1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
4""" Models registries.
7from collections import defaultdict, deque
8from collections.abc import Mapping
9from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
10from functools import partial
11from operator import attrgetter
12from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
13import logging
14import os
15import threading
17import psycopg2
19import odoo
20from .. import SUPERUSER_ID
21from odoo.sql_db import TestCursor
22from odoo.tools import (config, existing_tables, ignore,
23                        lazy_classproperty, lazy_property, sql, OrderedSet)
24from odoo.tools.lru import LRU
26_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
27_schema = logging.getLogger('odoo.schema')
30class Registry(Mapping):
31    """ Model registry for a particular database.
33    The registry is essentially a mapping between model names and model classes.
34    There is one registry instance per database.
36    """
37    _lock = threading.RLock()
38    _saved_lock = None
40    # a cache for model classes, indexed by their base classes
41    model_cache = WeakValueDictionary()
43    @lazy_classproperty
44    def registries(cls):
45        """ A mapping from database names to registries. """
46        size = config.get('registry_lru_size', None)
47        if not size:
48            # Size the LRU depending of the memory limits
49            if os.name != 'posix':
50                # cannot specify the memory limit soft on windows...
51                size = 42
52            else:
53                # A registry takes 10MB of memory on average, so we reserve
54                # 10Mb (registry) + 5Mb (working memory) per registry
55                avgsz = 15 * 1024 * 1024
56                size = int(config['limit_memory_soft'] / avgsz)
57        return LRU(size)
59    def __new__(cls, db_name):
60        """ Return the registry for the given database name."""
61        with cls._lock:
62            try:
63                return cls.registries[db_name]
64            except KeyError:
65                return cls.new(db_name)
66            finally:
67                # set db tracker - cleaned up at the WSGI dispatching phase in
68                # odoo.service.wsgi_server.application
69                threading.current_thread().dbname = db_name
71    @classmethod
72    def new(cls, db_name, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False):
73        """ Create and return a new registry for the given database name. """
74        with cls._lock:
75            with odoo.api.Environment.manage():
76                registry = object.__new__(cls)
77                registry.init(db_name)
79                # Initializing a registry will call general code which will in
80                # turn call Registry() to obtain the registry being initialized.
81                # Make it available in the registries dictionary then remove it
82                # if an exception is raised.
83                cls.delete(db_name)
84                cls.registries[db_name] = registry
85                try:
86                    registry.setup_signaling()
87                    # This should be a method on Registry
88                    try:
89                        odoo.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)
90                    except Exception:
91                        odoo.modules.reset_modules_state(db_name)
92                        raise
93                except Exception:
94                    _logger.error('Failed to load registry')
95                    del cls.registries[db_name]
96                    raise
98                # load_modules() above can replace the registry by calling
99                # indirectly new() again (when modules have to be uninstalled).
100                # Yeah, crazy.
101                registry = cls.registries[db_name]
103            registry._init = False
104            registry.ready = True
105            registry.registry_invalidated = bool(update_module)
107        return registry
109    def init(self, db_name):
110        self.models = {}    # model name/model instance mapping
111        self._sql_constraints = set()
112        self._init = True
113        self._assertion_report = odoo.tests.runner.OdooTestResult()
114        self._fields_by_model = None
115        self._ordinary_tables = None
116        self._constraint_queue = deque()
117        self.__cache = LRU(8192)
119        # modules fully loaded (maintained during init phase by `loading` module)
120        self._init_modules = set()
121        self.updated_modules = []       # installed/updated modules
122        self.loaded_xmlids = set()
124        self.db_name = db_name
125        self._db = odoo.sql_db.db_connect(db_name)
127        # cursor for test mode; None means "normal" mode
128        self.test_cr = None
129        self.test_lock = None
131        # Indicates that the registry is
132        self.loaded = False             # whether all modules are loaded
133        self.ready = False              # whether everything is set up
135        # Inter-process signaling:
136        # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates the whole registry
137        # must be reloaded.
