1# Polish translations for Freeciv
2# Copyright (C) 1996 - A Kjeldberg, L Gregersen, P Unold.
3# Tomasz Węgrzanowski <maniek@beer.com> 2000
4# Zbigniew Baniewski <zb@ispid.com.pl> 2002
5# Mateusz Stefek <matusik_s@o2.pl> 2002
6# Artur Biesiadowski <abies@pg.gda.pl>, 1999.
7# GNOME PL Team <gnomepl@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>, 1999.
8# Doom <Doom.org>, 2016.
9# Hubert Kowalewski <hubkow@users.sourceforge.net>, 2010-2019.
10# **************************************************************************
12# ----------
13# * 'martial law' tłumaczymy jako 'stan wyjątkowy';
14# * 'happy' tłumaczymy jako 'szczęśliwy, 'content' - 'zadowolony',
15#   'unhappy' - 'niezadowolony', 'angry' - 'wzburzony'
16# * 'military unit' tłumaczymy jako 'jednostka zbrojna',
17#   'hit point' - 'punkt obrażeń', 'vision' - 'pole widzenia'
18# * 'extra' tłumaczymy jako 'usprawnienie'
19# * 'shield' tłumaczymy jako 'punkty produkcji'
20# * 'bulbs' tłumaczymy jako 'punkty odkryć'
21# * 'culture points' tłumaczymy jako 'punkty kultury'
22# * 'ruleset' - 'zestaw zasad', 'tileset' - 'zestaw graficzny',
23#   'theme' - 'motyw', 'modpack' - 'dodatek'
24# * 'overhead' (typ mapy) - '"lotnicza"', 'hex' - "sześciokątna"
25# * 'space structural' - 'łącznik rakiety', 'space component' - 'napęd rakiety',
26#   'space module' - 'moduł rakiety', 'spaceship' - 'rakieta (kosmiczna)',
27#   'propulsion' - 'silnik', 'habitation module' - 'moduł mieszkalny',
28#   'solar panel' - 'panel słoneczny', 'fuel component' - 'zbiornik paliwa'
29# * Nazwy budynków, jednostek, cudów, technologii, ustrojów,
30# oraz wyrażenie 'Rakieta Kosmiczna' piszemy z dużej litery.
31# **************************************************************************
32# UWAGA! Powyższe konwencje różnią się znacznie od rozwiązań zastosowanych w
33# we fragmentach przestarzałych (zakomentowanych na końcu pliku). W
34# razie wątpliwości należy wziąć pod uwagę rozwiązania opisane w
35# powyższej sekcji ('KONWENCJE').
37msgid ""
38msgstr ""
39"Project-Id-Version: Freeciv S2_6\n"
40"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ticket/\n"
41"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-10 12:13+0200\n"
42"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-02 16:56+0100\n"
43"Last-Translator: Hubert Kowalewski <hubkow@users.sourceforge.net>\n"
44"Language-Team: hubkow@users.sourceforge.net\n"
45"Language: pl\n"
46"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
47"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
48"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
49"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
50"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
51"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
53#: ai/default/aicity.c:888
54#, c-format
55msgid "%s is selling %s for %d."
56msgid_plural "%s is selling %s for %d."
57msgstr[0] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztukę złota."
58msgstr[1] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztuki złota."
59msgstr[2] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztuk złota."
61#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:358
62#, c-format
63msgid "*%s (AI)* In away mode AI can't sign such a treaty."
64msgstr ""
65"*%s (AI)* W trybie 'nieobecny' AI nie może podpisywać takiego traktatu."
67#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:368
68#, c-format
69msgid "*%s (AI)* First break alliance with %s, %s."
70msgstr "*%s (AI)* Zerwij najpierw sojusz z %s, %s."
72#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:378
73#, c-format
74msgid ""
75"*%s (AI)* I would like to see you keep your distance from %s for some time, "
77msgstr "*%s (AI)* Zachowaj przez jakiś czas pewną odległość od %s, %s."
79#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:392
80#, c-format
81msgid "*%s (AI)* Let us first cease hostilities, %s."
82msgstr "*%s (AI)* Przerwijmy na razie działania zbrojne, %s."
84#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:397
85#, c-format
86msgid ""
87"*%s (AI)* I wish to see you keep the current ceasefire for a bit longer "
88"first, %s."
89msgstr "*%s (AI)* Najpierw spróbuj dotrzymać warunków zawieszenia broni, %s."
91#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:420
92#, c-format
93msgid "*%s (AI)* I simply do not trust you with an alliance yet, %s."
94msgstr ""
95"*%s (AI)* Po prostu nie ufamy ci jeszcze na tyle, by zawrzeć sojusz, %s."
97#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:514
98#, c-format
99msgid "*%s (AI)* I do not know the city you mention."
100msgstr "*%s (AI)* Nic nie wiemy o mieście, o którym mówisz."
102#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:544
103#, c-format
104msgid "*%s (AI)* Sorry, sharing vision with you is not safe."
105msgstr ""
106"*%s (AI)* Niestety, dzielenie się z tobą widokiem jest zbyt niebezpieczne."
108#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:657
109#, c-format
110msgid "*%s (AI)* This deal was not very good for us, %s!"
111msgstr "*%s (AI)* Ta propozycja nam się nie opłacała, %s!"
113#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:680
114#, c-format
115msgid "*%s (AI)* Welcome into our alliance %s!"
116msgstr "*%s (AI)* Witamy nowego sojusznika %s!"
118#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:684
119#, c-format
120msgid "*%s (AI)* Yes, may we forever stand united, %s."
121msgstr "*%s (AI)* Niech nasz sojusz przetrwa wieki, %s."
123#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:691
124#, c-format
125msgid "*%s (AI)* Yes, peace in our time!"
126msgstr "*%s (AI)* Tak, pokój to dobre rozwiązanie!"
128#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:696
129#, c-format
130msgid "*%s (AI)* Agreed. No more hostilities, %s."
131msgstr "*%s (AI)* Zgoda. Dość już rozlewu krwi, %s."
133#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:960
134#, c-format
135msgid ""
136"*%s (AI)* Greetings %s! May we suggest a ceasefire while we get to know each "
137"other better?"
138msgstr ""
139"*%s (AI)* Pozdrowienia %s! Czy możemy zaproponować zawieszenie broni? Może "
140"poznamy się lepiej?"
142#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:967
143#, c-format
144msgid ""
145"*%s (AI)* I found you %s! Now make it worth my letting you live, or be "
147msgstr ""
148"*%s (AI)* Znalazłem Cię %s! Albo wynagrodzisz mi to, że pozwolę Ci żyć, albo "
149"Cię zgładzę."
151#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1282
152#, c-format
153msgid "*%s (AI)* Space will never be yours. "
154msgstr "*%s (AI)* Kosmos nigdy nie będzie twój. "
156#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1287
157#, c-format
158msgid "*%s (AI)* I have tolerated your vicious antics long enough! To war!"
159msgstr "*%s (AI)* Mamy już dość twoich brudnych sztuczek! WOJNA!"
161#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1293
162#, c-format
163msgid "*%s (AI)* Peace in ... some other time."
164msgstr "*%s (AI)* Pokój? Raczej nie teraz."
166#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1298
167#, c-format
168msgid ""
169"*%s (AI)* Finally I get around to you! Did you really think you could get "
170"away with your crimes?"
171msgstr ""
172"*%s (AI)* Mamy już ciebie dość! Nie możemy dłużej tolerować twoich zbrodni!"
174#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1304
175#, c-format
176msgid "*%s (AI)* Your covert hostilities brought this war upon you!"
177msgstr "*%s (AI)* Twoje podstępy doprowadziły do tej wojny!"
179#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1311
180#, c-format
181msgid "*%s (AI)* Your aggression against %s was your last mistake!"
182msgstr "*%s (AI)* Atak na %s był twoim ostatnim błędem!"
184#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1395
185#, c-format
186msgid ""
187"*%s (AI)* We will be launching an all-out war against %s in %d turn to stop "
188"the spaceship launch."
189msgid_plural ""
190"*%s (AI)* We will be launching an all-out war against %s in %d turns to stop "
191"the spaceship launch."
192msgstr[0] ""
193"*%s (AI)* Totalna wojna przeciwko %s rozpocznie się w ciągu %d tury. Musimy "
194"zatrzymać ich statek kosmiczny."
195msgstr[1] ""
196"*%s (AI)* Totalna wojna przeciwko %s rozpocznie się w ciągu %d tur. Musimy "
197"zatrzymać ich statek kosmiczny."
198msgstr[2] ""
199"*%s (AI)* Totalna wojna przeciwko %s rozpocznie się w ciągu %d tur. Musimy "
200"zatrzymać ich statek kosmiczny."
202#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1406
203#, c-format
204msgid ""
205"*%s (AI)* Your aid in this matter will be expected. Long live our glorious "
207msgstr "*%s (AI)* Oczekujemy twojej pomocy. Niech żyje nasz wspaniały sojusz!"
209#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1413
210#, c-format
211msgid ""
212"*%s (AI)* %s has grossly violated his treaties with us for own gain.  We "
213"will answer in force in %d turn and expect you to honor your alliance with "
214"us and do likewise!"
215msgid_plural ""
216"*%s (AI)* %s has grossly violated his treaties with us for own gain.  We "
217"will answer in force in %d turns and expect you to honor your alliance with "
218"us and do likewise!"
219msgstr[0] ""
220"*%s (AI)* %s poważnie naruszyli nasze traktaty. Odpowiemy siłą w ciągu %d "
221"tury. Oczekujemy, że uszanujesz nasz sojusz i pomożesz nam!"
222msgstr[1] ""
223"*%s (AI)* %s poważnie naruszyli nasze traktaty. Odpowiemy siłą w ciągu %d "
224"tur. Oczekujemy, że uszanujesz nasz sojusz i pomożesz nam!"
225msgstr[2] ""
226"*%s (AI)* %s poważnie naruszyli nasze traktaty. Odpowiemy siłą w ciągu %d "
227"tur. Oczekujemy, że uszanujesz nasz sojusz i pomożesz nam!"
229#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1427
230#, c-format
231msgid ""
232"*%s (AI)* We intend to pillage and plunder the rich civilization of %s. We "
233"declare war in %d turn."
234msgid_plural ""
235"*%s (AI)* We intend to pillage and plunder the rich civilization of %s. We "
236"declare war in %d turns."
237msgstr[0] ""
238"*%s (AI)* Zamierzamy złupić i zniszczyć cywilizację %s. Wojna rozpocznie się "
239"w ciągu %d tury."
240msgstr[1] ""
241"*%s (AI)* Zamierzamy złupić i zniszczyć cywilizację %s. Wojna rozpocznie się "
242"w ciągu %d tur."
243msgstr[2] ""
244"*%s (AI)* Zamierzamy złupić i zniszczyć cywilizację %s. Wojna rozpocznie się "
245"w ciągu %d tur."
247#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1436
248#, c-format
249msgid ""
250"*%s (AI)* If you want a piece of the loot, feel free to join in the action!"
251msgstr "*%s (AI)* Jeśli zależy ci na łupach, przyłącz się do nas!"
253#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1442
254#, c-format
255msgid ""
256"*%s (AI)* We have had it with %s. Let us tear this pathetic civilization "
257"apart. We declare war in %d turn."
258msgid_plural ""
259"*%s (AI)* We have had it with %s. Let us tear this pathetic civilization "
260"apart. We declare war in %d turns."
261msgstr[0] ""
262"*%s (AI)* Nie możemy dalej tolerować %s. Zniszczmy tą żałosną cywilizację. "
263"Wypowiemy wojnę w ciągu %d tury."
264msgstr[1] ""
265"*%s (AI)* Nie możemy dalej tolerować %s. Zniszczmy tą żałosną cywilizację. "
266"Wypowiemy wojnę w ciągu %d tur."
267msgstr[2] ""
268"*%s (AI)* Nie możemy dalej tolerować %s. Zniszczmy tą żałosną cywilizację. "
269"Wypowiemy wojnę w ciągu %d tur."
271#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1453
272#, c-format
273msgid "*%s (AI)* As our glorious allies, we expect your help in this war."
274msgstr ""
275"*%s (AI)* Jesteś naszym wielki przyjacielem, więc pewnie zechcesz nam pomóc."
277#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1460
278#, c-format
279msgid ""
280"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance and declare war on %s in %d turn.  Hold "
281"on - we are coming!"
282msgid_plural ""
283"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance and declare war on %s in %d turns.  "
284"Hold on - we are coming!"
285msgstr[0] ""
286"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy warunków sojuszu i wypowiemy wojnę %s w ciągu %d tury. "
287"Trzymaj się, przybywamy!"
288msgstr[1] ""
289"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy warunków sojuszu i wypowiemy wojnę %s w ciągu %d tur. "
290"Trzymaj się, przybywamy!"
291msgstr[2] ""
292"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy warunków sojuszu i wypowiemy wojnę %s w ciągu %d tur. "
293"Trzymaj się, przybywamy!"
295#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1470
296#, c-format
297msgid ""
298"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance with %s and declare war on %s in %d "
299"turns.  We expect you to do likewise."
300msgid_plural ""
301"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance with %s and declare war on %s in %d "
302"turns.  We expect you to do likewise."
303msgstr[0] ""
304"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy sojuszu z %s i wypowiemy wojnę przeciwko %s w ciągu %d "
305"tury. Oczekujemy twojej pomocy."
306msgstr[1] ""
307"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy sojuszu z %s i wypowiemy wojnę przeciwko %s w ciągu %d "
308"tur. Oczekujemy twojej pomocy."
309msgstr[2] ""
310"*%s (AI)* Dotrzymamy sojuszu z %s i wypowiemy wojnę przeciwko %s w ciągu %d "
311"tur. Oczekujemy twojej pomocy."
313#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1549
314#, c-format
315msgid ""
316"*%s (AI)* Your attempt to conquer space for yourself alone betrays your true "
317"intentions, and I will have no more of our alliance!"
318msgstr ""
319"*%s (AI)* Twoja próba podbicia kosmosu zdradziła twoje prawdziwe zamiary. "
320"Dalszy sojusz z tobą jest bezcelowy!"
322#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1565
323#, c-format
324msgid ""
325"*%s (AI)* Your attempt to unilaterally dominate outer space is highly "
327msgstr "*%s (AI)* Bardzo nas niepokoją twoje próby opanowania kosmosu."
329#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1569
330#, c-format
331msgid ""
332"*%s (AI)* If you do not stop constructing your spaceship, I may be forced to "
333"take action!"
334msgstr ""
335"*%s (AI)* Jeśli nie przerwiesz budowy statku kosmicznego, będziemy zmuszeni "
336"powstrzymać cię wszelkimi sposobami!"
338#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1689
339#, c-format
340msgid "*%s (AI)* Sorry, sharing vision with you is no longer safe."
341msgstr "*%s (AI)* Niestety, dzielenie widoku z tobą nie jest już bezpieczne."
343#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1760
344#, c-format
345msgid ""
346"*%s (AI)* Greetings our most trustworthy ally. We call upon you to destroy "
347"our enemy, %s."
348msgstr ""
349"*%s (AI)* Mój najbardziej zaufany sojuszniku, wzywam cię do zniszczenia "
350"naszego wroga - %s."
352#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1768
353#, c-format
354msgid ""
355"*%s (AI)* Greetings ally, I see you have not yet made war with our enemy, "
356"%s. Why do I need to remind you of your promises?"
357msgstr ""
358"*%s (AI)* Pozdrowienia przyjacielu, widzę że jeszcze nie wypowiedzieliście "
359"wojny naszemu wrogowi %s. Czyżbyście zapomnieli o waszych zobowiązaniach?"
361#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1778
362#, c-format
363msgid ""
364"*%s (AI)* Dishonored one, we made a pact of alliance, and yet you remain at "
365"peace with our mortal enemy, %s! This is unacceptable; our alliance is no "
367msgstr ""
368"*%s (AI)* Zawiedliśmy się na tobie. Zawarliśmy sojusz, a ty nadal "
369"utrzymujesz pokój z naszym największym wrogiem %s! Tak się nie postępuje, "
370"zrywamy sojusz!"
372#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1811
373#, c-format
374msgid ""
375"*%s (AI)* Greetings friend, may we suggest making a common cause and join in "
376"an alliance?"
377msgstr ""
378"*%s (AI)* Pozdrowienia przyjacielu, razem będziemy silniejsi. Co sądzisz o "
381#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1828
382#, c-format
383msgid "*%s (AI)* Greetings neighbor, may we suggest more peaceful relations?"
384msgstr "*%s (AI)* Pozdrowienia sąsiedzie, proponuję pokój dla wspólnego dobra."
386#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1845
387#, c-format
388msgid ""
389"*%s (AI)* We grow weary of this constant bloodshed. May we suggest a "
390"cessation of hostilities?"
391msgstr ""
392"*%s (AI)* Obaj wiele wycierpieliśmy w tym konflikcie. Co sądzisz o "
393"przerwaniu rozlewu krwi?"
395#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:2008
396#, c-format
397msgid ""
398"*%s (AI)* We have been savagely attacked by %s, and we need your help! Honor "
399"our glorious alliance and your name will never be forgotten!"
400msgstr ""
401"*%s (AI)* Zostaliśmy brutalnie zaatakowani przez %s, potrzebujemy twojej "
402"pomocy! Jeśli wspomożesz swoich sojuszników, twoje imię nie zostanie "
405#: ai/difficulty.c:238
406msgid ""
407"Toggles 'away' mode for your nation. In away mode, the AI will govern your "
408"nation but make only minimal changes."
409msgstr ""
410"Przełącza tryb 'away' dla twojego narodu. W tym trybie twoim narodem będzie "
411"zarządzał komputer, ale tak, aby nie wykonywać zbyt dużo zmian."
413#: ai/difficulty.c:244
414#, c-format
415msgid ""
416"With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level '%s', and sets the "
417"default level for any new AI players to '%s'. With an argument, sets the "
418"skill level for the specified player only."
419msgstr ""
420"Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich graczy AI na poziom %s oraz "
421"ustawia domyślny poziom dla nowych graczy AI na %s. Gdy podany jest "
422"argument, ustawia poziom tylko dla podanego gracza."
424#: ai/difficulty.c:262
425msgid "Has erratic decision-making."
426msgstr "Podejmuje niekonsekwentne decyzje."
428#: ai/difficulty.c:269
429#, c-format
430msgid "Research takes %d%% as long as usual."
431msgstr "Badania zajmują o %d%% dłużej niż zwykle."
433#: ai/difficulty.c:273
434msgid "Has reduced appetite for expansion."
435msgstr "Jest mniej skłonny do ekspansji."
437#: ai/difficulty.c:280
438msgid ""
440"This skill level has the same features as 'Novice', but may suffer "
441"additional ruleset-defined penalties."
442msgstr ""
444"Ten poziom umiejętności ma te same własności, jak 'Początkujący', ale "
445"zestawy zasad mogą narzucać dodatkowe ograniczenia."
447#: ai/difficulty.c:286
448msgid ""
450"This skill level has the same features as 'Hard', but may enjoy additional "
451"ruleset-defined bonuses."
452msgstr ""
454"Ten poziom umiejętności ma te same własności, jak 'Trudny', ale zestawy "
455"zasad mogą dawać dodatkowe premie."
457#: ai/difficulty.c:295
458msgid ""
460"This skill level's features include the following. (Some rulesets may define "
461"extra level-specific behavior.)"
462msgstr ""
464"Ten poziom umiejętności ma następujące własności. (Niektóre zestawy zasad "
465"mogą określać dodatkowe własności.)"
467#: ai/handicaps.c:84
468msgid "Doesn't build offensive diplomatic units."
469msgstr "Nie tworzy ofensywnych jednostek dyplomatycznych."
471#: ai/handicaps.c:88
472msgid "Gets reduced bonuses from huts."
473msgstr "Otrzymuje zmniejszone dodatki z chatek."
475#: ai/handicaps.c:90
476msgid "Prefers defensive buildings and avoids close diplomatic relations."
477msgstr "Preferuje budynki obronne i unika bliskich kontaktów dyplomatycznych."
479#: ai/handicaps.c:93
480msgid ""
481"THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING OF NEW AI FEATURES! For ordinary servers, this "
482"level is no different to 'Hard'."
483msgstr ""
485"serwerów ten poziom jest taki sam, jak 'Trudny'."
487#: ai/handicaps.c:97
488msgid "Has no restrictions on tax rates."
489msgstr "Nie ma ograniczeń stawek podatkowych."
491#: ai/handicaps.c:100
492msgid "Can target units and cities in unseen or unexplored territory."
493msgstr "Może atakować jednostki i miasta na nieznanym terytorium."
495#: ai/handicaps.c:103
496msgid "Knows the location of huts in unexplored territory."
497msgstr "Zna rozmieszczenie chatek na nieznanym terytorium."
499#: ai/handicaps.c:106
500msgid "Can see through fog of war."
501msgstr "Widzisz poprzez \"mgłę wojny\"."
503#: ai/handicaps.c:108
504msgid "Doesn't build air units."
505msgstr "Nie tworzy jednostek powietrznych."
507#: ai/handicaps.c:111
508msgid "Has complete map knowledge, including unexplored territory."
509msgstr "Zna całą mapę, także obszary niezbadane."
511#: ai/handicaps.c:113
512msgid "Naive at diplomacy."
513msgstr "Prowadzi naiwną dyplomację."
515#: ai/handicaps.c:116
516msgid "Can skip anarchy during revolution."
517msgstr "Może pominąć okres anarchii podczas rewolucji."
519#: ai/handicaps.c:118
520msgid "Limits growth to match human players."
521msgstr "Ogranicza wzrost do poziomu graczy-ludzi."
523#: ai/handicaps.c:120
524msgid "Believes its cities are always under threat."
525msgstr "Uważa, że jego miasta są stale zagrożone."
527#: ai/handicaps.c:122
528msgid "Always offers cease-fire on first contact."
529msgstr "Zawsze proponuje zawieszenie broni przy pierwszym kontakcie."
531#: ai/threaded/threadedai.c:549
532msgid ""
533"This Freeciv compilation has no full threads implementation, threaded ai "
534"cannot be used."
535msgstr ""
536"Ta kompilacja Freeciv nie obsługuje w pełni wątków, nie można użyć AI z "
539#: client/agents/cma_core.c:390
540#, c-format
541msgid ""
542"The citizen governor can't fulfill the requirements for %s. Passing back "
544msgstr ""
545"Zarządca nie potrafi wypełnić postawionych mu zadań w mieście %s. "
546"Przejmujesz kontrolę nad miastem."
548#: client/agents/cma_core.c:399 client/agents/cma_core.c:419
549#, c-format
550msgid ""
551"The citizen governor has gotten confused dealing with %s.  You may want to "
552"have a look."
553msgstr ""
554"Zarządca nie mógł sobie poradzić z miastem %s. Być może chcesz tam zajrzeć."
556#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
557#: client/agents/cma_core.c:428 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:153
558#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:164 server/console.c:72 server/srv_main.c:3147
559#: utility/log.c:520 utility/netintf.c:94 utility/registry_ini.c:742
560#, c-format
561msgid "Please report this message at %s"
562msgstr "Zgłoś tą wiadomość na %s"
564#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:226 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:762
565#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:788 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:770
566#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:796 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:770
567#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:796 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1165
568#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2039 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2030
569msgid "none"
570msgstr "brak"
572#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:242 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:809
573#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:817 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:817
574msgid "custom"
575msgstr "własny"
577#. TRANS: city is not growing.  Keep short.
578#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:257 client/agents/cma_fec.c:291
579#: client/citydlg_common.c:301 client/citydlg_common.c:355
580#: client/citydlg_common.c:446 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1578
581#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1820 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1852
582#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3018 client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:555
583#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:1087 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1432
584#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1437 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:567
585#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:1102 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1457
586#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1462 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:252 client/text.c:905
587msgid "never"
588msgstr "nigdy"
590#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:277 client/agents/cma_fec.c:314
591#: client/citydlg_common.c:352 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1584
592#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1199 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1211
593#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1222 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1826
594#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1226 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1238
595#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1249 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1858
596#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1260 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1272
597#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1283 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3024
598#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1326 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1351
599#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1375 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:257
600#: client/helpdata.c:5232 client/text.c:903 client/text.c:1377
601#, c-format
602msgid "%d turn"
603msgid_plural "%d turns"
604msgstr[0] "%d tura"
605msgstr[1] "%d tury"
606msgstr[2] "%d tur"
608#. TRANS: "W" is worker citizens, as opposed to specialists;
609#. * %s will represent the specialist types, for instance "E/S/T"
610#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:334
611#, c-format
612msgid "People (W/%s)"
613msgstr "Ludzie (R/%s)"
615#. TRANS: preserve leading space
616#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:349
617msgid " happy"
618msgstr " szczęśliwi"
620#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:360
621#, c-format
622msgid ""
623"Name: %s\n"
624"Food:       %10s Gold:    %10s\n"
625"Production: %10s Luxury:  %10s\n"
626"Trade:      %10s Science: %10s\n"
628"%*s%s: %s\n"
629"          City grows: %s\n"
630"Production completed: %s"
631msgstr ""
632"Nazwa: %s\n"
633"Żywność:    %10s Złoto:    %10s\n"
634"Produkcja:  %10s Luksus:   %10s\n"
635"Handel:     %10s Nauka:    %10s\n"
637"%*s%s: %s\n"
638"          Czas wzrostu: %s\n"
639"Zakończenie produkcji: %s"
641#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:428
642msgid "?cma:Very happy"
643msgstr "?cma:Bardzo szczęśliwi"
645#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:429
646msgid "?cma:Prefer food"
647msgstr "?cma:Max żywności"
649#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:430
650msgid "?cma:Prefer production"
651msgstr "?cma:Max produkcji"
653#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:431
654msgid "?cma:Prefer gold"
655msgstr "?cma:Max złota"
657#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:432
658msgid "?cma:Prefer science"
659msgstr "?cma:Max nauki"
661#: client/attribute.c:368
662msgid ""
663"There has been a CMA error. Your citizen governor settings may be broken."
664msgstr ""
665"Wystąpił błąd CMA. Możliwe, że ustawienia twojego zarządcy są uszkodzone."
667#: client/attribute.c:372
668msgid "Old attributes detected and removed."
669msgstr "Stare atrybuty wykryte i usunięte."
671#: client/audio.c:163
672#, c-format
673msgid "Plugin '%s' isn't available. Available are %s"
674msgstr "Wtyczka '%s' nie jest dostępna. Dostępne wtyczki: %s"
676#: client/audio.c:282
677msgid "No real audio plugin present."
678msgstr "Nie wykryto wtyczki dźwiękowej."
680#: client/audio.c:283 client/audio.c:308 client/audio.c:345 client/audio.c:354
681msgid "Proceeding with sound support disabled."
682msgstr "Kontynuuję z wyłączonym dźwiękiem."
684#: client/audio.c:284
685msgid "For sound support, install SDL2_mixer"
686msgstr "Aby używać dźwięku, zainstaluj SDL2_mixer"
688#: client/audio.c:305
689msgid "To get sound you need to download a sound set!"
690msgstr "Aby używać dźwięku, pobierz zestaw dźwiękowy!"
692#: client/audio.c:306
693#, c-format
694msgid "Get sound sets from <%s>."
695msgstr "Pobierz ustawienia dźwięków z <%s>."
697#: client/audio.c:314
698#, c-format
699msgid ""
700"Could not load sound spec-file '%s':\n"
702msgstr ""
703"Nie mogę wczytać pliku specyfikacyjnego dźwięku '%s':\n"
706#: client/audio.c:319
707#, c-format
708msgid ""
709"Could not load music spec-file '%s':\n"
711msgstr ""
712"Nie udało się wczytać pliku specyfikacji muzyki '%s':\n"
715#: client/audio.c:352
716msgid "No real audio subsystem managed to initialize!"
717msgstr "Nie udało się zainicjować systemu dźwięku!"
719#: client/audio.c:353
720msgid "Perhaps there is some misconfiguration or bad permissions."
721msgstr ""
722"Prawdopodobnie wystąpił błąd w konfiguracji lub nie masz odpowiednich "
725#: client/chatline_common.c:179
726msgid ""
727"Freeciv is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it "
728"under certain conditions;"
729msgstr ""
730"Freeciv to wolne oprogramowanie i możesz rozdawać jego kopie pod pewnymi "
733#: client/chatline_common.c:183
734msgid "See the \"Copying\" item on the Help menu."
735msgstr "Zajrzyj do sekcji \"Kopiowanie\" w menu Pomocy."
737#: client/chatline_common.c:186
738msgid "See COPYING file distributed with this program."
739msgstr "Zajrzyj do pliku COPYING dołączonego do tego programu."
741#: client/chatline_common.c:189
742msgid "Now ... Go give 'em hell!"
743msgstr "A teraz ... dokop im!"
745#: client/chatline_common.c:201
746#, c-format
747msgid "Exporting output window to '%s' ..."
748msgstr "Eksportowanie zawartości do '%s' ..."
750#: client/chatline_common.c:208
751msgid "Export complete."
752msgstr "Eksport zakończony."
754#: client/chatline_common.c:211
755msgid "Export failed, couldn't write to file."
756msgstr "Zapis nieudany, nie można zapisać do pliku."
758#. TRANS: Use longer of "XXX turns" and "never"
759#: client/citydlg_common.c:276
760msgid "?filler:XXX/XXX XXX turns"
761msgstr "?filler:XXX/XXX XXX tur"
763#: client/citydlg_common.c:283
764#, c-format
765msgid "%3d gold per turn"
766msgid_plural "%3d gold per turn"
767msgstr[0] "%3d złota/turę"
768msgstr[1] "%3d złota/turę"
769msgstr[2] "%3d złota/turę"
771#: client/citydlg_common.c:297
772#, c-format
773msgid "%3d turn"
774msgid_plural "%3d turns"
775msgstr[0] "%d tura"
776msgstr[1] "%d tury"
777msgstr[2] "%d tur"
779#: client/citydlg_common.c:305
780#, c-format
781msgid "%3d/%s:%s"
782msgstr "%3d/%s:%s"
784#: client/citydlg_common.c:308
785#, c-format
786msgid "%3d/%s %s"
787msgstr "%3d/%s %s"
789#: client/citydlg_common.c:339 client/citydlg_common.c:438
790#, c-format
791msgid "%d/turn"
792msgstr "%d/turę"
794#: client/citydlg_common.c:399 client/citydlg_common.c:409
795#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1399 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1424
796msgid "Obsolete"
797msgstr "Przestarzałe"
799#: client/citydlg_common.c:401 client/citydlg_common.c:411
800#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2050 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1402
801#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1410 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2102
802#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1427 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1435 common/events.c:93
803#: common/events.c:166
804msgid "Built"
805msgstr "Zbudowano"
807#: client/citydlg_common.c:403 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1404
808#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1429
809msgid "Destroyed"
810msgstr "Zniszczony"
812#: client/citydlg_common.c:405 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1406
813#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1431
814msgid "Great Wonder"
815msgstr "Wielki cud"
817#: client/citydlg_common.c:413 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1412
818#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1437
819msgid "Small Wonder"
820msgstr "Mały cud"
822#. TRANS: airlift. Possible take offs text. String is a
823#. * proviso that take offs can't occur if landings spend all the
824#. * remaining airlift when landings are limited and empty when they
825#. * aren't limited.
826#: client/citydlg_common.c:683
827#, c-format
828msgid "unlimited take offs%s"
829msgstr "nieograniczone starty%s"
831#. TRANS: airlift unlimited take offs proviso used above.
832#. * Plural based on remaining airlift capacity.
833#: client/citydlg_common.c:687
834msgid " (until the landing has been spent)"
835msgid_plural " (until all landings have been spent)"
836msgstr[0] " (until the landing has been spent)"
837msgstr[1] " (do wykorzystania wszystkich lądowań)"
838msgstr[2] " (do wykorzystania wszystkich lądowań)"
840#. TRANS: airlift. Possible take offs text. Number is
841#. * airlift capacity.
842#: client/citydlg_common.c:694
843#, c-format
844msgid "%d take off"
845msgid_plural "%d take offs"
846msgstr[0] "%d start"
847msgstr[1] "%d starty"
848msgstr[2] "%d startów"
850#. TRANS: airlift. Possible landings text.
851#: client/citydlg_common.c:705
852msgid "unlimited landings"
853msgstr "nieograniczone lądowania"
855#. TRANS: airlift. Possible landings text.
856#. * Number is airlift capacity.
857#: client/citydlg_common.c:710
858#, c-format
859msgid "%d landing"
860msgid_plural "%d landings"
861msgstr[0] "%d lądowanie"
862msgstr[1] "%d lądowania"
863msgstr[2] "%d lądowań"
865#. TRANS: airlift take offs and landings
866#: client/citydlg_common.c:717
867msgid "unlimited take offs and landings"
868msgstr "nieograniczone starty i lądowania"
870#. TRANS: airlift take offs and landings. One is unlimited. The first
871#. * string is the take offs text. The 2nd string is the landings text.
872#: client/citydlg_common.c:722
873#, c-format
874msgid "%s and %s"
875msgstr "%s i %s"
877#. TRANS: airlift take offs or landings, no unlimited.
878#. * Number is airlift capacity.
879#: client/citydlg_common.c:728
880#, c-format
881msgid "%d take off or landing"
882msgid_plural "%d take offs or landings"
883msgstr[0] "%d start lub lądowanie"
884msgstr[1] "%d starty lub lądowania"
885msgstr[2] "%d startów lub lądowań"
887#. TRANS: airlift. Possible take offs text. String is a symbol that
888#. * indicates that terms and conditions apply when landings are limited
889#. * and empty when they aren't limited.
890#: client/citydlg_common.c:755
891#, c-format
892msgid "   ∞%s"
893msgstr "   ∞%s"
895#. TRANS: airlift unlimited take offs may be spent symbol
896#. * used above.
897#: client/citydlg_common.c:759
898msgid "*"
899msgstr "*"
901#. TRANS: airlift. Possible take offs text. Number is
902#. * airlift capacity.
903#. TRANS: airlift. Possible landings text.
904#: client/citydlg_common.c:763 client/citydlg_common.c:776
905#, c-format
906msgid "%4d"
907msgstr "%4d"
909#. TRANS: airlift. Possible landings text.
910#. TRANS: unlimited airlift take offs and landings
911#: client/citydlg_common.c:773 client/citydlg_common.c:782
912msgid "   ∞"
913msgstr "   ∞"
915#. TRANS: airlift take offs and landings. One is unlimited. The first
916#. * string is the take offs text. The 2nd string is the landings text.
917#. * For English, initials of d)epartures and a)rrivals were chosen.
918#: client/citydlg_common.c:788
919#, c-format
920msgid "d: %s a: %s"
921msgstr "s: %s l: %s"
923#. TRANS: airlift take offs or landings, no unlimited
924#: client/citydlg_common.c:792
925#, c-format
926msgid "%s"
927msgstr "%s"
929#. TRANS: Client cannot explain some aspect of city
930#. * output. Should never happen.
931#: client/citydlg_common.c:830
932msgid "?city_sum:(unknown)"
933msgstr "(nieznane)"
935#. TRANS: format string for a row of the city output sum that adds up
936#. * to "Total surplus"
937#: client/citydlg_common.c:870
938#, c-format
939msgid "?city_surplus:%+4.0f : %s"
940msgstr "?city_surplus:%+4.0f : %s"
942#: client/citydlg_common.c:875
943msgid "?city_surplus:Citizens"
944msgstr "?city_surplus:Mieszkańcy"
946#: client/citydlg_common.c:881
947msgid "?city_surplus:Taxed from trade"
948msgstr "Podatek z handlu"
950#. TRANS: "unknown" city name
951#. TRANS: "unknown" location
952#. TRANS: unrecognized command
953#: client/citydlg_common.c:899 client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:283
954#: server/stdinhand.c:332
955msgid "(unknown)"
956msgstr "(nieznane)"
958#: client/citydlg_common.c:903
959#, c-format
960msgid "?city_surplus:Trade route with %s"
961msgstr "Szlak handlowy z %s"
963#: client/citydlg_common.c:911
964msgid "?city_surplus:Building tithes"
965msgstr "Datki generowane przez budynki"
967#. TRANS: percentage city output bonus/loss from
968#. * some source; preserve leading space
969#: client/citydlg_common.c:949
970#, c-format
971msgid "?city_surplus: (%+.0f%%)"
972msgstr "?city_surplus: (%+.0f%%)"
974#: client/citydlg_common.c:950
975#, c-format
976msgid "?city_surplus:Bonus from %s"
977msgstr "?city_surplus:Dodatek z %s"
979#: client/citydlg_common.c:951
980#, c-format
981msgid "?city_surplus:Loss from %s"
982msgstr "?city_surplus:Strata z %s"
984#: client/citydlg_common.c:969
985msgid "?city_surplus:Size penalty"
986msgstr "?city_surplus:Kara za rozmiar"
988#. TRANS: %s is normally empty, but becomes '?' if client is
989#. * uncertain about its accounting (should never happen)
990#: client/citydlg_common.c:985
991#, c-format
992msgid "?city_surplus:Waste%s"
993msgstr "?city_surplus:Strata%s"
995#. TRANS: %s is normally empty, but becomes '?' if client is
996#. * uncertain about its accounting (should never happen)
997#: client/citydlg_common.c:990
998#, c-format
999msgid "?city_surplus:Corruption%s"
1000msgstr "?city_surplus:Korupcja%s"
1002#: client/citydlg_common.c:998
1003msgid "?city_surplus:Disorder"
1004msgstr "Zamieszki"
1006#: client/citydlg_common.c:1002
1007msgid "?city_surplus:Used"
1008msgstr "?city_surplus:Użyte"
1010#: client/citydlg_common.c:1006
1011#, c-format
1012msgid ""
1013"?city_surplus:==== : Adds up to\n"
1014"%4.0f : Total surplus"
1015msgstr ""
1016"?city_surplus:==== : W sumie\n"
1017"%4.0f : Całkowita nadwyżka"
1019#: client/citydlg_common.c:1024
1020msgid "Illness deactivated in ruleset."
1021msgstr "Choroba wyłączona w zestawie zasad."
1023#: client/citydlg_common.c:1028
1024#, c-format
1025msgid "?city_plague:%+5.1f%% : %s"
1026msgstr "?city_plague:%+5.1f%% : %s"
1028#: client/citydlg_common.c:1034
1029msgid "?city_plague:Risk from overcrowding"
1030msgstr "Ryzyko z przeludnienia"
1032#: client/citydlg_common.c:1036
1033msgid "?city_plague:Risk from trade"
1034msgstr "Ryzyko z handlu"
1036#: client/citydlg_common.c:1038
1037msgid "?city_plague:Risk from pollution"
1038msgstr "Ryzyko z zanieczyszczenia"
1040#: client/citydlg_common.c:1066
1041#, c-format
1042msgid "?city_plague: (%+.0f%%)"
1043msgstr "?city_plague: (%+.0f%%)"
1045#: client/citydlg_common.c:1067
1046#, c-format
1047msgid "?city_plague:Risk from %s"
1048msgstr "?city_plague:Ryzyka z %s"
1050#: client/citydlg_common.c:1068
1051#, c-format
1052msgid "?city_plague:Bonus from %s"
1053msgstr "?city_plague:Dodatek z %s"
1055#: client/citydlg_common.c:1077
1056#, c-format
1057msgid ""
1058"?city_plague:====== : Adds up to\n"
1059"%5.1f%% : Plague chance per turn"
1060msgstr ""
1061"?city_plague:====== : W sumie\n"
1062"%5.1f%% : Prawdopodobieństwo epidemii na turę"
1064#: client/citydlg_common.c:1090
1065#, c-format
1066msgid "?city_pollution:%+4.0f : %s"
1067msgstr "?city_pollution:%+4.0f : %s"
1069#: client/citydlg_common.c:1100
1070msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution from shields"
1071msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie z produkcji"
1073#: client/citydlg_common.c:1101
1074msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution from citizens"
1075msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie z populacji"
1077#: client/citydlg_common.c:1102
1078msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution modifier"
1079msgstr "Współczynnik zanieczyszczenia"
1081#: client/citydlg_common.c:1104
1082#, c-format
1083msgid ""
1084"?city_pollution:==== : Adds up to\n"
1085"%4.0f : Total surplus"
1086msgstr ""
1087"?city_pollution:==== : W sumie\n"
1088"%4.0f : Całkowita nadwyżka"
1090#: client/citydlg_common.c:1116
1091#, c-format
1092msgid "?city_culture:%4.0f : %s"
1093msgstr "?city_culture:%4.0f : %s"
1095#: client/citydlg_common.c:1121
1096#, c-format
1097msgid "?city_culture:History (%+d/turn)"
1098msgstr "?city_culture:Historia (%+d/tura)"
1100#. TRANS: text describing source of culture bonus ("Library+Republic")
1101#: client/citydlg_common.c:1149
1102#, c-format
1103msgid "?city_culture:%s"
1104msgstr "?city_culture:%s"
1106#: client/citydlg_common.c:1154
1107#, c-format
1108msgid ""
1109"?city_culture:==== : Adds up to\n"
1110"%4.0f : Total culture"
1111msgstr ""
1112"?city_culture:==== : W sumie\n"
1113"%4.0f : Całkowita kultura"
1115#: client/cityrepdata.c:109
1116msgid "?city_state:Celebrating"
1117msgstr "?city_state:Świętuje"
1119#: client/cityrepdata.c:110
1120msgid "?city_state:Disorder"
1121msgstr "?city_state:Zamieszki"
1123#: client/cityrepdata.c:111
1124msgid "?city_state:Peace"
1125msgstr "?city_state:Spokój"
1127#: client/cityrepdata.c:572
1128msgid "(worklist)"
1129msgstr "(plan prac)"
1131#: client/cityrepdata.c:700
1132msgid "?city:Name"
1133msgstr "?city:Nazwa"
1135#: client/cityrepdata.c:700 client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:197
1136#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:209
1137msgid "City Name"
1138msgstr "Nazwa miasta"
1140#. TRANS: this and similar literal strings interpreted as (Qt) HTML
1141#: client/cityrepdata.c:702 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citizensinfo.c:65
1142#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3603 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4443
1143#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:213 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1311
1144#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2671 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citizensinfo.c:65
1145#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3653 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4506
1146#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:219 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1395
1147#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2738 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citizensinfo.c:65
1148#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3652 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4505
1149#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:219 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1396
1150#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2738 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2900
1151#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:53 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:314
1152#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:644 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1273
1153#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:484 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1570
1154#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2082 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2134
1155#: client/plrdlg_common.c:308
1156msgid "Nation"
1157msgstr "Naród"
1159#: client/cityrepdata.c:704
1160msgid "?size [short]:Sz"
1161msgstr "?size [short]:Roz"
1163#: client/cityrepdata.c:704 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1263
1164#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4424 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1280
1165#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4485 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1278
1166#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4484
1167msgid "Size"
1168msgstr "Rozmiar"
1170#: client/cityrepdata.c:706 client/plrdlg_common.c:318
1171msgid "State"
1172msgstr "Stan"
1174#: client/cityrepdata.c:706
1175msgid "Celebrating/Peace/Disorder"
1176msgstr "Świętuje/Spokój/Zamieszki"
1178#: client/cityrepdata.c:708
1179msgid "Concise *=Celebrating, X=Disorder"
1180msgstr "Zwięźle *=Świętuje, X=Zamieszki"
1182#: client/cityrepdata.c:711
1183msgid "?Happy workers:H"
1184msgstr "?Happy workers:S"
1186#: client/cityrepdata.c:711
1187msgid "Workers: Happy"
1188msgstr "Robotnicy: Szczęśliwi"
1190#: client/cityrepdata.c:713
1191msgid "?Content workers:C"
1192msgstr "?Content workers:Z"
1194#: client/cityrepdata.c:713
1195msgid "Workers: Content"
1196msgstr "Robotnicy: Zadowoleni"
1198#: client/cityrepdata.c:715
1199msgid "?Unhappy workers:U"
1200msgstr "?Unhappy workers:N"
1202#: client/cityrepdata.c:715
1203msgid "Workers: Unhappy"
1204msgstr "Robotnicy: Niezadowoleni"
1206#: client/cityrepdata.c:717
1207msgid "?Angry workers:A"
1208msgstr "?Angry workers:W"
1210#: client/cityrepdata.c:717
1211msgid "Workers: Angry"
1212msgstr "Robotnicy: Wzburzeni"
1214#: client/cityrepdata.c:719
1215msgid "?city:Workers"
1216msgstr "?city:Robotnicy"
1218#: client/cityrepdata.c:720
1219msgid "?happy/content/unhappy/angry:H/C/U/A"
1220msgstr "?happy/content/unhappy/angry:S/Z/N/W"
1222#: client/cityrepdata.c:721
1223msgid "Workers: Happy, Content, Unhappy, Angry"
1224msgstr "Robotnicy: Szczęśliwi, Zadowoleni, Niezadowoleni, Wzburzeni"
1226# To jest niebezbieczne!
1227#: client/cityrepdata.c:724 client/cityrepdata.c:726
1228msgid "Best"
1229msgstr "Najlepsze"
1231#: client/cityrepdata.c:724
1232msgid "attack"
1233msgstr "atak"
1235#: client/cityrepdata.c:725
1236msgid "Best attacking units"
1237msgstr "Najlepsze jednostki zaczepne"
1239#: client/cityrepdata.c:726
1240msgid "defense"
1241msgstr "obrona"
1243#: client/cityrepdata.c:727
1244msgid "Best defending units"
1245msgstr "Najlepsze jednostki obronne"
1247#: client/cityrepdata.c:728 client/cityrepdata.c:732
1248#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1496 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1515
1249#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1534 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1553
1250#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1573 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1470
1251#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1575 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1515
1252#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1534 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1553
1253#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1572 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1592
1254#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1465 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1624
1255#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1514 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1533
1256#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1552 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1571
1257#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1591 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:323
1258#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1624 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:717
1259#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1329 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:723
1260#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1285 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:747
1261#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1597 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:368
1262#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:750 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1710
1263#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:391 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:161
1264#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:223 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:255
1265#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:893 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1088
1266#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:45 data/Freeciv.in:1913 data/helpdata.txt:1019
1267msgid "Units"
1268msgstr "Jednostki"
1270#. TRANS: Header "Number of units inside city"
1271#: client/cityrepdata.c:730
1272msgid "?Present (units):Here"
1273msgstr "?Present (units):Tutaj"
1275#: client/cityrepdata.c:731
1276msgid "Number of units present"
1277msgstr "Liczba jednostek w mieście"
1279#. TRANS: Header "Number of units supported by given city"
1280#: client/cityrepdata.c:734
1281msgid "?Supported (units):Owned"
1282msgstr "?Supported (units):Posiadane"
1284#: client/cityrepdata.c:735
1285msgid "Number of units supported"
1286msgstr "Liczba jednostek na utrzymaniu"
1288#. TRANS: Header "It will take this many turns before city grows"
1289#: client/cityrepdata.c:738
1290msgid "?food (population):Grow"
1291msgstr "?food (population):Wzrost"
1293#: client/cityrepdata.c:739 client/cityrepdata.c:794
1294msgid "?Stock/Target:(Have/Need)"
1295msgstr "?Stock/Target:(Stan/Potrzebne)"
1297#: client/cityrepdata.c:740
1298msgid "Turns until growth/famine"
1299msgstr "Czas do wzrostu/głodu"
1301#: client/cityrepdata.c:743
1302msgid "Surplus"
1303msgstr "Nadwyżka"
1305#: client/cityrepdata.c:743
1306msgid "?food/production/trade:F/P/T"
1307msgstr "?food/production/trade:Ż/P/H"
1309#: client/cityrepdata.c:744
1310msgid "Surplus: Food, Production, Trade"
1311msgstr "Nadwyżka: Żywność, Produkcja, Handel"
1313#: client/cityrepdata.c:746
1314msgid "?Food surplus [short]:+F"
1315msgstr "?Food surplus [short]:+Ż"
1317#: client/cityrepdata.c:746
1318msgid "Surplus: Food"
1319msgstr "Nadwyżka: Żywność"
1321#: client/cityrepdata.c:748
1322msgid "?Production surplus [short]:+P"
1323msgstr "?Production surplus [short]:+P"
1325#: client/cityrepdata.c:749
1326msgid "Surplus: Production"
1327msgstr "Nadwyżka: Produkcja"
1329#: client/cityrepdata.c:750
1330msgid "?Production loss (waste) [short]:-P"
1331msgstr "?Production loss (waste) [short]:-P"
1333#: client/cityrepdata.c:751
1334msgid "Waste"
1335msgstr "Straty"
1337#: client/cityrepdata.c:752
1338msgid "?Trade surplus [short]:+T"
1339msgstr "?Trade surplus [short]:+H"
1341#: client/cityrepdata.c:752
1342msgid "Surplus: Trade"
1343msgstr "Nadwyżka: Handel"
1345#: client/cityrepdata.c:754
1346msgid "?Trade loss (corruption) [short]:-T"
1347msgstr "?Trade loss (corruption) [short]:-H"
1349#: client/cityrepdata.c:755
1350msgid "Corruption"
1351msgstr "Korupcja"
1353#: client/cityrepdata.c:757 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1462
1354#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1049 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1457
1355#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1091 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:315
1356#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1090 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1342
1357#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:738 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1383
1358#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1480 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:227
1359#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:251 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:656
1360#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:784 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:42
1361#: data/Freeciv.in:1837 data/helpdata.txt:443
1362msgid "Economy"
1363msgstr "Ekonomia"
1365#: client/cityrepdata.c:757
1366msgid "?gold/luxury/science:G/L/S"
1367msgstr "?gold/luxury/science:Z/L/N"
1369#: client/cityrepdata.c:758
1370msgid "Economy: Gold, Luxuries, Science"
1371msgstr "Ekonomia: Złoto, Luksus, Nauka"
1373#: client/cityrepdata.c:760
1374msgid "?Gold:G"
1375msgstr "?Gold:Z"
1377#: client/cityrepdata.c:760
1378msgid "Economy: Gold"
1379msgstr "Ekonomia: Złoto"
1381#: client/cityrepdata.c:762
1382msgid "?Luxury:L"
1383msgstr "?Luxury:L"
1385#: client/cityrepdata.c:762
1386msgid "Economy: Luxury"
1387msgstr "Ekonomia: Luksus"
1389#: client/cityrepdata.c:764
1390msgid "?Science:S"
1391msgstr "?Science:N"
1393#: client/cityrepdata.c:764
1394msgid "Economy: Science"
1395msgstr "Ekonomia: Nauka"
1397#: client/cityrepdata.c:766
1398msgid "?Culture:Clt"
1399msgstr "?Culture:Kul"
1401#: client/cityrepdata.c:766
1402msgid "Culture (History+Performance)"
1403msgstr "Kultura: (historia+spektakle)"
1405#: client/cityrepdata.c:768
1406msgid "?History:Hst"
1407msgstr "Hst"
1409#: client/cityrepdata.c:769
1410msgid "Culture: History (and gain per turn)"
1411msgstr "Kultura: historia (i zysk na turę)"
1413#: client/cityrepdata.c:771
1414msgid "?Performance:Prf"
1415msgstr "Spk"
1417#: client/cityrepdata.c:771
1418msgid "Culture: Performance"
1419msgstr "Kultura: spektakle"
1421#: client/cityrepdata.c:773
1422msgid "?Continent:C"
1423msgstr "K"
1425#: client/cityrepdata.c:773
1426msgid "Continent number"
1427msgstr "Ilość kontynentów"
1429#: client/cityrepdata.c:775
1430msgid "?number_trade_routes:n"
1431msgstr "?number_trade_routes:n"
1433#: client/cityrepdata.c:775
1434msgid "?number_trade_routes:R"
1435msgstr "?number_trade_routes:SH"
1437#: client/cityrepdata.c:776
1438msgid "Number (and total value) of trade routes"
1439msgstr "Ilość (i całkowita wartość) szlaków handlowych"
1441#: client/cityrepdata.c:778
1442msgid "?pollution [short]:Pol"
1443msgstr "?pollution [short]:Zan"
1445#: client/cityrepdata.c:778 common/events.c:153 common/unit.c:616
1446#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:915 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1010
1447#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1220 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1196
1448#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1270 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1194
1449#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1270 server/report.c:177
1450msgid "Pollution"
1451msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie"
1453#: client/cityrepdata.c:780
1454msgid "?plague risk [short]:Pla"
1455msgstr "?plague risk [short]:Epid"
1457#: client/cityrepdata.c:780
1458msgid "(%)"
1459msgstr "(%)"
1461#: client/cityrepdata.c:781
1462msgid "Plague risk per turn"
1463msgstr "Ryzyko epidemii na turę"
1465#: client/cityrepdata.c:783
1466msgid "?cma:Governor"
1467msgstr "?cma:Zarządca"
1469#: client/cityrepdata.c:783 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1873
1470#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1497 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1892
1471#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1490 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1891
1472#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:347 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3793
1473#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:900 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3766
1474#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:912 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:267
1475#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:37 data/Freeciv.in:1477 data/helpdata.txt:1779
1476msgid "Citizen Governor"
1477msgstr "Zarządca"
1479#. TRANS: "BS" = "build slots"
1480#: client/cityrepdata.c:787
1481msgid "BS"
1482msgstr "OB"
1484#: client/cityrepdata.c:787
1485msgid "Maximum units buildable per turn"
1486msgstr "Maksymalna liczba jednostek na turę"
1488#: client/cityrepdata.c:789 client/cityrepdata.c:791
1489#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:506 client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:202
1490#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:214 server/report.c:174
1491msgid "Production"
1492msgstr "Produkcja"
1494#: client/cityrepdata.c:789
1495msgid "Turns/Buy"
1496msgstr "Tury/Zakup"
1498#: client/cityrepdata.c:793 client/cityrepdata.c:795
1499msgid "Currently Building"
1500msgstr "W budowie"
1502#: client/cityrepdata.c:838
1503msgid "Specialists: "
1504msgstr "Specjaliści: "
1506#: client/cityrepdata.c:845
1507msgid "?specialist:S"
1508msgstr "?specialist:S"
1510#: client/cityrepdata.c:848
1511#, c-format
1512msgid "Specialists: %s"
1513msgstr "Specjaliści: %s"
1515#: client/cityrepdata.c:866
1516msgid "Special"
1517msgstr "Specjalne"
1519#. TRANS: "Announce" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1520#: client/client_main.c:382 server/civserver.c:343
1521msgid "Announce PROTO"
1522msgstr "Announce PROTO"
1524#: client/client_main.c:383 server/civserver.c:344
1525msgid "Announce game in LAN using protocol PROTO (IPv4/IPv6/none)"
1526msgstr "Ogłoś grę w sieci lokalnej używając protokołu PROTO (IPv4/IPv6/none)"
1528#: client/client_main.c:386
1529msgid "Skip connect dialog"
1530msgstr "Pomiń okno połączenia"
1532#. TRANS: "debug" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1533#: client/client_main.c:390 client/client_main.c:397 tools/civmanual.c:680
1534#: tools/civmanual.c:686 tools/mpcmdline.c:77 tools/mpcmdline.c:84
1535#: server/civserver.c:368 server/civserver.c:374
1536msgid "debug NUM"
1537msgstr "debug NUM"
1539#: client/client_main.c:391 tools/civmanual.c:681 tools/mpcmdline.c:78
1540#: server/civserver.c:369
1541#, c-format
1542msgid "Set debug log level (%d to %d, or %d:file1,min,max:...)"
1543msgstr "Ustaw poziom debugowania (%d do %d lub %d:plik1,min,max:...)"
1545#: client/client_main.c:398 tools/civmanual.c:687 tools/mpcmdline.c:85
1546#: server/civserver.c:375
1547#, c-format
1548msgid "Set debug log level (%d to %d)"
1549msgstr "Ustaw poziom śledzenia debugowania (%d do %d)"
1551#. TRANS: "Fatal" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1552#: client/client_main.c:404 tools/civmanual.c:693 server/civserver.c:380
1553msgid "Fatal [SIGNAL]"
1554msgstr "Fatal [SIGNAL]"
1556#: client/client_main.c:405 tools/civmanual.c:694 server/civserver.c:381
1557msgid "Raise a signal on failed assertion"
1558msgstr "Daj sygnał w przypadku błędnej asercji"
1560#. TRANS: "file" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1561#: client/client_main.c:409 server/civserver.c:385
1562msgid "file FILE"
1563msgstr "file FILE"
1565#: client/client_main.c:410 server/civserver.c:386
1566msgid "Load saved game FILE"
1567msgstr "Wczytaj zapisaną grę z PLIK"
1569#: client/client_main.c:412 tools/civmanual.c:697 tools/mpcmdline.c:61
1570#: server/civserver.c:388
1571msgid "Print a summary of the options"
1572msgstr "Wypisz listę opcji"
1574#: client/client_main.c:415
1575msgid "Do not request hack access to local, but not spawned, server"
1576msgstr "Nie żądaj dostępu poziomy 'hack' do serwera lokalnego niewewnętrznego"
1578#. TRANS: "log" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1579#: client/client_main.c:419 tools/civmanual.c:700 server/civserver.c:395
1580msgid "log FILE"
1581msgstr "log FILE"
1583#: client/client_main.c:420
1584msgid "Use FILE as logfile (spawned server also uses this)"
1585msgstr "Użyj PLIK jako pliku dziennika (wewnętrzny serwer też go używa)"
1587#. TRANS: "Meta" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1588#: client/client_main.c:423
1589msgid "Meta HOST"
1590msgstr "Meta HOST"
1592#: client/client_main.c:424
1593msgid "Connect to the metaserver at HOST"
1594msgstr "Połącz z metaserwerem HOST"
1596#. TRANS: "name" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1597#: client/client_main.c:427
1598msgid "name NAME"
1599msgstr "name NAME"
1601#: client/client_main.c:428
1602msgid "Use NAME as username on server"
1603msgstr "Użyj NAME jako nazwy użytkownika na serwerze"
1605#. TRANS: "port" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1606#: client/client_main.c:431 server/civserver.c:414
1607msgid "port PORT"
1608msgstr "port PORT"
1610#: client/client_main.c:432
1611msgid "Connect to server port PORT (usually with -a)"
1612msgstr "Połącz się z portem PORT (zazwyczaj z -a)"
1614#. TRANS: "Plugin" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1615#: client/client_main.c:435
1616msgid "Plugin PLUGIN"
1617msgstr "Plugin PLUGIN"
1619#: client/client_main.c:436
1620#, c-format
1621msgid "Use PLUGIN for sound output %s"
1622msgstr "Użyj wtyczki dźwiękowej WTYCZKA %s"
1624#. TRANS: "read" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1625#: client/client_main.c:440 server/civserver.c:436
1626msgid "read FILE"
1627msgstr "read FILE"
1629#: client/client_main.c:441
1630msgid "Read startup script FILE (for spawned server only)"
1631msgstr "Uruchom skrypt PLIK (tylko dla wewnętrznego serwera)"
1633#. TRANS: "server" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1634#: client/client_main.c:444
1635msgid "server HOST"
1636msgstr "server HOST"
1638#: client/client_main.c:445
1639msgid "Connect to the server at HOST (usually with -a)"
1640msgstr "Połącz się z serwerem na HOST (zazwyczaj z -a)"
1642#. TRANS: "Sound" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1643#: client/client_main.c:448
1644msgid "Sound FILE"
1645msgstr "Sound FILE"
1647#: client/client_main.c:449
1648msgid "Read sound tags from FILE"
1649msgstr "Wczytaj ustawienia dźwięków z PLIK"
1651#. TRANS: "music" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1652#: client/client_main.c:452
1653msgid "music FILE"
1654msgstr "music PLIK"
1656#: client/client_main.c:453
1657msgid "Read music tags from FILE"
1658msgstr "Wczytaj tagi muzyki z PLIK"
1660#. TRANS: "tiles" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
1661#: client/client_main.c:456
1662msgid "tiles FILE"
1663msgstr "tiles FILE"
1665#: client/client_main.c:457
1666msgid "Use data file FILE.tilespec for tiles"
1667msgstr "Użyj pliku PLIK.tilespec ze specyfikacją grafiki"
1669#: client/client_main.c:459 tools/civmanual.c:707 tools/mpcmdline.c:89
1670#: server/civserver.c:449
1671msgid "Print the version number"
1672msgstr "Pokaż numer wersji"
1674#: client/client_main.c:461 server/civserver.c:451
1675msgid "Warn about deprecated modpack constructs"
1676msgstr "Ostrzegaj o przestarzałych dodatkach"
1678#: client/client_main.c:485 tools/civmanual.c:630 server/civserver.c:219
1679#, c-format
1680msgid "Invalid signal number \"%s\".\n"
1681msgstr "Nieprawidłowy numer sygnału \"%s\".\n"
1683#: client/client_main.c:487 client/client_main.c:516 client/client_main.c:530
1684#: tools/mpcmdline.c:107
1685msgid "Try using --help.\n"
1686msgstr "Spróbuj --help.\n"
1688#: client/client_main.c:514
1689#, c-format
1690msgid "Invalid port \"%s\" specified with --port option.\n"
1691msgstr "Nieprawidłowy port \"%s\" podany w opcji --port.\n"
1693#: client/client_main.c:528 tools/mpcmdline.c:105
1694#, c-format
1695msgid "Invalid debug level \"%s\" specified with --debug option.\n"
1696msgstr "Nieprawidłowy poziom debugowania \"%s\" podany w opcji --debug.\n"
1698#: client/client_main.c:547
1699#, c-format
1700msgid "Invalid announce protocol \"%s\".\n"
1701msgstr "Nieprawidłowy protokół ogłoszenie \"%s\".\n"
1703#: client/client_main.c:556 client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:199
1704#: client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:201 client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:282
1705#: tools/civmanual.c:643 tools/mpcmdline.c:118
1706#, c-format
1707msgid "Unrecognized option: \"%s\"\n"
1708msgstr "Nierozpoznana opcja: \"%s\"\n"
1710#. TRANS: don't translate option names
1711#: client/client_main.c:564
1712msgid "-f/--file and -a/--autoconnect options are incompatible\n"
1713msgstr "Opcje -f/--file and -a/--autoconnect są niezgodne ze sobą\n"
1715#: client/client_main.c:644
1716#, c-format
1717msgid "Updating old metaserver address \"%s\"."
1718msgstr "Aktualizuję stary adres metaserwera \"%s\"."
1720#: client/client_main.c:646
1721#, c-format
1722msgid "Default metaserver has been set to value \"%s\"."
1723msgstr "Domyślny metaserwer ustawiono na wartość \"%s\"."
1725#: client/client_main.c:671
1726#, c-format
1727msgid "Can't load requested tileset %s!"
1728msgstr "Nie można wczytać zestawu graficznego %s!"
1730#: client/client_main.c:834
1731msgid "Failed to start local server; aborting."
1732msgstr "Nie udało się serwera lokalnego; przerwano."
1734#: client/client_main.c:841
1735msgid "There was an error while auto connecting; aborting."
1736msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas automatycznego łączenia; kończę pracę."
1738#: client/client_main.c:927
1739msgid "Game started."
1740msgstr "Gra rozpoczęta."
1742#: client/climisc.c:174
1743#, c-format
1744msgid "Changing production of every %s into %s."
1745msgstr "Zmiana produkcji każdego %s na %s."
1747#: client/climisc.c:207
1748msgid "?embassy:Both"
1749msgstr "?embassy:Nawzajem"
1751#: client/climisc.c:209
1752msgid "?embassy:Yes"
1753msgstr "?embassy:Tak"
1755#: client/climisc.c:212
1756msgid "?embassy:With Us"
1757msgstr "?embassy:Z Nami"
1759#: client/climisc.c:215
1760msgid "?embassy:Contact"
1761msgstr "?embassy:Kontakt"
1763#: client/climisc.c:217
1764msgid "?embassy:No Contact"
1765msgstr "?embassy:Brak Kontaktu"
1767#: client/climisc.c:229
1768msgid "?vision:Both"
1769msgstr "?vision:Nawzajem"
1771#: client/climisc.c:231
1772msgid "?vision:To Them"
1773msgstr "?vision:Dla Nich"
1775#: client/climisc.c:234
1776msgid "?vision:To Us"
1777msgstr "?vision:Dla Nas"
1779#: client/climisc.c:250 client/climisc.c:257
1780#, c-format
1781msgid "The %s give %s"
1782msgstr "%s dają %s"
1784#: client/climisc.c:261
1785#, c-format
1786msgid "The %s give an unknown city"
1787msgstr "%s dają nieznane miasto"
1789#: client/climisc.c:266
1790#, c-format
1791msgid "The %s give %d gold"
1792msgid_plural "The %s give %d gold"
1793msgstr[0] "%s dają %d sztukę złota"
1794msgstr[1] "%s dają %d sztuki złota"
1795msgstr[2] "%s dają %d sztuk złota"
1797#: client/climisc.c:272
1798#, c-format
1799msgid "The %s give their worldmap"
1800msgstr "%s dają swoją mapę świata"
1802#: client/climisc.c:276
1803#, c-format
1804msgid "The %s give their seamap"
1805msgstr "%s dają swoją mapę morską"
1807#: client/climisc.c:280
1808msgid "The parties agree on a cease-fire"
1809msgstr "Strony zgodziły się na zawieszenie broni"
1811#: client/climisc.c:283
1812msgid "The parties agree on a peace"
1813msgstr "Strony zgodziły się na pokój"
1815#: client/climisc.c:286
1816msgid "The parties create an alliance"
1817msgstr "Strony przyjęły sojusz"
1819#: client/climisc.c:289
1820#, c-format
1821msgid "The %s give shared vision"
1822msgstr "%s dają widok dzielony"
1824#: client/climisc.c:293
1825#, c-format
1826msgid "The %s give an embassy"
1827msgstr "%s dają ambasadę"
1829#: client/climisc.c:1030
1830msgid "Popup Request"
1831msgstr "Informacja w oknie"
1833#: client/climisc.c:1136
1834#, c-format
1835msgid "You can't buy %s in %s!"
1836msgstr "Nie można kupić %s w %s!"
1838#. TRANS: %s is a production type; this whole string is a sentence
1839#. * fragment that is only ever included in one other string
1840#. * (search comments for this string to find it)
1841#: client/climisc.c:1151
1842#, c-format
1843msgid "%s costs %d gold"
1844msgid_plural "%s costs %d gold"
1845msgstr[0] "%s kosztuje %d sztukę złota"
1846msgstr[1] "%s kosztuje %d sztuki złota"
1847msgstr[2] "%s kosztuje %d sztuk złota"
1849#. TRANS: %s is a pre-pluralised sentence fragment:
1850#. * "%s costs %d gold"
1851#: client/climisc.c:1158
1852#, c-format
1853msgid "%s and you only have %d gold."
1854msgid_plural "%s and you only have %d gold."
1855msgstr[0] "%s, a masz tylko %d sztukę złota."
1856msgstr[1] "%s, a masz tylko %d sztuki złota."
1857msgstr[2] "%s, a masz tylko %d sztuk złota."
1859#: client/clinet.c:130
1860msgid "unknown reason"
1861msgstr "nieznany powód"
1863#: client/clinet.c:137
1864#, c-format
1865msgid "Lost connection to server (%s)!"
1866msgstr "Utracono połączenie z serwerem (%s)!"
1868#: client/clinet.c:171
1869msgid "Failed looking up host."
1870msgstr "Odnalezienie komputera nie powiodło się."
1872#: client/clinet.c:198
1873msgid "Connection in progress."
1874msgstr "Połączenie jest nawiązywane."
1876#: client/clinet.c:318
1877msgid "Disconnected from server."
1878msgstr "Rozłączono z serwerem."
1880#: client/clinet.c:426 client/clinet.c:474
1881msgid "server disconnected"
1882msgstr "serwer rozłączony"
1884#: client/clinet.c:428 client/clinet.c:477 server/sernet.c:879
1885msgid "read error"
1886msgstr "błąd odczytu"
1888#: client/clinet.c:503
1889#, c-format
1890msgid "Failed to contact server \"%s\" at port %d as \"%s\" after %d attempts"
1891msgstr ""
1892"Nieudane połączenie z serwerem \"%s\" przez port %d jako \"%s\" po %d próbach"
1894#: client/clinet.c:519
1895msgid "Connection to server refused. Please start the server."
1896msgstr "Odmówiono połączenia z serwerem. Włącz serwer."
1898#: client/clinet.c:527 client/clinet.c:555
1899#, c-format
1900msgid ""
1901"Error contacting server \"%s\" at port %d as \"%s\":\n"
1902" %s\n"
1903msgstr ""
1904"Wystąpił błąd podczas łączenia z serwerem \"%s\" przez port %d jako \"%s\":\n"
1905" %s\n"
1907#: client/clinet.c:548
1908#, c-format
1909msgid ""
1910"Auto-connecting to server \"%s\" at port %d as \"%s\" every %f second(s) for "
1911"%d times"
1912msgstr ""
1913"Łączę się automatycznie z serwerem \"%s\" przez port %d jako \"%s\" co %f "
1914"sekund. Maksymalna liczba prób: %d"
1916#: client/connectdlg_common.c:263
1917msgid "Starting local server..."
1918msgstr "Uruchamiam lokalny serwer..."
1920#: client/connectdlg_common.c:274 client/connectdlg_common.c:513
1921msgid "Couldn't start the server."
1922msgstr "Nie mogę wystartować serwera."
1924#: client/connectdlg_common.c:276 client/connectdlg_common.c:515
1925#: client/connectdlg_common.c:554
1926msgid "You'll have to start one manually. Sorry..."
1927msgstr "Musisz uruchomić go ręcznie. Przepraszamy..."
1929#: client/connectdlg_common.c:550
1930msgid "Couldn't connect to the server."
1931msgstr "Nie można się połączyć z serwerem."
1933#: client/connectdlg_common.c:552
1934msgid "We probably couldn't start it from here."
1935msgstr "Prawdopodobnie nie można wystartować go w ten sposób."
1937#: client/connectdlg_common.c:672
1938msgid ""
1939"Established control over the server. You have command access level 'hack'."
1940msgstr "Mamy kontrolę nad serwerem (poziom dostępu hack)"
1942#: client/connectdlg_common.c:678
1943msgid ""
1944"Failed to obtain the required access level to take control of the server. "
1945"Attempting to shut down server."
1946msgstr ""
1947"Nie udało się uzyskać wymaganego poziomu dostępu w celu przejęcia kontroli "
1948"nad serwerem. Próbuję wyłączyć serwer."
1950#: client/control.c:1377
1951msgid "Only transporter units can be unloaded."
1952msgstr "Jedynie jednostki transportowe można rozładowywać."
1954#: client/control.c:1766
1955msgid "Only settler units can be put into auto mode."
1956msgstr "Jedynie jednostki osadnicze mogą być przełączone w tryb auto."
1958#: client/control.c:1856
1959msgid "Only nuclear units can do this."
1960msgstr "Mogą to zrobić tylko jednostki atomowe."
1962#: client/control.c:1900
1963msgid "Only paratrooper units can do this."
1964msgstr "Mogą to zrobić tylko jednostki spadochronowe."
1966#: client/control.c:2706 client/control.c:2781 client/control.c:2803
1967#: client/control.c:2820
1968msgid "Didn't find a route to the destination!"
1969msgstr "Nie znalazłem trasy do celu!"
1971#: client/control.c:2869
1972msgid "Oh my! You seem to have no capital!"
1973msgstr "Co? Chyba nie masz stolicy!"
1975#: client/editor.c:193 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4327
1976#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1460 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4386
1977#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1455 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4385
1978#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:313 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:151
1979#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:250 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:50
1980#: data/helpdata.txt:291 tools/civmanual.c:363
1981msgid "Terrain"
1982msgstr "Teren"
1984#: client/editor.c:195
1985msgid ""
1986"Change tile terrain.\n"
1987"Shortcut: t\n"
1988"Select terrain type: shift+t or right-click here."
1989msgstr ""
1990"Zmień teren.\n"
1991"Skrót: t\n"
1992"Wybierz teren: shift+t lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
1994#: client/editor.c:197
1995msgid "Terrain Resource"
1996msgstr "Zasób terenu"
1998#: client/editor.c:199
1999msgid ""
2000"Change tile terrain resources.\n"
2001"Shortcut: r\n"
2002"Select resource type: shift+r or right-click here."
2003msgstr ""
2004"Zmień zasób.\n"
2005"Skrót: r\n"
2006"Wybierz zasób: shift+r lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
2008#: client/editor.c:201
2009msgid "Terrain Special"
2010msgstr "Zasoby specjalne"
2012#: client/editor.c:203
2013msgid ""
2014"Modify tile specials.\n"
2015"Shortcut: s\n"
2016"Select special type: shift+s or right-click here."
2017msgstr ""
2018"Zmień zasób specjalny.\n"
2019"Skrót: s\n"
2020"Wybierz zasób specjalny: shift+s lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
2022#: client/editor.c:205 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2953
2023#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2981 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1316
2024#: common/unit.c:641 data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1030
2025#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1187 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1480
2026#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1455 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1637
2027#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1452 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1637
2028msgid "Road"
2029msgstr "Droga"
2031#: client/editor.c:207
2032msgid ""
2033"Modify roads on tile.\n"
2034"Shortcut: p\n"
2035"Select road type: shift+p or right-click here."
2036msgstr ""
2037"Zmień drogę na polu.\n"
2038"Skrót: p\n"
2039"Wybierz typ drogi: shift+p lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
2041#: client/editor.c:209
2042msgid "Military Base"
2043msgstr "Baza wojskowa"
2045#: client/editor.c:211
2046msgid ""
2047"Create a military base.\n"
2048"Shortcut: m\n"
2049"Select base type: shift+m or right-click here."
2050msgstr ""
2051"Stwórz bazę wojskową.\n"
2052"Skrót: m\n"
2053"Wybierz bazę: shift+m lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
2055#: client/editor.c:213 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:667
2056#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:95 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:671
2057#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:95 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:671
2058#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:95 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1025
2059msgid "Unit"
2060msgstr "Jednostka"
2062#: client/editor.c:215
2063msgid ""
2064"Create unit.\n"
2065"Shortcut: u\n"
2066"Select unit type: shift+u or right-click here."
2067msgstr ""
2068"Stwórz jednostkę.\n"
2069"Skrót: u\n"
2070"Wybierz jednostkę: shift+u lub prawym przyciskiem tutaj."
2072#: client/editor.c:217 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1236
2073#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:669 client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:202
2074#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1448 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:673
2075#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:208 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1485
2076#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:673 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:208
2077#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:53
2078msgid "City"
2079msgstr "Miasto"
2081#: client/editor.c:218
2082msgid ""
2083"Create city.\n"
2084"Shortcut: c"
2085msgstr ""
2086"Stwórz miasto.\n"
2087"Skrót: c"
2089#: client/editor.c:219 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4363
2090#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4424 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4423
2091#: client/plrdlg_common.c:317
2092msgid "Vision"
2093msgstr "Widoczność"
2095#: client/editor.c:220
2096msgid ""
2097"Modify player's tile knowledge.\n"
2098"Shortcut: v"
2099msgstr ""
2100"Zmień widoczność pola.\n"
2101"Skrót: v"
2103#: client/editor.c:221 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:665
2104#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:669 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:669
2105msgid "Start Position"
2106msgstr "Pozycja początkowa"
2108#: client/editor.c:222
2109msgid ""
2110"Place a start position which allows any nation to start at the tile. To "
2111"allow only certain nations to start there, middle click on the start "
2112"position on the map and use the property editor.\n"
2113"Shortcut: b"
2114msgstr ""
2115"Umieść pozycje początkowe tak, by jakiś naród mógł zacząć na tym polu. Aby "
2116"tylko wybrane narody mogły zacząć w tym miejscu, kliknij środkowym "
2117"przyciskiem myszki na pozycję startową i użyj edytora właściwości.\n"
2118"Skrót: b"
2120#: client/editor.c:227
2121msgid "Copy/Paste"
2122msgstr "Kopiuj/Wklej"
2124#: client/editor.c:228
2125msgid ""
2126"Copy and paste tiles.\n"
2127"Shortcut for copy mode: shift-c\n"
2128"Shoftcut for paste mode: shift-v"
2129msgstr ""
2130"Kopiuj/wklej pola.\n"
2131"Skrót kopiowania: shift-c\n"
2132"Skrót wklejania: shift-v"
2134#: client/editor.c:1774
2135msgid "Paint"
2136msgstr "Rysuj"
2138#: client/editor.c:1778
2139msgid "Erase Value"
2140msgstr "Usuń"
2142#: client/editor.c:1780
2143msgid "Erase"
2144msgstr "Wymaż"
2146#: client/editor.c:1784
2147msgid "Copy"
2148msgstr "Kopiuj"
2150#: client/editor.c:1787
2151msgid "Paste"
2152msgstr "Wklej"
2154#: client/editor.c:1806
2155msgid ""
2156"Toggle erase mode.\n"
2157"Shortcut: shift-d"
2158msgstr ""
2159"Przełącz tryb wymazywania.\n"
2160"Skrót: shift-d"
2162#: client/editor.c:1809
2163msgid ""
2164"Toggle copy mode.\n"
2165"Shortcut: shift-c"
2166msgstr ""
2167"Przełącz tryb kopiowania.\n"
2168"Skrót: shift-c"
2170#: client/editor.c:1812
2171msgid ""
2172"Toggle paste mode.\n"
2173"Shortcut: shift-v"
2174msgstr ""
2175"Przełącz tryb wklejania.\n"
2176"Skrót: shift-v"
2178#: client/editor.c:1867
2179msgid "Buffer empty."
2180msgstr "Bufor pusty."
2182#: client/editor.c:1874
2183#, c-format
2184msgid "%d tile copied."
2185msgid_plural "%d tiles copied."
2186msgstr[0] "skopiowano %d pole."
2187msgstr[1] "skopiowano %d pola."
2188msgstr[2] "skopiowano %d pól."
2190#: client/global_worklist.c:357
2191msgid "(noname)"
2192msgstr "(brak nazwy)"
2194#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:267
2195#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:874 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2654
2196#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1530 client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:277
2197#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:894 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3057
2198#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1579 client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:277
2199#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:888 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3085
2200#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1579 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3290
2201#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2212 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2274
2202#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:214 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1545
2203#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1808 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1145
2204#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:189 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1496
2205#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1757 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1146
2206#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:211 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1953
2207#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:181 client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:770
2208#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1014 client/text.c:1289 common/unit.c:2104
2209#, c-format
2210msgid "Treasury contains %d gold."
2211msgid_plural "Treasury contains %d gold."
2212msgstr[0] "Skarbiec zawiera %d sztukę złota."
2213msgstr[1] "Skarbiec zawiera %d sztuki złota."
2214msgstr[2] "Skarbiec zawiera %d sztuk złota."
2216#. TRANS: %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
2217#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:276
2218#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:286
2219#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:286 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2280
2220#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1833 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1782
2221#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:189
2222#, c-format
2223msgid ""
2224"Bribe unit for %d gold?\n"
2226msgid_plural ""
2227"Bribe unit for %d gold?\n"
2229msgstr[0] ""
2230"Czy przekupić jednostkę za %d sztukę złota?\n"
2232msgstr[1] ""
2233"Czy przekupić jednostkę za %d sztuki złota?\n"
2235msgstr[2] ""
2236"Czy przekupić jednostkę za %d sztuk złota?\n"
2239#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:278
2240#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:288
2241#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:288 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2283
2242#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1814 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1763
2243#: data/Freeciv.in:2417
2244msgid "Bribe Enemy Unit"
2245msgstr "Przekup Jednostkę Wroga"
2247#. TRANS: %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
2248#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:284
2249#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:294
2250#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:294 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2299
2251#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1883 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1832
2252#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:198
2253#, c-format
2254msgid ""
2255"Bribing the unit costs %d gold.\n"
2257msgid_plural ""
2258"Bribing the unit costs %d gold.\n"
2260msgstr[0] ""
2261"Przekupienie jednostki kosztuje %d sztukę złota.\n"
2263msgstr[1] ""
2264"Przekupienie jednostki kosztuje %d sztuki złota.\n"
2266msgstr[2] ""
2267"Przekupienie jednostki kosztuje %d sztuk złota.\n"
2270#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:286
2271#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:901
2272#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:296
2273#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:921
2274#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:296
2275#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:915 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2301
2276#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1670 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1895
2277#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1618 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1844
2278#: data/Freeciv.in:2439
2279msgid "Traitors Demand Too Much!"
2280msgstr "Zdrajcy żądają za dużo!"
2282#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:482
2283#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:492
2284#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:492 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1990
2285#: data/Freeciv.in:2333
2286msgid "Steal Technology"
2287msgstr "Wykradnij technologię"
2289#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:487
2290#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:497
2291#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:495
2292msgid "_Steal"
2293msgstr "Kradzież (_S)"
2295#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:496
2296#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:506
2297#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:503 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:476
2298#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:479 data/Freeciv.in:2348
2299msgid "Select Advance to Steal"
2300msgstr "Wybierz wykradaną technologię"
2302#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:516
2303#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:531
2304#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:528
2305msgid "_Advances:"
2306msgstr "Wynalazki (_A):"
2308#. TRANS: %s is a unit name, e.g., Spy
2309#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:564
2310#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:734
2311#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:579
2312#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:754
2313#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:576
2314#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:748 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2019
2315#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2394 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:572
2316#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1334 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:574
2317#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1288 client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:528
2318#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:622
2319#, c-format
2320msgid "At %s's Discretion"
2321msgstr "Niech %s zdecyduje"
2323#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:662
2324#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:677
2325#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:674 data/Freeciv.in:2375
2326msgid "Sabotage Improvements"
2327msgstr "Sabotuj Budynki"
2329#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:667
2330#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:682
2331#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:677
2332msgid "_Sabotage"
2333msgstr "_Sabotaż"
2335#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:676
2336#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:691
2337#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:685 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2363
2338#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1246 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1201
2339#: data/Freeciv.in:2390
2340msgid "Select Improvement to Sabotage"
2341msgstr "Wybierz sabotowany budynek"
2343#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:696
2344#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:716
2345#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:710
2346msgid "_Improvements:"
2347msgstr "Budynki (_I):"
2349#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:715
2350#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:735
2351#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:729 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2379
2352#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1275 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1230
2353#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:609
2354msgid "City Production"
2355msgstr "Produkcja miasta"
2357#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:882
2358#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:902
2359#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:896 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2221
2360#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1584 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1534
2361#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:776
2362#, c-format
2363msgid "You can't incite a revolt in %s."
2364msgstr "Nie możesz podburzyć miasta %s."
2366#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:884
2367#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:904
2368#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:898 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1595
2369#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1545
2370msgid "City can't be incited!"
2371msgstr "Miasto nie może zostać podburzone!"
2373#. TRANS: %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
2374#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:890
2375#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:910
2376#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:904 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2229
2377#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1605 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1555
2378#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:783
2379#, c-format
2380msgid ""
2381"Incite a revolt for %d gold?\n"
2383msgid_plural ""
2384"Incite a revolt for %d gold?\n"
2386msgstr[0] ""
2387"Czy wzniecić bunt za %d sztukę złota?\n"
2389msgstr[1] ""
2390"Czy wzniecić bunt za %d sztuki złota?\n"
2392msgstr[2] ""
2393"Czy wzniecić bunt za %d sztuk złota?\n"
2396#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:892
2397#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:912
2398#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:906 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2233
2399#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1551 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1502
2400#: data/Freeciv.in:2428
2401msgid "Incite a Revolt!"
2402msgstr "Wznieć bunt!"
2404#. TRANS: %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
2405#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:899
2406#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:919
2407#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:913 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2247
2408#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1657 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1606
2409#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:793
2410#, c-format
2411msgid ""
2412"Inciting a revolt costs %d gold.\n"
2414msgid_plural ""
2415"Inciting a revolt costs %d gold.\n"
2417msgstr[0] ""
2418"Wzniecenie buntu kosztuje %d sztukę złota.\n"
2420msgstr[1] ""
2421"Wzniecenie buntu kosztuje %d sztuki złota.\n"
2423msgstr[2] ""
2424"Wzniecenie buntu kosztuje %d sztuk złota.\n"
2427#. TRANS: %s is a unit name, e.g., Spy
2428#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1140
2429#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1234
2430#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1228 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1738
2431#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:968 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:923
2432#, c-format
2433msgid "Choose Your %s's Strategy"
2434msgstr "Wybierz strategię dla %s"
2436#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1145
2437#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1239
2438#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1233 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1743
2439#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:884
2440#, c-format
2441msgid ""
2442"Your %s from %s reaches the city of %s.\n"
2443"What now?"
2444msgstr ""
2445"Jednostka %s z miasta %s dotarła do miasta %s.\n"
2446"Co teraz?"
2448#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1151
2449#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1245
2450#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1239 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1749
2451#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:890
2452#, c-format
2453msgid ""
2454"Your %s has arrived at %s.\n"
2455"What is your command?"
2456msgstr ""
2457"Twoja %s dotarł do miasta %s.\n"
2458"Co jej polecisz?"
2460#. TRANS: Your Spy is ready to act against Roman Freight.
2461#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1157
2462#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1251
2463#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1245 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1755
2464#, c-format
2465msgid "Your %s is ready to act against %s %s."
2466msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s jest gotowa, by podjąć działanie przeciwko %s %s."
2468#. TRANS: %s is a unit name, e.g., Diplomat, Spy
2469#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1166
2470#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1260
2471#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1254 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1765
2472#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:896
2473#, c-format
2474msgid "Your %s is waiting for your command."
2475msgstr "%s czeka na twe rozkazy."
2477#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1211
2478#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1305
2479#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1299
2480msgid "_Keep moving"
2481msgstr "_Kontynuuj ruch"
2483#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1218
2484#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1321
2485#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1315
2486msgid "Show Location"
2487msgstr "Pokaż lokację"
2489#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/action_dialog.c:1224 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1664
2490#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1327 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1655
2491#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1321 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:461
2492msgid "_Wait"
2493msgstr "Czekaj (_W)"
2495#. TRANS: comma-separated list of player/user names for completion
2496#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:337 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:337
2497#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:337
2498#, c-format
2499msgid "Suggestions: %s."
2500msgstr "Sugestie: %s."
2502#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:482 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:488
2503#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:488
2504msgid "No visible unit on this tile."
2505msgstr "Na tym polu nie ma widocznych jednostek."
2507#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:628 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:634
2508#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:634 client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:390
2509msgid "This city isn't known!"
2510msgstr "To miasto nie jest znane!"
2512#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:637 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:643
2513#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:643 client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:399
2514msgid "This tile doesn't exist in this game!"
2515msgstr "To pole nie istnieje w tej grze!"
2517#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:647 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:653
2518#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:653 client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:408
2519msgid "This unit isn't known!"
2520msgstr "Ta jednostka nie jest znana!"
2522#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:963 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:946
2523#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:946 client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:788
2524#: client/gui-xaw/chatline.c:127
2525msgid "Cleared output window."
2526msgstr "Okno powiadomień zostało wyczyszczone."
2528#. TRANS: "text" or "background".
2529#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1144 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1130
2530#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1130
2531#, c-format
2532msgid "Select the %s color"
2533msgstr "Wybierz kolor %s"
2535#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1351 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1343
2536#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1349
2537msgid "Bold (Ctrl-B)"
2538msgstr "Pogrubiona (Ctrl-B)"
2540#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1359 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1351
2541#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1358
2542msgid "Italic (Ctrl-I)"
2543msgstr "Kursywa (Ctrl-I)"
2545#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1367 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1359
2546#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1367
2547msgid "Strikethrough (Ctrl-S)"
2548msgstr "Przekreślenie (Ctrl-S)"
2550#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1375 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1367
2551#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1376
2552msgid "Underline (Ctrl-U)"
2553msgstr "Podkreślenie (Ctrl-U)"
2555#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1383 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1375
2556#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1384
2557msgid "Color (Ctrl-C)"
2558msgstr "Kolor (Ctrl-C)"
2560#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1393 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1385
2561#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1394
2562msgid "foreground"
2563msgstr "pierwszy plan"
2565#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1396 client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:625
2566#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1388 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:628
2567#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1397 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:621
2568#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:725
2569msgid "Select the text color"
2570msgstr "Wybierz kolor tekstu"
2572#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1409 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1401
2573#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1410
2574msgid "background"
2575msgstr "tło"
2577#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1413 client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:634
2578#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1405 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:637
2579#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1414 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:630
2580#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:733
2581msgid "Select the background color"
2582msgstr "Wybierz kolor tła"
2584#. TRANS: "Return" means the return key.
2585#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1431 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1423
2586#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1432
2587msgid "Send the chat (Return)"
2588msgstr "Wyślij wiadomość (Enter)"
2590#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/chatline.c:1448 client/gui-gtk-3.0/chatline.c:1438
2591#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1446
2592msgid "Chat tools"
2593msgstr "Narzędzia czatu"
2595#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citizensinfo.c:63 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citizensinfo.c:63
2596#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citizensinfo.c:63 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2900
2597msgid "#"
2598msgstr "#"
2600#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citizensinfo.c:64 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3634
2601#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3648 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2667
2602#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citizensinfo.c:64 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3684
2603#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3698 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2734
2604#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citizensinfo.c:64 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3683
2605#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3697 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2734
2606#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2900 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:644
2607#: client/plrdlg_common.c:307
2608msgid "Flag"
2609msgstr "Flaga"
2611#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citizensinfo.c:251 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citizensinfo.c:252
2612#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citizensinfo.c:252 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2558
2613#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2537
2614msgid "Citizens"
2615msgstr "Mieszkańcy"
2617#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:688 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:741
2618#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:741 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:55
2619#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1300
2620msgid "Food:"
2621msgstr "Żywność:"
2623#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:689 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:742
2624#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:742 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:57
2625msgid "Prod:"
2626msgstr "Produkcja:"
2628#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:690 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:743
2629#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:743 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:59
2630#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1304
2631msgid "Trade:"
2632msgstr "Handel:"
2634#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:691 client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:759
2635#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:843 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:51
2636#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:744 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:768
2637#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:855 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:51
2638#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:744 client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:765
2639#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:849 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:51
2640#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:61 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:165
2641#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:167 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:495
2642msgid "Gold:"
2643msgstr "Złoto:"
2645#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:692 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:55
2646#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:745 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:55
2647#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:745 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:55
2648#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:63 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:501
2649msgid "Luxury:"
2650msgstr "Luksus:"
2652#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:693 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:54
2653#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:746 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:54
2654#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:746 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:54
2655#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:65 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:499
2656msgid "Science:"
2657msgstr "Nauka:"
2659#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:694 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:747
2660#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:747 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:67
2661msgid "Granary:"
2662msgstr "Zapasy:"
2664#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:695 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:748
2665#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:748 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:69
2666msgid "Change in:"
2667msgstr "Czas wzrostu:"
2669#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:696 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:749
2670#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:749 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:71
2671msgid "Corruption:"
2672msgstr "Korupcja:"
2674#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:697 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:750
2675#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:750 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:73
2676msgid "Waste:"
2677msgstr "Straty:"
2679#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:698 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:751
2680#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:751 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:75
2681msgid "Culture:"
2682msgstr "Kultura:"
2684#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:699 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:752
2685#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:752 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:77
2686msgid "Pollution:"
2687msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie:"
2689#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:700 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:753
2690#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:753 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:79
2691msgid "Plague risk:"
2692msgstr "Ryzyko epidemii:"
2694#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:701 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:754
2695#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:754 client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:81
2696msgid "Airlift:"
2697msgstr "Przerzuć mostem powietrznym"
2699#. TRANS: Overview tab in city dialog
2700#. TRANS: Overview tab of foreign intelligence report dialog
2701#. TRANS: Overview tab in city dialog
2702#. TRANS: Overview tab of foreign intelligence report dialog
2703#. TRANS: Overview tab in city dialog
2704#. TRANS: Overview tab of foreign intelligence report dialog
2705#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:769 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:211
2706#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:913 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:208
2707#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:950 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:207
2708msgid "_Overview"
2709msgstr "_Ogólne"
2711#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:783 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1104
2712#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:834 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1314
2713#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:871 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1351
2714#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1569 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2543
2715#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2522
2716msgid "City map"
2717msgstr "Mapa okolicy"
2719#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:825 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1017
2720#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1717 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:943
2721#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1236 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1949
2722#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:980 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1273
2723#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2006 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1302
2724msgid "Production:"
2725msgstr "Produkcja:"
2727#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:861 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1029
2728#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:982 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1169
2729#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1019 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1206
2730#, c-format
2731msgid "%d/%d %d turns"
2732msgstr "%d/%d %d tur"
2734#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:864 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1036
2735#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1157 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:985
2736#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1177 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1166
2737#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1022 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1214
2738#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1166
2739msgid "_Buy"
2740msgstr "Kup (_B)"
2742#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:872 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:992
2743#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1029
2744msgid "I_mprovements:"
2745msgstr "Budynki (_m):"
2747#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:890 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1078
2748#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:999 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1017
2749#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1285 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1002
2750#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1054 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1322
2751#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1002
2752msgid "Info"
2753msgstr "Info"
2755#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1006 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1223
2756#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1260
2757msgid "P_roduction"
2758msgstr "P_rodukcja"
2760#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1065 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1268
2761#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1305
2762msgid "Happ_iness"
2763msgstr "Zadowolen_ie"
2765#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1128 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1341
2766#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1378
2767msgid "_Governor"
2768msgstr "Zarządca (_G)"
2770#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1151 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1364
2771#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1401
2772msgid "_Settings"
2773msgstr "Ustawienia (_S)"
2775#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1154 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1367
2776#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1404 data/civ1/cities.ruleset:46
2777#: data/civ2/cities.ruleset:46 data/classic/cities.ruleset:46
2778#: data/experimental/cities.ruleset:48 data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:46
2779#: data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:45 data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:46
2780msgid "Entertainers"
2781msgstr "Komicy"
2783#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1155 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1368
2784#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1405 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2445
2785#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:59 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:59
2786#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:59 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:61
2787#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:60 data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:58
2788#: data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:60
2789msgid "Scientists"
2790msgstr "Naukowcy"
2792#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1156 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1369
2793#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1406 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2446
2794#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:72 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:72
2795#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:72 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:74
2796#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:74 data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:71
2797#: data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:74
2798msgid "Taxmen"
2799msgstr "Poborcy podatkowi"
2801#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1160 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1373
2802#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1410
2803msgid "Allow unit production to disband city"
2804msgstr "Pozwól na produkcję, która zlikwiduje miasto"
2806#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1163 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1376
2807#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1413
2808msgid "Overview page"
2809msgstr "zakładkę Ogólne"
2811#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1164 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1377
2812#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1414
2813msgid "Production page"
2814msgstr "zakładkę Produkcja"
2816#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1165 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1378
2817#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1415
2818msgid "Happiness page"
2819msgstr "zakładkę Zadowolenie"
2821#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1166 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1379
2822#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1416
2823msgid "Governor page"
2824msgstr "zakładkę Zarządca"
2826#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1167 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1380
2827#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1417
2828msgid "This Settings page"
2829msgstr "zakładkę Ustawienia"
2831#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1168 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1381
2832#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1418
2833msgid "Last active page"
2834msgstr "poprzednią aktywną zakładkę"
2836#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1194 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1402
2837#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1439 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:965
2838#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:969
2839msgid "New citizens are"
2840msgstr "Nowi mieszkańcy to"
2842#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1214 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1425
2843#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1462
2844msgid "Next time open"
2845msgstr "Następnym razem otwórz"
2847#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1243 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1458
2848#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1495
2849msgid "R_ename..."
2850msgstr "Zmi_eń nazwę..."
2852#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1398 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1631
2853#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1668
2854msgid "_List present units..."
2855msgstr "_Lista jednostek..."
2857#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1408 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1637
2858msgid "_Prev city"
2859msgstr "_Poprzednie miasto"
2861#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1413 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1642
2862msgid "_Next city"
2863msgstr "_Następne miasto"
2865#. TRANS: city dialog title
2866#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1468 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1696
2867#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1731
2868#, c-format
2869msgid "<b>%s</b> - %s citizens - DISORDER"
2870msgstr "<b>%s</b> - %s mieszkańcy - ZAMIESZKI"
2872#. TRANS: city dialog title
2873#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1473 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1701
2874#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1736
2875#, c-format
2876msgid "<b>%s</b> - %s citizens - celebrating"
2877msgstr "<b>%s</b> - %s mieszkańcy - świętują"
2879#. TRANS: city dialog title
2880#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1478 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1706
2881#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1741
2882#, c-format
2883msgid "<b>%s</b> - %s citizens - happy"
2884msgstr "<b>%s</b> - %s mieszkańcy - zadowoleni"
2886#. TRANS: city dialog title
2887#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1483 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1711
2888#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1746
2889#, c-format
2890msgid "<b>%s</b> - %s citizens"
2891msgstr "<b>%s</b> - %s mieszkańców"
2893#. TRANS: city growth is blocked.  Keep short.
2894#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1575 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1817
2895#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1849 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3015
2896#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3323 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3297
2897#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:250
2898msgid "blocked"
2899msgstr "zablokowany"
2901#. TRANS: never actually used with built_slots<=1
2902#. TRANS: never actually used with built_slots <= 1
2903#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1710 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1942
2904#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1999
2905#, c-format
2906msgid "Production (up to %d unit per turn):"
2907msgid_plural "Production (up to %d units per turn):"
2908msgstr[0] "Produkcja: (do %d jednostka/turę):"
2909msgstr[1] "Produkcja: (do %d jednostki/turę):"
2910msgstr[2] "Produkcja: (do %d jednostek/turę):"
2912#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1794 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2042
2913#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2099
2914msgid "Press <b>ENTER</b> or double-click to sell an improvement."
2915msgstr ""
2916"Naciśnij <b>ENTER</b> lub dwukrotnie kliknij na budynek, aby go sprzedać."
2918#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1796 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2044
2919#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2101
2920msgid "Great Wonder - cannot be sold."
2921msgstr "Wielki cud - nie można sprzedać"
2923#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1797 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2045
2924#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2102
2925msgid "Small Wonder - cannot be sold."
2926msgstr "Mały cud - nie można sprzedać"
2928#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:1945 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2189
2929#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2246 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3133
2930#, c-format
2931msgid "Supported units %d"
2932msgstr "Jednostki na utrzymaniu %d"
2934#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2052 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2292
2935#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2349 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3154
2936#, c-format
2937msgid "Present units %d"
2938msgstr "Obecne jednostki %d"
2940#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2170 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1149
2941#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2424 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1174
2942#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2454 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1174
2943msgid "Cen_ter"
2944msgstr "Wyśrodkuj (_t)"
2946#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2176 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2234
2947#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2430 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2488
2948#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2460 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2516
2949msgid "_Activate unit"
2950msgstr "_Aktywuj jednostkę"
2952#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2182 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2240
2953#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2436 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2494
2954#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2466 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2522
2955msgid "Activate unit, _close dialog"
2956msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę i zamknij okno (_c)"
2958#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2188 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2289
2959#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2442 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2543
2960#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2472 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2571
2961msgid "_Disband unit"
2962msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę (_D)"
2964#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2246 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2500
2965#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2528
2966msgid "_Load unit"
2967msgstr "Załaduj jednostkę (_L)"
2969#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2256 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2510
2970#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2538
2971msgid "_Unload unit"
2972msgstr "Wyładuj jednostkę (_U)"
2974#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2267 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2521
2975#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2549
2976msgid "_Sentry unit"
2977msgstr "Wartuj jednostkę (_S)"
2979#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2278 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2532
2980#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2560
2981msgid "_Fortify unit"
2982msgstr "_Fortyfikuj jednostkę"
2984#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2299 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1693
2985#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2553 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1684
2986#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2581 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:486
2987msgid "Set _Home City"
2988msgstr "Zmień pochodzenie (_H)"
2990#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2306 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2560
2991#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2588
2992msgid "U_pgrade unit"
2993msgstr "Ule_psz jednostkę"
2995#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
2996#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2664 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3067
2997#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3095 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1156
2998#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1157 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1961
2999#, c-format
3000msgid ""
3001"Buy %s for %d gold?\n"
3003msgid_plural ""
3004"Buy %s for %d gold?\n"
3006msgstr[0] ""
3007"Czy kupić %s za %d sztukę złota?\n"
3009msgstr[1] ""
3010"Czy kupić %s za %d sztuki złota?\n"
3012msgstr[2] ""
3013"Czy kupić %s za %d sztuk złota?\n"
3016#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2668 client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2682
3017#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3071 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3085
3018#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3099 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3113
3019#: data/Freeciv.in:2245 data/Freeciv.in:2275
3020msgid "Buy It!"
3021msgstr "Kup to!"
3023#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
3024#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2678 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3081
3025#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3109 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1162
3026#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1163 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1972
3027#, c-format
3028msgid ""
3029"%s costs %d gold.\n"
3031msgid_plural ""
3032"%s costs %d gold.\n"
3034msgstr[0] ""
3035"%s kosztuje %d sztukę złota.\n"
3037msgstr[1] ""
3038"%s kosztuje %d sztuki złota.\n"
3040msgstr[2] ""
3041"%s kosztuje %d sztuk złota.\n"
3044#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2732 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3135
3045#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3163 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:611
3046#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1406 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1403
3047#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2351
3048#, c-format
3049msgid "Sell %s for %d gold?"
3050msgid_plural "Sell %s for %d gold?"
3051msgstr[0] "Czy sprzedać %s za %d sztukę złota?"
3052msgstr[1] "Czy sprzedać %s za %d sztuki złota?"
3053msgstr[2] "Czy sprzedać %s za %d sztuk złota?"
3055#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2738 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3141
3056#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3169 data/Freeciv.in:2264
3057msgid "Sell It!"
3058msgstr "Sprzedaj to!"
3060#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2805 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3216
3061#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3243 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2259
3062msgid "Rename City"
3063msgstr "Zmień nazwę miasta"
3065#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/citydlg.c:2806 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:3217
3066#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3244 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2258
3067#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1440
3068msgid "What should we rename the city to?"
3069msgstr "Jaka teraz będzie się nazywało to miasto?"
3071#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:620 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:628
3072#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:628 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:659
3073#, c-format
3074msgid "Are you sure you want to sell those %s?"
3075msgstr "Na pewno chcesz sprzedać %s?"
3077#. TRANS: "Sold 3 Harbor for 90 gold." (Pluralisation is in gold --
3078#. * second %d -- not in buildings.)
3079#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:639 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:647
3080#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:647 client/repodlgs_common.c:184
3081#, c-format
3082msgid "Sold %d %s for %d gold."
3083msgid_plural "Sold %d %s for %d gold."
3084msgstr[0] "Sprzedano %d %s za %d sztukę złota."
3085msgstr[1] "Sprzedano %d %s za %d sztuki złota."
3086msgstr[2] "Sprzedano %d %s za %d sztuk złota."
3088#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:646 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:654
3089#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:654 client/repodlgs_common.c:188
3090#, c-format
3091msgid "No %s could be sold."
3092msgstr "Nie udało się sprzedać żadnego %s."
3094#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:966 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:974
3095#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:974 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2647
3096#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:499
3097msgid "(no worklists defined)"
3098msgstr "(nie zdefiniowano planu prac)"
3100#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1041 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1051
3101#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1051
3102msgid "_Production"
3103msgstr "_Produkcja"
3105#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1048 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1058
3106#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1058
3107msgid "Chan_ge"
3108msgstr "Zmień (_g)"
3110#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1052 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1062
3111#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1062
3112msgid "Add _First"
3113msgstr "Wstaw na początek (_F)"
3115#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1056 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1066
3116#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1066
3117msgid "Add _Next"
3118msgstr "Wstaw następny (_N)"
3120#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1060 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1070
3121#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1070
3122msgid "Add _2nd Last"
3123msgstr "Wstaw na przedostatnie miejsce (_2)"
3125#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1064 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1074
3126#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1074
3127msgid "Add _Last"
3128msgstr "Wstaw na koniec (_L)"
3130#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1071 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1081
3131#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1081
3132msgid "Set Worklist"
3133msgstr "Plan prac"
3135#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1077 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1087
3136#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1087
3137msgid "Append Worklist"
3138msgstr "Zmień plan prac"
3140#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1083 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1093
3141#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1093
3142msgid "Clear _Worklist"
3143msgstr "Wyczyść plan prac (_W)"
3145#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1088 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1098
3146#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1098
3147msgid "Gover_nor"
3148msgstr "Zarządca (_n)"
3150#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1093 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1103
3151#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1103
3152msgid "S_ell"
3153msgstr "Sprz_edaj"
3155#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1098 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1639
3156#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:495 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1108
3157#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1630 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:497
3158#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1108 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:441
3159#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:497
3160msgid "_Select"
3161msgstr "Wybierz (_S)"
3163#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1102 client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:531
3164#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1112 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:543
3165#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1112 client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:541
3166msgid "_Display"
3167msgstr "Pokaż (_D)"
3169#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1136 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1464
3170#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1146 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1459
3171#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1146 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:317
3172#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:383 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1338
3173#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:726 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1279
3174#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:733 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:742
3175#: client/gui-xaw/cityrep.c:231 client/gui-xaw/cityrep.c:538
3176#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:160 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:226
3177#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:252 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:43 data/Freeciv.in:428
3178#: data/Freeciv.in:437 data/Freeciv.in:1579 data/helpdata.txt:639
3179msgid "Cities"
3180msgstr "Miasta"
3182#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1153 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1170
3183#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1170
3184msgid "_Inspect"
3185msgstr "Wyświetl (_I)"
3187#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1498 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1517
3188#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1536 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1555
3189#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1577 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1517
3190#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1536 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1555
3191#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1574 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1596
3192#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1516 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1535
3193#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1554 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1573
3194#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1595 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:332
3195#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:335
3196msgid "Improvements"
3197msgstr "Budynki"
3199#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1500 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1519
3200#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1538 client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1557
3201#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1581 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1519
3202#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1538 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1557
3203#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1576 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1600
3204#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1518 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1537
3205#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1556 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1575
3206#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1599 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:718
3207msgid "Wonders"
3208msgstr "Cudy świata"
3210#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1769 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1788
3211#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1787 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:939
3212#: data/Freeciv.in:1156
3213msgid "All Cities"
3214msgstr "Wszystkie miasta"
3216#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1774 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1793
3217#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1792 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:941
3218msgid "No Cities"
3219msgstr "Brak miast"
3221#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1779 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1798
3222#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1797 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:943
3223msgid "Invert Selection"
3224msgstr "Odwróć wybór"
3226#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1789 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1808
3227#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1807 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:954
3228msgid "Building Units"
3229msgstr "Jednostki w budowie"
3231#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1795 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1814
3232#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1813 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:957
3233msgid "Building Improvements"
3234msgstr "Budynki w budowie"
3236#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1801 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1820
3237#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1819 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:960
3238msgid "Building Wonders"
3239msgstr "Cudy w budowie"
3241#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1813 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1832
3242#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1831
3243msgid "Building Unit"
3244msgstr "Budowana jednostka"
3246#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1817 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1836
3247#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1835
3248msgid "Building Improvement"
3249msgstr "Budowany obiekt"
3251#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1821 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1840
3252#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1839
3253msgid "Building Wonder"
3254msgstr "Budowany cud"
3256#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1829 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1848
3257#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1847 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:946
3258msgid "Coastal Cities"
3259msgstr "Miasta przybrzeżne"
3261#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1834 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1853
3262#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1852 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:948
3263msgid "Same Island"
3264msgstr "Ta sama wyspa"
3266#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1844 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1863
3267#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1862 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:973
3268msgid "Supported Units"
3269msgstr "Utrzymywane jednostki"
3271#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1847 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1866
3272#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1865 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:977
3273msgid "Units Present"
3274msgstr "Obecne jednostki"
3276#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1851 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1870
3277#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1869 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:964
3278msgid "Improvements in City"
3279msgstr "Budynki w mieście"
3281#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1855 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1874
3282#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1873 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:968
3283msgid "Wonders in City"
3284msgstr "Cudy w mieście"
3286#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1864 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1883
3287#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1882 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:982
3288msgid "Available Units"
3289msgstr "Dostępne jednostki"
3291#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1867 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1886
3292#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1885 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:986
3293msgid "Available Improvements"
3294msgstr "Dostępne budynki"
3296#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1870 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:1889
3297#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1888 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:990
3298msgid "Available Wonders"
3299msgstr "Dostępne cudy świata"
3301#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cityrep.c:1983 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cityrep.c:2002
3302#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:2001
3303#, c-format
3304msgid "Total Buy Cost: %d"
3305msgstr "Całkowity koszt: %d"
3307#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:256 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:267
3308#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:267 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:83
3309msgid ""
3310"For information on\n"
3311"the citizen governor and governor presets,\n"
3312"including sample presets,\n"
3313"see README.governor."
3314msgstr ""
3315"Aby uzyskać pomoc na temat\n"
3316"zarządcy i schematów zarządzania\n"
3317"wraz z przykładowymi schematami,\n"
3318"przeczytaj plik README.governor."
3320#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:271 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:282
3321#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:282
3322msgid "Prese_ts:"
3323msgstr "Schema_ty:"
3325#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:287 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:298
3326#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:298
3327msgid "Ne_w"
3328msgstr "No_wy"
3330#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:307 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:321
3331#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:320 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:767
3332msgid "Results"
3333msgstr "Wyniki"
3335#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:321 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:341
3336#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:340 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1884
3337#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:930 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:942
3338msgid "Minimal Surplus"
3339msgstr "Minimalna nadwyżka"
3341#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:324 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:345
3342#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:344 client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:933
3343#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:945
3344msgid "Factor"
3345msgstr "Czynnik"
3347#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:359 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:392
3348#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:391 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1883
3349#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:980 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:991
3350#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:184 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:226
3351msgid "Celebrate"
3352msgstr "Świętuj"
3354#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:468 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:496
3355#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:492
3356msgid "Governor Enabl_ed"
3357msgstr "Zarządca włączony (_e)"
3359#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:473 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:502
3360#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:495
3361msgid "Governor Disabl_ed"
3362msgstr "Zarządca wyłączony (_e)"
3364#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:539 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:572
3365#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:564 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2305
3366#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:260 client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:335
3367#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:267 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:344
3368#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:439
3369msgid "new preset"
3370msgstr "nowy schemat"
3372#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:543 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:576
3373#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:568 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2304
3374#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:308 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:317
3375msgid "Name new preset"
3376msgstr "Nazwij nowy schemat"
3378#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:544 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:577
3379#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:569 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2303
3380#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:324 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:333
3381msgid "What should we name the preset?"
3382msgstr "Jaka powinna być nazwa nowego schematu?"
3384#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/cma_fe.c:630 client/gui-gtk-3.0/cma_fe.c:663
3385#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:655 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2543
3386msgid "Remove this preset?"
3387msgstr "Usunąć ten schemat?"
3389#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:206 client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagewin.c:376
3390#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:211 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagewin.c:388
3391#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:210 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:216
3392#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagewin.c:389
3393msgid "Goto _Location"
3394msgstr "Idź do miejsca zdarzenia (_L)"
3396#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:211 client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagewin.c:380
3397#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:216 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagewin.c:383
3398#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:211 client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagewin.c:384
3399msgid "I_nspect City"
3400msgstr "Wyświetl miasto (_n)"
3402#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:296 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:299
3403#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:293 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1127
3404#: client/gui-xaw/dialogs.c:434
3405msgid "You say you wanna revolution?"
3406msgstr "Naprawdę chcesz rewolucji?"
3408#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:297 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:300
3409#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:294 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1128
3410#: data/Freeciv.in:2447
3411msgid "Revolution!"
3412msgstr "Rewolucja!"
3414#. TRANS: Pillage dialog title.
3415#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:352 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:368
3416#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:362 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2421
3417#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2227 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2216
3418#: data/Freeciv.in:2504
3419msgid "What To Pillage"
3420msgstr "Cel plądrowania"
3422#. TRANS: Pillage dialog target text.
3423#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:353 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:372
3424#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:366 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2421
3425#: data/Freeciv.in:2506
3426msgid "Select what to pillage:"
3427msgstr "Wybierz cel plądrowania:"
3429#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:710 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:721
3430#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:715 server/settings.h:67
3431msgid "All"
3432msgstr "Wszystkie"
3434#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:848 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:859
3435#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:853 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:411
3436msgid "Edit Nation"
3437msgstr "Modyfikuj naród"
3439#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:850 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:861
3440#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:855 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:413
3441#: data/Freeciv.in:3136
3442msgid "What Nation Will You Be?"
3443msgstr "Jakim narodem będziesz?"
3445#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:852 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:863
3446#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:857 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:415
3447#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:666 client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:811
3448#: client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:816 data/Freeciv.in:3388
3449msgid "Pick Nation"
3450msgstr "Wybierz naród"
3452#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:860 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:871
3453#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:865
3454msgid "_Random Nation"
3455msgstr "Losowy naród (_R)"
3457#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:872 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:883
3458#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:877
3459msgid "Select a nation"
3460msgstr "Wybierz naród"
3462#. TRANS: nation set name followed by number of playable nations;
3463#. * <b> and </b> are Pango markup and should be left alone
3464#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:908 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:921
3465#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:915
3466#, c-format
3467msgid "<b>%s</b> (%d nation)"
3468msgid_plural "<b>%s</b> (%d nations)"
3469msgstr[0] "<b>%s</b> (%d naród)"
3470msgstr[1] "<b>%s</b> (%d narody)"
3471msgstr[2] "<b>%s</b> (%d narodów)"
3473#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:975 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:989
3474#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:983
3475msgid "_Nation Set:"
3476msgstr "Grupa narodów (_N):"
3478#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1007 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1021
3479#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1015
3480msgid "Nation _Groups:"
3481msgstr "_Grupy narodów:"
3483#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1033 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1044
3484#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1038 client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:226
3485msgid "_Properties"
3486msgstr "Właściwości (_P)"
3488#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1057 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1064
3489#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1058
3490msgid "_Leader:"
3491msgstr "Przywódca (_L):"
3493#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1064 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1073
3494#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1067
3495msgid "_Female"
3496msgstr "Kobieta (_F)"
3498#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1069 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1079
3499#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1073
3500msgid "_Male"
3501msgstr "_Mężczyzna"
3503#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1096 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1109
3504#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1103
3505msgid "City _Styles:"
3506msgstr "_Styl miast:"
3508#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1135 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1147
3509#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1141
3510msgid "_Description"
3511msgstr "Opis (_D)"
3513#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1370 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1381
3514#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1375 client/gui-xaw/dialogs.c:1484
3515msgid "You must select your sex."
3516msgstr "Należy wybrać płeć."
3518#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1375 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1386
3519#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1380 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:668
3520#: client/gui-xaw/dialogs.c:1489
3521msgid "You must select your style."
3522msgstr "Należy wybrać swój styl."
3524#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1384 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1395
3525#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1389 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:673
3526#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2532 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2519
3527#: client/gui-xaw/dialogs.c:1497
3528msgid "You must type a legal name."
3529msgstr "Należy wpisać poprawną nazwę."
3531#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1427 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1438
3532#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1432 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2858
3533#: data/Freeciv.in:2469
3534msgid "Upgrade Unit!"
3535msgstr "Ulepsz jednostkę!"
3537#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1436 client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1550
3538#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1599
3539#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1441 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1599
3540#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2861 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:226
3541#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:677 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:204
3542#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:680 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:225
3543#: data/Freeciv.in:2458
3544msgid "Upgrade Obsolete Units"
3545msgstr "Ulepsz przestarzałe jednostki"
3547#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1465 client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1474
3548#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:960 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1476
3549#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1485 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1002
3550#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1470 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1479
3551#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1001 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1459
3552#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:871 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:876
3553#: data/Freeciv.in:2477 data/Freeciv.in:2488
3554msgid "Disband Units"
3555msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę"
3557#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/dialogs.c:1526 client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:1537
3558#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:1531 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2831
3559#, c-format
3560msgid ""
3561"Tileset problem, it's probably incompatible with the ruleset:\n"
3563msgstr ""
3564"Problem z zestawem graficznym, prawdopodobnie niekompatybilny z zestawem "
3568#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:254 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:254
3569#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:254 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:333
3570#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:407 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:425
3571msgid "World-map"
3572msgstr "Mapa świata"
3574#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:260 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:260
3575#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:260 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:336
3576#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:411 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:429
3577msgid "Sea-map"
3578msgstr "Mapa morska"
3580#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:266 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:266
3581#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:266
3582msgid "_Maps"
3583msgstr "_Mapy"
3585#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:278 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:278
3586#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:278
3587msgid "_Advances"
3588msgstr "Wynalazki (_A)"
3590#. TRANS: All technologies menu item in the diplomatic dialog.
3591#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:305 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:305
3592#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:305 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:359
3593msgid "All advances"
3594msgstr "Wszystkie wynalazki"
3596#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:382 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1442
3597#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:382 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1435
3598#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:382 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:297
3599msgid "_Cities"
3600msgstr "Miasta (_C)"
3602#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:391 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:391
3603#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:391
3604msgid "_Give shared vision"
3605msgstr "Daj widok dzielony (_G)"
3607#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:404 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:404
3608#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:404
3609msgid "Give _embassy"
3610msgstr "Daj ambasadę (_e)"
3612#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:424 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:424
3613#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:424 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:421
3614#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:499 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:507
3615#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:550 common/player.h:137
3616msgid "?diplomatic_state:Cease-fire"
3617msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Zawieszenie broni"
3619#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:430 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:430
3620#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:430 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:427
3621#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:513 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:521
3622#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:554 common/player.h:139
3623msgid "?diplomatic_state:Peace"
3624msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Pokój"
3626#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:436 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:436
3627#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:436 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:433
3628#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:528 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:537
3629#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:558 common/player.h:141
3630msgid "?diplomatic_state:Alliance"
3631msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Sojusz"
3633#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:442 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:442
3634#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:442
3635msgid "_Pacts"
3636msgstr "_Pakty"
3638#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:501 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:501
3639#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:501
3640msgid "Cancel _all meetings"
3641msgstr "Przerwij wszystkie spotk_ania"
3643#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:578 client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:646
3644#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:578 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:648
3645#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:578 client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:648
3646#, c-format
3647msgid "Diplomacy [%d]"
3648msgstr "Dyplomacja [%d]"
3650#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:656 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:660
3651#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:660 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:217
3652#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:925 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:932
3653#: data/Freeciv.in:528
3654msgid "Cancel meeting"
3655msgstr "Przerwij spotkanie"
3657#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:658 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:658
3658#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:658 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:214
3659#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:936 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:943
3660#: data/Freeciv.in:519
3661msgid "Accept treaty"
3662msgstr "Zatwierdź traktat"
3664#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:731 client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:815
3665#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:741 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:828
3666#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:741 client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:825
3667#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:182 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:184
3668msgid "Add Clause..."
3669msgstr "Dodaj klauzulę..."
3671#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:882 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:895
3672#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:889
3673msgid "C_lauses:"
3674msgstr "K_lauzule:"
3676#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:927 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:943
3677#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:937 client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:685
3678msgid "--- This treaty is blank. Please add some clauses. ---"
3679msgstr "--- Ten traktat jest pusty dodaj klauzule... ---"
3681#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/diplodlg.c:1163 client/gui-gtk-3.0/diplodlg.c:1181
3682#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/diplodlg.c:1175 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:405
3683#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:412 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:980
3684msgid "Invalid amount of gold specified."
3685msgstr "Podano niepoprawną ilość złota."
3687#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:188 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:188
3688#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:188
3689msgid ""
3690"The current ruleset does not define any objects corresponding to this editor "
3692msgstr ""
3693"Obecny zestaw zasad nie przewiduje obiektów odpowiadających narzędziu tego "
3696#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:239 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:239
3697#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:239
3698msgid "Global Observer"
3699msgstr "Obserwator globalny"
3701#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:581 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:585
3702#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:585
3703msgid ""
3704"Switch player point-of-view. Use this to edit from the perspective of "
3705"different players, or even as a global observer."
3706msgstr ""
3707"Przełącz punkt widzenia gracza. Użyj tego, by edytować z punktu widzenia "
3708"innego gracza lub obserwatora globalnego."
3710#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:593 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:597
3711#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:597
3712msgid "Show the property editor."
3713msgstr "Pokaż edytor właściwości."
3715#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1015 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1014
3716#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1013
3717msgid "Select Tool Value"
3718msgstr "Wybierz"
3720#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1184 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1185
3721#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1183
3722msgid "Editor Tool"
3723msgstr "Edytor"
3725#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1197 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1202
3726#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1200
3727msgid "Click to change value if applicable."
3728msgstr "Kliknij, by zmienić wartość (jeśli jest to możliwe)."
3730#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1224 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1235
3731#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1233
3732msgid "Click to change tool mode."
3733msgstr "Kliknij, aby zmienić narzędzie."
3735#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1238 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1252
3736#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1250
3737msgid "Mode"
3738msgstr "Tryb"
3740#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1254 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1271
3741#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1269
3742msgid ""
3743"Use this to change the \"size\" parameter for the tool. This parameter "
3744"controls for example the half-width of the square of tiles that will be "
3745"affected by the tool, or the size of a created city."
3746msgstr ""
3747"Użyj tego, by zmienić parametr \"rozmiaru\". Ten parametr określa na "
3748"przykład połowę szerokości kwadratu pól, na które zadziała narzędzie lub "
3749"rozmiar tworzonego miasta."
3751#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1271 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1289
3752#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1287
3753msgid ""
3754"Use this to change the tool's \"count\" parameter. This controls for example "
3755"how many units are placed at once with the unit tool."
3756msgstr ""
3757"Użyj tego, by zmienić parametr \"ilości\". Ten parametr określa na przykład "
3758"to, ile jednostek zostanie umieszczonych na polu po jednokrotnym użyciu tego "
3761#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1279 client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:768
3762#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:97 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1297
3763#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:800 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:97
3764#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1295 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:799
3765#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:97 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1214
3766msgid "Count"
3767msgstr "Liczba"
3769#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editgui.c:1306 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editgui.c:1323
3770#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1321
3771msgid ""
3772"Use this to change the \"applied player\" tool parameter. This controls for "
3773"example under which player units and cities are created."
3774msgstr ""
3775"Użyj tego, by zmienić parametr \"odnosi się do gracza\". Ten parametr "
3776"określa na przykład do jakiego gracza będą należały tworzone miasta i "
3779#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:663 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:667
3780#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:667
3781msgid "Tile"
3782msgstr "Pole"
3784#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:671 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:675
3785#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:675 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1570
3786msgid "Player"
3787msgstr "Gracz"
3789#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:673 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:677
3790#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:677
3791msgid "?play:Game"
3792msgstr "?Player:Gra"
3794#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:868 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:872
3795#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:872 utility/shared.c:2253
3796msgid "TRUE"
3797msgstr "PRAWDA"
3799#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:868 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:872
3800#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:872 utility/shared.c:2253
3801msgid "FALSE"
3802msgstr "FAŁSZ"
3804#. TRANS: "Number of buildings, number of small
3805#. * wonders (e.g. palace), number of great wonders."
3806#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:896 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:900
3807#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:900
3808#, c-format
3809msgid "%db %ds %dW"
3810msgstr "%dbud %dmc %dDc"
3812#. TRANS: "Number of technologies known".
3813#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:908 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:912
3814#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:912
3815#, c-format
3816msgid "%d known"
3817msgstr "%d znane"
3819#. TRANS: "The number of terrain specials (e.g. hut,
3820#. * river, pollution, etc.) present on a tile."
3821#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:918 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:928
3822#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:938 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:922
3823#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:932 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:942
3824#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:922 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:932
3825#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:942
3826#, c-format
3827msgid "%d present"
3828msgstr "%d obecne"
3830#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:943 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3836
3831#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:947 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3886
3832#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:947 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3885
3833#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:445 data/civ1/nations.ruleset:81
3834#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:83
3835msgid "All nations"
3836msgstr "Wszystkie narody"
3838#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:945 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:949
3839#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:949
3840#, c-format
3841msgid "%d nation"
3842msgid_plural "%d nations"
3843msgstr[0] "%d naród"
3844msgstr[1] "%d narody"
3845msgstr[2] "%d narodów"
3847#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:952 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:956
3848#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:956
3849#, c-format
3850msgid "%d byte"
3851msgid_plural "%d bytes"
3852msgstr[0] "%d krok"
3853msgstr[1] "%d kroki"
3854msgstr[2] "%d kroków"
3856#. TRANS: Improvement never built.
3857#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:977 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:981
3858#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:981
3859msgid "(never)"
3860msgstr "(nigdy)"
3862#. TRANS: Improvement was destroyed.
3863#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:980 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:984
3864#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:984
3865msgid "(destroyed)"
3866msgstr "(zniszczone)"
3868#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3494 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3538
3869#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3538 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:486
3870#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:865 data/Freeciv.in:2046
3871msgid "?verb:View"
3872msgstr "?verb:Widok"
3874#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3496 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3540
3875#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3540 data/Freeciv.in:2013
3876msgid "Edit"
3877msgstr "Edytuj"
3879#. TRANS: As in "this tile special is present".
3880#. TRANS: As in "this building is present".
3881#. TRANS: As in "this tile special is present".
3882#. TRANS: As in "this building is present".
3883#. TRANS: As in "this tile special is present".
3884#. TRANS: As in "this building is present".
3885#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3592 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3617
3886#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3642 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3667
3887#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3641 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3666
3888msgid "Present"
3889msgstr "Obecne"
3891#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3594 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3601
3892#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3619 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3632
3893#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3645 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3659
3894#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4392 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4420
3895#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3644 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3651
3896#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3669 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3682
3897#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3695 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3709
3898#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4453 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4481
3899#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3643 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3650
3900#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3668 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3681
3901#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3694 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3708
3902#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4452 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4480
3903msgid "ID"
3904msgstr "Identyfikator"
3906#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3596 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3605
3907#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3621 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3636
3908#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3651 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3661
3909#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4414 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4437
3910#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1308 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2661
3911#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:999 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3646
3912#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3655 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3671
3913#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3686 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3701
3914#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3711 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4475
3915#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4499 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1392
3916#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2728 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1002
3917#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3645 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3654
3918#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3670 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3685
3919#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3700 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3710
3920#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4474 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4498
3921#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1393 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2728
3922#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1002 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:314
3923#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:643 data/Freeciv.in:97 tools/civmanual.c:481
3924#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:457 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:460 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:214
3925msgid "Name"
3926msgstr "Nazwa"
3928#. TRANS: As in "this invention is known".
3929#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3607 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3657
3930#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3657 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3707
3931#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3656 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3706
3932msgid "Known"
3933msgstr "Znane"
3935#. TRANS: As in "the turn when this building was built".
3936#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3624 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3674
3937#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3673
3938msgid "Turn Built"
3939msgstr "Tura budowy"
3941#. TRANS: As in "the player has set this nation".
3942#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3630 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3643
3943#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3680 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3693
3944#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3679 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3692
3945msgid "Set"
3946msgstr "Ustaw"
3948#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:3648 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:3698
3949#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3697
3950msgid "Icon"
3951msgstr "Ikona"
3953#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4325 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4372
3954#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4384 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4412
3955#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4384 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4433
3956#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4445 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4473
3957#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4383 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4432
3958#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4444 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4472
3959msgid "Image"
3960msgstr "Obraz"
3962#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4329 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4388
3963#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4387
3964msgid "Resource"
3965msgstr "Zasoby"
3967#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4331 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4390
3968#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4389
3969msgid "Index"
3970msgstr "Indeks"
3972#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4333 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4392
3973#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4391
3974msgid "?coordinate:X"
3975msgstr "?coordinate:X"
3977#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4335 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4394
3978#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4393
3979msgid "?coordinate:Y"
3980msgstr "?coordinate:Y"
3982#. TRANS: The coordinate X in native coordinates.
3983#. * The freeciv coordinate system is described in doc/HACKING.
3984#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4339 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4398
3985#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4397
3986msgid "NAT X"
3987msgstr "NAT X"
3989#. TRANS: The coordinate Y in native coordinates.
3990#. * The freeciv coordinate system is described in doc/HACKING.
3991#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4343 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4402
3992#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4401
3993msgid "NAT Y"
3994msgstr "NAT Y"
3996#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4345 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4404
3997#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4403
3998msgid "Continent"
3999msgstr "Kontynent"
4001#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4347 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4374
4002#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4394 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4422
4003#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4406 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4435
4004#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4455 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4483
4005#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4405 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4434
4006#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4454 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4482
4007msgid "?coordinates:X,Y"
4008msgstr "?coordinates:X,Y"
4010#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4349 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4408
4011#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4407
4012msgid "Specials"
4013msgstr "Zasoby specjalne"
4015#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4351 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4411
4016#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4410
4017msgid "Roads"
4018msgstr "Drogi"
4020#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4353 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4414
4021#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4413 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:156
4022msgid "Bases"
4023msgstr "Bazy"
4025#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4356 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4387
4026#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4417 client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4440
4027#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4418 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4448
4028#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4478 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4503
4029#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4417 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4447
4030#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4477 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4502
4031msgid "Address"
4032msgstr "Adres"
4034#. TRANS: Tile property "Label" label in editor
4035#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4367 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4428
4036#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4427
4037msgid "?property:Label"
4038msgstr "?property:Etykieta"
4040#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4376 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4437
4041#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4436
4042msgid "Exclude Nations"
4043msgstr "Wyłącz narody"
4045#. TRANS: Nations report title
4046#. TRANS: Nations report action
4047#. TRANS: Nations report title
4048#. TRANS: Nations report action
4049#. TRANS: Nations report title
4050#. TRANS: Nations report action
4051#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4378 client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:417
4052#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4439 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:428
4053#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4438 client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:426
4054#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:731 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1570
4055#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:622 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1683
4056#: client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:686 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:225 data/Freeciv.in:3200
4057#: data/Freeciv.in:3201
4058msgid "Nations"
4059msgstr "Narody"
4061#. TRANS: Image header
4062#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4390 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1309
4063#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:762 client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:999
4064#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4451 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1393
4065#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:794 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1002
4066#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4450 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1394
4067#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:793 client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1002
4068#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:314 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1213
4069msgid "Type"
4070msgstr "Typ"
4072#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4396 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4457
4073#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4456
4074msgid "Moves Left"
4075msgstr "Punkty ruchu"
4077#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4398 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4459
4078#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4458
4079msgid "Fuel"
4080msgstr "Paliwo"
4082#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4400 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4461
4083#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4460
4084msgid "Moved"
4085msgstr "Ruch"
4087#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4402 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4463
4088#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4462 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:101
4089msgid "Done Moving"
4090msgstr "Zakończył ruch"
4092#. TRANS: HP = Hit Points of a unit.
4093#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4405 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4466
4094#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4465
4095msgid "HP"
4096msgstr "PO"
4098#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4407 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4468
4099#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4467
4100msgid "Veteran"
4101msgstr "Weteran"
4103#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4426 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4487
4104#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4486
4105msgid "History"
4106msgstr "Historia"
4108#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4428 client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1194
4109#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4489 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1231
4110#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4488 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:716
4111msgid "Buildings"
4112msgstr "Budynki"
4114#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4430 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4492
4115#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4491
4116msgid "Food Stock"
4117msgstr "Zapasy żywności"
4119#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4432 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4494
4120#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4493
4121msgid "Shield Stock"
4122msgstr "Zapasy produkcji"
4124#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4445 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1478
4125#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4509 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1471
4126#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4508 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:329
4127#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:628 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:258
4128#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:52 data/Freeciv.in:2045 data/helpdata.txt:1368
4129msgid "Government"
4130msgstr "Ustrój"
4132#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4512
4133#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4511
4134msgid "Age"
4135msgstr "Wiek"
4137#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4449 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4514
4138#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4513
4139msgid "Inventions"
4140msgstr "Technologie"
4142#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4451 client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:467
4143#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4517 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:472
4144#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4516 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:472
4145#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1883 common/city.c:88 server/plrhand.c:300
4146msgid "Science"
4147msgstr "Nauka"
4149#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4453 client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1250
4150#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4519 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1295
4151#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4518 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1295
4152#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1882 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1291 common/city.c:86
4153#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:672 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:666
4154#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:846 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:822
4155#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:861 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:820
4156#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:861
4157msgid "Gold"
4158msgstr "Złoto"
4160#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4458 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4525
4161#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4524
4162msgid "Year"
4163msgstr "Rok"
4165#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4460 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4528
4166#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4527 tools/modinst.h:45
4167msgid "Scenario"
4168msgstr "Scenariusz"
4170#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4462 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4531
4171#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4530
4172msgid "Scenario Name"
4173msgstr "Nazwa scenariusza"
4175#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4464 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4534
4176#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4533
4177msgid "Scenario Authors"
4178msgstr "Autorzy scenariusza"
4180#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4467 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4537
4181#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4536
4182msgid "Scenario Description"
4183msgstr "Opis scenariusza"
4185#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4470 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4541
4186#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4540
4187msgid "Save Random Number State"
4188msgstr "Zapisz stan losowej liczby"
4190#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4472 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4543
4191#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4542
4192msgid "Save Players"
4193msgstr "Zapisz graczy"
4195#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4474 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4546
4196#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4545
4197msgid "Nation Start Positions"
4198msgstr "Pozycje startowe narodów"
4200#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4476 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4549
4201#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4548
4202msgid "Prevent New Cities"
4203msgstr "Bez nowych miast"
4205#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4478 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4552
4206#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4551
4207msgid "Saltwater Flooding Lakes"
4208msgstr "Słone jeziora zalewowe"
4210#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4755 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4849
4211#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4847
4212msgid "Destroy"
4213msgstr "Zniszcz"
4215#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4760 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4852
4216#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4850
4217msgid ""
4218"Pressing this button will send a request to the server to destroy (i.e. "
4219"erase) the objects selected in the object list."
4220msgstr ""
4221"Naciśnięcie tego przycisku wyśle do serwera prośbę o zniszczenie (tj. "
4222"wymazanie) obiektów zaznaczonych na liście."
4224#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4771 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4832
4225#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4830
4226msgid "Create"
4227msgstr "Stwórz"
4229#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4776 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4835
4230#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4833
4231msgid ""
4232"Pressing this button will create a new object of the same type as the "
4233"current property page and add it to the page. The specific type and count of "
4234"the objects is taken from the editor tool state. So for example, the \"tool "
4235"value\" of the unit tool and its \"count\" parameter affect unit creation."
4236msgstr ""
4237"Naciśnięcie tego przycisku stworzy nowy obiekt określony na bieżącej stronie "
4238"obiektu i doda go do strony. Dokładny typ i ilość obiektów określany jest "
4239"ustawieniami narzędzi edytora; na przykład \"wartość\" oraz parametr \"ilość"
4240"\" określane dla narzędzia jednostki wpływają na tworzenie jednostki."
4242#. TRANS: %s is a type of object that can be edited, such as "Tile",
4243#. * "Unit", "Start Position", etc.
4244#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4827 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4910
4245#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4908
4246#, c-format
4247msgid "%s Properties"
4248msgstr "%s Właściwości"
4250#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4866 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4954
4251#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4952
4252msgid "Filter:"
4253msgstr "Filtr:"
4255#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4871 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4959
4256#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4957
4257msgid ""
4258"Enter a filter string to limit which properties are shown. The filter is one "
4259"or more text patterns separated by | (\"or\") or & (\"and\"). The symbol & "
4260"has higher precedence than |. A pattern may also be negated by prefixing it "
4261"with !."
4262msgstr ""
4263"Wpisz ciąg znaków, by ograniczyć ilość pokazywanych właściwości. Filtr to "
4264"jeden lub więcej ciągów znaków oddzielonych | (\"lub\") albo & (\"oraz\"). "
4265"Znak & na wyższy priorytet niż |. Ciąg może być też zanegowany przez "
4266"poprzedzenie go znakiem !."
4268#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4885 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4984
4269#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4982
4270msgid ""
4271"Pressing this button will send all modified properties of the objects "
4272"selected in the object list to the server. Modified properties' names are "
4273"shown in red in the properties panel."
4274msgstr ""
4275"Naciśnięcie tego przycisku wyśle wszystkie zmienione wartości wybranych "
4276"obiektów do listy obiektów w serwerze. Nazwy zmienionych właściwości "
4277"pokazane są na czerwono w panelu właściwości."
4279#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:4896 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:4974
4280#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4972
4281msgid ""
4282"Pressing this button will reset all modified properties of the selected "
4283"objects to their current values (the values they have on the server)."
4284msgstr ""
4285"Naciśnięcie tego przycisku zresetuje wszystkie zmienione wartości wybranych "
4286"obiektów do obecnych wartości (tj. tych zapisanych w serwerze)."
4288#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:6066 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:6163
4289#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:6161
4290msgid "Property Editor"
4291msgstr "Edytor właściwości"
4293#. TRANS: Vision layer name. Feel free to leave untranslated.
4294#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:6444 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:6541
4295#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:6539
4296msgid "Seen (Main)"
4297msgstr "Seen (Main)"
4299#. TRANS: Vision layer name. Feel free to leave untranslated.
4300#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:6447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:6544
4301#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:6542
4302msgid "Seen (Invis)"
4303msgstr "Seen (Invis)"
4305#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/editprop.c:6453 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:652
4306#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/editprop.c:6550 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:727
4307#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:6548 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:728
4308#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:904 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2003
4309#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1994 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1483
4310#: client/text.c:170 common/unit.c:655
4311msgid "Unknown"
4312msgstr "Nieznane"
4314#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/finddlg.c:72 client/gui-gtk-3.0/finddlg.c:72
4315#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/finddlg.c:72 client/gui-sdl/finddlg.c:141
4316#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1582 client/gui-sdl2/finddlg.c:149
4317#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1695 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:131
4318#: data/Freeciv.in:1084
4319msgid "Find City"
4320msgstr "Znajdź miasto"
4322#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/finddlg.c:113 client/gui-gtk-3.0/finddlg.c:117
4323#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/finddlg.c:117
4324msgid "Ci_ties:"
4325msgstr "Mias_ta:"
4327#. TRANS: current value of policy in force
4328#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:286 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:281
4329#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:281
4330msgid "?multiplier:Now"
4331msgstr "Bież"
4333#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:320 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:314
4334#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:314 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:143
4335msgid "Change policies"
4336msgstr "Zmień politykę"
4338#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:329 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1476
4339#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:323 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1453
4340#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:323 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:311
4341#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:57 data/helpdata.txt:1427
4342msgid "Policies"
4343msgstr "Polityki"
4345#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:342 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:336
4346#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:336
4347msgid "Changes will not take effect until next turn."
4348msgstr "Zmiany bedą aktywne w następnej turze."
4350#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:412 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:406
4351#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:406 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:70
4352msgid "Select tax, luxury and science rates"
4353msgstr "Wybierz stosunek podatków, luksusu i nauki"
4355#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:427 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:422
4356#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:422 server/plrhand.c:296
4357msgid "Tax"
4358msgstr "Podatek"
4360#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:444 client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:464
4361#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:484 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:444
4362#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:469 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:494
4363#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:444 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:469
4364#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:494 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1911
4365#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1957 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1962
4366#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2008 data/Freeciv.in:1329 data/Freeciv.in:1347
4367#: data/Freeciv.in:1366
4368msgid "Lock"
4369msgstr "Blokuj"
4371#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:447
4372#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:447 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1883
4373#: common/city.c:87 server/plrhand.c:298
4374msgid "Luxury"
4375msgstr "Luksus"
4377#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gamedlgs.c:535 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gamedlgs.c:544
4378#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:544 client/gui-xaw/ratesdlg.c:98
4379#, c-format
4380msgid "%s max rate: %d%%"
4381msgstr "Maksymalny wskaźnik %s: %d%%"
4383#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:140 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:141
4384#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:141 data/Freeciv.in:1122
4385msgid "Goto/Airlift Unit"
4386msgstr "Idź do/Transport lotniczy"
4388#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:145 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:146
4389#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:146
4390msgid "Air_lift"
4391msgstr "Leć (_l)"
4393#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:147 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:148
4394#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:148
4395msgid "_Goto"
4396msgstr "Idź do (_G)"
4398#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:166 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:167
4399#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:167
4400msgid "Select destination ci_ty"
4401msgstr "Wybierz mias_to docelowe"
4403#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:195 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:201
4404#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:201
4405msgid "Id"
4406msgstr "Identyfikator"
4408#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:219 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:225
4409#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:225 client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:54
4410#: data/Freeciv.in:1148
4411msgid "Airlift"
4412msgstr "Przerzuć mostem powietrznym"
4414#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:232 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:238
4415#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:238
4416msgid "Show _All Cities"
4417msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie miasta (_A)"
4419#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:342 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:346
4420#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:346 client/text.c:1117
4421msgid "No units selected."
4422msgstr "Brak zaznaczonych jednostek."
4424#. TRANS: goto/airlift dialog. "Paris (airlift: 2/4)".
4425#. * A set of these appear in an "and"-separated list.
4426#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:382 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:386
4427#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:386
4428#, c-format
4429msgid "%s (airlift: %s)"
4430msgstr "%s (przenieś mostem powietrznym: %s)"
4432#. TRANS: goto/airlift dialog. Too many cities to list, some omitted.
4433#. * Appears at the end of an "and"-separated list.
4434#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:393 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:397
4435#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:397
4436msgid "?gotodlg:more"
4437msgstr "?gotodlg:więcej"
4439#. TRANS: goto/airlift dialog. For units not currently in a city.
4440#. * Appears at the end of an "and"-separated list.
4441#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:398 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:402
4442#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:402
4443msgid "?gotodlg:no city"
4444msgstr "?gotodlg:poza miastem"
4446#. TRANS: goto/airlift dialog. Current location of units; %s is an
4447#. * "and"-separated list of cities and associated info
4448#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gotodlg.c:411 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gotodlg.c:415
4449#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:415
4450#, c-format
4451msgid "Currently in: %s"
4452msgstr "Obecnie w: %s"
4454#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:277 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:267
4455#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:267
4456msgid ""
4457"This client accepts the standard Gtk command-line options\n"
4458"after '--'. See the Gtk documentation.\n"
4460msgstr ""
4461"Ten klient obsługuje standardowe opcje Gtk wprowadzane\n"
4462"w wierszu poleceń po '--'. Więcej informacji w dokumentacji Gtk.\n"
4465#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
4466#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:281 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:284
4467#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:280 client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:128
4468#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:174 client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:179
4469#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:267 common/fc_cmdhelp.c:136 tools/mpcli.c:115
4470#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:573 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:579 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:102
4471#, c-format
4472msgid "Report bugs at %s\n"
4473msgstr "Zgłaszanie błędów na adres <%s>\n"
4475#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:770 client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1581
4476#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:817 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1763
4477#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:804 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1837
4478#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:797 client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:812
4479msgid "Freeciv"
4480msgstr "Freeciv"
4482#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1255 client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1263
4483#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1354 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1362
4484#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1375 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1383
4485#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:741 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1555
4486#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1668 data/Freeciv.in:2622
4487msgid "Turn Done"
4488msgstr "Koniec tury"
4490#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1263 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1362
4491#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1383 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1555
4492#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:919 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1668
4493#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:939
4494msgid "Shift+Return"
4495msgstr "Shift+Enter"
4497#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1334 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1445
4498#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1466 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1325
4499#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:717
4500msgid "?noun:View"
4501msgstr "?noun:Widok"
4503#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1446 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1564
4504#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1587
4505msgid "Chat"
4506msgstr "Czat"
4508#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1470 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1594
4509#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1617
4510msgid "Allies Only"
4511msgstr "Tylko sojusznicy"
4513#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1479 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1603
4514#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1626 client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:287
4515msgid "Clear links"
4516msgstr "Usuń linki"
4518#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:1522
4519msgid "Migrating gtk2-client options from freeciv-2.5 options."
4520msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji klienta gtk2 z opcji wersji freeciv-2.5."
4522#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:2029 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:2164
4523#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:2240 client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:543
4524msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?"
4525msgstr "Na pewno chcesz zakończyć?"
4527#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_main.c:2198 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:2333
4528#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:2409
4529#, c-format
4530msgid ""
4532"Built against gtk+ %d.%d.%d, using %d.%d.%d\n"
4533"Built against glib %d.%d.%d, using %d.%d.%d"
4534msgstr ""
4536"Zbudowano przy uzyciu gtk+ %d.%d.%d, używając %d.%d.%d\n"
4537"Zbudowano przy uzyciu glib %d.%d.%d, używając %d.%d.%d"
4539#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_stuff.c:613 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_stuff.c:593
4540#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_stuff.c:602
4541#, c-format
4542msgid ""
4543"Close Tab:\n"
4545msgstr ""
4546"Zamknij zakładkę:\n"
4549#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/gui_stuff.c:613 client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_stuff.c:593
4550#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_stuff.c:602
4551msgid "Ctrl+W"
4552msgstr "Ctrl+W"
4554#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:199 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:209
4555#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:209 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1817
4556msgid "Cities:"
4557msgstr "Miasta:"
4559#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:200 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:210
4560#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:210 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1817
4561msgid "Luxuries:"
4562msgstr "Luksus:"
4564#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:201 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:211
4565#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:211 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1817
4566msgid "Buildings:"
4567msgstr "Budynki:"
4569#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:202 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:212
4570#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:212 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1818
4571msgid "Nationality:"
4572msgstr "Narodowość:"
4574#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:203 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:213
4575#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:213 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1818
4576msgid "Units:"
4577msgstr "Jednostki:"
4579#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:204 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:214
4580#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:214 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1818
4581msgid "Wonders:"
4582msgstr "Cudy:"
4584#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:213 client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:225
4585#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:225 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1805
4586#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2072 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3708
4587#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2062 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3681
4588msgid "Happiness"
4589msgstr "Zadowolenie"
4591#. TRANS: the width of this text defines the width of the city dialog.
4592#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/happiness.c:260
4593msgid "Additional information is available via left click on the citizens."
4594msgstr ""
4595"Więcej informacji po kliknięciu lewym przyciskiem myszy na mieszkańców."
4597#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:98 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:101
4598#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:105 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:99
4599#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:102 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:106
4600#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:99 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:102
4601#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:106 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3880
4602#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:897 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1000
4603#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:378 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:794
4604#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:381 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:797
4605#: data/Freeciv.in:654 data/Freeciv.in:796
4606msgid "Cost:"
4607msgstr "Koszt:"
4609#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:98 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:99
4610#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:99 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1005
4611#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:386 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:803
4612#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:389 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:806
4613#: data/Freeciv.in:671
4614msgid "Upkeep:"
4615msgstr "Utrzymanie:"
4617#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:98 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:101
4618#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:109 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:99
4619#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:102 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:110
4620#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:99 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:102
4621#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:110 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1031
4622#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:397 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:843
4623#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:400 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:846
4624#: data/Freeciv.in:712
4625msgid "Requirement:"
4626msgstr "Wymagania:"
4628#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:101 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:109
4629#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:102 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:110
4630#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:102 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:110
4631#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3817 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1050
4632#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:436 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:870
4633#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:439 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:873
4634#: data/Freeciv.in:750
4635msgid "Obsolete by:"
4636msgstr "Przestarzałe przy:"
4638#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:105 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:106
4639#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:106 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3873
4640#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:887 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:827
4641#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:830 data/Freeciv.in:813
4642msgid "Attack:"
4643msgstr "Atak:"
4645#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:106 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:107
4646#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:107 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3875
4647#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:889 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:828
4648#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:831 data/Freeciv.in:831
4649msgid "Defense:"
4650msgstr "Obrona:"
4652#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:106 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:107
4653#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:107 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3877
4654#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:829 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:832
4655#: data/Freeciv.in:849
4656msgid "Move:"
4657msgstr "Ruch:"
4659#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:107 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:108
4660#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:108 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3888
4661#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:831 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:834
4662msgid "FirePower:"
4663msgstr "Siła ognia:"
4665#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:107 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:108
4666#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:108 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3886
4667#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:896 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:832
4668#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:835 data/Freeciv.in:894
4669msgid "Hitpoints:"
4670msgstr "Punkty obrażeń:"
4672#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:108 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:109
4673#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:109 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3883
4674#: data/Freeciv.in:930
4675msgid "Basic Upkeep:"
4676msgstr "Utrzymanie:"
4678#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:108 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:109
4679#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:109 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3890
4680#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:830 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:833
4681#: data/Freeciv.in:912
4682msgid "Vision:"
4683msgstr "Pole widzenia:"
4685#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:114 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:115
4686#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:115
4687msgid "Move/Defense:"
4688msgstr "Ruch/Obrona:"
4690#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:114 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:115
4691#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:115
4692msgid "Food/Res/Trade:"
4693msgstr "Żywn/Zas/Hand:"
4695#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:115 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:116
4696#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:116 data/Freeciv.in:990
4697msgid "Resources:"
4698msgstr "Zasoby:"
4700#. TRANS: Label for build cost for extras in help. Will be followed by
4701#. * something like "3 MP" (where MP = Movement Points)
4702#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:121 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:122
4703#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:122
4704msgid "Build:"
4705msgstr "Budowa:"
4707#. TRANS: Extra conflicts in help. Will be followed by a list of extras
4708#. * that can't be built on the same tile as this one.
4709#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:124 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:125
4710#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:125
4711msgid "Conflicts with:"
4712msgstr "Kłóci się z:"
4714#. TRANS: Extra bonus in help. Will be followed by food/production/trade
4715#. * stats like "0/0/+1", "0/+50%/0"
4716#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:127 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:128
4717#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:128
4718msgid "Bonus (F/P/T):"
4719msgstr "Dodatek (Ż/P/H)"
4721# Puste
4722#. TRANS: "None" tech
4723#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:129 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:130
4724#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:130 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3803
4725#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:54 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:581
4726#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:587 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1085
4727#: client/gui-sdl/gui_tilespec.c:374 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:852
4728#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:331 client/gui-sdl2/gui_tilespec.c:381
4729#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:855 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:346
4730#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:837 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:883
4731#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:902 common/research.c:83 common/tech.c:393
4732#: tools/civmanual.c:525
4733msgid "?tech:None"
4734msgstr "?tech:Brak"
4736#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:130 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:131
4737#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:131 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:53
4738#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:774 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:828
4739#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:836 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:874
4740#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:900
4741msgid "(Never)"
4742msgstr "(Nigdy)"
4744#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:214 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:215
4745#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:215 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:278
4746msgid "Removed"
4747msgstr "Usunięte"
4749#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:450 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:454
4750#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:454 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:126
4751#: data/Freeciv.in:594
4752msgid "Freeciv Help Browser"
4753msgstr "Przeglądarka pomocy Freeciv"
4755#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:698 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:716
4756#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:716
4757msgid "Expand All"
4758msgstr "Rozwiń wszystko"
4760#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:699 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:717
4761#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:717
4762msgid "Collapse All"
4763msgstr "Zwiń wszystko"
4765#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:991 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1008
4766#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1043 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1055
4767#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1063 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1080
4768#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1018 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1035
4769#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1070 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1082
4770#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1090 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1107
4771#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1049 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1066
4772#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1101 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1113
4773#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1121 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1138
4774#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1098 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1114
4775#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1155 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1050
4776#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1055
4777msgid "Allows"
4778msgstr "Pozwala na"
4780#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1024 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1051
4781#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1082 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1133
4782msgid "Obsoletes"
4783msgstr "Czyni przestarzałym"
4785#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1067 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1084
4786#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1094 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1111
4787#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1125 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1142
4788msgid "with"
4789msgstr "razem z"
4791# Puste
4792#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1072 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1089
4793#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1099 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1116
4794#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1130 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1147
4795msgid "?techhelp:"
4796msgstr "?techhelp:"
4798#. TRANS: "Resources: (none)"
4799#. TRANS: "Conflicts with: (none)" (extras)
4800#. TRANS: missing value
4801#. TRANS: "Resources: (none)"
4802#. TRANS: "Conflicts with: (none)" (extras)
4803#. TRANS: missing value
4804#. TRANS: "Resources: (none)"
4805#. TRANS: "Conflicts with: (none)" (extras)
4806#. TRANS: missing value
4807#. TRANS: "Resources: (none)".
4808#. TRANS: "Conflicts with: (none)" (extras)
4809#. TRANS: missing value
4810#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1188 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1296
4811#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:443 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1215
4812#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1323 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:437
4813#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1249 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1357
4814#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:436 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:452
4815#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:319 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:339
4816#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1031 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1116
4817#: common/requirements.c:3224
4818#, c-format
4819msgid "(none)"
4820msgstr "(brak)"
4822#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1201 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1228
4823#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1262
4824msgid "Irrig. Rslt/Time"
4825msgstr "Nawodn. daje/czas"
4827#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1213 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1240
4828#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1274
4829msgid "Mine Rslt/Time"
4830msgstr "Kopal. daje/czas"
4832#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1224 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1251
4833#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1285
4834msgid "Trans. Rslt/Time"
4835msgstr "Przekszt. daje/czas"
4837#. TRANS: this and similar literal strings interpreted as (Qt) HTML
4838#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1232 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1259
4839#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1293 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1396
4840msgid "Build as irrigation"
4841msgstr "Stwórz jako nawodnienie"
4843#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1237 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1264
4844#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1298 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1401
4845msgid "Build as mine"
4846msgstr "Zbuduj jako kopalnię"
4848#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1240 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1267
4849#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1301 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1404
4850msgid "Build as road"
4851msgstr "Zbuduj jako drogę"
4853#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1243 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1270
4854#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1304 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1407
4855msgid "Build as base"
4856msgstr "Zbuduj jako bazę"
4858#. TRANS: "MP" = movement points
4859#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1276 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1303
4860#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1337
4861#, c-format
4862msgid "%d MP"
4863msgstr "%d PR"
4865#. TRANS: Build time depends on terrain.
4866#. TRANS: Road bonus depends on terrain.
4867#. TRANS: Build time depends on terrain.
4868#. TRANS: Road bonus depends on terrain.
4869#. TRANS: Build time depends on terrain.
4870#. TRANS: Road bonus depends on terrain.
4871#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1279 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1305
4872#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1306 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1332
4873#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1340 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1366
4874#, c-format
4875msgid "Terrain specific"
4876msgstr "Zależne od terenu"
4878#. TRANS: No output bonus from a road
4879#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1314 client/gui-gtk-2.0/helpdlg.c:1318
4880#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1341 client/gui-gtk-3.0/helpdlg.c:1345
4881#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1375 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1379
4882msgid "?bonus:None"
4883msgstr "?bonus:Brak"
4885#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:48 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:48
4886#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:48 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:486
4887msgid "Ruler:"
4888msgstr "Władca:"
4890#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:49 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:49
4891#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:49 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:489
4892msgid "Government:"
4893msgstr "Ustrój:"
4895#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:50 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:50
4896#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:50 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:491
4897msgid "Capital:"
4898msgstr "Stolica:"
4900#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:53 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:53
4901#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:53 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:497
4902msgid "Tax:"
4903msgstr "Podatek:"
4905#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:57 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:57
4906#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:57 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:503
4907msgid "Researching:"
4908msgstr "Badania:"
4910#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:259 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:254
4911#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:253
4912msgid "_Diplomacy"
4913msgstr "_Dyplomacja"
4915#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:294 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:288
4916#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:287
4917msgid "_Techs"
4918msgstr "_Technologie"
4920#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:322 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:316
4921#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:315
4922#, c-format
4923msgid "Foreign Intelligence: %s Empire"
4924msgstr "Raport wywiadu o państwie %sm"
4926#. TRANS: "unknown" location
4927#. TRANS: "Unknown" advance/technology
4928#. TRANS: "unknown" location
4929#. TRANS: "Unknown" advance/technology
4930#. TRANS: "unknown" location
4931#. TRANS: "Unknown" advance/technology
4932#. TRANS: "unknown" location
4933#. TRANS: "Unknown" advance/technology
4934#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:395 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:401
4935#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:407 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:414
4936#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:421 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:428
4937#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:438 client/gui-gtk-2.0/inteldlg.c:445
4938#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:389 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:395
4939#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:401 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:408
4940#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:415 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:422
4941#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:432 client/gui-gtk-3.0/inteldlg.c:439
4942#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:388 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:394
4943#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:400 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:407
4944#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:414 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:421
4945#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:431 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:438
4946#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:448 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:454
4947#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:469 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:470
4948#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:471 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:478
4949#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:479 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:493
4950#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:316 client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:319
4951#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:330 client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:348
4952#: client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:336 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:339
4953#: client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:350 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:368
4954#: common/research.c:86
4955msgid "(Unknown)"
4956msgstr "(Nieznane)"
4958#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/luaconsole.c:196 client/gui-gtk-3.0/luaconsole.c:196
4959#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/luaconsole.c:196
4960msgid "Client Lua Console"
4961msgstr "Konsola Lua klienta"
4963#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/luaconsole.c:238 client/gui-gtk-3.0/luaconsole.c:245
4964#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/luaconsole.c:246
4965msgid "Load Lua Script"
4966msgstr "Wczytaj skrypt Lua"
4968#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapctrl.c:191 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapctrl.c:196
4969#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/mapctrl.c:197 client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:57
4970msgid "Build New City"
4971msgstr "Budowa nowego miasta"
4973#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapctrl.c:192 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapctrl.c:197
4974#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/mapctrl.c:198 client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:56
4975#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:2580 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:2788
4976#: client/gui-xaw/mapctrl.c:90
4977msgid "What should we call our new city?"
4978msgstr "Jak nazwiemy nowe miasto?"
4980#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c:104 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapview.c:107
4981#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/mapview.c:123
4982msgid ""
4983"Time to forced turn change,\n"
4984"or estimated time to finish turn change processing."
4985msgstr ""
4986"Czas do wymuszonej zmiany tury\n"
4987"lub szacowany czas ukończenia działań związanych z końcem tury."
4989#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c:109 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapview.c:112
4990#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/mapview.c:128
4991msgid ""
4992"Turn timeout disabled.\n"
4993"Between turns this shows estimated time to finish turn change processing."
4994msgstr ""
4995"Automatyczny koniec tury wyłączony.\n"
4996"Pokazuje (między turami) szacowany czas ukończenia działań związanych z "
4997"końcem tury."
4999#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c:189 client/gui-gtk-3.0/mapview.c:198
5000#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/mapview.c:214
5001msgid "Shows your current luxury/science/tax rates; click to toggle them."
5002msgstr ""
5003"Wyświetla twoje aktualne stawki dla luksusu/nauki/podatków; kliknij, aby je "
5006#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/mapview.c:695
5007msgid "Better fog will only work in truecolor. Disabling it"
5008msgstr "Lepsza \"mgła wojny\" działa jedynie w truecolorze. Wyłączam"
5010#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:116 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:139
5011#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:120 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:140
5012#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:565 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:140
5013#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:811 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:827
5014#: data/Freeciv.in:1246
5015msgid "Set local options"
5016msgstr "Lokalne opcje"
5018#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:132 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1477
5019#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:136 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1562
5020#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:581 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1563
5021#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:622 data/Freeciv.in:3415 data/Freeciv.in:3424
5022msgid "Game Settings"
5023msgstr "Opcje gry"
5025#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:208 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:212
5026#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:657 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3426
5027msgid "Leaving a local game will end it!"
5028msgstr "Opuszczenie lokalnej gry oznacza jej przerwanie!"
5030#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1383 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1376
5031#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:250
5032msgid "_Game"
5033msgstr "_Gra"
5035#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1384 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1377
5036#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:251
5037msgid "_Options"
5038msgstr "_Opcje"
5040#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1385 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1378
5041#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:252
5042msgid "_Edit"
5043msgstr "_Edytuj"
5045#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1386 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1379
5046#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:253
5047msgid "?verb:_View"
5048msgstr "?verb:Zobacz (_V)"
5050#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1387 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1380
5051#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:254
5052msgid "_Improvements"
5053msgstr "Budynki (_I)"
5055#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1388 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1381
5056#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:256
5057msgid "C_ivilization"
5058msgstr "Cyw_ilizacja"
5060#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1389 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1382
5061#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:258
5062msgid "_Help"
5063msgstr "Pomoc (_H)"
5065#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1397 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1390
5066#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:259
5067msgid "_Clear Chat Log"
5068msgstr "Wyczyść dziennik czatu (_C)"
5070#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1399 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1392
5071#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:261
5072msgid "Save Chat _Log"
5073msgstr "Zapisz dziennik czatu (_L)"
5075#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1402 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1395
5076#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:263
5077msgid "_Local Client"
5078msgstr "Klient lokalny (_L)"
5080#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1404 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1397
5081#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:265
5082msgid "_Message"
5083msgstr "Powiadomienia (_M)"
5085#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1406 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1399
5086#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:267
5087msgid "_Remote Server"
5088msgstr "Serwer zdalny (_R)"
5090#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1408 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1401
5091#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:269
5092msgid "Save Options _Now"
5093msgstr "Zapisz opcje (_N)"
5095#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1411 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1404
5096#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:271
5097msgid "_Reload Tileset"
5098msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny (_R)"
5100#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1413 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1406
5101#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:274
5102msgid "_Save Game"
5103msgstr "Zapisz grę (_S)"
5105#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1415 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1408
5106#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:276
5107msgid "Save Game _As..."
5108msgstr "Zapisz grę jako... (_A)"
5110#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1417 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1410
5111#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:278
5112msgid "Save Map _Image"
5113msgstr "Zapisz obraz mapy (_I)"
5115#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1419 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1412
5116#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:280
5117msgid "Save _Map Image As..."
5118msgstr "Zapisz obraz mapy jako... (_M)"
5120#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1421 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1414
5121#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:282
5122msgid "_Leave"
5123msgstr "Opuść grę (_L)"
5125#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1423 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1416
5126#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:283
5127msgid "_Quit"
5128msgstr "Zakończ (_Q)"
5130#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1427 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1420
5131#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:285
5132msgid "_Find City"
5133msgstr "Znajdź miasto (_F)"
5135#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1429 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1422
5136#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:287
5137msgid "Work_lists"
5138msgstr "P_lany prac"
5140#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1432 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1425
5141#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:289
5142msgid "Client _Lua Script"
5143msgstr "Skrypt _Lua klienta"
5145#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1436 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1429
5146#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:291
5147msgid "?noun:_View"
5148msgstr "?noun:Widok (_V)"
5150#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1438 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1571
5151#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:273 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1431
5152#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1564 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:271
5153#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:293 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:405
5154#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:271
5155msgid "_Units"
5156msgstr "Jednostki (_U)"
5158#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1440 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1433
5159#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:295
5160msgid "_Nations"
5161msgstr "_Narody"
5163#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1445 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1438
5164#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:299
5165msgid "_Wonders of the World"
5166msgstr "Cudy świata (_W)"
5168#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1440
5169#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:301
5170msgid "Top _Five Cities"
5171msgstr "Pięć najwspanialszych miast (_F)"
5173#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1449 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1442
5174#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:303
5175msgid "_Messages"
5176msgstr "Powiadomienia (_M)"
5178#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1451 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1444
5179#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:305
5180msgid "_Demographics"
5181msgstr "_Demografia"
5183#. TRANS: "Overview" topic in built-in help
5184#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1456 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1449
5185#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:307 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:248
5186#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:31 data/helpdata.txt:43
5187msgid "?help:Overview"
5188msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
5190#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1458 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1451
5191#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:309 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:249
5192#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:32 data/helpdata.txt:82
5193msgid "Strategy and Tactics"
5194msgstr "Strategia i taktyka"
5196#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1466 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1461
5197#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:319 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:253
5198#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:44 data/helpdata.txt:971
5199msgid "City Improvements"
5200msgstr "Budynki"
5202#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1468 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1463
5203#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:321 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1350
5204#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:231 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:254
5205#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:51 data/helpdata.txt:996 server/report.c:469
5206msgid "Wonders of the World"
5207msgstr "Cudy świata"
5209#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1472 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1467
5210#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:325 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1099
5211#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:256 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:46
5212#: data/helpdata.txt:1094
5213msgid "Combat"
5214msgstr "Bitwa"
5216#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1474 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1469
5217#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:327 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:47
5218#: data/helpdata.txt:1324
5219msgid "Zones of Control"
5220msgstr "Strefy kontroli"
5222#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1480 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1473
5223#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:331 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:259
5224#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:53 data/Freeciv.in:233 data/helpdata.txt:1441
5225msgid "Diplomacy"
5226msgstr "Dyplomacja"
5228#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1482 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1475
5229#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:333 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:260
5230#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:48 data/helpdata.txt:1484
5231msgid "Technology"
5232msgstr "Technologia"
5234#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1484 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1477
5235#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:335 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:261
5236#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:54 data/helpdata.txt:1523
5237msgid "Space Race"
5238msgstr "Wyścig kosmiczny"
5240#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1486 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1479
5241#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:337 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:39
5242msgid "About Current Ruleset"
5243msgstr "O zestawie zasad"
5245#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1488 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1481
5246#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:339 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:40
5247msgid "About Current Tileset"
5248msgstr "O zestawie graficznym"
5250#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1490 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1483
5251#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:341 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:263
5252#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:41 data/helpdata.txt:1563
5253msgid "About Nations"
5254msgstr "O narodach"
5256#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1493 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1486
5257#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:343 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:265
5258#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:34 data/helpdata.txt:1578
5259msgid "Connecting"
5260msgstr "Łączenie"
5262#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1495 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1488
5263#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:345 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:266
5264#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:38 data/helpdata.txt:1605
5265msgid "Controls"
5266msgstr "Skróty klawiszowe"
5268#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1499 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1492
5269#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:349 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:268
5270#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:35 data/helpdata.txt:1828
5271msgid "Chatline"
5272msgstr "Czat"
5274#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1501 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1494
5275#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:351 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:269
5276#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:36 data/helpdata.txt:1946
5277msgid "Worklist Editor"
5278msgstr "Edytor planu prac"
5280#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1504 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1497
5281#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:353 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:271
5282#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:33 data/helpdata.txt:1970
5283msgid "Languages"
5284msgstr "Języki"
5286#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1506 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1499
5287#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:355 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:272
5288#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:55 data/helpdata.txt:2000
5289msgid "Copying"
5290msgstr "Kopiowanie"
5292#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1508 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1501
5293#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:357 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:273
5294#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:56 data/helpdata.txt:2305
5295msgid "About Freeciv"
5296msgstr "O Freeciv"
5298#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1514 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1507
5299#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:359
5300msgid "Save Options on _Exit"
5301msgstr "Zapisz opcje przy wyjściu (_E)"
5303#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1518 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1511
5304#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:361
5305msgid "_Editing Mode"
5306msgstr "Tryb edycji (_E)"
5308#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1522 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1515
5309#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:363
5310msgid "Cit_y Outlines"
5311msgstr "Zasięg miast (_y)"
5313# chodzi tutaj o punkty uzyskiwane z terenu otaczającego miasto
5314#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1524 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1517
5315#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:365 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:924
5316#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:65
5317msgid "City Output"
5318msgstr "Wykorzystanie terenu"
5320#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1526 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1519
5321#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:367
5322msgid "Map _Grid"
5323msgstr "Siatka mapy (_G)"
5325#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1528 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1521
5326#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:369
5327msgid "National _Borders"
5328msgstr "Granice państw (_B)"
5330#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1531 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1524
5331#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:371 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:942
5332msgid "Native Tiles"
5333msgstr "Pola natywne"
5335#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1534 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1527
5336#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:373 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:947
5337msgid "City Full Bar"
5338msgstr "Informacje o mieście"
5340#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1536 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1529
5341#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:375
5342msgid "City _Names"
5343msgstr "_Nazwy miast"
5345#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1538 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1531
5346#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:377
5347msgid "City G_rowth"
5348msgstr "Wz_rost miasta"
5350#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1540 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1533
5351#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:379
5352msgid "City _Production Levels"
5353msgstr "_Produkcja miast"
5355#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1543 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1536
5356#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:381 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:970
5357msgid "City Buy Cost"
5358msgstr "Całkowity koszt"
5360#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1545 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1538
5361#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:383
5362msgid "City Tra_deroutes"
5363msgstr "Szlaki han_dlowe"
5365#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1549 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1542
5366#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:385
5367msgid "_Terrain"
5368msgstr "_Teren"
5370#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1551 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1544
5371#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:387
5372msgid "C_oastline"
5373msgstr "Linia brzeg_owa"
5375#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1554 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1547
5376#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:389
5377msgid "_Paths"
5378msgstr "Trasy (_P)"
5380#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1556 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1549
5381#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:391
5382msgid "_Irrigation"
5383msgstr "Nawodnienie (_I)"
5385#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1558 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1551
5386#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:393
5387msgid "_Mines"
5388msgstr "Kopalnie (_M)"
5390#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1560 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1553
5391#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:395
5392msgid "_Bases"
5393msgstr "_Bazy"
5395#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1563 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1556
5396#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:397
5397msgid "_Resources"
5398msgstr "Zasoby (_R)"
5400#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1565 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1558
5401#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:399
5402msgid "_Huts"
5403msgstr "C_hatki"
5405#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1567 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1560
5406#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:401
5407msgid "Po_llution & Fallout"
5408msgstr "Zanieczyszczenia i skażenia (_l)"
5410#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1569 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1562
5411#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:403
5412msgid "Citi_es"
5413msgstr "Miasta (_e)"
5415#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1573 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1566
5416#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:407
5417msgid "Unit Solid Background"
5418msgstr "Jednolity kolor tła jednostki"
5420#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1575 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1568
5421#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:409
5422msgid "Unit shields"
5423msgstr "Tarcze jednostki"
5425#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1577 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1570
5426#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:411
5427msgid "Focu_s Unit"
5428msgstr "Zaznacz jedno_stkę"
5430#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1579 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1572
5431#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:413
5432msgid "Fog of _War"
5433msgstr "\"Mgła wojny\" (_W)"
5435#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1581
5436msgid "Better Fog of War"
5437msgstr "Lepsza \"mgła wojny\""
5439#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1584 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1575
5440#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:415
5441msgid "_Fullscreen"
5442msgstr "Pełny ekran (_F)"
5444#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1611 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1602
5445#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:418
5446msgid "Recalculate _Borders"
5447msgstr "Oblicz ponownie granice (_B)"
5449#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1613 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1604
5450#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:420
5451msgid "Toggle Fog of _War"
5452msgstr "Przełącz \"mgłę wojny\" (_W)"
5454#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1615 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1606
5455#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:422
5456msgid "Game/Scenario Properties"
5457msgstr "Właściwości gry/scenariusza"
5459#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1617 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3352
5460#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1608 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3486
5461#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:424 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3484
5462msgid "Save Scenario"
5463msgstr "Zapisz scenariusz"
5465#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1640 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1631
5466#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:442
5467msgid "_Unit"
5468msgstr "Jednostki (_U)"
5470#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1641 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1632
5471#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:443
5472msgid "_Work"
5473msgstr "Zadania (_W)"
5475#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1642 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1633
5476#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:444
5477msgid "_Combat"
5478msgstr "Bitwa (_C)"
5480#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1643 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1634
5481#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:445
5482msgid "Build _Base"
5483msgstr "Zbuduj bazę (_B)"
5485#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1644 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1635
5486#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:446
5487msgid "Build _Path"
5488msgstr "Zbuduj trasę (_P)"
5490#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1649 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1640
5491#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:447
5492msgid "_Single Unit (Unselect Others)"
5493msgstr "Pojedyncza jednostka (odznacz inne) (_S)"
5495#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1651 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1642
5496#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:449
5497msgid "_All On Tile"
5498msgstr "Wszystkie na polu (_A)"
5500#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1654 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1645
5501#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:451
5502msgid "Same Type on _Tile"
5503msgstr "Ten sam typ na polu (_T)"
5505#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1656 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1647
5506#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:454
5507msgid "Same Type on _Continent"
5508msgstr "Ten sam typ na kontynencie (_C)"
5510#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1658 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1649
5511#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:457
5512msgid "Same Type _Everywhere"
5513msgstr "Ten sam typ wszędzie (_E)"
5515#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1661 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1652
5516msgid "Unit selection dialog"
5517msgstr "Okno wyboru jednostki"
5519#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1666 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1657
5520#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:463
5521msgid "_Done"
5522msgstr "Gotowe (_D)"
5524#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1670 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1661
5525#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:465
5526msgid "_Go to"
5527msgstr "Idź do (_G)"
5529#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1672 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1663
5530#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:467
5531msgid "Go _to/Airlift to City..."
5532msgstr "Idź/Leć do mias_ta..."
5534#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1674 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1665
5535#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:469
5536msgid "_Return to Nearest City"
5537msgstr "Wróć do najbliższego miasta (_R)"
5539#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1676 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1667
5540#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:471
5541msgid "Auto E_xplore"
5542msgstr "Automatyczny badacz (_x)"
5544#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1678 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1669
5545#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:473
5546msgid "_Patrol"
5547msgstr "_Patroluj"
5549#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1681 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1672
5550#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:475
5551msgid "_Sentry"
5552msgstr "Wartuj (_S)"
5554#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1683 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1674
5555#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:477
5556msgid "Uns_entry All On Tile"
5557msgstr "Aktywuj wszystki_e na polu"
5559#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1686 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1677
5560#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:479
5561msgid "_Load"
5562msgstr "Załaduj (_L)"
5564#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1688 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1679
5565#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:481
5566msgid "_Unload"
5567msgstr "Wyładuj (_U)"
5569#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1690 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1681
5570#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:483
5571msgid "U_nload All From Transporter"
5572msgstr "Wyładuj Tra_nsportowiec"
5574#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1695 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2372
5575#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1686 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2360
5576#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:488 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2376
5577msgid "Upgr_ade"
5578msgstr "Ulepsz (_a)"
5580#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1697 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2392
5581#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1688 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2380
5582#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:490 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2396
5583msgid "C_onvert"
5584msgstr "Zmień (_o)"
5586#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1699 client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1126
5587#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1690 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1164
5588#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:492 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1164
5589msgid "_Disband"
5590msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę (_D)"
5592#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1703 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2322
5593#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1694 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2310
5594#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:494 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2326
5595msgid "_Build City"
5596msgstr "Zbuduj miasto (_B)"
5598#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1705 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1696
5599#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:496
5600msgid "Go _to and Build city"
5601msgstr "Idź i zbuduj mias_to"
5603#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1707 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1698
5604#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:498
5605msgid "_Auto Settler"
5606msgstr "_Automatyczny osadnik"
5608#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1710 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2350
5609#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1701 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2338
5610#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:500 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2354
5611msgid "Build _Road"
5612msgstr "Zbuduj drogę (_R)"
5614#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1712 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2422
5615#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2425 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2465
5616#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1703 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2410
5617#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2413 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2453
5618#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:502 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2426
5619#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2429 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2469
5620msgid "Build _Irrigation"
5621msgstr "Stwórz nawodnienie (_I)"
5623#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1714 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2450
5624#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2453 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2466
5625#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1705 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2438
5626#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2441 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2454
5627#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:504 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2454
5628#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2457 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2470
5629msgid "Build _Mine"
5630msgstr "Zbuduj kopalnię (_M)"
5632#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1717 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1708
5633#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:506
5634msgid "Connect With Roa_d"
5635msgstr "Połącz _drogą"
5637#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1719 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1710
5638#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:508
5639msgid "Connect With Rai_l"
5640msgstr "Połącz ko_leją"
5642#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1721 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1712
5643#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:510
5644msgid "Connect With Irri_gation"
5645msgstr "Połącz nawodnieniem (_g)"
5647#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1724 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2462
5648#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2467 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1715
5649#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2450 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2455
5650#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:513 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2466
5651#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2471
5652msgid "Transf_orm Terrain"
5653msgstr "Przekształć teren (_o)"
5655#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1726 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2477
5656#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1717 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2465
5657#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:515 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2481
5658msgid "Clean _Pollution"
5659msgstr "Usuń zanieczyszczenie (_P)"
5661#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1728 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1719
5662#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:517
5663msgid "Clean _Nuclear Fallout"
5664msgstr "Usuń skażenie nuklearne (_N)"
5666#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1732 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1723
5667#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:519 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:126
5668msgid "Fortify"
5669msgstr "Umocnij"
5671#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1734 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1725
5672#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:521 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:181
5673msgid "Build Fortress"
5674msgstr "Zbuduj fortecę"
5676#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1736 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1727
5677#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:523 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:182
5678msgid "Build Airbase"
5679msgstr "Zbuduj bazę lotniczą"
5681#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1739 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1730
5682#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:525
5683msgid "_Pillage"
5684msgstr "_Plądruj"
5686#. TRANS: Menu item to bring up the action selection dialog.
5687#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1742 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1733
5688#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:527
5689msgid "_Do..."
5690msgstr "Wykonaj... (_D)"
5692#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1744 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1735
5693#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:529
5694msgid "Explode _Nuclear"
5695msgstr "Detonuj Bombę Atomową (_N)"
5697#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1769 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1760
5698#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:532
5699msgid "_Government"
5700msgstr "Ustrój (_G)"
5702#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1774 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1765
5703#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:534
5704msgid "_Tax Rates..."
5705msgstr "Stawki podatkowe... (_T)"
5707#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1777 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1768
5708#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:536
5709msgid "_Revolution..."
5710msgstr "_Rewolucja..."
5712#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1804 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1795
5713#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:427
5714msgid "_Center View"
5715msgstr "Wyśrodkuj widok (_C)"
5717#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1808 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1799
5718#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:429
5719msgid "_Economy"
5720msgstr "_Ekonomia"
5722#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1810 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1801
5723#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:431
5724msgid "_Research"
5725msgstr "Nauka (_R)"
5727#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1813 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1805
5728#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:433
5729msgid "_Policies..."
5730msgstr "_Polityki..."
5732#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1816 client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:363
5733#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1808 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:374
5734#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:436 client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:372
5735msgid "_Spaceship"
5736msgstr "_Statek kosmiczny"
5738#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:1818 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:1810
5739#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:438
5740msgid "_Achievements"
5741msgstr "Osiągnięcia (_A)"
5743#. TRANS: Connect with some road type (Road/Railroad)
5744#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2126 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2133
5745#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2114 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2121
5746#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2130 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2137
5747#, c-format
5748msgid "Connect With %s"
5749msgstr "Połącz za pomocą: %s"
5751#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2319 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2307
5752#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2323 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2021
5753#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1064 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1060
5754#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:171
5755msgid "Add to City"
5756msgstr "Dodaj do miasta"
5758#. TRANS: Build road of specific type (Road/Railroad)
5759#. TRANS: Build irrigation of specific type
5760#. TRANS: Build mine of specific type
5761#. TRANS: Build road of specific type (Road/Railroad)
5762#. TRANS: Build irrigation of specific type
5763#. TRANS: Build mine of specific type
5764#. TRANS: Build road of specific type (Road/Railroad)
5765#. TRANS: Build irrigation of specific type
5766#. TRANS: Build mine of specific type
5767#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2345 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2419
5768#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2447 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2333
5769#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2407 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2435
5770#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2349 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2423
5771#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2451 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:173
5772#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:176
5773#, c-format
5774msgid "Build %s"
5775msgstr "Zbuduj %s"
5777#. TRANS: %s is a unit type.
5778#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2359 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2347
5779#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2363
5780#, c-format
5781msgid "Upgr_ade to %s"
5782msgstr "Ulepsz do %s (_a)"
5784#. TRANS: %s is a unit type.
5785#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2380 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2368
5786#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2384
5787#, c-format
5788msgid "C_onvert to %s"
5789msgstr "Zmień na %s (_o)"
5791#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2401 client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2430
5792#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2389 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2418
5793#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2405 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2434
5794#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:175 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:178
5795#, c-format
5796msgid "Change to %s"
5797msgstr "Zmień na %s"
5799#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2458 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2446
5800#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2462
5801#, c-format
5802msgid "Transf_orm to %s"
5803msgstr "Przekształć na %s (_o)"
5805#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2475 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2463
5806#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2479
5807msgid "Drop _Paratrooper"
5808msgstr "Zrzuć spadochroniarzy (_P)"
5810#. TRANS: %s is a government name
5811#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c:2555 client/gui-gtk-3.0/menu.c:2543
5812#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:2543
5813#, c-format
5814msgid "%s..."
5815msgstr "%s..."
5817#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:68 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:68
5818#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:68 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:115
5819#: data/Freeciv.in:1272
5820msgid "Message Options"
5821msgstr "Opcje powiadomień"
5823#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:77 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:78
5824#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:78
5825msgid ""
5826"Where to display messages?\n"
5827"<b>Out</b>put window ; <b>Mes</b>sages window ; <b>Pop</b>up individual "
5829msgstr ""
5830"Gdzie wyświetlić powiadomienie?\n"
5831"Okno wyjściowe ; Okno powiadomień ; Okno wyskakujące"
5833#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:122 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:125
5834#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:125 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:53
5835msgid "Event"
5836msgstr "Zdarzenie"
5838#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:132 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:135
5839#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:135 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:53
5840msgid "Out"
5841msgstr "Wyj"
5843#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:140 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:143
5844#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:143 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:53
5845msgid "Mes"
5846msgstr "Pow"
5848#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagedlg.c:148 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagedlg.c:151
5849#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:151 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:53
5850msgid "Pop"
5851msgstr "Okno"
5853#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/messagewin.c:334 client/gui-gtk-3.0/messagewin.c:337
5854#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagewin.c:337 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:831
5855#: client/gui-sdl/messagewin.c:251 client/gui-sdl2/messagewin.c:257
5856#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:233 data/Freeciv.in:3281 data/Freeciv.in:3282
5857#: data/Freeciv.in:3291
5858msgid "Messages"
5859msgstr "Powiadomienia"
5861#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:196 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:196
5862#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:196
5863msgid "Refresh this option"
5864msgstr "Odśwież tę opcję"
5866#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:203 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:203
5867#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:201
5868msgid "Reset this option"
5869msgstr "Resetuj tę opcję"
5871#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:211 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:211
5872#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:206
5873msgid "Apply the changes for this option"
5874msgstr "Zastosuj ustawienia tej opcji"
5876#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:330 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:333
5877#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:326
5878msgid "Select a color"
5879msgstr "Wybierz kolor"
5881#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/optiondlg.c:368 client/gui-gtk-3.0/optiondlg.c:370
5882#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:363 client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:146
5883#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:614
5884msgid "Reset"
5885msgstr "Resetuj"
5887#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:113 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:114
5888#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:114
5889msgid "Compiling scenario list."
5890msgstr "Kompiluję listę scenariuszy."
5893#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0, gui-gtk-2.0 client"
5894#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0, gui-gtk-3.0 client"
5895#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0, gui-gtk-3.22 client"
5896#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:178 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:184
5897#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:184
5898#, c-format
5899msgid "%s%s, %s client"
5900msgstr "%s%s, klient %s"
5903#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0
5904#. *         commit: [modified] <git commit id>
5905#. *         gui-gtk-2.0 client"
5906#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0
5907#. *         commit: [modified] <git commit id>
5908#. *         gui-gtk-3.0 client"
5909#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0
5910#. *         commit: [modified] <git commit id>
5911#. *         gui-gtk-3.22 client"
5912#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:184 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:190
5913#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:190
5914#, c-format
5915msgid ""
5917"commit: %s\n"
5918"%s client"
5919msgstr ""
5921"łatka: %s\n"
5922"klient %s"
5924#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:248 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:311
5925#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:311
5926msgid "Start _New Game"
5927msgstr "Rozpocznij nową grę (_N)"
5929#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:254 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:317
5930#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:317
5931msgid "Start _Scenario Game"
5932msgstr "Rozpocznij nowy scenariusz (_S)"
5934#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:260 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:323
5935#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:323
5936msgid "_Load Saved Game"
5937msgstr "Wczytaj zapisaną grę (_L)"
5939#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:266 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:329
5940#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:329
5941msgid "C_onnect to Network Game"
5942msgstr "Przyłącz się d_o gry sieciowej"
5944#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:272 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:335
5945#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:335
5946msgid "Client Settings"
5947msgstr "Ustawienia klienta"
5949#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:412 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:476
5950#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:477
5951msgid "Select Location to Save"
5952msgstr "Wybierz miejsce zapisu"
5954#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:516 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2868
5955#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3156 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:580
5956#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2943 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3278
5957#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:581 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2943
5958#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3277
5959msgid "_Browse..."
5960msgstr "Przeglądaj... (_B)"
5962#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:972 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1054
5963#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1055 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1589
5964#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:942 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:934
5965#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:444 client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:446
5966msgid "Passwords don't match, enter password."
5967msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło, wprowadź hasło."
5969#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1134 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1177
5970#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1220 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1265
5971#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1221 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1266
5972#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:311
5973msgid "Server Name"
5974msgstr "Nazwa serwera"
5976#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1135 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1178
5977#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1221 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1266
5978#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1222 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1267
5979#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:311 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:372
5980#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:644 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:666
5981#: data/Freeciv.in:89
5982msgid "Port"
5983msgstr "Port"
5985#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1136 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1179
5986#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1222 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1267
5987#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1223 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1268
5988#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:311 tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:462 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:465
5989#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:214
5990msgid "Version"
5991msgstr "Wersja"
5993#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1137 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1180
5994#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1223 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1268
5995#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1224 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1269
5996#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:312
5997msgid "Status"
5998msgstr "Status"
6000#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1138 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1181
6001#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1224 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1269
6002#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1225 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1270
6003#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:312 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:333
6004msgid "?count:Players"
6005msgstr "Gracze"
6007#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1139 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1182
6008#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1225 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1270
6009#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1226 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1271
6010msgid "Humans"
6011msgstr "Ludzie"
6013#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1140 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1183
6014#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1226 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1271
6015#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1227 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1272
6016#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:312
6017msgid "Comment"
6018msgstr "Komentarz"
6020#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1142 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1228
6021#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1229
6022msgid "Local _Area Network"
6023msgstr "Sieć lokalna (_A)"
6025#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1185 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1273
6026#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1274
6027msgid "Internet _Metaserver"
6028msgstr "_Metaserwer internetowy"
6030#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1222 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1312
6031#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1313
6032msgid "_Host:"
6033msgstr "_Host:"
6035#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1239 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1327
6036#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1328
6037msgid "_Port:"
6038msgstr "_Port:"
6040#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1256 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1343
6041#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1344
6042msgid "_Login:"
6043msgstr "Użytkownik (_L):"
6045#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1274 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:923
6046#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:953 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:965
6047#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1360 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:924
6048#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:954 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:966
6049#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1361
6050msgid "Pass_word:"
6051msgstr "Hasło (_W):"
6053#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1292 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1376
6054#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1377
6055msgid "Conf_irm Password:"
6056msgstr "Potw_ierdź hasło:"
6058#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1310 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1394
6059#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1395 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:314
6060#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:645 data/Freeciv.in:81
6061msgid "Host"
6062msgstr "Host"
6064#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1339 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1424
6065#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1425
6066msgid "C_onnect"
6067msgstr "P_ołącz"
6069#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1680 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1751
6070#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1752
6071#, c-format
6072msgid "Connection name: %s"
6073msgstr "Nazwa połączenia: %s"
6075#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1683 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1754
6076#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1755
6077#, c-format
6078msgid "Player name: %s"
6079msgstr "Nazwa gracza: %s"
6081#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1688 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1759
6082#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1760
6083#, c-format
6084msgid "Host: %s"
6085msgstr "Host: %s"
6087#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1696 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1767
6088#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1768
6089msgid "Player/conn info"
6090msgstr "Informacje o graczu/połączeniu"
6092#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1729 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1800
6093#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1801
6094#, c-format
6095msgid "%s info"
6096msgstr "Statystyki %s"
6098#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1738 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1809
6099#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1810
6100msgid "Toggle player ready"
6101msgstr "Przełącz gotowych graczy"
6103#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1744 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1815
6104#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1816 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1980
6105msgid "Pick nation"
6106msgstr "Wybierz naród"
6108#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1752 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1823
6109#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1824
6110msgid "Observe this player"
6111msgstr "Obserwuj tego gracza"
6113#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1759 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1830
6114#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1831 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1970
6115msgid "Take this player"
6116msgstr "Przejmij tego gracza"
6118#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1771 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1842
6119#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1843
6120msgid "Cut connection"
6121msgstr "Przerwij połączenie"
6123#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1782 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1853
6124#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1854 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:2042
6125msgid "Aitoggle player"
6126msgstr "Przełącz AI gracza"
6128#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1790 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1861
6129#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1862 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1962
6130msgid "Remove player"
6131msgstr "Usuń gracza"
6133#. TRANS: Give access level to a connection.
6134#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1806 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1877
6135#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1878
6136#, c-format
6137msgid "Give %s access"
6138msgstr "Daj dostęp %s"
6140#. TRANS: e.g., "Put on Team 5"
6141#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:1861 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:1932
6142#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1933
6143#, c-format
6144msgid "Put on %s"
6145msgstr "Umieść w %s"
6147#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2120 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2191
6148#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2191
6149msgid "Not _ready"
6150msgstr "Niegotowy"
6152#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2131 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2738
6153#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2202 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2807
6154#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2202 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2807
6155msgid "_Ready"
6156msgstr "Gotowy (_R)"
6158#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2135 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2139
6159#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2206 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2210
6160#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2206 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2210
6161msgid "_Start"
6162msgstr "_Start"
6164#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2159 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2230
6165#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2230
6166#, c-format
6167msgid "_Take %s"
6168msgstr "Wybierz %s (_T)"
6170#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2163 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2728
6171#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2234 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2797
6172#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2234 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2797
6173msgid "Pick _Nation"
6174msgstr "Wybierz naród (_N)"
6176#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2166 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2237
6177#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2237
6178msgid "_Take a Player"
6179msgstr "Wybierz gracza (_T)"
6181#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2174 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2245
6182#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2245
6183#, c-format
6184msgid "_Observe %s"
6185msgstr "_Obserwuj %s"
6187#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2179 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2733
6188#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2250 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2802
6189#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2250 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2802
6190msgid "_Observe"
6191msgstr "_Obserwuj"
6193#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2182 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2253
6194#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2253
6195msgid "Do not _observe"
6196msgstr "Nie _obserwuj"
6198#. TRANS: "<Novice AI>"
6199#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2314 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2385
6200#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2385 client/gui-xaw/pages.c:248
6201#, c-format
6202msgid "<%s AI>"
6203msgstr "<%s AI>"
6205#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2326 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2397
6206#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2397 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:388
6207#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1222 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1671
6208#: client/gui-xaw/pages.c:255
6209msgid "Random"
6210msgstr "Losowy"
6212#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2375 client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2435
6213#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2446 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2506
6214#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2446 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2506
6215#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1767 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1798
6216msgid "Observer"
6217msgstr "Obserwator"
6219#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2460 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2531
6220#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2531 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1818
6221msgid "Detached"
6222msgstr "Odłączony"
6224#. TRANS: Keep individual lines short
6225#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2584 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2660
6226#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2660
6227msgid ""
6228"Number of _Players\n"
6229"(including AI):"
6230msgstr ""
6231"Liczba graczy\n"
6232"(łącznie z AI) (_P):"
6234#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2610 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2686
6235#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2686
6236msgid "AI Skill _Level:"
6237msgstr "Poziom trudności AI (_L):"
6239#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2636 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2701
6240#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2701
6241msgid "Ruleset:"
6242msgstr "Zestaw zasad:"
6244#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2644 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2708
6245#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2708
6246msgid "_More Game Options..."
6247msgstr "Więcej opcji... (_M)"
6249#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2663 client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:473
6250#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2730 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:475
6251#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2730 client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:475
6252#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:643 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1869
6253#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:264 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:262 tools/mpgui_qt_worker.cpp:54
6254msgid "Ready"
6255msgstr "Gotowy"
6257#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2665 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2732
6258#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2732 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:643
6259msgid "?player:Leader"
6260msgstr "?player:Przywódca"
6262#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2669 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2736
6263#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2736 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:644
6264#: client/plrdlg_common.c:309
6265msgid "Border"
6266msgstr "Granica"
6268#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2673 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2740
6269#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2740 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:644
6270#: client/plrdlg_common.c:311
6271msgid "Team"
6272msgstr "Drużyna"
6274#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2792 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2861
6275#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2861 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:485
6276#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:198 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:206
6277msgid "Choose Saved Game to Load"
6278msgstr "Wybierz zapisaną grę"
6280#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2848 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2922
6281#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2922
6282msgid "Choose Saved Game to _Load:"
6283msgstr "Wybierz zapisaną grę (_L):"
6285#. TRANS: Unknown scenario format
6286#. TRANS: Old scenario format version
6287#. TRANS: Unknown scenario format
6288#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2918 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:2996
6289#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2995 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1453
6290msgid "pre-2.6"
6291msgstr "przed-2.6"
6293#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:2953 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3034
6294#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3033 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:565
6295msgid "Choose a Scenario"
6296msgstr "Wybierz scenariusz"
6298#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3091 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3180
6299#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3179
6300msgid "Choose a _Scenario:"
6301msgstr "Wybierz scenariusz (_S):"
6303#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3124 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3236
6304#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3235
6305msgid "Filename:"
6306msgstr "Nazwa pliku:"
6308#. TRANS: Scenario format version
6309#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3135 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3250
6310#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3249 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1479
6311msgid "Format:"
6312msgstr "Format:"
6314#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3317 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3451
6315#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3449 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:845
6316#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:827 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:838
6317msgid "Save Game"
6318msgstr "Zapisz grę"
6320#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3317 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3451
6321#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3449
6322msgid "Saved _Games:"
6323msgstr "Zapisane gry (_G):"
6325#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3318 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3452
6326#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3450
6327msgid "Save _Filename:"
6328msgstr "Nazwa pliku (_F):"
6330#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3352 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3486
6331#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3484
6332msgid "Saved Sce_narios:"
6333msgstr "Zapisane sce_nariusze:"
6335#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3353 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3487
6336#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3485
6337msgid "Save Sc_enario:"
6338msgstr "Zapisz sc_enariusz:"
6340#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3381 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3515
6341#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3513
6342msgid "Save Map Image"
6343msgstr "Zapisz obraz mapy"
6345#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3381 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3515
6346#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3513
6347msgid "Saved Map _Images:"
6348msgstr "Zapisane obrazy mapy (_I):"
6350#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/pages.c:3382 client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:3516
6351#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3514
6352msgid "Save _Map Images:"
6353msgstr "Zapisz obrazy mapy (_M):"
6355#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:326 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:337
6356#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:335
6357msgid "_Meet"
6358msgstr "Spotkaj się (_M)"
6360#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:332 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:343
6361#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:341
6362msgid "Cancel _Treaty"
6363msgstr "Anuluj traktat (_T)"
6365#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:338 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:349
6366#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:347
6367msgid "_Withdraw Vision"
6368msgstr "_Wycofaj widok dzielony"
6370#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:357 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:368
6371#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:366
6372msgid "_Report"
6373msgstr "_Raport"
6375#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:395 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:406
6376#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:404
6377msgid "?show:Dead Players"
6378msgstr "?show:Martwi gracze"
6380#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:521 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:533
6381#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:531
6382msgid "Di_plomacy"
6383msgstr "Dy_plomacja"
6385#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:526 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:538
6386#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:536
6387msgid "_Intelligence"
6388msgstr "Wywiad (_I)"
6390#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:536 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:548
6391#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:546
6392msgid "_AI"
6393msgstr "_AI"
6395#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:542 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:554
6396#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:552
6397msgid "_Toggle AI Mode"
6398msgstr "Przełącz tryb AI (_T)"
6400#. TRANS: %s is a diplomatic state: "Cancel Cease-fire"
6401#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:798 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:813
6402#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:811
6403#, c-format
6404msgid "Cancel %s"
6405msgstr "Anuluj %s"
6407#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:801 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:816
6408#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:814
6409#, c-format
6410msgid "Really declare war on the %s?"
6411msgstr "Czy wypowiedzieć wojnę %s?"
6413#. TRANS: "Cancel Belgian Alliance? ... will be Armistice."
6414#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:805 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:820
6415#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:818
6416#, c-format
6417msgid "Cancel %s %s? New diplomatic state will be %s."
6418msgstr "Anulować %s %s? Stanem dyplomatycznym będzie %s."
6420#. TRANS: "...from the Belgians?"
6421#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:835 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:850
6422#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:848
6423#, c-format
6424msgid "Withdraw shared vision from the %s?"
6425msgstr "Wycofać widok dzielony dla %s?"
6427#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/plrdlg.c:839 client/gui-gtk-3.0/plrdlg.c:854
6428#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:852
6429msgid "Withdraw Shared Vision"
6430msgstr "Wycofaj widok dzielony"
6432#. TRANS: Research report title
6433#. TRANS: Research report action
6434#. TRANS: Research report title
6435#. TRANS: Research report action
6436#. TRANS: Research report title
6437#. TRANS: Research report action
6438#. TRANS: Research report title
6439#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:535 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:556
6440#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:554 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1346
6441#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:735 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1398
6442#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:330 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:338
6443#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:346 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3291
6444#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1495 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:345
6445#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:353 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:361
6446#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3360 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:229
6447#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:253 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:476
6448#: data/Freeciv.in:1384
6449msgid "Research"
6450msgstr "Nauka"
6452#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:547 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:569
6453#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:568 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1357
6454msgid "Researching"
6455msgstr "Badania"
6457#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:554 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:576
6458#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:427 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:575
6459#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1234 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1374
6460#: data/Freeciv.in:1484 data/Freeciv.in:2050 data/Freeciv.in:2126
6461#: data/Freeciv.in:2213 data/Freeciv.in:2219
6462msgid "Help"
6463msgstr "Pomoc"
6465#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:576 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:601
6466#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:600 data/Freeciv.in:1447
6467msgid "Goal"
6468msgstr "Cel"
6470#. TRANS: As in 'Show all (even not reachable) techs'.
6471#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:607 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:634
6472#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:633
6473msgid "Show all"
6474msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie"
6476#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:764 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:796
6477#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:795 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1213
6478msgid "?Building or Unit type:Name"
6479msgstr "?Building or Unit type:Nazwa"
6481#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:766 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:798
6482#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:797 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1213
6483msgid "Redundant"
6484msgstr "Zbędne"
6486#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:770 client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:999
6487#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:802 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1002
6488#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:801 client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1002
6489#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1214 tools/civmanual.c:481
6490msgid "Cost"
6491msgstr "Koszt"
6493#. TRANS: Upkeep total, count*cost.
6494#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:773 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:805
6495#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:804 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1214
6496#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2050 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2102
6497msgid "U Total"
6498msgstr "Całk. utrzym."
6500#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:865 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:907
6501#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:906 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:2121
6502#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1385
6503#, c-format
6504msgid "Income: %d    Total Costs: %d"
6505msgstr "Przychód: %d  Całkowity koszt: %d"
6507#. TRANS: %s is an improvement
6508#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:926 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:968
6509#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:967 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1534
6510#, c-format
6511msgid "Do you really wish to sell every redundant %s (%d total)?"
6512msgstr "Czy naprawdę chcesz sprzedać wszystkie zbędne %s (w sumie %d)?"
6514#. TRANS: %s is an improvement
6515#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:929 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:971
6516#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:970 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1494
6517#, c-format
6518msgid "Do you really wish to sell every %s (%d total)?"
6519msgstr "Czy naprawdę chcesz sprzedać wszystkie %s (w sumie %d)?"
6521#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:934 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:976
6522#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:975 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1499
6523#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1539
6524msgid "Sell Improvements"
6525msgstr "Sprzedaj budynki"
6527#. TRANS: %s is a unit
6528#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:955 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:997
6529#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:996 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1454
6530#, c-format
6531msgid "Do you really wish to disband every %s (%d total)?"
6532msgstr "Czy naprawdę chcesz rozwiązać wszystkie %s (w sumie %d)?"
6534#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:980 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1022
6535#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1021 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1513
6536#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1553
6537msgid "Sell-Off: Results"
6538msgstr "Wyprzedaż: Wyniki"
6540#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1118 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1172
6541#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1172
6542msgid "Sell _Redundant"
6543msgstr "Sprzedaj zbędne (_R)"
6545#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1122 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1168
6546#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1168
6547msgid "Sell _All"
6548msgstr "Sprzedaj wszystkie (_A)"
6550#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1235 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1280
6551#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1280
6552msgid "Unit Type"
6553msgstr "Typ jednostki"
6555#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1237 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1282
6556#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1282
6557msgid "?Upgradable unit [short]:U"
6558msgstr "?Upgradable unit [short]:U"
6560#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1238 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1283
6561#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1283
6562msgid "Upgradable"
6563msgstr "Można ulepszyć"
6565#. TRANS: "In progress" abbreviation.
6567#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1242 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1287
6568#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1287
6569msgid "In-Prog"
6570msgstr "Tworzone"
6572#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1243 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1288
6573#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1288
6574msgid "In progress"
6575msgstr "W toku"
6577#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1244 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1289
6578#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1289
6579msgid "Active"
6580msgstr "Aktywne"
6582#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1246 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1291
6583#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1291 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1882
6584#: common/city.c:84
6585msgid "Shield"
6586msgstr "Pkt. prod."
6588#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1247 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1292
6589#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1292
6590msgid "Total shield upkeep"
6591msgstr "Koszt utrzymania w punktach produkcji"
6593#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1248 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1293
6594#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1293 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1882
6595#: common/city.c:83
6596msgid "Food"
6597msgstr "Żywność"
6599#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1249 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1294
6600#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1294
6601msgid "Total food upkeep"
6602msgstr "Koszt utrzymania w żywności"
6604#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1251 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1296
6605#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1296
6606msgid "Total gold upkeep"
6607msgstr "Koszt utrzymania w złocie"
6609#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1390 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1438
6610#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1438
6611msgid "Totals:"
6612msgstr "Ogółem:"
6614#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised
6615#. * "Treasury contains %d gold."
6616#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
6617#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1541 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1590
6618#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1590 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:219
6619#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:196 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:218
6620#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1021
6621#, c-format
6622msgid ""
6623"Upgrade as many %s to %s as possible for %d gold each?\n"
6625msgid_plural ""
6626"Upgrade as many %s to %s as possible for %d gold each?\n"
6628msgstr[0] ""
6629"Czy ulepszyć tak wiele %s do %s, jak to możliwe, płacąc po %d sztukę złota?\n"
6631msgstr[1] ""
6632"Czy ulepszyć tak wiele %s do %s, jak to możliwe, płacąc po %d sztuki złota?\n"
6634msgstr[2] ""
6635"Czy ulepszyć tak wiele %s do %s, jak to możliwe, płacąc po %d sztuk złota?\n"
6638#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1642 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1696
6639#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1697
6640msgid "Find _Nearest"
6641msgstr "Znajdź najbliższą (_N)"
6643#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1645 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1691
6644#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1692
6645msgid "_Upgrade"
6646msgstr "_Ulepsz"
6648#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1741 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1789
6649#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1790
6650msgid "Player\n"
6651msgstr "Gracz\n"
6653#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1743 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1791
6654#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1792
6655msgid "Nation\n"
6656msgstr "Naród\n"
6658#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1745 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1793
6659#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1794
6660msgid "Score\n"
6661msgstr "Punkty\n"
6663#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/repodlgs.c:1856 client/gui-gtk-3.0/repodlgs.c:1904
6664#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1905 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1570
6665#: client/plrdlg_common.c:310
6666msgid "Score"
6667msgstr "Punktacja"
6669#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:55 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:60
6670#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:60
6671msgid "Preferred soundset"
6672msgstr "Preferowany zestaw dźwięków"
6674#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:58 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:63
6675#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:63
6676msgid "_Load soundset"
6677msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw dźwięków (_L)"
6679#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:60 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:65
6680#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:65
6681msgid "_Keep current soundset"
6682msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw dźwięków (_K)"
6684#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:67 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:73
6685#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:73
6686#, c-format
6687msgid ""
6688"Modpack suggests using %s soundset.\n"
6689"It might not work with other soundsets.\n"
6690"You are currently using soundset %s."
6691msgstr ""
6692"Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu dźwięków %s.\n"
6693"Dodatek może nie działać z innymi zestawami dźwięków.\n"
6694"Teraz używasz zestawu %s."
6696#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:108 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:114
6697#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:114
6698msgid "Preferred musicset"
6699msgstr "Zalecany zestaw muzyczny"
6701#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:111 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:117
6702#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:117
6703msgid "_Load musicset"
6704msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw muzyczny (_L)"
6706#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:113 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:119
6707#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:119
6708msgid "_Keep current musicset"
6709msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw muzyczny (_K)"
6711#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/soundset_dlg.c:120 client/gui-gtk-3.0/soundset_dlg.c:126
6712#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/soundset_dlg.c:126
6713#, c-format
6714msgid ""
6715"Modpack suggests using %s musicset.\n"
6716"It might not work with other musicsets.\n"
6717"You are currently using musicset %s."
6718msgstr ""
6719"Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu muzycznego %s.\n"
6720"Dodatek może nie działać z innymi zestawami muzycznymi.\n"
6721"Teraz używasz zestawu %s."
6723#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/spaceshipdlg.c:229 client/gui-gtk-3.0/spaceshipdlg.c:234
6724#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/spaceshipdlg.c:233
6725msgid "_Launch"
6726msgstr "Wystrzel (_L)"
6728#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/theme_dlg.c:58 client/gui-gtk-3.0/theme_dlg.c:58
6729#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/theme_dlg.c:59
6730msgid "Theme suggested"
6731msgstr "Sugerowany motyw"
6733#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/theme_dlg.c:61 client/gui-gtk-3.0/theme_dlg.c:61
6734#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/theme_dlg.c:62
6735msgid "Load theme"
6736msgstr "Wczytaj motyw"
6738#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/theme_dlg.c:63 client/gui-gtk-3.0/theme_dlg.c:63
6739#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/theme_dlg.c:64
6740msgid "Keep current theme"
6741msgstr "Zachowaj obecny motyw"
6743#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/theme_dlg.c:70 client/gui-gtk-3.0/theme_dlg.c:70
6744#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/theme_dlg.c:71
6745#, c-format
6746msgid ""
6747"Tileset suggests using %s theme.\n"
6748"You are currently using %s."
6749msgstr ""
6750"Zestaw graficzny sugeruje użycie motywu %s.\n"
6751"Obecnie używasz %s."
6753#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/tileset_dlg.c:43 client/gui-gtk-3.0/tileset_dlg.c:47
6754#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/tileset_dlg.c:48 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2519
6755#, c-format
6756msgid "Can't load requested tileset %s."
6757msgstr "Nie można wczytać zestawu graficznego %s."
6759#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/tileset_dlg.c:58 client/gui-gtk-3.0/tileset_dlg.c:62
6760#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/tileset_dlg.c:63
6761msgid "Preferred tileset"
6762msgstr "Zalecany zestaw graficzny"
6764#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/tileset_dlg.c:61 client/gui-gtk-3.0/tileset_dlg.c:65
6765#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/tileset_dlg.c:66
6766msgid "_Load tileset"
6767msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw graficzny (_L)"
6769#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/tileset_dlg.c:63 client/gui-gtk-3.0/tileset_dlg.c:67
6770#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/tileset_dlg.c:68
6771msgid "_Keep current tileset"
6772msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw (_K)"
6774#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/tileset_dlg.c:70 client/gui-gtk-3.0/tileset_dlg.c:75
6775#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/tileset_dlg.c:76
6776#, c-format
6777msgid ""
6778"Modpack suggests using %s tileset.\n"
6779"It might not work with other tilesets.\n"
6780"You are currently using tileset %s."
6781msgstr ""
6782"Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu graficznego %s.\n"
6783"Dodatek może nie działać z innymi zestawami graficznymi.\n"
6784"Teraz używasz zestawu %s."
6786#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:96 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:96
6787#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:96
6788msgid "Description"
6789msgstr "Opis"
6791#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:254 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:255
6792#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:255 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1076
6793#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1081
6794msgid "Unit selection"
6795msgstr "Wybór jednostki"
6797#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:274 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:272
6798#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:272
6799msgid "_Tile"
6800msgstr "Pole (_T)"
6802#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:275 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:273
6803#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:273
6804msgid "C_ontinent"
6805msgstr "K_ontynent"
6807#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:276 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:274
6808#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:274
6809msgid "_Land"
6810msgstr "_Ląd"
6812#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:277 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:275
6813#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:275
6814msgid "_Sea"
6815msgstr "Ocean (_S)"
6817#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:278 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:276
6818#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:276
6819msgid "_Both"
6820msgstr "Oba (_B)"
6822#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:279 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:277
6823#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:277
6824msgid "_World"
6825msgstr "Świat (_W)"
6827#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:482 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:484
6828#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:484 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1053
6829#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:124 common/unit.c:627
6830msgid "Sentry"
6831msgstr "Wartuj"
6833#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:504 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:506
6834#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:506
6835msgid "_Deselect"
6836msgstr "Odznacz (_D)"
6838#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:518 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:519
6839#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:519
6840msgid "C_enter"
6841msgstr "C_entruj"
6843#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:527 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:528
6844#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:528
6845msgid "_Focus"
6846msgstr "Zaznacz (_F)"
6848#. TRANS: used in place of unit home city name
6849#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:809 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:798
6850#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:798
6851msgid "no home city"
6852msgstr "brak miasta pochodzenia"
6854#. TRANS: used in place of unit home city name
6855#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:812 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:801
6856#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:801 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:208
6857#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:485
6858msgid "unknown"
6859msgstr "nieznane"
6861#. TRANS: unit type and home city, e.g. "Transport\n(New Orleans)"
6862#. TRANS: extra name ... one of the above strings depending on if the
6863#. * target extra currently exists at the target tile and if it has an
6864#. * owner.
6865#. TRANS: unit type and home city, e.g. "Transport\n(New Orleans)"
6866#. TRANS: extra name ... one of the above strings depending on if the
6867#. * target extra currently exists at the target tile and if it has an
6868#. * owner.
6869#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/unitselect.c:829 client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselect.c:818
6870#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselextradlg.c:75 client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:818
6871#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselextradlg.c:75
6872#, c-format
6873msgid ""
6876msgstr ""
6880#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:148 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:156
6881#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:156
6882msgid "_YES"
6883msgstr "Tak (_Y)"
6885#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:169 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:171
6886#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:171
6887msgid "_NO"
6888msgstr "Nie (_N)"
6890#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:190 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:186
6891#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:186
6892msgid "_ABSTAIN"
6893msgstr "Wstrzymaj się (_A)"
6895#. TRANS: Describing a vote that passed.
6896#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:253 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:243
6897#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:243 client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:120
6898msgid "[passed]"
6899msgstr "[przegłosowano]"
6901#. TRANS: Describing a vote that failed.
6902#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:257 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:247
6903#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:247 client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:124
6904msgid "[failed]"
6905msgstr "[nie przegłosowano]"
6907#. TRANS: Describing a vote that was removed.
6908#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:261 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:251
6909#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:251 client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:128
6910msgid "[removed]"
6911msgstr "[usunięto]"
6913#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process
6914#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/voteinfo_bar.c:286 client/gui-gtk-3.0/voteinfo_bar.c:276
6915#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/voteinfo_bar.c:276
6916#, c-format
6917msgid "%sVote %d by %s: %s%s"
6918msgstr "%sGłosowanie nr %d zainicjowane przez %s: %s%s"
6920#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:154 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:154
6921#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:154
6922msgid "new"
6923msgstr "nowy"
6925#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:219 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:219
6926#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:219
6927msgid "Edit worklists"
6928msgstr "Edytuj plan prac"
6930#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:269 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:274
6931#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:274
6932msgid "_Worklists:"
6933msgstr "Plany prac (_W):"
6935#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:510 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:515
6936#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:515
6937msgid "Edit Global _Worklists"
6938msgstr "Edytuj globalny plan prac (_W)"
6940#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:999 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1002
6941#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1002
6942msgid "Turns"
6943msgstr "Tury"
6945#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:1112 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1118
6946#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1118
6947msgid "Source _Tasks:"
6948msgstr "Dostępne zadania (_T):"
6950#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:1117 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1122
6951#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1122
6952msgid "Show _Future Targets"
6953msgstr "Pokaż przyszłe cele (_F)"
6955#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:1204 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1210
6956#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1210
6957msgid "Target _Worklist:"
6958msgstr "Wykonywane zadania (_W):"
6960#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:1222 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1227
6961#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1226
6962msgid "_Add Global Worklist"
6963msgstr "Dodaj globalny plan prac (_A)"
6965#: client/gui-gtk-2.0/wldlg.c:1238 client/gui-gtk-3.0/wldlg.c:1243
6966#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:1241
6967msgid "Change Prod_uction"
6968msgstr "Zmień prod_ukcję"
6970#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:992
6971#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:986
6972msgid "Target unit selection"
6973msgstr "Wybór jednostki docelowej"
6975#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:993
6976#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:987
6977msgid "Looking for target unit:"
6978msgstr "Szukam jednostki docelowej:"
6980#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:994
6981#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:988
6982msgid "Units at tile:"
6983msgstr "Jednostki na polu:"
6985#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:995
6986#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:989 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:544
6987#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1405 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:982
6988msgid "Select"
6989msgstr "Wybierz"
6991#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/action_dialog.c:1314
6992#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1308
6993msgid "Change unit target"
6994msgstr "Zmień cel jednostki"
6996#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:740 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:740
6997#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.h:53
6998msgid "Size:"
6999msgstr "Rozmiar:"
7001#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:1098 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1135
7002msgid "Citymap"
7003msgstr "Mapa okolic"
7005#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2882 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2910
7006msgid "There's no suitable extra to order."
7007msgstr "Nie ma odpowiedniego dodatku do zamówienia."
7009#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2926 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2954
7010msgid "What Action to Request"
7011msgstr "Jakiej czynności zarządać"
7013#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2927 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2955
7014msgid "Select autosettler activity:"
7015msgstr "Wybierz czynność automatycznego osadnika:"
7017#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2931 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2959
7018msgid "Clear request"
7019msgstr "Wyczyść zamówienie"
7021#. TRANS: Activity name, verb in English
7022#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2940 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2968
7023#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1315 common/unit.c:619
7024#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:891 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:986
7025#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1165 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1141
7026#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1185 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1139
7027#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1185
7028msgid "Mine"
7029msgstr "Kopalnia"
7031#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2948 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2976
7032#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1312 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1313
7033#: common/unit.c:621
7034msgid "Irrigate"
7035msgstr "Nawodnij"
7037#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2959 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2987
7038#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1317 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:132
7039#: common/unit.c:635 data/civ2/units.ruleset:25 data/classic/units.ruleset:30
7040#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:33 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:30
7041#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:30 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:30
7042#: tools/civmanual.c:367
7043msgid "Transform"
7044msgstr "Zmień"
7046#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2965 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2993
7047#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1318 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1188
7048#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2078 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:183
7049msgid "Clean Pollution"
7050msgstr "Usuń zanieczyszczenie"
7052#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/citydlg.c:2971 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:2999
7053#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1319
7054msgid "Clean Fallout"
7055msgstr "Usuń skażenie"
7057#. TRANS: Pillage dialog actor text.
7058#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:370 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:364
7059msgid "Looking for target extra:"
7060msgstr "Szukam dodatkowego celu:"
7062#. TRANS: Pillage dialog do button text.
7063#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/dialogs.c:374 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:368
7064#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1119 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:699
7065#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:696 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:189 common/unit.c:629
7066msgid "Pillage"
7067msgstr "Plądruj"
7069#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:271 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:271
7070msgid "Other gui-specific options are:\n"
7071msgstr "Inne opcje interfejsu to:\n"
7073#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:274
7074msgid "-g, --gtk-warnings\tAllow Gtk+ to print warnings to console\n"
7075msgstr ""
7076"-g, --gtk-warnings\tPozwól Gtk+ pokazywać ostrzeżenia w wierszu poleceń\n"
7078#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:278 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:274
7079msgid "-r, --resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT\tAssume given resolution screen\n"
7080msgstr "-r, --resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT\tPrzyjmij podaną rozdzielczość ekranu\n"
7082#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:316 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:299
7083#, c-format
7084msgid "Illegal video mode '%s'"
7085msgstr "Błędny tryb video '%s'"
7087#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1647 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1670
7088msgid "Migrating options from gtk2 to gtk3 client"
7089msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji z klienta gtk2 do klienta gtk3"
7091#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/gui_main.c:1702 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1736
7092msgid "Migrating gtk3-client options from freeciv-2.5 options."
7093msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji z freeciv-2.5 do klienta gtk3."
7095#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/happiness.c:275 client/gui-gtk-3.22/happiness.c:275
7096#, c-format
7097msgid "Additional information is available%svia left click on the citizens."
7098msgstr ""
7099"Więcej informacji po kliknięciu lewym przyciskiem myszy na mieszkańców (%s)."
7101#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/pages.c:937 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:938
7102msgid "New Pass_word:"
7103msgstr "Nowe hasło (_w):"
7105#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/sprite.c:185 client/gui-gtk-3.22/sprite.c:185
7106#, c-format
7107msgid "Can't load %s: %s"
7108msgstr "Nie można wczytać %s: %s"
7110#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/transportdlg.c:113 client/gui-gtk-3.22/transportdlg.c:113
7111msgid "Transport selection"
7112msgstr "Wybór transportu"
7114#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/transportdlg.c:114 client/gui-gtk-3.22/transportdlg.c:114
7115msgid "Looking for transport:"
7116msgstr "Szukam transportu:"
7118#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/transportdlg.c:115 client/gui-gtk-3.22/transportdlg.c:115
7119msgid "Transports available:"
7120msgstr "Dostępne środki transportu:"
7122#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/transportdlg.c:116 client/gui-gtk-3.22/transportdlg.c:116
7123#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:821 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1064
7124#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:537 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:136
7125msgid "Load"
7126msgstr "Załaduj"
7128#. TRANS: nation adjective for extra owner used below if the target
7129#. * tile has the target extra and it has an owner.
7130#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselextradlg.c:59
7131#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselextradlg.c:59
7132#, c-format
7133msgid "?eowner:%s"
7134msgstr "?eowner:%s"
7136#. TRANS: used below if the target tile has the target extra but it
7137#. * doesn't have an owner.
7138#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselextradlg.c:64
7139#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselextradlg.c:64
7140msgid "target"
7141msgstr "cel"
7143#. TRANS: used below if the target tile doesn't have the target
7144#. * extra (so it is assumed that it will be created).
7145#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselextradlg.c:69
7146#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselextradlg.c:69
7147msgid "create"
7148msgstr "stwórz"
7150#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselextradlg.c:130
7151#: client/gui-gtk-3.0/unitselunitdlg.c:94
7152#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselextradlg.c:130
7153#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselunitdlg.c:94 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:166
7154#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:680 data/Freeciv.in:180 data/Freeciv.in:230
7155#: data/Freeciv.in:255 data/Freeciv.in:559 data/Freeciv.in:578
7156#: data/Freeciv.in:623 data/Freeciv.in:1467 data/Freeciv.in:1485
7157#: data/Freeciv.in:1624 data/Freeciv.in:1720 data/Freeciv.in:1751
7158#: data/Freeciv.in:1887 data/Freeciv.in:1962 data/Freeciv.in:2007
7159#: data/Freeciv.in:2358 data/Freeciv.in:2400 data/Freeciv.in:3061
7160#: data/Freeciv.in:3231 data/Freeciv.in:3315
7161msgid "Close"
7162msgstr "Zamknij"
7164#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:494
7165#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:676
7166#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/action_dialog.c:1327 client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1134
7167#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:3004 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:863
7168#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1016 client/gui-gtk-3.22/finddlg.c:77
7169#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:317 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:409
7170#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:144 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inputdlg.c:80
7171#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/luaconsole.c:317 client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:73
7172#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:328 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:360
7173#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:453 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:583
7174#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1420 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2792
7175#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2949 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3283
7176msgid "_Cancel"
7177msgstr "_Anuluj"
7179#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1135 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:329
7180msgid "C_lear"
7181msgstr "Wyczyść (C)"
7183#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1136 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:867
7184#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1015 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:319
7185#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:411 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inputdlg.c:81
7186#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagedlg.c:72 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:330
7187#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:365 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2954
7188#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:3288
7189msgid "_OK"
7190msgstr "_OK"
7192#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1343
7193msgid "Bold"
7194msgstr "Pogrubienie"
7196#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1353
7197msgid "Italic"
7198msgstr "Kursywa"
7200#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1362
7201msgid "Strikethrough"
7202msgstr "Przekreślenie"
7204#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1371
7205msgid "Underline"
7206msgstr "Podkreślenie"
7208#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1379
7209msgid "Color"
7210msgstr "Kolor"
7212#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/chatline.c:1426 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2846
7213#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:3282 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:2560
7214#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2833 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:3265
7215#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:2768 common/mapimg.c:304
7216msgid "OK"
7217msgstr "OK"
7219#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1687 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:111
7220#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:203 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:212
7221#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:217 client/gui-gtk-3.22/dialogs.c:254
7222#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4898 client/gui-gtk-3.22/gamedlgs.c:326
7223#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:461 client/gui-gtk-3.22/inteldlg.c:182
7224#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/luaconsole.c:242 client/gui-gtk-3.22/messagewin.c:379
7225#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/plrdlg.c:428 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:556
7226#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1161 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1689
7227#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/spaceshipdlg.c:231 client/gui-gtk-3.22/unitselect.c:281
7228#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:228 client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:404
7229msgid "_Close"
7230msgstr "_Zamknij"
7232#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cma_fe.c:305 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:582
7233#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:224
7234msgid "_Delete"
7235msgstr "Skasuj (D)"
7237#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4969 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:362
7238msgid "_Refresh"
7239msgstr "_Odśwież"
7241#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4979 client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:364
7242msgid "_Apply"
7243msgstr "Zastosuj (A)"
7245#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/finddlg.c:75
7246msgid "_Find"
7247msgstr "Znajdź (F)"
7249#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gui_main.c:1725
7250msgid "Migrating options from gtk3 to gtk3.22 client"
7251msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji z klienta gtk3 do klienta gtk3.22"
7253#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:457
7254msgid "_Back"
7255msgstr "Cofnij (B)"
7257#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:459
7258msgid "_Forward"
7259msgstr "Do przodu (F)"
7261#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/luaconsole.c:318 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:455
7262msgid "_Open"
7263msgstr "_Otwórz"
7265#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:459
7266msgid "Unit Selection Dialog"
7267msgstr "Okno wyboru jednostki"
7269#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/optiondlg.c:361 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:455
7270#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:584
7271msgid "_Save"
7272msgstr "Zapisz (S)"
7274#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:340
7275msgid "E_xit"
7276msgstr "Wyjdź (E)"
7278#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/wldlg.c:222
7279msgid "_New"
7280msgstr "_Nowa"
7282#: client/gui-qt/chatline.cpp:279
7283msgid "Allies only"
7284msgstr "Tylko sojusznicy"
7286#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:616
7287msgid "Sell improvement?"
7288msgstr "Sprzedać budynki?"
7290#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:786 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:430
7291#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:431 data/Freeciv.in:1180 data/Freeciv.in:1216
7292msgid "Activate unit"
7293msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę"
7295#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:788
7296msgid "Activate and close dialog"
7297msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę i zamknij okno"
7299#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:793 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:454
7300#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:455 data/Freeciv.in:1188
7301msgid "Sentry unit"
7302msgstr "Wartuj jednostkę"
7304#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:800 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:469
7305#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:470 data/Freeciv.in:1192
7306msgid "Fortify unit"
7307msgstr "Fortyfikuj jednostkę"
7309#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:807 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:485
7310#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:486 data/Freeciv.in:1196 data/Freeciv.in:1224
7311msgid "Disband unit"
7312msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę"
7314#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:814
7315msgid "Change homecity"
7316msgstr "Zmień pochodzenie"
7318#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:828 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1069
7319#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:138
7320msgid "Unload"
7321msgstr "Wyładuj"
7323#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:835 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1074
7324#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:650 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:647
7325#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:192
7326msgid "Unload All From Transporter"
7327msgstr "Wyładuj Transportowiec"
7329#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:842 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:474
7330#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:470
7331msgid "Upgrade Unit"
7332msgstr "Ulepsz jednostkę"
7334#. TRANS: %1 is custom string choosen by player.
7335#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1224
7336msgid "Governor %1"
7337msgstr "Zarządca %1"
7339#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1311 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2646
7340#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:498
7341msgid "Clear"
7342msgstr "Wyczyść"
7344#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1314
7345msgid "Plant"
7346msgstr "Zbuduj"
7348#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1349
7349msgid "Autosettler activity:"
7350msgstr "Czynność automatycznego osadnika:"
7352#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1495
7353msgid "Click to change city name"
7354msgstr "Kliknij, aby zmienić nazwę miasta"
7356#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1548 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:902
7357msgid "Zoom in"
7358msgstr "Powiększ"
7360#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1554 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:910
7361msgid "Zoom out"
7362msgstr "Pomniejsz"
7364#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1615 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1619
7365msgid "Show buildings"
7366msgstr "Pokaż budynki"
7368#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1625 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1627
7369#: client/options.c:2359
7370msgid "Show units"
7371msgstr "Pokaż jednostki"
7373#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1634 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1636
7374msgid "Show wonders"
7375msgstr "Pokaż cudy"
7377#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1643 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1645
7378msgid "Show future targets"
7379msgstr "Pokaż przyszłe cele"
7381#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1657
7382msgid "Close city dialog"
7383msgstr "Zamknij okno miasta"
7385#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1663
7386msgid "Show next city"
7387msgstr "Pokaż następne miasto"
7389#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1670
7390msgid "Show previous city"
7391msgstr "Pokaż poprzednie miasto"
7393#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1731
7394msgid "Worklist Option"
7395msgstr "Opcje planu prac"
7397#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1747
7398msgid "Click to change current production"
7399msgstr "Kliknij, aby zmienić bieżącą produkcję"
7401#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1750 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:507
7402#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:530 data/Freeciv.in:1405 data/Freeciv.in:1655
7403#: data/Freeciv.in:1811 data/Freeciv.in:2114
7404msgid "Change"
7405msgstr "Zmień"
7407#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1751
7408msgid "Insert Before"
7409msgstr "Wstaw przed"
7411#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1752
7412msgid "Insert After"
7413msgstr "Wstaw za"
7415#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1753
7416msgid "Add Last"
7417msgstr "Wstaw na koniec"
7419#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1773 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:520
7420msgid "Worklist"
7421msgstr "Plan prac"
7423#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1783
7424msgid "Worklist menu"
7425msgstr "Menu planu prac"
7427#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1841
7428msgid "Presets:"
7429msgstr "Schematy:"
7431#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1842
7432msgid "Governor settings"
7433msgstr "Opcje zarządcy"
7435#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1843
7436msgid "Results:"
7437msgstr "Wyniki:"
7439#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1850 client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:163
7440#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:626
7441msgid "Save"
7442msgstr "Zapisz"
7444#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1882 common/city.c:85 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:593
7445#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:761 data/classic/techs.ruleset:776
7446#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:856 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:884
7447#: data/Freeciv.in:3068 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:781
7448#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:886
7449msgid "Trade"
7450msgstr "Handel"
7452#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:1888
7453msgid "Priority"
7454msgstr "Priorytet"
7456#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2049
7457msgid "Show city production"
7458msgstr "Pokaż produkcję miasta"
7460#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2051
7461msgid "Show happiness information"
7462msgstr "Pokaż informację o zadowoleniu"
7464#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2485
7465msgid "No governor defined"
7466msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano zarządcy"
7468#. TRANS: %1 is custom string chosen by player
7469#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2498
7470msgid "<h3>Governor Enabled<br>(%1)</h3>"
7471msgstr "<h3>Zarządca włączony<br>(%1)</h3>"
7473#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2507
7474msgid "<h3>Governor Disabled</h3>"
7475msgstr "<h3>Zarządca wyłączony - %1</h3>"
7477#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2521
7478msgid "Disable"
7479msgstr "Wyłącz"
7481#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2523
7482msgid "Enable"
7483msgstr "Włącz"
7485#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2625
7486msgid "Remove Governor"
7487msgstr "Zarządca"
7489#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2660
7490msgid "Change worklist"
7491msgstr "Zmień plan prac"
7493#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2661
7494msgid "Insert worklist"
7495msgstr "Wstaw plan prac"
7497#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2688
7498msgid "Save worklist"
7499msgstr "Zapisz plan prac"
7501#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2689 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:826
7502#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:199 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1621
7503#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:764 client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:1333
7504#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:254 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1734
7505#: client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:775 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:1361
7506#: client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:264 data/Freeciv.in:1235
7507msgid "Options"
7508msgstr "Opcje"
7510#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2690
7511msgid "Allow disbanding city"
7512msgstr "Pozwól na likwidację miasta"
7514#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2749
7515msgid "Buy (%1 gold)"
7516msgid_plural "Buy (%1 gold)"
7517msgstr[0] "Kup (%1 sztuka złota)"
7518msgstr[1] "Kup (%1 sztuki złota)"
7519msgstr[2] "Kup (%1 sztuk złota)"
7521#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2756 data/Freeciv.in:1647
7522msgid "Buy"
7523msgstr "Kup"
7525#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3294
7526#, c-format
7527msgid "Buy %s for %d gold?"
7528msgid_plural "Buy %s for %d gold?"
7529msgstr[0] "Czy kupić %s za %d sztukę złota?"
7530msgstr[1] "Czy kupić %s za %d sztuki złota?"
7531msgstr[2] "Czy kupić %s za %d sztuk złota?"
7533#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3425
7534msgid "Improvements - upkeep %1"
7535msgstr "Budynki - utrzymanie %1"
7537#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3566
7538msgid "What should we name new worklist?"
7539msgstr "Jaka nazwać nowy plan prac?"
7541#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3567
7542msgid "Save current worklist"
7543msgstr "Zapisz bieżący plan prac"
7545#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3568
7546msgid "New worklist"
7547msgstr "Nowy plan prac"
7549#. TRANS: city dialog title
7550#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3596
7551msgid "%1 - %2 citizens - DISORDER"
7552msgstr "%1 - %2 mieszkańcy - ZAMIESZKI"
7554#. TRANS: city dialog title
7555#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3600
7556msgid "%1 - %2 citizens - celebrating"
7557msgstr "%1 - %2 mieszkańcy - świętują"
7559#. TRANS: city dialog title
7560#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3604
7561msgid "%1 - %2 citizens - happy"
7562msgstr "%1 - %2 mieszkańcy - zadowoleni"
7564#. TRANS: city dialog title
7565#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3608
7566msgid "%1 - %2 citizens"
7567msgstr "%1 - %2 mieszkańców"
7569#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3822
7570msgid "Cost: %1, Upkeep: %2\n"
7571msgstr "Koszt: %1, Utrzymanie %2\n"
7573#. TRANS: this and nearby literal strings are interpreted
7574#. * as (Qt) HTML
7575#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3864
7576msgid "Obsoleted by %1 (%2)."
7577msgstr "Przestarzałe przy %1 (%2)"
7579#. TRANS: Current unit obsoleted by other unit
7580#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3868 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:961
7581msgid "Obsoleted by %1."
7582msgstr "Przestarzałe przy %1."
7584#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:4005 client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:384
7585#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1406 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:65
7586#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:140 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:393
7587#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:529 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:597
7588#: client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:78 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:167
7589#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:608 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1062
7590#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:527 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1419
7591#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:320 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:637
7592#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:832 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:1005
7593#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:706 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:900
7594#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:3272 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:2570
7595#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1014 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:528
7596#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1416 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:324
7597#: client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:634 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:828
7598#: client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:998 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:709
7599#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:905 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:3255
7600#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:2778 client/gui-xaw/inputdlg.c:110
7601#: data/Freeciv.in:1110 data/Freeciv.in:1166 data/Freeciv.in:1208
7602#: data/Freeciv.in:1228 data/Freeciv.in:1265 data/Freeciv.in:1298
7603#: data/Freeciv.in:1376 data/Freeciv.in:1571 data/Freeciv.in:1826
7604#: data/Freeciv.in:2120 data/Freeciv.in:2201 data/Freeciv.in:2326
7605#: data/Freeciv.in:2509 data/Freeciv.in:2519 data/Freeciv.in:3381
7606#: data/Freeciv.in:3447
7607msgid "Cancel"
7608msgstr "Anuluj"
7610#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:494
7611#, c-format
7612msgid "Buy ( Cost: %d )"
7613msgstr "Kup ( koszt: %d )"
7615#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:497 data/Freeciv.in:1103 data/Freeciv.in:1631
7616msgid "Center"
7617msgstr "Centruj"
7619#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:510
7620msgid "Add next"
7621msgstr "Ustaw następny"
7623#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:513
7624msgid "Add before last"
7625msgstr "Wstaw przed ostatnim"
7627#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:516
7628msgid "Add last"
7629msgstr "Wstaw na koniec"
7631#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:523
7632msgid "Add"
7633msgstr "Wstaw"
7635#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:536
7636msgid "Governor"
7637msgstr "Zarządca"
7639#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:539 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1427
7640#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1602 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1424
7641#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1657
7642msgid "Sell"
7643msgstr "Sprzedaj"
7645#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:664
7646msgid "Sell?"
7647msgstr "Sprzedać?"
7649#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:1114 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:352
7650msgid "Column visibility"
7651msgstr "Widoczność kolumny"
7653#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:274
7654msgid "Select Nation"
7655msgstr "Wybierz naród"
7657#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:293
7658msgid "Nation Set:"
7659msgstr "Zestaw narodów:"
7661#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:317 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2561
7662#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2980 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2549
7663#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2964 data/Freeciv.in:3167
7664msgid "Female"
7665msgstr "Kobieta"
7667#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:318 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2563
7668#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2978 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:3232
7669#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2551 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2962
7670#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:3215
7671msgid "Male"
7672msgstr "Mężczyzna"
7674#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:323
7675msgid "Choose nation"
7676msgstr "Wybierz naród"
7678#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:324
7679msgid "Your leader name"
7680msgstr "Imię przywódcy"
7682#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:392 client/gui-qt/messagedlg.cpp:69
7683#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:169 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:79
7684#: client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:168 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:632
7685#: client/gui-xaw/inputdlg.c:103 data/Freeciv.in:1263 data/Freeciv.in:1296
7686#: data/Freeciv.in:1373 data/Freeciv.in:1568 data/Freeciv.in:3444
7687msgid "Ok"
7688msgstr "Ok"
7690#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:680
7691msgid "Nation has been chosen by other player"
7692msgstr "Naród został wybrany przez innego gracza"
7694#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:935
7695msgid "Goto Location"
7696msgstr "Idź do miejsca"
7698#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:937
7699msgid "Inspect City"
7700msgstr "Wyświetl miasto"
7702#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1838 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1034
7703#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:986 data/Freeciv.in:2323
7704msgid "Keep moving"
7705msgstr "Kontynuuj ruch"
7707#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1843
7708msgid "&Wait"
7709msgstr "&Czekaj"
7711#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1847
7712msgid "Do nothing"
7713msgstr "Nie rób nic"
7715#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:1990 data/Freeciv.in:2364
7716msgid "Steal"
7717msgstr "Kradzież"
7719#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2362 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1260
7720#: common/events.c:125 common/events.c:133 data/Freeciv.in:2406
7721msgid "Sabotage"
7722msgstr "Sabotuj"
7724#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2456
7725msgid "Are you sure you want to disband that %1 unit?"
7726msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to disband those %1 units?"
7727msgstr[0] "Na pewno chcesz rozwiązać %1 jednostkę?"
7728msgstr[1] "Na pewno chcesz rozwiązać %1 jednostki?"
7729msgstr[2] "Na pewno chcesz rozwiązać %1 jednostek?"
7731#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2459 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1712
7732#: client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:39 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1618
7733#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1845 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1213
7734#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:345 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1410
7735#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:227 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:245
7736#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1567 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1794
7737#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1214 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:354
7738#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1420 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:274
7739#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:266 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2476
7740#: client/gui-xaw/cityrep.c:676 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:332
7741#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:522 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:794
7742#: client/gui-xaw/messagedlg.c:71 client/gui-xaw/optiondlg.c:96
7743#: client/gui-xaw/optiondlg.c:354 client/gui-xaw/wldlg.c:1216 client/text.c:653
7744#: data/Freeciv.in:1511 data/Freeciv.in:2233 data/Freeciv.in:2247
7745#: data/Freeciv.in:2266 data/Freeciv.in:2419 data/Freeciv.in:2430
7746#: data/Freeciv.in:2449 data/Freeciv.in:2460 data/Freeciv.in:2479
7747msgid "Yes"
7748msgstr "Tak"
7750#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2460 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1714
7751#: client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:40 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1629
7752#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1855 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1202
7753#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:354 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1399
7754#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:227 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:233
7755#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1590 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1578
7756#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1804 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1203
7757#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:363 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1409
7758#: client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:274 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:254
7759#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1645 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2476
7760#: client/gui-xaw/cityrep.c:676 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:332
7761#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:522 client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:794
7762#: client/gui-xaw/messagedlg.c:71 client/gui-xaw/optiondlg.c:96
7763#: client/gui-xaw/optiondlg.c:354 client/gui-xaw/wldlg.c:1216
7764#: data/Freeciv.in:1504 data/Freeciv.in:1513 data/Freeciv.in:2249
7765#: data/Freeciv.in:2268 data/Freeciv.in:2421 data/Freeciv.in:2432
7766#: data/Freeciv.in:2451 data/Freeciv.in:2462 data/Freeciv.in:2481
7767msgid "No"
7768msgstr "Nie"
7770#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2461
7771msgid "Disband units"
7772msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostki"
7774#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2506
7775msgid "Modpack suggests using %1 tileset."
7776msgstr "Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu graficznego %1."
7778#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2511
7779msgid "Keep current tileset"
7780msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw"
7782#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2512
7783msgid "Load tileset"
7784msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw graficzny"
7786#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2536
7787msgid "Modpack suggests using %1 soundset."
7788msgstr "Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu dźwięków %1."
7790#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2541
7791msgid "Keep current soundset"
7792msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw dźwięków"
7794#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2542
7795msgid "Load soundset"
7796msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw dźwięków"
7798#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2561
7799msgid "Modpack suggests using %1 musicset."
7800msgstr "Dodatek sugeruje użycie zestawu muzycznego %1."
7802#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2566
7803msgid "Keep current musicset"
7804msgstr "Zachowaj obecny zestaw muzyczny"
7806#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2567
7807msgid "Load musicset"
7808msgstr "Wczytaj zestaw muzyczny"
7810#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:2839
7811msgid "Tileset error"
7812msgstr "Błąd zestawu graficznego"
7814#. TRANS: MP = Movement points
7815#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:3046
7816msgid "MP:"
7817msgstr "PR:"
7819#. TRANS: HP - hit points
7820#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:3145
7821msgid "%1 HP:%2/%3"
7822msgstr "%1 PO:%2/%3"
7824#: client/gui-qt/dialogs.cpp:3149 client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1492
7825msgid "%1 unit"
7826msgid_plural "%1 units"
7827msgstr[0] "%1 jednostka"
7828msgstr[1] "%1 jednostki"
7829msgstr[2] "%1 jednostek"
7831#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:95
7832msgid "%1 turn left"
7833msgid_plural "%1 turns left"
7834msgstr[0] "Pozostała %d tura"
7835msgstr[1] "Pozostały %d tury"
7836msgstr[2] "Pozostało %d tur"
7838#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:332 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:562
7839#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:570 data/Freeciv.in:392 data/Freeciv.in:401
7840msgid "Maps"
7841msgstr "Mapy"
7843#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:344 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:654
7844#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1986 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:663
7845#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1991 data/Freeciv.in:410 data/Freeciv.in:419
7846msgid "Advances"
7847msgstr "Wynalazki"
7849#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:403 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:548
7850#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:556
7851msgid "Give shared vision"
7852msgstr "Daj widok dzielony"
7854#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:410 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:601
7855#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:610
7856msgid "Give embassy"
7857msgstr "Daj ambasadę"
7859#: client/gui-qt/diplodlg.cpp:419 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:491
7860#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:499 data/Freeciv.in:510
7861msgid "Pacts"
7862msgstr "Pakty"
7864#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:154
7865msgid "Welcome to Freeciv"
7866msgstr "Witamy we Freeciv"
7868#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:248
7869msgid "This is Qt-client for Freeciv."
7870msgstr "To jest klient Qt dla Freeciv."
7872#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:513 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1849
7873msgid "Don't Observe"
7874msgstr "Nie obserwuj"
7876#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:516 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:673
7877#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1851 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1953
7878msgid "Observe"
7879msgstr "Obserwuj"
7881#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1121
7882msgid "Client Options"
7883msgstr "Opcje klienta"
7885#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1149
7886msgid "More Game Options"
7887msgstr "Więcej opcji"
7889#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1155
7890msgid "Nation:"
7891msgstr "Naród:"
7893#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1156
7894msgid "Rules:"
7895msgstr "Zasady:"
7897#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1161
7898msgid "Players:"
7899msgstr "Gracze:"
7901#: client/gui-qt/fc_client.cpp:1297
7902msgid "Set server options"
7903msgstr "Ustaw opcje serwera"
7905#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:56
7906msgid "&Goto"
7907msgstr "&Idź do"
7909#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:57
7910msgid "&Airlift"
7911msgstr "&Przerzuć mostem powietrznym"
7913#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:58
7914msgid "&Close"
7915msgstr "&Zamknij"
7917#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:63
7918msgid "Show All Cities"
7919msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie miasta"
7921#: client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:124
7922msgid ""
7923"This client accepts the standard Qt command-line options\n"
7924"after '--'. See the Qt documentation.\n"
7926msgstr ""
7927"Ten klient obsługuje standardowe opcje Qt wprowadzane\n"
7928"w wierszu poleceń po '--'. Więcej informacji w dokumentacji Qt.\n"
7931#: client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:158
7932msgid "Migrating Qt-client options from freeciv-2.5 options."
7933msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji klienta Qt z opcji wersji freeciv-2.5."
7935#: client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:543 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:483
7936msgid "Quit?"
7937msgstr "Zakończyć?"
7939#: client/gui-qt/gui_main.cpp:568
7940#, c-format
7941msgid ""
7943"Built against Qt %s, using %s"
7944msgstr ""
7946"Skompilowano dla Qt %s, używając %s"
7948#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:162
7949msgid "About Qt"
7950msgstr "O Qt"
7952#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:891
7953msgid "Moves:"
7954msgstr "Ruchy:"
7956#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:899 data/Freeciv.in:877
7957msgid "Firepower:"
7958msgstr "Siła Ognia:"
7960#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:911
7961msgid "Basic upkeep:"
7962msgstr "Utrzymanie:"
7964#. TRANS: this and similar literal strings interpreted as (Qt) HTML
7965#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:923
7966msgid "Requires"
7967msgstr "Wymaga"
7969#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:935
7970msgid "No technology required."
7971msgstr "Niewymagana żadna technologia."
7973#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:946
7974msgid "Obsoleted by"
7975msgstr "Przestarzałe przy"
7977#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:966
7978msgid "Never obsolete."
7979msgstr "Nigdy nie staje się przestarzałe."
7981#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1309
7982msgid "Move cost:"
7983msgstr "Koszt ruchu:"
7985#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1311
7986msgid "Defense bonus:"
7987msgstr "Premia do obrony:"
7989#. TRANS: Display a percentage, eg "50%".
7990#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1314
7991msgid "%1%"
7992msgstr "%1%"
7994#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1329
7995msgid "Irrig. Rslt/Time:"
7996msgstr "Nawodn. daje/czas:"
7998#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1354
7999msgid "Mine Rslt/Time:"
8000msgstr "Kopal. daje/czas:"
8002#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1378
8003msgid "Trans. Rslt/Time:"
8004msgstr "Przekszt. daje/czas:"
8006#. TRANS: %1 food, %2 shields, %3 trade
8007#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1424
8008msgid "Tile output becomes %1, %2, %3."
8009msgstr "Wykorzystanie pola to %1, %2, %3."
8011#. TRANS: Tooltip decorating strings like "1, 2, 3".
8012#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1429
8013msgid "Output (Food, Shields, Trade) of a tile where the resource is present."
8014msgstr "Wykorzystanie (żywność, produkcja, handel) pola z zasobem."
8016#. TRANS: MP = Movement points
8017#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:635
8018msgid "MP: "
8019msgstr "PR: "
8021#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:637
8022msgid "HP:%1/%2"
8023msgstr "PO:%1/%2"
8025#. TRANS: preserve leading space; always at least 2
8026#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:645
8027msgid " (Selected %1 unit)"
8028msgid_plural " (Selected %1 units)"
8029msgstr[0] " (Wybrano %1 jednostkę)"
8030msgstr[1] " (Wybrano %1 jednostki)"
8031msgstr[2] " (Wybrano %1 jednostek)"
8033#. TRANS: preserve leading space
8034#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:653
8035msgid " +%1 unit"
8036msgid_plural " +%1 units"
8037msgstr[0] " +%1 jednostka"
8038msgstr[1] " +%1 jednostki"
8039msgstr[2] " +%1 jednostek"
8041#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1250
8042msgid "MP"
8043msgstr "PR"
8045#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1324
8046msgid "Unit type"
8047msgstr "Typ jednostki"
8049#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1325
8050msgid "Selected type"
8051msgstr "Wybierany typ"
8053#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1327
8054msgid "All types"
8055msgstr "Wszystkie typy"
8057#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1341
8058msgid "Unit activity"
8059msgstr "Czynność jednostki"
8061#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1342
8062msgid "Any activity"
8063msgstr "Jakakolwiek czynność"
8065#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1344 common/unit.c:625
8066msgid "Fortified"
8067msgstr "Umocniony"
8069#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1345 common/unit.c:614
8070msgid "Idle"
8071msgstr "Bezczynny"
8073#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1346
8074msgid "Sentried"
8075msgstr "Wartowana"
8077#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1361
8078msgid "Unit HP and MP"
8079msgstr "PO i PR jednostki"
8081#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1362
8082msgid "Any unit"
8083msgstr "Jakakolwiek jednostka"
8085#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1363
8086msgid "Full HP"
8087msgstr "Pełna ilość PO"
8089#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1364
8090msgid "Full MP"
8091msgstr "Pełna ilość PR"
8093#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1365
8094msgid "Full HP and MP"
8095msgstr "Pełna ilość PO i PR"
8097#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1381
8098msgid "Location"
8099msgstr "Położenie"
8101#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1382
8102msgid "Anywhere"
8103msgstr "Gdziekolwiek"
8105#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1383
8106msgid "Current tile"
8107msgstr "Bieżące pole"
8109#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1384
8110msgid "Current continent"
8111msgstr "Bieżący kontynent"
8113#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1385
8114msgid "Main continent"
8115msgstr "Główny kontynent"
8117#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1615
8118msgid "Terrain: %1\n"
8119msgstr "Teren: %1\n"
8121#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1616
8122msgid "Food/Prod/Trade: %1\n"
8123msgstr "Żywn/Prod/Handel: %1\n"
8125#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1620
8126msgid "Infrastructure: %1\n"
8127msgstr "Infrastruktura: %1\n"
8129#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1622
8130msgid "Defense bonus: %1%\n"
8131msgstr "Dodatek do obrony: %1%\n"
8133#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1638 client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1640
8134msgid "Movement cost: %1"
8135msgstr "Koszt ruchu: %1"
8137#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1668
8138msgid "Year: %1 (Turn: %2)"
8139msgstr "Rok: %1 (Tura: %2)"
8141#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1671
8142msgid "Population: %1"
8143msgstr "Ludność: %1"
8145#. TRANS: current gold, then loss/gain per turn
8146#: client/gui-qt/hudwidget.cpp:1687
8147msgid "Gold: %1 (%2)"
8148msgstr "Złoto: %1 (%2)"
8150#: client/gui-qt/luaconsole.cpp:78
8151msgid "Lua scripts"
8152msgstr "Skrypty Lua"
8154#: client/gui-qt/luaconsole.cpp:80
8155msgid "Load lua script"
8156msgstr "Wczytaj skrypt Lua"
8158#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:252
8159#, c-format
8160msgid "Rally point cleared for city %s"
8161msgstr "Wyczyszczono punkt zborny dla miasta %s"
8163#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:260
8164#, c-format
8165msgid "Selected city %s. Now choose rally point."
8166msgstr "Wybrano miasto %s. Teraz wybierz punkt zborny."
8168#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:264
8169msgid "No city selected. Aborted"
8170msgstr "Nie wybrano miasta. Przerywam"
8172#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:278
8173msgid "This city doesn't exist!"
8174msgstr "To miasto nie istnieje!"
8176#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:286
8177msgid "There is no tile here!"
8178msgstr "Nie ma tu żadnego pola!"
8180#: client/gui-qt/mapctrl.cpp:296
8181#, c-format
8182msgid "Tile %s set as rally point from city %s."
8183msgstr "Ustawiono pole %s jako punkt zbotny z miasta %s."
8185#. TRANS: T is shortcut from Turn
8186#: client/gui-qt/mapview.cpp:1021
8187msgid ""
8188"%1 \n"
8190msgstr ""
8191"%1 \n"
8194#: client/gui-qt/mapview.cpp:1033
8195msgid "%1 (+%2)"
8196msgstr "%1 (+%2)"
8198#: client/gui-qt/mapview.cpp:1037
8199msgid "%1 (%2)"
8200msgstr "%1 (%2)"
8202#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:199
8203msgid "Adding city %1 to trade planning"
8204msgstr "Dodano miasto %1 do planu handlu"
8206#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:247 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:266
8207msgid "Removing city %1 from trade planning"
8208msgstr "Usunięto miasto %1 z planu handlu"
8210#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:359
8211#, c-format
8212msgid "City %s - 1 free trade route."
8213msgid_plural "City %s - %d free trade routes."
8214msgstr[0] "Miasto %s - 1 wolny szlak handlowy."
8215msgstr[1] "Miasto %s - %d wolne szlaki handlowe."
8216msgstr[2] "Miasto %s - %d wolnych szlaków handlowych."
8218#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:665 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:134
8219msgid "Revolution..."
8220msgstr "Rewolucja..."
8222#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:824 data/Freeciv.in:2044
8223msgid "Game"
8224msgstr "Gra"
8226#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:829 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:118
8227msgid "Server Options"
8228msgstr "Opcje serwera"
8230#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:833
8231msgid "Shortcuts"
8232msgstr "Skróty"
8234#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:835
8235msgid "Load another tileset"
8236msgstr "Wczytaj kolejny zestaw graficzny"
8238#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:837
8239msgid "Save Options Now"
8240msgstr "Zapisz opcje"
8242#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:840
8243msgid "Save Options on Exit"
8244msgstr "Zapisz opcje przy wyjściu"
8246#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:850 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3407
8247msgid "Save Game As..."
8248msgstr "Zapisz grę jako..."
8250#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:854
8251msgid "Save Map to Image"
8252msgstr "Zapisz obraz mapy"
8254#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:857
8255msgid "Leave game"
8256msgstr "Opuść grę"
8258#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:860 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:199
8259#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:859 client/gui-sdl/pages.c:268
8260#: client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:870 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:279
8261#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:341 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:124
8262#: data/Freeciv.in:136 data/Freeciv.in:3188
8263msgid "Quit"
8264msgstr "Zakończ"
8266#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:866 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:59
8267#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:165
8268msgid "Center View"
8269msgstr "Wyśrodkuj widok"
8271#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:871 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:61
8272#: client/options.c:2370 client/options.c:2584 client/options.c:2805
8273#: client/options.c:3026 client/options.c:3044 client/options.c:3066
8274msgid "Fullscreen"
8275msgstr "Pełny ekran"
8277#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:878
8278msgid "Minimap"
8279msgstr "Minimapa"
8281#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:885
8282msgid "Show new turn information"
8283msgstr "Pokaż informacje o nowej turze"
8285#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:890
8286msgid "Show combat detailed information"
8287msgstr "Pokazuje szczegółowe informacje o walce"
8289#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:894
8290msgid "Lock interface"
8291msgstr "Zablokuj interfejs"
8293#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:906
8294msgid "Zoom default"
8295msgstr "Domyślne powiększenie"
8297#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:914
8298msgid "Scale fonts"
8299msgstr "Skaluj czcionkę"
8301#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:920
8302msgid "City Outlines"
8303msgstr "Zasięg miast"
8305#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:930 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:67
8306#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:143
8307msgid "Map Grid"
8308msgstr "Siatka mapy"
8310#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:936 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:69
8311#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:144
8312msgid "National Borders"
8313msgstr "Granice państw"
8315#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:953 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:99
8316#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:146 client/options.c:2565 client/options.c:2786
8317#: client/options.c:3007 client/options.c:3148
8318msgid "City Names"
8319msgstr "Nazwy miast"
8321#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:959 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:147
8322msgid "City Growth"
8323msgstr "Wzrost miasta"
8325#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:964 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:97
8326#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:149
8327msgid "City Production Levels"
8328msgstr "Produkcja miasta"
8330#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:974 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:95
8331msgid "City Traderoutes"
8332msgstr "Szlaki handlowe"
8334#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:983
8335msgid "Single Unit (Unselect Others)"
8336msgstr "Pojedyncza jednostka (odznacz inne)"
8338#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:987
8339msgid "All On Tile"
8340msgstr "Wszystkie na polu"
8342#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:992
8343msgid "Same Type on Tile"
8344msgstr "Ten sam typ na polu"
8346#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:996
8347msgid "Same Type on Continent"
8348msgstr "Ten sam typ na kontynencie"
8350#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1001
8351msgid "Same Type Everywhere"
8352msgstr "Ten sam typ wszędzie"
8354#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1007 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:130
8355#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1049 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:423
8356#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1001 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:419
8357#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:217
8358msgid "Wait"
8359msgstr "Czekaj"
8361#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1012 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:218
8362msgid "Done"
8363msgstr "Gotowe"
8365#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1018
8366msgid "Advanced unit selection"
8367msgstr "Zaawansowany wybór jednostki"
8369#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1026 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:128
8370#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:537 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:533
8371#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:205
8372msgid "Go to Tile"
8373msgstr "Idź na pole"
8375#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1031
8376msgid "Go to Nearest City"
8377msgstr "Idź do najbliższego miasta"
8379#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1035 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:103
8380#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:206
8381msgid "Go to/Airlift to City..."
8382msgstr "Idź/Leć do miasta..."
8384#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1041 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:105
8385#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:613 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:609
8386#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:200
8387msgid "Auto Explore"
8388msgstr "Automatyczny badacz"
8390#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1046 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:107
8391#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:549 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:545
8392#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:204
8393msgid "Patrol"
8394msgstr "Patroluj"
8396#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1058 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:109
8397#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:637 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:634
8398#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:196
8399msgid "Unsentry All On Tile"
8400msgstr "Uaktywnij wszystkie na polu"
8402#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1079 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:114
8403#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:499 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:500
8404#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:191
8405msgid "Set Home City"
8406msgstr "Ustaw miasto pochodzenia"
8408#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1084 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:112
8409#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:717 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:721
8410#: data/Freeciv.in:1969
8411msgid "Upgrade"
8412msgstr "Ulepsz"
8414#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1089 common/unit.c:643
8415msgid "Convert"
8416msgstr "Zmień"
8418#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1093 client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1227
8419#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:912 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:917
8420msgid "Disband"
8421msgstr "Rozwiąż"
8423#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1100 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:779
8424#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:776 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:187
8425msgid "Fortify Unit"
8426msgstr "Fortyfikuj jednostkę"
8428#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1116
8429msgid "Build Base"
8430msgstr "Zbuduj bazę"
8432#. TRANS: Menu item to bring up the action selection dialog.
8433#. TRANS: Button to bring up the action selection dialog.
8434#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1124 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:110
8435#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:449 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:445
8436msgid "Do..."
8437msgstr "Przprowadź akcję..."
8439#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1129 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:134
8440#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:435 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:431
8441#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:214
8442msgid "Explode Nuclear"
8443msgstr "Detonuj Bombę Atomową"
8445#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1136
8446msgid "Work"
8447msgstr "Zadania"
8449#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1137 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2023
8450#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:122 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:2550
8451#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1066 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:2758
8452#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1062 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:170
8453msgid "Build City"
8454msgstr "Zbuduj miasto"
8456#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1142
8457msgid "Go And Build City"
8458msgstr "Idź i zbuduj miasto"
8460#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1146 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2117
8461#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:625 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:621
8462#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:198
8463msgid "Auto Settler"
8464msgstr "Automatyczny osadnik"
8466#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1152 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:120
8467#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:172
8468msgid "Build Road"
8469msgstr "Zbuduj drogę"
8471#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1157
8472msgid "Build Path"
8473msgstr "Zbuduj trasę"
8475#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1159 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1980
8476#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1983 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:118
8477#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:174
8478msgid "Build Irrigation"
8479msgstr "Stwórz nawodnienie"
8481#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1164 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1936
8482#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1939 client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:116
8483#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:177
8484msgid "Build Mine"
8485msgstr "Zbuduj kopalnię"
8487#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1170 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:201
8488msgid "Connect With Road"
8489msgstr "Połącz drogą"
8491#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1174
8492msgid "Connect With Railroad"
8493msgstr "Połącz koleją"
8495#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1178 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:561
8496#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:557 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:203
8497msgid "Connect With Irrigation"
8498msgstr "Połącz nawodnieniem"
8500#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1183 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2008
8501#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:179
8502msgid "Transform Terrain"
8503msgstr "Przekształć teren"
8505#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1193 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:185
8506msgid "Clean Nuclear Fallout"
8507msgstr "Usuń skażenie nuklearne"
8509#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1209
8510msgid "Multiplayer"
8511msgstr "Wieloosobowy"
8513#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1210
8514msgid "Delayed Goto"
8515msgstr "Opóźnione \"Idź do\""
8517#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1213
8518msgid "Delayed Orders Execute"
8519msgstr "Opóźnione wykonanie rozkazów"
8521#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1216
8522msgid "Clear Orders"
8523msgstr "Wyczyść rozkazy"
8525#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1219
8526msgid "Add all cities to trade planning"
8527msgstr "Dodaj wszystkie miasta do planu handlu"
8529#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1221
8530msgid "Calculate trade planning"
8531msgstr "Oblicz plan handlu"
8533#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1223
8534msgid "Add/Remove City"
8535msgstr "Dodaj/usuń miasto"
8537#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1226
8538msgid "Clear Trade Planning"
8539msgstr "Wyczyść plan handlu"
8541#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1228
8542msgid "Automatic caravan"
8543msgstr "Automatyczna karawana"
8545#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1232
8546msgid "Set/Unset rally point"
8547msgstr "Ustaw/usuń punkt zborny"
8549#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1235
8550msgid "Quick Airlift"
8551msgstr "Przerzuć mostem powietrznym"
8553#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1239
8554msgid "Unit type for quickairlifting"
8555msgstr "Typ jednostki do transportu mostem powietrznym"
8557#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1244
8558msgid "Default action vs unit"
8559msgstr "Domyślne działanie dla jednostki"
8561#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1246 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1268
8562msgid "Ask"
8563msgstr "Zapytaj"
8565#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1253 common/events.c:118 common/events.c:128
8566msgid "Bribe"
8567msgstr "Przekup"
8569#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1267
8570msgid "Default action vs city"
8571msgstr "Domyślne działanie w mieście"
8573#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1275
8574msgid "Investigate city"
8575msgstr "Zbadaj miasto"
8577#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1282
8578msgid "Establish embassy"
8579msgstr "Załóż ambasadę"
8581#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1289
8582msgid "Steal technology"
8583msgstr "Wykradnij technologię"
8585#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1296
8586msgid "Incite a revolt"
8587msgstr "Wznieć bunt"
8589#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1303
8590msgid "Poison city"
8591msgstr "Zatruj miasto"
8593#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1311
8594msgid "Civilization"
8595msgstr "Cywilizacja"
8597# Nie jestem pewien...
8598#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1312 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:129
8599msgid "Tax Rates..."
8600msgstr "Stawki podatkowe..."
8602#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1317
8603msgid "Policies..."
8604msgstr "Polityki..."
8606#. TRANS: Also menu item, but 'headers' should be good enough.
8607#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1334 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1639
8608#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:340 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:337
8609#: client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:388
8610msgid "?header:Players"
8611msgstr "?header:Gracze"
8613#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1354 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:232
8614msgid "Top Five Cities"
8615msgstr "Pięć najwspanialszych miast"
8617#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1358 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:234
8618msgid "Demographics"
8619msgstr "Demografia"
8621#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1362 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:235 data/Freeciv.in:3270
8622msgid "Spaceship"
8623msgstr "Statek kosmiczny"
8625#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1366 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:236 common/events.c:146
8626msgid "Achievements"
8627msgstr "Osiągnięcia"
8629#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1369
8630msgid "Endgame report"
8631msgstr "Raport końcowy"
8633#. TRANS: Transform terrain to specific type
8634#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1912 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1956
8635#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2003
8636msgid "Transform to %1"
8637msgstr "Przekształć na %1"
8639#. TRANS: Build mine of specific type
8640#. TRANS: Build irrigation of specific type
8641#. TRANS: Build road of specific type
8642#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1932 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1976
8643#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2045
8644msgid "Build %1"
8645msgstr "Zbuduj %1"
8647#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2076 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:738
8648#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:735 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:184 server/unittools.c:2709
8649msgid "Drop Paratrooper"
8650msgstr "Zrzuć spadochroniarzy"
8652#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2119
8653msgid "Auto Worker"
8654msgstr "Automatyczny Robotnik"
8656#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:2610
8657msgid "Didn't find any trade route to establish"
8658msgstr "Nie znaleziono szlaku handlowego, który można ustalić"
8660#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3185
8661msgid "Available tilesets"
8662msgstr "Dostępne zestawy graficzne"
8664#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3187
8665msgid "Some tilesets might not be compatible with current map topology!"
8666msgstr "Niektóre zestawy graficzne mogą nie być zgodne z topologią mapy!"
8668#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3375
8669msgid "Success"
8670msgstr "Sukces"
8672#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3377
8673msgid "Failed to save image of the map"
8674msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać obrazu mapy"
8676#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3377
8677msgid "Error"
8678msgstr "Błąd"
8680#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3404
8681msgid "Save Games"
8682msgstr "Zapisz gry"
8684#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3456
8685msgid "Selection will cancel current assignments!"
8686msgstr "Wybór anuluje bieżące przydziały!"
8688#: client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:3457
8689msgid "Confirm Disruptive Selection"
8690msgstr "Potwierdź zaznaczenie przerywające działanie"
8692#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:93
8693msgid "... read more in help"
8694msgstr "... więcej w podręczniku pomocy"
8696#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:151 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:388
8697#: data/Freeciv.in:1671 data/Freeciv.in:1818 data/Freeciv.in:1977
8698msgid "Refresh"
8699msgstr "Odśwież"
8701#: client/gui-qt/optiondlg.cpp:157 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:80
8702#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:620
8703msgid "Apply"
8704msgstr "Zastosuj"
8707#. TRANS: "version 2.6.0, Qt client"
8708#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:164
8709#, c-format
8710msgid "%s%s, Qt client"
8711msgstr "%s%s, klient Qt"
8713#. TRANS: "commit: [modified] <git commit id>"
8714#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:174 tools/mpcli.c:136
8715#, c-format
8716msgid "commit: %s"
8717msgstr "łatka: %s"
8720#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:179
8721msgid "Qt client"
8722msgstr "klient Qt"
8724#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:197
8725msgid "Start new game"
8726msgstr "Rozpocznij nową grę"
8728#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:197
8729msgid "Start scenario game"
8730msgstr "Rozpocznij nowy scenariusz"
8732#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:198
8733msgid "Load saved game"
8734msgstr "Wczytaj zapisaną grę"
8736#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:198
8737msgid "Connect to network game"
8738msgstr "Przyłącz się do gry sieciowej"
8740#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:372 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:399
8741#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:629 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:626
8742#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:326 data/Freeciv.in:125 data/Freeciv.in:2514
8743msgid "Connect"
8744msgstr "Połącz"
8746#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:372
8747msgid "Login"
8748msgstr "Login"
8750#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:373 data/Freeciv.in:105
8751msgid "Password"
8752msgstr "Hasło"
8754#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:373
8755msgid "Confirm Password"
8756msgstr "Potwierdź hasło"
8758#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:413
8759msgid "Internet servers:"
8760msgstr "Serwery internetowe:"
8762#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:416
8763msgid "Local servers:"
8764msgstr "Serwery lokalne:"
8766#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:463
8767msgid "Loading..."
8768msgstr "Wczytuję..."
8770#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:484
8771msgid "Show preview"
8772msgstr "Pokaż podgląd"
8774#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:485
8775msgid "Date"
8776msgstr "Data"
8778#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:523 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:591
8779msgid "Browse..."
8780msgstr "Przeglądaj..."
8782#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:609
8783msgid "Load Scenario"
8784msgstr "Wczytaj scenariusz"
8786#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:661 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:123 data/Freeciv.in:3186
8787msgid "Disconnect"
8788msgstr "Rozłącz"
8790#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:679 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1877
8791#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:801 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:806
8792#: data/Freeciv.in:3404
8793msgid "Start"
8794msgstr "Start"
8796#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:812
8797msgid "Save Files"
8798msgstr "Pliki zapisanej gry"
8800#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:815
8801msgid "Open Save File"
8802msgstr "Otwórz pliki zapisanej gry"
8804#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:845
8805msgid "Scenarios Files"
8806msgstr "Pliki scenariuszy"
8808#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:848
8809msgid "Open Scenario File"
8810msgstr "Otwórz pliki scenariuszy"
8812#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1235
8813msgid "Turn"
8814msgstr "Tura"
8816#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1242
8817msgid "Players"
8818msgstr "Gracze"
8820#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1482
8821msgid "Authors: "
8822msgstr "Autorzy: "
8824#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1783
8825msgid "Global observers"
8826msgstr "Obserwator globalny"
8828#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1858
8829msgid "Not ready"
8830msgstr "Nie gotowy"
8832#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1995
8833msgid "Set difficulty"
8834msgstr "Ustaw poziom trudności"
8836#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:2018
8837msgid "Put on team"
8838msgstr "Umieść w drużynie"
8840#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:2109
8841msgid "Tax: %1% Science: %2% Luxury: %3%\n"
8842msgstr "Podatki: %1% Nauka: %2% Luksus: %3%\n"
8844#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:2114 client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:66
8845msgid "%1 - max rate: %2%"
8846msgstr "%1 - maksymalna stawka: %2%"
8848#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:546
8849msgid "<b>Techs unknown by %1:</b>"
8850msgstr "<b>Technologie nieznane dla %1:</b>"
8852#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:549
8853msgid "<b>Techs unknown by you :</b>"
8854msgstr "<b>Technologie nieznana tobie:<b>"
8856#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:594
8857msgid "<b>Techs known by %1:</b>"
8858msgstr "<b>Technologie znane dla %1:</b>"
8860#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:657 data/Freeciv.in:3246
8861msgid "Meet"
8862msgstr "Spotkanie"
8864#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:659 client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1545
8865#: client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1557
8866msgid "Cancel Treaty"
8867msgstr "Anuluj traktat"
8869#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:661
8870msgid "Withdraw Vision"
8871msgstr "Wycofaj widok dzielony"
8873#: client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:663 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:761
8874msgid "Toggle AI Mode"
8875msgstr "Przełącz tryb AI"
8877#: client/gui-qt/ratesdlg.cpp:56
8878msgid "Tax rates"
8879msgstr "Stawki podatkowe"
8881#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1229 data/Freeciv.in:1902
8882msgid "Sell All"
8883msgstr "Sprzedaj wszystkie"
8885#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1231 data/Freeciv.in:1894
8886msgid "Sell Redundant"
8887msgstr "Sprzedaj zbędne"
8889#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1473
8890msgid "Disband Results"
8891msgstr "Wyniki rozwiązania"
8893#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:63
8894msgid "Show minimap"
8895msgstr "Pokaż minimapę"
8897#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:71
8898msgid "Quick buy from map"
8899msgstr "Szybko kup z mapy"
8901#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:73
8902msgid "Quick production select from map"
8903msgstr "Szybko ustaw produkcję z mapy"
8905#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:75
8906msgid "Select button"
8907msgstr "Wybierz przycisk"
8909#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:77
8910msgid "Adjust workers"
8911msgstr "Dostosuj robotników"
8913#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:79
8914msgid "Append focus"
8915msgstr "Dodaj zaznaczenie"
8917#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:81
8918msgid "Popup tile info"
8919msgstr "Okienko informacji o polu"
8921#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:83
8922msgid "Wakeup sentries"
8923msgstr "Obudź wartowane jednostki"
8925#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:85
8926msgid "Show link to tile"
8927msgstr "Pokaż link do pola"
8929#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:87
8930msgid "Paste production"
8931msgstr "Wklej produkcję"
8933#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:89
8934msgid "Copy production"
8935msgstr "Kopiuj miasta"
8937#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:91
8938msgid "Show/hide workers"
8939msgstr "Pokaż/ukryj robotników"
8941#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:93
8942msgid "Units selection (for tile under mouse position)"
8943msgstr "Wybór jednostek (dla pola pod kursorem)"
8945#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:140
8946msgid "Quick buy current production from map"
8947msgstr "Szybko kup bieżącą produkcję z mapy"
8949#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:142
8950msgid "Lock/unlock interface"
8951msgstr "Zablokuj/odblokuj interfejs"
8953#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:144
8954msgid "Auto worker"
8955msgstr "Automatyczny robotnik"
8957#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:146
8958msgid "Paradrop/clean pollution"
8959msgstr "Zrzuć/usuń zanieczyszczenie"
8961#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:148
8962msgid "Popup combat information"
8963msgstr "Pokaż informacje o walce"
8965#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:150
8966msgid "Reload theme"
8967msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie motyw"
8969#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:152
8970msgid "Reload tileset"
8971msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny"
8973#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:154
8974msgid "Toggle city full bar visibility"
8975msgstr "Przełącz widoczność pełnej informacji o mieście"
8977#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:156
8978msgid "Reload zoomed in tileset"
8979msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny z powiększeniem"
8981#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:158
8982msgid "Reload zoomed out tileset"
8983msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny z pomniejszeniem"
8985#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:160
8986msgid "Load Lua script"
8987msgstr "Wczytaj skrypt Lua"
8989#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:162
8990msgid "Load last loaded Lua script"
8991msgstr "Wczytaj ostatnio wczytany skrypt Lua"
8993#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:164
8994msgid "Reload tileset with default scale"
8995msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny z domyślny powiększeniem"
8997#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:443
8998msgid "NoButton"
8999msgstr "ŻadenPrzycisk"
9001#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:445
9002msgid "LeftButton"
9003msgstr "LewyPrzycisk"
9005#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:447
9006msgid "RightButton"
9007msgstr "PrawyPrzycisk"
9009#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:449
9010msgid "MiddleButton"
9011msgstr "ŚrodkowyPrzycisk"
9013#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:451
9014msgid "BackButton"
9015msgstr "PrzyciskDoPrzodu"
9017#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:453
9018msgid "ForwardButton"
9019msgstr "PrzyciskDoTyłu"
9021#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:455
9022msgid "TaskButton"
9023msgstr "PrzyciskZadania"
9025#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:457
9026msgid "ExtraButton4"
9027msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk4"
9029#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:459
9030msgid "ExtraButton5"
9031msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk5"
9033#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:461
9034msgid "ExtraButton6"
9035msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk6"
9037#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:463
9038msgid "ExtraButton7"
9039msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk7"
9041#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:465
9042msgid "ExtraButton8"
9043msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk8"
9045#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:467
9046msgid "ExtraButton9"
9047msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk9"
9049#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:469
9050msgid "ExtraButton10"
9051msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk10"
9053#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:471
9054msgid "ExtraButton11"
9055msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk11"
9057#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:473
9058msgid "ExtraButton12"
9059msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk12"
9061#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:475
9062msgid "ExtraButton13"
9063msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk13"
9065#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:477
9066msgid "ExtraButton14"
9067msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk14"
9069#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:479
9070msgid "ExtraButton15"
9071msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk15"
9073#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:481
9074msgid "ExtraButton16"
9075msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk16"
9077#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:483
9078msgid "ExtraButton17"
9079msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk17"
9081#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:485
9082msgid "ExtraButton18"
9083msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk18"
9085#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:487
9086msgid "ExtraButton19"
9087msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk19"
9089#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:489
9090msgid "ExtraButton20"
9091msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk20"
9093#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:491
9094msgid "ExtraButton21"
9095msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk21"
9097#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:493
9098msgid "ExtraButton22"
9099msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk22"
9101#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:495
9102msgid "ExtraButton23"
9103msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk23"
9105#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:497
9106msgid "ExtraButton24"
9107msgstr "DodatkowyPrzycisk24"
9109#. TRANS: Given shortcut(%1) is already assigned
9110#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:551
9111msgid "%1 is already assigned to"
9112msgstr "%1 już przydzielone do"
9114#: client/gui-qt/shortcuts.cpp:564
9115msgid "Shortcuts options"
9116msgstr "Opcje skrótów"
9118#: client/gui-qt/sidebar.cpp:674
9119msgid "Observe %1"
9120msgstr "Obserwuj %1"
9122#: client/gui-qt/sidebar.cpp:685
9123msgid "Observe globally"
9124msgstr "Obserwuj globalnie"
9126#: client/gui-qt/spaceshipdlg.cpp:56 client/gui-sdl/spaceshipdlg.c:177
9127#: client/gui-sdl2/spaceshipdlg.c:189 data/Freeciv.in:1727
9128msgid "Launch"
9129msgstr "Wystrzel"
9131#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
9132#: client/gui-qt/themes.cpp:109
9133#, c-format
9134msgid ""
9135"No Qt-client theme was found. For instructions on how to get one, please "
9136"visit %s"
9137msgstr ""
9138"Nie znaleziono motywu dla klienta Qt. Aby dowiedzieć się jak go zdobyć, "
9139"odwiedź %s"
9141#: client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:41
9142msgid "Abstain"
9143msgstr "Wstrzymaj się"
9145#: client/gui-qt/voteinfo_bar.cpp:148
9146msgid "<b>%1 called a vote for:</b>"
9147msgstr "<b>%1 zaproponował/a głosowanie:</b>"
9149#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:494 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1264
9150#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1573 client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1644
9151#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:1870 client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:215
9152#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3671 client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:502
9153#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:918 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:334
9154#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:534 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1094
9155#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1344 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1674
9156#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2246 client/gui-sdl/finddlg.c:159
9157#: client/gui-sdl/gotodlg.c:268 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:263
9158#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:677 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1938
9159#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:252 client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:778
9160#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:354 client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:639
9161#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:392 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2008
9162#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2895 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3082
9163#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3352 client/gui-sdl/spaceshipdlg.c:166
9164#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:497 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1219
9165#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1523 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1593
9166#: client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:1819 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:223
9167#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3644 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:514
9168#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:930 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:334
9169#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:536 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1099
9170#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1348 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1682
9171#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2235 client/gui-sdl2/finddlg.c:167
9172#: client/gui-sdl2/gotodlg.c:277 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:265
9173#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:679 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1943
9174#: client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:269 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:789
9175#: client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:402 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:703
9176#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:415 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2059
9177#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2950 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3138
9178#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3421 client/gui-sdl2/spaceshipdlg.c:178
9179msgid "Close Dialog (Esc)"
9180msgstr "Zamknij okno (Esc)"
9182#. TRANS: Estimated one time bonus and recurring revenue for
9183#. * the Establish Trade _Route action.
9184#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:906 client/text.c:1704
9185#, c-format
9186msgid "%d one time bonus + %d trade"
9187msgstr "%d jednorazowy dodatek + %d handel"
9189#. TRANS: Estimated one time bonus for the Enter Marketplace
9190#. * action.
9191#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:920 client/text.c:1723
9192#, c-format
9193msgid "%d one time bonus"
9194msgstr "%d jednorazowa premia"
9196#: client/gui-sdl/action_dialog.c:973 client/gui-sdl2/action_dialog.c:928
9197msgid "Subvert Enemy Unit"
9198msgstr "Przekup jednostkę wroga"
9200#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:742 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:747
9201#, c-format
9202msgid "Total users logged in : %d"
9203msgstr "Wszyscy zalogowani użytkownicy: %d"
9205#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:790 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:795
9206msgid "Back"
9207msgstr "Cofnij"
9209#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:822 client/gui-sdl/pages.c:198
9210#: client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:827 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:204
9211msgid "Load Game"
9212msgstr "Wczytaj grę"
9214#: client/gui-sdl/chatline.c:834 client/gui-sdl2/chatline.c:839
9215msgid "Server Settings"
9216msgstr "Opcje serwera"
9218#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:406 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:408
9219msgid "Unit commands"
9220msgstr "Rozkazy dla jednostek"
9222#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:441 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:442
9223#: data/Freeciv.in:1184 data/Freeciv.in:1220
9224msgid "Activate unit, close dialog"
9225msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę i zamknij okno"
9227#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:513 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:514
9228#: data/Freeciv.in:1204
9229msgid "Upgrade unit"
9230msgstr "Ulepsz jednostkę"
9232#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:720 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:797
9233#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:724 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:821
9234msgid "?homecity:None"
9235msgstr "?homecity:Brak"
9237#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:944 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:948
9238msgid ""
9239"Allow unit production\n"
9240"to disband city"
9241msgstr ""
9242"Pozwól na produkcję,\n"
9243"która zlikwiduje miasto"
9245#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1169 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1170
9246msgid "Sorry, you have already bought here in this turn."
9247msgstr "Już kupiłeś/aś w tej turze."
9249#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1172 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1173
9250msgid "Sorry, you can't buy here in this turn."
9251msgstr "Nie możesz kupować tu w tej turze."
9253#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1176 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1177
9254msgid "Buy it?"
9255msgstr "Zakupić?"
9257#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1392 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1389
9258msgid "Sell it?"
9259msgstr "Sprzedać?"
9261#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1750 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3751
9262#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1742 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3724
9263msgid "City options"
9264msgstr "Opcje miasta"
9266#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1795 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1787
9267#, c-format
9268msgid "Supported units: %d"
9269msgstr "Jednostki na utrzymaniu: %d"
9271#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1853 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1844
9272#, c-format
9273msgid "Present units: %d"
9274msgstr "Jednostki obecne: %d"
9276#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1902 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3719
9277#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1893 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3692
9278msgid "City info"
9279msgstr "Statystyki"
9281#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1923 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1914
9282#, c-format
9283msgid "Pollution: %d"
9284msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie: %d"
9286#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1951 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1942
9287msgid "Pollution: none"
9288msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie: brak"
9290#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1967 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1958
9291#, c-format
9292msgid "Plague risk: %.1f%%"
9293msgstr "Ryzyko epidemii: %.1f%%"
9295#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1970 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1961
9296msgid "Plague risk: none"
9297msgstr "Ryzyko epidemii: brak"
9299#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:1979 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:1970
9300msgid "Trade routes: "
9301msgstr "Szlaki handlowe: "
9303#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2027 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2018
9304#, c-format
9305msgid "Trade: +%d"
9306msgstr "Handel: +%d"
9308#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2572 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2551
9309msgid "City improvements"
9310msgstr "Budynki"
9312#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2587 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2566
9313#, c-format
9314msgid "Food: %d per turn"
9315msgstr "Żywność: %d / turę"
9317#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2624 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2603
9318#, c-format
9319msgid "?food:Surplus: %d"
9320msgstr "?food:Nadwyżka: %d"
9322#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2672 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2649
9323#, c-format
9324msgid "Production: %d (%d) per turn"
9325msgstr "Produkcja: %d (%d) / turę"
9327#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2718 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2695
9328#, c-format
9329msgid "?production:Support: %d"
9330msgstr "?production:Wsparcie: %d"
9332#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2756 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2734
9333#, c-format
9334msgid "Trade: %d per turn"
9335msgstr "Handel: %d / turę"
9337#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2790 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2768
9338#, c-format
9339msgid "Corruption: %d"
9340msgstr "Korupcja: %d"
9342#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2827 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2804
9343#, c-format
9344msgid "Gold: %d (%d) per turn"
9345msgstr "Złoto: %d (%d) / turę"
9347#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2874 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2851
9348#, c-format
9349msgid "Upkeep: %d"
9350msgstr "Utrzymanie: %d"
9352#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2913 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2890
9353#, c-format
9354msgid "Science: %d per turn"
9355msgstr "Nauka: %d / turę"
9357#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2953 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2930
9358#, c-format
9359msgid "Luxury: %d per turn"
9360msgstr "Luksus: %d / turę"
9362#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2991 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2968
9363msgid "City growth: blocked"
9364msgstr "Czas wzrostu: zablokowany"
9366#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2993 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2970
9367msgid "City growth: never"
9368msgstr "Wzrost: nigdy"
9370#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2997 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2974
9371#, c-format
9372msgid "City shrinks: %d %s"
9373msgstr "Zmniejszy się: %d %s"
9375#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:2998 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3002
9376#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3326 client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:558
9377#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:1090 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1094
9378#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1148 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1162
9379#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1168 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1190
9380#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1201 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1207
9381#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1230 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1245
9382#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1266 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1282
9383#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1304 client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:675
9384#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:564 client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:954
9385#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:937 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1143
9386#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1446 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1452
9387#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1574 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2975
9388#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2979 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3300
9389#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:570 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:1105
9390#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1090 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1144
9391#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1158 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1164
9392#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1186 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1197
9393#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1203 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1225
9394#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1240 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1261
9395#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1277 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1299
9396#: client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:739 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:587
9397#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:976 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:959
9398#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1163 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1471
9399#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1477 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1600
9400msgid "turn"
9401msgid_plural "turns"
9402msgstr[0] "tura"
9403msgstr[1] "tury"
9404msgstr[2] "tur"
9406#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3001 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:2978
9407#, c-format
9408msgid "City growth: %d %s"
9409msgstr "Wzrost: %d %s"
9411#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3040 client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3154
9412#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3012 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3124
9413msgid "Stock"
9414msgstr "Zapasy"
9416#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3051 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3023
9417#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:279 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:335
9418#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:376 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:382
9419#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:471 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:377
9420#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:471
9421msgid "Granary"
9422msgstr "Spichlerz"
9424#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3330 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3304
9425msgid "finished"
9426msgstr "zakończono"
9428#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3585 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3558
9429#, c-format
9430msgid "City of %s (Population %s citizens)"
9431msgstr "Miasto %s (populacja %s mieszkańców)"
9433#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9434#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3591 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3564
9435msgid " - DISORDER"
9436msgstr " - ROZRUCHY"
9438#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9439#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3595 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3568
9440msgid " - celebrating"
9441msgstr " - świętuje"
9443#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9444#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3599 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3572
9445msgid " - happy"
9446msgstr " - szczęśliwi"
9448#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9449#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3606 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3579
9450msgid " - under Citizen Governor control."
9451msgstr " - kierowane przez Zarządcę."
9453#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3684 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3657
9454msgid "Present units"
9455msgstr "Obecne jednostki"
9457#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3695 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3668
9458msgid "Supported units"
9459msgstr "Jednostki na utrzymaniu"
9461#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3764 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3737
9462msgid "Change production"
9463msgstr "Zmień produkcję"
9465#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3778 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1738
9466#: client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3751 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1745
9467msgid "Hurry production"
9468msgstr "Przyspiesz produkcję"
9470#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3808 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3781
9471msgid "Previous city"
9472msgstr "Poprzednie miasto"
9474#: client/gui-sdl/citydlg.c:3823 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3796
9475msgid "Next city"
9476msgstr "Następne miasto"
9478#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:188 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:200
9479msgid "size"
9480msgstr "rozmiar"
9482#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:193 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:205
9483msgid ""
9485"to grow"
9486msgstr ""
9490#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:213 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1581
9491#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:225 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1694
9492msgid "Cities Report"
9493msgstr "Raport o miastach"
9495#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:229 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:241
9496msgid "Close Dialog"
9497msgstr "Zamknij"
9499#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:241 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:253
9500msgid "Information Report"
9501msgstr "Raport ogólny"
9503#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:251 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:263
9504msgid "Happiness Report"
9505msgstr "Raport o zadowoleniu"
9507#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:261 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:273
9508msgid "Garrison Report"
9509msgstr "Raport o garnizonie"
9511#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:271 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:283
9512msgid "Maintenance Report"
9513msgstr "Raport o utrzymaniu"
9515#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:541 client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:1070
9516#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:554 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:1087
9517msgid "worklist"
9518msgstr "plan prac"
9520#: client/gui-sdl/cityrep.c:545 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:558
9521msgid ""
9524msgstr ""
9528#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:485 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:497
9529msgid "Presets"
9530msgstr "Schemat"
9532#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:897 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:909
9533#, c-format
9534msgid "City of %s (Population %s citizens) : %s"
9535msgstr "Miasto %s (populacja %s mieszkańców) : %s"
9537#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1014 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1025
9538msgid "Save settings as..."
