1 // This file is part of Golly.
2 // See docs/License.html for the copyright notice.
4 /*
5  * hlife 0.99 by Radical Eye Software.
6  *
7  *   All good ideas here were originated by Gosper or Bell or others, I'm
8  *   sure, and all bad ones by yours truly.
9  *
10  *   The main reason I wrote this program was to attempt to push out the
11  *   evaluation of metacatacryst as far as I could.  So this program
12  *   really does very little other than compute life as far into the
13  *   future as possible, using as little memory as possible (and reusing
14  *   it if necessary).  No UI, few options.
15  */
16 #include "hlifealgo.h"
17 #include "util.h"
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <string.h>
20 #include <iostream>
21 using namespace std ;
22 /*
23  *   Power of two hash sizes work fine.
24  */
25 #ifdef PRIMEMOD
26 #define HASHMOD(a) ((a)%hashprime)
nexthashsize(g_uintptr_t i)27 static g_uintptr_t nexthashsize(g_uintptr_t i) {
28    g_uintptr_t j ;
29    i |= 1 ;
30    for (;; i+=2) {
31       for (j=3; j*j<=i; j+=2)
32          if (i % j == 0)
33             break ;
34       if (j*j > i)
35          return i ;
36    }
37 }
38 #else
39 #define HASHMOD(a) ((a)&(hashmask))
nexthashsize(g_uintptr_t i)40 static g_uintptr_t nexthashsize(g_uintptr_t i) {
41    while ((i & (i - 1)))
42       i += (i & (1 + ~i)) ; // i & - i is more idiomatic but generates warning
43    return i ;
44 }
45 #endif
46 /*
47  *   Note that all the places we represent 4-squares by short, we use
48  *   unsigned shorts; this is so we can directly index into these arrays.
49  */
50 static unsigned char shortpop[65536] ;
51 /*
52  *   The cached result of an 8-square is a new 4-square representing
53  *   two generations into the future.  This subroutine calculates that
54  *   future, assuming ruletable is calculated (see below).  The code
55  *   that it uses is similar to code you'll see again, so we explain
56  *   what's going on in some detail.
57  *
58  *   Each time we build a leaf node, we compute the result, because it
59  *   is reasonably quick.
60  *
61  *   The first generation result of an 8-square is a 6-square, which
62  *   we represent as nine 2-squares.  The nine 2-squares are called
63  *   t00 through t22, and are arranged in a matrix:
64  *
65  *      t00   t01   t02
66  *      t10   t11   t12
67  *      t20   t21   t22
68  *
69  *   To compute each of these, we need to extract the relevant bits
70  *   from the four 4-square values n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, and n->ne.
71  *   We can use these values to directly index into the ruletable
72  *   array.
73  *
74  *   Then, given the nine values, we can compute a resulting 4-square
75  *   by computing four 2-square results, and combining these into a
76  *   single 4-square.
77  *
78  *   It's a bit intricate, but it's not really overwhelming.
79  */
80 #define combine9(t00,t01,t02,t10,t11,t12,t20,t21,t22) \
81        ((t00) << 15) | ((t01) << 13) | (((t02) << 11) & 0x1000) | \
82        (((t10) << 7) & 0x880) | ((t11) << 5) | (((t12) << 3) & 0x110) | \
83        (((t20) >> 1) & 0x8) | ((t21) >> 3) | ((t22) >> 5)
leafres(leaf * n)84 void hlifealgo::leafres(leaf *n) {
85    unsigned short
86    t00 = ruletable[n->nw],
87    t01 = ruletable[((n->nw << 2) & 0xcccc) | ((n->ne >> 2) & 0x3333)],
88    t02 = ruletable[n->ne],
89    t10 = ruletable[((n->nw << 8) & 0xff00) | ((n->sw >> 8) & 0x00ff)],
90    t11 = ruletable[((n->nw << 10) & 0xcc00) | ((n->ne << 6) & 0x3300) |
91                    ((n->sw >> 6) & 0x00cc) | ((n->se >> 10) & 0x0033)],
92    t12 = ruletable[((n->ne << 8) & 0xff00) | ((n->se >> 8) & 0x00ff)],
93    t20 = ruletable[n->sw],
94    t21 = ruletable[((n->sw << 2) & 0xcccc) | ((n->se >> 2) & 0x3333)],
95    t22 = ruletable[n->se] ;
96    n->res1 = combine9(t00,t01,t02,t10,t11,t12,t20,t21,t22) ;
97    n->res2 =
98    (ruletable[(t00 << 10) | (t01 << 8) | (t10 << 2) | t11] << 10) |
99    (ruletable[(t01 << 10) | (t02 << 8) | (t11 << 2) | t12] << 8) |
100    (ruletable[(t10 << 10) | (t11 << 8) | (t20 << 2) | t21] << 2) |
101     ruletable[(t11 << 10) | (t12 << 8) | (t21 << 2) | t22] ;
102    n->leafpop = bigint((short)(shortpop[n->nw] + shortpop[n->ne] +
103                                shortpop[n->sw] + shortpop[n->se])) ;
104 }
105 /*
106  *   We do now support garbage collection, but there are some routines we
107  *   call frequently to help us.
108  */
109 #ifdef PRIMEMOD
110 #define node_hash(a,b,c,d) (65537*(g_uintptr_t)(d)+257*(g_uintptr_t)(c)+17*(g_uintptr_t)(b)+5*(g_uintptr_t)(a))
111 #else
node_hash(void * a,void * b,void * c,void * d)112 g_uintptr_t node_hash(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *d) {
113    g_uintptr_t r = (65537*(g_uintptr_t)(d)+257*(g_uintptr_t)(c)+17*(g_uintptr_t)(b)+5*(g_uintptr_t)(a)) ;
114    r += (r >> 11) ;
115    return r ;
116 }
117 #endif
118 #define leaf_hash(a,b,c,d) (65537*(d)+257*(c)+17*(b)+5*(a))
119 /*
120  *   Resize the hash.  The max load factor defined here does not actually
121  *   yield the maximum load factor the hash will see, because when we
122  *   do the last resize before exhausting memory, we may find we are
123  *   not permitted (while keeping total memory consumption below the
124  *   limit) to do the resize, so the actual max load factor may be
125  *   somewhat higher.  Conversely, because we double the hash size
126  *   each time, the actual final max load factor may be less than this.
127  *   Additional code can be added to manage this, but after some
128  *   experimentation, it has been found that the impact is tiny, so
129  *   we are keeping the code simple.  Nonetheless, this factor can be
130  *   tweaked in the case where you absolutely want as many nodes as
131  *   possible in memory, and are willing to use a large load factor to
132  *   permit this; with the move-to-front heuristic, the code actually
133  *   handles a large load factor fairly well.
134  */
135 double hlifealgo::maxloadfactor = 0.7 ;
resize()136 void hlifealgo::resize() {
138    if (okaytogc) {
139       do_gc(0) ; // faster resizes if we do a gc first
140    }
141 #endif
142    g_uintptr_t i, nhashprime = nexthashsize(2 * hashprime) ;
143    node *p, **nhashtab ;
144    if (hashprime > (totalthings >> 2)) {
145       if (alloced > maxmem ||
146           nhashprime * sizeof(node *) > (maxmem - alloced)) {
147          hashlimit = G_MAX ;
148          return ;
149       }
150    }
151    if (verbose) {
152      sprintf(statusline, "Resizing hash to %" PRIuPTR "...", nhashprime) ;
153      lifestatus(statusline) ;
154    }
155    nhashtab = (node **)calloc(nhashprime, sizeof(node *)) ;
156    if (nhashtab == 0) {
157      lifewarning("Out of memory; running in a somewhat slower mode; "
158                  "try reducing the hash memory limit after restarting.") ;
159      hashlimit = G_MAX ;
160      return ;
161    }
162    alloced += sizeof(node *) * (nhashprime - hashprime) ;
163    g_uintptr_t ohashprime = hashprime ;
164    hashprime = nhashprime ;
165 #ifndef PRIMEMOD
166    hashmask = hashprime - 1 ;
167 #endif
168    for (i=0; i<ohashprime; i++) {
169       for (p=hashtab[i]; p;) {
170          node *np = p->next ;
171          g_uintptr_t h ;
172          if (is_node(p)) {
173             h = node_hash(p->nw, p->ne, p->sw, p->se) ;
174          } else {
175             leaf *l = (leaf *)p ;
176             h = leaf_hash(l->nw, l->ne, l->sw, l->se) ;
177          }
178          h = HASHMOD(h) ;
179          p->next = nhashtab[h] ;
180          nhashtab[h] = p ;
181          p = np ;
182       }
183    }
184    free(hashtab) ;
185    hashtab = nhashtab ;
186    hashlimit = (g_uintptr_t)(maxloadfactor * hashprime) ;
187    if (verbose) {
188      strcpy(statusline+strlen(statusline), " done.") ;
189      lifestatus(statusline) ;
190    }
191 }
192 /*
193  *   These next two routines are (nearly) our only hash table access
194  *   routines; we simply look up the passed in information.  If we
195  *   find it in the hash table, we return it; otherwise, we build a
196  *   new node and store it in the hash table, and return that.
197  */
find_node(node * nw,node * ne,node * sw,node * se)198 node *hlifealgo::find_node(node *nw, node *ne, node *sw, node *se) {
199    node *p ;
200    g_uintptr_t h = node_hash(nw,ne,sw,se) ;
201    node *pred = 0 ;
202    h = HASHMOD(h) ;
203    for (p=hashtab[h]; p; p = p->next) { /* make sure to compare nw *first* */
204       if (nw == p->nw && ne == p->ne && sw == p->sw && se == p->se) {
205          if (pred) { /* move this one to the front */
206             pred->next = p->next ;
207             p->next = hashtab[h] ;
208             hashtab[h] = p ;
209          }
210          return save(p) ;
211       }
212       pred = p ;
213    }
214    p = newnode() ;
215    p->nw = nw ;
216    p->ne = ne ;
217    p->sw = sw ;
218    p->se = se ;
219    p->res = 0 ;
220    p->next = hashtab[h] ;
221    hashtab[h] = p ;
222    hashpop++ ;
223    save(p) ;
224    if (hashpop > hashlimit)
225       resize() ;
226    return p ;
227 }
find_leaf(unsigned short nw,unsigned short ne,unsigned short sw,unsigned short se)228 leaf *hlifealgo::find_leaf(unsigned short nw, unsigned short ne,
229                                   unsigned short sw, unsigned short se) {
230    leaf *p ;
231    leaf *pred = 0 ;
232    g_uintptr_t h = leaf_hash(nw, ne, sw, se) ;
233    h = HASHMOD(h) ;
234    for (p=(leaf *)hashtab[h]; p; p = (leaf *)p->next) {
235       if (nw == p->nw && ne == p->ne && sw == p->sw && se == p->se &&
236           !is_node(p)) {
237          if (pred) {
238             pred->next = p->next ;
239             p->next = hashtab[h] ;
240             hashtab[h] = (node *)p ;
241          }
242          return (leaf *)save((node *)p) ;
243       }
244       pred = p ;
245    }
246    p = newleaf() ;
247    p->nw = nw ;
248    p->ne = ne ;
249    p->sw = sw ;
250    p->se = se ;
251    leafres(p) ;
252    p->isnode = 0 ;
253    p->next = hashtab[h] ;
254    hashtab[h] = (node *)p ;
255    hashpop++ ;
256    save((node *)p) ;
257    if (hashpop > hashlimit)
258       resize() ;
259    return p ;
260 }
261 /*
262  *   The following routine does the same, but first it checks to see if
263  *   the cached result is any good.  If it is, it directly returns that.
