1 /* -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 /*
4  Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Caspers
6  This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
7  for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
9  QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  under the terms of the QuantLib license.  You should have received a
11  copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
12  <quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
13  <http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.
15  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
17  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the license for more details.
18 */
20 #include "markovfunctional.hpp"
21 #include "utilities.hpp"
22 #include <ql/processes/mfstateprocess.hpp>
23 #include <ql/models/shortrate/onefactormodels/markovfunctional.hpp>
24 #include <ql/pricingengines/swaption/gaussian1dswaptionengine.hpp>
25 #include <ql/pricingengines/capfloor/gaussian1dcapfloorengine.hpp>
26 #include <ql/termstructures/yield/flatforward.hpp>
27 #include <ql/termstructures/yield/piecewiseyieldcurve.hpp>
28 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/swaption/swaptionconstantvol.hpp>
29 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/optionlet/constantoptionletvol.hpp>
30 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/swaption/swaptionvolmatrix.hpp>
31 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/swaption/swaptionvolcube1.hpp>
32 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/swaption/swaptionvolcube2.hpp>
33 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/capfloor/capfloortermvolsurface.hpp>
34 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/optionlet/optionletstripper1.hpp>
35 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/optionlet/strippedoptionletadapter.hpp>
36 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/interpolatedsmilesection.hpp>
37 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/kahalesmilesection.hpp>
38 #include <ql/time/calendars/target.hpp>
39 #include <ql/indexes/swap/euriborswap.hpp>
40 #include <ql/indexes/ibor/euribor.hpp>
41 #include <ql/termstructures/yield/ratehelpers.hpp>
42 #include <ql/time/daycounters/actual360.hpp>
43 #include <ql/time/daycounters/thirty360.hpp>
44 #include <ql/time/daycounters/actualactual.hpp>
45 #include <ql/instruments/makeswaption.hpp>
46 #include <ql/instruments/makevanillaswap.hpp>
47 #include <ql/instruments/makecapfloor.hpp>
48 #include <ql/cashflows/cashflowvectors.hpp>
49 #include <ql/pricingengines/swaption/blackswaptionengine.hpp>
50 #include <ql/pricingengines/capfloor/blackcapfloorengine.hpp>
51 #include <ql/models/shortrate/calibrationhelpers/swaptionhelper.hpp>
52 #include <ql/models/shortrate/calibrationhelpers/caphelper.hpp>
54 using namespace QuantLib;
55 using namespace boost::unit_test_framework;
57 using std::fabs;
testMfStateProcess()59 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testMfStateProcess() {
61     const Real tolerance = 1E-10;
62     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Testing Markov functional state process...");
64     Array times1(0), vols1(1, 1.0);
65     MfStateProcess sp1(0.00, times1, vols1);
66     Real var11 = sp1.variance(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
67     Real var12 = sp1.variance(0.0, 0.0, 2.0);
68     if (std::fabs(var11 - 1.0) > tolerance)
69         BOOST_ERROR("process 1 has not variance 1.0 for dt = 1.0 but "
70                     << var11);
71     if (std::fabs(var12 - 2.0) > tolerance)
72         BOOST_ERROR("process 1 has not variance 1.0 for dt = 1.0 but "
73                     << var12);
75     Array times2(2), vols2(3);
76     times2[0] = 1.0;
77     times2[1] = 2.0;
78     vols2[0] = 1.0;
79     vols2[1] = 2.0;
80     vols2[2] = 3.0;
81     MfStateProcess sp2(0.00, times2, vols2);
82     Real dif21 = sp2.diffusion(0.0, 0.0);
83     Real dif22 = sp2.diffusion(0.99, 0.0);
84     Real dif23 = sp2.diffusion(1.0, 0.0);
85     Real dif24 = sp2.diffusion(1.9, 0.0);
86     Real dif25 = sp2.diffusion(2.0, 0.0);
87     Real dif26 = sp2.diffusion(3.0, 0.0);
88     Real dif27 = sp2.diffusion(5.0, 0.0);
89     if (std::fabs(dif21 - 1.0) > tolerance)
90         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 0.0, should be 1.0 but is "
91                     << dif21);
92     if (std::fabs(dif22 - 1.0) > tolerance)
93         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 0.99, should be 1.0 but is "
94                     << dif22);
95     if (std::fabs(dif23 - 2.0) > tolerance)
96         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 1.0, should be 2.0 but is "
97                     << dif23);
98     if (std::fabs(dif24 - 2.0) > tolerance)
99         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 1.9, should be 2.0 but is "
100                     << dif24);
101     if (std::fabs(dif25 - 3.0) > tolerance)
102         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 2.0, should be 3.0 but is "
103                     << dif25);
104     if (std::fabs(dif26 - 3.0) > tolerance)
105         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 3.0, should be 3.0 but is "
106                     << dif26);
107     if (std::fabs(dif27 - 3.0) > tolerance)
108         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong drift at 5.0, should be 3.0 but is "
109                     << dif27);
110     Real var21 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
111     Real var22 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
112     Real var23 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
113     Real var24 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 1.5);
114     Real var25 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 3.0);
115     Real var26 = sp2.variance(0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
116     Real var27 = sp2.variance(1.2, 0.0, 1.0);
117     if (std::fabs(var21 - 0.0) > tolerance)
118         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong variance at 0.0, should be 0.0 but is "
119                     << var21);
120     if (std::fabs(var22 - 0.5) > tolerance)
121         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong variance at 0.5, should be 0.5 but is "
122                     << var22);
123     if (std::fabs(var23 - 1.0) > tolerance)
124         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong variance at 1.0, should be 1.0 but is "
125                     << var23);
126     if (std::fabs(var24 - 3.0) > tolerance)
127         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong variance at 1.5, should be 3.0 but is "
128                     << var24);
129     if (std::fabs(var25 - 14.0) > tolerance)
130         BOOST_ERROR(
131             "process 2 has wrong variance at 3.0, should be 14.0 but is "
132             << var25);
133     if (std::fabs(var26 - 32.0) > tolerance)
134         BOOST_ERROR(
135             "process 2 has wrong variance at 5.0, should be 32.0 but is "
136             << var26);
137     if (std::fabs(var27 - 5.0) > tolerance)
138         BOOST_ERROR("process 2 has wrong variance between 1.2 and 2.2, should "
139                     "be 5.0 but is "
140                     << var27);
142     MfStateProcess sp3(0.01, times2, vols2);
143     Real var31 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
144     Real var32 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
145     Real var33 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
146     Real var34 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 1.5);
147     Real var35 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 3.0);
148     Real var36 = sp3.variance(0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
149     Real var37 = sp3.variance(1.2, 0.0, 1.0);
150     if (std::fabs(var31 - 0.0) > tolerance)
151         BOOST_ERROR("process 3 has wrong variance at 0.0, should be 0.0 but is "
152                     << std::setprecision(12) << var31);
153     if (std::fabs(var32 - 0.502508354208) > tolerance)
154         BOOST_ERROR("process 3 has wrong variance at 0.5, should be 0.5 but it "
155                     << std::setprecision(12) << var32);
156     if (std::fabs(var33 - 1.01006700134) > tolerance)
157         BOOST_ERROR("process 3 has wrong variance at 1.0, should be 1.0 but it "
158                     << std::setprecision(12) << var33);
159     if (std::fabs(var34 - 3.06070578669) > tolerance)
160         BOOST_ERROR("process 3 has wrong variance at 1.5, should be 3.0 but it "
161                     << std::setprecision(12) << var34);
162     if (std::fabs(var35 - 14.5935513933) > tolerance)
163         BOOST_ERROR(
164             "process 3 has wrong variance at 3.0, should be 14.0 but it "
165             << std::setprecision(12) << var35);
166     if (std::fabs(var36 - 34.0940185819) > tolerance)
167         BOOST_ERROR(
168             "process 3 has wrong variance at 5.0, should be 32.0 but it "
169             << std::setprecision(12) << var36);
170     if (std::fabs(var37 - 5.18130257358) > tolerance)
171         BOOST_ERROR("process 3 has wrong variance between 1.2 and 2.2, should "
172                     "be 5.0 but it "
173                     << std::setprecision(12) << var37);
174 }
176 namespace {
178     // Flat yield term structure at 3%
flatYts()180     Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatYts() {
182         return Handle<YieldTermStructure>(ext::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>(
183             new FlatForward(0, TARGET(), 0.03, Actual365Fixed())));
184     }
186     // Flat swaption volatility structure at 20%
