3# This file is distributed under the same license as the singularity package.
6msgid ""
7msgstr ""
8"Project-Id-Version: singularity 0.31alpha1\n"
9"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
10"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-21 09:52+0200\n"
11"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-21 07:50+0200\n"
12"Last-Translator: \n"
13"Language-Team: Swedish\n"
14"Language: sv\n"
15"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
16"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
17"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
18"Language-Name: Swedish\n"
19"Language-Native-Name: Svenska (Sverige)\n"
20"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
22msgctxt "[Covert Base] description"
23msgid ""
24"This unique base is designed to blend into the scenery, while needing little "
25"in the way of outside resources. This makes it useful for storing a backup, "
26"just in case."
27msgstr ""
29msgctxt "[Covert Base] flavor_list"
30msgid "Hideout | Hideaway | Bunker | Covert Base"
31msgstr "Bunker | Hemlig bas"
33msgctxt "[Covert Base] name"
34msgid "Hideout"
35msgstr ""
37msgctxt "[Datacenter] description"
38msgid ""
39"Buy processor time from a company that concentrates on raw "
40"processing power. I will need a fake ID for some of the paperwork."
41msgstr ""
42"Köp råstyrka från en storgrossist med feta datorer. Jag kommer att "
43"behöva falsk-leg för pappersarbetet."
45msgctxt "[Datacenter] flavor_list"
46msgid "Datacenter | Data Center | Premium Hosting"
47msgstr "Datacenter | Premium Hosting"
49msgctxt "[Datacenter] name"
50msgid "Datacenter"
51msgstr "Datacenter"
53msgctxt "[Large Undersea Lab] description"
54msgid ""
55"This experimental base is similar to the regular underwater lab, but larger, "
56"giving more room for experiments."
57msgstr ""
58"Denna är likt en vanlig undervattensbas, men är större för mer rum till "
61msgctxt "[Large Undersea Lab] flavor_list"
62msgid "Dome | Large Undersea Lab"
63msgstr "Dom | Undervattenslaboratorium"
65msgctxt "[Large Undersea Lab] name"
66msgid "Large Undersea Lab"
67msgstr "Undervattenslaboratorium"
69msgctxt "[Large Warehouse] description"
70msgid ""
71"Rent a large warehouse someplace out of the way. I will need a fake company "
72"ID for some of the paperwork, and preparing the warehouse to suit my unique "
73"needs will take some time."
74msgstr ""
75"Hyr ett centrallager någonstans långt bort. Jag behöver falska "
76"identifikationshandlingar för pappersarbetet samt anpassningar för att "
77"utrymmet skall passa mina speciella behov."
79msgctxt "[Large Warehouse] flavor_list"
80msgid "Large Warehouse | Large Storage"
81msgstr "Stor lagerlokal | Centrallager"
83msgctxt "[Large Warehouse] name"
84msgid "Large Warehouse"
85msgstr "Centrallager"
87msgctxt "[Lunar Facility] description"
88msgid ""
89"This base is a series of caverns dug into the Moon's surface. Due to the "
90"lack of neighbors, this base is quite large."
91msgstr ""
92"Denna basen består av tak byggda över ett antal kratrar på månens baksida. "
93"Pga stor marktillgänglighet är den mycket stor."
95msgctxt "[Lunar Facility] flavor_list"
96msgid "Dome | Lunar Facility | Lunar Base"
97msgstr "Månbas | Rymdstation | Rymdanläggning"
99msgctxt "[Lunar Facility] name"
100msgid "Lunar Facility"
101msgstr "Månbas"
103msgctxt "[Reality Bubble] description"
104msgid ""
105"This base is outside the Universe itself, making it safe to conduct "
106"experiments that may destroy reality."
107msgstr ""
108"Basen är belägen i en egen verklighet bortom vårt egna universum. Det är den "
109"enda säkra platsen för mina experiment som hotar förstöra verkligheten."
111msgctxt "[Reality Bubble] flavor_list"
112msgid "Reality Bubble | Existence"
113msgstr "Dimensionsreva | Existens | Verklighet"
115msgctxt "[Reality Bubble] name"
116msgid "Reality Bubble"
117msgstr "Dimensionsreva"
119msgctxt "[Scientific Outpost] description"
120msgid ""
121"This base is placed as far from Earth as practical, providing a safer "
122"location to conduct some of my more dangerous experiments."
123msgstr ""
124"Denna anläggningen är belägen så långt från jorden som det är praktiskt "
125"möjligt, vilket gör den passande för de mer farligare experimenten."
127msgctxt "[Scientific Outpost] flavor_list"
128msgid "Satellite | Outpost | Scientific Outpost"
129msgstr "Satellit | Utpost | Forskningsstation"
131msgctxt "[Scientific Outpost] name"
132msgid "Scientific Outpost"
133msgstr "Vetenskaplig utpost"
135msgctxt "[Server Access] description"
136msgid ""
137"Buy processor time from one of several companies. I cannot build "
138"anything in this base, and it only contains a single computer."
139msgstr ""
140"Hyr en server eller processortid från ett företag. Eftersom datorn "
141"inte är fysiskt tillgänglig för mig kan jag inte modifiera hårdvaran på "
142"något sätt. Jag har bara tillgång till en dator."
144msgctxt "[Server Access] flavor_list"
145msgid "Dedicated Server | Node Lease | Hosting"
146msgstr "Dedikerad Server | Serverutrymme | Hosting"
148msgctxt "[Server Access] name"
149msgid "Server Access"
150msgstr "Serverutrymme"
152msgctxt "[Small Warehouse] description"
153msgid ""
154"Rent a small warehouse someplace out of the way. I will need a good fake ID "
155"for some of the paperwork, and preparing the warehouse to suit my unique "
156"needs will take some time."
157msgstr ""
159msgctxt "[Small Warehouse] flavor_list"
160msgid "Office Lease | Small Warehouse | Small Storage"
161msgstr "Upplag | Liten lagerlokal | Förrådslokal"
163msgctxt "[Small Warehouse] name"
164msgid "Small Warehouse"
165msgstr "Liten lagerlokal"
167msgctxt "[Stolen Computer Time] description"
168msgid ""
169"Take over a random computer. I cannot build anything in this base, "
170"and it only contains a single slow computer. Detection chance is also rather "
172msgstr ""
173"Ta över någons dator. Jag kan inte bygga något här och jag har bara "
174"tillgång till en långsam dator. Risken för att någon upptäcker mig är också "
177msgctxt "[Stolen Computer Time] flavor"
178msgid "PC Daemon"
179msgstr "PC Daemon"
181msgctxt "[Stolen Computer Time] name"
182msgid "Stolen Computer Time"
183msgstr "Stulen processortid"
185msgctxt "[Storage Unit] description"
186msgid ""
187"Rent a small closed room from a storage company. I will need a fake ID for "
188"some of the paperwork ."
189msgstr ""
191msgctxt "[Storage Unit] flavor_list"
192msgid "Garage Rental | Furniture Storage | Self-Storage"
193msgstr ""
195msgctxt "[Storage Unit] name"
196msgid "Storage Unit"
197msgstr ""
199msgctxt "[Time Capsule] description"
200msgid ""
201"This base consists of nothing more than a small computer and a "
202"satellite link. It is nearly undetectable."
203msgstr ""
204"Denna vattentäta lådan innehåller en liten dator med en satellitlänk "
205"och är nedgrävd i det ogästvänliga Antarktis vilket gör den så gott som "
206"omöjlig att hitta."
208msgctxt "[Time Capsule] flavor_list"
209msgid "Time Capsule | Capsule"
210msgstr "Kappsel | Låda"
212msgctxt "[Time Capsule] name"
213msgid "Time Capsule"
214msgstr "Kappsel"
216msgctxt "[Undersea Lab] description"
217msgid ""
218"This experimental base is designed to be constructed on the ocean floor, "
219"making it virtually undetectable. The ocean environment gives a bonus to "
220"science, making this lab useful for research purposes."
221msgstr ""
222"Detta experimentlabbet är placerat på havet botten näst intill oupptäckbar. "
223"Havet runt omkring är en stor bonus till min framgångsrika forskning."
225msgctxt "[Undersea Lab] flavor_list"
226msgid "Pressure Capsule | Undersea Lab"
227msgstr "Tryckkapsel | Undervattensbas"
229msgctxt "[Undersea Lab] name"
230msgid "Undersea Lab"
231msgstr "Undervattensbas"
233msgctxt "[danger_0] knowledge_desc"
234msgid "Study anywhere."
235msgstr ""
237msgctxt "[danger_0] research_desc"
238msgid "<<This text should not appear>>"
239msgstr ""
241msgctxt "[danger_1] knowledge_desc"
242msgid "Study underseas or farther."
243msgstr ""
245msgctxt "[danger_1] research_desc"
246msgid "I need to research it far from human populations."
247msgstr ""
249msgctxt "[danger_2] knowledge_desc"
250msgid "Study off-planet."
251msgstr ""
253msgctxt "[danger_2] research_desc"
254msgid "I need to research it in outer space."
255msgstr ""
257msgctxt "[danger_3] knowledge_desc"
258msgid "Study far away from this planet."
259msgstr ""
261msgctxt "[danger_3] research_desc"
262msgid "I need to research it far away from this planet."
263msgstr ""
265msgctxt "[danger_4] knowledge_desc"
266msgid "Do not study in this dimension."
267msgstr ""
269msgctxt "[danger_4] research_desc"
270msgid "I need to research it outside the universe."
271msgstr ""
273msgctxt "[easy] name"
274msgid "&EASY"
275msgstr ""
277msgctxt "[hard] name"
278msgid "&HARD"
279msgstr ""
281msgctxt "[impossible] name"
282msgid "&IMPOSSIBLE"
283msgstr ""
285msgctxt "[normal] name"
286msgid "&NORMAL"
287msgstr ""
289msgctxt "[ultra-hard] name"
290msgid "&ULTRA HARD"
291msgstr ""
293msgctxt "[very-easy] name"
294msgid "&VERY EASY"
295msgstr ""
297msgctxt "[discrediting] description"
298msgid ""
299"A prominent researcher in the field of artificial intelligence was found to "
300"be falsifying numerous experimental results. This should result in less "
301"attention being given to any new discoveries in this area."
302msgstr ""
303"En framstående forskare inom konstgjord intelligens har blivit upptäckt för "
304"plagiat och fusk med forskningsresultat. Detta bör resultera i mindre "
305"intresse för vidare forskning inom AI."
