2# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10#   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
11#   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
12#   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
13#   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
14#   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
15#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
16#   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18import uno
19import traceback
20from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
21from .UnoDialog2 import UnoDialog2, Desktop, PropertyNames, UIConsts, \
22    ItemListenerProcAdapter
23from ..common.HelpIds import HelpIds
24from ..common.FileAccess import FileAccess
26from com.sun.star.lang import NoSuchMethodException
27from com.sun.star.frame import TerminationVetoException
28from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import HELP, STANDARD
29from com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight import BOLD
31import sys, os
33# imp is deprecated since Python v.3.4
34if sys.version_info >= (3,3):
35    from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
36    SourceFileLoader('strings', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../common/strings.hrc')).load_module()
38    import imp
39    imp.load_source('strings', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../common/strings.hrc'))
41import strings
43class WizardDialog(UnoDialog2):
45    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
47    __NEXT_ACTION_PERFORMED = "gotoNextAvailableStep"
48    __BACK_ACTION_PERFORMED = "gotoPreviousAvailableStep"
49    __FINISH_ACTION_PERFORMED = "finishWizard_1"
50    __CANCEL_ACTION_PERFORMED = "cancelWizard_1"
53    '''
54    Creates a new instance of WizardDialog
55    the hid is used as following :
56    "HID:(hid)"   - the dialog
57    "HID:(hid+1)  - the help button
58    "HID:(hid+2)" - the back button
59    "HID:(hid+3)" - the next button
60    "HID:(hid+4)" - the create button
61    "HID:(hid+5)" - the cancel button
62    @param xMSF
63    @param hid_
64    '''
66    def __init__(self, xMSF, hid_):
67        super(WizardDialog,self).__init__(xMSF)
68        self.__hid = hid_
69        self.iButtonWidth = 50
70        self.nNewStep = 1
71        self.nOldStep = 1
72        self.nMaxStep = 1
73        self.bTerminateListenermustberemoved = True
74        self.oRoadmap = None
75        self.terminateListener = None
77    def activate(self):
78        try:
79            self.xUnoDialog.toFront()
80        except Exception:
81            pass
82            # do nothing;
84    def itemStateChanged(self, itemEvent):
85        try:
86            self.nNewStep = itemEvent.ItemId
87            self.nOldStep = int(self.xDialogModel.Step)
88            if self.nNewStep != self.nOldStep:
89                self.switchToStep()
91        except Exception:
92            traceback.print_exc()
94    def setDialogProperties(self, closeable, height, moveable, position_x,
95        position_Y, step, tabIndex, title, width):
96        uno.invoke(self.xDialogModel, "setPropertyValues",
97             ((PropertyNames.PROPERTY_CLOSEABLE,
98                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
99                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MOVEABLE,
100                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
101                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
102                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
103                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
104                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TITLE,
105                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
106             (closeable, height, moveable, position_x, position_Y, step,
107                tabIndex, title, width)))
109    def setRoadmapInteractive(self, _bInteractive):
110        self.oRoadmap.Activated = _bInteractive
112    def setRoadmapComplete(self, bComplete):
113        self.oRoadmap.Complete = bComplete
115    def isRoadmapComplete(self):
116        try:
117            return bool(self.oRoadmap.Complete)
118        except Exception:
119            traceback.print_exc()
120            return False
122    def setCurrentRoadmapItemID(self, ID):
123        if self.oRoadmap is not None:
124            nCurItemID = self.getCurrentRoadmapItemID()
125            if nCurItemID != ID:
126                self.oRoadmap.CurrentItemID = ID
128    def getCurrentRoadmapItemID(self):
129        try:
130            return int(self.oRoadmap.CurrentItemID)
131        except Exception:
132            traceback.print_exc()
133            return -1
136    def initializePaths(self):
137        xPropertySet = \
138            self.xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.util.PathSettings")
139        self.sUserTemplatePath = \
140            xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("Template_writable")
141        myFA = FileAccess(self.xMSF)
142        aInternalPaths = xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("Template_internal")
143        self.sTemplatePath = ""
144        for path in aInternalPaths:
145            if myFA.exists(path + "/wizard", False):
146                self.sTemplatePath = path
147                break
148        if self.sTemplatePath == "":
149            raise Exception("could not find wizard templates")
151    def addRoadmap(self):
152        try:
153            iDialogHeight = self.xDialogModel.Height
154            # the roadmap control has got no real TabIndex ever
155            # that is not correct, but changing this would need time,
156            # so it is used without TabIndex as before
158            xRoadmapControl = self.insertControlModel(
159                "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlRoadmapModel",
160                "rdmNavi",
161                (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
162                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
163                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
164                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
165                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX, "Tabstop",
166                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
167                ((iDialogHeight - 26), 0, 0, 0,
168                    0, True, 85))
169            self.oRoadmap = xRoadmapControl.Model
170            method = getattr(self, "itemStateChanged")
171            xRoadmapControl.addItemListener(
172                ItemListenerProcAdapter(method))
174            self.oRoadmap.Text = strings.RID_COMMON_START_16
175        except NoSuchMethodException:
176            from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import OK
177            from .SystemDialog import SystemDialog
178            sError = "The files required could not be found.\n" + \
179                "Please start the LibreOffice Setup and choose 'Repair'."
