1 /*
2 * UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
3 *
4 * Infix->RPN conversion and calculation
5 *
6 */
9 /*
11  Original code from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting_yard_algorithm
13 */
15 #define CALC_DEBUG 0
18 #define calc_log(x) do { write_log x; } while(0)
19 #else
20 #define calc_log(x)
21 #endif
23 #include "sysconfig.h"
24 #include "sysdeps.h"
26 #include "calc.h"
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <stdio.h>
31 #define STACK_SIZE 32
32 #define MAX_VALUES 32
33 #define IOBUFFERS 256
35 static double parsedvalues[MAX_VALUES];
37 // operators
38 // precedence   operators       associativity
39 // 1            !               right to left
40 // 2            * / %           left to right
41 // 3            + -             left to right
42 // 4            =               right to left
op_preced(const TCHAR c)43 static int op_preced(const TCHAR c)
44 {
45     switch(c)    {
46         case '!':
47             return 4;
48 		case '*':  case '/': case '\\': case '%':
49             return 3;
50         case '+': case '-':
51             return 2;
52         case '=':
53             return 1;
54     }
55     return 0;
56 }
op_left_assoc(const TCHAR c)58 static bool op_left_assoc(const TCHAR c)
59 {
60     switch(c)    {
61         // left to right
62         case '*': case '/': case '%': case '+': case '-':
63             return true;
64         // right to left
65         case '=': case '!':
66             return false;
67     }
68     return false;
69 }
op_arg_count(const TCHAR c)71 static unsigned int op_arg_count(const TCHAR c)
72 {
73     switch(c)  {
74         case '*': case '/': case '%': case '+': case '-': case '=':
75             return 2;
76         case '!':
77             return 1;
78         default:
79             return c - 'A';
80     }
81     return 0;
82 }
84 #define is_operator(c)  (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '*' || c == '!' || c == '%' || c == '=')
85 #define is_function(c)  (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
86 #define is_ident(c)     ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))
shunting_yard(const TCHAR * input,TCHAR * output)88 static bool shunting_yard(const TCHAR *input, TCHAR *output)
89 {
90     const TCHAR *strpos = input, *strend = input + _tcslen(input);
91     TCHAR c, *outpos = output;
93     TCHAR stack[STACK_SIZE];       // operator stack
94     unsigned int sl = 0;  // stack length
95     TCHAR    sc;          // used for record stack element
97     while(strpos < strend)   {
98 		if (sl >= STACK_SIZE)
99 			return false;
101 		// read one token from the input stream
102         c = *strpos;
103         if(c != ' ')    {
104             // If the token is a number (identifier), then add it to the output queue.
105             if(is_ident(c))  {
106                 *outpos = c; ++outpos;
107             }
108             // If the token is a function token, then push it onto the stack.
109             else if(is_function(c))   {
110                 stack[sl] = c;
111                 ++sl;
112             }
113             // If the token is a function argument separator (e.g., a comma):
114             else if(c == ',')   {
115                 bool pe = false;
116                 while(sl > 0)   {
117                     sc = stack[sl - 1];
118                     if(sc == '(')  {
119                         pe = true;
120                         break;
121                     }
122                     else  {
123                         // Until the token at the top of the stack is a left parenthesis,
124                         // pop operators off the stack onto the output queue.
125                         *outpos = sc;
126                         ++outpos;
127                         sl--;
128                     }
129                 }
130                 // If no left parentheses are encountered, either the separator was misplaced
131                 // or parentheses were mismatched.
132                 if(!pe)   {
133                     calc_log ((_T("Error: separator or parentheses mismatched\n")));
134                     return false;
135                 }
136             }
137             // If the token is an operator, op1, then:
138             else if(is_operator(c))  {
139                 while(sl > 0)    {
140                     sc = stack[sl - 1];
141                     // While there is an operator token, o2, at the top of the stack
142                     // op1 is left-associative and its precedence is less than or equal to that of op2,
143                     // or op1 is right-associative and its precedence is less than that of op2,
144                     if(is_operator(sc) &&
145                         ((op_left_assoc(c) && (op_preced(c) <= op_preced(sc))) ||
146                            (!op_left_assoc(c) && (op_preced(c) < op_preced(sc)))))   {
147                         // Pop o2 off the stack, onto the output queue;
148                         *outpos = sc;
149                         ++outpos;
150                         sl--;
151                     }
152                     else   {
153                         break;
154                     }
155                 }
156                 // push op1 onto the stack.
157                 stack[sl] = c;
158                 ++sl;
159             }
160             // If the token is a left parenthesis, then push it onto the stack.
161             else if(c == '(')   {
162                 stack[sl] = c;
163                 ++sl;
164             }
165             // If the token is a right parenthesis:
166             else if(c == ')')    {
167                 bool pe = false;
168                 // Until the token at the top of the stack is a left parenthesis,
169                 // pop operators off the stack onto the output queue
170                 while(sl > 0)     {
171                     sc = stack[sl - 1];
172                     if(sc == '(')    {
173                         pe = true;
174                         break;
175                     }
176                     else  {
177                         *outpos = sc;
178                         ++outpos;
179                         sl--;
180                     }
181                 }
182                 // If the stack runs out without finding a left parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses.
