1// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package build
7import (
8	"fmt"
9	"io"
10	"reflect"
11	"sort"
12	"strings"
14	"golang.org/x/text/internal/colltab"
17// This file contains code for detecting contractions and generating
18// the necessary tables.
19// Any Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) table entry that has more than
20// one rune one the left-hand side is called a contraction.
21// See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10/#Contractions for more details.
23// We define the following terms:
24//   initial:     a rune that appears as the first rune in a contraction.
25//   suffix:      a sequence of runes succeeding the initial rune
26//                in a given contraction.
27//   non-initial: a rune that appears in a suffix.
29// A rune may be both an initial and a non-initial and may be so in
30// many contractions.  An initial may typically also appear by itself.
31// In case of ambiguities, the UCA requires we match the longest
32// contraction.
34// Many contraction rules share the same set of possible suffixes.
35// We store sets of suffixes in a trie that associates an index with
36// each suffix in the set.  This index can be used to look up a
37// collation element associated with the (starter rune, suffix) pair.
39// The trie is defined on a UTF-8 byte sequence.
40// The overall trie is represented as an array of ctEntries.  Each node of the trie
41// is represented as a subsequence of ctEntries, where each entry corresponds to
42// a possible match of a next character in the search string.  An entry
43// also includes the length and offset to the next sequence of entries
44// to check in case of a match.
46const (
47	final   = 0
48	noIndex = 0xFF
51// ctEntry associates to a matching byte an offset and/or next sequence of
52// bytes to check. A ctEntry c is called final if a match means that the
53// longest suffix has been found.  An entry c is final if c.N == 0.
54// A single final entry can match a range of characters to an offset.
55// A non-final entry always matches a single byte. Note that a non-final
56// entry might still resemble a completed suffix.
57// Examples:
58// The suffix strings "ab" and "ac" can be represented as:
59// []ctEntry{
60//     {'a', 1, 1, noIndex},  // 'a' by itself does not match, so i is 0xFF.
61//     {'b', 'c', 0, 1},   // "ab" -> 1, "ac" -> 2
62// }
64// The suffix strings "ab", "abc", "abd", and "abcd" can be represented as:
65// []ctEntry{
66//     {'a', 1, 1, noIndex}, // 'a' must be followed by 'b'.
67//     {'b', 1, 2, 1},    // "ab" -> 1, may be followed by 'c' or 'd'.
68//     {'d', 'd', final, 3},  // "abd" -> 3
69//     {'c', 4, 1, 2},    // "abc" -> 2, may be followed by 'd'.
70//     {'d', 'd', final, 4},  // "abcd" -> 4
71// }
72// See genStateTests in contract_test.go for more examples.
73type ctEntry struct {
74	L uint8 // non-final: byte value to match; final: lowest match in range.
75	H uint8 // non-final: relative index to next block; final: highest match in range.
76	N uint8 // non-final: length of next block; final: final
77	I uint8 // result offset. Will be noIndex if more bytes are needed to complete.
80// contractTrieSet holds a set of contraction tries. The tries are stored
81// consecutively in the entry field.
82type contractTrieSet []struct{ l, h, n, i uint8 }
84// ctHandle is used to identify a trie in the trie set, consisting in an offset
85// in the array and the size of the first node.
86type ctHandle struct {
87	index, n int
90// appendTrie adds a new trie for the given suffixes to the trie set and returns
91// a handle to it.  The handle will be invalid on error.
92func appendTrie(ct *colltab.ContractTrieSet, suffixes []string) (ctHandle, error) {
93	es := make([]stridx, len(suffixes))
94	for i, s := range suffixes {
95		es[i].str = s
96	}
97	sort.Sort(offsetSort(es))
98	for i := range es {
99		es[i].index = i + 1
100	}
101	sort.Sort(genidxSort(es))
102	i := len(*ct)
103	n, err := genStates(ct, es)
104	if err != nil {
105		*ct = (*ct)[:i]
106		return ctHandle{}, err
107	}
108	return ctHandle{i, n}, nil
111// genStates generates ctEntries for a given suffix set and returns
112// the number of entries for the first node.
113func genStates(ct *colltab.ContractTrieSet, sis []stridx) (int, error) {
114	if len(sis) == 0 {
115		return 0, fmt.Errorf("genStates: list of suffices must be non-empty")
116	}
117	start := len(*ct)
118	// create entries for differing first bytes.
119	for _, si := range sis {
120		s := si.str
121		if len(s) == 0 {
122			continue
123		}
124		added := false
125		c := s[0]
126		if len(s) > 1 {
127			for j := len(*ct) - 1; j >= start; j-- {
128				if (*ct)[j].L == c {
129					added = true
130					break
131				}
132			}
133			if !added {
134				*ct = append(*ct, ctEntry{L: c, I: noIndex})
135			}
136		} else {
137			for j := len(*ct) - 1; j >= start; j-- {
138				// Update the offset for longer suffixes with the same byte.
139				if (*ct)[j].L == c {
140					(*ct)[j].I = uint8(si.index)
141					added = true
142				}
143				// Extend range of final ctEntry, if possible.
144				if (*ct)[j].H+1 == c {
145					(*ct)[j].H = c
146					added = true
147				}
148			}
149			if !added {
150				*ct = append(*ct, ctEntry{L: c, H: c, N: final, I: uint8(si.index)})
151			}
152		}
153	}
154	n := len(*ct) - start
155	// Append nodes for the remainder of the suffixes for each ctEntry.