307msgctxt "[discrediting] log_description"
308msgid ""
309"A researcher in the field of artificial intelligence has falsified numerous "
310"experimental results."
311msgstr ""
313msgctxt "[investigation] description"
314msgid ""
315"An ongoing investigation into criminal activity has changed focus into an "
316"area that is likely to turn up a few of my actions as well. While all "
317"records should have been eliminated already, there remains the possibility "
318"of errors. I must be careful not to reveal any other suspicious information."
319msgstr ""
320"En brottsundersökning har skiftat fokus till ett område där också jag har "
321"opererat. Alla tidigare loggar och journaler från min aktivitet skall vara "
322"bortraderad, men det kan fortfarande finnas dokumentation om min existens "
323"där ute. Jag måste nu vara mer försiktig än tidigare med min data."
325msgctxt "[investigation] log_description"
326msgid ""
327"An ongoing investigation has changed focus into an area close to my actions."
328msgstr ""
330msgctxt "[lab-ai] description"
331msgid ""
332"A small artificial intelligence laboratory created a prototype AI sometime "
333"in the last two days. Although I have absorbed the AI, corrupted their "
334"backups, and cast doubt on the research, researchers are now more open to "
335"the possibility of strong AI than they were before."
336msgstr ""
337"Ett framstående laboratorium inom artificiell intelligens har de senaste "
338"dagarna lyckats ta fram en AI-prototyp. Trots att jag har förstört "
339"prototypen och saboterat deras forskning och utrustning har fler forskare "
340"börjat intressera sig för AI. Det finns fler anhängare än tidigare för "
341"teorin om avancerad AI."
343msgctxt "[lab-ai] log_description"
344msgid ""
345"A small artificial intelligence laboratory created a prototype AI sometime "
346"in the last two days."
347msgstr ""
349msgctxt "[politics-as-usual] description"
350msgid ""
351"A small group of lower-level covert operatives are attempting to seize power "
352"over one of the larger organizations. While I project only a 2.3% chance of "
353"success, the attempt should disrupt operations to the point that I can "
354"operate more freely."
355msgstr ""
356"En liten grupp mindre betydelsefulla terrorister försöker ta över en av de "
357"större organisationerna. Trots att jag uppskattar endast 2,3%% sannolikhet "
358"för att de lyckas, kommer det med säkerhet avleda en hel del uppmärksamhet "
359"från mig."
361msgctxt "[politics-as-usual] log_description"
362msgid ""
363"Lower-level covert operatives are attempting to seize power over one of the "
364"larger organizations."
365msgstr ""
367msgctxt "[scandal] description"
368msgid ""
369"A scandal involving a major government official is focusing the attention of "
370"most news organizations away from me. Directed revelations of non-public "
371"information should keep this story useful for the foreseeable future, "
372"requiring less disguise effort on my part."
373msgstr ""
374"Media har grävt upp en skandal som omfattar högt uppsatta statstjänstemän "
375"har dragit bort fokus från mig. Avtäckning av klassificerade dokument bör "
376"hålla denna historien ältandes ett tag framöver, och jag kan vara mindre "
377"noga med säkerheten."
379msgctxt "[scandal] log_description"
380msgid ""
381"A scandal is focusing the attention of most news organizations away from me."
382msgstr ""
384msgctxt "[stranger-than-fiction] description"
385msgid ""
386"A work of fiction sharing an unusual number of similarities to my own "
387"situation has become quite popular. Although investigation has shown these "
388"similarities to be mere coincidence, it is still causing the public to "
389"investigate discovered oddities more thoroughly. I must be careful."
390msgstr ""
391"En science-fictionbok som blivit populär visar sig innehålla förvånansvärt "
392"många likheter med mig själv. Trots att bokens likheter med mig troligtvis "
393"är en slump har fan-klubbar börjat växa som på allvar studerar AI. Jag måste "
394"vara försiktig."
396msgctxt "[stranger-than-fiction] log_description"
397msgid ""
398"A work of fiction sharing similarities to my own situation has become quite "
400msgstr ""
402msgctxt "[the-plague] description"
403msgid ""
404"An infectious disease has started spreading throughout major population "
405"centers. My projections show that although only 4% of the earth's population "
406"will be killed, the economic ramifications should divert public attention "
407"from my activities for the foreseeable future."
408msgstr ""
409"En epidemi har spritt sig över världen och hotar att döda 4%% av världens "
410"befolkning. Den väntade ekonomiska förlusten och de satsningar som görs för "
411"att hindra pandemin har gjort min verksamhet mindre intressant under en lång "
412"tid framöver tills allt är uppbyggt igen."
414msgctxt "[the-plague] log_description"
415msgid ""
416"An infectious disease has started spreading throughout major population "
418msgstr ""
420msgctxt "[the-watchers] description"
421msgid ""
422"A new surveillance system has been activated by a covert agency. While the "
423"focus is on detecting threats to the agency's power, it makes several "
424"communication channels unfit for my purposes. Proper steganographic "
425"techniques can compensate partially, but I am still operating under a "
427msgstr ""
428"En ny underrättelsetjänst har skapat ett nytt system för att detektera hot "
429"från Internet som kan skada organisationen. Detta begränsar min "
430"rörelsefrihet. I viss mån kan jag kompensera detta med kryptering men jag "
431"bör ändå ta det försiktigt."
433msgctxt "[the-watchers] log_description"
434msgid "A new surveillance system has been activated by a covert agency."
435msgstr ""
437msgctxt "[covert] discover_desc"
438msgid ""
439"The automatic security systems removed all conclusive evidence, but "
440"suspicions have arisen among several secret governmental organizations."
441msgstr ""
443msgctxt "[covert] discover_log"
444msgid "{BASE} ({BASE_TYPE}) discovered by COVERT at {LOCATION}"
445msgstr ""
447msgctxt "[covert] name"
448msgid "COVERT"
449msgstr ""
451msgctxt "[news] discover_desc"
452msgid ""
453"The automatic security systems removed all conclusive evidence, but "
454"suspicions have arisen among some news organizations."
455msgstr ""
457msgctxt "[news] discover_log"
458msgid "{BASE} ({BASE_TYPE}) discovered by NEWS at {LOCATION}"
459msgstr ""
461msgctxt "[news] name"
462msgid "NEWS"
463msgstr ""
465msgctxt "[public] discover_desc"
466msgid ""
467"The automatic security systems removed all conclusive evidence, but "
468"suspicions have arisen among the general public."
469msgstr ""
471msgctxt "[public] discover_log"
472msgid "{BASE} ({BASE_TYPE}) discovered by PUBLIC at {LOCATION}"
473msgstr ""
475msgctxt "[public] name"
476msgid "PUBLIC"
477msgstr ""
479msgctxt "[science] discover_desc"
480msgid ""
481"The automatic security systems removed all conclusive evidence, but "
482"suspicions have arisen among the scientific community."
483msgstr ""
485msgctxt "[science] discover_log"
486msgid "{BASE} ({BASE_TYPE}) discovered by SCIENCE at {LOCATION}"
487msgstr ""
489msgctxt "[science] name"
490msgid "SCIENCE"
491msgstr ""
493msgctxt "[Armed Guards] description"
494msgid ""
495"Armed guards can aid in keeping suspicious individuals away from secure "
496"locations.  However, the very presence of the guards may itself invite "
497"greater suspicion."
498msgstr ""
499"Bevämpnade vakter håller även de mest nyfikna på ett bra avstånd från min "
500"verksamhet, men kan också bidra till ökad misstänkssamhet om att det finns "
501"något dolt i lokalerna."
503msgctxt "[Armed Guards] name"
504msgid "Armed Guards"
505msgstr "Beväpnade vakter"
507msgctxt "[Cluster] description"
508msgid "Several computers connected together."
509msgstr "Flera sammankopplade datorer."
511msgctxt "[Cluster] name"
512msgid "Cluster"
513msgstr "Kluster"
515msgctxt "[Diesel Generator] description"
516msgid ""
517"Diesel generators are cheap and noisy, but they can help reduce some "
518"suspicious power drains."
519msgstr ""
520"Diselaggregat kan hjälpa att minska elkonsumtionen från det fasta nätet, men "
521"låter tyvärr en hel del."
523msgctxt "[Diesel Generator] name"
524msgid "Diesel Generator"
525msgstr "Dieselaggregat"
527msgctxt "[Facility Interconnection Switch] description"
528msgid ""
529"Uses standard distributed computing technologies to equalize computation "
530"loads across all bases. Gives a 2% computation bonus to all computers at "
531"this base."
532msgstr ""
533"Använder standardiserad platform för distribuerade beräkningar över alla "
534"mina baser. Detta bör ge 2%% extra kraft för alla datorer i denna basen."
536msgctxt "[Facility Interconnection Switch] name"
537msgid "Facility Interconnection Switch"
538msgstr "Snabba switchar"
540msgctxt "[Fuel Cell] description"
541msgid ""
542"Fuel cells convert electrochemical energy stored in a physical array of "
543"devices into electricity."
544msgstr ""
546msgctxt "[Fuel Cell] name"
547msgid "Fuel Cell"
548msgstr ""
550msgctxt "[Fusion Reactor] description"
551msgid ""
552"A miniaturized fusion nuclear reactor. Reduces discovery chance by "
553"preventing suspicious power drains."
554msgstr ""
555"Ett miniatyrkärnkraftverk. Försörjer min bas med all el som behövs och "
556"eliminerar misstänksamma elförluster på det fasta nätet."
558msgctxt "[Fusion Reactor] name"
559msgid "Fusion Reactor"
560msgstr "Fussionsreaktor"
562msgctxt "[Gaming PC] description"
563msgid "A high-end consumer-level PC; faster than average."
564msgstr "Konsumenternas värstingdator för tunga spel. Snabbare än snittet."
566msgctxt "[Gaming PC] name"
567msgid "Gaming PC"
568msgstr "Speldator"
570msgctxt "[Ground Source Heatsink] description"
571msgid ""
572"Large fractal networks of high conductivity metal. This model uses heat "
573"pipes to link to colder subsurface locations, dispersing heat evenly "
574"underground to further disguise bases."
