1VisVile -- Developer Studio Support                                version 9.8
2-----------------------------------                                -----------
4                      VisVile -- Developer Studio Support
6   Within a limited context, winvile may be substituted as the default
7   Developer Studio editor.
12     * You must be using Developer Studio version 5 (or later), which exposes
13       OLE automation "hooks" that permit winvile to augment and/or replace
14       the default editor. The implementation described within this document
15       will not work with earlier versions of DevStudio.
16     * Obtain or build a version of winvile that supports OLE Automation.
17       Register same. For further details, refer to the file oleauto.doc,
18       stored in the same directory as this document. When reading
19       oleauto.doc, note that:
20          * step 1 (building the editor) is optional if using pre-built
21            versions of _both_ winvile.exe and visvile.dll .
22          * step 2 (configuring the editor as a server) is mandatory, and
23          * step 3 (manipulating winvile via an automation client) is
24            described in great detail within this document :-) .
29    1. Obtain or build visvile.dll, a Developer Studio add-in that actually
30       invokes winvile. To build visvile, follow these steps:
31         1. First build winvile using the syntax described in oleauto.doc .
32            This is an important step, since the build process creates a file
33            called winviletlb.h that is included by visvile.dll's sources.
34         2. Use Developer Studio to open the visvile source directory as a
35            project.
36         3. Set the "active project configuration" (see the Build Menu) as
37            "VisVile - Win32 Release".
38         4. Press F7 (which builds visvile.dll in the Release subdirectory).
39    2. Copy Release/visvile.dll to a directory location of your choice. It
40       may or may not be important for the destination directory to be a
41       member of your PATH. On a Win95 host, it is not.
42    3. On a WinNT host it may be necessary to formally register visvile.dll's
43       type information in the Win32 registry (on a Win95 host it is not).
44       Type registration is accomplished like so:
45         1. login to an account with Administrator rights,
46         2. open a dos box,
47         3. cd to the destination directory chosen in step 2 above,
48         4. execute this command:
50    regsvr32 visvile.dll
52    4. Almost done :-) . Invoke Developer Studio and incorporate visvile.dll
53       as an add-in using these steps:
54         1. Invoke the add-in dialog box via these menus:
56           Tools
57              Customize...
58                 Add-Ins and Macro Files
60         2. Click the Browse button and point Developer Studio at
61            visvile.dll .
62         3. Select visvile.dll (it will be registered as an add-in).
63         4. Close the Customize dialog box.
64    5. You should immediately notice a new VisVile Toolbar. Click the first
65       toolbar icon to configure VisVile (configuration options and toolbar
66       icons are discussed shortly).
68   That's it. Now, every time Developer Studio is invoked, visvile.dll is
69   automatically loaded as an add-in.
72Configuration Options
74   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
75   | Option Name            | Explanation                                   |
76   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
77   | Add-in enabled         | VisVile causes winvile to open any new or     |
78   |                        | existing _text_ document accessed by          |
79   |                        | DevStudio, provided that the default editor   |
80   |                        | doesn't already have that document open (see  |
81   |                        | next option).                                 |
82   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
83   | Close DevStudio copy   | VisVile closes DevStudio's copy of an open    |
84   | of text document       | text document after winvile has opened its    |
85   |                        | copy. This feature keeps DevStudio from       |
86   |                        | issuing a warning message each time a project |
87   |                        | file is modified by an external editor. If    |
88   |                        | unchecked, winvile and the DevStudio text     |
89   |                        | editor co-exist side by side. But see the     |
90   |                        | Caveats section below.                        |
91   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
92   | CWD set from opened    | Winvile's current working directory is set to |
93   | document's path        | match the path of any document opened by      |
94   |                        | VisVile.                                      |
95   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
96   | Write all modified     | VisVile forces winvile to flush all modified  |
97   | buffers to disk prior  | buffers to disk before a DevStudio build      |
98   | to build               | begins. Note that DevStudio (v5, at least)    |
