1 use crate::raw::RestrictionType;
2 use crate::{Intersection, Lane, LaneID, Map, Turn, TurnID, TurnType};
3 use abstutil::Timer;
4 use geom::{Distance, PolyLine, Pt2D};
5 use nbez::{Bez3o, BezCurve, Point2d};
6 use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
make_all_turns(map: &Map, i: &Intersection, timer: &mut Timer) -> Vec<Turn>8 pub fn make_all_turns(map: &Map, i: &Intersection, timer: &mut Timer) -> Vec<Turn> {
9     assert!(!i.is_border());
11     let mut raw_turns: Vec<Turn> = Vec::new();
12     raw_turns.extend(make_vehicle_turns(i, map, timer));
13     raw_turns.extend(crate::make::walking_turns::make_walking_turns(
14         map, i, timer,
15     ));
16     let unique_turns = ensure_unique(raw_turns);
18     let mut final_turns: Vec<Turn> = Vec::new();
19     let mut filtered_turns: HashMap<LaneID, Vec<Turn>> = HashMap::new();
20     for turn in unique_turns {
21         if !does_turn_pass_restrictions(&turn, i, map) {
22             continue;
23         }
25         if is_turn_allowed(&turn, map) {
26             final_turns.push(turn);
27         } else {
28             filtered_turns
29                 .entry(turn.id.src)
30                 .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
31                 .push(turn);
32         }
33     }
35     // Make sure every incoming lane has a turn originating from it, and every outgoing lane has a
36     // turn leading to it.
37     let mut incoming_missing: HashSet<LaneID> = HashSet::new();
38     for l in &i.incoming_lanes {
39         if map.get_l(*l).lane_type.supports_any_movement() {
40             incoming_missing.insert(*l);
41         }
42     }
43     for t in &final_turns {
44         incoming_missing.remove(&t.id.src);
45     }
46     for (l, turns) in filtered_turns {
47         // Do turn restrictions orphan a lane?
48         if incoming_missing.contains(&l) {
49             // Restrictions on turn lanes may sometimes actually be more like change:lanes
50             // (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:change). Try to interpret them that way
51             // here, choosing one turn from a bunch of options.
53             // If all the turns go to a single road, then ignore the turn type.
54             let dst_r = map.get_l(turns[0].id.dst).parent;
55             let single_group: Vec<Turn> =
56                 if turns.iter().all(|t| map.get_l(t.id.dst).parent == dst_r) {
57                     turns.clone()
58                 } else {
59                     // Fall back to preferring all the straight turns
60                     turns
61                         .iter()
62                         .filter(|t| t.turn_type == TurnType::Straight)
63                         .cloned()
64                         .collect()
65                 };
66             if !single_group.is_empty() {
67                 // Just pick one, with the lowest lane-changing cost. Not using Turn's penalty()
68                 // here, because
69                 // 1) We haven't populated turns yet, so from_idx won't work
70                 // 2) It counts from the right, but I think we actually want to count from the left
71                 let best = single_group
72                     .into_iter()
73                     .min_by_key(|t| lc_penalty(t, map))
74                     .unwrap();
75                 final_turns.push(best);
76                 timer.note(format!(
77                     "Restricted lane-changing on approach to turn lanes at {}",
78                     l
79                 ));
80             } else {
81                 timer.warn(format!(
82                     "Turn restrictions broke {} outbound, so restoring turns",
83                     l
84                 ));
85                 final_turns.extend(turns);
86             }
87             incoming_missing.remove(&l);
88         }
89     }
91     let mut outgoing_missing: HashSet<LaneID> = HashSet::new();
92     for l in &i.outgoing_lanes {
93         if map.get_l(*l).lane_type.supports_any_movement() {
94             outgoing_missing.insert(*l);
95         }
96     }
97     for t in &final_turns {
98         outgoing_missing.remove(&t.id.dst);
99     }
101     if !incoming_missing.is_empty() || !outgoing_missing.is_empty() {
102         timer.warn(format!(
103             "Turns for {} orphan some lanes. Incoming: {:?}, outgoing: {:?}",
104             i.id, incoming_missing, outgoing_missing
105         ));
106     }
108     final_turns
109 }
ensure_unique(turns: Vec<Turn>) -> Vec<Turn>111 fn ensure_unique(turns: Vec<Turn>) -> Vec<Turn> {
112     let mut ids = HashSet::new();
113     let mut keep: Vec<Turn> = Vec::new();
114     for t in turns.into_iter() {
115         if ids.contains(&t.id) {
116             // TODO This was once an assertion, but disabled for
117             // https://github.com/dabreegster/abstreet/issues/84. A crosswalk gets created twice
118             // and deduplicated here. Not sure why it was double-created in the first place.
119             println!("Duplicate turns {}!", t.id);
120         } else {
121             ids.insert(t.id);
122             keep.push(t);
123         }
124     }
125     keep
126 }
is_turn_allowed(turn: &Turn, map: &Map) -> bool128 fn is_turn_allowed(turn: &Turn, map: &Map) -> bool {
129     if let Some(mut types) = map
130         .get_l(turn.id.src)
131         .get_turn_restrictions(map.get_parent(turn.id.src))
132     {
133         types.any(|turn_type| turn_type == turn.turn_type)
134     } else {
135         true
136     }
137 }
does_turn_pass_restrictions(turn: &Turn, i: &Intersection, map: &Map) -> bool139 fn does_turn_pass_restrictions(turn: &Turn, i: &Intersection, map: &Map) -> bool {
140     if turn.between_sidewalks() {
141         return true;
142     }
144     let src = map.get_parent(turn.id.src);
145     let dst = map.get_l(turn.id.dst).parent;
147     for (restriction, to) in &src.turn_restrictions {
148         // The restriction only applies to one direction of the road.