138        # The `base_cache_signaling sequence` indicates all caches must be
139        # invalidated (i.e. cleared).
140        self.registry_sequence = None
141        self.cache_sequence = None
143        # Flags indicating invalidation of the registry or the cache.
144        self.registry_invalidated = False
145        self.cache_invalidated = False
147        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
148            self.has_unaccent = odoo.modules.db.has_unaccent(cr)
150    @classmethod
151    def delete(cls, db_name):
152        """ Delete the registry linked to a given database. """
153        with cls._lock:
154            if db_name in cls.registries:
155                del cls.registries[db_name]
157    @classmethod
158    def delete_all(cls):
159        """ Delete all the registries. """
160        with cls._lock:
161            cls.registries.clear()
163    #
164    # Mapping abstract methods implementation
165    # => mixin provides methods keys, items, values, get, __eq__, and __ne__
166    #
167    def __len__(self):
168        """ Return the size of the registry. """
169        return len(self.models)
171    def __iter__(self):
172        """ Return an iterator over all model names. """
173        return iter(self.models)
175    def __getitem__(self, model_name):
176        """ Return the model with the given name or raise KeyError if it doesn't exist."""
177        return self.models[model_name]
179    def __call__(self, model_name):
180        """ Same as ``self[model_name]``. """
181        return self.models[model_name]
183    def __setitem__(self, model_name, model):
184        """ Add or replace a model in the registry."""
185        self.models[model_name] = model
187    def __delitem__(self, model_name):
188        """ Remove a (custom) model from the registry. """
189        del self.models[model_name]
190        # the custom model can inherit from mixins ('mail.thread', ...)
191        for Model in self.models.values():
192            Model._inherit_children.discard(model_name)
194    def descendants(self, model_names, *kinds):
195        """ Return the models corresponding to ``model_names`` and all those
196        that inherit/inherits from them.
197        """
198        assert all(kind in ('_inherit', '_inherits') for kind in kinds)
199        funcs = [attrgetter(kind + '_children') for kind in kinds]
201        models = OrderedSet()
202        queue = deque(model_names)
203        while queue:
204            model = self[queue.popleft()]
205            models.add(model._name)
206            for func in funcs:
207                queue.extend(func(model))
208        return models
210    def load(self, cr, module):
211        """ Load a given module in the registry, and return the names of the
212        modified models.
214        At the Python level, the modules are already loaded, but not yet on a
215        per-registry level. This method populates a registry with the given
216        modules, i.e. it instanciates all the classes of a the given module
217        and registers them in the registry.
219        """
220        from .. import models
222        # clear cache to ensure consistency, but do not signal it
223        self.__cache.clear()
225        lazy_property.reset_all(self)
227        # Instantiate registered classes (via the MetaModel automatic discovery
228        # or via explicit constructor call), and add them to the pool.
229        model_names = []
230        for cls in models.MetaModel.module_to_models.get(module.name, []):
231            # models register themselves in self.models
232            model = cls._build_model(self, cr)
233            model_names.append(model._name)
235        return self.descendants(model_names, '_inherit', '_inherits')
237    def setup_models(self, cr):
238        """ Complete the setup of models.
239            This must be called after loading modules and before using the ORM.
240        """
241        env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
243        # Uninstall registry hooks. Because of the condition, this only happens
244        # on a fully loaded registry, and not on a registry being loaded.
245        if self.ready:
246            for model in env.values():
247                model._unregister_hook()
249        # clear cache to ensure consistency, but do not signal it
250        self.__cache.clear()
252        lazy_property.reset_all(self)
253        self.registry_invalidated = True
255        if env.all.tocompute:
256            _logger.error(
257                "Remaining fields to compute before setting up registry: %s",
258                env.all.tocompute, stack_info=True,
259            )
261        # add manual models
262        if self._init_modules:
263            env['ir.model']._add_manual_models()
265        # prepare the setup on all models
266        models = list(env.values())
267        for model in models:
268            model._prepare_setup()
270        # do the actual setup from a clean state
271        self._m2m = defaultdict(list)
272        for model in models:
273            model._setup_base()
275        for model in models:
276            model._setup_fields()
278        for model in models:
279            model._setup_complete()
281        # Reinstall registry hooks. Because of the condition, this only happens
282        # on a fully loaded registry, and not on a registry being loaded.
