1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
4import base64
5import json
6import pytz
8from datetime import datetime
9from psycopg2 import IntegrityError
10from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
12from odoo import http, SUPERUSER_ID, _
13from odoo.http import request
15from odoo.tools.translate import _
16from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError
17from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb_fields import nl2br
20class WebsiteForm(http.Controller):
22    @http.route('/website_form/', type='http', auth="public", methods=['POST'], multilang=False)
23    def website_form_empty(self, **kwargs):
24        # This is a workaround to don't add language prefix to <form action="/website_form/" ...>
25        return ""
27    # Check and insert values from the form on the model <model>
28    @http.route('/website_form/<string:model_name>', type='http', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True, csrf=False)
29    def website_form(self, model_name, **kwargs):
30        # Partial CSRF check, only performed when session is authenticated, as there
31        # is no real risk for unauthenticated sessions here. It's a common case for
32        # embedded forms now: SameSite policy rejects the cookies, so the session
33        # is lost, and the CSRF check fails, breaking the post for no good reason.
34        csrf_token = request.params.pop('csrf_token', None)
35        if request.session.uid and not request.validate_csrf(csrf_token):
36            raise BadRequest('Session expired (invalid CSRF token)')
38        try:
39            # The except clause below should not let what has been done inside
40            # here be committed. It should not either roll back everything in
41            # this controller method. Instead, we use a savepoint to roll back
42            # what has been done inside the try clause.
43            with request.env.cr.savepoint():
44                if request.env['ir.http']._verify_request_recaptcha_token('website_form'):
45                    return self._handle_website_form(model_name, **kwargs)
46            error = _("Suspicious activity detected by Google reCaptcha.")
47        except (ValidationError, UserError) as e:
48            error = e.args[0]
49        return json.dumps({
50            'error': error,
51        })
53    def _handle_website_form(self, model_name, **kwargs):
54        model_record = request.env['ir.model'].sudo().search([('model', '=', model_name), ('website_form_access', '=', True)])
55        if not model_record:
56            return json.dumps({
57                'error': _("The form's specified model does not exist")
58            })
60        try:
61            data = self.extract_data(model_record, request.params)
62        # If we encounter an issue while extracting data
63        except ValidationError as e:
64            # I couldn't find a cleaner way to pass data to an exception
65            return json.dumps({'error_fields' : e.args[0]})
67        try:
68            id_record = self.insert_record(request, model_record, data['record'], data['custom'], data.get('meta'))
69            if id_record:
70                self.insert_attachment(model_record, id_record, data['attachments'])
71                # in case of an email, we want to send it immediately instead of waiting
72                # for the email queue to process
73                if model_name == 'mail.mail':
74                    request.env[model_name].sudo().browse(id_record).send()
76        # Some fields have additional SQL constraints that we can't check generically
77        # Ex: crm.lead.probability which is a float between 0 and 1
78        # TODO: How to get the name of the erroneous field ?
79        except IntegrityError:
80            return json.dumps(False)
82        request.session['form_builder_model_model'] = model_record.model
83        request.session['form_builder_model'] = model_record.name
84        request.session['form_builder_id'] = id_record
86        return json.dumps({'id': id_record})
88    # Constants string to make metadata readable on a text field
90    _meta_label = "%s\n________\n\n" % _("Metadata")  # Title for meta data
92    # Dict of dynamically called filters following type of field to be fault tolerent
94    def identity(self, field_label, field_input):
95        return field_input
97    def integer(self, field_label, field_input):
98        return int(field_input)
100    def floating(self, field_label, field_input):
101        return float(field_input)
103    def boolean(self, field_label, field_input):
104        return bool(field_input)
106    def binary(self, field_label, field_input):
107        return base64.b64encode(field_input.read())
109    def one2many(self, field_label, field_input):
110        return [int(i) for i in field_input.split(',')]
112    def many2many(self, field_label, field_input, *args):
113        return [(args[0] if args else (6,0)) + (self.one2many(field_label, field_input),)]
115    _input_filters = {
116        'char': identity,
117        'text': identity,
118        'html': identity,
119        'date': identity,
120        'datetime': identity,
121        'many2one': integer,
122        'one2many': one2many,
123        'many2many':many2many,
124        'selection': identity,
125        'boolean': boolean,
126        'integer': integer,
127        'float': floating,
128        'binary': binary,
129        'monetary': floating,
130    }
133    # Extract all data sent by the form and sort its on several properties
134    def extract_data(self, model, values):
135        dest_model = request.env[model.sudo().model]
137        data = {
138            'record': {},        # Values to create record
139            'attachments': [],  # Attached files
140            'custom': '',        # Custom fields values
141            'meta': '',         # Add metadata if enabled
142        }
144        authorized_fields = model.sudo()._get_form_writable_fields()
145        error_fields = []
146        custom_fields = []
148        for field_name, field_value in values.items():
149            # If the value of the field if a file
150            if hasattr(field_value, 'filename'):
151                # Undo file upload field name indexing
152                field_name = field_name.split('[', 1)[0]
154                # If it's an actual binary field, convert the input file
155                # If it's not, we'll use attachments instead
156                if field_name in authorized_fields and authorized_fields[field_name]['type'] == 'binary':