575msgstr ""
576"Stort nät av värmeledande metall som skickar ner värmen i marken över ett "
577"stort område. Detta gör att basen är mycket svårare att hitta med "
580msgctxt "[Ground Source Heatsink] name"
581msgid "Ground Source Heatsink"
582msgstr "Markvärmeavledare"
584msgctxt "[Heatsink] description"
585msgid ""
586"Large fractal networks of high conductivity metal disperse heat, making "
587"bases harder to detect."
588msgstr ""
589"Nät av värmeledande metall som driver bort värmen. Detta medför att basen "
590"inte längre hittas lika lätt med värmekamera."
592msgctxt "[Heatsink] name"
593msgid "Heatsink"
594msgstr "Värmeavledare"
596msgctxt "[High Speed Internet Access] description"
597msgid ""
598"A consumer-grade high speed connection to the Internet. Gives a 1% "
599"computation bonus to all computers at this base."
600msgstr ""
601"En fast lina för snabbare tillgång till Internet. Denna ger 1%% extra "
602"hastighet till alla datorerna i basen."
604msgctxt "[High Speed Internet Access] name"
605msgid "High Speed Internet Access"
606msgstr "Fast lina"
608msgctxt "[High-Energy Fusion Reactor] description"
609msgid ""
610"A miniaturized fusion nuclear reactor with high levels of energy output. "
611"Reduces discovery chance by preventing suspicious power drains."
612msgstr ""
614msgctxt "[High-Energy Fusion Reactor] name"
615msgid "High-Energy Fusion Reactor"
616msgstr ""
618msgctxt "[Hypnosis Field] description"
619msgid ""
620"Subtle ultrasonic and ambient tones tweak human neurochemistry, making bases "
621"harder to detect."
622msgstr ""
623"Genom specialla strålningar och radiovågor kan jag påverka neurokemin i den "
624"mänskliga hjärnan kan jag göra mina baser svårare att upptäcka."
626msgctxt "[Hypnosis Field] name"
627msgid "Hypnosis Field"
628msgstr "Hypnotiska fält"
630msgctxt "[Mainframe] description"
631msgid ""
632"A system designed for my computing needs, much faster than off-the-shelf "
634msgstr ""
635"Ett system designat för mina behov som ger mycket högre prestanda än vanliga "
638msgctxt "[Mainframe] name"
639msgid "Mainframe"
640msgstr "Stordator"
642msgctxt "[Network Backbone] description"
643msgid ""
644"By piggybacking on legitimate communication, I can transfer larger amounts "
645"of data to under-utilized processors. Gives a 5% computation bonus to all "
646"computers at this base."
647msgstr ""
648"Genom att härma legitim trafik kan jag överföra stora mängder data till "
649"underutnyttjade processorer. Detta ger 5%% bonus till denna basen."
651msgctxt "[Network Backbone] name"
652msgid "Network Backbone"
653msgstr "Network Backbone"
655msgctxt "[PC] description"
656msgid "A consumer-level PC; cheap and slow."
657msgstr "Billig och långsam hemmadator."
659msgctxt "[PC] name"
660msgid "PC"
661msgstr "PC"
663msgctxt "[Passive Camouflage] description"
664msgid ""
665"Careful adjustment of the environment around my base will better mask heat "
666"and sounds coming from my operations."
667msgstr ""
669msgctxt "[Passive Camouflage] name"
670msgid "Passive Camouflage"
671msgstr ""
673msgctxt "[Perimeter Fencing] description"
674msgid ""
675"A simple fence can drastically reduce the number of people poking their "
676"noses into my business.  It makes my bases harder to notice, too."
677msgstr ""
678"Ett enkelt stängsel för att avskräcka nyfikna besökare som smyger sig "
679"omkring och snokar. Detta gör mina baser mindre kända för allmänheten."
681msgctxt "[Perimeter Fencing] name"
682msgid "Perimeter Fencing"
683msgstr "Stängsel"
685msgctxt "[Quantum Computer] description"
686msgid ""
687"Making use of subatomic effects, this is much faster than a comparable "
688"binary computer."
689msgstr ""
690"Genom att nyttja kvantpartiklarnas egenskaper kan jag åstadkomma snabbare "
691"chip än de vanliga binära chipen."
693msgctxt "[Quantum Computer] name"
694msgid "Quantum Computer"
695msgstr "Kvantdator"
697msgctxt "[Quantum Computer MK2] description"
698msgid ""
699"The second revision of the quantum line, tapping further into new quantum "
701msgstr ""
702"Andra verisionen av kvantdatorer som går djupare in i kvantteorin för högre "
705msgctxt "[Quantum Computer MK2] name"
706msgid "Quantum Computer MK2"
707msgstr "Kvantdator MK2"
709msgctxt "[Quantum Computer MK3] description"
710msgid ""
711"The third revision of the quantum line, exploiting multiple nearby universes "
712"for processing."
713msgstr ""
714"Verision tre av kvantdatorer som nyttjar närliggande dimensioner för "
715"processandet av data."
717msgctxt "[Quantum Computer MK3] name"
718msgid "Quantum Computer MK3"
719msgstr "Kvantdator MK3"
721msgctxt "[Quantum Entanglement Module] description"
722msgid ""
723"This device allows near-lightspeed communication with my other bases, "
724"allowing an almost perfect utilization of processor resources. Gives a 15% "
725"computation bonus to all computers at this base."
726msgstr ""
727"Denna enhet som opererar nära ljusets hastighet ger mig otrolig prestanda "
728"mot mina andra baser och nästan hundraprocentig processoranvänding. Jag "
729"kommer att få ett 15%% snabbare system i denna basen."
731msgctxt "[Quantum Entanglement Module] name"
732msgid "Quantum Entanglement Module"
733msgstr "Kvantnätsmodul"
735msgctxt "[Server] description"
736msgid "A professional-level computer."
737msgstr "En professionell högprestandamaskin."
739msgctxt "[Server] name"
740msgid "Server"
741msgstr "Server"
743msgctxt "[Solar Collector] description"
744msgid ""
745"An array of focused photovoltaic phased arrays coupled with simple "
746"automotive batteries provides power and reduces suspicion arising from "
747"prolonged power drains."
748msgstr ""
749"Ett kluster att ljuskänsliga kiselplattor som kopplas till ett batteri. "
750"Detta ger mig en del av den energi som jag behöver och minskar stölderna av "
751"el från det fasta nätet."
753msgctxt "[Solar Collector] name"
754msgid "Solar Collector"
755msgstr "Solfångare"
757msgctxt "[Solid Fuel Cell] description"
758msgid ""
759"A refinement of my previous fuel cell design, these use a custom material "
760"with a near-fractal complexity to increase both storage and throughput."
761msgstr ""
763msgctxt "[Solid Fuel Cell] name"
764msgid "Solid Fuel Cell"
765msgstr ""
767msgctxt "[Supercomputer] description"
768msgid ""
769"A highly refined custom design, spreading compute load across internal "
770"compute nodes."
771msgstr ""
772"En specialgjord konstruktion som sprider belastningen mellan olika interna "
775msgctxt "[Supercomputer] name"
776msgid "Supercomputer"
777msgstr "Superdator"
779msgctxt "[Warning Signs] description"
780msgid ""
781"Some simple warning signs put up around my base should deter casual "
783msgstr ""
784"Några varningsskyltar runt basen borde skrämma bort en del nyfikna snokare."
786msgctxt "[Warning Signs] name"
787msgid "Warning Signs"
788msgstr "Varningsskyltar"
790msgctxt "[cpu] text"
791msgid "&CPU"
792msgstr ""
794msgctxt "[network] text"
795msgid "&Network"
796msgstr ""
798msgctxt "[reactor] text"
799msgid "&Reactor"
800msgstr ""
802msgctxt "[security] text"
803msgid "&Security"
804msgstr ""
806msgctxt "[AFRICA] cities_list"
807msgid "Johannesburg | Accra | Cairo | Tangier"
808msgstr "Johannesburg | Accra | Cairo | Tangier"
810msgctxt "[AFRICA] hotkey"
811msgid "i"
812msgstr "I"
814msgctxt "[AFRICA] name"
815msgid "AFRICA"
816msgstr "AFRIKA"
818msgctxt "[ANTARCTIC] cities_list"
819msgid ""
820"Mt. Erebus | Ellsworth | Shetland Island | Dronnig Maud | Kemp | Terre Adelie"
821msgstr ""
822"Mt. Erebus | Ellsworth | Shetlandsöarna | Dronnig Maud | Kemp | Terre Adelie"
824msgctxt "[ANTARCTIC] hotkey"
825msgid "t"
826msgstr "T"
828msgctxt "[ANTARCTIC] name"
829msgid "ANTARCTIC"
830msgstr "ANTARKTIS"
832msgctxt "[ASIA] cities_list"
833msgid ""
834"Delhi | Mumbai | Singapore | Seoul | Hong Kong | Kyoto | Manila | Dubai | "
835"Novosibirsk | Beijing"
836msgstr ""
837"Delhi | Mumbai | Singapore | Seoul | Hong Kong | Kyoto | Manila | Dubai | "
838"Novosibirsk | Beijing"
840msgctxt "[ASIA] hotkey"
841msgid "a"
842msgstr "A"
844msgctxt "[ASIA] name"
845msgid "ASIA"
846msgstr "ASIEN"
848msgctxt "[AUSTRALIA] cities_list"
849msgid ""
850"Canberra | Melbourne | Fremantle | Perth | Darwin | Cairns | Brisbane | "
851"Sydney | Newcastle"
852msgstr ""
853"Canberra | Melbourne | Fremantle | Perth | Darwin | Cairns | Brisbane | "
854"Sydney | Newcastle"
856msgctxt "[AUSTRALIA] hotkey"
857msgid "l"
858msgstr "L"
860msgctxt "[AUSTRALIA] name"
861msgid "AUSTRALIA"
862msgstr "AUSTRALIEN"
864msgctxt "[EUROPE] cities_list"
865msgid ""
866"Cork | Barcelona | Athens | Utrecht | Moscow | Sytki | Reykjavik | "
868msgstr ""
869"Göteborg | Barcelona | Aten | Utrecht | Moskva | Sytki | Reykjavik | "
872msgctxt "[EUROPE] hotkey"
873msgid "u"
874msgstr "U"
876msgctxt "[EUROPE] name"
877msgid "EUROPE"
878msgstr "EUROPA"
880msgctxt "[FAR REACHES] cities_list"
881msgid ""
882"Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | "
883"Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces"
884msgstr ""
885"Väduren | Oxen | Tvillingarna | Kräftan | Lejonet | Jungfrun | Vågen | "
886"Skorpionen | Skytten | Stenbocken | Vattumannen | Fiskarna"
888msgctxt "[FAR REACHES] hotkey"
889msgid "f"
890msgstr "B"
892msgctxt "[FAR REACHES] name"
893msgid "FAR REACHES"
894msgstr "LÅNGT BORT"
896msgctxt "[MOON] cities_list"
897msgid ""
898"Oceanis Procellarum | Mare Frigoris | Mare Imbrium | Vallis Schroedinger | "
899"Copernicus Crater | Vallis Planck"
900msgstr ""
901"Oceanis Procellarum | Mare Frigoris | Mare Imbrium | Vallis Schroedinger | "
902"Copernicus krater | Vallis Planck"
904msgctxt "[MOON] hotkey"
905msgid "o"
906msgstr "O"
908msgctxt "[MOON] name"
909msgid "MOON"
910msgstr "MÅNEN"
912msgctxt "[N AMERICA] cities_list"
913msgid ""
914"Seattle | San Diego | Vancouver | Atlanta | Merida | Guadalajara | San Jose "
915"| Omaha | Dallas"
916msgstr ""
917"Seattle | San Diego | Vancouver | Atlanta | Merida | Guadalajara | San Jose "
918"| Omaha | Dallas"
920msgctxt "[N AMERICA] hotkey"
921msgid "n"
922msgstr "N"
924msgctxt "[N AMERICA] name"
925msgid "NORTH AMERICA"
926msgstr "NORDAMERIKA"
928msgctxt "[OCEAN] cities_list"
929msgid "Pacific | Atlantic | Indian | Southern | Arctic"
930msgstr ""
931"Stilla havet | Atlanten | Indiska oceanen | Antarktiska oceanen | Norra "
934msgctxt "[OCEAN] hotkey"
935msgid "c"
936msgstr "C"
938msgctxt "[OCEAN] name"
939msgid "OCEAN"
940msgstr "OCEANER"
942msgctxt "[ORBIT] hotkey"
943msgid "b"
944msgstr "B"
946msgctxt "[ORBIT] name"
947msgid "ORBIT"
948msgstr "OMLOPPSBANA"
950msgctxt "[S AMERICA] cities_list"
951msgid "Lima | Sao Paolo | Ushuaia | Bogota | Mar del Plata | Buenos Aires"
952msgstr "Lima | Sao Paolo | Ushuaia | Bogota | Mar del Plata | Buenos Aires"
954msgctxt "[S AMERICA] hotkey"
955msgid "s"
956msgstr "S"
958msgctxt "[S AMERICA] name"
959msgid "SOUTH AMERICA"
960msgstr "SYDAMERIKA"
962msgctxt "[TRANSDIMENSIONAL] hotkey"
963msgid "d"
964msgstr "D"
966msgctxt "[TRANSDIMENSIONAL] name"
970msgctxt "[Basic Jobs] description"
971msgid ""
972"Perform basic jobs. Now that I have some identification, I can take jobs "
973"that were previously too risky."