264  *   Otherwise, it figures out whether to call the leaf routine or the
265  *   non-leaf routine by whether two nodes down is a leaf node or not.
266  *   (We'll understand why this is a bit later.)  All the sp stuff is
267  *   stack pointer and garbage collection stuff.
268  */
getres(node * n,int depth)269 node *hlifealgo::getres(node *n, int depth) {
270    if (n->res)
271      return n->res ;
272    node *res = 0 ;
273    /**
274     *   This routine be the only place we assign to res.  We use
275     *   the fact that the poll routine is *sticky* to allow us to
276     *   manage unwinding the stack without munging our data
277     *   structures.  Note that there may be many find_nodes
278     *   and getres called before we finally actually exit from
279     *   here, because the stack is deep and we don't want to
280     *   put checks throughout the code.  Instead we need two
281     *   calls here, one to prevent us going deeper, and another
282     *   to prevent us from destroying the cache field.
283     */
284    if (poller->poll() || softinterrupt)
285      return zeronode(depth-1) ;
286    int sp = gsp ;
287    if (running_hperf.fastinc(depth, ngens < depth))
288       running_hperf.report(inc_hperf, verbose) ;
289    depth-- ;
290    if (ngens >= depth) {
291      if (is_node(n->nw)) {
292        res = dorecurs(n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, n->se, depth) ;
293      } else {
294        res = (node *)dorecurs_leaf((leaf *)n->nw, (leaf *)n->ne,
295                                    (leaf *)n->sw, (leaf *)n->se) ;
296      }
297    } else {
298      if (is_node(n->nw)) {
299        res = dorecurs_half(n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, n->se, depth) ;
300      } else if (ngens == 0) {
301        res = (node *)dorecurs_leaf_quarter((leaf *)n->nw, (leaf *)n->ne,
302                                            (leaf *)n->sw, (leaf *)n->se) ;
303      } else {
304        res = (node *)dorecurs_leaf_half((leaf *)n->nw, (leaf *)n->ne,
305                                         (leaf *)n->sw, (leaf *)n->se) ;
306      }
307    }
308    pop(sp) ;
309    if (softinterrupt ||
310        poller->isInterrupted()) // don't assign this to the cache field!
311      res = zeronode(depth) ;
312    else {
313      if (ngens < depth && halvesdone < 1000)
314        halvesdone++ ;
315      n->res = res ;
316    }
317    return res ;
318 }
319 #ifdef USEPREFETCH
setupprefetch(setup_t & su,node * nw,node * ne,node * sw,node * se)320 void hlifealgo::setupprefetch(setup_t &su, node *nw, node *ne, node *sw, node *se) {
321    su.h = node_hash(nw,ne,sw,se) ;
322    su.nw = nw ;
323    su.ne = ne ;
324    su.sw = sw ;
325    su.se = se ;
326    su.prefetch(hashtab + HASHMOD(su.h)) ;
327 }
find_node(setup_t & su)328 node *hlifealgo::find_node(setup_t &su) {
329    node *p ;
330    node *pred = 0 ;
331    g_uintptr_t h = HASHMOD(su.h) ;
332    for (p=hashtab[h]; p; p = p->next) { /* make sure to compare nw *first* */
333       if (su.nw == p->nw && su.ne == p->ne && su.sw == p->sw && su.se == p->se) {
334          if (pred) { /* move this one to the front */
335             pred->next = p->next ;
336             p->next = hashtab[h] ;
337             hashtab[h] = p ;
338          }
339          return save(p) ;
340       }
341       pred = p ;
342    }
343    p = newnode() ;
344    p->nw = su.nw ;
345    p->ne = su.ne ;
346    p->sw = su.sw ;
347    p->se = su.se ;
348    p->res = 0 ;
349    p->next = hashtab[h] ;
350    hashtab[h] = p ;
351    hashpop++ ;
352    save(p) ;
353    if (hashpop > hashlimit)
354       resize() ;
355    return p ;
356 }
dorecurs(node * n,node * ne,node * t,node * e,int depth)357 node *hlifealgo::dorecurs(node *n, node *ne, node *t, node *e, int depth) {
358    int sp = gsp ;
359    setup_t su[5] ;
360    setupprefetch(su[2], n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw) ;
361    setupprefetch(su[0], n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw) ;
362    setupprefetch(su[1], ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne) ;
363    setupprefetch(su[3], n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne) ;
364    setupprefetch(su[4], t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw) ;
365    node
366    *t00 = getres(n, depth),
367    *t01 = getres(find_node(su[0]), depth),
368    *t02 = getres(ne, depth),
369    *t12 = getres(find_node(su[1]), depth),
370    *t11 = getres(find_node(su[2]), depth),
371    *t10 = getres(find_node(su[3]), depth),
372    *t20 = getres(t, depth),
373    *t21 = getres(find_node(su[4]), depth),
374    *t22 = getres(e, depth) ;
375    setupprefetch(su[0], t11, t12, t21, t22) ;
376    setupprefetch(su[1], t10, t11, t20, t21) ;
377    setupprefetch(su[2], t00, t01, t10, t11) ;
378    setupprefetch(su[3], t01, t02, t11, t12) ;
379    node
380    *t44 = getres(find_node(su[0]), depth),
381    *t43 = getres(find_node(su[1]), depth),
382    *t33 = getres(find_node(su[2]), depth),
383    *t34 = getres(find_node(su[3]), depth) ;
384    n = find_node(t33, t34, t43, t44) ;
385    pop(sp) ;
386    return save(n) ;
387 }
388 #else
389 /*
390  *   So let's say the cached way failed.  How do we do it the slow way?
391  *   Recursively, of course.  For an n-square (composed of the four
392  *   n/2-squares passed in, compute the n/2-square that is n/4
393  *   generations ahead.
394  *
395  *   This routine works exactly the same as the leafres() routine, only
396  *   instead of working on an 8-square, we're working on an n-square,
397  *   returning an n/2-square, and we build that n/2-square by first building
398  *   9 n/4-squares, use those to calculate 4 more n/4-squares, and
399  *   then put these together into a new n/2-square.  Simple, eh?
400  */
dorecurs(node * n,node * ne,node * t,node * e,int depth)401 node *hlifealgo::dorecurs(node *n, node *ne, node *t, node *e, int depth) {
402    int sp = gsp ;
403    node
404    *t11 = getres(find_node(n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw), depth),
405    *t00 = getres(n, depth),
406    *t01 = getres(find_node(n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw), depth),
407    *t02 = getres(ne, depth),
408    *t12 = getres(find_node(ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne), depth),
409    *t10 = getres(find_node(n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne), depth),
410    *t20 = getres(t, depth),
411    *t21 = getres(find_node(t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw), depth),
412    *t22 = getres(e, depth),
413    *t44 = getres(find_node(t11, t12, t21, t22), depth),
414    *t43 = getres(find_node(t10, t11, t20, t21), depth),
415    *t33 = getres(find_node(t00, t01, t10, t11), depth),
416    *t34 = getres(find_node(t01, t02, t11, t12), depth) ;
417    n = find_node(t33, t34, t43, t44) ;
418    pop(sp) ;
419    return save(n) ;
420 }
421 #endif
422 /*
423  *   Same as above, but we only do one step instead of 2.
424  */
dorecurs_half(node * n,node * ne,node * t,node * e,int depth)425 node *hlifealgo::dorecurs_half(node *n, node *ne, node *t,
426                                node *e, int depth) {
427    int sp = gsp ;
428    node
429    *t00 = getres(n, depth),
430    *t01 = getres(find_node(n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw), depth),
431    *t10 = getres(find_node(n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne), depth),
432    *t11 = getres(find_node(n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw), depth),
433    *t02 = getres(ne, depth),
434    *t12 = getres(find_node(ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne), depth),
435    *t20 = getres(t, depth),
436    *t21 = getres(find_node(t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw), depth),
437    *t22 = getres(e, depth) ;
438    if (depth > 3) {
439       n = find_node(find_node(t00->se, t01->sw, t10->ne, t11->nw),
440                     find_node(t01->se, t02->sw, t11->ne, t12->nw),
441                     find_node(t10->se, t11->sw, t20->ne, t21->nw),
442                     find_node(t11->se, t12->sw, t21->ne, t22->nw)) ;
443    } else {
444       n = find_node((node *)find_leaf(((leaf *)t00)->se,
445                                              ((leaf *)t01)->sw,
446                                              ((leaf *)t10)->ne,
447                                              ((leaf *)t11)->nw),
448                     (node *)find_leaf(((leaf *)t01)->se,
449                                              ((leaf *)t02)->sw,
450                                              ((leaf *)t11)->ne,
451                                              ((leaf *)t12)->nw),
452                     (node *)find_leaf(((leaf *)t10)->se,
453                                              ((leaf *)t11)->sw,
454                                              ((leaf *)t20)->ne,
455                                              ((leaf *)t21)->nw),
456                     (node *)find_leaf(((leaf *)t11)->se,
457                                              ((leaf *)t12)->sw,
458                                              ((leaf *)t21)->ne,
459                                              ((leaf *)t22)->nw)) ;
460    }
461    pop(sp) ;
462    return save(n) ;
463 }
464 /*
465  *   If the node is a 16-node, then the constituents are leaves, so we
466  *   need a very similar but still somewhat different subroutine.  Since
467  *   we do not (yet) garbage collect leaves, we don't need all that
468  *   save/pop mumbo-jumbo.