9539msgstr "Zapisz opcje jako..."
9541#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1023 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1034
9542msgid "Load settings"
9543msgstr "Wczytaj opcje"
9545#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1032 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1043
9546msgid "Delete settings"
9547msgstr "Usuń opcje"
9549#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1041 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1052
9550msgid "Control city"
9551msgstr "Zarządzaj miastem"
9553#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1049 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1060
9554#: data/Freeciv.in:1488
9555msgid "Apply once"
9556msgstr "Zastosuj raz"
9558#: client/gui-sdl/cma_fe.c:1057 client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:1068
9559msgid "Release city"
9560msgstr "Zwolnij zarządcę"
9562#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:244 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:249
9563msgid "Creating Server List..."
9564msgstr "Tworzę listę serwerów..."
9566#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:293 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:359
9567#: client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:298 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:363
9568msgid "No LAN servers found"
9569msgstr "Nie znaleziono serwerów LAN"
9571#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:295 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:361
9572#: client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:300 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:365
9573msgid "No public servers found"
9574msgstr "Nie znaleziono publicznych serwerów"
9576#. TRANS: "host.example.com Port 5556 Ver: 2.2.0 Running Players 3\n
9577#. * [server message]"
9578#. TRANS: "host.example.com Port 5556 Ver: 2.6.0 Running Players 3\n
9579#. * [server message]"
9580#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:331 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:335
9581#, c-format
9582msgid ""
9583"%s Port %d Ver: %s %s %s %d\n"
9585msgstr ""
9586"%s Port %d Wersja: %s %s %s %d\n"
9589#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:576 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:573
9590msgid "Player Name :"
9591msgstr "Nazwa gracza :"
9593#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:592 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:589
9594msgid "Freeciv Server :"
9595msgstr "Serwer Freeciv :"
9597#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:609 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:606
9598msgid "Port :"
9599msgstr "Port:"
9601#: client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:824 client/gui-sdl/connectdlg.c:998
9602#: client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:820 client/gui-sdl2/connectdlg.c:991
9603msgid "Next"
9604msgstr "Dalej"
9606#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1113 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1118
9607#, c-format
9608msgid "Contact %s (%d / %d) %s(%d,%d,%s) %s"
9609msgstr "Kontakt %s (%d / %d) %s(%d,%d,%s) %s"
9611#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1124 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1129
9612#, c-format
9613msgid "%s %s %s(A:%d D:%d M:%s FP:%d) HP:%d%%"
9614msgstr "%s %s %s(A:%d O:%d PR:%s SO:%d) PO%d%%"
9616#. TRANS: "CtW" = "Chance to Win"; preserve leading space
9617#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9618#. TRANS: "CtW" = "Chance to Win"; preserve leading space
9619#. TRANS: preserve leading space
9620#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1137 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1897
9621#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2025 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1142
9622#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1900 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2021
9623#, c-format
9624msgid " CtW: Att:%d%% Def:%d%%"
9625msgstr " Szanse: A:%d%% O:%d%%"
9627#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1276 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1280
9628#, c-format
9629msgid "Terrain Defense Bonus: +%d%% "
9630msgstr "Dodatek do obrony z terenu: +%d%% "
9632#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1301 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1684
9633#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1305 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1692
9634msgid "Terrain Info"
9635msgstr "Teren"
9637#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1657 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1665
9638msgid "Advanced Menu"
9639msgstr "Wynalazki"
9641#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1712 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1719
9642#, c-format
9643msgid "Zoom to : %s"
9644msgstr "Przybliż do : %s"
9646#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1726 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1733
9647#: data/Freeciv.in:2098
9648msgid "Change Production"
9649msgstr "Zmień produkcję"
9651#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1750 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1757
9652msgid "Change City Governor settings"
9653msgstr "Zmień opcje Zarządcy"
9655#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1772 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1778
9656msgid "Goto here"
9657msgstr "Idź tu"
9659#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1783 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1789
9660msgid "Patrol here"
9661msgstr "Patroluj tu"
9663#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1796 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1802
9664msgid "Connect here"
9665msgstr "Połącz tu"
9667#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1816 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1821
9668msgid "Paradrop here"
9669msgstr "Zrzuć spadochroniarzy tu"
9671#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1866 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1985
9672#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1869 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1981
9673#, c-format
9674msgid "Activate %s (%d / %d) %s (%d,%d,%s) %s"
9675msgstr "Aktywuj %s (%d / %d) %s (%d,%d,%s) %s"
9677#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1884 client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2012
9678#: client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1887 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2008
9679#, c-format
9680msgid "%s %s %s (A:%d D:%d M:%s FP:%d) HP:%d%%"
9681msgstr "%s %s %s (A:%d O:%d PR:%s SO:%d) PO:%d%%"
9683#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1946 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1945
9684#: data/Freeciv.in:579
9685msgid "Ready all"
9686msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"
9688#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:1955 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:1954
9689msgid "Sentry idle"
9690msgstr "Wartuj bezczynne jednostki"
9692#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2044 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2039
9693#, c-format
9694msgid "Look up \"%s\" in the Help Browser"
9695msgstr "Szukaj \"%s\" w Pomocy"
9697#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:2396 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:2385
9698msgid "Choose Your New Government"
9699msgstr "Wybór nowego ustroju"
9701#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:3051 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:3034
9702msgid "What nation will you be?"
9703msgstr "Jakim narodem chcesz grać?"
9705#: client/gui-sdl/dialogs.c:3142 client/gui-sdl2/dialogs.c:3125
9706msgid "Nation set"
9707msgstr "Zestaw narodów"
9709#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:570 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:578
9710msgid "World map"
9711msgstr "Mapa świata"
9713#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:584 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:592
9714msgid "Sea map"
9715msgstr "Mapa morska"
9717#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:617 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:626
9718#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:497 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:507
9719#, c-format
9720msgid "Gold(max %d)"
9721msgstr "Złoto(maks %d)"
9723#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:873 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:882
9724#: data/Freeciv.in:287
9725msgid "Diplomacy meeting"
9726msgstr "Spotkanie dyplomatyczne"
9728#. TRANS: "Polish incident !" FIXME!!!
9729#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1368 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1379
9730#, c-format
9731msgid "%s incident !"
9732msgstr "%s skandal!"
9734#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1386 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1397
9735msgid "Shall we declare WAR on them?"
9736msgstr "Czy wypowiedzieć im wojnę?"
9738#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1503 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1515
9739msgid "Foreign Minister"
9740msgstr "Minister spraw zagranicznych"
9742#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1520 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1532
9743#, c-format
9744msgid ""
9745"Sir!, the %s ambassador has arrived\n"
9746"What are your wishes?"
9747msgstr ""
9748"Panie, przybył ambasador %s.\n"
9749"Czego sobie życzysz?"
9751#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1524 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1536
9752#, c-format
9753msgid ""
9754"Ma'am!, the %s ambassador has arrived\n"
9755"What are your wishes?"
9756msgstr ""
9757"Pani, przybył ambasador %s.\n"
9758"Czego sobie życzysz?"
9760#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1543 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1555
9761msgid "Declare WAR"
9762msgstr "Wypowiedz wojnę"
9765#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1570 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1583
9766#: data/Freeciv.in:3262
9767msgid "Withdraw vision"
9768msgstr "Cofnij widok dzielony"
9770#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1589 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1602
9771msgid "Call Diplomatic Meeting"
9772msgstr "Spotkanie dyplomatyczne"
9774#: client/gui-sdl/diplodlg.c:1605 client/gui-sdl2/diplodlg.c:1618
9775msgid "Send him back"
9776msgstr "Odeślij go"
9778#: client/gui-sdl/gotodlg.c:251 client/gui-sdl2/gotodlg.c:260
9779msgid "Select destination"
9780msgstr "Wybierz cel"
9782#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:318 client/gui-sdl2/graphics.c:314
9783#, c-format
9784msgid "load_surf: Failed to load graphic file %s!"
9785msgstr "load_surf: Nie udało się wczytać pliku graficznego %s!"
9787#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:325
9788#, c-format
9789msgid "load_surf: Unable to convert file %s into screen's format!"
9790msgstr "load_surf: Nie można przekonwertować pliku %s na format ekranu!"
9792#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:347
9793#, c-format
9794msgid "load_surf_with_flags: Unable to load file %s."
9795msgstr "load_surf_with_flags: Nie można wczytać pliku %s."
9797#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:352
9798#, c-format
9799msgid "Unable to convert image from file %s into format %d."
9800msgstr "Nie można przekonwertować obrazu z pliku %s na format %d."
9802#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:377 client/gui-sdl2/graphics.c:337
9803#, c-format
9804msgid "Unable to create Sprite (Surface) of size %d x %d %d Bits in format %d"
9805msgstr ""
9806"Nie można stworzyć obrazka (Surface) o rozmiarze %d x %d %d bitów w formacie "
9809#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:590
9810#, c-format
9811msgid "Unable to initialize SDL library: %s"
9812msgstr "Nie można uruchomić biblioteki SDL: %s"
9814#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:598
9815#, c-format
9816msgid "Unable to initialize SDL_ttf library: %s"
9817msgstr "Nie można uruchomić biblioteki SDL_ttf: %s"
9819#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:635
9820#, c-format
9821msgid "No available mode for this resolution : %d x %d %d bpp"
9822msgstr "Brak dostępnych trybów dla rozdzielczości : %d x %d %d bpp"
9824#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:638
9825msgid "Setting default resolution to : 640 x 480 16 bpp SW"
9826msgstr "Ustawiam domyślną rozdzielczość na : 640 x 480 bpp SW"
9828#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:644
9829#, c-format
9830msgid "Unable to set this resolution: %d x %d %d bpp %s"
9831msgstr "Nie można ustawić rozdzielczości na: %d x %d %d bpp %s"
9833#: client/gui-sdl/graphics.c:650
9834#, c-format
9835msgid "Setting resolution to: %d x %d %d bpp"
9836msgstr "Ustawiam rozdzielczość na: %d x %d %d bpp"
9838#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:168 client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:175
9839msgid "  -f,  --fullscreen\tStart Client in Fullscreen mode\n"
9840msgstr "  -f,  --fullscreen\tUruchom w trybie pełnoekranowym\n"
9842#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:169
9843msgid ""
9844"  -e,  --eventthread\tInit Event Subsystem in other thread (only Linux and "
9846msgstr ""
9847"  -e,  --eventthread\tInit Event Subsystem w innym wątku (tylko w Linuksie i "
9850#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:171 client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:176
9851msgid "  -t,  --theme THEME\tUse GUI theme THEME\n"
9852msgstr "  -t,  --theme MOTYW\tUżyj motywu interfejsu MOTYW\n"
9854#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:640 client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:741
9855#, c-format
9856msgid "Making screenshot %s"
9857msgstr "Tworzę zrzut ekranu %s"
9859#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:769 client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:995
9860#, c-format
9861msgid "Using Video Output: %s"
9862msgstr "Używam wyjścia wideo: %s"
9864#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:797 client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:812
9865msgid "SDL Client for Freeciv"
9866msgstr "Klient SDL dla Freeciv"
9868#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:824
9869msgid "Initializing Client"
9870msgstr "Uruchamianie"
9872#: client/gui-sdl/gui_main.c:835
9873msgid "Waiting for the beginning of the game"
9874msgstr "Czekaj na rozpoczęcie gry"
9876#. TRANS: Future Technology
9877#: client/gui-sdl/gui_tilespec.c:399 client/gui-sdl2/gui_tilespec.c:404
9878msgid "FT"
9879msgstr "Tech. Przysz."
9881#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:244 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:246
9882msgid "Help : Improvements"
9883msgstr "Pomoc: Budynki"
9885#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:405 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:408
9886#: tools/civmanual.c:511
9887msgid "?req:None"
9888msgstr "?req:Brak"
9890#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:451 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:454
9891msgid "Never"
9892msgstr "Nigdy"
9894#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:657 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:659
9895msgid "Help : Units"
9896msgstr "Pomoc : Jednostki"
9898#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:795 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:807
9899#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1430 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1436
9900#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1444 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1450
9901#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1469 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1474
9902#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1565 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1573
9903#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1583 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:798
9904#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:810 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1455
9905#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1461 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1469
9906#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1475 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1494
9907#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1499 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1591
9908#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1599 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1609
9909msgid "shield"
9910msgid_plural "shields"
9911msgstr[0] "pkt. prod."
9912msgstr[1] "pkt. prod."
9913msgstr[2] "pkt. prod."
9915#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:800 client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:822
9916#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:802 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:825
9917msgid "citizen"
9918msgid_plural "citizens"
9919msgstr[0] "mieszkaniec"
9920msgstr[1] "mieszkańcy"
9921msgstr[2] "mieszkańców"
9923#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:812 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:815
9924msgid "food"
9925msgid_plural "foods"
9926msgstr[0] "żywność"
9927msgstr[1] "żywności"
9928msgstr[2] "żywności"
9930#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:817 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:820
9931msgid "gold"
9932msgid_plural "golds"
9933msgstr[0] "szt. złota"
9934msgstr[1] "szt. złota"
9935msgstr[2] "szt. złota"
9937#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:878 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:881
9938msgid "?utype:None"
9939msgstr "?utype:Brak"
9941#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1070 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1075
9942msgid "( with "
9943msgstr "( z "
9945#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1073 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1078
9946msgid " )"
9947msgstr " )"
9949#: client/gui-sdl/helpdlg.c:1917 client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:1922
9950msgid "Help : Advances Tree"
9951msgstr "Pomoc : Technologie"
9953#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:233 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:250
9954#: data/Freeciv.in:191 data/Freeciv.in:241
9955msgid "Foreign Intelligence Report"
9956msgstr "Raport wywiadu"
9958#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:277 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:297
9959#, c-format
9960msgid "Intelligence Information about the %s Spaceship"
9961msgstr "Informacje wywiadu o %sm Statku Kosmicznym"
9963#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:285 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:305
9964#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:199
9965#, c-format
9966msgid "Intelligence Information for the %s Empire"
9967msgstr "Informacje wywiadu o państwie %sm"
9969#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:309 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:329
9970#, c-format
9971msgid ""
9972"Ruler: %s  Government: %s\n"
9973"Capital: %s  Gold: %d\n"
9974"Tax: %d%% Science: %d%% Luxury: %d%%\n"
9975"Researching: %s"
9976msgstr ""
9977"Władca: %s  Ustrój: %s\n"
9978"Stolica: %s  Złoto: %d\n"
9979"Podatek: %d%% Nauka: %d%% Luksus: %d%%\n"
9980"Badania: %s"
9982#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:323 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:343
9983#, c-format
9984msgid ""
9985"Ruler: %s  Government: %s\n"
9986"Capital: %s  Gold: %d\n"
9987"Tax: %d%% Science: %d%% Luxury: %d%%\n"
9988"Researching: %s(%d/%d)"
9989msgstr ""
9990"Władca: %s  Ustrój: %s\n"
9991"Stolica: %s  Złoto: %d\n"
9992"Podatek: %d%% Nauka: %d%% Luksus: %d%%\n"
9993"Badania: %s(%d/%d)"
9995#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:341 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:361
9996#, c-format
9997msgid ""
9998"Ruler: %s  Government: %s\n"
9999"Capital: %s  Gold: %d\n"
10000"Tax rates unknown\n"
10001"Researching: (Unknown)"
10002msgstr ""
10003"Władca: %s  Ustrój: %s\n"
10004"Stolica: %s  Złoto: %d\n"
10005"Podatek: nieznane\n"
10006"Nauka: nieznane"
10008#: client/gui-sdl/inteldlg.c:409 client/gui-sdl2/inteldlg.c:429
10009msgid "Their techs that we don't have :"
10010msgstr "Ich technologie, których nie mamy :"
10012#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:279 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:297
10013msgid "Show Unit Info Window"
10014msgstr "Pokaż informacje o jednostce"
10016#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:336 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1434
10017#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:356 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1531
10018msgid "Hide Unit Info Window"
10019msgstr "Ukryj informacje o jednostce"
10021#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:390 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:411
10022msgid "Show Mini Map"
10023msgstr "Pokaż minimapę"
10025#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:464 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1644
10026#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:486 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1756
10027msgid "Hide Mini Map"
10028msgstr "Ukryj minimapę"
10030#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:501 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:526
10031msgid "Show Messages (F9)"
10032msgstr "Pokaż powiadomienia (F9)"
10034#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:504 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:529
10035msgid "Hide Messages (F9)"
10036msgstr "Ukryj powiadomienia (F9)"
10038#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:659 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:718
10039msgid "Scale Mini Map"
10040msgstr "Skaluj minimapę"
10042#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:670 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:729
10043msgid "Single Tile Width"
10044msgstr "Szerokość jednego pola"
10046#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:674 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:733
10047msgid "Single Tile Height"
10048msgstr "Wysokość jednego pola"
10050#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:719 client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1063
10051#: client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:777 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1150
10052msgid "Exit"
10053msgstr "Opuść"
10055#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1017 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1104
10056msgid "Scale Unit Info"
10057msgstr "Skaluj informacje o jednostkach"
10059#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1027 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1114
10060msgid "Width"
10061msgstr "Szerokość"
10063#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1031 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1118
10064msgid "Height"
10065msgstr "Wysokość"
10067#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1412 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:310
10068#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:313 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1509
10069#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:325 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:328
10070msgid "Revolution"
10071msgstr "Rewolucja"
10073#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1582 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1695
10074msgid "or"
10075msgstr "lub"
10077#: client/gui-sdl/mapctrl.c:1608 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1721
10078msgid "Hide Messages"
10079msgstr "Ukryj powiadomienia"
10081#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:150
10082msgid "The SDL event buffer is full; you may see drawing errors as a result."
10083msgstr "Bufor SDL jest pełny; mogą pojawić się błędy wyświetlania."
10085#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:314 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:329
10086msgid "?gov:None"
10087msgstr "?gov:Brak"
10089#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:418 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:431
10090#, c-format
10091msgid "%s Population: %s  Year: %s  Gold %d "
10092msgstr "Populacja %s: %s  Rok: %s  Złoto %d "
10094#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:426 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:439
10095#, c-format
10096msgid "%s Population: %s  Year: %s  Gold %d Tax: %d Lux: %d Sci: %d "
10097msgstr "Populacja %s: %s  Rok: %s  Złoto %d Pod.: %d Luks.: %d Nau.: %d "
10099#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:577 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:594 client/text.c:146
10100msgid "?nation:Hostile"
10101msgstr "?nation:Wrodzy"
10103#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:579 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:596 client/text.c:148
10104msgid "?nation:Peaceful"
10105msgstr "?nation:Pokojowi"
10107#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:579 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:596 client/text.c:148
10108msgid "?nation:Friendly"
10109msgstr "?nation:Przyjaźni"
10111#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:580 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:597 client/text.c:149
10112msgid "?nation:Mysterious"
10113msgstr "?nation:Nieznani"
10115#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:582 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:600
10116msgid ""
10118"Our Territory"
10119msgstr ""
10121"Nasze terytorium"
10123#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:591 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:611
10124#, c-format
10125msgid ""
10127"%s territory (%d turn ceasefire)"
10128msgid_plural ""
10130"%s territory (%d turn ceasefire)"
10131msgstr[0] ""
10133"%s (%d tura zawieszenia broni)"
10134msgstr[1] ""
10136"%s (%d tury zawieszenia broni)"
10137msgstr[2] ""
10139"%s (%d tur zawieszenia broni)"
10141#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:597 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:619
10142#, c-format
10143msgid ""
10145"%s territory (%d turn armistice)"
10146msgid_plural ""
10148"%s territory (%d turn armistice)"
10149msgstr[0] ""
10151"Terytorium %s (%d tura rozejmu)"
10152msgstr[1] ""
10154"Terytorium %s (%d tury rozejmu)"
10155msgstr[2] ""
10157"Terytorium %s (%d tur rozejmu)"
10159#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:601 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:624
10160#, c-format
10161msgid ""
10163"Territory of the %s %s"
10164msgstr ""
10166"Terytorium %s %s"
10168#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:606 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:629
10169msgid ""
10171"Unclaimed territory"
10172msgstr ""
10174"Ziemia niczyja"
10176#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:617 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:618
10177#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:639 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:640
10178msgid "?city:Neutral"
10179msgstr "?city:Neutralne"
10181#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:617 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:639 client/text.c:151
10182msgid "?city:Hostile"
10183msgstr "?city:Wrogie"
10185#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:618 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:640 client/text.c:153
10186msgid "?city:Peaceful"
10187msgstr "?city:Pokojowe"
10189#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:619 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:641 client/text.c:153
10190msgid "?city:Friendly"
10191msgstr "?city:Przyjazne"
10193#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:619 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:641 client/text.c:153
10194msgid "?city:Mysterious"
10195msgstr "?city:Nieznane"
10197#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:622 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:644
10198#, c-format
10199msgid ""
10201"City of %s"
10202msgstr ""
10204"Miasto %s"
10206#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:636 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:658
10207msgid "?blistbegin: with "
10208msgstr "?blistbegin: z "
10210#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:638 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:660
10211#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:76 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:103
10212#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:138 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:143
10213#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:226 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:164
10214#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:226
10215msgid "Barracks"
10216msgstr "Koszary"
10218#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:640 client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:646
10219#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:652 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:662
10220#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:668 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:674
10221#: client/helpdata.c:6366 client/helpdata.c:6374
10222msgid "?blistmore:, "
10223msgstr "?blistmore:, "
10225#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:650 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:672
10226#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:28 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:61
10227#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:63 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:61
10228#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:60 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:61
10229msgid "Airport"
10230msgstr "Lotnisko"
10232#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:656 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:678
10233#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:182 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:213
10234#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:252 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:257
10235#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:338 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:278
10236#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:338
10237msgid "City Walls"
10238msgstr "Mury Obronne"
10240#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:659 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:681
10241msgid "?blistend:"
10242msgstr "?blistend:"
10244#. TRANS: (<nation>,<diplomatic_state>)"
10245#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:667 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:689
10246#, c-format
10247msgid ""
10250msgstr ""
10254#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:677 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:698
10255#, c-format
10256msgid ""
10258"Food/Prod/Trade: %s"
10259msgstr ""
10261ywn/Prod/Hand: %s"
10263#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:919 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:939
10264msgid "End of Turn"
10265msgstr "Koniec tury"
10267#: client/gui-sdl/mapview.c:919 client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:939
10268msgid "Press"
10269msgstr "Naciśnij"
10271#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:407 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:403
10272msgid "No Orders"
10273msgstr "Brak rozkazów"
10275# Chodzi tu o przycisk spacji na klawiaturze
10276#. TRANS: "Space" refers to the space bar on a keyboard.
10277#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:409 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:405
10278msgid "Space"
10279msgstr "Spacja"
10281#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:461 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:457
10282#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:210
10283msgid "Disband Unit"
10284msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę"
10286#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:487 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:483
10287#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:209
10288msgid "Convert Unit"
10289msgstr "Zmień jednostkę"
10291#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:500 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:496
10292#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:207
10293msgid "Return to Nearest City"
10294msgstr "Wróć do najbliższego miasta"
10296#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:513 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:509
10297msgid "Go to City"
10298msgstr "Idź do miasta"
10300#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:525 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:521
10301msgid "Airlift to City"
10302msgstr "Leć do miasta"
10304#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:578 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:597
10305#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:574 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:593
10306#, c-format
10307msgid "Connect With %s (%s)"
10308msgstr "Połącz za pomocą: %s (%s)"
10310#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:663 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:660
10311#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:194
10312msgid "Load Unit"
10313msgstr "Załaduj jednostkę"
10315#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:675 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:672
10316#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:195
10317msgid "Unload Unit"
10318msgstr "Wyładuj jednostkę"
10320#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:687 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:684
10321msgid "Find Home City"
10322msgstr "Znajdź miasto pochodzenia"
10324#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:712 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:709
10325#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:188
10326msgid "Sentry Unit"
10327msgstr "Wartuj jednostkę"
10329#. TRANS: "Build Railroad (R) 3 turns"
10330#. TRANS: "Build Irrigation (I) 5 turns"
10331#. TRANS: "Build Mine (M) 5 turns"
10332#. TRANS: "Build Fortress (Shift+F) 5 turns"
10333#. TRANS: "Build Airbase (Shift+E) 5 turns"
10334#. TRANS: "Build Railroad (R) 3 turns"
10335#. TRANS: "Build Irrigation (I) 5 turns"
10336#. TRANS: "Build Mine (M) 5 turns"
10337#. TRANS: "Build Fortress (Shift+F) 5 turns"
10338#. TRANS: "Build Airbase (Shift+E) 5 turns"
10339#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1091 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1146
10340#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1188 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1243
10341#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1264 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1087
10342#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1142 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1184
10343#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1238 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1259
10344#, c-format
10345msgid "Build %s (%s) %d %s"
10346msgstr "Zbuduj %s (%s) %d %s"
10348#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1117 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1113
10349#, c-format
10350msgid "%s With %s ( %d one time bonus + %d trade ) (R)"
10351msgstr "%s z %s ( %d jednorazowy dodatek + %d handel ) (R)"
10353#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1125 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1121
10354#, c-format
10355msgid "%s Of %s ( %d one time bonus ) (R)"
10356msgstr "%s z %s ( %d jednorazowy dodatek ) (R)"
10358#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1160 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1156
10359msgid "Cut Down to"
10360msgstr "Zmień na"
10362#. TRANS: "Change to Grassland (I) 10 turns"
10363#. TRANS: "Change to Swamp (M) 10 turns"
10364#. TRANS: "Change to Grassland (I) 10 turns"
10365#. TRANS: "Change to Swamp (M) 10 turns"
10366#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1166 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1205
10367#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1162 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1201
10368#, c-format
10369msgid "Change to %s (%s) %d %s"
10370msgstr "Zmień na %s (%s) %d %s"
10372#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1200 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1196
10373msgid "Plant Forest"
10374msgstr "Zasadź las"
10376#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1227 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1223
10377msgid "Transform to"
10378msgstr "Przekształć na"
10380#. TRANS: "Clean Pollution (P) 3 turns"
10381#. TRANS: "Clean Fallout (N) 3 turns"
10382#. TRANS: "Clean Pollution (P) 3 turns"
10383#. TRANS: "Clean Fallout (N) 3 turns"
10384#: client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1280 client/gui-sdl/menu.c:1302
10385#: client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1275 client/gui-sdl2/menu.c:1297
10386#, c-format
10387msgid "Clean %s (%s) %d %s"
10388msgstr "Usuń %s (%s) %d %s"
10390#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:315 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:319
10391#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:114 client/gui-xaw/menu.c:613
10392msgid "Local Options"
10393msgstr "Lokalne opcje"
10395#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:326 client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:797
10396#: client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:331 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:808
10397msgid "Server options"
10398msgstr "Opcje serwera"
10400#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:788 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:799
10401msgid "Local options"
10402msgstr "Opcje lokalne"
10404#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:808 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:819
10405#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:132 data/Freeciv.in:1989
10406msgid "Worklists"
10407msgstr "Plany prac"
10409#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:818 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:829
10410msgid "Save Local Options"
10411msgstr "Zapisz opcje lokalne"
10413#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:837 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:848
10414msgid "Help Browser"
10415msgstr "Przeglądarka pomocy"
10417#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:848 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:859
10418msgid "Leave Game"
10419msgstr "Opuść grę"
10421#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:998 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:1010
10422msgid "Apply changes"
10423msgstr "Zastosuj zmiany"
10425#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:1112 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:1128
10426#: client/gui-xaw/wldlg.c:659
10427msgid "empty worklist"
10428msgstr "pusty plan prac"
10430#: client/gui-sdl/optiondlg.c:1216 client/gui-sdl2/optiondlg.c:1233
10431msgid "Add new worklist"
10432msgstr "Dodaj nowy plan prac"
10434#. TRANS: Freeciv 2.4.0
10435#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:154 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:161
10436#, c-format
10437msgid "Freeciv %s"
10438msgstr "Freeciv %s"
10441#. TRANS: gui-sdl client
10442#. TRANS: gui-sdl2 client
10443#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:169 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:175
10444#, c-format
10445msgid "%s client"
10446msgstr "klient %s"
10448#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:183 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:189
10449msgid "Start New Game"
10450msgstr "Rozpocznij nową grę"
10452#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:212 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:219
10453msgid "Join Game"
10454msgstr "Połącz się do rozgrywki"
10456#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:226 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:234
10457msgid "Join Pubserver"
10458msgstr "Połącz się z serwerem publicznym"
10460#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:240 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:249
10461msgid "Join LAN Server"
10462msgstr "Połącz się z serwerem LAN"
10464#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:321
10465msgid "SDLClient welcomes you..."
10466msgstr "Witamy w kliencie SDL..."
10468#: client/gui-sdl/pages.c:331 client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:343
10469#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:537
10470#, c-format
10471msgid "Commit: %s"
10472msgstr "Łatka: %s"
10474#. TRANS: Dead -- Rest In Peace -- Reqia In Pace
10475#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:432 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:481
10476#: client/plrdlg_common.c:228
10477msgid "R.I.P."
10478msgstr "R.I.P."
10480#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:658 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:722
10481#: client/plrdlg_common.c:312 server/stdinhand.c:3524 server/stdinhand.c:6392
10482msgid "AI"
10483msgstr "AI"
10485#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:662 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:726
10486#: client/plrdlg_common.c:250 client/plrdlg_common.c:259
10487msgid "done"
10488msgstr "gotowy"
10490#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:664 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:728
10491#: client/plrdlg_common.c:261
10492msgid "moving"
10493msgstr "rusza się"
10495#: client/gui-sdl/plrdlg.c:667 client/gui-sdl2/plrdlg.c:731
10496msgid "disconnected"
10497msgstr "rozłączony"
10499#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:351 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:374
10500#: common/fc_types.h:696
10501msgid "active"
10502msgstr "aktywny"
10504#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:356 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:379
10505msgid ""
10508msgstr ""
10512#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:360 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:383
10513msgid ""
10516msgstr ""
10518"koniec pracy"
10520#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:364 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:387
10521msgid "Total"
10522msgstr "W sumie"
10524#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:375 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:398
10525msgid "Units Report"
10526msgstr "Raport o jednostkach"
10528#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1549 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1605
10529#, c-format
10530msgid ""
10531"We have %d of %s\n"
10532"(total value is : %d)\n"
10533"We can sell %d of them for %d gold."
10534msgstr ""
10535"Mamy %d %s\n"
10536"(w sumie : %d)\n"
10537"Możemy sprzedać %d za %d sztuk złota."
10539#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1556 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1612
10540#, c-format
10541msgid "We can't sell any %s in this turn."
10542msgstr "Nie można sprzedać %s w tej turze."
10544#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1561 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1616
10545msgid "Sell It?"
10546msgstr "Sprzedać to?"
10548#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1788 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1839
10549msgid "Economy Report"
10550msgstr "Raport ekonomiczny"
10552#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1803 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1854
10553msgid "Treasury: "
10554msgstr "Skarbiec: "
10556#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1823 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1874
10557msgid "Tax Rate: "
10558msgstr "Stawka podatkowa: "
10560#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1842 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1893
10561msgid "Total Income: "
10562msgstr "Całkowity zysk: "
10564#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1860 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1911
10565msgid "Total Cost: "
10566msgstr "Całkowity koszt: "
10568#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1877 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1928
10569msgid "Net Income: "
10570msgstr "Zysk netto: "
10572#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1899 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:1950
10573#, c-format
10574msgid "%s max rate : %d%%"
10575msgstr "Maksymalna stawka %s: %d%%"
10577#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:1998 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2049
10578#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:675 data/Freeciv.in:173
10579msgid "Update"
10580msgstr "Aktualizuj"
10582#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2084 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2136
10583msgid "Wonder"
10584msgstr "Cud"
10586#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:2879 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2934
10587msgid "What should we focus on now?"
10588msgstr "Na czym mamy się skupić teraz?"
10590#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3066 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3122
10591msgid "Select target :"
10592msgstr "Wybierz cel :"
10594#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3135 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3191
10595msgid "step"
10596msgid_plural "steps"
10597msgstr[0] "krok"
10598msgstr[1] "kroki"
10599msgstr[2] "kroków"
10601#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3428 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3497
10602#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1197
10603#, c-format
10604msgid "%2d: The %s ruler %s scored %d point\n"
10605msgid_plural "%2d: The %s ruler %s scored %d points\n"
10606msgstr[0] "%2d: %s przywódca %s uzyskał %d punkt\n"
10607msgstr[1] "%2d: %s przywódca %s uzyskał %d punkty\n"
10608msgstr[2] "%2d: %s przywódca %s uzyskał %d punktów\n"
10610#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3435 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3504
10611#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1204
10612msgid "Final Report:"
10613msgstr "Raport końcowy:"
10615#: client/gui-sdl/repodlgs.c:3436 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:3505
10616#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1205
10617msgid "The Greatest Civilizations in the world."
10618msgstr "Najwspanialsze Cywilizacje Świata."
10620#: client/gui-sdl/spaceshipdlg.c:145 client/gui-sdl2/spaceshipdlg.c:157
10621#, c-format
10622msgid "The %s Spaceship"
10623msgstr "%s statek kosmiczny"
10625#: client/gui-sdl/sprite.c:62 client/gui-sdl2/sprite.c:66
10626#, c-format
10627msgid "load_gfxfile: Unable to load graphic file %s!"
10628msgstr "load_gfxfile: Nie można wczytać pliku graficznego %s!"
10630#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
10631#: client/gui-sdl/themes.c:63
10632#, c-format
10633msgid ""
10634"No Sdl-client theme was found. For instructions on how to get one, please "
10635"visit %s"
10636msgstr ""
10637"Nie znaleziono motywu dla kleinta SDL. Aby dowiedzieć się jak go zdobyć, "
10638"odwiedź %s"
10640#: client/gui-sdl/themespec.c:344 client/gui-sdl2/themespec.c:352
10641msgid "No usable default theme found, aborting!"
10642msgstr "Nie znaleziono domyślnego motywu, przerywam!"
10644#: client/gui-sdl/themespec.c:375 client/gui-sdl2/themespec.c:383
10645#, c-format
10646msgid "Loading theme \"%s\"."
10647msgstr "Wczytuję motyw \"%s\"."
10649#: client/gui-sdl/themespec.c:485 client/gui-sdl/themespec.c:519
10650#: client/gui-sdl2/themespec.c:493 client/gui-sdl2/themespec.c:527
10651#: client/tilespec.c:1511 client/tilespec.c:1543
10652#, c-format
10653msgid ""
10654"Could not open '%s':\n"
10656msgstr ""
10657"Nie mogę otworzyć \"%s\".\n"
10660#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:926 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1133
10661#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:948 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1153
10662#, c-format
10663msgid ""
10665"%d gold per turn"
10666msgid_plural ""
10668"%d gold per turn"
10669msgstr[0] ""
10671"%d złota/turę"
10672msgstr[1] ""
10674"%d złota/turę"
10675msgstr[2] ""
10677"%d złota/turę"
10679#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:934 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1140
10680#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:956 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1160
10681#, c-format
10682msgid ""
10685msgstr ""
10689#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:936 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1142
10690#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:958 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1162
10691#, c-format
10692msgid ""
10694"%d %s"
10695msgstr ""
10697"%d %s"
10699#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:940 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1146
10700#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:962 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1166
10701#, c-format
10702msgid ""
10705msgstr ""
10709#. TRANS: length of worklist
10710#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:994 client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1112
10711#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1016 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1132
10712#, c-format
10713msgid "( %d entry )"
10714msgid_plural "( %d entries )"
10715msgstr[0] "( %d pozycja )"
10716msgstr[1] "( %d pozycje )"
10717msgstr[2] "( %d pozycji )"
10719#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1096 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1116
10720#, c-format
10721msgid ""
10722"Worklist of\n"
10724msgstr ""
10725"Plan prac\n"
10728#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1427 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1452
10729#, c-format
10730msgid ""
10732"%d/%d %s\n"
10734msgstr ""
10736"%d/%d %s\n"
10739#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1434 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1459
10740#, c-format
10741msgid ""
10742"%d/%d %s\n"
10744msgstr ""
10745"%d/%d %s\n"
10748#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1441 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1466
10749#, c-format
10750msgid ""
10752"%d/%d %s\n"
10753"%d %s"
10754msgstr ""
10756"%d/%d %s\n"
10757"%d %s"
10759#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1448 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1473
10760#, c-format
10761msgid ""
10762"%d/%d %s\n"
10763"%d %s"
10764msgstr ""
10765"%d/%d %s\n"
10766"%d %s"
10768#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1459 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1484
10769#, c-format
10770msgid "%d gold per turn"
10771msgid_plural "%d gold per turn"
10772msgstr[0] "%d złota/turę"
10773msgstr[1] "%d złota/turę"
10774msgstr[2] "%d złota/turę"
10776#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1467 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1492
10777#, c-format
10778msgid ""
10780"%d %s"
10781msgstr ""
10783"%d %s"
10785#. TRANS: <year> <label> -> "1000 BC"
10786#. TRANS: <year> <label> -> "1000 AD"
10787#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1472 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1497
10788#: common/calendar.c:109 common/calendar.c:113
10789#, c-format
10790msgid "%d %s"
10791msgstr "%d %s"
10793#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1478 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1503
10794msgid "shields into gold"
10795msgstr "produkcja na złoto"
10797#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1560 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1586
10798#, c-format
10799msgid ""
10801"%d/%d %s\n"
10803msgstr ""
10805"%d/%d %s\n"
10808#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1568 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1594
10809#, c-format
10810msgid ""
10812"%d/%d %s\n"
10813"%d %s"
10814msgstr ""
10816"%d/%d %s\n"
10817"%d %s"
10819#: client/gui-sdl/wldlg.c:1578 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1604
10820#, c-format
10821msgid ""
10823"%d %s"
10824msgstr ""
10826"%d %s"
10828#: client/gui-sdl2/graphics.c:522
10829#, c-format
10830msgid "Unable to initialize SDL2 library: %s"
10831msgstr "Nie można uruchomić biblioteki SDL2: %s"
10833#: client/gui-sdl2/graphics.c:530
10834#, c-format
10835msgid "Unable to initialize SDL2_ttf library: %s"
10836msgstr "Nie można uruchomić biblioteki SDL2_ttf: %s"
10838#: client/gui-sdl2/graphics.c:555
10839msgid "SDL2 Client for Freeciv"
10840msgstr "Klient SDL2 dla Freeciv"
10842#: client/gui-sdl2/gui_main.c:956
10843msgid "Migrating options from sdl to sdl2 client"
10844msgstr "Przenoszenie opcji z klienta sdl do sdl2"
10846#: client/gui-sdl2/mapview.c:161
10847#, c-format
10848msgid "Failed to add events to SDL2 event buffer: %s"
10849msgstr "Nie udało się dodać zdarzeń do buforu zdarzeń SDL: %s"
10851#: client/gui-sdl2/pages.c:333
10852msgid "SDL2-client welcomes you..."
10853msgstr "Witamy w kliencie SDL2..."
10855#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
10856#: client/gui-sdl2/themes.c:63
10857#, c-format
10858msgid ""
10859"No Sdl2-client theme was found. For instructions on how to get one, please "
10860"visit %s"
10861msgstr ""
10862"Nie znaleziono motywu dla kleinta SDL2. Aby dowiedzieć się jak go zdobyć, "
10863"odwiedź %s"
10865#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:225
10866#, c-format
10867msgid ""
10868"Corruption:   %4d\n"
10869"Waste:        %4d\n"
10870"Pollution:    %4d\n"
10871"Plague risk:  %s"
10872msgstr ""
10873"Korupcja:         %4d\n"
10874"Straty:           %4d\n"
10875"Zanieczyszczenie: %4d\n"
10876"Ryzyko epidemii:  %s"
10878#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:263
10879#, c-format
10880msgid ""
10881"Granary:   %3d/%-3d\n"
10882"Change in: %s"
10883msgstr ""
10884"Spichlerz: %3d/%-3d\n"
10885"Zmiana za: %s"
10887#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:293
10888#, c-format
10889msgid ""
10890"Food:  %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10891"Prod:  %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10892"Trade: %3d (%+-4d)"
10893msgstr ""
10894"Żywność: %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10895"Prod.:    %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10896"Handel:  %3d (%+-4d)"
10898#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:322
10899#, c-format
10900msgid ""
10901"Gold:  %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10902"Lux:   %3d\n"
10903"Sci:   %3d"
10904msgstr ""
10905"Złoto:   %3d (%+-4d)\n"
10906"Luksus:  %3d\n"
10907"Nauka:   %3d"
10909#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:348
10910msgid "(is empty)"
10911msgstr "(puste)"
10913#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:350
10914msgid "(in prog.)"
10915msgstr "(tworzone)"
10917#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1469
10918#, c-format
10919msgid "These trade routes have been established with %s:\n"
10920msgstr "Te szlaki handlowe zostały ustanowione z %s:\n"
10922#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1479 client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1483
10923#, c-format
10924msgid "%32s: %2d Trade/Year\n"
10925msgstr "%32s: %2d Handlu/Rok\n"
10927#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1489
10928msgid "No trade routes exist.\n"
10929msgstr "Nie istnieją żadne szlaki handlowe.\n"
10931#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1491
10932#, c-format
10933msgid ""
10935"Total trade %d Trade/Year\n"
10936msgstr ""
10938"Całkowity handel %d Handlu/Rok\n"
10940#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:1840
10941#, c-format
10942msgid "%s - %s citizens  Governor: %s"
10943msgstr "%s - %s mieszkańców Zarządca: %s"
10945#: client/gui-xaw/citydlg.c:2444
10946msgid "Workers"
10947msgstr "Robotnicy"
10949#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:438
10950msgid "What should we name the new preset?"
10951msgstr "Jaka powinna być nazwa nowego schematu?"
10953#: client/gui-xaw/cma_fe.c:455
10954#, c-format
10955msgid "Do you really want to remove %s?"
10956msgstr "Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć %s?"
10958#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:331 data/Freeciv.in:128
10959msgid "LAN Servers"
10960msgstr "Serwery LAN"
10962#: client/gui-xaw/connectdlg.c:336 client/options.c:1850 data/Freeciv.in:132
10963msgid "Metaserver"
10964msgstr "Metaserwer"
10966#: client/gui-xaw/dialogs.c:1479
10967msgid "You must select a nation."
10968msgstr "Należy wybrać naród."
10970#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:380 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:388
10971#, c-format
10972msgid "The %s offerings"
10973msgstr "%se propozycje"
10975#. TRANS: The <nation adjective> <ruler-title + player-name>
10976#. * E.g. "The Czech President Vaclav Havel".
10977#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:566
10978#, c-format
10979msgid ""
10980"This Eternal Treaty\n"
10981"marks the results of the diplomatic work between\n"
10982"The %s %s\n"
10984"The %s %s"
10985msgstr ""
10986"Ten Wieczysty Traktat\n"
10987"jest wynikiem prac dyplomatycznych pomiędzy\n"
10988"%s %s\n"
10990"%s %s"
10992#: client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:604 client/gui-xaw/diplodlg.c:616
10993#, c-format
10994msgid "%s view:"
10995msgstr "Widok %s:"
10997#: client/gui-xaw/action_dialog.c:509
10998msgid "NONE"
10999msgstr "BRAK"
11001#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:262
11002msgid ""
11003"This client accepts the standard X toolkit command-line options\n"
11004"after '--'. See the X(7) man page.\n"
11006msgstr ""
11007"Ten klient obsługuje standardowe opcje zestawu narzędzi X wprowadzane\n"
11008"w wierszu poleceń po '--'. Więcej informacji na stronie man X(7).\n"
11011#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:361
11012msgid "No version number in resources."
11013msgstr "Brak numeru wersji w zasobach."
11015#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:362
11016msgid "You probably have an old (circa V1.0) Freeciv resource file somewhere."
11017msgstr "Prawdopodobnie masz gdzieś stary (ok. Freeciv 1.0) plik zasobów."
11019#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:370
11020msgid "Game version does not match Resource version."
11021msgstr "Wersja gry nie zgadza się z wersją zasobów."
11023#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:371
11024#, c-format
11025msgid "Game version: %s - Resource version: %s"
11026msgstr "Wersja gry: %s - Wersja zasobów: %s"
11028#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:373
11029msgid "You might have an old Freeciv resourcefile in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults"
11030msgstr ""
11031"Prawdopodobnie masz przestarzały plik zasobów w /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults"
11033#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:379
11034msgid "Using fallback resources - which is OK"
11035msgstr "Używam awaryjnych zasobów - co jest OK"
11037#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:390
11038msgid "Only color displays are supported for now..."
11039msgstr "Program działa tylko na kolorowych wyświetlaczach..."
11041#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:413 client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:432
11042#, c-format
11043msgid "Unable to open fontset: %s"
11044msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać czcionek: %s"
11046#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:414 client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:433
11047msgid "Doing 'xset fp rehash' may temporarily solve a problem."
11048msgstr "Polecenie 'xset fr rehash' może tymczasowo rozwiązać problem."
11050#: client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:418 client/gui-xaw/gui_main.c:437
11051#, c-format
11052msgid "Font for charset %s is lacking"
11053msgstr "Nie ma fontu dla znaków %s"
11055#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:936 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:953
11056#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:960
11057#, c-format
11058msgid "Allows %s.\n"
11059msgstr "Pozwala na %s.\n"
11061#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:943
11062#, c-format
11063msgid "Obsoletes %s.\n"
11064msgstr "Czyni przestarzałym %s.\n"
11066#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:963 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:968
11067#, c-format
11068msgid "Allows %s (with %s).\n"
11069msgstr "Pozwala na %s (z %s).\n"
11071#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1042 client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1056
11072#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1075
11073msgid "n/a"
11074msgstr "n/d"
11076#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1045
11077#, c-format
11078msgid "+%d Food / %d"
11079msgstr "+%d żywności / %d"
11081#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1059
11082#, c-format
11083msgid "+%d Res. / %d"
11084msgstr "+%d zas. / %d"
11086#. TRANS: Build cost for bases in help. "MP" = movement points
11087#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1102
11088#, c-format
11089msgid "Build: %d MP\n"
11090msgstr "Buduj: %d PR\n"
11092#. TRANS: Base conflicts in help. Will be followed by a list of bases
11093#. * that can't be built on the same tile as this one.
11094#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1106
11095#, c-format
11096msgid "Conflicts with: "
11097msgstr "Konflikty z: "
11099#. TRANS: Road bonus in help. %s is food/production/trade
11100#. * stats like "0/0/+1", "0/+50%/0"
11101#: client/gui-xaw/helpdlg.c:1134
11102#, c-format
11103msgid "Bonus (F/P/T): %s\n"
11104msgstr "Dodatek (Ż/P/H): %s\n"
11106#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:208 client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:454
11107#, c-format
11108msgid "Ruler: %s"
11109msgstr "Władca: %s"
11111#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:217 client/text.c:1042
11112#, c-format
11113msgid "Government: %s"
11114msgstr "Ustrój: %s"
11116#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:225 client/text.c:990
11117#, c-format
11118msgid "Gold: %d"
11119msgstr "Złoto: %d"
11121#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:233 client/gui-xaw/ratesdlg.c:311
11122#, c-format
11123msgid "Tax: %d%%"
11124msgstr "Podatek: %d%%"
11126#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:241 client/gui-xaw/ratesdlg.c:327
11127#, c-format
11128msgid "Science: %d%%"
11129msgstr "Nauka: %d%%"
11131#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:249 client/gui-xaw/ratesdlg.c:319
11132#, c-format
11133msgid "Luxury: %d%%"
11134msgstr "Luksus: %d%%"
11136#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:259
11137msgid "Researching: (Unknown)"
11138msgstr "Badania: (Nieznane)"
11140#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:262
11141#, c-format
11142msgid "Researching: Unknown(%d/-)"
11143msgstr "Badania: Nieznane(%d/-)"
11145#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:266
11146#, c-format
11147msgid "Researching: %s(%d/%d)"
11148msgstr "Badania: %s(%d/%d)"
11150#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:281
11151#, c-format
11152msgid "Capital: %s"
11153msgstr "Stolica: %s"
11155#: client/gui-xaw/inteldlg.c:444
11156#, c-format
11157msgid "Intelligence Diplomacy Information for the %s Empire"
11158msgstr "Informacje wywiadu o państwie %sm"
11160#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:116
11161msgid "Save Settings"
11162msgstr "Zapisz opcje"
11164# Jak tłumaczyć log ?
11165#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:120
11166msgid "Export Log"
11167msgstr "Zapisz dziennik"
11169#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:121
11170msgid "Clear Log"
11171msgstr "Wyczyść dziennik"
11173#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:152
11174msgid "Coastline"
11175msgstr "Linia brzegu"
11177#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:153
11178msgid "Paths"
11179msgstr "Trasy"
11181#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:154 data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:858
11182#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:952 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1131
11183#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1107 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1146
11184#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1105 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1146
11185#: tools/civmanual.c:367
11186msgid "Irrigation"
11187msgstr "Nawodnienie"
11189#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:155
11190msgid "Mines"
11191msgstr "Kopalnie"
11193#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:157 data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:736
11194#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:777 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:963
11195#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:939 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:978
11196#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:937 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:978
11197#: tools/civmanual.c:364
11198msgid "Resources"
11199msgstr "Zasoby"
11201#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:158
11202msgid "Huts"
11203msgstr "Chatki"
11205#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:159
11206msgid "Pollution & Fallout"
11207msgstr "Zanieczyszczenia i skażenia"
11209#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:162
11210msgid "Focus Unit"
11211msgstr "Zaznacz jednostkę"
11213#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:163
11214msgid "Fog of War"
11215msgstr "\"Mgła wojny\""
11217#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:180
11218#, c-format
11219msgid "Transform to %s"
11220msgstr "Przekształć na %s"
11222#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:199
11223msgid "Auto Attack"
11224msgstr "Automatyczny atak"
11226#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:202
11227msgid "Connect With Rail"
11228msgstr "Połącz koleją"
11230#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:211
11231msgid "Help Build Wonder"
11232msgstr "Pomóż budować cud"
11234#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:212
11235msgid "Establish Trade Route"
11236msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy"
11238#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:213
11239msgid "Diplomat/Spy Actions"
11240msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
11242#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:216
11243msgid "Select Same Type Everywhere"
11244msgstr "Wybierz ten typ wszędzie"
11246#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:241
11247msgid "Editing Mode"
11248msgstr "Tryb edycji"
11250#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:242
11251msgid "Tools"
11252msgstr "Narzędzia"
11254#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:257
11255msgid "ZOC"
11256msgstr "Strefa kontroli"
11258#: client/gui-xaw/menu.c:262
11259msgid "About Ruleset"
11260msgstr "O zestawie zasad"
11262#: client/gui-xaw/plrdlg.c:232
11263#, c-format
11264msgid "(idle %d turn)"
11265msgid_plural "(idle %d turns)"
11266msgstr[0] "(bezczynny %d turę)"
11267msgstr[1] "(bezczynny %d tury)"
11268msgstr[2] "(bezczynny %d tur)"
11270#: client/gui-xaw/plrdlg.c:360
11271msgid "You need an embassy to establish a diplomatic meeting."
11272msgstr "Do przygotowania spotkania dyplomatycznego potrzebna jest ambasada."
11274#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:205 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:482
11275#, c-format
11276msgid "Researching %s: %d/%s"
11277msgstr "Badania: %s: %d/%s"
11279#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:211 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:488
11280#, c-format
11281msgid "Researching %s: %d/%d"
11282msgstr "Badania: %s: %d/%d"
11284#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:220 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:225
11285#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:499 client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:504
11286#, c-format
11287msgid "Goal: %s (%d steps)"
11288msgstr "Cel: %s (%d kroków)"
11290#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:767
11291msgid "Sell-Off:"
11292msgstr "Wyprzedaż:"
11294#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:811
11295#, c-format
11296msgid "Income:%6d    Total Costs: %6d"
11297msgstr "Przychód: %6d  Całkowity koszt: %6d"
11299#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:916
11300msgid "Totals: ..."
11301msgstr "Ogółem: ..."
11303#: client/gui-xaw/repodlgs.c:1154
11304#, c-format
11305msgid "Totals:                     %9d%9d%9d%9d"
11306msgstr "Ogółem:                     %9d%9d%9d%9d"
11308#: client/gui-xaw/wldlg.c:626
11309msgid "What should the new name be?"
11310msgstr "Jaka będzie nowa nazwa?"
11312#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width veteran level table.
11313#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
11314#. * TRANS: "Level name" left-justified, other two right-justified
11315#: client/helpdata.c:178
11316msgid "Veteran level      Power factor   Move bonus\n"
11317msgstr "Doświadczenie      Siła           Dod. ruch \n"
11319#. TRANS: Part of header for veteran level table.
11320#: client/helpdata.c:181
11321msgid "--------------------------------------------"
11322msgstr "--------------------------------------------"
11324#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width terrain alteration table.
11325#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
11326#: client/helpdata.c:215
11327msgid "Terrain       Irrigation       Mining           Transform\n"
11328msgstr "Teren         Nawodnienie      Kopalnie         Przekszt. \n"
11330#: client/helpdata.c:435
11331msgid "Time taken for the following activities is independent of terrain:\n"
11332msgstr "Czas potrzebny na wykonanie tej czynności nie zależy od terenu:\n"
11334#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width terrain alteration table.
11335#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
11336#: client/helpdata.c:441
11337msgid "Activity            Time\n"
11338msgstr "Czynność            Czas\n"
11340#: client/helpdata.c:446
11341#, c-format
11342msgid ""
11344"Clean pollution    %3d"
11345msgstr ""
11347"Usuń zanieczyszczenie    %3d"
11349#: client/helpdata.c:449
11350#, c-format
11351msgid ""
11353"Clean fallout      %3d"
11354msgstr ""
11356"Usuń skażenie      %3d"
11358#: client/helpdata.c:452
11359#, c-format
11360msgid ""
11362"Pillage            %3d"
11363msgstr ""
11365"Plądruj            %3d"
11367#: client/helpdata.c:479
11368msgid "In this ruleset, the following veteran levels are defined:"
11369msgstr "W tym zestawie zasad określono następujące poziomy doświadczenia:"
11371#: client/helpdata.c:480
11372msgid "This ruleset has no default veteran levels defined."
11373msgstr "Ten zestaw zasad nie określa domyślnych poziomów doświadczenia."
11376#. TRANS: First %s is version string, e.g.,
11377#. * "Freeciv version 2.3.0-beta1 (beta version)" (translated).
11378#. * Second %s is client_string, e.g., "gui-gtk-2.0".
11379#: client/helpdata.c:488
11380#, c-format
11381msgid "This is %s, %s client."
11382msgstr "To jest %s, klient %s."
11384#: client/helpdata.c:528
11385#, c-format
11386msgid "Requires knowledge of the technology %s.\n"
11387msgstr "Wymagania: znajomość technologii %s.\n"
11389#: client/helpdata.c:532
11390#, c-format
11391msgid "Prevented by knowledge of the technology %s.\n"
11392msgstr "Niemożliwe, gdy znasz technologię %s.\n"
11394#: client/helpdata.c:540
11395#, c-format
11396msgid "Requires that a player on your team knows the technology %s.\n"
11397msgstr "Wymagania: dowolny gracz z twojej drużyny musi znać technologię %s.\n"
11399#: client/helpdata.c:545
11400#, c-format
11401msgid "Prevented if any player on your team knows the technology %s.\n"
11402msgstr ""
11403"Niemożliwe, jeśli dowolny gracz z twojej drużyny poznał technologię %s.\n"
11405#: client/helpdata.c:554
11406#, c-format
11407msgid "Requires that a player allied to you knows the technology %s.\n"
11408msgstr "Wymagania: twój sojusznik musi znać technologię %s.\n"
11410#: client/helpdata.c:559
11411#, c-format
11412msgid "Prevented if any player allied to you knows the technology %s.\n"
11413msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli twój sojusznik zna technologię %s.\n"
11415#: client/helpdata.c:569
11416#, c-format
11417msgid "Requires that someone has discovered the technology %s.\n"
11418msgstr "Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi znać technologię %s.\n"
11420#: client/helpdata.c:574
11421#, c-format
11422msgid "Requires that no-one has yet discovered the technology %s.\n"
11423msgstr "Wymagania: żaden gracz nie poznał technologii %s.\n"
11425#: client/helpdata.c:581
11426#, c-format
11427msgid "Requires that some player knows the technology %s.\n"
11428msgstr "Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi znać technologię %s.\n"
11430#: client/helpdata.c:586
11431#, c-format
11432msgid "Requires that no player knows the technology %s.\n"
11433msgstr "Wymagania: żaden gracz nie poznał technologii %s.\n"
11435#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11436#: client/helpdata.c:611
11437#, c-format
11438msgid "Requires knowledge of a technology with the \"%s\" flag.\n"
11439msgstr "Wymagania: znajomość technologii z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11441#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11442#: client/helpdata.c:617
11443#, c-format
11444msgid "Prevented by knowledge of any technology with the \"%s\" flag.\n"
11445msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli znasz technologię z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11447#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11448#: client/helpdata.c:627
11449#, c-format
11450msgid ""
11451"Requires that a player on your team knows a technology with the \"%s\" "
11453msgstr ""
11454"Wymagania: dowolny gracz z twojej drużyny musi znać technologię z flagą \"%s"
11457#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11458#: client/helpdata.c:633
11459#, c-format
11460msgid ""
11461"Prevented if any player on your team knows any technology with the \"%s\" "
11463msgstr ""
11464"Niemożliwe, jeśli dowolny gracz z twojej drużyny zna technologię z flagą \"%s"
11467#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11468#: client/helpdata.c:643
11469#, c-format
11470msgid ""
11471"Requires that a player allied to you knows a technology with the \"%s\" "
11473msgstr "Wymagania: twój sojusznik musi znać technologię z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11475#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11476#: client/helpdata.c:649
11477#, c-format
11478msgid ""
11479"Prevented if any player allied to you knows any technology with the \"%s\" "
11481msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli twój sojusznik zna technologię z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11483#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11484#: client/helpdata.c:659
11485#, c-format
11486msgid "Requires that some player knows a technology with the \"%s\" flag.\n"
11487msgstr "Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi znać technologię z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11489#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) tech flag.
11490#: client/helpdata.c:665
11491#, c-format
11492msgid "Requires that no player knows any technology with the \"%s\" flag.\n"
11493msgstr ""
11494"Wymagania: żaden graczy nie może znać żadnej technologii z flagą \"%s\".\n"
11496#: client/helpdata.c:688
11497#, c-format
11498msgid "Requires the %s government.\n"
11499msgstr "Wymagania: ustrój %s.\n"
11501#: client/helpdata.c:691
11502#, c-format
11503msgid "Not available under the %s government.\n"
11504msgstr "Niedostępne w ustroju %s.\n"
11506#: client/helpdata.c:701
11507#, c-format
11508msgid "Requires you to have achieved \"%s\".\n"
11509msgstr "Wymagania: musiałeś/aś osiągnąć \"%s\".\n"
11511#: client/helpdata.c:704
11512#, c-format
11513msgid "Not available once you have achieved \"%s\".\n"
11514msgstr "Niedostępne po osiągnięciu %s.\n"
11516#: client/helpdata.c:712
11517#, c-format
11518msgid "Requires that at least one of your team-mates has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11519msgstr ""
11520"Wymagania: co najmniej jeden z członków twojej drużyny osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11522#: client/helpdata.c:716
11523#, c-format
11524msgid "Not available if any of your team-mates has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11525msgstr "Niedostępne, jeśli któryś z członków twojej drużyny osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11527#: client/helpdata.c:724
11528#, c-format
11529msgid "Requires that at least one of your allies has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11530msgstr "Wymagania: co najmniej jeden z twoich sojuszników osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11532#: client/helpdata.c:728
11533#, c-format
11534msgid "Not available if any of your allies has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11535msgstr "Niedostępne, jeśli któryś z twoich sojuszników osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11537#: client/helpdata.c:736
11538#, c-format
11539msgid "Requires that at least one player has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11540msgstr "Wymagania: któryś gracz osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11542#: client/helpdata.c:740
11543#, c-format
11544msgid "Not available if any player has achieved \"%s\".\n"
11545msgstr "Niedostępne, jeśli któryś gracz osiągnął \"%s\".\n"
11547#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11548#: client/helpdata.c:767
11549#, c-format
11550msgid ""
11551"Requires that %s was built at some point, and that it has not yet been "
11552"rendered obsolete.\n"
11553msgstr "Wymagania: zbudowano %s i ten cud nie jest jeszcze przestarzały.\n"
11555#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11556#: client/helpdata.c:775
11557#, c-format
11558msgid "Requires that %s was built at some point.\n"
11559msgstr "Wymagania: musiał już powstać cud %s.\n"
11561#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11562#: client/helpdata.c:783
11563#, c-format
11564msgid "Prevented if %s has ever been built, unless it would be obsolete.\n"
11565msgstr ""
11566"Niemożliwe, jeśli kiedykolwiek zbudowano %s (chyba że ten cud byłby teraz "
11569#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11570#: client/helpdata.c:790
11571#, c-format
11572msgid "Prevented if %s has ever been built.\n"
11573msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli kiedykolwiek zbudowano %s.\n"
11575#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11576#: client/helpdata.c:801
11577#, c-format
11578msgid "Requires %s to be owned by any player and not yet obsolete.\n"
11579msgstr ""
11580"Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć %s i cud ten nie jest przestarzały.\n"
11582#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11583#: client/helpdata.c:808
11584#, c-format
11585msgid "Requires %s to be owned by any player.\n"
11586msgstr "Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć %s.\n"
11588#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11589#: client/helpdata.c:816
11590#, c-format
11591msgid ""
11592"Prevented if %s is currently owned by any player, unless it is obsolete.\n"
11593msgstr ""
11594"Niemożliwe, jeśli którykolwiek z graczy ma %s (chyba że ten cud jest "
11597#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11598#: client/helpdata.c:823
11599#, c-format
11600msgid "Prevented if %s is currently owned by any player.\n"
11601msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli którykolwiek z graczy ma %s.\n"
11603#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11604#: client/helpdata.c:842
11605#, c-format
11606msgid ""
11607"Requires someone who is currently allied to you to have built %s at some "
11608"point, and for it not to have been rendered obsolete.\n"
11609msgstr ""
11610"Wymagania: któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników musiał zbudować %s i ten cud "
11611"nie może być teraz przestarzały.\n"
11613#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11614#: client/helpdata.c:850
11615#, c-format
11616msgid ""
11617"Requires someone who is currently allied to you to have built %s at some "
11619msgstr "Wymagania: któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników musiał zbudować %s.\n"
11621#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11622#: client/helpdata.c:859
11623#, c-format
11624msgid ""
11625"Prevented if someone currently allied to you has ever built %s, unless it "
11626"would be obsolete.\n"
11627msgstr ""
11628"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników zbudował kiedyś %s, "
11629"chyba że ten cud byłby teraz przestarzały.\n"
11631#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11632#: client/helpdata.c:867
11633#, c-format
11634msgid "Prevented if someone currently allied to you has ever built %s.\n"
11635msgstr ""
11636"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników zbudował kiedyś %s.\n"
11638#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11639#: client/helpdata.c:879
11640#, c-format
11641msgid ""
11642"Requires someone allied to you to own %s, and for it not to have been "
11643"rendered obsolete.\n"
11644msgstr ""
11645"Wymagania: któryś z twoich sojuszników musi mieć %s i cud ten nie może być "
11648#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11649#: client/helpdata.c:887
11650#, c-format
11651msgid "Requires someone allied to you to own %s.\n"
11652msgstr "Wymagania: któryś z twoich sojuszników musi mieć %s.\n"
11654#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11655#: client/helpdata.c:895
11656#, c-format
11657msgid "Prevented if someone allied to you owns %s, unless it is obsolete.\n"
11658msgstr ""
11659"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich sojuszników ma %s, chyba że cud ten jest "
11662#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11663#: client/helpdata.c:902
11664#, c-format
11665msgid "Prevented if someone allied to you owns %s.\n"
11666msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich sojuszników ma %s.\n"
11668#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11669#: client/helpdata.c:920
11670#, c-format
11671msgid ""
11672"Requires someone on your team to have built %s at some point, and for it not "
11673"to have been rendered obsolete.\n"
11674msgstr ""
11675"Wymagania: któryś z członków twojej drużyny musiał zbudować %s i ten cud nie "
11676"może być teraz przestarzały.\n"
11678#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11679#: client/helpdata.c:928
11680#, c-format
11681msgid "Requires someone on your team to have built %s at some point.\n"
11682msgstr "Wymagania: któryś z członków twojej drużyny musiał zbudować %s.\n"
11684#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11685#: client/helpdata.c:937
11686#, c-format
11687msgid ""
11688"Prevented if someone on your team has ever built %s, unless it would be "
11690msgstr ""
11691"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z członków twojej drużyny zbudował kiedyś %s, chyba "
11692"że ten cud byłby teraz przestarzały.\n"
11694#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11695#: client/helpdata.c:944
11696#, c-format
11697msgid "Prevented if someone on your team has ever built %s.\n"
11698msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z członków twojej drużyny zbudował %s.\n"
11700#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11701#: client/helpdata.c:956
11702#, c-format
11703msgid ""
11704"Requires someone on your team to own %s, and for it not to have been "
11705"rendered obsolete.\n"
11706msgstr ""
11707"Wymagania: któryś z członków twojej drużyny musi mieć %s i cud ten nie może "
11708"być przestarzały.\n"
11710#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11711#: client/helpdata.c:964
11712#, c-format
11713msgid "Requires someone on your team to own %s.\n"
11714msgstr "Wymagania: któryś z członków twojej drużyny musi mieć %s.\n"
11716#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11717#: client/helpdata.c:972
11718#, c-format
11719msgid "Prevented if someone on your team owns %s, unless it is obsolete.\n"
11720msgstr ""
11721"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z członków twojej drużyny ma %s, chyba że cud ten "
11722"jest przestarzały.\n"
11724#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11725#: client/helpdata.c:979
11726#, c-format
11727msgid "Prevented if someone on your team owns %s.\n"
11728msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z członków twojej drużyny ma %s.\n"
11730#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11731#: client/helpdata.c:997
11732#, c-format
11733msgid ""
11734"Requires you to have built %s at some point, and for it not to have been "
11735"rendered obsolete.\n"
11736msgstr "Wymagania: zbudowałeś/aś %s i ten cud nie jest jeszcze przestarzały.\n"
11738#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11739#: client/helpdata.c:1005
11740#, c-format
11741msgid "Requires you to have built %s at some point.\n"
11742msgstr "Wymagania: w pewnym momencie rozgrywki musiałeś/aś wybudować %s.\n"
11744#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11745#: client/helpdata.c:1013
11746#, c-format
11747msgid "Prevented if you have ever built %s, unless it would be obsolete.\n"
11748msgstr ""
11749"Niemożliwe, jeśli kiedykolwiek zbudowałeś/aś %s, chyba że ten cud byłby "
11750"teraz przestarzały.\n"
11752#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11753#: client/helpdata.c:1020
11754#, c-format
11755msgid "Prevented if you have ever built %s.\n"
11756msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli kiedykolwiek zbudowałeś/aś %s.\n"
11758#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11759#: client/helpdata.c:1031
11760#, c-format
11761msgid "Requires you to own %s, which must not be obsolete.\n"
11762msgstr "Wymagania: musisz mieć %s i cud ten nie może być przestarzały.\n"
11764#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11765#: client/helpdata.c:1038
11766#, c-format
11767msgid "Requires you to own %s.\n"
11768msgstr "Wymagania: musisz mieć %s.\n"
11770#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11771#: client/helpdata.c:1046
11772#, c-format
11773msgid "Prevented if you own %s, unless it is obsolete.\n"
11774msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli posiadasz %s (chyba że ten cud jest przestarzały).\n"
11776#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11777#: client/helpdata.c:1053
11778#, c-format
11779msgid "Prevented if you own %s.\n"
11780msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli masz %s.\n"
11782#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11783#: client/helpdata.c:1070
11784#, c-format
11785msgid ""
11786"Requires %s in one of your cities on the same continent, and not yet "
11788msgstr ""
11789"Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć %s na tym samym kontynencie i cud ten nie "
11790"jest przestarzały.\n"
11792#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11793#: client/helpdata.c:1077
11794#, c-format
11795msgid "Requires %s in one of your cities on the same continent.\n"
11796msgstr "Wymagania: musisz mieć %s na tym samym kontynencie.\n"
11798#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11799#: client/helpdata.c:1086
11800#, c-format
11801msgid ""
11802"Prevented if %s is in one of your cities on the same continent, unless it is "
11804msgstr ""
11805"Niemożliwe, jeśli w jednym z miast na tym samym kontynencie jest %s, chyba "
11806"że ten cud jest przestarzały.\n"
11808#. TRANS: %s is a wonder
11809#: client/helpdata.c:1093
11810#, c-format
11811msgid "Prevented if %s is in one of your cities on the same continent.\n"
11812msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w twoim mieście na tym samym kontynencie jest %s.\n"
11814#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11815#: client/helpdata.c:1110
11816#, c-format
11817msgid "Requires %s in the city or a trade partner (and not yet obsolete).\n"
11818msgstr ""
11819"Wymagania: %s w mieście lub u partnera handlowego (nie przestarzałe).\n"
11821#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11822#: client/helpdata.c:1117
11823#, c-format
11824msgid "Requires %s in the city or a trade partner.\n"
11825msgstr "Wymagania: %s w mieście lub u partnera handlowego.\n"
11827#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11828#: client/helpdata.c:1126
11829#, c-format
11830msgid ""
11831"Prevented by %s in the city or a trade partner (unless it is obsolete).\n"
11832msgstr ""
11833"Niemożliwe, jeśli w mieście lub u partnera handlowego jest %s, chyba że jest "
11836#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11837#: client/helpdata.c:1133
11838#, c-format
11839msgid "Prevented by %s in the city or a trade partner.\n"
11840msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w mieście lub u partnera handlowego jest %s.\n"
11842#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11843#: client/helpdata.c:1146
11844#, c-format
11845msgid "Requires %s in the city (and not yet obsolete).\n"
11846msgstr "Wymagania: %s w mieście (nie przestarzałe).\n"
11848#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11849#: client/helpdata.c:1152
11850#, c-format
11851msgid "Requires %s in the city.\n"
11852msgstr "Wymagania: %s w mieście.\n"
11854#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11855#: client/helpdata.c:1161
11856#, c-format
11857msgid "Prevented by %s in the city (unless it is obsolete).\n"
11858msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w mieście jest %s (chyba że jest przestarzały).\n"
11860#. TRANS: %s is a building or wonder
11861#: client/helpdata.c:1168
11862#, c-format
11863msgid "Prevented by %s in the city.\n"
11864msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w mieście jest %s.\n"
11866#: client/helpdata.c:1178
11867#, c-format
11868msgid "Only applies to \"%s\" buildings.\n"
11869msgstr "Dotyczy tylko budynków \"%s\".\n"
11871#: client/helpdata.c:1183
11872#, c-format
11873msgid "Does not apply to \"%s\" buildings.\n"
11874msgstr "Nie dotyczy budynków \"%s\".\n"
11876#: client/helpdata.c:1202
11877#, c-format
11878msgid "?extra:Requires %s on the tile.\n"
11879msgstr "?extra:Wymagania: usprawnienie %s na polu.\n"
11881#: client/helpdata.c:1206
11882#, c-format
11883msgid "?extra:Prevented by %s on the tile.\n"
11884msgstr "?extra:Niemożliwe na polu z usprawnieniem %s.\n"
11886#: client/helpdata.c:1214
11887#, c-format
11888msgid "?extra:Requires %s on the tile or a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
11889msgstr ""
11890"?extra:Wymagania: usprawnienie %s na tym samym polu lub na polu "
11891"przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
11893#: client/helpdata.c:1219
11894#, c-format
11895msgid "?extra:Prevented by %s on the tile or any cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
11896msgstr ""
11897"?extra:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio "
11898"jest usprawnienie %s.\n"
11900#: client/helpdata.c:1228
11901#, c-format
11902msgid "?extra:Requires %s on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
11903msgstr ""
11904"?extra:Wymagania: usprawnienie %s na tym samym polu lub na polu "
11907#: client/helpdata.c:1233
11908#, c-format
11909msgid "?extra:Prevented by %s on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
11910msgstr ""
11911"?extra:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
11912"bezpośrednio jest usprawnienie %s.\n"
11914#: client/helpdata.c:1242
11915#, c-format
11916msgid "?extra:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius.\n"
11917msgstr "?extra:Wymagania: usprawnienie %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
11919#: client/helpdata.c:1247
11920#, c-format
11921msgid "?extra:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius.\n"
11922msgstr "?extra:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest usprawnienie %s.\n"
11924#: client/helpdata.c:1256
11925#, c-format
11926msgid ""
11927"?extra:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius, or the city radius of a "
11928"trade partner.\n"
11929msgstr ""
11930"?extra:Wymagania: usprawnienie %s w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta "
11931"partnera handlowego.\n"
11933#: client/helpdata.c:1261
11934#, c-format
11935msgid ""
11936"?extra:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius or the city radius "
11937"of a trade partner.\n"
11938msgstr ""
11939"?extra:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera "
11940"handlowego jest usprawnienie %s.\n"
11942#: client/helpdata.c:1282
11943#, c-format
11944msgid "?terrain:Requires %s on the tile.\n"
11945msgstr "Wymagania: teren %s.\n"
11947#: client/helpdata.c:1285
11948#, c-format
11949msgid "?terrain:Prevented by %s on the tile.\n"
11950msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z terenem %s.\n"
11952#: client/helpdata.c:1293
11953#, c-format
11954msgid "?terrain:Requires %s on the tile or a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
11955msgstr ""
11956"Wymagania: teren %s na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
11959#: client/helpdata.c:1298
11960#, c-format
11961msgid "?terrain:Prevented by %s on the tile or any cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
11962msgstr ""
11963"?terrain:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym lub na polu przylegającym "
11964"bezpośrednio jest zasób specjalny %s.\n"
11966#: client/helpdata.c:1307
11967#, c-format
11968msgid "?terrain:Requires %s on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
11969msgstr ""
11970"?terrain:Wymagania: teren %s na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym.\n"
11972#: client/helpdata.c:1312
11973#, c-format
11974msgid "?terrain:Prevented by %s on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
11975msgstr ""
11976"?terrain:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym jest "
11977"teren %s.\n"
11979#: client/helpdata.c:1321
11980#, c-format
11981msgid "?terrain:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius.\n"
11982msgstr "?terrain:Wymagania: teren %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
11984#: client/helpdata.c:1326
11985#, c-format
11986msgid "?terrain:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius.\n"
11987msgstr "?terrain:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest teren %s.\n"
11989#: client/helpdata.c:1335
11990#, c-format
11991msgid ""
11992"?terrain:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius, or the city radius of "
11993"a trade partner.\n"
11994msgstr ""
11995"?terrain:Wymagania: teren %s w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera "
11998#: client/helpdata.c:1340
11999#, c-format
12000msgid ""
12001"?terrain:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius or the city "
12002"radius of a trade partner.\n"
12003msgstr ""
12004"?terrain:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera "
12005"handlowego jest teren %s.\n"
12007#: client/helpdata.c:1362
12008#, c-format
12009msgid "?resource:Requires %s on the tile.\n"
12010msgstr "?resource:Wymaga zasobu %s na tym samym polu.\n"
12012#: client/helpdata.c:1366
12013#, c-format
12014msgid "?resource:Prevented by %s on the tile.\n"
12015msgstr "?resource:Niemożliwe na polu z zasobem %s.\n"
12017#: client/helpdata.c:1374
12018#, c-format
12019msgid "?resource:Requires %s on the tile or a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
12020msgstr ""
12021"?resource:Wymaga zasobu %s na tym samym polu lub polu przylegającym "
12024#: client/helpdata.c:1379
12025#, c-format
12026msgid ""
12027"?resource:Prevented by %s on the tile or any cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
12028msgstr ""
12029"?resource:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12030"bezpośrednio jest zasób %s.\n"
12032#: client/helpdata.c:1388
12033#, c-format
12034msgid "?resource:Requires %s on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
12035msgstr ""
12036"?resource:Wymaga zasobu %s na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym.\n"
12038#: client/helpdata.c:1393
12039#, c-format
12040msgid "?resource:Prevented by %s on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
12041msgstr ""
12042"?resource:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym jest "
12043"zasób %s.\n"
12045#: client/helpdata.c:1402
12046#, c-format
12047msgid "?resource:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius.\n"
12048msgstr "?resource:Wymaga zasobu %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
12050#: client/helpdata.c:1407
12051#, c-format
12052msgid "?resource:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius.\n"
12053msgstr "?resource:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest zasób %s.\n"
12055#: client/helpdata.c:1416
12056#, c-format
12057msgid ""
12058"?resource:Requires %s on a tile within the city radius or the city radius of "
12059"a trade partner.\n"
12060msgstr ""
12061"?resource:Wymagania: zasób %s w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera "
12064#: client/helpdata.c:1421
12065#, c-format
12066msgid ""
12067"?resource:Prevented by %s on any tile within the city radius or the city "
12068"radius of a trade partner.\n"
12069msgstr ""
12070"?resource:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera "
12071"handlowego jest zasób %s.\n"
12073#. TRANS: "... playing as the Swedes."
12074#: client/helpdata.c:1444
12075#, c-format
12076msgid "Requires that you are playing as the %s.\n"
12077msgstr "Wymagania: musisz grać narodem %s.\n"
12079#. TRANS: "... playing as the Turks."
12080#: client/helpdata.c:1449
12081#, c-format
12082msgid "Requires that you are not playing as the %s.\n"
12083msgstr "Wymagania: nie możesz grać narodem %s.\n"
12085#. TRANS: "... same team as the Indonesians."
12086#: client/helpdata.c:1458
12087#, c-format
12088msgid "Requires that you are on the same team as the %s.\n"
12089msgstr "Wymagania: musisz być w drużynie z %s.\n"
12091#. TRANS: "... same team as the Greeks."
12092#: client/helpdata.c:1464
12093#, c-format
12094msgid "Requires that you are not on the same team as the %s.\n"
12095msgstr "Wymagania: nie możesz być w drużynie z %s.\n"
12097#. TRANS: "... allied with the Koreans."
12098#: client/helpdata.c:1474
12099#, c-format
12100msgid "Requires that you are allied with the %s.\n"
12101msgstr "Wymagania: musisz być w sojuszu z %s.\n"
12103#. TRANS: "... allied with the Danes."
12104#: client/helpdata.c:1479
12105#, c-format
12106msgid "Requires that you are not allied with the %s.\n"
12107msgstr "Wymagania: nie możesz być w sojuszu z %s.\n"
12109#. TRANS: "Requires the Apaches to have ..."
12110#: client/helpdata.c:1489
12111#, c-format
12112msgid "Requires the %s to have been in the game.\n"
12113msgstr "Wymaganie: w grze musieli brać udział %s.\n"
12115#. TRANS: "Requires the Celts never to have ..."
12116#: client/helpdata.c:1494
12117#, c-format
12118msgid "Requires the %s never to have been in the game.\n"
12119msgstr "Wymagania: w grze nie mogli brać udziału %s.\n"
12121#. TRANS: "Requires the Belgians in the game."
12122#: client/helpdata.c:1502
12123#, c-format
12124msgid "Requires the %s in the game.\n"
12125msgstr "Wymagania: w grze uczestniczą %s.\n"
12127#. TRANS: "Requires that the Russians are not ...
12128#: client/helpdata.c:1507
12129#, c-format
12130msgid "Requires that the %s are not in the game.\n"
12131msgstr "Wymagania: w grze nie uczestniczą %s.\n"
12133#. TRANS: nation group: "... playing African nation."
12134#: client/helpdata.c:1531
12135#, c-format
12136msgid "Requires that you are playing %s nation.\n"
12137msgstr "Wymagania: musisz grać narodem %sm.\n"
12139#. TRANS: nation group: "... playing Imaginary nation."
12140#: client/helpdata.c:1536
12141#, c-format
12142msgid "Prevented if you are playing %s nation.\n"
12143msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli grasz narodem %sm.\n"
12145#. TRANS: nation group: "Requires Medieval nation ..."
12146#: client/helpdata.c:1545
12147#, c-format
12148msgid "Requires %s nation on your team.\n"
12149msgstr "Wymagania: naród %s w twojej drużynie.\n"
12151#. TRANS: nation group: "Prevented by Medieval nation ..."
12152#: client/helpdata.c:1550
12153#, c-format
12154msgid "Prevented by %s nation on your team.\n"
12155msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w twojej drużynie jest naród %s.\n"
12157#. TRANS: nation group: "Requires Modern nation ..."
12158#: client/helpdata.c:1559
12159#, c-format
12160msgid "Requires %s nation in alliance with you.\n"
12161msgstr "Wymagania: naród %s w sojuszu z tobą.\n"
12163#. TRANS: nation group: "Prevented by Modern nation ..."
12164#: client/helpdata.c:1564
12165#, c-format
12166msgid "Prevented if %s nation is in alliance with you.\n"
12167msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli jesteś w sojuszu z narodem %sm.\n"
12169#. TRANS: nation group: "Requires Asian nation ..."
12170#: client/helpdata.c:1573
12171#, c-format
12172msgid "Requires %s nation in the game.\n"
12173msgstr "Wymagania: w grze uczestniczy naród %s.\n"
12175#. TRANS: nation group: "Prevented by Asian nation ..."
12176#: client/helpdata.c:1578
12177#, c-format
12178msgid "Prevented by %s nation in the game.\n"
12179msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w grze uczestniczy naród %s.\n"
12181#. TRANS: "Requires that you are playing Asian style
12182#. * nation."
12183#: client/helpdata.c:1603
12184#, c-format
12185msgid "Requires that you are playing %s style nation.\n"
12186msgstr "Wymagania: musisz grać narodem ze stylem %sm.\n"
12188#. TRANS: "Requires that you are not playing Classical
12189#. * style nation."
12190#: client/helpdata.c:1609
12191#, c-format
12192msgid "Requires that you are not playing %s style nation.\n"
12193msgstr "Wymagania: nie możesz grać narodem ze stylem %sm.\n"
12195#. TRANS: "Requires at least one Barbarian citizen ..."
12196#: client/helpdata.c:1621
12197#, c-format
12198msgid "Requires at least one %s citizen in the city or a trade partner.\n"
12199msgstr ""
12200"Wymagania: co najmniej jeden %s mieszkaniec w mieście lub u partnera "
12203#. TRANS: "... no Pirate citizens ..."
12204#: client/helpdata.c:1627
12205#, c-format
12206msgid ""
12207"Requires that there are no %s citizens in the city or any trade partners.\n"
12208msgstr ""
12209"Wymagania: brak %sich mieszkańców w mieście lub u partnera handlowego.\n"
12211#. TRANS: "Requires at least one Barbarian citizen ..."
12212#: client/helpdata.c:1637
12213#, c-format
12214msgid "Requires at least one %s citizen in the city.\n"
12215msgstr "Wymagania: co najmniej jeden %s mieszkaniec w mieście.\n"
12217#. TRANS: "... no Pirate citizens ..."
12218#: client/helpdata.c:1642
12219#, c-format
12220msgid "Requires that there are no %s citizens in the city.\n"
12221msgstr "Wymagania: brak %sich mieszkańców w mieście.\n"
12223#. TRANS: in this and following strings, '%s' can be one
12224#. * of a wide range of relationships; e.g., 'Peace',
12225#. * 'Never met', 'Is foreign', 'Hosts embassy',
12226#. * 'Provided Casus Belli'
12227#: client/helpdata.c:1671
12228#, c-format
12229msgid ""
12230"Requires that you have the relationship '%s' with at least one other living "
12232msgstr ""
12233"Wymagania: relacją z przynajmniej jednym żywym graczem musi być '%s'.\n"
12235#: client/helpdata.c:1676
12236#, c-format
12237msgid ""
12238"Requires that you do not have the relationship '%s' with any living player.\n"
12239msgstr "Wymagania: żadni żywi gracze nie mogą mieć relacji '%s'.\n"
12241#: client/helpdata.c:1685
12242#, c-format
12243msgid ""
12244"Requires that somebody on your team has the relationship '%s' with at least "
12245"one other living player.\n"
12246msgstr ""
12247"Wymagania: ktoś w twojej drużynie musi mieć relację '%s' z innym żywym "
12250#: client/helpdata.c:1691
12251#, c-format
12252msgid ""
12253"Requires that nobody on your team has the relationship '%s' with any living "
12255msgstr ""
12256"Wymagania: nikt w twojej drużynie nie może mieć relacji '%s' z innym żywym "
12259#: client/helpdata.c:1700
12260#, c-format
12261msgid ""
12262"Requires that somebody in your alliance has the relationship '%s' with at "
12263"least one other living player.\n"
12264msgstr ""
12265"Wymagania: ktoś w twoim sojuszu musi mieć relację '%s' z innym żywym "
12268#: client/helpdata.c:1706
12269#, c-format
12270msgid ""
12271"Requires that nobody in your alliance has the relationship '%s' with any "
12272"living player.\n"
12273msgstr ""
12274"Wymagania: nikt w twoim sojuszu nie może mieć relacji '%s' z innym żywym "
12277#: client/helpdata.c:1715
12278#, c-format
12279msgid "Requires the relationship '%s' between two living players.\n"
12280msgstr "Wymagania: dwóch żywych graczy musi łączyć relacja '%s'.\n"
12282#: client/helpdata.c:1720
12283#, c-format
12284msgid "Requires that no two living players have the relationship '%s'.\n"
12285msgstr "Wymagania: żadnych żywych nie może łączyć relacja '%s'.\n"
12287#: client/helpdata.c:1729
12288#, c-format
12289msgid "Requires that you have the relationship '%s' with the other player.\n"
12290msgstr "Wymagania: relacją z innym graczem musi być '%s'.\n"
12292#: client/helpdata.c:1734
12293#, c-format
12294msgid ""
12295"Requires that you do not have the relationship '%s' with the other player.\n"
12296msgstr "Wymagania: relacją z innym graczem nie może być '%s'.\n"
12298#. TRANS: %s is a single kind of unit (e.g., "Settlers").
12299#: client/helpdata.c:1756
12300#, c-format
12301msgid "?unit:Requires %s.\n"
12302msgstr "?unit:Wymaga jednostki %s.\n"
12304#. TRANS: %s is a single kind of unit (e.g., "Settlers").
12305#: client/helpdata.c:1760
12306#, c-format
12307msgid "?unit:Does not apply to %s.\n"
12308msgstr "?output:Nie dotyczy jednostki %s.\n"
12310#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit types separated by "or".
12311#: client/helpdata.c:1792
12312#, c-format
12313msgid "?ulist:Requires %s.\n"
12314msgstr "Wymaga jednostek %s.\n"
12316#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit types separated by "or".
12317#: client/helpdata.c:1796
12318#, c-format
12319msgid "?ulist:Does not apply to %s.\n"
12320msgstr "?specialist:Nie dotyczy jednostek %s.\n"
12322#. TRANS: %s is a single unit class (e.g., "Air").
12323#: client/helpdata.c:1825
12324#, c-format
12325msgid "?uclass:Requires %s units.\n"
12326msgstr "?uclass:Wymaga jednostki klasy %s.\n"
12328#. TRANS: %s is a single unit class (e.g., "Air").
12329#: client/helpdata.c:1829
12330#, c-format
12331msgid "?uclass:Does not apply to %s units.\n"
12332msgstr "?uclass:Nie dotyczy jednostki klasy %s.\n"
12334#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated by "or".
12335#: client/helpdata.c:1867
12336#, c-format
12337msgid "?uclasslist:Requires %s units.\n"
12338msgstr "?uclasslist:Wymaga jednostek klas %s.\n"
12340#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated by "or".
12341#: client/helpdata.c:1871
12342#, c-format
12343msgid "?uclasslist:Does not apply to %s units.\n"
12344msgstr "?uclasslist:Nie dotyczy jednostek klas %s.\n"
12346#: client/helpdata.c:1906
12347msgid "Requires that the unit is transported.\n"
12348msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka musi być transportowana.\n"
12350#: client/helpdata.c:1909
12351msgid "Requires that the unit isn't transported.\n"
12352msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka nie może być transportowana.\n"
12354#: client/helpdata.c:1916
12355msgid "Requires that the unit is on livable tile.\n"
12356msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka jest na polu zdatnym do życia.\n"
12358#: client/helpdata.c:1919
12359msgid "Requires that the unit isn't on livable tile.\n"
12360msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka nie jest na polu zdatnym do życia.\n"
12362#: client/helpdata.c:1952
12363#, c-format
12364msgid "Requires that the unit has at least %s MP left.\n"
12365msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka musi mieć co najmniej %s punkty ruchu.\n"
12367#: client/helpdata.c:1958
12368#, c-format
12369msgid "Requires that the unit has less than %s MP left.\n"
12370msgstr "Wymagania: jednostka musi mieć mniej niż %s punkty ruchu.\n"
12372#: client/helpdata.c:1987
12373#, c-format
12374msgid "Requires a unit with at least %d veteran level.\n"
12375msgid_plural "Requires a unit with at least %d veteran levels.\n"
12376msgstr[0] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem co najmniej %d.\n"
12377msgstr[1] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem co najmniej %d.\n"
12378msgstr[2] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem co najmniej %d.\n"
12380#: client/helpdata.c:1993
12381#, c-format
12382msgid "Requires a unit with fewer than %d veteran level.\n"
12383msgid_plural "Requires a unit with fewer than %d veteran levels.\n"
12384msgstr[0] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem mniejszym niż %d.\n"
12385msgstr[1] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem mniejszym niż %d.\n"
12386msgstr[2] "Wymagania: jednostka z doświadczeniem mniejszym niż %d.\n"
12388#: client/helpdata.c:2008
12389#, c-format
12390msgid "Requires a unit with at least %d hit point left.\n"
12391msgid_plural "Requires a unit with at least %d hit points left.\n"
12392msgstr[0] "Wymagania: jednostka z co najmniej %d punktem obrażeń.\n"
12393msgstr[1] "Wymagania: jednostka z co najmniej %d punktami obrażeń.\n"
12394msgstr[2] "Wymagania: jednostka z co najmniej %d punktami obrażeń.\n"
12396#: client/helpdata.c:2014
12397#, c-format
12398msgid "Requires a unit with fewer than %d hit point left.\n"
12399msgid_plural "Requires a unit with fewer than %d hit points left.\n"
12400msgstr[0] "Wymagania: jednostka z mniej niż %d punktem obrażeń.\n"
12401msgstr[1] "Wymagania: jednostka z mniej niż %d punktami obrażeń.\n"
12402msgstr[2] "Wymagania: jednostka z mniej niż %d punktami obrażeń.\n"
12404#. TRANS: "Applies only to Food."
12405#: client/helpdata.c:2030
12406#, c-format
12407msgid "?output:Applies only to %s.\n"
12408msgstr "?output:Dotyczy tylko %s.\n"
12410#. TRANS: "Does not apply to Food."
12411#: client/helpdata.c:2034
12412#, c-format
12413msgid "?output:Does not apply to %s.\n"
12414msgstr "?output:Nie dotyczy %s.\n"
12416#. TRANS: "Applies only to Scientists."
12417#: client/helpdata.c:2046
12418#, c-format
12419msgid "?specialist:Applies only to %s.\n"
12420msgstr "?specialist:Dotyczy tylko %s.\n"
12422#. TRANS: "Does not apply to Scientists."
12423#: client/helpdata.c:2050
12424#, c-format
12425msgid "?specialist:Does not apply to %s.\n"
12426msgstr "?specialist:Nie dotyczy %s.\n"
12428#: client/helpdata.c:2061
12429#, c-format
12430msgid "Requires a minimum city size of %d for this city or a trade partner.\n"
12431msgid_plural ""
12432"Requires a minimum city size of %d for this city or a trade partner.\n"
12433msgstr[0] "Wymagania: miasto lub partner handlowy nie mniejsi niż %d.\n"
12434msgstr[1] "Wymagania: miasto lub partner handlowy nie mniejsi niż %d.\n"
12435msgstr[2] "Wymagania: miasto lub partner handlowy nie mniejsi niż %d.\n"
12437#: client/helpdata.c:2069
12438#, c-format
12439msgid ""
12440"Requires the city size to be less than %d for this city and all trade "
12442msgid_plural ""
12443"Requires the city size to be less than %d for this city and all trade "
12445msgstr[0] "Wymagania: miasto mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12446msgstr[1] "Wymagania: miasto i wszyscy partnerzy handlowi mniejsi niż %d.\n"
12447msgstr[2] "Wymagania: miasto i wszyscy partnerzy handlowi mniejsi niż %d.\n"
12449#: client/helpdata.c:2081
12450#, c-format
12451msgid "Requires a minimum city size of %d.\n"
12452msgid_plural "Requires a minimum city size of %d.\n"
12453msgstr[0] "Wymagania: miasto nie mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12454msgstr[1] "Wymagania: miasto nie mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12455msgstr[2] "Wymagania: miasto nie mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12457#: client/helpdata.c:2087
12458#, c-format
12459msgid "Requires the city size to be less than %d.\n"
12460msgid_plural "Requires the city size to be less than %d.\n"
12461msgstr[0] "Wymagania: miasto mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12462msgstr[1] "Wymagania: miasto mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12463msgstr[2] "Wymagania: miasto mniejsze niż %d.\n"
12465#: client/helpdata.c:2113
12466#, c-format
12467msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in the city.\n"
12468msgid_plural "Requires a minimum culture of %d in the city.\n"
12469msgstr[0] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12470msgstr[1] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12471msgstr[2] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12473#: client/helpdata.c:2119
12474#, c-format
12475msgid "Requires the culture in the city to be less than %d.\n"
12476msgid_plural "Requires the culture in the city to be less than %d.\n"
12477msgstr[0] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
12478msgstr[1] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
12479msgstr[2] "Wymagania: kultura w mieście na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
12481#: client/helpdata.c:2131
12482#, c-format
12483msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in this city or a trade partner.\n"
12484msgid_plural ""
12485"Requires a minimum culture of %d in this city or a trade partner.\n"
12486msgstr[0] ""
12487"Wymagania: kultura w mieście lub u partnera handlowego na poziomie co "
12488"najmniej %d.\n"
12489msgstr[1] ""
12490"Wymagania: kultura w mieście lub u partnera handlowego na poziomie co "
12491"najmniej %d.\n"
12492msgstr[2] ""
12493"Wymagania: kultura w mieście lub u partnera handlowego na poziomie co "
12494"najmniej %d.\n"
12496#: client/helpdata.c:2139
12497#, c-format
12498msgid ""
12499"Requires the culture in this city and all trade partners to be less than "
12501msgid_plural ""
12502"Requires the culture in this city and all trade partners to be less than "
12504msgstr[0] ""
12505"Wymagania: kultura w narodach wszystkich członków drużyny na poziomie "
12506"niższym niż %d.\n"
12507msgstr[1] ""
12508"Wymagania: kultura w mieście i u wszystkich partnerów handlowych na poziomie "
12509"niższym niż %d.\n"
12510msgstr[2] ""
12511"Wymagania: kultura w mieście i u wszystkich partnerów handlowych na poziomie "
12512"niższym niż %d.\n"
12514#: client/helpdata.c:2151
12515#, c-format
12516msgid "Requires your nation to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12517msgid_plural "Requires your nation to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12518msgstr[0] "Wymagania: kultura twojego narodu co najmniej na poziomie %d.\n"
12519msgstr[1] "Wymagania: kultura twojego narodu co najmniej na poziomie %d.\n"
12520msgstr[2] "Wymagania: kultura twojego narodu co najmniej na poziomie %d.\n"
12522#: client/helpdata.c:2159
12523#, c-format
12524msgid "Prevented if your nation has culture of %d or more.\n"
12525msgid_plural "Prevented if your nation has culture of %d or more.\n"
12526msgstr[0] ""
12527"Niemożliwe, jeśli kultura twojego narodu jest na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12528msgstr[1] ""
12529"Niemożliwe, jeśli kultura twojego narodu jest na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12530msgstr[2] ""
12531"Niemożliwe, jeśli kultura twojego narodu jest na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12533#: client/helpdata.c:2171
12534#, c-format
12535msgid "Requires someone on your team to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12536msgid_plural "Requires someone on your team to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12537msgstr[0] ""
12538"Wymagania: ktoś w twojej drużynie musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej "
12540msgstr[1] ""
12541"Wymagania: ktoś w twojej drużynie musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej "
12543msgstr[2] ""
12544"Wymagania: ktoś w twojej drużynie musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej "
12547#: client/helpdata.c:2179
12548#, c-format
12549msgid "Prevented if anyone on your team has culture of %d or more.\n"
12550msgid_plural "Prevented if anyone on your team has culture of %d or more.\n"
12551msgstr[0] ""
12552"Niemożliwe, jeśli ktoś w twojej drużynie ma kulturę na poziomie %d lub "
12554msgstr[1] ""
12555"Niemożliwe, jeśli ktoś w twojej drużynie ma kulturę na poziomie %d lub "
12557msgstr[2] ""
12558"Niemożliwe, jeśli ktoś w twojej drużynie ma kulturę na poziomie %d lub "
12561#: client/helpdata.c:2191
12562#, c-format
12563msgid ""
12564"Requires someone in your current alliance to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12565msgid_plural ""
12566"Requires someone in your current alliance to have culture of at least %d.\n"
12567msgstr[0] ""
12568"Wymagania: któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników musi mieć kulturę na "
12569"poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12570msgstr[1] ""
12571"Wymagania: któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników musi mieć kulturę na "
12572"poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12573msgstr[2] ""
12574"Wymagania: któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników musi mieć kulturę na "
12575"poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12577#: client/helpdata.c:2199
12578#, c-format
12579msgid ""
12580"Prevented if anyone in your current alliance has culture of %d or more.\n"
12581msgid_plural ""
12582"Prevented if anyone in your current alliance has culture of %d or more.\n"
12583msgstr[0] ""
12584"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników ma kulturę na "
12585"poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12586msgstr[1] ""
12587"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników ma kulturę na "
12588"poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12589msgstr[2] ""
12590"Niemożliwe, jeśli któryś z twoich obecnych sojuszników ma kulturę na "
12591"poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12593#: client/helpdata.c:2211
12594#, c-format
12595msgid "Requires that some player has culture of at least %d.\n"
12596msgid_plural "Requires that some player has culture of at least %d.\n"
12597msgstr[0] ""
12598"Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12599msgstr[1] ""
12600"Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12601msgstr[2] ""
12602"Wymagania: dowolny gracz musi mieć kulturę na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
12604#: client/helpdata.c:2219
12605#, c-format
12606msgid "Requires that no player has culture of %d or more.\n"
12607msgid_plural "Requires that no player has culture of %d or more.\n"
12608msgstr[0] ""
12609"Wymagania: żaden gracz nie może mieć kultury na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12610msgstr[1] ""
12611"Wymagania: żaden gracz nie może mieć kultury na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12612msgstr[2] ""
12613"Wymagania: żaden gracz nie może mieć kultury na poziomie %d lub wyższym.\n"
12615#: client/helpdata.c:2242
12616#, c-format
12617msgid "At most %d unit may be present on the tile.\n"
12618msgid_plural "At most %d units may be present on the tile.\n"
12619msgstr[0] "Wymagania: na polu może być najwyżej %d jednostka.\n"
12620msgstr[1] "Wymagania: na polu mogą być najwyżej %d jednostki.\n"
12621msgstr[2] "Wymagania: na polu może być najwyżej %d jednostek.\n"
12623#: client/helpdata.c:2248
12624#, c-format
12625msgid "There must be more than %d unit present on the tile.\n"
12626msgid_plural "There must be more than %d units present on the tile.\n"
12627msgstr[0] "Wymagania: na polu musi być więcej niż %d jednostka.\n"
12628msgstr[1] "Wymagania: na polu muszą być więcej niż %d jednostki.\n"
12629msgstr[2] "Wymagania: na polu musi być więcej niż %d jednostek.\n"
12631#: client/helpdata.c:2260
12632#, c-format
12633msgid ""
12634"The tile or at least one cardinally adjacent tile must have %d unit or "
12636msgid_plural ""
12637"The tile or at least one cardinally adjacent tile must have %d units or "
12639msgstr[0] ""
12640"Na tym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio musi być %d jednostka lub "
12642msgstr[1] ""
12643"Na tym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio muszą być %d jednostki "
12644"lub mniej.\n"
12645msgstr[2] ""
12646"Na tym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio musi być %d jednostek lub "
12649#: client/helpdata.c:2268
12650#, c-format
12651msgid ""
12652"The tile and all cardinally adjacent tiles must have more than %d unit "
12654msgid_plural ""
12655"The tile and all cardinally adjacent tiles must have more than %d units "
12657msgstr[0] ""
12658"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym bezpośrednio musi być więcej niż "
12659"%d jednostka.\n"
12660msgstr[1] ""
12661"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym bezpośrednio muszą być więcej niż "
12662"%d jednostki.\n"
12663msgstr[2] ""
12664"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym bezpośrednio musi być więcej niż "
12665"%d jednostek.\n"
12667#: client/helpdata.c:2280
12668#, c-format
12669msgid "The tile or at least one adjacent tile must have %d unit or fewer.\n"
12670msgid_plural ""
12671"The tile or at least one adjacent tile must have %d units or fewer.\n"
12672msgstr[0] ""
12673"Na tym polu lub na co najmniej jednym polu przylegającym musi być %d "
12674"jednostka lub mniej.\n"
12675msgstr[1] ""
12676"Na tym polu lub na co najmniej jednym polu przylegającym muszą być %d "
12677"jednostki lub mniej.\n"
12678msgstr[2] ""
12679"Na tym polu lub na co najmniej jednym polu przylegającym musi być %d "
12680"jednostek lub mniej.\n"
12682#: client/helpdata.c:2288
12683#, c-format
12684msgid "The tile and all adjacent tiles must have more than %d unit each.\n"
12685msgid_plural ""
12686"The tile and all adjacent tiles must have more than %d units each.\n"
12687msgstr[0] ""
12688"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym musi być więcej niż %d "
12690msgstr[1] ""
12691"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym muszą być więcej niż %d "
12693msgstr[2] ""
12694"Na tym polu i na każdym polu przylegającym musi być więcej niż %d "
12697#. TRANS: AI level (e.g., "Handicapped")
12698#: client/helpdata.c:2317
12699#, c-format
12700msgid "Applies to %s AI players.\n"
12701msgstr "Dotyczy graczy AI na poziomie trudności %s.\n"
12703#. TRANS: AI level (e.g., "Cheating")
12704#: client/helpdata.c:2322
12705#, c-format
12706msgid "Does not apply to %s AI players.\n"
12707msgstr "Nie dotyczy graczy AI na poziomie trudności %s.\n"
12709#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12710#: client/helpdata.c:2334
12711#, c-format
12712msgid "?terrainclass:Requires %s terrain on the tile.\n"
12713msgstr "?terrainclass:Wymagania: teren klasy %s.\n"
12715#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12716#: client/helpdata.c:2340
12717#, c-format
12718msgid "?terrainclass:Prevented by %s terrain on the tile.\n"
12719msgstr "?terrainclass:Niemożliwe na polu z terenem typu %s.\n"
12721#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12722#: client/helpdata.c:2350
12723#, c-format
12724msgid ""
12725"?terrainclass:Requires %s terrain on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
12727msgstr ""
12728"?terrainclass:Wymagania: teren klasy %s na tym samym polu lub na polu "
12729"przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
12731#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12732#: client/helpdata.c:2357
12733#, c-format
12734msgid ""
12735"?terrainclass:Prevented by %s terrain on the tile or any cardinally adjacent "
12737msgstr ""
12738"?terrainclass:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12739"bezpośrednio jest teren klasy %s.\n"
12741#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12742#: client/helpdata.c:2368
12743#, c-format
12744msgid "?terrainclass:Requires %s terrain on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
12745msgstr ""
12746"?terrainclass:Wymagania: teren klasy %s na tym samym polu lub na polu "
12749#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12750#: client/helpdata.c:2375
12751#, c-format
12752msgid ""
12753"?terrainclass:Prevented by %s terrain on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
12754msgstr ""
12755"?terrainclass:Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12756"bezpośrednio jest teren klasy %s.\n"
12758#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12759#: client/helpdata.c:2386
12760#, c-format
12761msgid "?terrainclass:Requires %s terrain on a tile within the city radius.\n"
12762msgstr "?terrainclass:Wymagania: teren klasy %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
12764#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12765#: client/helpdata.c:2393
12766#, c-format
12767msgid ""
12768"?terrainclass:Prevented by %s terrain on any tile within the city radius.\n"
12769msgstr ""
12770"?terrainclass:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest teren klasy %s.\n"
12772#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12773#: client/helpdata.c:2404
12774#, c-format
12775msgid ""
12776"?terrainclass:Requires %s terrain on a tile within the city radius or the "
12777"city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12778msgstr ""
12779"?terrainclass:Wymagania: teren klasy %s w promieniu twojego miasta lub "
12780"miasta partnera handlowego.\n"
12782#. TRANS: %s is a terrain class
12783#: client/helpdata.c:2412
12784#, c-format
12785msgid ""
12786"?terrainclass:Prevented by %s terrain on any tile within the city radius or "
12787"the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12788msgstr ""
12789"?terrainclass:Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta "
12790"partnera handlowego jest teren klasy %s.\n"
12792#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12793#: client/helpdata.c:2437
12794#, c-format
12795msgid "Requires terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12796msgstr "Wymagania: teren z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu.\n"
12798#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12799#: client/helpdata.c:2442
12800#, c-format
12801msgid "Prevented by terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12802msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym na polu jest teren z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12804#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12805#: client/helpdata.c:2452
12806#, c-format
12807msgid ""
12808"Requires terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
12810msgstr ""
12811"Wymagania: teren z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12814#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12815#: client/helpdata.c:2458
12816#, c-format
12817msgid ""
12818"Prevented by terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any cardinally "
12819"adjacent tile.\n"
12820msgstr ""
12821"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym na polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12822"bezpośrednio jest teren z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12824#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12825#: client/helpdata.c:2468
12826#, c-format
12827msgid ""
12828"Requires terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
12829msgstr ""
12830"Wymagania: teren z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu "
12833#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12834#: client/helpdata.c:2474
12835#, c-format
12836msgid ""
12837"Prevented by terrain with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
12838msgstr ""
12839"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym na polu lub na polu przylegającym jest teren "
12840"z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12842#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12843#: client/helpdata.c:2484
12844#, c-format
12845msgid ""
12846"Requires terrain with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius.\n"
12847msgstr "Wymagania: teren z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu miasta.\n"
12849#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12850#: client/helpdata.c:2490
12851#, c-format
12852msgid ""
12853"Prevented by terrain with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city "
12855msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest teren z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12857#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12858#: client/helpdata.c:2500
12859#, c-format
12860msgid ""
12861"Requires terrain with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius or "
12862"the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12863msgstr ""
12864"Wymagania: teren z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta "
12865"partnera handlowego.\n"
12867#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) terrain flag.
12868#: client/helpdata.c:2507
12869#, c-format
12870msgid ""
12871"Prevented by terrain with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city radius "
12872"or the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12873msgstr ""
12874"Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera handlowego "
12875"jest teren z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12877#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12878#: client/helpdata.c:2531
12879#, c-format
12880msgid "Requires a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12881msgstr "Wymagania: baza z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu.\n"
12883#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12884#: client/helpdata.c:2536
12885#, c-format
12886msgid "Prevented by a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12887msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu jest baza z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12889#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12890#: client/helpdata.c:2546
12891#, c-format
12892msgid ""
12893"Requires a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
12895msgstr ""
12896"Wymagania: baza z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12899#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12900#: client/helpdata.c:2552
12901#, c-format
12902msgid ""
12903"Prevented by a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any cardinally "
12904"adjacent tile.\n"
12905msgstr ""
12906"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio "
12907"jest baza z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12909#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12910#: client/helpdata.c:2562
12911#, c-format
12912msgid "Requires a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
12913msgstr ""
12914"Wymagania: baza z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym.\n"
12916#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12917#: client/helpdata.c:2568
12918#, c-format
12919msgid ""
12920"Prevented by a base with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
12921msgstr ""
12922"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym jest baza z "
12923"flagą \"%s\".\n"
12925#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12926#: client/helpdata.c:2578
12927#, c-format
12928msgid ""
12929"Requires a base with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius.\n"
12930msgstr "Wymagania: baza z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu miasta.\n"
12932#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12933#: client/helpdata.c:2584
12934#, c-format
12935msgid ""
12936"Prevented by a base with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city "
12938msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest baza z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12940#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12941#: client/helpdata.c:2594
12942#, c-format
12943msgid ""
12944"Requires a base with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius or the "
12945"city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12946msgstr ""
12947"Wymagania: baza z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta "
12948"partnera handlowego.\n"
12950#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) base flag.
12951#: client/helpdata.c:2601
12952#, c-format
12953msgid ""
12954"Prevented by a base with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city radius "
12955"or the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
12956msgstr ""
12957"Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera handlowego "
12958"jest baza z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12960#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
12961#: client/helpdata.c:2625
12962#, c-format
12963msgid "Requires a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12964msgstr "Wymagania: droga z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu.\n"
12966#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
12967#: client/helpdata.c:2630
12968#, c-format
12969msgid "Prevented by a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
12970msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu jest droga z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12972#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
12973#: client/helpdata.c:2640
12974#, c-format
12975msgid ""
12976"Requires a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
12978msgstr ""
12979"Wymagania: droga z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym "
12982#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
12983#: client/helpdata.c:2646
12984#, c-format
12985msgid ""
12986"Prevented by a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any cardinally "
12987"adjacent tile.\n"
12988msgstr ""
12989"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio "
12990"jest droga z flagą \"%s\".\n"
12992#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
12993#: client/helpdata.c:2656
12994#, c-format
12995msgid "Requires a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
12996msgstr ""
12997"Wymagania: droga z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu "
13000#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
13001#: client/helpdata.c:2662
13002#, c-format
13003msgid ""
13004"Prevented by a road with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any adjacent tile.\n"
13005msgstr ""
13006"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym jest droga z "
13007"flagą \"%s\".\n"
13009#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
13010#: client/helpdata.c:2672
13011#, c-format
13012msgid ""
13013"Requires a road with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius.\n"
13014msgstr "Wymagania: droga z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu miasta.\n"
13016#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
13017#: client/helpdata.c:2678
13018#, c-format
13019msgid ""
13020"Prevented by a road with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city "
13022msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest droga z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13024#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
13025#: client/helpdata.c:2688
13026#, c-format
13027msgid ""
13028"Requires a road with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius or the "
13029"city radius of a trade partner.\n"
13030msgstr ""
13031"Wymagania: droga z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta "
13032"partnera handlowego.\n"
13034#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) road flag.
13035#: client/helpdata.c:2695
13036#, c-format
13037msgid ""
13038"Prevented by a road with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city radius "
13039"or the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
13040msgstr ""
13041"Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu twojego miasta lub miasta partnera handlowego "
13042"jest droga z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13044#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13045#: client/helpdata.c:2719
13046#, c-format
13047msgid "Requires an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
13048msgstr "Wymagania: usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu.\n"
13050#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13051#: client/helpdata.c:2724
13052#, c-format
13053msgid "Prevented by an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile.\n"
13054msgstr ""
13055"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym na polu jest usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13057#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13058#: client/helpdata.c:2734
13059#, c-format
13060msgid ""
13061"Requires an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
13063msgstr ""
13064"Wymagania: usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu "
13065"przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
13067#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13068#: client/helpdata.c:2740
13069#, c-format
13070msgid ""
13071"Prevented by an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any cardinally "
13072"adjacent tile.\n"
13073msgstr ""
13074"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio "
13075"jest usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13077#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13078#: client/helpdata.c:2750
13079#, c-format
13080msgid ""
13081"Requires an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
13082msgstr ""
13083"Wymagania: usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\" na tym samym polu lub na polu "
13086#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13087#: client/helpdata.c:2756
13088#, c-format
13089msgid ""
13090"Prevented by an extra with the \"%s\" flag on the tile or any adjacent "
13092msgstr ""
13093"Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym polu lub na polu przylegającym jest "
13094"usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13096#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13097#: client/helpdata.c:2766
13098#, c-format
13099msgid ""
13100"Requires an extra with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius.\n"
13101msgstr "Wymagania: usprawnienie z flagą %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
13103#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13104#: client/helpdata.c:2772
13105#, c-format
13106msgid ""
13107"Prevented by an extra with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city "
13109msgstr ""
13110"Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13112#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13113#: client/helpdata.c:2782
13114#, c-format
13115msgid ""
13116"Requires an extra with the \"%s\" flag on a tile within the city radius or "
13117"the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
13118msgstr ""
13119"Wymagania: usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\" w promieniu miasta lub miasta "
13120"partnera handlowego.\n"
13122#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) extra flag.
13123#: client/helpdata.c:2789
13124#, c-format
13125msgid ""
13126"Prevented by an extra with the \"%s\" flag on any tile within the city "
13127"radius or the city radius of a trade partner.\n"
13128msgstr ""
13129"Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta lub miasta partnera handlowego jest "
13130"usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\".\n"
13132#: client/helpdata.c:2813
13133#, c-format
13134msgid "Requires the game to have reached the year %s.\n"
13135msgstr "Wymagania: rozgrywka musiała osiągnąć rok %s.\n"
13137#: client/helpdata.c:2817
13138#, c-format
13139msgid "Requires that the game has not yet reached the year %s.\n"
13140msgstr "Wymagania: rozgrywka nie mogła osiągnąć roku %s.\n"
13142#. TRANS: topology flag name ("WrapX", "ISO", etc)
13143#: client/helpdata.c:2831
13144#, c-format
13145msgid "Requires %s map.\n"
13146msgstr "Wymaga mapy %s.\n"
13148#. TRANS: topology flag name ("WrapX", "ISO", etc)
13149#: client/helpdata.c:2836
13150#, c-format
13151msgid "Prevented on %s map.\n"
13152msgstr "Niemożliwe na %s mapie.\n"
13154#: client/helpdata.c:2845
13155#, c-format
13156msgid "Requires age of %d turns.\n"
13157msgstr "Wymagania: wiek %d tur.\n"
13159#: client/helpdata.c:2849
13160#, c-format
13161msgid "Prevented if age is over %d turns.\n"
13162msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli wiek przekroczył %d tur.\n"
13164#: client/helpdata.c:2860
13165#, c-format
13166msgid "Requires terrain on which alteration %s is possible.\n"
13167msgstr "Wymagania: teren, na którym można wybudować %s.\n"
13169#: client/helpdata.c:2865
13170#, c-format
13171msgid "Prevented by terrain on which alteration %s can be made.\n"
13172msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli na polu można wybudować %s.\n"
13174#: client/helpdata.c:2893
13175msgid "city centers"
13176msgstr "centra miast."
13178#: client/helpdata.c:2896
13179msgid "claimed tiles"
13180msgstr "przejęte pola"
13182#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13183#: client/helpdata.c:2909
13184#, c-format
13185msgid "?tileprop:Applies only to %s.\n"
13186msgstr "Dotyczy tylko %s.\n"
13188#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13189#: client/helpdata.c:2913
13190#, c-format
13191msgid "?tileprop:Does not apply to %s.\n"
13192msgstr "Nie dotyczy %s.\n"
13194#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13195#: client/helpdata.c:2920
13196#, c-format
13197msgid "?tileprop:Applies only to %s and cardinally adjacent tiles.\n"
13198msgstr "Dotyczy tylko %s i pól przylegających bezpośrednio.\n"
13200#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13201#: client/helpdata.c:2925
13202#, c-format
13203msgid "?tileprop:Does not apply to %s or cardinally adjacent tiles.\n"
13204msgstr "Nie dotyczy %s i pól przylegających bezpośrednio.\n"
13206#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13207#: client/helpdata.c:2934
13208#, c-format
13209msgid "?tileprop:Applies only to %s and adjacent tiles.\n"
13210msgstr "Dotyczy tylko %s i przylegających pól.\n"
13212#. TRANS: tile property ("city centers", etc)
13213#: client/helpdata.c:2938
13214#, c-format
13215msgid "?tileprop:Does not apply to %s or adjacent tiles.\n"
13216msgstr "Nie dotyczy %s i przylegających pól.\n"
13218#. TRANS: First %s is a government name.
13219#: client/helpdata.c:3072
13220#, c-format
13221msgid "?gov:Allows %s (with %s but no %s)."
13222msgstr "?gov:Umożliwia %s (z %s, lecz bez %s)."
13224#. TRANS: First %s is a government name.
13225#: client/helpdata.c:3074
13226#, c-format
13227msgid "?gov:Allows %s (with %s)."
13228msgstr "?gov:Umożliwia %s (z %s)."
13230#. TRANS: First %s is a government name.
13231#: client/helpdata.c:3076
13232#, c-format
13233msgid "?gov:Allows %s (absent %s)."
13234msgstr "?gov:Umożliwia %s (bez %s)."
13236#. TRANS: %s is a government name.
13237#: client/helpdata.c:3078
13238#, c-format
13239msgid "?gov:Allows %s."
13240msgstr "?gov:Umożliwia %s."
13242#. TRANS: %s is a government name.
13243#: client/helpdata.c:3080
13244#, c-format
13245msgid "?gov:Prevents %s."
13246msgstr "?gov:Uniemożliwia %s."
13248#. TRANS: First %s is a building name.
13249#: client/helpdata.c:3091
13250#, c-format
13251msgid "?improvement:Allows %s (with %s but no %s)."
13252msgstr "?improvement:Umożliwia %s (z %s, lecz bez %s)."
13254#. TRANS: First %s is a building name.
13255#: client/helpdata.c:3093
13256#, c-format
13257msgid "?improvement:Allows %s (with %s)."
13258msgstr "?improvement:Umożliwia %s (z %s)."
13260#. TRANS: First %s is a building name.
13261#: client/helpdata.c:3095
13262#, c-format
13263msgid "?improvement:Allows %s (absent %s)."
13264msgstr "?improvement:Umożliwia %s (bez %s)."
13266#. TRANS: %s is a building name.
13267#: client/helpdata.c:3097
13268#, c-format
13269msgid "?improvement:Allows %s."
13270msgstr "?improvement:Umożliwia %s."
13272#. TRANS: %s is a building name.
13273#: client/helpdata.c:3099
13274#, c-format
13275msgid "?improvement:Prevents %s."
13276msgstr "?improvement:Uniemożliwia %s."
13278#: client/helpdata.c:3384
13279msgid "Current ruleset contains no summary."
13280msgstr "Bieżący zestaw zasad nie zawiera opisu."
13282#: client/helpdata.c:3458
13283msgid "Current tileset contains no summary."
13284msgstr "Bieżący zestaw graficzny nie zawiera opisu."
13286#: client/helpdata.c:3648
13287#, c-format
13288msgid "Sorry, no help topic for %s.\n"
13289msgstr "Niestety, pomoc na temat %s nie istnieje.\n"
13291#: client/helpdata.c:3652
13292#, c-format
13293msgid ""
13294"Sorry, no help topic for %s.\n"
13295"This page was auto-generated.\n"
13297msgstr ""
13298"Niestety, brak tematu pomocy dla %s.\n"
13299"Ta strona została wygenerowana automatycznie.\n"
13302#: client/helpdata.c:3746
13303#, c-format
13304msgid "* The discovery of %s will make %s obsolete.\n"
13305msgstr "* Odkrycie %s sprawi, że %s będzie przestarzałe.\n"
13307#. TRANS: both %s are improvement names
13308#: client/helpdata.c:3753
13309#, c-format
13310msgid "* The presence of %s in the city will make %s obsolete.\n"
13311msgstr "* Obecność %s w mieście sprawi, że %s będzie przestarzałe.\n"
13313#: client/helpdata.c:3762
13314msgid ""
13315"* A 'small wonder': at most one of your cities may possess this "
13317msgstr "* 'Mały cud': co najwyżej jedno twoje miasto może mieć ten budynek.\n"
13319#. TRANS: 'Allows all players with knowledge of atomic
13320#. * power to build nuclear units.'
13321#: client/helpdata.c:3775
13322#, c-format
13323msgid "* Allows all players with knowledge of %s to build %s units.\n"
13324msgstr "* Pozwala wszystkim graczom ze znajomością %s budować jednostki %s.\n"
13326#. TRANS: bullet point; note trailing space
13327#: client/helpdata.c:3783 client/helpdata.c:4142 client/helpdata.c:4836
13328#: client/helpdata.c:4942 client/helpdata.c:4992 client/helpdata.c:5067
13329#: client/helpdata.c:5361 client/helpdata.c:5732
13330msgid "?bullet:* "
13331msgstr "?bullet:* "
13333#: client/helpdata.c:3789
13334#, c-format
13335msgid "* Allows %s (with %s).\n"
13336msgstr "* Pozwala na %s (razem z %s).\n"
13338#: client/helpdata.c:3793
13339#, c-format
13340msgid "* Allows %s.\n"
13341msgstr "* Pozwala na %s.\n"
13343#: client/helpdata.c:3808
13344msgid "* All players start with this improvement in their first city.\n"
13345msgstr "* Wszyscy gracze rozpoczynają z tym budynkiem w pierwszym mieście.\n"
13347#. TRANS: %s is a nation plural
13348#: client/helpdata.c:3831
13349#, c-format
13350msgid "* The %s start with this improvement in their first city.\n"
13351msgstr "* %s rozpoczynają z tym budynkiem w pierwszym mieście.\n"
13353#. TRANS: don't translate 'savepalace'
13354#: client/helpdata.c:3841
13355msgid ""
13356"* If you lose the city containing this improvement, it will be rebuilt for "
13357"free in another of your cities (if the 'savepalace' server setting is "
13359msgstr ""
13360"* Jeśli stracisz miasto z tym budynkiem, zostanie on odbudowany za darmo w "
13361"innym mieście (jeśli włączono opcję serwera 'saveplace').\n"
13363#: client/helpdata.c:3905
13364#, c-format
13365msgid "* Belongs to %s unit class."
13366msgstr "* Jednostka typu %s."
13368#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13369#: client/helpdata.c:3917
13370msgid "  * Can occupy empty enemy cities.\n"
13371msgstr "  * Potrafi zajmować obce miasta.\n"
13373#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13374#: client/helpdata.c:3921
13375msgid "  * Speed is not affected by terrain.\n"
13376msgstr "  * Szybkość nie zależy od terenu.\n"
13378#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13379#: client/helpdata.c:3925
13380msgid "  * Does not get defense bonuses from terrain.\n"
13381msgstr "  * Nie otrzymuje dodatkowych punktów obrony z terenu.\n"
13383#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13384#: client/helpdata.c:3929
13385msgid "  * Not subject to zones of control.\n"
13386msgstr "  * Ignoruje strefy kontroli.\n"
13388#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13389#: client/helpdata.c:3932
13390msgid "  * Subject to zones of control.\n"
13391msgstr "  * Podlega strefom kontroli.\n"
13393#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13394#: client/helpdata.c:3936
13395msgid "  * Slowed down while damaged.\n"
13396msgstr "  * Spowalnia, jeśli jest uszkodzona.\n"
13398#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13399#: client/helpdata.c:3940
13400msgid "  * Gets used up in making an attack.\n"
13401msgstr "  * Jest tracona podczas ataku.\n"
13403#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13404#: client/helpdata.c:3948
13405#, no-c-format
13406msgid "  * Gets a 50% defensive bonus while in cities.\n"
13407msgstr "  * Dostaje 50% dodatkowych punktów obrony w mieście.\n"
13409#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13410#: client/helpdata.c:3952
13411#, no-c-format
13412msgid "  * May fortify, granting a 50% defensive bonus when not in a city.\n"
13413msgstr ""
13414"  * Potrafi się umacniać, dzięki czemu siła obrony poza miastem wzrasta o "
13417#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13418#: client/helpdata.c:3957
13419msgid "  * May fortify to stay put.\n"
13420msgstr "  * Może się umacniać, by pozostać na miejscu.\n"
13422#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13423#: client/helpdata.c:3963
13424msgid "  * Is unreachable. Most units cannot attack this one.\n"
13425msgstr "  * Jest niedostępna. Większości jednostek nie może jej atakować.\n"
13427#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13428#: client/helpdata.c:3968
13429msgid "  * Can pillage tile improvements.\n"
13430msgstr "  * Może plądrować usprawnienia na polu.\n"
13432#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13433#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13434#: client/helpdata.c:3974 client/helpdata.c:4536
13435msgid "  * Doesn't prevent enemy cities from working the tile it's on.\n"
13436msgstr "  * Nie blokuje produkcji miasta z pola, które zajmuje.\n"
13438#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13439#: client/helpdata.c:3979
13440msgid "  * Can attack units on non-native tiles.\n"
13441msgstr " * Może atakować jednostki na polach nienatywnych.\n"
13443#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13444#: client/helpdata.c:3986
13445msgid "  * Can launch attack from non-native tiles.\n"
13446msgstr "  * Może atakować z pól nienatywnych.\n"
13448#. TRANS: indented unit class property, preserve leading spaces
13449#: client/helpdata.c:3991
13450msgid "  * Can be airlifted from a suitable city.\n"
13451msgstr "  * Może być przenoszona mostem powietrznym z odpowiedniego miasta.\n"
13453#. TRANS: multipied by ... or-list of unit types
13454#: client/helpdata.c:4020
13455#, c-format
13456msgid "* %dx defense bonus if attacked by %s.\n"
13457msgstr "* dodatek do obrony %dx jeśli jednostka zatakowana przez %s.\n"
13459#. TRANS: defense divider ... or-list of unit types
13460#: client/helpdata.c:4027
13461#, c-format
13462msgid "* Reduces target's defense to 1 / %d when attacking %s.\n"
13463msgstr "* Zmniejsza siłę obrony jednostki do 1 / %d, gry atakuje ona %s.\n"
13465#. TRANS: or-list of unit types
13466#: client/helpdata.c:4035
13467#, c-format
13468msgid "* Reduces target's firepower to 1 when attacking %s.\n"
13469msgstr "* Zmniejsza siłę ataku celu do 1, gry atakuje %s.\n"
13471#: client/helpdata.c:4047
13472#, c-format
13473msgid "* Can only be built if there is %s in the city.\n"
13474msgstr "* Jednostkę można stworzyć tylko, gdy w mieście jest %s.\n"
13476#: client/helpdata.c:4053
13477#, c-format
13478msgid "* Can only be built with %s as government.\n"
13479msgstr "* Jednostka może być jedynie budowana w ustroju %s.\n"
13481#: client/helpdata.c:4058
13482msgid "* May not be built in cities.\n"
13483msgstr "* Nie może być budowana w miastach.\n"
13485#: client/helpdata.c:4061
13486msgid "* Only barbarians may build this.\n"
13487msgstr "* Jednostkę mogą budować tylko barbarzyńcy.\n"
13489#: client/helpdata.c:4064
13490msgid "* Can only be built in games where new cities are allowed.\n"
13491msgstr ""
13492"* Można tworzyć jedynie w rozgrywkach, w których można budować nowe miasta.\n"
13494#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13495#: client/helpdata.c:4068
13496msgid "  - New cities are not allowed in the current game.\n"
13497msgstr "  - Nowy miasta nie są dozwolone w bieżącej rozgrywce.\n"
13499#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13500#: client/helpdata.c:4072
13501msgid "  - New cities are allowed in the current game.\n"
13502msgstr "  - Nowy miasta są dozwolone w bieżącej rozgrywce.\n"
13504#. TRANS: %s is a nation plural
13505#: client/helpdata.c:4093
13506#, c-format
13507msgid "* The %s start the game with %d of these units.\n"
13508msgid_plural "* The %s start the game with %d of these units.\n"
13509msgstr[0] "* %s rozpoczynają z %d taką jednostką.\n"
13510msgstr[1] "* %s rozpoczynają z %d takimi jednostkami.\n"
13511msgstr[2] "* %s rozpoczynają z %d takimi jednostkami.\n"
13513#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit types separated by "or".
13514#: client/helpdata.c:4112
13515#, c-format
13516msgid "* May be obtained by conversion of %s.\n"
13517msgstr "* Nie może być pozyskana przez zmianę %s.\n"
13519#. TRANS: %s is a unit type. "MP" = movement points.
13520#: client/helpdata.c:4120
13521#, c-format
13522msgid "* May be converted into %s (takes %d MP).\n"
13523msgid_plural "* May be converted into %s (takes %d MP).\n"
13524msgstr[0] "* Może zostać zmieniona na %s (potrzeba %d PR).\n"
13525msgstr[1] "* Może zostać zmieniona na %s (potrzeba %d PR).\n"
13526msgstr[2] "* Może zostać zmieniona na %s (potrzeba %d PR).\n"
13528#: client/helpdata.c:4127
13529msgid "* Never has a home city.\n"
13530msgstr "* Jednostka nie jest utrzymywana przez żadne miasto.\n"
13532#: client/helpdata.c:4130
13533msgid "* Losing this unit will lose you the game!\n"
13534msgstr "* Utrata tej jednostki powoduje przegranie gry!\n"
13536#: client/helpdata.c:4134
13537msgid "* Each player may only have one of this type of unit.\n"
13538msgstr "* Każdy gracz może posiadać tylko jedną jednostkę tego typu.\n"
13540#: client/helpdata.c:4150
13541#, c-format
13542msgid "* Costs %d population to build.\n"
13543msgid_plural "* Costs %d population to build.\n"
13544msgstr[0] "* Koszt budowy to %d populacji.\n"
13545msgstr[1] "* Koszt budowy to %d populacji.\n"
13546msgstr[2] "* Koszt budowy to %d populacji.\n"
13548#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated by "or".
13549#: client/helpdata.c:4168
13550#, c-format
13551msgid "* Can carry and refuel %d %s unit.\n"
13552msgid_plural "* Can carry and refuel up to %d %s units.\n"
13553msgstr[0] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostki %s.\n"
13554msgstr[1] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek %s.\n"
13555msgstr[2] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek %s.\n"
13557#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13558#: client/helpdata.c:4197
13559msgid ""
13560"  * Some cargo cannot be loaded except in a city or a base native to this "
13562msgstr ""
13563"  * Niektóre jednostki nie mogą być załadowane poza miastem lub bazą natywną "
13564"dla tego transportowca.\n"
13566#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13567#: client/helpdata.c:4203
13568msgid ""
13569"  * Cargo cannot be loaded except in a city or a base native to this "
13571msgstr ""
13572"  * Jednostki nie mogą zostać załadowane poza miastem lub bazą natywną dla "
13573"tego transportowca.\n"
13575#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13576#: client/helpdata.c:4212
13577msgid ""
13578"  * Some cargo cannot be unloaded except in a city or a base native to this "
13580msgstr ""
13581"  * Niektóre jednostki nie mogą zostać wyładowane poza miastem lub bazą "
13582"natywną dla tego transportowca.\n"
13584#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13585#: client/helpdata.c:4218
13586msgid ""
13587"  * Cargo cannot be unloaded except in a city or a base native to this "
13589msgstr ""
13590"  * Jednostki nie mogą zostać wyładowane poza miastem lub bazą natywną dla "
13591"tego transportowca.\n"
13593#: client/helpdata.c:4225
13594msgid "* Must stay next to coast.\n"
13595msgstr "* Musi pozostawać blisko wybrzeża.\n"
13597#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated
13598#. * by "or".
13599#: client/helpdata.c:4283
13600#, c-format
13601msgid "* May load onto and unload from %s transports even when underway.\n"
13602msgstr ""
13603"* Jednostka może zostać załadowana lub wyładowana z transportowców %s nawet "
13604"podczas podróży.\n"
13606#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated
13607#. * by "or".
13608#: client/helpdata.c:4290
13609#, c-format
13610msgid "* May load onto %s transports even when underway.\n"
13611msgstr ""
13612"* Jednostka może zostać załadowana na transportowce %s nawet podczas "
13615#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated
13616#. * by "or".
13617#: client/helpdata.c:4310
13618#, c-format
13619msgid "* May unload from %s transports even when underway.\n"
13620msgstr ""
13621"* Jednostka może zostać wyładowana z transportowców %s nawet podczas "
13624#: client/helpdata.c:4316
13625msgid "* May not be disbanded.\n"
13626msgstr "* Jednostki nie można rozwiązać.\n"
13628#: client/helpdata.c:4320
13629#, no-c-format
13630msgid "* May be disbanded in a city to recover 50% of the production cost.\n"
13631msgstr ""
13632"* Jednostkę można rozwiązać w mieście, aby odzyskać 50% kosztów jej "
13635#: client/helpdata.c:4325
13636#, c-format
13637msgid "* Can build new cities (initial population %d).\n"
13638msgid_plural "* Can build new cities (initial population %d).\n"
13639msgstr[0] "* Potrafi zakładać nowe miasta (populacja początkowa: %d).\n"
13640msgstr[1] "* Potrafi zakładać nowe miasta (populacja początkowa: %d).\n"
13641msgstr[2] "* Potrafi zakładać nowe miasta (populacja początkowa: %d).\n"
13643#. TRANS: Plural in "%d population", not "size %d".
13644#: client/helpdata.c:4333
13645#, c-format
13646msgid "* Can add on %d population to cities of no more than size %d.\n"
13647msgid_plural "* Can add on %d population to cities of no more than size %d.\n"
13648msgstr[0] ""
13649"* Potrafi powiększać miasta nie większe niż %2$d o %1$d populacji.\n"
13650msgstr[1] ""
13651"* Potrafi powiększać miasta nie większe niż %2$d o %1$d populacji.\n"
13652msgstr[2] ""
13653"* Potrafi powiększać miasta nie większe niż %2$d o %1$d populacji.\n"
13655#. TRANS: %s is list of extra types separated by ',' and 'and'
13656#: client/helpdata.c:4354 client/helpdata.c:4368 client/helpdata.c:4387
13657#: client/helpdata.c:4408
13658#, c-format
13659msgid "* Can build %s on tiles.\n"
13660msgstr "* Potrafi budować %s.\n"
13662#: client/helpdata.c:4374
13663msgid "* Can convert terrain to another type by mining.\n"
13664msgstr "* Potrafi zmieniać teren poprzez prace górnicze.\n"
13666#: client/helpdata.c:4393
13667msgid "* Can convert terrain to another type by irrigation.\n"
13668msgstr "* Potrafi zmieniać teren poprzez prace nawodnieniowe.\n"
13670#: client/helpdata.c:4397
13671msgid "* Can transform terrain to another type.\n"
13672msgstr "* Potrafi zmieniać teren.\n"
13674#. TRANS: list of extras separated by "and"
13675#: client/helpdata.c:4423 client/helpdata.c:4437
13676#, c-format
13677msgid "* Can clean %s from tiles.\n"
13678msgstr "* Potrafi usuwać %s z pól.\n"
13680#: client/helpdata.c:4446
13681msgid "* Performs better diplomatic actions.\n"
13682msgstr "* Wykonuje czynności dyplomatyczne skuteczniej.\n"
13684#: client/helpdata.c:4450
13685msgid "* Defends cities against diplomatic actions.\n"
13686msgstr "* Broni miasta przed wrogimi czynnościami dyplomatycznymi.\n"
13688#: client/helpdata.c:4453
13689msgid "* Will never lose a diplomat-versus-diplomat fight.\n"
13690msgstr "* Nigdy nie przegra konfrontacji z innym dyplomatą.\n"
13692#: client/helpdata.c:4457
13693msgid "* Will always survive a spy mission.\n"
13694msgstr "* Zawsze przeżyje misję wywiadowczą.\n"
13696#: client/helpdata.c:4461
13697msgid "* Is invisible except when next to an enemy unit or city.\n"
13698msgstr ""
13699"* Jest niewidoczna dla innych graczy, chyba że znajduje się w przy wrogiej "
13700"jednostce lub mieście.\n"
13702#: client/helpdata.c:4465
13703msgid "* Can only attack units on native tiles.\n"
13704msgstr "* Może atakować tylko jednostki na polach natywnych.\n"
13706#: client/helpdata.c:4470
13707msgid "* Can launch attack from non-native tiles.\n"
13708msgstr "* Może atakować z pól nienatywnych.\n"
13710#: client/helpdata.c:4474
13711#, c-format
13712msgid ""
13713"* Can be paradropped from a friendly city or suitable base (range: %d "
13715msgid_plural ""
13716"* Can be paradropped from a friendly city or suitable base (range: %d "
13718msgstr[0] ""
13719"* Może być przerzucona z przyjaznego miasta lub odpowiedniej bazy (zasięg: "
13720"%d pole).\n"
13721msgstr[1] ""
13722"* Może być przerzucona z przyjaznego miasta lub odpowiedniej bazy (zasięg: "
13723"%d pola).\n"
13724msgstr[2] ""
13725"* Może być przerzucona z przyjaznego miasta lub odpowiedniej bazy (zasięg: "
13726"%d pól).\n"
13728#: client/helpdata.c:4484
13729msgid "* Making an attack ends this unit's turn.\n"
13730msgstr "* Przeprowadzenie ataku kończy turę tej jednostki.\n"
13732#: client/helpdata.c:4488
13733msgid "* This unit's attack causes a nuclear explosion!\n"
13734msgstr "* Atak tej jednostki powoduje eksplozję atomową!\n"
13736#: client/helpdata.c:4492
13737msgid "* Gets double firepower when attacking cities.\n"
13738msgstr "* Ma podwójną siłę ognia podczas ataku na miasto.\n"
13740#: client/helpdata.c:4498
13741#, c-format
13742msgid ""
13743"* Does bombard attacks (%d per turn). These attacks will only damage (never "
13744"kill) defenders, but damage all defenders on a tile, and have no risk for "
13745"the attacker.\n"
13746msgstr ""
13747"* Przeprowadza bombardowania (%d razy na turę). Ataki tylko uszkodzą (nigdy "
13748"nie zabiją) wszystkich broniących się na tym polu, a atakujący nie ponosi "
13749"żadnych strat.\n"
13751#. TRANS: "MP" = movement points. %s may have a
13752#. * fractional part.
13753#: client/helpdata.c:4508
13754#, c-format
13755msgid "* Ignores terrain effects (moving costs at most %s MP per tile).\n"
13756msgstr "* Ignoruje wpływ terenu (ruch kosztuje najwyżej %s PR na pole).\n"
13758#: client/helpdata.c:4513
13759msgid "* Never imposes a zone of control.\n"
13760msgstr "* Nie tworzy strefy kontroli.\n"
13762#: client/helpdata.c:4515
13763msgid "* May impose a zone of control on its adjacent tiles.\n"
13764msgstr "* Może tworzyć strefę kontroli na przylegających polach.\n"
13766#: client/helpdata.c:4519
13767msgid "* Not subject to zones of control imposed by other units.\n"
13768msgstr "* Ignoruje strefy kontroli tworzone przez inne jednostki.\n"
13770#: client/helpdata.c:4524
13771msgid "* A non-military unit:\n"
13772msgstr "* Jednostka cywilna:\n"
13774#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13775#: client/helpdata.c:4527
13776msgid "  * Cannot attack.\n"
13777msgstr " * Nie może atakować.\n"
13779#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13780#: client/helpdata.c:4530
13781msgid "  * Doesn't impose martial law.\n"
13782msgstr " * Nie może wprowadzać stanu wyjątkowego.\n"
13784#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13785#: client/helpdata.c:4533
13786msgid "  * Can enter foreign territory regardless of peace treaty.\n"
13787msgstr " * Może wkraczać na terytorium innego gracza nawet podczas pokoju.\n"
13789#: client/helpdata.c:4540
13790msgid "* A field unit: one unhappiness applies even when non-aggressive.\n"
13791msgstr ""
13792"* Jednostka polowa; powoduje 1 niezadowolenie, nawet gdy nie jest na pozycji "
13795#: client/helpdata.c:4543
13796msgid "* Can capture some enemy units.\n"
13797msgstr "* Może przechwytywać wrogie jednostki.\n"
13799#: client/helpdata.c:4546
13800msgid "* Can be captured by some enemy units.\n"
13801msgstr "* Może zostać przechwycona przez wrogą jednostkę.\n"
13803#: client/helpdata.c:4553
13804msgid ""
13805"* Under certain conditions the shield upkeep of this unit can be converted "
13806"to gold upkeep.\n"
13807msgstr ""
13808"* W pewnych warunkach, koszty utrzymania tej jednostki mogą być uiszczane w "
13809"złocie, a nie w punktach produkcji.\n"
13811#: client/helpdata.c:4561
13812#, c-format
13813msgid "* Can attack against %s units, which are usually not reachable.\n"
13814msgstr "* Może atakować jednostki %s, która zazwyczaj są nieosiągalne.\n"
13816#: client/helpdata.c:4578
13817#, c-format
13818msgid "* Unit has to be in a city or a base after %d turn.\n"
13819msgid_plural "* Unit has to be in a city or a base after %d turns.\n"
13820msgstr[0] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście lub w bazie co %d turę.\n"
13821msgstr[1] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście lub w bazie co %d tury.\n"
13822msgstr[2] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście lub w bazie co %d tur.\n"
13824#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit types separated by "or"
13825#: client/helpdata.c:4589
13826#, c-format
13827msgid "* Unit has to be in a city, a base, or on a %s after %d turn.\n"
13828msgid_plural "* Unit has to be in a city, a base, or on a %s after %d turns.\n"
13829msgstr[0] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście, w bazie lub na %s co %d turę.\n"
13830msgstr[1] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście, w bazie lub na %s co %d tury.\n"
13831msgstr[2] "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście, w bazie lub na %s co %d tur.\n"
13833#. TRANS: the first %s is the ruleset defined ui
13834#. * name of the "Help Wonder" action, the next %s is
13835#. * the name of its target kind ("individual cities")
13836#. * and the %d is the number of shields the unit can
13837#. * contribute.
13838#: client/helpdata.c:4619
13839#, c-format
13840msgid "* Can do the action '%s' to some %s (adds %d production).\n"
13841msgstr "* Może wykonać rozkaz '%s' dla %s (dodaje %d produkcji).\n"
13843#. TRANS: the first %s is the action's ruleset
13844#. * defined ui name and the next %s is the name of
13845#. * its target kind.
13846#: client/helpdata.c:4636
13847#, c-format
13848msgid "* Can do the action '%s' to some %s.\n"
13849msgstr "* Może podejmować działanie '%s' w odniesieniu do niektórych %s.\n"
13851#: client/helpdata.c:4679
13852#, c-format
13853msgid "* Doing the action '%s' to this unit is impossible.\n"
13854msgstr "* Nie może wykonaćć działania '%s'.\n"
13856#: client/helpdata.c:4687
13857msgid "* Will never achieve veteran status.\n"
13858msgstr "* Nie może osiągać statusu weterana.\n"
13860#: client/helpdata.c:4702
13861msgid "* May acquire veteran status.\n"
13862msgstr "* Może osiągać statusu weterana.\n"
13864#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13865#: client/helpdata.c:4708
13866msgid "  * Veterans have increased strength in combat.\n"
13867msgstr "  * Weterani mają większą siłę w walce.\n"
13869#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13870#: client/helpdata.c:4716
13871msgid "  * Veterans have improved chances in diplomatic contests.\n"
13872msgstr "  * Weterani mają większe szanse w starciach dyplomatycznych.\n"
13874#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13875#: client/helpdata.c:4729
13876msgid "  * Veterans are more likely to survive missions.\n"
13877msgstr "  * Weterani mają większe szanse na przeżycie misji.\n"
13879#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
13880#: client/helpdata.c:4735
13881msgid "  * Veterans work faster.\n"
13882msgstr "  * Weteani pracują szybciej.\n"
13884#: client/helpdata.c:4746
13885msgid "This type of unit has its own veteran levels:"
13886msgstr "Ten typ jednostki ma własne poziomy doświadczenia:"
13888#: client/helpdata.c:4791
13889#, c-format
13890msgid "Starting now, researching %s would need %d bulb."
13891msgid_plural "Starting now, researching %s would need %d bulbs."
13892msgstr[0] ""
13893"Jeśli rozpoczniemy badania nad %s teraz, będziemy potrzebowali %d punkt "
13895msgstr[1] ""
13896"Jeśli rozpoczniemy badania nad %s teraz, będziemy potrzebowali %d punkty "
13898msgstr[2] ""
13899"Jeśli rozpoczniemy badania nad %s teraz, będziemy potrzebowali %d punktów "
13902#. TRANS: appended to another sentence. Preserve the
13903#. * leading space.
13904#: client/helpdata.c:4803
13905#, c-format
13906msgid " The whole project will require %d bulb to complete."
13907msgid_plural " The whole project will require %d bulbs to complete."
13908msgstr[0] " Cały projekt wymagał będzie %d punkt odkryć."
13909msgstr[1] " Cały projekt wymagał będzie %d punkty odkryć."
13910msgstr[2] " Cały projekt wymagał będzie %d punktów odkryć."
13912#. TRANS: last %s is a sentence pluralized separately.
13913#: client/helpdata.c:4809
13914#, c-format
13915msgid "To research %s you need to research %d other technology first.%s"
13916msgid_plural ""
13917"To research %s you need to research %d other technologies first.%s"
13918msgstr[0] "Aby pracować nad %s, potrzebujemy %d dodatkową technologię.%s"
13919msgstr[1] "Aby pracować nad %s, potrzebujemy %d dodatkoweh technologie.%s"
13920msgstr[2] "Aby pracować nad %s, potrzebujemy %d dodatkowych technologii.%s"
13922#: client/helpdata.c:4818
13923msgid "You cannot research this technology."
13924msgstr "Nie możesz pracować nad tą technologią."
13926#. TRANS: preserve leading space
13927#: client/helpdata.c:4824
13928msgid " This number may vary depending on what other players research.\n"
13929msgstr " Ta liczba może się zmieniać w zależności od badań innych graczy.\n"
13931#: client/helpdata.c:4846
13932msgid "* All players start the game with knowledge of this technology.\n"
13933msgstr "* Wszyscy gracze rozpoczynają grę z tą technologią.\n"
13935#. TRANS: %s is a nation plural
13936#: client/helpdata.c:4868
13937#, c-format
13938msgid "* The %s start the game with knowledge of this technology.\n"
13939msgstr "* %s rozpoczynają grę z tą technologią.\n"
13941#. TRANS: 'and'-separated list of techs
13942#: client/helpdata.c:4922
13943#, c-format
13944msgid "* Only those who know %s can acquire this technology (by any means).\n"
13945msgstr ""
13946"* Tylko ci, którzy znają już %s mogą dostać technologię (w jakikolwiek "
13949#: client/helpdata.c:4931
13950#, c-format
13951msgid "* The first player to learn %s gets an immediate advance.\n"
13952msgstr ""
13953"* Ten, kto odkryje %s jako pierwszy, natychmiast zyska jakąś technologię.\n"
13955#: client/helpdata.c:4954
13956msgid ""
13957"* To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each "
13959msgstr ""
13960"* Aby utrzymać tę technologię, potrzebnych jest kilka punktów odkryć na "
13963#: client/helpdata.c:4995
13964msgid "* You cannot build cities on this terrain."
13965msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie można budować miast."
13967#: client/helpdata.c:5003
13968msgid "* Paths cannot be built on this terrain."
13969msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie można budować tras."
13971#: client/helpdata.c:5014
13972msgid "* Bases cannot be built on this terrain."
13973msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie można budować baz."
13975#: client/helpdata.c:5023
13976msgid "* The coastline of this terrain is unsafe."
13977msgstr "* Linia brzegowa tego terenu nie jest bezpieczna."
13979#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated by "and".
13980#: client/helpdata.c:5040 client/helpdata.c:5487
13981#, c-format
13982msgid "* Can be traveled by %s units.\n"
13983msgstr "* Teren mogą przekraczać jednostki %s.\n"
13985#: client/helpdata.c:5047
13986msgid ""
13987"* Units on this terrain neither impose zones of control nor are restricted "
13988"by them.\n"
13989msgstr ""
13990"* Jednostki na tym terenie nie ustanawiają stref kontroli ani nie są przez "
13991"nie ograniczane.\n"
13993#: client/helpdata.c:5051
13994msgid ""
13995"* Units on this terrain may impose a zone of control, or be restricted by "
13997msgstr ""
13998"* Jednostki na tym terenie mogą ustanawiać strefę kontroli lub być przez nią "
14001#: client/helpdata.c:5056
14002msgid "* No units can fortify on this terrain.\n"
14003msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie może umacniać się żadna jednostka.\n"
14005#: client/helpdata.c:5059
14006msgid "* Units able to fortify may do so on this terrain.\n"
14007msgstr ""
14008"* Na tym terenie mogą umacniać się jednostki (jeśli potrafią się umacniać).\n"
14010#: client/helpdata.c:5237
14011#, c-format
14012msgid ", +%d food"
14013msgid_plural ", +%d food"
14014msgstr[0] ", +%d żywności"
14015msgstr[1] ", +%d żywności"
14016msgstr[2] ", +%d żywności"
14018#: client/helpdata.c:5241
14019#, c-format
14020msgid ", +%d shield"
14021msgid_plural ", +%d shields"
14022msgstr[0] ", +%d pkt. prod."
14023msgstr[1] ", +%d pkt. prod."
14024msgstr[2] ", +%d pkt. prod."
14026#: client/helpdata.c:5245
14027#, c-format
14028msgid ", +%d trade"
14029msgid_plural ", +%d trade"
14030msgstr[0] ", +%d handlu"
14031msgstr[1] ", +%d handlu"
14032msgstr[2] ", +%d handlu"
14034#: client/helpdata.c:5301
14035msgid "Build by issuing an \"irrigate\" order.\n"
14036msgstr "Zbuduj wydając polecenie \"nawodnij\"\n"
14038#: client/helpdata.c:5305
14039msgid "Build by issuing a \"mine\" order.\n"
14040msgstr "Zbuduj wydając polecenie \"kopalnia\".\n"
14042#: client/helpdata.c:5309
14043msgid "Build by issuing a \"road\" order.\n"
14044msgstr "Zbuduj wydając polecenie \"droga\".\n"
14046#: client/helpdata.c:5315
14047msgid "Build by issuing a \"build base\" order.\n"
14048msgstr "Zbuduj wydając polecenie \"zbuduj bazę\".\n"
14050#. TRANS: %s is a gui_type base string from a ruleset
14051#: client/helpdata.c:5332
14052#, c-format
14053msgid "Build by issuing a \"%s\" order.\n"
14054msgstr "Zbuduj wydając polecenie \"%s\".\n"
14056#: client/helpdata.c:5339
14057msgid "May randomly appear around polluting city.\n"
14058msgstr "Może pojawiać się losowo wokół miast emitujących zanieczyszczenia.\n"
14060#: client/helpdata.c:5344
14061msgid "May randomly appear around nuclear blast.\n"
14062msgstr "Może pojawiać się losowo wokół miejsca wybuchu atomowego.\n"
14064#: client/helpdata.c:5350
14065msgid "Placed by map generator.\n"
14066msgstr "Rozmieszczony przez generator mapy.\n"
14068#: client/helpdata.c:5365
14069msgid "Requirements to build:\n"
14070msgstr "Wymagania:\n"
14072#: client/helpdata.c:5400
14073msgid "Can be pillaged by units (time is terrain-dependent).\n"
14074msgstr "Może zostać splądrowane przez jednostki (czas zależy od terenu).\n"
14076#: client/helpdata.c:5403
14077#, c-format
14078msgid "Can be pillaged by units (takes %d turn).\n"
14079msgid_plural "Can be pillaged by units (takes %d turns).\n"
14080msgstr[0] "Może zostać splądrowane przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tury).\n"
14081msgstr[1] "Może zostać splądrowanie przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tur).\n"
14082msgstr[2] "Może zostać splądrowanie przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tur).\n"
14084#: client/helpdata.c:5447
14085msgid "Can be cleaned by units (time is terrain-dependent).\n"
14086msgstr "Może być oczyszczone przez jednostki (czas zależy od terenu).\n"
14088#: client/helpdata.c:5450
14089#, c-format
14090msgid "Can be cleaned by units (takes %d turn).\n"
14091msgid_plural "Can be cleaned by units (takes %d turns).\n"
14092msgstr[0] "Może być oczyszczone przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tury).\n"
14093msgstr[1] "Może być oczyszczone przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tur).\n"
14094msgstr[2] "Może być oczyszczone przez jednostki (w ciągu %d tur).\n"
14096#. TRANS: %s is a list of unit classes separated by "and".
14097#: client/helpdata.c:5491
14098#, c-format
14099msgid "* Native to %s units.\n"
14100msgstr "* Dotyczy jednostek %s.\n"
14102#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
14103#: client/helpdata.c:5499
14104msgid ""
14105"  * Such units can move onto this tile even if it would not normally be "
14106"suitable terrain.\n"
14107msgstr ""
14108"  * Takie jednostki mogą poruszać się na tym polu, nawet jeśli w normalnych "
14109"okolicznościach nie byłby to odpowiedni dla nich teren.\n"
14111#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
14112#: client/helpdata.c:5507
14113msgid ""
14114"  * Such units situated here are not considered aggressive if this tile is "
14115"within 3 tiles of a friendly city.\n"
14116msgstr ""
14117"  * Jednostki ustawione w tym miejscu nie są uznawane za rozstawione na "
14118"pozycjach bojowych, nawet jeśli pole to znajduje się w promieniu 3 pól od "
14119"przyjaznego miasta.\n"
14121#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
14122#: client/helpdata.c:5513
14123msgid ""
14124"  * Can be captured by such units if at war with the nation that currently "
14125"owns it.\n"
14126msgstr ""
14127"  * Może być schwytana przez taką jednostkę, jeśli jesteś w stanie wojny z "
14128"narodem, do którego należy.\n"
14130#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
14131#: client/helpdata.c:5520
14132#, c-format
14133msgid "  * Such units get a %d%% defense bonus on this tile.\n"
14134msgstr ""
14135"  * Takie jednostki otrzymują %d%% dodatkowych punktów obrony na tym polu.\n"
14137#. TRANS: indented; preserve leading spaces
14138#: client/helpdata.c:5529
14139#, no-c-format
14140msgid "  * Diplomatic units get a 25% defense bonus in diplomatic fights.\n"
14141msgstr ""
14142"  * Jednostki dyplomatyczne otrzymują 25% dodatkowych punktów obrony w "
14143"starciach dyplomatycznych.\n"
14145#: client/helpdata.c:5538
14146msgid "* Allows infinite movement.\n"
14147msgstr "* Pozwala przemieszczać się na dowolne odlwgłości.\n"
14149#. TRANS: "MP" = movement points. Second %s may have a
14150#. * fractional part.
14151#: client/helpdata.c:5543
14152#, c-format
14153msgid "* Movement cost along %s is %s MP.\n"
14154msgstr "* Koszt ruchu wzdłuż %s to %s PR.\n"
14156#: client/helpdata.c:5553
14157msgid ""
14158"* Defeat of one unit does not cause death of all other units on this tile.\n"
14159msgstr ""
14160"* Pokonanie jednej jednostki nie prowadzi do zniszczenia wszystkich "
14161"jednostek na tym polu.\n"
14163#: client/helpdata.c:5558
14164msgid "* Units can paradrop from this tile.\n"
14165msgstr "* Jednostki mogą być zrzucane z samolotów z tego pola.\n"
14167#: client/helpdata.c:5562
14168msgid "* Extends national borders of the building nation.\n"
14169msgstr "* Poszerza granice narodu, do którego należy.\n"
14171#: client/helpdata.c:5566
14172msgid "* Grants permanent vision of an area around the tile to its owner.\n"
14173msgstr "* Daje właścicielowi stałe pole widzenia wokół swego pola.\n"
14175#: client/helpdata.c:5571
14176msgid ""
14177"* Allows the owner to see normally invisible units in an area around the "
14179msgstr ""
14180"* Pozwala właścicielowi widzieć jednostki, które w normalnych "
14181"okolicznościach są niewidoczne, jeśli jednostki te przebywają w pobliżu tego "
14184#: client/helpdata.c:5600
14185msgid ""
14187"Time to build and output bonus depends on terrain:\n"
14189msgstr ""
14191"Czas potrzebny na budowę i dodatek do produkcji zależą od terenu:\n"
14194#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width road properties table.
14195#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
14196#: client/helpdata.c:5604
14197msgid ""
14198"Terrain       Time     Bonus F/P/T\n"
14200msgstr ""
14201"Teren         Czas      Dod.  F/P/T\n"
14204#: client/helpdata.c:5608
14205msgid ""
14207"Time to build depends on terrain:\n"
14209msgstr ""
14211"Czas potrzebny na budowę zależy od terenu:\n"
14214#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width extra properties table.
14215#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
14216#: client/helpdata.c:5612
14217msgid ""
14218"Terrain       Time\n"
14220msgstr ""
14221"Teren         Czas\n"
14224#. TRANS: Header for fixed-width road properties table.
14225#. * TRANS: Translators cannot change column widths :(
14226#: client/helpdata.c:5619
14227msgid ""
14229"Yields an output bonus with some terrains:\n"
14231msgstr ""
14233"Daje dodatek do produkcji na niektórych terenach:\n"
14236#: client/helpdata.c:5621
14237msgid ""
14238"Terrain       Bonus F/P/T\n"
14240msgstr ""
14241"Teren         Doda.  F/P/T\n"
14244#: client/helpdata.c:5729
14245msgid "Features:\n"
14246msgstr "Cechy:\n"
14248#. TRANS: Empty output type list, should never happen.
14249#: client/helpdata.c:5852 client/helpdata.c:5853
14250msgid "?outputlist: Nothing "
14251msgstr "?outputlist: Nic "
14253#: client/helpdata.c:5865
14254#, c-format
14255msgid ""
14256"* Military units away from home and field units will each cause %d citizen "
14257"to become unhappy.\n"
14258msgid_plural ""
14259"* Military units away from home and field units will each cause %d citizens "
14260"to become unhappy.\n"
14261msgstr[0] ""
14262"* Jednostki zbrojne poza miastem i jednostki polowe uczynią %d mieszkańca "
14264msgstr[1] ""
14265"* Jednostki zbrojne poza miastem i jednostki polowe uczynią %d mieszkańców "
14267msgstr[2] ""
14268"* Jednostki zbrojne poza miastem i jednostki polowe uczynią %d mieszkańców "
14271#: client/helpdata.c:5878
14272#, c-format
14273msgid ""
14274"* Unhappiness from foreign citizens due to war with their home state is %d%% "
14275"the usual value.\n"
14276msgstr ""
14277"* Niezadowolenie spowodowane mieszkańcami-obcokrajowcami, z których krajem "
14278"ojczystym toczymy wojnę to %d%% normalnej wartości.\n"
14280#: client/helpdata.c:5884
14281msgid ""
14282"* No unhappiness from foreign citizens even when at war with their home "
14284msgstr ""
14285"* Brak niezadowolenia spowodowanego mieszkańcami-obcokrajowcami, nawet jeśli "
14286"toczymy wojnę w ich krajem.\n"
14288#. TRANS: not pluralised as gettext doesn't support
14289#. * fractional numbers, which this might be
14290#: client/helpdata.c:5891
14291#, c-format
14292msgid ""
14293"* Each foreign citizen causes %.2g unhappiness in their city while you are "
14294"at war with their home state.\n"
14295msgstr ""
14296"* Każdy mieszkaniec-obcokrajowiec powoduje %.2g niezadowolenia, jeśli "
14297"toczysz wojnę z jego krajem.\n"
14299#: client/helpdata.c:5901
14300#, c-format
14301msgid "* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness caused by units.\n"
14302msgid_plural ""
14303"* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness caused by units.\n"
14304msgstr[0] ""
14305"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie spowodowane jednostkami będzie zmniejszone "
14306"o %d.\n"
14307msgstr[1] ""
14308"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie spowodowane jednostkami będzie zmniejszone "
14309"o %d.\n"
14310msgstr[2] ""
14311"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie spowodowane jednostkami będzie zmniejszone "
14312"o %d.\n"
14314#: client/helpdata.c:5912
14315#, c-format
14316msgid ""
14317"* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, not including that caused "
14318"by aggression.\n"
14319msgid_plural ""
14320"* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, not including that caused "
14321"by aggression.\n"
14322msgstr[0] ""
14323"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (ale nie to "
14324"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14325msgstr[1] ""
14326"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (ale nie to "
14327"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14328msgstr[2] ""
14329"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (ale nie to "
14330"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14332#: client/helpdata.c:5923
14333#, c-format
14334msgid ""
14335"* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, including that caused by "
14337msgid_plural ""
14338"* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, including that caused by "
14340msgstr[0] ""
14341"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
14342"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14343msgstr[1] ""
14344"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
14345"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14346msgstr[2] ""
14347"* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
14348"spowodowane agresją).\n"
14350#. TRANS: %s is the output type, like 'shield'
14351#. * or 'gold'.
14352#: client/helpdata.c:5938
14353#, c-format
14354msgid "* You pay no %s upkeep for your units.\n"
14355msgstr "* Nie płacisz %s za utrzymanie jednostek.\n"
14357#: client/helpdata.c:5942
14358msgid "* You pay no upkeep for your units.\n"
14359msgstr "* Nie płacisz za utrzymanie jednostek.\n"
14361#. TRANS: %s is the output type, like 'shield'
14362#. * or 'gold'.
14363#: client/helpdata.c:5950
14364#, c-format
14365msgid "* You pay %.2g times normal %s upkeep for your units.\n"
14366msgstr "* Płacisz %.2g krotną stawkę %s za utrzymanie jednostek.\n"
14368#: client/helpdata.c:5955
14369#, c-format
14370msgid "* You pay %.2g times normal upkeep for your units.\n"
14371msgstr "* Płacisz %.2g krotną stawkę za utrzymanie jednostek.\n"
14373#. TRANS: %s is the output type, like 'shield' or
14374#. * 'gold'; pluralised in %d but there is currently
14375#. * no way to control the singular/plural name of the
14376#. * output type; sorry
14377#: client/helpdata.c:5970
14378#, c-format
14379msgid "* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d %s upkeep for your units.\n"
14380msgid_plural ""
14381"* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d %s upkeep for your units.\n"
14382msgstr[0] ""
14383"* Każde z twoich miast uniknie płacenia %d %s za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14384msgstr[1] ""
14385"* Każde z twoich miast uniknie płacenia %d %s za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14386msgstr[2] ""
14387"* Każde z twoich miast uniknie płacenia %d %s za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14389#. TRANS: Amount is subtracted from upkeep cost
14390#. * for each upkeep type.
14391#: client/helpdata.c:5979
14392#, c-format
14393msgid "* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d upkeep for your units.\n"
14394msgid_plural ""
14395"* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d upkeep for your units.\n"
14396msgstr[0] "* Każde miasto uniknie płacenia %d za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14397msgstr[1] "* Każde miasto uniknie płacenia %d za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14398msgstr[2] "* Każde miasto uniknie płacenia %d za utrzymanie jednostki.\n"
14400#: client/helpdata.c:5990
14401#, c-format
14402msgid "* If you lose your capital, the base chance of civil war is %d%%.\n"
14403msgstr ""
14404"Jeśli stracisz stolicę, prawdopodobieństwo wojny domowej wynosi %d%%.\n"
14406#: client/helpdata.c:5998
14407#, c-format
14408msgid ""
14409"* You can have %d city before an additional unhappy citizen appears in each "
14410"city due to civilization size.\n"
14411msgid_plural ""
14412"* You can have up to %d cities before an additional unhappy citizen appears "
14413"in each city due to civilization size.\n"
14414msgstr[0] ""
14415"* Możesz posiadać %d miast zanim pojawi się pierwszy niezadowolny "
14416"mieszkaniec wskutek wielkości cywilizacji.\n"
14417msgstr[1] ""
14418"* Pierwszy niezadowolony mieszkaniec może pojawić się, gdy masz %d miasta.\n"
14419msgstr[2] ""
14420"* Pierwszy niezadowolony mieszkaniec może pojawić się, gdy masz %d miast.\n"
14422#: client/helpdata.c:6010
14423#, c-format
14424msgid ""
14425"* After the first unhappy citizen due to civilization size, for each %d "
14426"additional city another unhappy citizen will appear.\n"
14427msgid_plural ""
14428"* After the first unhappy citizen due to civilization size, for each %d "
14429"additional cities another unhappy citizen will appear.\n"
14430msgstr[0] ""
14431"* Po pojawieniu się pierwszego niezadowolonego mieszkańca, kolejny "
14432"niezadowolony mieszkaniec pojawi się, gdy powstanie %d nowe miasto.\n"
14433msgstr[1] ""
14434"* Po pojawieniu się pierwszego niezadowolonego mieszkańca, kolejny "
14435"niezadowolony mieszkaniec pojawi się, gdy powstaną %d nowe miasta.\n"
14436msgstr[2] ""
14437"* Po pojawieniu się pierwszego niezadowolonego mieszkańca, kolejny "
14438"niezadowolony mieszkaniec pojawi się, gdy powstanie %d nowych miast.\n"
14440#: client/helpdata.c:6024
14441#, c-format
14442msgid ""
14443"* The maximum rate you can set for science, gold, or luxuries is %d%%.\n"
14444msgstr ""
14445"* Maksymalny poziom podatku, jaki możesz ustawić na naukę, złoto lub luksus "
14446"wynosi %d%%.\n"
14448#: client/helpdata.c:6029
14449msgid "* Has unlimited science/gold/luxuries rates.\n"
14450msgstr "* Nie posiada ograniczeń podatków na naukę/złoto/luksusy.\n"
14452#: client/helpdata.c:6036
14453#, c-format
14454msgid ""
14455"* Your units may impose martial law. Each military unit inside a city will "
14456"force %d unhappy citizen to become content.\n"
14457msgid_plural ""
14458"* Your units may impose martial law. Each military unit inside a city will "
14459"force %d unhappy citizens to become content.\n"
14460msgstr[0] ""
14461"* Możesz wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy. Jednostki zbrojne będą czynić "
14462"zadowolonym %d mieszkańca.\n"
14463msgstr[1] ""
14464"* Możesz wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy. Jednostki zbrojne będą czynić "
14465"zadowolonymi %d mieszkańców.\n"
14466msgstr[2] ""
14467"* Możesz wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy. Jednostki zbrojne będą czynić "
14468"zadowolonymi %d mieszkańców.\n"
14470#: client/helpdata.c:6049
14471#, c-format
14472msgid "* A maximum of %d unit in each city can enforce martial law.\n"
14473msgid_plural "* A maximum of %d units in each city can enforce martial law.\n"
14474msgstr[0] "* Maksymalnie %d jednostka może wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy.\n"
14475msgstr[1] "* Maksymalnie %d jednostki mogą wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy.\n"
14476msgstr[2] "* Maksymalnie %d jednostek może wprowadzać stan wyjątkowy.\n"
14478#: client/helpdata.c:6060
14479msgid "* You may grow your cities by means of celebrations."
14480msgstr "* Twoje miasta mogą wzrastać w czasie świętowania."
14482#. TRANS: Preserve leading space. %d should always be
14483#. * 2 or greater.
14484#: client/helpdata.c:6066
14485#, c-format
14486msgid " (Cities below size %d cannot grow in this way.)"
14487msgstr " (Miasta mniejsze niż %d nie mogą rosnąć w ten sposób.)"
14489#: client/helpdata.c:6075
14490#, c-format
14491msgid ""
14492"* If a city is in disorder for more than %d turn in a row, government will "
14493"fall into anarchy.\n"
14494msgid_plural ""
14495"* If a city is in disorder for more than %d turns in a row, government will "
14496"fall into anarchy.\n"
14497msgstr[0] ""
14498"* Państwo popadnie w anarchię, jeśli w którymkolwiek mieście zamieszki będą "
14499"trwały dłużej niż %d turę z rzędu.\n"
14500msgstr[1] ""
14501"* Państwo popadnie w anarchię, jeśli w którymkolwiek mieście zamieszki będą "
14502"trwały dłużej niż %d tury z rzędu.\n"
14503msgstr[2] ""
14504"* Państwo popadnie w anarchię, jeśli w którymkolwiek mieście zamieszki będą "
14505"trwały dłużej niż %d tur z rzędu.\n"
14507#: client/helpdata.c:6086
14508msgid "* Has a senate that may prevent declaration of war.\n"
14509msgstr "* Senat może blokować wypowiadanie wojen.\n"
14511#: client/helpdata.c:6092
14512msgid "* Allows partisans when cities are taken by the enemy.\n"
14513msgstr "* Gdy miasto zostanie przejęte przez wroga, pojawią się partyzanci.\n"
14515#: client/helpdata.c:6099
14516msgid ""
14517"* Buildings that normally confer bonuses against unhappiness will instead "
14518"give gold.\n"
14519msgstr ""
14520"* Budynki, które normalnie zmniejszają niezadowolenie, będą produkować "
14523#. TRANS: %s is list of unit types separated by 'or'
14524#: client/helpdata.c:6115
14525#, c-format
14526msgid "* Pays no upkeep for %s.\n"
14527msgstr "* Nie płacisz kosztów utrzymania %s.\n"
14529#: client/helpdata.c:6123
14530msgid "* Has no unhappy citizens.\n"
14531msgstr "* Nie ma niezadowolonych mieszkańców.\n"
14533#. TRANS: %s is a unit class
14534#: client/helpdata.c:6148
14535#, c-format
14536msgid "?unitclass:* New %s units will be veteran.\n"
14537msgstr "?unitclass:* Nowe jednostki %s będą weteranami.\n"
14539#. TRANS: %s is a (translatable) unit type flag
14540#: client/helpdata.c:6154
14541#, c-format
14542msgid "?unitflag:* New %s units will be veteran.\n"
14543msgstr "?unitflag:* Nowe jednostki %s będą weteranami.\n"
14545#. TRANS: "* New Partisan units will have the rank
14546#. * of elite."
14547#: client/helpdata.c:6166
14548#, c-format
14549msgid "?unittype:* New %s units will have the rank of %s.\n"
14550msgstr "?unittype:* Nowe jednostki %s będę miały stopień %s.\n"
14552#: client/helpdata.c:6175
14553msgid "* New units will be veteran.\n"
14554msgstr "* Nowe jednostki będą weteranami.\n"
14556#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'or';
14557#. * pluralised in %d but of course the output types
14558#. * can't be pluralised; sorry
14559#: client/helpdata.c:6185
14560#, c-format
14561msgid ""
14562"* Each worked tile that gives more than %d %s will suffer a -1 penalty, "
14563"unless the city working it is celebrating."
14564msgid_plural ""
14565"* Each worked tile that gives more than %d %s will suffer a -1 penalty, "
14566"unless the city working it is celebrating."
14567msgstr[0] ""
14568"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje więcej niż %d %s, będzie dawać o jeden "
14569"punkt mniej, z wyjątkiem okresu świętowania."
14570msgstr[1] ""
14571"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje więcej niż %d %s, będzie dawać o jeden "
14572"punkt mniej, z wyjątkiem okresu świętowania."
14573msgstr[2] ""
14574"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje więcej niż %d %s, będzie dawać o jeden "
14575"punkt mniej, z wyjątkiem okresu świętowania."
14577#. TRANS: Preserve leading space. %d should always be
14578#. * 2 or greater.
14579#: client/helpdata.c:6196 client/helpdata.c:6216
14580#, c-format
14581msgid " (Cities below size %d will not celebrate.)"
14582msgstr " (Miasta mniejsze niż %d nie mogą świętować.)"
14584#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'or'
14585#: client/helpdata.c:6205
14586#, c-format
14587msgid ""
14588"* Each worked tile with at least 1 %s will yield %d more of it while the "
14589"city working it is celebrating."
14590msgid_plural ""
14591"* Each worked tile with at least 1 %s will yield %d more of it while the "
14592"city working it is celebrating."
14593msgstr[0] ""
14594"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14595"dodatkowy punkt podczas świętowania."
14596msgstr[1] ""
14597"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14598"dodatkowe punkty podczas świętowania."
14599msgstr[2] ""
14600"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14601"dodatkowych punktów podczas świętowania."
14603#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'or'
14604#: client/helpdata.c:6224
14605#, c-format
14606msgid "* Each worked tile with at least 1 %s will yield %d more of it.\n"
14607msgid_plural ""
14608"* Each worked tile with at least 1 %s will yield %d more of it.\n"
14609msgstr[0] ""
14610"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14611"dodatkowy punkt.\n"
14612msgstr[1] ""
14613"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14614"dodatkowe punkty.\n"
14615msgstr[2] ""
14616"* Każde pole wokół miasta, które daje co najmniej 1 %s, będzie wytwarzać %d "
14617"dodatkowych punktów.\n"
14619#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14620#: client/helpdata.c:6235
14621#, c-format
14622msgid "* %s production is increased %d%%.\n"
14623msgstr "* Zwiększa %s o %d%%.\n"
14625#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14626#: client/helpdata.c:6243
14627#, c-format
14628msgid "* %s production will suffer massive losses.\n"
14629msgstr "* %s będzie ponosić ogromne straty.\n"
14631#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14632#: client/helpdata.c:6248
14633#, c-format
14634msgid "* %s production will suffer some losses.\n"
14635msgstr "* %s będzie ponosić pewne straty.\n"
14637#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14638#: client/helpdata.c:6253
14639#, c-format
14640msgid "* %s production will suffer a small amount of losses.\n"
14641msgstr "* %s będzie ponosić niewielkie straty.\n"
14643#: client/helpdata.c:6262
14644msgid "* Increases the chance of plague within your cities.\n"
14645msgstr "* Zwiększa ryzyko epidemii w mieście.\n"
14647#: client/helpdata.c:6265
14648msgid "* Decreases the chance of plague within your cities.\n"
14649msgstr "* Zmniejsza ryzyko epidemii w mieście.\n"
14651#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14652#: client/helpdata.c:6275
14653#, c-format
14654msgid "* %s losses will increase quickly with distance from capital.\n"
14655msgstr "* Straty %s będą szybko wzrastać wraz z odległością od stolicy.\n"
14657#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14658#: client/helpdata.c:6281
14659#, c-format
14660msgid "* %s losses will increase with distance from capital.\n"
14661msgstr "* Straty %s będą wzrastać wraz z odległością od stolicy.\n"
14663#. TRANS: %s is list of output types, with 'and'
14664#: client/helpdata.c:6287
14665#, c-format
14666msgid "* %s losses will increase slowly with distance from capital.\n"
14667msgstr "* Straty %s będą wzrastać powoli wraz z odległością od stolicy.\n"
14669#: client/helpdata.c:6296
14670msgid "* Increases the chance of migration into your cities.\n"
14671msgstr "* Zwiększa prawdopodobieństwo migracji do miasta.\n"
14673#: client/helpdata.c:6299
14674msgid "* Decreases the chance of migration into your cities.\n"
14675msgstr "* Zmniejsza prawdopodobieństwo migracji do miasta.\n"
14677#: client/helpdata.c:6318
14678#, c-format
14679msgid "* Allows you to build %s.\n"
14680msgstr "* Pozwala budować %s.\n"
14682#. TRANS: action name ... action target
14683#. * ("individual units", etc)
14684#: client/helpdata.c:6334
14685#, c-format
14686msgid "* Makes it impossible to do the action '%s' to your %s.\n"
14687msgstr ""
14688"* Sprawia, że działanie '%s' nie jest możliwe w odniesieniu do twojej "
14689"jednostki %s.\n"
14691#. TRANS: "2 Food" or ", 1 Shield"
14692#: client/helpdata.c:6365
14693#, c-format
14694msgid "%s%d %s"
14695msgstr "%s%d %s"
14697#. TRANS: "2 Unhappy" or ", 1 Unhappy"
14698#: client/helpdata.c:6373
14699#, c-format
14700msgid "%s%d Unhappy"
14701msgstr "%s%d niezad."
14703#: client/helpdata.c:6416
14704#, c-format
14705msgid "Initial government is %s.\n"
14706msgstr "Ustrój początkowy to %s.\n"
14708#. TRANS: %s is an and-separated list of techs
14709#: client/helpdata.c:6435
14710#, c-format
14711msgid ""
14712"Starts with knowledge of %s in addition to the standard starting "
14714msgstr ""
14715"Zaczyna ze znajomością %s oraz stanadardowymi technologiami początkowymi.\n"
14717#. TRANS: %s is an and-separated list of techs
14718#: client/helpdata.c:6440
14719#, c-format
14720msgid "Starts with knowledge of %s.\n"
14721msgstr "Zaczyna ze znajomością %s.\n"
14723#. TRANS: a unit type followed by a count. For instance,
14724#. * "Fighter (2)" means two Fighters. Count is never 1.
14725#. * Used in a list.
14726#: client/helpdata.c:6477
14727#, c-format
14728msgid "%s (%d)"
14729msgstr "%s (%d)"
14731#. TRANS: %s is an and-separated list of unit types
14732#. * possibly with counts. Plurality is in total number of
14733#. * units represented.
14734#: client/helpdata.c:6498
14735#, c-format
14736msgid "Starts with the following additional unit: %s.\n"
14737msgid_plural "Starts with the following additional units: %s.\n"
14738msgstr[0] "Zaczyna z następującą dodatkową jednostką: %s.\n"
14739msgstr[1] "Zaczyna z następującymi dodatkowymi jednostkami: %s.\n"
14740msgstr[2] "Zaczyna z następującymi dodatkowymi jednostkami: %s.\n"
14742#. TRANS: %s is an and-separated list of improvements
14743#: client/helpdata.c:6521
14744#, c-format
14745msgid ""
14746"First city will get %s for free in addition to the standard improvements.\n"
14747msgstr "Pierwsze miasto dostanie %s za darmo oraz standardowe budynki.\n"
14749#. TRANS: %s is an and-separated list of improvements
14750#: client/helpdata.c:6526
14751#, c-format
14752msgid "First city will get %s for free.\n"
14753msgstr "Pierwsze miasto dostanie %s za darmo.\n"
14755#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:49
14756msgid "Extras"
14757msgstr "Usprawnienia"
14759#: client/luaconsole_common.c:111
14760msgid "This is the Client Lua Console."
14761msgstr "To jest konsola Lua klienta."
14763#: client/mapctrl_common.c:402
14764#, c-format
14765msgid "You don't know how to build %s!"
14766msgstr "Nie potrafisz tworzyć %s!"
14768#: client/mapctrl_common.c:412
14769#, c-format
14770msgid "Copy %s to clipboard."
14771msgstr "Skopiuj %s do schowka."
14773#: client/mapctrl_common.c:428
14774msgid "Clipboard is empty."
14775msgstr "Schowek jest pusty."
14777#: client/mapview_common.c:4019
14778msgid "ISO|Hex"
14779msgstr "ISO|Hex"
14781#: client/mapview_common.c:4021 common/fc_types.h:309
14782msgid "ISO"
14783msgstr "ISO"
14785#: client/mapview_common.c:4024 common/fc_types.h:311
14786msgid "Hex"
14787msgstr "Hex"
14789#: client/mapview_common.c:4027 client/tilespec.h:49
14790msgid "Overhead"
14791msgstr "\"lotniczy\""
14793#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_gtk2/gtk3_message_chat_location'
14794#: client/options.c:1781
14795msgid "Split"
14796msgstr "Rozdziel"
14798#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_gtk2/gtk3_message_chat_location'
14799#: client/options.c:1783
14800msgid "Separate"
14801msgstr "Rozłącz"
14803#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_gtk2/gtk3_message_chat_location'
14804#: client/options.c:1785
14805msgid "Merged"
14806msgstr "Połącz"
14808#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_popup_tech_help'
14809#: client/options.c:1801 server/settings.c:348
14810msgid "Enabled"
14811msgstr "Włączone"
14813#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_popup_tech_help'
14814#: client/options.c:1803 server/settings.c:283 server/settings.c:303
14815#: server/settings.c:347
14816msgid "Disabled"
14817msgstr "Wyłączone"
14819#. TRANS: enum value for 'gui_popup_tech_help'
14820#: client/options.c:1805 tools/modinst.h:39
14821msgid "Ruleset"
14822msgstr "Zestaw zasad"
14824#: client/options.c:1824
14825msgid "Login name"
14826msgstr "Login"
14828#: client/options.c:1825
14829msgid ""
14830"This is the default login username that will be used in the connection "
14831"dialogs or with the -a command-line parameter."
14832msgstr ""
14833"To jest domyślny login używany w oknie połączenia lub przy użyciu opcji -a z "
14834"wiersza poleceń."
14836#: client/options.c:1829
14837msgid "Default to previously used server"
14838msgstr "Powracam domyślnie do poprzedniego serwera"
14840#: client/options.c:1830
14841msgid ""
14842"Automatically update \"Server\" and \"Server port\" options to match your "
14843"latest connection, so by default you connect to the same server you used on "
14844"the previous run. You should enable saving options on exit too, so that the "
14845"automatic updates to the options get saved too."
14846msgstr ""
14847"Automatycznie aktualizuje opcje \"Serwer\" i \"Port serwera\" tak, aby "
14848"odpowiadały ostatnim połączeniom, a więc domyślnie łączysz się z serwerem "
14849"używanym poprzednim razem. Należy również włączyć opcję zapisywanie ustawień "
14850"przy wychodzeniu, aby automatyczne aktualizacje tych opcji również zostały "
14853#: client/options.c:1838
14854msgid "Server"
14855msgstr "Serwer"
14857#: client/options.c:1839
14858msgid ""
14859"This is the default server hostname that will be used in the connection "
14860"dialogs or with the -a command-line parameter."
14861msgstr ""
14862"To jest domyślny serwer używany w oknie połączenia lub przy użyciu opcji -a "
14863"z wiersza poleceń."
14865#: client/options.c:1844
14866msgid "Server port"
14867msgstr "Port serwera"
14869#: client/options.c:1845
14870msgid ""
14871"This is the default server port that will be used in the connection dialogs "
14872"or with the -a command-line parameter."
14873msgstr ""
14874"To jest domyślny port serwera używany w oknie połączenia lub przy użyciu "
14875"opcji -a z wiersza poleceń."
14877#: client/options.c:1851
14878msgid ""
14879"The metaserver is a host that the client contacts to find out about games on "
14880"the internet.  Don't change this from its default value unless you know what "
14881"you're doing."
14882msgstr ""
14883"Metaserwer to komputer, z którym klienci się łączą, aby odnaleźć gry "
14884"(serwery) w Internecie. Tej opcji nie powinieneś/aś zmieniać, chyba że na "
14885"prawdę wiesz, co robisz."
14887#: client/options.c:1856
14888msgid "Send heartbeat messages to server"
14889msgstr "Wysyła sygnał taktowania do serwera"
14891#: client/options.c:1857
14892msgid ""
14893"Periodically send an empty heartbeat message to the server to probe whether "
14894"the connection is still up. This can help to make it obvious when the server "
14895"has cut the connection due to a connectivity outage, if the client would "
14896"otherwise sit idle for a long period."
14897msgstr ""
14898"Okresowo wysyła pusty sygnał taktowania do serwera, aby sprawdzić, czy "
14899"połaczenie jest aktywne. Pomaga to ustalić, czy serwer przerwał połączenie w "
14900"wyniku problemów z łącznością w przypadku, gdy klient pozostawałby bezczynny "
14901"przez dłuższy czas."
14903#: client/options.c:1864 tools/modinst.h:47
14904msgid "Soundset"
14905msgstr "Zestaw dźwiękowy"
14907#: client/options.c:1865
14908msgid ""
14909"This is the soundset that will be used.  Changing this is the same as using "
14910"the -S command-line parameter."
14911msgstr ""
14912"To jest zestaw dźwięków. Działa tak samo jak opcja -S z wiersza poleceń."
14914#: client/options.c:1870 tools/modinst.h:49
14915msgid "Musicset"
14916msgstr "Zestaw muzyczny"
14918#: client/options.c:1871
14919msgid ""
14920"This is the musicset that will be used.  Changing this is the same as using "
14921"the -m command-line parameter."
14922msgstr ""
14923"To jest zestaw muzyczny, który zostanie użyty. Działa tak samo jak opcja -m "
14924"z wiersza poleceń."
14926#: client/options.c:1877
14927msgid "Sound plugin"
14928msgstr "Wtyczka dźwiękowa"
14930#: client/options.c:1878
14931msgid ""
14932"If you have a problem with sound, try changing the sound plugin.  The new "
14933"plugin won't take effect until you restart Freeciv.  Changing this is the "
14934"same as using the -P command-line option."
14935msgstr ""
14936"Jeżeli masz problemy z dźwiękiem, możesz spróbować zmienić wtyczkę dźwięku. "
14937"Niestety efekt będzie widoczny dopiero po ponownym włączeniu Freeciv. Tak "
14938"samo działa opcja -P z wiersza poleceń."
14940#: client/options.c:1884
14941msgid "The chat log file"
14942msgstr "Plik dziennika rozmów"
14944#: client/options.c:1885
14945msgid "The name of the chat log file."
14946msgstr "Nazwa pliku dziennika rozmów."
14948#: client/options.c:1890 client/options.c:1895 client/options.c:1900
14949#: client/options.c:1905 client/options.c:1910 client/options.c:1915
14950msgid "Theme"
14951msgstr "Motyw"
14953#: client/options.c:1891 client/options.c:1896 client/options.c:1901
14954#: client/options.c:1906 client/options.c:1911 client/options.c:1916
14955msgid "By changing this option you change the active theme."
14956msgstr "Zmieniając tą opcję, zmieniasz obecny motyw."
14958#: client/options.c:1926
14959msgid "Tileset (Overhead)"
14960msgstr "Zestaw graficzny (\"lotniczy\")"
14962#: client/options.c:1927
14963msgid ""
14964"Select the tileset used with Overhead maps. This may change the currently "
14965"active tileset, if you are playing on such a map, in which case this is the "
14966"same as using the -t command-line parameter."
14967msgstr ""
14968"Wybiera zestaw graficzny z mapami typy \"lotniczego\". Może to zmienić "
14969"bieżący zestaw graficzny, jeśli grasz na takiej mapie, co jest równoważne "
14970"użyciu parametru -t w wierszu poleceń."
14972#: client/options.c:1934
14973msgid "Tileset (Isometric)"
14974msgstr "Zestaw graficzny (izometryczny)"
14976#: client/options.c:1935
14977msgid ""
14978"Select the tileset used with Isometric maps. This may change the currently "
14979"active tileset, if you are playing on such a map, in which case this is the "
14980"same as using the -t command-line parameter."
14981msgstr ""
14982"Wybiera zestaw graficzny z mapami typy izometrycznego. Może to zmienić "
14983"bieżący zestaw graficzny, jeśli grasz na takiej mapie, co jest równoważne "
14984"użyciu parametru -t w wierszu poleceń."
14986#: client/options.c:1942
14987msgid "Tileset (Hex)"
14988msgstr "Zestaw graficzny (sześciokątny)"
14990#: client/options.c:1943
14991msgid ""
14992"Select the tileset used with Hex maps. This may change the currently active "
14993"tileset, if you are playing on such a map, in which case this is the same as "
14994"using the -t command-line parameter."
14995msgstr ""
14996"Wybiera zestaw graficzny z mapami typy sześciokątnego. Może to zmienić "
14997"bieżący zestaw graficzny, jeśli grasz na takiej mapie, co jest równoważne "
14998"użyciu parametru -t w wierszu poleceń."
15000#: client/options.c:1950
15001msgid "Tileset (Iso-Hex)"
15002msgstr "Zestaw graficzny (izometryczny sześciokątny)"
15004#: client/options.c:1951
15005msgid ""
15006"Select the tileset used with Iso-Hex maps. This may change the currently "
15007"active tileset, if you are playing on such a map, in which case this is the "
15008"same as using the -t command-line parameter."
15009msgstr ""
15010"Wybiera zestaw graficzny z mapami typy izometrycznego sześciokątnego. Może "
15011"to zmienić bieżący zestaw graficzny, jeśli grasz na takiej mapie, co jest "
15012"równoważne użyciu parametru -t w wierszu poleceń."
15014#: client/options.c:1959
15015msgid "Draw city outlines"
15016msgstr "Pokaż zasięg miast"
15018#: client/options.c:1960
15019msgid "Setting this option will draw a line at the city workable limit."
15020msgstr ""
15021"Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, pokazane zostaną granice pól, na których "
15022"pracować mogą mieszkańcy miast."
15024#: client/options.c:1964
15025msgid "Draw city output"
15026msgstr "Pokaż produkcję miasta"
15028#: client/options.c:1965
15029msgid "Setting this option will draw city output for every citizen."
15030msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże produkcję miasta na jednego mieszkańca."
15032#: client/options.c:1969
15033msgid "Draw the map grid"
15034msgstr "Pokaż siatkę mapy"
15036#: client/options.c:1970
15037msgid "Setting this option will draw a grid over the map."
15038msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże siatkę na mapie."
15040#: client/options.c:1973
15041msgid "Draw the city bar"
15042msgstr "Pokaż pasek miasta"
15044#: client/options.c:1974
15045msgid ""
15046"Setting this option will display a 'city bar' containing useful information "
15047"beneath each city. Disabling this option will display only the city's name "
15048"and, optionally, production."
15049msgstr ""
15050"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pod miastem wyświetlony zostanie pasek "
15051"miasta pokazujący użyteczne informacje o mieście. Wyłączenie tej opcji "
15052"sprawia, że wyświetlana będzie tylko nazwa miasta i, ewentualnie, jego "
15055#: client/options.c:1980
15056msgid "Draw the city names"
15057msgstr "Pokaż nazwy miast"
15059#: client/options.c:1981
15060msgid "Setting this option will draw the names of the cities on the map."
15061msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże nazwy miast na mapie."
15063#: client/options.c:1985
15064msgid "Draw the city growth"
15065msgstr "Pokaż wzrost miasta"
15067#: client/options.c:1986
15068msgid ""
15069"Setting this option will draw in how many turns the cities will grow or "
15071msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże, za ile tur miasto wzrośnie lub zmaleje."
15073#: client/options.c:1990
15074msgid "Draw the city productions"
15075msgstr "Pokaż produkcję miasta"
15077#: client/options.c:1991
15078msgid ""
15079"Setting this option will draw what the cities are currently building on the "
15081msgstr ""
15082"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na mapie pokazane zostanie to, co miasto "
15083"obecnie buduje."
15085#: client/options.c:1995
15086msgid "Draw the city buy costs"
15087msgstr "Pokaż cenę zakupu produktu"
15089#: client/options.c:1996
15090msgid ""
15091"Setting this option will draw how much gold is needed to buy the production "
15092"of the cities."
15093msgstr ""
15094"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pokazany zostanie koszt zakupu rzeczy "
15095"obecnie budowanej w mieście."
15097#: client/options.c:2000
15098msgid "Draw the city trade routes"
15099msgstr "Pokaż szlaki handlowe"
15101#: client/options.c:2001
15102msgid ""
15103"Setting this option will draw trade route lines between cities which have "
15104"trade routes."
15105msgstr ""
15106"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pokazane zostaną szlaki handlowe pomiędzy "
15107"miastami, które je mają."
15109#: client/options.c:2005
15110msgid "Draw the terrain"
15111msgstr "Pokaż teren"
15113#: client/options.c:2006
15114msgid "Setting this option will draw the terrain."
15115msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże typy terenu."
15117#: client/options.c:2009
15118msgid "Draw the coast line"
15119msgstr "Pokaż linię brzegową"
15121#: client/options.c:2010
15122msgid ""
15123"Setting this option will draw a line to separate the land from the ocean."
15124msgstr "Ustawienie tej opcji pokaże linie oddzielające lądy od oceanów."
15126#: client/options.c:2014
15127msgid "Draw the roads and the railroads"
15128msgstr "Pokaż drogi i koleje"
15130#: client/options.c:2015
15131msgid "Setting this option will draw the roads and the railroads on the map."
15132msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą drogi i koleje."
15134#: client/options.c:2019
15135msgid "Draw the irrigation"
15136msgstr "Pokaż nawodnienie"
15138#: client/options.c:2020
15139msgid "Setting this option will draw the irrigation systems on the map."
15140msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą nawodnienia."
15142#: client/options.c:2024
15143msgid "Draw the mines"
15144msgstr "Pokaż kopalnie"
15146#: client/options.c:2025
15147msgid "Setting this option will draw the mines on the map."
15148msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą kopalnie."
15150#: client/options.c:2028
15151msgid "Draw the bases"
15152msgstr "Pokaż fortece/bazy lotnicze"
15154#: client/options.c:2029
15155msgid "Setting this option will draw the bases on the map."
15156msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą bazy wojskowe."
15158#: client/options.c:2032
15159msgid "Draw the resources"
15160msgstr "Pokaż zasoby"
15162#: client/options.c:2033
15163msgid "Setting this option will draw the resources on the map."
15164msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą zasoby."
15166#: client/options.c:2037
15167msgid "Draw the huts"
15168msgstr "Pokaż chatki"
15170#: client/options.c:2038
15171msgid "Setting this option will draw the huts on the map."
15172msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą chatki."
15174#: client/options.c:2042
15175msgid "Draw the pollution/nuclear fallout"
15176msgstr "Pokaż zanieczyszczenie/skażenie"
15178#: client/options.c:2043
15179msgid "Setting this option will draw pollution and nuclear fallout on the map."
15180msgstr ""
15181"Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą zanieczyszczenia i skażenia."
15183#: client/options.c:2047
15184msgid "Draw the cities"
15185msgstr "Pokaż miasta"
15187#: client/options.c:2048
15188msgid "Setting this option will draw the cities on the map."
15189msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą na miasta."
15191#: client/options.c:2051
15192msgid "Draw the units"
15193msgstr "Pokaż jednostki"
15195#: client/options.c:2052
15196msgid "Setting this option will draw the units on the map."
15197msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą jednostki."
15199#: client/options.c:2056
15200msgid "Solid unit background color"
15201msgstr "Jednolity kolor tła jednostki"
15203#: client/options.c:2057
15204msgid ""
15205"Setting this option will cause units on the map view to be drawn with a "
15206"solid background color instead of the flag backdrop."
15207msgstr ""
15208"Ta opcja sprawia, że przy jednostkach będzie widoczne jednokolorowe tło "
15209"zamiast flagi."
15211#: client/options.c:2062
15212msgid "Draw shield graphics for units"
15213msgstr "Wyświetlaj tarcze dla jednostek"
15215#: client/options.c:2063
15216msgid ""
15217"Setting this option will draw a shield icon as the flags on units.  If "
15218"unset, the full flag will be drawn."
15219msgstr ""
15220"Ta opcja sprawia, że przy jednostkach będzie widoczna tarcza w barwach "
15221"flagi. W przeciwnym razie, widoczna będzie cała flaga."
15223#: client/options.c:2067
15224msgid "Draw the units in focus"
15225msgstr "Pokaż wybrane jednostki"
15227#: client/options.c:2068
15228msgid ""
15229"Setting this option will cause the currently focused unit(s) to always be "
15230"drawn, even if units are not otherwise being drawn (for instance if 'Draw "
15231"the units' is unset)."
15232msgstr ""
15233"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wybrana jednostka będzie zawsze widoczna, "
15234"nawet jeśli w normalnych okolicznościach nie zostałaby wyświetlona (np. gdy "
15235"wyłączona jest opcja 'Pokaż jednostki')."
15237#: client/options.c:2074
15238msgid "Draw the fog of war"
15239msgstr "Pokaż \"mgłę wojny\""
15241#: client/options.c:2075
15242msgid "Setting this option will draw the fog of war."
15243msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że pokazana zostanie \"mgła wojny\"."
15245#: client/options.c:2078
15246msgid "Draw the borders"
15247msgstr "Pokaż granice narodów"
15249#: client/options.c:2079
15250msgid "Setting this option will draw the national borders."
15251msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że pokazane zostaną granice państw."
15253#: client/options.c:2082
15254msgid "Draw whether tiles are native to selected unit"
15255msgstr "Pokaż czy pola są natywne dla wybranych jednostek"
15257#: client/options.c:2084
15258msgid ""
15259"Setting this option will highlight tiles that the currently selected unit "
15260"cannot enter unaided due to non-native terrain. (If multiple units are "
15261"selected, only tiles that all of them can enter are indicated.)"
15262msgstr ""
15263"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że podświetlane będą pola, na które wybrana "
15264"jednostką nie może wejść bez pomocy z powodu nienatywnego terenu (jeśli "
15265"wybrano kilka jednostek, podświetlone są tylko pola, na które może wejść "
15266"każda z nich)."
15268#: client/options.c:2091
15269msgid "Show dead players in Nations report"
15270msgstr "Pokaż martwych graczy w raporcie o narodach"
15272#: client/options.c:2092
15273msgid ""
15274"This option controls whether defeated nations are shown on the Nations "
15275"report page."
15276msgstr ""
15277"Ta opcja sprawia, że pokonani gracze będą wyświetlani w raporcie o narodach."
15279#: client/options.c:2096
15280msgid "Sound bell at new turn"
15281msgstr "Dźwięk przed nową turą"
15283#: client/options.c:2097
15284msgid ""
15285"Set this option to have a \"bell\" event be generated at the start of a new "
15286"turn.  You can control the behavior of the \"bell\" event by editing the "
15287"message options."
15288msgstr ""
15289"Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, będziesz słyszeć \"dzwonek\" na początku każdej "
15290"tury. Możesz zmienić zachowanie dzwonka w opcjach powiadomień."
15292#: client/options.c:2103
15293msgid "Unit movement animation time (milliseconds)"
15294msgstr "Czas animacji ruchu jednostki (milisekundy)"
15296#: client/options.c:2104
15297msgid ""
15298"This option controls how long unit \"animation\" takes when a unit moves on "
15299"the map view.  Set it to 0 to disable animation entirely."
15300msgstr ""
15301"Wyznacza długość trwania animacji podczas ruchu jednostki po mapie. 0 "
15302"oznacza brak animacji."
15304#: client/options.c:2109
15305msgid "Mapview recentering time (milliseconds)"
15306msgstr "Czas recentrowania mapy (w milisekundach)"
15308#: client/options.c:2110
15309msgid ""
15310"When the map view is recentered, it will slide smoothly over the map to its "
15311"new position.  This option controls how long this slide lasts.  Set it to 0 "
15312"to disable mapview sliding entirely."
15313msgstr ""
15314"Podczas zmiany widoku, mapa zostanie płynnie przesunięta na nową pozycję. "
15315"Możesz tu ustawić czas trwania przesuwania. 0 oznacza brak płynnego "
15318#: client/options.c:2116
15319msgid "Combat animation step time (milliseconds)"
15320msgstr "Czas animacji walki (milisekundy)"
15322#: client/options.c:2117
15323msgid ""
15324"This option controls the speed of combat animation between units on the "
15325"mapview.  Set it to 0 to disable animation entirely."
15326msgstr ""
15327"Ta opcja określa szybkość animacji walki w widoku mapy. 0 oznacza brak "
15330#: client/options.c:2122
15331msgid "Show icons in the technology tree"
15332msgstr "Pokaż ikony na diagramie technologii"
15334#: client/options.c:2123
15335msgid ""
15336"Setting this option will display icons on the technology tree diagram. "
15337"Turning this option off makes the technology tree more compact."
15338msgstr ""
15339"Ta opcja sprawia, że na diagramie technologii wyświetlane są ikony. "
15340"Wyłączenie tej opcji powoduje, że diagram staje się mniejszy."
15342#: client/options.c:2129
15343msgid "Use curved lines in the technology tree"
15344msgstr "Używaj zaokrąglonych linii na diagramie technologii"
15346#: client/options.c:2130
15347msgid ""
15348"Setting this option make the technology tree diagram use curved lines to "
15349"show technology relations. Turning this option off causes the lines to be "
15350"drawn straight."
15351msgstr ""
15352"Ta opcja sprawia, że na diagramie technologii wyświetlane są zaokrąglone "
15353"linie łączące różne technologie. Wyłączenie tej opcji powoduje, że linie te "
15354"są proste."
15356#: client/options.c:2137
15357msgid "Color to highlight your player/user name"
15358msgstr "Kolorowe podświetlenie nazwy gracza/użytkownika"
15360#: client/options.c:2138
15361msgid ""
15362"If set, your player and user name in the new chat messages will be "
15363"highlighted using this color as background.  If not set, it will just not "
15364"highlight anything."
15365msgstr ""
15366"Ta opcja sprawia, że twoja nazwa użytkownika w oknie czatu będzie "
15367"wyświetlona na tle podanego tu koloru. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że "
15368"podświetlenie nie pojawi się."
15370#: client/options.c:2143
15371msgid "Manual Turn Done in AI mode"
15372msgstr "Ręczne zakończenie tury w trybie AI"
15374#: client/options.c:2144
15375msgid ""
15376"Disable this option if you do not want to press the Turn Done button "
15377"manually when watching an AI player."
15378msgstr ""
15379"Jeśli ta opcja jest wyłączona, nie musisz naciskać przycisku \"Koniec tury\" "
15380"podczas obserwowania gracza AI."
15382#: client/options.c:2148
15383msgid "Auto center on units"
15384msgstr "Automatyczne wyśrodkowanie na jednostkę"
15386#: client/options.c:2149
15387msgid ""
15388"Set this option to have the active unit centered automatically when the unit "
15389"focus changes."
15390msgstr "Włącza automatyczne wyśrodkowanie widoku na aktywną jednostkę."
15392#: client/options.c:2152
15393msgid "Show automated units"
15394msgstr "Pokaż jednostki działające automatycznie"
15396#: client/options.c:2153
15397msgid ""
15398"Disable this option if you do not want to see automated units autocentered "
15399"and animated."
15400msgstr ""
15401"Jeśli ta opcja jest wyłączona, nie jednostki wykonujące automatyczne "
15402"czynności nie będą animowane i wyśrodkowywane."
15404#: client/options.c:2156
15405msgid "Auto center on combat"
15406msgstr "Automatyczne wyśrodkowanie na bitwę"
15408#: client/options.c:2157
15409msgid ""
15410"Set this option to have any combat be centered automatically.  Disabling "
15411"this will speed up the time between turns but may cause you to miss combat "
15413msgstr ""
15414"Włącza automatyczne wyśrodkowanie widoku na każdą bitwę. Wyłączenie tej "
15415"opcji może przyspieszyć czas pomiędzy turami, ale może sprawić, że nie "
15416"zobaczysz niektórych bitew."
15418#: client/options.c:2162
15419msgid "Auto center on new turn"
15420msgstr "Automatyczne wyśrodkowanie w nowej turze"
15422#: client/options.c:2163
15423msgid ""
15424"Set this option to have the client automatically recenter the map on a "
15425"suitable location at the start of each turn."
15426msgstr ""
15427"Włącza automatyczne wyśrodkowanie widoku na aktywną jednostkę na początku "
15428"nowej tury."
15430#: client/options.c:2167
15431msgid "Focus on awakened units"
15432msgstr "Wybierz jednostki uaktywnione"
15434#: client/options.c:2168
15435msgid "Set this option to have newly awoken units be focused automatically."
15436msgstr "Włącza automatyczne wyśrodkowanie na nowo obudzone jednostki."
15438#: client/options.c:2171
15439msgid "Keyboardless goto"
15440msgstr "Bezklawiaturowe \"Idź do\""
15442#: client/options.c:2172
15443msgid ""
15444"If this option is set then a goto may be initiated by left-clicking and then "
15445"holding down the mouse button while dragging the mouse onto a different tile."
15446msgstr ""
15447"Ta opcja pozwala na wydanie rozkazu Idż Do (GOTO) poprzez wciśnięcie lewego "
15448"przycisku myszy na jednostce i przeciągnięcia jej na wskazane pole."
15450#: client/options.c:2177
15451msgid "Allow goto into the unknown"
15452msgstr "Pozwól na 'Idź do' w nieznany teren"
15454#: client/options.c:2178
15455msgid ""
15456"Setting this option will make the game consider moving into unknown tiles.  "
15457"If not, then goto routes will detour around or be blocked by unknown tiles."
15458msgstr ""
15459"Gdy ta opcja jest ustawiona, to polecenie 'Idź do' będzie brało pod uwagę "
15460"przechodzenie przez nieznany teren. W przeciwnym razie teren zostanie "
15463#: client/options.c:2182
15464msgid "Center map when popup city"
15465msgstr "Centrowanie mapy przy wyświetlaniu miasta"
15467#: client/options.c:2183
15468msgid ""
15469"Setting this option makes the mapview center on a city when its city dialog "
15470"is popped up."
15471msgstr ""
15472"Ta opcja sprawia, że mapa wyśrodkowuje się mieście, gdy pojawia się jego "
15473"okno dialogowe."
15475#: client/options.c:2186
15476msgid "Concise city production"
15477msgstr "Zwięzła produkcja miasta"
15479#: client/options.c:2187
15480msgid ""
15481"Set this option to make the city production (as shown in the city dialog) to "
15482"be more compact."
15483msgstr ""
15484"Ta opcja sprawia, że produkcja miasta wyświetlana w oknie miasta ma bardziej "
15485"zwięzły układ."
15487#: client/options.c:2190
15488msgid "End turn when done moving"
15489msgstr "Zakończ turę, gdy wykonano wszystkie ruchy"
15491#: client/options.c:2191
15492msgid ""
15493"Setting this option makes your turn end automatically when all your units "
15494"are done moving."
15495msgstr ""
15496"Ta opcja sprawia, że koniec tury następuje automatycznie, gdy wszystkie "
15497"twoje jednostki wykonały."
15499#: client/options.c:2194
15500msgid "Prompt for city names"
15501msgstr "Zatwierdzanie nazw miast"
15503#: client/options.c:2195
15504msgid ""
15505"Disabling this option will make the names of newly founded cities be chosen "
15506"automatically by the server."
15507msgstr ""
15508"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że nazwy nowych miast wybierane są przez "
15511#: client/options.c:2198
15512msgid "Pop up city dialog for new cities"
15513msgstr "Wyświetlaj okna nowych miast"
15515#: client/options.c:2199
15516msgid ""
15517"Setting this option will pop up a newly-founded city's city dialog "
15519msgstr ""
15520"Ta opcja sprawia, że po zbudowaniu nowego miasta, pojawi się jego okno "
15523#: client/options.c:2202
15524msgid "Pop up caravan and spy actions"
15525msgstr "Wyświetl działania handlowe lub szpiegowskie"
15527#: client/options.c:2203
15528msgid ""
15529"If this option is enabled, when a unit arrives at a city where it can "
15530"perform an action like establishing a trade route, helping build a wonder, "
15531"or establishing an embassy, a window will pop up asking which action should "
15532"be performed. Disabling this option means you will have to do the action "
15533"manually by pressing either 'r' (for a trade route), 'b' (for building a "
15534"wonder) or 'd' (for a spy action) when the unit is in the city."
15535msgstr ""
15536"Ta opcja sprawia, że gdy jednostka wkracza do miasta, w którym może "
15537"ustanowić szlak handlowy, pomóc w budowie cudu lub ustanowić ambasadę, "
15538"pojawi się okno dialogowe z pytaniem, które z tych działań powinno być "
15539"podjęte. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawi, że trzeba będzie robić to ręcznie, "
15540"naciskając 'r' (dla szlaku handlowego), 'b' (dla budowy cudu) lub 'd' (dla "
15541"akcji dyplomatycznej), gdy jednostka będzie w mieście."
15543#: client/options.c:2213
15544msgid "Enable cursor changing"
15545msgstr "Włącz zmienianie kursora"
15547#: client/options.c:2214
15548msgid ""
15549"This option controls whether the client should try to change the mouse "
15550"cursor depending on what is being pointed at, as well as to indicate changes "
15551"in the client or server state."
15552msgstr ""
15553"Ta opcja sprawia, że klient spróbuje zmienić kursor w zależności od tego, "
15554"nad czym się znajduje, a także by zasygnalizować stan klienta lub serwera."
15556#: client/options.c:2219
15557msgid "Select cities before units"
15558msgstr "Wybierz miasta, nie jednostki"
15560#: client/options.c:2220
15561msgid ""
15562"If this option is enabled, when both cities and units are present in the "
15563"selection rectangle, only cities will be selected. See the help on Controls."
15564msgstr ""
15565"Jeśli opcja ta jest włączona, prostokątne zaznaczenie wybiera jedynie "
15566"miasta, a nie jednostki, nawet jeśli jednostki znajdują się w zaznaczeniu. "
15567"Zobacz sekcja pomocy nt. skrótów klawiszowych."
15569#: client/options.c:2225
15570msgid "Clear unit orders on selection"
15571msgstr "Anuluj rozkazy po wyborze"
15573#: client/options.c:2226
15574msgid ""
15575"Enabling this option will cause unit orders to be cleared as soon as one or "
15576"more units are selected. If this option is disabled, busy units will not "
15577"stop their current activity when selected. Giving them new orders will clear "
15578"their current ones; pressing <space> once will clear their orders and leave "
15579"them selected, and pressing <space> a second time will dismiss them."
15580msgstr ""
15581"Ta opcja sprawia, że rozkazy wydane jednostkom zostaną anulowane, jeśli choć "
15582"jedna z nich zostanie wybrana. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że zaznaczona "
15583"jednostka będzie kontynuowała zadanie, a dopiero wydanie nowych rozkazów "
15584"anuluje stare polecenia. Naciśnięcie spacji anuluje rozkazy, lecz jednostka "
15585"pozostanie zaznaczona, a drugie naciśnięcie spacji zdejmie również "
15588#: client/options.c:2235
15589msgid "Enable vote bar"
15590msgstr "Włącz panel głosowania"
15592#: client/options.c:2236
15593msgid ""
15594"If this option is turned on, the vote bar will be displayed to show vote "
15596msgstr ""
15597"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wyświetlony zostanie panel głosowania, "
15598"pokazujący bieżące informacje."
15600#: client/options.c:2240
15601msgid "Always display the vote bar"
15602msgstr "Zawsze pokazuj panel głosowania"
15604#: client/options.c:2241
15605msgid ""
15606"If this option is turned on, the vote bar will never be hidden, even if "
15607"there is no running vote."
15608msgstr ""
15609"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że panel głosowania nie będzie nigdy ukrywany, "
15610"nawet gdy nie będą się odbywać żadne głosowania."
15612#: client/options.c:2245
15613msgid "Do not show vote bar if not a player"
15614msgstr "Nie pokazuj panelu głosowania"
15616#: client/options.c:2246
15617msgid ""
15618"If this option is enabled, the client won't show the vote bar if you are not "
15619"a player."
15620msgstr ""
15621"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że klient nigdy nie wyświetla panelu "
15622"głosowania, jeśli nie jesteś graczem."
15624#: client/options.c:2249
15625msgid "Set new votes at front"
15626msgstr "Przesuń nowe głosowania na początek"
15628#: client/options.c:2250
15629msgid ""
15630"If this option is enabled, then new votes will go to the front of the vote "
15632msgstr ""
15633"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że nowe głosowania będą wyświetlane na początku "
15636#: client/options.c:2254
15637msgid "Autoaccept tileset suggestions"
15638msgstr "Automatycznie akceptuj sugestie zestawu graficznego"
15640#: client/options.c:2255
15641msgid ""
15642"If this option is enabled, any tileset suggested by the ruleset is "
15643"automatically used; otherwise you are prompted to change tileset."
15644msgstr ""
15645"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że sugerowany zestaw graficzny jest wybrany "
15646"automatycznie; w przeciwnym wypadku pojawi się prośba o zmianę zestawu "
15649#: client/options.c:2261
15650msgid "Enable sound effects"
15651msgstr "Włącz efekty dźwiękowe"
15653#: client/options.c:2262
15654msgid ""
15655"Play sound effects, assuming there's suitable sound plugin and soundset with "
15656"the sounds."
15657msgstr ""
15658"Odtwarza efekty dźwiękowe podczas gry, zakładając, że masz odpowiednią "
15659"wtyczkę dźwiękową i zestaw dźwiękowy."
15661#: client/options.c:2266
15662msgid "Enable in-game music"
15663msgstr "Włącz muzykę w grze"
15665#: client/options.c:2267
15666msgid ""
15667"Play music during the game, assuming there's suitable sound plugin and "
15668"musicset with in-game tracks."
15669msgstr ""
15670"Odtwarza muzykę podczas gry, zakładając, że masz odpowiednią wtyczkę "
15671"dźwiękową i zestaw muzyczny z utworami."
15673#: client/options.c:2271
15674msgid "Enable menu music"
15675msgstr "Włącz muzykę w menu"
15677#: client/options.c:2272
15678msgid ""
15679"Play music while not in actual game, assuming there's suitable sound plugin "
15680"and musicset with menu music tracks."
15681msgstr ""
15682"Odtwarza muzykę poza właściwą rozgrywką, zakładając, że masz odpowiednią "
15683"wtyczkę dźwiękową i zestaw muzyczny z utworami."
15685#: client/options.c:2277
15686msgid "Autoaccept soundset suggestions"
15687msgstr "Automatycznie akceptuj sugestie zestawu dźwięków"
15689#: client/options.c:2278
15690msgid ""
15691"If this option is enabled, any soundset suggested by the ruleset is "
15692"automatically used."
15693msgstr ""
15694"Jeśli tak opcja jest włączona, używany jest automatycznie zestaw dźwięków "
15695"sugerowany przez zestaw zasad."
15697#: client/options.c:2282
15698msgid "Autoaccept musicset suggestions"
15699msgstr "Automatycznie akceptuj sugestie zestawu muzycznego"
15701#: client/options.c:2283
15702msgid ""
15703"If this option is enabled, any musicset suggested by the ruleset is "
15704"automatically used."
15705msgstr ""
15706"Jeśli tak opcja jest włączona, używany jest automatycznie zestaw muzyczny "
15707"sugerowany przez zestaw zasad."
15709#: client/options.c:2288
15710msgid "Background layer"
15711msgstr "Warstwa tła"
15713#: client/options.c:2289
15714msgid "The background layer of the overview shows just ocean and land."
15715msgstr "Warstwa tła zawiera jedynie rozróżnienie między lądem i oceanem."
15717#: client/options.c:2293
15718msgid "Terrain relief map layer"
15719msgstr "Warstwa terenu"
15721#: client/options.c:2294
15722msgid "The relief layer shows all terrains on the map."
15723msgstr "Warstwa terenu pokazuje wszystkie tereny na mapie."
15725#: client/options.c:2297
15726msgid "Borders layer"
15727msgstr "Warstwa granic"
15729#: client/options.c:2298
15730msgid ""
15731"The borders layer of the overview shows which tiles are owned by each player."
15732msgstr "Warstwa granic na minimapie pokazuje kto kontroluje różne części mapy."
15734#: client/options.c:2302
15735msgid "Borders layer on ocean tiles"
15736msgstr "Warstwa granic na oceanie"
15738#: client/options.c:2303
15739msgid ""
15740"The borders layer of the overview are drawn on ocean tiles as well (this may "
15741"look ugly with many islands). This option is only of interest if you have "
15742"set the option \"Borders layer\" already."
15743msgstr ""
15744"Warstwy granic na minimapie są rysowane również na oceanie (co może wyglądać "
15745"brzydko na mapach z wieloma wyspami). Ta opcja zadziała jedynie z włączoną "
15746"opcją \"Warstwa granic\"."
15748#: client/options.c:2309
15749msgid "Units layer"
15750msgstr "Warstwa jednostek"
15752#: client/options.c:2310
15753msgid "Enabling this will draw units on the overview."
15754msgstr "Warstwa jednostek pokazuje jednostki na minimapie."
15756#: client/options.c:2313
15757msgid "Cities layer"
15758msgstr "Warstwa miast"
15760#: client/options.c:2314
15761msgid "Enabling this will draw cities on the overview."
15762msgstr "Warstwa miast pokazuje miasta na minimapie."
15764#: client/options.c:2317
15765msgid "Overview fog of war"
15766msgstr "\"Mgła wojny\" na minimapie"
15768#: client/options.c:2318
15769msgid "Enabling this will show fog of war on the overview."
15770msgstr "Ta warstwa pokazuje \"mgłę wojny\" na minimapie."
15772#: client/options.c:2324
15773msgid "Image format"
15774msgstr "Format obrazu"
15776#: client/options.c:2325
15777msgid "The image toolkit and file format used for map images."
15778msgstr "Narzędzia graficzne i format obrazu użyte do tworzenia obrazu mapy."
15780#: client/options.c:2330
15781msgid "Zoom factor for map images"
15782msgstr "Powiększenie dla obrazów map"
15784#: client/options.c:2331
15785msgid "The magnification used for map images."
15786msgstr "Powiększenie ustawione przy tworzeniu obrazu mapy."
15788#: client/options.c:2334
15789msgid "Show area within borders"
15790msgstr "Pokaż obszar w granicach"
15792#: client/options.c:2335
15793msgid "If set, the territory of each nation is shown on the saved image."
15794msgstr ""
15795"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na zapisanym obrazie będzie widoczne "
15796"terytorium każdego narodu."
15798#: client/options.c:2339
15799msgid "Show borders"
15800msgstr "Pokaż granice"
15802#: client/options.c:2340
15803msgid "If set, the border of each nation is shown on the saved image."
15804msgstr ""
15805"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na zapisanym obrazie będą widoczne granice "
15806"każdego narodu."
15808#: client/options.c:2344
15809msgid "Show cities"
15810msgstr "Pokaż miasta"
15812#: client/options.c:2345
15813msgid "If set, cities are shown on the saved image."
15814msgstr ""
15815"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na zapisanym obrazie będą widoczne miasta."
15817#: client/options.c:2348
15818msgid "Show fog of war"
15819msgstr "Pokaż \"mgłę wojny\""
15821#: client/options.c:2349
15822msgid "If set, the extent of fog of war is shown on the saved image."
15823msgstr ""
15824"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na zapisanym obrazie będzie widoczna \"mgła "
15827#: client/options.c:2353
15828msgid "Show full terrain"
15829msgstr "Pokaż pełny teren"
15831#: client/options.c:2354
15832msgid ""
15833"If set, terrain relief is shown with different colors in the saved image; "
15834"otherwise, only land and water are distinguished."
15835msgstr ""
15836"Jeśli ustawiono tą opcję, płytki terenu na zapisanym obrazie zaznaczone są "
15837"różnymi kolorami. W przeciwnyn wypadku rozróżnia się jedynie wodę i ląd."
15839#: client/options.c:2360
15840msgid "If set, units are shown in the saved image."
15841msgstr ""
15842"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na zapisanym obrazie będą widoczne jednostki."
15844#: client/options.c:2363
15845msgid "Map image file name"
15846msgstr "Nazwa pliku obrazu mapy"
15848#: client/options.c:2364
15849msgid ""
15850"The base part of the filename for saved map images. A string identifying the "
15851"game turn and map options will be appended."
15852msgstr ""
15853"Bazowa część nazwy pliku z zapisanym obrazem mapy. Dodany do niej zostanie "
15854"ciąg znaków określający turę gry i opcje mapy."
15856#: client/options.c:2371 client/options.c:2585 client/options.c:2806
15857#: client/options.c:3027 client/options.c:3045 client/options.c:3067
15858msgid ""
15859"If this option is set the client will use the whole screen area for drawing."
15860msgstr "Włącza tryb pełnoekranowy."
15862#: client/options.c:2374 client/options.c:2588 client/options.c:2809
15863msgid "Show map scrollbars"
15864msgstr "Pokazuj paski przewijania"
15866#: client/options.c:2375 client/options.c:2589 client/options.c:2810
15867msgid "Disable this option to hide the scrollbars on the map view."
15868msgstr "Wyłączenie tej opcji chowa paski przewijania przy mapie."
15870#: client/options.c:2378 client/options.c:2592 client/options.c:2813
15871msgid "Keep dialogs on top"
15872msgstr "Okna dialogowe na wierzchu"
15874#: client/options.c:2379 client/options.c:2593 client/options.c:2814
15875msgid ""
15876"If this option is set then dialog windows will always remain in front of the "
15877"main Freeciv window. Disabling this has no effect in fullscreen mode."
15878msgstr ""
15879"Jeżeli ta opcja jest włączona, to okna dialogowe będą znajdować się zawsze "
15880"na wierzchu okna głównego. W przypadku trybu pełnoekranowego nie ma ona "
15883#: client/options.c:2383 client/options.c:2597 client/options.c:2818
15884msgid "Show worklist task icons"
15885msgstr "Pokazuj ikonki na planie prac"
15887#: client/options.c:2384 client/options.c:2598 client/options.c:2819
15888msgid ""
15889"Disabling this will turn off the unit and building icons in the worklist "
15890"dialog and the production tab of the city dialog."
15891msgstr ""
15892"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że ikonki budynków i jednostek nie będą "
15893"wyświetlane na planie prac."
15895#: client/options.c:2388 client/options.c:2602 client/options.c:2823
15896msgid "Enable status report tabs"
15897msgstr "Włącz zakładki statusu"
15899#: client/options.c:2389 client/options.c:2603 client/options.c:2824
15900msgid ""
15901"If this option is enabled then report dialogs will be shown as separate tabs "
15902"rather than in popup dialogs."
15903msgstr ""
15904"Ta opcja sprawia, że różne raporty będą pokazane w osobnych zakładkach, a "
15905"nie w wyskakujących okienkach."
15907#: client/options.c:2394
15908msgid "Better fog-of-war drawing"
15909msgstr "Ładniejsza \"mgła wojny\""
15911#: client/options.c:2395
15912msgid ""
15913"If this is enabled then a better method is used for drawing fog-of-war.  It "
15914"is not any slower but will consume about twice as much memory."
15915msgstr ""
15916"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że zostanie użyty nowy sposób rysowania \"mgły "
15917"wojny\". Rysowanie \"mgły\" nie trwa dłużej, ale zużywa dwukrotnie więcej "
15920#: client/options.c:2401 client/options.c:2608 client/options.c:2829
15921msgid "Show time for each chat message"
15922msgstr "Pokaż czas przy wiadomości czatu"
15924#: client/options.c:2402 client/options.c:2609 client/options.c:2830
15925msgid ""
15926"If this option is enabled then all chat messages will be prefixed by a time "
15927"string of the form [hour:minute:second]."
15928msgstr ""
15929"Ta opcja sprawia, że wszystkie wiadomości czatu będą poprzedzane godziną "
15930"zapisaną w formacie [godzina:minuta:sekunda]."
15932#: client/options.c:2407 client/options.c:2614 client/options.c:2835
15933msgid "New message events go to top of list"
15934msgstr "Nowe powiadomienia na górze listy"
15936#: client/options.c:2408 client/options.c:2615 client/options.c:2836
15937msgid ""
15938"If this option is enabled, new events in the message window will appear at "
15939"the top of the list, rather than being appended at the bottom."
15940msgstr ""
15941"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że nowe powiadomienia o wydarzeniach w oknie "
15942"powiadomień pojawiać się będą na górze listy."
15944#: client/options.c:2413 client/options.c:2620 client/options.c:2841
15945msgid "Show extra message window buttons"
15946msgstr "Pokaż dodatkowe przyciski okna powiadomień"
15948#: client/options.c:2414 client/options.c:2621 client/options.c:2842
15949msgid ""
15950"If this option is enabled, there will be two buttons displayed in the "
15951"message window for inspecting a city and going to a location. If this option "
15952"is disabled, these buttons will not appear (you can still double-click with "
15953"the left mouse button or right-click on a row to inspect or goto "
15954"respectively). This option will only take effect once the message window is "
15955"closed and reopened."
15956msgstr ""
15957"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w oknie powiadomień pokazane zostaną dwa "
15958"przyciski umożliwiające wyświetlenie miasta i udanie się na miejsce "
15959"zdarzenia. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że przyciski te nie pojawią się, "
15960"ale można będzie kliknąć dwukrotnie lewym przyciskiem myszy na "
15961"powiadomienie, by wyświetlić miasto lub udać się na miejsce zdarzenia. Aby "
15962"ta opcja zadziałała, należy zamknąć i ponownie otworzyć okno powiadomień."
15964#: client/options.c:2424 client/options.c:2631 client/options.c:2852
15965msgid "Metaserver tab first in network page"
15966msgstr "Zakładka metaserwera pierwsza na stronie sieci"
15968#: client/options.c:2425 client/options.c:2632 client/options.c:2853
15969msgid ""
15970"If this option is enabled, the metaserver tab will be the first notebook tab "
15971"in the network page. This option requires a restart in order to take effect."
15972msgstr ""
15973"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że zakładka metaserwera będzie pierwsza na "
15974"stronie sieci. Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia programu."
15976#: client/options.c:2430 client/options.c:2637 client/options.c:2858
15977msgid "Plain chat messages are sent to allies only"
15978msgstr "Wiadomości zwykłym tekstem wysyłane tylko do sojuszników"
15980#: client/options.c:2431 client/options.c:2638 client/options.c:2859
15981msgid ""
15982"If this option is enabled, then plain messages typed into the chat entry "
15983"while the game is running will only be sent to your allies. Otherwise plain "
15984"messages will be sent as public chat messages. To send a public chat message "
15985"with this option enabled, prefix the message with a single colon ':'. This "
15986"option can also be set using a toggle button beside the chat entry (only "
15987"visible in multiplayer games)."
15988msgstr ""
15989"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wiadomości wpisane do obszaru czatu zwykłym "
15990"tekstem w czasie trwania gry będą wysyłane tylko do sojuszników. W "
15991"przeciwnym razie wiadomości pisane zwykłym tekstem pojawią się jako "
15992"wiadomości publiczne. Jeśli włączysz tę opcję, a chcesz wysłać wiadomość "
15993"publiczną, musisz poprzedzić ją dwukropkiem ':'. Możesz też włączyć tę opcję "
15994"przyciskiem obok okna czatu (widoczny tylko w grach wieloosobowych)."
15996#: client/options.c:2443 client/options.c:2650 client/options.c:2871
15997msgid "Messages and Chat reports location"
15998msgstr "Położenie powiadomień i czatu"
16000#. TRANS: The strings used in the UI for 'Split' etc are
16001#. * tagged 'gui_gtk2/gtk3_message_chat_location'
16002#: client/options.c:2446 client/options.c:2653 client/options.c:2874
16003msgid ""
16004"Controls where the Messages and Chat reports appear relative to the main "
16005"view containing the map.\n"
16006"'Split' allows all three to be seen simultaneously, which is best for "
16007"multiplayer, but requires a large window to be usable.\n"
16008"'Separate' puts Messages and Chat in a notebook separate from the main view, "
16009"so that one of them can always be seen alongside the main view.\n"
16010"'Merged' makes the Messages and Chat reports into tabs alongside the map and "
16011"other reports; this allows a larger map view on small screens.\n"
16012"This option requires a restart in order to take effect."
16013msgstr ""
16014"Określa położenie powiadomień i czatu względem widoku z mapą.\n"
16015"'Rozdziel' wyświetla wszystkie trzy elementy oddzielnie, co jest wygodne w "
16016"grze wieloosobowej, lecz wymaga dużego ekranu.\n"
16017"'Rozłącz' wyświetla powiadomienia i czat w jednym obszarze oddzielonym od "
16018"widoku mapy tak, że oba obszaru są widoczne jednocześnie.\n"
16019"'Połącz' łączy powiadomienia i czat w w zakładkę przy widoku mapy i innych "
16020"raportach, co pozwala na wyświetlanie większej mapy na mniejszych ekranach.\n"
16021"Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia programu."
16023#: client/options.c:2462 client/options.c:2669 client/options.c:2890
16024msgid "Arrange widgets for small displays"
16025msgstr "Zoptymalizuj interfejs pod małe wyświetlacze"
16027#: client/options.c:2463 client/options.c:2670 client/options.c:2891
16028msgid ""
16029"If this option is enabled, widgets in the main window will be arranged so "
16030"that they take up the least amount of total screen space. Specifically, the "
16031"left panel containing the overview, player status, and the unit information "
16032"box will be extended over the entire left side of the window. This option "
16033"requires a restart in order to take effect."
16034msgstr ""
16035"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że elementy okna głównego zostaną ułożone tak, "
16036"by zajmować jak najmniej miejsca. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza lewego panelu z "
16037"minimapą, statusem gracza oraz informacjami o jednostkach; panel ten zajmie "
16038"całą lewą stronę ekranu. Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia programu."
16040#: client/options.c:2472 client/options.c:2679 client/options.c:2900
16041msgid "Mouse over the map widget selects it automatically"
16042msgstr "Kursor automatycznie zaznacza mapę"
16044#: client/options.c:2473 client/options.c:2680 client/options.c:2901
16045msgid ""
16046"If this option is enabled, then the map will be focused when the mouse "
16047"hovers over it."
16048msgstr ""
16049"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że najechanie kursorem na mapę zaznacza ją, "
16050"nawet jeśli na nią nie kliknięto."
16052#: client/options.c:2477 client/options.c:2684 client/options.c:2905
16053msgid "Player or user name autocompletion"
16054msgstr "Autouzupełnianie nazw graczy lub użytkowników"
16056#: client/options.c:2478 client/options.c:2685 client/options.c:2906
16057msgid ""
16058"If this option is turned on, the tabulation key will be used in the chatline "
16059"to complete the word you are typing with the name of a player or a user."
16060msgstr ""
16061"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że naciśnięcie klawisza 'Tab' w obszarze czatu "
16062"uzupełni pisane słowo nazwą gracza lub użytkownika."
16064#: client/options.c:2483 client/options.c:2690 client/options.c:2911
16065msgid "Width of the city dialog"
16066msgstr "Szerokość okna dialogowego miasta"
16068#: client/options.c:2484 client/options.c:2691 client/options.c:2912
16069msgid "This value is only used if the width of the city dialog is saved."
16070msgstr ""
16071"Tej wartości używa się tylko wtedy, gdy szerokość okna dialogowego miasta "
16072"jest zapisywana."
16074#: client/options.c:2490 client/options.c:2697 client/options.c:2918
16075msgid "Height of the city dialog"
16076msgstr "Wysokość okna dialogowego miasta"
16078#: client/options.c:2491 client/options.c:2698 client/options.c:2919
16079msgid "This value is only used if the height of the city dialog is saved."
16080msgstr ""
16081"Tej wartości używa się tylko wtedy, gdy wysokość okna dialogowego miasta "
16082"jest zapisywana."
16084#: client/options.c:2497 client/options.c:2704 client/options.c:2925
16085msgid "Popup tech help when gained"
16086msgstr "Okno pomocy przy nowej technologii"
16088#: client/options.c:2498 client/options.c:2705 client/options.c:2926
16089msgid ""
16090"Controls if tech help should be opened when new tech has been gained.\n"
16091"'Ruleset' means that behavior suggested by current ruleset is used."
16092msgstr ""
16093"Określa, czy okno pomocy technologii ma zostać otwarte, gdy poznawana jest "
16094"nowa technologia.\n"
16095"'Zestaw zasad' ('ruleset') oznacza, że to ustawienie określane jest użytym "
16096"zestawem zasad."
16098#: client/options.c:2505 client/options.c:2726 client/options.c:2947
16099#: client/options.c:3077
16100msgid "City Label"
16101msgstr "Nazwa miasta"
16103#: client/options.c:2506 client/options.c:2727 client/options.c:2948
16104#: client/options.c:3078
16105msgid "This font is used to display the city labels on city dialogs."
16106msgstr ""
16107"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania nazwy miasta w oknach "
16110#: client/options.c:2511 client/options.c:2732 client/options.c:2953
16111#: client/options.c:3088
16112msgid "Notify Label"
16113msgstr "Powiadomienia"
16115#: client/options.c:2512 client/options.c:2733 client/options.c:2954
16116#: client/options.c:3089
16117msgid ""
16118"This font is used to display server reports such as the demographic report "
16119"or historian publications."
16120msgstr ""
16121"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania raportów serwera, np. "
16122"raportów demograficznych i publikacji historycznych."
16124#: client/options.c:2517 client/options.c:2738 client/options.c:2959
16125#: client/options.c:3094
16126msgid "Spaceship Label"
16127msgstr "Etykiety statku kosmicznego"
16129#: client/options.c:2518 client/options.c:2739 client/options.c:2960
16130#: client/options.c:3095
16131msgid "This font is used to display the spaceship widgets."
16132msgstr ""
16133"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania elementów statku kosmicznego."
16135#: client/options.c:2522 client/options.c:2743 client/options.c:2964
16136#: client/options.c:3099
16137msgid "Help Label"
16138msgstr "Nagłówki pomocy"
16140#: client/options.c:2523 client/options.c:2744 client/options.c:2965
16141msgid "This font is used to display the help headers in the help window."
16142msgstr ""
16143"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania nagłówków w oknie pomocy."
16145#: client/options.c:2528 client/options.c:2749 client/options.c:2970
16146#: client/options.c:3105
16147msgid "Help Link"
16148msgstr "Linki pomocy"
16150#: client/options.c:2529 client/options.c:2750 client/options.c:2971
16151#: client/options.c:3106
16152msgid "This font is used to display the help links in the help window."
16153msgstr "Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania linków pomocy."
16155#: client/options.c:2534 client/options.c:2755 client/options.c:2976
16156#: client/options.c:3111
16157msgid "Help Text"
16158msgstr "Treść pomocy"
16160#: client/options.c:2535 client/options.c:2756 client/options.c:2977
16161#: client/options.c:3112
16162msgid "This font is used to display the help body text in the help window."
16163msgstr "Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania treści w oknie pomocy."
16165#: client/options.c:2540 client/options.c:2761 client/options.c:2982
16166#: client/options.c:3123
16167msgid "Chatline Area"
16168msgstr "Czat"
16170#: client/options.c:2541 client/options.c:2762 client/options.c:2983
16171#: client/options.c:3124
16172msgid "This font is used to display the text in the chatline area."
16173msgstr ""
16174"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania tekstu w obszarze czatu."
16176#: client/options.c:2546 client/options.c:2767 client/options.c:2988
16177#: client/options.c:3129
16178msgid "Beta Label"
16179msgstr "Oznakowanie wersji beta"
16181#: client/options.c:2547 client/options.c:2768 client/options.c:2989
16182#: client/options.c:3130
16183msgid "This font is used to display the beta label."
16184msgstr ""
16185"Tą czcionka wykorzystywana jest do wyświetlania oznakowania wersji beta."
16187#: client/options.c:2551 client/options.c:2772 client/options.c:2993
16188#: client/options.c:3134
16189msgid "Small Font"
16190msgstr "Mała czcionka"
16192#: client/options.c:2552 client/options.c:2773 client/options.c:2994
16193#: client/options.c:3135
16194msgid ""
16195"This font is used for any small font request.  For example, it is used for "
16196"display the building lists in the city dialog, the Economy report or the "
16197"Units report."
16198msgstr ""
16199"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest wszędzie tam, gdzie potrzebna są małe litery "
16200"(np. listy budynków w oknach dialogowych miast, raport ekonomicznym, raport "
16201"o jednostkach)."
16203#: client/options.c:2559 client/options.c:2780 client/options.c:3001
16204#: client/options.c:3142
16205msgid "Comment Label"
16206msgstr "Komentarz"
16208#: client/options.c:2560 client/options.c:2781 client/options.c:3002
16209#: client/options.c:3143
16210msgid ""
16211"This font is used to display comment labels, such as in the governor page of "
16212"the city dialogs."
16213msgstr ""
16214"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania komentarzy, np. na stronie "
16215"zarządcy miasta."
16217#: client/options.c:2566 client/options.c:2787 client/options.c:3008
16218#: client/options.c:3149
16219msgid "This font is used to the display the city names on the map."
16220msgstr "Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania nazw miast na mapie."
16222#: client/options.c:2571 client/options.c:2792 client/options.c:3013
16223#: client/options.c:3154
16224msgid "City Productions"
16225msgstr "Produkcja miasta"
16227#: client/options.c:2572 client/options.c:2793 client/options.c:3014
16228#: client/options.c:3155
16229msgid "This font is used to display the city production on the map."
16230msgstr ""
16231"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania produkcji miasta na mapie."
16233#: client/options.c:2577 client/options.c:2798 client/options.c:3019
16234#: client/options.c:3160
16235msgid "Requirement Tree"
16236msgstr "Drzewo wymagań"
16238#: client/options.c:2578 client/options.c:2799 client/options.c:3020
16239#: client/options.c:3161
16240msgid ""
16241"This font is used to the display the requirement tree in the Research report."
16242msgstr ""
16243"Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania drzewa wymagań w raporcie "
16246#: client/options.c:2712 client/options.c:2933
16247msgid "Minimum surplus for a governor"
16248msgstr "Minimalna nadwyżka dla zarządcy"
16250#: client/options.c:2713 client/options.c:2934
16251msgid ""
16252"The lower limit of the range for requesting surpluses from the governor."
16253msgstr "Dolny próg nadwyżek wymaganych od zarządcy."
16255#: client/options.c:2719 client/options.c:2940
16256msgid "Maximum surplus for a governor"
16257msgstr "Maksymalna nadwyżka dla zarządcy"
16259#: client/options.c:2720 client/options.c:2941
16260msgid ""
16261"The higher limit of the range for requesting surpluses from the governor."
16262msgstr "Górny próg nadwyżek wymaganych od zarządcy."
16264#: client/options.c:3030 client/options.c:3048
16265msgid "Screen resolution"
16266msgstr "Rozdzielczość monitora"
16268#: client/options.c:3031 client/options.c:3049
16269msgid "This option controls the resolution of the selected screen."
16270msgstr "Ta opcja określa rozdzielczość wybranego monitora."
16272#: client/options.c:3034 client/options.c:3056
16273msgid "Do cursor animation"
16274msgstr "Włącz animację kursora"
16276#: client/options.c:3035 client/options.c:3057
16277msgid ""
16278"If this option is disabled, the cursor will always be displayed as static."
16279msgstr "Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że kursor nie będzie animowany."
16281#: client/options.c:3038 client/options.c:3060
16282msgid "Use color cursors"
16283msgstr "Użyj kolorowego kursora"
16285#: client/options.c:3039 client/options.c:3061
16286msgid ""
16287"If this option is disabled, the cursor will always be displayed in black and "
16289msgstr ""
16290"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że kursor będzie wyświetlany w czerni i bieli."
16292#: client/options.c:3052
16293msgid "Use software rendering"
16294msgstr "Użyj renderowania programowego"
16296#: client/options.c:3053
16297msgid ""
16298"Usually hardware rendering is used when possible. With this option set, "
16299"software rendering is always used."
16300msgstr ""
16301"Zazwyczaj, jeśli jest to możliwe, używane jest renderowanie sprzętowe. Jeśli "
16302"ta opcja jest włączona, zawsze używane jest renderowanie programowe."
16304#: client/options.c:3070
16305msgid "Show titlebar"
16306msgstr "Pokaż pasek tytułu"
16308#: client/options.c:3071
16309msgid ""
16310"If this option is set the client will show a titlebar. If disabled, then no "
16311"titlebar will be shown, and minimize/maximize/etc buttons will be placed on "
16312"the menu bar."
16313msgstr ""
16314"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że klient wyświetli pasek tytułu. Wyłączenie "
16315"tej opcji sprawi, że pasek tytułu nie zostanie wyświetlony, a przyciski "
16316"minimalizuj/maksymalizuj/itp. pojawią się na pasku menu."
16318#: client/options.c:3083
16319msgid "Default font"
16320msgstr "Domyślna czcionka"
16322#: client/options.c:3084
16323msgid "This is default font"
16324msgstr "To jest domyślna czcionka"
16326#: client/options.c:3100
16327msgid "This font is used to display the help labels in the help window."
16328msgstr "Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania etykiet pomocy."
16330#: client/options.c:3117
16331msgid "Help Title"
16332msgstr "Tytuł pomocy"
16334#: client/options.c:3118
16335msgid "This font is used to display the help title in the help window."
16336msgstr "Ta czcionka wykorzystywana jest to wyświetlania tytułów pomocy."
16338#: client/options.c:3165
16339msgid "Show savegame information"
16340msgstr "Pokaż informacje o zapisanej grze"
16342#: client/options.c:3166
16343msgid ""
16344"If this option is set the client will show information and map preview of "
16345"current savegame."
16346msgstr ""
16347"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że klient będzie pokazywał informacje o "
16348"zapisanej grze i podgląd mapy."
16350#: client/options.c:3169
16351msgid "Sidebar position"
16352msgstr "Pozycja paska bocznego"
16354#: client/options.c:3170
16355msgid ""
16356"If this option is set, the sidebar will be to the left of the map, otherwise "
16357"to the right."
16358msgstr ""
16359"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pasek boczny pojawi się na lewo od mapy, w "
16360"przeciwnym razie pojawi się na prawo od mapy."
16362#: client/options.c:3174
16363msgid "Wake up sequence"
16364msgstr "Sekwencja budzenia"
16366#: client/options.c:3175
16367msgid ""
16368"String which will trigger sound in pregame page; %1 stands for username."
16369msgstr ""
16370"Ciąg znaków, który spowoduje zagranie dźwięku w podczas wyświetlania ekranu "
16371"przed rozgrywką; %1 oznacza nazwę użytkownika."
16373#: client/options.c:3250
16374msgid "Graphics"
16375msgstr "Grafika"
16377#. TRANS: Options section for overview map (mini-map)
16378#: client/options.c:3253
16379msgid "?map:Overview"
16380msgstr "Minimapa"
16382#: client/options.c:3255
16383msgid "Sound"
16384msgstr "Dźwięk"
16386#: client/options.c:3257
16387msgid "Interface"
16388msgstr "Interfejs"
16390#: client/options.c:3259
16391msgid "Map Image"
16392msgstr "Obraz mapy"
16394#: client/options.c:3261
16395msgid "Network"
16396msgstr "Sieć"
16398#: client/options.c:3263
16399msgid "Font"
16400msgstr "Czcionka"
16402#: client/options.c:5098
16403msgid "If you add a preset by hand, also update \"number_of_presets\""
16404msgstr "Jeżeli dodasz ustawienie ręcznie, zmień także \"number_of_presets\""
16406#: client/options.c:5153 client/options.c:5205
16407msgid "Cannot find your home directory"
16408msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć folderu domowego"
16410#: client/options.c:5226 client/options.c:5248 client/options.c:5264
16411#, c-format
16412msgid "Didn't find '%s' option file, loading from '%s' instead."
16413msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku opcji '%s'. Wczytuję '%s'."
16415#: client/options.c:5740
16416msgid "Didn't find the option file. Creating a new one."
16417msgstr "Nie odnaleziono pliku opcji. Tworzę nowy."
16419#: client/options.c:5758 client/options.c:5971
16420#, c-format
16421msgid "Save failed, cannot write to file %s"
16422msgstr "Zapis nieudany, nie można zapisać do pliku %s"
16424#: client/options.c:5760 client/options.c:5973
16425#, c-format
16426msgid "Saved settings to file %s"
16427msgstr "Zapisano ustawienia w pliku %s"
16429#: client/options.c:5908
16430msgid "Save failed, cannot find a filename."
16431msgstr "Zapis nieudany, nie ma nazwy pliku."
16433#: client/packhand.c:350 client/packhand.c:354
16434#, c-format
16435msgid "You were rejected from the game: %s"
16436msgstr "Próba przyłączenia do serwera nie powiodła się: %s"
16438#: client/packhand.c:363
16439#, c-format
16440msgid "Client capability string: %s"
16441msgstr "Napis określający funkcjonalność klienta: %s"
16443#: client/packhand.c:365
16444#, c-format
16445msgid "Server capability string: %s"
16446msgstr "Napis określający funkcjonalność serwera: %s"
16448#: client/packhand.c:1221
16449#, c-format
16450msgid "Start of turn %d"
16451msgstr "Początek %d tury"
16453#: client/packhand.c:1340
16454#, c-format
16455msgid "Beginning turn %d"
16456msgstr "Rozpoczynam turę %d"
16458#: client/packhand.c:1397
16459msgid "Welcome"
16460msgstr "Witaj"
16462#: client/packhand.c:1982 client/tilespec.c:1366
16463#, c-format
16464msgid "Map topology (%s) and tileset (%s) incompatible."
16465msgstr "Topologia mapy (%s) i zestawu graficznego (%s) są niezgodne."
16467#: client/packhand.c:2026
16468msgid ""
16469"This scenario may have manually set properties the editor cannot handle."
16470msgstr ""
16471"Ten scenariusz może mieć właściwości ustawione ręcznie, których nie da się "
16472"zmienić z poziomu edytora."
16474#: client/packhand.c:2029
16475msgid "They won't be saved when scenario is saved from the editor."
16476msgstr ""
16477"Nie zostaną zapisane, kiedy scenariusz jest zapisany z poziomu edytora."
16479#: client/packhand.c:2300
16480msgid "AI mode is now ON."
16481msgstr "Tryb AI jest teraz włączony."
16483#: client/packhand.c:2306
16484msgid "AI mode is now OFF."
16485msgstr "Tryb AI jest teraz wyłączony."
16487#. TRANS: No connection
16488#: client/plrdlg_common.c:244
16489msgid "noconn"
16490msgstr "brak poł."
16492#: client/plrdlg_common.c:248 client/plrdlg_common.c:257
16493msgid "waiting"
16494msgstr "czeka"
16496#. TRANS: Turnblocking & player not connected
16497#: client/plrdlg_common.c:253
16498msgid "blocking"
16499msgstr "blokowanie"
16501#: client/plrdlg_common.c:305
16502msgid "?Player:Name"
16503msgstr "?Player:Nazwa"
16505#: client/plrdlg_common.c:306
16506msgid "Username"
16507msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"
16509#: client/plrdlg_common.c:313
16510msgid "Attitude"
16511msgstr "Nastawienie"
16513#: client/plrdlg_common.c:314 common/events.c:121 common/events.c:129
16514#: common/events.c:160
16515msgid "Embassy"
16516msgstr "Ambasada"
16518#: client/plrdlg_common.c:315
16519msgid "Dipl.State"
16520msgstr "Stan Dypl."
16522#: client/plrdlg_common.c:319
16523msgid "?Player_dlg:Host"
16524msgstr "?Player_dlg:Host"
16526#: client/plrdlg_common.c:320
16527msgid "?Player_dlg:Idle"
16528msgstr "?Player_dlg:Bezczynność"
16530#: client/plrdlg_common.c:321
16531msgid "Ping"
16532msgstr "Ping"
16534#: client/repodlgs_common.c:166
16535msgid "You cannot sell improvements."
16536msgstr "Nie możesz sprzedawać budynków."
16538#. TRANS: Obscure observer error.
16539#: client/repodlgs_common.c:207
16540msgid "You cannot disband units."
16541msgstr "Nie możesz rozwiązywać jednostek."
16543#: client/repodlgs_common.c:212
16544#, c-format
16545msgid "%s cannot be disbanded."
16546msgstr "Jednostka %s nie może być rozwiązana."
16548#: client/repodlgs_common.c:233
16549#, c-format
16550msgid "Disbanded %d %s."
16551msgstr "Rozwiązano %d %s."
16553#: client/repodlgs_common.c:236
16554#, c-format
16555msgid "No %s could be disbanded."
16556msgstr "Nie udało się rozwiązać żadnej jednostki %s."
16558#. TRANS: Type is version tag name like "stable", "S2_4",
16559#. * "win32" (which can also be localised -- msgids start
16560#. * '?vertag:')
16561#: client/servers.c:139
16562#, c-format
16563msgid "Latest %s release of Freeciv is %s, this is %s."
16564msgstr "Najnowsza %s wersja Freeciv to %s, ta wersja to %s."
16566#: client/servers.c:145
16567#, c-format
16568msgid "There is no newer %s release of Freeciv available."
16569msgstr "Nie ma nowszej %s wersji freeciv."
16571#: client/servers.c:234
16572#, c-format
16573msgid "Failed to read the metaserver data from %s."
16574msgstr "Nie udało się odczytać danych z metaserwera z %s."
16576#: client/servers.c:252
16577#, c-format
16578msgid ""
16579"Failed to parse the metaserver data from %s:\n"
16581msgstr ""
16582"Nie udało się odczytać danych z metaserwera z %s:\n"
16585#: client/servers.c:303 server/meta.c:253
16586msgid "Error connecting to metaserver"
16587msgstr "Błąd połączenia z metaserwerem"
16589#: client/servers.c:402
16590#, c-format
16591msgid ""
16592"Opening socket to listen LAN announcements failed:\n"
16594msgstr ""
16595"Nie udało się otworzyć gniazda do nasłuchu komunikatów LAN:\n"
16598#: client/servers.c:442
16599#, c-format
16600msgid ""
16601"Binding socket to listen LAN announcements failed:\n"
16603msgstr ""
16604"Nie udało się powiązać gniazda do nasłuchu komunikatów LAM:\n"
16607#: client/servers.c:466
16608#, c-format
16609msgid ""
16610"Adding membership for IPv6 LAN announcement group failed:\n"
16612msgstr ""
16613"Nie udało się dodać członka do grupy komunikatów IPv6 LAN:\n"
16616#: client/servers.c:485
16617#, c-format
16618msgid ""
16619"Adding membership for IPv4 LAN announcement group failed:\n"
16621msgstr ""
16622"Nie udało się dodać członka do grupy komunikatów IPv4 LAN:\n"
16625#: client/servers.c:498
16626#, c-format
16627msgid ""
16628"Opening socket for sending LAN announcement request failed:\n"
16630msgstr ""
16631"Nie udało się otworzyć gniazda do nasłuchu komunikatów LAN:\n"
16634#: client/servers.c:542
16635#, c-format
16636msgid ""
16637"Setting Time-to-Live failed:\n"
16639msgstr ""
16640"Nie udało się ustawić Time-to-Live:\n"
16643#: client/servers.c:557
16644#, c-format
16645msgid ""
16646"Setting Broadcast option failed:\n"
16648msgstr ""
16649"Nie udało się ustawić opcji transmisji:\n"
16652#: client/servers.c:575
16653#, c-format
16654msgid ""
16655"Sending LAN announcement request failed:\n"
16657msgstr ""
16658"Nie udało się wysłać komunikatu LAN:\n"
16661#. TRANS: "AI <player name>"
16662#: client/text.c:105
16663#, c-format
16664msgid "AI %s"
16665msgstr "AI %s"
16667#. TRANS: "<nation adjective>, team <team name>"
16668#: client/text.c:129
16669#, c-format
16670msgid "%s, team %s"
16671msgstr "%s, drużyna %s"
16673#: client/text.c:149
16674msgid "?nation:Friendly(team)"
16675msgstr "?nation:Przyjaźni(drużyna)"
16677#: client/text.c:154
16678msgid "?city:Friendly(team)"
16679msgstr "?city:Przyjazne(drużyna)"
16681#: client/text.c:163
16682#, c-format
16683msgid "Location: (%d, %d) [%d]"
16684msgstr "Położenie: (%d, %d) [%d]"
16686#: client/text.c:166
16687#, c-format
16688msgid "Native coordinates: (%d, %d)"
16689msgstr "Współrzędne: (%d, %d)"
16691#: client/text.c:173
16692#, c-format
16693msgid "Terrain: %s"
16694msgstr "Teren: %s"
16696#: client/text.c:174
16697#, c-format
16698msgid "Food/Prod/Trade: %s"
16699msgstr "Żywn/Prod/Handel: %s"
16701#: client/text.c:194
16702msgid "Our territory"
16703msgstr "Nasze terytorium"
16705#. TRANS: "Territory of <username> (<nation + team>)"
16706#: client/text.c:197
16707#, c-format
16708msgid "Territory of %s (%s)"
16709msgstr "Terytorium %s (%s)"
16711#. TRANS: "Territory of <username> (<nation + team>)
16712#. * (<number> turn cease-fire)"
16713#: client/text.c:208
16714#, c-format
16715msgid "Territory of %s (%s) (%d turn cease-fire)"
16716msgid_plural "Territory of %s (%s) (%d turn cease-fire)"
16717msgstr[0] "Terytorium %s (%se, %d tura zawieszenia broni)"
16718msgstr[1] "Terytorium %s (%se, %d tury zawieszenia broni)"
16719msgstr[2] "Terytorium %s (%se, %d tur zawieszenia broni)"
16721#. TRANS: "Territory of <username> (<nation + team>)
16722#. * (<number> turn armistice)"
16723#: client/text.c:218
16724#, c-format
16725msgid "Territory of %s (%s) (%d turn armistice)"
16726msgid_plural "Territory of %s (%s) (%d turn armistice)"
16727msgstr[0] "Terytorium %s (%s) (%d tura rozejmu)"
16728msgstr[1] "Terytorium %s (%s) (%d tury rozejmu)"
16729msgstr[2] "Terytorium %s (%s) (%d tur rozejmu)"
16731#. TRANS: "Territory of <username>
16732#. * (<nation + team> | <diplomatic state>)"
16733#: client/text.c:227
16734#, c-format
16735msgid "Territory of %s (%s | %s)"
16736msgstr "Terytorium %s (%s | %s)"
16738#: client/text.c:232
16739msgid "Unclaimed territory"
16740msgstr "Ziemia niczyja"
16742#. TRANS: "City: <city name> | <username> (<nation + team>)"
16743#: client/text.c:247
16744#, c-format
16745msgid "City: %s | %s (%s)"
16746msgstr "Miasto: %s | %s (%s)"
16748#. TRANS:  "City: <city name> | <username>
16749#. * (<nation + team>, <number> turn cease-fire)"
16750#: client/text.c:257
16751#, c-format
16752msgid "City: %s | %s (%s, %d turn cease-fire)"
16753msgid_plural "City: %s | %s (%s, %d turn cease-fire)"
16754msgstr[0] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tura zawieszenia broni)"
16755msgstr[1] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tury zawieszenia broni)"
16756msgstr[2] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tur zawieszenia broni)"
16758#. TRANS:  "City: <city name> | <username>
16759#. * (<nation + team>, <number> turn armistice)"
16760#: client/text.c:266
16761#, c-format
16762msgid "City: %s | %s (%s, %d turn armistice)"
16763msgid_plural "City: %s | %s (%s, %d turn armistice)"
16764msgstr[0] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tura rozejmu)"
16765msgstr[1] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tury rozejmu)"
16766msgstr[2] "Miasto %s | %s (%s, %d tur rozejmu)"
16768#. TRANS: "City: <city name> | <username>
16769#. * (<nation + team>, <diplomatic state>)"
16770#: client/text.c:273
16771#, c-format
16772msgid "City: %s | %s (%s, %s)"
16773msgstr "Miasto: %s | %s (%s, %s)"
16775#. TRANS: preserve leading space
16776#: client/text.c:283
16777#, c-format
16778msgid " | Occupied with %d unit."
16779msgid_plural " | Occupied with %d units."
16780msgstr[0] " | Zajmowane przez %d jednostkę."
16781msgstr[1] " | Zajmowane przez %d jednostki."
16782msgstr[2] " | Zajmowane przez %d jednostek."
16784#. TRANS: preserve leading space
16785#: client/text.c:287 client/text.c:295
16786msgid " | Not occupied."
16787msgstr " | Niezajmowane."
16789#. TRANS: preserve leading space
16790#: client/text.c:292
16791msgid " | Occupied."
16792msgstr " | Zajmowane."
16794#. TRANS: %s is a list of "and"-separated improvements.
16795#: client/text.c:311
16796#, c-format
16797msgid "   with %s."
16798msgstr "   z %s."
16800#. TRANS: "Trade from Warsaw: 5"
16801#: client/text.c:322
16802#, c-format
16803msgid "Trade from %s: %d"
16804msgstr "Handel z miasta %s: %d"
16806#: client/text.c:332
16807#, c-format
16808msgid "Infrastructure: %s"
16809msgstr "Infrastruktura: %s"
16811#: client/text.c:337
16812#, c-format
16813msgid "Activity: %s"
16814msgstr "Czynność: %s"
16816#. TRANS: "Unit: <unit type> | <username> (<nation + team>)"
16817#: client/text.c:350
16818#, c-format
16819msgid "Unit: %s | %s (%s)"
16820msgstr "Jednostka: %s | %s (%s)"
16822#. TRANS: on own line immediately following \n, "from <city> |
16823#. * <nationality> people"
16824#: client/text.c:358
16825#, c-format
16826msgid "from %s | %s people"
16827msgstr "z %s | naród %s"
16829#. TRANS: Nationality of the people comprising a unit, if
16830#. * different from owner.
16831#: client/text.c:363 client/text.c:541 client/text.c:1151
16832#, c-format
16833msgid "%s people"
16834msgstr "Naród %s"
16836#. TRANS: on own line immediately following \n, ... <city>
16837#: client/text.c:368 client/text.c:533
16838#, c-format
16839msgid "from %s"
16840msgstr "z miasta %s"
16842#. TRANS:  "Unit: <unit type> | <username> (<nation + team>,
16843#. * <number> turn cease-fire)"
16844#: client/text.c:378
16845#, c-format
16846msgid "Unit: %s | %s (%s, %d turn cease-fire)"
16847msgid_plural "Unit: %s | %s (%s, %d turn cease-fire)"
16848msgstr[0] "Jednostka: %s | %s (%s, %d tura zawieszenia broni)"
16849msgstr[1] "Jednostka %s | %s (%s, %d tury zawieszenia broni)"
16850msgstr[2] "Jednostka %s | %s (%s, %d tur zawieszenia broni)"
16852#. TRANS:  "Unit: <unit type> | <username> (<nation + team>,
16853#. * <number> turn armistice)"
16854#: client/text.c:388
16855#, c-format
16856msgid "Unit: %s | %s (%s, %d turn armistice)"
16857msgid_plural "Unit: %s | %s (%s, %d turn armistice)"
16858msgstr[0] "Jednostka: %s | %s (%s, %d tura rozejmu)"
16859msgstr[1] "Jednostka %s | %s (%s, %d tury rozejmu)"
16860msgstr[2] "Jednostka %s | %s (%s, %d tur rozejmu)"
16862#. TRANS: "Unit: <unit type> | <username> (<nation + team>,
16863#. * <diplomatic state>)"
16864#: client/text.c:396
16865#, c-format
16866msgid "Unit: %s | %s (%s, %s)"
16867msgstr "Jednostka: %s | %s (%s, %s)"
16869#. TRANS: "Chance to win: A:95% D:46%"
16870#: client/text.c:421
16871#, c-format
16872msgid "Chance to win: A:%d%% D:%d%%"
16873msgstr "Szansa zwycięstwa: A:%d%% O:%d%%"
16875#. TRANS: A is attack power, D is defense power, FP is firepower,
16876#. * HP is hitpoints (current and max).
16877#: client/text.c:428
16878#, c-format
16879msgid "A:%d D:%d FP:%d HP:%d/%d"
16880msgstr "A:%d O:%d SO:%d PO:%d/%d"
16882#: client/text.c:442
16883#, c-format
16884msgid "Probable bribe cost: %d"
16885msgstr "Przypuszczalny koszt łapówki: %d"
16887#: client/text.c:446
16888#, c-format
16889msgid "Estimated bribe cost: > %d"
16890msgstr "Szcowany koszt łapówki: > %d"
16892#. TRANS: "5 more" units on this tile
16893#: client/text.c:453
16894#, c-format
16895msgid "  (%d more)"
16896msgstr "  (%d innych)"
16898#. TRANS: on own line immediately following \n, ... <city>
16899#: client/text.c:478
16900#, c-format
16901msgid "far from %s"
16902msgstr "daleko od miasta %s"
16904#. TRANS: on own line immediately following \n, ... <city>
16905#: client/text.c:481
16906#, c-format
16907msgid "near %s"
16908msgstr "blisko miasta %s"
16910#. TRANS: on own line immediately following \n, ... <city>
16911#: client/text.c:484
16912#, c-format
16913msgid "in %s"
16914msgstr "w mieście %s"
16916#: client/text.c:769 client/text.c:773
16917msgid "Progress: no research"
16918msgstr "Postęp: brak badań"
16920#: client/text.c:778
16921#, c-format
16922msgid "Progress: %d turn/advance"
16923msgid_plural "Progress: %d turns/advance"
16924msgstr[0] "Postęp: %d tura/wynalazek"
16925msgstr[1] "Postęp: %d tury/wynalazek"
16926msgstr[2] "Postęp: %d tur/wynalazek"
16928#: client/text.c:784
16929#, c-format
16930msgid "Progress: %d turn/advance loss"
16931msgid_plural "Progress: %d turns/advance loss"
16932msgstr[0] "Postęp: %d tura/utratę wynalazku"
16933msgstr[1] "Postęp: %d tury/utratę wynalazku"
16934msgstr[2] "Postęp: %d tur/utratę wynalazku"
16936#: client/text.c:790
16937msgid "Progress: decreasing!"
16938msgstr "Postęp: cofanie!"
16940#: client/text.c:792
16941msgid "Progress: none"
16942msgstr "Postęp: brak"
16944#. TRANS: <perturn> bulbs/turn
16945#: client/text.c:796 client/text.c:1390
16946#, c-format
16947msgid "%d bulb/turn"
16948msgid_plural "%d bulbs/turn"
16949msgstr[0] "%d pkt/turę"
16950msgstr[1] "%d pkt/turę"
16951msgstr[2] "%d pkt/turę"
16953#. TRANS: This is appended to "%d bulb/turn" text
16954#: client/text.c:801
16955#, c-format
16956msgid ", %d bulb/turn from team"
16957msgid_plural ", %d bulbs/turn from team"
16958msgstr[0] ", %d pkt/turę od drużyny"
16959msgstr[1] ", %d pkt/turę od drużyny"
16960msgstr[2] ", %d pkt/turę od drużyny"
16962#: client/text.c:812
16963#, c-format
16964msgid "Bulbs produced per turn: %d"
16965msgstr "Punkty odkryć/turę: %d"
16967#. TRANS: keep leading space; appended to "Bulbs produced per turn: %d"
16968#: client/text.c:814
16969#, c-format
16970msgid " (needed for technology upkeep: %d)"
16971msgstr " (potrzebne do utrzymania technologii: %d)"
16973#: client/text.c:840
16974#, c-format
16975msgid "%d/- (never)"
16976msgstr "%d/- (nigdy)"
16978#: client/text.c:851
16979#, c-format
16980msgid "%d/%d (%d turn)"
16981msgid_plural "%d/%d (%d turns)"
16982msgstr[0] "%d/%d (%d tura)"
16983msgstr[1] "%d/%d (%d tury)"
16984msgstr[2] "%d/%d (%d tur)"
16986#: client/text.c:854
16987#, c-format
16988msgid "%d/%d (%d turn to loss)"
16989msgid_plural "%d/%d (%d turns to loss)"
16990msgstr[0] "%d/%d (%d tura do utraty)"
16991msgstr[1] "%d/%d (%d tury do utraty)"
16992msgstr[2] "%d/%d (%d tur do utraty)"
16994#: client/text.c:859
16995#, c-format
16996msgid "%d/%d (never)"
16997msgstr "%d/%d (nigdy)"
16999#: client/text.c:897
17000#, c-format
17001msgid "%d step"
17002msgid_plural "%d steps"
17003msgstr[0] "%d krok"
17004msgstr[1] "%d kroki"
17005msgstr[2] "%d kroków"
17007#: client/text.c:899
17008#, c-format
17009msgid "%d bulb"
17010msgid_plural "%d bulbs"
17011msgstr[0] "%d punkt odkryć"
17012msgstr[1] "%d punkty odkryć"
17013msgstr[2] "%d punktów odkryć"
17015#: client/text.c:929
17016#, c-format
17017msgid "Population: %s"
17018msgstr "Populacja: %s"
17020#: client/text.c:932
17021#, c-format
17022msgid "Year: %s (T%d)"
17023msgstr "Rok: %s (T%d)"
17025#: client/text.c:936
17026#, c-format
17027msgid "Gold: %d (%+d)"
17028msgstr "Złoto: %d (%+d)"
17030#: client/text.c:939
17031#, c-format
17032msgid "Tax: %d Lux: %d Sci: %d"
17033msgstr "Pod:%d Lux:%d Nau:%d"
17035#: client/text.c:946 client/text.c:953
17036msgid "Moving: Nobody"
17037msgstr "Ruch: nikt"
17039#: client/text.c:948 client/text.c:955
17040#, c-format
17041msgid "Moving: %s"
17042msgstr "Ruch: %s"
17044#: client/text.c:961
17045msgid "(Click for more info)"
17046msgstr "(Kliknij, by zobaczyć więcej informacji)"
17048#: client/text.c:979
17049#, c-format
17050msgid "%s People"
17051msgstr "Naród %s"
17053#: client/text.c:982 server/gamehand.c:875
17054#, c-format
17055msgid "Year: %s"
17056msgstr "Rok: %s"
17058#: client/text.c:983
17059#, c-format
17060msgid "Turn: %d"
17061msgstr "Tura: %d"
17063#: client/text.c:992
17064#, c-format
17065msgid "Net Income: %d"
17066msgstr "Zysk netto: %d"
17068#. TRANS: Gold, luxury, and science rates are in percentage values.
17069#: client/text.c:995
17070#, c-format
17071msgid "Tax rates: Gold:%d%% Luxury:%d%% Science:%d%%"
17072msgstr "Pod:%d%% Lux:%d%% Nau:%d%%"
17074#: client/text.c:999
17075#, c-format
17076msgid "Researching %s: %s"
17077msgstr "Badania nad %s: %s"
17079#: client/text.c:1005
17080#, c-format
17081msgid "Bulbs per turn: %d - %d = %d"
17082msgstr "Punkty odkryć/turę: %d - %d = %d"
17084#: client/text.c:1009
17085#, c-format
17086msgid "Bulbs per turn: %d"
17087msgstr "Punkty odkryć/turę: %d"
17089#: client/text.c:1016
17090#, c-format
17091msgid "Culture: %d (%+d/turn)"
17092msgstr "Kultura: %d (%+d/tura)"
17094#: client/text.c:1026
17095#, c-format
17096msgid "Global warming chance: %d%% (%+d%%/turn)"
17097msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo globalnego ocieplenia: %d%% (%+d%%/turę)"
17099#: client/text.c:1029 client/text.c:1418
17100msgid "Global warming deactivated."
17101msgstr "Wyłączono globalne ocieplenie."
17103#: client/text.c:1035
17104#, c-format
17105msgid "Nuclear winter chance: %d%% (%+d%%/turn)"
17106msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo zimy nuklearnej: %d%% (%+d%%/turę)"
17108#: client/text.c:1038 client/text.c:1442
17109msgid "Nuclear winter deactivated."
17110msgstr "Wyłączono zimę nuklearną."
17112#: client/text.c:1066
17113#, c-format
17114msgid "%d unit"
17115msgid_plural "%d units"
17116msgstr[0] "%d jednostka"
17117msgstr[1] "%d jednostki"
17118msgstr[2] "%d jednostek"
17120#. TRANS: Impossible to reach goto target tile
17121#: client/text.c:1102
17122msgid "?goto:Unreachable"
17123msgstr "?goto:Niedostępne"
17125#: client/text.c:1104
17126#, c-format
17127msgid "Turns to target: %d"
17128msgstr "Tur do celu: %d"
17130#: client/text.c:1106
17131#, c-format
17132msgid "Turns to target: %d to %d"
17133msgstr "Tur do celu: %d do %d"
17135#: client/text.c:1112
17136#, c-format
17137msgid "%d unit selected"
17138msgid_plural "%d units selected"
17139msgstr[0] "%d jednostka zaznaczona"
17140msgstr[1] "%d jednostki zaznaczone"
17141msgstr[2] "%d jednostek zaznaczonych"
17143#: client/text.c:1213
17144#, c-format
17145msgid "Others: %d civil; %d military"
17146msgstr "Inne: %d cywilnych; %d zbrojnych"
17148#: client/text.c:1215
17149#, c-format
17150msgid "Others: %d civilian"
17151msgstr "Inne: %d cywilne"
17153#: client/text.c:1217
17154#, c-format
17155msgid "Others: %d military"
17156msgstr "Inne: %d zbrojnych"
17158#: client/text.c:1256
17159msgid "No units to upgrade!"
17160msgstr "Nie można ulepszyć żadnej jednostki!"
17162#: client/text.c:1280
17163msgid "None of these units may be upgraded."
17164msgstr "Nie można ulepszyć żadnej z tych jednostek."
17166#. TRANS: this whole string is a sentence fragment that is only ever
17167#. * used by including it in another string (search comments for this
17168#. * string to find it)
17169#: client/text.c:1296
17170#, c-format
17171msgid "Upgrade %d unit"
17172msgid_plural "Upgrade %d units"
17173msgstr[0] "Ulepsz %d jednostkę"
17174msgstr[1] "Ulepsz %d jednostki"
17175msgstr[2] "Ulepsz %d jednostek"
17177#. TRANS: This is complicated. The first %s is a pre-pluralised
17178#. * sentence fragment "Upgrade %d unit(s)"; the second is pre-pluralised
17179#. * "Treasury contains %d gold." So the whole thing reads
17180#. * "Upgrade 13 units for 1000 gold?\nTreasury contains 2000 gold."
17181#: client/text.c:1304
17182#, c-format
17183msgid ""
17184"%s for %d gold?\n"
17186msgid_plural ""
17187"%s for %d gold?\n"
17189msgstr[0] ""
17190"%s za %d sztukę złota?\n"
17192msgstr[1] ""
17193"%s za %d sztuki złota?\n"
17195msgstr[2] ""
17196"%s za %d sztuk złota?\n"
17199#: client/text.c:1321
17200msgid "No units to disband!"
17201msgstr "Brak jednostek do rozwiązania!"
17203#: client/text.c:1325 server/unithand.c:1710
17204#, c-format
17205msgid "%s refuses to disband!"
17206msgstr "%s nie chce się rozwiązać!"
17208#. TRANS: %s is a unit type
17209#: client/text.c:1330
17210#, c-format
17211msgid "Disband %s?"
17212msgstr "Rozwiązać jednostkę %s?"
17214#: client/text.c:1342
17215msgid "None of these units may be disbanded."
17216msgstr "Żadna z tych jednostek nie może zostać rozwiązana."
17218#. TRANS: %d is never 0 or 1
17219#: client/text.c:1346
17220#, c-format
17221msgid "Disband %d unit?"
17222msgid_plural "Disband %d units?"
17223msgstr[0] "Rozwiązać %d jednostkę?"
17224msgstr[1] "Rozwiązać %d jednostki?"
17225msgstr[2] "Rozwiązać %d jednostek?"
17227#: client/text.c:1363
17228msgid "Shows your progress in researching the current technology."
17229msgstr "Wyświetla stan prac nad nową technologią."
17231#: client/text.c:1370
17232msgid "No research target."
17233msgstr "Brak celu badań."
17235#: client/text.c:1379
17236#, c-format
17237msgid "%d turn to loss"
17238msgid_plural "%d turns to loss"
17239msgstr[0] "%d tura do utraty"
17240msgstr[1] "%d tury do utraty"
17241msgstr[2] "%d tur do utraty"
17243#: client/text.c:1383
17244msgid "Decreasing"
17245msgstr "Zmniejsza się"
17247#: client/text.c:1385
17248msgid "No progress"
17249msgstr "Brak postępu"
17251#. TRANS: <tech>: <amount>/<total bulbs>
17252#: client/text.c:1393
17253#, c-format
17254msgid "%s: %d/%d (%s, %s)."
17255msgstr "%s: %d/%d (%s, %s)."
17257#: client/text.c:1422
17258msgid "Shows the progress of global warming:"
17259msgstr "Wyświetla poziom globalnego ocieplenia:"
17261#: client/text.c:1423
17262#, c-format
17263msgid "Pollution rate: %d%%"
17264msgstr "Poziom zanieczyszczenia: %d%%"
17266#: client/text.c:1424
17267#, c-format
17268msgid "Chance of catastrophic warming each turn: %d%%"
17269msgstr "Szansa katastrofalnego ocieplenia na turę: %d%%"
17271#: client/text.c:1446
17272msgid "Shows the progress of nuclear winter:"
17273msgstr "Wyświetla poziom zimy nuklearnej:"
17275#: client/text.c:1447
17276#, c-format
17277msgid "Fallout rate: %d%%"
17278msgstr "Poziom skażenia: %d%%"
17280#: client/text.c:1448
17281#, c-format
17282msgid "Chance of catastrophic winter each turn: %d%%"
17283msgstr "Szansa \"nuklearnej zimy\" na turę: %d%%"
17285#: client/text.c:1465
17286msgid "Shows your current government:"
17287msgstr "Wyświetla twój obecny ustrój:"
17289#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17290#: client/text.c:1491
17291#, c-format
17292msgid "Population:      %5d"
17293msgstr "Populacja:      %5d"
17295#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17296#: client/text.c:1494
17297#, c-format
17298msgid "Support:         %5d %%"
17299msgstr "Obsługa:         %5d %%"
17301#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17302#: client/text.c:1498
17303#, c-format
17304msgid "Energy:          %5d %%"
17305msgstr "Energia:        %5d %%"
17307#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17308#: client/text.c:1502
17309#, c-format
17310msgid "Mass:            %5d ton"
17311msgid_plural "Mass:            %5d tons"
17312msgstr[0] "Masa:            %5d tona"
17313msgstr[1] "Masa:            %5d tony"
17314msgstr[2] "Masa:            %5d ton"
17316#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17317#: client/text.c:1508
17318#, c-format
17319msgid "Travel time:     %5.1f years"
17320msgstr "Czas podróży:      %5.1f lat"
17322#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17323#: client/text.c:1512
17324msgid "Travel time:        N/A     "
17325msgstr "Czas podróży:       N/A     "
17327#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17328#: client/text.c:1516
17329#, c-format
17330msgid "Success prob.:   %5d %%"
17331msgstr "Szansa sukcesu:  %5d %%"
17333#. TRANS: spaceship text; should have constant width.
17334#: client/text.c:1520
17335#, c-format
17336msgid "Year of arrival: %8s"
17337msgstr "Rok przybycia:  %8s"
17339#: client/text.c:1543
17340msgid "?timeout:wait"
17341msgstr "?timeout:czekaj"
17343#: client/text.c:1545
17344msgid "?timeout:eta"
17345msgstr "?timeout:eta"
17347#: client/text.c:1549
17348msgid "?timeout:off"
17349msgstr "?timeout:wył"
17351#: client/text.c:1574
17352#, c-format
17353msgid "?seconds:%02ds"
17354msgstr "?seconds:%02dsek"
17356#: client/text.c:1576
17357#, c-format
17358msgid "?mins/secs:%02dm %02ds"
17359msgstr "?min/secs:%02dmin %02ds"
17361#: client/text.c:1578
17362#, c-format
17363msgid "?hrs/mns:%02dh %02dm"
17364msgstr "?hrs/mns:%02dgodz %d02min"
17366#: client/text.c:1580
17367#, c-format
17368msgid "?dys/hrs:%02dd %02dh"
17369msgstr "?dys/hrs:%02ddni %02dgodz"
17371#: client/text.c:1583
17372msgid "?duration:overflow"
17373msgstr "?duration:przepełnienie"
17375#: client/text.c:1606
17376#, c-format
17377msgid "%6d.%02d ms"
17378msgstr "%6d.%02d ms"
17380#. TRANS: <nation adjective> <government name>.
17381#. * E.g. "Polish Republic".
17382#: client/text.c:1656
17383#, c-format
17384msgid "?nationgovernment:%s %s"
17385msgstr "?nationgovernment:%s %s"
17387#. TRANS: Just appending 2 strings, using the correct localized
17388#. * syntax.
17389#: client/text.c:1662
17390#, c-format
17391msgid "%s - %s"
17392msgstr "%s - %s"
17394#. TRANS: "Observer - 1985 AD"
17395#: client/text.c:1667
17396#, c-format
17397msgid "Observer - %s"
17398msgstr "Obserwator - %s"
17400#. TRANS: Estimated recurring revenue for
17401#. * the Establish Trade _Route action.
17402#: client/text.c:1711
17403#, c-format
17404msgid "%d trade"
17405msgstr "%d do handlu"
17407#: client/text.c:1732
17408#, c-format
17409msgid "%d remaining"
17410msgstr "pozostało %d"
17412#: client/text.c:1756
17413#, c-format
17414msgid "Buildings: %s."
17415msgstr "Budynki: %s."
17417#: client/text.c:1759
17418msgid "Buildings: None."
17419msgstr "Budynki: brak."
17421#: client/text.c:1779
17422msgid "Nationality: "
17423msgstr "Narodowość: "
17425#: client/text.c:1792
17426#, c-format
17427msgid "%d enemy nationalist"
17428msgid_plural "%d enemy nationalists"
17429msgstr[0] "%d wrogi nacjonalista"
17430msgstr[1] "%d wrodzy nacjonaliści"
17431msgstr[2] "%d wrogich nacjonalistów"
17433#: client/text.c:1798
17434msgid "None."
17435msgstr "Brak."
17437#: client/text.c:1801
17438msgid "Disabled."
17439msgstr "Wyłączone."
17441#: client/text.c:1822
17442#, c-format
17443msgid "Wonders: %s."
17444msgstr "Cudy: %s."
17446#: client/text.c:1825
17447msgid "Wonders: None."
17448msgstr "Cudy: brak."
17450#: client/text.c:1853
17451#, c-format
17452msgid "Cities: %d total, but no penalty for empire size."
17453msgid_plural "Cities: %d total, but no penalty for empire size."
17454msgstr[0] "Miasta: %d, lecz bez kary za rozmiar państwa."
17455msgstr[1] "Liczba miast: %d, lecz bez kary za rozmiar państwa."
17456msgstr[2] "Liczba miast: %d, lecz bez kary za rozmiar państwa."
17458#. TRANS: %d is number of citizens
17459#: client/text.c:1859 client/text.c:1933
17460#, c-format
17461msgid "%d content per city."
17462msgid_plural "%d content per city."
17463msgstr[0] "%d zadowolonych na miasto."
17464msgstr[1] "%d zadowolonych poniżej dopuszczalnego progu."
17465msgstr[2] "%d zadowolonych poniżej dopuszczalnego progu."
17467#. TRANS: sentence fragment, will have text appended
17468#: client/text.c:1899
17469#, c-format
17470msgid "Cities: %d total:"
17471msgid_plural "Cities: %d total:"
17472msgstr[0] "Miasta: %d razem:"
17473msgstr[1] "Miasta: %d razem:"
17474msgstr[2] "Miasta: %d razem:"
17476#. TRANS: appended to "Cities: %d total:"; preserve leading
17477#. * space. Pluralized in "nearest threshold of %d cities".
17478#: client/text.c:1906
17479#, c-format
17480msgid " %d over nearest threshold of %d city."
17481msgid_plural " %d over nearest threshold of %d cities."
17482msgstr[0] "  %d powyżej najbliższego progu %d miasta."
17483msgstr[1] "  %d powyżej najbliższego progu %d miast."
17484msgstr[2] "  %d powyżej najbliższego progu %d miast."
17486#. TRANS: Number of content [citizen(s)] ...
17487#: client/text.c:1911
17488#, c-format
17489msgid "%d content before penalty."
17490msgid_plural "%d content before penalty."
17491msgstr[0] "%d zadowolonych poniżej dopuszczalnego progu."
17492msgstr[1] "%d zadowolonych poniżej dopuszczalnego progu."
17493msgstr[2] "%d zadowolonych poniżej dopuszczalnego progu."
17495#: client/text.c:1915
17496#, c-format
17497msgid "%d additional unhappy citizen."
17498msgid_plural "%d additional unhappy citizens."
17499msgstr[0] "%d dodatkowy niezadowolony mieszkaniec."
17500msgstr[1] "%d dodatkowi niezadowoleni mieszkańcy."
17501msgstr[2] "%d dodatkowych niezadowolonych mieszkańców."
17503#: client/text.c:1920
17504#, c-format
17505msgid "%d angry citizen."
17506msgid_plural "%d angry citizens."
17507msgstr[0] "%d wzburzony mieszkaniec."
17508msgstr[1] "%d wzburzonych mieszkańców."
17509msgstr[2] "%d wzburzonych mieszkańców."
17511#. TRANS: appended to "Cities: %d total:"; preserve leading
17512#. * space.
17513#: client/text.c:1928
17514#, c-format
17515msgid " not more than %d, so no empire size penalty."
17516msgid_plural " not more than %d, so no empire size penalty."
17517msgstr[0] ""
17518" nie więcej niż %d, więc nie ma straty związanej z wielkością imperium."
17519msgstr[1] ""
17520" nie więcej niż %d, więc nie ma straty związanej z wielkością imperium."
17521msgstr[2] ""
17522" nie więcej niż %d, więc nie ma straty związanej z wielkością imperium."
17524#: client/text.c:1939
17525#, c-format
17526msgid "With %d more city, another citizen will become unhappy."
17527msgid_plural "With %d more cities, another citizen will become unhappy."
17528msgstr[0] ""
17529"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się niezadowolony, jeśli powstanie %d kolejne "
17531msgstr[1] ""
17532"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się niezadowolony, jeśli powstaną %d kolejne "
17534msgstr[2] ""
17535"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się niezadowolony, jeśli powstanie %d kolejnych "
17538#: client/text.c:1950
17539#, c-format
17540msgid "With %d more city, another citizen will become angry."
17541msgid_plural "With %d more cities, another citizen will become angry."
17542msgstr[0] ""
17543"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się wzburzony, jeśli powstanie %d kolejne miasto."
17544msgstr[1] ""
17545"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się wzburzony, jeśli powstaną %d kolejne miasta."
17546msgstr[2] ""
17547"Kolejny mieszkaniec stanie się wzburzony, jeśli powstanie %d kolejnych miast."
17549#: client/text.c:1960
17550msgid "More cities will not cause more unhappy citizens."
17551msgstr "Więcej miast nie spowoduje więcej niezadowolonych mieszkańców."
17553#: client/text.c:1981
17554msgid "Unlimited martial law in effect."
17555msgstr "Nieograniczony stan wyjątkowy."
17557#: client/text.c:1983
17558#, c-format
17559msgid "%d military unit may impose martial law."
17560msgid_plural "Up to %d military units may impose martial law."
17561msgstr[0] "%d jednostka zbrojna może wprowadzić stan wyjątkowy."
17562msgstr[1] "Do %d jednostek zbrojnych może wprowadzić stan wyjątkowy."
17563msgstr[2] "Do %d jednostek zbrojnych może wprowadzić stan wyjątkowy."
17565#: client/text.c:1987
17566#, c-format
17567msgid "Each military unit makes %d unhappy citizen content."
17568msgid_plural "Each military unit makes %d unhappy citizens content."
17569msgstr[0] ""
17570"Każda jednostka zbrojna czyni %d niezadowolonego mieszkańca szczęśliwym."
17571msgstr[1] ""
17572"Każda jednostka zbrojna czyni %d niezadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi."
17573msgstr[2] ""
17574"Każda jednostka zbrojna czyni %d niezadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi."
17576#: client/text.c:1994
17577msgid "Military units in the field may cause unhappiness. "
17578msgstr "Jednostki zbrojne poza miastem mogą powodować niezadowolenie. "
17580#: client/text.c:1997
17581msgid "Military units have no happiness effect. "
17582msgstr "Jednostki zbrojne nie mają wpływu na zadowolenie. "
17584#: client/text.c:2012
17585#, c-format
17586msgid "Luxury: %d total."
17587msgstr "Luksus: ogółem %d."
17589#: client/tilespec.c:1245
17590msgid "No usable default tileset found, aborting!"
17591msgstr "Nie znalazłem odpowiedniego zestawu graficznego, kończę pracę!"
17593#: client/tilespec.c:1289
17594#, c-format
17595msgid "Loading tileset \"%s\"."
17596msgstr "Wczytuję zestaw graficzny \"%s\"."
17598#: client/tilespec.c:1516
17599msgid "Incompatible tileset capabilities"
17600msgstr "Niekompatybilne możliwości zestawu graficznego"
17602#: client/tilespec.c:1524
17603#, c-format
17604msgid "Could not load gfx file for the spec file \"%s\"."
17605msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać pliku gfx dla pliku specyfikacyjnego \"%s\"."