183                 if(!pe)  {
184                     calc_log ((_T("Error: parentheses mismatched\n")));
185                     return false;
186                 }
187                 // Pop the left parenthesis from the stack, but not onto the output queue.
188                 sl--;
189                 // If the token at the top of the stack is a function token, pop it onto the output queue.
190                 if(sl > 0)   {
191                     sc = stack[sl - 1];
192                     if(is_function(sc))   {
193                         *outpos = sc;
194                         ++outpos;
195                         sl--;
196                     }
197                 }
198             }
199             else  {
200                 calc_log ((_T("Unknown token %c\n"), c));
201                 return false; // Unknown token
202             }
203         }
204         ++strpos;
205     }
206     // When there are no more tokens to read:
207     // While there are still operator tokens in the stack:
208     while(sl > 0)  {
209         sc = stack[sl - 1];
210         if(sc == '(' || sc == ')')   {
211             printf("Error: parentheses mismatched\n");
212             return false;
213         }
214         *outpos = sc;
215         ++outpos;
216         --sl;
217     }
218     *outpos = 0; // Null terminator
219     return true;
220 }
223 struct calcstack
224 {
225 	TCHAR *s;
226 	double val;
227 };
docalcx(TCHAR op,double v1,double v2)229 static double docalcx(TCHAR op, double v1, double v2)
230 {
231 	switch (op)
232 	{
233 		case '-':
234 		return v1 - v2;
235 		case '+':
236 		return v1 + v2;
237 		case '*':
238 		return v1 * v2;
239 		case '/':
240 		return v1 / v2;
241 		case '\\':
242 		return (int)v1 % (int)v2;
244 	}
245 	return 0;
246 }
stacktoval(struct calcstack * st)248 static double stacktoval(struct calcstack *st)
249 {
250 	if (st->s) {
251 		if (_tcslen(st->s) == 1 && st->s[0] >= 'a' && st->s[0] <= 'z')
252 			return parsedvalues[st->s[0] - 'a'];
253 		return _tstof (st->s);
254 	} else {
255 		return st->val;
256 	}
257 }
docalc2(TCHAR op,struct calcstack * sv1,struct calcstack * sv2)259 static double docalc2(TCHAR op, struct calcstack *sv1, struct calcstack *sv2)
260 {
261 	double v1, v2;
263 	v1 = stacktoval(sv1);
264 	v2 = stacktoval(sv2);
265 	return docalcx (op, v1, v2);
266 }
docalc1(TCHAR op,struct calcstack * sv1,double v2)267 static double docalc1(TCHAR op, struct calcstack *sv1, double v2)
268 {
269 	double v1;
271 	v1 = stacktoval(sv1);
272 	return docalcx (op, v1, v2);
273 }
275 #if CALC_DEBUG
stacktostr(struct calcstack * st)276 static TCHAR *stacktostr(struct calcstack *st)
277 {
278 	static TCHAR out[256];
279 	if (st->s)
280 		return st->s;
281 	_stprintf(out, _T("%f"), st->val);
282 	return out;
283 }
284 #endif
chartostack(TCHAR c)286 static TCHAR *chartostack(TCHAR c)
287 {
288 	TCHAR *s = xmalloc (TCHAR, 2);
289 	s[0] = c;
290 	s[1] = 0;
291 	return s;
292 }
execution_order(const TCHAR * input,double * outval)294 static bool execution_order(const TCHAR *input, double *outval)
295 {
296     const TCHAR *strpos = input, *strend = input + _tcslen(input);
297     TCHAR c, res[4];
298     unsigned int sl = 0, rn = 0;
299 	struct calcstack stack[STACK_SIZE] = { { 0 } }, *sc, *sc2;
300 	double val = 0;
301 	int i;
302 	bool ok = false;
304 	// While there are input tokens left
305     while(strpos < strend)  {
307 		if (sl >= STACK_SIZE)
308 			return false;
310                // Read the next token from input.
311 		c = *strpos;
312                 // If the token is a value or identifier
313         if(is_ident(c))    {
314                         // Push it onto the stack.
315 			stack[sl].s = chartostack (c);
316             ++sl;
317         }
318                 // Otherwise, the token is an operator  (operator here includes both operators, and functions).
319         else if(is_operator(c) || is_function(c))    {
320                         _stprintf(res, _T("_%02d"), rn);
321                         calc_log ((_T("%s = "), res));
322                         ++rn;
323                         // It is known a priori that the operator takes n arguments.
324                         unsigned int nargs = op_arg_count(c);
325                         // If there are fewer than n values on the stack
326                         if(sl < nargs) {
327                                 // (Error) The user has not input sufficient values in the expression.
