1 /** @file
2   EFI FTPv4 (File Transfer Protocol version 4) Protocol Definition
3   The EFI FTPv4 Protocol is used to locate communication devices that are
4   supported by an EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver and to create and destroy instances
5   of the EFI FTPv4 Protocol child protocol driver that can use the underlying
6   communication device.
7   The definitions in this file are defined in UEFI Specification 2.3, which have
8   not been verified by one implementation yet.
10   Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
11   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
13   @par Revision Reference:
14   This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.2
16 **/
18 #ifndef __EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL_H__
19 #define __EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL_H__
23   { \
24     0xfaaecb1, 0x226e, 0x4782, {0xaa, 0xce, 0x7d, 0xb9, 0xbc, 0xbf, 0x4d, 0xaf } \
25   }
28   { \
29     0xeb338826, 0x681b, 0x4295, {0xb3, 0x56, 0x2b, 0x36, 0x4c, 0x75, 0x7b, 0x9 } \
30   }
34 ///
36 ///
37 typedef struct {
38   ///
39   /// The Event to signal after the connection is established and Status field is updated
40   /// by the EFI FTP v4 Protocol driver. The type of Event must be
41   /// EVENT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, and its Task Priority Level (TPL) must be lower than or
42   /// equal to TPL_CALLBACK. If it is set to NULL, this function will not return  until the
43   /// function completes.
44   ///
45   EFI_EVENT                            Event;
46   ///
47   /// The variable to receive the result of the completed operation.
48   /// EFI_SUCCESS:              The FTP connection is established successfully
49   /// EFI_ACCESS_DENIED:        The FTP server denied the access the user's request to access it.
50   /// EFI_CONNECTION_RESET:     The connect fails because the connection is reset either by instance
51   ///                           itself or communication peer.
52   /// EFI_TIMEOUT:              The connection establishment timer expired and no more specific
53   ///                           information is available.
54   /// EFI_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:  The active open fails because an ICMP network unreachable error is
55   ///                           received.
56   /// EFI_HOST_UNREACHABLE:     The active open fails because an ICMP host unreachable error is
57   ///                           received.
58   /// EFI_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE: The active open fails because an ICMP protocol unreachable error is
59   ///                           received.
60   /// EFI_PORT_UNREACHABLE:     The connection establishment timer times out and an ICMP port
61   ///                           unreachable error is received.
62   /// EFI_ICMP_ERROR:           The connection establishment timer timeout and some other ICMP
63   ///                           error is received.
64   /// EFI_DEVICE_ERROR:         An unexpected system or network error occurred.
65   ///
66   EFI_STATUS                           Status;
69 ///
71 ///
72 typedef struct {
73   ///
74   /// Pointer to a ASCII string that contains user name. The caller is
75   /// responsible for freeing Username after GetModeData() is called.
76   ///
77   UINT8                                *Username;
78   ///
79   /// Pointer to a ASCII string that contains password. The caller is
80   /// responsible for freeing Password after GetModeData() is called.
81   ///
82   UINT8                                *Password;
83   ///
84   /// Set it to TRUE to initiate an active data connection. Set it to
85   /// FALSE to initiate a passive data connection.
86   ///
87   BOOLEAN                              Active;
88   ///
89   /// Boolean value indicating if default network settting used.
90   ///
91   BOOLEAN                              UseDefaultSetting;
92   ///
93   /// IP address of station if UseDefaultSetting is FALSE.
94   ///
95   EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS                     StationIp;
96   ///
97   /// Subnet mask of station if UseDefaultSetting is FALSE.
98   ///
99   EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS                     SubnetMask;
100   ///
101   /// IP address of gateway if UseDefaultSetting is FALSE.
102   ///
103   EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS                     GatewayIp;
104   ///
105   /// IP address of FTPv4 server.
106   ///
107   EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS                     ServerIp;
108   ///
109   /// FTPv4 server port number of control connection, and the default
110   /// value is 21 as convention.
111   ///
112   UINT16                               ServerPort;
113   ///
114   /// FTPv4 server port number of data connection. If it is zero, use
115   /// (ServerPort - 1) by convention.
116   ///
117   UINT16                               AltDataPort;
118   ///
119   /// A byte indicate the representation type. The right 4 bit is used for
120   /// first parameter, the left 4 bit is use for second parameter
121   /// - For the first parameter, 0x0 = image, 0x1 = EBCDIC, 0x2 = ASCII, 0x3 = local
122   /// - For the second parameter, 0x0 = Non-print, 0x1 = Telnet format effectors, 0x2 =
123   ///   Carriage Control.
