1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3<TS version="2.1" language="gd">
5    <name>About</name>
6    <message>
7        <source>Unknown Compiler</source>
8        <translation>Trusaiche neo-aithnichte</translation>
9    </message>
10    <message>
11        <source>Hedgewars %1</source>
12        <extracomment>%1 contains Hedgewars&apos; version number</extracomment>
13        <translation>Hedgewars %1</translation>
14    </message>
15    <message>
16        <source>Revision %1 (%2)</source>
17        <translation>Lèirmheas %1 (%2)</translation>
18    </message>
19    <message>
20        <source>Visit our homepage: %1</source>
21        <translation>Tadhail air an làrach-lìn againn: %1</translation>
22    </message>
23    <message>
24        <source>This program is distributed under the %1.</source>
25        <translation>Tha am prògram seoga sgaoileadh fo cheadachas %1.</translation>
26    </message>
27    <message>
28        <source>GNU GPL v2</source>
29        <extracomment>Short forGNU General Public License version 2”</extracomment>
30        <translation>GNU GPL v2</translation>
31    </message>
32    <message>
33        <source>Dependency versions:</source>
34        <extracomment>For the version numbers of Hedgewars&apos; software dependencies</extracomment>
35        <translation>Tionndaidhean na eisimeileachdan:</translation>
36    </message>
37    <message>
38        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://gcc.gnu.org&quot;&gt;GCC&lt;/a&gt;: %1</source>
39        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://gcc.gnu.org&quot;&gt;GCC&lt;/a&gt;: %1</translation>
40    </message>
41    <message>
42        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
43        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
44    </message>
45    <message>
46        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_mixer&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
47        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_mixer&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
48    </message>
49    <message>
50        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_net&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
51        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_net&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
52    </message>
53    <message>
54        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_image&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
55        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_image&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
56    </message>
57    <message>
58        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_ttf&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
59        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.libsdl.org/&quot;&gt;SDL2_ttf&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
60    </message>
61    <message>
62        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.qt.io/developers/&quot;&gt;Qt&lt;/a&gt;: %1</source>
63        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://www.qt.io/developers/&quot;&gt;Qt&lt;/a&gt;: %1</translation>
64    </message>
65    <message>
66        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavcodec&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
67        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavcodec&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
68    </message>
69    <message>
70        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavformat&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
71        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavformat&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
72    </message>
73    <message>
74        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavutil&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
75        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://libav.org&quot;&gt;libavutil&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
76    </message>
77    <message>
78        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://icculus.org/physfs/&quot;&gt;PhysFS&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</source>
79        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://icculus.org/physfs/&quot;&gt;PhysFS&lt;/a&gt;: %1.%2.%3</translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <source>Credits</source>
83        <translation>Urram</translation>
84    </message>
85    <message>
86        <source>Other people</source>
87        <translation>Daoine eile</translation>
88    </message>
89    <message>
90        <source>%1 (alias %2)</source>
91        <translation>%1 (alias %2)</translation>
92    </message>
93    <message>
94        <source>%1 &amp;lt;%2&amp;gt;</source>
95        <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Contributor name. %2: E-mail address</extracomment>
96        <translation>%1 &amp;lt;%2&amp;gt;</translation>
97    </message>
98    <message>
99        <source>%1: %2</source>
100        <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Description of contribution. %2: Contributor name</extracomment>
101        <translation>%1: %2</translation>
102    </message>
103    <message>
104        <source>%1: %2 &amp;lt;%3&amp;gt;</source>
105        <extracomment>Part of credits. %1: Description of contribution. %2: Contributor name. %3: E-mail address</extracomment>
106        <translation>%1: %2 &amp;lt;%3&amp;gt;</translation>
107    </message>
108    <message>
109        <source>Extended Credits</source>
110        <translation>Barrachd urraim</translation>
111    </message>
112    <message>
113        <source>An extended credits list can be found in the CREDITS text file.</source>
114        <translation>Gheibh thu liosta le barrachd urraman san fhaidhle teacsa CREDITS.</translation>
115    </message>
116    <message>
117        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;https://visualstudio.microsoft.com&quot;&gt;VC++&lt;/a&gt;: %1</source>
118        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;https://visualstudio.microsoft.com&quot;&gt;VC++&lt;/a&gt;: %1</translation>
119    </message>
120    <message>
121        <source>Unknown Compiler: %1</source>
122        <translation>Trusaiche nach aithne dhuinn: %1</translation>
123    </message>
126    <name>AbstractPage</name>
127    <message>
128        <source>Go back</source>
129        <translation>Air ais</translation>
130    </message>
133    <name>BanDialog</name>
134    <message>
135        <source>IP</source>
136        <translation>IP</translation>
137    </message>
138    <message>
139        <source>Nick</source>
140        <translation>Far-ainm</translation>
141    </message>
142    <message>
143        <source>IP/Nick</source>
144        <translation>IP/Far-ainm</translation>
145    </message>
146    <message>
147        <source>Reason</source>
148        <translation>Adhbhar</translation>
149    </message>
150    <message>
151        <source>Duration</source>
152        <translation>Faide</translation>
153    </message>
154    <message>
155        <source>Ok</source>
156        <translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
157    </message>
158    <message>
159        <source>Cancel</source>
160        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
161    </message>
162    <message>
163        <source>you know why</source>
164        <translation>tha fios agad carson</translation>
165    </message>
166    <message>
167        <source>Warning</source>
168        <translation>Rabhadh</translation>
169    </message>
170    <message>
171        <source>Please, specify %1</source>
172        <translation type="vanished">Feuch an sònraich thu %1</translation>
173    </message>
174    <message>
175        <source>nickname</source>
176        <translation type="vanished">far-ainm</translation>
177    </message>
178    <message>
179        <source>permanent</source>
180        <translation>buan</translation>
181    </message>
182    <message>
183        <source>Ban player</source>
184        <translation>Toirmeasg an cluicheadair</translation>
185    </message>
186    <message>
187        <source>Please specify an IP address.</source>
188        <translation>Sònraich seòladh IP.</translation>
189    </message>
190    <message>
191        <source>Please specify a nickname.</source>
192        <translation>Sònraich far-ainm.</translation>
193    </message>
196    <name>DataManager</name>
197    <message>
198        <source>Use Default</source>
199        <translation>Cleachd abhun-roghainn</translation>
200    </message>
203    <name>FeedbackDialog</name>
204    <message>
205        <source>View</source>
206        <translation>Seall</translation>
207    </message>
208    <message>
209        <source>Cancel</source>
210        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
211    </message>
212    <message>
213        <source>Send Feedback</source>
214        <translation>Cuir beachd thugainn</translation>
215    </message>
216    <message>
217        <source>We are always happy about suggestions, ideas, or bug reports.</source>
218        <translation>Tha sinn deònach air molaidhean, beachdan no aithris air bugaichean uair sam bith.</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <source>Send us feedback!</source>
222        <translation>Cuir beachd thugainn!</translation>
223    </message>
224    <message>
225        <source>If you found a bug, you can see if it&apos;s already been reported here: </source>
226        <translation>Ma lorg thu buga, feuch an deach innse dhuinn mu dhèidhinn mu thràth:</translation>
227    </message>
228    <message>
229        <source>Your email address is optional, but necessary if you want us to get back at you.</source>
230        <translation>Cha leig thu leas seòladh puist-d a chur seachad ach ma tha thu airson freagairt fhaighinn.</translation>
231    </message>
232    <message>
233        <source>Feedback</source>
234        <translation>Beachdan thugainn</translation>
235    </message>
236    <message>
237        <source>This is optional, but this information might help us to resolve bugs and other technical problems.</source>
238        <translation>Cha leig thu leas ach dhfhaoidte gun cuidich am fiosrachadh seo ach an càraich sinn bugaichean is duilgheadasan teicnigeach eile.</translation>
239    </message>
242    <name>FreqSpinBox</name>
243    <message>
244        <source>Never</source>
245        <translation>Chan ann idir</translation>
246    </message>
247    <message numerus="yes">
248        <source>Every %1 turn</source>
249        <translation>
250            <numerusform>Gach %1d cuairt</numerusform>
251            <numerusform>Gach %1a cuairt</numerusform>
252            <numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform>
253            <numerusform>Gach %1mh cuairt</numerusform>
254        </translation>
255    </message>
258    <name>GameCFGWidget</name>
259    <message>
260        <source>Edit weapons</source>
261        <translation>Deasaich na h-airm</translation>
262    </message>
263    <message>
264        <source>Edit schemes</source>
265        <translation>Deasaich na sgeamaichean</translation>
266    </message>
267    <message>
268        <source>Game scheme will auto-select a weapon</source>
269        <translation>Taghaidh sgeama agheama arm gu fèin-obrachail</translation>
270    </message>
271    <message>
272        <source>Map</source>
273        <translation>Mapa</translation>
274    </message>
275    <message>
276        <source>Game options</source>
277        <translation>Roghainnean agheama</translation>
278    </message>
281    <name>GameSchemeModel</name>
282    <message>
283        <source>New</source>
284        <translation>Ùr</translation>
285    </message>
286    <message>
287        <source>Copy of %1</source>
288        <translation>Lethbhreac dhe %1</translation>
289    </message>
290    <message>
291        <source>New (%1)</source>
292        <translation>Ùr (%1)</translation>
293    </message>
294    <message>
295        <source>Copy of %1 (%2)</source>
296        <translation>Lethbhreac dhe %1 (%2)</translation>
297    </message>
300    <name>GameUIConfig</name>
301    <message>
302        <source>Guest</source>
303        <translation>Aoigh</translation>
304    </message>
307    <name>HWApplication</name>
308    <message numerus="yes">
309        <source>%1 minutes</source>
310        <translation>
311            <numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform>
312            <numerusform>%1 mhionaid</numerusform>
313            <numerusform>%1 mionaidean</numerusform>
314            <numerusform>%1 mionaid</numerusform>
315        </translation>
316    </message>
317    <message numerus="yes">
318        <source>%1 hour</source>
319        <translation>
320            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
321            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
322            <numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform>
323            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
324        </translation>
325    </message>
326    <message numerus="yes">
327        <source>%1 hours</source>
328        <translation>
329            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
330            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
331            <numerusform>%1 uairean</numerusform>
332            <numerusform>%1 uair</numerusform>
333        </translation>
334    </message>
335    <message numerus="yes">
336        <source>%1 day</source>
337        <translation>
338            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
339            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
340            <numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform>
341            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
342        </translation>
343    </message>
344    <message numerus="yes">
345        <source>%1 days</source>
346        <translation>
347            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
348            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
349            <numerusform>%1 làithean</numerusform>
350            <numerusform>%1 latha</numerusform>
351        </translation>
352    </message>
353    <message>
354        <source>Scheme &apos;%1&apos; not supported</source>
355        <translation>Cha chuir sinn taic ris ann sgeama “%1”</translation>
356    </message>
357    <message>
358        <source>Cannot create directory %1</source>
359        <translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn am pasgan “%1a chruthachadh</translation>
360    </message>
361    <message>
362        <source>Failed to open data directory:
365Please check your installation!</source>
366        <translation>Cha deach leinn am pasgan dàta fhosgladh:
369Feuch an dearbhaich thu an stàladh agad!</translation>
370    </message>
371    <message>
372        <source>Usage</source>
373        <comment>command-line</comment>
374        <extracomment>“Usageas inhow the command-line syntax works”. Shown when runninghedgewars --helpin command-line</extracomment>
375        <translation>Cleachdadh</translation>
376    </message>
377    <message>
378        <source>OPTION</source>
379        <comment>command-line</comment>
380        <extracomment>Name of a command-line argument, shown when runninghedgewars --helpin command-line. “OPTIONas incommand-line option”</extracomment>
381        <translation>ROGHAINN</translation>
382    </message>
383    <message>
384        <source>CONNECTSTRING</source>
385        <comment>command-line</comment>
386        <extracomment>Name of a command-line argument, shown when runninghedgewars --helpin command-line</extracomment>
387        <translation>TEACSACEANGLAIDH</translation>
388    </message>
389    <message>
390        <source>Options</source>
391        <comment>command-line</comment>
392        <extracomment>“Optionsas incommand-line options”</extracomment>
393        <translation>Roghainnean</translation>
394    </message>
395    <message>
396        <source>Display this help</source>
397        <comment>command-line</comment>
398        <translation>Seall achobhair seo</translation>
399    </message>
400    <message>
401        <source>Custom path for configuration data and user data</source>
402        <comment>command-line</comment>
403        <translation>Slighe ghnàthaichte airson dàta rèiteachaidhs achleachdaiche</translation>
404    </message>
405    <message>
406        <source>Custom path to the game data folder</source>
407        <comment>command-line</comment>
408        <translation>Slighe ghnàthaichte gu pasgan dàta agheama</translation>
409    </message>
410    <message>
411        <source>Hedgewars can use a %1 (e.g. &quot;%2&quot;) to connect on start.</source>
412        <comment>command-line</comment>
413        <translation>’S urrainn do Hedgewars %1 (m.e. “%2”) a chleachdadh gus ceangal leis an tòiseachadh.</translation>
414    </message>
415    <message>
416        <source>Malformed option argument: %1</source>
417        <comment>command-line</comment>
418        <translation>Droch chumadh air argamaid roghainne: %1</translation>
419    </message>
420    <message>
421        <source>Unknown option argument: %1</source>
422        <comment>command-line</comment>
423        <translation>Argamaid roghainne nach aithne dhuinn: %1</translation>
424    </message>
427    <name>HWAskQuitDialog</name>
428    <message>
429        <source>Do you really want to quit?</source>
430        <translation>A bheil thu airson fàgail dha-rìribh?</translation>
431    </message>
434    <name>HWChatWidget</name>
435    <message>
436        <source>%1 has been removed from your ignore list</source>
437        <translation>Chaidh %1 a thoirt air falbh on liosta neo-shuime agad</translation>
438    </message>
439    <message>
440        <source>%1 has been added to your ignore list</source>
441        <translation>Chaidh %1 a chur ris an liosta neo-shuime agad</translation>
442    </message>
443    <message>
444        <source>%1 has been removed from your friends list</source>
445        <translation>Chaidh %1 a thoirt air falbh o liosta nan caraidean agad</translation>
446    </message>
447    <message>
448        <source>%1 has been added to your friends list</source>
449        <translation>Chaidh %1 a chur ri liosta nan caraidean agad</translation>
450    </message>
451    <message>
452        <source>Stylesheet imported from %1</source>
453        <translation>Chaidh siota-stoidhle ion-phortachadh o %1</translation>
454    </message>
455    <message>
456        <source>Enter %1 if you want to use the current StyleSheet in future, enter %2 to reset!</source>
457        <translation>Cuir a-steach %1 ma tha thu airson an siota-stoidhle làithreach a chleachdadh san àm ri teach no %2 gus ath-shuidheachadh!</translation>
458    </message>
459    <message>
460        <source>Couldn&apos;t read %1</source>
461        <translation>Cha burrainn dhuinn “%1a leughadh</translation>
462    </message>
463    <message>
464        <source>StyleSheet discarded</source>
465        <translation>Chaidh an siota-stoidhle a thilgeil air falbh</translation>
466    </message>
467    <message>
468        <source>StyleSheet saved to %1</source>
469        <translation>Chaidh an siota-stoidhle a shàbhaladh gu %1</translation>
470    </message>
471    <message>
472        <source>Failed to save StyleSheet to %1</source>
473        <translation>Cha burrainn dhuinn an siota-stoidhle a shàbhaladh gu %1</translation>
474    </message>
475    <message>
476        <source>%1 has joined</source>
477        <translation>Thàinig %1 a-steach</translation>
478    </message>
479    <message>
480        <source>%1 has left</source>
481        <translation>Dhfhalbh %1</translation>
482    </message>
483    <message>
484        <source>%1 has left (%2)</source>
485        <translation>Dhfhalbh %1 (%2)</translation>
486    </message>
487    <message>
488        <source>Chat log</source>
489        <translation>Loga na cabadaich</translation>
490    </message>
491    <message>
492        <source>Enter chat messages here and send them with [Enter]</source>
493        <translation>Cuir teachdaireachdan na cabadaich a-steach an-seo agus cuir iad le [Enter]</translation>
494    </message>
495    <message>
496        <source>List of players</source>
497        <translation>Liosta dhe chluicheadairean</translation>
498    </message>
499    <message>
500        <source>%1 has left (message: &quot;%2&quot;)</source>
501        <translation type="vanished">Dhfhalbh %1 (teachdaireachd: %2)</translation>
502    </message>
505    <name>HWForm</name>
506    <message>
507        <source>Cannot save record to file %1</source>
508        <translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn an clàr a shàbhaladh gun fhaidhle %1</translation>
509    </message>
510    <message>
511        <source>DefaultTeam</source>
512        <translation type="vanished">Sgioba tùsail</translation>
513    </message>
514    <message>
515        <source>Hedgewars Demo File</source>
516        <comment>File Types</comment>
517        <translation>Faidhle demo Hedgewars</translation>
518    </message>
519    <message>
520        <source>Hedgewars Save File</source>
521        <comment>File Types</comment>
522        <translation>Faidhle sàbhalaidh Hedgewars</translation>
523    </message>
524    <message>
525        <source>Demo name</source>
526        <translation>Ainm an demo</translation>
527    </message>
528    <message>
529        <source>Demo name:</source>
530        <translation>Ainm an demo:</translation>
531    </message>
532    <message>
533        <source>Game aborted</source>
534        <translation>Chaidh sgur dhen gheama</translation>
535    </message>
536    <message>
537        <source>Nickname</source>
538        <translation>Far-ainm</translation>
539    </message>
540    <message>
541        <source>No nickname supplied.</source>
542        <translation>Cha deach far-ainm a thoirt seachad.</translation>
543    </message>
544    <message>
545        <source>Someone already uses your nickname %1 on the server.