283        if self.ready:
284            for model in env.values():
285                model._register_hook()
286            env['base'].flush()
288    @lazy_property
289    def field_computed(self):
290        """ Return a dict mapping each field to the fields computed by the same method. """
291        computed = {}
292        for model_name, Model in self.models.items():
293            groups = defaultdict(list)
294            for field in Model._fields.values():
295                if field.compute:
296                    computed[field] = group = groups[field.compute]
297                    group.append(field)
298            for fields in groups.values():
299                if len({field.compute_sudo for field in fields}) > 1:
300                    _logger.warning("%s: inconsistent 'compute_sudo' for computed fields: %s",
301                                    model_name, ", ".join(field.name for field in fields))
302        return computed
304    @lazy_property
305    def field_triggers(self):
306        # determine field dependencies
307        dependencies = {}
308        for Model in self.models.values():
309            if Model._abstract:
310                continue
311            for field in Model._fields.values():
312                # dependencies of custom fields may not exist; ignore that case
313                exceptions = (Exception,) if field.base_field.manual else ()
314                with ignore(*exceptions):
315                    dependencies[field] = set(field.resolve_depends(self))
317        # determine transitive dependencies
318        def transitive_dependencies(field, seen=[]):
319            if field in seen:
320                return
321            for seq1 in dependencies.get(field, ()):
322                yield seq1
323                for seq2 in transitive_dependencies(seq1[-1], seen + [field]):
324                    yield concat(seq1[:-1], seq2)
326        def concat(seq1, seq2):
327            if seq1 and seq2:
328                f1, f2 = seq1[-1], seq2[0]
329                if f1.type == 'one2many' and f2.type == 'many2one' and \
330                        f1.model_name == f2.comodel_name and f1.inverse_name == f2.name:
331                    return concat(seq1[:-1], seq2[1:])
332            return seq1 + seq2
334        # determine triggers based on transitive dependencies
335        triggers = {}
336        for field in dependencies:
337            for path in transitive_dependencies(field):
338                if path:
339                    tree = triggers
340                    for label in reversed(path):
341                        tree = tree.setdefault(label, {})
342                    tree.setdefault(None, set()).add(field)
344        return triggers
346    def post_init(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
347        """ Register a function to call at the end of :meth:`~.init_models`. """
348        self._post_init_queue.append(partial(func, *args, **kwargs))
350    def post_constraint(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
351        """ Call the given function, and delay it if it fails during an upgrade. """
352        try:
353            if (func, args, kwargs) not in self._constraint_queue:
354                # Module A may try to apply a constraint and fail but another module B inheriting
355                # from Module A may try to reapply the same constraint and succeed, however the
356                # constraint would already be in the _constraint_queue and would be executed again
357                # at the end of the registry cycle, this would fail (already-existing constraint)
358                # and generate an error, therefore a constraint should only be applied if it's
359                # not already marked as "to be applied".
360                func(*args, **kwargs)
361        except Exception as e:
362            if self._is_install:
363                _schema.error(*e.args)
364            else:
365                _schema.info(*e.args)
366                self._constraint_queue.append((func, args, kwargs))
368    def finalize_constraints(self):
369        """ Call the delayed functions from above. """
370        while self._constraint_queue:
371            func, args, kwargs = self._constraint_queue.popleft()
372            try:
373                func(*args, **kwargs)
374            except Exception as e:
375                _schema.error(*e.args)
377    def init_models(self, cr, model_names, context, install=True):
378        """ Initialize a list of models (given by their name). Call methods
379            ``_auto_init`` and ``init`` on each model to create or update the
380            database tables supporting the models.