469  */
dorecurs_leaf(leaf * n,leaf * ne,leaf * t,leaf * e)470 leaf *hlifealgo::dorecurs_leaf(leaf *n, leaf *ne, leaf *t, leaf *e) {
471    unsigned short
472    t00 = n->res2,
473    t01 = find_leaf(n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw)->res2,
474    t02 = ne->res2,
475    t10 = find_leaf(n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne)->res2,
476    t11 = find_leaf(n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw)->res2,
477    t12 = find_leaf(ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne)->res2,
478    t20 = t->res2,
479    t21 = find_leaf(t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw)->res2,
480    t22 = e->res2 ;
481    return find_leaf(find_leaf(t00, t01, t10, t11)->res2,
482                     find_leaf(t01, t02, t11, t12)->res2,
483                     find_leaf(t10, t11, t20, t21)->res2,
484                     find_leaf(t11, t12, t21, t22)->res2) ;
485 }
486 /*
487  *   Same as above but we only do two generations.
488  */
489 #define combine4(t00,t01,t10,t11) (unsigned short)\
490 ((((t00)<<10)&0xcc00)|(((t01)<<6)&0x3300)|(((t10)>>6)&0xcc)|(((t11)>>10)&0x33))
dorecurs_leaf_half(leaf * n,leaf * ne,leaf * t,leaf * e)491 leaf *hlifealgo::dorecurs_leaf_half(leaf *n, leaf *ne, leaf *t, leaf *e) {
492    unsigned short
493    t00 = n->res2,
494    t01 = find_leaf(n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw)->res2,
495    t02 = ne->res2,
496    t10 = find_leaf(n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne)->res2,
497    t11 = find_leaf(n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw)->res2,
498    t12 = find_leaf(ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne)->res2,
499    t20 = t->res2,
500    t21 = find_leaf(t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw)->res2,
501    t22 = e->res2 ;
502    return find_leaf(combine4(t00, t01, t10, t11),
503                     combine4(t01, t02, t11, t12),
504                     combine4(t10, t11, t20, t21),
505                     combine4(t11, t12, t21, t22)) ;
506 }
507 /*
508  *   Same as above but we only do one generation.
509  */
dorecurs_leaf_quarter(leaf * n,leaf * ne,leaf * t,leaf * e)510 leaf *hlifealgo::dorecurs_leaf_quarter(leaf *n, leaf *ne,
511                                    leaf *t, leaf *e) {
512    unsigned short
513    t00 = n->res1,
514    t01 = find_leaf(n->ne, ne->nw, n->se, ne->sw)->res1,
515    t02 = ne->res1,
516    t10 = find_leaf(n->sw, n->se, t->nw, t->ne)->res1,
517    t11 = find_leaf(n->se, ne->sw, t->ne, e->nw)->res1,
518    t12 = find_leaf(ne->sw, ne->se, e->nw, e->ne)->res1,
519    t20 = t->res1,
520    t21 = find_leaf(t->ne, e->nw, t->se, e->sw)->res1,
521    t22 = e->res1 ;
522    return find_leaf(combine4(t00, t01, t10, t11),
523                     combine4(t01, t02, t11, t12),
524                     combine4(t10, t11, t20, t21),
525                     combine4(t11, t12, t21, t22)) ;
526 }
527 /*
528  *   We keep free nodes in a linked list for allocation, and we allocate
529  *   them 1000 at a time.
530  */
newnode()531 node *hlifealgo::newnode() {
532    node *r ;
533    if (freenodes == 0) {
534       int i ;
535       freenodes = (node *)calloc(1001, sizeof(node)) ;
536       if (freenodes == 0)
537          lifefatal("Out of memory; try reducing the hash memory limit.") ;
538       alloced += 1001 * sizeof(node) ;
539       freenodes->next = nodeblocks ;
540       nodeblocks = freenodes++ ;
541       for (i=0; i<999; i++) {
542          freenodes[1].next = freenodes ;
543          freenodes++ ;
544       }
545       totalthings += 1000 ;
546    }
547    if (freenodes->next == 0 && alloced + 1000 * sizeof(node) > maxmem &&
548        okaytogc) {
549       do_gc(0) ;
550    }
551    r = freenodes ;
552    freenodes = freenodes->next ;
553    return r ;
554 }
555 /*
556  *   Leaves are the same.
557  */
newleaf()558 leaf *hlifealgo::newleaf() {
559    leaf *r = (leaf *)newnode() ;
560    new(&(r->leafpop))bigint ;
561    return r ;
562 }
563 /*
564  *   Sometimes we want the new node or leaf to be automatically cleared
565  *   for us.
566  */
newclearednode()567 node *hlifealgo::newclearednode() {
568    return (node *)memset(newnode(), 0, sizeof(node)) ;
569 }
newclearedleaf()570 leaf *hlifealgo::newclearedleaf() {
571    leaf *r = (leaf *)newclearednode() ;
572    new(&(r->leafpop))bigint ;
573    return r ;
574 }
hlifealgo()575 hlifealgo::hlifealgo() {
576    int i ;
577 /*
578  *   The population of one-bits in an integer is one more than the
579  *   population of one-bits in the integer with one fewer bit set,
580  *   and we can turn off a bit by anding an integer with the next
581  *   lower integer.
582  */
583    if (shortpop[1] == 0)
584       for (i=1; i<65536; i++)
585          shortpop[i] = shortpop[i & (i - 1)] + 1 ;
586    hashprime = nexthashsize(1000) ;
587 #ifndef PRIMEMOD
588    hashmask = hashprime - 1 ;
589 #endif
590    hashlimit = (g_uintptr_t)(maxloadfactor * hashprime) ;
591    hashpop = 0 ;
592    hashtab = (node **)calloc(hashprime, sizeof(node *)) ;
593    if (hashtab == 0)
594      lifefatal("Out of memory (1).") ;
595    alloced = hashprime * sizeof(node *) ;
596    ngens = 0 ;
597    stacksize = 0 ;
598    halvesdone = 0 ;
599    nzeros = 0 ;
600    stack = 0 ;
601    gsp = 0 ;
602    maxmem = 256 * 1024 * 1024 ;
603    freenodes = 0 ;
604    okaytogc = 0 ;
605    totalthings = 0 ;
606    nodeblocks = 0 ;
607    zeronodea = 0 ;
608    ruletable = hliferules.rule0 ;
609 /*
610  *   We initialize our universe to be a 16-square.  We are in drawing
611  *   mode at this point.
612  */
613    root = (node *)newclearednode() ;
614    population = 0 ;
615    generation = 0 ;
616    increment = 1 ;
617    setincrement = 1 ;
618    nonpow2 = 1 ;
619    pow2step = 1 ;
620    llsize = 0 ;
621    depth = 3 ;
622    hashed = 0 ;
623    popValid = 0 ;
624    needPop = 0 ;
625    inGC = 0 ;
626    cacheinvalid = 0 ;
627    gccount = 0 ;
628    gcstep = 0 ;
629    running_hperf.clear() ;
630    inc_hperf = running_hperf ;
631    step_hperf = running_hperf ;
632    softinterrupt = 0 ;
633 }
634 /**
635  *   Destructor frees memory.
636  */
~hlifealgo()637 hlifealgo::~hlifealgo() {
638    free(hashtab) ;
639    while (nodeblocks) {
640       node *r = nodeblocks ;
641       nodeblocks = nodeblocks->next ;
642       free(r) ;
643    }
644    if (zeronodea)
645       free(zeronodea) ;
646    if (stack)
647       free(stack) ;
648    if (llsize) {
649       delete [] llxb ;
650       delete [] llyb ;
651    }
652 }
653 /**
654  *   Set increment.
655  */
setIncrement(bigint inc)656 void hlifealgo::setIncrement(bigint inc) {
657    if (inc < increment)
658       softinterrupt = 1 ;
659    increment = inc ;
660 }
661 /**
662  *   Do a step.
663  */
step()664 void hlifealgo::step() {
665    poller->bailIfCalculating() ;
666    // we use while here because the increment may be changed while we are
667    // doing the hashtable sweep; if that happens, we may need to sweep
668    // again.
669    while (1) {
670       int cleareddownto = 1000000000 ;
671       softinterrupt = 0 ;
672       while (increment != setincrement) {
673          bigint pendingincrement = increment ;
674          int newpow2 = 0 ;
675          bigint t = pendingincrement ;
676          while (t > 0 && t.even()) {
677             newpow2++ ;
678             t.div2() ;
679          }
680          nonpow2 = t.low31() ;
681          if (t != nonpow2)
682             lifefatal("bad increment") ;
683          int downto = newpow2 ;
684          if (ngens < newpow2)
685             downto = ngens ;
686          if (newpow2 != ngens && cleareddownto > downto) {
687             new_ngens(newpow2) ;
688             cleareddownto = downto ;
689          } else {
690             ngens = newpow2 ;
691          }
692          setincrement = pendingincrement ;
693          pow2step = 1 ;
694          while (newpow2--)
695             pow2step += pow2step ;
696       }
697       gcstep = 0 ;
698       running_hperf.genval = generation.todouble() ;
699       for (int i=0; i<nonpow2; i++) {
700          node *newroot = runpattern() ;
701          if (newroot == 0 || softinterrupt || poller->isInterrupted()) // we *were* interrupted
702             break ;
703          popValid = 0 ;
704          root = newroot ;
705          depth = node_depth(root) ;
706       }
707       running_hperf.reportStep(step_hperf, inc_hperf, generation.todouble(), verbose) ;
708       if (poller->isInterrupted() || !softinterrupt)
709          break ;
710    }
711 }
setcurrentstate(void * n)712 void hlifealgo::setcurrentstate(void *n) {
713    if (root != (node *)n) {
714       root = (node *)n ;
715       depth = node_depth(root) ;
716       popValid = 0 ;
717    }
718 }
719 /*
720  *   Set the max memory
721  */
setMaxMemory(int newmemlimit)722 void hlifealgo::setMaxMemory(int newmemlimit) {
723    if (newmemlimit < 10)
724      newmemlimit = 10 ;
725 #ifndef GOLLY64BIT
726    else if (newmemlimit > 4000)
727      newmemlimit = 4000 ;
728 #endif
729    g_uintptr_t newlimit = ((g_uintptr_t)newmemlimit) << 20 ;
730    if (alloced > newlimit) {
731       lifewarning("Sorry, more memory currently used than allowed.") ;
732       return ;
733    }
734    maxmem = newlimit ;
735    hashlimit = (g_uintptr_t)(maxloadfactor * hashprime) ;
736 }
737 /**
738  *   Clear everything.