546Please pick another nickname:</source>
547        <translation>Cha cuideigin achleachdadh dfhar-ainm %1 air an fhrithealaiche mu thràth.
548Feuch an tagh thu far-ainm eile:</translation>
549    </message>
550    <message>
551        <source>%1&apos;s Team</source>
552        <translation>An sgioba aig %1</translation>
553    </message>
554    <message>
555        <source>Hedgewars - Nick registered</source>
556        <translation>HedgewarsFar-ainm clàraichte</translation>
557    </message>
558    <message>
559        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven&apos;t specified a password.
561If this nick isnt yours, please register your own nick at www.hedgewars.org
564        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh am far-ainm seo a chlàradhs cha do shònraich thu facal-faire.
566Mur ann leatsa a tha am far-ainm, clàraich am far-ainm agad fhèin air www.hedgewars.org
569    </message>
570    <message>
571        <source>Your nickname is not registered.
572To prevent someone else from using it,
573please register it at www.hedgewars.org</source>
574        <translation>Chan eil dfhar-ainm clàraichte.
575S urrainn dhut a chlàradh air www.hedgewars.org
576ach nach cleachd duine eile e.</translation>
577    </message>
578    <message>
579        <source>
581Your password wasn&apos;t saved either.</source>
582        <translation>
584Cha deach am facal-faire agad a shàbhaladh na bu mhotha.</translation>
585    </message>
586    <message>
587        <source>Hedgewars - Empty nickname</source>
588        <translation>HedgewarsFar-ainm falamh</translation>
589    </message>
590    <message>
591        <source>Hedgewars - Wrong password</source>
592        <translation>HedgewarsFacal-faire cearr</translation>
593    </message>
594    <message>
595        <source>You entered a wrong password.</source>
596        <translation>Cha do chuir thu am facal-faire a-steach mar bu chòir.</translation>
597    </message>
598    <message>
599        <source>Try Again</source>
600        <translation>Feuch ris a-rithist</translation>
601    </message>
602    <message>
603        <source>Hedgewars - Connection error</source>
604        <translation>HedgewarsMearachd leis acheangal</translation>
605    </message>
606    <message>
607        <source>You reconnected too fast.
608Please wait a few seconds and try again.</source>
609        <translation>Rinn thu ath-cheangal ro luath.
610Fuirich diog no dhà mus feuch thu ris a-rithist.</translation>
611    </message>
612    <message>
613        <source>This page requires an internet connection.</source>
614        <translation type="vanished">Tha an duilleag seo feumach air ceangal dhan eadar-lìn.</translation>
615    </message>
616    <message>
617        <source>Guest</source>
618        <translation type="vanished">Aoigh</translation>
619    </message>
620    <message>
621        <source>Room password</source>
622        <translation>Facal-faire an t-seòmair</translation>
623    </message>
624    <message>
625        <source>The room is protected with password.
626Please, enter the password:</source>
627        <translation>Chaidh an seòmar seo a dhìon le facal-faire.
628Cuir a-steach am facal-faire:</translation>
629    </message>
630    <message>
631        <source>Team 1</source>
632        <translation>Sgioba 1</translation>
633    </message>
634    <message>
635        <source>Team %1</source>
636        <extracomment>Default team name</extracomment>
637        <translation>Sgioba %1</translation>
638    </message>
639    <message>
640        <source>This nick is registered, and you haven&apos;t specified a password.
642If this nick isn&apos;t yours, please register your own nick at www.hedgewars.org
645        <translation>Tha am far-ainm seo clàraichtes cha chuir thu facal-faire a-steach.
647Mur ann agadsa a tha am far-ainm seo, clàraich fear agad fhèin air www.hedgewars.org
650    </message>
651    <message>
652        <source>Computer %1</source>
653        <extracomment>Default computer team name</extracomment>
654        <translation>Coimpiutair %1</translation>
655    </message>
656    <message>
657        <source>Unknown network error (possibly missing SSL library).</source>
658        <translation>Mearachd lìonraidh nach aithne dhuinn (’s dòcha gu bheil leabharlann SSL a dhìth ort).</translation>
659    </message>
660    <message>
661        <source>This feature requires an Internet connection, but you don&apos;t appear to be online (error code: %1).</source>
662        <translation>Feumaidh an gleus seo ceangal ris an eadar-lìon ach tha coltas nach eil thu air loidhne (còd na mearachd: %1).</translation>
663    </message>
664    <message>
665        <source>Internal error: Reply object is invalid.</source>
666        <translation>Mearachd taobh a-staigh: Chan eil oibseact na freagairt dligheach.</translation>
667    </message>
670    <name>HWGame</name>
671    <message>
672        <source>en.txt</source>
673        <extracomment>IMPORTANT: This text has a special meaning, do not translate it directly. This is the file name of translation files for the game engine, found in Data/Locale/. Usually, you replaceenwith the ISO-639-1 language code of your language.</extracomment>
674        <translation>gd.txt</translation>
675    </message>
676    <message>
677        <source>Cannot open demofile %1</source>
678        <translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn faidhle an demo %1 fhosgladh</translation>
679    </message>
680    <message>
681        <source>A Fatal ERROR occured! - The game engine had to stop.
683We are very sorry for the inconvenience :(
685If this keeps happening, please click the &apos;%1&apos; button in the main menu!
687Last two engine messages:
689        <translation type="vanished">Thachair mearachd MHARBHTACH! - Thug seo stad air einnsean agheama.
691Tha sinn glè dhuilich mun duilgheadas :(
693Ma thachras seo a-rithists a-rithist, briog air aphutan “%1air aphrìomh chlàr-taice!
695An  theachdaireachd mu dheireadh aig an einnsean:
697    </message>
698    <message>
699        <source>A fatal ERROR occured! The game engine had to stop.
701We are very sorry for the inconvenience. :-(
703If this keeps happening, please click the &apos;Feedback&apos; button in the main menu!
705Last engine message:
707        <translation>Thachair mearachd MHARBHTACH! - Thug seo stad air einnsean agheama.
709Tha sinn glè dhuilich mun duilgheadas :-(
711Ma thachras seo a-rithists a-rithist, briog air aphutanBeachdan thugainnair aphrìomh chlàr-taice!
713An teachdaireachd mu dheireadh an einnsein:
715    </message>
718    <name>HWHostPortDialog</name>
719    <message>
720        <source>Connect to server</source>
721        <translation>Ceangail ris an fhrithealaiche</translation>
722    </message>
725    <name>HWMapContainer</name>
726    <message>
727        <source>All</source>
728        <translation>Na h-uile</translation>
729    </message>
730    <message>
731        <source>Small</source>
732        <translation>Beag</translation>
733    </message>
734    <message>
735        <source>Medium</source>
736        <translation>Meadhanach</translation>
737    </message>
738    <message>
739        <source>Large</source>
740        <translation>Mòr</translation>
741    </message>
742    <message>
743        <source>Cavern</source>
744        <translation>Uamh</translation>
745    </message>
746    <message>
747        <source>Wacky</source>
748        <translation>Neònach</translation>
749    </message>
750    <message>
751        <source>Small tunnels</source>
752        <translation>Tunailean beaga</translation>
753    </message>
754    <message>
755        <source>Medium tunnels</source>
756        <translation>Tunailean meadhanach</translation>
757    </message>
758    <message>
759        <source>Seed</source>
760        <extracomment>Refers to the &quot;random seed&quot;; the source of randomness in the game</extracomment>
761        <translation>Sìol</translation>
762    </message>
763    <message>
764        <source>Map type:</source>
765        <translation>Seòrsa amhapa:</translation>
766    </message>
767    <message>
768        <source>Image map</source>
769        <translation>Mapa deilbh</translation>
770    </message>
771    <message>
772        <source>Mission map</source>
773        <translation>Mapa misein</translation>
774    </message>
775    <message>
776        <source>Hand-drawn</source>
777        <translation>Air a tharraing a làimh</translation>
778    </message>
779    <message>
780        <source>Randomly generated</source>
781        <translation>Air a ghintinn air thuaiream</translation>
782    </message>
783    <message>
784        <source>Random maze</source>
785        <translation>Cuartan air thuaiream</translation>
786    </message>
787    <message>
788        <source>Random</source>
789        <translation>Air thuaiream</translation>
790    </message>
791    <message>
792        <source>Map preview:</source>
793        <translation>Ro-shealladh air amhapa:</translation>
794    </message>
795    <message>
796        <source>Load map drawing</source>
797        <translation>Luchdaich tarraing mapa</translation>
798    </message>
799    <message>
800        <source>Edit map drawing</source>
801        <translation>Deasaich tarraing mapa</translation>
802    </message>
803    <message>
804        <source>Small islands</source>
805        <translation>Eileanan beaga</translation>
806    </message>
807    <message>
808        <source>Medium islands</source>
809        <translation>Eileanan meadhanach</translation>
810    </message>
811    <message>
812        <source>Large islands</source>
813        <translation>Eileanan mòra</translation>
814    </message>
815    <message>
816        <source>Map size:</source>
817        <translation>Meud amhapa:</translation>
818    </message>
819    <message>
820        <source>Maze style:</source>
821        <translation>Stoidhle achuartain:</translation>
822    </message>
823    <message>
824        <source>Mission:</source>
825        <translation>Misean:</translation>
826    </message>
827    <message>
828        <source>Map:</source>
829        <translation>Mapa:</translation>
830    </message>
831    <message>
832        <source>Load drawn map</source>
833        <translation>Luchdaich mapa air a tharraing a làimh</translation>
834    </message>
835    <message>
836        <source>Drawn Maps</source>
837        <translation>Mapaichean air an tarraing a làimh</translation>
838    </message>
839    <message>
840        <source>All files</source>
841        <translation>A h-uile faidhle</translation>
842    </message>
843    <message>
844        <source>Large tunnels</source>
845        <translation>Tunailean mòra</translation>
846    </message>
847    <message>
848        <source>Theme: %1</source>
849        <translation>Ùrlar: %1</translation>
850    </message>
851    <message>
852        <source>Random perlin</source>
853        <translation>Perlin tuaireamach</translation>
854    </message>
855    <message>
856        <source>Style:</source>
857        <translation>Stoidhle:</translation>
858    </message>
859    <message>
860        <source>Forts</source>
861        <translation>Dùin</translation>
862    </message>
863    <message>
864        <source>View and edit the seed, the source of randomness in the game</source>
865        <translation>Seall is deasaich an sìol, seo tùs na tuaireamachd sa gheama</translation>
866    </message>
867    <message>
868        <source>Randomize the theme</source>
869        <translation>Tuaireamaich an t-ùrlar</translation>
870    </message>
871    <message>
872        <source>Choose a theme</source>
873        <translation>Tagh ùrlar</translation>
874    </message>
875    <message>
876        <source>Randomize the map, theme and seed</source>
877        <translation>Tuaireamaich am mapa, an t-ùrlars an sìol</translation>
878    </message>
879    <message>
880        <source>Randomize the theme and seed</source>
881        <translation>Tuaireamaich an t-ùrlars an sìol</translation>
882    </message>
883    <message>
884        <source>Randomize the seed</source>
885        <translation>Tuaireamaich an sìol</translation>
886    </message>
887    <message>
888        <source>Click to randomize the map, theme and seed</source>
889        <translation>Briog gus am mapa, an t-ùrlar is an sìol a thuaireamachadh</translation>
890    </message>
891    <message>
892        <source>Click to randomize the theme and seed</source>
893        <translation>Briog gus an t-ùrlar is an sìol a thuaireamachadh</translation>
894    </message>
895    <message>
896        <source>Adjust the complexity of the generated map</source>
897        <translation>Gleus iom-fhillteachd amhapa a thèid a ghintinn</translation>
898    </message>
899    <message>
900        <source>Adjust the distance between forts</source>
901        <translation>Gleus an t-astar eadar na dùin</translation>
902    </message>
903    <message>
904        <source>Click to edit</source>
905        <translation>Briog gus a dheasachadh</translation>
906    </message>
907    <message>
908        <source>Scale size of the drawn map</source>
909        <translation>Sgèilich meud tarraing amhapa</translation>
910    </message>
911    <message>
912        <source>Load</source>
913        <translation>Luchdaich</translation>
914    </message>
915    <message>
916        <source>Edit</source>
917        <translation>Deasaich</translation>
918    </message>
921    <name>HWNetServersModel</name>
922    <message>
923        <source>Title</source>
924        <translation>Tiotal</translation>
925    </message>
926    <message>
927        <source>IP</source>
928        <extracomment>short for &quot;IP address&quot; (Internet Protocol), part of server address</extracomment>
929        <translation>IP</translation>
930    </message>
931    <message>
932        <source>Port</source>
933        <extracomment>short for &quot;port number&quot;, part of server address</extracomment>
934        <translation>Port</translation>
935    </message>
938    <name>HWNewNet</name>
939    <message>
940        <source>The host was not found. Please check the host name and port settings.</source>
941        <translation>Cha deach an t-òstair a lorg. Dearbhaich ainm an òstair agus roghainnean aphuirt.</translation>
942    </message>
943    <message>
944        <source>Connection refused</source>
945        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh</translation>
946    </message>
947    <message>
948        <source>Room destroyed</source>
949        <translation>Chaidh an seòmar a mhilleadh</translation>
950    </message>
951    <message>
952        <source>Quit reason: </source>
953        <translation type="vanished">Abhbhar fàgail:</translation>
954    </message>
955    <message>
956        <source>You got kicked</source>
957        <translation>Fhuair thu abhròg</translation>
958    </message>
959    <message>
960        <source>%1 *** %2 has joined the room</source>
961        <translation>Thàinig %1 *** %2 a-steach dhan t-seòmar</translation>
962    </message>
963    <message>
964        <source>%1 *** %2 has left (%3)</source>
965        <translation>Dhfhalbh %1 *** %2  (%3)</translation>
966    </message>
967    <message>
968        <source>%1 *** %2 has left</source>
969        <translation>Dhfhalbh %1 *** %2</translation>
970    </message>
971    <message>
972        <source>User quit</source>
973        <translation type="vanished">Dhfhàg an cleachdaiche an-seo</translation>
974    </message>
975    <message>
976        <source>Remote host has closed connection</source>
977        <translation>Dhùin an t-òstair cèin an ceangal</translation>
978    </message>
979    <message>
980        <source>The server is too old. Disconnecting now.</source>
981        <translation>Tha am frithealaiche ro shean. ’Ga dhì-cheangal a-nis.</translation>
982    </message>
983    <message>
984        <source>Server authentication error</source>
985        <translation>Mearachd dearbhadh an fhrithealaiche</translation>
986    </message>
987    <message>
988        <source>Reason:</source>
989        <translation>Adhbhar:</translation>
990    </message>
991    <message>
992        <source>The connection was refused by the official server or timed out. Something seems to be wrong with the official server at the moment. This might be a temporary problem. Please try again later.</source>
993        <translation>Dhiùlt am frithealaiche oifigeil an ceangal no dhfhalbh an ùine air. Tha coltas gu bheil rudeigin cearr air an fhrithealaiche oifigeil an-dràsta. Dhfhaoidte nach e ach duilgheadas sealadach a thann. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.</translation>
994    </message>
995    <message>
996        <source>The connection was refused by the host or timed out. This might have one of the following reasons:
997- The Hedgewars Server program does currently not run on the host
998- The specified port number is incorrect
999- There is a temporary network problem
1001Please check the host name and port settings and/or try again later.</source>
1002        <translation>Dhiùilt an t-òstair an ceangal no dhfhalbh an ùine air. Seo na h-adhbharan as buailtiche airson sin:
1003Chan eil prògram frithealaiche Hedgewars Serverga ruith air an òstair an-dràsta
1004Chan eil àireamh aphuirt mar bu chòir
1005Tha duilgheadas sealadach aig an lìonra
1007Thoir sùil air roghainnean ainm is port an fhrithealaiche agus/no feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.</translation>
1008    </message>
1009    <message>
1010        <source>%1 *** %2 has left (message: &quot;%3&quot;)</source>
1011        <translation type="vanished">Dhfhalbh %1 *** %2 (teachdaireachd: “%3”)</translation>
1012    </message>
1015    <name>HWPasswordDialog</name>
1016    <message>
1017        <source>Login</source>
1018        <translation>Logadh a-steach</translation>
1019    </message>
1020    <message>
1021        <source>To connect to the server, please log in.