99   |                        | decides which files must be compiled _prior_  |
100   |                        | to notifying VisVile of an imminent build.    |
101   |                        | This is arguably a DevStudio (v5) bug and it  |
102   |                        | does diminish the usefulness of this option.  |
103   |                        |                                               |
104   |                        | One workaround is to press the build          |
105   |                        | accelerator key (F7) twice for each build.    |
106   |                        | The first key press builds whatever files are |
107   |                        | out-of-date before modified winvile buffers   |
108   |                        | are written to disk. The second key press     |
109   |                        | forces DevStudio to re-examine its            |
110   |                        | dependencies and build everything affected by |
111   |                        | the last winvile buffer flush.                |
112   |                        |                                               |
113   |                        | Another workaround is to become accustomed to |
114   |                        | typing :ww within winvile prior to starting a |
115   |                        | DevStudio build.                              |
116   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
117   | Build log -> errbuf if | Assuming DevStudio has been configured to     |
118   | build reports          | create an error log (refer to the             |
119   | errs/warning           | Tools->Customize->Build dialog box), then     |
120   |                        | when the current DevStudio build reports      |
121   |                        | errors or warnings, VisVile causes winvile to |
122   |                        | use the build log as its error buffer. In     |
123   |                        | this configuration, the source code           |
124   |                        | associated with each error/warning message    |
125   |                        | may be directly accessed by simply typing     |
126   |                        | ^X-^X. For a complete description of ^X-^X,   |
127   |                        | browse vile's help and search for the string  |
128   |                        | "error finder".                               |
129   |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------|
130   | Redirect selected      | Winvile redirects keystrokes specified in the |
131   | Winvile keys to        | "redirect-keys" mode to DevStudio. This       |
132   | DevStudio              | option permits, for example, a single winvile |
133   |                        | keystroke to start a DevStudio build, execute |
134   |                        | the target application, or initiate           |
135   |                        | application debugging. More will be said      |
136   |                        | about this option near the end of this        |
137   |                        | document.                                     |
138   +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
141DevStudio Operations Affected By VisVile
143   When VisVile is enabled, any operation that causes DevStudio to open a
144   text file will instead/also cause winvile to open that file. Note too that
145   repeatedly pressing the F4 key within DevStudio following a failed build
146   causes winvile to be positioned at the source code line(s) triggering
147   error and/or warning messages. However, _each_ error or warning message
148   accessed via the F4 key requires a manual switch between winvile and
149   DevStudio. For that reason, the "Build log -> errbuf..." option is much
150   more convenient (no switching required).
153Toolbar Icons
155   The first icon, bound to command name "VisVileConfigCmd", configures
156   VisVile. The second and third icons provide shortcuts for enabling and
157   disabling VisVile. Note that it makes sense to disable VisVile before
158   debugging an application (otherwise, the debugger pops up winvile whenever
159   a breakpoint is taken). These icons are bound to command names
160   "VisVileEnableCmd" and "VisVileDisableCmd", respectively.
162   The fourth icon, bound to command name "VisVileOpenDocCmd", forces winvile
163   to unconditionally open the text document currently visible in the default
164   text editor. This icon is often useful when VisVile is disabled.
167Keyboard Shortcuts
169   Use this menu hierarchy:
171       Tools
172          Customize...
173             Keyboard (category Add-ins)
175   to assign DevStudio keyboard shortcuts to any of the command names
176   mentioned in the previous section of this document.
179Don't Forget These Details
181   + DevStudio sends VisVile a "document opened" event _only_ if the affected
182   document is not currently open in the default editor. Keep this fact in
183   mind when configuring the "Close DevStudio copy of text document" option.
184   This restriction does not apply to the fourth toolbar icon. + It makes
185   sense to disable VisVile before debugging an application (otherwise, the
186   debugger pops up winvile whenever a breakpoint is taken).