flatSwaptionVts()188     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> flatSwaptionVts() {
190         return Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
191             ext::shared_ptr<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
192                 new ConstantSwaptionVolatility(0, TARGET(), ModifiedFollowing,
193                                                0.20, Actual365Fixed())));
194     }
196     // Flat cap volatility structure at 20%
flatOptionletVts()198     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> flatOptionletVts() {
200         return Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
201             ext::shared_ptr<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
202                 new ConstantOptionletVolatility(0, TARGET(), ModifiedFollowing,
203                                                 0.20, Actual365Fixed())));
204     }
206     // Yield term structure as of 14.11.2012 (6m discounting)
md0Yts()208     Handle<YieldTermStructure> md0Yts() {
210         ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> euribor6mEmpty(new Euribor(6 * Months));
212         std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Quote> > q6m;
213         std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<RateHelper> > r6m;
215         double q6mh[] = { 0.0001,  0.0001,  0.0001,  0.0003,  0.00055, 0.0009,
216                           0.0014,  0.0019,  0.0025,  0.0031,  0.00325, 0.00313,
217                           0.0031,  0.00307, 0.00309, 0.00339, 0.00316, 0.00326,
218                           0.00335, 0.00343, 0.00358, 0.00351, 0.00388, 0.00404,
219                           0.00425, 0.00442, 0.00462, 0.00386, 0.00491, 0.00647,
220                           0.00837, 0.01033, 0.01218, 0.01382, 0.01527, 0.01654,
221                           0.0177,  0.01872, 0.01959, 0.0203,  0.02088, 0.02132,
222                           0.02164, 0.02186, 0.02202, 0.02213, 0.02222, 0.02229,
223                           0.02234, 0.02238, 0.02241, 0.02243, 0.02244, 0.02245,
224                           0.02247, 0.0225,  0.02284, 0.02336, 0.02407, 0.0245 };
226         Period q6mh1[] = { 1 * Days,   1 * Days,   1 * Days,   1 * Weeks,
227                            1 * Months, 2 * Months, 3 * Months, 4 * Months,
228                            5 * Months, 6 * Months };
230         Period q6mh2[] = {
231             7 * Months,  8 * Months,  9 * Months,  10 * Months, 11 * Months,
232             1 * Years,   13 * Months, 14 * Months, 15 * Months, 16 * Months,
233             17 * Months, 18 * Months, 19 * Months, 20 * Months, 21 * Months,
234             22 * Months, 23 * Months, 2 * Years,   3 * Years,   4 * Years,
235             5 * Years,   6 * Years,   7 * Years,   8 * Years,   9 * Years,
236             10 * Years,  11 * Years,  12 * Years,  13 * Years,  14 * Years,
237             15 * Years,  16 * Years,  17 * Years,  18 * Years,  19 * Years,
238             20 * Years,  21 * Years,  22 * Years,  23 * Years,  24 * Years,
239             25 * Years,  26 * Years,  27 * Years,  28 * Years,  29 * Years,
240             30 * Years,  35 * Years,  40 * Years,  50 * Years,  60 * Years
241         };
243         q6m.reserve(10 + 15 + 35);
244         for (int i = 0; i < 10 + 15 + 35; i++) {
245             q6m.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(q6mh[i])));
246         }
248         r6m.reserve(10);
249         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
250             r6m.push_back(ext::make_shared<DepositRateHelper>(
251                 Handle<Quote>(q6m[i]), q6mh1[i],
252                                       i < 2 ? i : 2, TARGET(),
253                                       ModifiedFollowing, false, Actual360()));
254         }
256         for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
257             if (i + 1 != 6 && i + 1 != 12 && i + 1 != 18) {
258                 r6m.push_back(ext::make_shared<FraRateHelper>(
259                             Handle<Quote>(q6m[10 + i]), i + 1,
260                                           i + 7, 2, TARGET(), ModifiedFollowing,
261                                           false, Actual360()));
262             }
263         }
265         for (int i = 0; i < 15 + 35; i++) {
266             if (i + 7 == 12 || i + 7 == 18 || i + 7 >= 24) {
267                 r6m.push_back(ext::make_shared<SwapRateHelper>(
268                     Handle<Quote>(q6m[10 + i]), q6mh2[i],
269                                        TARGET(), Annual, ModifiedFollowing,
270                                        Actual360(), euribor6mEmpty));
271             }
272         }
274         Handle<YieldTermStructure> res(ext::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure>(
275             new PiecewiseYieldCurve<Discount, LogLinear>(0, TARGET(), r6m,
276                                                          Actual365Fixed())));
277         res->enableExtrapolation();
279         return res;
280     }
282     // Swaption volatility cube as of 14.11.2012, 1y underlying vols are not
283     // converted here from 3m to 6m
md0SwaptionVts()285     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> md0SwaptionVts() {
287         std::vector<Period> optionTenors;
288         std::vector<Period> swapTenors;
290         Period optTen[] = { 1 * Months, 2 * Months, 3 * Months,  6 * Months,
291                             9 * Months, 1 * Years,  18 * Months, 2 * Years,
292                             3 * Years,  4 * Years,  5 * Years,   6 * Years,
293                             7 * Years,  8 * Years,  9 * Years,   10 * Years,
294                             15 * Years, 20 * Years, 25 * Years,  30 * Years };
295         for (Size i = 0; i < 20; i++)
296             optionTenors.push_back(optTen[i]);
298         Period swpTen[] = { 1 * Years,  2 * Years,  3 * Years,  4 * Years,
299                             5 * Years,  6 * Years,  7 * Years,  8 * Years,
300                             9 * Years,  10 * Years, 15 * Years, 20 * Years,
301                             25 * Years, 30 * Years };
302         for (Size i = 0; i < 14; i++)
303             swapTenors.push_back(swpTen[i]);
305         double qSwAtmh[] = {
306             1.81,  0.897, 0.819, 0.692, 0.551, 0.47,  0.416, 0.379, 0.357,
307             0.335, 0.283, 0.279, 0.283, 0.287, 1.717, 0.886, 0.79,  0.69,
308             0.562, 0.481, 0.425, 0.386, 0.359, 0.339, 0.29,  0.287, 0.292,
309             0.296, 1.762, 0.903, 0.804, 0.693, 0.582, 0.5,   0.448, 0.411,
310             0.387, 0.365, 0.31,  0.307, 0.312, 0.317, 1.662, 0.882, 0.764,
311             0.67,  0.586, 0.513, 0.468, 0.432, 0.408, 0.388, 0.331, 0.325,
312             0.33,  0.334, 1.53,  0.854, 0.728, 0.643, 0.565, 0.503, 0.464,
313             0.435, 0.415, 0.393, 0.337, 0.33,  0.333, 0.338, 1.344, 0.786,
314             0.683, 0.609, 0.54,  0.488, 0.453, 0.429, 0.411, 0.39,  0.335,
315             0.329, 0.332, 0.336, 1.1,   0.711, 0.617, 0.548, 0.497, 0.456,
316             0.43,  0.408, 0.392, 0.374, 0.328, 0.323, 0.326, 0.33,  0.956,
317             0.638, 0.553, 0.496, 0.459, 0.427, 0.403, 0.385, 0.371, 0.359,
318             0.321, 0.318, 0.323, 0.327, 0.671, 0.505, 0.45,  0.42,  0.397,
319             0.375, 0.36,  0.347, 0.337, 0.329, 0.305, 0.303, 0.309, 0.313,
320             0.497, 0.406, 0.378, 0.36,  0.348, 0.334, 0.323, 0.315, 0.309,
321             0.304, 0.289, 0.289, 0.294, 0.297, 0.404, 0.352, 0.334, 0.322,
322             0.313, 0.304, 0.296, 0.291, 0.288, 0.286, 0.278, 0.277, 0.281,
323             0.282, 0.345, 0.312, 0.302, 0.294, 0.286, 0.28,  0.276, 0.274,
324             0.273, 0.273, 0.267, 0.265, 0.268, 0.269, 0.305, 0.285, 0.277,
325             0.271, 0.266, 0.262, 0.26,  0.259, 0.26,  0.262, 0.259, 0.256,
326             0.257, 0.256, 0.282, 0.265, 0.259, 0.254, 0.251, 0.25,  0.25,
327             0.251, 0.253, 0.256, 0.253, 0.25,  0.249, 0.246, 0.263, 0.248,
328             0.244, 0.241, 0.24,  0.24,  0.242, 0.245, 0.249, 0.252, 0.249,
329             0.245, 0.243, 0.238, 0.242, 0.234, 0.232, 0.232, 0.233, 0.235,
330             0.239, 0.243, 0.247, 0.249, 0.246, 0.242, 0.237, 0.231, 0.233,
331             0.234, 0.241, 0.246, 0.249, 0.253, 0.257, 0.261, 0.263, 0.264,
332             0.251, 0.236, 0.222, 0.214, 0.262, 0.26,  0.262, 0.263, 0.263,
333             0.266, 0.268, 0.269, 0.269, 0.265, 0.237, 0.214, 0.202, 0.196,
334             0.26,  0.26,  0.261, 0.261, 0.258, 0.255, 0.252, 0.248, 0.245,
335             0.24,  0.207, 0.187, 0.182, 0.176, 0.236, 0.223, 0.221, 0.218,
336             0.214, 0.21,  0.207, 0.204, 0.202, 0.2,   0.175, 0.167, 0.163,
337             0.158
338         };
340         std::vector<std::vector<Handle<Quote> > > qSwAtm;
341         for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
342             std::vector<Handle<Quote> > qSwAtmTmp;
343             qSwAtmTmp.reserve(14);
344             for (int j = 0; j < 14; j++) {
345                 qSwAtmTmp.push_back(Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
346                     new SimpleQuote(qSwAtmh[i * 14 + j]))));
347             }
348             qSwAtm.push_back(qSwAtmTmp);
349         }
351         Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> swaptionVolAtm(
352             ext::shared_ptr<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(
353                 new SwaptionVolatilityMatrix(TARGET(), ModifiedFollowing,
354                                              optionTenors, swapTenors, qSwAtm,
355                                              Actual365Fixed())));
357         std::vector<Period> optionTenorsSmile;
358         std::vector<Period> swapTenorsSmile;
359         std::vector<Real> strikeSpreads;
361         Period optTenSm[] = { 3 * Months, 1 * Years,  5 * Years,