1023If you don&apos;t have an account on www.hedgewars.org,
1024just enter your nickname.</source>
1025        <translation>Clàraich a-steach gus ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche.
1027Mur eil cunntas agad air www.hedgewars.org,
1028cha leig thu leas ach far-ainm a chur a-steach.</translation>
1029    </message>
1030    <message>
1031        <source>Nickname:</source>
1032        <translation>Far-ainm:</translation>
1033    </message>
1034    <message>
1035        <source>Password:</source>
1036        <translation>Facal-faire:</translation>
1037    </message>
1038    <message>
1039        <source>New Account</source>
1040        <translation>Cunntas ùr</translation>
1041    </message>
1044    <name>HWRecorder</name>
1045    <message>
1046        <source>A fatal ERROR occured while processing the video recording! The video could not be saved.
1048As a workaround, you could try to reset the Hedgewars video recorder settings to the defaults.
1050To report this error, please click the &apos;Feedback&apos; button in the main menu!
1052Last engine message:
1054        <translation>Thachair mearachd MHARBHTACH fhads a bha sinn apròiseasadh clàradh avideo! Cha burrainn dhuinn avideo a shàbhaladh.
1056Burrainn dhut inneal-clàraidh Hedgewars ath-shuidheachadh air na bun-roghainnean feuch an cuidich sin.
1058Airson aithris a dhèanamh air amhearachd seo, briog air aphutanBeachdan thugainnair aphrìomh chlàr-taice!
1060An teachdaireachd mu dheireadh aig an einnsein:
1062    </message>
1065    <name>HWUploadVideoDialog</name>
1066    <message>
1067        <source>Upload video</source>
1068        <translation type="vanished">Luchdaidh suas video</translation>
1069    </message>
1070    <message>
1071        <source>Upload</source>
1072        <translation type="vanished">Luchdadh suas</translation>
1073    </message>
1076    <name>HatButton</name>
1077    <message>
1078        <source>Change hat (%1)</source>
1079        <translation>Cuir ad eile ort (%1)</translation>
1080    </message>
1083    <name>HatPrompt</name>
1084    <message>
1085        <source>Cancel</source>
1086        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
1087    </message>
1088    <message>
1089        <source>Use selected hat</source>
1090        <translation>Cleachd an ad a thagh thu</translation>
1091    </message>
1092    <message>
1093        <source>Search for a hat:</source>
1094        <translation>Lorg ad:</translation>
1095    </message>
1096    <message>
1097        <source>Choose a hat</source>
1098        <translation>Tagh ad</translation>
1099    </message>
1102    <name>KeyBinder</name>
1103    <message>
1104        <source>Category</source>
1105        <translation>Roinn-seòrsa</translation>
1106    </message>
1107    <message>
1108        <source>Warning: The same key is assigned multiple times!</source>
1109        <translation>Rabhadh: Chaidh an t-aon iuchair a nasgadh iomadh turas!</translation>
1110    </message>
1113    <name>LibavInteraction</name>
1114    <message>
1115        <source>Audio: </source>
1116        <translation>Fuaim:</translation>
1117    </message>
1118    <message>
1119        <source>unknown</source>
1120        <translation>chan eil fhios</translation>
1121    </message>
1122    <message>
1123        <source>Video: %1x%2</source>
1124        <translation type="vanished">Video: %1×%2</translation>
1125    </message>
1126    <message>
1127        <source>Duration: %1min %2s</source>
1128        <extracomment>Duration in minutes and seconds (SI units)</extracomment>
1129        <translation>Faide: %1mion %2s</translation>
1130    </message>
1131    <message>
1132        <source>%1 FPS</source>
1133        <translation type="vanished">%1 FPS</translation>
1134    </message>
1135    <message>
1136        <source>Player: %1</source>
1137        <translation>Cluicheadair: %1</translation>
1138    </message>
1139    <message>
1140        <source>Theme: %1</source>
1141        <translation>Ùrlar: %1</translation>
1142    </message>
1143    <message>
1144        <source>Map: %1</source>
1145        <translation>Mapa: %1</translation>
1146    </message>
1147    <message>
1148        <source>Record: %1</source>
1149        <extracomment>As inrecording’</extracomment>
1150        <translation>Clàradh: %1</translation>
1151    </message>
1152    <message>
1153        <source>Video: %1x%2, %3 FPS, %4</source>
1154        <extracomment>Video metadata. %1 = video width, %2 = video height, %3 = frames per second = %4 = decoder name</extracomment>
1155        <translation>Video: %1×%2, %3 FPS, %4</translation>
1156    </message>
1157    <message>
1158        <source>Video: %1x%2, %3</source>
1159        <extracomment>Video metadata. %1 = video width, %2 = video height, %3 = decoder name</extracomment>
1160        <translation>Video: %1×%2, %3</translation>
1161    </message>
1164    <name>MapModel</name>
1165    <message>
1166        <source>No description available.</source>
1167        <translation>Chan eil tuairisgeul ri làimh.</translation>
1168    </message>
1171    <name>MinesTimeSpinBox</name>
1172    <message>
1173        <source>Random</source>
1174        <translation>Air thuaiream</translation>
1175    </message>
1176    <message numerus="yes">
1177        <source>%1 seconds</source>
1178        <translation>
1179            <numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform>
1180            <numerusform>%1 dhiog</numerusform>
1181            <numerusform>%1 diogan</numerusform>
1182            <numerusform>%1 diog</numerusform>
1183        </translation>
1184    </message>
1187    <name>PageAdmin</name>
1188    <message>
1189        <source>Clear Accounts Cache</source>
1190        <translation>Falamhaich tasgadan nan cunntasan</translation>
1191    </message>
1192    <message>
1193        <source>Fetch data</source>
1194        <translation>Faigh dàta</translation>
1195    </message>
1196    <message>
1197        <source>Server message for latest version:</source>
1198        <translation>Teachdaireachd an fhrithealaiche airson an tionndaidh as ùire:</translation>
1199    </message>
1200    <message>
1201        <source>Server message for previous versions:</source>
1202        <translation>Teachdaireachd an fhrithealaiche airson nan tionndaidhean roimhe:</translation>
1203    </message>
1204    <message>
1205        <source>Latest version protocol number:</source>
1206        <translation>Àireamh aphròtacail as ùire:</translation>
1207    </message>
1208    <message>
1209        <source>MOTD preview:</source>
1210        <extracomment>MOTD = Message Of The Day, the message which is shown to players joining the server</extracomment>
1211        <translation>Ro-shealladh air maidse an latha:</translation>
1212    </message>
1213    <message>
1214        <source>Set data</source>
1215        <translation>Suidhich an dàta</translation>
1216    </message>
1217    <message>
1218        <source>General</source>
1219        <translation>Coitcheann</translation>
1220    </message>
1221    <message>
1222        <source>Bans</source>
1223        <translation>Toirmeasg</translation>
1224    </message>
1225    <message>
1226        <source>IP/Nick</source>
1227        <translation>IP/Far-ainm</translation>
1228    </message>
1229    <message>
1230        <source>Expiration</source>
1231        <translation>Àm a dhfhalbhas an ùine air</translation>
1232    </message>
1233    <message>
1234        <source>Reason</source>
1235        <translation>Adhbhar</translation>
1236    </message>
1237    <message>
1238        <source>Refresh</source>
1239        <translation>Ath-nuadhaich</translation>
1240    </message>
1241    <message>
1242        <source>Add</source>
1243        <translation>Cuir ris</translation>
1244    </message>
1245    <message>
1246        <source>Remove</source>
1247        <translation>Thoir air falbh</translation>
1248    </message>
1251    <name>PageCampaign</name>
1252    <message>
1253        <source>Team</source>
1254        <translation>Sgioba</translation>
1255    </message>
1256    <message>
1257        <source>Campaign</source>
1258        <translation>Iomairt</translation>
1259    </message>
1260    <message>
1261        <source>Mission</source>
1262        <translation>Misean</translation>
1263    </message>
1264    <message>
1265        <source>Start fighting</source>
1266        <translation>Tòisich air sabaid</translation>
1267    </message>
1270    <name>PageConnecting</name>
1271    <message>
1272        <source>Connecting...</source>
1273        <translation>’Ga cheangal…</translation>
1274    </message>
1277    <name>PageDataDownload</name>
1278    <message>
1279        <source>Loading, please wait.</source>
1280        <translation>’Ga luchdadh, fuirich ort.</translation>
1281    </message>
1282    <message>
1283        <source>This page requires an internet connection.</source>
1284        <translation type="vanished">Tha an duilleag seo feumach air ceangal dhan eadar-lìn.</translation>
1285    </message>
1286    <message>
1287        <source>Open packages directory</source>
1288        <translation>Fosgail pasgan nam pacaidean</translation>
1289    </message>
1290    <message>
1291        <source>Load the start page</source>
1292        <translation>Luchdaich an duilleag tòiseachaidh</translation>
1293    </message>
1294    <message>
1295        <source>Open the directory in which the downloaded files are stored in your system</source>
1296        <translation type="vanished">Fosgail am pasgan far an tèid na faidhlichean air an luchdadh a-nuas a ghlèidheadh air an t-siostam agad</translation>
1297    </message>
1298    <message>
1299        <source>Unknown network error (possibly missing SSL library).</source>
1300        <translation>Mearachd lìonraidh nach aithne dhuinn (’s dòcha gu bheil leabharlann SSL a dhìth ort).</translation>
1301    </message>
1302    <message>
1303        <source>This feature requires an Internet connection, but you don&apos;t appear to be online (error code: %1).</source>
1304        <translation>Feumaidh an gleus seo ceangal ris an eadar-lìon ach tha coltas nach eil thu air loidhne (còd na mearachd: %1).</translation>
1305    </message>
1306    <message>
1307        <source>Internal error: Reply object is invalid.</source>
1308        <translation>Mearachd taobh a-staigh: Chan eil oibseact na freagairt dligheach.</translation>
1309    </message>
1312    <name>PageDrawMap</name>
1313    <message>
1314        <source>Undo</source>
1315        <translation>Neo-dhèan</translation>
1316    </message>
1317    <message>
1318        <source>Clear</source>
1319        <translation>Falamhaich</translation>
1320    </message>
1321    <message>
1322        <source>Load</source>
1323        <translation>Luchdaich</translation>
1324    </message>
1325    <message>
1326        <source>Save</source>
1327        <translation>Sàbhail</translation>
1328    </message>
1329    <message>
1330        <source>Load drawn map</source>
1331        <translation>Luchdaich mapa air a tharraing</translation>
1332    </message>
1333    <message>
1334        <source>Save drawn map</source>
1335        <translation>Sàbhail mapa air a tharraing</translation>
1336    </message>
1337    <message>
1338        <source>Drawn Maps</source>
1339        <translation>Mapaichean air an tarraing</translation>
1340    </message>
1341    <message>
1342        <source>All files</source>
1343        <translation>A h-uile faidhle</translation>
1344    </message>
1345    <message>
1346        <source>Eraser</source>
1347        <translation>Suathan</translation>
1348    </message>
1349    <message>
1350        <source>Polyline</source>
1351        <translation>Loidhne ioma-cheàrnach</translation>
1352    </message>
1353    <message>
1354        <source>Rectangle</source>
1355        <translation>Ceart-cheàrnach</translation>
1356    </message>
1357    <message>
1358        <source>Ellipse</source>
1359        <translation>Eileaps</translation>
1360    </message>
1361    <message>
1362        <source>Optimize</source>
1363        <translation>Pisich</translation>
1364    </message>
1365    <message>
1366        <source>Brush size</source>
1367        <translation>Meud na bruise</translation>
1368    </message>
1371    <name>PageEditTeam</name>
1372    <message>
1373        <source>General</source>
1374        <translation>Coitcheann</translation>
1375    </message>
1376    <message>
1377        <source>Select an action to choose a custom key bind for this team</source>
1378        <translation>Tagh gnìomh gus nasgadh ri iuchair ghnàthaichte a thaghadh airson an sgioba seo</translation>
1379    </message>
1380    <message>
1381        <source>Use my default</source>
1382        <translation>Cleachd na bun-roghainnean agam</translation>
1383    </message>
1384    <message>
1385        <source>Reset all binds</source>
1386        <translation>Ath-shuidhich gach nasgadh</translation>
1387    </message>
1388    <message>
1389        <source>Custom Controls</source>
1390        <translation>Uidheaman-smachd gnàthaichte</translation>
1391    </message>
1392    <message>
1393        <source>Hat</source>
1394        <translation>Ad</translation>
1395    </message>
1396    <message>
1397        <source>Name</source>
1398        <translation>Ainm</translation>
1399    </message>
1400    <message>
1401        <source>This hedgehog&apos;s name</source>
1402        <translation>Ainm na gràineige seo</translation>
1403    </message>
1404    <message>
1405        <source>Randomize this hedgehog&apos;s name</source>
1406        <translation>Thoir ainm air thuaiream air aghràineag seo</translation>
1407    </message>
1408    <message>
1409        <source>Random Team</source>
1410        <translation>Sgioba air thuaiream</translation>
1411    </message>
1412    <message>
1413        <source>Play a random example of this voice</source>
1414        <translation>Cluich ball-eisimpleir air thuaiream air aghuth seo</translation>
1415    </message>
1416    <message>
1417        <source>Random Hats</source>
1418        <translation>Adan air thuaiream</translation>
1419    </message>
1420    <message>
1421        <source>Random Names</source>
1422        <translation>Ainmean air thuaiream</translation>
1423    </message>
1424    <message>
1425        <source>Randomize the team name</source>
1426        <translation>Tuaireamaich ainm an sgioba</translation>
1427    </message>
1428    <message>
1429        <source>Randomize the grave</source>
1430        <translation>Tuaireamaich an uaigh</translation>
1431    </message>
1432    <message>
1433        <source>Randomize the flag</source>
1434        <translation>Tuaireamaich abhratach</translation>
1435    </message>
1436    <message>
1437        <source>Randomize the voice</source>
1438        <translation>Tuaireamaich an guth</translation>
1439    </message>
1440    <message>
1441        <source>Randomize the fort</source>
1442        <translation>Tuaireamaich an dùn</translation>
1443    </message>
1444    <message>
1445        <source>CPU %1</source>
1446        <extracomment>Name of a flag for computer-controlled enemies. %1 is replaced with the computer level</extracomment>
1447        <translation>CPU %1</translation>
1448    </message>
1449    <message>
1450        <source>%1 (%2)</source>
1451        <translation>%1 (%2)</translation>
1452    </message>
1455    <name>PageGameStats</name>
1456    <message>
1457        <source>Details</source>
1458        <translation>Fiosrachadh</translation>
1459    </message>
1460    <message>
1461        <source>Health graph</source>
1462        <translation>Graf na slàinte</translation>
1463    </message>
1464    <message>
1465        <source>Ranking</source>
1466        <translation>Rangachadh</translation>
1467    </message>
1468    <message numerus="yes">
1469        <source>The best shot award was won by &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
1470        <translation>
1471            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1472            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1473            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
1474            <numerusform>Bhuannaich &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; duais an losgaidh as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
1475        </translation>
1476    </message>
1477    <message numerus="yes">
1478        <source>The best killer is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; kills in a turn.</source>
1479        <translation>
1480            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
1481            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; mharbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
1482            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhaidhean ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
1483            <numerusform>Is &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; am marbhaiche as fhearr le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; marbhadh ann an cuairt.</numerusform>
1484        </translation>
1485    </message>
1486    <message numerus="yes">
1487        <source>A total of &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; hedgehog(s) were killed during this round.</source>
1488        <translation>
1489            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
1490            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; ghràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
1491            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineagan a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
1492            <numerusform>Chaidh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; gràineag a mharbhadh uile gu lèir sa chuairt seo.</numerusform>
1493        </translation>
1494    </message>
1495    <message numerus="yes">
1496        <source>(%1 kill)</source>
1497        <extracomment>Number of kills in stats screen, written after the team name</extracomment>
1498        <translation>
1499            <numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform>
1500            <numerusform>(%1 mharbhadh)</numerusform>
1501            <numerusform>(%1 marbhaidhean)</numerusform>
1502            <numerusform>(%1 marbhadh)</numerusform>
1503        </translation>
1504    </message>
1505    <message numerus="yes">
1506        <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; thought it&apos;s good to shoot his own hedgehogs with &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
1507        <translation type="vanished">
1508            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1509            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1510            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