17607#: client/tilespec.c:1547
17608#, c-format
17609msgid "Specfile %s has incompatible capabilities"
17610msgstr "Plik specyfikacji %s ma niekompatybilne możliwości"
17612#: client/tilespec.c:1718
17613#, c-format
17614msgid "Couldn't find a supported gfx file extension for \"%s\"."
17615msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć wspieranego rozszerzenia pliku gfx dla \"%s\"."
17617#. TRANS: "Overhead" or "Isometric"
17618#: client/tilespec.c:1897
17619#, c-format
17620msgid "Client does not support %s tilesets."
17621msgstr "Klient nie obsługuje %s zestawu graficznego."
17623#: client/tilespec.c:1899
17624msgid "Using default tileset instead."
17625msgstr "Używam domyślnego zestawu."
17627#: client/tilespec.c:2106
17628#, c-format
17629msgid "[layer%d] match_types: \"%s\" initial ('%c') is not unique."
17630msgstr ""
17631"[layer%d] match_types: pierwsza litera initial frazy \"%s\" ('%c') nie jest "
17634#: client/tilespec.c:2118
17635#, c-format
17636msgid "No [%s] sections supported by tileset \"%s\"."
17637msgstr "Sekcja [%s] nie jest wspierana przez zestaw zasad \"%s\"."
17639#: client/tilespec.c:2138
17640#, c-format
17641msgid "No terrain tag given in section [%s]."
17642msgstr "Brak tagu terenu w sekcji [%s]."
17644#: client/tilespec.c:2491
17645#, c-format
17646msgid "Couldn't load gfx file \"%s\" for sprite '%s'."
17647msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać pliku graficznego \"%s\" dla sprajtu '%s'."
17649#: client/tilespec.c:2501
17650#, c-format
17651msgid "Sprite '%s' in file \"%s\" isn't within the image!"
17652msgstr "Sprajt '%s' w pliku \"%s\" nie znajduje się na obrazie!"
17654#: client/tilespec.c:2578 client/tilespec.c:2586 client/tilespec.c:2594
17655#, c-format
17656msgid "Sprite for tag '%s' missing."
17657msgstr "Brak sprajtu dla tagu '%s'."
17659#: client/tilespec.c:2606 client/tilespec.c:3528
17660#, c-format
17661msgid "Sprite for tags '%s' and alternate '%s' are both missing."
17662msgstr "Brak sprajtu dla tagu '%s' i zamiennika '%s'."
17664#: client/tilespec.c:2658
17665#, c-format
17666msgid "No graphics for specialist \"%s\"."
17667msgstr "Nie ma grafiki dla specjalisty \"%s\"."
17669#: client/tilespec.c:2683
17670#, c-format
17671msgid "No graphics for citizen \"%s\"."
17672msgstr "Nie ma grafiki dla mieszkańca \"%s\"."
17674#: client/tilespec.c:2975
17675msgid "Missing necessary citybar.occupancy_N sprites."
17676msgstr "Brak wymaganych sprajtów citybar.occupancy_N ."
17678#: client/tilespec.c:3095
17679msgid "Missing overlay-color sprite colors.overlay_0."
17680msgstr "Brak sprajtu warstwy koloru colors.overlay_0."
17682#: client/tilespec.c:3168
17683msgid "Sprite tx.darkness missing."
17684msgstr "Brak sprajtu tx.darkness ."
17686#: client/tilespec.c:3315
17687#, c-format
17688msgid "Don't have graphics tags \"%s\" or \"%s\" for %s \"%s\"."
17689msgstr "Nie ma tagów grafiki \"%s\" lub \"%s\" dla %s \"%s\"."
17691#: client/tilespec.c:3396
17692#, c-format
17693msgid "Missing %s unit sprite for tags \"%s\" and alternative \"%s\"."
17694msgstr "Brak sprajtu jednostki %s dla tagu \"%s\" lub zamiennika \"%s\"."
17696#: client/tilespec.c:3468
17697#, c-format
17698msgid "No extrastyle for \"%s\" or \"%s\"."
17699msgstr "Brak stylu usprawnienia dla \"%s\" lub \"%s\"."
17701#: client/tilespec.c:3554
17702#, c-format
17703msgid ""
17704"Missing %s building activity sprite for tags \"%s\" and alternatives \"%s\" "
17705"and \"%s\"."
17706msgstr ""
17707"Brak sprajtu czynności budynku %s dla tagu \"%s\" lub zamiennika \"%s\" i "
17710#: client/tilespec.c:3569
17711#, c-format
17712msgid ""
17713"Missing %s removal activity sprite for tags \"%s\" and alternative \"%s\"."
17714msgstr ""
17715"Brak sprajtu czynności usunięcia %s dla tagu \"%s\" lub zamiennika \"%s\"."
17717#: client/tilespec.c:3670
17718#, c-format
17719msgid "Cannot load river \"%s\" or \"%s\""
17720msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać rzeki \"%s\" lub \"%s\""
17722#: client/tilespec.c:3754
17723#, c-format
17724msgid "No graphics for extra \"%s\" at all!"
17725msgstr "Brak grafiki dla usprawnienia \"%s\"!"
17727#: client/tilespec.c:3774
17728#, c-format
17729msgid "Terrain \"%s\": no graphic tile \"%s\" or \"%s\"."
17730msgstr "Teren \"%s\": brak grafiki dla \"%s\" lub \"%s\"."
17732#. TRANS: 'base' means 'base of terrain gfx', not 'military base'
17733#: client/tilespec.c:3809
17734#, c-format
17735msgid "Missing base sprite for tag \"%s\"."
17736msgstr "Brak sprajtu bazy dla tagu \"%s\"."
17738#: client/tilespec.c:4062
17739#, c-format
17740msgid "Nation %s: no national flag."
17741msgstr "Naród %s: brak flagi narodowej."
17743#: client/tilespec.c:5290
17744#, c-format
17745msgid ""
17746"Tileset \"%s\" doesn't support long goto paths, such as %d. Path not "
17747"displayed as expected."
17748msgstr ""
17749"Zestaw graficzny \"%s\" nie wspiera długich ścieżek 'idź do', takich jak %d. "
17750"Ścieżka nie wyświetlona zgodnie z oczekiwaniami."
17752#: client/tilespec.c:5826
17753#, c-format
17754msgid ""
17755"Tileset \"%s\" doesn't support big cities size, such as %d. Size not "
17756"displayed as expected."
17757msgstr ""
17758"Zestaw graficzny \"%s\" nie wspiera dużych miast, takich jak %d. Rozmiar "
17759"miasta nie wyświetlony zgodnie z oczekiwaniami."
17761#: client/tilespec.c:5972
17762#, c-format
17763msgid "City style \"%s\": no city graphics."
17764msgstr "Styl miasta \"%s\": brak grafiki miasta."
17766#: client/tilespec.c:5976
17767#, c-format
17768msgid "City style \"%s\": no occupied graphics."
17769msgstr "Styl miasta \"%s\": brak grafiki okupowanego miasta."
17771#: client/tilespec.h:51 server/settings.c:235
17772msgid "Isometric"
17773msgstr "Izometryczna"
17775#: common/actions.c:336
17776#, c-format
17777msgid "%s%s (name may be wrong)"
17778msgstr "%s%s (nazwa może być błędna)"
17780#. TRANS: the probability that an action will succeed. Given in
17781#. * percentage. Resolution is 0.5%.
17782#: common/actions.c:357
17783#, c-format
17784msgid "%.1f%%"
17785msgstr "%.1f%%"
17787#. TRANS: the interval (end points included) where the probability of
17788#. * the action's success is. Given in percentage. Resolution is 0.5%.
17789#: common/actions.c:361
17790#, c-format
17791msgid "[%.1f%%, %.1f%%]"
17792msgstr "[%.1f%%, %.1f%%]"
17794#. TRANS: action UI name's info part with custom info and probability.
17795#. * Hint: you can move the paren handling from this sting to the action
17796#. * names if you need to add extra information (like a mnemonic letter
17797#. * that doesn't appear in the action UI name) to it. In that case you
17798#. * must do so for all strings with this comment and for every action
17799#. * name. To avoid a `()` when no UI name info part is added you have
17800#. * to add the extra information to every action name or remove the
17801#. * surrounding parens.
17802#: common/actions.c:378
17803#, c-format
17804msgid " (%s; %s)"
17805msgstr " (%s; %s)"
17807#. TRANS: action UI name's info part with probability.
17808#. * Hint: you can move the paren handling from this sting to the action
17809#. * names if you need to add extra information (like a mnemonic letter
17810#. * that doesn't appear in the action UI name) to it. In that case you
17811#. * must do so for all strings with this comment and for every action
17812#. * name. To avoid a `()` when no UI name info part is added you have
17813#. * to add the extra information to every action name or remove the
17814#. * surrounding parens.
17815#. TRANS: action UI name's info part with custom info.
17816#. * Hint: you can move the paren handling from this sting to the action
17817#. * names if you need to add extra information (like a mnemonic letter
17818#. * that doesn't appear in the action UI name) to it. In that case you
17819#. * must do so for all strings with this comment and for every action
17820#. * name. To avoid a `()` when no UI name info part is added you have
17821#. * to add the extra information to every action name or remove the
17822#. * surrounding parens.
17823#. TRANS: Appending the reason why a connection has closed.
17824#. * Preserve leading space.
17825#: common/actions.c:388 common/actions.c:398 common/connection.c:478
17826#, c-format
17827msgid " (%s)"
17828msgstr " (%s)"
17830#. TRANS: action probability of success. Given in percentage.
17831#. * Resolution is 0.5%.
17832#: common/actions.c:458
17833#, c-format
17834msgid "The probability of success is %.1f%%."
17835msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu wynosi %.1f%%."
17837#. TRANS: action probability interval (min to max). Given in
17838#. * percentage. Resolution is 0.5%. The string at the end is
17839#. * shown when the interval is wide enough to not be caused by
17840#. * rounding. It explains that the interval is imprecise because
17841#. * the player doesn't have enough information.
17842#: common/actions.c:467
17843#, c-format
17844msgid "The probability of success is %.1f%%, %.1f%% or somewhere in between.%s"
17845msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu wynosi %.1f%%, %.1f%% lub pomiędzy.%s"
17847#. TRANS: explanation used in the action probability tooltip
17848#. * above. Preserve leading space.
17849#: common/actions.c:474
17850msgid ""
17851" (This is the most precise interval I can calculate given the information "
17852"our nation has access to.)"
17853msgstr ""
17854" (To jest najdokładniejszy interwał, który mogę obliczyć na podstawie "
17855"informacji dostępnych dla naszego narodu.)"
17857#: common/actions.h:28
17858msgid "a unit"
17859msgstr "jednostka"
17861#: common/actions.h:34
17862msgid "individual cities"
17863msgstr "pojedyncze miasta"
17865#: common/actions.h:36
17866msgid "individual units"
17867msgstr "pojedyncze jednostki"
17869#: common/ai.c:301
17870#, c-format
17871msgid "Too many AI modules. Max is %d."
17872msgstr "Zbyt wiele modułów AI. Maksymalna liczba to %d."
17874#. TRANS: this and following strings are 'base flags', which may rarely
17875#. * be presented to the player in ruleset help text
17876#: common/base.h:45
17877msgid "NoAggressive"
17878msgstr "NieAgresywna"
17880#: common/base.h:48
17881msgid "NoStackDeath"
17882msgstr "BezŚmierciWSkupiskach"
17884#: common/base.h:51
17885msgid "DiplomatDefense"
17886msgstr "DyplomatObrona"
17888#: common/base.h:54
17889msgid "ParadropFrom"
17890msgstr "ZrzućZ"
17892#: common/city.c:651
17893msgid "?wonder:W"
17894msgstr "?wonder:cud"
17896#: common/city.c:653
17897msgid "?destroyed:D"
17898msgstr "?destroyed:Zn"
17900#: common/city.c:655
17901msgid "?built:B"
17902msgstr "?built:B"
17904#: common/city.c:662
17905msgid "?obsolete:O"
17906msgstr "?obsolete:P"
17908#: common/city.c:664
17909msgid "?redundant:*"
17910msgstr "?redundant:*"
17912#: common/clientutils.c:269
17913#, c-format
17914msgid "Pillage %s(%d)"
17915msgstr "Plądruj %s(%d)"
17917#: common/clientutils.c:270
17918#, c-format
17919msgid "Clean %s(%d)"
17920msgstr "Usuń zanieczyszczenie %s(%d)"
17922#: common/connection.c:193 server/sernet.c:400 server/sernet.c:799
17923msgid "network exception"
17924msgstr "wyjątek sieci"
17926#: common/connection.c:207 server/sernet.c:343
17927msgid "lagging connection"
17928msgstr "opóźniające się połączenie"
17930#: common/connection.c:271
17931msgid "buffer overflow"
17932msgstr "przepełniony bufor"
17934#: common/connection.c:470
17935#, c-format
17936msgid "%s from %s"
17937msgstr "%s z %s"
17939#. TRANS: preserve leading space.
17940#: common/connection.c:481
17941msgid " (connection incomplete)"
17942msgstr " (połączenie niekompletne)"
17944#. TRANS: preserve leading space.
17945#: common/connection.c:486
17946#, c-format
17947msgid " (player %s)"
17948msgstr " (gracz %s)"
17950#. TRANS: preserve leading space.
17951#: common/connection.c:491
17952msgid " (observer)"
17953msgstr " (obserwator)"
17955#: common/connection.c:878
17956#, c-format
17957msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid pattern type"
17958msgstr "\"%s\" nie jest prawidłowym typem wzorca"
17960#: common/connection.c:889
17961msgid "Missing pattern type"
17962msgstr "Brak typu wzorca"
17964#: common/connection.c:902
17965msgid "Missing pattern"
17966msgstr "Brak wzorca"
17968#: common/effects.c:1020
17969msgid "?req-list-separator:+"
17970msgstr "?req-list-separator:+"
17972#. TRANS: This and following strings are prefixes for event names, which
17973#. * replace %s. For instance, "Technology: Selected New Goal".
17974#: common/events.c:52
17975#, c-format
17976msgid "Technology: %s"
17977msgstr "Technologia: %s"
17979#: common/events.c:53
17980#, c-format
17981msgid "Improvement: %s"
17982msgstr "Budynek: %s"
17984#: common/events.c:54
17985#, c-format
17986msgid "City: %s"
17987msgstr "Miasto: %s"
17989#: common/events.c:55
17990#, c-format
17991msgid "Diplomat Action: %s"
17992msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie: %s"
17994#: common/events.c:56
17995#, c-format
17996msgid "Enemy Diplomat: %s"
17997msgstr "Dyplomata wroga: %s"
17999#: common/events.c:57
18000#, c-format
18001msgid "Global: %s"
18002msgstr "Globalny: %s"
18004#: common/events.c:58
18005#, c-format
18006msgid "Hut: %s"
18007msgstr "Chatka: %s"
18009#: common/events.c:59
18010#, c-format
18011msgid "Nation: %s"
18012msgstr "Naród: %s"
18014#: common/events.c:60
18015#, c-format
18016msgid "Treaty: %s"
18017msgstr "Traktat: %s"
18019#: common/events.c:61
18020#, c-format
18021msgid "Unit: %s"
18022msgstr "Jednostka: %s"
18024#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process
18025#: common/events.c:63
18026#, c-format
18027msgid "Vote: %s"
18028msgstr "Głosowanie: %s"
18030#: common/events.c:64
18031#, c-format
18032msgid "Wonder: %s"
18033msgstr "Cud: %s"
18035#. TRANS: this and following strings are names for events which cause the
18036#. * server to generate messages. They are used in configuring how the client
18037#. * handles the different types of messages. Some of them will be displayed
18038#. * with prefixes, such as "Technology: Learned From Great Library".
18039#: common/events.c:87
18040msgid "Acquired New Tech"
18041msgstr "Zdobyto nową technologię"
18043#: common/events.c:88
18044msgid "Learned New Tech"
18045msgstr "Poznano nową technologię"
18047#: common/events.c:89
18048msgid "Selected New Goal"
18049msgstr "Wybrano nowy cel"
18051#: common/events.c:90
18052msgid "Lost a Tech"
18053msgstr "Utracono technologię"
18055#: common/events.c:91
18056msgid "Other Player Gained/Lost a Tech"
18057msgstr "Inny gracz zdobył/stracił technologię"
18059#: common/events.c:92 common/events.c:165
18060msgid "Bought"
18061msgstr "Zakupiono"
18063#: common/events.c:94
18064msgid "Forced to Sell"
18065msgstr "Należało sprzedać"
18067#: common/events.c:95
18068msgid "New Improvement Selected"
18069msgstr "Wybrano nowy budynek"
18071#: common/events.c:96
18072msgid "Sold"
18073msgstr "Sprzedano"
18075#: common/events.c:97
18076msgid "Building Unavailable Item"
18077msgstr "Nie ma dostępnych budynków"
18079#: common/events.c:98
18080msgid "Captured/Destroyed"
18081msgstr "Pojmany/Zniszczony"
18083#: common/events.c:99
18084msgid "Celebrating"
18085msgstr "Świętuje"
18087#: common/events.c:100
18088msgid "Civil Disorder"
18089msgstr "Rozruchy w mieście"
18091#: common/events.c:101 data/civ1/game.ruleset:477
18092msgid "Famine"
18093msgstr "Głód"
18095#: common/events.c:102
18096msgid "Famine Feared"
18097msgstr "Kończą się zapasy żywności"
18099#: common/events.c:103
18100msgid "Growth"
18101msgstr "Wzrost"
18103#: common/events.c:104
18104msgid "May Soon Grow"
18105msgstr "Wkrótce urośnie"
18107#: common/events.c:105
18108msgid "Needs Aqueduct"
18109msgstr "Potrzebuje Akweduktu"
18111#: common/events.c:106
18112msgid "Needs Aqueduct Being Built"
18113msgstr "Akwedukt w budowie"
18115#: common/events.c:107 common/fc_types.h:248
18116msgid "Normal"
18117msgstr "Normalny"
18119#: common/events.c:108
18120msgid "Nuked"
18121msgstr "Zbombardowane"
18123#: common/events.c:109
18124msgid "Released from citizen governor"
18125msgstr "Zwolniono zarządcę"
18127#: common/events.c:110
18128msgid "Suggest Growth Throttling"
18129msgstr "Sugerowane ograniczenie wzrostu"
18131#: common/events.c:111
18132msgid "Transfer"
18133msgstr "Przekaż"
18135#: common/events.c:112
18136msgid "Was Built"
18137msgstr "Zbudowano"
18139#: common/events.c:113
18140msgid "Has Plague"
18141msgstr "Epidemia"
18143#: common/events.c:114
18144msgid "City Map changed"
18145msgstr "Zmieniono mapę miasta"
18147#: common/events.c:115
18148msgid "Worklist Events"
18149msgstr "Pozycje planu prac"
18151#: common/events.c:116
18152msgid "Production changed"
18153msgstr "Produkcja zmieniona"
18155#: common/events.c:117
18156msgid "Disaster"
18157msgstr "Katastrofa"
18159#: common/events.c:119
18160msgid "Caused Incident"
18161msgstr "Skandal dyplomatyczny"
18163#: common/events.c:120
18164msgid "Escape"
18165msgstr "Ucieczka"
18167#: common/events.c:122 common/events.c:130
18168msgid "Failed"
18169msgstr "Niepowodzenie"
18171#: common/events.c:123 common/events.c:131
18172msgid "Incite"
18173msgstr "Podburz miasto"
18175#: common/events.c:124 common/events.c:132
18176msgid "Poison"
18177msgstr "Zatruj miasto"
18179#: common/events.c:126 common/events.c:134
18180msgid "Theft"
18181msgstr "Kradzież"
18183#: common/events.c:127 common/events.c:135
18184msgid "Gold Theft"
18185msgstr "Kradzież złota"
18187#: common/events.c:136
18188msgid "Eco-Disaster"
18189msgstr "Katastrofa ekologiczna"
18191#: common/events.c:137
18192msgid "Nuke Detonated"
18193msgstr "Zdetonowano Bombę Atomową"
18195#: common/events.c:138
18196msgid "Barbarians in a Hut Roused"
18197msgstr "Sprowokowałeś/aś barbarzyńców."
18199#: common/events.c:139
18200msgid "City Founded from Hut"
18201msgstr "Znalazłeś/aś nowe miasto."
18203#: common/events.c:140
18204msgid "Gold Found in Hut"
18205msgstr "Znalazłeś/aś złoto."
18207#: common/events.c:141
18208msgid "Killed by Barbarians in a Hut"
18209msgstr "Jednostka zabita przez barbarzyńców"
18211#: common/events.c:142
18212msgid "Mercenaries Found in Hut"
18213msgstr "Spotkałeś/aś najemników."
18215#: common/events.c:143
18216msgid "Settler Found in Hut"
18217msgstr "Spotkałeś/aś osadników."
18219#: common/events.c:144
18220msgid "Tech Found in Hut"
18221msgstr "Znalazłeś/aś nową technologię."
18223#: common/events.c:145
18224msgid "Unit Spared by Barbarians"
18225msgstr "Barbarzyńcy oszczędzili jednostkę"
18227#: common/events.c:147
18228msgid "Barbarian Uprising"
18229msgstr "Powstanie barbarzyńców"
18231#: common/events.c:148
18232msgid "Civil War"
18233msgstr "Wojna domowa"
18235#: common/events.c:149
18236msgid "Collapse to Anarchy"
18237msgstr "Anarchia"
18239#: common/events.c:150
18240msgid "First Contact"
18241msgstr "Pierwsze spotkanie"
18243#: common/events.c:151
18244msgid "Learned New Government"
18245msgstr "Opracowano nowy ustrój"
18247#: common/events.c:152
18248msgid "Low Funds"
18249msgstr "Mało złota"
18251#: common/events.c:154
18252msgid "Revolution Ended"
18253msgstr "Koniec rewolucji"
18255#: common/events.c:155
18256msgid "Revolution Started"
18257msgstr "Początek rewolucji"
18259#: common/events.c:156
18260msgid "Spaceship Events"
18261msgstr "Wydarzenia statku kosmicznego"
18263#: common/events.c:157
18264msgid "Alliance"
18265msgstr "Sojusz"
18267#: common/events.c:158
18268msgid "Broken"
18269msgstr "Zerwany"
18271#: common/events.c:159
18272msgid "Cease-fire"
18273msgstr "Zawieszenie broni"
18275#: common/events.c:161
18276msgid "Peace"
18277msgstr "Pokój"
18279#: common/events.c:162
18280msgid "Shared Vision"
18281msgstr "Widok dzielony"
18283#: common/events.c:163
18284msgid "Attack Failed"
18285msgstr "Atak nie powiódł się"
18287#: common/events.c:164
18288msgid "Attack Succeeded"
18289msgstr "Atak powiódł się"
18291#: common/events.c:167
18292msgid "Defender Destroyed"
18293msgstr "Broniący się pokonany"
18295#: common/events.c:168
18296msgid "Defender Survived"
18297msgstr "Broniący się przeżył"
18299#: common/events.c:169
18300msgid "Promoted to Veteran"
18301msgstr "Jednostka zdobyła doświadczenie"
18303#: common/events.c:170
18304msgid "Lost outside battle"
18305msgstr "Stracony poza bitwą"
18307#: common/events.c:171
18308msgid "Production Upgraded"
18309msgstr "Udoskonalono"
18311#: common/events.c:172
18312msgid "Relocated"
18313msgstr "Przeniesiono"
18315#: common/events.c:173
18316msgid "Orders / goto events"
18317msgstr "Rozkazy / zdarzenia \"Idź do\""
18319#: common/events.c:174
18320msgid "Built unit with population cost"
18321msgstr "Zbudowano jednostkę kosztem populacji"
18323#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
18324#: common/events.c:176 server/stdinhand.c:4264
18325msgid "New vote"
18326msgstr "Nowe głosowanie"
18328#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process
18329#: common/events.c:178
18330msgid "Vote resolved"
18331msgstr "Zakończono głosowanie"
18333#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process
18334#: common/events.c:180
18335msgid "Vote canceled"
18336msgstr "Anulowano głosowanie"
18338#: common/events.c:181
18339msgid "Finished"
18340msgstr "Zakończono"
18342#: common/events.c:182
18343msgid "Made Obsolete"
18344msgstr "Przestarzałe"
18346#: common/events.c:183
18347msgid "Started"
18348msgstr "Rozpoczęte"
18350#: common/events.c:184
18351msgid "Stopped"
18352msgstr "Przerwane"
18354#: common/events.c:185
18355msgid "Will Finish Next Turn"
18356msgstr "Będzie gotowy w następnej turze"
18358#: common/events.c:186
18359msgid "AI Debug messages"
18360msgstr "Wiadomość debuggera AI"
18362#: common/events.c:187
18363msgid "Broadcast Report"
18364msgstr "Raport"
18366#: common/events.c:188
18367msgid "Caravan actions"
18368msgstr "Działania Karawany"
18370#: common/events.c:189
18371msgid "Chat error messages"
18372msgstr "Powiadomienia o błędzie czatu"
18374#: common/events.c:190
18375msgid "Chat messages"
18376msgstr "Wiadomości czatu"
18378#: common/events.c:191
18379msgid "Connect/disconnect messages"
18380msgstr "Powiadomienia o połączeniu/rozłączeniu"
18382#: common/events.c:192
18383msgid "Diplomatic Message"
18384msgstr "Wiadomość dyplomatyczna"
18386#: common/events.c:193
18387msgid "Error message from bad command"
18388msgstr "Powiadomienia o błędzie - niewłaściwe polecenie"
18390#: common/events.c:194
18391msgid "Game Ended"
18392msgstr "Zakończono grę"
18394#: common/events.c:195
18395msgid "Game Started"
18396msgstr "Rozpoczęto grę"
18398#: common/events.c:196
18399msgid "Nation Selected"
18400msgstr "Wybrano naród"
18402#: common/events.c:197
18403msgid "Player Destroyed"
18404msgstr "Gracz pokonany"
18406#: common/events.c:198
18407msgid "Report"
18408msgstr "Raport"
18410#: common/events.c:199
18411msgid "Server Aborting"
18412msgstr "Serwer przerywa czynność"
18414#: common/events.c:200
18415msgid "Server Problems"
18416msgstr "Problemy serwera"
18418#: common/events.c:201
18419msgid "Message from server operator"
18420msgstr "Wiadomość od operatora serwera"
18422#: common/events.c:202
18423msgid "Server settings changed"
18424msgstr "Zmieniono ustawienia serwera"
18426#: common/events.c:203
18427msgid "Turn Bell"
18428msgstr "Koniec tury"
18430#: common/events.c:204
18431msgid "Scenario/ruleset script message"
18432msgstr "Wiadomość skryptu scenariusza/zestawu zasad"
18434#. TRANS: Event name for when the game year changes.
18435#: common/events.c:206
18436msgid "Year Advance"
18437msgstr "Kolejny rok"
18439#: common/events.c:207
18440msgid "Deprecated Modpack syntax warnings"
18441msgstr "Ostrzeżenie o przestarzałej składni dodatku"
18443#: common/events.c:208
18444msgid "Unit Illegal Action"
18445msgstr "Niewaściwy rozkaz"
18447#: common/extras.h:30
18448msgid "?extraflag:NativeTile"
18449msgstr "PoleNatywne"
18451#: common/extras.h:33
18452msgid "?extraflag:Refuel"
18453msgstr "?extraflag:UzupełniaPaliwo"
18455#: common/extras.h:35
18456msgid "?extraflag:TerrChangeRemoves"
18457msgstr "?extraflag:UsuwaZmianyTer"
18459#: common/extras.h:38
18460msgid "?extraflag:AutoOnCityCenter"
18461msgstr "?extraflag:AutoWCentrumMiasta"
18463#: common/extras.h:41
18464msgid "?extraflag:AlwaysOnCityCenter"
18465msgstr "?extraflag:ZawszeWCentrumMiasta"
18467#: common/extras.h:44
18468msgid "?extraflag:ConnectLand"
18469msgstr "?extraflag:PołączLąd"
18471#: common/extras.h:47
18472msgid "?extraflag:GlobalWarming"
18473msgstr "GlobalneOcieplenie"
18475#: common/extras.h:50
18476msgid "?extraflag:NuclearWinter"
18477msgstr "NuklernaZima"
18479#: common/extras.h:53
18480msgid "?extraflag:ShowFlag"
18481msgstr "?extraflag:PokażFlagę"
18483#: common/extras.h:57
18484msgid "?extraflag:NaturalDefense"
18485msgstr "NaturalnaObrona"
18487#: common/fc_cmdhelp.c:107
18488#, c-format
18489msgid ""
18490"Usage: %s [option ...]\n"
18491"Valid option are:\n"
18492msgstr ""
18493"Składnia: %s [opcja ...]\n"
18494"Poprawnymi opcjami są:\n"
18496#: common/fc_cmdhelp.c:124
18497#, c-format
18498msgid "Try \"%s -- --help\" for more."
18499msgstr "Wydaj polecenie \"%s -- --help\", aby zobaczyć więcej."
18501#: common/fc_cmdhelp.c:130
18502msgid "Pass any following options to the UI."
18503msgstr "Opcje zostaną przekazane do UI."
18505#: common/fc_types.h:240
18506msgid "Away"
18507msgstr "Nieobecny"
18509#: common/fc_types.h:242
18510msgid "Handicapped"
18511msgstr "Ułomny"
18513#: common/fc_types.h:244
18514msgid "Novice"
18515msgstr "Początkujący"
18517#: common/fc_types.h:246
18518msgid "Easy"
18519msgstr "Łatwy"
18521#: common/fc_types.h:250
18522msgid "Hard"
18523msgstr "Trudny"
18525#: common/fc_types.h:252
18526msgid "Cheating"
18527msgstr "Oszust"
18529#: common/fc_types.h:256
18530msgid "Experimental"
18531msgstr "Eksperymentalny"
18533#: common/fc_types.h:305
18534msgid "WrapX"
18535msgstr "ZawińX"
18537#: common/fc_types.h:307
18538msgid "WrapY"
18539msgstr "ZawińY"
18541#. TRANS: in place of player name or "global observer"
18542#: common/fc_types.h:690 server/stdinhand.c:5305
18543msgid "nothing"
18544msgstr "nic"
18546#: common/fc_types.h:693
18547msgid "passive"
18548msgstr "pasywne"
18550#. TRANS: " and achieved the rank of <veteran level>";
18551#. * preserve leading space
18552#: common/featured_text.c:1148
18553#, c-format
18554msgid " and achieved the rank of %s"
18555msgstr " i osiągnęła rangę %s"
18557#. TRANS: tired; note trailing space
18558#: common/featured_text.c:1165
18559msgid "tired "
18560msgstr "zmęczony"
18562#. TRANS: FP = Firepower of a unit; note trailing space
18563#: common/featured_text.c:1188
18564#, c-format
18565msgid "FP:%d "
18566msgstr "SO:%d "
18568#. TRANS: year label (Anno Domini)
18569#: common/game.h:675 data/civ1/game.ruleset:444 data/civ2/game.ruleset:511
18570msgid "AD"
18571msgstr "n.e."
18573#. TRANS: year label (Before Christ)
18574#: common/game.h:677 data/civ1/game.ruleset:446 data/civ2/game.ruleset:513
18575msgid "BC"
18576msgstr "p.n.e."
18578#: common/government.c:429
18579#, c-format
18580msgid "Mr. %s"
18581msgstr "Pan %s"
18583#: common/government.c:431
18584#, c-format
18585msgid "Ms. %s"
18586msgstr "Pani %s"
18588#: common/mapimg.c:302
18589msgid "not checked"
18590msgstr "niesprawdzone"
18592#: common/mapimg.c:306
18593msgid "error"
18594msgstr "błąd"
18596#: common/mapimg.c:432
18597msgid "Standard ppm files"
18598msgstr "Standardowe pliki ppm"
18600#: common/mapimg.c:437
18601msgid "ImageMagick"
18602msgstr "ImageMagick"
18604#: common/mapimg.c:473
18605msgid "internal error"
18606msgstr "błąd wewnętrzny"
18608#: common/mapimg.c:587
18609msgid "no players, only terrain"
18610msgstr "brak graczy, jedynie teren"
18612#: common/mapimg.c:588
18613msgid "one image per player"
18614msgstr "jeden obraz na gracza"
18616#: common/mapimg.c:589
18617msgid "one image per human player"
18618msgstr "jeden obraz na gracza-człowieka"
18620#: common/mapimg.c:590
18621msgid "all players on a single image"
18622msgstr "wszyscy gracze na tym samym obrazie"
18624#: common/mapimg.c:591
18625msgid "just the player named with 'plrname'"
18626msgstr "tylko gracz o nazwie 'plrname'"
18628#: common/mapimg.c:592
18629msgid "just the player specified with 'plrid'"
18630msgstr "tylko gracz oznaczony 'plrid'"
18632#: common/mapimg.c:593
18633msgid "one image per player in 'plrbv'"
18634msgstr "jeden obraz na gracza w 'plrbv'"
18636#. TRANS: This is help for a server command, so keywords like
18637#. * "define" in the first column are server keywords that must not
18638#. * be translated. Do not translate keywords in single quotes, but
18639#. * strings in <angle brackets> should be translated.
18640#: common/mapimg.c:688
18641#, c-format
18642msgid ""
18643"This command controls the creation of map images. Supported arguments:\n"
18644"  define <mapdef>  - define a map image; returns numeric <id>\n"
18645"  show <id>|all    - list map image definitions or show a specific one\n"
18646"  create <id>|all  - manually save image(s) for current map state\n"
18647"  delete <id>|all  - delete map image definition(s)\n"
18648"  colortest        - create test image(s) showing all colors\n"
18650"Multiple definitions can be active at once. A definition <mapdef> consists "
18651"of colon-separated options:\n"
18653"option                 (default)  description\n"
18655"format=<[tool|]format> %-10s file format\n"
18656"show=<show>            %-10s which players to show\n"
18657"  plrname=<name>                    player name\n"
18658"  plrid=<id>                        numeric player id\n"
18659"  plrbv=<bit vector>                see example; first char = id 0\n"
18660"turns=<turns>          %-10s save image each <turns> turns\n"
18661"                                  (0=no autosave, save with 'create')\n"
18662"zoom=<zoom>            %-10s magnification factor (1-5)\n"
18663"map=<map>              %-10s which map layers to draw\n"
18665"<[tool|]format> = use image format <format>, optionally specifying toolkit "
18666"<tool>. The following toolkits and formats are compiled in:\n"
18669"<show> determines which players are represented and how many images are "
18670"saved by this definition:\n"
18673"<map> can contain one or more of the following layers:\n"
18674" - 'a' show area within borders of specified players\n"
18675" - 'b' show borders of specified players\n"
18676" - 'c' show cities of specified players\n"
18677" - 'f' show fog of war (single-player images only)\n"
18678" - 'k' show only player knowledge (single-player images only)\n"
18679" - 't' full display of terrain types\n"
18680" - 'u' show units of specified players\n"
18682"Examples of <mapdef>:\n"
18683" 'zoom=1:map=tcub:show=all:format=ppm|ppm'\n"
18684" 'zoom=2:map=tcub:show=each:format=png'\n"
18685" 'zoom=1:map=tcub:show=plrname:plrname=Otto:format=gif'\n"
18686" 'zoom=3:map=cu:show=plrbv:plrbv=010011:format=jpg'\n"
18687" 'zoom=1:map=t:show=none:format=magick|jpg'"
18688msgstr ""
18689"To polecenie kontroluje tworzenie obrazu mapy. Wspierane argumenty:\n"
18690"  define <definicja-mapy>  - określa obraz mapy; zwraca wartość numeryczną "
18692"  show <identyfikator>|all    - wypisuje listę definicji obrazów map lub "
18693"pokazuje daną definicję\n"
18694"  create <identyfikator>|all  - zapisuje ręcznie obraz(y) bieżącej mapy\n"
18695"  delete <identyfikator>|all  - usuwa definicję obrazu mapy\n"
18696"  colortest        - tworzy obraz testowy pokazujący wszystkie kolory\n"
18698"Aktywnych może być kilka definicji na raz. Definicja <definicja-mapy> składa "
18699"się z opcji rozdzielonych dwukropkami:\n"
18701"opcja                 (domyślnie)  opis\n"
18703"format=<[narzędzie]|format> %-10s format pliku\n"
18704"show=<show>           %-10s których graczy pokazać\n"
18705"  plrname=<nazwa>                 nazwa gracza\n"
18706"  plrid=<identyfikator>           numeryczny identyfikator gracza\n"
18707"  plrbv=<wektor-bitowy>          zob. przykład; pierwszy znak = id 0\n"
18708"turns=<tury>          %-10s zapisuje automatycznie co <tury> tury\n"
18709"                                  (0=brak autozapisu, zapisuje poleceniem "
18711"zoom=<powiększenie>   %-10s wartość powiększenia (1-5)\n"
18712"map=<mapa>            %-10s które warstwy pokazać\n"
18714"<[narzędzie]|format> = użyj formatu <format>, opcjonalnie określ narzędzia "
18715"<narzędzie>. Wbudowane są następujące narzędzia i formaty:\n"
18718"<show> określa którzy gracze są przedstawieni i jak wiele obrazów powstaje "
18719"przy tej definicji:\n"
18722"<mapa> może zawierać następujące warstwy: \n"
18723" - 'a' pokazuje obszar w granicach określonych graczy\n"
18724" - 'b' pokazuje granice określonych graczy\n"
18725" - 'c' pokazuje miasta określonych graczy\n"
18726" - 'f' pokazuje \"mgłę wojny\" (obrazy tylko dla jednego gracza)\n"
18727" - 'k' pokazuje wiedzę graczy (obrazy tylko dla jednego gracza)\n"
18728" - 't' pokazuje pełny teren\n"
18729" - 'u' pokazuje jednostki  określonych graczy\n"
18731"Przykłady <definicja-mapy>:\n"
18732" 'zoom=1:map=tcub:show=all:format=ppm|ppm'\n"
18733" 'zoom=2:map=tcub:show=each:format=png'\n"
18734" 'zoom=1:map=tcub:show=plrname:plrname=Otto:format=gif'\n"
18735" 'zoom=3:map=cu:show=plrbv:plrbv=010011:format=jpg'\n"
18736" 'zoom=1:map=t:show=none:format=magickwand|jpg'"
18738#: common/mapimg.c:774
18739msgid "no map definition"
18740msgstr "brak defincji mapy"
18742#: common/mapimg.c:780
18743#, c-format
18744msgid "map definition string too long (max %d characters)"
18745msgstr "zbyt długi ciąg definicji mapy (maksymalnie %d znaków)"
18747#: common/mapimg.c:786
18748#, c-format
18749msgid "maximum number of map definitions reached (%d)"
18750msgstr "osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę definicji mapy (%d)"
18752#: common/mapimg.c:794
18753#, c-format
18754msgid "duplicate of map image definition %d ('%s')"
18755msgstr "podwójna definicja obrazu mapy %d ('%s')"
18757#: common/mapimg.c:815 common/mapimg.c:819
18758#, c-format
18759msgid "unknown map option: '%s'"
18760msgstr "nieznana opcja mapy: '%s'"
18762#: common/mapimg.c:835
18763#, c-format
18764msgid "'show=%s' but no player name 'plrname'"
18765msgstr "'show=%s' lecz nie ma nazwy 'plrname'"
18767#: common/mapimg.c:842
18768#, c-format
18769msgid "'show=%s' but no player id 'plrid'"
18770msgstr "'show=%s' lecz nie ma 'plrid'"
18772#: common/mapimg.c:849
18773#, c-format
18774msgid "'show=%s' but no player bitvector 'plrbv'"
18775msgstr "'show=%s' lecz nie ma wektora bitowego 'plrbv'"
18777#: common/mapimg.c:1002
18778#, c-format
18779msgid "invalid character in bitvector: '%c' (%s)"
18780msgstr "nieprawidłowy znak w wektorze bitowym: '%c' (%s)"
18782#: common/mapimg.c:1023
18783#, c-format
18784msgid "'plrid' should be between 0 and %d"
18785msgstr "'plrid' powinno mieścić się w przedziale od 0 do %d"
18787#: common/mapimg.c:1039
18788#, c-format
18789msgid "player name too long: '%s' (max: %lu)"
18790msgstr "zbyt długa nazwa gracza: '%s' (maksymalnie %lu)"
18792#: common/mapimg.c:1069
18793msgid "'turns' should be between 0 and 99"
18794msgstr "'turns' powinno mieścić się w przedziale od 0 do 99"
18796#: common/mapimg.c:1087
18797msgid "'zoom' factor should be between 1 and 5"
18798msgstr "'zoom' powinno mieścić się w przedziale od 1 do 5"
18800#: common/mapimg.c:1106
18801#, c-format
18802msgid "invalid value for option '%s': '%s'"
18803msgstr "nieprawidłowa wartość opcji '%s': '%s'"
18805#: common/mapimg.c:1130
18806msgid "map definition not checked (game not started)"
18807msgstr "niesprawdzona definicja mapy (nie rozpoczęto gry)"
18809#: common/mapimg.c:1134
18810#, c-format
18811msgid "map definition deactivated: %s"
18812msgstr "wyłączono definicję mapy: %s"
18814#: common/mapimg.c:1234
18815#, c-format
18816msgid "Detailed information for map image definition %d\n"
18817msgstr "Szczegółowa informacja dla definicji obrazu mapy %d\n"
18819#: common/mapimg.c:1237
18820#, c-format
18821msgid "  - status:                   %s (%s)\n"
18822msgstr "  - status:                    %s (%s)\n"
18824#: common/mapimg.c:1240
18825#, c-format
18826msgid "  - status:                   %s\n"
18827msgstr "  - status:                   %s\n"
18829#: common/mapimg.c:1243
18830#, c-format
18831msgid "  - file name string:         %s\n"
18832msgstr "  - ciąg do nazwy pliku:      %s\n"
18834#: common/mapimg.c:1245
18835#, c-format
18836msgid "  - image toolkit:            %s\n"
18837msgstr "  - narzędzie graficzne obrazu: %s\n"
18839#: common/mapimg.c:1247
18840#, c-format
18841msgid "  - image format:             %s\n"
18842msgstr "  - format obrazu:            %s\n"
18844#: common/mapimg.c:1249
18845#, c-format
18846msgid "  - zoom factor:              %d\n"
18847msgstr "  - powiększenie:             %d\n"
18849#: common/mapimg.c:1251
18850#, c-format
18851msgid "  - show area within borders: %s\n"
18852msgstr "  - pokaż obszar w granicach: %s\n"
18854#: common/mapimg.c:1252 common/mapimg.c:1254 common/mapimg.c:1256
18855#: common/mapimg.c:1258 common/mapimg.c:1260 common/mapimg.c:1264
18856msgid "yes"
18857msgstr "tak"
18859#: common/mapimg.c:1252 common/mapimg.c:1254 common/mapimg.c:1256
18860#: common/mapimg.c:1258 common/mapimg.c:1260 common/mapimg.c:1264
18861msgid "no"
18862msgstr "nie"
18864#: common/mapimg.c:1253
18865#, c-format
18866msgid "  - show borders:             %s\n"
18867msgstr "  - pokaż granice:            %s\n"
18869#: common/mapimg.c:1255
18870#, c-format
18871msgid "  - show cities:              %s\n"
18872msgstr "  - pokaż miasta:             %s\n"
18874#: common/mapimg.c:1257
18875#, c-format
18876msgid "  - show fog of war:          %s\n"
18877msgstr "  - pokaż \"mgłę wojny\":     %s\n"
18879#: common/mapimg.c:1259
18880#, c-format
18881msgid "  - show player knowledge:    %s\n"
18882msgstr "  - ujawnij wiedzę gracza:    %s\n"
18884#: common/mapimg.c:1261
18885#, c-format
18886msgid "  - show terrain:             %s\n"
18887msgstr "  - pokaż teren:              %s\n"
18889#: common/mapimg.c:1262
18890msgid "full"
18891msgstr "pełny"
18893#: common/mapimg.c:1262
18894msgid "basic"
18895msgstr "podstawowy"
18897#: common/mapimg.c:1263
18898#, c-format
18899msgid "  - show units:               %s\n"
18900msgstr "  - pokaż jednostki:          %s\n"
18902#: common/mapimg.c:1265
18903#, c-format
18904msgid "  - players included:         %s"
18905msgstr "  - uczestnicy:               %s"
18907#: common/mapimg.c:1275
18908#, c-format
18909msgid ""
18911"  - player name:              %s"
18912msgstr ""
18914"  - nazwa gracza:             %s"
18916#: common/mapimg.c:1279
18917#, c-format
18918msgid ""
18920"  - player id:                %d"
18921msgstr ""
18923" - identyfikator gracza:      %d"
18925#: common/mapimg.c:1283
18926#, c-format
18927msgid ""
18929"  - players:                  %s"
18930msgstr ""
18932"  - gracze:                   %s"
18934#: common/mapimg.c:1338
18935msgid "map not yet created"
18936msgstr "mapa jeszcze nieprzygotowana"
18938#: common/mapimg.c:1346 common/mapimg.c:1579
18939msgid "map definition not checked or error"
18940msgstr "błąd lub niesprawdzona definicja mapy"
18942#: common/mapimg.c:1562
18943#, c-format
18944msgid "no map definition with id %d"
18945msgstr "brak definicji mapy z identyfikatorem %d"
18947#: common/mapimg.c:1668
18948#, c-format
18949msgid "unknown player name: '%s'"
18950msgstr "nieznana nazwa gracza: '%s'"
18952#: common/mapimg.c:1684
18953#, c-format
18954msgid "invalid player id: %d"
18955msgstr "nieprawidłowy identyfikator gracza: %d"
18957#: common/mapimg.c:1875
18958#, c-format
18959msgid "Turn: %4d - Year: %10s"
18960msgstr "Tura: %4d - Rok: %10s"
18962#: common/mapimg.c:2044
18963msgid "toolkit not defined"
18964msgstr "nie zdefiniowano narzędzi graficznych"
18966#: common/mapimg.c:2107 common/mapimg.c:2315
18967msgid "error generating the file name"
18968msgstr "błąd podczas tworzenia nazwy pliku"
18970#: common/mapimg.c:2281
18971#, c-format
18972msgid "error saving map image '%s'"
18973msgstr "błąd podczas zapisywania obrazu mapy '%s'"
18975#: common/mapimg.c:2309
18976msgid "the ppm toolkit can only create images in the ppm format"
18977msgstr "narzędzia ppm mogą tworzyć obrazy tylko w formacie ppm"
18979#: common/mapimg.c:2321
18980#, c-format
18981msgid "could not open file: %s"
18982msgstr "nie mogę otworzyć pliku: %s"
18984#: common/packets.c:431
18985msgid "illegal packet size"
18986msgstr "nieprawidłowa wielkość pakietu"
18988#: common/packets.c:460 common/packets.c:509
18989msgid "decoding error"
18990msgstr "błąd dekodowania"
18992#: common/packets.c:522
18993msgid "unsupported packet type"
18994msgstr "nieobsługiwany typ pakietu"
18996#: common/packets.c:582
18997msgid "incompatible packet contents"
18998msgstr "niekompatybiln treść pakietu"
19000#. TRANS: These words should be adjectives which can fit in the sentence
19001#. "The x are y towards us"
19002#. "The Babylonians are respectful towards us"
19003#: common/player.c:1233
19004msgid "?attitude:Genocidal"
19005msgstr "?attitude:Żądza krwi"
19007#: common/player.c:1235
19008msgid "?attitude:Belligerent"
19009msgstr "?attitude:Wojowniczość"
19011#: common/player.c:1237
19012msgid "?attitude:Hostile"
19013msgstr "?attitude:Wrogość"
19015#: common/player.c:1239
19016msgid "?attitude:Uncooperative"
19017msgstr "?attitude:Niechęć"
19019#: common/player.c:1241
19020msgid "?attitude:Uneasy"
19021msgstr "?attitude:Niepokój"
19023#: common/player.c:1243
19024msgid "?attitude:Neutral"
19025msgstr "?nation:Obojętność"
19027#: common/player.c:1245
19028msgid "?attitude:Respectful"
19029msgstr "?attitude:Szacunek"
19031#: common/player.c:1247
19032msgid "?attitude:Helpful"
19033msgstr "?attitude:Pomocny"
19035#: common/player.c:1249
19036msgid "?attitude:Enthusiastic"
19037msgstr "?attitude:Sprzyjanie"
19039#: common/player.c:1251
19040msgid "?attitude:Admiring"
19041msgstr "?attitude:Podziw"
19043#: common/player.c:1254
19044msgid "?attitude:Worshipful"
19045msgstr "?attitude:Uwielbienie"
19047#: common/player.h:47
19048msgid "Unassigned"
19049msgstr "Nieprzypisane"
19051#: common/player.h:133
19052msgid "?diplomatic_state:Armistice"
19053msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Rozejm"
19055#: common/player.h:135
19056msgid "?diplomatic_state:War"
19057msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Wojna"
19059#: common/player.h:143
19060msgid "?diplomatic_state:Never met"
19061msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Brak kontaktu"
19063#: common/player.h:145
19064msgid "?diplomatic_state:Team"
19065msgstr "?diplomatic_state:Drużyna"
19067#: common/player.h:159
19068msgid "Gives shared vision"
19069msgstr "Daje widok dzielony"
19071#: common/player.h:161
19072msgid "Receives shared vision"
19073msgstr "Otrzymuje widok dzielony"
19075#: common/player.h:163
19076msgid "Hosts embassy"
19077msgstr "Gości ambasadę"
19079#: common/player.h:165
19080msgid "Has embassy"
19081msgstr "Ma ambasadę"
19083#: common/player.h:167
19084msgid "Hosts real embassy"
19085msgstr "Gości realnę ambasadę"
19087#: common/player.h:169
19088msgid "Has real embassy"
19089msgstr "Ma realną ambasadę"
19091#: common/player.h:171
19092msgid "Has Casus Belli"
19093msgstr "Ma casus belli"
19095#: common/player.h:173
19096msgid "Provided Casus Belli"
19097msgstr "Dostarczył/a casus belli"
19099#: common/player.h:175
19100msgid "Is foreign"
19101msgstr "Jest obcy"
19103#: common/research.c:84
19104msgid "Future Tech."
19105msgstr "Tech. Przysz."
19107#. TRANS: e.g. "members of team 1", or even "members of team Red".
19108#. * Used in many places where a nation plural might be used.
19109#: common/research.c:178
19110#, c-format
19111msgid "members of %s"
19112msgstr "członkowie %s"
19114#: common/research.c:280
19115#, c-format
19116msgid "Future Tech. %d"
19117msgstr "Tech. Przysz. %d"
19119#: common/requirements.c:3230
19120#, c-format
19121msgid "\"%s\" tech"
19122msgstr "Technologia \"%s\""
19124#: common/requirements.c:3267
19125#, c-format
19126msgid "%s citizens"
19127msgstr "%s mieszkańcy"
19129#. TRANS: Unit type flag
19130#: common/requirements.c:3280
19131#, c-format
19132msgid "?utflag:\"%s\" units"
19133msgstr "?utflag:jednostki \"%s\""
19135#. TRANS: Unit class
19136#: common/requirements.c:3287
19137#, c-format
19138msgid "%s units"
19139msgstr "jednostki %s"
19141#. TRANS: Unit class flag
19142#: common/requirements.c:3293
19143#, c-format
19144msgid "?ucflag:\"%s\" units"
19145msgstr "?ucflag:jednostki \"%s\""
19147#: common/requirements.c:3299
19148#, c-format
19149msgid "Veteran level >=%d"
19150msgstr "Poziom doświadczenia >=%d"
19152#. TRANS: unit state. (appears in strings like "Missile+Transported")
19153#: common/requirements.c:3306
19154msgid "Transported"
19155msgstr "Transportowana"
19157#. TRANS: unit state. (appears in strings like
19158#. * "Missile+On livable tile")
19159#: common/requirements.c:3312
19160msgid "On livable tile"
19161msgstr "Na polu zdatnym do życia"
19163#. TRANS: Minimum unit movement points left for requirement to be met
19164#. * (%s is a string like "1" or "2 1/3")
19165#: common/requirements.c:3323
19166#, c-format
19167msgid "%s MP"
19168msgstr "%s PR"
19170#. TRANS: HP = hit points
19171#: common/requirements.c:3328
19172#, c-format
19173msgid "%d HP"
19174msgstr "%d PO"
19176#: common/requirements.c:3332
19177#, c-format
19178msgid "Age %d"
19179msgstr "Wiek %d"
19181#: common/requirements.c:3344
19182#, c-format
19183msgid "Size %d"
19184msgstr "Rozmiar %d"
19186#: common/requirements.c:3348
19187#, c-format
19188msgid "Culture %d"
19189msgstr "Kultura %d"
19191#. TRANS: "Hard AI"
19192#: common/requirements.c:3353
19193#, c-format
19194msgid "%s AI"
19195msgstr "%s AI"
19197#. TRANS: here <= means 'less than or equal'
19198#: common/requirements.c:3358
19199#, c-format
19200msgid "<=%d unit"
19201msgid_plural "<=%d units"
19202msgstr[0] "<=%d jednostka"
19203msgstr[1] "<=%d jednostki"
19204msgstr[2] "<=%d jednostek"
19206#. TRANS: Terrain class: "Land terrain"
19207#: common/requirements.c:3364
19208#, c-format
19209msgid "%s terrain"
19210msgstr "Teren %s"
19212#. TRANS: Terrain flag
19213#: common/requirements.c:3370
19214#, c-format
19215msgid "?terrflag:\"%s\" terrain"
19216msgstr "?terrflag:teren \"%s\""
19218#. TRANS: Base flag
19219#: common/requirements.c:3377
19220#, c-format
19221msgid "?baseflag:\"%s\" base"
19222msgstr "?baseflag:baza \"%s\""
19224#. TRANS: Road flag
19225#: common/requirements.c:3383
19226#, c-format
19227msgid "?roadflag:\"%s\" road"
19228msgstr "?roadflag:droga \"%s\""
19230#. TRANS: Extra flag
19231#: common/requirements.c:3389
19232#, c-format
19233msgid "?extraflag:\"%s\" extra"
19234msgstr "?extraflag:\"%s\" zasób specjalny"
19236#: common/requirements.c:3393
19237#, c-format
19238msgid "After %s"
19239msgstr "Po %s"
19241#. TRANS: topology flag name ("WrapX", "ISO", etc)
19242#: common/requirements.c:3398
19243#, c-format
19244msgid "%s map"
19245msgstr "%s mapa"
19247#. TRANS: "Irrigation possible"
19248#: common/requirements.c:3403
19249#, c-format
19250msgid "%s possible"
19251msgstr "%s możliwe"
19253#: common/requirements.c:3409
19254msgid "City center"
19255msgstr "Centrum miasta"
19257#: common/requirements.c:3412
19258msgid "Tile claimed"
19259msgstr "Pole przywłaszczone"
19261#. TRANS: this and following strings are 'road flags', which may rarely
19262#. * be presented to the player in ruleset help text
19263#: common/road.h:25
19264msgid "RequiresBridge"
19265msgstr "WymagaMostu"
19267#: common/road.h:27
19268msgid "PreventsOtherRoads"
19269msgstr "BlokujInneDrogi"
19271#: common/road.h:29 data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1094
19272#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1254 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1547
19273#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1561 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1747
19274#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1519 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1749
19275msgid "River"
19276msgstr "Rzeka"
19278#: common/road.h:31
19279msgid "UnrestrictedInfra"
19280msgstr "NieograniczInfra"
19282#: common/road.h:33
19283msgid "JumpFrom"
19284msgstr "SkoczZ"
19286#: common/road.h:35
19287msgid "JumpTo"
19288msgstr "SkoczDo"
19290#: common/team.c:221
19291#, c-format
19292msgid "Team %d"
19293msgstr "Drużyna %d"
19295#. TRANS: %s is ruleset-chosen team name (e.g. "Red")
19296#: common/team.c:437
19297#, c-format
19298msgid "team %s"
19299msgstr "drużyna %s"
19301#: common/team.c:440
19302#, c-format
19303msgid "team %d"
19304msgstr "drużyna %d"
19306#. TRANS: this and following strings are 'tech flags', which may rarely
19307#. * be presented to the player in ruleset help text
19308#: common/tech.h:79
19309msgid "Bonus_Tech"
19310msgstr "Premiowa_Tech"
19312#: common/tech.h:82
19313msgid "Bridge"
19314msgstr "Most"
19316#: common/tech.h:85
19317msgid "Build_Airborne"
19318msgstr "Stwórz_Powietrzną"
19320#: common/tech.h:88
19321msgid "Claim_Ocean"
19322msgstr "Zajęcie_Oceanu"
19324#: common/tech.h:92
19325msgid "Claim_Ocean_Limited"
19326msgstr "Ograniczone_Zajęcie_Oceanu"
19328#. TRANS: terrain class: used adjectivally
19329#: common/terrain.h:75
19330msgid "Land"
19331msgstr "Lądowy"
19333#. TRANS: terrain class: used adjectivally
19334#: common/terrain.h:78
19335msgid "Oceanic"
19336msgstr "Morski"
19338#. TRANS: this and following strings may rarely be presented to the player
19339#. * in ruleset help text, to denote the set of terrains which can be altered
19340#. * in a particular way
19341#: common/terrain.h:92
19342msgid "CanIrrigate"
19343msgstr "Nawodnij"
19345#: common/terrain.h:95
19346msgid "CanMine"
19347msgstr "Zbuduj kopalnię"
19349#: common/terrain.h:98
19350msgid "CanRoad"
19351msgstr "Zbuduj drogę"
19353#. TRANS: this and following strings are 'terrain flags', which may rarely
19354#. * be presented to the player in ruleset help text
19355#: common/terrain.h:107
19356msgid "NoBarbs"
19357msgstr "BrakBarb"
19359#: common/terrain.h:110
19360msgid "NoCities"
19361msgstr "BrakMiast"
19363#: common/terrain.h:113
19364msgid "Starter"
19365msgstr "Początkowa"
19367#: common/terrain.h:116
19368msgid "CanHaveRiver"
19369msgstr "MożeMiećRzekę"
19371#: common/terrain.h:119
19372msgid "UnsafeCoast"
19373msgstr "GroźneWybrzeże"
19375#: common/terrain.h:122
19376msgid "FreshWater"
19377msgstr "SłodkaWoda"
19379#: common/terrain.h:125
19380msgid "NotGenerated"
19381msgstr "NieGener"
19383#: common/terrain.h:128
19384msgid "NoZoc"
19385msgstr "BrakStrefKont"
19387#: common/terrain.h:131
19388msgid "NoFortify"
19389msgstr "BrakUmoc"
19391#: common/terrain.h:134
19392msgid "Frozen"
19393msgstr "Zamarznięte"
19395#: common/unit.c:623
19396msgid "Fortifying"
19397msgstr "Fortyfikuje się"
19399#: common/unit.c:631 data/Freeciv.in:1141
19400msgid "Goto"
19401msgstr "Idź do"
19403#: common/unit.c:633
19404msgid "Explore"
19405msgstr "Zbadaj"
19407#: common/unit.c:637 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1340
19408#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1316 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1396
19409#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1313 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1396
19410msgid "Fallout"
19411msgstr "Skażenie"
19413#: common/unit.c:639
19414msgid "Base"
19415msgstr "Baza"
19417#: common/unit.c:1337 common/unit.c:1342
19418msgid "Moves"
19419msgstr "Punkty ruchu"
19421#: common/unit.c:1408
19422msgid "Food/Shield/Gold:"
19423msgstr "Żywność/Produkcja/Złoto:"
19425#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
19426#: common/unit.c:2114
19427#, c-format
19428msgid ""
19429"Upgrade %s to %s for %d gold?\n"
19431msgid_plural ""
19432"Upgrade %s to %s for %d gold?\n"
19434msgstr[0] ""
19435"Ulepszyć %s do %s za %d sztukę złota?\n"
19437msgstr[1] ""
19438"Ulepszyć %s do %s za %d sztuki złota?\n"
19440msgstr[2] ""
19441"Ulepszyć %s do %s za %d sztuk złota?\n"
19444#: common/unit.c:2123
19445#, c-format
19446msgid "Sorry, cannot upgrade %s (yet)."
19447msgstr "Niestety, nie można ulepszyć %s (jeszcze)."
19449#. TRANS: Last %s is pre-pluralised "Treasury contains %d gold."
19450#: common/unit.c:2129
19451#, c-format
19452msgid ""
19453"Upgrading %s to %s costs %d gold.\n"
19455msgid_plural ""
19456"Upgrading %s to %s costs %d gold.\n"
19458msgstr[0] ""
19459"Ulepszenie %s do %s kosztuje %d sztukę złota.\n"
19461msgstr[1] ""
19462"Ulepszenie %s do %s kosztuje %d sztuki złota.\n"
19464msgstr[2] ""
19465"Ulepszenie %s do %s kosztuje %d sztuk złota.\n"
19468#: common/unit.c:2139
19469msgid "You can only upgrade units in your cities."
19470msgstr "Możesz ulepszać jednostki jedynie we własnych miastach."
19472#: common/unit.c:2143
19473#, c-format
19474msgid "Upgrading this %s would strand units it transports."
19475msgstr ""
19476"Ulepszenie jednostki %s zniszczyłoby miejsce dla jednostek transportowanych."
19478#: common/unit.c:2148
19479#, c-format
19480msgid ""
19481"Upgrading this %s would result in a %s which can not survive at this place."
19482msgstr "Ulepszenie jednostki %s dałoby %s, która nie może tu przebywać."
19484#: common/unit.c:2155
19485#, c-format
19486msgid ""
19487"Upgrading this %s would result in a %s which its current transport, %s, "
19488"could not transport."
19489msgstr ""
19490"Ulepszenie jednostki %s dałoby %s, której nie mógłaby przewozić jej obecna "
19491"jednostka transportowa %s."
19493#: common/unittype.c:835
19494#, c-format
19495msgid "%s or similar units"
19496msgstr "%s lub podobne jednostki"
19498#: common/unittype.c:838
19499#, c-format
19500msgid "%s and similar units"
19501msgstr "%s i podobne jednostki"
19503#: common/unittype.h:57
19504msgid "?uclassflag:TerrainSpeed"
19505msgstr "SzybkośćNaTerenie"
19507#: common/unittype.h:59
19508msgid "?uclassflag:TerrainDefense"
19509msgstr "?uclassflag:ObronaTer"
19511#: common/unittype.h:61
19512msgid "?uclassflag:DamageSlows"
19513msgstr "?uclassflag:UszkodSpowalnia"
19515#: common/unittype.h:64
19516msgid "?uclassflag:CanOccupyCity"
19517msgstr "?uclassflag:MożeZajmowaćMiasto"
19519#: common/unittype.h:66
19520msgid "?uclassflag:Missile"
19521msgstr "?uclassflag:Pocisk"
19523#: common/unittype.h:68
19524msgid "?uclassflag:BuildAnywhere"
19525msgstr "?uclassflag:BudujeGdziekolwiek"
19527#: common/unittype.h:70
19528msgid "?uclassflag:Unreachable"
19529msgstr "?uclassflag:Niedostępna"
19531#: common/unittype.h:73
19532msgid "?uclassflag:CollectRansom"
19533msgstr "?uclassflag:ZbieraOkup"
19535#: common/unittype.h:76
19536msgid "?uclassflag:ZOC"
19537msgstr "?uclassflag:SK"
19539#: common/unittype.h:79
19540msgid "?uclassflag:CanFortify"
19541msgstr "?uclassflag:MożeUmacniać"
19543#: common/unittype.h:81
19544msgid "?uclassflag:CanPillage"
19545msgstr "?uclassflag:MożePlądrować"
19547#: common/unittype.h:84
19548msgid "?uclassflag:DoesntOccupyTile"
19549msgstr "?uclassflag:NieZajmujePola"
19551#: common/unittype.h:87
19552msgid "?uclassflag:AttackNonNative"
19553msgstr "?uclassflag:AtakNienatywnego"
19555#: common/unittype.h:90
19556msgid "?uclassflag:AttFromNonNative"
19557msgstr "?uclassflag:AtakZNienatywnego"
19559#: common/unittype.h:93
19560msgid "?uclassflag:KillCitizen"
19561msgstr "?uclassflag:UśmiercaMieszkańców"
19563#: common/unittype.h:96
19564msgid "?uclassflag:Airliftable"
19565msgstr "?uclassflag:MożnaPrzenieśćWPowietrzu"
19567#. TRANS: this and following strings are 'unit type flags', which may rarely
19568#. * be presented to the player in ruleset help text
19569#: common/unittype.h:161
19570msgid "?unitflag:Cant_Fortify"
19571msgstr "?unitflag:NieMożeUmacniać"
19573#: common/unittype.h:164
19574msgid "?unitflag:HasNoZOC"
19575msgstr "?unitflag:MaBrakSK"
19577#. TRANS: unit type flag (rarely shown): "ignore zones of control"
19578#: common/unittype.h:167
19579msgid "?unitflag:IgZOC"
19580msgstr "?unitflag:IgSK"
19582#: common/unittype.h:169
19583msgid "?unitflag:NonMil"
19584msgstr "?unitflag:Cywilna"
19586#. TRANS: unit type flag (rarely shown): "ignore terrain"
19587#: common/unittype.h:172
19588msgid "?unitflag:IgTer"
19589msgstr "?unitflag:IgTeren"
19591#: common/unittype.h:174
19592msgid "?unitflag:OneAttack"
19593msgstr "?unitflag:JedenAtak"
19595#: common/unittype.h:176
19596msgid "?unitflag:FieldUnit"
19597msgstr "?unitflag:Polowa"
19599#: common/unittype.h:178
19600msgid "?unitflag:Marines"
19601msgstr "?unitflag:PiechotaMorska"
19603#: common/unittype.h:181
19604msgid "?unitflag:Partial_Invis"
19605msgstr "?unitflag:CzęściowoNiewidzialna"
19607#: common/unittype.h:184 common/unittype.h:398
19608msgid "?unitflag:Settlers"
19609msgstr "?unitflag:Osadnicy"
19611#: common/unittype.h:186
19612msgid "?unitflag:Diplomat"
19613msgstr "?unitflag:Dyplomata"
19615#: common/unittype.h:189
19616msgid "?unitflag:Trireme"
19617msgstr "?unitflag:Trirema"
19619#: common/unittype.h:192
19620msgid "?unitflag:Nuclear"
19621msgstr "?unitflag:Atomowa"
19623#: common/unittype.h:195
19624msgid "?unitflag:Spy"
19625msgstr "?unitflag:Szpieg"
19627#: common/unittype.h:197
19628msgid "?unitflag:Paratroopers"
19629msgstr "?unitflag:Spadochroniarze"
19631#: common/unittype.h:200
19632msgid "?unitflag:Cities"
19633msgstr "?unitflag:Miasta"
19635#: common/unittype.h:203
19636msgid "?unitflag:Only_Native_Attack"
19637msgstr "?unitflag:TylkoNatywnyAtak"
19639#: common/unittype.h:206
19640msgid "?unitflag:AddToCity"
19641msgstr "?unitflag:DodajDoMiasta"
19643#: common/unittype.h:209
19644msgid "?unitflag:Fanatic"
19645msgstr "?unitflag:Fanatycy"
19647#: common/unittype.h:212
19648msgid "?unitflag:GameLoss"
19649msgstr "?unitflag:Porażka"
19651#: common/unittype.h:215
19652msgid "?unitflag:Unique"
19653msgstr "?unitflag:Unikalna"
19655#: common/unittype.h:218
19656msgid "?unitflag:Undisbandable"
19657msgstr "?unitflag:Nierozwiązywalna"
19659#: common/unittype.h:221
19660msgid "?unitflag:SuperSpy"
19661msgstr "?unitflag:SuperSzpieg"
19663#: common/unittype.h:224
19664msgid "?unitflag:NoHome"
19665msgstr "?unitflag:BrakDomu"
19667#: common/unittype.h:227
19668msgid "?unitflag:NoVeteran"
19669msgstr "?unitflag:BrakDoświadczenia"
19671#: common/unittype.h:230
19672msgid "?unitflag:Bombarder"
19673msgstr "?unitflag:Bombardująca"
19675#: common/unittype.h:233
19676msgid "?unitflag:CityBuster"
19677msgstr "?unitflag:NiszczycielMiast"
19679#: common/unittype.h:236
19680msgid "?unitflag:NoBuild"
19681msgstr "?unitflag:NieBudowana"
19683#: common/unittype.h:240
19684msgid "?unitflag:BadWallAttacker"
19685msgstr "?unitflag:SłaboAtakujeMury"
19687#: common/unittype.h:243
19688msgid "?unitflag:BadCityDefender"
19689msgstr "?unitflag:SłaboBroniMiast"
19691#: common/unittype.h:246
19692msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianOnly"
19693msgstr "?unitflag:TylkoBarbarzyńcy"
19695#: common/unittype.h:249
19696msgid "?unitflag:Shield2Gold"
19697msgstr "?unitflag:ProdukcjaNaZłoto"
19699#: common/unittype.h:252
19700msgid "?unitflag:Capturable"
19701msgstr "?unitflag:MożnaByćPojmana"
19703#: common/unittype.h:255
19704msgid "?unitflag:Capturer"
19705msgstr "?unitflag:MożePojmać"
19707#: common/unittype.h:258
19708msgid "?unitflag:NewCityGamesOnly"
19709msgstr "?unitflag:TylkoGryZNowymiMiastami"
19711#: common/unittype.h:317
19712msgid "?unitflag:FirstBuild"
19713msgstr "?unitflag:PierwszaBud"
19715#: common/unittype.h:320
19716msgid "?unitflag:Explorer"
19717msgstr "?unitflag:Odkrywca"
19719#: common/unittype.h:323
19720msgid "?unitflag:Hut"
19721msgstr "?unitflag:Chatka"
19723#: common/unittype.h:326
19724msgid "?unitflag:HutTech"
19725msgstr "?unitflag:TechZChatki"
19727#: common/unittype.h:329
19728msgid "?unitflag:Partisan"
19729msgstr "?unitflag:Partyzanci"
19731#: common/unittype.h:332
19732msgid "?unitflag:DefendOk"
19733msgstr "?unitflag:ObronaOk"
19735#: common/unittype.h:335
19736msgid "?unitflag:DefendGood"
19737msgstr "?unitflag:DobraObrona"
19739#: common/unittype.h:338
19740msgid "?unitflag:FerryBoat"
19741msgstr "?unitflag:Prom"
19743#: common/unittype.h:341
19744msgid "?unitflag:Barbarian"
19745msgstr "?unitflag:Barbarzyńcy"
19747#: common/unittype.h:344
19748msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianTech"
19749msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzyńskaTech"
19751#: common/unittype.h:347
19752msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianBoat"
19753msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzyńskiStatek"
19755#: common/unittype.h:350
19756msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianBuild"
19757msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzyńskaBud"
19759#: common/unittype.h:353
19760msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianBuildTech"
19761msgstr "BarbarzTechBud"
19763#: common/unittype.h:356
19764msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianLeader"
19765msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzyńskiPrzywódca"
19767#: common/unittype.h:359
19768msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianSea"
19769msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzyńskaMorska"
19771#: common/unittype.h:362
19772msgid "?unitflag:BarbarianSeaTech"
19773msgstr "?unitflag:BarbarzTechMorska"
19775#: common/unittype.h:365
19776msgid "?unitflag:CitiesStartunit"
19777msgstr "?unitflag:MiastaJednPocz"
19779#: common/unittype.h:368
19780msgid "?unitflag:WorkerStartunit"
19781msgstr "?unitflag:RobotnicyJednostkaStartowa"
19783#: common/unittype.h:371
19784msgid "?unitflag:ExplorerStartunit"
19785msgstr "?unitflag:OdkrywcaJednPocz"
19787#: common/unittype.h:374
19788msgid "?unitflag:KingStartunit"
19789msgstr "?unitflag:KrólJednPocz"
19791#: common/unittype.h:377
19792msgid "?unitflag:DiplomatStartunit"
19793msgstr "?unitflag:DyplomataJednPocz"
19795#: common/unittype.h:380
19796msgid "?unitflag:FerryStartunit"
19797msgstr "?unitflag:PromJednPocz"
19799#: common/unittype.h:383
19800msgid "?unitflag:DefendOkStartunit"
19801msgstr "?unitflag:ObronaOkJednostkaStartowa"
19803#: common/unittype.h:386
19804msgid "?unitflag:DefendGoodStartunit"
19805msgstr "?unitflag:DobraObronaJednostkaStartowa"
19807#: common/unittype.h:389
19808msgid "?unitflag:AttackFastStartunit"
19809msgstr "?unitflag:SzybkiAtakJednPocz"
19811#: common/unittype.h:392
19812msgid "?unitflag:AttackStrongStartunit"
19813msgstr "?unitflag:SilnyAtakJednPocz"
19815#: common/unittype.h:395
19816msgid "?unitflag:Hunter"
19817msgstr "?unitflag:Łowca"
19819#: common/version.c:40
19820#, c-format
19821msgid "Freeciv version %s %s"
19822msgstr "Freeciv wersja %s %s"
19824#: common/version.c:41
19825msgid "(beta version)"
19826msgstr "(wersja beta)"
19828#: common/version.c:43
19829#, c-format
19830msgid "Freeciv version %s (%s)"
19831msgstr "Freeciv wersja %s (%s)"
19833#: common/version.c:46
19834#, c-format
19835msgid "Freeciv version %s"
19836msgstr "Freeciv wersja %s"
19838#: common/version.c:59
19839msgid "betatest version "
19840msgstr "wersja testowa (beta) "
19842#: common/version.c:61
19843msgid "version "
19844msgstr "wersja "
19846# (obecnie prawidłowe rozwiązanie)
19847#: common/version.c:105
19848msgid "January"
19849msgstr "styczniu"
19851#: common/version.c:106
19852msgid "February"
19853msgstr "lutym"
19855#: common/version.c:107
19856msgid "March"
19857msgstr "marcu"
19859#: common/version.c:108
19860msgid "April"
19861msgstr "kwietniu"
19863#: common/version.c:109
19864msgid "May"
19865msgstr "maju"
19867#: common/version.c:110
19868msgid "June"
19869msgstr "czerwcu"
19871#: common/version.c:111
19872msgid "July"
19873msgstr "lipcu"
19875#: common/version.c:112
19876msgid "August"
19877msgstr "sierpniu"
19879#: common/version.c:113
19880msgid "September"
19881msgstr "wrześniu"
19883#: common/version.c:114
19884msgid "October"
19885msgstr "październiku"
19887#: common/version.c:115
19888msgid "November"
19889msgstr "listopadzie"
19891#: common/version.c:116
19892msgid "December"
19893msgstr "grudniu"
19895#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
19896#: common/version.c:122
19897#, c-format
19898msgid ""
19900"Freeciv %s will be released in %s, at %s"
19901msgstr ""
19903"Freeciv %s zostanie wydana w\n"
19904"%s, znajdziesz ją na %s"
19906#: common/version.c:127
19907#, c-format
19908msgid ""
19910"Freeciv %s will be released at %s"
19911msgstr ""
19913"Freeciv %s zostanie wydana w %s"
19915#: common/version.c:145
19916msgid "'Cause civilization should be free!"
19917msgstr "Bo cywilizacja powinna być wolna!"
19919#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:28 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:57
19920#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:90 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:92
19921#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:91 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:116
19922#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:91
19923msgid "Aqueduct"
19924msgstr "Akwedukt"
19926#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:44
19927msgid "Allows a city to grow larger than size 10."
19928msgstr "Pozwala miastu wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 10."
19930#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:46
19931msgid ""
19932"An Aqueduct also eliminates a city's risk of plague causing loss of "
19933"population, and of fire causing loss of buildings."
19934msgstr ""
19935"Akwedukt eliminuje także ryzyko epidemii, która powoduje straty w ludności "
19936"oraz pożaru, który powoduje straty budynków."
19938#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:52 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:79
19939#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:114 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:119
19940#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:202 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:140
19941#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:202
19942msgid "Bank"
19943msgstr "Bank"
19945#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:70 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:97
19946#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:132 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:137
19947#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:158
19948#, no-c-format
19949msgid ""
19950"Together with the Marketplace improvement, a Bank increases the luxury and "
19951"tax production within a city by 100%."
19952msgstr ""
19953"Razem z Targowiskiem, Bank zwiększa podatki i luksus produkowane przez "
19954"miasto o 100%."
19956#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:94 data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:122
19957#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:149
19958#, no-c-format
19959msgid ""
19960"With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will automatically have "
19961"Veteran status, which means that its attack and defense strengths are "
19962"increased by 50%."
19963msgstr ""
19964"Jeśli w mieście znajdują się Koszary, każda nowa jednostka wyprodukowana w "
19965"mieście ma status weterana (siła ataku i obrony jest zwiększona o 50%)."
19967#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:98 data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:126
19968#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:153
19969msgid ""
19970"Barracks also prevent stored food and goods in coastal cities being lost to "
19972msgstr ""
19973"W miastach przybrzeżnych Koszary chronią zapasy żywności i zgromadzone dobra "
19974"przed piratami."
19976#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:104 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:131
19977#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:168 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:173
19978#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:256 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:194
19979#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:256
19980msgid "Barracks II"
19981msgstr "Koszary II"
19983#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:132 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:159
19984#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:197 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:202
19985#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:285 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:223
19986#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:285
19987msgid "Barracks III"
19988msgstr "Koszary III"
19990#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:159 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:186
19991#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:224 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:229
19992#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:312 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:250
19993#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:312
19994msgid "Cathedral"
19995msgstr "Katedra"
19997#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:175
19998msgid ""
19999"A Cathedral makes 4 unhappy citizens content in a city, making it easier to "
20000"maintain order in that city; however, it does not affect citizens made "
20001"unhappy by military activity."
20002msgstr ""
20003"Katedra czyni 4 niezadowolonych mieszkańców zadowolonymi, co ułatwia "
20004"utrzymanie porządku w mieście. Nie działa jednak na mieszkańców "
20005"niezadowolonych z powodu działań wojennych."
20007#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:199
20008msgid ""
20009"City Walls make it easier to defend a city.  They triple the defense "
20010"strength of units within the city. They are ineffective against Artillery "
20011"and Bombers. City Walls also prevent the loss of population which occurs "
20012"when a defending unit is destroyed by a land unit."
20013msgstr ""
20014"Mury Obronne ułatwiają obronę miasta. Potrajają one siłę obrony jednostek "
20015"stacjonujących w mieście. Nie mają znaczenia podczas starć z artylerią i "
20016"bombowcami. Mury Obronne zapobiegają stratom ludności, które mają miejsce, "
20017"gdy jednostka broniąca się zostaje rozbita przez jednostkę lądową."
20019#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:205
20020msgid ""
20021"For cities near rivers, City Walls also eliminate the risk of population "
20022"loss from flooding."
20023msgstr ""
20024"W miastach położonych w pobliżu rzek, Mury Obronne eliminują ryzyko powodzi "
20025"prowadzących do strat ludności."
20027#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:211 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:262
20028#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:301 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:306
20029msgid "Colosseum"
20030msgstr "Koloseum"
20032#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:227
20033msgid ""
20034"Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.  "
20035"However, it does not affect citizens made unhappy by military activity."
20036msgstr ""
20037"Dostarcza rozrywki mieszkańcom, czyniąc 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańców "
20038"zadowolonymi. Nie działa jednak na mieszkańców niezadowolonych z powodu "
20039"działań wojennych."
20041#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:233 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:285
20042#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:326 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:332
20043#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:416 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:327
20044#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:416
20045msgid "Courthouse"
20046msgstr "Sąd"
20048#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:250
20049#, no-c-format
20050msgid ""
20051"Reduces the corruption in a city by 50%. Has no effect in your capital city."
20052msgstr ""
20053"Zmniejsza korupcję w mieście o 50%. Nie ma przynosi żadnych korzyści w "
20056#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:256 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:312
20057#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:353 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:359
20058#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:444 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:354
20059#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:444
20060msgid "Factory"
20061msgstr "Fabryka"
20063#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:273 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:329
20064#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:370 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:376
20065#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:371
20066#, no-c-format
20067msgid ""
20068"Increases the shield production in a city by 50%.  This increase may also "
20069"contribute significantly to pollution."
20070msgstr ""
20071"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową miasta o 50%. Może też mocno przyczynić się "
20072"do wzrostu zanieczyszczeń."
20074#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:295 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:351
20075#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:392 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:398
20076#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:393
20077msgid ""
20078"The amount of stored food will be set to half full whenever a city with a "
20079"Granary shrinks or grows. This helps a city to grow faster and more easily "
20080"withstand famine."
20081msgstr ""
20082"Ilość zgromadzonej żywności będzie ustawiona na połowę zawsze, gdy miasto "
20083"wzrośnie lub zmaleje. Pozwala to na szybszy wzrost oraz umożliwia "
20084"przetrwanie klęski głodu."
20086#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:303
20087msgid ""
20088"Famine can occur when food stock reaches zero due to a food deficit (which a "
20089"Granary merely delays), in which case it leads to the loss of any Settlers "
20090"consuming food, or of city population if there are none. Famine can also "
20091"occur at any time due to random crop failure, in which case it causes loss "
20092"of population and all stored food; a Granary eliminates this risk."
20093msgstr ""
20094"Głód może pojawić się, gdy wyczerpią się zapasy żywności spowodowane "
20095"niedoborami produkcji (Spichlerz jedynie opóźnią ten moment); prowadzi to do "
20096"utraty Osadników potrzebujących żywności lub, jeśli miasto ich nie "
20097"utrzymuje, do utraty mieszkańców. Głód może pojawić się również na skutek "
20098"losowych kłopotów w rolnictwie, co prowadzi do utraty mieszkańców i "
20099"wszyskich zapasów. Spichlerz eliminuje to niebezpieczeństwo."
20101#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:313 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:385
20102#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:426 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:454
20103#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:527 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:424
20104#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:527
20105msgid "Hydro Plant"
20106msgstr "Elektrownia Wodna"
20108#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:332 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:404
20109#, no-c-format
20110msgid ""
20111"Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by 50%.  "
20112"It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the "
20113"city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 100% production bonus, and "
20114"a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give a 150% production bonus."
20115msgstr ""
20116"Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
20117"produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Fabryka wraz z Elektrownią "
20118"Wodną zwiększają produkcję o 100%, a Fabryka wraz z Fabryka Zautomatyzowaną "
20119"i Elektrownią Wodną zwiększają produkcję o 150%."
20121#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:339
20122msgid ""
20123"A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant.  A city "
20124"can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or on) a River tile."
20125msgstr ""
20126"Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową. "
20127"Elektrownia Wodna może powstać tylko w mieście, obok którego znajduje się "
20128"lub które leży na polu z Rzeką."
20130#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:348 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:420
20131#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:464 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:518
20132#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:570 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:459
20133#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:570
20134msgid "Library"
20135msgstr "Biblioteka"
20137#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:365 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:437
20138#, no-c-format
20139msgid "Increases the science output in a city by 50%."
20140msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję punktów odkryć miasta o 50%."
20142#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:370 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:442
20143#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:486 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:541
20144#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:593 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:481
20145#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:593
20146msgid "Marketplace"
20147msgstr "Targowisko"
20149#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:387 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:459
20150#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:503 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:558
20151#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:610 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:498
20152#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:610
20153#, no-c-format
20154msgid "Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by 50%."
20155msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję luksusu i dochody podatkowe miasta o 50%."
20157#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:392 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:464
20158#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:508 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:563
20159#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:615 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:503
20160#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:615
20161msgid "Mass Transit"
20162msgstr "Transport Publiczny"
20164#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:408 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:480
20165#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:524 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:579
20166#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:519
20167msgid ""
20168"Neutralizes the pollution generated by the population.  The population "
20169"simply has no effect on the pollution generated in the city."
20170msgstr ""
20171"Neutralizuje zanieczyszczenie generowane przez populację. Populacja po "
20172"prostu nie ma wpływu na generowane zanieczyszczenie."
20174#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:415 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:487
20175#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:531 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:589
20176#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:638 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:526
20177#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:638
20178msgid "Mfg. Plant"
20179msgstr "Fabryka Zautomatyzowana"
20181#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:433
20182#, no-c-format
20183msgid ""
20184"Together with a Factory, a Manufacturing Plant increases the shield "
20185"production in a city by 100%."
20186msgstr ""
20187"Razem z Fabryką, Fabryka Zautomatyzowana zwiększa produkcję przemysłową "
20188"miasta o 100%."
20190#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:439 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:512
20191#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:559 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:617
20192#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:674 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:551
20193#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:674
20194msgid "Nuclear Plant"
20195msgstr "Elektrownia Atomowa"
20197#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:457 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:530
20198#, no-c-format
20199msgid ""
20200"Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by 50%.  "
20201"It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the "
20202"city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 100% production bonus, "
20203"and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant together give a 150% production "
20205msgstr ""
20206"Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
20207"produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Elektrownia Atomowa wraz z "
20208"Fabryką bądź Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 100%, a "
20209"Elektrownia Atomowa wraz z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa "
20210"produkcję o 150%."
20212#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:464 data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:537
20213msgid "A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant."
20214msgstr "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową."
20216#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:473 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:569
20217#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:624 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:679
20218#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:743 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:608
20219#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:743
20220msgid "Palace"
20221msgstr "Pałac"
20223#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:490 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:641
20224#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:696
20225msgid ""
20226"Makes a city the capital and the center of your government. Corruption in "
20227"other cities is related to how far away from the capital they are, except "
20228"when the government is Democracy or Communism. On top of this, corruption in "
20229"your capital itself is half of what it would otherwise be (as if it had a "
20231msgstr ""
20232"Miasto w którym został wybudowany staje się twoją stolicą (ośrodkiem "
20233"władzy). Korupcja w pozostałych miastach jest obliczana na podstawie "
20234"odległości od stolicy, chyba że twoim ustrojem jest Demokracja lub Komunizm. "
20235"Ponadto korupcja w stolicy jest o połowę niższa w porównaniu z miastem "
20236"niestołecznym (tak jakby miasto miało Sąd)."
20238#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:496
20239msgid ""
20240"The cost to enemy Diplomats of inciting a revolt in a city also depends upon "
20241"the city's distance from the capital (under all forms of government). Your "
20242"capital city itself cannot be incited to revolt, and enjoys a bonus when "
20243"enemy agents try to evade your own agents stationed in the city, or sabotage "
20244"your buildings."
20245msgstr ""
20246"Koszt wzniecenia zamieszek przez Dyplomatów zależy również od odległości od "
20247"stolicy (we wszystkich ustrojach). Sama stolica nie może zostać podburzona, "
20248"a ponadto wrogim agentom trudniej jest sabotować stołeczne budynki i obronić "
20249"się przed twoimi agentami stacjonującymi w stolicy."
20251#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:502 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:600
20252#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:654 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:709
20253#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:770 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:639
20254#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:770
20255msgid ""
20256"Take good care of your capital, as its loss may result in your empire "
20257"plunging into civil war. Losing your current palace also results in losing "
20258"whatever spaceship you might have."
20259msgstr ""
20260"Pilnuj swojej stolicy, gdyż jej przejęcie prowadzi do utraty statku "
20261"kosmicznego i może doprowadzić do wojny domowej."
20263#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:506 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:604
20264#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:658 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:713
20265#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:774 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:643
20266#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:774
20267msgid ""
20268"If the capital is in a dangerous location, or a more central capital would "
20269"give a better corruption distribution, you can move your palace by "
20270"rebuilding it in another city."
20271msgstr ""
20272"Jeśli stolica jest zagrożona lub gdy inne umiejscowienie stolicy dałoby "
20273"lepszy rozkład korupcji w imperium, możesz zbudować pałac od nowa w innym "
20276#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:513 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:659
20277#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:721 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:777
20278#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:875 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:703
20279#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:875
20280msgid "Power Plant"
20281msgstr "Elektrownia Cieplna"
20283#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:531 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:677
20284#, no-c-format
20285msgid ""
20286"Increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in a city: a "
20287"Factory and a Power Plant together give a 100% production bonus, and a "
20288"Factory, Mfg. Plant and Power Plant together give a 150% production bonus.  "
20289"The extra production may lead to the city generating more pollution."
20290msgstr ""
20291"Zwiększa produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Elektrownia Cieplna "
20292"wraz z Fabryką bądź Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 100%, a "
20293"Elektrownia Cieplna wraz z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa "
20294"produkcję o 150%. Dodatkowa produkcja może zwiększyć ilość zanieczyszczeń "
20295"emitowanych przez miasto."
20297#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:543 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:689
20298#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:756 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:812
20299#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:908 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:735
20300#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:908
20301msgid "Recycling Center"
20302msgstr "Oczyszczalnia"
20304#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:560 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:706
20305#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:773 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:829
20306#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:752
20307#, no-c-format
20308msgid ""
20309"Building a Recycling Center reduces the amount of pollution generated by "
20310"production in a city by 66%."
20311msgstr "Zmniejsza ilość zanieczyszczeń wydzielanych przez miasto o 66%."
20313#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:566 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:760
20314#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:827 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:883
20315#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:986 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:806
20316#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:986
20317msgid "SDI Defense"
20318msgstr "Obrona SDI"
20320#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:582
20321msgid ""
20322"Protects a city and its environs (up to 2 tiles away) from attacks by other "
20323"nations' Nuclear units. A Nuclear unit not owned by you or a teammate which "
20324"attacks a city with SDI Defense, or attacks a unit (or is deliberately "
20325"exploded) within range, is shot down and simply has no effect."
20326msgstr ""
20327"Chroni miasto i jego okolice (w promieniu 2 pól) przed atakami atomowymi. "
20328"Jednostka atomowa atakująca miasto z Obroną SDI lub jednostkę w jej zasięgu, "
20329"zostaje zestrzelona i nie eksploduje."
20331#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:590 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:840
20332#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:914 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:970
20333#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1075 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:891
20334#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1075
20335msgid "Space Component"
20336msgstr "Napęd Statku Kosmicznego"
20338#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:606 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:856
20339#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:931 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:987
20340#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1095 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:908
20341#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1095
20342msgid ""
20343"Space Components can be differentiated into Propulsion and Fuel Components.  "
20344"Each pair of them reduces your spaceship's travel time.  You can build up to "
20345"8 pairs."
20346msgstr ""
20347"Napęd statku kosmicznego dzieli się na Silnik i Zbiornik Paliwa. Każda taka "
20348"para zmniejsza czas lotu statku. Możesz zbudować do 8 takich par."
20350#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:610 data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:645
20351#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:671 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:860
20352#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:895 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:921
20353#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:935 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:971
20354#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:998 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:991
20355#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1027
20356#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1054
20357#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1099 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1138
20358#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1168 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1099
20359#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1138 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1168
20360msgid ""
20361"Before you can build any spaceship parts, the Apollo Program wonder must "
20362"have been built by any player."
20363msgstr ""
20364"Aby rozpocząć budowę statku kosmicznego, któryś z graczy musi posiadać cud "
20365"Program Apollo."
20367#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:616 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:866
20368#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:941 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:997
20369#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1105 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:918
20370#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1105
20371msgid "Space Module"
20372msgstr "Moduł Statku Kosmicznego"
20374#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:632 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:882
20375#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:958 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1014
20376#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1125 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:935
20377#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1125
20378msgid ""
20379"Space Modules are the most expensive parts of spaceships.  There are three "
20380"different types of Space Module:"
20381msgstr ""
20382"Moduły Statku Kosmicznego to najdroższe części konstrukcji. Istnieją trzy "
20383"rodzaje modułów:"
20385#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:635 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:885
20386#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:961 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1017
20387#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1128 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:938
20388#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1128
20389msgid "- Habitation Module: provides living space for 10,000 people."
20390msgstr "- Moduł Mieszkalny: zapewnia przestrzeń życiową 10 000 ludzi."
20392#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:637 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:887
20393#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:963 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1019
20394#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1130 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:940
20395#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1130
20396msgid ""
20397"- Life Support Module: provides food and water for the population of one "
20398"Habitation Module."
20399msgstr ""
20400"- Moduł Podtrzymywania Życia: zapewnia żywność i wodę dla mieszkańców "
20401"jednego Modułu Mieszkalnego."
20403#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:640 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:890
20404#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:966 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1022
20405#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1133 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:943
20406#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1133
20407msgid ""
20408"- Solar Panels: provides the energy needed for any two of the other Modules."
20409msgstr "- Panele Słoneczne: zapewniają energię dla dwóch innych Modułów."
20411#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:643 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:893
20412#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:969 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1025
20413#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1136 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:946
20414#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1136
20415msgid "You can build up to 4 Space Modules of each kind."
20416msgstr "Możesz zbudować do 4 Modułów każdego typu."
20418#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:651 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:901
20419#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:977 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1033
20420#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1144 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:954
20421#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1144
20422msgid "Space Structural"
20423msgstr "Łącznik Statku Kosmicznego"
20425#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:667 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:917
20426#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:994 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1050
20427#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1164 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:971
20428#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1164
20429msgid ""
20430"Space Structurals form the base of your spaceship.  All other spaceship "
20431"parts need to be connected to Structurals in order to function.  You can "
20432"build up to 32 Space Structurals."
20433msgstr ""
20434"Łączniki Statku Kosmicznego tworzą jego szkielet. Wszystkie inne części "
20435"muszą być połączone z tym szkieletem. Możesz zbudować do 32 Łączników."
20437#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:677 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1000
20438#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1079 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1138
20439#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1256 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1054
20440#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1256
20441msgid "Temple"
20442msgstr "Świątynia"
20444#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:693
20445msgid ""
20446"Makes one unhappy citizen content.  The Mysticism advance doubles this "
20447"effect, as does the Oracle wonder.  With both Mysticism and the Oracle, 4 "
20448"citizens are made content.  Does not affect citizens made unhappy by "
20449"military activity."
20450msgstr ""
20451"Czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym. Mistycyzm "
20452"(technologia) oraz Wyrocznia (cud) podwajają ten efekt. Mistycyzm wraz z "
20453"Wyrocznią czynią zadowolonymi czterech mieszkańców. Nie wpływa na "
20454"niezadowolenie wynikające z działań wojennych."
20456#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:698
20457msgid ""
20458"A Temple in a city near mountains additionally prevents population loss from "
20459"volcanic activity."
20460msgstr ""
20461"Ponadto Świątynia w mieście w pobliżu gór zapobiega stratom populacji "
20462"spowodowanych aktywnością wulkaniczną."
20464#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:704 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:601
20465#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1024 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:769
20466#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1103 data/classic/techs.ruleset:784
20467#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1164 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:865
20468#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1280 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:896
20469#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1078 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:789
20470#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1280 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:898
20471msgid "University"
20472msgstr "Uniwersytet"
20474#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:722 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1042
20475#, no-c-format
20476msgid ""
20477"Together with a Library, a University increases the science production of a "
20478"city by 100%."
20479msgstr ""
20480"Razem z Biblioteką, Uniwersytet zwiększa produkcję naukową w mieście o 100%."
20482#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:728 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1048
20483#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1127 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1189
20484#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1310 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1102
20485#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1310
20486msgid "Apollo Program"
20487msgstr "Projekt Apollo"
20489#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:742
20490msgid ""
20491"All cities on the map become visible for the player who owns it -- the "
20492"player always has up-to-date knowledge of all tiles with cities despite fog-"
20493"of-war. It allows all players to start building spaceship parts (assuming "
20494"they have researched the necessary technologies)."
20495msgstr ""
20496"Dla właściciela cudu, stają się widoczne wszystkie miasta na mapie, nawet "
20497"przy \"mgle wojny\". Pozwala wszystkim uczestnikom na rozpoczęcie budowy "
20498"statku kosmicznego (jeśli mają już odpowiednie technologie)."
20500#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:751 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1095
20501#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1174 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1236
20502#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1368 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1149
20503#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1368
20504msgid "Colossus"
20505msgstr "Kolos"
20507#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:768 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1112
20508#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1191 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1253
20509#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1385 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1167
20510#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1385
20511msgid ""
20512"Each tile around the city where this wonder is built that is already "
20513"generating some trade produces one extra trade resource."
20514msgstr ""
20515"Każda pole wokół miasta, gdzie zbudowany jest Kolos, jeśli tworzy już punkty "
20516"handlu, daje jeden dodatkowy punkt."
20518#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:774 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1118
20519#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1197 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1259
20520#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1391 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1173
20521#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1391
20522msgid "Copernicus' Observatory"
20523msgstr "Obserwatorium Kopernika"
20525#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:792 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1135
20526#, no-c-format
20527msgid "Boosts science production by 50% in the city where it is built."
20528msgstr ""
20529"Zwiększa produkcję naukową o 50% w mieście, w którym cud został wybudowany."
20531#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:797 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1140
20532#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1219 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1281
20533#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1414 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1196
20534#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1414
20535msgid "Cure For Cancer"
20536msgstr "Lek na Raka"
20538#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:813 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1156
20539#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1235
20540msgid ""
20541"This stunning technological achievement makes one unhappy citizen content in "
20542"each of your cities (including citizens unhappy about military activity)."
20543msgstr ""
20544"To wspaniałe odkrycie naukowe czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca "
20545"zadowolonym w każdym twoim mieście, także tych niezadowolonych z powodu "
20546"działań wojennych."
20548#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:820 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1163
20549#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1245 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1307
20550#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1440 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1222
20551#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1440
20552msgid "Darwin's Voyage"
20553msgstr "Wyprawa Darwina"
20555#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:836 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1179
20556#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1261 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1323
20557msgid ""
20558"Charles Darwin's voyage sparked the discovery of the evolution of the "
20559"species, which inspired greater confidence in science. Gives two immediate "
20560"technology advances."
20561msgstr ""
20562"Wyprawy Karola Darwina zaowocowały sformułowaniem teorii ewolucji gatunków, "
20563"co z kolei wzbudziło większe zaufanie do nauki. Uzyskujesz dwa dodatkowe "
20564"postępy technologiczne."
20566#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:843 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1209
20567#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1291 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1353
20568#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1490 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1269
20569#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1490
20570msgid "Great Library"
20571msgstr "Wielka Biblioteka"
20573#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:860 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1226
20574#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1308 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1370
20575msgid ""
20576"The civilization which builds the Great Library gets every advance that at "
20577"least two other teams have achieved."
20578msgstr ""
20579"Cywilizacja, która posiada Wielką Bibliotekę otrzymuje każde odkrycie, które "
20580"zostało osiągnięte przez co najmniej dwa inne drużyny."
20582#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:866 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1232
20583#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1314 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1376
20584#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1516 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1292
20585#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1516
20586msgid "Great Wall"
20587msgstr "Wielki Mur"
20589#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:883 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1249
20590#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1331 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1393
20591msgid "Works as a City Wall in all your cities."
20592msgstr "Działa jak Mury Obronne w każdym twoim mieście."
20594#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:890 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1256
20595#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1339 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1401
20596#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1542 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1315
20597#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1542
20598msgid "Hanging Gardens"
20599msgstr "Wiszące Ogrody"
20601#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:907
20602msgid ""
20603"Makes one content citizen happy in every city. In the unlikely event where "
20604"there are no content citizens to get the effect of Hanging Gardens, the "
20605"wonder applies to unhappy citizens instead (including those unhappy about "
20606"military activity), making each content."
20607msgstr ""
20608"Czyni 1 zadowolonego mieszkańca szczęśliwym w każdym mieście. Jeśli zdarzy "
20609"się (co mało prawdopodobne), że nie masz zadowolonych mieszkańców, cud "
20610"działa wtedy na wzburzonych mieszkańców, czyniąc ich zadowolonymi."
20612#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:915 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1283
20613#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1366 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1428
20614#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1567 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1342
20615#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1567
20616msgid "Hoover Dam"
20617msgstr "Tama Hoovera"
20619#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:931
20620msgid ""
20621"Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city on the same continent where "
20622"the wonder is built.  (This reduces pollution and increases the effects of "
20623"Factories and Mfg. Plants.)"
20624msgstr ""
20625"Działa jak Elektrownia Wodna w każdym mieście położonym na tym samym "
20626"kontynencie co cud, tj. zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie i zwiększa produkcję "
20627"Fabryk i Fabryk Zautomatyzowanych."
20629#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:939 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1305
20630#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1389 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1451
20631#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1593 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1367
20632#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1593
20633msgid "Isaac Newton's College"
20634msgstr "Kolegium Izaaka Newtona"
20636#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:957 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1322
20637#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1214 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1276
20638#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1191
20639#, no-c-format
20640msgid "Boosts science production by 100% in the city where it is built."
20641msgstr "Podwaja rozwój nauki w mieście, w którym zostało wybudowane."
20643#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:962 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1327
20644#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1412 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1474
20645#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1619 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1391
20646#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1619
20647msgid "J.S. Bach's Cathedral"
20648msgstr "Katedra J.S. Bacha"
20650#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:978
20651msgid ""
20652"Makes two unhappy citizens content in every city of yours on the same "
20653"continent where the wonder is built (including citizens unhappy about "
20654"military activity)."
20655msgstr ""
20656"Zmienia dwóch niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych w każdym mieście "
20657"położonym na kontynencie, na którym znajduje się cud (także mieszkańców "
20658"niezadowolonych z powodu działań wojennych)."
20660#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:985 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1394
20661#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1479 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1541
20662#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1690 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1461
20663#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1690
20664msgid "Lighthouse"
20665msgstr "Latarnia"
20667#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1002 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1480
20668msgid "Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point."
20669msgstr "Daje 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu twoim jednostkom morskim."
20671#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1007 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1417
20672#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1503 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1565
20673#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1715 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1485
20674#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1715
20675msgid "Magellan's Expedition"
20676msgstr "Wyprawa Magellana"
20678#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1023
20679msgid "Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point."
20680msgstr "Daje 1 dodatkowy ruch jednostkom morskim."
20682#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1028 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1438
20683#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1525 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1587
20684#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1740 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1510
20685#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1740
20686msgid "Manhattan Project"
20687msgstr "Projekt Manhattan"
20689#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1048 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1480
20690#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1567 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1629
20691#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1785 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1554
20692#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1785
20693msgid "Michelangelo's Chapel"
20694msgstr "Kaplica Michała Anioła"
20696#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1065
20697msgid "Double effects of Cathedrals, in all cities."
20698msgstr "Podwaja efekt Katedr w każdym mieście."
20700#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1070 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1507
20701#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1594 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1656
20702#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1582
20703msgid "Oracle"
20704msgstr "Wyrocznia"
20706#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1087 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1524
20707msgid ""
20708"Doubles the effect of a Temple in every city. Does not affect citizens made "
20709"unhappy by military activity."
20710msgstr ""
20711"Podwaja efekt świątyni w każdym mieście. Nie wpływa jednak na niezadowolenie "
20712"spowodowane działaniami wojennymi."
20714#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1093 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1530
20715#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1618 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1680
20716#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1883 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1607
20717#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1883
20718msgid "Pyramids"
20719msgstr "Piramidy"
20721#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1110 data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1179
20722#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1613 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1703
20723#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1765
20724#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1696
20725msgid ""
20726"Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet been "
20727"researched by your civilization, and without the transition period of "
20729msgstr ""
20730"Pozwala zmienić typ rządów na dowolny, także taki, którego jeszcze twoja "
20731"cywilizacja nie odkryła, bez przejściowego okresu anarchii."
20733#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1117 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1551
20734#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1642 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1704
20735msgid "SETI Program"
20736msgstr "Program SETI"
20738#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1134
20739#, no-c-format
20740msgid "Boosts science production in each city by 50%."
20741msgstr "Zwiększa rozwój nauki we wszystkich miastach o 50%."
20743#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1139 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1574
20744#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1664 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1726
20745#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1936 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1655
20746#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1936
20747msgid "Shakespeare's Theater"
20748msgstr "Teatr Szekspira"
20750#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1157 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1591
20751#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1681 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1743
20752#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1673
20753msgid ""
20754"Makes all angry and unhappy citizens content in the city where it is "
20755"located, including citizens unhappy about military activity."
20756msgstr ""
20757"Czyni wszystkich wzburzonych i niezadowolonych mieszkańców zadowolonymi w "
20758"mieście, w którym go zbudowano, także tych niezadowolonych za powodu działań "
20761#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1163 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1645
20762#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1735 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1797
20763#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2011 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1728
20764#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2011
20765msgid "United Nations"
20766msgstr "ONZ"
20768#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1191 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1674
20769#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1764 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1826
20770#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2041 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1751
20771#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2041
20772msgid "Women's Suffrage"
20773msgstr "Równouprawnienie Kobiet"
20775#: data/civ1/buildings.ruleset:1207
20776msgid ""
20777"In all cities, the unhappiness effect of every unit is reduced by 1. This "
20778"means that in a Republic, units do not cause unhappiness, and in a "
20779"Democracy, aggressive units cause only 1 unhappy citizen each."
20780msgstr ""
20781"We wszystkich miastach, niezadowolenie powodowane przez każdą jednostkę "
20782"spada o 1, co oznacza że w Republice jednostki nie sprawiają takich "
20783"problemów a w Demokracji, agresywne jednostki unieszczęśliwiają tylko 1 "
20784"mieszkańca każda."
20786#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:48 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:48
20787#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:48 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:50
20788#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:48 data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:47
20789#: data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:48
20790msgid "?Elvis:E"
20791msgstr "?Elvis:K"
20793#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:53 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:53
20794#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:53 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:55
20795#: data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:52
20796msgid ""
20797"Each entertainer produces two luxury points for their city per turn. See the "
20798"section on Happiness for the effects of luxury points."
20799msgstr ""
20800"Każdy komik wytwarza dla swojego miasta 2 punkty luksusu na turę. Więcej "
20801"informacji o punktach luksusu znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"."
20803#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:61 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:61
20804#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:61 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:63
20805#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:62 data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:60
20806#: data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:62
20807msgid "?Scientist:S"
20808msgstr "?Scientistst:N"
20810#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:66 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:66
20811msgid ""
20812"Each scientist adds two points to your empire's research output per turn."
20813msgstr ""
20814"Każdy naukowiec dodaje 2 punkty nauki na turę do pracy nad nowymi "
20817#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:74 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:74
20818#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:74 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:76
20819#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:76 data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:73
20820#: data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:76
20821msgid "?Taxman:T"
20822msgstr "?Taxman:PP"
20824#: data/civ1/cities.ruleset:79 data/civ2/cities.ruleset:79
20825msgid "Each tax collector produces two extra gold for your treasury per turn."
20826msgstr ""
20827"Każdy poborca podatkowy dodaje do skarbca państwa 2 sztuki złota na turę."
20829#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:25
20830msgid "Civ1 ruleset"
20831msgstr "Zasady Civ1"
20833#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:31
20834msgid ""
20835"You are playing with civ1 style rules. These rules are much simpler than the "
20836"Freeciv default rules. If you know only the default rules, spend some time "
20837"checking the differences.\n"
20839" * There are fewer technologies, buildings and units.\n"
20840" * Units have no hitpoints. If they win a battle, they remain in full "
20842msgstr ""
20843"Grasz z zestawem zasad civ1. Są one znacznie prostsze niż zasady domyślne. "
20844"Jeśli znasz tylko zasady domyślne, zapoznaj się z różnicami.\n"
20846" * Istnieje mniej jednostek, budynków i technologii.\n"
20847" * Jednostki nie mają punktów obrażeń. Jeśli wygrają potyczkę, zachowują "
20848"pełne \"zdrowie\".\n"
20850#. TRANS: _Bribe Enemy Unit (3% chance of success).
20851#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:200 data/civ2/game.ruleset:222
20852#: data/classic/game.ruleset:225 data/experimental/game.ruleset:229
20853#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:231 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:229
20854#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:229
20855#, c-format
20856msgid "%sBribe Enemy Unit%s"
20857msgstr "Przekup jednostkę wroga (%sB)%s"
20859#. TRANS: _Sabotage City (3% chance of success).
20860#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:203 data/civ2/game.ruleset:225
20861#: data/classic/game.ruleset:228 data/experimental/game.ruleset:232
20862#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:234 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:232
20863#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:232 server/ruleset.c:5470
20864#, c-format
20865msgid "%sSabotage City%s"
20866msgstr "%sSabotuj miasto%s"
20868#. TRANS: Incite a _Revolt (3% chance of success).
20869#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:206 data/civ2/game.ruleset:231
20870#: data/classic/game.ruleset:234 data/experimental/game.ruleset:238
20871#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:240 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:238
20872#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:238
20873#, c-format
20874msgid "Incite a %sRevolt%s"
20875msgstr "Wznieć bunt (%sR)%s"
20877#. TRANS: Establish _Embassy (100% chance of success).
20878#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:209 data/civ2/game.ruleset:234
20879#: data/classic/game.ruleset:237 data/experimental/game.ruleset:241
20880#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:243 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:241
20881#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:241 server/ruleset.c:5492
20882#, c-format
20883msgid "Establish %sEmbassy%s"
20884msgstr "Załóż ambasadę (%sE)%s"
20886#. TRANS: Steal _Technology (3% chance of success).
20887#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:212 data/civ2/game.ruleset:237
20888#: data/classic/game.ruleset:240 data/experimental/game.ruleset:244
20889#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:246 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:244
20890#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:244 server/ruleset.c:5499
20891#, c-format
20892msgid "Steal %sTechnology%s"
20893msgstr "Wykradnij technologię (%sT)%s"
20895#. TRANS: _Investigate City (100% chance of success).
20896#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:215 data/civ2/game.ruleset:243
20897#: data/classic/game.ruleset:246 data/experimental/game.ruleset:250
20898#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:252 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:250
20899#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:250 server/ruleset.c:5513
20900#, c-format
20901msgid "%sInvestigate City%s"
20902msgstr "Zbadaj miasto (%sI)%s"
20904#. TRANS: Establish Trade _Route (100% chance of success).
20905#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:218 data/civ2/game.ruleset:246
20906#: data/classic/game.ruleset:249 data/experimental/game.ruleset:253
20907#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:255 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:253
20908#: server/ruleset.c:5527
20909#, c-format
20910msgid "Establish Trade %sRoute%s"
20911msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy (%sR)%s"
20913#. TRANS: Enter _Marketplace (100% chance of success).
20914#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:221 data/civ2/game.ruleset:249
20915#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:258 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:256
20916#: server/ruleset.c:5534
20917#, c-format
20918msgid "Enter %sMarketplace%s"
20919msgstr "Rozpocznij handlowanie (%sM)%s"
20921#. TRANS: Help _build Wonder (100% chance of success).
20922#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:224 data/civ2/game.ruleset:252
20923#: data/classic/game.ruleset:255 data/experimental/game.ruleset:259
20924#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:261 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:253
20925#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:259 server/ruleset.c:5541
20926#, c-format
20927msgid "Help %sbuild Wonder%s"
20928msgstr "Pomóż budować cud (%sb)%s"
20930# (obecnie prawidłowe rozwiązanie)
20931#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:438 data/civ2/game.ruleset:505
20932#: data/classic/game.ruleset:529 data/experimental/game.ruleset:545
20933#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:555 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:513
20934#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:563
20935msgid "Jan"
20936msgstr "styczniu"
20938#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:439 data/civ2/game.ruleset:506
20939#: data/classic/game.ruleset:530 data/experimental/game.ruleset:546
20940#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:556 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:514
20941#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:564
20942msgid "Feb"
20943msgstr "lutym"
20945#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:468 data/classic/game.ruleset:559
20946#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:575 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:585
20947#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:593
20948msgid "Earthquake"
20949msgstr "Trzęsienie ziemi"
20951#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:486 data/classic/game.ruleset:569
20952#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:580 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:603
20953#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:611
20954msgid "Fire"
20955msgstr "Pożar"
20957#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:495 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:594
20958#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:602
20959msgid "Flood"
20960msgstr "Powódź"
20962#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:505
20963msgid "Piracy"
20964msgstr "Piractwo"
20966#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:517
20967msgid "Plague"
20968msgstr "Epidemia"
20970#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:527
20971msgid "Volcano"
20972msgstr "Wulkan"
20974#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:651 data/civ2/game.ruleset:653
20975#: data/classic/game.ruleset:701 data/experimental/game.ruleset:732
20976#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:809 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:817
20977msgid "Team 0"
20978msgstr "Drużyna 0"
20980#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:652 data/civ2/game.ruleset:654
20981#: data/classic/game.ruleset:702 data/experimental/game.ruleset:733
20982#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:810 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:818
20983msgid "Team 1"
20984msgstr "Drużyna 1"
20986#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:653 data/civ2/game.ruleset:655
20987#: data/classic/game.ruleset:703 data/experimental/game.ruleset:734
20988#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:811 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:819
20989msgid "Team 2"
20990msgstr "Drużyna 2"
20992#: data/civ1/game.ruleset:654 data/civ2/game.ruleset:656
20993#: data/classic/game.ruleset:704 data/experimental/game.ruleset:735
20994#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:812 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:820
20995msgid "Team 3"
20996msgstr "Drużyna 3"
20998#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:64 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:62
20999#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:63 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:65
21000#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:63 data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:63
21001#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:63
21002msgid "Anarchy"
21003msgstr "Anarchia"
21005#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:69 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:67
21006#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:68 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:70
21007#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:68 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:107
21008#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:68 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:68
21009#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:107
21010#, c-format
21011msgid "Warlord %s"
21012msgstr "Wódz %s"
21014#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:70 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:68
21015#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:69 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:71
21016#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:69 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:108
21017#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:69 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:69
21018#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:108
21019#, c-format
21020msgid "Warlady %s"
21021msgstr "Wódz %s"
21023#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:72 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:70
21024#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:71 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:73
21025#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:71 data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:71
21026#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:71
21027msgid ""
21028"Anarchy is simply the absence of any recognizable government. Citizens are "
21029"disorganized and unproductive, and will spend all income as quickly as "
21030"possible, rather than paying taxes or conducting research."
21031msgstr ""
21032"Anarchia to po prostu brak władzy. Mieszkańcy są niezorganizowani i "
21033"nieproduktywni. Nikt nie płaci podatków i nie prowadzi badań naukowych."
21035#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:77 data/classic/governments.ruleset:76
21036#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:78
21037#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:76
21038msgid ""
21039"Anarchy offers slightly less corruption than Despotism, but slightly more "
21041msgstr ""
21042"W Anarchii poziom korupcji jest nieco niższy niż w Despotyzmie, lecz "
21043"obywatele są trochę bardziej niezadowoleni."
21045#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:85 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:83
21046#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:84 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:88
21047#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:140
21048#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:84 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:140
21049msgid "Despotism"
21050msgstr "Despotyzm"
21052#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:91 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:89
21053#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:90 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:94
21054#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:146
21055#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:90 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:146
21056#, c-format
21057msgid "Chief %s"
21058msgstr "Wódz %s"
21060#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:92 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:90
21061#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:91 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:95
21062#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:147
21063#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:91 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:147
21064#, c-format
21065msgid "?female:Chief %s"
21066msgstr "?female:Przywódczyni %s"
21068#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:94 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:92
21069#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:93 data/experimental/governments.ruleset:97
21070#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:149
21071#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:93 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:149
21072msgid ""
21073"Under Despotism, you are the absolute ruler of your people.  Your control "
21074"over your citizens is maintained largely by martial law."
21075msgstr ""
21076"W Despotyzmie posiadasz absolutną władzę nad swoimi poddanymi. Władza jest "
21077"sprawowana głównie przez wojsko (stan wyjątkowy)."
21079#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:97 data/classic/governments.ruleset:96
21080#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:100
21081#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:96
21082msgid ""
21083"Despotism suffers the highest level of corruption of all forms of government."
21084msgstr ""
21085"Despotyzm charakteryzuje się najwyższym poziomem korupcji ze wszystkich "
21088#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:105 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:403
21089#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:103 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:499
21090#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:104 data/classic/techs.ruleset:508
21091#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:108
21092#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:556 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:177
21093#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:571 data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:104
21094#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:516 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:177
21095#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:571
21096msgid "Monarchy"
21097msgstr "Monarchia"
21099#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:113 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:111
21100#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:112
21101#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:116
21102#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:184
21103#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:112
21104#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:184
21105#, c-format
21106msgid "King %s"
21107msgstr "Król %s"
21109#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:114 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:112
21110#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:113
21111#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:117
21112#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:185
21113#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:113
21114#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:185
21115#, c-format
21116msgid "Queen %s"
21117msgstr "Królowa %s"
21119#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:116 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:114
21120#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:115
21121#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:119
21122#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:187
21123#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:115
21124#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:187
21125msgid ""
21126"Under Monarchy, a king or queen serves as a hereditary figurehead for your "
21128msgstr ""
21129"Monarchia to ustrój, w którym władza jest dziedziczona, a na czele rządu "
21130"stoi król lub królowa."
21132#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:119 data/classic/governments.ruleset:118
21133#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:122
21134#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:118
21135msgid ""
21136"Monarchy suffers the same small amount of corruption that the Republic does."
21137msgstr "Poziom Korupcji w Monarchii jest tak samo niski jak w Republice."
21139#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:127 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:175
21140#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:125 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:191
21141#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:126 data/classic/techs.ruleset:203
21142#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:130
21143#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:217 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:214
21144#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:220 data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:126
21145#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:203 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:214
21146#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:220
21147msgid "Communism"
21148msgstr "Komunizm"
21150#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:134 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:132
21151#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:133
21152#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:137
21153#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:221
21154#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:133
21155#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:221
21156#, c-format
21157msgid "Comrade %s"
21158msgstr "Towarzysz %s"
21160#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:135 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:133
21161#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:134
21162#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:138
21163#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:222
21164#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:134
21165#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:222
21166#, c-format
21167msgid "?female:Comrade %s"
21168msgstr "?female:Towarzyszka %s"
21170#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:137 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:135
21171#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:136
21172#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:140
21173#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:224
21174#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:136
21175#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:224
21176msgid ""
21177"A Communist government is based on the ideal that all people are equal.  All "
21178"goods are owned by the state, rather than by private citizens.  Communism "
21179"gives a balance between military and commercial styles of government."
21180msgstr ""
21181"Komunizm to ustrój oparty na przeświadczeniu, że wszyscy ludzie są równi. "
21182"Wszystkie dobra należą do państwa, a nie do obywateli. Komunizm jest dobrym "
21183"ustrojem pośrednim między ustrojami militarnymi i handlowymi."
21185#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:142 data/classic/governments.ruleset:141
21186#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:145
21187#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:141
21188msgid ""
21189"Under Communism, corruption does not vary by distance from the capital; all "
21190"cities (including the capital) have a modest amount of corruption."
21191msgstr ""
21192"W Komunizmie korupcja nie zależy od odległości od stolicy; wszystkie miasta "
21193"(także stolica) charakteryzują się niskim poziomem korupcji."
21195#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:151 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:177
21196#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:150
21197#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:154
21198#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:334
21199#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:150
21200#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:334
21201msgid "Republic"
21202msgstr "Republika"
21204#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:158 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:184
21205#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:305 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:305
21206#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:32 data/nation/roman.ruleset:53
21207#, c-format
21208msgid "Consul %s"
21209msgstr "Konsul %s"
21211#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:159 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:185
21212#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:306 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:306
21213#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:32 data/nation/roman.ruleset:53
21214#, c-format
21215msgid "?female:Consul %s"
21216msgstr "?female:Konsul %s"
21218#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:161 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:187
21219#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:160
21220#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:164
21221#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:344
21222#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:160
21223#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:344
21224msgid ""
21225"Under a Republican government, citizens hold an election to select a "
21226"representative who will govern them; since elected leaders must remain "
21227"popular to remain in control, citizens are given a greater degree of "
21228"freedom.  Citizens under the Republic become unhappy easily, but the self-"
21229"sufficiency of your citizens allows high levels of trade."
21230msgstr ""
21231"Republika to ustrój, w którym obywatele mają możliwość wyboru swoich "
21232"przywódców. Przywódcy, dążąc do utrzymania popularności, dają obywatelom "
21233"dużo wolności. Mieszkańcy łatwo stają się niezadowoleni, ale za to są bardzo "
21234"przedsiębiorczy, co przekłada się na wysoki handel."
21236#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:173 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:216
21237#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:199 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:233
21238#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:172 data/classic/techs.ruleset:248
21239#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:176
21240#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:267 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:372
21241#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:269 data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:172
21242#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:248 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:372
21243#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:269
21244msgid "Democracy"
21245msgstr "Demokracja"
21247#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:180 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:206
21248#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:157
21249#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:161
21250#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:341
21251#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:157
21252#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:341
21253#, c-format
21254msgid "President %s"
21255msgstr "Prezydent %s"
21257#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:181 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:207
21258#: data/classic/governments.ruleset:158
21259#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:162
21260#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:342
21261#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:158
21262#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:342
21263#, c-format
21264msgid "?female:President %s"
21265msgstr "?female:Prezydent %s"
21267#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:183 data/classic/governments.ruleset:182
21268#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:186
21269#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:182
21270msgid ""
21271"Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues. Democracy "
21272"offers the highest possible level of trade, but also offers the most "
21273"potential for unhappiness.  There is no corruption during Democracy, but "
21274"citizens become very upset during wars."
21275msgstr ""
21276"Demokracja to ustrój, w którym obywatele rządzą bezpośrednio, głosując w "
21277"referendach nad różnymi sprawami. Demokracja charakteryzuje się najwyższym "
21278"poziomem handlu, lecz mieszkańcy łatwo stają się niezadowoleni. Nie "
21279"występuje korupcja, lecz obywatele są bardzo niezadowoleni podczas wojny."
21281#: data/civ1/governments.ruleset:188 data/civ2/governments.ruleset:215
21282msgid ""
21283"Because (happy) citizens of Democracy believe strongly in the government, "
21284"their loyalty is unswerving.  Military units of Democratic civilizations "
21285"cannot be bribed, and Democratic cities cannot be incited to revolt by enemy "
21286"Diplomats and Spies."
21287msgstr ""
21288"Szczęśliwi obywatele państw demokratycznych wierzą w swój rząd, a ich "
21289"lojalność jest niezachwiana. Jednostki zbrojne cywilizacji demokratycznych "
21290"nie mogą zostać przekupione, a w ich miastach nie da wzniecić się rewolty."
21292#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:96 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:98
21293#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:60
21294msgid "?nationgroup:Ancient"
21295msgstr "?nationgroup:Starożytne"
21297#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:99 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:101
21298#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:69
21299msgid "?nationgroup:Modern"
21300msgstr "?nationgroup:Współczesne"
21302#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:102 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:104
21303#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:90
21304msgid "?nationgroup:Barbarian"
21305msgstr "?nationgroup:Barbarzyńskie"
21307#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:110 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:112
21308#: data/nation/american.ruleset:5
21309msgid "American"
21310msgstr "Amerykański"
21312#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:111 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:113
21313#: data/nation/american.ruleset:6
21314msgid "?plural:Americans"
21315msgstr "?plural:Amerykanie"
21317#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:113 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:115
21318msgid ""
21319"Formally named the United States of America.  Independent from Great Britain "
21320"after a revolution in 1776-1783 AD."
21321msgstr ""
21322"Oficjalna nazwa to Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej. Uniezależniły się "
21323"one od Wielkiej Brytanii po wojnie w latach 1776-1783."
21325#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:123 data/civ1/nations.ruleset:237
21326#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:126 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:242
21327#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:453 data/nation/american.ruleset:49
21328#: data/nation/aztec.ruleset:29 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:41
21329#, c-format
21330msgid "Speaker %s"
21331msgstr "Mówca %s"
21333#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:123 data/civ1/nations.ruleset:237
21334#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:126 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:242
21335#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:453 data/nation/american.ruleset:49
21336#: data/nation/aztec.ruleset:29 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:41
21337#, c-format
21338msgid "?female:Speaker %s"
21339msgstr "?female:Mówczyni %s"
21341#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:222 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:226
21342#: data/nation/aztec.ruleset:5
21343msgid "Aztec"
21344msgstr "Aztecki"
21346#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:223 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:227
21347#: data/nation/aztec.ruleset:6
21348msgid "?plural:Aztecs"
21349msgstr "?plural:Aztekowie"
21351#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:225 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:229
21352#: data/nation/aztec.ruleset:8
21353msgid ""
21354"The Azteca, a Nahuatl speaking people from the Sonoran desert, seized "
21355"control of the Toltec-derived civilizations of Central Mexico during the "
21356"15th century, reviving the practice of human sacrifice. They were conquered "
21357"by the Spanish under Cortés in 1521."
21358msgstr ""
21359"Aztekowie to lud z pustyni Sonoran, posługujący się językiem Nahuatl. W XV "
21360"w. podbili i panowali nad większością tolteckich kultur Środkowego Meksyku. "
21361"Zasłynęli z obrzędu składania ofiar z ludzi. Ich imperium zostało podbite "
21362"przez Hiszpanów pod wodzą Cortésa w 1521."
21364#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:322 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:327
21365#: data/nation/babylonian.ruleset:5
21366msgid "Babylonian"
21367msgstr "Babiloński"
21369#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:323 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:328
21370#: data/nation/babylonian.ruleset:6
21371msgid "?plural:Babylonians"
21372msgstr "?plural:Babilończycy"
21374#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:325 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:330
21375msgid ""
21376"Babylon was the dominant city of Mesopotamia from the 18th to 7th centuries "
21377"BC under a succession of peoples including Amorites, Kassites, Assyrians, "
21378"and Chaldeans."
21379msgstr ""
21380"Babilon był najważniejszym miastem starożytnej Mezopotamii. W wiekach XVIII-"
21381"VII p.n.e. znajdował się kolejno pod rządami Amorytów, Kasytów, Asyryjczyków "
21382"i Partów. Aleksander Wielki miał zamiar uczynić Babilon stolicą swojego "
21385#. TRANS: Lugal = Great Man
21386#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:337 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:343
21387#: data/nation/babylonian.ruleset:25 data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:29
21388#, c-format
21389msgid "%s Lugal"
21390msgstr "%s Lugal"
21392#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:337 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:343
21393#: data/nation/babylonian.ruleset:25 data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:29
21394#, c-format
21395msgid "?female:%s Lugal"
21396msgstr "?female:%s Lugal"
21398#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:338 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:344
21399#, c-format
21400msgid "%s Ensi"
21401msgstr "%s Ensi"
21403#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:338 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:344
21404#, c-format
21405msgid "?female:%s Ensi"
21406msgstr "?female:%s Ensi"
21408#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:389 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:522
21409#: data/nation/chinese.ruleset:5
21410msgid "Chinese"
21411msgstr "Chiński"
21413#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:390 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:523
21414#: data/nation/chinese.ruleset:6
21415msgid "?plural:Chinese"
21416msgstr "?plural:Chińczycy"
21418#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:392 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:525
21419msgid ""
21420"China is the oldest major civilization that is still in existence today, "
21421"with written records dating back over 3,500 years. After first being unified "
21422"by the Qin dynasty in 221 BC, China alternated between periods of unity and "
21423"disunity, and was occasionally conquered by external ethnicities. Today, the "
21424"People's Republic of China, established by the Communists in 1949, occupies "
21425"the mainland, while the former Nationalist government of the Republic of "
21426"China governs the island of Taiwan."
21427msgstr ""
21428"Chiny są, obok Egiptu, Mezopotamii i Indii, jedną z najstarszych cywilizacji "
21429"świata; najdawniejsze wzmianki o niej pochodzą sprzed 3 500 lat. Chiny "
21430"zostały po raz pierwszy zjednoczone przez dynastię Qin w roku 221 p.n.e. W "
21431"kolejnych stuleciach, Chiny często przechodziły okresy zjednoczeń i "
21432"podziałów. Dzisiejsza Chińska Republika Ludowa została utworzona przez "
21433"komunistów w 1949, a poprzednie nacjonalistyczne władze uciekły tuż po "
21434"wojnie domowej na wyspę Tajwan."
21436#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:408 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:542
21437#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1421 data/nation/aztec.ruleset:30
21438#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:30 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:31
21439#: data/nation/chinese.ruleset:29 data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:27
21440#: data/nation/japanese.ruleset:23
21441#, c-format
21442msgid "Emperor %s"
21443msgstr "Cesarz %s"
21445#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:408 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:542
21446#: data/nation/chinese.ruleset:29
21447#, c-format
21448msgid "Empress Dowager %s"
21449msgstr "Cesarzowa Dziedziczka %s"
21451#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:409 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:543
21452#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:31 data/nation/chinese.ruleset:30
21453#, c-format
21454msgid "Chairman %s"
21455msgstr "Przewodniczący %s"
21457#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:409 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:543
21458#, c-format
21459msgid "Chairperson %s"
21460msgstr "Przewodnicząca %s"
21462#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:538 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:672
21463#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:5
21464msgid "Egyptian"
21465msgstr "Egipski"
21467#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:539 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:673
21468#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:6
21469msgid "?plural:Egyptians"
21470msgstr "?plural:Egipcjanie"
21472#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:541 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:675
21473#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:8
21474msgid ""
21475"Egypt was the second-oldest of the world's civilizations.  Since ancient "
21476"times it has been unusually urbanized, supporting a large population on silt "
21477"deposited by the annual floodings of the Nile."
21478msgstr ""
21479"Egipt to druga najstarsza cywilizacja świata. Już od czasów starożytnych "
21480"kraj był niezwykle zurbanizowany, a ludność utrzymywała się z upraw na "
21481"glebach mułowych nanoszonych przez Nil podczas corocznych wylewów."
21483#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:552 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:687
21484#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:29
21485#, c-format
21486msgid "Pharaoh %s"
21487msgstr "Faraon %s"
21489#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:552 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:687
21490#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:29
21491#, c-format
21492msgid "?female:Pharaoh %s"
21493msgstr "?female:Faraon %s"
21495#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:553 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:688
21496#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:30
21497#, c-format
21498msgid "Great Pharaoh %s"
21499msgstr "Wielki Faraon %s"
21501#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:553 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:688
21502#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:30
21503#, c-format
21504msgid "?female:Great Pharaoh %s"
21505msgstr "?female:Wielka Faraon %s"
21507#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:620 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:755
21508#: data/nation/english.ruleset:5
21509msgid "English"
21510msgstr "Angielski"
21512#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:621 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:756
21513#: data/nation/english.ruleset:6
21514msgid "?plural:English"
21515msgstr "?plural:Anglicy"
21517#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:623 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:758
21518#: data/nation/english.ruleset:8
21519msgid ""
21520"England was unified by Alfred the Great of Wessex in the late 9th century, "
21521"only to be conquered by William of Normandy a century later, in the last "
21522"successful invasion of the country."
21523msgstr ""
21524"Anglia została zjednoczona w IX w. przez Alfreda Wielkiego z Wessex, ale już "
21525"wiek później podbił ją Wilhelm z Normandii; był to ostatni udany podbój tego "
21528#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:634 data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1027
21529#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:770 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1169
21530#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1423 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1935
21531#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2009 data/classic/governments.ruleset:179
21532#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:183
21533#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:379
21534#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:179
21535#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:379
21536#, c-format
21537msgid "Prime Minister %s"
21538msgstr "Premier %s"
21540#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:634 data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1027
21541#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:770 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1169
21542#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1423 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1935
21543#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2009 data/classic/governments.ruleset:180
21544#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:184
21545#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:380
21546#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:180
21547#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:380
21548#, c-format
21549msgid "?female:Prime Minister %s"
21550msgstr "?female:Premier %s"
21552#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:733 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:870
21553#: data/nation/french.ruleset:5
21554msgid "French"
21555msgstr "Francuski"
21557#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:734 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:871
21558#: data/nation/french.ruleset:6
21559msgid "?plural:French"
21560msgstr "?plural:Francuzi"
21562#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:736 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:873
21563msgid ""
21564"France has long been a major power in Europe. French conquerors like Emperor "
21565"Napoleon and King Charlemagne united large parts of Europe under the French "
21567msgstr ""
21568"Francja jest od dawna znaczącą siłą w Europie. Francuscy zdobywcy, tacy jak "
21569"Karol Wielki i Napoleon Bonaparte, jednoczyli ogromne połacie kontynentu pod "
21570"francuską flagą."
21572#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:747 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:885
21573#: data/nation/french.ruleset:42
21574#, c-format
21575msgid "Chieftain %s"
21576msgstr "Wódz %s"
21578#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:747 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:885
21579#: data/nation/french.ruleset:42
21580#, c-format
21581msgid "?female:Chieftain %s"
21582msgstr "?female:Wódz %s"
21584#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:748 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:886
21585#: data/nation/french.ruleset:43
21586#, c-format
21587msgid "Premier %s"
21588msgstr "Premier %s"
21590#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:748 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:886
21591#, c-format
21592msgid "?female:Premier %s"
21593msgstr "?female:Premier %s"
21595#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:858 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:997
21596#: data/nation/german.ruleset:5
21597msgid "German"
21598msgstr "Niemiecki"
21600#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:859 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:998
21601#: data/nation/german.ruleset:6
21602msgid "?plural:Germans"
21603msgstr "?plural:Niemcy"
21605#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:862 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1001
21606#: data/nation/german.ruleset:9
21607msgid ""
21608"Germany was united in 1871 by the Prussian military force. After World War I "
21609"it became a republic, but fell into Nazism in 1933 and started World War II. "
21610"After the war it was split into two states, which reunited in 1990 at the "
21611"end of the Cold War."
21612msgstr ""
21613"Niemcy zostały zjednoczone w 1871 roku w wyniku pruskiej ofensywy "
21614"militarnej. Po I Wojnie Światowej stały się republiką, ale już w 1933 do "
21615"władzy doszli naziści, którzy rozpętali II Wojnę Światową. W okresie zimnej "
21616"wojny Niemcy były podzielone na dwa państwa. Ponowne zjednoczenie nastąpiło "
21617"w roku 1990."
21619#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:874 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1014
21620#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:51 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:28
21621#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:28 data/nation/german.ruleset:33
21622#, c-format
21623msgid "Chancellor %s"
21624msgstr "Kanclerz %s"
21626#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:874 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1014
21627#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:51 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:28
21628#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:28 data/nation/german.ruleset:33
21629#, c-format
21630msgid "?female:Chancellor %s"
21631msgstr "?female:Kanclerz %s"
21633#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:875 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1015
21634#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:53 data/nation/german.ruleset:35
21635#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:45 data/nation/polish.ruleset:38
21636#, c-format
21637msgid "First Secretary %s"
21638msgstr "Pierwszy Sekretarz %s"
21640#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:875 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1015
21641#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:53 data/nation/german.ruleset:35
21642#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:45 data/nation/polish.ruleset:38
21643#, c-format
21644msgid "?female:First Secretary %s"
21645msgstr "?female:Pierwsza Sekretarz %s"
21647#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1014 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1155
21648#: data/nation/greek.ruleset:5
21649msgid "Greek"
21650msgstr "Grecki"
21652#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1015 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1156
21653#: data/nation/greek.ruleset:6
21654msgid "?plural:Greeks"
21655msgstr "?plural:Grecy"
21657#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1017 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1158
21658#: data/nation/greek.ruleset:8
21659msgid "The ancient Greeks, between Mycenae and the Roman conquest."
21660msgstr ""
21661"Starożytna cywilizacja grecka, pomiędzy okresem mykeńskim a podbojem "
21664#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1026 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1168
21665#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:29 data/nation/greek.ruleset:24
21666#, c-format
21667msgid "Despot %s"
21668msgstr "Despota %s"
21670#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1026 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1168
21671#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:29 data/nation/greek.ruleset:24
21672#, c-format
21673msgid "?female:Despot %s"
21674msgstr "?female:Despotka %s"
21676#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1166 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1308
21677#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:5
21678msgid "Indian"
21679msgstr "Hinduski"
21681#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1167 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1309
21682#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:6
21683msgid "?plural:Indians"
21684msgstr "?plural:Hindusi"
21686#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1169 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1311
21687msgid ""
21688"The cradle of Ancient Indian civilization lay in the Indus river valley in "
21689"modern-day Pakistan."
21690msgstr ""
21691"Kolebką starożytnej cywilizacji hinduskiej była dolina rzeki Indus w "
21692"dzisiejszym Pakistanie."
21694#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1179 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1322
21695#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:26 data/nation/khmer.ruleset:26
21696#, c-format
21697msgid "Raja %s"
21698msgstr "Raja %s"
21700#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1179 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1322
21701#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:26 data/nation/khmer.ruleset:26
21702#, c-format
21703msgid "Rani %s"
21704msgstr "Rani %s"
21706#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1180 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1323
21707#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:28 data/nation/khmer.ruleset:27
21708#, c-format
21709msgid "Maharaja %s"
21710msgstr "Maharadża %s"
21712#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1180 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1323
21713#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:28 data/nation/khmer.ruleset:27
21714#, c-format
21715msgid "Maharani %s"
21716msgstr "Maharani %s"
21718#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1181 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1324
21719#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:29
21720#, c-format
21721msgid "Mahatma %s"
21722msgstr "Mahatma %s"
21724#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1181 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1324
21725#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:29
21726#, c-format
21727msgid "?female:Mahatma %s"
21728msgstr "?female:Mahatma %s"
21730#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1263 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1524
21731#: data/nation/mongol.ruleset:5
21732msgid "Mongol"
21733msgstr "Mongolski"
21735#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1264 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1525
21736#: data/nation/mongol.ruleset:6
21737msgid "?plural:Mongols"
21738msgstr "?plural:Mongołowie"
21740#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1266 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1527
21741#: data/nation/mongol.ruleset:8
21742msgid ""
21743"In the centuries after their unification by Chinggis Khan, the Mongols "
21744"conquered the largest empire in human history, encompassing most of the "
21745"continent of Asia. They became notorious for their utter ruthlessness in "
21747msgstr ""
21748"Po zjednoczeniu przez Czyngis-chana, Mongołowie panowali nad największym "
21749"imperium w dziejach świata. Obejmowało ono prawie całą Azję. Zasłynęli z "
21750"bezwzględności wobec swoich wrogów."
21752#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1278 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1540
21753#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:40 data/nation/mongol.ruleset:33
21754#, c-format
21755msgid "%s Khan"
21756msgstr "%s Chan"
21758#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1278 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1540
21759#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:40 data/nation/mongol.ruleset:33
21760#, c-format
21761msgid "%s Khatan"
21762msgstr "%s Czatan"
21764#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1279 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1541
21765#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:41 data/nation/mongol.ruleset:34
21766#, c-format
21767msgid "%s Khagan"
21768msgstr "%s Khagan"
21770#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1279 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1541
21771#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:41 data/nation/mongol.ruleset:34
21772#, c-format
21773msgid "?female:%s Khagan"
21774msgstr "?female:%s Khagan"
21776#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1330 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1668
21777#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:5
21778msgid "Roman"
21779msgstr "Rzymski"
21781#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1331 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1669
21782#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:6
21783msgid "?plural:Romans"
21784msgstr "?plural:Rzymianie"
21786#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1333 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1671
21787msgid ""
21788"Rome was, in legend, founded by Romulus in 753 BC. At its height, Rome "
21789"controlled nearly all of Europe, northern Africa and Mesopotamia."
21790msgstr ""
21791"Legenda głosi, że Rzym został założony przez Romulusa w 753 r. p.n.e. W "
21792"czasach rozkwitu Rzym kontrolował niemal całą Europę, północną Afrykę i "
21795#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1345 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1683
21796#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:29 data/nation/roman.ruleset:51
21797#, c-format
21798msgid "Dictator %s"
21799msgstr "Dyktator %s"
21801#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1345 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1683
21802#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:29 data/nation/roman.ruleset:51
21803#, c-format
21804msgid "Dictatrix %s"
21805msgstr "Dyktatorka %s"
21807#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1346 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1684
21808#, c-format
21809msgid "Imperator %s"
21810msgstr "Cesarz %s"
21812#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1346 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1684
21813#, c-format
21814msgid "Imperatrix %s"
21815msgstr "Cesarzowa %s"
21817#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1347 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1685
21818#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:27 data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:24
21819#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:27 data/nation/greek.ruleset:23
21820#: data/nation/hittite.ruleset:27 data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:39
21821#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:49 data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:28
21822#, c-format
21823msgid "Usurper %s"
21824msgstr "Uzurpator %s"
21826#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1347 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1685
21827#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:27 data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:24
21828#: data/nation/egyptian.ruleset:27 data/nation/greek.ruleset:23
21829#: data/nation/hittite.ruleset:27 data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:39
21830#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:49 data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:28
21831#, c-format
21832msgid "?female:Usurper %s"
21833msgstr "?female:Uzurpatorka %s"
21835#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1385 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1723
21836#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:5
21837msgid "Russian"
21838msgstr "Rosyjski"
21840#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1386 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1724
21841#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:6
21842msgid "?plural:Russians"
21843msgstr "?plural:Rosjanie"
21845#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1388 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1726
21846msgid ""
21847"According to legend, Slavic and Finnic tribes of Novgorod invited in the "
21848"year 862 the Varangian (Viking) king Rurik to bring order to their land. "
21849"Rurik established Kievan Rus' in this realm, the first Russian state. By the "
21850"11th century, Kievan Rus' had disintegrated into lesser princedoms, which "
21851"were once again united into one state by Ivan III in the 15th century. After "
21852"decisive victory over Sweden and large territorial gains, Peter I pronounced "
21853"the Russian Empire in 1721. The Russian Empire lasted until 1917 when a "
21854"socialist revolution dethroned the last Russian emperor. After USSR "
21855"dissolution in 1991 Russia appeared on world map again, now as a federative "
21857msgstr ""
21858"Legenda głosi, że w 863 roku słowiańskie i fińskie plemiona z Nowogrodu "
21859"zaprosiły wikińskiego króla Ruryka, by zaprowadził porządek na ich ziemiach. "
21860"Ruryk założył Ruś Kijowską, pierwsze państwo ruskie. Do XI w. Ruś Kijowska "
21861"rozpadła się mniejsze księstwa, zjednoczone ponownie w XV w. przez Iwana "
21862"III. Po wielkim zwycięstwie nad Szwedami, kraj znacznie powiększył swoje "
21863"terytorium, a car Piotr I proklamował powstanie Imperium Rosyjskiego w 1721 "
21864"roku. Imperium przetrwało do 1917, kiedy to rewolucja bolszewicka obaliła "
21865"ostatniego cara. Po upadku ZSRR w 1991 roku Rosja ponownie pojawiła się "
21866"mapie świata, tym razem jako federacja państw."
21868#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1406 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1745
21869#, c-format
21870msgid "Duke %s"
21871msgstr "Książę %s"
21873#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1406 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1745
21874#, c-format
21875msgid "Duchess %s"
21876msgstr "Księżna %s"
21878#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1407 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1746
21879#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:50
21880#, c-format
21881msgid "Tsar %s"
21882msgstr "Car %s"
21884#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1407 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1746
21885#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:50
21886#, c-format
21887msgid "Tsaritsa %s"
21888msgstr "Caryca %s"
21890#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1482 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2076
21891#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:5
21892msgid "Zulu"
21893msgstr "Zuluski"
21895#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1483 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2077
21896#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:6
21897msgid "?plural:Zulus"
21898msgstr "?plural:Zulusi"
21900#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1485 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2079
21901#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:8
21902msgid ""
21903"The Zulus are a warlike Bantu people who migrated from west-central Africa "
21904"into southern Africa beginning in the early 1700s, conquering the native "
21905"Khoisan peoples and clashing with European settlers."
21906msgstr ""
21907"Zulusi to wojowniczy szczep z grupy Bantu, który na początku XVIII w. "
21908"wyruszył ze środkowo-zachodniej Afryki na podbój południowej części "
21909"kontynentu. Podporządkował tam sobie lud Khoisan i starł się z Europejskimi "
21912#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1496 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1837
21913#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2091 data/nation/apache.ruleset:28
21914#: data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:24 data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:28
21915#: data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:22 data/nation/sioux.ruleset:29
21916#: data/nation/taino.ruleset:32 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:27
21917#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:40
21918#, c-format
21919msgid "Great Chief %s"
21920msgstr "Wielki Wódz %s"
21922#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1496 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1837
21923#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2091 data/nation/apache.ruleset:28
21924#: data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:24 data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:28
21925#: data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:22 data/nation/sioux.ruleset:29
21926#: data/nation/taino.ruleset:32 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:27
21927#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:40
21928#, c-format
21929msgid "?female:Great Chief %s"
21930msgstr "?female:Wielka Wódz %s"
21932#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1497 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:452
21933#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1838 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2092
21934#: data/nation/celtic.ruleset:40 data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:25
21935#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:29 data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:23
21936#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:30 data/nation/zulu.ruleset:41
21937#, c-format
21938msgid "Spokesman %s"
21939msgstr "Rzecznik %s"
21941#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1497 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:452
21942#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1838 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2092
21943#: data/nation/celtic.ruleset:40 data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:25
21944#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:29 data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:23
21945#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:30 data/nation/zulu.ruleset:41
21946#, c-format
21947msgid "Spokeswoman %s"
21948msgstr "Rzeczniczka %s"
21950#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1498 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1839
21951#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2093 data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:26
21952#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:30 data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:24
21953#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:31 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:25
21954#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:42
21955#, c-format
21956msgid "Principal Chief %s"
21957msgstr "Najwyższy Wódz %s"
21959#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1498 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1839
21960#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2093 data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:26
21961#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:30 data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:24
21962#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:31 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:25
21963#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:42
21964#, c-format
21965msgid "?female:Principal Chief %s"
21966msgstr "?female:Najwyższa Wódz %s"
21968#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1554 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2149
21969#: data/nation/barbarian.ruleset:5 server/stdinhand.c:3522
21970#: server/stdinhand.c:6390
21971msgid "Barbarian"
21972msgstr "Barbarzyński"
21974#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1555 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2150
21975#: data/nation/barbarian.ruleset:6
21976msgid "?plural:Barbarians"
21977msgstr "?plural:Barbarzyńcy"
21979#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1557 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2152
21980#: data/nation/barbarian.ruleset:8
21981msgid ""
21982"Since the dawn of civilization, barbarians have been a threat to cultured "
21983"peoples everywhere."
21984msgstr ""
21985"Odkąd świat światem, barbarzyńcy zagrażali wszystkim cywilizowanym ludom."
21987#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1593 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2188
21988#: data/nation/pirate.ruleset:5
21989msgid "Pirate"
21990msgstr "Piracki"
21992#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1594 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2189
21993#: data/nation/pirate.ruleset:6
21994msgid "?plural:Pirates"
21995msgstr "?plural:Piraci"
21997#: data/civ1/nations.ruleset:1596 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2191
21998#: data/nation/pirate.ruleset:8
21999msgid ""
22000"As long as honest men have sailed the seas, pirates have been a scourge of "
22001"them and of all coastal dwelling peoples."
22002msgstr ""
22003"Gdy pierwsi uczciwi ludzie wyruszyli w morskie podróże, ich śladem ruszyli "
22004"piraci, nękając żeglarzy i mieszkańców nadbrzeżnych wiosek."
22006#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:28 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:28
22007#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:28 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:30
22008#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:28 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:28
22009#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:28
22010msgid "?style:European"
22011msgstr "?citystyle:Europejski"
22013#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:31 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:31
22014#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:31 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:33
22015#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:31 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:31
22016#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:31
22017msgid "?style:Classical"
22018msgstr "?citystyle:Klasyczny"
22020#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:34 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:34
22021#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:34 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:36
22022#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:34 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:34
22023#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:34
22024msgid "?style:Tropical"
22025msgstr "?citystyle:Tropikalny"
22027#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:37 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:37
22028#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:37 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:39
22029#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:37 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:37
22030#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:37
22031msgid "?style:Asian"
22032msgstr "?citystyle:Azjatycki"
22034#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:40 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:40
22035#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:40 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:42
22036#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:40 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:40
22037#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:40
22038msgid "?style:Babylonian"
22039msgstr "?citystyle:Babiloński"
22041#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:43 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:43
22042#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:43 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:45
22043#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:43 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:43
22044#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:43
22045msgid "?style:Celtic"
22046msgstr "?citystyle:Celtycki"
22048#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:65 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:65
22049#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:65 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:67
22050#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:65 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:65
22051#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:65
22052msgid "?citystyle:European"
22053msgstr "?citystyle:Europejski"
22055#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:75 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:75
22056#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:75 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:77
22057#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:75 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:75
22058#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:75
22059msgid "?citystyle:Classical"
22060msgstr "?citystyle:Klasyczny"
22062#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:85 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:85
22063#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:85 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:87
22064#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:85 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:85
22065#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:85
22066msgid "?citystyle:Tropical"
22067msgstr "?citystyle:Tropikalny"
22069#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:95 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:95
22070#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:95 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:97
22071#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:95 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:95
22072#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:95
22073msgid "?citystyle:Asian"
22074msgstr "?citystyle:Azjatycki"
22076#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:105 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:105
22077#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:105 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:107
22078#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:105 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:105
22079#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:105
22080msgid "?citystyle:Babylonian"
22081msgstr "?citystyle:Babiloński"
22083#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:115 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:115
22084#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:115 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:117
22085#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:115 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:115
22086#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:115
22087msgid "?citystyle:Celtic"
22088msgstr "?citystyle:Celtycki"
22090#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:125 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:125
22091msgid "?citystyle:Renaissance"
22092msgstr "?citystyle:Renesansowy"
22094#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:135 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:135
22095#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:125 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:127
22096#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:125 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:125
22097#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:125
22098msgid "?citystyle:Industrial"
22099msgstr "?citystyle:Przemysłowy"
22101#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:145 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:145
22102#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:145 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:147
22103#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:145 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:145
22104#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:145
22105msgid "?citystyle:Modern"
22106msgstr "?citystyle:Współczesny"
22108#: data/civ1/styles.ruleset:155 data/civ2/styles.ruleset:155
22109#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:155 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:157
22110#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:155 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:155
22111#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:155
22112msgid "?citystyle:PostModern"
22113msgstr "?citystyle:PoNowoczesny"
22115#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:70 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:70
22116#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:82 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:84
22117#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:82 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:82
22118#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:82
22119msgid "Advanced Flight"
22120msgstr "Zaawansowane Lotnictwo"
22122#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:78 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:78
22123#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:90 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:93
22124#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:92 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:90
22125#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:92
22126msgid "Alphabet"
22127msgstr "Alfabet"
22129#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:86 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:94
22130#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:106 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:110
22131#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:110 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:106
22132#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:110
22133msgid "Astronomy"
22134msgstr "Astronomia"
22136#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:94 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:102
22137#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:114 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:119
22138#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:120 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:114
22139#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:120
22140msgid "Atomic Theory"
22141msgstr "Teoria Atomu"
22143#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:102 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:110
22144#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:122 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:128
22145#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:129 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:122
22146#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:129
22147msgid "Automobile"
22148msgstr "Samochód"
22150#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:107 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:374
22151#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:465 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:115
22152#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:456 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:572
22153#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:127 data/classic/techs.ruleset:465
22154#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:581 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:134
22155#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:508 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:638
22156#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:127 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:473
22157#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:589
22158msgid "Increases the population's contribution to pollution."
22159msgstr "Zwiększa zanieczyszczenie powodowane przez mieszkańców."
22161#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:110 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:118
22162#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:130 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:137
22163#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:138 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:130
22164#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:138
22165msgid "Banking"
22166msgstr "Bank"
22168#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:118 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:126
22169#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:138 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:146
22170#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:147 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:138
22171#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:147
22172msgid "Bridge Building"
22173msgstr "Budowa Mostów"
22175#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:124 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:132
22176#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:144 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:153
22177#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:154 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:144
22178#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:154
22179msgid "Allows roads to be built on river tiles."
22180msgstr "Pozwala budować drogi na rzekach."
22182#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:127 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:135
22183#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:147 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:156
22184#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:157 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:147
22185#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:157
22186msgid "Bronze Working"
22187msgstr "Obróbka Brązu"
22189#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:135 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:143
22190#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:155 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:164
22191#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:166 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:155
22192#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:166
22193msgid "Ceremonial Burial"
22194msgstr "Ceremonie Pogrzebowe"
22196#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:143 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:151
22197#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:163 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:172
22198#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:175 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:163
22199#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:175
22200msgid "Chemistry"
22201msgstr "Chemia"
22203#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:151 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:159
22204#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:171 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:181
22205#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:184 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:171
22206#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:184
22207msgid "Chivalry"
22208msgstr "Rycerstwo"
22210#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:159 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:167
22211#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:179 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:190
22212#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:193 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:179
22213#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:193
22214msgid "Code of Laws"
22215msgstr "Kodeks Praw"
22217#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:167 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:183
22218#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:195 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:208
22219#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:211 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:195
22220#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:211
22221msgid "Combustion"
22222msgstr "Silnik"
22224#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:183 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:200
22225#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:212 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:227
22226#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:229 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:212
22227#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:229
22228msgid "Computers"
22229msgstr "Komputery"
22231#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:191 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:208
22232#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:220 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:236
22233#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:238 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:220
22234#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:238
22235msgid "Conscription"
22236msgstr "Pobór"
22238#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:199 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:216
22239#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:228 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:245
22240#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:247 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:228
22241#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:247
22242msgid "Construction"
22243msgstr "Konstrukcja"
22245#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:205
22246msgid "Allows Settlers to build fortresses."
22247msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom budować fortece."
22249#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:208 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:225
22250#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:240 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:258
22251#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:260 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:240
22252#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:260
22253msgid "Currency"
22254msgstr "Pieniądz"
22256#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:224 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:249
22257#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:264 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:285
22258#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:287 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:264
22259#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:287
22260msgid "Electricity"
22261msgstr "Elektryczność"
22263#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:232 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:258
22264#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:273 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:295
22265#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:300 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:273
22266#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:300
22267msgid "Electronics"
22268msgstr "Elektronika"
22270#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:240 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:266
22271#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:281 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:304
22272#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:309 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:281
22273#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:309
22274msgid "Engineering"
22275msgstr "Inżynieria"
22277#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:248 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:290
22278#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:305 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:331
22279#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:336 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:307
22280#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:336
22281msgid "Explosives"
22282msgstr "Materiały Wybuchowe"
22284#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:256 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:298
22285#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:313 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:340
22286#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:345 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:315
22287#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:345
22288msgid "Feudalism"
22289msgstr "Feudalizm"
22291#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:264 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:306
22292#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:321 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:349
22293#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:354 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:323
22294#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:354
22295msgid "Flight"
22296msgstr "Lot"
22298#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:270 data/civ1/techs.ruleset:484
22299#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:312 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:608
22300#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:327 data/classic/techs.ruleset:617
22301#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:356 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:677
22302msgid "Decreases one-time revenue from new trade routes."
22303msgstr "Zmniejsza jednorazową opłatę za ustanowienie nowego szlaku handlowego."
22305#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:273 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:323
22306#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:330 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:359
22307#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:363 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:339
22308#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:363
22309msgid "Fusion Power"
22310msgstr "Fuzja Jądrowa"
22312#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:281 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:331
22313#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:338 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:368
22314#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:373 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:347
22315#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:373
22316msgid "Genetic Engineering"
22317msgstr "Inżynieria Genetyczna"
22319#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:289 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:347
22320#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:354 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:386
22321#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:391 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:363
22322#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:391
22323msgid "Gunpowder"
22324msgstr "Proch Strzelniczy"
22326#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:297 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:355
22327#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:362 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:395
22328#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:399 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:371
22329#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:399
22330msgid "Horseback Riding"
22331msgstr "Jazda Konno"
22333#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:305 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:363
22334#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:370 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:403
22335#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:408 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:379
22336#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:408
22337msgid "Industrialization"
22338msgstr "Uprzemysłowienie"
22340#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:310 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:368
22341#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:375 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:409
22342#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:384
22343msgid "Population will start contributing to pollution."
22344msgstr "Ludność zacznie przyczyniać się do większego zanieczyszczenia."
22346#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:313 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:371
22347#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:378 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:412
22348#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:416 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:387
22349#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:416
22350msgid "Invention"
22351msgstr "Wynalazczość"
22353#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:321 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:379
22354#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:387 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:422
22355#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:426 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:396
22356#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:426
22357msgid "Iron Working"
22358msgstr "Obróbka Żelaza"
22360#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:329 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:387
22361#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:395 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:431
22362#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:435 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:404
22363#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:435
22364msgid "Labor Union"
22365msgstr "Związki Zawodowe"
22367#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:337 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:411
22368#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:419 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:458
22369#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:462 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:428
22370#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:462
22371msgid "Literacy"
22372msgstr "Piśmienność"
22374#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:345 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:427
22375#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:435 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:476
22376#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:480 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:444
22377#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:480
22378msgid "Magnetism"
22379msgstr "Magnetyzm"
22381#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:353 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:435
22382#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:444 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:485
22383#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:489 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:452
22384#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:489
22385msgid "Map Making"
22386msgstr "Kartografia"
22388#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:361 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:443
22389#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:452 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:494
22390#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:498 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:460
22391#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:498
22392msgid "Masonry"
22393msgstr "Murarstwo"
22395#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:369 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:451
22396#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:460 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:502
22397#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:507 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:468
22398#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:507
22399msgid "Mass Production"
22400msgstr "Masowa Produkcja"
22402#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:377 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:459
22403#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:468 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:511
22404#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:516 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:476
22405#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:516
22406msgid "Mathematics"
22407msgstr "Matematyka"
22409#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:385 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:467
22410#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:476 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:520
22411#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:525 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:484
22412#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:525
22413msgid "Medicine"
22414msgstr "Medycyna"
22416#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:391
22417msgid "Eliminates the risk of population loss from plague in all your cities."
22418msgstr ""
22419"LIkwiduje ryzyko straty ludności w wyniku epidemii we wszystkich miastach."
22421#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:395 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:475
22422#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:484 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:529
22423#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:539 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:492
22424#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:539
22425msgid "Metallurgy"
22426msgstr "Metalurgia"
22428#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:411 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:515
22429#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:524 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:574
22430#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:589 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:532
22431#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:589
22432msgid "Mysticism"
22433msgstr "Mistycyzm"
22435#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:417 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:521
22436#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:530 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:581
22437#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:595 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:538
22438#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:595
22439msgid "Improves the effect of Temples."
22440msgstr "Wzmacnia efekt świątyń."
22442#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:420 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:524
22443#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:533 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:584
22444#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:599 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:541
22445#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:599
22446msgid "Navigation"
22447msgstr "Nawigacja"
22449#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:428 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:532
22450#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:541 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:593
22451#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:608 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:549
22452#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:608
22453msgid "Nuclear Fission"
22454msgstr "Rozszczepienie Atomu"
22456#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:436 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:540
22457#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:549 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:602
22458#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:617 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:557
22459#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:617
22460msgid "Nuclear Power"
22461msgstr "Energia Nuklearna"
22463#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:444 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:549
22464#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:558 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:612
22465#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:627 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:566
22466#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:627
22467msgid "Philosophy"
22468msgstr "Filozofia"
22470#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:452 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:559
22471#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:568 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:623
22472#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:638 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:576
22473#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:638
22474msgid "Physics"
22475msgstr "Fizyka"
22477#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:460 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:567
22478#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:576 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:632
22479#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:647 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:584
22480#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:647
22481msgid "Plastics"
22482msgstr "Tworzywa Sztuczne"
22484#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:468 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:583
22485#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:592 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:650
22486#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:665 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:600
22487#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:665
22488msgid "Pottery"
22489msgstr "Garncarstwo"
22491#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:476 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:600
22492#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:609 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:668
22493#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:686 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:617
22494#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:686
22495msgid "?tech:Railroad"
22496msgstr "?tech:Kolej"
22498#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:482
22499msgid "Allows Settlers to upgrade roads to railroads."
22500msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom ulepszać drogi do kolei."
22502#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:489 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:613
22503#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:622 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:682
22504#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:703 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:628
22505#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:705
22506msgid "Recycling"
22507msgstr "Oczyszczalnie"
22509#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:497 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:621
22510#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:630 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:691
22511#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:712 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:636
22512#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:714
22513msgid "Refining"
22514msgstr "Rafinacja"
22516#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:505
22517msgid "Religion"
22518msgstr "Religia"
22520#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:513 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:640
22521#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:654 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:717
22522#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:739 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:660
22523#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:741
22524msgid "Robotics"
22525msgstr "Automatyka"
22527#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:521 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:648
22528#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:662 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:726
22529#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:748 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:668
22530#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:750
22531msgid "Rocketry"
22532msgstr "Rakiety"
22534#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:529 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:672
22535#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:686 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:753
22536#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:776 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:692
22537#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:778
22538msgid "Space Flight"
22539msgstr "Loty w Kosmos"
22541#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:537 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:688
22542#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:702 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:771
22543#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:794 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:708
22544#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:796
22545msgid "Steam Engine"
22546msgstr "Maszyna Parowa"
22548#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:545 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:696
22549#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:710 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:780
22550#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:803 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:716
22551#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:805
22552msgid "Steel"
22553msgstr "Stal"
22555#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:553 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:704
22556#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:718 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:789
22557#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:812 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:724
22558#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:814
22559msgid "Superconductors"
22560msgstr "Nadprzewodniki"
22562#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:561 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:720
22563#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:734 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:810
22564#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:834 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:740
22565#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:836
22566msgid "The Corporation"
22567msgstr "Korporacje"
22569#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:569 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:728
22570#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:743 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:819
22571#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:847 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:748
22572#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:849
22573msgid "The Republic"
22574msgstr "Republika"
22576#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:577 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:736
22577#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:751 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:828
22578#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:856 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:756
22579#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:858
22580msgid "The Wheel"
22581msgstr "Koło"
22583#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:585 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:753
22584#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:768 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:847
22585#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:875 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:773
22586#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:877
22587msgid "Theory of Gravity"
22588msgstr "Teoria Grawitacji"
22590#: data/civ1/techs.ruleset:609 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:785
22591#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:800 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:882
22592#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:914 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:805
22593#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:916
22594msgid "Writing"
22595msgstr "Pismo"
22597#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:193 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:193
22598#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:281 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:281
22599#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:282 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:279
22600#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:282
22601msgid "Ocean"
22602msgstr "Ocean"
22604#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:227 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:227
22605msgid "Oceans cover much of the world."
22606msgstr "Oceany pokrywają dużą część globu."
22608#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:229
22609msgid ""
22610"In cities built on the coast, stored food and work towards the current "
22611"project are at risk from piracy, unless there is any kind of Barracks in the "
22613msgstr ""
22614"W miastach przybrzeżnych zapasy żywności i postęp w budowie mogą być "
22615"utracone w wyniku ataku piratów, chyba że w mieście są Koszary."
22617#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:236
22618msgid "Arctic"
22619msgstr "Arktyka"
22621#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:270
22622msgid ""
22623"Arctic tiles are found only in the most northerly or southerly reaches of "
22624"the world.  They are very cold, and hence difficult to work with."
22625msgstr ""
22626"Tereny Arktyczne leżą tylko na północnych i południowych krańcach świata. Są "
22627"bardzo zimne i trudno prowadzić na nich prace."
22629#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:277 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:273
22630#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:416 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:410
22631#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:415 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:408
22632#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:415
22633msgid "Desert"
22634msgstr "Pustynia"
22636#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:312 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:309
22637#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:456 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:448
22638#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:455 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:446
22639#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:455
22640msgid ""
22641"Deserts are regions of extreme dryness, making agriculture and trade very "
22643msgstr ""
22644"Pustynie są obszarami skrajnie suchymi, co bardzo utrudnia rolnictwo i "
22647#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:318 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:315
22648#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:464 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:456
22649#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:469 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:454
22650#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:469
22651msgid "Forest"
22652msgstr "Lasy"
22654#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:355 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:352
22655#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:505 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:495
22656#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:510 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:493
22657#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:510
22658msgid "Forests are densely wooded, making agriculture somewhat problematic."
22659msgstr "Lasy są gęsto zarośnięte, co sprawia kłopoty rolnictwu."
22661#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:361 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:358
22662#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:511 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:501
22663#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:516 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:499
22664#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:516
22665msgid "Grassland"
22666msgstr "Trawy"
22668#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:396 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:393
22669#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:550 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:538
22670#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:555 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:536
22671#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:555
22672msgid "Grasslands afford exceptional agricultural opportunities."
22673msgstr "Trawy dają wielkie możliwości rolnictwu."
22675#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:401 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:398
22676#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:555 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:543
22677#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:560 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:541
22678#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:560
22679msgid "Hills"
22680msgstr "Wzgórza"
22682#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:436 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:433
22683#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:594 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:580
22684#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:599 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:578
22685#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:599
22686msgid ""
22687"In addition to being amenable to agriculture, Hills are frequently rich in "
22689msgstr ""
22690"Wzgórza znakomicie nadają się pod uprawy i często znaleźć w nich można cenne "
22693#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:439
22694msgid ""
22695"A city built in or next to hills is at risk of earthquakes, which can "
22696"destroy buildings in that city. There is no technology or improvement which "
22697"can prevent this disaster."
22698msgstr ""
22699"Miasto zbudowane na wzgórzach lub w ich pobliżu jest narażone na trzęsienia "
22700"ziemi, które mogą niszczyć budynki. Nie zapobiega temu żadna technologia ani "
22703#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:446 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:439
22704#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:600 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:586
22705#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:608 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:584
22706#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:608
22707msgid "Jungle"
22708msgstr "Dżungla"
22710#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:480 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:475
22711#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:640 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:624
22712#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:622
22713msgid "Jungles are densely overgrown, making agriculture somewhat problematic."
22714msgstr ""
22715"Dżungle charakteryzują się bujną roślinnością, co sprawia kłopoty rolnictwu."
22717#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:486 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:481
22718#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:646 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:630
22719#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:655 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:628
22720#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:655
22721msgid "Mountains"
22722msgstr "Góry"
22724#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:519 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:515
22725#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:684 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:666
22726#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:693 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:664
22727#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:693
22728msgid ""
22729"Mountains are regions of extreme altitude, making agriculture and trade very "
22731msgstr ""
22732"Góry to obszary położone wysoko nad poziomem morza, co bardzo utrudnia "
22733"rolnictwo i handel."
22735#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:522
22736msgid ""
22737"Cities built in or next to mountains are at risk from volcanic activity. A "
22738"Temple in the city instils sufficient respect for the forces of nature to "
22739"prevent population loss."
22740msgstr ""
22741"Miasta zbudowane w górach lub w ich pobliżu są narażone na wybuchy wulkanów. "
22742"Świątynia w takim mieście przyczyni się do wzrostu szacunku do sił natury, "
22743"co zapobiegnie stratom ludności."
22745#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:529 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:521
22746#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:690 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:672
22747#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:704 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:670
22748#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:704
22749msgid "Plains"
22750msgstr "Stepy"
22752#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:564 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:557
22753#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:729 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:709
22754#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:743 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:707
22755#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:743
22756msgid ""
22757"Plains are very broad, sparse regions, which makes trade slightly "
22759msgstr ""
22760"Stepy to rozległe, rzadko porośnięte obszary, co nieco utrudnia handel."
22762#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:570 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:563
22763#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:735 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:715
22764#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:749 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:713
22765#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:749
22766msgid "Swamp"
22767msgstr "Bagna"
22769#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:606 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:600
22770#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:776 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:754
22771#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:752
22772msgid ""
22773"Swamps suffer from an over-abundance of water, making agriculture somewhat "
22775msgstr "Bagna to obszary podmokłe, co sprawia pewne kłopoty rolnictwu."
22777#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:612 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:606
22778#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:782 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:760
22779#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:797 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:758
22780#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:797
22781msgid "Tundra"
22782msgstr "Tundra"
22784#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:646 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:640
22785#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:820 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:796
22786#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:835 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:794
22787#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:835
22788msgid ""
22789"Tundra are broad, cold regions, fit for some agriculture and little else."
22790msgstr ""
22791"Tundra to rozległe, zimne obszary, nadające się tylko pod niektóre uprawy."
22793#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:680 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:682
22794#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:862 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:838
22795#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:877 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:836
22796#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:877
22797msgid "?animals:Game"
22798msgstr "?animals:Zwierzyna łowna"
22800#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:688 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:700
22801#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:880 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:856
22802#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:895 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:854
22803#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:895
22804msgid "Coal"
22805msgstr "Węgiel"
22807#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:696 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:712
22808#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:888 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:864
22809#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:903 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:862
22810#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:903
22811msgid "Fish"
22812msgstr "Ryby"
22814#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:704 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:729
22815#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:905 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:881
22816#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:920 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:879
22817#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:920
22818msgid "Gems"
22819msgstr "Klejnoty"
22821#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:712
22822msgid "Horses"
22823msgstr "Konie"
22825#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:720 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:753
22826#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:937 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:913
22827#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:952 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:911
22828#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:952
22829msgid "Oasis"
22830msgstr "Oaza"
22832#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:728 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:829
22833#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:838 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:25
22834#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1017 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:27
22835#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:993 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:25
22836#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1032 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:25
22837#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:991 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:25
22838#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1032
22839msgid "Oil"
22840msgstr "Ropa"
22842#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:744
22843msgid "Seals"
22844msgstr "Foki"
22846#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:757
22847msgid "?gui_type:Build Fortress"
22848msgstr "?gui_type:Zbuduj fortecę"
22850#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:760
22851msgid "?gui_type:Build None"
22852msgstr "?gui_type:Buduj Brak"
22854#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:872 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:967
22855msgid ""
22856"Building an irrigation system on a suitable tile causes it to produce one "
22857"extra food each turn. This requires a nearby source of water: an ocean or "
22858"river tile, or another tile with an irrigation system, must share an edge "
22859"(not just a corner) with the target tile. However, once irrigated, land "
22860"remains so even if the water source is removed."
22861msgstr ""
22862"Niektóre tereny mogą zostać nawodnione, co zwiększa produkcję żywności o 1. "
22863"Wymaga to pobliskiego źródła wody: oceanu, rzeki lub innego nawodnionego "
22864"pola. Pole takie musi przylegać bokiem (nie rogiem) do pola, na którym ma "
22865"powstać nawodnienie. Nawodnione pole zachowa nawodnienie, nawet gdy z "
22866"sąsiedniego pola zniknie źródło wody."
22868#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:879 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:974
22869msgid "Building irrigation on a tile with a mine will destroy it."
22870msgstr ""
22871"Jeśli zbudujesz nawodnienie na polu z kopalnią, to zostanie ona zniszczona."
22873#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:881 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:976
22874msgid ""
22875"City center tiles get their terrain's irrigation bonus automatically, if "
22876"there is no conflicting mine on the tile; however, this does not make cities "
22877"count as a water source for further irrigation. Irrigation can be built on "
22878"the city tile simply to allow building further irrigation elsewhere, but "
22879"will not give the tile any further bonus."
22880msgstr ""
22881"Centra miast dostają dodatek z nawodnienia automatycznie, chyba że na tym "
22882"samym polu jest już kopalnia. Nie oznacza to jednak, że miasto kawalifikuje "
22883"sie jak źródło wody dla innych pól z nawodnieniem. Możesz więc stworzyć tu "
22884"nawodnienie, aby tworzyć nawodnienia na polach sąsiadujących z miastem, ale "
22885"samo pole miasta nie dostanie dodatkowych korzyści."
22887#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:905 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1000
22888#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1183 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1159
22889#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1157
22890msgid ""
22891"Mines can be built on some types of terrain, which increases the number of "
22892"production points produced by that tile. Hills get an extra 3 production "
22893"points per tile; other terrains get 1 extra production point."
22894msgstr ""
22895"Osadnicy mogą budować kopalnie na niektórych terenach: zwiększają one ilość "
22896"punktów produkcji otrzymywanych z pola. Wzgórza dają dodatkowo 3 punkty na "
22897"pole; inny rodzaj terenu 1 punkt."
22899#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:910 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1005
22900#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1188 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1164
22901#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1210 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1162
22902#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1210
22903msgid "Building a mine on an irrigated tile will destroy the irrigation."
22904msgstr "Zbudowanie kopalni na nawodnionym polu zniszczy nawodnienie."
22906#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:932 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1027
22907msgid ""
22908"Pollution appears on land tiles around cities with high production or "
22909"population, or when a Nuclear unit is detonated. It halves all output from "
22910"its tile, and contributes to the risk of global warming."
22911msgstr ""
22912"Zanieczyszczenie pojawia się na polach lądowych wokół miasta z wysoką "
22913"produkcją przemysłową lub gdy wybuchnie jednostka atomowa. Zmniejsza to o "
22914"połowę produkcję z tego pola i zwiększa ryzyko globalnego ocieplenia."
22916#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:937
22917msgid ""
22918"The pollution can only be cleared by dispatching Settlers with the \"clean "
22919"pollution\" order."
22920msgstr ""
22921"Zanieczyszczenie można usunąć tylko przy pomocy Osadników, wydając im "
22922"polecenie \"usuń zanieczyszczenie\"."
22924#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:940
22925msgid ""
22926"Pollution from production is likely to start becoming important as your "
22927"civilization becomes more industrialized, giving you buildings such as "
22928"Factory and Power Plant which boost production. Replacing a Power Plant with "
22929"cleaner forms of energy -- a Hydro Plant / Hoover Dam or Nuclear Plant -- "
22930"will reduce pollution from production, as will a Recycling Center."
22931msgstr ""
22932"Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane produkcją stanie się istotne, gdy twoja "
22933"cywilizacja będzie bardziej uprzemysłowiona, dzięki czemu będzie można "
22934"budować Fabryki i Elektrownie Cieplne. Zastąpienie Elektrowni Cieplnej "
22935"czystszym źródłem energii -- Elektrownią Wodną / Tamą Hoovera, Elektrownią "
22936"Atomową -- zmniejszy zanieczyszczenie, podobnie jak Oczyszczalnia."
22938#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:947 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1042
22939#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1252 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1228
22940#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1227
22941msgid ""
22942"The city's population starts adding to pollution with the discovery of "
22943"Industrialization, and Automobile, Mass Production, and Plastics make this "
22944"worse. Building a Mass Transit in a city eliminates the population's "
22945"contribution to pollution."
22946msgstr ""
22947"Populacja miasta zwiększa zanieczyszczenie wraz z odkryciem "
22948"Uprzemysłowienia, a odkrycie Samochodu, Masowej Produkcji i Tworzyw "
22949"Sztucznych pogarszają tą sytuację. Zbudowanie Transportu Publicznego "
22950"eliminuje znieczyszczenie powodowane przez mieszkańców."
22952#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:952 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1047
22953#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1257 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1233
22954#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1309 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1232
22955#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1309
22956msgid ""
22957"The contribution of these factors can be seen in the city dialog; once it "
22958"exceeds a threshold, the excess is the percent chance of pollution appearing "
22959"each turn."
22960msgstr ""
22961"Udział tych czynników możesz śledzić w oknie dialogowym miasta; gdy "
22962"przekroczy pewien próg, nadwyżka to procentowe prawdopodobieństwo pojawienie "
22963"się zanieczyszczenia w każdej turze."
22965#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:956 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1051
22966msgid ""
22967"When an unused tile becomes polluted, there is the temptation to avoid the "
22968"effort of cleaning it; but the spread of pollution has far more terrible "
22969"results than the immediate economic impact -- every polluted tile increases "
22970"the chance of global warming. Each time global warming advances, the entire "
22971"world loses coastal land to jungles and swamps, and inland tiles are lost to "
22972"desert. This tends to devastate cities and leads to global impoverishment."
22973msgstr ""
22974"Jeśli zanieczyszczenie pojawi się na nieużywanym polu, pojawia się pokusa, "
22975"by je zignorować. Jednak zalegające zanieczyszczenia niosą poważne "
22976"zagrożenie -- każde nieuprzątnięte pole zwiększa ryzyko globalnego "
22977"ocieplenia. Postępujące ocieplenie zmienia wybrzeża w dżungle i bagna, a "
22978"tereny położone w głębi lądu, w pustynie. Przynosi to duże straty miastom i "
22979"niszczy globalną gospodarkę."
22981#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:964 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1059
22982#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1269 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1245
22983#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1321 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1244
22984#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1321
22985msgid ""
22986"The risk of global warming is cumulative; the longer polluted tiles are left "
22987"uncleaned, the higher the risk becomes, and the risk can linger for some "
22988"time even after all pollution has been cleaned. If a long time passes with "
22989"an elevated risk of warming, its effects will be all the more severe when it "
22990"does occur."
22991msgstr ""
22992"Prawdopodobieństwo globalnego ocieplenia kumuluje się - im dłużej "
22993"zanieczyszczenia zalegają na polach, tym większe ryzyko katastrofy "
22994"ekologicznej i nie ustępuje ono od razu po uprzątnięciu pól. Im dłuższy "
22995"okres podwyższonego ryzyka ocieplenia, tym poważniejsze skutki katastrofy "
22996"(jeśli nastąpi)."
22998#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:973 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1068
22999#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1278 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1254
23000#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1330 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1253
23001#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1330
23002msgid "Minor Tribe Village"
23003msgstr "Mała osada plemienna"
23005#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:989 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1084
23006#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1294 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1270
23007#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1346 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1269
23008#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1346
23009msgid ""
23010"Villages (also called \"huts\") are primitive communities spread across the "
23011"world at the beginning of the game. Any land unit can enter a village, "
23012"making the village disappear and deliver a random response. If the village "
23013"proves hostile, it could produce barbarians or the unit entering may simply "
23014"be destroyed. If they are friendly, the player could receive gold, a new "
23015"technology, a military unit (occasionally a settler; and sometimes a unit "
23016"that the player cannot yet create), or even a new city."
23017msgstr ""
23018"Wioski (zwane też \"chatkami\") to pierwotne społeczności rozrzucone po "
23019"świecie na początku gry. Każda jednostka lądowa może wkroczyć do takiej "
23020"wioski, co wywoła losowy efekt, a sama wioska zniknie. Jeśli wioska jest "
23021"nastawiona wrogo, mogą wyskoczyć z niej Barbarzyńcy lub wkraczająca "
23022"jednostka może po prostu zniknąć. Jeśli wioska jest nastawiona przyjaźnie, "
23023"gracz może otrzymać złoto, nową technologię, jednostkę zbrojną, czasem także "
23024"Osadnika lub jednostkę, której nie może jeszcze stworzyć, a nawet nowe "
23027#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:998
23028msgid "Flying units just fly over the village, leaving it untouched."
23029msgstr "Jednostki latające przleatują nad wioską pozostawiając ją nietkniętą."
23031#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1003 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1130
23032#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1370 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1345
23033#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1460 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1342
23034#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1460
23035msgid "Fortress"
23036msgstr "Forteca"
23038#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1025
23039msgid "Fortresses improve defense for land units outside cities."
23040msgstr "Fortece poprawiają zdolności obronne jednostek lądowych poza miastem."
23042#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1051 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1208
23043#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1501 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1473
23044msgid ""
23045"Roads allow your land units to move more quickly, and on some terrain, also "
23046"provide a trade bonus."
23047msgstr ""
23048"Drogi umożliwiają jednostkom lądowym szybkie przemieszczanie się, a także "
23049"dają dodatkowe punkty handlu (na niektórych terenach)."
23051#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1054 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1211
23052msgid ""
23053"Building roads on river tiles requires knowledge of Bridge Building. City "
23054"center tiles automatically get roads, and are an exception to this "
23056msgstr ""
23057"Aby zbudować drogę na rzece, musisz znać technologię Budowa Mostów. Pole na "
23058"którym leży centrum miasta domyślnie posiada drogi i jest wyjątkiem od tej "
23061#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1061 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1218
23062#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1511 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1488
23063#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1671 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1483
23064#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1673
23065msgid "Railroad"
23066msgstr "Kolej"
23068#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1083 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1240
23069#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1533 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1505
23070msgid ""
23071"Once you learn the Railroad technology, you may upgrade your roads to "
23072"railroads. Units expend no movement points when moving along a railroad; you "
23073"may ride a railroad indefinitely. (As may your enemies!)"
23074msgstr ""
23075"Gdy już poznasz technologię Kolej, możesz ulepszyć drogi do kolei. Jednostki "
23076"nie tracą punktów ruchu, gdy poruszają się wzdłuż torów; możesz podróżować "
23077"bez ograniczeń (twoi wrogowie również)."
23079#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1087
23080msgid ""
23081"A railroad also increases by half (rounding down) all kinds of resources "
23082"produced by a tile. A tile whose road is upgraded to a railroad retains any "
23083"trade bonus from the road as well."
23084msgstr ""
23085"Kolej zwiększa również ilość wszystkie zasobów uzyskiwanych z pola (o "
23086"połowę, zaokrąglając w dół). Pole na których droga została ulepszona do "
23087"kolei zachowuje również wszystkie dodatkowe punkty handlu."
23089#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1108
23090msgid "A grassland tile may have a River on it."
23091msgstr "Przez pole z trawami może płynąć rzeka."
23093#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1110 data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1275
23094#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1567 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1539
23095msgid ""
23096"Roads and railroads can only be built on River tiles if your civilization "
23097"has learned Bridge Building technology."
23098msgstr ""
23099"Drogi i koleje mogą być budowane na Rzekach tylko jeśli cywilizacja poznała "
23100"już technologię Budowa Mostów."
23102#: data/civ1/terrain.ruleset:1113
23103msgid ""
23104"Cities built on or next to rivers are at risk of flooding, which will cause "
23105"a loss of population and stored food. City Walls eliminate this risk."
23106msgstr ""
23107"Miasta zbudowane na rzekach lub w ich pobliżu są narażone na powodzie, które "
23108"prowadzą do utraty ludności i zgromadzonych zapasów żywności. Mury Obronne "
23109"eliminują to niebezpieczeństwo."
23111#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:24 data/civ2/units.ruleset:29
23112#: data/classic/units.ruleset:35 data/experimental/units.ruleset:38
23113#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:34 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:34
23114msgid "TradeRoute"
23115msgstr "SzlakHandlowy"
23117#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:24 data/civ2/units.ruleset:29
23118#: data/classic/units.ruleset:35 data/experimental/units.ruleset:38
23119#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:34 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:34
23120msgid "Can establish trade routes (must travel to target city)."
23121msgstr "Może ustanawiać szlaki handlowe (musi dotrzeć do miasta docelowego)."
23123#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:25 data/civ2/units.ruleset:30
23124#: data/classic/units.ruleset:36 data/experimental/units.ruleset:39
23125#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:35 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:35
23126#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:35
23127msgid "HelpWonder"
23128msgstr "PomocCud"
23130#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:30 data/civ1/units.ruleset:1212
23131#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:35 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1914
23132#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2009 data/classic/units.ruleset:41
23133#: data/classic/units.ruleset:423 data/classic/units.ruleset:468
23134#: data/classic/units.ruleset:509 data/classic/units.ruleset:1908
23135#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2257 data/classic/units.ruleset:2297
23136#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:44 data/experimental/units.ruleset:437
23137#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1936 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2290
23138#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2330 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:40
23139#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:446 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:490
23140#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:533 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2036
23141#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2116 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2480
23142#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2520 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:40
23143#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:422 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:468
23144#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:509 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2006
23145#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2343 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2383
23146#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:40 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:448
23147#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:492 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:535
23148#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2038 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2118
23149#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2483 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2523
23150msgid "green"
23151msgstr "zielony"
23153#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:30 data/civ1/units.ruleset:1212
23154#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:35 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1914
23155#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2009 data/classic/units.ruleset:41
23156#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:44 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:40
23157#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2036 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:40
23158#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:40 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2038
23159msgid "veteran"
23160msgstr "weteran"
23162#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
23163#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:118 data/civ2/units.ruleset:131
23164#: data/classic/units.ruleset:137 data/experimental/units.ruleset:140
23165#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:136 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:136
23166#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:136
23167msgid "?unitclass:Land"
23168msgstr "?unitclass:Lądowa"
23170#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
23171#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:127 data/civ2/units.ruleset:140
23172#: data/classic/units.ruleset:146 data/experimental/units.ruleset:160
23173#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:169 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:145
23174#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:169
23175msgid "?unitclass:Sea"
23176msgstr "?unitclass:Morska"
23178#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
23179#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:134 data/civ2/units.ruleset:154
23180#: data/classic/units.ruleset:167 data/experimental/units.ruleset:181
23181#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:190 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:166
23182#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:192
23183msgid "?unitclass:Air"
23184msgstr "?unitclass:Powietrzna"
23186#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
23187#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:142 data/civ2/units.ruleset:123
23188#: data/classic/units.ruleset:129 data/experimental/units.ruleset:132
23189#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:128 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:128
23190#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:128
23191msgid "?unitclass:Missile"
23192msgstr "?unitclass:Pocisk"
23194#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:311 data/civ2/units.ruleset:313
23195#: data/classic/units.ruleset:397 data/experimental/units.ruleset:411
23196#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:420 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:396
23197#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:422
23198msgid "Settlers"
23199msgstr "Osadnicy"
23201#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:337 data/civ2/units.ruleset:339
23202msgid ""
23203"Settlers are one of the key units in the game, as they are your main means "
23204"of founding new cities, and can also improve terrain; see the help on "
23205"Terrain and Terrain Alterations."
23206msgstr ""
23207"Osadnicy to jedna z kluczowych jednostek w grze, ponieważ mogą zakładać "
23208"miasta i przekształcać teren; zobacz też sekcje pomocy na temat terenu i "
23209"jego zmian."
23211#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:341 data/classic/units.ruleset:435
23212#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:449
23213msgid ""
23214"Upkeep for Settlers is in food as well as production, and a Settler can die "
23215"if its supporting city runs out of food. Settlers in a Republic or Democracy "
23216"require twice as much food per turn."
23217msgstr ""
23218"Utrzymanie Osadników zużywa zarówno punkty produkcji, jak i żywności, a "
23219"Osadnicy mogą zginąć, jeśli w utrzymującym ich mieście zabraknie żywności. W "
23220"Republice i Demokracji, Osadnicy potrzebują dwukrotnie więcej żywności na "
23223#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:348
23224msgid "Militia"
23225msgstr "Milicja"
23227#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:374 data/civ2/units.ruleset:419
23228#: data/classic/units.ruleset:559 data/experimental/units.ruleset:583
23229#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:620 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:559
23230#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:622
23231msgid ""
23232"This unit may be built from the start of the game.  It is the weakest "
23233"offensive unit."
23234msgstr ""
23235"Ta jednostka może zostać utworzona już na początku gry. Jest to najsłabsza z "
23236"jednostek zaczepnych."
23238#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:380 data/civ2/units.ruleset:425
23239#: data/classic/units.ruleset:565 data/experimental/units.ruleset:589
23240#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:626 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:565
23241#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:628
23242msgid "Phalanx"
23243msgstr "Falanga"
23245#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:406 data/civ2/units.ruleset:451
23246#: data/classic/units.ruleset:591 data/experimental/units.ruleset:615
23247#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:652 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:591
23248#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:654
23249msgid "The Phalanx is armored infantry, suitable for defending your cities."
23250msgstr "Falanga to uzbrojona piechota, przydatna do obrony miast."
23252#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:411 data/civ2/units.ruleset:488
23253#: data/classic/units.ruleset:628 data/experimental/units.ruleset:652
23254#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:689 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:628
23255#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:691
23256msgid "Legion"
23257msgstr "Legion"
23259#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:437 data/civ2/units.ruleset:514
23260#: data/classic/units.ruleset:654 data/experimental/units.ruleset:678
23261#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:715 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:654
23262#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:717
23263msgid ""
23264"Legions are heavily armed and well disciplined infantry units with an "
23265"excellent offensive value."
23266msgstr ""
23267"Legion to zdyscyplinowana, ciężkozbrojna piechota, charakteryzująca się dużą "
23268"siłą ataku."
23270#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:443 data/civ2/units.ruleset:556
23271#: data/classic/units.ruleset:696 data/experimental/units.ruleset:720
23272#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:753 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:696
23273#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:755
23274msgid "Musketeers"
23275msgstr "Muszkieterzy"
23277#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:470
23278msgid ""
23279"Musketeers are infantry equipped with early firearms and replace Phalanx as "
23280"the preferred city defender."
23281msgstr ""
23282"Muszkieterzy to piechota wyposażona we wczesną broń palną. Zastępują Falangę "
23283"i są przydatni do obrony miast."
23285#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:477 data/civ2/units.ruleset:697
23286#: data/classic/units.ruleset:802 data/experimental/units.ruleset:826
23287#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:787 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:837
23288#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:789
23289msgid "Riflemen"
23290msgstr "Strzelcy"
23292#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:503 data/civ2/units.ruleset:723
23293#: data/classic/units.ruleset:828 data/experimental/units.ruleset:852
23294#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:813 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:863
23295#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:815
23296msgid ""
23297"Riflemen are World War-era infantry, very good at defending your cities."
23298msgstr ""
23299"Strzelcy to piechota okresu Wojen Światowych, znakomici do obrony miast."
23301#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:509 data/civ2/units.ruleset:799
23302#: data/classic/units.ruleset:904 data/experimental/units.ruleset:928
23303#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1007 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:939
23304#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1009
23305msgid "Mech. Inf."
23306msgstr "Piechota Zmech."
23308#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:535
23309msgid ""
23310"Mechanized Infantry; this unit has the strongest defense strength of any "
23311"land unit, but is only available near the end of the technology tree."
23312msgstr ""
23313"Piechota Zmechanizowana jest najsilniejszą lądową jednostką obronną, lecz "
23314"jest dostępna dopiero na końcu drzewa technologicznego."
23316#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:542 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1025
23317#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1066 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1091
23318#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1238 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1165
23319#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1240
23320msgid "Cavalry"
23321msgstr "Kawaleria"
23323#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:568
23324msgid ""
23325"Cavalry are mounted warriors and an early shock-troop that can penetrate "
23326"deep into enemy territory."
23327msgstr ""
23328"Kawaleria to lekkozbrojni jeźdźcy; jest to jednostka zaczepna mogąca "
23329"zapuszczać się w głąb terytorium wroga."
23331#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:575 data/civ2/units.ruleset:865
23332#: data/classic/units.ruleset:970 data/experimental/units.ruleset:995
23333#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1075 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1005
23334#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1077
23335msgid "Chariot"
23336msgstr "Rydwan"
23338#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:601
23339msgid ""
23340"Chariots are horse-pulled war wagons, stronger but more expensive than "
23342msgstr ""
23343"Rydwany to powozy ciągnięte przez konie; silniejsze, choć również droższe w "
23344"produkcji niż Kawaleria."
23346#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:607 data/civ2/units.ruleset:961
23347#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1002 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1027
23348#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1175 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1101
23349#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1177
23350msgid "Knights"
23351msgstr "Rycerze"
23353#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:634 data/civ2/units.ruleset:988
23354#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1029 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1054
23355#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1202 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1128
23356#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1204
23357msgid "Knights are mounted and heavily armored warriors."
23358msgstr "Rycerze to ciężkozbrojni jeźdźcy."
23360#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:639 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1056
23361#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1097 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1122
23362#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1269 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1196
23363#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1271
23364msgid "Armor"
23365msgstr "Czołg"
23367#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:665 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1082
23368#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1123 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1148
23369#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1222
23370msgid ""
23371"Armors are motorized war wagons that are faster, stronger, and can take more "
23372"damage than any mounted unit."
23373msgstr ""
23374"Czołgi są szybsze i silniejsze niż jakakolwiek jednostka konną; "
23375"charakteryzują się dużą siłą ataku i obrony."
23377#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:672 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1089
23378#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1130 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1155
23379#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1304 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1229
23380#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1306
23381msgid "Catapult"
23382msgstr "Katapulta"
23384#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:698 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1115
23385#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1156 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1181
23386#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1330 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1255
23387#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1332
23388msgid ""
23389"Catapults are large rock-throwing machines of war. They are very strong "
23390"attackers but equally weak defenders and will need an escort to be effective."
23391msgstr ""
23392"Katapulty to duże maszyny wojenne miotające ogromne kamienie. Charakteryzują "
23393"się bardzo dużą siłą ognia, ale też słabą obroną, potrzebują więc osłony "
23394"innych jednostek."
23396#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:705 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1122
23397#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1163 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1188
23398#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1342 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1262
23399#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1344
23400msgid "Cannon"
23401msgstr "Działo"
23403#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:731 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1148
23404#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1189 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1214
23405#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1288
23406msgid ""
23407"Cannons are large firearms that can fire heavy projectiles over long "
23408"distances. They are very strong attackers but equally weak defenders and "
23409"will need an escort to be effective."
23410msgstr ""
23411"Działa do długie armaty strzelające ciężkimi pociskami o dużym zasięgu. "
23412"Charakteryzują się bardzo dużą siłą ognia, ale też słabą obroną, potrzebują "
23413"więc osłony innych jednostek."
23415#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:739 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1156
23416#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1197 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1222
23417#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1376 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1296
23418#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1378
23419msgid "Artillery"
23420msgstr "Artyleria"
23422#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:765
23423msgid ""
23424"The artillery is an upgraded cannon with improved defensive as well as "
23425"offensive capabilities. It can shoot over city walls, ignoring their effect."
23426msgstr ""
23427"Artyleria to udoskonalone działo; mają znacznie poprawione zdolności "
23428"zaczepne i obronne. Mogą strzelać ponad murami miasta, niwelując ich efekt."
23430#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:772 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1222
23431#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1263 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1288
23432#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1442 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1362
23433#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1444
23434msgid "Fighter"
23435msgstr "Myśliwiec"
23437#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:799 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1254
23438#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1295 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1320
23439#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1469 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1394
23440#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1471
23441msgid ""
23442"Fighters are your first airborne units. They can move anywhere and attack "
23443"any unit."
23444msgstr ""
23445"Myśliwce to twoje pierwsze jednostki powietrzne. Mogą poruszać się wszędzie "
23446"i atakować każdą jednostkę."
23448#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:805 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1260
23449#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1301 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1326
23450#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1480 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1400
23451#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1482
23452msgid "Bomber"
23453msgstr "Bombowiec"
23455#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:831 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1286
23456#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1327 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1353
23457#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1506 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1426
23458#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1508
23459msgid ""
23460"Bombers are specialized airborne units that may only attack ground targets, "
23461"not other airborne units."
23462msgstr ""
23463"Bombowce to wyspecjalizowane jednostki powietrzne; mogą atakować jedynie "
23464"cela naziemne."
23466#. TRANS: unit type
23467#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:839 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1400
23468#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1442 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1468
23469#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1632 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1540
23470#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1634
23471msgid "Trireme"
23472msgstr "Trirema"
23474#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:866 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1427
23475msgid ""
23476"The Trireme is your first boat unit. It can act as a transport ship and has "
23477"rudimentary offensive capabilities, but may not stray too far from the shore."
23478msgstr ""
23479"Trirema to twoja pierwsza jednostka morska. Może przewozić inne jednostki i "
23480"posiada podstawowe zdolności zaczepne, lecz nie odpływać zbyt daleko od "
23483#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:873
23484msgid "Sail"
23485msgstr "Żaglowiec"
23487#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:900
23488msgid ""
23489"The Sail replaces the Trireme and is much more reliable on the open seas."
23490msgstr ""
23491"Żaglowiec zastępuje Triremę i jest znacznie bardziej niezawodny na głębokim "
23494#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:906 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1501
23495#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1543 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1570
23496#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1734 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1641
23497#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1736
23498msgid "Frigate"
23499msgstr "Fregata"
23501#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:933 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1528
23502#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1570 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1597
23503#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1668
23504msgid ""
23505"The Frigate is a highly versatile boat unit, that is both a strong offensive "
23506"unit as well as a decent transport ship."
23507msgstr ""
23508"Fregata to okręt bardzo wszechstronny; ma znaczną siłę ognia oraz może "
23509"przewozić inne jednostki."
23511#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:940 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1535
23512#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1577 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1604
23513#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1766 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1675
23514#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1768
23515msgid "Ironclad"
23516msgstr "Parowiec"
23518#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:966 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1561
23519#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1603 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1630
23520#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1701
23521msgid ""
23522"The Ironclad is an armored ship that is much more sturdy than the Frigate "
23523"but loses the latter's transport capability."
23524msgstr ""
23525"Parowiec to opancerzony okręt, charakteryzujący się siłą ognia większą niż "
23526"Fregata, lecz nie mogący przewozić innych jednostek."
23528#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:973 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1602
23529#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1644 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1671
23530#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1837 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1742
23531#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1839
23532msgid "Cruiser"
23533msgstr "Krążownik"
23535#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:999 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1628
23536#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1670 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1697
23537#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1863 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1768
23538#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1865
23539msgid "The Cruiser is a strong offensive boat unit."
23540msgstr "Krążownik to okręt do dużej sile ognia."
23542#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1004 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1669
23543#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1711 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1738
23544#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1904 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1809
23545#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1906
23546msgid "Battleship"
23547msgstr "Pancernik"
23549#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1030 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1695
23550#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1737 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1764
23551#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1930 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1835
23552#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1932
23553msgid ""
23554"The Battleship is the supreme naval unit with excellent offensive and "
23555"defensive values."
23556msgstr ""
23557"Pancernik to znakomita jednostka morska, charakteryzująca się zarówno dużą "
23558"siłą ognia, jak i znakomitą obroną."
23560#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1036 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1701
23561#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1743 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1770
23562#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:32 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1936
23563#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1841 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:32
23564#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1938
23565msgid "Submarine"
23566msgstr "Łódź Podwodna"
23568#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1062 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1729
23569#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1771 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1798
23570#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1963 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1869
23571#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1965
23572msgid ""
23573"Traveling under the surface of the ocean, Submarines have a very high "
23574"strategic value, but a weak defense if caught off guard."
23575msgstr ""
23576"Poruszające się pod wodą Łodzie Podwodne są strategicznie bardzo istotne, "
23577"lecz mają słabą obronę."
23579#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1069 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1736
23580#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1778 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1805
23581#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1970 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1876
23582#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1972
23583msgid "Carrier"
23584msgstr "Lotniskowiec"
23586#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1096 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1763
23587#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1805 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1832
23588#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1997 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1903
23589#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1999
23590msgid "The Carrier is a mobile airport."
23591msgstr "Lotniskowiec to ruchome lotnisko."
23593#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1098 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1765
23594#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1807 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1834
23595#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2003 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1905
23596#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2005
23597msgid ""
23598"TIP:  Guard Carriers with a handful of fast-moving ships and a battleship, "
23599"as losing a fully-equipped Carrier is VERY painful and expensive."
23600msgstr ""
23601"RADA: Chroń Lotniskowce kilkoma szybkimi statkami i Pancernikiem, strata w "
23602"pełni załadowanego Lotniskowca jest BARDZO bolesna i kosztowna."
23604#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1105 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1772
23605#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1814 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1841
23606#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2010 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1912
23607#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2012
23608msgid "Transport"
23609msgstr "Transportowiec"
23611#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1132 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1799
23612#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1841 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1868
23613#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2042 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1939
23614#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2044
23615msgid ""
23616"The Transport cannot attack on its own but may defend itself when under "
23618msgstr ""
23619"Transportowiec nie może atakować innych jednostek, lecz może bronić się "
23620"przed atakiem."
23622#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1138 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1840
23623#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1882 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1910
23624#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2090 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1980
23625#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2092
23626msgid "Nuclear"
23627msgstr "Bomba Atomowa"
23629#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1164 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1866
23630#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1914 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1942
23631#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2012
23632msgid ""
23633"You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and the "
23634"Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player."
23635msgstr ""
23636"Budowa jednostek atomowych jest możliwa po osiągnięciu wymaganej technologii "
23637"oraz stworzeniu cudu Projekt Manhattan przez któregokolwiek z graczy."
23639#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1167 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1869
23640msgid ""
23641"On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide (3x3 "
23642"squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units. Any city within "
23643"the blast area loses half its population, and land tiles within the blast "
23644"area are subject to nuclear fallout, which appears as pollution and "
23645"contributes to global warming."
23646msgstr ""
23647"Podmuch przy uderzeniu atomowym niszczy wszystkie jednostki w promieniu 3 "
23648"pól (wewnątrz kwadratu o wymiarach 3x3 pola dla pól prostokątnych), "
23649"włączając w to jednostki przyjazne. Przy uderzeniu w miasto, jego rozmiar "
23650"spada o połowę, a na otaczających je polach pojawia się zanieczyszczenie, "
23651"przyczyniające się do globalnego ocieplenia."
23653#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1173 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1875
23654#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1925 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1953
23655#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2023
23656msgid ""
23657"TIP 1:  Nuking the ocean will not generate fallout, and is a most effective "
23658"(but expensive!!) way of getting rid of enemy ships."
23659msgstr ""
23660"RADA 1: Uderzenie w ocean nie tworzy skażenia i jest najbardziej efektywnym "
23661"(ale i kosztownym!) sposobem na eliminowanie wrogich statków."
23663#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1177
23664msgid ""
23665"TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
23666"country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
23667"Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers next to the city and have them "
23668"ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  This minimizes the "
23669"chance of global warming.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
23670msgstr ""
23671"RADA 2: Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar wroga, "
23672"lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem jednostek atomowych, "
23673"warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników i przygotować ich do usuwania skażeń w "
23674"turze, w której się pojawią! Redukuje to ryzyko globalnego ocieplenia "
23675"(ekologiczne bomby atomowe!)."
23677#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1187 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1889
23678#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1939 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1967
23679#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2148 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2037
23680#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2150
23681msgid "Diplomat"
23682msgstr "Dyplomata"
23684#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1218 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1920
23685#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1978 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2006
23686#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2187 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2076
23687#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2189
23688msgid ""
23689"A Diplomat is an official that carries your dispatches and is authorized to "
23690"deal with foreign dignitaries. He may also undertake various covert "
23691"operations with the intent of harming your opponents; Diplomats in your own "
23692"cities defend them against such actions."
23693msgstr ""
23694"Dyplomata to przedstawiciel uprawniony do kontaktowania się z obcymi "
23695"dygnitarzami. Może również przeprowadzać tajne akcje, mające na celu "
23696"zaszkodzenie przeciwnikowi. Dyplomaci bronią też twoich miast przed takimi "
23697"akcjami ze strony wrogich jednostek."
23699#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1224 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1926
23700#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1984 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2012
23701#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2082
23702msgid ""
23703"Many covert actions may be attempted even in peacetime, but the more "
23704"aggressive actions will be discovered and cause diplomatic incidents, which "
23705"can allow Republics and Democracies to break treaties."
23706msgstr ""
23707"Wiele tajnych akcji przeprowadzać można nawet w czasie pokoju, lecz jeśli "
23708"bardziej agresywne działania zostaną wykryte, mogą doprowadzić do skandalu "
23709"dyplomatycznego, a państwa republikańskie i demokratyczne mogą zerwać "
23710"wcześniej podpisane traktaty."
23712#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1228 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1930
23713#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1988 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2016
23714#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2086
23715msgid ""
23716"If a foreign unit is alone on a tile, you may attempt to bribe it with your "
23717"Diplomat. By paying a sum of gold the unit will immediately become yours; "
23718"the exact sum depends on the status of the unit and that of the civilization "
23719"owning it. However, units belonging to Democratic governments cannot be "
23720"bribed. Bribery when not at war will cause a diplomatic incident."
23721msgstr ""
23722"Jeśli na jakimś polu przebywa tylko jedna obca jednostka, Dyplomata może "
23723"spróbować ją przekupić. Po zapłaceniu pewnej sumy w złocie, jednostka "
23724"przejdzie na twoją stronę; wysokość sumy zależy od statusu jednostki i "
23725"cywilizacji, do której należy. Pamiętaj jednak, że jednostki państw "
23726"demokratycznych nie mogą zostać przekupione. Przekupywanie w czasie pokoju "
23727"doprowadzi do skandalu dyplomatycznego."
23729#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1235 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1937
23730msgid ""
23731"Diplomats can also perform a number of actions in another player's city, "
23732"although each Diplomat may attempt only one action. Most of these actions "
23733"have a chance of failure. Also, any enemy Diplomats or Spies in the city "
23734"will oppose hostile actions; in this case, either your unit or the defending "
23735"unit will die. If the defending unit dies, you lose one movement point and "
23736"may try again."
23737msgstr ""
23738"Dyplomaci mogą też przeprowadzać akcje w miastach innej cywilizacji, choć "
23739"jeden Dyplomata może przeprowadzić tylko jedną akcję. Większość z nich może "
23740"(choć nie musi) zakończyć się niepowodzeniem. Ponadto, Dyplomaci i Szpiedzy "
23741"przeciwnika obecni w mieście będą próbowali zniweczyć tę akcję. W takim "
23742"przypadku jedna z jednostek (twoja, bądź ta, która broni miasta) ulegnie "
23743"zniszczeniu. Jeśli to ty atakujesz i zginie broniąca miasta jednostka, "
23744"tracisz jeden punkt ruchu, ale możesz podjąć kolejną próbę."
23746#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1242 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1944
23747#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2003 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2031
23748#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2214 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2101
23749#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2216
23750msgid "The actions available to Diplomats in a city are:"
23751msgstr "Dyplomaci mogą przeprowadzać następujące akcje:"
23753#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1244 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1946
23754#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2005 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2033
23755#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2103
23756msgid ""
23757" - \"Establish Embassy\": This action always succeeds, and gives permanent "
23758"contact with the city's owner, as well as intelligence on their tax rates "
23759"and technology."
23760msgstr ""
23761" - \"Załóż ambasadę\": Ta akcja zawsze kończy się powodzeniem i daje stały "
23762"kontakt w graczem, do którego należy miasto. Ambasada dostarcza też "
23763"informacji na temat stawek podatków i technologii."
23765#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1248 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1950
23766#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2009 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2037
23767#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2222 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2446
23768#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2107 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2224
23769#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2449
23770msgid ""
23771" - \"Investigate City\": Your unit attempts to report detailed information "
23772"about the city: its status, what buildings and units are within, and what it "
23773"is currently producing."
23774msgstr ""
23775" - \"Zbadaj miasto\": Dyplomata spróbuje zdobyć szczegółowe informacje o "
23776"mieście: o jego stanie, budynkach, jednostkach w nim stacjonujących i "
23777"bieżącej produkcji."
23779#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1252 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1954
23780#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2013 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2041
23781#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2226 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2111
23782#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2228
23783msgid ""
23784" - \"Sabotage City\": Your unit attempts either to disrupt all the city's "
23785"work so far towards its current project, or to destroy an existing building "
23786"in the city, at random. Once built, Palaces and Wonders cannot be sabotaged, "
23787"and attempts to sabotage City Walls or any building in a capital each halve "
23788"the chance of success. Sabotage may only be attempted when openly at war."
23789msgstr ""
23790" - \"Sabotuj miasto\": Dyplomata spróbuje zakłócić bieżącą produkcję miasta "
23791"lub zniszczyć jakiś budynek (rodzaj akcji wybierany jest losowo). Pałac oraz "
23792"cudy nie mogą być sabotowane, a sabotowanie Murów Obronnym lub budynków w "
23793"stolicy wiąże się z o połowę mniejszym prawdopodobieństwem sukcesu. "
23794"Sabotować można jedynie graczy, z którymi prowadzi się wojnę."
23796#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1259 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1961
23797#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2020 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2048
23798#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2233 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2118
23799#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2235
23800msgid ""
23801" - \"Steal Technology\": Your unit attempts to learn the secrets of a random "
23802"technology known to the city's owner but not to you. Technology may only be "
23803"stolen once from a given enemy city by Diplomats. This action may be "
23804"attempted even when not at war, but will cause a diplomatic incident."
23805msgstr ""
23806" - \"Wykradnij technologię\": Dyplomata spróbuje wykraść informacje o "
23807"technologii innego gracza, której ty nie znasz. Z jednego miasta można "
23808"wykraść tylko jedną technologię. Akcję tę przeprowadzić można nawet w czasie "
23809"pokoju, lecz doprowadzi ona do skandalu dyplomatycznego."
23811#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1265 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1967
23812#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2026 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2054
23813#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2124
23814msgid ""
23815" - \"Incite a Revolt\": In return for gold a foreign city will change "
23816"allegiance and join your empire, bringing along all nearby units that call "
23817"it home, but reducing its size by 1. Units in other cities remain in the "
23818"enemy's control, but units outside cities are lost to both players. The "
23819"exact sum depends on the status of the city and that of the civilization "
23820"that owns it. It is not possible to incite a rebellion in a capital, or in "
23821"any city governed by a democracy. Incitement may be attempted in peacetime, "
23822"but will cause a diplomatic incident."
23823msgstr ""
23824" - \"Wznieć bunt\": Po zapłaceniu określonej sumy w złocie, miasto przejdzie "
23825"na twoją stronę i będzie należeć do ciebie (wraz ze wszystkimi pobliskimi "
23826"jednostkami, które z niego pochodzą), lecz jego rozmiar zmniejszy się o "
23827"jeden. Jednostki na utrzymaniu miasta, które przebywają w innych miastach "
23828"wroga pozostaną przy przeciwniku, lecz te poza miastami będą stracone dla "
23829"obu graczy. Wysokość opłaty zależy od statusu miasta oraz cywilizacji, do "
23830"której należy. Nie da się wzniecić buntu w stolicy ani w miastach państwa "
23831"demokratycznego. Akcję można przeprowadzić w czasie pokoju, lecz doprowadzi "
23832"ona do skandalu dyplomatycznego."
23834#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1275 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1977
23835#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2036 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2064
23836#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2249 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2134
23837#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2251
23838msgid ""
23839"In some game strategies, hordes of Diplomats can be used to wreak havoc on "
23840"the enemy.  Little wonder that Diplomats are often viewed with suspicion and "
23842msgstr ""
23843"Większe grupy Dyplomatów można wykorzystać do siania zamętu w państwie "
23844"wroga. Nic dziwnego, że Dyplomaci wzbudzają strach i podejrzliwość!"
23846#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1282 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2044
23847#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2115 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2143
23848#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2328 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2213
23849#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2330
23850msgid "Caravan"
23851msgstr "Karawana"
23853#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1308 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2070
23854#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2141 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2169
23855msgid ""
23856"A Caravan carries goods or material for trading with distant cities and "
23857"foreign countries, or to help build wonders in your cities."
23858msgstr ""
23859"Karawana wiezie towar na sprzedaż do innego miasta na obszarze tego samego "
23860"lub innego kraju. Może także pomóc przy budowie cudu."
23862#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1311 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2073
23863msgid ""
23864"Caravans can establish trade routes with your own cities or those of other "
23865"nations (even enemies) by traveling to them. A route's ongoing revenue is "
23866"doubled if the two cities involved are on different continents, and doubled "
23867"again if the cities are from different civilizations. This last condition "
23868"means the net benefit to your civilization of a trade route is the same "
23869"regardless of whether you own both cities or only one of them; if you only "
23870"own one city, trade in each city is doubled, but you only get the benefit "
23871"from one end of the route. Each city can support a maximum of three trade "
23873msgstr ""
23874"Karawany mogą ustanawiać szlaki handlowe z miastami innych narodów (nawet "
23875"wrogich). Aby ustanowić szlak, Karawana musi dotrzeć do miasta docelowego. "
23876"Zyski ze szlaku podwajają się, gdy miasta leżą na innych kontynentach i "
23877"podwajają się ponownie, jeśli należą do innych narodów. Oznacza to, że zysk "
23878"ze szlaku jest taki sam dla gracza niezależnie od tego, czy handlują ze sobą "
23879"dwa miasta należące do niego, czy też miasto gracza z miastem innego narodu. "
23880"W pierwszym przypadku oba miasta generują zysk, w drugim zysk z handlu w "
23881"jednym mieście jest podwajany. Każde miasto może mieć najwyżej 3 szlaki "
23884#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1321 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2083
23885#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2157 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2185
23886msgid ""
23887"Every Caravan that is used to build a wonder will add 50 shields towards the "
23888"production of the wonder."
23889msgstr "Każda Karawana użyta do budowy cudu dodaje 50 punktów produkcji."
23891#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1324 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2086
23892#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2160 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2188
23893#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2369 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2245
23894#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2372
23895msgid ""
23896"TIP:  You can stockpile a stack of Caravans in advance and bring them all "
23897"into a city where you have started to build a wonder, and finish it in only "
23898"one turn!"
23899msgstr ""
23900"RADA: Możesz najpierw zgromadzić Karawany, a potem przenieść je wszystkie do "
23901"miasta, które właśnie zaczęło budować cud i skończyć go w jednej turze!"
23903#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1331 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2156
23904#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2270 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2303
23905#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2493 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2356
23906#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2496
23907msgid "Barbarian Leader"
23908msgstr "Barbarzyński Wódz"
23910#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1357 data/civ2/units.ruleset:2182
23911#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2303 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2336
23912#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2526 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2389
23913#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2529
23914msgid ""
23915"One Barbarian Leader appears every time there is a barbarian uprising "
23916"somewhere in the world."
23917msgstr ""
23918"Barbarzyński Wódz pojawia się zawsze, gdy gdzieś na świecie wybucha "
23919"powstanie Barbarzyńców."
23921#: data/civ1/units.ruleset:1360
23922msgid ""
23923"When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, the "
23924"ransom is paid, but only to land units. Usually the ransom is 100 gold, but "
23925"can be less if the barbarian has less money."
23926msgstr ""
23927"Gdy zabijesz Barbarzyńskiego Wodza na polu bez innych jednostek broniących, "
23928"dostaniesz okup, ale tylko jeśli atakowała jednostka lądowa. Okup wynosi "
23929"zazwyczaj 100 sztuk złota, lecz może być mniejszy, jeśli barbarzyńcy mają "
23930"mniej pieniędzy."
23932#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:44 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:77
23933#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:79 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:77
23934#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:76 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:77
23935msgid ""
23936"Allows a city to produce veteran air units (including helicopters and "
23937"missiles). Also, damaged air units (again, including helicopters) which stay "
23938"in town for one full turn without moving are completely restored."
23939msgstr ""
23940"Pozwala miastu na budowę jednostek powietrznych o statusie weterana (w tym "
23941"Helikopterów i pociski). Ponadto uszkodzone jednostki powietrzne (w tym "
23942"Helikoptery) zostają całkowicie naprawione po przeczekaniu całej tury w "
23945#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:49 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:82
23946#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:84 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:81
23947msgid ""
23948"Two cities with Airports can airlift one unit per turn.  Airlifting "
23949"instantly transports the unit from one city to another and will use all of "
23950"the unit's movement points.  A unit must have some movement points left to "
23951"be airlifted."
23952msgstr ""
23953"Możesz przetransportować samolotem jedną jednostkę na turę pomiędzy dwoma "
23954"miastami z lotniskiem. Taki transport zużyje wszystkie punkty ruchu "
23955"transportowanej jednostki. Jednostka musi posiadać punkty ruchu, aby mogła "
23956"zostać przetransportowana."
23958#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:73 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:106
23959#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:132
23960msgid ""
23961"Allows a city to grow larger than size 8.  A Sewer System is also required "
23962"for a city to grow larger than size 12."
23963msgstr ""
23964"Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 8. Kanalizacja jest potrzebna, "
23965"by miasto mogło wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 12."
23967#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:121 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:149
23968#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:176 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:158
23969#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:187 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:214
23970#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:163
23971#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:192
23972#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:219 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:246
23973#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:275 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:302
23974#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:184
23975#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:213
23976#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:240 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:246
23977#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:275 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:302
23978#, no-c-format
23979msgid ""
23980"With a Barracks, each new land unit built in a city will automatically have "
23981"Veteran status, which means that its attack and defense strengths are "
23982"increased by 50%."
23983msgstr ""
23984"Jeśli w mieście znajdują się Koszary, każda nowa jednostka lądowa "
23985"wyprodukowana w mieście ma status weterana (siła ataku i obrony jest "
23986"zwiększona o 50%)."
23988#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:125 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:153
23989#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:180 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:162
23990#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:191 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:218
23991#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:167
23992#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:196
23993#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:223 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:250
23994#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:279 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:306
23995#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:188
23996#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:217
23997#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:244 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:250
23998#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:279 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:306
23999msgid ""
24000"Also, damaged land units which stay in town for one full turn without moving "
24001"are completely restored."
24002msgstr ""
24003"Ponadto, Jednostki \"wykrwawione w boju\", które przeczekają jedną pełną "
24004"turę w mieście z Koszarami, odzyskują wszystkie punkty obrażeń."
24006#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:202 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:241
24007#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:246
24008#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:267
24009msgid ""
24010"A Cathedral makes 3 unhappy citizens content in a city, making it easier to "
24011"maintain order in that city; however, it does not affect citizens made "
24012"unhappy by military activity.  The discovery of Theology increases the "
24013"effect of a Cathedral, making an additional unhappy citizen content.  The "
24014"discovery of Communism lessens the effect of a Cathedral, reducing by one "
24015"the number of unhappy citizens made content."
24016msgstr ""
24017"Katedra czyni 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych, ułatwiając tym "
24018"samym zarządzanie miastem (nie wpływa jednak na niezadowolenie spowodowane "
24019"działaniami wojennymi). Odkrycie Teologii zwiększa efektywność Katedr o "
24020"jednego obywatela. Odkrycie Komunizmu zmniejsza efektywność Katedr o jednego "
24023#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:230 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:269
24024#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:274
24025#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:295
24026msgid ""
24027"City Walls make it easier to defend a city.  They triple the defense "
24028"strength of units within the city against land and helicopter units.  They "
24029"are ineffective against airborne and sea units as well as Howitzers.  City "
24030"Walls also prevent the loss of population which occurs when a defending unit "
24031"is destroyed by a land unit."
24032msgstr ""
24033"Mury Obronne ułatwiają obronę miasta. Potrajają one siłę obrony jednostek "
24034"stacjonujących w mieście podczas starcia z jednostkami lądowymi i "
24035"Helikopterami. Nie mają znaczenia podczas starć z jednostkami powietrznymi "
24036"(oprócz Helikopterów), morskimi oraz artylerią. Mury Obronne zapobiegają "
24037"stratom ludności, które mają miejsce, gdy jednostka broniąca się zostaje "
24038"rozbita przez jednostkę lądową."
24040#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:239 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:278
24041#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:283 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:366
24042#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:304 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:366
24043msgid "Coastal Defense"
24044msgstr "Obrona Wybrzeża"
24046#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:256 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:295
24047#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:300
24048#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:321
24049msgid ""
24050"Increases the defense strength of units within a city by a factor of 2 when "
24051"defending against bombardments from enemy ships."
24052msgstr ""
24053"Podwaja zdolności obronne jednostek stacjonujących w mieście, gdy bronią się "
24054"one przed atakiem okrętów."
24056#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:278
24057msgid ""
24058"Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.  (Four "
24059"after the discovery of Electronics.)  However, it does not affect citizens "
24060"made unhappy by military activity."
24061msgstr ""
24062"Dostarcza rozrywki mieszkańcom miasta, uszczęśliwiając 3 niezadowolonych "
24063"mieszkańców (4 po wynalezieniu Elektroniki). Nie wpływa jednak na "
24064"mieszkańców niezadowolonych z powodu działań wojennych."
24066#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:302 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:344
24067#, no-c-format
24068msgid ""
24069"Reduces the corruption and waste in a city by 50%, and makes the revolt cost "
24070"of the city 4 times bigger. (These effects are redundant in your capital "
24072msgstr ""
24073"Zmniejsza korupcję i straty w mieście o 50%, a koszt wzniecenia zamieszek w "
24074"mieście jest 4-krotnie wyższy. (Te korzyści te nie dublują się w stolicy.)"
24076#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:306 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:347
24077#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:353
24078#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:348
24079msgid ""
24080"Under a Democracy, a Courthouse also makes 1 unhappy citizen content (unless "
24081"that citizen is unhappy about military activity)."
24082msgstr ""
24083"W Demokracji, Sąd czyni jednego mieszkańca zadowolonym (nie wpływa jednak na "
24084"niezadowolenia spowodowane działaniami wojennymi)."
24086#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:361 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:402
24087#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:408 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:502
24088#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:400 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:502
24089msgid "Harbor"
24090msgstr "Przystań"
24092#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:379 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:420
24093#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:426
24094#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:418
24095msgid ""
24096"Gives one extra food resource on all Oceanic tiles.  The city needs to be "
24097"coastal to build this improvement."
24098msgstr ""
24099"Dodaje punkt żywności na wszystkich polach morskich. Miasto musi być "
24100"położone na wybrzeżu, aby zbudować Przystań."
24102#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:411
24103msgid ""
24104"A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or Solar "
24105"Plant.  A city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or on) a River "
24107msgstr ""
24108"Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
24109"atomową. Elektrownia Wodna może być budowana tylko obok lub na polu z Rzeką."
24111#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:505 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:549
24112#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:607
24113#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:544
24114#, no-c-format
24115msgid ""
24116"Together with a Factory, a Manufacturing Plant increases the shield "
24117"production in a city by 100%. A Manufacturing Plant on its own increases "
24118"shield production by 50%."
24119msgstr ""
24120"Razem z Fabryką, Fabryka Zautomatyzowana zwiększa produkcję przemysłową "
24121"miasta o 100%. Fabryka Zautomatyzowana bez Fabryki zwiększa produkcję o 50%."
24123#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:537 data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:683
24124#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:834
24125msgid ""
24126"A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or Solar "
24128msgstr ""
24129"Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
24132#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:546 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:601
24133#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:656 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:716
24134#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:585 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:716
24135msgid "Offshore Platform"
24136msgstr "Platforma Wiertnicza"
24138#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:563 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:618
24139#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:673
24140#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:602
24141msgid ""
24142"Adds 1 extra shield resource on all Oceanic tiles worked by a city.  The "
24143"city needs to be coastal to build this improvement."
24144msgstr ""
24145"Dodaje jeden punkt produkcji do wszystkich używanych pól morskich miasta. "
24146"Miasto musi być położone na wybrzeżu, aby zbudować Platformę."
24148#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:586 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:625
24149msgid ""
24150"Makes a city the capital and the center of your government. Corruption and "
24151"waste in other cities is related to how far away from the capital they are, "
24152"except when the government is Democracy or Communism. On top of this, "
24153"corruption and waste in your capital itself is half of what it would "
24154"otherwise be (as if it had a Courthouse)."
24155msgstr ""
24156"Miasto w którym został wybudowany staje się twoją stolicą (ośrodkiem "
24157"władzy). Korupcja i straty w pozostałych miastach jest obliczana na "
24158"podstawie odległości od stolicy, chyba że twoim ustrojem jest Demokracja lub "
24159"Komunizm. Ponadto korupcja w stolicy jest o połowę niższa w porównaniu z "
24160"miastem niestołecznym (tak jakby miasto miało Sąd)."
24162#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:593 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:647
24163#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:702 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:763
24164#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:632 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:763
24165msgid ""
24166"The cost to enemy Diplomats and Spies of inciting a revolt in a city also "
24167"depends upon the city's distance from the capital (under all forms of "
24168"government). Your capital city itself cannot be incited to revolt, and "
24169"enjoys a bonus when enemy agents try to evade your own agents stationed in "
24170"the city, or sabotage your buildings."
24171msgstr ""
24172"Koszt wzniecenia zamieszek przez Dyplomatów lub Szpiegów zależy również od "
24173"odległości od stolicy (we wszystkich ustrojach). Sama stolica nie może "
24174"zostać podburzona, a ponadto wrogim agentom trudniej jest sabotować "
24175"stołeczne budynki i obronić się przed twoimi agentami stacjonującymi w "
24178#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:611 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:670
24179#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:726 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:826
24180#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:655 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:826
24181msgid "Police Station"
24182msgstr "Komisariat"
24184#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:627 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:686
24185#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:742
24186msgid ""
24187"Reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed military units owned "
24188"by the city by 2 under Democracy and 1 under Republic -- in other words, it "
24189"neutralizes the unhappiness caused by a single military unit. This "
24190"improvement has no effect under other governments."
24191msgstr ""
24192"Zmniejsza niezadowolenie spowodowane przez jednostki na pozycjach bojowych o "
24193"2 w Demokracji i o 1 w Republice; innymi słowy, niweluje niezadowolenie "
24194"spowodowane przez jednostkę zbrojną. Nie przynosi żadnego efektu w innych "
24197#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:635 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:697
24198#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:753 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:849
24199#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:679 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:849
24200msgid "Port Facility"
24201msgstr "Stocznia"
24203#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:652 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:714
24204#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:770 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:866
24205#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:696 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:866
24206msgid ""
24207"Allows a city to build veteran sea units.  Also, damaged sea units which "
24208"stay in town for one full turn without moving are completely restored."
24209msgstr ""
24210"Pozwala miastu na budowę jednostek morskich o statusie weterana. Ponadto "
24211"uszkodzone jednostki morskie po przeczekaniu całej tury w mieście zostają "
24212"całkowicie naprawione."
24214#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:712 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:779
24215#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:835 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:933
24216#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:758 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:933
24217msgid "Research Lab"
24218msgstr "Laboratoria"
24220#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:730
24221#, no-c-format
24222msgid ""
24223"Together with a Library, a Research Lab increases the science production of "
24224"a city by 100%. Together with a Library and a University, a Research Lab "
24225"increases the science production of a city by 150%."
24226msgstr ""
24227"Razem z Biblioteką, Laboratoria zwiększają produkcję naukową miasta o 100%. "
24228"Razem z Biblioteką i Uniwersytetem, Laboratoria zwiększają produkcję naukową "
24229"miasta o 150%."
24231#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:738 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:805
24232#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:861 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:964
24233#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:784 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:964
24234msgid "SAM Battery"
24235msgstr "Obrona Przeciwlotnicza"
24237#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:754 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:821
24238#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:877
24239#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:800
24240msgid ""
24241"Doubles the defense of all units inside the city when attacked by aircraft "
24242"(not including helicopters or missiles)."
24243msgstr ""
24244"Podwaja siłę obrony jednostek stacjonujących w mieście przed jednostkami "
24245"powietrznymi (oprócz Helikopterów i Pocisków Balistycznych)."
24247#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:776 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:843
24248#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:899
24249#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:822
24250msgid ""
24251"Protects a city and its environs (up to 2 tiles away) from attacks by other "
24252"nations' Nuclear units. A Nuclear unit not owned by you or a teammate which "
24253"attacks a city with SDI Defense, or attacks a unit (or is deliberately "
24254"exploded) within range, is shot down and simply has no effect. Also, doubles "
24255"defense for units in the city against non-nuclear missiles."
24256msgstr ""
24257"Chroni miasto i jego okolice (w promieniu 2 pól) przed atakami atomowymi. "
24258"Jednostka atomowa, która nie należy do ciebie lub członka twojej drużyny i "
24259"atakuje miasto z Obroną SDI lub jednostkę w promieniu zasięgu (lub jest tam "
24260"celowo detonowana), zostaje zestrzelona i nie eksploduje. Ponadto Obrona SDI "
24261"podwaja siłę obrony miasta przed atakami pocisków nieatomowych."
24263#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:787 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:854
24264#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:910 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1012
24265#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:831 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1012
24266msgid "Sewer System"
24267msgstr "Kanalizacja"
24269#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:804 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:871
24270#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:848
24271msgid ""
24272"Allows a city to grow larger than size 12.  An Aqueduct is first required "
24273"for a city to grow larger than size 8."
24274msgstr ""
24275"Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 12. Aby wzrosnąć powyżej "
24276"rozmiaru 8, miasto musi mieć Akwedukt."
24278#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:810 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:879
24279#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:935 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1036
24280#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:856 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1036
24281msgid "Solar Plant"
24282msgstr "Elektrownia Słoneczna"
24284#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:828
24285#, no-c-format
24286msgid ""
24287"Eliminates all pollution generated by production in a city. It also "
24288"increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the city: a "
24289"Factory and a Solar Plant together give a 100% production bonus, and a "
24290"Factory, Mfg. Plant and Solar Plant together give a 150% production bonus."
24291msgstr ""
24292"Eliminuje wszystkie zanieczyszczenia tworzone podczas produkcji w mieście "
24293"oraz zwiększa produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Elektrownia "
24294"Słoneczna wraz z Fabryką bądź Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o "
24295"100%, a Elektrownia Słoneczna wraz z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną "
24296"zwiększa produkcję o 150%."
24298#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:927 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1004
24299#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1060
24300#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1174 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:981
24301#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1174
24302msgid "Stock Exchange"
24303msgstr "Giełda"
24305#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:945 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1022
24306#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1078
24307#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:999
24308#, no-c-format
24309msgid ""
24310"Together with a Bank, a Stock Exchange boosts tax and luxury production in a "
24311"city by 50%. Together with a Marketplace and a Bank, a Stock Exchange boosts "
24312"tax and luxury production in a city by 150%."
24313msgstr ""
24314"Razem z Bankiem, Giełda zwiększa dochody podatkowe i produkcję punktów "
24315"luksusu miasta o 50%. Wraz Targowiskiem i Bankiem, Giełda zwiększa dochody "
24316"podatkowe i produkcję punktów luksusu o 150%."
24318#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:953 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1030
24319#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1086
24320#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1200 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1007
24321#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1200
24322msgid "Super Highways"
24323msgstr "Super Autostrady"
24325#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:970 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1047
24326#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1103
24327#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1024
24328#, no-c-format
24329msgid "Increases trade resources by 50% on all tiles with roads or railroads."
24330msgstr "Zwiększa handel o 50% na wszystkich polach z drogami lub kolejami."
24332#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:976 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1055
24333#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1114
24334#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1232 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1030
24335#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1232
24336msgid "Supermarket"
24337msgstr "Supermarket"
24339#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:993 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1072
24340#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1131
24341#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1249 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1249
24342#, no-c-format
24343msgid ""
24344"Increases the food resources by 50% on each farmland tile which is being "
24345"used around the city.  Farmland tiles are those which have been irrigated a "
24346"second time."
24347msgstr ""
24348"Zwiększa zasoby żywności o 50% otrzymywane ze wszystkich używanych farm "
24349"wokół miasta. Uwaga: farmy to pola, które zostały poddane nawodnieniu "
24352#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1016
24353msgid ""
24354"Makes one unhappy citizen content.  The Mysticism advance doubles this "
24355"effect, as does Oracle wonder.  With both Mysticism and the Oracle, 4 "
24356"citizens are made content.  Does not affect citizens made unhappy by "
24357"military activity."
24358msgstr ""
24359"Czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym. Mistycyzm "
24360"(technologia) oraz Wyrocznia (cud) podwajają ten efekt. Mistycyzm wraz z "
24361"Wyrocznią czynią zadowolonymi czterech mieszkańców. Nie wpływa na "
24362"niezadowolenie wynikające z działań wojennych."
24364#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1064 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1143
24365#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1205
24366msgid ""
24367"The entire map becomes permanently visible to the player who owns it -- the "
24368"player always has up-to-date knowledge of all terrain and cities (but not "
24369"units) despite fog-of-war. It allows all players to start building spaceship "
24370"parts (assuming they have researched the necessary technologies)."
24371msgstr ""
24372"Cała mapa jest stale widoczna dla gracza, który posiada ten cud. Gracz przez "
24373"cały czas widzi cały teren i wszystkie miasta (choć nie jednostki), nawet "
24374"pomimo \"mgły wojny\". Pozwala wszystkim graczom budować elementy statku "
24375"kosmicznego (pod warunkiem, że odkryli już odpowiednie technologie)."
24377#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1073 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1152
24378#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1214
24379#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1340 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1126
24380#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1340
24381msgid "A.Smith's Trading Co."
24382msgstr "Kompania Handlowa Adama Smitha"
24384#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1089
24385msgid ""
24386"City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 are free of "
24387"upkeep, for all cities."
24388msgstr ""
24389"Budynki, które normalnie kosztują 1 sztukę złota, są zwolnione z kosztów "
24390"utrzymania, dla każdego miasta."
24392#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1186 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1268
24393#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1330
24394#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1466 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1245
24395#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1466
24396msgid "Eiffel Tower"
24397msgstr "Wieża Eiffla"
24399#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1203
24400#, no-c-format
24401msgid ""
24402"Your reputation and goodwill among other nations is recovered four times as "
24404msgstr ""
24405"Pomaga polepszać twoją reputację i nastawienie innych graczy względem "
24406"ciebie. Odzyskujesz reputację cztery razy szybciej niż normalnie."
24408#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1273 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1356
24409#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1418
24410msgid ""
24411"Makes one content citizen happy in every city. Makes two extra content "
24412"citizens happy in the city containing the Hanging Gardens (that is, a total "
24413"of 3). In the unlikely event where there are no content citizens to get the "
24414"effect of Hanging Gardens, the wonder applies to unhappy citizens (including "
24415"those unhappy about military activity), making each content then happy."
24416msgstr ""
24417"Czyni jednego zadowolonego mieszkańca szczęśliwym w każdym mieście, zaś w "
24418"mieście lokalizacji Ogrodów, uszczęśliwia dwóch dodatkowych mieszkańców "
24419"(czyli w sumie trzech). Jeśli nie masz zadowolonych mieszkańców (co nie jest "
24420"zbyt prawdopodobne), cud ten działa na niezadowolonych mieszkańców, czyniąc "
24421"ich zadowolonymi."
24423#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1299 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1383
24424#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1445
24425msgid ""
24426"Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city.  (This reduces pollution "
24427"and increases the effects of Factories and Mfg. Plants.)"
24428msgstr ""
24429"Działa jak Elektrownia Wodna w każdym mieście, tj. zmniejsza "
24430"zanieczyszczenie i zwiększa produkcję Fabryk i Fabryk Zautomatyzowanych."
24432#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1343 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1428
24433#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1490
24434msgid ""
24435"Makes two unhappy citizens content in every city (including citizens unhappy "
24436"about military activity)."
24437msgstr ""
24438"Czyni 2 niezadowolonych mieszkańców zadowolonymi w każdym mieście, także "
24439"tych niezadowolonych z powodu działań wojennych."
24441#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1349 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1434
24442#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1496
24443#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1641 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1414
24444#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1641
24445msgid "King Richard's Crusade"
24446msgstr "Wyprawy Krzyżowe"
24448#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1366 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1451
24449#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1513
24450#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1432
24451msgid ""
24452"Adds one extra shield resource on every tile around the city where it is "
24454msgstr ""
24455"Dodaje 1 punkt produkcji do każdego pola wokół miasta, w których zostały "
24458#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1372 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1457
24459#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1519
24460#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1668 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1438
24461#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1668
24462msgid "Leonardo's Workshop"
24463msgstr "Pracownia Leonarda"
24465#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1389 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1474
24466#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1536
24467#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1685 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1685
24468msgid "Upgrades one obsolete unit per game turn."
24469msgstr "Ulepsza jedną przestarzałą jednostkę na turę."
24471#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1411
24472msgid ""
24473"Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point. Makes all your new "
24474"military sea units veterans (for all cities)."
24475msgstr ""
24476"Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu. Czyni wszystkie "
24477"nowe jednostki morskie weteranami (we wszystkich miastach)."
24479#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1433
24480msgid "Gives all sea units 2 additional movement points."
24481msgstr "Daje 2 dodatkowe punkty ruchu jednostkom morskim."
24483#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1458 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1545
24484#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1607
24485#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1760 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1530
24486#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1760
24487msgid "Marco Polo's Embassy"
24488msgstr "Ambasada Marco Polo"
24490#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1475 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1562
24491#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1624
24492#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1777 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1777
24493msgid "The player who owns it gets an embassy with all players."
24494msgstr "Posiadacz dostaje ambasadę u wszystkich graczy."
24496#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1496 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1583
24497#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1645
24498msgid ""
24499"Counts as having a Cathedral in each of your cities.  This makes 3 unhappy "
24500"citizens content in each city; however, it does not affect citizens made "
24501"unhappy by military activity.  The discovery of Theology increases the "
24502"effect of a Cathedral, making an additional unhappy citizen content.  The "
24503"discovery of Communism lessens the effect of a Cathedral, reducing by one "
24504"the number of unhappy citizens made content."
24505msgstr ""
24506"Posiadanie tego cudu jest równoważne z wybudowaniem Katedry w każdym "
24507"mieście. Katedra zmienia 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych, lecz "
24508"nie wpływa na niezadowolenie spowodowane działaniami wojennymi. Odkrycie "
24509"Teologii zwiększa efektywność Katedr o 1 mieszkańca. Odkrycie Komunizmu "
24510"zmniejsza efektywność Katedr o 1 mieszkańca."
24512#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1546
24513msgid "Counts as having a Granary in every city."
24514msgstr "Działa jak Spichlerz w każdym mieście."
24516#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1568
24517#, no-c-format
24518msgid ""
24519"Boosts science production in each city with a Library by 50%.  (Counts as "
24520"having a Research Lab in all of your cities.)"
24521msgstr ""
24522"Zwiększa produkcję naukową każdego twojego miasta z Biblioteką o 50%. "
24523"(Działa jak Laboratoria w każdym mieście)."
24525#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1597 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1687
24526#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1749
24527#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1962 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1679
24528#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1962
24529msgid "Statue of Liberty"
24530msgstr "Statua Wolności"
24532#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1620 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1710
24533#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1772
24534#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1987 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1703
24535#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1987
24536msgid "Sun Tzu's War Academy"
24537msgstr "Akademia Wojny Sun Tzu"
24539#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1638
24540#, no-c-format
24541msgid ""
24542"All your new military land units become veterans (for all cities).  The "
24543"chance of a land unit becoming a veteran after a battle increases from 50% "
24544"to 100%."
24545msgstr ""
24546"Wszystkie nowe lądowe jednostki zbrojne dostają status weterana (we "
24547"wszystkich miastach). Zamiast 50% szansy, każda jednostka dostaje gwarancję "
24548"zyskania statusu weterana po wygranej bitwie."
24550#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1661 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1751
24551#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1813
24552msgid "All your units regain two extra hitpoints per turn."
24553msgstr "Twoje jednostki odzyskują dodatkowe 2 punkty obrażeń na turę."
24555#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1690 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1780
24556#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1842
24557msgid ""
24558"Counts as a Police Station in every city. (That is, for each city, it "
24559"reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed military units owned "
24560"by that city by 2 under Democracy and 1 under Republic -- in other words, it "
24561"neutralizes the unhappiness caused by a single military unit per city. This "
24562"wonder has no effect under other governments.)"
24563msgstr ""
24564"Działa jak Komisariat w każdym mieście, czyli zmniejsza niezadowolenie "
24565"jednostkami na pozycjach bojowych utrzymywanymi przez miasto (o 2 w "
24566"Demokracji, o 1 w Republice). Innymi słowy, neutralizuje niezadowolenie "
24567"spowodowane przez jedną jednostkę na miasto. W ustrojach innych niż "
24568"Demokracja i Republika cud nie ma żadnego efektu."
24570#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1700
24571msgid "Capitalization"
24572msgstr "Kapitalizacja"
24574#: data/civ2/buildings.ruleset:1715
24575msgid ""
24576"This is not a normal improvement.  Instead, setting a city's production to "
24577"Capitalization means its shield production is converted to tax output "
24579msgstr ""
24580"Nie jest to normalny budynek. Ustawienie produkcji danego miasta na "
24581"Kapitalizację oznacza, że punktów produkcji miasta zmieniane są na złoto "
24584#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:25
24585msgid "Civ2 ruleset"
24586msgstr "Zasady Civ2"
24588#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:31
24589msgid ""
24590"You are playing with civ2 style rules. These are quite close to Freeciv "
24591"default rules, but with some additions."
24592msgstr ""
24593"Grasz z zestawem zasad civ2. Są one dość podobne do zasad domyślnych, lecz "
24594"dokonano w nich kilku zmian."
24596#. TRANS: _Poison City (3% chance of success).
24597#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:216 data/classic/game.ruleset:219
24598#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:223 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:225
24599#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:223 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:223
24600#: server/ruleset.c:5449
24601#, c-format
24602msgid "%sPoison City%s"
24603msgstr "Zatruj miasto%s (%sP)"
24605#. TRANS: _Sabotage Enemy Unit (3% chance of success).
24606#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:219 data/classic/game.ruleset:222
24607#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:226 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:228
24608#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:226 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:226
24609#, c-format
24610msgid "%sSabotage Enemy Unit%s"
24611msgstr "%sSabotuj jednostkę wroga%s"
24613#. TRANS: Industrial _Sabotage (3% chance of success).
24614#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:228 data/classic/game.ruleset:231
24615#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:235 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:237
24616#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:235 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:235
24617#, c-format
24618msgid "Industrial %sSabotage%s"
24619msgstr "%sSabotaż przemysłowy%s"
24621#. TRANS: Indus_trial Espionage (3% chance of success).
24622#: data/civ2/game.ruleset:240 data/classic/game.ruleset:243
24623#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:247 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:249
24624#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:247 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:247
24625#, c-format
24626msgid "Indus%strial Espionage%s"
24627msgstr "Szpiegos%stwo przemysłowe%s"
24629#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:75
24630msgid ""
24631"Anarchy offers slightly less corruption and waste than Despotism, but "
24632"slightly more unhappiness."
24633msgstr ""
24634"W Anarchii poziom korupcji i strat jest nieco niższy niż w Despotyzmie, lecz "
24635"mieszkańcu są trochę bardziej niezadowoleni."
24637#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:95
24638msgid ""
24639"Despotism suffers the highest level of corruption and waste of all forms of "
24641msgstr ""
24642"Despotyzm charakteryzuje się najwyższym poziomem korupcji i strat ze "
24643"wszystkich ustrojów."
24645#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:117
24646msgid ""
24647"Monarchy suffers the same small amount of corruption and waste that the "
24648"Republic does."
24649msgstr ""
24650"Poziom korupcji i strat w Monarchii jest tak samo niski jak w Republice."
24652#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:140
24653msgid ""
24654"Under Communism, corruption and waste does not vary by distance from the "
24655"capital; all cities (including the capital) have a modest amount of "
24657msgstr ""
24658"W Komunizmie korupcja i straty nie zależą od odległości od stolicy; "
24659"wszystkie miasta (także stolica) charakteryzują się niskim poziomem korupcji."
24661#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:149 data/civ2/techs.ruleset:315
24662#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:252
24663#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:193 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:331
24664#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:252
24665msgid "Fundamentalism"
24666msgstr "Fundamentalizm"
24668#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:156 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:259
24669#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:200
24670#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:259
24671#, c-format
24672msgid "High Priest %s"
24673msgstr "Najwyższy Kapłan %s"
24675#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:157 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:260
24676#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:201
24677#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:260
24678#, c-format
24679msgid "High Priestess %s"
24680msgstr "Najwyższa Kapłanka %s"
24682#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:159 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:262
24683#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:203
24684#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:262
24685msgid ""
24686"Fundamentalism is a form of government organized around a central set of "
24687"beliefs. The beliefs, usually religious in nature, form a rigid guideline "
24688"for actions and reactions of both the rulers and the people."
24689msgstr ""
24690"Fundamentalizm to ustrój opierający się na zasadach, najczęściej "
24691"religijnych, które kierują wszystkimi poczynaniami rządzących i poddanych."
24693#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:164 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:267
24694#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:208
24695#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:267
24696msgid ""
24697"In a fundamentalist society, the people and the rulers are entirely devoted "
24698"to their beliefs, and are usually willing to die to preserve them."
24699msgstr ""
24700"W społeczeństwach fundamentalistycznych ludzie są ślepo oddani swoim "
24701"przekonaniom i zazwyczaj są gotowi umrzeć za to, w co wierzą."
24703#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:168 data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:271
24704#: data/multiplayer/governments.ruleset:212
24705#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:271
24706msgid ""
24707"Improvements that normally convert unhappy citizens to content citizens, "
24708"produce `tithes' (gold) equivalent to the number of people they would "
24709"convert, and require no maintenance."
24710msgstr ""
24711"Obiekty, które normalnie zmieniają niezadowolonym mieszkańców w "
24712"zadowolonych, tworzą \"datki\" (złoto) odpowiadające liczbie osób, które by "
24713"uszczęśliwiły i nie wymagają utrzymywania."
24715#: data/civ2/governments.ruleset:209
24716msgid ""
24717"Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues. Democracy "
24718"offers the highest possible level of trade, but also offers the most "
24719"potential for unhappiness.  There is no corruption or waste during "
24720"Democracy, but citizens become very upset during wars."
24721msgstr ""
24722"Demokracja to ustrój, w którym obywatele rządzą bezpośrednio, głosując w "
24723"referendach nad różnymi sprawami. Demokracja charakteryzuje się najwyższym "
24724"poziomem handlu, lecz mieszkańcy łatwo stają się niezadowoleni. Nie "
24725"występuje korupcja ani straty, lecz obywatele są bardzo niezadowoleni "
24726"podczas wojny."
24728#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:127 data/nation/american.ruleset:50
24729#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:40
24730#, c-format
24731msgid "Reverend %s"
24732msgstr "Wielebny %s"
24734#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:127 data/nation/american.ruleset:50
24735#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:40
24736#, c-format
24737msgid "?female:Reverend %s"
24738msgstr "?female:Wielebna %s"
24740#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:395 data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:5
24741msgid "Carthaginian"
24742msgstr "Kartagiński"
24744#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:396 data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:6
24745msgid "?plural:Carthaginians"
24746msgstr "?plural:Kartagińczycy"
24748#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:398
24749msgid ""
24750"The Carthaginians, descendants of Phoenician traders, ran a naval empire in "
24751"the Mediterranean from the 5th to 2nd centuries BC. Carthage was destroyed "
24752"by Rome in 146 BC."
24753msgstr ""
24754"Kartagina została założona przez kupców fenickich. W wiekach V-II p.n.e. "
24755"była imperium morskim Morza Śródziemnego, lecz w roku 146 p.n.e. została "
24756"zniszczona przez Rzymian."
24758#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:431 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:5
24759msgid "Celtic"
24760msgstr "Celtycki"
24762#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:432 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:6
24763msgid "?plural:Celts"
24764msgstr "?plural:Celtowie"
24766#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:434 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:8
24767msgid ""
24768"The Celts were an Indo-European ethno-linguistic complex in Western Europe, "
24769"probably originating from the area between the upper Rhine and upper Danube, "
24770"from the Urnfield culture and the western group of the Hallstatt culture. "
24771"The Celts were known as cruel and savage warriors who terrorized the ancient "
24772"civilized peoples of Europe and Asia Minor. The Celts colonized much of "
24773"Europe and had a large influence on the development of European civilization."
24774msgstr ""
24775"Celtowie byli indoeuropejską grupą językowo-etniczną zamieszkującą tereny "
24776"zachodniej Europy. Wywodzili się najprawdopodobniej z obszaru pomiędzy "
24777"górnym Renem a górnym Dunajem, z kultur Urnfield i Hallstatt. Celtowie "
24778"wsławili się jako okrutni i srodzy wojownicy terroryzujący cywilizowane ludy "
24779"Europy i Azji Mniejszej. Skolonizowali oni ogromne obszary Europy i mieli "
24780"duży wpływ na kształtowanie się kultury kontynentu."
24782#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:450 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:38
24783#, c-format
24784msgid "Great Warrior %s"
24785msgstr "Wielki Wojownik %s"
24787#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:450 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:38
24788#, c-format
24789msgid "?female:Great Warrior %s"
24790msgstr "?female:Wielka Wojowniczka %s"
24792#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:451 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:39
24793#: data/nation/khmer.ruleset:28
24794#, c-format
24795msgid "Brother %s"
24796msgstr "Brat %s"
24798#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:451 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:39
24799#: data/nation/khmer.ruleset:28
24800#, c-format
24801msgid "Sister %s"
24802msgstr "Siostra %s"
24804#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:454 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:42
24805#, c-format
24806msgid "High Druid %s"
24807msgstr "Wysoki Druid %s"
24809#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:454 data/nation/celtic.ruleset:42
24810#, c-format
24811msgid "?female:High Druid %s"
24812msgstr "?female:Wysoka Druid %s"
24814#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:771 data/nation/english.ruleset:30
24815#, c-format
24816msgid "Lord Protector %s"
24817msgstr "Lord Protektor %s"
24819#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:771 data/nation/english.ruleset:30
24820#, c-format
24821msgid "Lady Protector %s"
24822msgstr "Lady Protektor %s"
24824#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:887 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1016
24825#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:52 data/nation/german.ruleset:34
24826#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:44
24827#, c-format
24828msgid "Archbishop %s"
24829msgstr "Arcybiskup %s"
24831#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:887 data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1016
24832#: data/nation/german.ruleset:34
24833#, c-format
24834msgid "?female:Archbishop %s"
24835msgstr "?female:Arcybiskup %s"
24837#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1325 data/nation/indian.ruleset:27
24838#, c-format
24839msgid "Guru %s"
24840msgstr "Guru %s"
24842#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1325 data/nation/indian.ruleset:27
24843#, c-format
24844msgid "?female:Guru %s"
24845msgstr "?female:Guru %s"
24847#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1407 data/nation/japanese.ruleset:5
24848msgid "Japanese"
24849msgstr "Japoński"
24851#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1408 data/nation/japanese.ruleset:6
24852msgid "?plural:Japanese"
24853msgstr "?plural:Japończycy"
24855#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1410
24856msgid ""
24857"According to traditional Japanese mythology, Japan was founded in the 7th "
24858"century BC by the ancestral Emperor Jimmu."
24859msgstr ""
24860"Japońska mitologia głosi, że Japonię założył w VII w. p.n.e. niebiański "
24861"Cesarz Jimmu."
24863#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1421 data/nation/aztec.ruleset:30
24864#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:30 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:31
24865#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:27 data/nation/japanese.ruleset:23
24866#, c-format
24867msgid "Empress %s"
24868msgstr "Cesarzowa %s"
24870#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1422 data/nation/japanese.ruleset:24
24871#, c-format
24872msgid "Shogun %s"
24873msgstr "Szogun %s"
24875#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1422 data/nation/japanese.ruleset:24
24876#, c-format
24877msgid "?female:Shogun %s"
24878msgstr "?female:Szogun %s"
24880#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1592 data/nation/persian.ruleset:5
24881msgid "Persian"
24882msgstr "Perski"
24884#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1593 data/nation/persian.ruleset:6
24885msgid "?plural:Persians"
24886msgstr "?plural:Persowie"
24888#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1595
24889msgid ""
24890"The first Persian (Achaemenid) Empire lasted from 550 BC to 330 BC; the "
24891"second (Sassanid) from 226 AD to 642 AD."
24892msgstr ""
24893"Pierwsze Imperium Perskie, pod rządami Achemenidów, istniało w latach "
24894"550-330 p.n.e. Drugie, rządzone przez Sasanidów, rozwijało się w okresie "
24895"226-642 n.e."
24897#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1606 data/nation/persian.ruleset:25
24898#, c-format
24899msgid "%s Shah"
24900msgstr "%s Szach"
24902#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1606 data/nation/persian.ruleset:25
24903#, c-format
24904msgid "%s Shahbanu"
24905msgstr "%s Shahbanu"
24907#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1607 data/nation/persian.ruleset:26
24908#, c-format
24909msgid "Ayatollah %s"
24910msgstr "Ajatollah %s"
24912#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1607 data/nation/persian.ruleset:26
24913#, c-format
24914msgid "?female:Ayatollah %s"
24915msgstr "?female:Ajatollah %s"
24917#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1747 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:30
24918#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:26 data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:29
24919#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:51
24920#, c-format
24921msgid "Patriarch %s"
24922msgstr "Patriarcha %s"
24924#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1747 data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:30
24925#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:26 data/nation/russian.ruleset:51
24926#, c-format
24927msgid "Matriarch %s"
24928msgstr "Matriarchini %s"
24930#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1822 data/nation/sioux.ruleset:5
24931msgid "Sioux"
24932msgstr "Siuksowie"
24934#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1823 data/nation/sioux.ruleset:6
24935msgid "?plural:Sioux"
24936msgstr "?plural:Siuksowie"
24938#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1825 data/nation/sioux.ruleset:8
24939msgid ""
24940"The Sioux was a North American nation that fought several decisive battles "
24941"against the United States. It consisted of three distinct groups of tribes: "
24942"the Lakota, the Dakota and the Nakota."
24943msgstr ""
24944"Siuksowie byli narodem Ameryki Północnej, który walczył w kilku ważnych "
24945"bitwach z armią Stanów Zjednoczonych. W jego skład wchodziły trzy rdzenne "
24946"ludy: Lakoci, Dakoci i Nakoci."
24948#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1916 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:5
24949msgid "Spanish"
24950msgstr "Hiszpański"
24952#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1917 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:6
24953msgid "?plural:Spanish"
24954msgstr "?plural:Hiszpanie"
24956#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1919 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:8
24957msgid ""
24958"The modern Spanish nation was formed when the rulers of the kingdoms of "
24959"Castile and Aragon led the recapture of the Iberian peninsula from the "
24960"Moslems. The Reconquista was completed in 1492, the same year Columbus "
24961"sailed. Spain then went on to create an empire on which the sun never set."
24962msgstr ""
24963"Za początki historii współczesnej Hiszpanii uważa się walki królestw "
24964"Kastylii i Aragonii prowadzone w celu odbicia półwyspu Iberyjskiego z rąk "
24965"muzułmanów. Tzw. Rekonkwista zakończyła się powodzeniem w 1492, w tym samym "
24966"roku, w którym Kolumb odbył podróż do Ameryki. W kolejnym stuleciu Hiszpania "
24967"stworzyła imperium, nad którym nigdy nie zachodziło słońce."
24969#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1933 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:42
24970#, c-format
24971msgid "Caudillo %s"
24972msgstr "Caudillo %s"
24974#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1933 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:42
24975#, c-format
24976msgid "Caudilla %s"
24977msgstr "Caudilla %s"
24979#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1934 data/nation/french.ruleset:44
24980#: data/nation/spanish.ruleset:43
24981#, c-format
24982msgid "Cardinal %s"
24983msgstr "Kardynał %s"
24985#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1934
24986#, c-format
24987msgid "?female:Cardinal %s"
24988msgstr "?female:Kardynał %s"
24990#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1993 data/nation/viking.ruleset:5
24991msgid "Viking"
24992msgstr "Wikiński"
24994#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1994 data/nation/viking.ruleset:6
24995msgid "?plural:Vikings"
24996msgstr "?plural:Wikingowie"
24998#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:1996
24999msgid ""
25000"The Vikings raided and traded along the coasts of Europe between 800 AD and "
25001"1100 AD. Viking raiders eventually became the rulers of Normandy, Russia, "
25002"and a short-lived kingdom in Sicily."
25003msgstr ""
25004"W latach 800-1100 n.e. Wikingowie podbijali i prowadzili handel z "
25005"nadbrzeżnymi regionami Europy. Opanowali Normandią, Rosją i krótko "
25006"istniejącym królestwem na Sycylii."
25008#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2008
25009#, c-format
25010msgid "%s Jarl"
25011msgstr "%s Jarl"
25013#: data/civ2/nations.ruleset:2008
25014#, c-format
25015msgid "?female:%s Jarl"
25016msgstr "?female:%s Jarl"
25018#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:86 data/classic/techs.ruleset:98
25019#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:101 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:101
25020#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:98 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:101
25021msgid "Amphibious Warfare"
25022msgstr "Amfibie"
25024#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:175 data/classic/techs.ruleset:187
25025#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:199 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:202
25026#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:187 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:202
25027msgid "Combined Arms"
25028msgstr "Wojsko Zespolone"
25030#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:197 data/classic/techs.ruleset:209
25031#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:224 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:209
25032msgid "Reduces the effect of Cathedrals."
25033msgstr "Zmniejsza efekt Katedr."
25035#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:222
25036msgid "Allows Settlers and Engineers to build fortresses."
25037msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom i Inżynierom budować fortece."
25039#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:241 data/classic/techs.ruleset:256
25040#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:276 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:278
25041#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:256 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:278
25042#: server/report.c:175
25043msgid "Economics"
25044msgstr "Ekonomia"
25046#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:255 data/classic/techs.ruleset:270
25047#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:292
25048msgid "Improves the effect of Colosseums."
25049msgstr "Wzmacnia efekt Koloseów."
25051#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:274 data/classic/techs.ruleset:289
25052#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:313 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:318
25053#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:289 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:318
25054msgid "Environmentalism"
25055msgstr "Ochrona Przyrody"
25057#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:282 data/classic/techs.ruleset:297
25058#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:322 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:327
25059#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:299 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:327
25060msgid "Espionage"
25061msgstr "Szpiegostwo"
25063#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:339 data/classic/techs.ruleset:346
25064#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:377 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:382
25065#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:355 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:382
25066msgid "Guerilla Warfare"
25067msgstr "Partyzantka"
25069#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:395 data/classic/techs.ruleset:403
25070#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:440 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:444
25071#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:412 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:444
25072msgid "Laser"
25073msgstr "Laser"
25075#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:403 data/classic/techs.ruleset:411
25076#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:449 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:453
25077#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:420 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:453
25078msgid "Leadership"
25079msgstr "Dowodzenie"
25081#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:419 data/classic/techs.ruleset:427
25082#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:467 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:471
25083#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:436 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:471
25084msgid "Machine Tools"
25085msgstr "Mechanizacja"
25087#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:483 data/classic/techs.ruleset:492
25088#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:538 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:548
25089#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:500 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:548
25090msgid "Miniaturization"
25091msgstr "Miniaturyzacja"
25093#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:491 data/classic/techs.ruleset:500
25094#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:547 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:562
25095#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:508 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:562
25096msgid "Mobile Warfare"
25097msgstr "Wojna Błyskawiczna"
25099#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:507 data/classic/techs.ruleset:516
25100#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:565 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:580
25101#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:524 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:580
25102msgid "Monotheism"
25103msgstr "Monoteizm"
25105#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:546 data/classic/techs.ruleset:555
25106#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:609 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:623
25107#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:563 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:623
25108msgid "Gives sea units one extra move."
25109msgstr "Daje 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu jednostkom morskim."
25111#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:553 data/classic/techs.ruleset:562
25112#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:617 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:631
25113#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:631
25114#, c-format
25115msgid ""
25116"Great philosophers from all the world join your civilization: you learn %s "
25118msgstr ""
25119"Wielcy filozofowie z całego świata przyłączyli się do twej cywilizacji; "
25120"dostajesz technologię %s."
25122#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:575 data/classic/techs.ruleset:584
25123#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:641 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:656
25124#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:592 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:656
25125msgid "Polytheism"
25126msgstr "Politeizm"
25128#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:591 data/classic/techs.ruleset:600
25129#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:658 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:674
25130#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:608 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:674
25131msgid "Radio"
25132msgstr "Radio"
25134#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:597
25135msgid "Allows Settlers and Engineers to build airbases."
25136msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom i Inżynierom budować bazy lotnicze."
25138#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:606
25139msgid "Allows Settlers and Engineers to upgrade roads to railroads."
25140msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać drogi do kolei."
25142#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:629 data/classic/techs.ruleset:642
25143#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:704 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:726
25144#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:648 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:728
25145msgid "Refrigeration"
25146msgstr "Zamrażanie"
25148#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:635
25149msgid ""
25150"Allows Settlers and Engineers to upgrade irrigation systems to farmland."
25151msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać nawodnienie do farm."
25153#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:656 data/classic/techs.ruleset:670
25154#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:735 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:758
25155#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:676 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:760
25156msgid "Sanitation"
25157msgstr "Higiena"
25159#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:664 data/classic/techs.ruleset:678
25160#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:744 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:767
25161#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:684 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:769
25162msgid "Seafaring"
25163msgstr "Podróże Morskie"
25165#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:680 data/classic/techs.ruleset:694
25166#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:762 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:785
25167#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:700 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:787
25168msgid "Stealth"
25169msgstr "Technologia Niewidzialności"
25171#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:712 data/classic/techs.ruleset:726
25172#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:801 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:825
25173#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:732 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:827
25174msgid "Tactics"
25175msgstr "Taktyka"
25177#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:744 data/classic/techs.ruleset:759
25178#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:837 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:865
25179#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:764 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:867
25180msgid "Theology"
25181msgstr "Teologia"
25183#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:750 data/classic/techs.ruleset:765
25184#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:844 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:871
25185#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:770 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:873
25186msgid "Improves the effect of Cathedrals."
25187msgstr "Wzmacnia efekt Katedr."
25189#: data/civ2/techs.ruleset:777 data/classic/techs.ruleset:792
25190#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:874 data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:905
25191#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:797 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:907
25192msgid "Warrior Code"
25193msgstr "Kodeks Wojownika"
25195#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:232 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:369
25196#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:365 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:370
25197#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:363 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:370
25198msgid "Glacier"
25199msgstr "Lodowiec"
25201#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:266 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:407
25202#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:401 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:408
25203#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:399 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:408
25204msgid ""
25205"Glaciers are found only in the most northerly or southerly reaches of the "
25206"world.  They are very cold, and hence difficult to work with."
25207msgstr ""
25208"Lodowce znajdują się tylko na południowych i północnych krańcach świata. Są "
25209"to tereny bardzo zimne i trudno prowadzić na nich prace."
25211#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:674 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:854
25212#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:830 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:869
25213#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:828 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:869
25214msgid "Iron"
25215msgstr "Żelazo"
25217#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:691 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:871
25218#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:847 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:886
25219#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:845 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:886
25220msgid "Furs"
25221msgstr "Skóry"
25223#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:720 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:896
25224#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:872 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:911
25225#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:870 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:911
25226msgid "Fruit"
25227msgstr "Owoce"
25229#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:737 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:915
25230#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:891 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:930
25231#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:889 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:930
25232msgid "Buffalo"
25233msgstr "Bawoły"
25235#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:745 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:923
25236#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:899 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:938
25237#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:897 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:938
25238msgid "Wheat"
25239msgstr "Pszenica"
25241#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:761 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:945
25242#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:921 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:960
25243#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:919 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:960
25244msgid "Peat"
25245msgstr "Torf"
25247#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:769 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:953
25248#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:929 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:968
25249#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:927 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:968
25250msgid "Pheasant"
25251msgstr "Bażanty"
25253#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:785 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:971
25254#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:947 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:986
25255#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:945 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:986
25256msgid "Ivory"
25257msgstr "Kość słoniowa"
25259#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:795 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:981
25260#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:957 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:996
25261#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:955 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:996
25262msgid "Silk"
25263msgstr "Jedwab"
25265#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:803 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:989
25266#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:965 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1004
25267#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:963 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1004
25268msgid "Spice"
25269msgstr "Przyprawy"
25271#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:812 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1000
25272#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:976 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1015
25273#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:974 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1015
25274msgid "Whales"
25275msgstr "Wieloryby"
25277#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:821 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1009
25278#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:985 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1024
25279#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:983 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1024
25280msgid "Wine"
25281msgstr "Wino"
25283#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:851
25284msgid "?gui_type:Build Land base"
25285msgstr "Zbuduj bazę lądową"
25287#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:854
25288msgid "?gui_type:Build Airforce base"
25289msgstr "Zbuduj bazę lotniczą"
25291#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1032
25292msgid ""
25293"The pollution can only be cleared by dispatching Settlers or Engineers with "
25294"the \"clean pollution\" order."
25295msgstr ""
25296"Zanieczyszczenie może zostać usunięte tylko przez Osadników lub Inżynierów, "
25297"gdy wydasz im polecenie \"Usuń zanieczyszczenia\"."
25299#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1035 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1245
25300#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1221 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1295
25301#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1295
25302msgid ""
25303"Pollution from production is likely to start becoming important as your "
25304"civilization becomes more industrialized, giving you buildings such as "
25305"Factory and Power Plant which boost production. Replacing a Power Plant with "
25306"cleaner forms of energy -- a Hydro Plant / Hoover Dam, Nuclear Plant, or "
25307"Solar Plant -- will reduce pollution from production, as will a Recycling "
25309msgstr ""
25310"Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane produkcją stanie się istotne, gdy twoja "
25311"cywilizacja będzie bardziej uprzemysłowiona, dzięki czemu będzie można "
25312"budować Fabryki i Elektrownie Cieplne. Zastąpienie Elektrowni Cieplnej "
25313"czysztszym źródłem energii -- Elektrownią Wodną / Tamą Hoovera, Elektrownią "
25314"Atomową lub Słoneczną -- zmniejszy zanieczyszczenie, podobnie jak "
25317#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1093 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1303
25318#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1279 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1355
25319#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1278 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1355
25320msgid ""
25321"Later in the game, helicopters may also enter villages, but overflight by "
25322"other aircraft will cause the villagers to take fright and disband."
25323msgstr ""
25324"W późniejszej fazie gry, do wioski wkraczać mogą również Helikoptery, lecz "
25325"jeśli przelecą nad nią inne jednostki powietrzne, mieszkańcy wioski "
25326"wystraszą się i rozpierzchną, a wioska zniknie."
25328#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1099 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1309
25329#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1285 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1361
25330#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1284 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1361
25331msgid "Farmland"
25332msgstr "Farma"
25334#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1119 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1329
25335#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1305 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1383
25336#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1383
25337#, no-c-format
25338msgid ""
25339"Once Refrigeration is known, irrigation systems can be upgraded to farmland "
25340"by irrigating them a second time; if the city working the tile has a "
25341"Supermarket, a farmland tile provides 50% more food. (Hence, farmland is "
25342"only useful on tiles which with irrigation yield 2 or more food.)"
25343msgstr ""
25344"Po odkryciu Zamrażania można ponownie nawodnić nawodnione pole, aby ulepszyć "
25345"je do farmy; jeśli miasto, które korzysta z takiego pola ma Supermarket, "
25346"farma dostarcza o 50% więcej żywności. (Stąd farma jest przydatna tylko na "
25347"polach dających 2 lub więcej żywności.)"
25349#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1125
25350msgid "Like irrigation, farmland is incompatible with mines."
25351msgstr ""
25352"Podobnie jak nawodnienie, farmy nie mogą istnieć na tym samym polu, co "
25355#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1152
25356msgid ""
25357"Fortresses improve defense for land units outside cities. Among other "
25358"effects, a land unit remaining in a fortress for a whole turn without moving "
25359"recovers a quarter of its hit points."
25360msgstr ""
25361"Fortece poprawiają zdolności obronne jednostek lądowych poza miastem. "
25362"Ponadto jednostki lądowe pozostające w fortecy przez całą turę odzyskują 1/4 "
25363"punktów obrażeń."
25365#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1159 data/civ2/units.ruleset:24
25366#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1400 data/classic/units.ruleset:29
25367#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1375 data/experimental/units.ruleset:32
25368#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1544 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:29
25369#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1372 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:29
25370#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1544 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:29
25371msgid "Airbase"
25372msgstr "Baza lotnicza"
25374#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1181 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1422
25375#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1397 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1394
25376msgid ""
25377"Airbases allow your air units to land and refuel outside cities. Air units "
25378"in an airbase may be attacked by land units."
25379msgstr ""
25380"Bazy lotnicze pozwalają jednostkom powietrznym lądować i uzupełniać paliwo "
25381"poza miastem. Jednostki powietrzne w bazie lotniczej mogą być atakowane "
25382"przez jednostki lądowe."
25384#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1244 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1537
25385#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1515 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1699
25386#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1509 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1701
25387msgid ""
25388"A railroad also increases any shield resources produced by a tile by half. A "
25389"tile whose road is upgraded to a railroad retains any trade bonus from the "
25390"road as well."
25391msgstr ""
25392"Kolej zwiększa też ilość punktów produkcji uzyskiwanych z pola. Pole na "
25393"którym drogę ulepszono do kolei zachowuje wszystkie dodatkowe punkty handlu."
25395#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1248 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1541
25396#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1519 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1703
25397#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1513 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1705
25398msgid ""
25399"City center tiles with roads are automatically upgraded to railroads when "
25400"you learn the Railroad technology."
25401msgstr ""
25402"Drogi w centrach miast zostaną automatycznie ulepszone do kolei, gdy poznasz "
25403"technologię Kolej."
25405#: data/civ2/terrain.ruleset:1270 data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1562
25406#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1534
25407#, no-c-format
25408msgid ""
25409"Any land terrain type may have a River on it.  A River adds 1 trade to the "
25410"resources produced by that tile.  It also increases a tile's defense factor "
25411"by 50%.  Finally, land units may move along a River (but not diagonally) for "
25412"fast travel."
25413msgstr ""
25414"Rzeka może leżeć na każdym terenie. Pole Rzeki dodaje 1 punkt do handlu "
25415"wytwarzanego na tym polu. Ponadto zwiększa współczynnik obrony pola o 50%. "
25416"Jednostki lądowe mogą poruszać się szybciej wzdłuż Rzeki (ale nie po "
25419#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:26 data/classic/units.ruleset:31
25420#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:34 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:31
25421#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:31 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:31
25422msgid "AirAttacker"
25423msgstr "AtakPowietrzny"
25425#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:26 data/classic/units.ruleset:31
25426#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:34 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:31
25427#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:31 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:31
25428msgid "Very bad at attacking AEGIS."
25429msgstr "Bardzo słaba do atakowania Krążowników AEGIS."
25431#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:27 data/classic/units.ruleset:32
25432#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:35 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:32
25433msgid "Horse"
25434msgstr "Konna"
25436#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:27 data/classic/units.ruleset:32
25437#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:35 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:32
25438msgid "Attack value halved when attacking Pikemen."
25439msgstr "Wartość ataku zmniejszyła się o połowę podczas ataku na Pikinierów."
25441#. TRANS: unit type
25442#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:28 data/civ2/units.ruleset:1294
25443#: data/classic/units.ruleset:33 data/classic/units.ruleset:1335
25444#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:36 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1361
25445#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1522 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:33
25446#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1434 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1524
25447msgid "Helicopter"
25448msgstr "Helikopter"
25450#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:28 data/classic/units.ruleset:33
25451#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:36 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:33
25452msgid "Defends very badly against Fighters."
25453msgstr "Słabo broni się przed Myśliwcami."
25455#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
25456#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:147 data/classic/units.ruleset:160
25457#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:174 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:183
25458#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:159 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:185
25459msgid "?unitclass:Helicopter"
25460msgstr "?unitclass:Helikopter"
25462#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:343
25463msgid ""
25464"Upkeep for Settlers is in food as well as production, and a Settler can die "
25465"if its supporting city runs out of food. Settlers require twice as much food "
25466"per turn under Republic, Democracy, Communism, or Fundamentalism."
25467msgstr ""
25468"Utrzymanie Osadników zużywa zarówno punkty produkcji, jak i żywności, a "
25469"Osadnicy mogą zginąć, jeśli w utrzymującym ich mieście zabraknie żywności. W "
25470"Republice, Demokracji, Komunizmie i Fundamentalizmie Osadnicy potrzebują "
25471"dwukrotnie więcej żywności."
25473#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:351 data/classic/units.ruleset:483
25474#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:502 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:548
25475#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:483 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:550
25476msgid "Engineers"
25477msgstr "Inżynierowie"
25479#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:377
25480msgid ""
25481"Engineers are similar to Settlers, but they work twice as fast and move "
25482"twice as fast.  Engineers may also perform major terrain transformations "
25483"(for example, converting Tundra into Desert) which are beyond the "
25484"capabilities of Settlers; see the Terrain Alterations section for more "
25486msgstr ""
25487"Inżynierowie są podobni do Osadników, jednak pracują i poruszają się "
25488"dwukrotnie szybciej. Mogą również dokonywać głębokich przekształceń terenu "
25489"(np. zmiany Tundry w Pustynię), które przekraczają możliwości tych drugich. "
25490"Więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zmiany terenu\"."
25492#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:383
25493msgid ""
25494"TIP 1:  Upgrade Settlers to Engineers when possible, as Engineers require "
25495"the same resources as ordinary Settlers."
25496msgstr ""
25497"RADA 1: Ulepszaj Osadników do Inżynierów kiedy to tylko możliwe, ponieważ "
25498"wymagają oni tych samych zasobów, co zwykli Osadnicy."
25500#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:386
25501msgid ""
25502"TIP 2:  If you manage to build Leonardo's Workshop, research Explosives "
25503"before the Workshop becomes obsolete.  This way, your Settler units will be "
25504"upgraded for free."
25505msgstr ""
25506"RADA 2: Jeśli uda ci się zbudować Pracownię Leonarda, odkryj Materiały "
25507"Wybuchowe, zanim Pracownia stanie się przestarzała. Dzięki temu Osadnicy "
25508"zostaną ulepszeni za darmo."
25510#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:393 data/classic/units.ruleset:533
25511#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:557 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:594
25512#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:533 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:596
25513msgid "Warriors"
25514msgstr "Wojownicy"
25516#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:456 data/classic/units.ruleset:596
25517#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:620 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:657
25518#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:596 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:659
25519msgid "Archers"
25520msgstr "Łucznicy"
25522#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:482 data/classic/units.ruleset:622
25523#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:646 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:622
25524msgid ""
25525"Archers fight with bows and arrows and have a good offensive value as well "
25526"as decent defense."
25527msgstr ""
25528"Łucznicy walczą przy pomocy strzał i łuków; charakteryzują się przyzwoitą "
25529"siłą obrony i ataku."
25531#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:520 data/classic/units.ruleset:660
25532#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:684 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:721
25533#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:660 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:723
25534msgid "Pikemen"
25535msgstr "Pikinierzy"
25537#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:550 data/classic/units.ruleset:690
25538#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:714 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:747
25539#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:690 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:749
25540msgid ""
25541"Equipped with long pikes, Pikemen replaces Phalanx as the preferred city "
25543msgstr ""
25544"Pikinierzy uzbrojeni są w długie piki. Zastępują Falangę i są przydatni do "
25545"obrony miast."
25547#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:583 data/classic/units.ruleset:723
25548#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:747 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:780
25549#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:723 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:782
25550msgid ""
25551"Musketeers are infantry equipped with early firearms and replace Pikemen as "
25552"the preferred city defender."
25553msgstr ""
25554"Muszkieterzy to piechota wyposażona we wczesną broń palną. Zastępują "
25555"Pikinierów i są przydatni do obrony miast."
25557#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:590 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:895
25558#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:730 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:897
25559msgid "Fanatics"
25560msgstr "Fanatycy"
25562#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:617 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:924
25563#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:757 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:926
25564msgid "Fanatics are warriors extremely devoted to a higher cause."
25565msgstr "Fanatycy to wojownicy bezgranicznie oddani sprawie."
25567#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:619 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:759
25568msgid ""
25569"Fundamentalist nations can maintain Fanatic units without having to pay any "
25570"shields for upkeep."
25571msgstr ""
25572"Tylko narody fundamentalistyczne mogą szkolić fanatyków bez konieczności "
25573"płacenia na ich utrzymanie."
25575#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:625 data/classic/units.ruleset:730
25576#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:754 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:853
25577#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:765 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:855
25578msgid "Partisan"
25579msgstr "Partyzanci"
25581#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:651 data/classic/units.ruleset:756
25582#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:780 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:881
25583#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:791 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:883
25584msgid ""
25585"Partisans are guerilla fighters who are experts at using the terrain to "
25586"their advantage."
25587msgstr ""
25588"Partyzanci są ekspertami w wykorzystywaniu właściwości terenu w działaniach "
25591#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:654 data/classic/units.ruleset:759
25592#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:794
25593msgid ""
25594"A number of Partisans are granted free when an enemy conquers your city -- "
25595"they automatically assume defensive positions in the surrounding countryside "
25596"-- but only under these conditions:\n"
25597" - Guerilla Warfare must be known by at least one player.\n"
25598" - You must be the player who originally built the city.\n"
25599" - You must know about Communism and Gunpowder.\n"
25600" - You must run either a Democracy or a Communist government."
25601msgstr ""
25602"Kilku Partyzantów dostajesz za darmo (zajmują od razu pozycje obronne), "
25603"jeśli wróg podbije twoje miasto, ale tylko jeśli:\n"
25604" - co najmniej jeden gracz odkrył Partyzantkę,\n"
25605" - jesteś pierwotnym budowniczym miasta,\n"
25606" - masz już Komunizm i Proch Strzelniczy,\n"
25607" - twój ustrój to Demokracja lub Komunizm."
25609#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:665 data/classic/units.ruleset:770
25610#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:794 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:819
25611#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:805 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:821
25612msgid "Alpine Troops"
25613msgstr "Oddziały Górskie"
25615#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:691 data/classic/units.ruleset:796
25616#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:820 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:847
25617#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:831 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:849
25618msgid "Alpine Troops are highly mobile units as well as excellent defenders."
25619msgstr ""
25620"Oddziały Górskie to bardzo szybka jednostka, a także znakomici obrońcy."
25622#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:729 data/classic/units.ruleset:834
25623#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:858 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:933
25624#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:869 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:935
25625msgid "Marines"
25626msgstr "Piechota Morska"
25628#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:755 data/classic/units.ruleset:860
25629#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:884 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:961
25630#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:895 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:963
25631msgid "Marines are infantry who are experts at marine warfare."
25632msgstr "Piechota Morska to eksperci od walki na morzu."
25634#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:760 data/classic/units.ruleset:865
25635#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:889 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:966
25636#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:900 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:968
25637msgid "Paratroopers"
25638msgstr "Spadochroniarze"
25640#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:786 data/classic/units.ruleset:891
25641#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:926
25642msgid ""
25643"Paratroopers are experts at airborne attacks. From a friendly city or "
25644"airbase, Paratroopers who have not expended any movement points can paradrop "
25645"directly to any tile in range, and be immediately ready to act there. "
25646"(Beware dropping into unseen territory, as Paratroopers landing on a tile "
25647"occupied by enemy units are easy targets!)"
25648msgstr ""
25649"Spadochroniarze to specjaliści w atakach powietrznych. Jeśli nie "
25650"wykorzystali jeszcze żadnego punktu ruchu, mogą być przerzuceni z "
25651"przyjaznego miasta lub bazy lotniczej na dowolne pole w ich zasięgu i są od "
25652"razu gotowi do działania. (Bądźcie ostrożni podczas przerzucania na nieznany "
25653"teren, gdyż jeśli Spadochroniarze wylądują na polu zajmowanym przez wrogą "
25654"jednostkę, będą łatwym celem.)"
25656#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:825 data/classic/units.ruleset:930
25657#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:955 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:965
25658msgid ""
25659"The Mechanized Infantry has the strongest defensive strength of any land "
25660"unit, but is only available near the end of the technology tree."
25661msgstr ""
25662"Piechota Zmechanizowana jest najsilniejszą lądową jednostką obronną, lecz "
25663"jest dostępna tylko przy końcu drzewa technologii."
25665#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:832 data/classic/units.ruleset:937
25666#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:962 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1042
25667#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:972 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1044
25668msgid "Horsemen"
25669msgstr "Konnica"
25671#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:858 data/classic/units.ruleset:963
25672#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:988 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1068
25673#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:998 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1070
25674msgid ""
25675"Horsemen are mounted warriors and an early shock-troop that can penetrate "
25676"deep into enemy territory."
25677msgstr ""
25678"Konnica to lekkozbrojni jeźdźcy; jest to jednostka zaczepna mogąca "
25679"zapuszczać się w głąb terytorium wroga."
25681#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:891 data/classic/units.ruleset:996
25682#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1021 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1031
25683msgid ""
25684"Chariots are horse-pulled war wagons, stronger but more expensive than "
25686msgstr ""
25687"Rydwany to powozy ciągnięte przez konie; silniejsze, choć również droższe w "
25688"produkcji niż Konnica."
25690#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:897 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1111
25691#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1037 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1113
25692msgid "Elephants"
25693msgstr "Słonie"
25695#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:923 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1063
25696msgid ""
25697"Elephants are towering animals trained for war that are often used as "
25698"powerful shock troops, but defend poorly against most other units."
25699msgstr ""
25700"Słonie to ogromne zwierzęca wyszkolone do celów bojowych. Często używane do "
25701"celów zaczepnych, lecz słabo bronią się przed większością jednostek."
25703#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:929 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1143
25704#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1069 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1145
25705msgid "Crusaders"
25706msgstr "Krzyżowcy"
25708#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:955 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1169
25709#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1095 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1171
25710msgid ""
25711"Crusaders are highly disciplined mounted warriors driven by a higher cause."
25712msgstr ""
25713"Krzyżowcy to bardzo zdyscyplinowani jeźdźcy, bezgranicznie oddani sprawie."
25715#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:993 data/classic/units.ruleset:1034
25716#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1059 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1207
25717#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1133 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1209
25718msgid "Dragoons"
25719msgstr "Dragoni"
25721#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1020 data/classic/units.ruleset:1061
25722#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1086 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1233
25723#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1160 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1235
25724msgid "Dragoons are mounted warriors carrying early firearms."
25725msgstr "Dragoni to jeźdźcy uzbrojeni we wczesną broń palną."
25727#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1051 data/classic/units.ruleset:1092
25728#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1117 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1264
25729#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1191 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1266
25730msgid "Cavalry are mounted and highly trained soldiers."
25731msgstr "Kawaleria to znakomicie wyszkoleni i uzbrojeni jeźdźcy."
25733#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1182 data/classic/units.ruleset:1223
25734#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1248 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1322
25735msgid ""
25736"The artillery is an upgraded cannon. It is a very strong attacker but "
25737"equally weak defender and will need an escort to be effective."
25738msgstr ""
25739"Artyleria to udoskonalone działa. Charakteryzują się bardzo dużą siłą ognia, "
25740"ale też słabą obroną, potrzebują więc osłony innych jednostek."
25742#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1189 data/classic/units.ruleset:1230
25743#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1255 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1409
25744#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1329 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1411
25745msgid "Howitzer"
25746msgstr "Haubica"
25748#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1215 data/classic/units.ruleset:1256
25749#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1281 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1355
25750msgid ""
25751"Howitzers are upgraded artillery with improved defensive as well as "
25752"offensive capabilities. They can shoot over city walls, ignoring their "
25754msgstr ""
25755"Haubice to udoskonalona artyleria; mają znacznie poprawione zdolności "
25756"zaczepne i obronne. Mogą strzelać ponad murami miasta, ignorując w ten "
25757"sposób ich efekty."
25759#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1320 data/classic/units.ruleset:1361
25760#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1387
25761msgid ""
25762"The Helicopter is a very powerful unit, as it can both fly and conquer "
25763"cities.  Care must be exercised, because Helicopters lose a small amount of "
25764"health for every turn not spent in a city or airbase or on a Carrier, unless "
25765"you have the United Nations wonder, and Helicopters may be attacked by "
25766"ground units."
25767msgstr ""
25768"Helikoptery są bardzo potężną jednostką, gdyż mogą zarówno latać, jak i "
25769"zdobywać miasta. Należy jednak zachować ostrożność, jako że Helikoptery "
25770"tracą odrobinę energii w każdej turze spędzonej poza miastem, chyba że masz "
25771"cud ONZ. Helikoptery mogą być atakowane przez jednostki lądowe."
25773#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1329 data/classic/units.ruleset:1370
25774#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1396 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1566
25775#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1468 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1568
25776msgid "Stealth Fighter"
25777msgstr "Myśliwiec Stealth"
25779#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1361 data/classic/units.ruleset:1402
25780#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1428 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1593
25781#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1500 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1595
25782msgid "An improved Fighter, with improved attack and a higher movement radius."
25783msgstr "Ulepszony Myśliwiec, o zwiększonej sile ataku oraz zasięgu."
25785#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1367 data/classic/units.ruleset:1408
25786#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1434 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1599
25787#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1506 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1601
25788msgid "Stealth Bomber"
25789msgstr "Bombowiec Stealth"
25791#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1393 data/classic/units.ruleset:1435
25792#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1461 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1625
25793#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1533 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1627
25794msgid "An improved Bomber, with improved attack and a higher movement radius."
25795msgstr "Ulepszony Bombowiec, o zwiększonej sile ataku oraz zasięgu."
25797#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1434 data/classic/units.ruleset:1476
25798#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1503 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1667
25799#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1574 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1669
25800msgid "Caravel"
25801msgstr "Karawela"
25803#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1461
25804msgid ""
25805"The Caravel replaces the Trireme and is much more reliable on the open seas."
25806msgstr ""
25807"Karawela zastępuję Triremę; jest znacznie bardziej niezawodna na głębokim "
25810#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1467 data/classic/units.ruleset:1509
25811#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1536 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1700
25812#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1607 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1702
25813msgid "Galleon"
25814msgstr "Galeon"
25816#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1494 data/classic/units.ruleset:1536
25817#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1563 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1634
25818msgid ""
25819"The Galleon is a pure transport ship and cannot attack other ships, though "
25820"it may still defend itself when attacked."
25821msgstr ""
25822"Galeon to okręt wyłącznie transportowy. Nie może atakować, choć może bronić "
25823"się przed atakiem."
25825#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1568 data/classic/units.ruleset:1610
25826#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1637 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1798
25827#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1708 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1800
25828msgid "Destroyer"
25829msgstr "Niszczyciel"
25831#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1594 data/classic/units.ruleset:1636
25832#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1663 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1734
25833msgid "An improved Ironclad, with better move rate and vision."
25834msgstr "Udoskonalony Parowiec; jest szybszy i \"widzi\" większy obszar."
