterface = "com.sun.star.uno.XInterface";
59     static ::System::String ^ sBrackets = "[]";
61     static System::String^ sObject = "System.Object";
62     static System::String^ sType = "System.Type";
63     static System::String^ sUnoidl = "unoidl.";
64     static System::String^ sVoid = "System.Void";
65     static System::String^ sAny = "uno.Any";
66     static System::String^ sBoolean = "System.Boolean";
67     static System::String^ sChar = "System.Char";
68     static System::String^ sByte = "System.Byte";
69     static System::String^ sInt16 = "System.Int16";
70     static System::String^ sUInt16 = "System.UInt16";
71     static System::String^ sInt32 = "System.Int32";
72     static System::String^ sUInt32 = "System.UInt32";
73     static System::String^ sInt64 = "System.Int64";
74     static System::String^ sUInt64 = "System.UInt64";
75     static System::String^ sString = "System.String";
76     static System::String^ sSingle = "System.Single";
77     static System::String^ sDouble = "System.Double";
78     static System::String^ sComma = gcnew System::String(",");
80 };
83 inline ::System::String ^ ustring_to_String( OUString const & ustr )
84 {
85     return gcnew ::System::String(
86         reinterpret_cast<wchar_t const *>(ustr.getStr()), 0, ustr.getLength());
87 }
90 inline OUString String_to_ustring( ::System::String ^ str )
91 {
92     OSL_ASSERT( sizeof (wchar_t) == sizeof (sal_Unicode) );
93     pin_ptr<const wchar_t> chars = PtrToStringChars( str );
94     return OUString(reinterpret_cast<sal_Unicode const *>(chars), str->Length);
95 }
97 /* If the argument type is a typedef for an interface then the interface
98    type description is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
99 */
100 css::uno::Reference< css::reflection::XInterfaceTypeDescription2 >
101 resolveInterfaceTypedef(const css::uno::Reference<css::reflection::XTypeDescription>& type);
103 static ::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes c_ctor_method_attr =
104 (::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes)
105     (::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes::Public |
106      ::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes::HideBySig |
107      ::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes::SpecialName |
108      ::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes::RTSpecialName
109      /* | xxx todo: ??? compiler does not know Instance ???
110         ::System::Reflection::MethodAttributes::Instance*/);
113 ref class TypeEmitter : public ::System::IDisposable
114 {
115     ::System::Reflection::Emit::ModuleBuilder ^ m_module_builder;
116     array< ::System::Reflection::Assembly^>^ m_extra_assemblies;
118     ::System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^ m_method_info_Type_GetTypeFromHandle;
120     ::System::Type ^ m_type_Exception;
121     ::System::Type ^ get_type_Exception();
122     ::System::Type ^ m_type_RuntimeException;
123     ::System::Type ^ get_type_RuntimeException();
125     ::System::Reflection::Emit::CustomAttributeBuilder^ get_service_exception_attribute(
126         const css::uno::Reference<css::reflection::XServiceConstructorDescription> & ctorDesc);
127     ::System::Reflection::Emit::CustomAttributeBuilder^ get_iface_method_exception_attribute(
128         const css::uno::Reference< css::reflection::XInterfaceMethodTypeDescription >& xMethod );
129     ::System::Reflection::Emit::CustomAttributeBuilder^ get_exception_attribute(
130         const css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Reference<
131         css::reflection::XCompoundTypeDescription > >& seq_exceptionsTd );
132 /* Creates ::System::Type object for UNO exceptions. The UNO exceptions are
133        obtained by
134        css::reflection::XServiceConstructorDescription::getExceptions
135        In a first step the respective CLI types are created. Then it is examined
136        if a Type represents a super class of another class. If so the Type of the
137        derived class is discarded. For example there are a uno RuntimeException and
138        a DeploymentException which inherits RuntimeException. Then only the cli Type
139        of the RuntimeException is returned.
140        The purpose of this function is to provide exceptions for which catch blocks
141        are generated in the service constructor code.
143        It is always an instance of an ArrayList returned, even if the sequence argument
144        does not contain elements.
