1 /** @file
2   AsmEnablePaging32 function
4   Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 **/
9 #include "BaseLibInternals.h"
11 /**
12   Enables the 32-bit paging mode on the CPU.
14   Enables the 32-bit paging mode on the CPU. CR0, CR3, CR4, and the page tables
15   must be properly initialized prior to calling this service. This function
16   assumes the current execution mode is 32-bit protected mode. This function is
17   only available on IA-32. After the 32-bit paging mode is enabled, control is
18   transferred to the function specified by EntryPoint using the new stack
19   specified by NewStack and passing in the parameters specified by Context1 and
20   Context2. Context1 and Context2 are optional and may be NULL. The function
21   EntryPoint must never return.
23   There are a number of constraints that must be followed before calling this
24   function:
25   1)  Interrupts must be disabled.
26   2)  The caller must be in 32-bit protected mode with flat descriptors. This
27       means all descriptors must have a base of 0 and a limit of 4GB.
28   3)  CR0 and CR4 must be compatible with 32-bit protected mode with flat
29       descriptors.
30   4)  CR3 must point to valid page tables that will be used once the transition
31       is complete, and those page tables must guarantee that the pages for this
32       function and the stack are identity mapped.
34   @param  EntryPoint  A pointer to function to call with the new stack after
35                       paging is enabled.
36   @param  Context1    A pointer to the context to pass into the EntryPoint
37                       function as the first parameter after paging is enabled.
38   @param  Context2    A pointer to the context to pass into the EntryPoint
39                       function as the second parameter after paging is enabled.
40   @param  NewStack    A pointer to the new stack to use for the EntryPoint
41                       function after paging is enabled.
43 **/
44 __declspec (naked)
InternalX86EnablePaging32(IN SWITCH_STACK_ENTRY_POINT EntryPoint,IN VOID * Context1,OPTIONAL IN VOID * Context2,OPTIONAL IN VOID * NewStack)47 InternalX86EnablePaging32 (
48   IN      SWITCH_STACK_ENTRY_POINT  EntryPoint,
49   IN      VOID                      *Context1,    OPTIONAL
50   IN      VOID                      *Context2,    OPTIONAL
51   IN      VOID                      *NewStack
52   )
53 {
54   _asm {
55     push    ebp
56     mov     ebp, esp
57     mov     ebx, EntryPoint
58     mov     ecx, Context1
59     mov     edx, Context2
60     pushfd
61     pop     edi
62     cli
63     mov     eax, cr0
64     bts     eax, 31
65     mov     esp, NewStack
66     mov     cr0, eax
67     push    edi
68     popfd
69     push    edx
70     push    ecx
71     call    ebx
72     jmp     $
73   }
74 }