1 /** M6502: portable 6502 emulator ****************************/
2 /**                                                         **/
3 /**                         M6502.h                         **/
4 /**                                                         **/
5 /** This file contains declarations relevant to emulation   **/
6 /** of 6502 CPU.                                            **/
7 /**                                                         **/
8 /** Copyright (C) Marat Fayzullin 1996                      **/
9 /**               Alex Krasivsky  1996                      **/
10 /**     You are not allowed to distribute this software     **/
11 /**     commercially. Please, notify me, if you make any    **/
12 /**     changes to this file.                               **/
13 /*************************************************************/
14 #ifndef M6502_H
15 #define M6502_H
17 /*
18  * this file has been modified for use with the cal.
19  */
21 /* $Id: m6502.h,v 1.6 1999/11/21 04:39:22 nyef Exp $ */
23 #include "cal.h"
24 #include "mtypes.h"
26                                /* Compilation options:       */
27 /* #define FAST_RDOP */        /* Separate Op6502()/Rd6502() */
28 /* #define DEBUG */            /* Compile debugging version  */
29 /* #define LSB_FIRST */        /* Compile for low-endian CPU */
31                                /* Loop6502() returns:        */
32 #define INT_NONE  0xFFFF       /* No interrupt required      */
33 #define INT_IRQ	  0x0038       /* Standard IRQ interrupt     */
34 #define INT_NMI	  0x0066       /* Non-maskable interrupt     */
35 #define INT_QUIT  0xFFFE       /* Exit the emulation         */
37                                /* 6502 status flags:         */
38 #define	M6502_C_FLAG	  0x01         /* 1: Carry occured           */
39 #define	M6502_Z_FLAG	  0x02         /* 1: Result is zero          */
40 #define	M6502_I_FLAG	  0x04         /* 1: Interrupts disabled     */
41 #define	M6502_D_FLAG	  0x08         /* 1: Decimal mode            */
42 #define	M6502_B_FLAG	  0x10         /* Break [0 on stk after int] */
43 #define	M6502_R_FLAG	  0x20         /* Always 1                   */
44 #define	M6502_V_FLAG	  0x40         /* 1: Overflow occured        */
45 #define	M6502_N_FLAG	  0x80         /* 1: Result is negative      */
47 /** Simple Datatypes *****************************************/
48 /** NOTICE: sizeof(byte)=1 and sizeof(word)=2               **/
49 /*************************************************************/
50 /* typedef unsigned char byte; */
51 /* typedef unsigned short word; */
52 /* typedef signed char offset; */
54 /** Structured Datatypes *************************************/
55 /** NOTICE: #define LSB_FIRST for machines where least      **/
56 /**         signifcant byte goes first.                     **/
57 /*************************************************************/
58 /* typedef union */
59 /* { */
60 /*   word W; */
61 /* #ifdef LSB_FIRST */
62 /*   struct { byte l,h; } B; */
63 /* #else */
64 /*   struct { byte h,l; } B; */
65 /* #endif */
66 /* } pair; */
68 typedef struct M6502
69 {
70   byte A,P,X,Y,S;     /* CPU registers and program counter   */
71   pair PC;
73   int IPeriod,ICount; /* Set IPeriod to number of CPU cycles */
74                       /* between calls to Loop6502()         */
75   word IRequest;      /* Set to the INT_IRQ when pending IRQ */
76   byte AfterCLI;      /* Private, don't touch                */
77   int IBackup;        /* Private, don't touch                */
78   cal_cpu User;       /* Arbitrary user data (ID,RAM*,etc.)  */
79   byte TrapBadOps;    /* Set to 1 to warn of illegal opcodes */
80   word Trap;          /* Set Trap to address to trace from   */
81   byte Trace;         /* Set Trace=1 to start tracing        */
82     byte memshift;
83     word memmask;
84     memread8_t *readtable;
85     memwrite8_t *writetable;
86     ranged_mmu *mmu;
87     unsigned char *cur_ip;
88     unsigned short ip_left;
89 } M6502;
91 /** Reset6502() **********************************************/
92 /** This function can be used to reset the registers before **/
93 /** starting execution with Run6502(). It sets registers to **/
94 /** their initial values.                                   **/
95 /*************************************************************/
96 void Reset6502(register M6502 *R);
98 /** Int6502() ************************************************/
99 /** This function will generate interrupt of a given type.  **/
100 /** INT_NMI will cause a non-maskable interrupt. INT_IRQ    **/
101 /** will cause a normal interrupt, unless M6502_I_FLAG set in R.  **/
102 /*************************************************************/
103 void Int6502(register M6502 *R,register word Type);
105 /** Run6502() ************************************************/
106 /** This function will run 6502 code until Loop6502() call  **/
107 /** returns INT_QUIT. It will return the PC at which        **/
108 /** emulation stopped, and current register values in R.    **/
109 /*************************************************************/
110 word Run6502(register M6502 *R);
112 /** Debug6502() **********************************************/
113 /** This function should exist if DEBUG is #defined. When   **/
114 /** Trace!=0, it is called after each command executed by   **/
115 /** the CPU, and given the 6502 registers. Emulation exits  **/
116 /** if Debug6502() returns 0.                               **/
117 /*************************************************************/
118 byte Debug6502(register M6502 *R);
120 /** Loop6502() ***********************************************/
121 /** 6502 emulation calls this function periodically to      **/
122 /** check if the system hardware requires any interrupts.   **/
123 /** This function must return one of following values:      **/
124 /** INT_NONE, INT_IRQ, INT_NMI, or INT_QUIT to exit the     **/
125 /** emulation loop.                                         **/
126 /************************************ TO BE WRITTEN BY USER **/
127 byte Loop6502(register M6502 *R);
129 #endif /* M6502_H */
131 /*
132  * $Log: m6502.h,v $
133  * Revision 1.6  1999/11/21 04:39:22  nyef
134  * added preliminary implementation of ranged mmu
135  *
136  * Revision 1.5  1999/08/07 16:19:25  nyef
137  * removed definition of LSB_FIRST
138  *
139  * Revision 1.4  1999/04/17 20:07:58  nyef
140  * fixed for new version of the CAL.
141  *
142  * Revision 1.3  1999/01/03 02:24:33  nyef
143  * modified interrupt handling to not conflict with mz80.
144  * moved type definitions out to mtypes.h.
145  *
146  * Revision 1.2  1998/12/22 04:56:55  nyef
147  * changed x_FLAG to M6502_x_FLAG.
148  *
149  * Revision 1.1  1998/12/16 03:50:26  nyef
150  * Initial revision
151  *
152  */