1511            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh le &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
1512        </translation>
1513    </message>
1514    <message numerus="yes">
1515        <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; killed &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; of his own hedgehogs.</source>
1516        <translation type="vanished">
1517            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
1518            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
1519            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
1520            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aige fhèin.</numerusform>
1521        </translation>
1522    </message>
1523    <message numerus="yes">
1524        <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; was scared and skipped turn &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; times.</source>
1525        <translation>
1526            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform>
1527            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; thuras.</numerusform>
1528            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; tursan.</numerusform>
1529            <numerusform>Thàinig an t-eagal air &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; agus leig e seachad a chuairt &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; turas.</numerusform>
1530        </translation>
1531    </message>
1532    <message>
1533        <source>Play again</source>
1534        <translation>Cluich a-rithist</translation>
1535    </message>
1536    <message>
1537        <source>Save</source>
1538        <translation>Sàbhail</translation>
1539    </message>
1540    <message numerus="yes">
1541        <source>(%1 %2)</source>
1542        <extracomment>For custom number of points in the stats screen, written after the team name. %1 is the number, %2 is the word. Example: “4 points”</extracomment>
1543        <translation>
1544            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
1545            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
1546            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
1547            <numerusform>(%1 %2)</numerusform>
1548        </translation>
1549    </message>
1550    <message numerus="yes">
1551        <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; thought it&apos;s good to shoot their own hedgehogs for &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; pts.</source>
1552        <translation>
1553            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1554            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; phuing.</numerusform>
1555            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puingean.</numerusform>
1556            <numerusform>Bha &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; dhen bheachd gum bfheairrde e na gràineagan aige fhèin a mharbhadh airson &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; puing.</numerusform>
1557        </translation>
1558    </message>
1559    <message numerus="yes">
1560        <source>&lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; killed &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; of their own hedgehogs.</source>
1561        <translation>
1562            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
1563            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
1564            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
1565            <numerusform>Mharbh &lt;b&gt;%1&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;%2&lt;/b&gt; dhe na gràineagan aca fhèin.</numerusform>
1566        </translation>
1567    </message>
1568    <message>
1569        <source>With everyone having the same clan color, there was no reason to fight. And so the hedgehogs happily lived in peace ever after.</source>
1570        <translation>On a bhuineas a h-uile duine ris an aon chinneadh, cha robh adhbhar sabaid ann. Bha na gràineagan toilichte riamh tuilleadh is cha chuala sinn an corr.</translation>
1571    </message>
1572    <message numerus="yes">
1573        <source>(%1 point(s))</source>
1574        <extracomment>Number of points in stats screen, written after the team name</extracomment>
1575        <translation>
1576            <numerusform>(%1 phuing)</numerusform>
1577            <numerusform>(%1 phuing)</numerusform>
1578            <numerusform>(%1 puingean)</numerusform>
1579            <numerusform>(%1 puing)</numerusform>
1580        </translation>
1581    </message>
1582    <message numerus="yes">
1583        <source>(%L1 second(s))</source>
1584        <extracomment>Time in seconds</extracomment>
1585        <translation>
1586            <numerusform>(%L1 diog)</numerusform>
1587            <numerusform>(%L1 dhiog)</numerusform>
1588            <numerusform>(%L1 diogan)</numerusform>
1589            <numerusform>(%L1 diog)</numerusform>
1590        </translation>
1591    </message>
1592    <message numerus="yes">
1593        <source>(%1 crate(s))</source>
1594        <translation>
1595            <numerusform>(%1 chreat)</numerusform>
1596            <numerusform>(%1 chreat)</numerusform>
1597            <numerusform>(%1 creataichean)</numerusform>
1598            <numerusform>(%1 creat)</numerusform>
1599        </translation>
1600    </message>
1603    <name>PageInGame</name>
1604    <message>
1605        <source>In game...</source>
1606        <translation>Sa gheama…</translation>
1607    </message>
1610    <name>PageInfo</name>
1611    <message>
1612        <source>Open the snapshot folder</source>
1613        <translation>Fosgail pasgan nan glacaidhean-sgrìn</translation>
1614    </message>
1617    <name>PageMain</name>
1618    <message>
1619        <source>Downloadable Content</source>
1620        <translation>Susbaint ri luchdadh a-nuas</translation>
1621    </message>
1622    <message>
1623        <source>Play a game on a single computer</source>
1624        <translation>Cluich geama air an aon choimpiutair</translation>
1625    </message>
1626    <message>
1627        <source>Play a game across a network</source>
1628        <translation>Cluich geama air lìonra</translation>
1629    </message>
1630    <message>
1631        <source>Read about who is behind the Hedgewars Project</source>
1632        <translation>Leugh air  tha air cùlaibh aphròiseict Hedgewars</translation>
1633    </message>
1634    <message>
1635        <source>Leave a feedback here reporting issues, suggesting features or just saying how you like Hedgewars</source>
1636        <translation>Fàg beachd an-seo mu dhuilgheadasan, molaidhean air gleusan no innis dhuinn ciamar a tha Hedgewars achòrdadh riut</translation>
1637    </message>
1638    <message>
1639        <source>Access the user created content downloadable from our website</source>
1640        <translation>Inntrig susbaint a rinn cleachdaicheans a ghabhas luchdadh a-nuas on làrach-lìn againn</translation>
1641    </message>
1642    <message>
1643        <source>Exit game</source>
1644        <translation>Fàg an geama</translation>
1645    </message>
1646    <message>
1647        <source>Manage videos recorded from game</source>
1648        <translation>Stiùirich na videothan a chaidh a chlàradh on gheama</translation>
1649    </message>
1650    <message>
1651        <source>Edit game preferences</source>
1652        <translation>Deasaich roghainnean agheama</translation>
1653    </message>
1654    <message>
1655        <source>Play a game across a local area network</source>
1656        <translation>Cluich geama air lìonra ionadail</translation>
1657    </message>
1658    <message>
1659        <source>Play a game on an official server</source>
1660        <translation>Cluich geama air frithealaiche oifigeil</translation>
1661    </message>
1662    <message>
1663        <source>Feedback</source>
1664        <translation>Beachd thugainn</translation>
1665    </message>
1666    <message>
1667        <source>Play local network game</source>
1668        <translation>Cluich geama air an lìonra ionadail</translation>
1669    </message>
1670    <message>
1671        <source>Play official network game</source>
1672        <translation>Cluich geama lìonraidh oifigeil</translation>
1673    </message>
1674    <message>
1675        <source>Open the Hedgewars online game manual in your web browser</source>
1676        <translation>Fosgail leabhar-mìneachaidh Hedgewars air loidhne sa bhrabhsair-lìn agad</translation>
1677    </message>
1680    <name>PageMultiplayer</name>
1681    <message>
1682        <source>Start</source>
1683        <translation>Tòisich</translation>
1684    </message>
1685    <message>
1686        <source>Edit game preferences</source>
1687        <translation>Deasaich roghainnean agheama</translation>
1688    </message>
1689    <message>
1690        <source>Start fighting (requires at least 2 teams)</source>
1691        <translation>Tòisich air sabaid (feum air co-dhiù 2 sgioba)</translation>
1692    </message>
1695    <name>PageNet</name>
1696    <message>
1697        <source>Connect to the selected server</source>
1698        <translation>Ceangail ris an fhrithealaiche a thagh thu</translation>
1699    </message>
1700    <message>
1701        <source>Update the list of servers</source>
1702        <translation>Ùraich liosta nam frithealaichean</translation>
1703    </message>
1704    <message>
1705        <source>Specify the address and port number of a known server and connect to it directly</source>
1706        <translation>Sònraich seòladh is àireamh puirt aig frithealaiche air a bheil thu eòlach is ceangail ris gu dìreach</translation>
1707    </message>
1708    <message>
1709        <source>Start private server</source>
1710        <translation>Tòisich air frithealaiche prìobhaideach</translation>
1711    </message>
1714    <name>PageNetGame</name>
1715    <message>
1716        <source>Edit game preferences</source>
1717        <translation>Deasaich roghainnean agheama</translation>
1718    </message>
1719    <message>
1720        <source>Start</source>
1721        <translation>Tòisich</translation>
1722    </message>
1723    <message>
1724        <source>Update</source>
1725        <translation>Ùraich</translation>
1726    </message>
1727    <message>
1728        <source>Room controls</source>
1729        <translation>Uidheaman-smachd an t-seòmair</translation>
1730    </message>
1731    <message>
1732        <source>Room name</source>
1733        <translation>Ainm an t-seòmair</translation>
1734    </message>
1735    <message>
1736        <source>Update the room name</source>
1737        <translation>Ùraich ainm an t-seòmair</translation>
1738    </message>
1739    <message>
1740        <source>Turn on the lightbulb to show the other players when you&apos;re ready to fight</source>
1741        <translation>Cuir am bolgan-solais air gus sealltainn dha na cluicheadairean eile nuair a bhios tu deiseil ri sabaid</translation>
1742    </message>
1743    <message>
1744        <source>Start fighting (requires at least 2 teams)</source>
1745        <translation>Tòisich air sabaid (feum air co-dhiù 2 sgioba)</translation>
1746    </message>
1749    <name>PageNetServer</name>
1750    <message>
1751        <source>Click here for details</source>
1752        <translation>Briog an-seo airson barrachd fiosrachaidh</translation>
1753    </message>
1754    <message>
1755        <source>Insert your address here</source>
1756        <translation>Cuir an seòladh agad a-steach an-seo</translation>
1757    </message>
1760    <name>PageOptions</name>
1761    <message>
1762        <source>New team</source>
1763        <translation>Sgioba ùr</translation>
1764    </message>
1765    <message>
1766        <source>Edit team</source>
1767        <translation>Deasaich an sgioba</translation>
1768    </message>
1769    <message>
1770        <source>Delete team</source>
1771        <translation>Sguab às an sgioba</translation>
1772    </message>
1773    <message>
1774        <source>You can&apos;t edit teams from team selection. Go back to main menu to add, edit or delete teams.</source>
1775        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut sgiobaidhean a dheasachadh o thaghadh nan sgiobaidhean. Till dhan phrìomh chlàr-taice gus sgiobaidhean a chur ris, a dheasachadh no a sguabadh às.</translation>
1776    </message>
1777    <message>
1778        <source>New scheme</source>
1779        <translation>Sgeama ùr</translation>
1780    </message>
1781    <message>
1782        <source>Edit scheme</source>
1783        <translation>Deasaich an sgeama</translation>
1784    </message>
1785    <message>
1786        <source>Delete scheme</source>
1787        <translation>Sguab às an sgeama</translation>
1788    </message>
1789    <message>
1790        <source>New weapon set</source>
1791        <translation>Seata arm ùr</translation>
1792    </message>
1793    <message>
1794        <source>Edit weapon set</source>
1795        <translation>Deasach seata nan arm</translation>
1796    </message>
1797    <message>
1798        <source>Delete weapon set</source>
1799        <translation>Sguab às seata nan arm</translation>
1800    </message>
1801    <message>
1802        <source>Advanced</source>
1803        <translation>Adhartach</translation>
1804    </message>
1805    <message>
1806        <source>Reset to default colors</source>
1807        <translation>Ath-suidhich air na dathan tùsail</translation>
1808    </message>
1809    <message>
1810        <source>Proxy host</source>
1811        <translation>Òstair aphrogsaidh</translation>
1812    </message>
1813    <message>
1814        <source>Proxy port</source>
1815        <translation>Port aphrogsaidh</translation>
1816    </message>
1817    <message>
1818        <source>Proxy login</source>
1819        <translation>Logadh a-steach aphrogsaidh</translation>
1820    </message>
1821    <message>
1822        <source>Proxy password</source>
1823        <translation>Facal-faire aphrogsaidh</translation>
1824    </message>
1825    <message>
1826        <source>No proxy</source>
1827        <translation>Gun phrogsaidh</translation>
1828    </message>
1829    <message>
1830        <source>Socks5 proxy</source>
1831        <translation>Progsaidh Socks5</translation>
1832    </message>
1833    <message>
1834        <source>HTTP proxy</source>
1835        <translation>Progsaidh HTTP</translation>
1836    </message>
1837    <message>
1838        <source>System proxy settings</source>
1839        <translation>Roghainnean progsaidh an t-siostaim</translation>
1840    </message>
1841    <message>
1842        <source>Select an action to change what key controls it</source>
1843        <translation>Tagh gnìomh gus atharrachadh  an iuchair a chuireas smachd air</translation>
1844    </message>
1845    <message>
1846        <source>Reset to default</source>
1847        <translation>Abhun-roghainn</translation>
1848    </message>
1849    <message>
1850        <source>Reset all binds</source>
1851        <translation>Ath-shuidhich gach nasgadh</translation>
1852    </message>
1853    <message>
1854        <source>Game</source>
1855        <translation>Geama</translation>
1856    </message>
1857    <message>
1858        <source>Graphics</source>
1859        <translation>Grafaigeachd</translation>
1860    </message>
1861    <message>
1862        <source>Audio</source>
1863        <translation>Fuaim</translation>
1864    </message>
1865    <message>
1866        <source>Controls</source>
1867        <translation>Uidheaman-smachd</translation>
1868    </message>
1869    <message>
1870        <source>Video Recording</source>
1871        <translation>Clàradh video</translation>
1872    </message>
1873    <message>
1874        <source>Network</source>
1875        <translation>Lìonra</translation>
1876    </message>
1877    <message>
1878        <source>Teams</source>
1879        <translation>Sgiobaidhean</translation>
1880    </message>
1881    <message>
1882        <source>Schemes</source>
1883        <translation>Sgeamaichean</translation>
1884    </message>
1885    <message>
1886        <source>Weapons</source>
1887        <translation>Airm</translation>
1888    </message>
1889    <message>
1890        <source>Frontend</source>
1891        <translation>Eadar-aghaidh</translation>
1892    </message>
1893    <message>
1894        <source>Custom colors</source>
1895        <translation>Dathan gnàthaichte</translation>
1896    </message>
1897    <message>
1898        <source>Game audio</source>
1899        <translation>Fuaim agheama</translation>
1900    </message>
1901    <message>
1902        <source>Frontend audio</source>
1903        <translation>Fuaim na h-eadar-aghaidh</translation>
1904    </message>
1905    <message>
1906        <source>Account</source>
1907        <translation>Cunntas</translation>
1908    </message>
1909    <message>
1910        <source>Proxy settings</source>
1911        <translation>Roghainnean aphrogsaidh</translation>
1912    </message>
1913    <message>
1914        <source>Miscellaneous</source>
1915        <translation>Measgaichte</translation>
1916    </message>
1917    <message>
1918        <source>Updates</source>
1919        <translation>Ùrachadh</translation>
1920    </message>
1921    <message>
1922        <source>Check for updates</source>
1923        <translation>Thoir sùil airson ùrachadh</translation>
1924    </message>
1925    <message>
1926        <source>Video recording options</source>
1927        <translation>Roghainnean clàradh video</translation>
1928    </message>
1929    <message>
1930        <source>MISSING LANGUAGE NAME [%1]</source>
1931        <extracomment>In the case of an error, this is shown in the language selection for a language with unknown name. %1 = language code</extracomment>
1932        <translation>THA AINM CÀNAIN A DHÌTH [%1]</translation>
1933    </message>
1934    <message>
1935        <source>Can&apos;t delete last team</source>
1936        <translation>Cha ghabh an sgioba mu dheireadh a sguabadh às</translation>
1937    </message>
1938    <message>
1939        <source>You cant delete the last team!</source>
1940        <translation type="vanished">Chan urrainn dhut an sgioba mu dheireadh a sguabadh às!</translation>
1941    </message>
1942    <message>
1943        <source>x</source>
1944        <extracomment>Multiplication sign, to be used between two numbers. Note thexis only a dummy character, we recommend to use “×” if your language permits it</extracomment>
1945        <translation>×</translation>
1946    </message>
1947    <message>
1948        <source>Check now</source>