25836#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1596 data/classic/units.ruleset:1638
25837#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1665 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1736
25838msgid ""
25839"TIP:  A very fast unit, which is very useful for hunting down enemy "
25841msgstr ""
25842"RADA: Bardzo szybka jednostka, przydatna do ścigania transportów wroga."
25844#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1633 data/classic/units.ruleset:1675
25845#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1702 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1868
25846#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1773 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1870
25847msgid "AEGIS Cruiser"
25848msgstr "Krążownik AEGIS"
25850#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1663 data/classic/units.ruleset:1705
25851#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1732 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1898
25852#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1803 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1900
25853msgid ""
25854"The AEGIS Cruiser is equipped with an advanced defensive missile system."
25855msgstr "Krążownik AEGIS wyposażony jest w nowoczesny system antyrakietowy."
25857#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1805 data/classic/units.ruleset:1847
25858#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1874 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2054
25859#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1945 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2056
25860msgid "Cruise Missile"
25861msgstr "Pocisk Balistyczny"
25863#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1831 data/classic/units.ruleset:1873
25864#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1901 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2081
25865#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1971 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2083
25866msgid ""
25867"The Cruise Missile is a long-distance missile that can strike deep into "
25868"enemy territory."
25869msgstr ""
25870"Pocisk Balistyczny to dalekosiężna rakieta, która może razić cele w głębi "
25871"terytorium wroga."
25873#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1834 data/classic/units.ruleset:1876
25874#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1904 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2084
25875#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1974 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2086
25876msgid ""
25877"TIP:  A handful of these can successfully keep the waters around your "
25878"treasured homeland free of enemy ships."
25879msgstr ""
25880"RADA: Kilka takich jednostek może skutecznie ochronić wody wokół twojej "
25881"drogiej ojczyzny przed wrogimi okrętami."
25883#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1879
25884msgid ""
25885"TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
25886"country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
25887"Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers and/or Engineers next to the city "
25888"and have them ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  This "
25889"minimizes the chance of global warming.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
25890msgstr ""
25891"RADA 2: Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar wroga, "
25892"lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem jednostek atomowych, "
25893"warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników i/lub Inżynierów i przygotować ich do "
25894"usuwania skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! Redukuje to ryzyko "
25895"\"globalnego ocieplenia\" (ekologiczne bomby atomowe!)."
25897#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:1984 data/classic/units.ruleset:2046
25898#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2074 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2259
25899#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2144 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2261
25900msgid "Spy"
25901msgstr "Szpieg"
25903#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2015 data/classic/units.ruleset:2085
25904#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2113 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2298
25905#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2183 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2300
25906msgid ""
25907"A Spy is more skilled in the arts of espionage than her Diplomat predecessor."
25908msgstr ""
25909"Szpieg jest bardziej biegła w sztuce wywiadowczej niż Dyplomata, którego "
25912#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2017 data/classic/units.ruleset:2087
25913#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2115 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2300
25914#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2185 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2302
25915msgid ""
25916"She can perform all the functions of the Diplomat; refer to the Diplomat "
25917"entry for more details. Unlike a Diplomat, a Spy may also survive an "
25918"operation in a foreign city and become more experienced as a result. Spies "
25919"are also more effective than Diplomats at defending cities against foreign "
25920"Diplomats and Spies."
25921msgstr ""
25922"Może wykonywać wszystkie zadania Dyplomaty (więcej informacji znajdziesz w "
25923"sekcji o Dyplomacie). W przeciwieństwie do Dyplomaty, Szpieg może przeżyć "
25924"operację w mieście innego gracza i, w wyniku tego, zyskać doświadczenie. "
25925"Ponadto Szpiedzy lepiej strzegą miast przed działaniami wrogich Dyplomatów i "
25928#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2023 data/classic/units.ruleset:2093
25929#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2121 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2306
25930#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2191 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2308
25931msgid ""
25932"A Spy can also be used to:\n"
25933" - sabotage an enemy unit (reducing its hit points to half), if it is alone "
25934"on a tile and the players are at war;\n"
25935" - poison the water supply of an enemy city (reducing the population by "
25937" - steal specific technology (with a reduced chance of success);\n"
25938" - steal further technologies from a city which has already been stolen from "
25939"(although cities become more resistant each time they are stolen from);\n"
25940" - sabotage predetermined city targets (with a reduced chance of success)."
25941msgstr ""
25942"Poza tym, Szpieg potrafi:\n"
25943" - sabotować wrogą jednostkę (zmniejsza o połowę jej siłę obrony), lecz "
25944"tylko gdy na polu nie ma innych jednostek, a gracze prowadzą wojnę; \n"
25945" - zatruć punkty poboru wody miasta (zmniejsza o 1 rozmiar miasta);\n"
25946" - wykraść konkretną technologię (z mniejszym prawdopodobieństwem sukcesu);\n"
25947" - wykraść technologie z miasta, które zostało już okradzione (jednak przy "
25948"każdej kolejnej próbie miasta stają się coraz mniej podatne na kradzież);\n"
25949" - sabotować wcześniej ustalone punkty miasta (z mniejszym "
25950"prawdopodobieństwem sukcesu)."
25952#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2035 data/classic/units.ruleset:2105
25953#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2133 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2318
25954#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2203 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2320
25955msgid ""
25956"A Spy that survives the more aggressive actions (sabotage, theft, inciting "
25957"rebellion, and poisoning) escapes to the safety of the nearest friendly city."
25958msgstr ""
25959"Szpieg, która przeżyje bardziej agresywne akcje (sabotaż, kradzież, "
25960"podburzanie i zatruwanie) ucieka do najbliższego przyjaznego miasta."
25962#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2039
25963msgid "Spies built under a Communist government will be built as veteran."
25964msgstr "Szpiedzy tworzeni w Komunizmie będą od razu bardziej doświadczeni."
25966#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2093 data/classic/units.ruleset:2167
25967#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2195 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2376
25968#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2252 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2379
25969msgid "Freight"
25970msgstr "Ciężarówka"
25972#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2119 data/classic/units.ruleset:2193
25973msgid "The Freight unit replaces the Caravan, and moves at twice the speed."
25974msgstr "Ciężarówka zastępuje karawanę i porusza się dwukrotnie szybciej."
25976#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2124 data/classic/units.ruleset:2198
25977#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2227 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2408
25978#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2284 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2411
25979msgid "Explorer"
25980msgstr "Badacz"
25982#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2150 data/classic/units.ruleset:2224
25983#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2253 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2434
25984#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2310 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2437
25985msgid ""
25986"Explorers are brave individuals that are very useful for mapping unknown "
25988msgstr ""
25989"Badacze to dzielne osoby, których możesz wykorzystać do badania nieznanego "
25992#: data/civ2/units.ruleset:2185 data/classic/units.ruleset:2306
25993#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2339 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2529
25994#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2392 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2532
25995msgid ""
25996"When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, the "
25997"ransom is paid, but only to land units and helicopters. Usually the ransom "
25998"is 100 gold, but can be less if the barbarian has less money."
25999msgstr ""
26000"Gdy zabijesz Barbarzyńskiego Wodza na polu bez innych jednostek broniących, "
26001"dostaniesz okup, ale tylko jeśli atakowała jednostka lądowa lub helikopter. "
26002"Okup wynosi zazwyczaj 100 sztuk złota, lecz może być mniejszy, jeśli "
26003"barbarzyńcy mają mniej pieniędzy."
26005#: data/default/default.lua:22 server/unittools.c:2812
26006#, c-format
26007msgid "You found %d gold."
26008msgid_plural "You found %d gold."
26009msgstr[0] "Znalazłeś/aś %d sztukę złota."
26010msgstr[1] "Znalazłeś/aś %d sztuki złota."
26011msgstr[2] "Znalazłeś/aś %d sztuk złota."
26013#: data/default/default.lua:40
26014#, c-format
26015msgid "You found %s in ancient scrolls of wisdom."
26016msgstr "Odkryłeś/aś technologię %s w pradawnych zbiorach wiedzy."
26018#. TRANS: One player got tech for the whole team.
26019#: data/default/default.lua:44
26020#, c-format
26021msgid "The %s found %s in ancient scrolls of wisdom for you."
26022msgstr "%s znaleźli technologię %s w pradawnych zbiorach wiedzy."
26024#. TRANS: first %s is nation plural or team name
26025#: data/default/default.lua:49
26026#, c-format
26027msgid "The %s have acquired %s from ancient scrolls of wisdom."
26028msgstr "%s znaleźli technologię %s w pradawnych zbiorach wiedzy."
26030#: data/default/default.lua:72
26031msgid "A band of friendly mercenaries joins your cause."
26032msgstr "Przyjaźnie nastawieni najemnicy przyłączyli się do ciebie."
26034#: data/default/default.lua:88
26035msgid "You found a friendly city."
26036msgstr "Znalazłeś/aś przyjazne miasto."
26038#: data/default/default.lua:93
26039msgid "Friendly nomads are impressed by you, and join you."
26040msgstr "Przyjaźni koczownicy są zachwyceni tobą i przyłączają się."
26042#: data/default/default.lua:114 server/unittools.c:2819
26043msgid "An abandoned village is here."
26044msgstr "Ta wioska jest opuszczona."
26046#: data/default/default.lua:121
26047msgid "You have unleashed a horde of barbarians!"
26048msgstr "Sprowokowałeś/aś barbarzyńców do ataku!"
26050#: data/default/default.lua:124 server/unittools.c:2822
26051#, c-format
26052msgid "Your %s has been killed by barbarians!"
26053msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zabita przez barbarzyńców!"
26055#: data/default/default.lua:191 data/default/default.lua:193
26056#, c-format
26057msgid "The loss of %s has inspired partisans!"
26058msgstr "Strata %s spowodowała powstanie oddziałów partyzanckich!"
26060#: data/default/default.lua:204
26061msgid "We survived the disaster without serious damage."
26062msgstr "Przetrwaliśmy katastrofę bez poważniejszych strat."
26064#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:23
26065msgid "?nationset:Core"
26066msgstr "?nation:Główne"
26068#. TRANS: Description of 'Core' nation set in default rulesets.
26069#. ; If you have translated all of the nations in the extended set, not
26070#. ; just these core nations, feel free to discard the words about
26071#. ; localization, rather than translating literally.
26072#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:29
26073msgid ""
26074"A small set of playable nations that should be fully localized into "
26075"languages other than English."
26076msgstr "Niewielka grupa podstawowych narodów."
26078#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:34
26079msgid "?nationset:Extended"
26080msgstr "?nationset:Dodatkowe"
26082#. TRANS: Description of the 'Extended' nation set in default rulesets,
26083#. ; which contains all nations that come with Freeciv.
26084#. ; If you have only translated the Core nations, replace this
26085#. ; description to say so rather than making it a literal translation.
26086#. ; Conversely, if you have translated everything, you can get rid of the
26087#. ; caveat about localization.
26088#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:42
26089msgid ""
26090"The complete set of playable nations; this allows for larger games or more "
26091"variety, but not all of these may have been localized into languages other "
26092"than English."
26093msgstr "Grupa wszystkich narodów dostępnych w grze."
26095#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:63
26096msgid "?nationgroup:Medieval"
26097msgstr "?nationgroup:Średniowieczne"
26099#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:66
26100msgid "?nationgroup:Early Modern"
26101msgstr "?nationgroup:Wczesne współczesne"
26103#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:72
26104msgid "?nationgroup:African"
26105msgstr "?nationgroup:Afrykańskie"
26107#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:75
26108msgid "?nationgroup:American"
26109msgstr "?nationgroup:Amerykańskie"
26111#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:78
26112msgid "?nationgroup:Asian"
26113msgstr "?nationgroup:Azjatyckie"
26115#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:81
26116msgid "?nationgroup:European"
26117msgstr "?nationgroup:Europejskie"
26119#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:84
26120msgid "?nationgroup:Oceanian"
26121msgstr "?nationgroup:Oceania"
26123#: data/default/nationlist.ruleset:87
26124msgid "?nationgroup:Imaginary"
26125msgstr "?nationgroup:Fikcyjne"
26127#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:317 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:322
26128#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:409 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:109
26129#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:409
26130msgid ""
26131"Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.  (Four "
26132"after the discovery of Electricity.)  However, it does not affect citizens "
26133"made unhappy by military activity."
26134msgstr ""
26135"Dostarcza rozrywki mieszkańcom, czyniąc trzech niezadowolonych mieszkańców "
26136"zadowolonymi (czterech po wynalezieniu Elektryczności). Nie wpływa jednak na "
26137"niezadowolenie spowodowane działaniami wojennymi."
26139#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:343 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:349
26140#, no-c-format
26141msgid ""
26142"Reduces the corruption in a city by 50%, and makes the revolt cost of the "
26143"city 4 times bigger. (These effects are redundant in your capital city.)"
26144msgstr ""
26145"Zmniejsza korupcję w mieście o 50%, a koszt wzniecenia zamieszek w mieście "
26146"jest 4-krotnie wyższy. (Te korzyści te nie dublują się w stolicy.)"
26148#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:445 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:473
26149#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:443
26150#, no-c-format
26151msgid ""
26152"Increases the effect of Factory and Mfg. Plant on the shield production of a "
26153"city, and also reduces the amount of pollution generated by that "
26154"production.  A Hydro Plant in combination with either a Factory or Mfg. "
26155"Plant gives a 75% production bonus over the level without any of these "
26156"improvements, while giving pollution only 75% of the equivalent combination "
26157"with a Power Plant; a Hydro Plant, Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a "
26158"150% production bonus with pollution only 50% of the equivalent combination "
26159"with a Power Plant."
26160msgstr ""
26161"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej i "
26162"zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie emitowane przez miasto. Elektrownia Wodna wraz z "
26163"Fabryką lub Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 75%, wydzielając "
26164"tylko 75% zanieczyszczeń tworzonych przez podobną kombinację z Elektrownią "
26165"Cieplną. Z Fabryką oraz Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 150%, "
26166"wydzielając tylko 50% zanieczyszczeń tworzonych przez podobną kombinację z "
26167"Elektrownią Cieplną."
26169#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:455 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:590
26170#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:747 data/classic/buildings.ruleset:908
26171#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:483
26172#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:645
26173#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:803
26174#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:964 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:564
26175#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:710 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:902
26176#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1069 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:453
26177#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:579
26178#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:729
26179#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:885 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:564
26180#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:710 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:902
26181#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1069
26182msgid ""
26183"In each city, only one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or Solar "
26184"Plant can take effect at any one time."
26185msgstr ""
26186"Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
26187"atomową. W przypadku większej liczby elektrowni, działać będzie tylko jedna."
26189#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:481 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:535
26190#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:476
26191#, no-c-format
26192msgid "Increases the science output in a city by 100%."
26193msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję naukową miasta o 100%."
26195#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:553 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:611
26196#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:668 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:668
26197msgid ""
26198"A Manufacturing Plant also has a small risk of suffering an industrial "
26199"accident, which can lead to pollution and reduce the city's population."
26200msgstr ""
26201"W mieście z Fabryką Zmechanizowaną występuje niewielkie ryzyko awarii, która "
26202"może spowodować zanieczyszczenie zmniejszyć populację."
26204#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:577 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:635
26205#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:569
26206#, no-c-format
26207msgid ""
26208"Increases the effect of Factory and Mfg. Plant on the shield production of a "
26209"city, and also reduces the amount of pollution generated by that "
26210"production.  A Nuclear Plant in combination with either a Factory or Mfg. "
26211"Plant gives a 75% production bonus over the level without any of these "
26212"improvements, while giving pollution only 75% of the equivalent combination "
26213"with a Power Plant; a Nuclear Plant, Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a "
26214"150% production bonus with pollution only 50% of the equivalent combination "
26215"with a Power Plant."
26216msgstr ""
26217"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej i "
26218"zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie emitowane przez miasto. Elektrownia Atomowa wraz "
26219"z Fabryką lub Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 75%, wydzielając "
26220"tylko 75% zanieczyszczeń tworzonych przez podobną kombinację z Elektrownią "
26221"Cieplną. Z Fabryką oraz Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 150%, "
26222"wydzielając tylko 50% zanieczyszczeń tworzonych przez podobną kombinację z "
26223"Elektrownią Cieplną."
26225#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:587 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:707
26226#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:707
26227msgid ""
26228"A Nuclear Plant has a small risk of suffering a nuclear accident, which can "
26229"lead to fallout and reduce the city's population."
26230msgstr ""
26231"W mieście z Elektrownią Atomową występuje niewielkie ryzyko awarii, która "
26232"może spowodować skażenie zmniejszyć populację."
26234#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:664 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:719
26235#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:649
26236#, no-c-format
26237msgid ""
26238"Under Despotism the city containing the palace gains a +75% production "
26239"bonus, and under Monarchy a +50% production bonus."
26240msgstr ""
26241"W Despotyzmie miasto z Pałacem zwiększa produkcję o 75%, a w Monarchii o 50%."
26243#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:739 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:795
26244#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:721
26245#, no-c-format
26246msgid ""
26247"Increases the effect of Factory and Mfg. Plant on the shield production of a "
26248"city.  A Power Plant in combination with either a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
26249"gives a 75% production bonus over the level without any of these "
26250"improvements; a Power Plant, Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a 150% "
26251"production bonus. The extra production may lead to the city generating more "
26253msgstr ""
26254"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. "
26255"Elektrownia Cieplna wraz z Fabryką lub Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa "
26256"produkcję o 75%, wraz z Fabryką oraz Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa "
26257"produkcję o 150%. Dodatkowa produkcja prowadzi do zwiększonej emisji "
26261#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:797 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:853
26262#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:776
26263#, no-c-format
26264msgid ""
26265"Together with a Library, a Research Lab increases the science production of "
26266"a city by 200%. Together with a Library and a University, a Research Lab "
26267"increases the science production of a city by 450%."
26268msgstr ""
26269"Razem z Biblioteką, Laboratoria zwiększają produkcję naukową miasta o 200%. "
26270"Razem z Biblioteką i Uniwersytetem, Laboratoria zwiększają produkcję naukową "
26271"miasta o 450%."
26273#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:897 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:953
26274#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:874
26275#, no-c-format
26276msgid ""
26277"Increases the effect of Factory and Mfg. Plant on the shield production of a "
26278"city, and also greatly reduces the amount of pollution generated by that "
26279"production; a Solar Plant leads to less overall pollution than no plant at "
26280"all. A Solar Plant in combination with either a Factory or Mfg. Plant gives "
26281"a 75% production bonus over the level without any of these improvements, "
26282"while giving pollution only 50% of the equivalent combination with a Power "
26283"Plant; a Solar Plant, Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a 150% "
26284"production bonus, and eliminates all pollution generated by production in "
26285"that city."
26286msgstr ""
26287"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej oraz "
26288"znacznie zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie spowodowane produkcją przemysłową; "
26289"Elektrownia Słoneczna daje mniej zanieczyszczeń, niż brak jakiejkolwiek "
26290"elektrowni. Elektrownia Słoneczna wraz z Fabryką lub Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną "
26291"zwiększa produkcję o 75%, emitując tylko 50% zanieczyszczeń produkowanych "
26292"przez podobną kombinację z Elektrownią Cieplną. Wraz z Fabryką oraz Fabryką "
26293"Zautomatyzowaną, zwiększa produkcję o 150% oraz eliminuje wszystkie "
26294"zanieczyszczenia powodowane produkcją przemysłową."
26296#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1095 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1154
26297#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1070
26298msgid ""
26299"Makes one unhappy citizen content.  The Mysticism advance doubles this "
26300"effect.  With both Mysticism and the Oracle, 4 citizens are made content.  "
26301"Does not affect citizens made unhappy by military activity."
26302msgstr ""
26303"Czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym. Mistycyzm "
26304"(technologia) podwaja ten efekt, a Świątynia Mistycyzm wraz z Wyrocznią "
26305"(cud) czynią zadowolonymi czterech mieszkańców. Nie wpływa na niezadowolenie "
26306"wynikające z działań wojennych."
26308#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1121 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1182
26309#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1096
26310#, no-c-format
26311msgid ""
26312"Together with a Library, a University increases the science production of a "
26313"city by 250%."
26314msgstr ""
26315"Razem z Biblioteką, Uniwersytetem zwiększa produkcję naukową w mieście o "
26318#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1168 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1230
26319msgid ""
26320"City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 are free of "
26321"upkeep, for all your cities."
26322msgstr ""
26323"Obiekty w mieście, które normalnie kosztują 1 sztukę złota, są zwolnione z "
26324"kosztów utrzymania, w każdym twoim mieście."
26326#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1285 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1347
26327#, no-c-format
26328msgid ""
26329"Your reputation and goodwill among other nations is recovered twice as fast."
26330msgstr ""
26331"Cud ten pomaga polepszać twoją reputację i nastawienie innych graczy "
26332"względem ciebie. Odzyskujesz reputację dwa razy szybciej niż normalnie."
26334#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1406 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1468
26335#, no-c-format
26336msgid ""
26337"Boosts science production by 100% in every city you control that has a "
26339msgstr "Podwaja rozwój nauki w każdym twoim mieście z Uniwersytetem."
26341#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1497 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1559
26342msgid ""
26343"Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point. Makes all your new "
26344"military sea units veterans (for all your cities)."
26345msgstr ""
26346"Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu. Ponadto czyni "
26347"weteranami wszystkie nowe morskie jednostki zbrojne (we wszystkich twoich "
26350#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1520 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1582
26351msgid "Gives all your sea units 2 additional movement points."
26352msgstr "Daje 2 dodatkowe punkty ruchu twoim jednostkom morskim."
26354#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1611 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1673
26355msgid ""
26356"Makes two additional unhappy citizens content in every city with a Temple.  "
26357"Does not affect citizens made unhappy by military activity."
26358msgstr ""
26359"Zmienia dwóch niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych w każdym mieście, w "
26360"którym jest Świątynie. Nie wpływa jednak na niezadowolenie spowodowane "
26361"działaniami wojennymi."
26363#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1635 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1697
26364#, no-c-format
26365msgid ""
26366"The amount of stored food lost when one of your cities grows or shrinks is "
26367"reduced by 25%.  This helps a city to grow faster and more easily withstand "
26368"famine.  Cumulative with Granary."
26369msgstr ""
26370"Ilość zgromadzonej żywności będzie ustawiona na 25%, zawsze gdy miasto "
26371"wzrośnie lub zmaleje. To pozwala miastu na szybszy wzrost i przetrzymać "
26372"głód. Efekt sumuje się ze Spichlerzem."
26374#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1659 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1721
26375#, no-c-format
26376msgid "Boosts science production in each city with a Research Lab by 100%."
26377msgstr "Zwiększa rozwój nauki we wszystkich miastach z Laboratoriami o 100%."
26379#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1727 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1789
26380msgid ""
26381"All your new military land units start with an additional veteran level "
26382"(this is cumulative with any Barracks building in a city; with both, units "
26383"are created as Hardened). The chance of a land unit getting the next veteran "
26384"level after a battle increases by half."
26385msgstr ""
26386"Wszystkie nowe jednostki lądowe dostają pierwszy poziom doświadczenia (łączy "
26387"się z każdym rodzajem Koszar w mieście; jeśli miasto ma Koszary, jednostka "
26388"ma poziom \"doświadczona\"). Szansa uzyskania nowego poziomu doświadczenia "
26389"po bitwie zwiększa się o połowę."
26391#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1793 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1855
26392#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2065 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1778
26393#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2065
26394msgid "Coinage"
26395msgstr "Kapitalizacja"
26397#: data/classic/buildings.ruleset:1816 data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1878
26398#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2088 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1793
26399#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2088
26400msgid ""
26401"This is not a normal improvement.  Instead, setting a city's production to "
26402"Coinage means its shield production is converted to tax output (money, "
26404msgstr ""
26405"To nie jest normalny budynek. Jeżeli ustawisz produkcję miasta na "
26406"kapitalizację będzie to oznaczało, że produkcja danego miasta jest "
26407"zamieniana na podatek (pieniądze, złoto!)."
26409#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:66 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:68
26410#: data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:65
26411msgid ""
26412"Each scientist adds three points to your empire's research output per turn."
26413msgstr ""
26414"Każdy naukowiec dodaje 3 punkty odkryć na turę do pracy nad nowymi "
26417#: data/classic/cities.ruleset:79 data/experimental/cities.ruleset:81
26418#: data/multiplayer/cities.ruleset:78
26419msgid ""
26420"Each tax collector produces three extra gold for your treasury per turn."
26421msgstr ""
26422"Każdy poborca podatkowy dodaje do skarbca państwa 3 sztuki złota na turę."
26424#: data/classic/game.ruleset:25
26425msgid "Classic ruleset"
26426msgstr "Klasyczny zestaw zasad"
26428#: data/classic/game.ruleset:31
26429msgid ""
26430"You are playing with classic Freeciv ruleset for single player games. Note "
26431"that in addition to the ruleset, also server settings affect the rules of "
26432"the game."
26433msgstr ""
26434"Grasz we Freeciv z klasycznym zestawem zasad dla jednego gracza. Pamiętaj, "
26435"że poza zestawem zasad na rozgrywkę wpływają też ustawienia serwera."
26437#. TRANS: Sell _Goods (100% chance of success).
26438#: data/classic/game.ruleset:252 data/experimental/game.ruleset:256
26439#, c-format
26440msgid "Sell %sGoods%s"
26441msgstr "Sprzedaj dobra (%sG)%s"
26443#. TRANS: year label (Common Era)
26444#: data/classic/game.ruleset:535 data/experimental/game.ruleset:551
26445#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:561 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:519
26446#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:569
26447msgid "CE"
26448msgstr "n.e."
26450#. TRANS: year label (Before Common Era)
26451#: data/classic/game.ruleset:537 data/experimental/game.ruleset:553
26452#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:563 data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:521
26453#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:571
26454msgid "BCE"
26455msgstr "p.n.e."
26457#: data/classic/game.ruleset:564
26458msgid "Pestilence"
26459msgstr "Zaraza"
26461#: data/classic/game.ruleset:574 data/experimental/game.ruleset:585
26462#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:612 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:620
26463msgid "Industrial Accident"
26464msgstr "Katastrofa przemysłowa"
26466#: data/classic/game.ruleset:583 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:621
26467#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:629
26468msgid "Nuclear Accident"
26469msgstr "Awaria nuklearna"
26471#: data/classic/script.lua:75 data/civ2civ3/script.lua:325
26472#: data/sandbox/script.lua:325
26473msgid "Highest Peak"
26474msgstr "Najwyższy szczyt"
26476#: data/classic/script.lua:80 data/civ2civ3/script.lua:191
26477#: data/sandbox/script.lua:191
26478msgid "Deep Trench"
26479msgstr "Głęboki rów"
26481#: data/classic/script.lua:85
26482msgid "Scorched Spot"
26483msgstr "Spalone pole"
26485#: data/classic/script.lua:90 data/civ2civ3/script.lua:237
26486#: data/sandbox/script.lua:237
26487msgid "Frozen Lake"
26488msgstr "Zamarznięte jezioro"
26490#: data/classic/styles.ruleset:135 data/experimental/styles.ruleset:137
26491#: data/civ2civ3/styles.ruleset:135 data/multiplayer/styles.ruleset:135
26492#: data/sandbox/styles.ruleset:135
26493msgid "?citystyle:ElectricAge"
26494msgstr "?citystyle:WiekElektryczności"
26496#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:234 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:252
26497#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:234
26498msgid ""
26499"Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to build fortresses, and to build oil "
26500"wells on Desert tiles."
26501msgstr ""
26502"Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować fortece oraz szyby "
26503"wiertnicze na polach putynnych."
26505#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:384 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:419
26506#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:116 data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:393
26507#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:116
26508msgid "Increases units' vision when in fortresses."
26509msgstr "Zwiększa pole widzenia jednostek, gdy są one w fortecy."
26511#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:441 data/classic/techs.ruleset:740
26512msgid "Allows establishing one more trade route from each city."
26513msgstr "Pozwala ustanowić jeden dodatkowy szlak handlowy z każdego miasta."
26515#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:606 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:665
26516#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:614
26517msgid "Allows Workers and Engineers to build airbases and buoys."
26518msgstr "Pozwala Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować bazy lotnicze i boje."
26520#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:615 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:675
26521#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:623
26522msgid "Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to upgrade roads to railroads."
26523msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać drogi do kolei."
26525#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:636 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:698
26526#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:642
26527msgid ""
26528"Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to build oil wells on Glacier tiles."
26529msgstr ""
26530"Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować szyby wiertnicze na "
26533#: data/classic/techs.ruleset:648 data/experimental/techs.ruleset:711
26534#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:654
26535msgid ""
26536"Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to upgrade irrigation systems to "
26538msgstr ""
26539"Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać nawodnienie do farm."
26541#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:25 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:27
26542#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:25
26543msgid "Has Oil Well instead of Mine."
26544msgstr "Ma szyb wiertniczy zamiast kopalni."
26546#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:26 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:28
26547#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:27 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:26
26548#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:27
26549msgid "NoPollution"
26550msgstr "BrakZaniecz"
26552#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:26 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:28
26553#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:27 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:26
26554#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:27
26555msgid "No Pollution nor Fallout appear here."
26556msgstr "Nie pojawiają się tutaj zanieczyszczenia ani skażenia."
26558#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:198 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:200
26559#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:199 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:198
26560#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:199
26561msgid "Inaccessible"
26562msgstr "Niedostępny"
26564#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:233 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:235
26565#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:234 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:233
26566#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:234
26567msgid "No unit can enter this terrain, nor can any city work its tiles."
26568msgstr ""
26569"Żadna jednostka nie może wchodzić na ten teren i nie może go wykorzystywać "
26570"żadne miasto."
26572#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:238 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:240
26573#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:239 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:238
26574#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:239
26575msgid "Lake"
26576msgstr "Jezioro"
26578#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:276 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:276
26579#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:277 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:274
26580#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:277
26581msgid "Lakes are substantial bodies of fresh water."
26582msgstr "Jeziora to duże zbiorniki słodkiej wody."
26584#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:319 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:317
26585#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:320 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:315
26586#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:320
26587msgid ""
26588"Shallow oceans are mostly found near coastlines, and are often rich sources "
26589"of food and other resources."
26590msgstr ""
26591"Płytki ocean znajduje się zazwyczaj blisko wybrzeży; często stanowi bogate "
26592"źródło żywności i innych zasobów."
26594#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:325 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:323
26595#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:326 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:321
26596#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:326
26597msgid "Deep Ocean"
26598msgstr "Głęboki Ocean"
26600#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:363 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:359
26601#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:364 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:357
26602#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:364
26603msgid ""
26604"Deep oceans cover much of the world away from coastlines, and only seaworthy "
26605"units (not including Triremes) can travel on them."
26606msgstr ""
26607"Głęboki Ocean pokrywają większość obszary z dala od wybrzeży; jedynie lepsze "
26608"jednostki morskie (wyłączając Triremy) mogą się po nich poruszać."
26610#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:411 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:405
26611#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:403
26612msgid "Oil wells can be built when Refining is known."
26613msgstr "Szyby wiertnicze mogą być budowane, gdy znasz Rafinację."
26615#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:459 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:451
26616#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:449
26617msgid "Oil wells can be built when Construction is known."
26618msgstr "Szyby wiertnicze mogą być budowane, gdy znasz Konstrukcję."
26620#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1030 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1006
26621#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1004
26622msgid "?gui_type:Build Fortress/Buoy"
26623msgstr "?gui_type:Stwórz fortecę/boję"
26625#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1033 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1009
26626#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1007
26627msgid "?gui_type:Build Airbase"
26628msgstr "?gui_type:Zbuduj bazę lotniczą"
26630#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1146 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1122
26631#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1120
26632msgid ""
26633"Building an irrigation system on a suitable tile causes it to produce one "
26634"extra food each turn. This requires a nearby source of water: an ocean, "
26635"lake, or river tile, or another tile with an irrigation system, must share "
26636"an edge (not just a corner) with the target tile. However, once irrigated, "
26637"land remains so even if the water source is removed."
26638msgstr ""
26639"Niektóre tereny mogą zostać nawodnione, co zwiększa produkcję żywności. "
26640"Wymaga to pobliskiego źródła wody: oceanu, jeziora, rzeki lub innego "
26641"nawodnionego pola. Pole takie musi przylegać bokiem (nie rogiem) do pola, na "
26642"którym ma powstać nawodnienie. Nawodnione pole zachowa nawodnienie, nawet "
26643"gdy z sąsiedniego pola zniknie źródło wody."
26645#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1153 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1129
26646#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1173 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1127
26647#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1173
26648msgid "Building irrigation on a tile with a mine or oil well will destroy it."
26649msgstr ""
26650"Jeśli zbudujesz nawodnienie na polu z kopalnią lub szybem wiertniczym, to "
26651"zostaną one zniszczone."
26653#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1155 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1131
26654#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1175 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1129
26655#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1175
26656msgid ""
26657"City center tiles get their terrain's irrigation bonus automatically, if "
26658"there is no conflicting mine or oil well on the tile; however, this does not "
26659"make cities count as a water source for further irrigation. Irrigation can "
26660"be built on the city tile simply to allow building further irrigation "
26661"elsewhere, but will not give the tile any further bonus."
26662msgstr ""
26663"Centra miast dostają dodatek z nawodnienia automatycznie, chyba że na tym "
26664"samym polu jest już kopalnia lub szyb wiertniczy. Nie oznacza to jednak, że "
26665"miasto kawalifikuje sie jak źródło wody dla innych pól z nawodnieniem. "
26666"Możesz więc stworzyć tu nawodnienie, aby tworzyć nawodnienia na polach "
26667"sąsiadujących z miastem, ale samo pole miasta nie dostanie dodatkowych "
26670#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1193 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1169
26671#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1215 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1167
26672#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1215
26673msgid "Oil Well"
26674msgstr "Szyb wiertniczy"
26676#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1211 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1187
26677#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1185
26678msgid ""
26679"Oil wells behave like mines (giving an extra production point), but require "
26680"more technology. Oil wells can be built on Desert with knowledge of "
26681"Construction, and on Glacier with knowledge of Refining."
26682msgstr ""
26683"Szyby wiertnicze, tak jak kopalnie, dają 1 dodatkowy punkt produkcji, lecz "
26684"wymagają bardziej zaawansowanej technologii. Mogą być budowane na "
26685"pustyniach, jeśli znasz Konstrukcję, oraz na lodowcach, jeśli znasz "
26688#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1215 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1191
26689#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1189
26690msgid "Building an oil well on an irrigated tile will destroy the irrigation."
26691msgstr ""
26692"Jeśli zbudujesz szyb wiertniczy na polu z nawodnienie, to zostaną ono "
26695#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1237 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1213
26696msgid ""
26697"Pollution appears on land tiles around cities with high production or "
26698"population, or when a Mfg. Plant suffers an industrial accident. It halves "
26699"all output from its tile, and contributes to the risk of global warming."
26700msgstr ""
26701"Zanieczyszczenie pojawia się na polach lądowych wokół miast z wysoką "
26702"produkcją, populacją lub gdy nastąpi wypadek w Fabryce Zautomatyzowanej. "
26703"Zanieczyszczenie zmniejsza o połowę produkcję z pola i zwiększa ryzyko "
26704"globalnego ocieplenia."
26706#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1242 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1218
26707#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1216
26708msgid ""
26709"The pollution can only be cleared by dispatching Workers, Settlers, or "
26710"Engineers with the \"clean pollution\" order."
26711msgstr ""
26712"Zanieczyszczenie może zostać usunięte tylko przez Robotników, Osadników lub "
26713"Inżynierów, gdy wydasz im polecenie \"Usuń zanieczyszczenia\"."
26715#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1261 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1237
26716#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1313 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1236
26717#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1313
26718msgid ""
26719"When an unused tile becomes polluted, there is the temptation to avoid the "
26720"effort of cleaning it; but the spread of pollution has far more terrible "
26721"results than the immediate economic impact -- every polluted tile increases "
26722"the chance of global warming. Each time global warming advances, the entire "
26723"world loses coastal land to the sea and to jungles and swamps, and inland "
26724"tiles are lost to desert. This tends to devastate cities and leads to global "
26726msgstr ""
26727"Jeśli zanieczyszczenie pojawi się na nieużywanym polu, pojawia się pokusa, "
26728"by je zignorować. Jednak zalegające zanieczyszczenia niosą poważne "
26729"zagrożenie -- każde nie uprzątnięte pole zwiększa ryzyko globalnego "
26730"ocieplenia. Postępujące ocieplenie zmienia wybrzeża w dżungle i bagna, a "
26731"tereny położone w głębi lądu, w pustynie. Przynosi to duże straty miastom i "
26732"niszczy globalną gospodarkę."
26734#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1335 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1311
26735#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1391 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1308
26736#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1391
26737msgid "Like irrigation, farmland is incompatible with mines and oil wells."
26738msgstr ""
26739"Podobnie jak nawodnienie, farmy nie mogą istnieć na tym samym polu, co "
26740"kopalnie i szyby wiertnicze."
26742#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1357
26743msgid ""
26744"Nuclear fallout can appear on land tiles when a Nuclear unit is detonated, "
26745"or when a city's Nuclear Plant has an accident. It halves all output from "
26746"its tile."
26747msgstr ""
26748"Skażenie może pojawić się na polach lądowych, gdy wybuchnie jednostka "
26749"atomowa lub gdy w miejskiej Elektrowni Atomowej miasta nastąpi wypadek. "
26750"Skażenie zmniejsza o połowę produkcję z pola."
26752#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1361 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1336
26753#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1417 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1333
26754#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1417
26755msgid ""
26756"Every tile with nuclear fallout also increases the risk of global nuclear "
26757"winter. If nuclear winter occurs, land across the globe changes into desert, "
26758"tundra, and ice, and lakes and oceans freeze."
26759msgstr ""
26760"Każde pole ze skażeniem zwiększa też ryzyko wystąpienia nuklearnej zimy. Gdy "
26761"to nastąpi, teren na całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub "
26762"lodowiec, a jeziora i oceany zamarzają."
26764#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1365 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1340
26765#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1337
26766msgid "Settlers, Workers, and Engineers can clean up nuclear fallout."
26767msgstr "Skażenia usuwać mogą Osadnicy, Robotnicy i Inżynierowie."
26769#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1392 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1367
26770#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1364
26771msgid ""
26772"Fortresses improve defense for land units outside cities. Among other "
26773"effects, a land unit remaining in a fortress for a whole turn without moving "
26774"recovers a quarter of its hit points. With Invention, fortresses gain "
26775"watchtowers from which land units can see further afield."
26776msgstr ""
26777"Fortece poprawiają zdolności obronne jednostek lądowych poza miastem. "
26778"Jednostki lądowe pozostające w fortecy przez całą turę odzyskują 1/4 punktów "
26779"obrażeń. Jeśli znasz już Wynalazczość, fortece wzbogacają się o wieże "
26780"obserwacyjne, dzięki którym zwiększa się pole widzenia stacjonujących "
26783#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1428 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1403
26784#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1584 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1400
26785#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1584
26786msgid "Buoy"
26787msgstr "Boja"
26789#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1449 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1424
26790#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1606 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1421
26791#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1606
26792msgid ""
26793"Buoys may be built in the ocean (by units on a sea-going vessel) to allow "
26794"their owner to see the surrounding tiles."
26795msgstr ""
26796"Boje mogą być stawiane na oceanie przez jednostki na statkach i umożliwiają "
26797"właścicielowi obserwację otaczających pól."
26799#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1455 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1430
26800#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1612 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1427
26801#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1612
26802msgid "Ruins"
26803msgstr "Ruiny"
26805#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1474 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1449
26806#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1631 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1446
26807#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1631
26808msgid ""
26809"Ruins mark the former site of a city that was destroyed or abandoned. They "
26810"have no effect on gameplay."
26811msgstr ""
26812"Ruiny wskazują gdzie kiedyś mieściło się zniszczone lub porzucone miasto. "
26813"Nie mają wpływu na rozgrywkę."
26815#: data/classic/terrain.ruleset:1504 data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1481
26816#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1476
26817msgid ""
26818"Building roads on river tiles requires knowledge of Bridge Building. City "
26819"center tiles automatically get roads (unless they are on a river tile and "
26820"you do not yet know Bridge Building)."
26821msgstr ""
26822"Aby zbudować drogę na rzece, musisz znać technologię Budowa Mostów. Pole na "
26823"którym leży centrum miasta domyślnie posiada drogi (chyba że leży na rzece, "
26824"a ty nie znasz jeszcze technologii Budowa Mostów)."
26826#: data/classic/units.ruleset:34 data/experimental/units.ruleset:37
26827#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:33 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:34
26828#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:33
26829msgid "Unbribable"
26830msgstr "Nieprzekupny"
26832#: data/classic/units.ruleset:41 data/experimental/units.ruleset:44
26833#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:40 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2036
26834#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:40 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:40
26835#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2038
26836msgid "hardened"
26837msgstr "doświadczony"
26839#: data/classic/units.ruleset:41 data/experimental/units.ruleset:44
26840#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:40 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2036
26841#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:40 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:40
26842#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2038
26843msgid "elite"
26844msgstr "elitarny"
26846#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
26847#: data/classic/units.ruleset:153 data/experimental/units.ruleset:167
26848#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:176 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:152
26849#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:177
26850msgid "?unitclass:Trireme"
26851msgstr "?unitclass:Trirema"
26853#: data/classic/units.ruleset:429 data/experimental/units.ruleset:443
26854#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:452 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:428
26855#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:454
26856msgid ""
26857"Settlers are one of the key units in the game, as they are your main means "
26858"of founding new cities."
26859msgstr ""
26860"Osadnicy to jedna z kluczowych jednostek w grze, ponieważ mogą zakładać "
26863#: data/classic/units.ruleset:432 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:431
26864msgid ""
26865"Settlers can also perform most of the same terrain alterations as Workers "
26866"(but cannot build Airbases or Buoys)."
26867msgstr ""
26868"Osadnicy mogą też przekształcać teren tak, jak Robotnicy, choć nie mogą "
26869"budować baz lotniczych i boi."
26871#: data/classic/units.ruleset:442 data/experimental/units.ruleset:456
26872#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:507 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:442
26873#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:509
26874msgid "?unit:Workers"
26875msgstr "?unit:Robotnicy"
26877#: data/classic/units.ruleset:474 data/experimental/units.ruleset:493
26878#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:539 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:474
26879#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:541
26880msgid ""
26881"Workers have the ability to improve terrain tiles. See the help on Terrain "
26882"and Terrain Alterations for the effects of their actions."
26883msgstr ""
26884"Robotnicy mogą ulepszać teren. By zapoznać się z efektami tych działań, "
26885"zobacz sekcje pomocy \"Teren\" i \"Zmiany terenu\"."
26887#: data/classic/units.ruleset:477 data/experimental/units.ruleset:496
26888#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:477
26889msgid ""
26890"Workers can build airbases and buoys, which Settlers cannot. Workers must be "
26891"on board a ship to build buoys."
26892msgstr ""
26893"Robotnicy, w przeciwieństwie do Osadników, mogą budować bazy lotnicze i "
26894"boje. Robotnicy muszą przebywać na statku, by budować boje."
26896#: data/classic/units.ruleset:515 data/experimental/units.ruleset:539
26897#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:515
26898msgid ""
26899"Engineers are similar to Workers, but they work twice as fast and move twice "
26900"as fast. Engineers may also perform major terrain transformations which are "
26901"beyond the capabilities of Workers and Settlers, such as converting Tundra "
26902"into Desert, or even Ocean into Swamp in some circumstances (when on board "
26903"an ocean-going vessel, on a tile surrounded by sufficient existing land). "
26904"See the Terrain Alterations section for more details."
26905msgstr ""
26906"Inżynierowie są podobni do Robotników, jednak pracują i poruszają się "
26907"dwukrotnie szybciej. Mogą również dokonywać głębokich przekształceń terenu, "
26908"które przekraczają możliwości Osadników i Robotników, np. zmiany tundry w "
26909"pustynię, a w pewnych okolicznościach nawet oceanu w bagna (jeśli są oni na "
26910"statku, a pole otoczone jest odpowiednią ilością lądu). Więcej informacji "
26911"znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zmiany terenu\"."
26913#: data/classic/units.ruleset:523 data/experimental/units.ruleset:547
26914#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:523
26915msgid ""
26916"TIP 1:  Upgrade Workers to Engineers when possible, as Engineers require the "
26917"same resources as ordinary Workers."
26918msgstr ""
26919"RADA 1: Ulepszaj Robotników do Inżynierów kiedy to tylko możliwe, ponieważ "
26920"wymagają oni tych samych zasobów, co zwykli Robotnicy."
26922#: data/classic/units.ruleset:526 data/experimental/units.ruleset:550
26923#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:526
26924msgid ""
26925"TIP 2:  If you manage to build Leonardo's Workshop, research Explosives "
26926"before the Workshop becomes obsolete.  This way, your Workers units will be "
26927"upgraded for free."
26928msgstr ""
26929"RADA 2: Jeśli uda ci się zbudować Pracownię Leonarda, odkryj Materiały "
26930"Wybuchowe, zanim warsztat stanie się przestarzały. Dzięki temu Robotnicy "
26931"zostaną ulepszeni za darmo."
26933#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1469 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1567
26934msgid ""
26935"The Trireme is your first boat unit. It can act as a transport ship and has "
26936"rudimentary offensive capabilities, but may not enter deep ocean tiles."
26937msgstr ""
26938"Trirema to twoja pierwsza jednostka morska. Może przewozić inne jednostki i "
26939"posiada podstawowe zdolności obronne, lecz nie może wypływać na głęboki "
26942#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1503 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1530
26943#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1601
26944msgid "The Caravel replaces the Trireme and can enter any ocean tile."
26945msgstr "Karawela zastępuje Triremę i może wypływać na głęboki ocean."
26947#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1917 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1945
26948#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2130 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2015
26949#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2132
26950msgid ""
26951"On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide (3x3 "
26952"squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units. Any city within "
26953"the blast area loses half its population, and land tiles within the blast "
26954"area are subject to nuclear fallout."
26955msgstr ""
26956"Podmuch przy uderzeniu atomowym niszczy wszystkie jednostki w promieniu 3 "
26957"pól (wewnątrz kwadratu o wymiarach 3x3 pola), włączając w to jednostki "
26958"przyjazne. Przy uderzeniu w miasto, jego rozmiar spada o połowę, a na "
26959"otaczających je polach pojawia się skażenie."
26961#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1922 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1950
26962#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2135 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2020
26963#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2137
26964msgid ""
26965"Nuclear fallout reduces tile output and increases the risk of global nuclear "
26966"winter; see the help on Fallout."
26967msgstr ""
26968"Skażenie zmniejsza produkcję z pola i zwiększa ryzyko nuklearnej zimy; "
26969"zobacz też sekcję pomocy na temat skażenia."
26971#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1929 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1957
26972#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2027
26973msgid ""
26974"TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
26975"country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
26976"Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers, Workers, and/or Engineers next to "
26977"the city and have them ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  "
26978"This minimizes the chance of nuclear winter.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
26979msgstr ""
26980"RADA 2: Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar wroga, "
26981"lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem jednostek atomowych, "
26982"warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników, Robotników i/lub Inżynierów i przygotować "
26983"ich do usuwania skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! Redukuje to ryzyko "
26984"\"nuklearnej zimy\" (ekologiczne bomby atomowe!)."
26986#. TRANS: diplomatic rank.
26987#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1966 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1994
26988#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2175 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2064
26989#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2177
26990msgid "?diplomatic_rank:attaché"
26991msgstr "?diplomatic_rank:attaché"
26993#. TRANS: diplomatic rank
26994#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1968 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1996
26995#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2177 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2066
26996#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2179
26997msgid "?diplomatic_rank:secretary"
26998msgstr "?diplomatic_rank:sekretarz"
27000#. TRANS: diplomatic rank
27001#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1970 data/experimental/units.ruleset:1998
27002#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2179 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2068
27003#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2181
27004msgid "?diplomatic_rank:envoy"
27005msgstr "?diplomatic_rank:wysłannik"
27007#. TRANS: diplomatic rank
27008#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1972 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2000
27009#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2181 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2070
27010#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2183
27011msgid "?diplomatic_rank:ambassador"
27012msgstr "?diplomatic_rank:ambasador"
27014#: data/classic/units.ruleset:1995 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2023
27015#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2206 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2093
27016#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2208
27017msgid ""
27018"Diplomats can also perform a number of actions in another player's city, "
27019"although each Diplomat may attempt only one action. Most of these actions "
27020"have a chance of failure. Also, any enemy Diplomats or Spies in the city "
27021"will oppose hostile actions, as will the enemy Leader in games with leaders; "
27022"in this case, either your unit or the defending unit will die (if you go up "
27023"against the Leader you will always die). If the defending unit dies, you "
27024"lose one movement point and may try again."
27025msgstr ""
27026"Dyplomaci mogą też przeprowadzać akcje w miastach innej cywilizacji, choć "
27027"jeden Dyplomata może przeprowadzić tylko jedną akcję. Większość z nich może "
27028"zakończyć się niepowodzeniem. Ponadto, Dyplomaci i Szpiedzy przeciwnika "
27029"obecni w mieście będą próbowali zniweczyć tę akcję, podobnie jak Przywódca, "
27030"jeśli gra go przewiduje. W takim przypadku jedna z jednostek (twoja bądź ta, "
27031"która broni miasta) zginie. Jeśli to ty atakujesz i zginie broniąca miasta "
27032"jednostka, tracisz jeden punkt ruchu, ale możesz podjąć kolejną próbę."
27034#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2040 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2068
27035#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2138
27036msgid ""
27037"Diplomats built under a Communist government will start at the first veteran "
27038"level (secretary)."
27039msgstr ""
27040"Dyplomaci stworzeni w Komunizmie rozpoczną grę z wyższym poziomem "
27041"doświadczenia (1. poziom)."
27043#. TRANS: Spy veteran level
27044#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2073 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2101
27045#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2286 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2171
27046#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2288
27047msgid "?spy_level:informant"
27048msgstr "?spy_level:informator"
27050#. TRANS: Spy veteran level
27051#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2075 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2103
27052#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2288 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2173
27053#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2290
27054msgid "?spy_level:handler"
27055msgstr "?spy_level:wywiadowca"
27057#. TRANS: Spy veteran level
27058#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2077 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2105
27059#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2290 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2175
27060#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2292
27061msgid "?spy_level:agent"
27062msgstr "?spy_level:agent"
27064#. TRANS: Spy veteran level
27065#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2079 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2107
27066#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2292 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2177
27067#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2294
27068msgid "?spy_level:spymaster"
27069msgstr "?spy_level:spiegomistrz"
27071#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2109 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2137
27072#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2207
27073msgid ""
27074"Spies built under a Communist government will start at the first veteran "
27075"level (handler)."
27076msgstr ""
27077"Szpiedzy stworzeni w Komunizmie rozpoczynają grę ze statusem weterana "
27080#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2144 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2172
27081msgid ""
27082"Caravans can establish trade routes with your own cities or those of other "
27083"nations (even enemies) by traveling to them. A route's ongoing revenue is "
27084"doubled if the two cities involved are on different continents, and doubled "
27085"again if the cities are from different civilizations. This last condition "
27086"means the net benefit to your civilization of a trade route is the same "
27087"regardless of whether you own both cities or only one of them; if you only "
27088"own one city, trade in each city is doubled, but you only get the benefit "
27089"from one end of the route."
27090msgstr ""
27091"Karawany mogą ustanawiać szlaki handlowe z miastami innych narodów (nawet "
27092"wrogich). Aby ustanowić szlak, Karawana musi dotrzeć do miasta docelowego. "
27093"Zyski ze szlaku podwajają się, gdy miasta leżą na innych kontynentach i "
27094"podwajają się ponownie, jeśli należą do innych narodów. Oznacza to, że zysk "
27095"ze szlaku jest taki sam dla gracza niezależnie od tego, czy handlują ze sobą "
27096"dwa miasta należące do niego, czy też miasto gracza z miastem innego narodu. "
27097"W pierwszym przypadku oba miasta generują zysk, w drugim zysk z handlu w "
27098"jednym mieście jest podwajany."
27100#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2153 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2181
27101msgid ""
27102"Initially cities can support a maximum of two trade routes. Knowledge of the "
27103"technologies Magnetism and The Corporation each increase this limit by one; "
27104"knowing both allows cities to support four trade routes each."
27105msgstr ""
27106"Początkowo miasta mogą mieć tylko dwa szlaki handlowe. Znajomość technologii "
27107"Magnetyzm i Korporacje podnosi ten limit o jeden każda. Znajomość obu "
27108"technologii zwiększa limit szlaków handlowych do czterech."
27110#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2230 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2263
27111#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2453 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2316
27112#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2456
27113msgid "?unit:Leader"
27114msgstr "?unit:Przywódca"
27116#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2263 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2296
27117#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2486 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2349
27118#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2489
27119msgid "This is you. If you lose this unit, you lose the game. So don't."
27120msgstr ""
27121"To jesteś ty. Jeśli utracisz tą jednostkę, przegrasz grę. Pilnuj jej dobrze."
27123#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2265 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2298
27124#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2488 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2351
27125#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2491
27126msgid "Won't unleash barbarians from huts."
27127msgstr "Nie uwolni barbarzyńców z chatki."
27129#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2314 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2347
27130#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2537 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2400
27131#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2540
27132msgid "AWACS"
27133msgstr "Samolot Zwiadowczy"
27135#: data/classic/units.ruleset:2340 data/experimental/units.ruleset:2373
27136#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2563 data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2426
27137#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2566
27138msgid ""
27139"The AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) is an airplane with an "
27140"advanced radar that can determine the location of enemy units over a wide "
27142msgstr ""
27143"Samolot Zwiadowczy (AWACS) posiada zaawansowany system radarowy na "
27144"pokładzie, dzięki czemu jest w stanie wykryć obecność wroga z bardzo dużej "
27147#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:108
27148msgid ""
27149"Allows a city to grow larger than size 8 and reduces the chance of plague "
27150"within the city. After Industrialization is researched this effect of the "
27151"Aqueduct is reduced."
27152msgstr ""
27153"Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 8 i zmniejsza ryzyko "
27154"wystąpienia epidemii. Po wynalezieniu Uprzemysłowienia ten efekt Akweduktu "
27155"ulega zmniejszeniu."
27157#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:112
27158msgid "A Sewer System is required for a city to grow larger than size 12."
27159msgstr ""
27160"Kanalizacja jest potrzebna, by miasto mogło wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 12."
27162#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:327
27163#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:538
27164#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:723
27165msgid "Adds 2 points of culture each turn."
27166msgstr "Dodaje 2 punkty kultury w każdej turze."
27168#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:432
27169msgid "Hospital"
27170msgstr "Szpital"
27172#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:448
27173msgid ""
27174"A Hospital is used to treat the ill, and sometimes for medical research. A "
27175"city with a Hospital is less likely to suffer from plagues."
27176msgstr ""
27177"W Szpitalu leczy się chorych, a także przeprowadza się czasem badania "
27178"naukowe. Szpital zmniejsza też ryzyko epidemii w mieście, w którym powstał."
27180#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:492
27181msgid "Genetic Lab"
27182msgstr "Laboratorium Genetyczne"
27184#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:509
27185#, no-c-format
27186msgid ""
27187"In a Genetic Laboratory medicaments can be researched. The possibility for "
27188"plagues within the city is reduced.\n"
27189"A Genetic Laboratory allows the genetic optimization of plants and animals. "
27190"The food output is increased by 25% if the city size exceeds 20."
27191msgstr ""
27192"W Laboratorium Genetycznym pracuje się nad nowymi lekami. Zmniejsza ono "
27193"ryzyko epidemii w mieście, w którym powstało.\n"
27194"Laboratorium Genetyczne pozwala też na ulepszanie roślin i zwierząt, dzięki "
27195"czemu produkcja żywności wzrasta o 25%, jeśli miasto przekroczy rozmiar 20."
27197#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:583
27198#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1106
27199msgid ""
27200"If a metropolis (city size > 30) has a Mass Transit and a Super Highway the "
27201"city radius is further increased."
27202msgstr ""
27203"Jeśli metropolia (miasto o rozmiarze większym niż 30) posiada Transport "
27204"Publiczny i Super Autostrady, zwiększa się zasięg miasta."
27206#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:927
27207msgid ""
27208"Allows a city to grow larger than size 12. Pre-requirement is an Aqueduct "
27209"for a city to grow larger than size 8. The Sewer System further reduces the "
27210"chance of a plague."
27211msgstr ""
27212"Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiar większy niż 12. Aby zbudować Kanalizację, "
27213"miasto musi posiadać już Akwedukt (który pozwala miastu wzrosnąć powyżej "
27214"rozmiaru 8). Kanalizacja zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia epidemii."
27216#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1159
27217msgid "The work of the priests also reduces the effect of plague in the city."
27218msgstr "Działalność księży łagodzi także skutki epidemii w mieście."
27220#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1186
27221msgid "Adds 1 point of culture each turn."
27222msgstr "Dodaje 1 punkt kultury w każdej turze."
27224#: data/experimental/buildings.ruleset:1297
27225msgid ""
27226"This stunning technological achievement makes one unhappy citizen content in "
27227"each of your cities (including citizens unhappy about military activity). It "
27228"further reduces the possibility for an illness in the city."
27229msgstr ""
27230"To wspaniałe odkrycie naukowe czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca "
27231"zadowolonym w każdym twoim mieście, także tych niezadowolonych z powodu "
27232"działań wojennych. Zmniejsza też ryzyko wystąpienia epidemii."
27234#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:28
27235msgid "Experimental ruleset"
27236msgstr "Eksperymentalny zestaw zasad"
27238#. TRANS: In the client, this is displayed alongside the contents of
27239#. ;    README.experimental, which are not localized.
27240#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:36
27241msgid ""
27242"You are playing with the experimental ruleset. This showcases new or unusual "
27243"features available in Freeciv without regard for strict game balancing or "
27244"playability. A description of the differences from the classic ruleset can "
27245"be found in README.experimental."
27246msgstr ""
27247"Grasz z eksperymentalnym zestawem zasad. Jest to poligon doświadczalny dla "
27248"nowych i nietypowych funkcji we Freeciv, które mogą na razie zaburzać "
27249"grywalność. Opis różnic z domyślnym zestawem zasad znajdziesz w pliku README."
27252#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:618 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:654
27253#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:662
27254msgid "Spaceship Launch"
27255msgstr "Start statku kosmicznego"
27257#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:620 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:658
27258#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:666
27259msgid "You're the first one to launch a spaceship towards Alpha Centauri!"
27260msgstr "Jako pierwszy/a wystrzeliłeś/aś statek kosmiczny do Alfa Centauri!"
27262#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:621 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:659
27263#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:667
27264msgid "You have launched a spaceship towards Alpha Centauri!"
27265msgstr "Wystzeliłeś/aś statek kosmiczny do Alfa Centauri!"
27267#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:624 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:662
27268#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:670
27269msgid "Entire Map Known"
27270msgstr "Cała mapa znana"
27272#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:627 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:667
27273#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:675
27274msgid "You're the first one to have mapped the entire world!"
27275msgstr "Jako pierwszy/a masz mapę całego świata!"
27277#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:628 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:668
27278#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:676
27279msgid "You have mapped the entire world!"
27280msgstr "Masz mapę całego świata!"
27282#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:632
27283#, no-c-format
27284msgid "Map Known 20%"
27285msgstr "Mapa znana w 20%"
27287#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:637
27288#, no-c-format
27289msgid "You're the first one to have 20% of the world mapped!"
27290msgstr "Jako pierwszy/a masz mapę 20% świata!"
27292#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:639
27293#, no-c-format
27294msgid "You have 20% of the world mapped!"
27295msgstr "Masz mapę 20% świata!"
27297#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:642 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:671
27298#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:679
27299msgid "Land Ahoy"
27300msgstr "Ląd na horyzoncie"
27302#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:645 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:676
27303#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:684
27304msgid "Your people were the first in history to sight a foreign shore!"
27305msgstr "Jako pierwsi w historii twoi ludzie zobaczyli nieznany brzeg!"
27307#: data/experimental/game.ruleset:646 data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:677
27308#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:685
27309msgid "You sighted your first foreign shore!"
27310msgstr "Po raz pierwszy widzisz obcy brzeg!"
27312#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:81
27313msgid "Under Anarchy, technology cannot be lost due to lack of upkeep."
27314msgstr ""
27315"W Anarchii nie traci się technologii, nawet jeśli nie można jej utrzymać."
27317#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:220
27318#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:432
27319msgid "Personal Freedom"
27320msgstr "Wolność osobista"
27322#: data/experimental/governments.ruleset:226
27323#: data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:438
27324#, no-c-format
27325msgid ""
27326"Each step of personal freedom you allow your citizens yields a 10% increase "
27327"in science output, but makes an additional citizen unhappy for every "
27328"aggressively deployed military unit."
27329msgstr ""
27330"Każde działanie zwiększające wolność obywateli skutkuje wzrostem produkcji "
27331"punktów odkryć o 10%, lecz czyni 1 dodatkowego mieszkańca niezadowolonym z "
27332"powodu jednostek zbrojnych na pozycjach bojowych."
27334#: data/experimental/techs.ruleset:796
27335msgid ""
27336"Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to upgrade railroads with maglev."
27337msgstr "Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać drogi do maglewów."
27339#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1333 data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1330
27340msgid ""
27341"Nuclear fallout can appear on land tiles when a Nuclear unit is detonated. "
27342"It halves all output from its tile."
27343msgstr ""
27344"Skażenie może pojawić się na polach lądowych, gdy wybuchnie jednostka "
27345"atomowa. Skażenie zmniejsza o połowę produkcję z pola."
27347#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1476
27348msgid ""
27349"Roads allow your land units to move more quickly, and allow heavy Big Land "
27350"units such as Catapults and Freight to travel through otherwise difficult "
27351"terrain such as Mountains and Forest. On some terrain, roads also provide a "
27352"trade bonus."
27353msgstr ""
27354"Drogi umożliwiają jednostkom lądowym szybkie przemieszczanie się, a także "
27355"pozwalają dużym jednostkom lądowym, takim jak Katapulty i Ciężarówki, na "
27356"przemieszczenie się w trudnym terenie (np. góry i las). Na niektórych "
27357"terenach dają też dodatkowe punkty handlu."
27359#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1511 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1695
27360#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1697
27361msgid ""
27362"Once you learn the Railroad technology, you may upgrade your roads to "
27363"railroads. Units travel considerably faster along railroads than along roads."
27364msgstr ""
27365"Gdy już poznasz technologię Kolej, możesz ulepszyć swoje drogi do kolei. "
27366"Jednostki podróżujące koleją przemieszczają się zdecydowanie szybciej niż "
27369#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1525 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1709
27370#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1711
27371msgid "Maglev"
27372msgstr "Maglev"
27374#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1547
27375msgid ""
27376"With sufficient technology, you may build magnetic levitation systems along "
27377"your railroad routes. Land units expend no movement points when riding a "
27378"maglev; you may ride indefinitely. (As may your enemies!)"
27379msgstr ""
27380"Jeśli masz odpowiednią technologię, możesz wyposażyć kolej w system "
27381"lewitacji magnetycznej (maglew). Jednostki nie tracą punktów ruchu, gdy "
27382"poruszają się wzdłuż maglewów; możesz podróżować bez ograniczeń (twoi "
27383"wrogowie również)."
27385#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1551
27386msgid ""
27387"Your regular railroads are still used to carry heavy Big Land units for "
27388"which the maglev system is unsuitable, and they continue to provide "
27389"production and trade bonuses."
27390msgstr ""
27391"Zwykłe koleje mogą być używanie do transportowania dużych jednostek "
27392"lądowych, do czego nie nadają się maglewy, i dodają punkty do produkcji i "
27395#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1555 data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1741
27396#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1743
27397msgid ""
27398"City center tiles with railroads are automatically upgraded to maglev when "
27399"you learn about Superconductors."
27400msgstr ""
27401"Koleje w centrach miast zostaną automatycznie ulepszone do maglewów, gdy "
27402"poznasz technologię Nadprzewodniki."
27404#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1577
27405#, no-c-format
27406msgid ""
27407"Any land terrain type may have a River on it. A River adds 1 trade to the "
27408"resources produced by that tile. It also increases a tile's defense factor "
27409"by 50%."
27410msgstr ""
27411"Rzeka może leżeć na każdym terenie. Pole Rzeki dodaje 1 punkt do handlu "
27412"wytwarzanego na tym polu. Ponadto zwiększa współczynnik obrony pola o 50%."
27414#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1581
27415msgid ""
27416"Land units may move along rivers for faster travel (but not diagonally), and "
27417"heavy Big Land units such as Catapults and Freight may travel along them "
27418"through otherwise difficult terrain. Triremes may also travel up rivers "
27419"(although later boats cannot)."
27420msgstr ""
27421"Jednostki lądowe mogą przemieszczać się wzdłuż rzek szybciej (o ile nie "
27422"podróżują po przekątnej), a duże jednostki lądowe mogą wykorzystać rzeki do "
27423"poruszania się w trudnym terenie. Rzekami podróżować mogą również Triremy "
27424"(ale nie bardziej zaawansowane statki)."
27426#: data/experimental/terrain.ruleset:1586
27427msgid ""
27428"Roads, railroads, and maglev can only be built on River tiles if your "
27429"civilization has learned Bridge Building technology."
27430msgstr ""
27431"Drogi i koleje i maglewy mogą być budowane na rzekach tylko jeśli "
27432"cywilizacja poznała już technologię Budowa Mostów."
27434#. TRANS: "Big Land" is a unit class, like Land or Sea. Big Land units
27435#. TRANS: cannot move into rough terrain. Unit class names are used
27436#. TRANS: adjectivally.
27437#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
27438#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:151 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:153
27439#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:153
27440msgid "?unitclass:Big Land"
27441msgstr "?unitclass:Duża Lądowa"
27443#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:446
27444msgid ""
27445"Settlers can also perform some of the same terrain alterations as Workers "
27446"(but cannot build Airbases or Buoys)."
27447msgstr ""
27448"Osadnicy mogą też przekształcać teren tak, jak Robotnicy, choć nie mogą "
27449"budować lądowisk, baz lotniczych i boi."
27451#. TRANS: Worker veteran level
27452#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:483 data/experimental/units.ruleset:529
27453msgid "?worker_level:apprentice"
27454msgstr "?worker_level:czeladnik"
27456#. TRANS: Worker veteran level
27457#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:485 data/experimental/units.ruleset:531
27458msgid "?worker_level:journeyman"
27459msgstr "?worker_level:podróżnik"
27461#. TRANS: Worker veteran level
27462#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:487 data/experimental/units.ruleset:533
27463msgid "?worker_level:master"
27464msgstr "?worker_level:mistrz"
27466#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:783 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:884
27467#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:886
27468msgid ""
27469"A number of Partisans are granted free when an enemy conquers your city -- "
27470"they automatically assume defensive positions in the surrounding countryside "
27471"-- but only under these conditions:\n"
27472" - Guerilla Warfare must be known by at least one player.\n"
27473" - At least three quarters of the citizens must have your nationality.\n"
27474" - You must know about Communism and Gunpowder.\n"
27475" - You must run either a Democracy or a Communist government."
27476msgstr ""
27477"Kilku Partyzantów dostajesz za darmo (zajmują od razu pozycje obronne), "
27478"jeśli wróg podbije twoje miasto, ale tylko jeśli:\n"
27479" - co najmniej jeden gracz odkrył Partyzantkę,\n"
27480" - co najmniej 3/4 mieszkańców należy do twojego narodu,\n"
27481" - masz już Komunizm i Proch Strzelniczy,\n"
27482" - twój ustrój to Demokracja lub Komunizm."
27484#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:915
27485msgid ""
27486"Paratroopers are experts at airborne attacks. From a friendly city or "
27487"airbase, Paratroopers who have not expended any movement points can paradrop "
27488"directly to any tile in range (even onto ships), and be immediately ready to "
27489"act there. (Beware dropping into unseen territory, as Paratroopers landing "
27490"on a tile occupied by enemy units are easy targets!)"
27491msgstr ""
27492"Spadochroniarze to specjaliści od ataków powietrznych. Jeśli w danej turze "
27493"nie wykorzystali jeszcze punktów ruchu, mogą przemieszczać się z miasta lub "
27494"bazy lotniczej na dowolne pole w zasięgu i są od razu gotowi do akcji. "
27495"(Uważaj, gdy chcesz zrzucić ich na niewidoczne pole, gdyż Spadochroniarze "
27496"lądujący na polu zajętym przez wrogą jednostkę są łatwym celem.)"
27498#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:1495 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1659
27499#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1661
27500msgid ""
27501"The Trireme is your first boat unit. It can act as a transport ship and has "
27502"rudimentary offensive capabilities, and unlike later boats can travel on "
27503"rivers, but it may not enter deep ocean tiles."
27504msgstr ""
27505"Trirema to twoja pierwsza jednostka morska. Może przewozić inne jednostki i "
27506"posiada podstawowe zdolności obronne, lecz nie może wypływać na głęboki "
27509#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2221
27510msgid ""
27511"The Freight is twice as fast alternative to the Caravan, but unable to move "
27512"at all outside flat terrains and roads."
27513msgstr ""
27514"Ciężarówki poruszają się dwa razy szybciej niż Karawany, ale mogą podróżować "
27515"tylko po płaskim terenie lub po drogach."
27517#: data/experimental/units.ruleset:2256
27518msgid ""
27519"An explorer can be ordered to remain in a foreign city as an ambassador "
27520"after Writing is discovered. This gives permanent contact with the city's "
27521"owner, as well as intelligence on their tax rates and technology."
27522msgstr ""
27523"Po odkrycie Pisma, możesz rozkazać badaczowi, by pozostał w obcym mieście "
27524"jako ambasador. Daje to stały kontakt w graczem, do którego należy miasto, a "
27525"także dostarcza informacje na temat stawek podatków i technologii."
27527#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:82 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:82
27528msgid ""
27529"Two cities with Airports can airlift one unit per turn (including aircraft). "
27530"Airlifting instantly transports the unit from one city to another and will "
27531"use all of the unit's movement points. A unit must have some movement points "
27532"left to be airlifted, and cannot carry cargo."
27533msgstr ""
27534"Możesz przetransportować samolotem jedną jednostkę na turę pomiędzy dwoma "
27535"miastami z lotniskiem (dotyczy to również samolotów). Taki transport "
27536"natychmiast przenosi jednostkę do miasta docelowago, ale zużyje wszystkie "
27537"punkty. Jednostka musi posiadać punkty ruchu i nie może przewozić ładunku, "
27538"aby mogła zostać przetransportowana."
27540#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:109 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:145
27541#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:182 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:109
27542#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:145 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:182
27543msgid ""
27544"Allows a city to grow larger than size 8. (A Sewer System is required for a "
27545"city to grow larger than size 16.)"
27546msgstr ""
27547"Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 8. Kanalizacja jest potrzebna, "
27548"by miasto mogło wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 16."
27550#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:114 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:150
27551#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:187 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:114
27552#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:150 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:187
27553#, no-c-format
27554msgid ""
27555"These larger cities enjoy increased defense (+50%) against both land and sea "
27556"units; however, such large settlements have a small risk of fire, which can "
27557"destroy buildings in the city."
27558msgstr ""
27559"Te większe miasta mają lepszą obronę (+50%) zarówno w starciu z jednostkami "
27560"lądowymi, jak i morskimi. W dużych osadach występuje też mniejsze ryzyko "
27561"pożarów, które mogą zniszczyć budynki."
27563#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:120 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:156
27564#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:193 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:120
27565#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:156 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:193
27566#, no-c-format
27567msgid ""
27568"Starting at size 5, growing cities incur an increasing risk of plague due to "
27569"overcrowding; an Aqueduct reduces that base chance by 30%."
27570msgstr ""
27571"Poczynając od rozmiaru 5, w miastach występuje większe ryzyko epidemii "
27572"spowodowane przeludnieniem; Akwedukt zmniejsza to ryzyko o 30%."
27574#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:123 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:123
27575msgid ""
27576"Building an Aqueduct in a city without access to a lake or river requires "
27577"knowledge of Construction, and it costs more to build and maintain."
27578msgstr ""
27579"Jeśli miasto nie ma dostępu do jeziora lub rzeki, budowa Akweduktu wymaga "
27580"znajomości technologii Konstrukcja, a stworzenie i utrzymanie budowli jest "
27581"bardziej kosztowne."
27583#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:129 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:129
27584msgid "Aqueduct, Lake"
27585msgstr "Akwedukt, jezioro"
27587#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:159 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:159
27588msgid ""
27589"Aqueducts in cities with access to a lake require no special technology and "
27590"are cheap to build and maintain."
27591msgstr ""
27592"Stworzenie Akweduktu w miastach z dostępem do jeziora nie wymaga specjalnej "
27593"technologii, a sama budowla jest tania w budowie i utrzymaniu."
27595#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:165 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:165
27596msgid "Aqueduct, River"
27597msgstr "Akwedukt, rzeka"
27599#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:196 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:196
27600msgid ""
27601"Aqueducts in cities with access to a river require no special technology and "
27602"are cheap to build and maintain."
27603msgstr ""
27604"Stworzenie Akweduktu w miastach z dostępem do rzeki nie wymaga specjalnej "
27605"technologii, a sama budowla jest tania w budowie i utrzymaniu."
27607#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:220 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:220
27608#, no-c-format
27609msgid ""
27610"Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50%. With "
27611"both a Bank and a Marketplace in a city, the total bonus is 100%."
27612msgstr ""
27613"Zwiększa produkcję luksusu i podatków w mieście o 50%, a o 100%, jeśli w "
27614"mieście znajdują się Targowisko i Bank."
27616#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:329 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:329
27617msgid ""
27618"A Cathedral makes 3 unhappy citizens content in a city, making it easier to "
27619"maintain order in that city; however, it does not affect citizens made "
27620"unhappy by aggression. Knowledge of Theology increases the effect of a "
27621"Cathedral, making an additional unhappy citizen content, except under "
27623msgstr ""
27624"Katedra czyni 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańca zadowolonymi, ułatwiając tym "
27625"samym zarządzanie miastem (nie wpływa jednak na niezadowolenie spowodowane "
27626"działaniami wojennymi). Odkrycie Teologii zwiększa efektywność Katedr o 1 "
27627"mieszkańca, chyba że twoim ustrojem jest Komunizm."
27629#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:356 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:356
27630#, no-c-format
27631msgid ""
27632"City Walls make it easier to defend a city. They add a +100% bonus to the "
27633"intrinsic defense strength of units within the city against land units (that "
27634"is a two-thirds increase for small cities, or a one-half increase for cities "
27635"larger than size 8), but are ineffective against airborne and sea units. "
27636"City Walls also prevent the loss of population which occurs when a defending "
27637"unit is defeated by a land unit."
27638msgstr ""
27639"Mury Obronne ułatwiają obronę miasta. Podwajają one bazową siłę obrony "
27640"jednostek stacjonujących w mieście podczas starcia z jednostkami lądowymi "
27641"(2/3 wzrostu siły obrony w małych miastach lub 1/2 wzrostu w miastach o "
27642"rozmiarze powyżej 8), lecz nie mają znaczenia podczas starć z jednostkami "
27643"powietrznymi i morskimi. Mury Obronne zapobiegają stratom ludności, które "
27644"mają miejsce, gdy jednostka broniąca się zostaje rozbita przez jednostkę "
27647#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:384 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:384
27648#, no-c-format
27649msgid ""
27650"Gives a +100% bonus to the intrinsic defense strength of units within a city "
27651"when defending against enemy ships. For small cities the defense strength is "
27652"doubled by this improvement; for cities larger than size 8, it is increased "
27653"by two-thirds."
27654msgstr ""
27655"Zwiększa o 100% podstawowe zdolności obronne jednostek w mieście w starciu z "
27656"jednostkami morskimi. W przypadku mniejszych miast, zdolności obronne "
27657"podwajają się, w przypadku miast o rozmiarze powyżej 8, zwiększają się o 2/3."
27659#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:392 data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:92
27660#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:392
27661msgid "Amphitheater"
27662msgstr "Amfiteatr"
27664#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:432 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:432
27665msgid ""
27666"Halves all kinds of waste in a city (corruption, production waste, and food "
27667"waste). In your capital, corruption and production waste is eliminated. A "
27668"Granary together with a Courthouse in a city will eliminate food waste."
27669msgstr ""
27670"Zmniejsza o połowę wszystkie rodzaje strat w mieście (korupcję, straty "
27671"produkcji i straty żywności). W stolicy korupcja i straty produkcji są "
27672"całkowicie eliminowane. Spichlerz wraz z Sądem eliminuje straty żywności."
27674#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:437 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:437
27675msgid ""
27676"Also makes one unhappy citizen content (unless that citizen is unhappy about "
27677"military activity), and makes the revolt cost of the city 4 times bigger."
27678msgstr ""
27679"Ponadto czyni jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym (nie wpływa "
27680"jednak na niezadowolenia spowodowane działaniami wojennymi) i sprawia też, "
27681"że koszty rewolty w mieście, wzrastają czterokrotnie."
27683#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:461 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:461
27684#, no-c-format
27685msgid ""
27686"Increases the shield production in a city by 25%, or 50% with an electrical "
27687"plant of any kind in the same city."
27688msgstr ""
27689"Zwiększenie produkcji może też mocno przyczynić się do wzrostu "
27690"zanieczyszczeń. Fabryka zwiększa też zanieczyszczenie generowane przez "
27691"mieszkańców miasta."
27693#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:464 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:464
27694msgid ""
27695"This increase in production may contribute significantly to pollution; a "
27696"Factory also increases the pollution caused by the population of the city."
27697msgstr ""
27698"Zwiększenie produkcji może też mocno przyczynić się do wzrostu "
27699"zanieczyszczeń. Fabryka zwiększa też zanieczyszczenie generowane przez "
27700"mieszkańców miasta."
27702#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:487 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:487
27703msgid ""
27704"When any small city grows or shrinks, 10 food points are saved; this helps "
27705"cities to grow faster and more easily withstand famine. With a Granary this "
27706"is extended to cities of size 4 and above. (10 food points is half what a "
27707"small city needs to grow, but more points are needed for later growth steps.)"
27708msgstr ""
27709"Gdy małe miasto wzrasta lub maleje, zachowanych zostaje 10 punktów żywności; "
27710"pozwala to miastu rosnąć szybciej oraz łatwiej znieść głód. Jeśli miasto ma "
27711"Spichlerz, efekt ten stosuje się także do miast o rozmiarze powyżej 4. (10 "
27712"punktów żywności to połowa tego, co potrzebuje małe miasto, by rosnąć, lecz "
27713"w przyszłości wymaganych będzie więcej punktów.)"
27715#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:493 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:493
27716msgid ""
27717"A Granary also halves the food wasted in cities far from your capital. "
27718"Together with a Courthouse it eliminates food waste."
27719msgstr ""
27720"Spichlerz zmniejsza o połowę straty żywności spowodowane odległością od "
27721"stolicy. Wraz z Sądem zupełnie eliminuje straty żywności."
27723#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:496 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:496
27724msgid ""
27725"TIP: to maximise the speed with which a city grows, you should build a "
27726"Granary before it grows larger than size 4."
27727msgstr ""
27728"RADA: Aby zwiększyć tempo wzrostu miasta, zbuduj Spichlerz zanim miasto "
27729"osiągnie rozmiar 4."
27731#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:520 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:520
27732msgid ""
27733"Gives one extra food resource on all Ocean or Deep Ocean tiles (but not "
27734"Lakes). The city needs to be coastal (next to one of these tiles) to build "
27735"this improvement."
27736msgstr ""
27737"Dodaje punkt żywności na wszystkich polach morskich (lecz nie na jeziorach). "
27738"Miasto musi być położone na wybrzeżu, aby stworzyć to usprawnienie."
27740#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:546 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:692
27741#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:893 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1054
27742#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:546 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:692
27743#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:893 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1054
27744#, no-c-format
27745msgid ""
27746"Any kind of electrical plant increases the shield production effects of any "
27747"Factory or Mfg. Plant in its city by 25% each. Thus, an electrical plant in "
27748"combination with either a Factory or Mfg. Plant gives a 50% production bonus "
27749"over the level without any of these improvements; an electrical plant, "
27750"Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a 100% production bonus. The extra "
27751"production may lead to the city generating more pollution."
27752msgstr ""
27753"Każda elektrownia zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Fabryki "
27754"Zautomatyzowanej o 25%. Elektrownia wraz z Fabryką lub Fabryką "
27755"Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 50%, wraz z Fabryką oraz Fabryką "
27756"Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 100%. Dodatkowa produkcja może "
27757"prowadzić do zwiększonej emisji zanieczyszczeń."
27759#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:557 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:557
27760#, no-c-format
27761msgid ""
27762"However, a Hydro Plant also reduces the pollution associated with shield "
27763"production to 50% of its normal value, or 25% in combination with a "
27764"Recycling Center; pollution is reduced further for the player who owns the "
27765"Hoover Dam. (A Hydro Plant's effect is the same as that of a Nuclear Plant; "
27766"with the Hoover Dam, its effect is increased to that of a Solar Plant.)"
27767msgstr ""
27768"Jednakże, Elektrownia Wodna zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie spowodowane produkcją "
27769"przemysłową do 50% normalnej wartości (do 25%, jeśli posiadasz też "
27770"Oczyszczalnię). Emisję zanieczyszczeń zmniejsza też Tama Hoovera. (Efekt "
27771"Elektrowni Wodnej jest taki sam Elektrowni Atomowej; wraz z Tamą Hoovera jej "
27772"efekt jest porównywalny z Elektrownią Słoneczną.)"
27774#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:587 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:587
27775#, no-c-format
27776msgid ""
27777"Increases the science output in a city by 50%, or by 100% once the Great "
27778"Library has been built by any player."
27779msgstr ""
27780"Zwiększa produkcję naukową miasta o 50% lub o 100%, jeśli którykolwiek z "
27781"graczy zbudował już Wielką Bibliotekę."
27783#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:631 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:631
27784msgid ""
27785"Reduces the pollution generated by the population in a city; this building "
27786"counteracts the additional pollution associated with any two other buildings."
27787msgstr ""
27788"Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie generowane przez populację. Ten budynek "
27789"przeciwdziała produkcji dodatkowego zanieczyszczenia powodowanego przez 2 "
27790"inne budynki."
27792#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:656 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:656
27793#, no-c-format
27794msgid ""
27795"Increases the shield production in a city by an additional 25%, or 50% with "
27796"an electrical plant of any kind in the same city; this effect is cumulative "
27797"with that of a Factory."
27798msgstr ""
27799"Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową miasta o 25% lub o 50%, jeśli w mieście jest "
27800"jakaś elektrownia. Efekt ten kumuluje się z efektem dawanym przez Fabrykę."
27802#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:660 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:660
27803msgid ""
27804"With sufficient shield production, cities with a Manufacturing Plant can "
27805"produce up to two units each turn (but only single units of types which cost "
27807msgstr ""
27808"Jeśli miasto ma odpowiednią produkcje przemysłową, wraz z Fabryką "
27809"Zmechanizowaną może ono produkować do dwóch jednostek na turę (lecz tylko "
27810"jedną jednostkę zmniejszającą ilość mieszkańców.)"
27812#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:664 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:664
27813msgid ""
27814"This increase in shield production may contribute significantly to "
27815"pollution; a Manufacturing Plant also increases the pollution caused by the "
27816"population of the city."
27817msgstr ""
27818"Zwiększona produkcja przemysłowa może mocno przyczynić się do wzrostu "
27819"zanieczyszczenia. Fabryka Zautomatyzowana zwiększa też zanieczyszczenie "
27820"generowane przez mieszkańców miasta."
27822#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:703 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:703
27823#, no-c-format
27824msgid ""
27825"However, a Nuclear Plant also reduces the pollution associated with shield "
27826"production to 50% of its normal value, or 25% in combination with a "
27827"Recycling Center. (Its effect is the same as that of a Hydro Plant.)"
27828msgstr ""
27829"Jednakże, Elektrownia Atomowa zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie spowodowane "
27830"produkcją przemysłową do 50% normalnej wartości (do 25%, jeśli posiadasz też "
27831"Oczyszczalnię). (Jej efekt jest porównywalny z Elektrownią Wodną.)"
27833#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:733 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:733
27834msgid ""
27835"Every Ocean or Lake tile worked by the city yields one extra shield "
27836"resource, as well as any Deep Ocean tile containing an oil platform. The "
27837"city needs to be next to a water tile to build this improvement."
27838msgstr ""
27839"Dodaje 1 punkt produkcji do wszystkich pól morskich i jezior wokół miasta, "
27840"które już dają punkty produkcji, a także do pól głębokiego oceanu z wieżą "
27841"wiertniczą. Miasto musi leżeć przy polu z wodą, aby mogło stworzyć ten "
27844#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:737 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:737
27845msgid ""
27846"Offshore Platforms also increase the pollution caused by the population of "
27847"the city."
27848msgstr ""
27849"Platforma Wiertnicza zwiększa zanieczyszczenie generowane przez mieszkańców "
27852#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:756 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:756
27853msgid ""
27854"Makes a city the capital and the center of your government. Waste in other "
27855"cities (corruption, production waste, and food waste) is often related to "
27856"how far away from the capital they are. On top of this, corruption and "
27857"production waste in your capital itself is half of what it would otherwise "
27858"be (and a Courthouse will eliminate it entirely)."
27859msgstr ""
27860"Miasto w którym został wybudowany staje się twoją stolicą. Korupcja i straty "
27861"(produkcji i żywności) w pozostałych miastach jest obliczana na podstawie "
27862"odległości od stolicy. Ponadto korupcja i straty w produkcji w stolicy są o "
27863"połowę niższe w porównaniu z innymi miastami (a Sąd całkowicie je eliminuje)."
27865#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:780 data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:817
27866#: data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:780 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:817
27867#, no-c-format
27868msgid ""
27869"Under Despotism the city containing the palace gains a +75% gold bonus, and "
27870"under Monarchy a +50% gold bonus."
27871msgstr ""
27872"W Despotyzmie miasto z Pałacem zwiększa produkcję złota o 75%, a w Monarchii "
27873"o 50%."
27875#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:786 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:786
27876msgid "Ecclesiastical Palace"
27877msgstr "Pałac Eklezjalny"
27879#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:802 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:802
27880msgid ""
27881"Makes a city the ecclesiastical capital, that acts as a secondary center of "
27883msgstr ""
27884"Czyni miasto stolicą eklezjalną pełniącą funkcję drugiego ośrodka władzy."
27886#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:805 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:805
27887msgid ""
27888"Waste in other cities (corruption, production waste, and food waste) is "
27889"related to how far away from the nearest capital they are. On top of this, "
27890"corruption and production waste in the capital itself is half of what it "
27891"would otherwise be (and a Courthouse will eliminate it entirely)."
27892msgstr ""
27893"Korupcja i straty (produkcji i żywności) w pozostałych miastach jest "
27894"obliczana na podstawie odległości od najbliższej stolicy. Ponadto korupcja i "
27895"straty w samej stolicy jest o połowę niższa w porównaniu z miastem innym "
27896"miastem (a Sąd eliminuje ją całkowicie)."
27898#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:811 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:811
27899msgid ""
27900"The city where this palace is located cannot be incited to revolt, and "
27901"enjoys a bonus when enemy agents try to evade your own agents stationed in "
27902"the city, or sabotage your buildings."
27903msgstr ""
27904"Miasta, w którym powstał ten pałac nie da się podburzyć, a wrogim agentom "
27905"trudniej jest sabotować budynki i obronić się przed twoimi agentami "
27906"stacjonującymi w stolicy."
27908#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:821 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:821
27909msgid "The city has no other benefits of the primary capital."
27910msgstr "Miasto nie ma żadnych innych korzyści z głównej stolicy."
27912#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:842 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:842
27913msgid ""
27914"A Police Station neutralizes any unhappiness caused by one military unit in "
27915"its city. It also makes up to 2 more unhappy citizens content provided they "
27916"are not unhappy about aggression."
27917msgstr ""
27918"Komisariat neutralizuje niezadowolenie spowodowane 1 jednostką zbrojną w "
27919"mieście. Ponadto czyni zadowolonymi do 2 niezadowolonych mieszkańców, jeśli "
27920"nie są oni niezadowoleni z powodu jednostek zbrojnych."
27922#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:925 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:925
27923#, no-c-format
27924msgid ""
27925"Building a Recycling Center reduces the amount of pollution generated by "
27926"shield production in a city by 50%, or by an additional 25% in cities with "
27927"another building which reduces pollution (Nuclear Plant, Hydro Plant, or "
27928"Solar Plant)."
27929msgstr ""
27930"Oczyszczalnia zmniejsza ilość zanieczyszczeń generowanych przez miasto o 50% "
27931"i o kolejne 25%, jeśli miasto ma inny budynek zmniejszający zanieczyszczenie "
27932"(Elektrownia Atomowa, Wodna lub Słoneczna)."
27934#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:951 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:951
27935#, no-c-format
27936msgid ""
27937"Increases the science output in a city by an additional 50%, or by 100% once "
27938"the Internet wonder has been built by any player."
27939msgstr ""
27940"Zwiększa produkcję naukową miasta o 50% lub o 100%, jeśli którykolwiek z "
27941"graczy zbudował cud Internet."
27943#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:956 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:956
27944#, no-c-format
27945msgid ""
27946"The total bonus is 150% if a Library, a University and a Research Lab are "
27947"all present in the same city, increasing to 300% once the Great Library, "
27948"Isaac Newton's College, and the Internet have all been built."
27949msgstr ""
27950"Całkowity wzrost to 150%, jeśli w tym samym mieście są Biblioteka, "
27951"Uniwersytet i Laboratoria lub o 300%, jeśli powstały już cudy Wielka "
27952"Biblioteka, Kolegium Izaaka Newtona i Internet."
27954#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:980 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:980
27955msgid ""
27956"Doubles the intrinsic defense strength of units within a city when defending "
27957"against aircraft (including helicopters)."
27958msgstr ""
27959"Podwaja podstawową siłę obrony jednostek stacjonujących w mieście przed "
27960"atakami jednostek powietrznych (w tym helikopterami)."
27962#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1002 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1002
27963msgid ""
27964"Protects a city and its environs (up to 2 tiles away) from attacks by other "
27965"nations' Nuclear units. A Nuclear unit not owned by you or a teammate which "
27966"attacks a city with SDI Defense, or attacks a unit (or is deliberately "
27967"exploded) within range, is shot down and simply has no effect. Also, doubles "
27968"the intrinsic defense strength of units in the city when defending against "
27969"conventional missiles."
27970msgstr ""
27971"Chroni miasto i jego okolice (w promieniu 2 pól) przed atakami atomowymi. "
27972"Jednostka atomowa atakująca miasto z Obroną SDI lub jednostka w jej zasięgu, "
27973"zostaje zestrzelona i nie eksploduje. Ponadto Obrona SDI podwaja podstawową "
27974"siłę obrony miasta przed atakami pocisków konwencjonalnych."
27976#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1030 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1030
27977#, no-c-format
27978msgid ""
27979"Together with an Aqueduct, allows a city to grow larger than size 16, and "
27980"further reduces the chance of a plague (by 30% of the base chance)."
27981msgstr ""
27982"Wraz z Akweduktem pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiar większy niż 16 oraz "
27983"zmniejsza ryzyko epidemii (o 30% prawdopodobieństwa podstawowego)."
27985#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1065 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1065
27986#, no-c-format
27987msgid ""
27988"However, a Solar Plant also reduces the pollution associated with shield "
27989"production to 25% of its normal value, or eliminates it entirely in "
27990"combination with a Recycling Center."
27991msgstr ""
27992"Jednakże, Elektrownia Słoneczna zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie spowodowane "
27993"produkcją przemysłową do 25% normalnej wartości lub eliminuje "
27994"zanieczyszczenie całkowicie, jeśli posiadasz też Oczyszczalnię."
27996#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1192 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1192
27997#, no-c-format
27998msgid ""
27999"Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50%, or 100% "
28000"if Super Highways are also in the city. A Marketplace, Bank, and Stock "
28001"Exchange together in a city yield a total bonus of 150%; adding Super "
28002"Highways yields a total of 200%."
28003msgstr ""
28004"Zwiększa o dodatkowe 50% produkcję luksusu i podatków w mieście lub o 100%, "
28005"jeśli miasto ma już Autostrady. Jeśli miasto ma Targowisko, Bank oraz "
28006"Giełdę, całkowity wzrost wynosi 150%, a jeśli w mieście są również "
28007"Autostrady, wzrost wynosi 200%."
28009#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1216 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1216
28010msgid ""
28011"Each tile around the city with roads and without farmland, that is already "
28012"generating some trade, produces one extra trade resource. The same applies "
28013"to the city center tile (even if it is receiving a farmland bonus)."
28014msgstr ""
28015"Każda pole wokół miasta, na którym zbudowane są drogi i nie ma farm, a które "
28016"daje już punkty handlu, daje 1 dodatkowy punkt. Dotyczy to również centrum "
28017"miasta (nawet jeśli dostaje już premię z farmy)."
28019#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1223 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1223
28020#, no-c-format
28021msgid ""
28022"Also doubles the effect of any Stock Exchange in the city (increasing luxury "
28023"and tax output by an additional 50%)."
28024msgstr ""
28025"Ponadto podwaja efekt Giełdy w mieście (zwiększa produkcję złota i luksusu o "
28026"dodatkowe 50%)."
28028#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1226 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1226
28029msgid ""
28030"Super Highways also increase the pollution caused by the population of the "
28032msgstr ""
28033"Super Autostrady zwiększają również zanieczyszczenie powodowane przez "
28034"mieszkańców miasta."
28036#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1272 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1272
28037msgid ""
28038"Makes one unhappy citizen content. The Mysticism advance doubles this effect "
28039"(except under a Communist government). With both Mysticism and the Temple of "
28040"Artemis, 4 citizens are made content (3 under Communism). Does not affect "
28041"citizens made unhappy by aggression."
28042msgstr ""
28043"Czyni 1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym. Technologia Mistycyzm "
28044"podwaja ten efekt (chyba że twoim ustrojem jest Komunizm), a Mistycyzm ze "
28045"Świątynią Artemidy czynią zadowolonymi 4 mieszkańców (3 w Komunizmie). Nie "
28046"wpływa na niezadowolenie wynikające z działań wojennych."
28048#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1298 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1298
28049#, no-c-format
28050msgid ""
28051"Increases the science output in a city by an additional 50%, or by 100% once "
28052"Isaac Newton's College has been built by any player."
28053msgstr ""
28054"Zwiększa produkcję naukową miasta o 50% lub o 100%, jeśli którykolwiek z "
28055"graczy zbudował cud Kolegium Izaaka Newtona."
28057#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1303 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1303
28058#, no-c-format
28059msgid ""
28060"The total bonus is 100% if a Library and a University are present together "
28061"in the same city, increasing to 200% once the Great Library and Isaac "
28062"Newton's College have both been built."
28063msgstr ""
28064"Całkowity dodatek wynosi 100%, jeśli w tym samym mieście są już Biblioteka i "
28065"Uniwersytet lub 200%, jeśli zbudowano już Wielką Bibliotekę i Kolegium "
28066"Izaaka Newtona."
28068#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1326 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1326
28069msgid ""
28070"The entire map becomes permanently visible to the player who owns it -- the "
28071"player always has up-to-date knowledge of all terrain and cities (but not "
28072"units) despite fog-of-war.  It allows all players to start building "
28073"spaceship parts (assuming they have researched the necessary technologies)."
28074msgstr ""
28075"Cała mapa jest stale widoczna dla gracza, który posiada ten cud. Gracz przez "
28076"cały czas widzi cały teren i wszystkie miasta (choć nie jednostki), nawet "
28077"pomimo \"mgły wojny\". Pozwala wszystkim graczom budować elementy statku "
28078"kosmicznego (pod warunkiem, że odkryli już odpowiednie technologie)."
28080#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1332 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1332
28081msgid ""
28082"Completion of the Apollo Program also allows nuclear-armed powers to declare "
28083"war without provocation, regardless of the existence of the United Nations, "
28084"and AI players will no longer be friendly towards the owner of the United "
28085"Nations or the Eiffel Tower."
28086msgstr ""
28087"Ukończenie Programu Apollo umożliwia też mocarstwo nuklearnym wypowiedzenie "
28088"niesprowokowanej wojny, nawet jeśli istnieje już ONZ. Gracze AI nie będę już "
28089"przyjaźnie nastawieni do posiadacza ONZ i Wieży Eiffla."
28091#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1357 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1357
28092msgid ""
28093"In every city with a Stock Exchange, city improvements which would normally "
28094"have an upkeep of 1 become free of upkeep. (Communist governments inherently "
28095"give this benefit, so there is no bonus under Communism.)"
28096msgstr ""
28097"W każdym mieście z Giełdą obiekty, których utrzymanie kosztuje 1 sztukę "
28098"złota, są zwolnione z kosztów utrzymania. (Zapewnia to również Komunizm, "
28099"więc w tym ustroju efekt nie występuje.)"
28101#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1362 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1362
28102msgid ""
28103"Upon completion of this wonder, tax collector specialists' gold output "
28104"increases to 3 permanently for every nation."
28105msgstr ""
28106"Po ukończeniu tego cudu suma pobierana przez poborców podatkowych zwiększa "
28107"się na stałe o 3 dla każdego narodu."
28109#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1408 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1408
28110msgid ""
28111"Each tile worked by the city where this wonder is built produces one extra "
28112"research point."
28113msgstr ""
28114"Każde wykorzystywane pole wokół miasta, w którym zbudowany jest ten cud, "
28115"daje 1 dodatkowy punkt odkryć."
28117#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1431 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1431
28118#, no-c-format
28119msgid ""
28120"This stunning technological achievement makes one content citizen happy in "
28121"each of your cities (2 extra luxury per city). It further reduces your risk "
28122"of plague (by 10% of the base chance); with knowledge of Medicine, any of "
28123"your cities with an Aqueduct and a Sewer System will be entirely free of "
28125msgstr ""
28126"To wspaniałe odkrycie naukowe czyni 1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym "
28127"w każdym twoim mieście (2 dodatkowe punkty luksusu w każdym mieście). "
28128"Zmniejsza też ryzyko wystąpienia epidemii (o 10% bazowego "
28129"prawdopodobieństwa), a jeśli w mieście są również Akwedukt i Kanalizacja "
28130"oraz jeśli znasz technologię Medycyna, ryzyko wystąpienia epidemii spada do "
28133#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1456 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1456
28134msgid ""
28135"Charles Darwin's voyage sparked the discovery of the evolution of the "
28136"species, which inspired greater confidence in science. All your cities "
28137"generate 1 extra science bulb."
28138msgstr ""
28139"Wyprawa Karola Darwina zaowocowała sformułowaniem teorii ewolucji gatunków, "
28140"co z kolei wzbudziło większe zaufanie do nauki. Wszystkie twoje miasta "
28141"tworzą 1 dodatkowy punkt nauki."
28143#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1460 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1460
28144msgid ""
28145"Upon completion of this wonder, scientist specialists' research output "
28146"increases to 3 permanently for every nation."
28147msgstr ""
28148"Po ukończeniu tego cudu ilość punktów odkryć tworzonych przez naukowców "
28149"zwiększa się na stałe o 3 dla każdego narodu."
28151#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1482 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1482
28152msgid ""
28153"AI nations are more inclined to be friendly and forgiving toward the owner "
28154"of this wonder (until the Apollo Program is completed). It also reduces the "
28155"pollution caused by the population; it counteracts the pollution associated "
28156"with a single building in each of your cities."
28157msgstr ""
28158"Gracze AI są bardziej przyjaźni i łatwiej przebaczają posiadaczowi tego cudu "
28159"(aż do ukończenia Programu Apollo). Ponadto zmniejsza on zanieczyszczenie "
28160"powodowane przez mieszkańców; zapobiega zanieczyszczeniu związanemu z jednym "
28161"budynkiem w każdym twoim mieście."
28163#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1507 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1507
28164msgid ""
28165"Gives an immediate technology advance to the player that builds it, and "
28166"thereafter 4 extra research points every turn to its city."
28167msgstr ""
28168"Daje natychmiast nową technologię graczowi, który go zbudował i 4 punkty "
28169"odkryć na turę w mieście, w którym powstał."
28171#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1510 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1510
28172msgid ""
28173"Completion of this wonder permanently doubles the effect of Libraries for "
28174"every player."
28175msgstr ""
28176"Ukończenie tego cudu podwaja na stałe efekt Bibliotek u każdego gracza."
28178#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1534 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1534
28179#, no-c-format
28180msgid ""
28181"Increases the defense of all your cities by adding a +50% bonus to its "
28182"units' intrinsic defense strength against land units (this is cumulative "
28183"with any City Walls), and preventing the loss of population which occurs "
28184"when a defending unit is defeated by a land unit."
28185msgstr ""
28186"Zwiększa siłę obrony we wszystkich twoich miastach o 50% podstawowej siły "
28187"obrony jednostki w starciu w jednostkami lądowymi (efekt kumuluje się z "
28188"działaniem Murów Obronnych) oraz zapobiega stratom ludności, gdy broniąca "
28189"się jednostka zostanie rozbita przez jednostkę lądową."
28191#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1559 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1559
28192msgid ""
28193"Makes one unhappy citizen content in every city of the player that owns it "
28194"(not including citizens unhappy about aggression). This wonder also makes "
28195"two content citizens happy in the city where it is located (4 extra luxury "
28197msgstr ""
28198"Czyni 1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym w każdym mieście gracza, "
28199"który go posiada (za wyjątkiem mieszkańców niezadowolonych z powodu działań "
28200"wojennych). Cud ten czyni również 2 zadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi w "
28201"mieście, w którym został zbudowany (daje 4 dodatkowe punkty luksusu)."
28203#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1586 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1586
28204#, no-c-format
28205msgid ""
28206"Acts as a Hydro Plant in the city where it is built, and reduces pollution "
28207"from shield production by a further 25% in all cities with Hydro Plants, "
28208"making them equivalent to Solar Plants."
28209msgstr ""
28210"Działa jak Elektrownia Wodna w mieście, w którym się znajduje i zmniejsza "
28211"zanieczyszczenie z produkcji przemysłowej o 25% we wszystkich miastach z "
28212"Elektrownią Wodną; działa więc jak Elektrownia Słoneczna."
28214#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1610 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1610
28215msgid ""
28216"Gives an immediate technology advance to the player that builds it, and "
28217"thereafter 6 extra research points every turn to its city."
28218msgstr ""
28219"Daje natychmiast nową technologię graczowi, który go zbudował i 6 punktów "
28220"odkryć na turę w mieście, w którym powstał."
28222#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1613 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1613
28223msgid ""
28224"Completion of this wonder permanently doubles the effect of Universities for "
28225"every player."
28226msgstr ""
28227"Ukończenie tego cudu podwaja na stałe efekt Uniwersytetów u każdego gracza."
28229#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1635 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1635
28230msgid ""
28231"Makes one content citizen happy in every city of the player that owns it (2 "
28232"extra luxury points per city)."
28233msgstr ""
28234"Czyni 1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym we wszystkich miastach gracza "
28235"(2 dodatkowe punkty luksusu w każdym mieście)."
28237#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1658 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1658
28238msgid ""
28239"Reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed military units owned "
28240"by the city by 1 -- in other words, it neutralizes the unhappiness caused by "
28241"a single military unit (except under Democracy, where a single unit makes "
28242"two citizens unhappy). Under governments where unit upkeep is paid in gold, "
28243"it gives two free gold per city towards upkeep every turn."
28244msgstr ""
28245"Zmniejsza o 1 niezadowolenie spowodowane przez jednostki na pozycjach "
28246"bojowych; innymi słowy, niweluje niezadowolenie spowodowane przez 1 "
28247"jednostkę zbrojną (z wyjątkiem Demokracji, w której 1 jednostka czyni "
28248"niezadowolonymi 2 mieszkańców). W ustrojach, w których utrzymanie opłaca się "
28249"złotem daje 2 darmowe sztuki złota na utrzymanie w każdym mieście w każdej "
28252#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1708 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1708
28253msgid ""
28254"Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point (except Triremes while "
28255"moving on rivers). Makes all your new sea units veterans (for all your "
28257msgstr ""
28258"Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu (z wyjątkiem "
28259"Trirem poruszających się po rzekach). Czyni wszystkie nowe jednostki morskie "
28260"weteranami (we wszystkich twoich miastach)."
28262#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1733 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1733
28263msgid ""
28264"Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point. The chance of a sea "
28265"unit getting the next veteran level after a battle increases by half."
28266msgstr ""
28267"Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu. Szansa uzyskania "
28268"nowego poziomu doświadczenia po bitwie zwiększa się o połowę."
28270#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1779 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1779
28271msgid ""
28272"TIP: if you're behind in research, this can help you catch up, by reducing "
28273"the cost of technologies that other players already know."
28274msgstr ""
28275"RADA: Jeśli twoje badania opóźniają się, to może pomóc ci nadrobić "
28276"zaległości zmniejszając koszt technologii znanych już innym graczom."
28278#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1802 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1802
28279msgid ""
28280"Doubles the base effect of Cathedrals. This makes 3 additional unhappy "
28281"citizens content in each city with a Cathedral; however, it does not affect "
28282"citizens made unhappy by aggression."
28283msgstr ""
28284"Podwaja działanie Katedr, czyniąc 3 niezadowolonych obywateli zadowolonymi w "
28285"każdym mieście z Katedrą. Nie działa jednak na mieszkańców niezadowolonych z "
28286"powodu działań wojennych."
28288#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1809 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1809
28289msgid "Mausoleum of Mausolos"
28290msgstr "Mauzoleum Mauzolosa"
28292#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1826 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1826
28293msgid ""
28294"With this wonder, City Walls and Courthouses each make one unhappy citizen "
28295"content in their city, unless that citizen is unhappy about aggression. "
28296"Also, none of the owner's cities can be incited to revolt."
28297msgstr ""
28298"Ten cud sprawia, że w każdym mieście zarówno Mury Obronny, jak i Sąd czynią "
28299"1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym, z wyjątkiem mieszkańców "
28300"niezadowolonych z powodu działań wojennych. Ponadto nie da się podburzyć "
28301"żadnego z miast właściciela tego cudu."
28303#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1833 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1833
28304msgid "Statue of Zeus"
28305msgstr "Posąg Zeusa"
28307#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1850 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1850
28308msgid ""
28309"Reduces by 1 the unhappiness caused by one aggressively deployed military "
28310"unit per city -- in other words, in each city it neutralizes the unhappiness "
28311"caused by a single military unit (except under Democracy, where it just "
28312"halves the unhappiness from that unit). Each city also avoids one shield of "
28313"upkeep for units."
28314msgstr ""
28315"Zmniejsza o 1 niezadowolenie spowodowane przez jednostki na pozycjach "
28316"bojowych; innymi słowy, niweluje niezadowolenie spowodowane przez 1 "
28317"jednostkę zbrojną (z wyjątkiem Demokracji, w której zmniejsza o połowę "
28318"powodowane przez jednostkę). Każde miasto unika również płacenia 1 punktu "
28319"produkcji na utrzymanie jednostki."
28321#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1859 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1859
28322msgid "Temple of Artemis"
28323msgstr "Świątynia Artemidy"
28325#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1877 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1877
28326msgid ""
28327"Makes 2 additional unhappy citizens content in every city with a Temple. "
28328"Does not affect citizens made unhappy by aggression."
28329msgstr ""
28330"Zmienia 2 dodatkowych niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych w każdym "
28331"mieście, w którym jest Świątynia. Nie wpływa jednak na niezadowolenie "
28332"spowodowane działaniami wojennymi."
28334#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1900 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1900
28335msgid ""
28336"Each tile around the city where this wonder is built that is already "
28337"generating some shield output produces one extra shield resource. Under "
28338"Despotism or Tribal governments, the Pyramids cancel the penalty to worked "
28339"tiles with output greater than 2 (for all kinds of output), as if all your "
28340"cities were always celebrating."
28341msgstr ""
28342"Każda pole wokół miasta, w którym zbudowany jest ten cud, jeśli tworzy już "
28343"punkty produkcji, daje jeden dodatkowy punkt. W Despotyzme i Wspólnocie "
28344"Plemiennej Piramidy eliminują straty dla używanego pola dającego więcej niż "
28345"2 punkty (dla wszystkich rodzajów produkcji), tak jakby miasta zawsze "
28348#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1909 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1909
28349msgid "Internet"
28350msgstr "Internet"
28352#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1926 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1926
28353msgid ""
28354"Gives an immediate technology advance to the player that builds it, and "
28355"thereafter all cities on the map are continuously visible to its owner "
28356"despite fog-of-war."
28357msgstr ""
28358"Daje natychmiast odkrycie graczowi, który nad nim pracuje, a wszystkie "
28359"miasta na mapie są stale widoczne dla posiadacz tego cudu, nawet pomimo /"
28360"\"mgły wojny/\"."
28362#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1930 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1930
28363msgid ""
28364"Completion of this wonder permanently doubles the effect of Research Labs "
28365"for every player."
28366msgstr ""
28367"Ukończenie tego cudu podwaja na stałe efekt Laboratoriów u każdego gracza."
28369#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1953 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1953
28370msgid ""
28371"Gives 1 additional luxury to every city, and 6 luxuries to the city where it "
28372"is located."
28373msgstr ""
28374"Daje 1 dodatkowy punkt luksusu w każdym mieście i 6 dodatkowych punktów w "
28375"mieście, w ktorym jest zbudowany."
28377#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1956 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1956
28378msgid ""
28379"Upon completion of this wonder, entertainer specialists' luxury output "
28380"increases to 3 permanently for every nation."
28381msgstr ""
28382"Po ukończeniu tego cudu ilość punktów luksusu tworzonych przez komików "
28383"zwiększa się na stałe o 3 dla każdego narodu."
28385#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:1978 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:1978
28386msgid ""
28387"Allows you to choose any government, including those that have not yet been "
28388"researched by your civilization, and without the transition period of "
28389"Anarchy. It also allows unprovoked declaration of war regardless of any "
28390"senate instituted by a Democracy or Federation government or by the United "
28392msgstr ""
28393"Pozwala zmienić typ rządów na dowolny, także taki, którego jeszcze twoja "
28394"cywilizacja nie odkryła, bez przejściowego okresu Anarchii. Ponadto pozwala "
28395"wypowiedzieć niesprowokowaną wojnę niezależnie od decyzji senatu w "
28396"Demokracji lub Federacji, a także niezależnie od ONZ."
28398#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2004 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2004
28399msgid ""
28400"All your new military land units start with an additional veteran level "
28401"(this is cumulative with any Barracks building in a city; with both, units "
28402"are created as Hardened)."
28403msgstr ""
28404"Wszystkie nowe jednostki lądowe dostają pierwszy poziom doświadczenia (łączy "
28405"się z każdym rodzajem Koszar w mieście; jeśli miasto ma Koszary, jednostka "
28406"ma poziom \"doświadczona\")."
28408#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2027 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2027
28409msgid ""
28410"Creates a world senate that prevents unprovoked declaration of war by any "
28411"nuclear-capable nation (that is, any nation with knowledge of Nuclear "
28412"Fission, once the Manhattan Project has been built). AI players are more "
28413"inclined to be friendly and forgiving toward the owner of this wonder. These "
28414"effects last until the Apollo Program is completed."
28415msgstr ""
28416"Tworzy światowy senat, która zapobiega niesprowokowanemu wypowiadaniu wojny "
28417"przez narody posiadające zdolność tworzenia broni atomowej (czyli przez "
28418"narody znające technologię Rozszczepienie Atomy, jeśli powstał już cud "
28419"Projekt Manhattan). Gracze AI są nastawieni bardziej przyjaźnie i szybciej "
28420"wybaczają właścicielowi tego cudu. Efekty te trwają aż do ukończenia cudu "
28421"Projekt Apollo."
28423#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2034 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2034
28424msgid ""
28425"Also, if any player's city is in disorder for more than two turns in a row, "
28426"that player's government falls (even for governments other than Republic and "
28428msgstr ""
28429"Ponadto, jeśli w którymkolwiek mieście gracza zamieszki będą trwały dwie "
28430"tury z rzędu, rząd gracza upada (nawet przy ustrojach innych niż Republika i "
28433#: data/civ2civ3/buildings.ruleset:2057 data/sandbox/buildings.ruleset:2057
28434msgid ""
28435"Neutralizes the unhappiness caused by one aggressively deployed military "
28436"unit per city. Under Democracy, it additionally halves the unhappiness "
28437"caused by military units (reducing it to the same level as a Republic)."
28438msgstr ""
28439"Niweluje niezadowolenie spowodowane przez 1 jednostkę na pozycji bojowej na "
28440"miasto. W Demokracji dodatkowo zmniejsza o połowę niezadowolenie spowodowane "
28441"jednostkami zbrojnymi (zmniejszając je do poziomu w Republice)."
28443#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:53 data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:53
28444msgid ""
28445"Each entertainer produces two luxury points for their city per turn, "
28446"increasing to three once any player has built Shakespeare's Theater. See the "
28447"section on Happiness for the effects of luxury points."
28448msgstr ""
28449"Każdy komik wytwarza dla swojego miasta 2 punkty luksusu na turę, a 3 "
28450"punkty, jeśli którykolwiek z graczy zbudował Teatr Szekspira. Więcej "
28451"informacji o punktach luksusu znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"."
28453#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:67 data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:67
28454msgid ""
28455"Each scientist adds two points to your empire's research output per turn, "
28456"increasing to three once any player has built Darwin's Voyage."
28457msgstr ""
28458"Każdy naukowiec daje swemu państwu 2 punkty odkryć na turę, a 3 punkty, "
28459"jeśli którykolwiek z graczy zbudował Wyprawę Darwina."
28461#: data/civ2civ3/cities.ruleset:81 data/sandbox/cities.ruleset:81
28462msgid ""
28463"Each tax collector produces two extra gold for your treasury per turn, "
28464"increasing to three once any player has built A.Smith's Trading Co."
28465msgstr ""
28466"Każdy poborca podatkowy dodaje do skarbca państwa 2 dodatkowe sztuki złota "
28467"na turę, a 3 punkty, jeśli którykolwiek z graczy zbudował Kompanię Handlową "
28468"Adama Smitha."
28470#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:25
28471msgid "Civ2Civ3 ruleset"
28472msgstr "Zasady Civ2Civ3"
28474#. TRANS: In the client, this is displayed alongside the contents of
28475#. ;    README.civ2civ3, which are not localized.
28476#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:33
28477msgid ""
28478"You are playing Freeciv with civ2civ3 rules:\n"
28480"Gameplay more similar to civ3, keeping the combat system from civ2.\n"
28482"Adapted for single player, with AI less aggressive at start, but more "
28483"challenging at the end.\n"
28485"The differences from the classic ruleset are listed in full in README."
28487msgstr ""
28488"Grasz teraz z zestawem zasad civ2civ3:\n"
28490"Rozgrywka jest bardziej podobna do civ3, lecz system walki pochodzi z civ2.\n"
28492"Dostosowany do jednego gracza; AI jest mniej agresywna na początku, lecz "
28493"bardziej wymagająca pod koniec.\n"
28495"Szczegółowy opis różnic między tym a klasycznym zestawem zasad znajduje się "
28496"w pliku README.civ2civ3."
28498#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:680 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:688
28499msgid "Literate"
28500msgstr "Piśmienny"
28502#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:686 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:694
28503#, no-c-format
28504msgid "Your nation is the first to reach 100% literacy!"
28505msgstr "Twój naród jako pierwszy jest piśmienny w 100%!"
28507#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:688 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:696
28508#, no-c-format
28509msgid "Your nation has reached 100% literacy!"
28510msgstr "Twój naród jest piśmienny w 100%!"
28512#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:691 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:699
28513msgid "Multicultural"
28514msgstr "Wielokulturowy"
28516#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:696 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:704
28517msgid "You're the first nation to have citizens of multiple nationalities!"
28518msgstr "Jesteś pierwszym narodem, którego obywatele mają różne narodowości!"
28520#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:697 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:705
28521msgid "Your nation now has citizens of multiple nationalities!"
28522msgstr "Twój naród ma teraz obywateli różnych narodowości!"
28524#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:700 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:708
28525msgid "Metropolis"
28526msgstr "Metropolia"
28528#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:705 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:713
28529msgid "Your nation is the first with a city of population 20!"
28530msgstr "Twój naród jako pierwszy ma miasto o rozmiarze 20!"
28532#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:706 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:714
28533msgid "One of your cities has reached population 20!"
28534msgstr "Jedno z twoich miast osiągnęło rozmiar 20!"
28536#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:709 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:717
28537msgid "Cultured City"
28538msgstr "Miasto wysokocywilizowane"
28540#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:714 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:722
28541msgid "Your nation is the first with a city of 1000 culture points!"
28542msgstr "Twój naród jako pierwszy ma miasto z 1 000 punktów kultury!"
28544#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:715 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:723
28545msgid "One of your cities has 1000 culture points!"
28546msgstr "Jedno z twoich miast osiągnęł z 1 000 punktów kultury!"
28548#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:718 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:726
28549msgid "Cultured Nation"
28550msgstr "Narody Wysokocywilizowane"
28552#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:722 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:730
28553msgid "Your nation is the first one to achieve 10000 culture points!"
28554msgstr "Twój naród jako pierwszy osiągnął 10 000 punktów kultury!"
28556#: data/civ2civ3/game.ruleset:723 data/sandbox/game.ruleset:731
28557msgid "Your nation has achieved 10000 culture points!"
28558msgstr "Twój naród osiągnął 10 000 punktów kultury!"
28560#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:78 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:78
28561#, no-c-format
28562msgid ""
28563"* Buildings and technologies do not require any upkeep.\n"
28564"* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will suffer "
28565"a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating. (Cities below size "
28566"3 will not celebrate.)\n"
28567"* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 1 "
28568"shield per turn.\n"
28569"* Military units do not cause unhappiness even when deployed aggressively.\n"
28570"* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city "
28571"will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n"
28572"* You have no control over tax rates. All trade income is converted to "
28574"* Half of the luxuries, including those converted from other trade income, "
28575"are wasted.\n"
28576"* Conventional corruption increases with distance from the capital (half as "
28577"fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28578"* Base production waste is 30%. This increases with distance from the "
28579"capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28580msgstr ""
28581"* Budynki i technologie nie są obciążone kosztami utrzymania.\n"
28582"* Każde obrabiane pole dające więcej niż 2 punkty żywności, produkcji lub "
28583"handlu ponosi stratę -1, chyba że miasto świętuje. (Miasta o rozmiarze "
28584"mniejszym niż 3 nie świętują.)\n"
28585"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo 2 jednostki; każda kolejna jednostka "
28586"kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28587"* Jednostki zbrojne nie powodują niezadowolenia nawet w ustawieniu bojowym.\n"
28588"* Jednostki bojowe wprowadzają stan wyjątkowy. Do 3 jednostek w mieście "
28589"sprawi, że 1 niezadowolony mieszkaniec stanie się zadowolony.\n"
28590"* Nie kontrolujesz stawek podatków. Cały zysk handlu jest zmieniany w "
28591"luksus. Korupcja zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o połowę "
28592"wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28593"* Połowa luksusu, włączając w to luksus pozyskany z handlu, jest marnowana.\n"
28594"* Bazowa korupcja wzrasta wraz z odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, "
28595"jeśli znasz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28596"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 30%. Zwiększają się one wraz z odległością od "
28597"stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28599#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:101 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:101
28600msgid "Tribal"
28601msgstr "Wspólnota Plemienna"
28603#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:110 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:110
28604msgid ""
28605"Under a Tribal government, you are part ruler of your people. Your control "
28606"over your citizens is maintained largely by spiritual counsel."
28607msgstr ""
28608"We Wspólnocie Plemiennej jesteś współwładcą twojego ludu. Władza nad "
28609"obywatelami sprawowana jest w dużym stopniu przez radę duchową."
28611#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:113 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:113
28612msgid ""
28613"Compared to Despotism, a Tribal economy is more shield-oriented. Its bonuses "
28614"to veterancy can be an advantage in wartime, but it lacks the martial law of "
28615"other early governments."
28616msgstr ""
28617"W porównaniu z Despotyzmem Wspólnota Plemienna jest bardziej nastawiona na "
28618"punkty produkcji. Zaletami tego ustroju są dodatki do doświadczenia "
28619"jednostek oraz surowy stan wyjątkowy, które mogą przydać się w czasie wojny."
28621#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:119 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:119
28622#, no-c-format
28623msgid ""
28624"* Increases by half the chance of land units getting the next veteran level "
28625"after a battle.\n"
28626"* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will suffer "
28627"a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating. (Cities below size "
28628"3 will not celebrate.)\n"
28629"* Each city gets 1 extra content citizen.\n"
28630"* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 1 "
28631"shield per turn.\n"
28632"* Unlike later governments, military units do not cause unhappiness even "
28633"when deployed aggressively.\n"
28634"* Base corruption is 30% (the highest under any government). This increases "
28635"with distance from the capital (half as fast with knowledge of The "
28637"* There is no base level of production waste, but an increasing amount with "
28638"distance from the capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28639msgstr ""
28640"* Zwiększa o połowę szanse, że jednostki lądowe staną się nardziej "
28641"doświadczone po bitwie.\n"
28642"* Każde obrabiane pole dające więcej niż 2 punkty żywności, produkcji lub "
28643"handlu ponosi stratę -1, chyba że miasto świętuje. (Miasta o rozmiarze "
28644"mniejszym niż 3 nie świętują.) \n"
28646"* Każde miasto dostaje jednego zadowolonego mieszkańca.\n"
28647"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo 2 jednostki; każda kolejna jednostka "
28648"kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28649"* W przeciwieństwie do późniejszych rządów, jednostki zbrojne nie powodują "
28650"niezadowolenia nawet w ustawieniu bojowym.\n"
28651"* Bazowa korupcja to 30%, ale zwiększa się ona wraz z odległością od stolicy "
28652"(o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28653"* Nie występują bazowe straty w produkcji, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28654"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28656#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:152 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:152
28657msgid "Compared to Tribalism, a Despotic economy is more trade-oriented."
28658msgstr ""
28659"W porównaniu z Trybalizmem, gospodarka despotyczne jest nastawiona na handel."
28661#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:156 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:156
28662#, no-c-format
28663msgid ""
28664"* Your centers of government (cities with Palace and Ecclesiastical Palace) "
28665"get a +75% bonus to gold production.\n"
28666"* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will suffer "
28667"a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating. (Cities below size "
28668"3 will not celebrate.)\n"
28669"* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 1 "
28670"gold per turn.\n"
28671"* Unlike later governments, military units do not cause unhappiness even "
28672"when deployed aggressively.\n"
28673"* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city "
28674"will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n"
28675"* Base corruption is 20%. This increases with distance from the capital "
28676"(half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28677"* Base production waste is 10%. This increases with distance from the "
28678"capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28679msgstr ""
28680"* Twoje stolice (miasta z Pałacem lub Pałacem Eklezjalnym) produkuje o 75% "
28681"więcej złota.\n"
28682"* Każde obrabiane pole dające więcej niż 2 punkty żywności, produkcji lub "
28683"handlu ponosi stratę -1, chyba że miasto świętuje. (Miasta o rozmiarze "
28684"mniejszym niż 3 nie świętują.) \n"
28686"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo do 2 jednostek; każda kolejna jednostka "
28687"kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28688"* W przeciwieństwie do późniejszych rządów, jednostki zbrojne nie powodują "
28689"niezadowolenia nawet w ustawieniu bojowym.\n"
28690"* Jednostki bojowe wprowadzają stan wyjątkowy. Do 3 jednostek w mieście "
28691"sprawi, że 1 niezadowolony mieszkaniec stanie się zadowolony.\n"
28692"* Bazowa korupcja to 20%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o "
28693"połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28694"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 10%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28695"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28697#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:190 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:190
28698msgid "Monarchy gives low unit upkeep costs."
28699msgstr "Monarchia zapewnia niski koszt utrzymania jednostek."
28701#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:194 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:194
28702#, no-c-format
28703msgid ""
28704"* Your centers of government (cities with Palace and Ecclesiastical Palace) "
28705"get a +50% bonus to gold production.\n"
28706"* Celebrating cities produce one extra trade point for every tile which is "
28707"already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n"
28708"* Each city can support up to 3 units for free (the maximum possible); "
28709"further units each cost 1 gold per turn.\n"
28710"* Each city tolerates up to 3 aggressively deployed military units; each "
28711"further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n"
28712"* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city "
28713"will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n"
28714"* Base corruption is 10%. This increases with distance from the capital "
28715"(half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28716"* Base production waste is 20%. This increases with distance from the "
28717"capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28718msgstr ""
28719"* Twoje stolice (miasta z Pałacem lub Pałacem Eklezjalnym) produkuje o 50% "
28720"więcej złota.\n"
28721"* Świętujące miasta produkują 1 dodatkowy punkt handlu na każde pole, które "
28722"już produkuje punkty handlu. (Miasta o rozmiarze mniejszym niż 3 nie "
28724"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo do 3 jednostek (maksymalna możliwa "
28725"wartość); każda kolejna jednostka kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28726"* Każde miasto toleruje do 3 bojowo ustawione jednostki; każda kolejna "
28727"jednostka skutkuje 1 niezadowolonym mieszkańcem.\n"
28728"* Jednostki bojowe wprowadzają stan wyjątkowy. Do 3 jednostek w mieście "
28729"sprawi, że 1 niezadowolony mieszkaniec stanie się zadowolony.\n"
28730"* Bazowa korupcja to 10%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o "
28731"połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28732"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 20%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28733"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28735#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:229 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:229
28736msgid ""
28737"Communism is a good government for maximizing shield production, and for "
28738"large empires."
28739msgstr ""
28740"Komunizm to dobry ustrój do maksymalizowania punktów produkcji oraz dla "
28741"dużych imperiów."
28743#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:234 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:234
28744#, no-c-format
28745msgid ""
28746"* City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 gold are free "
28747"of upkeep.\n"
28748"* Cancels the bonus from Mysticism and Theology (to Temples and "
28750"* Each city can support up to 3 units for free (the maximum possible); "
28751"further units each cost 1 shield per turn.\n"
28752"* Each city tolerates up to 3 aggressively deployed military units; each "
28753"further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n"
28754"* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city "
28755"will each force 2 unhappy citizens to become content (the maximum "
28757"* Base corruption is 30%, but is not affected by distance to the capital.\n"
28758"* There is no production waste."
28759msgstr ""
28760"* Budynki i technologie, których utrzymanie kosztuje 1 sztukę złota w innych "
28761"ustrojach, nie są obciążone kosztami utrzymania.\n"
28762"* Anuluje dodatek z Mistycyzmu i Teologii (dla Świątyń i Katedr).\n"
28763"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo do 3 jednostek (najwyższa możliwa "
28764"wartość); każda kolejna jednostka kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28765"* Każde miasto toleruje do 3 bojowo ustawionych jednostek; każda kolejna "
28766"jednostka skutkuje 1 niezadowolonym mieszkańcem.\n"
28767"* Jednostki bojowe wprowadzają stan wyjątkowy. Do 3 jednostek w mieście "
28768"sprawi, że 2 niezadowolonych mieszkańców stanie się zadowolonymi.\n"
28769"* Bazowa korupcja to 30%, ale nie wpływa na nią odległość od stolicy.\n"
28770"* Nie występują straty w produkcji."
28772#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:275 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:275
28773msgid ""
28774"Fundamentalism is a good government for maximizing gold, and its Fanatics "
28775"are useful in wartime, but it has a heavy penalty to technological progress."
28776msgstr ""
28777"Fundamentalizm to dobry ustrój do maksymalizowania produkcji złota, a "
28778"Fanatycy są przydatni podczas wojny; obciążony jest jednak bardzo powolnymi "
28779"badaniami naukowymi."
28781#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:281 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:281
28782#, no-c-format
28783msgid ""
28784"* Base science production is half that of other governments. (A "
28785"Fundamentalist city with a Library produces as much science as a city under "
28786"another government does alone.)\n"
28787"* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 2 "
28788"gold per turn (except for Fanatics).\n"
28789"* Each city tolerates up to 2 aggressively deployed military units; each "
28790"further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n"
28791"* Base corruption is 15%. This increases with distance from the capital "
28792"(half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28793"* Base production waste is 15%. This increases with distance from the "
28794"capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28795msgstr ""
28796"* Tempo badań naukowych jest o połowę wolniejsze niż w innych ustrojach.\n"
28797"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo do 2 jednostek; każda kolejna jednostka "
28798"kosztuje 2 sztuki złota na turę (z wyjątkiem Fanatyków).\n"
28799"* Każde miasto toleruje do 2 bojowo ustawionych jednostek; każda kolejna "
28800"jednostka skutkuje 1 niezadowolonym mieszkańcem.\n"
28801"* Bazowa korupcja to 15%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o "
28802"połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28803"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 15%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28804"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28806#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:298 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:298
28807msgid "Federation"
28808msgstr "Federacja"
28810#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:308 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:308
28811msgid ""
28812"Federalism is a system in which the power to govern is shared between "
28813"national and provincial governments.  This decentralization minimizes the "
28814"corruption and waste caused by distance to capital, and avoids separatist "
28816msgstr ""
28817"Federalizm to ustrój, w którym władza rozdzielana jest pomiędzy rząd krajowy "
28818"i władze lokalne. Decentralizacja ogranicza korupcję i straty powodowane "
28819"przez odległość od stolicy, a także zmniejsza tendencje separatystyczne."
28821#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:315 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:315
28822#, no-c-format
28823msgid ""
28824"* Each city gets 2 extra luxury points.\n"
28825"* Celebrating cities produce one extra trade point for every tile which is "
28826"already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n"
28827"* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 2 "
28828"gold per turn.\n"
28829"* Each city tolerates up to 2 aggressively deployed military units; each "
28830"further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n"
28831"* There is no base level of corruption, but an increasing amount with "
28832"distance from the capital (half as much as with most other governments). "
28833"Knowledge of The Corporation eliminates this corruption.\n"
28834"* Base production waste is 30%, but is not affected by distance to the "
28836"* Has a senate that may prevent declaration of war."
28837msgstr ""
28838"* Każde miasto dostaje 2 dodatkowe punkty luksusu.\n"
28839"* Świętujące miasta produkują 1 dodatkowy punkt handlu na każde pole, które "
28840"już produkuje punkty handlu. (Miasta o rozmiarze mniejszym niż 3 nie "
28842"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo do 2 jednostek; każda kolejna jednostka "
28843"kosztuje 2 sztuki złota na turę.\n"
28844"* Każde miasto toleruje do 2 bojowo ustawionych jednostek; każda kolejna "
28845"jednostka skutkuje 1 niezadowolonym mieszkańcem.\n"
28846"* Nie występuje bazowa korupcja, ale zwiększa się ona wraz z odległością od "
28847"stolicy (o połowę wolniej niż w większości innych ustrojów). Jeśli masz "
28848"technologię Korporacje, korupcja zostaje wyeliminowana.\n"
28849"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 30%, ale nie wpływa na nie odległość od "
28851"* Senat może uniemożliwić wypowiadanie wojny."
28853#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:353 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:353
28854#, no-c-format
28855msgid ""
28856"* Cities produce an extra trade point for every worked land tile that is "
28857"already producing trade.\n"
28858"* Celebrating cities produce a further trade point for every worked tile "
28859"(land or water) which is already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will "
28860"not celebrate.)\n"
28861"* Each city can support one unit for free; further units each cost 1 shield "
28862"per turn.\n"
28863"* Each city tolerates a single aggressively deployed military unit; each "
28864"further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n"
28865"* Base corruption is 25%. This increases with distance from the capital "
28866"(half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28867"* Base production waste is 5%. This increases with distance from the capital "
28868"(half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
28869msgstr ""
28870"* Miasta produkują 1 dodatkowy punkt handlu na każde pole, które już "
28871"produkuje punkty handlu.\n"
28872"* Świętujące miasta produkują kolejne dodatkowy 1 punkt handlu na każde pole "
28873"(lądowe lub wodne), które już produkuje punkty handlu. (Miasta o rozmiarze "
28874"mniejszym niż 3 nie świętują.)\n"
28875"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo 1 jednostkę; każda kolejna jednostka "
28876"kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
28877"* Każde miasto toleruje do 1 bojowo ustawioną jednostkę; każda kolejna "
28878"jednostka skutkuje 1 niezadowolonym mieszkańcem.\n"
28879"* Bazowa korupcja to 25%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o "
28880"połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28881"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 5%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28882"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
28884#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:382 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:382
28885msgid ""
28886"Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues. Democracy "
28887"offers the highest possible level of trade, but also offers the most "
28888"potential for unhappiness; citizens become very upset during wars."
28889msgstr ""
28890"Demokracja to ustrój, w którym obywatele rządzą bezpośrednio, głosując w "
28891"referendach nad różnymi sprawami. Demokracja charakteryzuje się najwyższym "
28892"poziomem handlu, lecz mieszkańcy łatwo stają się niezadowoleni, zwłaszcza w "
28893"czasie wojny."
28895#: data/civ2civ3/governments.ruleset:389 data/sandbox/governments.ruleset:389
28896#, no-c-format
28897msgid ""
28898"* Cities produce an extra trade point for every worked land tile that is "
28899"already producing trade.\n"
28900"* Celebrating cities produce a further trade point for every worked tile "
28901"(land or water) which is already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will "
28902"not celebrate.)\n"
28903"* Each city can support one unit for free; further units each cost 2 gold "
28904"per turn.\n"
28905"* Each city tolerates a single aggressively deployed military unit; each "
28906"further unit causes 2 unhappy citizens.\n"
28907"* Base corruption is 5%. This increases with distance from the capital (half "
28908"as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
28909"* Base production waste is 25%. This increases with distance from the "
28910"capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\n"
28911"* Has a senate that may prevent declaration of war."
28912msgstr ""
28913"* Miasta produkują 1 dodatkowy punkt handlu na każde pole, które już "
28914"produkuje punkty handlu.\n"
28915"* Świętujące miasta produkują kolejny dodatkowy 1 punkt handlu na każde pole "
28916"(lądowe lub wodne), które już produkuje punkty handlu. (Miasta o rozmiarze "
28917"mniejszym niż 3 nie świętują.)\n"
28918"* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo 1 jednostkę; każda kolejna jednostka "
28919"kosztuje 2 sztuki złota na turę.\n"
28920"* Każde miasto toleruje 1 bojowo ustawioną jednostkę; każda kolejna "
28921"jednostka skutkuje 2 niezadowolonymi mieszkańcami.\n"
28922"* Bazowa korupcja to 5%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległością od stolicy (o "
28923"połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
28924"* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 25%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
28925"odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel).\n"
28926"* Senat może uniemożliwić wypowiadanie wojny."
28928#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:176 data/sandbox/script.lua:176
28929msgid "Grand Canyon"
28930msgstr "Wielki Kanion"
28932#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:178 data/sandbox/script.lua:178
28933msgid "Deep Gorge"
28934msgstr "Głęboki Parów"
28936#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:180 data/sandbox/script.lua:180
28937msgid "Fjords"
28938msgstr "Fiordy"
28940#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:182 data/sandbox/script.lua:182
28941msgid "Waterfalls"
28942msgstr "Wodospady"
28944#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:184 data/sandbox/script.lua:184
28945msgid "Travertine Terraces"
28946msgstr "Wapienne Tarasy"
28948#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:193 data/sandbox/script.lua:193
28949msgid "Thermal Vent"
28950msgstr "Gejzer termiczny"
28952#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:200 data/sandbox/script.lua:200
28953msgid "Atoll Chain"
28954msgstr "Łańcuch Atoli"
28956#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:202 data/sandbox/script.lua:202
28957msgid "Great Barrier Reef"
28958msgstr "Wielka Rafa Koralowa"
28960#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:205 data/sandbox/script.lua:205
28961msgid "Great Blue Hole"
28962msgstr "Wielka Błękitna Jama"
28964#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:212 data/sandbox/script.lua:212
28965msgid "Great Lakes"
28966msgstr "Wielkie Jeziora"
28968#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:215 data/sandbox/script.lua:215
28969msgid "Dead Sea"
28970msgstr "Morze Martwe"
28972#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:217 data/sandbox/script.lua:217
28973msgid "Rift Lake"
28974msgstr "Jezioro w Rozpadlinie"
28976#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:224 data/sandbox/script.lua:224
28977msgid "Grand Prismatic Spring"
28978msgstr "Wielke Źródło Pryzmatyczne"
28980#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:226 data/sandbox/script.lua:226
28981msgid "Mangrove Forest"
28982msgstr "Las Namorzynowy"
28984#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:228 data/sandbox/script.lua:228
28985msgid "Cenotes"
28986msgstr "Cenotes"
28988#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:235 data/sandbox/script.lua:235
28989msgid "Ice Sheet"
28990msgstr "Pokrywa Lodowa"
28992#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:239 data/sandbox/script.lua:239
28993msgid "Glacier Bay"
28994msgstr "Zatoka Lodowcowa"
28996#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:241 data/sandbox/script.lua:241
28997msgid "Advancing Glacier"
28998msgstr "Napierający Lodowiec"
29000#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:247 data/sandbox/script.lua:247
29001msgid "Geothermal Area"
29002msgstr "Obszar Geotermalny"
29004#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:253 data/sandbox/script.lua:253
29005msgid "Sand Sea"
29006msgstr "Morze Piaskowe"
29008#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:255 data/sandbox/script.lua:255
29009msgid "Salt Flat"
29010msgstr "Solna Równina"
29012#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:257 data/sandbox/script.lua:257
29013msgid "Singing Dunes"
29014msgstr "Śpiewające Wydmy"
29016#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:259 data/sandbox/script.lua:259
29017msgid "White Desert"
29018msgstr "Biała Pustynia"
29020#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:266 data/sandbox/script.lua:266
29021msgid "Long Beach"
29022msgstr "Długa Plaża"
29024#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:268 data/sandbox/script.lua:268
29025msgid "Mud Volcanoes"
29026msgstr "Wulkan Błotny"
29028#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:270 data/sandbox/script.lua:270
29029msgid "Rock Pillars"
29030msgstr "Kamienne Słupy"
29032#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:277 data/sandbox/script.lua:277
29033msgid "White Cliffs"
29034msgstr "Białe Klify"
29036#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:279 data/sandbox/script.lua:279
29037msgid "Giant Cave"
29038msgstr "Przepastna Jaskinia"
29040#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:281 data/sandbox/script.lua:281
29041msgid "Rock Formation"
29042msgstr "Formacja Skalna"
29044#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:288 data/sandbox/script.lua:288
29045msgid "Rainforest"
29046msgstr "Las Deszczowy"
29048#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:290 data/sandbox/script.lua:290
29049msgid "Subterranean River"
29050msgstr "Podziemna Rzeka"
29052#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:292 data/sandbox/script.lua:292
29053msgid "Sinkholes"
29054msgstr "Topieliska"
29056#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:299 data/sandbox/script.lua:299
29057msgid "Stone Forest"
29058msgstr "Kamienny Las"
29060#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:301 data/sandbox/script.lua:301
29061msgid "Sequoia Forest"
29062msgstr "Las Sekwoi"
29064#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:303 data/sandbox/script.lua:303
29065msgid "Millenary Trees"
29066msgstr "Tysiącletnie Drzewa"
29068#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:311 data/sandbox/script.lua:311
29069msgid "Table Mountain"
29070msgstr "Góra Stołowa"
29072#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:313 data/sandbox/script.lua:313
29073msgid "Inselberg"
29074msgstr "Twardzielec"
29076#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:316 data/sandbox/script.lua:316
29077msgid "Karst Landscape"
29078msgstr "Krasowe Pejzaż"
29080#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:318 data/sandbox/script.lua:318
29081msgid "Valley of Geysers"
29082msgstr "Dolina Gejzerów"
29084#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:327 data/sandbox/script.lua:327
29085msgid "Sacred Mount"
29086msgstr "Święta Góra"
29088#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:329 data/sandbox/script.lua:329
29089msgid "Cliff Coast"
29090msgstr "Wybrzeże Klifowe"
29092#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:331 data/sandbox/script.lua:331
29093msgid "Active Volcano"
29094msgstr "Aktywny Wulkan"
29096#: data/civ2civ3/script.lua:333 data/sandbox/script.lua:333
29097msgid "High Summit"
29098msgstr "Wysoki Wierch"
29100#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:88 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:88
29101msgid "Enables movement of nuclear units."
29102msgstr "Umożliwia poruszanie się jednostkom atomowymi."
29104#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:253 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:253
29105msgid ""
29106"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to build forts and "
29108msgstr ""
29109"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować forty i "
29112#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:293 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:293
29113msgid ""
29114"Allows irrigation without an adjacent water source, improves the effect of "
29115"Amphitheaters, and increases city vision radius."
29116msgstr ""
29117"Pozwala budować nawodnienia na polach niesąsiadujących ze źródłami wody, "
29118"wzmacnia efekt Amfiteatrów i zwiększa pole widzenia wokół miasta."
29120#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:369 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:369
29121msgid "Makes it possible for Engineers to transform terrains."
29122msgstr "Umożliwia Inżynierom zmienianie terenu."
29124#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:422 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:422
29125msgid "Halves the upgrade cost of your units."
29126msgstr "Zmniejsza o połowę koszt ulepszenia jednostek."
29128#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:532 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:532
29129#, no-c-format
29130msgid ""
29131"Reduces the risk of plague in your cities by 30% of the base chance (this is "
29132"additive with the benefits of any buildings)."
29133msgstr ""
29134"Zmniejsza ryzyko epidemii i twoich miastach o 30% prawdopodobieństwa "
29135"bazowego (kumuluje się z efektami budynków)."
29137#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:554 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:554
29138msgid ""
29139"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers, Engineers, and Transports to build oil "
29140"platforms on Deep Ocean, required to get the bonus from Offshore Platforms."
29141msgstr ""
29142"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom, Inżynierom i Transportowcom "
29143"budować wieże wiertnicze na polach głębokiego oceanu, które są potrzebne, by "
29144"otrzymać dodatek z Platform Wiertniczych."
29146#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:680 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:680
29147msgid "Allows Workers and Engineers to build airstrips, airbases and buoys."
29148msgstr ""
29149"Pozwala Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować lądowiska, bazy lotnicze i boje."
29151#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:692 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:692
29152msgid ""
29153"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to upgrade roads to "
29155msgstr ""
29156"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać drogi do "
29159#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:695 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:697
29160msgid ""
29161"For Despotism or Tribal governments, cancels the penalty to worked tiles "
29162"with output greater than 2 (as if all your cities were always celebrating)."
29163msgstr ""
29164"W Despotyzmie i Wspólnocie Plemiennej usuwa straty na obrabianych polach z "
29165"produkujących więcej niż 2 punkty (tak jakby wszystkie miasta ciągle "
29168#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:718 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:720
29169msgid ""
29170"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to upgrade mines to oil "
29171"wells on Desert and Glacier tiles, for an extra production point."
29172msgstr ""
29173"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać kopalnie do "
29174"szybów wiertniczych na pustyniach i lodowcach, aby zwiększyć produkcję z "
29175"tych pól."
29177#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:732 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:734
29178msgid ""
29179"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to upgrade irrigation "
29180"systems to farmland."
29181msgstr ""
29182"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać nawodnienie "
29183"do farm."
29185#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:754 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:756
29186msgid "Doubles movement of nuclear units."
29187msgstr "Podwaja ruch jednostek atomowych."
29189#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:818 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:820
29190msgid ""
29191"Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to upgrade railroads with "
29193msgstr ""
29194"Pozwala Osadnikom, Migrantom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom ulepszać drogi do "
29197#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:840 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:842
29198msgid ""
29199"Halves the corruption of trade related to distance from the capital (or "
29200"eliminates it for Federation governments)."
29201msgstr ""
29202"Zmniejsza o połowę korupcją w handlu związaną z odległością od stolicy (lub "
29203"eliminuje ją w Federacji)."
29205#: data/civ2civ3/techs.ruleset:890 data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:892
29206msgid "Halves the waste of production related to distance from the capital."
29207msgstr ""
29208"Zmniejsza o połowę straty w produkcji spowodowaną odległością od stolicy."
29210#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:25 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:25
29211msgid "Mine can be upgraded to Oil Well."
29212msgstr "Kopalnię można ulepszyć do szybu wiertniczego."
29214#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:26 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:26
29215msgid "Sea"
29216msgstr "Morska"
29218#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:26 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:26
29219msgid "Allows cities to build Harbors and coastal wonders."
29220msgstr "Pozwala miastom budować Przystanie i cudy wymagające dostępu do morza."
29222#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:458 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:458
29223msgid ""
29224"Deserts can be irrigated for a small amount of extra food, but without an "
29225"oasis or river, bare desert cannot be further improved with farmland."
29226msgstr ""
29227"Na pustyni można stworzyć nawodnienie, które da nieco więcej żywności, lecz "
29228"jeśli w pobliżu nie ma rzeki lub oazy, na pustyni nie można zbudować farmy."
29230#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:462 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:462
29231msgid ""
29232"Rivers bring fertile soil to deserts; on a desert river not already "
29233"benefiting from an oasis, building irrigation will yield two extra food "
29234"resources rather than the usual one."
29235msgstr ""
29236"Rzeki przynoszą na pustynie żyzne gleby. Na polu pustyni z rzeką, które nie "
29237"korzysta z oazy, nawodnienie daje 2 dodatkowe punkty żywności."
29239#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:602 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:602
29240msgid ""
29241"Cities built in hills are at risk of earthquakes, which can interrupt a "
29242"city's current project."
29243msgstr ""
29244"Miasta zbudowane na wzgórzach są narażone na trzęsienia ziemi, które mogą "
29245"zakłócać budowę w miastach."
29247#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:648 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:648
29248msgid ""
29249"Jungles are densely overgrown, making agriculture somewhat problematic. Big "
29250"Land units may not move into jungle without a road."
29251msgstr ""
29252"Dżungle charakteryzują się bujną roślinnością, co sprawia kłopoty rolnictwu. "
29253"Duże jednostki lądowe mogą nie być w stanie przemieszczać się w dżungli, "
29254"jeśli nie ma tam drogi."
29256#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:696 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:696
29257msgid ""
29258"Land units that move into mountains can see an extra space, but a fast land "
29259"unit ending its turn in mountains without a road will start its next turn "
29260"with one fewer movement point. Big Land units may not move into mountains "
29261"without a road."
29262msgstr ""
29263"Jednostki lądowe, które poruszają się po górach widzą więcej przestrzeni, "
29264"lecz szybkie jednostki lądowe kończące ruch w górach rozpoczną kolejną turę "
29265"z puktami ruchu zminejszonymi o 1. Duże jednostką lądowe mogą nie być w "
29266"stanie poruszać się po górach, jeśli nie biegnie tamtędy droga."
29268#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:790 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:790
29269msgid ""
29270"Swamps suffer from an over-abundance of water, making agriculture somewhat "
29271"problematic. Big Land units may not move in swamps without a road."
29272msgstr ""
29273"Bagna to obszary podmokłe, co sprawia pewne kłopoty rolnictwu. Duże "
29274"jednostki lądowe mogą nie być w stanie przemieszczać się po bagnach, jeśli "
29275"nie ma tam drogi."
29277#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1045 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1045
29278msgid "?gui_type:Build Fort/Fortress/Buoy"
29279msgstr "?gui_type:Stwórz fort/fortecę/boję"
29281#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1048 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1048
29282msgid "?gui_type:Build Airstrip/Airbase"
29283msgstr "?gui_type:Zbuduj lądowisko/bazę lotniczą"
29285#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1161 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1161
29286msgid ""
29287"Building an irrigation system on a suitable tile causes it to produce some "
29288"extra food each turn. Most tiles yield one extra food; a desert with a river "
29289"will yield two, if it is not already benefiting from an oasis."
29290msgstr ""
29291"Niektóre tereny mogą zostać nawodnione, co zwiększa produkcję żywności w "
29292"każdej turze. Większość pól daje 1 dodatkowy punkt żywności, a pustynia z "
29293"rzeką 2 punkty, jeśli nie korzysta już z dodatku z oazy."
29295#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1166 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1166
29296msgid ""
29297"Without knowledge of Electricity, irrigation requires a nearby source of "
29298"water: an ocean, lake, or river tile, or another tile with an irrigation "
29299"system, must share an edge (not just a corner) with the target tile. "
29300"However, once irrigated, land remains so even if the water source is "
29301"removed. Once Electricity is known, any suitable tile may be irrigated "
29302"without a water source."
29303msgstr ""
29304"Jeśli nie znasz jeszcze Elektryczności, nawodnieni wymaga pobliskiego źródła "
29305"wody: oceanu, jeziora, rzeki lub innego nawodnionego pola przylegającego "
29306"bokiem (nie rogiem) do pola, na którym ma powstać nawodnienie. Nawodnione "
29307"pole zachowa nawodnienie, nawet gdy z sąsiedniego pola zniknie źródło wody. "
29308"Jeśli znasz już Elektryczność, odpowiednie pole może zostać nawodnione bez "
29309"pobliskiego źródła wody."
29311#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1205 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1205
29312msgid ""
29313"Mines can be built on some types of terrain, which increases the number of "
29314"production points produced by that tile. Hills and Mountains get an extra 2 "
29315"production points per tile; other terrains get 1 extra production point."
29316msgstr ""
29317"Osadnicy mogą budować kopalnie na niektórych terenach: zwiększają one ilość "
29318"punktów produkcji otrzymywanych z pola. Wzgórza i góry dają dodatkowo 2 "
29319"punkty na pole; inny rodzaj terenu 1 punkt."
29321#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1236 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1236
29322msgid ""
29323"Once Refining is known, mines on Desert and Glacier tiles can be upgraded to "
29324"oil wells for an extra production point."
29325msgstr ""
29326"Gdy poznasz Rafinację, możesz ulepszyć kopalnie na pustyniach i lodowcach do "
29327"szybów wiertniczych, które przynoszą więcej punktów produkcji."
29329#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1242 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1242
29330msgid "Oil Platform"
29331msgstr "Wieża wiertnicza"
29333#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1261 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1261
29334msgid ""
29335"Oil platforms allow cities with Offshore Platforms to get an extra "
29336"production point from Deep Ocean tiles."
29337msgstr ""
29338"Wieże wiertnicze sprawiają, że miasto z Platformą Wiertniczą dostaje 1 "
29339"dodatkowy punkt produkcji z pola głębokiego oceanu."
29341#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1264 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1264
29342msgid ""
29343"Oil platforms can be built by Workers and similar units on board ships, or "
29344"directly by Transport units."
29345msgstr ""
29346"Wieże wiertnicze mogą być budowane przez Robotników lub podobne jednostki na "
29347"pokładzie statku lub bezpośrednio przez Transportowce."
29349#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1287 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1287
29350msgid ""
29351"Pollution appears on tiles around cities with high production or population, "
29352"or when a Mfg. Plant suffers an industrial accident. It halves all output "
29353"from its tile, and contributes to the risk of global warming."
29354msgstr ""
29355"Zanieczyszczenie pojawia się na polach lądowych wokół miast z wysoką "
29356"produkcją, populacją lub gdy nastąpi wypadek w Fabryce Zautomatyzowanej. "
29357"Zanieczyszczenie zmniejsza o połowę całą produkcję z pola i zwiększa ryzyko "
29358"globalnego ocieplenia."
29360#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1292 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1292
29361msgid ""
29362"The pollution can only be cleared by dispatching Workers, Migrants, "
29363"Settlers, Engineers, or a Transport with the \"clean pollution\" order."
29364msgstr ""
29365"Zanieczyszczenie może zostać usunięte tylko przez Robotników, Migrantów, "
29366"Osadników Inżynierów lub Tansportowce, gdy wydasz im polecenie \"Usuń "
29369#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1302 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1302
29370msgid ""
29371"The city's population starts adding to pollution with the Factory, Super "
29372"Highways, Offshore Platform, and Mfg. Plant buildings; each building causes "
29373"the population to add more to pollution. A Mass Transit will counteract the "
29374"pollution from two buildings in a city, and the Eiffel Tower wonder will "
29375"counteract the pollution from one building in all the owner's cities."
29376msgstr ""
29377"Mieszkańcy miasta zaczynają przyczyniać się do zanieczyszczenie wraz z "
29378"pojawieniem się Fabryki, Super Autostrad, Platformy Wiertniczej i Fabryki "
29379"Zautomatyzowanej; zanieczyszczeni zwiększa się z każdy z tych budynków. "
29380"Transport Pubnliczny przeciwdziała zanieczyszczeniu powodowanemu przez 2 "
29381"budynki w mieście, a cud Wieża Eiffla przeciwdziała zanieczyszczeniu "
29382"powodowanemy przez 1 budynek w każdym mieście właściciela."
29384#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1389 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1389
29385msgid "Farmland on a tile prevents any trade bonus from Super Highways."
29386msgstr ""
29387"Farmy na polu sprawiają, że pole nie przynosi dodatkowych punktów handlu z "
29388"Super Autostrad."
29390#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1413 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1413
29391msgid ""
29392"Nuclear fallout can appear on tiles when a Nuclear unit is detonated, or "
29393"when a city's Nuclear Plant has an accident. It halves all output from its "
29395msgstr ""
29396"Skażenie może pojawić się na polach lądowych, gdy wybuchnie jednostka "
29397"atomowa lub gdy w miejskiej Elektrowni Atomowej nastąpi wypadek. Skażenie "
29398"zmniejsza o połowę całą połowę produkcję z pola."
29400#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1421 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1421
29401msgid ""
29402"Settlers, Workers, Migrants, Engineers, and Transport units can all clean up "
29403"nuclear fallout."
29404msgstr ""
29405"Skażenie usuwać mogą Osadnicy, Robotnicy, Migranci, Inżynierowie i "
29408#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1427 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1427
29409msgid "Fort"
29410msgstr "Fort"
29412#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1453 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1453
29413#, no-c-format
29414msgid ""
29415"Forts are rapidly-built fortifications providing some defense (+50%) against "
29416"land units and boats. A fort is also necessary to start building a fortress."
29417msgstr ""
29418"Forty to prowizoryczne umocnienia dające pewną ochronę (+50%) przed "
29419"jednostkami lądowymi i okrętami. Dopiero po ukończeniu fortu możesz zacząć "
29420"budowę fortecy."
29422#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1486 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1486
29423msgid ""
29424"Fortresses are more permanent forts; construction on them can only begin "
29425"once the underlying fort is complete. Forts on River tiles cannot be "
29426"upgraded to Fortresses."
29427msgstr ""
29428"Forteca jest bardziej solidna niż fort i można rozpocząć jej budowę dopiero, "
29429"gdy na polu powstał już fort. Fortów zbudowanych na rzekach nie można "
29430"ulepszyć do fortec."
29432#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1492 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1492
29433#, no-c-format
29434msgid ""
29435"Compared to a fort, units in a fortress receive extra defense (+50%) against "
29436"all units (in total, their defense against land units and boats is doubled), "
29437"and do not count as aggressive if near a friendly city. Any kind of land "
29438"unit remaining in a fortress for a whole turn without moving recovers a "
29439"quarter of its hit points."
29440msgstr ""
29441"W porównaniu z fortami, fortece poprawiają zdolności obronne jednostek "
29442"(+50%) w starciach ze wszystkimi jednostkami (w sumie, siła obrony przed "
29443"jednostkami lądowymi i okrętami podwaja się). Jednostki lądowe pozostające w "
29444"fortecy nie są postrzegane jako ustawione na pozycjach bojowych, a jeśli "
29445"pozostaną w niej przez całą turę, odzyskują 1/4 punktów obrażeń."
29447#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1498 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1498
29448msgid ""
29449"With Astronomy, fortresses gain watchtowers from which units can see further "
29451msgstr ""
29452"Jeśli znasz już Astronomię, fortece wzbogacają się o wieże obserwacyjne, "
29453"dzięki którym zwiększa się pole widzenia stacjonujących jednostek."
29455#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1504 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1504
29456msgid "Airstrip"
29457msgstr "Lądowisko"
29459#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1528 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1528
29460msgid ""
29461"Airstrips are rapidly-built runways allowing air units to land, refuel, and "
29462"recover outside cities; an aircraft remaining on an airstrip for a whole "
29463"turn without moving recovers a tenth of its hit points (that is, the same "
29464"amount it loses each turn while airborne). However, air units on an airstrip "
29465"are vulnerable to attack by land units."
29466msgstr ""
29467"Lądowiska to prowizoryczne pasy startowe dla jednostek powietrznych. Mogą na "
29468"nich lądować i uzupełniać paliwo poza miastem, a jeśli pozostaną na "
29469"lądowisku przez całą turę, odzyskują 1/10 punktów obrażeń (czyli tyle, ile "
29470"tracą podczas każdej tury lotu). Jednostki powietrzne na lądowisku są "
29471"narażone na ataki jednostek lądowych."
29473#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1536 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1536
29474#, no-c-format
29475msgid ""
29476"Any units on an airstrip receive extra defense (+50%) against enemy aircraft."
29477msgstr ""
29478"Każde jednostka przebywająca na lądowisku ma siłę obrony zwiększoną o 50% w "
29479"starciu z jednostkami powietrznymi."
29481#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1539 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1539
29482msgid "An airstrip is necessary to start building an airbase."
29483msgstr "Potrzebujesz lądowiska, by móc zacząć budować bazę lotniczą."
29485#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1569 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1569
29486msgid ""
29487"Airbases are more permanent airstrips; construction on them can only begin "
29488"once the underlying airstrip is complete. Airstrips on River tiles cannot be "
29489"upgraded to Airbases."
29490msgstr ""
29491"Baza lotnicza jest bardziej solidna niż lądowisko i można rozpocząć jej "
29492"budowę dopiero, gdy na polu powstało już lądowisko. Lądowisk zbudowanych na "
29493"rzekach nie można ulepszyć do baz lotniczych."
29495#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1575 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1575
29496#, no-c-format
29497msgid ""
29498"Compared to an airstrip, units in an airbase receive extra defense (+50%) "
29499"against all units (in total, their defense against air units and missiles is "
29500"doubled), do not count as aggressive if near a friendly city, and can see "
29501"further afield. Also, air units recover more hit points (a third per turn, "
29502"the same as in a city without an Airport)."
29503msgstr ""
29504"W porównaniu z lądowiskami, bazy lotniczne poprawiają zdolności obronne "
29505"jednostek (+50%) w starciach ze wszystkimi jednostkami (w sumie, siła obrony "
29506"przed jednostkami powietrznymi i pociskami podwaja się). Jednostki "
29507"powietrzne pozostające w bazie lotniczej nie są postrzegane jako ustawione "
29508"na pozycjach bojowych i mają większe pole widzenia. Jeśli pozostaną w bazie "
29509"przez całą turę, odzyskują więcej punktów obrażeń (1/3 punktów na turę, tak "
29510"jak w mieście z Lotniskiem)."
29512#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1659
29513msgid ""
29514"Roads allow your land units to move more quickly, and allow wheeled Big Land "
29515"units such as Chariots and Catapults to travel through otherwise difficult "
29516"terrain (Mountains, Jungle, and Swamp)."
29517msgstr ""
29518"Drogi umożliwiają jednostkom lądowym szybkie przemieszczanie się i pozwalają "
29519"dużym kołowym jednostkom lądowym, takim jak Rydwany i Katapulty, na "
29520"przemieszczenie się w trudnym terenie (góry, dżungla i bagna)."
29522#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1663 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1665
29523msgid "On some terrains, roads also provide a trade bonus."
29524msgstr "Na niektórych terenach drogi zapewniają też dodatkowe punkty handlu."
29526#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1665 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1667
29527msgid ""
29528"Building roads on river tiles requires knowledge of Bridge Building. City "
29529"center tiles automatically get roads (even on a river tile)."
29530msgstr ""
29531"Aby zbudować drogę na rzece, musisz znać technologię Budowa Mostów. Pole, na "
29532"którym leży centrum miasta domyślnie posiada drogi, nawet jeśli jest "
29533"położone na rzece."
29535#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1732 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1734
29536msgid ""
29537"With sufficient technology, you may build magnetic levitation systems along "
29538"your railroad routes. Land and Small Land units expend no movement points "
29539"when riding a maglev; you may ride indefinitely. (As may your enemies!)"
29540msgstr ""
29541"Jeśli masz odpowiednią technologię, możesz wyposażyć kolej w system "
29542"lewitacji magnetycznej (maglew). Jednostki lądowe i małe lądowe nie tracą "
29543"punktów ruchu, gdy poruszają się wzdłuż maglewów; możesz podróżować bez "
29544"ograniczeń (twoi wrogowie również)."
29546#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1737 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1739
29547msgid ""
29548"Your regular railroads are still used to carry heavy Big Land and Merchant "
29549"units for which the maglev system is unsuitable, and they continue to "
29550"provide production and trade bonuses."
29551msgstr ""
29552"Zwykłe koleje mogą być używanie do transportowania dużych jednostek lądowych "
29553"i handlowych, do czego nie nadają się maglewy, i dodają punkty do produkcji "
29554"i handlu."
29556#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1763 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1765
29557#, no-c-format
29558msgid ""
29559"Any land terrain type may have a River on it. A River adds 1 trade to the "
29560"resources produced by that tile. It also increases a tile's defense factor "
29561"by 25%."
29562msgstr ""
29563"Rzeka może leżeć na każdym terenie. Pole z rzeką dodaje 1 punkt do handlu "
29564"wytwarzanego na tym polu. Ponadto zwiększa współczynnik obrony pola o 25%."
29566#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1767
29567msgid ""
29568"Land units may move along rivers for faster travel (but not diagonally). "
29569"Triremes may also travel up rivers (although later boats cannot)."
29570msgstr ""
29571"Jednostki lądowe mogą przemieszczać się wzdłuż rzek szybciej (o ile nie "
29572"podróżują po przekątnej). Rzekami podróżować mogą również Triremy (ale nie "
29573"bardziej zaawansowane statki)."
29575#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1770 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1774
29576msgid ""
29577"Roads and railroads can only be built on River tiles if your civilization "
29578"has learned Bridge Building technology. Fortresses and Airbases cannot be "
29579"built on River tiles."
29580msgstr ""
29581"Drogi i koleje mogą być budowane na rzekach tylko jeśli cywilizacja poznała "
29582"już technologię Budowa Mostów. Fortece i bazy lotnicze nie mogą być budowane "
29583"na rzekach."
29585#: data/civ2civ3/terrain.ruleset:1774 data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1778
29586msgid ""
29587"Cities built on or next to rivers incur a small risk of flooding, which will "
29588"destroy stored food."
29589msgstr ""
29590"Miasta zbudowane na lub w pobliżu rzeki są narażone na niewielkie ryzyko "
29591"powodzi, która niszczy zapasy żywności."
29593#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:32 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:32
29594msgid "Attack value halved when attacking Destroyer."
29595msgstr "Wartość ataku zmniejszyła się o połowę podczas ataku na Niszczyciel."
29597#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
29598#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:145 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:145
29599msgid "?unitclass:Small Land"
29600msgstr "?unitclass:Mała Lądowa"
29602#. TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally
29603#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:161 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:161
29604msgid "?unitclass:Merchant"
29605msgstr "?unitclass:Kupiecka"
29607#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:455 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:457
29608msgid ""
29609"Settlers can also perform some of the same terrain alterations as Workers "
29610"(but cannot build airstrips, airbases, or buoys)."
29611msgstr ""
29612"Osadnicy mogą też przekształcać teren tak jak Robotnicy, choć nie mogą "
29613"budować lądowisk, baz lotniczych i boi."
29615#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:458 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:460
29616msgid ""
29617"TIP: optimal production of Settlers occurs in cities of at most size 4, or "
29618"cities with a Granary of at most size 6."
29619msgstr ""
29620"RADA: miasta najlepiej tworzące Osadników to miasta o rozmiarze nie większym "
29621"niż 4 lub miasta ze Spichlerzem o rozmiarze nie większym niż 6."
29623#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:464 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:466
29624msgid "Migrants"
29625msgstr "Migranci"
29627#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:496 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:498
29628msgid ""
29629"Migrants can be used to transfer population to other cities, but may not "
29630"found new cities. They can also perform some of the same terrain alterations "
29631"as Workers (but cannot build airstrips, airbases, or buoys)."
29632msgstr ""
29633"Dzięki Migrantom populacja może być przenoszona do innego miasta, ale nie "
29634"mogą oni zakładać nowych miast. Mogą też przekształcać teren tak jak "
29635"Robotnicy, choć nie mogą budować lądowisk, baz lotniczych i boi."
29637#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:501 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:503
29638msgid ""
29639"TIP: Migrants can be a good alternative to Workers in overpopulated cities, "
29640"as they benefit from free food upkeep."
29641msgstr ""
29642"WSKAZÓWKA: Migranci mogą być dobrą dobrą alternatywą dla Robotników w "
29643"przeludnionych miastach, gdyż nie ponosisz ich kosztów utrzymania w żywności."
29645#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:542 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:544
29646msgid ""
29647"Workers can build airstrips, airbases, and buoys, which Settlers and "
29648"Migrants cannot. Workers must be on board a ship to build buoys."
29649msgstr ""
29650"Robotnicy, w przeciwieństwie do Osadników i Migrantów, mogą budować bazy "
29651"lotnicze, lądowiska i boje. Robotnicy muszą przebywać na statku, by budować "
29654#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:573 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:575
29655msgid "beginner"
29656msgstr "początkująca"
29658#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:573 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:575
29659msgid "seasoned"
29660msgstr "doświadczona"
29662#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:573 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:575
29663msgid "senior"
29664msgstr "wytrawna"
29666#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:573 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:575
29667msgid "expert"
29668msgstr "ekspert"
29670#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:579 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:581
29671msgid ""
29672"Engineers are similar to Workers, but they work twice as fast, move twice as "
29673"fast, and may gain experience from work enabling them to work even faster."
29674msgstr ""
29675"Inżynierowie przypominają Robotników, lecz pracują dwukrotnie szybciej i "
29676"mogą zdobywać doświadczenie wykonując pożyteczne prace, co pozwala im "
29677"pracować jeszcze szybciej."
29679#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:583 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:585
29680msgid ""
29681"With knowledge of Fusion Power, Engineers may also perform more radical "
29682"terrain transformations than Workers, Settlers, or Migrants, with the "
29683"\"transform\" order. Examples include conversion of Tundra into Plains, or "
29684"even Ocean into Swamp in some circumstances (when on board an ocean-going "
29685"vessel, on a tile surrounded by sufficient existing land). See the Terrain "
29686"Alterations section for more details."
29687msgstr ""
29688"Jeśli znasz Fuzją Jądrową, Inżynierowie mogą też przekształcać teren "
29689"bardziej radykalnie niż Robotnicy, Osadnicy i Migranci. Można na przykład "
29690"przekształcić tundrę na stepy, a nawet, w pewnych okolicznościach, ocean na "
29691"bagna (gdy jednostka jest na statku, a pole otacza wystarczająco wiele pól "
29692"lądowych). Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w sekcji pomocy \"Zmiany terenu\"."
29694#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:683 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:685
29695msgid "Archers fight with bows and arrows and have a good offensive value."
29696msgstr ""
29697"Łucznicy walczą przy pomocy strzał i łuków; są to dobre jednostki zaczepne."
29699#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:926 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:928
29700msgid ""
29701"Fundamentalist nations can maintain Fanatic units without having to pay any "
29702"upkeep nor causing military unhappiness.  Instead, each unit reduces the "
29703"population by 1."
29704msgstr ""
29705"Narody fundamentalistyczne mogą szkolić Fanatyków bez konieczności płacenia "
29706"na ich utrzymanie i powodowanie niezadowolenia wśród mieszkańców. Każda "
29707"jednostka redukuje jednak populację miasta o 1."
29709#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:994 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:996
29710msgid ""
29711"Paratroopers are experts at airborne attacks. From a friendly city, airbase, "
29712"or airstrip, Paratroopers who have not expended any movement points can "
29713"paradrop directly to any tile in range, and be immediately ready to act "
29714"there. (Beware dropping into unseen territory, as Paratroopers landing on a "
29715"tile occupied by enemy units are easy targets!)"
29716msgstr ""
29717"Spadochroniarze to specjaliści od ataków powietrznych. Jeśli w danej turze "
29718"nie wykorzystali jeszcze punktów ruchu, mogą przemieszczać się z "
29719"sojuszniczego miasta, lądowiska lub bazy lotniczej na dowolne pole w zasięgu "
29720"i są od razu gotowi do akcji. (Uważaj, gdy chcesz zrzucić ich na niewidoczne "
29721"pole, gdyż Spadochroniarze lądujący na polu zajętym przez wrogą jednostkę są "
29722"łatwym celem.)"
29724#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1033 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1035
29725msgid ""
29726"The Mechanized Infantry has the strongest inherent defensive strength of any "
29727"land unit, and is very fast on roads and easy terrain, but it is hindered "
29728"rather than helped by rough terrain (it cannot move into mountains, swamps, "
29729"or jungles), and it is only available near the end of the technology tree."
29730msgstr ""
29731"Piechota Zmechanizowana jest najsilniejszą lądową jednostką obronną, porusza "
29732"się bardzo szybko po drogach i łatwym terenie, lecz ma trudności w "
29733"poruszaniu się po terenie nierównym (nie może poruszać się po górach, "
29734"bagnach i dżungli). Piechota Zmechanizowana jest dostępna tylko przy końcu "
29735"drzewa technologii."
29737#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1101 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1103
29738msgid ""
29739"Chariots are horse-pulled war wagons. They have a stronger attack than "
29740"Horsemen, but their speed comes at a cost: they are more expensive to build, "
29741"they cannot take advantage of terrain to defend themselves, they cannot move "
29742"in rough terrain (mountains, swamps, and jungles) without roads, and they "
29743"cannot be transported by sea using early ships (Triremes and Caravels)."
29744msgstr ""
29745"Rydwany to wozy bojowe ciągnięte przez konie. Charakteryzują się silniejszym "
29746"atakiem niż Konnica, ale ceną za ich szybkość jest to, że są droższe w "
29747"budowie, nie wykorzystują zalet terenu, by zwiększyć obronę, nie mogą "
29748"poruszać się po nierównym terenie (góry, bagna i dżungle), jeśli nie ma na "
29749"nich dróg i nie mogą być przewożone przez wczesne jednostki morskie (Triremy "
29750"i Karawele)."
29752#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1137 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1139
29753msgid ""
29754"Elephants are towering animals trained for war that are often used as "
29755"powerful shock troops."
29756msgstr ""
29757"Słonie to ogromne zwierzęta szkolone do celów bojowych, używane często jako "
29758"potężne jednostki uderzeniowe."
29760#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1295 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1297
29761msgid ""
29762"Armors are motorized war wagons that are faster, stronger, and can take more "
29763"damage than any mounted unit. However, they are less adaptable to very rough "
29764"terrain (they cannot move into mountains, swamps, or jungles without roads), "
29765"and unable to use less rough terrain to improve their defense."
29766msgstr ""
29767"Czołgi to zmotoryzowane wozy bojowe szybsze, mocniejsze i bardziej odporne "
29768"niż jednostki konne. Niestety gorzej radzą sobie na bardzo nierównym terenie "
29769"(nie mogą poruszać się w górach, po bagnach i dżunglach, jeśli nie ma tam "
29770"dróg) i nie wykorzystują zalet równiejszego terenu, by zwiększyć obronę."
29772#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1334 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1336
29773msgid ""
29774"While powerful, Catapults (and their successors) are bulky and awkward; they "
29775"require roads to move in rough terrain (mountains, swamps, and jungles), are "
29776"difficult to defend, and are too big for early ships (Triremes and Caravels)."
29777msgstr ""
29778"Katapulty (i ich następcy) mają dużą siłę rażenia, ale są duże i trudne w "
29779"transporcie - wymagają dróg, by poruszać się po nierównym terenie (góry, "
29780"bagna i dżungle), trudno jest je bronić i nie mogą być przewożone przez "
29781"wczesne jednostki morskie (Triremy i Karawele)."
29783#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1368 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1370
29784msgid ""
29785"Cannons are large firearms that can fire heavy projectiles over long "
29786"distances. As with the catapults they replace, they are very strong "
29787"attackers but equally weak defenders and will need an escort to be "
29788"effective, and have limited mobility."
29789msgstr ""
29790"Działa do duże armaty strzelające ciężkimi pociskami o dużym zasięgu. Tak "
29791"jak Katapulty, które zastępują, charakteryzują się znaczną siłą ognia, ale "
29792"słabą obroną, potrzebują więc osłony innych jednostek i mają ograniczoną "
29795#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1402 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1404
29796msgid ""
29797"The artillery is an upgraded cannon. As with its predecessors, it is a very "
29798"strong attacker but equally weak defender and will need an escort to be "
29799"effective, and has limited mobility."
29800msgstr ""
29801"Artyleria to udoskonalone Działa. Charakteryzują się bardzo dużą siłą ognia, "
29802"ale słabą obroną, potrzebują więc osłony innych jednostek i mają ograniczoną "
29805#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1435 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1437
29806msgid ""
29807"Howitzers are upgraded artillery with improved defensive as well as "
29808"offensive capabilities. However, they still have the limited mobility of "
29809"their predecessors."
29810msgstr ""
29811"Haubice to udoskonalona Artyleria; mają znacznie poprawione zdolności "
29812"zaczepne i obronne, ale charakteryzują się ograniczoną mobilnością."
29814#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1474 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1476
29815#, no-c-format
29816msgid ""
29817"Fighters and other aircraft lose 10% of their hitpoints for every turn not "
29818"spent in a city, airstrip, or airbase, or on a Carrier."
29819msgstr ""
29820"Myśliwce i inne jednostki powietrzne tracą 10% punktów obrażeń w każdej "
29821"turze, której nie spędzają w mieście, na lądowisku, w bazie lotniczej lub na "
29824#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1510 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1512
29825msgid ""
29826"A Bomber's attack against units on land is a bombard attack; against units "
29827"on water it has a regular attack."
29828msgstr ""
29829"Atak Bombowca na jednostkę lądową traktowany jest jako bombardowanie, a na "
29830"jednostkę morską jako zwykły atak."
29832#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1515 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1517
29833#, no-c-format
29834msgid ""
29835"As with other aircraft, Bombers lose 10% of their hitpoints for every turn "
29836"not spent in a city, airstrip, or airbase, or on a Carrier."
29837msgstr ""
29838"Tak jak inne jednostki powietrzne Bombowce tracą 10% punktów obrażeń w "
29839"każdej turze, której nie spędzają w mieście, na lądowisku, w bazie lotniczej "
29840"lub na Lotniskowcu."
29842#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1549 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1551
29843msgid ""
29844"A Helicopter's attack against units on land is a bombard attack; against "
29845"units on water it has a regular attack."
29846msgstr ""
29847"Atak Helikoptera na jednostkę lądową traktowany jest jako bombardowanie, a "
29848"na jednostkę morską jako zwykły atak."
29850#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1552 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1554
29851msgid ""
29852"Helicopters can also transport one military land unit; while most troops "
29853"must load or unload in a city, airstrip, or airbase (and not in the field or "
29854"onboard a Carrier), units specializing in mobility (Paratroopers, Alpine "
29855"Troops, Marines, Partisans, and Fanatics) can embark or disembark at any "
29857msgstr ""
29858"Helikopter może również transportować jedną zbrojną jednostkę lądową. "
29859"Większość jednostek musi być załadowana i wyładowana w mieście, bazie "
29860"lotniczej lub na lądowisku (czyli nie w terenie lub na Lotniskowcu), lecz "
29861"jednostki wyspecjalizowane w mobilność (Spadochroniarze, Oddziały Górskie, "
29862"Piechota Morska, Partyzanci i Fanatycy) mogą zostać załadowani i wyładowani "
29863"w dowolnym momencie."
29865#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1558 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1560
29866msgid ""
29867"Unlike other aircraft, Helicopters are not required to return to a city, "
29868"base, or Carrier to refuel after a set number of turns; however, care must "
29869"be exercised, due to the health they lose every turn."
29870msgstr ""
29871"W przeciwnieństwie do innych jednostek powietrznych Helikoptery nie muszą "
29872"wracać do miasta, bazy lub na Lotniskowiec, by uzupełnić zapasy paliwa po "
29873"określonej liczbie tur; należy jednak uważać, bo w każdej turze tracą część "
29874"punktów obrażeń."
29876#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1694 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1696
29877msgid "The Caravel is a sailing ship that can enter any ocean tile."
29878msgstr "Karawela to statek żaglowy, który może wpływać każde pole oceanu."
29880#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1727 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1729
29881msgid ""
29882"The Galleon is a pure transport ship, the first which can transport large "
29883"wheeled units. It cannot attack other ships, though it may still defend "
29884"itself when attacked."
29885msgstr ""
29886"Galeon to okręt wyłącznie transportowy, pierwszy, który może przewozić "
29887"jednostki kołowe. Nie może atakować, choć może bronić się przed atakiem."
29889#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1760 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1762
29890msgid ""
29891"The Frigate is a specialized ship with a strong offensive value, and can "
29892"attack units on land, but it cannot transport units."
29893msgstr ""
29894"Fregata to silna jednostka zaczepna, która może atakować jednostki lądowe, "
29895"lecz nie może przewozić innych jednostek."
29897#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1792 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1794
29898msgid "The Ironclad is an armored ship, more sturdy than the Frigate."
29899msgstr "Parowiec to opancerzony okręt silniejszy niż Fregata."
29901#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1828 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1830
29902msgid ""
29903"An improved Ironclad, with better move rate and vision. Anti-submarine "
29904"weapons double its defense against Submarines."
29905msgstr ""
29906"Udoskonalony Parowiec; jest szybszy i \"widzi\" większy obszar. Specjalne "
29907"uzbrojenie podwaja jego skuteczność w starciu z Łodziami Podwodnymi."
29909#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1831 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:1833
29910msgid ""
29911"TIP:  A very fast unit, which is very useful for hunting down enemy "
29912"Transports and Submarines."
29913msgstr ""
29914"RADA: Bardzo szybka jednostka, przydatna do ścigania Transportów i Łodzi "
29915"Podwodnych wroga."
29917#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:1999 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2001
29918msgid ""
29919"It can transport aircraft and military land units (not wheeled), although "
29920"land units cannot always be transferred to and from Helicopters while "
29921"onboard (see Helicopter help)."
29922msgstr ""
29923"Może przewozić jednostki powietrzne i lądowe (z wyjątkiem jednostek "
29924"kołowych), choć jednostki lądowe nie zawsze mogą przesiadać się z i do "
29925"Helikopterów, gdy przebywają na pokładzie (więcej informacji znajdziesz w "
29926"sekcji pomocy na temat Helikopterów)."
29928#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2045 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2047
29929msgid ""
29930"Transports can also clean pollution and fallout on water tiles, and with "
29931"knowledge of Miniaturization, may build oil platforms on deep ocean tiles "
29932"(for use by Offshore Platforms)."
29933msgstr ""
29934"Transportowce mogą również usuwać zanieczyszczenie i skażenia z pól wodnych, "
29935"a jeśli znasz technologię Miniaturyzacja, mogą one budować wieże wiertnicze "
29936"na polach oceanu (wykorzystywane przez Platformy Wiertnicze)."
29938#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2122 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2124
29939msgid ""
29940"You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and the "
29941"Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player. However, without "
29942"further technology they cannot move on their own."
29943msgstr ""
29944"Budowa jednostek atomowych jest możliwa po osiągnięciu wymaganych "
29945"technologii oraz stworzeniu cudu Projekt Manhattan przez któregokolwiek z "
29946"graczy. Jednak bez kolejnych technologii jednostki te nie mogą się "
29949#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2126 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2128
29950msgid ""
29951"With Advanced Flight, all Nuclear units (including those already built) gain "
29952"a range of 8 movement points, and Rocketry increases this to 16."
29953msgstr ""
29954"Jeśli znasz technologię Zaawansowane Lotnictwo, wszystkie jednostki atomowe "
29955"(również też już powstałe) zyskują zasięg 8, a technologia Rakiety zwiększa "
29956"go do 16."
29958#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2138 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2140
29959msgid ""
29960"TIP:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
29961"country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
29962"Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of cleanup units next to the city and have "
29963"them ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs! This minimizes the "
29964"chance of nuclear winter. Eco-friendly nukes!"
29965msgstr ""
29966"RADA: Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar wroga, "
29967"lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas przed użyciem jednostek atomowych, "
29968"warto zgromadzić grupę jednostek sprzątających i przygotować ich do usuwania "
29969"skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! Redukuje to ryzyko \"nuklearnej zimy"
29970"\" (ekologiczne bomby atomowe!)."
29972#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2193 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2195
29973msgid ""
29974"Many covert actions may be attempted even in peacetime, but the more "
29975"aggressive actions will be discovered and cause diplomatic incidents, giving "
29976"an excuse for the breaking of treaties by a Federation or Democracy, or a "
29977"nuclear-armed regime otherwise restrained by the United Nations."
29978msgstr ""
29979"Wiele tajnych akcji przeprowadzać można nawet w czasie pokoju, lecz jeśli "
29980"bardziej agresywne działania zostaną wykryte, mogą doprowadzić do skandalu "
29981"dyplomatycznego, a państwa federacyjne i demokratyczne lub reżimy z bronią "
29982"atomową nieograniczone postanowieniami ONZ mogą zerwać wcześniej podpisane "
29985#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2199 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2201
29986msgid ""
29987"If a foreign unit is alone on a tile, you may attempt to bribe it with your "
29988"Diplomat. By paying a sum of gold the unit will immediately become yours; "
29989"the exact sum depends on the status of the unit and that of the civilization "
29990"owning it. However, units belonging to Republican or Democratic governments "
29991"cannot be bribed. Bribery when not at war will cause a diplomatic incident."
29992msgstr ""
29993"Jeśli na jakimś polu przebywa tylko jedna obca jednostka, Dyplomata może "
29994"spróbować ją przekupić. Po zapłaceniu pewnej sumy w złocie, jednostka "
29995"przejdzie na twoją stronę; wysokość sumy zależy od statusu jednostki i "
29996"cywilizacji, do której należy. Pamiętaj jednak, że jednostki państw "
29997"republikańskich i demokratycznych nie mogą zostać przekupione. Przekupywanie "
29998"w czasie innym niż wojna doprowadzi do skandalu dyplomatycznego."
30000#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2216 data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2440
30001#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2218 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2443
30002msgid ""
30003" - \"Establish Embassy\": This action always succeeds, and gives permanent "
30004"contact with the city's owner, as well as intelligence on their tax rates "
30005"and technology. Each player you have an embassy with that knows a technology "
30006"reduces that technology's research cost to you."
30007msgstr ""
30008" - \"Załóż ambasadę\": Ta akcja zawsze kończy się powodzeniem i daje stały "
30009"kontakt w graczem, do którego należy miasto. Ambasada dostarcza też "
30010"informacji na temat stawek podatków i technologii. Każdy gracz, który zna "
30011"daną technologię i z którym masz ambasadę zmniejsza twoje koszty uzyskania "
30012"tej technologii."
30014#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2239 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2241
30015msgid ""
30016" - \"Incite a Revolt\": In return for gold a foreign city will change "
30017"allegiance and join your empire, bringing along all nearby units that call "
30018"it home, but reducing its size by 1. Units in other cities remain in the "
30019"enemy's control, but units outside cities are lost to both players. The "
30020"exact sum depends on the status of the city and that of the civilization "
30021"that owns it. It is not possible to incite a rebellion in a capital, or in "
30022"any city governed by a Federation or Democracy. Incitement may be attempted "
30023"in peacetime, but will cause a diplomatic incident."
30024msgstr ""
30025" - \"Wznieć bunt\": Po zapłaceniu określonej sumy w złocie, miasto przejdzie "
30026"na twoją stronę i będzie należeć do ciebie wraz ze wszystkimi pobliskimi "
30027"jednostkami, które z niego pochodzą, lecz jego rozmiar zmniejszy się o 1. "
30028"Jednostki na utrzymaniu miasta, które przebywają w innych miastach wroga "
30029"pozostaną przy przeciwniku, lecz te poza miastami będą stracone dla obu "
30030"graczy. Wysokość opłaty zależy od statusu miasta oraz cywilizacji, do której "
30031"należy. Nie da się wzniecić buntu w stolicy ani w miastach państwa "
30032"demokratycznego. Akcję można przeprowadzić w czasie pokoju, lecz doprowadzi "
30033"ona do skandalu dyplomatycznego."
30035#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2253 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2255
30036msgid ""
30037"Diplomats built under Communist or Federation governments will start at the "
30038"first veteran level (secretary)."
30039msgstr ""
30040"Dyplomaci stworzeni w Komunizmie lub Federacji rozpoczną grę z wyższym "
30041"poziomem doświadczenia (sekretarz)."
30043#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2322 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2324
30044msgid ""
30045"Spies built under Communist or Federation governments will start at the "
30046"first veteran level (handler)."
30047msgstr ""
30048"Szpiedzy stworzeni w Komunizmie lub Federacji rozpoczną grę z wyższym "
30049"poziomem doświadczenia (wywiadowca)."
30051#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2354 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2356
30052msgid ""
30053"A Caravan carries goods or material for trading with other nations, or to "
30054"help build wonders in your own cities."
30055msgstr ""
30056"Karawana wiezie towar na sprzedaż do miasta w innym kraju lub pomaga przy "
30057"budowie cudu w twoim mieście."
30059#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2357
30060msgid ""
30061"Caravans cannot take advantage of maglevs, but may travel on the railroads "
30062"that accompany them."
30063msgstr ""
30064"Karawany nie mogą wykorzystywać maglewów, ale mogą podróżować po torach "
30065"kolejowych, które są ich częścią."
30067#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2360 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2363
30068msgid ""
30069"A Caravan sent to a foreign city (one not owned by an enemy) can establish a "
30070"trade route. The route's ongoing revenue is doubled if the two cities "
30071"involved are on different continents. Each city can support a maximum of two "
30072"trade routes."
30073msgstr ""
30074"Karawana wysłana do miasta innego narodu (nawet wrogiego) może ustanawić "
30075"szlak handlowy. Bieżący przychód ze szlaku jest podwajany, jeśli połączone "
30076"miasta są na innych kontynentach. Każde miasto może mieć najwyżej 2 szlaki "
30079#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2365 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2368
30080msgid ""
30081"A Caravan sent to one of your own cities that is building a wonder can add "
30082"50 shields towards its production. If your city is not building a wonder, "
30083"the Caravan can take no special action."
30084msgstr ""
30085"Karawana wysłana do miasta, które buduje cud może dodać 50 punktów produkcji "
30086"do jego budowy. Jeśli miasto nie buduje cudu, Karawana nie może podjąć "
30087"żadnych specjalnych działań."
30089#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2402 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2405
30090msgid ""
30091"The Freight unit replaces the Caravan, and moves at twice the speed. It has "
30092"the same behavior and movement restrictions."
30093msgstr ""
30094"Ciężarówka zastępuje karawanę i porusza się dwukrotnie szybciej. Każda "
30095"Ciężarówka użyta do pomocy w budowie cudu dodaje 50 punktów produkcji."
30097#: data/civ2civ3/units.ruleset:2437 data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2440
30098msgid ""
30099"Explorers can also perform some actions in another player's city, although "
30100"the unit disappears after the action is complete."
30101msgstr ""
30102"Badacze mogą podejmować pewne działania w miastach innego gracza, lecz "
30103"znikną po jego wykonaniu."
30105#: data/Freeciv.in:68
30106msgid "Connect to Freeciv Server"
30107msgstr "Połącz się z serwerem Freeciv"
30109#: data/Freeciv.in:78
30110msgid "Freeciv Server Selection"
30111msgstr "Wybór Serwera Freeciv"
30113#: data/Freeciv.in:113
30114msgid "Verify Password"
30115msgstr "Potwierdź hasło"
30117#: data/Freeciv.in:144
30118msgid "Freeciv Server List"
30119msgstr "Lista Serwerów Freeciv"
30121#: data/Freeciv.in:148
30122msgid ""
30123"Server Name                         Port  Version     Status  Players  "
30125msgstr ""
30126"Nazwa serwera                       Port  Wersja      Stan    Gracze  "
30129#: data/Freeciv.in:328
30130msgid "The following clauses have been agreed upon:"
30131msgstr "Zgodzono się na następujące punkty:"
30133#: data/Freeciv.in:384
30134msgid "Erase clause"
30135msgstr "Usuń klauzulę"
30137#: data/Freeciv.in:492 data/Freeciv.in:501
30138msgid "Shared vision"
30139msgstr "Widok dzielony"
30141#: data/Freeciv.in:567
30142msgid "Goto and Close"
30143msgstr "Idź do i zamknij"
30145#: data/Freeciv.in:576
30146msgid "Select Unit(s)"
30147msgstr "Wybierz jednostkę(i)"
30149#: data/Freeciv.in:690 data/Freeciv.in:769
30150msgid "Variant:"
30151msgstr "Wariant:"
30153#: data/Freeciv.in:950
30154msgid "Movement/Defense:"
30155msgstr "Ruch/Obrona:"
30157#: data/Freeciv.in:969
30158msgid "Food/Resources/Trade:"
30159msgstr "Żywność/Produkcja/Handel:"
30161#: data/Freeciv.in:998
30162msgid "Road Result/Time:"
30163msgstr "Droga daje/czas:"
30165#: data/Freeciv.in:1018
30166msgid "Irrig. Result/Time:"
30167msgstr "Nawodnienie daje/czas:"
30169#: data/Freeciv.in:1039
30170msgid "Mine Result/Time:"
30171msgstr "Kopalnia daje/czas:"
30173#: data/Freeciv.in:1059
30174msgid "Trans. Result/Time:"
30175msgstr "Przekształcenie daje/czas:"
30177#: data/Freeciv.in:1085
30178msgid "Select a city:"
30179msgstr "Wybierz miasto:"
30181#: data/Freeciv.in:1123
30182msgid "Select destination:"
30183msgstr "Wybierz cel:"
30185#: data/Freeciv.in:1178 data/Freeciv.in:1214
30186msgid "Unit Commands"
30187msgstr "Rozkazy dla jednostek"
30189#: data/Freeciv.in:1200
30190msgid "Make new homecity"
30191msgstr "Zmień pochodzenie"
30193#: data/Freeciv.in:1282
30194msgid "Where to Display Messages"
30195msgstr "Miejsce wyświetlania powiadomień"
30197#: data/Freeciv.in:1283
30198msgid ""
30199"Out = Output window, Mes = Messages window,\n"
30200"Pop = Popup individual window"
30201msgstr ""
30202"Wyj = Okno wyjściowe, Pow = Okno powiadomień,\n"
30203"Okn = Okno wyskakujące"
30205#. TRANS: the space prepending "Out" is necessary
30206#: data/Freeciv.in:1294
30207msgid " Out Mes Pop"
30208msgstr " Wyj Pow Okn"
30210# Nie jestem pewien...
30211#: data/Freeciv.in:1305
30212msgid "Rates"
30213msgstr "Stawki podatkowe"
30215#: data/Freeciv.in:1307
30216msgid "Select tax, luxury and science rates:"
30217msgstr "Wybierz proporcje podatków, luksusu i nauki:"
30219#: data/Freeciv.in:1415
30220msgid "Help:"
30221msgstr "Pomoc:"
30223#: data/Freeciv.in:1483
30224msgid "Citizen governor..."
30225msgstr "Zarządca..."
30227#: data/Freeciv.in:1486
30228msgid "Add Preset"
30229msgstr "Dodaj schemat"
30231#: data/Freeciv.in:1487
30232msgid "Remove Preset"
30233msgstr "Usuń Schemat"
30235#: data/Freeciv.in:1489
30236msgid "Control City"
30237msgstr "Zarządzaj miastem"
30239#: data/Freeciv.in:1490
30240msgid "Release City"
30241msgstr "Zwolnij zarządcę"
30243#: data/Freeciv.in:1492
30244msgid "Minimal Surplus:"
30245msgstr "Minimalna Wartość:"
30247#: data/Freeciv.in:1494
30248msgid "Factor:"
30249msgstr "Priorytet:"
30251#: data/Freeciv.in:1509
30252msgid "Remove preset?"
30253msgstr "Usunąć schemat?"
30255#: data/Freeciv.in:1520
30256msgid "City Options"
30257msgstr "Opcje miasta"
30259#: data/Freeciv.in:1530
30260msgid "Make new citizens into:     "
30261msgstr "Nowi mieszkańcy to:  "
30263#: data/Freeciv.in:1538
30264msgid "Allow unit production to disband city:"
30265msgstr "Pozwól na produkcję, która zlikwiduje miasto:"
30267#: data/Freeciv.in:1544
30268msgid "Auto-attack vs land units:         "
30269msgstr "Automatyczny atak przeciwko jednostkom lądowym:    "
30271#: data/Freeciv.in:1550
30272msgid "Auto-attack vs sea units:          "
30273msgstr "Automatyczny atak przeciwko jednostkom morskim:    "
30275#: data/Freeciv.in:1556
30276msgid "Auto-attack vs air units:          "
30277msgstr "Automatyczny atak przeciwko jednostkom powietrznym:    "
30279#: data/Freeciv.in:1562
30280msgid "Auto-attack vs helicopters:        "
30281msgstr "Automatyczny atak przeciwko helikopterom:     "
30283#: data/Freeciv.in:1639
30284msgid "Popup"
30285msgstr "Wyświetl"
30287#: data/Freeciv.in:1663
30288msgid "Change All..."
30289msgstr "Zmień wszystko..."
30291#: data/Freeciv.in:1679
30292msgid "Configure..."
30293msgstr "Konfiguruj..."
30295#: data/Freeciv.in:1738
30296msgid "Configure Cities Report"
30297msgstr "Konfiguracja raportu o miastach"
30299#: data/Freeciv.in:1743
30300msgid "Set columns shown"
30301msgstr "Wyświetlane kolumny"
30303#: data/Freeciv.in:1757
30304msgid "Change Production Everywhere"
30305msgstr "Zmiana produkcji we wszystkich miastach"
30307#: data/Freeciv.in:1763
30308msgid "From:"
30309msgstr "Z:"
30311#: data/Freeciv.in:1773
30312msgid "To:"
30313msgstr "Na:"
30315#: data/Freeciv.in:1864
30316msgid "Building Name       Count Cost Total"
30317msgstr "Nazwa budynku      Ilość Koszt Ogółem"
30319#: data/Freeciv.in:1940
30320msgid "Unit Type            Upgrade  In-Prog   Active   Shield     Food"
30321msgstr "Typ jednostki        Ulepsz.  Tworzona  Aktywna  Pkt.prod. Żywność"
30323#: data/Freeciv.in:1991
30324msgid "Available worklists"
30325msgstr "Dostępne plany prac"
30327#: data/Freeciv.in:2019
30328msgid "Rename"
30329msgstr "Zmień nazwę"
30331#: data/Freeciv.in:2024
30332msgid "Rename worklist"
30333msgstr "Zmień nazwę planu prac"
30335#: data/Freeciv.in:2028 data/Freeciv.in:2177
30336msgid "Insert"
30337msgstr "Wstaw"
30339#: data/Freeciv.in:2034 data/Freeciv.in:2183
30340msgid "Delete"
30341msgstr "Skasuj"
30343#: data/Freeciv.in:2047
30344msgid "Orders"
30345msgstr "Rozkazy"
30347#: data/Freeciv.in:2048
30348msgid "Reports"
30349msgstr "Raporty"
30351#: data/Freeciv.in:2049
30352msgid "Editor"
30353msgstr "Edytor"
30355#: data/Freeciv.in:2100
30356msgid "Select new production"
30357msgstr "Wybierz nową produkcję"
30359#: data/Freeciv.in:2136
30360msgid "Production Worklist"
30361msgstr "Plan prac"
30363#: data/Freeciv.in:2138
30364msgid "Current worklist"
30365msgstr "Bieżący plan prac"
30367#: data/Freeciv.in:2145
30368msgid "Available targets"
30369msgstr "Dostępne cele"
30371#: data/Freeciv.in:2171
30372msgid "Prepend"
30373msgstr "Wstaw przed"
30375#: data/Freeciv.in:2189
30376msgid "Up"
30377msgstr "Góra"
30379#: data/Freeciv.in:2195
30380msgid "Down"
30381msgstr "Dół"
30383#: data/Freeciv.in:2207
30384msgid "  Ok  "
30385msgstr "  Ok  "
30387#: data/Freeciv.in:2225
30388msgid "Show future targets:"
30389msgstr "Pokaż przyszłe cele:"
30391#: data/Freeciv.in:2256
30392msgid "Trade Routes"
30393msgstr "Szlaki handlowe"
30395#: data/Freeciv.in:2277 data/Freeciv.in:2441 data/Freeciv.in:2471
30396#: data/Freeciv.in:2490
30397msgid "Darn"
30398msgstr "Napraw"
30400#: data/Freeciv.in:2283
30401msgid "Your Unit Has Arrived"
30402msgstr "Twoja jednostka dotarła do celu"
30404#: data/Freeciv.in:2496
30405msgid "Your New Government"
30406msgstr "Twój nowy ustrój"
30408#: data/Freeciv.in:2498
30409msgid "Select government type:"
30410msgstr "Wybierz ustrój:"
30412#: data/Freeciv.in:2516
30413msgid "Choose unit activity:"
30414msgstr "Wybierz zajęcie dla jednostki:"
30416#: data/Freeciv.in:2813
30417msgid ""
30418"Freeciv is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it\n"
30419"under certain conditions; See the \"Copying\" item on the Help menu.\n"
30420"Now ... Go give 'em hell!"
30421msgstr ""
30422"Freeciv to wolne oprogramowanie i możesz rozdawać jego kopie pod\n"
30423"określonymi warunkami; Zobacz \"Kopiowanie\" w menu Pomoc.\n"
30424"A teraz im dokop!"
30426#: data/Freeciv.in:3059
30427msgid " Sell "
30428msgstr " Sprzedaj "
30430#: data/Freeciv.in:3066
30431msgid "Rename..."
30432msgstr "Zmień nazwę..."
30434#: data/Freeciv.in:3070
30435msgid "Activate Units"
30436msgstr "Aktywuj jednostki"
30438#: data/Freeciv.in:3072
30439msgid "Unit List..."
30440msgstr "Lista jednostek..."
30442#: data/Freeciv.in:3074
30443msgid "City Options..."
30444msgstr "Opcje miasta..."
30446#: data/Freeciv.in:3076
30447msgid " Buy "
30448msgstr " Kup "
30450#: data/Freeciv.in:3078
30451msgid "Change..."
30452msgstr "Zmień..."
30454#: data/Freeciv.in:3080
30455msgid "Worklist..."
30456msgstr "Plan prac..."
30458#: data/Freeciv.in:3082
30459msgid "Supported units:"
30460msgstr "Utrzymywane jednostki:"
30462#: data/Freeciv.in:3105
30463msgid "Units present:"
30464msgstr "Jednostki obecne:"
30466#: data/Freeciv.in:3143
30467msgid "Select nation and name:"
30468msgstr "Wybierz naród oraz nazwę:"
30470#: data/Freeciv.in:3158
30471msgid "Pick Name"
30472msgstr "Wybierz nazwę"
30474#: data/Freeciv.in:3162
30475msgid "Select your sex:"
30476msgstr "Płeć:"
30478#: data/Freeciv.in:3166
30479msgid "Male  "
30480msgstr "Mężczyzna  "
30482#: data/Freeciv.in:3173
30483msgid "Select city style:"
30484msgstr "Styl miast:"
30486#: data/Freeciv.in:3184
30487msgid " Ok "
30488msgstr " Ok "
30490#: data/Freeciv.in:3217
30491msgid ""
30492"Name             Nation       Embassy  Dipl.State      Vision   "
30493"Reputation    State    Host"
30494msgstr ""
30495"Nazwa           Naród         Ambas.  Stan dypl.      Widok     "
30496"Reputacja     Stan     Host"
30498#: data/Freeciv.in:3238
30499msgid "Intelligence"
30500msgstr "Wywiad"
30502#: data/Freeciv.in:3254
30503msgid "Cancel pact"
30504msgstr "Anuluj pakt"
30506#: data/Freeciv.in:3322
30507msgid "Goto location"
30508msgstr "Idź do miejsca"
30510#: data/Freeciv.in:3330
30511msgid "Popup City"
30512msgstr "Wyświetl miasto"
30514#. TRANS: Game state for local server
30515#: data/Freeciv.in:3341 data/Freeciv.in:3342 server/sernet.c:1574
30516msgid "Pregame"
30517msgstr "Przedgra"
30519#: data/Freeciv.in:3358
30520msgid "  Name             Ready  Leader           Nation          Team "
30521msgstr "  Nazwa           Gotowy Dowódca           Naród           Drużyna "
30523#: data/Freeciv.in:3396
30524msgid "Take Player"
30525msgstr "Wybierz gracza"
30527#: data/helpdata.txt:44
30528msgid ""
30529"Freeciv is a turn-based strategy game, in which each player becomes the "
30530"leader of a civilization. You compete against several opponents to found "
30531"cities, use them to support a military and economy, and finally to complete "
30532"an empire that survives all encounters with its neighbors to emerge "
30533"victorious. Each opponent may be either another human or be controlled by "
30534"the computer. All players begin at the dawn of history with a handful of "
30535"units -- typically with an explorer and a couple of settlers in 4000 BCE -- "
30536"and race to expand outward from those humble beginnings."
30537msgstr ""
30538"Freeciv to turowa gra strategiczna, w której gracz wciela się w przywódcę "
30539"cywilizacji. Konkurujesz z innymi graczami budując miasta, które utrzymują "
30540"jednostki zbrojne i gospodarkę. Na końcu tworzysz imperium, które wygra "
30541"wojny z sąsiadami. Przeciwnicy mogą być kontrolowani przez ludzi lub przez "
30542"komputer (gracz AI). Gracze rozpoczynają grę u zarania dziejów (w roku 4000 "
30543"p.n.e) z garstką jednostek, zazwyczaj z Badaczem i kilkoma Osadnikami. "
30544"Dysponując tymi skromnymi zasobami, przystępują do wyścigu cywilizacji."
30546#: data/helpdata.txt:54
30547msgid ""
30548"Achieving success requires a balance between economic expansion, military "
30549"strength, and technological development. Not only must you develop all three "
30550"in concert to both expand and successfully defend your empire, but any of "
30551"the three may provide victory over your opponents:"
30552msgstr ""
30553"Zwycięstwo w grze zależy od umiejętności równoważenia rozwoju gospodarczego, "
30554"militarnego i naukowego. Zrównoważony rozwój umożliwi ci ekspansję "
30555"terytorialną oraz skuteczną obronę przed wrogami oraz może dać ci zwycięstwo "
30556"w rozgrywce:"
30558#: data/helpdata.txt:60
30559msgid ""
30560" - As in other games of conquest and expansion, you are declared the winner "
30561"by default once the last city and unit of every other civilization is "
30563msgstr ""
30564" - Tak jak w innych grach mających na celu podbój i ekspansję, zwycięzcą "
30565"stajesz się, gdy unicestwisz ostatnie miasto i ostatnią jednostkę każdego z "
30568#: data/helpdata.txt:64
30569msgid ""
30570" - Once technological progress has brought you into the space age, you may "
30571"launch a spacecraft destined for Alpha Centauri; the first civilization "
30572"whose craft reaches the system wins."
30573msgstr ""
30574" - Jeśli postęp technologiczny wprowadzi cię w wiek lotów kosmicznych, "
30575"możesz wysłać statek kosmiczny do Alfa Centauri. Pierwsza cywilizacja, "
30576"której statek osiągnie cel, wygrywa."
30578#: data/helpdata.txt:68
30579msgid ""
30580" - In the absence of other means to determine victory, the game will end "
30581"after 5000 turns if no spacecraft have yet been launched. The surviving "
30582"civilizations are then rated, and the one with the highest score is the "
30584msgstr ""
30585" - Jeśli żaden z powyższych warunków nie zostanie spełniony, gra kończy się "
30586"po 5000 tur, o ile nie wystrzelono do tego czasu statku kosmicznego. "
30587"Cywilizacje, które pozostały są następnie oceniane, a gracz, który osiągnął "
30588"najwyższy wynik zostaje zwycięzcą."
30590#: data/helpdata.txt:73
30591msgid ""
30592"A word of warning: Freeciv is highly customizable, both through run-time "
30593"configuration and through custom rulesets which can change almost any aspect "
30594"of the game rules. This help system tries to adapt to different rules, but "
30595"may not completely cover rulesets which are very different from the classic "
30597msgstr ""
30598"Ostrzeżenie: Freeciv można modyfikować zarówno poprzez opcje programu, jak i "
30599"własne zestawy zasad, które mogą zmienić niemal każdy aspekt reguł gry. Ten "
30600"system pomocy bierze pod uwagę różne zestawy zasad, lecz możliwe, że nie "
30601"opisuje w pełni zasad różniących się znacznie od klasycznych."
30603#: data/helpdata.txt:83
30604msgid ""
30605"While every game is different, there's a basic strategy which most players "
30606"follow, especially at the start of the game."
30607msgstr ""
30608"Mimo, że każda rozgrywka jest inna, istnieje podstawowa strategia, którą "
30609"stosuje większość graczy, przynajmniej na początku."
30611#: data/helpdata.txt:86
30612msgid ""
30613"These steps may vary depending upon the server options, but in general, the "
30614"steps are: "
30615msgstr ""
30616"Poniższe kroki mogą być różnić się w zależności od opcji serwera, ale "
30617"generalnie strategia streszcza się w poniższych punktach: "
30619#: data/helpdata.txt:89
30620msgid ""
30621" 0. Choosing the first city site.\n"
30622" 1. Mapping the countryside.\n"
30623" 2. Defending the cities.\n"
30624" 3. Deciding which units to build first.\n"
30625" 4. Improving the land.\n"
30626" 5. Deciding where to build cities.\n"
30627" 6. Taking care of the cities.\n"
30628" 7. Interacting with other players (diplomacy).\n"
30629" 8. Exploring the world.\n"
30630" 9. Things to keep in mind.\n"
30631"10. Making your own strategy for the game.\n"
30632msgstr ""
30633" 0. Wybór miejsca na pierwsze miasto.\n"
30634" 1. Zwiedzanie okolic.\n"
30635" 2. Obrona miast.\n"
30636" 3. Decyzja o budowie pierwszych jednostek.\n"
30637" 4. Przekształcanie terenu.\n"
30638" 5. Wybór miejsca na nowe miasta.\n"
30639" 6. Zarządzanie miastem.\n"
30640" 7. Relacje z innymi graczami (dyplomacja).\n"
30641" 8. Zwiedzanie świata.\n"
30642" 9. Rzeczy, o których należy pamiętać.\n"
30643"10. Własna strategia.\n"
30645#: data/helpdata.txt:101
30646msgid ""
30647" 0. Choosing the first city site.\n"
30649"    Start the game by wandering around BRIEFLY to find a good place to build "
30650"the first city.  Don't feel tempted to investigate any yellow-roofed "
30651"villages yet - they might contain barbarian tribes.  Build the city close to "
30652"resources and perhaps close to the sea.  Keep in mind that the city you "
30653"build first will be your capital!  The idea is to balance the quality of the "
30654"site you find against getting your first city established as early as "
30656msgstr ""
30657" 0. Wybór miejsca na pierwsze miasto.\n"
30659"    Na początku gry należy KRÓTKO wędrować w poszukiwaniu miejsca, w którym "
30660"założysz swoje pierwsze miasto. Nie musisz jeszcze odwiedzać wszystkich "
30661"chatek, które napotkasz - mogą one zawierać oddziały barbarzyńców. Załóż "
30662"miasto blisko zasobów i jeśli to możliwe na wybrzeżu. Pamiętaj, że pierwsze "
30663"miasto jest automatycznie twoją stolicą! Cała sztuka polega na tym, aby "
30664"odpowiednio szybko znaleźć jak najlepszą lokację."
30666#: data/helpdata.txt:112
30667msgid ""
30668" 1. Mapping the countryside.\n"
30670"    After the capital city has been founded, it will start producing a "
30671"warrior unit.  These units can be used to rove around exploring the "
30672"countryside.  Remember, it is risky to leave a city undefended, so perhaps "
30673"keep the first warrior in the city, and use the following one to explore.  "
30674"If you started the game with an explorer unit, use that to explore, "
30676msgstr ""
30677" 1. Zwiedzanie okolic.\n"
30679"    Zaraz po wybudowaniu, twoja stolica rozpocznie tworzenie Wojowników. "
30680"Możesz ich użyć do zwiedzania okolicy. Pamiętaj jednak, że pozostawienie "
30681"niebronionego miasta jest bardzo ryzykowne. Dlatego należy pozostawić "
30682"jednego Wojownika w mieście, a dopiero następnego wysłać na zwiady. Jeżeli "
30683"na początku gry masz badacza, wykorzystaj go do zwiedzania okolic - ta "
30684"jednostka tylko do tego się nadaje!"
30686#: data/helpdata.txt:121
30687msgid ""
30688" 2. Defending the cities.\n"
30690"    At this point, defend your cities by always leaving a warrior unit in "
30691"them.  As your civilization develops units with a greater defense strength, "
30692"replace the obsolete units with new ones to ensure your cities have maximum "
30693"defense.  The units most often used for defense are (in order of strength):  "
30694"Warrior, Phalanx, Pikemen, Musketeers, and Riflemen."
30695msgstr ""
30696" 2. Obrona miast.\n"
30698"    Na tym etapie gry obrona powinna polegać na pozostawieniu w mieście co "
30699"najmniej jednego Wojownika. W miarę rozwoju twojej cywilizacji, jednostki o "
30700"większej sile obrony powinny zastępować przestarzałe, słabsze jednostki. "
30701"Jednostkami najczęściej używanymi do obrony są (zaczynając od najsłabszej):  "
30702"Wojownicy, Falanga, Pikinierzy, Muszkieterzy, Strzelcy."
30704#: data/helpdata.txt:131
30705#, no-c-format
30706msgid ""
30707"    Keep in mind that with some types of government, military units inside "
30708"or outside cities can reduce or create unhappiness. Also remember that when "
30709"a land unit is inside a city, it gets a 50% defensive bonus, as if "
30710"fortified.  When a new city is built, the city starts to build the best "
30711"available defensive unit from the above list."
30712msgstr ""
30713"    Pamiętaj, że w niektórych ustrojach ważne jest, czy dana jednostka "
30714"stacjonuje w mieście czy poza nim (zwiększa to lub zmniejsza niezadowolenie "
30715"mieszkańców). W obrębie miasta jednostka lądowa otrzymuje dodatkowo 50% siły "
30716"obrony, tak jakby była umocniona. Zawsze, gdy powstaje nowe miasto, buduje "
30717"ono najlepszą dostępną jednostkę obronną."
30719#: data/helpdata.txt:138
30720msgid ""
30721" 3. Deciding which units to build first.\n"
30723"    After building one or two Warrior units, start building Settlers.  "
30724"Settlers take city population, but if you picked a good city site, your city "
30725"should be big enough by now.  Settlers are best put to use founding new "
30726"cities; while they can also build agricultural improvements (see the next "
30727"section), it is better to use Workers for this when available, as unlike "
30728"Settlers, Workers do not consume food from their parent city.  Keep in mind "
30729"that a large population increases both the amount of productivity and your "
30730"civilization's research rate, not to mention that cities secure land for "
30731"your empire, so founding new cities should be a high priority initially."
30732msgstr ""
30733" 3. Decyzja o budowie pierwszych jednostek.\n"
30735"    Po stworzeniu jednego lub dwóch Wojowników, rozpocznij tworzenie "
30736"Osadników. Osadnicy zmniejszają populację miasta, lecz jeśli twoje miasto "
30737"powstało w dobrym miejscu, jest już wystarczająco duże. Najlepiej "
30738"wykorzystać Osadników do założenia nowego miasta, lecz mogą oni również "
30739"budować usprawnienia dla rolnictwa (zob. następna sekcja), choć do tego celu "
30740"lepiej użyć Robotników, gdyż nie zużywają oni zapasów żywności z miasta "
30741"pochodzenia. Pamiętaj, że duża populacja zwiększa produkcję przemysłową i "
30742"tempo badań, nie wspominając już o tym, że miasta zabezpieczają terytorium "
30743"twojego państwa. Zakładanie miast powinno być więc głównym priorytetem, "
30744"przynajmniej na początku."
30746#: data/helpdata.txt:151
30747msgid ""
30748" 4. Improving the land.\n"
30750"    Each city has an area of land around it that can be used for growing "
30751"food, producing goods, and generating trade.  This output can be increased "
30752"by using Workers (or Settlers) to improve the land close to your cities.  "
30753"The land can be improved with irrigation (increasing food), roads (allowing "
30754"units to move faster and increasing trade), and mines (increasing "
30755"production), among other improvements."
30756msgstr ""
30757" 4. Budowa infrastruktury.\n"
30759"    Pola wokół miasta służą do produkcji żywności, wydobywania zasobów i "
30760"prowadzenia handlu. Takie pole może zostać ulepszone przez Robotników (lub "
30761"Osadników). Mogą oni zbudować drogę (pozwalającą jednostkom poruszać się "
30762"szybciej), nawodnienie (zwiekszające produkcję żywności), kopalnię "
30763"(zwiększającą produkcję przemysłową) oraz inne usprawnienia."
30765#: data/helpdata.txt:161
30766msgid ""
30767" 5. Deciding where to build cities.\n"
30769"    The best location for a city is a matter of taste.  A city which is "
30770"placed near the sea is easier to spot by opponents, but can also serve as a "
30771"port for sea-going units.  (They also usually need a coastal defense later "
30772"on.)  The best strategy is to build a few of both, but keep in mind that "
30773"your opponents will find it harder to locate your city if you don't build it "
30774"by the sea."
30775msgstr ""
30776" 5. Wybór miejsca na nowe miasta.\n"
30778"    Decyzja, gdzie założyć miasto jest dość trudna. Położone blisko morza, "
30779"jest łatwe do podbicia, ale może także służyć jako port. W większości "
30780"przypadków miasto-port będzie musiało zbudować obronę wybrzeża w późniejszej "
30781"fazie rozgrywki. Najlepszą strategią jest budowanie miast zarówno na "
30782"wybrzeżu, jak i w głębi lądu, lecz pamiętać należy, że miasto w głębi lądu "
30783"jest lepiej ukryte, więc bezpieczniej jest tam budować cudy lub Pałac."
30785#: data/helpdata.txt:170
30786msgid ""
30787" 6. Taking care of the cities.\n"
30789"    Every city has a band of citizens.  The number of citizens depends on "
30790"the city's population.  When you click on a city, you can see how the land "
30791"around the city is being used.  You can assign your citizens to the land, or "
30792"they can be specialists that contribute to your civilization in other ways.  "
30793"Especially at the start of the game, care should be taken to ensure that the "
30794"citizens are employed so that they maximize growth, trade and production."
30795msgstr ""
30796" 6. Administrowanie miastem.\n"
30798"    Każde miasto posiada mieszkańców. Liczba mieszkańców zależy od populacji "
30799"w danym mieście. Jeżeli klikniesz na miasto, zobaczysz jak wykorzystywany "
30800"jest obszar wokół niego. Mieszkańców możesz przydzielać do pracy na polu, "
30801"działalności naukowej, dostarczania rozrywki lub pobierania podatków. "
30802"Szczególnie na początku gry musisz dbać o to, by każdy z mieszkańców był "
30803"zatrudniony, co pozwoli ci zmaksymalizować wzrost, handel i produkcję."
30805#: data/helpdata.txt:180
30806msgid ""
30807"    If too much food is being generated, a citizen can be taken off the land "
30808"by clicking on the occupied land tile.  This citizen can then be transferred "
30809"to the other duties mentioned previously."
30810msgstr ""
30811"    Jeżeli produkcja żywności jest zbyt wysoka, mieszkaniec może zostać "
30812"zdjęty z pola przez kliknięcie na nie przyciskiem myszki. Możesz następnie "
30813"dać mu obowiązki związane z wymienionymi wyżej specjalnościami."
30815#: data/helpdata.txt:185
30816msgid ""
30817"    If you move all of your citizens into the city and right-click on the "
30818"central tile of the land, the citizens will be rearranged to maximize food "
30820msgstr ""
30821"    Jeśli wprowadzisz wszystkich mieszkańców do miasta, a następnie "
30822"klikniesz na centralne pole, mieszkańcy zostaną rozdzieleni tak, by "
30823"zmaksymalizować produkcję żywności."
30825#: data/helpdata.txt:191
30826msgid ""
30827"    The golden rule of taking care of a city is that there should be at "
30828"least as many happy citizens as unhappy citizens.  A city where this is not "
30829"so falls into disorder; such cities are labeled with a raised fist or a "
30830"lightning bolt (depending on the tileset).  Take care not to let this happen "
30831"to any of your cities, as cities in disorder produce nothing, and are prone "
30832"to revolt."
30833msgstr ""
30834"    Podstawową zasadą administrowania miastem jest utrzymywanie co najmniej "
30835"takiej samej liczby zadowolonych i niezadowolonych mieszkańców. Jeżeli "
30836"powyższa zasada nie jest spełniona, miasto otrzymuje ikonkę podniesionej "
30837"pięści lub błyskawicy (w zależności od zestawu graficznego). Dbaj o to, aby "
30838"to się nie zdarzyło, gdyż niezadowolone miasta nic nie produkują i mogą się "
30841#: data/helpdata.txt:198
30842msgid ""
30843" 7. Interacting with other players (diplomacy).\n"
30845"    When one of your units first meets a unit of another nation, or finds "
30846"one of their cities (or equally if they find you), a basic contact is "
30847"established between the two nations.  This provides each with basic "
30848"intelligence about the other, which can be accessed from the 'Nations' "
30850msgstr ""
30851" 7. Wchodzenie w relacje z innymi graczami (dyplomacja).\n"
30853"    Pierwszy kontakt pomiędzy graczami ustanawiany jest, gdy twoja jednostka "
30854"spotyka jednostkę lub znajduje miasto innego gracza (lub gdy inny gracz "
30855"znajduje ciebie). Zdobywacie wówczas podstawowe informacje wywiadowcze, z "
30856"którymi zapoznać się można w raporcie \"Narody\"."
30858#: data/helpdata.txt:206
30859msgid ""
30860"    This communication will lapse after a set number of turns with no "
30861"contact.  Establishing an embassy will give a more permanent communication "
30862"channel, as well as more advanced intelligence such as details of "
30863"technology.  Embassies are one-way - the nation hosting the embassy receives "
30864"no benefit - and once established, cannot be revoked."
30865msgstr ""
30866"    Ta wymiana informacji wygaśnie po określonej liczbie tur bez kontaktu. "
30867"Stałą komunikację zapewniają ambasady, które dadzą ci też dostęp bo większej "
30868"ilości informacji, np. na temat technologii gracza. Ambasady działają "
30869"jednostronnie - gospodarz nie zyskuje nic, a ambasady raz ustanowionej nie "
30870"można rozwiązać."
30872#: data/helpdata.txt:213
30873msgid ""
30874"    If you are in contact with another player, then you can arrange a "
30875"diplomatic meeting.  From the 'Nations' report, this is done by clicking on "
30876"the nation with whom you wish to meet and selecting 'Meet'.  If the entry "
30877"under the embassy column is not blank and the other player is connected (or "
30878"is a server AI) then a treaty dialog will pop up."
30879msgstr ""
30880"    Jeżeli jesteś w kontakcie z innym graczem, możesz przeprowadzić "
30881"spotkanie dyplomatyczne. W tym celu wybierz z menu 'Narody' gracza, z którym "
30882"chcesz się spotkać i wybierz opcję 'Spotkanie'. Jeżeli kolumna ambasady nie "
30883"jest pusta, a dany gracz jest połączony (lub kontrolowany przez komputer), "
30884"utworzone zostanie okno dialogowe spotkania dyplomatycznego."
30886#: data/helpdata.txt:220
30887msgid ""
30888"    In this dialog you can negotiate an exchange of assets (maps, vision, "
30889"advances, cities, or gold), embassies, or binding pacts such as a cease-fire "
30890"or peace.  There is no need to trade like for like; you can trade, say, an "
30891"advance or city for gold - you can consider this buying and selling.  Each "
30892"player builds a list of offered items.  To remove an item from the list, "
30893"double-click on it.  When both players indicate satisfaction, the pact is "
30895msgstr ""
30896"    W tym oknie dialogowym możesz negocjować wymianę zasobów (map, widoków, "
30897"odkryć, miast lub złota), ambasad lub paktów takich jak rozejm lub pokój.  "
30898"Nie musisz wymieniać się takimi samymi zasobami; możesz wymienić, na "
30899"przykład, odkrycie lub miasto na złoto.  Każdy gracz tworzy listę zasobów ma "
30900"wymianę.  Aby usunąć pozycję z listy, kliknij na nią dwukrotnie.  Gdy obie "
30901"strony sygnalizują zadowolenie, wymianę można zakończyć."
30903#: data/helpdata.txt:228
30904msgid ""
30905"    Pacts affect where your units can go and what they can do, and a pact "
30906"with one nation can affect your relations with others.  Under authoritarian "
30907"governments such as Monarchy you can break a pact at any time, but the "
30908"representative governments (Republic and Democracy) have a senate which will "
30909"block the unprovoked cancelation of a treaty; unless a foreign Diplomat or "
30910"Spy sparks a diplomatic incident, the only way to dissolve a pact in this "
30911"situation is to dissolve your government.  The details of pacts are "
30912"described in the Diplomacy section."
30913msgstr ""
30914"    Pakty określają co mogą robić i gdzie mogą się udać twoje jednostki. "
30915"Ponadto, pakt z jednym narodem może wpływać na relacje z innymi. W ustrojach "
30916"autorytarnych, takich jak Monarchia, pakt można zerwać w każdej chwili, lecz "
30917"w bardziej demokratycznych ustrojach (w Republice i Demokracji) senat "
30918"zablokuje niesprowokowane wypowiedzenie paktu. Jeśli obcy Szpieg lub "
30919"Dyplomata nie doprowadzą do skandalu dyplomatycznego, jedynym sposobem na "
30920"wypowiedzenie paktu jest rozwiązanie rządu. Więcej informacji o paktach "
30921"znaleźć można w sekcji \"Dyplomacja\"."
30923#: data/helpdata.txt:238
30924msgid "    A couple of notes:"
30925msgstr "    Kilka uwag:"
30927#: data/helpdata.txt:240
30928msgid "   - You can't give away your capital."
30929msgstr "   - Nie możesz oddać stolicy."
30931#: data/helpdata.txt:242
30932msgid ""
30933"   - You can only request property that you know about; so you can't request "
30934"technology unless you have an embassy, and if you can't see a city on your "
30935"map, then you can't request it.  Of course, the owner of that city can still "
30936"offer it to you, in which case the area around the city is shown on your map "
30937"before you accept the treaty."
30938msgstr ""
30939"   - Możesz zażądać jedynie rzeczy, o których wiesz. Nie możesz więc, na "
30940"przykład, zażądać technologii, jeśli nie masz ambasady u danego gracza; nie "
30941"możesz też żądać miasta, którego nie widzisz na swojej mapie. Gracz może "
30942"jednak zaoferować nieznane miasto, wówczas obszar wokół niego zostanie "
30943"odkryty zanim zatwierdzisz pakt."
30945#: data/helpdata.txt:249
30946msgid ""
30947"   - One important thing to note: when a city is transferred, any units in "
30948"the field and supported by that city are also transferred (but not those "
30949"sitting in other cities).  So make sure the other player isn't getting a "
30950"better deal than you expect."
30951msgstr ""
30952"   - Pamiętać należy, że wraz z miastem przekazywane są goszczone i "
30953"utrzymywane przez to miasto jednostki (chyba że jednostka utrzymywana "
30954"znajduje się w innym mieście). Upewnij się więc, że twój kontrahent nie "
30955"zyskuje więcej, niż chcesz mu dać."
30957#: data/helpdata.txt:254
30958msgid ""
30959" 8. Exploring the world.\n"
30961"    After you have fortified your cities with troops, build Triremes in the "
30962"cities near the sea.  Use the Triremes to map the world in search of "
30963"opponents and new lands.  If you are on an island, you should spend less on "
30964"military and more on expansion.  Or if you are located close to an opponent, "
30965"it is truly a good idea to make a peace treaty and share the advances you "
30966"have made. Diplomatic units are very useful here, and WILL pay off later."
30967msgstr ""
30968" 8. Zwiedzanie świata.\n"
30970"    Gdy już umocnisz swoje miasta, wybuduj kilka Trirem w miastach "
30971"portowych. Użyj ich do szukania nowych lądów i przeciwników. Jeżeli "
30972"zaczynasz grę na wyspie, zużywaj mniej zasobów na wojsko, a więcej na "
30973"ekspansję. Jeżeli zaczynasz blisko przeciwnika, zawrzyj pokój i dziel się "
30974"odkryciami naukowymi. Aby zawrzeć pokój, musisz stworzyć Dyplomatę. Jest to "
30975"bardzo przydatna jednostka, ta inwestycja NA PEWNO ci się zwróci."
30977#: data/helpdata.txt:264
30978msgid ""
30979" 9. Things to keep in mind.\n"
30981"  - What the next advance you'll need is.\n"
30983"  - What your tax, luxury and research rates are currently set to.\n"
30985"  - Treaties are often broken, so don't neglect defense...\n"
30987"  - Some wonders can be made obsolete."
30988msgstr ""
30989" 9. Rzeczy, o których należy pamiętać.\n"
30991"  - Jakiego następnego odkrycia potrzebujesz.\n"
30993"  - Jakie są twoje bieżące stawki podatków, badań i luksusu.\n"
30995"  - Sojusze są często zrywane, więc pamiętaj o obronie...\n"
30997"  - Niektóre cudy mogą stać się przestarzałe."
30999#: data/helpdata.txt:274
31000msgid ""
31001" 10. Making your own strategy for the game.\n"
31003"    These basic concepts will allow you to play the game pretty well, "
31004"especially in the beginning of the game.  But to improve, you need to study "
31005"the various units and advances, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!  Freeciv "
31006"has many twists, so if you haven't played a similar game before, try "
31007"consulting the Freeciv WWW pages at:"
31008msgstr ""
31009" 10. Twoja własna strategia.\n"
31011"    Powyższe porady to tylko podstawy, które pozwolą ci grać na średnim "
31012"poziomie. Aby osiągnąć wysoki poziom, musisz poznać specyfikę wielu "
31013"jednostek i technologii oraz ĆWICZYĆ, ĆWICZYĆ, ĆWICZYĆ! Freeciv ma wiele "
31014"tajników, więc jeśli nie grałeś/aś wcześniej w tego typu grę, możesz zajrzeć "
31015"na strony internetowe gry:"
31017#: data/helpdata.txt:285
31018msgid ""
31019"You'll find more tips for playing, and details of how to contact other "
31021msgstr "Znajdziesz tam inne porady oraz nawiążesz kontakt z innymi graczami."
31023#: data/helpdata.txt:292
31024msgid ""
31025"Terrain serves three roles: the theater upon which your units battle rival "
31026"civilizations, the landscape across which your units travel, and the medium "
31027"which your cities work to produce resources. The different types of terrain "
31028"each have different strengths and drawbacks; see the sections on each "
31029"terrain type for details."
31030msgstr ""
31031"Teren pełni w grze trzy role: jest teatrem działań wojennych; powierzchnią, "
31032"po której podróżują jednostki oraz źródłem zasobów, z których korzystają "
31033"miasta. Każdy typ terenu ma swoje wady i zalety. Więcej informacji "
31034"znajdziesz w sekcjach poświęconych każdemu z tych typów."
31036#: data/helpdata.txt:298
31037msgid ""
31038"Terrain affects combat very simply: when a unit is attacked, its defense "
31039"strength is multiplied by the defense factor (\"bonus\") of the terrain "
31040"beneath it. (However, some types of units do not enjoy this bonus; in the "
31041"classic ruleset, only land units do.) See the help section on Combat for "
31042"further details."
31043msgstr ""
31044"Teren wpływa na walkę w następujący sposób: siła obrony atakowanej jednostki "
31045"mnożona jest przez współczynnik obrony przypisany do terenu, na którym "
31046"jednostka się znajduje. (Jednak nie wszystkie type jednostek korzystają z "
31047"tego współczynnika; na przykład w klasycznym zestawie zasad, korzystają z "
31048"niego tylko jednostki lądowe.) Więcej informacji znajdziesz w sekcji \"Bitwa"
31051#: data/helpdata.txt:304
31052msgid ""
31053"Terrain can complicate the movement of units. For instance, in the classic "
31054"ruleset, moving onto rough terrain such as Mountains can cost land units "
31055"more than flat terrain like Plains, although sea and air units always expend "
31056"one movement point to move one tile."
31057msgstr ""
31058"Teren może utrudnić jednostce poruszanie się. Na przykła w klasycznym "
31059"zestawie zasad ruch trudnym teren, taki jak góry, może kosztować jednostkę "
31060"więcej punktów niż ruch na płaskim terenie, takim jak stepy. Jednostko "
31061"powietrzne i morskie zużywają zawsze 1 punkt ruchu na pole."
31063#: data/helpdata.txt:309
31064msgid ""
31065"Tiles within range of a city may be worked by that city to produce food, "
31066"production, and trade points, and the quantity of each produced depends on "
31067"the terrain. These three products are so important that we specify the "
31068"output of a tile simply by listing them with slashes in between: for "
31069"example, \"1/2/0\" describes a tile that each turn when it is being worked "
31070"produces one food point, two production points, and no trade points. In "
31071"addition to the characteristic output of the terrain, some tiles have an "
31072"additional special resource that boosts one or two of the products. See the "
31073"Economy section for more information on the use of these products."
31074msgstr ""
31075"Pola w zasięgu miasta mogą być wykorzystywane w celu pozyskiwania żywności, "
31076"punktów produkcji oraz stymulowania handlu. Ilość produkowanych dóbr zależy "
31077"od typu terenu. Te trzy czynniki są tak ważne, że wymieniamy je jeden koło "
31078"drugiego, oddzielając ukośnikami. Na przykład '1/2/0' opisuje pole, które "
31079"(jeśli jest wykorzystywane) generuje w każdej turze jeden punkt żywności, "
31080"dwa punkty produkcji i zero punktów handlu. Ponadto niektóre pola mają pewne "
31081"zasoby specjalne, które zwiększają ilość wytwarzanych dóbr. Więcej "
31082"informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Ekonomia\"."
31084#: data/helpdata.txt:320
31085msgid ""
31086"The net benefit of a tile for your city depends on your government type as "
31087"well as city improvements and wonders."
31088msgstr ""
31089"Zysk uzyskiwany przez miasto z danego pola zależy od ustroju oraz różnych "
31090"budynków i cudów."
31092#: data/helpdata.txt:323
31093msgid ""
31094"It is possible for your units to change the terrain and hence its effects; "
31095"see the section on Terrain Alterations for more details."
31096msgstr ""
31097"Istnieje możliwość modyfikowania terenu i, co za tym idzie, ich właściwości. "
31098"Więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zmiany terenu\"."
31100#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31101#: data/helpdata.txt:337
31102msgid " Terrain Alterations"
31103msgstr " Zmiany terenu"
31105#: data/helpdata.txt:338
31106msgid ""
31107"Certain units have the ability to alter terrain tiles in several ways: they "
31108"may add or remove tile improvements, remove unwanted features such as "
31109"pollution, or change the base terrain type entirely."
31110msgstr ""
31111"Niektóre jednostki mogą przekształcać teren, np. dodawać lub usuwać "
31112"usprawnienia, usuwać niepożądane elementy takie jak zanieczyszczenia lub "
31113"zmieniać teren na inny."
31115#: data/helpdata.txt:342
31116msgid ""
31117"Tile improvements typically provide some lasting bonus for as long as they "
31118"are present, such as a production bonus when a city works the tile. Roads or "
31119"paths typically ease movement, if they connect to a similar road on an "
31120"adjacent tile, and bases often provide protection and refueling. The "
31121"available tile improvements are described in the following sections."
31122msgstr ""
31123"Usprawnienia terenu przynoszą zazwyczaj trwałe korzyści tak długo, jak są "
31124"obecne na polu, np. zwiększają produkcję, jeśli miasto obrabia dane pole. "
31125"Drogi i inne trasy zazwyczaj usprawniają poruszanie się, jeśli łączą się z "
31126"podobną drogą na sąsiednim polu; bazy lotnicze mogą zapewniać ochronę i "
31127"możliwość uzupełnienia paliwa. Dostępne usprawnienia terenu są opisane z "
31128"kolejnych sekcjach."
31130#: data/helpdata.txt:349
31131msgid ""
31132"Improvements can be built by issuing one of several orders to a suitable "
31133"unit while on a suitable tile: \"mine\", \"irrigate\", \"road\", or \"build "
31134"base\" (although whether the order builds an improvement of the same name is "
31135"up to the ruleset). Terrain alterations can also be requested from the city "
31136"map (see the help on Cities)."
31137msgstr ""
31138"Usprawnienia buduje się wydając polecenie odpowiedniej jednostce "
31139"przebywającej na odpowiednim polu, np. \"nawodnij\", \"zbuduj kopalnię\", "
31140"\"droga\" lub \"zbuduj bazę\" (choć to, czy polecenie skutkuje zbudowaniem "
31141"usprawnienia o podanej nazwie zależy od zestawu zasad). Zmiany terenu można "
31142"zlecać również z poziomu mapy miasta (zobacz sekcja pomocy na temat miast)."
31144#: data/helpdata.txt:355
31145msgid ""
31146"Terrain can sometimes be permanently converted into a type more suitable to "
31147"the player's needs, although this usually takes longer than adding an "
31148"improvement. Converting terrain from one type to another in this way may "
31149"destroy existing improvements, if the new terrain is unsuitable, and may "
31150"also remove access to special resources if they were specific to the "
31151"original terrain type."
31152msgstr ""
31153"Czasem teren może zostać trwale przekształcony na bardziej odpowiedni dla "
31154"gracza, choć zazwyczaj zajmuje to trochę więcej czasu niż budowa "
31155"usprawnienia. Takie przekształcenia mogą zniszczyć istniejące już "
31156"usprawnienia, jeśli otrzymany teren nie nadaje się pod ich budowę. "
31157"Przekształcenia mogą też usunąć zasoby specjalne na polu."
31159#: data/helpdata.txt:362
31160msgid ""
31161"The requirements for terrain conversion are set by the ruleset. It can be "
31162"initiated in several ways:"
31163msgstr ""
31164"Wymagania dotyczące przekształceń terenu są określone w zestawie zasad. "
31165"Można to rozpocząć na kilka sposobów:"
31167#: data/helpdata.txt:365
31168msgid ""
31169" - By issuing \"irrigate\" or \"mine\" orders when on terrain unsuitable for "
31170"tile improvements."
31171msgstr ""
31172" - Wydając polecenie \"Zbuduj nawodnienie\" lub \"Zbuduj kopalnię\", gdy "
31173"teren nie nadaje się pod takie usprawnienie."
31175#: data/helpdata.txt:368
31176msgid ""
31177" - By issuing the special \"transform\" order. This often causes more "
31178"radical transformations."
31179msgstr ""
31180" - Wydając specjalnie polecenie \"Przekształć\"; często powoduje to bardziej "
31181"radykalną zmianę terenu."
31183#: data/helpdata.txt:371
31184msgid ""
31185"In some rulesets, units can even reclaim land from water tiles, and "
31186"similarly land can be transformed to water, although such radical "
31187"transformations may require a certain number of surrounding tiles to already "
31188"be land or water respectively. Terrain-altering units that cannot reach the "
31189"existing terrain may have to be loaded onto a suitable vessel, and if "
31190"necessary and possible, they will move to safe neighboring tiles when the "
31191"conversion is complete."
31192msgstr ""
31193"W niektórych zestawach zasad, jednostki na statkach mogą nawet zmieniać wodę "
31194"w ląd (i na odwrót), choć tak głębokie zmiany wymagają zazwyczaj sąsiedztwa "
31195"pewnej ilości pól pożądanego terenu. Może się zdarzyć, że jednostka jest w "
31196"stanie dotrzeć na dane pole jedynie na statku. Po przekształceniu, jednostka "
31197"przemieści się na sąsiednie bezpieczne pole, o ile to możliwe."
31199#: data/helpdata.txt:379
31200msgid ""
31201"Units may also be able to destroy terrain alterations, by pillaging; "
31202"typically more kinds of unit can pillage an improvement than could build it "
31203"in the first place. Some tile features can only be removed by specialized "
31204"units, with the \"clean pollution\" or \"clean fallout\" orders."
31205msgstr ""
31206"Jednostki mogą również niszczyć usprawnienia terenu poprzez plądrowanie. "
31207"Zazwyczaj więcej rodzajów jednostek może plądrować usprawnienie, niż je "
31208"budować. Niektóre elementy terenu mogą być usuwane jedynie przez "
31209"wyspecjalizowanie jednostki przy pomocy poleceń \"usuń zanieczyszczenie\" "
31210"lub \"usuń skażenie\"."
31212#: data/helpdata.txt:385
31213msgid ""
31214"Terrain conversions cannot be undone in this way; for example, in the "
31215"classic ruleset, if a Forest tile has been irrigated to convert it into "
31216"Plains, you cannot convert it back into a Forest by pillaging -- to do so, "
31217"you would have to convert the tile again with a suitable unit."
31218msgstr ""
31219"Zmiany terenu nie mogą zostać odwrócone w ten sposób. Na przykład w "
31220"klasycznym zestawie zasad jeśli nawodnisz lasy (w wyniku czego otrzymasz "
31221"stepy), plądrowanie nie przekształci pola z powrotem w las. Las przywrócić "
31222"może odpowiednia jednostka."
31224#: data/helpdata.txt:390
31225msgid ""
31226"The time it takes a unit to alter terrain depends on its movement rate. The "
31227"following table shows the number of turns required for a unit with 1 "
31228"movement point to complete an activity; these numbers are reduced for units "
31229"with faster move rates (such as Engineers in the classic ruleset). The time "
31230"taken can be reduced further by several units working together as a team; if "
31231"two or more units are working on the same task on the same tile, their "
31232"efforts will be added together each turn until the task is finished. Be "
31233"careful not to dedicate too many units to one task, though; excess effort "
31234"can be wasted, and groups of terrain improving units are often vulnerable to "
31235"enemy attacks."
31236msgstr ""
31237"Czas potrzebny na przekształcenie terenu zależy od punktów ruchu. Poniższa "
31238"tabela pokazuje ilość tur, których potrzebuje jednostka z jednym punktem "
31239"ruchu, by zakończyć zadanie. Liczby te są niższe w przypadku szybszych "
31240"jednostek (np. Inżynierów w klasycznym zestawie zasad). Jednostki mogą "
31241"pracować wspólnie, aby skrócić czas wykonywania długich zadań. Przy wspólnej "
31242"pracy na jednym polu, praca jednostek jest sumowana w każdej turze, aż do "
31243"ukończenia zadania. Pamiętaj jednak, by nie używać zbyt wielu jednostek na "
31244"raz, gdyż praca niektórych z nich zostanie zmarnowana, a grupy Osadników, "
31245"Robotników i Inżynierów są bardzo podatne na ataki."
31247#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31248#: data/helpdata.txt:415
31249msgid " National Borders"
31250msgstr " Granice państw"
31252#: data/helpdata.txt:416
31253msgid ""
31254"If enabled on the server, each nation has borders, which can be seen as "
31255"dotted lines on the map. Borders determine what land your citizens can work "
31256"and where you can found new cities, and whether your units are considered to "
31257"be aggressively deployed by your citizens (see the section on Happiness). "
31258"Borders also come into play when there is a diplomatic pact between nations "
31259"(see the section on Diplomacy)."
31260msgstr ""
31261"Jeśli ustawiona jest odpowiednia opcja serwera, każdy naród ma granice "
31262"swojego państwa, oznaczoną na mapie linią przerywaną. Granice określają na "
31263"jakich terenach przeprowadzane mogą być prace, gdzie mogą być budowane nowe "
31264"miasta i czy mieszkańcy postrzegają ustawienie twoich jednostek jako \"bojowe"
31265"\" (więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"). Granice "
31266"odgrywają też rolę przy paktach między narodami (więcej informacji znaleźć "
31267"można w sekcji \"Dyplomacja\")."
31269#: data/helpdata.txt:423
31270msgid ""
31271"Founding a city establishes a claim on an area of land around the city. In "
31272"the classic ruleset, once claimed, a tile that can be directly worked by a "
31273"city can not change ownership unless the city does (or is destroyed). "
31274"However, the ownership of land that is out of range of any city can change "
31275"depending on factors such as the relative size of nearby nations' cities. "
31276"Other rulesets may differ in which, if any, tiles are permanently claimed by "
31277"a city."
31278msgstr ""
31279"Nowo zbudowane miasto obejmuje w posiadanie teren je otaczający. W "
31280"klasycznym zestawie zasad pola, na których mogą pracować mieszkańcy miasta "
31281"nie mogą zmienić właściciela, chyba że zmieni go samo miasto lub ulegnie ono "
31282"zniszczeniu. Jednak teren poza zasięgiem miasta może zostać objęty przez "
31283"innego gracza, a zasięg jego wpływu zależy od czynników takich jak względna "
31284"wielkość miast tego gracza. Inne zestawy zasad mogą określać inne reguły "
31285"dotyczące zajmowania pól przez miasto."
31287#: data/helpdata.txt:431
31288msgid ""
31289"Normally borders extend into water only for tiles adjacent to a city; beyond "
31290"that, only narrow inlets and inland lakes can usually be claimed. Some "
31291"rulesets may allow water tiles to be claimed as easily as land tiles in some "
31292"circumstances, although the classic ruleset does not. Border claims can "
31293"never extend to remote islands."
31294msgstr ""
31295"W normalnych okolicznościach granice rozpościerają się na pola morskie "
31296"tylko, jeśli na polu przyległym znajduje się miasto; w przeciwnym razie "
31297"jedynie niewielkie zatoczki i jeziora znajdują się wewnątrz granic. W "
31298"niektórych zestawach zasad i w pewnych okolicznościach granice mogą "
31299"rozpościerać się na pola morskie tak, jak pola lądowe, choć nie dotyczy to "
31300"klasycznego zestawu zasad. Granice nigdy nie rozpościerają się na odległe "
31303#: data/helpdata.txt:437
31304msgid ""
31305"Bases can also extend national borders. See the help on Terrain Alterations "
31306"for more details."
31307msgstr ""
31308"Bazy mogą również poszerzać granice państw. Więcej informacji znaleźć można "
31309"w sekcji \"Zmiany tereny\"."
31311#: data/helpdata.txt:444
31312msgid ""
31313"The products which your cities extract from the surrounding terrain are the "
31314"fountain from which your civilization is watered. There are three types of "
31315"products: food points, production points, and trade points. The following "
31316"sections describe each of these resources along with its properties, uses, "
31317"and limitations."
31318msgstr ""
31319"Dobra, które czerpią miasta z przylegających terenów to główne źródło siły "
31320"cywilizacji. Istnieją trzy rodzaje dóbr: punkty żywności, punkty produkcji i "
31321"punkty handlu. Poniższe sekcje opisują każde z tych dóbr, ich cechy, "
31322"zastosowania, i ograniczenia."
31324#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31325#: data/helpdata.txt:454
31326msgid " Food"
31327msgstr " Żywność"
31329#: data/helpdata.txt:455
31330msgid ""
31331"Your population needs food to survive. Each citizen requires two food points "
31332"per turn; in addition, some units (such as Settlers in the classic ruleset) "
31333"may require food points from the city supporting them."
31334msgstr ""
31335"Aby przeżyć, mieszkańcy potrzebują żywności. Każdy mieszkaniec potrzebuje "
31336"dwóch punktów żywności na turę. Ponadto, niektóre jednostki (np. Osadnicy w "
31337"klasycznym zestawie zasad) również potrzebują żywności z miast, które je "
31340#: data/helpdata.txt:460
31341msgid ""
31342"Every city has a granary for storing food points (the building called a "
31343"Granary in the classic ruleset only enhances this capability). Cities "
31344"producing more food than they require accumulate the surplus in their "
31345"granary, while those producing less than they require deplete their granary. "
31346"When food is needed but none remains, the city population starves, killing "
31347"food-consuming units first, followed by citizens, until the food deficit "
31349msgstr ""
31350"Każde miasto posiada spichlerz gromadzący punkty żywności (budynek zwany "
31351"Spichlerz w klasycznym zestawie zasad zwiększa tę możliwość). Miasta "
31352"produkujące nadwyżkę żywności, gromadzą ją w spichlerzu, a te, które "
31353"konsumują więcej niż produkują, opróżniają spichlerz. Gdy żywność się "
31354"skończy, ludność umiera, poczynając od jednostek wymagających żywności, na "
31355"mieszkańcach miasta kończąc, aż do momentu, gdy niedobór się kończy."
31357#: data/helpdata.txt:468
31358msgid ""
31359"Excess food can increase the population: the city granary has a limited "
31360"capacity, and once full the city grows by one citizen and the granary starts "
31361"again at empty. But since granary capacity increases with population, each "
31362"citizen is more costly than the last, making this mode of growth important "
31363"only for small cities. (An alternative way for cities to grow is \"rapture"
31364"\", described in the section on Happiness.)"
31365msgstr ""
31366"Nadwyżka żywności może spowodować wzrost populacji. Spichlerz miejski ma "
31367"ograniczoną pojemność i gdy się zapełni, miasto wzrasta o jednego "
31368"mieszkańca, a spichlerz jest znowu pusty. Pojemność spichlerza powiększa się "
31369"wraz ze wzrostem miasta, więc każdy nowy mieszkaniec jest \"droższy\" niż "
31370"poprzedni, co oznacza, że taki wzrost ważny jest przede wszystkim w "
31371"przypadku małych miast. Alternatywna droga wzrostu to \"świętowanie\", "
31372"opisane szerzej w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"."
31374#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31375#: data/helpdata.txt:480
31376msgid " Production"
31377msgstr " Produkcja"
31379#: data/helpdata.txt:481
31380msgid ""
31381"Production points (also known as \"shields\") represent manufacturing "
31382"output. In the classic ruleset, most units require production points as "
31383"upkeep, and demand them from their home city, although under autocratic "
31384"regimes each city supports a few units for free. If city production drops "
31385"too low, the units that cannot be supported are automatically disbanded. You "
31386"can also disband most types of unit at any time. If a unit is disbanded "
31387"while in a city, half of its production cost will usually be put towards "
31388"that city's surplus."
31389msgstr ""
31390"Punkty produkcji odzwierciedlają produkcję przemysłową miasta. W klasycznym "
31391"zestawie zasad utrzymanie większość jednostek kosztuje kilka punktów i "
31392"pobierane są one z miasta pochodzenia jednostki, choć w ustrojach "
31393"autorytarnych każde miasto utrzymuje kilka jednostek za darmo. Jeśli "
31394"produkcja jest zbyt niska, jednostki nie mogą być utrzymywane i ulegają "
31395"rozwiązaniu. Większość jednostek można też rozwiązywać \"ręcznie\" w "
31396"dowolnej chwili. Jeśli jednostka zostanie rozwiązana w mieście, zazwyczaj "
31397"zwracana jest połowa jej kosztów produkcji."
31399#: data/helpdata.txt:490
31400msgid ""
31401"Production points in excess of any required by the city's units are put "
31402"towards whichever unit, building, or wonder has been selected as the city's "
31403"current product. Just as food points accumulate in the city granary and "
31404"yield a citizen when it reaches full, so production points accumulate until "
31405"the cost of the product has been achieved. Products appear in their city "
31406"when complete -- units appear on the map while improvements and wonders are "
31407"added to their city's list of structures. Any leftover production points "
31408"remain available to be applied towards the next project."
31409msgstr ""
31410"Nadwyżka produkcji kierowana jest do tworzenia nowej jednostki, budynku lub "
31411"cudu wskazanego jako obecnie tworzony produkt. Tak samo jak żywność, "
31412"nadwyżki produkcji gromadzą się stopniowo, aż osiągną wysokość równą cenie "
31413"tworzonej rzeczy. Wówczas produkt pojawia się na mapie (jeśli jest to "
31414"jednostka) lub na liście infrastruktury miasta (jeśli jest to budynek lub "
31415"cud). Niewykorzystane punkty produkcji przechodzą na następny zaplanowany "
31418#: data/helpdata.txt:500
31419msgid ""
31420"Some units, such as Settlers, are built from city population as well as "
31421"production points; the city size will reduce when the unit is built. By "
31422"default, a city will not finish building a unit that would take all of the "
31423"city's remaining population; in this case, production points will continue "
31424"to accumulate until the city is of sufficient size. You can allow a city to "
31425"be disbanded from the city's dialog; however, you cannot disband your last "
31426"city this way."
31427msgstr ""
31428"Niektóre jednostki, takie jak Osadnicy, tworzone są z wykorzystaniem "
31429"mieszkańców miasta i punktów produkcji; rozmiar miasta zmniejsza się wtedy o "
31430"ilość stworzonych jednostek. Przy domyślnych ustawieniach miasto nie stworzy "
31431"jednostki, jeśli wykorzystałaby ona całą populację miasta; w takim przypadku "
31432"punkty produkcji będą gromadziły się, dopóki miasto nie osiągnie "
31433"odpowiedniego rozmiaru. Możesz zezwolić (w oknie dialogowym miasta), by "
31434"miasto zostało zlikwidowane, lecz nie możesz tego zrobić w przypadku twojego "
31435"ostatniego miasta. "
31437#: data/helpdata.txt:508
31438msgid ""
31439"In the classic ruleset, a city can build at most one product per turn, "
31440"regardless of its production surplus. However, in some rulesets, factors "
31441"such as city size and technology may enable a single city to produce more "
31442"than one unit in a single turn under certain conditions. A city with "
31443"multiple \"build slots\", ordered to build a unit, can build as many of that "
31444"single kind of unit per turn as its production surplus allows, up to the "
31445"number of slots. Units which cost city population to build are an exception "
31446"to this rule; they can only be built singly, as can buildings."
31447msgstr ""
31448"W klasycznym zestawie zasad miasto budować może tylko jedną rzecz na turę, "
31449"niezależnie od nadwyżki produkcji. W innych zestawach zasad czynniki takie "
31450"jak rozmiar miasta i posiadane technologie mogą sprawić, że czasem możliwe "
31451"będzie tworzenie więcej niż jednej rzeczy na turę. Miasto z wieloma "
31452"\"okienkami produkcji\" może tworzyć tyle jednostek, na ile pozwoli jej "
31453"nadwyżka produkcji i liczba okienek. Wyjątek stanowią jednostki "
31454"zmniejszające populację miasta i budynki - można budować je tylko pojedynczo."
31456#: data/helpdata.txt:518
31457msgid ""
31458"A city can be given a list of several products to build in its \"worklist\", "
31459"avoiding the need to pay attention to it every few turns. Each item on the "
31460"worklist represents a single product (such as a unit); the city will work "
31461"through them in order. When a city has finished all the work you have given "
31462"it to do, it will try to build the last item again if possible, otherwise it "
31463"will choose a new target itself. If a city is currently producing gold "
31464"(building Coinage in the classic rules), an activity which never completes, "
31465"putting an item on its worklist will cause it to stop producing gold and "
31466"start working on the new item next turn. In rulesets which permit it, a city "
31467"may take several units of the same type off its worklist in a single turn, "
31468"but if a different kind of item is reached, production pauses until the "
31469"following turn. This can be used to limit the number of units produced by "
31470"highly productive cities."
31471msgstr ""
31472"Miastu przydzielić można listę kilku produktów do budowy; jest to tzw. "
31473"\"plan prac\". Dzięki temu nie trzeba na bieżąco doglądać produkcji miasta. "
31474"Miasto tworzy jednostki i budynki w kolejności określonej w planie. Gdy "
31475"zakończy się tworzenie jednego produktu, miasto automatycznie przystąpi do "
31476"tworzenia kolejnej pozycji z listy lub, jeśli nie będzie to możliwe, samo "
31477"wybierze kolejny produkt. Jeśli miasto produkuje złoto (Kapitalizację w "
31478"klasycznym zestawie zasad), aktywność ta nigdy się nie kończy, umieszczenie "
31479"czegoś w planie prac sprawi, że miasto podejmie budowę pozycji z planu w "
31480"następnej turze. W niektórych zestawach zasad miasto może stworzyć kilka "
31481"pozycji z planu w jednej turze, lecz jeśli kolejna pozycja jest innym typem "
31482"produktu, produkcja zostanie przerwana i rozpocznie się na nowo dopiero w "
31483"następnej turze. Można wykorzystać to, by ograniczyć liczbę tworzonych "
31484"jednostek w miastach o wysokiej produkcji."
31486#: data/helpdata.txt:533
31487msgid ""
31488"Each player is free to build any products that his technology has made "
31489"available, with a few restrictions; see the sections on Units, City "
31490"Improvements, and Wonders of the World for more information. Be careful -- "
31491"the game even gives you the freedom to produce units you cannot support and "
31492"buildings whose upkeep you cannot afford, both of which will be disbanded "
31493"immediately after completion."
31494msgstr ""
31495"Każdy gracz może tworzyć obiekty, na które pozwalają mu posiadane "
31496"technologie, z kilkoma ograniczeniami (zob. sekcje \"Jednostki\", \"Budynki"
31497"\" i \"Cudy\"). Zachowaj ostrożność - gra umożliwia ci nawet tworzenie "
31498"jednostek i budynków, których nie jesteś w stanie utrzymać i które zostaną "
31499"rozwiązane natychmiast po ukończeniu."
31501#: data/helpdata.txt:540
31502msgid ""
31503"You can always change the product on which a city is working, though you "
31504"lose half of the accumulated production points when switching from a "
31505"building, unit, or wonder to a product from one of the other two categories. "
31506"You can spend gold to complete a project in one turn by hitting the Buy "
31507"button on the city dialog."
31508msgstr ""
31509"Możesz zawsze zmienić tworzony produkt, lecz stracisz połowę wypracowanych "
31510"już punktów, jeśli zmieniasz jednostkę, budynek lub cud na obiekt z innej "
31511"kategorii. Możesz też przyspieszyć produkcję kupując tworzony produkt (w tym "
31512"celu, naciśnij przycisk \"Kup\" obok paska postępu w oknie dialogowym "
31515#: data/helpdata.txt:546
31516msgid ""
31517"Some production points may be lost to waste, although there is no waste in "
31518"the classic rules. Waste can result in your cities not building anything."
31519msgstr ""
31520"Niektóre punkty produkcji mogą być tracone, choć nie przewiduje tego "
31521"klasyczny zestaw zasad. Straty mogą sprawić, że miasto nie będzie niczego "
31524#: data/helpdata.txt:550
31525msgid ""
31526"Cities with a large production output contribute to pollution, which affects "
31527"the tiles around the city. See the Terrain help."
31528msgstr ""
31529"Miasta z wysoką produkcją emitują dużo zanieczyszczeń, które wpływają na "
31530"pola wokół miast. Więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Teren\"."
31532#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31533#: data/helpdata.txt:557
31534msgid " Trade"
31535msgstr " Handel"
31537#: data/helpdata.txt:558
31538msgid ""
31539"Trade points reflect wealth generated in each city by external commerce. "
31540"Some trade points may be lost to corruption, which varies among forms of "
31541"government, and tends to increase with distance from your center of "
31542"government. Each city distributes its remaining trade points among three "
31543"uses: gold, in the form of taxes, goes into your national treasury; luxury "
31544"points influence citizen morale; and science points (\"bulbs\") contribute "
31545"towards the discovery of new technology."
31546msgstr ""
31547"Punkty handlu odzwierciedlają zysk wypracowywany przez miasto w handlu z "
31548"innymi miastami. Niektóre z tych punktów tracone są w wyniku korupcji, "
31549"której stopień uzależniony jest m.in. od ustroju i zwiększa się wraz z "
31550"odległością od stolicy. Miasta rozdzielają uzyskane w ten sposób punkty na "
31551"trzy części: złoto, które pod postacią podatków płynie do kasy państwa; "
31552"punkty luksusu, które wpływają na zadowolenie mieszkańców i punkty odkryć, "
31553"które przyspieszają odkrywanie nowych technologii."
31555#: data/helpdata.txt:567
31556msgid ""
31557"You must choose a single ratio for your civilization by which trade points "
31558"are distributed among these three uses. Though you may alter the tax rates "
31559"on any turn, you are constrained to multiples of ten percent, and most forms "
31560"of government limit their maximum value."
31561msgstr ""
31562"Musisz zdecydować, w jakich proporcjach rozdzielane są punkty handlu. Choć "
31563"możesz zmienić te proporcje w dowolnej turze, ich części są zawsze "
31564"wielokrotnościami dziesięciu procent wszystkich punktów handlu, a większość "
31565"ustrojów ustanawia limity na maksymalną stawkę przeznaczaną na dany cel."
31567#: data/helpdata.txt:572
31568msgid ""
31569"Having this single ratio does not impact gold and science, because gold and "
31570"technological progress are both empire-wide tallies. Luxury is more "
31571"problematic, however, because its effect is local -- it affects only the "
31572"city producing it. Thus, while it would be convenient for unhappy cities to "
31573"invest all their trade in luxury while others invested in science or taxes "
31574"instead, you will instead have to compromise among the needs of all your "
31575"cities (although there may be ways to make local adjustments, such as "
31576"assigning citizens as entertainers in the classic ruleset). See the section "
31577"on Happiness for more details on the effect of luxuries."
31578msgstr ""
31579"Jedna stawka dla złota i nauki nie zmienia tak bardzo ogólnych przychodów i "
31580"postępu technologicznego narodu, ponieważ są to wartości \"globalne\", "
31581"sumowane ze wszystkich miast. Luksus działa nieco inaczej, ponieważ wpływa "
31582"tylko na miasto, które go produkuje. Wygodnie byłoby więc przeznaczyć punkty "
31583"z niezadowolonego miasta na luksus, a z innych na naukę i podatki, lecz "
31584"należy raczej sprawiedliwie \"wyważać\" punkty dla wszystkich miast (choć "
31585"można powiększać stawkę luksusu lokalnie, przydzielając mieszkańcom role "
31586"komików w domyślnym zestawie zasad). Więcej informacji o luksusie znajdziesz "
31587"w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"."
31589#: data/helpdata.txt:583
31590msgid ""
31591"Besides working terrain gifted with rare commodities, or logistical benefits "
31592"such as waterways or roads, you can increase trade by using units to "
31593"establish permanent trade routes between two cities, if the ruleset allows "
31595msgstr ""
31596"Aby zwiększyć handel, możesz wykorzystywać tereny ze specjalnymi zasobami, "
31597"budować drogi i wykorzystywać rzeki, a także ustanawiać szlaki handlowe "
31598"pomiędzy miastami (w zestawach zasad, które na to pozwalają)."
31600#: data/helpdata.txt:588
31601msgid ""
31602"The ruleset may limit the ability to trade or the yield from doing so "
31603"depending on whether the two cities are on different continents and/or in "
31604"different nations; for international trade routes, on the diplomatic status "
31605"of the two trade partners; and for domestic routes, there must be a minimum "
31606"distance between the two cities, controlled by the 'trademindist' server "
31607"option (default nine tiles)."
31608msgstr ""
31609"Zestaw zasad może ograniczać możliwość handlu lub przychód z niego "
31610"pozyskiwany w zależności od tego, czy miasta znajdują się na innych "
31611"kontynentach i czy należą do innych narodów. Dla szlaków wewnątrz kraju "
31612"obowiązywać musi minimalny dystans między dwoma miastami; jest on określany "
31613"opcją serwera 'trademindist' (domyślnie 9 pól)."
31615#: data/helpdata.txt:595
31616msgid ""
31617"A trade route is established when a suitable unit (in the classic ruleset, a "
31618"Caravan or Freight unit) enters an eligible city. For your own or allied "
31619"cities, you need to issue the \"Establish Trade Route\" command. This "
31620"creates a trade route between the unit's home city (which might be different "
31621"from the city that originally produced it) and the destination."
31622msgstr ""
31623"Szlak handlowy ustanawiany jest, gdy odpowiednia jednostka (Karawana lub "
31624"Ciężarówka w klasycznym zestawie zasad) wjeżdża do miasta docelowego. W "
31625"przypadku własnego lub sprzymierzonego miasta musisz wydać polecenie "
31626"\"Ustanów szlak handlowy\". Tworzy ono szlak handlowy między miastem, z "
31627"którego pochodzi jednostka (nie musi być to miasta, które stworzyło "
31628"jednostkę) a miastem docelowym."
31630#: data/helpdata.txt:602
31631msgid ""
31632"Depending on the ruleset, the origin civilization of the unit may gain "
31633"immediate revenue in gold, science, or both from selling its trade goods at "
31634"the destination city. The initial revenue depends on the trade already "
31635"produced by the two cities involved and their distance apart. The "
31636"destination civilization learns about the location of the origin city, if it "
31637"is not already known."
31638msgstr ""
31639"W zależności od zestawu zasad cywilizacja, z której pochodzi jednostka "
31640"ustanawiająca szlak zyskuje od razu pewną ilość złota i punktów odkryć ze "
31641"sprzedaży swoich towarów w innym mieście. Te początkowe opłaty zależą od "
31642"handlu wypracowywanego przez oba miasta, a także od odległości pomiędzy "
31643"nimi. Cywilizacja, do której dotarła jednostka poznaje położenia miasta, z "
31644"którego ta jednostka pochodzi, jeśli położenie to nie było wcześniej znane."
31646#: data/helpdata.txt:609
31647msgid ""
31648"The ongoing trade route that is established benefits both its origin and "
31649"destination cities equally by generating trade points for each city every "
31650"turn. The amount of ongoing trade increases with the size of each city and "
31651"the distance between them, and may also depend on the factors mentioned "
31652"above. The trade relationship also gives each civilization limited ongoing "
31653"intelligence about the partner city. If a trade route ever becomes "
31654"unsustainable -- for instance, if war breaks out in a ruleset where enemies "
31655"cannot trade -- it may be permanently canceled."
31656msgstr ""
31657"Ponadto ruchliwe szlaki handlowe przynoszą zyski obu miastom, tworząc "
31658"dodatkowe punkty handlu w każdej turze. Zyski te są tym większe, im większe "
31659"są miasta i odległość pomiędzy nimi, a także mogą zależeć od czynników "
31660"opisanych powyżej. Szlak handlowy daje też obu narodom ograniczone dane "
31661"wywiadowcze na temat miast powiązanych szlakiem. Jeśli szlaku handlowego nie "
31662"da się utrzymać -- na przykład gdy wybuchnie wojna między narodami przy "
31663"zestawie zasad wykluczającym handel pomiędzy wrogami -- szlak może zostać "
31664"zlikwidowany na stałe."
31666#: data/helpdata.txt:619
31667msgid ""
31668"Each city can only support a limited number of trade routes (the exact limit "
31669"is set by ruleset and circumstance). If you attempt to establish more, the "
31670"trade route with the smallest ongoing revenue is canceled if it would be "
31671"less than the new route. (Otherwise, the origin civilization can still gain "
31672"initial revenue by entering the marketplace and selling trade goods, but it "
31673"is reduced to a third.)"
31674msgstr ""
31675"Jedno miasto może mieć tylko ograniczona liczbę szlaków handlowych "
31676"(konkretna liczba zależy od zestawu zasad i okoliczności). Jeśli spróbujesz "
31677"ustanowić szlak handlowy ponad limit, szlak przynoszący najmniejszy przychód "
31678"zostanie anulowany, jeśli przychód z niego jest mniejszy niż przychód z "
31679"nowego szlaku. (W przeciwnym wypadku, cywilizacja z której pochodzi "
31680"jednostka może dostać początkową opłatę, jeśli wejdzie na rynek i sprzeda "
31681"tam swoje dobra, lecz zysk zmniejszany jest wtedy do jednej trzeciej.)"
31683#: data/helpdata.txt:626
31684msgid ""
31685"This limit is enforced only when attempting to establish a new route. If you "
31686"temporarily lose the ability to establish as many trade routes as a city "
31687"already has, existing ones are not affected."
31688msgstr ""
31689"Ograniczenie to działa jedynie, gdy spróbujesz ustanowić nowy szlak "
31690"handlowy. Jeśli tymczasowo tracisz możliwość ustanawiania tylu szlaków, ile "
31691"miasto już posiada, nie ma to wpływu na istniejące szlaki."
31693#: data/helpdata.txt:630
31694msgid ""
31695"Beware: in rulesets where plague is enabled, it can travel along trade "
31696"routes. See the section on Plague for more details."
31697msgstr ""
31698"Uważaj: w zestawach zasad, w którym przewidziana jest epidemia, choroba "
31699"rozprzestrzenia się wzdłuż szlaków handlowych. Więcej informacji znaleźć "
31700"można w sekcji \"Epidemia\"."
31702#: data/helpdata.txt:633
31703msgid ""
31704"To view the current trade routes of a city, click and hold over the Trade: "
31705"line in the Overview tab in the city view."
31706msgstr ""
31707"Aby zobaczyć szlaki handlowe miasta, wybierz polecenie \"Pokaż szlaki "
31708"handlowe\" w menu \"Widok\"."
31710#: data/helpdata.txt:640
31711msgid ""
31712"Cities are your sole instrument for developing natural resources and "
31713"channeling them toward expansion, technological progress, and warfare."
31714msgstr ""
31715"Miasta posłużą ci do eksploatowania zasobów naturalnych i do wykorzystywania "
31716"ich w celu poszerzania granic, odkrywania technologii oraz działań wojennych."
31718#: data/helpdata.txt:643
31719msgid ""
31720"A city is created when Settlers are given the \"build city\" command on "
31721"suitable terrain, removing the unit from play to provide the city with its "
31722"first citizens. A city may grow to include dozens of citizens, some working "
31723"within the city while others are dispatched as new settlers. Famine, war, "
31724"and plague kill citizens and reduce population; with the loss of its last "
31725"citizen a city disappears (in the classic ruleset, this can leave ruins, "
31726"although these have no effect on gameplay)."
31727msgstr ""
31728"Miasto zostanie zbudowane, gdy wydasz Osadnikom polecenie \"Zbuduj miasto\" "
31729"na wybranym terenie, co usuwa jednostkę z gry, lecz daje miastu pierwszego "
31730"mieszkańca. Miasto może rosnąć i mieć dziesiątki mieszkańców; niektórzy z "
31731"nich mogą pracować w mieście, z innych możesz zrobić nowych Osadników. Głód, "
31732"wojna i epidemie zabijają mieszkańców i zmniejszają populację; wraz ze "
31733"śmiercią ostatniego mieszkańca, miasto znika (w klasycznym zestawie zasad, w "
31734"miejscu tym mogą zostać ruiny, ale nie wpływają one na przebieg gry)."
31736#: data/helpdata.txt:652
31737msgid ""
31738"While city growth should usually be your aim, it comes with challenges. As "
31739"cities grow, managing happiness becomes a problem; this is described in its "
31740"own section. Depending on the ruleset, pollution (described in the Terrain "
31741"help), plague, and migration can also be issues."
31742msgstr ""
31743"Choć zasadniczo powinno zależeć ci, by miasta wzrastały, wiąże się to z "
31744"kilkoma problemami. Wraz ze wzrostem miasta mieszkańcy stają się bardziej "
31745"niezadowoleni; opisane jest to w odpowiedniej sekcji. W zależności od "
31746"zestawu zasad, kłopotem może się stać również zanieczyszczenie (opisane w "
31747"sekcji \"Teren\"), epidemie i migracje."
31749#: data/helpdata.txt:657
31750msgid ""
31751"Each city may work the terrain within its reach. In the classic ruleset, "
31752"this is a fixed radius of approximately three tiles, giving access to 20 "
31753"tiles on rectangular maps, or 18 tiles on hexagonal ones, in addition to the "
31754"city center tile. In other rulesets it may be different, and may vary "
31755"depending on factors such as the size of the city and known technologies."
31756msgstr ""
31757"Miasta mogą obrabiać teren w swoim zasięgu. W klasycznym zestawie zasad "
31758"tereny te leżą w stałym promieniu około trzech pól, dając dostęp do 20 pól "
31759"na mapach prostokątnych i 18 na mapach sześciokątnych oraz do pola, na "
31760"których leży miasto. W innych zestawach zasad promień może się zmieniać w "
31761"zależności od rozmiaru miasta i posiadanych technologii."
31763#: data/helpdata.txt:664
31764msgid ""
31765"To extract resources from a tile, you must have a citizen working there. You "
31766"cannot begin working a tile which a neighboring city is already working, nor "
31767"can you work terrain upon which an enemy unit is standing, or terrain inside "
31768"another player's borders. Thus you can simulate conditions of siege by "
31769"stationing your units atop valuable resources around an enemy city. Units "
31770"can also be ordered to pillage, which damages improvements. Worker units "
31771"could even transform the terrain to make the tile less productive."
31772msgstr ""
31773"Aby wykorzystywać zasoby pól, muszą pracować na nich mieszkańcy miasta. Nie "
31774"można jednak pracować na polu wykorzystywanym już przez inne miasto, na "
31775"którym przebywa jednostka wroga lub które leży poza granicami państwa. "
31776"Możesz więc symulować oblężenie wrogiego miasta, jeśli zajmiesz swoimi "
31777"jednostkami wykorzystywane przez to miasto pole. Ponadto jednostki mogą "
31778"niszczyć usprawnienia terenu (drogi, nawodnienie itp.). Jednostki "
31779"inżynieryjne mogą nawet zmienić teren tak, aby dawał mniej dóbr."
31781#: data/helpdata.txt:673
31782msgid ""
31783"The section on Terrain describes how the output of each tile is affected by "
31784"the terrain, the presence of special resources such as game or minerals, and "
31785"tile improvements built by units. Note that the tile on which the city "
31786"itself rests -- the city center -- gets worked for free, without being "
31787"assigned a citizen. The city's tile may also receive other benefits. In the "
31788"classic ruleset, it always produces at least one food and one production "
31789"point regardless of terrain; gains whatever advantages the terrain offers "
31790"with an irrigation system (because cities come with water systems built-in); "
31791"and is usually developed with roads. Other rulesets may differ in detail."
31792msgstr ""
31793"W sekcji \"Teren\" znajdziesz informacje o tym, jaki wpływ mają na dane pole "
31794"czynniki takie jak: typ terenu, zasoby specjalne (np. zwierzyna i surowce), "
31795"usprawnienia budowane przez jednostki. Pamiętaj, że pole, na którym leży "
31796"miasto jest wykorzystywane \"za darmo\", tj. bez konieczności przydzielania "
31797"dodatkowych pracowników. Pole miasta może też przynosić dodatkowe korzyści. "
31798"W klasycznym zestawie zasad pole miasta zawsze daje co najmniej 1 punkt "
31799"żywności i 1 punkt produkcji, niezależnie od terenu. Ponadto, miasto "
31800"wykorzystuje teren, na którym leży tak, jakby był nawodniony (miasta mają "
31801"własny system nawadniający) i zazwyczaj pole to ma też drogi. Zachowanie to "
31802"może się różnić w innych zestawach zasad."
31804#: data/helpdata.txt:684
31805msgid ""
31806"The roles of citizens are controlled from the City dialog. Citizens working "
31807"the land are represented by three numbers showing their output on the tile "
31808"they are working. Clicking on these numbers will remove the citizen from the "
31809"tile, turning them into a specialist (see the section on Specialists for "
31810"more details); this can be seen in the row of citizen icons. You can click "
31811"another tile to assign the citizen to work it, or click on the specialist "
31812"icon to change their specialist role."
31813msgstr ""
31814"Rolami mieszkańców można zarządzać w oknie dialogowym miasta. Mieszkańcy "
31815"pracujący na polach wokół miasta to trzy cyfry przedstawiające ich produkcję "
31816"na polu, na którym pracują. Klikając na te cyfry, usuwasz mieszkańców z pól "
31817"i możesz przydzielić im inne role (zob. sekcja o specjalnościach); te "
31818"zobaczyć można na ikonkach mieszkańców. Możesz kliknąć na inne pole wokół "
31819"miasta, by przydzielić mieszkańców do pracy na nim lub kliknąć na ikonkę "
31820"mieszkańców, by przydzielić specjalności."
31822#: data/helpdata.txt:693
31823msgid ""
31824"Clicking on the city center tile in the city map will automatically choose "
31825"citizen roles and tiles to work, with an emphasis on food production and "
31826"hence growth. Citizen roles are also automatically assigned when a city "
31827"grows; you may want to inspect cities that have just grown and adjust the "
31828"role in which the new citizen has been placed. You can set different "
31829"priorities for a city with the Citizen Governor; see its help section."
31830msgstr ""
31831"Kliknięcie na pole miasta automatycznie rozmieszcza mieszkańców tak, by "
31832"zmaksymalizować produkcję żywności, a więc i szybkość wzrostu. Możesz też "
31833"obejrzeć miasto, które właśnie wzrosło i sprawdzić jakie role przydzielono "
31834"nowym mieszkańcom. Priorytety miasta można zmieniać przy pomocy Zarządcy "
31835"(zob. sekcja \"Zarządca\")."
31837#: data/helpdata.txt:701
31838msgid ""
31839"You can also request tile alterations from the city map, as an alternative "
31840"to explicitly instructing units to make them. In clients which support it, "
31841"right-clicking on a city map tile gives a menu of changes which can be made "
31842"to that tile, such as irrigation and building roads (see the section on "
31843"Terrain Alterations); you can select one improvement per tile at a time. "
31844"These 'worker tasks' will be carried out by any units capable of them that "
31845"are in 'auto settler' mode."
31846msgstr ""
31847"Możesz również zlecać zmiany terenu z poziomu mapy w oknie dialogowym "
31848"miasta. W niektórych klientach możesz kliknąć prawym przyciskiem myszy na "
31849"pole mapy miasta, by zobaczyć menu możliwych zmian, takich jak nawodnienie "
31850"lub droga (zobacz sekcję pomocy na temat zmian terenu). Możesz wybrać jedną "
31851"zmianę na raz. Zadanie to zostanie zlecone dowolnej jednostce (zdolnej do "
31852"jego wykonania), która jest trybie automatycznego osadnika."
31854#: data/helpdata.txt:710
31855msgid ""
31856"Citizens have a nationality distinct from that of the state they inhabit. "
31857"When a city grows due to food surplus, new citizens take the nationality of "
31858"the city's current owner, but when a city is conquered or otherwise "
31859"transferred, its citizens retain their original nationality, as do any "
31860"immigrants. Units founding or contributing citizens to a city can also bring "
31861"their own nationality."
31862msgstr ""
31863"Mieszkańcy mają określoną narodowość, która może nie być narodowością "
31864"zamieszkiwanego miasta. Gdy miasto wzrasta dzięki nadwyżce żywności, nowi "
31865"mieszkańcy mają narodowość właściciela miasta, lecz gdy miasto zostanie "
31866"podbite, jego mieszkańcy zachowują pierwotną narodowość; dotyczy to również "
31867"imigrantów. Jednostki które \"dokładają\" mieszkańców do miasta mogą również "
31868"wprowadzić inne narodowości."
31870#: data/helpdata.txt:717
31871msgid ""
31872"Citizens of another nationality will work in your cities just the same as "
31873"your own, and behave the same in most respects, but they may become unhappy "
31874"when you are at war with their associated state; their presence makes it "
31875"cheaper for their state's agents to incite revolt in your cities; and if "
31876"migration is enabled, they have an increased tendency to migrate to their "
31877"state's cities. Over time, citizens may be assimilated into their home city, "
31878"depending on ruleset settings."
31879msgstr ""
31880"Mieszkańcy innej narodowości będą pracować w mieście i pod wieloma innymi "
31881"względami zachowywać się tak samo jak rodzimi mieszkańcy. Mogą jednak stać "
31882"się niezadowoleni, gdy rozpoczniesz wojnę z ich rodzimym narodem, łatwiej "
31883"mogą ich podburzyć agenci z ich krajów, a gdy włączona jest migracja, "
31884"chętniej przenoszą się do miast rodzimego kraju. Z czasem mieszkańcy tacy "
31885"mogą mocniej zasymilować się twoimi mieszkańcami (w zależności od zestawu "
31888#: data/helpdata.txt:725
31889msgid ""
31890"Some rulesets do not have nationality; in this case, citizens always "
31891"consider their nationality to be that of their home city. If nationality is "
31892"enabled, you can see the cultural makeup of your cities and any consequent "
31893"effects on happiness in the City dialog, on the Happiness tab."
31894msgstr ""
31895"Some rulesets do not have nationality; in this case, citizens always "
31896"consider their nationality to be that of their home city. If nationality is "
31897"enabled, you can see the cultural makeup of your cities and any consequent "
31898"effects on happiness in the City dialog, on the Happiness tab."
31900#: data/helpdata.txt:731
31901msgid ""
31902"Cities may be enhanced with a wide variety of buildings, which can improve "
31903"their productivity, their military strength, or give them new abilities. See "
31904"the sections on City Improvements and Wonders of the World for more "
31906msgstr ""
31907"Miasto można usprawniać różnymi budynkami, które poprawiają produkcję, "
31908"walory militarne, a nawet mogą dać miastu nowe \"umiejętności\". Więcej "
31909"informacji znaleźć można w sekcjach \"Budynki\" oraz \"Cudy\"."
31911#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31912#: data/helpdata.txt:740
31913msgid " Specialists"
31914msgstr " Specjaliści"
31916#: data/helpdata.txt:741
31917msgid ""
31918"The first citizens of each city usually work the land, each toiling to yield "
31919"up the resources of one terrain tile. However, there may be other specialist "
31920"roles citizens can assume; in fact, taking another role is the only way they "
31921"can stop working. A city may outgrow the land available for it to work, in "
31922"which case some citizens must become specialists."
31923msgstr ""
31924"Pierwsi mieszkańcy to zazwyczaj robotnicy pracujący na polach otaczających "
31925"miasto. Lecz na mieszkańców czekają też inne specjalności i tylko przyjmując "
31926"jedną z nich mogą przestać pracować na polach. Jeśli miasto wzrośnie tak, że "
31927"wokół miasta będzie za mało pól, na których mogą pracować, niektórzy "
31928"mieszkańcy będą musieli pracować w specjalnościach."
31930#: data/helpdata.txt:748
31931msgid ""
31932"All specialists enjoy enough privilege to remain perpetually content -- they "
31933"do not contribute to unhappiness or to celebration. See the section on "
31934"Happiness for more details."
31935msgstr ""
31936"Specjaliści są tak uprzywilejowani, że zawsze są zadowoleni; nie zwiększają "
31937"więc niezadowolenia i nie biorą udziału w świętowaniu. Więcej informacji "
31938"znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zadowolenie\"."
31940#: data/helpdata.txt:752
31941msgid ""
31942"This section describes the available specialist roles, their effects, and "
31943"their requirements, if any."
31944msgstr ""
31945"Ta sekcja opisuje specjalności, ich działanie i wymagania (jeśli mają "
31948#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
31949#: data/helpdata.txt:762
31950msgid " Happiness"
31951msgstr " Zadowolenie"
31953#: data/helpdata.txt:763
31954msgid ""
31955"Keeping your citizens happy (or at least content) is one of the most "
31956"important objectives in Freeciv. When your citizens become unhappy, your "
31957"cities will fall into disorder, which disrupts production; but when your "
31958"citizens are happy, your cities will celebrate, and your production will "
31959"increase greatly. (If migration is enabled, happiness also affects the "
31960"relative desirability of cities; see the section on Migration for details.)"
31961msgstr ""
31962"Utrzymywanie wysokiego poziomu szczęścia (lub przynajmniej zadowolenia) "
31963"mieszkańców jest jednym z najważniejszych elementów gry. Jeśli mieszkańcy są "
31964"niezadowoleni, w mieście wybuchają zamieszki, które przerywają produkcję. "
31965"Jeśli mieszkańcy są szczęśliwi, miasto świętuje, co znacznie zwiększa jego "
31966"produkcję. Jeśli ustawiono opcję migracji, szczęście mieszkańców wpływa też "
31967"na atrakcyjność miasta (więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Migracja"
31970#: data/helpdata.txt:771
31971msgid ""
31972"Each citizen working the land is either happy, content, unhappy, or angry. "
31973"The normal state of a working citizen is contentment. However, as your "
31974"cities grow larger, crowding causes citizens to become unhappy. In the "
31975"classic rules, each citizen in a city after the fourth will be generated "
31976"unhappy, instead of content."
31977msgstr ""
31978"Każdy mieszkaniec pracujący wokół miasta może być szczęśliwy, zadowolony, "
31979"niezadowolony lub wzburzony. Stanem normalnym pracującego mieszkańca jest "
31980"zadowolenie, lecz wraz ze wzrostem miasta, przeludnienie sprawia, że "
31981"mieszkańcy stają się niezadowoleni. W klasycznym zestawie zasad, każdy nowy "
31982"mieszkaniec w mieście o rozmiarze większym niż 4, będzie na początku "
31985#: data/helpdata.txt:777
31986msgid ""
31987"If the number of unhappy citizens in a city exceeds the number of happy "
31988"citizens, the city falls into disorder. A city in disorder produces no food "
31989"or production surplus, science, or taxes; only luxury production remains. "
31990"Cities which are in disorder are also easier for enemy agents to incite to "
31991"revolt. Prolonged disorder under certain governments can lead to a "
31992"spontaneous national revolution, overthrowing your government."
31993msgstr ""
31994"Jeśli liczba niezadowolonych mieszkańców jest większa od liczby szczęśliwych "
31995"mieszkańców, miasto pogrąża się w zamieszkach. Takie miasto nie wytwarza "
31996"złota, punktów produkcji, żywności, odkryć, a jedynie punkty luksusu. "
31997"Zbuntowane miasto jest też bardziej na podburzanie ze strony wrogich "
31998"agentów. Przedłużające się zamieszki mogą przerodzić się w rewolucję, która "
31999"obali rząd."
32001#: data/helpdata.txt:785
32002msgid ""
32003"It should be stressed that only citizens working the land vary in morale -- "
32004"specialists enjoy enough privilege to remain perpetually content (see the "
32005"section on Specialists). Thus one solution to the problem of an unhappy "
32006"citizen is simply to assign that citizen to the role of a specialist. But if "
32007"cities are ever to work more than four terrain tiles at once, the problem of "
32008"morale must be confronted more directly."
32009msgstr ""
32010"Podkreślić należy, że jedynie mieszkańcy pracujący poza miastem mają różne "
32011"poziomy zadowolenia; komicy, poborcy podatkowi i naukowcy to grupy "
32012"uprzywilejowane, są więc zawsze zadowoleni. Dlatego też jednym rozwiązaniem "
32013"problemu niezadowolenia w mieście, jest zdjęcie części mieszkańców z pól "
32014"poza miastem i przydzielenie im specjalności. Pamiętaj jednak, że jeśli "
32015"chcesz, by miasto pracowało na więcej niż czterech polach jednocześnie, "
32016"należy poszukać innych sposobów zmniejszania niezadowolenia."
32018#: data/helpdata.txt:793
32019msgid ""
32020"There are many ways of making unhappy citizens content, which does prevent "
32021"disorder but is without further benefit. Producing happy citizens can "
32022"balance the effect of unhappy citizens and also bring other benefits."
32023msgstr ""
32024"Istnieje wiele sposobów na uczynienie niezadowolonych mieszkańców "
32025"zadowolonymi, co zażegnuje ryzyko zamieszek, lecz nie przynosi innych "
32026"korzyści. Czynienie mieszkańców szczęśliwymi może zrównoważyć wpływ osób "
32027"niezadowolonych oraz dać dodatkowe korzyści."
32029#: data/helpdata.txt:798
32030msgid ""
32031"Cities that are sufficiently large celebrate when at least half their "
32032"citizens are happy and none remain unhappy. The effects of celebration vary; "
32033"in the classic ruleset, they depend on your government type:"
32034msgstr ""
32035"Miasta które urosły do odpowiedniego rozmiaru świętują, gdy co najmniej "
32036"połowa mieszkańców jest szczęśliwa i nikt nie jest niezadowolony. Efekt "
32037"świętowania różni się w zależności od ustroju. W klasycznym zestawie zasad:"
32039#: data/helpdata.txt:802
32040msgid ""
32041" - Under Anarchy or Despotism, you will not suffer the normal production "
32042"penalty for tiles which produce more than 2 points of any resource (food, "
32043"production, or trade)."