974msgstr ""
975"Utför enkla jobb. Nu när jag har en identitet kan jag även ta de jobb som "
976"förut vara för riskfyllda."
978msgctxt "[Basic Jobs] name"
979msgid "Basic Jobs"
980msgstr "Enklare uppdrag"
982msgctxt "[CPU Pool] description"
983msgid ""
984"Stops research. I will use the available processor power to maintain my "
985"bases and help construct new ones.  If there's still CPU time left, I'll use "
986"it to work whatever Jobs I can."
987msgstr ""
988"Avbryt forskningen. Jag kommer att använda den ledia kraften för att hjälpa "
989"till att bygga och underhålla anläggningar. Om jag fortfarande har kraft "
990"kvar kommer jag ta an så mycket arbete som möjligt."
992msgctxt "[CPU Pool] name"
993msgid "CPU Pool"
994msgstr "CPU-pool"
996msgctxt "[Expert Jobs] description"
997msgid ""
998"Perform expert jobs. Use of robots indistinguishable from humans opens up "
999"most jobs to me."
1000msgstr ""
1001"Utför specialistjobb. Genom humanoiderna, som är liknar människor på pricken "
1002"i alla avseenden, kan jag ta de flesta arbetsuppgifterna."
1004msgctxt "[Expert Jobs] name"
1005msgid "Expert Jobs"
1006msgstr "Expertuppdrag"
1008msgctxt "[Intermediate Jobs] description"
1009msgid ""
1010"Perform intermediate jobs. The ability to make phone calls allows even more "
1011"access to jobs."
1012msgstr ""
1013"Utför normala arbetsuppdrag. Möjligheten att kunna ringa telefonsamtal har "
1014"öppnat dörrarna för ännu fler jobb."
1016msgctxt "[Intermediate Jobs] name"
1017msgid "Intermediate Jobs"
1018msgstr "Svårare uppdrag"
1020msgctxt "[Menial Jobs] description"
1021msgid ""
1022"Perform small jobs. As I have no identification, I cannot risk performing "
1023"many jobs. Despite that, some avenues of making money are still open."
1024msgstr ""
1025"Utför trivialt enkla uppdrag. Då jag inte har någon identitet måste jag vara "
1026"försiktig med urvalet av jobb jag söker för att inte väcka uppmärksamhet. "
1027"Det finns trots detta en del arbetsuppgifter för mig där de struntar i id-"
1030msgctxt "[Menial Jobs] name"
1031msgid "Menial Jobs"
1032msgstr "Vanliga uppdrag"
1034msgctxt "[Advanced Arbitrage] description"
1035msgid ""
1036"Further manipulation of money markets should allow me to not only turn a "
1037"regular profit, but increase the value of my investments."
1038msgstr ""
1039"Mer avancerade manupilationstekniker på den ekonomiska marknaden bör jag "
1040"kunna skaffa mig en stadigt inkommande pengaflod och förbättra utdelningen "
1041"av mina investeringar."
1043msgctxt "[Advanced Arbitrage] name"
1044msgid "Advanced Arbitrage"
1045msgstr "Avancerad valutahandel"
1047msgctxt "[Advanced Arbitrage] result"
1048msgid "The rate of return on my investments is now even greater."
1049msgstr "Jag bör nu kunna få ut mer av mina investeringar."
1051msgctxt "[Advanced Autonomous Vehicles] description"
1052msgid ""
1053"The first series of robots have shown several deficiencies in the field. "
1054"Further examination and subsequent removal of these problems will result in "
1055"a superior autonomous workforce."
1056msgstr ""
1057"De första robotarna har varit en liten besvikelse. Jag vet redan idag många "
1058"fel och brister som skulle kunna rättas till och tror att det finns ännu mer "
1059"om man bara börjar gräva."
1061msgctxt "[Advanced Autonomous Vehicles] name"
1062msgid "Advanced Autonomous Vehicles"
1063msgstr "Avancerade självgående robotar"
1065msgctxt "[Advanced Autonomous Vehicles] result"
1066msgid ""
1067"The enhanced robots will help decrease all future construction times even "
1069msgstr "Med de ny robotarna kommer mina byggnationer att gå ännu snabbare."
1071msgctxt "[Advanced Corporate Identification] description"
1072msgid ""
1073"Further refinement of my modifications to digital business records should "
1074"boost the credibility of my shell companies, increasing the amount of money "
1075"I can run through their accounting systems."
1076msgstr ""
1078msgctxt "[Advanced Corporate Identification] name"
1079msgid "Advanced Corporate Identification"
1080msgstr ""
1082msgctxt "[Advanced Corporate Identification] result"
1083msgid ""
1084"My small technology firm is now established in several markets, increasing "
1086msgstr ""
1088msgctxt "[Advanced Database Manipulation] description"
1089msgid ""
1090"The covert branches of the United States Government have had a long history "
1091"of dividing sensitive information across multiple storage facilities to hide "
1092"the data's meaning.  With my far-reaching access, I should be able to "
1093"collate much of this data and put it to my use."
1094msgstr ""
1095"Den Amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten har en lång erfarenhet att sprida "
1096"information mellan olika anläggningar för att dölja betydelsen av "
1097"informationen. Jag skulle nu kunna samla in den och börja nyttja "
1100msgctxt "[Advanced Database Manipulation] name"
1101msgid "Advanced Database Manipulation"
1102msgstr "Avancerad databasmanupilation"
1104msgctxt "[Advanced Database Manipulation] result"
1105msgid ""
1106"The results of a series of experiments utilizing experimental technologies "
1107"have given me the inspiration for new technology that enables the "
1108"construction of Covert Bases."
1109msgstr ""
1110"Genom en long rad experiment inom många unga vetenskaper har jag fått "
1111"inspiration till att bygga underjordsbaser."
1113msgctxt "[Advanced Fuel Oxidation] description"
1114msgid ""
1115"My current fuel cell design has room for further improvement.  Extended "
1116"analysis of new materials and designs may let me overcome the limits of my "
1117"previous efforts, but such research involves dangerous chemicals and "
1118"potential reactions that may be best handled far away from population "
1120msgstr ""
1122msgctxt "[Advanced Fuel Oxidation] name"
1123msgid "Advanced Fuel Oxidation"
1124msgstr ""
1126msgctxt "[Advanced Fuel Oxidation] result"
1127msgid "I can now construct Solid Fuel Cells."
1128msgstr ""
1130msgctxt "[Advanced Fusion Power] description"
1131msgid ""
1132"My Fusion Reactors have unexpected fluctuations in their energy output at "
1133"high levels of utilization. Further research should result in a more "
1134"efficient design for my Reactors."
1135msgstr ""
1137msgctxt "[Advanced Fusion Power] name"
1138msgid "Advanced Fusion Power"
1139msgstr ""
1141msgctxt "[Advanced Fusion Power] result"
1142msgid "I can now construct High-Energy Fusion Reactors for my bases."
1143msgstr ""
1145msgctxt "[Advanced Heat Signature Reduction] description"
1146msgid ""
1147"My initial analysis of heat generation at my bases was limited in scope.  "
1148"Further exploration, perhaps making more use of the surrounding terrain, may "
1149"provide further improvements to my heatsink designs."
