1  /*
2   * UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
3   *
4   * Optimized blitter minterm function generator
5   *
6   * Copyright 1995,1996 Bernd Schmidt
7   * Copyright 1996 Alessandro Bissacco
8   *
9   * Overkill, n: cf. genblitter
10   */
12 #include "sysconfig.h"
13 #include "sysdeps.h"
15 #include "options.h"
17 static void nop(int);
19 #define xmalloc malloc
20 #define xfree free
21 #define xrealloc realloc
23 typedef struct tree_n {
24     enum tree_op { op_and, op_or, op_xor, op_not, op_a, op_b, op_c, op_d, op_e, op_f } op;
25     struct tree_n *left, *right;
26 } *tree;
28 static struct tree_n TRA = { op_a, NULL, NULL };
29 static struct tree_n TRB = { op_b, NULL, NULL };
30 static struct tree_n TRC = { op_c, NULL, NULL };
31 static struct tree_n TRD = { op_d, NULL, NULL };
32 static struct tree_n TRE = { op_e, NULL, NULL };
33 static struct tree_n TRF = { op_f, NULL, NULL };
34 static tree tree_a = &TRA;
35 static tree tree_b = &TRB;
36 static tree tree_c = &TRC;
37 static tree tree_d = &TRD;
38 static tree tree_e = &TRE;
39 static tree tree_f = &TRF;
41 typedef struct {
42     tree *trees;
43     int space;
44     int ntrees;
45 } tree_vec;
issrc(tree t)47 STATIC_INLINE int issrc (tree t)
48 {
49     return t == tree_a || t == tree_b || t == tree_c || t == tree_d || t == tree_e || t == tree_f;
50 }
new_op_tree(enum tree_op op,tree l,tree r)52 static tree new_op_tree(enum tree_op op, tree l, tree r)
53 {
54     tree t;
55     if (op == op_not && l->op == op_not) {
56 	t = l->left;
57 	xfree(l);
58 	return t;
59     }
60     t = (tree)xmalloc(sizeof(struct tree_n));
61     t->left = l;
62     t->right = r;
63     t->op = op;
64     return t;
65 }
opidx(tree t)67 static int opidx (tree t)
68 {
69     switch (t->op) {
70      case op_a:
71 	return 0;
72      case op_b:
73 	return 1;
74      case op_c:
75 	return 2;
76      case op_d:
77 	return 3;
78      case op_e:
79 	return 4;
80      case op_f:
81 	return 5;
82      default:
83 	return -1;
84     }
85 }
tree_cst(tree t,unsigned int * src,unsigned int * notsrc)87 static int tree_cst (tree t, unsigned int *src, unsigned int *notsrc)
88 {
89     int idx = opidx (t);
90     if (idx >= 0) {
91 	src[idx] = 1;
92 	return 0;
93     }
94     switch (t->op) {
95      case op_not:
96 	idx = opidx (t->left);
97 	if (idx >= 0) {
98 	    notsrc[idx] = 1;
99 	    return 3;
100 	}
101 	return 3 + tree_cst (t->left, src, notsrc);
103      case op_and:
104      case op_xor:
105      case op_or:
106 	return 4 + tree_cst (t->left, src, notsrc) + tree_cst (t->right, src, notsrc);
108      default:
109 	abort ();
110     }
111 }
tree_cost(tree t)113 static int tree_cost (tree t)
114 {
115     int i, cost;
116     unsigned int src[6], notsrc[6];
117     memset (src, 0, sizeof src);
118     memset (notsrc, 0, sizeof notsrc);
120     cost = tree_cst (t, src, notsrc);
121     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
122 	if (src[i] && notsrc[i])
123 	    cost++;
124     return cost;
125 }
add_vec(tree_vec * tv,tree t)127 static int add_vec(tree_vec *tv, tree t)
128 {
129     int i;
130 #if 0
131     if (! tree_isnormal(t))
132 	nop(2);
133 #endif
134     if (tv->ntrees == tv->space) {
135 	tv->trees = (tree *)xrealloc(tv->trees, sizeof(tree)*(tv->space += 40));
136     }
137     tv->trees[tv->ntrees++] = t;
139     return 1;
140 }
init_vec(tree_vec * tv)142 static void init_vec(tree_vec *tv)
143 {
144     tv->ntrees = tv->space = 0;
145     tv->trees = NULL;
146 }
do_sprint_tree(char * s,tree t)148 static void do_sprint_tree (char *s, tree t)
149 {
150     enum tree_op op = t->op;
151     switch (op) {
152      case op_a:
153 	strcat (s, "srca");
154 	break;
155      case op_b:
156 	strcat (s, "srcb");