189Controlling DevStudio From Winvile
191   Initially, VisVile was created so that various DevStudio events caused
192   winvile to execute text editing commands on behalf of the IDE. In other
193   words, DevStudio controlled winvile. But given the rich interprocess
194   communication mechanisms available in the Win32 environment, it became
195   obvious that once DevStudio established an OLE connection with winvile,
196   the editor could turn the tables and manipulate its OLE client :-) .
198   To that end, when winvile is compiled as an OLE Automation server, a new
199   mode called "redirect-keys" is available. This mode specifies a list of
200   keystrokes that are to be redirected to DevStudio. The list must be in the
201   following format:
203         <keyspec>,...
205   where
207         <virt_key>:[<modifier>...]:[<action>...]
209   and
211   <virt_key> :== virtual keycode macro name Refer to the table near the end
212              sans "VK_".                    of this document for a list of
213                                             keycodes that may be redirected.
214   <modifier> :== S|C|A <--                  mnemonics for shift, control,
215                                             alt
216   <action>   :== <flush>|<switch>|<sync>
217   <Flush>    :== F <--                      flush all modified buffers to
218                                             disk prior to redirecting key
219   <Switch>   :== S <--                      switch focus to redirected
220                                             window prior to redirecting key
221   <sYnc>     :== Y <--                      synchronize current buffer (at
222                                             its current line) within the
223                                             DevStudio editor. Very useful
224                                             when setting breakpoints.
226   The default list looks like so:
228     F5::S,F10::S,F11::S,F7::F,F5:C:,F9::Y
230   which can be translated using this table:
232   KeyStoke Action        Standard DevStudio ShortCut Semantics
233   F5       Switch Focus  Run program under debugger
234   F10      Switch Focus  Step over
235   F11      Switch Focus  Step into
236   F7       Flush buffers Build application
237   Ctrl+F5  <none>        Execute application
238   F9       Sync buffer   Set/Remove breakpoint at DevStudio's current file
239                          location.
242Augmenting Winvile Control With DevStudio Macros
244   We're almost set. For example, we can now start the debugger from winvile
245   by simply pressing F5. Or, we might use winvile to position a source file
246   at a desired breakpoint location and then press F9 to actually set the
247   breakpoint in DevStudio's debugger. Neat. But wouldn't it be great if we
248   could disable VisVile before starting the debugger so that breakpoints
249   don't cause DevStudio to switch focus back to winvile? This is possible,
250   but requires an assist from a small macro (written in Visual Basic).
251   Included with the VisVile source distribution is a macro file called
252   VisVile.dsm that includes assists for the redirected F5, F7, F9, F10, and
253   F11 keys. The F5, F9, F10, and F11 macros simply disable VisVile prior to
254   executing DevStudio's DebugGo, DebugToggleBreakpoint, DebugStepOver, and
255   DebugStepInto commands, respectively. The F7 macro is a bit more
256   complicated, but each of its actions are documented. Notice that
257   VisVile.dsm doesn't include assist macros for Ctrl+F5, which makes sense,
258   because target application execution does not require disabling VisVile.
260   Our final configuration task, then, is to modify DevStudio so that it
261   executes Visvile.dsm's macros when the F5, F7, F9, F10, and F11 keys are
262   pressed. We want control flow established like so (using the F10 key as an
263   example):
265         Winvile User Presses F10
266                ||
267                \/
268         DevStudio Message Pump
269                ||
270                \/
271         Visvile.dsm's F10 Macro Executed
272                ||
273                \/
274         VisVile Disabled
275                ||
276                \/
277         DevStudio's DebugStepOver Command Executed
279   To achieve the desired objective, follow this recipe:
281    1. Navigate this menu hierarchy: Tools Customize... Add-ins and Macro
282       Files
283    2. Use the Browse button to find, open, and load visvile.dsm .
