1-- Oscar is an OSCillation AnalyzeR for use with Golly.
2-- Author: Andrew Trevorrow (andrew@trevorrow.com), Mar 2016.
4-- This script uses Gabriel Nivasch's "keep minima" algorithm.
5-- For each generation, calculate a hash value for the pattern.  Keep all of
6-- the record-breaking minimal hashes in a list, with the oldest first.
7-- For example, after 5 generations the saved hash values might be:
9--   8 12 16 24 25,
11-- If the next hash goes down to 13 then the list can be shortened:
13--   8 12 13.
15-- If the current hash matches one of the saved hashes, it is highly likely
16-- the pattern is oscillating.  By keeping a corresponding list of generation
17-- counts we can calculate the period.  We also keep lists of population
18-- counts and bounding boxes to reduce the chance of spurious oscillator
19-- detection due to hash collisions.  The bounding box info also allows us
20-- to detect moving oscillators (spaceships/knightships).
22local g = golly()
24-- initialize lists
25local hashlist = {}     -- for pattern hash values
26local genlist = {}      -- corresponding generation counts
27local poplist = {}      -- corresponding population counts
28local boxlist = {}      -- corresponding bounding boxes
30-- check if outer-totalistic rule has B0 but not S8
31local r = g.getrule()
32r = string.match(r, "^(.+):") or r
33local hasB0notS8 = r:find("B0") == 1 and r:find("/") > 1 and r:sub(-1,-1) ~= "8"
37local function show_spaceship_speed(period, deltax, deltay)
38    -- we found a moving oscillator
39    if deltax == deltay or deltax == 0 or deltay == 0 then
40        local speed = ""
41        if deltax == 0 or deltay == 0 then
42            -- orthogonal spaceship
43            if deltax > 1 or deltay > 1 then
44                speed = speed..(deltax + deltay)
45            end
46        else
47            -- diagonal spaceship (deltax == deltay)
48            if deltax > 1 then
49                speed = speed..deltax
50            end
51        end
52        if period == 1 then
53            g.show("Spaceship detected (speed = "..speed.."c)")
54        else
55            g.show("Spaceship detected (speed = "..speed.."c/"..period..")")
56        end
57    else
58        -- deltax != deltay and both > 0
59        local speed = deltay..","..deltax
60        if period == 1 then
61            g.show("Knightship detected (speed = "..speed.."c)")
62        else
63            g.show("Knightship detected (speed = "..speed.."c/"..period..")")
64        end
65    end
70local function oscillating()
71    -- return true if the pattern is empty, stable or oscillating
73    -- first get current pattern's bounding box
74    local pbox = g.getrect()
75    if #pbox == 0 then
76        g.show("The pattern is empty.")
77        return true
78    end
80    local h = g.hash(pbox)
82    -- determine where to insert h into hashlist
83    local pos = 1
84    local listlen = #hashlist
85    while pos <= listlen do
86        if h > hashlist[pos] then
87            pos = pos + 1
88        elseif h < hashlist[pos] then
89            -- shorten lists and append info below
90            for i = 1, listlen - pos + 1 do
91                table.remove(hashlist)
92                table.remove(genlist)
93                table.remove(poplist)
94                table.remove(boxlist)
95            end
96            break
97        else
98            -- h == hashlist[pos] so pattern is probably oscillating, but just in
99            -- case this is a hash collision we also compare pop count and box size
100            local rect = boxlist[pos]
101            if tonumber(g.getpop()) == poplist[pos] and pbox[3] == rect[3] and pbox[4] == rect[4] then
102                local period = tonumber(g.getgen()) - genlist[pos]
104                if hasB0notS8 and (period % 2) > 0 and
105                   pbox[1] == rect[1] and pbox[2] == rect[2] and
106                   pbox[3] == rect[3] and pbox[4] == rect[4] then
107                    -- ignore this hash value because B0-and-not-S8 rules are
108                    -- emulated by using different rules for odd and even gens,
109                    -- so it's possible to have identical patterns at gen G and
110                    -- gen G+p if p is odd
111                    return false
112                end
114                if pbox[1] == rect[1] and pbox[2] == rect[2] and
115                   pbox[3] == rect[3] and pbox[4] == rect[4] then
116                    -- pattern hasn't moved
117                    if period == 1 then
118                        g.show("The pattern is stable.")
119                    else
120                        g.show("Oscillator detected (period = "..period..")")
121                    end
122                else
123                    local deltax = math.abs(rect[1] - pbox[1])
124                    local deltay = math.abs(rect[2] - pbox[2])
125                    show_spaceship_speed(period, deltax, deltay)
126                end
127                return true
128            else
129                -- look at next matching hash value or insert if no more
130                pos = pos + 1
131            end
132        end
133    end
135    -- store hash/gen/pop/box info at same position in various lists
136    table.insert(hashlist, pos, h)
137    table.insert(genlist, pos, tonumber(g.getgen()))
138    table.insert(poplist, pos, tonumber(g.getpop()))
139    table.insert(boxlist, pos, pbox)
141    return false
146local function fit_if_not_visible()
147    -- fit pattern in viewport if not empty and not completely visible
148    local r = g.getrect()
149    if #r > 0 and not g.visrect(r) then g.fit() end
154g.show("Checking for oscillation... (hit escape to abort)")
156local oldsecs = os.clock()
157while not oscillating() do
158    g.run(1)
159    local newsecs = os.clock()
160    if newsecs - oldsecs >= 1.0 then   -- show pattern every second
161        oldsecs = newsecs
162        fit_if_not_visible()
163        g.update()
164    end