1"plot.varirf" <-
2function (x, plot.type = c("multiple", "single"), names = NULL,
3    main = NULL, sub = NULL, lty = NULL, lwd = NULL, col = NULL, ylim = NULL,
4    ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, nc, mar.multi = c(0, 4, 0, 4),
5    oma.multi = c(6, 4, 6, 4), adj.mtext = NA, padj.mtext = NA, col.mtext = NA, ...)
7    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
8    on.exit(par(op))
9    ##
10    ## Checking of arguments
11    ##
12    plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
13    inames <- x$impulse
14    rnames <- x$response
15    if (is.null(names)) {
16        names <- inames
17    }
18    else {
19        names <- as.character(names)
20        if (!(all(names %in% inames))) {
21            warning("\nInvalid variable name(s) supplied, using first variable.\n")
22            inames <- inames[1]
23        }
24        else {
25            inames <- names
26        }
27    }
28    nvi <- length(inames)
29    nvr <- length(rnames)
30    ##
31    ## Presetting certain plot-argument
32    ##
33    ifelse(is.null(lty), lty <- c(1, 1, 2, 2), lty <- rep(lty, 4)[1:4])
34    ifelse(is.null(lwd), lwd <- c(1, 1, 1, 1), lwd <- rep(lwd, 4)[1:4])
35    ifelse(is.null(col), col <- c("black", "gray", "red", "red"), col <- rep(col, 4)[1:4])
36    ##
37    ## Extract data from object for plotting per iname
38    ##
39    dataplot <- function(x, iname){
40      impulses <- x$irf[[iname]]
41      range <- range(impulses)
42      upper <- NULL
43      lower <- NULL
44      if(x$boot){
45        upper <- x$Upper[[iname]]
46        lower <- x$Lower[[iname]]
47        range <- range(cbind(impulses, upper, lower))
48      }
49      if ((x$model == "varest") || (x$model == "vec2var")) {
50        if (x$ortho) {
51          text1 <- paste("Orthogonal Impulse Response from", iname, sep = " ")
52        } else {
53         text1 <- paste("Impulse Response from", iname, sep = " ")
54        }
55      } else if (x$model == "svarest") {
56        text1 <- paste("SVAR Impulse Response from", iname, sep = " ")
57      } else if (x$model == "svecest") {
58        text1 <- paste("SVECM Impulse Response from", iname, sep = " ")
59      }
60      if (x$cumulative)  text1 <- paste(text1, "(cumulative)", sep = " ")
61      text2 <- ""
62      if (x$boot) text2 <- paste((1 - x$ci) * 100, "% Bootstrap CI, ", x$runs, "runs")
64      result <- list(impulses = impulses, upper = upper, lower = lower, range = range, text1 = text1, text2 = text2)
65      return(result)
66    }
67    ##
68    ## Plot function for irf per impulse and response
69    ##
70    plot.single <- function(x, iname, rname, ...) {
71      ifelse(is.null(main), main <- x$text1, main <- main)
72      ifelse(is.null(sub), sub <- x$text2, sub <- sub)
73      xy <- xy.coords(x$impulse[, rname])
74      ifelse(is.null(ylab), ylabel <- rname, ylabel <- ylab)
75      ifelse(is.null(xlab), xlabel <- "", xlabel <- xlab)
76      ifelse(is.null(ylim), ylim <- x$range, ylim <- ylim)
77      plot(xy, type = "l", ylim = ylim, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1], axes = FALSE, ylab = paste(ylabel), xlab = paste(xlab), ...)
78      title(main = main, sub = sub, ...)
79      axis(1, at = xy$x, labels = c(0:(length(xy$x) - 1)))
80      axis(2, ...)
