1 // license:GPL-2.0+
2 // copyright-holders:Jarek Burczynski,Ernesto Corvi
3 /*
4 ** File: ym2151.h - header file for software implementation of YM2151
5 **                                            FM Operator Type-M(OPM)
6 **
7 ** (c) 1997-2002 Jarek Burczynski (s0246@poczta.onet.pl, bujar@mame.net)
8 ** Some of the optimizing ideas by Tatsuyuki Satoh
9 **
10 ** Version 2.150 final beta May, 11th 2002
11 **
12 **
13 ** I would like to thank following people for making this project possible:
14 **
15 ** Beauty Planets - for making a lot of real YM2151 samples and providing
16 ** additional informations about the chip. Also for the time spent making
17 ** the samples and the speed of replying to my endless requests.
18 **
19 ** Shigeharu Isoda - for general help, for taking time to scan his YM2151
20 ** Japanese Manual first of all, and answering MANY of my questions.
21 **
22 ** Nao - for giving me some info about YM2151 and pointing me to Shigeharu.
23 ** Also for creating fmemu (which I still use to test the emulator).
24 **
25 ** Aaron Giles and Chris Hardy - they made some samples of one of my favourite
26 ** arcade games so I could compare it to my emulator.
27 **
28 ** Bryan McPhail and Tim (powerjaw) - for making some samples.
29 **
30 ** Ishmair - for the datasheet and motivation.
31 */
33 #ifndef MAME_SOUND_YM2151_H
34 #define MAME_SOUND_YM2151_H
36 #pragma once
39 //**************************************************************************
41 //**************************************************************************
44 // ======================> ym2151_device
46 class ym2151_device :   public device_t,
47 						public device_sound_interface
48 {
49 public:
50 	// construction/destruction
51 	ym2151_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock);
53 	// configuration helpers
irq_handler()54 	auto irq_handler() { return m_irqhandler.bind(); }
port_write_handler()55 	auto port_write_handler() { return m_portwritehandler.bind(); }
57 	// read/write
58 	u8 read(offs_t offset);
59 	void write(offs_t offset, u8 data);
61 	u8 status_r();
62 	void register_w(u8 data);
63 	void data_w(u8 data);
67 protected:
68 	// device-level overrides
69 	ym2151_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock);
71 	virtual void device_start() override;
72 	virtual void device_reset() override;
73 	virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) override;
74 	virtual void device_post_load() override;
75 	virtual void device_clock_changed() override;
77 	// sound stream update overrides
78 	virtual void sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, std::vector<read_stream_view> const &inputs, std::vector<write_stream_view> &outputs) override;
80 	virtual void calculate_timers();
81 	virtual void write_reg(int r, int v);
83 private:
84 	enum {
87 		TIMER_A,
88 		TIMER_B
89 	};
91 	enum {
92 		RATE_STEPS = 8,
93 		TL_RES_LEN = 256, /* 8 bits addressing (real chip) */
95 		/*  TL_TAB_LEN is calculated as:
96 		 *   13 - sinus amplitude bits     (Y axis)
97 		 *   2  - sinus sign bit           (Y axis)
98 		 *   TL_RES_LEN - sinus resolution (X axis)
99 		 */
100 		TL_TAB_LEN = 13*2*TL_RES_LEN,
102 		SIN_BITS = 10,
103 		SIN_LEN = 1 << SIN_BITS,
104 		SIN_MASK = SIN_LEN - 1
105 	};
107 	int tl_tab[TL_TAB_LEN];
108 	unsigned int sin_tab[SIN_LEN];
109 	uint32_t d1l_tab[16];
111 	static const uint8_t eg_inc[19*RATE_STEPS];
112 	static const uint8_t eg_rate_select[32+64+32];
113 	static const uint8_t eg_rate_shift[32+64+32];
114 	static const uint32_t dt2_tab[4];
115 	static const uint8_t dt1_tab[4*32];
116 	static const uint16_t phaseinc_rom[768];
117 	static const uint8_t lfo_noise_waveform[256];
119 	/* struct describing a single operator */
120 	struct YM2151Operator
121 	{
122 		uint32_t      phase;                  /* accumulated operator phase */
123 		uint32_t      freq;                   /* operator frequency count */
124 		int32_t       dt1;                    /* current DT1 (detune 1 phase inc/decrement) value */
125 		uint32_t      mul;                    /* frequency count multiply */
126 		uint32_t      dt1_i;                  /* DT1 index * 32 */