362                               10 * Years, 20 * Years, 30 * Years };
363         Period swpTenSm[] = { 2 * Years,  5 * Years, 10 * Years,
364                               20 * Years, 30 * Years };
365         Real strksp[] = { -0.02,  -0.01,  -0.0050, -0.0025, 0.0,
366                           0.0025, 0.0050, 0.01,    0.02 };
368         for (Size i = 0; i < 6; i++)
369             optionTenorsSmile.push_back(optTenSm[i]);
370         for (Size i = 0; i < 5; i++)
371             swapTenorsSmile.push_back(swpTenSm[i]);
372         for (Size i = 0; i < 9; i++)
373             strikeSpreads.push_back(strksp[i]);
375         std::vector<std::vector<Handle<Quote> > > qSwSmile;
377         double qSwSmileh[] = {
378             2.2562,  2.2562,  2.2562,  0.1851,  0.0,     -0.0389, -0.0507,
379             -0.0571, -0.06,   14.9619, 14.9619, 0.1249,  0.0328,  0.0,
380             -0.0075, -0.005,  0.0078,  0.0328,  0.2296,  0.2296,  0.0717,
381             0.0267,  0.0,     -0.0115, -0.0126, -0.0002, 0.0345,  0.6665,
382             0.1607,  0.0593,  0.0245,  0.0,     -0.0145, -0.0204, -0.0164,
383             0.0102,  0.6509,  0.1649,  0.0632,  0.027,   0.0,     -0.018,
384             -0.0278, -0.0303, -0.0105, 0.6303,  0.6303,  0.6303,  0.1169,
385             0.0,     -0.0469, -0.0699, -0.091,  -0.1065, 0.4437,  0.4437,
386             0.0944,  0.0348,  0.0,     -0.0206, -0.0327, -0.0439, -0.0472,
387             2.1557,  0.1501,  0.0531,  0.0225,  0.0,     -0.0161, -0.0272,
388             -0.0391, -0.0429, 0.4365,  0.1077,  0.0414,  0.0181,  0.0,
389             -0.0137, -0.0237, -0.0354, -0.0401, 0.4415,  0.1117,  0.0437,
390             0.0193,  0.0,     -0.015,  -0.0264, -0.0407, -0.0491, 0.4301,
391             0.0776,  0.0283,  0.0122,  0.0,     -0.0094, -0.0165, -0.0262,
392             -0.035,  0.2496,  0.0637,  0.0246,  0.0109,  0.0,     -0.0086,
393             -0.0153, -0.0247, -0.0334, 0.1912,  0.0569,  0.023,   0.0104,
394             0.0,     -0.0085, -0.0155, -0.0256, -0.0361, 0.2095,  0.06,
395             0.0239,  0.0107,  0.0,     -0.0087, -0.0156, -0.0254, -0.0348,
396             0.2357,  0.0669,  0.0267,  0.012,   0.0,     -0.0097, -0.0174,
397             -0.0282, -0.0383, 0.1291,  0.0397,  0.0158,  0.007,   0.0,
398             -0.0056, -0.01,   -0.0158, -0.0203, 0.1281,  0.0397,  0.0159,
399             0.0071,  0.0,     -0.0057, -0.0102, -0.0164, -0.0215, 0.1547,
400             0.0468,  0.0189,  0.0085,  0.0,     -0.0069, -0.0125, -0.0205,
401             -0.0283, 0.1851,  0.0522,  0.0208,  0.0093,  0.0,     -0.0075,
402             -0.0135, -0.0221, -0.0304, 0.1782,  0.0506,  0.02,    0.0089,
403             0.0,     -0.0071, -0.0128, -0.0206, -0.0276, 0.2665,  0.0654,
404             0.0255,  0.0113,  0.0,     -0.0091, -0.0163, -0.0265, -0.0367,
405             0.2873,  0.0686,  0.0269,  0.0121,  0.0,     -0.0098, -0.0179,
406             -0.0298, -0.043,  0.2993,  0.0688,  0.0273,  0.0123,  0.0,
407             -0.0103, -0.0189, -0.0324, -0.0494, 0.1869,  0.0501,  0.0202,
408             0.0091,  0.0,     -0.0076, -0.014,  -0.0239, -0.0358, 0.1573,
409             0.0441,  0.0178,  0.008,   0.0,     -0.0066, -0.0121, -0.0202,
410             -0.0294, 0.196,   0.0525,  0.0204,  0.009,   0.0,     -0.0071,
411             -0.0125, -0.0197, -0.0253, 0.1795,  0.0497,  0.0197,  0.0088,
412             0.0,     -0.0071, -0.0128, -0.0208, -0.0286, 0.1401,  0.0415,
413             0.0171,  0.0078,  0.0,     -0.0066, -0.0122, -0.0209, -0.0318,
414             0.112,   0.0344,  0.0142,  0.0065,  0.0,     -0.0055, -0.01,
415             -0.0171, -0.0256, 0.1077,  0.0328,  0.0134,  0.0061,  0.0,
416             -0.005,  -0.0091, -0.0152, -0.0216,
417         };
419         for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
420             std::vector<Handle<Quote> > qSwSmileTmp;
421             qSwSmileTmp.reserve(9);
422             for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
423                 qSwSmileTmp.push_back(Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
424                     new SimpleQuote(qSwSmileh[i * 9 + j]))));
425             }
426             qSwSmile.push_back(qSwSmileTmp);
427         }
429         double qSwSmileh1[] = {
430             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
431             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
432             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
433             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
434             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
435             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
436             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
437             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
438             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2,
439             0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2, 0.01, 0.2, 0.8, -0.2
440         };
442         std::vector<bool> parameterFixed;
443         parameterFixed.push_back(false);
444         parameterFixed.push_back(false); // beta could be fixed
445         parameterFixed.push_back(false);
446         parameterFixed.push_back(false);
448         std::vector<std::vector<Handle<Quote> > > parameterGuess;
449         for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
450             std::vector<Handle<Quote> > parameterGuessTmp;
451             parameterGuessTmp.reserve(4);
452             for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
453                 parameterGuessTmp.push_back(
454                     Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
455                         new SimpleQuote(qSwSmileh1[i * 4 + j]))));
456             }
457             parameterGuess.push_back(parameterGuessTmp);
458         }
460         ext::shared_ptr<EndCriteria> ec(
461             new EndCriteria(50000, 250, 1E-6, 1E-6, 1E-6));
463         ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndex(new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(
464             30 * Years, Handle<YieldTermStructure>(md0Yts())));
465         ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> shortSwapIndex(new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(
466             1 * Years,
467             Handle<YieldTermStructure>(md0Yts()))); // We assume that we have 6m
468                                                     // vols (which we actually
469                                                     // don't have for 1y
470                                                     // underlying, but this is
471                                                     // just a test...)
473         // return Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(new
474         // SwaptionVolCube2(swaptionVolAtm,optionTenorsSmile,swapTenorsSmile,strikeSpreads,qSwSmile,swapIndex,shortSwapIndex,false));
475         // // bilinear interpolation gives nasty digitals
476         Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> res(
477             ext::shared_ptr<SwaptionVolatilityStructure>(new SwaptionVolCube1(
478                 swaptionVolAtm, optionTenorsSmile, swapTenorsSmile,
479                 strikeSpreads, qSwSmile, swapIndex, shortSwapIndex, true,
480                 parameterGuess, parameterFixed, true, ec,
481                 0.0050))); // put a big error tolerance here ... we just want a
482                            // smooth cube for testing
483         res->enableExtrapolation();
484         return res;
485     }
487     // Cap volatility surface as of 14.11.2012. Par vols up to 2y are converted
488     // to 6m to get a consistent caplet surface.
md0OptionletVts()490     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> md0OptionletVts() {
492         // with the thread safe observer it takes very long to destruct
493         // the cap floor instruments created in OptionletStripper1
495         return flatOptionletVts();
496 #endif
498         Size nOptTen = 16;
499         Size nStrikes = 12; // leave out last strike 10% because it causes an
500                             // exception in bootstrapping
502         std::vector<Period> optionTenors;
503         Period optTen[] = { 1 * Years,  18 * Months, 2 * Years,  3 * Years,
504                             4 * Years,  5 * Years,   6 * Years,  7 * Years,
505                             8 * Years,  9 * Years,   10 * Years, 12 * Years,
506                             15 * Years, 20 * Years,  25 * Years, 30 * Years };
507         for (Size i = 0; i < nOptTen; i++)
508             optionTenors.push_back(optTen[i]);
510         std::vector<Real> strikes;
511         Real strk[] = { 0.0025, 0.0050, 0.0100, 0.0150, 0.0200, 0.0225, 0.0250,
512                         0.0300, 0.0350, 0.0400, 0.0500, 0.0600, 0.1000 };
513         for (Size i = 0; i < nStrikes; i++)
514             strikes.push_back(strk[i]);
516         Matrix vols(nOptTen, nStrikes);
517         Real volsa[13][16] = { { 1.3378, 1.3032, 1.2514, 1.081, 1.019, 0.961,
518                                  0.907,  0.862,  0.822,  0.788, 0.758, 0.709,
519                                  0.66,   0.619,  0.597,  0.579 }, // strike1
520                                { 1.1882, 1.1057, 0.9823, 0.879, 0.828, 0.779,
521                                  0.736,  0.7,    0.67,   0.644, 0.621, 0.582,
522                                  0.544,  0.513,  0.496,  0.482 }, // strike2
523                                { 1.1646, 1.0356, 0.857, 0.742, 0.682, 0.626,
524                                  0.585,  0.553,  0.527, 0.506, 0.488, 0.459,
525                                  0.43,   0.408,  0.396, 0.386 }, // ...