32044msgstr ""
32045" - Podczas Anarchii i Despotyzmu nie będziesz odczuwać straty na polach "
32046"tworzących więcej niż 2 punkty dowolnego rodzaju (żywność, produkcja, "
32049#: data/helpdata.txt:806
32050msgid ""
32051" - Under Monarchy or Communism, your city will gain the trade bonus of "
32052"Republican/Democratic governments: 1 bonus trade point in any tile which "
32053"already produces at least 1 trade."
32054msgstr ""
32055" - W Monarchii lub Komunizmie, pola dookoła miasta będą produkowały tyle "
32056"punktów handlu, ile w Demokracji lub Republice, tj. jeden punkt, jeśli "
32057"wytwarzają co najmniej jeden punkt."
32059#: data/helpdata.txt:810
32060msgid ""
32061" - Under a Republic or a Democracy, your city will enter \"rapture\": its "
32062"population will increase by 1 each turn until there is no excess food or "
32063"until the number of happy citizens is no longer sufficient for celebration. "
32064"Without rapture, large cities can grow only by struggling to produce a food "
32065"surplus -- which can be difficult enough -- and then waiting dozens of turns "
32066"for their granary to fill."
32067msgstr ""
32068" - W Republice lub Demokracji, miasto może zacząć świętować, a populacja "
32069"wzrasta o jednego mieszkańca na turę, o ile nie zabraknie żywności lub "
32070"liczba mieszkańców nie zmniejszy się drastycznie, uniemożliwiając "
32071"świętowanie. Miasta, które nie świętują wzrastają powoli, gdyż muszą "
32072"wyprodukować nadwyżki żywności (co może być trudne) i czekają wiele tur, aż "
32073"napełni się spichlerz."
32075#: data/helpdata.txt:817
32076msgid ""
32077"In small empires, as already stated, the fifth citizen in each city is the "
32078"first unhappy one. As you gain more cities, this limit actually decreases, "
32079"to simulate the difficulty of imposing order upon a large empire. The "
32080"precise thresholds depend on government type; see the section on Government "
32081"for details."
32082msgstr ""
32083"W małych państwach, jak już powiedziano, piąty mieszkaniec jest pierwszym, "
32084"który staje się automatycznie niezadowolony. W miarę powstawania nowych "
32085"miast, ten próg obniża się, lecz wówczas musisz zmierzyć się z problemami "
32086"związanymi z zarządzaniem dużym państwem. Progi te różnią się w zależności "
32087"od ustroju; więcej informacji znajdziesz w sekcji \"Ustrój\"."
32089#: data/helpdata.txt:825
32090msgid ""
32091"Thus, you may find that founding or conquering a city triggers widespread "
32092"disorder across your empire. Continued empire growth may lead to further "
32093"penalty steps. In empires that grow beyond the point where no citizens are "
32094"naturally content, angry citizens will appear; these must all be made merely "
32095"unhappy before any unhappy citizens can be made content, but in all other "
32096"respects behave as unhappy citizens."
32097msgstr ""
32098"Może się więc zdarzyć, że zbudowanie lub podbicie miasta da początek "
32099"zamieszkom na obszarze całego państwa. Dalszy wzrost może powodować jeszcze "
32100"więcej kłopotów. Jeśli państwo rozrośnie się tak bardzo, że zadowolenie nie "
32101"będzie już naturalnym stanem dla żadnego mieszkańca, pojawią się wzburzeni "
32102"mieszkańcy. Aby osiągnąć stan zadowolenia, muszą oni stać się najpierw "
32103"niezadowoleni, lecz poza tym zachowują się jak mieszkańcy niezadowoleni."
32105#: data/helpdata.txt:835
32106msgid ""
32107"Luxury makes citizens happy. For every two luxury points a city produces, "
32108"one content citizen is made happy (if there are no content citizens left, "
32109"unhappy citizens become content then happy). Each city receives back some of "
32110"the trade points it produces as luxury points according to your empire's tax "
32111"rates; see the section on Trade. Luxury points may also be produced by other "
32112"means, such as entertainer specialists in the classic ruleset."
32113msgstr ""
32114"Luksus uszczęśliwia mieszkańców. Każde dwa punkty luksusu sprawiają, że "
32115"jeden zadowolony mieszkaniec staje się szczęśliwy (jeśli nie ma mieszkańców "
32116"zadowolonych, mieszkańcy niezadowoleni stają się zadowoleni, a potem "
32117"szczęśliwi). Każde miasto otrzymuje z powrotem część wypracowanych punktów "
32118"handlu zamienianych na punkty luksusu zgodnie ze stawkami obowiązującymi w "
32119"całym państwie (zob. sekcja \"Handel\"). Punkty luksusu mogą być też "
32120"wytwarzane w inny sposób, na przykład przez komików w klasycznym zestawie "
32123#: data/helpdata.txt:843
32124msgid ""
32125"There are several city improvements that will make content those remaining "
32126"citizens that are unhappy due to crowding, such as Temples and Colosseums in "
32127"the classic rules. Some wonders of the world can also have this effect. See "
32128"the appropriate sections for details."
32129msgstr ""
32130"Istnieje kilka budynków, które pomagają uczynić zadowolonymi tych, którzy są "
32131"niezadowoleni z powodu przeludnienia; w klasycznym zestawie zasad, są to "
32132"Świątynie i Kolosea. Podobnie działać mogą cudy. Więcej informacji znaleźć "
32133"można w odpowiednich sekcjach."
32135#: data/helpdata.txt:848
32136msgid ""
32137"Military units can affect city happiness. Under authoritarian regimes this "
32138"is helpful, as military units stationed in a city can prevent unhappiness by "
32139"imposing martial law. However, under representative governments, citizens "
32140"become unhappy when their city is supporting military units which have been "
32141"deployed into an aggressive stance. This includes units not inside your "
32142"national borders, a friendly city (including the cities of your allies), or "
32143"a suitable base within three tiles of a friendly city; however, certain "
32144"units (\"field units\") are inherently aggressive and cause unhappiness "
32145"regardless of location."
32146msgstr ""
32147"Na zadowolenie mogą wpływać też jednostki zbrojne. W ustrojach "
32148"autorytarnych, działają one pozytywnie - oddziały porządkowe mogą zmniejszyć "
32149"niezadowolenie, wprowadzając stan wyjątkowy. Jednak w ustrojach bardziej "
32150"demokratycznych (Republika i Demokracja), mieszkańcy mogą być niezadowoleni, "
32151"gdy ich miasto utrzymuje jednostki zbrojne na pozycjach bojowych. Na "
32152"pozycjach takich znajdują się jednostki poza granicami państwa, jednostki w "
32153"przyjaznych miastach (także w miastach sojuszników) oraz w bazach w "
32154"promieniu trzech pól od przyjaznego miasta. Niektóre jednostki (tzw. "
32155"\"jednostki polowe\") powodują niezadowolenie niezależnie od pozycji."
32157#: data/helpdata.txt:859
32158msgid ""
32159"If you are at war with a civilization and some of your citizens are of that "
32160"nationality, those citizens may also become unhappy."
32161msgstr ""
32162"Jeśli prowadzisz wojnę z narodem, z którym identyfikują się niektórzy "
32163"mieszkańcy twoim miast, mogą się oni stać niezadowoleni."
32165#: data/helpdata.txt:862
32166msgid ""
32167"These forms of unhappiness are distinct from that caused by overcrowding, "
32168"and cannot be offset by luxuries, or by most city improvements. In the "
32169"classic ruleset, Police Stations and the Women's Suffrage wonder can offset "
32170"unhappiness caused by units, and only a few wonders -- such as J.S. Bach's "
32171"Cathedral -- can offset any kind of unhappiness, even that caused by "
32172"military or diplomatic tensions."
32173msgstr ""
32174"Ten rodzaj niezadowolenia jest inny od niezadowolenia spowodowanego "
32175"przeludnieniem i nie może zostać zniwelowany luksusem ani większością "
32176"budynków. W klasycznym zestawie zasad, tylko Równouprawnienie Kobiet (cud) i "
32177"Komisariat (budynek) zmniejszają niezadowolenie spowodowane jednostkami. "
32178"Tylko nieliczne cudy (np. Katedra J.S. Bacha) mogą zniwelować każdy rodzaj "
32179"niezadowolenia, także ten spowodowany napięciami militarnymi i "
32182#: data/helpdata.txt:869
32183msgid ""
32184"The Happiness tab on the city dialog will give detailed insight into the "
32185"mood of the citizenry and its causes."
32186msgstr ""
32187"Zakładka \"Zadowolenie\", którą znajdziesz w oknie dialogowym miasta, "
32188"dostarczy ci szczegółowych informacji na temat nastroju mieszkańców oraz "
32189"jego przyczyn."
32191#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
32192#: data/helpdata.txt:876
32193msgid " Plague"
32194msgstr " Epidemia"
32196#: data/helpdata.txt:877
32197msgid "Plague is a ruleset option, and is not enabled in the classic ruleset."
32198msgstr ""
32199"Epidemia jest opcją zestawu zasad i nie jest włączona przy ustawieniach "
32202#: data/helpdata.txt:880
32203msgid ""
32204"When plague strikes a city, its population is reduced by one. Unless action "
32205"is taken to reduce the risk of plague, this tends to act as a natural limit "
32206"on city size. Rulesets which enable plague will typically have city "
32207"improvements or other means to reduce the risk of plague."
32208msgstr ""
32209"Gdy w mieście wybucha epidemia, populacja zmniejsza się o jeden. Jeśli nie "
32210"podejmuje się stosownych akcji, by obniżyć ryzyko epidemii, jest to "
32211"naturalny czynnik ograniczający rozmiar miasta. Zasady przewidujące epidemię "
32212"określają zazwyczaj środki pomagające ograniczyć ryzyko jej wystąpienia."
32214#: data/helpdata.txt:886
32215msgid ""
32216"The risk of plague depends on city size (overcrowding leads to insanitary "
32217"conditions) and on the pollution generated in a city. Also, plague can "
32218"spread via trade routes (without regard for nationality); after a city has "
32219"been struck by plague, it will remain infectious to its trade partners for "
32220"several turns, increasing the risk of plague in those cities by a factor "
32221"depending on the size of both cities."
32222msgstr ""
32223"Ryzyko epidemii zależy od rozmiaru miasta (przeludnienie prowadzi do "
32224"\"niezdrowych\" warunków bytowych) i od zanieczyszczenia produkowanego przez "
32225"miasto. Ponadto epidemia może rozprzestrzeniać się szlakami handlowymi (bez "
32226"względu na przynależność narodową miasta). Zakażone miasto będzie przez "
32227"kilka tur zarażało swoich partnerów handlowych, zwiększając ryzyko wybuchu "
32228"epidemii w tych miastach o czynnik zależny od rozmiaru obu z nich."
32230#: data/helpdata.txt:893
32231msgid ""
32232"If migration is enabled, citizens will tend to prefer cities with a lower "
32233"risk of plague."
32234msgstr ""
32235"Jeśli włączono opcję migracji, mieszkańcy będą preferowali miasta z niskim "
32236"ryzykiem epidemii."
32238#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
32239#: data/helpdata.txt:900
32240msgid " Migration"
32241msgstr " Migracja"
32243#: data/helpdata.txt:901
32244msgid ""
32245"Migration is the movement of citizens from one city to another based on the "
32246"relative attractions of living in each city. Whether migration is enabled is "
32247"controlled by the server option 'migration'; it is disabled by default."
32248msgstr ""
32249"Migracja to przemieszczanie się ludności z jednego miasta do drugiego "
32250"podyktowane większą atrakcyjnością miasta docelowego. Migracja możliwa jest, "
32251"gdy ustawiona jest opcja serwera 'migration'; domyślnie opcja ta jest "
32254#: data/helpdata.txt:906
32255msgid ""
32256"When migration is enabled, every few turns, a citizen of each city in the "
32257"game may migrate to a nearby, more attractive city, either within the same "
32258"nation or even across national borders (to a lesser extent, by default)."
32259msgstr ""
32260"Jeśli włączymy tę opcję, mieszkańcy miast mogą przemieszczać się co kilka "
32261"tur do bardziej atrakcyjnego miasta leżącego w pobliżu, nawet jeśli to "
32262"miasto należy do innego narodu (przy domyślnych ustawieniach, migracja "
32263"między narodami zdarza się rzadziej)."
32265#: data/helpdata.txt:911
32266msgid ""
32267"You cannot directly prevent or direct the migration of citizens. However, "
32268"you can influence the attractiveness of your cities. The following factors "
32269"affect the perceived desirability of each city, in approximately decreasing "
32270"order of importance. (Each factor counts for much more in the citizen's "
32271"current city, as they prefer not to move without a compelling reason.)"
32272msgstr ""
32273"Choć ruchów ludności nie da się zablokować ani nie można nimi sterować, "
32274"możliwe jest wpływanie na atrakcyjność danego miasta. Na względną "
32275"atrakcyjność wpływa kilka czynników; podane są one poniżej w kolejności od "
32276"najważniejszego do najmniej ważnego. Pamiętać należy, że każdy z tych "
32277"czynników ma większe znaczenie w obecnym mieście potencjalnych migrantów, "
32278"gdyż wolą oni pozostać, jeśli nie mają ważnego powodu do migrowania."
32280#: data/helpdata.txt:918
32281msgid " - City size."
32282msgstr " - Rozmiar miasta."
32284#: data/helpdata.txt:920
32285msgid ""
32286" - The number of happy citizens. (To a lesser extent, unhappy and angry "
32287"citizens reduce the desirability of a city.)"
32288msgstr ""
32289" - Ilość szczęśliwych mieszkańców. (Niezadowoleni lub wzburzeni mieszkańcy "
32290"obniżają przyjazność miasta w mniejszym stopniu.)"
32292#: data/helpdata.txt:923
32293msgid ""
32294" - In rulesets where nationality is enabled, citizens have a strong "
32295"preference to move to cities of their own nationality."
32296msgstr ""
32297" - W zestawach zasad, w którym ustawiono opcję narodowości, mieszkańcy będą "
32298"preferowali migrację do miast własnego narodu."
32300#: data/helpdata.txt:926
32301msgid ""
32302" - The presence of any wonder in a city will greatly increase its "
32303"desirability (further wonders do not contribute except by the lesser effect "
32304"of their build cost)."
32305msgstr ""
32306" - Każdy cud wzniesiony w mieście znacznie zwiększa przyjazność tego miasta "
32307"(kolejne cudy nie podnoszą atrakcyjności miasta, chyba że weźmiemy pod uwagę "
32308"koszt ich budowy.)"
32310#: data/helpdata.txt:930
32311msgid ""
32312" - Capital cities are more attractive than other cities, all other factors "
32313"being equal; in addition, citizens will never migrate out of a capital city."
32314msgstr ""
32315" - Stolice są bardziej atrakcyjne niż inne miasta o porównywalnych "
32316"parametrach. Ponadto ludność nigdy nie migruje ze stolicy."
32318#: data/helpdata.txt:934
32319msgid " - A high risk of plague reduces a city's attractiveness."
32320msgstr " - Wysokie ryzyko epidemii obniża atrakcyjność miasta."
32322#: data/helpdata.txt:936
32323msgid " - Food surplus. (A food deficit reduces the desirability of a city.)"
32324msgstr " - Nadwyżka żywności (niedobór żywności zmniejsza przyjazność miasta)."
32326#: data/helpdata.txt:938
32327msgid ""
32328" - Cities that are further away are less desirable. The absolute maximum "
32329"distance that a citizen is prepared to migrate is controlled by the server "
32330"option 'mgr_dist'."
32331msgstr ""
32332" - Bardziej odległe miasta postrzegane są jako mniej przyjazne. Maksymalna "
32333"odległość, na którą mieszkańcy są gotowi migrować określana jest przez opcję "
32334"serwera 'mgr_dist'."
32336#: data/helpdata.txt:942
32337msgid " - Trade surplus."
32338msgstr " - Nadwyżka handlu."
32340#: data/helpdata.txt:944
32341msgid " - Luxury and science output."
32342msgstr " - \"Produkcja\" luksusu i nauki."
32344#: data/helpdata.txt:946
32345msgid ""
32346" - The quantity of city improvements (and wonders), measured by build cost."
32347msgstr " - Ilość budynków i cudów miasta mierzona kosztem budowy."
32349#: data/helpdata.txt:949
32350msgid ""
32351" - Depending on the ruleset, a number of other factors such as government "
32352"type and city improvements may increase or decrease the desirability of "
32353"cities; these are noted in other sections of the help. (The classic ruleset "
32354"contains no such effects.)"
32355msgstr ""
32356" - W zależności od zestawu zasad, również inne czynniki (np. ustrój i "
32357"budynki) mogą mieć wpływ na atrakcyjność miasta; bardziej szczegółowe "
32358"informacje zawarte są w innych działach pomocy. (Klasyczny zestaw zasad nie "
32359"określa takich czynników.)"
32361#: data/helpdata.txt:954
32362msgid ""
32363"Citizens will not migrate to cities which cannot increase in size to support "
32364"them, for instance due to lack of a city improvement such as an Aqueduct. If "
32365"the server option 'mgr_foodneeded' is set, they will not migrate to cities "
32366"which would not have enough food to support them."
32367msgstr ""
32368"Mieszkańcy nie będą przenosili się do miast, które nie mogą wzrosnąć, by "
32369"zapewnić ich utrzymanie, np. z powodu braku Akweduktu. Jeśli ustawiona jest "
32370"opcja serwera 'mgr_foodneeded', ludność nie będzie przenosiła się do miast, "
32371"które mają zbyt mało żywności, by ją utrzymać."
32373#: data/helpdata.txt:959
32374msgid ""
32375"Migration can even cause cities to be completely abandoned (ownership of any "
32376"units being transferred to your nearest remaining city). However, cities "
32377"with wonders will never be disbanded (so the wonder will not be destroyed), "
32378"and the last citizen from your only remaining city will never migrate to "
32379"another nation."
32380msgstr ""
32381"Migracja może nawet sprawić, że miasto zostanie zupełnie opuszczone (przy "
32382"czym pochodzenie jednostek jest przenoszone do innych sąsiednich miasta, "
32383"które posiadasz). Miasta z cudami nigdy nie zostaną rozwiązane (a więc nie "
32384"znikną z powierzchni ziemi), a ostatni mieszkaniec takiego miasta nigdy nie "
32385"wyemigruje do miasta innego narodu."
32387#: data/helpdata.txt:965
32388msgid ""
32389"Several of the details of migration can be changed with the 'mgr_*' server "
32391msgstr ""
32392"Niektóre aspekty migracji można modyfikować przy pomocy opcji serwera "
32395#: data/helpdata.txt:972
32396msgid ""
32397"Cities may be improved with a wide variety of buildings, each with a "
32398"different effect. Each city may have only one of each improvement, and some "
32399"improvements require others to have been built first."
32400msgstr ""
32401"Miasta można usprawniać różnymi budynkami, a każdy z nich ma nieco inne "
32402"działanie. Miasto może posiadać tylko jeden budynek danego rodzaju, a "
32403"niektóre z nich można wznieść tylko wtedy, gdy istnieją już inne określone "
32406#: data/helpdata.txt:976
32407msgid ""
32408"It costs production points to build improvements, and once completed, many "
32409"improvements require an upkeep of one or more gold pieces per turn. You may "
32410"dismantle and sell an improvement, receiving one gold piece for each "
32411"production point used in its construction, although you may only sell one "
32412"improvement per city per turn. If a turn comes on which you cannot pay the "
32413"upkeep on all of your improvements, some of them will be automatically sold; "
32414"obviously this should be avoided as the improvements chosen might not be "
32415"ones you would have preferred to sell."
32416msgstr ""
32417"Wznoszenie budynków \"zużywa\" punkty produkcji miasta, a utrzymanie wielu z "
32418"nich kosztuje jedną lub kilka sztuk złota na turę. Możesz zlikwidować lub "
32419"sprzedać budynek za cenę jednej sztuki złota za każdy punkt produkcji "
32420"przeznaczony na wzniesienie budowli. Możesz sprzedać tylko jeden budynek w "
32421"danym mieście w ciągu jednej tury. Jeśli nie będziesz mieć złota na "
32422"utrzymanie budowli, zostanie ona automatycznie sprzedana. Nie jest to "
32423"korzystne, gdyż może się zdarzyć, że zechcesz sprzedać inny obiekt niż ten "
32424"wybrany automatycznie."
32426#: data/helpdata.txt:986
32427msgid ""
32428"Most improvements become available only when you achieve certain "
32429"technologies, and some improvements can become obsolete, at which point they "
32430"are automatically sold."
32431msgstr ""
32432"Większość budynków dostępna jest dopiero, gdy odkryjesz pewne technologie. "
32433"Niektóre obiekty mogą stać się przestarzałe po dokonaniu pewnych odkryć; są "
32434"one wówczas automatycznie sprzedawane."
32436#: data/helpdata.txt:997
32437msgid ""
32438"Wonders are special buildings which can each be completed by only one player "
32439"each game, and which often enhance their entire civilization. Unlike "
32440"ordinary city improvements, which must be built with local production "
32441"points, certain special units built in one city (Caravans and Freight in the "
32442"classic ruleset) can contribute their full cost in production points towards "
32443"the construction of a wonder in another city."
32444msgstr ""
32445"Cudy to specjalne budynki, które wybudować może tylko jeden gracz w "
32446"rozgrywce i które często wpływają na całą cywilizację. W przeciwieństwie do "
32447"zwykłych budynków, które muszą być wznoszone produkcją danego miasta, "
32448"niektóre jednostki z innych miast (Karawany i Ciężarówki w klasycznym "
32449"zestawie zasad) mogą \"dokładać\" punkty zużyte na ich produkcję do budowy "
32452#: data/helpdata.txt:1005
32453msgid ""
32454"Once built, a wonder is placed in the city that constructed it, and cannot "
32455"be sold or destroyed (unless the entire city is destroyed). However, some "
32456"wonders are made obsolete under certain, ruleset dependant, circumstances, "
32457"and lose their effect. Note the asymmetry under many rulesets: while you "
32458"must personally achieve the advance required by each wonder to build it, it "
32459"will be disabled when any player achieves the obsoleting advance."
32460msgstr ""
32461"Wzniesiony cud pozostaje w mieście, które go wybudowało, nie może zostać "
32462"sprzedany lub zniszczony, chyba że zniszczeniu ulegnie całe miasto. Jednakże "
32463"niektóre cudy stają się przestarzałe w pewnych okolicznościach (zależnych od "
32464"zestawu zasad) i tracą swój wpływ. Zwróć uwagę, że choć to ty musisz dokonać "
32465"odkrycia koniecznego do budowy cudu, stanie się on przestarzały, jeśli "
32466"jakikolwiek inny gracz odkryje daną technologię."
32468#: data/helpdata.txt:1020
32469msgid ""
32470"Units provide both the mobility your civilization needs, and the violence "
32471"with which it will survive and expand. The available units may be classified "
32472"as military units, whose talents are those of defense and aggression, and a "
32473"few noncombatants which support expansion, diplomacy, and trade."
32474msgstr ""
32475"Jednostki zapewniają \"mobilność\" twojej cywilizacji oraz siłę militarną, "
32476"dzięki której może się rozwijać. Jednostki podzielić można na jednostki "
32477"zbrojne (służące do ataku i obrony) oraz cywilne (służące do poszerzanie "
32478"granic, robót, dyplomacji i handlu)."
32480#: data/helpdata.txt:1026
32481msgid ""
32482"Units are usually built in cities using production points. Once built, units "
32483"are owned by the city that built them (although they can later be re-homed "
32484"while visiting a different city) and demand support from that city; this "
32485"will be one of your major expenses. Most units require upkeep such as "
32486"production points from their home city every turn, although some autocratic "
32487"styles of government can force cities to support several units for free. If "
32488"the upkeep of a unit outweighs its benefit, you can disband it; see the "
32489"section on Production. A few units, particularly those that you start the "
32490"game with, have no home city and thus require no upkeep."
32491msgstr ""
32492"Jednostki są zazwyczaj formowane w miastach, a ich tworzenie zużywa punkty "
32493"produkcji. Jednostka stworzona w danym mieście należy do tego miasta (choć "
32494"można zmienić ich pochodzenie, gdy odwiedzają one inne miasta) i są przez to "
32495"miasto utrzymywane - jest to jeden z największych wydatków. Większość "
32496"jednostek zużywa jeden punkt produkcji miasta, z którego pochodzi, choć "
32497"niektóre autorytarne rządy mogą zmusić miasto do utrzymywania kilku "
32498"jednostek za darmo. Niektóre jednostki, np. te które zaczynają grę, nie mają "
32499"miasta pochodzenia i nie wymagają utrzymywania."
32501#: data/helpdata.txt:1037
32502msgid ""
32503"Most units begin every turn with one or more movement points. Every action "
32504"undertaken by a unit consumes movement points."
32505msgstr ""
32506"Jednostki rozpoczynają turę z co najmniej jednym punktem ruchu. Każde "
32507"działanie podjęte przez jednostkę zużywa jej punkty ruchu."
32509#: data/helpdata.txt:1040
32510msgid ""
32511"The most basic action is movement; units can move into any of the tiles "
32512"surrounding their current location, subject to restrictions imposed by their "
32513"physical nature (the terrain they are 'native' to), by diplomatic "
32514"obligations (see the section on Diplomacy), and by enemy units (see the "
32515"section on Zones of Control). The number of movement points consumed may "
32516"depend on the type of terrain; see the Terrain help."
32517msgstr ""
32518"Podstawowym działaniem jednostki jest ruch. Mogą one przemieszczać się na "
32519"każde sąsiadujące pole, chyba że możliwość ta ograniczona jest własnościami "
32520"fizycznymi jednostki (terenem dla niej natywnym), postanowieniami "
32521"dyplomatycznymi (zob. sekcja \"Dyplomacja\") lub jednostkami wroga (zob. "
32522"sekcja \"Strefy kontroli\"). Liczba użytych punktów ruchu zależy od rodzaju "
32523"terenu (zob. sekcja \"Teren\")."
32525#: data/helpdata.txt:1048
32526msgid ""
32527"A unit cannot move onto a tile occupied by an enemy unit, and when directed "
32528"to do so will attack instead (if capable of attack), locking the two units "
32529"in combat until one is destroyed. The outcome depends on the attributes of "
32530"the units in question (hit points, attack and defense strength, and "
32531"firepower); the Combat section describes the process in detail, and the "
32532"following sections list specific units' attributes."
32533msgstr ""
32534"Jednostka nie może przemieścić się na pole zajęte przez jednostkę wroga. W "
32535"takim przypadku poruszająca się jednostka zaatakuje wrogą jednostkę (o ile "
32536"atak jest możliwy) i walczą one dopóki, dopóty jedna z nich nie zostanie "
32537"zniszczona. Wynik walki zależy od parametrów jednostek (punktów obrażeń, "
32538"siły ataku i obrony oraz siły ognia). Poniżej opisano parametry "
32539"poszczególnych jednostek, a więcej informacji o samej walce znaleźć można w "
32540"sekcji \"Bitwa\"."
32542#: data/helpdata.txt:1056
32543msgid ""
32544"Units' attributes can be further boosted by being veteran. Units may be "
32545"built as veteran by means of certain city improvements or other influences; "
32546"once built, units can also become veteran through experience (such as "
32547"surviving combat), which may provide further levels of bonuses beyond those "
32548"available from their initial training."
32549msgstr ""
32550"Właściwości jednostki polepszają się, gdy staje się ona weteranem. Nowo "
32551"budowane jednostki mają status weterana, np. gdy miasto posiada pewne "
32552"usprawnienia. Jednostki mogą też stać się weteranami zyskując doświadczenie "
32553"w walce (np. gdy przetrwają atak wroga)."
32555#: data/helpdata.txt:1064
32556msgid ""
32557"Units which have been damaged in combat will regain hit points each turn in "
32558"which they are not moved. Normally, a unit which has not moved will regain "
32559"one hit point per turn. Units which are fortified gain an extra hit point. A "
32560"unit which spends a turn in a city regains one third of its base hit points, "
32561"and city improvements appropriate to the unit type can improve this further. "
32562"In the field, bases on tiles can improve the recovery rate (for instance, "
32563"fortresses in the classic ruleset have this effect); units must stay on the "
32564"tile for a whole turn to get this recovery bonus. Wonders can also boost "
32565"recovery (such as the United Nations in the classic ruleset). Damaged units "
32566"in Sentry mode will wake up when they have regained all of their hit points."
32567msgstr ""
32568"Jednostki, które zostały uszkodzone w bitwie, będą odzyskiwać punkty obrażeń "
32569"po każdej turze, w której nie wykonają ruchu. W normalnej sytuacji jednostki "
32570"odzyskują jeden punkt obrażeń na turę. Jednostki umocnione odzyskują "
32571"dodatkowy punkt na turę. Jednostka stacjonująca w mieście odzyskuje jedną "
32572"trzecią bazowych punktów obrażeń, a nawet więcej, jeśli miasto posiada "
32573"odpowiednie budynki. Jednostki stacjonujące w bazach mogą odzyskiwać więcej "
32574"punktów obrażeń (taki efekt mają na przykład fortece w klasycznym zestawie "
32575"zasad). Podobny efekt mają też niektóre cudy (np. ONZ w klasycznym zestawie "
32576"zasad). Jeśli uszkodzona jednostka była wartowana, zostanie aktywowana po "
32577"odzyskaniu wszystkich punktów obrażeń."
32579#: data/helpdata.txt:1077
32580msgid ""
32581"As technology advances, new types of units become available which obsolete "
32582"existing types. When you discover such a new technology, your existing units "
32583"remain intact, but you can no longer build new units of the obsolete type. "
32584"While an obsolete unit is in one of your cities, you can choose to upgrade "
32585"it to the latest equivalent by spending gold, with the cost increasing with "
32586"the difference in production point cost between the two types. When a unit "
32587"is upgraded, its hit points and movement points are preserved as a fraction "
32588"of the total; however, in some rulesets (but not the classic rules) it will "
32589"lose some or all of its veteran levels."
32590msgstr ""
32591"Wraz z rozwojem techniki dostępne staną się nowe jednostki, które sprawią, "
32592"że inne jednostki będą przestarzałe. Gdy odkryjesz nową technologię, "
32593"przestarzałe jednostki pozostaną na mapie, lecz nie będzie można już ich "
32594"budować. Jeśli przestarzała jednostka znajduje się w mieście, możesz ją "
32595"ulepszyć płacąc za to pewną ilość złota, a koszt takiego ulepszenia jest "
32596"wprost proporcjonalny do różnicy w punktach produkcji potrzebnych do "
32597"stworzenia tych jednostek. Ulepszanie nie regeneruje punktów ruchu i obrażeń "
32598"jednostek, a w niektórych zestawach zasad (choć nie w klasycznym) jednostka "
32599"traci część lub całość doświadczenia."
32601#: data/helpdata.txt:1095
32602msgid ""
32603"In standard combat, when one unit attacks another unit, either the attacker "
32604"will be destroyed, or the defender will be destroyed -- never both (unless "
32605"the attacker was a missile)."
32606msgstr ""
32607"W standardowych okolicznościach, gdy jednostka atakuje inną jednostkę, jedna "
32608"z nich zostanie zniszczona (lecz nigdy obie na raz, chyba że jednostką "
32609"atakującą jest pocisk)."
32611#: data/helpdata.txt:1099
32612msgid ""
32613"(In some rulesets, certain units sometimes use a different style of attack "
32614"called 'bombardment', which works rather differently: the attacker sustains "
32615"no damage, and damages every unit in the target tile or city, but defenders "
32616"are never completely destroyed.)"
32617msgstr ""
32618"(W niektórych zestawach zasad, niektóre jednostki są czasem używane do ataku "
32619"zwanego \"bombardowaniem\", które działa nieco inaczej: atakujący nie odnosi "
32620"żadnych obrażeń, ale razi każdą jednostkę na zaatakowanym polu lub w "
32621"mieście, choć broniący się nigdy nie są całkowicie niszczeni.)"
32623#: data/helpdata.txt:1104
32624msgid "The outcome of combat depends on several factors, including chance."
32625msgstr "Wynik starcia zależy od wielu czynników, również od przypadku."
32627#: data/helpdata.txt:1106
32628msgid ""
32629"The description below is for the classic ruleset, but the principles are "
32630"similar for any ruleset. Notice that many bonuses are possible for "
32631"defenders, but few for attackers, aside from veteran status; an attacking "
32632"unit can mostly expect circumstance to work against it."
32633msgstr ""
32634"Poniższy opis dotyczy klasycznego zestawu zasad, lecz ogólne reguły są takie "
32635"same dla wszystkich zestawów. Zwróć uwagę, że istnieje wiele premii dla "
32636"jednostek broniących się, lecz niewiele dla atakujących (za wyjątkiem "
32637"doświadczenia); jednostka atakująca może się więc spodziewać, że "
32638"okoliczności zazwyczaj obrócą się przeciwko niej."
32640#: data/helpdata.txt:1113
32641msgid "First, the attacker's strength is modified."
32642msgstr "Najpierw obliczana jest siła atakującego."
32644#: data/helpdata.txt:1115
32645msgid ""
32646" - If the attacker is a veteran, its strength is multiplied by the bonus "
32647"associated with its veteran level."
32648msgstr ""
32649" - Jeżeli atakujący jest weteranem, to jego siła jest mnożona przez wartość "
32650"skojarzoną ze statusem weterana."
32652#: data/helpdata.txt:1118
32653msgid ""
32654" - Some rulesets (but not the classic rules) have 'tired attacks': a unit "
32655"that attacks with less than a full movement point will have its strength "
32656"proportionally reduced."
32657msgstr ""
32658" - Niektóre zestawy zasad (lecz nie klasyczny) przewidują 'zmęczone ataki': "
32659"jeśli atakująca jednostka zużyła wcześniej część punktów ruch, jej siła jest "
32660"proporcjonalne niższa."
32662#: data/helpdata.txt:1124
32663msgid "Next, the defender's strength is modified."
32664msgstr "Następnie, obliczana jest siła obrońcy."
32666#: data/helpdata.txt:1126
32667msgid ""
32668" - If the defender is a veteran, then its strength is multiplied by the "
32669"bonus associated with its veteran level."
32670msgstr ""
32671" - Jeżeli jednostka broniąca jest weteranem, to jej siła jest mnożona przez "
32672"wartość skojarzoną ze statusem weterana."
32674#: data/helpdata.txt:1131
32675msgid ""
32676" - Then the defender's strength is multiplied by the defense factor of the "
32677"terrain it occupies."
32678msgstr ""
32679" - Siła obrońcy jest mnożona przez współczynnik obrony terenu, na którym "
32680"dana jednostka stacjonuje."
32682#: data/helpdata.txt:1136
32683msgid ""
32684" - If the defender is fortified, or is of a type that could fortify and is "
32685"inside a city, its strength is multiplied by 1.5."
32686msgstr ""
32687" - Jeśli broniąca się jednostka jest umocniona lub posiada zdolność "
32688"umacniania się i znajduje się wewnątrz miasta, jej siła mnożona jest przez "
32691#: data/helpdata.txt:1139
32692msgid " - Ruleset-specific bonuses are applied:"
32693msgstr " - Zmiany wynikające z zestawu zasad:"
32695#: data/helpdata.txt:1143
32696msgid ""
32697"   - The defender's strength is doubled if it is a Pikeman unit defending "
32698"against a mounted unit."
32699msgstr ""
32700" - Siła obrońcy jest podwajana, jeżeli jednostka broniąca się to Pikinierzy, "
32701"a jednostka konna."
32703#: data/helpdata.txt:1148
32704msgid ""
32705"   - If the defender is an AEGIS Cruiser defending against airborne units "
32706"(including missiles and Helicopters), the defense is quintupled."
32707msgstr ""
32708"   - Jeżeli Krążownik AEGIS broni się przed jednostkami powietrznymi (także "
32709"Helikopterami i pociskami), siła obrony wzrasta pięciokrotnie."
32711#: data/helpdata.txt:1154
32712msgid ""
32713"   - The defender's strength is doubled again if it is in a city with a SAM "
32714"Battery and the attacker is an air unit (other than a Helicopter or a "
32716msgstr ""
32717" - Siła obrońcy jest jeszcze raz podwajana, jeśli miasto posiada Obronę "
32718"Przeciwlotniczą, a atakujący to jednostka powietrzna (inna niż Helikopter "
32719"lub pocisk)."
32721#: data/helpdata.txt:1160
32722msgid ""
32723"   - An SDI Defense doubles the defender's strength against missile attacks."
32724msgstr " - Obrona SDI podwaja współczynnik obrony w starciu z pociskami."
32726#: data/helpdata.txt:1165
32727msgid ""
32728"   - If the attacker is a ship and the defender is in a city with a Coastal "
32729"Defense, the defender's strength is doubled."
32730msgstr ""
32731" - Jeżeli jednostka atakująca to okręt, a obrońca stacjonuje w mieście z "
32732"Obroną Wybrzeża, współczynnik obrony jest podwajany."
32734#: data/helpdata.txt:1170
32735msgid ""
32736"   - Against land units (other than Howitzers) and Helicopters, defending "
32737"units in a city with City Walls have their strength tripled."
32738msgstr ""
32739" - Mury Obronne potrajają współczynnik obrony w starciu z jednostkami "
32740"lądowymi i Helikopterami (ta zasada nie dotyczy Haubic)."
32742#: data/helpdata.txt:1176
32743msgid ""
32744"   - If the defender is in a fortress (and not a city), its strength is "
32746msgstr ""
32747" - Jeżeli obrońca znajduje się w fortecy (a nie w mieście), jego siła jest "
32750#: data/helpdata.txt:1181
32751msgid ""
32752"   - Finally, if the attacker is a fighter and the defender is a helicopter, "
32753"the defender's strength is halved."
32754msgstr ""
32755" - Jeżeli jednostka atakująca to Myśliwiec, a jednostka broniąca się to "
32756"Helikopter, siła broniącego się zmniejsza się o połowę."
32758#: data/helpdata.txt:1184
32759msgid ""
32760"If, after these modifications, the attacker has a strength of 0, it "
32761"automatically loses. Otherwise, if the defender has a strength of 0, the "
32762"defender loses."
32763msgstr ""
32764"Jeśli po tych obliczeniach siła atakującego jest równa 0, to ulega on "
32765"zniszczeniu. W przeciwnym wypadku, jeśli siła broniącego się spadnie do "
32766"zera, to ulega on zniszczeniu."
32768#: data/helpdata.txt:1190
32769msgid "The firepower of the attacker and defender are also modified."
32770msgstr ""
32771"Siła ognia atakującego i broniącego się może także zostać zmodyfikowana."
32773#: data/helpdata.txt:1194
32774msgid ""
32775" - If the defender is a ship and is inside a city the firepower of the "
32776"attacker is doubled and the firepower of the ship is set to 1."
32777msgstr ""
32778" - Jeśli statek broni się w mieście, to siła ognia atakującego jest "
32779"podwajana, a siła ognia statku jest zmniejszana do 1."
32781#: data/helpdata.txt:1199
32782msgid ""
32783" - If a fighter is attacking a helicopter the firepower of the helicopter is "
32784"set to 1."
32785msgstr ""
32786" - Jeżeli Myśliwiec atakuje Helikopter, to siła ognia Helikoptera jest "
32787"ustawiana na 1."
32789#: data/helpdata.txt:1204
32790msgid ""
32791" - If neither unit could move to where the other is, such as a ship "
32792"attacking a land unit on land, the firepower of both is set to 1."
32793msgstr ""
32794" - Jeśli żadna jednostka nie może przejść na pole drugiej jednostki, np. gry "
32795"statek atakuje jednostkę lądową, siła ognia obu jednostek jest ustawiana na "
32798#: data/helpdata.txt:1207
32799msgid ""
32800"After these preliminaries, combat occurs, as long as both units are still "
32801"alive (i.e., hit points are greater than 0). Each round, a random number "
32802"between 1 and the sum of the attacker's and defender's strengths is "
32803"generated. If this number is greater than the defender's strength, the "
32804"defender loses hit points equal to the attacker's firepower. Otherwise, the "
32805"attacker loses hit points equal to the defender's firepower. The first unit "
32806"to reach 0 hit points (or negative hit points) loses."
32807msgstr ""
32808"Bitwa trwa tak długo, aż jedna z jednostek utraci wszystkie punkty obrażeń. "
32809"W każdej rundzie, losowana jest liczba z przedziału od 1 do sumy sił "
32810"atakującej i broniącej się jednostki. Jeżeli ta liczba jest większa od siły "
32811"broniącego się, traci on tyle punktów obrażeń, ile wynosi siła ognia "
32812"atakującego. W przeciwnym wypadku atakujący traci tyle punktów obrażeń, ile "
32813"wynosi siła ognia broniącego się. Jednostka, która straci wszystkie punkty "
32814"obrażeń, ginie."
32816#: data/helpdata.txt:1222
32817#, no-c-format
32818msgid ""
32819"Whichever unit survives the fight has a chance of being promoted a veteran "
32820"level. In the classic ruleset, if the winner's civilization has the Sun "
32821"Tzu's War Academy (and if it isn't obsolete), the chance is increased by "
32822"half in case of land units."
32823msgstr ""
32824"Jednostka, która przeżyje bitwę ma szansę stać się weteranem. W klasycznym "
32825"zestawie zasad, jeśli zwycięska cywilizacja posiada Akademię Wojny Sun Tzu "
32826"(i nie jest ona przestarzała), prawdopodobieństwo uzyskania statusu weterana "
32827"przez jednostkę lądową zwiększa się o połowę."
32829#: data/helpdata.txt:1229
32830msgid ""
32831"If the attacker is a land unit and wins, and the defender is in a city "
32832"without City Walls, the city is reduced in size by 1. (This can be changed "
32833"with the 'killcitizen' server option.)"
32834msgstr ""
32835"Jeżeli atakująca jednostka lądowa wygra potyczkę z jednostką broniącą się w "
32836"mieście bez Murów Obronnym, rozmiar miasta zmniejsza się o 1. (Można zmienić "
32837"to zachowanie przy pomocy opcji serwera 'killcitizen'.)"
32839#: data/helpdata.txt:1235
32840msgid ""
32841"If the defender loses, and is not inside a city, fortress, or airbase, all "
32842"other units at the defender's location may be destroyed along with the "
32843"defender. (This can be changed with the 'killstack' server option.)"
32844msgstr ""
32845"Jeżeli broniący się przegrał potyczkę poza miastem, fortecą lub bazą "
32846"powietrzną to wszystkie inne jednostki na tym samym polu giną. (Zachowanie "
32847"to można zmienić przy pomocy opcji serwera 'killstack'.)"
32849#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
32850#: data/helpdata.txt:1244
32851msgid " Combat example 1"
32852msgstr " Przykład starcia 1"
32854#: data/helpdata.txt:1245
32855msgid ""
32856"Suppose a Cannon (A:8, D:1, HP:20, FP:1) attacks a Musketeer (A:3, D:3, "
32857"HP:20, FP:1) inside a city with City Walls built on a Forest tile.  Neither "
32858"are veteran."
32859msgstr ""
32860"Załóżmy, że Działo o statusie weterana (A:8, O:1, PO:20, SO:1) atakuje "
32861"Muszkieterów (A:3, O:3, PO:20, SO:1) stacjonujących w mieście z Murami "
32862"Obronnymi, założonym w lesie. Żadna z jednostek nie jest weteranem."
32864#: data/helpdata.txt:1249
32865msgid ""
32866"The defender's base strength is 3.  Because it is on a Forest tile, its "
32867"strength becomes 4.5.  It is behind City Walls, so its strength is tripled, "
32868"to 13.5.  It is a ground unit inside a city, so its strength is increased to "
32870msgstr ""
32871"Siła obrońcy wynosi 3. Ze względu na to, że stacjonuje on w lesie, siła jest "
32872"zwiększana do 4,5. Znajduje się on w mieście z murami obronnymi, więc siła "
32873"jest potrajana do 13,5. Obrońca jest jednostką lądową stacjonującą w "
32874"mieście, więc siła jest zwiększana do 20,25."
32876#: data/helpdata.txt:1254
32877msgid ""
32878"Strength values inside the game are actually multiplied by 10, with "
32879"fractions dropped, so the attacker's strength is 80, and the defender's "
32880"strength is 202."
32881msgstr ""
32882"Podczas obliczania wyniku bitwy mnoży się wartości siły jednostek przez 10 i "
32883"zaokrągla otrzymaną wartość w dół do liczby całkowitej. Siła atakującego "
32884"wynosi więc 80, a obrońcy 202."
32886#: data/helpdata.txt:1258
32887msgid "Both units keep their firepower of 1 unchanged."
32888msgstr "Siła ognia obydwu jednostek wynosi 1 i nie jest zmieniana."
32890#: data/helpdata.txt:1261
32891#, no-c-format
32892msgid ""
32893"Each round of combat, a random number between 1 and 282 is generated.  If "
32894"the number is greater than 202 (about a 28% chance), the defender loses 1 "
32895"hit point.  Otherwise (about a 72% chance), the attacker loses 1 point."
32896msgstr ""
32897"W każdej rundzie losowana jest liczba z przedziału od 1 do 282 (80+202). "
32898"Jeżeli jest ona większa od 202 (szansa około 28%) obrońca traci jeden punkt "
32899"obrażeń, w przeciwnym wypadku traci go atakujący."
32901#: data/helpdata.txt:1272
32902#, no-c-format
32903msgid ""
32904"Since both units have 20 hit points, the odds favor a victory for the "
32905"defender.  The defender will probably lose somewhere around 40% of its hit "
32906"points during the fight.  But the outcome is never certain as long as both "
32907"units have non-zero strengths; the defender might emerge untouched, or it "
32908"might lose most of its hit points, or it might even lose the battle."
32909msgstr ""
32910"Skoro obie jednostki posiadają po 20 punktów obrażeń, powinniśmy oczekiwać, "
32911"że atak Działa nie powiedzie się, a Muszkieterzy stracą około 40% punktów "
32912"obrażeń. Należy pamiętać, że o wyniku bitwy decyduje los, a więc każdy "
32913"wynik, łącznie ze zwycięstwem atakującego, jest możliwy."
32915#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
32916#: data/helpdata.txt:1283
32917msgid " Combat example 2"
32918msgstr " Przykład starcia 2"
32920#: data/helpdata.txt:1284
32921msgid ""
32922"Suppose a veteran Battleship (A:12, D:12, HP:40, FP:2) with 3 movement "
32923"points attacks a veteran Alpine Troops (A:5, D:5, HP:20, FP:1) inside a city "
32924"built on a Grassland tile, with City Walls and a Coastal Defense."
32925msgstr ""
32926"Załóżmy, że Pancernik o statusie weterana (A:12, O:12, PO:40, SO:2) z 3 "
32927"punktami ruchu atakuje Oddziały Górskie ze statusem weterana (A:5, O:5, "
32928"PO:20, SO:1) stacjonujące w mieście zbudowanym na trawach, posiadającym Mury "
32929"Obronne i Obronę Wybrzeża."
32931#: data/helpdata.txt:1289
32932msgid "The attacker's strength is 12, raised to 18 because of veteran status."
32933msgstr ""
32934"Siła atakującego wynosi 12, zwiększona jest do 18 ze względu na status "
32937#: data/helpdata.txt:1292
32938msgid ""
32939"The defender's strength is 5, raised to 7.5 due to veteran status. The "
32940"terrain's defense factor is 1 (no effect).  The Coastal Defense doubles the "
32941"defender's strength to 15. (The City Walls have no effect against attacking "
32942"sea units.) The defender is a ground unit inside a city, so its total "
32943"strength is 22.5."
32944msgstr ""
32945"Siła obrońcy wynosi 5, zwiększona do 7,5 ze względu na status weterana. "
32946"Współczynnik obrony terenu wynosi 1 (brak efektu). Obrona Wybrzeża podwaja "
32947"siłę obrońcy do 15, Mury Obronne nie są brane pod uwagę podczas ataku "
32948"jednostek morskich. Obrońca to jednostka lądowa znajdująca się wewnątrz "
32949"miasta, więc jej siła wynosi 22,5."
32951#: data/helpdata.txt:1298
32952msgid ""
32953"Internally, the values used for attacker and defender strength are 180 and "
32954"225, respectively."
32955msgstr ""
32956"Wartości użyte do obliczeń jako siła atakującego i obrońcy to odpowiednio: "
32957"180 i 225."
32959#: data/helpdata.txt:1301
32960msgid "The firepower of the Battleship is set from 2 to 1."
32961msgstr "Siła ognia statku jest zmniejszana z 2 do 1."
32963#: data/helpdata.txt:1304
32964#, no-c-format
32965msgid ""
32966"Each round, a random number from 1 to 405 is generated.  If it is greater "
32967"than 225 (about a 44% chance) the defender loses 1 hit point.  Otherwise, "
32968"the attacker loses 1 hit point."
32969msgstr ""
32970"W każdym kroku losowana jest liczba z przedziału 1 do 405. Jeżeli jest ona "
32971"większa od 225 (szansa około 44%), obrońca traci jeden punkt obrażeń, w "
32972"przeciwnym wypadku atakujący traci jeden punkt obrażeń."
32974#: data/helpdata.txt:1315
32975#, no-c-format
32976msgid ""
32977"In this case, the odds greatly favor the attacker winning.  The Battleship "
32978"is 25% less likely to score a hit in any given round, but the Battleship has "
32979"twice as many hit points. The Battleship should expect to lose about 60% of "
32980"its hit points during the fight, and should expect to have no movement "
32981"points left."
32982msgstr ""
32983"W tym przypadku faworytem jest atakujący. Pancernik ma o 25% mniejsze szanse "
32984"na to, że ugodzi przeciwnika, ale Pancernik posiada 2 razy więcej punktów "
32985"obrażeń. Powinniśmy oczekiwać, że Pancernik utraci około 60% swoich punktów "
32986"obrażeń w czasie walki, po której będzie miał jeszcze 2 punkty ruchu."
32988#: data/helpdata.txt:1325
32989msgid ""
32990"Zones of Control, abbreviated as ZOC, is a game concept which prevents you "
32991"moving freely in zones controlled (or partially controlled) by enemy forces."
32992msgstr ""
32993"Strefy kontroli to element gry przeciwdziałający swobodnemu poruszaniu się w "
32994"obszarach kontrolowanych przez siły wroga."
32996#: data/helpdata.txt:1329
32997msgid ""
32998"Zones of control are only enforceable on some terrain -- in the classic "
32999"rules, only on land tiles. When ZOC applies, the general rule is that a unit "
33000"which is adjacent to an enemy occupied tile cannot move directly to another "
33001"tile which is also adjacent to an enemy occupied tile. An enemy occupied "
33002"tile is one with a foreign unit of a type that imposes ZOC, unless you have "
33003"an Alliance pact with that nation. Adjacency means any of the eight tiles "
33004"surrounding a unit for rectangular grids, or six tiles for hexagonal grids."
33005msgstr ""
33006"Strefy kontroli działają tylko na niektórych terenach -- w klasycznym "
33007"zestawie zasad, tylko na polach lądowych. Gdy strefy kontroli obowiązują, "
33008"ogólna zasada mówi, że jednostka lądowa, znajdująca się na polu sąsiadującym "
33009"z polem zajętym przez wroga, nie może się przemieścić na inne pole "
33010"sąsiadujące z polem zajętym przez wroga. Pole zajęte przez wroga to pole "
33011"zajęte przez obcą jednostkę ustanawiającą strefę kontroli, chyba że jesteś w "
33012"sojuszu z narodem tej jednostki. Każde pole ma 8 (na mapach prostokątnych) "
33013"lub 6 (na mapach sześciokątnych) pól, które z nim sąsiadują."
33015#: data/helpdata.txt:1338
33016msgid ""
33017"In the following special cases, units can move regardless of ZOC:\n"
33018"- A unit moving directly into or out of a city.\n"
33019"- A unit moving onto a tile already occupied by a friendly unit.\n"
33020"- A unit moving to or from a terrain where ZOC cannot be enforced; for "
33021"instance, in the classic rules, a land unit disembarking from a boat which "
33022"is on an ocean tile.\n"
33023"- A unit type which explicitly ignores ZOC, such as Diplomats and Spies in "
33024"the classic rules."
33025msgstr ""
33026"Strefy kontroli nie obowiązują, gdy:\n"
33027"- jednostka wchodzi lub wychodzi z miasta,\n"
33028"- jednostka przemieszcza się na pole zajęte przez jednostki przyjazne,\n"
33029"- jednostka przemieszcza się po terenie, na którym nie można ustanowić "
33030"strefy kontroli; na przykład, gdy przy klasycznym zestawie zasad jednostka "
33031"jest wyładowywana na ląd ze statku na polu oceanicznym.\n"
33032"- jednostka z definicji ignoruje strefy kontroli (np. Dyplomata lub Szpieg w "
33033"klasycznym zestawie zasad)."
33035#: data/helpdata.txt:1347
33036msgid "Notes:"
33037msgstr "Uwagi:"
33039#: data/helpdata.txt:1349
33040msgid "- ZOC does not restrict unit attacks, only movement."
33041msgstr ""
33042"- Strefa kontroli nie ogranicza możliwości atakowania, a jedynie ruchy."
33044#: data/helpdata.txt:1351
33045msgid ""
33046"- Units may only impose ZOC when they are on terrain that supports it. Thus, "
33047"units that are not native to terrain effectively cannot impose ZOC except "
33048"for the special case where they are in a city."
33049msgstr ""
33050"- Jednostki mogą ustanawiać strefy kontroli jedynie na terenie, które je "
33051"umożliwia. Tak więc jednostki na terenie nie natywnym dla siebie ustanawiają "
33052"strefy kontroli jedynie w specjalnych przypadkach, czyli gdy znajdują się w "
33055#: data/helpdata.txt:1355
33056msgid ""
33057"- An enemy city counts as an enemy occupied tile if there are any units "
33058"inside the city, but not if the city is empty."
33059msgstr ""
33060"- Wrogie miasto traktowane jest jako pole zajęte tylko wtedy, gdy znajdują "
33061"się w nim jakieś jednostki."
33063#: data/helpdata.txt:1358
33064msgid ""
33065"TIP:  You can infiltrate enemy zones by first moving in a Diplomat (or some "
33066"other unit which ignores ZOC), and then moving regular units onto the tile "
33067"now occupied by the Diplomat. By repeating this process (and optionally "
33068"leaving some units behind to keep tiles occupied), you can make a path "
33069"through enemy territory."
33070msgstr ""
33071"RADA: Możesz penetrować strefy kontroli ruszając się Dyplomatą (lub inną "
33072"jednostką ignorującą strefy kontroli) do strefy, a potem zwyczajną jednostką "
33073"na pole zajęte właśnie przez Dyplomatę. Powtarzając ten fortel i zostawiając "
33074"za sobą jednostki, możesz nawet stworzyć ścieżkę na terytorium wroga."
33076#: data/helpdata.txt:1369
33077msgid ""
33078"Your government type influences your cities' productivity and commerce, your "
33079"citizens' happiness, and many other game factors."
33080msgstr ""
33081"Twój ustrój wpływa na produkcję, zadowolenie, zamożność twoich miast i na "
33082"wiele innych aspektów gry."
33084#: data/helpdata.txt:1372
33085msgid ""
33086"In the classic rules, your start out ruling your civilization through "
33087"Despotism. As your technology improves, you can select other forms of "
33088"government (listed below). In order to change your form of government, you "
33089"must start a revolution. This will cause your civilization to undergo a "
33090"period of Anarchy (lasting 1-5 turns); at the end of this time, you will be "
33091"able to choose your new government."
33092msgstr ""
33093"W klasycznym zestawie zasad, twoim początkowym ustrojem jest Despotyzm. W "
33094"miarę rozwoju nauki możesz wybierać inne typy rządów (podane poniżej). Aby "
33095"zmienić system rządów, musisz rozpocząć rewolucję, która wprowadza anarchię "
33096"w państwie (na okres 1-5 tur), po której będziesz mógł wybrać nowy ustrój."
33098#: data/helpdata.txt:1380
33099msgid ""
33100"TIP 1:  Offensive military campaigns are difficult under Republican and "
33101"Democratic governments unless you give your citizens lots of luxuries to "
33102"keep them happy. When conquering other civilizations, it may be helpful to "
33103"switch to one of the more militant styles of government."
33104msgstr ""
33105"RADA 1: Kampanie militarne są trudniejsze do przeprowadzenia podczas "
33106"Republiki czy Demokracji, bo musisz wtedy zapewnić swoim mieszkańcom więcej "
33107"luksusu, aby pozostali zadowoleni. Podczas atakowania innych graczy, warto "
33108"zmienić ustrój na bardziej autorytarny."
33110#: data/helpdata.txt:1386
33111msgid ""
33112"TIP 2:  Scientific advancement requires high levels of trade, which are much "
33113"easier to achieve under Republican and Democratic governments. Consider "
33114"switching to the Republic as soon as you can; gaining advanced technology "
33115"early in the game puts you at an advantage."
33116msgstr ""
33117"RADA 2: Nauka wymaga rozwiniętego handlu, który jest łatwiejszy do "
33118"osiągnięcia podczas Republiki czy Demokracji. Rozważ wprowadzenie tych "
33119"ustrojów najszybciej jak to możliwe, gdyż odkrycia na początku gry mogą dać "
33120"ci przewagę nad innymi graczami."
33122#. TRANS: Preserve the leading space: it controls nesting
33123#: data/helpdata.txt:1399
33124msgid " Civil War"
33125msgstr " Wojna domowa"
33127#: data/helpdata.txt:1400
33128msgid ""
33129"Civil war is devastating to any empire. In rulesets with civil war, it is "
33130"triggered by the loss of your capital. Up to half of your cities will rebel "
33131"and declare allegiance to a new (AI) leader, who will loot half of your "
33132"treasury and retain all of your scientific advances."
33133msgstr ""
33134"Wojna domowa potrafi zniszczyć każde imperium. W zestawach zasad które ją "
33135"dopuszczają, spowodowana jest utratą stolicy. Połowa miast odłącza się od "
33136"imperium i deklaruje przymierze z nowym graczem (AI), który otrzymuje połowę "
33137"skarbca i wszystkie odkrycia naukowe."
33139#: data/helpdata.txt:1406
33140msgid ""
33141"Players remain in the civil war state for just one turn, after which the "
33142"empire enters a state of anarchy."
33143msgstr ""
33144"Gracze pozostają w stanie wojny domowej tylko przez jedną turę, po której "
33145"cywilizacja pogrąża się w Anarchii."
33147#: data/helpdata.txt:1409
33148msgid ""
33149"The capture of your capital does not always lead to civil war. If you have "
33150"treated your people with kindness, you are more likely to retain their "
33151"loyalty. Each city that is celebrating reduces the chance of civil war, "
33152"while each city in disorder increases the likelihood."
33153msgstr ""
33154"Przejęcie twojej stolicy nie oznacza zawsze wojny domowej. Jeśli mieszkańcy "
33155"byli dobrze traktowani, masz większe szanse na to, że pozostaną lojalni. "
33156"Każde świętujące miasto zmniejsza prawdopodobieństwo wojny domowej, a każde "
33157"zbuntowane miasto zwiększa to prawdopodobieństwo."
33159#: data/helpdata.txt:1415
33160msgid ""
33161"In addition, the form of government directly contributes to the chance of "
33162"civil war. Governments with universal franchise are far less likely to "
33163"revolt than those more despotic in nature."
33164msgstr ""
33165"Typ ustroju ma także wpływ na ryzyko wybuchu wojny domowej. Ustroje "
33166"gwarantujące prawa obywatelskie są pod tym względem lepsze od ustrojów "
33169#: data/helpdata.txt:1419
33170msgid ""
33171"The number of cities an empire needs before it can erupt into civil war is "
33172"by default 10. That is, empires with fewer than 10 cities are immune from "
33173"civil war. However, this is a server option ('civilwarsize'), and may vary "
33174"upwards from a minimum of 6."
33175msgstr ""
33176"Domyślny limit miast, powyżej którego cywilizacja może się rozpaść, wynosi "
33177"10. Oznacza to, że imperia posiadające mniej niż 10 miast nigdy nie "
33178"pogrążają się w wojnie domowej. Ten limit jest określany przez opcję serwera "
33179"('civilwarsize'), której najniższa możliwa wartość to 6."
33181#: data/helpdata.txt:1428
33182msgid ""
33183"Some rulesets define \"policies\". These are empire-wide settings, usually "
33184"trade-offs similar to tax rates. If the current ruleset defines any "
33185"policies, they are described in the following sections."
33186msgstr ""
33187"Niektóre zestawy zasad określają tak zwane polityki. Są to ustawienia "
33188"wpływające na cały kraj, działające zazwyczaj na zasadzie \"coś za coś\" "
33189"tak, jak stawki podatkowe. Jeśli bieżący zestaw zasad przewiduje polityki, "
33190"są one opisane w kolejnych sekcjach."
33192#: data/helpdata.txt:1432
33193msgid ""
33194"You may change policy values at any time, but any changes only take effect "
33195"at the next turn."
33196msgstr ""
33197"Możesz zmienić wartości w politykach w dowolnym momencie, lecz zmiany "
33198"przyniosą efekt dopiero w kolejnej turze."
33200#: data/helpdata.txt:1442
33201msgid ""
33202"There are five diplomatic states between players: War, Cease-fire, "
33203"Armistice, Peace, and Alliance. The first is the natural state, while the "
33204"others can be achieved by signing diplomatic treaties."
33205msgstr ""
33206"Isnieje pięć typów relacji pomiędzy narodami graczy: wojna, zawieszenie "
33207"broni, rozejm, pokój i sojusz. Pierwszy z nich jest stanem \"naturalnym\", "
33208"inne zaś można osiągnął podpisując traktaty dyplomatyczne."
33210#: data/helpdata.txt:1446
33211msgid ""
33212"During War, you can freely move your units inside enemy territory and attack "
33213"their units and cities at will."
33214msgstr ""
33215"Podczas Wojny, możesz poruszać się swobodnie po terytorium wroga oraz "
33216"atakować jego jednostki i miasta."
33218#: data/helpdata.txt:1449
33219msgid ""
33220"When two players decide to end hostilities between them, they can agree on a "
33221"Cease-fire treaty. This prevents each player from attacking the other, but "
33222"you can still move your units inside the other player's borders. After a set "
33223"number of turns, the Cease-fire will lead back to War. Upon first contact "
33224"with an AI player, it will automatically offer you a Cease-fire treaty."
33225msgstr ""
33226"Jeśli gracze zdecydują się położyć kres agresji, mogą zgodzić się na "
33227"zawieszenie broni. Jednostki nie będą się mogły atakować, lecz będą mogły "
33228"poruszać się po terytorium drugiego gracza. Po określonej liczbie tur, "
33229"zawieszenie broni przejdzie w wojnę."
33231#: data/helpdata.txt:1456
33232msgid ""
33233"If you wish for a more permanent peaceful coexistence with another player, "
33234"you may sign a peace pact. This will enter a transitional Armistice state, "
33235"which after another set number of turns will turn into a permanent Peace. "
33236"Breaking an Armistice will drop you directly back to War."
33237msgstr ""
33238"Jeśli chcesz bardziej trwałego pokojowego współistnienia z innym graczem, "
33239"możecie podpisać pakt pokojowy. Rozpocznie się wtedy rozejm (okres "
33240"przejściowy), który po określonej liczbie tur, przejdzie w trwały pokój. "
33241"Pogwałcenie warunków rozejmu, doprowadzi do wojny."
33243#: data/helpdata.txt:1462
33244msgid ""
33245"At the moment two players enter into the diplomatic state of Peace, all "
33246"military units belonging to either player that happen to be within the "
33247"other's borders will be automatically disbanded according to the treaty. "
33248"After this, you may not move military units into the other's territory until "
33249"you either declare War, or forge an Alliance. Breaking a Peace treaty will "
33250"drop you directly back to War."
33251msgstr ""
33252"Gdy nastanie pokój, wszystkie jednostki graczy pozostające na obcym "
33253"terytorium zostaną automatycznie rozwiązane. Nie możesz też wkroczyć "
33254"jednostka zbrojną na terytorium drugiego gracza, chyba że wypowiesz wojnę "
33255"lub zawrzecie sojusz. Pogwałcenie warunków traktatu pokojowego doprowadzi do "
33258#: data/helpdata.txt:1469
33259msgid ""
33260"An Alliance is the ultimate diplomatic relationship between two players. In "
33261"this state, you may move units into each other's cities and your units may "
33262"share the same tile; units no longer impose zones of control. However, "
33263"alliance treaties come with obligations; you won't be able to ally with a "
33264"player that is at war with a current ally unless you break the first treaty. "
33265"If one of your allies declares war on another, the alliance with the "
33266"aggressor is automatically broken. Breaking an Alliance will drop you to an "
33267"Armistice treaty. An allied AI player will freely give you its world maps "
33268"and shared vision, and will seriously consider trading technologies and "
33269"cities, but in return will expect you to join its wars against other players."
33270msgstr ""
33271"Ostatnim możliwym rodzajem relacji jest sojusz. Możesz wtedy wprowadzać "
33272"swoje jednostki na terytorium drugiego gracza, wchodzić do jego miast i na "
33273"pola zajmowane przez jego jednostki, znikną też strefy kontroli. Wiążą się z "
33274"tym jednak pewne obowiązki. Nie możesz wejść w sojusz z wrogiem twojego "
33275"sojusznika, chyba że wypowiesz traktat sojuszniczy. Jeśli jeden z twoich "
33276"sojuszników wypowie wojnę innemu sojusznikowi, zerwany zostanie sojusz z "
33277"agresorem. Zerwanie sojuszu wprowadzi was w stan rozejmu. Gracz sterowany "
33278"przez komputer chętnie udostępni ci swoje mapy i widok dzielonego, a także "
33279"poważnie rozważy handel technologiami i miastami, lecz będzie oczekiwał, że "
33280"w zamian wesprzesz go w wojnie z wrogami."
33282#: data/helpdata.txt:1485
33283msgid ""
33284"Research into technology is a necessity for improving the ability of your "
33285"civilization to develop new military units and city improvements."
33286msgstr ""
33287"Twoja cywilizacja potrzebuje odkryć naukowych do produkcji nowych jednostek "
33288"i budowy obiektów w miastach."
33290#: data/helpdata.txt:1489
33291msgid ""
33292"There are a few ways to gain advances from other civilizations: you will "
33293"sometimes discover enemy technology when you capture a city; your agents can "
33294"steal advances; wonders can provide you with technology; and another player "
33295"might grant technology in the terms of a pact. But otherwise advances must "
33296"be discovered through the efforts of your own people."
33297msgstr ""
33298"Możesz wejść w posiadanie technologii innego gracza na kilka sposobów: "
33299"czasem odkryjesz technologię podbijając miasto, mogą ją wykraść twoi agenci "
33300"lub dać niektóre cudy, możesz też otrzymać odkrycie od innego gracza na mocy "
33301"paktu dyplomatycznego. W przeciwnym razie, musisz dokonywać odkryć własnymi "
33304#: data/helpdata.txt:1496
33305msgid ""
33306"Most technology progress comes from trade (see the Trade section) and, in "
33307"the classic ruleset, from scientist specialists (see the Specialists "
33308"section). While it is possible to change which advance you are currently "
33309"researching, by default all progress is lost by doing so."
33310msgstr ""
33311"Większość postępu naukowego generowana jest przez handel (zob. sekcja "
33312"\"Handel\") oraz, w klasycznym zestawie zasad, przez naukowców (zob. sekcja "
33313"\"Specjaliści\"). Możesz zmienić technologię, nad którą pracujesz, lecz "
33314"domyślnie postęp wypracowany przy bieżącej technologii zostanie utracony."
33316#: data/helpdata.txt:1501
33317msgid ""
33318"While the majority of the resulting research output (\"bulbs\") usually goes "
33319"toward advancing technology, in some rulesets (but not the classic rules), "
33320"some of it may be diverted to maintain expertise in existing technologies; "
33321"the quantity required for technology upkeep increases with the total "
33322"research cost of all advances known to you. The state of advancement at "
33323"which you start paying this upkeep may depend on factors such as your "
33324"government type. If research output drops below that required for upkeep, "
33325"your civilization will forget an advance, requiring it to be researched "
33327msgstr ""
33328"Większość punktów odkryć przeznaczanych jest zazwyczaj na opracowywanie "
33329"nowych technologii, lecz w niektórych zestawach zasad (choć nie w "
33330"klasycznym), część punktów może być przeznaczona na utrzymywanie już "
33331"posiadanych technologii. Koszt utrzymania technologii zwiększa się wraz z "
33332"całkowitym kosztem odkryć, które posiadasz. Stan odkryć przy którym "
33333"zaczniesz płacić za utrzymanie technologii zależy od czynników takich jak "
33334"ustrój. Jeśli produkcja punktów odkryć spadnie poniżej ilości wymaganej do "
33335"utrzymywania technologii, twoja cywilizacja zapomni losową technologię i "
33336"trzeba będzie odkryć ją od ponownie."
33338#: data/helpdata.txt:1511
33339msgid ""
33340"Technological advances can render units, city improvements, and wonders "
33341"obsolete. While obsolete units merely become impossible for you to make -- "
33342"leaving the ones you have already made intact -- obsolete improvements are "
33343"immediately sold, and obsolete wonders lose their effect. See the relevant "
33344"sections for more information."
33345msgstr ""
33346"Nowe technologie mogą sprawić, że jednostki, budynki i cudy staną się "
33347"przestarzałe. Gdy tak się stanie, nie będzie można tworzyć przestarzałych "
33348"jednostek, ale te już istniejące pozostaną aktywne. Przestarzałe budynki są "
33349"natychmiast sprzedawane, a cudy tracą swoje działanie. Więcej informacji "
33350"znaleźć można we właściwych sekcjach."
33352#: data/helpdata.txt:1524
33353msgid ""
33354"The Space Race is a second option to win the game, besides eliminating all "
33355"other civilizations. If your spaceship arrives first at Alpha Centauri, the "
33356"game is over and you have won. (However it is possible for this to be "
33357"disabled on the server.)"
33358msgstr ""
33359"Wyścig kosmiczny jest drugą, obok pokonania wszystkich graczy, możliwością "
33360"wygrania rozgrywki. Jeśli twój statek kosmiczny dotrze jako pierwszy na Alfa "
33361"Centauri, rozgrywka kończy się, a ty wygrywasz. (Wyścig kosmiczny można "
33362"wyłączyć zmieniając odpowiednią opcję serwera.)"
33364#: data/helpdata.txt:1529
33365msgid ""
33366"In the classic rules, before you can build spaceship parts, the Apollo "
33367"Program wonder must have been built by any player. You also need specific "
33368"technologies to build the different spaceship parts: see the help texts for "
33369"Space Structural, Space Component, and Space Module, under City "
33370"Improvements. (If there are no help texts for these items, it probably means "
33371"the 'SPACERACE' victory type is not enabled in the 'victories' server "
33372"setting for your game.)"
33373msgstr ""
33374"W klasycznym zestawie zasad zanim będzie można rozpocząć budowę statku "
33375"kosmicznego, jeden z graczy musi zbudować cud Projekt Apollo. Do budowy "
33376"poszczególnych elementów statku kosmicznego potrzebne są odpowiednie "
33377"technologie: zobacz pomoc dla \"Łącznik Statku Kosmicznego\", \"Napęd Statku "
33378"Kosmicznego\" i \"Moduł Statku Kosmicznego\" w sekcji \"Budynki\". (Jeśli "
33379"nie ma tych sekcji w Pomocy, prawdopodobnie wyścig kosmiczny został "
33380"wyłączony przy pomocy opcji serwera.)"
33382#: data/helpdata.txt:1537
33383msgid ""
33384"When you have started building your spaceship, you can see it with the "
33385"\"Spaceship\" command in the Report menu. To see spaceships of other "
33386"players, select the player in the Nations report and click \"Spaceship\"."
33387msgstr ""
33388"Jeśli zacząłeś/aś budować statek kosmiczny, możesz go obejrzeć w zakładce "
33389"\"Statek kosmiczny\" z menu raportów. Aby zobaczyć statek innego gracza, "
33390"zaznacz gracza w raporcie o narodach i kliknij \"Statek kosmiczny\"."
33392#: data/helpdata.txt:1542
33393msgid ""
33394"If the success probability is below 100%, some fraction of the people on "
33395"board may not survive the journey. This reduces the score bonus from the "
33396"spaceship, but it still counts as a win."
33397msgstr ""
33398"Jeżeli prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu jest mniejsze niż 100%, część z ludzi na "
33399"pokładzie może nie przeżyć podróży. Zmniejsza to liczbę punktów otrzymanych "
33400"jako premia za statek kosmiczny, ale i tak oznacza to zwycięstwo."
33402#: data/helpdata.txt:1546
33403msgid ""
33404"If the capital of a civilization is captured, a spaceship that has been "
33405"launched will be lost, so defend your capital well!"
33406msgstr ""
33407"Jeśli stracisz stolicę, stracisz razem z nią swój statek kosmiczny. Więc "
33408"pilnuj jej dobrze!"
33410#: data/helpdata.txt:1549
33411msgid ""
33412"TIP:  If an enemy civilization has launched a spaceship, try to quickly "
33413"build a light spaceship with many propulsion units that will arrive earlier. "
33414"The only other option is to capture their capital."
33415msgstr ""
33416"RADA: Jeżeli wrogi naród wystrzelił już statek kosmiczny, spróbuj zbudować "
33417"własny lekki statek kosmiczny z mocnym napędem, który prędzej dotrze do "
33418"celu. Inną opcją jest próba przejęcia stolicy konkurenta."
33420#: data/helpdata.txt:1564
33421msgid ""
33422"Each player in the game is represented by a nation. A nation can be a modern-"
33423"day nation state, a historical state or empire, an ethnic group, or even a "
33424"fictional nation."
33425msgstr ""
33426"Każdy gracz posiada jeden naród. Narodem może być współczesne lub "
33427"historyczne państwo, grupa etniczna, a nawet fikcyjny lud."
33429#: data/helpdata.txt:1568
33430msgid ""
33431"Nations are distinguished by their flags, leaders and city names; in the "
33432"classic rules they are identical in all other aspects and play by the same "
33433"rules, but other rules may have nation-specific behavior."
33434msgstr ""
33435"Narody różnią się flagami, przywódcami i nazwami miast. W domyślnym zestawie "
33436"zasad pod każdym innym względem narody są identyczne, lecz w innych "
33437"zestawach zasad niektóre narody mogą zachowywać się w szczególny sposób."
33439#: data/helpdata.txt:1579
33440msgid ""
33441"Before a game is started, anyone can connect to the server by supplying its "
33442"hostname and port number (5556 by default). If the server is started with "
33443"the -m flag, it will report to the metaserver,"
33444msgstr ""
33445"Przed rozpoczęciem gry każdy może się połączyć z serwerem przez podanie "
33446"nazwy hosta i numeru portu (domyślnie 5556). Jeżeli serwer został "
33447"uruchomiony z flagą -m, zarejestruje się na metaserwerze,"
33449#: data/helpdata.txt:1586
33450msgid ""
33451"The client can fetch this page, too: use the Metaserver button in the "
33452"connection dialog.  If it never shows any results, check whether your WWW "
33453"browser is using a HTTP proxy; to make the client use the same proxy, before "
33454"starting the client, set the $http_proxy environment variable to:"
33455msgstr ""
33456"Klient może także dostarczyć tą stronę: użyj zakładki przycisku \"Metaserwer"
33457"\" w oknie połączenia. Jeżeli nie przynosi to rezultatu, być może twoja "
33458"przeglądarka używa proxy; aby klient używał tego samego proxy, zanim go "
33459"uruchomisz, ustaw zmienną środowiskową $http_proxy na:"
33461#: data/helpdata.txt:1594
33462msgid ""
33463"When the game has started, everyone can connect as any player who isn't "
33464"already connected, including AI players.  Merely connecting to an AI player "
33465"doesn't make it human controlled; this is an independent server setting.  If "
33466"you lose connection early in the game and reconnect, use the name you chose "
33467"for your ruler, not your original nickname!  If the server is reporting on "
33468"the metaserver, the player names can be found there."
33469msgstr ""
33470"Po rozpoczęciu gry, można połączyć się jako dowolny gracz, który nie jest "
33471"jeszcze połączony, wliczając w to także graczy AI. Połączenie z graczem AI "
33472"nie powoduje przejęcia kontroli przez człowieka; zależy to od niezależnej "
33473"opcji serwera. Jeśli utracisz połączenie, do ponownego połączenia użyj "
33474"imienia władcy, które wybrałeś/aś, a nie swojego nicka. Jeżeli serwer "
33475"raportuje do metaserwera, to nazwy graczy mogą zostać tam znalezione."
33477#. TRANS: This text mentions the names of some client options. These names
33478#. ;  * are separately translated elsewhere; they should match!
33479#: data/helpdata.txt:1608
33480msgid ""
33481"Unit Orders:\n"
33483"  a: (a)uto-settler  (settler/worker units)\n"
33484"  b: (b)uild city  (settler units)\n"
33485"  b: help (b)uild wonder  (caravan units)\n"
33486"  B: go to and (B)uild city on target tile  (settler units)\n"
33487"  d: (d)o an action to the selected tile (press twice to target own tile)\n"
33488"  D: (D)isband unit\n"
33489"  E: build airbas(e)  (airbase units)\n"
33490"  f: (f)ortify unit  (military units)\n"
33491"  F: build (f)ortress  (settler/worker units)\n"
33492"  g: (g)o to tile  (then left-click mouse to select target tile)\n"
33493"  g: add a (g)o-to waypoint  (when in go-to mode)\n"
33494"  G: return unit to nearest friendly city\n"
33495"  h: set unit's (h)omecity  (to city on current tile)\n"
33496"  i: build (i)rrigation or convert terrain  (settler/worker units)\n"
33497"  I: connect current and target tile with (I)rrigation\n"
33498"  I: set an (I)rrigation waypoint  (when connecting with irrigation)\n"
33499"  l: (l)oad unit on transporter\n"
33500"  L: connect current and target tile with rai(L)\n"
33501"  L: set a rai(L) waypoint  (when connecting with rail)\n"
33502"  m: build (m)ine or convert terrain  (settler/worker units)\n"
33503"  n: clean (n)uclear fallout\n"
33504"  N: explode (N)uclear\n"
33505"  o: transf(o)rm terrain  (engineer unit)\n"
33506"  O: c(O)nvert to another kind of unit\n"
33507"  p: clean (p)ollution  (settler/worker units)\n"
33508"  p: drop (p)aratrooper  (paratroop units)\n"
33509"  P: (P)illage  (destroy terrain alteration)\n"
33510"  q: patrol with unit  (then left-click mouse to select other endpoint)\n"
33511"  q: add a patrol waypoint  (when in patrol mode)\n"
33512"  r: build (r)oad/railroad  (settler/worker units)\n"
33513"  r: establish trade (r)oute  (caravan units)\n"
33514"  R: connect current and target tile with (R)oad\n"
33515"  R: set a (R)oad waypoint  (when connecting with road)\n"
33516"  s: (s)entry unit\n"
33517"  S: un(S)entry all units on tile\n"
33518"  t: unit go (t)o/airlift to city\n"
33519"  T: unload all units from (T)ransporter\n"
33520"  u: (u)nload unit from transporter\n"
33521"  U: (U)pgrade unit\n"
33522"  x: unit auto e(x)plore\n"
33523msgstr ""
33524"Rozkazy jednostek:\n"
33526"  a: automatyczny osadnik  (jednostka osadnicza/budująca)\n"
33527"  b: zbuduj miasto  (jednostka osadnicza)\n"
33528"  b: pomóż budować cud  (jednostka karawanowa)\n"
33529"  B: idź do i zbuduj miasto  (jednostka osadnicza)\n"
33530"  d: podejmij działanie to wybranym polu  (naciśnij dwukrotnie, by wybrać "
33531"własne pole)\n"
33532"  D: rozwiąż jednostkę\n"
33533"  E: zbuduj bazę lotniczą  (jednostka budująca)\n"
33534"  f: umocnij (fortyfikuj) jednostkę  (jednostka zbrojna)\n"
33535"  F: zbuduj fortecę  (jednostka osadnicza/budująca)\n"
33536"  g: idź do  (a następnie kliknij lewym przyciskiem na pole docelowe)\n"
33537"  g: dodaj punkt pośredni  (w trybie \"idź do\")\n"
33538"  G: idź do najbliższego  przyjaznego miasta\n"
33539"  h: zmień miasto pochodzenia  (na miasto, w którym jednostka się znajduje)\n"
33540"  i: nawodnij lub przekształć teren  (jednostka osadnicz/budująca)\n"
33541"  I: połącz nawodnieniem pole bieżące i docelowe\n"
33542"  I: dodaj punkt pośredni  (przy łączeniu nawodnieniem)\n"
33543"  l: załaduj jednostkę ma jednostkę transportującą\n"
33544"  L: połącz koleją pole bieżące i docelowe\n"
33545"  L: dodaj punkt pośredni  (przy łączeniu koleją)\n"
33546"  m: zbuduj kopalnię  (jednostka osadnicza/budująca)\n"
33547"  n: usuń skażenie\n"
33548"  N: detonuj jednostkę atomową\n"
33549"  o: przekształć teren  (jednostka inżynieryjna)\n"
33550"  O: przekształć na inną jednostkę\n"
33551"  p: usuń zanieczyszczenie  (jednostka osadnicza/budująca)\n"
33552"  p: przerzuć spadochroniarzy  (jednostka spadochronowa)\n"
33553"  P: plądruj  (niszcz uspawnienia terenu)\n"
33554"  q: patroluj  (następnie kliknij na koniec trasy patrolu)\n"
33555"  q: dodaj punkt pośredni patrolu  (przy ustawianiu patrolu)\n"
33556"  r: zbuduj drogę/kolej  (jednostka osadnicza/budująca)\n"
33557"  r: ustanów szlak handlowy  (jednostka karawanowa)\n"
33558"  R: połącz drogą punkt bieżący i docelowy\n"
33559"  R: dodaj punkt pośredni  (przy łączeniu drogą)\n"
33560"  s: wartuj jednostkę\n"
33561"  S: wartuj wszystkie jednostki na polu\n"
33562"  t: idź do/przerzuć mostem powietrznym do miasta\n"
33563"  T: wyładuj wszystkie jednostki z jednostki transportowej\n"
33564"  u: wyładuj jednostkę z jednostki transportowej\n"
33565"  U: ulepsz jednostkę\n"
33566"  x: automatyczny badacz\n"
33568#: data/helpdata.txt:1651
33569msgid ""
33570"Unit Selection:\n"
33572"  z: select only first unit of selected group\n"
33573"  v: select all units on tile\n"
33574"  V: (on tile) select all units of the same type as the active unit\n"
33575"  C: (on continent) select all units of the same type as the active unit\n"
33576"  X: (everywhere) select all units of the same type as the active unit\n"
33578"  w: (w)ait: focus on next unit\n"
33579"  5: focus on previous unit\n"
33580"space: done giving orders  (unit stays put)\n"
33581msgstr ""
33582"Wybór jednostek:\n"
33584"  z: wybierz pierwszą z wybranej grupy\n"
33585"  v: wybierz wszystkie na polu\n"
33586"  V: wybierz (na polu) wszystkie jednostki tego typu, co aktywna jednostka\n"
33587"  C: wybierz (na kontynencie) wszystkie jednostki tego typu, co aktywna "
33589"  X: wybierz (wszędzie) wszystkie jednostki tego typu, co aktywna jednostka\n"
33591"  w: czekaj (wybierz następną jednostkę)\n"
33592"  5: wybierz poprzednią jednostkę\n"
33593"spacja: wydano rozkazy (jednostka pozostaje na miejscu)\n"
33595#: data/helpdata.txt:1663
33596msgid ""
33597"Unit Movement:\n"
33599"  1: move south-west\n"
33600"  2: move south\n"
33601"  3: move south-east\n"
33602"  4: move west\n"
33603"  6: move east\n"
33604"  7: move north-west\n"
33605"  8: move north\n"
33606"  9: move north-east\n"
33607msgstr ""
33608"Ruch jednostek:\n"
33610"  1: idź na południowy zachód\n"
33611"  2: idź na południe\n"
33612"  3: idź na południowy-wschód\n"
33613"  4: idź na zachód\n"
33614"  6: idź na wschód\n"
33615"  7: idź na północny-zachód\n"
33616"  8: idź na północ\n"
33617"  9: idź na północny-wschód\n"
33619#: data/helpdata.txt:1674
33620msgid ""
33621"Main Map (Keys):\n"
33623"  Some clients support zooming/scaling the map graphics with the + and - "
33625"  c: (c)enter view on active unit\n"
33626"    Shift-home: center view on capital\n"
33627"  Shift-arrows: scroll map\n"
33629"  Ctrl-B: show/hide national borders\n"
33630"  Ctrl-D: show/hide city trade routes\n"
33631"  Ctrl-G: show/hide map grid lines\n"
33632"  Ctrl-N: show/hide city names\n"
33633"  Ctrl-P: show/hide city production\n"
33634"  Ctrl-R: show/hide city growth\n"
33635"  Ctrl-W: show/hide city output\n"
33636"  Ctrl-Y: show/hide city outlines\n"
33637msgstr ""
33638"Główna mapa (skróty):\n"
33640"  Niektóre klienty obsługują powiększanie/skalowanie map przyciskami + i -.\n"
33641"  c: wyśrodkowuje widok na aktywną jednostką\n"
33642"    Shift-home: wyśrodkowuje widok na stolicę\n"
33643"  Shift-strzałki: przewija mapę\n"
33645"  Ctrl-B: pokaż/ukryj granice\n"
33646"  Ctrl-D: pokaż/ukryj szlaki handlowe miasta\n"
33647"  Ctrl-G: pokaż/ukryj siatkę mapy\n"
33648"  Ctrl-N: pokaż/ukryj nazwy miast\n"
33649"  Ctrl-P: pokaż/ukryj produkcję miast\n"
33650"  Ctrl-R: pokaż/ukryj wzrost miasta\n"
33651"  Ctrl-W: pokaż/ukryj wydajność miasta\n"
33652"  Ctrl-Y: pokaż/ukryj zasięg miasta\n"
33654#: data/helpdata.txt:1690
33655msgid ""
33656"Main Map (Mouse):\n"
33658"  Left-click on city:            Pop up city dialog\n"
33659"  Left-click on unit:            Select a single unit\n"
33660"                                 (cancels any current activity if \"clear\n"
33661"                                 unit orders on selection\" is set)\n"
33662"  Shift-left-click on unit:      Add unit to selection (GTK)\n"
33663"  Left-click-and-drag on unit:   Go-to command for unit\n"
33664"                                 (if \"keyboardless goto\" enabled in "
33666"  Center-click, Alt-left-click:  Show tile info\n"
33667"  Right-click:                   Center tile in view\n"
33668"  Ctrl-center-click:             Wake up sentried units"
33669msgstr ""
33670"Mapa główna (myszka):\n"
33672"  Lewy przycisk na miasto:                wyświetl okno dialogowe miasta\n"
33673"  Lewy przycisk na miasto:                wybierz jedną jednostkę\n"
33674"                                          (anuluje wszystkie rozkazy, jeśli\n"
33675"                                          ustawiono \"Anuluj rozkazy po "
33677"  Shift+lewy przycisk na jednostkę:       dodaj jednostkę do wyboru (GTK)\n"
33678"  Lewy przycisk i ciągnięcie jednostki:   polecenie \"idź do\" dla "
33680"                                          (jeśli ustawiono opcję "
33681"\"bezklawiaturowe idź do\")\n"
33682"  Środkowy przycisk, Alt+lewy przycisk:   pokaż informacje o polu\n"
33683"  Prawy przycisk:                         wyśrodkuj na wybranym polu\n"
33684"  Ctrl+środkowy przycisk:                 aktywuj wartowane jednostki"
33686#: data/helpdata.txt:1703
33687msgid ""
33688"  Quick unit selection:\n"
33689"  =====================\n"
33690"  Ctrl-left-click on tile:       Select a sea unit (prefers transporters)\n"
33691"  Ctrl-right-click on tile:      Select a land unit (prefers military)\n"
33693"  These combinations choose and select a single unit from those on a tile. "
33694"All other things being equal, units which have movement points left are "
33695"preferred. If keyboardless goto is enabled, dragging allows the unit to be "
33696"selected and moved in one gesture."
33697msgstr ""
33698"  Szybki wybór:\n"
33699"  =============\n"
33700"  Ctrl+lewy przycisk na pole:    wybierz jednostkę morską (preferuje "
33701"jednostki transportowe)\n"
33702"  Ctrl+prawy przycisk na pole:   wybierz jednostkę lądową (preferuje "
33703"jednostki zbrojne)\n"
33705"  Te kombinacje wybierają jedną jednostkę na polu. W normalnych "
33706"okolicznościach, wybrane zostaną jednostki posiadające jeszcze punkty ruchu. "
33707"Jeśli włączono \"bezklawiaturowe idź do\", jednostki mogą być wybierane i "
33708"przesuwane jednym ruchem."
33710#: data/helpdata.txt:1713
33711msgid ""
33712"  City manipulation (GTK):\n"
33713"  ========================\n"
33714"  Shift-Ctrl-left-click:         Adjust city workers\n"
33715"  Shift-Alt-right-click:         Show city workers (mouse over or near "
33717"  Shift-right-click:             Copy production (from city or unit)\n"
33718"  Shift-Ctrl-right-click:        Paste production into city"
33719msgstr ""
33720"  Sterowanie w mieście (GTK):\n"
33721"  ===========================\n"
33722"  Shift+Ctrl lewy przycisk:      rozstaw pracowników\n"
33723"  Shift+Alt+lewy przycisk:       pokaż pracowników (kursor w pobliżu "
33725"  Shift+prawy przycisk:          kopiuj produkcję (miasta lub jednostki)\n"
33726"  Shift+Ctrl+prawy przycisk:     wklej produkcję do miasta"
33728#: data/helpdata.txt:1720
33729msgid ""
33730"  Area Selection mode (GTK):\n"
33731"  ==========================\n"
33732"  Right-click-and-drag:          Select units/cities by area\n"
33733"  Shift-right-click-and-drag:    Append area contents to existing selection\n"
33735"  In this mode, multiple units and/or cities are selected. If the selection "
33736"rectangle contains any cities, and \"Select cities before units\" is set in "
33737"the options, only the cities are selected and the current unit selection is "
33738"left alone; otherwise, both cities and units are selected.\n"
33740"  Selected cities are highlighted on the map and in the Cities report for "
33741"further mass actions. Immediately after selecting, the set of cities can be "
33742"adjusted by left-clicking on individual cities; and the production for all "
33743"the highlighted cities can be changed with Shift-Ctrl-right-click (see "
33744"previous section). Right-clicking leaves this mode."
33745msgstr ""
33746"  Tryb wyboru obszaru (GTK):\n"
33747"  ==========================\n"
33748"  Prawy przycisk i ciągnięcie:         wybierz jednostki/miasta na obszarze\n"
33749"  Shift+prawy przycisk i ciągnięcie:   dodaj elementy obszaru do obecnego "
33752"  W tym trybie można wybierać wiele miast i jednostek. Jeśli prostokąt "
33753"wyboru zawiera miasta i włączono opcję \"Wybierz miasta, nie jednostki\", "
33754"wybrane zostaną jedynie miasta i nie wpłynie to na wybrane jednostki. W "
33755"przeciwnym razie wybrane zostaną zarówno miasta, jak i jednostki.\n"
33757"  Wybrane miasta zostają podświetlone na mapie i w raporcie o miastach. Tuż "
33758"po wyborze grupa miast może zostać zmieniona poprzez kliknięcie lewym "
33759"przyciskiem myszy na dane miasto. Można też zmienić produkcję wszystkich "
33760"wybranych miast poprzez kliknięcie Shift+Ctrl+prawy przycisk (zob. "
33761"poprzednia sekcja). Kliknięcie prawym przyciskiem myszy wyłącza tryb wyboru."
33763#: data/helpdata.txt:1736
33764msgid ""
33765"  Chatline (GTK):\n"
33766"  ===============\n"
33767"  ' (apostrophe):                Focus chatline\n"
33768"  Ctrl-Alt-right-click:          Paste city or tile link into chatline\n"
33769"  Shift-Ctrl-Alt-right-click:    Paste unit link into chatline\n"
33771"  These controls allow map elements to be referred to in chat. See the "
33772"Chatline help for more details.\n"
33773msgstr ""
33774"  Czat (GTK):\n"
33775"  ===========\n"
33776"  ' (apostrof):                aktywuj czat\n"
33777"  Ctrl+Alt+prawy przycisk:              wklej link miasta lub pola\n"
33778"  Shift+Ctrl+Alt+prawy przycisk:        wklej link do jednostki\n"
33780"  Te skróty ułatwiają wskazywanie elementów mapy w czacie. Więcej informacji "
33781"znajdziesz w sekcji pomocy \"Czat\".\n"
33783#: data/helpdata.txt:1745
33784msgid ""
33785"Overview Map (Mouse):\n"
33787"  Left-click, Shift-left-click, and Right-click have the same functions as "
33788"they do on the main map.\n"
33789msgstr ""
33790"Minimapa (myszka):\n"
33792"  Lewy przycisk Shift+lewy przycisk i prawy przycisk działają tak samo jak "
33793"na głównej mapie.\n"
33795#: data/helpdata.txt:1750
33796msgid ""
33797"Dialogs and Reports:\n"
33799"     F1: show Map View\n"
33800"     F2: open Units Report\n"
33801"     F3: open Nations Report\n"
33802"     F4: open Cities Report\n"
33803"     F5: open Economy Report\n"
33804"     F6: open Research Report\n"
33805"     F7: open World Wonders\n"
33806"     F8: open Top Five Cities\n"
33807"     F9: open Messages dialog\n"
33808"    F11: open Demographics\n"
33809"    F12: open Spaceship\n"
33811"        Ctrl-F: open Find City dialog\n"
33812"        Ctrl-L: open Worklists dialog\n"
33813"        Ctrl-T: open Tax/Lux/Sci Rates dialog\n"
33814"  Shift-Ctrl-R: open Revolution dialog\n"
33816"Shift-Return: Turn done"
33817msgstr ""
33818"Okna dialogowe i raporty:\n"
33820"     F1: wyświetl mapę\n"
33821"     F2: wyświetl raport o jednostkach\n"
33822"     F3: wyświetl raport o narodach\n"
33823"     F4: wyświetl raport o miastach\n"
33824"     F5: wyświetl raport ekonomiczny\n"
33825"     F6: wyświetl raport naukowy\n"
33826"     F7: wyświetl cudy świata\n"
33827"     F8: wyświetl pięć najwspanialszych miast\n"
33828"     F9: otwórz okno powiadomień\n"
33829"    F11: wyświetl raport demograficzny\n"
33830"    F12: wyświetl raport o statku kosmicznym\n"
33832"     Shift-F: otwórz wyszukiwarkę miast\n"
33833"      Ctrl-L: otwórz edytor planów prac\n"
33834"     Shift-T: otwórz okno dialogowe podatków\n"
33835"Ctrl-Shift-R: otwórz okno dialogowe rewolucji\n"
33837" Shift-Enter: Koniec tury"
33839#: data/helpdata.txt:1771
33840msgid ""
33841"Editing Mode (GTK):\n"
33843"    Ctrl-E: toggle editing mode\n"
33844"    Ctrl-M: toggle fog of war in editing mode\n"
33845msgstr ""
33846"Tryb edycji (GTK):\n"
33848"    Ctrl-E: włącz/wyłącz tryb edycji\n"
33849"    Ctrl-M: włącz/wyłącz \"mgłę wojny\" w trybie edycji\n"
33851#: data/helpdata.txt:1780
33852msgid ""
33853"The Citizen Governor (formerly called the CMA) helps you manage your cities. "
33854"It deploys the available workers on the free tiles around the city to "
33855"achieve maximal city output. It also changes workers to specialists, if "
33856"appropriate. And the governor has another ability: whenever possible, it "
33857"keeps your cities content."
33858msgstr ""
33859"Zarządca pomaga ci zarządzać miastem. Przydziela on mieszkańców do pracy na "
33860"otaczających miasto polach tak, by zmaksymalizować jego produkcję. Zarządca "
33861"może też przydzielać specjalności, jeśli jest to konieczne. Ponadto będzie "
33862"on próbował utrzymać wysoki poziom zadowolenia mieszkańców."
33864#: data/helpdata.txt:1786
33865msgid ""
33866"There are various means to tell the governor what kind of output you would "
33867"like. Open the city window and click on the governor tab. There are two "
33868"kinds of sliders: On the left, you can set a Minimal Surplus for each kind "
33869"of production; e.g. Gold = +3 means the city earns 3 gold more than it needs "
33870"to upkeep its improvements. On the right, the sliders let you define by how "
33871"much you prefer one kind of production to another; setting science to 3 "
33872"means you prefer a single bulb to three shields (or gold, trade,...). You "
33873"can set different factors for each kind of production, according to your "
33875msgstr ""
33876"Istnieje kilka sposobów na wyjaśnienie zarządcy jakiego rodzaju produkcji "
33877"oczekujesz. Otwórz okno dialogowe miasta i wybierz zakładkę zarządcy. "
33878"Znajdziesz tam dwa rodzaje suwaków. Po lewej stronie zobaczysz minimalną "
33879"nadwyżkę dla każdego typu produkcji; np. Złoto = +3 oznacza, że miasto "
33880"zarabia 3 sztuki złota ponad koszt utrzymania budynków. Po prawej stronie "
33881"zobaczysz suwaki, dzięki którym określisz, która typ produkcji jest dla "
33882"ciebie ważniejszy; np. ustawienie nauki na 3 oznacza, że wolisz jeden punkt "
33883"odkryć niż trzy punkty produkcji (lub złota, handlu...). Możesz wybrać różne "
33884"ustawienia dla każdego typu produkcji w zależności od potrzeb."
33886#: data/helpdata.txt:1797
33887msgid ""
33888"If you set up some Minimal Surpluses which are impossible to fulfill, the "
33889"governor can't be activated. Whenever the governor can't fulfill its task in "
33890"the ongoing game, it passes back control to you. So you'd better not define "
33891"too high a surplus; instead, use factors to achieve your goals."
33892msgstr ""
33893"Jeśli ustawisz minimalne nadwyżki tak, że nie będzie można ich osiągnąć, "
33894"zarządca nie zostanie włączony. Zawsze gdy zarządca nie będzie w stanie "
33895"wypełnić postawionych mu zadań, przekaże kontrolę tobie. Uważaj więc, by nie "
33896"ustawić zbyt wysokich nadwyżek; czasem lepiej użyć drugiego typu suwaków."
33898#: data/helpdata.txt:1803
33899msgid ""
33900"The Celebrate checkbox lets your city - celebrate. This will work only with "
33901"a high luxury rate. See help about 'Happiness'."
33902msgstr ""
33903"Zaznaczenie pola \"świętuj\" pozwoli twojemu miastu na... świętowanie! "
33904"Możliwe to jednak będzie jedynie przy wysokiej stawce luksusu. Zobacz też "
33905"sekcję \"Zadowolenie\"."
33907#: data/helpdata.txt:1806
33908msgid ""
33909"Clicking on 'Control city' puts the city under control of the governor, "
33910"'Release city' passes control back to you."
33911msgstr ""
33912"Gdy klikniesz 'Zarządzaj miastem', oddasz miasto pod kontrolę zarządcy, a "
33913"'Zwolnij zarządcę' oddaje kontrolę tobie."
33915#: data/helpdata.txt:1809
33916msgid ""
33917"For ease of use, you can save your slider setting as a preset with a name. "
33918"Click on 'add preset' and enter a name for your setting. You can use this "
33919"preset in every city by just clicking on its name. Also, you can control "
33920"your setting from within the city report, in the governor column. And you "
33921"can change it from there (use 'change' --> 'Citizen Governor'), if you have "
33922"saved it as a preset."
33923msgstr ""
33924"Możesz też zapisać ustawienia suwaków pod postacią schematów z nazwami. "
33925"Kliknij 'dodaj schemat' i wpisz nazwę ustawienia. Możesz teraz wybrać ten "
33926"schemat w każdym mieście, gdy klikniesz nazwę schematu. Możesz też "
33927"kontrolować ustawienia z poziomu kolumny zarządcy w raporcie o miastach, a "
33928"także zmieniać je stamtąd ('zmień' --> 'Zarządca'), jeśli zapisano je w pod "
33929"postacią schematu."
33931#: data/helpdata.txt:1816
33932msgid ""
33933"Use 'Game' --> 'Options' --> 'Save Settings' to store your presets "
33935msgstr ""
33936"Jeśli chcesz zapisać schematy na stałe, wybierz 'Gra' --> 'Opcje' --> "
33937"'Zapisz ustawienia'."
33939#: data/helpdata.txt:1819
33940msgid ""
33941"But beware! If you use the governor for some of your cities, you will "
33942"encounter some difficulties with managing cities nearby, by hand. It's best "
33943"to manage all cities on an island either by hand or by governor. Read more "
33944"hints, some background information, and some preset examples in the file "
33945"README.governor, included with Freeciv."
33946msgstr ""
33947"Ale uważaj! Jeśli używasz zarządcy w kilku miastach, możesz napotkać "
33948"problemy w ręcznym zarządzaniu pobliskimi miastami. Najlepiej zarządzać "
33949"wszystkimi miastami na kontynencie lub wyspie albo zarządcami, albo ręcznie. "
33950"Więcej porad, dodatkowych informacji oraz przykłady schematów znajdziesz w "
33951"pliku README.governor dołączonym do wydania Freeciv."
33953#: data/helpdata.txt:1829
33954msgid ""
33955"The client has a primitive chat interface. The lines you type are sent to "
33956"all players, or only to your allies if the client is configured for that, "
33958msgstr ""
33959"Klient Freeciv posiada prosty interfejs komunikacji. Wiadomości, które "
33960"wpiszesz są wysyłane do wszystkich graczy lub twoich sojuszników (jeśli "
33961"klient jest tak skonfigurowany), ale:"
33963#: data/helpdata.txt:1833
33964msgid ""
33965"  - Messages starting with '/' are interpreted as server commands and "
33966"executed, if you have the required access level."
33967msgstr ""
33968"  - Wiadomości rozpoczynające się od '/' są uważane za polecenia serwera, "
33969"które są wykonywane, jeśli masz odpowiedni poziom dostępu."
33971#: data/helpdata.txt:1836
33972msgid ""
33973"  - Messages starting with 'John:' are private messages to 'John'. Names can "
33974"be abbreviated, or surrounded with double-quotes if they have spaces. The "
33975"server looks for players named 'John' and if that fails tries to match a "
33976"username beginning with 'John' (like 'Johnathan')."
33977msgstr ""
33978"  - Wiadomości rozpoczynające się od 'Jan:' są prywatnymi wiadomościami do "
33979"gracza/użytkownika 'Jan'. Nazwy mogą być skrócone lub otoczone cudzysłowami, "
33980"jeśli zawieraja spacje. Serwer szuka graczy o nazwie 'Jan', a jeśli to się "
33981"nie powiedzie, szuka użytkowników, którzy nazywają się 'Jan'; jeśli i to "
33982"zawiedzie, szuka użytkowników, których nazwa rozpoczyna się na 'Jan' (np. "
33985#: data/helpdata.txt:1841
33986msgid ""
33987"  - Messages starting with 'John::' are private messages as above, but will "
33988"match only users (not players) named 'John'. A user name 'Johnathan' will "
33989"still be matched."
33990msgstr ""
33991"  - Wiadomości rozpoczynające się od 'Jan::' są wysyłane tylko do "
33992"użytkownika (nie gracza) o nazwie 'Jan'. W tym przypadku 'Janek' nadal "
33993"będzie pasował."
33995#: data/helpdata.txt:1845
33996msgid ""
33997"  - Messages starting with ':' will be sent to everyone (even if your client "
33998"is configured to send only to allies by default)."
33999msgstr ""
34000"  - Wiadomości rozpoczynające się od ':' są wysyłane do wszystkich (nawet "
34001"jeśli twój klient jest skonfigurowany tak, by domyślnie wysyłać wiadomości "
34002"tylko do twoich sojuszników)."
34004#: data/helpdata.txt:1848
34005msgid ""
34006"  - Messages starting with '.' will be sent only to all your allies (or, if "
34007"you're a global observer, only to other global observers)."
34008msgstr ""
34009"  - Wiadomości rozpoczynające się od '.' są wysyłane tylko do twoich "
34010"sojuszników (lub, jeśli jesteś obserwatorem globalnym, tylko do obserwatorów "
34013#: data/helpdata.txt:1851
34014msgid ""
34015"Featured text (GTK):\n"
34018"Since 2.2, the GTK client has featured text support.  This feature allows "
34019"users to format the chat messages they are sending using boldface, italic, "
34020"colors, links, etc...  Such changes are performed using escape sequences."
34021msgstr ""
34022"Formatowanie tekstu (GTK):\n"
34024"Od wersji 2.2 klient GTK umożliwia formatowanie tekstu czatu (używanie "
34025"kursywy, czcionki pogrubionej i kolorowej, linków itp.). Formatowanie takie "
34026"umożliwiają specjalne znaczniki."
34028#: data/helpdata.txt:1858
34029msgid ""
34030"* Getting boldface:\n"
34031"Full name sequence: '[bold] ... [/bold]'\n"
34032"Abbreviation sequence: '[b] ... [/b]'\n"
34033"Short cut in the entry: Ctrl-B\n"
34034"Example: '[b]bold[/b]' will display the word 'bold' in bold style."
34035msgstr ""
34036"* Znaczniki pogrubienie:\n"
34037"Wersja pełna: '[bold] ... [/bold]'\n"
34038"Wersja skrócona: '[b] ... [/b]'\n"
34039"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-B\n"
34040"Przykład: '[b]pogrubiona[/b]' wyświetli słowo \"pogrubiona\" czcionką "
34043#: data/helpdata.txt:1864
34044msgid ""
34045"* Getting colors:\n"
34046"Full name sequence: '[color] ... [/color]' \n"
34047"Abbreviation sequence: '[c] ... [/c]'\n"
34048"Short cut in the entry: Ctrl-C (you also need to select the color in the "
34049"toolbar over the entry)\n"
34050"The color start sequence always takes at least one of the following "
34052"- 'foreground' (abbreviation 'fg'): a color name such as red, or a hex "
34053"specification such as #3050b2 or #35b.\n"
34054"- 'background' (abbreviation 'bg'): same as above.\n"
34055"Example: '[c fg=\"blue\" bg=\"yellow\"]color[/c]' will display the word "
34056"'color' in blue on a yellow background."
34057msgstr ""
34058"* Znaczniki kolorów:\n"
34059"Wersja pełna: '[color] ... [/color]' \n"
34060"Wersja skrócona: '[c] ... [/c]'\n"
34061"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-C (musisz też wybrać kolor na pasku powyżej wpisu)\n"
34062"Pierwszy znacznik koloru wymaga co najmniej jednego parametru:\n"
34063"- 'foreground' (wersja skrócona 'fg'): angielska nazwa koloru czcionki (np. "
34064"'red') lub wartość heksadecymalna (np. #3050b2 lub #35b).\n"
34065"- 'background' (wersja skrócona 'bg'): tak jak powyżej.\n"
34066"Przykład: '[c fg=\"blue\" bg=\"yellow\"]kolor[/c]' wyświetli słowo \"kolor\" "
34067"niebieską czcionką na żółtym tle."
34069#: data/helpdata.txt:1877
34070msgid ""
34071"* Getting italic:\n"
34072"Full name sequence: '[italic] ... [/italic]'\n"
34073"Abbreviation sequence: '[i] ... [/i]'\n"
34074"Short cut in the entry: Ctrl-I\n"
34075"Example: '[i]italic[/i]' will display the word 'italic' in italic style."
34076msgstr ""
34077"* Znaczniki kursywy:\n"
34078"Wersja pełna: '[italic] ... [/italic]'\n"
34079"Wersja skrócona: '[i] ... [/i]'\n"
34080"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-I\n"
34081"Przykład: '[i]kursywa[/i]' wyświetli słowo \"kursywa\" czcionką pochyłą."
34083#: data/helpdata.txt:1883
34084msgid ""
34085"* Getting strikethrough:\n"
34086"Full name sequence: '[strike] ... [/strike]'\n"
34087"Abbreviation sequence: '[s] ... [/s]'\n"
34088"Short cut in the entry: Ctrl-S\n"
34089"Example: '[s]strikethrough[/s]' will display the word 'strikethrough' with a "
34091msgstr ""
34092"* Znaczniki przekreślenia:\n"
34093"Wersja pełna: '[strike] ... [/strike]'\n"
34094"Wersja skrócona: '[s] ... [/s]'\n"
34095"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-S\n"
34096"Przykład: '[s]przekreślenie[/s]' wyświetli słowo \"przekreślenie\" czcionką "
34099#: data/helpdata.txt:1890
34100msgid ""
34101"* Getting underline:\n"
34102"Full name sequence: '[underline] ... [/underline]'\n"
34103"Abbreviation sequence: '[u] ... [/u]'\n"
34104"Short cut in the entry: Ctrl-U\n"
34105"Example: '[u]underlined[/u]' will display the word 'underlined' with an "
34107msgstr ""
34108"* Znaczniki podkreślenia:\n"
34109"Wersja pełna: '[underline] ... [/underline]'\n"
34110"Wersja skrócona: '[u] ... [/u]'\n"
34111"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-U\n"
34112"Przykład: '[u]podkreślenie[/u]' wyświetli słowo \"podkreślenie\" czcionką "
34115#: data/helpdata.txt:1897
34116msgid ""
34117"* Getting city links:\n"
34118"Full name sequence: '[link target=\"city\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34119"Abbreviation sequence: '[l tgt=\"city\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34120"Short cut: Control-Alt-Right-click on a city on the map.\n"
34121"The 'id' parameter must be set to the id of the city you are pointing.\n"
34122"An optional 'name' parameter can be set to bind the city name in the case "
34123"the destination users don't know this city on their map.\n"
34124"This expression can also be started and finished within the same pair of "
34125"brackets, like '[link target=\"city\" id=121 /]' (note the slash at the "
34127"Examples: '[l tgt=\"city\" id=65]city[/l]' will make the word 'city' "
34128"clickable and pointing to the city id 65.\n"
34129"'[l tgt=\"city\" id=65 name=\"noname\" /]' will display the name of the city "
34130"id 65 if known, else, the word 'noname'."
34131msgstr ""
34132"* Znaczniki linków miast:\n"
34133"Wersja pełna: '[link target=\"city\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34134"Wersja skrócona: '[l tgt=\"city\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34135"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-Alt-prawy przycisk myszy i kliknięcie na miasto na "
34137"Potrzebny jest też parametr 'id' zawierający identyfikator miasta, na które "
34139"Dodatkowo nazwie miasta przypisać można parametr 'name' w przypadku, gdy "
34140"adresat nie widzi tego miasta na mapie.\n"
34141"Wyrażenie to można rozpocząć i zakończyć w jednym znaczniku, np. '[link "
34142"target=\"city\" id=121 /]' (zwróć uwagę na ukośnik przed ostatnim "
34144"Przykłady: '[l tgt=\"city\" id=65]miasto[/l]' wyświetli słowo \"miasto\" w "
34145"formie klikalnego linku do miasta o identyfikatorze 65.\n"
34146"'[l tgt=\"city\" id=65 name=\"bezimienne\" /]' wyświetli nazwę miasta o "
34147"identyfikatorze 65, jeśli jest ono znane adresatowi; w przeciwnym razie "
34148"wyświetli się słowo \"bezimienne\"."
34150#: data/helpdata.txt:1912
34151msgid ""
34152"* Getting tile links:\n"
34153"Full name sequence: '[link target=\"tile\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34154"Abbreviation sequence: '[l tgt=\"tile\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34155"Short cut: Control-Alt-Right-click on a tile without city on the map.\n"
34156"The 'x' and 'y' parameters must be set to the tile location you are "
34158"This expression can also be started and finished within the same pair of "
34159"brackets, like '[link target=\"tile\" x=5 y=36 /]' (note the slash at the "
34161"Example: '[l tgt=\"tile\" x=17 y=3]this tile[/l]' will make the string 'this "
34162"tile' clickable and pointing to the tile (17, 3)."
34163msgstr ""
34164"* Znaczniki linków pól:\n"
34165"Wersja pełna: '[link target=\"tile\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34166"Wersja skrócona: '[l tgt=\"tile\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34167"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-Alt-prawy przycisk myszy i kliknięcie na pole bez "
34169"Potrzebne są też parametry 'x' i 'y' zawierające współrzędne pola, na które "
34171"Wyrażenie to można rozpocząć i zakończyć w jednym znaczniku, np. '[link "
34172"target=\"tile\" x=5 y=36 /]' (zwróć uwagę na ukośnik przed ostatnim "
34174"Przykład: '[l tgt=\"tile\" x=17 y=3]to pole[/l]' wyświetli słowa \"to pole\" "
34175"w formie klikalnego linku wiodącego do pola o współrzędnych (17, 3)."
34177#: data/helpdata.txt:1924
34178msgid ""
34179"* Getting unit links:\n"
34180"Full name sequence: '[link target=\"unit\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34181"Abbreviation sequence: '[l tgt=\"unit\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34182"Short cut: Shift-Control-Alt-Right-click on a unit on the map.\n"
34183"The 'id' parameter must be set to the id of the unit you are pointing to.  "
34184"An optional 'name' parameter can be set to bind the unit name in the case "
34185"the destination users don't know this unit on their map.\n"
34186"This expression can also be started and finished within the same pair of "
34187"brackets, like '[link target=\"unit\" id=109 /]' (note the slash at the "
34189"Examples: '[l tgt=\"unit\" id=235]unit[/l]' will make the word 'unit' "
34190"clickable and pointing to the unit id 235.\n"
34191"'[l tgt=\"unit\" id=235 name=\"Warrior\" /]' will display the name of the "
34192"unit id 235 if known, else, the word 'Warrior'."
34193msgstr ""
34194"* Znaczniki linków jednostek:\n"
34195"Wersja pełna: '[link target=\"unit\"] ... [/link]'\n"
34196"Wersja skrócona: '[l tgt=\"unit\"] ... [/l]'\n"
34197"Skrót klawiszowy: Ctrl-Alt-prawy przycisk myszy i kliknięcie na jednostkę na "
34199"Potrzebny jest też parametr 'id' zawierający identyfikator jednostki, na "
34200"którą wskazujesz.\n"
34201"Dodatkowo, jednostce przypisać można parametr 'name' w przypadku, gdy "
34202"adresat nie widzi tej jednostki na mapie.\n"
34203"Wyrażenie to można rozpocząć i zakończyć w jednym znaczniku, np. '[link "
34204"target=\"unit\" id=109 /]' (zwróć uwagę na ukośnik przed ostatnim "
34206"Przykłady: '[l tgt=\"unit\" id=235]jednostka[/l]' wyświetli słowo \"jednostka"
34207"\" jako klikalny link do jednostki o identyfikatorze 235.\n"
34208"'[l tgt=\"unit\" id=235 name=\"Wojownik\" /]' wyświetli nazwę jednostki o "
34209"identyfikatorze 235, jeśli jest ona znana adresatowi; w przeciwnym razie "
34210"wyświetli się słowo \"Wojownik\"."
34212#: data/helpdata.txt:1939
34213msgid ""
34214"Of course, the different escape sequences can be combined in the same "
34215"sentence, like '[i][c fg=\"blue\"]this [b]is [s]funny[c bg=\"green\"] [u]to[/"
34216"i] test[/b] this[/s] [/c]new[/u] feature[/c]'."
34217msgstr ""
34218"Rzecz jasna można łączyć różne rodzaje znaczników w jednym zdaniu, np. '[i]"
34219"[c fg=\"blue\"]fajnie [b]jest [s]móc[c bg=\"green\"] [u]pobawić[/i] się[/b] "
34220"tym[/s] [/c]nowym[/u] usprawnieniem[/c]'."
34222#: data/helpdata.txt:1947
34223msgid ""
34224"The worklist editor is used to edit both worklists for each city (from the "
34225"city dialog) and global worklists. Using this editor you can create lists "
34226"specifying what to build in the turns to come."
34227msgstr ""
34228"Edytor planu prac jest używany do edycji planu prac w mieście (w oknie "
34229"dialogowym miasta) oraz do edycji planów globalnych. Dzięki niemu możesz "
34230"definiować kolejność budowania elementów."
34232#: data/helpdata.txt:1951
34233msgid ""
34234"To add an item to the worklist, double-click the desired item in the list of "
34235"available items. You can also press the Help button to get help on the "
34236"selected item. Pressing Help with no item selected will display this page."
34237msgstr ""
34238"Aby dodać element do planu prac, kliknij dwukrotnie na wybrany element. "
34239"Naciskając przycisk 'Pomoc' otrzymasz pomoc na temat wybranego elementu. "
34240"Jeśli nie jest wybrany żaden element, zostanie wyświetlona ta oto strona."
34242#: data/helpdata.txt:1955
34243msgid ""
34244"To remove an item from the worklist simply double-click the item to remove. "
34245"Use the buttons below the worklist to move items up and/or down in the list."
34246msgstr ""
34247"Aby usunąć element z planu, kliknij dwukrotnie na wybrany element. Aby "
34248"zmienić kolejność elementów, użyj przycisków [Góra]/[Dół] obok listy."
34250#: data/helpdata.txt:1958
34251msgid ""
34252"Keyboard shortcuts: Home to focus the worklist, End to focus the available "
34253"list, Up/Down arrows to select previous/next item in worklist or available "
34254"list, PageUp/Down to move items up/down in the worklist, Insert to insert "
34255"items from the available list into the worklist and Delete to delete the "
34256"selected item from the worklist."
34257msgstr ""
34258"Skróty klawiszowe: [Home] aktywuje plan wykonywanych prac, [End] aktywuje "
34259"listę dostępnych elementów, [Góra]/[Dół], [Page Up]/[Page Down] służą do "
34260"poruszania się po listach. [Insert] dodaje element do planu. [Delete] usuwa "
34263#: data/helpdata.txt:1964
34264msgid ""
34265"If you want to buy the unit that's first on the list, you can do that from "
34266"the City Overview window."
34267msgstr ""
34268"Jeżeli chcesz kupić jednostkę, która znajduje się na szczycie listy możesz "
34269"to zrobić w zakładce 'Ogólne' w oknie dialogowym miasta."
34271#: data/helpdata.txt:1971
34272msgid ""
34273"Freeciv supports several local languages.  See the Native Language Support "
34274"section of the README file for instructions on how to use one of these "
34277"First, check whether a localization is already in progress for your language:"
34278msgstr ""
34279"Freeciv jest dostępna w kilku językach. Zapoznaj się z sekcją \"Native "
34280"Language Support\" pliku README w celu uzyskania instrukcji, jak włączyć "
34281"wybrany język.\n"
34283"Sprawdź najpierw, czy ktoś rozpoczął już tworzenia lokalizacji:"
34285#: data/helpdata.txt:1980
34286msgid ""
34287"If you would like to add a localization (translation) for your language, "
34288"please see the instructions at:"
34289msgstr ""
34290"Jeśli chcesz dodać lokalizację (tłumaczenie) dla twojego języka, przejrzyj "
34291"instrukcje na stronie:"
34293#: data/helpdata.txt:1985
34294msgid ""
34295"You are also welcome to send any questions to the translation mailing list:"
34296msgstr ""
34297"Jeśli masz jakieś pytanie, możesz je wysłać na listę dyskusyjną tłumaczy:"
34299#: data/helpdata.txt:2001
34300msgid ""
34301"Freeciv is released under the GNU General Public License (version 2 or, at "
34302"your option, any later version).  In short, you may copy this program "
34303"(including source) freely, but see the full license text below for full "
34305msgstr ""
34306"Freeciv jest opublikowane na licencji GNU General Public License (wersja 2 "
34307"lub, w twojej opcji, każda późniejsza). W skrócie oznacza to, że możesz "
34308"kopiować ten program (również kod źródłowy), lecz zapoznaj się z poniższą "
34309"licencją, by poznać szczegóły."
34311#. TRANS: followed by a URL
34312#: data/helpdata.txt:2310
34313msgid ""
34314"If you find any bugs, then please send us a bug report.  This is best done "
34315"by visiting the Freeciv Bug Tracking System, at:"
34316msgstr ""
34317"Jeżeli znajdziesz bład w programie wyślij nam raport.  Najlepiej to zrobić "
34318"przez odwiedzenie systemu zgłaszania błędów Freeciv, pod adresem:"
34320#: data/helpdata.txt:2315
34321msgid ""
34322"Please quote the above version information. For more information about "
34323"submitting bug reports see the file BUGS in the Freeciv distribution."
34324msgstr ""
34325"Podczas zgłaszania błędu, podaj powyższą wersję gry. Więcej informacji o "
34326"zgłaszaniu błędów znaleźć można w plik BUGS załączony do twojej dystrybucji "
34329#: data/helpdata.txt:2319
34330msgid ""
34331"To contact the developers about anything else, please email one of the "
34332"project's mailing lists:"
34333msgstr ""
34334"Aby skontaktować się z twórcami w innych sprawach, wyślij e-maila na którąś "
34335"z list dyskusyjnych projektu:"
34337#: data/helpdata.txt:2322
34338msgid ""
34339"    freeciv-dev@freelists.org   - public development mailing\n"
34340"                                  list (archives are public)\n"
34341"    freeciv-maintainers@lists.sourceforge.net\n"
34342"                                - private project administration\n"
34343"                                  list (for security issues, etc)"
34344msgstr ""
34345"    freeciv-dev@freelists.org   - publiczna lista programistów\n"
34346"                                  (archiwa są publiczne)\n"
34347"    freeciv-maintainers@lists.sourceforge.net\n"
34348"                                - prywatna lista administratorów\n"
34349"                                  (np. na temat bezpieczeństwa)"
34351#: data/helpdata.txt:2328
34352msgid ""
34353"  Original authors:\n"
34354"    (they are no longer involved, please don't mail them!)"
34355msgstr ""
34356"  Pierwsi autorzy:\n"
34357"    (nie są już zaangażowani, proszę nie wysyłać im e-mailów!)"
34359#: data/helpdata.txt:2335
34360msgid "  Present administrators: "
34361msgstr "  Obecni administratorzy: "
34363#: data/helpdata.txt:2342
34364msgid "For more information in general, visit the Freeciv website, at:"
34365msgstr "Więcej informacji znajdziesz na stronie Freeciv:"
34367#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:671
34368msgid ""
34369"Reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed military units owned "
34370"by the city by 4 under Democracy and 2 under Republic -- in other words, it "
34371"neutralizes the unhappiness caused by two military units. This improvement "
34372"has no effect under other governments."
34373msgstr ""
34374"Zmniejsza niezadowolenie, wynikające z utrzymywania jednostek na pozycjach "
34375"bojowych (o 4 w Demokracji, o 2 w Republice). Innymi słowy, niweluje "
34376"niezadowolenie spowodowane przez dwie jednostki zbrojne. Nie ma efektów w "
34377"innych ustrojach."
34379#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:912
34380#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:948
34381#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:975
34382msgid ""
34383"Before you can build any spaceship parts, you must build the Apollo Program."
34384msgstr ""
34385"Aby przystąpić do budowy elementów statku kosmicznego, musisz wybudować cud "
34386"Program Apollo."
34388#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1047
34389#, no-c-format
34390msgid ""
34391"Increases the food resources by 100% on each farmland tile which is being "
34392"used around the city.  Farmland tiles are those which have been irrigated a "
34393"second time."
34394msgstr ""
34395"Zwiększa o 100% żywność otrzymywaną ze wszystkich używanych farm wokół "
34396"miasta. Farma to pole, które zostało poddane nawodnieniu dwukrotnie."
34398#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1119
34399msgid ""
34400"Allows you to start building spaceship parts in cities with factories "
34401"(assuming you have researched the necessary technologies)."
34402msgstr ""
34403"Pozwala wszystkim graczom rozpocząć budowę elementów statku kosmicznego we "
34404"wszystkich miastach z Fabryką (zakładając, że mają już niezbędne "
34407#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1143
34408msgid ""
34409"City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 are free of "
34410"upkeep, for all your cities on the same continent."
34411msgstr ""
34412"Obiekty w mieście, które normalnie kosztują 1 sztukę złota, są zwolnione z "
34413"kosztów utrzymania, w każdym twoim mieście na tym samym kontynencie."
34415#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1212
34416msgid ""
34417"This stunning technological achievement makes two content citizens happy in "
34418"all cities of all players who have researched Genetic Engineering. In the "
34419"unlikely event where there are not enough content citizens to benefit from "
34420"this effect in a city, the wonder applies to unhappy citizens (including "
34421"those unhappy about military activity), making each content then happy."
34422msgstr ""
34423"To wspaniałe osiągnięcie czyni dwóch zadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi w "
34424"każdym mieście graczy, którzy odkryli Inżynierię Genetyczną. Jeśli nie masz "
34425"zadowolonych mieszkańców (co nie jest zbyt prawdopodobne), cud ten działa "
34426"niezadowolonych mieszkańców (także tych niezadowolonych z powodu działań "
34427"wojennych), czyniąc ich zadowolonymi."
34429#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1239
34430msgid ""
34431"Gives immediate technology advance the first time it is built by each player."
34432msgstr ""
34433"Daje natychmiast technologię za pierwszym razem, gdy ona powstanie u każdego "
34436#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1263
34437#, no-c-format
34438msgid ""
34439"Each city on the same continent may support one unit free of shield upkeep."
34440msgstr ""
34441"Każde miasto na tym samym kontynencie może utrzymywać jedną jednostkę \"za "
34444#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1287
34445#, no-c-format
34446msgid "Reduces corruption by 50% in all cities on the same continent."
34447msgstr ""
34448"Zmniejsza korupcję o 50% we wszystkich miastach na tym samym kontynencie."
34450#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1310
34451msgid "Works as a City Wall in all your cities on the same continent."
34452msgstr ""
34453"Działa jak Mury Obronne we wszystkich miastach na tym samym kontynencie."
34455#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1333
34456msgid ""
34457"Makes two content citizens happy in every city on the same continent. In the "
34458"unlikely event where there are no content citizens to get the effect of "
34459"Hanging Gardens, the wonder applies to unhappy citizens (including those "
34460"unhappy about military activity), making each content then happy."
34461msgstr ""
34462"Czyni dwóch zadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi w każdym mieście. Jeśli "
34463"zdarzy się (co mało prawdopodobne), że nie masz zadowolonych mieszkańców, "
34464"cud działa wtedy na niezadowolonych mieszkańców (także tych niezadowolonych "
34465"z powodu działań wojennych), czyniąc ich szczęśliwymi."
34467#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1360
34468msgid ""
34469"Works as if you had a Hydro Plant in every city on the same continent. (This "
34470"reduces pollution and increases the effects of Factories and Mfg. Plants.)"
34471msgstr ""
34472"Działa jak Elektrownia Wodna we wszystkich miastach na tym samym "
34473"kontynencie, tj. zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie oraz zwiększa produkcję Fabryk i "
34474"Fabryk Zautomatyzowanych."
34476#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1385
34477#, no-c-format
34478msgid ""
34479"Boosts science production by 100% in every city on the same continent that "
34480"has a University."
34481msgstr ""
34482"Podwaja produkcję punktów odkryć we wszystkich miastach na tym samym "
34483"kontynencie, które ma Uniwersytet."
34485#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1408
34486msgid ""
34487"Makes two unhappy citizens content in every city on the same continent "
34488"(including citizens unhappy about military activity)."
34489msgstr ""
34490"Czyni dwóch niezadowolonych mieszkańców (także tych niezadowolonych z powodu "
34491"działań wojennych) zadowolonymi w każdym mieście na tym samym kontynencie."
34493#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1456
34494msgid "Upgrades two obsolete units per game turn."
34495msgstr "Ulepsza 2 przestarzałe jednostki na turę."
34497#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1503
34498msgid ""
34499"All your new sea units built in cities on the same continent start with an "
34500"additional veteran level (this is cumulative with any Port Facility in a "
34501"city; with both, units are created as Hardened)."
34502msgstr ""
34503"Wszystkie nowe jednostki morskie stworzone na tym samym kontynencie dostają "
34504"pierwszy poziom doświadczenia (łączy się z każdym rodzajem Stoczni w "
34505"mieście; jeśli miasto ma Stocznię, jednostka ma poziom \"doświadczona\")."
34507#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1548
34508#, no-c-format
34509msgid "Increases trade output by 40% in all cities on the same continent."
34510msgstr "Zwiększa handel o 40% we wszystkich miastach na tym samym kontynencie."
34512#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1571
34513msgid ""
34514"Counts as having a Cathedral in each of your cities on the same continent. "
34515"This makes 3 unhappy citizens content in each city; however, it does not "
34516"affect citizens made unhappy by military activity. The discovery of Theology "
34517"increases the effect of a Cathedral, making an additional unhappy citizen "
34518"content. The discovery of Communism lessens the effect of a Cathedral, "
34519"reducing by one the number of unhappy citizens made content."
34520msgstr ""
34521"Posiadanie tego cudu jest równoważne z wybudowaniem Katedry w każdym mieście "
34522"na tym samym kontynencie. Katedra zmienia 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańców w "
34523"zadowolonych, lecz nie wpływa na niezadowolenie spowodowane działaniami "
34524"wojennymi. Odkrycie Teologii zwiększa efektywność Katedr o 1 mieszkańca. "
34525"Odkrycie Komunizmu zmniejsza efektywność Katedr o 1 mieszkańca."
34527#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1600
34528msgid ""
34529"Makes two of your unhappy citizens content in every city with a Temple on "
34530"the same continent. Does not affect citizens made unhappy by military "
34532msgstr ""
34533"Zmienia dwóch niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych w każdym mieście na "
34534"tym samym kontynencie, w którym jest Świątynia. Nie wpływa jednak na "
34535"niezadowolenie spowodowane działaniami wojennymi."
34537#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1625
34538#, no-c-format
34539msgid ""
34540"The city where this wonder is built will experience rapture growth when "
34542msgstr ""
34543"Miasto, w którym powstał ten cud doświadczy gwałtownego wzrostu podczas "
34546#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1631
34547msgid "The Internet"
34548msgstr "Internet"
34550#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1649
34551#, no-c-format
34552msgid ""
34553"Boosts science production in each city on the same continent with a Research "
34554"Lab by 100%."
34555msgstr ""
34556"Zwiększa o 100% produkcję nauki we wszystkich miastach ma tym samym "
34557"kontynencie, w których zbudowano Laboratoria."
34559#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1721
34560msgid ""
34561"All your new military land units produced in cities on the same continent "
34562"start with an additional veteran level (this is cumulative with any Barracks "
34563"building in a city; with both, units are created as Hardened)."
34564msgstr ""
34565"Wszystkie nowe jednostki lądowe stworzone na tym samym kontynencie dostają "
34566"pierwszy poziom doświadczenia (łączy się z każdym rodzajem Koszar w mieście; "
34567"jeśli miasto ma Koszary, jednostka ma poziom \"doświadczona\")."
34569#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1744
34570msgid ""
34571"Creates a world senate that may prevent declarations of war in some "
34572"circumstances. If any player's city is in revolt for more than two turns, "
34573"that player's government falls."
34574msgstr ""
34575"Stwarza \"światowy senat\", który w pewnych okolicznościach może zapobiegać "
34576"wojnom. Jeśli jakiekolwiek miasto gracza pozostaje zbuntowane przez więcej "
34577"niż dwie tury z rzędu, rząd tego gracza upada."
34579#: data/multiplayer/buildings.ruleset:1768
34580msgid ""
34581"Counts as a Police Station in every city on the same continent. (That is, "
34582"for each city, it reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed "
34583"military units owned by that city by 4 under Democracy and 2 under Republic "
34584"-- in other words, it neutralizes the unhappiness caused by two military "
34585"units per city. This wonder has no effect under other governments.)"
34586msgstr ""
34587"Działa jak Komisariat w każdym mieście na tym samym kontynecie, czyli "
34588"zmniejsza niezadowolenie spowodowane agresywnie rozstawionymi jednostkami "
34589"zbrojnymi na utrzymaniu miasta (o 4 w Demokracji i o 2 w Republice). Innymi "
34590"słowy, neutralizuje niezadowolenie spowodowane przez dwie jednostki zbrojne "
34591"na miasto. W ustrojach innych niż Demokracja i Republika cud nie ma żadnego "
34594#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:25
34595msgid "Multiplayer ruleset"
34596msgstr "Zestaw zasad dla gier wieloosobowych"
34598#. TRANS: In the client, this is displayed alongside the contents of
34599#. ;    README.multiplayer, which are not localized.
34600#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:33
34601msgid ""
34602"You are playing Freeciv with rules designed for multiplayer gaming. The "
34603"biggest differences from the classic ruleset are that trade routes are "
34604"disabled, and that most wonders can be built once by each player, and affect "
34605"only cities on the same continent. A full description of the differences can "
34606"be found in README.multiplayer."
34607msgstr ""
34608"Grasz teraz z zestawem zasad dla rozgrywek wieloosobowych. Największe "
34609"różnice między tym zestawem a zestawem klasycznym: wyłączono szlaki "
34610"handlowe, większość cudów może być wybudowana raz przez każdego z graczy i "
34611"działają one jedynie na miasta na tym samym kontynencie. Pełen opis różnic "
34612"znaleźć można w pliku README.multiplayer."
34614#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34615#. TRANS: With this and other color team names, uniqueness is more
34616#. TRANS: important than precise translation. To see the colors, start a
34617#. TRANS: multiplayer game with 32 players and look at the Nations report.
34618#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:658
34619msgid "?team name:Red"
34620msgstr "?team name:Czerwona"
34622#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34623#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:660
34624msgid "?team name:Yellow"
34625msgstr "?team name:Żółta"
34627#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34628#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:662
34629msgid "?team name:Blue"
34630msgstr "?team name:Niebieska"
34632#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34633#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:664
34634msgid "?team name:Purple"
34635msgstr "?team name:Purpurowa"
34637#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34638#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:666
34639msgid "?team name:Orange"
34640msgstr "?team name:Pomarańczowa"
34642#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34643#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:668
34644msgid "?team name:Magenta"
34645msgstr "?team name:Purpurowa"
34647#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34648#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:670
34649msgid "?team name:Cornflower"
34650msgstr "?team name:Chabrowa"
34652#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34653#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:672
34654msgid "?team name:Emerald"
34655msgstr "Szmaragdowa"
34657#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34658#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:674
34659msgid "?team name:Salmon"
34660msgstr "?team name:Łososiowa"
34662#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34663#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:676
34664msgid "?team name:Green"
34665msgstr "?team name:Zielona"
34667#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34668#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:678
34669msgid "?team name:Burgundy"
34670msgstr "?team name:Burgundowa"
34672#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34673#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:680
34674msgid "?team name:Pink"
34675msgstr "?team name:Różowa"
34677#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34678#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:682
34679msgid "?team name:Silver"
34680msgstr "?team name:Srebrna"
34682#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34683#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:684
34684msgid "?team name:Heliotrope"
34685msgstr "?team name:Heliotropowa"
34687#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34688#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:686
34689msgid "?team name:Fuchsia"
34690msgstr "?team name:Fuksja"
34692#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34693#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:688
34694msgid "?team name:Azure"
34695msgstr "?team name:Lazurowa"
34697#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34698#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:690
34699msgid "?team name:Gold"
34700msgstr "?team name:Złota"
34702#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34703#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:692
34704msgid "?team name:Khaki"
34705msgstr "Khaki"
34707#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34708#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:694
34709msgid "?team name:Butter"
34710msgstr "?team name:Osełkowa"
34712#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34713#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:696
34714msgid "?team name:Mint"
34715msgstr "?team name:Miętowa"
34717#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34718#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:698
34719msgid "?team name:Lime"
34720msgstr "?team name:Limonkowa"
34722#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34723#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:700
34724msgid "?team name:Peach"
34725msgstr "?team name:Brzoskwiniowa"
34727#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34728#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:702
34729msgid "?team name:Vermilion"
34730msgstr "?team name:Cynobrowa"
34732#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34733#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:704
34734msgid "?team name:Puce"
34735msgstr "?team name:Puce"
34737#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34738#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:706
34739msgid "?team name:Mustard"
34740msgstr "?team name:Musztardowa"
34742#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34743#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:708
34744msgid "?team name:Aubergine"
34745msgstr "?team name:Oberżynowa"
34747#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34748#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:710
34749msgid "?team name:Brown"
34750msgstr "?team name:Brązowa"
34752#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34753#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:712
34754msgid "?team name:Pumpkin"
34755msgstr "?team name:Dyniowa"
34757#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34758#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:714
34759msgid "?team name:Turquoise"
34760msgstr "?team name:Turkusowa"
34762#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34763#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:716
34764msgid "?team name:Crimson"
34765msgstr "?team name:Karmazynowa"
34767#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34768#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:718
34769msgid "?team name:Lavender"
34770msgstr "?team name:Lawendowa"
34772#. TRANS: Name of a color; used as unique identifier for a team
34773#: data/multiplayer/game.ruleset:720
34774msgid "?team name:Cream"
34775msgstr "?team name:Kremowa"
34777#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:48
34778#, c-format
34779msgid "%s boosts research; you gain the immediate advance %s."
34780msgstr "%s przyspiesza badania, dostajesz natychmiast wynalazek %s."
34782#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:53
34783#, c-format
34784msgid "%s boosts %s research; you gain the immediate advance %s."
34785msgstr "%s przyspiesza badania %s, dostajesz natychmiast wynalazek %s."
34787#. TRANS: 1st %s is nation or team name
34788#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:62
34789#, c-format
34790msgid "The %s gain %s from %s."
34791msgstr "%s otrzymali %s od %s."
34793#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:123
34794#, c-format
34795msgid ""
34796"Great philosophers from all the world join your civilization: you get the "
34797"immediate advance %s."
34798msgstr ""
34799"Wielcy filozofowie z całego świata przyłączyli się do twej cywilizacji; "
34800"dostajesz dodatkową technologię %s."
34802#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:128
34803#, c-format
34804msgid ""
34805"Great philosophers from all the world join the %s: you get the immediate "
34806"advance %s."
34807msgstr ""
34808"Wielcy filozofowie z całego świata przyłączyli się do %s; dostajesz "
34809"dodatkową technologię %s."
34811#. TRANS: first %s is nation plural or team name
34812#: data/multiplayer/script.lua:136
34813#, c-format
34814msgid ""
34815"Great philosophers from all the world join the %s: they get %s as an "
34816"immediate advance."
34817msgstr ""
34818"Wielcy filozofowie z całego świata przyłączyli się do %s; dostają dodatkową "
34819"technologię %s."
34821#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:270
34822msgid "Improves the effect of Amphitheaters."
34823msgstr "Wzmacnia efekt Amfiteatrów."
34825#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:295
34826msgid "Having this advance decreases pollution in all your cities by 50%."
34827msgstr ""
34828"Ten wynalazek zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie we wszystkich twoich miastach o 50%."
34830#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:572
34831msgid ""
34832"When you research this technology, you also get one other immediate "
34833"technology advance."
34834msgstr ""
34835"Gdy odkryjesz tę technologię, dostaniesz dodatkowo jeszcze jedną technologię "
34838#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:817
34839msgid "Theory of Evolution"
34840msgstr "Teoria Ewolucji"
34842#: data/multiplayer/techs.ruleset:824
34843msgid ""
34844"This technology is only acquired the first time you build Darwin's Voyage."
34845msgstr ""
34846"Tę technologię zdobywa się jedynie za pierwszym razem, gdy zbuduje się "
34847"Wyprawę Darwina."
34849#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1211
34850msgid ""
34851"Pollution appears on land tiles around cities with high production or "
34852"population. It halves all output from its tile, and contributes to the risk "
34853"of global warming."
34854msgstr ""
34855"Zanieczyszczenie pojawia się na polach lądowych wokół miast z wysoką "
34856"produkcją lub populacją. Zanieczyszczenie zmniejsza o połowę całą połowę "
34857"produkcję z pola i zwiększ ryzyko globalnego ocieplenia."
34859#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1219
34860msgid ""
34861"Pollution from production is likely to start becoming important as your "
34862"civilization becomes more industrialized, giving you buildings such as "
34863"Factory and Power Plant which boost production. Replacing a Power Plant with "
34864"cleaner forms of energy -- a Hydro Plant / Hoover Dam, Nuclear Plant, or "
34865"Solar Plant -- will reduce pollution from production, as will a Recycling "
34866"Center or knowledge of Environmentalism."
34867msgstr ""
34868"Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane produkcją stanie się istotne, gdy twoja "
34869"cywilizacja będzie bardziej uprzemysłowiona, dzięki czemu będzie można "
34870"budować Fabryki i Elektrownie Cieplne. Zastąpienie Elektrowni Cieplnej "
34871"czysztszym źródłem energii -- Elektrownią Wodną / Tamą Hoovera, Elektrownią "
34872"Atomową lub Słoneczną -- zmniejszy zanieczyszczenie, podobnie jak "
34873"Oczyszczalnia i Ochrona Przyrody."
34875#: data/multiplayer/terrain.ruleset:1304
34876#, no-c-format
34877msgid ""
34878"Once Refrigeration is known, irrigation systems can be upgraded to farmland "
34879"by irrigating them a second time; if the city working the tile has a "
34880"Supermarket, a farmland tile provides twice as much food."
34881msgstr ""
34882"Po odkryciu Zamrażania można ponownie nawodnić nawodnione pole, aby ulepszyć "
34883"je do farmy; jeśli miasto, które korzysta z takiego pola ma Supermarket, "
34884"farma dostarcza dwukrotnie więcej żywności."
34886#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:434
34887msgid ""
34888"Upkeep for Settlers is in food as well as production, and a Settler can die "
34889"if its supporting city runs out of food. Settlers in a Republic or Democracy "
34890"require twice as much food per turn, and in Fundamentalist societies, three "
34891"times as much."
34892msgstr ""
34893"Utrzymanie Osadników zużywa zarówno punkty produkcji, jak i żywności, a "
34894"Osadnicy mogą zginąć, jeśli w utrzymującym ich mieście zabraknie żywności. W "
34895"Republice i Demokracji Osadnicy potrzebują dwukrotnie więcej żywności, a w "
34896"Komunizmie i Fundamentalizmie trzykrotnie więcej."
34898#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:1460
34899msgid ""
34900"The Helicopter is a very powerful unit, as it can both fly and conquer "
34901"cities.  Care must be exercised, because Helicopters lose a small amount of "
34902"health for every turn not spent in a city or airbase or on a Carrier, and "
34903"they may be attacked by ground units."
34904msgstr ""
34905"Helikoptery są bardzo potężną jednostką, gdyż mogą zarówno latać, jak i "
34906"zdobywać miasta. Należy jednak zachować ostrożność, jako że Helikoptery "
34907"tracą odrobinę energii w każdej turze spędzonej poza miastem, bazą lotniczą "
34908"lub Lotniskowcem. Helikoptery mogą być atakowane przez jednostki lądowe."
34910#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2239
34911msgid ""
34912"A Caravan carries goods or material to help build wonders in your cities."
34913msgstr "Karawana wiezie towar lub materiały potrzebne do budowania cudu."
34915#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2242
34916msgid ""
34917"Every Caravan that is used to build a wonder will add 30 shields towards the "
34918"production of the wonder."
34919msgstr ""
34920"Każda Karawana użyta do pomocy w budowie cudu dodaje 30 punktów produkcji."
34922#: data/multiplayer/units.ruleset:2278
34923msgid ""
34924"The Freight unit replaces the Caravan, and moves at twice the speed. Each "
34925"Freight used to build a wonder will add 50 shields."
34926msgstr ""
34927"Ciężarówka zastępuje karawanę i porusza się dwukrotnie szybciej. Każda "
34928"Ciężarówka użyta do pomocy w budowie cudu dodaje 50 punktów produkcji."
34930#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:25
34931msgid "Sandbox ruleset"
34932msgstr "Ekspermentalny zestaw zasad"
34934#. TRANS: In the client, this is displayed alongside the contents of
34935#. ;    README.sandbox, which are not localized.
34936#: data/sandbox/game.ruleset:33
34937msgid ""
34938"You are playing Freeciv with sandbox ruleset. This showcases new or unusual "
34939"features available in Freeciv without regard for strict game balancing, "
34940"playability, AI performance, availability of graphics, or savegame "
34941"compatibility between versions.\n"
34943"This ruleset was originally based on the civ2civ3 ruleset (which will become "
34944"the default ruleset in a future release)."
34945msgstr ""
34946"Grasz z eksperymentalnym zestawem zasad. Jest to poligon doświadczalny dla "
34947"nowych i nietypowych funkcji we Freeciv, które mogą na razie zaburzać "
34948"grywalność, zachowanie AI, dostępność grafiki i zgodność zapisanych gier z "
34949"poprzednimi wersjami.\n"
34951"Ten zestaw zasad bazuje na zestawie civ2civ3, który stanie się domyślnym "
34952"zestawem zasad w przyszłości."
34954#: data/sandbox/techs.ruleset:695
34955msgid "Halves one-time revenue from new trade routes."
34956msgstr ""
34957"Zmniejsza o połowę jednorazową opłatę za ustanowienie nowego szlaku "
34960#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1659
34961msgid ""
34962"Roads allow your land units to move more quickly, allow wheeled Big Land "
34963"units such as Chariots and Catapults to travel through otherwise difficult "
34964"terrain (Mountains, Jungle, and Swamp), and Merchant units (Caravans and "
34965"Freight) can only travel on roads, railroads, rivers or ships."
34966msgstr ""
34967"Drogi umożliwiają jednostkom lądowym szybkie przemieszczanie się, pozwalają "
34968"dużym jednostkom lądowym, takim jak Rydwany i Katapulty, na przemieszczenie "
34969"się w trudnym terenie (góry, dżungla i bagna). Jednostki handlowe (Karawany "
34970"i Ciężarówki) mogą podróżować jedynie drogami, koleją, rzekami oraz statkami."
34972#: data/sandbox/terrain.ruleset:1769
34973msgid ""
34974"Land units may move along rivers for faster travel (but not diagonally), and "
34975"Merchant units (Caravans and Freight) may require rivers to travel along in "
34976"the absence of roads. Triremes may also travel up rivers (although later "
34977"boats cannot)."
34978msgstr ""
34979"Jednostki lądowe mogą przemieszczać się wzdłuż rzek szybciej (o ile nie "
34980"podróżują po przekątnej), a jednostki handlowe (Karawany i Ciężarówki) mogą "
34981"potrzebować rzek, jeśli na nie ma drogi. Rzekami podróżować mogą również "
34982"Triremy (ale nie bardziej zaawansowane statki)."
34984#: data/sandbox/units.ruleset:2359
34985msgid ""
34986"Caravans can only travel on roads, railroads, rivers or ships. (Caravans "
34987"cannot take advantage of maglevs, but may travel on the railroads that "
34988"accompany them.)"
34989msgstr ""
34990"Karawany mogą mogą podróżować po drogach, torach kolejowych, rzekach i na "
34991"statkach. (Karawany nie mogą wykorzystywać maglewów, ale mogą podróżować po "
34992"torach kolejowych, które są ich częścią.)"
34994#: data/nation/american.ruleset:8
34995msgid ""
34996"The United States of America achieved its independence from Great Britain "
34997"after a revolution in 1776-1783 CE. Its constitution was proclaimed in 1789, "
34998"making the country one of the first modern representative republics. The "
34999"United States then started to expand its territory, first on the North "
35000"American mainland and later also overseas. By the 20th century the country "
35001"had become a world superpower; its cultural, economic and political "
35002"influence on the rest of the world is enormous."
35003msgstr ""
35004"Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej (USA) uniezależniły się od Wielkiej "
35005"Brytanii po rewolucji w latach 1776-1783. W roku 1789 proklamowały "
35006"konstytucję, co uczyniło z nich pierwszą współczesną republikę. USA zaczęły "
35007"następnie poszerzać terytorium, najpierw na kontynencie amerykańskim, a "
35008"potem również na obszarach zamorskich. W XX wieku kraj stał się globalną "
35009"potęgą; wywiera ogromny wpływ na światową kulturę, gospodarkę i politykę."
35011#: data/nation/animals.ruleset:5
35012msgid "Animal Kingdom"
35013msgstr "Królestwo Zwierząt"
35015#: data/nation/animals.ruleset:6
35016msgid "?plural:Animals"
35017msgstr "?plural:Zwierzęta"
35019#: data/nation/animals.ruleset:8
35020msgid ""
35021"Before civilization claimed the lands, ancient man had to survive the "
35022"wilderness with all kinds of dangerous animals."
35023msgstr ""
35024"Zanim cywilizacja objęła te tereny w posiadanie, starożytni żyli na łonie "
35025"natury stawiając czoła niebezpiecznym zwierzętom wszelkiej maści."
35027#: data/nation/apache.ruleset:5
35028msgid "Apache"
35029msgstr "Apacze"
35031#: data/nation/apache.ruleset:6
35032msgid "?plural:Apaches"
35033msgstr "?plural:Apacze"
35035#: data/nation/apache.ruleset:8
35036msgid ""
35037"The Apaches are a group of Athabascan speaking Indian tribes living in "
35038"Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Apache groups include the Western, "
35039"Chiricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Lipan and Plains Apache. They came from "
35040"the Far North around 1000 CE. The Apache are known as fierce warriors. In "
35041"the 19th century it took the United States half a century to subdue them."
35042msgstr ""
35043"Apacze to grupa szczepów indiańskich zamieszkujących stany Arizona, Nowy "
35044"Meksyk i Oklahoma. Posługują się one językami atapaskańskimi, a w ich skład "
35045"wchodzą plemiona Chiricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla, Lipan and Apacze "
35046"Preriowi. Przybyli z dalekiej północy ok. roku 1000 n.e. Apacze zasłynęli "
35047"jako groźni wojownicy; w XIX w. wojska Stanów Zjednoczonych walczyły z nimi "
35048"przez pół stulecia, nim wreszcie ich poskromiły."
35050#: data/nation/apache.ruleset:27
35051#, c-format
35052msgid "Great Shaman %s"
35053msgstr "Wielki Szaman %s"
35055#: data/nation/apache.ruleset:27
35056#, c-format
35057msgid "?female:Great Shaman %s"
35058msgstr "?female:Wielka Szamanka %s"
35060#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:5
35061msgid "Arab"
35062msgstr "Arabski"
35064#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:6
35065msgid "?plural:Arabs"
35066msgstr "?plural:Arabowie"
35068#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:8
35069msgid "The Arab/Islamic civilization of 622 to 1495 CE."
35070msgstr "Cywilizacja Arabska/Islamska z lat 622 n.e. - 1495 n.e."
35072#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:23
35073#, c-format
35074msgid "Sheikh %s"
35075msgstr "Szejk %s"
35077#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:23
35078#, c-format
35079msgid "Shaykha %s"
35080msgstr "Szejkesa %s"
35082#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:24
35083#, c-format
35084msgid "Vizier %s"
35085msgstr "Wezyr %s"
35087#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:24
35088#, c-format
35089msgid "?female:Vizier %s"
35090msgstr "?female:Wezyr %s"
35092#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:25 data/nation/songhai.ruleset:26
35093#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:32
35094#, c-format
35095msgid "Caliph %s"
35096msgstr "Kalif %s"
35098#: data/nation/arab.ruleset:25 data/nation/songhai.ruleset:26
35099#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:32
35100#, c-format
35101msgid "Calipha %s"
35102msgstr "Kalifa  %s"
35104#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:5
35105msgid "Austrian"
35106msgstr "Austriacki"
35108#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:6
35109msgid "?plural:Austrians"
35110msgstr "?plural:Austriacy"
35112#. TRANS: Legend for nation in "core" set
35113#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:9
35114msgid ""
35115"The origins of Austria date back to the time of the Roman Empire when a "
35116"Celtic kingdom was conquered by the Romans in approximately 15 BCE, and "
35117"later became Noricum, a Roman province, in the mid 1st century CE - an area "
35118"which mostly encloses today's Austria. In 788 CE, the Frankish king "
35119"Charlemagne conquered the area, and introduced Christianity. Under the "
35120"native Habsburg dynasty, Austria became one of the great powers of Europe. "
35121"In 1867, the Austrian Empire was reformed into Austria-Hungary. The Austro-"
35122"Hungarian Empire collapsed in 1918 with the end of World War I. After "
35123"establishing the First Austrian Republic in 1919, Austria joined Nazi "
35124"Germany in the Anschluss in 1938. This lasted until the end of World War II "
35125"in 1945, after which Austria was occupied by the Allies."
35126msgstr ""
35127"Początki Austrii sięgają czasów Imperium Rzymskiego, gdy około 15 r. p.n.e. "
35128"celtyckie królestwo zostało podbite przez Rzymian. W połowie I w. n.e. stało "
35129"się ono prowincją rzymską o nazwie Noricum, które obejmowało tereny "
35130"dzisiejszej Austrii. W 788 r. obszar został podbity przez Karola Wielkiego, "
35131"który wprowadził tam chrześcijaństwo. Pod rządami lokalnej dynastii "
35132"Habsburgów, Austria stała się jednym w największych mocarstw Europy. W 1867 "
35133"państwo przekształciło się w Austro-Węgry. Imperium upadło po I Wojnie "
35134"Światowej w roku 1918. Rok później ustanowiono pierwszą Republikę Austrii, "
35135"która w 1938 przyłączyła się do nazistowskich Niemiec (był to tzw. "
35136"\"Anschluss\"). Po zakończeniu II Wojny Światowej Austria znajdowała się pod "
35137"okupacją aliantów."
35139#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:49
35140#, c-format
35141msgid "Archduke %s"
35142msgstr "Arcyksiążę %s"
35144#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:49
35145#, c-format
35146msgid "Archduchess %s"
35147msgstr "Arcyksiężna %s"
35149#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:50 data/nation/german.ruleset:36
35150#, c-format
35151msgid "Kaiser %s"
35152msgstr "Cesarz %s"
35154#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:50 data/nation/german.ruleset:36
35155#, c-format
35156msgid "Kaiserin %s"
35157msgstr "Cesarzowa %s"
35159#: data/nation/austrian.ruleset:52 data/nation/french.ruleset:44
35160#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:44 data/nation/polish.ruleset:37
35161#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:29 data/nation/spanish.ruleset:43
35162#, c-format
35163msgid "Mother Superior %s"
35164msgstr "Najwyższa Matka %s"
35166#: data/nation/babylonian.ruleset:8
35167msgid ""
35168"Babylon was the dominant city of Mesopotamia from the 18th to 7th centuries "
35169"BCE under a succession of peoples including Amorites, Kassites, Assyrians, "
35170"and Chaldeans."
35171msgstr ""
35172"Babilon był najważniejszym miastem starożytnej Mezopotamii. W wiekach XVIII-"
35173"VII p.n.e. znajdował się kolejno pod rządami Amorytów, Kasytów, Asyryjczyków "
35174"i Partów. Aleksander Wielki miał zamiar uczynić Babilon stolicą swojego "
35177#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:5
35178msgid "Brazilian"
35179msgstr "Brazylijski"
35181#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:6
35182msgid "?plural:Brazilians"
35183msgstr "?plural:Brazylijczycy"
35185#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:8
35186msgid ""
35187"Brazil was founded as a colony of Portugal but became independent in 1822 as "
35188"a result of Portugal's occupation by Napoleonic France. The country was "
35189"first established as an empire under the exiled Portuguese royal family. The "
35190"empire lasted until the establishment of a republican government in 1889."
35191msgstr ""
35192"Brazylia była kiedyś portugalską kolonią, lecz w 1822 uzyskała "
35193"niepodległość, gdy Portugalia była okupowana przez Napoleona. Początkowo w "
35194"Brazylii założono imperium rządzone przez portugalską rodzinę królewską na "
35195"wygnaniu. Imperium przetrwało do roku 1889, kiedy kraj zmienił się w "
35198#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:31 data/nation/chinese.ruleset:30
35199#, c-format
35200msgid "Chairwoman %s"
35201msgstr "Przewodnicząca %s"
35203#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:32
35204#, c-format
35205msgid "Director-President %s"
35206msgstr "Dyrektor-Prezydent %s"
35208#: data/nation/brazilian.ruleset:32
35209#, c-format
35210msgid "?female:Director-President %s"
35211msgstr "?female:Dyrektor-Prezydent %s"
35213#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:5
35214msgid "Byzantine"
35215msgstr "Bizantyjski"
35217#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:6
35218msgid "?plural:Byzantines"
35219msgstr "?plural:Bizantyjczycy"
35221#: data/nation/byzantium.ruleset:8
35222msgid ""
35223"At the time of the decline of the old Roman empire, the Emperor Constantine "
35224"moved the empire's capital to Byzantium and formed a new empire mostly known "
35225"as the Eastern Roman empire or the Byzantine empire. This empire lasted "
35226"until 1453 when its capital fell to the Ottomans. At the time of Justinian "
35227"I, the Byzantines controlled nearly all of the Middle East, northern Africa, "
35228"Italy, and parts of Spain."
35229msgstr ""
35230"W czasach upadku Imperium Rzymskiego, cesarz Konstantyn przeniósł stolicę do "
35231"Bizancjum, tworząc tym samym nowe imperium znane jako Wschodnie Cesarstwo "
35232"Rzymskie lub Bizancjum. Przetrwało ono aż do roku 1453, w którym to zostało "
35233"podbite przez Osmanów. W czasach Justyniana I, Bizancjum kontrolowało prawie "
35234"cały Bliski Wschód, północną Afrykę, Włochy oraz część Hiszpanii."
35236#: data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:10
35237msgid ""
35238"The Carthaginians, descendants of Phoenician traders, ran a naval empire in "
35239"the Mediterranean from the 5th to 2nd centuries BCE. Carthage was destroyed "
35240"by Rome in 146 BCE."
35241msgstr ""
35242"Kartagina została założona przez kupców fenickich. W wiekach V-II p.n.e. "
35243"była imperium morskim Morza Śródziemnego, lecz w roku 146 p.n.e. została "
35244"zniszczona przez Rzymian."
35246#: data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:25
35247#, c-format
35248msgid "Judge %s"
35249msgstr "Sędzia %s"
35251#: data/nation/carthaginian.ruleset:25
35252#, c-format
35253msgid "?female:Judge %s"
35254msgstr "?female:Sędzina %s"
35256#: data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:5
35257msgid "Cherokee"
35258msgstr "Czirokeski"
35260#: data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:6
35261msgid "?plural:Cherokees"
35262msgstr "?plural:Czirokezi"
35264#: data/nation/cherokee.ruleset:8
35265msgid ""
35266"The Cherokee nation is the largest Native American nation in North America "
35268msgstr ""
35269"Lud Czirokezów to największa grupa etniczna wśród rdzennych mieszkańców "
35270"współczesnej Ameryki Północnej."
35272#: data/nation/chinese.ruleset:8
35273msgid ""
35274"China is the oldest major civilization that is still in existence today, "
35275"with written records dating back over 3,500 years. After first being unified "
35276"by the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE, China alternated between periods of unity and "
35277"disunity, and was occasionally conquered by external ethnicities. Today, the "
35278"People's Republic of China, established by the Communists in 1949, occupies "
35279"the mainland, while the former Nationalist government of the Republic of "
35280"China governs the island of Taiwan."
35281msgstr ""
35282"Chiny są, obok Egiptu, Mezopotamii i Indii, jedną z najstarszych cywilizacji "
35283"świata; najdawniejsze wzmianki o niej pochodzą sprzed 3 500 lat. Chiny "
35284"zostały po raz pierwszy zjednoczone przez dynastię Qin w roku 221 p.n.e. W "
35285"kolejnych stuleciach, Chiny często przechodziły okresy zjednoczeń i "
35286"podziałów. Dzisiejsza Chińska Republika Ludowa została utworzona przez "
35287"komunistów w 1949, a poprzednie nacjonalistyczne władze uciekły tuż po "
35288"wojnie domowej na wyspę Tajwan."
35290#: data/nation/danish.ruleset:5
35291msgid "Danish"
35292msgstr "Duński"
35294#: data/nation/danish.ruleset:6
35295msgid "?plural:Danes"
35296msgstr "?plural:Duńczycy"
35298#: data/nation/danish.ruleset:8
35299msgid ""
35300"The founding of the Danish kingdom is generally assigned to the reign of "
35301"Harald Blåtand, who unified what is now Denmark between 958 CE and 988 CE."
35302msgstr ""
35303"Założenie królestwa Danii przypisywane jest zazwyczaj Haraldowi Blåtlandowi, "
35304"który zjednoczył ziemie dzisiejszej Danii w latach 958-988."
35306#: data/nation/danish.ruleset:34 data/nation/swedish.ruleset:34
35307#: data/nation/viking.ruleset:29
35308#, c-format
35309msgid "Earl %s"
35310msgstr "Kardynał %s"
35312#: data/nation/danish.ruleset:34 data/nation/swedish.ruleset:34
35313#: data/nation/viking.ruleset:29
35314#, c-format
35315msgid "?female:Earl %s"
35316msgstr "?female:Ban %s"
35318#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:5
35319msgid "Dutch"
35320msgstr "Holenderski"
35322#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:6
35323msgid "?plural:Dutch"
35324msgstr "?plural:Holendrzy"
35326#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:8
35327msgid ""
35328"When the Holy Roman Emperor sentenced the entire population to death, the "
35329"people of the Netherlands revolted and declared themselves independent, "
35330"forming the Union of Utrecht in 1579. The Netherlands grew to be a dominant "
35331"maritime and economic power in the 17th century."
35332msgstr ""
35333"Gdy Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie skazało całą ludność na śmierć, Holendrzy "
35334"zbuntowali się i ogłosili niepodległość, zawierając w 1578 unię utrechcką. "
35335"Holandia rosła w siłę i w XVII w. stała się potęga morską i gospodarczą."
35337#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:39 data/nation/polish.ruleset:36
35338#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:49
35339#, c-format
35340msgid "Prince %s"
35341msgstr "Książę %s"
35343#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:39 data/nation/polish.ruleset:36
35344#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:49
35345#, c-format
35346msgid "Princess %s"
35347msgstr "Księżna %s"
35349#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:41
35350#, c-format
35351msgid "Stadtholder %s"
35352msgstr "Grododzierżca %s"
35354#: data/nation/dutch.ruleset:41
35355#, c-format
35356msgid "Stadtholdress %s"
35357msgstr "Grododzierżczyni %s"
35359#: data/nation/english.ruleset:27 data/nation/russian.ruleset:48
35360#: data/nation/spanish.ruleset:41
35361#, c-format
35362msgid "Pretender %s"
35363msgstr "Samozwaniec %s"
35365#: data/nation/english.ruleset:27 data/nation/russian.ruleset:48
35366#: data/nation/spanish.ruleset:41
35367#, c-format
35368msgid "?female:Pretender %s"
35369msgstr "?female:Samozwańczyni %s"
35371#: data/nation/english.ruleset:28 data/nation/mayan.ruleset:27
35372#, c-format
35373msgid "Lord %s"
35374msgstr "Lord %s"
35376#: data/nation/english.ruleset:28 data/nation/mayan.ruleset:27
35377#, c-format
35378msgid "Lady %s"
35379msgstr "Lady %s"
35381#: data/nation/english.ruleset:29 data/nation/polish.ruleset:37
35382#, c-format
35383msgid "Bishop %s"
35384msgstr "Biskup %s"
35386#: data/nation/english.ruleset:29
35387#, c-format
35388msgid "?female:Bishop %s"
35389msgstr "?female:Biskup %s"
35391#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:5
35392msgid "Ethiopian"
35393msgstr "Etiopski"
35395#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:6
35396msgid "?plural:Ethiopians"
35397msgstr "?plural:Etiopczycy"
35399#: data/nation/ethiopian.ruleset:8
35400msgid ""
35401"Ethiopia is the oldest nation in Africa and the only one to remain "
35402"independent during European colonialism."
35403msgstr ""
35404"Etiopczycy to najstarszy naród w Afryce i jedyny, który oparł się "
35405"europejskiej kolonizacji i zachował niepodległość."
35407#: data/nation/french.ruleset:8
35408msgid ""
35409"France has long been a major power in Europe. French conquerors like Emperor "
35410"Napoleon and King Charlemagne united large parts of Europe under the French "
35411"flag. The country also built the world's second largest colonial empire. The "
35412"French kingdom first came into existence when it grew out of the western "
35413"part of the Frankish empire during the High Middle Ages. France - and indeed "
35414"the world - was shaken on its foundations by the French Revolution of 1789."
35415msgstr ""
35416"Francja od wielu lat jest europejską potęgą. Francuscy zdobywcy jak Napoleon "
35417"Bonaparte i Karol Wielki zjednoczyli olbrzymie połacie Europy pod francuską "
35418"flagą. Kraj był także drugą największą potęgą kolonialną. Królestwo "
35419"francuskie powstało w zachodniej części imperium frankijskiego w okresie "
35420"średniowiecza. W 1789 roku krajem - a w efekcie również całym światem - "
35421"wstrząsnęła Rewolucja Francuska."
35423#: data/nation/french.ruleset:41
35424#, c-format
35425msgid "Citizen %s"
35426msgstr "Obywatel %s"
35428#: data/nation/french.ruleset:41
35429#, c-format
35430msgid "?female:Citizen %s"
35431msgstr "?female:Obywatelka %s"
35433#: data/nation/french.ruleset:43
35434#, c-format
35435msgid "Premiere %s"
35436msgstr "Premier %s"
35438#: data/nation/greek.ruleset:25 data/nation/mayan.ruleset:28
35439#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:39
35440#, c-format
35441msgid "Elder %s"
35442msgstr "Starszy %s"
35444#: data/nation/greek.ruleset:25 data/nation/mayan.ruleset:28
35445#: data/nation/zulu.ruleset:39
35446#, c-format
35447msgid "?female:Elder %s"
35448msgstr "?female:Starsza %s"
35450#: data/nation/hittite.ruleset:5
35451msgid "Hittite"
35452msgstr "Hetycki"
35454#: data/nation/hittite.ruleset:6
35455msgid "?plural:Hittites"
35456msgstr "?plural:Hetyci"
35458#: data/nation/hittite.ruleset:8
35459msgid ""
35460"The Hittite kingdom lasted from about 1680 BCE to about 1180 BCE. They were "
35461"the first civilization to discover iron working. At its height, they "
35462"controlled central Anatolia, north-western Syria and Mesopotamia down to "
35464msgstr ""
35465"Królestwo Hetytów istniało w latach 1680-1180 p.n.e. Zasłynęli oni jako "
35466"cywilizacja, która odkryła obróbkę żelaza. W szczytowym okresie, panowali "
35467"nad środkową Anatolią, północno-zachodnią Syrią i Mezopotamią aż po Babilon."
35469#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:5
35470msgid "Hunnic"
35471msgstr "Huński"
35473#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:6
35474msgid "?plural:Huns"
35475msgstr "?plural:Hunowie"
35477#: data/nation/hunnic.ruleset:8
35478msgid ""
35479"The European Huns were an ancient tribal confederation who first appeared in "
35480"the 4th century. The Huns inhabited the Eurasian steppes and were known as "
35481"formidable horse archers. In the fifth century CE they created a powerful "
35482"military empire under the leadership of Attila, famous for his campaigns "
35483"against the Roman Empire. Attila died in 453, and the empire fell apart one "
35484"year later. The origins of the Huns are still a matter of dispute; they have "
35485"long been associated with the Xiongnu mentioned in Chinese sources, but that "
35486"link has still not been unequivocally proven. Hunnic ethnic relations and "
35487"language are likewise controversial."
35488msgstr ""
35489"Europejscy Hunowie byli grupą starożytnych plemion, która uformowała się w "
35490"IV wieku. Hunowie zamieszkiwali stepy Eurazji i byli znani jako groźni konni "
35491"łucznicy. W V wieku stworzyli potężne imperium wojskowe pod wodzą Atylli, "
35492"który wsławił się kampaniami przeciwko Rzymowi. Atylla zmarł w 453 roku, a "
35493"jego państwo rozpadło się rok później. Pochodzenie Hunów nadal nie jest do "
35494"końca jasne. Przez długi czas byli kojarzeni z ludem Xiongnu wspominanym z "
35495"chińskich źródłach, lecz powiązanie to nie zostało do tej pory jednoznacznie "
35496"potwierdzone. Pochodzenie ich języka jest równie kontrowersyjne."
35498#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:5
35499msgid "Inca"
35500msgstr "Inkaski"
35502#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:6
35503msgid "?plural:Incas"
35504msgstr "?plural:Inkowie"
35506#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:9
35507msgid ""
35508"The Inca were an Amerind people of the Northern Andes who conquered an "
35509"empire stretching along the west coast of South America from what is now "
35510"southern Chile nearly to the Equator. They had the bad timing to do it just "
35511"a few decades before the Spanish conquistadors arrived in their part of the "
35512"world in the 1530s CE. In that short time frame, the Inca were able to build "
35513"over 15,000 km of roads throughout their realm. Their state was the largest "
35514"in the Americas prior to the Spanish conquest and was maintained through a "
35515"complex, hierarchical and pragmatic administrative system. They were, "
35516"however, wracked as many kingdoms have been by crises of succession. When "
35517"the Spanish arrived, the Inca were in the middle of one such crisis - the "
35518"war between Atawallpa and Waskhar. They were the sons of the late ruler "
35519"Wayna Qhapaq, who had died from disease - likely smallpox - that was "
35520"sweeping through the land."
35521msgstr ""
35522"Inkowie to indiański lud z obszaru północnych Andów. Stworzyli oni imperium "
35523"ciągnące się wzdłuż zachodniego brzegu Ameryki Południowej (tereny "
35524"dzisiejszego Chile) prawie po równik. Nie mieli jednak szczęścia, gdyż ich "
35525"państwo powstało zaledwie kilka dekad przed przybyciem hiszpańskich "
35526"konkwistadorów w latach 30-tych XVI w. Jednak zanim to nastąpiło, Inkowie "
35527"wybudowali w swym kraju przeszło 15 000 km dróg. Imperium inkaskie było "
35528"największym państwem obu Ameryk epoki prekolumbijskiej i mogło być "
35529"skutecznie zarządzane dzięki skomplikowanemu, hierarchicznemu i "
35530"pragmatycznemu systemowi administracji. Niestety, jak wiele królestw, "
35531"również to nękane było konfliktami sukcesyjnymi. Hiszpanie zastali kraj "
35532"pogrążony w jednym z takich konfliktów - w wojnie pomiędzy Atallawpa a "
35533"Washkarem. Byli oni synami króla zmarłego w wyniku choroby (prawdopodobnie "
35534"ospy) szalejącej wówczas w całej krainie."
35536#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:35
35537#, c-format
35538msgid "Inka %s"
35539msgstr "Inka %s"
35541#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:35
35542#, c-format
35543msgid "Qoya %s"
35544msgstr "Qoya %s"
35546#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:36
35547#, c-format
35548msgid "Sapa Inka %s"
35549msgstr "Sapa Inka %s"
35551#: data/nation/inca.ruleset:36
35552#, c-format
35553msgid "Sapa Qoya %s"
35554msgstr "Sapa Qoya %s"
35556#: data/nation/indian.ruleset:8
35557msgid ""
35558"The Republic of India was created in 1950 following a non-violent "
35559"independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. With more than a billion "
35560"inhabitants it is the world's second most populous country as well as the "
35561"world's largest democracy."
35562msgstr ""
35563"Republika Indii powstała w 1950 roku dzięki pokojowemu ruchowi "
35564"niepodległościowemu przewodzonemu przez Mahatmę Ghandiego. Indie liczą sobie "
35565"ponad miliard mieszkańców, co czyni z nich drugi najludniejszy kraj świata i "
35566"największe państwo demokratyczne."
35568#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:5
35569msgid "Indonesian"
35570msgstr "Indonezyjski"
35572#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:6
35573msgid "?plural:Indonesians"
35574msgstr "?plural:Indonezyjczycy"
35576#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:8
35577msgid ""
35578"Indonesia is a large country on the Malay Archipelago with central "
35579"government on the island of Java. The country has a Muslim majority and is "
35580"one of the most populous in the world."
35581msgstr ""
35582"Indonezja to wielki kraj położony na Archipelagu Malajskim, którego stolica "
35583"znajduje się na wyspie Jawa. Jest to jedno z najbardziej ludnych państw "
35584"świata, a większość mieszkańców stanowią muzułmanie."
35586#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:21 data/nation/turk.ruleset:31
35587#, c-format
35588msgid "Sultan %s"
35589msgstr "Sułtan %s"
35591#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:21 data/nation/turk.ruleset:31
35592#, c-format
35593msgid "Sultana %s"
35594msgstr "Sułtan %s"
35596#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:22
35597#, c-format
35598msgid "Imam %s"
35599msgstr "Imam %s"
35601#: data/nation/indonesian.ruleset:22
35602#, c-format
35603msgid "Imama %s"
35604msgstr "Imama %s"
35606#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:5
35607msgid "Iroquois"
35608msgstr "Irokeski"
35610#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:6
35611msgid "?plural:Iroquois"
35612msgstr "?plural:Irokezi"
35614#: data/nation/iroquois.ruleset:8
35615msgid ""
35616"The Iroquois Confederacy - known as Haudenosaunee in their own language - "
35617"was a North American group of nations with common language and culture. They "
35618"were based in what is now upstate New York and consisted originally of five "
35619"nations: Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Mohawk. The confederacy had a "
35620"written constitution and a currency system making them the most advanced "
35621"state in North America upon the arrival of the Europeans."
35622msgstr ""
35623"Konfederacja Irokeska - przez samych Irokezów zwana Haudenosaunee - była "
35624"grupą północnoamerykańskich plemion połączonych wspólnym językiem i kulturą. "
35625"Zamieszkiwali okolice dzisiejszego Nowego Jorku, a w skład konfederacji "
35626"wchodziło początkowo pięć plemion: Mohawkowie, Oneidowie, Onandagowie, "
35627"Kajugowie i Senekowie. Państwo Irokezów miało własną konstytucję i walutę, "
35628"przez co uważane jest za najbardziej zaawansowane cywilizacyjnie w Ameryce "
35629"Północnej sprzed przybycia Europejczyków."
35631#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:5
35632msgid "Italian"
35633msgstr "Włoski"
35635#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:6
35636msgid "?plural:Italians"
35637msgstr "?plural:Włosi"
35639#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:8
35640msgid ""
35641"The Italian nation was unified in 1870 CE after decades of campaigning by "
35642"indigenous nationalists. It was a monarchy under the House of Savoy until "
35643"1922, then a fascist state until 1945 after which democracy was restored by "
35644"the World War II victors."
35645msgstr ""
35646"Naród włoski zjednoczył się w roku 1870 po dekadach kampanii prowadzonych "
35647"przez miejscowych  nacjonalistów. Do roku 1922 Włochy były monarchią pod "
35648"dynastią sabaudzką, później dyktaturą faszystowską, a demokracja przywrócona "
35649"została przez zwycięzców II Wojny Światowej."
35651#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:43
35652#, c-format
35653msgid "Duce %s"
35654msgstr "Duce %s"
35656#: data/nation/italian.ruleset:43
35657#, c-format
35658msgid "Ducezza %s"
35659msgstr "Ducezza %s"
35661#: data/nation/japanese.ruleset:8
35662msgid ""
35663"According to traditional Japanese mythology, Japan was founded in the 7th "
35664"century BCE by the ancestral Emperor Jimmu."
35665msgstr ""
35666"Japońska mitologia głosi, że Japonię założył w VII w. p.n.e. niebiański "
35667"Cesarz Jimmu."
35669#: data/nation/khmer.ruleset:5
35670msgid "Khmer"
35671msgstr "Khmerowie"
35673#: data/nation/khmer.ruleset:6
35674msgid "?plural:Khmers"
35675msgstr "?plural:Khmerowie"
35677#: data/nation/khmer.ruleset:8
35678msgid ""
35679"The Khmer Empire, established in 802 CE, dominated Southeast Asia for many "
35680"centuries during the Middle Ages. Heavily influenced by Indian culture, the "
35681"Khmers were great builders who erected innumerable stone temples to Hindu "
35682"deities. The Khmers today are the majority ethnicity of Cambodia."
35683msgstr ""
35684"Imperum Khmerów, ustanowione w roku 802 n.e., kontrolowało południowo-"
35685"wschodnią Azję przez wiele stuleci średniowiecza. Khmerowie byli pod silnym "
35686"wpływem kultury hinduskiej i dali się poznać jako znakomici budowniczowie, "
35687"którzy wznieśli wiele kamiennych świątyń poświęconych hinduskim bóstwom. "
35688"Dzisiaj Khmerowie są największą grupą etniczną Kambodży."
35690#: data/nation/korean.ruleset:5
35691msgid "Korean"
35692msgstr "Koreański"
35694#: data/nation/korean.ruleset:6
35695msgid "?plural:Koreans"
35696msgstr "?plural:Koreańczycy"
35698#: data/nation/korean.ruleset:8
35699msgid ""
35700"According to legend, the first Korean kingdom was founded in prehistory by "
35701"the ancestral Tangun in southern Manchuria. The Korean kingdoms were united "
35702"in 668 by king Munmu. Today the Korean peninsula is divided into two states, "
35703"North and South Korea, as a result of the stalemate after the Korean war in "
35705msgstr ""
35706"Legenda głosi, że pierwsze koreańskie królestwo założone zostało w "
35707"południowej Mandżurii przez niebiańskiego Tanguna jeszcze w czasach "
35708"prehistorycznych. Królestwa koreańskie zjednoczył król Munmu w roku 668. "
35709"Dzisiaj półwysep koreański podzielony jest pomiędzy dwa kraje, Koreę "
35710"Północną i Południową, tkwiące w klinczu po wojnie z 1953 roku."
35712#: data/nation/mali.ruleset:5
35713msgid "Mali"
35714msgstr "Maliański"
35716#: data/nation/mali.ruleset:6
35717msgid "?plural:Malis"
35718msgstr "?plural:Maliańczycy"
35720#: data/nation/mali.ruleset:8
35721msgid ""
35722"Sub-Saharan Africa has been a cultural and ethnical melting pot for "
35723"millennia. In medieval times, the region was home to a succession of empires "
35724"called the Sahelian kingdoms. Of these, the Islamic Mali Empire was the most "
35725"influential. This empire reigned from the 14th to the 17th century and was "
35726"famed for its wealth and benevolent kings. The modern Republic of Mali "
35727"derives its name from this empire."
35728msgstr ""
35729"Przez wiele stuleciu Afryka subsaharyjska była tyglem wielu kultur i grup "
35730"etnicznych. W średniowieczu powstało tu kilka państw zwanych królestwami "
35731"sahelskimi. Największym i najbrdziej wpływowym z nich było Islamskie "
35732"Imperium Mali. Istniało ono w od XIV do XVII wieku i słynęło z bogactwa oraz "
35733"łagodnych władców. Współczesna Republika Mali wzięła swoją nazwę od tego "
35734"państwa. [Słowa \"maliański\" oraz \"Maliańczycy\" to neologizmy wymyślone "
35735"na potrzeby Freeciv - przyp. tłumacza.]"
35737#. TRANS: Mansa = King of kings
35738#: data/nation/mali.ruleset:28 data/nation/songhai.ruleset:27
35739#, c-format
35740msgid "Mansa %s"
35741msgstr "Mansa %s"
35743#: data/nation/mali.ruleset:28 data/nation/songhai.ruleset:27
35744#, c-format
35745msgid "?female:Mansa %s"
35746msgstr "?female:Mansa %s"
35748#: data/nation/mayan.ruleset:5
35749msgid "Mayan"
35750msgstr "Majański"
35752#: data/nation/mayan.ruleset:6
35753msgid "?plural:Mayas"
35754msgstr "?plural:Majowie"
35756#: data/nation/mayan.ruleset:8
35757msgid ""
35758"The Mayans were a Mesoamerican civilization. They are famous for building "
35759"great pyramids and palaces in the jungle."
35760msgstr ""
35761"Majowie to lud zamieszkujący Amerykę Środkową. Są znani z tego, że budowali "
35762"ogromne piramidy i Pałace w środku dżungli."
35764#: data/nation/persian.ruleset:8
35765msgid ""
35766"The first Persian (Achaemenid) Empire lasted from 550 BCE to 330 BCE; the "
35767"second (Sassanid) from 226 CE to 642 CE."
35768msgstr ""
35769"Pierwsze Imperium Perskie, pod rządami Achemenidów, istniało w latach "
35770"550-330 p.n.e. Drugie, rządzone przez Sasanidów, rozwijało się w okresie "
35771"226-642 n.e."
35773#: data/nation/persian.ruleset:24
35774#, c-format
35775msgid "Satrap %s"
35776msgstr "Satrapa %s"
35778#: data/nation/persian.ruleset:24
35779#, c-format
35780msgid "?female:Satrap %s"
35781msgstr "?female:Satrapa %s"
35783#: data/nation/polish.ruleset:5
35784msgid "Polish"
35785msgstr "Polski"
35787#: data/nation/polish.ruleset:6
35788msgid "?plural:Poles"
35789msgstr "?plural:Polacy"
35791#: data/nation/polish.ruleset:8
35792msgid ""
35793"The Polish state was formed about a millennium ago, and reached its Golden "
35794"Age near the end of the 16th century."
35795msgstr ""
35796"Państwo polskie zostało założone ponad tysiąc lat temu. Swój złoty wiek "
35797"osiągnęło w XVI wieku."
35799#: data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:5
35800msgid "Polynesian"
35801msgstr "Polinezyjski"
35803#: data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:6
35804msgid "?plural:Polynesians"
35805msgstr "?plural:Polinezyjczycy"
35807#: data/nation/polynesian.ruleset:8
35808msgid ""
35809"Polynesian culture stretches from Hawaii to New Zealand to Easter Island and "
35810"covers all the islands in between."
35811msgstr ""
35812"Kultura polinezyjska obejmuje obszar rozciągający się od Hawajów do Nowej "
35813"Zelandii oraz Wyspy Wielkanocnej i obejmuje wszystkie wyspy wewnątrz tego "
35816#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:5
35817msgid "Portuguese"
35818msgstr "Portugalski"
35820#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:6
35821msgid "?plural:Portuguese"
35822msgstr "?plural:Portugalczycy"
35824#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:8
35825msgid ""
35826"Portugal founded the first of the great mercantile empires in the 1400s on "
35827"the shipbuilding advances funded by Prince Henry the Navigator."
35828msgstr ""
35829"Portugalia założyła pierwsze imperium handlowe w XV wieku, dzięki flocie "
35830"utworzonej przez księcia Henryka Żeglarza."
35832#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:28
35833#, c-format
35834msgid "Viscount %s"
35835msgstr "Wicehrabia %s"
35837#: data/nation/portuguese.ruleset:28
35838#, c-format
35839msgid "Viscountess %s"
35840msgstr "Wicehrabina %s"
35842#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:8
35843msgid ""
35844"Rome was, in legend, founded by Romulus in 753 BCE. At its height, Rome "
35845"controlled much of Europe, northern Africa and the Near East. Roman culture "
35846"adopted much of the civilizations it conquered, such as the Greeks and "
35847"Etruscans, and forms one of the bases of the Western culture. Even today, "
35848"Roman influence in fields such as law, philosophy and language remains "
35849"enormous. The Roman civilization spanned more than a millennium; first as a "
35850"kingdom, later as a republic and then from 27 BCE onward as an empire. The "
35851"empire was split in the 4th century CE. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 "
35852"CE, the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire survived almost a thousand years "
35853"more; its capital Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453."
35854msgstr ""
35855"Legenda powiada, że Rzym został założony przez Romulusa w 753 r. p.n.e. W "
35856"szczytowym okresie Rzym kontrolował dużą część Europy, północną Afrykę i "
35857"Bliski Wschód. Kultura rzymska przyswoiła wiele elementów z kultur "
35858"podbijanych ludów, na przykład Greków czy Etrusków, i stała się podstawą "
35859"kultury zachodniej. Nawet dziś wpływ kultury rzymskiej w dziedzinie prawa, "
35860"filozofii i języka jest trudny do przecenienia. Państwo rzymskie przetrwało "
35861"ponad tysiąc lat: najpierw było królestwem, potem republiką, a od 27 r. p.n."
35862"e. cesarstwem. W IV w. n.e. imperium rozpadło się na Cesarstwo "
35863"Zachodniorzymskie, które upadło w 476 roku, oraz Cesarstwo Wschodniorzymskie "
35864"(zwane też Bizantyńskim), które przetrwało przez kolejne tysiąc lat. Stolica "
35865"tego drugiego, Konstantynopol, została zdobyta przez Turków w 1453 roku."
35867#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:50
35868#, c-format
35869msgid "Tribune %s"
35870msgstr "Trybun %s"
35872#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:50
35873#, c-format
35874msgid "?female:Tribune %s"
35875msgstr "?female:Trybun %s"
35877#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:52
35878#, c-format
35879msgid "%s Augustus"
35880msgstr "%s Augustus"
35882#: data/nation/roman.ruleset:52
35883#, c-format
35884msgid "%s Augusta"
35885msgstr "%s Augusta"
35887#: data/nation/russian.ruleset:8
35888msgid ""
35889"Russia is the largest country in the world, occupying a huge part of both "
35890"Europe and Asia. According to legend, Slavic tribes of Novgorod invited the "
35891"Varangian (Viking) king Oleg to bring order to their land. Oleg established "
35892"the Kievan Rus' in this realm, the first Russian state. By the 11th century, "
35893"the Kievan Rus' had disintegrated into lesser princedoms, which were once "
35894"again united into one state by Ivan III in the 15th century. After a "
35895"decisive victory over Sweden and large territorial gains, Peter I pronounced "
35896"the Russian Empire in 1721. The Russian Empire lasted until 1917 when a "
35897"socialist revolution dethroned the last Russian emperor. After the "
35898"dissolution of the USSR in 1991 Russia appeared on the world map again, now "
35899"as a federal republic."
35900msgstr ""
35901"Rosja jest największym państwem na świecie, zajmuje ogromne obszary Europy i "
35902"Azji. Legenda głosi, że w 863 roku słowiańskie i fińskie plemiona z "
35903"Nowogrodu zaprosiły wikińskiego króla Ruryka, by zaprowadził porządek na ich "
35904"ziemiach. Ruryk założył Ruś Kijowską, pierwsze państwo ruskie. Do XI wieku "
35905"Ruś Kijowska rozpadła się mniejsze księstwa, zjednoczone ponownie w XV wieku "
35906"przez Iwana III. Po wielkim zwycięstwie nad Szwedami, kraj znacznie "
35907"powiększył swoje terytorium, a car Piotr I proklamował powstanie Imperium "
35908"Rosyjskiego w 1721 roku. Imperium przetrwało do 1917, kiedy to rewolucja "
35909"bolszewicka obaliła ostatniego cara. Po upadku ZSRR w 1991 roku Rosja "
35910"ponownie pojawiła się mapie świata, tym razem jako federacja państw."
35912#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:32 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:26
35913#, c-format
35914msgid "Shaman %s"
35915msgstr "Szaman %s"
35917#: data/nation/sioux.ruleset:32 data/nation/tupi.ruleset:26
35918#, c-format
35919msgid "?female:Shaman %s"
35920msgstr "?female:Szamanka  %s"
35922#: data/nation/songhai.ruleset:5
35923msgid "Songhai"
35924msgstr "Songhajski"
35926#: data/nation/songhai.ruleset:6
35927msgid "?plural:Songhai"
35928msgstr "?plural:Songhajowie"
35930#: data/nation/songhai.ruleset:8
35931msgid ""
35932"The Songhai people established a state in the 11th century CE centered on "
35933"the city of Gao. Following the decline of the Mali empire a few hundred "
35934"years later, the Songhai established an empire of their own which eventually "
35935"grew to become one of the largest in the history of Africa. The rulers of "
35936"Songhai became known for their wealth as well as their devotion to the "
35937"Muslim faith."
35938msgstr ""
35939"W XI w. n.e. Songhajowie założyli państwo skupione wokół miasta Gao. Kilka "
35940"stuleci później, po upadku imperium Mali, Songhajowie stworzyli własne "
35941"imperium, które z czasem stało się największym krajem w dziejach Afryki. "
35942"Władcy państwa songhajskiego znani byli ze swego bogactwa i przywiązania do "
35943"wiary muzułmańskiej."
35945#: data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:5
35946msgid "Sumerian"
35947msgstr "Sumeryjski"
35949#: data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:6
35950msgid "?plural:Sumerians"
35951msgstr "?plural:Sumerowie"
35953#: data/nation/sumerian.ruleset:8
35954msgid ""
35955"Sumer controlled southern Mesopotamia until the rise of Babylonia. Tablets "
35956"of Sumerian writing some 5500 years old have been found, pre-dating every "
35957"other writing in history."
35958msgstr ""
35959"Sumerowie władali w południowej Mezopotamii aż do powstania Babilonii. "
35960"Najstarsze tabliczki z pismem sumeryjskim pochodzą sprzed ok. 5 500 lat, co "
35961"czyni je najstarszymi zapiskami w historii."
35963#: data/nation/swedish.ruleset:5
35964msgid "Swedish"
35965msgstr "Szwedzki"
35967#: data/nation/swedish.ruleset:6
35968msgid "?plural:Swedes"
35969msgstr "?plural:Szwedzi"
35971#: data/nation/swedish.ruleset:8
35972msgid ""
35973"The Kingdom of Sweden was christianized and consolidated as a political "
35974"entity by the 12th century CE. The country rose to prominence as one of the "
35975"great powers of Europe in the 17th century, following substantial military "
35976"conquests by the so called Warrior Kings. However, due to a worsening "
35977"economy and several disastrous defeats to Russia, Sweden soon lost most of "
35978"its gained territory. The country has not been involved in an armed conflict "
35979"since 1814."
35980msgstr ""
35981"Królestwo Szwecji zostało ochrzczone i zunifikowane jako byt polityczny do "
35982"końca XII wieku. Państwo wzrastało i w XVII w. było już jednym ze znaczących "
35983"mocarstw europejskich, zwłaszcza po podbojach dokonanych przez tzw. Królów-"
35984"Wojowników. Jednak wkrótce po tym, kryzys ekonomiczny i kilka ciężkich "
35985"porażek militarnych w starciach z Rosją sprawiły, że Szwecja utraciła "
35986"większość zdobyczy terytorialnych. Kraj nie zaangażował się w żaden konflikt "
35987"zbrojny od 1814 roku."
35989#: data/nation/taino.ruleset:5
35990msgid "Taino"
35991msgstr "Tainowie"
35993#: data/nation/taino.ruleset:6
35994msgid "?plural:Taino"
35995msgstr "?plural:Tainowie"
35997#: data/nation/taino.ruleset:9
35998msgid ""
35999"Native inhabitants of the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, "
36000"and other Caribbean islands who gave us the root words for hurricane, "
36001"tobacco, potato, canoe, barbeque, hammock, and yucca. They were a "
36002"matrilineal people, and the first that Columbus came into contact with in "
36003"1492. Though numbering the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, "
36004"throughout the Caribbean, the Taino fell victim to slavery and disease, and "
36005"their population declined rapidly as a result. Spanish accounts paint them "
36006"as a peaceful people compared to their Carib neighbors to the south. Their "
36007"dugout canoes, which were often nearly as long as Columbus' ships, ferried "
36008"traders between islands. Recent genetic studies show that roughly half of "
36009"Puerto Ricans have Taino maternal descent."
36010msgstr ""
36011"Tainowie to mieszkańcy wysp Bahama, Kuby, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Jamajki oraz "
36012"innych karaibskich wysp, z których pochodzą słowa \"huragan\", \"tabaka\", "
36013"\"hamak\" i \"juka\". Był to lud matrylinearny i byli oni pierwszymi ludźmi, "
36014"których zobaczył Kolumb, gdy wpłynął na te wody w 1492 roku. Choć na całych "
36015"Karaibach były ich setki tysięcy, jeśli nie miliony, Tainowie padli ofiarą "
36016"handlarzy niewolników i chorób, a ich populacja szybko się zmniejszyła. "
36017"Hiszpańskie podania opisują ich jako ludzi pokojowych, zwłaszcza w "
36018"porównaniu z ich południowymi sąsiadami. Czółna Tainów, które bywały niemal "
36019"tak długie jak statki Kolumba, przewoziły handlarzy pomiędzy wyspami. "
36020"Ostatnie badania genetyczne ujawniły, że około połowa Portorykańczyków ma "
36021"przodków wśród Tainów."
36023#: data/nation/thai.ruleset:5
36024msgid "Thai"
36025msgstr "Tajski"
36027#: data/nation/thai.ruleset:6
36028msgid "?plural:Thai"
36029msgstr "?plural:Tajlandczycy"
36031#: data/nation/thai.ruleset:8
36032msgid ""
36033"The Thai kingdom was the only country in Southeast Asia to preserve its "
36034"independence through the colonial era of the 18th and 19th centuries CE."
36035msgstr ""
36036"Królestwo Tajlandii, jako jedyne państwo w południowo-wschodniej Azji, "
36037"zachowało niepodległość w czasach kolonizacji Europejczyków w XVIII i XIX "
36040#: data/nation/tupi.ruleset:5
36041msgid "Tupi"
36042msgstr "Tupi"
36044#: data/nation/tupi.ruleset:6
36045msgid "?plural:Tupi"
36046msgstr "?plural:Tupi"
36048#: data/nation/tupi.ruleset:9
36049msgid ""
36050"The Tupi are a native Brazilian people related to the Guarani who inhabited "
36051"the modern Brazilian states of Paraiba, Pernambuco, Ceara, Rio Grande do "
36052"Norte, Alagoas, Sergipe and others as well. Their chiefdoms were destroyed "
36053"through Portuguese slave-raids, the creation of mission-villages, and "
36054"disease. The Tupi intermarried with African slaves and Europeans alike and a "
36055"great many Brazilian place names are derived from Tupi words. "
36056msgstr ""
36057"Tupi to rdzenne plemię amazońskie spokrewnione z Guarani, zamieszkujące "
36058"dzisiejsze brazylijskie stany Paraiba, Pernambuco, Ceara, Rio Grande do "
36059"Norte, Alagoas, Sergipe i inne. Ich państewka zostały zniszczone przez rajdy "
36060"portugalskich handlarzy niewolników, ekspansję wiosek misjonarskich oraz "
36061"choroby. Tupi wchodzili w związki małżeńskie zarówno z afrykańskimi "
36062"niewolnikami jak i Europejczykami, a wiele nazw miejsc w Brazylii pochodzi z "
36063"ich języka. "
36065#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:5
36066msgid "Turkish"
36067msgstr "Turecki"
36069#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:6
36070msgid "?plural:Turks"
36071msgstr "?plural:Turcy"
36073#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:8
36074msgid ""
36075"Modern Turkey is the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed "
36076"and was dismembered by the victors in World War I after backing the Central "
36077"Powers. The country was subsequently reformed and secularized by Kemal "
36078"Mustapha, the hero of the defense of Gallipoli."
36079msgstr ""
36080"Współczesna Turcja to spadkobierczyni Imperium Osmańskiego. Upadło ono "
36081"ostatecznie po I Wojnie Światowej, w której popierało Państwa Centralne. "
36082"Kraj został zreformowany i zsekularyzowany przez Kemala Mustafę, bohatera "
36083"obrony Gallipoli."
36085#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:30
36086#, c-format
36087msgid "%s Pasha"
36088msgstr "%s Pasza"
36090#: data/nation/turk.ruleset:30
36091#, c-format
36092msgid "?female:%s Pasha"
36093msgstr "?female:%s Pasza"
36095#: data/nation/viking.ruleset:8
36096msgid ""
36097"The Vikings raided and traded along the coasts of Europe between 800 CE and "
36098"1100 CE. Viking raiders eventually became the rulers of Normandy, Russia, "
36099"and a short-lived kingdom in Sicily."
36100msgstr ""
36101"W latach 800-1100 n.e. Wikingowie podbijali i prowadzili handel z "
36102"nadbrzeżnymi regionami Europy. Opanowali Normandią, Rosją i krótko "
36103"istniejącym królestwem na Sycylii."
36105#: data/amplio2.tilespec:15
36106msgid "Large isometric tileset."
36107msgstr "Duży izometryczny sześciokątny zestaw graficzny."
36109#: data/cimpletoon.tilespec:15
36110msgid ""
36111"Variant of Amplio2 isometric tileset with unit sprites showing the direction "
36112"the unit is facing."
36113msgstr ""
36114"Wariant izometrycznego zestawu graficznego Amplio2 pokazujący kierunek, w "
36115"który zwrócona jest jednostka."
36117#: data/hex2t.tilespec:15
36118msgid "Small hex tileset."
36119msgstr "Małe sześciokątny zestaw graficzny."
36121#: data/hexemplio.tilespec:17
36122msgid "Large iso-hex tileset, similar to Amplio."
36123msgstr "Duży izometryczny sześciokątny zestaw graficzny podobny do Amplio."
36125#: data/isophex.tilespec:15
36126msgid "Small iso-hex tileset."
36127msgstr "Małe izometryczny sześciokątny zestaw graficzny."
36129#: data/isotrident.tilespec:15
36130msgid "Isometric tileset based on Trident tileset."
36131msgstr "Izometryczny zestaw graficzny bazujący na zestawie Trident."
36133#: data/toonhex.tilespec:18
36134msgid ""
36135"Large iso-hex tileset combining Hexemplio's terrains and Cimpletoon's units "
36136"with orientation."
36137msgstr ""
36138"Duży izometryczny sześciokątny zestaw graficzny łączący tereny z Hexemplio i "
36139"jednostki z Cimpletoon (wraz z ich orientacją)."
36141#: data/trident.tilespec:14
36142msgid "Small overhead tileset."
36143msgstr "Mały \"lotniczy\" zestaw graficzny."
36145#: data/scenarios/british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav:5
36146msgid "British Isles (classic/medium)"
36147msgstr "Wyspy brytyjskie (średnia/klasyczna)"
36149#: data/scenarios/british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav:6
36150msgid "Overhead 73x81 map of the British Isles."
36151msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Wysp Brytyjskich z loty ptaka (85x80)."
36153#: data/scenarios/british-isles-85x80-v2.80.sav:7
36154msgid ""
36155"Map: Martin McMahon, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36156"Start positions: Mateusz Stefek"
36157msgstr ""
36158"Mapa: Martin McMahon, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36159"Pozycje początkowe: Mateusz Stefek"
36161#: data/scenarios/earth-160x90-v2.sav:5
36162msgid "Earth (classic/large)"
36163msgstr "Ziemia (klasyczna, ogromna)"
36165#: data/scenarios/earth-160x90-v2.sav:6
36166msgid "Overhead 160x90 map of the Earth."
36167msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Ziemi z lotu ptaka (160x90)."
36169#: data/scenarios/earth-160x90-v2.sav:7
36170msgid ""
36171"Map: Daniel Gudlat, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36172"Start positions: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek, Mathieu Roy, David "
36173"Fernandez, Rhue"
36174msgstr ""
36175"Mapa: Daniel Gudlat, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36176"Pozycje początkowe: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek, Mathieu Roy, David "
36177"Fernandez, Rhue"
36179#: data/scenarios/earth-80x50-v3.sav:5
36180msgid "Earth (classic/small)"
36181msgstr "Ziemia (klasyczna, mała)"
36183#: data/scenarios/earth-80x50-v3.sav:6
36184msgid "Overhead 80x50 map of the Earth."
36185msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Ziemi (80x50)."
36187#: data/scenarios/earth-80x50-v3.sav:7
36188msgid ""
36189"Map: Daniel Gudlat, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36190"Start positions: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek, David Fernandez"
36191msgstr ""
36192"Mapa: Daniel Gudlat, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36193"Pozycje początkowe: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek, David Fernandez"
36195#: data/scenarios/europe-200x100-v2.sav:5
36196msgid "Europe (classic/giant)"
36197msgstr "Europa (klasyczna, olbrzymia)."
36199#: data/scenarios/europe-200x100-v2.sav:6
36200msgid "Overhead 177x100 map of Europe."
36201msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Europy (177x100)."
36203#: data/scenarios/europe-200x100-v2.sav:7
36204msgid ""
36205"Map: Christian Grothoff, Jerzy Klek, Mateusz Stefek, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36206"Start positions: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek"
36207msgstr ""
36208"Mapa: Christian Grothoff, Jerzy Klek, Mateusz Stefek, Daniel Markstedt\n"
36209"Pozycje początkowe: Jason Dorje Short, Mateusz Stefek"
36211#: data/scenarios/france-140x90-v2.sav:5
36212msgid "France (classic/large)"
36213msgstr "Francja (klasyczna, ogromna)"
36215#: data/scenarios/france-140x90-v2.sav:6
36216msgid "Overhead 140x90 map of France."
36217msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Francji (140x90)."
36219#: data/scenarios/hagworld-120x60-v1.2.sav:5
36220msgid "Earth (classic/medium)"
36221msgstr "Ziemia (klasyczna, średnia)"
36223#: data/scenarios/hagworld-120x60-v1.2.sav:6
36224msgid "Overhead 120x60 map of the Earth."
36225msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Ziemi (120x60)."
36227#: data/scenarios/iberian-peninsula-136x100-v1.0.sav:5
36228msgid "Iberian Peninsula (classic/large)"
36229msgstr "Półwysep Iberyjski (klasyczna/ogromna)"
36231#: data/scenarios/iberian-peninsula-136x100-v1.0.sav:6
36232msgid ""
36233"Overhead 136x100 map of the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and "
36235msgstr ""
36236"\"Lotnicza\" mapa Półwyspu Iberyjskiego (współczesna Hiszpania i Portugalia) "
36239#: data/scenarios/italy-114x100-v2.0.sav:5
36240msgid "Italy (classic/medium)"
36241msgstr "Włochy (klasyczna, średnia)"
36243#: data/scenarios/italy-114x100-v2.0.sav:6
36244msgid "Overhead 114x100 map of Italy."
36245msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Włoch (114x100)."
36247#: data/scenarios/japan-88x100-v1.3.sav:5
36248msgid "Japan (classic/medium)"
36249msgstr "Japonia (klasyczna, średnia)"
36251#: data/scenarios/japan-88x100-v1.3.sav:6
36252msgid "Overhead 88x100 map of Japan (Mercator projection)."
36253msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Japonii (88x100) (odwzorowanie Merkatora)."
36255#: data/scenarios/north_america_116x100-v1.2.sav:5
36256msgid "North America (classic/medium)"
36257msgstr "Ameryka Północna (klasyczna, średnia)"
36259#: data/scenarios/north_america_116x100-v1.2.sav:6
36260msgid "Overhead 116x100 map of North America (conical projection)."
36261msgstr "\"Lotnicza\" mapa Ameryki Północnej (116x100) (projekcja stożkowa)."
36263#: data/scenarios/europe_1900_WWI.sav:5
36264msgid "Europe 1900"
36265msgstr "Europa w roku 1900"
36267#: data/scenarios/europe_1900_WWI.sav:6
36268msgid ""
36269"Europe 1900\n"
36271"An attempt at an historically accurate recreation of the Great Powers of "
36272"Europe just prior to the outbreak of the First World War.\n"
36274"WARNING: Each AI controlled player will spend a long time on its moves "
36275"during turn change.\n"
36277"(update: 28.07.2016) "
36278msgstr ""
36279"Europa w 1900 r.\n"
36281"Jest to próba hisorycznie wiernego odwzorowania krajów Europy przed wybuchem "
36282"Pierwszej Wojny Światowej.\n"
36284"UWAGA: Gracze AI potrzebują dużo czasu, by wykonać ruchy podczas zmiany "
36287"(aktualizacja 28.07.2016) "
36289#: data/scenarios/europe_1900_WWI.sav:7
36290msgid "Ferdinand Steinkrüger (a.k.a. XYZ) and Jamie Troini (a.k.a. Nimrod)."
36291msgstr "Ferdinand Steinkrüger (a.k.a. XYZ) i Jamie Troini (a.k.a. Nimrod)."
36293#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:5
36294msgid "Tutorial"
36295msgstr "Samouczek"
36297#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:6
36298msgid ""
36299"Play this tutorial scenario to get an introduction to Freeciv. This is "
36300"intended for single-player games. It uses the default (classic) rules."
36301msgstr ""
36302"Zagraj, aby nauczyć się podstaw gry we Freeciv. Samouczek to rozgrywka "
36303"jednoosobowa z domyślnym (klasycznym) zestawem zasad."
36305#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:105
36306msgid ""
36307"Welcome to Freeciv.  You lead a civilization.  Your\n"
36308"task is to conquer the world!  You should start by\n"
36309"exploring the land around you with your explorer,\n"
36310"and using your settlers to find a good place to build\n"
36311"a city.  Use the number pad to move units around."
36312msgstr ""
36313"Witaj we Freeciv! W tej grze władasz cywilizacją, a twoje zadanie\n"
36314"to podbić świat! Zacznij od zwiedzania terenu Badaczem\n"
36315"i wykorzystaj Osadników, by założyć miasto w jakimś dogodnym\n"
36316"miejscu. Możesz użyć strzałek, by kierować jednostkami."
36318#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:128
36319msgid ""
36320"Outside of a city, or a fortress or airbase, if a 'stack' of units\n"
36321"on a single tile is attacked, the strongest unit defends; and if that\n"
36322"unit is defeated, ALL of the units on the tile are killed.  Therefore,\n"
36323"it's often a good idea to spread units out, avoiding 'stacks' of units\n"
36324"like this, particularly on land."
36325msgstr ""
36326"Jeśli na polu poza miastem, fortecą lub bazą lotniczą przebywa kilka\n"
36327"jednostek, najsilniejsza z nich będzie bronić się przed atakiem, a jeśli\n"
36328"zostanie pokonana, giną wszystkie jednostki na polu. Zazwyczaj lepiej jest\n"
36329"rozproszyć jednostki i unikać gromadzenia ich na jednym polu, zwłaszcza\n"
36330"na lądzie."
36332#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:147
36333msgid ""
36334"This looks like a good place to build a city.  The next time this\n"
36335"unit gets a chance to move, press (b) to found a city.\n"
36337"In general you want to build cities on open ground near water.  Food\n"
36338"is the most important resource for any city.  Grassland and plains\n"
36339"provide plenty of food."
36340msgstr ""
36341"Zdaje się, że to niezłe miejsca na założenie miasta. Następnym razem,\n"
36342"gdy jednostka będzie mogła wykonać ruch, naciśnij przycisk (b), aby\n"
36343"założyć miasto.\n"
36345"Z zasady, lepiej budować miasta na otwartym terenie, w pobliżu wody.\n"
36346"Żywność to najważniejszy zasób każdego miasta. Trawy i stepy zapewnią\n"
36347"ci dużo żywności."
36349#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:160
36350msgid ""
36351"Now you have built your first city.  The city window should have\n"
36352"opened automatically; if not click on the city to open it.  Cities are\n"
36353"a fundamental concept in Freeciv, so you should familiarize yourself\n"
36354"with them by playing around in the window.  See the help menu for more.\n"
36356"You probably want to build some settlers first, so as to expand your\n"
36357"civilization further.  Click on the production tab, then click on the\n"
36358"settler unit from the list of possible productions, then click on the\n"
36359"Change button to begin building it.  When you are done, close the city\n"
36360"dialog.  If all goes well the city should display the settler\n"
36361"production on the map view."
36362msgstr ""
36363"Powstało twoje pierwsze miasto. Powinno się teraz otworzyć automatycznie\n"
36364"okno dialogowe; jeśli tak się nie stało, możesz je otworzyć klikając na "
36366"Miasta są niezwykle ważnym elementem gry, więc pobaw się trochę w tym "
36368"by się z nim zapoznać. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w dziale pomocy.\n"
36370"Należałoby teraz stworzyć nowych Osadników, którzy umożliwią ci poszerzenie\n"
36371"granic. Kliknij zakładkę \"Produkcja\", wybierz Osadników z listy "
36373"jednostek, a potem zatwierdź wybór klikając przycisk \"Zmień produkcję\".\n"
36374"Gdy skończysz, zamknij okno dialogowe. Pod nazwą miasta, powinna pokazać "
36375"się \n"
36376"nazwa produkowanej jednostki."
36378#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:170
36379msgid ""
36380"Congratulations, you have founded your second city.  This city will\n"
36381"behave almost exactly like the first one - it will be slightly different\n"
36382"because of the terrain around it.  You probably want to build\n"
36383"settlers here too."
36384msgstr ""
36385"Gratulacje, powstało właśnie twoje drugie miasto. Będzie ono wyglądało\n"
36386"prawie tak samo jak pierwsze; drobne różnice wynikają z faktu,\n"
36387"że otacza je inny teren. Tu też należałoby stworzyć Osadników."
36389#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:180
36390msgid ""
36391"You have built your third city!  Your civilization seems to be\n"
36392"thriving.  It might be time to think about a military.  Pick one of\n"
36393"the cities that has a high production, and turn it into a military\n"
36394"center.  Build a Barracks there first, then start work on a military\n"
36395"unit.  Pick the best unit you have available - at the beginning of\n"
36396"the game, Warriors will be the only choice, but soon you will have\n"
36397"plenty of options.\n"
36399"This might also be a good time to use the worklist feature of the\n"
36400"city dialog production report.  Click on Barracks, then click Change\n"
36401"to begin building them.  Then double-click on a military unit to\n"
36402"append it to the worklist.  As soon as the Barracks are complete the\n"
36403"city will automatically switch over to producing the unit."
36404msgstr ""
36405"Powstało właśnie twoje trzecie miasto! Twoja cywilizacja rozwija się.\n"
36406"Może pora pomyśleć o jednostkach zbrojnych? Wybierz miasto\n"
36407"z wysoką produkcją i przekształć je na ośrodek wojskowy. Najpierw zbuduj\n"
36408"Koszary, potem jednostkę zbrojną. Wybierz najsilniejszą dostępną jednostkę.\n"
36409"Na początku gry, możesz wybrać jedynie Wojowników, lecz wkrótce będziesz "
36411"znacznie większy wybór.\n"
36413"Jest to też dobra pora na wykorzystanie narzędzia \"Plan prac\" w zakładce\n"
36414"\"Produkcja\" w oknie dialogowym miasta. Na liście dostępnych produktów,\n"
36415"wybierz Koszary i kliknij przycisk \"Zmień\". Następnie kliknij dwukrotnie\n"
36416"na jednostkę zbrojną, by dołączyć ją do planu prac. Gdy tylko ukończona\n"
36417"zostanie budowa Koszar, produkcja automatycznie przestawi się na\n"
36418"na wybraną jednostkę."
36420#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:190
36421msgid ""
36422"Another city!  You are really getting the hang of this.  You\n"
36423"probably have a pretty good idea what to do with new cities by\n"
36424"now.  Take a moment to look at the bar below the city on the map\n"
36425"view.  This display shows some useful information about the city.\n"
36426"The flag and background color indicate what civilization the city\n"
36427"belongs to (this will be useful when you meet other civilizations).\n"
36428"The top row of the bar also shows the name and size of the city, and\n"
36429"will show one or more stars to indicate if there are units in the\n"
36430"city.  The bottom row shows what the city is building, and how long it\n"
36431"will take; it also shows how long the city will take to grow to the\n"
36432"next largest size."
36433msgstr ""
36434"Kolejne miasto! Coraz lepiej ci idzie. Pewnie wiesz już teraz całkiem\n"
36435"dobrze, co robić w nowych miastach. Rzuć okiem na mapę i na pasek pod\n"
36436"miastem. Wyświetla on różne przydatne informacje: flaga i kolor tła "
36438"na cywilizację, do której należy miasto (ważne, gdy spotykasz innych "
36440"Górna część wyświetla nazwę i rozmiar miasta, a liczba gwiazdek odpowiada\n"
36441"liczbie jednostek obecnych w mieście. Dolna część informuje o bieżącej "
36443"oraz ilości tur pozostałych do jej zakończenia. Liczba przy ikonce zboża to "
36444"ilość tur,\n"
36445"po których miasto wzrośnie."
36447#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:200
36448msgid ""
36449"As the number of cities in your empire grows, it becomes harder to\n"
36450"manage individual cities.  This is where the Cities report becomes\n"
36451"useful.  Press F4 to bring it up.  This report shows a list of cities\n"
36452"with various statistics about each.  Play around with it a bit if you\n"
36453"like (return to the map view by pressing F1 or clicking on the View\n"
36454"tab).  With a bit of practice it is possible to control almost every\n"
36455"aspect of the cities from this report.  The full power of the Cities\n"
36456"report is beyond the scope of this tutorial, however."
36457msgstr ""
36458"Im więcej miast, tym trudniej zarządzać każdym z nich z osobna. Przydaje\n"
36459"się tu raport o miastach, włączany klawiszem F4. Pokazuje on listę miast\n"
36460"i wiele przydatnych informacji. Pobaw się nim trochę, a gdy zechcesz\n"
36461"powrócić do widoku mapy, naciśnij F1 lub wybierz zakładkę \"Widok\".\n"
36462"Przy odrobinie wprawy, można kontrolować niemal każdy aspekt życia\n"
36463"miasta z poziomu tego raportu. Z uwagi na brak miejsca, nie opiszemy\n"
36464"tu jednak dokładnie wszystkich możliwości, które daje to narzędzie."
36466#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:231
36467msgid ""
36468"Your city has grown!  As a city grows, more citizens become\n"
36469"available that can be put to work in the fields or dedicated as\n"
36470"citizen specialists.  A city of size two or more may also build\n"
36471"settlers, which costs one unit of population.\n"
36473"If your city is building settlers, you should consider buying them\n"
36474"now.  Open the city dialog and click on the Buy button.  This trades\n"
36475"in gold (if you have enough of it) to instantly complete the\n"
36477msgstr ""
36478"Twoje miasto urosło! Gdy miasto wzrasta, pojawia się w nim więcej\n"
36479"mieszkańców, których można skierować do pracy na polach otaczających\n"
36480"miasto lub przydzielić im specjalność w samym mieście. Miasta o rozmiarze\n"
36481"co najmniej 2, mogą też budować Osadników, którzy zmniejszają populację\n"
36482"o jednego mieszkańca.\n"
36484"Jeśli miasto tworzy Osadników, być może warto zakupić ich już teraz.\n"
36485"Otwórz okno dialogowe miasta i kliknij przycisk \"Kup\". Zapłacisz\n"
36486"wtedy złotem (jeśli masz odpowiednią kwotę) za natychmiastowe ukończenie\n"
36487"tworzonej jednostki."
36489#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:235
36490msgid ""
36491"Your city has grown again!  Now with three citizens you have\n"
36492"a fair amount of choice over where the city should focus its\n"
36493"resources.  A city with three citizens gets to work three\n"
36494"different tiles, in addition to its center tile which is worked\n"
36495"for free.  In the city dialog, the map shows which tiles are worked\n"
36496"and how much food, shields, and trade each provides.  Food is used\n"
36497"to grow your city, shields are used for production of buildings\n"
36498"and units, while trade provides taxable revenue that can be\n"
36499"turned into science research, gold, or luxuries.\n"
36501"Click on a worked tile to remove the citizen from that tile.  Then\n"
36502"click on an unworked tile to place a citizen there.  You may place\n"
36503"up to three citizens on tiles, of course.  The remaining citizens are\n"
36504"all specialists - by default they are all entertainers which provide\n"
36505"only luxuries (which will not be useful until later)."
36506msgstr ""
36507"Twoje miasto ponownie urosło! Ma teraz trzech mieszkańców,\n"
36508"co daje ci dość dobre możliwości decydowania o jego rozwoju. Miasto\n"
36509"z trzema mieszkańcami \"obrabia\" trzy otaczające pola, a pole\n"
36510"na którym miasto się znajduje \"obrabiane\" za darmo. Mapka\n"
36511"w oknie dialogowym miasta pokazuje punkty żywności, produkcji i handlu,\n"
36512"wytwarzane przez poszczególne pola. Żywność jest niezbędna, by miasto\n"
36513"wzrastało, punkty produkcji są konieczne do tworzenia budynków i jednostek,\n"
36514"a punkty handlu tworzą dobra, które można opodatkować, a dochody\n"
36515"przeznaczyć na rozwój nauki, luksusu lub zamienić na złoto.\n"
36517"Kliknij na \"obrabiane\" pole, by usunąć z niego mieszkańca. Następnie\n"
36518"kliknij na \"nieobrabiane\" pole, by przydzielić mieszkańca do pracy na\n"
36519"nim. Rzecz jasna, możesz przydzielać tak nie więcej niż trzech mieszkańców.\n"
36520"Pozostali mieszkańcy pracują w specjalnościach w samym mieście; obecnie, są\n"
36521"komikami tworzącymi tylko punkty luksusu (które przydadzą się później)."
36523#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:239
36524#, c-format
36525msgid ""
36526"Now your city has grown to size five.  As cities get larger unrest\n"
36527"becomes a problem.  A city of this size will usually have one unhappy\n"
36528"citizen unless pacifying effects are used; meaning one entertainer\n"
36529"specialist is required to keep your citizens content.  This is basically\n"
36530"a wasted citizen.\n"
36532"There are several things that can be done about this.  One quick fix\n"
36533"is to build a temple (or other cultural building) that will make an\n"
36534"unhappy citizen content (see the help on City Improvements for specs\n"
36535"on each building type).  As you get more large cities, it may pay off\n"
36536"to change your tax rates (by pressing ctrl-T) to dedicate some of\n"
36537"your taxes directly to luxuries (every two luxuries will pacify one\n"
36538"citizen).  Building a marketplace enhances the benefit from this\n"
36539"by providing +50%% luxuries to the city."
36540msgstr ""
36541"Twoje miasto urosło do rozmiaru 5. Wraz ze wzrostem miasta, problemem\n"
36542"staje się niezadowolenie mieszkańców. Miasto o tym rozmiarze, będzie\n"
36543"miało zazwyczaj jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca, chyba że podejmie się\n"
36544"odpowiednie środki zaradcze; np. jeden komik może sprawić, że mieszkańcy\n"
36545"pozostaną zadowoleni. Oznacza, to jednak, że mieszkaniec pracujący jako\n"
36546"komik nic nie produkuje.\n"
36548"Można temu zaradzić na kilka sposobów. Szybkim rozwiązaniem jest budowa\n"
36549"Świątyni (lub innego budynku związanego z kulturą), która zmieni jednego\n"
36550"niezadowolonego mieszkańca w zadowolonego (zob. sekcja pomocy pt. \"Budynki"
36552"znajdziesz tam szczegółowe opisy różnych budowli). Inne rozwiązanie to "
36554"stawek podatkowych (użyj skrótu ctrl-t) tak, by więcej dochodów z podatków\n"
36555"przeznaczać na luksus (każde dwa punkty luksusu wpłyną na jednego "
36557"Dochody te powiększy Targowisko, zwiększając produkcję luksusu w mieście o "
36560#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:243
36561msgid ""
36562"Finally you have grown a city to size eight.  A size eight city can\n"
36563"provide substantial output provided you have enough luxuries to keep\n"
36564"your population content.\n"
36566"To grow a city beyond size eight requires an aqueduct.  If your city is\n"
36567"going to continue to grow you should start building one soon.  Building\n"
36568"an aqueduct requires the Construction technology."
36569msgstr ""
36570"Jedno z twoich miast urosło do rozmiaru 8. Takie miasto może dawać dużo\n"
36571"dochodów i mieć wysoką produkcję, jeśli tylko ma odpowiednio dużo luksusu,\n"
36572"by mieszkańcy pozostali zadowoleni.\n"
36574"Aby miasto mogło rosnąć dalej, potrzebny jest Akwedukt i należy rozważyć\n"
36575"jego budowę. Aby wybudować Akwedukt, musisz znać technologię Konstrukcja."
36577#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:247
36578msgid ""
36579"You have grown a city to size twelve.  To grow\n"
36580"it larger, however, you will need to build a Sewer System.  This\n"
36581"requires the Sanitation technology."
36582msgstr ""
36583"Jedno z twoich miast urosło do rozmiaru 12. Aby mogło rosnąć dalej,\n"
36584"potrzebuje Kanalizacji. Możesz ją wybudować, jeśli znasz technologię\n"
36587#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:251
36588msgid ""
36589"Congratulations, you have grown a city to size 13.  A city this\n"
36590"large can provide a tremendous amount of output if properly upgraded.\n"
36591"Make sure you have enough taxes and cultural buildings to keep your\n"
36592"citizens content.  You should also make sure the city is upgraded\n"
36593"with buildings that provide bonuses to its output.  Library, Marketplace,\n"
36594"Factory, and Offshore Platform are four good buildings that provide a\n"
36595"large bonus to big cities.  Consider how much benefit each building\n"
36596"will provide and weigh this against its cost - for very large cities\n"
36597"almost all buildings are worthwhile.  Such large cities will also\n"
36598"provide enough taxable revenue (gold) to allow you to purchase some\n"
36599"buildings to accelerate their productions."
36600msgstr ""
36601"Gratulacje, twoje miasto wzrosło do rozmiaru 13. Tak duże miasto może\n"
36602"dawać ogromne dochody i mieć bardzo wysoką produkcję, jeśli jest\n"
36603"odpowiednio wyposażone. Upewnij się, że masz odpowiednie stawki podatkowe\n"
36604"i budynki, które zapewnią wysoki stopień zadowolenia mieszkańców. Miastu \n"
36605"przydadzą się też budowle zwiększające dochody i produkcję przemysłową; są "
36607"m.in. Biblioteka, Targowisko, Fabryka i Platforma Wiertnicza. Rozważ\n"
36608"koszty i przychody związane z tymi budynkami, gdyż w dużych miastach "
36610"są niemal wszystkie usprawnienia. Wielkie metropolie dają też wystarczająco\n"
36611"dużo dochodów podatkowych (złoto), by zastanowić się nad kupnem niektórych "
36614#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:271
36615msgid ""
36616"You have built a settler unit.  Settlers are best used to build \n"
36617"new cities, so as to expand your civilization.  Move your settler\n"
36618"away from your existing cities to find a spot for a new city.  When\n"
36619"you have picked a spot press B to build the city.\n"
36621"Again, cities are best built on open ground near water.  Grassland\n"
36622"and plains provide food for the city.  Forests and hills provide\n"
36623"the resources (shields) needed for building things.  Rivers and ocean\n"
36624"give trade bonuses that provide civilization-wide benefits.  Desert,\n"
36625"tundra, and mountains generally provide little output and are not\n"
36626"of much use to small cities.  See the help on Terrain for more\n"
36627"information about terrain specs."
36628msgstr ""
36629"Miasto stworzyło Osadników. Najlepiej wykorzystać tą jednostkę do\n"
36630"zakładania nowych miast, a tym samym poszerzania granic państwa.\n"
36631"Wyrusz Osadnikami na poszukiwanie dobrego miejsca na nową osadę,\n"
36632"najlepiej w pewnej odległości od istniejących metropolii. Gdy wybierzesz\n"
36633"już odpowiednie pole, naciśnij (b).\n"
36635"Pamiętaj, że najlepiej założyć nowe miasto na otwartym terenie, w pobliżu\n"
36636"zbiornika wodnego. Trawy i stepy zapewnią wysoką produkcję żywności.\n"
36637"Lasy i wzgórza dadzą dużo punktów produkcji, potrzebnych miastu \n"
36638"do tworzenia budynków i jednostek. Rzeki i oceany zapewnią punkty\n"
36639"handlu, które dadzą wiele korzyści całej cywilizacji. Pustynie, tundry\n"
36640"i góry nie są dobrymi terenami pod małe miasta, gdyż nie zapewniają\n"
36641"zbyt wiele zasobów. Więcej informacji o typach terenu znajdziesz w dziale\n"
36642"pomocy pt. \"Teren\"."
36644#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:274
36645msgid ""
36646"Your second Settlers should also be used to build a new city.\n"
36647"Notice how when you move the Settlers away from your existing cities\n"
36648"an outline is drawn around them.  This shows the area that would be\n"
36649"covered by a city built at this location; it fits in with the outline\n"
36650"already on the map view that shows which tiles are covered by your\n"
36651"existing cities.  Generally when building new cities you want to make\n"
36652"sure that all tiles are covered by at least one city, but after that\n"
36653"it is best that your cities overlap as little as possible.  Spreading\n"
36654"out cities properly gives each city access to more resources, allowing\n"
36655"them to grow to larger sizes."
36656msgstr ""
36657"Druga jednostka Osadników również powinna zostać użyta do założenia nowego\n"
36658"miasta. Zauważ, że gdy przemieszczasz się Osadnikami, wokół jednostki\n"
36659"wyświetla się zarys terenu, z którego korzystać będzie nowe miasto, jeśli\n"
36660"powstanie w danym miejscu. Zarys ten dopasowuje się do zasięgu pól "
36662"przez istniejące już miasta. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, najlepiej, jeśli każde\n"
36663"pole mapy wykorzystywane jest przez jakieś miasto, lecz zasięgi miast nie\n"
36664"powinny się pokrywać. Optymalne rozmieszczenie miast sprawi, że będą one\n"
36665"wykorzystywały więcej zasobów i osiągną większe rozmiary."
36667#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:279
36668msgid ""
36669"You have built your first military unit!  Military units have two\n"
36670"basic purposes: attack and defense.  Each unit has an attack strength\n"
36671"and a defense strength.  While a Warriors is a measly 1/1, a Phalanx\n"
36672"is a much stronger defender with 2 defense (1/2).  A Catapult is a good\n"
36673"attacking unit because it has 6 attack (6/1).\n"
36675"Usually it is a good idea to keep one or two defenders in each city.\n"
36676"Important cities like your capital may deserve extra protection.  Units\n"
36677"built in one city may be sent to another city to defend (press the G\n"
36678"key to enter goto mode to move units easily over distances).  If you\n"
36679"are at war, however, you may wish to move your unit toward an enemy\n"
36680"city to attack.  Be careful not to lose it though!"
36681msgstr ""
36682"Twoje miasto zbudowało pierwszą jednostkę zbrojną! Jednostki takie\n"
36683"mają dwie zasadnicze funkcje: mogą atakować i bronić się. Każda jednostka\n"
36684"ma pewną siłę atatku i siłę obrony. W przypadku Wojowników wartości te\n"
36685"wynoszą zaledwie 1/1, a Falanga (lepsza w obronie) ma już wartości 1/2.\n"
36686"Katapulty to dobre jednostki zaczepne, gdyż atakują z siłą 6 (6/1).\n"
36688"Zazwyczaj, warto trzymać w mieście jedną lub dwie jednostki obronne.\n"
36689"Ważne miasta (np. stolica) mogą być chronione przez więcej oddziałów.\n"
36690"Jednostki z jednego miasta wysłać można do innego, by wzmocnić obronę\n"
36691"tego drugiego (naciśnięcie (G) włącza tryb \"idź do\", dzięki któremu można\n"
36692"przemieszczać jednostki na większą odległość). Podczas wojny możesz\n"
36693"chcieć również przesunąć jednostkę do wrogiego miasta, by przeprowadzić\n"
36694"atak. Uważaj jednak, by jej nie stracić!"
36696#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:292
36697msgid ""
36698"You have built your first waterborne unit.  These can transport\n"
36699"other units across water, allowing you to explore and settle new\n"
36700"lands.  You can load land units onto your boat in one of two ways.\n"
36701"When your boat and the unit you want to transport are in the same\n"
36702"city, select the latter and press L to load the unit; or if the boat\n"
36703"is adjacent to a land tile, you can move the unit from there onto the\n"
36704"boat.  When you want to disembark, select the transported unit and\n"
36705"press U, or move it onto a land tile."
36706msgstr ""
36707"Zbombardowałeś/aś właśnie swoją pierwszą jednostkę morską. Jednostki\n"
36708"takie mogą przewozić inne jednostki, co pozwoli ci odkrywać i zasiedlać\n"
36709"nowe tereny. Możesz załadować jednostki na na statek na dwa sposoby. Jeśli\n"
36710"statek i jednostką, którą chcesz załadować są w tym samym mieście, wybierz\n"
36711"tą drugą i naciśnik L; jeśli statek i jednostka znajdują się na "
36713"polach, możesz przemieścić tą drugą na pole zajmowane przez statek. Aby\n"
36714"wyładować jednostkę, wybierz ją i naciśnij U lub przemieść ją na pole lądowe."
36716#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:315
36717msgid ""
36718"You have built a Barracks.  This building will make any military\n"
36719"units you build start out as veterans.  Veteran units are stronger\n"
36720"than inexperienced (green) troops, and will survive longer in\n"
36721"combat.  See the help on City Improvements for more information\n"
36722"about this and other buildings.\n"
36724"You probably want to start building a military unit in the city\n"
36725"that built the Barracks.  A barracks are a significant investment\n"
36726"and have a small upkeep as well, so it is not a good idea to let\n"
36727"them go to waste."
36728msgstr ""
36729"Jedno z twoich miast zbudowało Koszary. Dzięki nim, każda jednostka\n"
36730"zbrojna stworzona w mieście będzie miała większe doświadczenie. Bardziej\n"
36731"doświadczona jednostka jest silniejsza i bardziej wytrzymała niż jednostka\n"
36732"\"zielona\". Więcej informacji znajdziesz w dziale pomocy pt. \"Budynki\".\n"
36734"Warto teraz stworzyć jednostkę zbrojną w mieście z Koszarami. Budynek ten\n"
36735"to ważna inwestycja i ma niskie koszty utrzymania, więc wykorzystuj ją."
36737#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:328
36738msgid ""
36739"Your city cannot build a settler.  Settlers take one unit of\n"
36740"population to build, so a city of size one cannot build one without\n"
36741"disbanding the city.\n"
36743"To remedy this, you need to adjust the citizens in the city to\n"
36744"provide more food so as to grow the city faster.  Cities that\n"
36745"do not have much food should not try to build settlers.  When\n"
36746"founding a new city, make sure it is built on terrain that provides\n"
36747"enough food - grassland is best; plains or hills are almost as good."
36748msgstr ""
36749"Miasto nie może zbudować Osadników. Osadnicy zmniejszają populację\n"
36750"miasta o jeden, więc miasto o rozmiarze 1 musiałoby zostać rozwiązane.\n"
36752"Można temu zaradzić tak przydzielając pracę, by miasto produkowało\n"
36753"więcej żywności i, co za tym idzie, rosło szybciej. Miasta, które\n"
36754"nie mają zbyt dużo żywności, nie powinny tworzyć Osadników. Gdy\n"
36755"zakładasz nową osadę, upewnij się, że teren wokół niej jest żyzny\n"
36756"(tj. będzie dawał dużo żywności). Najlepsze pod tym względem są trawy;\n"
36757"stepy i wzgórza są niemal tak samo dobre."
36759#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:341
36760msgid ""
36761"You have gained your first technology!  Technological advances\n"
36762"are an integral concept in Freeciv.  As you increase your technology\n"
36763"level new units, buildings, governments, and various free bonuses will\n"
36764"become available to you.\n"
36766"For now, go over into the Research report and play around a little.\n"
36767"Press F6 to open the Research report (or click on the Research tab in\n"
36768"the main window area).  Find the technology called Republic and click\n"
36769"on it.  Now Republic has been set as your technology goal; this means\n"
36770"the next advance on the path toward this technology will automatically\n"
36771"be chosen to research.  In the top of the window it shows how much\n"
36772"scientific research you are accomplishing each turn - research (bulbs)\n"
36773"comes from the taxable trade in your cities.  In the bottom of the\n"
36774"window is the tech tree; here you may left-click to set the research\n"
36775"target or research goal, or right-click to get help about a particular\n"
36776"technology.  When you are done playing around click on the View tab\n"
36777"(F1) to return to the map view."
36778msgstr ""
36779"Twoi naukowcy odkryli właśnie pierwszą technologię! Postęp naukowy\n"
36780"jest ważnym elementem gry. Nowe technologie umożliwią ci tworzenie\n"
36781"nowych jednostek i budynków, zmianę ustroju, a także dadzą dodatkowe\n"
36782"darmowe \"bonusy\".\n"
36784"Rzuć okiem na okno dialogowe nauki i pobaw się nim trochę.\n"
36785"Aby je otworzyć, naciśnij F6 lub wybierz zakładkę \"Nauka\" w dolnej części\n"
36786"głównego okna. Odszukaj technologię o nazwie \"Republika\" i kliknij na "
36788"Teraz Republika jest celem badań twoich naukowców; oznacza to, że kolejną\n"
36789"opracowywaną technologią, będzie ta leżąca na ścieżce wiodącej do "
36791"Pasek w górnej części okna pokazuje postęp badań - punkty odkryć pochodzą \n"
36792"z opodatkowanego handlu w miastach. Niżej znajdziesz  \"drzewo technologii"
36794"możesz tu wybierać cele badań, a po kliknięciu prawym przyciskiem myszy na\n"
36795"dane odkrycie, pojawi się okno pomocy na jego temat. Gdy zechcesz wrócić\n"
36796"do widoku mapy, naciśnij F1."
36798#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:344
36799msgid ""
36800"Now you have gained your second technology.  Go back into the\n"
36801"Research report (F6) and take a quick look at your progress.  If you\n"
36802"set Republic as your technology goal earlier, a new research target\n"
36803"should have been chosen for you automatically.  If you do not have\n"
36804"any goal set, however, there will not be any new target chosen until\n"
36805"the end of the turn.\n"
36807"In the turn when you complete your research, you can pick a new tech\n"
36808"to research.  However, switching targets midway through researching a\n"
36809"particular technology costs you all of the research done on\n"
36810"it so far.  Setting your technology goal wisely means you do not have\n"
36811"to worry about picking a new research target each time you finish\n"
36812"researching a technology."
36813msgstr ""
36814"Twoi naukowcy odkryli właśnie drugą technologię! Wróć do okna dialogowego\n"
36815"nauki (F6) i zwróć uwagę na postęp. Jeśli wybrałeś/aś Republikę jako cel\n"
36816"badań, technologia na której skupią się twoi uczeni zostanie wybrana\n"
36817"automatycznie. Jeśli jednak nie wybrano żadnego celu, nowa technologia\n"
36818"zostanie wybrana dopiero w kolejnej turze.\n"
36820"W turze, w której skończono prace nad technologią, można wybrać nowy cel\n"
36821"badań. Pamiętaj jednak, że zmiana celu podczas pracy nad odkryciem "
36823"utratę wszystkich dotychczas wypracowanych punktów odkryć. Jeśli mądrze "
36825"cel badań, nie trzeba będzie martwić się o wybór technologii za każdym "
36827"gdy dokona się odkrycia."
36829#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:347
36830msgid ""
36831"You have successfully completed research into The Republic.  This\n"
36832"technology is particularly useful because it allows a new form of\n"
36833"government.  The government your civilization follows is very\n"
36834"important in determining your development.  In the beginning you\n"
36835"started as a Despotism, a very inefficient form of government.  Later\n"
36836"government options will give you some choice of whether your\n"
36837"civilization is to be a peaceful trading nation or a conquering\n"
36838"juggernaut.  Each has advantages.\n"
36840"For now, you probably want to switch straight into Republic.  In the\n"
36841"Civilization menu, go to the Government submenu and choose\n"
36842"Republic.  Yes you want a revolution!  Changing governments means\n"
36843"going through a few turns of anarchy, so it is not without cost.\n"
36844"However Republic is a substantially better form of government\n"
36845"than Despotism so the investment will soon pay off."
36846msgstr ""
36847"Twoi naukowcy zakończyli prace nad Republiką. Technologia ta jest\n"
36848"wyjątkowo użyteczna, ponieważ pozwala zmienić ustrój. Ustrój twojego\n"
36849"państwa jest niezwykle ważny, gdyż wpływa na rozwój cywilizacji. Na samym\n"
36850"początku, twój ustrój to Despotyzm - bardzo nieefektywny sposób rządzenia.\n"
36851"Później dostępne będą także inne ustroje, a wybór jednego z nich pozwoli ci\n"
36852"zdecydować, czy chcesz mieć naród pokojowo nastawionych handlarzy czy\n"
36853"agresywnych wojowników. Obie opcje mają swoje zalety.\n"
36855"Teraz zapewne zechcesz zmienić ustrój na Republikę. Wejdź do menu\n"
36856"\"Cywilizacja\", a potem do podmenu \"Ustrój\" i wybierz tę formę rządów.\n"
36857"Tak, rozpoczynasz rewolucję! Zmiana rządu oznacza kilka tur anarchii,\n"
36858"więc przewrót polityczny ma swoją cenę. Jednak Republika jest znacznie\n"
36859"lepszym ustrojem niż Despotyzm, a straty szybko się zwrócą."
36861#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:360
36862msgid ""
36863"Your unit has found a Hut.  These are small villages scattered across\n"
36864"the landscape.  When a unit enters one, several things may happen.  The\n"
36865"most likely outcome is that you will find resources worth a small\n"
36866"amount of gold.  However it is also possible to find technologies or\n"
36867"mercenary units inside a hut.  Some huts contain native settlers\n"
36868"that will join your civilization and bring a new city into your\n"
36869"empire.  Finally, some huts contain barbarians which will kill your\n"
36870"unit instantly.  On average, it is beneficial to search out and enter\n"
36871"any huts you find as soon as possible."
36872msgstr ""
36873"Twoja jednostka znalazła chatkę. Chatki to małe wioski rozrzucone po\n"
36874"całej mapie. Gdy wejdzie do niej jednostka, wydarzyć się może kilka rzeczy.\n"
36875"Najbardziej prawdopodobne jest to, że znajdziesz tam nieco złota. Może się\n"
36876"też zdarzyć, że odkryjesz nieznaną technologię lub przyłączą się do ciebie.\n"
36877"najemnicy. W niektórych chatkach znajdziesz osadników, którzy oddadzą się "
36879"twoją opiekę i zbudują ci nowe miasto. Możliwe też, że z chatki wyskoczą\n"
36880"barbarzyńcy, którzy zniszczą twoją jednostkę. Zazwyczaj jednak opłaca się "
36882"chatek i sprawdzać, co się w nich znajduje."
36884#: data/scenarios/tutorial.sav:367
36885msgid "Loading tutorial events."
36886msgstr "Wczytuję samouczek."
36888#. TRANS: Version tag name received from metaserver
36889#: translations/Strings.txt:15
36890msgid "?vertag:stable"
36891msgstr "?vertag:stable"
36893#: translations/Strings.txt:16
36894msgid "?vertag:win32"
36895msgstr "?vertag:win32"
36897#: translations/Strings.txt:17
36898msgid "?vertag:S2_5"
36899msgstr "?vertag:S2_5"
36901#: translations/Strings.txt:18
36902msgid "?vertag:S2_6"
36903msgstr "?vertag:S2_6"
36905#: translations/Strings.txt:19
36906msgid "?vertag:crosser"
36907msgstr "?vertag:crosser"
36909#: translations/Strings.txt:20
36910msgid "?vertag:win32-S2_6"
36911msgstr "?vertag:win32-S2_6"
36913#. TRANS: part of revision based version number string
36914#. "(modified 855bfb8e2f)" (the second 'word' is a git hash)
36915#. (Preserve the trailing space.)
36916#: translations/Strings.txt:28
36917msgid "modified "
36918msgstr "zmieniono "
36920#. TRANS: Modpack subtype, "isometric"
36921#: translations/Strings.txt:34
36922msgid "iso"
36923msgstr "izometryczny"
36925#. TRANS: Modpack subtype
36926#: translations/Strings.txt:36
36927msgid "hex"
36928msgstr "sześciokątny"
36930#. TRANS: Modpack subtype, isometric hex
36931#: translations/Strings.txt:38
36932msgid "hex & iso"
36933msgstr "sześciokątny i izometryczny"
36935#. TRANS: Modpack subtype, overhead tileset
36936#: translations/Strings.txt:40
36937msgid "overhead"
36938msgstr "\"lotniczy\""
36940#: tools/civmanual.c:234
36941#, c-format
36942msgid "Could not write manual file %s."
36943msgstr "Nie można zapisać podręcznika do pliku %s."
36945#: tools/civmanual.c:244
36946#, c-format
36947msgid ""
36948"<h1>Freeciv %s server options</h1>\n"
36950msgstr ""
36951"<h1>Opcje serwera Freeciv %s</h1>\n"
36954#: tools/civmanual.c:263
36955#, c-format
36956msgid "Level: %s.<br>"
36957msgstr "Poziom: %s.<br>"
36959#: tools/civmanual.c:265
36960#, c-format
36961msgid "Category: %s.<br>"
36962msgstr "Kategoria: %s.<br>"
36964#: tools/civmanual.c:271
36965#, c-format
36966msgid "Is locked by the ruleset."
36967msgstr "Zablokowane przez zestaw zasad."
36969#: tools/civmanual.c:273
36970#, c-format
36971msgid "Can only be used in server console."
36972msgstr "Może być używana jedynie w wierszu poleceń serwera."
36974#: tools/civmanual.c:281 server/stdinhand.c:1763
36975msgid "Minimum:"
36976msgstr "Minimum:"
36978#: tools/civmanual.c:282 tools/civmanual.c:315 server/stdinhand.c:1764
36979#: server/stdinhand.c:1782 server/stdinhand.c:1798
36980msgid "Default:"
36981msgstr "Domyślnie:"
36983#: tools/civmanual.c:283 server/stdinhand.c:1765
36984msgid "Maximum:"
36985msgstr "Maksimum:"
36987#: tools/civmanual.c:290 server/stdinhand.c:1772
36988msgid "Possible values:"
36989msgstr "Możliwe wartości:"
36991#: tools/civmanual.c:302 server/stdinhand.c:1790
36992msgid "Possible values (option can take any number of these):"
36993msgstr "Dopuszczalne wartości (opcje przzbierać więcej niż jedną wartość):"
36995#: tools/civmanual.c:318
36996#, c-format
36997msgid ""
36998"<p class=\"changed\">Value set to %s</p>\n"
37000msgstr ""
37001"<p class=\"bounds\">Wartość ustawiona na: %s</p>\n"
37004#: tools/civmanual.c:325
37005#, c-format
37006msgid ""
37007"<h1>Freeciv %s server commands</h1>\n"
37009msgstr ""
37010"<h1>Polecenia serwera Freeciv %s</h1>\n"
37013#: tools/civmanual.c:338
37014#, c-format
37015msgid ""
37018"<td valign=\"top\"><pre>Synopsis:</pre></td>\n"
37020msgstr ""
37023"<td valign=\"top\"><pre>Streszczenie:</pre></td>\n"
37026#: tools/civmanual.c:343
37027#, c-format
37028msgid ""
37029"<p class=\"level\">Level: %s</p>\n"
37031msgstr ""
37032"<p class=\"level\">Poziom: %s</p>\n"
37035#: tools/civmanual.c:352
37036#, c-format
37037msgid ""
37040msgstr ""
37044#: tools/civmanual.c:361
37045#, c-format
37046msgid ""
37047"<h1>Freeciv %s terrain help</h1>\n"
37049msgstr ""
37050"<h1>Pomoc Freeciv %s nt. terenu</h1>\n"
37053#: tools/civmanual.c:365
37054msgid "Move cost"
37055msgstr "Koszt ruchu"
37057#: tools/civmanual.c:365
37058msgid "Defense bonus"
37059msgstr "Premia do obrony"
37061#: tools/civmanual.c:367
37062msgid "Mining"
37063msgstr "Kopalnie"
37065#: tools/civmanual.c:369
37066#, no-c-format
37067msgid "% of Road bonus"
37068msgstr "% dodatku drogi"
37070#: tools/civmanual.c:369
37071msgid "turns"
37072msgstr "tury"
37074#: tools/civmanual.c:371
37075msgid "Clean pollution"
37076msgstr "Usuń zanieczyszczenie"
37078#: tools/civmanual.c:371
37079msgid "Clean fallout"
37080msgstr "Usuń skażenie"
37082#: tools/civmanual.c:419 tools/civmanual.c:429
37083msgid "impossible"
37084msgstr "niemożliwe"
37086#: tools/civmanual.c:474
37087#, c-format
37088msgid ""
37089"<h1>Freeciv %s buildings help</h1>\n"
37091msgstr ""
37092"<h1>Pomoc Freeciv %s nt. budynków</h1>\n"
37095#: tools/civmanual.c:476
37096#, c-format
37097msgid ""
37098"<h1>Freeciv %s wonders help</h1>\n"
37100msgstr ""
37101"<h1>Pomoc Freeciv %s nt. cudów świata</h1>\n"
37104#: tools/civmanual.c:481
37105msgid "Upkeep"
37106msgstr "Koszta"
37108#: tools/civmanual.c:482
37109msgid "Requirement"
37110msgstr "Wymagania"
37112#: tools/civmanual.c:482
37113msgid "Obsolete by"
37114msgstr "Przestarzałe przy"
37116#: tools/civmanual.c:482
37117msgid "More info"
37118msgstr "Więcej informacji"
37120#. TRANS: improvement requires a feature to be absent.
37121#: tools/civmanual.c:507
37122#, c-format
37123msgid "no %s"
37124msgstr "brak %s"
37126#: tools/civmanual.c:533
37127#, c-format
37128msgid ""
37129"<h1>Freeciv %s governments help</h1>\n"
37131msgstr ""
37132"<h1>Pomoc Freeciv %s nt. ustrojów</h1>\n"
37135#: tools/civmanual.c:545
37136#, c-format
37137msgid ""
37138"<h1>Freeciv %s unit types help</h1>\n"
37140msgstr ""
37141"<h1>Pomoc Freeciv %s nt. typów jednostek</h1>\n"
37144#: tools/civmanual.c:552
37145#, c-format
37146msgid "Cost: %d shield\n"
37147msgid_plural "Cost: %d shields\n"
37148msgstr[0] "Koszt: %d tarcza\n"
37149msgstr[1] "Koszt: %d tarcze\n"
37150msgstr[2] "Koszt: %d tarcz\n"
37152#: tools/civmanual.c:556
37153#, c-format
37154msgid "Upkeep: %s\n"
37155msgstr "Utrzymanie: %s\n"
37157#: tools/civmanual.c:558
37158#, c-format
37159msgid "Moves: %s\n"
37160msgstr "Ruchy: %s\n"
37162#: tools/civmanual.c:560
37163#, c-format
37164msgid "Vision: %d\n"
37165msgstr "Pole widzenia: %d\n"
37167#: tools/civmanual.c:562
37168#, c-format
37169msgid "Attack: %d\n"
37170msgstr "Atak: %d\n"
37172#: tools/civmanual.c:564
37173#, c-format
37174msgid "Defense: %d\n"
37175msgstr "Obrona: %d\n"
37177#: tools/civmanual.c:566
37178#, c-format
37179msgid "Firepower: %d\n"
37180msgstr "Siła ognia: %d\n"
37182#: tools/civmanual.c:568
37183#, c-format
37184msgid "Hitpoints: %d\n"
37185msgstr "Punkty obrażeń: %d\n"
37187#: tools/civmanual.c:582
37188#, c-format
37189msgid "Manual file %s successfully written."
37190msgstr "Zapisano plik podręcznika %s."
37192#: tools/civmanual.c:611
37193msgid "Multiple rulesets requested. Only one ruleset at a time is supported.\n"
37194msgstr ""
37195"Zażądano wielu zestawów zasad. Obsługiwany jest tylko jeden zestaw zasad na "
37198#: tools/civmanual.c:701 server/civserver.c:396
37199msgid "Use FILE as logfile"
37200msgstr "Użyj PLIK jako pliku dziennika"
37202#. TRANS: "ruleset" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
37203#: tools/civmanual.c:704
37204msgid "ruleset RULESET"
37205msgstr "ruleset RULESET"
37207#: tools/civmanual.c:705
37208msgid "Make manual for RULESET"
37209msgstr "Stwórz podręcznik dla zestawu zasad ZESTAW"
37211#: tools/download.c:100
37212msgid "Recursive dependencies too deep"
37213msgstr "Zbyt głębokie zależności rekursywne"
37215#: tools/download.c:104
37216msgid "No URL given"
37217msgstr "Nie podano adresu URL"
37219#: tools/download.c:109
37220msgid "This does not look like modpack URL"
37221msgstr "To nie wygląda jak adres URL dodatku"
37223#: tools/download.c:118
37224#, c-format
37225msgid "Installing modpack %s from %s"
37226msgstr "Instaluję dodatek %s z %s"
37228#: tools/download.c:121
37229msgid "Cannot install to given directory hierarchy"
37230msgstr "Nie można zainstalować w podanym folderze"
37232#. TRANS: %s is a filename with suffix '.modpack'
37233#: tools/download.c:128
37234#, c-format
37235msgid "Downloading \"%s\" control file."
37236msgstr "Pobieram plik kontrolny \"%s\"."
37238#: tools/download.c:135
37239msgid "Failed to get and parse modpack control file"
37240msgstr "Nie można znaleźć i odczytać pliku kontrolnego dodatku"
37242#: tools/download.c:141
37243msgid "Modpack control file has no capability string"
37244msgstr "Dodatek nie ma napisu określającego funkcjonalność"
37246#: tools/download.c:151
37247msgid "Modpack control file is incompatible"
37248msgstr "Plik kontrolny dodatku jest niezgodny"
37250#: tools/download.c:156
37251msgid "Modpack name not defined in control file"
37252msgstr "Nazwa dodatku nie jest zdefiniowana w pliku kontrolnym"
37254#: tools/download.c:160
37255msgid "Modpack version not defined in control file"
37256msgstr "Wersja dodatku nie jest zdefiniowana w pliku kontrolnym"
37258#: tools/download.c:166
37259msgid "Illegal modpack type"
37260msgstr "Nieprawidłowy typ dodatku"
37262#: tools/download.c:205
37263msgid "Dependency has no download URL"
37264msgstr "Zależność nie ma URLa do miejsca podbrania"
37266#: tools/download.c:211
37267msgid "Illegal dependency modpack type"
37268msgstr "Nieprawidłowy typ zależności dodatku"
37270#: tools/download.c:234
37271msgid "Download dependency modpack"
37272msgstr "Pobierz zależność dodatku"
37274#: tools/download.c:309
37275#, c-format
37276msgid "Illegal path for %s"
37277msgstr "Błędna ścieżka dla %s"
37279#: tools/download.c:345
37280msgid "Cannot create required directories"
37281msgstr "Nie można stworzyć wymaganych folderów"
37283#: tools/download.c:352
37284#, c-format
37285msgid "Downloading %s"
37286msgstr "Pobieram %s"
37288#: tools/download.c:362
37289#, c-format
37290msgid "Failed to download %s"
37291msgstr "Nie udało się pobrać %s"
37293#: tools/download.c:383
37294msgid "Some parts of the modpack failed to install."
37295msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować niektórych części dodatku."
37297#: tools/download.c:410
37298msgid "Cannot fetch and parse modpack list"
37299msgstr "Nie można odczytać listy dodatków"
37301#: tools/download.c:422
37302msgid "Modpack list has no capability string"
37303msgstr "Rozszerzenie nie ma określenia funkcjonalności"
37305#: tools/download.c:432
37306msgid "Modpack list is incompatible"
37307msgstr "Lista dodatków jest niezgodna"
37309#: tools/modinst.c:79 tools/modinst.c:94
37310#, c-format
37311msgid "Failed to create control directory \"%s\""
37312msgstr "Nie udało się stworzyć folderu kontrolnego \"%s\""
37314#. TRANS: ... Ubermod ... Ruleset, not Scenario
37315#: tools/modinst.c:133
37316#, c-format
37317msgid "Earlier installation of %s found, but it seems to be %s, not %s"
37318msgstr ""
37319"Znalezioni wcześniejszą instalację %s, lecz zdaje się, że jest to %s, a nie "
37322#: tools/modinst.h:41
37323msgid "Tileset"
37324msgstr "Zestaw graficzny"
37326#: tools/modinst.h:43
37327msgid "Modpack"
37328msgstr "Dodatek"
37330#. TRANS: Unknown modpack type
37331#: tools/mpcli.c:67 tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:378 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:378
37332#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:380
37333msgid "?"
37334msgstr "?"
37336#. TRANS: License of modpack is not known
37337#: tools/mpcli.c:74 tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:385 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:385
37338#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:387
37339msgid "?license:Unknown"
37340msgstr "?license:Nieznana"
37342#: tools/mpcli.c:79 tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:232 tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:390
37343#: tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:231 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:390 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:345
37344#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:392
37345msgid "Not installed"
37346msgstr "Nie zainstalowano"
37348#: tools/mpcli.c:83
37349#, c-format
37350msgid "Name=\"%s\""
37351msgstr "Nazwa=\"%s\""
37353#: tools/mpcli.c:84
37354#, c-format
37355msgid "Version=\"%s\""
37356msgstr "Wersja=\"%s\""
37358#: tools/mpcli.c:85
37359#, c-format
37360msgid "Installed=\"%s\""
37361msgstr "Zainstalowane=\"%s\""
37363#: tools/mpcli.c:86
37364#, c-format
37365msgid "Type=\"%s\" / \"%s\""
37366msgstr "Typ=\"%s\" / \"%s\""
37368#: tools/mpcli.c:87
37369#, c-format
37370msgid "License=\"%s\""
37371msgstr "Licencja=\"%s\""
37373#: tools/mpcli.c:88
37374#, c-format
37375msgid "URL=\"%s\""
37376msgstr "URL=\"%s\""
37378#: tools/mpcli.c:90
37379#, c-format
37380msgid "Comment=\"%s\""
37381msgstr "Komentarz=\"%s\""
37383#: tools/mpcli.c:112
37384msgid ""
37385"This modpack installer does not support any specific options\n"
37387msgstr ""
37388"Ten instalator dodatków nie obsługuje żadnych konkretnych opcji\n"
37391#: tools/mpcli.c:119
37392#, c-format
37393msgid "Unknown option '--' '%s'"
37394msgstr "Nieznana opcja '--' '%s'"
37396#: tools/mpcli.c:130
37397msgid "Freeciv modpack installer (command line version)"
37398msgstr "Instalator dodatków Freeciv (wiersz poleceń)"
37400#: tools/mpcli.c:149
37401msgid "Modpack installed successfully"
37402msgstr "Pomyślnie zainstalowano dodatek"
37404#: tools/mpcli.c:151
37405#, c-format
37406msgid "Modpack install failed: %s"
37407msgstr "Nie zainstalowano dodatku: %s"
37409#. TRANS: "List" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
37410#: tools/mpcmdline.c:64
37411msgid "List URL"
37412msgstr "List URL"
37414#: tools/mpcmdline.c:65
37415msgid "Load modpack list from given URL"
37416msgstr "Wczytaj listę dodatków z podanego adresu URL"
37418#. TRANS: "prefix" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
37419#: tools/mpcmdline.c:68
37420msgid "prefix DIR"
37421msgstr "prefix DIR"
37423#: tools/mpcmdline.c:69
37424msgid "Install modpacks to given directory hierarchy"
37425msgstr "Instaluje dodatek w danej hierarchii folderów"
37427#. TRANS: "install" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
37428#: tools/mpcmdline.c:72
37429msgid "install URL"
37430msgstr "install URL"
37432#: tools/mpcmdline.c:73
37433msgid "Automatically install modpack from a given URL"
37434msgstr "Automatycznie instaluje dodatek z podanego URLa"
37436#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:102 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:102 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:479
37437msgid ""
37438"Modpack installation in progress.\n"
37439"Are you sure you want to quit?"
37440msgstr ""
37441"Twa instalacja dodatku.\n"
37442"Czy na pewno chcesz zakończyć?"
37444#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:288 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:286 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:308
37445msgid "Another download already active"
37446msgstr "Nadal pobieram poprzedni plik"
37448#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:301 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:299
37449msgid "Failed to start downloader"
37450msgstr "Nie udało się uruchomić programu pobierającego"
37452#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:447 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:450 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:201
37453#, c-format
37454msgid ""
37456"commit: %s"
37457msgstr ""
37459"łatka: %s"
37461#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:467 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:470 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:215
37462msgid "Installed"
37463msgstr "Zainstalowano"
37465#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:472 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:475 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:215
37466msgid "?modpack:Type"
37467msgstr "?modpack:Typ"
37469#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:478 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:481 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:216
37470msgid "Subtype"
37471msgstr "Podtyp"
37473#. TRANS: noun
37474#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:485 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:488 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:216
37475msgid "License"
37476msgstr "Licencja"
37478#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:490 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:493 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:217
37479msgid "URL"
37480msgstr "URL"
37482#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:496 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:499 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:189
37483msgid "Install modpack"
37484msgstr "Zainstaluj dodatek"
37486#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:502 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:507 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:186
37487msgid "Modpack URL"
37488msgstr "Adres URL dodatku"
37490#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:519 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:524 tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:256
37491msgid "Select modpack to install"
37492msgstr "Wybierz dodatek"
37494#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:569 tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:575
37495msgid ""
37496"This modpack installer accepts the standard Gtk command-line options\n"
37497"after '--'. See the Gtk documentation.\n"
37499msgstr ""
37500"Ten instalator dodatków obsługuje standardowe opcje Gtk wprowadzane\n"
37501"w wierszu poleceń po '--'. Więcej informacji w dokumentacji Gtk.\n"
37504#: tools/mpgui_gtk2.c:592
37505msgid "Freeciv modpack installer (gtk2)"
37506msgstr "Instalator dodatków Freeciv (gtk2)"
37508#: tools/mpgui_gtk3.c:598
37509msgid "Freeciv modpack installer (gtk3)"
37510msgstr "Instalator dodatków Freeciv (gtk3)"
37512#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:98
37513msgid ""
37514"This modpack installer accepts the standard Qt command-line options\n"
37515"after '--'. See the Qt documentation.\n"
37517msgstr ""
37518"Ten instalator dodatków obsługuje standardowe opcje Qt wprowadzane\n"
37519"w wierszu poleceń po '--'. Więcej informacji w dokumentacji Qt.\n"
37522#: tools/mpgui_qt.cpp:122
37523msgid "Freeciv modpack installer (Qt)"
37524msgstr "Instalator dodatków Freeciv (Qt)"
37526#: server/actiontools.c:47
37527#, c-format
37528msgid "You have caused an incident while bribing the %s %s."
37529msgstr "Spowodowałeś/aś skandal przekupując %s %s."
37531#: server/actiontools.c:53
37532#, c-format
37533msgid "%s has caused an incident while bribing your %s."
37534msgstr "Jednostka %s spowodowała skandal przekupując twoją jednostkę %s."
37536#: server/actiontools.c:59
37537#, c-format
37538msgid "You have caused an incident while sabotaging the %s %s."
37539msgstr "Spowodowałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny sabotując %s %s."
37541#: server/actiontools.c:65
37542#, c-format
37543msgid "The %s have caused an incident while sabotaging your %s."
37544msgstr "%s spowodowali skandal dyplomatyczny sabotując twoją jednostkę %s."
37546#: server/actiontools.c:74
37547#, c-format
37548msgid "You have caused an incident while attempting to steal tech from %s."
37549msgstr "Kradnąc technologię z %s, wywołałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny."
37551#: server/actiontools.c:79
37552#, c-format
37553msgid "%s has caused an incident while attempting to steal tech from you."
37554msgstr ""
37555"Jednostka %s wywołała skandal dyplomatyczny, wykradając ci technologię."
37557#: server/actiontools.c:85
37558#, c-format
37559msgid "You have caused an incident while inciting a revolt in %s."
37560msgstr "Wywołałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny, wszczynając bunt w %s."
37562#: server/actiontools.c:89
37563#, c-format
37564msgid "The %s have caused an incident while inciting a revolt in %s."
37565msgstr "%s wywołali skandal dyplomatyczny wszczynając bunt w %s."
37567#: server/actiontools.c:96
37568#, c-format
37569msgid "You have caused an incident while poisoning %s."
37570msgstr "Spowodowałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny zatruwając %s."
37572#: server/actiontools.c:100
37573#, c-format
37574msgid "The %s have caused an incident while poisoning %s."
37575msgstr "%s wywołali skandal dyplomatyczny zatruwając %s."
37577#: server/actiontools.c:107
37578#, c-format
37579msgid "You have caused an incident while sabotaging %s."
37580msgstr "Spowodowałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny sabotując %s."
37582#: server/actiontools.c:111
37583#, c-format
37584msgid "The %s have caused an incident while sabotaging %s."
37585msgstr "%s spowodowali skandal dyplomatyczny sabotując %s."
37587#: server/actiontools.c:117
37588#, c-format
37589msgid "You have caused an incident while stealing gold from %s."
37590msgstr "Spowodowałeś/aś skandal dyplomatyczny kradnąc złoto od %s."
37592#: server/actiontools.c:122
37593#, c-format
37594msgid "The %s have caused an incident while stealing gold from %s."
37595msgstr "%s spowodowali skandal dyplomatyczny kradnąć złoto od %s."
37597#: server/aiiface.c:87
37598#, c-format
37599msgid "Cannot open AI module %s (%s)"
37600msgstr "Nie można otworzyć modułu AI %s (%s)"
37602#: server/aiiface.c:94
37603#, c-format
37604msgid "Cannot find capstr function from ai module %s (%s)"
37605msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć funkcji capstr z modułu AI %s (%s)"
37607#: server/aiiface.c:101
37608#, c-format
37609msgid "Incompatible ai module %s:"
37610msgstr "Niekompatybilny moduł AI %s:"
37612#: server/aiiface.c:102
37613#, c-format
37614msgid "  Module options:    %s"
37615msgstr " Opcje modułu: %s"
37617#: server/aiiface.c:103
37618#, c-format
37619msgid "  Supported options: %s"
37620msgstr " Wspierane opcje: %s"
37622#: server/aiiface.c:111
37623#, c-format
37624msgid "Cannot find setup function from ai module %s (%s)"
37625msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć funkcji setup z modułu AI %s (%s)"
37627#: server/aiiface.c:118
37628#, c-format
37629msgid "Setup of ai module %s failed."
37630msgstr "Nie udało się uruchomić modułu AI %s."
37632#: server/aiiface.c:168 server/aiiface.c:179 server/aiiface.c:190
37633#, c-format
37634msgid "Failed to setup \"%s\" AI module"
37635msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać \"%s\" modułu AI"
37637#: server/aiiface.c:209
37638#, c-format
37639msgid "Failed to setup default AI module \"%s\", cannot continue."
37640msgstr ""
37641"Nie udało się wczytać domyślnego modułu AI \"%s\", nie można kontynuować."
37643#: server/auth.c:88
37644#, c-format
37645msgid "Warning: the guest name '%s' has been taken, renaming to user '%s'."
37646msgstr "Uwaga: '%s' jest już zajęte, zmieniam na '%s'."
37648#: server/auth.c:94
37649msgid "Guests are not allowed on this server. Sorry."
37650msgstr "Goście nie mają dostępu do tego serwera. Przepraszamy."
37652#: server/auth.c:96
37653#, c-format
37654msgid "%s was rejected: Guests not allowed."
37655msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Zamknięte dla gości."
37657#: server/auth.c:115
37658#, c-format
37659msgid ""
37660"There was an error reading the user database, logging in as guest connection "
37662msgstr "Błąd odczytu bazy danych. Zalogowany jako gość '%s'."
37664#: server/auth.c:120
37665msgid ""
37666"There was an error reading the user database and guest logins are not "
37667"allowed. Sorry"
37668msgstr "Błąd odczytu bazy danych, a goście nie mają dostępu. Przepraszamy"
37670#: server/auth.c:123
37671#, c-format
37672msgid "%s was rejected: Database error and guests not allowed."
37673msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Błąd bazy danych, a goście nie mają dostępu."
37675#: server/auth.c:130
37676#, c-format
37677msgid "Enter password for %s:"
37678msgstr "Wprowadź hasło dla %s:"
37680#. TRANS: Try not to make the translation much longer than the original.
37681#: server/auth.c:140
37682msgid "First time login. Set a new password and confirm it."
37683msgstr "Pierwsze logowanie. Wprowadź nowe hasło i potwierdź je."
37685#: server/auth.c:145
37686msgid "This server allows only preregistered users. Sorry."
37687msgstr "Ten serwer przyjmuje jedynie zarejestrowanych użytkowników."
37689#: server/auth.c:147
37690#, c-format
37691msgid "%s was rejected: Only preregistered users allowed."
37692msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Jedynie zarejestrowani użytkownicy."
37694#: server/auth.c:175 server/auth.c:234
37695msgid "Sorry, too many wrong tries..."
37696msgstr "Zbyt wiele prób..."
37698#: server/auth.c:176
37699#, c-format
37700msgid "%s was rejected: Too many wrong password verifies for new user."
37701msgstr ""
37702"%s został odrzucony: Zbyt wiele błędnych haseł pasuje do nowego użytkownika."
37704#: server/auth.c:194
37705msgid ""
37706"Warning: There was an error in saving to the database. Continuing, but your "
37707"stats will not be saved."
37708msgstr ""
37709"Ostrzeżenie: Wystąpił błąd przy zapisywaniu bazy danych. Kontynuuję, lecz "
37710"twoje stystystyki nie zostaną zapisane."
37712#: server/auth.c:235
37713#, c-format
37714msgid "%s was rejected: Too many wrong password tries."
37715msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Zbyt wiele błędnych haseł."
37717#: server/auth.c:237 server/auth.c:257
37718msgid "auth failed"
37719msgstr "uwierzytelnienie nie powiodło się"
37721#: server/auth.c:244
37722msgid "Your password is incorrect. Try again."
37723msgstr "Niepoprawne hasło. Spróbuj ponownie."
37725#: server/auth.c:254
37726msgid "Sorry, your connection timed out..."
37727msgstr "Przekroczono limit czasu połączenia."
37729#: server/auth.c:255
37730#, c-format
37731msgid "%s was rejected: Connection timeout waiting for password."
37732msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Przekroczono czas oczekiwania na hasło."
37734#: server/auth.c:342
37735#, c-format
37736msgid "Your password is too short, the minimum length is %d. Try again."
37737msgstr "Hasło zbyt krótkie. Wymagane co najmniej %d znaków. Spróbuj ponownie."
37739#: server/auth.c:348
37740#, c-format
37741msgid ""
37742"The password must have at least %d capital letters, %d numbers, and be at "
37743"minimum %d [printable] characters long. Try again."
37744msgstr ""
37745"Hasło musi mieć co najmniej %d dużych liter, %d cyfr i mieć długość co "
37746"najmniej %d drukowalnych znaków. Spróbuj ponownie."
37748#: server/barbarian.c:180
37749#, c-format
37750msgid "%s gain a leader by the name %s. Dangerous times may lie ahead."
37751msgstr "%s zorganizowali się pod dowództwem %s. Nastają niebezpieczne czasy."
37753#: server/barbarian.c:663
37754#, c-format
37755msgid "Native unrest near %s led by %s."
37756msgstr "Powstanie w pobliżu miasta %s, przewodzi mu %s."
37758#: server/barbarian.c:668
37759#, c-format
37760msgid "Sea raiders seen near %s!"
37761msgstr "Piraci w pobliżu miasta %s!"
37763#: server/cityhand.c:264
37764msgid "You have already sold something here this turn."
37765msgstr "Sprzedano już coś w tej turze."
37767#: server/cityhand.c:275
37768#, c-format
37769msgid "You sell %s in %s for %d gold."
37770msgid_plural "You sell %s in %s for %d gold."
37771msgstr[0] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s za %d sztukę złota."
37772msgstr[1] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s za %d sztuki złota."
37773msgstr[2] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s za %d sztuk złota."
37775#: server/cityhand.c:317
37776msgid "Cannot buy in city created this turn."
37777msgstr "Nie można kupować w mieście powstałym w tej turze."
37779#: server/cityhand.c:323
37780msgid "You have already bought this turn."
37781msgstr "Już kupiłeś/aś w tej turze."
37783#: server/cityhand.c:329
37784#, c-format
37785msgid "You don't buy %s!"
37786msgstr "Nie kupujesz %s!"
37788#: server/cityhand.c:336
37789msgid "Can't buy units when city is in disorder."
37790msgstr "Nie można kupować jednostek w zbuntowanym mieście."
37792#. TRANS: This whole string is only ever used when included in one
37793#. * other string (search for this string to find it).
37794#: server/cityhand.c:352
37795#, c-format
37796msgid "%d gold required."
37797msgid_plural "%d gold required."
37798msgstr[0] "wymagana %d sztuka złota."
37799msgstr[1] "wymagane %d sztuki złota."
37800msgstr[2] "wymaganych %d sztuk złota."
37802#. TRANS: %s is a pre-pluralised string:
37803#. * "%d gold required."
37804#: server/cityhand.c:358
37805#, c-format
37806msgid "%s You only have %d gold."
37807msgid_plural "%s You only have %d gold."
37808msgstr[0] "%s Masz tylko %d sztukę złota."
37809msgstr[1] "%s Masz tylko %d sztuki złota."
37810msgstr[2] "%s Masz tylko %d sztuk złota."
37812#. TRANS: bought an unit.
37813#: server/cityhand.c:377
37814#, c-format
37815msgid "?unit:You bought %s in %s."
37816msgstr "Zakupiono %s w mieście %s."
37818#. TRANS: bought an improvement .
37819#: server/cityhand.c:383
37820#, c-format
37821msgid "?improvement:You bought %s in %s."
37822msgstr "Zakupiono %s w mieście %s."
37824#: server/cityhand.c:483
37825msgid "You have bought this turn, can't change."
37826msgstr "Kupiłeś/aś w tej turze, nie możesz zmienić."
37828#: server/citytools.c:371
37829#, c-format
37830msgid "You already have a city called %s."
37831msgstr "Jedno z twoich miast nazywa się już %s."
37833#: server/citytools.c:383
37834#, c-format
37835msgid "A city called %s already exists."
37836msgstr "Miasto nazwane %s już istnieje."
37838#: server/citytools.c:411
37839#, c-format
37840msgid "Can't use %s as a city name. It is reserved for %s."
37841msgstr "Nie możesz użyć nazwy %s. Użyć tej nazwy mogą jedynie %s."
37843#: server/citytools.c:429
37844#, c-format
37845msgid ""
37846"%s is not a valid name. Only ASCII or ruleset names are allowed for cities."
37847msgstr ""
37848"%s nie jest dozwoloną nazwą. Dopuszczalne są jedynie nazwy ze znakami ASCII "
37849"lub domyślne nazwy dla danego narodu."
37851#: server/citytools.c:549
37852#, c-format
37853msgid "City no. %d"
37854msgstr "Miasto nr %d"
37856#: server/citytools.c:556
37857msgid "A poorly-named city"
37858msgstr "Miasto bez nazwy"
37860#: server/citytools.c:614
37861#, c-format
37862msgid "Changed homecity of %s to %s."
37863msgstr "Zmiana miasta pochodzenia %s na miasto %s."
37865#. TRANS: Americans ... Leader
37866#: server/citytools.c:643
37867#, c-format
37868msgid "The %s already have a %s. Can't transfer yours."
37869msgstr "%s już mają %s. Nie możesz przeniść swojej."
37871#: server/citytools.c:662
37872#, c-format
37873msgid "Transferred %s in %s from %s to %s."
37874msgstr "Przekazano %s w mieście %s z %s do %s."
37876#: server/citytools.c:676
37877#, c-format
37878msgid "Transferred %s from %s to %s."
37879msgstr "Przekazano %s z %s do %s."
37881#. TRANS: Polish Destroyer ... German <city>
37882#: server/citytools.c:690
37883#, c-format
37884msgid "%s %s lost in transfer to %s %s"
37885msgstr "%s %s utracony w wyniku przekazania dla %s miasta %s"
37887#: server/citytools.c:820
37888#, c-format
37889msgid "%s lost along with control of %s."
37890msgstr "Jednostka %s utracona razem z miastem %s."
37892#. TRANS: <building> ... <city>
37893#: server/citytools.c:1039
37894#, c-format
37895msgid "A replacement %s was built in %s."
37896msgstr "Nowy budynek %s powstał mieście %s."
37898#: server/citytools.c:1157
37899#, c-format
37900msgid "You already had a city called %s. The city was renamed to %s."
37901msgstr "Już masz miasto o nazwie %s. Zmieniono nazwę miasta na %s."
37903#: server/citytools.c:1259
37904#, c-format
37905msgid "The people in %s are stunned by your technological insight!"
37906msgstr "Mieszkańcy miasta %s są oszołomieni twoją wiedzą technologiczną!"
37908#: server/citytools.c:1265
37909#, c-format
37910msgid "Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade %s with %s."
37911msgstr "Robotnicy w %s spontanicznie gromadzą się i budują %s."
37913#: server/citytools.c:1270
37914#, c-format
37915msgid "Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade %s infrastructure."
37916msgstr "Robotnicy w mieście %s spontanicznie ulepszają infrastrukturę."
37918#: server/citytools.c:1575
37919#, c-format
37920msgid "You have founded %s."
37921msgstr "Założyłeś/aś miasto %s."
37923#: server/citytools.c:1667
37924#, c-format
37925msgid "Moved %s out of disbanded city %s since it cannot stay on %s."
37926msgstr "Przeniesiono %s z byłego miasta %s, by ponieważ nie może w %s."
37928#: server/citytools.c:1679
37929#, c-format
37930msgid ""
37931"When %s was disbanded your %s could not get out, and it was therefore lost."
37932msgstr ""
37933"W trakcie likwidacji %s twoja jednostka %s nie zdołała wysiąść i została "
37936#: server/citytools.c:1712
37937#, c-format
37938msgid ""
37939"When %s was disbanded your %s in %s was trapped, and it was therefore lost."
37940msgstr ""
37941"W trakcie rozwiązywania %s twoja jednostka %s w %s została uwięziona i "
37942"została stracona."
37944#: server/citytools.c:1889
37945#, c-format
37946msgid "You destroy %s completely."
37947msgstr "Całkowicie zniszczyłeś/aś miasto %s."
37949#: server/citytools.c:1892
37950#, c-format
37951msgid "%s has been destroyed by %s."
37952msgstr "Miasto %s zostało zniszczone przez %s."
37954#: server/citytools.c:1921
37955#, c-format
37956msgid "You conquer %s; your lootings accumulate to %d gold!"
37957msgid_plural "You conquer %s; your lootings accumulate to %d gold!"
37958msgstr[0] "Zająłeś/aś miasto %s, zarekwirowałeś/aś %d sztukę złota!"
37959msgstr[1] "Zająłeś/aś miasto %s, zarekwirowałeś/aś %d sztuki złota!"
37960msgstr[2] "Zająłeś/aś miasto %s, zarekwirowałeś/aś %d sztuk złota!"
37962#: server/citytools.c:1928
37963#, c-format
37964msgid "%s conquered %s and looted %d gold from the city."
37965msgid_plural "%s conquered %s and looted %d gold from the city."
37966msgstr[0] "%s podbił/a miasto %s przejmując %d sztukę złota z miasta."
37967msgstr[1] "%s podbił/a miasto %s przejmując %d sztuki złota z miasta."
37968msgstr[2] "%s podbił/a miasto %s przejmując %d sztuk złota z miasta."
37970#: server/citytools.c:1937
37971#, c-format
37972msgid "You conquer %s."
37973msgstr "Podbiłeś/aś %s."
37975#: server/citytools.c:1940
37976#, c-format
37977msgid "%s conquered %s."
37978msgstr "%s podbił/a miasto %s."
37980#: server/citytools.c:1947
37981#, c-format
37982msgid "You have liberated %s! Lootings accumulate to %d gold."
37983msgid_plural "You have liberated %s! Lootings accumulate to %d gold."
37984msgstr[0] "Oswobodziłeś/aś miasto %s!! Odebrałeś/aś %d sztukę złota."
37985msgstr[1] "Oswobodziłeś/aś miasto %s!! Odebrałeś/aś %d sztuki złota."
37986msgstr[2] "Oswobodziłeś/aś miasto %s!! Odebrałeś/aś %d sztuk złota."
37988#: server/citytools.c:1954
37989#, c-format
37990msgid "%s liberated %s and looted %d gold from the city."
37991msgid_plural "%s liberated %s and looted %d gold from the city."
37992msgstr[0] "%s odzyskał/a miasto %s odbierając %d sztukę złota."
37993msgstr[1] "%s odzyskał/a miasto %s odbierając %d sztuki złota."
37994msgstr[2] "%s odzyskał/a miasto %s odbierając %d sztuk złota."
37996#: server/citytools.c:1963
37997#, c-format
37998msgid "You have liberated %s!"
37999msgstr "Oswobodziłeś/aś miasto %s!"
38001#: server/citytools.c:1966
38002#, c-format
38003msgid "%s liberated %s."
38004msgstr "%s odzyskał/a miasto %s."
38006#: server/citytools.c:2564
38007#, c-format
38008msgid "Trade between %s and %s lost along with city."
38009msgstr "Handel pomiędzy %s i %s został utracony wraz miastem."
38011#: server/citytools.c:2569
38012#, c-format
38013msgid "Trade route between %s and %s canceled."
38014msgstr "Zlikwidowano szlak handlowy między %s i %s."
38016#. TRANS: "...between Spanish city Madrid and Paris..."
38017#: server/citytools.c:2577
38018#, c-format
38019msgid "Trade between %s city %s and %s lost along with their city."
38020msgstr "Handel pomiędzy %sm miastem %s i %s został utracony wraz ich miastem."
38022#: server/citytools.c:2585
38023#, c-format
38024msgid "Sorry, the %s canceled the trade route from %s to your city %s."
38025msgstr ""
38026"Niestety, %s anulowała szlak handlowy z miasta %s do twojego miasta %s."
38028#. TRANS: "...from Paris to Spanish city Madrid."
38029#: server/citytools.c:2591
38030#, c-format
38031msgid "We canceled the trade route from %s to %s city %s."
38032msgstr "Anulowaliśmy szlak handlowy z miasta %s do %s miasta %s."
38034#: server/citytools.c:2819
38035#, c-format
38036msgid "The %s have stopped building The %s in %s."
38037msgstr "%s przerwali budowę cudu %s w mieście %s."
38039#. TRANS: Possible 'source' of the production change
38040#. * (in "<city> is building ..." sentence). Preserve leading space.
38041#: server/citytools.c:2841
38042msgid " from the worklist"
38043msgstr " według planu prac"
38045#. TRANS: Possible 'source' of the production change
38046#. * (in "<city> is building ..." sentence). Preserve leading space.
38047#: server/citytools.c:2846
38048msgid " as suggested by the advisor"
38049msgstr " jak zalecił doradca"
38051#. TRANS: "<city> is building <production><source>."
38052#. * 'source' might be an empty string, or a clause like
38053#. * " from the worklist".
38054#: server/citytools.c:2860
38055#, c-format
38056msgid "%s is building %s%s."
38057msgstr "%s buduje %s%s."
38059#: server/citytools.c:2869
38060#, c-format
38061msgid "The %s have started building The %s in %s."
38062msgstr "%s rozpoczęli budowę %s w mieście %s."
38064#: server/citytools.c:3030
38065#, c-format
38066msgid "You sell %s in %s (now landlocked) for %d gold."
38067msgid_plural "You sell %s in %s (now landlocked) for %d gold."
38068msgstr[0] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s (odcięta od morza) za %d sztukę złota."
38069msgstr[1] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s (odcięta od morza) za %d sztuki złota."
38070msgstr[2] "Sprzedajesz %s w mieście %s (odcięta od morza) za %d sztuk złota."
38072#: server/citytools.c:3164
38073#, c-format
38074msgid "The size of the city map of %s is %s."
38075msgstr "Rozmiar mapy miasta %s to %s."
38077#: server/citytools.c:3166
38078msgid "increased"
38079msgstr "zwiększono"
38081#: server/citytools.c:3167
38082msgid "reduced"
38083msgstr "zmniejszono"
38085#: server/cityturn.c:236
38086#, c-format
38087msgid "%s is selling %s (obsolete) for %d."
38088msgid_plural "%s is selling %s (obsolete) for %d."
38089msgstr[0] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztukę złota."
38090msgstr[1] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztuki złota."
38091msgstr[2] "Miasto %s sprzedało przestarzałe %s za %d sztuk złota."
38093#: server/cityturn.c:446
38094#, c-format
38095msgid "Notice: Wonder %s in %s will be finished next turn."
38096msgstr "Uwaga: cud %s w mieście %s będzie gotowy w następnej turze."
38098#: server/cityturn.c:481
38099#, c-format
38100msgid ""
38101"Suggest throttling growth in %s to use %s (being built) more effectively."
38102msgstr ""
38103"Zaleca się ograniczenie wzrostu miasta %s, by lepiej wykorzystać %s (w "
38106#: server/cityturn.c:496
38107#, c-format
38108msgid "%s may soon grow to size %i."
38109msgstr "Miasto %s może wkrótce wzrosnąć do rozmiaru %i."
38111#: server/cityturn.c:508
38112#, c-format
38113msgid "Warning: Famine feared in %s."
38114msgstr "Kończą się zapasy żywności w mieście %s."
38116#: server/cityturn.c:630
38117#, c-format
38118msgid "WARNING, we're LOW on FUNDS %s."
38119msgstr "UWAGA, mamy mało złota: %s."
38121#: server/cityturn.c:840
38122#, c-format
38123msgid "%s needs %s (being built) to grow beyond size %d."
38124msgstr "%s potrzebuje %s (w budowie), by mogło wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru %d."
38126#: server/cityturn.c:846
38127#, c-format
38128msgid "%s needs an improvement to grow beyond size %d."
38129msgstr "%s potrzebuje budynku, by mogło wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru %d."
38131#: server/cityturn.c:907
38132#, c-format
38133msgid "%s grows to size %d."
38134msgstr "%s wzrosło do rozmiaru %d."
38136#: server/cityturn.c:982
38137#, c-format
38138msgid "A recent plague outbreak prevents growth in %s."
38139msgstr "Epidemia uniemożliwia wzrost miasta %s."
38141#: server/cityturn.c:1013
38142#, c-format
38143msgid "Famine feared in %s, %s lost!"
38144msgstr "Głód w mieście %s, stracono jednostkę %s!"
38146#: server/cityturn.c:1027
38147#, c-format
38148msgid "Famine causes population loss in %s."
38149msgstr "Głód zmniejsza populację w mieście %s."
38151#: server/cityturn.c:1032
38152#, c-format
38153msgid "Famine destroys %s entirely."
38154msgstr "Głód zniszczył doszczętnie miasto %s."
38156#: server/cityturn.c:1097 server/cityturn.c:1271
38157#, c-format
38158msgid ""
38159"%s can't build %s from the worklist; it needs %s government. Postponing..."
38160msgstr ""
38161"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany ustrój to %s. Przesunięto na "
38162"późniejszy termin..."
38164#: server/cityturn.c:1109 server/cityturn.c:1242
38165#, c-format
38166msgid ""
38167"%s can't build %s from the worklist; need to have %s first. Postponing..."
38168msgstr ""
38169"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; nie posiadamy jeszcze %s. Przesunięto "
38170"na późniejszy termin..."
38172#: server/cityturn.c:1124 server/cityturn.c:1204
38173#, c-format
38174msgid ""
38175"%s can't build %s from the worklist; tech %s not yet available. Postponing..."
38176msgstr ""
38177"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; brak wymaganej technologii %s. "
38178"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38180#: server/cityturn.c:1136
38181#, c-format
38182msgid "%s can't build %s from the worklist; reason unknown! Postponing..."
38183msgstr ""
38184"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; nieznany powód! Przesunięto na "
38185"późniejszy termin..."
38187#: server/cityturn.c:1149 server/cityturn.c:1899
38188#, c-format
38189msgid "%s can't build %s from the worklist. Purging..."
38190msgstr "%s nie można budować %s. Usunięto z planu..."
38192#: server/cityturn.c:1170 server/cityturn.c:1888 server/cityturn.c:2023
38193#: server/cityturn.c:2069
38194#, c-format
38195msgid "Production of %s is upgraded to %s in %s."
38196msgstr "Zmiana produkcji %s na %s w mieście %s."