127 		uint32_t      dt2;                    /* current DT2 (detune 2) value */
129 		signed int *connect;                /* operator output 'direction' */
131 		/* only M1 (operator 0) is filled with this data: */
132 		signed int *mem_connect;            /* where to put the delayed sample (MEM) */
133 		int32_t       mem_value;              /* delayed sample (MEM) value */
135 		/* channel specific data; note: each operator number 0 contains channel specific data */
136 		uint32_t      fb_shift;               /* feedback shift value for operators 0 in each channel */
137 		int32_t       fb_out_curr;            /* operator feedback value (used only by operators 0) */
138 		int32_t       fb_out_prev;            /* previous feedback value (used only by operators 0) */
139 		uint32_t      kc;                     /* channel KC (copied to all operators) */
140 		uint32_t      kc_i;                   /* just for speedup */
141 		uint32_t      pms;                    /* channel PMS */
142 		uint32_t      ams;                    /* channel AMS */
143 		/* end of channel specific data */
145 		uint32_t      AMmask;                 /* LFO Amplitude Modulation enable mask */
146 		uint32_t      state;                  /* Envelope state: 4-attack(AR) 3-decay(D1R) 2-sustain(D2R) 1-release(RR) 0-off */
147 		uint8_t       eg_sh_ar;               /*  (attack state) */
148 		uint8_t       eg_sel_ar;              /*  (attack state) */
149 		uint32_t      tl;                     /* Total attenuation Level */
150 		int32_t       volume;                 /* current envelope attenuation level */
151 		uint8_t       eg_sh_d1r;              /*  (decay state) */
152 		uint8_t       eg_sel_d1r;             /*  (decay state) */
153 		uint32_t      d1l;                    /* envelope switches to sustain state after reaching this level */
154 		uint8_t       eg_sh_d2r;              /*  (sustain state) */
155 		uint8_t       eg_sel_d2r;             /*  (sustain state) */
156 		uint8_t       eg_sh_rr;               /*  (release state) */
157 		uint8_t       eg_sel_rr;              /*  (release state) */
159 		uint32_t      key;                    /* 0=last key was KEY OFF, 1=last key was KEY ON */
161 		uint32_t      ks;                     /* key scale    */
162 		uint32_t      ar;                     /* attack rate  */
163 		uint32_t      d1r;                    /* decay rate   */
164 		uint32_t      d2r;                    /* sustain rate */
165 		uint32_t      rr;                     /* release rate */
167 		uint32_t      reserved0;              /**/
168 		uint32_t      reserved1;              /**/
170 		void key_on(uint32_t key_set, uint32_t eg_cnt);
171 		void key_off(uint32_t key_set);
172 	};
174 	signed int chanout[8];
175 	signed int m2,c1,c2; /* Phase Modulation input for operators 2,3,4 */
176 	signed int mem;     /* one sample delay memory */
178 	YM2151Operator  oper[32];           /* the 32 operators */
180 	uint32_t      pan[16];                /* channels output masks (0xffffffff = enable) */
182 	uint32_t      eg_cnt;                 /* global envelope generator counter */
183 	uint32_t      eg_timer;               /* global envelope generator counter works at frequency = chipclock/64/3 */
184 	uint32_t      eg_timer_add;           /* step of eg_timer */
185 	uint32_t      eg_timer_overflow;      /* envelope generator timer overflows every 3 samples (on real chip) */
187 	uint32_t      lfo_phase;              /* accumulated LFO phase (0 to 255) */
188 	uint32_t      lfo_timer;              /* LFO timer                        */
189 	uint32_t      lfo_timer_add;          /* step of lfo_timer                */
190 	uint32_t      lfo_overflow;           /* LFO generates new output when lfo_timer reaches this value */
191 	uint32_t      lfo_counter;            /* LFO phase increment counter      */
192 	uint32_t      lfo_counter_add;        /* step of lfo_counter              */
193 	uint8_t       lfo_wsel;               /* LFO waveform (0-saw, 1-square, 2-triangle, 3-random noise) */
194 	uint8_t       amd;                    /* LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth   */
195 	int8_t        pmd;                    /* LFO Phase Modulation Depth       */