382            The ``context`` may contain the following items:
383             - ``module``: the name of the module being installed/updated, if any;
384             - ``update_custom_fields``: whether custom fields should be updated.
385        """
386        if not model_names:
387            return
389        if 'module' in context:
390            _logger.info('module %s: creating or updating database tables', context['module'])
391        elif context.get('models_to_check', False):
392            _logger.info("verifying fields for every extended model")
394        env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context)
395        models = [env[model_name] for model_name in model_names]
397        try:
398            self._post_init_queue = deque()
399            self._foreign_keys = {}
400            self._is_install = install
402            for model in models:
403                model._auto_init()
404                model.init()
406            env['ir.model']._reflect_models(model_names)
407            env['ir.model.fields']._reflect_fields(model_names)
408            env['ir.model.fields.selection']._reflect_selections(model_names)
409            env['ir.model.constraint']._reflect_constraints(model_names)
411            self._ordinary_tables = None
413            while self._post_init_queue:
414                func = self._post_init_queue.popleft()
415                func()
417            self.check_indexes(cr, model_names)
418            self.check_foreign_keys(cr)
420            env['base'].flush()
422            # make sure all tables are present
423            self.check_tables_exist(cr)
425        finally:
426            del self._post_init_queue
427            del self._foreign_keys
428            del self._is_install
430    def check_indexes(self, cr, model_names):
431        """ Create or drop column indexes for the given models. """
432        expected = [
433            ("%s_%s_index" % (Model._table, field.name), Model._table, field.name, field.index)
434            for model_name in model_names
435            for Model in [self.models[model_name]]
436            if Model._auto and not Model._abstract
437            for field in Model._fields.values()
438            if field.column_type and field.store
439        ]
440        if not expected:
441            return
443        cr.execute("SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname IN %s",
444                   [tuple(row[0] for row in expected)])
445        existing = {row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()}
447        for indexname, tablename, columnname, index in expected:
448            if index and indexname not in existing:
449                try:
450                    with cr.savepoint(flush=False):
451                        sql.create_index(cr, indexname, tablename, ['"%s"' % columnname])
452                except psycopg2.OperationalError:
453                    _schema.error("Unable to add index for %s", self)
454            elif not index and indexname in existing:
455                _schema.info("Keep unexpected index %s on table %s", indexname, tablename)
457    def add_foreign_key(self, table1, column1, table2, column2, ondelete,
458                        model, module, force=True):
459        """ Specify an expected foreign key. """
460        key = (table1, column1)
461        val = (table2, column2, ondelete, model, module)
462        if force:
463            self._foreign_keys[key] = val
464        else:
465            self._foreign_keys.setdefault(key, val)
467    def check_foreign_keys(self, cr):
468        """ Create or update the expected foreign keys. """
469        if not self._foreign_keys:
470            return
472        # determine existing foreign keys on the tables
473        query = """
474            SELECT fk.conname, c1.relname, a1.attname, c2.relname, a2.attname, fk.confdeltype
475            FROM pg_constraint AS fk
476            JOIN pg_class AS c1 ON fk.conrelid = c1.oid
477            JOIN pg_class AS c2 ON fk.confrelid = c2.oid
478            JOIN pg_attribute AS a1 ON a1.attrelid = c1.oid AND fk.conkey[1] = a1.attnum
479            JOIN pg_attribute AS a2 ON a2.attrelid = c2.oid AND fk.confkey[1] = a2.attnum
480            WHERE fk.contype = 'f' AND c1.relname IN %s
481        """
482        cr.execute(query, [tuple({table for table, column in self._foreign_keys})])
483        existing = {
484            (table1, column1): (name, table2, column2, deltype)
485            for name, table1, column1, table2, column2, deltype in cr.fetchall()
486        }
488        # create or update foreign keys
489        for key, val in self._foreign_keys.items():
490            table1, column1 = key
491            table2, column2, ondelete, model, module = val
492            deltype = sql._CONFDELTYPES[ondelete.upper()]
493            spec = existing.get(key)
494            if spec is None:
495                sql.add_foreign_key(cr, table1, column1, table2, column2, ondelete)
496                conname = sql.get_foreign_keys(cr, table1, column1, table2, column2, ondelete)[0]
497                model.env['ir.model.constraint']._reflect_constraint(model, conname, 'f', None, module)
498            elif spec[1:] != (table2, column2, deltype):
499                sql.drop_constraint(cr, table1, spec[0])
500                sql.add_foreign_key(cr, table1, column1, table2, column2, ondelete)
501                conname = sql.get_foreign_keys(cr, table1, column1, table2, column2, ondelete)[0]
502                model.env['ir.model.constraint']._reflect_constraint(model, conname, 'f', None, module)
504    def check_tables_exist(self, cr):
505        """
