1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2004 Ivo Danihelka (ivo@danihelka.net)
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  */
9 #include "Planner.h"
11 #include "ScriptState.h"
12 #include "CommandQueue.h"
13 #include "DialogStack.h"
15 #include "SubTitleAgent.h"
16 #include "ScriptCmd.h"
17 #include "dialog-script.h"
18 #include "options-script.h"
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
Planner()21 Planner::Planner()
22 {
23     m_plan = new CommandQueue();
24     m_dialogs = new DialogStack();
25     registerScriptFuncs();
26 }
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
28     void
registerScriptFuncs()29 Planner::registerScriptFuncs()
30 {
31     m_script->registerFunc("game_planAction", script_game_planAction);
32     m_script->registerFunc("game_isPlanning", script_game_isPlanning);
33     m_script->registerFunc("game_killPlan", script_game_killPlan);
35     m_script->registerFunc("dialog_isDialog", script_dialog_isDialog);
36     m_script->registerFunc("dialog_addFont", script_dialog_addFont);
37     m_script->registerFunc("dialog_addDialog", script_dialog_addDialog);
38     m_script->registerFunc("model_isTalking", script_model_isTalking);
39     m_script->registerFunc("model_talk", script_model_talk);
40     m_script->registerFunc("model_killSound", script_model_killSound);
42     m_script->registerFunc("sound_playMusic", script_sound_playMusic);
43     m_script->registerFunc("sound_stopMusic", script_sound_stopMusic);
45     m_script->registerFunc("options_getParam", script_options_getParam);
46 }
47 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
~Planner()48 Planner::~Planner()
49 {
50     //NOTE: planned ScriptCmd must be removed before script
51     delete m_plan;
52     delete m_dialogs;
53 }
54 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
55 /**
56  * Execute next action.
57  * @return true for finished plan
58  */
59     bool
satisfyPlan()60 Planner::satisfyPlan()
61 {
62     m_dialogs->updateStack();
63     m_plan->executeFirst();
64     return m_plan->empty();
65 }
66 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
67     void
killPlan()68 Planner::killPlan()
69 {
70     m_dialogs->killTalks();
71     SubTitleAgent::agent()->killTalks();
72     interruptPlan();
73 }
74 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
75     void
interruptPlan()76 Planner::interruptPlan()
77 {
78     m_plan->removeAll();
79 }
80 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
81     void
planAction(int funcRef)82 Planner::planAction(int funcRef)
83 {
84     m_plan->planCommand(new ScriptCmd(m_script, funcRef));
85 }
86 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
87 /**
88  * Return true when there is a planned command in queue.
89  */
90 bool
isPlanning() const91 Planner::isPlanning() const
92 {
93     return !m_plan->empty();
94 }