1949        <translation>Thoir sùil an-dràsta</translation>
1950    </message>
1951    <message>
1952        <source>You can&apos;t delete the last team!</source>
1953        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut an sgioba mu dheireadh a sguabadh às!</translation>
1954    </message>
1957    <name>PagePlayDemo</name>
1958    <message>
1959        <source>Rename dialog</source>
1960        <translation>Thoir ainm ùr air achòmhradh</translation>
1961    </message>
1962    <message>
1963        <source>Enter new file name:</source>
1964        <translation>Cuir a-steach ainm an fhaidhle ùir:</translation>
1965    </message>
1966    <message>
1967        <source>Play demo</source>
1968        <translation>Cluich demo</translation>
1969    </message>
1970    <message>
1971        <source>Play the selected demo</source>
1972        <translation>Cluich an demo a thagh thu</translation>
1973    </message>
1974    <message>
1975        <source>Load the selected game</source>
1976        <translation>Luchdaich an geama a thagh thu</translation>
1977    </message>
1980    <name>PageRoomsList</name>
1981    <message>
1982        <source>Admin features</source>
1983        <translation>Rianachd</translation>
1984    </message>
1985    <message numerus="yes">
1986        <source>%1 players online</source>
1987        <translation>
1988            <numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
1989            <numerusform>%1 chluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
1990            <numerusform>%1 cluicheadairean air loidhne</numerusform>
1991            <numerusform>%1 cluicheadair air loidhne</numerusform>
1992        </translation>
1993    </message>
1994    <message>
1995        <source>Search for a room:</source>
1996        <translation>Lorg seòmar:</translation>
1997    </message>
1998    <message>
1999        <source>Create room</source>
2000        <translation>Cruthaich seòmar</translation>
2001    </message>
2002    <message>
2003        <source>Join room</source>
2004        <translation>Gabh pàirt ann an seòmar</translation>
2005    </message>
2006    <message>
2007        <source>Room state</source>
2008        <translation>Staid an t-seòmair</translation>
2009    </message>
2010    <message>
2011        <source>Open server administration page</source>
2012        <translation>Fosgail duilleag rianachd an fhrithealaiche</translation>
2013    </message>
2016    <name>PageScheme</name>
2017    <message>
2018        <source>Land can not be destroyed!</source>
2019        <translation type="vanished">Cha ghabh an talamh a mhilleadh!</translation>
2020    </message>
2021    <message>
2022        <source>Lower gravity</source>
2023        <translation>Ìslich an iom-tharraing</translation>
2024    </message>
2025    <message>
2026        <source>Assisted aiming with laser sight</source>
2027        <translation>Cuideachadh dhan amas le fradharc leusair</translation>
2028    </message>
2029    <message>
2030        <source>All hogs have a personal forcefield</source>
2031        <translation>Bidh raon forsa pearsanta aig gach gràineag</translation>
2032    </message>
2033    <message>
2034        <source>Gain 80% of the damage you do back in health</source>
2035        <translation>Buannaich slàinte le 80% dhen dochann a  thu</translation>
2036    </message>
2037    <message>
2038        <source>Share your opponents pain, share their damage</source>
2039        <translation>Co-roinn pians dochann nan nàimhdean</translation>
2040    </message>
2041    <message>
2042        <source>Your hogs are unable to move, put your artillery skills to the test</source>
2043        <translation>Chan urrainn dha na gràineagan agad gluasad, cuir na sgilean làmhachais agad fo dheuchainn</translation>
2044    </message>
2045    <message>
2046        <source>New</source>
2047        <translation>Ùr</translation>
2048    </message>
2049    <message>
2050        <source>Delete</source>
2051        <translation>Sguab às</translation>
2052    </message>
2053    <message>
2054        <source>Order of play is random instead of in room order.</source>
2055        <translation>Tha òrdugh achluiche air thuaiream seachna òrdugh an t-seòmair.</translation>
2056    </message>
2057    <message>
2058        <source>Play with a King. If he dies, your side dies.</source>
2059        <translation>Cluich le rìgh. Gheibh do thaobh bàs ma thèid a mharbhadh.</translation>
2060    </message>
2061    <message>
2062        <source>Take turns placing your hedgehogs before the start of play.</source>
2063        <translation>Cuir na gràineagan ann fear mu seach mus tòisich an t-sabaid.</translation>
2064    </message>
2065    <message>
2066        <source>Ammo is shared between all teams that share a colour.</source>
2067        <translation>Co-roinnidh gach sgioba air a bheil an t-aon dath an cuid connaidh.</translation>
2068    </message>
2069    <message>
2070        <source>Disable girders when generating random maps.</source>
2071        <translation>Cuir teannadairean à comas le gintinn nam mapaichean air thuaiream.</translation>
2072    </message>
2073    <message>
2074        <source>Disable land objects when generating random maps.</source>
2075        <translation>Cuir oibseactan talmhainn à comas le gintinn nam mapaichean air thuaiream.</translation>
2076    </message>
2077    <message>
2078        <source>AI respawns on death.</source>
2079        <translation>Tillidh an IF às dèidh a bhàis.</translation>
2080    </message>
2081    <message>
2082        <source>All (living) hedgehogs are fully restored at the end of turn</source>
2083        <translation>Gheibh gach gràineag (bheò) a slàinte air ais aig deireadh na cuairte</translation>
2084    </message>
2085    <message>
2086        <source>Attacking does not end your turn.</source>
2087        <translation>Cha chuir ionnsaigh crìoch air achuairt agad.</translation>
2088    </message>
2089    <message>
2090        <source>Weapons are reset to starting values each turn.</source>
2091        <translation>Thèid na h-airm ath-shuidheachadh air na luachan tùsail aca aig toiseach gach cuairte.</translation>
2092    </message>
2093    <message>
2094        <source>Each hedgehog has its own ammo. It does not share with the team.</source>
2095        <translation>Tha connadh fa leth aig gach gràineag. Cha cho-roinn i leis an sgioba.</translation>
2096    </message>
2097    <message>
2098        <source>You will not have to worry about wind anymore.</source>
2099        <translation>Cha bhi dragh ort mun ghaoth tuilleadh.</translation>
2100    </message>
2101    <message>
2102        <source>Wind will affect almost everything.</source>
2103        <translation>Bidh buaidh aig aghaoth air cha mhòr a h-uile rud.</translation>
2104    </message>
2105    <message>
2106        <source>Copy</source>
2107        <translation>Dèan lethbhreac</translation>
2108    </message>
2109    <message>
2110        <source>Teams in each clan take successive turns sharing their turn time.</source>
2111        <translation>Cluichidh buill sgioba fear mu seach, aco-roinneadh ùine nan cuairtean aca.</translation>
2112    </message>
2113    <message>
2114        <source>Add an indestructible border around the terrain</source>
2115        <translation>Cuir iomall nach gabh milleadh mun chruth-tìre</translation>
2116    </message>
2117    <message>
2118        <source>Add an indestructible border along the bottom</source>
2119        <translation>Cuir iomall nach gabh milleadh ris abhonn</translation>
2120    </message>
2121    <message>
2122        <source>None (Default)</source>
2123        <translation>Gun gin (bun-roghainn)</translation>
2124    </message>
2125    <message>
2126        <source>Wrap (World wraps)</source>
2127        <translation>Pasgadh (pasgaichidh an saoghal)</translation>
2128    </message>
2129    <message>
2130        <source>Bounce (Edges reflect)</source>
2131        <translation>Bogadh ( na-h-oirean ath-thilgeil)</translation>
2132    </message>
2133    <message>
2134        <source>Sea (Edges connect to sea)</source>
2135        <translation>Muir (ceanglaidh na h-oirean ris amhuir)</translation>
2136    </message>
2137    <message>
2138        <source>Each clan starts in its own part of the terrain.</source>
2139        <translation>Tòisichidh gach cinneadh air sgìre dha fhèin.</translation>
2140    </message>
2141    <message>
2142        <source>Overall damage and knockback in percent</source>
2143        <extracomment>Description of the game scheme settingDamage Modifier”. “Knockbackmeans how much hedgehogs and objects get pushed by explosions and other forces</extracomment>
2144        <translation>Dochainn coitcheann agus putadh ann an ceudad</translation>
2145    </message>
2146    <message>
2147        <source>Turn time in seconds</source>
2148        <translation>Ùine na cuairte ann an diogan</translation>
2149    </message>
2150    <message>
2151        <source>Initial health of hedgehogs</source>
2152        <translation>Slàinte tùsail nan gràineag</translation>
2153    </message>
2154    <message>
2155        <source>How many rounds have to be played before Sudden Death begins</source>
2156        <translation>An àireamh dhe chuairtean a thèid a chluich mus tòisich am bàs obann</translation>
2157    </message>
2158    <message>
2159        <source>How much the water rises per turn while in Sudden Death. Set to 0 along with Sudden Death Health Decrease to disable Sudden Death.</source>
2160        <translation> cho fada a dhèireas an t-uisge gach cuairt ri linn abhàis obainn. Suidhich seo agus lughdachadh slàinte  abhàis obainn air 0 gus am bàs obann a chur à comas.</translation>
2161    </message>
2162    <message>
2163        <source>How much health hedgehogs lose per turn while in Sudden Death, down to 1 health. Set to 0 along with Sudden Death Water Rise to disable Sudden Death.</source>
2164        <translation>An uiread dhe shlàinte a chailleas na gràineagan gach cuairt ri linn abhàis obainn, sìos gu ruige 1 shlàine. Suidhich seo agus èireadh an uisge  abhàis obainn air 0 gus am bàs obann a chur à comas.</translation>
2165    </message>
2166    <message>
2167        <source>Maximum rope length in percent</source>
2168        <translation>Faide as motha nan ròpannan ann an ceuded</translation>
2169    </message>
2170    <message>
2171        <source>Likelihood of a dropped crate being a health crate. All other crates will be weapon or utility crates.</source>
2172        <translation>An coltachd gu bheil creat a thuiteasna chreat slàinte. Bidh gach creat eilena chreat airm no acainn.</translation>
2173    </message>
2174    <message>
2175        <source>Likelihood of a crate dropping before a turn</source>
2176        <translation>An coltachd gun tuit creat ro thoiseach cuairte</translation>
2177    </message>
2178    <message>
2179        <source>Health bonus for collecting a health crate</source>
2180        <translation>Buannachd slàinte a gheibhear le togail creat slàinte</translation>
2181    </message>
2182    <message>
2183        <source>Detonation timer of mines. The random timer lies between 0 and 5 seconds. The timer of air mines will be a quarter of the mines timer.</source>
2184        <translation>Tìmear spreadhaidh nam mèinnean. Tha an tìmear tuaireamach eadar 0 is 5 diogan. Bidh tìmear nam mèinnean adhair ceithir tursan nas luaithe na tìmear nam mèinnean coitcheann.</translation>
2185    </message>
2186    <message>
2187        <source>Average number of mines to be placed a medium-sized island map. This number will be scaled for other maps.</source>
2188        <translation>Cuibheas nam mèinnean a thèid a chur air mapa le eileanan meadhanach. Thèid an àireamh seo a sgèileadh airson nam mapaichean eile.</translation>
2189    </message>
2190    <message>
2191        <source>Likelihood of a mine being a dud. Does not affect mines placed by hedgehogs.</source>
2192        <translation>An coltachd nach spreadh mèinn. Chan bhi bhuaidh aig seo air mèinnean a chuireas gràineagan.</translation>
2193    </message>
2194    <message>
2195        <source>Average number of barrels to be placed a medium-sized island map. This number will be scaled for other maps.</source>
2196        <translation>Cuibheas nam baraillean a thèid a chur air mapa le eileanan meadhanach. Thèid an àireamh seo a sgèileadh airson nam mapaichean eile.</translation>
2197    </message>
2198    <message>
2199        <source>Average number of air mines to be placed a medium-sized island map. This number will be scaled for other maps.</source>
2200        <translation>Cuibheas nam mèinnean adhair a thèid a chur air mapa le eileanan meadhanach. Thèid an àireamh seo a sgèileadh airson nam mapaichean eile.</translation>
2201    </message>
2202    <message>
2203        <source>Affects the left and right boundaries of the map</source>
2204        <translation>Bidh buaidh aig seo air crìochan clì is deas amhapa</translation>
2205    </message>
2206    <message>
2207        <source>Time you get after an attack</source>
2208        <translation>An ùine a gheibh thu às dèidh ionnsaighe</translation>
2209    </message>
2210    <message>
2211        <source>Additional parameter to configure game styles. The meaning depends on the used style, refer to the documentation. When in doubt, leave it empty.</source>
2212        <translation>Paramadair a bharrachd gus stoidhlichean geama a rèiteachadh. Tha a chiall a-rèir na stoidhle a chleachdas tu, thoir sùil air an docamaideadh. Fàg seo bàn mur eil thu cinnteach.</translation>
2213    </message>
2214    <message>
2215        <source>Name of this scheme</source>
2216        <translation>Ainm an sgeama seo</translation>
2217    </message>
2218    <message>
2219        <source>Select a hedgehog at the beginning of a turn</source>
2220        <translation>Tagh gràineag aig toiseach do chuairte</translation>
2221    </message>
2222    <message>
2223        <source>Land can not be destroyed by most weapons.</source>
2224        <translation>Cha mhill amhòrchuid a dhairm talamh.</translation>
2225    </message>
2226    <message>
2227        <source>%1 (%2)</source>
2228        <translation>%1 (%2)</translation>
2229    </message>
2232    <name>PageSelectWeapon</name>
2233    <message>
2234        <source>Default</source>
2235        <translation>Bun-roghainn</translation>
2236    </message>
2237    <message>
2238        <source>Delete</source>
2239        <translation>Sguab às</translation>
2240    </message>
2241    <message>
2242        <source>New</source>
2243        <translation>Ùr</translation>
2244    </message>
2245    <message>
2246        <source>Copy</source>
2247        <translation>Dèan lethbhreac</translation>
2248    </message>
2251    <name>PageSinglePlayer</name>
2252    <message>
2253        <source>Play a quick game against the computer with random settings</source>
2254        <translation>Cluich geama luath an aghaidh achoimpiutair le roghainnean air thuaiream</translation>
2255    </message>
2256    <message>
2257        <source>Play a hotseat game against your friends, or AI teams</source>
2258        <translation>Cluich geama ionadail an aghaidh do charaidean no sgiobaidhean IF</translation>
2259    </message>
2260    <message>
2261        <source>Campaign Mode</source>
2262        <translation>Modh iomairte</translation>
2263    </message>
2264    <message>
2265        <source>Practice your skills in a range of training missions</source>
2266        <translation type="vanished">Cuir gleus air na sgilean agad le miseanan trèanaidh</translation>
2267    </message>
2268    <message>
2269        <source>Watch recorded demos</source>
2270        <translation>Coimhead air demo clàraichte</translation>
2271    </message>
2272    <message>
2273        <source>Load a previously saved game</source>
2274        <translation>Luchdaich geama air a shàbhaladh</translation>
2275    </message>
2276    <message>
2277        <source>Singleplayer missions: Learn how to play in the training, practice your skills in challenges or try to complete goals in scenarios.</source>
2278        <translation>Miseanan aon-chluicheadair: Ionnsaich mar a chluicheas tu san oideachadh, cleachd na sgilean agad ann an dùbhlanan no feuch an coilean thu an amasan nan cnàmh-sgeulan.</translation>
2279    </message>
2282    <name>PageTraining</name>
2283    <message>
2284        <source>No description available</source>
2285        <translation>Chan eil tuairisgeul ri làimh</translation>
2286    </message>
2287    <message>
2288        <source>Select a mission!</source>
2289        <translation>Tagh misean!</translation>
2290    </message>
2291    <message>
2292        <source>Start fighting</source>
2293        <translation>Tòisich air sabaid</translation>
2294    </message>
2295    <message>
2296        <source>Pick the training to play</source>
2297        <translation>Tagh an trèanadh airson cluiche</translation>
2298    </message>
2299    <message>
2300        <source>Pick the challenge to play</source>
2301        <translation>Tagh an dùbhlan airson cluiche</translation>
2302    </message>
2303    <message>
2304        <source>Pick the scenario to play</source>
2305        <translation>Tagh an cnàmh-sgeul airson cluiche</translation>
2306    </message>
2307    <message>
2308        <source>Trainings</source>
2309        <translation>Trèanadh</translation>
2310    </message>
2311    <message>
2312        <source>Challenges</source>
2313        <translation>Dùbhlain</translation>
2314    </message>
2315    <message>
2316        <source>Scenarios</source>
2317        <translation>Cnàmh-sgeulan</translation>
2318    </message>
2319    <message>
2320        <source>Team</source>
2321        <translation>Sgioba</translation>
2322    </message>
2323    <message>
2324        <source>Team highscore: %1</source>
2325        <extracomment>Highest score of a team</extracomment>
2326        <translation>Sgòr as àirde an sgioba: %1</translation>
2327    </message>
2328    <message>
2329        <source>Team lowscore: %1</source>
2330        <extracomment>Lowest score of a team</extracomment>
2331        <translation>Sgòr as ìsle an sgioba: %1</translation>
2332    </message>
2333    <message>
2334        <source>Team&apos;s top accuracy: %1%</source>
2335        <extracomment>Best accuracy of a team (in a challenge)</extracomment>
2336        <translation>Pongalachd as àirde an sgioba: %1%</translation>
2337    </message>
2338    <message>
2339        <source>Team&apos;s best time: %L1 s</source>
2340        <translation>Ùine as fhearr an sgioba: %L1 d</translation>
2341    </message>
2342    <message>
2343        <source>Team&apos;s longest time: %L1 s</source>
2344        <translation>Ùine as fhaide an sgioba: %L1 d</translation>