284    3. Now navigate using this menu hierarchy:
286       Tools
287          Customize...
288             Keyboard
289                 Category
290                     Macros
292    4. Next, use the "Commands" drop-down box to select the "F10" macro. In
293       the same dialog box context, use the "Editor" drop-down box to select
294       "Main" and then enter F10 (by pressing F10 on the keyboard) as the new
295       shortcut key. Be sure to click the Assign button or your actions will
296       be lost.
298       As a side effect of this sequence, the standard DevStudio F10 shortcut
299       (available from the Debug Menu) will be deleted. Finally, in the same
300       dialog box context, use the "Editor" drop-down box to select "Text"
301       and again enter F10 as a new shortcut key (and don't forget to click
302       the Assign button).
304   Repeat the last step for the F5, F7, F9, and F11 macros.
306   At this point it's probably a good idea to close DevStudio and re-invoke.
307   After checking to ensure that VisVile.dll and VisVile.dsm are still
308   installed as add-ins and also ensuring that your new shortcuts are in
309   place, test the winvile redirection feature as follows:
311    1. open a buildable project and enable Visvile.
312    2. configure VisVile so that the "Redirect selected Winvile keys to
313       DevStudio" option is checked.
314    3. perform some action that causes DevStudio to invoke winvile (for
315       example, double click on a filename in the file view pane).
316    4. with window focus directed to winvile, press F7. If the aforementioned
317       configuration is correct, DevStudio will begin building the selected
318       project.
320   If nothing happens when the F7 key is pressed, chances are good that
321   DevStudio was not configured to direct the F7 key to the F7 assist macro
322   for both the "Main" and "Text" editors.
325Uninstalling VisVile
327    1. Invoke Developer Studio, invoke the Add-Ins and Macro Files dialog
328       box, and uncheck "Winvile Developer Studio Add-In".
329    2. If it was necessary to register visvile.dll's type information, open a
330       dos box, cd to the destination directory chosen in installation step 2
331       above, and execute this command: regsvr32 -unregister visvile.dll .
334Redirectable Virtual Keycode Names (sans VK_ prefix)
336         BACK    /* backspace */
337         TAB
338         PAUSE
339         SPACE
340         PRIOR
341         NEXT
342         END
343         HOME
344         LEFT
345         UP
346         RIGHT
347         DOWN
348         SNAPSHOT  /* print screen */
349         INSERT
350         DELETE
351         0-9       /* taken from VK_0, VK_1, etc. */
352         A-Z       /* taken from VK_A, VK_B, etc. */
353         APPS      /* properties key  (Win95 kybd) */
354         MULTIPLY  /* keypad */
355         ADD       /* keypad */
356         SUBTRACT  /* keypad */
357         DECIMAL   /* keypad */
358         DIVIDE    /* keypad */
359         F1-F24    /* taken from VK_F1, VK_F2, etc. */
360         NUMLOCK
361         SCROLL
364Known Differences Between VisVile and VisVim
366   Unique to VisVile:
368     * Context-sensitive configuration dialog box.
369     * "Write all modified buffers to disk prior to build" option.
370     * "Build log -> errbuf if build reports errs/warnings" option.
371     * "Redirect selected Winvile keys to DevStudio" option.
372     * When winvile is in insert mode, visvile forces the editor to command
373       mode before sending command strings.
374     * Synchronization of winvile's current buffer with DevStudio's editor.
376   Unique to VisVim:
378     * "CWD set to opened document's parent directory" option
381Copyright And Acknowledgments
383   Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Clark Morgan
385   VisVile is based upon VisVim, written by Heiko Erhardt (Copyright (c) 1997
386   Heiko Erhardt). VisVim is based upon VisEmacs, written by Christopher
387   Payne (Copyright (c) Christopher Payne 1997).
389   VisVile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
390   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
391   Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
392   version.
394   VisVile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
395   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
396   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
397   details.
399-- (generated by make-hlp.pl from visvile.html(1.12))
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401-- $Id: visvile.doc,v 1.21 2020/01/18 01:58:44 tom Exp $