506        Verify that all tables are present and try to initialize those that are missing.
507        """
508        env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
509        table2model = {
510            model._table: name
511            for name, model in env.items()
512            if not model._abstract and model.__class__._table_query is None
513        }
514        missing_tables = set(table2model).difference(existing_tables(cr, table2model))
516        if missing_tables:
517            missing = {table2model[table] for table in missing_tables}
518            _logger.info("Models have no table: %s.", ", ".join(missing))
519            # recreate missing tables
520            for name in missing:
521                _logger.info("Recreate table of model %s.", name)
522                env[name].init()
523            env['base'].flush()
524            # check again, and log errors if tables are still missing
525            missing_tables = set(table2model).difference(existing_tables(cr, table2model))
526            for table in missing_tables:
527                _logger.error("Model %s has no table.", table2model[table])
529    def _clear_cache(self):
530        """ Clear the cache and mark it as invalidated. """
531        self.__cache.clear()
532        self.cache_invalidated = True
534    def clear_caches(self):
535        """ Clear the caches associated to methods decorated with
536        ``tools.ormcache`` or ``tools.ormcache_multi`` for all the models.
537        """
538        for model in self.models.values():
539            model.clear_caches()
541    def is_an_ordinary_table(self, model):
542        """ Return whether the given model has an ordinary table. """
543        if self._ordinary_tables is None:
544            cr = model.env.cr
545            query = """
546                SELECT c.relname
547                  FROM pg_class c
548                  JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
549                 WHERE c.relname IN %s
550                   AND c.relkind = 'r'
551                   AND n.nspname = 'public'
552            """
553            tables = tuple(m._table for m in self.models.values())
554            cr.execute(query, [tables])
555            self._ordinary_tables = {row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()}
557        return model._table in self._ordinary_tables
559    def setup_signaling(self):
560        """ Setup the inter-process signaling on this registry. """
561        if self.in_test_mode():
562            return
564        with self.cursor() as cr:
565            # The `base_registry_signaling` sequence indicates when the registry
566            # must be reloaded.
567            # The `base_cache_signaling` sequence indicates when all caches must
568            # be invalidated (i.e. cleared).
569            cr.execute("SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_name='base_registry_signaling'")
570            if not cr.fetchall():
571                cr.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE base_registry_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1")
572                cr.execute("SELECT nextval('base_registry_signaling')")
573                cr.execute("CREATE SEQUENCE base_cache_signaling INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1")
574                cr.execute("SELECT nextval('base_cache_signaling')")
576            cr.execute(""" SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
577                                  base_cache_signaling.last_value
578                           FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
579            self.registry_sequence, self.cache_sequence = cr.fetchone()
580            _logger.debug("Multiprocess load registry signaling: [Registry: %s] [Cache: %s]",
581                          self.registry_sequence, self.cache_sequence)
583    def check_signaling(self):
584        """ Check whether the registry has changed, and performs all necessary
585        operations to update the registry. Return an up-to-date registry.