157                    data['record'][field_name] = base64.b64encode(field_value.read())
158                    field_value.stream.seek(0) # do not consume value forever
159                    if authorized_fields[field_name]['manual'] and field_name + "_filename" in dest_model:
160                        data['record'][field_name + "_filename"] = field_value.filename
161                else:
162                    field_value.field_name = field_name
163                    data['attachments'].append(field_value)
165            # If it's a known field
166            elif field_name in authorized_fields:
167                try:
168                    input_filter = self._input_filters[authorized_fields[field_name]['type']]
169                    data['record'][field_name] = input_filter(self, field_name, field_value)
170                except ValueError:
171                    error_fields.append(field_name)
173            # If it's a custom field
174            elif field_name != 'context':
175                custom_fields.append((field_name, field_value))
177        data['custom'] = "\n".join([u"%s : %s" % v for v in custom_fields])
179        # Add metadata if enabled  # ICP for retrocompatibility
180        if request.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_form_enable_metadata'):
181            environ = request.httprequest.headers.environ
182            data['meta'] += "%s : %s\n%s : %s\n%s : %s\n%s : %s\n" % (
183                "IP"                , environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"),
184                "USER_AGENT"        , environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),
185                "ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"   , environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"),
186                "REFERER"           , environ.get("HTTP_REFERER")
187            )
189        # This function can be defined on any model to provide
190        # a model-specific filtering of the record values
191        # Example:
192        # def website_form_input_filter(self, values):
193        #     values['name'] = '%s\'s Application' % values['partner_name']
194        #     return values
195        if hasattr(dest_model, "website_form_input_filter"):
196            data['record'] = dest_model.website_form_input_filter(request, data['record'])
198        missing_required_fields = [label for label, field in authorized_fields.items() if field['required'] and not label in data['record']]
199        if any(error_fields):
200            raise ValidationError(error_fields + missing_required_fields)
202        return data
204    def insert_record(self, request, model, values, custom, meta=None):
205        model_name = model.sudo().model
206        if model_name == 'mail.mail':
207            values.update({'reply_to': values.get('email_from')})
208        record = request.env[model_name].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).create(values)
210        if custom or meta:
211            _custom_label = "%s\n___________\n\n" % _("Other Information:")  # Title for custom fields
212            if model_name == 'mail.mail':
213                _custom_label = "%s\n___________\n\n" % _("This message has been posted on your website!")
214            default_field = model.website_form_default_field_id
215            default_field_data = values.get(default_field.name, '')
216            custom_content = (default_field_data + "\n\n" if default_field_data else '') \
217                           + (_custom_label + custom + "\n\n" if custom else '') \
218                           + (self._meta_label + meta if meta else '')
220            # If there is a default field configured for this model, use it.
221            # If there isn't, put the custom data in a message instead
222            if default_field.name:
223                if default_field.ttype == 'html' or model_name == 'mail.mail':
224                    custom_content = nl2br(custom_content)
225                record.update({default_field.name: custom_content})
226            else:
227                values = {
228                    'body': nl2br(custom_content),
229                    'model': model_name,
230                    'message_type': 'comment',
231                    'no_auto_thread': False,
232                    'res_id': record.id,
233                }
234                mail_id = request.env['mail.message'].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(values)
236        return record.id
238    # Link all files attached on the form
239    def insert_attachment(self, model, id_record, files):
240        orphan_attachment_ids = []
241        model_name = model.sudo().model
242        record = model.env[model_name].browse(id_record)
243        authorized_fields = model.sudo()._get_form_writable_fields()
244        for file in files:
245            custom_field = file.field_name not in authorized_fields
246            attachment_value = {
247                'name': file.filename,
248                'datas': base64.encodebytes(file.read()),
249                'res_model': model_name,
250                'res_id': record.id,
251            }
252            attachment_id = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create(attachment_value)
253            if attachment_id and not custom_field:
254                record.sudo()[file.field_name] = [(4, attachment_id.id)]
255            else:
256                orphan_attachment_ids.append(attachment_id.id)
258        if model_name != 'mail.mail':
259            # If some attachments didn't match a field on the model,
260            # we create a mail.message to link them to the record
261            if orphan_attachment_ids:
262                values = {
263                    'body': _('<p>Attached files : </p>'),
264                    'model': model_name,
265                    'message_type': 'comment',
266                    'no_auto_thread': False,
267                    'res_id': id_record,
268                    'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, orphan_attachment_ids)],
269                    'subtype_id': request.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment'),
270                }
271                mail_id = request.env['mail.message'].with_user(SUPERUSER_ID).create(values)
272        else:
273            # If the model is mail.mail then we have no other choice but to
274            # attach the custom binary field files on the attachment_ids field.
275            for attachment_id_id in orphan_attachment_ids:
276                record.attachment_ids = [(4, attachment_id_id)]