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MenuH A D22-Feb-202121 31

MenuItemH A D22-Feb-202125 31

MenuItemActionH A D22-Feb-202131 31

MenuItemViewH A D22-Feb-202128 21

MenuManagerH A D22-Feb-202128 31

README.mdH A D22-Feb-2021291 75

animationcurve.cppH A D22-Feb-20211.3 KiB5632

animationcurve.hppH A D22-Feb-20211.1 KiB4317

menu.cppH A D22-Feb-202112.2 KiB627514

menu.hppH A D22-Feb-20215.4 KiB238106

menuitem.cppH A D22-Feb-20214.5 KiB269209

menuitem.hppH A D22-Feb-20213.2 KiB16278

menuitemaction.cppH A D22-Feb-2021890 299

menuitemaction.hppH A D22-Feb-20211.2 KiB4616

menuitemview.cppH A D22-Feb-20211 KiB4018

menuitemview.hppH A D22-Feb-20211.3 KiB5319

menumanager.cppH A D22-Feb-20214.4 KiB236182

menumanager.hppH A D22-Feb-20212.9 KiB11743


1MTFH (Menu Toolkit From Hell) is a graphics agnostic model toolkit
2designed for simple game menus. The user implements needed views for
3the menu items. The toolkit is written in C++ and doesn't depend
4on anything else but STL. It's quite painful to use :)
6-- Jussi Lind <jussi.lind@iki.fi>