157 	break;
158      case op_c:
159 	strcat (s, "srcc");
160 	break;
161      case op_d:
162 	strcat (s, "srcd");
163 	break;
164      case op_e:
165 	strcat (s, "srce");
166 	break;
167      case op_f:
168 	strcat (s, "srcf");
169 	break;
171      case op_and:
172      case op_or:
173      case op_xor:
174 	{
176 	    char *c = op == op_and ? " & " : op == op_or ? " | " : " ^ ";
177 	    strcat (s, "(");
178 	    do_sprint_tree (s, t->left);
179 	    strcat (s, c);
180 	    while (t->right->op == op) {
181 		t = t->right;
182 		do_sprint_tree (s, t->left);
183 		strcat (s, c);
184 	    }
185 	    do_sprint_tree(s, t->right);
186 	    strcat (s, ")");
187 	}
188 	break;
190      case op_not:
191 	strcat (s, "~");
192 	do_sprint_tree (s, t->left);
193 	break;
194     }
195 }
197 static tree_vec size_trees[20];
199 static struct tree_n bad_tree = { op_and, &bad_tree, &bad_tree };
201 static unsigned int used_mask[256];
202 static tree best_trees[256];
203 static unsigned int best_cost[256];
204 static int n_unknown;
which_fn(tree t)206 static unsigned long which_fn (tree t)
207 {
208     switch (t->op) {
209      case op_a:
210 	return 0xf0;
211      case op_b:
212 	return 0xcc;
213      case op_c:
214 	return 0xaa;
215      case op_and:
216 	return which_fn (t->left) & which_fn (t->right);
217      case op_or:
218 	return which_fn (t->left) | which_fn (t->right);
219      case op_xor:
220 	return which_fn (t->left) ^ which_fn (t->right);
221      case op_not:
222 	return 0xFF & ~which_fn (t->left);
223      default:
224 	abort ();
225     }
226 }
tree_used_mask(tree t)228 static unsigned long tree_used_mask (tree t)
229 {
230     switch (t->op) {
231      case op_a:
232 	return 1;
233      case op_b:
234 	return 2;
235      case op_c:
236 	return 4;
237      case op_and:
238      case op_or:
239      case op_xor:
240 	return tree_used_mask (t->left) | tree_used_mask (t->right);
241      case op_not:
242 	return tree_used_mask (t->left);
243      default:
244 	abort ();
245     }
246 }
candidate(tree_vec * v,tree t)248 static void candidate (tree_vec *v, tree t)
249 {
250     unsigned long fn = which_fn (t);
251     unsigned int cost = tree_cost (t);
252     if (best_trees[fn] == 0)
253 	n_unknown--;
254     if (cost < best_cost[fn])
255 	best_trees[fn] = t, best_cost[fn] = cost;
256     add_vec (v, t);
257 }
cand_and_not(tree_vec * v,tree t)259 static void cand_and_not (tree_vec *v, tree t)
260 {
261     candidate (v, t);
262     t = new_op_tree (op_not, t, 0);
263     candidate (v, t);
264 }
try_tree(tree_vec * v,tree t)266 static void try_tree (tree_vec *v, tree t)
267 {
268     int fnl = which_fn (t->left);
269     int fnr = which_fn (t->right);
270     int fn = which_fn (t);
271     if (fn == fnl
272 	|| fn == fnr
273 	|| fn == 0
274 	|| fn == 0xFF
275 	|| (tree_used_mask (t) & ~used_mask[fn]) != 0
276 	|| best_cost[fn] + 6 < tree_cost (t))
277     {
278 	xfree (t);
279 	return;
280     }
281     cand_and_not (v, t);
282 }
find_best_trees(void)284 static void find_best_trees (void)
285 {
286     int i, size, do_stop;
287     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
288 	best_trees[i] = i == 0 || i == 255 ? &bad_tree : 0;
289 	best_cost[i] = 65535;
290     }
291     n_unknown = 254;
293     init_vec (size_trees);
294     cand_and_not (size_trees, tree_a);
295     cand_and_not (size_trees, tree_b);
296     cand_and_not (size_trees, tree_c);
298     do_stop = 0;
299     for (size = 2; ! do_stop && size < 20; size++) {
300 	int split, last_split;
301 	tree_vec *sv = size_trees + size - 1;
303 	if (n_unknown == 0)
304 	    do_stop = 1;
305 	last_split = (size >> 1) + 1;
306 	for (split = 1; split < last_split; split++) {
307 	    int szl = split;