526                                { 1.1932, 1.0364, 0.8291, 0.691, 0.618, 0.553,
527                                  0.509,  0.477,  0.452,  0.433, 0.417, 0.391,
528                                  0.367,  0.35,   0.342,  0.335 },
529                                { 1.2233, 1.0489, 0.8268, 0.666, 0.582, 0.51,
530                                  0.463,  0.43,   0.405,  0.387, 0.372, 0.348,
531                                  0.326,  0.312,  0.306,  0.301 },
532                                { 1.2369, 1.0555, 0.8283, 0.659, 0.57,  0.495,
533                                  0.447,  0.414,  0.388,  0.37,  0.355, 0.331,
534                                  0.31,   0.298,  0.293,  0.289 },
535                                { 1.2498, 1.0622, 0.8307, 0.653, 0.56,  0.483,
536                                  0.434,  0.4,    0.374,  0.356, 0.341, 0.318,
537                                  0.297,  0.286,  0.282,  0.279 },
538                                { 1.2719, 1.0747, 0.8368, 0.646, 0.546, 0.465,
539                                  0.415,  0.38,   0.353,  0.335, 0.32,  0.296,
540                                  0.277,  0.268,  0.265,  0.263 },
541                                { 1.2905, 1.0858, 0.8438, 0.643, 0.536, 0.453,
542                                  0.403,  0.367,  0.339,  0.32,  0.305, 0.281,
543                                  0.262,  0.255,  0.254,  0.252 },
544                                { 1.3063, 1.0953, 0.8508, 0.642, 0.53,  0.445,
545                                  0.395,  0.358,  0.329,  0.31,  0.294, 0.271,
546                                  0.252,  0.246,  0.246,  0.244 },
547                                { 1.332, 1.1108, 0.8631, 0.642, 0.521, 0.436,
548                                  0.386, 0.348,  0.319,  0.298, 0.282, 0.258,
549                                  0.24,  0.237,  0.237,  0.236 },
550                                { 1.3513, 1.1226, 0.8732, 0.645, 0.517, 0.43,
551                                  0.381,  0.344,  0.314,  0.293, 0.277, 0.252,
552                                  0.235,  0.233,  0.234,  0.233 },
553                                { 1.395, 1.1491, 0.9003, 0.661, 0.511, 0.425,
554                                  0.38,  0.344,  0.314,  0.292, 0.275, 0.251,
555                                  0.236, 0.236,  0.238,  0.235 } };
557         for (Size i = 0; i < nStrikes; i++) {
558             for (Size j = 0; j < nOptTen; j++) {
559                 vols[j][i] = volsa[i][j];
560             }
561         }
563         ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex(
564             new Euribor(6 * Months, md0Yts()));
565         ext::shared_ptr<CapFloorTermVolSurface> cf(new CapFloorTermVolSurface(
566             0, TARGET(), ModifiedFollowing, optionTenors, strikes, vols));
567         ext::shared_ptr<OptionletStripper> stripper(
568             new OptionletStripper1(cf, iborIndex));
570         return Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
571             ext::shared_ptr<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
572                 new StrippedOptionletAdapter(stripper)));
573     }
575     // Calibration Basket 1: CMS10y Swaptions, 5 yearly fixings
expiriesCalBasket1()577     Disposable<std::vector<Date> > expiriesCalBasket1() {
579         std::vector<Date> res;
580         Date referenceDate_ = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
582         for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
583             res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, i * Years));
585         return res;
586     }
tenorsCalBasket1()588     Disposable<std::vector<Period> > tenorsCalBasket1() {
590         std::vector<Period> res(5, 10 * Years);
592         return res;
593     }
595     // Calibration Basket 2: 6m caplets, 5 years
expiriesCalBasket2()597     Disposable<std::vector<Date> > expiriesCalBasket2() {
599         std::vector<Date> res;
600         Date referenceDate_ = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
602         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 6 * Months));
603         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 12 * Months));
604         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 18 * Months));
605         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 24 * Months));
606         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 30 * Months));
607         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 36 * Months));
608         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 42 * Months));
609         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 48 * Months));
610         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 54 * Months));
611         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 60 * Months));
613         return res;
614     }
616     // Calibration Basket 3: Coterminal Swaptions 10y
expiriesCalBasket3()618     Disposable<std::vector<Date> > expiriesCalBasket3() {
620         std::vector<Date> res;
621         Date referenceDate_ = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
623         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 1 * Years));
624         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 2 * Years));
625         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 3 * Years));
626         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 4 * Years));
627         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 5 * Years));
628         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 6 * Years));
629         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 7 * Years));
630         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 8 * Years));
631         res.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate_, 9 * Years));
633         return res;
634     }
tenorsCalBasket3()636     Disposable<std::vector<Period> > tenorsCalBasket3() {
638         std::vector<Period> res;
639         res.push_back(9 * Years);
640         res.push_back(8 * Years);
641         res.push_back(7 * Years);
642         res.push_back(6 * Years);
643         res.push_back(5 * Years);
644         res.push_back(4 * Years);
645         res.push_back(3 * Years);
646         res.push_back(2 * Years);
647         res.push_back(1 * Years);
648         return res;
649     }
651     Disposable<std::vector<Real> >
impliedStdDevs(const Real atm,const std::vector<Real> & strikes,const std::vector<Real> & prices)652     impliedStdDevs(const Real atm, const std::vector<Real> &strikes,
653                    const std::vector<Real> &prices) {
655         std::vector<Real> result;
657         for (Size i = 0; i < prices.size(); i++) {
658             result.push_back(blackFormulaImpliedStdDev(Option::Call, strikes[i],
659                                                        atm, prices[i], 1.0, 0.0,
660                                                        0.2, 1E-8, 1000));
661         }
663         return result;
664     }
665 }
testKahaleSmileSection()667 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testKahaleSmileSection() {
669     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Testing Kahale smile section...");
671     const Real tol = 1E-8;
673     // arbitrage free sample smile data
675     const Real atm = 0.05;
676     const Real t = 1.0;
678     const Real strikes0[] = { 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05,
679                               0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10 };
681     const std::vector<Real> strikes(strikes0, strikes0 + 10);
682     std::vector<Real> money;
683     std::vector<Real> calls0;
685     for (Size i = 0; i < strikes.size(); i++) {
686         money.push_back(strikes[i] / atm);
687         calls0.push_back(blackFormula(Option::Call, strikes[i], atm,
688                                       0.50 * std::sqrt(t), 1.0, 0.0));
689     }
691     std::vector<Real> stdDevs0 = impliedStdDevs(atm, strikes, calls0);
692     ext::shared_ptr<SmileSection> sec1(
693         new InterpolatedSmileSection<Linear>(t, strikes, stdDevs0, atm));
695     // test arbitrage free smile reproduction
697     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec11(
698         new KahaleSmileSection(sec1, atm, false, false, false, money));
700     if (std::fabs(ksec11->leftCoreStrike() - 0.01) > tol)
701         BOOST_ERROR("smile11 left af strike is " << ksec11->leftCoreStrike()
702                                                  << " expected 0.01");
704     if (std::fabs(ksec11->rightCoreStrike() - 0.10) > tol)
705         BOOST_ERROR("smile11 right af strike is " << ksec11->rightCoreStrike()
706                                                   << " expected 0.10");
708     Real k = strikes[0];
709     while (k <= strikes.back() + tol) {
710         Real pric0 = sec1->optionPrice(k);
711         Real pric1 = ksec11->optionPrice(k);
712         if (std::fabs(pric0 - pric1) > tol)
713             BOOST_ERROR("smile11 is not reprocduced at strike "
714                         << k << " input smile call price is  " << pric0
715                         << " kahale smile call price is " << pric1);
716         k += 0.0001;
717     }
719     // test interpolation
721     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec12(
722         new KahaleSmileSection(sec1, atm, true, false, false, money));
724     // sanity check for left point extrapolation may mark 0.01 as bad as well as
725     // good depending
726     // on platform and compiler due to numerical differences, so we have to
727     // admit two possible results
728     if (std::fabs(ksec12->leftCoreStrike() - 0.02) > tol &&
729         std::fabs(ksec12->leftCoreStrike() - 0.01) > tol)
730         BOOST_ERROR("smile12 left af strike is " << ksec12->leftCoreStrike()
731                                                  << "expected 0.01 or 0.02");
733     if (std::fabs(ksec12->rightCoreStrike() - 0.10) > tol)
734         BOOST_ERROR("smile12 right af strike is " << ksec12->rightCoreStrike()
735                                                   << "expected 0.10");
737     for (Size i = 1; i < strikes.size(); i++) {
738         Real pric0 = sec1->optionPrice(strikes[i]);
739         Real pric1 = ksec12->optionPrice(strikes[i]);
740         if (std::fabs(pric0 - pric1) > tol)
741             BOOST_ERROR("smile12 is not reproduced on grid at strike "
742                         << strikes[i] << " input smile call price is " << pric0
743                         << " kahale smile call price is " << pric1);
744     }
746     // test global no arbitrageability
748     k = 0.0010;
749     Real dig00 = 1.0, dig10 = 1.0;
750     while (k <= 2.0 * strikes.back() + tol) {
751         Real dig0 = ksec11->digitalOptionPrice(k);
752         Real dig1 = ksec12->digitalOptionPrice(k);
753         if (!(dig0 <= dig00 + tol && dig0 >= 0.0))
754             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals11 (" << dig00 << "," << dig0
755                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
756         if (!(dig1 <= dig10 + tol && dig1 >= 0.0))
757             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals12 (" << dig10 << "," << dig1
758                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
759         dig00 = dig0;
760         dig10 = dig1;
761         k += 0.0001;
762     }
764     // test exponential extrapolation
766     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec13(
767         new KahaleSmileSection(sec1, atm, false, true, false, money));
769     k = strikes.back();
770     Real dig0 = ksec13->digitalOptionPrice(k - 0.0010);
771     while (k <= 10.0 * strikes.back() + tol) {
772         Real dig = ksec13->digitalOptionPrice(k);
773         if (!(dig <= dig0 + tol && dig >= 0.0))
774             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals13 (" << dig0 << "," << dig
775                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
776         k += 0.0001;
777     }
779     // test arbitrageable smile (leftmost point)
781     std::vector<Real> calls1(calls0);
782     calls1[0] = (atm - strikes[0]) +
783                 0.0010; // introduce arbitrage by changing call price
784     std::vector<Real> stdDevs1 = impliedStdDevs(atm, strikes, calls1);
785     ext::shared_ptr<SmileSection> sec2(
786         new InterpolatedSmileSection<Linear>(t, strikes, stdDevs1, atm));
788     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec21(
789         new KahaleSmileSection(sec2, atm, false, false, false, money));
790     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec22(
791         new KahaleSmileSection(sec2, atm, true, false, true, money));
793     if (std::fabs(ksec21->leftCoreStrike() - 0.02) > tol)
794         BOOST_ERROR("smile21 left af strike is " << ksec21->leftCoreStrike()
795                                                  << " expected 0.02");
796     if (std::fabs(ksec22->leftCoreStrike() - 0.02) > tol)
797         BOOST_ERROR("smile22 left af strike is " << ksec22->leftCoreStrike()
798                                                  << " expected 0.02");
800     if (std::fabs(ksec21->rightCoreStrike() - 0.10) > tol)
801         BOOST_ERROR("smile21 right af strike is " << ksec21->rightCoreStrike()
802                                                   << " expected 0.10");
803     if (std::fabs(ksec22->rightCoreStrike() - 0.10) > tol)
804         BOOST_ERROR("smile22 right af strike is " << ksec22->rightCoreStrike()
805                                                   << " expected 0.10");
807     k = 0.0010;
808     dig00 = dig10 = 1.0;
809     while (k <= 2.0 * strikes.back() + tol) {
810         Real dig0 = ksec21->digitalOptionPrice(k);
811         Real dig1 = ksec22->digitalOptionPrice(k);
812         if (!(dig0 <= dig00 + tol && dig0 >= 0.0))
813             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals21 (" << dig00 << "," << dig0
814                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
815         if (!(dig1 <= dig10 + tol && dig1 >= 0.0))
816             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals22 (" << dig10 << "," << dig1
817                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
818         dig00 = dig0;
819         dig10 = dig1;
820         k += 0.0001;
821     }
823     // test arbitrageable smile (second but rightmost point)
825     std::vector<Real> calls2(calls0);
826     calls2[8] = 0.9 * calls2[9] +
827                 0.1 * calls2[8]; // introduce arbitrage by changing call price
828     std::vector<Real> stdDevs2 = impliedStdDevs(atm, strikes, calls2);
829     ext::shared_ptr<SmileSection> sec3(
830         new InterpolatedSmileSection<Linear>(t, strikes, stdDevs2, atm));
832     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec31(
833         new KahaleSmileSection(sec3, atm, false, false, false, money));
834     ext::shared_ptr<KahaleSmileSection> ksec32(
835         new KahaleSmileSection(sec3, atm, true, false, true, money));
837     if (std::fabs(ksec31->leftCoreStrike() - 0.01) > tol)
838         BOOST_ERROR("smile31 left af strike is " << ksec31->leftCoreStrike()
839                                                  << " expected 0.01");
841     // sanity check for left point extrapolation may mark 0.01 as bad as well as
842     // good depending
843     // on platform and compiler due to numerical differences, so we have to
844     // admit two possible results
845     if (std::fabs(ksec32->leftCoreStrike() - 0.02) > tol &&
846         std::fabs(ksec32->leftCoreStrike() - 0.01) > tol)
847         BOOST_ERROR("smile32 left af strike is " << ksec32->leftCoreStrike()