2345    </message>
2348    <name>PageVideos</name>
2349    <message>
2350        <source>Name</source>
2351        <translation>Ainm</translation>
2352    </message>
2353    <message>
2354        <source>Size</source>
2355        <translation>Meud</translation>
2356    </message>
2357    <message numerus="yes">
2358        <source>%1 bytes</source>
2359        <translation>
2360            <numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform>
2361            <numerusform>%1 bhaidht</numerusform>
2362            <numerusform>%1 baidhtichean</numerusform>
2363            <numerusform>%1 baidht</numerusform>
2364        </translation>
2365    </message>
2366    <message>
2367        <source>(in progress...)</source>
2368        <translation>(adol air adhart …)</translation>
2369    </message>
2370    <message>
2371        <source>encoding</source>
2372        <translation>’ga chòdachadh</translation>
2373    </message>
2374    <message>
2375        <source>uploading</source>
2376        <translation type="vanished">’ga luchdadh suas</translation>
2377    </message>
2378    <message>
2379        <source>Date: %1</source>
2380        <translation>Ceann-: %1</translation>
2381    </message>
2382    <message>
2383        <source>Size: %1</source>
2384        <translation>Meud: %1</translation>
2385    </message>
2386    <message>
2387        <source>%1%</source>
2388        <extracomment>Video encoding progress. %1 = number</extracomment>
2389        <translation>%1%</translation>
2390    </message>
2391    <message>
2392        <source>%1 (%2%) - %3)</source>
2393        <extracomment>Video encoding list entry. %1 = file name, %2 = percent complete, %3 = video operation type (e.g. “encoding”)</extracomment>
2394        <translation type="vanished">%1 (%2%) – %3</translation>
2395    </message>
2396    <message>
2397        <source>%1 (%2%) - %3</source>
2398        <extracomment>Video encoding list entry. %1 = file name, %2 = percent complete, %3 = video operation type (e.g. “encoding”)</extracomment>
2399        <translation>%1 (%2%) – %3</translation>
2400    </message>
2403    <name>QAction</name>
2404    <message>
2405        <source>Kick</source>
2406        <translation>Thoir abhròg dhaibh</translation>
2407    </message>
2408    <message>
2409        <source>Info</source>
2410        <translation>Fiosrachadh</translation>
2411    </message>
2412    <message>
2413        <source>Restrict Joins</source>
2414        <translation>Cuingich abhallrachd</translation>
2415    </message>
2416    <message>
2417        <source>Restrict Team Additions</source>
2418        <translation>Cuingich cur ris sgiobaidhean</translation>
2419    </message>
2420    <message>
2421        <source>Ban</source>
2422        <translation>Toirmisg</translation>
2423    </message>
2424    <message>
2425        <source>Follow</source>
2426        <translation>Lean air</translation>
2427    </message>
2428    <message>
2429        <source>Ignore</source>
2430        <translation>Leig seachad</translation>
2431    </message>
2432    <message>
2433        <source>Add friend</source>
2434        <translation>Cuir ris na caraidean</translation>
2435    </message>
2436    <message>
2437        <source>Unignore</source>
2438        <translation>Na leig seachad tuilleadh</translation>
2439    </message>
2440    <message>
2441        <source>Remove friend</source>
2442        <translation>Thoir air falbh o na caraidean</translation>
2443    </message>
2444    <message>
2445        <source>Restrict Unregistered Players Join</source>
2446        <translation>Cuingich cluicheadairean gun chlàradh</translation>
2447    </message>
2448    <message>
2449        <source>Show games in lobby</source>
2450        <translation>Seall geamannan san lobaidh</translation>
2451    </message>
2452    <message>
2453        <source>Show games in-progress</source>
2454        <translation>Seall na geamannan a tha adol</translation>
2455    </message>
2456    <message>
2457        <source>Show password protected</source>
2458        <translation>Seall le dìon facail-fhaire</translation>
2459    </message>
2460    <message>
2461        <source>Show join restricted</source>
2462        <translation>Seall le tighinn a-steach cuingichte</translation>
2463    </message>
2464    <message>
2465        <source>Delegate room control</source>
2466        <translation>Tiomnaich an smachd air an t-seòmar</translation>
2467    </message>
2470    <name>QCheckBox</name>
2471    <message>
2472        <source>Check for updates at startup</source>
2473        <translation>Lorg airson ùrachaidhean leis an tòiseachadh</translation>
2474    </message>
2475    <message>
2476        <source>Fullscreen</source>
2477        <translation>Làn-sgrìn</translation>
2478    </message>
2479    <message>
2480        <source>Show FPS</source>
2481        <translation>Seall FPS</translation>
2482    </message>
2483    <message>
2484        <source>Alternative damage show</source>
2485        <translation>Sealladh eile air dochann</translation>
2486    </message>
2487    <message>
2488        <source>Append date and time to record file name</source>
2489        <translation>Cuir ceann-s àm ri ainm faidhle achlàraidh</translation>
2490    </message>
2491    <message>
2492        <source>Show ammo menu tooltips</source>
2493        <translation>Seall gliocasan ann an clàr-taice achonnaidh</translation>
2494    </message>
2495    <message>
2496        <source>Save password</source>
2497        <translation>Sàbhail am facal-faire</translation>
2498    </message>
2499    <message>
2500        <source>Save account name and password</source>
2501        <translation type="vanished">Sàbhail ainm achunntaiss am facal-faire</translation>
2502    </message>
2503    <message>
2504        <source>Video is private</source>
2505        <translation type="vanished">Tha avideo prìobhaideach</translation>
2506    </message>
2507    <message>
2508        <source>Record audio</source>
2509        <translation>Clàraich an fhuaim</translation>
2510    </message>
2511    <message>
2512        <source>Use game resolution</source>
2513        <translation>Cleachd dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh agheama</translation>
2514    </message>
2515    <message>
2516        <source>Visual effects</source>
2517        <translation>Èifeachdan lèirsinne</translation>
2518    </message>
2519    <message>
2520        <source>Sound</source>
2521        <translation>Fuaim</translation>
2522    </message>
2523    <message>
2524        <source>In-game sound effects</source>
2525        <translation>Èifeachdan fuaime sa gheama</translation>
2526    </message>
2527    <message>
2528        <source>Music</source>
2529        <translation>Ceòl</translation>
2530    </message>
2531    <message>
2532        <source>In-game music</source>
2533        <translation>Ceòl sa gheama</translation>
2534    </message>
2535    <message>
2536        <source>Frontend sound effects</source>
2537        <translation>Èifeachan-fuaime na h-eadar-aghaidh</translation>
2538    </message>
2539    <message>
2540        <source>Frontend music</source>
2541        <translation>Ceòl na h-eadar-aghaidh</translation>
2542    </message>
2543    <message>
2544        <source>Team</source>
2545        <translation>Sgioba</translation>
2546    </message>
2547    <message>
2548        <source>Enable team tags by default</source>
2549        <translation>Cuir tagaichean sgioba an comas o thùs</translation>
2550    </message>
2551    <message>
2552        <source>Hog</source>
2553        <translation>Gràineag</translation>
2554    </message>
2555    <message>
2556        <source>Enable hedgehog tags by default</source>
2557        <translation>Cuir tagaichean gràineige an comas o thùs</translation>
2558    </message>
2559    <message>
2560        <source>Health</source>
2561        <translation>Slàinte</translation>
2562    </message>
2563    <message>
2564        <source>Enable health tags by default</source>
2565        <translation>Cuir tagaichean slàinte an comas o thùs</translation>
2566    </message>
2567    <message>
2568        <source>Translucent</source>
2569        <translation>Trìd-shoilleir</translation>
2570    </message>
2571    <message>
2572        <source>Enable translucent tags by default</source>
2573        <translation>Cuir tagaichean trìd-shoilleir an comas o thùs</translation>
2574    </message>
2575    <message>
2576        <source>Enable visual effects such as animated menu transitions and falling stars</source>
2577        <translation>Cuir an comas èifeachdan lèirsinneach, can tar-mhùthadh beòthaichte nan clàran-taice agus reultan atuiteam</translation>
2578    </message>
2579    <message>
2580        <source>If enabled, Hedgewars adds the date and time in the form &quot;YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm&quot; for automatically created demos.</source>
2581        <translation>Ma tha seo an comas, cuiridh Hedgewars an ceann-lathas an t-àm sa chruthYYYY-MM-DD_hh-mmris na demothan a thèid a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail.</translation>
2582    </message>
2583    <message>
2584        <source>Dampen when losing focus</source>
2585        <extracomment>Checkbox text. If checked, the in-game audio volume is reduced (=dampened) when the game window loses its focus</extracomment>
2586        <translation>Ìslich mur eil am fòcas air</translation>
2587    </message>
2588    <message>
2589        <source>Reduce the game audio volume if the game window has lost its focus</source>
2590        <translation>Ìslich àirde fuaim agheama fhads nach eil am fòcas air uinneag agheama</translation>
2591    </message>
2594    <name>QComboBox</name>
2595    <message>
2596        <source>Human</source>
2597        <translation>Daonna</translation>
2598    </message>
2599    <message>
2600        <source>(System default)</source>
2601        <translation>(Bun-roghainn an t-siostaim)</translation>
2602    </message>
2603    <message>
2604        <source>Community</source>
2605        <translation>Coimhearsnachd</translation>
2606    </message>
2607    <message>
2608        <source>Disabled</source>
2609        <translation>À comas</translation>
2610    </message>
2611    <message>
2612        <source>Red/Cyan</source>
2613        <translation>Dearg/Saidhean</translation>
2614    </message>
2615    <message>
2616        <source>Cyan/Red</source>
2617        <translation>Saidhean/Dearg</translation>
2618    </message>
2619    <message>
2620        <source>Red/Blue</source>
2621        <translation>Dearg/Gorm</translation>
2622    </message>
2623    <message>
2624        <source>Blue/Red</source>
2625        <translation>Gorm/Dearg</translation>
2626    </message>
2627    <message>
2628        <source>Red/Green</source>
2629        <translation>Dearg/Uaine</translation>
2630    </message>
2631    <message>
2632        <source>Green/Red</source>
2633        <translation>Uaine/Dearg</translation>
2634    </message>
2635    <message>
2636        <source>Side-by-side</source>
2637        <translation>Taobh ri taobh</translation>
2638    </message>
2639    <message>
2640        <source>Top-Bottom</source>
2641        <translation>Barr gu bonn</translation>
2642    </message>
2643    <message>
2644        <source>Red/Cyan grayscale</source>
2645        <translation>Liath-sgèile dearg/saidhean</translation>
2646    </message>
2647    <message>
2648        <source>Cyan/Red grayscale</source>
2649        <translation>Liath-sgèile saidhean/dearg</translation>
2650    </message>
2651    <message>
2652        <source>Red/Blue grayscale</source>
2653        <translation>Liath-sgèile dearg/gorm</translation>
2654    </message>
2655    <message>
2656        <source>Blue/Red grayscale</source>
2657        <translation>Liath-sgèile gorm/dearg</translation>
2658    </message>
2659    <message>
2660        <source>Red/Green grayscale</source>
2661        <translation>Liath-sgèile dearg/uaine</translation>
2662    </message>
2663    <message>
2664        <source>Green/Red grayscale</source>
2665        <translation>Liath-sgèile uaine/dearg</translation>
2666    </message>
2667    <message>
2668        <source>Computer (Level %1)</source>
2669        <translation>Coimpiutair (Leibheil %1)</translation>
2670    </message>
2671    <message>
2672        <source>Stereoscopy creates an illusion of depth when you wear 3D glasses.</source>
2673        <translation>Cruthaichidh an Stereosgopachd doimhneachd mas-fhìor air nuair a chuireas tu speuclairean 3D ort.</translation>
2674    </message>
2675    <message>
2676        <source>24 FPS</source>
2677        <translation>24 FPS</translation>
2678    </message>
2679    <message>
2680        <source>25 FPS</source>
2681        <translation>25 FPS</translation>
2682    </message>
2683    <message>
2684        <source>30 FPS</source>
2685        <translation>30 FPS</translation>
2686    </message>
2687    <message>
2688        <source>50 FPS</source>
2689        <translation>50 FPS</translation>
2690    </message>
2691    <message>
2692        <source>60 FPS</source>
2693        <translation>60 FPS</translation>
2694    </message>
2697    <name>QGroupBox</name>
2698    <message>
2699        <source>Team Members</source>
2700        <translation>Buill an sgioba</translation>
2701    </message>
2702    <message>
2703        <source>Fort</source>
2704        <translation>Dùn</translation>
2705    </message>
2706    <message>
2707        <source>Net game</source>
2708        <translation>Geama lìonraidh</translation>
2709    </message>
2710    <message>
2711        <source>Playing teams</source>
2712        <translation>Sgiobaidhean a chluicheas</translation>
2713    </message>
2714    <message>
2715        <source>Game Modifiers</source>
2716        <translation>Atharraichearan agheama</translation>
2717    </message>
2718    <message>
2719        <source>Basic Settings</source>
2720        <translation>Roghainnean bunaiteach</translation>
2721    </message>
2722    <message>
2723        <source>Team Settings</source>
2724        <translation>Roghainnean an sgioba</translation>
2725    </message>
2726    <message>
2727        <source>Videos</source>
2728        <translation>Videothan</translation>
2729    </message>
2730    <message>
2731        <source>Description</source>
2732        <translation>Tuairisgeul</translation>
2733    </message>
2736    <name>QLabel</name>
2737    <message>
2738        <source>Mines Time</source>
2739        <translation>Ùine nam mèinnean</translation>
2740    </message>
2741    <message>
2742        <source>Mines</source>
2743        <translation>Mèinnean</translation>
2744    </message>
2745    <message>
2746        <source>Weapons</source>
2747        <translation>Airm</translation>
2748    </message>
2749    <message>
2750        <source>Host:</source>
2751        <translation>Òstair:</translation>
2752    </message>
2753    <message>
2754        <source>Port:</source>
2755        <translation>Port:</translation>
2756    </message>
2757    <message>
2758        <source>Resolution</source>
2759        <translation>Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh</translation>
2760    </message>
2761    <message>
2762        <source>FPS limit</source>
2763        <translation>Cuingeachadh FPS</translation>
2764    </message>
2765    <message>
2766        <source>Server name:</source>
2767        <translation>Ainm an fhrithealaiche:</translation>
2768    </message>
2769    <message>
2770        <source>Server port:</source>
2771        <translation>Port an fhrithealaiche:</translation>
2772    </message>
2773    <message>
2774        <source>Initial sound volume</source>
2775        <translation>Àirde tùsail na fuaime</translation>
2776    </message>
2777    <message>
2778        <source>Damage Modifier</source>
2779        <translation>Atharraichearan an dochainn</translation>
2780    </message>
2781    <message>
2782        <source>Turn Time</source>
2783        <translation>Ùine nan cuartan</translation>
2784    </message>
2785    <message>
2786        <source>Initial Health</source>
2787        <translation>Slàinte tùsail</translation>
2788    </message>
2789    <message>
2790        <source>Sudden Death Timeout</source>
2791        <translation>Crìoch ùine abhàis obainn</translation>
2792    </message>
2793    <message>
2794        <source>Scheme Name:</source>
2795        <translation>Ainm an sgeama:</translation>
2796    </message>
2797    <message>
2798        <source>Crate Drops</source>
2799        <translation>Tuiteam creataichean</translation>
2800    </message>
2801    <message>
2802        <source>% Dud Mines</source>
2803        <translation>% de mhèinnean nach do spreadh</translation>
2804    </message>
2805    <message>
2806        <source>Name</source>
2807        <translation>Ainm</translation>
2808    </message>
2809    <message>
2810        <source>Grave</source>
2811        <translation>Uaigh</translation>
2812    </message>
2813    <message>
2814        <source>Flag</source>
2815        <translation>Bratach</translation>
2816    </message>
2817    <message>
2818        <source>Voice</source>
2819        <translation>Guth</translation>
2820    </message>
2821    <message>
2822        <source>Locale</source>
2823        <translation>Cànan</translation>
2824    </message>
2825    <message>
2826        <source>Quality</source>
2827        <translation>Càileachd</translation>
2828    </message>
2829    <message>
2830        <source>% Health Crates</source>
2831        <translation>% de chreataichean slàinte</translation>
2832    </message>
2833    <message>
2834        <source>Health in Crates</source>
2835        <translation>Slàinte ann an creataichean</translation>
2836    </message>
2837    <message>
2838        <source>Sudden Death Water Rise</source>
2839        <translation>Èireadh an uisge  abhàis obainn</translation>
2840    </message>
2841    <message>
2842        <source>Sudden Death Health Decrease</source>
2843        <translation>Lughdachadh slàinte  abhàis obainn</translation>
2844    </message>
2845    <message>
2846        <source>% Rope Length</source>
2847        <translation>% de dhfhaide nan ròpannan</translation>
2848    </message>
2849    <message>
2850        <source>Style</source>
2851        <translation>Stoidhle</translation>
2852    </message>
2853    <message>
2854        <source>Scheme</source>
2855        <translation>Sgeama</translation>
2856    </message>
2857    <message>
2858        <source>There are videos that are currently being processed.
2859Exiting now will abort them.
2860Do you really want to quit?</source>
2861        <translation>Tha videothangam pròiseasadh an-dràsta.
2862Sguiridh tu dheth ma dhfhàgas tu an-seo.