308 	    int szr = size - split;
309 	    tree_vec *lv = size_trees + szl - 1;
310 	    tree_vec *rv = size_trees + szr - 1;
311 	    int i;
313 	    for (i = 0; i < lv->ntrees; i++) {
314 		tree l = lv->trees[i];
315 		int j;
316 		for (j = szl == szr ? i + 1 : 0; j < rv->ntrees; j++) {
317 		    tree r = rv->trees[j];
319 		    if (l->op != op_and || r->op != op_and) {
320 			tree tmp = (l->op == op_and
321 				    ? new_op_tree (op_and, r, l)
322 				    : new_op_tree (op_and, l, r));
323 			try_tree (sv, tmp);
324 		    }
325 		    if (l->op != op_or || r->op != op_or) {
326 			tree tmp = (l->op == op_or
327 				    ? new_op_tree (op_or, r, l)
328 				    : new_op_tree (op_or, l, r));
329 			try_tree (sv, tmp);
330 		    }
331 		    if (l->op != op_xor || r->op != op_xor) {
332 			tree tmp = (l->op == op_xor
333 				    ? new_op_tree (op_xor, r, l)
334 				    : new_op_tree (op_xor, l, r));
335 			try_tree (sv, tmp);
336 		    }
337 		}
338 	    }
339 	}
340 	/* An additional pass doesn't seem to create better solutions
341 	 * (not that much of a surprise).  */
342 	if (n_unknown == 0)
343 	    do_stop = 1;
344     }
345 }
bitset(int mt,int bit)347 static int bitset (int mt, int bit)
348 {
349     return mt & (1 << bit);
350 }
generate_expr(int minterm)352 static unsigned int generate_expr (int minterm)
353 {
354     int bits = 0;
355     int i;
356     int expr_dc[8], nexp = 0;
357     int expr_used[8];
359     if (minterm == 0 || minterm == 0xFF)
360 	return 0;
362     for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
363 	if (bitset (minterm, i) && !bitset (bits, i)) {
364 	    int j;
365 	    int dontcare = 0;
366 	    int firstand = 1;
367 	    int bitbucket[8], bitcount;
369 	    bits |= 1<<i;
370 	    bitcount = 1; bitbucket[0] = i;
371 	    for(j=1; j<8; j *= 2) {
372 		int success = 1;
373 		int k;
374 		for(k=0; k < bitcount; k++) {
375 		    if (!bitset (minterm, bitbucket[k] ^ j)) {
376 			success = 0;
377 		    }
378 		}
379 		if (success) {
380 		    int l;
381 		    dontcare |= j;
382 		    for(l=bitcount; l < bitcount*2; l++) {
383 			bitbucket[l] = bitbucket[l-bitcount] ^ j;
384 			bits |= 1 << bitbucket[l];
385 		    }
386 		    bitcount *= 2;
387 		}
388 	    }
389 	    expr_used[nexp] = 1;
390 	    expr_dc[nexp] = dontcare;
391 	    nexp++;
392 	}
393     }
395     {
396 	unsigned int result = 0;
397 	for (i = 0; i < nexp; i++) {
398 	    int j;
400 	    for (j = 1; j < 8; j *= 2) {
401 		if (!(expr_dc[i] & j))
402 		    result |= (j == 1 ? 4 : j == 2 ? 2 : 1);
403 	    }
404 	}
405 	return result;
406     }
407 }
print_tree(tree t)409 static void print_tree(tree t)
410 {
411     char buf[300] = "";
412     do_sprint_tree (buf, t);
413     printf ("%s", buf);
414 }
generate_optable(void)416 static void generate_optable(void)
417 {
418     int minterm;
419     printf(" /* This file generated automatically - do not edit */\n\n");
420     printf("#include \"genblitter.h\"\n\n");
421     printf("struct blitop blitops[256] = {\n");
422     for (minterm = 0; minterm < 256; minterm++) {
423 	printf(" /* %02x */  { \"", minterm);
424 	if (minterm == 0)
425 	    printf ("0");
426 	else if (minterm == 255)
427 	    printf ("0xFFFFFFFF");
428 	else
429 	    print_tree (best_trees[minterm]);
431 	printf("\", %d }%s\n", used_mask[minterm], minterm == 255 ? "" : ",");
432 	fflush(stdout);
433     }
434     printf("};\n");
435 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)437 int main (int argc, char **argv)
438 {
439     int minterm;
440     for (minterm = 0; minterm < 256; minterm++)
441 	used_mask[minterm] = generate_expr (minterm);
442     find_best_trees ();
443     generate_optable ();
445     return 0;
446 }
nop(int a)448 void nop(int a)
449 {
450 }