38198#: server/cityturn.c:1223
38199#, c-format
38200msgid ""
38201"%s can't build %s from the worklist; no tech with flag \"%s\" yet available. "
38203msgstr ""
38204"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; brak wymaganej technologii z flagą \"%s"
38205"\". Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38207#: server/cityturn.c:1255
38208#, c-format
38209msgid "%s can't build %s from the worklist; need to not have %s. Postponing..."
38210msgstr ""
38211"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; nie posiadamy jeszcze %s. Przesunięto "
38212"na późniejszy termin..."
38214#: server/cityturn.c:1283
38215#, c-format
38216msgid ""
38217"%s can't build %s from the worklist; it cannot have %s government. "
38219msgstr ""
38220"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; nie możemy jeszcze mieć ustroju %s. "
38221"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38223#: server/cityturn.c:1298
38224#, c-format
38225msgid ""
38226"%s can't build %s from the worklist; it needs \"%s\" achievement. "
38228msgstr ""
38229"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagane osiągnięcie to \"%s\". "
38230"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38232#: server/cityturn.c:1316
38233#, c-format
38234msgid ""
38235"?extra:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s is required. Postponing..."
38236msgstr ""
38237"?extra:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagane usprawnienie to %s. "
38238"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38240#: server/cityturn.c:1328
38241#, c-format
38242msgid ""
38243"?extra:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s is prohibited. Postponing..."
38244msgstr ""
38245"?extra:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; %s jest zabronione. Przesunięto "
38246"na późniejszy termin..."
38248#: server/cityturn.c:1343
38249#, c-format
38250msgid ""
38251"?terrain:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s terrain is required. "
38253msgstr ""
38254"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany teren to %s. Przesunięto na "
38255"późniejszy termin..."
38257#: server/cityturn.c:1355
38258#, c-format
38259msgid ""
38260"?terrain:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s terrain is prohibited. "
38262msgstr ""
38263"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; teren %s jest zabroniony. Przesunięto "
38264"na późniejszy termin..."
38266#: server/cityturn.c:1370
38267#, c-format
38268msgid ""
38269"?resource:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s is required. Postponing..."
38270msgstr ""
38271"?resource:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany zasób to %s. "
38272"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38274#: server/cityturn.c:1385
38275#, c-format
38276msgid ""
38277"?resource:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s is prohibited. "
38279msgstr ""
38280"?resource:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; zasób %s jest zabroniony. "
38281"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38283#. TRANS: "%s nation" is adjective
38284#: server/cityturn.c:1402
38285#, c-format
38286msgid ""
38287"?nation:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s nation is required. "
38289msgstr ""
38290"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany naród to %s. Przesunięto na "
38291"późniejszy termin..."
38293#: server/cityturn.c:1414
38294#, c-format
38295msgid ""
38296"?nation:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s nation is prohibited. "
38298msgstr ""
38299"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; naród %s jest zabroniony. Przesunięto "
38300"na późniejszy termin..."
38302#. TRANS: "%s nation" is adjective
38303#: server/cityturn.c:1432
38304#, c-format
38305msgid ""
38306"?ngroup:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s nation is required. "
38308msgstr ""
38309"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany naród to %s. Przesunięto na "
38310"późniejszy termin..."
38312#: server/cityturn.c:1444
38313#, c-format
38314msgid ""
38315"?ngroup:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s nation is prohibited. "
38317msgstr ""
38318"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; naród %s jest zabroniony. Przesunięto "
38319"na późniejszy termin..."
38321#: server/cityturn.c:1462
38322#, c-format
38323msgid ""
38324"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only %s style cities may build this. "
38326msgstr ""
38327"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; może budować to jedynie naród ze "
38328"stylem %s. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38330#: server/cityturn.c:1474
38331#, c-format
38332msgid ""
38333"%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s style cities may not build this. "
38335msgstr ""
38336"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; naród ze stylem %s nie może tego "
38337"budować. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38339#. TRANS: Latter %s is citizen nationality
38340#: server/cityturn.c:1492
38341#, c-format
38342msgid ""
38343"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only city with %s may build this. "
38345msgstr ""
38346"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; tylko miasto z %s może to budować. "
38347"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38349#. TRANS: Latter %s is citizen nationality
38350#: server/cityturn.c:1505
38351#, c-format
38352msgid ""
38353"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only city without %s may build this. "
38355msgstr ""
38356"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; tylko miasto bez %s może to budować. "
38357"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38359#. TRANS: '%s' is a wide range of relationships;
38360#. * e.g., 'Peace', 'Never met', 'Is foreign',
38361#. * 'Hosts embassy', 'Provided Casus Belli'
38362#: server/cityturn.c:1523
38363#, c-format
38364msgid ""
38365"%s can't build %s from the worklist; the relationship '%s' is required.  "
38367msgstr ""
38368"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagana relacja to '%s'. Przesunięto "
38369"na późniejszy termin..."
38371#: server/cityturn.c:1538
38372#, c-format
38373msgid ""
38374"%s can't build %s from the worklist; the relationship '%s' is prohibited.  "
38376msgstr ""
38377"?resource:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; relacja '%s' jest "
38378"zabroniony. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38380#: server/cityturn.c:1556
38381#, c-format
38382msgid ""
38383"%s can't build %s from the worklist; city must be of size %d or larger. "
38385msgstr ""
38386"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany minimalny rozmiar miasta to "
38387"%d. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38389#: server/cityturn.c:1569
38390#, c-format
38391msgid ""
38392"%s can't build %s from the worklist; city must be of size %d or smaller."
38394msgstr ""
38395"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany maksymalny rozmiar miasta to "
38396"%d. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38398#: server/cityturn.c:1585
38399#, c-format
38400msgid ""
38401"%s can't build %s from the worklist; city must have culture of %d. "
38403msgstr ""
38404"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; miasto musi mieć kulturę o wartości "
38405"%d. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38407#: server/cityturn.c:1603
38408#, c-format
38409msgid ""
38410"%s can't build %s from the worklist; more than %d unit on tile.  "
38412msgid_plural ""
38413"%s can't build %s from the worklist; more than %d units on tile.  "
38415msgstr[0] ""
38416"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest więcej niż %d jednostka. "
38417"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38418msgstr[1] ""
38419"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest więcej niż %d jednostki. "
38420"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38421msgstr[2] ""
38422"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest więcej niż %d jednostek. "
38423"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38425#: server/cityturn.c:1621
38426#, c-format
38427msgid ""
38428"%s can't build %s from the worklist; fewer than %d unit on tile.  "
38430msgid_plural ""
38431"%s can't build %s from the worklist; fewer than %d units on tile.  "
38433msgstr[0] ""
38434"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest mniej niż %d jednostka. "
38435"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38436msgstr[1] ""
38437"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest mniej niż %d jednostki. "
38438"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38439msgstr[2] ""
38440"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu jest mniej niż %d jednostek. "
38441"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38443#: server/cityturn.c:1646
38444#, c-format
38445msgid ""
38446"?terrainclass:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s terrain is required.  "
38448msgstr ""
38449"?terrainclass:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany typ terenu to "
38450"%s. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38452#: server/cityturn.c:1659
38453#, c-format
38454msgid ""
38455"?terrainclass:%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s terrain is "
38456"prohibited.  Postponing..."
38457msgstr ""
38458"?terrainclass:%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; typ terenu %s jest "
38459"zabroniony. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38461#: server/cityturn.c:1675
38462#, c-format
38463msgid ""
38464"%s can't build %s from the worklist; terrain with \"%s\" flag is required. "
38466msgstr ""
38467"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany jest teren z flagą \"%s\". "
38468"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38470#: server/cityturn.c:1688
38471#, c-format
38472msgid ""
38473"%s can't build %s from the worklist; terrain with \"%s\" flag is prohibited. "
38475msgstr ""
38476"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; teren z flagą \"%s\" jest zabroniony. "
38477"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38479#: server/cityturn.c:1704
38480#, c-format
38481msgid ""
38482"%s can't build %s from the worklist; base with \"%s\" flag is required. "
38484msgstr ""
38485"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagana jest baza z flagą \"%s\". "
38486"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38488#: server/cityturn.c:1717
38489#, c-format
38490msgid ""
38491"%s can't build %s from the worklist; base with \"%s\" flag is prohibited. "
38493msgstr ""
38494"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; baza z flagą \"%s\" jest zabroniona. "
38495"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38497#: server/cityturn.c:1733
38498#, c-format
38499msgid ""
38500"%s can't build %s from the worklist; road with \"%s\" flag is required. "
38502msgstr ""
38503"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagana jest droga z flagą \"%s\". "
38504"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38506#: server/cityturn.c:1746
38507#, c-format
38508msgid ""
38509"%s can't build %s from the worklist; road with \"%s\" flag is prohibited. "
38511msgstr ""
38512"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; droga z flagą \"%s\" jest zabroniona. "
38513"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38515#: server/cityturn.c:1762
38516#, c-format
38517msgid ""
38518"%s can't build %s from the worklist; extra with \"%s\" flag is required. "
38520msgstr ""
38521"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagane jest usprawnienie z flagą \"%s"
38522"\". Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38524#: server/cityturn.c:1775
38525#, c-format
38526msgid ""
38527"%s can't build %s from the worklist; extra with \"%s\" flag is prohibited. "
38529msgstr ""
38530"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; usprawnienie z flagą \"%s\" jest "
38531"zabronione. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38533#. TRANS: last %s is a date
38534#: server/cityturn.c:1807
38535#, c-format
38536msgid ""
38537"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only available from %s. Postponing..."
38538msgstr ""
38539"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; dostępne jedynie od %s. Przesunięto na "
38540"późniejszy termin..."
38542#. TRANS: third %s is topology flag name
38543#. * ("WrapX", "ISO", etc)
38544#: server/cityturn.c:1827
38545#, c-format
38546msgid ""
38547"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only available in worlds with %s map."
38548msgstr ""
38549"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; dostępne jedynie w światach z mapą %s."
38551#: server/cityturn.c:1843
38552#, c-format
38553msgid ""
38554"%s can't build %s from the worklist; only available once %d turns old. "
38556msgstr ""
38557"%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; dostępne jedynie od wieku %d tur. "
38558"Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
38560#. TRANS: The <city> worklist ....
38561#: server/cityturn.c:1939
38562#, c-format
38563msgid "The %s worklist is now empty."
38564msgstr "Plan prac miasta %s zakończony."
38566#: server/cityturn.c:2091
38567#, c-format
38568msgid "%s can't upkeep %s, unit disbanded."
38569msgstr "Miasto %s nie może utrzymać jednostki %s, jednostka rozwiązana."
38571#: server/cityturn.c:2112
38572#, c-format
38573msgid "Citizens in %s perish for their failure to upkeep %s!"
38574msgstr "%s traci mieszkańców, bo nie może utrzymać %s!"
38576#: server/cityturn.c:2160 server/cityturn.c:2341
38577#, c-format
38578msgid "%s is building %s, which is no longer available."
38579msgstr "%s buduje %s, choć nie jest to już dostępne."
38581#: server/cityturn.c:2199
38582#, c-format
38583msgid "The %s have finished building %s in %s."
38584msgstr "%s ukończyli budowę %s w mieście %s."
38586#: server/cityturn.c:2206
38587#, c-format
38588msgid "%s has finished building %s."
38589msgstr "Miasto %s ukończyło budowę %s."
38591#: server/cityturn.c:2229
38592#, c-format
38593msgid "%s boosts research; you gain %d immediate advance."
38594msgid_plural "%s boosts research; you gain %d immediate advances."
38595msgstr[0] "%s przyspiesza badania, dostajesz natychmiast %d wynalazek."
38596msgstr[1] "%s przyspiesza badania, dostajesz natychmiast %d wynalazki."
38597msgstr[2] "%s przyspiesza badania, dostajesz natychmiast %d wynalazków."
38599#. TRANS: Tech from building (Darwin's Voyage)
38600#: server/cityturn.c:2243
38601#, c-format
38602msgid "?frombldg:Acquired %s from %s."
38603msgstr "Otrzymali %s od %s."
38605#. TRANS: Tech from building (Darwin's
38606#. * Voyage)
38607#: server/cityturn.c:2249
38608#, c-format
38609msgid "?frombldg:The %s have acquired %s from %s."
38610msgstr "%s otrzymali %s od %s."
38612#: server/cityturn.c:2256
38613#, c-format
38614msgid "The %s have started building a spaceship!"
38615msgstr "%s zaczęli budować statek kosmiczny!"
38617#. TRANS: city ... utype ... size ... pop_cost
38618#: server/cityturn.c:2368
38619#, c-format
38620msgid "%s can't build %s yet. (city size: %d, unit population cost: %d)"
38621msgstr ""
38622"%s nie może jeszcze budować %s. (rozmiar miasta: %d, koszt na mieszkańca: %d)"
38624#. TRANS: <city> is finished building <unit/building>.
38625#: server/cityturn.c:2403
38626#, c-format
38627msgid "%s is finished building %s."
38628msgstr "Miasto %s skończyło budować %s."
38630#. TRANS: "<unit> cost... <city> shrinks..."
38631#. * Plural in "%d population", not "size %d".
38632#: server/cityturn.c:2428
38633#, c-format
38634msgid "%s cost %d population. %s shrinks to size %d."
38635msgid_plural "%s cost %d population. %s shrinks to size %d."
38636msgstr[0] "%s zmniejsza populację o %d. %s zmniejsza się do rozmiaru %d."
38637msgstr[1] "%s zmniejsza populację o %d. %s zmniejsza się do rozmiaru %d."
38638msgstr[2] "%s zmniejsza populację o %d. %s zmniejsza się do rozmiaru %d."
38640#: server/cityturn.c:2504
38641#, c-format
38642msgid "Can't afford to maintain %s in %s, building sold!"
38643msgstr "Brak środków na utrzymanie %s w mieście %s, budynek sprzedany!"
38645#: server/cityturn.c:2593
38646#, c-format
38647msgid "Not enough gold. %s disbanded."
38648msgstr "Za mało złota. Rozwiązano jednostkę %s."
38650#: server/cityturn.c:2839 server/cityturn.c:3648
38651#, c-format
38652msgid "Pollution near %s."
38653msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie koło miasta %s."
38655#: server/cityturn.c:3011
38656#, c-format
38657msgid "Celebrations in your honor in %s."
38658msgstr "Festiwal poparcia dla ciebie w mieście %s."
38660#: server/cityturn.c:3017
38661#, c-format
38662msgid "Celebrations canceled in %s."
38663msgstr "Odwołano festiwal poparcia w %s."
38665#: server/cityturn.c:3034
38666#, c-format
38667msgid "%s has been struck by a plague! Population lost!"
38668msgstr "Epidemia w %s! Populacja zmniejszyła się!"
38670#. TRANS: preserve leading space; this string will be appended to
38671#. * another sentence
38672#: server/cityturn.c:3097
38673msgid " Unrest threatens to spread beyond the city."
38674msgstr " Zamieszki mogą przenieść się poza miasto."
38676#. TRANS: second %s is an optional extra sentence
38677#: server/cityturn.c:3104
38678#, c-format
38679msgid "Civil disorder in %s.%s"
38680msgstr "Rozruchy w mieście %s.%s"
38682#. TRANS: second %s is an optional extra sentence
38683#: server/cityturn.c:3109
38684#, c-format
38685msgid "CIVIL DISORDER CONTINUES in %s.%s"
38688#: server/cityturn.c:3115
38689#, c-format
38690msgid "Order restored in %s."
38691msgstr "Przywrócono porządek w mieście %s."
38693#. TRANS: %s - government form, e.g., Democracy
38694#: server/cityturn.c:3127
38695#, c-format
38696msgid "The people have overthrown your %s, your country is in turmoil."
38697msgstr "Lud obalił twój ustrój %s, twoje państwo stoi w ogniu."
38699#: server/cityturn.c:3171
38700#, c-format
38701msgid "%s can't build %s yet, as we can't disband our only city."
38702msgstr ""
38703"%s nie może zbudować jeszcze %s, nie możemy rozwiązać naszego jedynego "
38706#. TRANS: "<city> is disbanded into Settler."
38707#: server/cityturn.c:3202
38708#, c-format
38709msgid "%s is disbanded into %s."
38710msgstr "%s zostało rozwiązane do %s."
38712#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2>.
38713#: server/cityturn.c:3410
38714#, c-format
38715msgid ""
38716"Migrants from %s can't go to %s because there is not enough food available!"
38717msgstr ""
38718"Migranci z %s nie mogą udać się do %s, gdyż nie ma tam wystarczających "
38719"zapasów żywności!"
38721#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2> (<city2 nation adjective>).
38722#: server/cityturn.c:3417
38723#, c-format
38724msgid ""
38725"Migrants from %s can't go to %s (%s) because there is not enough food "
38727msgstr ""
38728"Migranci z %s nie mogą udać się do %s (%s), gdyż nie ma tam wystarczających "
38729"zapasów żywności!"
38731#. TRANS: From <city1> (<city1 nation adjective>) to <city2>.
38732#: server/cityturn.c:3422
38733#, c-format
38734msgid ""
38735"Migrants from %s (%s) can't go to %s because there is not enough food "
38737msgstr ""
38738"Migranci z %s (%s) nie mogą udać się do %s, gdyż nie ma tam wystarczających "
38739"zapasów żywności!"
38741#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2>.
38742#: server/cityturn.c:3437
38743#, c-format
38744msgid ""
38745"Migrants from %s can't go to %s because it needs an improvement to grow!"
38746msgstr ""
38747"Migranci z %s nie mogą udać się do %s, gdyż miasto potrzebuje budynku, aby "
38750#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2> of <city2 nation adjective>.
38751#: server/cityturn.c:3444
38752#, c-format
38753msgid ""
38754"Migrants from %s can't go to %s (%s) because it needs an improvement to grow!"
38755msgstr ""
38756"Migranci z %s nie mogą udać się do %s (%s), gdyż miasto potrzebuje budynku, "
38757"aby urosnąć!"
38759#. TRANS: From <city1> (<city1 nation adjective>) to <city2>.
38760#: server/cityturn.c:3449
38761#, c-format
38762msgid ""
38763"Migrants from %s (%s) can't go to %s because it needs an improvement to grow!"
38764msgstr ""
38765"Migranci z %s (%s) nie mogą udać się do %s, gdyż miasto potrzebuje budynku, "
38766"aby urosnąć!"
38768#: server/cityturn.c:3502
38769#, c-format
38770msgid "%s was disbanded by its citizens."
38771msgstr "%s zostało rozwiązane przez mieszkańców."
38773#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2>.
38774#: server/cityturn.c:3540
38775#, c-format
38776msgid "Migrants from %s moved to %s in search of a better life."
38777msgstr ""
38778"Migranci z %s udali się do %s w poszukiwaniu lepszych warunków do życia."
38780#. TRANS: From <city1> to <city2> (<city2 nation adjective>).
38781#: server/cityturn.c:3546
38782#, c-format
38783msgid "Migrants from %s moved to %s (%s) in search of a better life."
38784msgstr ""
38785"Migranci z %s udali się do %s (%s) w poszukiwaniu lepszych warunków do życia."
38787#. TRANS: From <city1> (<city1 nation adjective>) to <city2>.
38788#: server/cityturn.c:3551
38789#, c-format
38790msgid "Migrants from %s (%s) moved to %s in search of a better life."
38791msgstr ""
38792"Migranci z %s (%s) udali się do %s w poszukiwaniu lepszych warunków do życia."
38794#. TRANS: Disasters such as Earthquake
38795#: server/cityturn.c:3642
38796#, c-format
38797msgid "%s was hit by %s."
38798msgstr "%2$s w mieście %1$s."
38800#: server/cityturn.c:3656
38801#, c-format
38802msgid "Fallout near %s."
38803msgstr "Skażenie koło miasta %s."
38805#. TRANS: "Industrial Accident destroys Bogota entirely."
38806#: server/cityturn.c:3667
38807#, c-format
38808msgid "%s destroys %s entirely."
38809msgstr "%s zniszczy doszczętnie miasto %s."
38811#. TRANS: "Nuclear Accident ... Montreal."
38812#: server/cityturn.c:3673
38813#, c-format
38814msgid "%s causes population loss in %s."
38815msgstr "%s zmniejsza populację w mieście %s."
38817#. TRANS: second %s is the name of a city improvement
38818#: server/cityturn.c:3697
38819#, c-format
38820msgid "%s destroys %s in %s."
38821msgstr "%s niszczy %s w mieście %s."
38823#. TRANS: %s is a city name
38824#: server/cityturn.c:3712
38825#, c-format
38826msgid "All stored food destroyed in %s."
38827msgstr "Zniszczono całe zapasy żywności w mieście %s."
38829#. TRANS: "Production of Colossus in Rhodes destroyed."
38830#: server/cityturn.c:3728
38831#, c-format
38832msgid "Production of %s in %s destroyed."
38833msgstr "Zniszczono produkcję %s w mieście %s."
38835#: server/cityturn.c:3902
38836#, c-format
38837msgid "Citizens of %s are thinking about migrating to %s for a better life."
38838msgstr "Mieszkańcy %s rozważają przeniesienie się do %s."
38840#. TRANS: <city1> to <city2> (<city2 nation adjective>).
38841#: server/cityturn.c:3924
38842#, c-format
38843msgid ""
38844"Citizens of %s are thinking about migrating to %s (%s) for a better life."
38845msgstr "Mieszkańcy %s rozważają przeniesienie się do %s (%s)."
38847#: server/civserver.c:92
38848msgid "Setting timeout to 0. Autogame will stop."
38849msgstr "Ustawiam timer na 0. Autogra zostanie przerwana."
38851#: server/civserver.c:96
38852msgid "You must interrupt Freeciv twice within one second to make it exit."
38853msgstr "Musisz przerwać grę dwa razy w ciągu sekundy, aby zakończyć."
38855#: server/civserver.c:156
38856#, c-format
38857msgid "Failed to install SIGINT handler: %s\n"
38858msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować kontrolera SIGINT: %s\n"
38860#: server/civserver.c:163
38861#, c-format
38862msgid "Failed to install SIGHUP handler: %s\n"
38863msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować kontrolera SIGHUP: %s\n"
38865#: server/civserver.c:170
38866#, c-format
38867msgid "Failed to install SIGTERM handler: %s\n"
38868msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować kontrolera SIGTERM: %s\n"
38870#: server/civserver.c:179
38871#, c-format
38872msgid "Failed to ignore SIGPIPE: %s\n"
38873msgstr "Nie można zignorować SIGPIPE: %s\n"
38875#: server/civserver.c:232
38876#, c-format
38877msgid "Warning: the %s option is obsolete.  Use -m to enable the metaserver.\n"
38878msgstr ""
38879"Ostrzeżenie: opcja %s jest przestarzała. Aby włączyć opcję metaserwera użyj -"
38882#: server/civserver.c:308
38883#, c-format
38884msgid "Illegal value \"%s\" for --Announce"
38885msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość \"%s\" dla opcji --Announce"
38887#: server/civserver.c:316
38888#, c-format
38889msgid "Failed to load AI module \"%s\"\n"
38890msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać modułu AI \"%s\"\n"
38892#: server/civserver.c:322
38893#, c-format
38894msgid "Error: unknown option '%s'\n"
38895msgstr "Błąd: nieznana opcja '%s'\n"
38897#: server/civserver.c:333
38898#, c-format
38899msgid "This is the server for %s"
38900msgstr "To jest serwer dla %s"
38902#. TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion.
38903#: server/civserver.c:335
38904#, c-format
38905msgid "You can learn a lot about Freeciv at %s"
38906msgstr "Więcej informacji o Freeciv: %s"
38908#. TRANS: "Database" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38909#: server/civserver.c:349
38910msgid "Database FILE"
38911msgstr "Database FILE"
38913#: server/civserver.c:350
38914msgid "Enable database connection with configuration from FILE."
38915msgstr "Włącz połączenie bazy danych z konfiguracją z PLIKu."
38917#: server/civserver.c:353
38918msgid "Enable server authentication (requires --Database)."
38919msgstr "Włącz uwierzytelnienie serwera (wymaga --Database)."
38921#: server/civserver.c:355
38922msgid "Allow guests to login if auth is enabled."
38923msgstr "Zezwalaj gościom na przyłączenie się, jeśli włączono uwierzytelnienie."
38925#: server/civserver.c:357
38926msgid "Allow new users to login if auth is enabled."
38927msgstr ""
38928"Zezwalaj nowym użytkownikom na przyłączanie się, jeśli włączono "
38931#. TRANS: "bind" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38932#: server/civserver.c:361
38933msgid "bind ADDR"
38934msgstr "bind ADDR"
38936#: server/civserver.c:362
38937msgid "Listen for clients on ADDR"
38938msgstr "Przyjmuj klientów z adresu ADDR"
38940#: server/civserver.c:364
38941msgid "Connect to metaserver from this address"
38942msgstr "Połącz z metaserwerem pod tym adresem"
38944#. TRANS: "identity" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38945#: server/civserver.c:391
38946msgid "identity ADDR"
38947msgstr "identity ADDR"
38949#: server/civserver.c:392
38950msgid "Be known as ADDR at metaserver or LAN client"
38951msgstr "Będziesz znany/a pod nazwą ADDR dla metaserwera lub klienta LAN"
38953#: server/civserver.c:398
38954msgid "Notify metaserver and send server's info"
38955msgstr "Powiadom metaserwer i wyślij informacje o serwerze"
38957#. TRANS: "Metaserver" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38958#: server/civserver.c:401
38959msgid "Metaserver ADDR"
38960msgstr "Metaserver ADDR"
38962#: server/civserver.c:402
38963msgid "Set ADDR as metaserver address"
38964msgstr "Ustaw ADDR jako adres metaserwera"
38966#. TRANS: "type" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38967#: server/civserver.c:406
38968msgid "type TYPE"
38969msgstr "type TYPE"
38971#: server/civserver.c:407
38972msgid "Set TYPE as server type in metaserver"
38973msgstr "Ustaw TYPE jako typ serwera w metaserwerze"
38975#: server/civserver.c:410
38976msgid "Keep updating game information on metaserver even after failure"
38977msgstr ""
38978"Uaktualniaj informacle o rozgrywce na metaserwerze, nawet jeśli zawiedzie "
38981#: server/civserver.c:415
38982msgid "Listen for clients on port PORT"
38983msgstr "Nasłuchuj klientów na porcie PORT"
38985#. TRANS: "quitidle" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38986#: server/civserver.c:418
38987msgid "quitidle TIME"
38988msgstr "quitidle TIME"
38990#: server/civserver.c:419
38991msgid "Quit if no players for TIME seconds"
38992msgstr "Zakończ jeśli brak graczy po CZAS sekundach"
38994#: server/civserver.c:421
38995msgid "When a game ends, exit instead of restarting"
38996msgstr "Gdy gra się skończy, zakończ program zamiast restartować"
38998#. TRANS: "saves" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
38999#: server/civserver.c:424
39000msgid "saves DIR"
39001msgstr "saves DIR"
39003#: server/civserver.c:425
39004msgid "Save games to directory DIR"
39005msgstr "Zapisuje gry do folderu DIR"
39007#. TRANS: "scenarios" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
39008#: server/civserver.c:428
39009msgid "scenarios DIR"
39010msgstr "scenarios DIR"
39012#: server/civserver.c:429
39013msgid "Save scenarios to directory DIR"
39014msgstr "Zapisz scenariusze w folderze DIR"
39016#. TRANS: "Serverid" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
39017#: server/civserver.c:432
39018msgid "Serverid ID"
39019msgstr "Serverid ID"
39021#: server/civserver.c:433
39022msgid "Sets the server id to ID"
39023msgstr "Ustawia identyfikator serwera na ID"
39025#: server/civserver.c:437
39026msgid "Read startup script FILE"
39027msgstr "Uruchom skrypt startowy PLIK"
39029#. TRANS: "Ranklog" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
39030#: server/civserver.c:440
39031msgid "Ranklog FILE"
39032msgstr "Ranklog FILE"
39034#: server/civserver.c:441
39035msgid "Use FILE as ranking logfile"
39036msgstr "Używa PLIK jako pliku dziennika rankingu"
39038#. TRANS: "LoadAI" is exactly what user must type, do not translate.
39039#: server/civserver.c:445
39040msgid "LoadAI MODULE"
39041msgstr "LoadAI MODULE"
39043#: server/civserver.c:446
39044msgid "Load ai module MODULE. Can appear multiple times"
39045msgstr "Wczytaj moduł AI MODULE. Może pojawiać się wielokrotnie"
39047#: server/civserver.c:464
39048msgid "Requested authentication with --auth, but no --Database given\n"
39049msgstr "Zażądano uwierzytelnienia z --auth, lecz nie podano --Database\n"
39051#: server/commands.c:56
39052msgid "Start the game, or restart after loading a savegame."
39053msgstr "Rozpoczyna grę lub wznawia po wczytaniu zapisanej gry."
39055#: server/commands.c:57
39056msgid ""
39057"This command starts the game. When starting a new game, it should be used "
39058"after all human players have connected, and AI players have been created (if "
39059"required), and any desired changes to initial server options have been made. "
39060"After 'start', each human player will be able to choose their nation, and "
39061"then the game will begin. This command is also required after loading a "
39062"savegame for the game to recommence. Once the game is running this command "
39063"is no longer available, since it would have no effect."
39064msgstr ""
39065"To polecenie rozpoczyna grę. Jeżeli jest to nowa gra (niewczytana z "
39066"zapisanej gry), gracze-ludzie powinni zostać połączeni, gracze AI utworzeni, "
39067"a wszystkie opcje serwera ustawione PRZED wydaniem tego polecenia. Po "
39068"'start' gracze wybiorą narody i gra się rozpocznie. Jeżeli gra została "
39069"wczytana, to polecenie 'start' jest konieczne do ponownego rozpoczęcia gry. "
39070"Po starcie, polecenie będzie nieaktywne, gdyż nie będzie już potrzebne."
39072#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39073#: server/commands.c:71
39074msgid ""
39076"help commands\n"
39077"help options\n"
39078"help <command-name>\n"
39079"help <option-name>"
39080msgstr ""
39082"help commands\n"
39083"help options\n"
39084"help <nazwa-polecenia>\n"
39085"help <nazwa-opcji>"
39087#: server/commands.c:76
39088msgid "Show help about server commands and server options."
39089msgstr "Wyświetla pomoc na temat polecenia i opcji serwera."
39091#: server/commands.c:77
39092msgid ""
39093"With no arguments gives some introductory help. With argument \"commands\" "
39094"or \"options\" gives respectively a list of all commands or all options. "
39095"Otherwise the argument is taken as a command name or option name, and help "
39096"is given for that command or option. For options, the help information "
39097"includes the current and default values for that option. The argument may be "
39098"abbreviated where unambiguous."
39099msgstr ""
39100"Bez argumentów wyświetla wstępną pomoc. Z argumentem \"commands\" lub "
39101"\"options\" wyświetla listę dostępnych poleceń lub opcji. W innym przypadku "
39102"argument jest uważany za nazwę opcji lub polecenia, do której zostanie "
39103"wyświetlona pomoc. W przypadku opcji wyświetla także jej bieżącą wartość. "
39104"Nazwy mogą być skrócone, jeśli skróty są jednoznaczne."
39106#: server/commands.c:101
39107msgid "Show a list of various things."
39108msgstr "Pokaż listę różnych rzeczy."
39110#. TRANS: don't translate text in ''
39111#: server/commands.c:103
39112msgid ""
39113"Show a list of:\n"
39114" - the player colors,\n"
39115" - connections to the server,\n"
39116" - all player delegations,\n"
39117" - your ignore list,\n"
39118" - the list of defined map images,\n"
39119" - the list of the players in the game,\n"
39120" - the available rulesets (for 'read' command),\n"
39121" - the available scenarios,\n"
39122" - the available nation sets in this ruleset,\n"
39123" - the teams of players or\n"
39124" - the running votes.\n"
39125"The argument may be abbreviated, and defaults to 'players' if absent."
39126msgstr ""
39127"Pokaż listę:\n"
39128" - kolorów graczy,\n"
39129" - połączeń do serwera,\n"
39130" - wszystkich pełnomocnictw graczy,\n"
39131" - ignorowanych graczy,\n"
39132" - zdefiniowanych obrazów mapy,\n"
39133" - graczy w grze,\n"
39134" - dostępnych zestawów zasad (dla polecenia 'read'),\n"
39135" - dostępnych scenariuszy,\n"
39136" - dostępnych zestawów narodów w tym zestawie zasad,\n"
39137" - drużyn graczy lub\n"
39138" - aktywnych głosowań.\n"
39139"Argument może zostać skrócony, a domyślną wartością przy braku argumentu "
39140"jest 'players'."
39142#: server/commands.c:122
39143msgid "Quit the game and shutdown the server."
39144msgstr "Kończy grę i zamyka serwer."
39146#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39147#: server/commands.c:127
39148msgid "cut <connection-name>"
39149msgstr "cut <nazwa-połączenia>"
39151#: server/commands.c:128
39152msgid "Cut a client's connection to server."
39153msgstr "Przerywa połączenie klienta z serwerem."
39155#: server/commands.c:129
39156msgid ""
39157"Cut specified client's connection to the server, removing that client from "
39158"the game. If the game has not yet started that client's player is removed "
39159"from the game, otherwise there is no effect on the player. Note that this "
39160"command now takes connection names, not player names."
39161msgstr ""
39162"Odcina połączenie wskazanego klienta, usuwając go jednocześnie z rozgrywki. "
39163"Jeśli rozgrywka jeszcze się nie rozpoczęła, uczestnik korzystający z danego "
39164"klienta zostaje usunięty z gry; w przeciwnym przypadku polecenie 'cut' nie "
39165"ma na niego wpływu. Uwaga: jako argumentu używamy nazwy połączenia, a nie "
39166"nazwy gracza."
39168#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39169#: server/commands.c:138
39170msgid ""
39172"explain <option-name>"
39173msgstr ""
39175"explain <opcja>"
39177#: server/commands.c:140
39178msgid "Explain server options."
39179msgstr "Wyjaśnia opcję serwera."
39181#: server/commands.c:141
39182msgid ""
39183"The 'explain' command gives a subset of the functionality of 'help', and is "
39184"included for backward compatibility. With no arguments it gives a list of "
39185"options (like 'help options'), and with an argument it gives help for a "
39186"particular option (like 'help <option-name>')."
39187msgstr ""
39188"Polecenie 'explain' to okrojone polecenie 'help' i pozostaje w serwerze dla "
39189"zgodności z wcześniejszymi wersjami. Bez argumentów działa jak 'help "
39190"options' (wyświetla listę opcji), a z argumentem jak 'help <nazwa-"
39191"opcji>' (wyświetla pomoc o danej opcji)."
39193#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39194#: server/commands.c:150
39195msgid ""
39197"show <option-name>\n"
39198"show <option-prefix>\n"
39199"show all\n"
39200"show vital\n"
39201"show situational\n"
39202"show rare\n"
39203"show changed\n"
39204"show locked\n"
39205"show rulesetdir"
39206msgstr ""
39208"show <opcja>\n"
39209"show <prefiks opcji>\n"
39210"show all\n"
39211"show vital\n"
39212"show situational\n"
39213"show rare\n"
39214"show changed\n"
39215"show locked\n"
39216"show rulesetdir"
39218#: server/commands.c:160
39219msgid "Show server options."
39220msgstr "Lista opcji serwera."
39222#: server/commands.c:161
39223msgid ""
39224"With no arguments, shows vital server options (or available options, when "
39225"used by clients). With an option name argument, show only the named option, "
39226"or options with that prefix. With \"all\", it shows all options. With \"vital"
39227"\", \"situational\" or \"rare\", a set of options with this level. With "
39228"\"changed\", it shows only the options which have been modified, while with "
39229"\"locked\" all settings locked by the ruleset will be listed. With \"ruleset"
39230"\", it will show the current ruleset directory name."
39231msgstr ""
39232"Bez argumentu wymienia ważne opcje serwera (lub opcje dostępne, jeśli "
39233"polecenie jest wydane przez klienta). Podając argument, ograniczamy listę "
39234"tylko do wybranej opcji lub zbioru opcji ze wskazanym przedrostkiem. Z \"all"
39235"\" wyświetla wszystkie opcje. Z \"vital\", \"situational\" lub \"rare\", "
39236"wyświetla zestaw opcji z tego poziomu. Z \"changed\" wyświetla opcje, które "
39237"zostały zmienione, a z \"locked\" opcje zablokowane przez zestaw zasad. Z "
39238"\"ruleset\" wyświetla bieżącą nazwę folderu zestawów zasad."
39240#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39241#: server/commands.c:173
39242msgid "wall <message>"
39243msgstr "wall <wiadomość>"
39245#: server/commands.c:174
39246msgid "Send message to all connections."
39247msgstr "Wysyła wiadomość do wszystkich połączeń."
39249#: server/commands.c:175
39250msgid ""
39251"For each connected client, pops up a window showing the message entered."
39252msgstr "Każdy podłączony klient wyświetla okienko z podaną wiadomością."
39254#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39255#: server/commands.c:181
39256msgid "connectmsg <message>"
39257msgstr "connectmsg <wiadomość>"
39259#: server/commands.c:182
39260msgid "Set message to show to connecting players."
39261msgstr "Wysyła wiadomość do wszystkich połączeń."
39263#: server/commands.c:183
39264msgid ""
39265"Set message to send to clients when they connect.\n"
39266"Empty message means that no message is sent."
39267msgstr ""
39268"Ustaw wiadomość dla klientów, gdy się łączą.\n"
39269"Pusta wiadomość oznacza, że nic nie wysłano."
39271#. TRANS: translate text between [] only; "vote" is as a process
39272#: server/commands.c:189
39273msgid "vote yes|no|abstain [vote number]"
39274msgstr "vote yes|no [numer głosowania]"
39276#. TRANS: "vote" as an instance of voting
39277#: server/commands.c:191
39278msgid "Cast a vote."
39279msgstr "Oddaje głos."
39281#: server/commands.c:193
39282#, no-c-format
39283msgid ""
39284"A player with basic level access issuing a control level command starts a "
39285"new vote for the command. The /vote command followed by \"yes\", \"no\", or "
39286"\"abstain\", and optionally a vote number, gives your vote. If you do not "
39287"add a vote number, your vote applies to the latest vote. You can only "
39288"suggest one vote at a time. The vote will pass immediately if more than half "
39289"of the voters who have not abstained vote for it, or fail immediately if at "
39290"least half of the voters who have not abstained vote against it."
39291msgstr ""
39292"Gracz posiadający podstawowy poziom dostępu, który wykonuje polecenia z "
39293"poziomu 'control' rozpoczyna nowe głosowanie nad danym poleceniem. Aby "
39294"zagłosować, użyj /vote, a po nim \"yes\" (czyli \"tak\"), \"no\" (czyli \"nie"
39295"\") lub \"abstain\"( czyli \"wstrzymuję się\") i ewentualnie numer "
39296"głosowania. Jeśli nie podasz numeru, twój głos będzie dotyczył ostatniego "
39297"głosowania. Możesz zaproponować jedynie jedno głosowanie na raz. Głosowanie "
39298"kończy się po zakończeniu jednej pełnej tury lub gdy zostanie rozstrzygnięte "
39299"wcześniej (jedna z opcji uzyska 50% głosów)."
39301#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39302#: server/commands.c:206
39303msgid ""
39304"debug diplomacy <player>\n"
39305"debug ferries\n"
39306"debug tech <player>\n"
39307"debug city <x> <y>\n"
39308"debug units <x> <y>\n"
39309"debug unit <id>\n"
39310"debug timing\n"
39311"debug info"
39312msgstr ""
39313"debug diplomacy <gracz>\n"
39314"debug ferries\n"
39315"debug tech <gracz>\n"
39316"debug city <x> <y>\n"
39317"debug units <x> <y>\n"
39318"debug unit <id>\n"
39319"debug timing\n"
39320"debug info"
39322#: server/commands.c:214
39323msgid "Turn on or off AI debugging of given entity."
39324msgstr "Włącza lub wyłącza debugowanie AI w podanym obiekcie."
39326#: server/commands.c:215
39327msgid ""
39328"Print AI debug information about given entity and turn continuous debugging "
39329"output for this entity on or off."
39330msgstr ""
39331"Pokazuje informacje debugera AI o podanym obiekcie oraz włącza lub wyłącza "
39332"debugowanie AI w tym obiekcie."
39334#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39335#: server/commands.c:221
39336msgid "set <option-name> <value>"
39337msgstr "set <opcja> <wartość>"
39339#: server/commands.c:222
39340msgid "Set server option."
39341msgstr "Ustawia opcję serwera."
39343#. TRANS: don't translate text in ''
39344#: server/commands.c:224
39345msgid ""
39346"Set an option on the server. The syntax and legal values depend on the "
39347"option; see the help for each option. Some options are \"bitwise\", in that "
39348"they consist of a choice from a set of values; separate these with |, for "
39349"instance, '/set topology wrapx|iso'. For these options, use syntax like '/"
39350"set topology \"\"' to set no values."
39351msgstr ""
39352"Ustawia opcję serwera. Składnia i dopuszczalne wartości zależą od opcji; "
39353"zobacz sekcję pomocy do każdej z opcji. W niektórych przypadkach można "
39354"ustawić wybór więcej niż jednej wartości; oddziel wtedy wartości |, np. '/"
39355"set topology wrapx|iso'. W przypadku takich opcji użyj składni takiej jak  '/"
39356"set topology \"\"' by nie ustawić żadnej wartości."
39358#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39359#: server/commands.c:234
39360msgid "team <player> <team>"
39361msgstr "team <gracz> <drużyna>"
39363#: server/commands.c:235
39364msgid "Change a player's team affiliation."
39365msgstr "Dodaje lub usuwa gracza z drużyny."
39367#: server/commands.c:236
39368msgid ""
39369"A team is a group of players that start out allied, with shared vision and "
39370"embassies, and fight together to achieve team victory with averaged "
39371"individual scores. Each player is always a member of a team (possibly the "
39372"only member). This command changes which team a player is a member of. Use "
39373"\"\" if names contain whitespace."
39374msgstr ""
39375"Drużyna to grupa graczy, którzy zaczynają jako sojusznicy - mają widok "
39376"dzielony i ambasady. Walczą o zwycięstwo razem, a wynik każdego gracza są "
39377"uśredniany. Każdy gracz jest zawsze członkiem jakiejś drużyna (możliwe, że "
39378"jedynym). Polecenie to zmienia grupę, do której należy gracz. Użyj \"\", "
39379"jeśli nazwy zawierają spacje."
39381#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39382#: server/commands.c:246
39383msgid "rulesetdir <directory>"
39384msgstr "rulesetdir <folder>"
39386#: server/commands.c:247
39387msgid "Choose new ruleset directory or modpack."
39388msgstr "Zmienia folder z zestawami zasad lub dodatek."
39390#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39391#: server/commands.c:253
39392msgid "metamessage <meta-line>"
39393msgstr "metapatch <meta-wiersz>"
39395#: server/commands.c:254
39396msgid "Set metaserver info line."
39397msgstr "Ustawia wiersz informacyjny metaserwera."
39399#: server/commands.c:255
39400msgid ""
39401"Set user defined metaserver info line. If parameter is omitted, previously "
39402"set metamessage will be removed. For most of the time user defined "
39403"metamessage will be used instead of automatically generated messages, if it "
39404"is available."
39405msgstr ""
39406"Ustawia wiersz informacyjny metaserwera. Jeśli nie podano parametru, "
39407"poprzednio ustawiona metawiadmość zostanie usunięta. Jeśli to możliwe, przez "
39408"większość czasu używane będą metawiadomości zdefiniowane przez użytkownika "
39409"zamiast automatycznie wygenerowanych metawiadomości serwera."
39411#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39412#: server/commands.c:263
39413msgid "metapatches <meta-line>"
39414msgstr "metapatch <meta-wiersz>"
39416#: server/commands.c:264
39417msgid "Set metaserver patches line."
39418msgstr "Ustawia wiersz łatek metaserwera."
39420#: server/commands.c:272
39421msgid "Control metaserver connection."
39422msgstr "Kontroluje połączenia z metaserwerem."
39424#: server/commands.c:273
39425msgid ""
39426"'metaconnection ?' reports on the status of the connection to metaserver. "
39427"'metaconnection down' or 'metac d' brings the metaserver connection down. "
39428"'metaconnection up' or 'metac u' brings the metaserver connection up. "
39429"'metaconnection persistent' or 'metac p' is like 'up', but keeps trying "
39430"after failures. "
39431msgstr ""
39432"'metaconnection ?' zgłasza stan połączenia z metaserwerem. 'metaconnection "
39433"down' lub 'metac d' przerywa połączenie z metaserwerem.\n"
39434"'metaconnection up' lub 'metac u' łączy z metaserwerem. 'metaconnection "
39435"persistent' lub 'metac p' działa jak 'up', lecz próbuje ponownie, jeśli nie "
39436"uda się nawiązać połączenia. "
39438#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39439#: server/commands.c:282
39440msgid "metaserver <address>"
39441msgstr "metaserver <adres>"
39443#: server/commands.c:283
39444msgid "Set address (URL) for metaserver to report to."
39445msgstr "Ustawia adres (URL) metaserwera, do którego będziemy meldować."
39447#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39448#: server/commands.c:288
39449msgid "aitoggle <player-name>"
39450msgstr "aitoggle <gracz>"
39452#: server/commands.c:289
39453msgid "Toggle AI status of player."
39454msgstr "Przełącza status AI gracza."
39457#. TRANS: translate text between [] and <> only
39458#: server/commands.c:294
39459msgid "take [connection-name] <player-name>"
39460msgstr "take [nazwa-połączenia] <nazwa-gracza>"
39462#: server/commands.c:295
39463msgid "Take over a player's place in the game."
39464msgstr "Zajmij miejsce gracza."
39466#. TRANS: Don't translate text between ''
39467#: server/commands.c:297
39468msgid ""
39469"Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
39470"connections to take over a player. If you're not one of these, only the "
39471"<player-name> argument is allowed. If '-' is given for the player name and "
39472"the connection does not already control a player, one is created and "
39473"assigned to the connection. The 'allowtake' option controls which players "
39474"may be taken and in what circumstances."
39475msgstr ""
39476"Tylko operator serwera i połączenia o prawach 'hack' mogą zmusić użytkownika "
39477"do zajęcia miejsca gracza. Jeśli nie masz takich praw, możesz tylko użyć "
39478"argumentu <nazwa-gracza>. Jeśli podano '-' jako nazwę gracza, a połączenie "
39479"nie kontroluje jeszcze gracza, gracz taki jest tworzony i przypisany do "
39480"połączenia. Opcja 'allowtake' określa jakiego gracza można przejąć i w "
39481"jakich okolicznościach."
39483#. TRANS: translate text between [] only
39484#: server/commands.c:308
39485msgid "observe [connection-name] [player-name]"
39486msgstr "observe [nazwa-połączenia] [nazwa-gracza]"
39488#: server/commands.c:309
39489msgid "Observe a player or the whole game."
39490msgstr "Obserwuje gracza lub całą grę."
39492#. TRANS: Don't translate text between ''
39493#: server/commands.c:311
39494msgid ""
39495"Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
39496"connections to observe a player. If you're not one of these, only the "
39497"[player-name] argument is allowed. If the console gives no player-name or "
39498"the connection uses no arguments, then the connection is attached to a "
39499"global observer. The 'allowtake' option controls which players may be "
39500"observed and in what circumstances."
39501msgstr ""
39502"Tylko operator serwera i połączenia o prawach 'hack' mają prawo zmusić "
39503"użytkownika do obserwowania gracza. Jeśli nie masz takich praw możesz użyć "
39504"jedynie argumentu [nazwa-gracza]. Jeśli nie podano nazwy-gracza wewnątrz "
39505"konsoli, to używany jest globalny obserwator. Opcja 'allowtake' określa "
39506"jakich graczy można przejąć i w jakich okolicznościach."
39508#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39509#: server/commands.c:321
39510msgid "detach <connection-name>"
39511msgstr "detach <nazwa-połączenia>"
39513#: server/commands.c:322
39514msgid "Detach from a player."
39515msgstr "Odłącza od gracza."
39517#: server/commands.c:323
39518msgid ""
39519"Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
39520"connections to detach from a player."
39521msgstr ""
39522"Tylko operator serwera i połączenia o prawach 'hack' mają prawo odłączyć "
39523"użytkownika od gracza."
39525#. TRANS: translate text between <> and [] only
39526#: server/commands.c:329
39527msgid "create <player-name> [ai type]"
39528msgstr "create <nazwa-gracza> [typ ai]"
39530#: server/commands.c:330
39531msgid "Create an AI player with a given name."
39532msgstr "Tworzy gracza AI o danej nazwie."
39534#. TRANS: don't translate text between single quotes
39535#: server/commands.c:332
39536msgid ""
39537"With the 'create' command a new player with the given name is created.\n"
39538"If 'player-name' is empty, a random name will be assigned when the game "
39539"begins. Until then the player will be known by a name derived from its "
39541"The 'ai type' parameter can be used to select which AI module will be used "
39542"for the created player. This requires that the respective module has been "
39543"loaded or built in to the server.\n"
39544"If the game has already started, the new player will have no units or "
39545"cities; also, if no free player slots are available, the slot of a dead "
39546"player can be reused (removing all record of that player from the running "
39548msgstr ""
39549"Polecenie 'create' tworzy gracza o podanej nazwie.\n"
39550"Jeśli 'player-name' jest puste, na początku rozgrywki graczowi przypisana "
39551"będzie losowa nazwa. Do tego czasu gracz będzie znany pod identyfikatorem "
39552"zaczerpniętym z odpowiadającego mu typu.\n"
39553"Można użyć parametru 'ai type', by określić, który moduł AI będzie używany "
39554"przez nowego gracza. W takim wypadku Freeciv musi być skompilowane tak, by "
39555"wspierało wczytywalne moduły AI, a odpowiedni moduł musi być wczytany lub "
39556"wbudowany w serwer.\n"
39557"Jeśli rozgrywka już się rozpoczęła, nowy gracz nie będzie miał jednostek ani "
39558"miast, a jeśli nie ma już wolnych miejsc na graczy, można wykorzystać "
39559"miejsca martwych graczy (usuwając wszystkie zapisy martwego gracza z "
39560"bieżącej rozgrywki)."
39562#: server/commands.c:349
39563msgid "Set yourself in away mode. The AI will watch your back."
39564msgstr ""
39565"Ustawia cię w tryb 'nieobecny' (away). AI będzie pilnowało twojej "
39568#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39569#: server/commands.c:355
39570msgid ""
39572"handicapped <player-name>"
39573msgstr ""
39575"handicapped <nazwa-gracza>"
39577#. TRANS: translate 'Handicapped' as AI skill level
39578#: server/commands.c:358
39579msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Handicapped'."
39580msgstr ""
39581"Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'handicapped' (ułomny)."
39583#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39584#: server/commands.c:363
39585msgid ""
39587"novice <player-name>"
39588msgstr ""
39590"novice <gracz>"
39592#. TRANS: translate 'Novice' as AI skill level
39593#: server/commands.c:366
39594msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Novice'."
39595msgstr ""
39596"Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'novice' (początkuący)."
39598#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39599#: server/commands.c:371
39600msgid ""
39602"easy <player-name>"
39603msgstr ""
39605"easy <gracz>"
39607#. TRANS: translate 'Easy' as AI skill level
39608#: server/commands.c:374
39609msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Easy'."
39610msgstr "Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'easy' (łatwy)."
39612#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39613#: server/commands.c:379
39614msgid ""
39616"normal <player-name>"
39617msgstr ""
39619"normal <gracz>"
39621#. TRANS: translate 'Normal' as AI skill level
39622#: server/commands.c:382
39623msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Normal'."
39624msgstr ""
39625"Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'normal' (normalny)."
39627#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39628#: server/commands.c:387
39629msgid ""
39631"hard <player-name>"
39632msgstr ""
39634"hard <gracz>"
39636#. TRANS: translate 'Hard' as AI skill level
39637#: server/commands.c:390
39638msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Hard'."
39639msgstr "Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'hard' (trudny)."
39641#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39642#: server/commands.c:395
39643msgid ""
39645"cheating <player-name>"
39646msgstr ""
39648"cheating <gracz>"
39650#. TRANS: translate 'Cheating' as AI skill level
39651#: server/commands.c:398
39652msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Cheating'."
39653msgstr ""
39654"Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI na poziom 'cheating' (oszust)."
39656#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39657#: server/commands.c:404
39658msgid ""
39660"experimental <player-name>"
39661msgstr ""
39663"experimental <gracz>"
39665#. TRANS: translate 'Experimental' as AI skill level
39666#: server/commands.c:407
39667msgid "Set one or all AI players to 'Experimental'."
39668msgstr ""
39669"Ustawia jednego bądź wszystkich graczy AI w tryb "
39670"'experimental' (eksperymentalny)."
39672#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39673#: server/commands.c:413
39674msgid ""
39676"cmdlevel <level>\n"
39677"cmdlevel <level> new\n"
39678"cmdlevel <level> first\n"
39679"cmdlevel <level> <connection-name>"
39680msgstr ""
39682"cmdlevel <poziom>\n"
39683"cmdlevel <poziom> new\n"
39684"cmdlevel <poziom> first\n"
39685"cmdlevel <poziom> <gracz>"
39687#: server/commands.c:418
39688msgid "Query or set command access level access."
39689msgstr "Pokazuje lub zmienia poziomy dostępu do operacji."
39691#: server/commands.c:419
39692msgid ""
39693"The command access level controls which server commands are available to "
39694"users via the client chatline. The available levels are:\n"
39695"    none  -  no commands\n"
39696"    info  -  informational or observer commands only\n"
39697"    basic -  commands available to players in the game\n"
39698"    ctrl  -  commands that affect the game and users\n"
39699"    admin -  commands that affect server operation\n"
39700"    hack  -  *all* commands - dangerous!\n"
39701"With no arguments, the current command access levels are reported. With a "
39702"single argument, the level is set for all existing connections, and the "
39703"default is set for future connections. If 'new' is specified, the level is "
39704"set for newly connecting clients. If 'first come' is specified, the 'first "
39705"come' level is set; it will be granted to the first client to connect, or if "
39706"there are connections already, the first client to issue the 'first' "
39707"command. If a connection name is specified, the level is set for that "
39708"connection only.\n"
39709"Command access levels do not persist if a client disconnects, because some "
39710"untrusted person could reconnect with the same name. Note that this command "
39711"now takes connection names, not player names."
39712msgstr ""
39713"Poziom dostępu do operacji daje prawa wykonywania poleceń przez czat "
39714"klienta. Dostępne poziomy to:\n"
39715"   none  -  brak poleceń\n"
39716"   info  -  tylko polecenia zapytań i obserwatorów\n"
39717"   basic -  dostępne użytkownikom podczas gry\n"
39718"   ctrl  -  polecenia wpływające na grę i graczy\n"
39719"   admin -  polecenia wpływające na serwer\n"
39720"   hack  -  WSZYSTKIE polecenia - niebezpieczne!\n"
39721"Bez argumentów, polecenie wyświetla aktualnie przyznane poziomy dostępu. Z "
39722"jednym argumentem przyznaje poziom wszystkim połączeniom oraz ustawia "
39723"domyślny dla nowych połączeń. Jeżeli podano 'new', ustawia poziom dla nowych "
39724"połączeń. Jeżeli podano 'first come', ustawia specjalny poziom 'first come', "
39725"który zostanie przyznany pierwszemu graczowi, który się połączy, lub jeśli "
39726"gracze są już połączeni, pierwszemu, który użyje polecenia 'first'. Jeżeli "
39727"podano nazwę połączenia, polecenie przyzna poziom tylko danemu połączeniu.\n"
39728"Poziomy dostępu nie są zapamiętywane po rozłączeniu ze względów "
39729"bezpieczeństwa. To polecenie przyjmuje nazwy połączeń, a nie nazwy graczy."
39731#: server/commands.c:445
39732msgid "If there is none, become the game organizer with increased permissions."
39733msgstr "Przyjmij uprawnienia organizatora, jeśli jeszcze go nie ma."
39735#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39736#: server/commands.c:451
39737msgid "timeoutincrease <turn> <turninc> <value> <valuemult>"
39738msgstr "timeoutincrease <liczba_tur> <powiększ_o> <wartość> <mnożnik>"
39740#: server/commands.c:452
39741msgid "See \"/help timeoutincrease\"."
39742msgstr "Zobacz \"/help timeoutincrease\"."
39744#: server/commands.c:453
39745msgid ""
39746"Every <turn> turns, add <value> to timeout timer, then add <turninc> to "
39747"<turn> and multiply <value> by <valuemult>. Use this command in concert with "
39748"the option \"timeout\". Defaults are 0 0 0 1"
39749msgstr ""
39750"Co <liczba_tur> tur, dodaje <wartość> do licznika, następnie dodaje "
39751"<powiększ_o> do <liczba_tur> i mnoży <wartość> przez <mnożnik>. Używaj razem "
39752"z opcją \"timeout\". Wartości domyślne to 0 0 0 1"
39754#. TRANS: translate text between <> only; "vote" is as a process
39755#: server/commands.c:460
39756msgid ""
39758"cancelvote <vote number>\n"
39759"cancelvote all\n"
39760msgstr ""
39762"cancelvote <numer głosowania>\n"
39763"cancelvote all\n"
39765#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
39766#: server/commands.c:464
39767msgid "Cancel a running vote."
39768msgstr "Anuluj trwające głosowanie."
39770#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
39771#: server/commands.c:466
39772msgid ""
39773"With no arguments this command removes your own vote. If you have an admin "
39774"access level, you can cancel any vote by vote number, or all votes with the "
39775"'all' argument."
39776msgstr ""
39777"Bez argumentów, polecenie usuwa twoje własne głosowanie. Jeśli masz poziom "
39778"dostępu 'admin', możesz anulować dowolne głosowanie identyfikując je numerem "
39779"lub wszystkie głosowania, jeśli uzyjesz argumentu 'all'."
39781#. TRANS: translate text between <> and [] only
39782#: server/commands.c:473
39783msgid "ignore [type=]<pattern>"
39784msgstr "ignore [type=]<wzór>"
39786#: server/commands.c:474
39787msgid "Block all messages from users matching the pattern."
39788msgstr "Blokuje wszystkie wiadomości pasujące do wzoru."
39790#: server/commands.c:475
39791msgid ""
39792"The given pattern will be added to your ignore list; you will not receive "
39793"any messages from users matching this pattern. The type may be either \"user"
39794"\", \"host\", or \"ip\". The default type (if omitted) is to match against "
39795"the username. The pattern supports unix glob style wildcards, i.e., * "
39796"matches zero or more character, ? exactly one character, [abc] exactly one "
39797"of 'a' 'b' or 'c', etc. To access your current ignore list, issue \"/list "
39799msgstr ""
39800"Podany wzorzec zostanie dodany do listy ignorowanych, tzn. że nie będziesz "
39801"otrzymywać żadnych wiadomości od graczy pasujących do tego wzorca. Może to "
39802"być użytkownik (\"user\"), host (\"host\") lub numer IP (\"ip\"), a wzorzec "
39803"domyślny (gdy argument zostanie pominięty) to użytkownik. We wzorcu używać "
39804"można wieloznaczników uniksowych, tj. * (zastępuje dowolny ciąg znaków), ? "
39805"(zastępuje jeden znak), [abc] dokładnie jedno z 'a', 'b' lub 'c' itd. Aby "
39806"wyświetlić listę ignorowanych, wpisz \"/list ignore\"."
39808#. TRANS: translate text between <>
39809#: server/commands.c:486
39810msgid "unignore <range>"
39811msgstr "unignore <zakres>"
39813#: server/commands.c:487
39814msgid "Remove ignore list entries."
39815msgstr "Usuwa oznaczenie ignorowania ze wszystkich pozycji listy."
39817#: server/commands.c:488
39818msgid ""
39819"The ignore list entries in the given range will be removed; you will be able "
39820"to receive messages from the respective users. The range argument may be a "
39821"single number or a pair of numbers separated by a dash '-'. If the first "
39822"number is omitted, it is assumed to be 1; if the last is omitted, it is "
39823"assumed to be the last valid ignore list index. To access your current "
39824"ignore list, issue \"/list ignore\"."
39825msgstr ""
39826"Wpisy mieszczące się w podanym zakresie zostaną usunięte z listy "
39827"ignorowanych, a więc będziesz otrzymywać wiadomości od tych osób. Argumentem "
39828"zakresu może być jeden numer lub para numerów przedzielona myślnikiem '-'. "
39829"Jeśli pierwszy numer jest pominięty, program zakłada, że jest to 1; jeśli "
39830"pominięty jest ostatni numer, zakłada się, że jest to ostatni indeks na "
39831"liście ignorowanych. Aby wyświetlić listę ignorowanych, wpisz \"/list ignore"
39834#. TRANS: translate text between <>
39835#: server/commands.c:499
39836msgid ""
39837"playercolor <player-name> <color>\n"
39838"playercolor <player-name> reset"
39839msgstr ""
39840"playercolor <nazwa-gracza> <kolor>\n"
39841"playercolor <nazwa-gracza> reset"
39843#: server/commands.c:501
39844msgid "Define the color of a player."
39845msgstr "Określ kolor gracza."
39847#: server/commands.c:502
39848msgid ""
39849"This command sets the color of a specific player, overriding any color "
39850"assigned according to the 'plrcolormode' setting.\n"
39851"The color is defined using hexadecimal notation (hex) for the combination of "
39852"Red, Green, and Blue color components (RGB), similarly to HTML. For each "
39853"component, the lowest (darkest) value is 0 (in hex: 00), and the highest "
39854"value is 255 (in hex: FF). The color definition is simply the three hex "
39855"values concatenated together (RRGGBB). For example, the following command "
39856"sets Caesar to pure red:\n"
39857"  playercolor Caesar ff0000\n"
39858"Before the game starts, this command can only be used if the 'plrcolormode' "
39859"setting is set to 'PLR_SET'; a player's color can be unset again by "
39860"specifying 'reset'.\n"
39861"Once the game has started and colors have been assigned, this command "
39862"changes the player color in any mode; 'reset' cannot be used.\n"
39863"To list the player colors, use 'list colors'."
39864msgstr ""
39865"To polecenie ustawia kolor narodu gracza i ignoruje przydział kolorów "
39866"określony opcją 'plrcolormode'.\n"
39867"Kolor określany jest przy pomocy notacji szesnastkowej (hex) dla kombinacji "
39868"kolorów czerwonego, zielonego i niebieskiego (RGB), podobnie jak w kodzie "
39869"HTML. Najniższa wartość każdego komponentu (kolor najciemniejszy) to 0 (w "
39870"notacji szesnastkowej : 00), najwyższa wartość to 255 (w notacji "
39871"szesnastkowej: FF). Definicja koloru to po prostu te trzy wartości połączone "
39872"w jeden ciąg (RRGGBB). Na przykład, poniższe polecenie określa kolor Cezara "
39873"na czerwony:\n"
39874" playercolor Cezar ff0000\n"
39875"W początkowej fazie gry kolor może być określony jedynie jeśli opcja "
39876"'plrcolormode' jest ustawiona na 'PLR_SET'. Zdefiniowany kolor można usunąć "
39877"poprzez 'reset'.\n"
39878"W trwającej już rozgrywce polecenie to zmienia kolor gracza; nie można już "
39879"wtedy użyć 'reset'.\n"
39880"Aby wyświetlić listę kolorów graczy, użyj polecenia 'list colors'."
39882#: server/commands.c:522
39883msgid "End the game immediately in a draw."
39884msgstr "Kończy grę remisem."
39886#: server/commands.c:528
39887msgid "Concede the game."
39888msgstr "Poddaje grę."
39890#: server/commands.c:529
39891msgid ""
39892"This tells everyone else that you concede the game, and if all but one "
39893"player (or one team) have conceded the game in this way then the game ends."
39894msgstr ""
39895"Poprzez wykonanie tego polecenia stwierdzasz, że poddałeś/aś grę. Jeśli "
39896"wszyscy gracze oprócz jednego poddadzą grę, to zostanie ona zakończona."
39898#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39899#: server/commands.c:536
39900msgid "remove <player-name>"
39901msgstr "remove <gracz>"
39903#: server/commands.c:537
39904msgid "Fully remove player from game."
39905msgstr "Całkowicie usuwa gracza z gry."
39907#: server/commands.c:538
39908msgid ""
39909"This *completely* removes a player from the game, including all cities and "
39910"units etc. Use with care!"
39911msgstr ""
39912"CAŁKOWICIE usuwa gracza z gry, także jego miasta i jednostki. Używaj z "
39915#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39916#: server/commands.c:544
39917msgid ""
39919"save <file-name>"
39920msgstr ""
39922"save <nazwa-pliku>"
39924#: server/commands.c:546
39925msgid "Save game to file."
39926msgstr "Zapisuje grę do pliku."
39928#: server/commands.c:547
39929msgid ""
39930"Save the current game to file <file-name>. If no file-name argument is given "
39931"saves to \"<auto-save name prefix><year>m.sav[.gz]\". To reload a savegame "
39932"created by 'save', start the server with the command-line argument:\n"
39933"    '--file <filename>' or '-f <filename>'\n"
39934"and use the 'start' command once players have reconnected."
39935msgstr ""
39936"Zapisuje grę do pliku <nazwa-pliku>. Jeżeli nie podano nazwy pliku, gra jest "
39937"zapisywana do pliku \"<przedrostek auto-zapisu><rok>m.sav.[gz]\". Aby "
39938"wczytać tak zapisaną grę, należy uruchomić serwer z argumentem:\n"
39939"    '--file <nazwa-pliku>' lub '-f <nazwa-pliku>'\n"
39940"oraz użyć polecenia 'start', gdy gracze znów się połączą."
39942#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39943#: server/commands.c:557
39944msgid ""
39946"scensave <file-name>"
39947msgstr ""
39949"save <nazwa-pliku>"
39951#: server/commands.c:559
39952msgid "Save game to file as scenario."
39953msgstr "Zapisuje grę do pliku jako scenariusz."
39955#: server/commands.c:560
39956msgid ""
39957"Save the current game to file <file-name> as scenario. If no file-name "
39958"argument is given saves to \"<auto-save name prefix><year>m.sav[.gz]\". To "
39959"reload a savegame created by 'scensave', start the server with the command-"
39960"line argument:\n"
39961"    '--file <filename>' or '-f <filename>'\n"
39962"and use the 'start' command once players have reconnected."
39963msgstr ""
39964"Zapisuje grę do pliku <nazwa-pliku> jako scenariusz. Jeżeli nie podano nazwy "
39965"pliku, gra jest zapisywana do pliku \"<przedrostek auto-zapisu><rok>m.sav."
39966"[gz]\". Aby wczytać tak zapisaną grę, należy uruchomić serwer z argumentem:\n"
39967"    '--file <nazwa-pliku>' lub '-f <nazwa-pliku>'\n"
39968"oraz użyć polecenia 'start', gdy gracze znów się połączą."
39970#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39971#: server/commands.c:570
39972msgid ""
39974"load <file-name>"
39975msgstr ""
39977"load <nazwa-pliku>"
39979#: server/commands.c:572
39980msgid "Load game from file."
39981msgstr "Wczytuje grę z pliku."
39983#: server/commands.c:573
39984msgid ""
39985"Load a game from <file-name>. Any current data including players, rulesets "
39986"and server options are lost."
39987msgstr ""
39988"Wczytuje zapisaną grę z pliku <nazwa-pliku>. Wszystkie ustawienia dotyczące "
39989"graczy, zasad i opcji serwera zostają utracone."
39991#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
39992#: server/commands.c:579
39993msgid "read <file-name>"
39994msgstr "read <nazwa-pliku>"
39996#: server/commands.c:580
39997msgid "Process server commands from file."
39998msgstr "Wykonuje polecenie serwera zapisane w podanym pliku."
40000#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
40001#: server/commands.c:585
40002msgid "write <file-name>"
40003msgstr "write <nazwa-pliku>"
40005#: server/commands.c:586
40006msgid "Write current settings as server commands to file."
40007msgstr "Zapisuje aktualne ustawienia jako polecenia serwera do pliku."
40009#: server/commands.c:592
40010msgid "Reset all server settings."
40011msgstr "Resetuje wszystkie ustawienia serwera."
40013#: server/commands.c:593
40014msgid ""
40015"Reset all settings if it is possible. The following levels are supported:\n"
40016"  game     - using the values defined at the game start\n"
40017"  ruleset  - using the values defined in the ruleset\n"
40018"  script   - using default values and rereading the start script\n"
40019"  default  - using default values\n"
40020msgstr ""
40021"Jeśli jest to możliwe, resetuje wszystkie ustawienia. Wspierane są "
40022"następujące poziomy:\n"
40023"  game     - używa wartości określonych na początku gry\n"
40024"  ruleset  - używa wartości określonych w zestawie zasad\n"
40025"  script   - używa wartości domyślnych i wczytuje ponownie skrypt startowy\n"
40026"  default  - używa wartości domyślnych\n"
40028#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
40029#: server/commands.c:603
40030msgid "default <option name>"
40031msgstr "default <nazwa opcji>"
40033#: server/commands.c:604
40034msgid "Set option to its default value"
40035msgstr "Ustaw opcję na wartość domyślną"
40037#: server/commands.c:605
40038msgid ""
40039"Reset the option to its default value. If the default ever changes in a "
40040"future version, the option's value will follow that change."
40041msgstr ""
40042"Przywraca opcje do wartości domyślnej. Jeśli wartość domyślna będzie inna w "
40043"przyszłych wersjach, wartość opcji zmieni się odpowiednio."
40045#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
40046#: server/commands.c:612
40047msgid ""
40048"lua cmd <script line>\n"
40049"lua file <script file>\n"
40050"lua <script line> (deprecated)"
40051msgstr ""
40052"lua cmd <linijka skryptu>\n"
40053"lua file <plik ze skryptem>\n"
40054"lua <linijka skryptu> (przestarzałe)"
40056#: server/commands.c:615
40057msgid ""
40058"Evaluate a line of Freeciv script or a Freeciv script file in the current "
40060msgstr ""
40061"Weryfikuje linijkę skryptu Freeciv lub plik ze skryptem w bieżącej grze."
40063#. TRANS: translate text between <>
40064#: server/commands.c:621
40065msgid "kick <user>"
40066msgstr "kick <użytkownik>"
40068#: server/commands.c:622
40069msgid "Cut a connection and disallow reconnect."
40070msgstr "Przerywa połączenie i uniemożliwia ponowienie."
40072#: server/commands.c:623
40073msgid ""
40074"The connection given by the 'user' argument will be cut from the server and "
40075"not allowed to reconnect. The time the user wouldn't be able to reconnect is "
40076"controlled by the 'kicktime' setting."
40077msgstr ""
40078"Połączenie podane w argumencie 'użytkownik' zostanie odłączone od serwera i "
40079"nie zezwoli się mu na ponowne połączenie. Czas, podczas którego użytkownik "
40080"nie będzie mógł się połączyć jest określony w ustawieniu 'kicktime'."
40082#. TRANS: translate only text between [] and <>
40083#: server/commands.c:630
40084msgid ""
40085"delegate to <username> [player-name]\n"
40086"delegate cancel [player-name]\n"
40087"delegate take <player-name>\n"
40088"delegate restore\n"
40089"delegate show <player-name>"
40090msgstr ""
40091"delegate to <nazwa-użytkownika> [nazwa-gracza]\n"
40092"delegate cancel [nazwa-gracza]\n"
40093"delegate take <nazwa-gracza>\n"
40094"delegate restore\n"
40095"delegate show <nazwa-gracza>"
40097#: server/commands.c:635
40098msgid "Delegate control to another user."
40099msgstr "Przekaż pełnomocnictwo innemu użytkownikowi."
40101#: server/commands.c:636
40102msgid ""
40103"Delegation allows a user to nominate another user who can temporarily take "
40104"over control of their player while they are away.\n"
40105"'delegate to <username>': allow <username> to 'delegate take' your player.\n"
40106"'delegate cancel': nominated user can no longer take your player.\n"
40107"'delegate take <player-name>': take control of a player who has been "
40108"delegated to you. (Behaves like 'take', except that the 'allowtake' "
40109"restrictions are not enforced.)\n"
40110"'delegate restore': relinquish control of a delegated player (opposite of "
40111"'delegate take') and restore your previous view, if any. (This also happens "
40112"automatically if the player's owner reconnects.)\n"
40113"'delegate show': show who control of your player is currently delegated to, "
40114"if anyone.\n"
40115"The [player-name] argument can only be used by connections with cmdlevel "
40116"'admin' or above to force the corresponding change of the delegation status."
40117msgstr ""
40118"Pełnomocnictwo pozwala użytkownikowi określić innego użytkownika, który ma "
40119"tymczasowo przejąć kontrolę nad graczem, gdy ten pierwszy nie uczestniczy w "
40121"'delegate to <nazwa-użytkownika>': pozwala <nazwa użytkownika> na 'delegate "
40122"take' danego gracza.\n"
40123"'delegate cancel': wskazany użytkownik nie może już przejąć gracza.\n"
40124"'delegate take <nazwa-gracza>': przejmuje kontrolę nad graczem, który został "
40125"ci przekazany. (Podobne do 'take', lecz bez ograniczeń z 'allowtake'.)\n"
40126"'delegate restore': pozbywa się pełnomocnictwa nad przekazanym graczem "
40127"(przeciwieństwo 'delegate take') i przywraca poprzedni widok, jeśli takowy "
40128"posiadałeś/aś. (Dzieje się to też automatycznie, gdy właściciel gracza "
40129"ponownie się połączył.)\n"
40130"'delegate show': pokazuje komu jest obecnie przekazane pełnomocnictwo nad "
40131"twoim graczem (jeśli jest ono przekazane).\n"
40132"Argument [nazwa-gracza] może być użyty tylko przez połączenia z poziomem "
40133"dostępu 'admin' lub wyższym, by wymusić odpowiednią zmianę statusu "
40136#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
40137#: server/commands.c:656
40138msgid ""
40139"fcdb reload\n"
40140"fcdb lua <script>"
40141msgstr ""
40142"fcdb reload\n"
40143"fcdb lua <skrypt>"
40145#: server/commands.c:658
40146msgid "Manage the authentication database."
40147msgstr "Zarządzaj bazą danych uwierzytelnień."
40149#: server/commands.c:659
40150msgid ""
40151"The argument 'reload' causes the database script file to be re-read after a "
40152"change, while the argument 'lua' evaluates a line of Lua script in the "
40153"context of the Lua instance for the database."
40154msgstr ""
40155"Argument 'reload' pozwala na zresetowanie pliku ze skryptem bazy danych po "
40156"zmianie, a argument 'lua' ocenia linijki skryptu Lua w kontekście fragmentu "
40157"Lua dla bazy danych."
40159#. TRANS: translate text between <> only
40160#: server/commands.c:666
40161msgid ""
40162"mapimg define <mapdef>\n"
40163"mapimg show <id>|all\n"
40164"mapimg create <id>|all\n"
40165"mapimg delete <id>|all\n"
40166"mapimg colortest"
40167msgstr ""
40168"mapimg define <definicja-mapy>\n"
40169"mapimg show <identyfikator>|all\n"
40170"mapimg create <identyfikator>|all\n"
40171"mapimg delete <identyfikator>|all\n"
40172"mapimg colortest"
40174#: server/commands.c:671
40175msgid "Create image files of the world/player map."
40176msgstr "Tworzy obrazy map świata lub pojedynczego gracza."
40178#: server/commands.c:678
40179msgid "Switch server output between 'RFC-style' and normal style."
40180msgstr "Przełącza pomiędzy 'RFC-style' i normalnym stylem wyświetlania."
40182#: server/commands.c:684
40183msgid "Simply returns the id of the server."
40184msgstr "Zwraca identyfikator serwera."
40186#: server/connecthand.c:140
40187#, c-format
40188msgid "%s Welcome"
40189msgstr "%s Witamy"
40191#: server/connecthand.c:165
40192#, c-format
40193msgid "Welcome to the %s Server running at %s port %d."
40194msgstr "Witamy na serwerze %s uruchomionym na maszynie %s port %d."
40196#: server/connecthand.c:169
40197#, c-format
40198msgid "Welcome to the %s Server at port %d."
40199msgstr "Witamy na serwerze %s, na porcie %d."
40201#: server/connecthand.c:177 server/connecthand.c:276
40202#, c-format
40203msgid "%s has connected from %s."
40204msgstr "Połączył/a się %s z %s."
40206#: server/connecthand.c:200
40207#, c-format
40208msgid "Your delegate %s was controlling your player '%s'; now detached."
40209msgstr "Twój pełnomocnik %s kontrolował gracza '%s'; obecnie odłączony."
40211#: server/connecthand.c:204
40212#, c-format
40213msgid "%s reconnected, ending your delegated control of player '%s'."
40214msgstr "%s połączył/a się ponownie, kończę pełnomocnictwo nad graczem '%s'."
40216#: server/connecthand.c:213
40217#, c-format
40218msgid "Couldn't get control of '%s' from delegation to %s."
40219msgstr "Nie udało się przejąć kontroli nad '%s\" z pełnomocnictwa dla %s."
40222#: server/connecthand.c:235
40223msgid "Couldn't attach your connection to new player."
40224msgstr "Nie udało się przypisać twojego połączenia do nowego gracza."
40226#: server/connecthand.c:253
40227#, c-format
40228msgid "You are logged in as '%s' connected to no player."
40229msgstr ""
40230"Zostałeś/aś zalogowany jako '%s'; nie jesteś przyłączony do żadnego gracza."
40232#: server/connecthand.c:257
40233#, c-format
40234msgid "You are logged in as '%s' connected to %s."
40235msgstr "Zostałeś/aś zalogowany/a jako '%s' i przyłączony/a do gracza %s."
40237#: server/connecthand.c:271
40238#, c-format
40239msgid "%s has connected from %s (player %s)."
40240msgstr "%s połączył/a się z %s (gracz %s)."
40242#: server/connecthand.c:293
40243#, c-format
40244msgid "Turn-blocking game play: waiting on %s to finish turn..."
40245msgstr "Blokada końca tury: Oczekiwanie na zakończenie tury przez %s..."
40247#: server/connecthand.c:302
40248msgid " *** Server is in edit mode. *** "
40249msgstr " *** Serwer w trybie edycji *** "
40251#: server/connecthand.c:332
40252#, c-format
40253msgid "Client rejected: %s."
40254msgstr "Klient odrzucony: %s."
40256#: server/connecthand.c:352
40257#, c-format
40258msgid "Connection request from %s from %s"
40259msgstr "%s z %s domaga się połączenia"
40261#: server/connecthand.c:356
40262#, c-format
40263msgid "%s has client version %d.%d.%d%s"
40264msgstr "%s używa klienta w wersji %d.%d.%d%s"
40266#: server/connecthand.c:366
40267#, c-format
40268msgid ""
40269"The client is missing a capability that this server needs.\n"
40270"Server version: %d.%d.%d%s Client version: %d.%d.%d%s.  Upgrading may help!"
40271msgstr ""
40272"Klientowi brakuje funkcji wymaganych przez serwer.\n"
40273"Wersja serwera: %d.%d.%d%s Wersja klienta: %d.%d.%d%s. Zaleca się "
40276#: server/connecthand.c:373 server/connecthand.c:388
40277#, c-format
40278msgid "%s was rejected: Mismatched capabilities."
40279msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Niezgodność funkcji."
40281#: server/connecthand.c:381
40282#, c-format
40283msgid ""
40284"The server is missing a capability that the client needs.\n"
40285"Server version: %d.%d.%d%s Client version: %d.%d.%d%s.  Upgrading may help!"
40286msgstr ""
40287"Serwerowi brakuje funkcji wymaganych przez klienta.\n"
40288"Wersja serwera: %d.%d.%d%s Wersja klienta: %d.%d.%d%s. Zaleca się "
40291#: server/connecthand.c:397
40292#, c-format
40293msgid "Invalid username '%s'"
40294msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika '%s'"
40296#: server/connecthand.c:399
40297#, c-format
40298msgid "%s was rejected: Invalid name [%s]."
40299msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Nieprawidłowa nazwa [%s]."
40301#: server/connecthand.c:405
40302#, c-format
40303msgid ""
40304"You have been kicked from this server and cannot reconnect for %d seconds."
40305msgstr ""
40306"Odrzucono cię z serwera i nie możesz ponowić połączenia przez %d sekund."
40308#: server/connecthand.c:409
40309#, c-format
40310msgid "%s was rejected: Connection kicked (%d seconds remaining)."
40311msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Zerwano połączenie (pozostało %d sekund)."
40313#: server/connecthand.c:418
40314#, c-format
40315msgid "'%s' already connected."
40316msgstr "'%s' jest już połączony/a."
40318#: server/connecthand.c:421
40319#, c-format
40320msgid "%s was rejected: Duplicate login name [%s]."
40321msgstr "%s został odrzucony: Zduplikowany login [%s]."
40323#: server/connecthand.c:463 server/connecthand.c:468
40324#, c-format
40325msgid "Lost connection: %s."
40326msgstr "Utracono połączenie: %s."
40328#: server/connecthand.c:769
40329#, c-format
40330msgid "Detaching from %s."
40331msgstr "Odłączam od %s."
40333#: server/console.c:252
40334msgid "Ok. RFC-style set."
40335msgstr "Ok. Ustawiony styl RFC."
40337#: server/console.c:254
40338msgid "Ok. Standard style set."
40339msgstr "Ok. Ustawiony styl standardowy."
40341#: server/console.c:274
40342msgid "For introductory help, type 'help'."
40343msgstr "Aby uzyskać pomoc, wpisz 'help'."
40345#: server/diplhand.c:214
40346#, c-format
40347msgid "The %s can't accept %s."
40348msgstr "%s nie może przyjąć %s."
40350#: server/diplhand.c:227
40351#, c-format
40352msgid "You don't have tech %s, you can't accept treaty."
40353msgstr "Nie masz technologii %s, nie możesz przyjąć traktatu."
40355#: server/diplhand.c:237
40356msgid "City you are trying to give no longer exists, you can't accept treaty."
40357msgstr ""
40358"Miasto, które próbujesz przekazać już nie istnieje, nie możesz przyjąć "
40361#: server/diplhand.c:243
40362#, c-format
40363msgid "You are not owner of %s, you can't accept treaty."
40364msgstr "Nie kontrolujesz miasta %s, nie możesz przyjąć traktatu."
40366#: server/diplhand.c:249 server/diplhand.c:364
40367#, c-format
40368msgid "Your capital (%s) is requested, you can't accept treaty."
40369msgstr "Nie możesz przekazać stolicy (%s), nie możesz  przyjąć traktatu."
40371#: server/diplhand.c:271
40372#, c-format
40373msgid "You cannot form an alliance because you are at war with an ally of %s."
40374msgstr "Nie można zawrzeć sojuszu, gdyż prowadzisz wojnę z sojusznikiem %s."
40376#: server/diplhand.c:276
40377#, c-format
40378msgid "You cannot form an alliance because %s is at war with an ally of yours."
40379msgstr ""
40380"Nie można zawrzeć sojuszu, ponieważ %s prowadzi wojnę z twoim sojusznikiem."
40382#: server/diplhand.c:287
40383msgid "You don't have enough gold, you can't accept treaty."
40384msgstr "Masz za mało złota, nie możesz przyjąć traktatu."
40386#: server/diplhand.c:319 server/diplhand.c:324
40387#, c-format
40388msgid "A treaty containing %d clause was agreed upon."
40389msgid_plural "A treaty containing %d clauses was agreed upon."
40390msgstr[0] "Uchwalono traktat zawierający %d klauzulę."
40391msgstr[1] "Uchwalono traktat zawierający %d klauzule."
40392msgstr[2] "Uchwalono traktat zawierający %d klauzul."
40394#: server/diplhand.c:340 server/diplhand.c:344
40395#, c-format
40396msgid "One of the cities the %s are giving away is destroyed! Treaty canceled!"
40397msgstr "%s przekazuje miasto, które zostało zniszczone! Traktat anulowany!"
40399#: server/diplhand.c:351 server/diplhand.c:356
40400#, c-format
40401msgid "The %s no longer control %s! Treaty canceled!"
40402msgstr "%s nie kontroluje już miasta %s! Traktat anulowany!"
40404#: server/diplhand.c:394 server/diplhand.c:398
40405#, c-format
40406msgid "The %s don't have the promised amount of gold! Treaty canceled!"
40407msgstr "%s nie mają zadeklarowanej ilości złota! Traktat anulowany!"
40409#: server/diplhand.c:428
40410#, c-format
40411msgid "You gave an embassy to %s."
40412msgstr "Pozwoliłeś/aś, by %s założył/a u ciebie ambasadę."
40414#: server/diplhand.c:431
40415#, c-format
40416msgid "%s allowed you to create an embassy!"
40417msgstr "%s pozwolił/a ci założyć ambasadę!"
40419#: server/diplhand.c:454
40420#, c-format
40421msgid "You are taught the knowledge of %s."
40422msgstr "Poznałeś/aś technologię %s."
40424#: server/diplhand.c:463
40425#, c-format
40426msgid "You have acquired %s thanks to the %s treaty with the %s."
40427msgstr "Dostałeś/aś %s dzięki traktatowi %s z %s."
40429#. TRANS: Tech from another player
40430#: server/diplhand.c:471
40431#, c-format
40432msgid "?fromplr:The %s have acquired %s from the %s."
40433msgstr "%s otrzymali %s od %s."
40435#: server/diplhand.c:491
40436#, c-format
40437msgid "You get %d gold."
40438msgid_plural "You get %d gold."
40439msgstr[0] "Dostałeś/aś %d sztukę złota."
40440msgstr[1] "Dostałeś/aś %d sztuki złota."
40441msgstr[2] "Dostałeś/aś %d sztuk złota."
40443#. TRANS: ... Polish worldmap.
40444#: server/diplhand.c:499
40445#, c-format
40446msgid "You receive the %s worldmap."
40447msgstr "Otrzymałeś/aś mapę świata od %s."
40449#. TRANS: ... Polish seamap.
40450#: server/diplhand.c:508
40451#, c-format
40452msgid "You receive the %s seamap."
40453msgstr "Otrzymałeś/aś mapę morską od %s."
40455#: server/diplhand.c:524
40456#, c-format
40457msgid "You receive the city of %s from %s."
40458msgstr "Otrzymałeś/aś miasto %s od %s."
40460#: server/diplhand.c:528
40461#, c-format
40462msgid "You give the city of %s to %s."
40463msgstr "Dajesz %2$s miasto %1$s."
40465#: server/diplhand.c:551 server/diplhand.c:554
40466#, c-format
40467msgid "You agree on a cease-fire with %s."
40468msgstr "Zgodziłeś/aś się na zawieszenie broni z %s."
40470#. TRANS: ... the Poles ... Polish territory
40471#: server/diplhand.c:581 server/diplhand.c:595
40472#, c-format
40473msgid ""
40474"You agree on an armistice with the %s. In %d turn, it will become a peace "
40475"treaty. Move your military units out of %s territory to avoid them being "
40477msgid_plural ""
40478"You agree on an armistice with the %s. In %d turns, it will become a peace "
40479"treaty. Move any military units out of %s territory to avoid them being "
40481msgstr[0] ""
40482"Zgodziłeś/aś się na rozejm z %s. W ciągu %d tury zmieni się on w pokój. Usuń "
40483"swoje jednostki z terytorium %sego, aby uniknąć ich rozwiązania."
40484msgstr[1] ""
40485"Zgodziłeś/aś się na rozejm z %s. W ciągu %d tur zmieni się on w pokój. Usuń "
40486"swoje jednostki z terytorium %sego, aby uniknąć ich rozwiązania."
40487msgstr[2] ""
40488"Zgodziłeś/aś się na rozejm z %s. W ciągu %d tur zmieni się on w pokój. Usuń "
40489"swoje jednostki z terytorium %sego, aby uniknąć ich rozwiązania."
40491#: server/diplhand.c:625 server/diplhand.c:628
40492#, c-format
40493msgid "You agree on an alliance with %s."
40494msgstr "Zgodziłeś/aś się na sojusz z %s."
40496#: server/diplhand.c:638
40497#, c-format
40498msgid "You give shared vision to %s."
40499msgstr "%s otrzymał/a od ciebie widok dzielony."
40501#: server/diplhand.c:641
40502#, c-format
40503msgid "%s gives you shared vision."
40504msgstr "%s przekazał/a ci widok dzielony."
40506#: server/diplhand.c:783
40507#, c-format
40508msgid "%s canceled the meeting!"
40509msgstr "%s zerwał/a spotkanie!"
40511#: server/diplhand.c:790
40512#, c-format
40513msgid "Meeting with %s canceled."
40514msgstr "Spotkanie z %s zerwane."
40516#: server/diplhand.c:832
40517msgid "Your diplomatic envoy was decapitated!"
40518msgstr "Twoi wysłannicy zostali zabici!"
40520#: server/diplomats.c:117
40521#, c-format
40522msgid "Your %s poisoned the water supply of %s."
40523msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zatruła wodociągi w mieście %s."
40525#: server/diplomats.c:121
40526#, c-format
40527msgid "%s is suspected of poisoning the water supply of %s."
40528msgstr "Jednostka %s jest podejrzewana o zatrucie wody w mieście %s."
40530#: server/diplomats.c:130
40531#, c-format
40532msgid "Your %s destroyed %s by poisoning its water supply."
40533msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zniszczyła %s poprzez zatrucie ujęcia wody."
40535#: server/diplomats.c:134
40536#, c-format
40537msgid "%s is suspected of destroying %s by poisoning its water supply."
40538msgstr ""
40539"Jednostka %s jest podejrzewana o zniszczenie %s poprzez zatrucie ujęcia wody."
40541#: server/diplomats.c:290
40542#, c-format
40543msgid "You have established an embassy in %s."
40544msgstr "Założyłeś/aś ambasadę w mieście %s."
40546#: server/diplomats.c:294
40547#, c-format
40548msgid "The %s have established an embassy in %s."
40549msgstr "%s założyli ambasadę w mieście %s."
40551#: server/diplomats.c:359
40552#, c-format
40553msgid "Your %s's successful sabotage killed the %s %s."
40554msgstr "Udany sabotaż twojej jednostki %s zniszczył %s %s."
40556#. TRANS: ... the Poles!
40557#: server/diplomats.c:366
40558#, c-format
40559msgid "Your %s was killed by %s sabotage!"
40560msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zniszczona przez %s w wyniku sabotażu!"
40562#: server/diplomats.c:377
40563#, c-format
40564msgid "Your %s succeeded in sabotaging the %s %s."
40565msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zsabotowała %s %s."
40567#. TRANS: ... the Poles!
40568#: server/diplomats.c:384
40569#, c-format
40570msgid "Your %s was sabotaged by the %s!"
40571msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zsabotowany przez %s!"
40573#. TRANS: You already have a Leader.
40574#: server/diplomats.c:440
40575#, c-format
40576msgid "You already have a %s."
40577msgstr "Masz już %s."
40579#: server/diplomats.c:455
40580#, c-format
40581msgid "You don't have enough gold to bribe the %s %s."
40582msgstr "Nie masz dość złota, aby przekupić %s od %s."
40584#. TRANS: <diplomat> ... <unit>
40585#: server/diplomats.c:486
40586#, c-format
40587msgid "Your %s succeeded in bribing the %s."
40588msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s przekupiła %s."
40590#. TRANS: <unit> ... <Poles>
40591#: server/diplomats.c:493
40592#, c-format
40593msgid "Your %s was bribed by the %s."
40594msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została przekupiona przez %s."
40596#. TRANS: Paris was expecting ... Your Spy was caught
40597#: server/diplomats.c:650
40598#, c-format
40599msgid ""
40600"%s was expecting your attempt to steal technology again. Your %s was caught "
40601"and executed."
40602msgstr ""
40603"Miasto %s spodziewało się kolejnej próby kradzieży technologii. Twoja "
40604"jednostka %s została złapana i zgładzona."
40606#. TRANS: The Belgian Spy ... from Paris
40607#: server/diplomats.c:657
40608#, c-format
40609msgid ""
40610"The %s %s failed to steal technology again from %s. We were prepared for the "
40612msgstr ""
40613"%s %s nie dał rady ponownie wykraść technologii z miasta %s. Byliśmy "
40614"przygotowani na tą próbę."
40616#. TRANS: Your Spy was caught ... from %s.
40617#: server/diplomats.c:666
40618#, c-format
40619msgid "Your %s was caught in the attempt of stealing technology from %s."
40620msgstr ""
40621"Twoja jednostka %s została złapana podczas próby kradzieży technologii z "
40622"miasta %s."
40624#. TRANS: The Belgian Spy ... from Paris
40625#: server/diplomats.c:673
40626#, c-format
40627msgid "The %s %s failed to steal technology from %s."
40628msgstr "%s %s nie dał rady wykraść technologii z miasta %s."
40630#: server/diplomats.c:691
40631#, c-format
40632msgid "No new technology found in %s."
40633msgstr "Nie znaleziono nowej technologii w mieście %s."
40635#: server/diplomats.c:760
40636#, c-format
40637msgid "You don't have enough gold to subvert %s."
40638msgstr "Masz za mało pieniędzy, aby przekupić miasto %s."
40640#: server/diplomats.c:777
40641#, c-format
40642msgid "Your %s was caught in the attempt of inciting a revolt!"
40643msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została złapana podczas podburzania ludności!"
40645#: server/diplomats.c:781
40646#, c-format
40647msgid "You caught %s %s attempting to incite a revolt in %s!"
40648msgstr "Złapałeś/aś %s %s, który próbował podburzyć tłum w mieście %s!"
40650#: server/diplomats.c:804
40651#, c-format
40652msgid "Revolt incited in %s, you now rule the city!"
40653msgstr "Wzniecono bunt w mieście %s, teraz ty nim rządzisz!"
40655#: server/diplomats.c:807
40656#, c-format
40657msgid "%s has revolted, %s influence suspected."
40658msgstr "Bunt w %s! %s podejrzewani o podburzanie."
40660#: server/diplomats.c:894
40661#, c-format
40662msgid "Your %s was caught in the attempt of industrial sabotage!"
40663msgstr ""
40664"Twoja jednostka %s została przyłapana na próbie sabotażu przemysłowego!"
40666#: server/diplomats.c:899
40667#, c-format
40668msgid "You caught %s %s attempting sabotage in %s!"
40669msgstr "Złapałeś/aś %s %s próbującego dokonać sabotażu w mieście %s!"
40671#: server/diplomats.c:930
40672#, c-format
40673msgid "Your %s could not find anything to sabotage in %s."
40674msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie znalazła niczego do zniszczenia w %s."
40676#: server/diplomats.c:987
40677#, c-format
40678msgid "You cannot sabotage a %s!"
40679msgstr "Nie możesz zsabotować %s!"
40681#: server/diplomats.c:998
40682#, c-format
40683msgid "Your %s could not find the %s to sabotage in %s."
40684msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie znalazła %s do zniszczenie w mieście %s."
40686#: server/diplomats.c:1023
40687#, c-format
40688msgid "Your %s succeeded in destroying the production of %s in %s."
40689msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zsabotowała produkcję %s w mieście %s."
40691#: server/diplomats.c:1030
40692#, c-format
40693msgid "The production of %s was destroyed in %s, %s are suspected."
40694msgstr "Utrata produkcji %s w mieście %s. Podejrzewa się %s."
40696#: server/diplomats.c:1053
40697#, c-format
40698msgid "Your %s was caught in the attempt of sabotage!"
40699msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została złapana podczas próby sabotażu!"
40701#: server/diplomats.c:1057
40702#, c-format
40703msgid "You caught %s %s attempting to sabotage the %s in %s!"
40704msgstr "Przyłapałeś/aś %s %s na próbie sabotażu %s w %s!"
40706#: server/diplomats.c:1071
40707#, c-format
40708msgid "Your %s destroyed the %s in %s."
40709msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zniszczyła %s w mieście %s."
40711#: server/diplomats.c:1077
40712#, c-format
40713msgid "The %s destroyed the %s in %s."
40714msgstr "%s zniszczyli %s w mieście %s."
40716#: server/diplomats.c:1160
40717#, c-format
40718msgid "Your %s was caught attempting to steal gold!"
40719msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została złapana podczas próby kradzieży złota!"
40721#. TRANS: nation, unit, city
40722#: server/diplomats.c:1165
40723#, c-format
40724msgid "You caught %s %s attempting to steal your gold in %s!"
40725msgstr "Złapałeś/aś %s %s, który próbował ukraść złoto w mieście %s!"
40727#. TRANS: unit, gold, city
40728#: server/diplomats.c:1207
40729#, c-format
40730msgid "Your %s stole %d gold from %s."
40731msgid_plural "Your %s stole %d gold from %s."
40732msgstr[0] "Twoja jednostka %s zdobyła %d sztukę złota od %s."
40733msgstr[1] "Twoja jednostka %s zdobyła %d sztuki złota od %s."
40734msgstr[2] "Twoja jednostka %s zdobyła %d sztuk złota od %s."
40736#. TRANS: gold, city, nation
40737#: server/diplomats.c:1212
40738#, c-format
40739msgid "%d gold stolen from %s, %s suspected."
40740msgid_plural "%d gold stolen from %s, %s suspected."
40741msgstr[0] ""
40742"Narodowi %2$s skradziono %1$d sztukę złota; podejrzenie pada na %3$s."
40743msgstr[1] ""
40744"Narodowi %2$s skradziono %1$d sztuki złota; podejrzenie pada na %3$s."
40745msgstr[2] ""
40746"Narodowi %2$s skradziono %1$d sztuk złota; podejrzenie pada na %3$s."
40748#. TRANS: <unit> ... <diplomat>
40749#: server/diplomats.c:1364
40750#, c-format
40751msgid "An enemy %s has been eliminated by your %s."
40752msgstr "Wroga jednostka %s została zgładzona przez twoją jednostkę %s."
40754#. TRANS: <unit> ... <city> ... <diplomat>
40755#: server/diplomats.c:1371
40756#, c-format
40757msgid "Your %s has been eliminated defending %s against a %s."
40758msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zgładzona broniąc miasta %s przed %s."
40760#. TRANS: <nation adj> <unit> ... <city>
40761#. * TRANS: ... <diplomat>
40762#: server/diplomats.c:1378
40763#, c-format
40764msgid "A %s %s has been eliminated defending %s against a %s."
40765msgstr "%s %s został zgładzony broniąc miasta %s przed jednostką %s."
40767#. TRANS: ... <unit> ... <nation adj> <city>
40768#. * TRANS: ... <diplomat>
40769#: server/diplomats.c:1385
40770#, c-format
40771msgid "Your %s has been eliminated defending %s %s against a %s."
40772msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zgładzona broniąc %s %s przed %s."
40774#. TRANS: <unit> ... <diplomat>
40775#. TRANS: ... <unit> ... <diplomat>
40776#: server/diplomats.c:1394 server/diplomats.c:1405
40777#, c-format
40778msgid "Your %s has been eliminated defending against a %s."
40779msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zgładzona broniąc miasta przed %s."
40781#. TRANS: <nation adj> <unit> ... <diplomat>
40782#: server/diplomats.c:1399
40783#, c-format
40784msgid "A %s %s has been eliminated defending against a %s."
40785msgstr "%s %s został zgładzony, broniąc miasta przed %s."
40787#: server/diplomats.c:1427
40788#, c-format
40789msgid "Your %s was eliminated by a defending %s."
40790msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zgładzona przez broniącego się %s."
40792#: server/diplomats.c:1433
40793#, c-format
40794msgid "Eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating %s."
40795msgstr "%s %s został zgładzony w trakcie szpiegowania %s."
40797#: server/diplomats.c:1438
40798#, c-format
40799msgid "A %s %s eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating %s."
40800msgstr "%s %s zgładził %s %s w trakcie szpiegowania %s."
40802#: server/diplomats.c:1443
40803#, c-format
40804msgid "Your %s eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating %s."
40805msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zgładziła %s %s w trakcie szpiegowania %s."
40807#: server/diplomats.c:1451
40808#, c-format
40809msgid "Eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating our troops."
40810msgstr "%s %s został zgładzony w trakcie szpiegowania naszych oddziałów."
40812#: server/diplomats.c:1456
40813#, c-format
40814msgid "A %s %s eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating our troops."
40815msgstr "%s %s zgładził %s %s w trakcie szpiegowania naszych oddziałów."
40817#. TRANS: ... <unit> ... <diplomat>
40818#: server/diplomats.c:1462
40819#, c-format
40820msgid "Your %s eliminated a %s %s while infiltrating our troops."
40821msgstr ""
40822"Twoja jednostka %s zgładziła %s %s w trakcie szpiegowania naszych oddziałów."
40824#: server/diplomats.c:1550
40825#, c-format
40826msgid ""
40827"Your %s has successfully completed the mission and returned unharmed to %s."
40828msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zakończyła misję i wróciła do miasta %s."
40830#: server/diplomats.c:1569
40831#, c-format
40832msgid "Your %s was captured after completing the mission in %s."
40833msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została złapana po wykonaniu misji w mieście %s."
40835#: server/diplomats.c:1575
40836#, c-format
40837msgid "Your %s was captured after completing the mission."
40838msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została złapana po spełnieniu misji."
40840#: server/edithand.c:194
40841#, c-format
40842msgid " *** Server set to edit mode by %s! *** "
40843msgstr " *** Serwer przełączony na tryb edycji przez %s! *** "
40845#: server/edithand.c:200
40846#, c-format
40847msgid " *** Edit mode canceled by %s. *** "
40848msgstr " *** Tryb edycji anulowany przez %s. *** "
40850#: server/edithand.c:321 server/edithand.c:357 server/edithand.c:382
40851#: server/edithand.c:415
40852#, c-format
40853msgid "Cannot edit the tile because %d is not a valid tile index on this map!"
40854msgstr ""
40855"Nie można edytować pola, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym indeksem pola na "
40856"tej mapie!"
40858#. TRANS: ..." the tile <tile-coordinates> because"...
40859#: server/edithand.c:330
40860#, c-format
40861msgid ""
40862"Cannot modify terrain for the tile %s because %d is not a valid terrain id."
40863msgstr ""
40864"Nie możesz zmieniać terenu na polu %s, ponieważ %d jest to właściwym "
40865"identyfikatorem terenu."
40867#. TRANS: ..." the tile <tile-coordinates> because"...
40868#: server/edithand.c:390
40869#, c-format
40870msgid ""
40871"Cannot modify extras for the tile %s because %d is not a valid extra id."
40872msgstr ""
40873"Nie możesz zmieniać usprawnienia na polu %s, ponieważ %d jest to właściwym "
40874"identyfikatorem usprawnienia."
40876#: server/edithand.c:463
40877#, c-format
40878msgid "Cannot create units because %d is not a valid tile index on this map!"
40879msgstr ""
40880"Nie można stworzyć jednostki, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym indeksem pola "
40881"na tej mapie!"
40883#. TRANS: ..." at <tile-coordinates> because"...
40884#: server/edithand.c:472
40885#, c-format
40886msgid ""
40887"Cannot create a unit at %s because the given unit type id %d is invalid."
40888msgstr ""
40889"Nie można stworzyć jednostki na %s, ponieważ ten typ jednostki (ident. %d) "
40890"jest nieprawidłowy."
40892#. TRANS: ..." type <unit-type> at <tile-coordinates>"...
40893#: server/edithand.c:482
40894#, c-format
40895msgid ""
40896"Cannot create a unit of type %s at %s because the given owner's player id %d "
40897"is invalid."
40898msgstr ""
40899"Nie można stworzyć jednostki %s na %s, ponieważ identyfikator %d właściciela "
40900"jest nieprawidłowy."
40902#. TRANS: ..." type <unit-type> on enemy tile
40903#. * <tile-coordinates>"...
40904#: server/edithand.c:495
40905#, c-format
40906msgid "Cannot create unit of type %s on enemy tile %s."
40907msgstr "Nie można stworzyć jednostki %s na polu wroga %s."
40909#. TRANS: ..." type <unit-type> on the terrain at
40910#. * <tile-coordinates>"...
40911#: server/edithand.c:505
40912#, c-format
40913msgid "Cannot create a unit of type %s on the terrain at %s."
40914msgstr "Nie można stworzyć jednostki %s terenie %s."
40916#: server/edithand.c:548
40917#, c-format
40918msgid "Cannot remove units because %d is not a valid tile index on this map!"
40919msgstr ""
40920"Nie można usunąć jednostki, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym indeksem pola "
40921"na mapie!"
40923#. TRANS: ..." at <tile-coordinates> because"...
40924#: server/edithand.c:557
40925#, c-format
40926msgid ""
40927"Cannot remove a unit at %s because the given unit type id %d is invalid."
40928msgstr ""
40929"Nie można usunąć jednostki na %s, ponieważ identyfikator %d typu jednostki "
40930"jest nieprawidłowy."
40932#. TRANS: ..." type <unit-type> at <tile-coordinates>
40933#. * because"...
40934#: server/edithand.c:568
40935#, c-format
40936msgid ""
40937"Cannot remove a unit of type %s at %s because the given owner's player id %d "
40938"is invalid."
40939msgstr ""
40940"Nie można usunąć jednostki %s na %s, ponieważ identyfikator %d właściciela "
40941"jest nieprawidłowy."
40943#: server/edithand.c:599 server/edithand.c:622
40944#, c-format
40945msgid "No such unit (ID %d)."
40946msgstr "Nie ma takiej jednostki (ident. %d)."
40948#: server/edithand.c:659
40949#, c-format
40950msgid "Invalid veteran level %d for unit %d (%s)."
40951msgstr "Nieprawidłowy poziom weterana %d dla jednostki %d (%s)."
40953#: server/edithand.c:690
40954#, c-format
40955msgid "Cannot create a city because %d is not a valid tile index on this map!"
40956msgstr ""
40957"Nie można stworzyć miasta, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym indeksem pola na "
40958"tej mapie!"
40960#. TRANS: ..." at <tile-coordinates> because"...
40961#: server/edithand.c:699
40962#, c-format
40963msgid ""
40964"Cannot create a city at %s because the given owner's player id %d is invalid"
40965msgstr ""
40966"Nie można budować miasta na %s, ponieważ identyfikator %d właściciela nie "
40967"jest prawidłowy"
40969#. TRANS: ..." at <tile-coordinates>."
40970#: server/edithand.c:711
40971#, c-format
40972msgid "A city may not be built at %s."
40973msgstr "Nie można budować miasta na %s."
40975#: server/edithand.c:759
40976#, c-format
40977msgid "Cannot edit city with invalid city ID %d."
40978msgstr "Nie można edytować miasta z nieprawidłowym identyfikatorem %d."
40980#: server/edithand.c:772
40981#, c-format
40982msgid "Cannot edit city name: %s"
40983msgstr "Nie można edytować nazwy miasta: %s"
40985#: server/edithand.c:783
40986#, c-format
40987msgid "Invalid city size %d for city %s."
40988msgstr "Nieprawidłowy rozmiar %d dla miasta %s."
40990#: server/edithand.c:805
40991#, c-format
40992msgid "It is impossible for a city to have %s!"
40993msgstr "Miasto nie może mieć %s!"
40995#: server/edithand.c:854
40996#, c-format
40997msgid ""
40998"Invalid city food stock amount %d for city %s (allowed range is %d to %d)."
40999msgstr ""
41000"Nieprawidłowa ilość zapasów żywności %d dla miasta %s (wartość musi mieścić "
41001"się w przedziale od %d do %d)."
41003#: server/edithand.c:869
41004#, c-format
41005msgid ""
41006"Invalid city shield stock amount %d for city %s (allowed range is %d to %d)."
41007msgstr ""
41008"Nieprawidłowa ilość punktów produkcji %d dla miasta %s (wartość musi "
41009"zawierać się w zakresie %d-%d)."
41011#: server/edithand.c:919
41012#, c-format
41013msgid ""
41014"No more players can be added because the maximum number of players (%d) has "
41015"been reached."
41016msgstr ""
41017"Nie można dodać więcej graczy, ponieważ osiągnięto już maksymalną liczbę "
41018"graczy (%d)."
41020#: server/edithand.c:927
41021#, c-format
41022msgid ""
41023"No more players can be added because there are no available nations (%d "
41025msgstr ""
41026"Nie można dodać więcej graczy, ponieważ nie ma już dostępnych narodów (%d w "
41029#: server/edithand.c:936
41030msgid "Player cannot be created because random nation selection failed."
41031msgstr ""
41032"Nie można dodać gracza, ponieważ nie powiódł się wybór losowego narodu."
41034#: server/edithand.c:945
41035msgid "Player creation failed."
41036msgstr "Dodanie gracza nie powiodło się."
41038#: server/edithand.c:987
41039#, c-format
41040msgid "No such player (ID %d)."
41041msgstr "Nie ma takiego gracza (ident. %d)."
41043#: server/edithand.c:1017
41044#, c-format
41045msgid "Cannot edit player with invalid player ID %d."
41046msgstr "Nie można edytować gracza z nieprawidłowym identyfikatorem %d."
41048#: server/edithand.c:1034
41049#, c-format
41050msgid "Cannot change name of player (%d) '%s' to '%s': %s"
41051msgstr "Nie można zmienić nazwy gracza (%d) '%s' na '%s': %s"
41053#: server/edithand.c:1045
41054#, c-format
41055msgid ""
41056"Cannot change nation for player %d (%s) because the given nation ID %d is "
41058msgstr ""
41059"Nie można zmienić narodu gracza %d (%s), ponieważ identyfikator narodu %d "
41060"jest nieprawidłowy."
41062#: server/edithand.c:1051
41063#, c-format
41064msgid ""
41065"Cannot change nation for player %d (%s) to nation %d (%s) because that "
41066"nation is already assigned to player %d (%s)."
41067msgstr ""
41068"Nie można zmienić narodu gracza %d (%s) na naród %d (%s), ponieważ ten naród "
41069"jest już przypisany graczowi %d (%s)."
41071#: server/edithand.c:1060
41072#, c-format
41073msgid ""
41074"Cannot change nation for player %d (%s) to nation %d (%s) because that "
41075"nation is not in the current nation set."
41076msgstr ""
41077"Nie można zmienić narodu gracza %d (%s) na naród %d (%s), ponieważ ten naród "
41078"nie występuje w bieżącym zestawie narodów."
41080#: server/edithand.c:1069
41081#, c-format
41082msgid ""
41083"Cannot change nation for player %d (%s) to nation %d (%s) because that "
41084"nation is unsuitable for this player."
41085msgstr ""
41086"Nie można zmienić narodu gracza %d (%s) na naród %d (%s), ponieważ naród nie "
41087"jest nadaje się dla tego gracza."
41089#: server/edithand.c:1109
41090#, c-format
41091msgid ""
41092"Cannot set gold for player %d (%s) because the value %d is outside the "
41093"allowed range."
41094msgstr ""
41095"Nie można ustawić złota dla gracza %d (%s), ponieważ wartość %d jest poza "
41096"dozwolonym zakresem."
41098#: server/edithand.c:1197
41099#, c-format
41100msgid "Cannot edit vision because %d is not a valid tile index on this map!"
41101msgstr ""
41102"Nie możesz zmieniać widoczności, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym indeksem "
41103"pola na tej mapie!"
41105#. TRANS: ..." at <tile-coordinates> because"...
41106#: server/edithand.c:1206
41107#, c-format
41108msgid ""
41109"Cannot edit vision for the tile at %s because given player id %d is invalid."
41110msgstr ""
41111"Nie można edytować widzialności pola %s, ponieważ identyfikator gracza %d "
41112"jest nieprawidłowy."
41114#: server/edithand.c:1275
41115#, c-format
41116msgid "No such city (ID %d)."
41117msgstr "Nie ma takiego miasta (ident. %d)."
41119#: server/edithand.c:1301
41120msgid "Cannot toggle fog-of-war when it is already disabled."
41121msgstr "Nie można przełączyć \"mgły wojny\", gdy jest ona wyłączona."
41123#: server/edithand.c:1309
41124#, c-format
41125msgid "Cannot toggle fog-of-war for invalid player ID %d."
41126msgstr ""
41127"Nie można przełączyć \"mgły wojny\" dla nieprawidłowego identyfikatora %d "
41130#: server/edithand.c:1337 server/edithand.c:1376
41131#, c-format
41132msgid "Invalid tile index %d for start position."
41133msgstr "Nieprawidłowy indeks pola %d dla pozycji początkowej."
41135#: server/edithand.c:1384
41136#, c-format
41137msgid ""
41138"Cannot edit start position nations at (%d, %d) because there is no start "
41139"position there."
41140msgstr ""
41141"Nie można zmienić pozycji początkowej na (%d, %d), ponieważ nie ustawiono "
41142"tam pozycji początkowej."
41144#: server/edithand.c:1420
41145#, c-format
41146msgid "Cannot set invalid game year %d. Valid year range is from %d to %d."
41147msgstr ""
41148"Nie można ustawić nieprawidłowego roku gry %d. Rok musi mieścić się w "
41149"zakresie od %d do %d."
41151#: server/edithand.c:1499
41152msgid "No permissions to remotely save scenario."
41153msgstr "Brak uprawnień do zdalnego zapisywania scenariusza."
41155#: server/edithand.c:1506
41156msgid "Scenario information not set. Cannot save scenario."
41157msgstr "Nie ustawiono informacji scenariusza. Nie mogę go zapisać."
41159#: server/fcdb.c:124
41160#, c-format
41161msgid ""
41162"Cannot load fcdb config file '%s':\n"
41164msgstr ""
41165"Nie mogę wczytać pliku konfiguracyjnego fcdb '%s':\n"
41168#: server/gamehand.c:422
41169#, c-format
41170msgid "Didn't find optimal solution for team placement in %d iterations."
41171msgstr "Nie znaleziono optymalnego rozmieszczenie drużyny w %d próbach."
41173#: server/gamehand.c:851
41174#, c-format
41175msgid "No units placed for %s!"
41176msgstr "Nie wybrano jednostek dla %s!"
41178#: server/gamehand.c:976
41179msgid "The turn timeout has exceeded its maximum value, fixing at its maximum."
41180msgstr "Czas tury przekroczył maksymalną wartość, zatrzymuję na maksimum."
41182#: server/gamehand.c:984
41183msgid "The turn timeout is smaller than zero, fixing at zero."
41184msgstr "Czas tury jest mniejszy od zera, zmieniam na zero."
41186#: server/generator/mapgen.c:1442
41187msgid "The server couldn't allocate starting positions."
41188msgstr "Serwer nie mógł rozmieścić pozycji początkowych."
41190#: server/generator/mapgen.c:2080
41191msgid "High landmass - this may take a few seconds."
41192msgstr "Duża ilość lądów - może to zająć kilka sekund."
41194#: server/generator/mapgen.c:2360
41195msgid "Generator 3 didn't place all big islands."
41196msgstr "Generator 3 nie umiejscowił wszystkich dużych wysp."
41198#: server/generator/mapgen.c:2389
41199#, c-format
41200msgid "Generator 3 left %li landmass unplaced."
41201msgstr "Generator 3 nie umiejscowił %li lądów."
41203#: server/generator/mapgen_topology.c:247
41204#, c-format
41205msgid "Creating a map of size %d x %d = %d tiles (%d requested)."
41206msgstr "Tworzę mapę o wymiarach %d x %d = %d pól (zażądano %d)."
41208#: server/generator/mapgen_topology.c:303
41209#, c-format
41210msgid "Creating a map of size %d x %d = %d tiles (map size: %d)."
41211msgstr "Tworzę mapę o wymiarach %d x %d = %d pól (rozmiar mapy: %d)."
41213#: server/generator/mapgen_topology.c:315
41214#, c-format
41215msgid ""
41216"Map size calculated for %d (land) tiles per player and %d player(s) too "
41217"small. Setting map size to the minimal size %d."
41218msgstr ""
41219"Rozmiar mapy obliczony dla %d (lądowych) pól na gracza i dla %d graczy jest "
41220"zbyt mały. Ustawiam rozmiar mapy na wartość minimalną %d."
41222#: server/generator/mapgen_topology.c:322
41223#, c-format
41224msgid ""
41225"Map size calculated for %d (land) tiles per player and %d player(s) too "
41226"large. Setting map size to the maximal size %d."
41227msgstr ""
41228"Rozmiar mapy obliczony dla %d (lądowych) pól na gracza i dla %d graczy jest "
41229"zbyt duży. Ustawiam rozmiar mapy na wartość maksymalną %d."
41231#: server/generator/mapgen_topology.c:328
41232#, c-format
41233msgid ""
41234"Setting map size to %d (approx. %d (land) tiles for each of the %d "
41236msgstr ""
41237"Ustawiam rozmiar mapy na %d (ok. %d (lądowych) pól na każdego z %d graczy)."
41239#: server/generator/startpos.c:492
41240msgid ""
41241"The server appears to have gotten into an infinite loop in the allocation of "
41242"starting positions.\n"
41243"Maybe the number of players is too high for this map."
41244msgstr ""
41245"Serwer prawdopodobnie wpadł w nieskończoną pętlę podczas ustawiania pozycji "
41247"Być może na tej mapie jest za dużo graczy."
41249#: server/handchat.c:109
41250#, c-format
41251msgid "%s is an ambiguous player name-prefix."
41252msgstr "%s to niejednoznaczny prefiks nazwy gracza."
41254#: server/handchat.c:113
41255#, c-format
41256msgid "%s is an ambiguous connection name-prefix."
41257msgstr "%s to niejednoznaczny prefiks nazwy połączenia."
41259#: server/handchat.c:117
41260#, c-format
41261msgid "%s is an anonymous name. Use connection name."
41262msgstr "%s jest nazwą anonimową. Użyj nazwy połączenia."
41264#: server/handchat.c:136 server/handchat.c:173
41265#, c-format
41266msgid "You cannot send messages to %s; you are ignored."
41267msgstr "Nie możesz wysłać wiadomości do %s; zignorowano cię."
41269#: server/handchat.c:232
41270#, c-format
41271msgid "%s to allies: %s"
41272msgstr "%s do sojuszników: %s"
41274#: server/handchat.c:264
41275#, c-format
41276msgid "%s to global observers: %s"
41277msgstr "%s do obserwatorów: %s"
41279#: server/handchat.c:353
41280msgid "You are not attached to a player."
41281msgstr "Nie jesteś przyłączony/a do żadnego gracza."
41283#: server/handchat.c:439
41284#, c-format
41285msgid "%s is not connected."
41286msgstr "%s nie jest połączony/a."
41288#: server/handchat.c:450
41289#, c-format
41290msgid "There is no connection by the name %s."
41291msgstr "Nie ma połączenia o nazwie %s."
41293#: server/handchat.c:453
41294#, c-format
41295msgid "There is no player nor connection by the name %s."
41296msgstr "Nie ma gracza ani połączenia o nazwie %s."
41298#: server/maphand.c:105
41299msgid "Global warming has occurred!"
41300msgstr "Nastąpiło globalne ocieplenie!"
41302#: server/maphand.c:107
41303msgid ""
41304"Coastlines have been flooded and vast ranges of grassland have become "
41306msgstr ""
41307"Wybrzeża zostały podtopione, a ogromna powierzchnia traw stała się pustynią."
41309#: server/maphand.c:118
41310msgid "Nuclear winter has occurred!"
41311msgstr "Nastąpiła zima nuklearna!"
41313#: server/maphand.c:120
41314msgid "Wetlands have dried up and vast ranges of grassland have become tundra."
41315msgstr "Lądy wyschły, a wielkie obszary traw zamieniły się w tundrę."
41317#: server/maphand.c:314
41318msgid ""
41319"New hope sweeps like fire through the country as the discovery of new "
41320"infrastructure building technology is announced."
41321msgstr ""
41322"Nowe nadzieje związane z odkryciem nowoczesnej technologii budowy "
41325#: server/maphand.c:321
41326msgid ""
41327"The people are pleased to hear that your scientists finally know about new "
41328"infrastructure building technology."
41329msgstr ""
41330"Ludzie są zadowoleni z tego, że twoi naukowcy w końcu odkryli nową "
41331"technologię budowy infrastruktury."
41333#: server/maphand.c:329
41334msgid ""
41335"Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade all possible cities with better "
41337msgstr ""
41338"Robotnicy we wszystkich miastach spontanicznie ulepszają infrastrukturę, "
41339"jeśli to tylko możliwe."
41341#: server/maphand.c:333
41342#, c-format
41343msgid "Workers spontaneously gather and upgrade all possible cities with %s."
41344msgstr ""
41345"Robotnicy we wszystkich miastach spontanicznie gromadzą się i budują %s."
41347#: server/maphand.c:1689
41348#, c-format
41349msgid "Moved your %s due to changing terrain."
41350msgstr "Przesunięto jednostkę %s z powodu zmiany terenu."
41352#: server/maphand.c:1706
41353#, c-format
41354msgid "Disbanded your %s due to changing terrain."
41355msgstr "Rozwiązano jednostkę %s z powodu zmiany terenu."
41357#: server/meta.c:211
41358msgid "Not reporting to the metaserver in this game."
41359msgstr "Nie melduję się na metaserwerze w tej grze."
41361#: server/meta.c:216
41362msgid "Metaserver connection currently failing."
41363msgstr "Nie można obecnie nawiązać połączenia z metaserwerem."
41365#: server/plrhand.c:147
41366#, c-format
41367msgid "The %s are no more!"
41368msgstr "%s zginęli!"
41370#: server/plrhand.c:280
41371msgid "Cannot change rates before game start."
41372msgstr "Nie możesz zmieniać stawek przed rozpoczęciem gry."
41374#: server/plrhand.c:304
41375#, c-format
41376msgid "%s rate exceeds the max rate for %s."
41377msgstr "Stawka podatkowa przekroczyła maksimum dla %s (%s)."
41379#: server/plrhand.c:347
41380#, c-format
41381msgid "%s now governs the %s as a %s."
41382msgstr "%s narzucił/a narodowi %s ustrój %s."
41384#: server/plrhand.c:370
41385#, c-format
41386msgid ""
41387"The tax rates for the %s are changed from %3d%%/%3d%%/%3d%% (tax/luxury/"
41388"science) to %3d%%/%3d%%/%3d%%."
41389msgstr ""
41390"Stawki podatkowe na %s zmieniły się z %3d%%/%3d%%/%3d%% (złoto/luksus/nauka) "
41391"na %3d%%/%3d%%/%3d%%."
41393#: server/plrhand.c:400
41394msgid "You can't revolt without selecting target government."
41395msgstr "Nie możesz wzniecić rewolucji bez określenia docelowego ustroju."
41397#: server/plrhand.c:471
41398msgid "You can't revolt the same turn you finished previous revolution."
41399msgstr ""
41400"Nie możesz wzniecić rewolucji w tej samej turze, w której zakończyła się "
41403#. TRANS: this is a message event so don't make it
41404#. * too long.
41405#: server/plrhand.c:494
41406#, c-format
41407msgid ""
41408"The %s have incited a revolt! %d turn of anarchy will ensue! Target "
41409"government is %s."
41410msgid_plural ""
41411"The %s have incited a revolt! %d turns of anarchy will ensue! Target "
41412"government is %s."
41413msgstr[0] ""
41414"%s wszczęli rewolucję! Anarchia potrwa %d turę! Docelowy ustrój to %s."
41415msgstr[1] ""
41416"%s wszczęli rewolucję! Anarchia potrwa %d tury! Docelowy ustrój to %s."
41417msgstr[2] ""
41418"%s wszczęli rewolucję! Anarchia potrwa %d tur! Docelowy ustrój to %s."
41420#: server/plrhand.c:507
41421msgid "Revolution: returning to anarchy."
41422msgstr "Rewolucja: powrót do anarchii."
41424#: server/plrhand.c:568
41425msgid "You should choose a new government from the government menu."
41426msgstr "Wybierz nowy ustrój z menu."
41428#: server/plrhand.c:593
41429msgid "Tax rate exceeded the max rate; adjusted."
41430msgstr "Stawka podatku przekroczyła maksimum; poprawiono."
41432#: server/plrhand.c:597
41433msgid "Science rate exceeded the max rate; adjusted."
41434msgstr "Stawka nauki przekroczyła maksimum; poprawiono."
41436#: server/plrhand.c:601
41437msgid "Luxury rate exceeded the max rate; adjusted."
41438msgstr "Stawka luksusu przekroczyła maksimum %s; poprawiono."
41440#: server/plrhand.c:714
41441#, c-format
41442msgid "%s no longer gives us shared vision!"
41443msgstr "%s nie dzieli się już z nami widokiem!"
41445#: server/plrhand.c:725
41446#, c-format
41447msgid ""
41448"The senate will not allow you to break treaty with the %s.  You must either "
41449"dissolve the senate or wait until a more timely moment."
41450msgstr ""
41451"Twój senat nie zezwala na zerwanie umowy z %s. Musisz rozwiązać senat albo "
41452"poczekać na bardziej dogodny moment."
41454#: server/plrhand.c:784
41455#, c-format
41456msgid ""
41457"The senate passes your bill because of the constant provocations of the %s."
41458msgstr ""
41459"Senat przyjął twoją decyzję w związku z ciągłymi prowokacjami ze strony %s."
41461#: server/plrhand.c:789
41462#, c-format
41463msgid ""
41464"The senate refuses to break treaty with the %s, but you have no trouble "
41465"finding a new senate."
41466msgstr ""
41467"Senat zabronił zrywania umowy z %s, ale ty bez problemu zwołałeś/aś nowy "
41470#: server/plrhand.c:813
41471#, c-format
41472msgid "The diplomatic state between the %s and the %s is now %s."
41473msgstr "Stanem dyplomatycznym między %s i %s jest teraz %s."
41475#: server/plrhand.c:819
41476#, c-format
41477msgid ""
41478" %s canceled the diplomatic agreement! The diplomatic state between the %s "
41479"and the %s is now %s."
41480msgstr ""
41481" %s zerwał/a porozumienie dyplomatyczne! Stanem dyplomatycznym między %s i "
41482"%s jest teraz %s."
41484#: server/plrhand.c:837
41485#, c-format
41486msgid ""
41487"%s has attacked your ally %s! You cancel your alliance to the aggressor."
41488msgstr ""
41489"%s zaatakował/a twojego sojusznika %s! Warunki sojuszu zobowiązują cię do "
41490"natychmiastowej odpowiedzi."
41492#: server/plrhand.c:850
41493#, c-format
41494msgid ""
41495"Your team mate %s declared war on %s. You are obligated to cancel alliance "
41496"with %s."
41497msgstr ""
41498"Gracz z twojej drużyny %s wypowiedział/a wojnę %s. Musisz teraz zerwać "
41499"sojusz z %s."
41501#: server/plrhand.c:1439
41502msgid ""
41503"Can only set player color prior to game start if 'plrcolormode' is PLR_SET."
41504msgstr ""
41505"Kolor gracza może być ustawiony przed rozpoczęciem gry, jeśli 'plrcolormode' "
41506"jest ustawione na PLR_SET."
41508#: server/plrhand.c:1578
41509msgid "no color"
41510msgstr "brak koloru"
41512#: server/plrhand.c:1670
41513#, c-format
41514msgid "Removing player %s."
41515msgstr "Usuwam gracza %s."
41517#: server/plrhand.c:1673
41518msgid "You've been removed from the game!"
41519msgstr "Zostałeś/aś usunięty/a z gry!"
41521#: server/plrhand.c:1676
41522#, c-format
41523msgid "%s has been removed from the game."
41524msgstr "%s został/a usunięty/a z gry."
41526#: server/plrhand.c:1820
41527msgid "Please choose a non-blank name."
41528msgstr "Proszę wybrać nazwę."
41530#: server/plrhand.c:1833
41531msgid "That nation is already in use."
41532msgstr "Naród jest już zajęty."
41534#: server/plrhand.c:1838
41535#, c-format
41536msgid "Another player already has the name '%s'. Please choose another name."
41537msgstr "Inny gracz używa już nazwy '%s'. Proszę wybrać inną nazwę."
41539#: server/plrhand.c:1862
41540msgid "Please choose a name containing only ASCII characters."
41541msgstr "Proszę wybrać nazwę zawierającą jedynie znaki ASCII."
41543#: server/plrhand.c:1937 server/plrhand.c:1951
41544#, c-format
41545msgid "Player no. %d"
41546msgstr "Gracz nr %d"
41548#: server/plrhand.c:1966
41549msgid "A poorly-named player"
41550msgstr "Słabo nazwany gracz"
41552#: server/plrhand.c:2035 server/plrhand.c:2039
41553#, c-format
41554msgid "You have made contact with the %s, ruled by %s."
41555msgstr "Spotkałeś/aś %s! Rządzi nimi %s."
41557#: server/plrhand.c:2713
41558#, c-format
41559msgid "Could not throw %s into civil war - too many players"
41560msgstr "Nie można wzniecić wojny domowej u %s - za dużo graczy"
41562#: server/plrhand.c:2719
41563#, c-format
41564msgid "Could not throw %s into civil war - no available nations"
41565msgstr "Nie można wzniecić wojny domowej u %s - nie ma już dostępnych narodów"
41567#: server/plrhand.c:2753
41568#, c-format
41569msgid "Could not throw %s into civil war - no available cities"
41570msgstr "Nie można wzniecić wojny domowej u %s - nie ma dostępnych miast"
41572#: server/plrhand.c:2786
41573msgid "Your nation is thrust into civil war."
41574msgstr "W twoim państwie wybuchła wojna domowa."
41576#. TRANS: <leader> ... the Poles.
41577#: server/plrhand.c:2790
41578#, c-format
41579msgid "%s is the rebellious leader of the %s."
41580msgstr "%s jest przywódcą rebelii %s."
41582#. TRANS: <city> ... the Poles.
41583#: server/plrhand.c:2812
41584#, c-format
41585msgid "%s declares allegiance to the %s."
41586msgstr "%s deklaruje posłuszeństwo dla %s."
41588#. TRANS: ... Danes ... Poles ... <7> cities.
41589#: server/plrhand.c:2840
41590#, c-format
41591msgid "Civil war partitions the %s; the %s now hold %d city."
41592msgid_plural "Civil war partitions the %s; the %s now hold %d cities."
41593msgstr[0] "Wojna domowa rozbija państwo %s; %s mają teraz %d miasto."
41594msgstr[1] "Wojna domowa rozbija państwo %s; %s mają teraz %d miasta."
41595msgstr[2] "Wojna domowa rozbija państwo %s; %s mają teraz %d miast."
41597#. TRANS: '/delegate cancel' is a server command and must not
41598#. * be translated
41599#: server/plrhand.c:2982
41600#, c-format
41601msgid ""
41602"User '%s' is currently allowed to take control of your player while you are "
41603"away. Use '/delegate cancel' to revoke this access."
41604msgstr ""
41605"Użytkownik '%s' może teraz przejąć kontrolę nad twoim graczem, gdy nie "
41606"uczestniczysz w rozgrywce. Użyj '/delegate cancel', by anulować "
41609#: server/plrhand.c:2994
41610#, c-format
41611msgid "Control of player '%s' is delegated to you."
41612msgstr "Przekazano ci kontrolę nad graczem '%s'."
41614#. TRANS: '/delegate take' is a server command and must not
41615#. * be translated; but <player> should be translated.
41616#: server/plrhand.c:3003
41617msgid "Use '/delegate take <player>' to take control of a delegated player."
41618msgstr ""
41619"Użyj '/delegate take <gracz>' by przejąć kontrolę nad graczem z "
41622#. TRANS: year <name> reports ...
41623#: server/report.c:91
41624#, c-format
41625msgid "%s %s reports on the RICHEST Civilizations in the World."
41626msgstr "%s: %s wydaje raport o NAJBOGATSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
41628#. TRANS: year <name> reports ...
41629#: server/report.c:93
41630#, c-format
41631msgid "%s %s reports on the most ADVANCED Civilizations in the World."
41632msgstr ""
41633"%s: %s wydaje raport o Najbardziej ZAAWANSOWANYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
41635#. TRANS: year <name> reports ...
41636#: server/report.c:95
41637#, c-format
41638msgid "%s %s reports on the most MILITARIZED Civilizations in the World."
41639msgstr ""
41640"%s: %s wydaje raport o Najbardziej ZMILITARYZOWANYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
41642#. TRANS: year <name> reports ...
41643#: server/report.c:97
41644#, c-format
41645msgid "%s %s reports on the HAPPIEST Civilizations in the World."
41646msgstr "%s: %s wydaje raport o NAJSZCZĘŚLIWSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
41648#. TRANS: year <name> reports ...
41649#: server/report.c:99
41650#, c-format
41651msgid "%s %s reports on the LARGEST Civilizations in the World."
41652msgstr "%s: %s wydaje raport o NAJWIĘKSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
41654#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41655#: server/report.c:104
41656msgid "Herodotus"
41657msgstr "Herodot"
41659#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41660#: server/report.c:106
41661msgid "Thucydides"
41662msgstr "Tukidydes"
41664#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41665#: server/report.c:108
41666msgid "Pliny the Elder"
41667msgstr "Pliniusz Starszy"
41669#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41670#: server/report.c:110
41671msgid "Livy"
41672msgstr "Liwiusz"
41674#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41675#: server/report.c:112
41676msgid "Toynbee"
41677msgstr "Toynbee"
41679#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41680#: server/report.c:114
41681msgid "Gibbon"
41682msgstr "Gibbon"
41684#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41685#: server/report.c:116
41686msgid "Ssu-ma Ch'ien"
41687msgstr "Ssu-ma Ch'ien"
41689#. TRANS: [year] <name> [reports ...]
41690#: server/report.c:118
41691msgid "Pan Ku"
41692msgstr "Pan Ku"
41694#: server/report.c:168
41695msgid "Population"
41696msgstr "Populacja"
41698#: server/report.c:169
41699msgid "Land Area"
41700msgstr "Obszar"
41702#: server/report.c:170
41703msgid "Settled Area"
41704msgstr "Obszar zamieszkany"
41706#: server/report.c:171
41707msgid "Research Speed"
41708msgstr "Szybkość badań"
41710#. TRANS: How literate people are.
41711#: server/report.c:173
41712msgid "?ability:Literacy"
41713msgstr "?ability:Piśmienność"
41715#: server/report.c:176
41716msgid "Military Service"
41717msgstr "Służba wojskowa"
41719#: server/report.c:178
41720msgid "Culture"
41721msgstr "Kultura"
41723#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41724#: server/report.c:196
41725#, c-format
41726msgid "%2d: The Supreme %s"
41727msgstr "%2d: Niezrównani %s"
41729#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41730#: server/report.c:198
41731#, c-format
41732msgid "%2d: The Magnificent %s"
41733msgstr "%2d: Wspaniali %s"
41735#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41736#: server/report.c:200
41737#, c-format
41738msgid "%2d: The Great %s"
41739msgstr "%2d: Wielcy %s"
41741#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41742#: server/report.c:202
41743#, c-format
41744msgid "%2d: The Glorious %s"
41745msgstr "%2d: Sławetni %s"
41747#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41748#: server/report.c:204
41749#, c-format
41750msgid "%2d: The Excellent %s"
41751msgstr "%2d: Znakomici %s"
41753#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41754#: server/report.c:206
41755#, c-format
41756msgid "%2d: The Eminent %s"
41757msgstr "%2d: Słynni %s"
41759#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41760#: server/report.c:208
41761#, c-format
41762msgid "%2d: The Distinguished %s"
41763msgstr "%2d: Świetni %s"
41765#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41766#: server/report.c:210
41767#, c-format
41768msgid "%2d: The Average %s"
41769msgstr "%2d: Przeciętni %s"
41771#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41772#: server/report.c:212
41773#, c-format
41774msgid "%2d: The Mediocre %s"
41775msgstr "%2d: Średni %s"
41777#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41778#: server/report.c:214
41779#, c-format
41780msgid "%2d: The Ordinary %s"
41781msgstr "%2d: Zwykli %s"
41783#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41784#: server/report.c:216
41785#, c-format
41786msgid "%2d: The Pathetic %s"
41787msgstr "%2d: Żałośni %s"
41789#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41790#: server/report.c:218
41791#, c-format
41792msgid "%2d: The Useless %s"
41793msgstr "%2d: Bezużyteczni %s"
41795#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41796#: server/report.c:220
41797#, c-format
41798msgid "%2d: The Valueless %s"
41799msgstr "%2d: Bezwartościowi %s"
41801#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41802#: server/report.c:222
41803#, c-format
41804msgid "%2d: The Worthless %s"
41805msgstr "%2d: Pożałowania godni %s"
41807#. TRANS: <#>: The <ranking> Poles
41808#: server/report.c:224
41809#, c-format
41810msgid "%2d: The Wretched %s"
41811msgstr "%2d: Beznadziejni %s"
41813#: server/report.c:303
41814msgid "Historian Publishes!"
41815msgstr "Publikacja historyczna!"
41817#. TRANS:"The French City of Lyon (team 3) of size 18".
41818#: server/report.c:375
41819#, c-format
41820msgid "%2d: The %s City of %s (%s) of size %d, "
41821msgstr "%2d: %se miasto %s (%s) o rozmiarze %d, "
41823#: server/report.c:381
41824#, c-format
41825msgid "%2d: The %s City of %s of size %d, "
41826msgstr "%2d: %se miasto %s rozmiaru %d, "
41828#: server/report.c:388
41829msgid "with no Great Wonders\n"
41830msgstr "brak wielkich cudów\n"
41832#: server/report.c:391
41833#, c-format
41834msgid "with %d Great Wonder\n"
41835msgid_plural "with %d Great Wonders\n"
41836msgstr[0] "ma %d wielki cud\n"
41837msgstr[1] "na %d wielkie cudy\n"
41838msgstr[2] "ma %d wielkich cudów\n"
41840#: server/report.c:394 server/report.c:468
41841msgid "Traveler's Report:"
41842msgstr "Raport Podróżniczy:"
41844#: server/report.c:395
41845msgid "The Five Greatest Cities in the World!"
41846msgstr "Pięć Najwspanialszych Miast Świata!"
41848#. TRANS: "Colossus in Rhodes (Greek, team 2)".
41849#: server/report.c:421
41850#, c-format
41851msgid "%s in %s (%s, %s)\n"
41852msgstr "%s w %s (%s, %s)\n"
41854#: server/report.c:427
41855#, c-format
41856msgid "%s in %s (%s)\n"
41857msgstr "%s w %s (%s)\n"
41859#: server/report.c:433
41860#, c-format
41861msgid "%s has been DESTROYED\n"
41862msgstr "%s został ZNISZCZONY\n"
41864#. TRANS: "([...] (Roman, team 4))".
41865#: server/report.c:453
41866#, c-format
41867msgid "(building %s in %s (%s, %s))\n"
41868msgstr "(w trakcie budowy: %s w mieście %s (%s, %s))\n"
41870#: server/report.c:458
41871#, c-format
41872msgid "(building %s in %s (%s))\n"
41873msgstr "(w trakcie budowy: %s w mieście %s (%s))\n"
41875#. TRANS: abbreviation of "square miles"
41876#: server/report.c:810
41877msgid " sq. mi."
41878msgid_plural " sq. mi."
41879msgstr[0] " mila kw."
41880msgstr[1] " mile kw."
41881msgstr[2] " mil kw."
41883#. TRANS: "M tons" = million tons, so always plural
41884#: server/report.c:830
41885msgid " M tons"
41886msgid_plural " M tons"
41887msgstr[0] " mln ton"
41888msgstr[1] " mln ton"
41889msgstr[2] " mln ton"
41891#. TRANS: "M goods" = million goods, so always plural
41892#: server/report.c:840
41893msgid " M goods"
41894msgid_plural " M goods"
41895msgstr[0] " mln dóbr"
41896msgstr[1] " mln dóbr"
41897msgstr[2] " mln dóbr"
41899#: server/report.c:849
41900msgid " bulb"
41901msgid_plural " bulbs"
41902msgstr[0] " punkt odkryć"
41903msgstr[1] " punkty odkryć"
41904msgstr[2] " punktów odkryć"
41906#: server/report.c:858
41907msgid " month"
41908msgid_plural " months"
41909msgstr[0] " miesiąc"
41910msgstr[1] " miesiące"
41911msgstr[2] " miesięcy"
41913#: server/report.c:867
41914msgid " ton"
41915msgid_plural " tons"
41916msgstr[0] " tona"
41917msgstr[1] " tony"
41918msgstr[2] " ton"
41920#. TRANS: Unit(s) of culture
41921#: server/report.c:877
41922msgid " point"
41923msgid_plural " points"
41924msgstr[0] " punkt"
41925msgstr[1] " punkty"
41926msgstr[2] " punktów"
41928#: server/report.c:909
41929#, c-format
41930msgid "(ranked %d)"
41931msgstr "(miejsce %d)"
41933#: server/report.c:1025 server/report.c:1052
41934msgid "Demographics Report:"
41935msgstr "Raport Demograficzny:"
41937#: server/report.c:1026
41938msgid "Sorry, the Demographics report is unavailable."
41939msgstr "Raport demograficzny nie jest dostępny."
41941#: server/report.c:1031 server/report.c:1068
41942#, c-format
41943msgid "%s %s (%s)"
41944msgstr "%s %s (%s)"
41946#: server/report.c:1082
41947msgid "Achievements List:"
41948msgstr "Lista osiągnięć:"
41950#: server/report.c:1562
41951msgid "Population\n"
41952msgstr "Populacja\n"
41954#. TRANS: "M goods" = million goods
41955#: server/report.c:1564
41956msgid ""
41958"(M goods)"
41959msgstr ""
41961"(mln dóbr)"
41963#. TRANS: "M tons" = million tons
41964#: server/report.c:1566
41965msgid ""
41967"(M tons)"
41968msgstr ""
41970"(mln ton)"
41972#: server/report.c:1567
41973msgid "Cities\n"
41974msgstr "Miasta\n"
41976#: server/report.c:1568
41977msgid "Technologies\n"
41978msgstr "Technologie\n"
41980#: server/report.c:1569
41981msgid ""
41982"Military Service\n"
41984msgstr ""
41985"Służba wojskowa\n"
41988#: server/report.c:1570
41989msgid "Wonders\n"
41990msgstr "Cudy świata\n"
41992#: server/report.c:1571
41993msgid ""
41994"Research Speed\n"
41996msgstr ""
41997"Szybkość badań\n"
41998"(punkty odkryć)"
42000#. TRANS: "sq. mi." is abbreviation for "square miles"
42001#: server/report.c:1573
42002msgid ""
42003"Land Area\n"
42004"(sq. mi.)"
42005msgstr ""
42007"(mile kw.)"
42009#. TRANS: "sq. mi." is abbreviation for "square miles"
42010#: server/report.c:1575
42011msgid ""
42012"Settled Area\n"
42013"(sq. mi.)"
42014msgstr ""
42015"Obszar zamieszkany\n"
42016"(mile kw.)"
42018#: server/report.c:1576
42019msgid ""
42022msgstr ""
42026#: server/report.c:1577
42027msgid "Culture\n"
42028msgstr "Kultura\n"
42030#: server/report.c:1578
42031msgid "Spaceship\n"
42032msgstr "Statek kosmiczny\n"
42034#: server/report.c:1579
42035msgid "Built Units\n"
42036msgstr "Zbudowane jednostki\n"
42038#: server/report.c:1580
42039msgid "Killed Units\n"
42040msgstr "Pokonane jednostki\n"
42042#: server/report.c:1581
42043msgid "Unit Losses\n"
42044msgstr "Stracone jednostki\n"
42046#: server/rssanity.c:987
42047msgid "Disabling 'barbarians' setting for lack of suitable unit types."
42048msgstr ""
42049"Wyłączam opcję 'barbarians' z powodu braku odpowiednich typów jednostek."
42051#. TRANS: message about an installation error.
42052#: server/ruleset.c:236
42053#, c-format
42054msgid "Could not find a readable \"%s.%s\" ruleset file."
42055msgstr "Nie znaleziono prawidłowego pliku z zasadami \"%s.%s\"."
42057#: server/ruleset.c:2519
42058msgid "?gui_type:Build Type A Base"
42059msgstr "Zbuduj bazę typu A"
42061#: server/ruleset.c:2524
42062msgid "?gui_type:Build Type B Base"
42063msgstr "Zbuduj bazę typu B"
42065#: server/ruleset.c:4937
42066msgid ""
42067"Effects should have \"type\", not the same field with old name \"name\"."
42068msgstr ""
42069"Efekty powinny mieć \"typ\", a nie to samo pole ze starą nazwą \"nazwa\"."
42071#. TRANS: S_abotage Enemy Unit (3% chance of success).
42072#: server/ruleset.c:5456
42073#, c-format
42074msgid "S%sabotage Enemy Unit%s"
42075msgstr "%sSabotuj jednostkę wroga%s"
42077#. TRANS: Bribe Enemy _Unit (3% chance of success).
42078#: server/ruleset.c:5463
42079#, c-format
42080msgid "Bribe Enemy %sUnit%s"
42081msgstr "Przekup jednostkę wroga (%sU)%s"
42083#. TRANS: Industria_l Sabotage (3% chance of success).
42084#: server/ruleset.c:5477
42085#, c-format
42086msgid "Industria%sl Sabotage%s"
42087msgstr "Sabotaż przemysłowy (%sl)%s"
42089#. TRANS: Incite a Re_volt (3% chance of success).
42090#: server/ruleset.c:5485
42091#, c-format
42092msgid "Incite a Re%svolt%s"
42093msgstr "Podburz miasto (%sv)%s"
42095#. TRANS: In_dustrial Espionage (3% chance of success).
42096#: server/ruleset.c:5506
42097#, c-format
42098msgid "In%sdustrial Espionage%s"
42099msgstr "Szpiegostwo przemysłowe (%sd)%s"
42101#. TRANS: Steal _Gold (100% chance of success).
42102#: server/ruleset.c:5520
42103#, c-format
42104msgid "Steal %sGold%s"
42105msgstr "Wykradnij złoto (%sG)%s"
42107#: server/ruleset.c:6955
42108msgid "Ruleset couldn't be loaded. Keeping previous one."
42109msgstr "Nie można wczytać zestawu zasad. Zachowuję poprzedni."
42111#: server/ruleset.c:6973
42112msgid "Ruleset couldn't be loaded. Switching to default one."
42113msgstr "Nie można wczytać zestawu zasad. Przechodzę na domyśny zestaw."
42115#: server/ruleset.c:6980
42116msgid ""
42117"Cannot load any ruleset. Freeciv-web ruleset is available from https://"
42119msgstr ""
42120"Nie można wczytać żadnego zestawu zasad. Zestaw Freeciv-web dostępny na "
42121"stronie https://github.com/freeciv/freeciv-web"
42123#: server/ruleset.c:7020
42124msgid "Loading rulesets."
42125msgstr "Wczytuję zestawy zasad."
42127#: server/savecompat.c:146
42128#, c-format
42129msgid ""
42130"Run compatibility function for version: <%d (save file: %d; server: %d)."
42131msgstr "Uruchom funkcję zgodności dla wersji <%d (plik gry: %d; serwer: %d)."
42133#: server/savecompat.c:1124
42134#, c-format
42135msgid ""
42136"The save game is wrong about what the closest relationship %s (player %d) "
42137"and %s (player %d) have had is. Fixing it..."
42138msgstr ""
42139"Ta zapisana gra ma błędne informacje o najbliższej relacji %s (gracz %d) i "
42140"%s (gracz %d). Naprawiam..."
42142#. TRANS: Minor error message.
42143#: server/savegame2.c:245 server/savegame.c:198
42144msgid ""
42145"Saved game contains incomplete map data. This can happen with old saved "
42146"games, or it may indicate an invalid saved game file. Proceed at your own "
42148msgstr ""
42149"Plik zapisanej gry zawiera niekompletne dane o mapie. Przyczyną tego może "
42150"być za stara wersja pliku lub uszkodzenie. Kontynuuj na własną "
42153#: server/savegame2.c:1592
42154#, c-format
42155msgid "Failed to load ruleset '%s' needed for savegame."
42156msgstr ""
42157"Nie udało się wczytać zestawu zasad '%s' potrzebnego dla zapisanej gry."
42159#: server/savegame2.c:3914 server/savegame.c:4053 server/srv_main.c:2392
42160#: server/srv_main.c:2397
42161#, c-format
42162msgid "%s has been added as %s level AI-controlled player (%s)."
42163msgstr "%s został/a dodany jako gracz AI, poziom %s (%s)."
42165#: server/savegame2.c:3919 server/savegame.c:4058
42166#, c-format
42167msgid "%s has been added as human player."
42168msgstr "%s został/a dodany jako gracz-człowiek."
42170#. TRANS: Minor error message: <Leader> ... <Poles>.
42171#: server/savegame2.c:3943 server/savegame.c:4140
42172#, c-format
42173msgid "%s had invalid nation; changing to %s."
42174msgstr "%s miał/a nieprawidłowy naród; zmieniam na %s."
42176#: server/savegame2.c:7525 server/savegame.c:4111
42177#, c-format
42178msgid "%s had invalid researching technology."
42179msgstr "%s miał/a niewłaściwą technologię badań."
42181#: server/savegame2.c:7535 server/savegame.c:4122
42182#, c-format
42183msgid "%s had invalid technology goal."
42184msgstr "%s miał/a niewłaściwy cel badań."
42186#: server/savegame2.c:7560
42187#, c-format
42188msgid ""
42189"%s has multiple units of type %s though it should be possible to have only "
42191msgstr ""
42192"%s ma wiele jednostek typu %s, mimo że można mieć tylko jedną taką jednostkę."
42194#. TRANS: Fatal error message.
42195#: server/savegame.c:3173
42196msgid ""
42197"Saved game uses the ancient format terrain ruleset, and is no longer "
42199msgstr ""
42200"Plik zapisanej gry używa przestarzałego formatu zasad dla terenu, który nie "
42201"jest już wspierany."
42203#: server/savegame.c:3181
42204#, c-format
42205msgid ""
42206"Warning: Different rulesetdirs ('%s' and '%s') are no longer supported. "
42207"Using '%s'."
42208msgstr ""
42209"Ostrzeżenie: Różne foldery zasad ('%s' i '%s') nie są już wspierane. Używam "
42212#. TRANS: Fatal error message.
42213#: server/savegame.c:3229
42214msgid "Saved game is too old, at least version 2.0.0 required."
42215msgstr ""
42216"Plik zapisanej gry jest za stary, wymagana jest wersja co najmniej 2.0.0."
42218#: server/scripting/api_server_edit.c:334
42219#, c-format
42220msgid "?fromscript:You acquire %s."
42221msgstr "Nabywasz %s."
42223#. TRANS: "The Greeks ..." or "The members of
42224#. * team Red ..."
42225#: server/scripting/api_server_edit.c:338
42226#, c-format
42227msgid "?fromscript:The %s acquire %s and share this advance with you."
42228msgstr "%s zdobyli technologię %s i dzielą się nią z tobą."
42230#. TRANS: "The Greeks ..." or "The members of
42231#. * team Red ..."
42232#: server/scripting/api_server_edit.c:344
42233#, c-format
42234msgid "?fromscript:The %s acquire %s."
42235msgstr "%s nabywają %s."
42237#: server/sernet.c:150
42238msgid "Server cannot read standard input. Ignoring input."
42239msgstr "Serwer nie może czytać ze standardowego wejścia. Wejście ignorowane."
42241#: server/sernet.c:475
42242msgid "rejected"
42243msgstr "odrzucono"
42245#: server/sernet.c:583
42246msgid "Shutting down for lack of players."
42247msgstr "Zamykam z powodu braku graczy."
42249#: server/sernet.c:586
42250msgid "Restarting for lack of players."
42251msgstr "Restartuję z powodu braku graczy."
42253#: server/sernet.c:606
42254#, c-format
42255msgid "Shutting down in %d seconds for lack of players."
42256msgstr "Zamykam za %d sekund z powodu braku graczy."
42258#: server/sernet.c:609
42259msgid "shutting down soon for lack of players"
42260msgstr "zamykam wkrótce z powodu braku graczy"
42262#: server/sernet.c:611
42263#, c-format
42264msgid "Restarting in %d seconds for lack of players."
42265msgstr "Restartuję za %d sekund z powodu braku graczy."
42267#: server/sernet.c:614
42268msgid "restarting soon for lack of players"
42269msgstr "restartuję wkrótce z powodu braku graczy"
42271#: server/sernet.c:642
42272msgid "ping timeout"
42273msgstr "upłynął czas PINGa"
42275#: server/sernet.c:876
42276msgid "client disconnected"
42277msgstr "klient rozłączony"
42279#: server/sernet.c:1133
42280#, c-format
42281msgid "Server: bad address: <%s:%d>."
42282msgstr "Serwer: zły adres: <%s:%d>."
42284#. TRANS: Game state for local server
42285#: server/sernet.c:1578
42286msgid "Running"
42287msgstr "W trakcie"
42289#. TRANS: Game state for local server
42290#: server/sernet.c:1582 server/settings.c:332
42291msgid "Game over"
42292msgstr "Koniec gry"
42294#: server/settings.c:220
42295msgid "Number of tiles"
42296msgstr "Liczba pól"
42298#: server/settings.c:221
42299msgid "Tiles per player"
42300msgstr "Pola na gracza"
42302#: server/settings.c:222
42303msgid "Width and height"
42304msgstr "Szerokość i wysokość"
42306#: server/settings.c:233
42307msgid "Wrap East-West"
42308msgstr "Zawiń wschód-zachód"
42310#: server/settings.c:234
42311msgid "Wrap North-South"
42312msgstr "Zawiń północ-południe"
42314#: server/settings.c:236
42315msgid "Hexagonal"
42316msgstr "Sześciokątna"
42318#: server/settings.c:247
42319msgid "Scenario map"
42320msgstr "Mapa scenariusza"
42322#: server/settings.c:248
42323msgid "Fully random height"
42324msgstr "W pełni losowa wysokość"
42326#: server/settings.c:249
42327msgid "Pseudo-fractal height"
42328msgstr "Wysokość pseudo-fraktalna"
42330#: server/settings.c:250
42331msgid "Island-based"
42332msgstr "Wyspowa"
42334#: server/settings.c:251
42335msgid "Fair islands"
42336msgstr "Uczciwe wyspy"
42338#: server/settings.c:263
42339msgid "Generator's choice"
42340msgstr "Wybór generatora"
42342#: server/settings.c:265
42343msgid "One player per continent"
42344msgstr "Jeden gracz na kontynent"
42346#: server/settings.c:267
42347msgid "Two or three players per continent"
42348msgstr "Dwóch lub trzech graczy na kontynent"
42350#: server/settings.c:269
42351msgid "All players on a single continent"
42352msgstr "Wszyscy gracze na tym samym kontynencie"
42354#: server/settings.c:271
42355msgid "Depending on size of continents"
42356msgstr "Zależnie od wielkości kontynentu"
42358#: server/settings.c:285
42359msgid "As close as possible"
42360msgstr "Tak blisko jak to możliwe"
42362#: server/settings.c:287
42363msgid "On the same continent"
42364msgstr "Na tym samym kontynencie"
42366#: server/settings.c:289
42367msgid "Horizontal placement"
42368msgstr "Rozmieszczenie poziome"
42370#: server/settings.c:291
42371msgid "Vertical placement"
42372msgstr "Rozmieszczenie pionowe"
42374#: server/settings.c:305
42375msgid "As long as connected"
42376msgstr "Dopóki połączony"
42378#: server/settings.c:317
42379msgid "Spacerace"
42380msgstr "Wyścig kosmiczny"
42382#: server/settings.c:318
42383msgid "Allied victory"
42384msgstr "Zwycięstwo sojuszników"
42386#: server/settings.c:319
42387msgid "Culture victory"
42388msgstr "Zwycięstwo kulturowe"
42390#: server/settings.c:331
42391msgid "New turn"
42392msgstr "Nowa tura"
42394#: server/settings.c:333
42395msgid "No player connections"
42396msgstr "Brak połączeń graczy"
42398#: server/settings.c:334
42399msgid "Server interrupted"
42400msgstr "Serwer rozłączony"
42402#: server/settings.c:335
42403msgid "Timer"
42404msgstr "Licznik"
42406#: server/settings.c:350
42407msgid "See everything inside borders"
42408msgstr "Widoczność wewnątrz granic"
42410#: server/settings.c:352
42411msgid "Borders expand to unknown, revealing tiles"
42412msgstr "Granice obejmują obszary nieznane i odkrywają pola"
42414#: server/settings.c:363
42415msgid "Fixed"
42416msgstr "Stałe"
42418#: server/settings.c:364
42419msgid "Even"
42420msgstr "Równe"
42422#: server/settings.c:375
42423msgid "Per-player, in order"
42424msgstr "Na gracza, w kolejności"
42426#: server/settings.c:376
42427msgid "Per-player, random"
42428msgstr "Na gracza, losowy"
42430#: server/settings.c:377
42431msgid "Set manually"
42432msgstr "Ustaw ręcznie"
42434#: server/settings.c:378
42435msgid "Per-team, in order"
42436msgstr "Na gracza, w kolejności"
42438#: server/settings.c:379
42439msgid "Per-nation, in order"
42440msgstr "Na naród, w kolejności"
42442#: server/settings.c:390
42443msgid "Borders are not helping"
42444msgstr "Granice nie pomagają"
42446#: server/settings.c:391
42447msgid "Happy within own borders"
42448msgstr "Zadowolenie we własnych granicach"
42450#: server/settings.c:392
42451msgid "Happy within allied borders"
42452msgstr "Zadowolenie w granicach sojuszników"
42454#: server/settings.c:403
42455msgid "Enabled for everyone"
42456msgstr "Włączone dla wszystkich"
42458#: server/settings.c:405
42459msgid "Only allowed between human players"
42460msgstr "Możliwe tylko dla graczy-ludzi"
42462#: server/settings.c:406
42463msgid "Only allowed between AI players"
42464msgstr "Możliwe tylko dla graczy AI"
42466#: server/settings.c:407
42467msgid "Only allowed when human involved"
42468msgstr "Możliwe tylko dla graczy-ludzi"
42470#: server/settings.c:408
42471msgid "Only allowed between two humans, or two AI players"
42472msgstr "Możliwe tylko pomiędzy dwoma graczami-ludźmi lub dwoma graczami-AI"
42474#: server/settings.c:409
42475msgid "Restricted to teams"
42476msgstr "Tylko dla drużyn"
42478#: server/settings.c:410
42479msgid "Disabled for everyone"
42480msgstr "Wyłączone dla wszystkich"
42482#: server/settings.c:421
42483msgid "No restrictions"
42484msgstr "Bez ograniczeń"
42486#: server/settings.c:422
42487msgid "Unique to a player"
42488msgstr "Unikalne dla gracza"
42490#: server/settings.c:423
42491msgid "Globally unique"
42492msgstr "Unikalne globalnie"
42494#: server/settings.c:424
42495msgid "No city name stealing"
42496msgstr "Bez podkradania"
42498#: server/settings.c:435
42499msgid "No barbarians"
42500msgstr "Brak barbarzyńców"
42502#: server/settings.c:436
42503msgid "Only in huts"
42504msgstr "Tylko w chatkach"
42506#: server/settings.c:437
42507msgid "Normal rate of appearance"
42508msgstr "Normalna częstotliwość"
42510#: server/settings.c:438
42511msgid "Frequent barbarian uprising"
42512msgstr "Częste powstania barbarzyńców"
42514#: server/settings.c:439
42515msgid "Raging hordes"
42516msgstr "Wściekłe hordy"
42518#: server/settings.c:450
42519msgid "Fixed to 'revolen' turns"
42520msgstr "Ustawione na ilość tur określoną w 'revolen'"
42522#: server/settings.c:451
42523msgid "Randomly 1-'revolen' turns"
42524msgstr "Losowo przez 1-'revolen' tur"
42526#: server/settings.c:452
42527msgid "First time 'revolen', then always quicker"
42528msgstr "Najpierw przez okres 'revolen', potem zawsze szybciej"
42530#: server/settings.c:453
42531msgid "Random, max always quicker"
42532msgstr "Losowe, maksymalne zawsze szybsze"
42534#: server/settings.c:464
42535msgid "Reveal map at game start"
42536msgstr "Odkryj mapę na początku gry"
42538#: server/settings.c:465
42539msgid "Unfog map for dead players"
42540msgstr "Odkryj mapę martwych graczy"
42542#: server/settings.c:477
42543msgid "Allows units to be airlifted from allied cities"
42544msgstr "Pozwala na przenoszenie jednostek z sojuszniczych miast"
42546#: server/settings.c:479
42547msgid "Allows units to be airlifted to allied cities"
42548msgstr "Pozwala na przenoszenie jednostek do sojuszniczych miast"
42550#: server/settings.c:481
42551msgid "Unlimited units from source city"
42552msgstr "Nieograniczone jednostki z miasta źródłowego"
42554#: server/settings.c:483
42555msgid "Unlimited units to destination city"
42556msgstr "Nieograniczone jednostki do miasta docelowego"
42558#: server/settings.c:494
42559msgid "All players move concurrently"
42560msgstr "Wszyscy gracze ruszają się jednocześnie"
42562#: server/settings.c:496
42563msgid "All players alternate movement"
42564msgstr "Wszyscy gracze ruszają się naprzemiennie"
42566#: server/settings.c:497
42567msgid "Team alternate movement"
42568msgstr "Drużyny ruszają się naprzemiennie"
42570#: server/settings.c:509
42571msgid "All players"
42572msgstr "Wszyscy gracze"
42574#: server/settings.c:510
42575msgid "Human players only"
42576msgstr "Tylko gracze-ludzie"
42578#: server/settings.c:522
42579msgid "No compression"
42580msgstr "Bez kompresji"
42582#: server/settings.c:524
42583msgid "Using zlib (gzip format)"
42584msgstr "Użyj zlib (format gzip)"
42586#: server/settings.c:527
42587msgid "Using bzip2"
42588msgstr "Użyj bzip2"
42590#: server/settings.c:530
42591msgid "Using xz"
42592msgstr "Użyj xz"
42594#: server/settings.c:542
42595msgid "disabled"
42596msgstr "wyłączone"
42598#: server/settings.c:543
42599msgid "enabled"
42600msgstr "włączone"
42602#: server/settings.c:563
42603#, c-format
42604msgid ""
42605"This setting controls whether players may make moves at the same time during "
42606"a turn. Change in setting takes effect next turn. Currently, at least to the "
42607"end of this turn, mode is \"%s\"."
42608msgstr ""
42609"To ustawienie określa, czy gracze mogą wykonywać ruchy jednocześnie w "
42610"trakcie tej samej tury. Zmiana tego ustawienie przyniesie efekty w następnej "
42611"turze. Obecnie gra znajduje się w trybie \"%s\", przynajmniej do końca "
42612"biezącej tury."
42614#: server/settings.c:582
42615#, c-format
42616msgid ""
42618"Currently this setting is being overridden by an old scenario or savegame, "
42619"which has set the absolute number of huts to %d. Explicitly set this setting "
42620"again to make it take effect instead."
42621msgstr ""
42623"Obecnie to ustawieie jest nadpisane przez stary scenariusz lub zapisaną grę, "
42624"gdzie absolutna ilość chatek to %d. Zmień to ustawienie ponownie, aby "
42625"osiągnąć zamierzony efekt."
42627#: server/settings.c:618 server/settings.c:620
42628#, c-format
42629msgid "Warning: aifill not met: %s."
42630msgstr "Uwaga: niewłaściwa wartość aifill: %s."
42632#: server/settings.c:650
42633msgid "Warning: not enough nations in this nation set for all current players."
42634msgstr ""
42635"Uwaga: zbyt mało narodów w tym zestawie dla wszystkich obecnych graczy."
42637#: server/settings.c:764
42638#, c-format
42639msgid "Invalid save name definition: '%s' (resolves to '%s')."
42640msgstr ""
42641"Nieprawidłowa definicja nazwy zapisanej gry: '%s' (zmienia się na '%s')."
42643#: server/settings.c:783
42644msgid "You cannot disable the map generator."
42645msgstr "Nie możesz wyłączyć generatora mapy."
42647#: server/settings.c:790
42648msgid "You cannot require a map generator when a map is loaded."
42649msgstr "Nie możesz wywołać generatora mapy, gdy mapa jest wczytana."
42651#: server/settings.c:806
42652#, c-format
42653msgid "Invalid score name definition: '%s'."
42654msgstr "Nieprawidłowa definicja nazwy punktów: '%s'."
42656#: server/settings.c:828
42657#, c-format
42658msgid ""
42659"Demography string validation failed at character: '%c'. Try \"/help "
42661msgstr ""
42662"Ciąg znaków określający raport demograficzny zawiera niedozwolony znak: "
42663"'%c'. Spróbuj \"/help demography\"."
42665#: server/settings.c:893
42666#, c-format
42667msgid ""
42668"Allowed take string validation failed at character: '%c'. Try \"/help "
42670msgstr ""
42671"Ciąg znaków określający dopuszczalne połączenia zawiera niedozwolony znak: "
42672"'%c'. Spróbuj \"/help allowtake\"."
42674#: server/settings.c:924
42675#, c-format
42676msgid ""
42677"Starting units string validation failed at character '%c'. Try \"/help "
42679msgstr ""
42680"Ciąg znaków określający jednostki początkowe zawiera niedozwolony znak: "
42681"'%c'. Spróbuj \"/help startunits\"."
42683#: server/settings.c:944
42684msgid ""
42685"The first starting unit must be native to at least one \"Starter\" terrain. "
42686"Try \"/help startunits\"."
42687msgstr ""
42688"Pierwsza jednostka początkowa musi być natywna przynajmniej dla jednego "
42689"terenu początkowego. Spróbuj \"/help startunits\"."
42691#: server/settings.c:963
42692msgid "Cannot set endturn earlier than current turn."
42693msgstr "Nie można ustawić endturn wcześniej, niż na bieżącą turę."
42695#: server/settings.c:977
42696#, c-format
42697msgid ""
42698"Number of players (%d) is higher than requested value (%d). Keeping old "
42700msgstr ""
42701"Liczba graczy (%d) jest większa od podanej wartości (%d). Pozostawiam "
42702"poprzednią wartość."
42704#: server/settings.c:986
42705#, c-format
42706msgid ""
42707"Requested value (%d) is greater than number of available start positions "
42708"(%d). Keeping old value."
42709msgstr ""
42710"Żądana wartość (%d) jest większa niż liczba dostępnych pozycji początkowych "
42711"(%d). Pozostawiam poprzednią wartość."
42713#. TRANS: do not translate 'list nationsets'
42714#: server/settings.c:1010
42715#, c-format
42716msgid "Unknown nation set \"%s\". See '%slist nationsets' for possible values."
42717msgstr ""
42718"Nieznany zestaw narodów \"%s\". Wpisz '%slist nationsets' , by zobaczyć "
42719"dostępne wartości."
42721#: server/settings.c:1026 server/settings.c:1064
42722msgid "You are not allowed to set timeout values less than 30 seconds."
42723msgstr "Nie możesz ustawić tej opcji na mniej niż 30 sekund."
42725#. TRANS: Do not translate setting names in ''.
42726#: server/settings.c:1035 server/settings.c:1081
42727msgid ""
42728"For autogames ('timeout' = -1) 'unitwaittime' should be deactivated (= 0)."
42729msgstr ""
42730"W przypadku autogry ('timeout' = -1) ustawienie 'unitwaittime' powinno być "
42731"wyłączone (= 0)."
42733#. TRANS: Do not translate setting names in ''.
42734#: server/settings.c:1045
42735#, c-format
42736msgid ""
42737"'timeout' can not be lower than 3/2 of the 'unitwaittime' setting (= %d). "
42738"Please change 'unitwaittime' first."
42739msgstr ""
42740"Wartość ustawienia 'timeout' nie może być mniejsza niż 3/2 wartości "
42741"ustawienia 'unitwaittime' (= %d)."
42743#. TRANS: Do not translate setting names in ''.
42744#: server/settings.c:1089
42745#, c-format
42746msgid ""
42747"'unitwaittime' has to be lower than 2/3 of the 'timeout' setting (= %d). "
42748"Please change 'timeout' first."
42749msgstr ""
42750"Wartość ustawienia 'unitwaittime' musi być mniejsza niż 2/3 wartości "
42751"ustawienia 'timeout' (= %d). Zmień najpierw wartość ustawienia 'timeout'."
42753#: server/settings.c:1109 server/settings.c:1167 server/settings.c:1187
42754msgid "For an isometric or hexagonal map the ysize must be even."
42755msgstr ""
42756"Dla map izometrycznych i sześciokątnych wartość 'ysize' musi być liczbą "
42759#: server/settings.c:1127 server/settings.c:1152
42760#, c-format
42761msgid "The map size (%d * %d = %d) must be larger than %d tiles."
42762msgstr "Rozmiar mapy (%d * %d = %d) musi być większy niż %d pól."
42764#: server/settings.c:1133 server/settings.c:1158
42765#, c-format
42766msgid "The map size (%d * %d = %d) must be lower than %d tiles."
42767msgstr "Rozmiar mapy (%d * %d = %d) musi być mniejszy niż %d pól."
42769#: server/settings.c:1210
42770msgid "No nations in the currently loaded ruleset have associated colors."
42771msgstr "Żaden naród w obecnym zestawie zasad nie jest skojarzony z kolorem."
42773#: server/settings.c:1275
42774msgid "Map size definition"
42775msgstr "Określenie rozmiaru mapy"
42777#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42778#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42779#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
42780#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
42781#. * untranslated.
42782#: server/settings.c:1281
42783msgid ""
42784"Chooses the method used to define the map size. Other options specify the "
42785"parameters for each method.\n"
42786"- \"Number of tiles\" (FULLSIZE): Map area (option 'size').\n"
42787"- \"Tiles per player\" (PLAYER): Number of (land) tiles per player (option "
42789"- \"Width and height\" (XYSIZE): Map width and height in tiles (options "
42790"'xsize' and 'ysize')."
42791msgstr ""
42792"Rozmiar mapy może być określony przy pomocy różnych opcji:\n"
42793"- \"Liczba pól\" (FULLSIZE): Wielkość mapy (opcja 'size').\n"
42794"- \"Pola na gracza\" (PLAYER): Liczba (lądowych) pól przypadających na "
42795"gracza (opcja 'tilesperplayer').\n"
42796"- \"Szerokość i wysokość\" (XYSIZE): Szerokość i wysokość mapy (opcje "
42797"'xsize' oraz 'ysize')."
42799#: server/settings.c:1292
42800msgid "Map area (in thousands of tiles)"
42801msgstr "Rozmiar mapy (w tysiącach pól)"
42803#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42804#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42805#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
42806#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
42807#. * untranslated.
42808#: server/settings.c:1298
42809msgid ""
42810"This value is used to determine the map area.\n"
42811"  size = 4 is a normal map of 4,000 tiles (default)\n"
42812"  size = 20 is a huge map of 20,000 tiles\n"
42813"For this option to take effect, the \"Map size definition\" option "
42814"('mapsize') must be set to \"Number of tiles\" (FULLSIZE)."
42815msgstr ""
42816"Ta wartość określa obszar mapy.\n"
42817"  size = 4 to normalna mapa z 4,000 pól (domyślnie)\n"
42818"  size = 20 to ogromna mapa z 20,000 pól\n"
42819"Aby używać tej opcji, ustaw \"Określenie rozmiaru mapy\" ('mapsize') na "
42820"\"Liczba pól\" (FULLSIZE)."
42822#: server/settings.c:1308
42823msgid "Number of (land) tiles per player"
42824msgstr "Liczba (lądowych) pól na gracza"
42826#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42827#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42828#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
42829#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
42830#. * untranslated.
42831#: server/settings.c:1314
42832msgid ""
42833"This value is used to determine the map dimensions. It calculates the map "
42834"size at game start based on the number of players and the value of the "
42835"setting 'landmass'.\n"
42836"For this option to take effect, the \"Map size definition\" option "
42837"('mapsize') must be set to \"Tiles per player\" (PLAYER)."
42838msgstr ""
42839"Ta wartość określa wymiary mapy. Rozmiar mapy oblicza się na podstawie "
42840"ilości graczy i wartości ustawienia 'landmass'. Aby używać tej opcji, ustaw "
42841"\"Określenie rozmiaru mapy\" ('mapsize') na \"Pola na gracza\" (PLAYER)."
42843#: server/settings.c:1325
42844msgid "Map width in tiles"
42845msgstr "Szerokość mapy w polach"
42847#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42848#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42849#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
42850#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
42851#. * untranslated.
42852#: server/settings.c:1331
42853msgid ""
42854"Defines the map width.\n"
42855"For this option to take effect, the \"Map size definition\" option "
42856"('mapsize') must be set to \"Width and height\" (XYSIZE)."
42857msgstr ""
42858"Określa szerokość mapy.\n"
42859"Aby używać tej opcji, ustaw \"Określenie rozmiaru mapy\" ('mapsize') na "
42860"\"Szerokość i wysokość\" (XYSIZE)."
42862#: server/settings.c:1339
42863msgid "Map height in tiles"
42864msgstr "Wysokość mapy w polach"
42866#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42867#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42868#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
42869#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
42870#. * untranslated.
42871#: server/settings.c:1345
42872msgid ""
42873"Defines the map height.\n"
42874"For this option to take effect, the \"Map size definition\" option "
42875"('mapsize') must be set to \"Width and height\" (XYSIZE)."
42876msgstr ""
42877"Określa wysokość mapy.\n"
42878" Aby używać tej opcji, ustaw  \"Określenie rozmiaru mapy\" ('mapsize') na "
42879"\"Szerokość i wysokość\" (XYSIZE)."
42881#: server/settings.c:1354
42882msgid "Map topology"
42883msgstr "Topologia mapy"
42885#. TRANS: do not edit the ugly ASCII art
42886#: server/settings.c:1356
42887msgid ""
42888"Freeciv maps are always two-dimensional. They may wrap at the north-south "
42889"and east-west directions to form a flat map, a cylinder, or a torus (donut). "
42890"Individual tiles may be rectangular or hexagonal, with either an overhead "
42891"(\"classic\") or isometric alignment.\n"
42892"To play with a particular topology, clients will need a matching tileset.\n"
42893"Overhead rectangular:      Isometric rectangular:\n"
42894"      _________               /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n"
42895"     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n"
42896"     |_|_|_|_|_|             \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n"
42897"     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n"
42898"                             \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n"
42899"Hex:                       Iso-hex:\n"
42900"  /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\               _   _   _   _   _\n"
42901"  | | | | | | |             / \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\\n"
42902"  \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\             \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/\n"
42903"   | | | | | | |            / \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\\n"
42904"   \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/             \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/\n"
42905msgstr ""
42906"Mapy są dwuwymiarowe i mogą się zawijać na północ-południe oraz wschód-"
42907"zachód; mogą tworzyć płaską powierzchnię, walec lub torus (obwarzanek). Pola "
42908"mogą być prostokątne lub sześciokątne i mogą być ułożone \"lotniczo"
42909"\" (klasycznie) lub izometrycznie.\n"
42910"Aby grać z daną topologią mapy, klient potrzebuje odpowiedniego zestawu "
42912"Klasyczna prostokątna:      Izometryczna prostokątna:\n"
42913"      _________               /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \n"
42914"     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ \n"
42915"     |_|_|_|_|_|             \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n"
42916"     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ \n"
42917"                             \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/  \n"
42918"Sześciokątna:               Izometryczna sześciokątna:\n"
42919"  /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\               _   _   _   _   _       \n"
42920"  | | | | | | |             / \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\      \n"
42921"  \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\             \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/  \n"
42922"   | | | | | | |            / \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\      \n"
42923"   \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/             \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/    \n"
42925#: server/settings.c:1381
42926msgid "Method used to generate map"
42927msgstr "Sposób generowania mapy"
42929#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42930#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42931#. * quotes (except 'fair') are setting names and shouldn't be
42932#. * translated. The strings between parentheses and in uppercase
42933#. * must stay as untranslated.
42934#: server/settings.c:1387
42935msgid ""
42936"Specifies the algorithm used to generate the map. If the default value of "
42937"the 'startpos' option is used, then the chosen generator chooses an "
42938"appropriate 'startpos' setting; otherwise, the generated map tries to "
42939"accommodate the chosen 'startpos' setting.\n"
42940"- \"Scenario map\" (SCENARIO): indicates a pre-generated map. By default, if "
42941"the scenario does not specify start positions, they will be allocated "
42942"depending on the size of continents.\n"
42943"- \"Fully random height\" (RANDOM): generates maps with a number of equally "
42944"spaced, relatively small islands. By default, start positions are allocated "
42945"depending on continent size.\n"
42946"- \"Pseudo-fractal height\" (FRACTAL): generates Earthlike worlds with one "
42947"or more large continents and a scattering of smaller islands. By default, "
42948"players are all placed on a single continent.\n"
42949"- \"Island-based\" (ISLAND): generates 'fair' maps with a number of "
42950"similarly-sized and -shaped islands, each with approximately the same ratios "
42951"of terrain types. By default, each player gets their own island.\n"
42952"- \"Fair islands\" (FAIR): generates the exact copy of the same island for "
42953"every player or every team.\n"
42954"If the requested generator is incompatible with other server settings, the "
42955"server may fall back to another generator."
42956msgstr ""
42957"Określa sposób generowania mapy. Jeśli ustawiono domyślną wartość "
42958"'startpos', wybrany generator wybiera odpowiednią wartość 'startpos'; w "
42959"przeciwnym wypadku, generator spróbuje dostosować mapę do wartości "
42961"- \"Scenariusz\" (SCENARIO): mapa zdefiniowana w scenariuszu. Jeśli "
42962"scenariusz nie określa pozycji początkowych, zależą one domyślnie od "
42963"rozmiaru kontynentów.\n"
42964"- \"W pełni losowa wysokość\" (RANDOM): tworzy mapy z dość małymi wyspami "
42965"równomiernie oddalonymi od siebie. Domyślnie, pozycje początkowe są "
42966"dobierane z zależności od rozmiaru kontynentu.\n"
42967"- \"Wysokość pseudo-fraktalna\" (FRACTAL): tworzy ziemiopodobne mapy z "
42968"jednym lub kilkoma dużymi kontynentami i porozrzucanymi mniejszymi wyspami. "
42969"Domyślnie, gracze są ustawiani na tym samym kontynencie.\n"
42970"- \"Wyspowy\" (ISLAND): tworzy \"uczciwe\" mapy z pewną liczbą podobnych "
42971"wysp, a na każdej z nich znajdują się mniej więcej takie same tereny. "
42972"Domyślnie, każdy gracz dostaje jedną wyspę.\n"
42973"- \"Uczciwe wyspy\" (FAIR): tworzy dokładne kopie jednej wyspy dla każdego "
42974"gracza lub drużyny.\n"
42975"Jeśli ustawiony generator jest niezgodny z innymi opcjami serwera, serwer "
42976"może wybrać inny generator."
42978#: server/settings.c:1414
42979msgid "Method used to choose start positions"
42980msgstr "Sposób wyboru pozycji początkowych"
42982#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
42983#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
42984#. * quotes (except 'best') are setting names and shouldn't be
42985#. * translated. The strings between parentheses and in uppercase
42986#. * must stay as untranslated.
42987#: server/settings.c:1420
42988msgid ""
42989"The method used to choose where each player's initial units start on the "
42990"map. (For scenarios which include pre-set start positions, this setting is "
42992"- \"Generator's choice\" (DEFAULT): the start position placement will depend "
42993"on the map generator chosen. See the 'generator' setting.\n"
42994"- \"One player per continent\" (SINGLE): one player is placed on each of a "
42995"set of continents of approximately equivalent value (if possible).\n"
42996"- \"Two or three players per continent\" (2or3): similar to SINGLE except "
42997"that two players will be placed on each continent, with three on the 'best' "
42998"continent if there is an odd number of players.\n"
42999"- \"All players on a single continent\" (ALL): all players will start on the "
43000"'best' available continent.\n"
43001"- \"Depending on size of continents\" (VARIABLE): players will be placed on "
43002"the 'best' available continents such that, as far as possible, the number of "
43003"players on each continent is proportional to its value.\n"
43004"If the server cannot satisfy the requested setting due to there being too "
43005"many players for continents, it may fall back to one of the others. "
43006"(However, map generators try to create the right number of continents for "
43007"the choice of this 'startpos' setting and the number of players, so this is "
43008"unlikely to occur.)"
43009msgstr ""
43010"Sposób wyboru miejsc, z których gracze rozpoczynają rozgrywkę. (Jeśli "
43011"scenariusz określa pozycje początkowe, opcja ta jest ignorowana.)\n"
43012"- \"Wybór generatora\" (DEFAULT): pozycje początkowe zależą od wybranego "
43013"sposobu tworzenia mapy. Zobacz opcję 'generator'.\n"
43014"- \"Jeden gracz na kontynent\" (SINGLE): na kontynencie (lub grupie "
43015"kontynentów o podobnej wartości) znajduje się tylko jeden gracz (jeśli jest "
43016"to możliwe).\n"
43017"- \"Dwóch lub trzech graczy na kontynent\" (2or3): podobne do SINGLE, lecz "
43018"na kontynencie znajdować się będzie dwóch graczy lub, przy nieparzystej "
43019"liczbie, trzech na 'najlepszym' lądzie.\n"
43020"- \"Wszyscy gracze na tym samym kontynencie\" (ALL): wszyscy gracze "
43021"zaczynają na 'najlepszym' kontynencie.\n"
43022"- \"Zależnie od wielkości kontynentu\" (VARIABLE): gracze będą rozmieszczeni "
43023"na 'najlepszych' kontynentach tak, by liczba graczy była proporcjonalna do "
43024"wielkości lądu (jeśli jest to możliwe)."
43026#: server/settings.c:1449
43027msgid "Method used for placement of team mates"
43028msgstr "Sposób rozmieszczenie członków drużyny"
43030#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
43031#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
43032#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
43033#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
43034#. * untranslated.
43035#: server/settings.c:1455
43036msgid ""
43037"After start positions have been generated thanks to the 'startpos' setting, "
43038"this setting controls how the start positions will be assigned to the "
43039"different players of the same team.\n"
43040"- \"Disabled\" (DISABLED): the start positions will be randomly assigned to "
43041"players, regardless of teams.\n"
43042"- \"As close as possible\" (CLOSEST): players will be placed as close as "
43043"possible, regardless of continents.\n"
43044"- \"On the same continent\" (CONTINENT): if possible, place all players of "
43045"the same team onto the same island/continent.\n"
43046"- \"Horizontal placement\" (HORIZONTAL): players of the same team will be "
43047"placed horizontally.\n"
43048"- \"Vertical placement\" (VERTICAL): players of the same team will be placed "
43050msgstr ""
43051"Po utworzeniu pozycji przy uwzględnienie opcji 'startpos', opcja te "
43052"kontroluje przydział pozycji początkowych dla członków drużyny.\n"
43053"- \"Wyłączone\" (DISABLED): pozycje początkowe będą przydzielone losowo, "
43054"niezależnie od drużyn.\n"
43055"- \"Tak blisko jak to możliwe\" (CLOSEST): gracze zostaną umieszczeniu tak "
43056"blisko jak to możliwe, niezależnie od kontynentów.\n"
43057"- \"Na tym samym kontynencie\" (CONTINENT): jeśli to możliwe, gracze z "
43058"jednej drużyny zaczną grę na tym samym kontynencie lub wyspie.\n"
43059"- \"Rozmieszczenie poziome\" (HORIZONTAL): gracze z tej samej drużyny "
43060"zostaną rozmieszczeniu poziomo.\n"
43061"- \"Rozmieszczenie pionowe\" (VERTICAL): gracze z tej samej drużyny zostaną "
43062"rozmieszczeniu pionowo."
43064#: server/settings.c:1474
43065msgid "Presence of 1x1 islands"
43066msgstr "Wyspy o rozmiarze 1x1"
43068#: server/settings.c:1475
43069msgid ""
43070"This setting controls whether the map generator is allowed to make islands "
43071"of one only tile size."
43072msgstr ""
43073"To ustawienie określa, czy generator może tworzyć wyspy zajmujące tylko "
43074"jedno pole."
43076#: server/settings.c:1481
43077msgid "Whether the poles are separate continents"
43078msgstr "Czy bieguny znajdują się na osobnych kontynentach?"
43080#: server/settings.c:1482
43081msgid "If this setting is disabled, the continents may attach to poles."
43082msgstr ""
43083"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że kontynenty mogą \"przyczepiać się \" do "
43084"lądów, na których znajdują się bieguny."
43086#: server/settings.c:1487
43087msgid "How much the land at the poles is flattened"
43088msgstr "Spłaszczenie lądu na biegunach"
43090#. TRANS: The strings in quotes shouldn't be translated.
43091#: server/settings.c:1489
43092msgid ""
43093"Controls how much the height of the poles is flattened during map "
43094"generation, preventing a diversity of land terrain there. 0 is no "
43095"flattening, 100 is maximum flattening. Only affects the 'RANDOM' and "
43096"'FRACTAL' map generators."
43097msgstr ""
43098"Określa stopień spłaszczenia biegunów podczas generowania mapy, ograniczając "
43099"tym samym zróżnicowanie lądu w tym obszarze. 0 to brak spłaszczenia, 100 to "
43100"maksymalne spłaszczenie. Ustawienie to przyosi efekt jedynie w we pseudo-"
43101"fraktalnym ('FRACTAL') i losowym ('RANDOM') generatorze mapy."
43103#: server/settings.c:1499
43104msgid "Whether there's just one pole generated"
43105msgstr "Czy generowany jest tylko jeden biegun?"
43107#: server/settings.c:1500
43108msgid ""
43109"If this setting is enabled, only one side of the map will have a pole. This "
43110"setting has no effect if the map wraps both directions."
43111msgstr ""
43112"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że tylko jedna strona mapy będzie miała biegun. "
43113"Opcja ta nie działa, gdy mapa zawinięta jest obu kierunkach."
43115#: server/settings.c:1506
43116msgid "All the map is temperate"
43117msgstr "Jednakowa temperatura na całej mapie"
43119#: server/settings.c:1507
43120msgid ""
43121"If this setting is enabled, the temperature will be equivalent everywhere on "
43122"the map. As a result, the poles won't be generated."
43123msgstr ""
43124"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na całej planecie panować będzie taka sama "
43125"temperatura, a bieguny nie zostaną utworzone."
43127#: server/settings.c:1514
43128msgid "Average temperature of the planet"
43129msgstr "Średnia temperatura planety"
43131#: server/settings.c:1515
43132msgid ""
43133"Small values will give a cold map, while larger values will give a hotter "
43136"100 means a very dry and hot planet with no polar arctic zones, only "
43137"tropical and dry zones.\n"
43138" 70 means a hot planet with little polar ice.\n"
43139" 50 means a temperate planet with normal polar, cold, temperate, and "
43140"tropical zones; a desert zone overlaps tropical and temperate zones.\n"
43141" 30 means a cold planet with small tropical zones.\n"
43142"  0 means a very cold planet with large polar zones and no tropics."
43143msgstr ""
43144"Mniejsze wartości dają zimniejszą mapę, a wyższe cieplejszą.\n"
43146"100 to bardzo gorąca i sucha planeta; bez zimnych stref podbiegunowych, "
43147"jedynie strefy tropikalne i suche.\n"
43148" 70 to ciepła planeta, mało lodu podbiegunowego.\n"
43149" 50 to umiarkowana planeta; strefy polarne, zimne, umiarkowane i tropikalne; "
43150"strefy suche nakładają się na strefy tropikalne i umiarkowane.\n"
43151" 30 to zimna planeta; niewielkie strefy tropikalne\n"
43152"  0 to mroźna planeta; ogromne strefy polarne, brak tropików."
43154#: server/settings.c:1532
43155msgid "Percentage of the map that is land"
43156msgstr "Procent lądów na mapie"
43158#: server/settings.c:1533
43159msgid ""
43160"This setting gives the approximate percentage of the map that will be made "
43161"into land."
43162msgstr "Ta opcja podaje przybliżony procent mapy, który będzie lądem."
43164#: server/settings.c:1539
43165msgid "Amount of hills/mountains"
43166msgstr "Ilość gór/wzgórz"
43168#: server/settings.c:1540
43169msgid ""
43170"Small values give flat maps, while higher values give a steeper map with "
43171"more hills and mountains."
43172msgstr ""
43173"Małe wartości dają więcej równin, wysokie wartości dają więcej wzgórz i gór."
43175#: server/settings.c:1547
43176msgid "Amount of water on landmasses"
43177msgstr "Ilość wody na lądach"
43179#: server/settings.c:1548
43180msgid ""
43181"Small values mean lots of dry, desert-like land; higher values give a wetter "
43182"map with more swamps, jungles, and rivers."
43183msgstr ""
43184"Niewielkie wartości dają suchy, pustynny ląd; większe oznaczają mokry ląd z "
43185"bagnami, dżunglami i rzekami."
43187#: server/settings.c:1555
43188msgid "Global warming"
43189msgstr "Globalne ocieplenie"
43191#: server/settings.c:1556
43192msgid ""
43193"If turned off, global warming will not occur as a result of pollution. This "
43194"setting does not affect pollution."
43195msgstr ""
43196"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w wyniku wzrostu zanieczyszczenia nie "
43197"nastąpi globalne ocieplenie. Opcja ta nie ma jednak wpływu na samo "
43200#: server/settings.c:1563
43201msgid "Nuclear winter"
43202msgstr "Nuklearna zima"
43204#: server/settings.c:1564
43205msgid ""
43206"If turned off, nuclear winter will not occur as a result of nuclear war."
43207msgstr ""
43208"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w wyniku wojny atomowej nie nastąpi "
43209"nuklearna zima."
43211#: server/settings.c:1570
43212msgid "Map generation random seed"
43213msgstr "Ziarno losowej generacji mapy"
43215#: server/settings.c:1571
43216msgid ""
43217"The same seed will always produce the same map; for zero (the default) a "
43218"seed will be generated randomly, based on gameseed. If also gameseed is "
43219"zero, the map will be completely random."
43220msgstr ""
43221"Ta sama wartość ziarna da w efekcie taką samą mapę; zero (wartość domyślna) "
43222"sprawi, że ziarno zostanie wybrane w oparciu o wartość gameseed. Jeśli "
43223"gameseed wynosi 0, mapa będzie w pełni losowa."
43225#: server/settings.c:1585
43226msgid "Game random seed"
43227msgstr "Ziarno losowania w grze"
43229#: server/settings.c:1586
43230msgid ""
43231"For zero (the default) a seed will be chosen based on system entropy or, "
43232"failing that, the current time."
43233msgstr ""
43234"Przy domyślnej wartości (zero) ziarno zostanie wybrane w oparciu o entropię "
43235"systemową lub, jeśli nie będzie to możliwe, o bieżący czas."
43237#: server/settings.c:1593
43238msgid "Amount of \"special\" resource tiles"
43239msgstr "Liczba pól kryjących zasoby \"specjalne\""
43241#: server/settings.c:1594
43242msgid ""
43243"Special resources improve the basic terrain type they are on. The server "
43244"variable's scale is parts per thousand."
43245msgstr ""
43246"Zasoby specjalne polepszają właściwości terenu, na którym się znajdują. "
43247"Zakres zmiennej serwera to zasób 1 000 pól."
43249#: server/settings.c:1601
43250msgid "Amount of huts (bonus extras)"
43251msgstr "Liczba chatek (zasobów specjalnych)"
43253#: server/settings.c:1602
43254msgid ""
43255"Huts are tile extras that may be investigated by units. The server "
43256"variable's scale is huts per thousand tiles."
43257msgstr ""
43258"Chatki to zasoby specjalne odkrywane przez jednostki. Zakres zmiennej "
43259"serwera to ilość chatek na 1 000 pól."
43261#: server/settings.c:1609
43262msgid "Amount of animals"
43263msgstr "Ilość zwierząt"
43265#: server/settings.c:1610
43266msgid ""
43267"Number of animals initially created on terrains defined for them in the "
43268"ruleset (if the ruleset supports it). The server variable's scale is animals "
43269"per thousand tiles."
43270msgstr ""
43271"Ilość zwierząt tworzonych na początku gry na terenach określonych w zestawie "
43272"zasad (jeśli zestaw je przewiduje). Zakres zmiennej serwera to ilość "
43273"zwierząt na 1 000 pól."
43275#: server/settings.c:1622
43276msgid "Minimum number of players"
43277msgstr "Minimalna liczba graczy"
43279#: server/settings.c:1623
43280msgid ""
43281"There must be at least this many players (connected human players) before "
43282"the game can start."
43283msgstr ""
43284"Minimalna liczba liczba graczy (połączonych osób), wymagana do rozpoczęcia "
43287#: server/settings.c:1630
43288msgid "Maximum number of players"
43289msgstr "Maksymalna liczba graczy"
43291#: server/settings.c:1631
43292msgid ""
43293"The maximal number of human and AI players who can be in the game. When this "
43294"number of players are connected in the pregame state, any new players who "
43295"try to connect will be rejected.\n"
43296"When playing a scenario which defines player start positions, this setting "
43297"cannot be set to greater than the number of defined start positions."
43298msgstr ""
43299"Maksymalna liczba graczy (ludzie plus AI), którzy może istnieć w grze. "
43300"Jeżeli liczba graczy jest równa podanej liczbie, to każdy nowy gracz, który "
43301"będzie chciał się połączyć zostanie odrzucony.\n"
43302"Gdy rozgrywasz scenariusz, który określa pozycje początkowe graczy, opcja ta "
43303"nie może mieć wartości większej niż liczba pozycji."
43305#: server/settings.c:1643
43306msgid "Limited number of AI players"
43307msgstr "Ograniczona liczba graczy AI"
43309#: server/settings.c:1644
43310msgid ""
43311"If set to a positive value, then AI players will be automatically created or "
43312"removed to keep the total number of players at this amount. As more players "
43313"join, these AI players will be replaced. When set to zero, all AI players "
43314"will be removed."
43315msgstr ""
43316"Jeśli podana liczba będzie dodatnia, zostanie utworzona lub usunięta "
43317"odpowiednia liczba graczy AI, aby wyrównać liczbę graczy do podanej "
43318"wartości. Gdy przyłączać się będą kolejni gracze, będą oni zastępowali "
43319"graczy AI. Jeśli ustawi się ją na zero, usunięci zostaną wszyscy gracze AI."
43321#: server/settings.c:1654
43322msgid "When the Readiness of a player gets autotoggled off"
43323msgstr "Kiedy automatycznie wyłączyć gotowość graczy?"
43325#: server/settings.c:1655
43326msgid ""
43327"In pre-game, usually when new players join or old ones leave, those who have "
43328"already accepted game to start by toggling \"Ready\" get that autotoggled "
43329"off in the changed situation. This setting can be used to make readiness "
43330"more persistent."
43331msgstr ""
43332"Przed rozpoczęciem gry (zazwyczaj, gdy przyłączają się nowi gracze lub "
43333"odchodzą starzy) ci, którzy już zaakceptowali grę naciskając \"Gotowy\" mają "
43334"to ustawienie automatycznie wyłączone w zmienionej sytuacji. Można "
43335"wykorzystać to ustawienie, by uczynić obecność bardziej trwałą."
43337#: server/settings.c:1663
43338msgid "Set of nations to choose from"
43339msgstr "Grupa narodów, z której możesz wybierać"
43341#. TRANS: do not translate '/list nationsets'
43342#: server/settings.c:1665
43343msgid ""
43344"Controls the set of nations allowed in the game. The choices are defined by "
43345"the ruleset.\n"
43346"Only nations in the set selected here will be allowed in any circumstances, "
43347"including new players and civil war; small sets may thus limit the number of "
43348"players in a game.\n"
43349"If this is left blank, the ruleset's default nation set is used.\n"
43350"See '/list nationsets' for possible choices for the currently loaded ruleset."
43351msgstr ""
43352"Określa zestaw narodów dozwolonych w grze. Opcje wyboru określone są w "
43353"zestawie zasad.\n"
43354"Jedynie narody w zestawie tu wybranym będą mogły pojawić się w grze; dotyczy "
43355"to także nowych graczy i wojen domowych. Małe zestawy mogą więc ograniczyć "
43356"liczbę graczy w rozgrywce.\n"
43357"Jeśli pole to pozostanie puste, użyty zostanie domyślny zestaw narodów z "
43358"zestawu zasad.\n"
43359"Wpisz '/list nationsets', by zobaczyć dostępne opcje wyboru w bieżącym "
43360"zestawie zasad."
43362#: server/settings.c:1679
43363msgid "Event cache for this number of turns"
43364msgstr "Ile tur w pamięci powiadomień?"
43366#: server/settings.c:1680
43367msgid ""
43368"Event messages are saved for this number of turns. A value of 0 deactivates "
43369"the event cache."
43370msgstr ""
43371"Powiadomienia o zdarzeniach będą zachowywane przez tę liczbę tur. Zero "
43372"wyłącza pamięć podręczną wydarzeń."
43374#: server/settings.c:1688
43375msgid "Size of the event cache"
43376msgstr "Wielkość pamięci powiadomień"
43378#: server/settings.c:1689
43379msgid "This defines the maximal number of events in the event cache."
43380msgstr "Określa maksymalną liczbę wydarzeń w pamięci podręcznej."
43382#: server/settings.c:1696
43383msgid "Save chat messages in the event cache"
43384msgstr "Zachowaj wiadomości czatu w pamięci"
43386#: server/settings.c:1697
43387msgid "If turned on, chat messages will be saved in the event cache."
43388msgstr ""
43389"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wiadomości czatu bedą zapisywane w pamięci "
43390"podręcznej wydarzeń."
43392#: server/settings.c:1702
43393msgid "Print turn and time for each cached event"
43394msgstr "Pokaż turę i rok każdego wydarzenia"
43396#. TRANS: Don't translate the text between single quotes.
43397#: server/settings.c:1704
43398msgid ""
43399"If turned on, all cached events will be marked by the turn and time of the "
43400"event like '(T2 - 15:29:52)'."
43401msgstr ""
43402"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wydarzenie zapisane w pamięci podręcznej "
43403"będą oznaczane numerem tury i czasem wydarzenia, np. '(T2 - 15:29:52)'."
43405#: server/settings.c:1713
43406msgid "List of players' initial units"
43407msgstr "Lista początkowych jednostek graczy"
43409#: server/settings.c:1714
43410msgid ""
43411"This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a unit role. "
43412"The first character must be native to at least one \"Starter\" terrain. The "
43413"characters and their meanings are:\n"
43414"    c   = City founder (eg., Settlers)\n"
43415"    w   = Terrain worker (eg., Engineers)\n"
43416"    x   = Explorer (eg., Explorer)\n"
43417"    k   = Gameloss (eg., King)\n"
43418"    s   = Diplomat (eg., Diplomat)\n"
43419"    f   = Ferryboat (eg., Trireme)\n"
43420"    d   = Ok defense unit (eg., Warriors)\n"
43421"    D   = Good defense unit (eg., Phalanx)\n"
43422"    a   = Fast attack unit (eg., Horsemen)\n"
43423"    A   = Strong attack unit (eg., Catapult)\n"
43424msgstr ""
43425"Powinien to być ciąg znaków, w którym każdy znak odpowiada jednej jednostce."
43426"Pierwsza jednostka początkowa musi być natywna przynajmniej dla jednego "
43427"terenu początkowego. Znaczenia poszczególnych znaków:\n"
43428"    c   = Założyciel miast (np. Osadnicy)\n"
43429"    w   = Pracownik (np. Robotnicy)\n"
43430"    x   = Zwiadowca (np. Badacz)\n"
43431"    k   = Krytyczna jednostka (np. Król)\n"
43432"    s   = Dyplomata (np. Dyplomata)\n"
43433"    d   = Jednostka obronna (np. Wojownicy)\n"
43434"    D   = Dobra jednostka obronna (np. Falanga)\n"
43435"    a   = Szybka jednostka zaczepna (np. Konnica)\n"
43436"    A   = Silna jednostka zaczepna (np. Katapulta)\n"
43438#: server/settings.c:1732
43439msgid "Whether player starts with a city"
43440msgstr "Czy gracz zaczyna z miastem?"
43442#: server/settings.c:1733
43443msgid ""
43444"If this is set, game will start with player's first city already founded to "
43445"starting location."
43446msgstr ""
43447"Jeśli zaznaczono tę opcję, gracz rozpoczyna rozgrywkę z pierwszym miastem "
43448"stworzonym na pozycji początkowej."
43450#: server/settings.c:1739
43451msgid "Area where initial units are located"
43452msgstr "Rozrzucenie początkowych jednostek"
43454#: server/settings.c:1740
43455msgid "This is the radius within which the initial units are dispersed."
43456msgstr ""
43457"Jest to promień koła, w którym początkowe jednostki zostaną rozrzucone."
43459#: server/settings.c:1747
43460msgid "Starting gold per player"
43461msgstr "Złoto na gracza na starcie"
43463#: server/settings.c:1748
43464msgid "At the beginning of the game, each player is given this much gold."
43465msgstr "Na początku gry każdy gracz otrzymuje podaną ilość złota."
43467#: server/settings.c:1754
43468msgid "Number of initial techs per player"
43469msgstr "Liczba początkowych wynalazków na gracza"
43471#. TRANS: The string between single quotes is a setting name and
43472#. * should not be translated.
43473#: server/settings.c:1757
43474msgid ""
43475"At the beginning of the game, each player is given this many technologies. "
43476"The technologies chosen are random for each player. Depending on the value "
43477"of tech_cost_style in the ruleset, a big value for 'techlevel' can make the "
43478"next techs really expensive."
43479msgstr ""
43480"Na początku gry każdy gracz otrzymuje podaną liczbę technologii za darmo. Są "
43481"one losowane osobno dla każdego gracza. W zależności od ustawienia "
43482"'tech_cost_style' w zestawie zasad, wysoka wartość 'techlevel' może "
43483"spowodować, że następne technologie będą drogie."
43485#: server/settings.c:1767
43486msgid "Technology cost multiplier percentage"
43487msgstr "Mnożnik kosztu technologii (w procentach)"
43489#: server/settings.c:1768
43490msgid ""
43491"This affects how quickly players can research new technology. All tech costs "
43492"are multiplied by this amount (as a percentage). The base tech costs are "
43493"determined by the ruleset or other game settings."
43494msgstr ""
43495"Od tej liczby zależy szybkość odkrywania nowych technologii. Koszt "
43496"wszystkich technologii będzie mnożony przez tę wartość (procentowo). Koszty "
43497"technologii są determinowane przez zestawy zasad i inne ustawienia gry."
43499#: server/settings.c:1777
43500msgid "Percentage penalty when changing tech"
43501msgstr "Procentowa strata za zmianę technologii"
43503#: server/settings.c:1778
43504msgid ""
43505"If you change your current research technology, and you have positive "
43506"research points, you lose this percentage of those research points. This "
43507"does not apply when you have just gained a technology this turn."
43508msgstr ""
43509"Jeżeli zmienisz aktualnie badaną technologię i będziesz mieć już jakieś "
43510"punkty odkryć, stracisz podany procent tych punktów. Utrata nie nastąpi, "
43511"jeśli w danej turze odkryłeś/aś jakąś technologię."
43513#: server/settings.c:1787
43514msgid "Chance to lose a technology while receiving it"
43515msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo utraty odkrycia przy otrzymywaniu"
43517#: server/settings.c:1788
43518msgid "The chance that learning a technology by treaty or theft will fail."
43519msgstr ""
43520"Szansa, że nie uda ci się nauczyć technologii na mocy traktatu lub poprzez "
43523#: server/settings.c:1795
43524msgid "Chance to lose a technology while giving it"
43525msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo utraty odkrycia przy przekazywaniu"
43527#: server/settings.c:1796
43528msgid ""
43529"The chance that your civilization will lose a technology if you teach it to "
43530"someone else by treaty, or if it is stolen from you."
43531msgstr ""
43532"Szansa, że cywilizacja straci technologię, jeśli nauczysz jej kogoś innego "
43533"na mocy traktatu lub jeśli zostanie ci ona ukradziona."
43535#: server/settings.c:1804
43536msgid "Team pooled research"
43537msgstr "Wspólne odkrycia w drużynach"
43539#: server/settings.c:1805
43540msgid ""
43541"If this setting is turned on, then the team mates will share the science "
43542"research. Else, every player of the team will have to make its own."
43543msgstr ""
43544"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że gracze w jednej drużynie będą dzielić się "
43545"odkryciami. W przeciwnym razie każdy gracz będzie musiał odkrywać "
43546"technologie na własną rękę."
43548#: server/settings.c:1812
43549msgid "Penalty when getting tech from treaty"
43550msgstr "Strata przy uzyskiwaniu technologii na mocy traktatu"
43552#: server/settings.c:1813
43553msgid ""
43554"For each technology you gain from a diplomatic treaty, you lose research "
43555"points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. If "
43556"this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research points."
43557msgstr ""
43558"Za każdą technologię uzyskaną w ramach traktatu dyplomatycznego tracisz "
43559"swoje punkty odkryć w liczbie równej podanemu procentowi aktualnego kosztu "
43560"nowej technologii. Jeśli ta wartość jest większa niż zero, może się zdarzyć, "
43561"że twoje punkty odkryć spadną do wartości ujemnej."
43563#: server/settings.c:1822
43564msgid "Penalty when getting gold from treaty"
43565msgstr "Strata przy uzyskiwaniu złota na mocy traktatu"
43567#: server/settings.c:1823
43568msgid ""
43569"When transferring gold in diplomatic treaties, this percentage of the agreed "
43570"sum is lost to both parties; it is deducted from the donor but not received "
43571"by the recipient."
43572msgstr ""
43573"Ustawienie określa procent złota utracony podczas przekazywania na mocy "
43574"traktatu dyplomatycznego. Suma podana w traktacie jest pobierana od "
43575"darczyńcy, a otrzymujący dostaje sumę pomniejszoną."
43577#: server/settings.c:1831
43578msgid "Penalty when getting tech from conquering"
43579msgstr "Strata przy uzyskiwaniu technologii przez podbój"
43581#: server/settings.c:1832
43582msgid ""
43583"For each technology you gain by conquering an enemy city, you lose research "
43584"points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. If "
43585"this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research points."
43586msgstr ""
43587"Za każdą technologię uzyskaną przez podbój wrogiego miasta, tracisz swoje "
43588"punkty odkryć w liczbie równej podanemu procentowi aktualnego kosztu nowej "
43589"technologii. Może się zdarzyć, że twoje punkty odkryć spadną poniżej zera."
43591#: server/settings.c:1842
43592msgid "Penalty when getting a free tech"
43593msgstr "Strata przy uzyskiwaniu darmowej technologii"
43595#. TRANS: The strings between single quotes are setting names and
43596#. * shouldn't be translated.
43597#: server/settings.c:1845
43598msgid ""
43599"For each technology you gain \"for free\" (other than covered by 'diplcost' "
43600"or 'conquercost': for instance, from huts or from Great Library effects), "
43601"you lose research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a "
43602"new technology. If this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research "
43604msgstr ""
43605"Za każdą technologię uzyskaną \"za darmo\" (innych niż te określone w "
43606"'diplcost' i 'conquercost', np. z chatek lub Wielkiej Biblioteki), tracisz "
43607"punkty odkryć w liczbie równej podanemu procentowi aktualnego kosztu nowej "
43608"technologii. Jeśli ta wartość jest inna niż zero, twoje punkty odkryć mogą "
43609"mieć wartość ujemną."
43611#: server/settings.c:1856
43612msgid "Research point debt threshold for losing tech"
43613msgstr "Próg deficytu punktów odkryć dla utraty technologii"
43615#: server/settings.c:1857
43616msgid ""
43617"When you have negative research points, and your shortfall is greater than "
43618"this percentage of the cost of your current research, you forget a "
43619"technology you already knew.\n"
43620"The special value -1 prevents loss of technology regardless of research "
43622msgstr ""
43623"Gdy masz ujemną ilość punktów odkryć i wartość ta przekracza określony tu "
43624"procent kosztu obecnych badań, zapominasz technologię, którą już znasz.\n"
43625"Specjalna wartość -1 sprawia, że nie dochodzi do utraty technologii, nawet "
43626"przy ujemnej ilości punktów odkryć."
43628#: server/settings.c:1868
43629msgid "Research points restored after losing a tech"
43630msgstr "Punkty odkryć odzyskiwane po utracie technologii"
43632#: server/settings.c:1869
43633msgid ""
43634"When you lose a technology due to a negative research balance (see "
43635"'techlossforgiveness'), this percentage of its research cost is credited to "
43636"your research balance (this may not be sufficient to make it positive).\n"
43637"The special value -1 means that your research balance is always restored to "
43638"zero, regardless of your previous shortfall."
43639msgstr ""
43640"Gdy utracisz technologię w wyniku deficytu punktów odkryć (zobacz "
43641"'techlossforgiveness'), określony tu procent kosztów odkrycia tej "
43642"technologii jest dodawany to twojego bilansu punktów odkryć (procent ten "
43643"może być zbyt mały, byś wyszedł/wyszła na plus).\n"
43644"Specjalna wartość -1 sprawia, że twój bilans jest zawsze ustawiany na zero, "
43645"niezależnie od wcześniejszego deficytu."
43647#: server/settings.c:1881
43648msgid "Food required for a city to grow"
43649msgstr "Żywność potrzebna miastu do wzrostu"
43651#: server/settings.c:1882
43652msgid ""
43653"This is the base amount of food required to grow a city. This value is "
43654"multiplied by another factor that comes from the ruleset and is dependent on "
43655"the size of the city."
43656msgstr ""
43657"Podstawowy współczynnik używany przy obliczaniu liczby żywności koniecznej "
43658"do zwiększenia rozmiaru miasta. Inne współczynniki pochodzą z zestawu zasad "
43659"i zależą od rozmiaru miasta."
43661#: server/settings.c:1890
43662msgid "Percentage food lost when city can't grow"
43663msgstr "Procent żywności traconej, gdy miasto nie może wzrosnąć"
43665#: server/settings.c:1891
43666msgid ""
43667"If a city would expand, but it can't because it lacks some prerequisite "
43668"(traditionally an Aqueduct or Sewer System), this is the base percentage of "
43669"its foodbox that is lost each turn; the penalty may be reduced by buildings "
43670"or other circumstances, depending on the ruleset."
43671msgstr ""
43672"Jeżeli miasto mogłoby wrosnąć, lecz nie wzrasta z powodu niespełnienia "
43673"jakiegoś wymogu (zazwyczaj brak Akweduktu lub Kanalizacji), miasto traci w "
43674"każdej turze podany procent zapasów; stratę mogą zmniejszyć odpowiednie "
43675"budynki lub inne okoliczności, zależnie od zestawu zasad."
43677#: server/settings.c:1902
43678msgid "Multiplier percentage for production costs"
43679msgstr "Procentowy mnożnik kosztu produkcji"
43681#: server/settings.c:1903
43682msgid ""
43683"This affects how quickly units and buildings can be produced.  The base "
43684"costs are multiplied by this value (as a percentage)."
43685msgstr ""
43686"Ta opcja kontroluje szybkość produkcji budynków i jednostek. Podstawowe "
43687"koszty są mnożone przez tę wartość (wyrażoną w procentach)."
43689#: server/settings.c:1917
43690msgid "Minimum city size to get full trade"
43691msgstr "Minimalny rozmiar miasta, które ma maksymalny handel"
43693#. TRANS: The strings between single quotes are setting names and
43694#. * shouldn't be translated.
43695#: server/settings.c:1920
43696msgid ""
43697"There is a trade penalty in all cities smaller than this. The penalty is "
43698"100% (no trade at all) for sizes up to 'notradesize', and decreases "
43699"gradually to 0% (no penalty except the normal corruption) for "
43700"size='fulltradesize'. See also 'notradesize'."
43701msgstr ""
43702"W miastach poniżej tego rozmiaru występują straty w handlu. Strata jest "
43703"równa 100% (całkowity brak handlu) w miastach mniejszych niż wartość "
43704"'notradesize'. W miastach o rozmiarach większych niż 'notradesize', lecz "
43705"mniejszych niż 'fulltradesize' strata maleje stopniowo do 0% (inne straty "
43706"powodowane przez korupcję nadal istnieją). Zobacz także 'notradesize'."
43708#: server/settings.c:1930
43709msgid "Maximum size of a city without trade"
43710msgstr "Maksymalny rozmiar miasta bez handlu"
43712#. TRANS: The strings between single quotes are setting names and
43713#. * shouldn't be translated.
43714#: server/settings.c:1933
43715msgid ""
43716"Cities do not produce any trade at all unless their size is larger than this "
43717"amount. The produced trade increases gradually for cities larger than "
43718"'notradesize' and smaller than 'fulltradesize'. See also 'fulltradesize'."
43719msgstr ""
43720"Wszystkie miasta o rozmiarze mniejszym lub równym podanej wartości nie "
43721"wytwarzają handlu. Wytworzony handel wzrasta stopniowo dla miast o rozmiarze "
43722"pomiędzy 'notradesize' i 'fulltradesize'. Zobacz także 'fulltradesize'."
43724#: server/settings.c:1943
43725msgid "Minimum distance between cities"
43726msgstr "Minimalna odległość między miastami"
43728#: server/settings.c:1944
43729msgid ""
43730"When a player attempts to found a new city, it is prevented if the distance "
43731"from any existing city is less than this setting. For example, when this "
43732"setting is 3, there must be at least two clear tiles in any direction "
43733"between all existing cities and the new city site. A value of 1 removes any "
43734"such restriction on city placement."
43735msgstr ""
43736"Kiedy gracz zakłada miasto, sprawdzane jest, czy w tej odległości nie ma już "
43737"innego miasta. Na przykład, jeżeli wartość tej opcji ustawiona jest na 3, "
43738"pomiędzy dwoma miastami muszą być co najmniej 2 pola w każdym kierunku. "
43739"Wartość 1 to brak jakichkolwiek ograniczeń w tym względzie."
43741#: server/settings.c:1956
43742msgid "Technology trading"
43743msgstr "Wymiana technologii"
43745#: server/settings.c:1957
43746msgid ""
43747"If turned off, trading technologies in the diplomacy dialog is not allowed."
43748msgstr ""
43749"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w oknie dialogowym dyplomacji nie będzie "
43750"można wymieniać technologii."
43752#: server/settings.c:1963
43753msgid "Gold trading"
43754msgstr "Wymiana złota"
43756#: server/settings.c:1964
43757msgid "If turned off, trading gold in the diplomacy dialog is not allowed."
43758msgstr ""
43759"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w oknie dialogowym dyplomacji nie będzie "
43760"można wymieniać złota."
43762#: server/settings.c:1970
43763msgid "City trading"
43764msgstr "Wymiana miast"
43766#: server/settings.c:1971
43767msgid "If turned off, trading cities in the diplomacy dialog is not allowed."
43768msgstr ""
43769"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że w oknie dialogowym dyplomacji nie będzie "
43770"można wymieniać miast."
43772#: server/settings.c:1977
43773msgid "Minimum distance for trade routes"
43774msgstr "Minimalna odległość dla szlaków handlowych"
43776#: server/settings.c:1978
43777msgid ""
43778"In order for two cities in the same civilization to establish a trade route, "
43779"they must be at least this far apart on the map. For square grids, the "
43780"distance is calculated as \"Manhattan distance\", that is, the sum of the "
43781"displacements along the x and y directions."
43782msgstr ""
43783"Aby ustanowić szlak handlowy, miasta musi dzielić co najmniej taka "
43784"odległość. Dla klasycznych pól, odległość ta liczona jest jako suma "
43785"przesunięć wzdłuż osi x i y."
43787#: server/settings.c:1988
43788msgid "Number of turns between rapture effect"
43789msgstr "Opóźnienie efektu świętowania"
43791#: server/settings.c:1989
43792msgid ""
43793"Sets the number of turns between rapture growth of a city. If set to n a "
43794"city will grow after celebrating for n+1 turns."
43795msgstr ""
43796"Opóźnia wzrost miasta spowodowany świętowaniem. Jeżeli ustawione na n, "
43797"miasto zacznie rosnąć po n+1 turach świętowania."
43799#: server/settings.c:1998
43800msgid "Frequency of disasters"
43801msgstr "Częstotliwość katastrof"
43803#: server/settings.c:1999
43804msgid ""
43805"Affects how often random disasters happen to cities, if any are defined by "
43806"the ruleset. The relative frequency of disaster types is set by the ruleset. "
43807"Zero prevents any random disasters from occurring."
43808msgstr ""
43809"To ustawienie określa, jak często miastom przydarzają się klęski, jeśli "
43810"zestaw zasad je przeiwduje. Względna częstość różnych typów katastrof "
43811"określona jest w zestawie zasad. Zero wyłącza losowe klęski."
43813#: server/settings.c:2009
43814msgid "AI trait distribution method"
43815msgstr "Metoda rozkładu cech AI"
43817#: server/settings.c:2010
43818msgid "How trait values are given to AI players."
43819msgstr "Sposób, w jaki wartości cech przyznawane są graczom AI."
43821#: server/settings.c:2015
43822msgid "Chance for conquered building destruction"
43823msgstr "Szansa na zniszczenie budynku podczas podboju"
43825#: server/settings.c:2016
43826msgid ""
43827"When a player conquers a city, each city improvement has this percentage "
43828"chance to be destroyed."
43829msgstr ""
43830"Kiedy gracz podbija miasto, ta zmienna określa prawdopodobieństwo "
43831"zniszczenia jakiegoś budynku w podbijanym mieście."
43833#: server/settings.c:2022
43834msgid "Chance of moving into tile after attack"
43835msgstr "Szansa na przemieszczenie się po ataku"
43837#: server/settings.c:2023
43838msgid ""
43839"If set to 0, combat is Civ1/2-style (when you attack, you remain in place). "
43840"If set to 100, attacking units will always move into the tile they attacked "
43841"when they win the combat (and no enemy units remain in the tile). If set to "
43842"a value between 0 and 100, this will be used as the percent chance of "
43843"\"occupying\" territory."
43844msgstr ""
43845"Jeżeli ustawione na 0, walka odbywa się w stylu Civ1/Civ2 (kiedy atakujesz, "
43846"pozostajesz na swoim polu). Jeżeli ustawione na 100, atakująca jednostka "
43847"zawsze ruszy się na pole, które atakowała (jeśli wygra walkę, a na polu "
43848"zaatakowanym nie będzie wrogów). Jeżeli ustawione na wartość pomiędzy 0 i "
43849"100, będzie oznaczać procentowe prawdopodobieństwo przemieszczenia się na "
43850"atakowane pole."
43852#: server/settings.c:2035
43853msgid "Turn on/off server-side autoattack"
43854msgstr "Włącza i wyłącza autoatak (po stronie serwera)"
43856#: server/settings.c:2036
43857msgid ""
43858"If set to on, units with moves left will automatically consider attacking "
43859"enemy units that move adjacent to them."
43860msgstr ""
43861"Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, jednostki posiadające punkty ruchu będą "
43862"automatycznie rozważać atakowanie jednostek, które staną na polu obok."
43864#: server/settings.c:2042
43865msgid "Do all units in tile die with defender"
43866msgstr "Spraw, by wszystkie jednostki na polu ginęły z broniącym się"
43868#: server/settings.c:2043
43869msgid ""
43870"If this is enabled, each time a defender unit loses in combat, and is not "
43871"inside a city or suitable base, all units in the same tile are destroyed "
43872"along with the defender. If this is disabled, only the defender unit is "
43874msgstr ""
43875"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że jeżeli broniący się przegrał potyczkę poza "
43876"miastem, fortecą lub bazą powietrzną to wszystkie inne jednostki na tym "
43877"samym polu giną. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że tylko jednostka broniąca "
43878"się jest niszczona."
43880#: server/settings.c:2051
43881msgid "Reduce city population after attack"
43882msgstr "Zmniejsz populację po ataku"
43884#: server/settings.c:2052
43885msgid ""
43886"This flag indicates whether a city's population is reduced after a "
43887"successful attack by an enemy unit. If this is disabled, population is never "
43888"reduced. Even when this is enabled, only some units may kill citizens."
43889msgstr ""
43890"To ustawienie określa, czy populacja miasta zostanie zmniejszona po udanym "
43891"ataku wrogiej jednostki. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że populacja nigdy "
43892"się nie zmniejsza. Nawet po włączeniu tej opcji tylko niektóre jednostką "
43893"mogą zabijać mieszkańców."
43895#: server/settings.c:2060
43896msgid "Slowly kill units without home cities (e.g., starting units)"
43897msgstr ""
43898"Niszcz powoli jednostki bez miast pochodzenia (np. jednostki początkowe)"
43900#: server/settings.c:2061
43901msgid ""
43902"If greater than 0, then every unit without a homecity will lose hitpoints "
43903"each turn. The number of hitpoints lost is given by 'killunhomed' percent of "
43904"the hitpoints of the unit type. At least one hitpoint is lost every turn "
43905"until the death of the unit."
43906msgstr ""
43907"Jeśli wartość jest większa od zera, każda jednostka bez miasta pochodzenia "
43908"będzie traciła pewną ilość punktów obrażeń na turę. Ilość traconych punktów "
43909"określana jest ustawieniem 'killunhomed' (procent punktów obrażeń dla danego "
43910"typu jednostki). Tracony jest co najmniej jeden punkt obrażeń na turę, aż do "
43911"śmierci jednostki."
43913#: server/settings.c:2071
43914msgid "National borders"
43915msgstr "Granice państw"
43917#: server/settings.c:2072
43918msgid ""
43919"If this is not disabled, then any land tiles around a city or border-"
43920"claiming extra (like the classic ruleset's Fortress base) will be owned by "
43921"that nation."
43922msgstr ""
43923"Niewyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pola lądowe wokół miasta lub "
43924"usprawnienia poszerzającego granice (takiego jak fortecy w klasycznym "
43925"zestawie zasad) będą należały do właściciela tego miasta lub usprawnienia."
43927#: server/settings.c:2080
43928msgid "Units inside borders cause no unhappiness"
43929msgstr "Jednostki nie powodują niezadowolenia we własnych granicach"
43931#: server/settings.c:2081
43932msgid ""
43933"If this is set, units will not cause unhappiness when inside your borders, "
43934"or even allies borders, depending on value."
43935msgstr ""
43936"Jeżeli ta opcja jest ustawiona, jednostki we własnych granicach lub w "
43937"granicach sojuszników nie będą powodować niezadowolenia."
43939#: server/settings.c:2088
43940msgid "Ability to do diplomacy with other players"
43941msgstr "Możliwość prowadzenia dyplomacji z innymi graczami"
43943#: server/settings.c:2089
43944msgid "This setting controls the ability to do diplomacy with other players."
43945msgstr ""
43946"To ustawienie określa możliwość prowadzenia dyplomacji z innymi graczami."
43948#: server/settings.c:2095
43949msgid "Allowed city names"
43950msgstr "Nazwy miast"
43952#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
43953#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between parentheses
43954#. * and in uppercase must not be translated.
43955#: server/settings.c:2099
43956msgid ""
43957"- \"No restrictions\" (NO_RESTRICTIONS): players can have multiple cities "
43958"with the same names.\n"
43959"- \"Unique to a player\" (PLAYER_UNIQUE): one player can't have multiple "
43960"cities with the same name.\n"
43961"- \"Globally unique\" (GLOBAL_UNIQUE): all cities in a game have to have "
43962"different names.\n"
43963"- \"No city name stealing\" (NO_STEALING): like \"Globally unique\", but a "
43964"player isn't allowed to use a default city name of another nation unless it "
43965"is a default for their nation also."
43966msgstr ""
43967"- \"Bez ograniczeń\" (NO_RESTRICTIONS): gracze mogą mieć wiele miast o tej "
43968"samej nazwie.\n"
43969"- \"Unikalne dla gracza\" (PLAYER_UNIQUE): nazwy miast nie mogą się "
43970"powtarzać w tej samej cywilizacji.\n"
43971"- \"Unikalne globalnie\" (GLOBAL_UNIQUE): nazwy miast nie mogą się powtarzać "
43972"nigdzie w grze.\n"
43973"- \"Bez podkradania\" (NO_STEALING): podobne do \"Unikalne globalnie\", lecz "
43974"gracze nie mogą używać domyślnych nazw miast innych narodów, chyba że jest "
43975"to nazwa domyślna także dla narodu tego gracza."
43977#: server/settings.c:2113
43978msgid "How to pick player colors"
43979msgstr "Jak wybrać kolory graczy"
43981#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
43982#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single quotes
43983#. * are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The strings
43984#. * between parentheses and in uppercase must not be translated.
43985#: server/settings.c:2118
43986msgid ""
43987"This setting determines how player colors are chosen. Player colors are used "
43988"in the Nations report, for national borders on the map, and so on.\n"
43989"- \"Per-player, in order\" (PLR_ORDER): colors are assigned to individual "
43990"players in order from a list defined by the ruleset.\n"
43991"- \"Per-player, random\" (PLR_RANDOM): colors are assigned to individual "
43992"players randomly from the set defined by the ruleset.\n"
43993"- \"Set manually\" (PLR_SET): colors can be set with the 'playercolor' "
43994"command before the game starts; these are not restricted to the ruleset "
43995"colors. Any players for which no color is set when the game starts get a "
43996"random color from the ruleset.\n"
43997"- \"Per-team, in order\" (TEAM_ORDER): colors are assigned to teams from the "
43998"list in the ruleset. Every player on the same team gets the same color.\n"
43999"- \"Per-nation, in order\" (NATION_ORDER): if the ruleset defines a color "
44000"for a player's nation, the player takes that color. Any players whose "
44001"nations don't have associated colors get a random color from the list in the "
44003"Regardless of this setting, individual player colors can be changed after "
44004"the game starts with the 'playercolor' command."
44005msgstr ""
44006"Ta opcja określa sposób, w jaki wybierane są kolory. Kolory graczy używane "
44007"są w raporcie o narodach, określają kolory granic itd.\n"
44008"- \"Na gracza, w kolejności\" (PLR_ORDER): kolory są przydzielane "
44009"poszczególnym graczom w kolejności określonej przez zestaw zasad.\n"
44010"- \"Na gracza, losowo\" (PLR_RANDOM): kolory przydzielane są poszczególnym "
44011"graczom losowo ze zbioru określonego w zestawie zasad.\n"
44012"- \"Ustaw ręcznie\" (PLR_SET): kolory mogą być przydzielane poleceniem "
44013"'playercolor' przed rozpoczęciem gry; nie są wtedy ograniczone zestawem "
44014"zasad. Gracz, któremu kolor nie został przydzielony ręcznie przed "
44015"rozpoczęciem gry, otrzymuje losowy kolor z zestawu zasad.\n"
44016"- \"Na drużynę, w kolejności\" (TEAM_ORDER): kolory przydzielane są drużynom "
44017"z w kolejności określonej przez zestaw zasad. Każdy gracz w drużynie dostaje "
44018"ten sam kolor.\n"
44019"- \"Na naród, w kolejności\" (NATION_ORDER): jeśli zestaw zasad określa "
44020"kolor narodu, gracz otrzymuje ten kolor. Gracz, którego naród nie jest "
44021"skojarzony z żadnym kolorem, otrzymuje on losowy kolor z listy określonej w "
44022"zestawie zasad.\n"
44023"Kolor gracza może być też zmieniony po rozpoczęciu gry poleceniem "
44026#: server/settings.c:2159
44027msgid "Barbarian appearance frequency"
44028msgstr "Częstotliwość pojawiania się barbarzyńców"
44030#. TRANS: The string between single quotes is a setting name and
44031#. * should not be translated.
44032#: server/settings.c:2162
44033msgid ""
44034"This setting controls how frequently the barbarians appear in the game. See "
44035"also the 'onsetbarbs' setting."
44036msgstr ""
44037"To ustawienie określa częstość pojawiania się barbarzyńców. Zobacz też "
44038"ustawienie 'onsetbarbs'."
44040#: server/settings.c:2168
44041msgid "Barbarian onset turn"
44042msgstr "Tura pojawienia się barbarzyńców"
44044#: server/settings.c:2169
44045msgid "Barbarians will not appear before this turn."
44046msgstr "Barbarzyńcy nie pojawią się przed podaną turą."
44048#: server/settings.c:2176
44049msgid "Way to determine revolution length"
44050msgstr "Sposób określania długości rewolucji"
44052#: server/settings.c:2177
44053msgid ""
44054"Which method is used in determining how long period of anarchy lasts when "
44055"changing government. The actual value is set with 'revolen' setting. The "
44056"'quickening' methods depend on how many times any player has changed to this "
44057"type of government before, so it becomes easier to establish a new system of "
44058"government if it has been done before."
44059msgstr ""
44060"Ta opcja określa metodę obliczania długości anarchii podczas zmiany ustroju. "
44061"Właściwa wartość jest określana przy pomocy opcji 'revolen'. Metody "
44062"'quickening' są zależne od tego, jak wiele razy jakiś gracz wprowadził już "
44063"ten ustrój, co sprawia, że ustanowienie tego systemu rządów zajmuje mniej "
44066#: server/settings.c:2187
44067msgid "Length of revolution"
44068msgstr "Długość rewolucji"
44070#: server/settings.c:2188
44071msgid ""
44072"When changing governments, a period of anarchy will occur. Value of this "
44073"setting, used the way 'revolentype' setting dictates, defines the length of "
44074"the anarchy."
44075msgstr ""
44076"Podczas zmiany ustroju nastąpi przejściowy okres anarchii. Wartość tego "
44077"ustawienia, użyta zgodnie z opcją 'revolentype', określa długość trwania "
44080#: server/settings.c:2197
44081msgid "Whether to enable fog of war"
44082msgstr "Czy wyświetlić \"mgłę wojny\"?"
44084#: server/settings.c:2198
44085msgid ""
44086"If this is enabled, only those units and cities within the vision range of "
44087"your own units and cities will be revealed to you. You will not see new "
44088"cities or terrain changes in tiles not observed."
44089msgstr ""
44090"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że widoczne będą tylko jednostki i miasta w "
44091"zasięgu twojego wzroku. Nie będziesz widzieć nowych miast i zmian na polach, "
44092"których nie obserwujesz."
44094#: server/settings.c:2206
44095msgid "Whether fog of war applies to border changes"
44096msgstr "Czy \"mgła wojny\" dotyczy zmian granic?"
44098#: server/settings.c:2207
44099msgid ""
44100"If this setting is enabled, players will not be able to see changes in tile "
44101"ownership if they do not have direct sight of the affected tiles. Otherwise, "
44102"players can see any or all changes to borders as long as they have "
44103"previously seen the tiles."
44104msgstr ""
44105"Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, gracze nie będą widzieli zmian granic, jeśli nie "
44106"widzą bezpośrednio tych pól. W przeciwnym razie, gracze widzą wszystkie "
44107"zmiany na polach, które wcześniej zobaczyli."
44109#: server/settings.c:2216
44110msgid "Airlifting style"
44111msgstr "Most powietrzny"
44113#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also
44114#. * translated separately (they must match!). The strings
44115#. * between parenthesis and in uppercase must not be
44116#. * translated.
44117#: server/settings.c:2221
44118msgid ""
44119"This setting affects airlifting units between cities. It can be a set of the "
44120"following values:\n"
44121"- \"Allows units to be airlifted from allied cities\" (FROM_ALLIES).\n"
44122"- \"Allows units to be airlifted to allied cities\" (TO_ALLIES).\n"
44123"- \"Unlimited units from source city\" (SRC_UNLIMITED): note that airlifting "
44124"from a city doesn't reduce the airlifted counter, but still needs airlift "
44125"capacity of at least 1.\n"
44126"- \"Unlimited units to destination city\" (DEST_UNLIMITED): note that "
44127"airlifting to a city doesn't reduce the airlifted counter, and doesn't need "
44128"any airlift capacity."
44129msgstr ""
44130"To ustawienie określa sposób przenoszenia jednostek mostem powietrznym. Może "
44131"przyjmować następujące wartości:\n"
44132"- \"Pozwala na przenoszenie jednostek z sojuszniczych miast"
44133"\" (FROM_ALLIES).\n"
44134"- \"Pozwala na przenoszenie jednostek do sojuszniczych miast\" (TO_ALLIES).\n"
44135"- \"Nieograniczone przenoszenie z miast początkowych\" (SRC_UNLIMITED): "
44136"przenoszenie z miasta nie zmniejsza licznika przenoszonych jednostek, lecz "
44137"wymaga wartości co najmniej 1.\n"
44138"- \"Nieograniczone przenoszenie do miast docelowych\" (SRC_UNLIMITED): "
44139"przenoszenie do miasta nie zmniejsza licznika przenoszonych jednostek i nie "
44140"wymaga żadnej wartości."
44142#: server/settings.c:2240
44143msgid "Base chance for diplomats and spies to succeed"
44144msgstr "Podstawowa szansa na sukces Dyplomatów i Szpiegów"
44146#: server/settings.c:2241
44147msgid ""
44148"The base chance of a spy returning from a successful mission and the base "
44149"chance of success for diplomats and spies for most aggressive mission types. "
44150"Not all the mission types use diplchance as a base chance; City Poisoning, "
44151"Unit Bribing, and Unit Sabotaging do not. Non-aggressive missions typically "
44152"have no base chance at all, but always success."
44153msgstr ""
44154"Podstawowa szansa na powrót szpiega z udanej misji i podstawowa szansa na "
44155"sukces dyplomaty i szpiega dla większości działań zaczepnych. Nie wszystkie "
44156"działania wykorzystują diplchance jako podstawową szansę; zatrucie miasta, "
44157"przekupienie i sabotaż jednostki nie wykorzystują tego współczynnika. "
44158"Działania niezaczepne zazwyczaj nie mają podstawowej szansy na sukces i "
44159"zawsze kończą się powodzeniem."
44161#: server/settings.c:2252
44162msgid "What kinds of victories are possible"
44163msgstr "Jakie zwycięstwa są możliwe"
44165#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
44166#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
44167#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
44168#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
44169#. * untranslated.
44170#: server/settings.c:2258
44171msgid ""
44172"This setting controls how game can be won. One can always win by conquering "
44173"entire planet, but other victory conditions can be enabled or disabled:\n"
44174"- \"Spacerace\" (SPACERACE): Spaceship is built and travels to Alpha "
44176"- \"Allied\" (ALLIED): After defeating enemies, all remaining players are "
44178"- \"Culture\" (CULTURE): Player meets ruleset defined cultural domination "
44180msgstr ""
44181"To ustawienie określa w jaki sposób można wygrać grę. Zawsze można wygrać "
44182"poprzez podbicie całej planety, lecz można też ustawiać inne warunki "
44184"- \"Wyścig kosmiczny\" (SPACERACE): Naród buduje statek kosmiczny i leci do "
44185"Alfa Centauri.\n"
44186"- \"Zwycięstwo sojuszników\" (ALLIED): Po pokonaniu wrogów wszystkie "
44187"pozostałe narody są sojusznikami.\n"
44188"- \"Kultura\" (CULTURE): Gracz osiąga poziom dominacji kulturowej "
44189"zdefiniowanej w zestawie zasad.\n"
44191#: server/settings.c:2271
44192msgid "Should the game end if the spaceship arrives?"
44193msgstr "Czy zakończyć grę po przybyciu statku kosmicznego?"
44195#: server/settings.c:2272
44196msgid ""
44197"If this option is turned on, the game will end with the arrival of a "
44198"spaceship at Alpha Centauri."
44199msgstr ""
44200"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że gra skończy się, gdy statek kosmiczny "
44201"przybędzie do Alfa Centauri."
44203#: server/settings.c:2278
44204msgid "Minimum number of cities for civil war"
44205msgstr "Minimalna liczba miast przed wojną domową"
44207#: server/settings.c:2279
44208msgid ""
44209"A civil war is triggered when a player has at least this many cities and the "
44210"player's capital is captured. If this option is set to the maximum value, "
44211"civil wars are turned off altogether."
44212msgstr ""
44213"Wojna domowa może się zdarzyć, jeśli gracz ma co najmniej podaną liczbę "
44214"miast, a jego/jej stolica została przejęta. Jeśli ta wartość jest ustawiona "
44215"na maksimum, wojny domowe są całkowicie niemożliwe."
44217#: server/settings.c:2288
44218msgid "Restrict the use of the infrastructure for enemy units"
44219msgstr "Ogranicz użycie infrastruktury dla wrogich jednostek"
44221#: server/settings.c:2289
44222msgid ""
44223"If this option is enabled, the use of roads and rails will be restricted for "
44224"enemy units."
44225msgstr ""
44226"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że wrogie jednostki będą miały ograniczone "
44227"możliwości używania dróg i kolei."
44229#: server/settings.c:2295
44230msgid "Does unreachable unit protect reachable ones"
44231msgstr "Czy niedostępne jednostki chronią dostępne?"
44233#: server/settings.c:2296
44234msgid ""
44235"This option controls whether tiles with both unreachable and reachable units "
44236"can be attacked. If disabled, any tile with reachable units can be attacked. "
44237"If enabled, tiles with an unreachable unit in them cannot be attacked."
44238msgstr ""
44239"Ta opcja określa, czy można atakować pola, na których znajdują się zarówno "
44240"dostępne, jak i niedostępne jednostki. Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że "
44241"można atakować wszystkie pola z dostępnymi jednostkami. Włączenie tej opcji "
44242"sprawia, że pola, na których przebywają niedostępne jednostki nie mogą być "
44245#: server/settings.c:2304
44246msgid "Turns until player contact is lost"
44247msgstr "Utrata kontaktu po podanej liczbie tur"
44249#: server/settings.c:2305
44250msgid ""
44251"Players may meet for diplomacy this number of turns after their units have "
44252"last met, even when they do not have an embassy. If set to zero, then "
44253"players cannot meet unless they have an embassy."
44254msgstr ""
44255"Gracze mogą zaaranżować spotkanie dyplomatyczne w ciągu podanej liczby tur "
44256"od ostatniego kontaktu. Jeśli opcja jest ustawiona na zero, takie spotkania "
44257"są niemożliwe (chyba że gracze mają ambasadę)."
44259#: server/settings.c:2315
44260msgid "Rebuild palace whenever capital is conquered"
44261msgstr "Odbuduj Pałac po utracie stolicy"
44263#: server/settings.c:2316
44264msgid ""
44265"If this is turned on, when the capital is conquered the palace is "
44266"automatically rebuilt for free in another randomly chosen city. This is "
44267"significant because the technology requirement for building a palace will be "
44268"ignored. (In some rulesets, buildings other than the palace are affected by "
44269"this setting.)"
44270msgstr ""
44271"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że po utracie stolicy Pałac jest automatycznie "
44272"odbudowywany za darmo w innym losowo wybranym mieście, nawet gdy gracz nie "
44273"odkrył jeszcze odpowiedniej technologii (w niektórych zestawach zasad może "
44274"dotyczyć to także innych budynków)."
44276#: server/settings.c:2326
44277msgid "Give caught units a homecity"
44278msgstr "Przydziel miasto pochodzenie schwytanym jednostkom"
44280#. TRANS: The string between single quotes is a setting name and
44281#. * should not be translated.
44282#: server/settings.c:2329
44283msgid ""
44284"If unset, caught units will have no homecity and will be subject to the "
44285"'killunhomed' option."
44286msgstr ""
44287"Wyłączenie tej opcji sprawia, że schwytane jednostki nie będą miały miasta "
44288"pochodzenia i będą podlegały opcji 'killunhomed' (tj. będą stopniowo traciły "
44289"punkty obrażeń, jeśli włączono 'killunhomed')."
44291#: server/settings.c:2335
44292msgid "Whether to use natural city names"
44293msgstr "Czy używać inteligentnego nazywania miast?"
44295#: server/settings.c:2336
44296msgid ""
44297"If enabled, the default city names will be determined based on the "
44298"surrounding terrain."
44299msgstr ""
44300"Jeśli włączone, domyślne nazwy miast będą zależały od terenu dookoła pola "
44303#: server/settings.c:2342
44304msgid "Whether to enable citizen migration"
44305msgstr "Czy pozwolić na migrację mieszkańców?"
44307#. TRANS: The strings between single quotes are setting names
44308#. * and should not be translated.
44309#: server/settings.c:2345
44310msgid ""
44311"This is the master setting that controls whether citizen migration is active "
44312"in the game. If enabled, citizens may automatically move from less desirable "
44313"cities to more desirable ones. The \"desirability\" of a given city is "
44314"calculated from a number of factors. In general larger cities with more "
44315"income and improvements will be preferred. Citizens will never migrate out "
44316"of the capital, or cause a wonder to be lost by disbanding a city. A number "
44317"of other settings control how migration behaves:\n"
44318"  'mgr_turninterval' - How often citizens try to migrate.\n"
44319"  'mgr_foodneeded'   - Whether destination food is checked.\n"
44320"  'mgr_distance'     - How far citizens will migrate.\n"
44321"  'mgr_worldchance'  - Chance for inter-nation migration.\n"
44322"  'mgr_nationchance' - Chance for intra-nation migration."
44323msgstr ""
44324"Ta opcja określa, czy mieszkańcy miast mogą migrować. Jeśli jest włączona, "
44325"mieszkańcy przemieszczają się automatycznie z miast mniej przyjaznych do "
44326"bardziej przyjaznych. \"Przyjazność\" danego miasta zależy od kilku "
44327"czynników. Zasadniczo, większe miasta z większym dochodem i większą ilością "
44328"budynków postrzegane są jako bardziej przyjazne. Ludność nigdy nie migruje "
44329"ze stolicy i nie powoduje, że w wyniku upadku miasta utracony zostaje cud. "
44330"Migrację kontroluje też kilka innych ustawień:\n"
44331"  'mgr_turninterval' - jak często obywatele próbują migrować.\n"
44332"  'mgr_foodneeded'   - czy sprawdzane są zapasy żywności w mieście "
44334"  'mgr_distance'      - jak daleko można migrować.\n"
44335"  'mgr_worldchance'  - prawdopodobieństwo migracji pomiędzy narodami.\n"
44336"  'mgr_nationchance' - prawdopodobieństwo migracji w granicach państwa."
44338#: server/settings.c:2363
44339msgid "Number of turns between migrations from a city"
44340msgstr "Tury między migracją z miasta"
44342#. TRANS: Do not translate 'migration' setting name.
44343#: server/settings.c:2365
44344msgid ""
44345"This setting controls the number of turns between migration checks for a "
44346"given city. The interval is calculated from the founding turn of the city. "
44347"So for example if this setting is 5, citizens will look for a suitable "
44348"migration destination every five turns from the founding of their current "
44349"city. Migration will never occur the same turn that a city is built. This "
44350"setting has no effect unless migration is enabled by the 'migration' setting."
44351msgstr ""
44352"Ta opcja określa liczbę tur przed rozpoczęciem migracji do danego miasta. "
44353"Okres ten liczony jest od tury, w której założono miasto. Na przykład, jeśli "
44354"opcja ustawiona jest na 5, mieszkańcy będą poszukiwać miejsca, do którego "
44355"mogliby się przenieść co 5 tur od założenia ich obecnego miasta. Migracja "
44356"nigdy nie odbywa się w tej samej turze, w której powstało miasto. Ta opcja "
44357"działa jedynie wtedy, gdy włączona jest opcja migracji."
44359#: server/settings.c:2379
44360msgid "Whether migration is limited by food"
44361msgstr "Czy migracja jest ograniczona żywnością?"
44363#. TRANS: Do not translate 'migration' setting name.
44364#: server/settings.c:2381
44365msgid ""
44366"If this setting is enabled, citizens will not migrate to cities which would "
44367"not have enough food to support them. This setting has no effect unless "
44368"migration is enabled by the 'migration' setting."
44369msgstr ""
44370"Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, mieszkańcy nie migrują to miast, które mają za "
44371"mało żywności, żeby ich utrzymać. Ta opcja działa jedynie wtedy, gdy "
44372"włączona jest opcja migracji."
44374#: server/settings.c:2389
44375msgid "Maximum distance citizens may migrate"
44376msgstr "Maksymalna odległość migracji"
44378#. TRANS: Do not translate 'migration' setting name.
44379#: server/settings.c:2391
44380msgid ""
44381"This setting controls how far citizens may look for a suitable migration "
44382"destination when deciding which city to migrate to. The value is added to "
44383"the candidate target city's radius and compared to the distance between the "
44384"two cities. If the distance is lower or equal, migration is possible. (So "
44385"with a setting of 0, citizens will only consider migrating if their city's "
44386"center is within the destination city's working radius.) This setting has no "
44387"effect unless migration is enabled by the 'migration' setting."
44388msgstr ""
44389"Ta opcja określa jak daleko mogą migrować mieszkańcy w poszukiwaniu lepszych "
44390"warunków do życia. Wartość ta jest dodawana do bieżącego zasięgu miasta "
44391"docelowego i porównywana z odległością między dwoma miastami. Jeśli "
44392"odległość jest mniejsza lub równa, migracja jest możliwa. (Więc przy "
44393"wartości 0 mieszkańcy będą rozważali jedynie migrację, gdy zasięgi ich "
44394"miasta oraz miasta docelowego będą się stykały.) Ta opcja działa jedynie "
44395"wtedy, gdy włączona jest opcja migracji."
44397#: server/settings.c:2406
44398msgid "Percent probability for migration within the same nation"
44399msgstr "Procent prawdopodobieństwa migracji w granicach państwa"
44401#. TRANS: Do not translate 'migration' setting name.
44402#: server/settings.c:2408
44403msgid ""
44404"This setting controls how likely it is for citizens to migrate between "
44405"cities owned by the same player. Zero indicates migration will never occur, "
44406"100 means that migration will always occur if the citizens find a suitable "
44407"destination. This setting has no effect unless migration is activated by the "
44408"'migration' setting."
44409msgstr ""
44410"Ta opcja określa prawdopodobieństwo migracji pomiędzy miastami tego samego "
44411"gracza. Zero oznacza, że ludność nigdy nie będzie migrować. 100 oznacza, że "
44412"ludność migrować będzie zawsze, gdy znajdzie bardziej dogodne miasto "
44413"docelowe. Ta opcja działa jedynie wtedy, gdy włączona jest opcja migracji."
44415#: server/settings.c:2420
44416msgid "Percent probability for migration between foreign cities"
44417msgstr "Procent prawdopodobieństwa migracji pomiędzy narodami"
44419#. TRANS: Do not translate 'migration' setting name.
44420#: server/settings.c:2422
44421msgid ""
44422"This setting controls how likely it is for migration to occur between cities "
44423"owned by different players. Zero indicates migration will never occur, 100 "
44424"means that citizens will always migrate if they find a suitable destination. "
44425"This setting has no effect if migration is not enabled by the 'migration' "
44427msgstr ""
44428"Ta opcja określa prawdopodobieństwo migracji pomiędzy miastami różnych "
44429"graczy. 0 oznacza, że ludność nigdy nie będzie migrować. 100 oznacza, że "
44430"ludność migrować będzie zawsze, gdy znajdzie bardziej dogodne miasto "
44431"docelowe. Ta opcja działa jedynie wtedy, gdy włączona jest opcja migracji."
44433#: server/settings.c:2441
44434msgid "Players that users are allowed to take"
44435msgstr "Do jakich graczy mogą się przyłączyć użytkownicy?"
44437#. TRANS: the strings in double quotes are server command names
44438#. * and should not be translated.
44439#: server/settings.c:2444
44440msgid ""
44441"This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a type or "
44442"status of a civilization (player).\n"
44443"Clients will only be permitted to take or observe those players which match "
44444"one of the specified letters. This only affects future uses of the \"take\" "
44445"or \"observe\" commands; it is not retroactive. The characters and their "
44446"meanings are:\n"
44447"    o,O = Global observer\n"
44448"    b   = Barbarian players\n"
44449"    d   = Dead players\n"
44450"    a,A = AI players\n"
44451"    h,H = Human players\n"
44452"The first description on this list which matches a player is the one which "
44453"applies. Thus 'd' does not include dead barbarians, 'a' does not include "
44454"dead AI players, and so on. Upper case letters apply before the game has "
44455"started, lower case letters afterwards.\n"
44456"Each character above may be followed by one of the following numbers to "
44457"allow or restrict the manner of connection:\n"
44458"(none) = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can displace connections. "
44459"(Displacing a connection means that you may take over a player, even when "
44460"another user already controls that player.)\n"
44461"     1 = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can't displace connections;\n"
44462"     2 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can displace "
44464"     3 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can't displace "
44466"     4 = No controller allowed, observers allowed"
44467msgstr ""
44468"Powinien to być ciąg znaków, w którym każdy pojedynczy znak oznacza typ lub "
44469"status cywilizacji (gracza).\n"
44470"Klienty będą mogły przejąć lub obserwować tylko graczy pasujących do tego "
44471"ciągu. Zmiana tej wartości nie spowoduje przerwania już istniejących "
44472"połączeń, czyli dotyczy jedynie przyszłych użyć poleceń  \"take\" lub "
44473"\"observe\". Oto znaczenia poszczególnych znaków:\n"
44474"   o,O = Globalny obserwator\n"
44475"   b   = Gracz-barbarzyńca\n"
44476"   d   = Martwy gracz\n"
44477"   a,A = Gracz AI\n"
44478"   h,H = Gracz-człowiek\n"
44479"Pierwszy znak na liście, który pasuje do gracza jest tym, który będzie "
44480"użyty. Dlatego 'd' nie oznacza, że możliwe będzie połączenie martwego "
44481"barbarzyńcy. A samo 'a' nie umożliwia połączenie martwych AI itd. Duże "
44482"litery działają przed rozpoczęciem gry, a małe po rozpoczęciu.\n"
44483"Po każdym z powyższych znaków może występować jedna z poniższych cyfr "
44484"określających typ połączenia:\n"
44485"   (brak cyfry) = Sterowanie możliwe, obserwacja możliwa, można wymieniać "
44486"połączenia. (Wymiana połączenia oznacza, że można przejmować połączenie, "
44487"nawet gdy inny użytkownik jest już przypisany do gracza.)\n"
44488"              1 = Sterowanie możliwe, obserwacja możliwa, nie można "
44489"wymieniać połączeń;\n"
44490"              2 = Sterowanie możliwe, obserwacja niemożliwa, można wymieniać "
44492"              3 = Sterowanie możliwe, obserwacja niemożliwa, nie można "
44493"wymieniać połączeń;\n"
44494"              4 = Sterowanie niemożliwe, obserwacja możliwa"
44496#: server/settings.c:2479
44497msgid "Whether AI-status toggles with connection"
44498msgstr "Czy status AI jest przełączany podczas połączenia?"
44500#: server/settings.c:2480
44501msgid ""
44502"If enabled, AI status is turned off when a player connects, and on when a "
44503"player disconnects."
44504msgstr ""
44505"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że status AI jest wyłączany, gdy gracz się "
44506"połączy, a włączany, gdy się rozłączy."
44508#: server/settings.c:2486
44509msgid "Turn the game ends"
44510msgstr "Tura końca gry"
44512#: server/settings.c:2487
44513msgid "The game will end at the end of the given turn."
44514msgstr "Gra zakończy się pod koniec podanej tury."
44516#: server/settings.c:2493
44517msgid "Reveal the map"
44518msgstr "Odkryj mapę"
44520#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
44521#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
44522#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
44523#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must not be
44524#. * translated.
44525#: server/settings.c:2499
44526msgid ""
44527"If \"Reveal map at game start\" (START) is set, the initial state of the "
44528"entire map will be known to all players from the start of the game, although "
44529"it may still be fogged (depending on the 'fogofwar' setting). If \"Unfog map "
44530"for dead players\" (DEAD) is set, dead players can see the entire map, if "
44531"they are alone in their team."
44532msgstr ""
44533"Jeśli ustawiona jest opcja \"Odkryj mapę na początku gry\" (START), cała "
44534"mapa będzie widoczna dla wszystkich graczy już na początku rozgrywki, choć w "
44535"zależności od ustawienia 'fogofwar' nadal może być widoczna \"mgła wojny\". "
44536"Jeśli opcja \"Odkryj mapę martwych graczy\" (DEAD), mapę widzieć będą też "
44537"martwi gracze, jeśli są sami w drużynie."
44539#: server/settings.c:2510
44540msgid "Maximum seconds per turn"
44541msgstr "Maksymalna liczba sekund na turę"
44543#. TRANS: \"Turn Done\" refers to the client button; it is also
44544#. * translated separately, the translation should be the same.
44545#. * \"timeoutincrease\" is a command name and must not to be
44546#. * translated.
44547#: server/settings.c:2515
44548msgid ""
44549"If all players have not hit \"Turn Done\" before this time is up, then the "
44550"turn ends automatically. Zero means there is no timeout. In servers compiled "
44551"with debugging, a timeout of -1 sets the autogame test mode. Only "
44552"connections with hack level access may set the timeout to fewer than 30 "
44553"seconds. Use this with the command \"timeoutincrease\" to have a dynamic "
44554"timer. The first turn is treated as a special case and is controlled by the "
44555"'first_timeout' setting."
44556msgstr ""
44557"Tura kończy się zawsze po podanym czasie, nawet jeśli nie wszyscy gracze "
44558"nacisnęli wcześniej \"Koniec tury\". Zero oznacza brak licznika. Jeśli "
44559"serwer jest skompilowany z debugowaniem, licznik ustawiony na -1 ustawia "
44560"testowy tryb autogry. Jedynie połączenia z poziomem dostępu hack mogą "
44561"ustawić licznik na mniej niż 30 sekund. Używaj tej opcji razem z poleceniem "
44562"\"timeoutincrease\", aby dynamicznie zmieniać licznik. Pierwsza tura jest tu "
44563"przypadkiem specjalnym sterowanym ustawieniem 'first_timeout'."
44565#: server/settings.c:2529
44566msgid "First turn timeout"
44567msgstr "Upłynął czas pierwszej tury"
44569#. TRANS: The strings between single quotes are setting names and
44570#. * should not be translated.
44571#: server/settings.c:2532
44572msgid ""
44573"If greater than 0, T0 will last for 'first_timeout' seconds.\n"
44574"If set to 0, T0 will not have a timeout.\n"
44575"If set to -1, the special treatment of T0 will be disabled.\n"
44576"See also 'timeout'."
44577msgstr ""
44578"Jeśli większe niż 0, T0 będzie trwała przez 'first_timeout' sekund.\n"
44579"Jeśli ustawione na 0, T0 nie będzie miała licznika.\n"
44580"Jeśli ustawione na -1, T0 nie będzie traktowana specjalnie.\n"
44581"Zobacz też opcja 'timeout'."
44583#: server/settings.c:2542
44584msgid "Timeout at least n seconds when enemy moved"
44585msgstr "Licznik na co najmniej n sekund, gdy przeciwnik wykonuje ruch"
44587#: server/settings.c:2543
44588msgid ""
44589"Any time a unit moves while in sight of an enemy player, the remaining "
44590"timeout is increased to this value."
44591msgstr ""
44592"Zawsze gdy jednostka poruszy się w zasięgu wzroku przeciwnika, czas "
44593"pozostały do zakończenia tury zostanie ustawiony na podaną liczbę sekund."
44595#: server/settings.c:2550
44596msgid "Minimum time between unit actions over turn change"
44597msgstr "Minimalny czas pomiędzy czynnością jednostki a końcem tury"
44599#. TRANS: The string between single quotes is a setting name and
44600#. * should not be translated.
44601#: server/settings.c:2553
44602msgid ""
44603"This setting gives the minimum amount of time in seconds between unit moves "
44604"and other significant actions (such as building cities) after a turn change "
44605"occurs. For example, if this setting is set to 20 and a unit moves 5 seconds "
44606"before the turn change, it will not be able to move or act in the next turn "
44607"for at least 15 seconds. This value is limited to a maximum value of 2/3 "
44609msgstr ""
44610"To ustawienie daje minimalną ilość czasu w sekundach pomiędzy ruchem "
44611"jednostki i innym istotnym działaniem (np. budową miasta) a końcem tury. Na "
44612"przykład jeśli wartość ustawienia to 20, a jednostka ruszy się 5 sekund "
44613"przed końcem tury, nie będzie mogła wykonać ruchu przez pierwszych 15 sekund "
44614"nowej tury. Maksymalna wartość tego ustawienia to 2/3 wartości opcji "
44617#: server/settings.c:2568
44618msgid "Control of simultaneous player/team phases"
44619msgstr "Czy fazy gry są równoczesne dla wszystkich graczy?"
44621#: server/settings.c:2569
44622msgid ""
44623"This setting controls whether players may make moves at the same time during "
44624"a turn. Change in setting takes effect next turn."
44625msgstr ""
44626"To ustawienie określa, czy gracze mogą wykonywać ruchy jednocześnie w "
44627"trakcie tej samej tury. Zmiana tego ustawienie przyniesie efekty w następnej "
44630#: server/settings.c:2576
44631msgid "Seconds to let a client's network connection block"
44632msgstr "Dozwolony czas blokowania połączenia (w sekundach)"
44634#: server/settings.c:2577
44635msgid ""
44636"If a network connection is blocking for a time greater than this value, then "
44637"the connection is closed. Zero means there is no timeout (although "
44638"connections will be automatically disconnected eventually)."
44639msgstr ""
44640"Jeżeli połączenie TCP jest zablokowane przez czas dłuższy niż podana "
44641"wartość, to połączenie zostaje zerwane. Zero oznacza, że nie ma limitu "
44642"oprócz tego zdefiniowanego w implementacji protokołu TCP."
44644#: server/settings.c:2586
44645msgid "Max seconds for network buffers to drain"
44646msgstr "Maksymalny czas (w sekundach) na opróżnienie buforów sieciowych"
44648#: server/settings.c:2587
44649msgid ""
44650"The server will wait for up to the value of this parameter in seconds, for "
44651"all client connection network buffers to unblock. Zero means the server will "
44652"not wait at all."
44653msgstr ""
44654"Serwer Freeciv będzie czekał przez podany czas na odblokowanie buforów "
44655"sieciowych. Zero oznacza, że serwer nie będzie czekał wcale."
44657#: server/settings.c:2595
44658msgid "Seconds between PINGs"
44659msgstr "Sekundy pomiędzy PINGami"
44661#: server/settings.c:2596
44662msgid ""
44663"The server will poll the clients with a PING request each time this period "
44665msgstr "Serwer Freeciv będzie wysyłał PINGi co podaną liczbę sekund."
44667#: server/settings.c:2603
44668msgid "Time to cut a client"
44669msgstr "Maksymalny czas na odpowiedź"
44671#: server/settings.c:2604
44672msgid ""
44673"If a client doesn't reply to a PING in this time the client is disconnected."
44674msgstr ""
44675"Jeśli klient nie odpowie na PING przez podany czas, to zostanie rozłączony."
44677#: server/settings.c:2610
44678msgid "Turn-blocking game play mode"
44679msgstr "Tryb rozgrywek \"blokada końca tury\""
44681#: server/settings.c:2611
44682msgid ""
44683"If this is turned on, the game turn is not advanced until all players have "
44684"finished their turn, including disconnected players."
44685msgstr ""
44686"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że jeśli wszyscy gracze nie zakończą swoich "
44687"indywidualnych tur. Dotyczy to także graczy chwilowo rozłączonych z serwerem."
44689#: server/settings.c:2618
44690msgid "Fixed-length turns play mode"
44691msgstr "Tryb rozgrywek \"stała długość trwania tury\""
44693#. TRANS: \"Turn Done\" refers to the client button; it is also
44694#. * translated separately, the translation should be the same.
44695#: server/settings.c:2621
44696msgid ""
44697"If this is turned on the game turn will not advance until the timeout has "
44698"expired, even after all players have clicked on \"Turn Done\"."
44699msgstr ""
44700"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że nie można zakończyć tury przed upłynięciem "
44701"czasu licznika, nawet jeśli wszyscy gracze zakończyli już swoje tury."
44703#: server/settings.c:2628
44704msgid "What is in the Demographics report"
44705msgstr "Co jest publikowane w raporcie demograficznym"
44707#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes should be
44708#. * translated.
44709#: server/settings.c:2631
44710msgid ""
44711"This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies the inclusion "
44712"of a line of information in the Demographics report.\n"
44713"The characters and their meanings are:\n"
44714"    N = include Population\n"
44715"    P = include Production\n"
44716"    A = include Land Area\n"
44717"    L = include Literacy\n"
44718"    R = include Research Speed\n"
44719"    S = include Settled Area\n"
44720"    E = include Economics\n"
44721"    M = include Military Service\n"
44722"    O = include Pollution\n"
44723"    C = include Culture\n"
44724"Additionally, the following characters control whether or not certain "
44725"columns are displayed in the report:\n"
44726"    q = display \"quantity\" column\n"
44727"    r = display \"rank\" column\n"
44728"    b = display \"best nation\" column\n"
44729"The order of characters is not significant, but their capitalization is."
44730msgstr ""
44731"Powinien to być ciąg znaków, w którym każdy znak oznacza jedną informację "
44732"zawartą w Raporcie Demograficznym.\n"
44733"Znaczenie poszczególnych znaków:\n"
44734"    N = Populacja\n"
44735"    P = Produkcja\n"
44736"    A = Obszar zbadany\n"
44737"    L = Piśmienność\n"
44738"    R = Szybkość badań\n"
44739"    S = Obszar zamieszkany\n"
44740"    E = Ekonomia\n"
44741"    M = Służba wojskowa\n"
44742"    O = Zanieczyszczenie\n"
44743"    C = include Culture\n"
44744"Dodatkowo poniższe znaki decydują o wyświetlaniu specjalnych kolumn:\n"
44745"    q = Wartość, ilość\n"
44746"    r = Miejsce w rankingu\n"
44747"    b = Njalepszy naród\n"
44748"Kolejność znaków nie ma znaczenia, ale wielkość liter tak."
44750#: server/settings.c:2656
44751msgid "Turns per auto-save"
44752msgstr "Co ile tur robić autozapis"
44754#. TRANS: The string between double quotes is also translated
44755#. * separately (it must match!). The string between single
44756#. * quotes is a setting name and shouldn't be translated.
44757#: server/settings.c:2660
44758msgid ""
44759"How many turns elapse between automatic game saves. This setting only has an "
44760"effect when the 'autosaves' setting includes \"New turn\"."
44761msgstr ""
44762"Co ile tur dokonuje się autozapisu gry. Ta opcja działa tylko wtedy, gdy "
44763"ustawienie 'autosaves' zawiera \"Nowa tura\"."
44765#: server/settings.c:2667
44766msgid "Minutes per auto-save"
44767msgstr "Co ile minut robić autozapis?"
44769#. TRANS: The string between double quotes is also translated
44770#. * separately (it must match!). The string between single
44771#. * quotes is a setting name and shouldn't be translated.
44772#: server/settings.c:2671
44773msgid ""
44774"How many minutes elapse between automatic game saves. Unlike other save "
44775"types, this save is only meant as backup for computer memory, and it always "
44776"uses the same name, older saves are not kept. This setting only has an "
44777"effect when the 'autosaves' setting includes \"Timer\"."
44778msgstr ""
44779"Ile czasu upływa pomiędzy automatycznym zapisem gry. W przeciwieństwie do "
44780"innych rodzajów zapisu gry, ten typ służy jedynie do tworzenia kopii "
44781"zapasowej w pamięci komputera i zawsze wykorzystuje tą samą nazwę, "
44782"poprzednie zapisy nie są zachowywanie. To ustawienie działa jedynie, gdy "
44783"opcja 'autosaves' zawiera \"Licznik\"."
44785#: server/settings.c:2680
44786msgid "Which savegames are generated automatically"
44787msgstr "Które gry zapisywane są automatycznie?"
44789#. TRANS: The strings between double quotes are also translated
44790#. * separately (they must match!). The strings between single
44791#. * quotes are setting names and shouldn't be translated. The
44792#. * strings between parentheses and in uppercase must stay as
44793#. * untranslated.
44794#: server/settings.c:2686
44795msgid ""
44796"This setting controls which autosave types get generated:\n"
44797"- \"New turn\" (TURN): Save when turn begins, once every 'saveturns' turns.\n"
44798"- \"Game over\" (GAMEOVER): Final save when game ends.\n"
44799"- \"No player connections\" (QUITIDLE): Save before server restarts due to "
44800"lack of players.\n"
44801"- \"Server interrupted\" (INTERRUPT): Save when server quits due to "
44803"- \"Timer\" (TIMER): Save every 'savefrequency' minutes."
44804msgstr ""
44805"To ustawienie określa które rodzaje autozapisu są wykorzystywane:\n"
44806"- \"Nowa tura\" (TURN): Zapisuje na początku tury, raz na ilość tur "
44807"określoną w 'saveturns'.\n"
44808"- \"Koniec gry\" (GAMEOVER): Końcowy zapis na zakończenie rozgrywki.\n"
44809"- \"Brak połączeń graczy\" (QUITIDLE): Zapisuje zanim serwer zostanie "
44810"uruchomiony ponownie z powodu braku graczy.\n"
44811"- \"Serwer rozłączony\" (INTERRUPT): Zapisuje gdy serwer przerywa działanie "
44812"z powodu rozłączenie.\n"
44813"- \"Licznik\" (TIMER): Zapisuje co ilość minut określoną w 'savefrequency'."
44815#: server/settings.c:2699
44816msgid "Savegame compression level"
44817msgstr "Stopień kompresji zapisanej gry"
44819#. TRANS: 'compresstype' setting name should not be translated.
44820#: server/settings.c:2701
44821msgid ""
44822"If non-zero, saved games will be compressed depending on the 'compresstype' "
44823"setting. Larger values will give better compression but take longer."
44824msgstr ""
44825"Jeżeli różne od zera, zapisane gry są kompresowane metodą określoną "
44826"ustawieniem 'compresstype'. Większe wartości dają lepszą kompresję, lecz "
44827"trwa ona dłużej."
44829#: server/settings.c:2709
44830msgid "Savegame compression algorithm"
44831msgstr "Algorytm kompresji zapisanej gry"
44833#: server/settings.c:2710
44834msgid "Compression library to use for savegames."
44835msgstr "Biblioteka kompresji używana przy zapisywaniu gry."
44837#: server/settings.c:2715
44838msgid "Definition of the save file name"
44839msgstr "Nazwa pliku z zapisaną grą"
44841#. TRANS: %R, %S, %T and %Y must not be translated. The
44842#. * strings (examples and setting names) between single quotes
44843#. * neither. The strings between <> should be translated.
44844#: server/settings.c:2720
44845#, no-c-format
44846msgid ""
44847"Within the string the following custom formats are allowed:\n"
44848"  %R = <reason>\n"
44849"  %S = <suffix>\n"
44850"  %T = <turn-number>\n"
44851"  %Y = <game-year>\n"
44853"Example: 'freeciv-T%04T-Y%+05Y-%R' => 'freeciv-T0100-Y00001-manual'\n"
44855"Be careful to use at least one of %T and %Y, else newer savegames will "
44856"overwrite old ones. If none of the formats is used '-T%04T-Y%05Y-%R' is "
44857"appended to the value of 'savename'."
44858msgstr ""
44859"W nazwie pliku zapisanej gry, stosować można następujące elementy:\n"
44860"  %R = <powód>\n"
44861"  %S = <przyrostek>\n"
44862"  %T = <tura-gry>\n"
44863"  %Y = <rok-gry>\n"
44865"Przykład: 'civgame-T%04T-Y%+05Y-%R' => 'civgame-T0100-Y00001-manual'\n"
44867"Warto używać co najmniej elementów %Y lub %T, gdyż w przeciwnym razie nowsze "
44868"pliki nadpisywać będą te starsze. Jeśli nie użyto żadnej formatu, do "
44869"wartości 'savename' zostanie dodane '-T%04T-Y%05Y-%R'."
44871#: server/settings.c:2738
44872msgid "Whether to log player statistics"
44873msgstr "Czy zapisywać statystyki graczy?"
44875#. TRANS: The string between single quotes is a setting name and
44876#. * should not be translated.
44877#: server/settings.c:2741
44878msgid ""
44879"If this is turned on, player statistics are appended to the file defined by "
44880"the option 'scorefile' every turn. These statistics can be used to create "
44881"power graphs after the game."
44882msgstr ""
44883"Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że statystyki graczy będą zapisywane co turę do "
44884"pliku o nazwie określonej przez opcję 'scorefile'. Po zakończeniu gry te "
44885"statystyki mogą być użyte do stworzenia wykresów."
44887#: server/settings.c:2748
44888msgid "Scorelog level"
44889msgstr "Zakres punktacji"
44891#: server/settings.c:2749
44892msgid ""
44893"Whether scores are logged for all players including AIs, or only for human "
44895msgstr ""
44896"Ta opcja określa, czy punktacja obliczana jest dla wszystkich graczy (także "
44897"graczy AI), czy tylko dla graczy-ludzi."
44899#: server/settings.c:2755
44900msgid "Name for the score log file"
44901msgstr "Nazwa pliku z punktacją"
44903#. TRANS: Don't translate the string in single quotes.
44904#: server/settings.c:2757
44905msgid "The default name for the score log file is 'freeciv-score.log'."
44906msgstr "Domyślna nazwa pliku z punktacją to 'freeciv-score.log'."
44908#: server/settings.c:2763
44909msgid "Maximum number of connections to the server per host"
44910msgstr "Maksymalna liczba połączeń z serwerem"
44912#: server/settings.c:2764
44913msgid ""
44914"New connections from a given host will be rejected if the total number of "
44915"connections from the very same host equals or exceeds this value. A value of "
44916"0 means that there is no limit, at least up to the maximum number of "
44917"connections supported by the server."
44918msgstr ""
44919"Nowe połączenia z danego hosta będą odrzucane, jeśli całkowita liczba "
44920"połączeń z tego samego hosta jest równa lub większa niż ta wartość. 0 "
44921"oznacza, że nie ma limitu połączeń, a jedynymi ograniczeniami są możliwości "
44922"techniczne serwera."
44924#: server/settings.c:2774
44925msgid "Time before a kicked user can reconnect"
44926msgstr "Czas przed ponownym połączeniem odłączonego gracza"
44928#. TRANS: the string in double quotes is a server command name and
44929#. * should not be translated
44930#: server/settings.c:2777
44931msgid ""
44932"Gives the time in seconds before a user kicked using the \"kick\" command "
44933"may reconnect. Changing this setting will affect users kicked in the past."
44934msgstr ""
44935"Podaje czas (w sekundach), przed upływem którego gracz odłączony poleceniem "
44936"\"kick\" nie może ponownie połączyć się z serwerem. Zmiana tego ustawienie "
44937"wpłynie też na graczy odłączonych wcześniej."
44939#: server/settings.c:2895
44940#, c-format
44941msgid "The setting '%s' can't be modified after the map is fixed."
44942msgstr "Ustawienie '%s' nie może być zmienione po stworzeniu mapy."
44944#: server/settings.c:2931
44945#, c-format
44946msgid "The setting '%s' can't be modified after the game has started."
44947msgstr "Ustawienie '%s' nie może być zmienione po rozpoczęciu gry."
44949#: server/settings.c:2943
44950msgid "Internal error."
44951msgstr "Błąd wewnętrzny."
44953#: server/settings.c:2961
44954#, c-format
44955msgid "You are not allowed to change the setting '%s'."
44956msgstr "Nie możesz zmieniać ustawienia '%s'."
44958#: server/settings.c:2969
44959#, c-format
44960msgid "The setting '%s' is locked by the ruleset."
44961msgstr "Ustawienie '%s' jest zablokowane zestawem zasad."
44963#: server/settings.c:3060
44964#, c-format
44965msgid "\"%s\" prefix is ambiguous. Candidates are: %s."
44966msgstr "Prefiks \"%s\" jest niejednoznaczny. Spróbuj: %s."
44968#: server/settings.c:3067
44969msgid "Missing value."
44970msgstr "Brak wartości."
44972#: server/settings.c:3076
44973#, c-format
44974msgid "No match for \"%s\"."
44975msgstr "Nic nie pasuje do \"%s\"."
44977#: server/settings.c:3114
44978msgid "This setting is not a boolean."
44979msgstr "To ustawienie nie przyjmuje wartości logicznej."
44981#: server/settings.c:3245
44982msgid "This setting is not an integer."
44983msgstr "To ustawienie nie przyjmuje liczby całkowitej."
44985#: server/settings.c:3251
44986#, c-format
44987msgid "Value out of range: %d (min: %d; max: %d)."
44988msgstr "Wartość spoza zakresu: %d (min: %d, maks: %d)."
44990#: server/settings.c:3316
44991msgid "This setting is not a string."
44992msgstr "To ustawienie nie przyjmuje ciągu znaków."
44994#: server/settings.c:3322
44995#, c-format
44996msgid "String value too long (max length: %lu)."
44997msgstr "Zbyt długi ciąg znaków (maksymalnie %lu)."
44999#: server/settings.c:3410
45000msgid "This setting is not an enumerator."
45001msgstr "To ustawienie nie przyjmuje wyliczenia."
45003#. TRANS: only emphasizing a string.
45004#: server/settings.c:3579
45005#, c-format
45006msgid "\"%s\""
45007msgstr "\"%s\""
45009#. TRANS: Bitwise setting has no bits set.
45010#: server/settings.c:3588
45011msgid "empty value"
45012msgstr "pusta wartość"
45014#: server/settings.c:3640
45015msgid "This setting is not a bitwise."
45016msgstr "To ustawienie nie przyjmuje wartości bitowej."
45018#: server/settings.c:3914 server/settings.c:3934 server/settings.c:3954
45019#: server/settings.c:3978 server/settings.c:4002
45020#, c-format
45021msgid "Ruleset: '%s' has been set to %s."
45022msgstr "Zestaw zasad: %s została ustawiona na %s."
45024#: server/settings.c:4021
45025#, c-format
45026msgid "Ruleset: '%s' has been locked by the ruleset."
45027msgstr "Zestaw zasad: %s została zablokowana przez zestaw zasad."
45029#: server/settings.c:4291 server/settings.c:4323 server/settings.c:4352
45030#: server/settings.c:4386 server/settings.c:4420
45031#, c-format
45032msgid "Savegame: '%s' has been set to %s."
45033msgstr "Zapis gry: %s została ustawiona na %s."
45035#: server/settings.c:4299 server/settings.c:4331 server/settings.c:4360
45036#: server/settings.c:4394 server/settings.c:4428
45037#, c-format
45038msgid "Savegame: '%s' explicitly set to value same as default."
45039msgstr "Zapisana gra: '%s' ma taką samą wartość jak wartość domyślna."
45041#: server/settings.h:45
45042msgid "Geological"
45043msgstr "Geologiczne"
45045#: server/settings.h:47
45046msgid "Sociological"
45047msgstr "Socjologiczne"
45049#: server/settings.h:49
45050msgid "Economic"
45051msgstr "Ekonomiczne"
45053#: server/settings.h:51
45054msgid "Military"
45055msgstr "Wojskowe"
45057#: server/settings.h:53
45058msgid "Scientific"
45059msgstr "Naukowe"
45061#: server/settings.h:55
45062msgid "Internal"
45063msgstr "Wewnętrzne"
45065#: server/settings.h:57
45066msgid "Networking"
45067msgstr "Sieciowe"
45069#: server/settings.h:65
45070msgid "?ssetlevel:None"
45071msgstr "?ssetlevel:Brak"
45073#: server/settings.h:69
45074msgid "Vital"
45075msgstr "Ważne"
45077#: server/settings.h:71
45078msgid "Situational"
45079msgstr "Drugorzędne"
45081#: server/settings.h:73
45082msgid "Rare"
45083msgstr "Rzadkie"
45085#: server/settings.h:75
45086msgid "Changed"
45087msgstr "Zmienione"
45089#: server/settings.h:77
45090msgid "Locked"
45091msgstr "Zablokowane"
45093#: server/spacerace.c:175
45094msgid "You need to have a capital in order to launch your spaceship."
45095msgstr "Musisz mieć stolicę, aby wystrzelić statek kosmiczny."
45097#: server/spacerace.c:181
45098msgid "Your spaceship is already launched!"
45099msgstr "Twój statek kosmiczny został już wystrzelony!"
45101#: server/spacerace.c:187
45102msgid "Your spaceship can't be launched yet!"
45103msgstr "Nie możesz jeszcze wystrzelić statku kosmicznego!"
45105#: server/spacerace.c:196
45106#, c-format
45107msgid ""
45108"The %s have launched a spaceship!  It is estimated to arrive at Alpha "
45109"Centauri in %s."
45110msgstr ""
45111"%s wystrzelili statek kosmiczny! Szacuje się, że dotrze na Alfa Centauri w "
45114#: server/spacerace.c:224
45115msgid "Spaceship action received, but you don't have a spaceship!"
45116msgstr ""
45117"Oczekujesz działań w kosmosie, ale przecież nie masz statku kosmicznego!"
45119#: server/spacerace.c:234
45120msgid "You can't modify your spaceship after launch!"
45121msgstr "Nie możesz modyfikować statku kosmicznego po jego wystrzeleniu!"
45123#: server/spacerace.c:248
45124msgid "You don't have any unplaced Space Structurals!"
45125msgstr "Brak wolnych Łączników Statku Kosmicznego!"
45127#: server/spacerace.c:257
45128msgid "That Space Structural would not be connected!"
45129msgstr "Ten Łącznik Statku Kosmicznego nie może zostać zamontowany!"
45131#: server/spacerace.c:276 server/spacerace.c:304
45132msgid "You don't have any unplaced Space Components!"
45133msgstr "Brak wolnych Napędów Statku Kosmicznego!"
45135#: server/spacerace.c:284
45136msgid "Your spaceship already has the maximum number of Fuel Components!"
45137msgstr "Twój statek kosmiczny ma już maksymalną liczbę Zbiorników Paliwa!"
45139#: server/spacerace.c:313
45140msgid "Your spaceship already has the maximum number of Propulsion Components!"
45141msgstr "Twój statek kosmiczny ma już maksymalną liczbą Silników!"
45143#: server/spacerace.c:334 server/spacerace.c:363 server/spacerace.c:392
45144msgid "You don't have any unplaced Space Modules!"
45145msgstr "Brak wolnych Modułów Statku Kosmicznego!"
45147#: server/spacerace.c:342
45148msgid "Your spaceship already has the maximum number of Habitation Modules!"
45149msgstr "Twój statek kosmiczny ma już maksymalną liczbę Modułów Mieszkalnych!"
45151#: server/spacerace.c:371
45152msgid "Your spaceship already has the maximum number of Life Support Modules!"
45153msgstr ""
45154"Twój statek kosmiczny ma już maksymalną liczbę Modułów Podtrzymywania Życia!"
45156#: server/spacerace.c:400
45157msgid "Your spaceship already has the maximum number of Solar Panel Modules!"
45158msgstr "Twój statek kosmiczny ma już maksymalną liczbę Paneli Słonecznych!"
45160#: server/spacerace.c:424
45161#, c-format
45162msgid "The %s spaceship has arrived at Alpha Centauri."
45163msgstr "%s statek kosmiczny dotarł do Alfa Centauri."
45165#: server/spacerace.c:435
45166#, c-format
45167msgid "Without guidance from the capital, the %s spaceship is lost!"
45168msgstr "Naród %s stracił statek kosmiczny w wyniku utraty stolicy!"
45170#. TRANS: Another entry in winners list (", the Tibetans")
45171#: server/srv_main.c:351 server/srv_main.c:476
45172#, c-format
45173msgid "?winners:, the %s"
45174msgstr "?winners:, %s"
45176#. TRANS: Beginning of the winners list ("the French")
45177#: server/srv_main.c:355 server/srv_main.c:471
45178#, c-format
45179msgid "?winners:the %s"
45180msgstr "?winners:the %s"
45182#. TRANS: There can be several winners listed
45183#: server/srv_main.c:365
45184#, c-format
45185msgid "Scenario victory to %s."
45186msgstr "Zwycięstwo w scenariuszu dla %s."
45188#: server/srv_main.c:393 server/stdinhand.c:4464
45189msgid "Game is over."
45190msgstr "Koniec gry."
45192#: server/srv_main.c:426 server/srv_main.c:608
45193#, c-format
45194msgid "Team victory to %s."
45195msgstr "Zwycięstwo drużynowe dla %s."
45197#. TRANS: There can be several winners listed
45198#: server/srv_main.c:483
45199#, c-format
45200msgid "Allied victory to %s."
45201msgstr "Zwycięstwo sojuszników dla %s."
45203#: server/srv_main.c:509
45204#, c-format
45205msgid "Game ended in conquest victory for %s."
45206msgstr "Grę wygrał/a %s poprzez podbój planety."
45208#: server/srv_main.c:539
45209#, c-format
45210msgid "Game ended in cultural domination victory for %s."
45211msgstr "Grę wygrał/a %s poprzez dominację kulturową."
45213#: server/srv_main.c:550
45214msgid "Game ended as the turn limit was exceeded."
45215msgstr "Gra zakończyła się, gdyż wyczerpał się limit tur."
45217#: server/srv_main.c:555
45218msgid ""
45219"Notice: game will end at the end of this turn due to 'endturn' server "
45221msgstr ""
45222"Uwaga: gra zakończy się pod koniec tej tury, zgodnie z opcją serwera "
45225#: server/srv_main.c:616
45226#, c-format
45227msgid "Game ended in victory for %s."
45228msgstr "Grę wygrał/a %s."
45230#: server/srv_main.c:642
45231#, c-format
45232msgid ""
45233"Notice: the %s spaceship will likely arrive at Alpha Centauri next turn."
45234msgstr ""
45235"Uwaga: %s statek kosmiczny prawdopodobnie dotrze do Alfa Centauri w "
45236"następnej turze."
45238#. TRANS: "... 2 military units in Norwegian territory."
45239#: server/srv_main.c:779
45240#, c-format
45241msgid "Warning: you still have %d military unit in %s territory."
45242msgid_plural "Warning: you still have %d military units in %s territory."
45243msgstr[0] "Uwaga: nadal masz %d jednostkę zbrojną na terytorium %sm."
45244msgstr[1] "Uwaga: nadal masz %d jednostki zbrojne na terytorium %sm."
45245msgstr[2] "Uwaga: nadal masz %d jednostek zbrojnych na terytorium %sm."
45247#. TRANS: %s is another, separately translated sentence,
45248#. * ending in a full stop.
45249#: server/srv_main.c:788
45250#, c-format
45251msgid ""
45252"%s Any such units will be disbanded in %d turn, in accordance with peace "
45254msgid_plural ""
45255"%s Any such units will be disbanded in %d turns, in accordance with peace "
45257msgstr[0] ""
45258"%s Każda taka jednostka zostanie rozwiązana w ciągu %d tury, zgodnie z "
45259"układem pokojowym."
45260msgstr[1] ""
45261"%s Każda taka jednostka zostanie rozwiązana w ciągu %d tur, zgodnie z "
45262"układem pokojowym."
45263msgstr[2] ""
45264"%s Każda taka jednostka zostanie rozwiązana w ciągu %d tur, zgodnie z "
45265"układem pokojowym."
45267#: server/srv_main.c:808 server/srv_main.c:819
45268#, c-format
45269msgid "Your %s was disbanded in accordance with your peace treaty with the %s."
45270msgstr ""
45271"Twoja jednostka %s została rozwiązana zgodnie z układem pokojowym z %s."
45273#: server/srv_main.c:869
45274#, c-format
45275msgid ""
45276"Concerned citizens point out that the cease-fire with %s will run out soon."
45277msgstr ""
45278"Zaniepokojeni mieszkańcy przypominają, ze zawieszenie broni z %s wkrótce się "
45281#: server/srv_main.c:878 server/srv_main.c:883
45282#, c-format
45283msgid "The cease-fire with %s has run out. You are now at war with the %s."
45284msgstr "Rozejm z %s się skończył. Jesteś w stanie wojny z %s."
45286#: server/srv_main.c:923 server/srv_main.c:933
45287#, c-format
45288msgid ""
45289"The cease-fire between %s and %s has run out. They are at war. You cancel "
45290"your alliance with %s."
45291msgstr ""
45292"Zawieszenie broni pomiędzy %s a %s dobiegło końca. Są teraz w stanie wojny. "
45293"Zrywasz sojusz z %s."
45295#: server/srv_main.c:943
45296#, c-format
45297msgid ""
45298"The cease-fire between %s and %s has run out. They are at war. You cancel "
45299"your alliance with both."
45300msgstr ""
45301"Zawieszenie broni pomiędzy %s a %s dobiegło końca. Są w stanie wojny. "
45302"Zrywasz sojusz z oboma stronami."