81      box()
82      if (!is.null(x$upper)) lines(x$upper[, rname], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
83      if (!is.null(x$lower)) lines(x$lower[, rname], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
84      abline(h = 0, col = col[2], lty = lty[2], lwd = lwd[2])
85    }
86    ##
87    ## Plot function per impulse
88    ##
89    plot.multiple <- function(dp, nc = nc, ...){
90      x <- dp$impulses
91      y <- dp$upper
92      z <- dp$lower
93      ifelse(is.null(main), main <- dp$text1, main <- main)
94      ifelse(is.null(sub), sub <- dp$text2, sub <- sub)
95      ifelse(is.null(ylim), ylim <- dp$range, ylim <- ylim)
96      range <- range(c(x, y, z))
97      nvr <- ncol(x)
98      if (missing(nc)) {
99        nc <- ifelse(nvr > 4, 2, 1)
100      }
101      nr <- ceiling(nvr/nc)
102      par(mfrow = c(nr, nc), mar = mar.multi, oma = oma.multi)
103      if(nr > 1){
104        for(i in 1:(nvr - nc)){
105          ifelse(is.null(ylab), ylabel <- colnames(x)[i], ylabel <- ylab)
106          xy <- xy.coords(x[, i])
107          plot(xy, axes = FALSE, type = "l", ylab = ylabel, ylim = ylim, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1], ...)
108          axis(2, at = pretty(range)[-1])
109          abline(h = 0, col = "red")
110          if(!is.null(y)) lines(y[, i], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
111          if(!is.null(z)) lines(z[, i], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
112          box()
113        }
114        for(j in (nvr - nc + 1):nvr){
115          ifelse(is.null(ylab), ylabel <- colnames(x)[j], ylabel <- ylab)
116          xy <- xy.coords(x[, j])
117          plot(xy, axes = FALSE, type = "l", ylab = ylabel, ylim = ylim, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1], ...)
118          axis(2, at = pretty(range)[-1])
119          axis(1, at = 1:(nrow(x)), labels = c(0:(nrow(x) - 1)))
120          box()
121          abline(h = 0, col = "red")
122          if(!is.null(y)) lines(y[, j], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
123          if(!is.null(z)) lines(z[, j], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
124        }
125        mtext(main, 3, line = 2, outer = TRUE, adj = adj.mtext, padj = padj.mtext, col = col.mtext, ...)
126        mtext(sub, 1, line = 4, outer = TRUE, adj = adj.mtext, padj = padj.mtext, col = col.mtext, ...)
127      } else {
128        for(j in 1:nvr){
129          ifelse(is.null(ylab), ylabel <- colnames(x)[j], ylabel <- ylab)
130          xy <- xy.coords(x[, j])
131          plot(xy, type = "l", ylab = ylabel, ylim = ylim, col = col[1], lty = lty[1], lwd = lwd[1], ...)
132          if(!is.null(y)) lines(y[, j], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
133          if(!is.null(z)) lines(z[, j], col = col[3], lty = lty[3], lwd = lwd[3])
134          abline(h = 0, col = "red")
135        }
136        mtext(main, 3, line = 2, outer = TRUE, adj = adj.mtext, padj = padj.mtext, col = col.mtext, ...)
137        mtext(sub, 1, line = 4, outer = TRUE, adj = adj.mtext, padj = padj.mtext, col = col.mtext, ...)
138      }
139    }
140    ##
141    ## Plot for type = single
142    ##
143    if (plot.type == "single") {
144      for(i in 1:nvi){
145        dp <- dataplot(x, iname = inames[i])
146        for(j in 1:nvr){
147          plot.single(dp, iname = inames[i], rname = rnames[j], ...)
148          if (nvr > 1) par(ask = TRUE)
149        }
150      }
151    }
152    ##
153    ## Plot for type = multiple
154    ##
155    if (plot.type == "multiple") {
156      for (i in 1:nvi) {
157        dp <- dataplot(x, iname = inames[i])
158        plot.multiple(dp, nc = nc, ...)
159        if (nvi > 1) par(ask = TRUE)
160      }
161    }