2	zorder: 2,
3	"animation": [
4		{
5			"frames": 2,
6			"id": "flying",
7			"image": "copter.png",
8			"rect": [4,10,55,41],
9			solid_area: [10,10, 40, 20],
10			body_area: "all",
11			duration: 6
12		},
13		{
14			"frames": 1,
15			"id": "spawning",
16			"image": "copter.png",
17			"rect": [0,0,1,1],
18			duration: 150
19		}
20	],
21	editor_info: {
22		category: "duxduo"
23	},
24	vars: {
25		side: 2,
26		_fuel: 1000,
27		_money: 0,
28		_ammo: 20,
29		pending_purchase: null,
30		purchase_ready: 0,
31		carry: null,
32		respawn_x: 0,
33		respawn_y: 0
34	},
35	properties: {
36		fuel: { get: "vars._fuel", set: "set(vars._fuel, median(0, value, max_fuel))" },
37		max_fuel: "1000",
38		ammo: { get: "vars._ammo", set: "set(vars._ammo, median(0, value, max_ammo))" },
39		max_ammo: "20",
40		money: { get: "vars._money", set: "set(vars._money, value)" },
42		buy: "def(type, amount) if(self.money >= cost and (not vars.pending_purchase),
43		   [set(message_label.text, 'building ' + type), schedule(amount*5, fire_event(self, 'purchase_ready')), set(self.vars.purchase_ready, self.cycle + amount*5),add(self.money, -cost), set(self.vars.pending_purchase, object(type, 0, 0, 1))]) where cost = amount*100",
45		gui: "find(level.chars, value.type = 'gui_controller')",
46		message_label: "get_widget(gui, 'message_label')",
48		die_and_respawn: "def() [spawn('explosion_big_dusty', mid_x, mid_y, facing),
49		                         set(me.xy, [vars.respawn_x, vars.respawn_y]),
50		                         set(me.fuel, max_fuel),
51								 set(me.ammo, max_ammo),
52		                         set(me.hitpoints, max_hitpoints)
53		                         /*set(animation, 'spawning')*/]",
54		get_hit: "def(hit_by) if(me.hitpoints <= hit_by.damage, die_and_respawn(),
55		           [add(me.hitpoints, -hit_by.damage),
56		            add(me.velocity_x, (3*hit_by.velocity_x*hit_by.damage)/100),
57		            add(me.velocity_y, (3*hit_by.velocity_y*hit_by.damage)/100)])",
58		ctrl_up: "mid_y > level.local_player.mid_y or ammo = 0",
59		ctrl_down: "false",
60		ctrl_left: "mid_x > level.local_player.mid_x+500 and ammo > 0",
61		ctrl_right: "mid_x < level.local_player.mid_x-500 or ammo = 0",
62		ctrl_tongue: "facing < 0 and level.local_player.mid_x > mid_x or facing > 0 and level.local_player.mid_x < mid_x",
64	},
65	on_create: "[set(vars.respawn_x, x), set(vars.respawn_y, y)]",
66	on_collide_feet: "[if(velocity_y > 200, set(velocity_y, -velocity_y/10))]",
68	on_process: "resolve_solid(me, 0, 2)",
69	on_die: "die_and_respawn()",
71	"hitpoints": 100,
72	"id": "ai_chopper",
73	always_active: true,
74	"mass": 3,
75	friction: 2000,
76	traction_in_air: 1000,
77	on_spawn_unit: "if(spawner, spawn(choose(['tank', 'infantry', 'sam', 'cannon', 'artillery']), spawner.mid_x - 150, spawner.mid_y, -1)) where spawner = choose(filter(level.chars, value.type = 'base' and value.vars.side = vars.side and abs(value.mid_x - level.local_player.mid_x) > 800))",
78	on_process_flying: "[
79	             if(cycle%500 = 0, fire_event('spawn_unit')),
80	             if(abs(mid_x - level.local_player.mid_x) < 600 and 1d100 < 10, fire_event('ctrl_jump')), if(ctrl_tongue, fire_event('ctrl_tongue')), add(money, 10*size(filter(level.chars, value.type = 'base' and value.vars.side = vars.side))),
81	              if(velocity_y >= 0 and standing_on and standing_on.type = 'base' and standing_on.vars.side = vars.side,
82	                 [if(hitpoints < max_hitpoints, add(hitpoints, 1)), add(fuel, 5), add(ammo, 1)]),
83	              if(lift, add(fuel, -2)),
84	              set(accel_y, 10 + ctrl_down*40 - lift*50),
85	              set(accel_x, 30*if(facing > 0, ctrl_right, ctrl_left) -
86	                           20*if(facing < 0, ctrl_right, ctrl_left)),
87	              if(rotate < target_rotation, add(rotate, 1),
88	                 if(rotate > target_rotation, add(rotate, -1)))
89	                   where target_rotation = facing*accel_x/4,
90	              if(lift, add(time_in_animation, 1)),
91	              if(y < level.dimensions[1] and velocity_y < 0,
92	                [set(velocity_y, 400)]),
93	              if(fuel = 0, die_and_respawn())]
94					  where lift = ctrl_up and fuel > 0",
95	on_ctrl_tongue: "if(animation = 'flying', set(facing, -facing))",
96	on_ctrl_jump: "if(animation = 'flying' and (not is_standing) and ammo > 0, [add(ammo, -1), spawn('missile', midpoint_x, midpoint_y+10, facing, [set(child.scale, 0.5), set(child.vars.damage, 10), set(child.vars.side, vars.side)])])",
97	on_ctrl_attack: "if(animation = 'flying', [if(vars.carry = null and standing_on and standing_on.type = 'base' and standing_on.vars.side = vars.side and vars.pending_purchase and cycle > vars.purchase_ready,
98	         //picking up a unit from base
99	         [set(message_label.text, ''),
100	          set(vars.carry, vars.pending_purchase),
101	          set(vars.pending_purchase.side, vars.side),
102			  set(vars.pending_purchase, null),
103			  set(scale, 1.5),
104			 ],
106			 //see if we can pick somebody up from the battlefield
107			 if(vars.carry = null and nearby_friendly,
108			    [set(vars.carry, nearby_friendly),
109			     remove_object(nearby_friendly),
110			     set(scale, 1.5)])
111			    where nearby_friendly = find(level.chars, value.side = vars.side and (not (value.type in ['base', 'chopper', 'missile'])) and abs(mid_x - value.mid_x) < 50 and abs(mid_y - value.mid_y) < 100)
112			 ),
113			  if(vars.carry, [set(vars.carry.mid_x, mid_x),
114					          set(vars.carry.mid_y, mid_y),
115							  set(vars.carry.facing, facing),
116							  add_object(vars.carry),
117							  set(vars.carry, null),
118							  set(scale, 1.0)])])",
119	on_end_flying_anim: "set(animation, 'flying')",
120	on_end_spawning_animation: "set(animation, 'flying')"