124   /// - If it is a local type, the second parameter is the local byte byte size.
125   /// - If it is a image type, the second parameter is undefined.
126   ///
127   UINT8                                RepType;
128   ///
129   /// Defines the file structure in FTP used. 0x00 = file, 0x01 = record, 0x02 = page.
130   ///
131   UINT8                                FileStruct;
132   ///
133   /// Defines the transifer mode used in FTP. 0x00 = stream, 0x01 = Block, 0x02 = Compressed.
134   ///
135   UINT8                                TransMode;
140 /**
141   Callback function when process inbound or outbound data.
143   If it is receiving function that leads to inbound data, the callback function
144   is called when data buffer is full. Then, old data in the data buffer should be
145   flushed and new data is stored from the beginning of data buffer.
146   If it is a transmit function that lead to outbound data and the size of
147   Data in daata buffer has been transmitted, this callback function is called to
148   supply additional data to be transmitted.
150   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
151   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token structure to provide the parameters that
152                                  are used in this operation.
153   @return  User defined Status.
155 **/
156 typedef
159   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL           *This,
160   IN EFI_FTP4_COMMAND_TOKEN      *Token
161   );
163 ///
165 ///
166 struct _EFI_FTP4_COMMAND_TOKEN {
167   ///
168   /// The Event to signal after request is finished and Status field
169   /// is updated by the EFI FTP v4 Protocol driver. The type of Event
170   /// must be EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, and its Task Priority Level
171   /// (TPL) must be lower than or equal to TPL_CALLBACK. If it is
172   /// set to NULL, related function must wait until the function
173   /// completes.
174   ///
175   EFI_EVENT                             Event;
176   ///
177   /// Pointer to a null-terminated ASCII name string.
178   ///
179   UINT8                                 *Pathname;
180   ///
181   /// The size of data buffer in bytes.
182   ///
183   UINT64                                DataBufferSize;
184   ///
185   /// Pointer to the data buffer. Data downloaded from FTP server
186   /// through connection is downloaded here.
187   ///
188   VOID                                  *DataBuffer;
189   ///
190   /// Pointer to a callback function. If it is receiving function that leads
191   /// to inbound data, the callback function is called when databuffer is
192   /// full. Then, old data in the data buffer should be flushed and new
193   /// data is stored from the beginning of data buffer. If it is a transmit
194   /// function that lead to outbound data and DataBufferSize of
195   /// Data in DataBuffer has been transmitted, this callback
196   /// function is called to supply additional data to be transmitted. The
197   /// size of additional data to be transmitted is indicated in
198   /// DataBufferSize, again. If there is no data remained,
199   /// DataBufferSize should be set to 0.
200   ///
201   EFI_FTP4_DATA_CALLBACK                DataCallback;
202   ///
203   /// Pointer to the parameter for DataCallback.
204   ///
205   VOID                                  *Context;
206   ///
207   /// The variable to receive the result of the completed operation.
208   /// EFI_SUCCESS:              The FTP command is completed successfully.
209   /// EFI_ACCESS_DENIED:        The FTP server denied the access to the requested file.
210   /// EFI_CONNECTION_RESET:     The connect fails because the connection is reset either
211   ///                           by instance itself or communication peer.
212   /// EFI_TIMEOUT:              The connection establishment timer expired and no more
213   ///                           specific information is available.
214   /// EFI_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:  The active open fails because an ICMP network unreachable
215   ///                           error is received.
216   /// EFI_HOST_UNREACHABLE:     The active open fails because an ICMP host unreachable
217   ///                           error is received.
218   /// EFI_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE: The active open fails because an ICMP protocol unreachable
219   ///                           error is received.
220   /// EFI_PORT_UNREACHABLE:     The connection establishment timer times out and an ICMP port
221   ///                           unreachable error is received.
222   /// EFI_ICMP_ERROR:           The connection establishment timer timeout and some other ICMP
223   ///                           error is received.
224   /// EFI_DEVICE_ERROR:         An unexpected system or network error occurred.
225   ///
226   EFI_STATUS                            Status;
227 };
229 /**
230   Gets the current operational settings.
232   The GetModeData() function reads the current operational settings of this
233   EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver instance. EFI_FTP4_CONFIG_DATA  is defined in the
234   EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL.Configure.
236   @param[in]  This               Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
237   @param[out] ModeData           Pointer to storage for the EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver
238                                  mode data. The string buffers for Username and Password
239                                  in EFI_FTP4_CONFIG_DATA are allocated by the function,
240                                  and the caller should take the responsibility to free the
241                                  buffer later.