328                                 return false;
329                         }
330                         // Else, Pop the top n values from the stack.
331                         // Evaluate the operator, with the values as arguments.
332                         if(is_function(c)) {
333                                 calc_log ((_T("%c("), c));
334                                 while(nargs > 0){
335                                         sc = &stack[sl - nargs]; // to remove reverse order of arguments
336                                         if(nargs > 1)   {
337                                                 calc_log ((_T("%s, "), sc));
338                                         }
339                                         else {
340                                                 calc_log ((_T("%s)\n"), sc));
341                                         }
342                                         --nargs;
343                                 }
344                                 sl-=op_arg_count(c);
345                         }
346                         else   {
347                                 if(nargs == 1) {
348                                         sc = &stack[sl - 1];
349                                         sl--;
350 										val = docalc1 (c, sc, val);
351 										calc_log ((_T("%c %s = %f;\n"), c, stacktostr(sc), val));
352                                }
353                                 else   {
354                                         sc = &stack[sl - 2];
355                                         calc_log ((_T("%s %c "), stacktostr(sc), c));
356                                         sc2 = &stack[sl - 1];
357 										val = docalc2 (c, sc, sc2);
358                                          sl--;sl--;
359                                         calc_log ((_T("%s = %f;\n"), stacktostr(sc2), val));
360                                }
361                         }
362                         // Push the returned results, if any, back onto the stack.
363 						stack[sl].val = val;
364 						stack[sl].s = NULL;
365             ++sl;
366         }
367         ++strpos;
368     }
369         // If there is only one value in the stack
370         // That value is the result of the calculation.
371         if(sl == 1) {
372                 sc = &stack[sl - 1];
373                 sl--;
374 				calc_log ((_T("result = %f\n"), val));
375 				if (outval)
376 					*outval = val;
377 				ok = true;
378 		}
379 		for (i = 0; i < STACK_SIZE; i++)
380 			xfree (stack[i].s);
382 		// If there are more values in the stack
383         // (Error) The user input has too many values.
385 		return ok;
386 }
is_separator(TCHAR c)388 static bool is_separator(TCHAR c)
389 {
390 	if (is_operator(c))
391 		return true;
392 	return c == 0 || c == ')' || c == ' ';
393 }
parse_values(const TCHAR * ins,TCHAR * out)395 static bool parse_values(const TCHAR *ins, TCHAR *out)
396 {
397 	int ident = 0;
398 	TCHAR tmp;
399 	TCHAR inbuf[IOBUFFERS];
400 	int op;
402 	_tcscpy (inbuf, ins);
403 	TCHAR *in = inbuf;
404 	TCHAR *p = out;
405 	op = 0;
406 	if (in[0] == '-' || in[0] == '+') {
407 		*p++ = '0';
408 	}
409 	while (*in) {
410 		TCHAR *instart = in;
411 		if (!_tcsncmp(in, _T("true"), 4) && is_separator(in[4])) {
412 			in[0] = '1';
413 			in[1] = ' ';
414 			in[2] = ' ';
415 			in[3] = ' ';
416 		} else if (!_tcsncmp(in, _T("false"), 5) && is_separator(in[5])) {
417 			in[0] = '0';
418 			in[1] = ' ';
419 			in[2] = ' ';
420 			in[3] = ' ';
421 			in[4] = ' ';
422 		}
423 		if (_istdigit (*in)) {
424 			if (ident >= MAX_VALUES)
425 				return false;
426 			if (op > 1 && (in[-1] == '-' || in[-1] == '+')) {
427 				instart--;
428 				p--;
429 			}
430 			*p++ = ident + 'a';
431 			while (_istdigit (*in) || *in == '.')
432 				in++;
433 			tmp = *in;
434 			*in = 0;
435 			parsedvalues[ident++] = _tstof (instart);
436 			*in = tmp;
437 			op = 0;
438 		} else {
439 			if (is_operator(*in))
440 				op++;
441 			*p++ = *in++;
442 		}
443 	}
444 	*p = 0;
445 	return true;
446 }
calc(const TCHAR * input,double * outval)448 bool calc(const TCHAR *input, double *outval)
449 {
450     TCHAR output[IOBUFFERS], output2[IOBUFFERS];
451     calc_log ((_T("IN: '%s'\n"), input));
452 	if (parse_values(input, output2)) {
453 		if(shunting_yard(output2, output))    {
454 			calc_log ((_T("RPN OUT: %s\n"), output));
455 			if(!execution_order(output, outval)) {
456 				calc_log ((_T("PARSE ERROR!\n")));
457 			} else {
458 				return true;
459 			}
460 		}
461     }
462     return false;
463 }
iscalcformula(const TCHAR * formula)465 bool iscalcformula (const TCHAR *formula)
466 {
467 	for (int i = 0; i < _tcslen (formula); i++) {
468 		TCHAR c = formula[i];
469 		if (is_operator (c))
470 			return true;
471 	}
472 	return false;
473 }