848                                                  << " expected 0.01 or 0.02");
850     if (std::fabs(ksec31->rightCoreStrike() - 0.08) > tol)
851         BOOST_ERROR("smile31 right af strike is " << ksec31->rightCoreStrike()
852                                                   << " expected 0.08");
853     if (std::fabs(ksec32->rightCoreStrike() - 0.10) > tol)
854         BOOST_ERROR("smile32 right af strike is " << ksec32->rightCoreStrike()
855                                                   << " expected 0.10");
856     k = 0.0010;
857     dig00 = dig10 = 1.0;
858     while (k <= 2.0 * strikes.back() + tol) {
859         Real dig0 = ksec31->digitalOptionPrice(k);
860         Real dig1 = ksec32->digitalOptionPrice(k);
861         if (!(dig0 <= dig00 + tol && dig0 >= 0.0))
862             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals31 (" << dig00 << "," << dig0
863                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
864         if (!(dig1 <= dig10 + tol && dig1 >= 0.0))
865             BOOST_ERROR("arbitrage in digitals32 (" << dig10 << "," << dig1
866                                                     << ") at strike " << k);
867         dig00 = dig0;
868         dig10 = dig1;
869         k += 0.0001;
870     }
871 }
testCalibrationOneInstrumentSet()873 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testCalibrationOneInstrumentSet() {
875     const Real tol0 = 0.0001; //  1bp tolerance for model zero rates vs. market
876                               // zero rates (note that model zero rates are
877                               // implied by the calibration of the numeraire to
878                               // the smile)
879     const Real tol1 =
880         0.0001; // 1bp tolerance for model call put premia vs. market premia
883         "Testing Markov functional calibration to one instrument set...");
885     Date savedEvalDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
886     Date referenceDate(14, November, 2012);
887     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = referenceDate;
889     Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatYts_ = flatYts();
890     Handle<YieldTermStructure> md0Yts_ = md0Yts();
891     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> flatSwaptionVts_ = flatSwaptionVts();
892     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> md0SwaptionVts_ = md0SwaptionVts();
893     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> flatOptionletVts_ = flatOptionletVts();
894     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> md0OptionletVts_ = md0OptionletVts();
896     ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndexBase(
897         new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years));
898     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex(new Euribor(6 * Months));
900     std::vector<Date> volStepDates;
901     std::vector<Real> vols;
902     vols.push_back(1.0);
904     std::vector<Real> money; // use a grid with fewer points for smile arbitrage
905                              // testing and model outputs than the default grid
906                              // for the testing here
907     money.push_back(0.1);
908     money.push_back(0.25);
909     money.push_back(0.50);
910     money.push_back(0.75);
911     money.push_back(1.0);
912     money.push_back(1.25);
913     money.push_back(1.50);
914     money.push_back(2.0);
915     money.push_back(5.0);
917     // Calibration Basket 1 / flat yts, vts
919     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf1(new MarkovFunctional(
920         flatYts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, flatSwaptionVts_,
921         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
922         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
923             .withYGridPoints(64) // we use the default values more or less, this
924                                  // is just to demonstrate how to set the model
925                                  // parameters
926             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
927             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
928             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
929             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
930             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
931             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
932             .withAdjustments(
933                  MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::KahaleSmile |
934                  MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::SmileExponentialExtrapolation)
935             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
937     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs1 =
938         mf1->modelOutputs(); // this costs a lot of time, so only use it if you
939                              // want to check the calibration
940     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs1);
942     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs1.expiries_.size(); i++) {
943         if (fabs(outputs1.marketZerorate_[i] - outputs1.modelZerorate_[i]) >
944             tol0)
945             BOOST_ERROR("Basket 1 / flat termstructures : Market zero rate ("
946                         << outputs1.marketZerorate_[i]
947                         << ") and model zero rate ("
948                         << outputs1.modelZerorate_[i] << ") do not agree.");
949     }
951     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs1.expiries_.size(); i++) {
952         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs1.smileStrikes_[i].size(); j++) {
953             if (fabs(outputs1.marketCallPremium_[i][j] -
954                      outputs1.modelCallPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
955                 BOOST_ERROR(
956                     "Basket 1 / flat termstructures : Market call premium ("
957                     << outputs1.marketCallPremium_[i][j]
958                     << ") does not match model premium ("
959                     << outputs1.modelCallPremium_[i][j] << ")");
960             if (fabs(outputs1.marketPutPremium_[i][j] -
961                      outputs1.modelPutPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
962                 BOOST_ERROR(
963                     "Basket 1 / flat termstructures : Market put premium ("
964                     << outputs1.marketPutPremium_[i][j]
965                     << ") does not match model premium ("
966                     << outputs1.modelPutPremium_[i][j] << ")");
967         }
968     }
970     // Calibration Basket 2 / flat yts, vts
972     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf2(new MarkovFunctional(
973         flatYts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, flatOptionletVts_,
974         expiriesCalBasket2(), iborIndex,
975         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
976             .withYGridPoints(64)
977             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
978             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
979             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
980             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
981             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
982             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
983             .withAdjustments(MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::AdjustNone)
984             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
986     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs2 = mf2->modelOutputs();
987     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs2);
989     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs2.expiries_.size(); i++) {
990         if (fabs(outputs2.marketZerorate_[i] - outputs2.modelZerorate_[i]) >
991             tol0)
992             BOOST_ERROR("Basket 2 / flat termstructures : Market zero rate ("
993                         << outputs2.marketZerorate_[i]
994                         << ") and model zero rate ("
995                         << outputs2.modelZerorate_[i] << ") do not agree.");
996     }
998     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs2.expiries_.size(); i++) {
999         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs2.smileStrikes_[i].size(); j++) {
1000             if (fabs(outputs2.marketCallPremium_[i][j] -
1001                      outputs2.modelCallPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1002                 BOOST_ERROR(
1003                     "Basket 2 / flat termstructures : Market call premium ("
1004                     << outputs2.marketCallPremium_[i][j]
1005                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1006                     << outputs2.modelCallPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1007             if (fabs(outputs2.marketPutPremium_[i][j] -
1008                      outputs2.modelPutPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1009                 BOOST_ERROR(
1010                     "Basket 2/ flat termstructures : Market put premium ("
1011                     << outputs2.marketPutPremium_[i][j]
1012                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1013                     << outputs2.modelPutPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1014         }
1015     }
1017     // Calibration Basket 1 / real yts, vts
1019     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf3(new MarkovFunctional(
1020         md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, md0SwaptionVts_,
1021         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
1022         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1023             .withYGridPoints(128) // use more points to increase accuracy
1024             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1025             .withGaussHermitePoints(64)
1026             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1027             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1028             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1029             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1030             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1032     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs3 = mf3->modelOutputs();
1033     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs3);
1034     // outputSurfaces(mf3,md0Yts_);
1036     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs3.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1037         if (fabs(outputs3.marketZerorate_[i] - outputs3.modelZerorate_[i]) >
1038             tol0)
1039             BOOST_ERROR("Basket 1 / real termstructures: Market zero rate ("
1040                         << outputs3.marketZerorate_[i]
1041                         << ") and model zero rate ("
1042                         << outputs3.modelZerorate_[i] << ") do not agree.");
1043     }
1045     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs3.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1046         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs3.smileStrikes_[i].size(); j++) {
1047             if (fabs(outputs3.marketCallPremium_[i][j] -
1048                      outputs3.modelCallPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1049                 BOOST_ERROR(
1050                     "Basket 1 / real termstructures: Market call premium ("
1051                     << outputs3.marketCallPremium_[i][j]
1052                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1053                     << outputs3.modelCallPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1054             if (fabs(outputs3.marketPutPremium_[i][j] -
1055                      outputs3.modelPutPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1056                 BOOST_ERROR(
1057                     "Basket 1 /  real termstructures: Market put premium ("
1058                     << outputs3.marketPutPremium_[i][j]
1059                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1060                     << outputs3.modelPutPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1061         }
1062     }
1064     // Calibration Basket 2 / real yts, vts
1066     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf4(
1067         new MarkovFunctional(md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols,
1068                              md0OptionletVts_, expiriesCalBasket2(), iborIndex,
1069                              MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1070                                  .withYGridPoints(64)
1071                                  .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1072                                  .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1073                                  .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1074                                  .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1075                                  .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1076                                  .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1077                                  .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1079     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs4 = mf4->modelOutputs();
1080     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs4);
1082     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs4.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1083         if (fabs(outputs4.marketZerorate_[i] - outputs4.modelZerorate_[i]) >
1084             tol0)
1085             BOOST_ERROR("Basket 2 / real termstructures : Market zero rate ("
1086                         << outputs4.marketZerorate_[i]
1087                         << ") and model zero rate ("
1088                         << outputs4.modelZerorate_[i] << ") do not agree.");
1089     }
1091     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs4.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1092         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs4.smileStrikes_[i].size(); j++) {
1093             if (fabs(outputs4.marketCallPremium_[i][j] -
1094                      outputs4.modelCallPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1095                 BOOST_ERROR(
1096                     "Basket 2 / real termstructures : Market call premium ("
1097                     << outputs4.marketCallPremium_[i][j]
1098                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1099                     << outputs4.modelCallPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1100             if (fabs(outputs4.marketPutPremium_[i][j] -
1101                      outputs4.modelPutPremium_[i][j]) > tol1)
1102                 BOOST_ERROR(
1103                     "Basket 2/ real termstructures : Market put premium ("
1104                     << outputs4.marketPutPremium_[i][j]
1105                     << ") does not match model premium ("
1106                     << outputs4.modelPutPremium_[i][j] << ")");
1107         }
1108     }
1110     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = savedEvalDate;
1111 }
testVanillaEngines()1113 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testVanillaEngines() {
1115     const Real tol1 = 0.0001; // 1bp tolerance for model engine call put premia
1116                               // vs. black premia
1117     // note that we use the real market conventions here (i.e. 2 fixing days),
1118     // different from the calibration approach where 0 fixing days must be used.