243   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            This function is called successfully.
244   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the following are TRUE:
245                                  - This is NULL.
246                                  - ModeData is NULL.
247   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started
248   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Could not allocate enough resource to finish the operation.
249   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected system or network error occurred.
251 **/
252 typedef
255   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL        *This,
256   OUT EFI_FTP4_CONFIG_DATA    *ModeData
257   );
259 /**
260   Disconnecting a FTP connection gracefully.
262   The Connect() function will initiate a connection request to the remote FTP server
263   with the corresponding connection token. If this function returns EFI_SUCCESS, the
264   connection sequence is initiated successfully.  If the connection succeeds or faild
265   due to any error, the Token->Event will be signaled and Token->Status will be updated
266   accordingly.
268   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
269   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token used to establish control connection.
271   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The connection sequence is successfully initiated.
272   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the following are TRUE:
273                                  - This is NULL.
274                                  - Token is NULL.
275                                  - Token->Event is NULL.
276   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started.
277   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
278                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
279   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Could not allocate enough resource to finish the operation.
280   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected system or network error occurred.
282 **/
283 typedef
286   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL           *This,
288   );
290 /**
291   Disconnecting a FTP connection gracefully.
293   The Close() function will initiate a close request to the remote FTP server with the
294   corresponding connection token. If this function returns EFI_SUCCESS, the control
295   connection with the remote FTP server is closed.
297   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
298   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token used to close control connection.
300   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The close request is successfully initiated.
301   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the following are TRUE:
302                                  - This is NULL.
303                                  - Token is NULL.
304                                  - Token->Event is NULL.
305   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started.
306   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
307                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
308   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Could not allocate enough resource to finish the operation.
309   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected system or network error occurred.
311 **/
312 typedef
315   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL             *This,
317   );
319 /**
320   Sets or clears the operational parameters for the FTP child driver.
322   The Configure() function will configure the connected FTP session with the
323   configuration setting specified in  FtpConfigData. The configuration data can
324   be reset by calling Configure() with FtpConfigData set to NULL.
326   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
327   @param[in] FtpConfigData       Pointer to configuration data that will be assigned to
328                                  the FTP child driver instance. If NULL, the FTP child
329                                  driver instance is reset to startup defaults and all
330                                  pending transmit and receive requests are flushed.
332   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The FTPv4 driver was configured successfully.
333   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more following conditions are TRUE:
334                                  - This is NULL.
335                                  - FtpConfigData.RepType is invalid.
336                                  - FtpConfigData.FileStruct is invalid.
337                                  - FtpConfigData.TransMode is invalid.
338                                  - IP address in FtpConfigData is invalid.
339   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
340                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
341   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        One or more of the configuration parameters are not supported
342                                  by this implementation.
343   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver instance data could not be
344                                  allocated.
345   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected system or network error occurred. The EFI FTPv4
346                                  Protocol driver instance is not configured.
348 **/
349 typedef
352   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL           *This,
353   IN EFI_FTP4_CONFIG_DATA        *FtpConfigData OPTIONAL
354   );
357 /**
358   Downloads a file from an FTPv4 server.
360   The ReadFile() function is used to initialize and start an FTPv4 download process
361   and optionally wait for completion. When the download operation completes, whether
362   successfully or not, the Token.Status field is updated by the EFI FTPv4 Protocol
363   driver and then Token.Event is signaled (if it is not NULL).
365   Data will be downloaded from the FTPv4 server into Token.DataBuffer. If the file size
366   is larger than Token.DataBufferSize, Token.DataCallback will be called to allow for
367   processing data and then new data will be placed at the beginning of Token.DataBuffer.
369   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
370   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token structure to provide the parameters that
371                                  are used in this operation.
373   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data file is being downloaded successfully.
374   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters is not valid.
375                                  - This is NULL.
376                                  - Token is NULL.
377                                  - Token.Pathname is NULL.
378                                  - Token. DataBuffer is NULL.
379                                  - Token. DataBufferSize is 0.
380   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started.
381   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
382                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
383   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Required system resources could not be allocated.
384   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected network error or system error occurred.