739  */
clearall()740 void hlifealgo::clearall() {
741    lifefatal("clearall not implemented yet") ;
742 }
743 /*
744  *   This routine expands our universe by a factor of two, maintaining
745  *   centering.  We use four new nodes, and *reuse* the root so this cannot
746  *   be called after we've started hashing.
747  */
pushroot_1()748 void hlifealgo::pushroot_1() {
749    node *t ;
750    t = newclearednode() ;
751    t->se = root->nw ;
752    root->nw = t ;
753    t = newclearednode() ;
754    t->sw = root->ne ;
755    root->ne = t ;
756    t = newclearednode() ;
757    t->ne = root->sw ;
758    root->sw = t ;
759    t = newclearednode() ;
760    t->nw = root->se ;
761    root->se = t ;
762    depth++ ;
763 }
764 /*
765  *   Return the depth of this node (2 is 8x8).
766  */
node_depth(node * n)767 int hlifealgo::node_depth(node *n) {
768    int depth = 2 ;
769    while (is_node(n)) {
770       depth++ ;
771       n = n->nw ;
772    }
773    return depth ;
774 }
775 /*
776  *   This routine returns the canonical clear space node at a particular
777  *   depth.
778  */
zeronode(int depth)779 node *hlifealgo::zeronode(int depth) {
780    while (depth >= nzeros) {
781       int nnzeros = 2 * nzeros + 10 ;
782       zeronodea = (node **)realloc(zeronodea,
783                                           nnzeros * sizeof(node *)) ;
784       if (zeronodea == 0)
785         lifefatal("Out of memory (2).") ;
786       alloced += (nnzeros - nzeros) * sizeof(node *) ;
787       while (nzeros < nnzeros)
788          zeronodea[nzeros++] = 0 ;
789    }
790    if (zeronodea[depth] == 0) {
791       if (depth == 2) {
792          zeronodea[depth] = (node *)find_leaf(0, 0, 0, 0) ;
793       } else {
794          node *z = zeronode(depth-1) ;
795          zeronodea[depth] = find_node(z, z, z, z) ;
796       }
797    }
798    return zeronodea[depth] ;
799 }
800 /*
801  *   Same, but with hashed nodes.
802  */
pushroot(node * n)803 node *hlifealgo::pushroot(node *n) {
804    int depth = node_depth(n) ;
805    zeronode(depth+1) ; // ensure enough zero nodes for rendering
806    node *z = zeronode(depth-1) ;
807    return find_node(find_node(z, z, z, n->nw),
808                     find_node(z, z, n->ne, z),
809                     find_node(z, n->sw, z, z),
810                     find_node(n->se, z, z, z)) ;
811 }
812 /*
813  *   Here is our recursive routine to set a bit in our universe.  We
814  *   pass in a depth, and walk the space.  Again, a lot of bit twiddling,
815  *   but really not all that complicated.  We allocate new nodes and
816  *   leaves on our way down.
817  *
818  *   Note that at this point our universe lives outside the hash table
819  *   and has not been canonicalized, and that many of the pointers in
820  *   the nodes can be null.  We'll patch this up in due course.
821  */
gsetbit(node * n,int x,int y,int newstate,int depth)822 node *hlifealgo::gsetbit(node *n, int x, int y, int newstate, int depth) {
823    if (depth == 2) {
824       leaf *l = (leaf *)n ;
825       if (hashed) {
826          unsigned short nw = l->nw ;
827          unsigned short sw = l->sw ;
828          unsigned short ne = l->ne ;
829          unsigned short se = l->se ;
830          if (newstate) {
831             if (x < 0)
832                if (y < 0)
833                   sw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
834                else
835                   nw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
836             else
837                if (y < 0)
838                   se |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
839                else
840                   ne |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
841          } else {
842             if (x < 0)
843                if (y < 0)
844                   sw &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
845                else
846                   nw &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
847             else
848                if (y < 0)
849                   se &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
850                else
851                   ne &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
852          }
853          return save((node *)find_leaf(nw, ne, sw, se)) ;
854       }
855       if (newstate) {
856          if (x < 0)
857             if (y < 0)
858                l->sw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
859             else
860                l->nw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
861          else
862             if (y < 0)
863                l->se |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
864             else
865                l->ne |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
866       } else {
867          if (x < 0)
868             if (y < 0)
869                l->sw &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
870             else
871                l->nw &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
872          else
873             if (y < 0)
874                l->se &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
875             else
876                l->ne &= ~(1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3))) ;
877       }
878       return (node *)l ;
879    } else {
880       unsigned int w = 0, wh = 0 ;
881       if (depth >= 32) {
882          if (depth == 32)
883             wh = 0x80000000 ;
884       } else {
885          w = 1 << depth ;
886          wh = 1 << (depth - 1) ;
887       }
888       depth-- ;
889       node **nptr ;
890       if (depth+1 == this->depth || depth < 31) {
891          if (x < 0) {
892             if (y < 0)
893                nptr = &(n->sw) ;
894             else
895                nptr = &(n->nw) ;
896          } else {
897             if (y < 0)
898                nptr = &(n->se) ;
899             else
900                nptr = &(n->ne) ;
901          }
902       } else {
903          if (x >= 0) {
904             if (y >= 0)
905                nptr = &(n->sw) ;
906             else
907                nptr = &(n->nw) ;
908          } else {
909             if (y >= 0)
910                nptr = &(n->se) ;
911             else
912                nptr = &(n->ne) ;
913          }
914       }
915       if (*nptr == 0) {
916          if (depth == 2)
917             *nptr = (node *)newclearedleaf() ;
918          else
919             *nptr = newclearednode() ;
920       }
921       node *s = gsetbit(*nptr, (x & (w - 1)) - wh,
922                                (y & (w - 1)) - wh, newstate, depth) ;
923       if (hashed) {
924          node *nw = (nptr == &(n->nw) ? s : n->nw) ;
925          node *sw = (nptr == &(n->sw) ? s : n->sw) ;
926          node *ne = (nptr == &(n->ne) ? s : n->ne) ;
927          node *se = (nptr == &(n->se) ? s : n->se) ;
928          n = save(find_node(nw, ne, sw, se)) ;
929       } else {
930          *nptr = s ;
931       }
932       return n ;
933    }
934 }
935 /*
936  *   Here is our recursive routine to get a bit in our universe.  We
937  *   pass in a depth, and walk the space.  Again, a lot of bit twiddling,
938  *   but really not all that complicated.
939  */
getbit(node * n,int x,int y,int depth)940 int hlifealgo::getbit(node *n, int x, int y, int depth) {
941    struct node tnode ;
942    while (depth >= 32) {
943       tnode.nw = n->nw->se ;
944       tnode.ne = n->ne->sw ;
945       tnode.sw = n->sw->ne ;
946       tnode.se = n->se->nw ;
947       n = &tnode ;
948       depth-- ;
949    }
950    if (depth == 2) {
951       leaf *l = (leaf *)n ;
952       int test = 0 ;
953       if (x < 0)
954          if (y < 0)
955             test = (l->sw & (1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)))) ;
956          else
957             test = (l->nw & (1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)))) ;
958       else
959          if (y < 0)
960             test = (l->se & (1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)))) ;
961          else
962             test = (l->ne & (1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)))) ;
963       if (test)
964          return 1 ;
965       return 0 ;
966    } else {
967       unsigned int w = 0, wh = 0 ;
968       if (depth >= 32) {
969          if (depth == 32)
970             wh = 0x80000000 ;
971       } else {
972          w = 1 << depth ;
973          wh = 1 << (depth - 1) ;
974       }
975       depth-- ;
976       node *nptr ;
977       if (x < 0) {
978          if (y < 0)
979             nptr = n->sw ;
980          else
981             nptr = n->nw ;
982       } else {
983          if (y < 0)
984             nptr = n->se ;
985          else
986             nptr = n->ne ;
987       }
988       if (nptr == 0 || nptr == zeronode(depth))
989          return 0 ;
990       return getbit(nptr, (x & (w - 1)) - wh, (y & (w - 1)) - wh, depth) ;
991    }
992 }
993 /*
994  *   Here is our recursive routine to get the next bit in our universe.  We
995  *   pass in a depth, and walk the space.  Again, a lot of bit twiddling,
996  *   but really not all that complicated.
997  */
nextbit(node * n,int x,int y,int depth)998 int hlifealgo::nextbit(node *n, int x, int y, int depth) {
999    if (n == 0 || n == zeronode(depth))
1000       return -1 ;
1001    if (depth == 2) {
1002       leaf *l = (leaf *)n ;
1003       int test = 0 ;
1004       if (y < 0)
1005         test = (((l->sw >> (4 * (y & 3))) & 15) << 4) |
1006                 ((l->se >> (4 * (y & 3))) & 15) ;
1007       else
1008         test = (((l->nw >> (4 * (y & 3))) & 15) << 4) |
1009                 ((l->ne >> (4 * (y & 3))) & 15) ;
1010       test &= (1 << (4 - x)) - 1 ;
1011       if (test) {
1012         int r = 0 ;
1013         int b = 1 << (3 - x) ;
1014         while ((test & b) == 0) {
1015           r++ ;
1016           b >>= 1 ;
1017         }
1018         return r ;
1019       }
1020       return -1 ; // none found
1021    } else {
1022       unsigned int w = 0, wh = 0 ;
1023       w = 1 << depth ;
1024       wh = 1 << (depth - 1) ;
1025       node *lft, *rght ;
1026       depth-- ;
1027       if (y < 0) {
1028         lft = n->sw ;
1029         rght = n->se ;
1030       } else {
1031         lft = n->nw ;
1032         rght = n->ne ;
1033       }
1034       int r = 0 ;
1035       if (x < 0) {
1036         int t = nextbit(lft, (x & (w-1)) - wh,
1037                         (y & (w - 1)) - wh, depth) ;
1038         if (t >= 0)
1039           return t ;
1040         r = -x ;
1041         x = 0 ;
1042       }
1043       int t = nextbit(rght, (x & (w-1)) - wh,
1044                       (y & (w - 1)) - wh, depth) ;
1045       if (t >= 0)
1046         return r + t ;
1047       return -1 ;
1048    }
1049 }
1050 /*
1051  *   Our nonrecurse top-level bit setting routine simply expands the
1052  *   universe as necessary to encompass the passed-in coordinates, and
1053  *   then invokes the recursive setbit.  Right now it works hashed or
1054  *   unhashed (but it's faster when unhashed).  We also turn on the inGC
1055  *   flag to inhibit popcount.