145     */
146     ::System::Collections::ArrayList ^ get_service_ctor_method_exceptions_reduced(
147         const css::uno::Sequence<
148         css::uno::Reference<css::reflection::XCompoundTypeDescription> > & seqExceptionsTd);
151     ref class iface_entry
152     {
153     public:
154         css::reflection::XInterfaceTypeDescription2 * m_xType;
155         ::System::Reflection::Emit::TypeBuilder ^ m_type_builder;
156     };
157     ::System::Collections::Hashtable ^ m_incomplete_ifaces;
158     ::System::Type ^ complete_iface_type( iface_entry ^ entry );
160     ref class struct_entry
161     {
162     public:
163          css::reflection::XCompoundTypeDescription * m_xType;
164         ::System::Reflection::Emit::TypeBuilder ^ m_type_builder;
165         ::System::Type ^ m_base_type;
167         array< ::System::String^>^ m_member_names;
168         array< ::System::Type^>^ m_param_types;
169         ::System::Reflection::ConstructorInfo ^ m_default_ctor;
170         ::System::Reflection::ConstructorInfo ^ m_ctor;
171     };
172     ::System::Collections::Hashtable ^ m_incomplete_structs;
173     ::System::Type ^ complete_struct_type( struct_entry ^ entry );
175     /*  returns the type for the name. If it is a struct then it may
176         complete the struct if not already done. This also refers to its
177         base types.
179         @param sName
180             the full name of the type.
181         @return the type object for sName. Not necessarily a struct.
182     */
183     ::System::Type ^ get_complete_struct( ::System::String ^ sName);
185     ref class service_entry
186     {
187     public:
188         ::System::Reflection::Emit::TypeBuilder ^ m_type_builder;
189         css::reflection::XServiceTypeDescription2 * m_xType;
190     };
191     ::System::Collections::Hashtable ^ m_incomplete_services;
192     ::System::Type ^ complete_service_type(service_entry ^ entry);
194     ref class singleton_entry
195     {
196     public:
197         ::System::Reflection::Emit::TypeBuilder ^ m_type_builder;
198         css::reflection::XSingletonTypeDescription2 * m_xType;
199     };
202     ::System::Collections::Hashtable ^ m_incomplete_singletons;
203     ::System::Type ^ complete_singleton_type(singleton_entry ^ entry);
206     ::System::Collections::Hashtable ^ m_generated_structs;
208     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
209         ::System::String ^ cli_name, bool throw_exc );
210     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
211         css::uno::Reference<
212         css::reflection::XConstantTypeDescription > const & xType );
213     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
214         css::uno::Reference<
215         css::reflection::XConstantsTypeDescription > const & xType );
216     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
217         css::uno::Reference<
218         css::reflection::XEnumTypeDescription > const & xType );
219     /* returns the type for a struct or exception. In case of a polymorphic struct it may
220         return a ::uno::PolymorphicType (cli_basetypes.dll) only if the struct is already
221         complete.
222     */
223     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
224         css::uno::Reference<
225         css::reflection::XCompoundTypeDescription > const & xType );
226     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
227         css::uno::Reference<
228         css::reflection::XInterfaceTypeDescription2 > const & xType );
229     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
230         css::uno::Reference<
231         css::reflection::XSingletonTypeDescription2 > const & xType );
233     /*
234       May return NULL if the service description is an obsolete. See
235       description of
236       com.sun.star.reflection.XServiceTypeDescription2.isSingleInterfaceBased
237      */
238     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
239         css::uno::Reference<
240         css::reflection::XServiceTypeDescription2 > const & xType );
241 public:
242     TypeEmitter(
243         ::System::Reflection::Emit::ModuleBuilder ^ module_builder,
244         array< ::System::Reflection::Assembly^>^ assemblies );
245     // must be called to finish up uncompleted types
246     ~TypeEmitter();
248     ::System::Reflection::Assembly ^ type_resolve(
249         ::System::Object ^ sender, ::System::ResolveEventArgs ^ args );
251     ::System::Type ^ get_type(
252         css::uno::Reference<
253         css::reflection::XTypeDescription > const & xType );
254 };
256 }
258 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */