2  {
3    "type": "mapgen",
4    "update_mapgen_id": "test_stove_update",
5    "method": "json",
6    "object": { "set": [ { "point": "furniture", "id": "f_woodstove", "x": 19, "y": 6 } ] }
7  },
8  {
9    "type": "recipe",
10    "result": "test_base_stove_1",
11    "description": "Test data only.",
12    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
13    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
14    "autolearn": false,
15    "never_learn": true,
16    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
17    "blueprint_name": "stove",
18    "//": "This has explicit needs which are checked",
19    "blueprint_needs": {
20      "time": "1 h",
21      "skills": [ [ "fabrication", 5 ], [ "mechanics", 3 ] ],
22      "inline": { "tools": [  ], "qualities": [ [ { "id": "SAW_M" } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "metal_tank", 1 ] ], [ [ "pipe", 1 ] ] ] }
23    }
24  },
25  {
26    "type": "recipe",
27    "result": "test_base_stove_2",
28    "description": "Test data only.",
29    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
30    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
31    "autolearn": false,
32    "never_learn": true,
33    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
34    "blueprint_name": "stove",
35    "//": "This has no needs so they are auto calculated"
36  },
37  {
38    "type": "recipe",
39    "result": "test_base_stove_3",
40    "description": "Test data only.",
41    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
42    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
43    "autolearn": false,
44    "never_learn": true,
45    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
46    "blueprint_name": "stove",
47    "//": "This has explicit needs which don't match, so it disables checking",
48    "blueprint_needs": {  },
49    "check_blueprint_needs": false
50  },
51  {
52    "type": "recipe",
53    "result": "test_base_stove_plus_pipe_1",
54    "description": "Test data only.",
55    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
56    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
57    "autolearn": false,
58    "never_learn": true,
59    "//0": "This blueprint has regular recipe components etc. in addition to the blueprint_needs.  Similarly for the next two",
60    "time": "20 m",
61    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
62    "components": [ [ [ "pipe", 2 ], [ "scrap", 1 ] ] ],
63    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
64    "blueprint_name": "stove",
65    "//": "This has explicit needs which are checked",
66    "blueprint_needs": {
67      "time": "1 h",
68      "skills": [ [ "fabrication", 5 ], [ "mechanics", 3 ] ],
69      "inline": { "tools": [  ], "qualities": [ [ { "id": "SAW_M" } ] ], "components": [ [ [ "metal_tank", 1 ] ], [ [ "pipe", 1 ] ] ] }
70    }
71  },
72  {
73    "type": "recipe",
74    "result": "test_base_stove_plus_pipe_2",
75    "description": "Test data only.",
76    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
77    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
78    "autolearn": false,
79    "never_learn": true,
80    "time": "20 m",
81    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
82    "components": [ [ [ "pipe", 2 ], [ "scrap", 1 ] ] ],
83    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
84    "blueprint_name": "stove",
85    "//": "This has no needs so they are auto calculated"
86  },
87  {
88    "type": "recipe",
89    "result": "test_base_stove_plus_pipe_3",
90    "description": "Test data only.",
91    "category": "CC_BUILDING",
92    "subcategory": "CSC_BUILDING_BASES",
93    "autolearn": false,
94    "never_learn": true,
95    "time": "20 m",
96    "qualities": [ { "id": "CUT", "level": 1 } ],
97    "components": [ [ [ "pipe", 2 ], [ "scrap", 1 ] ] ],
98    "construction_blueprint": "test_stove_update",
99    "blueprint_name": "stove",
100    "//": "This has explicit needs which don't match, so it disables checking",
101    "blueprint_needs": {  },
102    "check_blueprint_needs": false
103  }