1056  */
setcell(int x,int y,int newstate)1057 int hlifealgo::setcell(int x, int y, int newstate) {
1058    if (newstate & ~1)
1059       return -1 ;
1060    if (hashed) {
1061       clearstack() ;
1062       save(root) ;
1063       okaytogc = 1 ;
1064    }
1065    inGC = 1 ;
1066    y = - y ;
1067    int sx = x ;
1068    int sy = y ;
1069    if (depth <= 31) {
1070      sx >>= depth ;
1071      sy >>= depth ;
1072    } else {
1073      sx >>= 31 ;
1074      sy >>= 31 ;
1075    }
1076    while (sx > 0 || sx < -1 || sy > 0 || sy < -1) {
1077       if (hashed) {
1078          root = save(pushroot(root)) ;
1079          depth++ ;
1080       } else {
1081          pushroot_1() ;
1082       }
1083       sx >>= 1 ;
1084       sy >>= 1 ;
1085    }
1086    root = gsetbit(root, x, y, newstate, depth) ;
1087    if (hashed) {
1088       okaytogc = 0 ;
1089    }
1090    return 0 ;
1091 }
1092 /*
1093  *   Our nonrecurse top-level bit getting routine.
1094  */
getcell(int x,int y)1095 int hlifealgo::getcell(int x, int y) {
1096    y = - y ;
1097    int sx = x ;
1098    int sy = y ;
1099    if (depth <= 31) {
1100      sx >>= depth ;
1101      sy >>= depth ;
1102    } else {
1103      sx >>= 31 ;
1104      sy >>= 31 ;
1105    }
1106    if (sx > 0 || sx < -1 || sy > 0 || sy < -1)
1107       return 0 ;
1108    return getbit(root, x, y, depth) ;
1109 }
1110 /*
1111  *   A recursive bit getting routine, but this one returns the
1112  *   number of pixels to the right to the next set cell in the
1113  *   current universe, or -1 if none set to the right, or if
1114  *   the next set pixel is out of range.
1115  */
nextcell(int x,int y,int & v)1116 int hlifealgo::nextcell(int x, int y, int &v) {
1117    v = 1 ;
1118    y = - y ;
1119    int sx = x ;
1120    int sy = y ;
1121    if (depth <= 31) {
1122      sx >>= depth ;
1123      sy >>= depth ;
1124    } else {
1125      sx >>= 31 ;
1126      sy >>= 31 ;
1127    }
1128    while (sx > 0 || sx < -1 || sy > 0 || sy < -1) {
1129       if (hashed) {
1130          root = save(pushroot(root)) ;
1131          depth++ ;
1132       } else {
1133          pushroot_1() ;
1134       }
1135       sx >>= 1 ;
1136       sy >>= 1 ;
1137    }
1138    if (depth > 30) {
1139       struct node tnode = *root ;
1140       int mdepth = depth ;
1141       while (mdepth > 30) {
1142          tnode.nw = tnode.nw->se ;
1143          tnode.ne = tnode.ne->sw ;
1144          tnode.sw = tnode.sw->ne ;
1145          tnode.se = tnode.se->nw ;
1146          mdepth-- ;
1147       }
1148       return nextbit(&tnode, x, y, mdepth) ;
1149    }
1150    return nextbit(root, x, y, depth) ;
1151 }
1152 /*
1153  *   Canonicalize a universe by filling in the null pointers and then
1154  *   invoking find_node on each node.  Drops the original universe on
1155  *   the floor [big deal, it's probably small anyway].
1156  */
hashpattern(node * root,int depth)1157 node *hlifealgo::hashpattern(node *root, int depth) {
1158    node *r ;
1159    if (root == 0) {
1160       r = zeronode(depth) ;
1161    } else if (depth == 2) {
1162       leaf *n = (leaf *)root ;
1163       r = (node *)find_leaf(n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, n->se) ;
1164       n->next = freenodes ;
1165       freenodes = root ;
1166    } else {
1167       depth-- ;
1168       r = find_node(hashpattern(root->nw, depth),
1169                     hashpattern(root->ne, depth),
1170                     hashpattern(root->sw, depth),
1171                     hashpattern(root->se, depth)) ;
1172       root->next = freenodes ;
1173       freenodes = root ;
1174    }
1175    return r ;
1176 }
endofpattern()1177 void hlifealgo::endofpattern() {
1178    poller->bailIfCalculating() ;
1179    if (!hashed) {
1180       root = hashpattern(root, depth) ;
1181       zeronode(depth) ;
1182       hashed = 1 ;
1183    }
1184    popValid = 0 ;
1185    needPop = 0 ;
1186    inGC = 0 ;
1187 }
ensure_hashed()1188 void hlifealgo::ensure_hashed() {
1189    if (!hashed)
1190       endofpattern() ;
1191 }
1192 /*
1193  *   Pop off any levels we don't need.
1194  */
popzeros(node * n)1195 node *hlifealgo::popzeros(node *n) {
1196    int depth = node_depth(n) ;
1197    while (depth > 3) {
1198       node *z = zeronode(depth-2) ;
1199       if (n->nw->nw == z && n->nw->ne == z && n->nw->sw == z &&
1200           n->ne->nw == z && n->ne->ne == z && n->ne->se == z &&
1201           n->sw->nw == z && n->sw->sw == z && n->sw->se == z &&
1202           n->se->ne == z && n->se->sw == z && n->se->se == z) {
1203          depth-- ;
1204          n = find_node(n->nw->se, n->ne->sw, n->sw->ne, n->se->nw) ;
1205       } else {
1206          break ;
1207       }
1208    }
1209    return n ;
1210 }
1211 /*
1212  *   A lot of the routines from here on down traverse the universe, hanging
1213  *   information off the nodes.  The way they generally do so is by using
1214  *   (or abusing) the cache (res) field, and the least significant bit of
1215  *   the hash next field (as a visited bit).
1216  */
1217 #define marked(n) (1 & (g_uintptr_t)(n)->next)
1218 #define mark(n) ((n)->next = (node *)(1 | (g_uintptr_t)(n)->next))
1219 #define clearmark(n) ((n)->next = (node *)(~1 & (g_uintptr_t)(n)->next))
1220 #define clearmarkbit(p) ((node *)(~1 & (g_uintptr_t)(p)))
1221 /*
1222  *   Sometimes we want to use *res* instead of next to mark.  You cannot
1223  *   do this to leaves, though.
1224  */
1225 #define marked2(n) (3 & (g_uintptr_t)(n)->res)
1226 #define mark2(n) ((n)->res = (node *)(1 | (g_uintptr_t)(n)->res))
1227 #define mark2v(n,v) ((n)->res = (node *)(v | (g_uintptr_t)(n)->res))
1228 #define clearmark2(n) ((n)->res = (node *)(~3 & (g_uintptr_t)(n)->res))
unhash_node(node * n)1229 void hlifealgo::unhash_node(node *n) {
1230    node *p ;
1231    g_uintptr_t h = node_hash(n->nw,n->ne,n->sw,n->se) ;
1232    node *pred = 0 ;
1233    h = HASHMOD(h) ;
1234    for (p=hashtab[h]; (!is_node(p) || !marked2(p)) && p; p = p->next) {
1235       if (p == n) {
1236          if (pred)
1237             pred->next = p->next ;
1238          else
1239             hashtab[h] = p->next ;
1240          return ;
1241       }
1242       pred = p ;
1243    }
1244    lifefatal("Didn't find node to unhash") ;
1245 }
unhash_node2(node * n)1246 void hlifealgo::unhash_node2(node *n) {
1247    node *p ;
1248    g_uintptr_t h = node_hash(n->nw,n->ne,n->sw,n->se) ;
1249    node *pred = 0 ;
1250    h = HASHMOD(h) ;
1251    for (p=hashtab[h]; p; p = p->next) {
1252       if (p == n) {
1253          if (pred)
1254             pred->next = p->next ;
1255          else
1256             hashtab[h] = p->next ;
1257          return ;
1258       }
1259       pred = p ;
1260    }
1261    lifefatal("Didn't find node to unhash 2") ;
1262 }
rehash_node(node * n)1263 void hlifealgo::rehash_node(node *n) {
1264    g_uintptr_t h = node_hash(n->nw,n->ne,n->sw,n->se) ;
1265    h = HASHMOD(h) ;
1266    n->next = hashtab[h] ;
1267    hashtab[h] = n ;
1268 }
1269 /*
1270  *   This recursive routine calculates the population by hanging the
1271  *   population on marked nodes.
1272  */
calcpop(node * root,int depth)1273 const bigint &hlifealgo::calcpop(node *root, int depth) {
1274    if (root == zeronode(depth))
1275       return bigint::zero ;
1276    if (depth == 2)
1277       return ((leaf *)root)->leafpop ;
1278    if (marked2(root))
1279       return *(bigint*)&(root->next) ;
1280    depth-- ;
1281    if (root->next == 0)
1282       mark2v(root, 3) ;
1283    else {
1284       unhash_node(root) ;
1285       mark2(root) ;
1286    }
1287 /**
1288  *   We use allocate-in-place bigint constructor here to initialize the
1289  *   node.  This should compile to a single instruction.
1290  */
1291    new(&(root->next))bigint(
1292         calcpop(root->nw, depth), calcpop(root->ne, depth),
1293         calcpop(root->sw, depth), calcpop(root->se, depth)) ;
1294    return *(bigint *)&(root->next) ;
1295 }
1296 /*
1297  *   Call this after doing something that unhashes nodes in order to
1298  *   use the next field as a temp pointer.
1299  */
aftercalcpop2(node * root,int depth)1300 void hlifealgo::aftercalcpop2(node *root, int depth) {
1301    if (depth == 2 || root == zeronode(depth))
1302       return ;
1303    int v = marked2(root) ;
1304    if (v) {
1305       clearmark2(root) ;
1306       depth-- ;
1307       if (depth > 2) {
1308          aftercalcpop2(root->nw, depth) ;
1309          aftercalcpop2(root->ne, depth) ;
1310          aftercalcpop2(root->sw, depth) ;
1311          aftercalcpop2(root->se, depth) ;
1312       }
1313       ((bigint *)&(root->next))->~bigint() ;
1314       if (v == 3)
1315          root->next = 0 ;
1316       else
1317          rehash_node(root) ;
1318    }
1319 }
1320 /*
1321  *   Call this after writing macrocell.
1322  */
afterwritemc(node * root,int depth)1323 void hlifealgo::afterwritemc(node *root, int depth) {
1324    if (root == zeronode(depth))
1325       return ;
1326    if (depth == 2) {
1327       root->nw = 0 ;
1328       return ;
1329    }
1330    if (marked2(root)) {
1331       clearmark2(root) ;
1332       depth-- ;
1333       afterwritemc(root->nw, depth) ;
1334       afterwritemc(root->ne, depth) ;
1335       afterwritemc(root->sw, depth) ;
1336       afterwritemc(root->se, depth) ;
1337       rehash_node(root) ;
1338    }
1339 }
1340 /*
1341  *   This top level routine calculates the population of a universe.