586        """
587        if self.in_test_mode():
588            return self
590        with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
591            cr.execute(""" SELECT base_registry_signaling.last_value,
592                                  base_cache_signaling.last_value
593                           FROM base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling""")
594            r, c = cr.fetchone()
595            _logger.debug("Multiprocess signaling check: [Registry - %s -> %s] [Cache - %s -> %s]",
596                          self.registry_sequence, r, self.cache_sequence, c)
597            # Check if the model registry must be reloaded
598            if self.registry_sequence != r:
599                _logger.info("Reloading the model registry after database signaling.")
600                self = Registry.new(self.db_name)
601            # Check if the model caches must be invalidated.
602            elif self.cache_sequence != c:
603                _logger.info("Invalidating all model caches after database signaling.")
604                self.clear_caches()
606            # prevent re-signaling the clear_caches() above, or any residual one that
607            # would be inherited from the master process (first request in pre-fork mode)
608            self.cache_invalidated = False
610            self.registry_sequence = r
611            self.cache_sequence = c
613        return self
615    def signal_changes(self):
616        """ Notifies other processes if registry or cache has been invalidated. """
617        if self.registry_invalidated and not self.in_test_mode():
618            _logger.info("Registry changed, signaling through the database")
619            with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
620                cr.execute("select nextval('base_registry_signaling')")
621                self.registry_sequence = cr.fetchone()[0]
623        # no need to notify cache invalidation in case of registry invalidation,
624        # because reloading the registry implies starting with an empty cache
625        elif self.cache_invalidated and not self.in_test_mode():
626            _logger.info("At least one model cache has been invalidated, signaling through the database.")
627            with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
628                cr.execute("select nextval('base_cache_signaling')")
629                self.cache_sequence = cr.fetchone()[0]
631        self.registry_invalidated = False
632        self.cache_invalidated = False
634    def reset_changes(self):
635        """ Reset the registry and cancel all invalidations. """
636        if self.registry_invalidated:
637            with closing(self.cursor()) as cr:
638                self.setup_models(cr)
639                self.registry_invalidated = False
640        if self.cache_invalidated:
641            self.__cache.clear()
642            self.cache_invalidated = False
644    @contextmanager
645    def manage_changes(self):
646        """ Context manager to signal/discard registry and cache invalidations. """
647        try:
648            yield self
649            self.signal_changes()
650        except Exception:
651            self.reset_changes()
652            raise
654    def in_test_mode(self):
655        """ Test whether the registry is in 'test' mode. """
656        return self.test_cr is not None
658    def enter_test_mode(self, cr):
659        """ Enter the 'test' mode, where one cursor serves several requests. """
660        assert self.test_cr is None
661        self.test_cr = cr
662        self.test_lock = threading.RLock()
663        assert Registry._saved_lock is None
664        Registry._saved_lock = Registry._lock
665        Registry._lock = DummyRLock()
667    def leave_test_mode(self):
668        """ Leave the test mode. """
669        assert self.test_cr is not None
670        self.test_cr = None
671        self.test_lock = None
672        assert Registry._saved_lock is not None
673        Registry._lock = Registry._saved_lock
674        Registry._saved_lock = None
676    def cursor(self):
677        """ Return a new cursor for the database. The cursor itself may be used
678            as a context manager to commit/rollback and close automatically.
679        """
680        if self.test_cr is not None:
681            # When in test mode, we use a proxy object that uses 'self.test_cr'
682            # underneath.
683            return TestCursor(self.test_cr, self.test_lock)
684        return self._db.cursor()
687class DummyRLock(object):
688    """ Dummy reentrant lock, to be used while running rpc and js tests """
689    def acquire(self):
690        pass
691    def release(self):
692        pass
693    def __enter__(self):
694        self.acquire()
695    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
696        self.release()