1 /***************************************************************************
2                     sgw.hpp  -  Header file for SDL Wrapper classes
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Wed Oct  1 14:06:28 BST 2003
5     copyright            : (C) 2003 by Paul Robson
6     email                : autismuk@autismuk.freeserve.co.uk
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
18 using namespace std;
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <string>
23 namespace SDLWrapper                            // It's all nicely in a namespace SDLWrapper
24 {
26 #define DEFAULT_SCX		(1024)					// Default Screen Size and Depth
27 #define DEFAULT_SCY		(768)
28 #define DEFAULT_SCBPP	(0)
29 #define MAXSOUND        (16)                    // Maximum number of sounds
31 #define SDWASSERT(x)	if (!(x)) SDWERROR()	// ASSERT and ERROR macros
32 #define SDWERROR()	FatalError(__LINE__,__FILE__)
34 int Main(int argc,char *argv[]);				// Main program must be defined.
35 char *Name(char *Name);		    			    // Return Window Caption Name must be defined
37 void SetSpeed(int n);
38 void FatalError(int Line,string File);		    // Prototyping
40 int GameClock(void);				            // No point in wrapping this, it just goes to SDL_GetTicks()
41 int SystemClock(void);                          // This one is unaffected by the game speed.
43 int ReadStick(int &A,int &B,int &dx,int &dy);   // Read a joystick
44 int MouseClick(int &x,int &y);				    // Read a mouse select - and - click
45 int ExitKey(void);
46 int GetKey(void);
48 class Rect
49 {
50 	public:
Rect()51 		Rect() {}							    // Constructors
Rect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2)52 		Rect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { Left = x1;Top = y1;Right = x2;Bottom = y2; }
53 		int Left,Top,Right,Bottom;				// The rectangle
54 };
56 class Surface								    // A basic Surface
57 {
58 	public:
59 		Surface(int x = 0,int y = 0,int Trans = 0,int UseDisplay = 0,char *File = NULL);
60 		~Surface();
62 		void SetColour(int r,int g,int b);
SetColour()63 		void SetColour() { SetColour(-1,-1,-1); }
SetColour(int Col)64         void SetColour(int Col) { Colour = Col; }
GetColour(void)65 		unsigned int GetColour(void) { return Colour; }
Width(void)66 		int  Width(void)  { return xSize; }
Height(void)67 		int  Height(void) { return ySize; }
SetOrigin(int x=0,int y=0)68 		void SetOrigin(int x = 0,int y = 0) { xOrigin = x; yOrigin = y; }
SetScale(int x=256,int y=256)69 		void SetScale(int x = 256,int y = 256) { xScale = x; yScale = y; }
71 		void Plot(int x1,int y1);
72 		void FillRect(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0);
FillRect(Rect & r)73 		void FillRect(Rect &r) { FillRect(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom); }
74 		void FrameRect(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0);
FrameRect(Rect & r)75 		void FrameRect(Rect &r) { FrameRect(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom); }
76 		void FillEllipse(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0);
FillEllipse(Rect & r)77 		void FillEllipse(Rect &r) { FillEllipse(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom); }
78 		void FrameEllipse(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0);
FrameEllipse(Rect & r)79 		void FrameEllipse(Rect &r) { FrameEllipse(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom); }
80 		void Line(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0);
82 		void Copy(Surface &Target,Rect &SrcRect,int x = 0,int y = 0);
83 		void Copy(Rect &SrcRect,int x = 0,int y = 0);
84 		void Copy(Surface &Target,int x = 0,int y = 0);
85 		void Copy(int x = 0,int y = 0);
87 		void HorizontalMirror(int x1 = 0,int y1 = 0,int x2 = 0,int y2 = 0);
88 		void VerticalMirror(int x1 = 0,int y1 = 0,int x2 = 0,int y2 = 0);