386 **/
387 typedef
390   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL         *This,
392   );
394 /**
395   Uploads a file from an FTPv4 server.
397   The WriteFile() function is used to initialize and start an FTPv4 upload process and
398   optionally wait for completion. When the upload operation completes, whether successfully
399   or not, the Token.Status field is updated by the EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver and then
400   Token.Event is signaled (if it is not NULL). Data to be  uploaded to server is stored
401   into Token.DataBuffer. Token.DataBufferSize is the number bytes to be transferred.
402   If the file size is larger than Token.DataBufferSize, Token.DataCallback will be called
403   to allow for processing data and then new data will be placed at the beginning of
404   Token.DataBuffer. Token.DataBufferSize is updated to reflect the actual number of bytes
405   to be transferred. Token.DataBufferSize is set to 0 by the call back to indicate the
406   completion of data transfer.
408   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
409   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token structure to provide the parameters that
410                                  are used in this operation.
412   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            TThe data file is being uploaded successfully.
413   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported by this implementation.
414   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters is not valid.
415                                  - This is NULL.
416                                  - Token is NULL.
417                                  - Token.Pathname is NULL.
418                                  - Token. DataBuffer is NULL.
419                                  - Token. DataBufferSize is 0.
420   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started.
421   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
422                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
423   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Required system resources could not be allocated.
424   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected network error or system error occurred.
426 **/
427 typedef
430   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL         *This,
432   );
434 /**
435   Download a data file "directory" from a FTPv4 server. May be unsupported in some EFI
436   implementations.
438   The ReadDirectory() function is used to return a list of files on the FTPv4 server that
439   logically (or operationally) related to Token.Pathname, and optionally wait for completion.
440   When the download operation completes, whether successfully or not, the Token.Status field
441   is updated by the EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver and then Token.Event is signaled (if it is not
442   NULL). Data will be downloaded from the FTPv4 server into Token.DataBuffer. If the file size
443   is larger than Token.DataBufferSize, Token.DataCallback will be called to allow for processing
444   data and then new data will be placed at the beginning of Token.DataBuffer.
446   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
447   @param[in] Token               Pointer to the token structure to provide the parameters that
448                                  are used in this operation.
450   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The file list information is being downloaded successfully.
451   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The operation is not supported by this implementation.
452   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters is not valid.
453                                  - This is NULL.
454                                  - Token is NULL.
455                                  - Token. DataBuffer is NULL.
456                                  - Token. DataBufferSize is 0.
457   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The EFI FTPv4 Protocol driver has not been started.
458   @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING         When using a default address, configuration (DHCP, BOOTP,
459                                  RARP, etc.) is not finished yet.
460   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   Required system resources could not be allocated.
461   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       An unexpected network error or system error occurred.
463 **/
464 typedef
467   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL           *This,
468   IN EFI_FTP4_COMMAND_TOKEN      *Token
469   );
471 /**
472   Polls for incoming data packets and processes outgoing data packets.
474   The Poll() function can be used by network drivers and applications to increase the
475   rate that data packets are moved between the communications device and the transmit
476   and receive queues. In some systems, the periodic timer event in the managed network
477   driver may not poll the underlying communications device fast enough to transmit
478   and/or receive all data packets without missing incoming packets or dropping outgoing
479   packets. Drivers and applications that are experiencing packet loss should try calling
480   the Poll() function more often.
482   @param[in] This                Pointer to the EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL instance.
484   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Incoming or outgoing data was processed.
485   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        This EFI FTPv4 Protocol instance has not been started.
486   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  This is NULL.
487   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       EapAuthType An unexpected system or network error occurred.
488   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT            Data was dropped out of the transmit and/or receive queue.
489                                  Consider increasing the polling rate.
491 **/
492 typedef
495   IN EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL        *This
496   );
498 ///
500 /// provides basic services for client-side FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
501 /// operations.
502 ///
503 struct _EFI_FTP4_PROTOCOL {
504   EFI_FTP4_GET_MODE_DATA     GetModeData;
505   EFI_FTP4_CONNECT           Connect;
506   EFI_FTP4_CLOSE             Close;
507   EFI_FTP4_CONFIGURE         Configure;
508   EFI_FTP4_READ_FILE         ReadFile;
509   EFI_FTP4_WRITE_FILE        WriteFile;
510   EFI_FTP4_READ_DIRECTORY    ReadDirectory;
511   EFI_FTP4_POLL              Poll;
512 };
514 extern EFI_GUID gEfiFtp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid;
515 extern EFI_GUID gEfiFtp4ProtocolGuid;
517 #endif