1package main
3import "strings"
5// smartIndentation takes the leading whitespace for a line, and the trimmed contents of a line
6// it tries to indent or dedent in a smart way, intended for use on the following line,
7// and returns a new string of leading whitespace.
8func (e *Editor) smartIndentation(leadingWhitespace, trimmedLine string, alsoDedent bool) string {
9	// Grab the whitespace for this new line
10	// "smart indentation", add one indentation from the line above
11	if len(trimmedLine) > 0 &&
12		(strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, "(") || strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, "{") || strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, "[") ||
13			strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, ":")) && !strings.HasPrefix(trimmedLine, e.SingleLineCommentMarker()) {
14		leadingWhitespace += e.tabsSpaces.String()
15	}
16	if alsoDedent {
17		// "smart dedentation", subtract one indentation from the line above
18		if len(trimmedLine) > 0 &&
19			(strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, ")") || strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, "}") || strings.HasSuffix(trimmedLine, "]")) {
20			indentation := e.tabsSpaces.String()
21			if len(leadingWhitespace) > len(indentation) {
22				leadingWhitespace = leadingWhitespace[:len(leadingWhitespace)-len(indentation)]
23			}
24		}
25	}
26	return leadingWhitespace