196 	uint32_t      lfa;                    /* LFO current AM output            */
197 	int32_t       lfp;                    /* LFO current PM output            */
199 	uint8_t       test;                   /* TEST register */
200 	uint8_t       ct;                     /* output control pins (bit1-CT2, bit0-CT1) */
202 	uint32_t      noise;                  /* noise enable/period register (bit 7 - noise enable, bits 4-0 - noise period */
203 	uint32_t      noise_rng;              /* 17 bit noise shift register */
204 	uint32_t      noise_p;                /* current noise 'phase'*/
205 	uint32_t      noise_f;                /* current noise period */
207 	uint32_t      csm_req;                /* CSM  KEY ON / KEY OFF sequence request */
209 	uint32_t      irq_enable;             /* IRQ enable for timer B (bit 3) and timer A (bit 2); bit 7 - CSM mode (keyon to all slots, everytime timer A overflows) */
210 	uint32_t      status;                 /* chip status (BUSY, IRQ Flags) */
211 	uint8_t       connect[8];             /* channels connections */
213 	emu_timer   *timer_A, *timer_A_irq_off;
214 	emu_timer   *timer_B, *timer_B_irq_off;
216 protected:
217 	attotime    timer_A_time[1024];     /* timer A times for MAME */
218 	attotime    timer_B_time[256];      /* timer B times for MAME */
220 private:
221 	int         irqlinestate;
223 	uint32_t      timer_A_index;          /* timer A index */
224 	uint32_t      timer_B_index;          /* timer B index */
225 	uint32_t      timer_A_index_old;      /* timer A previous index */
226 	uint32_t      timer_B_index_old;      /* timer B previous index */
228 	/*  Frequency-deltas to get the closest frequency possible.
229 	*   There are 11 octaves because of DT2 (max 950 cents over base frequency)
230 	*   and LFO phase modulation (max 800 cents below AND over base frequency)
231 	*   Summary:   octave  explanation
232 	*              0       note code - LFO PM
233 	*              1       note code
234 	*              2       note code
235 	*              3       note code
236 	*              4       note code
237 	*              5       note code
238 	*              6       note code
239 	*              7       note code
240 	*              8       note code
241 	*              9       note code + DT2 + LFO PM
242 	*              10      note code + DT2 + LFO PM
243 	*/
244 	uint32_t      freq[11*768];           /* 11 octaves, 768 'cents' per octave */
246 	/*  Frequency deltas for DT1. These deltas alter operator frequency
247 	*   after it has been taken from frequency-deltas table.
248 	*/
249 	int32_t       dt1_freq[8*32];         /* 8 DT1 levels, 32 KC values */
251 	// internal state
252 	sound_stream *         m_stream;
253 	uint8_t                  m_lastreg;
254 	devcb_write_line       m_irqhandler;
255 	devcb_write8           m_portwritehandler;
256 	bool                   m_reset_active;
258 	void init_tables();
259 	void envelope_KONKOFF(YM2151Operator * op, int v);
260 	void set_connect(YM2151Operator *om1, int cha, int v);
261 	void advance();
262 	void advance_eg();
263 	void chan_calc(unsigned int chan);
264 	void chan7_calc();
265 	int op_calc(YM2151Operator * OP, unsigned int env, signed int pm);
266 	int op_calc1(YM2151Operator * OP, unsigned int env, signed int pm);
267 	void refresh_EG(YM2151Operator * op);
268 };
270 // ======================> ym2164_device
272 class ym2164_device : public ym2151_device
273 {
274 public:
275 	// construction/destruction
276 	ym2164_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock);
278 protected:
279 	virtual void calculate_timers() override;
280 	virtual void write_reg(int r, int v) override;
281 };
283 // ======================> ym2414_device
285 class ym2414_device : public ym2151_device
286 {
287 public:
288 	// construction/destruction
289 	ym2414_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock);
290 };
292 // device type definition
293 DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(YM2151, ym2151_device)
294 DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(YM2164, ym2164_device)
295 DECLARE_DEVICE_TYPE(YM2414, ym2414_device)
298 #endif // MAME_SOUND_YM2151_H