2863A bheil thu airson fàgail an-seo dha-rìribh?</translation>
2864    </message>
2865    <message>
2866        <source>Please provide either the YouTube account name or the email address associated with the Google Account.</source>
2867        <translation type="vanished">Cuir a-steach ainm achunntais agad air YouTube no an seòladh puist-d a tha co-cheangailte ris achunntas Google agad.</translation>
2868    </message>
2869    <message>
2870        <source>Account name (or email): </source>
2871        <translation type="vanished">Ainm achunntais (no post-d):</translation>
2872    </message>
2873    <message>
2874        <source>Password: </source>
2875        <translation type="vanished">Facal-faire:</translation>
2876    </message>
2877    <message>
2878        <source>Video title: </source>
2879        <translation type="vanished">Tiotal avideo:</translation>
2880    </message>
2881    <message>
2882        <source>Video description: </source>
2883        <translation type="vanished">Tuairisgeul avideo:</translation>
2884    </message>
2885    <message>
2886        <source>Tags (comma separated): </source>
2887        <translation type="vanished">Tagaichean (sgaraichte le cromagan):</translation>
2888    </message>
2889    <message>
2890        <source>Description</source>
2891        <translation>Tuairisgeul</translation>
2892    </message>
2893    <message>
2894        <source>Nickname</source>
2895        <translation>Far-ainm</translation>
2896    </message>
2897    <message>
2898        <source>Format</source>
2899        <translation>Fòrmat</translation>
2900    </message>
2901    <message>
2902        <source>Audio codec</source>
2903        <translation>Codec fuaime</translation>
2904    </message>
2905    <message>
2906        <source>Video codec</source>
2907        <translation>Codec video</translation>
2908    </message>
2909    <message>
2910        <source>Framerate</source>
2911        <translation>Astar nam frèam</translation>
2912    </message>
2913    <message>
2914        <source>This development build is &apos;work in progress&apos; and may not be compatible with other versions of the game, while some features might be broken or incomplete!</source>
2915        <translation>Tha sinn ag obair air an togail leasachaidh seo fhathast agus dhfhaoidte nach eil e co-chòrdail ri tionndaidhean eile dhen gheama agus gum bi cuid a ghleusan briste no neo-choileanta!</translation>
2916    </message>
2917    <message>
2918        <source>Fullscreen</source>
2919        <translation>Làn-sgrìn</translation>
2920    </message>
2921    <message>
2922        <source>Fullscreen Resolution</source>
2923        <translation>Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh làn-sgrìn</translation>
2924    </message>
2925    <message>
2926        <source>Windowed Resolution</source>
2927        <translation>Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh sa mhodh uinneagach</translation>
2928    </message>
2929    <message>
2930        <source>Your Email</source>
2931        <translation>Am post-d agad</translation>
2932    </message>
2933    <message>
2934        <source>Summary</source>
2935        <translation>Gearr-chunntas</translation>
2936    </message>
2937    <message>
2938        <source>Send system information</source>
2939        <translation>Cuir fiosrachadh an t-siostaim</translation>
2940    </message>
2941    <message>
2942        <source>Type the security code:</source>
2943        <translation>Sgrìobh còd na tèarainteachd:</translation>
2944    </message>
2945    <message>
2946        <source>This setting will be effective at next restart.</source>
2947        <translation>Bidh an roghainn seo an sàs nuair a bhios tu air tòiseachadh às ùr.</translation>
2948    </message>
2949    <message>
2950        <source>Tip: %1</source>
2951        <translation>Gliocas: %1</translation>
2952    </message>
2953    <message>
2954        <source>Displayed tags above hogs and translucent tags</source>
2955        <translation>Tagaichean a nochdas os cionn ghràineagans tagaichean trìd-shoilleir</translation>
2956    </message>
2957    <message>
2958        <source>World Edge</source>
2959        <translation>Oir an t-saoghail</translation>
2960    </message>
2961    <message>
2962        <source>Script parameter</source>
2963        <translation>Paramadair an sgriobt</translation>
2964    </message>
2965    <message>
2966        <source>Air Mines</source>
2967        <translation>Mèinnean adhair</translation>
2968    </message>
2969    <message>
2970        <source>Player</source>
2971        <translation>Cluicheadair</translation>
2972    </message>
2973    <message>
2974        <source>Barrels</source>
2975        <translation>Baraillean</translation>
2976    </message>
2977    <message>
2978        <source>% Retreat Time</source>
2979        <extracomment>Label of game scheme setting for the time you get after an attack</extracomment>
2980        <translation>% ùine cùlachaidh</translation>
2981    </message>
2982    <message>
2983        <source>Stereoscopy</source>
2984        <translation>Stereosgopachd</translation>
2985    </message>
2986    <message>
2987        <source>Bitrate (Kibit/s)</source>
2988        <extracomment>“Kibit/sis the symbol for 1024 bits per second</extracomment>
2989        <translation>Reat nam biod (Kibit/s)</translation>
2990    </message>
2991    <message>
2992        <source>Loading&lt;br&gt;CAPTCHA ...</source>
2993        <translation>Aluchdadh&lt;br&gt;CAPTCHA …</translation>
2994    </message>
2995    <message>
2996        <source>Zoom (%)</source>
2997        <translation>Sùm (%)</translation>
2998    </message>
3001    <name>QLineEdit</name>
3002    <message>
3003        <source>unnamed</source>
3004        <translation>gun ainm</translation>
3005    </message>
3006    <message>
3007        <source>hedgehog %1</source>
3008        <translation>gràineag %1</translation>
3009    </message>
3010    <message>
3011        <source>anonymous</source>
3012        <translation>gun ainm</translation>
3013    </message>
3014    <message>
3015        <source>unnamed (%1)</source>
3016        <translation>gun ainm (%1)</translation>
3017    </message>
3018    <message>
3019        <source>Hedgehog %1</source>
3020        <translation>Gràineag %1</translation>
3021    </message>
3024    <name>QMainWindow</name>
3025    <message>
3026        <source>Hedgewars %1</source>
3027        <translation>Hedgewars %1</translation>
3028    </message>
3031    <name>QMessageBox</name>
3032    <message>
3033        <source>Connection to server is lost</source>
3034        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh an ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche air chall</translation>
3035    </message>
3036    <message>
3037        <source>Error</source>
3038        <translation>Mearachd</translation>
3039    </message>
3040    <message>
3041        <source>File association failed.</source>
3042        <translation>Dhfhàillig le co-cheangal an fhaidhle.</translation>
3043    </message>
3044    <message>
3045        <source>Error while authenticating at google.com:
3047        <translation type="vanished">Mearachd le dearbhadh le google.com:
3049    </message>
3050    <message>
3051        <source>Login or password is incorrect</source>
3052        <translation type="vanished">Chan eil an t-ainm-clàraidh no facal-faire mar bu chòir</translation>
3053    </message>
3054    <message>
3055        <source>Error while sending metadata to youtube.com:
3057        <translation type="vanished">Mearachd acur meata-dàta gu youtube.com:
3059    </message>
3060    <message>
3061        <source>Teams - Are you sure?</source>
3062        <translation>SgiobaidheanA bheil thu cinnteach?</translation>
3063    </message>
3064    <message>
3065        <source>Do you really want to delete the team &apos;%1&apos;?</source>
3066        <translation>A bheil thu airson an sgioba “%1a sguabadh às?</translation>
3067    </message>
3068    <message>
3069        <source>Cannot delete default scheme &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
3070        <translation>Cha ghabh an sgeama tùsail “%1a sguabadh às!</translation>
3071    </message>
3072    <message>
3073        <source>Please select a record from the list</source>
3074        <translation>Tagh clàr on liosta</translation>
3075    </message>
3076    <message>
3077        <source>Unable to start server</source>
3078        <translation>Cha ghabh am frithealaiche a thòiseachadh</translation>
3079    </message>
3080    <message>
3081        <source>Hedgewars - Error</source>
3082        <translation>HedgewarsMearachd</translation>
3083    </message>
3084    <message>
3085        <source>Hedgewars - Success</source>
3086        <translation>HedgewarsSoirbheas</translation>
3087    </message>
3088    <message>
3089        <source>All file associations have been set</source>
3090        <translation>Chaidh gach co-cheangal faidhle a shuidheachadh</translation>
3091    </message>
3092    <message>
3093        <source>Video upload - Error</source>
3094        <translation type="vanished">Luchdadh suas videoMearachd</translation>
3095    </message>
3096    <message>
3097        <source>Netgame - Error</source>
3098        <translation>Geama lìonraidhMearachd</translation>
3099    </message>
3100    <message>
3101        <source>Please select a server from the list</source>
3102        <translation>Tagh frithealaiche on liosta</translation>
3103    </message>
3104    <message>
3105        <source>Please enter room name</source>
3106        <translation>Cuir a-steach ainm an t-seòmair</translation>
3107    </message>
3108    <message>
3109        <source>Record Play - Error</source>
3110        <translation type="vanished">Clàradh cluichemearachd</translation>
3111    </message>
3112    <message>
3113        <source>Please select record from the list</source>
3114        <translation type="vanished">Tagh clàradh on liosta</translation>
3115    </message>
3116    <message>
3117        <source>Cannot rename to </source>
3118        <translation type="vanished">Cha ghabh ainm atharrachadh gu</translation>
3119    </message>
3120    <message>
3121        <source>Cannot delete file </source>
3122        <translation type="vanished">Chan urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a sguabadh às</translation>
3123    </message>
3124    <message>
3125        <source>Room Name - Error</source>
3126        <translation>Ainm seòmairMearachd</translation>
3127    </message>
3128    <message>
3129        <source>Please select room from the list</source>
3130        <translation>Tagh seòmar on liosta</translation>
3131    </message>
3132    <message>
3133        <source>Room Name - Are you sure?</source>
3134        <translation>Ainm seòmairA bheil thu cinnteach?</translation>
3135    </message>
3136    <message>
3137        <source>The game you are trying to join has started.
3138Do you still want to join the room?</source>
3139        <translation>Tha an geama sa bheil thu airson tighinn a-steach air tòiseachadh.
3140A bheil thu airson tighinn a-steach dhan t-seòmar fhathast?</translation>
3141    </message>
3142    <message>
3143        <source>Schemes - Warning</source>
3144        <translation>Sgeamaicheanrabhadh</translation>
3145    </message>
3146    <message>
3147        <source>Schemes - Are you sure?</source>
3148        <translation>SgeamaicheanA bheil thu cinnteach?</translation>
3149    </message>
3150    <message>
3151        <source>Do you really want to delete the game scheme &apos;%1&apos;?</source>
3152        <translation>A bheil thu airson sgeama “%1agheama a sguabadh às?</translation>
3153    </message>
3154    <message>
3155        <source>Videos - Are you sure?</source>
3156        <translation>VideothanA bheil thu cinnteach?</translation>
3157    </message>
3158    <message>
3159        <source>Do you really want to delete the video &apos;%1&apos;?</source>
3160        <translation>A bheil thu airson avideo “%1a sguabadh às?</translation>
3161    </message>
3162    <message numerus="yes">
3163        <source>Do you really want to remove %1 file(s)?</source>
3164        <translation>
3165            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
3166            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson an %1 fhaidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
3167            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson na %1 faidhlichean a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
3168            <numerusform>A bheil thu airson am %1 faidhle a thoirt air falbh dha-rìribh?</numerusform>
3169        </translation>
3170    </message>
3171    <message>
3172        <source>Do you really want to cancel uploading %1?</source>
3173        <translation type="vanished">A bheil thu airson sgur de luchdadh suas %1?</translation>
3174    </message>
3175    <message>
3176        <source>File error</source>
3177        <translation>Mearachd faidhle</translation>
3178    </message>
3179    <message>
3180        <source>Cannot open &apos;%1&apos; for writing</source>
3181        <translation>Cha ghabh “%1fosgladh a chum sgrìobhaidh</translation>
3182    </message>
3183    <message>
3184        <source>Cannot open &apos;%1&apos; for reading</source>
3185        <translation>Cha ghabh “%1fosgladh a chum leughaidh</translation>
3186    </message>
3187    <message>
3188        <source>Cannot use the ammo &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
3189        <translation type="vanished">Cha ghabh an connadh “%1cleachdadh!</translation>
3190    </message>
3191    <message>
3192        <source>Weapons - Warning</source>
3193        <translation>AirmRabhadh</translation>
3194    </message>
3195    <message>
3196        <source>Cannot overwrite default weapon set &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
3197        <translation type="vanished">Chan urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh thairis air an t-seata nan arm tùsail “%1”!</translation>
3198    </message>
3199    <message>
3200        <source>Cannot delete default weapon set &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
3201        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut an seata nan arm tùsail “%1a sguabadh às!</translation>
3202    </message>
3203    <message>
3204        <source>Weapons - Are you sure?</source>
3205        <translation>AirmA bheil thu cinnteach?</translation>
3206    </message>
3207    <message>
3208        <source>Do you really want to delete the weapon set &apos;%1&apos;?</source>
3209        <translation>A bheil thu airson seata “%1nan arm a sguabadh às?</translation>
3210    </message>
3211    <message>
3212        <source>Hedgewars - Nick not registered</source>
3213        <translation>HedgewarsFar-ainm nach eil clàraichte</translation>
3214    </message>
3215    <message>
3216        <source>System Information Preview</source>
3217        <translation>Ro-shealladh air fiosrachadh an t-siostaim</translation>
3218    </message>
3219    <message>
3220        <source>Failed to generate captcha</source>
3221        <translation>Cha deach leinn captcha a ghintinn</translation>
3222    </message>
3223    <message>
3224        <source>Failed to download captcha</source>
3225        <translation>Cha deach leinn captcha a luchdadh a-nuas</translation>
3226    </message>
3227    <message>
3228        <source>Please fill out all fields. Email is optional.</source>
3229        <translation>Feuch an lìon thu a h-uile raon. Cha leig thu leas am post-d a lìonadh.</translation>
3230    </message>
3231    <message>
3232        <source>Hedgewars - Warning</source>
3233        <translation>HedgewarsRabhadh</translation>
3234    </message>
3235    <message>
3236        <source>Hedgewars - Information</source>
3237        <translation>HedgewarsFiosrachadh</translation>
3238    </message>
3239    <message>
3240        <source>Not all players are ready</source>
3241        <translation>Chan eil gach cluicheadair ullamh fhathast</translation>
3242    </message>
3243    <message>
3244        <source>Are you sure you want to start this game?
3245Not all players are ready.</source>
3246        <translation>A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an geama seo a thòiseachadh?
3247Chan eil a h-uile cluicheadair ullamh.</translation>
3248    </message>
3249    <message>
3250        <source>Sorry, Hedgewars can&apos;t be played with more than 48 hedgehogs. Please try again with fewer hedgehogs.
3252Current number of hedgehogs: %1</source>
3253        <translation type="vanished">Tha sinn duilich ach chan urrainn dhut Hedgewars a chluiche le corr is 48 gràineag. Feuch ris a-rithist le nas lugha a grhàineagan.
3255Tha %1 gràineag agad aig an àm seo.</translation>
3256    </message>
3257    <message>
3258        <source>Please select a file from the list.</source>
3259        <translation>Tagh faidhle on liosta.</translation>
3260    </message>
3261    <message>
3262        <source>Cannot rename file to %1.</source>
3263        <translation>Cha ghabh ainm an fhaidhle atharrachadh gu %1.</translation>
3264    </message>
3265    <message>
3266        <source>Cannot delete file %1.</source>
3267        <translation>Chan urrainn dhuinn am faidhle %1 a sguabadh às</translation>
3268    </message>
3269    <message>
3270        <source>Teams - Name already taken</source>
3271        <translation>SgiobaidheanTha an t-ainm seoga chleachdadh mu thràth</translation>
3272    </message>
3273    <message>
3274        <source>The team name &apos;%1&apos; is already taken, so your team has been renamed to &apos;%2&apos;.</source>
3275        <translation>Tha an t-ainm “%1” ’ga chleachdadh mu thràths thug sinn “%2air an sgioba agad.</translation>
3276    </message>
3277    <message>
3278        <source>Welcome to Hedgewars</source>
3279        <translation>Fàilte gu Hedgewars</translation>
3280    </message>
3281    <message>
3282        <source>Welcome to Hedgewars!
3284You seem to be new around here. Would you like to play some training missions first to learn the basics of Hedgewars?</source>
3285        <translation>Fàilte gu Hedgewars!
3287Tha coltas nach eil thunad sheann-ghaisgeach fhathast. Am bu toigh leat misean oideachaidh no dhà a chluich an toiseach an ionnsaich thu mar a dhobraicheas Hedgewars?</translation>
3288    </message>
3289    <message>
3290        <source>Cannot use the weapon scheme &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
3291        <translation>Cha ghabh an sgeama airm “%1cleachdadh!</translation>
3292    </message>
3293    <message>
3294        <source>The connection to the server is lost.</source>
3295        <translation>Chaidh an ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche air chall.</translation>
3296    </message>
3297    <message>
3298        <source>Schemes - Name already taken</source>
3299        <translation>SgeamaicheanTha an t-ainm seoga chleachdadh mu thràth</translation>
3300    </message>
3301    <message>
3302        <source>A scheme with the name &apos;%1&apos; already exists. Your scheme has been renamed to &apos;%2&apos;.</source>
3303        <translation>Tha an t-ainm “%1” ’ga chleachdadh mu thràths thug sinn “%2air an sgeama agad.</translation>
3304    </message>
3305    <message>
3306        <source>A weapon scheme with the name &apos;%1&apos; already exists. Changes made to the weapon scheme have been discarded.</source>
3307        <translation>Tha sgeama airm air a bheil “%1ann mu thràth. Chaidh na h-atharraichean air an sgeama airm a thilgeil air falbh.</translation>
3308    </message>
3309    <message>
3310        <source>Server redirection</source>
3311        <translation>Ath-stiùireadh an fhrithealaiche</translation>
3312    </message>
3313    <message>
3314        <source>This server supports secure connections on port %1.