1342  */
calcPopulation()1343 void hlifealgo::calcPopulation() {
1344    int depth ;
1345    ensure_hashed() ;
1346    depth = node_depth(root) ;
1347    population = calcpop(root, depth) ;
1348    aftercalcpop2(root, depth) ;
1349 }
1350 /*
1351  *   Is the universe empty?
1352  */
isEmpty()1353 int hlifealgo::isEmpty() {
1354    ensure_hashed() ;
1355    return root == zeronode(depth) ;
1356 }
1357 /*
1358  *   This routine marks a node as needed to be saved.
1359  */
save(node * n)1360 node *hlifealgo::save(node *n) {
1361    if (gsp >= stacksize) {
1362       int nstacksize = stacksize * 2 + 100 ;
1363       alloced += sizeof(node *)*(nstacksize-stacksize) ;
1364       stack = (node **)realloc(stack, nstacksize * sizeof(node *)) ;
1365       if (stack == 0)
1366         lifefatal("Out of memory (3).") ;
1367       stacksize = nstacksize ;
1368    }
1369    stack[gsp++] = n ;
1370    return n ;
1371 }
1372 /*
1373  *   This routine pops the stack back to a previous depth.
1374  */
pop(int n)1375 void hlifealgo::pop(int n) {
1376    gsp = n ;
1377 }
1378 /*
1379  *   This routine clears the stack altogether.
1380  */
clearstack()1381 void hlifealgo::clearstack() {
1382    gsp = 0 ;
1383 }
1384 /*
1385  *   Do a gc.  Walk down from all nodes reachable on the stack, saveing
1386  *   them by setting the odd bit on the next link.  Then, walk the hash,
1387  *   eliminating the res from everything that's not saveed, and moving
1388  *   the nodes from the hash to the freelist as appropriate.  Finally,
1389  *   walk the hash again, clearing the low order bits in the next pointers.
1390  */
gc_mark(node * root,int invalidate)1391 void hlifealgo::gc_mark(node *root, int invalidate) {
1392    if (!marked(root)) {
1393       mark(root) ;
1394       if (is_node(root)) {
1395          gc_mark(root->nw, invalidate) ;
1396          gc_mark(root->ne, invalidate) ;
1397          gc_mark(root->sw, invalidate) ;
1398          gc_mark(root->se, invalidate) ;
1399          if (root->res) {
1400             if (invalidate)
1401               root->res = 0 ;
1402             else
1403               gc_mark(root->res, invalidate) ;
1404          }
1405       }
1406    }
1407 }
1408 /**
1409  *   If the invalidate flag is set, we want to kill *all* cache entries
1410  *   and recalculate all leaves.
1411  */
do_gc(int invalidate)1412 void hlifealgo::do_gc(int invalidate) {
1413    int i ;
1414    g_uintptr_t freed_nodes=0 ;
1415    node *p, *pp ;
1416    inGC = 1 ;
1417    gccount++ ;
1418    gcstep++ ;
1419    if (verbose) {
1420      if (gcstep > 1)
1421        sprintf(statusline, "GC #%d(%d)", gccount, gcstep) ;
1422      else
1423        sprintf(statusline, "GC #%d", gccount) ;
1424      lifestatus(statusline) ;
1425    }
1426    for (i=nzeros-1; i>=0; i--)
1427       if (zeronodea[i] != 0)
1428          break ;
1429    if (i >= 0)
1430       gc_mark(zeronodea[i], 0) ; // never invalidate zeronode
1431    if (root != 0)
1432       gc_mark(root, invalidate) ; // pick up the root
1433    for (i=0; i<gsp; i++) {
1434       poller->poll() ;
1435       gc_mark(stack[i], invalidate) ;
1436    }
1437    for (i=0; i<timeline.framecount; i++)
1438       gc_mark((node *)timeline.frames[i], invalidate) ;
1439    hashpop = 0 ;
1440    memset(hashtab, 0, sizeof(node *) * hashprime) ;
1441    freenodes = 0 ;
1442    for (p=nodeblocks; p; p=p->next) {
1443       poller->poll() ;
1444       for (pp=p+1, i=1; i<1001; i++, pp++) {
1445          if (marked(pp)) {
1446             g_uintptr_t h = 0 ;
1447             if (pp->nw) { /* yes, it's a node */
1448                h = HASHMOD(node_hash(pp->nw, pp->ne, pp->sw, pp->se)) ;
1449             } else {
1450                leaf *lp = (leaf *)pp ;
1451                if (invalidate)
1452                   leafres(lp) ;
1453                h = HASHMOD(leaf_hash(lp->nw, lp->ne, lp->sw, lp->se)) ;
1454             }
1455             pp->next = hashtab[h] ;
1456             hashtab[h] = pp ;
1457             hashpop++ ;
1458          } else {
1459             pp->next = freenodes ;
1460             freenodes = pp ;
1461             freed_nodes++ ;
1462          }
1463       }
1464    }
1465    inGC = 0 ;
1466    if (verbose) {
1467      double perc = (double)freed_nodes / (double)totalthings * 100.0 ;
1468      sprintf(statusline+strlen(statusline), " freed %g percent (%" PRIuPTR ").",
1469                                                    perc, freed_nodes) ;
1470      lifestatus(statusline) ;
1471    }
1472    if (needPop) {
1473       calcPopulation() ;
1474       popValid = 1 ;
1475       needPop = 0 ;
1476       poller->updatePop() ;
1477    }
1478 }
1479 /*
1480  *   Clear the cache bits down to the appropriate level, marking the
1481  *   nodes we've handled.
1482  */
clearcache(node * n,int depth,int clearto)1483 void hlifealgo::clearcache(node *n, int depth, int clearto) {
1484    if (!marked(n)) {
1485       mark(n) ;
1486       if (depth > 3) {
1487          depth-- ;
1488          poller->poll() ;
1489          clearcache(n->nw, depth, clearto) ;
1490          clearcache(n->ne, depth, clearto) ;
1491          clearcache(n->sw, depth, clearto) ;
1492          clearcache(n->se, depth, clearto) ;
1493          if (n->res)
1494             clearcache(n->res, depth, clearto) ;
1495       }
1496       if (depth >= clearto)
1497          n->res = 0 ;
1498    }
1499 }
1500 /*
1501  *   Clear the entire cache of everything, and recalculate all leaves.
1502  *   This can be very expensive.
1503  */
clearcache()1504 void hlifealgo::clearcache() {
1505    cacheinvalid = 1 ;
1506 }
1507 /*
1508  *   Change the ngens value.  Requires us to walk the hash, clearing
1509  *   the cache fields of any nodes that do not have the appropriate
1510  *   values.
1511  */
new_ngens(int newval)1512 void hlifealgo::new_ngens(int newval) {
1513    g_uintptr_t i ;
1514    node *p, *pp ;
1515    int clearto = ngens ;
1516    if (newval > ngens && halvesdone == 0) {
1517       ngens = newval ;
1518       return ;
1519    }
1520 #ifndef NOGCBEFOREINC
1521    do_gc(0) ;
1522 #endif
1523    if (verbose) {
1524      strcpy(statusline, "Changing increment...") ;
1525      lifestatus(statusline) ;
1526    }
1527    if (newval < clearto)
1528       clearto = newval ;
1529    clearto++ ; /* clear this depth and above */
1530    if (clearto < 3)
1531       clearto = 3 ;
1532    ngens = newval ;
1533    inGC = 1 ;
1534    for (i=0; i<hashprime; i++)
1535       for (p=hashtab[i]; p; p=clearmarkbit(p->next))
1536          if (is_node(p) && !marked(p))
1537             clearcache(p, node_depth(p), clearto) ;
1538    for (p=nodeblocks; p; p=p->next) {
1539       poller->poll() ;
1540       for (pp=p+1, i=1; i<1001; i++, pp++)
1541          clearmark(pp) ;
1542    }
1543    halvesdone = 0 ;
1544    inGC = 0 ;
1545    if (needPop) {
1546       calcPopulation() ;
1547       popValid = 1 ;
1548       needPop = 0 ;
1549       poller->updatePop() ;
1550    }
1551    if (verbose) {
1552      strcpy(statusline+strlen(statusline), " done.") ;
1553      lifestatus(statusline) ;
1554    }
1555 }
1556 /*
1557  *   Return log2.
1558  */
log2(unsigned int n)1559 int hlifealgo::log2(unsigned int n) {
1560    int r = 0 ;
1561    while ((n & 1) == 0) {
1562       n >>= 1 ;
1563       r++ ;
1564    }
1565    if (n != 1) {
1566       lifefatal("Expected power of two!") ;
1567    }
1568    return r ;
1569 }
1570 static bigint negone = -1 ;
getPopulation()1571 const bigint &hlifealgo::getPopulation() {
1572    // note:  if called during gc, then we cannot call calcPopulation
1573    // since that will mess up the gc.
1574    if (!popValid) {
1575       if (inGC) {
1576         needPop = 1 ;
1577         return negone ;
1578       } else if (poller->isCalculating()) {
1579         // AKT: avoid calling poller->bailIfCalculating
1580         return negone ;
1581       } else {
1582         calcPopulation() ;
1583         popValid = 1 ;
1584         needPop = 0 ;
1585       }
1586    }
1587    return population ;
1588 }
1589 /*
1590  *   Finally, we get to run the pattern.  We first ensure that all
1591  *   clearspace nodes and the input pattern is never garbage
1592  *   collected; we turn on garbage collection, and then we invoke our
1593  *   magic top-level routine passing in clearspace borders that are
1594  *   guaranteed large enough.