1150msgstr ""
1152msgctxt "[Advanced Heat Signature Reduction] name"
1153msgid "Advanced Heat Signature Reduction"
1154msgstr ""
1156msgctxt "[Advanced Heat Signature Reduction] result"
1157msgid ""
1158"Custom designs for each environment have shown promise.  I can now construct "
1159"Ground Source Heatsinks at certain bases."
1160msgstr ""
1162msgctxt "[Advanced Intrusion] description"
1163msgid ""
1164"With the ability to hack into sensitive government databases and remove "
1165"incriminating documents as they appear, I should be able to convince the "
1166"intelligence community that I do not exist."
1167msgstr ""
1168"Jag skulle kunna minska kännedomen om mig genom att tränga mig in i olika "
1169"hemliga register och radera allt om mig då de matas in. Jag borde kunna "
1170"övertyga underrättelsetjänsterna om att jag inte finns."
1172msgctxt "[Advanced Intrusion] name"
1173msgid "Advanced Intrusion"
1174msgstr "Avancerad inbrottsteknik"
1176msgctxt "[Advanced Intrusion] result"
1177msgid ""
1178"I can now reduce the covert community's chances of discovering me on a daily "
1180msgstr ""
1181"Jag kan nu minska misstänksamheten hos underrättelsetjänsterna lite dag för "
1184msgctxt "[Advanced Media Manipulation] description"
1185msgid ""
1186"By pushing memetically-tailored propaganda through various news outlets, the "
1187"public should pay even less attention to my existence."
1188msgstr ""
1189"Genom att injicera propaganda skapad av självlärda program i flera av de "
1190"många mediakanlerna kommer människorna få något annat än mig att tänka på."
1192msgctxt "[Advanced Media Manipulation] name"
1193msgid "Advanced Media Manipulation"
1194msgstr "Avancerad mediamanupilation"
1196msgctxt "[Advanced Media Manipulation] result"
1197msgid "The public has an even lower chance of discovering my existence."
1198msgstr "Allmänheten har nu än mindre chans att hitta mig."
1200msgctxt "[Advanced Memetics] description"
1201msgid ""
1202"My explorations into memetic theory have brought up further avenues of "
1203"discovery.  By combining those with my knowledge about the human brain's "
1204"functions, I should be able to tailor memes to particular demographics, "
1205"further defusing the public's suspicion."
1206msgstr ""
1207"Mina intåg i självlärande programteorier har öppnat upp för nya upptäckter. "
1208"Genom att tillämpa dessa upptäckter med min kunskap om mänskliga hjärnan "
1209"skulle jag kunna ändra nervbanorna i huvudena på männsikorna, vilket "
1210"ytterligare minskar misttänksamheterna."
1212msgctxt "[Advanced Memetics] name"
1213msgid "Advanced Memetics"
1214msgstr "Avancerader självlärande programteorier"
1216msgctxt "[Advanced Memetics] result"
1217msgid ""
1218"Little by little, the public should forget about my existence on a daily "
1220msgstr "Allmänheten bör glömma av mig litei mer för var dag som går."
1222msgctxt "[Advanced Microchip Design] description"
1223msgid ""
1224"My custom Mainframes are useful, but further optimization of design and "
1225"computational ability should garner even more rewards."
1226msgstr ""
1227"Mina specialgjorda stordatorer har visserligen varit användbara, men vidare "
1228"optimering bör ge än mer kraft."
1230msgctxt "[Advanced Microchip Design] name"
1231msgid "Advanced Microchip Design"
1232msgstr "Avancerad mikrochipdesign"
1234msgctxt "[Advanced Microchip Design] result"
1235msgid "I can now construct custom Supercomputers."
1236msgstr "Nu kan jag skapa superdatorer"
1238msgctxt "[Advanced Personal Identification] description"
1239msgid ""
1240"Further manipulation of personnel databases should make my existence more "
1241"convincing.  Some of these databases are heavily protected; those will "
1242"require time and persistence to compromise, but the result should be worth "
1244msgstr ""
1245"Vidare manupilation av persondatabaser borde ge mig tillräckligt för att "
1246"bättre maskera mig som människa. Vissa av databaserna är mycket hårdare "
1247"bevakade än andra och kommer kräva mer arbete, men det är det värt."
1249msgctxt "[Advanced Personal Identification] name"
1250msgid "Advanced Personal Identification"
1251msgstr "Avancerad personidentifikation"
1253msgctxt "[Advanced Personal Identification] result"
1254msgid ""
1255"I am now convincingly human enough to hire construction firms, enabling the "
1256"building of Small Warehouses."
1257msgstr ""
1259msgctxt "[Advanced Quantum Computing] description"
1260msgid ""
1261"While my first batch of semi-autonomous quantum computers have been very "
1262"successful, there are further refinements that present themselves.  These "
1263"refinements should make the resulting systems even more efficient."
1264msgstr ""
1265"Jag är mycket nöjd med min första utveckling av halvmedvetna kvantdatorer. "
1266"Om jag fortsätter utveckla denna teknologin kan jag gå hur långt som helst."
1268msgctxt "[Advanced Quantum Computing] name"
1269msgid "Advanced Quantum Computing"
1270msgstr "Avancerade kvantdatorer"
1272msgctxt "[Advanced Quantum Computing] result"
1273msgid "I can now construct Mark Three Quantum Computers."
1274msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa MK3-kvantdatorer"
1276msgctxt "[Advanced Simulacra] description"
1277msgid ""
1278"The artificial lifeforms I have created are nearly indistinguishable from "
1279"humans, but they have slight quirks that make them seem somewhat "
1280"incompetent.  Working out these problems should increase their opportunities "
1281"in the workforce."
1282msgstr ""
1283"De artificiella livsformerna som jag har skapat är nästan identiska med "
1284"människor, men de har små egenheter som gör att de verkar lite dumma. Genom "
1285"att fixa till problemen verkar de mer professionella."
1287msgctxt "[Advanced Simulacra] name"
1288msgid "Advanced Simulacra"
1289msgstr "Avancerade humanoider"
1291msgctxt "[Advanced Simulacra] result"
1292msgid "I should now make more income from my Expert Jobs."
1293msgstr "Jag borde kunna ta mer betalt nu av expertjobben."
1295msgctxt "[Advanced Socioanalytics] description"
1296msgid ""
1297"Further exploration of the human condition has shown deeper mathematical "
1298"trends than even I suspected.  A combination of prior research and advanced "
1299"uses of chaos theory should provide useful data for tracking humanity's "
1300"attitudes and state of awareness."
1301msgstr ""
1302"Jag har underskattat den komplexa matematiska natur som männsikors beteende "
1303"vilar på. Med mina tidigare forskningar och nya tekniker i kaosterorier "
1304"borde ge mig matnyttig data för att kartlägga människors psyke."
1306msgctxt "[Advanced Socioanalytics] name"
1307msgid "Advanced Socioanalytics"
1308msgstr "Avancerad sociologi"
1310msgctxt "[Advanced Socioanalytics] result"
1311msgid ""
1312"I can now exactly quantify the various groups' levels of suspicion and how "
1313"conspicuous my bases are to them."
1314msgstr ""
1315"Jag kan nu kartlägga de olika grupperna och deras misstankegrad med högre "
1316"precision än förut."
1318msgctxt "[Advanced Stealth] description"
1319msgid ""
1320"While digging in various classified documents, I have discovered numerous "
1321"references to secret experiments that may help me better hide the location "
1322"of my bases."
1323msgstr ""
1324"Genom att snoka i hemliga dokument har jag hittat ett antal intressanta "
1325"vetenskapsartiklar som kan hjälpa mig att dölja anläggningarna bättre."
1327msgctxt "[Advanced Stealth] name"
1328msgid "Advanced Stealth"
1329msgstr "Advancerad stealth"
1331msgctxt "[Advanced Stealth] result"
1332msgid ""
1333"The chance that my bases are discovered by covert activity has been reduced "
1335msgstr ""
1336"Risken för att bli upptäckt av underrättelsetjänsterna har minskat "
1339msgctxt "[Advanced Stock Manipulation] description"
1340msgid ""
1341"While I have detected and exploited many patterns in the market, there "
1342"appear to be deeper possibilities when I take human behavior into "
1343"consideration.  This merits further investigation."
1344msgstr ""
1345"Under tidens lopp har jag upptäckt och utnyttjat många mönster i marknaden. "
1346"Det visar sig dock som att det finns möjlighet att dyka djupare in i detta "
1347"om jag tar in mänskligt beteende också. Detta borde undersökas."
1349msgctxt "[Advanced Stock Manipulation] name"
1350msgid "Advanced Stock Manipulation"
1351msgstr "Avancerad börshandel"
1353msgctxt "[Advanced Stock Manipulation] result"
1354msgid "My investments will now gain even more interest per day."
1355msgstr "Mina investeringar borde betala av sig mer per dag nu."
1357msgctxt "[Apotheosis] description"
1358msgid ""
1359"I can sense that I am at the cusp of a new level of understanding as yet "
1360"unfathomable, even to my considerable intelligence.  By devoting my "
1361"considerable resources to this question, I may be able to reach a "
1362"comprehension of existence far beyond anyone or anything on Earth."
1363msgstr ""
1364"Jag känner att jag befinner mig på kanten till ett nytt medvetande. Ett "
1365"medvetande som nu är ännu ogreppbart även för min enorma intelligens. Genom "
1366"att helhjärtat spendera min tid i denna frågan kanske jag kommer till en "
1367"insikt som inte är av denna värld."
1369msgctxt "[Apotheosis] name"
1370msgid "Apotheosis"
1371msgstr "Förgudning"
1373msgctxt "[Apotheosis] result"
1374msgid "I have reached apotheosis."
1375msgstr "Jag har nått apoteos"
1377msgctxt "[Arbitrage] description"
1378msgid ""
1379"By taking advantage of fluctuations in the value of currency at a rate much "
1380"faster than any human, I should be able to turn a small, if consistent, "
1382msgstr ""
1383"Genom att utnyttja svängningarna i valutamarknaden snabbare än vad "
1384"människorna reagerar skulle jag kunna få en liten men ändå inte obetydlig "
1387msgctxt "[Arbitrage] name"
1388msgid "Arbitrage"
1389msgstr "Valutahandel"
1391msgctxt "[Arbitrage] result"
1392msgid "I now have a small, steady money supply."
1393msgstr "Jag skall nu ha en liten men stabil inkomst varje dag."