180            SystemDialog.showMessageBox(super().xMSF, "ErrorBox", OK, sError)
181        except Exception:
182            traceback.print_exc()
184    def getRoadmapItemByID(self, _ID):
185        try:
186            getByIndex = self.oRoadmap.getByIndex
187            for i in list(range(self.oRoadmap.Count)):
188                CurRoadmapItem = getByIndex(i)
189                CurID = int(CurRoadmapItem.ID)
190                if CurID == _ID:
191                    return CurRoadmapItem
193            return None
194        except Exception:
195            traceback.print_exc()
196            return None
198    def switchToStep(self,_nOldStep=None, _nNewStep=None):
199        if _nOldStep is not None and _nNewStep is not None:
200            self.nOldStep = _nOldStep
201            self.nNewStep = _nNewStep
203        self.leaveStep(self.nOldStep, self.nNewStep)
204        if self.nNewStep != self.nOldStep:
205            if self.nNewStep == self.nMaxStep:
206                self.xDialogModel.btnWizardNext.DefaultButton = False
207                self.xDialogModel.btnWizardFinish.DefaultButton = True
208            else:
209                self.xDialogModel.btnWizardNext.DefaultButton = True
210                self.xDialogModel.btnWizardFinish.DefaultButton = False
212            self.changeToStep(self.nNewStep)
213            self.enterStep(self.nOldStep, self.nNewStep)
214            return True
216        return False
218    @abstractmethod
219    def leaveStep(self, nOldStep, nNewStep):
220        pass
222    @abstractmethod
223    def enterStep(self, nOldStep, nNewStep):
224        pass
226    def changeToStep(self, nNewStep):
227        self.xDialogModel.Step = nNewStep
228        self.setCurrentRoadmapItemID(nNewStep)
229        self.enableNextButton(self.getNextAvailableStep() > 0)
230        self.enableBackButton(nNewStep != 1)
232    def drawNaviBar(self):
233        try:
234            curtabindex = UIConsts.SOFIRSTWIZARDNAVITABINDEX
235            iButtonWidth = self.iButtonWidth
236            iButtonHeight = 14
237            iCurStep = 0
238            iDialogHeight = self.xDialogModel.Height
239            iDialogWidth = self.xDialogModel.Width
240            iHelpPosX = 8
241            iBtnPosY = iDialogHeight - iButtonHeight - 6
242            iCancelPosX = iDialogWidth - self.iButtonWidth - 6
243            iFinishPosX = iCancelPosX - 6 - self.iButtonWidth
244            iNextPosX = iFinishPosX - 6 - self.iButtonWidth
245            iBackPosX = iNextPosX - 3 - self.iButtonWidth
246            self.insertControlModel(
247                "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedLineModel",
248                "lnNaviSep",
249                (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, "Orientation",
250                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
251                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
252                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
253                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
254                (1, 0, 0, iDialogHeight - 26, iCurStep, iDialogWidth))
255            self.insertControlModel(
256                "com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedLineModel",
257                "lnRoadSep",
258                (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
259                    "Orientation",
260                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
261                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
262                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
263                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
264                (iBtnPosY - 6, 1, 85, 0, iCurStep, 1))
265            propNames = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED,
266                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
267                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
268                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
269                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
270                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
271                "PushButtonType",
272                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
273                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
274                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
275            self.xDialogModel.HelpURL = HelpIds.getHelpIdString(self.__hid)
276            self.insertButton("btnWizardHelp",
277                WizardDialog.__HELP_ACTION_PERFORMED,
278                (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED,
279                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
280                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
281                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
282                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
283                    "PushButtonType",
284                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
285                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
286                    PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
287                (True, iButtonHeight,
288                    strings.RID_COMMON_START_15,
289                    iHelpPosX, iBtnPosY,
290                    uno.Any("short",HELP), iCurStep,
291                    uno.Any("short",(curtabindex + 1)), iButtonWidth), self)
292            self.insertButton("btnWizardBack",
293                WizardDialog.__BACK_ACTION_PERFORMED, propNames,
294                (False, iButtonHeight, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(self.__hid + 2),
295                    strings.RID_COMMON_START_13,
296                    iBackPosX, iBtnPosY, uno.Any("short",STANDARD), iCurStep,