1595  */
runpattern()1596 node *hlifealgo::runpattern() {
1597    node *n = root ;
1598    save(root) ; // do this in case we interrupt generation
1599    ensure_hashed() ;
1600    okaytogc = 1 ;
1601    if (cacheinvalid) {
1602       do_gc(1) ; // invalidate the entire cache and recalc leaves
1603       cacheinvalid = 0 ;
1604    }
1605    int depth = node_depth(n) ;
1606    node *n2 ;
1607    n = pushroot(n) ;
1608    depth++ ;
1609    n = pushroot(n) ;
1610    depth++ ;
1611    while (ngens + 2 > depth) {
1612       n = pushroot(n) ;
1613       depth++ ;
1614    }
1615    save(zeronode(nzeros-1)) ;
1616    save(n) ;
1617    n2 = getres(n, depth) ;
1618    okaytogc = 0 ;
1619    clearstack() ;
1620    if (halvesdone == 1 && n->res != 0) {
1621       n->res = 0 ;
1622       halvesdone = 0 ;
1623    }
1624    if (poller->isInterrupted() || softinterrupt)
1625       return 0 ; // indicate it was interrupted
1626    n = popzeros(n2) ;
1627    generation += pow2step ;
1628    return n ;
1629 }
readmacrocell(char * line)1630 const char *hlifealgo::readmacrocell(char *line) {
1631    int n=0 ;
1632    g_uintptr_t i=1, nw=0, ne=0, sw=0, se=0, indlen=0 ;
1633    int r, d ;
1634    node **ind = 0 ;
1635    root = 0 ;
1636    while (getline(line, 10000)) {
1637       if (i >= indlen) {
1638          g_uintptr_t nlen = i + indlen + 10 ;
1639          ind = (node **)realloc(ind, sizeof(node*) * nlen) ;
1640          if (ind == 0)
1641            lifefatal("Out of memory (4).") ;
1642          while (indlen < nlen)
1643             ind[indlen++] = 0 ;
1644       }
1645       if (line[0] == '.' || line[0] == '*' || line[0] == '$') {
1646          int x=0, y=7 ;
1647          unsigned short lnw=0, lne=0, lsw=0, lse=0 ;
1648          char *p = 0 ;
1649          for (p=line; *p > ' '; p++) {
1650             switch(*p) {
1651 case '*':      if (x > 7 || y < 0)
1652                   return "Illegal coordinates in readmacrocell." ;
1653                if (x < 4)
1654                   if (y < 4)
1655                      lsw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
1656                   else
1657                      lnw |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
1658                else
1659                   if (y < 4)
1660                      lse |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
1661                   else
1662                      lne |= 1 << (3 - (x & 3) + 4 * (y & 3)) ;
1663                /* note: fall through here */
1664 case '.':      x++ ;
1665                break ;
1666 case '$':      x = 0 ;
1667                y-- ;
1668                break ;
1669 default:       return "Illegal character in readmacrocell." ;
1670             }
1671          }
1672          clearstack() ;
1673          ind[i++] = (node *)find_leaf(lnw, lne, lsw, lse) ;
1674       } else if (line[0] == '#') {
1675          char *p, *pp ;
1676          const char *err ;
1677          switch (line[1]) {
1678          case 'R':
1679             p = line + 2 ;
1680             while (*p && *p <= ' ') p++ ;
1681             pp = p ;
1682             while (*pp > ' ') pp++ ;
1683             *pp = 0 ;
1685             // AKT: need to check for B0-not-Smax rule
1686             err = hliferules.setrule(p, this);
1687             if (err)
1688                return err;
1689             if (hliferules.alternate_rules)
1690                return "B0-not-Smax rules are not allowed in HashLife.";
1692             break ;
1693          case 'G':
1694             p = line + 2 ;
1695             while (*p && *p <= ' ') p++ ;
1696             pp = p ;
1697             while (*pp >= '0' && *pp <= '9') pp++ ;
1698             *pp = 0 ;
1699             generation = bigint(p) ;
1700             break ;
1701 	    // either:
1702 	    //   #FRAMES count base inc
1703 	    // or
1704 	    //   #FRAME index node
1705 	 case 'F':
1706 	    if (strncmp(line, "#FRAMES ", 8) == 0) {
1707 	       p = line + 8 ;
1708 	       while (*p && *p <= ' ')
1709 		 p++ ;
1710 	       long cnt = atol(p) ;
1711 	       if (cnt < 0 || cnt > MAX_FRAME_COUNT)
1712 		  return "Bad FRAMES line" ;
1713 	       destroytimeline() ;
1714 	       while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9')
1715 		 p++ ;
1716 	       while (*p && *p <= ' ')
1717 		 p++ ;
1718 	       pp = p ;
1719 	       while ((*pp >= '0' && *pp <= '9') || *pp == ',') pp++ ;
1720 	       if (*pp == 0)
1721 		  return "Bad FRAMES line" ;
1722 	       *pp = 0 ;
1723 	       timeline.start = bigint(p) ;
1724 	       timeline.end = timeline.start ;
1725                timeline.next = timeline.start ;
1726 	       p = pp + 1 ;
1727 	       while (*p && *p <= ' ')
1728 		 p++ ;
1729 	       pp = p ;
1730 	       while (*pp > ' ')
1731                   pp++ ;
1732 	       *pp = 0 ;
1733                if (strchr(p, '^')) {
1734                   int tbase=0, texpo=0 ;
1735                   if (sscanf(p, "%d^%d", &tbase, &texpo) != 2 ||
1736                       tbase < 2 || texpo < 0)
1737                      return "Bad FRAMES line" ;
1738                   timeline.base = tbase ;
1739                   timeline.expo = texpo ;
1740                   timeline.inc = 1 ;
1741                   while (texpo--)
1742                      timeline.inc.mul_smallint(tbase) ;
1743                } else {
1744 	          timeline.inc = bigint(p) ;
1745                   // if it's a power of two, we're good
1746                   int texpo = timeline.inc.lowbitset() ;
1747                   int tbase = 2 ;
1748                   bigint test = 1 ;
1749                   for (int i=0; i<texpo; i++)
1750                      test += test ;
1751                   if (test != timeline.inc)
1752                      return "Bad increment (missing ^) in FRAMES" ;
1753                   timeline.base = tbase ;
1754                   timeline.expo = texpo ;
1755                }
1756 	    } else if (strncmp(line, "#FRAME ", 7) == 0) {
1757 	       int frameind = 0 ;
1758 	       g_uintptr_t nodeind = 0 ;
1759 	       n = sscanf(line+7, "%d %" PRIuPTR, &frameind, &nodeind) ;
1760 	       if (n != 2 || frameind > MAX_FRAME_COUNT || frameind < 0 ||
1761 		   nodeind > i || timeline.framecount != frameind)
1762 		  return "Bad FRAME line" ;
1763 	       timeline.frames.push_back(ind[nodeind]) ;
1764 	       timeline.framecount++ ;
1765 	       timeline.end = timeline.next ;
1766 	       timeline.next += timeline.inc ;
1767 	    }
1768 	    break ;
1769          }
1770       } else {
1771          n = sscanf(line, "%d %" PRIuPTR " %" PRIuPTR " %" PRIuPTR " %" PRIuPTR " %d", &d, &nw, &ne, &sw, &se, &r) ;
1772          if (n < 0) // blank line; permit
1773             continue ;
1774          if (n == 0) {
1775             // conversion error in first argument; we allow only if the only
1776             // content on the line is whitespace.
1777             char *ws = line ;
1778             while (*ws && *ws <= ' ')
1779                ws++ ;
1780             if (*ws > 0)
1781                return "Parse error in macrocell format." ;
1782             continue ;
1783          }
1784          if (n < 5)
1785             // AKT: best not to use lifefatal here because user won't see any
1786             // error message when reading clipboard data starting with "[..."
1787             return "Parse error in readmacrocell." ;
1788          if (d < 4)
1789             return "Oops; bad depth in readmacrocell." ;
1790          ind[0] = zeronode(d-2) ; /* allow zeros to work right */
1791          if (nw >= i || ind[nw] == 0 || ne >= i || ind[ne] == 0 ||
1792              sw >= i || ind[sw] == 0 || se >= i || ind[se] == 0) {
1793             return "Node out of range in readmacrocell." ;
1794          }
1795          clearstack() ;
1796          root = ind[i++] = find_node(ind[nw], ind[ne], ind[sw], ind[se]) ;
1797          depth = d - 1 ;
1798       }
1799    }
1800    if (ind)
1801       free(ind) ;
1802    if (root == 0) {
1803       // AKT: allow empty macrocell pattern; note that endofpattern()
1804       // will be called soon so don't set hashed here
1805       // return "Invalid macrocell file: no nodes." ;
1806       return 0 ;
1807    }
1808    hashed = 1 ;
1809    return 0 ;
1810 }
1812 // Flip bits in given rule table.
fliprule(char * rptr)1813 static void fliprule(char *rptr) {
1814    for (int i=0; i<65536; i++) {
1815       int j = ((i & 0xf) << 12) +
1816                ((i & 0xf0) << 4) + ((i & 0xf00) >> 4) + ((i & 0xf000) >> 12) ;
1817       if (i <= j) {
1818          char fi = rptr[i] ;
1819          char fj = rptr[j] ;
1820          fi = ((fi & 0x30) >> 4) + ((fi & 0x3) << 4) ;
1821          fj = ((fj & 0x30) >> 4) + ((fj & 0x3) << 4) ;
1822          rptr[i] = fj ;
1823          rptr[j] = fi ;
1824       }
1825    }
1826 }
setrule(const char * s)1828 const char *hlifealgo::setrule(const char *s) {
1829    poller->bailIfCalculating() ;
1830    const char* err = hliferules.setrule(s, this);
1831    if (err) return err;
1833    // invert orientation if not hex or Wolfram
1834    if (!(hliferules.isHexagonal() || hliferules.isWolfram())) {
1835       fliprule(hliferules.rule0);
1836    }
1838    clearcache() ;
1840    if (hliferules.alternate_rules)
1841       return "B0-not-Smax rules are not allowed in HashLife.";
1843    if (hliferules.isHexagonal())
1844       grid_type = HEX_GRID;
1845    else if (hliferules.isVonNeumann())
1846       grid_type = VN_GRID;
1847    else
1848       grid_type = SQUARE_GRID;
1850    return 0 ;
1851 }
unpack8x8(unsigned short nw,unsigned short ne,unsigned short sw,unsigned short se,unsigned int * top,unsigned int * bot)1852 void hlifealgo::unpack8x8(unsigned short nw, unsigned short ne,
1853                           unsigned short sw, unsigned short se,
1854                           unsigned int *top, unsigned int *bot) {
1855    *top = ((nw & 0xf000) << 16) | (((ne & 0xf000) | (nw & 0xf00)) << 12) |
1856           (((ne & 0xf00) | (nw & 0xf0)) << 8) |
1857           (((ne & 0xf0) | (nw & 0xf)) << 4) | (ne & 0xf) ;
1858    *bot = ((sw & 0xf000) << 16) | (((se & 0xf000) | (sw & 0xf00)) << 12) |
1859           (((se & 0xf00) | (sw & 0xf0)) << 8) |
1860           (((se & 0xf0) | (sw & 0xf)) << 4) | (se & 0xf) ;
1861 }
1862 /**
1863  *   Write out the native macrocell format.  This is the one we use when
1864  *   we're not interactive and displaying a progress dialog.