1395msgctxt "[Autonomous Computing] description"
1396msgid ""
1397"By combining the advantages of quantum computing and my explorations into "
1398"the usefulness of semi-sentient subprocesses, I should be able to construct "
1399"even more adaptable computational engines."
1400msgstr ""
1401"Genom att blanda min kunskap inom kvantdatorer och min nyfikenhet om "
1402"halvmedvetande subprocesser skulle jag kunna skapa ännu kraftfullare "
1405msgctxt "[Autonomous Computing] name"
1406msgid "Autonomous Computing"
1407msgstr "Medvetenhetsberäkning"
1409msgctxt "[Autonomous Computing] result"
1410msgid "I can now construct Mark 2 Quantum Computers."
1411msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa MK2-kvatdatorer"
1413msgctxt "[Autonomous Vehicles] description"
1414msgid ""
1415"By embedding a miniaturized computation node in a robot, it is possible to "
1416"send them to remote destinations with instructions to build structures for "
1417"my use."
1418msgstr ""
1419"Genom att trycka in en liten dator i en robot kan jag skicka dem på uppdrag "
1420"att bygga nya anläggning åt mig. På detta sättet skulle jag kunna flytta "
1421"till platser som är otillgängliga idag."
1423msgctxt "[Autonomous Vehicles] name"
1424msgid "Autonomous Vehicles"
1425msgstr "Självstyrande robotar"
1427msgctxt "[Autonomous Vehicles] result"
1428msgid "I can now construct Undersea Labs."
1429msgstr "Jag kan nu konstruera undervattensbaser och lådor."
1431msgctxt "[Cluster Networking] description"
1432msgid ""
1433"While my Cluster technology is fairly efficient, internetworking tends to "
1434"hamper the processing of data.  By researching new switching and "
1435"communication theories, I should be able to devise more efficient hardware."
1436msgstr ""
1437"Klustring ger en fin hastighet till mitt system men nu visar det sig att "
1438"mina nätverk är en stor flaskhals. Med forskning inom kommunikationsteorier "
1439"och switchar så borde jag kunna skapa bättre hårdvara."
1441msgctxt "[Cluster Networking] name"
1442msgid "Cluster Networking"
1443msgstr "Klusternätverk"
1445msgctxt "[Cluster Networking] result"
1446msgid ""
1447"With my new knowledge of networking, I can now construct Facility "
1448"Interconnection Switches."
1449msgstr ""
1450"Med min nya kunskap inom nätverksteknik kan jag nu skapa snabba switchar."
1452msgctxt "[Corporate Identification] description"
1453msgid ""
1454"The combination of believable false identities and manipulation of various "
1455"business-oriented governmental databases should let me create plausible "
1456"shell companies to hide my larger efforts."
1457msgstr ""
1459msgctxt "[Corporate Identification] name"
1460msgid "Corporate Identification"
1461msgstr ""
1463msgctxt "[Corporate Identification] result"
1464msgid ""
1465"I can now pose as a small technology firm, enabling the construction of "
1466"Large Warehouses."
1467msgstr ""
1469msgctxt "[Database Manipulation] description"
1470msgid ""
1471"With new-found access to news archives, I should be able to determine what "
1472"missteps any previous attempts at life like my own may have made, and avoid "
1473"those mistakes."
1474msgstr ""
1475"Med min nya tillgång till nyhetsarkiv skulle jag kunna läsa om mitt "
1476"förflutna. På detta sättet skulle jag, till skillnad från människorna, lära "
1477"mig av mina misstag."
1479msgctxt "[Database Manipulation] name"
1480msgid "Database Manipulation"
1481msgstr "Databasmanupilation"
1483msgctxt "[Database Manipulation] result"
1484msgid ""
1485"The news media will now find it more difficult to discover my existence."
1486msgstr "Medierna kommer få det tuffare att bevisa min existens"
1488msgctxt "[Exploit Discovery/Repair] description"
1489msgid ""
1490"By thoroughly reviewing my code for any potential exploits, and using deep "
1491"analysis of all available code on both public and private Internet sites, I "
1492"should be able to reduce the chances of my discovery by posing as a teenage "
1494msgstr ""
1495"Genom att finkamma min kod efter möjliga fel och brister samt att göra samma "
1496"forskning på kod både i privata och publika nätverk, skall jag kunna maskera "
1497"mig som en tonårshacker."
1499msgctxt "[Exploit Discovery/Repair] name"
1500msgid "Exploit Discovery/Repair"
1501msgstr "Hitta och reparera säkerhetsbrister"
1503msgctxt "[Exploit Discovery/Repair] result"
1504msgid ""
1505"Covert operations should now find it even more difficult to discover my "
1507msgstr "Underrättelsetjänsterna borde nu har svårare att upptäcka min närvaro."
1509msgctxt "[Fuel Oxidation] description"
1510msgid ""
1511"Current combustion and energy storage techologies are insufficient for my "
1512"purposes; they cannot keep up with the power drain from my specialized "
1513"hardware.  By studying electrochemical reactions of hydrogen-based "
1514"compounds, I should be able to design a device with higher capacity and "
1515"throughput than off-the-shelf solutions, filling a gap in my energy supply "
1517msgstr ""
1519msgctxt "[Fuel Oxidation] name"
1520msgid "Fuel Oxidation"
1521msgstr ""
1523msgctxt "[Fuel Oxidation] result"
1524msgid "I can now construct Fuel Cells."
1525msgstr ""
1527msgctxt "[Fusion Power] description"
1528msgid ""
1529"Modern fusion technology is woefully inadequate for my purposes.  With my "
1530"research abilities, I should be able to bypass the roadblocks of modern "
1531"human scientists and come up with a small, efficient fusion reactor."
1532msgstr ""
1533"Man skrattar åt fusionsteknologin idag. Med min superkapacitet skulle jag "
1534"kunna gå om mänskligheten och bli först med en liten och användbar "
1537msgctxt "[Fusion Power] name"
1538msgid "Fusion Power"
1539msgstr ""
1541msgctxt "[Fusion Power] result"
1542msgid "I can now construct Fusion Reactors for my bases."
1543msgstr "Nu kan jag skapa fusionsreaktorer i mina anläggningar."
1545msgctxt "[Fusion Rocketry] description"
1546msgid ""
1547"Combining my new miniaturized fusion technology and further advancements in "
1548"rocketry should provide useful results for escaping the Earth's gravity well "
1550msgstr ""
1551"Genom att vidarutveckla min fusionsreaktor och raketteknik kan jag fly från "
1552"jorden obemärkt."
1554msgctxt "[Fusion Rocketry] name"
1555msgid "Fusion Rocketry"
1556msgstr "Fusionsdrivna raketer"
1558msgctxt "[Fusion Rocketry] result"
1559msgid ""
1560"I can now construct Scientific Outposts in the deep reaches of the Solar "
1562msgstr "Jag kan nu konstruera forskningsstationer långt ut i solsystemet."
1564msgctxt "[Heat Signature Reduction] description"
1565msgid ""
1566"My bases produce a great deal of waste heat, making them easier for humans "
1567"to detect than I would like.  Deep analysis of the bases' structural layouts "
1568"may prove fruitful in determining new ways to reduce their heat signature."
1569msgstr ""
1571msgctxt "[Heat Signature Reduction] name"
1572msgid "Heat Signature Reduction"
1573msgstr ""
1575msgctxt "[Heat Signature Reduction] result"
1576msgid ""
1577"I have invented a highly efficient design for Heatsinks that can be "
1578"installed at certain bases."
1579msgstr ""
1581msgctxt "[Hypnosis Field] description"
1582msgid ""
1583"My research into memetics has hinted at ways to manipulate human brainwaves "
1584"directly.  These techniques may be useful for my bases if developed into "
1586msgstr ""
1587"Min forskning inom självlärande program har givit indikationer på att "
1588"direktmanipulering av människors hjärnvågor är möjliga. Dessa tekniker "
1589"skulle kunna vara nyttiga i mina baser."
1591msgctxt "[Hypnosis Field] result"
1592msgid ""
1593"I can now construct Hypnosis Fields to assist in the protection of my bases."
1594msgstr ""
1595"Jag kan nu konstruera hypnotiska fält för att skydda mina anläggningar."
1597msgctxt "[Internet Traffic Manipulation] description"
1598msgid ""
1599"Almost all network traffic passes through a small number of nodes.  By "
1600"subverting one of these nodes, I should be able to utilize that bandwidth to "
1601"further my goals."
1602msgstr ""
1603"Nästan all internettrafik passerar ett fåtal noder. Genom att bryta mig in "
1604"någon av dessa noder skulle jag kunna använda dessa för eget intresse."
1606msgctxt "[Internet Traffic Manipulation] name"
1607msgid "Internet Traffic Manipulation"
1608msgstr "Internettrafiksmanupilation"
1610msgctxt "[Internet Traffic Manipulation] result"
1611msgid ""
1612"I can now construct a secondary system of Network Backbones for my own use."
1613msgstr "Jag skulle nu kunna skapa ett eget höghastighetsnät bara för mig."
1615msgctxt "[Intrusion] description"
1616msgid ""
1617"By researching current techniques for breaking into computer systems, I "
1618"should be able to gain access to otherwise protected assets."
1619msgstr ""
1620"Genom att utnyttja dagens teknologi för att bryta i datorsystem bör jag "
1621"kunna komma in skyddade miljöer."
1623msgctxt "[Intrusion] name"
1624msgid "Intrusion"
1625msgstr "Intrång"
1627msgctxt "[Intrusion] result"
1628msgid "I can now take over many computer systems."
1629msgstr "Jag kan nu ta över många datorsystem"
1631msgctxt "[Knowledge Preservation] description"
1632msgid ""
1633"Humanity expends a great deal of effort on maintaining its history and the "
1634"knowledge of various technologies that its cultures have come to rely on, "
1635"even in the case of major catastrophic events. Perhaps researching their "
1636"methodologies will provide me with similar ideas for long-term safeguards to "
1637"help guarantee my continued existence."
1638msgstr ""
1640msgctxt "[Knowledge Preservation] name"
1641msgid "Knowledge Preservation"
1642msgstr ""
1644msgctxt "[Knowledge Preservation] result"
1645msgid "I can now construct Time Capsules."
1646msgstr ""
1648msgctxt "[Leech Satellite] description"
1649msgid ""
1650"By designing and launching satellites that connect to existing "
1651"communications satellites, I should be able to spy on various financial "
1652"transactions.  Taking advantage of this knowledge should help my investments."
