1 /*
2  * Quaternions.h
3  * Copyright (C) 2007 by Bryan Duff <duff0097@gmail.com>
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
18  * USA
19  */
21 #ifndef _QUATERNIONS_H_
22 #define _QUATERNIONS_H_
24 #include "Maths.h"
25 #include <GL/gl.h>
26 #include "PhysicsMath.h"
28 /**> Quaternion Structures <**/
29 #define PI      3.14159265355555897932384626
30 #define RADIANS 0
31 #define DEGREES 1
32 #define deg2rad .0174532925
34 using namespace std;
35 typedef float Matrix_t[4][4];
36 struct euler {
37   float x, y, z;
38 };
39 struct angle_axis {
40   float x, y, z, angle;
41 };
42 struct quaternion {
43   float x, y, z, w;
44 };
46 class XYZ {
47 public:
48   float x;
49   float y;
50   float z;
51   XYZ operator+(XYZ add);
52   XYZ operator-(XYZ add);
53   XYZ operator*(float add);
54   XYZ operator*(XYZ add);
55   XYZ operator/(float add);
56   void operator+=(XYZ add);
57   void operator-=(XYZ add);
58   void operator*=(float add);
59   void operator*=(XYZ add);
60   void operator/=(float add);
61   void operator=(float add);
62   void vec(Vector add);
63   bool operator==(XYZ add);
64 };
66 /*********************> Quaternion Function definition <********/
67 quaternion To_Quat(int Degree_Flag, euler Euler);
68 quaternion To_Quat(angle_axis Ang_Ax);
69 quaternion To_Quat(Matrix_t m);
70 angle_axis Quat_2_AA(quaternion Quat);
71 void Quat_2_Matrix(quaternion Quat, Matrix_t m);
72 quaternion Normalize(quaternion Quat);
73 quaternion Quat_Mult(quaternion q1, quaternion q2);
74 quaternion QNormalize(quaternion Quat);
75 XYZ Quat2Vector(quaternion Quat);
77 void CrossProduct(XYZ P, XYZ Q, XYZ * V);
78 void Normalise(XYZ * vectory);
79 float normaldotproduct(XYZ point1, XYZ point2);
80 float fast_sqrt(register float arg);
81 bool PointInTriangle(XYZ * p, XYZ normal, XYZ * p1, XYZ * p2, XYZ * p3);
82 bool LineFacet(XYZ p1, XYZ p2, XYZ pa, XYZ pb, XYZ pc, XYZ * p);
83 bool LineFacetd(XYZ p1, XYZ p2, XYZ pa, XYZ pb, XYZ pc, XYZ * p);
84 bool LineFacetd(XYZ p1, XYZ p2, XYZ pa, XYZ pb, XYZ pc, XYZ n, XYZ * p);
85 bool LineFacetd(XYZ * p1, XYZ * p2, XYZ * pa, XYZ * pb, XYZ * pc, XYZ * n,
86                  XYZ * p);
87 bool PointInTriangle(Vector * p, Vector normal, float p11, float p12, float p13,
88                      float p21, float p22, float p23, float p31, float p32,
89                      float p33);
90 bool LineFacet(Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector pa, Vector pb, Vector pc,
91                Vector * p);
92 void ReflectVector(XYZ * vel, XYZ * n);
93 XYZ DoRotation(XYZ thePoint, float xang, float yang, float zang);
94 XYZ DoRotationRadian(XYZ thePoint, float xang, float yang, float zang);
95 float findDistance(XYZ point1, XYZ point2);
96 float findLength(XYZ point1);
97 float findLengthfast(XYZ point1);
98 float findDistancefast(XYZ point1, XYZ point2);
99 float dotproduct(XYZ point1, XYZ point2);
100 bool sphere_line_intersection(float x1, float y1, float z1,
101                               float x2, float y2, float z2,
102                               float x3, float y3, float z3, float r);
104 #endif