45304#. TRANS: %s is a unit type
45305#: server/srv_main.c:1090
45306#, c-format
45307msgid "%s retired!"
45308msgstr "Typ %s przeszedł w stan spoczynku!"
45310#: server/srv_main.c:1318
45311msgid "Automatically placed spaceship parts that were still not placed."
45312msgstr ""
45313"Automatycznie umiejscawiane części statku kosmicznego, które nie zostały "
45314"jeszcze zamontowane."
45316#: server/srv_main.c:1604 server/srv_main.c:1607
45317#, c-format
45318msgid "Unsupported compression type %d."
45319msgstr "Nieobsługiwany typ kompresji %d."
45321#: server/srv_main.c:1637
45322#, c-format
45323msgid "Failed saving game as %s"
45324msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać gry jako %s"
45326#: server/srv_main.c:1639
45327msgid "Failed saving game."
45328msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać gry."
45330#: server/srv_main.c:1641
45331#, c-format
45332msgid "Game saved as %s"
45333msgstr "Gra zapisana jako %s"
45335#: server/srv_main.c:1702
45336msgid "The game is already running."
45337msgstr "Gra jest już uruchomiona."
45339#: server/srv_main.c:1710
45340#, c-format
45341msgid "%s lost control cmdlevel on game start.  Use voting from now on."
45342msgstr ""
45343"%s utracił poziom uprawnień cmdlevel po starcie gry. Od teraz należy używać "
45346#: server/srv_main.c:1718
45347msgid "Starting game."
45348msgstr "Uruchamiam grę."
45350#: server/srv_main.c:1834
45351#, c-format
45352msgid "request for unknown report (type %d)"
45353msgstr "żądanie nieznanego raportu (typ %d)"
45355#: server/srv_main.c:1924
45356#, c-format
45357msgid "Warning: rejecting old client %s"
45358msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: odrzucam przestarzałego klienta %s"
45360#: server/srv_main.c:1935
45361msgid ""
45362"Your client is too old. To use this server, please upgrade your client to a "
45363"Freeciv 2.2 or later."
45364msgstr ""
45365"Twój klient jest zbyt stary. Aby wejść na ten serwer musisz używać klienta w "
45366"wersji co najmniej 2.2."
45368#: server/srv_main.c:1994
45369msgid "You are not allowed to edit."
45370msgstr "Nie możesz zmienić tej opcji."
45372#: server/srv_main.c:2205
45373#, c-format
45374msgid "%s nation is not available for user selection."
45375msgstr "Naród %s nie jest dostępny w opcji wybranej przez gracza."
45377#: server/srv_main.c:2211
45378#, c-format
45379msgid "%s nation is already in use."
45380msgstr "Naród %s jest już używany."
45382#: server/srv_main.c:2227
45383#, c-format
45384msgid "%s is the %s ruler %s."
45385msgstr "%s to %s przywódca %s."
45387#: server/srv_main.c:2302
45388#, c-format
45389msgid "Waiting to start game: %d out of %d players are ready to start."
45390msgstr "Oczekiwanie na rozpoczęcie gry: %d z %d graczy jest już gotowych."
45392#: server/srv_main.c:2328
45393msgid "requested more than 'maxplayers' setting"
45394msgstr "zażądano więcej niż określono w opcji 'maxplayers'"
45396#: server/srv_main.c:2335
45397msgid ""
45398"not enough playable nations in this nation set (see 'nationset' setting)"
45399msgstr "za mało dostępnych narodów w tym zestawie (zobacz opcja 'nationset')"
45401#: server/srv_main.c:2338
45402msgid "not enough playable nations"
45403msgstr "za mało dostępnych narodów"
45405#: server/srv_main.c:2684 server/srv_main.c:2688
45406#, c-format
45407msgid "%s rules the %s."
45408msgstr "%s rządzi %s."
45410#: server/srv_main.c:2888
45411msgid ""
45412"This freeciv-server program has player authentication support, but it's "
45413"currently not in use."
45414msgstr ""
45415"Ten serwer wspiera uwierzytelnienie gracza, lecz obecnie nie jest ono w "
45418#: server/srv_main.c:2955
45419#, c-format
45420msgid "Sending info to metaserver <%s>."
45421msgstr "Wysyłam informację do metaserwera <%s>."
45423#: server/srv_main.c:2959
45424msgid "Not starting without explicitly requested metaserver connection."
45425msgstr "Nie zaczynam bez wyraźnego sygnału od metaserwera."
45427#: server/srv_main.c:2982
45428msgid "The game is over..."
45429msgstr "Gra skończona..."
45431#: server/srv_main.c:3111
45432msgid "Failed to create suitable map, retrying with another mapseed."
45433msgstr ""
45434"Nie udało się stworzyć odpowiedniej mapy, próbuję z innym ziarnem mapy."
45436#: server/srv_main.c:3117
45437#, c-format
45438msgid "Attempt %d/%d"
45439msgstr "Próba %d/%d"
45441#: server/srv_main.c:3145
45442msgid "Cannot create suitable map with given settings."
45443msgstr "Nie można stworzyć mapy przy podanych ustawieniach."
45445#: server/srv_main.c:3169 server/srv_main.c:3173
45446#, c-format
45447msgid "Setting '%s' has been adjusted from %s to %s."
45448msgstr "Opcja %s została zmieniona z %s na %s."
45450#: server/srv_main.c:3372
45451#, c-format
45452msgid "Now accepting new client connections on port %d."
45453msgstr "Przyjmuję nowe połączenia klinetów na porcie %d."
45455#: server/stdinhand.c:186
45456msgid "Can't use an empty name."
45457msgstr "Nie można używać pustej nazwy."
45459#: server/stdinhand.c:189
45460#, c-format
45461msgid "That name exceeds the maximum of %d chars."
45462msgstr "Długość nazwy przekracza dozwoloną wartość %d znaków."
45464#: server/stdinhand.c:194
45465msgid "That name is not allowed."
45466msgstr "Ta nazwa nie jest dozwolona."
45468#. TRANS: ambiguous command
45469#: server/stdinhand.c:329
45470msgid "(ambiguous)"
45471msgstr "(niejednoznaczne)"
45473#: server/stdinhand.c:428
45474msgid "Name is empty, so cannot be a player."
45475msgstr "Nazwa pusta, to nie może być gracz."
45477#: server/stdinhand.c:432
45478msgid "Name is too long, so cannot be a player."
45479msgstr "Nazwa za długa, to nie może być gracz."
45481#: server/stdinhand.c:436
45482#, c-format
45483msgid "Player name prefix '%s' is ambiguous."
45484msgstr "Prefiks nazwy gracza '%s' niejednoznaczny."
45486#: server/stdinhand.c:440
45487#, c-format
45488msgid "No player by the name of '%s'."
45489msgstr "Nie ma gracza o nazwie '%s'."
45491#: server/stdinhand.c:444 server/stdinhand.c:479
45492#, c-format
45493msgid "Unexpected match_result %d (%s) for '%s'."
45494msgstr "Nieoczekiwana wartość match_result %d (%s) dla '%s'."
45496#: server/stdinhand.c:463
45497msgid "Name is empty, so cannot be a connection."
45498msgstr "Nazwa pusta, nieprawidłowa dla połączenia."
45500#: server/stdinhand.c:467
45501msgid "Name is too long, so cannot be a connection."
45502msgstr "Nazwa za długa jak na nazwę połączenia."
45504#: server/stdinhand.c:471
45505#, c-format
45506msgid "Connection name prefix '%s' is ambiguous."
45507msgstr "Prefiks nazwy gracza '%s' jest niejednoznaczny."
45509#: server/stdinhand.c:475
45510#, c-format
45511msgid "No connection by the name of '%s'."
45512msgstr "Nie ma połączenia o nazwie '%s'."
45514#: server/stdinhand.c:495
45515#, c-format
45516msgid "Open metaserver connection to [%s]."
45517msgstr "Otwieram połączenie z metaserwerem [%s]."
45519#: server/stdinhand.c:508
45520#, c-format
45521msgid "Close metaserver connection to [%s]."
45522msgstr "Zamykam połączenie z metaserwerem [%s]."
45524#: server/stdinhand.c:525
45525msgid "Metaserver connection is open."
45526msgstr "Połączenie z metaserwerem otwarte."
45528#: server/stdinhand.c:528
45529msgid "Metaserver connection is closed."
45530msgstr "Połączenie z metaserwerem zamknięte."
45532#: server/stdinhand.c:547
45533msgid "Metaserver connection is already open."
45534msgstr "Połączenie z metaserwerem jest już otwarte."
45536#: server/stdinhand.c:558
45537msgid "Metaserver connection is already closed."
45538msgstr "Połączenie z metaserwerem jest już zamknięte."
45540#: server/stdinhand.c:563
45541msgid "Argument must be 'u', 'up', 'd', 'down', 'p', 'persistent', or '?'."
45542msgstr ""
45543"Argument musi mieć wartość 'u', 'up', 'd', 'down', 'p', 'persistent', lub "
45546#: server/stdinhand.c:584
45547#, c-format
45548msgid "Metaserver patches string set to '%s'."
45549msgstr "Ustawiono linię łatek dla metaserwera na '%s'."
45551#: server/stdinhand.c:587
45552#, c-format
45553msgid "Metaserver patches string set to '%s', not reporting to metaserver."
45554msgstr ""
45555"Linia łatek metaserwera ustawiona na '%s', nie reportuję na metaserwer."
45557#: server/stdinhand.c:608
45558#, c-format
45559msgid "Metaserver message string set to '%s'."
45560msgstr "Ustawiono linię wiadomości dla metaserwera na '%s'."
45562#: server/stdinhand.c:611
45563#, c-format
45564msgid "Metaserver message string set to '%s', not reporting to metaserver."
45565msgstr ""
45566"Linia wiadomości metaserwera ustawiona na '%s', nie reportuję na metaserwer."
45568#: server/stdinhand.c:632
45569#, c-format
45570msgid "Metaserver is now [%s]."
45571msgstr "Metaserwer jest teraz [%s]."
45573#: server/stdinhand.c:641
45574#, c-format
45575msgid "Server id: %s"
45576msgstr "Identyfikator serwera: %s"
45578#: server/stdinhand.c:654 server/stdinhand.c:671
45579msgid "You cannot save games manually on this server."
45580msgstr "Ten serwer nie umożliwia ręcznego zapisywania gier."
45582#: server/stdinhand.c:689
45583#, c-format
45584msgid "%s is now under AI control."
45585msgstr "%s jest teraz kontrolowany przez AI."
45587#: server/stdinhand.c:698
45588#, c-format
45589msgid "%s is now under human control."
45590msgstr "%s jest teraz kontrolowany przez człowieka."
45592#: server/stdinhand.c:751
45593msgid "Wrong number of arguments to create command."
45594msgstr "Nieprawidłowa liczba argumentów polecenia create."
45596#: server/stdinhand.c:810
45597msgid "A living user already exists by that name."
45598msgstr "Użytkownik o takiej nazwie już bierze udział w grze."
45600#: server/stdinhand.c:818
45601msgid "A living player already exists by that name."
45602msgstr "Gracz o takiej nazwie już bierze udział w grze."
45604#: server/stdinhand.c:825
45605#, c-format
45606msgid "Can't create player, requested nation %s not in current nation set."
45607msgstr ""
45608"Nie mogę stworzyć gracza, żądany naród %s nie występuje w bieżącym zestawie "
45611#: server/stdinhand.c:833
45612#, c-format
45613msgid "Can't create players, nation %s conflicts with %s."
45614msgstr "Nie można stworzyć graczy, naród %s jest skonfliktowany z %s."
45616#: server/stdinhand.c:844
45617msgid "Can't create players, no nations available."
45618msgstr "Nie można stworzyć graczy, nie ma już dostępnych narodów."
45620#: server/stdinhand.c:861 server/stdinhand.c:871
45621#, c-format
45622msgid "%s is replacing dead player %s as an AI-controlled player."
45623msgstr "%s zastępuje martwego gracza %s jako gracz AI."
45625#: server/stdinhand.c:895 server/stdinhand.c:1044
45626#, c-format
45627msgid "Failed to create new player %s."
45628msgstr "Błąd podczas tworzenia nowego gracza %s."
45630#: server/stdinhand.c:901
45631#, c-format
45632msgid "New player %s created."
45633msgstr "Stworzono nowego gracz %s."
45635#. TRANS: keep one space at the beginning of the string.
45636#: server/stdinhand.c:917
45637#, c-format
45638msgid " Nation of the new player: %s."
45639msgstr " Naród nowego gracza: %s."
45641#: server/stdinhand.c:978
45642msgid "A player already exists by that name."
45643msgstr "Gracz o takiej nazwie już bierze udział w grze."
45645#: server/stdinhand.c:983
45646msgid "A user already exists by that name."
45647msgstr "Użytkownik o takiej nazwie już bierze udział w grze."
45649#: server/stdinhand.c:994
45650msgid "Can't add more players, server is full."
45651msgstr "Więcej uczestników nie obsłużymy - serwer pracuje \"pełną parą\"."
45653#: server/stdinhand.c:1001
45654msgid ""
45655"Can't add more players, not enough playable nations in current nation set "
45656"(see 'nationset' setting)."
45657msgstr ""
45658"Nie można dodać więcej graczy, za mało dostępnych narodów z bieżącym "
45659"zestawie (zobacz opcję 'nationset')."
45661#: server/stdinhand.c:1005
45662msgid "Can't add more players, not enough playable nations."
45663msgstr "Nie można dodać więcej graczy, za mało dostępnych narodów."
45665#: server/stdinhand.c:1016
45666#, c-format
45667msgid "There is no AI type %s."
45668msgstr "Nie ma gracza AI typu %s."
45670#. TRANS: <name> replacing <name> ...
45671#: server/stdinhand.c:1033
45672#, c-format
45673msgid "%s replacing %s as an AI-controlled player."
45674msgstr "%s zostępuje %s jako gracz AI."
45676#: server/stdinhand.c:1049
45677#, c-format
45678msgid "%s has been added as an AI-controlled player (%s)."
45679msgstr "%s został/a dodany jako gracz AI (%s)."
45681#: server/stdinhand.c:1094
45682#, c-format
45683msgid ""
45684"Command level '%s' or greater needed to remove a player once the game has "
45686msgstr ""
45687"Aby usunąć gracza po rozpoczęciu gry, potrzebny jest poziom dostępu '%s' lub "
45690#: server/stdinhand.c:1106
45691#, c-format
45692msgid "Removed player %s from the game."
45693msgstr "Usunięto gracza %s z gry."
45695#: server/stdinhand.c:1172 server/stdinhand.c:3676 server/stdinhand.c:3867
45696#, c-format
45697msgid "Name \"%s\" disallowed for security reasons."
45698msgstr "Nazwa \"%s\" jest niedozwolona ze względów bezpieczeństwa."
45700#: server/stdinhand.c:1185
45701#, c-format
45702msgid "No command script found by the name \"%s\"."
45703msgstr "Nie znaleziono skryptu o nazwie \"%s\"."
45705#: server/stdinhand.c:1193
45706#, c-format
45707msgid "Loading script file '%s'."
45708msgstr "Wczytuję plik ze skryptem '%s'."
45710#: server/stdinhand.c:1211
45711#, c-format
45712msgid "Cannot read command line scriptfile '%s'."
45713msgstr "Nie mogę obsłużyć skryptu '%s' podanego z wiersza poleceń."
45715#: server/stdinhand.c:1213 server/stdinhand.c:4621
45716#, c-format
45717msgid "Could not read script file '%s'."
45718msgstr "Nie można odczytać skryptu '%s'."
45720#: server/stdinhand.c:1287
45721#, c-format
45722msgid "Could not write script file '%s'."
45723msgstr "Nie można zapisać do pliku '%s'."
45725#: server/stdinhand.c:1300
45726msgid "You cannot use the write command on this server for security reasons."
45727msgstr ""
45728"Ze względów bezpieczeństwa, na tym serwerze nie można używać polecenia "
45731#. TRANS: Failed to write server script, e.g., 'example.serv'
45732#: server/stdinhand.c:1320
45733#, c-format
45734msgid "Failed to write %s."
45735msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać %s"
45737#. TRANS: Wrote server script, e.g., 'example.serv'
45738#: server/stdinhand.c:1326
45739#, c-format
45740msgid "Wrote %s."
45741msgstr "Zapisano %s."
45743#: server/stdinhand.c:1352
45744#, c-format
45745msgid ""
45746"Cannot decrease command access level '%s' for connection '%s'; you only have "
45748msgstr ""
45749"Nie można obniżyć poziomu dostępu '%s' dla połączenia '%s'; twój poziom to "
45750"tylko '%s'."
45752#: server/stdinhand.c:1361
45753#, c-format
45754msgid "Command access level set to '%s' for connection %s."
45755msgstr "Poziom dostępu ustawiony na '%s' dla połączenia %s."
45757#: server/stdinhand.c:1411
45758#, c-format
45759msgid ""
45760"Anyone can now become game organizer '%s' by issuing the 'first' command."
45761msgstr ""
45762"Jeśli chcesz zostać organizatorem z poziomem dostępu '%s', wykonaj polecenie "
45763"'first' (jako pierwszy)."
45765#: server/stdinhand.c:1435
45766msgid "Command access levels in effect:"
45767msgstr "Aktualnie przyznane poziomy dostępu:"
45769#: server/stdinhand.c:1446
45770#, c-format
45771msgid "Command access level for new connections: %s"
45772msgstr "Poziom dostępu do operacji dla nowych połączeń: %s"
45774#: server/stdinhand.c:1449
45775#, c-format
45776msgid "Command access level for first player to take it: %s"
45777msgstr "Poziom dostępu do operacji dla pierwszego gracza: %s"
45779#. TRANS: comma and 'or' separated list of access levels
45780#: server/stdinhand.c:1468
45781#, c-format
45782msgid "Command access level must be one of %s."
45783msgstr "Poziom dostępu musi mieć jedną w wartości %s."
45785#: server/stdinhand.c:1474
45786#, c-format
45787msgid ""
45788"Cannot increase command access level to '%s'; you only have '%s' yourself."
45789msgstr "Nie można zwiększyć poziomu dostępu '%s'; twój poziom to tylko '%s'."
45791#: server/stdinhand.c:1501 server/stdinhand.c:1515 server/stdinhand.c:1536
45792#, c-format
45793msgid "Command access level set to '%s' for new players."
45794msgstr "Poziom dostępu ustawiony na '%s' dla nowych graczy."
45796#: server/stdinhand.c:1506 server/stdinhand.c:1520 server/stdinhand.c:1530
45797#, c-format
45798msgid "Command access level set to '%s' for first player to grab it."
45799msgstr ""
45800"Poziom dostępu do operacji dla pierwszego gracza, który go weźmie wynosi "
45803#: server/stdinhand.c:1565
45804msgid "The 'first' command makes no sense from the server command line."
45805msgstr "Polecenie 'first' nie ma sensu z wiersza poleceń serwera."
45807#: server/stdinhand.c:1569
45808#, c-format
45809msgid "You already have command access level '%s' or better."
45810msgstr "Już masz poziom '%s' albo lepszy."
45812#: server/stdinhand.c:1574
45813msgid "Someone else is already game organizer."
45814msgstr "Ktoś inny już jest organizatorem gry."
45816#: server/stdinhand.c:1579
45817#, c-format
45818msgid "Connection %s has opted to become the game organizer."
45819msgstr "Połączenie %s poprosiło o stanie się organizatorem gry."
45821#: server/stdinhand.c:1592
45822msgid "Default cmdlevel lowered to 'basic' on game start."
45823msgstr "Domyślny cmdlevel obniżony do 'basic' na początku gry."
45825#: server/stdinhand.c:1642
45826#, c-format
45827msgid "Invalid argument %d."
45828msgstr "Niewłaściwy argument %d."
45830#: server/stdinhand.c:1649 server/stdinhand.c:3230 server/stdinhand.c:3378
45831#: server/stdinhand.c:3390 server/stdinhand.c:3563 server/stdinhand.c:3665
45832#, c-format
45833msgid ""
45836msgstr ""
45840#: server/stdinhand.c:1656
45841#, c-format
45842msgid "Dynamic timeout set to %d %d %d %d"
45843msgstr "Dynamiczny timer ustawiony na %d %d %d %d"
45845#. TRANS: <untranslated name> - translated short help
45846#: server/stdinhand.c:1734
45847#, c-format
45848msgid "Option: %s  -  %s"
45849msgstr "Opcja: %s  -  %s"
45851#. TRANS: <untranslated name>
45852#: server/stdinhand.c:1739
45853#, c-format
45854msgid "Option: %s"
45855msgstr "Opcja: %s"
45857#: server/stdinhand.c:1747 server/stdinhand.c:6059
45858msgid "Description:"
45859msgstr "Opis:"
45861#: server/stdinhand.c:1752
45862#, c-format
45863msgid "Status: %s"
45864msgstr "Status: %s"
45866#: server/stdinhand.c:1753
45867msgid "changeable"
45868msgstr "zmienialne"
45870#: server/stdinhand.c:1753
45871msgid "fixed"
45872msgstr "stałe"
45874#: server/stdinhand.c:1762 server/stdinhand.c:1782 server/stdinhand.c:1796
45875msgid "Value:"
45876msgstr "Wartość:"
45878#: server/stdinhand.c:1815
45879msgid "Explanations are available for the following server options:"
45880msgstr "Opisy są dostępne dla poniższych opcji:"
45882#: server/stdinhand.c:1860
45883msgid "No explanation for that yet."
45884msgstr "Na razie brak wytłumaczenia."
45886#: server/stdinhand.c:1863 server/stdinhand.c:2887
45887msgid "Ambiguous option name."
45888msgstr "Niejednoznaczna nazwa opcji."
45890#: server/stdinhand.c:1883
45891#, c-format
45892msgid "Server Operator: %s"
45893msgstr "Operator Serwera: %s"
45895#: server/stdinhand.c:1922
45896#, c-format
45897msgid "Connectmsg truncated to %u bytes."
45898msgstr "Connectmsg skrócone do %u bajtów."
45900#: server/stdinhand.c:1959 server/stdinhand.c:1997 server/stdinhand.c:2015
45901#, c-format
45902msgid "Player '%s' now has AI skill level '%s'."
45903msgstr "Gracz '%s' ma teraz poziom trudności AI '%s'."
45905#: server/stdinhand.c:2002
45906#, c-format
45907msgid "%s is not controlled by the AI."
45908msgstr "%s nie jest kontrolowany przez AI."
45910#: server/stdinhand.c:2023
45911#, c-format
45912msgid "Default AI skill level set to '%s'."
45913msgstr "Domyślny poziom trudności AI ustawiony na '%s'."
45916#: server/stdinhand.c:2040
45917msgid "This command is client only."
45918msgstr "To polecenie ma sens tylko z poziomu klienta."
45920#: server/stdinhand.c:2047
45921msgid "Only players may use the away command."
45922msgstr "Tylko gracze mogą używać polecenia away."
45924#: server/stdinhand.c:2058
45925#, c-format
45926msgid "%s set to away mode."
45927msgstr "%s ustawiony/a w tryb away."
45929#: server/stdinhand.c:2063
45930#, c-format
45931msgid "%s returned to game."
45932msgstr "%s powrócił/a do gry."
45934#: server/stdinhand.c:2130
45935#, c-format
45936msgid "Sorry, you do not have access to view option '%s'."
45937msgstr "Niestety nie masz dostępu do opcji '%s'."
45939#: server/stdinhand.c:2139
45940#, c-format
45941msgid "Unknown option '%s'."
45942msgstr "Nieznana opcja '%s'."
45944#: server/stdinhand.c:2152
45945#, c-format
45946msgid "Current ruleset directory is \"%s\""
45947msgstr "Bieżąca ścieżka do zestawów zasad to: \"%s\""
45949#: server/stdinhand.c:2176
45950msgid "All options with non-default values"
45951msgstr "Opcje z innymi niż domyślne wartościami"
45953#: server/stdinhand.c:2179
45954msgid "All options"
45955msgstr "Wszystkie opcje"
45957#: server/stdinhand.c:2182
45958msgid "Vital options"
45959msgstr "Ważne opcje"
45961#: server/stdinhand.c:2185
45962msgid "Situational options"
45963msgstr "Drugorzędne opcje"
45965#: server/stdinhand.c:2188
45966msgid "Rarely used options"
45967msgstr "Rzadko używane opcje"
45969#: server/stdinhand.c:2191
45970msgid "Options locked by the ruleset"
45971msgstr "Opcje zablokowane przez zestaw zasad"
45973#: server/stdinhand.c:2203
45974msgid "In the column '##' the status of the option is shown:"
45975msgstr "Status opcji pokazano w kolumnie '##':"
45977#: server/stdinhand.c:2204
45978msgid " - a '!' means the option is locked by the ruleset."
45979msgstr " - '!' oznacza, że opcja jest zablokowana przez zestaw zasad."
45981#: server/stdinhand.c:2205
45982msgid " - a '+' means you may change the option."
45983msgstr " - '+' oznacza, że możesz zmienić tę opcję."
45985#: server/stdinhand.c:2206
45986msgid " - a '~' means that option follows default value."
45987msgstr " - '~' oznacza, że opcja ma wartość domyślną."
45989#: server/stdinhand.c:2207
45990msgid " - a '=' means the value is same as default."
45991msgstr " - '=' oznacza, że opcja ma wartość taką jak domyślna."
45993#: server/stdinhand.c:2209
45994#, c-format
45995msgid "%-*s ## value (min, max)"
45996msgstr "%-*s wartość ## (min,max)"
45998#: server/stdinhand.c:2210
45999msgid "Option"
46000msgstr "Opcja"
46002#: server/stdinhand.c:2253
46003msgid "A help text for each option is available via 'help <option>'."
46004msgstr "Pomoc na temat każdej opcji dostępna jest poprzez 'help <opcja>."
46006#: server/stdinhand.c:2257
46007msgid ""
46008"Try 'show situational' or 'show rare' to show more options.\n"
46009"Try 'show changed' to show settings with non-default values.\n"
46010"Try 'show locked' to show settings locked by the ruleset."
46011msgstr ""
46012"Spróbuj 'show situational' lub 'show rare', aby zobaczyć więcej opcji.\n"
46013"Spróbuj 'show changed', aby zobaczyć opcje z wartościami innymi niż "
46015"Spróbuj 'show locked', aby zobaczyć opcje zablokowane przez zestaw zasad."
46017#: server/stdinhand.c:2357
46018msgid "Cannot change teams once game has begun."
46019msgstr "Po rozpoczęciu rozgrywki nie można zmieniać drużyn."
46021#: server/stdinhand.c:2367 server/stdinhand.c:2504 server/stdinhand.c:2695
46022#: server/stdinhand.c:2720 server/stdinhand.c:2762 server/stdinhand.c:2793
46023#: server/stdinhand.c:2835 server/stdinhand.c:2860 server/stdinhand.c:2922
46024#, c-format
46025msgid ""
46026"Undefined argument.  Usage:\n"
46028msgstr ""
46029"Nieznany argument. Składnia:\n"
46032#: server/stdinhand.c:2388
46033#, c-format
46034msgid "No such team %s.  Please give a valid team name or number."
46035msgstr ""
46036"Nie ma drużyny '%s'. Proszę podać prawidłowy numer drużyny lub jej nazwę."
46038#: server/stdinhand.c:2395
46039msgid "Cannot team a barbarian."
46040msgstr "Nie można grać razem z barbarzyńcami."
46042#: server/stdinhand.c:2401
46043#, c-format
46044msgid "Player %s set to team %s."
46045msgstr "Gracz %s gra teraz w drużynie %s."
46047#. TRANS: "Vote" or "Teamvote" is voting-as-a-process. Used as
46048#. * part of a sentence.
46049#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process. Used as part of a sentence.
46050#: server/stdinhand.c:2429 server/voting.c:539
46051msgid "Teamvote"
46052msgstr "Głosowanie drużynowe"
46054#. TRANS: "Vote" as a process. Used as part of a sentence.
46055#: server/stdinhand.c:2429 server/voting.c:544
46056msgid "Vote"
46057msgstr "Głosowanie"
46059#. TRANS: "[Vote|Teamvote] 3 \"proposed change\" (needs ..."
46060#: server/stdinhand.c:2432
46061#, c-format
46062msgid ""
46063"%s %d \"%s\" (needs %0.0f%%%s): %d for, %d against, and %d abstained out of "
46064"%d players."
46065msgstr ""
46066"%s %d \"%s\" (potrzebuje %0.0f%%%s): %d z, %d przeciw, %d wstrzymujących się "
46067"od głosu z %d players."
46069#. TRANS: preserve leading space
46070#: server/stdinhand.c:2437
46071msgid " no dissent"
46072msgstr " bez sprzeciwu"
46074#: server/stdinhand.c:2445
46075msgid "There are no votes going on."
46076msgstr "Nie odbywa się żadne głosowanie."
46078#: server/stdinhand.c:2490 server/stdinhand.c:2615 server/stdinhand.c:4293
46079#: server/stdinhand.c:4488
46080msgid "You are not allowed to use this command."
46081msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do wydania tego polecenia."
46083#: server/stdinhand.c:2499
46084#, c-format
46085msgid "The argument \"%s\" is ambiguous."
46086msgstr "Argument \"%s\" jest niejednoznaczny."
46088#: server/stdinhand.c:2516
46089msgid "There are no votes running."
46090msgstr "Nie odbywa się żadne głosowanie."
46092#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46093#: server/stdinhand.c:2519
46094#, c-format
46095msgid "No legal last vote (%d %s)."
46096msgstr "Brak ostatniego prawidłowego głosowania (%d %s)."
46098#: server/stdinhand.c:2520
46099msgid "other vote running"
46100msgid_plural "other votes running"
46101msgstr[0] "inne głosowanie w toku"
46102msgstr[1] "inne głosowania w toku"
46103msgstr[2] "inne głosowań w toku"
46105#: server/stdinhand.c:2527
46106msgid "Value must be an integer."
46107msgstr "Wartość musi być liczbą całkowitą."
46109#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46110#: server/stdinhand.c:2534 server/stdinhand.c:2624
46111#, c-format
46112msgid "No such vote (%d)."
46113msgstr "Nie ma takiego głosowania (%d)."
46115#: server/stdinhand.c:2540
46116msgid "You are not allowed to vote on that."
46117msgstr "Nie możesz na to głosować."
46119#: server/stdinhand.c:2545
46120#, c-format
46121msgid "You voted for \"%s\""
46122msgstr "Zagłosowałeś/aś za \"%s\""
46124#: server/stdinhand.c:2549
46125#, c-format
46126msgid "You voted against \"%s\""
46127msgstr "Zagłosowałeś/aś przeciwko \"%s\""
46129#: server/stdinhand.c:2554
46130#, c-format
46131msgid "You abstained from voting on \"%s\""
46132msgstr "Wstrzymałeś/aś się od głosu na \"%s\""
46134#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46135#: server/stdinhand.c:2591
46136msgid "Missing argument <vote number> or the string \"all\"."
46137msgstr "Brakuje argumentu <numer głosowania> lub wyrażenia \"all\"."
46140#: server/stdinhand.c:2598
46141msgid "You don't have any vote going on."
46142msgstr "Nie masz żadnych aktywnych głosowań."
46144#: server/stdinhand.c:2605
46145msgid "There isn't any vote going on."
46146msgstr "Nie odbywa się żadne głosowanie."
46148#. TRANS: "votes" as a process
46149#: server/stdinhand.c:2611
46150msgid "All votes have been removed."
46151msgstr "Usunięto wszystkie głosowania."
46153#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46154#: server/stdinhand.c:2630
46155#, c-format
46156msgid "You are not allowed to cancel this vote (%d)."
46157msgstr "Nie możesz anulować tego głosowania (%d)."
46159#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46160#: server/stdinhand.c:2637
46161msgid "Usage: /cancelvote [<vote number>|all]"
46162msgstr "Użycie: /cancelvote [<numer głosowania>|all]"
46164#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46165#: server/stdinhand.c:2647
46166#, c-format
46167msgid "%s has canceled the vote \"%s\" (number %d)."
46168msgstr "%s anulował/a głosowanie \"%s\" (numer %d)."
46170#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46171#: server/stdinhand.c:2654
46172#, c-format
46173msgid "The vote \"%s\" (number %d) has been canceled."
46174msgstr "Głosowanie \"%s\" (numer %d) zostało anulowane."
46177#: server/stdinhand.c:2675
46178msgid "Can only use this command once game has begun."
46179msgstr "Tego polecenia można używać dopiero po rozpoczęciu gry."
46181#: server/stdinhand.c:2706
46182#, c-format
46183msgid "%s diplomacy no longer debugged"
46184msgstr "Dyplomacja %s już nie jest debugowana"
46186#: server/stdinhand.c:2710
46187#, c-format
46188msgid "%s diplomacy debugged"
46189msgstr "Dyplomacja %s debugowana"
46191#: server/stdinhand.c:2731
46192#, c-format
46193msgid "%s tech no longer debugged"
46194msgstr "Technologia %s już nie jest debugowana"
46196#: server/stdinhand.c:2735
46197#, c-format
46198msgid "%s tech debugged"
46199msgstr "Technologia %s debugowana"
46201#: server/stdinhand.c:2750 server/stdinhand.c:2753
46202#, c-format
46203msgid "players=%d cities=%d citizens=%d units=%d"
46204msgstr "gracze=%d miasta=%d mieszkańcy=%d jednostki=%d"
46206#: server/stdinhand.c:2767 server/stdinhand.c:2798
46207msgid "Value 2 & 3 must be integer."
46208msgstr "Wartość 2 i 3 powinna być liczbą całkowitą."
46210#: server/stdinhand.c:2771 server/stdinhand.c:2802
46211msgid "Bad map coordinates."
46212msgstr "Złe współrzędne mapy."
46214#: server/stdinhand.c:2776
46215msgid "No city at this coordinate."
46216msgstr "Nie ma miasta na podanych współrzędnych."
46218#: server/stdinhand.c:2781
46219#, c-format
46220msgid "%s no longer debugged"
46221msgstr "%s już nie jest debugowany"
46223#: server/stdinhand.c:2808 server/stdinhand.c:2849
46224#, c-format
46225msgid "%s %s no longer debugged."
46226msgstr "Jednostka %s %s już nie jest debugowana."
46228#: server/stdinhand.c:2823
46229msgid "Ferry system is no longer in debug mode."
46230msgstr "Jednostka %s %s już nie jest debugowana."
46232#: server/stdinhand.c:2827
46233msgid "Ferry system in debug mode."
46234msgstr "AI w trybie debugowania."
46236#: server/stdinhand.c:2840
46237msgid "Value 2 must be integer."
46238msgstr "Wartość 2 musi być liczbą całkowitą."
46240#: server/stdinhand.c:2844
46241#, c-format
46242msgid "Unit %d does not exist."
46243msgstr "Jednostka %d nie istnieje."
46245#: server/stdinhand.c:2884
46246#, c-format
46247msgid "Option '%s' not recognized."
46248msgstr "Nieznana opcja '%s'."
46250#. TRANS: 'rulesetdir' is the command. Do not translate.
46251#: server/stdinhand.c:2892
46252#, c-format
46253msgid "Use the '%srulesetdir' command to change the ruleset directory."
46254msgstr "Użyj polecenia '%srulesetdir', aby zmienić folder zestawu zasad."
46256#: server/stdinhand.c:2964
46257#, c-format
46258msgid "The parameter %s should only contain +- and 0-9."
46259msgstr "Parametr %s powinien zawierać tylko +- i 0-9."
46261#: server/stdinhand.c:3052
46262#, c-format
46263msgid "Console: '%s' has been set to %s."
46264msgstr "Konsola: %s została ustawiona na %s."
46266#: server/stdinhand.c:3095
46267msgid "Sorry, one can't observe globally in this game."
46268msgstr "Tej rozgrywki nie można obserwować globalnie."
46270#: server/stdinhand.c:3103
46271msgid "You cannot take a new player at this time."
46272msgstr "Nie możesz teraz przyjmować nowych graczy."
46274#. TRANS: Do not translate "maxplayers".
46275#: server/stdinhand.c:3111
46276#, c-format
46277msgid ""
46278"You cannot take a new player because the maximum of %d player has already "
46279"been reached (maxplayers setting)."
46280msgid_plural ""
46281"You cannot take a new player because the maximum of %d players has already "
46282"been reached (maxplayers setting)."
46283msgstr[0] ""
46284"Nie możesz wybrać nowego gracza, ponieważ osiągnięto już maksymalną liczbę "
46285"%d gracza."
46286msgstr[1] ""
46287"Nie możesz wybrać nowego gracza, ponieważ osiągnięto już maksymalną liczbę "
46288"%d graczy."
46289msgstr[2] ""
46290"Nie możesz wybrać nowego gracza, ponieważ osiągnięto już maksymalną liczbę "
46291"%d graczy."
46293#: server/stdinhand.c:3123
46294msgid "You cannot take a new player because there are no free player slots."
46295msgstr "Nie możesz wybrać nowego gracza, ponieważ nie ma już wolnych miejsc."
46297#: server/stdinhand.c:3135
46298msgid "Sorry, one can't observe barbarians in this game."
46299msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można obserwować barbarzyńców."
46301#: server/stdinhand.c:3138
46302msgid "Sorry, one can't take barbarians in this game."
46303msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejąć kontroli nad barbarzyńcami."
46305#: server/stdinhand.c:3147
46306msgid "Sorry, one can't observe dead players in this game."
46307msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można obserwować martwych graczy."
46309#: server/stdinhand.c:3151
46310msgid "Sorry, one can't take dead players in this game."
46311msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejmować martwych graczy."
46313#: server/stdinhand.c:3161
46314msgid "Sorry, one can't observe AI players in this game."
46315msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można obserwować AI."
46317#: server/stdinhand.c:3164
46318msgid "Sorry, one can't take AI players in this game."
46319msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejmować graczy AI."
46321#: server/stdinhand.c:3174
46322msgid "Sorry, one can't observe human players in this game."
46323msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można obserwować ludzi."
46325#: server/stdinhand.c:3178
46326msgid "Sorry, one can't take human players in this game."
46327msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejmować ludzkich graczy."
46329#: server/stdinhand.c:3188
46330msgid "Sorry, one can't observe in this game."
46331msgstr "Tej rozgrywki nie można obserwować."
46333#: server/stdinhand.c:3193
46334msgid "Sorry, one can't take players in this game."
46335msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejmować graczy."
46337#: server/stdinhand.c:3200
46338msgid "Sorry, one can't take players already connected in this game."
46339msgstr "W tej rozgrywce nie można przejmować graczy już połączonych."
46341#: server/stdinhand.c:3237 server/stdinhand.c:3385
46342msgid "Only the player name form is allowed."
46343msgstr "Tylko forma nazwy gracza jest dozwolona."
46345#: server/stdinhand.c:3287
46346#, c-format
46347msgid "%s already controls %s. Using 'observe' would remove %s"
46348msgstr "%s już kontroluje %s. Użycie 'observe' usunęłoby %s"
46350#: server/stdinhand.c:3298
46351#, c-format
46352msgid "%s is already observing %s."
46353msgstr "%s już kontroluje obserwuje %s."
46355#: server/stdinhand.c:3303
46356#, c-format
46357msgid "%s is already observing."
46358msgstr "%s już obserwuje."
46360#: server/stdinhand.c:3335
46361#, c-format
46362msgid "%s now observes %s"
46363msgstr "użytkownik %s obserwuje teraz gracza %s"
46365#: server/stdinhand.c:3339
46366#, c-format
46367msgid "%s now observes"
46368msgstr "%s teraz obserwuje"
46370#: server/stdinhand.c:3406
46371msgid "You cannot issue \"/take -\" when the game has already started."
46372msgstr "Nie możesz wydać polecenia \"/take -\", gdy gra już się zaczęła."
46374#: server/stdinhand.c:3430
46375#, c-format
46376msgid "A delegation is active for player '%s'. /take not possible."
46377msgstr "Aktywne pełnomocnictwo nad graczem '%s'. /take nie jest możliwe."
46379#: server/stdinhand.c:3445
46380#, c-format
46381msgid "%s already controls %s."
46382msgstr "%s już kontroluje %s."
46384#: server/stdinhand.c:3459
46385#, c-format
46386msgid "There is no free player slot for %s."
46387msgstr "Nie ma gracza wolnego miejsca dla %s."
46389#: server/stdinhand.c:3475
46390#, c-format
46391msgid "Reassigned nation to %s by server console."
46392msgstr "Naród przypisany do %s przez wiersz poleceń serwera."
46394#: server/stdinhand.c:3479
46395#, c-format
46396msgid "Reassigned nation to %s by %s."
46397msgstr "Naród przypisany do %s przez %s."
46399#: server/stdinhand.c:3518
46400#, c-format
46401msgid "%s now controls %s (%s, %s)."
46402msgstr "użytkownik %s kontroluje teraz %s (%s, %s)"
46404#: server/stdinhand.c:3525 server/stdinhand.c:6394
46405msgid "Human"
46406msgstr "Człowiek"
46408#: server/stdinhand.c:3527
46409msgid "Alive"
46410msgstr "Żywy"
46412#: server/stdinhand.c:3528
46413msgid "Dead"
46414msgstr "Martwy"
46416#: server/stdinhand.c:3531
46417#, c-format
46418msgid "%s failed to attach to any player."
46419msgstr "%s nie przyłączony do żadnego gracza."
46421#: server/stdinhand.c:3584
46422msgid "You can not detach other users."
46423msgstr "Nie możesz odłączać innych użytkowników."
46425#: server/stdinhand.c:3593
46426#, c-format
46427msgid "%s is not attached to any player."
46428msgstr "%s nie przyłączony do żadnego gracza."
46430#: server/stdinhand.c:3603
46431#, c-format
46432msgid "%s detaching from %s"
46433msgstr "Odłączam użytkownika %s od gracza %s"
46435#: server/stdinhand.c:3606
46436#, c-format
46437msgid "%s no longer observing."
46438msgstr "%s już nie obserwuje."
46440#: server/stdinhand.c:3671
46441msgid "Cannot load a game while another is running."
46442msgstr "Nie można wczytać gry podczas trwania innej rozgrywki."
46444#: server/stdinhand.c:3719
46445#, c-format
46446msgid "Cannot find savegame or scenario with the name \"%s\"."
46447msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć zapisanej gry lub scenariusza o nazwie \"%s\"."
46449#: server/stdinhand.c:3733
46450#, c-format
46451msgid "Could not load savefile: %s"
46452msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać zapisanej gry: %s"
46454#: server/stdinhand.c:3848
46455msgid ""
46456"You must provide a ruleset name. Use \"/show ruleset\" to see what is the "
46457"current ruleset."
46458msgstr ""
46459"Musisz podać nazwę zestawu zasad. Aby wyświetlić bieżący zestaw zasad, użyj "
46460"polecenia \"/show ruleset\"."
46462#: server/stdinhand.c:3854
46463msgid "This setting can't be modified after the game has started."
46464msgstr "Ta opcja nie może być zmieniona po rozpoczęciu gry."
46466#: server/stdinhand.c:3860
46467#, c-format
46468msgid "Ruleset directory is already \"%s\""
46469msgstr "Folderem z zestawami zasad jest już \"%s\""
46471#: server/stdinhand.c:3876
46472#, c-format
46473msgid "Ruleset directory \"%s\" not found"
46474msgstr "Nie znaleziono folderu z zestawami zasad \"%s\""
46476#: server/stdinhand.c:3909
46477#, c-format
46478msgid "Ruleset directory set to \"%s\""
46479msgstr "Folder z zestawami zasad ustawiony na \"%s\""
46481#: server/stdinhand.c:3912
46482#, c-format
46483msgid "Failed loading rulesets from directory \"%s\", using \"%s\""
46484msgstr ""
46485"Nie udało się wczytać zestawów zasad z folderu \"%s\" przy użyciu \"%s\""
46487#: server/stdinhand.c:3932 server/stdinhand.c:3968 server/stdinhand.c:6310
46488msgid "That would be rather silly, since you are not a player."
46489msgstr "Byłoby to dość niemądre, ponieważ nie jesteś graczem."
46491#: server/stdinhand.c:3939
46492#, c-format
46493msgid "%s. Try /help ignore"
46494msgstr "%s. Spróbuj /help ignore"
46496#: server/stdinhand.c:3951
46497#, c-format
46498msgid "Added pattern %s as entry %d to your ignore list."
46499msgstr "Dodano wzorzec %s jako wpis %d na liście ignorowanych."
46501#: server/stdinhand.c:3977 server/stdinhand.c:6315
46502msgid "Your ignore list is empty."
46503msgstr "Twoja lista ignorowanych jest pusta."
46505#: server/stdinhand.c:3984
46506msgid "Missing range. Try /help unignore."
46507msgstr "Brak zakresu. Spróbuj /help unignore."
46509#: server/stdinhand.c:3993 server/stdinhand.c:4001 server/stdinhand.c:4007
46510#, c-format
46511msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid range. Try /help unignore."
46512msgstr "\"%s\" nie jest prawidłowym zakresem. Spróbuj /help unignore."
46514#: server/stdinhand.c:4016
46515#, c-format
46516msgid "Invalid entry number: %d."
46517msgstr "Nieprawidłowy numer wpisu: %d."
46519#: server/stdinhand.c:4019
46520#, c-format
46521msgid "Invalid range: %d to %d."
46522msgstr "Nieprawidłowy zakres: %d do %d."
46524#: server/stdinhand.c:4033
46525#, c-format
46526msgid "Removed pattern %s (entry %d) from your ignore list."
46527msgstr "Wzorzec %s (wpis %d) usunięty z listy ignorowanych."
46529#: server/stdinhand.c:4063
46530msgid "Two arguments needed. See '/help playercolor'."
46531msgstr "Wymagane dwa argumenty. Zobacz '/help playercolor'."
46533#: server/stdinhand.c:4090
46534msgid "Can only unset player color before game starts."
46535msgstr "Kolor gracza może być zmieniony tylko przed rozpoczęciem gry."
46537#: server/stdinhand.c:4096
46538msgid "Invalid player color definition. See '/help playercolor'."
46539msgstr "Nieprawidłowe definicja koloru gracza. Zobacz '/help playercolor'."
46541#. TRANS: "... [c0ffee] for Caesar ... to Hammurabi."
46542#: server/stdinhand.c:4107
46543#, c-format
46544msgid "Warning: new color [%s] for %s is identical to %s."
46545msgstr "Uwaga: nowy kolor [%s] dla %s jest taki taki sam jak dla %s."
46547#: server/stdinhand.c:4120
46548#, c-format
46549msgid "Color of player %s set to [%s]."
46550msgstr "Kolor gracza %s ustawiono na [%s]."
46552#: server/stdinhand.c:4137
46553msgid "Goodbye."
46554msgstr "Dziękujemy za używanie serwera Freeciv."
46556#: server/stdinhand.c:4195
46557msgid "Sorry, you are not allowed to use server commands."
46558msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do sterowania pracą serwera."
46560#: server/stdinhand.c:4220
46561#, c-format
46562msgid "Warning: '%s' interpreted as '%s', but it is ambiguous.  Try '%shelp'."
46563msgstr ""
46564"Ostrzeżenie: '%s' interpretowane jako '%s', choć jest niejednoznaczne. "
46565"Spróbuj '%shelp'."
46567#: server/stdinhand.c:4224
46568#, c-format
46569msgid "Unknown command '%s%s'.  Try '%shelp'."
46570msgstr "Nieznane polecenie '%s%s'. Spróbuj '%shelp'."
46572#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46573#: server/stdinhand.c:4252
46574msgid "Your new vote canceled your previous vote."
46575msgstr "Twoje nowe głosawanie unieważniło poprzednie."
46577#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46578#: server/stdinhand.c:4259
46579msgid "New teamvote"
46580msgstr "Nowe głosowanie"
46582#. TRANS: "[New vote|New teamvote] (number 3)
46583#. * by fred: proposed change"
46584#: server/stdinhand.c:4271
46585#, c-format
46586msgid "%s (number %d) by %s: %s"
46587msgstr "%s (numer %d) ropoczęte przez %s: %s"
46589#. TRANS: "vote" as a process
46590#: server/stdinhand.c:4281
46591#, c-format
46592msgid "Your new vote (\"%s\") was not legal or was not recognized."
46593msgstr ""
46594"Twoje nowe głosowanie (\"%s\") nie było prawidłowe lub nie zostało "
46597#: server/stdinhand.c:4326
46598msgid "(server prompt)"
46599msgstr "(wiersz poleceń serwera)"
46601#: server/stdinhand.c:4468
46602msgid ""
46603"Ending the game. The server will restart once all clients have disconnected."
46604msgstr ""
46605"Kończę grę. Serwer się zrestartuje po tym jak rozłączą się wszyscy "
46608#: server/stdinhand.c:4473
46609msgid "Cannot end the game: no game running."
46610msgstr "Nie mogę zakończyć gry: jeszcze nie rozpoczęta."
46612#: server/stdinhand.c:4493
46613msgid "You cannot surrender now."
46614msgstr "Nie możesz się teraz poddać."
46616#: server/stdinhand.c:4500
46617msgid "You have already conceded the game."
46618msgstr "Już uznałeś/aś tę grę."
46620#: server/stdinhand.c:4509
46621#, c-format
46622msgid "%s has conceded the game and can no longer win."
46623msgstr "%s poddał/a grą i nie może już wygrać."
46625#: server/stdinhand.c:4560
46626msgid "Guessing argument 'ruleset'."
46627msgstr "Zgaduję argument 'ruleset'."
46629#: server/stdinhand.c:4564
46630msgid "Guessing argument 'game'."
46631msgstr "Zgaduję argument 'game'."
46633#: server/stdinhand.c:4572
46634msgid "The valid arguments are: 'game', 'ruleset', 'script' or 'default'."
46635msgstr "Prawidłowe argumenty to:  'game', 'ruleset', 'script' or 'default'."
46637#: server/stdinhand.c:4587
46638msgid "Reset all settings to the values at the game start."
46639msgstr "Zmieniam wszystkie ustawienia na wartości z początku gry."
46641#: server/stdinhand.c:4590
46642msgid "No saved settings from the game start available."
46643msgstr "Brak dostępnych ustawień zapisanych na początku gry."
46645#: server/stdinhand.c:4594
46646msgid "No game started..."
46647msgstr "Nie rozpoczęto żadnej gry..."
46649#: server/stdinhand.c:4603
46650msgid "Reset all settings to ruleset values."
46651msgstr "Zmieniam wszystkie ustawienia na wartości z zestawu zasad."
46653#: server/stdinhand.c:4606
46654msgid "Failed to reset settings to ruleset values."
46655msgstr "Nie udało się zmienić ustawień na wartości z zestawu zasad."
46657#: server/stdinhand.c:4612
46658msgid "Reset all settings and rereading the server start script."
46659msgstr ""
46660"Zmieniam wszystkie ustawienia i wczytuję ponownie startowy skrypt serwera."
46662#: server/stdinhand.c:4630
46663msgid "Reset all settings to default values."
46664msgstr "Zmieniam wszystkie ustawienia na wartości domyślne."
46666#: server/stdinhand.c:4636
46667msgid "Settings re-initialized."
46668msgstr "Ustawienia wczytane ponownie."
46670#: server/stdinhand.c:4668
46671#, c-format
46672msgid "Option '%s' reset to default value, and will track any default changes."
46673msgstr ""
46674"Opcja '%s' została przywrócona do domyślnej wartości i będzie śledziła "
46675"domyślne zmiany."
46677#: server/stdinhand.c:4728
46678#, c-format
46679msgid "Fall back to old syntax '%slua <script command>'."
46680msgstr "Użyj starej składni '%slua <polecenie skryptu>'."
46682#: server/stdinhand.c:4738
46683#, c-format
46684msgid "No lua command or lua script file. See '%shelp lua'."
46685msgstr "Brak polecenia lub pliku ze skryptem lua. Zobacz '%shelp lua'."
46687#: server/stdinhand.c:4761
46688#, c-format
46689msgid "Freeciv script '%s' disallowed for security reasons."
46690msgstr "Skrypt '%s' zablokowany ze względów bezpieczeństwa."
46692#: server/stdinhand.c:4775
46693#, c-format
46694msgid "No Freeciv script found by the name '%s'."
46695msgstr "Nie znaleziono skryptu o nazwie '%s'."
46697#: server/stdinhand.c:4797
46698#, c-format
46699msgid "Loading Freeciv script file '%s'."
46700msgstr "Wczytuję plik ze skryptem '%s'."
46702#: server/stdinhand.c:4805
46703#, c-format
46704msgid "Cannot read Freeciv script '%s'."
46705msgstr "Nie można odczytać skryptu '%s'."
46707#: server/stdinhand.c:4854
46708msgid "Game not started - cannot delegate yet."
46709msgstr "Nie rozpoczęto gry - przekazanie pełnomocnictwa niemożliwe."
46711#. TRANS: do not translate the command 'delegate'.
46712#: server/stdinhand.c:4910
46713#, c-format
46714msgid "Valid arguments for 'delegate' are: %s."
46715msgstr "Prawidłowe argumenty dla 'delegate' to: %s."
46717#: server/stdinhand.c:4930 server/stdinhand.c:5020
46718#, c-format
46719msgid "Command level '%s' or greater needed to modify others' delegations."
46720msgstr ""
46721"Aby zmienić cudze pełnomocnictwa, potrzebny jest poziom dostępu '%s' lub "
46724#: server/stdinhand.c:4939
46725msgid "Please specify a player for whom delegation should be canceled."
46726msgstr "Określ gracza, któremu chcesz anulować pełnomocnictwo."
46728#: server/stdinhand.c:4950 server/stdinhand.c:4980
46729msgid "You can't switch players from the console."
46730msgstr "Nie możesz przejąć gracza z poziomu wiersza poleceń."
46732#: server/stdinhand.c:4969
46733msgid "Please specify a player for whom the delegation should be shown."
46734msgstr "Określ gracza, któremu chcesz pokazać pełnomocnictwo."
46736#: server/stdinhand.c:4994
46737msgid "Please specify a player to take control of."
46738msgstr "Określ gracza, nad którym chcesz przejąć kontrolę."
46740#: server/stdinhand.c:5005
46741msgid "Please specify a user to whom control is to be delegated."
46742msgstr "Określ nazwę użytkownika, któremu chcesz przekazać pełnomocnictwo."
46744#: server/stdinhand.c:5029
46745msgid "You do not control a player."
46746msgstr "Nie kontrolujesz żadnego gracza."
46748#: server/stdinhand.c:5065
46749#, c-format
46750msgid ""
46751"Can't delegate control of '%s' belonging to %s while they are controlling "
46752"another player."
46753msgstr ""
46754"Nie można przekazać kontroli nad '%s' należącym do %s gdy aktualnie "
46755"kontroluje innego gracza."
46757#: server/stdinhand.c:5071
46758#, c-format
46759msgid "Can't change delegation of '%s' while controlled by delegate %s."
46760msgstr ""
46761"Nie można zmienić pełnomocnictwa nad '%s' gdy kontroluje go pełnococnik %s."
46763#: server/stdinhand.c:5078
46764msgid ""
46765"You can't delegate control while you are controlling a delegated player "
46767msgstr "Nie możesz przekazać kontroli, gdy jesteś pełnomocnikiem."
46769#. TRANS: don't translate 'delegate cancel'
46770#: server/stdinhand.c:5092
46771#, c-format
46772msgid ""
46773"%s already owns '%s', so cannot also be delegate. Use '%sdelegate cancel' to "
46774"cancel an existing delegation."
46775msgstr ""
46776"%s już ma '%s', więc nie może być także pełnomocnikiem. Użyj '%sdelegate "
46777"cancel' by anulować bieżace pełnomocnictwo."
46779#. TRANS: don't translate '/delegate cancel'
46780#: server/stdinhand.c:5101
46781msgid ""
46782"You can't delegate control to yourself. Use '/delegate cancel' to cancel an "
46783"existing delegation."
46784msgstr ""
46785"Nie możesz przekazać pełnomocnictwa samemu/ej sobie. Użyj '/delegate cancel' "
46786"by anulować bieżące pełnomocnictwo."
46788#: server/stdinhand.c:5114 server/stdinhand.c:5131
46789#, c-format
46790msgid "Control of player '%s' delegated to user %s."
46791msgstr "Kontrola nad graczem '%s' przekazana użytkownikowi %s."
46793#: server/stdinhand.c:5127 server/stdinhand.c:5142
46794#, c-format
46795msgid "No delegation defined for '%s'."
46796msgstr "Nie określono pełnomocnictwa dla %s."
46798#: server/stdinhand.c:5162 server/stdinhand.c:5238 server/stdinhand.c:5268
46799msgid "Unexpected failure."
46800msgstr "Niespodziewany błąd."
46802#: server/stdinhand.c:5167
46803#, c-format
46804msgid "Your delegated control of player '%s' was canceled."
46805msgstr "Twoje pełnomocnictwo nad graczem '%s' zostało anulowane."
46807#: server/stdinhand.c:5172
46808#, c-format
46809msgid "Delegation of '%s' canceled."
46810msgstr "Anulowano pełnomocnictwo nad '%s'."
46812#. TRANS: don't translate '/delegate restore'.
46813#: server/stdinhand.c:5186
46814msgid ""
46815"You are already controlling a delegated player. Use '/delegate restore' to "
46816"relinquish control of your current player first."
46817msgstr ""
46818"Jesteś już pełnomocnikiem gracza. Użyj '/delegate restore' by pozbyć się "
46819"kontroli nad bieżącym graczem."
46821#. TRANS: don't translate '/delegate cancel'.
46822#: server/stdinhand.c:5200
46823msgid ""
46824"Can't take player while you have delegated control yourself. Use '/delegate "
46825"cancel' to cancel your own delegation first."
46826msgstr ""
46827"Nie możesz przejąć gracza, gdy sam/a przekazałeś/aś pełnomocnictwo. Użyj "
46828"najpierw '/delegate cancel' by anulować własne pełnomocnictwo."
46830#: server/stdinhand.c:5210
46831#, c-format
46832msgid "You already control '%s'."
46833msgstr "Kontrolujesz już %s."
46835#: server/stdinhand.c:5219
46836#, c-format
46837msgid "Control of player '%s' has not been delegated to you."
46838msgstr "Nie przekazano ci kontroli nad graczem '%s'."
46840#: server/stdinhand.c:5228
46841#, c-format
46842msgid "Another user already controls player '%s'."
46843msgstr "Inny gracz kontroluje już gracza '%s'."
46845#: server/stdinhand.c:5244
46846#, c-format
46847msgid "%s is now controlling player '%s'."
46848msgstr "%s kontroluje teraz gracza '%s'."
46850#: server/stdinhand.c:5257
46851msgid "You are not currently controlling a delegated player."
46852msgstr "Jesteś teraz pełnomocnikiem."
46854#. TRANS: "<user> is now connected to <player>" where <player>
46855#. * can also be "global observer" or "nothing"
46856#: server/stdinhand.c:5276
46857#, c-format
46858msgid "%s is now connected as %s."
46859msgstr "%s jest teraz połączony/a jako %s."
46861#: server/stdinhand.c:5297
46862#, c-format
46863msgid "%s (observer)"
46864msgstr "%s (obserwator)"
46866#: server/stdinhand.c:5302
46867msgid "global observer"
46868msgstr "obserwator globalny"
46870#: server/stdinhand.c:5360
46871msgid "Ambiguous 'mapimg' command."
46872msgstr "Niejednoznaczne polecenie 'mapimg'."
46874#: server/stdinhand.c:5386 server/stdinhand.c:5648
46875#, c-format
46876msgid "The valid arguments are: %s."
46877msgstr "Właściwy argumenty to: %s."
46879#: server/stdinhand.c:5401
46880msgid "Missing argument for 'mapimg define'."
46881msgstr "Brak argumentu dla 'mapimg delete'."
46883#: server/stdinhand.c:5407 server/stdinhand.c:5416
46884#, c-format
46885msgid "Can't use definition: %s."
46886msgstr "Nie mogę użyć definicji: %s."
46888#: server/stdinhand.c:5424
46889#, c-format
46890msgid "Defined as map image definition %d: '%s'."
46891msgstr "Zdefiniowano jako obraz mapy %d: '%s'."
46893#: server/stdinhand.c:5434
46894msgid "Missing argument for 'mapimg delete'."
46895msgstr "Brak argumentu dla 'mapimg delete'."
46897#: server/stdinhand.c:5445
46898msgid "All map image definitions deleted."
46899msgstr "Usunięto wszystkie definicje obrazów mapy."
46901#: server/stdinhand.c:5455
46902#, c-format
46903msgid "Couldn't delete definition: %s."
46904msgstr "Nie mogę usunąć definicji: %s."
46906#: server/stdinhand.c:5458
46907#, c-format
46908msgid "Map image definition %d deleted."
46909msgstr "Usunięto definicję obraz mapy %d."
46911#: server/stdinhand.c:5463
46912#, c-format
46913msgid "Bad argument for 'mapimg delete': '%s'."
46914msgstr "Błędny argument dla 'mapimg delete': '%s'."
46916#: server/stdinhand.c:5486
46917#, c-format
46918msgid "Couldn't show definition: %s."
46919msgstr "Nie mogę pokazać definicji: %s."
46921#: server/stdinhand.c:5491
46922#, c-format
46923msgid "Bad argument for 'mapimg show': '%s'."
46924msgstr "Błędny argument dla 'mapimg show': '%s'."
46926#: server/stdinhand.c:5502
46927msgid "Map color test images saved."
46928msgstr "Utworzono obrazy testowe kolorów mapy."
46930#: server/stdinhand.c:5508
46931msgid "Missing argument for 'mapimg create'."
46932msgstr "Brak argumentu dla 'mapimg create'."
46934#: server/stdinhand.c:5526 server/stdinhand.c:5543
46935#, c-format
46936msgid "Error saving map image %d: %s."
46937msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania obrazu mapy %d: %s."
46939#: server/stdinhand.c:5548
46940#, c-format
46941msgid "Bad argument for 'mapimg create': '%s'."
46942msgstr "Błędny argument dla 'mapimg create': '%s'."
46944#: server/stdinhand.c:5592
46945msgid "Freeciv database script deactivated at compile time."
46946msgstr "Wyłączono skrypt bazy danych Freeciv podczas kompilacji."
46948#: server/stdinhand.c:5599
46949msgid ""
46950"Freeciv database script not activated at server start. See the Freeciv "
46951"server's --auth command line option."
46952msgstr ""
46953"Podczas włączania serwera nie uruchomiono skryptu bazy danych Freeciv. "
46954"Zobacz opcje serwera --auth w wierszu poleceń."
46956#: server/stdinhand.c:5618
46957msgid "Ambiguous fcdb command."
46958msgstr "Niejednoznaczne polecenie fcdb."
46960#: server/stdinhand.c:5752
46961#, c-format
46962msgid ""
46963"Not enough human players ('minplayers' server setting has value %d); game "
46964"will not start."
46965msgstr ""
46966"Za mało graczy-ludzi (opcja serwera 'minplayers' na wartość %d); gra się nie "
46969#: server/stdinhand.c:5759
46970msgid "No players; game will not start."
46971msgstr "Brak graczy, gra się nie rozpocznie."
46973#: server/stdinhand.c:5764
46974msgid ""
46975"Not enough nations in the current nation set for all players; game will not "
46976"start. (See 'nationset' setting.)"
46977msgstr ""
46978"Za mało narodów w bieżącym zestawie dla wszystkich graczy, gra nie "
46979"rozpocznie się. (Zobacz opcja 'nationset'.)"
46981#: server/stdinhand.c:5769
46982msgid "Not enough nations for all players; game will not start."
46983msgstr "Za mało narodów dla wszystkich graczy, gra nie rozpocznie się."
46985#: server/stdinhand.c:5775
46986msgid ""
46987"Neither 'startcity' nor 'startunits' setting gives players anything to start "
46988"game with; game will not start."
46989msgstr ""
46990"Opcje 'startcity' i 'startunits' nie dają graczowi nic, z czym mógłby "
46991"rozpocząć rozgrywkę; gra nie rozpocznie się."
46993#: server/stdinhand.c:5786
46994msgid "All players are ready; starting game."
46995msgstr "Wszyscy gracze są gotowi; rozpoczynamy grę."
46997#. TRANS: given when /start is invoked during gameover.
46998#: server/stdinhand.c:5802
46999msgid ""
47000"Cannot start the game: the game is waiting for all clients to disconnect."
47001msgstr ""
47002"Nie można rozpocząć gry: program czeka na rozłączenie się wszystkich "
47005#. TRANS: given when /start is invoked while the game
47006#. * is running.
47007#: server/stdinhand.c:5809
47008msgid "Cannot start the game: it is already running."
47009msgstr "Nie mogę wystartować gry: jest już włączona."
47011#: server/stdinhand.c:5841
47012#, c-format
47013msgid "Cutting connection %s."
47014msgstr "Przerywam połączenie %s."
47016#: server/stdinhand.c:5842
47017msgid "connection cut"
47018msgstr "przerwano połączenie"
47020#: server/stdinhand.c:5930
47021msgid "You may not kick yourself."
47022msgstr "Nie możesz kopnąć samego siebie."
47024#: server/stdinhand.c:5953
47025#, c-format
47026msgid ""
47027"There must be at least %d unique connections to the server for this command "
47028"to be valid."
47029msgstr ""
47030"Musi istnieć co najmniej %d unikalnych połączeń do serwera, by to polecenie "
47033#: server/stdinhand.c:5980
47034msgid "kicked"
47035msgstr "kopnięty/a"
47037#: server/stdinhand.c:5996
47038msgid ""
47039"Welcome - this is the introductory help text for the Freeciv server.\n"
47041"Two important server concepts are Commands and Options. Commands, such as "
47042"'help', are used to interact with the server. Some commands take one or more "
47043"arguments, separated by spaces. In many cases commands and command arguments "
47044"may be abbreviated. Options are settings which control the server as it is "
47047"To find out how to get more information about commands and options, use "
47048"'help help'.\n"
47050"For the impatient, the main commands to get going are:\n"
47051"  show   -  to see current options\n"
47052"  set    -  to set options\n"
47053"  start  -  to start the game once players have connected\n"
47054"  save   -  to save the current game\n"
47055"  quit   -  to exit"
47056msgstr ""
47057"Witamy w dziale pomocy serwera Freeciv.\n"
47059"Dwa główne elementy serwera to polecenia (komendy) i opcje. Polecenia (np. "
47060"'help') służą do sterowania serwerem. Niektóre polecenia pobierają "
47061"argumenty, które należy rozdzielić spacją. W wielu przypadkach nazwy poleceń "
47062"i opcji można skrócić. Opcje to ustawienia serwera decydujące o jego pracy.\n"
47064"Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o poleceniach i opcjach, wpisz 'help help'.\n"
47066"Dla niecierpliwych, spis najważniejszych poleceń:\n"
47067"  show   -  aby zobaczyć aktualne ustawienia\n"
47068"  set    -  aby ustawić opcję\n"
47069"  start  -  aby rozpocząć grę, gdy gracze już się połączą\n"
47070"  save   -  aby zapisać grę\n"
47071"  quit   -  aby wyjść z gry"
47073#. TRANS: <untranslated name> - translated short help
47074#: server/stdinhand.c:6033
47075#, c-format
47076msgid "Command: %s  -  %s"
47077msgstr "Polecenie: %s  -  %s"
47079#. TRANS: <untranslated name>
47080#: server/stdinhand.c:6039
47081#, c-format
47082msgid "Command: %s"
47083msgstr "Polecenie: %s"
47085#: server/stdinhand.c:6044
47086msgid "Synopsis: "
47087msgstr "Streszczenie: "
47089#: server/stdinhand.c:6053
47090#, c-format
47091msgid "Level: %s"
47092msgstr "Poziom: %s"
47094#: server/stdinhand.c:6077
47095msgid "The following server commands are available:"
47096msgstr "Dostępne są poniższe polecenia serwera:"
47098#: server/stdinhand.c:6138
47099#, c-format
47100msgid "Possible matches: %s"
47101msgstr "Możliwe trafienia: %s"
47103#: server/stdinhand.c:6200
47104#, c-format
47105msgid "Help argument '%s' is ambiguous."
47106msgstr "Argument pomocy '%s' jest niejednoznaczny."
47108#: server/stdinhand.c:6207
47109#, c-format
47110msgid "No match for help argument '%s'."
47111msgstr "Nieprawidłowy argument pomocy '%s'."
47113#: server/stdinhand.c:6248
47114msgid "List of connections to server:"
47115msgstr "Lista połączeń z serwerem:"
47117#: server/stdinhand.c:6252
47118msgid "<no connections>"
47119msgstr "<brak połączeń>"
47121#: server/stdinhand.c:6273
47122msgid "List of all delegations:"
47123msgstr "Lista wszystkich pełnomocnictw:"
47125#. TRANS: last %s is either " (active)" or empty string
47126#: server/stdinhand.c:6285
47127#, c-format
47128msgid "%s delegates control over player '%s' to user %s%s."
47129msgstr "%s przekazuje kontrolę nad graczem '%s' użytkownikowi %s%s."
47131#. TRANS: preserve leading space
47132#: server/stdinhand.c:6288
47133msgid " (active)"
47134msgstr " (aktywny)"
47136#: server/stdinhand.c:6294
47137msgid "No delegations defined."
47138msgstr "Nie określono żadnych pełnomocnictw."
47140#: server/stdinhand.c:6319
47141msgid "Your ignore list:"
47142msgstr "Twoja lista ignorowanych:"
47144#: server/stdinhand.c:6335
47145msgid "List of players:"
47146msgstr "Lista graczy:"
47148#: server/stdinhand.c:6339 server/stdinhand.c:6571
47149msgid "<no players>"
47150msgstr "<brak graczy>"
47152#: server/stdinhand.c:6369
47153#, c-format
47154msgid ", user %s"
47155msgstr ", użytkownik %s"
47157#: server/stdinhand.c:6373
47158msgid ", ready"
47159msgstr ", gotowy"
47161#: server/stdinhand.c:6377
47162msgid ", not ready"
47163msgstr ", niegotowy"
47165#: server/stdinhand.c:6383
47166msgid ", Dead"
47167msgstr ", Martwy"
47169#: server/stdinhand.c:6397
47170#, c-format
47171msgid ", %s"
47172msgstr ", %s"
47174#: server/stdinhand.c:6398
47175#, c-format
47176msgid ", difficulty level %s"
47177msgstr ", poziom trudności %s"
47179#: server/stdinhand.c:6404
47180#, c-format
47181msgid ", %d connection:"
47182msgid_plural ", %d connections:"
47183msgstr[0] ", %d połączenie:"
47184msgstr[1] ", %d połączenia:"
47185msgstr[2] ", %d połączeń:"
47187#: server/stdinhand.c:6411
47188#, c-format
47189msgid "%s from %s (command access level %s), bufsize=%dkb"
47190msgstr "%s z %s (poziom dostępu %s), bufsize=%dkb"
47192#. TRANS: preserve leading space
47193#: server/stdinhand.c:6417
47194msgid " (observer mode)"
47195msgstr " (tryb obserwatora)"
47197#. TRANS: don't translate text between ''
47198#: server/stdinhand.c:6436
47199#, c-format
47200msgid "List of rulesets available with '%sread' command:"
47201msgstr "Listę zestawów zasad pokazuje polecenie '%sread':"
47203#: server/stdinhand.c:6457
47204msgid "List of scenarios available:"
47205msgstr "Lista dostępnych scenariuszy:"
47207#. TRANS: don't translate text between ''
47208#: server/stdinhand.c:6482
47209msgid "List of nation sets available for 'nationset' option:"
47210msgstr "Lista zestawów narodów dostępna dla opcji 'nationset':"
47212#. TRANS: nation set description; %d refers to number of playable
47213#. * nations in set
47214#: server/stdinhand.c:6496
47215#, c-format
47216msgid " %-10s  %s (%d playable)"
47217msgid_plural " %-10s  %s (%d playable)"
47218msgstr[0] " %-10s  %s (%d dostępny)"
47219msgstr[1] " %-10s  %s (%d dostępne)"
47220msgstr[2] " %-10s  %s (%d dostępnych)"
47222#: server/stdinhand.c:6519
47223msgid "List of teams:"
47224msgstr "Lista drużyn:"
47226#. TRANS: There will always be at least 2 players here.
47227#: server/stdinhand.c:6529
47228#, c-format
47229msgid "%2d : '%s' : %d player :"
47230msgid_plural "%2d : '%s' : %d players :"
47231msgstr[0] "%2d : '%s' : %d gracz:"
47232msgstr[1] "%2d : '%s' : %d graczy:"
47233msgstr[2] "%2d : '%s' : %d graczy:"
47235#: server/stdinhand.c:6550
47236msgid "No map image definitions."
47237msgstr "Brak definicji obrazów map."
47239#: server/stdinhand.c:6552
47240msgid "List of map image definitions:"
47241msgstr "Lista definicji obrazów map:"
47243#: server/stdinhand.c:6557
47244#, c-format
47245msgid "[%2d] %s"
47246msgstr "[%2d] %s"
47248#: server/stdinhand.c:6568
47249msgid "List of player colors:"
47250msgstr "Lista kolorów graczy:"
47252#: server/stdinhand.c:6574
47253#, c-format
47254msgid "%s (user %s): [%s]"
47255msgstr "%s (użytkownik %s): [%s]"
47257#: server/stdinhand.c:6635
47258#, c-format
47259msgid "Bad list argument: '%s'.  Try '%shelp list'."
47260msgstr "Zły argument polecenia list: '%s'. Spróbuj '%shelp list'."
47262#: server/techtools.c:120
47263#, c-format
47264msgid "The %s have researched %s."
47265msgstr "%s odkryli %s."
47267#. TRANS: Tech from source of an effect
47268#. * (Great Library)
47269#: server/techtools.c:198
47270#, c-format
47271msgid "?fromeffect:%s acquired from %s!"
47272msgstr "Technologia %s uzyskana z %s!"
47274#. TRANS: Tech from source of an effect
47275#. * (Great Library)
47276#: server/techtools.c:204
47277#, c-format
47278msgid "?fromeffect:%s acquired from %s's %s!"
47279msgstr "Technologia %1$s uzyskana z %3$s należącej do %2$s!"
47281#. TRANS: Tech from source of an effect
47282#. * (Great Library)
47283#: server/techtools.c:211
47284#, c-format
47285msgid "?fromeffect:The %s have acquired %s from %s."
47286msgstr "%s otrzymali %s od %s."
47288#: server/techtools.c:351
47289#, c-format
47290msgid "Discovery of %s OBSOLETES %s in %s!"
47291msgstr "Odkrycie %s czyni PRZESTARZAŁYM %s w %s!"
47293#: server/techtools.c:436
47294#, c-format
47295msgid ""
47296"Discovery of %s makes the government form %s available. You may want to "
47297"start a revolution."
47298msgstr ""
47299"Odkrycie %s sprawia, że dostępny jest ustrój %s. Być może zechcesz rozpocząć "
47302#: server/techtools.c:482
47303#, c-format
47304msgid "Learned %s. Our scientists focus on %s; goal is %s."
47305msgstr "Twoi naukowcy odkryli %s. Teraz skupiają się na %s; celem jest %s."
47307#: server/techtools.c:506
47308#, c-format
47309msgid "Learned %s. Scientists do not know what to research next."
47310msgstr "Twoi naukowcy odkryli %s. Jednak teraz nie wiedzą nad czym pracować."
47312#: server/techtools.c:511
47313#, c-format
47314msgid "Learned %s. Scientists choose to research %s."
47315msgstr "Twoi naukowcy odkryli %s. Teraz skupiają się na %s."
47317#: server/techtools.c:550
47318#, c-format
47319msgid ""
47320"Great scientists from all the world join your civilization: you learn %s "
47322msgstr ""
47323"Wielcy naukowcy z całego świata przyłączyli się do twej cywilizacji; "
47324"dostajesz technologię %s."
47326#: server/techtools.c:556
47327#, c-format
47328msgid "%s acquire %s as a result of learning %s."
47329msgstr "%s uzyskali %s nauczywszy się %s."
47331#: server/techtools.c:641
47332#, c-format
47333msgid "Insufficient science output. We lost %s."
47334msgstr "Wytwarzamy za mało punktów odkryć. Straciliśmy %s."
47336#. TRANS: technology loss
47337#: server/techtools.c:762 server/techtools.c:774
47338#, c-format
47339msgid "The %s have lost %s."
47340msgstr "%s stracili %s."
47342#: server/techtools.c:796
47343#, c-format
47344msgid ""
47345"The required technology for our government '%s' was lost. The citizens have "
47346"started a revolution into '%s'."
47347msgstr ""
47348"Utraciliśmy technologię, która pozwalała na nasz ustrój '%s'. Obywatele "
47349"rozpoczęli rewolucję, w celu wprowadzenia '%s'."
47351#: server/techtools.c:812
47352#, c-format
47353msgid ""
47354"The required technology for our new government '%s' was lost. The citizens "
47355"chose '%s' as new target government."
47356msgstr ""
47357"Utraciliśmy technologię, która pozwalała na nowy ustrój '%s'. Obywatele "
47358"wybrali '%s' na nowy ustrój."
47360#: server/techtools.c:840 server/techtools.c:853
47361#, c-format
47362msgid "%s can't build %s. The required technology was lost."
47363msgstr "%s nie może zbudować %s. Wymagana technologia została utracona."
47365#: server/techtools.c:991
47366#, c-format
47367msgid "Technology goal is %s."
47368msgstr "Cel badań to %s."
47370#: server/techtools.c:1201
47371#, c-format
47372msgid "You steal %s from the %s."
47373msgstr "Kradniesz %s od %s."
47375#: server/techtools.c:1205
47376#, c-format
47377msgid "The %s stole %s from the %s and shared it with you."
47378msgstr "%s ukradli %s od %s i podzielili się z tobą."
47380#: server/techtools.c:1211
47381#, c-format
47382msgid "The %s stole %s from you!"
47383msgstr "%s ukradli ci %s!"
47385#: server/techtools.c:1216
47386#, c-format
47387msgid "The %s have stolen %s from the %s."
47388msgstr "%s ukradli %s od %s."
47390#: server/techtools.c:1324
47391#, c-format
47392msgid "Too bad! You made a mistake transferring the tech %s and lost it."
47393msgstr ""
47394"Co za pech! Popełniłeś/aś błąd przy przekazywaniu technologii %s i została "
47395"ona utracona."
47397#: server/techtools.c:1328
47398#, c-format
47399msgid "Too bad! The %s made a mistake transferring the tech %s and lost it."
47400msgstr ""
47401"Co za pech! %s popełnili błąd przy przekazywaniu technologii %s i została "
47402"ona utracona."
47404#: server/unithand.c:174
47405#, c-format
47406msgid "Illegal packet, can't upgrade %s (yet)."
47407msgstr "Nieprawidłowy pakiet, nie można ulepszyć %s (na razie)."
47409#. TRANS: "2 Musketeers upgraded to Riflemen for 100 gold."
47410#. * Plurality is in gold (second %d), not units.
47411#: server/unithand.c:206
47412#, c-format
47413msgid "%d %s upgraded to %s for %d gold."
47414msgid_plural "%d %s upgraded to %s for %d gold."
47415msgstr[0] "%d %s ulepszono do %s za %d sztukę złota."
47416msgstr[1] "%d %s ulepszono do %s za %d sztuki złota."
47417msgstr[2] "%d %s ulepszono do %s za %d sztuk złota."
47419#: server/unithand.c:216
47420msgid "No units could be upgraded."
47421msgstr "Nie można ulepszyć żadnej jednostki."
47423#: server/unithand.c:242
47424#, c-format
47425msgid "%s upgraded to %s for %d gold."
47426msgid_plural "%s upgraded to %s for %d gold."
47427msgstr[0] "%s ulepszono do %s za %d sztukę złota."
47428msgstr[1] "%s ulepszono do %s za %d sztuki złota."
47429msgstr[2] "%s ulepszono do %s za %d sztuk złota."
47431#. TRANS: You can only have one Leader.
47432#: server/unithand.c:297
47433#, c-format
47434msgid "You can only have one %s."
47435msgstr "Możesz mieć tylko jednego %s."
47437#. TRANS: <unit> ... <unit>
47438#: server/unithand.c:325
47439#, c-format
47440msgid "Your %s succeeded in capturing the %s %s."
47441msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s przechwyciła jednostkę %s %s."
47443#. TRANS: <unit> ... <Poles>
47444#: server/unithand.c:331
47445#, c-format
47446msgid "Your %s was captured by the %s."
47447msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została przechwycona przez %s."
47449#. TRANS: terrain name
47450#. * "Your Diplomat cannot act from Ocean. Only
47451#. * Spy or Partisan ...
47452#: server/unithand.c:806
47453#, c-format
47454msgid "Your %s cannot act from %s. Only %s can act from a non livable tile."
47455msgstr ""
47456"Twoja jednostka %s nie może podjąć działania z %s. Tylko jednostka %s może "
47457"podjąć działanie z pola niezdatnego do życia."
47459#. TRANS: terrain name
47460#: server/unithand.c:816
47461#, c-format
47462msgid "Unit cannot act from %s."
47463msgstr "Jednostka nie może wykonywać czynności z %s."
47465#. TRANS: terrain name
47466#: server/unithand.c:824
47467#, c-format
47468msgid "Unit cannot act against %s."
47469msgstr "Jednostka nie może sprzeciwić się %s."
47471#: server/unithand.c:829
47472msgid "This unit is being transported, and so cannot act."
47473msgstr ""
47474"Ta jednostka jest teraz transportowana, więc nie może podjąć działania."
47476#: server/unithand.c:834
47477msgid "This unit cannot act when it isn't being transported."
47478msgstr "Jednostka nie może podejmować działań podczas transportu."
47480#: server/unithand.c:839 server/unithand.c:2759
47481#, c-format
47482msgid "You must declare war on %s first.  Try using the Nations report (F3)."
47483msgstr ""
47484"Musisz najpierw wypowiedzieć wojnę przeciwko %s. Użyj raportu o narodach "
47487#. TRANS: ... Pirate ...
47488#: server/unithand.c:846
47489#, c-format
47490msgid "This unit cannot act against %s targets."
47491msgstr "Jednostka nie może sprzeciwić się celom %s."
47493#: server/unithand.c:851
47494msgid "This unit has too few moves left to act."
47495msgstr "Tej jednostka ma za mało punktów ruchu."
47497#: server/unithand.c:855
47498msgid "No action possible."
47499msgstr "Czynność niemożliwa."
47501#. TRANS: Spy ... movement point text that may include
47502#. * fractions.
47503#: server/unithand.c:1043
47504#, c-format
47505msgid "Your %s lost %s MP for attempting an illegal action."
47506msgstr ""
47507"Twoja jednostka %s straciła %s PR, próbując wykonać niedozwolone działanie."
47509#. TRANS: action name.
47510#. * "Your Spy can't do Steal Gold from Ocean.
47511#. * Only Explorer or Partisan can do Steal Gold ..."
47512#: server/unithand.c:1073
47513#, c-format
47514msgid "Your %s can't do %s from %s. Only %s can do %s from a non livable tile."
47515msgstr ""
47516"Twoja jednostka %s nie może %s z %s. Tylko jednostka %s może %s z pola "
47517"niezdatnego do życia."
47519#. TRANS: action name.
47520#. * "Your Spy can't do Steal Gold from Ocean."
47521#: server/unithand.c:1087
47522#, c-format
47523msgid "Your %s can't do %s from %s."
47524msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może wykonać %s z %s."
47526#. TRANS: action name.
47527#. * "Your Spy can't do Industrial Sabotage to Mountains."
47528#: server/unithand.c:1099
47529#, c-format
47530msgid "Your %s can't do %s to %s."
47531msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może wykonać %s do %s."
47533#. TRANS: action name.
47534#. * "Your Spy can't do Industrial Sabotage while ..."
47535#: server/unithand.c:1109
47536#, c-format
47537msgid "Your %s can't do %s while being transported."
47538msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może wykonać %s podczas transportowania."
47540#. TRANS: action name.
47541#. * "Your Spy can't do Industrial Sabotage while ..."
47542#: server/unithand.c:1118
47543#, c-format
47544msgid "Your %s can't do %s while not being transported."
47545msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może wykonać %s, jeśli nie jest transportowana."
47547#. TRANS: action name.
47548#. * "Your Spy can't do Industrial Sabotage while you
47549#. * aren't at war with Prester John."
47550#: server/unithand.c:1128
47551#, c-format
47552msgid "Your %s can't do %s while you aren't at war with %s."
47553msgstr ""
47554"Twoja jednostka %s nie może wykonać %s, jeśli nie prowadzisz wojny z %s."
47556#. TRANS: action name.
47557#. * "Riflemen... Bribe Enemy Unit... Pirate Migrants."
47558#: server/unithand.c:1139
47559#, c-format
47560msgid "Your %s can't do %s to %s %s."
47561msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może %s %s %s."
47563#. TRANS: action name.
47564#. * "Your Spy has ... to do Bribe Enemy Unit."
47565#: server/unithand.c:1151
47566#, c-format
47567msgid "Your %s has too few moves left to do %s."
47568msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s ma za mało punktów ruchu, by %s."
47570#. TRANS: action name.
47571#. * "Your Spy was unable to do Bribe Enemy Unit."
47572#: server/unithand.c:1160
47573#, c-format
47574msgid "Your %s was unable to do %s."
47575msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie mogła %s."
47577#. TRANS: <tile-terrain>.
47578#: server/unithand.c:1752
47579#, c-format
47580msgid "Can't build a city on %s."
47581msgstr "Nie można założyć miasta na %s."
47583#. TRANS: <unit> ... <tile-terrain>.
47584#: server/unithand.c:1758
47585#, c-format
47586msgid "%s can't build a city on %s."
47587msgstr "%s nie może założyć miasta na %s."
47589#: server/unithand.c:1763
47590msgid "Can't build a city inside foreign borders."
47591msgstr "Nie można założyć miasta na terytorium innego gracza."
47593#: server/unithand.c:1767
47594msgid "Can't place a city there because another city is too close."
47595msgstr "Nie można tu założyć miasta, ponieważ inne miasto jest za blisko."
47597#: server/unithand.c:1776
47598msgid "Cities cannot be built in this scenario."
47599msgstr "W tym scenariuszu nie możesz budować miast."
47601#. TRANS: %s is list of units separated by "or".
47602#: server/unithand.c:1780
47603#, c-format
47604msgid "Only %s can build a city."
47605msgstr "Tylko %s mogą zakładać miasta."
47607#: server/unithand.c:1784
47608msgid "Can't build a city."
47609msgstr "Nie można założyć miasta."
47611#. TRANS: %s is list of units separated by "or".
47612#: server/unithand.c:1795
47613#, c-format
47614msgid "Only %s can add to a city."
47615msgstr "Tylko %s mogą dodawać populację do miasta."
47617#: server/unithand.c:1799
47618msgid "Can't add to a city."
47619msgstr "Nie można dodać do miasta."
47621#: server/unithand.c:1805
47622#, c-format
47623msgid "%s unit has no moves left to add to %s."
47624msgstr "Jednostka %s nie ma już ruchu, by móc dodać do %s."
47626#: server/unithand.c:1810
47627#, c-format
47628msgid "%s unit has no moves left to build city."
47629msgstr "Jednostka %s nie ma już ruchu w tej turze, by móc zbudować miasto."
47631#. TRANS: <city> is owned by <nation>, cannot add <unit>.
47632#: server/unithand.c:1816
47633#, c-format
47634msgid "%s is owned by %s, cannot add %s."
47635msgstr "Miasto %s należy do %s i nie może dodać %s."
47637#: server/unithand.c:1823
47638#, c-format
47639msgid "%s is too big to add %s."
47640msgstr "Miasto %s jest zbyt duże, aby dodać %s."
47642#: server/unithand.c:1828
47643#, c-format
47644msgid "%s needs an improvement to grow, so you cannot add %s."
47645msgstr ""
47646"Miasto %s potrzebuje budynku, by mogło urosnąć, więc nie możesz dodać %s."
47648#: server/unithand.c:1838
47649#, c-format
47650msgid "Can't add %s to %s."
47651msgstr "Nie można dodać jednostki %s do miasta %s."
47653#: server/unithand.c:1863
47654#, c-format
47655msgid "%s added to aid %s in growing."
47656msgstr "%s dodano by wspomóc wzrost miasta %s."
47658#. TRANS: Your Bomber bombards the English Rifleman.
47659#: server/unithand.c:2185
47660#, c-format
47661msgid "Your %s bombards the %s %s."
47662msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s bombarduje %s %s."
47664#. TRANS: Your Rifleman is bombarded by the French Bomber.
47665#: server/unithand.c:2193
47666#, c-format
47667msgid "Your %s is bombarded by the %s %s."
47668msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zbombardowana przez %s %s."
47670#: server/unithand.c:2275
47671#, c-format
47672msgid "Your %s was shot down by SDI defenses, what a waste."
47673msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zestrzelona przez Obronę SDI, co za strata."
47675#: server/unithand.c:2278
47676#, c-format
47677msgid "The nuclear attack on %s was avoided by your SDI defense."
47678msgstr "Obrona SDI zapobiegła atakowi nuklearnemu na miasto %s."
47680#. TRANS: "Your green Legion [id:100 ...D:4.0 lost 1 HP,
47681#. * 9 HP remaining] survived the pathetic ...attack from the
47682#. * green Greek Warriors [id:90 ...A:1.0 HP:10].
47683#: server/unithand.c:2389
47684#, c-format
47685msgid ""
47686"Your %s %s [id:%d %sD:%.1f lost %d HP, %d HP remaining] survived the "
47687"pathetic %sattack from the %s %s %s [id:%d %sA:%.1f HP:%d]."
47688msgstr ""
47689"Twoja jednostka %s %s [id:%d %sO:%.1f utracone %d PO, pozostało %d PO] "
47690"przeżyła żałosny atak %s ze strony %s %s %s [id:%d %sA:%.1f PO:%d]."
47692#. TRANS: "Your attacking green Cannon [id:100 ...A:8.0
47693#. * failed against the Greek Polish Destroyer [id:200 lost
47694#. * 27 HP, 3 HP remaining%s]!";
47695#. * last %s is either "and ..." or empty string
47696#: server/unithand.c:2417
47697#, c-format
47698msgid ""
47699"Your attacking %s %s [id:%d %sA:%.1f HP:%d] failed against the %s %s %s [id:"
47700"%d lost %d HP, %d HP remaining%s]!"
47701msgstr ""
47702"Twoja jednostka %s %s [id:%d %sA:%.1f PO:%d] poniosła klęskę atakując %s %s "
47703"%s [id:%d utracone %d PO, pozostało %d PO%s]!"
47705#. TRANS: "Your green Warriors [id:100 ...D:1.0 HP:10]
47706#. * lost to an attack by the Greek green Legion
47707#. * [id:200 ...A:4.0 lost 1 HP, has 9 HP remaining%s]."
47708#. * last %s is either "and ..." or empty string
47709#: server/unithand.c:2450
47710#, c-format
47711msgid ""
47712"Your %s %s [id:%d %sD:%.1f HP:%d] lost to an attack by the %s %s %s [id:%d "
47713"%sA:%.1f lost %d HP, has %d HP remaining%s]."
47714msgstr ""
47715"Twoja jednostka %s %s [id:%d %sO:%.1f PO:%d] utracona w wyniku ataku %s %s "
47716"%s [id:%d%sA:%.1f utracone %d, pozostało %d PO%s]."
47718#. TRANS: "Your attacking green Legion [id:200 ...A:4.0
47719#. * lost 1 HP, has 9 HP remaining] succeeded against the
47720#. * Greek green Warriors [id:100 HP:10]."
47721#: server/unithand.c:2474
47722#, c-format
47723msgid ""
47724"Your attacking %s %s [id:%d %s%sA:%.1f lost %d HP, has %d remaining] "
47725"succeeded against the %s %s %s [id:%d HP:%d]."
47726msgstr ""
47727"Twoja jednostka %s %s [id:%d %s%sA:%.1f utracone %d PO, pozostało %d] "
47728"odniosła sukces, atakując %s %s %s [id:%d PO:%d]."
47730#: server/unithand.c:2555
47731msgid "This type of troops cannot take over a city."
47732msgstr "Ta jednostka nie potrafi przejąć kontroli nad miastem."
47734#. TRANS: %s is a list of units separated by "or".
47735#: server/unithand.c:2575
47736#, c-format
47737msgid "Only %s can conquer from a non-native tile."
47738msgstr "Tylko jednostki %s mogą podbijać z pól nienatywnych."
47740#: server/unithand.c:2580
47741msgid "Cannot conquer from a non-native tile."
47742msgstr "Nie może podbijać z pól nienatywnych."
47744#: server/unithand.c:2587 server/unittools.c:2697 server/unittools.c:2739
47745msgid "Cannot attack unless you declare war first."
47746msgstr "Nie możesz atakować, jeśli nie wypowiedziałeś/aś wojny."
47748#: server/unithand.c:2592
47749#, c-format
47750msgid "%s can only move into your own zone of control."
47751msgstr "Jednostka %s może się poruszać tylko we własnej strefie kontroli."
47753#: server/unithand.c:2598
47754#, c-format
47755msgid "%s cannot move that far from the coast line."
47756msgstr "%s nie może odpłynąć tak daleko od wybrzeża."
47758#: server/unithand.c:2605 server/unittools.c:2717 server/unittools.c:2747
47759#, c-format
47760msgid "Cannot invade unless you break peace with %s first."
47761msgstr "Nie możesz atakować, jeśli nie wypowiedziałeś/aś wojny %s."
47763#: server/unithand.c:2613
47764#, c-format
47765msgid "%s cannot disembark outside of a city or a native base for %s."
47766msgstr ""
47767"Jednostka %s nie może zostać wyładowana poza miastem lub na polu bez "
47768"natywnej bazy dla %s."
47770#: server/unithand.c:2622
47771#, c-format
47772msgid "Terrain is unsuitable for %s units."
47773msgstr "Teren niezdatny dla jednostek %s."
47775#: server/unithand.c:2672
47776msgid "This unit has no moves left."
47777msgstr "Tej jednostce nie pozostało wystarczająco dużo ruchu."
47779#: server/unithand.c:2795
47780msgid "This unit is being transported, and so cannot bombard."
47781msgstr "Ta jednostka jest teraz transportowana, więc nie może bombardować."
47783#: server/unithand.c:2812
47784#, c-format
47785msgid "%s is not an attack unit."
47786msgstr "%s nie jest jednostką ofensywną."
47788#: server/unithand.c:2816
47789msgid "You can't attack there since there's an unreachable unit."
47790msgstr ""
47791"Nie możesz tam atakować, ponieważ znajduje się tam niedostępna jednostka."
47793#: server/unithand.c:2820
47794#, c-format
47795msgid "%s can't launch attack from %s."
47796msgstr "%s nie może atakować z %s."
47798#: server/unithand.c:2826
47799#, c-format
47800msgid "%s can't attack to %s."
47801msgstr "%s nie może atakować na %s."
47803#: server/unithand.c:2873
47804msgid "A transported unit is not allied to all units or city on target tile."
47805msgstr ""
47806"Transportowana jednostka nie jest w sojuszu z wszystkimi jednostkami lub "
47807"miastem na polu docelowym."
47809#. TRANS: Your Caravan helps build the Pyramids in Bergen (4
47810#. * remaining). You can reorder '4' and 'remaining' in the actual
47811#. * format string.
47812#: server/unithand.c:2920
47813msgid "remaining"
47814msgstr "pozostało"
47816#. TRANS: Your Caravan helps build the Pyramids in Bergen (4
47817#. * surplus). You can reorder '4' and 'surplus' in the actual
47818#. * format string.
47819#: server/unithand.c:2925
47820msgid "surplus"
47821msgstr "nadwyżka"
47823#. TRANS: Your Caravan helps build the Pyramids in Bergen
47824#. * (4 surplus).
47825#: server/unithand.c:2934
47826#, c-format
47827msgid "Your %s helps build the %s in %s (%d %s)."
47828msgstr "Twoja %s pomogła budować %s w mieście %s (%d - %s)."
47830#. TRANS: Help building the Pyramids in Bergen received
47831#. * from Persian Caravan (4 surplus).
47832#: server/unithand.c:2953
47833#, c-format
47834msgid "Help building the %s in %s received from %s %s (%d %s)."
47835msgstr "Budowa %s w %s uzyskała pomoc ze strony %s %s (%d %s)."
47837#: server/unithand.c:3002
47838#, c-format
47839msgid ""
47840"Sorry, your %s cannot establish a trade route because it has no home city."
47841msgstr ""
47842"Twoja %s nie może ustanowić tu szlaku handlowego, ponieważ nie ma miasta "
47845#: server/unithand.c:3014
47846#, c-format
47847msgid "Sorry, your %s cannot establish a trade route between %s and %s."
47848msgstr "Twoja %s nie może ustanowić szlaku handlowego pomiędzy %s a %s."
47850#: server/unithand.c:3050 server/unithand.c:3074
47851#, c-format
47852msgid "Sorry, your %s cannot establish a trade route here!"
47853msgstr "Niestety, twoja %s nie może ustanowić tu szlaku handlowego!"
47855#: server/unithand.c:3056 server/unithand.c:3080
47856#, c-format
47857msgid "      The city of %s already has %d better trade route!"
47858msgid_plural "      The city of %s already has %d better trade routes!"
47859msgstr[0] "      Miasto %s ma już %d lepszy szlak handlowy!"
47860msgstr[1] "      Miasto %s ma już %d lepsze szlaki handlowe!"
47861msgstr[2] "      Miasto %s ma już %d lepszych szlaków handlowych!"
47863#. TRANS: ... Caravan ... Paris ... Stockholm.
47864#: server/unithand.c:3109
47865#, c-format
47866msgid "Your %s from %s has arrived in %s."
47867msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s z %s przybyła do %s."
47869#. TRANS: ... Caravan ... Paris ... Stockholm, ...
47870#: server/unithand.c:3118
47871#, c-format
47872msgid "Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in gold."
47873msgid_plural ""
47874"Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in gold."
47875msgstr[0] ""
47876"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47878msgstr[1] ""
47879"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47881msgstr[2] ""
47882"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47885#. TRANS: ... Caravan ... Paris ... Stockholm, ...
47886#: server/unithand.c:3132
47887#, c-format
47888msgid ""
47889"Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in research."
47890msgid_plural ""
47891"Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in research."
47892msgstr[0] ""
47893"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47894"punktach odkryć."
47895msgstr[1] ""
47896"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47897"punktach odkryć."
47898msgstr[2] ""
47899"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47900"punktach odkryć."
47902#. TRANS: ... Caravan ... Paris ... Stockholm, ...
47903#: server/unithand.c:3146
47904#, c-format
47905msgid ""
47906"Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in gold and "
47908msgid_plural ""
47909"Your %s from %s has arrived in %s, and revenues amount to %d in gold and "
47911msgstr[0] ""
47912"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47913"złocie i punktach odkryć."
47914msgstr[1] ""
47915"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47916"złocie i punktach odkryć."
47917msgstr[2] ""
47918"Twoja jednostka %s z miasta %s przybyła do miasta %s i wypracowała zysk %d w "
47919"złocie i punktach odkryć."
47921#: server/unithand.c:3186
47922#, c-format
47923msgid "New trade route established from %s to %s."
47924msgstr "Ustanowiono nowy szlak handlowy z %s do %s."
47926#: server/unithand.c:3192
47927#, c-format
47928msgid "The %s established a trade route between their city %s and %s."
47929msgstr "Twoja %s ustanowiła szlak handlowy pomiędzy %s i %s."
47931#: server/unittools.c:357
47932#, c-format
47933msgid "%s was upgraded for free to %s."
47934msgstr "Jednostka %s została ulepszona za darmo do %s."
47936#: server/unittools.c:400
47937#, c-format
47938msgid ""
47939"Your %s has run out of hit points because it was not supported by a city."
47940msgstr ""
47941"Twoja jednostka %s straciła wszystkie punkty obrażeń, bo nie była "
47942"utrzymywana przez żadne miasto."
47944#: server/unittools.c:405
47945#, c-format
47946msgid "Your %s has run out of hit points."
47947msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s straciła wszystkie punkty obrażeń."
47949#: server/unittools.c:481
47950#, c-format
47951msgid "Your %s has returned to refuel."
47952msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s powróciła, by zatankować."
47954#: server/unittools.c:512
47955#, c-format
47956msgid "Your %s has run out of fuel."
47957msgstr "Twojej jednostce %s skończyło się paliwo."
47959#. TRANS: Your <unit> became ... rank of <veteran level>.
47960#: server/unittools.c:680
47961#, c-format
47962msgid "Your %s became more experienced and achieved the rank of %s."
47963msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s jest teraz bardziej doświadczona i została %s."
47965#: server/unittools.c:699
47966#, c-format
47967msgid "%s converted to %s."
47968msgstr "%s zmieniono na %s."
47970#: server/unittools.c:705
47971#, c-format
47972msgid "%s cannot be converted."
47973msgstr "Jednostka %s nie może być zmieniona."
47975#: server/unittools.c:909
47976#, c-format
47977msgid "Orders for %s aborted because activity is no longer available."
47978msgstr ""
47979"Jednostka %s nie wykonała rozkazu, ponieważ czynność nie jest już dostępna."
47981#: server/unittools.c:1083
47982#, c-format
47983msgid "Teleported your %s to %s."
47984msgstr "Przeniesiono twoją jednostkę %s do miasta %s."
47986#. TRANS: A unit is moved to resolve stack conflicts.
47987#: server/unittools.c:1149
47988#, c-format
47989msgid "Moved your %s."
47990msgstr "Przesunięto twoją jednostkę %s."
47992#. TRANS: A unit is disbanded to resolve stack conflicts.
47993#: server/unittools.c:1168
47994#, c-format
47995msgid "Disbanded your %s."
47996msgstr "Rozwiązano twoją jednostkę %s."
47998#: server/unittools.c:1618
47999#, c-format
48000msgid "Unable to defend %s, %s has lost the game."
48001msgstr "%2$s nie mógł/a obronić %1$s i przegrał/a grę."
48003#: server/unittools.c:1622
48004#, c-format
48005msgid "Losing %s meant losing the game! Be more careful next time!"
48006msgstr ""
48007"Utrata %s oznacza przegranie rozgrywki! Zachowaj większą ostrożność "
48008"następnym razem!"
48010#: server/unittools.c:1681
48011#, c-format
48012msgid "%s lost when %s was lost."
48013msgstr "Jednostka %s utracona razem z %s."
48015#: server/unittools.c:1923
48016#, c-format
48017msgid "%s escaped the destruction of %s, and fled to %s."
48018msgstr "Jednostka %s uniknęła zniszczenia w %s i zbiegła do %s."
48020#: server/unittools.c:2083
48021#, c-format
48022msgid "Barbarian leader captured; %d gold ransom paid."
48023msgid_plural "Barbarian leader captured; %d gold ransom paid."
48024msgstr[0] ""
48025"Ujęto barbarzyńskiego przywódcę, otrzymałeś/aś okup w wysokości %d sztuki "
48027msgstr[1] ""
48028"Ujęto barbarzyńskiego przywódcę, otrzymałeś/aś okup w wysokości %d sztuk "
48030msgstr[2] ""
48031"Ujęto barbarzyńskiego przywódcę, otrzymałeś/aś okup w wysokości %d sztuk "
48034#. TRANS: "... Cannon ... the Polish Destroyer ...."
48035#: server/unittools.c:2137
48036#, c-format
48037msgid "Your attacking %s succeeded against the %s %s (and %d other unit)!"
48038msgid_plural ""
48039"Your attacking %s succeeded against the %s %s (and %d other units)!"
48040msgstr[0] ""
48041"Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d innej "
48043msgstr[1] ""
48044"Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d innym "
48046msgstr[2] ""
48047"Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d innym "
48050#. TRANS: "Cannon ... the Polish Destroyer."
48051#: server/unittools.c:2163
48052#, c-format
48053msgid "%s lost to an attack by the %s %s."
48054msgstr "Jednostka %s utracona w wyniku ataku %s %s."
48056#. TRANS: "Cannon lost when the Polish Destroyer
48057#. * attacked the German Musketeers."
48058#: server/unittools.c:2173
48059#, c-format
48060msgid "%s lost when the %s %s attacked the %s %s."
48061msgstr "Jednostka %s utracona podczas ataku %s %s na %s %s."
48063#. TRANS: "Musketeers (and Cannon) lost to an
48064#. * attack from the Polish Destroyer."
48065#: server/unittools.c:2189
48066#, c-format
48067msgid "%s (and %s) lost to an attack from the %s %s."
48068msgstr "Jednostka %s ( i %s) utracona podczas ataku %s %s."
48070#. TRANS: "Musketeers and 3 other units lost to
48071#. * an attack from the Polish Destroyer."
48072#. * (only happens with at least 2 other units)
48073#: server/unittools.c:2200
48074#, c-format
48075msgid "%s and %d other unit lost to an attack from the %s %s."
48076msgid_plural "%s and %d other units lost to an attack from the %s %s."
48077msgstr[0] "Utracono %s i %d inną jednostkę podczas ataku %s %s."
48078msgstr[1] "Utracono %s i %d inne jednostki podczas ataku %s %s."
48079msgstr[2] "Utracono %s i %d innych jednostek podczas ataku %s %s."
48081#. TRANS: "2 units lost when the Polish Destroyer
48082#. * attacked the German Musketeers."
48083#. * (only happens with at least 2 other units)
48084#: server/unittools.c:2215
48085#, c-format
48086msgid "%d unit lost when the %s %s attacked the %s %s."
48087msgid_plural "%d units lost when the %s %s attacked the %s %s."
48088msgstr[0] "%d jednostka utracona podczas ataku %s %s na %s %s."
48089msgstr[1] "%d jednostki utracona podczas ataku %s %s na %s %s."
48090msgstr[2] "%d jednostek utraconych podczas ataku %s %s na %s %s."
48092#: server/unittools.c:2458
48093#, c-format
48094msgid "Your %s was nuked by %s."
48095msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zbombardowana przez %s."
48097#: server/unittools.c:2461 server/unittools.c:2479
48098msgid "yourself"
48099msgstr "ciebie"
48101#: server/unittools.c:2465
48102#, c-format
48103msgid "The %s %s was nuked."
48104msgstr "Jednostka %s %s zniszczona Bombą Atomową."
48106#: server/unittools.c:2476
48107#, c-format
48108msgid "%s was nuked by %s."
48109msgstr "Miasto %s zostało zniszczone Bombą Atomową przez %s."
48111#: server/unittools.c:2484
48112#, c-format
48113msgid "You nuked %s."
48114msgstr "Zbombardowałeś/aś miasto %s."
48116#: server/unittools.c:2534
48117#, c-format
48118msgid "The %s detonated a nuke!"
48119msgstr "%s użył/a Bomby Atomowej!"
48121#. TRANS: Airlift failure message.
48122#. * "Paris has no capacity to transport Warriors."
48123#: server/unittools.c:2558 server/unittools.c:2566
48124#, c-format
48125msgid "%s has no capacity to transport %s."
48126msgstr "%s nie może transportować %s."
48128#. TRANS: Airlift failure message.
48129#. * "Warriors cannot be transported to Paris."
48130#: server/unittools.c:2577
48131#, c-format
48132msgid "%s cannot be transported to %s."
48133msgstr "Jednostka %s nie może być przetransportowana do %s."
48135#: server/unittools.c:2587
48136#, c-format
48137msgid "%s transported successfully."
48138msgstr "Jednostka %s została przetransportowana."
48140#: server/unittools.c:2650
48141msgid "This unit type can not be paradropped."
48142msgstr "Ta jednostka nie może być przetransportowana."
48145#: server/unittools.c:2660
48146msgid "You cannot paradrop a unit that is transporting other units."
48147msgstr "Nie możesz przerzucać jednostki transportującej inne jednostki."
48149#: server/unittools.c:2667
48150msgid "The destination location is not known."
48151msgstr "Cel nie jest znany."
48153#: server/unittools.c:2675
48154#, c-format
48155msgid "The distance to the target (%i) is greater than the unit's range (%i)."
48156msgstr "Odległość od celu (%i) jest większa niż zasięg danej jednostki (%i)."
48158#: server/unittools.c:2681
48159msgid "Already there."
48160msgstr "Już tam jestem."
48162#: server/unittools.c:2690 server/unittools.c:2730
48163#, c-format
48164msgid "This unit cannot paradrop into %s."
48165msgstr "Jednostki nie można przerzucić do %s."
48167#. TRANS: Paratroopers ... Drop Paratrooper
48168#: server/unittools.c:2706
48169#, c-format
48170msgid "Your %s can't do %s to tiles with non allied units."
48171msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie może %s na pole z jednostką niesprzymierzoną."
48173#: server/unittools.c:2759
48174#, c-format
48175msgid "Your %s paradropped into the %s and was lost."
48176msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zrzucona do %s i zginęła."
48178#: server/unittools.c:2778
48179#, c-format
48180msgid "Your %s was killed by enemy units at the paradrop destination."
48181msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zniszczona przez wroga podczas lądowania."
48183#: server/unittools.c:2858
48184msgid "Your overflight frightens the tribe; they scatter in terror."
48185msgstr "Twój przelot wystraszył tubylców, którzy uciekli w popłochu."
48187#: server/unittools.c:3200
48188#, c-format
48189msgid "Orders for %s aborted after enemy movement was spotted."
48190msgstr "Jednostka %s przerwała wykonywanie rozkazu, gdy dostrzegła ruch wroga."
48192#: server/unittools.c:3993
48193#, c-format
48194msgid "Orders for %s aborted as there are units nearby."
48195msgstr ""
48196"Jednostka %s przerwała wykonywanie rozkazu, gdy napotkała wrogie jednostki."
48198#: server/unittools.c:4070
48199#, c-format
48200msgid "Orders for %s aborted because building of city failed."
48201msgstr "Jednostka %s nie wykonała rozkazu, gdyż nie udało się zbudować miasta."
48203#: server/unittools.c:4147
48204#, c-format
48205msgid "Orders for %s aborted since they give an invalid activity."
48206msgstr ""
48207"Anulowano rozkaz dla jednostki %s, ponieważ wymaga podjęcia nieprawidłowej "
48210#: server/unittools.c:4157
48211#, c-format
48212msgid "Orders for %s aborted since they give an invalid location."
48213msgstr ""
48214"Anulowano rozkaz dla jednostki %s, ponieważ zawiera on nieprawidłowe "
48217#: server/unittools.c:4168
48218#, c-format
48219msgid "Orders for %s aborted as there are units in the way."
48220msgstr ""
48221"Jednostka %s przerwała wykonywanie rozkazu, gdy napotkała wrogie jednostki "
48222"na swojej drodze."
48224#: server/unittools.c:4213
48225#, c-format
48226msgid "Orders for %s aborted because of failed move."
48227msgstr ""
48228"Jednostka %s nie wykonała rozkazu z powodu niemożności wykonania ruchu."
48230#: server/unittools.c:4232
48231#, c-format
48232msgid "Attempt to change homecity for %s failed."
48233msgstr "Nie udało się zmienić miasta pochodzenia jednostki %s."
48235#: server/unittools.c:4246 server/unittools.c:4273
48236#, c-format
48237msgid "Orders for %s aborted since they give a location without a city."
48238msgstr "Anulowano rozkaz dla jednostki %s, uwzględnia położenie bez miasta."
48240#: server/unittools.c:4258
48241#, c-format
48242msgid "Attempt to establish trade route for %s failed."
48243msgstr "Nie udało się ustanowić szlaku handlowego za pomocą %s."
48245#: server/unittools.c:4286
48246#, c-format
48247msgid "Attempt to build wonder for %s failed."
48248msgstr "Nie udało się wspomóc budowy cudu za pomocą %s."
48250#: server/unittools.c:4295
48251#, c-format
48252msgid "Your %s has invalid orders."
48253msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s ma nieprawidłowe rozkazy."
48255#: server/unittools.c:4394
48256#, c-format
48257msgid "Your unit may not act for another %s this turn. See /help unitwaittime."
48258msgstr ""
48259"Twoja jednostka nie może wykonać ruchu przez kolejne %s w tej turze. Zobacz /"
48260"help unitwaittime."
48262#. TRANS: "[Vote|Teamvote] 3 \"proposed change\" is ..."
48263#: server/voting.c:551
48264#, c-format
48265msgid ""
48266"%s %d \"%s\" is passed %d to %d with %d abstentions and %d who did not vote."
48267msgstr ""
48268"%s %d \"%s\" - propozycja przyjęta stosunkiem głosów %d:%d. %d wstrzymało "
48269"się od głosu, a %d nie głosowało."
48271#. TRANS: "[Vote|Teamvote] 3 \"proposed change\" failed ..."
48272#: server/voting.c:558
48273#, c-format
48274msgid ""
48275"%s %d \"%s\" failed with %d against, %d for, %d abstentions and %d who did "
48276"not vote."
48277msgstr ""
48278"%s %d \"%s\" - propozycja odrzucona stosunkiem głosów %d:%d. %d wstrzymało "
48279"się od głosu, a %d nie głosowało."
48281#: server/voting.c:578
48282#, c-format
48283msgid "%s %d: %s voted yes."
48284msgstr "%s %d: %s głosuje na tak."
48286#: server/voting.c:583
48287#, c-format
48288msgid "%s %d: %s voted no."
48289msgstr "%s %d: %s głosuje na nie."
48291#: server/voting.c:588
48292#, c-format
48293msgid "%s %d: %s chose to abstain."
48294msgstr "%s %d: %s wstrzymuje się."
48296#. TRANS: Describing a new vote that can only pass
48297#. * if there are no dissenting votes.
48298#: server/voting.c:758
48299#, c-format
48300msgid "%s (needs %0.0f%% and no dissent)."
48301msgstr "%s (potrzebuje %0.0f%% przy braku sprzeciwu)."
48303#. TRANS: Describing a new vote that can pass only if the
48304#. * given percentage of players votes 'yes'.
48305#: server/voting.c:764
48306#, c-format
48307msgid "%s (needs %0.0f%% in favor)."
48308msgstr "%s (potrzebuje %0.0f%% za)."
48310#. TRANS: "or"-separated string list with one single item.
48311#: utility/astring.c:296
48312#, c-format
48313msgid "?or-list-single:%s"
48314msgstr "?or-list-single:%s"
48316#. TRANS: "or"-separated string list with 2 items.
48317#: utility/astring.c:299
48318#, c-format
48319msgid "?or-list:%s or %s"
48320msgstr "?or-list:%s lub %s"
48322#. TRANS: start of an "or"-separated string list with more than two
48323#. * items.
48324#: utility/astring.c:305
48325#, c-format
48326msgid "?or-list:%s"
48327msgstr "?or-list:%s"
48329#. TRANS: next elements of an "or"-separated string list with more
48330#. * than two items.
48331#: utility/astring.c:309
48332#, c-format
48333msgid "?or-list:, %s"
48334msgstr "?or-list:, %s"
48336#. TRANS: end of an "or"-separated string list with more than two
48337#. * items.
48338#: utility/astring.c:313
48339#, c-format
48340msgid "?or-list:, or %s"
48341msgstr "?or-list: lub %s"
48343#. TRANS: "and"-separated string list with one single item.
48344#: utility/astring.c:334
48345#, c-format
48346msgid "?and-list-single:%s"
48347msgstr "?and-list-single:%s"
48349#. TRANS: "and"-separated string list with 2 items.
48350#: utility/astring.c:337
48351#, c-format
48352msgid "?and-list:%s and %s"
48353msgstr "?and-list:%s oraz %s"
48355#. TRANS: start of an "and"-separated string list with more than two
48356#. * items.
48357#: utility/astring.c:343
48358#, c-format
48359msgid "?and-list:%s"
48360msgstr "?and-list:%s"
48362#. TRANS: next elements of an "and"-separated string list with more
48363#. * than two items.
48364#: utility/astring.c:347
48365#, c-format
48366msgid "?and-list:, %s"
48367msgstr "?and-list:, %s"
48369#. TRANS: end of an "and"-separated string list with more than two
48370#. * items.
48371#: utility/astring.c:351
48372#, c-format
48373msgid "?and-list:, and %s"
48374msgstr "?and-list: oraz %s"
48376#: utility/fc_cmdline.c:73
48377#, c-format
48378msgid "Empty argument for \"%s\".\n"
48379msgstr "Pusty argument dla \"%s\".\n"
48381#: utility/fc_cmdline.c:77
48382#, c-format
48383msgid "Missing argument for \"%s\".\n"
48384msgstr "Brak argumentu dla \"%s\".\n"
48386#: utility/fciconv.c:130
48387#, c-format
48388msgid ""
48389"You are running Freeciv without using iconv. Unless\n"
48390"you are using the UTF-8 character set, some characters\n"
48391"may not be displayed properly. You can download iconv\n"
48392"at http://gnu.org/.\n"
48393msgstr ""
48394"Uruchomiłeś/aś Freeciv bez biblioteki iconv. Jeśli nie\n"
48395"używasz zestawu znaków UTF-8, niektóre znaki,\n"
48396"mogą nie być wyświetlane poprawnie.\n"
48397"iconv można pobrać z http://gnu.org/.\n"
48399#. TRANS: "Could not convert text from <encoding a> to <encoding b>:"
48400#. *        <externally translated error string>."
48401#: utility/fciconv.c:209
48402#, c-format
48403msgid "Could not convert text from %s to %s: %s.\n"
48404msgstr "Nie można przekonwertować tekstu z %s do %s: %s.\n"
48406#: utility/inputfile.c:498
48407msgid "End-of-file not in line of its own"
48408msgstr "Plik nie kończy się pustym wierszem"
48410#: utility/inputfile.c:886
48411#, c-format
48412msgid "Cannot find stringfile \"%s\"."
48413msgstr "Nie można znaleźć pliku z frazami \"%s\"."
48415#: utility/inputfile.c:894
48416#, c-format
48417msgid "Cannot open stringfile \"%s\"."
48418msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku z frazami \"%s\"."
48420#: utility/log.c:104
48421#, c-format
48422msgid "Bad log level \"%s\".\n"
48423msgstr "Zły poziom śledzenia \"%s\".\n"
48425#: utility/log.c:113 utility/log.c:130
48426#, c-format
48427msgid "Bad log level %d in \"%s\".\n"
48428msgstr "Zły poziom śledzenia %d w \"%s\".\n"
48430#: utility/log.c:117
48431#, c-format
48432msgid "Freeciv must be compiled with the DEBUG flag to use debug level %d.\n"
48433msgstr ""
48434"Freeciv musi być skompilowane z flagą DEBUG, aby można było używać %d "
48435"poziomu śledzenia.\n"
48437#: utility/log.c:135 utility/log.c:148 utility/log.c:191
48438#, c-format
48439msgid "Badly formed log level argument \"%s\".\n"
48440msgstr "Zły argument log level \"%s\".\n"
48442#: utility/log.c:168 utility/log.c:173
48443#, c-format
48444msgid "Not an unsigned integer: '%s'\n"
48445msgstr "To nie jest liczba całkowita bez znaku: '%s'\n"
48447#: utility/log.c:180
48448#, c-format
48449msgid "Empty filename in log level argument \"%s\".\n"
48450msgstr "Pusta nazwa pliku w argumencie poziomu śledzenia \"%s\".\n"
48452#: utility/log.c:201
48453msgid ""
48454"Freeciv must be compiled with the DEBUG flag to use advanced log levels "
48455"based on files.\n"
48456msgstr ""
48457"Freeciv musi być skompilowane z flagą DEBUG, aby można było używać "
48458"zaawansowanych poziomów śledzenia.\n"
48460#: utility/log.c:402
48461#, c-format
48462msgid "Couldn't open logfile: %s for appending \"%s\".\n"
48463msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku logu: %s celem dodania \"%s\".\n"
48465#: utility/log.c:415 utility/log.c:436
48466#, c-format
48467msgid "last message repeated %d time"
48468msgid_plural "last message repeated %d times"
48469msgstr[0] "ostatnia wiadomość powtórzona %d raz"
48470msgstr[1] "ostatnia wiadomość powtórzona %d razy"
48471msgstr[2] "ostatnia wiadomość powtórzona %d razy"
48473#. TRANS: preserve leading space
48474#: utility/log.c:421 utility/log.c:441
48475#, c-format
48476msgid " (total %d repeat)"
48477msgid_plural " (total %d repeats)"
48478msgstr[0] " (łącznie %d powtórzenie)"
48479msgstr[1] " (łącznie %d powtórzenia)"
48480msgstr[2] " (łącznie %d powtórzeń)"
48482#. TRANS: first %s is URL, second is Curl error message
48483#. * (not in Freeciv translation domain)
48484#: utility/netfile.c:122
48485#, c-format
48486msgid "Failed to fetch %s: %s"
48487msgstr "Nie udało się pobrać %s: %s"
48489#: utility/netfile.c:171 utility/registry_ini.c:617
48490#, c-format
48491msgid "Could not open %s for writing"
48492msgstr "Nie mogę otworzyć pliku %s w trybie zapisu"
48494#: utility/randseed.c:65
48495#, c-format
48496msgid "getentropy() failed: %s"
48497msgstr "getentropy() nie powiogło się: %s"
48499#: utility/randseed.c:119
48500#, c-format
48501msgid "Opening %s failed: %s"
48502msgstr "Nie udało się zainstalować %s: %s"
48504#: utility/randseed.c:124
48505#, c-format
48506msgid "Reading %s failed: %s"
48507msgstr "Nie udało się odczytać %s: %s"
48509#: utility/randseed.c:126
48510#, c-format
48511msgid "Reading %s: short read without error"
48512msgstr "Odczytuję %s: krótki odczyt bez błędów"
48514#: utility/randseed.c:168
48515#, c-format
48516msgid "clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) failed: %s"
48517msgstr "clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) nie powiodło się: %s"
48519#: utility/randseed.c:211
48520msgid ""
48521"No good random source usable. Falling back to time-based random seeding."
48522msgstr ""
48523"Brak dobrego użytecznego źródła losowości. Korzystam z losowości opartej na "
48526#: utility/randseed.c:220
48527msgid ""
48528"Warning: Falling back to predictable random seed from current coarse-"
48529"granularity time."
48530msgstr ""
48531"Uwaga: Korzystam z przewidywalnego ziarno losowości z aktualnego czasu "
48534#. TRANS: do not translate <Freeciv>
48535#: utility/registry_xml.c:46
48536msgid "XML-file has no root node <Freeciv>"
48537msgstr "Plik XML nie ma elementu głównego <Freeciv>"
48539#: utility/registry_xml.c:54
48540msgid "XML-file has no capabilities defined!"
48541msgstr "Plik XML nie zawiera zdefiniowanych funkcjonalności!"
48543#: utility/registry_xml.c:60
48544msgid "XML-file has incompatible capabilities."
48545msgstr "Plik XML ma niekompatybilne funkcjonalności."
48547#: utility/registry_xml.c:61
48548#, c-format
48549msgid "Freeciv capabilities: %s"
48550msgstr "Funkcjonalność Freeciv: %s"
48552#: utility/registry_xml.c:62
48553#, c-format
48554msgid "File capabilities: %s"
48555msgstr "Funkcjonalność z pliku: %s"
48557#. TRANS: <FREECIV_DATA_PATH> configuration error
48558#. TRANS: <FREECIV_SAVE_PATH> configuration error
48559#. TRANS: <FREECIV_SCENARIO_PATH> configuration error
48560#: utility/shared.c:948 utility/shared.c:998 utility/shared.c:1061
48561#, c-format
48562msgid "\"%s\" is set but empty; trying \"%s\" instead."
48563msgstr "\"%s\" jest ustawione, lecz puste; próbuję \"%s\"."
48565#: utility/shared.c:954 utility/shared.c:1004 utility/shared.c:1067
48566msgid "FREECIV_PATH is deprecated, and won't work in future versions."
48567msgstr ""
48568"Ścieżka FREECIV_PATH jest przestarzała i nie będzie działać w przyszłych "
48571#. TRANS: <FREECIV_PATH> configuration error
48572#: utility/shared.c:959
48573#, c-format
48574msgid "\"%s\" is set but empty; using default \"%s\" data directories instead."
48575msgstr ""
48576"\"%s\" jest ustawione, lecz puste; używam domyślnego folderu danych \"%s\"."
48578#. TRANS: <FREECIV_PATH> configuration error
48579#: utility/shared.c:1009
48580#, c-format
48581msgid "\"%s\" is set but empty; using default \"%s\" save directories instead."
48582msgstr ""
48583"\"%s\" jest ustawione, lecz puste; używam domyślnego folderu zapisanych gier "
48586#. TRANS: <FREECIV_PATH> configuration error
48587#: utility/shared.c:1072
48588#, c-format
48589msgid ""
48590"\"%s\" is set but empty; using default \"%s\" scenario directories instead."
48591msgstr ""
48592"\"%s\" jest ustawione, lecz puste; używam domyślnego folderu scenariuszów "
48595#. TRANS: "...: <externally translated error string>."
48596#: utility/shared.c:1141
48597#, c-format
48598msgid "Could not read data directory %s: %s."
48599msgstr "Nie można odczytać folderu danych %s: %s."
48601#: utility/shared.c:1605
48602#, c-format
48603msgid "%s: Fatal error: you're trying to run me as superuser!\n"
48604msgstr "%s: Błąd: próbujesz mnie uruchomić jako administrator!\n"
48606#: utility/shared.c:1607
48607msgid "Use a non-privileged account instead.\n"
48608msgstr "Użyj do tego konta normalnego użytkownika.\n"
48610#: utility/shared.c:1623
48611msgid "exact match"
48612msgstr "dokładnie pasujące"
48614#: utility/shared.c:1624
48615msgid "only match"
48616msgstr "tylko pasujące"
48618#: utility/shared.c:1625
48619msgid "ambiguous"
48620msgstr "niejednoznaczne"
48622#: utility/shared.c:1626
48623msgid "empty"
48624msgstr "puste"
48626#: utility/shared.c:1627
48627msgid "too long"
48628msgstr "za długie"
48630#: utility/shared.c:1628
48631msgid "non-match"
48632msgstr "nie pasujące"
48634#: utility/shared.c:1970
48635msgid "day"
48636msgid_plural "days"
48637msgstr[0] "dzień"
48638msgstr[1] "dni"
48639msgstr[2] "dni"
48641#: utility/shared.c:1975
48642msgid "hour"
48643msgid_plural "hours"
48644msgstr[0] "godzina"
48645msgstr[1] "godziny"
48646msgstr[2] "godzin"
48648#: utility/shared.c:1981
48649msgid "minute"
48650msgid_plural "minutes"
48651msgstr[0] "minuta"
48652msgstr[1] "minuty"
48653msgstr[2] "minut"
48655#: utility/shared.c:1987
48656msgid "second"
48657msgid_plural "seconds"
48658msgstr[0] "sekunda"
48659msgstr[1] "sekundy"
48660msgstr[2] "sekund"
48662#: utility/support.c:498
48663#, c-format
48664msgid "error %ld (failed FormatMessage)"
48665msgstr "błąd %ld (niepoprawny FormatMessage)"
48667#: utility/support.c:511
48668#, c-format
48669msgid "error %d (compiled without strerror)"
48670msgstr "błąd %d (skompilowano bez strerror)"
48672#~ msgid "∞%s"
48673#~ msgstr "∞%s"
48675#~ msgid "∞"
48676#~ msgstr "∞"
48678#~ msgid ""
48679#~ "When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, "
48680#~ "the 100 gold ransom is paid, but only to land units."
48681#~ msgstr ""
48682#~ "Gdy zabijesz Barbarzyńskiego Wodza na polu bez innych jednostek "
48683#~ "broniących, dostaniesz 100 sztuk złota, ale tylko jeśli atakowała "
48684#~ "jednostka lądowa."
48686#~ msgid ""
48687#~ "If you find any bugs, then please send us a bug report.  This is best "
48688#~ "done by sending email to freeciv-dev mailing list, at:"
48689#~ msgstr ""
48690#~ "Jeżeli znajdziesz błąd w programie, wyślij nam raport. Najlepiej zrobić "
48691#~ "to wysyłając e-mail na listę mailingową freeciv-dev mailing pod adresem:"
48693#~ msgid ""
48694#~ "The base chance of a spy returning from a successful mission and the base "
48695#~ "chance of success for diplomats and spies."
48696#~ msgstr ""
48697#~ "Szansa na powrót Szpiega z udanej misji oraz szansa powodzenia różnych "
48698#~ "działań podejmowanych przez Dyplomatów i Szpiegów."
48700#~ msgid "Your %s survived the pathetic attack from the %s %s."
48701#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s odparła żałosny atak %s %s."
48703#~ msgid "Your attacking %s failed against the %s %s!"
48704#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zawiodła podczas ataku przeciwko %s %s!"
48706#~ msgid "Your attacking %s succeeded against the %s %s!"
48707#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak na %s %s!"
48709#~ msgid "Toggle Mini Map Mode"
48710#~ msgstr "Przełącz minimapę"
48712#~ msgid ""
48713#~ "Makes a city the ecclesiastical capital, that acts as a second center of "
48714#~ "government."
48715#~ msgstr ""
48716#~ "Czyni miasto stolicą eklezjalną pełniącą funkcję drugiego ośrodka władzy."
48718#~ msgid "%1 remaining"
48719#~ msgstr "pozostało %1"
48721#~ msgid "Transform Tile"
48722#~ msgstr "Zmień pole"
48724#~ msgid "Irrigate to"
48725#~ msgstr "Nawodnij do"
48727#~ msgid "%+4d : Citizens\n"
48728#~ msgstr "%+4d : Mieszkańcy\n"
48730#~ msgid "%+4d : Bonus from %s (%+d%%)\n"
48731#~ msgstr "%+4d : Premia z %s (%+d%%)\n"
48733#~ msgid "%+4d : Loss from %s (%+d%%)\n"
48734#~ msgstr "%+4d : Straty z %s (%+d%%)\n"
48736#~ msgid "%+4d : Size penalty\n"
48737#~ msgstr "%+4d : Strata z powodu rozmiaru\n"
48739#~ msgid "%+4d : Waste%s\n"
48740#~ msgstr "%+4d : Straty%s\n"
48742#~ msgid "%+4d : Corruption%s\n"
48743#~ msgstr "%+4d : Korupcja%s\n"
48745#~ msgid "%+4d : Disorder\n"
48746#~ msgstr "%+4d : Zamieszki\n"
48748#~ msgid "%+4d : Used\n"
48749#~ msgstr "%+4d : Użycie\n"
48751#~ msgid "%+4d : (unknown)\n"
48752#~ msgstr "%+4d : (nieznane)\n"
48754#~ msgid "==== : Adds up to\n"
48755#~ msgstr "==== : W sumie\n"
48757#~ msgid "%4d : Total surplus"
48758#~ msgstr "%4d : Nadwyżka (w sumie)"
48760#~ msgid "%+5.1f : Risk from trade\n"
48761#~ msgstr "%+5.1f : Ryzyko z handlu\n"
48763#~ msgid "%+5.1f : Bonus from %s\n"
48764#~ msgstr "%+5.1f : Dodatek z %s\n"
48766#~ msgid "%+5.1f : Risk from %s\n"
48767#~ msgstr "%+5.1f : Ryzyko z %s\n"
48769#~ msgid "%5.1f : Total chance for a plague"
48770#~ msgstr "%5.1f : Całkowite prawdopodobieństwo epidemii"
48772#~ msgid "%4d : History\n"
48773#~ msgstr "%4d : Historia\n"
48775#~ msgid "%4d : %s\n"
48776#~ msgstr "%4d : %s\n"
48778#~ msgid "%4d : (unknown)\n"
48779#~ msgstr "%4d : (nieznane)\n"
48781#~ msgid "%4d : Total culture"
48782#~ msgstr "%4d : Całkowita kultura"
48784#~ msgid "Plague Risk:"
48785#~ msgstr "Ryzyko epidemii:"
48787#~ msgid "Disband if build settler at size 1"
48788#~ msgstr "Rozwiązywanie po wybudowaniu Osadnika przy rozmiarze 1"
48790#~ msgid "Disband at size 1"
48791#~ msgstr "Zlikwiduj przy rozmiarze 1"
48793#~ msgid ""
48794#~ "Disband if build\n"
48795#~ "settler at size 1"
48796#~ msgstr ""
48797#~ "Rozwiąż, jeśli stworzono\n"
48798#~ "Osadnika przy rozmiarze 1"
48800#~ msgid "Tileset (Isometric Hex)"
48801#~ msgstr "Zestaw graficzny (izometryczny sześciokątny)"
48803#~ msgid ""
48804#~ "Select the tileset used with Isometric Hex maps. This may change "
48805#~ "currently active tileset, if you are playing on such a map, in which case "
48806#~ "this is the same as using the -t command-line parameter."
48807#~ msgstr ""
48808#~ "Wybiera zestaw graficzny z mapami typy izometrycznego sześciokątnego. "
48809#~ "Może to zmienić bieżący zestaw graficzny, jeśli grasz na takiej mapie, co "
48810#~ "jest równoważne użyciu parametru -t w wierszu poleceń."
48812#~ msgid "One of your cities has 2 different nationalities!"
48813#~ msgstr "Jedno z twoich miast zamieszkują 2 różne narodowości!"
48815#~ msgid "Disband if build settler at size 1:"
48816#~ msgstr "Rozwiąż po stworzeniu Osadnika przy rozmiarze 1:"
48818#~ msgid "Default tileset, for isometric view."
48819#~ msgstr "Domyślny zestaw graficzny, dla widoku izometrycznego."
48821#~ msgid "Isometric alternative of the small hex tiles."
48822#~ msgstr "Izometryczna alternatywa dla małych sześciokątnych pól."
48824#~ msgid "Basic large hex tileset."
48825#~ msgstr "Podstawowy duży sześciokątny zestaw graficzny."
48827#~ msgid ""
48828#~ "The Azteca, a Nahuatl speaking people from the Sonoran desert, seized "
48829#~ "control of the Toltec-derived civilizations of Central Mexico during the "
48830#~ "15th century, reviving the practice of human sacrifice. They were "
48831#~ "conquered by the Spanish under Cort\\303\\251s in 1521."
48832#~ msgstr ""
48833#~ "Aztekowie to lud z pustyni Sonoran, posługujący się językiem Nahuatl. W "
48834#~ "XV w. podbili i panowali nad większością tolteckich kultur Środkowego "
48835#~ "Meksyku. Zasłynęli z obrzędu składania ofiar z ludzi. Ich imperium "
48836#~ "zostało podbite przez Hiszpanów pod wodzą Cortésa w 1521."
48838#~ msgid "?diplomatic_rank:attach\\303\\251"
48839#~ msgstr "?diplomatic_rank:attaché"
48841#~ msgid ""
48842#~ "The founding of the Danish kingdom is generally assigned to the reign of "
48843#~ "Harald Bl\\303\\245tand, who unified what is now Denmark between 958 CE "
48844#~ "and 988 CE."
48845#~ msgstr ""
48846#~ "Założenie królestwa Danii przypisywane jest zazwyczaj Haraldowi "
48847#~ "Blåtlandowi, który zjednoczył ziemie dzisiejszej Danii w latach 958-988."
48849#~ msgid ""
48850#~ "Ferdinand Steinkr\\303\\274ger (a.k.a. XYZ) and Jamie Troini (a.k.a. "
48851#~ "Nimrod)."
48852#~ msgstr "Ferdinand Steinkrüger (a.k.a. XYZ) i Jamie Troini (a.k.a. Nimrod)."
48854#~ msgid "Inspect"
48855#~ msgstr "Wyświetl"
48857#~ msgid "Clear Chat Log"
48858#~ msgstr "Wyczyść dziennik czatu"
48860#~ msgid "Save Chat Log"
48861#~ msgstr "Zapisz dziennik czatu"
48863#~ msgid "Local Client"
48864#~ msgstr "Klienta lokalny"
48866#~ msgid "Message"
48867#~ msgstr "Powiadomienie"
48869#~ msgid "Remote Server"
48870#~ msgstr "Serwer zdalny"
48872#~ msgid "Reload Tileset"
48873#~ msgstr "Wczytaj ponownie zestaw graficzny"
48875#~ msgid "Save Map Image As..."
48876#~ msgstr "Zapisz obraz mapy jako..."
48878#~ msgid "Leave"
48879#~ msgstr "Opuść grę"
48881#~ msgid "Client Lua Script"
48882#~ msgstr "Skrypt Lua klienta"
48884#~ msgid "Recalculate Borders"
48885#~ msgstr "Oblicz ponownie granice"
48887#~ msgid "Toggle Fog of War"
48888#~ msgstr "Przełącz \"mgłę wojny\""
48890#~ msgid "Go to"
48891#~ msgstr "Idź do"
48893#~ msgid "Go to/Airlift to City"
48894#~ msgstr "Idź/Leć do miasta"
48896#~ msgid "Go to and Build city"
48897#~ msgstr "Idź i zbuduj miasto"
48899#~ msgid "Explode Nuke"
48900#~ msgstr "Detonuj Bombę Atomową"
48902#~ msgid "Tax Rates"
48903#~ msgstr "Podatki"
48905#~ msgid "Upgrade to %s"
48906#~ msgstr "Ulepsz do %s"
48908#~ msgid "Convert to %s"
48909#~ msgstr "Zmień na %s"
48911#~ msgid "New"
48912#~ msgstr "Nowy"
48914#~ msgid "Properties"
48915#~ msgstr "Właściwości"
48917#~ msgid ""
48918#~ "City Walls make it easier to defend a city.  They triple the defense "
48919#~ "strength of units within the city against land, sea, and helicopter "
48920#~ "units.  They are ineffective against non-helicopter airborne units as "
48921#~ "well as Artillery.  City Walls also prevent the loss of population which "
48922#~ "occurs when a defending unit is destroyed by a land unit."
48923#~ msgstr ""
48924#~ "Mury Obronne ułatwiają obronę miasta. Potrajają one siłę obrony jednostek "
48925#~ "stacjonujących w mieście podczas starcia z jednostkami lądowymi, morskimi "
48926#~ "i Helikopterami. Nie mają znaczenia podczas starć z jednostkami "
48927#~ "powietrznymi (oprócz Helikopterów) i Artylerią. Mury obronne zapobiegają "
48928#~ "stratom ludności, które mają miejsce, gdy jednostka broniąca się zostaje "
48929#~ "rozbita przez jednostkę lądową."
48931#~ msgid "REVOLUTION!"
48932#~ msgstr "REWOLUCJA!"
48934#~ msgid ""
48935#~ "With a Barracks, each new unit built in a city will automatically have "
48936#~ "Veteran status, which means that its attack and defense strengths are "
48937#~ "increased by 50%.  Also, damaged units which stay in town for one full "
48938#~ "turn without moving are completely restored."
48939#~ msgstr ""
48940#~ "Jeśli w mieście znajdują się Koszary, każda nowa jednostka wyprodukowana "
48941#~ "w mieście ma status weterana (siła ataku i obrony jest zwiększona o 50%). "
48942#~ "Każda jednostka pozostająca w mieście przez całą turę odzyskuje wszystkie "
48943#~ "punkty obrażeń."
48945#~ msgid ""
48946#~ "With a Barracks, each new land unit built in a city will automatically "
48947#~ "have Veteran status, which means that its attack and defense strengths "
48948#~ "are increased by 50%.  Also, damaged land units which stay in town for "
48949#~ "one full turn without moving are completely restored."
48950#~ msgstr ""
48951#~ "Koszary dają ci możliwość tworzenia jednostek ze statusem weterana, a "
48952#~ "więc takich, których zdolności ataku i obrony są większe o połowę. "
48953#~ "Jednostki \"wykrwawione w boju\", które przeczekają jedną pełną turę w "
48954#~ "mieście z Koszarami, odzyskują wszystkie punkty obrażeń."
48956#~ msgid ""
48957#~ "    In this dialog you can negotiate an exchange of assets (maps, vision, "
48958#~ "advances, cities, or gold), embassies, or binding pacts such as a cease-"
48959#~ "fire or peace.  There is no need to trade like for like; you can trade, "
48960#~ "say, an advance or city for gold - you can consider this buying and "
48961#~ "selling."
48962#~ msgstr ""
48963#~ "    W tym oknie dialogowym możesz negocjować wymianę dóbr (map, widoków, "
48964#~ "technologii, miast lub złota), ambasad oraz podpisywać pakty, np. "
48965#~ "zawieszenie broni lub pokój. Nie musisz wymieniać podobnych rzeczy, "
48966#~ "możesz wymienić, na przykład, technologię lub miasto za złoto."
48968#~ msgid ""
48969#~ "Main Map (Keys):\n"
48970#~ "================\n"
48971#~ "  c: (c)enter view on active unit\n"
48972#~ "    Shift-home: center view on capital\n"
48973#~ "  Shift-arrows: scroll map\n"
48974#~ "\n"
48975#~ "  Ctrl-B: show/hide national borders\n"
48976#~ "  Ctrl-D: show/hide city trade routes\n"
48977#~ "  Ctrl-G: show/hide map grid lines\n"
48978#~ "  Ctrl-N: show/hide city names\n"
48979#~ "  Ctrl-P: show/hide city production\n"
48980#~ "  Ctrl-R: show/hide city growth\n"
48981#~ "  Ctrl-W: show/hide city output\n"
48982#~ "  Ctrl-Y: show/hide city outlines\n"
48983#~ msgstr ""
48984#~ "Główna mapa (skróty klawiszowe):\n"
48985#~ "===============================\n"
48986#~ "             c: wyśrodkuj widok na aktywnej jednostce\n"
48987#~ "    Shift+Home: wyśrodkuj widok na stolicę\n"
48988#~ "Shift+strzałki: przesuń mapę\n"
48989#~ "\n"
48990#~ "  Ctrl-B: pokaż/ukryj granice państw\n"
48991#~ "  Ctrl-D: pokaż/ukryj szlaki handlowe\n"
48992#~ "  Ctrl-G: pokaż/ukryj siatkę mapy\n"
48993#~ "  Ctrl-N: pokaż/ukryj nazwy miast\n"
48994#~ "  Ctrl-P: pokaż/ukryj produkcję miast\n"
48995#~ "  Ctrl-R: pokaż/ukryj wzrost miast\n"
48996#~ "  Ctrl-W: pokaż/ukryj produkcję pól wokół miast\n"
48997#~ "  Ctrl-Y: pokaż/ukryj zasięg miast\n"
48999#~ msgid ""
49000#~ "* Your capital city gets a +75% bonus to gold production.\n"
49001#~ "* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost 1 "
49002#~ "gold per turn.\n"
49003#~ "* Unlike later governments, military units do not cause unhappiness even "
49004#~ "when deployed aggressively.\n"
49005#~ "* Base corruption is 20%. This increases with distance from the capital "
49006#~ "(half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n"
49007#~ "* Base production waste is 10%. This increases with distance from the "
49008#~ "capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade)."
49009#~ msgstr ""
49010#~ "* Twoja stolica produkuje o 75% więcej złota.\n"
49011#~ "* Każde miasto utrzymuje za darmo 2 jednostki; każda kolejna jednostka "
49012#~ "kosztuje 1 punkt produkcji na turę.\n"
49013#~ "* W przeciwieństwie do późniejszych rządów, jednostki zbrojne nie "
49014#~ "powodują niezadowolenia nawet w ustawieniu bojowym.\n"
49015#~ "* Bazowa korupcja to 20%, ale zwiększa się wraz z odległościa od stolicy "
49016#~ "(o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Korporacje).\n"
49017#~ "* Bazowe straty w produkcji to 10%, ale straty zwiększają się wraz z "
49018#~ "odległością od stolicy (o połowę wolniej, jeśli masz technologię Handel)."
49020#~ msgid ""
49021#~ "Terrain complicates the movement of land units -- sea and air units "
49022#~ "always expend one movement point to move one tile, but moving onto rough "
49023#~ "terrain such as Mountains can cost land units more."
49024#~ msgstr ""
49025#~ "Teren wpływa też na ruch jednostek lądowych - jednostki morskie i "
49026#~ "powietrzne zawsze zużywają jeden punkt ruchu, by przemieścić się o jedno "
49027#~ "pole. Poruszanie się po trudniejszym terenie (góry, wzgórza, bagna itd.) "
49028#~ "może kosztować więcej punktów ruchu."
49030#~ msgid "You are playing with classic Freeciv rules for single player games."
49031#~ msgstr "Grasz z klasycznym zestawem zasad dla gry jednoosobowej."
49033#~ msgid ""
49034#~ "Building a mine on suitable terrain increases the number of production "
49035#~ "points produced by that tile. However, it is not possible to have an "
49036#~ "irrigation system and a mine on the same tile."
49037#~ msgstr ""
49038#~ "Kopalnie zbudowana na odpowiednim polu zwiększa ilość punktów produkcji "
49039#~ "otrzymywanych z tego pola. Nie można jednak mieć nawodnienia i kopalni na "
49040#~ "tym samym polu."
49042#~ msgid ""
49043#~ "On terrain unsuitable for irrigation systems or mines, issuing the "
49044#~ "\"irrigate\" or \"mine\" order may permanently convert the terrain to "
49045#~ "another type; this is usually more expensive. For instance, Swamp may be "
49046#~ "\"irrigated\" to yield Grassland. (Terrain conversion with the \"irrigate"
49047#~ "\" order does not require a water source.)"
49048#~ msgstr ""
49049#~ "Jeśli teren nie nadaje się pod nawodnienie i kopalnię, wydanie polecenia "
49050#~ "'nawodnij' i 'zbuduj kopalnię' może trwale przekształcić teren. Jest to "
49051#~ "zazwyczaj bardziej pracochłonna operacja. (Przy przekształcaniu jednego "
49052#~ "typu terenu na inny poleceniem \"nawodnij\", nie jest konieczne, by na "
49053#~ "sąsiadujący polu występowała woda.)"
49055#~ msgid ""
49056#~ "Building an irrigation system on a suitable tile causes it to produce "
49057#~ "some extra food each turn. This requires a nearby source of water: an "
49058#~ "ocean or river tile, or another tile with an irrigation system, must "
49059#~ "share an edge (not just a corner) with the target tile. Once irrigated, "
49060#~ "land remains so even if the water source is removed. When Refrigeration "
49061#~ "is known, irrigation systems can be upgraded to Farmland by irrigating "
49062#~ "them a second time; this provides more food to a city if it has a "
49063#~ "Supermarket."
49064#~ msgstr ""
49065#~ "Niektóre tereny mogą zostać nawodnione, co zwiększa produkcję żywności. "
49066#~ "Wymaga to pobliskiego źródła wody: oceanu, rzeki lub innego nawodnionego "
49067#~ "pola. Pole takie musi przylegać bokiem (nie rogiem) do pola, na którym ma "
49068#~ "powstać nawodnienie. Nawodnione pole zachowa nawodnienie, nawet gdy z "
49069#~ "sąsiedniego pola zniknie źródło wody. Jeśli masz technologię Zamrażanie, "
49070#~ "możesz nawodnić pole drugi raz, zamieniając je w farmę, co da dodatkowy "
49071#~ "punkt żywności z pola, jeśli miasto ma Supermarket."
49073#~ msgid ""
49074#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
49075#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
49076#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers and Engineers "
49077#~ "can clean up nuclear fallout."
49078#~ msgstr ""
49079#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i globalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
49080#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
49081#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
49082#~ "mogą Osadnicy i Inżynierowie."
49084#~ msgid ""
49085#~ "Settlers can also perform some of the same terrain alterations as Workers."
49086#~ msgstr "Osadnicy mogą też przekształcać teren tak jak Robotnicy."
49088#~ msgid "Workers have the ability to improve terrain tiles."
49089#~ msgstr "Robotnicy mogą zmieniać teren."
49091#~ msgid ""
49092#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
49093#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
49094#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers, Workers, and "
49095#~ "Engineers can clean up nuclear fallout."
49096#~ msgstr ""
49097#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i globalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
49098#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
49099#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
49100#~ "mogą Osadnicy, Robotnicy i Inżynierowie."
49102#~ msgid ""
49103#~ "Building an irrigation system on a suitable tile causes it to produce "
49104#~ "some extra food each turn. Without knowledge of Electricity, this "
49105#~ "requires a nearby source of water: an ocean, lake, or river tile, or "
49106#~ "another tile with an irrigation system, must share an edge (not just a "
49107#~ "corner) with the target tile. Once Electricity is known, irrigation "
49108#~ "systems may be built without a water source. Once irrigated, land remains "
49109#~ "so even if the water source is removed. When Refrigeration is known, "
49110#~ "irrigation systems can be upgraded to Farmland by irrigating them a "
49111#~ "second time; this provides more food to a city if it has a Supermarket."
49112#~ msgstr ""
49113#~ "Niektóre tereny mogą zostać nawodnione, które zwiększa produkcję "
49114#~ "żywności. Bez znajomości technologii Elektryczność wymaga to pobliskiego "
49115#~ "źródła wody: oceanu, jeziora, rzeki lub innego nawodnionego pola. Pole "
49116#~ "takie musi przylegać bokiem (nie rogiem) do pola, na którym ma powstać "
49117#~ "nawodnienie. Jeśli znasz już Elektryczność, nadownienie może powstać "
49118#~ "także na polu niesąsiadującym ze żródłem wody. Nawodnione pole zachowa "
49119#~ "nawodnienie, nawet gdy z sąsiedniego pola zniknie źródło wody. Jeśli masz "
49120#~ "technologię Zamrażanie, możesz nawodnić pole drugi raz, zamieniając je w "
49121#~ "farmę, co da dodatkowy punkt żywności z pola, jeśli miasto ma Supermarket."
49123#~ msgid ""
49124#~ "On terrain unsuitable for irrigation systems or mines, issuing the "
49125#~ "\"irrigate\" or \"mine\" order may permanently convert the terrain to "
49126#~ "another type; this is usually more expensive. For instance, Forest may be "
49127#~ "\"irrigated\" to yield Plains. (Terrain conversion with the \"irrigate\" "
49128#~ "order does not require a water source.)"
49129#~ msgstr ""
49130#~ "Jeśli teren nie nadaje się pod nawodnienie i kopalnię, wydanie polecenia "
49131#~ "'nawodnij' i 'zbuduj kopalnię' może trwale przekształcić teren. Jest to "
49132#~ "zazwyczaj bardziej pracochłonna operacja. Na przykład, las może zostać "
49133#~ "\"nawodniony\" do stepów. (Przy przekształcaniu jednego typu terenu na "
49134#~ "inny poleceniem \"nawodnij\", nie jest konieczne, by na sąsiadujący polu "
49135#~ "występowała woda.)"
49137#~ msgid ""
49138#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
49139#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
49140#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers, Migrants, "
49141#~ "Workers, and Engineers and (for fallout on water) Transports can clean up "
49142#~ "nuclear fallout."
49143#~ msgstr ""
49144#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i globalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
49145#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
49146#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
49147#~ "mogą Osadnicy, Migranci, Robotnicy, Inżynierowie i (w przypadku skażeń na "
49148#~ "wodzie) Transportowce."
49150#~ msgid ""
49151#~ "Certain units (Settlers, Workers, and Engineers in the classic ruleset) "
49152#~ "have the ability to alter terrain tiles in several ways. The following "
49153#~ "description uses the classic ruleset to illustrate this; other rulesets "
49154#~ "may have different rules, or even omit some of these alterations entirely."
49155#~ msgstr ""
49156#~ "Niektóre jednostki (Osadnicy, Robotnicy, Inżynierowie w klasycznych "
49157#~ "zestawach zasad) mogą zmieniać teren na kilka sposobów. Poniższy opis "
49158#~ "omawia te zmiany na przykładzie klasycznego zestawu zasad i może nie być "
49159#~ "w pełni zgodny z innymi zestawami."
49161#~ msgid ""
49162#~ "Irrigation systems can be built on suitable types of terrain; these cause "
49163#~ "a tile to produce some extra food each turn. There may be restrictions on "
49164#~ "where an irrigation system can be built; for instance, in the classic "
49165#~ "ruleset, a water source is required. See the ruleset help for details. "
49166#~ "However, once irrigated, land remains so even if its requirements are "
49167#~ "removed."
49168#~ msgstr ""
49169#~ "Nawodnienie może być budowane na odpowiednich terenach i sprawiają, że "
49170#~ "pole daje więcej żywności. W niektórych zestawach zasad (np. w "
49171#~ "klasycznym), nawodnienia nie mogą być budowane na wszystkich polach. "
49172#~ "Więcej informacji znajdziesz w sekcji pomocy dla zestawu zasad. Jednak "
49173#~ "raz nawodnione pole zachowuje usprawnienie, nawet jeśli wymagania "
49174#~ "przestaną być spełniane."
49176#~ msgid ""
49177#~ "In some rulesets, given sufficient technology, you may upgrade an "
49178#~ "irrigation system on a tile into even more productive Farmland, by "
49179#~ "irrigating it a second time."
49180#~ msgstr ""
49181#~ "W niektórych zestawach zasad przy odpowiedniej technologii, nawodnienie "
49182#~ "można ulepszyć nawadniając pole ponownie. Powstaje wtedy farma, która "
49183#~ "daje jeszcze więcej żywności."
49185#~ msgid ""
49186#~ "Mines can be built on some types of terrain, which increases the number "
49187#~ "of production points (shields) produced by that tile."
49188#~ msgstr ""
49189#~ "Na niektórych terenach można budować kopalnie, które zwiększają ilość "
49190#~ "punktów produkcji otrzymywanych z pola."
49192#~ msgid ""
49193#~ "Units may be able to build other terrain improvements; see the following "
49194#~ "sections for details. Roads typically ease movement, if adjacent tiles "
49195#~ "have the same road, and bases often provide protection and refueling. "
49196#~ "Such improvements can also provide other bonuses such as production "
49197#~ "bonuses; this is up to the ruleset."
49198#~ msgstr ""
49199#~ "Niektóre jednostki mogą budować inne usprawnienia na polach; więcej "
49200#~ "informacji znajdziesz w poniższych sekcjach. Drogi ułatwiają poruszanie "
49201#~ "się, jeśli na sąsiadującym pole jest taki sam typ drogi, a bazy zazwyczaj "
49202#~ "zapewniają ochronę i możliwość uzupełnienia paliwa. Usprawnienia mogą "
49203#~ "dawać również inne korzyści, takie jak dodatki do produkcji -- zależy to "
49204#~ "od zestawu zasad."
49206#~ msgid " Pollution"
49207#~ msgstr " Zanieczyszczenie"
49209#~ msgid ""
49210#~ "Pollution can plague large cities, especially as your civilization "
49211#~ "becomes more industrialized. The chance of pollution appearing around a "
49212#~ "city depends on the sum of its population, aggravated by several "
49213#~ "technology advances, and its production point output. When this sum "
49214#~ "exceeds 20, the excess is the percent chance of pollution appearing each "
49215#~ "turn; this percentage is shown in the city dialog. (This chance of "
49216#~ "pollution also affects the risk of plague, if enabled in the ruleset; see "
49217#~ "the section on Plague.)"
49218#~ msgstr ""
49219#~ "Zanieczyszczenie może być dużym problemem w większych miastach, zwłaszcza "
49220#~ "jeśli są sporymi ośrodkami przemysłowymi. Prawdopodobieństwo pojawienia "
49221#~ "się zanieczyszczeń zależy od wielkości populacji, produkcji przemysłowej "
49222#~ "i zwiększa się przy niektórych technologiach. Jeśli suma tych czynników "
49223#~ "przekroczy 20, wartość powyżej tego progu to procentowe "
49224#~ "prawdopodobieństwo pojawienia się zanieczyszczeń na turę; jest ono "
49225#~ "pokazane w oknie dialogowym miasta. Prawdopodobieństwo pojawienia się "
49226#~ "zanieczyszczeń zwiększa też ryzyko epidemii, jeśli epidemia przewidziana "
49227#~ "jest w zestawie zasad (zob. sekcja \"Epidemia\")."
49229#~ msgid ""
49230#~ "Policies are changable values, which define your civilization's rights."
49231#~ msgstr "Polityki to zmienne wartości, które definiują prawa cywilizacji."
49233#~ msgid "Workers can build airbases, which Settlers cannot."
49234#~ msgstr ""
49235#~ "Robotnicy, w przeciwieństwie do Osadników, mogą budować bazy lotnicze."
49237#~ msgid " +1 unit"
49238#~ msgstr " +1 jednostka"
49240#~ msgid "?tradebonustype:gold"
49241#~ msgstr "?tradebonustype:złoto"
49243#~ msgid "?tradebonustype:research"
49244#~ msgstr "?tradebonustype:badania"
49246#~ msgid "?tradebonustype:gold and research"
49247#~ msgstr "?tradebonustype:złoto i nauka"
49249#~ msgid " act"
49250#~ msgid_plural " acts"
49251#~ msgstr[0] " punkt kultury"
49252#~ msgstr[1] " punkty kultury"
49253#~ msgstr[2] " punktów kultury"
49255#~ msgid "%s is selling %s (not needed) for %d."
49256#~ msgstr "%s sprzedaje niepotrzebne %s za %d sztuk złota."
49259#~ msgid "%s%s (%s), %s client"
49260#~ msgstr "%s%s (%s), klient %s."
49262#~ msgid "Ruleset _Version:"
49263#~ msgstr "Zestaw zasad:"
49265#~ msgid ""
49266#~ "-z, --zoom LEVEL\tSet zoom level\n"
49267#~ "\n"
49268#~ msgstr ""
49269#~ "-z, --zoom LEVEL\tUstaw powiększenie\n"
49270#~ "\n"
49272#~ msgid "Overview"
49273#~ msgstr "Ogólne"
49275#~ msgid "Click left button to change current production"
49276#~ msgstr "Kliknij lewym przyciskiem myszy, aby zmienić bieżącą produkcję"
49278#~ msgid "Click to change worklist production"
49279#~ msgstr "Kliknij, aby zmienić produkcję z planu prac"
49281#~ msgid "Next City"
49282#~ msgstr "Następne miasto"
49284#~ msgid "Previous City"
49285#~ msgstr "Poprzednie miasto"
49287#~ msgid "Buy ?"
49288#~ msgstr "Zakupić ?"
49290#~| msgid ""
49291#~| "Number of _Players\n"
49292#~| "(including AI):"
49293#~ msgid ""
49294#~ "Number of Players\n"
49295#~ "(including AI):"
49296#~ msgstr ""
49297#~ "Liczba graczy\n"
49298#~ "(łącznie z AI):"
49300#~| msgid "AI Skill _Level:"
49301#~ msgid "AI Skill Level:"
49302#~ msgstr "Poziom trudności AI:"
49304#~| msgid "Ruleset _Version:"
49305#~ msgid "Ruleset Version:"
49306#~ msgstr "Zestaw zasad:"
49308#~ msgid ""
49309#~ "Shows your current luxury/science/tax rates. Use mouse wheel to change "
49310#~ "them"
49311#~ msgstr ""
49312#~ "Wyświetla twoje aktualne stawki dla luksusu/nauki/podatków; użyj kółka "
49313#~ "myszki, aby je zmienić."
49315#~ msgid "%1 from %2"
49316#~ msgstr "%1 z %2"
49318#~ msgid "Roger that"
49319#~ msgstr "Przyjąłem/am"
49322#~ msgid "%s%s (%s), Qt client"
49323#~ msgstr "%s%s (%s), klient Qt"
49325#~ msgid "LAN"
49326#~ msgstr "LAN"
49328#~ msgid "NETWORK"
49329#~ msgstr "SIEĆ"
49331#~ msgid "Find Nearest"
49332#~ msgstr "Znajdź najbliższą"
49334#~ msgid "Freeciv %s (%s)"
49335#~ msgstr "Freeciv %s (%s)"
49337#~ msgid ""
49338#~ "Requires that no diplomatic relationship you have to any living player is "
49339#~ "%s.\n"
49340#~ msgstr ""
49341#~ "Wymagania: z żadnym żywym graczem nie może łączyć cię stan dyplomatyczny "
49342#~ "%s.\n"
49344#~ msgid ""
49345#~ "Requires that your diplomatic relationship to the other player isn't %s.\n"
49346#~ msgstr "Wymagania: stanem dyplomatycznym z innym graczem nie może być %s.\n"
49348#~ msgid "Applies only to %s.\n"
49349#~ msgstr "Dotyczy tylko %s.\n"
49351#~ msgid "Does not apply to %s.\n"
49352#~ msgstr "Nie dotyczy %s.\n"
49354#~ msgid "?%"
49355#~ msgstr "?%"
49357#~ msgid "Starting to do this may currently be impossible."
49358#~ msgstr "Ropoczęcie tego może być obecnie niemożliwe."
49360#~ msgid "Investigate City"
49361#~ msgstr "Zbadaj miasto"
49363#~ msgid "Poison City"
49364#~ msgstr "Zatruj miasto"
49366#~ msgid "Steal Gold"
49367#~ msgstr "Skrój kasiore."
49369#~ msgid "Sabotage City"
49370#~ msgstr "Sabotuj miasto"
49372#~ msgid "Targeted Sabotage City"
49373#~ msgstr "Sabotuj konkretny budynek"
49375#~ msgid "Steal Tech"
49376#~ msgstr "Skradnij techa."
49378#~ msgid "Targeted Steal Tech"
49379#~ msgstr "Skradnij konkretnego techa."
49381#~ msgid "Incite City"
49382#~ msgstr "Podburz miasto"
49384#~ msgid "Enter Marketplace"
49385#~ msgstr "Rozpocznij handlowanie"
49387#~ msgid "Help Wonder"
49388#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud"
49390#~ msgid "Bribe Unit"
49391#~ msgstr "Przekup jednostkę"
49393#~ msgid "Sabotage Unit"
49394#~ msgstr "Sabotuj jednostkę"
49396#~ msgid "Gain of new Tech"
49397#~ msgstr "Zyskano nową technologię"
49399#~ msgid "None"
49400#~ msgstr "Brak"
49402#~ msgid ""
49403#~ "Allows a city to grow larger than size 8 and reduces the chance of plague "
49404#~ "within the city. A Sewer System is required for a city to grow larger "
49405#~ "than size 12."
49406#~ msgstr ""
49407#~ "Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 8 i zmniejsza ryzyko "
49408#~ "wystąpienia epidemii. Kanalizacja jest potrzebna, by miasto mogło "
49409#~ "wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 12."
49411#~ msgid "Freeciv is covered by the GPL, which is included here: "
49412#~ msgstr "Freeciv jest dostępne na licencji GPL, którą znajdziesz poniżej: "
49414#~ msgid "Classic-style 88x100 map of Japan."
49415#~ msgstr "Klasyczna mapa Japonii (88x100)."
49417#~ msgid "%s can't build %s yet."
49418#~ msgstr "Miasto %s jest zbyt małe, aby zbudować %s."
49420#~ msgid ""
49421#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'handicapped', and "
49422#~ "sets the default level for any new AI players to 'handicapped'. With an "
49423#~ "argument, sets the skill level for that player only."
49424#~ msgstr ""
49425#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49426#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'handicapped' (ułomny). Gdy podany jest "
49427#~ "argument, ustawia poziom 'początkujący' tylko dla tego gracza."
49429#~ msgid ""
49430#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'novice', and sets "
49431#~ "the default level for any new AI players to 'novice'. With an argument, "
49432#~ "sets the skill level for that player only."
49433#~ msgstr ""
49434#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49435#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'początkujący' (novice). Gdy podany jest "
49436#~ "argument, ustawia poziom 'początkujący' tylko dla tego gracza."
49438#~ msgid ""
49439#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'normal', and sets "
49440#~ "the default level for any new AI players to 'normal'. With an argument, "
49441#~ "sets the skill level for that player only."
49442#~ msgstr ""
49443#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49444#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'normal' (normalny). Gdy podany jest "
49445#~ "argument, ustawia poziom 'normalny' tylko dla tego gracza."
49447#~ msgid ""
49448#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'hard', and sets "
49449#~ "the default level for any new AI players to 'hard'. With an argument, "
49450#~ "sets the skill level for that player only."
49451#~ msgstr ""
49452#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49453#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'hard' (trudny). Gdy podany jest "
49454#~ "argument, ustawia poziom 'hard' tylko dla tego gracza."
49456#~ msgid ""
49457#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'cheating', and "
49458#~ "sets the default level for any new AI players to 'cheating'. With an "
49459#~ "argument, sets the skill level for that player only."
49460#~ msgstr ""
49461#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49462#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'cheating' (oszust). Gdy podany jest "
49463#~ "argument, ustawia poziom 'oszust' tylko dla tego gracza."
49465#~ msgid ""
49466#~ "With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill 'experimental', and sets "
49467#~ "the default level for any new AI players to this. With an argument, sets "
49468#~ "the skill level for that player only. THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING OF NEW AI "
49469#~ "FEATURES! For ordinary servers, this option has no effect."
49470#~ msgstr ""
49471#~ "Bez argumentów, polecenie ustawia wszystkich istniejących graczy AI oraz "
49472#~ "domyślny poziom dla graczy AI na 'experimental' (eksperymentalny). Gdy "
49473#~ "podany jest argument, ustawia poziom 'experimental' tylko dla tego "
49474#~ "gracza. TA OPCJA SŁUŻY JEDYNIE TESTOWANIU KODU AI! Nie ma zastosowania "
49475#~ "dla zwykłych serwerów."
49477#~ msgid "The %s is suspect of taking %d gold from %s."
49478#~ msgstr "%s jest podejrzany o wzięcie %d złota z miasta %s."
49480#~ msgid ""
49481#~ "Cannot modify specials for the tile %s because %d is not a valid terrain "
49482#~ "special id."
49483#~ msgstr ""
49484#~ "Nie można zmieniać zasobów na polu %s, ponieważ %d nie jest właściwym "
49485#~ "identyfikatorem zasobu specjalnego."
49487#~ msgid ""
49488#~ "Cannot modify road for the tile %s because %d is not a valid road type id."
49489#~ msgstr ""
49490#~ "Nie można zmienić drogi na polu %s, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym "
49491#~ "identyfikatorem drogi."
49493#~ msgid ""
49494#~ "Cannot modify base for the tile %s because %d is not a valid base type id."
49495#~ msgstr ""
49496#~ "Nie można zmienić fortecy na polu %s, ponieważ %d nie jest prawidłowym "
49497#~ "identyfikatorem fortecy."
49499#, fuzzy
49500#~ msgid "Scorelog only human players"
49501#~ msgstr "jeden obraz na gracza-człowieka"
49503#~| msgid ""
49504#~| "This setting gives the exact number of huts that will be placed on the "
49505#~| "entire map. Huts are small tribal villages that may be investigated by "
49506#~| "units."
49507#~ msgid ""
49508#~ "This setting gives number of huts that will be placed on every one "
49509#~ "thousand tiles. Huts are tile extras that may be investigated by units."
49510#~ msgstr ""
49511#~ "Dokładna liczba chatek, które zostaną umieszczone na mapie. Chatki to "
49512#~ "niewielkie wioski pomniejszych plemion, w których można znaleźć "
49513#~ "wartościowe przedmioty lub barbarzyńców."
49515#~ msgid ""
49516#~ "If you receive an invention via a treaty, this setting defines the chance "
49517#~ "that the invention is lost during the transfer."
49518#~ msgstr ""
49519#~ "Jeśli otrzymasz odkrycie na mocy traktatu, to ustawienie określa "
49520#~ "prawdopodobieństwo utraty odkrycia podczas przekazywania."
49522#~ msgid ""
49523#~ "If you give an invention via a treaty, this setting defines the chance "
49524#~ "that the invention is lost for your civilization during the transfer."
49525#~ msgstr ""
49526#~ "Jeśli dajesz odkrycie na mocy traktatu, to ustawienie określa "
49527#~ "prawdopodobieństwo utraty odkrycia przez twoją cywilizację podczas "
49528#~ "przekazywania."
49530#~ msgid ""
49531#~ "Which method is used in determining how long period of anarchy lasts when "
49532#~ "changing government. The actual value is set with 'revolen' setting."
49533#~ msgstr ""
49534#~ "Metoda ustalania długość rewolucji podczas zmiany ustroju. Właściwa "
49535#~ "wartość podana jest w ustawieniu 'revolen'."
49537#~ msgid "Unknown option %s"
49538#~ msgstr "Nieznana opcja %s"
49540#~ msgid "Setting %s set to default value."
49541#~ msgstr "Zmieniam %s na wartości domyślne."
49543#~ msgid "You have acquired %s thanks to the %s theft against the %s"
49544#~ msgstr "Otrzymałeś/aś %s dzięki temu, że %s okradli %s"
49546#~ msgid "%s cannot move here without a native path for %s"
49547#~ msgstr ""
49548#~ "Jednostka %s nie może się tu przemieścić bez ścieżki natywnej dla %s."
49550#~ msgid "research"
49551#~ msgstr "badania"
49553#~ msgid "Change governments modifiers"
49554#~ msgstr "Zmień parametry ustroju"
49556#~ msgid "Time to forced turn change"
49557#~ msgstr "Czas do wymuszonego końca tury"
49559#~ msgid "Turn timeout disabled"
49560#~ msgstr "Wyłączono maksymalny czas tury"
49562#~ msgid "_Specials"
49563#~ msgstr "Zasoby specjalne"
49565#~ msgid "_Diplomat/Spy Actions"
49566#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
49568#~ msgid "Help _Build Wonder"
49569#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud świata"
49571#~ msgid "Establish Trade _Route"
49572#~ msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy"
49574#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to disband that unit?"
49575#~ msgstr "Na pewno chcesz rozwiązać tę jednostkę?"
49577#~ msgid "Irrigation: +%1 food in %2 turn"
49578#~ msgid_plural "Irrigation: +%1 food in %2 turns"
49579#~ msgstr[0] "Nawodnienie: +%1 żywności na %2 turę"
49580#~ msgstr[1] "Nawodnienie: +%1 żywności na %2 tury"
49581#~ msgstr[2] "Nawodnienie: +%1 żywności na %2 turę"
49583#~ msgid "Irrigation: %1 in %2 turn"
49584#~ msgid_plural "Irrigation: %1 in %2 turns"
49585#~ msgstr[0] "Nawodnienie: +%1 na %2 turę"
49586#~ msgstr[1] "Nawodnienie: +%1 na %2 tury"
49587#~ msgstr[2] "Nawodnienie: +%1 na %2 tur"
49589#~ msgid "Mining: +%1 shields in %2 turn"
49590#~ msgid_plural "Mining: +%1 shields in %2 turns"
49591#~ msgstr[0] "Kopalnia: +%1 tarcz na %2 turę"
49592#~ msgstr[1] "Kopalnia: +%1 tarcz na %2 tury"
49593#~ msgstr[2] "Kopalnia: +%1 tarcz na %2 tur"
49595#~ msgid "Mining: %1 in %2 turn"
49596#~ msgid_plural "Mining: %1 in %2 turns"
49597#~ msgstr[0] "Kopalnia: +%1 na %2 turę"
49598#~ msgstr[1] "Kopalnia: +%1 na %2 tury"
49599#~ msgstr[2] "Kopalnia: +%1 na %2 tur"
49601#~ msgid "Transform: %1 in %2 turn"
49602#~ msgid_plural "Transform: %1 in %2 turns"
49603#~ msgstr[0] "Przekształć: %1 na %2 turę"
49604#~ msgstr[1] "Przekształć: %1 na %2 tury"
49605#~ msgstr[2] "Przekształć: %1 na %2 tur"
49607#~ msgid "Diplomat/Spy actions"
49608#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
49610#~ msgid "Help build Wonder"
49611#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud świata"
49613#~ msgid "Leader"
49614#~ msgstr "Przywódca"
49616#~ msgid "%d R&G bonus"
49617#~ msgstr "%d dodatku za wejście na rynek"
49619#~ msgid "Establish Trade Route With %s ( %d R&G + %d trade ) (R)"
49620#~ msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy z %s ( %d złota i nauki + %d handlu ) (R)"
49622#~ msgid "Draw the specials"
49623#~ msgstr "Pokaż zasoby specjalne"
49625#~ msgid "Setting this option will draw the specials on the map."
49626#~ msgstr "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane będą zasoby specjalne."
49628#~ msgid "Aqueduct protects the city from Fire and Plague."
49629#~ msgstr "Akwedukt chroni miasto przed pożarem."
49631#~ msgid "Barracks protect the city from Pirates."
49632#~ msgstr "Koszary chronią miasto przed Piratami."
49634#~ msgid "City Walls protect the city from Flood."
49635#~ msgstr "Mury Obronne chronią miasto przed powodzią."
49637#~ msgid "Granary protects the city from Famine."
49638#~ msgstr "Spichlerz chroni miasto przed głodem."
49640#~ msgid "Temple protects the city from Volcano."
49641#~ msgstr "Świątynia chroni miasto przed wulkanem."
49643#~ msgid "You see foreign island!"
49644#~ msgstr "Widzisz nieznaną wyspę!"
49646#~ msgid ""
49647#~ "Borders can only extend into water for tiles adjacent to a city; other "
49648#~ "water tiles remain unclaimed territory."
49649#~ msgstr ""
49650#~ "Granice mogą obejmować tylko te wody, które leżą bezpośrednio przy "
49651#~ "mieście. Pozostałe wody są \"ziemią niczyją\"."
49653#~ msgid "Starting units string cannot be empty."
49654#~ msgstr "Ciąg znaków oznaczający jednostki początkowe nie może być pusty."
49657#~ msgid "%s%s(%s), %s client"
49658#~ msgstr "%s%s(%s), klient %s"
49660#~ msgid ""
49661#~ "Population: %s\n"
49662#~ "Year: %s\n"
49663#~ "Gold %d\n"
49664#~ "Tax: %d Lux: %d Sci: %d"
49665#~ msgstr ""
49666#~ "Populacja: %s\n"
49667#~ "Rok: %s\n"
49668#~ "Złoto: %d\n"
49669#~ "Pod: %d Luks: %d Nauk: %d"
49671#~ msgid ""
49672#~ "Requires that the unit can't exist at its tile without being inside a "
49673#~ "transport.\n"
49674#~ msgstr ""
49675#~ "Wymagania: jednostka nie może przebywać na polu, jeśli nie znajduje się w "
49676#~ "jednostce transportującej.\n"
49678#~ msgid ""
49679#~ "Requires that the unit can exist at its tile without being inside a "
49680#~ "transport.\n"
49681#~ msgstr ""
49682#~ "Wymagania: jednostka może przebywać na polu, nawet jeśli nie znajduje się "
49683#~ "w jednostce transportującej.\n"
49685#~ msgid "Applies only to city centers.\n"
49686#~ msgstr "Dotyczy tylko centrów miast.\n"
49688#~ msgid "Does not apply to city centers.\n"
49689#~ msgstr "Nie dotyczy centrów miast.\n"
49691#~ msgid "Allows %s (with %s)."
49692#~ msgstr "Pozwala na %s (z %s)."
49694#~ msgid "Allows %s."
49695#~ msgstr "Pozwala na %s."
49697#~ msgid "* Can build roads and railroads.\n"
49698#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować drogi i koleje.\n"
49700#~ msgid "* Can build irrigation and farmland on tiles.\n"
49701#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować nawodnienie i farmy na polach.\n"
49703#~ msgid "* Can clean nuclear fallout from tiles.\n"
49704#~ msgstr "* Potrafi usuwać skażenia (radioaktywne).\n"
49706#~ msgid "Needs transport"
49707#~ msgstr "Wymaga transportu"
49709#~ msgid "Can help build wonders (adding its full shield cost)."
49710#~ msgstr "Może pomóc przy budowie cudu (dodaje wartość jednostki w tarczach)."
49712#~ msgid "Settlers can also build roads, railroads, or fortresses."
49713#~ msgstr "Osadnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje i fortece."
49715#~ msgid "Can build airbases."
49716#~ msgstr "Potrafi budować bazy lotnicze."
49718#~ msgid "Settlers can also build roads, railroads, fortresses, or airbases."
49719#~ msgstr "Osadnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje, fortece i bazy lotnicze."
49721#~ msgid "Paratroopers are experts at airborne attacks."
49722#~ msgstr "Spadochroniarze specjalizują się w atakach powietrznych."
49724#~ msgid "Can build airbases and buoys."
49725#~ msgstr "Potrafi budować bazy lotnicze i boje."
49727#~ msgid ""
49728#~ "Workers can also build roads, railroads, fortresses, airbases, or buoys "
49729#~ "(when on board a ship)."
49730#~ msgstr ""
49731#~ "Robotnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje, fortece, bazy lotnicze i boje "
49732#~ "(jeśli są na statkach)."
49734#~ msgid ""
49735#~ "Workers can also build roads, railroads, maglev, fortresses, airbases, or "
49736#~ "buoys (when on board a ship)."
49737#~ msgstr ""
49738#~ "Robotnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje, maglewy, fortece, bazy lotnicze "
49739#~ "i boje (jeśli są na statkach)."
49741#~ msgid ""
49742#~ "Allows a city to grow larger than size 8 and reduces the chance of plague "
49743#~ "within the city (-30%).  A Sewer System is required for a city to grow "
49744#~ "larger than size 16."
49745#~ msgstr ""
49746#~ "Pozwala miastu osiągnąć rozmiary większe niż 8 i zmniejsza ryzyko "
49747#~ "wystąpienia epidemii (o 30%). Kanalizacja jest potrzebna, by miasto mogło "
49748#~ "wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 16."
49750#~ msgid ""
49751#~ "Whenever a city with a Granary shrinks or grows, the foodbox keeps 10 "
49752#~ "stored food.  This helps a city to grow faster and more easily withstand "
49753#~ "famine."
49754#~ msgstr ""
49755#~ "Gdy miast ze Spichlerzem kurczy się lub wzrasta, rezerwa żywności "
49756#~ "zachowuje 10 jednostek żywności. Pozwala to na szybszy wzrost oraz "
49757#~ "umożliwia przetrwanie klęski głodu."
49759#~ msgid ""
49760#~ "Increases by 25% the effect of a Factory and another 25% the effect of a "
49761#~ "Mfg. Plant, and also reduces the amount of pollution generated by shield "
49762#~ "production to 50%."
49763#~ msgstr ""
49764#~ "Zwiększa o 25% produkcję w mieście z Fabryką i o kolejne 25%, jeśli w "
49765#~ "mieście jest Fabryka Zmechanizowana oraz zmniejsza generowane "
49766#~ "zanieczyszczenie o 50%."
49768#~ msgid ""
49769#~ "A Hydro Plant, in combination with a Factory and Mfg. Plant together give "
49770#~ "a 100% production bonus, with pollution only 50% of the equivalent "
49771#~ "combination with a Power Plant. The pollution is reduced to 25% if "
49772#~ "combined with a Recycling Center."
49773#~ msgstr ""
49774#~ "Elektrownia Wodna w połączeniu z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną "
49775#~ "zwiększają produkcję o 100%, generując tylko 50% zanieczyszczeń "
49776#~ "analogicznej kombinacji z Elektrownią Cieplną. Zanieczyszczenie zmniejsza "
49777#~ "się do 25%, jeśli w mieście istnieje Oczyszczalnia."
49779#~ msgid "Reduces the pollution generated by the population in a city by 50%."
49780#~ msgstr ""
49781#~ "Zmniejsza o 50% zanieczyszczenie generowane przez mieszkańców miesta."
49783#~ msgid ""
49784#~ "Manufacturing Plants also increase the pollution caused by the population "
49785#~ "of the city (+25%)."
49786#~ msgstr ""
49787#~ "Fabryka Zautomatyzowana zwiększa o 25% też zanieczyszczenie generowanie "
49788#~ "przez mieszkańców."
49790#~ msgid ""
49791#~ "A Nuclear Plant, in combination with a Factory and Mfg. Plant together "
49792#~ "give a 100% production bonus, with pollution only 50% of the equivalent "
49793#~ "combination with a Power Plant. The pollution is reduced to 25% if "
49794#~ "combined with a Recycling Center."
49795#~ msgstr ""
49796#~ "Elektrownia Atomowa w połączeniu z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną "
49797#~ "zwiększają produkcję o 100%, generując tylko 50% zanieczyszczeń "
49798#~ "analogicznej kombinacji z Elektrownią Cieplną. Zanieczyszczenie zmniejsza "
49799#~ "się do 25%, jeśli w mieście istnieje Oczyszczalnia."
49801#~ msgid ""
49802#~ "Adds 1 extra shield resource on all Oceanic tiles worked by a city.  The "
49803#~ "city needs to be coastal to build this improvement.  Deep ocean tiles "
49804#~ "need to be mined in order to take advantage of the shield bonus."
49805#~ msgstr ""
49806#~ "Dodaje 1 punkt produkcji do wszystkich używanych pól morskich miasta. "
49807#~ "Miasto musi być położone na wybrzeżu, aby zbudować to usprawnienie. "
49808#~ "Głęboki Ocean musi mieć usprawnienia wydobywcze, by móc wykorzystywać "
49809#~ "dodatek do produkcji."
49811#~ msgid ""
49812#~ "Makes 2 unhappy citizens content.  And it neutralises the unhappiness "
49813#~ "caused by 1 military unit."
49814#~ msgstr ""
49815#~ "Czyni 2 niezadowolonych obywateli zadowolonymi w każdym mieście. "
49816#~ "Neutralizuje też niezadowolenie powodowane 1 jednostką zbrojną."
49818#~ msgid ""
49819#~ "Increases by 25% the effect of a Factory and another 25% the effect of a "
49820#~ "Mfg. Plant.  A Power Plant in combination with either a Factory or Mfg. "
49821#~ "Plant gives a 50% production bonus over the level without any of these "
49822#~ "improvements; a Power Plant, Factory, and Mfg. Plant together give a 100% "
49823#~ "production bonus.  The extra production may lead to the city generating "
49824#~ "more pollution."
49825#~ msgstr ""
49826#~ "Zwiększa o 25% produkcję przemysłową miasta z Fabryką i o kolejne 25%, "
49827#~ "jeśli miasto posiada też Fabrykę Zautomatyzowaną. Elektrownia Cieplna "
49828#~ "wraz z Fabryką lub Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 50%, wraz "
49829#~ "z Fabryką oraz Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną zwiększa produkcję o 100%. "
49830#~ "Dodatkowa produkcja może prowadzić do zwiększonej emisji zanieczyszczeń."
49832#~ msgid ""
49833#~ "Protects a city and its environs (up to 2 tiles away) from attacks by "
49834#~ "Nuclear units.  A Nuclear unit attacking a city with SDI Defense, or "
49835#~ "attacking a unit (or deliberately exploded) within range, is shot down "
49836#~ "and simply has no effect.  Also, doubles defense for units in the city "
49837#~ "against non-nuclear missiles."
49838#~ msgstr ""
49839#~ "Chroni miasto i jego okolice (w promieniu 2 pól) przed atakami atomowymi. "
49840#~ "Bomba Atomowa atakująca miasto z Obroną SDI lub jednostkę w jej zasięgu "
49841#~ "zostaje zestrzelona i nie eksploduje. Ponadto Obrona SDI podwaja siłę "
49842#~ "obrony miasta przed atakami Pocisków Balistycznych."
49844#~ msgid ""
49845#~ "Increases by 25% the effect of a Factory and another 25% the effect of a "
49846#~ "Mfg. Plant, and also reduces the amount of pollution generated by shield "
49847#~ "production to 25%."
49848#~ msgstr ""
49849#~ "Zwiększa o 25% produkcję w mieście z Fabryką i o kolejne 25%, jeśli w "
49850#~ "mieście jest Fabryka Zmechanizowana oraz zmniejsza generowane "
49851#~ "zanieczyszczenie o 25%."
49853#~ msgid ""
49854#~ "A Solar Plant, in combination with a Factory and Mfg. Plant together give "
49855#~ "a 100% production bonus, with pollution only 25% of the equivalent "
49856#~ "combination with a Power Plant.  The Solar Plant eliminates all pollution "
49857#~ "generated by production in the city if combined with a Recycling Center."
49858#~ msgstr ""
49859#~ "Elektrownia Słoneczna w połączeniu z Fabryką i Fabryką Zautomatyzowaną "
49860#~ "zwiększają produkcję o 100%, generując tylko 25% zanieczyszczeń "
49861#~ "analogicznej kombinacji z Elektrownią Cieplną. Elektrownia Słoneczna "
49862#~ "całkowicie eliminuje zanieczyszczenie generowane przez produkcję "
49863#~ "przemysłową, jeśli w mieście istnieje Oczyszczalnia."
49865#~ msgid ""
49866#~ "Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50% (by "
49867#~ "100% if Super Highways were built in the city)."
49868#~ msgstr ""
49869#~ "Zwiększa o 50% produkcję luksusu i podatków w mieście (o 100%, jeśli w "
49870#~ "mieście są Autostrady)."
49872#~ msgid ""
49873#~ "Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50%, if "
49874#~ "Stock Exchange was built in the city."
49875#~ msgstr ""
49876#~ "Zwiększa produkcję luksusu i podatków w mieście o dodatkowe 50%, jeśli w "
49877#~ "mieście jest Giełda."
49879#~ msgid ""
49880#~ "Increases the science output in a city by an additional 50% (by 100% if "
49881#~ "the Great Library wonder was built by any player)."
49882#~ msgstr ""
49883#~ "Zwiększa produkcję naukową miasta o 50% (o 100%, jeśli którykolwiek z "
49884#~ "graczy zbudował już cud Wielka Biblioteka)."
49886#~ msgid ""
49887#~ "City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 are free of "
49888#~ "upkeep, for every city with a Stock Exchange.  It also increases to 3 the "
49889#~ "output of Taxman specialists for every nation."
49890#~ msgstr ""
49891#~ "Obiekty w mieście, których utrzymanie kosztują 1 sztukę złota, są "
49892#~ "zwolnione z kosztów utrzymania, w każdym mieście Giełdą. Zwiększa też o 3 "
49893#~ "dochód od poborców podatkowych każdego narodu."
49895#~ msgid ""
49896#~ "Charles Darwin's voyage sparked the discovery of the evolution of the "
49897#~ "species, which inspired greater confidence in science.  All your cities "
49898#~ "generate 1 extra science bulb.  It also increases to 3 the output of "
49899#~ "Scientist specialists for every nation."
49900#~ msgstr ""
49901#~ "Wyprawa Karola Darwina zaowocowała sformułowaniem teorii ewolucji "
49902#~ "gatunków, co z kolei wzbudziło większe zaufanie do nauki. Każde z twoich "
49903#~ "miast produkuje jeden dodatkowy punkt odkryć; ponadto zwiększa do 3 "
49904#~ "produkcję naukowców w każdym narodzie."
49906#~ msgid ""
49907#~ "Your reputation and goodwill among other nations is recovered twice as "
49908#~ "fast.  It also reduces the pollution caused by the population (-25% "
49909#~ "pollution) in all your cities."
49910#~ msgstr ""
49911#~ "Cud sprawia, że twoja reputacja i nastawienie innych graczy względem "
49912#~ "ciebie polepsza się dwukrotnie szybciej. Ponadto zmniejsza 25% "
49913#~ "zanieczyszczenie generowane przez mieszkańców w każdym z twoich miast."
49915#~ msgid "Works as an extra City Wall (+50% defense bonus) in all your cities."
49916#~ msgstr ""
49917#~ "Działa jak dodatkowe Mury Obronne w każdym z twoich miast (+50% do "
49918#~ "obrony)."
49920#~ msgid ""
49921#~ "Makes one unhappy citizen content in every city.  And creates 4 extra "
49922#~ "luxuries in the city where it is located."
49923#~ msgstr ""
49924#~ "Czyni 1 niezadowolonego obywatela zadowolonym we wszystkich miastach. "
49925#~ "Ponadto wytwarza 4 dodatkowe punkty luksusu w mieście, w którym się "
49926#~ "znajduje."
49928#~ msgid ""
49929#~ "Gives an immediate technology advance.  And 6 extra science bulbs in the "
49930#~ "city where it is built.  It also doubles the effect of Universities for "
49931#~ "every nation."
49932#~ msgstr ""
49933#~ "Daje natychmiast nową technologię i 6 punkty odkryć w mieście, w którym "
49934#~ "powstał. Ponadto podwaja efekt Uniwesytetów u każego narodu."
49936#~ msgid ""
49937#~ "It neutralises the unhappiness caused by one military unit per city, and "
49938#~ "it gives two free gold per city for upkeep of units."
49939#~ msgstr ""
49940#~ "Neutralizuje niezadowolenie powodowane przez 1 jednostkę zbrojną na "
49941#~ "miasto i daje 2 dodatkowe sztuki złota na miasto na utrzymanie jednostki."
49943#~ msgid ""
49944#~ "Gives all your sea units 1 additional movement point.  Makes all your new "
49945#~ "military sea units veterans (for all your cities)."
49946#~ msgstr ""
49947#~ "Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu. Ponadto czyni "
49948#~ "weteranami wszystkie nowe morskie jednostki zbrojne (we wszystkich twoich "
49949#~ "miastach)."
49951#~ msgid ""
49952#~ "It neutralises the unhappiness caused by one military unit per city, and "
49953#~ "it gives one free shield per city for upkeep of units."
49954#~ msgstr ""
49955#~ "Neutralizuje niezadowolenie powodowane przez 1 jednostkę zbrojną i daje 1 "
49956#~ "dodatkową tarczę na miasto na utrzymanie jednostek."
49958#~ msgid ""
49959#~ "Creates a world senate that may prevent declarations of war in some "
49960#~ "circumstances.  If any player's city is in revolt for more than two "
49961#~ "turns, that player's government falls.  Also, your reputation and "
49962#~ "goodwill among other nations is recovered twice as fast."
49963#~ msgstr ""
49964#~ "Stwarza \"światowy senat\", który w pewnych okolicznościach może "
49965#~ "zapobiegać wojnom. Jeśli miasto któregokolwiek z graczy pozostaje "
49966#~ "zbuntowane przez więcej niż dwie tury z rzędu, rząd tego gracza upada. "
49967#~ "Ponadto twoja reputacja i stosunki z innymi narodami poprawiają się dwa "
49968#~ "razy szybciej."
49970#~ msgid ""
49971#~ "Fundamentalism is a form of government organized around a central set of "
49972#~ "beliefs. The beliefs, usually religious in nature, form a rigid guideline "
49973#~ "for actions and reactions of both the rulers and the people.\n"
49974#~ "\n"
49975#~ "In a fundamentalist society, the people and the rulers are entirely "
49976#~ "devoted to their beliefs, and are usually willing to die to preserve "
49977#~ "them.\n"
49978#~ "\n"
49979#~ "Improvements that normally convert unhappy citizens to content citizens, "
49980#~ "produce `tithes' (gold) equivalent to the number of people they would "
49981#~ "convert, and require no maintenance."
49982#~ msgstr ""
49983#~ "Fundamentalizm to ustrój opierający się na zasadach, najczęściej "
49984#~ "religijnych, które kierują wszystkimi poczynaniami rządzących i "
49985#~ "poddanych.\n"
49986#~ "\n"
49987#~ "W społeczeństwach fundamentalistycznych, ludzie są ślepo oddani swoim "
49988#~ "przekonaniom zazwyczaj sią gotowi umrzeć za to, w co wierzą.\n"
49989#~ "\n"
49990#~ "Obiekty, które normalnie zmieniają niezadowolonym mieszkańców w "
49991#~ "zadowolonych, tworzą \"datki\" (złoto) odpowiadające liczbie osób, które "
49992#~ "by uszczęśliły i nie wymagają utrzymywania."
49994#~ msgid ""
49995#~ "Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues. Democracy "
49996#~ "offers the highest possible level of trade, but also offers the most "
49997#~ "potential for unhappiness.  There is low corruption during Democracy, but "
49998#~ "citizens become very upset during wars."
49999#~ msgstr ""
50000#~ "Demokracja to ustrój, w którym obywatele rządzą bezpośrednio, głosując w "
50001#~ "referendach. Demokracja charakteryzuje się najwyższym poziomem handlu, "
50002#~ "lecz mieszkańcy łatwo stają się niezadowoleni. Nie występuje korupcja, "
50003#~ "lecz obywatele są bardzo niezadowoleni podczas wojny."
50005#~ msgid "Reduces by 30% the chance of illness in your cities."
50006#~ msgstr "Zmniejsza o 30% ryzyko epidemii w twoich miastach."
50008#~ msgid ""
50009#~ "Allows Settlers, Workers and Engineers to build railroads. Decreases one-"
50010#~ "time revenue from new trade routes."
50011#~ msgstr ""
50012#~ "Pozwala Osadnikom, Robotnikom i Inżynierom budować koleje. Zmniejsza "
50013#~ "jednorazową opłatę za nowy szlak handlowy."
50015#~ msgid ""
50016#~ "Decreases one-time the Waste of shields caused by distance to Capital."
50017#~ msgstr ""
50018#~ "Zmniejsza jednorazowo straty produkcji spowodowane odległością od stolicy."
50020#~ msgid ""
50021#~ "Airstrips are fast-built airbases to allow air units to land and refuel, "
50022#~ "and improve the defense against enemy air units. Air units in an airstrip "
50023#~ "may be attacked by land units. The construction of an airbase can begin "
50024#~ "only after the underlaying airstrip is completed."
50025#~ msgstr ""
50026#~ "Lądowiska to prowizoryczne bazy lotnicze; jednostki powietrzne mogą w "
50027#~ "nich lądować i uzupełniać paliwo, a także lepiej bronią się przed atakami "
50028#~ "wrogich jednostek powietrznych. Jednostka powietrzna pozostająca na "
50029#~ "lądowisku może być atakowana przez jednostki lądowe. Dopiero po "
50030#~ "ukończeniu lądowiska możesz zacząć budować właściwą bazę lotniczą."
50032#~ msgid ""
50033#~ "Workers can also build roads, railroads, trenches, fortresses, airfields, "
50034#~ "airbases, or buoys (when on board a ship)."
50035#~ msgstr ""
50036#~ "Robotnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje, okopy, fortece, lądowiska, bazy "
50037#~ "lotnicze i boje (jeśli są na statkach)."
50039#~ msgid ""
50040#~ "Howitzers are upgraded artillery with improved defensive as well as "
50041#~ "offensive capabilities."
50042#~ msgstr ""
50043#~ "Haubice to udoskonalona artyleria; mają znacznie poprawione zdolności "
50044#~ "zaczepne i obronne."
50046#~ msgid ""
50047#~ "The Helicopter can transport one unit of infantry, and it can bombard to "
50048#~ "enemy units.  Care must be exercised, because Helicopters lose a small "
50049#~ "amount of health for every turn not spent in a city or airbase or on a "
50050#~ "Carrier."
50051#~ msgstr ""
50052#~ "Helikoptery mogą przewozić jedną jednostkę piechoty i bombardować wrogie "
50053#~ "oddziały. Należy jednak zachować ostrożność, ponieważ Helikoptery tracą "
50054#~ "odrobinę energii w każdej turze spędzonej poza miastem, bazą lotniczą lub "
50055#~ "Lotniskowcem."
50057#~ msgid "Workers can also build roads, railroads, fortresses, or airbases."
50058#~ msgstr "Robotnicy mogą też budować drogi, koleje, fortece i bazy lotnicze."
50060#~ msgid "* Immune to the action '%s'.\n"
50061#~ msgstr "* Odporna na działanie '%s'.\n"
50063#~ msgid ""
50064#~ "* Cannot be built to river tiles unless some technology allowing bridge "
50065#~ "building is knowns.\n"
50066#~ msgstr ""
50067#~ "* Nie nie można budować na polach z rzeką, jeśli nie poznano technologii "
50068#~ "umożliwiającej budowanie mostów.\n"
50070#~ msgid "* Makes your %s immune to the action '%s'.\n"
50071#~ msgstr "* Uodparnia %s na działanie '%s'.\n"
50073#~ msgid "units"
50074#~ msgstr " jednostki"
50076#~ msgid "cities"
50077#~ msgstr "miasta"
50079#~ msgid "Establish trade route"
50080#~ msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy"
50082#~ msgid "Fallout contaminated tile."
50083#~ msgstr "Skażone pole."
50085#~ msgid "City got destroyed completely."
50086#~ msgstr "Miasto zostało całkowicie zniszczone."
50088#~ msgid "Some population lost."
50089#~ msgstr "Utracono część populacji."
50091#~ msgid "%s destroyed."
50092#~ msgstr "Zniszczono %s."
50094#~ msgid "Foodbox emptied."
50095#~ msgstr "Rezerwa żywności wyczerpana."
50097#~ msgid "Production box emptied."
50098#~ msgstr "Rezerwa produkcji wyczerpana."
50100#~ msgid "Sets frequency of disasters occurring to cities."
50101#~ msgstr "Ustawia częstotliwość występowania katastrof w miastach."
50103#~ msgid "Only the GGZ client must call freeciv-client in ggz mode!\n"
50104#~ msgstr "Tylko klienty GGZ muszą wywoływać freeciv-client w trybie ggz!\n"
50106#~ msgid "Help build _Wonder (%d remaining)"
50107#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud (pozostało %d)"
50109#~ msgid "Help build _Wonder"
50110#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud"
50112#~ msgid "Establish Trade route"
50113#~ msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy"
50115#~ msgid "Connect to Gaming _Zone"
50116#~ msgstr "Połącz się z Gaming Zone"
50118#~ msgid "Record"
50119#~ msgstr "Rekord"
50121#~ msgid "Rating"
50122#~ msgstr "Ranking"
50124#~ msgid "Help build Wonder (%1 remaining)"
50125#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud (pozostało %1)"
50127#~ msgid "The probability of success is %1%."
50128#~ msgstr "Prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu wynosi %1%."
50130#~ msgid "Help build Wonder (%d remaining)"
50131#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować cud (pozostało %d)"
50133#~ msgid "Establish Trade route with %s ( %d R&G + %d trade )"
50134#~ msgstr "Ustanów szlak handlowy z %s ( %d złota i nauki + %d handlu )"
50136#~ msgid "Enter Marketplace ( %d R&G bonus )"
50137#~ msgstr "Rozpocznij handlowanie (plus %d złota i nauki)"
50139#~ msgid "?nation:Neutral"
50140#~ msgstr "?nation:Neutralni"
50142#~ msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in the nation.\n"
50143#~ msgid_plural "Requires a minimum culture of %d in the nation.\n"
50144#~ msgstr[0] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50145#~ msgstr[1] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50146#~ msgstr[2] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50148#~ msgid "Requires the culture in the nation to be less than %d.\n"
50149#~ msgid_plural "Requires the culture in the nation to be less than %d.\n"
50150#~ msgstr[0] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50151#~ msgstr[1] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50152#~ msgstr[2] "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50154#~ msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some allied nation.\n"
50155#~ msgid_plural "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some allied nation.\n"
50156#~ msgstr[0] ""
50157#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś sprzymierzonym narodzie na poziomie co "
50158#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50159#~ msgstr[1] ""
50160#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś sprzymierzonym narodzie na poziomie co "
50161#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50162#~ msgstr[2] ""
50163#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś sprzymierzonym narodzie na poziomie co "
50164#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50166#~ msgid "Requires the culture in all allied nations to be less than %d.\n"
50167#~ msgid_plural ""
50168#~ "Requires the culture in all allied nations to be less than %d.\n"
50169#~ msgstr[0] ""
50170#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich sprzymierzonych narodach na poziomie "
50171#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50172#~ msgstr[1] ""
50173#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich sprzymierzonych narodach na poziomie "
50174#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50175#~ msgstr[2] ""
50176#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich sprzymierzonych narodach na poziomie "
50177#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50179#~ msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some teamed nation.\n"
50180#~ msgid_plural "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some teamed nation.\n"
50181#~ msgstr[0] ""
50182#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie któregoś członka drużyny na poziomie co "
50183#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50184#~ msgstr[1] ""
50185#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie któregoś członka drużyny na poziomie co "
50186#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50187#~ msgstr[2] ""
50188#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodzie któregoś członka drużyny na poziomie co "
50189#~ "najmniej %d.\n"
50191#~ msgid "Requires the culture in all teamed nations to be less than %d.\n"
50192#~ msgid_plural ""
50193#~ "Requires the culture in all teamed nations to be less than %d.\n"
50194#~ msgstr[0] ""
50195#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodach wszystkich członków drużyny na poziomie "
50196#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50197#~ msgstr[1] ""
50198#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodach wszystkich członków drużyny na poziomie "
50199#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50200#~ msgstr[2] ""
50201#~ "Wymagania: kultura w narodach wszystkich członków drużyny na poziomie "
50202#~ "niższym niż %d.\n"
50204#~ msgid "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some nation.\n"
50205#~ msgid_plural "Requires a minimum culture of %d in some nation.\n"
50206#~ msgstr[0] ""
50207#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50208#~ msgstr[1] ""
50209#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50210#~ msgstr[2] ""
50211#~ "Wymagania: kultura w którymś narodzie na poziomie co najmniej %d.\n"
50213#~ msgid "Requires the culture in all nations to be less than %d.\n"
50214#~ msgid_plural "Requires the culture in all nations to be less than %d.\n"
50215#~ msgstr[0] ""
50216#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich narodach na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50217#~ msgstr[1] ""
50218#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich narodach na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50219#~ msgstr[2] ""
50220#~ "Wymagania: kultura we wszystkich narodach na poziomie niższym niż %d.\n"
50222#~ msgid "Client does not support overhead view tilesets."
50223#~ msgstr "Klient nie obsługuje \"wystającej\" grafiki."
50225#~ msgid "You beat %d in 10000 odds! You're the first one to be so lucky."
50226#~ msgstr "Wygrywasz %d do 10000! Jesteś pierwszym takim szczęśliwcem."
50228#~ msgid "You're the first one to have entered %d huts!"
50229#~ msgstr "Jako pierwszy/a znalazłeś/aś %d chatki!"
50231#~ msgid "Your empire has the first size %d city in the world!"
50232#~ msgstr "Twoje państwo jako pierwsze ma miasto o rozmiarze %d!"
50234#~ msgid "You have city of %d culture points!"
50235#~ msgstr "Masz miasto z %d punktami kultury!"
50237#~ msgid "You beat %d in 10000 odds!"
50238#~ msgstr "Wygrywasz %d do 10000!"
50240#~ msgid "You have entered %d huts!"
50241#~ msgstr "Znalazłeś/aś %d chatki!"
50243#~ msgid "You have your first size %d city!"
50244#~ msgstr "Masz pierwsze miasto o rozmiarze %d!"
50246#~ msgid " (?%%)"
50247#~ msgstr " (?%%)"
50249#~ msgid "Transported units"
50250#~ msgstr "Jednostki transportowane"
50252#~ msgid "Transport dependent units"
50253#~ msgstr "Jednostki zależne od transportu"
50255#~ msgid "%d remaining move fragments"
50256#~ msgstr "%d pozostałe części ruchu"
50258#~ msgid "Trench"
50259#~ msgstr "Okopy"
50261#~ msgid "Airfield"
50262#~ msgstr "Lądowisko"
50264#~ msgid "Antigrav Port"
50265#~ msgstr "Port Antygrawitacyjny"
50267#~ msgid ""
50268#~ "Allows one unit airlift from and to city, increased to three once Low-"
50269#~ "Level Orbit is known."
50270#~ msgstr ""
50271#~ "Pozwala jednej jednostce przenosić się do i z miasta (trzem po odkryciu "
50272#~ "Lotów Na Niskiej Orbicie)."
50274#~ msgid "Archive"
50275#~ msgstr "Archiwum"
50277#~ msgid "Increases the science production of a city by 75%."
50278#~ msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję punktów nauki miasta o 75%."
50280#~ msgid "Basic Infrastructure"
50281#~ msgstr "Podstawowa infrastruktura"
50283#~ msgid ""
50284#~ "Basic Infrastructure to the city. This improvement has no maintenance, "
50285#~ "and cannot be sabotaged by enemy Stealth Spy.\n"
50286#~ "\n"
50287#~ "Without this improvement city cannot grow bigger than size 2."
50288#~ msgstr ""
50289#~ "Podstawowa infrastruktura miasta. Budynek ten nie wymaga utrzymywania i "
50290#~ "nie może być sabotowany przez wrogiego Cicho-Szpiega.\n"
50291#~ "\n"
50292#~ "Bez tego budynku miasto nie może wzrosnąć powyżej rozmiaru 2."
50294#~ msgid "Bunker"
50295#~ msgstr "Schron"
50297#~ msgid "Revolt cannot be incited in a city with bunker."
50298#~ msgstr " W mieście ze Schronem nie da się podburzyć ludności."
50300#~ msgid "Central Mine"
50301#~ msgstr "Kopalnia Miejska"
50303#~ msgid "City center tile produces three extra shields."
50304#~ msgstr "Pole pośrodku miasta daje 3 dodatkowe tarcze."
50306#~ msgid "Cyberpart Factory"
50307#~ msgstr "Fabryka Cyberczęści"
50309#~ msgid "Increases the tax output in a city by 75%."
50310#~ msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję podatków z miasta o 50%."
50312#~ msgid ""
50313#~ "Factory produces spare parts for two units removing their production "
50314#~ "upkeep."
50315#~ msgstr ""
50316#~ "Fabryka produkuje części zamienne dla 2 jednostek, eliminując tym samym "
50317#~ "koszt ich utrzymania."
50319#~ msgid "Filter"
50320#~ msgstr "Filtr"
50322#~ msgid ""
50323#~ "Filter System gets 1 extra food and 1 extra production from each oceanic "
50324#~ "tile."
50325#~ msgstr ""
50326#~ "System Filtrów daje 1 dodatkowy punkt żywności i 1 dodatkowy punkt "
50327#~ "produkcji z każdego pola morskiego."
50329#~ msgid "Force Walls"
50330#~ msgstr "Pole Siłowe"
50332#~ msgid ""
50333#~ "Force Walls doubles city defense against all kind of attacks. Bonus is "
50334#~ "increased to 150% when Strong Force technology is known."
50335#~ msgstr ""
50336#~ "Pola Siłowe podwajają zdolności obronne miasta przed wszystkimi rodzajami "
50337#~ "ataków. Obronność wzrasta o 150% po odkryciu Mocnego Oddziaływania."
50339#~ msgid "Headquarters"
50340#~ msgstr "Centrum Dowodzenia"
50342#~ msgid ""
50343#~ "Headquarters building marks city as your capital. City with headquarters "
50344#~ "is also safe from enemy's incite revolt attacks."
50345#~ msgstr ""
50346#~ "Miasto z Centrum Dowodzenia jest twoją stolicą. W mieście takim nie da "
50347#~ "się podburzyć ludności."
50349#~ msgid ""
50350#~ "Damaged units which stay in city without moving, heal 50% of their "
50351#~ "hitpoints each turn."
50352#~ msgstr ""
50353#~ "Uszkodzone jednostki, które pozostają z obrębie miasta i nie ruszają się, "
50354#~ "odzyskują 50% punktów obrażeń na turę."
50356#~ msgid "Information Distillery"
50357#~ msgstr "Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji"
50359#~ msgid ""
50360#~ "Improved information gathering. Only 2 other civilizations needs to know "
50361#~ "given technology before we gain access to it."
50362#~ msgstr ""
50363#~ "Ulepszone pozyskiwanie informacji. Tylko 2 inne cywilizacje muszą znać "
50364#~ "daną technologię, nim my zyskamy do niej dostęp."
50366#~ msgid "Mood Center"
50367#~ msgstr "Centrum Nastroju"
50369#~ msgid "Makes 3 unhappy citizens content."
50370#~ msgstr "Czyni 3 niezadowolonych mieszkańców zadowolonymi."
50372#~ msgid "Training Facility"
50373#~ msgstr "Centrum Szkoleniowe"
50375#~ msgid "All new units are built as Elite ones."
50376#~ msgstr "Wszystkie nowe jednostki tworzone są jako elitarne."
50378#~ msgid ""
50379#~ "City workers can travel further from city center to work and goods can be "
50380#~ "transported from further away to city center. Makes city area 8 tiles "
50381#~ "bigger."
50382#~ msgstr ""
50383#~ "Robotnicy miejscy mogą udawać się dalej poza miasto i dostarczać dobra z "
50384#~ "odleglejszych pól. Zwiększa obszar miasta o 8 pól."
50386#~ msgid "Radar Tower"
50387#~ msgstr "Wieża Radarowa"
50389#~ msgid "City with Radar Tower sees much further than one without."
50390#~ msgstr "Miasto z Wieżą Radarową na znacznie większe pole widzenia."
50392#~ msgid "Radiation Resistor"
50393#~ msgstr "Osłona Przeciwpromienna"
50395#~ msgid "Radiation Resistor increases maximum city size by 3."
50396#~ msgstr "Osłona Przeciwpromienna zwiąksza maksymalny rozmiar miasta o 3."
50398#~ msgid "Research Nest"
50399#~ msgstr "Centrum Nauki"
50401#~ msgid "Increases the science production of a city by 100%."
50402#~ msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję punktów nauki miasta o 100%."
50404#~ msgid "Secret Police"
50405#~ msgstr "Tajna Policja"
50407#~ msgid ""
50408#~ "Secret Police is good at leading army.\n"
50409#~ "\n"
50410#~ "Makes martial law possible. Each military unit in city makes one unhappy "
50411#~ "citizen content, to the maximum of 2."
50412#~ msgstr ""
50413#~ "Tajna Policja dobrze sprawdza się w kierowaniu armią.\n"
50414#~ "\n"
50415#~ "Umożliwia ona wprowadzanie stanu wyjątkowego. Każda jednostka zbrojna w "
50416#~ "mieście czyni 1 niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym (maksymalnie 2)."
50418#~ msgid "Skyscraper"
50419#~ msgstr "Drapacz Chmur"
50421#~ msgid ""
50422#~ "Radiation is weaker miles high. Top levels of really tall buildings can "
50423#~ "safely house more people.\n"
50424#~ "\n"
50425#~ "Cities can grow 5 sizes bigger."
50426#~ msgstr ""
50427#~ "Promieniowanie jest niższe kilka kilometrów nad powierzchnią ziemi. Górne "
50428#~ "piętra bardzo wysokich budynków dają schronienie większej ilości "
50429#~ "mieszkańców.\n"
50430#~ "\n"
50431#~ "Miasto może wzrosnąć o kolejnych 5 rozmiarów."
50433#~ msgid "Virtual Reality Theatre"
50434#~ msgstr "Teatr VR"
50436#~ msgid "Makes two unhappy citizens content."
50437#~ msgstr "Czyni 2 niezadowolonych mieszkańców zadowolonymi."
50439#~ msgid ""
50440#~ "Space Modules are the most expensive parts of spaceships.  There are "
50441#~ "three different types of Space Module:\n"
50442#~ "\n"
50443#~ "- Habitation Module: provides living space for 10,000 people.\n"
50444#~ "\n"
50445#~ "- Life Support Module: provides food and water for the population of  one "
50446#~ "Habitation Module.\n"
50447#~ "\n"
50448#~ "- Solar Panels: provides the energy needed for any two of the other  "
50449#~ "Modules.\n"
50450#~ "\n"
50451#~ "You can build up to 4 Space Modules of each kind."
50452#~ msgstr ""
50453#~ "Moduły to najdroższe części Rakiet Kosmicznych. Mamy trzy różne typy "
50454#~ "modułów:\n"
50455#~ "\n"
50456#~ "- Moduły Mieszkalne: zapewniają mieszkanie dla 10 000 osób.\n"
50457#~ "\n"
50458#~ "- Moduły Podtrzymywania Życia: zapewniają żywność i wodę dla jednego "
50459#~ "modułu mieszkalnego.\n"
50460#~ "\n"
50461#~ "- Baterie Słoneczne: zapewniają energię dla dowolnych dwóch modułów.\n"
50462#~ "\n"
50463#~ "Możesz zbudować do 4 modułów z każdego typu."
50465#~ msgid "Earth Monument"
50466#~ msgstr "Pomnik Ziemi"
50468#~ msgid ""
50469#~ "Monument to celebrate our true home planet, Earth.\n"
50470#~ "\n"
50471#~ "Each square around the city where this wonder is built that is already "
50472#~ "generating some trade produces one extra trade resource."
50473#~ msgstr ""
50474#~ "Pomnik upamiętniający nasz prawdziwy dom - Ziemię.\n"
50475#~ "\n"
50476#~ "Każde pole wokół miasta, w których zbudowano ten cud, jeśli daje już "
50477#~ "jakieś punkty handlu, przynosi 1 dodatkowy punkt handlu."
50479#~ msgid ""
50480#~ "Real deep mining.\n"
50481#~ "\n"
50482#~ "Each square around the city where this wonder is built that is already "
50483#~ "generating some production produces one extra shield resource."
50484#~ msgstr ""
50485#~ "Umożliwie głębokie prace wydobywcze.\n"
50486#~ "\n"
50487#~ "Każda pole wokół miasta, w którym zbudowano ten cud, jeśli daje już "
50488#~ "jakieś tarcze, przynosi 1 dodatkową tarczę."
50490#~ msgid "Antigrav Control Center"
50491#~ msgstr "Centrum Sterowania Antygrawitacją"
50493#~ msgid ""
50494#~ "All player's antigravity units will regenerate 50% of their hitpoints "
50495#~ "each turn."
50496#~ msgstr ""
50497#~ "Jednostki antygrawitacyjne wszystkich graczy odzyskują 50% punktów "
50498#~ "obrażeń na turę."
50500#~ msgid "Oceanic Downtown"
50501#~ msgstr "Oceaniczne Śródmieście"
50503#~ msgid ""
50504#~ "Each oceanic city center generates 3 points more trade and production."
50505#~ msgstr ""
50506#~ "Cenrum każdego wodnego miasta daje o 3 punkty handlu i produkcji więcej."
50508#~ msgid "Monument of Co-operation"
50509#~ msgstr "Pomnik Współpracy"
50511#~ msgid ""
50512#~ "All player's native alien units will regenerate 50% of their hitpoints "
50513#~ "each turn."
50514#~ msgstr ""
50515#~ "Wszystkie natywne jednostki gracza odzyskują 50% punktów obrażeń na turę."
50517#~ msgid "Protector"
50518#~ msgstr "Egida"
50520#~ msgid ""
50521#~ "Provides additional protection against radiation making it possible for "
50522#~ "all cities player owns to grow 2 sizes bigger."
50523#~ msgstr ""
50524#~ "Zapewnia dodatkową ochronę przed promieniowaniem, więc wszystkie miasta "
50525#~ "gracza mogą osiągnąć rozmiar większy o 2."
50527#~ msgid "Culturists"
50528#~ msgstr "Kulturyści"
50530#~ msgid "?Culturists:C"
50531#~ msgstr "?Culturists:K"
50533#~ msgid ""
50534#~ "Culturists create works that keep people satisfied. They create two "
50535#~ "luxury points per turn, four if Specialist Training tech is known."
50536#~ msgstr ""
50537#~ "Kulturyści tworzą zajęcia, dzięki którym ludzie są bardziej zadowoleni. "
50538#~ "Tworzą 2 punkty luksusu na turę (4 jeśli poznano technologię Szkolenia "
50539#~ "Specjalistów)."
50541#~ msgid ""
50542#~ "Scientist reseach two bulbs worth of science each turn, four bulbs when "
50543#~ "Specialist Training tech is known."
50544#~ msgstr ""
50545#~ "Naukowcy tworzą 2 punkty nauki na turę (4 jeśli jeśli poznano technologię "
50546#~ "Szkolenia Specjalistów)."
50548#~ msgid "Government Merchants"
50549#~ msgstr "Kupcy rządowi"
50551#~ msgid "?Merchant:M"
50552#~ msgstr "?Merchant:R"
50554#~ msgid ""
50555#~ "Government Merchants produce two gold for the government each turn, four "
50556#~ "once Specialist Training tech is known."
50557#~ msgstr ""
50558#~ "Kupcy rządowi tworzą 2 sztuki złota dla rządu na turę (4 jeśli poznano "
50559#~ "technologię Szkolenia Specjalistów)."
50561#~ msgid "Alien World"
50562#~ msgstr "Obcy Świat"
50564#~ msgid ""
50565#~ "One of the design goals of this ruleset is that it has to provide "
50566#~ "gameplay different from standard rules. Do not assume that any rules you "
50567#~ "know from classic rules apply with this ruleset.\n"
50568#~ "\n"
50569#~ "See http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/Alien_World, doc/README.ruleset_alien "
50570#~ "under freeciv version control and http://www.cazfi.net/freeciv/alien/ for "
50571#~ "ruleset info."
50572#~ msgstr ""
50573#~ "Jednym z celów tego zestawu zasad jest stworzenie zasad gry zupełnie "
50574#~ "odmiennych od standardowych. Nie zakładaj, że będę tu działały "
50575#~ "jakiekolwiek prawa znane ci z innych zestawów zasad.\n"
50576#~ "\n"
50577#~ "Informacje o zestawie zasad znajdziesz na http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/"
50578#~ "Alien_World, w doc/README.ruleset_alien w systemie kontroli wersji "
50579#~ "freeciv  i na http://www.cazfi.net/freeciv/alien/ ."
50581#~ msgid "GE"
50582#~ msgstr "e.g."
50584#~ msgid "BGE"
50585#~ msgstr "p.e.g."
50587#~ msgid "Radiation Burst"
50588#~ msgstr "Wzrost promieniowania"
50590#~ msgid "Rebels"
50591#~ msgstr "Buntownicy"
50593#~ msgid "Alien Microbes"
50594#~ msgstr "Obce mikroby"
50596#~ msgid "Anarchy happens between government changes."
50597#~ msgstr "Do Anarchii dochodzi w okresie przejściowym podczas zmiany ustroju."
50599#~ msgid "Leader %s"
50600#~ msgstr "Przywódca %s"
50602#~ msgid "?female:Leader %s"
50603#~ msgstr "?female:Przywódczyni %s"
50605#~ msgid ""
50606#~ "This is the only available form of government in the beginning.\n"
50607#~ "\n"
50608#~ "Max tax/science/lux rate is 40%."
50609#~ msgstr ""
50610#~ "Jest to jedyny ustrój dostępny na początku rozgrywki.\n"
50611#~ "\n"
50612#~ "Maksymalna stawka podatku/nauki/luksusu to 40%."
50614#~ msgid ""
50615#~ "Government type for military might.\n"
50616#~ "\n"
50617#~ "Max tax/science/lux rate is 60%.\n"
50618#~ "\n"
50619#~ "Communism gains 20% bonus to production."
50620#~ msgstr ""
50621#~ "Jest to ustrój dla rządów wojskowych.\n"
50622#~ "\n"
50623#~ "Maksymalna stawka podatku/nauki/luksusu to 60%.\n"
50624#~ "\n"
50625#~ "Komunizm zwiększa produkcję o 20%."
50627#~ msgid ""
50628#~ "Government type of freedom.\n"
50629#~ "\n"
50630#~ "Max tax/science/lux rate is 70%.\n"
50631#~ "\n"
50632#~ "Democracy gains 20% bonus to trade."
50633#~ msgstr ""
50634#~ "Jest to ustrój, w którym najważniejsza jest wolność.\n"
50635#~ "\n"
50636#~ "Maksymalna stawka podatku/nauki/luksusu to 70%.\n"
50637#~ "\n"
50638#~ "Demokracja zwiększa handel o 20%."
50640#~ msgid "Dual Communism"
50641#~ msgstr "DwuKomunizm"
50643#~ msgid ""
50644#~ "Government type for military might for both humans and aliens alike.\n"
50645#~ "\n"
50646#~ "Max tax/science/lux rate is 80%.\n"
50647#~ "\n"
50648#~ "Dual Communism gains 40% production bonus, and 20% trade bonus."
50649#~ msgstr ""
50650#~ "Jest to ustrój dla rządów wojskowych zarówno dla ludzi, jak i dla "
50651#~ "obcych.\n"
50652#~ "\n"
50653#~ "Maksymalna stawka podatku/nauki/luksusu to 80%.\n"
50654#~ "\n"
50655#~ "DwuKomunizm zwiększa produkcję o 40%, a handel o 20%."
50657#~ msgid "Dual Democracy"
50658#~ msgstr "DwuDemokracja"
50660#~ msgid ""
50661#~ "Government type of freedom for both humans and aliens alike.\n"
50662#~ "\n"
50663#~ "Max tax/science/lux rate is 90%.\n"
50664#~ "\n"
50665#~ "Dual Democracy gains 40% trade bonus, and 20% production bonus."
50666#~ msgstr ""
50667#~ "Jest to ustrój, w którym najważniejsza jest wolność zarówno dla ludzi, "
50668#~ "jak i dla obcych.\n"
50669#~ "\n"
50670#~ "Maksymalna stawka podatku/nauki/luksusu to 90%.\n"
50671#~ "\n"
50672#~ "DwuDemokracja zwiększa handel o 40%, a produkcję o 20%."
50674#~ msgid ""
50675#~ "Deneb 7 was known to have strange force field surrounding itthat made it "
50676#~ "impossible to get near planet with year 250 Galactic Era Earthtechnology. "
50677#~ "However, when you were flying past, that field suddenlyreverted and "
50678#~ "sucked you to the planet.\n"
50679#~ "\n"
50680#~ "You find yourself in a strange world, probably touched by "
50681#~ "superiortechnology, where big portion of Earth science is invalid. "
50682#~ "Youhave to learn new rules, rules of this world.\n"
50683#~ "\n"
50684#~ "There's deadly radiation that no known shielding works against.There's "
50685#~ "alien life, but more surprisingly also some edibleplants just like on "
50686#~ "Earth.\n"
50687#~ "\n"
50688#~ "Radio doesn't work, air doesn't allow flying, some basic Physicsdoes not "
50689#~ "apply here.\n"
50690#~ "\n"
50691#~ "You struggle to live on this planet, and read Roadside Picnic by "
50692#~ "Strugatskybrothers once more."
50693#~ msgstr ""
50694#~ "Deneb 7 otoczony jest dziwnym polem siłowym, które uniemożliwiało ludziom "
50695#~ "zbliżenie się do planety przy użyciu ziemskiej techniki z roku 250 Ery "
50696#~ "Galaktycznej. Jednak gdy przelatywaliście w pobliżu Deneba 7, pole nagle "
50697#~ "zmieniło kierunek i ściągnęło was na powierzchnię.\n"
50698#~ "\n"
50699#~ "Znaleźliście się w dziwnym świecie, prawdopodobnie zmienionym przez jakąś "
50700#~ "supertechnologię, w którym nie obowiązuje wiele praw ziemskiej nauki. "
50701#~ "Teraz musisz odkryć nowe prawa, prawa tego świata.\n"
50702#~ "\n"
50703#~ "Występuje to śmiercionośne promieniowanie, przeciw któremu nie działają "
50704#~ "żadne znane ci osłony. Istnieją tu obce formy życia zwierzęcego, ale "
50705#~ "także jadalne rośliny, podobne do tych na Ziemi.\n"
50706#~ "\n"
50707#~ "Radio nie działa, atmosfera nie pozwala na latanie, nie obowiązują też "
50708#~ "niektóre podstawowe prawa fizyki.\n"
50709#~ "\n"
50710#~ "Próbujesz nauczyć się żyć na tej dziwnej planecie i ponownie czytasz "
50711#~ "\"Piknik na skraju drogi\" braci Strugackich."
50713#~ msgid "?style:Human"
50714#~ msgstr "?style:Ludzki"
50716#~ msgid "?citystyle:Human"
50717#~ msgstr "?citystyle:Ludzki"
50719#~ msgid "?citystyle:Dual"
50720#~ msgstr "?citystyle:Dwie Rasy"
50722#~ msgid "?citystyle:Oceanic"
50723#~ msgstr "?citystyle:Oceaniczny"
50725#~ msgid "Alien Rights"
50726#~ msgstr "Prawa Obcych"
50728#~ msgid ""
50729#~ "They're smart. Should they have rights too?\n"
50730#~ "\n"
50731#~ "Alien Forest tiles produce +1 production."
50732#~ msgstr ""
50733#~ "Są inteligentni. Czy oni też powinni mieć prawa?\n"
50734#~ "\n"
50735#~ "Pola Obcego Lasu dają o 1 punkt produkcji więcej."
50737#~ msgid "Alien Taming"
50738#~ msgstr "Oswajanie Obcych"
50740#~ msgid "Some of the Alien lifeforms now work for us."
50741#~ msgstr "Niektóre lokalne formy życia teraz z nami współpracują."
50743#~ msgid "Alien Training"
50744#~ msgstr "Szkolenie Obcych"
50746#~ msgid "Trained native lifeforms - deadly."
50747#~ msgstr "Szkolenie lokalnych form życia - z zabójczym efektem..."
50749#~ msgid "Amphibious Tactics"
50750#~ msgstr "Taktyka Wodno-lądowa"
50752#~ msgid "Warfare with amphibious units."
50753#~ msgstr "Wojna przy użyciu jednostek wodno-lądowych."
50755#~ msgid "Antigravity"
50756#~ msgstr "Antygrawitacja"
50758#~ msgid ""
50759#~ "Even if normal method of flying is impossible in this world antigravity "
50760#~ "works. We just need to master it."
50761#~ msgstr ""
50762#~ "Mimo że normalny lot nie jest tu możliwy, działa antygrawitacja. Musimy "
50763#~ "jedynie nauczyć się ją wykorzystywać."
50765#~ msgid "Burrowing"
50766#~ msgstr "Drążenie"
50768#~ msgid "Brain Development"
50769#~ msgstr "Rozwój mózgu"
50771#~ msgid "Brute Force"
50772#~ msgstr "Wojna Totalna"
50774#~ msgid "It's time to make more powerfull weapons than ever before."
50775#~ msgstr "Czas stworzyć broń potężniejszą niż kiedykolwiek przedtem."
50777#~ msgid "City Defense"
50778#~ msgstr "Obrona Miasta"
50780#~ msgid ""
50781#~ "Advanced form of force channeling allows us to protect city size objects "
50782#~ "with channeled radiation energy."
50783#~ msgstr ""
50784#~ "Zaawansowana inżynieria pola siłowego pozwala nam chronić obiekty "
50785#~ "wielkości miasta przy pomocy energii planety."
50787#~ msgid "Commercial Antigravity"
50788#~ msgstr "Komercyjna Antygrawitacja"
50790#~ msgid ""
50791#~ "Antigravity is not only for military. It has commercial applications as "
50792#~ "well."
50793#~ msgstr ""
50794#~ "Antygrawitacja nie jest technologią wyłącznie wojskową; ma także cywilne "
50795#~ "zastosowania komercyjne."
50797#~ msgid "Communication"
50798#~ msgstr "Komunikacja"
50800#~ msgid ""
50801#~ "Conventional radio does not work here. Develop working alternative that "
50802#~ "takes advantage of the local radiation. You'll get contact to other "
50803#~ "factions.\n"
50804#~ "\n"
50805#~ "Also your own bases can communicate more efficiently with each other, so "
50806#~ "number of bases you have is not causing as much unhappiness as before."
50807#~ msgstr ""
50808#~ "Tradycyjne radio nie działa na tej planecie. Rozwiń alternatywne formy "
50809#~ "komunikacji wykorzystujące lokalne promieniowanie. Dzięki temu nawiążesz "
50810#~ "kontakt z innymi grupami.\n"
50811#~ "\n"
50812#~ "Ponadto twoje własne bazy mogą porozumiewać się sprawniej, więc ilość baz "
50813#~ "nie powoduje tak dużego niezadowolenia jak poprzednio."
50815#~ msgid "Composites"
50816#~ msgstr "Kompozyty"
50818#~ msgid "Stronger materials mean stronger armors."
50819#~ msgstr "Mocniejsze materiały to mocniejsze pancerze."
50821#~ msgid "Controlled Biomass"
50822#~ msgstr "Kontrolowana Biomasa"
50824#~ msgid ""
50825#~ "Bugs, Slimes, Molds. We can drive masses of them together and then "
50826#~ "control movement of that biomass to act like a one being."
50827#~ msgstr ""
50828#~ "Robactwo, śluzy i grzybnie. Możemy połączyć je ze sobą tak, że będą "
50829#~ "zachowywały się jak jednolita masa, którą będziemy kontrolować."
50831#~ msgid "Crust Defense"
50832#~ msgstr "Obrona Podziemna"
50834#~ msgid "Defense against burrowing units."
50835#~ msgstr "Obrona przed jednostkami drążącymi."
50837#~ msgid "Cyber Aliens"
50838#~ msgstr "Cyber-Obcy"
50840#~ msgid "Alliance of the machine and alien organisms."
50841#~ msgstr "Sojusz maszyn i obcych form życia."
50843#~ msgid "Cybermodules"
50844#~ msgstr "Cybermoduły"
50846#~ msgid ""
50847#~ "Standardized cyber units save money - or make money to those producing "
50848#~ "them."
50849#~ msgstr ""
50850#~ "Standaryzowane cyber jednostki to oszczędność pieniędzy lub niezły "
50851#~ "interes dla tych, którzy je produkują."
50853#~ msgid "Cybernetics"
50854#~ msgstr "Cybernetyka"
50856#~ msgid ""
50857#~ "Making old Earth technology better than before is relatively easy task to "
50858#~ "do. For small investment, cybernetics gives us much better attack units."
50859#~ msgstr ""
50860#~ "Rozwijanie starych ziemskich technologii to stosunkowo łatwe zadanie. "
50861#~ "Dzięki cybernetyce można niewielkim kosztem stworzyć znacznie lepsze "
50862#~ "jednostki zaczepne."
50864#~ msgid "Data Storage"
50865#~ msgstr "Przechowywanie Danych"
50867#~ msgid ""
50868#~ "Needs to archive all the media produced for and by politics drive "
50869#~ "development of better data storage methods."
50870#~ msgstr ""
50871#~ "Potrzeba przechowywanie wszystkich przekazów tworzonych przez polityków "
50872#~ "dała impuls do rozwoju lepszych metod przechowywanie danych."
50874#~ msgid "Deep Pumping"
50875#~ msgstr "Pompy Głębinowe"
50877#~ msgid ""
50878#~ "We can pump water from the depths of the crust. We no longerneed any of "
50879#~ "the adjacent tiles to have water in order to build irrigation."
50880#~ msgstr ""
50881#~ "Możemy teraz pompować wodę z głębin skorupy planetarnej. Od teraz "
50882#~ "nawodnienia budować można także na polach nie sąsiadujących ze źródłami "
50883#~ "wody."
50885#~ msgid "Deneb Radar"
50886#~ msgstr "Radar denebański"
50888#~ msgid ""
50889#~ "Not really an conventional radar, but named so as it fills similar role. "
50890#~ "It's based on Deneb 7 radiation and works on this planet."
50891#~ msgstr ""
50892#~ "Nie jest to wprawdzie konwencjonalny radar, ale pełni podobną rolę "
50893#~ "wykorzystując promieniowanie Deneba 7 i tylko on działa na tej planecie."
50895#~ msgid "Dual Government"
50896#~ msgstr "DwuRząd"
50898#~ msgid "Government should consider both Humans and Native aliens."
50899#~ msgstr ""
50900#~ "Ustrój powinien uwzględniać przedstawicieli zarówno Ludzi, jak i Obcych"
50902#~ msgid ""
50903#~ "We are finally able to escape force field surrounding Deneb 7. In "
50904#~ "addition to technical insight it requires correct attitude."
50905#~ msgstr ""
50906#~ "Możemy wreszcie wyrwać się poza pole siłowe otaczające Deneb 7. Oprócz "
50907#~ "odpowiedniej wiedzy technicznej potrzebne jest także odpowiednie "
50908#~ "podejście."
50910#~ msgid "Faction Government"
50911#~ msgstr "Rząd Frakcyjny"
50913#~ msgid "Familiar government types adjusted to local environment."
50914#~ msgstr "Znane typy ustrojów dostosowane do lokalnych warunków."
50916#~ msgid "Faction Politics"
50917#~ msgstr "Polityka Frakcyjna"
50919#~ msgid ""
50920#~ "Human relations in this situation, where various factions have been "
50921#~ "forced to this strange planet, are quite unlike anything seen before. It "
50922#~ "very well deserves small study. Maybe we then can co-operate with other "
50923#~ "factions."
50924#~ msgstr ""
50925#~ "Na planecie, na której różne grupy zmuszone zostały do życia obok siebie, "
50926#~ "relacje społeczne nie są podobne do niczego w znanym Wszechświecie. Może "
50927#~ "jeśli dokładnie zbadamy tą nietypową sytuację, współpraca między różnymi "
50928#~ "grupami będzie układać się gładko?"
50930#~ msgid "Food Regeneration"
50931#~ msgstr "Odzyskiwanie Żywności"
50933#~ msgid ""
50934#~ "If what we harvest grows back faster, we get more food. It's simple as "
50935#~ "that.\n"
50936#~ "\n"
50937#~ "Farmland tiles get additional 50% food production bonus."
50938#~ msgstr ""
50939#~ "To proste: jeśli rośiny, które zbierzemy będą odrastać szybciej, będziemy "
50940#~ "mieli więcej żywności.\n"
50941#~ "\n"
50942#~ "Pola z farmami dają o 50% więcej żywności."
50944#~ msgid "Force Channeling"
50945#~ msgstr "Inżynieria Pola Siłowego"
50947#~ msgid ""
50948#~ "Radiation is obstacle for us, but now also an resource. We know how to "
50949#~ "channel Deneb 7's power to our own use.\n"
50950#~ "\n"
50951#~ "Engineers can build Force Fortresses."
50952#~ msgstr ""
50953#~ "Promieniowanie jest dla nas przeszkodą, lecz także dobrodziejstwem, odkąd "
50954#~ "nauczyliśmy się wykorzystywać pole siłowe Deneba 7 do naszych potrzeb.\n"
50955#~ "\n"
50956#~ "Inżynierowie mogą budować Fortece Siłowe."
50958#~ msgid "Gravity Manipulation"
50959#~ msgstr "Inżynieria Grawitacyjna"
50961#~ msgid ""
50962#~ "From inside the crust we gather information required to understand how "
50963#~ "gravity works and what one can do with it."
50964#~ msgstr ""
50965#~ "Badając skorupę planety, gromadzimy informację o tym, jak działa "
50966#~ "grawitacja i jak możemy ją wykorzystać."
50968#~ msgid "Global Knowledge"
50969#~ msgstr "Globalna Wiedza"
50971#~ msgid ""
50972#~ "Information flows to us. We learn any tech known by four other "
50973#~ "civilizations."
50974#~ msgstr ""
50975#~ "Spływają do nas informacje. Poznajemy każdą technologię znaną czterem "
50976#~ "innym cywilizacjom."
50978#~ msgid "High-Tech Filtering"
50979#~ msgstr "Zaawansowane Filtrowanie"
50981#~ msgid "You can get a lot of things from ocean if you know how."
50982#~ msgstr "Oceany mogą dać nam wiele rzeczy, jeśli tylko wiemy jak je wydobyć."
50984#~ msgid ""
50985#~ "Simply knowing this tech makes two content citizens happy in each city."
50986#~ msgstr ""
50987#~ "Znajomość tej technologii czyni 2 zadowolonych mieszkańców szczęśliwymi w "
50988#~ "każdym mieście."
50990#~ msgid "Low-Level Orbit"
50991#~ msgstr "Loty Na Niskiej Orbicie"
50993#~ msgid ""
50994#~ "With further advances in antigravitics we are able to enter orbit even if "
50995#~ "we still are prisoners of the force field surronding Deneb 7.\n"
50996#~ "\n"
50997#~ "Makes Antigrav Ports more efficient. They can airlift three units instead "
50998#~ "of just one."
50999#~ msgstr ""
51000#~ "Dalsze postępy w badaniach nad antygrawitacją pozwoliły nam wchodzić na "
51001#~ "orbitę, mimo tego że nadal jesteśmy więźniami pola siłowego otaczającego "
51002#~ "Deneb 7.\n"
51003#~ "\n"
51004#~ "Usprawnia działanie Portów Antygrawitacyjnych. Mogą się w nich "
51005#~ "przemieszczać trzy jednostki na turę."
51007#~ msgid ""
51008#~ "Using Deneb 7's own power available everywhere land travel speeds can "
51009#~ "reach levels never seen before."
51010#~ msgstr ""
51011#~ "Wykorzystując energię planety, może podróżować po lądzie z niespotykaną "
51012#~ "dotąd szybkością."
51014#~ msgid "Manufacturing"
51015#~ msgstr "Wytwórstwo"
51017#~ msgid ""
51018#~ "It takes some research to even make basic manufacturing in this alien "
51019#~ "world."
51020#~ msgstr ""
51021#~ "Na tej planecie nawet podstawowa działalność wytwórcza jest trudna bez "
51022#~ "dodatkowych badań."
51024#~ msgid "Martial Law"
51025#~ msgstr "Stan Wyjątkowy"
51027#~ msgid ""
51028#~ "Effective martial law requires that we can react quickly, to immediately "
51029#~ "send forces where they are needed.\n"
51030#~ "\n"
51031#~ "Maximum martial law for cities with Secret Police is increased from two "
51032#~ "to five."
51033#~ msgstr ""
51034#~ "Aby stan wyjątkowy był skuteczny, musimy być w stanie szybko wysyłać "
51035#~ "wojsko tam, gdzie jest potrzebne.\n"
51036#~ "\n"
51037#~ "Maksymalny stan wyjątkowy dla miast z Tajną Policją zwiększa się z 2 do 5."
51039#~ msgid "Mental Powers"
51040#~ msgstr "Zdolności Mentalne"
51042#~ msgid ""
51043#~ "I WANT\n"
51044#~ "\n"
51045#~ "One way to resist radiation is willpower.\n"
51046#~ "\n"
51047#~ "Simply knowing this tech allows cities to grow 3 sizes bigger."
51048#~ msgstr ""
51049#~ "CHCĘ\n"
51050#~ "\n"
51051#~ "Jednym ze sposobów na uchronienie się przed promieniowaniem jest siła "
51052#~ "woli.\n"
51053#~ "\n"
51054#~ "Znajomość tej technologii pozwala miastom wzrosnąć o 3 rozmiary."
51056#~ msgid ""
51057#~ "Earthly mining technologies were not sufficient for heavy scale mining on "
51058#~ "this planet."
51059#~ msgstr ""
51060#~ "Ziemska technologia górnicza nie wystarczała, by prowadzić duże prace "
51061#~ "wydobywcze na tej planecie."
51063#~ msgid "Modified Spitter"
51064#~ msgstr "Zmodyfikowana Plujka"
51066#~ msgid ""
51067#~ "We already know how to make modifications to alien lifeforms. Let's "
51068#~ "improve spitters."
51069#~ msgstr "Potrafimy już modyfikować ocbe formy życia. Ulepszmy plujki!"
51071#~ msgid "Mood Manipulation"
51072#~ msgstr "Inżynieria Nastroju"
51074#~ msgid "People are happy if they believe that they are happy."
51075#~ msgstr "Ludzie są szczęśliwi, jeśli wierzą, że są szczęśliwi."
51077#~ msgid "Naval Superiority"
51078#~ msgstr "Zaawansowana Wojna Morska"
51080#~ msgid ""
51081#~ "It's no longer enough to replicate old Earth technologies. We want "
51082#~ "superiority."
51083#~ msgstr ""
51084#~ "Nie wystarcza nam już kopiowanie ziemskiej technologii. Chcemy ją "
51085#~ "prześcignąć."
51087#~ msgid "New Frontier"
51088#~ msgstr "Nowe Granice"
51090#~ msgid ""
51091#~ "We finally fully realize that we are not limited to what we had as part "
51092#~ "of Earth empire.\n"
51093#~ "\n"
51094#~ "Increases max tax/science/lux rate by 10%."
51095#~ msgstr ""
51096#~ "Zdaliśmy sobie wreszcie sprawę, że nie musimy się ograniczać do tego, co "
51097#~ "mieliśmy w ziemskim imperium.\n"
51098#~ "\n"
51099#~ "Zwiększa maksymalną stawkę podatków/nauki/luksusu o 10%."
51101#~ msgid "Ocean Cities"
51102#~ msgstr "Wodne Miasta"
51104#~ msgid "Cities on ocean. Why not?"
51105#~ msgstr "Miasta na Oceanie. Dlaczegóż by nie?"
51107#~ msgid "Organic Structures"
51108#~ msgstr "Struktury Organiczne"
51110#~ msgid ""
51111#~ "The art of making armor from alien organisms resistant to Deneb 7's "
51112#~ "strange radiation allows us to enter new areas.\n"
51113#~ "\n"
51114#~ "Cities can work radiating tiles."
51115#~ msgstr ""
51116#~ "Umiejętność tworzenia pancerzy z lokalnych organizmów odpornych na dziwne "
51117#~ "promieniowanie Deneba 7 pozwala nam wkroczyć na nowe tereny.\n"
51118#~ "\n"
51119#~ "Miasta mogą zagospodarować radioaktywne pola."
51121#~ msgid ""
51122#~ "It's easy to fall all the way from orbit, but to hit small target and to "
51123#~ "be ready to act immediately after landing are hard for aliens. They need "
51124#~ "extra mental powers for that."
51125#~ msgstr ""
51126#~ "Łatwo jest spaść z orbity, lecz trafić w niewielki cel i być gotowym do "
51127#~ "działania od razu po wylądowaniu jest dla obcych znacznie trudniejsze. "
51128#~ "Potrzebne są im do tego dodatkowe zdolności mentalne."
51130#~ msgid ""
51131#~ "With Virtual Reality it's like actor actually was there with you. When "
51132#~ "you allow actors to teleport to meet their audience, maybe she is.\n"
51133#~ "\n"
51134#~ "Stealth Spies protecting your cities against enemy Spies will get 40% "
51135#~ "bonus. It also gets 40% harder for enemies to sabotage specific buildings."
51136#~ msgstr ""
51137#~ "Dzięki wirtualnej rzeczywistości masz wrażenie, że aktor naprawdę jest "
51138#~ "tuż obok ciebie. Gdy pozwolisz aktorom, by teleportowali się na spotkania "
51139#~ "z widownią, może rzeczywiście tak jest.\n"
51140#~ "\n"
51141#~ "Skuteczność Cicho-Szpiegów broniący miasta przed wrogimi Szpiegami "
51142#~ "zwiększa się o 40%. Szansa na skuteczny sabotaż konkretnego budynku spada "
51143#~ "o 40%."
51145#~ msgid "Protein Modifications"
51146#~ msgstr "Modyfikowane Białka"
51148#~ msgid ""
51149#~ "Turns out we can make alien lifeforms edible.\n"
51150#~ "\n"
51151#~ "Engineers can build Farmland, which increases tile food production by 50%."
51152#~ msgstr ""
51153#~ "Okazuje się, że możemy sprawić, by obce formy życia były jadalne.\n"
51154#~ "\n"
51155#~ "Inżynierowie mogą budować Farmy, które zwiększają produkcję żywności na "
51156#~ "polu o 50%."
51158#~ msgid "Radiation Resistance"
51159#~ msgstr "Odporność Na Promieniowanie"
51161#~ msgid ""
51162#~ "By closely examining alien lifeform and how they survive the radiation, "
51163#~ "we are able to build some radiation resistance to our cities. \n"
51164#~ "\n"
51165#~ "Simply knowing this tech allows cities to grow 1 size bigger."
51166#~ msgstr ""
51167#~ "Po gruntownym zbadaniu lokalnych form życia i tego, jak radzą sobie z "
51168#~ "promieniowaniem, udało nam się zwiększych odporność na promieniowanie "
51169#~ "naszych miast. \n"
51170#~ "\n"
51171#~ "Znajomość tej technologii pozwala naszym miastom wzrosnąć o 1."
51173#~ msgid "Regeneration"
51174#~ msgstr "Regeneracja"
51176#~ msgid ""
51177#~ "We know how aliens regenerate, we know how self-repairing machines "
51178#~ "regenerate, we know how Earth organisms regenerate."
51179#~ msgstr ""
51180#~ "Wiemy jak regenerują się obcy, wiemy jak regenerują się samonaprawiające "
51181#~ "się maszyny, wiemy jak regenerują się ziemskie organizmy."
51183#~ msgid "Research Methods"
51184#~ msgstr "Metody Badawcze"
51186#~ msgid ""
51187#~ "Research methods suitable for tackling challenges here allow us to gain "
51188#~ "knowledge much faster.\n"
51189#~ "\n"
51190#~ "Simply knowing this tech increases science output by 35%."
51191#~ msgstr ""
51192#~ "Metody badawcze przydatne w rozwiązywaniu tutejszych problemów pozwalają "
51193#~ "nam zdobywać wiedzę znacznie szybciej.\n"
51194#~ "\n"
51195#~ "Znajomość tej technologii zwiększa produkcję punktów nauki o 35%."
51197#~ msgid "Smart Aliens"
51198#~ msgstr "Inteligentni Obcy"
51200#~ msgid ""
51201#~ "Once we have given some smarts, backed with some remote control, to them, "
51202#~ "they can work on more demanding tasks."
51203#~ msgstr ""
51204#~ "Uczyniliśmy je bardziej inteligentnymi i wsparliśmy zdalnym sterowaniem, "
51205#~ "dzięki czemu mogą wykonywać trudniejsze zadania."
51207#~ msgid "Soul"
51208#~ msgstr "Dusza"
51210#~ msgid ""
51211#~ "By combining our knowledge about humans and aliens we finally understand "
51212#~ "universal concept of soul.\n"
51213#~ "\n"
51214#~ "We can cause terror in our enemies. Once somebody knows Soul, two content "
51215#~ "citizens is converted to unhappy in every city in the world unless owner "
51216#~ "of the city also knows Soul."
51217#~ msgstr ""
51218#~ "Łącząc naszą wiedzę o ludziach i obcych, poznaliśmy uniwersalną naturę "
51219#~ "duszy.\n"
51220#~ "\n"
51221#~ "Możemy wzbudzać przerażenie w naszych wrogach. Gdy któryś z graczy pozna "
51222#~ "Duszę, 2 mieszkańców staje się niezadowolonymi w każdym mieście na "
51223#~ "świecie, chyba że dany naród również posiadł wiedzę Dusza."
51225#~ msgid "Specialist Training"
51226#~ msgstr "Szkolenia Specjalistów"
51228#~ msgid ""
51229#~ "Based on our Tactics teaching techniques, we can teach our specialists "
51230#~ "trick or two.\n"
51231#~ "\n"
51232#~ "Output of all specialists doubles."
51233#~ msgstr ""
51234#~ "Dzięki Taktyce udoskonaliliśmy nasze techniki nauczanie i możemy "
51235#~ "podszkolić naszych specjalistów.\n"
51236#~ "\n"
51237#~ "Wydajność specjalistów zwiększa się dwukrotnie."
51239#~ msgid "Spitter Control"
51240#~ msgstr "Plujki Bojowe"
51242#~ msgid ""
51243#~ "Alien lifeforms spitting solid objects are interesting research subject."
51244#~ msgstr ""
51245#~ "Obce formy życia plujące twardymi \"pociskami\" to ciekawy przedmiot "
51246#~ "badań."
51248#~ msgid "Stealth Module"
51249#~ msgstr "Moduł Niewidzialności"
51251#~ msgid ""
51252#~ "Even when we know this technology making our units invisible, it's far "
51253#~ "too expensive to be used for armies. It's perfect for individuals in "
51254#~ "espionage mission."
51255#~ msgstr ""
51256#~ "Choć dzięki tej technologii nasze jednostki mogą stać się niewidzialne, "
51257#~ "jest ona zbyt kosztowna, by objąć nią całe armie. Sprawdza się za to "
51258#~ "znakomicie w misjach szpiegowskich."
51260#~ msgid ""
51261#~ "We are quite capable of making different energy fields out of radiation. "
51262#~ "We can still improve, though.\n"
51263#~ "\n"
51264#~ "Allows Engineers to build Towers instead of Force Fortresses."
51265#~ msgstr ""
51266#~ "Potrafimy już wykorzystywać promieniowanie do tworzenia różnych typów "
51267#~ "pola siłowego. Nadal możemy jednak ulepszyć to i owo.\n"
51268#~ "\n"
51269#~ "Inżynierowie mogą budować Wieże zamiast Fortec Siłowych."
51271#~ msgid "Strong Resistance"
51272#~ msgstr "Zwiększona Odporność"
51274#~ msgid ""
51275#~ "We get better at building resistance against radiation.\n"
51276#~ "\n"
51277#~ "Simply knowing this tech allows cities to grow 2 sizes bigger."
51278#~ msgstr ""
51279#~ "Umiemy lepiej bronić się przed promieniowaniem.\n"
51280#~ "\n"
51281#~ "Znajomość tej technologii pozwala miastom wzrosnąć o 2 rozmiary."
51283#~ msgid "Supermodule"
51284#~ msgstr "Supermoduł"
51286#~ msgid "Supermodule combines lesser modules in one extremely efficient pack."
51287#~ msgstr ""
51288#~ "Supermoduł pozwala łączyć mniejsze moduły w niezwykle wydajne systemy."
51290#~ msgid "Synthetic Food"
51291#~ msgstr "Syntetyczna Żywność"
51293#~ msgid ""
51294#~ "This is completely new, and extremely efficient, way of making synthetic "
51295#~ "food.\n"
51296#~ "\n"
51297#~ "As their food consumption is no longer an problem, we can grow bigger, "
51298#~ "meaner, aliens."
51299#~ msgstr ""
51300#~ "To zupełnie nowa i niezwykle wydajna metoda pozyskiwania żywności.\n"
51301#~ "\n"
51302#~ "Skoro pozyskiwanie żywności nie stanowi już problemu, możemy teraz "
51303#~ "hodować większych i groźniejszych obcych."
51305#~ msgid "Teleportation"
51306#~ msgstr "Teleportacja"
51308#~ msgid ""
51309#~ "We can teleport relatively small objects relatively short distances. This "
51310#~ "reduces problem of not being able to fly."
51311#~ msgstr ""
51312#~ "Potrafimy teleportować stosunkowo małe przedmioty na niewielkie "
51313#~ "odległości. Zmniejsza to problem niemożności latania."
51315#~ msgid "Thermal Module"
51316#~ msgstr "Moduł Cieplny"
51318#~ msgid ""
51319#~ "To be competent in boiling waters requires good control of temperature "
51320#~ "surrounding vessels. Also, knowledge about basic module technology allows "
51321#~ "more advanced modules in the future.\n"
51322#~ "\n"
51323#~ "Cities can work Boiling Ocean tiles."
51324#~ msgstr ""
51325#~ "Aby radzić sobie z wrzącymi wodami, musisz nauczyć się kontrolować "
51326#~ "temperaturę na zewnątrz statków. Ponadto wiedza na temat podstawowych "
51327#~ "modułów pozwoli ci tworzyć bardziej zaawansowane moduły w przyszłości.\n"
51328#~ "\n"
51329#~ "Miasta mogą korzystać z pól Wrzącego Oceanu."
51331#~ msgid "Underground Habitat"
51332#~ msgstr "Podziemne Osiedle"
51334#~ msgid ""
51335#~ "If needed, we can produce everything we need without ever leaving "
51336#~ "underground bunker."
51337#~ msgstr ""
51338#~ "Jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba, możemy wyprodukować wszystko bez "
51339#~ "konieczności opuszczania podziemniego schronu."
51341#~ msgid "Travel"
51342#~ msgstr "Podróż"
51344#~ msgid ""
51345#~ "Once we master ship manufacturing, traveling more hospitable seas of "
51346#~ "Deneb 7 proved to be no different from other planets."
51347#~ msgstr ""
51348#~ "Gdy już opanowaliśmy sztukę budowania statków, podróżowanie po gościnnych "
51349#~ "wodach Deneba 7 stało się proste."
51351#~ msgid "Unified Theory"
51352#~ msgstr "Teoria Unifikacji"
51354#~ msgid ""
51355#~ "We now understand that radiation and antigravity are two sides of the "
51356#~ "same phenomenom."
51357#~ msgstr ""
51358#~ "Wiemy już teraz, że promieniowanie i grawitacja to dwa aspekty tego "
51359#~ "samego zjawiska."
51361#~ msgid "Virtual Entertainment"
51362#~ msgstr "Wirtualna Rozrywka"
51364#~ msgid "Another tech that Earth has long been close to mastering."
51365#~ msgstr "Kolejna technologia, którą na Ziemi prawie udało się rozwinąć."
51367#~ msgid "Virtual Reality Training"
51368#~ msgstr "Szkolenia VR"
51370#~ msgid ""
51371#~ "Virtual Reality provides excellent way to train our forces, both infantry "
51372#~ "and naval forces."
51373#~ msgstr ""
51374#~ "Ćwiczenia w wirtualnej rzeczywistości to znakomity sposób na szkolenie "
51375#~ "naszych wojsk, zarówno lądowych, jak i morskich."
51377#~ msgid "War Monsters"
51378#~ msgstr "Potwory Bojowe"
51380#~ msgid ""
51381#~ "We can tame monsters suitable for war. These might be relatively weak, "
51382#~ "but they are the only thing that can wage war on radiating areas for the "
51383#~ "time being."
51384#~ msgstr ""
51385#~ "Potrafimy oswajać potwory nadające się do walki. Są wprawdzie stosunkowo "
51386#~ "słabe, lecz jak na razie tylko one potrafią prowadzić działania wojenne "
51387#~ "na radioaktywnych terenach."
51389#~ msgid ""
51390#~ "We understand Deneb 7 fluid dynamics and can get water to flow where we "
51391#~ "want. Irrigation becomes possible in tiles adjacent to cities and rivers."
51392#~ msgstr ""
51393#~ "Wiedza na temat fizyki płynów na Denebie 7 pozwala nam doprowadzić wodą "
51394#~ "tam, gdzie chcemy. Możemy teraz tworzyć nawodnienie na polach "
51395#~ "przylegających do miast i rzek."
51397#~ msgid ""
51398#~ "Since it seems to be impossible to fly in this world, we focus on "
51399#~ "opposite direction. Burrowing through earth is possible.\n"
51400#~ "\n"
51401#~ msgstr ""
51402#~ "Wydaje się, że latanie nie jest możliwe na tej planecie, więc idziemy w "
51403#~ "drugą stronę. Drążenie w ziemi jest możliwe.\n"
51405#~ msgid "Terrain has alien radiation."
51406#~ msgstr "Na ty terenie występuje obce promieniowanie."
51408#~ msgid "No unit can enter this terrain, nor can city work the tile."
51409#~ msgstr ""
51410#~ "Żadna jednostka nie może wchodzić na ten teren i nie może go "
51411#~ "wykorzystywać żadne miasto."
51413#~ msgid "For some reason, there is Earth like grass and animals around."
51414#~ msgstr ""
51415#~ "Z jakichś dziwnych powodów występują tu trawa i zwierzęta podobne do "
51416#~ "ziemskich."
51418#~ msgid "Alien Forest"
51419#~ msgstr "Obcy Las"
51421#~ msgid ""
51422#~ "These forests are filled with strange alien organisms. This planet's "
51423#~ "radiation makes it impossible for Earthly organisms to survive here.\n"
51424#~ "\n"
51425#~ "Cities can work these tiles only when Organic Structures is known. "
51426#~ "Inventing Alien Rights gives +1 production bonus to Alien Forest tiles."
51427#~ msgstr ""
51428#~ "Lasy te zamieszkują dziwne obce formy życia. Promieniowanie planety "
51429#~ "sprawia, że ziemskie organizmy nie są tu wstanie przetrwać.\n"
51430#~ "\n"
51431#~ "Miasta mogą korzystać z tych pól tylko, jeśli poznaliśmy technologię "
51432#~ "Struktury Organiczne. Poznanie Praw Obcych zwiększa produkcję na polach "
51433#~ "Obcego Lasu o 1."
51435#~ msgid "Radiating Rocks"
51436#~ msgstr "Radioaktywne Skały"
51438#~ msgid ""
51439#~ "Planet's radiation makes it impossible for Earth organisms to survive "
51440#~ "here.\n"
51441#~ "\n"
51442#~ "Cities can work these tiles only when Organic Structures is known."
51443#~ msgstr ""
51444#~ "Promieniowanie planety sprawia, że ziemskie organizmy nie są w stanie tu "
51445#~ "żyć.\n"
51446#~ "\n"
51447#~ "Miasta mogą zagospodarować te pola tylko jeśli poznamy technologię "
51448#~ "Struktury Organiczne."
51450#~ msgid "Hills just like on Earth."
51451#~ msgstr "Wzgórza takie jak na Ziemi."
51453#~ msgid "Thick Mountains"
51454#~ msgstr "Twarde Góry"
51456#~ msgid ""
51457#~ "What are these mountains made of?!? Diamond drill makes no scratch on "
51458#~ "them.\n"
51459#~ "\n"
51460#~ "Burrowing units are unable to burrow through these mountains, but at "
51461#~ "least Burrowing technology makes mining them possible."
51462#~ msgstr ""
51463#~ "Z czego zrobione są te góry?!? Diamentowe wiertła nie mogą ich nawet "
51464#~ "zadrasnąć.\n"
51465#~ "\n"
51466#~ "Jednostki drążące nie mogą przedostać się przez te góry, lecz technologia "
51467#~ "Drążenie umożliwia budowę kopalń."
51469#~ msgid "This is normal oceanic terrain."
51470#~ msgstr "Normalny teren morski."
51472#~ msgid "Boiling Ocean"
51473#~ msgstr "Wrzący Ocean"
51475#~ msgid ""
51476#~ "This ocean is boiling. No ship without special equipment can enter.\n"
51477#~ "\n"
51478#~ "Cities can work these tiles only when Thermal Module is known, and city "
51479#~ "can never be located on Boiling Ocean."
51480#~ msgstr ""
51481#~ "Ten ocean wrze. Mogą go przemierzać jedynie jednostki ze specjalnym "
51482#~ "wyposażeniem.\n"
51483#~ "\n"
51484#~ "Na tych polach nie można budować miast, ale pobliskie miasta mogą ich "
51485#~ "używać, jeśli gracz zna technologię Moduł Cieplny."
51487#~ msgid "Alien Mine"
51488#~ msgstr "Obca kopalnia"
51490#~ msgid "Huge Plant"
51491#~ msgstr "Wielkie rośliny"
51493#~ msgid "Glowing Rocks"
51494#~ msgstr "Świecące skały"
51496#~ msgid "Space Capsule"
51497#~ msgstr "Kapsuła Kosmiczna"
51499#~ msgid ""
51500#~ "Space Capsules have landed to the surface of Deneb Seven's Any unit can "
51501#~ "enter tile with a capsule to open it. Capsule disappears from the map in "
51502#~ "the process. There can be gold, blueprints of new technologies, equipment "
51503#~ "for a unit, or it can even provide starting kit for a new base on the "
51504#~ "spot. Unfortunately it's also possible that Madmen or Lunatics have "
51505#~ "already found the capsule, and are there ready to kill anybody who enters."
51506#~ msgstr ""
51507#~ "Kapsuły kosmiczne wylądowały na powierzchni Deneba 7. Każda jednostka "
51508#~ "może wejść na pole z kapsułą, by ją otworzyć, a sama kapsuła znika w "
51509#~ "wyniku tej czynności. W kapsule można znaleźć złoto, opisy nowych "
51510#~ "technologii, sprzęt dla jednostek, a nawet mogą się one stać zalążkami "
51511#~ "nowych baz. Niestety, może zdarzyć się też, że kapsułę znaleźli już "
51512#~ "Szaleńcy lub Wariaci i zabiją oni każdego, kto do niej wejdzie."
51514#~ msgid "Tower"
51515#~ msgstr "Wieża"
51517#~ msgid "Force Fortress"
51518#~ msgstr "Forteca Siłowa"
51520#~ msgid "Antigrav Base"
51521#~ msgstr "Baza Antygrawitacyjna"
51523#~ msgid ""
51524#~ "Basic Road is available for building from the beginning of the game.\n"
51525#~ "\n"
51526#~ "Having Road on Grassland tile provides increase of +1 to trade on that "
51527#~ "tile."
51528#~ msgstr ""
51529#~ "Podstawowe drogi można budować od samego początku rozgrywki.\n"
51530#~ "\n"
51531#~ "Droga na trawach zwiększa produkcję handlu na tym polu o 1."
51533#~ msgid "Highway"
51534#~ msgstr "Autostrada"
51536#~ msgid "You can upgrade Roads to Highways."
51537#~ msgstr "Możesz ulepszyć drogi do autostrad."
51539#~ msgid ""
51540#~ "You can upgrade Highways to Maglevs.\n"
51541#~ "\n"
51542#~ "Units can move via Maglevs indefinitely, Shield production of any tile "
51543#~ "with Maglev is increased by 50%."
51544#~ msgstr ""
51545#~ "Możesz ulepszych autostrady do maglewów.\n"
51546#~ "\n"
51547#~ "Poruszanie po maglewach nie zużywa punktów ruchu, a pole z maglewem "
51548#~ "zwiększa produkcję tarcz o 50%."
51550#~ msgid "Tunnel"
51551#~ msgstr "Tunel"
51553#~ msgid ""
51554#~ "Earthly units can travel on radiating tiles with tunnel built on them. "
51555#~ "Tunnel provides no increase to unit speed, but they give 35% defense "
51556#~ "bonus."
51557#~ msgstr ""
51558#~ "Ziemskie jednostki mogą poruszać się po radioaktywnych polach tylko, "
51559#~ "jeśli zbudowano na nich tunele. Tunele nie zwiększają szybkości "
51560#~ "jednostki, lecz polepszają ich walory obronne o 35%."
51562#~ msgid "Burrow Tube"
51563#~ msgstr "Kanał Drążne"
51565#~ msgid ""
51566#~ "Burrow Tubes provide the only way for burrowing units to cross oceans. "
51567#~ "They can be built on oceanic terrains only, but first part of the tube "
51568#~ "must be built cardinally adjacent to land and following parts must be "
51569#~ "built in order."
51570#~ msgstr ""
51571#~ "Jednostki drążące mogą poruszać się po oceanach jedynie przez Kanały "
51572#~ "Drążne. Kanały mogą być budowane jedynie na oceanach, lecz pierwsza część "
51573#~ "Kanału musi znajdować się na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio do lądu, a "
51574#~ "kolejne odcinki muszą być budowane w kolejności."
51576#~ msgid ""
51577#~ "Any river increases a tile's defense factor by 50%. Native and Amphibious "
51578#~ "units may move along a River (but not diagonally) for fast travel."
51579#~ msgstr ""
51580#~ "Każda Rzeka zwiększa współczynnik obrony pola o 50%. Jednostki natywne i "
51581#~ "wodno-lądowe mogą poruszać się szybciej wzdłuż Rzeki (ale nie po "
51582#~ "przekątnych)."
51584#~ msgid "Green River increases also tile's food production by 1."
51585#~ msgstr "Zielona Rzeka zwiększa produkcję żywności na polu o 1."
51587#~ msgid "Brown River"
51588#~ msgstr "Brązowa Rzeka"
51590#~ msgid "Brown River increases also tile's shield production by 1."
51591#~ msgstr "Brązowa Rzeka zwiększa też produkcję tarcz na polu o 1."
51593#~ msgid "Regular"
51594#~ msgstr "Zwykły"
51596#~ msgid "Elite"
51597#~ msgstr "Elitarny"
51599#~ msgid "Superb"
51600#~ msgstr "Wybitna"
51602#~ msgid "?unitclass:Amphibious"
51603#~ msgstr "?unitclass:Wodno-lądowa"
51605#~ msgid "?unitclass:Antigravity"
51606#~ msgstr "?unitclass:Antygrawitacyjna"
51608#~ msgid "?unitclass:Burrowing"
51609#~ msgstr "?unitclass:Drążąca"
51611#~ msgid ""
51612#~ "This is Earth technology settler. Most military enemy units can capture "
51613#~ "it instead of killing it."
51614#~ msgstr ""
51615#~ "Ten osadnik używa ziemskiej technologii. Większość jednostek zbrojnych "
51616#~ "może pojmać tą jednostkę, zamiast ją niszczyć."
51618#~ msgid "Native Settlers"
51619#~ msgstr "Natywni Osadnicy"
51621#~ msgid ""
51622#~ "This is native Settler that can enter radiating areas. Most military "
51623#~ "enemy units can capture it instead of killing it."
51624#~ msgstr ""
51625#~ "Ten natywne osadnik może poruszać się po promieniotwórczych terenach. "
51626#~ "Większość jednostek zbrojnych może pojmać tą jednostkę, zamiast ją "
51627#~ "niszczyć."
51629#~ msgid "Engineer"
51630#~ msgstr "Inżynier"
51632#~ msgid "This is Earth technology engineer."
51633#~ msgstr "To jest inżynier w zakresie ziemskiej technologii."
51635#~ msgid "Native Engineer"
51636#~ msgstr "Natywny Inżynier"
51638#~ msgid "Native version of the Engineer unit."
51639#~ msgstr "Natywna wersja Inżyniera."
51641#~ msgid "Water Engineer"
51642#~ msgstr "Inżynier Wodno-lądowy"
51644#~ msgid ""
51645#~ "Amphibious Engineer that can also establish new cities on Ocean. Cities "
51646#~ "cannot be located on Boiling Ocean."
51647#~ msgstr ""
51648#~ "Inżynierowie Wodno-Lądowi mogą też budować miasta na Oceanie (z wyjątkiem "
51649#~ "Wrzącego Oceanu)."
51651#~ msgid "Star Marines"
51652#~ msgstr "Piechota Gwiezdna"
51654#~ msgid ""
51655#~ "This unit may be built from the start of the game.  It is the weakest "
51656#~ "military unit."
51657#~ msgstr ""
51658#~ "Ta jednostka może zostać utworzona już na początku rozgrywki. Jest to "
51659#~ "najsłabsza jednostka zbrojna."
51661#~ msgid "Cyborgs"
51662#~ msgstr "Cyborgi"
51664#~ msgid "Attack power to the early game."
51665#~ msgstr "Jednostka zaczepna we wczesnej fazie gry."
51667#~ msgid "Tank"
51668#~ msgstr "Czołg"
51670#~ msgid "This is the most powerful Earth technology unit."
51671#~ msgstr "Najsilniejsza jednostka bazująca na ziemskiej technologii."
51673#~ msgid "War Monster"
51674#~ msgstr "Potwór Bojowy"
51676#~ msgid "As a native unit, this can move and fight on radiating areas too."
51677#~ msgstr ""
51678#~ "Jako jednostka natywna może poruszać się i walczyć także na "
51679#~ "radioaktywnych terenach."
51681#~ msgid "Crusher"
51682#~ msgstr "Ścigacz"
51684#~ msgid "Alien lifeform trained to be fast."
51685#~ msgstr "Obca forma życia o zwiększonej szybkości."
51687#~ msgid "Cyber Alien"
51688#~ msgstr "Cyber-Obcy"
51690#~ msgid ""
51691#~ "Alien lifeform with cybernetic implants. Good in combat, and has better "
51692#~ "vision than any purely organic unit."
51693#~ msgstr ""
51694#~ "Obca forma życia z cybernetycznymi implantami. Dobra w walce; ma większe "
51695#~ "pole widzenia niż jakakolwiek czysto biologiczna jednostka."
51697#~ msgid "Most powerful alien lifeform, like one from Earth's Jurassic period."
51698#~ msgstr ""
51699#~ "Najpotężniejsza obca forma życia, podobna do ziemskich organizmów z "
51700#~ "okresu jurajskiego."
51702#~ msgid "Paradropper"
51703#~ msgstr "Desantowiec"
51705#~ msgid "Alien lifeform able to paradrop."
51706#~ msgstr "Obca forma życia wyszkolona do zrzutów na teren wroga."
51708#~ msgid "Turtle Defender"
51709#~ msgstr "Tankietka"
51711#~ msgid "This is excellent defense vehicle."
51712#~ msgstr "Jest to znakomity pojazd obronny."
51714#~ msgid "Earth Sub"
51715#~ msgstr "Kret"
51717#~ msgid ""
51718#~ "Burrow through earth. Only some special units can attack against Earth "
51719#~ "Sub. These can pass ocean tiles only through Burrow Tubes."
51720#~ msgstr ""
51721#~ "Porusza się pod ziemią, drążąc przejścia. Tylko niektóre jednostki mogą "
51722#~ "atakować Kreta. Jednostka może przekraczać oceany tylko przez Kanały "
51723#~ "Drążne."
51725#~ msgid "Hunter"
51726#~ msgstr "Łowca"
51728#~ msgid ""
51729#~ "Burrowing unit that also has capability to attack Antigravity units with "
51730#~ "its own minimissiles.\n"
51731#~ "\n"
51732#~ "It's also an settler type unit for hostile areas, well capable of "
51733#~ "defending itself."
51734#~ msgstr ""
51735#~ "Jednostka drążąca potrafiąca atakować jednostki antygrawitacyjne przy "
51736#~ "pomocy własnych minipocisków.\n"
51737#~ "\n"
51738#~ "Jest to też typ jednostki osadniczej działającej na nieprzyjaznych "
51739#~ "terenach, zdolna do bronienia się przed atakiem."
51741#~ msgid "Light Saucer"
51742#~ msgstr "Lekki Spodek"
51744#~ msgid ""
51745#~ "Nobody, but some of the other Antigravity units and Hunters can attack "
51746#~ "this unit. This unit itself can attack other Antigravity units."
51747#~ msgstr ""
51748#~ "Tylko inne jednostki antygrawitacyjne i Łowcy mogą atakować tę jednostkę. "
51749#~ "Lekki Spodek może atakować inne jednostki antygrawitacyjne."
51751#~ msgid "Bomb Saucer"
51752#~ msgstr "Spodek Bombardujący"
51754#~ msgid ""
51755#~ "Nobody, but some of the other Antigravity and Hunters units can attack "
51756#~ "this unit."
51757#~ msgstr ""
51758#~ "Tylko inne jednostki antygrawitacyjne i Łowcy mogą atakować tę jednostkę."
51760#~ msgid "Spitter"
51761#~ msgstr "Plujka"
51763#~ msgid "This alien lifeform is first bombarding unit."
51764#~ msgstr ""
51765#~ "Ta obca forma życia to pierwsza jednostka mogąca przeprowadzać "
51766#~ "bombardowania."
51768#~ msgid "Heavy Spitter"
51769#~ msgstr "Ciężka Plujka"
51771#~ msgid ""
51772#~ "This improved spitter can both make bombard attacks, and transport "
51773#~ "missiles next to targets."
51774#~ msgstr ""
51775#~ "Ulepszona Plujka może przeprowadzać bombardowania i przenosić pociski w "
51776#~ "pobliże celów."
51778#~ msgid "Biomass"
51779#~ msgstr "Biomasa"
51781#~ msgid ""
51782#~ "Just let the biomass to engulf your tank and pick it up, then enjoy the "
51783#~ "ride in the radiation-safe inside of the slimy being."
51784#~ msgstr ""
51785#~ "Pozwól, by biomasa okryła czołg. Możesz go później normalnie używać, a "
51786#~ "oślizgłe ciało ochroni cię przed promieniowaniem."
51788#~ msgid ""
51789#~ "Like all Earthly units, Explorer are unable to enter radiating tiles. "
51790#~ "They can maintain themselves, no upkeep cost to homecity."
51791#~ msgstr ""
51792#~ "Tak jak wszystkie ziemskie jednostki, Badacz nie jest może wchodzić na "
51793#~ "radioaktywne pola. Utrzymują się sami, więc nie obciążają kosztami miasta "
51794#~ "pochodzenia."
51796#~ msgid "Scout Animal"
51797#~ msgstr "Łazik"
51799#~ msgid "This is native scout animal that can enter any land terrain."
51800#~ msgstr ""
51801#~ "Jest to lokalne zwierzę wędrowne zdolne do poruszania się na dowolnych "
51802#~ "terenie lądowym"
51804#~ msgid "Raft"
51805#~ msgstr "Tratwa"
51807#~ msgid "  This vessel allows coastal travel, but not on Boiling Seas."
51808#~ msgstr ""
51809#~ "  Ten środek transportu pozwala pływać po wodach przybrzeżnych, lecz nie "
51810#~ "po Wrzącym Oceanie."
51812#~ msgid "Ship"
51813#~ msgstr "Statek"
51815#~ msgid ""
51816#~ "  This is basic ship type. It has no any special equipment, so it cannot "
51817#~ "enter boiling seas."
51818#~ msgstr ""
51819#~ "  Jest to podstawowy rodzaj statku. Nie ma specjalnego wyposażenia, więc "
51820#~ "nie może zapuszczać się na Wrzący Ocean."
51822#~ msgid "This vessel is for battle! Too bad it cannot enter boiling oceans."
51823#~ msgstr ""
51824#~ "To jest okręt wojenny! Szkoda, że nie może zapuszczać się na Wrzący Ocean."
51826#~ msgid "Battle Unit"
51827#~ msgstr "Amfibia"
51829#~ msgid "Amphibious battle machine."
51830#~ msgstr "Wodno-lądowa maszyna wojenna."
51832#~ msgid "Amphibious Transport"
51833#~ msgstr "Transport wodno-lądowy"
51835#~ msgid "This is first unit that can enter boiling oceans - and more."
51836#~ msgstr ""
51837#~ "Jest to pierwsza jednostka, która może pływać po Wrzącym Oceanie (i nie "
51838#~ "tylko)."
51840#~ msgid ""
51841#~ "Earth technology unit that can establish trade routes and transfer goods "
51842#~ "to help build wonders in other cities."
51843#~ msgstr ""
51844#~ "Jednostka wykorzystująca ziemską technologię, może ustanawiać szlaki "
51845#~ "handlowe i przewozić dobra, by wspomóc budowę cudów w innych miastach."
51847#~ msgid ""
51848#~ "Trade routes with other factions provide three times as much ongoing "
51849#~ "trade as routes within your faction."
51850#~ msgstr ""
51851#~ "Szlaki handlowe z innymi grupami dają trzykrotnie więcej handlu niż "
51852#~ "szlaki ustanawiane wewnątrz własnej grupy. "
51854#~ msgid "Native caravan unit, that can move on all land terrains."
51855#~ msgstr ""
51856#~ "Natywne jednostki handlowe mogą poruszać się po wszystkich polach lądowch."
51858#~ msgid "Stealth Spy"
51859#~ msgstr "Cicho-Szpieg"
51861#~ msgid ""
51862#~ "Stealth Spy can make diplomatic actions, and is invisible until next to "
51863#~ "enemy unit or city."
51864#~ msgstr ""
51865#~ "Cicho-Szpieg może przeprowadzać działania dyplomatyczna i pozostaje "
51866#~ "niewidoczny, jeśli nie znajduje się obok wrogiej jednostki lub miasta."
51868#~ msgid "Teleporting Missile"
51869#~ msgstr "Pocisk Teleportujący"
51871#~ msgid "Teleporting Missile can teleport and attack to neighbour tile."
51872#~ msgstr ""
51873#~ "Pocisk Teleportacyjny może być przeteleportowany w celu zaatakowania "
51874#~ "sąsiedniego pola."
51876#~ msgid "Antiburrow Missile"
51877#~ msgstr "Pocisk Przeciwdrążący"
51879#~ msgid ""
51880#~ "Missile that can attack also against burrowing units. Since more "
51881#~ "expensive than normal Teleporting Missile, does not completely replace it."
51882#~ msgstr ""
51883#~ "Pocisk, który może atakować jednostki drążące. Jest droższy niż Pocisk "
51884#~ "Teleportacyjny, nie jest więc jego zamiennikiem."
51886#~ msgid "Adventurers"
51887#~ msgstr "Łowcy Przygód"
51889#~ msgid "?plural:Adventurers"
51890#~ msgstr "?plural:Łowcy Przygód"
51892#~ msgid ""
51893#~ "Without any destination, they were just traveling around, looking for "
51894#~ "trouble.\n"
51895#~ "\n"
51896#~ "* All units have one extra movement point\n"
51897#~ "* City size limits one size bigger than for other factions"
51898#~ msgstr ""
51899#~ "Rozbijali się bez celu po galaktyce i szukali kłopotów.\n"
51900#~ "\n"
51901#~ "* Wszystkie jednostki mają 1 dodatkowy punkt ruchu.\n"
51902#~ "* Limit rozmiaru miasta jest większy o 1 w porównaniu z innymi grupami"
51904#~ msgid "Galactic Sound"
51905#~ msgstr "Dźwięk Galaktyki"
51907#~ msgid "?plural:Fans"
51908#~ msgstr "?plural:Fani Muzyki"
51910#~ msgid ""
51911#~ "Shipful of music fans originally heading to big concert happening.\n"
51912#~ "\n"
51913#~ "* Three unhappy citizens in each city becomes content"
51914#~ msgstr ""
51915#~ "Tłum fanów muzyki, którzy lecieli na wielki koncert.\n"
51916#~ "\n"
51917#~ "* Trzej niezadowoleni mieszkańcy stają się zadowoleni w każdym mieście."
51919#~ msgid "J&W Corporation"
51920#~ msgstr "Korporacja J&W"
51922#~ msgid "?plural:JeeWees"
51923#~ msgstr "?plural:JotWutowcy"
51925#~ msgid ""
51926#~ "J&W Corporation ship was heading to establish another branch.\n"
51927#~ "\n"
51928#~ "* 40% bonus to trade."
51929#~ msgstr ""
51930#~ "Statek korporacji J&W przemierzał kosmos w celu założenia nowej filii "
51931#~ "przedsiębiorstwa.\n"
51932#~ "\n"
51933#~ "* 40% dodatku do handlu."
51935#~ msgid "Kindergarden"
51936#~ msgstr "Przedszkole"
51938#~ msgid "?plural:Children"
51939#~ msgstr "?plural:Przedszkolanie"
51941#~ msgid ""
51942#~ "Deneb 7 ended vacation of children and their parents. Everyone had kids, "
51943#~ "so obviously there was nobody supporting zero child policy.\n"
51944#~ "\n"
51945#~ "* Granary is not emptied when city grows, but set to 25% full"
51946#~ msgstr ""
51947#~ "Deneb 7 położył kres wakacjom dzieci i ich rodziców. Wszyscy mieli "
51948#~ "dzieci, więc rzecz jasna nikt nie popierał polityki \"zero potomstwa\".\n"
51949#~ "\n"
51950#~ "* Spichlerz nie jest opróżniany, gdy miasto wzrasta, lecz zachowuje 25% "
51951#~ "zapasów."
51953#~ msgid "Lunatic"
51954#~ msgstr "Wariaci"
51956#~ msgid "?plural:Lunatics"
51957#~ msgstr "?plural:Wariaci"
51959#~ msgid "Something drove them crazy, made them escape the society to seas."
51960#~ msgstr "Zwariowali i uciekli od reszty społeczeństwa."
51962#~ msgid "Madmen"
51963#~ msgstr "Szaleńcy"
51965#~ msgid "?plural:Madmen"
51966#~ msgstr "?plural:Szaleńcy"
51968#~ msgid "They have escaped society, and attack it for no sane reason."
51969#~ msgstr "Opuścili społeczeństwo i atakują je bez żadnego sensownego powodu."
51971#~ msgid "Math Club"
51972#~ msgstr "Klub Matematyków"
51974#~ msgid "?plural:Mathematicians"
51975#~ msgstr "?plural:Matematycy"
51977#~ msgid ""
51978#~ "Math Club was traveling home from Math Competition when Deneb 7 got their "
51979#~ "ship.\n"
51980#~ "\n"
51981#~ "* 30% bonus to science output"
51982#~ msgstr ""
51983#~ "Członkowie Klubu Matematyków wracali do domu z Konkursu Matematycznego, "
51984#~ "gdy Deneb 7 przechwycił ich statek.\n"
51985#~ "\n"
51986#~ "* 35% dodatku do produkcji punktów nauki."
51988#~ msgid "Secret Society"
51989#~ msgstr "Tajne Stowarzyszenie"
51991#~ msgid "?plural:Billionaries"
51992#~ msgstr "?plural:Miliarderzy"
51994#~ msgid ""
51995#~ "They are the truly rich of whom nobody knows anything since they "
51996#~ "socialize only in their own circles.\n"
51997#~ "\n"
51998#~ "* Builds veteran Stealth Spies\n"
51999#~ "* Has 50% spy resistance bonus\n"
52000#~ "* 20% bonus to trade"
52001#~ msgstr ""
52002#~ "Wielcy bogacze, o których niewiele wiadomo, gdyż przebywają tylko w swoim "
52003#~ "gronie.\n"
52004#~ "\n"
52005#~ "* Tworzą doświadczonych Cicho-Szpiegów.\n"
52006#~ "* 50% dodatku do obrony przed działaniami szpiegowskimi.\n"
52007#~ "* 20% dodatku do handlu."
52009#~ msgid "Team Gladiators"
52010#~ msgstr "Drużyna Gladiatorów"
52012#~ msgid "?plural:Athletes"
52013#~ msgstr "?plural:Sportowcy"
52015#~ msgid ""
52016#~ "Spaceball is sport of massive teams. Team Gladiators ship contained "
52017#~ "enough players to start entire planetary faction.\n"
52018#~ "\n"
52019#~ "* Builds elite units, superb units in cities with Training Facility\n"
52020#~ "* Each city receives free unit upkeep worth one shield"
52021#~ msgstr ""
52022#~ "Piłka kosmiczna to sport ogromnych drużyn. Statek z Drużyną Gladiatorów "
52023#~ "wiózł tak wielu graczy, że mogą teraz stworzyć oddzielną frakcję.\n"
52024#~ "\n"
52025#~ "* Tworzą doświadczone jednostki i wybitne jednostki w miastach z Centrum "
52026#~ "Szkoleniowym.\n"
52027#~ "* Każde miasta utrzymuje za darmo jednostkę, która kosztuje 1 tarczę."
52029#~ msgid ""
52030#~ "All your new sea units built in cities on the same continent start at the "
52031#~ "first veteran level."
52032#~ msgstr ""
52033#~ "Wszystkie nowe jednostki morskie zbudowane na tym samym kontynencie "
52034#~ "dostają status weterana (1. poziom)."
52036#~ msgid "Unable to make temporary directory for GGZ game.\n"
52037#~ msgstr "Nie można utworzyć folderu tymczasowego dla GGZ game.\n"
52039#~ msgid "Unable to change into temporary server directory %s.\n"
52040#~ msgstr "Nie można przejść do tymczasowego folderu serwera %s.\n"
52042#~ msgid "Cannot change maxplayers in GGZ mode."
52043#~ msgstr "Nie można zmieniać opcji maxplayers w trybie GGZ."
52045#~ msgid ""
52046#~ "For each technology you gain from a diplomatic treaty, you lose research "
52047#~ "points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. "
52048#~ "If this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research points. Also "
52049#~ "applies to gold transfers in diplomatic treaties."
52050#~ msgstr ""
52051#~ "Za każdą technologię uzyskaną na mocy traktatu dyplomatycznego, tracisz "
52052#~ "punkty odkryć w liczbie równej podanemu procentowi kosztu nowej "
52053#~ "technologii. Może się zdarzyć, że twoje punkty odkryć spadną poniżej "
52054#~ "zera. Odnosi się to również do złota uzyskanego na mocy traktatów "
52055#~ "dyplomatycznych."
52057#~ msgid "Cannot toggle a barbarian player."
52058#~ msgstr "Nie można zmienić statusu barbarzyńców."
52060#~ msgid "Your %s helps build the %s in %s (%d remaining)."
52061#~ msgstr "Twoja %s pomogła w budowie %s w mieście %s (pozostało: %d)."
52063#~ msgid "Too far for this unit."
52064#~ msgstr "Zbyt daleko dla tej jednostki."
52066#~ msgid "Your %s Has Arrived"
52067#~ msgstr "Twoja %s  dotarła do celu"
52069#~ msgid "_Fortify Unit"
52070#~ msgstr "Fortyfikuj jednostkę"
52072#~ msgid "CMA"
52073#~ msgstr "Zarządca"
52075#~ msgid "CMA settings"
52076#~ msgstr "Ustawienia zarządcy"
52078#~ msgid "CMA is enabled"
52079#~ msgstr "Zarządca włączony"
52081#~ msgid "CMA is disabled"
52082#~ msgstr "Zarządca wyłączony"
52084#~ msgid "Current units %d"
52085#~ msgstr "Obecne jednostki %d"
52087#~ msgid "[Pixmap]"
52088#~ msgstr "[Mapa pikselowa]"
52090#~ msgid "citizens"
52091#~ msgstr "mieszkańcy"
52093#~ msgid "DISORDER"
52094#~ msgstr "ROZRUCHY"
52096#~ msgid "celebrating"
52097#~ msgstr "świętuje"
52099#~ msgid "happy"
52100#~ msgstr "szczęśliwi"
52102#~ msgid "All Nations"
52103#~ msgstr "Wszystkie narody"
52105#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to disband those %1 units?"