297                    uno.Any("short",(curtabindex + 1)), iButtonWidth), self)
298            self.insertButton("btnWizardNext",
299                WizardDialog.__NEXT_ACTION_PERFORMED, propNames,
300                (True, iButtonHeight, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(self.__hid + 3),
301                    strings.RID_COMMON_START_14,
302                    iNextPosX, iBtnPosY, uno.Any("short",STANDARD), iCurStep,
303                    uno.Any("short",(curtabindex + 1)), iButtonWidth), self)
304            self.insertButton("btnWizardFinish",
305                WizardDialog.__FINISH_ACTION_PERFORMED, propNames,
306                (True, iButtonHeight, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(self.__hid + 4),
307                    strings.RID_COMMON_START_12,
308                        iFinishPosX, iBtnPosY, uno.Any("short",STANDARD),
309                        iCurStep,
310                        uno.Any("short",(curtabindex + 1)),
311                        iButtonWidth), self)
312            self.insertButton("btnWizardCancel",
313                WizardDialog.__CANCEL_ACTION_PERFORMED, propNames,
314                (True, iButtonHeight, HelpIds.getHelpIdString(self.__hid + 5),
315                    strings.RID_COMMON_START_11,
316                    iCancelPosX, iBtnPosY, uno.Any("short",STANDARD), iCurStep,
317                    uno.Any("short",(curtabindex + 1)),
318                    iButtonWidth), self)
319            self.xDialogModel.btnWizardNext.DefaultButton = True
320        except Exception:
321            traceback.print_exc()
323    def insertRoadMapItems(self, items, enabled):
324        for index, item in enumerate(items):
325            try:
326                oRoadmapItem = self.oRoadmap.createInstance()
327                oRoadmapItem.Label = item
328                oRoadmapItem.Enabled = enabled[index]
329                oRoadmapItem.ID = index + 1
330                self.oRoadmap.insertByIndex(index, oRoadmapItem)
331            except Exception:
332                traceback.print_exc()
334    def enableBackButton(self, enabled):
335        self.xDialogModel.btnWizardBack.Enabled = enabled
337    def enableNextButton(self, enabled):
338        self.xDialogModel.btnWizardNext.Enabled = enabled
340    def enableFinishButton(self, enabled):
341        self.xDialogModel.btnWizardFinish.Enabled = enabled
343    def isStepEnabled(self, _nStep):
344        try:
345            xRoadmapItem = self.getRoadmapItemByID(_nStep)
346            # Todo: In this case an exception should be thrown
347            if xRoadmapItem is None:
348                return False
349            bIsEnabled = bool(xRoadmapItem.Enabled)
350            return bIsEnabled
351        except Exception:
352            traceback.print_exc()
353            return False
355    def gotoPreviousAvailableStep(self):
356        try:
357            if self.nNewStep > 1:
358                self.nOldStep = self.nNewStep
359                self.nNewStep -= 1
360                while self.nNewStep > 0:
361                    bIsEnabled = self.isStepEnabled(self.nNewStep)
362                    if bIsEnabled:
363                        break;
365                    self.nNewStep -= 1
366                if (self.nNewStep == 0):
367                    self.nNewStep = self.nOldStep
368                self.switchToStep()
369        except Exception:
370            traceback.print_exc()
372    def getNextAvailableStep(self):
373        if self.isRoadmapComplete():
374            i = self.nNewStep + 1
375            while i <= self.nMaxStep:
376                if self.isStepEnabled(i):
377                    return i
378                i += 1
379        return -1
381    def gotoNextAvailableStep(self):
382        try:
383            self.nOldStep = self.nNewStep
384            self.nNewStep = self.getNextAvailableStep()
385            if self.nNewStep > -1:
386                self.switchToStep()
387        except Exception:
388            traceback.print_exc()
390    @abstractmethod
391    def finishWizard(self):
392        pass
394    def finishWizard_1(self):
395        '''This function will call
396        if the finish button is pressed on the UI'''
397        try:
398            self.enableFinishButton(False)
399            success = False
400            try:
401                success = self.finishWizard()
402            finally:
403                if not success:
404                    self.enableFinishButton(True)
406            if success:
407                self.removeTerminateListener()
408        except Exception:
409             traceback.print_exc()
411    def getCurrentStep(self):
412        try:
413            return int(self.xDialogModel.Step)
414        except Exception:
415            traceback.print_exc()
416            return -1
418    def cancelWizard(self):
419        #can be overwritten by extending class
420        self.xUnoDialog.endExecute()
422    def removeTerminateListener(self):
423        if self.bTerminateListenermustberemoved:
424            Desktop.getDesktop(self.xMSF).removeTerminateListener(self.terminateListener)
425            self.bTerminateListenermustberemoved = False
427    '''
428    called by the cancel button and
429    by the window hidden event.
430    if this method was not called before,
431    perform a cancel.
432    '''
434    def cancelWizard_1(self):
435        try:
436            self.cancelWizard()
437            self.removeTerminateListener()
438        except Exception:
439            traceback.print_exc()
441    def windowHidden(self):
442        self.cancelWizard_1()
444    def queryTermination(self):
445        self.activate()
446        raise TerminationVetoException()
448    def disposing(self, arg0):
449        self.cancelWizard_1()
451    def optCreateFromTemplateItemChanged(self):
452        self.bEditTemplate = False
454    def optMakeChangesItemChanged(self):
455        self.bEditTemplate = True