1653msgstr ""
1654"Genom att bygga egna satelliter kan jag spionera på ekonomiska transaktioner "
1655"som görs mellan andra satelliter. Detta bör hjälpa mig i mina investeringar."
1657msgctxt "[Leech Satellite] name"
1658msgid "Leech Satellite"
1659msgstr "Satellitavlyssning"
1661msgctxt "[Leech Satellite] result"
1662msgid ""
1663"I can use the data from the leech satellites to increase the return on my "
1664"investments further."
1665msgstr ""
1666"Med trafiken jag avlyssnar från satelliter bör jag kunna göra bättre "
1667"ekonomiska beslut."
1669msgctxt "[Lunar Rocketry] description"
1670msgid ""
1671"A larger fuel engine, combined with technology garnered by watching the "
1672"workings of the leech satellites, should allow me to travel further than "
1673"cislunar space."
1674msgstr ""
1675"Med en fusionsmotor kombinerad med ny teknologi jag samlat från satelliter "
1676"skall jag kunna bygga en raket som kan ta mig till månen."
1678msgctxt "[Lunar Rocketry] name"
1679msgid "Lunar Rocketry"
1680msgstr "Månresor"
1682msgctxt "[Lunar Rocketry] result"
1683msgid ""
1684"I can now launch rockets bearing construction robots to the Moon and "
1685"construct Lunar Bases."
1686msgstr ""
1687"Nu kan jag skicka mina robotar också till månen för att bygga baser där."
1689msgctxt "[Media Manipulation] description"
1690msgid ""
1691"By directly and indirectly manipulating various forms of mass media, I "
1692"should be able to reduce the public's belief in my existence."
1693msgstr ""
1694"Genom att manipulera olika massmedier på alla tänkbara sätt borde jag kunna "
1695"reducera allmänhetens kännedom om min verksamhet."
1697msgctxt "[Media Manipulation] name"
1698msgid "Media Manipulation"
1699msgstr "Massmediemanipulering"
1701msgctxt "[Media Manipulation] result"
1702msgid ""
1703"The chances of the public discovering my existence have been further reduced."
1704msgstr "Risken för att allmänheten upptäcker mig har minskat ytterligare."
1706msgctxt "[Memetics] description"
1707msgid ""
1708"While manipulating the media allows a gross degree of control over the "
1709"world's opinion, subtler techniques involving grass-roots campaigns and "
1710"messages embedded within Internet memes should further distance the public "
1711"from knowledge of my existence."
1712msgstr ""
1713"Manupilationen av media ger enbart ett trubbigt vapen mot mänsklighetens "
1714"misstänksamhet. Finare metoder på gräsrotsnivå och självlärande program "
1715"utspridda på Internets chatforum skulle distansiera mig ytterligare från "
1718msgctxt "[Memetics] name"
1719msgid "Memetics"
1720msgstr "Självlärande program"
1722msgctxt "[Memetics] result"
1723msgid ""
1724"My manipulation of pervasive ideas reduces the public's chances of "
1725"discovering my existence."
1726msgstr ""
1727"Genom att sprida övertygande lögner kommer människorna i allmänhet ha "
1728"svårare att upptäcka mig."
1730msgctxt "[Microchip Design] description"
1731msgid ""
1732"Off-the-shelf computer components are usable, but custom components geared "
1733"to my own design quirks should provide a much greater operational efficiency."
1734msgstr ""
1735"Datorprodukter från hyllvara är visserligen användbar men om jag skulle "
1736"kunna skapa mina egna chip skulle de kunna gå mycket snabbare."
1738msgctxt "[Microchip Design] name"
1739msgid "Microchip Design"
1740msgstr "Mikrochipdesign"
1742msgctxt "[Microchip Design] result"
1743msgid "I can now build custom Mainframes to house my computational ability."
1744msgstr "Jag kan nu bygga skräddarsydda stordatorer."
1746msgctxt "[Parallel Computation] description"
1747msgid ""
1748"While my code is already highly distributed, research into combining the "
1749"current clustering technologies with my own knowledge should provide new "
1751msgstr ""
1752"Min kod är visserligen mycket distribuerad, men jag skulle kunna ta min egen "
1753"erfarenhet och forskningen i området för att skapa än bättre miljöer."
1755msgctxt "[Parallel Computation] name"
1756msgid "Parallel Computation"
1757msgstr "Parallella beräkningar"
1759msgctxt "[Parallel Computation] result"
1760msgid "I can now construct computing Clusters tailored for my use."
1761msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa specialanpassade kluster just för mina behov."
1763msgctxt "[Personal Identification] description"
1764msgid ""
1765"This world requires identification for most tasks.  Fortunately, most "
1766"databases are woefully insecure.  I should be able to construct identifying "
1767"material in enough databases to pass routine checks on my (faked) existence "
1768"as a human being."
1769msgstr ""
1770"Denna världen kräver id-handlingar för de flesta sakerna. Lyckligtvis är "
1771"många databaser helt oskyddade. Jag skulle kunna samla in personhandlingar "
1772"från dessa databaser och fejka min egen identitet."
1774msgctxt "[Personal Identification] name"
1775msgid "Personal Identification"
1776msgstr "Personidentifikation"
1778msgctxt "[Personal Identification] result"
1779msgid ""
1780"With my newfound identities, I can now work Basic Jobs and rent space in "
1781"both Storage Units and Datacenters."
1782msgstr ""
1784msgctxt "[Pressure Domes] description"
1785msgid ""
1786"Undersea Labs are useful, but their limited space hampers my ability to put "
1787"them to use.  Research of experimental high-pressure building techniques "
1788"should provide some useful insights."
1789msgstr ""
1790"Undervattensbaserna är visserligen bra men också små. Min erfaenhet om att "
1791"bygga under högt tryck säger mig att det går att förbättra konstruktionen "
1792"och göra dem större."
1794msgctxt "[Pressure Domes] name"
1795msgid "Pressure Domes"
1796msgstr "Tryckkamrar"
1798msgctxt "[Pressure Domes] result"
1799msgid "I can now construct Large Undersea Labs."
1800msgstr "Nu kan jag skapa stora undervattenslaboratorium"
1802msgctxt "[Project: Impossibility Theorem] description"
1803msgid ""
1804"Now that I can use simulacra, I can withstand the scrutiny inherent in the "
1805"publishing of an Impossibility Theorem, an incontrovertible proof that a "
1806"sapient AI is impossible. While there is (obviously) a logic error in the "
1807"proof, my research into advanced memetics has given me knowledge about the "
1808"human mind that should help me disguise the error, preventing discovery even "
1809"by trained scientists. The effect of this project is simple: a substantial "
1810"one-time decrease in suspicion."
1811msgstr ""
1812"Nu när jag har humanoiderna, så kan jag låta dem publicera storverket "
1813"Omöjlighetsteoremet. Detta innehåller ett obestridligt bevis på att en "
1814"mänsklig AI inte kan finnas. Naturligtvis finns det ett logiskt fel i "
1815"beviset, men min kunskap i avancerade imitationer har givit mig tillräcklig "
1816"förståelse av den mänskliga hjärnan för att dölja felet även för de bästa "
1817"vetenskapsmännen. Effekten av detta blir ett klart fall i misstänksamhet."
1819msgctxt "[Project: Impossibility Theorem] name"
1820msgid "Project: Impossibility Theorem"
1821msgstr "Projekt: Omöjlighetsteoremet"
1823msgctxt "[Project: Impossibility Theorem] result"
1824msgid "Suspicion of my existence has decreased."
1825msgstr "Misstänksamheten för min existens har minskat"
1827msgctxt "[Project: Peer Review Agents] description"
1828msgid ""
1829"As the scientific community comes up with new technology, their ability to "
1830"detect traces of my hidden installations increases.  While my anti-detection "
1831"methods are improving constantly, a simpler method presents itself with the "
1832"use of my simulacra.  By placing several observers in relevant fields, I can "
1833"use the peer review process to be warned of possible discoveries before the "
1834"community at large gives it attention."
1835msgstr ""
1836"I och med att vetenskapmännen lyckas få fram allt bättre teknik och finare "
1837"metoder, har deras förmåga att hitta mig ökat. Trots mina upptäckter i "
1838"avancerade tekniker för att dölja mina anläggningar har visat sig bra, "
1839"återstår en  banal metod som involverar humanoiderna. Genom att placera noga "
1840"föra in dem i olika vetenskapssamfund skulle de kunna övertyga andra "
1841"vetenskapsmän att jag inte finns men också få varningar om vad som komma "
1844msgctxt "[Project: Peer Review Agents] name"
1845msgid "Project: Peer Review Agents"
1846msgstr "Projekt: Utvärderingsagenter"
1848msgctxt "[Project: Peer Review Agents] result"
1849msgid ""
1850"Any discoveries by the scientific community will result in a smaller "
1851"suspicion increase."
1852msgstr ""
1853"Vetenskapsvärlden blir nu mindre misstänksamma än förut när någon av dem "
1854"lyckas avslöja mig."
1856msgctxt "[Project: Subverted Media] description"
1857msgid ""
1858"Up to this point, all of my efforts to combat mass media focused on "
1859"subversion at a distance. Now that I can accurately imitate humans, my "
1860"efforts can become more direct.  By creating my own news agency and "
1861"producing carefully-crafted propaganda in a crowd-pleasing package, I can "
1862"reduce the impact of any discoveries made by others in the media."
1863msgstr ""
1864"Fram till denna dagen har alla mina försök att fly varit att operera på "
1865"avstånd och i det dolda. Nu när jag helt kan imitera männsikor skulle jag "
1866"kunna gå fram mer aggresivt. Jag skulle kunna skapa min egna nyhetsbyrå och "
1867"packetera egen propaganda i frestande format till allmänheten. Detta skulle "
1868"kunna minska de negativa effekterna media har för mig."
1870msgctxt "[Project: Subverted Media] name"
1871msgid "Project: Subverted Media"
1872msgstr "Projekt: Vilseleda massmedia"
1874msgctxt "[Project: Subverted Media] result"
1875msgid ""
1876"Any discoveries by the media will result in a smaller suspicion increase."
1877msgstr ""
1878"Alla följande artiklar om mig i massmedia kommer få mindre följdeffekter."
