1For a full description of mined commands see the manual page.
2Mined commands are either mapped to control keys, function keys,
3or sequences starting with the ESCape key.
4Apart from cursor movement (see help on "keyboard"), the most important
5commands are:
7^] or ^@ or ESC @	Set mark (to remember the current location).
8			(With HOP it moves to the remembered location.)
9^Y		Copy text between mark and cursor into paste buffer.
10^U		Cut (move) text between mark and cursor into paste buffer.
11^P		Paste contents of paste buffer to current position.
12		(With HOP it pastes inter-window buffer, from other mined).
13ESC b		Copy contents of buffer into a file. (Appends with HOP.)
14ESC i or F4	Insert file at current cursor position.
16^G or ESC g	Goto (various options, also used as HOP key).
17ESC / or F8	Search. (ESC \ searches backwards.)
18ESC ,		Search and replace.
19ESC r		Search and replace with confirmation.
20ESC R		Search and replace on current line.
21ESC ESC		Save file (if needed) and exit.
22ESC q		Quit, don't save (confirm if text modified).
23ESC h or F1	Help.
25Paragraph justification (word-wrap)
27ESC <		Set left margin for justification.
28ESC ;		Set left margin of first line of paragraph only.
29ESC :		Set left margin of next lines of paragraph only.
30ESC >		Set right margin for justification.
31ESC j		Justify (word-wrap) paragraph.
33Character input support
35^V for various kinds of special character input:
36^V control-char      enter the control character.
37^V [, \, ], ^^, __   enter the corresponding control character.
38^V <accent> <char>   enter an accented character composed accordingly.
39^V # xxxx            enter character with hexadecimal value
40^V # # xxxxxx        enter character with octal value
41^V # = xxxxx         enter character with decimal value
42^V # U ... xxxx      enter character with hex (oct/dec) Unicode value
43^V <space> <name> <space> , or:
44^V <char> <char>     enter character by mnemonic character name;
45                     recognised mnemonics are those of RFC 1345, HTML,
46                     TeX, and supplementary mnemonics
48	"^Vae" enters the "ae" ligature
49	"^V'e" enters e with accent d'aigu
50	"^V ae' " enters the Latin ligature ae with acute accent
51	"^V-," or "^V neg " enters the negation symbol
52	"^Va*" or "^V a* " enters the Greek small letter alpha
53	"^V euro " enters the Euro character
54	"^V#20ac" enters the hex character value 20AC (in current encoding)
55	"^V#U20ac" enters the character with Unicode value 20AC (the Euro)
56If numeric input is followed by a Space, numeric input continues for
57further characters; terminate with Return/Enter.
59Accented character input support
61Accent prefix keys can precede a character to be compose into an
62accented letter; multiple accent prefix keys can be combined.
63F5		diaeresis (umlaut) / dialytika
64 Ctrl-F5	ring / cedilla / iota (ypogegrammeni)
65 Shift-F5	tilde / perispomeni
66 Alt-F5		stroke
67 Ctrl-Shift-F5	ogonek / prosgegrammeni
68 Alt-Shift-F5	breve / vrachy
69F6		acute / tonos
70 Ctrl-F6	circumflex / oxia
71 Shift-F6	grave / varia
72 Alt-F6		caron / psili
73 Ctrl-Shift-F6	macron / descender
74 Alt-Shift-F6	dot above / dasia
75Alt-/Control-1	for full listing of modified digit key accent functions,
76		see manual
77Control-,	for full listing of modified punctuation key accent
78		functions, see manual