2  {
3    "type": "npc",
4    "id": "isherwood_lisa",
5    "//": "Part of the Isherwood family.",
6    "name_unique": "Lisa Isherwood",
7    "gender": "female",
8    "class": "NC_ISHERWOOD_LISA",
9    "attitude": 0,
10    "mission": 7,
11    "chat": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA",
12    "faction": "isherwood_family"
13  },
14  {
15    "type": "npc_class",
16    "id": "NC_ISHERWOOD_LISA",
17    "name": { "str": "Lisa Isherwood" },
18    "job_description": "Part of the Isherwood family",
19    "traits": [ { "group": "NPC_starting_traits" }, { "group": "Appearance_demographics" } ],
20    "common": false,
21    "bonus_per": { "one_in": 4 },
22    "worn_override": "NC_Isherwood_worn",
23    "carry_override": "NC_ISHERWOOD_rifle",
24    "weapon_override": "NC_ISHERWOOD_archery",
25    "skills": [
26      {
27        "skill": "ALL",
28        "level": { "mul": [ { "one_in": 3 }, { "sum": [ { "dice": [ 2, 2 ] }, { "constant": -2 }, { "one_in": 4 } ] } ] }
29      },
30      { "skill": "melee", "bonus": { "rng": [ 3, 6 ] } },
31      { "skill": "survival", "bonus": { "rng": [ 3, 6 ] } },
32      { "skill": "gun", "bonus": { "rng": [ 3, 5 ] } },
33      { "skill": "rifle", "bonus": { "rng": [ 2, 5 ] } },
34      { "skill": "archery", "bonus": { "rng": [ 2, 5 ] } }
35    ]
36  },
37  {
38    "type": "talk_topic",
39    "id": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA",
40    "dynamic_line": {
41      "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal",
42      "yes": "I see that badge, I think you need to keep on walking, straight off this property.",
43      "no": { "u_male": true, "yes": "Hello, what brings you here?", "no": "Hi, what brings you here?" }
44    },
45    "responses": [
46      {
47        "text": "…",
48        "topic": "TALK_LEAVE_NOW_MARSHAL",
49        "opinion": { "trust": -20, "value": -20 },
50        "condition": { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" }
51      },
52      {
53        "text": "Hi, this is a nice farm, your family live here?",
54        "topic": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA_TALK1",
55        "condition": { "not": { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" } }
56      },
57      {
58        "text": "Hi, I'm looking for Jesse.",
59        "topic": "TALK_LISA_JESSE",
60        "condition": {
61          "and": [
62            { "not": { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" } },
63            { "u_has_var": "u_learned_about_jesse", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" }
64          ]
65        }
66      },
67      {
68        "text": "Hi, I'm looking for Chris.",
69        "topic": "TALK_LISA_CHRIS",
70        "condition": {
71          "and": [
72            { "not": { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" } },
73            { "u_has_var": "u_heard_about_chris", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" }
74          ]
75        }
76      },
77      {
78        "text": "I'd better get going.",
79        "topic": "TALK_DONE",
80        "condition": { "not": { "u_is_wearing": "badge_marshal" } }
81      }
82    ]
83  },
84  {
85    "type": "talk_topic",
87    "dynamic_line": "My family owns all the land around here, my parents are out in the barn and my other family is down he road.",
88    "responses": [
89      { "text": "Ok, I'll go find them.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" },
90      { "text": "Let's talk about something else.", "topic": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA_TOPICS" },
91      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
92    ]
93  },
94  {
95    "type": "talk_topic",
96    "id": "TALK_LISA_JESSE",
97    "dynamic_line": "Mom is in her office, in the barn.  Be careful that you don't let our horses out.",
98    "responses": [
99      { "text": "Let's talk about something else.", "topic": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA_TOPICS" },
100      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
101    ]
102  },
103  {
104    "type": "talk_topic",
105    "id": "TALK_LISA_CHRIS",
106    "dynamic_line": "Chris is out hunting or something right now.",
107    "responses": [
108      { "text": "Oh, ok.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" },
109      { "text": "Or something?", "topic": "TALK_LISA_CHRIS2" },
110      { "text": "Nice talking to you, bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
111    ]
112  },
113  {
114    "type": "talk_topic",
115    "id": "TALK_LISA_CHRIS2",
116    "dynamic_line": "Well he's supposed to be hunting, but since you've been talking to Luke, I bet he mentioned Chris wants to learn more about the end of the world.  Sometimes he'll take off for a few days and I end up patching him up so my parents don't know he left the property.",
117    "speaker_effect": { "effect": { "u_add_var": "u_heard_about_lukefromlisa", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" } },
118    "responses": [
119      { "text": "Let's talk about something else.", "topic": "TALK_ISHERWOOD_LISA_TOPICS" },
120      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
121    ]
122  },
123  {
124    "type": "talk_topic",
126    "dynamic_line": "Go on…",
127    "responses": [
128      { "text": "Hi, I'm looking for Jesse.", "topic": "TALK_LISA_JESSE" },
129      { "text": "Hi, I'm looking for Chris.", "topic": "TALK_LISA_CHRIS" },
130      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
131    ]
132  }