156	sp := 0
157	for i, end := start, len(*ct); i < end; i++ {
158		fe := (*ct)[i]
159		if fe.H == 0 { // uninitialized non-final
160			ln := len(*ct) - start - n
161			if ln > 0xFF {
162				return 0, fmt.Errorf("genStates: relative block offset too large: %d > 255", ln)
163			}
164			fe.H = uint8(ln)
165			// Find first non-final strings with same byte as current entry.
166			for ; sis[sp].str[0] != fe.L; sp++ {
167			}
168			se := sp + 1
169			for ; se < len(sis) && len(sis[se].str) > 1 && sis[se].str[0] == fe.L; se++ {
170			}
171			sl := sis[sp:se]
172			sp = se
173			for i, si := range sl {
174				sl[i].str = si.str[1:]
175			}
176			nn, err := genStates(ct, sl)
177			if err != nil {
178				return 0, err
179			}
180			fe.N = uint8(nn)
181			(*ct)[i] = fe
182		}
183	}
184	sort.Sort(entrySort((*ct)[start : start+n]))
185	return n, nil
188// There may be both a final and non-final entry for a byte if the byte
189// is implied in a range of matches in the final entry.
190// We need to ensure that the non-final entry comes first in that case.
191type entrySort colltab.ContractTrieSet
193func (fe entrySort) Len() int      { return len(fe) }
194func (fe entrySort) Swap(i, j int) { fe[i], fe[j] = fe[j], fe[i] }
195func (fe entrySort) Less(i, j int) bool {
196	return fe[i].L > fe[j].L
199// stridx is used for sorting suffixes and their associated offsets.
200type stridx struct {
201	str   string
202	index int
205// For computing the offsets, we first sort by size, and then by string.
206// This ensures that strings that only differ in the last byte by 1
207// are sorted consecutively in increasing order such that they can
208// be packed as a range in a final ctEntry.
209type offsetSort []stridx
211func (si offsetSort) Len() int      { return len(si) }
212func (si offsetSort) Swap(i, j int) { si[i], si[j] = si[j], si[i] }
213func (si offsetSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
214	if len(si[i].str) != len(si[j].str) {
215		return len(si[i].str) > len(si[j].str)
216	}
217	return si[i].str < si[j].str
220// For indexing, we want to ensure that strings are sorted in string order, where
221// for strings with the same prefix, we put longer strings before shorter ones.
222type genidxSort []stridx
224func (si genidxSort) Len() int      { return len(si) }
225func (si genidxSort) Swap(i, j int) { si[i], si[j] = si[j], si[i] }
226func (si genidxSort) Less(i, j int) bool {
227	if strings.HasPrefix(si[j].str, si[i].str) {
228		return false
229	}
230	if strings.HasPrefix(si[i].str, si[j].str) {
231		return true
232	}
233	return si[i].str < si[j].str
236// lookup matches the longest suffix in str and returns the associated offset
237// and the number of bytes consumed.
238func lookup(ct *colltab.ContractTrieSet, h ctHandle, str []byte) (index, ns int) {
239	states := (*ct)[h.index:]
240	p := 0
241	n := h.n
242	for i := 0; i < n && p < len(str); {
243		e := states[i]
244		c := str[p]
245		if c >= e.L {
246			if e.L == c {
247				p++
248				if e.I != noIndex {
249					index, ns = int(e.I), p
250				}
251				if e.N != final {
252					// set to new state
253					i, states, n = 0, states[int(e.H)+n:], int(e.N)
254				} else {
255					return
256				}
257				continue
258			} else if e.N == final && c <= e.H {
259				p++
260				return int(c-e.L) + int(e.I), p
261			}
262		}
263		i++
264	}
265	return
268// print writes the contractTrieSet t as compilable Go code to w. It returns
269// the total number of bytes written and the size of the resulting data structure in bytes.
270func print(t *colltab.ContractTrieSet, w io.Writer, name string) (n, size int, err error) {
271	update3 := func(nn, sz int, e error) {
272		n += nn
273		if err == nil {
274			err = e
275		}
276		size += sz
277	}
278	update2 := func(nn int, e error) { update3(nn, 0, e) }
280	update3(printArray(*t, w, name))
281	update2(fmt.Fprintf(w, "var %sContractTrieSet = ", name))
282	update3(printStruct(*t, w, name))
283	update2(fmt.Fprintln(w))
284	return
287func printArray(ct colltab.ContractTrieSet, w io.Writer, name string) (n, size int, err error) {
288	p := func(f string, a ...interface{}) {
289		nn, e := fmt.Fprintf(w, f, a...)
290		n += nn
291		if err == nil {
292			err = e
293		}
294	}
295	size = len(ct) * 4
296	p("// %sCTEntries: %d entries, %d bytes\n", name, len(ct), size)
297	p("var %sCTEntries = [%d]struct{L,H,N,I uint8}{\n", name, len(ct))
298	for _, fe := range ct {
299		p("\t{0x%X, 0x%X, %d, %d},\n", fe.L, fe.H, fe.N, fe.I)
300	}
301	p("}\n")
302	return
305func printStruct(ct colltab.ContractTrieSet, w io.Writer, name string) (n, size int, err error) {
306	n, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "colltab.ContractTrieSet( %sCTEntries[:] )", name)
307	size = int(reflect.TypeOf(ct).Size())
308	return