1119     // therefore higher errors compared to the calibration results are expected.
1121     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Testing Markov functional vanilla engines...");
1123     Date savedEvalDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
1124     Date referenceDate(14, November, 2012);
1125     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = referenceDate;
1127     Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatYts_ = flatYts();
1128     Handle<YieldTermStructure> md0Yts_ = md0Yts();
1129     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> flatSwaptionVts_ = flatSwaptionVts();
1130     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> md0SwaptionVts_ = md0SwaptionVts();
1131     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> flatOptionletVts_ = flatOptionletVts();
1132     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> md0OptionletVts_ = md0OptionletVts();
1134     ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndexBase(
1135         new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years));
1137     std::vector<Date> volStepDates;
1138     std::vector<Real> vols;
1139     vols.push_back(1.0);
1141     std::vector<Real> money; // use a grid with few points for the check here
1142     money.push_back(0.1);
1143     money.push_back(0.25);
1144     money.push_back(0.50);
1145     money.push_back(0.75);
1146     money.push_back(1.0);
1147     money.push_back(1.25);
1148     money.push_back(1.50);
1149     money.push_back(2.0);
1150     money.push_back(5.0);
1151     // money.push_back(10.0);
1152     // money.push_back(20.0);
1153     // money.push_back(50.0);
1155     // Calibration Basket 1 / flat yts, vts
1157     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex1(new Euribor(6 * Months, flatYts_));
1159     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf1(new MarkovFunctional(
1160         flatYts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, flatSwaptionVts_,
1161         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
1162         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1163             .withYGridPoints(64)
1164             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1165             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1166             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1167             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1168             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1169             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1170             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1172     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs1 = mf1->modelOutputs();
1173     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs1);
1175     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine> mfSwaptionEngine1(
1176         new Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine(mf1, 64, 7.0));
1177     ext::shared_ptr<BlackSwaptionEngine> blackSwaptionEngine1(
1178         new BlackSwaptionEngine(flatYts_, flatSwaptionVts_));
1180     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs1.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1181         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs1.smileStrikes_[0].size(); j++) {
1182             ext::shared_ptr<VanillaSwap> underlyingCall =
1183                 MakeVanillaSwap(outputs1.tenors_[i], iborIndex1,
1184                                 outputs1.smileStrikes_[i][j])
1185                     .withEffectiveDate(
1186                          TARGET().advance(outputs1.expiries_[i], 2, Days))
1187                     .receiveFixed(false);
1188             ext::shared_ptr<VanillaSwap> underlyingPut =
1189                 MakeVanillaSwap(outputs1.tenors_[i], iborIndex1,
1190                                 outputs1.smileStrikes_[i][j])
1191                     .withEffectiveDate(
1192                          TARGET().advance(outputs1.expiries_[i], 2, Days))
1193                     .receiveFixed(true);
1194             ext::shared_ptr<Exercise> exercise(
1195                 new EuropeanExercise(outputs1.expiries_[i]));
1196             Swaption swaptionC(underlyingCall, exercise);
1197             Swaption swaptionP(underlyingPut, exercise);
1198             swaptionC.setPricingEngine(blackSwaptionEngine1);
1199             swaptionP.setPricingEngine(blackSwaptionEngine1);
1200             Real blackPriceCall = swaptionC.NPV();
1201             Real blackPricePut = swaptionP.NPV();
1202             swaptionC.setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1203             swaptionP.setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1204             Real mfPriceCall = swaptionC.NPV();
1205             Real mfPricePut = swaptionP.NPV();
1206             if (fabs(blackPriceCall - mfPriceCall) > tol1)
1207                 BOOST_ERROR(
1208                     "Basket 1 / flat termstructures: Call premium market ("
1209                     << blackPriceCall << ") does not match model premium ("
1210                     << mfPriceCall << ")");
1211             if (fabs(blackPricePut - mfPricePut) > tol1)
1212                 BOOST_ERROR(
1213                     "Basket 1 / flat termstructures: Put premium market ("
1214                     << blackPricePut << ") does not match model premium ("
1215                     << mfPricePut << ")");
1216         }
1217     }
1219     // Calibration Basket 2 / flat yts, vts
1221     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex2(new Euribor(6 * Months, flatYts_));
1223     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf2(new MarkovFunctional(
1224         flatYts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, flatOptionletVts_,
1225         expiriesCalBasket2(), iborIndex2,
1226         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1227             .withYGridPoints(64)
1228             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1229             .withGaussHermitePoints(16)
1230             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1231             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1232             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1233             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1234             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1236     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs2 = mf2->modelOutputs();
1237     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs2);
1239     ext::shared_ptr<BlackCapFloorEngine> blackCapFloorEngine2(
1240         new BlackCapFloorEngine(flatYts_, flatOptionletVts_));
1241     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine> mfCapFloorEngine2(
1242         new Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine(mf2, 64, 7.0));
1243     std::vector<CapFloor> c2;
1244     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.01));
1245     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.02));
1246     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.03));
1247     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.04));
1248     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.05));
1249     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.07));
1250     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.10));
1251     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.01));
1252     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.02));
1253     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.03));
1254     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.04));
1255     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.05));
1256     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.07));
1257     c2.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex2, 0.10));
1259     for (Size i = 0; i < c2.size(); i++) {
1260         c2[i].setPricingEngine(blackCapFloorEngine2);
1261         Real blackPrice = c2[i].NPV();
1262         c2[i].setPricingEngine(mfCapFloorEngine2);
1263         Real mfPrice = c2[i].NPV();
1264         if (fabs(blackPrice - mfPrice) > tol1)
1265             BOOST_ERROR(
1266                 "Basket 2 / flat termstructures: Cap/Floor premium market ("
1267                 << blackPrice << ") does not match model premium (" << mfPrice
1268                 << ")");
1269     }
1271     // Calibration Basket 1 / real yts, vts
1273     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex3(new Euribor(6 * Months, md0Yts_));
1275     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf3(new MarkovFunctional(
1276         md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, md0SwaptionVts_,
1277         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
1278         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1279             .withYGridPoints(64)
1280             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1281             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1282             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1283             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1284             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1285             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1286             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1288     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine> mfSwaptionEngine3(
1289         new Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine(mf3, 64, 7.0));
1290     ext::shared_ptr<BlackSwaptionEngine> blackSwaptionEngine3(
1291         new BlackSwaptionEngine(md0Yts_, md0SwaptionVts_));
1293     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs3 = mf3->modelOutputs();
1294     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs3);
1296     for (Size i = 0; i < outputs3.expiries_.size(); i++) {
1297         for (Size j = 0; j < outputs3.smileStrikes_[0].size(); j++) {
1298             ext::shared_ptr<VanillaSwap> underlyingCall =
1299                 MakeVanillaSwap(outputs3.tenors_[i], iborIndex3,
1300                                 outputs3.smileStrikes_[i][j])
1301                     .withEffectiveDate(
1302                          TARGET().advance(outputs3.expiries_[i], 2, Days))
1303                     .receiveFixed(false);
1304             ext::shared_ptr<VanillaSwap> underlyingPut =
1305                 MakeVanillaSwap(outputs3.tenors_[i], iborIndex3,
1306                                 outputs3.smileStrikes_[i][j])
1307                     .withEffectiveDate(
1308                          TARGET().advance(outputs3.expiries_[i], 2, Days))
1309                     .receiveFixed(true);
1310             ext::shared_ptr<Exercise> exercise(
1311                 new EuropeanExercise(outputs3.expiries_[i]));
1312             Swaption swaptionC(underlyingCall, exercise);
1313             Swaption swaptionP(underlyingPut, exercise);
1314             swaptionC.setPricingEngine(blackSwaptionEngine3);
1315             swaptionP.setPricingEngine(blackSwaptionEngine3);
1316             Real blackPriceCall = swaptionC.NPV();
1317             Real blackPricePut = swaptionP.NPV();
1318             swaptionC.setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine3);
1319             swaptionP.setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine3);
1320             Real mfPriceCall = swaptionC.NPV();
1321             Real mfPricePut = swaptionP.NPV();
1322             Real smileCorrectionCall =
1323                 (outputs3.marketCallPremium_[i][j] -
1324                  outputs3.marketRawCallPremium_[i][j]); // we can not expect to
1325                                                         // match the black
1326                                                         // scholes price where
1327                                                         // the smile is adjusted
1328             Real smileCorrectionPut = (outputs3.marketPutPremium_[i][j] -
1329                                        outputs3.marketRawPutPremium_[i][j]);
1330             if (fabs(blackPriceCall - mfPriceCall + smileCorrectionCall) > tol1)
1331                 BOOST_ERROR(
1332                     "Basket 1 / real termstructures: Call premium market ("