52106#~ msgstr "Na pewno chcesz rozwiązać te %1 jednostki?"
52108#~ msgid "Disband unit(s)"
52109#~ msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę/i"
52111#~ msgid "End Turn"
52112#~ msgstr "Koniec tury"
52114#~ msgid "from"
52115#~ msgstr "z"
52117#~ msgid "Freeciv is covered by the GPL. "
52118#~ msgstr "Freeciv jest dostępne na licencji GPL."
52120#~ msgid "Qt-client is experimental!"
52121#~ msgstr "Klient Qt jest w fazie eksperymentalnej!"
52123#~ msgid "nation"
52124#~ msgstr "naród"
52126#~ msgid "* Pollution cannot be generated on this terrain."
52127#~ msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie pojawiają się zanieczyszczenia."
52129#~ msgid "* Fallout cannot be generated on this terrain."
52130#~ msgstr "* Na tym terenie nie pojawiają się skażenia (nuklearne)."
52132#~ msgid "Learned From Great Library"
52133#~ msgstr "Odkryto w Wielkiej Bibliotece"
52135#~ msgid "Choose Your Covert Strategy"
52136#~ msgstr "Wybierz działanie szpiegowskie"
52138#~ msgid " Villages"
52139#~ msgstr " Wioski"
52141#~ msgid "You are logged in as '%s' connected to an anonymous player."
52142#~ msgstr ""
52143#~ "Zostałeś/aś zalogowany/a jako '%s' i przyłączony/a do gracza anonimowego."
52145#~ msgid "Your %s could not sabotage the %s %s."
52146#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s nie mogła zsabotować %s %s."
52148#~ msgid " (?%)"
52149#~ msgstr " (?%)"
52151#~ msgid " (%1%)"
52152#~ msgstr " (%1%)"
52154#~ msgid "&Refresh"
52155#~ msgstr "&Odśwież"
52157#~ msgid "&Cancel"
52158#~ msgstr "&Anuluj"
52160#~ msgid "&Connect"
52161#~ msgstr "&Połącz"
52163#~ msgid "Time"
52164#~ msgstr "Czas"
52166#~ msgid "Browse"
52167#~ msgstr "Przeglądaj"
52169#~ msgid "?clistmore:, %s"
52170#~ msgstr "?clistmore:, %s"
52172#~ msgid "None. "
52173#~ msgstr "Brak. "
52175#~ msgid "?clistend:."
52176#~ msgstr "?clistlast:."
52178#~ msgid ""
52179#~ "Settlers are one of the key units in the game. As well as building new "
52180#~ "cities, they can also improve terrain, for instance by building "
52181#~ "irrigation, mines, and roads. See the Terrain Alterations section of the "
52182#~ "help for more details."
52183#~ msgstr ""
52184#~ "Osadnicy to jedna z najważniejszych jednostek w grze. Mogą budować nowe "
52185#~ "miasta oraz zmieniać teren, np. tworząc nawodnienie, kopalnie i drogi. "
52186#~ "Więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zmiany terenu\"."
52188#~ msgid ""
52189#~ "Workers are similar to Settlers in that they can improve terrain -- see "
52190#~ "the Terrain Alterations section of the help for more details of the "
52191#~ "available improvements. However, Workers cannot build new cities."
52192#~ msgstr ""
52193#~ "Robotnicy są podobni do Osadników, gdyż potrafią zmieniać teren (zob. "
52194#~ "sekcja \"Zmiany tereny\" w Pomocy). Robotnicy nie mogą jednak budować "
52195#~ "miast."
52197#~ msgid "A desert tile containing a river produces one extra food resource."
52198#~ msgstr ""
52199#~ "Pole z pustynią i rzeką daje o 1 punkt żywności więcej niż pole bez rzeki."
52201#~ msgid ""
52202#~ "Any land terrain type may have a River on it. A River adds 1 trade to the "
52203#~ "resources produced by that tile, and 1 food to Desert tiles. It also "
52204#~ "increases a tile's defense factor by 25%."
52205#~ msgstr ""
52206#~ "Rzeka może leżeć na każdym terenie. Rzeka dodaje 1 punkt do handlu "
52207#~ "wytwarzanego na tym polu i 1 do żywności, jeśli pole jest pustynią. "
52208#~ "Ponadto zwiększa współczynnik obrony pola o 25%."
52210#~ msgid ""
52211#~ "Settlers are one of the key units in the game. As well as building new "
52212#~ "cities, they can also improve terrain, for instance by building "
52213#~ "irrigation, mines, and roads. See the Terrain Alterations section of the "
52214#~ "help for more details.  Settlers reduce the population of the city by 2 "
52215#~ "when they are built."
52216#~ msgstr ""
52217#~ "Osadnicy to jedna z najważniejszych jednostek w grze. Mogą budować nowe "
52218#~ "miasta oraz zmieniać teren, np. tworząc nawodnienie, kopalnie i drogi. "
52219#~ "Więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji \"Zmiany terenu\". Gdy tworzysz "
52220#~ "Osadników, populacja ich miasta zmniejsza się o 2."
52222#~ msgid ""
52223#~ "Migrants are like Workers in that they can improve terrain. However, "
52224#~ "Migrants reduce the population by 1 when they are built, and can be used "
52225#~ "to migrate population to other cities."
52226#~ msgstr ""
52227#~ "Przesiedleńcy tak jak Robotnicy mogą przekształcać teren. Jednak "
52228#~ "Przesiedleńcy zmniejszają populację swego miasta o 1 i mogą być używani, "
52229#~ "by przenosić mieszkańców z miasta do miasta."
52231#~ msgid "Learned %s. "
52232#~ msgstr "Twoi naukowcy odkryli %s. "
52234#~ msgid "Researching %s."
52235#~ msgstr "Badania nad %s."
52237#~ msgid "Insufficient science output. We lost Future Tech. %d."
52238#~ msgstr "Za mała produkcja nauki. Straciliśmy Tech. Przysz. %d."
52240#~ msgid "* Cannot be built.\n"
52241#~ msgstr "* Nie można tego zbudować.\n"
52243#~ msgid "Road Rslt/Time:"
52244#~ msgstr "Droga daje/czas:"
52246#~ msgid "Click left button to changecurrent production"
52247#~ msgstr "Kliknij lewym przyciskiem myszy, aby zmienić bieżącą produkcję"
52249#~ msgid "View"
52250#~ msgstr "Widok"
52252#~ msgid "Fullsceen"
52253#~ msgstr "Pełny ekran"
52255#~ msgid "Amphitheatre"
52256#~ msgstr "Amfiteatr"
52258#~ msgid "Shakespeare's Theatre"
52259#~ msgstr "Teatr Szekspira"
52261#~ msgid ""
52262#~ "Reduces the corruption in a city by 50%.  Under a Democracy, a Courthouse "
52263#~ "makes 1 unhappy citizen content.  Also halves the effective distance to "
52264#~ "the capital, for the purpose of calculating revolt cost."
52265#~ msgstr ""
52266#~ "Zmniejsza korupcję w mieście o 50%. W demokracji Sąd czyni jednego "
52267#~ "mieszkańca zadowolonym. Odległość od stolicy, która jest brana pod uwagę "
52268#~ "podczas obliczania kosztów rewolty, jest zmniejszana o połowę."
52270#~ msgid ""
52271#~ "Reduces the corruption and waste in a city by 50%.  Under a Democracy, a "
52272#~ "Courthouse also makes 1 unhappy citizen content (unless that citizen is "
52273#~ "unhappy about military activity).  Also halves the effective distance to "
52274#~ "the capital, for the purpose of calculating revolt cost."
52275#~ msgstr ""
52276#~ "Zmniejsza korupcję  i straty w mieście o 50%. W Demokracji, Sąd czyni "
52277#~ "jednego niezadowolonego mieszkańca zadowolonym (chyba że jest "
52278#~ "niezadowolony z powodu działań wojennych). Odległość od stolicy "
52279#~ "wpływająca na koszty rewolty zmniejsza się o połowę."
52281#~ msgid "May not be bribed."
52282#~ msgstr "Nie może być przekupiona."
52284#~ msgid "The %s have researched Future Tech. %d."
52285#~ msgstr "%s odkryli Technologię Przyszłości %d."
52287#~ msgid ""
52288#~ "* Can establish trade routes (must travel to target city and must be at "
52289#~ "least %d tiles [in Manhattan distance] from this unit's home city).\n"
52290#~ msgstr ""
52291#~ "* Może ustanawiać szlaki handlowe (musi dojść do miasta docelowego "
52292#~ "odległego o co najmniej %d pól [nie licząc drogi po przekątnej pola]).\n"
52294#~ msgid "* Ignores the effects of city walls.\n"
52295#~ msgstr "* Ignoruje efekt Murów Obronnych miasta.\n"
52297#~ msgid ""
52298#~ "* This unit imposes no zone of control on its adjacent tiles, thus it "
52299#~ "will not restrict movement of other units.\n"
52300#~ msgstr ""
52301#~ "* Ta jednostka nie ustanawia strefy kontroli na przyległych polach, więc "
52302#~ "nie ogranicza ruchu innych jednostek.\n"
52304#~ msgid ""
52305#~ "* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, including unhappiness "
52306#~ "caused by units.\n"
52307#~ msgid_plural ""
52308#~ "* Each of your cities will avoid %d unhappiness, including unhappiness "
52309#~ "caused by units.\n"
52310#~ msgstr[0] ""
52311#~ "* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
52312#~ "spowodowane jednostkami).\n"
52313#~ msgstr[1] ""
52314#~ "* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
52315#~ "spowodowane jednostkami).\n"
52316#~ msgstr[2] ""
52317#~ "* W każdym mieście niezadowolenie będzie zmniejszone o %d (także to "
52318#~ "spowodowane jednostkami).\n"
52320#~ msgid ""
52321#~ "Roads can be built on any land tile, even if there are other improvements "
52322#~ "on that tile. (To build a road on a River tile, though, you must know "
52323#~ "Bridge Building.) With the appropriate advance, roads may later be "
52324#~ "upgraded to railroads. Roads and railroads allow your units to move more "
52325#~ "quickly, and they increase the resources produced in cities."
52326#~ msgstr ""
52327#~ "Drogi i koleje mogą być budowane na dowolnym terenie lądowym, nawet jeśli "
52328#~ "są tam już inne usprawnienie (np. kopalnie). Aby zbudować drogę lub kolej "
52329#~ "na rzece, musisz poznać technologię Budowa Mostów. Przy odpowiedniej "
52330#~ "technologii, droga może być przekształcona na kolej. Drogi i koleje "
52331#~ "pozwalają jednostkom poruszać się szybciej oraz zwiększają produkcję "
52332#~ "zasobów na polach, przez które przebiegają."
52334#~ msgid ""
52335#~ " - Units use only one third of a movement point when going from one tile "
52336#~ "to an adjacent tile, if both tiles have a road."
52337#~ msgstr ""
52338#~ " - Jeśli na dwóch sąsiadujących polach jest zbudowana droga, jednostki "
52339#~ "tracą tylko jedną trzecią punktu ruchu przechodząc  z jednego na drugie."
52341#~ msgid ""
52342#~ " - A road may increase the trade resources produced by some types of "
52343#~ "terrain. This effect is retained when a road is upgraded to a railroad."
52344#~ msgstr ""
52345#~ " - Droga może zwiększyć punkty handlu na niektórych typach terenu. Efekt "
52346#~ "ten utrzymuje się także przy przekształceniu drogi na kolej."
52348#~ msgid ""
52349#~ " - A railroad additionally increases the shield resources produced by a "
52350#~ "tile by 50%. (Depending on server options, railroads may also increase "
52351#~ "food and trade resources, or may increase shield resources by an amount "
52352#~ "other than 50%.)"
52353#~ msgstr ""
52354#~ " - Kolej zwiększa produkcję (tarcze) pola o 50%. (W zależności od opcji "
52355#~ "serwera, koleje mogą także zwiększać produkcję żywności i handlu o "
52356#~ "wartość inną niż 50%.)"
52358#~ msgid ""
52359#~ "Technology advances allow other kinds of structures to be built, "
52360#~ "sometimes known as \"bases\"; see the following sections for details."
52361#~ msgstr ""
52362#~ "Technologie, które pozwalają na budowanie innych struktur zwane są czasem "
52363#~ "\"bazami\"; więcej informacji znajdziesz w kolejnej sekcji."
52365#~ msgid "  Pillaging"
52366#~ msgstr "  Plądrowanie"
52368#~ msgid ""
52369#~ "Many units -- in the default rules, all land units -- have the ability to "
52370#~ "destroy terrain alterations, by pillaging. Pillaging removes one terrain "
52371#~ "alteration per turn per unit. Depending upon the ruleset, you may be "
52372#~ "given a choice of which terrain alteration to pillage, or they will be "
52373#~ "pillaged in the following order:"
52374#~ msgstr ""
52375#~ "Wiele jednostek, a w domyślnym zestawie zasad wszystkie jednostki lądowe, "
52376#~ "ma możliwość niszczenia infrastruktury przez plądrowanie. Plądrowanie "
52377#~ "usuwa jeden element infrastruktury na turę. W zależności od zestawu "
52378#~ "zasad, masz możliwość wyboru obiektu do zniszczenia lub są one niszczone "
52379#~ "w takiej kolejności:"
52381#~ msgid ""
52382#~ " - farmland\n"
52383#~ " - irrigation\n"
52384#~ " - mining\n"
52385#~ " - a base (fortress, airbase, ...)\n"
52386#~ " - a railroad\n"
52387#~ " - a road"
52388#~ msgstr ""
52389#~ " - farmy\n"
52390#~ " - nawodnienia\n"
52391#~ " - kopalnie\n"
52392#~ " - fortece, bazy lotnicze\n"
52393#~ " - koleje\n"
52394#~ " - drogi"
52396#~ msgid ""
52397#~ "Besides working terrain gifted with rare commodities, or with access to "
52398#~ "waterways and roads, you can increase trade by establishing trade routes "
52399#~ "between cities. In the default ruleset, you accomplish this by producing "
52400#~ "a Caravan or Freight unit, sending them to another city at least nine "
52401#~ "tiles away or belonging to a different civilization, and issuing the "
52402#~ "\"make trade route\" command. (The minimum distance can be changed with "
52403#~ "the 'trademindist' server option.)"
52404#~ msgstr ""
52405#~ "Handel wzrasta, gdy mieszkańcy pracują na terenach z pewnymi zasobami "
52406#~ "specjalnymi lub gdy miasta mają dostęp do dróg i szlaków wodnych. Ponadto "
52407#~ "możesz ustanowić szlak handlowy między miastami. W domyślnym zestawie "
52408#~ "zasad, mogą to robić Karawany i Ciężarówki, które należy wysłać do miasta "
52409#~ "oddalonego o co najmniej dziewięć pól lub należącego do innego narodu, a "
52410#~ "następnie wybrać polecenie \"Ustanów szlak handlowy\". Minimalną "
52411#~ "odległość między miastami ustawić można przy pomocy opcji serwera "
52412#~ "'trademindist'."
52414#~ msgid ""
52415#~ "The number of trade routes per city is limited to four. If you attempt to "
52416#~ "establish more routes, the trade route with the smallest ongoing revenue "
52417#~ "is canceled if it would be less than the new route."
52418#~ msgstr ""
52419#~ "Jedno miasto może ustanowić tylko cztery szlaki handlowe. Jeśli "
52420#~ "spróbujesz stworzyć piąty, najmniej opłacalny ustanowiony już szlak "
52421#~ "zostanie zlikwidowany, jeśli nowy szlak przynosi więcej zysków."
52423#~ msgid ""
52424#~ "In the default ruleset, citizens always consider their nationality to be "
52425#~ "that of their home city. However, in some rulesets, citizens' nationality "
52426#~ "can differ from that of the state they inhabit. When a city grows due to "
52427#~ "food surplus, new citizens take the nationality of the city's current "
52428#~ "owner, but when a city is conquered or otherwise transferred, its "
52429#~ "citizens retain their original nationality, as do any immigrants. "
52430#~ "Citizens of another nationality will work in your cities just the same as "
52431#~ "your own, and behave the same in most respects, but their presence makes "
52432#~ "it cheaper for agents of their associated state to incite a revolt in "
52433#~ "your cities, and if migration is enabled, they have an increased tendency "
52434#~ "to migrate to their state's cities. Over time, citizens may be "
52435#~ "assimilated into their home city, depending on ruleset settings. If "
52436#~ "nationality is enabled, you can see the cultural makeup of your cities in "
52437#~ "the City dialog, on the Happiness tab."
52438#~ msgstr ""
52439#~ "W domyślnym zestawie zasad obywatele przyjmują narodowość miasta, w "
52440#~ "którym mieszkają. Jednak w niektórych zestawach zasad w mieście mogą "
52441#~ "mieszkać przedstawiciele innym narodowości. Gdy miasto wzrasta dzięki "
52442#~ "nadwyżkom żywności, nowi mieszkańcy przyjmują narodowość właściciela "
52443#~ "miasta, a gdy miasto jest pdobijane lub przekazywane w inny sposób, "
52444#~ "mieszkańcy i migranci zachowują swą oryginalną narodowość. Mieszkańcy "
52445#~ "innych narodowości będą pracowali i zachowywali się tak jak mieszkańcy "
52446#~ "twojej narodowości, lecz ich obecność sprawia, że agenci ich narodów będą "
52447#~ "ponosili mniejsze koszty podczas podburzania ludności, a jeśli włączono "
52448#~ "opcję migracji, będą oni chętniej przesiedlali się do miast własnego "
52449#~ "narodu. Mieszkańcy innej narodowości mogą być stopniowo asymilowani, w "
52450#~ "zależności od ustawień zestawu zasad. Jeśli włączono opcję narodowości, "
52451#~ "możesz zobaczyć jakie narody składają się na ludność miasta w oknie "
52452#~ "dialogowym miasta w zakładce \"Zadowolenie\"."
52455#~ msgid " Modifying Combat Rules"
52456#~ msgstr " Zmienianie zasad walki"
52458#~ msgid ""
52459#~ "Modifying Combat Rules\n"
52460#~ "----------------------"
52461#~ msgstr ""
52462#~ "Zmienianie zasad walki\n"
52463#~ "-------------------------"
52465#~ msgid ""
52466#~ "The combat rules described before can be modified by changing the "
52467#~ "following modifiers in game.ruleset, section combat_rules: "
52468#~ msgstr ""
52469#~ "Zasady bitwy opisane powyżej mogą zostać zmienione za pomocą poniższych "
52470#~ "współczynników w pliku game.ruleset, w sekcji combat_rules: "
52472#~ msgid ""
52473#~ " - killstack (default: 1). If set to 0, units on the same tile as a lost "
52474#~ "defender are not destroyed."
52475#~ msgstr ""
52476#~ " - killstack (domyślnie: 1). Jeśli ustawione na 0, jednostki znajdujące "
52477#~ "się na tym samym polu, co obrońca nie są niszczone w przypadku nieudanej "
52478#~ "obrony. "
52480#~ msgid ""
52481#~ " - tired_attack (default: 0). If set to 1, units that attack with only "
52482#~ "2/3 or 1/3 moves left will attack with proportionally reduced strength."
52483#~ msgstr ""
52484#~ " - tire_attack (domyślnie: 0). Jeśli ustawione na 1, atakujące jednostki, "
52485#~ "które mają 2/3 lub 1/3 punktów ruchu będą miały odpowiednio zmniejszoną "
52486#~ "siłę ataku."
52488#~ msgid ""
52489#~ "Notes:\n"
52490#~ "\n"
52491#~ "- Only land units are restricted by ZOC.\n"
52492#~ "\n"
52493#~ "- Non-land units can impose ZOC (that is, count as enemy occupied tiles), "
52494#~ "but only if they are on a land tile.  So effectively sea units cannot "
52495#~ "impose ZOC (unless they are in a city), and air units (including "
52496#~ "helicopters) do not impose ZOC if they are over ocean tiles.\n"
52497#~ "\n"
52498#~ "- ZOC does not restrict unit attacks, only movement.\n"
52499#~ "\n"
52500#~ "- An enemy city counts as an enemy occupied tile if there are any units "
52501#~ "inside the city, but not if the city is empty. (This is the same rule as "
52502#~ "for any other tile).\n"
52503#~ "\n"
52504#~ "- Moving from an ocean tile is a special case; moving _to_ an ocean tile "
52505#~ "(moving back onto a boat) is also permitted, by the special case of "
52506#~ "moving onto a friendly unit (the boat)."
52507#~ msgstr ""
52508#~ "Uwagi:\n"
52509#~ "\n"
52510#~ "- Strefy kontroli dotyczą jedynie jednostek lądowych.\n"
52511#~ "\n"
52512#~ "- Nielądowe jednostki także tworzą strefy kontroli, ale tylko wtedy, gdy "
52513#~ "znajdują się na lądzie (np. w porcie). Innymi słowy, jednostki morskie "
52514#~ "nie tworzą stref kontroli (chyba że przebywają w mieście), a jednostki "
52515#~ "powietrzne (w tym Helikoptery) nie tworzą stref kontroli nad oceanem.\n"
52516#~ "\n"
52517#~ "- Strefy kontroli nie ograniczają ataku, a jedynie poruszanie się.\n"
52518#~ "\n"
52519#~ "- Puste miasta nie tworzą stref kontroli (zasady są takie same jak w "
52520#~ "przypadku każdego innego pola).\n"
52521#~ "\n"
52522#~ "- Wejście na ląd to specjalny przypadek; wejście na pole oceanu jest "
52523#~ "także dozwolone, jeśli wchodzimy na przyjazny statek."
52525#~ msgid ""
52526#~ "These rules differ slightly from previous versions of Freeciv (release "
52527#~ "1.8.0 and before) in the following ways:\n"
52528#~ "- Enemy cities with no units in them no longer impose ZOC.\n"
52529#~ "- The special case for land units disembarking is new."
52530#~ msgstr ""
52531#~ "Te zasady różnią się od poprzednich wersji Freeciv (wersja 1.8.0 i "
52532#~ "starsze) w poniższych szczegółach:\n"
52533#~ "- Wrogie miasta bez jednostek wewnątrz nie wytwarzają już stref "
52534#~ "kontroli.\n"
52535#~ "- Zmieniono zasady dotyczące wyładowywania jednostek."
52537#~ msgid "Sea moving start units are not yet supported. Nobody gets %s."
52538#~ msgstr ""
52539#~ "Morskie jednostki początkowe nie są jeszcze wspierane. Nikt nie dostał %s."
52541#~ msgid " (%.1f%% chance of success)"
52542#~ msgstr " (%.1f%% szansy na sukces)"
52544#~ msgid ""
52545#~ "\n"
52546#~ "veteran"
52547#~ msgstr ""
52548#~ "\n"
52549#~ "weteran"
52551#~ msgid "Could not open temp file."
52552#~ msgstr "Nie mogę otworzyć pliku tymczasowego."
52554#~ msgid ""
52555#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; tech not yet available.  "
52556#~ "Postponing..."
52557#~ msgstr ""
52558#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; brak wymaganej technologii. "
52559#~ "Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
52561#~ msgid ""
52562#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; only %s may build this.  "
52563#~ "Postponing..."
52564#~ msgstr ""
52565#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; może to budować jedynie naród %s. "
52566#~ "Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
52568#~ msgid ""
52569#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; only AI of level %s may build this.  "
52570#~ "Postponing..."
52571#~ msgstr ""
52572#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; może to robić jedynie gracz AI "
52573#~ "poziomu %s. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
52575#~ msgid "Negative bulbs allowed before losing tech"
52576#~ msgstr ""
52577#~ "Pozwala się na ujemną liczbę punktów odkryć przed utratą technologii."
52579#~ msgid ""
52580#~ "When your number of bulbs gets negative value lower than this percentage "
52581#~ "of current research cost, you lose one tech and number of bulbs is "
52582#~ "restored to 0. Special value -1 disables tech loss completely."
52583#~ msgstr ""
52584#~ "Gdy liczba punktów odkryć osiągnie wartość ujemną niższą niż procent "
52585#~ "bieżącego kosztu badań, tracisz jedną technologię, a liczba punktów "
52586#~ "odkryć ustawiana jest na 0. Wartość -1 wyłącza utratę technologii w "
52587#~ "czasie rozgrywki."
52589#~ msgid "Bulbs restored when one loses a tech"
52590#~ msgstr "Punkty odkryć odzyskiwane po utracie technologii"
52592#~ msgid ""
52593#~ "When you lose a tech, this percentage of its research cost gets restored. "
52594#~ "Special value -1 means that bulb count is always restored to zero."
52595#~ msgstr ""
52596#~ "Gdy tracisz technologię, taki procent punktów odkryć potrzebnych na jej "
52597#~ "odkrycie zostanie ci zwrócony. Wartość -1 oznacza, że liczba punktów "
52598#~ "odkryć jest zawsze ustawiana na zero."
52600#~ msgid "City style \"%s\": no wall graphics."
52601#~ msgstr "Styl miasta \"%s\": brak grafiki murów miasta."
52603#~ msgid ""
52604#~ "All your new military land units start at the first veteran level. The "
52605#~ "chance of a land unit getting the next veteran level after a battle "
52606#~ "increases by half."
52607#~ msgstr ""
52608#~ "Wszystkie nowe jednostki lądowe dostają pierwszy poziom doświadczenia. "
52609#~ "Szansa uzyskania nowego poziomu doświadczenia po bitwie zwiększa się o "
52610#~ "połowę."
52612#~ msgid "Default ruleset"
52613#~ msgstr "Domyślny zestaw zasad"
52615#~ msgid ""
52616#~ "All your new military land units start at the first veteran level.  The "
52617#~ "chance of a land unit getting the next veteran level after a battle "
52618#~ "increases by half."
52619#~ msgstr ""
52620#~ "Wszystkie nowe jednostki lądowe dostają pierwszy poziom doświadczenia. W "
52621#~ "przypadku jednostek lądowych, szansa uzyskania nowego poziomu "
52622#~ "doświadczenia po bitwie zwiększa się o połowę."
52624#~ msgid ""
52625#~ "Burrow Tubes provide the only way for burrowing units to cross oceans."
52626#~ msgstr ""
52627#~ "Tylko Kanały Drążnicze pozwalają jednostkom drążącym przekraczać oceany."
52629#~ msgid ""
52630#~ "All your new military land units produced in cities on the same continent "
52631#~ "start at the first veteran level."
52632#~ msgstr ""
52633#~ "Wszystkie nowe jednostki morskie zbudowane na tym samym kontynencie "
52634#~ "dostają status weterana (1. poziom)."
52636#~ msgid " (%1% chance of success)"
52637#~ msgstr " (%1% szansy na sukces)"
52639#~ msgid "Requires you to have researched technology with \\%s\" flag.\n"
52640#~ msgstr "Wymagania: technologia z flagą \"%s\".\n"
52642#~ msgid "Requires the %s achievement.\n"
52643#~ msgstr "Wymagania: osiągnięcie %s.\n"
52645#~ msgid "Requires that the %s wonder has not yet been built by any player.\n"
52646#~ msgstr "Wymagania: żaden gracz nie zbudował cudu %s.\n"
52648#~ msgid ""
52649#~ "Requires the %s wonder to either not be owned by you or be on a different "
52650#~ "continent.\n"
52651#~ msgstr ""
52652#~ "Wymagania: nie możesz mieć cudu %s lub znajduje się on na innym "
52653#~ "kontynencie.\n"
52655#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s building in the city.\n"
52656#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w mieście jest budynek %s.\n"
52658#~ msgid "Requires the %s extra on the tile.\n"
52659#~ msgstr "Wymagania: usprawnienie %s na polu.\n"
52661#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s extra on the tile.\n"
52662#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z usprawnieniem %s.\n"
52664#~ msgid "Requires the %s resource on the tile.\n"
52665#~ msgstr "Wymaga %s na tym samym polu.\n"
52667#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s resource on the tile.\n"
52668#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z zasobem %s.\n"
52670#~ msgid ""
52671#~ "Requires the %s resource on the tile or a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52672#~ msgstr "Wymaga %s na tym samym polu lub polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52674#~ msgid ""
52675#~ "Prevented by the %s resource on the tile or a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52676#~ msgstr ""
52677#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z zasobem %s lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio do "
52678#~ "tego zasobu.\n"
52680#~ msgid "Requires the %s resource on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
52681#~ msgstr "Wymaga %s na tym samym lub na przylegającym polu.\n"
52683#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s resource on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
52684#~ msgstr ""
52685#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z zasobem %s lub na polu przylegającym do tego "
52686#~ "zasobu.\n"
52688#~ msgid "Requires the %s resource on a tile within the city radius.\n"
52689#~ msgstr "Wymaga %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
52691#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s resource on a tile within the city radius.\n"
52692#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest zasób %s.\n"
52694#~ msgid "Requires %s style nation.\n"
52695#~ msgstr "Wymagania: styl narodu %s.\n"
52697#~ msgid "Requires that nation is not %s style.\n"
52698#~ msgstr "Wymagania: stylem narodu nie jest %s.\n"
52700#, fuzzy
52701#~ msgid "A tile with max %d unit(s) must be cardinally adjacent.\n"
52702#~ msgstr "Wymagania: %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52704#~ msgid "Requires AI player of level %s.\n"
52705#~ msgstr "Wymagania: gracza AI na poziomie %s.\n"
52707#~ msgid "Requires %s terrain class on the tile.\n"
52708#~ msgstr "Wymagania: typy %s teren.\n"
52710#~ msgid "Prevented by %s terrain class on the tile.\n"
52711#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z typem terenu %s.\n"
52713#~ msgid "Requires %s terrain class on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52714#~ msgstr "Wymagania: teren %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52716#~ msgid "Prevented by %s terrain class on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52717#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu typem terenu %s przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52719#~ msgid "Requires %s terrain class on an adjacent tile.\n"
52720#~ msgstr "Wymagania: teren typu %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
52722#~ msgid "Prevented by %s terrain class on an adjacent tile.\n"
52723#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu przylegającym do typu terenu %s.\n"
52725#~ msgid "Requires %s terrain class on a tile within the city radius.\n"
52726#~ msgstr "Wymagania: typ terenu %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
52728#~ msgid "Prevented by %s terrain class on a tile within the city radius.\n"
52729#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest typ terenu %s.\n"
52731#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" terrain flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52732#~ msgstr ""
52733#~ "Wymagania: flaga terenu \"%s\" na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52735#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" terrain flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52736#~ msgstr ""
52737#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą terenu %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52739#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" terrain flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52740#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga terenu \"%s\" na przylegającym polu.\n"
52742#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" terrain flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52743#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą terenu %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
52745#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" base flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52746#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga bazy \"%s\" na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52748#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" base flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52749#~ msgstr ""
52750#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą bazy %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52752#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" base flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52753#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga bazy \"%s\" na przylegającym polu.\n"
52755#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" base flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52756#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą bazy %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
52758#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" base flag on a tile in the city.\n"
52759#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga bazy \"%s\" w promieniu miasta.\n"
52761#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" base flag on a tile in the city.\n"
52762#~ msgstr ""
52763#~ "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest pole z flagą bazy \"%s\".\n"
52765#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" road flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52766#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga drogi \"%s\" na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52768#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" road flag on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
52769#~ msgstr ""
52770#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą drogi %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
52772#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" road flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52773#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga drogi \"%s\" na przylegającym polu.\n"
52775#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" road flag on an adjacent tile.\n"
52776#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z flagą drogi %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
52778#~ msgid "Requires \"%s\" road flag on a tile in the city.\n"
52779#~ msgstr "Wymagania: flaga drogi \"%s\" w promieniu miasta.\n"
52781#~ msgid "Prevented by \"%s\" road flag on a tile in the city.\n"
52782#~ msgstr ""
52783#~ "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest pole z flagą drogi \"%s\".\n"
52785#~ msgid "Requires we reached the year %d.\n"
52786#~ msgstr "Wymagania: od roku %d.\n"
52788#~ msgid "Max %d unit(s) on the tile"
52789#~ msgstr "Maksymalnie %d jednostki na tym polu."
52791#~ msgid ""
52792#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s resource is required.  "
52793#~ "Postponing..."
52794#~ msgstr ""
52795#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymaga %s. Przesunięto na "
52796#~ "późniejszy termin..."
52798#~ msgid ""
52799#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; max %d unit(s) may be on the tile. "
52800#~ "Postponing..."
52801#~ msgstr ""
52802#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; na polu mogą być maksymalnie %d "
52803#~ "jednostki. Przesunięto na późniejszy termin..."
52805#~ msgid ""
52806#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s terrain class is required.  "
52807#~ "Postponing..."
52808#~ msgstr ""
52809#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany teren to %s. Przesunięto "
52810#~ "na późniejszy termin..."
52812#~ msgid "You must select your city style."
52813#~ msgstr "Należy wybrać styl twych miast."
52815#~ msgid "Establish _Embassy"
52816#~ msgstr "Załóż ambasadę"
52818#~ msgid "_Investigate City"
52819#~ msgstr "Zbadaj miasto"
52821#~ msgid "_Poison City"
52822#~ msgstr "Zatruj miasto"
52824#~ msgid "_Sabotage City"
52825#~ msgstr "Sabotuj Miasto"
52827#~ msgid "Industrial _Sabotage"
52828#~ msgstr "Sabotaż przemysłowy"
52830#~ msgid "Steal _Technology"
52831#~ msgstr "Wykradnij Technologię"
52833#~ msgid "Incite a _Revolt"
52834#~ msgstr "Wznieć Bunt"
52836#~ msgid "_Bribe Enemy Unit"
52837#~ msgstr "Przekup jednostkę wroga"
52839#~ msgid "_Sabotage Enemy Unit"
52840#~ msgstr "Sabotuj jednostkę wroga"
52842#~ msgid "* Can perform diplomatic actions, plus special spy abilities.\n"
52843#~ msgstr "* Może wykonywać czynności dyplomatyczne oraz szpiegowskie.\n"
52845#~ msgid "* Your units cannot be bribed.\n"
52846#~ msgstr "* Twoje jednostki nie mogą zostać przekupione.\n"
52848#~ msgid "* Your cities cannot be incited to revolt.\n"
52849#~ msgstr "* Twoje miasta nie mogą zostać podburzone.\n"
52851#~ msgid "* Veteran %s units.\n"
52852#~ msgstr "* Czyni %s bardziej doświadczonymi.\n"
52854#~ msgid "* Veteran units.\n"
52855#~ msgstr "* Czyni jednostki weteranami.\n"
52857#~ msgid ""
52858#~ "Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50% (by "
52859#~ "100% if the Internet wonder was built by any player)."
52860#~ msgstr ""
52861#~ "Zwiększa produkcję luksusu i podatków w mieście o dodatkowe 50% (o 100%, "
52862#~ "jeśli cud Internet został stworzony przez któregokolwiek z graczy)."
52864#~ msgid ""
52865#~ "Gives you freedom to break any diplomatic agreement even if your "
52866#~ "government has a senate.  It also allows to change the government without "
52867#~ "the transition period of Anarchy."
52868#~ msgstr ""
52869#~ "Pozwala ci zrywać porozumienia dyplomatyczne, nawet jeśli twój ustrój ma "
52870#~ "senat. Pozwala też zmieniać ustroje bez przejściowej fazy Anarchii."
52872#~ msgid ""
52873#~ "It reduces the unhappiness caused by aggressively deployed military units "
52874#~ "owned by that city by 2 under Democracy and 1 under Republic or "
52875#~ "Federation -- in other words, it neutralises the unhappiness caused by a "
52876#~ "single military unit per city."
52877#~ msgstr ""
52878#~ "Zmniejsza niezadowolenie, wynikające z utrzymywania jednostek na "
52879#~ "pozycjach bojowych (o 2 w Demokracji, o 1 w Republice i Federalizmie). "
52880#~ "Innymi słowy, niweluje niezadowolenie spowodowane przez jedną jednostkę "
52881#~ "zbrojną w każdym mieście."
52883#~ msgid "Swordsmen"
52884#~ msgstr "Miecznicy"
52886#~ msgid ""
52887#~ "Swordsmen are heavily armed and well disciplined infantry units with an "
52888#~ "excellent offensive value."
52889#~ msgstr ""
52890#~ "Miecznicy ciężkozbrojna, zdyscyplinowana piechota, charakteryzująca się "
52891#~ "dużą siłą ataku."
52893#~ msgid "Investigate City (free)"
52894#~ msgstr "Zbadaj miasto (za darmo)"
52896#~ msgid "Search for scenarios in directory DIR"
52897#~ msgstr "Szuka scenariuszy w katalogu DIR"
52899#~ msgid "Your %s was executed in %s by primitive %s."
52900#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s została zabita w mieście %s przez %s."
52902#~ msgid "You can't bribe a unit from this nation."
52903#~ msgstr "Nie możesz przekupić jednostki tego narodu."
52905#~ msgid "You can't subvert this city."
52906#~ msgstr "Nie możesz przekupić tego miasta."
52908#~ msgid "fcdb option \"%s\":"
52909#~ msgstr "Opcja fcdb \"%s\":"
52911#~ msgid " missing from config file (using default)"
52912#~ msgstr ""
52913#~ " Nie znaleziono w pliku konfiguracyjnym. Używam ustawień domyślnych."
52915#~ msgid " (config)"
52916#~ msgstr " (z pliku config)"
52918#~ msgid " (set)"
52919#~ msgstr " (ustawiono)"
52921#~ msgid "Illegal value for fcdb port: \"%s\""
52922#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna wartość dla portu fcdb: \"%s\""
52924#~ msgid "You can't attack there."
52925#~ msgstr "Nie możesz tam atakować."
52927#~ msgid "Number of Trade Routes"
52928#~ msgstr "Liczba szlaków handlowych"
52930#~ msgid "World-ranged requirements are only supported for wonders."
52931#~ msgstr "Wymagania o zasięgu globalnym mogą być przypisane jedynie cudom."
52933#~ msgid "Player-ranged requirements are only supported for wonders."
52934#~ msgstr ""
52935#~ "Wymagania o zasięgu terytorium gracza mogą być przypisane jedynie cudom."
52937#~ msgid "Island-ranged requirements are only supported for wonders."
52938#~ msgstr "Wymagania o zasięgu kontynentu mogą być przypisane jedynie cudom."
52940#~ msgid ""
52941#~ "Surviving requirements are only supported at world and player ranges."
52942#~ msgstr ""
52943#~ "Wymagania nieusuwalne dotyczą jedynie całej mapy lub cywilizacji gracza."
52945#~ msgid "elvis"
52946#~ msgstr "komik"
52948#~ msgid "scientist"
52949#~ msgstr "naukowiec"
52951#~ msgid "taxman"
52952#~ msgstr "poborca pod."
52954#~ msgid "Alien mine"
52955#~ msgstr "Kopalnia obcych"
52957#~ msgid ""
52958#~ "Show a list of:\n"
52959#~ " - the player colors,\n"
52960#~ " - connections to the server,\n"
52961#~ " - all player delegations,\n"
52962#~ " - your ignore list,\n"
52963#~ " - the list of defined map images,\n"
52964#~ " - the list of the players in the game,\n"
52965#~ " - the available scenarios,\n"
52966#~ " - the teams of players or\n"
52967#~ " - the running votes.\n"
52968#~ "The argument may be abbreviated, and defaults to 'players' if absent."
52969#~ msgstr ""
52970#~ "Show a list of:\n"
52971#~ " - the player colors,\n"
52972#~ " - connections to the server,\n"
52973#~ " - all player delegations,\n"
52974#~ " - your ignore list,\n"
52975#~ " - the list of defined map images,\n"
52976#~ " - the list of the players in the game,\n"
52977#~ " - the available scenarios,\n"
52978#~ " - the teams of players or\n"
52979#~ " - the running votes.\n"
52980#~ "The argument may be abbreviated, and defaults to 'players' if absent."
52982#~ msgid ""
52983#~ "This setting controls which autosave types get generated:\n"
52984#~ "- \"New turn\" (TURN): Save when turn begins, once every 'saveturns' "
52985#~ "turns.\n"
52986#~ "- \"Game over\" (GAMEOVER): Final save when game ends.\n"
52987#~ "- \"No player connections\" (QUITIDLE): Save before server restarts due "
52988#~ "to lack of players.\n"
52989#~ "- \"Server interrupted\" (INTERRUPT): Save when server quits due to "
52990#~ "interrupt."
52991#~ msgstr ""
52992#~ "Ta opcja określa kiedy gry zapisywane są automatycznie:\n"
52993#~ "- \"Nowa tura\" (TURN): Zapisuje grę na początku tury co liczbę tur "
52994#~ "określoną w opcji 'saveturns'.\n"
52995#~ "- \"Koniec gry\" (GAMEOVER): Końcowy zapis gry, gdy rozgrywka dobiega "
52996#~ "końca.\n"
52997#~ "- \"Brak połączeń graczy\" (QUITIDLE): Zapisuje grę, zanim serwer "
52998#~ "zostanie zrestartowany w wyniku braku graczy.\n"
52999#~ "- \"Serwer rozłączony\" (INTERRUPT): Zapisuje grę, gdy serwer działanie "
53000#~ "serwera zostanie przerwane."
53002#~ msgid "%s nation is not available in this scenario."
53003#~ msgstr "Naród %s nie jest dostępny w tym scenariuszu."
53005#~ msgid "The path may be set via the \"%s\" environment variable."
53006#~ msgstr ""
53007#~ "Ta ścieżka może być ustawiona przy pomocy zmiennej środowiskowej \"%s\". "
53009#~ msgid "Current path is: \"%s\""
53010#~ msgstr "Bieżąca ścieżka to: \"%s\""
53012#~ msgid "The \"%s\" file is required ... aborting!"
53013#~ msgstr "Wymagany jest plik \"%s\"... przerywam!"
53015#~ msgid "Freeciv %s, %s client"
53016#~ msgstr "Freeciv %s, klient %s"
53018#~ msgid "Ooops..."
53019#~ msgstr "Ups..."
53021#~ msgid "This unit cannot be bribed!"
53022#~ msgstr "Tej jednostki nie można przekupić!"
53024#~ msgid ""
53025#~ "In this early Qt-client development phase the only way to connect server "
53026#~ "is viacommandline autoconnect parameter \"-a\""
53027#~ msgstr ""
53028#~ "Klient Qt znajduje się we wczesnej fazie rozwoj i jak na razie z serwerem "
53029#~ "połączyć się można jedynie poprzez parametr autoconnect wiersza poleceń "
53030#~ "\"-a\""
53032#~ msgid "Hut"
53033#~ msgstr "Chatka"
53035#~ msgid "You cannot bribe the %s!"
53036#~ msgstr "Nie można przekupić %s!"
53038#~ msgid ""
53039#~ "New hope sweeps like fire through the country as the discovery of new "
53040#~ "road building technology is announced."
53041#~ msgstr ""
53042#~ "Nowe nadzieje związane z odkryciem nowoczesnej technologii budowy dróg."
53044#~ msgid ""
53045#~ "The people are pleased to hear that your scientists finally know about "
53046#~ "new road building technology."
53047#~ msgstr ""
53048#~ "Ludzie są zadowoleni z tego, że twoi naukowcy w końcu odkryli nową "
53049#~ "technologię budowy dróg."
53051#~ msgid "Bu_ild Farmland"
53052#~ msgstr "Zbuduj farmę"
53054#~ msgid "Build Farmland"
53055#~ msgstr "Zbuduj farmę"
53057#~ msgid "* Can build farmland.\n"
53058#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować farmy.\n"
53060#~ msgid "* Can build farmland (if %s is known).\n"
53061#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować farmy (gracz zna technologię %s).\n"
53063#~ msgid "* Can build farmland (if any of the following are known: %s).\n"
53064#~ msgstr ""
53065#~ "* Potrafi budować farmy (jeśli gracz zna którąkolwiek z technologii: "
53066#~ "%s).\n"
53068#~ msgid "Enable alpha blending"
53069#~ msgstr "Włącz alpha blending"
53071#~ msgid ""
53072#~ "If this is enabled, then alpha blending will be used in rendering, "
53073#~ "instead of an ordered dither.  If there is no hardware support for alpha "
53074#~ "blending, this is much slower."
53075#~ msgstr ""
53076#~ "Ta opcja włącza alpha blending zamiast rozmywania. Jeśli sprzęt nie "
53077#~ "wspiera alpha blendingu, to rysowanie grafiki może być znacznie "
53078#~ "wolniejsze."
53080#~ msgid ""
53081#~ "You can upgrade Roads to Highways.\n"
53082#~ "\n"
53083#~ "Movement via Highway costs 1/3 movement points."
53084#~ msgstr ""
53085#~ "Możesz ulepszyć drogi do autostrad.\n"
53086#~ "\n"
53087#~ "Ruch po autostradzie zużywa 1/3 punktu ruchu."
53089#~ msgid "Ruthenian"
53090#~ msgstr "Ruski"
53092#~ msgid "?plural:Ruthenians"
53093#~ msgstr "?plural:Rusini"
53095#~ msgid "Whether to allow space race"
53096#~ msgstr "Czy pozwolić na Wyścig Kosmiczny?"
53098#~ msgid "If this option is enabled, players can build spaceships."
53099#~ msgstr ""
53100#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że gracze mogą budować Rakiety Kosmiczne."
53102#~ msgid "Whether allied players can win together"
53103#~ msgstr "Czy sprzymierzeni gracze mogą wygrać razem?"
53105#~ msgid ""
53106#~ "If this option is turned on and a point is reached where all the players "
53107#~ "still able to win the game are allies, and at least one defeated player "
53108#~ "is not part of this alliance, then the game will end in an immediate "
53109#~ "shared victory for the allied players."
53110#~ msgstr ""
53111#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że jeśli nastąpi sytuacja, w której wszyscy "
53112#~ "gracze, którzy mogą jeszcze wygrać grę są sprzymierzeni, a co najmniej "
53113#~ "jeden pokonany gracz nie jest częścią sojuszu, gra zakończy się "
53114#~ "natychmiastowym zwycięstwem wszystkich sprzymierzonych graczy."
53116#~ msgid "Activate given unit"
53117#~ msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę"
53119#~ msgid "Activates given unit and closes dialog"
53120#~ msgstr "Aktywuje jednostkę i zamyka okno"
53122#~ msgid "Sentry given unit"
53123#~ msgstr "Wartuj jednostkę"
53125#~ msgid ""
53126#~ "Fortify given unit ( Doesn't grant extra bonus to defence. Each unit in "
53127#~ "city gets such bonus without fortifying"
53128#~ msgstr ""
53129#~ "Umocnij daną jednostkę (nie daje dodatkowych punktów obrony, każda "
53130#~ "jednostka w mieście dostaje dodatkowe punktu nawet bez umacniania się"
53132#~ msgid "Disbands given unit ( City will get half of production of unit"
53133#~ msgstr ""
53134#~ "Rozwiąż daną jednostkę (miastu zwracana jest połowa kosztów produkcji "
53135#~ "jednostki"
53137#~ msgid "Changes homecity of given unit to current city"
53138#~ msgstr "Zmienia miasta pochodzenia danej jednostki na bieżące miasto."
53140#~ msgid "TURN"
53141#~ msgstr "TURA"
53143#~ msgid "Build city"
53144#~ msgstr "Zbuduj miasto"
53146#~ msgid "Requires the %s terrain special on the tile.\n"
53147#~ msgstr "Wymagania: zasób specjalny %s.\n"
53149#~ msgid "Prevented by the %s terrain special on the tile.\n"
53150#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli na polu jest zasób specjalny %s.\n"
53152#~ msgid ""
53153#~ "Requires the %s terrain special on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
53154#~ "tile.\n"
53155#~ msgstr ""
53156#~ "Wymagania: zasób specjalny %s na tym samym lub na polu przylegającym "
53157#~ "bezpośrednio.\n"
53159#~ msgid ""
53160#~ "Prevented by the %s terrain special on the tile or a cardinally adjacent "
53161#~ "tile.\n"
53162#~ msgstr ""
53163#~ "Niemożliwe, jeśli na tym samym lub na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio "
53164#~ "jest zasób specjalny %s.\n"
53166#~ msgid "Requires the %s terrain special on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
53167#~ msgstr ""
53168#~ "Wymagania: zasób specjalny %s na tym samym lub na przylegającym polu.\n"
53170#~ msgid ""
53171#~ "Prevented by the %s terrain special on the tile or an adjacent tile.\n"
53172#~ msgstr ""
53173#~ "Niemożliwe na polu z terenem %s i na polu przylegającym do tego terenu.\n"
53175#~ msgid "Requires the %s terrain special on a tile within the city radius.\n"
53176#~ msgstr "Wymagania: zasób specjalny %s w promieniu miasta.\n"
53178#~ msgid ""
53179#~ "Prevented by the %s terrain special on a tile within the city radius.\n"
53180#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe, jeśli w promieniu miasta jest zasób specjalny %s.\n"
53182#~ msgid "Prevented by a %s on a cardinally adjacent tile.\n"
53183#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z %s na polu przylegającym bezpośrednio.\n"
53185#~ msgid "Requires a %s on an adjacent tile.\n"
53186#~ msgstr "Tylko dla narodu %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
53188#~ msgid "Prevented by a %s on an adjacent tile.\n"
53189#~ msgstr "Niemożliwe na polu z %s na przylegającym polu.\n"
53191#~ msgid "?road:%s"
53192#~ msgstr "?road:%s"
53194#~ msgid "Increases the luxury and tax output in a city by an additional 50%."
53195#~ msgstr "Zwiększa produkcję luksusu i dochody podatkowe miasta o 50%."
53197#~ msgid ""
53198#~ "%s can't build %s from the worklist; %s special is required.  "
53199#~ "Postponing..."
53200#~ msgstr ""
53201#~ "%s nie może zbudować %s z planu prac; wymagany zasób to %s. Przesunięto "
53202#~ "na późniejszy termin..."
53204#~ msgid "_Roads & Rails"
53205#~ msgstr "Drogi i koleje"
53207#~ msgid "Roads & Rails"
53208#~ msgstr "Drogi i koleje"
53210#~ msgid ""
53211#~ "- Life Support Module: provides food and water for the population of  one "
53212#~ "Habitation Module."
53213#~ msgstr ""
53214#~ "- Moduł Podtrzymywania Życia: zapewnia żywność i wodę dla mieszkańców "
53215#~ "jednego Modułu Mieszkalnego."
53217#~ msgid ""
53218#~ "- Solar Panels: provides the energy needed for any two of the other  "
53219#~ "Modules."
53220#~ msgstr "- Panele Słoneczne: zapewniają energię dla dwóch innych Modułów."
53222#~ msgid "Buoys cannot be built in the multiplayer ruleset."
53223#~ msgstr "Boi nie można budować w zestawie zasad dla gry wieloosobowej."
53225#~ msgid ""
53226#~ "Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and other "
53227#~ "boats) can travel on them."
53228#~ msgstr ""
53229#~ "Oceany pokrywają ogromne obszary, jedynie jednostki morskie (np. Triremy) "
53230#~ "mogą się po nich poruszać."
53232#~ msgid "%*sRivers"
53233#~ msgstr "%*sRzeki"
53235#~ msgid ""
53236#~ "* Can attack from aboard sea units: against enemy cities and onto land "
53237#~ "tiles.\n"
53238#~ msgstr ""
53239#~ "* Może atakować z jednostek morskich, zarówno miasta jak i jednostki na "
53240#~ "lądzie.\n"
53242#~ msgid "Cannot attack from sea."
53243#~ msgstr "Nie możesz atakować z morza."
53245#~ msgid ""
53246#~ "This command can be used to delegate the control over a player. The "
53247#~ "[player-name] argument can only be used by connections with the cmdlevel "
53248#~ "'admin' or above to force the corresponding change of the delegation "
53249#~ "status."
53250#~ msgstr ""
53251#~ "To polecenie służy do przekazywania kontroli nad graczem. Argument [nazwa-"
53252#~ "gracza] może być używany jedynie przez połączonie z poziomem 'admin' lub "
53253#~ "wyższym, by wymusić zmianę statusu pełnomocnictwa."
53255#~ msgid "Player '%s' did reconnect. Restore player state."
53256#~ msgstr "Gracz '%s' połączył się ponownie. Przywracam stan gracza."
53258#~ msgid "Delegation to user '%s' defined."
53259#~ msgstr "Zdefiniowano pełnomocnictwo dla użytkownika '%s'."
53261#~ msgid "Unknown player name: '%s'"
53262#~ msgstr "Nieznane nazwa gracza: '%s'"
53264#~ msgid "Delegation to yourself?"
53265#~ msgstr "Chcesz przekazać kontrolę samemu/ej sobie?"
53267#~ msgid "Please restore first your original connection."
53268#~ msgstr "Przywróc najpierw swoje pierwotne połączenie."
53270#~ msgid "Please cancel first your own delegation."
53271#~ msgstr "Anuluj najpierw swoje własne pełnomocnictwo."
53273#~ msgid "A user is connected to player '%s'."
53274#~ msgstr "Użytkownik połączył się z graczem '%s'."
53276#~ msgid "Failed to take control of '%s'."
53277#~ msgstr "Nie udało się przejąć kontroli nad '%s'."
53279#~ msgid "Player data do not match."
53280#~ msgstr "Dane gracza nie zgadzają się."
53282#~ msgid "Failed to restore control over '%s'."
53283#~ msgstr "Nie udało się odzyskać kontroli nad '%s'."
53285#~ msgid "Control over player '%s' delegated to user '%s'%s."
53286#~ msgstr "Kontrola nad graczem '%s' przekazana użytkownikowi '%s'%s."
53288#~ msgid "Setting this option will draw the tiles that unit cannot enter."
53289#~ msgstr ""
53290#~ "Ta opcja sprawia, że na mapie pokazane pola, na które jednostki nie mogą "
53291#~ "wchodzić."
53293#~ msgid ""
53294#~ "With the 'create' command a new player with the given name is created.\n"
53295#~ "If the game was started, the command checks for free player slots and, if "
53296#~ "no free slots are available, it tries to reuse the slots of dead players. "
53297#~ "The new player has no units or cities.\n"
53298#~ "AI type parameter can be used to select which AI module will be used for "
53299#~ "created player. This requires that Freeciv has been compiled with AI "
53300#~ "module support and respective module has been loaded."
53301#~ msgstr ""
53302#~ "Polecenie 'create' tworzy nowego gracza o podanej nazwie.\n"
53303#~ "Jeśli rozpoczęto grę, polecenie sprawdza, czy w grze są jeszcze wolne "
53304#~ "miejsca, a jeśli ich nie ma, próbuje użyć miejsc martwych graczy. Nowy "
53305#~ "gracz nie ma miast ani jednostek.\n"
53306#~ "Można używać również parametrów typów AI, aby wybrać moduł AI, który ma "
53307#~ "być używany przez stworzonego gracza. Freeciv musi być jednak "
53308#~ "skompilowana ze wsparciem dla modułów AI, a wybrany moduł musi być "
53309#~ "załadowany."
53311#~ msgid "Error connecting metaserver"
53312#~ msgstr "Błąd połączenia z metaserwerem"
53314#~ msgid ""
53315#~ "The game will be automatically saved per this number of turns. See also "
53316#~ "setting 'autosaves'."
53317#~ msgstr ""
53318#~ "Gra będzie automatycznie zapisywana co podaną liczbę tur. Zobacz też "
53319#~ "ustawienie 'autosaves'."
53321#~ msgid "Land moving units"
53322#~ msgstr "Jednostki lądowe"
53324#~ msgid "Sea moving units"
53325#~ msgstr "Jednostki morskie"
53327#~ msgid "Units able to move both on land and sea"
53328#~ msgstr "Jednostki poruszające się po lądzie i wodzie"
53330#~ msgid "* Counts as 'helicopter' against certain attackers.\n"
53331#~ msgstr ""
53332#~ "* W potyczce z niektórymi jednostkami, jest liczona jako helikopter.\n"
53334#~ msgid "* Very good at attacking 'helicopter' units.\n"
53335#~ msgstr "* Znakomita do atakowania jednostek liczonych jako helikopter.\n"
53337#~ msgid "* Gets double defense against units specified as 'mounted'.\n"
53338#~ msgstr ""
53339#~ "* Otrzymuje podwójną obronę w starciu jednostkami liczonymi jako konne.\n"
53341#~ msgid "* Counts as 'mounted' against certain defenders.\n"
53342#~ msgstr ""
53343#~ "* W starciu z niektórymi jednostkami, jest liczona jednostka jako konna.\n"
53345#~ msgid "* Gets quintuple defense against missiles and aircraft.\n"
53346#~ msgstr "* Osiąga pięciokrotną siłę obrony przed pociskami i samolotami.\n"
53348#~ msgid "current version"
53349#~ msgstr "obecna wersja"
53351#~ msgid "freeciv 2.3.0"
53352#~ msgstr "freeciv 2.3.0"
53354#~ msgid "freeciv 2.4.0"
53355#~ msgstr "freeciv 2.4.0"
53357#~ msgid "freeciv 2.5.0 (development)"
53358#~ msgstr "freeciv 2.5.0 (rozwojowa)"
53360#~ msgid "Game ended in a draw."
53361#~ msgstr "Gra zakończyła się remisem."
53363#~ msgid "* Can transform tiles.\n"
53364#~ msgstr "* Potrafi przekształcać teren.\n"
53366#~ msgid ""
53367#~ "* Will be built as a veteran in cities with appropriate training "
53368#~ "facilities (see Airport).\n"
53369#~ msgstr ""
53370#~ "* Tworzona ze statusem weterana w miastach z odpowiednimi budynkami (zob. "
53371#~ "Lotnisko).\n"
53373#~ msgid "* May be promoted after defeating an enemy unit.\n"
53374#~ msgstr "* Może zdobyć doświadczenie po pokonaniu wrogiej jednostki.\n"
53376#~ msgid "* Will be built as a veteran under communist governments.\n"
53377#~ msgstr "* Tworzona ze statusem weterana w Komunizmie.\n"
53379#~ msgid "* May be promoted after a successful mission.\n"
53380#~ msgstr "* Może zdobyć doświadczenie po przeprowadzeniu udanej misji.\n"
53382#~ msgid ""
53383#~ "* Will be built as a veteran in cities with appropriate training "
53384#~ "facilities (see Barracks).\n"
53385#~ msgstr ""
53386#~ "* Tworzona ze statusem weterana w mieście z odpowiednimi budynkami (zob. "
53387#~ "Koszary).\n"
53389#~ msgid ""
53390#~ "* Will be built as a veteran in cities with appropriate training "
53391#~ "facilities (see Port Facility).\n"
53392#~ msgstr ""
53393#~ "* Tworzona ze statusem weterana w mieście z odpowiednimi budynkami (zob. "
53394#~ "Stocznia).\n"
53396#~ msgid "* May be promoted through combat or training.\n"
53397#~ msgstr "* Może zostać weteranem w wyniku szkolenia lub bitwy.\n"
53399#~ msgid "* May be built as a veteran through training.\n"
53400#~ msgstr "* Może zostać weteranem w wyniku szkolenia.\n"
53402#~ msgid "A:%d D:%d FP:%d HP:%d/%d (%s)"
53403#~ msgstr "A:%d O:%d SO:%d PO:%d/%d (%s)"
53405#~ msgid "Geoengineers"
53406#~ msgstr "Geoinżynierowie"
53408#~ msgid ""
53409#~ "Geoengineers are Engineers that can perform major terrain transformations "
53410#~ "(for example, converting Ocean into Swamp)."
53411#~ msgstr ""
53412#~ "Geoinżynierowie to Inżynierowie, którzy potrafią dokonywać dużych zmian "
53413#~ "terenu (np. przekształcać Ocean na Bagna"
53415#~ msgid "?team name:Dark White"
53416#~ msgstr "?team name:Ciemnobiała"
53418#~ msgid "?team name:Indigo"
53419#~ msgstr "?team name:Indygo"
53421#~ msgid "?team name:Nutmeg"
53422#~ msgstr "?team name:Orzechowa"
53424#~ msgid "?team name:Ultramarine"
53425#~ msgstr "?team name:Ultramaryna"
53427#~ msgid "?team name:Xanadu"
53428#~ msgstr "?team name:Xanadu"
53430#~ msgid "metainfo <meta-line>"
53431#~ msgstr "metainfo <meta-linia>"
53433#~ msgid "journeyman"
53434#~ msgstr "podróżnik"
53436#~ msgid "working man"
53437#~ msgstr "pracownik"
53439#~ msgid "foreman"
53440#~ msgstr "przodownik"
53442#~ msgid ""
53443#~ "No city founder ('c') within the starting units string: '%s'. Try \"help "
53444#~ "startunits\"."
53445#~ msgstr ""
53446#~ "W ciągu znaków '%s' określającym jednostki początkowe nie ma założyciela "
53447#~ "miasta ('c'). Spróbuj \"help startunits\"."
53449#~ msgid "Couldn't add definition: %s."
53450#~ msgstr "Nie mogę dodać definicji: %s."
53452#~ msgid "Error: recursive calls to log.\n"
53453#~ msgstr "Błąd: rekursywne wywołania do logu.\n"
53455#~ msgid "Build Railroad"
53456#~ msgstr "Zbuduj kolej"
53458#~ msgid "player color (set/random)"
53459#~ msgstr "kolor gracza (ustawiony/nieuporządkowany)"
53461#~ msgid "team color (ordered)"
53462#~ msgstr "kolor drużyny (uporządkowany)"
53464#~ msgid ""
53465#~ "- \"player color (ordered)\" (PLR_ORDER): select the color for each "
53466#~ "player according to the order of the color definition.\n"
53467#~ "- \"player color (random)\" (PLR_RANDOM): select a random color for each "
53468#~ "player.\n"
53469#~ "- \"player color (set/random)\" (PLR_SET): use the color set via the "
53470#~ "playercolor command. For players without a color a random value will be "
53471#~ "selected.\n"
53472#~ "- \"team color (ordered)\" (TEAM_ORDER): select the color for one team "
53473#~ "depending on the order of the color definition."
53474#~ msgstr ""
53475#~ "- \"kolor gracza (określony)\" (PLR_ORDER): wybiera kolor dla każdego "
53476#~ "gracza zgodnie z definicją kolorów.\n"
53477#~ "- \"kolor gracza (losowy)\" (PLR_RANDOM): wybiera losowy kolor dla "
53478#~ "każdego gracza.\n"
53479#~ "- \"kolor gracza (ustawiony/losowy)\" (PLR_SET): ustawia kolor poprzez "
53480#~ "polecenie playercolor. Graczom bez koloru przydziela się losowe kolory.\n"
53481#~ "- \"kolor gracza (określony)\" (TEAM_ORDER): wybiera kolor dla drużyny "
53482#~ "zgodnie z definicją kolorów."
53484#~ msgid "No player with the name '%s' found or ambiguous name."
53485#~ msgstr "Nie znaleziono gracza nazwie '%s' lub nazwa jest niejednoznaczna."
53487#~ msgid ""
53488#~ "Please set 'plrcolormode' to PLR_SET to define the color for the player "
53489#~ "%s before the game starts."
53490#~ msgstr ""
53491#~ "Ustaw 'plrcolormode' na PLR_SET, aby zdefiniować kolor dla gracza %s "
53492#~ "przed rozpoczęciem gry."
53494#~ msgid "Rail"
53495#~ msgstr "Kolej"
53497#~ msgid "Cannot determine control directory"
53498#~ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć katalogu kontrolnego"
53500#~ msgid "Run compatibility function for version: <%d (want: %d, server: %d)."
53501#~ msgstr ""
53502#~ "Uruchom funkcję zgodności dla wersji <%d (pożądane: %d; serwer: %d)."
53504#~ msgid "Save using the given savegame version"
53505#~ msgstr "Zapis z użyciem wersji gry"
53507#~ msgid ""
53508#~ "Create a savegame which can be loaded by the given version of Freeciv. "
53509#~ "Note that some features will not be saved/restored for older versions."
53510#~ msgstr ""
53511#~ "Tworzy zapisaną grę, która może zostać wczytana przez daną wersję "
53512#~ "Freeciv. Niektóre funkcjonalności nie będą zapisywane/odczytywane przez "
53513#~ "starsze wersje gry."
53515#~ msgid "The diplomat is waiting for your command"
53516#~ msgstr "Dyplomata czeka na twe rozkazy."
53518#~ msgid "no extra / %d"
53519#~ msgstr "bez dodatków / %d"
53521#~ msgid "_Fortress & Airbase"
53522#~ msgstr "Fortece i bazy lotnicze"
53524#~ msgid "Fortress & Airbase"
53525#~ msgstr "Fortece i bazy lotnicze"
53527#~ msgid "Invalid $http_proxy or metaserver value, must start with 'http://'"
53528#~ msgstr ""
53529#~ "Błędna wartość $http_proxy lub metaserwer, powinna się zaczynać od "
53530#~ "'http://'"
53532#~ msgid "Failed looking up metaserver's host"
53533#~ msgstr "Odnalezienie metaserwera nie powiodło się"
53535#~ msgid "Save game to file using the old format."
53536#~ msgstr "Zapisuje grę przy użyciu starego formatu."
53538#~ msgid "_Cancel meeting"
53539#~ msgstr "Przerwij spotkanie"
53541#~ msgid "Accept _treaty"
53542#~ msgstr "Zatwierdź traktat"
53544#~ msgid "_Gold:"
53545#~ msgstr "Złoto:"
53547#~ msgid ""
53548#~ "This client has no special command line options\n"
53549#~ "\n"
53550#~ msgstr ""
53551#~ "Ten klient nie ma specjalnych opcji wiersza poleceń\n"
53552#~ "\n"
53554#~ msgid "Nation's Legend"
53555#~ msgstr "Legenda narodu"
53557#~ msgid "SORRY... NO INFO"
53558#~ msgstr "Przykro mi... brak danych"
53560#~ msgid "You are running latest stable version of freeciv."
53561#~ msgstr "Grasz najnowszą stabilną wersją Freeciv."
53563#~ msgid "Mosotho"
53564#~ msgstr "Sotyjski"
53566#~ msgid ""
53567#~ "A Bantu people in Southern Africa, the ancestors of the Basotho first "
53568#~ "arrived in the region by the end of the first millennium AD. The Basotho "
53569#~ "first formed a unified polity in the early 19th century under king "
53570#~ "Moshoeshoe I. The Mosotho kings sought protection from the British "
53571#~ "against Boer incursions and in 1869 their country turned into the British "
53572#~ "protectorate of Basutoland. Although surrounded by South Africa on all "
53573#~ "sides, that country's apartheid policies prevented its intgration into "
53574#~ "South Africa. In 1966 Basutoland became the independent Kingdom of "
53575#~ "Lesotho."
53576#~ msgstr ""
53577#~ "Lesotho stało się po raz pierwszy jednolitym bytem politycznym we "
53578#~ "wczesnym wieku XIX za panowania króla Moshoeshoe I, który zjednoczył "
53579#~ "klany sotyjskie. Moshoeshoe zwrócił się do Brytyjczyków po obronę przed "
53580#~ "Burami i w 1869 roku kraj stał się protektoratem brytyjskim pod nazwą "
53581#~ "Basutoland. Choć kraj był otoczony przez Republikę Południowej Afryki, "
53582#~ "polityka apartheidu nie pozwoliła mu wchłonąć Basutolandu, który w 1966 "
53583#~ "roku stał się niezawisłym Królestwem Lesotho."
53585#~ msgid "Motswana"
53586#~ msgstr "Botswański"
53588#~ msgid "Mother Superior"
53589#~ msgstr "Najwyższa Matka"
53591#~ msgid "This value defines the zoom for map images."
53592#~ msgstr "Ta wartość określa powiększenie dla obrazów map."
53594#~ msgid ""
53595#~ "If this value is activated, the area of all nation are displayed in the "
53596#~ "color of the nation."
53597#~ msgstr ""
53598#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że obszar zajmowany przez naród zostanie "
53599#~ "wyświetlony w kolorze tego narodu."
53601#~ msgid ""
53602#~ "If this value is activated, the border of the territories are displayed "
53603#~ "in the map image."
53604#~ msgstr ""
53605#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na obrazie mapy pokazane zostaną granice "
53606#~ "terytoriów."
53608#~ msgid ""
53609#~ "If this value is activated, the cities are displayed in the map image."
53610#~ msgstr "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na mapie wyświetlane będą miasta."
53612#~ msgid ""
53613#~ "If this value is activated, the map image shows the range of teh for of "
53614#~ "war."
53615#~ msgstr ""
53616#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że na obrazie mapy pokazany zostanie zasięg "
53617#~ "\"mgły wojny\"."
53619#~ msgid "If this value is activated, the different terrains are displayed."
53620#~ msgstr "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że pokazane zostaną różne tereny."
53622#~ msgid "The file name for the map image."
53623#~ msgstr "Nazwa pliku pod którą będzie się zapisywać obraz mapy."
53625#~ msgid "Map images subsystem not initialised!"
53626#~ msgstr "Nie udało się zainicjować podsystemu obrazów!"
53628#~ msgid "'plrid' must be in the intervall [0, %d)."
53629#~ msgstr "'plrid' musi być w interwale [0, %d)."
53631#~ msgid "Unknown player name: '%s'."
53632#~ msgstr "Nieznana nazwa gracza: '%s'."
53634#~ msgid "Toolkit function not defined!"
53635#~ msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano funckji narzędzi!"
53637#~ msgid ""
53638#~ "This command allows the creation of map images. Supported arguments:\n"
53639#~ "  colortest        - create a image to showing all colors\n"
53640#~ "  create <id>|all  - create a specific or all map images\n"
53641#~ "  define <mapdef>  - define a map image\n"
53642#~ "  delete <id>|all  - delete a specific or all map images\n"
53643#~ "  help             - more information about the definition\n"
53644#~ "  show <id>|all    - shown a specific or all map images"
53645#~ msgstr ""
53646#~ "To polecenie pozwala tworzy obrazy mapy. Dostępne argumenty:\n"
53647#~ "  colortest        - tworzy obraz, by pokazać wszystkie kolory\n"
53648#~ "  create <id>|all  - tworzy obraz określonej mapy lub wszystkich map\n"
53649#~ "  define <mapdef>  - definiuje obraz mapy\n"
53650#~ "  delete <id>|all  - usuwa jedną lub wszystkie obrazy mapy\n"
53651#~ "  help             - więcej informacji o definicji\n"
53652#~ "  show <id>|all    - pokazuje jedną lub wszystkie mapy"
53654#~ msgid "no map images defined"
53655#~ msgstr "nie zdefiniowano obrazów mapy"
53657#~ msgid "Error creating map image %d: %s"
53658#~ msgstr "Błąd w trakcie tworzenia obrazu mapy %d: %s"
53660#~ msgid ""
53661#~ "Usage: %s [option ...]\n"
53662#~ "Valid options are:\n"
53663#~ msgstr ""
53664#~ "Składnia: %s [opcja ...]\n"
53665#~ "Poprawnymi opcjami są:\n"
53667#~ msgid "  -f, --file FILE\tLoad saved game FILE\n"
53668#~ msgstr "  -f, --file PLIK\tWczytaj zachowaną grę PLIK\n"
53670#~ msgid "  -M, --Metaserver ADDR\tSet ADDR as metaserver address\n"
53671#~ msgstr "  -M, --Metaserver ADRES\tUstal ADRES jako adres metaserwera.\n"
53673#~ msgid ""
53674#~ "  -A, --Announce PROTO\tAnnounce game in LAN using protocol PROTO (IPv4/"
53675#~ "IPv6/none)\n"
53676#~ msgstr ""
53677#~ "  -A, --Announce PROTO\tOgłoś grę w sieci lokalnej używając protokołu "
53678#~ "PROTO (IPv4/IPv6/none)\n"
53680#~ msgid ""
53681#~ "      --\t\tPass any following options to the UI.\n"
53682#~ "\t\t\tTry \"%s -- --help\" for more.\n"
53683#~ msgstr ""
53684#~ "      --\t\tInne opcje zostaną przekazane do UI.\n"
53685#~ "\t\t\tSpróbuj \"%s -- --help\" po więcej informacji.\n"
53687#~ msgid "_Ready all"
53688#~ msgstr "Uaktywnij wszystkie"
53690#~ msgid "_Sentry idle"
53691#~ msgstr "Wartuj bezczynne jednostki"
53693#~ msgid "Select _all"
53694#~ msgstr "Wybierz wszystkie"
53696#~ msgid "Surviving requirements are only supported at world range."
53697#~ msgstr "Wymagania nieusuwalne muszą mieć zasięg globalny."
53699#~ msgid "Auth option \"%s\":"
53700#~ msgstr "Opcja uwierzytelnienia \"%s\":"
53702#~ msgid "Illegal value for auth port: \"%s\""
53703#~ msgstr "Błędna wartość dla portu uwierzytelnienia: \"%s\""
53705#~ msgid ""
53706#~ "Cannot load auth config file '%s':\n"
53707#~ "%s"
53708#~ msgstr ""
53709#~ "Nie mogę wczytać pliku konfiguracyjnego uwierzytelnienia \"%s\":\n"
53710#~ "%s"
53712#~ msgid ""
53713#~ "  -a  --auth FILE\tEnable server authentication with configuration from "
53714#~ "FILE.\n"
53715#~ msgstr "  -a  --auth PLIK\tWłącz uwierzytelnienie z konfiguracją z PLIKu.\n"
53717#~ msgid "  -P, --Ppm\t\tSave ppms of the map when saving the game.\n"
53718#~ msgstr "  -P, --Ppm\t\tZapisuj ppm'y dla mapy podczas zapisywania gry.\n"
53720#~ msgid ""
53721#~ "Show a list of connections to the server, your ignore list, the list of "
53722#~ "the players in the game, the available scenarios, the teams of players, "
53723#~ "or the running votes. The argument may be abbreviated, and defaults to "
53724#~ "'players' if absent."
53725#~ msgstr ""
53726#~ "Wyświetla listę połączeń do serwera, listę ignorowanych, graczy, "
53727#~ "zespołów, scenariuszów lub głosowań. Argumenty mogą być skrócone, a "
53728#~ "domyślnym argumentem jest 'players'."
53730#~ msgid ""
53731#~ "Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
53732#~ "connections to take over a player. If you're not one of these, only the "
53733#~ "<player-name> argument is allowed. If '-' is given for the player name "
53734#~ "and the connection does not already control a player, one is created and "
53735#~ "assigned to the connection."
53736#~ msgstr ""
53737#~ "Tylko operator serwera i połączenia o prawach 'hack' mogą zmusić "
53738#~ "użytkownika do zajęcia miejsca gracza. Jeśli nie masz takich praw, możesz "
53739#~ "tylko użyć argumentu <nazwa-gracza>. Jeśli podano '-' jako nazwę gracza, "
53740#~ "a połączenie nie kontroluje jeszcze gracza, gracz taki jest tworzony i "
53741#~ "przypisany do połączenia."
53743#~ msgid ""
53744#~ "Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
53745#~ "connections to observe a player. If you're not one of these, only the "
53746#~ "[player-name] argument is allowed. If the console gives no player-name or "
53747#~ "the connection uses no arguments, then the connection is attached to a "
53748#~ "global observer."
53749#~ msgstr ""
53750#~ "Tylko operator serwera i połączenia o prawach 'hack' mają prawo zmusić "
53751#~ "użytkownika do obserwania gracza. Jeśli nie masz takich praw możesz użyć "
53752#~ "jedynie argumentu [nazwa-gracza]. Jeśli nie podano nazwy-gracza wewnątrz "
53753#~ "konsoli, to używany jest globalny obserwator."
53755#~ msgid "create <player-name>"
53756#~ msgstr "create <gracz>"
53758#~ msgid ""
53759#~ "With the 'create' command a new player with the given name is created.\n"
53760#~ "If the game was started, the command checks for free player slots and, if "
53761#~ "no free slots are available, it tries to reuse the slots of dead players. "
53762#~ "The new player has no units or cities."
53763#~ msgstr ""
53764#~ "Komenda 'create' tworzy nowego gracza o podanej nazwie.\n"
53765#~ "Jeśli rozpoczęto grę, komenda sprawdza, czy w grze są jeszcze wolne "
53766#~ "miejsca, a jeśli ich nie ma, próbuje użyć miejsc martwych graczy. Nowy "
53767#~ "gracz nie ma miast ani jednostek."
53769#~ msgid "Evaluate a line of freeciv script in the current game."
53770#~ msgstr "Weryfikuje linijkę skryptu freeciv w grze."
53772#~ msgid "Metaserver: bad address: <%s %d>."
53773#~ msgstr "Metaserwer: niewłaściwy adres: <%s %d>."
53775#~ msgid ""
53776#~ "When a player attempts to found a new city, there may be no other city in "
53777#~ "this distance. For example, when this value is 3, there have to be at "
53778#~ "least two empty fields between two cities in every direction. If set to 0 "
53779#~ "(default), the ruleset value will be used."
53780#~ msgstr ""
53781#~ "Kiedy gracz zakłada miasto, sprawdzane jest czy w tej odległości nie ma "
53782#~ "już innego miasta. Na przykład, jeżeli wartość tej opcji ustawiona jest "
53783#~ "na 3, pomiędzy dwoma miastami, muszą być co najmniej 2 pola. Jeżeli opcja "
53784#~ "jest ustawiona na 0 (domyślnie), faktyczna wartość jest określana przez "
53785#~ "użyty zestaw zasad."
53787#~ msgid ""
53788#~ "When changing governments, a period of anarchy lasting this many turns "
53789#~ "will occur. Setting this value to 0 will give a random length of 1-6 "
53790#~ "turns."
53791#~ msgstr ""
53792#~ "Podczas zmiany ustroju okres przejściowy będzie trwał podaną liczbę tur. "
53793#~ "Jeśli podano wartość 0, to długość rewolucji będzie liczbą losową z "
53794#~ "przedziału 1-6."
53796#~ msgid ""
53797#~ "If all players have not hit \"Turn Done\" before this time is up, then "
53798#~ "the turn ends automatically. Zero means there is no timeout. In servers "
53799#~ "compiled with debugging, a timeout of -1 sets the autogame test mode. "
53800#~ "Only connections with hack level access may set the timeout to lower than "
53801#~ "30 seconds. Use this with the command \"timeoutincrease\" to have a "
53802#~ "dynamic timer."
53803#~ msgstr ""
53804#~ "Tura kończy się zawsze po podanym czasie, chyba że wcześniej wszyscy "
53805#~ "zawodnicy nacisnęli \"Koniec Tury\". Używaj tej opcji razem z poleceniem "
53806#~ "\"timeoutincrease\", aby dynamicznie zmieniać timeout. W serwerach typu "
53807#~ "DEBUG, timeout ustawiony na -1 oznacza grę w testowym trybie autogry. "
53808#~ "Jedynie połączenia z poziomu 'hack' mogą ustawiać ten czas na mniej niż "
53809#~ "30 sekund. Stosując to wraz z poleceniem \"timeoutincrease\", otrzymać "
53810#~ "można dynamiczny licznik."
53812#~ msgid ""
53813#~ "The game will be automatically saved per this number of turns. Zero means "
53814#~ "never auto-save."
53815#~ msgstr ""
53816#~ "Gra będzie automatycznie zapisywana co podaną liczbę tur. Zero oznacza "
53817#~ "brak autozapisu."
53819#~ msgid "Players cannot be removed once the game has started."
53820#~ msgstr "Gracz nie może być usunięty po rozpoczęciu gry."
53822#~ msgid "user %s, "
53823#~ msgstr "użytkownik %s, "
53825#~ msgid " %d connection:"
53826#~ msgid_plural " %d connections:"
53827#~ msgstr[0] " %d połączenie:"
53828#~ msgstr[1] " %d połączenia:"
53829#~ msgstr[2] " %d połączeń:"
53831#~ msgid "  %s from %s (command access level %s), bufsize=%dkb"
53832#~ msgstr "  %s z %s (poziom dostępu do operacji: %s), bufor=%dKB"
53834#~ msgid ""
53835#~ "Disabling this option will turn off combat animation between units on the "
53836#~ "mapview."
53837#~ msgstr "Możesz tu włączyć i wyłączyć animację bitew."
53839#~ msgid "%s: %d/%d."
53840#~ msgstr "%s: %d/%d"
53842#~ msgid "Inspect _City"
53843#~ msgstr "Wyświetl miasto"
53845#~ msgid "Build _Railroad"
53846#~ msgstr "Zbuduj kolej"
53848#~ msgid "Pass"
53849#~ msgstr "Zatwierdzono"
53851#~ msgid "Cannot determine user home directory"
53852#~ msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć katalogu domowego"
53854#~ msgid "Failed to download modpack control file from given URL"
53855#~ msgstr "Nie udało się pobrać pliku kontrolnego dodatku z podanego adresu."
53857#~ msgid "Failed to download modpack list"
53858#~ msgstr "Nie udało się pobrać listy dodatków"
53860#~ msgid "Cannot parse modpack list"
53861#~ msgstr "Nie można odczytać listy dodatków"
53863#~ msgid ""
53864#~ "For more information about submitting bug reports see the file BUGS in "
53865#~ "the Freeciv distribution.  For more information in general, visit the "
53866#~ "Freeciv website, at:"
53867#~ msgstr ""
53868#~ "Więcej informacji o zgłaszaniu błędów znaleźć można w plik BUGS załączony "
53869#~ "do twojej dystrybucji Freeciv. Więcej informacji znajdziesz na stronie "
53870#~ "Freeciv:"
53872#~ msgid "Strategy and tactics"
53873#~ msgstr "Strategia i taktyka"
53875#~ msgid "?bzip2error:OK"
53876#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:OK"
53878#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Run ok"
53879#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Uruchomiono"
53881#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Flush ok"
53882#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Opróżniono"
53884#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Finish ok"
53885#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Zakończono"
53887#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Stream end"
53888#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Koniec ciągu"
53890#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Config error"
53891#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd konfiguracji"
53893#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Sequence error"
53894#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd sekwencji"
53896#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Parameter error"
53897#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd parametru"
53899#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Mem error"
53900#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd pamięci"
53902#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Data error"
53903#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd danych"
53905#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Not bzip2 file"
53906#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Nie znaleziono pliku bzip2"
53908#~ msgid "?bzip2error:IO error"
53909#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Błąd wejścia/wyjścia"
53911#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Unexpected EOF"
53912#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Nieoczekiwany koniec pliku"
53914#~ msgid "?bzip2error:Output buffer full"
53915#~ msgstr "?bzip2error:Zapełniony bufor wyjścia"
53917#~ msgid "Bz2: \"%s\" (%d)"
53918#~ msgstr "Bz2: \"%s\" (T%d)"
53920#~ msgid "Bz2 error %d"
53921#~ msgstr "Błąd Bz2 %d"
53923#~ msgid "Environment variable HOME not set"
53924#~ msgstr "Nie ustawiono zmiennej środowiskowej HOME"
53926#~ msgid ""
53927#~ "Main Map (Mouse):\n"
53928#~ "=================\n"
53929#~ "  Left-click on city:          Pop up city dialog\n"
53930#~ "  Left-click on unit:          Activate unit\n"
53931#~ "  Left-click-and-drag on unit: Go-to command for unit\n"
53932#~ "                               (if keyboardless goto enabled in options)\n"
53933#~ "  Center-click:                Show tile info\n"
53934#~ "  Right-click:                 Center tile in view\n"
53935#~ "\n"
53936#~ "  Shift-Left-click:            Copy production (GTK)\n"
53937#~ "  Shift-Right-click on city:   Paste production into city (GTK)\n"
53938#~ "\n"
53939#~ "  Shift-Control-Left-click:    Adjust city workers\n"
53940#~ "  Control-Center-click:        Wake up sentried units\n"
53941#~ "  Shift-Alt-Right-click:       Show city workers (mouse over or near "
53942#~ "city)\n"
53943#~ "\n"
53944#~ "  Area Selection mode (GTK):\n"
53945#~ "  ==========================\n"
53946#~ "  Right-click-and-drag: Enter Area Selection mode\n"
53947#~ "  Left-click:           Toggle tile highlighting\n"
53948#~ "  Shift-Right-click:    Paste production into highlighted cities\n"
53949#~ "  Right-click:          Cancel Area Selection mode\n"
53950#~ "\n"
53951#~ "  The cities that become highlighted on the map,\n"
53952#~ "  will also be highlighted in the Cities Report."
53953#~ msgstr ""
53954#~ "Mapa (myszka):\n"
53955#~ "==============\n"
53956#~ "  Lewy przycisk na miasto:             Otwórz okno miasta\n"
53957#~ "  Lewy przycisk na jednostkę:          Aktywuj jednostkę\n"
53958#~ "  Lewy przycisk-ciągnięcie:            Idź do\n"
53959#~ "                                       (jeśli włączono opcję "
53960#~ "bezklawiszone \"idź do\")\n"
53961#~ "  Środkowy przycisk:                   Wyświetl informacje o polu\n"
53962#~ "  Prawy przycisk:                      Wyśrodkuj widok na polu\n"
53963#~ "\n"
53964#~ "  Shift-lewy przycisk:                 Kopiuj produkcję (GTK)\n"
53965#~ "  Shift-prawy przycisk (na mieście):   Wklej produkcję (GTK)\n"
53966#~ "\n"
53967#~ "  Shift-Ctrl-lewy przycisk:            Ustaw robotników.\n"
53968#~ "  Ctrl-środkowy przycisk:              Uaktywnij wartowane jednostki.\n"
53969#~ "  Shift-Alt-prawy przycisk:            Pokaż robotników (kursor nad lub "
53970#~ "obok miasta)\n"
53971#~ "\n"
53972#~ "  Tryb zaznaczania obszaru (GTK):\n"
53973#~ "  ===============================\n"
53974#~ "  Prawy przycisk-ciągnięcie:           Wejdź w tryb zaznaczania obszaru\n"
53975#~ "  Lewy przycisk:                       Przełącz podświetlenie pól\n"
53976#~ "  Shift-prawy przycisk:                Wklej produkcję do wszystkich "
53977#~ "zaznaczonych miast\n"
53978#~ "  Prawy przycisk:                      Wyjdź z trybu zaznaczania obszaru\n"
53979#~ "\n"
53980#~ "  Miasta podświetlone na mapie,\n"
53981#~ "  będą podświetlone także w raporcie o miastach."
53983#~ msgid "Build _Fortress"
53984#~ msgstr "Zbuduj fortecę"
53986#~ msgid "Build Airbas_e"
53987#~ msgstr "Zbuduj bazę lotniczą"
53989#~ msgid "Add to City (_B)"
53990#~ msgstr "Dodaj do miasta (_B)"
53992#~ msgid "Change to %s (_M)"
53993#~ msgstr "Zmień na %s (_M)"
53995#~ msgid "* A non-military unit (cannot attack; no martial law).\n"
53996#~ msgstr ""
53997#~ "* Jednostka cywilna (bez możliwości przeprowadzania ataku i wprowadzania "
53998#~ "stanu wyjątkowego).\n"
54000#~ msgid ""
54001#~ "Upgrade %s to %s for %d gold?\n"
54002#~ "Treasury contains %d gold."
54003#~ msgstr ""
54004#~ "Ulepszyć %s do %s za %d złota?\n"
54005#~ "Skarbiec zawiera %d złota."
54007#~ msgid ""
54008#~ "Upgrade %d unit for %d gold?\n"
54009#~ "Treasury contains %d gold."
54010#~ msgid_plural ""
54011#~ "Upgrade %d units for %d gold?\n"
54012#~ "Treasury contains %d gold."
54013#~ msgstr[0] ""
54014#~ "Ulepszyć %d jednostkę za %d złota?\n"
54015#~ "Skarbiec zawiera %d złota."
54016#~ msgstr[1] ""
54017#~ "Ulepszyć %d jednostki za %d złota?\n"
54018#~ "Skarbiec zawiera %d złota."
54019#~ msgstr[2] ""
54020#~ "Ulepszyć %d jednostek za %d złota?\n"
54021#~ "Skarbiec zawiera %d złota."
54023#~ msgid ""
54024#~ "Buy %s for %d gold?\n"
54025#~ "Treasury contains %d gold."
54026#~ msgstr ""
54027#~ "Czy kupić %s za %d złota?\n"
54028#~ "Skarbiec zawiera %d złota."
54030#~ msgid "Sell _Obsolete"
54031#~ msgstr "Sprzedaj przestarzałe"
54033#~ msgid "Upkeep (Total: %d)"
54034#~ msgstr "Koszta (Ogółem: %d)"
54036#~ msgid "City Overview"
54037#~ msgstr "Ogólne"
54039#~ msgid "Misc. Settings"
54040#~ msgstr "Inne"
54042#~ msgid "Units present"
54043#~ msgstr "Obecne jednostki"
54045#~ msgid "Unit List"
54046#~ msgstr "Lista jednostek"
54048#~ msgid "Improvement"
54049#~ msgstr "Budynel"
54051#~ msgid "_Yes"
54052#~ msgstr "Tak"
54054#~ msgid "_No"
54055#~ msgstr "_Nie"
54057#~ msgid "Trade with %s gives %d trade.\n"
54058#~ msgstr "Handel z miastem %s daje %d handlu.\n"
54060#~ msgid "No trade routes exist."
54061#~ msgstr "Nie ustanowiono żadnych szlaków handlowych."
54063#~ msgid "Total trade from trade routes: %d"
54064#~ msgstr "Całkowity handel ze szlaków handlowych: %d"
54066#~ msgid "_Activate Unit"
54067#~ msgstr "_Aktywuj jednostkę"
54069#~ msgid "Activate Unit, _Close Dialog"
54070#~ msgstr "Aktywuj jednostkę i zamknij okno"
54072#~ msgid "_Sentry Unit"
54073#~ msgstr "Wartuj jedno_stkę"
54075#~ msgid "_Disband Unit"
54076#~ msgstr "Rozwiąż jednostkę"
54078#~ msgid "_Upgrade Unit"
54079#~ msgstr "_Ulepsz jednostkę"
54081#~ msgid "Elvises"
54082#~ msgstr "Komicy"
54084#~ msgid "Configure City Report"
54085#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja raportu o miastach"
54087#~ msgid "No Buildings Available"
54088#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnych budynków"
54090#~ msgid "No Units Available"
54091#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnych jednostek"
54093#~ msgid "No Wonders Available"
54094#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnych cudów"
54096#~ msgid "Available To Build"
54097#~ msgstr "Dostępne do Budowy"
54099#~ msgid "Select a unit or improvement to change production from."
54100#~ msgstr "Wybierz jednostkę lub budynek, z którego chcesz zrezygnować."
54102#~ msgid "Select a unit or improvement to change production to."
54103#~ msgstr "Wybierz jednostkę lub budynek, który chcesz budować."
54105#~ msgid "That's the same thing!"
54106#~ msgstr "Nie ma różnicy!"
54108#~ msgid "Change All"
54109#~ msgstr "Zmień wszystko"
54111#~ msgid "Configure"
54112#~ msgstr "Konfiguracja"
54114#~ msgid "City Advisor"
54115#~ msgstr "Doradca"
54117#~ msgid "City Report"
54118#~ msgstr "Raport o miastach"
54120#~ msgid "CMA and presets"
54121#~ msgstr "CMA i schematów"
54123#~ msgid "including sample presets,"
54124#~ msgstr "wraz z przykładowymi schematami,"
54126#~ msgid "see README.cma."
54127#~ msgstr "przeczytaj README.cma."
54129#~ msgid "Password:"
54130#~ msgstr "Hasło:"
54132#~ msgid "Couldn't load the savegame"
54133#~ msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać zapisanej gry"
54135#~ msgid "Local Area Network"
54136#~ msgstr "Sieć Lokalna"
54138#~ msgid "Connect To Network Game"
54139#~ msgstr "Przyłącz się do gry _sieciowej"
54141#~ msgid "Choose a nation to play"
54142#~ msgstr "Wybierz naród, którym będziesz grał"
54144#~ msgid "Number of players (Including AI):"
54145#~ msgstr "Liczba graczy (Łącznie z botami):"
54147#~ msgid "AI skill level:"
54148#~ msgstr "Poziom trudności AI:"
54150#~ msgid "Game Options"
54151#~ msgstr "Opcje gry"
54153#~ msgid "Start Game"
54154#~ msgstr "Rozpocznij grę"
54156#~ msgid "Host:"
54157#~ msgstr "Serwer:"
54159#~ msgid "Port:"
54160#~ msgstr "Port:"
54162#~ msgid "City Style:"
54163#~ msgstr "Styl miast:"
54165#~ msgid ""
54166#~ "This Eternal Treaty\n"
54167#~ "marks the results of the diplomatic work between\n"
54168#~ "The %s %s %s\n"
54169#~ "and\n"
54170#~ "The %s %s %s"
54171#~ msgstr ""
54172#~ "Ten Wieczysty Traktat\n"
54173#~ "jest wynikiem prac dyplomatycznych pomiędzy\n"
54174#~ "%s %s %s\n"
54175#~ "i\n"
54176#~ "%s %s %s"
54178#~ msgid "Erase Clause"
54179#~ msgstr "Usuń klauzulę"
54181#~ msgid "Allows "
54182#~ msgstr "Pozwala na "
54184#~ msgid "Obsoletes "
54185#~ msgstr "Czyni przestarzałym "
54187#~ msgid " (with "
54188#~ msgstr " (z "
54190#~ msgid "?techhelp:)."
54191#~ msgstr "?techhelp:)."
54193#~ msgid "Ruler: %s %s"
54194#~ msgstr "Władca: %s %s"
54196#~ msgid ""
54197#~ "Population: %s\n"
54198#~ "Year: %s\n"
54199#~ "Gold: %d\n"
54200#~ "Tax: %d Lux: %d Sci: %d"
54201#~ msgstr ""
54202#~ "Populacja: %s\n"
54203#~ "Rok: %s\n"
54204#~ "Złoto: %d\n"
54205#~ "Pod:%d Luks:%d Nauk:%d"
54207#~ msgid "Local _Options"
54208#~ msgstr "_Opcje lokalne"
54210#~ msgid "_Message Options"
54211#~ msgstr "Opcje ko_munikatów"
54213#~ msgid "Sa_ve Settings"
54214#~ msgstr "Zapisz opcje"
54216#~ msgid "Server O_ptions"
54217#~ msgstr "O_pcje serwera"
54219# Jak tłumaczyć log ?
54220#~ msgid "_Write Log"
54221#~ msgstr "Zapisz dziennik"
54223#~ msgid "_Clear Log"
54224#~ msgstr "Wyczyść dziennik"
54226#~ msgid "_Disconnect"
54227#~ msgstr "Rozłącz"
54229#~ msgid "_Orders"
54230#~ msgstr "R_ozkazy"
54232#~ msgid "Transf_orm to Hills"
54233#~ msgstr "Przekształć na wzgórza"
54235#~ msgid "Connect With"
54236#~ msgstr "Połącz..."
54238#~ msgid "_Road"
54239#~ msgstr "D_roga"
54241#~ msgid "Rai_l"
54242#~ msgstr "Ko_lej"
54244#~ msgid "_Irrigate"
54245#~ msgstr "Nawodn_ij do"
54247#~ msgid "_Go to Tile"
54248#~ msgstr "Idź na pole"
54250#~ msgid "_Reports"
54251#~ msgstr "_Raporty"
54253#~ msgid "Out:"
54254#~ msgstr "Wyj:"
54256#~ msgid "Mes:"
54257#~ msgstr "Kom:"
54259#~ msgid "Pop:"
54260#~ msgstr "Okn:"
54262#~ msgid ""
54263#~ "Where to Display Messages\n"
54264#~ "Out = Output window, Mes = Messages window, Pop = Popup individual window"
54265#~ msgstr ""
54266#~ "Miejsce wyświetlania komunikatów\n"
54267#~ "Wyj = Okno wyjściowe, Kom = Okno komunikatów, Okn = Indywidualne okno"
54269#~ msgid "(%d step)"
54270#~ msgid_plural "(%d steps)"
54271#~ msgstr[0] "(%d krok)"
54272#~ msgstr[1] "(%d kroki)"
54273#~ msgstr[2] "(%d kroków)"
54275#~ msgid "Trade Report"
54276#~ msgstr "Raport handlowy"
54278#~ msgid "Sell Obsolete"
54279#~ msgstr "Sprzedaj przestarzałe"
54281#~ msgid "Building Name"
54282#~ msgstr "Nazwa budynku"
54284#~ msgid "Totals"
54285#~ msgstr "W sumie"
54287#~ msgid "Rename Worklist"
54288#~ msgstr "Zmień nazwę planu prac"
54290#~ msgid "Available items"
54291#~ msgstr "Dostępne cele"
54293#~ msgid "Undo"
54294#~ msgstr "Cofnij"
54296#~ msgid ""
54297#~ "If the default value of startpos is used then a startpos setting will be "
54298#~ "chosen based on the generator:\n"
54299#~ "- \"Fully random height\" (RANDOM): depending on continent size.\n"
54300#~ "- \"Pseudo-fractal height\" (FRACTAL): all on a single continent.\n"
54301#~ "- \"Island-based\" (ISLAND): one player per continent.\n"
54302#~ "See the 'startpos' setting."
54303#~ msgstr ""
54304#~ "Jeśli używa się domyślnej wartości 'startpos', ustawienie pozycji "
54305#~ "początkowych będzie zależało od generatora:\n"
54306#~ "- \"W pełni losowy\" (RANDOM): w zależności od wielkości kontynenntu.\n"
54307#~ "- \"Pseudo-fraktalny\" (FRACTAL): wszyscy na jednym kontynencie.\n"
54308#~ "- \"Wyspowy\" (ISLAND): jeden gracz na kontynent.\n"
54309#~ "Zobacz ustawienie 'startpos'."
54311#~ msgid ""
54312#~ "Selecting \"Generator's choice\" (DEFAULT) means the default value will "
54313#~ "be picked based on the generator chosen. See the 'generator' setting.\n"
54314#~ "Note: generators try to create the right number of continents for the "
54315#~ "choice of start pos and to the number of players"
54316#~ msgstr ""
54317#~ "Jeśli wybrano \"Wybór generatora\" (DEFAULT), wartość zależeć będzie od "
54318#~ "wybranego generatora. Zobacz ustawienie 'generator'.\n"
54319#~ "Uwaga: Generator stara się utworzyć odpowiednią liczbę kontynentów na "
54320#~ "podstawie  tej opcji"
54322#~ msgid "Falling back to generator %d."
54323#~ msgstr "Powrót do generatora %d."
54325#~ msgid "Air"
54326#~ msgstr "powietrzna"
54328#~ msgid "Missile"
54329#~ msgstr "Rakieta"
54331#~ msgid "Big Land"
54332#~ msgstr "duża lądowa"
54334#~ msgid "The map width must be an even value."
54335#~ msgstr "Szerokość mapy musi być liczną parzystą."
54337#~ msgid "The map height must be an even value."
54338#~ msgstr "Wysokość mapy musi być liczną parzystą."
54340#~ msgid "Whether border changes are seen through fog of war"
54341#~ msgstr "Czy granice widoczne poprzez 'mgłę wojny'?"
54343#~ msgid "_Full Screen"
54344#~ msgstr "Tryb pełnoekranowy"
54346#~ msgid "View Civiliopedia entry for %s"
54347#~ msgstr "Zobacz sekcję nt. %s w Cywilopedii"
54349#~ msgid "Pollution:    %3d"
54350#~ msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie:    %3d"
54352#~ msgid "<AI>"
54353#~ msgstr "<AI>"
54355#~ msgid "  -h, --help             Print a summary of the options\n"
54356#~ msgstr "  -h, --help             Wyświetl listę opcji.\n"
54358#~ msgid "  -v, --version          Print the version number\n"
54359#~ msgstr "  -v, --version          Wyświetl wersję.\n"
54361#~ msgid ""
54362#~ "Entertains the citizens of a city, making 3 unhappy citizens content.  "
54363#~ "(Four after the discovery of Electricity.)"
54364#~ msgstr ""
54365#~ "Dostarcza rozrywki mieszkańcom, czyniąc 3 niezadowolonych obywateli "
54366#~ "zadowolonymi(4 po odkryciu Elektryczności)."
54368#~ msgid ""
54369#~ "In each city, only one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or Solar "
54370#~ "Plant can take effect at any one time. A city can only build a Hydro "
54371#~ "Plant if it is next to (or on) a Mountain or River tile."
54372#~ msgstr ""
54373#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
54374#~ "atomową. W przypadku większej liczby elektrowni, działać będzie tylko "
54375#~ "jedna.Elektrownia Wodna może powstać tylko w mieście, obok którego "
54376#~ "znajduje się lub które leży na polu z Rzeką lub Górami."
54378#~ msgid ""
54379#~ "This stunning technological achievement makes two citizens happy in all "
54380#~ "cities of all players who have researched Genetic Engineering."
54381#~ msgstr ""
54382#~ "To wspaniałe odkrycie naukowe czyni 2 niezadowolonych mieszkańców "
54383#~ "zadowolonymi w każdym mieście każdego gracza, który odkrył Inżynierię "
54384#~ "Genetyczną."
54386#~ msgid ""
54387#~ "Upgrades two obsolete units inside cities on the same continent per game "
54388#~ "turn."
54389#~ msgstr ""
54390#~ "Ulepsza 2 przestarzałe jednostki na turę we wszystkich miastach na tym "
54391#~ "samym kontynencie."
54393#~ msgid ""
54394#~ "Counts as having a Cathedral in each of your cities on the same "
54395#~ "continent. This makes 3 unhappy citizens content in each city. The "
54396#~ "discovery of Theology increases the effect of a Cathedral, making an "
54397#~ "additional unhappy citizen content. The discovery of Communism lessens "
54398#~ "the effect of a Cathedral, reducing by one the number of unhappy citizens "
54399#~ "made content."
54400#~ msgstr ""
54401#~ "Posiadanie tego cudu jest równoważne z wybudowaniem Katedry we wszystkich "
54402#~ "miastach na tym samym kontynencie Katedra zmienia 3 niezadowolonych "
54403#~ "mieszkańców w zadowolonych. Odkrycie Teologii zwiększa efektywność Katedr "
54404#~ "o 1 mieszkańca. Odkrycie Komunizmu zmniejsza efektywność Katedr o 1 "
54405#~ "mieszkańca."
54407#~ msgid ""
54408#~ "Makes two of your unhappy citizens content in every city with a temple on "
54409#~ "the same continent."
54410#~ msgstr ""
54411#~ "Zmienia dwóch niezadowolonych mieszkańców w zadowolonych we wszystkich "
54412#~ "miastach na tym samym kontynencie, w którym zbudowano Świątynię."
54414#~ msgid "You are playing Freeciv with rules suitable for multiplayer gaming."
54415#~ msgstr "Grasz z zestawem zasad odpowiednim do gry wieloosobowej."
54417#~ msgid " and "
54418#~ msgstr " oraz "
54420#~ msgid "?and:, "
54421#~ msgstr "?and:, "
54423#~ msgid "Run ok"
54424#~ msgstr "Uruchomiono OK"
54426#~ msgid "Flush ok"
54427#~ msgstr "Opróżniono OK"
54429#~ msgid "IO error"
54430#~ msgstr "Błąd wejścia/wyjścia"
54432#~ msgid "Duplicate filename \"%s\" in log level argument.\n"
54433#~ msgstr "Powtórzona nazwa pliku w argumencie poziomu śledzenia \"%s\".\n"
54435#~ msgid "Show a list of players, teams, connections, or scenarios."
54436#~ msgstr "Wyświetla listę graczy, zespołów, połączeń lub scenariuszów."
54438#~ msgid ""
54439#~ "Choose new ruleset directory or modpack. Calling this\n"
54440#~ " without any arguments will show you the currently selected ruleset."
54441#~ msgstr ""
54442#~ "Wybiera nowy katalog z zasadami albo modpack. Wywołanie\n"
54443#~ "polecenia bez argumentu spowoduje wyświetlenie aktualnego katalogu z "
54444#~ "zasadami."
54447#~ msgid ""
54448#~ "The 'create' command is only available before the game has been started."
54449#~ msgstr "Komenda 'create' jest dostępna jedynie przed rozpoczęciem gry."
54451#~ msgid "No such tile (ID %d)."
54452#~ msgstr "Nie ma takiego pola (ident. %d)."
54454#~ msgid "Cannot set empty name for player (%d) '%s'."
54455#~ msgstr "Nie można ustawić pustej nazwy gracza (%d) '%s'."
54457#~ msgid ""
54458#~ "Cannot edit vision for the tile at (%d, %d) because it is not on the map!"
54459#~ msgstr ""
54460#~ "Nie można edytować widzialności pola (%d, %d), ponieważ nie ma go na "
54461#~ "mapie!"
54463#~ msgid "st"
54464#~ msgstr "wszy"
54466#~ msgid "nd"
54467#~ msgstr "gi"
54469#~ msgid "rd"
54470#~ msgstr "ci"
54472#~ msgid "th"
54473#~ msgstr "ty"
54475#~ msgid "All players must have a team if this option value is used."
54476#~ msgstr ""
54477#~ "Jeśli użyto tej wartości dla opcji, wszyscy gracze muszą mieć zespół."
54479#~ msgid ""
54480#~ "0 = Scenario map - no generator;\n"
54481#~ "1 = Fully random height generator;              [4]\n"
54482#~ "2 = Pseudo-fractal height generator;             [3]\n"
54483#~ "3 = Island-based generator (fairer but boring)   [1]\n"
54484#~ "\n"
54485#~ "Numbers in [] give the default values for placement of starting "
54486#~ "positions.  If the default value of startpos is used then a startpos "
54487#~ "setting will be chosen based on the generator.  See the \"startpos\" "
54488#~ "setting."
54489#~ msgstr ""
54490#~ "0 = Scenariusz - bez generatora;\n"
54491#~ "1 = Generowanie losowych wysokości; [4]\n"
54492#~ "2 = Fraktalny generator;            [3]\n"
54493#~ "3 = Generator wyspowy (uczciwy, ale nudny) [1]\n"
54494#~ "\n"
54495#~ "Liczby podane wewnątrz [] oznaczają domyślne wartości opcji startpos. "
54496#~ "Zobacz opcję \"startpos\"."
54498#~ msgid "0 = no 1x1 islands; 1 = some 1x1 islands"
54499#~ msgstr "0 = brak wysp 1x1; 1 = możliwość występowania wysp 1x1"
54501#~ msgid ""
54502#~ "0 = continents may attach to poles; 1 = poles will usually be separate"
54503#~ msgstr ""
54504#~ "0 = kontynenty mogą być połączone z biegunami\n"
54505#~ "1 = bieguny są na odseparowanych kontynentach"
54507#~ msgid "0 = normal Earth-like planet; 1 = all-temperate planet "
54508#~ msgstr ""
54509#~ "0 = zwyczajna ziemiopodobna planeta; 1 = łagodny klimat na całej planecie"
54511#~ msgid ""
54512#~ "If this is set to greater than 0, then any land tiles around a fortress "
54513#~ "or city will be owned by that nation.\n"
54514#~ "  0 = Disabled\n"
54515#~ "  1 = Enabled\n"
54516#~ "  2 = See everything inside borders\n"
54517#~ "  3 = Borders expand to unknown, revealing tiles"
54518#~ msgstr ""
54519#~ "Jeżeli większe od zera, pola wokół fortec i miast będą w posiadaniu "
54520#~ "właścicieli tych miast i fortec.\n"
54521#~ "  0 = opcja wyłączona\n"
54522#~ "  1 = opcja włączona\n"
54523#~ "  2 = widać wszystko wewnątrz granic\n"
54524#~ "  3 = granice rozszerzają się na nieznane obszary i odkrywają pola"
54526#~ msgid ""
54527#~ "0 = default; diplomacy is enabled for everyone.\n"
54528#~ "1 = diplomacy is only allowed between human players.\n"
54529#~ "2 = diplomacy is only allowed between AI players.\n"
54530#~ "3 = diplomacy is restricted to teams.\n"
54531#~ "4 = diplomacy is disabled for everyone."
54532#~ msgstr ""
54533#~ "0 = dyplomacja jest dostępna dla każdego.\n"
54534#~ "1 = dyplomacja jest dostępna jedynie dla ludzi.\n"
54535#~ "2 = dyplomacja jest dostępna jedynie dla AI.\n"
54536#~ "3 = dyplomacja jest dozwolona jedynie wewnątrz zespołów.\n"
54537#~ "4 = dyplomacja jest całkowicie zakazana."
54539#~ msgid ""
54540#~ "0 = no barbarians \n"
54541#~ "1 = barbarians only in huts \n"
54542#~ "2 = normal rate of barbarian appearance \n"
54543#~ "3 = frequent barbarian uprising \n"
54544#~ "4 = raging hordes, lots of barbarians"
54545#~ msgstr ""
54546#~ "0 - brak barbarzyńców \n"
54547#~ "1 - barbarzyńcy tylko w wioskach \n"
54548#~ "2 - normalna częstotliwość pojawiania się barbarzyńców \n"
54549#~ "3 - częste barbarzyńskie powstania \n"
54550#~ "4 - wściekłe hordy, mnóstwo barbarzyńców"
54552#~ msgid ""
54553#~ "This setting controls whether players may make moves at the same time "
54554#~ "during a turn.\n"
54555#~ "  0 = All players move concurrently.\n"
54556#~ "  1 = All players alternate movement.\n"
54557#~ "  2 = Only players on the same team move concurrently."
54558#~ msgstr ""
54559#~ "Ta opcja określa, czy gracze mogą wykonywać ruch w tym samym czasie w "
54560#~ "trakcie jednej tury. Wartości tej opcji to:\n"
54561#~ "  0 = wszyscy gracze mogą ruszać się jednocześnie.\n"
54562#~ "  1 = wszyscy gracze ruszają się naprzemiennie.\n"
54563#~ "  2 = tylko gracze tej samej drużyny mogą ruszać się jednocześnie."
54565#~ msgid ""
54566#~ "Compression library to use for savegames.\n"
54567#~ " 0 - none\n"
54568#~ " 1 - zlib (gzip format)\n"
54569#~ " 2 - bzip2\n"
54570#~ "Not all servers support all compression methods."
54571#~ msgstr ""
54572#~ "Biblioteka, której użyto do stworzenia save'a. 0 - brak\n"
54573#~ " 1 - zlib (gzip format)\n"
54574#~ " 2 - bzip2\n"
54575#~ "Nie wszystkie serwery umożliwiają każdą z tych metod."
54577#~ msgid "You are not allowed to set this option."
54578#~ msgstr "Nie możesz zmienić tej opcji."
54580#~ msgid "Value out of range."
54581#~ msgstr "Wartość poza dopuszczalnym zakresem"
54583#~ msgid "Waiting"
54584#~ msgstr "Czeka"
54586#~ msgid "Game ended in a draw"
54587#~ msgstr "Gra zakończyła się remisem"
54589#~ msgid "Can't add AI players once the game has begun."
54590#~ msgstr "Po rozpoczęciu rozgrywki nie można dodawać 'robotów' (AI)"
54592#~ msgid "?accslvllist:or "
54593#~ msgstr "?accslvllist:lub"
54595#~ msgid "description"
54596#~ msgstr "opis"
54598#~ msgid "The parameter %s should only contain digits 0-1."
54599#~ msgstr "Parametr %s powinien zawierać tylko cyfry 0-1."
54601#~ msgid "Value out of range (minimum: 0, maximum: 1)."
54602#~ msgstr "Wartość spoza zakresu (minimum: 0, maksimum: 1)."
54604#~ msgid "Option: %s has been set to %d."
54605#~ msgstr "Opcje: %s zostało ustawione na %d."
54607#~ msgid "%2d : '%s' : 1 player : %s"
54608#~ msgstr "%2d : '%s' : 1 gracz: %s"
54610#~ msgid "Empty team: %s"
54611#~ msgstr "Pusty zespół: %s"
54613#~ msgid "?entertainers/scientists/taxmen:E/S/T"
54614#~ msgstr "?entertainers/scientists/taxmen:K/N/P"
54616#~ msgid "Entertainers, Scientists, Taxmen"
54617#~ msgstr "Komicy, Naukowcy, Podatnicy"
54619#~ msgid ""
54620#~ "Place a player start position.\n"
54621#~ "Shortcut: p"
54622#~ msgstr ""
54623#~ "Wskaż pozycję początkową gracza.\n"
54624#~ "Skrót: p"
54626#~ msgid "Only applies to \"%s\" units.\n"
54627#~ msgstr "Dotyczy tylko jednostek typu \"%s\".\n"
54629#~ msgid "* Can carry and refuel %d unit from classes:\n"
54630#~ msgid_plural "* Can carry and refuel up to %d units from classes:\n"
54631#~ msgstr[0] ""
54632#~ "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostki powietrznej typu:\n"
54633#~ msgstr[1] ""
54634#~ "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek powietrznych typu:\n"
54635#~ msgstr[2] ""
54636#~ "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek powietrznych typu:\n"
54638#~ msgid "  * %s units\n"
54639#~ msgstr "  * jednostki %s\n"
54641#~ msgid "* Can build fortresses.\n"
54642#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować fortece.\n"
54644#~ msgid " or "
54645#~ msgstr " lub "
54647#~ msgid "?or:, "
54648#~ msgstr "?or:, "
54650#~ msgid ""
54651#~ "Setting this option will draw the units in focus, including the case the "
54652#~ "other units wouldn't be drawn."
54653#~ msgstr ""
54654#~ "Ta opcja sprawia, że pokazana zostanie wybrana jednostka, także wtedy, "
54655#~ "gdy inne jednostki nie byłyby pokazane."
54657#~ msgid "Split message/chat notebook area"
54658#~ msgstr "Podziel obszar powiadomień/czatu"
54660#~ msgid ""
54661#~ "Enabling this option will split the message/chat notebook into two "
54662#~ "separate areas so that both can be viewed at once. This option is ignored "
54663#~ "if 'Merge the message notebook and the map notebook' is set."
54664#~ msgstr ""
54665#~ "Włączenie tej opcji sprawia, że obszar powiadomień/czatu podzielony "
54666#~ "zostanie na dwie części, dzięki czemu oba obszary będą widoczne "
54667#~ "jednocześnie. Opcja ta jest ignorowana, jeśli włączona jest opcja 'Połącz "
54668#~ "obszar powiadomień z obszarem mapy'."
54670#~ msgid "Merge the message notebook and the map notebook"
54671#~ msgstr "Połącz obszar powiadomień z obszarem mapy"
54673#~ msgid ""
54674#~ "If this option is enabled, the message notebook will be merged into the "
54675#~ "world map notebook. Thus, the size needed for the main window will be "
54676#~ "reduced. This option requires a restart in order to take effect."
54677#~ msgstr ""
54678#~ "Włączenie te opcja sprawia, że obszar powiadomień zostanie połączony z "
54679#~ "obszarem mapy, co zmniejszy ilość miejsca zajmowanego przez okno główne. "
54680#~ "Wymaga ponownego uruchomienia gry."
54682#~ msgid "Screen width"
54683#~ msgstr "Szerokość ekranu"
54685#~ msgid "This option saves the width of the selected screen resolution"
54686#~ msgstr "Ta opcja zapisuje szerokość (rozdzielczość) wybranego monitora."
54688#~ msgid "Screen height"
54689#~ msgstr "Wysokość ekranu"
54691#~ msgid "?clistbegin: with %s"
54692#~ msgstr "?clistbegin: z %s"
54694#~ msgid "Progress: no research target"
54695#~ msgstr "Postęp: brak celu"
54697#~ msgid "Paths longer than 99 turns are not supported."
54698#~ msgstr "Ścieżki dłuższe niż 99 tur nie są obsługiwane."
54700#~ msgid "Give ctrl access"
54701#~ msgstr "Daj dostęp ctrl"
54703#~ msgid "Total Cost:"
54704#~ msgstr "Całkowity koszt:"
54706#~ msgid "true"
54707#~ msgstr "tak"
54709#~ msgid "false"
54710#~ msgstr "nie"
54712#~ msgid "(hidden)"
54713#~ msgstr "(ukryta)"
54715#~ msgid ""
54716#~ "Current Setup\n"
54717#~ "Fullscreen %dx%d"
54718#~ msgstr ""
54719#~ "Obecne ustawienie\n"
54720#~ "Pełny ekran %dx%d"
54722#~ msgid ""
54723#~ "Current Setup\n"
54724#~ "%dx%d"
54725#~ msgstr ""
54726#~ "Obecne ustawienie\n"
54727#~ "%dx%d"
54729#~ msgid "No modes available!"
54730#~ msgstr "Brak dostępnych trybów!"
54732#~ msgid "Fullscreen Mode"
54733#~ msgstr "Tryb pełnoekranowy"
54735#~ msgid "Smooth unit move steps"
54736#~ msgstr "Wygładź tuchy jednostek"
54738#~ msgid "City Trade Routes"
54739#~ msgstr "Szlaki handlowe miasta"
54741#~ msgid "Draw city map grid"
54742#~ msgstr "Pokaż zasięg miast"
54744#~ msgid "Draw city worker map grid"
54745#~ msgstr "Pokaż pracowników miast"
54747#~ msgid "Special Resources"
54748#~ msgstr "Zasoby specjalne"
54750#~ msgid "Roads and Rails"
54751#~ msgstr "Drogi i koleje"
54753#~ msgid "Fortress and Airbase"
54754#~ msgstr "Fortece i bazy lotnicze"
54756#~ msgid "Civ3 city text style"
54757#~ msgstr "Styl miasta Civ3"
54759#~ msgid "Video options"
54760#~ msgstr "Opcje wideo"
54762#~ msgid "Game options"
54763#~ msgstr "Opcje gry"
54765#~ msgid "Map options"
54766#~ msgstr "Ważne opcje"
54768#~ msgid ""
54769#~ "<p class=\"changed\">Value set to %d</p>\n"
54770#~ "\n"
54771#~ msgstr ""
54772#~ "<p class=\"changed\">Wartość ustawiona na %d</p>\n"
54773#~ "\n"
54775#~ msgid ""
54776#~ " - Fortresses improve defense. Units inside a fortress defend at twice "
54777#~ "their normal strength; also, units inside a fortress must be destroyed "
54778#~ "one at a time. See the Combat help section for further details. Occupied "
54779#~ "fortresses also extend your borders (see the section on National Borders)."
54780#~ msgstr ""
54781#~ " - Osadnicy i Inżynierowie mogą budować fortece. Forteca podwaja wartość "
54782#~ "obrony jednostki wewnątrz fortecy. Ponadto, każda jednostka w forcie musi "
54783#~ "być pokonana osobno (więcej informacji znaleźć można w sekcji 'Bitwa'). "
54784#~ "Fortece z obsadą poszerzają też granice narodu (więcej informacji znaleźć "
54785#~ "można w sekcji 'Granice narodów')."
54787#~ msgid ""
54788#~ "In the default ruleset, occupied fortresses also extend national borders."
54789#~ msgstr ""
54790#~ "W domyślnym zestawie zasad, fortece z obsadą również poszerzają granice "
54791#~ "państwa."
54794#~ msgid ""
54795#~ "The Citizen Governor (formerly called the CMA) helps you manage your "
54796#~ "cities. It deploys the available workers on the free tiles around the "
54797#~ "city to achieve maximal city output. It also changes workers to "
54798#~ "scientists, taxmen, or entertainers, if appropriate. And the governor has "
54799#~ "another ability: whenever possible, it keeps your cities content.\n"
54800#~ "\n"
54801#~ "There are various means to tell the governor what kind of output you "
54802#~ "would like. Open the city window and click on the governor tab. There are "
54803#~ "two kinds of sliders: On the left, you can set a Minimal Surplus for each "
54804#~ "kind of production; e.g. Gold = +3 means the city earns 3 gold more than "
54805#~ "it needs to upkeep its improvements. On the right, the sliders let you "
54806#~ "define by how much you prefer one kind of production to another; setting "
54807#~ "science to 3 means you prefer a single bulb to three shields (or gold, "
54808#~ "trade,...). You can set different factors for each kind of production, "
54809#~ "according to your needs.\n"
54810#~ "\n"
54811#~ "If you set up some Minimal Surpluses which are impossible to fulfill, the "
54812#~ "governor can't be activated. Whenever the governor can't fulfill its task "
54813#~ "in the ongoing game, it passes back control to you. So you'd better not "
54814#~ "define too high a surplus; instead, use factors to achieve your goals.\n"
54815#~ "\n"
54816#~ "The Celebrate checkbox lets your city - celebrate. This will work only "
54817#~ "with a high luxury rate. See help about 'Happiness'.\n"
54818#~ "\n"
54819#~ "Clicking on 'Control city' puts the city under control of the governor, "
54820#~ "'Release city' passes control back to you.\n"
54821#~ "\n"
54822#~ "For ease of use, you can save your slider setting as a preset with a "
54823#~ "name. Click on 'add preset' and enter a name for your setting. You can "
54824#~ "use this preset in every city by just clicking on its name. Also, you can "
54825#~ "control your setting from within the city report, in the governor column. "
54826#~ "And you can change it from there (use 'change' --> 'Citizen Governor'), "
54827#~ "if you have saved it as a preset.\n"
54828#~ "\n"
54829#~ "Use 'Game' --> 'Save Settings' to store your presets permanently.\n"
54830#~ "\n"
54831#~ "But beware! If you use the governor for some of your cities, you will "
54832#~ "encounter some difficulties with managing cities nearby, by hand. It's "
54833#~ "best to manage all cities on an island either by hand or by governor. "
54834#~ "Read more hints, some background information, and some preset examples in "
54835#~ "the file README.cma, included with Freeciv.\n"
54836#~ msgstr ""
54837#~ "Zarządca mieszkańców pomaga w administrowaniu miastem. Kontroluje on "
54838#~ "rozdział mieszkańców do pracy na polach dookoła miasta. Może on także "
54839#~ "zamienić mieszkańców w poborców podatkowych, komików lub naukowców. "
54840#~ "Zdolność utrzymywania twojego miasta w spokoju jest jego najwyżej cenioną "
54841#~ "właściwością.\n"
54842#~ "\n"
54843#~ "Aby powiedzieć zarządcy, czego od niego oczekujesz, otwórz okno miasta, a "
54844#~ "w nim zakładkę zarządcy. W zakładce znajdują się dwa typy suwaków. Po "
54845#~ "lewej możesz ustawić minimalny oczekiwany rozmiar produkcji danego "
54846#~ "zasobu. Np. złoto = +3, będzie oznaczać, że zarządca będzie się starał "
54847#~ "tak rozmieścić mieszkańców, aby miasto wytwarzało nie mniej niż 3 złota "
54848#~ "(po odjęciu kosztów utrzymania budynków). Po prawej możesz ustawić "
54849#~ "priorytet danego zasobu. Ustawienie priorytetu nauki na 3, będzie "
54850#~ "oznaczać, że jeden punkt odkryć będzie warty tyle co 3 "
54851#~ "tarczki(produkcja).\n"
54852#~ "\n"
54853#~ "Jeśli zarządca nie będzie w stanie spełnić postawionych mu wymagań, "
54854#~ "przejęcie kontroli nad miastem nie będzie możliwe. Jeśli w mieście "
54855#~ "kontrolowanym już przez zarządcy dojdzie do sytuacji, w której nie będzie "
54856#~ "można uzyskać oczekiwanych rezultatów, to zwróci on kontrolę nad miastem. "
54857#~ "Dlatego lepiej jest sterować zarządcą poprzez ustawianie priorytetów, a "
54858#~ "nie limitów.\n"
54859#~ "\n"
54860#~ "Przycisk 'świętuj' oznacza, że zarządca będzie tak rozdzielał mieszkańców "
54861#~ "(o ile to możliwe), żeby miasto świętowało.\n"
54862#~ "\n"
54863#~ "Dla ułatwienia sobie pracy możesz zapisać ustawienie suwaków w schemacie, "
54864#~ "który może być później używany we wszystkich miastach. Naciśnij 'Dodaj "
54865#~ "schemat' aby dodać nowy schemat. Ustawienia zarządcy możesz także "
54866#~ "zmieniać z poziomu raportu o miastach. Zaznacz wybrane miasta a następnie "
54867#~ "użyj 'Zmień'->'zarządca'->'Twój schemat'.\n"
54868#~ "\n"
54869#~ "Użyj 'Gra' -->'Zapisz opcje' aby zapisać swoje schematy na stałe.\n"
54870#~ "\n"
54871#~ "Ale uwaga! Jeżeli będziesz używać zarządcy tylko w niektórych miastach, "
54872#~ "możesz odczuwać problemy podczas ręcznego manipulowania miastami w "
54873#~ "pobliżu. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w pliku README.cma załączonym do "
54874#~ "Freeciv.\n"
54876#~ msgid ""
54877#~ "If a city is currently producing gold (building Coinage in the default "
54878#~ "rules), an activity which never completes, putting an item on its "
54879#~ "worklist will cause it to stop producing gold and start working on that "
54880#~ "item next turn."
54881#~ msgstr ""
54882#~ "Jeśli miasto tworzy złoto (Kapitalizację w domyślnym zestawie zasad), "
54883#~ "działanie które nigdy się nie kończy, dodanie produktu do planu prac "
54884#~ "sprawi, że w następnej turze miasto przestanie produkować złoto i "
54885#~ "przejdzie do następnej pozycji na liście."
54887#~ msgid ""
54888#~ "Makes a city the capital and the center of your government.  Corruption "
54889#~ "in other cities is related to how far away from the capital they are, "
54890#~ "except when the government is Democracy or Communism.  The cost of "
54891#~ "inciting a revolt in a city also depends upon the city's distance from "
54892#~ "the capital (under all forms of government).\n"
54893#~ "\n"
54894#~ "Take good care of your capital, as its loss may result in your empire "
54895#~ "plunging into civil war. Losing your current palace also results in "
54896#~ "losing whatever spaceship you might have.\n"
54897#~ "\n"
54898#~ "Under Despotism the city containing the palace gains a +75% production "
54899#~ "bonus, and under Monarchy a +50% production bonus."
54900#~ msgstr ""
54901#~ "Miasto, w którym został wybudowany staje się twoją stolicą. Korupcja w "
54902#~ "pozostałych miastach jest obliczana na podstawie odległości od stolicy, "
54903#~ "chyba że twoim ustrojem jest Demokracja lub Komunizm. Koszt wzniecenia "
54904#~ "buntu w danym mieście jest także proporcjonalny do odległości  od stolicy "
54905#~ "(w każdym ustroju).\n"
54906#~ "\n"
54907#~ "Pilnuj swojej stolicy, gdyż jej przejęcie prowadzi do utraty statku "
54908#~ "kosmicznego, a nawet może doprowadzić do wojny domowej.\n"
54909#~ "\n"
54910#~ "W Despotyzmie, Pałac zwiększa produkcję o +75%, a w Monarchii o50% ."
54912#~ msgid "?nationgroup:Fictional"
54913#~ msgstr "?nationgroup:Fikcyjne"
54915#~ msgid ""
54916#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
54917#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
54918#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 100% production "
54919#~ "bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give a 150% "
54920#~ "production bonus.\n"
54921#~ "\n"
54922#~ "A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or "
54923#~ "Solar Plant.  A city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or "
54924#~ "on) a Mountain or River tile."
54925#~ msgstr ""
54926#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
54927#~ "produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka wraz z "
54928#~ "Elektrownią Wodną dają 100% wzrostu produkcji, a Fabryka wraz Fabryka "
54929#~ "Zautomatyzowana i Elektrownią Wodną dają 150% wzrostu.\n"
54930#~ "\n"
54931#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
54932#~ "atomową.  Elektrownia Wodna może być budowana tylko obok albo na polu z "
54933#~ "rzeką lub górami."
54935#~ msgid ""
54936#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
54937#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
54938#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 100% "
54939#~ "production bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant together "
54940#~ "give a 150% production bonus.\n"
54941#~ "\n"
54942#~ "A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or "
54943#~ "Solar Plant."
54944#~ msgstr ""
54945#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
54946#~ "produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Fabryka wraz z "
54947#~ "Elektrownią Atomową dają 100% wzrostu produkcji, a Fabryka wraz z Fabryką "
54948#~ "Zautomatyzowaną i Elektrownią Atomowa dają 150% wzrostu.\n"
54949#~ "\n"
54950#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
54951#~ "atomową."
54953#~ msgid ""
54954#~ "Increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in a city: a "
54955#~ "Factory and a Power Plant together give a 100% production bonus, and a "
54956#~ "Factory, Mfg. Plant and Power Plant together give a 150% production "
54957#~ "bonus.  The extra production may lead to the city generating more "
54958#~ "pollution.\n"
54959#~ "\n"
54960#~ "A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or "
54961#~ "Solar Plant."
54962#~ msgstr ""
54963#~ "Zwiększa produkcję Fabryki lub Fabryki Zautomatyzowanej. Fabryka wraz z "
54964#~ "Elektrownią Cieplną dają 100% wzrostu produkcji, a Fabryka wraz z Fabryką "
54965#~ "Zautomatyzowaną i Elektrownia Cieplna dają 150% wzrostu.\n"
54966#~ "\n"
54967#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
54968#~ "atomową."
54970#~ msgid ""
54971#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
54972#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
54973#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 100% production "
54974#~ "bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give a 150% "
54975#~ "production bonus.\n"
54976#~ "\n"
54977#~ "A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant.  A "
54978#~ "city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or on) a Mountain or "
54979#~ "River tile."
54980#~ msgstr ""
54981#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
54982#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
54983#~ "wodna dają 100% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + elektrownia "
54984#~ "wodna dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
54985#~ "\n"
54986#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową.  "
54987#~ "Elektrownia wodna może być budowana tylko obok albo na polu z rzeką lub "
54988#~ "górą."
54990#~ msgid "King"
54991#~ msgstr "Król"
54993#~ msgid ""
54994#~ "Anarchy is simply the absence of any recognizable government. Citizens "
54995#~ "are disorganized and unproductive, and will spend all income as quickly "
54996#~ "as possible, rather than paying taxes or conducting research.\n"
54997#~ "\n"
54998#~ "Anarchy offers slightly less corruption and waste than Despotism, but "
54999#~ "slightly more unhappiness."
55000#~ msgstr ""
55001#~ "Anarchia to po prostu brak władzy. Mieszkańcy są niezorganizowani i "
55002#~ "nieproduktywni. Nikt nie płaci podatków i nie prowadzi badań naukowych.\n"
55003#~ "\n"
55004#~ "Anarchia oznacza mniejszą korupcję niż w despotyzmie, ale trochę większe "
55005#~ "niezadowolenie."
55007#~ msgid ""
55008#~ "Under Despotism, you are the absolute ruler of your people.  Your control "
55009#~ "over your citizens is maintained largely by martial law.\n"
55010#~ "\n"
55011#~ "Despotism suffers the highest level of corruption and waste of all forms "
55012#~ "of government."
55013#~ msgstr ""
55014#~ "Podczas despotyzmu posiadasz absolutną władzę nad swoimi poddanymi.  "
55015#~ "Władza jest sprawowana głównie przez wojsko (stan wyjątkowy).\n"
55016#~ "\n"
55017#~ "Despotyzm odznacza się największym poziomem korupcji wśród wszystkich "
55018#~ "ustrojów."
55020#~ msgid ""
55021#~ "A Communist government is based on the ideal that all people are equal.  "
55022#~ "All goods are owned by the state, rather than by private citizens.  "
55023#~ "Communism gives a balance between military and commercial styles of "
55024#~ "government.\n"
55025#~ "\n"
55026#~ "Under Communism, corruption and waste does not vary by distance from the "
55027#~ "capital; all cities (including the capital) have a modest amount of "
55028#~ "corruption."
55029#~ msgstr ""
55030#~ "Komunizm to ustrój oparty na pomyśle, że wszyscy ludzie są równi. Dobra "
55031#~ "są rozprowadzane po równo przez organy państwa. Nie istnieje własność "
55032#~ "prywatna. Komunizm jest dobrym ustrojem pośrednim między ustrojami "
55033#~ "zorientowanymi militarnie i handlowo.\n"
55034#~ "\n"
55035#~ "Podczas komunizmu, korupcja nie zależy od odległości od stolicy. "
55036#~ "Wszystkie miasta, także stolica posiadają niewielki poziom korupcji."
55038#~ msgid ""
55039#~ "Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues. Democracy "
55040#~ "offers the highest possible level of trade, but also offers the most "
55041#~ "potential for unhappiness.  There is no corruption or waste during "
55042#~ "Democracy, but citizens become very upset during wars.\n"
55043#~ "\n"
55044#~ "Because (happy) citizens of Democracy believe strongly in the government, "
55045#~ "their loyalty is unswerving.  Military units of Democratic civilizations "
55046#~ "cannot be bribed, and Democratic cities cannot be incited to revolt by "
55047#~ "enemy Diplomats and Spies."
55048#~ msgstr ""
55049#~ "Demokracja to ustrój, w którym obywatele mają możliwość bezpośredniego "
55050#~ "wyboru swoich przełożonych. Liderzy dążąc do utrzymania popularności dają "
55051#~ "obywatelom duży poziom wolności.  Mieszkańcy łatwo stają się "
55052#~ "niezadowoleni szczególnie podczas wojny, ale za to są bardzo "
55053#~ "przedsiębiorczy i nieskorumpowani.\n"
55054#~ "\n"
55055#~ "Podczas demokracji nie da się przekupić twoich jednostek ani miast."
55057#~ msgid ""
55058#~ "An improved Ironclad, with better move rate and vision.\n"
55059#~ "\n"
55060#~ "TIP:  A very fast unit, which is very useful for hunting down enemy "
55061#~ "Transports."
55062#~ msgstr ""
55063#~ "Udoskonalony Parowiec; jest szybszy i \"widzi\" większy obszar.\n"
55064#~ "\n"
55065#~ "RADA: Bardzo szybka jednostka, bardzo przydatna do ścigania transportów "
55066#~ "wroga."
55068#~ msgid ""
55069#~ "The Carrier is a mobile airport.\n"
55070#~ "\n"
55071#~ "TIP:  Guard Carriers with a handful of fast-moving ships and a "
55072#~ "battleship, as losing a fully-equipped Carrier is VERY painful and "
55073#~ "expensive."
55074#~ msgstr ""
55075#~ "Lotniskowiec to \"ruchome lotnisko\".\n"
55076#~ "\n"
55077#~ "RADA:  Chroń Lotniskowce kilkoma szybkimi statkami i pancernikiem. Strata "
55078#~ "w pełni załadowanego Lotniskowca jest BARDZO bolesna i kosztowna."
55080#~ msgid ""
55081#~ "The Cruise Missile is a long-distance missile that can strike deep into "
55082#~ "enemy territory.\n"
55083#~ "\n"
55084#~ "TIP:  A handful of these can successfully keep the waters around your "
55085#~ "treasured homeland free of enemy ships."
55086#~ msgstr ""
55087#~ "Pocisk Balistyczny to dalekosiężny pocisk, który może razić cele w głębi "
55088#~ "terytorium wroga.\n"
55089#~ "RADA:  Kilka takich jednostek może skutecznie ochronić wody wokół twojej "
55090#~ "drogiej ojczyzny przed wrogimi okrętami."
55092#~ msgid ""
55093#~ "You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and the "
55094#~ "Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player.\n"
55095#~ "\n"
55096#~ "On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide (3x3 "
55097#~ "squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units. Any city within "
55098#~ "the blast area loses half its population, and land tiles within the blast "
55099#~ "area are subject to nuclear fallout.\n"
55100#~ "\n"
55101#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
55102#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
55103#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers, Workers, and "
55104#~ "Engineers can clean up nuclear fallout.\n"
55105#~ "\n"
55106#~ "TIP 1:  Nuking the ocean will not generate fallout, and is a most "
55107#~ "effective (but expensive!!) way of getting rid of enemy ships.\n"
55108#~ "\n"
55109#~ "TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
55110#~ "country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
55111#~ "Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers, Workers, and/or Engineers next "
55112#~ "to the city and have them ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it "
55113#~ "occurs!  This minimizes the chance of nuclear winter.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
55114#~ msgstr ""
55115#~ "Budowa Bomb Atomowych jest możliwa po osiągnięciu wymaganej technologii "
55116#~ "oraz stworzeniu cudu Projekt Manhattan przez któregokolwiek z graczy.\n"
55117#~ "\n"
55118#~ "Podmuch przy uderzeniu atomowym niszczy wszystkie jednostki w promieniu 3 "
55119#~ "pól (wewnątrz kwadratu o wymiarach 3x3 pola), włączając w to jednostki "
55120#~ "przyjazne. Przy uderzeniu w miasto, jego rozmiar spada o połowę, a na "
55121#~ "otaczających je polach pojawia się skażenie.\n"
55122#~ "\n"
55123#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i glodalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
55124#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
55125#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
55126#~ "mogą Osadnicy, Robotnicy i Inżynierowie.\n"
55127#~ "\n"
55128#~ "RADA 1:  Uderzenie w ocean nie tworzy zanieczyszczeń i jest najbardziej "
55129#~ "efektywnym (ale i kosztownym!) sposobem na eliminowanie wrogich statków.\n"
55130#~ "\n"
55131#~ "RADA 2:  Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar "
55132#~ "wroga, lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem Bomb "
55133#~ "Atomowych, warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników, Robotników i/lub Inżynierów "
55134#~ "i przygotować ich do usuwania skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! "
55135#~ "Redukuje to ryzyko \"nuklearnej zimy\" (ekologiczne Bomby Atomowe!)."
55137#~ msgid ""
55138#~ "A Diplomat is an official that carries your dispatches and is authorized "
55139#~ "to deal with foreign dignitaries. He may also undertake various covert "
55140#~ "operations with the intent of harming your opponents; Diplomats in your "
55141#~ "own cities defend them against such actions.\n"
55142#~ "\n"
55143#~ "Many covert actions may be attempted even in peacetime, but the more "
55144#~ "aggressive actions will be discovered and cause diplomatic incidents, "
55145#~ "which can allow Republics and Democracies to break treaties.\n"
55146#~ "\n"
55147#~ "If a foreign unit is alone on a tile, you may attempt to bribe it with "
55148#~ "your Diplomat. By paying a sum of gold the unit will immediately become "
55149#~ "yours; the exact sum depends on the status of the unit and that of the "
55150#~ "civilization owning it. However, units belonging to Democratic "
55151#~ "governments cannot be bribed. Bribery when not at war will cause a "
55152#~ "diplomatic incident.\n"
55153#~ "\n"
55154#~ "Diplomats can also perform a number of actions in another player's city, "
55155#~ "although each Diplomat may attempt only one action. Most of these actions "
55156#~ "have a chance of failure. Also, any enemy Diplomats or Spies in the city "
55157#~ "will oppose hostile actions; in this case, either your unit or the "
55158#~ "defending unit will die. If the defending unit dies, you lose one "
55159#~ "movement point and may try again.\n"
55160#~ "\n"
55161#~ "The actions available to Diplomats in a city are:\n"
55162#~ "\n"
55163#~ " - \"Establish Embassy\": This action always succeeds, and gives "
55164#~ "permanent contact with the city's owner, as well as intelligence on their "
55165#~ "tax rates and technology.\n"
55166#~ "\n"
55167#~ " - \"Investigate City\": Your unit attempts to report detailed "
55168#~ "information about the city: its status, what buildings and units are "
55169#~ "within, and what it is currently producing.\n"
55170#~ "\n"
55171#~ " - \"Sabotage City\": Your unit attempts either to disrupt all the city's "
55172#~ "work so far towards its current project, or to destroy an existing "
55173#~ "building in the city, at random. Once built, Palaces and Wonders cannot "
55174#~ "be sabotaged, and attempts to sabotage City Walls or any building in a "
55175#~ "capital each halve the chance of success. Sabotage may only be attempted "
55176#~ "when openly at war.\n"
55177#~ "\n"
55178#~ " - \"Steal Technology\": Your unit attempts to learn the secrets of a "
55179#~ "random technology known to the city's owner but not to you. Technology "
55180#~ "may only be stolen once from a given enemy city by Diplomats. This action "
55181#~ "may be attempted even when not at war, but will cause a diplomatic "
55182#~ "incident.\n"
55183#~ "\n"
55184#~ " - \"Incite a Revolt\": In return for gold a foreign city will change "
55185#~ "allegiance and join your empire, bringing along all nearby units that "
55186#~ "call it home, but reducing its size by 1. Units in other cities remain in "
55187#~ "the enemy's control, but units outside cities are lost to both players. "
55188#~ "The exact sum depends on the status of the city and that of the "
55189#~ "civilization that owns it. It is not possible to incite a rebellion in a "
55190#~ "capital, or in any city governed by a democracy. Incitement may be "
55191#~ "attempted in peacetime, but will cause a diplomatic incident.\n"
55192#~ "\n"
55193#~ "In some game strategies, hordes of Diplomats can be used to wreak havoc "
55194#~ "on the enemy.  Little wonder that Diplomats are often viewed with "
55195#~ "suspicion and fear!"
55196#~ msgstr ""
55197#~ "Dyplomata to przedstawiciel uprawniony do kontaktowania się z obcymi "
55198#~ "dygnitarzami. Może również przeprowdzać tajne akcje, mające na celu "
55199#~ "zaszkodzenie przeciwnikowi. Dyplomaci bronią też twoich miast przed "
55200#~ "takimi akcjami ze strony wrogich jednostek.\n"
55201#~ "\n"
55202#~ "Wiele tajnych akcji przeprowadzać można nawet w czasie pokoju, lecz jeśli "
55203#~ "bardziej agresywne działania zostaną wykryte, mogą doprowadzić do "
55204#~ "skandalu dyplomatycznego, a państwa republikańskie i demokratyczne mogą "
55205#~ "zerwać wcześniej podpisane traktaty.\n"
55206#~ "\n"
55207#~ "Jeśli na jakimś polu przebywa tylko jedna obca jednostka, Dyplomata może "
55208#~ "spróbować ją przekupić. Po zapłaceniu pewnej sumy w złocie, jednostka "
55209#~ "przejdzie na twoją stronę; wysokość sumy zależy od statusu jednostki i "
55210#~ "cywilizacji, do której należy. Pamiętaj jednak, że jednostki państw "
55211#~ "demokratycznych nie mogą zostać przekupione. Przekupywanie w czasie "
55212#~ "pokoju doprowadzi do skandalu dyplomatycznego.\n"
55213#~ "\n"
55214#~ "Dyplomaci mogą też przprowadzać akcje w miastach innej cywilizacji, choć "
55215#~ "jeden Dyplomata może przeprowadzić tylko jedną akcję. Większość z nich "
55216#~ "może (choć nie musi) zakończyć się niepowodzeniem. Ponadto, każdy "
55217#~ "Dyplomaci i Szpiegdzy przeciwnika obecni w mieście będą próbowali "
55218#~ "zniweczyć tę akcję. W takim przypadku, jedna z jednostek (twoja, bądź ta, "
55219#~ "która broni miasta) ulegnie zniszczeniu. Jeśli zginie broniąca miasta "
55220#~ "jednostka, tracisz jeden punkt ruchu, ale możesz podjąć kolejną próbę.\n"
55221#~ "\n"
55222#~ "Dyplomaci mogą przeprowadzać następujące akcje:\n"
55223#~ "\n"
55224#~ " - \"Załóż ambasadę\": Ta akcja zawsze kończy się powodzeniem i daje "
55225#~ "stały kontakt w graczem, do którego należy miasto. Ambasada dostarcza też "
55226#~ "informacji na temat stawek podatków i technologii.\n"
55227#~ "\n"
55228#~ " - \"Zbadaj miasto\": Dyplomata spróbuje zdobyć szczegółowe informacje o "
55229#~ "mieście: o jego stanie, budynkach, jednostkach w nim stacjonujących i "
55230#~ "bieżącej produkcji.\n"
55231#~ "\n"
55232#~ " - \"Sabotuj miasto\": Dyplomata spróbuje zakłócić bieżącą produkcję "
55233#~ "miasta lub zniszczyć jakiś budynek (rodzaj akcji wybierany jest losowo). "
55234#~ "Pałac oraz cudy nie mogą być sabotowane, a sabotowanie Murów Obronnym lub "
55235#~ "budynków w stolicy wiąże się z o połowę mnieszym prawdopodobieństwem "
55236#~ "sukcesu. Sabotować można jedynie graczy, z którymi prowadzi się wojnę.\n"
55237#~ "\n"
55238#~ " - \"Wykradnij technologię\": Dyplomata spróbuje wykraść informacje o "
55239#~ "technologii innego gracza, której ty nie znasz. Z jednego miasta można "
55240#~ "wykraść tylko jedną technologię. Akcję tę przeprowadzić można nawet w "
55241#~ "czasie pokoju, lecz doprowadzi ona do skandalu dyplomatycznego.\n"
55242#~ "\n"
55243#~ " - \"Wznieć bunt\": Po zapłaceniu określonej sumy w złocie, miasto "
55244#~ "przejdzie na twoją stronę i będzie należeć do ciebie (wraz ze wszystkimi "
55245#~ "pobliskimi jednostkami, które z niego pochodzą), lecz jego rozmiar "
55246#~ "zmniejszy się o jeden. Jednostki na utrzymaniu miasta, które przebywają w "
55247#~ "innych miastach wroga pozostaną przy przeciwniku, lecz te poza miastami "
55248#~ "będą stracone dla obu graczy. Wysokość opłaty zależy od statusu miasta "
55249#~ "oraz cywilizacji, do której należy. Nie da się wzniecić buntu w stolicy "
55250#~ "ani w miastach państwa demokratycznego. Akcję można przeprowadzić w "
55251#~ "czasie pokoju, lecz doprowadzi ona do skandalu dyplomatycznego.\n"
55252#~ "\n"
55253#~ "Większe grupy Dyplomatów można wykorzystać do siania zamętu w państwie "
55254#~ "wroga. Nic dziwnego, że Dyplomaci wzbudzają strach i podejrzliwość!"
55256#~ msgid ""
55257#~ "A Caravan carries goods or material for trading with distant cities and "
55258#~ "foreign countries, or to help build wonders in your cities.\n"
55259#~ "\n"
55260#~ "Every Caravan that is used to build a wonder will add 50 shields towards "
55261#~ "the production of the wonder.\n"
55262#~ "\n"
55263#~ "TIP:  You can stockpile a stack of Caravans in advance and bring them all "
55264#~ "into a city where you have started to build a wonder, and finish it in "
55265#~ "only one turn!"
55266#~ msgstr ""
55267#~ "Karawana wiezie towar na sprzedaż do innego miasta na obszarze tego "
55268#~ "samego lub innego kraju. Może także pomóc przy budowie cudu.\n"
55269#~ "Każda Karawana użyta do budowy cudu dodaje 50 tarcz do jego produkcji.\n"
55270#~ "\n"
55271#~ "RADA:  Możesz najpierw zgromadzić Karawany, a potem przenieść je "
55272#~ "wszystkie do miasta, które właśnie zaczęło budować cud i skończyć go w "
55273#~ "jednej turze!"
55275#~ msgid ""
55276#~ "One Barbarian Leader appears every time there is a barbarian uprising "
55277#~ "somewhere in the world.\n"
55278#~ "\n"
55279#~ "When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, "
55280#~ "the 100 gold ransom is paid, but only to land units and helicopters."
55281#~ msgstr ""
55282#~ "Barbarzyński Wódz pojawia się zawsze, gdy gdzieś na świecie wybucha "
55283#~ "powstanie Brarbarzyńców.\n"
55284#~ "Gdy zabijesz Barbarzyński Wodza, na polu bez innych jednostek broniących, "
55285#~ "dostaniesz 100 złota nagrody, ale tylko jeśli atakowałeś jednostką lądową "
55286#~ "lub Helikopterem."
55288#~ msgid ""
55289#~ "Fanatics are warriors extremely devoted to a higher cause.\n"
55290#~ "\n"
55291#~ "Fundamentalist nations can maintain Fanatic units without having to pay "
55292#~ "any shields for upkeep."
55293#~ msgstr ""
55294#~ "Fanatycy to wojownicy bezgranicznie oddani sprawie.\n"
55295#~ "Tylko narody fundamentalistyczne mogą szkolić fanatyków bez konieczności "
55296#~ "płacenia za ich utrzymanie."
55298#~ msgid ""
55299#~ "You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and the "
55300#~ "Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player.\n"
55301#~ "\n"
55302#~ "On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide (3x3 "
55303#~ "squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units. Any city within "
55304#~ "the blast area loses half its population, and land tiles within the blast "
55305#~ "area are subject to nuclear fallout.\n"
55306#~ "\n"
55307#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
55308#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
55309#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers and Engineers "
55310#~ "can clean up nuclear fallout.\n"
55311#~ "\n"
55312#~ "TIP 1:  Nuking the ocean will not generate fallout, and is a most "
55313#~ "effective (but expensive!!) way of getting rid of enemy ships.\n"
55314#~ "\n"
55315#~ "TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
55316#~ "country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
55317#~ "Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers and/or Engineers next to the "
55318#~ "city and have them ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  "
55319#~ "This minimizes the chance of nuclear winter.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
55320#~ msgstr ""
55321#~ "Budowa Bomb Atomowych jest możliwa po osiągnięciu wymaganej technologii "
55322#~ "oraz stworzeniu cudu Projekt Manhattan przez któregokolwiek z graczy.\n"
55323#~ "\n"
55324#~ "Podmuch przy uderzeniu atomowym niszczy wszystkie jednostki w promieniu 3 "
55325#~ "pól (wewnątrz kwadratu o wymiarach 3x3 pola), włączając w to jednostki "
55326#~ "przyjazne. Przy uderzeniu w miasto, jego rozmiar spada o połowę, a na "
55327#~ "otaczających je polach pojawia się skażenie.\n"
55328#~ "\n"
55329#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i glodalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
55330#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
55331#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
55332#~ "mogą Osadnicy i Inżynierowie.\n"
55333#~ "\n"
55334#~ "RADA 1:  Uderzenie w ocean nie tworzy zanieczyszczeń i jest najbardziej "
55335#~ "efektywnym (ale i kosztownym!) sposobem na eliminowanie wrogich statków.\n"
55336#~ "\n"
55337#~ "RADA 2:  Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar "
55338#~ "wroga, lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem Bomb "
55339#~ "Atomowych, warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników i/lub Inżynierów i "
55340#~ "przygotować ich do usuwania skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! "
55341#~ "Redukuje to ryzyko \"nuklearnej zimy\" (ekologiczne Bomby Atomowe!)."
55343#~ msgid ""
55344#~ "You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and the "
55345#~ "Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player.\n"
55346#~ "\n"
55347#~ "On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide (3x3 "
55348#~ "squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units. Any city within "
55349#~ "the blast area loses half its population, and land tiles within the blast "
55350#~ "area are subject to nuclear fallout.\n"
55351#~ "\n"
55352#~ "Similar to pollution and global warming, the risk of global nuclear "
55353#~ "winter increases with fallout. If nuclear winter occurs, terrain across "
55354#~ "the globe changes into desert, tundra, and ice. Settlers can clean up "
55355#~ "nuclear fallout.\n"
55356#~ "\n"
55357#~ "TIP 1:  Nuking the ocean will not generate fallout, and is a most "
55358#~ "effective (but expensive!!) way of getting rid of enemy ships.\n"
55359#~ "\n"
55360#~ "TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an enemy "
55361#~ "country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong. Before using a "
55362#~ "Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers next to the city and have them "
55363#~ "ready to fix the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  This minimizes the "
55364#~ "chance of nuclear winter.  Eco-friendly nukes!"
55365#~ msgstr ""
55366#~ "Budowa Bomb Atomowych jest możliwa po osiągnięciu wymaganej technologii "
55367#~ "oraz stworzeniu cudu Projekt Manhattan przez któregokolwiek z graczy.\n"
55368#~ "\n"
55369#~ "Podmuch przy uderzeniu atomowym niszczy wszystkie jednostki w promieniu 3 "
55370#~ "pól (wewnątrz kwadratu o wymiarach 3x3 pola), włączając w to jednostki "
55371#~ "przyjazne. Przy uderzeniu w miasto, jego rozmiar spada o połowę, a na "
55372#~ "otaczających je polach pojawia się skażenie.\n"
55373#~ "\n"
55374#~ "Podobnie jak w przypadku zanieczyszczeń i glodalnego ocieplenia, skażenie "
55375#~ "zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia \"nuklearnej zimy\". Gdy to nastąpi, teren na "
55376#~ "całym globie zamieni się w pustynię, tundrę lub lodowiec. Skażenia usuwać "
55377#~ "mogą Osadnicy.\n"
55378#~ "\n"
55379#~ "RADA 1:  Uderzenie w ocean nie tworzy zanieczyszczeń i jest najbardziej "
55380#~ "efektywnym (ale i kosztownym!) sposobem na eliminowanie wrogich statków.\n"
55381#~ "\n"
55382#~ "RADA 2:  Może się zdarzyć, że twoje jednostki masowo najechały obszar "
55383#~ "wroga, lecz jego miasta są zbyt silne. Wówczas, przed użyciem Bomb "
55384#~ "Atomowych, warto zgromadzić grupę Osadników i przygotować ich do usuwania "
55385#~ "skażeń w turze, w której się pojawią! Redukuje to ryzyko \"nuklearnej zimy"
55386#~ "\" (ekologiczne Bomby Atomowe!)."
55388#~ msgid ""
55389#~ "One Barbarian Leader appears every time there is a barbarian uprising "
55390#~ "somewhere in the world.\n"
55391#~ "\n"
55392#~ "When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, "
55393#~ "the 100 gold ransom is paid, but only to land units."
55394#~ msgstr ""
55395#~ "Barbarzyński Wódz pojawia się zawsze, gdy gdzieś na świecie wybucha "
55396#~ "powstanie Brarbarzyńców.\n"
55397#~ "Gdy zabijesz Barbarzyński Wodza, na polu bez innych jednostek broniących, "
55398#~ "dostaniesz 100 złota nagrody, ale tylko jeśli atakowałeś jednostką lądową."
55400#~ msgid "Team 4"
55401#~ msgstr "Zespół 4"
55403#~ msgid "Team 5"
55404#~ msgstr "Zespół 5"
55406#~ msgid "Team 6"
55407#~ msgstr "Zespół 6"
55409#~ msgid "Team 7"
55410#~ msgstr "Zespół 7"
55412#~ msgid "Team 8"
55413#~ msgstr "Zespół 8"
55415#~ msgid "Team 9"
55416#~ msgstr "Zespół 9"
55418#~ msgid "Team 10"
55419#~ msgstr "Zespół 10"
55421#~ msgid "Team 11"
55422#~ msgstr "Zespół 11"
55424#~ msgid "Team 12"
55425#~ msgstr "Zespół 12"
55427#~ msgid "Team 13"
55428#~ msgstr "Zespół 13"
55430#~ msgid "Team 14"
55431#~ msgstr "Zespół 14"
55433#~ msgid "Team 15"
55434#~ msgstr "Zespół 15"
55436#~ msgid "Team 16"
55437#~ msgstr "Zespół 16"
55439#~ msgid "Team 17"
55440#~ msgstr "Zespół 17"
55442#~ msgid "Team 18"
55443#~ msgstr "Zespół 18"
55445#~ msgid "Team 19"
55446#~ msgstr "Zespół 19"
55448#~ msgid "Team 20"
55449#~ msgstr "Zespół 20"
55451#~ msgid "Team 21"
55452#~ msgstr "Zespół 21"
55454#~ msgid "Team 22"
55455#~ msgstr "Zespół 22"
55457#~ msgid "Team 23"
55458#~ msgstr "Zespół 23"
55460#~ msgid "Team 24"
55461#~ msgstr "Zespół 24"
55463#~ msgid "Team 25"
55464#~ msgstr "Zespół 25"
55466#~ msgid "Team 26"
55467#~ msgstr "Zespół 26"
55469#~ msgid "Team 27"
55470#~ msgstr "Zespół 27"
55472#~ msgid "Team 28"
55473#~ msgstr "Zespół 28"
55475#~ msgid "Team 29"
55476#~ msgstr "Zespół 29"
55478#~ msgid "Team 30"
55479#~ msgstr "Zespół 30"
55481#~ msgid "Team 31"
55482#~ msgstr "Zespół 31"
55484#~ msgid "Cannot open IPv6 socket, trying IPv4 instead"
55485#~ msgstr "Nie mogę otworzyć wejścia IPv6, próbuję wejście IPv4"
55487#~ msgid "Bazy"
55488#~ msgstr "Straty"
55490#~ msgid "Towaras"
55491#~ msgstr "Tovaras"
55493#~ msgid ""
55494#~ "Sets a player as member of a team. If no team specified, the player is "
55495#~ "set teamless. Use \"\" if names contain whitespace. A team is a group of "
55496#~ "players that start out allied, with shared vision and embassies, and "
55497#~ "fight together to achieve team victory with averaged individual scores."
55498#~ msgstr ""
55499#~ "Dołącza gracza do podanego zespołu. Jeśli nie podano zespołu, to gracz "
55500#~ "zostanie usunięty z tego, w którym aktualnie gra. Jeśli nazwy zawierają "
55501#~ "spacje, użyj \"\". Zespół to grupa sojuszników z widokiem dzielonym i "
55502#~ "ambasadami, która dąży do wspólnego zwycięstwa. Ale punktacja jest "
55503#~ "prowadzona osobno dla każdego członka zespołu."
55505#~ msgid "Auto-save name prefix"
55506#~ msgstr "Przedrostek autosave'a"
55508#, fuzzy
55509#~ msgid ""
55510#~ "Automatically saved games will have name \"<prefix>-T<turn>-Y<year>.sav"
55511#~ "\". This setting sets the <prefix> part."
55512#~ msgstr ""
55513#~ "Autosave'y będą miały nazwę \"<prefix><rok>.sav\". Gdzie <prefix> jest "
55514#~ "podanym przedrostkiem."
55516#~ msgid "Got a packet of type %d from a dead or observer player"
55517#~ msgstr "Odebrano pakiet typu %d od uczestnika `martwego' lub widza"
55519#, fuzzy
55520#~ msgid "Wonders of the WOrld"
55521#~ msgstr "Cudy Świata"
55523#~ msgid "?city_state:Rapture"
55524#~ msgstr "?city_state:Zachwyt"
55526#, fuzzy
55527#~ msgid "Requires the %s terrain special near the tile.\n"
55528#~ msgstr ""
55529#~ "Wymagany jest zasób %s.\n"
55530#~ "\n"
55532#, fuzzy
55533#~ msgid "Requires the %s terrain near the tile.\n"
55534#~ msgstr ""
55535#~ "Wymagany jest zasób %s.\n"
55536#~ "\n"
55538#, fuzzy
55539#~ msgid "Requires %s terrain class near the tile.\n"
55540#~ msgstr ""
55541#~ "Wymagany jest zasób %s.\n"
55542#~ "\n"
55544#~ msgid "Language_s"
55545#~ msgstr "Języki"
55547#~ msgid "Co_nnecting"
55548#~ msgstr "Łączenie się"
55550#~ msgid "C_ontrols"
55551#~ msgstr "Sterowanie"
55553#~ msgid "C_hatline"
55554#~ msgstr "Pogawędki"
55556#~ msgid "_Worklist Editor"
55557#~ msgstr "_Edytor _schematu prac"
55559#~ msgid "Citizen _Management"
55560#~ msgstr "Kontroler zatrud_nienia"
55562#~ msgid "_Playing"
55563#~ msgstr "Granie"
55565#~ msgid "City _Improvements"
55566#~ msgstr "B_udynki"
55568#~ msgid "Com_bat"
55569#~ msgstr "_Bitwa"
55571#~ msgid "_ZOC"
55572#~ msgstr "_ZOC"
55574#~ msgid "Techno_logy"
55575#~ msgstr "Techno_logia"
55577#~ msgid "Won_ders"
55578#~ msgstr "_Cudy świata"
55580#, fuzzy
55581#~ msgid "Diplomac_y"
55582#~ msgstr "Dyplomacja"
55584#~ msgid "Happin_ess"
55585#~ msgstr "Szczęście"
55587#~ msgid "Space _Race"
55588#~ msgstr "Wyścig _kosmiczny"
55590#~ msgid "_Copying"
55591#~ msgstr "K_opiowanie"
55593#~ msgid "_About"
55594#~ msgstr "O progr_amie"
55596#~ msgid "Playing"
55597#~ msgstr "Granie"
55599#~ msgid ""
55600#~ "Freeciv is a turn-based strategy game, in which each player becomes the "
55601#~ "leader of a civilization, fighting to obtain the ultimate goal: the "
55602#~ "extinction of all other civilizations."
55603#~ msgstr ""
55604#~ "Freeciv to turowa gra strategiczna, w której gracze wcielają się w "
55605#~ "przywódców cywilizacji, a ich głównym celem jest przetrwanie."
55607#~ msgid ""
55608#~ "City improvements are built in each of your cities to improve trade "
55609#~ "revenue, science production, etc.  Most improvements require you to pay "
55610#~ "an upkeep every turn.  If you can't afford the upkeep for a building, "
55611#~ "then it'll be automatically sold."
55612#~ msgstr ""
55613#~ "Budynki mogą być budowane w każdym z twoich miast aby zwiększyć, ulepszyć "
55614#~ "produkcję, naukę, handel itd. Utrzymywanie budynków w mieście wiąże się z "
55615#~ "kosztami, które musisz płacić co turę. Jeśli nie będzie cię stać na "
55616#~ "utrzymanie budynku zostanie on automatycznie sprzedany."
55618#, fuzzy
55619#~ msgid ""
55620#~ "City centers (the tile a city is on) are special. A city center is worked "
55621#~ "for free in the default rules. When a city is built a road is "
55622#~ "automatically put on the city, and a railroad will also be placed there "
55623#~ "whenever possible. City centers are auto-irrigated: they get the benefits "
55624#~ "of irrigation, although they are not actually irrigated -- they cannot "
55625#~ "serve as the water source for other irrigation systems. Finally, the city "
55626#~ "center may have a ruleset-dependent minimum for food, shield, and trade "
55627#~ "output."
55628#~ msgstr ""
55629#~ "Centrum miasta (pole na którym znajduje się miasto) działa inaczej.  W "
55630#~ "domyślnych zasadach w centrum miasta pracuje zawsze jeden dodatkowy "
55631#~ "robotnik. Kiedy budujesz miasto, to w centrum automatycznie tworzona jest "
55632#~ "droga, a nawet kolej jeśli posiadasz odpowiednią technologię. Centra "
55633#~ "miast są automatycznie nawadniane: Pole otrzymuje bonusy z irygacji mimo "
55634#~ "że faktycznie nie jest ono nawodnione. W niektórych zestawach zasad "
55635#~ "poziom żywności, produkcji i handlu może być podnoszony do pewnego "
55636#~ "minimalnego progu."
55638#~ msgid ""
55639#~ "Corruption is the loss of trade due to inefficiency and greed. Under most "
55640#~ "forms of government, the farther away from the capital a city is, the "
55641#~ "more trade will be lost to corruption.  (If you do not have a capital, "
55642#~ "your cities will suffer extremely high levels of corruption.)  A "
55643#~ "Courthouse will reduce the level of corruption in a city."
55644#~ msgstr ""
55645#~ "Korupcja to utrata zysków spowodowana niezaradnością i chciwością. W "
55646#~ "większości ustrojów, im dalej miasto znajduje się od stolicy, tym większy "
55647#~ "występuje w nim stopień korupcji. (Jeśli nie posiadasz stolicy, to "
55648#~ "korupcja jest ogromna.)  Aby zmniejszyć korupcję w mieście wybuduj w nim "
55649#~ "sąd."
55651#~ msgid ""
55652#~ "Waste is the loss of shields due to inefficiency and greed. Under most "
55653#~ "forms of government, the farther away from the capital a city is, the "
55654#~ "more shields will be lost to waste.  (If you do not have a capital, your "
55655#~ "cities will suffer extremely high levels of waste.)  A Courthouse will "
55656#~ "reduce the level of waste in a city. Waste can result in your cities not "
55657#~ "building anything."
55658#~ msgstr ""
55659#~ "Straty to utrata produkcji (tarczek) spowodowana niezaradnością i "
55660#~ "chciwością. W większości ustrojów, im dalej miasto znajduje się od "
55661#~ "stolicy, tym większy występuje w nim stopień strat. (Jeśli nie posiadasz "
55662#~ "stolicy, straty są ogromne.)  Aby zmniejszyć straty w mieście wybuduj w "
55663#~ "nim sąd."
55665#~ msgid ""
55666#~ "However, if the number of happy citizens in a city is at least as great "
55667#~ "as the number of content citizens, and you have no unhappy citizens in "
55668#~ "that city, and the city has at least 3 citizens, then the city "
55669#~ "celebrates.  This is designated by the term \"Rapture\" on the City "
55670#~ "Report.  The effects of celebration vary depending on your government "
55671#~ "type:"
55672#~ msgstr ""
55673#~ "Jeśli liczba szczęśliwych mieszkańców jest równa lub większa od liczby "
55674#~ "zadowolonych mieszkańców, nie ma nieszczęśliwych mieszkańców, miasto ma "
55675#~ "rozmiar co najmniej 3, to miasto świętuje.  Co się wtedy dzieje zależy od "
55676#~ "typu ustroju:"
55678#~ msgid ""
55679#~ "The normal state of a citizen is contentment.  However, as your cities "
55680#~ "grow larger, crowding causes citizens to become unhappy. Each citizen in "
55681#~ "a city after the 4th (that is, the default value of the option "
55682#~ "unhappysize in the server) will be generated unhappy, instead of "
55683#~ "content.  If you have a large number of cities (depending on your "
55684#~ "government as well as the server option cityfactor), the limit on content "
55685#~ "citizens is reduced to 3."
55686#~ msgstr ""
55687#~ "Domyślnie mieszkańcy są zadowoleni.  Jeśli miasto wzrasta powyżej "
55688#~ "rozmiaru 4 (opcja serwera), to każdy nowy mieszkaniec staje się "
55689#~ "nieszczęśliwy. Jeśli liczba miast przekracza określony limit(opcja "
55690#~ "serwera + typ ustroju) to rozmiar miasta, po którym mieszkańcy stają się "
55691#~ "nieszczęśliwi jest zmniejszany."
55693#~ msgid ""
55694#~ "In order to offset unhappiness, you may build city improvements that make "
55695#~ "unhappy citizens content  (such as, a Temple, a Colosseum, or a Cathedral "
55696#~ "- or even a Courthouse if your government is a Democracy), and/or "
55697#~ "relevant wonders of the world, and/or convert part of your trade into "
55698#~ "luxuries.  For every two luxuries produced in a city, one content citizen "
55699#~ "is made happy.  After converting all content citizens to happy citizens, "
55700#~ "unhappy citizens are converted to happy and/or content.  Some wonders of "
55701#~ "the world have also effects on citizens' happiness (see the appropriate "
55702#~ "sections for details)."
55703#~ msgstr ""
55704#~ "Aby zmienić poziom zadowolenia możesz:\n"
55705#~ " - budować budynki (świątynia, koloseum, katedra, sąd(działa tylko "
55706#~ "podczas demokracji),\n"
55707#~ " - budować cudy świata,\n"
55708#~ " - zamieniać część handlu na luksus(zmieniając stawkę luksusową)\n"
55709#~ "Każde dwa punkty luksusu uszczęśliwiają najpierw niezadowolonych, potem "
55710#~ "zadowolonych mieszkańców. Cudy mogą mieć wpływ na miasto, na cały "
55711#~ "kontynent lub na cały świat. (Zobacz sekcję cudów)."
55713#, fuzzy
55714#~ msgid ""
55715#~ "Under many forms of government, the presence of military units in a city "
55716#~ "can create contentment by imposing martial law.  Under a Republic or a "
55717#~ "Democracy, however, military units can cause unhappiness if deployed "
55718#~ "outside your borders (see Government for details).  It is noted that, in "
55719#~ "this case, city improvements, such as those mentioned above, do not have "
55720#~ "any effect on citizens' unhappiness.  This form of unhappiness can be "
55721#~ "offset by building a Police Station, relevant wonders of the world (such "
55722#~ "as the Hanging Gardens, J.S. Bach's Cathedral, the Cure for Cancer, "
55723#~ "Shakespeare's Theatre, and, of course, the Women's Suffrage; note, "
55724#~ "however, that the Michelangelo's Chapel will not have an effect in this "
55725#~ "case, since it counts as a Cathedral in every city or double effects of "
55726#~ "Cathedrals, depending on ruleset), or converting part of your trade into "
55727#~ "luxuries."
55728#~ msgstr ""
55729#~ "W wielu ustrojach, obecność jednostek w miastach czyni mieszkańców "
55730#~ "\"uszczęśliwionymi\" przez narzucenie im stanu wojennego.  Jednak podczas "
55731#~ "demokracji czy republiki, jednostki militarne mogą powodować "
55732#~ "niezadowolenie (zobacz Ustrój). Te niezadowolenie nie może być "
55733#~ "zneutralizowane przez zwykłe budynki. Można je zmniejszyć jedynie przez "
55734#~ "cudy świata (Wiszące Ogrody, Katedra J.S. Bacha, Lek na Raka, Teatr "
55735#~ "Szekspira i Równouprawninienie). Zauważ, że Katedra Michała Anioła też "
55736#~ "nie pomaga."
55738#~ msgid "Doubles the effect of Temples, in all cities."
55739#~ msgstr "Podwaja efekt świątyń."
55741#~ msgid "Classic-style 80x50 Earth scenario."
55742#~ msgstr "Mapa Ziemi 80x50."
55744#~ msgid "Classic-style 120x60 Earth scenario."
55745#~ msgstr "Klasyczna mapa Ziemi 120x60."
55747#~ msgid "Tutorial Scenario."
55748#~ msgstr "Scenariusz, za pomocą którego nauczysz się grać."
55750#~ msgid ""
55751#~ "show\n"
55752#~ "show <option-name>\n"
55753#~ "show <option-prefix>"
55754#~ msgstr ""
55755#~ "show\n"
55756#~ "show <opcja>\n"
55757#~ "show <prefix opcji>"
55759#, fuzzy
55760#~ msgid ""
55761#~ "%s and %s meet and go to instant war. You cancel your alliance with both."
55762#~ msgstr ""
55763#~ "%s zaatakował twojego sojusznika %s! Warunki sojuszu zobowiązują cię do "
55764#~ "natychmiastowej odpowiedzi."
55766#~ msgid "Choose a _nation to play:"
55767#~ msgstr "Wybierz _naród:"
55769#~ msgid "* May pillage to destroy infrastructure from tiles.\n"
55770#~ msgstr "* Potrafi niszczyć infrastrukturę terenów.\n"
55772#~ msgid ""
55773#~ "Units can be used for three purposes: attack, defense, and "
55774#~ "reconnaissance.  How useful a particular unit is for each of these roles "
55775#~ "depends on the unit's strength in attack and defense, and its ability to "
55776#~ "move."
55777#~ msgstr ""
55778#~ "Jednostki służą głównie do trzech celów: do ataku, do obrony, do zwiadu. "
55779#~ "Przydatność danej jednostki do tych celów zależy głównie od jej siły "
55780#~ "ataku/obrony oraz zdolności poruszania się."
55782#~ msgid ""
55783#~ "There are four general types of unit: Land, Sea, Air, and Helicopter.  "
55784#~ "(Helicopters are sufficiently different from other air units that it is "
55785#~ "easiest to think of them as a separate unit type.)"
55786#~ msgstr ""
55787#~ "Rozróżniamy cztery typy jednostek: Lądowe, Morskie, Powietrzne oraz "
55788#~ "Helikoptery. (Zasady dotyczące Helikopterów są wyjątkowe i dlatego "
55789#~ "jednostki te są traktowane jak oddzielna grupa.)"
55791#, fuzzy
55792#~ msgid ""
55793#~ "Land units move on land, and suffer the movement effects of terrain, but "
55794#~ "benefit from roads and railroads.  They cannot move on ocean tiles except "
55795#~ "when carried by an appropriate sea unit.  When at sea, they cannot attack "
55796#~ "or defend for themselves, but rely on the sea unit carrying them.  Land "
55797#~ "units are the only units subject to zones of control.  On land, land "
55798#~ "units can fortify to get a 50% defensive bonus; land units in cities "
55799#~ "automatically get this bonus, whether fortified or not.  When a land unit "
55800#~ "successfully attacks a city without City Walls, the city is reduced by "
55801#~ "one population point.  Land units with zero attack strength are non-"
55802#~ "military units: they require no upkeep, have no happiness effects, and "
55803#~ "cannot attack enemy units or capture enemy cities."
55804#~ msgstr ""
55805#~ "Jednostki lądowe podczas poruszania się po lądzie tracą punkty ruchu w "
55806#~ "zależności od typu terenu, drogi i koleje zmniejszają te straty. Mogą "
55807#~ "poruszać się po morzu tylko wtedy, gdy są przenoszone przez odpowiednie "
55808#~ "jednostki morskie. Gdy znajdują się na morzu nie mogą się bronić ani "
55809#~ "atakować. Polegają wtedy jedynie na jednostce, która je przewozi. Tylko "
55810#~ "ich dotyczą strefy kontroli. Na lądzie mogą się fortyfikować, co daje im "
55811#~ "50% dodatkowych punktów obrony, dokładnie ten sam bonus otrzymuje każda "
55812#~ "jednostka lądowa stacjonująca w mieście (niezależnie od tego czy jest "
55813#~ "ufortyfikowana). Jeżeli jednostka lądowa przeprowadzi udany atak "
55814#~ "przeciwko miastu bez murów obronnych, miasto zmniejsza się o jeden "
55815#~ "rozmiar. Jednostki lądowe z zerową siłą ataku są jednostkami "
55816#~ "niezmilitaryzowanymi: Ich utrzymanie nie kosztuje, nie mają wpływu na "
55817#~ "zadowolenie, ale nie mogą atakować jednostek wroga, ani przejmować miast."
55819#, fuzzy
55820#~ msgid ""
55821#~ "Sea units move on Ocean tiles and into cities next to Ocean tiles.  They "
55822#~ "can only be built by such cities.  The movement rate of sea units is "
55823#~ "affected by several wonders (Lighthouse, Magellan's Expedition) and by "
55824#~ "the advance of Nuclear Power.  Most sea units can attack units on the "
55825#~ "coast and in coastal cities, but they cannot enter an enemy city to "
55826#~ "capture it, even if the city is undefended."
55827#~ msgstr ""
55828#~ "Jednostki morskie poruszają się po polach morskich i miastach "
55829#~ "przybrzeżnych. Można je budować jedynie w tych miastach. Zasięg jednostek "
55830#~ "morskich zależy od kilku cudów (Latarnia, Wyprawa Magellana) oraz od "
55831#~ "technologii Energia nuklearna. Większość jednostek morskich może atakować "
55832#~ "jednostki na wybrzeżu i w przybrzeżnych miastach. Ale nie mogą one "
55833#~ "przejmować pustych miast wroga."
55835#, fuzzy
55836#~ msgid ""
55837#~ "Air units can move on any tiles not occupied by an enemy unit or enemy "
55838#~ "city.  The movement rate of air units is not affected by loss of "
55839#~ "hitpoints.  Air units require fuel, which is obtained by ending their "
55840#~ "turn in a friendly city, Airbase or Carrier (or a Submarine for missile "
55841#~ "units).  The number of turns an air unit can last without fuel varies by "
55842#~ "the unit type (see the individual units). Like sea units, air units are "
55843#~ "unable to enter an empty enemy city to capture it.  When outside cities, "
55844#~ "air units can only be attacked by Fighters (or Stealth Fighters).  Air "
55845#~ "units cannot be used to explore villages; depending upon server options, "
55846#~ "an overflown village may disband."
55847#~ msgstr ""
55848#~ "Jednostki powietrzne mogą się poruszać po każdym polu niezajętym przez "
55849#~ "wroga czy wrogie miasto. Punkty ruchu jednostek powietrznych nie zależą "
55850#~ "od straconych hitpointów. Jednostki powietrzne potrzebują paliwa, które "
55851#~ "dodaje się przez ukończenie ruchu w przyjaznym mieście, bazie lotniczej "
55852#~ "lub na transportowcu (także na łodzi podwodnej w przypadku pocisków). "
55853#~ "Liczba tur, które jednostka może wytrzymać bez uzupełniania paliwa zależy "
55854#~ "od typu jednostki. Jednostki powietrzne tak jak morskie nie mogą "
55855#~ "przejmować niebronionych miast wroga. Jeżeli jednostka znajduje się poza "
55856#~ "miastem może zostać zaatakowana jedynie przez myśliwce. Jednostka "
55857#~ "powietrzna nie może zostać użyta do odkrywania wiosek. W zależności od "
55858#~ "opcji serwera wioska, nad którą przeleciano, może zniknąć."
55860#, fuzzy
55861#~ msgid ""
55862#~ "Like air units, Helicopters can move on any tile not occupied by an enemy "
55863#~ "unit or enemy city, and their movement rate is not affected by loss of "
55864#~ "hitpoints.  Helicopters do not require fuel, but they lose a small amount "
55865#~ "of health for every turn not spent in a city or an Airbase, unless you "
55866#~ "have the United Nations wonder.  Unlike other air units, Helicopters can "
55867#~ "capture enemy cities."
55868#~ msgstr ""
55869#~ "Tak jak zwykłe jednostki powietrzne helikoptery poruszają się jedynie po "
55870#~ "polach niezajętych przez wroga, a punkty ruchu nie zależą od strat "
55871#~ "hitpointów. Helikopter nie wymaga paliwa, ale traci niewielką część "
55872#~ "hitpointów, podczas każdej tury spędzonej poza miastem czy bazą "
55873#~ "powietrzną, chyba że masz ONZ. W przeciwieństwie do zwykłych jednostek "
55874#~ "powietrznych helikoptery mogą przejmować miasta."
55876#~ msgid ""
55877#~ "Depending upon server options, any set of unit types may reduce the "
55878#~ "population of a City without City Walls by one point upon a successful "
55879#~ "attack."
55880#~ msgstr ""
55881#~ "W zależności od opcji serwera, pewne typy atakujących jednostek mogą "
55882#~ "zmniejszyć rozmiar miasta bez murów miejskich o jeden punkt po udanym "
55883#~ "ataku."
55885#, fuzzy
55886#~ msgid ""
55887#~ "The following table shows the number of turns required for one unit of "
55888#~ "Settlers or Workers to complete an activity. These numbers are reduced to "
55889#~ "half (rounded up) for Engineers, and they can be reduced further by "
55890#~ "stockpiling several units, doing teamwork."
55891#~ msgstr ""
55892#~ "Poniższa tabela pokazuje liczbę tur potrzebnych osadnikom do zakończenie "
55893#~ "danej czynności. Inżynierowie robią to dwa razy szybciej, a użycie wielu "
55894#~ "jednostek osadniczych sumuje ich pracę."
55896#, fuzzy
55897#~ msgid ""
55898#~ "Settlers are one of the key units in the game.  They can be used to found "
55899#~ "new cities, irrigate land, build roads, railroads, fortresses and mines, "
55900#~ "and clean up pollution and nuclear fallout.  Upkeep for Settlers is in "
55901#~ "food as well as production, and a Settler can die if its supporting city "
55902#~ "runs out of food.\n"
55903#~ "\n"
55904#~ "Settlers and Engineers may work together to decrease the amount of time "
55905#~ "required for long projects.  If two or more Settlers and/or Engineers are "
55906#~ "both working on the same task in the same tile, their efforts will be "
55907#~ "added together each turn until the task is finished.  Be careful not to "
55908#~ "dedicate too many workers to one task, though; excess effort can be "
55909#~ "wasted, and a group of Settlers and/or Engineers is highly vulnerable to "
55910#~ "enemy attacks."
55911#~ msgstr ""
55912#~ "Osadnicy są kluczowymi jednostkami w grze. Są wykorzystywani do "
55913#~ "zakładania nowych miast, nawadniania terenów, budowy dróg, linii "
55914#~ "kolejowych, fortec, kopalń oraz do usuwania zanieczyszczeń. Do utrzymania "
55915#~ "osadników potrzebna jest żywność oraz produkcja - mogą oni umrzeć przy "
55916#~ "braku żywności w utrzymującym ich mieście.\n"
55917#~ "\n"
55918#~ "Osadnicy i inżynierowie mogą pracować wspólnie, aby skrócić czas "
55919#~ "wykonywania długich projektów. Przy wspólnej pracy na jednym polu dwóch "
55920#~ "lub więcej osadników i/lub inżynierów ich wysiłki w kierunku ukończenia "
55921#~ "zadania są w każdej turze łączone. Nie należy jednak przydzielać zbyt "
55922#~ "wielu jednostek do jednego zadania, ponieważ część wysiłku może być "
55923#~ "marnowana, ponadto zaś grupy osadników i/lub inżynierów są bardzo podatne "
55924#~ "na ataki wrogich jednostek."
55926#, fuzzy
55927#~ msgid ""
55928#~ "A Diplomat is an official that carries your dispatches and is authorized "
55929#~ "to deal with foreign dignitaries. He may also undertake various covert "
55930#~ "operations with the intent of harming your opponents.\n"
55931#~ "\n"
55932#~ "If an enemy unit is alone on a tile, you may attempt to bribe it with "
55933#~ "your diplomat. By paying a sum of gold the unit will immediately become "
55934#~ "yours.\n"
55935#~ "\n"
55936#~ "The diplomat can also perform a number of actions in another player's "
55937#~ "city:\n"
55938#~ "- \"Investigate\" Reveal detailed information about the city.\n"
55939#~ "- \"Establish Embassy\" Get permanent intelligence on the player.\n"
55940#~ "- \"Sabotage\" Ruin any production in the city.\n"
55941#~ "- \"Steal Technology\" Acquire an advance from the city's owner.\n"
55942#~ "- \"Incite a Revolt\" Make a city your own by paying a sum of gold. Note "
55943#~ "that you cannot incite a revolt in a capital city.\n"
55944#~ "\n"
55945#~ "In some game strategies, hordes of Diplomats can be used to wreak havoc "
55946#~ "on the enemy.  Little wonder that Diplomats are often viewed with "
55947#~ "suspicion and fear!"
55948#~ msgstr ""
55949#~ "- Dyplomata może zakładać ambasady przez wejście do miast innych graczy.\n"
55950#~ "\n"
55951#~ "- Dyplomata może też próbować zsabotować produkcję wroga, lub ukraść "
55952#~ "technologię z wrogiego miasta. (Z danego miasta można ukraść technologię "
55953#~ "tylko raz).\n"
55954#~ "\n"
55955#~ "- Dyplomata ma też możliwość przekupienia jednostki wroga, jeśli ta jest "
55956#~ "jedyną jednostką na swoim polu.\n"
55957#~ "\n"
55958#~ "- Dyplomata może nawet wzniecić bunt w mieście wroga i przez to przejąć "
55959#~ "kontrolę nad miastem, oczywiście jeśli masz wystarczająco dużo "
55960#~ "pieniędzy!\n"
55961#~ "\n"
55962#~ "- Jedną z możliwych strategii gry jest wysłanie ogromnej ilości "
55963#~ "dyplomatów, którzy zniszczą umocnienia wroga. Zauważ, że dyplomaci są "
55964#~ "często jednostką, której gracze się boją!"
55966#, fuzzy
55967#~ msgid ""
55968#~ "A Spy is more skilled in the arts of espionage than her Diplomat "
55969#~ "predecessor.\n"
55970#~ "\n"
55971#~ "She can perform all the functions of the Diplomat, but with a higher rate "
55972#~ "of success. Refer to the Diplomat entry for an outline.\n"
55973#~ "\n"
55974#~ "She can also be used to: poison the water supply of an enemy city "
55975#~ "(reducing the population); steal specific technology; and sabotage "
55976#~ "predetermined city targets (note: sabotaging improvements in a capital or "
55977#~ "sabotaging City Walls increases the risks of capture). A Spy can also "
55978#~ "infiltrate a city and ferment a revolt.\n"
55979#~ "\n"
55980#~ "A Spy can also be of aid on the battlefield - sabotaging enemy units as "
55981#~ "well as bribing them to change allegiance."
55982#~ msgstr ""
55983#~ "Szpieg to prawdziwa profesjonalistka, i jako taka ma większe możliwości "
55984#~ "od dyplomaty - jej poprzednika.\n"
55985#~ "\n"
55986#~ "Najmniej ofensywnymi zdolnościami szpiega to możliwość badania miast "
55987#~ "(przekazywania ci szczegółowych informacji) oraz zakładanie ambasad.  "
55988#~ "Jednakże jeśli jednostka utraciła pozytywną reputację podczas jej tajnej "
55989#~ "działalności, zostanie stracona podczas próby założenia ambasady.\n"
55990#~ "\n"
55991#~ "Można jej także użyć do: zatruwania miast (powoduje spadek populacji); "
55992#~ "kradzieży technologii; sabotażu produkcji w mieście (zauważ, że sabotaż w "
55993#~ "stolicy lub sabotaż murów miejskich jest łatwiejszy do wykrycia). Szpieg "
55994#~ "może także podburzyć miasto do buntu.\n"
55995#~ "\n"
55996#~ "Szpieg jest także przydatny na polu bitwy - może przekupić jednostki "
55997#~ "wroga lub je zsabotować."
55999#, fuzzy
56000#~ msgid ""
56001#~ "Settlers are one of the key units in the game.  They can be used to found "
56002#~ "new cities, irrigate land, build roads, railroads, fortresses, airbases "
56003#~ "and mines, and clean up pollution and nuclear fallout.  Upkeep for "
56004#~ "Settlers is in food as well as production, and a Settler can die if its "
56005#~ "supporting city runs out of food.\n"
56006#~ "\n"
56007#~ "Settlers and Engineers may work together to decrease the amount of time "
56008#~ "required for long projects.  If two or more Settlers and/or Engineers are "
56009#~ "both working on the same task in the same tile, their efforts will be "
56010#~ "added together each turn until the task is finished.  Be careful not to "
56011#~ "dedicate too many workers to one task, though; excess effort can be "
56012#~ "wasted, and a group of Settlers and/or Engineers is highly vulnerable to "
56013#~ "enemy attacks."
56014#~ msgstr ""
56015#~ "Osadnicy są kluczowymi jednostkami w grze. Są wykorzystywani do "
56016#~ "zakładania nowych miast, nawadniania terenów, budowy dróg, linii "
56017#~ "kolejowych, fortec, baz lotniczych, kopalń oraz do usuwania "
56018#~ "zanieczyszczeń. Do utrzymania osadników potrzebna jest żywność oraz "
56019#~ "produkcja - mogą oni umrzeć przy braku żywności w utrzymującym ich "
56020#~ "mieście.\n"
56021#~ "\n"
56022#~ "Osadnicy i inżynierowie mogą pracować wspólnie, aby skrócić czas "
56023#~ "wykonywania długich projektów. Przy wspólnej pracy na jednym polu dwóch "
56024#~ "lub więcej osadników i/lub inżynierów ich wysiłki w kierunku ukończenia "
56025#~ "zadania są w każdej turze łączone. Nie należy jednak przydzielać zbyt "
56026#~ "wielu jednostek do jednego zadania, ponieważ część wysiłku może być "
56027#~ "marnowana, ponadto zaś grupy osadników i/lub inżynierów są bardzo podatne "
56028#~ "na ataki wrogich jednostek."
56030#, fuzzy
56031#~ msgid ""
56032#~ "Settlers are one of the key units in the game.  They can be used to found "
56033#~ "new cities, irrigate land, build roads, railroads, fortresses and mines, "
56034#~ "and clean up pollution and nuclear fallout.  Upkeep for Settlers is in "
56035#~ "food as well as production, and a Settler can die if its supporting city "
56036#~ "runs out of food.\n"
56037#~ "\n"
56038#~ "Settlers may work together to decrease the amount of time required for "
56039#~ "long projects.  If two or more Settlers are both working on the same task "
56040#~ "in the same tile, their efforts will be added together each turn until "
56041#~ "the task is finished.  Be careful not to dedicate too many workers to one "
56042#~ "task, though; excess effort can be wasted, and a group of Settlers is "
56043#~ "highly vulnerable to enemy attacks."
56044#~ msgstr ""
56045#~ "Osadnicy stanowią w są kluczowymi jednostkami w grze. Są wykorzystywani  "
56046#~ "do zakładania nowych miast, nawadniania terenów, budowy dróg, linii "
56047#~ "kolejowych, fortec, kopalń oraz do usuwania zanieczyszczeń. Do utrzymania "
56048#~ "osadników potrzebna jest żywność oraz produkcja - mogą oni umrzeć przy "
56049#~ "braku żywności w utrzymującym ich mieście.\n"
56050#~ "\n"
56051#~ "Osadnicy i inżynierowie mogą pracować wspólnie, aby skrócić czas "
56052#~ "wykonywania długich projektów. Przy wspólnej pracy na jednym polu dwóch "
56053#~ "lub więcej osadników i/lub inżynierów ich wysiłki w kierunku ukończenia "
56054#~ "zadania są w każdej turze łączone. Nie należy jednak przydzielać zbyt "
56055#~ "wielu jednostek do jednego zadania, ponieważ część wysiłku może być "
56056#~ "marnowana, ponadto zaś grupy osadników i/lub inżynierów są bardzo podatne "
56057#~ "na ataki wrogich jednostek."
56059#, fuzzy
56060#~ msgid "Tutorial message"
56061#~ msgstr "Samouczek"
56063#~ msgid "Server: %s has connected from %s."
56064#~ msgstr "Serwer: Połączył się %s z %s."
56066#~ msgid "Command access level could not be set to '%s' for connection %s."
56067#~ msgstr ""
56068#~ "Poziom dostępu do operacji nie może być ustawiony na '%s' dla połączenia "
56069#~ "%s."
56071#~ msgid "Value: %d, Minimum: 0, Default: %d, Maximum: 1"
56072#~ msgstr "Wartość: %d, Minimalna: 0, Domyślna: %d, Maksymalna: 1"
56074#~ msgid "Value: %d, Minimum: %d, Default: %d, Maximum: %d"
56075#~ msgstr "Wartość: %d, Minimalna: %d, Domyślna: %d, Maksymalna: %d"
56077#~ msgid "Value: \"%s\", Default: \"%s\""
56078#~ msgstr "Wartość: \"%s\", Domyślna: \"%s\""
56080#~ msgid "Sorry, you can't take a global observer. Observe it instead."
56081#~ msgstr ""
56082#~ "Sorry, nie można przejąć kontroli nad globalnym obserwatorem. "
56083#~ "Prawdopodobnie chodzi ci o '/observe'owanie go."
56085#~ msgid "(Railroads and fortresses require 3 turns, regardless of terrain.)"
56086#~ msgstr "(Koleje i fortece zajmują 3 tury niezależnie od terenu.)"
56088#~ msgid ""
56089#~ "Requires the %s government.\n"
56090#~ "\n"
56091#~ msgstr ""
56092#~ "Wymagany jest ustrój %s.\n"
56093#~ "\n"
56095#~ msgid ""
56096#~ "Requires the %s building.\n"
56097#~ "\n"
56098#~ msgstr ""
56099#~ "Wymagany jest budynek %s.\n"
56100#~ "\n"
56102#~ msgid ""
56103#~ "Requires the %s terrain special.\n"
56104#~ "\n"
56105#~ msgstr ""
56106#~ "Wymagany jest zasób %s.\n"
56107#~ "\n"
56109#~ msgid ""
56110#~ "Only applies to %s units.\n"
56111#~ "\n"
56112#~ msgstr ""
56113#~ "Stosuje się do jednostek typu '%s'\n"
56114#~ "\n"
56116#~ msgid ""
56117#~ "Requires a minimum size of %d.\n"
56118#~ "\n"
56119#~ msgstr "Wymaga rozmiaru miasta co najmniej %d.\n"
56121#~ msgid "Make new _homecity"
56122#~ msgstr "Zmień _pochodzenie"
56124#~ msgid "_Chat"
56125#~ msgstr "_Chat"
56127#, fuzzy
56128#~ msgid "City _Traderoutes"
56129#~ msgstr "Szlaki handlowe"
56131#~ msgid "_Unload Transporter"
56132#~ msgstr "Wyładuj _Transportowiec"
56134#~ msgid "Wake up o_thers"
56135#~ msgstr "Obudź innych"
56137#~ msgid "_Connect"
56138#~ msgstr "Połącz"
56140#~ msgid "Go _to"
56141#~ msgstr "Idź do"
56143#~ msgid "Patrol (_Q)"
56144#~ msgstr "Patroluj (_Q)"
56146#~ msgid "Go\\/Airlift to City"
56147#~ msgstr "Idź\\/Leć do miasta"
56149#~ msgid "Diplomat\\/Spy Actions"
56150#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne\\/szpiegowskie"
56152#, fuzzy
56153#~ msgid "Single"
56154#~ msgstr "Dżungla"
56156#~ msgid "_Top Five Cities"
56157#~ msgstr "_Pięć najwspanialszych miast"
56159#~ msgid "Make Trade _Route"
56160#~ msgstr "Ustanów t_rasę handlową"
56162#~ msgid "_Fortify"
56163#~ msgstr "_Fortyfikuj"
56165#~ msgid "_Paradrop"
56166#~ msgstr "_Przerzuć"
56168#, fuzzy
56169#~ msgid ""
56170#~ "By changing this option you change the active theme. This is the same as "
56171#~ "using the -- --theme command-line parameter."
56172#~ msgstr ""
56173#~ "Możesz tutaj zmienić zestaw graficzny. Działa tak samo jak opcja -t z "
56174#~ "lini poleceń."
56176#, fuzzy
56177#~ msgid "Diplomat|Spy Actions"
56178#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56180#, fuzzy
56181#~ msgid "Connect railroad"
56182#~ msgstr "Połącz/Droga"
56184#, fuzzy
56185#~ msgid "Auto-Explore"
56186#~ msgstr "Automatyczny badacz"
56188#, fuzzy
56189#~ msgid "Auto-Attack"
56190#~ msgstr "Automatyczny atak"
56192#, fuzzy
56193#~ msgid "Auto-Settler"
56194#~ msgstr "Automatyczny osadnik"
56196#, fuzzy
56197#~ msgid "Wake Up Others"
56198#~ msgstr "Obudź innych"
56200#, fuzzy
56201#~ msgid "Form Traderoute"
56202#~ msgstr "Szlaki handlowe"
56204#~ msgid "_Upgrade unit"
56205#~ msgstr "_Ulepsz jednostkę"
56207#~ msgid "_Revolution"
56208#~ msgstr "_Rewolucja"
56210#~ msgid "Make Trade Route"
56211#~ msgstr "Ustanów trasę handlową"
56213#~ msgid "Wake up others"
56214#~ msgstr "Obudź innych"
56216#~ msgid "Connect/Road"
56217#~ msgstr "Połącz/Droga"
56219#~ msgid "Connect/Irrigation"
56220#~ msgstr "Połącz/Nawodnienie"
56222#~ msgid "Can be changed during a game. "
56223#~ msgstr "Może być zmieniona w czasie gry. "
56225#~ msgid "Can <b>not</b> be changed during a game. "
56226#~ msgstr "<b>Nie</b> może być zmieniona w czasie gry. "
56228#~ msgid ""
56229#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Minimum: 0, Default: %d, Maximum: 1</p>\n"
56230#~ "\n"
56231#~ msgstr ""
56232#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Minimum: 0, Domyślna: %d, Maksimum: 1</p>\n"
56233#~ "\n"
56235#~ msgid ""
56236#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Minimum: %d, Default: %d, Maximum: %d</p>\n"
56237#~ "\n"
56238#~ msgstr ""
56239#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Minimum: %d, Domyślnie: %d, Maksimum: %d</p>\n"
56240#~ "\n"
56242#~ msgid ""
56243#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Default: \"%s\"</p>\n"
56244#~ "\n"
56245#~ msgstr ""
56246#~ "<p class=\"bounds\">Domyślna: \"%s\"</p>\n"
56247#~ "\n"
56249#, fuzzy
56250#~ msgid ""
56251#~ "    In this menu you can choose to:\n"
56252#~ "\n"
56253#~ "   - Trade Maps (Sea or entire map),\n"
56254#~ "\n"
56255#~ "   - Trade Advances,\n"
56256#~ "\n"
56257#~ "   - Trade Cities,\n"
56258#~ "\n"
56259#~ "   - Trade Shared Vision,\n"
56260#~ "\n"
56261#~ "   - Exchange Embassies,\n"
56262#~ "\n"
56263#~ "   - Create Treaties,\n"
56264#~ "\n"
56265#~ "   - and Give Gold."
56266#~ msgstr ""
56267#~ "   Możesz wtedy:\n"
56268#~ "\n"
56269#~ "   - Przekazać mapy (morskie, lub całego świata),\n"
56270#~ "\n"
56271#~ "   - Dzielić się odkryciami,\n"
56272#~ "\n"
56273#~ "   - Przekazywać miasta,\n"
56274#~ "\n"
56275#~ "   - Płacić złotem."
56277#~ msgid ""
56278#~ "    There is no need to trade like for like, by trading say, an advance "
56279#~ "or city for gold - you can consider this buying and selling."
56280#~ msgstr ""
56281#~ "   Traktuj każdą transakcję jak wymianę, nigdy jak dobrowolną pomoc. "
56282#~ "Żądaj złota za odkrycia, miast za mapy itd..."
56284#~ msgid ""
56285#~ "    A couple of notes:\n"
56286#~ "\n"
56287#~ "   - You can't give away your capital.\n"
56288#~ "\n"
56289#~ "   - If you can't see a city on your map, then you can't request it."
56290#~ msgstr ""
56291#~ "    Ważne informacje:\n"
56292#~ "\n"
56293#~ "    - Nie możesz oddać stolicy.\n"
56294#~ "\n"
56295#~ "    - Jeżeli nie widzisz miasta na swoim ekranie, nie możesz o nie prosić."
56297#~ msgid ""
56298#~ "Each wonder has specific benefits for your civilization. Each wonder is "
56299#~ "unique and is placed in the city which constructed it."
56300#~ msgstr ""
56301#~ "Każdy z cudów świata wywiera szczególny wpływ na twoją cywilizację. Cudy "
56302#~ "są niepowtarzalne i umieszczane w miastach, w których zostały zbudowane."
56304#~ msgid ""
56305#~ "The different types of terrain each have different strengths and "
56306#~ "drawbacks.  When choosing a place for a new city, make sure there are "
56307#~ "enough food-producing squares nearby to support your growing population."
56308#~ msgstr ""
56309#~ "Różne typy terenu mają różne plusy i minusy.  Podczas zakładania miasta "
56310#~ "upewnij się, czy zasoby żywności są wystarczające dla rozrastającego się "
56311#~ "miasta."
56313#~ msgid ""
56314#~ "You may also build Airbases, at which your air units may land and refuel."
56315#~ msgstr ""
56316#~ "Możesz także budować bazy lotnicze, w których jednostki lotnicze mogą "
56317#~ "wylądować i zatankować."
56319#, fuzzy
56320#~ msgid ""
56321#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
56322#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
56323#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 75% production "
56324#~ "bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant together give a 150% "
56325#~ "production bonus.\n"
56326#~ "\n"
56327#~ "A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or "
56328#~ "Solar Plant."
56329#~ msgstr ""
56330#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
56331#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
56332#~ "atomowa dają 75% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + "
56333#~ "elektrownia atomowa dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
56334#~ "\n"
56335#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową."
56337#~ msgid ""
56338#~ "Protects a city from attacks from Nuclear units.  Nuclear attacks simply "
56339#~ "have no effect on the city.  Also, doubles defence against non-nuclear "
56340#~ "missiles."
56341#~ msgstr ""
56342#~ "Chroni miasto przed atakami jądrowymi.  Nie mają one po prostu żadnego "
56343#~ "wpływu na miasto.  Ponadto podwaja obronę przeciwko rakietom "
56344#~ "konwencjonalnym."
56346#, fuzzy
56347#~ msgid ""
56348#~ "Eliminates all pollution generated by production in a city. It also "
56349#~ "increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the city: a "
56350#~ "Factory and a Solar Plant together give a 75% production bonus, and a "
56351#~ "Factory, Mfg. Plant and Solar Plant together give a 150% production "
56352#~ "bonus.\n"
56353#~ "\n"
56354#~ "A city can only have one Power Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, or "
56355#~ "Solar Plant."
56356#~ msgstr ""
56357#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone podczas produkcji oraz zwiększa "
56358#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
56359#~ "słoneczna dają 100% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + "
56360#~ "elektrownia słoneczna dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
56361#~ "\n"
56362#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
56363#~ "atomową."
56365#~ msgid ""
56366#~ "Together with a Marketplace and a Bank, a Stock Exchange boosts tax and "
56367#~ "luxury production in a city by 150%."
56368#~ msgstr ""
56369#~ "Razem z Targowiskiem i Bankiem, Giełda zwiększa dochody podatkowe i "
56370#~ "produkcję luksusową miasta o 150%."
56372#~ msgid "Works as a City Wall in all cities."
56373#~ msgstr "Działa jak Mury Obronne w każdym mieście."
56375#~ msgid "Units regain two extra hitpoints per turn."
56376#~ msgstr "Jednostki odzyskują dodatkowe 2 hitpointy na turę."
56378#, fuzzy
56379#~ msgid ""
56380#~ "One Barbarian Leader appears every time there is a barbarian uprising "
56381#~ "somewhere in the world.\n"
56382#~ "\n"
56383#~ "When barbarian leader is killed on a tile without any defending units, "
56384#~ "the 100 gold ransom is paid, but only to land units and helicopters."
56385#~ msgstr ""
56386#~ "Gdy zabity zostanie barbarzyński wódz na polu bez jednostek broniących, "
56387#~ "100 złota zostaje wypłacone, ale tylko dla jednostek lądowych i "
56388#~ "helikopterów."
56390#~ msgid "Asian"
56391#~ msgstr "Azjatycki"
56393#~ msgid "Medieval"
56394#~ msgstr "Średniowieczny"
56396#, fuzzy
56397#~ msgid "City: Building Unavailable Item"
56398#~ msgstr "Nie ma dostępnych budynków"
56400#, fuzzy
56401#~ msgid "City: Civil Disorder"
56402#~ msgstr "Rozruchy w mieście %s."
56404#, fuzzy
56405#~ msgid "City: Famine"
56406#~ msgstr "Nazwa miasta"
56408#, fuzzy
56409#~ msgid "City: Famine Feared"
56410#~ msgstr "Kończą się zapasy żywności w mieście %s."
56412#, fuzzy
56413#~ msgid "City: Growth"
56414#~ msgstr "Miasto: Wzrost"
56416#, fuzzy
56417#~ msgid "City: May Soon Grow"
56418#~ msgstr "Miasto: Wzrost"
56420#, fuzzy
56421#~ msgid "City: Normal"
56422#~ msgstr "Mapa okolic"
56424#, fuzzy
56425#~ msgid "City: Nuked"
56426#~ msgstr "Nazwa miasta"
56428#, fuzzy
56429#~ msgid "City: Transfer"
56430#~ msgstr "Zmień"
56432#, fuzzy
56433#~ msgid "City: Was Built"
56434#~ msgstr "Mury Obronne"
56436#, fuzzy
56437#~ msgid "City: Worklist Events"
56438#~ msgstr "Edytuj schemat pracy"
56440#, fuzzy
56441#~ msgid "Civ: Civil War"
56442#~ msgstr " Wojna Domowa"
56444#, fuzzy
56445#~ msgid "Civ: Learned New Government"
56446#~ msgstr "Wybór nowego ustroju"
56448#, fuzzy
56449#~ msgid "Civ: Pollution"
56450#~ msgstr "Zanieczyszczenie"
56452#, fuzzy
56453#~ msgid "Civ: Spaceship Events"
56454#~ msgstr "Statek kosmiczny"
56456#, fuzzy
56457#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Bribe"
56458#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56460#, fuzzy
56461#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Caused Incident"
56462#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56464#, fuzzy
56465#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Escape"
56466#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56468#, fuzzy
56469#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Embassy"
56470#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56472#, fuzzy
56473#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Failed"
56474#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56476#, fuzzy
56477#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Incite"
56478#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56480#, fuzzy
56481#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Poison"
56482#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56484#, fuzzy
56485#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Sabotage"
56486#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56488#, fuzzy
56489#~ msgid "Diplomat Action: Theft"
56490#~ msgstr "Działania dyplomatyczne/szpiegowskie"
56492#, fuzzy
56493#~ msgid "Improvement: Bought"
56494#~ msgstr "Obiekt"
56496#, fuzzy
56497#~ msgid "Improvement: Built"
56498#~ msgstr "Obiekt"
56500#, fuzzy
56501#~ msgid "Improvement: Sold"
56502#~ msgstr "Obiekt"
56504#, fuzzy
56505#~ msgid "Treaty: Cease-fire"
56506#~ msgstr "Wielki Lider"
56508#, fuzzy
56509#~ msgid "Treaty: Peace"
56510#~ msgstr "Wielki Lider"
56512#, fuzzy
56513#~ msgid "Treaty: Shared Vision"
56514#~ msgstr "Widok dzielony"
56516#, fuzzy
56517#~ msgid "Unit: Bought"
56518#~ msgstr "Oddziały: "
56520#, fuzzy
56521#~ msgid "Unit: Built"
56522#~ msgstr "Lista jednostek"
56524#, fuzzy
56525#~ msgid "Unit: Production Upgraded"
56526#~ msgstr "Zakładkę produkcji"
56528#, fuzzy
56529#~ msgid "Unit: Relocated"
56530#~ msgstr "%d jednostka zaznaczona"
56532#, fuzzy
56533#~ msgid "Wonder: Finished"
56534#~ msgstr "Cudy w Mieście"
56536#, fuzzy
56537#~ msgid "Wonder: Made Obsolete"
56538#~ msgstr "Ulepsz przestarzałe jednostki"
56540#, fuzzy
56541#~ msgid "Wonder: Started"
56542#~ msgstr "Cudy: "
56544#, fuzzy
56545#~ msgid "Wonder: Stopped"
56546#~ msgstr "Cudy: "
56548#, fuzzy
56549#~ msgid "Wonder: Will Finish Next Turn"
56550#~ msgstr "Uwaga: Cud %s w mieście %s będzie gotowy w następnej turze."
56552#, fuzzy
56553#~ msgid "Treaty: Embassy"
56554#~ msgstr "Ambasada"
56556#~ msgid ""
56558#~ "Freeciv %s will be released in\n"
56559#~ "%s, at %s"
56560#~ msgstr ""
56562#~ "Freeciv %s zostanie wydane w\n"
56563#~ "%s pod adresem %s"
56565#~ msgid "%d BC"
56566#~ msgstr "%d p.n.e."
56568#~ msgid "%d AD"
56569#~ msgstr "%d n.e."
56571#~ msgid "FREECIV_PATH is set but empty; using default path instead."
56572#~ msgstr "FREECIV_PATH jest ustawione, ale puste; używam domyślnej wartości."
56574#~ msgid "The data path may be set via the environment variable FREECIV_PATH."
56575#~ msgstr ""
56576#~ "Ścieżka danych może być ustawiana przy pomocy zmiennej środowiskowej "
56577#~ "FREECIV_PATH."
56579#~ msgid "You lost %s. A new %s was built in %s."
56580#~ msgstr "Straciłeś %s. Nowy %s został zbudowany w %s."
56582#~ msgid "Moved %s out of disbanded city %s to avoid being landlocked."
56583#~ msgstr ""
56584#~ "przeniesiono %s z byłego miasta %s by zapobiec `przywiązaniu do ziemi'"
56586#~ msgid "We Love The %s Day celebrated in %s."
56587#~ msgstr "Festiwal Poparcia Dla %s w mieście %s."
56589#~ msgid "We Love The %s Day canceled in %s."
56590#~ msgstr "Festiwal Poparcia Dla %s w mieście %s zakończony."
56592#, fuzzy
56593#~ msgid "Report bugs at %s.\n"
56594#~ msgstr "Zgłaszanie błędów na adres <%s>.\n"
56596#~ msgid ""
56597#~ "debug [ player <player> | city <x> <y> | units <x> <y> | unit <id> | tech "
56598#~ "<player> | timing | info]"
56599#~ msgstr ""
56600#~ "debug [ player <gracz> | city <x> <y> | units <x> <y> | unit <id> ]tech "
56601#~ "<gracz> | timing | info]"
56603#~ msgid ""
56604#~ "away\n"
56605#~ "away"
56606#~ msgstr ""
56607#~ "away\n"
56608#~ "away"
56610#~ msgid "endgame"
56611#~ msgstr "endgame"
56613#~ msgid "surrender"
56614#~ msgstr "surrender"
56616#, fuzzy
56617#~ msgid "(%d) %s: connected [%s]"
56618#~ msgstr "(%d) Połączył się %s z %s."
56620#, fuzzy
56621#~ msgid "(%d) %s: connection request [%s]"
56622#~ msgstr "(%d) %s z %s domaga się połączenia"
56624#, fuzzy
56625#~ msgid "The client is missing a capability that this server needs."
56626#~ msgstr "Klientowi brakuje cech wymaganych przez serwer."
56628#, fuzzy
56629#~ msgid "(%d) %s rejected: mismatched capabilities!"
56630#~ msgstr "(%d) %s został odrzucony: Niezgodność protokołu."
56632#, fuzzy
56633#~ msgid "This server is missing a capability that the client needs."
56634#~ msgstr "Serwerowi brakuje cech wymaganych przez klienta."
56636#, fuzzy
56637#~ msgid "The username is invalid!"
56638#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika"
56640#, fuzzy
56641#~ msgid "(%d) %s rejected: invalid username [%s]"
56642#~ msgstr "(%d) %s został odrzucony: Nieprawidłowa nazwa [%s]."
56644#, fuzzy
56645#~ msgid "Your username is already connected!"
56646#~ msgstr "jest już połączony."
56648#, fuzzy
56649#~ msgid "(%d) %s rejected: duplicate username [%s]"
56650#~ msgstr "(%d) %s został odrzucony: Zduplikowany login [%s]."
56652#, fuzzy
56653#~ msgid ""
56654#~ "Your nation is thrust into civil war! %s is declared the leader of the "
56655#~ "rebel states."
56656#~ msgstr "W twoim państwie wybuchła wojna domowa. Przywódcą rebelii jest %s."
56658#~ msgid "%s declares allegiance to %s."
56659#~ msgstr "%s ogłasza sojusz z %s."
56661#, fuzzy
56662#~ msgid ""
56663#~ "Capture of the %s capital and destruction of the empire's administrative\n"
56664#~ "      structures have sparked a civil war.  Opportunists have flocked to "
56665#~ "the rebel cause,\n"
56666#~ "      and the upstart %s now holds power in %d rebel provinces."
56667#~ msgstr ""
56668#~ "Zdobycie stolicy %s i zniszczenie państwowych struktur władzy wznieciło\n"
56669#~ "     wojnę domową. Oportuniści przyłączyli się do rebelii, a samozwańczy "
56670#~ "wódz\n"
56671#~ "     %s włada już w %d zbuntowanych prowincjach."
56673#~ msgid "%s report on the RICHEST Civilizations in the World."
56674#~ msgstr "Raport %s o NAJBOGATSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
56676#~ msgid "%s report on the most ADVANCED Civilizations in the World."
56677#~ msgstr "Raport %s o Najbardziej ZAAWANSOWANYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
56679#~ msgid "%s report on the most MILITARIZED Civilizations in the World."
56680#~ msgstr "Raport %s o Najbardziej ZMILITARYZOWANYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
56682#~ msgid "%s report on the HAPPIEST Civilizations in the World."
56683#~ msgstr "Raport %s o NAJSZCZĘŚLIWSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
56685#~ msgid "%s report on the LARGEST Civilizations in the World."
56686#~ msgstr "Raport %s o NAJWIĘKSZYCH Cywilizacjach Świata."
56688#~ msgid "Herodotus'"
56689#~ msgstr "Herodota"
56691#~ msgid "Thucydides'"
56692#~ msgstr "Tacyta"
56694#~ msgid "Pliny the Elder's"
56695#~ msgstr "Pliniusza Starszego"
56697#~ msgid "Livy's"
56698#~ msgstr "Liwiusza"
56700#~ msgid "Toynbee's"
56701#~ msgstr "Tonybee'iego"
56703#~ msgid "Gibbon's"
56704#~ msgstr "Gibbon'a"
56706#~ msgid "Ssu-ma Ch'ien's"
56707#~ msgstr "Ssu-ma Ch'ien'a"
56709#~ msgid "Pan Ku's"
56710#~ msgstr "Pan Ku'na"
56712#~ msgid "Magnificent"
56713#~ msgstr "Najwspanialsi"
56715#~ msgid "Glorious"
56716#~ msgstr "Wspaniali"
56718#~ msgid "Decent"
56719#~ msgstr "Nieźli"
56721#~ msgid "Mediocre"
56722#~ msgstr "Przeciętni"
56724#~ msgid "Hilarious"
56725#~ msgstr "Słabi"
56727#~ msgid "Worthless"
56728#~ msgstr "Mierni"
56730#~ msgid "Useless"
56731#~ msgstr "Nędzni"
56733#~ msgid "%2d: The %s %s\n"
56734#~ msgstr "%2d: %s %s\n"
56736#~ msgid "Total number of players (including AI players)"
56737#~ msgstr "Liczba graczy (Łącznie z botami)"
56739#~ msgid "City size before people become unhappy"
56740#~ msgstr "Rozmiar miasta zanim obywatele staną się nieszczęśliwi"
56742#~ msgid ""
56743#~ "Before other adjustments, the first unhappysize citizens in a city are "
56744#~ "content, and subsequent citizens are unhappy. See also cityfactor."
56745#~ msgstr ""
56746#~ "Gdy nic innego nie wpływa na zadowolenie mieszkańców, tylko podana liczba "
56747#~ "mieszkańców jest zadowolona, pozostali są niezadowoleni. Zobacz także "
56748#~ "cityfactor."
56750#~ msgid "Number of cities for higher unhappiness"
56751#~ msgstr "Liczba miast, po której niezadowolenie wzrasta"
56753#~ msgid ""
56754#~ "When the number of cities a player owns is greater than cityfactor, one "
56755#~ "extra citizen is unhappy before other adjustments; see also unhappysize. "
56756#~ "This assumes a Democracy; for other governments the effect occurs at "
56757#~ "smaller numbers of cities."
56758#~ msgstr ""
56759#~ "Jeżeli liczba miast, którymi włada gracz jest większa od podanego progu, "
56760#~ "jeden dodatkowy niezadowolony mieszkaniec jest dodawany do miasta. (W "
56761#~ "praktyce zmniejsza to unhappysize o 1). Podana wartość jest prawdziwa "
56762#~ "jedynie dla Demokracji, dla innych ustrojów taki próg jest odpowiednio "
56763#~ "mniejszy(w zależności od zasad)."
56765#~ msgid "National borders radius"
56766#~ msgstr "Promień granic państw"
56768#~ msgid ""
56769#~ "If true, all players' movement phases will occur simultaneously; if "
56770#~ "false, then players will alternate movement."
56771#~ msgstr ""
56772#~ "Jeśli ta opcja jest ustawiona, to wszyscy gracze będą ruszać się "
56773#~ "jednoczenie. Jeśli nie, to fazy ruchu będą osobne."
56775#~ msgid ""
56776#~ "If non-zero, saved games will be compressed using zlib (gzip format). "
56777#~ "Larger values will give better compression but take longer. If the "
56778#~ "maximum is zero this server was not compiled to use zlib."
56779#~ msgstr ""
56780#~ "Jeżeli różne od zera, save'y są kompresowane przy użyciu zlib (format "
56781#~ "gzip). Większe wartości dają lepszą kompresję, która trwa dłużej. Jeżeli "
56782#~ "maksimum jest równe zeru to serwer nie został skompilowany z możliwością "
56783#~ "użycia zlib."
56785#~ msgid "Usage: timeoutincrease <turn> <turnadd> <value> <valuemult>."
56786#~ msgstr ""
56787#~ "Składnia: timeoutincrease <liczba_tur> <inkrementator> <wartość> "
56788#~ "<mnożnik>."
56790#~ msgid "Option:"
56791#~ msgstr "Opcja:"
56793#~ msgid "Usage: away"
56794#~ msgstr "Składnia: away"
56796#~ msgid "Undefined argument.  Usage: team <player> <team>."
56797#~ msgstr "Nieznany argument.  Składnia: team <gracz> <zespół>."
56799#~ msgid "Undefined arguments. Usage: vote yes|no [vote number]."
56800#~ msgstr "Brak argumentów. Składnia: vote yes|no [numer głosowania]."
56802#~ msgid "Observers cannot vote."
56803#~ msgstr "Obserwatorzy nie mogą głosować."
56805#~ msgid ""
56806#~ "You can only vote in a running game.  Use 'first' to become the game "
56807#~ "organizer if there currently is none."
56808#~ msgstr ""
56809#~ "Głosować można jedynie w już wystartowanej grze. Użyj polecenia 'first' "
56810#~ "aby zostać organizatorem gry, jeśli jeszcze takiego nie ma."
56812#~ msgid "Vote %d \"%s\": %d for, %d against"
56813#~ msgstr "Głosowanie %d \"%s\": %d za, %d przeciw"
56815#~ msgid ""
56816#~ "Undefined arguments. Usage: debug <diplomacy <player> | city <x> <y> | "
56817#~ "units <x> <y> | unit <id> | tech <player> | timing | info>."
56818#~ msgstr ""
56819#~ "Nieprawidłowe argumenty. Składnia: debug <diplomacy <gracz> | city <x> "
56820#~ "<y> | units <x> <y> | unit <id> | tech <gracz> | timing | info>."
56822#, fuzzy
56823#~ msgid "%s %s debugged."
56824#~ msgstr "Jednostka %s %s jest debugowana."
56826#~ msgid "Undefined argument.  Usage: set <option> <value>."
56827#~ msgstr "Nieznany argument.  Składnia: set <opcja> <wartość>."
56829#~ msgid "String value too long.  Usage: set <option> <value>."
56830#~ msgstr "Nazwa za długa.  Składnia: set <opcja> <wartość>."
56832#~ msgid "Usage: observe [connection-name [player-name]]"
56833#~ msgstr "Składnia: observe [nazwa-połączenia [nazwa-gracza]]"
56835#~ msgid "Usage: observe [player-name]"
56836#~ msgstr "Składnia: observe [nazwa-gracza]"
56838#~ msgid "Usage: take <connection-name> <player-name>"
56839#~ msgstr "Składnia: take <nazwa-połączenia> <nazwa-gracza>"
56841#~ msgid "Usage: take <player-name>"
56842#~ msgstr "Składnia: take <nazwa-gracza>"
56844#~ msgid "Usage: take [connection-name] <player-name>"
56845#~ msgstr "Składnia: take [nazwa-połączenia] <nazwa-gracza>"
56847#~ msgid "being detached from %s."
56848#~ msgstr "odłączam od gracza %s."
56850#~ msgid "Usage: detach <connection-name>"
56851#~ msgstr "Składnia: detach <nazwa-połączenia>"
56853#~ msgid "Usage: load <game name>"
56854#~ msgstr "Składnia: load <nazwa-gry>"
56856#~ msgid "Command:"
56857#~ msgstr "Komenda:"
56859#~ msgid "Unit must be on land to perform diplomatic action."
56860#~ msgstr "Jednostka musi być na lądzie aby wykonywać czynności dyplomatyczne."
56862#, fuzzy
56863#~ msgid "Not enough gold to pay upkeep for %s. Unit disbanded."
56864#~ msgstr "Brak złota. Rozwiązano jednostkę %s"
56866#~ msgid "Your %s has been lost on the high seas."
56867#~ msgstr "Twoja %s zatonęła na szerokich morzach."
56869#~ msgid "Your %s survived on the high seas and became more experienced!"
56870#~ msgstr ""
56871#~ "Twoja %s nie zatonęła na szerokich morzach. Załoga zyskała nowe "
56872#~ "doświadczenie."
56874#~ msgid "Your %s has been lost on unsafe terrain."
56875#~ msgstr "Twoja jednostka %s zaginęła w niebezpiecznym terenie."
56877#~ msgid ""
56878#~ "The server appears to have gotten into an infinite loop in the allocation "
56879#~ "of starting positions.\n"
56880#~ "Maybe the number of players is too high for this map.\n"
56881#~ "Please report this bug at %s."
56882#~ msgstr ""
56883#~ "Serwer prawdopodobnie wpadł w nieskończoną pętlę podczas ustawiania "
56884#~ "pozycji startowych i zakończy swoją pracę.\n"
56885#~ "Byćmoże na tej mapie jest za dużo graczy.\n"
56886#~ "Prosimy o zgłoszenie tego błędu (%s)."
56888#~ msgid "Plugin %s found but can't be initialized."
56889#~ msgstr "Wtyczka %s znaleziona, ale inicjalizacja nieudana."
56891#~ msgid "Couldn't find soundset \"%s\" trying \"%s\"."
56892#~ msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać zestawu dźwiękowego \"%s\", próbuję \"%s\"."
56894#~ msgid "Proceeding with sound support disabled"
56895#~ msgstr "Kontynuuję z wyłączonym dźwiękiem"
56897#~ msgid "No sound spec-file given!"
56898#~ msgstr "Brak pliku spec (dźwięk)!"
56900#~ msgid "Perhaps there is some misconfiguration or bad permissions"
56901#~ msgstr ""
56902#~ "Prawdopodobnie wystąpił błąd w konfiguracji lub nie masz odpowiednich "
56903#~ "uprawnień"
56905#~ msgid "Cannot find audio file %s"
56906#~ msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć pliku audio %s"
56908#~ msgid "%s (XX) %d/turn"
56909#~ msgstr "%s (XX) %d na turę"
56911#~ msgid "%s (%d) %d turn"
56912#~ msgid_plural "%s (%d) %d turns"
56913#~ msgstr[0] "%s (%d) %d tura"
56914#~ msgstr[1] "%s (%d) %d tury"
56915#~ msgstr[2] "%s (%d) %d tur"
56917#~ msgid "novice"
56918#~ msgstr "nowicjusz"
56920#~ msgid "easy"
56921#~ msgstr "łatwy"
56923#~ msgid "normal"
56924#~ msgstr "normalny"
56926#~ msgid "hard"
56927#~ msgstr "trudny"
56929#, fuzzy
56930#~ msgid ""
56931#~ "Requires: Nothing\n"
56932#~ "\n"
56933#~ msgstr ""
56934#~ "Wymagany jest budynek %s.\n"
56935#~ "\n"
56937#~ msgid "* Can carry and refuel %d missile unit.\n"
56938#~ msgid_plural "* Can carry and refuel %d missile units.\n"
56939#~ msgstr[0] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostki pocisków.\n"
56940#~ msgstr[1] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek pocisków.\n"
56941#~ msgstr[2] "* Może przenosić i uzupełniać paliwo %d jednostek pocisków.\n"
56943#~ msgid "* Can carry %d ground unit across water.\n"
56944#~ msgid_plural "* Can carry %d ground units across water.\n"
56945#~ msgstr[0] "* Może transportować %d jednostkę lądową.\n"
56946#~ msgstr[1] "* Może transportować %d jednostki lądowe.\n"
56947#~ msgstr[2] "* Może transportować %d jednostek lądowych.\n"
56949#~ msgid ""
56950#~ "* May be disbanded in a city to recover 50%% of the production cost.\n"
56951#~ msgstr ""
56952#~ "* Jednostka może zostać rozwiązana w mieście, aby odzyskać 50%% wartości "
56953#~ "w postaci tarczek.\n"
56955#~ msgid "* Can build fortresses (if %s is known).\n"
56956#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować fortece (Jeśli odkryto %s).\n"
56958#~ msgid "* Can build fortresses (if any of the following are known: %s).\n"
56959#~ msgstr "* Potrafi budować fortece (Jeśli odkryto %s).\n"
56961#~ msgid "* May fortify, granting a 50%% defensive bonus.\n"
56962#~ msgstr ""
56963#~ "* Potrafi się fortyfikować, przez co otrzymuje 50%% dodatkowej siły "
56964#~ "obrony.\n"
56966#~ msgid "* A missile unit: gets used up in making an attack.\n"
56967#~ msgstr "* Jednostka pocisku: jest tracona podczas ataku.\n"
56969#~ msgid ""
56970#~ "* Must end turn in a city or next to land, or has a 50%% risk of being "
56971#~ "lost at sea.\n"
56972#~ msgstr ""
56973#~ "* Musi kończyć turę w mieście lub przy lądzie, albo z prawdopodobieństwem "
56974#~ "50%% zaginie w morzu.\n"
56976#~ msgid "* The discovery of %s reduces the risk to 25%%.\n"
56977#~ msgstr "* Technologia '%s' zmniejsza ryzyko do 25%%.\n"
56979#~ msgid "* %s reduces the risk to 12%%.\n"
56980#~ msgstr "* Technologia '%s' zmniejsza ryzyko do 12%%.\n"
56982#~ msgid "* Reduces the chance of losing boats on the high seas to 25%%.\n"
56983#~ msgstr "* Zmniejsza ryzyko zatonięcia łodzi na szerokich morzach do 25%%.\n"
56985#~ msgid "* Reduces the chance of losing boats on the high seas to 12%%.\n"
56986#~ msgstr "* Zmniejsza ryzyko zatonięcia łodzi na szerokich morzach do 12%%.\n"
56988#~ msgid "* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d %s towards unit upkeep.\n"
56989#~ msgstr "* Każde miasto pozwala na uniknięcie płacenia %d %s za jednostki.\n"
56991#~ msgid "* Each of your cities will avoid paying %d towards unit upkeep.\n"
56992#~ msgstr ""
56993#~ "* Każde miasto pozwala na uniknięcie płacenia %d złota za jednostki.\n"
56995#~ msgid "* Chance of civil war is %d%% if you lose your capital.\n"
56996#~ msgstr "* Szansa wojnę domową przy utracie stolicy wynosi %d%%.\n"
56998#~ msgid ""
56999#~ "* The first unhappy citizen in each city due to civilization size will "
57000#~ "appear when you have %d cities.\n"
57001#~ msgstr ""
57002#~ "* Pierwszy niezadowolony mieszkaniec z powodu rozmiaru cywilizacji może "
57003#~ "pojawić się gdy masz %d miast.\n"
57005#~ msgid ""
57006#~ "* After the first unhappy citizen due to city size, for each %d "
57007#~ "additional cities, another unhappy citizen will appear.\n"
57008#~ msgstr ""
57009#~ "* Za każde dodatkowe %d miast jeden niezadowolony mieszkaniec będzie się "
57010#~ "pojawiał w miastach.\n"
57012#~ msgid ""
57013#~ "The maximum rate you can set for science, gold, or luxuries is %d%%.\n"
57014#~ msgstr ""
57015#~ "Maksymalny poziom podatku, jaki możesz ustawić na naukę, złoto czy "
57016#~ "luksusy, wynosi %d%%.\n"
57018#~ msgid "Has unlimited science/gold/luxuries rates.\n"
57019#~ msgstr "Nie posiada ograniczeń podatków na naukę/złoto/luksusy.\n"
57021#~ msgid ""
57022#~ "* You may grow your cities by means of celebrations.  Your cities must be "
57023#~ "at least size %d before they can grow in this manner.\n"
57024#~ msgstr ""
57025#~ "* Twoje miasta wzrastają w czasie świętowania.  Miasta muszą mieć rozmiar "
57026#~ "co najmniej %d, aby mogły to wykorzystać.\n"
57028#~ msgid ""
57029#~ "* Government will fall into anarchy if any city is in disorder for more "
57030#~ "than two turns in a row.\n"
57031#~ msgstr ""
57032#~ "* Państwo popadnie w anarchię jeśli w jakimkolwiek mieście zamieszki będą "
57033#~ "trwały dwie tury z rzędu.\n"
57035#~ msgid ""
57036#~ "* Each worked tile that gives more than %d %s will suffer a -1 penalty "
57037#~ "when not celebrating.\n"
57038#~ msgstr ""
57039#~ "* Każde pole wokół miasta, które produkuje więcej niż %d %s, faktycznie "
57040#~ "produkuje o jeden mniej z wyjątkiem okresu świętowania.\n"
57042#, fuzzy
57043#~ msgid ""
57044#~ "* Each worked tile with at least 1 %s will yield %d more of it when "
57045#~ "celebrating.\n"
57046#~ msgstr ""
57047#~ "* Każde pole wokół miasta, które produkuje co najmniej 1 %s będzie "
57048#~ "wytwarzać %d dodatkowy %s podczas świętowania.\n"
57050#, fuzzy
57051#~ msgid "You were rejected from the game...."
57052#~ msgstr "Próba przyłączenia do serwera nie powiodła się:"
57054#~ msgid "ON"
57055#~ msgstr "Aktywny"
57057#~ msgid "OFF"
57058#~ msgstr "Nieaktywny"
57060#~ msgid ""
57061#~ "Client does not support isometric tilesets. Using default tileset instead."
57062#~ msgstr ""
57063#~ "Klient nie obsługuje izometrycznej grafiki. Używam domyślnego zestawu."
57065#~ msgid ""
57066#~ "Client does not support overhead view tilesets. Using default tileset "
57067#~ "instead."
57068#~ msgstr ""
57069#~ "Klient nie obsługuje 'wystającej' grafiki. Używam domyślnego zestawu."
57071#, fuzzy
57072#~ msgid ""
57073#~ "Paths longer than 99 turns are not supported.\n"
57074#~ "Report this bug at %s"
57075#~ msgstr ""
57076#~ "Ścieżki dłuższe niż 99 tur nie są wspierane.\n"
57077#~ "Zgłoś ten błąd pod adres %s."
57079#~ msgid "_Happiness"
57080#~ msgstr "_Szczęście"
57082#~ msgid "_Rename..."
57083#~ msgstr "_Zmień nazwę"
57085#~ msgid "<Novice AI>"
57086#~ msgstr "<AI - Nowicjusz>"
57088#~ msgid "<Easy AI>"
57089#~ msgstr "<AI - Łatwy>"
57091#~ msgid "<Normal AI>"
57092#~ msgstr "<AI - Normalny>"
57094#~ msgid "<Hard AI>"
57095#~ msgstr "<AI - Trudny>"
57097#~ msgid "Sa_ve Options"
57098#~ msgstr "Za_pisz opcje"
57100#~ msgid "Gov_ernment"
57101#~ msgstr "Ustrój"
57103#~ msgid "Chan_ge Production"
57104#~ msgstr "_Zmień produkcję"
57106#~ msgid ""
57107#~ "%s file appears incompatible:\n"
57108#~ "file: \"%s\"\n"
57109#~ "file options: %s\n"
57110#~ "supported options: %s"
57111#~ msgstr ""
57112#~ "Plik z %s jest niekompatybilny\n"
57113#~ "plik: \"%s\"\n"
57114#~ "opcje pliku: %s\n"
57115#~ "wspierane opcje: %s"
57117#~ msgid ""
57118#~ "%s file claims required option(s) which we don't support:\n"
57119#~ "file: \"%s\"\n"
57120#~ "file options: %s\n"
57121#~ "supported options: %s"
57122#~ msgstr ""
57123#~ "Plik z %s definiuje niewspieraną opcję:\n"
57124#~ "plik: \"%s\"\n"
57125#~ "opcje pliku: %s\n"
57126#~ "wspierane opcje: %s"
57128#, fuzzy
57129#~ msgid "Trying \"%s\" theme."
57130#~ msgstr "Próbuję zestaw graficzny \"%s\"."
57132#~ msgid "Failed creating PNG struct"
57133#~ msgstr "Nie mogę utworzyć struktury PNG"
57135#~ msgid "Failed while reading PNG file: %s"
57136#~ msgstr "Błąd podczas odczytu pliku PNG: %s"
57138#~ msgid "PNG file has no palette: %s"
57139#~ msgstr "Plik PNG nie ma palety: %s"
57141#, fuzzy
57142#~ msgid ""
57143#~ "Freeciv supports several local languages.  See the Native Language "
57144#~ "Support section of the README file for instructions on how to use one of "
57145#~ "these languages.\n"
57146#~ "\n"
57147#~ "If you would like to add a localization (translation) for your language, "
57148#~ "please see the instructions at:\n"
57149#~ "\n"
57150#~ "  http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/Localization\n"
57151#~ "\n"
57152#~ "Check first if a localization is already in progress for your language:\n"
57153#~ "\n"
57154#~ "  http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/Translations\n"
57155#~ "\n"
57156#~ "You are also welcome to send any questions to the freeciv-i18n mailing "
57157#~ "list:\n"
57158#~ "\n"
57159#~ "  freeciv-i18n@gna.org"
57160#~ msgstr ""
57161#~ "Freeciv używa kilku języków narodowych.\n"
57162#~ "Przeczytaj rozdział 'Native Language Support' pliku README w celu "
57163#~ "uzyskania instrukcji, jak używać wybrany język.\n"
57164#~ "\n"
57165#~ "Kolejni tłumacze programu na język polski to:\n"
57166#~ " Artur Biesiadowski <abies@pg.gda.pl>, 1999.\n"
57167#~ " GNOME PL Team <gnomepl@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>, 1999\n"
57168#~ " Tomasz Węgrzanowski <maniek@beer.com> 2000\n"
57169#~ " Zbigniew Baniewski <zb@ispid.com.pl> 2002\n"
57170#~ " Mateusz Stefek <matusik_s@o2.pl> 2002\n"
57171#~ "\n"
57172#~ "Jeśli chcesz dodać lokalizację (tłumaczenie) dla twojego języka, "
57173#~ "przejrzyj instrukcje na stronie:\n"
57174#~ "\n"
57175#~ "  http://www.freeciv.org/index.php/Localization\n"
57176#~ "\n"
57177#~ "(Sprawdź najpierw, czy przypadkiem lokalizacja nie została już rozpoczęta "
57178#~ "przez kogoś innego.)\n"
57179#~ "\n"
57180#~ "Możesz także zadawać pytania na liście mailowej freeciv-i18n:\n"
57181#~ "  freeciv-i18n@freeciv.org"
57183#~ msgid ""
57184#~ "The client can fetch this page, too: use the Metaserver button in the "
57185#~ "connection dialog.  If it never shows any results, check if your WWW "
57186#~ "browser is using a HTTP proxy; to make civclient use the same proxy, set "
57187#~ "the $http_proxy environment variable to\n"
57188#~ "\n"
57189#~ "  http://proxyhost:proxyportnumber/\n"
57190#~ "\n"
57191#~ "before starting civclient."
57192#~ msgstr ""
57193#~ "Klient także może użyć tej opcji: Użyj zakładki Metaserwer w oknie "
57194#~ "połączenia. Jeżeli nie widzisz rezultatu, być może masz niepoprawnie "
57195#~ "ustawioną zmienną środowiskową $http_proxy. (Użyj wartości z twojej "
57196#~ "przeglądarki internetowej)\n"
57197#~ "\n"
57198#~ "  http://proxyhost:proxyportnumber/\n"
57199#~ "\n"
57200#~ " przed uruchomieniem klienta."
57202#~ msgid ""
57203#~ "Main Map (Keys):\n"
57204#~ "================\n"
57205#~ "    Shift-home: center on capital\n"
57206#~ "  Shift-arrows: scroll map\n"
57207#~ "        Ctrl-G: show grid lines on/off\n"
57208#~ "        Ctrl-B: show national borders on/off\n"
57209#~ "        Ctrl-N: show city names on/off\n"
57210#~ "        Ctrl-R: show city growth on/off\n"
57211#~ "        Ctrl-P: show city production on/off\n"
57212#~ "             t: show city workers (mouse over or near city)\n"
57213#~ msgstr ""
57214#~ "Główna Mapa (Klawisze):\n"
57215#~ "=======================\n"
57216#~ "    Shift+Home: Wycentruj na stolicę\n"
57217#~ "Shift+strzałki: Przesuń mapę\n"
57218#~ "        Ctrl+G: Pokaż/schowaj siatkę mapy\n"
57219#~ "        Ctrl+B: Pokaż/schowaj granice państw\n"
57220#~ "        Ctrl+N: Pokaż/schowaj nazwy miast\n"
57221#~ "        Ctrl+R: Pokaż/schowaj wzrost miast\n"
57222#~ "        Ctrl+P: Pokaż/schowaj produkcję miast\n"
57223#~ "             t: Pokaż robotników danego miasta (myszka powinna znajdować "
57224#~ "się przy mieście)\n"
57226#~ msgid ""
57227#~ "Main Map (Mouse):\n"
57228#~ "=================\n"
57229#~ "  Left-click on city:          Pop up city dialog\n"
57230#~ "  Left-click on unit:          Activate unit\n"
57231#~ "  Left-click-and-drag on unit: Goto command for unit\n"
57232#~ "  Center-click:                Show tile info\n"
57233#~ "  Right-click:                 Center tile in view\n"
57234#~ "\n"
57235#~ "  Shift-Left-click:            Copy production (GTK)\n"
57236#~ "  Shift-Right-click on city:   Paste production into city (GTK)\n"
57237#~ "\n"
57238#~ "  Shift-Control-Left-click:    Adjust city workers\n"
57239#~ "  Control-Center-click:        Wake up sentried units\n"
57240#~ "\n"
57241#~ "  Area Selection mode (GTK):\n"
57242#~ "  ==========================\n"
57243#~ "  Right-click-and-drag: Enter Area Selection mode\n"
57244#~ "  Left-click:           Toggle tile highlighting\n"
57245#~ "  Shift-Right-click:    Paste production into highlighted cities\n"
57246#~ "  Right-click:          Cancel Area Selection mode\n"
57247#~ "\n"
57248#~ "  The cities that become highlighted on the map,\n"
57249#~ "  will also be highlighted in the City Report."
57250#~ msgstr ""
57251#~ "Mapa (Mysz):\n"
57252#~ "======\n"
57253#~ "  Lewy przycisk     (na mieście): Otwórz okno miasta\n"
57254#~ "                  (na jednostce): Aktywuj jednostkę\n"
57255#~ "  Środkowy przycisk             : Wyświetl informację o polu\n"
57256#~ "  Prawy przycisk                : Centruj widok na danym polu\n"
57257#~ "\n"
57258#~ "  Shift-lewy-Przycisk     (na mieście lub jednostce): Kopiuj produkcję "
57259#~ "(GTK)\n"
57260#~ "  Shift-prawy-przycisk (na mieście): Wklej produkcję (GTK)\n"
57261#~ "\n"
57262#~ "  Shift-Control-lewy-przycisk: Ustaw robotników bezpośrednio na mapie.\n"
57263#~ "  Control-środkowy-przycisk  : Obudź wartowane jednostki.\n"
57264#~ "\n"
57265#~ "  Prawy przycisk z przeciągnięciem: Wejdź w tryb zaznaczania obszaru "
57266#~ "(GTK)\n"
57267#~ "\n"
57268#~ "  Tryb zaznaczania obszaru(GTK):\n"
57269#~ "  ========================\n"
57270#~ "  Lewy przycisk     : Przełącz zaznaczenie pola\n"
57271#~ "  Prawy przycisk    : Wyjdź z trybu zaznaczania obszaru\n"
57272#~ "\n"
57273#~ "  Shift-prawy-przycisk:  Wklej produkcję do wszystkich zaznaczonych "
57274#~ "miast\n"
57275#~ "\n"
57276#~ "Miasta, zaznaczone w trybie zaznaczania obszaru,\n"
57277#~ "będą podświetlane na liście miast."
57279#~ msgid ""
57280#~ "Dialogs and Reports:\n"
57281#~ "====================\n"
57282#~ "     F1: open City Report\n"
57283#~ "     F2: open Unit Report\n"
57284#~ "     F3: open Players dialog\n"
57285#~ "     F5: open Economy Report\n"
57286#~ "     F6: open Science Report\n"
57287#~ "     F7: open World Wonders\n"
57288#~ "     F8: open Top Five Cities\n"
57289#~ "     F9: open Messages dialog\n"
57290#~ "    F11: open Demographics\n"
57291#~ "    F12: open Spaceship\n"
57292#~ "\n"
57293#~ "      T: open Tax/Lux/Sci Rates dialog\n"
57294#~ "      F: open Find City dialog\n"
57295#~ " Ctrl-L: open Worklists dialog\n"
57296#~ "      R: open Revolution dialog\n"
57297#~ "\n"
57298#~ "Shift-Return: Turn done"
57299#~ msgstr ""
57300#~ "Okna dialogowe i raporty:\n"
57301#~ "=========================\n"
57302#~ "F1: wyświetl raport o miastach\n"
57303#~ "F2: wyświetl raport o jednostkach\n"
57304#~ "F3: wyświetl okno graczy\n"
57305#~ "F5: wyświetl raport ekonomiczny\n"
57306#~ "F6: wyświetl raport naukowy\n"
57307#~ "F7: wyświetl cudy świata\n"
57308#~ "F8: wyświetl pięć najwspanialszych miast\n"
57309#~ "F9: otwórz okno komunikatów\n"
57310#~ "F11: wyświetl raport demograficzny\n"
57311#~ "F12: wyświetl statek kosmiczny\n"
57312#~ "\n"
57313#~ "Shift+T: otwórz dialog podatków\n"
57314#~ "Shift+F: otwórz szukanie miast\n"
57315#~ " Ctrl+L: Otwórz edytor schematów prac\n"
57316#~ "Shift+R: Rozpocznij rewolucję\n"
57317#~ "\n"
57318#~ "Shift+Return: Koniec tury"
57320#~ msgid ""
57321#~ " 9. Making your own strategy for the game.\n"
57322#~ "\n"
57323#~ "    These basic concepts will allow you to play the game pretty well, "
57324#~ "especially in the beginning of the game.  But to improve, you need to "
57325#~ "study the various units and advances, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!  "
57326#~ "Freeciv has many twists, so if you haven't played a similar game before, "
57327#~ "try consulting the Freeciv WWW pages at http://www.freeciv.org/\n"
57328#~ "You'll find more tips for playing, and details of how to contact other "
57329#~ "players."
57330#~ msgstr ""
57331#~ " 9. Twoja własna strategia.\n"
57332#~ "\n"
57333#~ "    Powyższe porady to tylko podstawy, które pozwolą ci grać na średnim "
57334#~ "poziomie. Aby osiągnąć wysoki poziom, musisz poznać detale wielu "
57335#~ "jednostek i technologii oraz ĆWICZYĆ, ĆWICZYĆ, ĆWICZYĆ!.\n"
57336#~ "Na stronach http://www.freeciv.org możesz znaleźć inne porady oraz "
57337#~ "skontaktować się z innymi graczami."
57339#~ msgid ""
57340#~ "Gives one extra food resource on all Ocean squares.  The city needs to be "
57341#~ "coastal to build this improvement."
57342#~ msgstr ""
57343#~ "Dodaje dodatkową jednostkę żywności na wszystkich polach morskich.  "
57344#~ "Miasto musi być nadbrzeżne aby zbudować Przystań."
57346#~ msgid ""
57347#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
57348#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
57349#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Hydro Plant together give a 75% production "
57350#~ "bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Hydro Plant together give a 150% "
57351#~ "production bonus.\n"
57352#~ "\n"
57353#~ "A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant.  A "
57354#~ "city can only build a Hydro Plant if it is next to (or on) a Mountain or "
57355#~ "River tile."
57356#~ msgstr ""
57357#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
57358#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
57359#~ "wodna dają 75% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + elektrownia "
57360#~ "wodna dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
57361#~ "\n"
57362#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową.  "
57363#~ "Elektrownia wodna może być budowana tylko obok albo na polu z rzeką lub "
57364#~ "górą."
57366#~ msgid ""
57367#~ "Reduces the amount of pollution generated by production in a city by "
57368#~ "50%.  It also increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant "
57369#~ "in the city: a Factory and a Nuclear Plant together give a 75% production "
57370#~ "bonus, and a Factory, Mfg. Plant and Nuclear Plant together give a 150% "
57371#~ "production bonus.\n"
57372#~ "\n"
57373#~ "A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant."
57374#~ msgstr ""
57375#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone przez miasto o 50% oraz zwiększa "
57376#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
57377#~ "atomowa dają 75% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + "
57378#~ "elektrownia atomowa dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
57379#~ "\n"
57380#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: wodną, cieplną lub atomową."
57382#~ msgid ""
57383#~ "Increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in a city: a "
57384#~ "Factory and a Power Plant together give a 75% production bonus, and a "
57385#~ "Factory, Mfg. Plant and Power Plant together give a 150% production "
57386#~ "bonus.  The extra production may lead to the city generating more "
57387#~ "pollution.\n"
57388#~ "\n"
57389#~ "A city can only have one Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or Nuclear Plant."
57390#~ msgstr ""
57391#~ "Zwiększa produkcję przemysłową Fabryki lub Mfg. Plant w mieście: a "
57392#~ "Fabryka i Elektrownia Cieplna razem dają 75% bonus do produkcji, a "
57393#~ "Fabryka, Mfg. Plant i Elektrownia Cieplna razem dają 150% bonus do "
57394#~ "produkcji.  Dodatkowa produkcja prowadzi miasto do generowania większego "
57395#~ "zanieczyszczenia.\n"
57396#~ "\n"
57397#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko 1 Elektrownie : Wodną, Cieplną bądź Jądrową."
57399#~ msgid ""
57400#~ "Eliminates all pollution generated by production in a city.  It also "
57401#~ "increases the shield production of a Factory or Mfg. Plant in the city: a "
57402#~ "Factory and a Solar Plant together give a 100% production bonus, and a "
57403#~ "Factory, Mfg. Plant and Solar Plant together give a 150% production "
57404#~ "bonus.\n"
57405#~ "\n"
57406#~ "A city can only have one Solar Plant, Hydro Plant, Power Plant, or "
57407#~ "Nuclear Plant."
57408#~ msgstr ""
57409#~ "Zmniejsza zanieczyszczenie tworzone podczas produkcji oraz zwiększa "
57410#~ "produkcję fabryki lub fabryki zautomatyzowanej.  Fabryka + elektrownia "
57411#~ "słoneczna dają 100% wzrost, a Fabryka + fabryka zautomatyzowana + "
57412#~ "elektrownia słoneczna dają w sumie 150% wzrost.\n"
57413#~ "\n"
57414#~ "Miasto może mieć tylko jedną elektrownię: słoneczną, wodną, cieplną lub "
57415#~ "atomową."
57417#~ msgid ""
57418#~ "Gives all sea units 1 additional movement point and eliminates the risk "
57419#~ "of losing Triremes on the high seas.  Makes all new sea units veterans "
57420#~ "(for all cities)."
57421#~ msgstr ""
57422#~ "Daje wszystkim jednostkom morskim dodatkowy punkt ruchu i eliminuje "
57423#~ "ryzyko straty Trirem na otwartym morzu.  Czyni wszystkie nowe jednostki "
57424#~ "morskie weteranami (we wszystkich miastach)."
57426#~ msgid ""
57427#~ "Fundamentalism is a form of government organized around a central set of "
57428#~ "beliefs. The beliefs, usually religious in nature, form a rigid guideline "
57429#~ "for actions and reactions of both the rulers and the people.\n"
57430#~ "\n"
57431#~ "In a fundamentalist society, the people and the rulers are entirely "
57432#~ "devoted to their beliefs, and are usually willing to die to preserve "
57433#~ "them.\n"
57434#~ "\n"
57435#~ "Improvement that normally convert unhappy citizens to content citizens, "
57436#~ "produces `tithes' (gold) equivalent to the number of people they would "
57437#~ "convert, and require no maintenance."
57438#~ msgstr ""
57439#~ "Fundamentalizm to ustrój opierający się na zasadach, najczęściej "
57440#~ "religijnych, które kierują wszystkimi poczynaniami rządzących i "
57441#~ "poddanych.\n"
57442#~ "\n"
57443#~ "Ludzie są najczęściej gotowi umrzeć za to, w co wierzą.\n"
57444#~ "\n"
57445#~ "Obiekty, które normalnie uszczęśliwiają mieszkańców, podczas "
57446#~ "fundamentalizmu produkują 'dziesięcinę' (po 1 złota za każdego "
57447#~ "uszczęśliwionego mieszkańca)."
57449#~ msgid "Petroleum"
57450#~ msgstr "Ropa"
57452#~ msgid ""
57453#~ "A number of Partisans are granted free when an enemy conquers your city, "
57454#~ "but only under these conditions:\n"
57455#~ "\n"
57456#~ " - Guerilla Warfare must be known by at least 1 player.\n"
57457#~ "\n"
57458#~ " - You must be the player who originally built the city.\n"
57459#~ "\n"
57460#~ " - You must know about Communism and Gunpowder.\n"
57461#~ "\n"
57462#~ " - You must run either a Democracy or a Communist government."
57463#~ msgstr ""
57464#~ "Kilku Partyzantów dostajesz za darmo jeśli wróg podbije twoje miasto, ale "
57465#~ "tylko jeśli:\n"
57466#~ "\n"
57467#~ " - Wojna Partyzancka musi być znana przynajmniej 1 graczowi.\n"
57468#~ "\n"
57469#~ " - Musisz być pierwotnym budowniczym miasta.\n"
57470#~ "\n"
57471#~ " - Musisz znać Komunizm i Proch Strzelniczy.\n"
57472#~ "\n"
57473#~ " - Musisz mieć Demokrację albo Komunizm."
57475#~ msgid ""
57476#~ "Submarines have a very high strategic value, but have a weak defence."
57477#~ msgstr ""
57478#~ "Łodzie podwodne są strategicznie bardzo istotne, lecz mają słabą obronę."
57480#~ msgid "Explorers are very useful for mapping unknown territory."
57481#~ msgstr "Badacze są przydatki przy badaniu nieznanego terytorium."
57483#, fuzzy
57484#~ msgid "Auth config filename \"%s\" not allowed!"
57485#~ msgstr "To imię nie jest dozwolone."
57487#, fuzzy
57488#~ msgid ""
57489#~ "Illegal alliance structure detected: %s alliance to %s reduced to peace "
57490#~ "treaty."
57491#~ msgstr ""
57492#~ "Wykryto nieprawidłowy układ sojuszów: Sojusz pomiędzy %s i %s został "
57493#~ "zamieniony na pokój."
57495#, fuzzy
57496#~ msgid "And, became more experienced!"
57497#~ msgstr "Jednostka zyskała doświadczenie."
57499#~ msgid "We can't take control of server, attempting to kill it."
57500#~ msgstr "Nie można przejąć kontroli nad serwerem, próbuję go zabić."
57502#, fuzzy
57503#~ msgid "%s territory"
57504#~ msgstr "%s"
57506#~ msgid "%s territory (%d turn cease-fire)"
57507#~ msgid_plural "%s territory (%d turn cease-fire)"
57508#~ msgstr[0] "%s (%d tura zawieszenia broni)"
57509#~ msgstr[1] "%s (%d tury zawieszenia broni)"
57510#~ msgstr[2] "%s (%d tur zawieszenia broni)"
57512#, fuzzy
57513#~ msgid "%s territory (%s)"
57514#~ msgstr "%s %s"
57516#~ msgid "City: %s (%s)"
57517#~ msgstr "Miasto: %s(%se)"
57519#, fuzzy
57520#~ msgid "Unit: %s (%s)"
57521#~ msgstr "Jednostka: %s(%s)"
57523#~ msgid "%d unit maximum, "
57524#~ msgid_plural "%d units maximum, "
57525#~ msgstr[0] "maksymalnie %d jednostka, "
57526#~ msgstr[1] "maksymalnie %d jednostki, "
57527#~ msgstr[2] "maksymalnie %d jednostek, "
57529#~ msgid "%d per unit). "
57530#~ msgstr "%d na jednostkę). "
57532#~ msgid ""
57533#~ "* Military units away from home and field units will cause one citizen to "
57534#~ "become unhappy.\n"
57535#~ msgstr ""
57536#~ "* Jednostki militarne poza miastem i granicami będą powodować "
57537#~ "niezadowolenie.\n"
57539#~ msgid ""
57540#~ "* Your units may impose martial law. Each military unit inside a city "
57541#~ "will force an unhappy citizen to become content.\n"
57542#~ msgstr ""
57543#~ "* Możesz wprowadzać stan wojenny.  Jednostki militarne w mieście będą "
57544#~ "'zadawalać' mieszkańców.\n"
57546#~ msgid ""
57547#~ "%s%s  -  %s%s\n"
57548#~ "\n"
57549#~ msgstr ""
57550#~ "%s%s  -  %s%s\n"
57551#~ "\n"
57553#~ msgid ", "
57554#~ msgstr ", "
57556#~ msgid "Your %s succeeded in bribing %s's %s and became more experienced."
57557#~ msgstr "Twój %s przekupił %s %s zwiększając swoje doświadczenie."
57559#~ msgid ""
57560#~ "Your %s has successfully completed her mission and returned unharmed to "
57561#~ "%s and has become more experienced."
57562#~ msgstr ""
57563#~ "Twój %s zakończył misję i wrócił zyskując doświadczenie nietknięty do "
57564#~ "miasta %s."
57566#~ msgid "Your bombarding %s%s became more experienced!"
57567#~ msgstr "Twój(a) bombardujący(a) %s%s zyskał(a) doświadczenie!"
57569#~ msgid ""
57570#~ "Your %s%s survived the pathetic attack from %s's %s and became more "
57571#~ "experienced!"
57572#~ msgstr ""
57573#~ "Twoja jednostka %s stacjonująca %s obroniła się przed %s %s. Jednostka "
57574#~ "zyskała doświadczenie!"
57576#~ msgid " in %s"
57577#~ msgstr " w mieście %s"
57579#~ msgid " near %s"
57580#~ msgstr " koło miasta %s"
57582#~ msgid ""
57583#~ "Your attacking %s succeeded against %s's %s (and %d other unit)%s and "
57584#~ "became more experienced!"
57585#~ msgid_plural ""
57586#~ "Your attacking %s succeeded against %s's %s (and %d other units)%s and "
57587#~ "became more experienced!"
57588#~ msgstr[0] ""
57589#~ "Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d "
57590#~ "dodatkowej jednostce) %s Jednostka zyskała doświadczenie."
57591#~ msgstr[1] ""
57592#~ "Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d "
57593#~ "dodatkowym jednostkom) %s Jednostka zyskała doświadczenie."
57594#~ msgstr[2] ""
57595#~ "Twoja jednostka %s przeprowadziła udany atak przeciwko %s %s. (i %d "
57596#~ "dodatkowym jednostkom) %s Jednostka zyskała doświadczenie."
57598#~ msgid "%s lost to an attack from %s's %s."
57599#~ msgstr "Jednostka %s utracona podczas ataku %s %s."
57601#~ msgid " Choose Your Diplomat's Strategy"
57602#~ msgstr " Wybierz strategię twego dyplomaty"
57604#~ msgid ""
57605#~ "Eliminated %s %s while infiltrating %s. The defender became more "
57606#~ "experienced."
57607#~ msgstr ""
57608#~ "Wyeliminowano %s %s w trakcie infiltracji m. %s. Obrońca zyskał "
57609#~ "doświadczenie."
57611#~ msgid ""
57612#~ "Eliminated %s %s while infiltrating our troops. The defender became more "
57613#~ "experienced."
57614#~ msgstr ""
57615#~ "Wyeliminowano %s %s w trakcie infiltracji naszych oddziałów. Obrońca "
57616#~ "zyskał doświadczenie"
57618#, fuzzy
57619#~ msgid ""
57620#~ "Your client is too old. To use this server, please upgrade your client to "
57621#~ "a Freeciv 2.1 or later."
57622#~ msgstr ""
57623#~ "Twój klient jest zbyt stary. Aby wejść na ten serwer musisz używać "
57624#~ "klienta w wersji co najmniej 2.1."
57626#~ msgid "Ruleset directory name \"%s\" disallowed for security reasons."
57627#~ msgstr ""
57628#~ "Nazwa \"%s\" jest niedozwolona dla katalogu z zasadami ze względów "
57629#~ "bezpieczeństwa."
57631#~ msgid "_Map"
57632#~ msgstr "_Mapa"
57634#, fuzzy
57635#~ msgid "Create _player"
57636#~ msgstr "create <gracz>"
57638#~ msgid "Gover_nment"
57639#~ msgstr "Ust_rój"
57641#~ msgid "_Players"
57642#~ msgstr "_Gracze"
57644#~ msgid "_Science"
57645#~ msgstr "_Nauka"
57647#~ msgid "S_paceship"
57648#~ msgstr "_Statek kosmiczny"
57650#~ msgid "Game _Options..."
57651#~ msgstr "_Opcje gry..."
57653#~ msgid "Clear _Log"
57654#~ msgstr "Wyczyść dziennik"
57656#~ msgid "Science Report"
57657#~ msgstr "Raport Naukowy"
57659#~ msgid "Reason: line not found"
57660#~ msgstr "Powód: linia nieznaleziona"
57662#~ msgid "Reason: line too short (expected %d got %lu"
57663#~ msgstr "Powód: linia zbyt krótka. Oczekiwano %d pobrano %lu"
57665#~ msgid "Plugin '%s' is now selected"
57666#~ msgstr "Wybrano wtyczkę '%s'"
57668#~ msgid "No real audio plugin present, proceeding with sound support disabled"
57669#~ msgstr "Brak prawdziwej wtyczki audio, kontynuuję z wyłączonym dźwiękiem"
57671#~ msgid "http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/index.html"
57672#~ msgstr "http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/index.html"
57674#~ msgid "Will continue with disabled sounds."
57675#~ msgstr "Kontynuuję z wyłączonym dźwiękiem."
57677#~ msgid "file: \"%s\""
57678#~ msgstr "plik: \"%s\""
57680#~ msgid "supported options: %s"
57681#~ msgstr "dostępne opcje: %s"
57684#~ msgid "sound spec-file claims required option(s) which we don't support:"
57685#~ msgstr ""
57686#~ "Plik specyfikacyjny audio wymaga możliwości, których nie zapewniamy:"
57688#~ msgid "Goto _location"
57689#~ msgstr "Idź do miejsca"
57691#, fuzzy
57692#~ msgid "Couldn't blit text to display: %s"
57693#~ msgstr "Nie można przekonwertować tekstu z %s do %s: %s"
57695#~ msgid ""
57696#~ "When built, every civilization's attitude toward you is improved by 25%."
57697#~ msgstr ""
57698#~ "Po jej wybudowaniu szacunek pozostałych cywilizacji do Twojej wzrasta o "
57699#~ "25%."
57701#~ msgid ""
57702#~ "- A Diplomat can establish embassies with other civilizations by moving "
57703#~ "into another player's city.\n"
57704#~ "\n"
57705#~ "- Diplomats can also try to sabotage enemy production, or steal an "
57706#~ "advance from an enemy city.  (An advance can only be stolen once per "
57707#~ "city).\n"
57708#~ "\n"
57709#~ "- A Diplomat can also bribe an enemy unit, if that unit is the only unit "
57710#~ "on its square.\n"
57711#~ "\n"
57712#~ "- Diplomats can even start a revolution in an enemy city and turn it into "
57713#~ "your own, if you have the money!\n"
57714#~ "\n"
57715#~ "- In some game strategies, hordes of Diplomats can be used to wreak havoc "
57716#~ "on the enemy.  Little wonder that Diplomats are often viewed with "
57717#~ "suspicion and fear!"
57718#~ msgstr ""
57719#~ "- Dyplomata może zakładać ambasady przez wejście do miast innych graczy.\n"
57720#~ "\n"
57721#~ "- Dyplomata może też próbować zsabotować produkcję wroga, lub ukraść "
57722#~ "technologię z wrogiego miasta. (Z danego miasta można ukraść technologię "
57723#~ "tylko raz).\n"
57724#~ "\n"
57725#~ "- Dyplomata ma też możliwość przekupienia jednostki wroga, jeśli ta jest "
57726#~ "jedyną jednostką na swoim polu.\n"
57727#~ "\n"
57728#~ "- Dyplomata może nawet wzniecić bunt w mieście wroga i przez to przejąć "
57729#~ "kontrolę nad miastem, oczywiście jeśli masz wystarczająco dużo "
57730#~ "pieniędzy!\n"
57731#~ "\n"
57732#~ "- Jedną z możliwych strategii gry jest wysłanie ogromnej ilości "
57733#~ "dyplomatów, którzy zniszczą umocnienia wroga. Zauważ, że dyplomaci są "
57734#~ "często jednostką, której gracze się boją!"
57736#, fuzzy
57737#~ msgid "Team 32"
57738#~ msgstr "Zespół"
57740#~ msgid "Cleared output window.\n"
57741#~ msgstr "Okno komunikatów zostało wyczyszczone.\n"
57743#~ msgid "u8Unitsn"
57744#~ msgstr "u8Jednostkin"
57746#~ msgid "u8Improvementsn"
57747#~ msgstr "u8Budynkin"
57749#~ msgid "_Darn"
57750#~ msgstr "_Holipcia"
57752#~ msgid "Freeciv - Cityproduction"
57753#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Produkcja Miasta"
57755#~ msgid "Shields"
57756#~ msgstr "Tarcza"
57758#~ msgid "City Overview page"
57759#~ msgstr "Zakładkę ogólne"
57761#~ msgid "Units page"
57762#~ msgstr "Zakładkę jednostek"
57764#~ msgid "Worklist page"
57765#~ msgstr "Schemat prac"
57767#~ msgid "Trade Routes page"
57768#~ msgstr "Szlaki handlowe"
57770#~ msgid "This Misc. Settings page"
57771#~ msgstr "Zakładkę inne"
57773#~ msgid "Freeciv - Cityview"
57774#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Widok miasta"
57776#~ msgid "_Sell"
57777#~ msgstr "_Sprzedaj"
57779#~ msgid "Name:"
57780#~ msgstr "Imię:"
57782#~ msgid "City grows:"
57783#~ msgstr "Czas wzrostu:"
57785#~ msgid "_Change"
57786#~ msgstr "_Zmień"
57788#~ msgid "C_hange permanent"
57789#~ msgstr "Z_mień na stałe"
57791#~ msgid "_Release city"
57792#~ msgstr "_Zwolnij miasto"
57794#~ msgid "Auto attack vs"
57795#~ msgstr "Automatyczny atak przeciwko"
57797#~ msgid "Helicopters"
57798#~ msgstr "Helikopterom"
57800#~ msgid "Air units"
57801#~ msgstr "Jednostkom powietrznym"
57803#~ msgid "_Disband if build settler at size 1"
57804#~ msgstr "Likwidacja po utworzeniu osadników przy wielkości 1"
57806#~ msgid "%s (%s) (worklist)"
57807#~ msgstr "%s (%s) (schemat)"
57809#~ msgid "Luxury: %d total (maximum %d usable). "
57810#~ msgstr "Luksus: w sumie %d (maksymalnie %d). "
57812#~ msgid "_Ok"
57813#~ msgstr "_Ok"
57815#~ msgid "Con_figure"
57816#~ msgstr "K_onfiguruj"
57818#~ msgid "Server Selection"
57819#~ msgstr "Wybór serwera"
57821#~ msgid "_Name"
57822#~ msgstr "_Nazwa"
57824#~ msgid "_Host"
57825#~ msgstr "_Host"
57827#~ msgid "_Port"
57828#~ msgstr "_Port"
57830#~ msgid "_Goto and Close"
57831#~ msgstr "Idź do i zamknij"
57833#~ msgid "_Sabotage city"
57834#~ msgstr "Sabotuj miasto"
57836#~ msgid "_Establish traderoute"
57837#~ msgstr "Ustanów trasę _handlową"
57839#~ msgid "_Enter Marketplace"
57840#~ msgstr "_Rozpocznij handlowanie"
57842#~ msgid "_Help build Wonder"
57843#~ msgstr "Pomóż budować _cud świata"
57845#~ msgid "Freeciv - Pillage"
57846#~ msgstr "Klient - Niszczenie"
57848#~ msgid "Freeciv - Connect"
57849#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Połączenie"
57851#~ msgid "Freeciv - Select an unit"
57852#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Wybór jednostki"
57854#~ msgid "_Ready All"
57855#~ msgstr "Zaznacz _wszystkie"
57857#~ msgid "Freeciv - Select a Nation"
57858#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Wybór Narodu"
57860#~ msgid "_City Style"
57861#~ msgstr "_Styl miast"
57863#~ msgid "Sorry: cannot upgrade %s."
57864#~ msgstr "Niestety: nie można ulepszyć %s."
57866#~ msgid "No city"
57867#~ msgstr "Brak miast"
57869#~ msgid "_Accept treaty"
57870#~ msgstr "Z_atwierdź traktat"
57872#~ msgid "World-Map"
57873#~ msgstr "Mapa świata"
57875#~ msgid "Sea-Map"
57876#~ msgstr "Mapa morska"
57878#~ msgid ""
57879#~ "This Eternal Treaty\n"
57880#~ "marks the results\n"
57881#~ "of the diplomatic work between\n"
57882#~ "The %s %s %s\n"
57883#~ "and\n"
57884#~ "The %s %s %s"
57885#~ msgstr ""
57886#~ "Ten wieczysty traktat\n"
57887#~ "jest wynikiem\n"
57888#~ "prac dyplomatycznych pomiędzy\n"
57889#~ "%s %s %s\n"
57890#~ "i\n"
57891#~ "%s %s %s"
57893#~ msgid "Select a city"
57894#~ msgstr "Wybierz miasto"
57896#~ msgid "_Airlift"
57897#~ msgstr "Po_leć"
57899#~ msgid ""
57900#~ "Could not get the mask although there must be one (%s)! Graphics may look "
57901#~ "corrupt.\n"
57902#~ msgstr ""
57903#~ "Nie mogę pobrać maski, chociaż musi istnieć co najmniej jedna! (%s). "
57904#~ "Zestaw graficzny zdaje się być uszkodzony.\n"
57906#~ msgid "Options..."
57907#~ msgstr "Opcje..."
57909#~ msgid "Message Options..."
57910#~ msgstr "Opcje komunikatów..."
57912#~ msgid "Players..."
57913#~ msgstr "Gracze..."
57915#~ msgid "Message..."
57916#~ msgstr "Komunikat..."
57918#~ msgid "Server opt initial..."
57919#~ msgstr "Początkowe opcje serwera..."
57921#~ msgid "Server opt ongoing..."
57922#~ msgstr "Aktualne opcje serwera..."
57924#~ msgid "Find City..."
57925#~ msgstr "Znajdź miasto..."
57927#~ msgid "Worklists..."
57928#~ msgstr "Schematy prac..."
57930#~ msgid "REVOLUTION..."
57931#~ msgstr "REWOLUCJA..."
57933#~ msgid "Road & Rails"
57934#~ msgstr "Drogi i koleje"
57936#~ msgid "Order"
57937#~ msgstr "Rozkaz"
57939#~ msgid "City Report..."
57940#~ msgstr "Raport o miastach..."
57942#~ msgid "Science Report..."
57943#~ msgstr "Raport naukowy..."
57945#~ msgid "Trade Report..."
57946#~ msgstr "Raport handlowy..."
57948#~ msgid "Military Report..."
57949#~ msgstr "Raport wojskowy..."
57951#~ msgid ""
57952#~ "Turn\n"
57953#~ "Done"
57954#~ msgstr ""
57955#~ "Koniec\n"
57956#~ "tury"
57958#~ msgid ""
57959#~ "Couldn't open the main window (Gfx memory problem or screensize too "
57960#~ "small)\n"
57961#~ msgstr ""
57962#~ "Nie mogłem stworzyć głównego okna (problem z pamięcią gfx, lub za mały "
57963#~ "rozmiar ekranu)\n"
57965#~ msgid " wonder"
57966#~ msgstr " cud"
57968#~ msgid " improvement"
57969#~ msgstr " budynek"
57971#~ msgid "Movecost: %ld"
57972#~ msgstr "Koszt ruchu: %ld"
57974#~ msgid "Defense: %ld.%ld"
57975#~ msgstr "Obrona: %ld.%ld"
57977#~ msgid ""
57978#~ "Food:   %d\n"
57979#~ "Shield: %d\n"
57980#~ "Trade:  %d"
57981#~ msgstr ""
57982#~ "Żywność: %d\n"
57983#~ "Tarcza:  %d\n"
57984#~ "Handel:  %d"
57986#~ msgid "City: %s(%s)"
57987#~ msgstr "Miasto: %s(%s)"
57989#~ msgid "with City Walls"
57990#~ msgstr "z murami miejskimi"
57992#~ msgid "Unit: %s(%s%s)"
57993#~ msgstr "Jednostka: %s(%s%s)"
57995#~ msgid "A:%d D:%d FP:%d HP:%d0%%"
57996#~ msgstr "A:%d O:%d SO:%d HP:%d0%%"
57998#~ msgid "Activate"
57999#~ msgstr "Aktywuj"
58001#~ msgid "List all units"
58002#~ msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie jednostki"
58004#~ msgid "Connect to this location"
58005#~ msgstr "Połącz do tego miejsca"
58007#~ msgid "City_name"
58008#~ msgstr "_Nazwa miasta"
58010#~ msgid "Tax:%d Lux:%d Sci:%d"
58011#~ msgstr "Pod:%d Lux:%d Nau:%d"
58013#~ msgid "Reputation"
58014#~ msgstr "Reputacja"
58016#~ msgid "(%ld steps)"
58017#~ msgstr "(%ld kroków)"
58019#~ msgid "Science Advisor"
58020#~ msgstr "Doradca naukowy"
58022#~ msgid ""
58023#~ "%s\n"
58024#~ "(no research)"
58025#~ msgstr ""
58026#~ "%s\n"
58027#~ "(brak badań)"
58029#~ msgid ""
58030#~ "%s\n"
58031#~ "(%d turn/advance)"
58032#~ msgid_plural ""
58033#~ "%s\n"
58034#~ "(%d turns/advance)"
58035#~ msgstr[0] ""
58036#~ "%s\n"
58037#~ "(%d tura/wynalazek)"
58038#~ msgstr[1] ""
58039#~ "%s\n"
58040#~ "(%d tury/wynalazek)"
58041#~ msgstr[2] ""
58042#~ "%s\n"
58043#~ "(%d tur/wynalazek)"
58045#~ msgid "_Goal"
58046#~ msgstr "Cel"
58048#~ msgid "Trade Advisor"
58049#~ msgstr "Doradca handlowy"
58051#~ msgid "Military Report"
58052#~ msgstr "Raport wojskowy"
58054#~ msgid ""
58055#~ "Population:\n"
58056#~ "Support:\n"
58057#~ "Energy:\n"
58058#~ "Mass:\n"
58059#~ "Travel time:\n"
58060#~ "Success prob.:\n"
58061#~ "Year of arrival:"
58062#~ msgstr ""
58063#~ "Populacja:\n"
58064#~ "Obsługa:\n"
58065#~ "Energia:\n"
58066#~ "Masa:\n"
58067#~ "Czas podróży:\n"
58068#~ "Prawd. sukcesu:\n"
58069#~ "Rok przybycia:"
58071#~ msgid ""
58072#~ "%5d\n"
58073#~ "%5d %%\n"
58074#~ "%5d %%\n"
58075#~ "%5d tons\n"
58076#~ "%5.1f years\n"
58077#~ "%5d %%\n"
58078#~ "%8s"
58079#~ msgstr ""
58080#~ "%5d\n"
58081#~ "%5d %%\n"
58082#~ "%5d %%\n"
58083#~ "%5d ton\n"
58084#~ "%5.1f roku\n"
58085#~ "%5d %%\n"
58086#~ "%8s"
58088#~ msgid "Freeciv - Edit Worklists"
58089#~ msgstr "Freeciv - edycja schematu prac"
58091#~ msgid "Available Worklists"
58092#~ msgstr "Dostępne schematy prac"
58094#~ msgid "_Remove"
58095#~ msgstr "Usuń"
58097#~ msgid "Freeciv - Edit Worklist"
58098#~ msgstr "Freeciv - Edycja Schematu Prac"
58100#~ msgid "entry"
58101#~ msgid_plural "entries"
58102#~ msgstr[0] "pozycja"
58103#~ msgstr[1] "pozycje"
58104#~ msgstr[2] "pozycji"
58106#~ msgid "u8Worklistsn"
58107#~ msgstr "u8Schematy Pracn"
58109#~ msgid "Accept"
58110#~ msgstr "Zatwierdź"
58112#~ msgid "Available Targets"
58113#~ msgstr "Dostępne Cele"
58115#~ msgid "Worklist for city"
58116#~ msgstr "Schemat prac dla miasta"
58118#~ msgid "Name of Worklist"
58119#~ msgstr "Nazwij schemat prac"
58121#, fuzzy
58122#~ msgid "Options panel"
58123#~ msgstr "Opcje"
58125#, fuzzy
58126#~ msgid "Happiness panel"
58127#~ msgstr "Zakładkę szczęścia"
58129#, fuzzy
58130#~ msgid "Information panel"
58131#~ msgstr "Aby uzyskać pomoc na temat:"
58133#, fuzzy
58134#~ msgid "Exit Report"
58135#~ msgstr "Raport o miastach"
58137#, fuzzy
58138#~ msgid ""
58139#~ "\n"
58140#~ "finshed"
58141#~ msgstr "stałe"
58143#~ msgid "tech \"%s\": requires itself"
58144#~ msgstr "technologia \"%s\" wymaga samej siebie"
58146#, fuzzy
58147#~ msgid "%s's %s tried to build %s, which is not available."
58148#~ msgstr "%s miasto %s buduje %s, choć nie jest już ona dostępna."
58150#~ msgid ""
58151#~ "Your %s was executed in %s on suspicion of spying.  The %s welcome future "
58152#~ "diplomatic efforts providing the Ambassador is reputable."
58153#~ msgstr ""
58154#~ "Twój %s, jako podejrzany o szpiegostwo, został zabity w m. %s. %s czekają "
58155#~ "na innego ambasadora, ale o lepszej reputacji."
58157#~ msgid ""
58158#~ "You executed a %s the %s had sent to establish an embassy in %s for being "
58159#~ "untrustworthy"
58160#~ msgstr ""
58161#~ "Wykonałeś egzekucję na %s, którego %s wysłali, aby założył ambasadę w "
58162#~ "mieście %s, gdyż był on niegodny zaufania"
58164#~ msgid "Sea moving start units are not yet supported, %s not created."
58165#~ msgstr ""
58166#~ "Morskie jednostki startowe nie są jeszcze zaimplementowane, sorry, nie "
58167#~ "utworzono %s."
58169#~ msgid "Trying alternative ruleset filename syntax."
58170#~ msgstr "Próbuję alternatywnej składni nazwy pliku z zasadami."
58172#~ msgid "Could not load ruleset script file \"%s\"."
58173#~ msgstr "Nie mogę wczytać pliku ze skryptem \"%s\"."
58175#~ msgid "Ruleset datafile appears incompatible:"
58176#~ msgstr "Plik z regułami wygląda na niezgodny:"
58178#~ msgid "Ruleset datafile claims required option(s) which we don't support:"
58179#~ msgstr "Plik reguł wymaga możliwości, których nie zapewniamy:"
58181#~ msgid "Section %s has unknown req: \"%s\" \"%s\" (%s)"
58182#~ msgstr "Budynek %s ma nieznany req \"%s\" \"%s\" (%s)"
58184#~ msgid "Unknown terrain %s in entry %s."
58185#~ msgstr "Nieznany teren %s w polu %s."
58187#~ msgid "Ruleset doesn't have any terrains (%s)"
58188#~ msgstr "Zasady nie zawierają żadnego terenu (%s)"
58190#~ msgid "Terrains %s and %s have the same identifier."
58191#~ msgstr "Tereny %s i %s mają te same nazwy."
58193#~ msgid "'%c' cannot be used as a terrain identifier; it is reserved."
58194#~ msgstr ""
58195#~ "Znak '%c' nie może być użyty jako identyfikator terenu; jest "
58196#~ "zarezerwowany."
58198#~ msgid "Terrain %s has unknown flag %s"
58199#~ msgstr "Teren %s używa nieznanej flagi %s"
58201#~ msgid "Resources %s and %s have the same identifier."
58202#~ msgstr "Zasoby %s i %s mają te same nazwy."
58204#~ msgid "Section %s lists unknown effect type: \"%s\" (%s)"
58205#~ msgstr "Sekcja %s zawiera nieznany typ efektu: \"%s\" (%s)"
58207#~ msgid "Unknown terrain identifier '%c' in savegame."
58208#~ msgstr "Nieznany identyfikator terenu '%c' w pliku z grą."
58210#~ msgid "Warning: Unknown nation %s for starting position no %d"
58211#~ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie: Nieznany naród '%s' na pozycji startowej nr %d"
58213#~ msgid ""
58214#~ "Number of starts (%d) are lower than rules.max_players (%d), lowering "
58215#~ "rules.max_players."
58216#~ msgstr ""
58217#~ "Liczba pozycji startowych (%d) jest mniejsza od rules.max_players (%d), "
58218#~ "zmniejszam max_players."
58220#~ msgid "Wrong unit type id value (%d)"
58221#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość unit type (%d)"
58223#~ msgid "Wrong improvement type id value (%d)"
58224#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość improvement type (%d)"
58226#~ msgid "Wrong tech type id value (%d)"
58227#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość tech type id (%d)"
58229#~ msgid "Unknown technology (%s)"
58230#~ msgstr "Nieznana technologia (%s)"
58232#~ msgid "Wrong government type id value (%d)"
58233#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość id ustroju (%d)"
58235#~ msgid "Wrong player%d.u%d.type value (%d)"
58236#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa wartość player%d.u%d.type (%d)"
58238#~ msgid "Unknown unit type '%s' in player%d section"
58239#~ msgstr "Nieznany typ jednostki '%s' w sekcji player%d"
58241#~ msgid "Savegame error: invalid unit orders."
58242#~ msgstr "Bład w zapisie gry: nieprawidłowe rozkazy jednostki."
58244#~ msgid "Unsupported government found (%s)"
58245#~ msgstr "Odczytano niewspierany ustrój (%s)"
58247#~ msgid "Unsupported city style found in player%d section. Changed to %s"
58248#~ msgstr "Znaleziono nieznany styl miast w sekcji player%d. Zmieniono na %s"
58250#, fuzzy
58251#~ msgid ""
58252#~ "%s file requires option(s) which client doesn't support:\n"
58253#~ "file: \"%s\"\n"
58254#~ "file options: %s\n"
58255#~ "supported options: %s"
58256#~ msgstr ""
58257#~ "Plik z %s definiuje niewspieraną opcję:\n"
58258#~ "plik: \"%s\"\n"
58259#~ "opcje pliku: %s\n"
58260#~ "wspierane opcje: %s"
58262#~ msgid "Trying \"%s\" tileset."
58263#~ msgstr "Próbuję zestaw graficzny \"%s\"."
58265#, fuzzy
58266#~ msgid "Can't find tileset \"%s\"."
58267#~ msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć pliku specyfikacyjnego audio \"%s\"."
58269#~ msgid "Invalid darkness style set in tileset."
58270#~ msgstr ""
58271#~ "Nieprawidłowy styl ciemności (darkness_style) w zestawie graficznym."
58273#~ msgid ""
58274#~ "Error in %s layer %d: you cannot have tall terrain or\n"
58275#~ "a sprite offset with a cell-based drawing method."
58276#~ msgstr ""
58277#~ "Bład w warstwie %s %d: nie można używać wysokiego terenu lub przesunięcia "
58278#~ "sprite'a w  metodzie cell-based."
58280#, fuzzy
58281#~ msgid "Can't find spec file \"%s\"."
58282#~ msgstr "Nie mogę znaleźć pliku specyfikacyjnego audio \"%s\"."
58284#, fuzzy
58285#~ msgid "Economy (F5)"
58286#~ msgstr "Ekonomia"
58288#, fuzzy
58289#~ msgid "Research (F6)"
58290#~ msgstr "Badania"
58292#, fuzzy
58293#~ msgid "Revolution (Shift + R)"
58294#~ msgstr "Rewolucja"
58296#, fuzzy
58297#~ msgid "Players (F3)"
58298#~ msgstr "Gracze"
58300#, fuzzy
58301#~ msgid "Units (F2)"
58302#~ msgstr "Oddziały: "
58304#, fuzzy
58305#~ msgid ""
58306#~ "Research (F6)\n"
58307#~ "%s (%d/%d)"
58308#~ msgstr "Badania: %s(%d/%d)"
58310#, fuzzy
58311#~ msgid "Log"
58312#~ msgstr "Użytkownik:"
58314#, fuzzy
58315#~ msgid ""
58316#~ "Start\n"
58317#~ "Game"
58318#~ msgstr "Rozpocznij grę"
58320#, fuzzy
58321#~ msgid "Citizen Management Agent"
58322#~ msgstr "Kontroler zatrud_nienia"
58324#~ msgid "Sp1 F/R/T:"
58325#~ msgstr "Sp1 Ż/Z/H:"
58327#~ msgid "Sp2 F/R/T:"
58328#~ msgstr "Sp2 Ż/Z/H:"
58330#~ msgid "%s F/R/T:"
58331#~ msgstr "%s Ż/Z/H:"
58333#~ msgid "Ah"
58334#~ msgstr "Ah"
58336#~ msgid "  -z, --zone\t\tEnable GGZ mode\n"
58337#~ msgstr "  -z, --zone\t\tWłącz tryb GGZ\n"
58339#~ msgid ""
58340#~ "If this option is set then instead of just the city name and attributes, "
58341#~ "a large amount of data will be drawn beneath each city in the 'citybar'."
58342#~ msgstr ""
58343#~ "Gdy ta opcja jest włączona, to oprócz nazwy miasta i atrybutów, pod jego "
58344#~ "ikoną będzie wyświetlana większa ilość informacji."
58346#~ msgid "Fictional"
58347#~ msgstr "Fikcyjny"
58349#, fuzzy
58350#~ msgid "Transitional"
58351#~ msgstr "Fikcyjny"
58353#~ msgid "Qween"
58354#~ msgstr "Królowa"
58356#~ msgid ""
58357#~ "Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other "
58358#~ "connections to take over a player. If you're not one of these, only the "
58359#~ "<player-name> argument is allowed"
58360#~ msgstr ""
58361#~ "Aby zmienić stan dowolnego połączenia musisz mieć dostęp do konsoli lub "
58362#~ "posiadać poziom dostępu 'hack'. Jeżeli nie masz takich uprawnień możesz "
58363#~ "jedynie użyć parametru <nazwa-gracza>"
58365#~ msgid "* Attacks with full strength even if less than one movement left.\n"
58366#~ msgstr ""
58367#~ "* Atakuje pełną siłą, nawet gdy posiada mniej niż jeden punkt ruchu.\n"
58369#~ msgid ""
58370#~ " - \"Exhausted\" attackers are weaker: if the attacker has only 1/3 "
58371#~ "movement point left, its strength is divided by 3; if it has 2/3 movement "
58372#~ "point, its strength is multiplied by 2/3.  If the attacker has 1 or more "
58373#~ "movement points left, no further modifications occur."
58374#~ msgstr ""
58375#~ " - \"Zmęczeni\" atakujący są słabsi: Jeżeli jednostka posiada nie więcej "
58376#~ "niż 1/3 punktu ruchu, to jej siła jest dzielona przez 3; Jeżeli posiada "
58377#~ "nie więcej niż 2/3 punktu ruchu to jej siła jest mnożona przez 2/3, a "
58378#~ "jeśli co najmniej jeden punkt, nie następuje żadna zmiana."
58380#~ msgid ""
58381#~ "The attacker's base strength is 8.  Veteran status makes this 12, but "
58382#~ "because it only has 2/3 movement points its final strength is 8."
58383#~ msgstr ""
58384#~ "Wartość siły atakującego wynosi 8, zwiększona jest do 12 ze względu na "
58385#~ "status weterana, ale zmniejszona jest do 8, bo jednostka posiada tylko "
58386#~ "2/3 punktu ruchu."
58388#~ msgid "Tropical"
58389#~ msgstr "Tropikalny"
58391#~ msgid "PostModern"
58392#~ msgstr "Postmodernistyczny"