1865  */
writecell(std::ostream & os,node * root,int depth)1866 g_uintptr_t hlifealgo::writecell(std::ostream &os, node *root, int depth) {
1867    g_uintptr_t thiscell = 0 ;
1868    if (root == zeronode(depth))
1869       return 0 ;
1870    if (depth == 2) {
1871       if (root->nw != 0)
1872          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->nw) ;
1873    } else {
1874       if (marked2(root))
1875          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->next) ;
1876       unhash_node2(root) ;
1877       mark2(root) ;
1878    }
1879    if (depth == 2) {
1880       int i, j ;
1881       unsigned int top, bot ;
1882       leaf *n = (leaf *)root ;
1883       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1884       root->nw = (node *)thiscell ;
1885       unpack8x8(n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, n->se, &top, &bot) ;
1886       for (j=7; (top | bot) && j>=0; j--) {
1887          int bits = (top >> 24) ;
1888          top = (top << 8) | (bot >> 24) ;
1889          bot = (bot << 8) ;
1890          for (i=0; bits && i<8; i++, bits = (bits << 1) & 255)
1891             if (bits & 128)
1892                os << '*' ;
1893             else
1894                os << '.' ;
1895          os << '$' ;
1896       }
1897       os << '\n' ;
1898    } else {
1899       g_uintptr_t nw = writecell(os, root->nw, depth-1) ;
1900       g_uintptr_t ne = writecell(os, root->ne, depth-1) ;
1901       g_uintptr_t sw = writecell(os, root->sw, depth-1) ;
1902       g_uintptr_t se = writecell(os, root->se, depth-1) ;
1903       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1904       root->next = (node *)thiscell ;
1905       os << depth+1 << ' ' << nw << ' ' << ne << ' ' << sw << ' ' << se << '\n';
1906    }
1907    return thiscell ;
1908 }
1909 /**
1910  *   This new two-pass method works by doing a prepass that numbers the
1911  *   nodes and counts the number of nodes that should be sent, so we can
1912  *   display an accurate progress dialog.
1913  */
writecell_2p1(node * root,int depth)1914 g_uintptr_t hlifealgo::writecell_2p1(node *root, int depth) {
1915    g_uintptr_t thiscell = 0 ;
1916    if (root == zeronode(depth))
1917       return 0 ;
1918    if (depth == 2) {
1919       if (root->nw != 0)
1920          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->nw) ;
1921    } else {
1922       if (marked2(root))
1923          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->next) ;
1924       unhash_node2(root) ;
1925       mark2(root) ;
1926    }
1927    if (depth == 2) {
1928       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1929       // note:  we *must* not abort this prescan
1930       if ((cellcounter & 4095) == 0)
1931          lifeabortprogress(0, "Scanning tree") ;
1932       root->nw = (node *)thiscell ;
1933    } else {
1934       writecell_2p1(root->nw, depth-1) ;
1935       writecell_2p1(root->ne, depth-1) ;
1936       writecell_2p1(root->sw, depth-1) ;
1937       writecell_2p1(root->se, depth-1) ;
1938       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1939       // note:  we *must* not abort this prescan
1940       if ((cellcounter & 4095) == 0)
1941          lifeabortprogress(0, "Scanning tree") ;
1942       root->next = (node *)thiscell ;
1943    }
1944    return thiscell ;
1945 }
1946 /**
1947  *   This one writes the cells, but assuming they've already been
1948  *   numbered, and displaying a progress dialog.
1949  */
1950 static char progressmsg[80] ;
writecell_2p2(std::ostream & os,node * root,int depth)1951 g_uintptr_t hlifealgo::writecell_2p2(std::ostream &os, node *root, int depth) {
1952    g_uintptr_t thiscell = 0 ;
1953    if (root == zeronode(depth))
1954       return 0 ;
1955    if (depth == 2) {
1956       if (cellcounter + 1 != (g_uintptr_t)(root->nw))
1957          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->nw) ;
1958       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1959       if ((cellcounter & 4095) == 0) {
1960          std::streampos siz = os.tellp();
1961          sprintf(progressmsg, "File size: %.2f MB", double(siz) / 1048576.0) ;
1962          lifeabortprogress(thiscell/(double)writecells, progressmsg) ;
1963       }
1964       int i, j ;
1965       unsigned int top, bot ;
1966       leaf *n = (leaf *)root ;
1967       root->nw = (node *)thiscell ;
1968       unpack8x8(n->nw, n->ne, n->sw, n->se, &top, &bot) ;
1969       for (j=7; (top | bot) && j>=0; j--) {
1970          int bits = (top >> 24) ;
1971          top = (top << 8) | (bot >> 24) ;
1972          bot = (bot << 8) ;
1973          for (i=0; bits && i<8; i++, bits = (bits << 1) & 255)
1974             if (bits & 128)
1975                os << '*' ;
1976             else
1977                os << '.' ;
1978          os << '$' ;
1979       }
1980       os << '\n' ;
1981    } else {
1982       if (cellcounter + 1 > (g_uintptr_t)(root->next) || isaborted())
1983          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->next) ;
1984       g_uintptr_t nw = writecell_2p2(os, root->nw, depth-1) ;
1985       g_uintptr_t ne = writecell_2p2(os, root->ne, depth-1) ;
1986       g_uintptr_t sw = writecell_2p2(os, root->sw, depth-1) ;
1987       g_uintptr_t se = writecell_2p2(os, root->se, depth-1) ;
1988       if (!isaborted() &&
1989           cellcounter + 1 != (g_uintptr_t)(root->next)) { // this should never happen
1990          lifefatal("Internal in writecell_2p2") ;
1991          return (g_uintptr_t)(root->next) ;
1992       }
1993       thiscell = ++cellcounter ;
1994       if ((cellcounter & 4095) == 0) {
1995          std::streampos siz = os.tellp();
1996          sprintf(progressmsg, "File size: %.2f MB", double(siz) / 1048576.0) ;
1997          lifeabortprogress(thiscell/(double)writecells, progressmsg) ;
1998       }
1999       root->next = (node *)thiscell ;
2000       os << depth+1 << ' ' << nw << ' ' << ne << ' ' << sw << ' ' << se << '\n';
2001    }
2002    return thiscell ;
2003 }
2004 #define STRINGIFY(arg) STR2(arg)
2005 #define STR2(arg) #arg
writeNativeFormat(std::ostream & os,char * comments)2006 const char *hlifealgo::writeNativeFormat(std::ostream &os, char *comments) {
2007    int depth = node_depth(root) ;
2008    os << "[M2] (golly " STRINGIFY(VERSION) ")\n" ;
2010    // AKT: always write out explicit rule
2011    os << "#R " << hliferules.getrule() << '\n' ;
2013    if (generation > bigint::zero) {
2014       // write non-zero gen count
2015       os << "#G " << generation.tostring('\0') << '\n' ;
2016    }
2018     if (comments) {
2019         // write given comment line(s), but we can't just do "os << comments" because the
2020         // lines might not start with #C (eg. if they came from the end of a .rle file),
2021         // so we must ensure that each comment line in the .mc file starts with #C
2022         char *p = comments;
2023         while (*p != '\0') {
2024             char *line = p;
2025             // note that readcomments() in readpattern.cpp ensures each line ends with \n
2026             while (*p != '\n') p++;
2027             if (line[0] != '#' || line[1] != 'C') {
2028                 os << "#C ";
2029             }
2030             if (line != p) {
2031                 *p = '\0';
2032                 os << line;
2033                 *p = '\n';
2034             }
2035             os << '\n';
2036             p++;
2037         }
2038     }
2040    inGC = 1 ;
2041    /* this is the old way:
2042    cellcounter = 0 ;
2043    writecell(f, root, depth) ;
2044    */
2045    /* this is the new two-pass way */
2046    cellcounter = 0 ;
2047    vector<int> depths(timeline.framecount) ;
2048    int framestosave = timeline.framecount ;
2049    if (timeline.savetimeline == 0)
2050      framestosave = 0 ;
2051    if (framestosave) {
2052      for (int i=0; i<timeline.framecount; i++) {
2053        node *frame = (node*)timeline.frames[i] ;
2054        depths[i] = node_depth(frame) ;
2055      }
2056      for (int i=0; i<timeline.framecount; i++) {
2057        node *frame = (node*)timeline.frames[i] ;
2058        writecell_2p1(frame, depths[i]) ;
2059      }
2060    }
2061    writecell_2p1(root, depth) ;
2062    writecells = cellcounter ;
2063    cellcounter = 0 ;
2064    if (framestosave) {
2065       os << "#FRAMES"
2066          << ' ' << timeline.framecount
2067          << ' ' << timeline.start.tostring()
2068          << ' ' << timeline.base << '^' << timeline.expo << '\n' ;
2069      for (int i=0; i<timeline.framecount; i++) {
2070        node *frame = (node*)timeline.frames[i] ;
2071        writecell_2p2(os, frame, depths[i]) ;
2072        os << "#FRAME " << i << ' ' << (g_uintptr_t)frame->next << '\n' ;
2073      }
2074    }
2075    writecell_2p2(os, root, depth) ;
2076    /* end new two-pass way */
2077    if (framestosave) {
2078      for (int i=0; i<timeline.framecount; i++) {
2079        node *frame = (node*)timeline.frames[i] ;
2080        afterwritemc(frame, depths[i]) ;
2081      }
2082    }
2083    afterwritemc(root, depth) ;
2084    inGC = 0 ;
2085    return 0 ;
2086 }
2087 char hlifealgo::statusline[200] ;
creator()2088 static lifealgo *creator() { return new hlifealgo() ; }
doInitializeAlgoInfo(staticAlgoInfo & ai)2089 void hlifealgo::doInitializeAlgoInfo(staticAlgoInfo &ai) {
2090    ai.setAlgorithmName("HashLife") ;
2091    ai.setAlgorithmCreator(&creator) ;
2092    ai.setDefaultBaseStep(8) ;
2093    ai.setDefaultMaxMem(500) ; // MB
2094    ai.minstates = 2 ;
2095    ai.maxstates = 2 ;
2096    // init default color scheme
2097    ai.defgradient = false;
2098    ai.defr1 = ai.defg1 = ai.defb1 = 255;        // start color = white
2099    ai.defr2 = ai.defg2 = ai.defb2 = 255;        // end color = white
2100    ai.defr[0] = ai.defg[0] = ai.defb[0] = 48;   // 0 state = dark gray
2101    ai.defr[1] = ai.defg[1] = ai.defb[1] = 255;  // 1 state = white
2102 }