90 		void Char(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0,char c = ' ');
Char(Rect & r,char c)91 		void Char(Rect &r,char c) { Char(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom,c); }
92 		void String(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=0,int y2=0,char *s = "");
String(Rect & r,char * s)93 		void String(Rect &r,char *s) { String(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom,s); }
95 		void Flip(void);
98 	protected:
99 		void SortAndValidate(int &x1,int &y1,int &x2,int &y2);
100 		void PointProcess(int &x1,int &y1);
102 	private:
103 		void *sSurface;							// Surface = actually SDL_Surface but I don't wanna include SDL
104 		int xSize,ySize;						// Surface size (physical)
105 		unsigned int Colour;					// Drawing colour
106 		int IsTransparent;						// Set if transparent
107 		unsigned int TransColour;				// Transparency drawing colour
108 		int IsDisplay;							// Set if is the physical display object
109 		int xOrigin,yOrigin;					// Mobile origin and scaling
110 		int xScale,yScale;
111 } ;
113 class TransparentSurface : public Surface	    // A surface but with transparency
114 {
115 	public:
TransparentSurface(int x=0,int y=0)116 		TransparentSurface(int x = 0,int y = 0) : Surface(x,y,1,0,NULL) { }
117 };
119 class BitmapSurface : public Surface		    // A surface with a bitmap on it, one solid, one transparent
120 {
121 	public:
BitmapSurface(char * File)122         BitmapSurface(char *File) : Surface(0,0,0,0,File) {}
123 };
125 class TransparentBitmapSurface : public Surface
126 {
127 	public:
TransparentBitmapSurface(char * File)128 		TransparentBitmapSurface(char *File) : Surface(0,0,1,0,File) {}
129 };
131 class DisplaySurface : public Surface		    // The actual physical display
132 {
133 	public:
DisplaySurface(int x=0,int y=0)134 		DisplaySurface(int x = 0,int y = 0) : Surface(0,0,0,1,NULL) { }
135 };
137 class Timer                                     // A simple timer
138 {
139 	public:
140 		Timer(int TimeOut = 0);
141 		void ResetTimer(int t = 0);
142 		unsigned int Elapsed(void);
143 		int TimedOut(void);
144 		void WaitTimer(void);
146 	private:
147 		int StartClock;
148 		int EndClock;
149 		int EventTime;
150 };
152 class AudioObject                               // An audio object
153 {
154     public:
AudioObject()155         AudioObject()   { Data = NULL; Position = Length = 0;Attach(); SoundOn = 0;LoopSound = 0; }
~AudioObject()156         ~AudioObject()  { Detach();if (Data != NULL) free(Data); }
157         void CopyStream(void *Stream,int Reqd);
Play(void)158         void Play(void) { Position = 0;SoundOn = 1; }
PlayLoop(void)159         void PlayLoop(void) { Position = 0;SoundOn = 1;LoopSound = 1; }
Stop(void)160         void Stop(void) { SoundOn = 0; LoopSound = 0; }
Size(void)161         int  Size(void) { return Length/2; }
162         void Write(int Pos,int Dat);
163     protected:
164         void Attach(void);
165         void Detach(void);
166         void *Data;
167         int Position;
168         int Length;
169         int SoundOn;
170         int LoopSound;
171 };
173 class AudioWave : public AudioObject
174 {
175     public:
AudioWave(char * File)176         AudioWave(char *File) : AudioObject() { Load(File); }
177     protected:
178         void Load(char *File);
179 };
181 class AudioBeep : public AudioObject
182 {
183     public:
AudioBeep(int p,int l)184         AudioBeep(int p,int l) : AudioObject() { CreateBeep(p,l); }
185     protected:
186         void CreateWave(void *Data,int Size,int sPitch);
187         void CreateBeep(int sPitch,int sLength);
188 };
190 class AudioNoise : public AudioBeep
191 {
192     public:
AudioNoise(int l)193         AudioNoise(int l) : AudioBeep(0,l) { }
194 };
196 };