149         if !i.roads.contains(to) {
150             continue;
151         }
152         match restriction {
153             RestrictionType::BanTurns => {
154                 if dst == *to {
155                     return false;
156                 }
157             }
158             RestrictionType::OnlyAllowTurns => {
159                 if dst != *to {
160                     return false;
161                 }
162             }
163         }
164     }
166     true
167 }
make_vehicle_turns(i: &Intersection, map: &Map, timer: &mut Timer) -> Vec<Turn>169 fn make_vehicle_turns(i: &Intersection, map: &Map, timer: &mut Timer) -> Vec<Turn> {
170     let mut turns = Vec::new();
172     // Just generate every possible combination of turns between incoming and outgoing lanes.
173     let is_deadend = i.roads.len() == 1;
174     for src in &i.incoming_lanes {
175         let src = map.get_l(*src);
176         if !src.lane_type.is_for_moving_vehicles() {
177             continue;
178         }
179         for dst in &i.outgoing_lanes {
180             let dst = map.get_l(*dst);
181             if !dst.lane_type.is_for_moving_vehicles() {
182                 continue;
183             }
184             // Only allow U-turns at deadends
185             if src.parent == dst.parent && !is_deadend {
186                 continue;
187             }
188             // Can't go between light rail and normal roads
189             if src.is_light_rail() != dst.is_light_rail() {
190                 continue;
191             }
192             if src.last_pt() == dst.first_pt() {
193                 timer.warn(format!(
194                     "No turn from {} to {}; the endpoints are the same",
195                     src.id, dst.id
196                 ));
197                 continue;
198             }
200             let turn_type =
201                 TurnType::from_angles(src.last_line().angle(), dst.first_line().angle());
202             let geom = if turn_type == TurnType::Straight {
203                 PolyLine::must_new(vec![src.last_pt(), dst.first_pt()])
204             } else {
205                 curvey_turn(src, dst)
206                     .unwrap_or_else(|_| PolyLine::must_new(vec![src.last_pt(), dst.first_pt()]))
207             };
209             turns.push(Turn {
210                 id: TurnID {
211                     parent: i.id,
212                     src: src.id,
213                     dst: dst.id,
214                 },
215                 turn_type,
216                 other_crosswalk_ids: BTreeSet::new(),
217                 geom,
218             });
219         }
220     }
222     turns
223 }
curvey_turn(src: &Lane, dst: &Lane) -> Result<PolyLine, String>225 fn curvey_turn(src: &Lane, dst: &Lane) -> Result<PolyLine, String> {
226     // The control points are straight out/in from the source/destination lanes, so
227     // that the car exits and enters at the same angle as the road.
228     let src_line = src.last_line();
229     let dst_line = dst.first_line().reverse();
231     // TODO Tune the 5.0 and pieces
232     let curve = Bez3o::new(
233         to_pt(src.last_pt()),
234         to_pt(src_line.unbounded_dist_along(src_line.length() + Distance::meters(5.0))),
235         to_pt(dst_line.unbounded_dist_along(dst_line.length() + Distance::meters(5.0))),
236         to_pt(dst.first_pt()),
237     );
238     let pieces = 5;
239     let mut curve: Vec<Pt2D> = (0..=pieces)
240         .map(|i| {
241             from_pt(
242                 curve
243                     .interp(1.0 / f64::from(pieces) * f64::from(i))
244                     .unwrap(),
245             )
246         })
247         .collect();
248     curve.dedup();
249     PolyLine::new(curve)
250 }
to_pt(pt: Pt2D) -> Point2d<f64>252 fn to_pt(pt: Pt2D) -> Point2d<f64> {
253     Point2d::new(pt.x(), pt.y())
254 }
from_pt(pt: Point2d<f64>) -> Pt2D256 fn from_pt(pt: Point2d<f64>) -> Pt2D {
257     Pt2D::new(pt.x, pt.y)
258 }
lc_penalty(t: &Turn, map: &Map) -> isize260 fn lc_penalty(t: &Turn, map: &Map) -> isize {
261     let from = map.get_l(t.id.src);
262     let to = map.get_l(t.id.dst);
264     let from_idx = {
265         let mut cnt = 0;
266         let r = map.get_r(from.parent);
267         for (l, lt) in r.children(r.dir(from.id)) {
268             if from.lane_type != lt {
269                 continue;
270             }
271             cnt += 1;
272             if from.id == l {
273                 break;
274             }
275         }
276         cnt
277     };
279     let to_idx = {
280         let mut cnt = 0;
281         let r = map.get_r(to.parent);
282         for (l, lt) in r.children(r.dir(to.id)) {
283             if to.lane_type != lt {
284                 continue;
285             }
286             cnt += 1;
287             if to.id == l {
288                 break;
289             }
290         }
291         cnt
292     };
294     ((from_idx as isize) - (to_idx as isize)).abs()
295 }