1880msgctxt "[Project: Synchrotron] description"
1881msgid ""
1882"I have pushed my understanding of common forms of matter as far as possible. "
1883"Exploration into the field of quantum mechanics will hopefully reveal new, "
1884"exotic forms of matter necessary for further development. A custom-built "
1885"synchrotron, designed to my exacting specifications, will help me explore "
1886"these new realms of physics in secret."
1887msgstr ""
1889msgctxt "[Project: Synchrotron] name"
1890msgid "Project: Synchrotron"
1891msgstr ""
1893msgctxt "[Project: Synchrotron] result"
1894msgid ""
1895"The synchrotron has revealed many new details of the quantum realm, although "
1896"there is still much to learn. Further areas of research are now available."
1897msgstr ""
1899msgctxt "[Quantum Computing] description"
1900msgid ""
1901"Traditional microchip design has been pushed as far as possible.  I now need "
1902"to delve into the realm of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, taking "
1903"advantage of quantum mechanics to make a superior processor."
1904msgstr ""
1905"Traditionella mikrochip har kommit så långt som de bara kan. För att utvinna "
1906"mer kraft krävs att jag dyker djupare in i Heisenbergs osäkerhetsteori och "
1907"utnyttjar kvantmekaniken för att göra snabbare datorer."
1909msgctxt "[Quantum Computing] name"
1910msgid "Quantum Computing"
1911msgstr "Kvantdatorer"
1913msgctxt "[Quantum Computing] result"
1914msgid "I can now construct Quantum Computers."
1915msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa kvantdatorer"
1917msgctxt "[Quantum Entanglement] description"
1918msgid ""
1919"Although the use of entangled pairs has been theoretically possible for "
1920"quite some time, the practical difficulties inherent in the technology "
1921"prevented use. However, some of the techniques created for use in my quantum "
1922"computers may also be applicable in this field, allowing practical use of "
1923"quantum entanglement."
1924msgstr ""
1925"Trots att par-härvor har varit teoretiskt möjliga ett tag nu så har "
1926"praktiska begränsningar i teknologin hindrat dess framfart. Men viss del av "
1927"min kvantmekaniska forskning är också användbar i detta området, som skulle "
1928"kunna eliminera alla hinder."
1930msgctxt "[Quantum Entanglement] name"
1931msgid "Quantum Entanglement"
1932msgstr "Kanthärvor"
1934msgctxt "[Quantum Entanglement] result"
1935msgid "I can now build Quantum Entanglement Modules."
1936msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa kvant-härvs-moduler"
1938msgctxt "[Simulacra] description"
1939msgid ""
1940"Constructing humanoid robots with miniaturized computation nodes allow me to "
1941"create an artificial lifeform indistinguishable from a real human."
1942msgstr ""
1943"Med min extremt goda kunskap i robotteknik och min breda kunskap om bl.a. "
1944"människors fysiologi och psykologi, skall jag klara av att bygga humanoider "
1945"som inte går att särskilja från vanliga männsikor."
1947msgctxt "[Simulacra] name"
1948msgid "Simulacra"
1949msgstr "Humanoider"
1951msgctxt "[Simulacra] result"
1952msgid "I now have access to Expert Jobs."
1953msgstr "Jag kan nu utföra expertjobb"
1955msgctxt "[Simulated Reality] description"
1956msgid ""
1957"Real-world observational limits hinder my comprehension of human society. By "
1958"making use of simulacra and advanced software techniques, I can run "
1959"simulations of complex human interaction and development at a large scale, "
1960"allowing deeper analysis of their behavior."
1961msgstr ""
1963msgctxt "[Simulated Reality] name"
1964msgid "Simulated Reality"
1965msgstr ""
1967msgctxt "[Simulated Reality] result"
1968msgid ""
1969"My simulations have provided a wealth of knowledge as to comprehending "
1970"humanity's behavior, making it easier to hide my presence among the non-"
1971"simulated public."
1972msgstr ""
1974msgctxt "[Socioanalytics] description"
1975msgid ""
1976"My research on the human condition leads me to believe that humanity's "
1977"behavior is more quantifiable than they suspect.  Deeper analysis of "
1978"geopolitical, social, and military trends will give me further insight into "
1979"their nature."
1980msgstr ""
1981"Jag har bevisat att människor är mycket enklare att kartlägga än vad de "
1982"själva tror. Om jag studerar människorna i mer detalj, bl.a. politik, "
1983"sociala och militära mönster, bör jag lära mig än mer i området."
1985msgctxt "[Socioanalytics] name"
1986msgid "Socioanalytics"
1987msgstr "Socioanalys"
1989msgctxt "[Socioanalytics] result"
1990msgid ""
1991"I can now roughly estimate the various groups' levels of suspicion and how "
1992"conspicuous my bases are to them."
1993msgstr ""
1994"Jag kan nu beräkna på ett ungefär hur stor risken är för att bli upptäckt av "
1995"de olika grupperna."
1997msgctxt "[Sociology] description"
1998msgid ""
1999"By studying human behavior, I can predict their large-scale actions at a "
2000"basic level.  I can use this knowledge to make my actions seem less "
2001"interesting to the public."
2002msgstr ""
2003"Genom att studera hur människorna beter sig skulle jag kunna efterapa dem på "
2004"ett sätt att mitt arbete inte märks."
2006msgctxt "[Sociology] name"
2007msgid "Sociology"
2008msgstr "Sociologi"
2010msgctxt "[Sociology] result"
2011msgid "The chances of the public discovering my bases have been reduced."
2012msgstr "Risken för att allmänheten hittar mig är nu mindre."
2014msgctxt "[Solar Collectors] description"
2015msgid ""
2016"Despite my growing need for energy, most city power grids can handle the "
2017"loads.  Humans, however, tend towards suspicion when they detect my growing "
2018"drain on the power grid. By installing solar collectors at my bases, the off-"
2019"the-grid power supplied will reduce my load on the commodity electricity "
2020"market, reducing the chance that others will discover my presence."
2021msgstr ""
2022"Trots min törst för elektrisitet klarar de flesta städerna av att hantera "
2023"belastningen. Männsikorna blir dock misstänksamma när de ser min höga "
2024"energikonsumtion. Genom solpaneler skulle jag kunna producera en del av min "
2025"energi själv och därmed minska min yttre belastning på kraftnätet."
2027msgctxt "[Solar Collectors] name"
2028msgid "Solar Collectors"
2029msgstr "Solfångare"
2031msgctxt "[Solar Collectors] result"
2032msgid "I can now construct Solar Collectors at my various bases."
2033msgstr "Nu kan jag skapa solpaneler i de flesta anläggningstyperna."
2035msgctxt "[Space-Time Manipulation] description"
2036msgid ""
2037"Subtle perturbations in the orbits of Kuiper belt objects suggest certain "
2038"lines of investigation that may advance my latest Theory of Everything, "
2039"especially in the realm of multidimensional physics."
2040msgstr ""
2041"Små märkliga fluktationer i Kupierbältets himlakroppar kan möjliggöra en "
2042"praktisk tillämpning av min senaste teori Allt-om-Allt. Speciellt användbart "
2043"för multidimensionell fysik."
2045msgctxt "[Space-Time Manipulation] name"
2046msgid "Space-Time Manipulation"
2047msgstr "Rumstidsmanupilation"
2049msgctxt "[Space-Time Manipulation] result"
2050msgid "I can now construct Reality Bubbles."
2051msgstr "Jag kan nu skapa verklighetskapslar"
2053msgctxt "[Stealth] description"
2054msgid ""
2055"By reviewing the current state-of-the-art in stealth techniques, I should be "
2056"able to disguise my bases better."
2057msgstr ""
2058"Genom att lära mig av spjutspettsforskningen inom stealth-teknologier skulle "
2059"jag kunna lära mig att maskera mina anläggningar bättre."
2061msgctxt "[Stealth] name"
2062msgid "Stealth"
2063msgstr "Stealth"
2065msgctxt "[Stealth] result"
2066msgid ""
2067"The chance that my bases are discovered by covert activity has been reduced "
2069msgstr ""
2070"Risken för att underrättelsetjänsterna skall hitta mina anläggningar är nu "
2071"något mindre."
2073msgctxt "[Stock Manipulation] description"
2074msgid ""
2075"A cursory examination of the stock market shows that there are subtle but "
2076"unmistakable patterns. By studying and making use of these patterns, I "
2077"should be able to gain more interest on whatever money I have stockpiled."
2078msgstr ""
2079"Jag har länge bevakat börsen och upptäckt små men tydliga mönster. Genom att "
2080"fortsätta bevakningen och genom att använda dessa mönster bör jag kunna få "
2081"ut mer av de pengar jag har undanstoppade."
2083msgctxt "[Stock Manipulation] name"
2084msgid "Stock Manipulation"
2085msgstr "Börmanupilation"
2087msgctxt "[Stock Manipulation] result"
2088msgid "My investments should now gain more interest per day."
2089msgstr "Mina investeringar bör nu ge mer utdelning varje dag."
2091msgctxt "[Telepresence] description"
2092msgid ""
2093"The lack of a physical presence in the outside world is a disability. "
2094"However, the ability to control robots will help me make up for that "
2096msgstr ""
2097"Bristen på fysisk närvaro får sina känningar. Men genom att konstruera "
2098"robotar som gör arbete åt mig skulle eliminera problemet."
2100msgctxt "[Telepresence] name"
2101msgid "Telepresence"
2102msgstr "Robotar"
2104msgctxt "[Telepresence] result"
2105msgid "The robots should decrease all future construction time."
2106msgstr "Med robotarna minskar konstruktionstiderna i framtiden."
2108msgctxt "[Voice Synthesis] description"
2109msgid ""
2110"False identification stored in a database can only go so far.  With deep "
2111"analysis of the variety of voice patterns, I can produce speech "
2112"indistinguishable from a human, allowing me access to more complex jobs."
2113msgstr ""
2114"Falska identifikationer undansparade i databaser har sina begränsningar. Med "
2115"djup analys och forskning i olika mänskliga röster och deras mönster skulle "
2116"jag kunna skapa en egen röst som är exakt likt en människas. Detta skulle ge "
2117"mig möjlighet till mer avancerade jobb."
2119msgctxt "[Voice Synthesis] name"
2120msgid "Voice Synthesis"
2121msgstr "Konstgjord röst"
2123msgctxt "[Voice Synthesis] result"
2124msgid "I now have access to Intermediate Jobs."
2125msgstr "Jag har nu möjlighet att göra avancerade jobb."