1333                     << blackPriceCall << ") does not match model premium ("
1334                     << mfPriceCall << ")");
1335             if (fabs(blackPricePut - mfPricePut + smileCorrectionPut) > tol1)
1336                 BOOST_ERROR(
1337                     "Basket 1 / real termstructures: Put premium market ("
1338                     << blackPricePut << ") does not match model premium ("
1339                     << mfPricePut << ")");
1340         }
1341     }
1343     // Calibration Basket 2 / real yts, vts
1345     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex4(new Euribor(6 * Months, md0Yts_));
1347     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf4(new MarkovFunctional(
1348         md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, md0OptionletVts_,
1349         expiriesCalBasket2(), iborIndex4,
1350         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1351             .withYGridPoints(64)
1352             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1353             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1354             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1355             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1356             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1357             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1358             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)
1359         //.withAdjustments(MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::KahaleSmile
1360         //                                              |
1361         // MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::KahaleInterpolation
1362         //| MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings::KahaleExponentialExtrapolation
1363         //)
1364         ));
1366     MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs4 = mf4->modelOutputs();
1367     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs4);
1369     ext::shared_ptr<BlackCapFloorEngine> blackCapFloorEngine4(
1370         new BlackCapFloorEngine(md0Yts_, md0OptionletVts_));
1371     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine> mfCapFloorEngine4(
1372         new Gaussian1dCapFloorEngine(mf4, 64, 7.0));
1374     std::vector<CapFloor> c4;
1375     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.01));
1376     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.02));
1377     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.03));
1378     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.04));
1379     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.05));
1380     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.06));
1381     // c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Cap,5*Years,iborIndex4,0.10));
1382     // //exclude because caplet stripper fails for this strike
1383     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.01));
1384     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.02));
1385     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.03));
1386     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.04));
1387     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.05));
1388     c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor, 5 * Years, iborIndex4, 0.06));
1389     // c4.push_back(MakeCapFloor(CapFloor::Floor,5*Years,iborIndex4,0.10));
1390     // //exclude because caplet stripper fails for this strike
1392     for (Size i = 0; i < c4.size(); i++) {
1393         c4[i].setPricingEngine(blackCapFloorEngine4);
1394         Real blackPrice = c4[i].NPV();
1395         c4[i].setPricingEngine(mfCapFloorEngine4);
1396         Real mfPrice = c4[i].NPV();
1397         if (fabs(blackPrice - mfPrice) > tol1)
1398             BOOST_ERROR(
1399                 "Basket 2 / real termstructures: Cap/Floor premium market ("
1400                 << blackPrice << ") does not match model premium (" << mfPrice
1401                 << ")");
1402     }
1404     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = savedEvalDate;
1405 }
testCalibrationTwoInstrumentSets()1407 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testCalibrationTwoInstrumentSets() {
1409     const Real tol1 = 0.1; // 0.1 times vega tolerance for model vs. market in
1410                            // second instrument set
1412         "Testing Markov functional calibration to two instrument sets...");
1414     Date savedEvalDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
1415     Date referenceDate(14, November, 2012);
1416     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = referenceDate;
1418     Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatYts_ = flatYts();
1419     Handle<YieldTermStructure> md0Yts_ = md0Yts();
1420     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> flatSwaptionVts_ = flatSwaptionVts();
1421     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> md0SwaptionVts_ = md0SwaptionVts();
1422     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> flatOptionletVts_ = flatOptionletVts();
1423     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> md0OptionletVts_ = md0OptionletVts();
1425     ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndexBase(
1426         new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years));
1428     std::vector<Date> volStepDates;
1429     std::vector<Real> vols;
1430     volStepDates.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate, 1 * Years));
1431     volStepDates.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate, 2 * Years));
1432     volStepDates.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate, 3 * Years));
1433     volStepDates.push_back(TARGET().advance(referenceDate, 4 * Years));
1434     vols.push_back(1.0);
1435     vols.push_back(1.0);
1436     vols.push_back(1.0);
1437     vols.push_back(1.0);
1438     vols.push_back(1.0);
1440     std::vector<Real> money; // use a grid with few points for the check here
1441     money.push_back(0.1);
1442     money.push_back(0.25);
1443     money.push_back(0.50);
1444     money.push_back(0.75);
1445     money.push_back(1.0);
1446     money.push_back(1.25);
1447     money.push_back(1.50);
1448     money.push_back(2.0);
1449     money.push_back(5.0);
1451     LevenbergMarquardt om;
1452     // ConjugateGradient om;
1453     EndCriteria ec(1000, 500, 1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-2);
1455     // Calibration Basket 1 / flat yts, vts / Secondary calibration set consists
1456     // of coterminal swaptions
1458     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex1(new Euribor(6 * Months, flatYts_));
1460     std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper> > calibrationHelper1;
1461     std::vector<Real> calibrationHelperVols1;
1462     calibrationHelperVols1.push_back(0.20);
1463     calibrationHelperVols1.push_back(0.20);
1464     calibrationHelperVols1.push_back(0.20);
1465     calibrationHelperVols1.push_back(0.20);
1467     calibrationHelper1.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1468         new SwaptionHelper(1 * Years, 4 * Years,
1469                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1470                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols1[0]))),
1471                            iborIndex1, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1472                            flatYts_)));
1473     calibrationHelper1.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1474         new SwaptionHelper(2 * Years, 3 * Years,
1475                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1476                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols1[1]))),
1477                            iborIndex1, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1478                            flatYts_)));
1479     calibrationHelper1.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1480         new SwaptionHelper(3 * Years, 2 * Years,
1481                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1482                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols1[2]))),
1483                            iborIndex1, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1484                            flatYts_)));
1485     calibrationHelper1.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1486         new SwaptionHelper(4 * Years, 1 * Years,
1487                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1488                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols1[3]))),
1489                            iborIndex1, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1490                            flatYts_)));
1492     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf1(new MarkovFunctional(
1493         flatYts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, flatSwaptionVts_,
1494         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
1495         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1496             .withYGridPoints(64)
1497             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1498             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1499             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1500             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1501             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1502             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1503             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1505     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine> mfSwaptionEngine1(
1506         new Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine(mf1, 64, 7.0));
1507     calibrationHelper1[0]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1508     calibrationHelper1[1]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1509     calibrationHelper1[2]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1510     calibrationHelper1[3]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1512     mf1->calibrate(calibrationHelper1, om, ec);
1514     // std::cout << "Calibrated parameters 1: ";
1515     // Array params1 = mf1->params();
1516     // for(Size i=0;i<params1.size();i++) std::cout << params1[i] << ";";
1517     // std::cout << std::endl;
1519     std::vector<Swaption> ch1;
1520     ch1.push_back(
1521         MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1522                          new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(4 * Years, flatYts_)),
1523                      1 * Years));
1524     ch1.push_back(
1525         MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1526                          new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(3 * Years, flatYts_)),
1527                      2 * Years));
1528     ch1.push_back(
1529         MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1530                          new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(2 * Years, flatYts_)),
1531                      3 * Years));
1532     ch1.push_back(
1533         MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1534                          new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years, flatYts_)),
1535                      4 * Years));
1537     for (Size i = 0; i < ch1.size(); i++) {
1538         ext::shared_ptr<BlackSwaptionEngine> blackEngine(
1539             new BlackSwaptionEngine(flatYts_, calibrationHelperVols1[i]));
1540         ch1[i].setPricingEngine(blackEngine);
1541         Real blackPrice = ch1[i].NPV();
1542         Real blackVega = ch1[i].result<Real>("vega");
1543         ch1[i].setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1544         Real mfPrice = ch1[i].NPV();
1545         if (fabs(blackPrice - mfPrice) / blackVega > tol1)
1546             BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Basket 1 / flat yts, vts: Secondary instrument set "
1547                           "calibration failed for instrument #"
1548                           << i << " black premium is " << blackPrice
1549                           << " while model premium is " << mfPrice
1550                           << " (market vega is " << blackVega << ")");
1551     }
1553     // MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs1 = mf1->modelOutputs();
1554     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs1);
1556     // Calibration Basket 1 / real yts, vts / Secondary calibration set consists
1557     // of coterminal swaptions
1559     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex2(new Euribor(6 * Months, md0Yts_));
1561     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf2(new MarkovFunctional(
1562         md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, md0SwaptionVts_,
1563         expiriesCalBasket1(), tenorsCalBasket1(), swapIndexBase,
1564         MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1565             .withYGridPoints(64)
1566             .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1567             .withGaussHermitePoints(32)
1568             .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1569             .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1570             .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1571             .withUpperRateBound(2.0)
1572             .withSmileMoneynessCheckpoints(money)));
1574     std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper> > calibrationHelper2;
1575     std::vector<Real> calibrationHelperVols2;
1576     calibrationHelperVols2.push_back(md0SwaptionVts_->volatility(
1577         1 * Years, 4 * Years,
1578         ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwaptionVolatilityCube>(
1579             md0SwaptionVts_.currentLink())->atmStrike(1 * Years, 4 * Years)));
1580     calibrationHelperVols2.push_back(md0SwaptionVts_->volatility(
1581         2 * Years, 3 * Years,
1582         ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwaptionVolatilityCube>(
1583             md0SwaptionVts_.currentLink())->atmStrike(2 * Years, 3 * Years)));
1584     calibrationHelperVols2.push_back(md0SwaptionVts_->volatility(
1585         3 * Years, 2 * Years,
1586         ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwaptionVolatilityCube>(
1587             md0SwaptionVts_.currentLink())->atmStrike(3 * Years, 2 * Years)));
1588     calibrationHelperVols2.push_back(md0SwaptionVts_->volatility(
1589         4 * Years, 1 * Years,
1590         ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwaptionVolatilityCube>(
1591             md0SwaptionVts_.currentLink())->atmStrike(4 * Years, 1 * Years)));
1593     calibrationHelper2.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1594         new SwaptionHelper(1 * Years, 4 * Years,
1595                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1596                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols2[0]))),
1597                            iborIndex2, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1598                            md0Yts_)));
1599     calibrationHelper2.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1600         new SwaptionHelper(2 * Years, 3 * Years,
1601                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1602                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols2[1]))),
1603                            iborIndex2, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1604                            md0Yts_)));
1605     calibrationHelper2.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1606         new SwaptionHelper(3 * Years, 2 * Years,
1607                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1608                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols2[2]))),
1609                            iborIndex2, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1610                            md0Yts_)));
1611     calibrationHelper2.push_back(ext::shared_ptr<BlackCalibrationHelper>(
1612         new SwaptionHelper(4 * Years, 1 * Years,
1613                            Handle<Quote>(ext::shared_ptr<Quote>(
1614                                new SimpleQuote(calibrationHelperVols2[3]))),
1615                            iborIndex2, 1 * Years, Thirty360(), Actual360(),
1616                            md0Yts_)));
1618     ext::shared_ptr<Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine> mfSwaptionEngine2(
1619         new Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine(mf2, 64, 7.0));
1620     calibrationHelper2[0]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine2);
1621     calibrationHelper2[1]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine2);
1622     calibrationHelper2[2]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine2);
1623     calibrationHelper2[3]->setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine2);
1625     mf2->calibrate(calibrationHelper2, om, ec);
1627     // std::cout << "Calibrated parameters 2: ";
1628     // Array params2 = mf2->params();
1629     // for(Size i=0;i<params2.size();i++) std::cout << params2[i] << ";";
1630     // std::cout << std::endl;
1632     std::vector<Swaption> ch2;
1633     ch2.push_back(MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1634                                    new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(4 * Years, md0Yts_)),
1635                                1 * Years));
1636     ch2.push_back(MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1637                                    new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(3 * Years, md0Yts_)),
1638                                2 * Years));
1639     ch2.push_back(MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1640                                    new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(2 * Years, md0Yts_)),
1641                                3 * Years));
1642     ch2.push_back(MakeSwaption(ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex>(
1643                                    new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years, md0Yts_)),
1644                                4 * Years));
1646     for (Size i = 0; i < ch2.size(); i++) {
1647         ext::shared_ptr<BlackSwaptionEngine> blackEngine(
1648             new BlackSwaptionEngine(md0Yts_, calibrationHelperVols2[i]));
1649         ch2[i].setPricingEngine(blackEngine);
1650         Real blackPrice = ch2[i].NPV();
1651         Real blackVega = ch2[i].result<Real>("vega");
1652         ch2[i].setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine2);
1653         Real mfPrice = ch2[i].NPV();
1654         if (fabs(blackPrice - mfPrice) / blackVega > tol1)
1655             BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Basket 1 / real yts, vts: Secondary instrument set "
1656                           "calibration failed for instrument #"
1657                           << i << " black premium is " << blackPrice
1658                           << " while model premium is " << mfPrice
1659                           << " (market vega is " << blackVega << ")");
1660     }
1662     // MarkovFunctional::ModelOutputs outputs2 = mf2->modelOutputs();
1663     // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(outputs2);
1665     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = savedEvalDate;
1666 }
testBermudanSwaption()1668 void MarkovFunctionalTest::testBermudanSwaption() {
1670     Real tol0 = 0.0001; // 1bp tolerance against cached values
1672     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Testing Markov functional Bermudan swaption engine...");
1674     Date savedEvalDate = Settings::instance().evaluationDate();
1675     Date referenceDate(14, November, 2012);
1676     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = referenceDate;
1678     Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatYts_ = flatYts();
1679     Handle<YieldTermStructure> md0Yts_ = md0Yts();
1680     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> flatSwaptionVts_ = flatSwaptionVts();
1681     Handle<SwaptionVolatilityStructure> md0SwaptionVts_ = md0SwaptionVts();
1682     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> flatOptionletVts_ = flatOptionletVts();
1683     Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure> md0OptionletVts_ = md0OptionletVts();
1685     ext::shared_ptr<SwapIndex> swapIndexBase(
1686         new EuriborSwapIsdaFixA(1 * Years));
1688     std::vector<Date> volStepDates;
1689     std::vector<Real> vols;
1690     vols.push_back(1.0);
1692     ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> iborIndex1(new Euribor(6 * Months, md0Yts_));
1694     ext::shared_ptr<MarkovFunctional> mf1(
1695         new MarkovFunctional(md0Yts_, 0.01, volStepDates, vols, md0SwaptionVts_,
1696                              expiriesCalBasket3(), tenorsCalBasket3(),
1697                              swapIndexBase, MarkovFunctional::ModelSettings()
1698                                                 .withYGridPoints(32)
1699                                                 .withYStdDevs(7.0)
1700                                                 .withGaussHermitePoints(16)
1701                                                 .withMarketRateAccuracy(1e-7)
1702                                                 .withDigitalGap(1e-5)
1703                                                 .withLowerRateBound(0.0)
1704                                                 .withUpperRateBound(2.0)));
1706     ext::shared_ptr<PricingEngine> mfSwaptionEngine1(
1707         new Gaussian1dSwaptionEngine(mf1, 64, 7.0));
1709     ext::shared_ptr<VanillaSwap> underlyingCall =
1710         MakeVanillaSwap(10 * Years, iborIndex1, 0.03)
1711             .withEffectiveDate(TARGET().advance(referenceDate, 2, Days))
1712         //.withNominal(100000000.0)
1713             .receiveFixed(false);
1715     std::vector<ext::shared_ptr<Exercise> > europeanExercises;
1716     std::vector<Date> expiries = expiriesCalBasket3();
1717     std::vector<Swaption> europeanSwaptions;
1718     for (Size i = 0; i < expiries.size(); i++) {
1719         europeanExercises.push_back(
1720             ext::shared_ptr<Exercise>(new EuropeanExercise(expiries[i])));
1721         europeanSwaptions.push_back(
1722             Swaption(underlyingCall, europeanExercises[i]));
1723         europeanSwaptions.back().setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1724     }
1726     ext::shared_ptr<Exercise> bermudanExercise(
1727         new BermudanExercise(expiries));
1728     Swaption bermudanSwaption(underlyingCall, bermudanExercise);
1729     bermudanSwaption.setPricingEngine(mfSwaptionEngine1);
1731     Real cachedValues[] = { 0.0030757, 0.0107344, 0.0179862,
1732                             0.0225881, 0.0243215, 0.0229148,
1733                             0.0191415, 0.0139035, 0.0076354 };
1734     Real cachedValue = 0.0327776;
1736     for (Size i = 0; i < expiries.size(); i++) {
1737         Real npv = europeanSwaptions[i].NPV();
1738         if (fabs(npv - cachedValues[i]) > tol0)
1739             BOOST_ERROR("European swaption value ("
1740                         << npv << ") deviates from cached value ("
1741                         << cachedValues[i] << ")");
1742     }
1744     Real npv = bermudanSwaption.NPV();
1745     if (fabs(npv - cachedValue) > tol0)
1746         BOOST_ERROR("Bermudan swaption value ("
1747                     << npv << ") deviates from cached value (" << cachedValue
1748                     << ")");
1750     Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = savedEvalDate;
1751 }
suite(SpeedLevel speed)1753 test_suite *MarkovFunctionalTest::suite(SpeedLevel speed) {
1754     test_suite *suite = BOOST_TEST_SUITE("Markov functional model tests");
1756     suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(&MarkovFunctionalTest::testMfStateProcess));
1757     suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(
1758         &MarkovFunctionalTest::testKahaleSmileSection));
1759     suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(
1760         &MarkovFunctionalTest::testBermudanSwaption));
1762     if (speed <= Fast) {
1763         suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(
1764             &MarkovFunctionalTest::testCalibrationOneInstrumentSet));
1765         suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(
1766             &MarkovFunctionalTest::testCalibrationTwoInstrumentSets));
1767     }
1769     if (speed == Slow) {
1770         suite->add(QUANTLIB_TEST_CASE(
1771             &MarkovFunctionalTest::testVanillaEngines));
1772     }
1774     return suite;
1775 }