3315Would you like to reconnect securely?</source>
3316        <translation>Cuiridh am frithealaiche seo taic ri ceanglaichean tèarainte air port %1.
3317A bheil thu airson ath-cheangal ris gu tèarainte?</translation>
3318    </message>
3321    <name>QObject</name>
3322    <message>
3323        <source>No description available</source>
3324        <translation>Chan eil tuairisgeul ri làimh</translation>
3325    </message>
3328    <name>QPushButton</name>
3329    <message>
3330        <source>default</source>
3331        <translation>bun-roghainn</translation>
3332    </message>
3333    <message>
3334        <source>OK</source>
3335        <translation>Ceart ma-thà</translation>
3336    </message>
3337    <message>
3338        <source>Cancel</source>
3339        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
3340    </message>
3341    <message>
3342        <source>Start server</source>
3343        <translation>Tòisich an fhrithealaiche</translation>
3344    </message>
3345    <message>
3346        <source>Connect</source>
3347        <translation>Ceangail</translation>
3348    </message>
3349    <message>
3350        <source>Update</source>
3351        <translation>Ùraich</translation>
3352    </message>
3353    <message>
3354        <source>Specify</source>
3355        <translation type="vanished">Sònraich</translation>
3356    </message>
3357    <message>
3358        <source>Start</source>
3359        <translation>Tòisich</translation>
3360    </message>
3361    <message>
3362        <source>Play demo</source>
3363        <translation>Cluich demo</translation>
3364    </message>
3365    <message>
3366        <source>Rename</source>
3367        <translation>Thoir ainm ùr air</translation>
3368    </message>
3369    <message>
3370        <source>Delete</source>
3371        <translation>Sguab às</translation>
3372    </message>
3373    <message>
3374        <source>Load</source>
3375        <translation>Luchdaich</translation>
3376    </message>
3377    <message>
3378        <source>Associate file extensions</source>
3379        <translation>Co-cheangail leudachain faidhle.</translation>
3380    </message>
3381    <message>
3382        <source>More info</source>
3383        <translation>Barrachd fiosrachaidh</translation>
3384    </message>
3385    <message>
3386        <source>Set default options</source>
3387        <translation>Suidhich na bun-roghainnean</translation>
3388    </message>
3389    <message>
3390        <source>Open videos directory</source>
3391        <translation>Fosgail pasgan nam videothan</translation>
3392    </message>
3393    <message>
3394        <source>Play</source>
3395        <translation>Cluich</translation>
3396    </message>
3397    <message>
3398        <source>Upload to YouTube</source>
3399        <translation type="vanished">Luchdaich suas gu YouTube</translation>
3400    </message>
3401    <message>
3402        <source>Cancel uploading</source>
3403        <translation type="vanished">Sguir dhen luchdadh suas</translation>
3404    </message>
3405    <message>
3406        <source>Restore default coding parameters</source>
3407        <translation>Aisig paramadairean tùsail achòdachaidh</translation>
3408    </message>
3409    <message>
3410        <source>Open the video directory in your system</source>
3411        <translation>Fosgail pasgan nam videothan san t-siostam agad</translation>
3412    </message>
3413    <message>
3414        <source>Play this video</source>
3415        <translation>Cluich avideo seo</translation>
3416    </message>
3417    <message>
3418        <source>Delete this video</source>
3419        <translation>Sguab às avideo seo</translation>
3420    </message>
3421    <message>
3422        <source>Upload this video to your Youtube account</source>
3423        <translation type="vanished">Luchdaich suas avideo seo dhan chunntas Youtube agad</translation>
3424    </message>
3425    <message>
3426        <source>Reset</source>
3427        <translation>Ah-shuidhich</translation>
3428    </message>
3429    <message>
3430        <source>Set the default server port for Hedgewars</source>
3431        <translation>Suidhich port tùsail an fhrithealaiche airson Hedgewars</translation>
3432    </message>
3433    <message>
3434        <source>Invite your friends to your server in just 1 click!</source>
3435        <translation>Na dèan ach 1 bhriogadh gus cuireadh dhan fhrithealaiche a thoirt dha na caraidean agad!</translation>
3436    </message>
3437    <message>
3438        <source>Click to copy your unique server URL to your clipboard. Send this link to your friends and they will be able to join you.</source>
3439        <translation>Briog gus lethbhreac de URL sònraichte an fhrithealaiche agad a chur dhan stòr-bhòrd. Cuir an ceangal seo dha na caraidean agad ach an tig iad a-steach.</translation>
3440    </message>
3441    <message>
3442        <source>Start private server</source>
3443        <translation>Tòisich frithealaiche prìobhaideach</translation>
3444    </message>
3445    <message>
3446        <source>Upload this video to your YouTube account</source>
3447        <translation type="vanished">Luchdaich suas avideo seo dhan chunntas YouTube agad</translation>
3448    </message>
3449    <message>
3450        <source>Specify address</source>
3451        <translation>Sònraich seòladh</translation>
3452    </message>
3455    <name>QSpinBox</name>
3456    <message>
3457        <source>Specify the bitrate of recorded videos as a multiple of 1024 bits per second</source>
3458        <translation>Sònraich reat nam biod air na videothan a thèid a chlàradh, na iomadach air 1024 biod san diog</translation>
3459    </message>
3462    <name>RoomNamePrompt</name>
3463    <message>
3464        <source>Enter a name for your room.</source>
3465        <translation>Cuir a-steach ainm an t-seòmair agad.</translation>
3466    </message>
3467    <message>
3468        <source>Cancel</source>
3469        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
3470    </message>
3471    <message>
3472        <source>Create room</source>
3473        <translation>Cruthaich seòmar</translation>
3474    </message>
3475    <message>
3476        <source>set password</source>
3477        <translation>suidhich am facal-faire</translation>
3478    </message>
3481    <name>RoomsListModel</name>
3482    <message>
3483        <source>In progress</source>
3484        <translation>’Ga dhèanamh</translation>
3485    </message>
3486    <message>
3487        <source>Room Name</source>
3488        <translation>Ainm an t-seòmair</translation>
3489    </message>
3490    <message>
3491        <source>C</source>
3492        <extracomment>Caption of the column for the number of connected clients in the list of rooms</extracomment>
3493        <translation>Cl.</translation>
3494    </message>
3495    <message>
3496        <source>T</source>
3497        <extracomment>Caption of the column for the number of teams in the list of rooms</extracomment>
3498        <translation>Sg.</translation>
3499    </message>
3500    <message>
3501        <source>Owner</source>
3502        <translation>Seilbheadair</translation>
3503    </message>
3504    <message>
3505        <source>Map</source>
3506        <translation>Mapa</translation>
3507    </message>
3508    <message>
3509        <source>Rules</source>
3510        <translation>Riaghailtean</translation>
3511    </message>
3512    <message>
3513        <source>Weapons</source>
3514        <translation>Airm</translation>
3515    </message>
3516    <message>
3517        <source>Random Map</source>
3518        <translation>Mapa air thuaiream</translation>
3519    </message>
3520    <message>
3521        <source>Random Maze</source>
3522        <translation>Cuartan air thuaiream</translation>
3523    </message>
3524    <message>
3525        <source>Hand-drawn</source>
3526        <translation>Air a tharraing a làimh</translation>
3527    </message>
3528    <message>
3529        <source>Script</source>
3530        <translation>Sgriobt</translation>
3531    </message>
3532    <message>
3533        <source>Random Perlin</source>
3534        <translation>Perlin tuaireamach</translation>
3535    </message>
3536    <message>
3537        <source>Forts</source>
3538        <translation>Dùin</translation>
3539    </message>
3542    <name>SeedPrompt</name>
3543    <message>
3544        <source>The map seed is the basis for all random values generated by the game.</source>
3545        <translation>Tha sìol amhapana bhunait airson gach luach air thuaiream a ghineas an geama.</translation>
3546    </message>
3547    <message>
3548        <source>Cancel</source>
3549        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
3550    </message>
3551    <message>
3552        <source>Set seed</source>
3553        <translation>Suidhich an sìol</translation>
3554    </message>
3555    <message>
3556        <source>Close</source>
3557        <translation>Dùin</translation>
3558    </message>
3559    <message>
3560        <source>Seed</source>
3561        <extracomment>Refers to the &quot;random seed&quot;; the source of randomness in the game</extracomment>
3562        <translation>Sìol</translation>
3563    </message>
3566    <name>SelWeaponWidget</name>
3567    <message>
3568        <source>Weapon set</source>
3569        <translation>Seata arm</translation>
3570    </message>
3571    <message>
3572        <source>Probabilities</source>
3573        <translation>Coltachdan</translation>
3574    </message>
3575    <message>
3576        <source>Ammo in boxes</source>
3577        <translation>Connadh ann am bogsaichean</translation>
3578    </message>
3579    <message>
3580        <source>Delays</source>
3581        <translation>Dàlaichean</translation>
3582    </message>
3583    <message>
3584        <source>New</source>
3585        <translation>Ùr</translation>
3586    </message>
3587    <message>
3588        <source>New (%1)</source>
3589        <translation>Ùr (%1)</translation>
3590    </message>
3591    <message>
3592        <source>Copy of %1</source>
3593        <translation>Lethbhreac dhe %1</translation>
3594    </message>
3595    <message>
3596        <source>Copy of %1 (%2)</source>
3597        <translation>Lethbhreac dhe %1 (%2)</translation>
3598    </message>
3601    <name>TCPBase</name>
3602    <message>
3603        <source>Unable to start server at %1.</source>
3604        <translation>Cha ghabh am frithealaiche a thòiseachadh air %1.</translation>
3605    </message>
3606    <message>
3607        <source>Unable to run engine at %1
3608Error code: %2</source>
3609        <translation>Cha ghabh an t-einnsean a ruith air %1
3610Còd na mearachd: %2</translation>
3611    </message>
3612    <message>
3613        <source>The game engine died unexpectedly!
3614(exit code %1)
3616We are very sorry for the inconvenience :(
3618If this keeps happening, please click the &apos;%2&apos; button in the main menu!</source>
3619        <translation>Thuislich einnsean agheama gun dùil!
3620(còd fàgail %1)
3622Tha sinn glè dhuilich mun duilgheadas :(
3624Ma thachras seo a-rithists a-rithist, briog air aphutan “%2air aphrìomh chlàr-taice!</translation>
3625    </message>
3628    <name>TeamSelWidget</name>
3629    <message>
3630        <source>At least two teams are required to play!</source>
3631        <translation>Feumadh tu co-dhiù  sgioba airson cluiche!</translation>
3632    </message>
3635    <name>ThemePrompt</name>
3636    <message>
3637        <source>Cancel</source>
3638        <translation>Sguir dheth</translation>
3639    </message>
3640    <message>
3641        <source>Search for a theme:</source>
3642        <translation>Lorg ùrlar:</translation>
3643    </message>
3644    <message>
3645        <source>Use selected theme</source>
3646        <translation>Cleachd an t-ùrlar a thagh thu</translation>
3647    </message>
3648    <message>
3649        <source>Choose a theme</source>
3650        <translation>Tagh ùrlar:</translation>
3651    </message>
3654    <name>binds</name>
3655    <message>
3656        <source>up</source>
3657        <translation>suas</translation>
3658    </message>
3659    <message>
3660        <source>left</source>
3661        <translation>gu clì</translation>
3662    </message>
3663    <message>
3664        <source>right</source>
3665        <translation>gu deas</translation>
3666    </message>
3667    <message>
3668        <source>down</source>
3669        <translation>sìos</translation>
3670    </message>
3671    <message>
3672        <source>attack</source>
3673        <translation>ionnsaigh</translation>
3674    </message>
3675    <message>
3676        <source>precise aim</source>
3677        <translation>amas pongail</translation>
3678    </message>
3679    <message>
3680        <source>put</source>
3681        <translation>cuir</translation>
3682    </message>
3683    <message>
3684        <source>switch</source>
3685        <translation>dèan suids</translation>
3686    </message>
3687    <message>
3688        <source>ammo menu</source>
3689        <translation>clàr-taice achonnaidh</translation>
3690    </message>
3691    <message>
3692        <source>slot 1</source>
3693        <translation>slot 1</translation>
3694    </message>
3695    <message>
3696        <source>slot 2</source>
3697        <translation>slot 2</translation>
3698    </message>
3699    <message>
3700        <source>slot 3</source>
3701        <translation>slot 3</translation>
3702    </message>
3703    <message>
3704        <source>slot 4</source>
3705        <translation>slot 4</translation>
3706    </message>
3707    <message>
3708        <source>slot 5</source>
3709        <translation>slot 5</translation>
3710    </message>
3711    <message>
3712        <source>slot 6</source>
3713        <translation>slot 6</translation>
3714    </message>
3715    <message>
3716        <source>slot 7</source>
3717        <translation>slot 7</translation>
3718    </message>
3719    <message>
3720        <source>slot 8</source>
3721        <translation>slot 8</translation>
3722    </message>
3723    <message>
3724        <source>slot 9</source>
3725        <translation>slot 9</translation>
3726    </message>
3727    <message>
3728        <source>timer 1 sec</source>
3729        <translation>tìmear 1 diog</translation>
3730    </message>
3731    <message>
3732        <source>timer 2 sec</source>
3733        <translation>tìmear 2 dhiog</translation>
3734    </message>
3735    <message>
3736        <source>timer 3 sec</source>
3737        <translation>tìmear 3 diogan</translation>
3738    </message>
3739    <message>
3740        <source>timer 4 sec</source>
3741        <translation>tìmear 4 diogan</translation>
3742    </message>
3743    <message>
3744        <source>timer 5 sec</source>
3745        <translation>tìmear 5 diogan</translation>
3746    </message>
3747    <message>
3748        <source>chat</source>
3749        <translation>cabadaich</translation>
3750    </message>
3751    <message>
3752        <source>chat history</source>
3753        <translation>eachdraidh na cabadaich</translation>
3754    </message>
3755    <message>
3756        <source>pause</source>
3757        <translation type="vanished">cuirna stad</translation>
3758    </message>
3759    <message>
3760        <source>confirmation</source>
3761        <translation>dearbhadh</translation>
3762    </message>
3763    <message>
3764        <source>volume down</source>
3765        <translation>fuaim sìos</translation>
3766    </message>
3767    <message>
3768        <source>volume up</source>
3769        <translation>fuaim suas</translation>
3770    </message>
3771    <message>
3772        <source>change mode</source>
3773        <translation>atharraich am modh</translation>
3774    </message>
3775    <message>
3776        <source>capture</source>
3777        <translation type="vanished">glac</translation>
3778    </message>
3779    <message>
3780        <source>quit</source>
3781        <translation>fàg an-seo</translation>
3782    </message>
3783    <message>
3784        <source>zoom in</source>
3785        <translation>sùm a-steach</translation>
3786    </message>
3787    <message>
3788        <source>zoom out</source>
3789        <translation>sùm a-mach</translation>
3790    </message>
3791    <message>
3792        <source>reset zoom</source>
3793        <translation type="vanished">ath-shuidhich an sùm</translation>
3794    </message>
3795    <message>
3796        <source>long jump</source>
3797        <translation>leum fada</translation>
3798    </message>
3799    <message>
3800        <source>high jump</source>
3801        <translation>leum àrd</translation>
3802    </message>
3803    <message>
3804        <source>slot 10</source>
3805        <translation>slot 10</translation>
3806    </message>
3807    <message>
3808        <source>mute audio</source>
3809        <translation>mùch an fhuaim</translation>
3810    </message>
3811    <message>
3812        <source>record</source>
3813        <translation>clàraich</translation>
3814    </message>
3815    <message>
3816        <source>hedgehog info</source>
3817        <translation type="vanished">fiosrachadh na gràineige</translation>
3818    </message>
3819    <message>
3820        <source>autocam / find hedgehog</source>
3821        <translation>camara fèin-obrachail / lorg gràineag</translation>
3822    </message>
3823    <message>
3824        <source>speed up replay</source>
3825        <translation>luathaich an ath-chluiche</translation>
3826    </message>
3827    <message>
3828        <source>toggle team bars</source>
3829        <extracomment>This refers to the team info bars (name/flag/health) of all teams. These are shown at the bottom center of the screen</extracomment>
3830        <translation>toglaich bàraichean nan sgiobaidhean</translation>
3831    </message>
3832    <message>
3833        <source>team chat</source>
3834        <translation type="vanished">cabadaich an sgioba</translation>
3835    </message>
3836    <message>
3837        <source>pause / auto skip</source>
3838        <translation>cuirna stad / gearr leum gu fèin-obrachail</translation>
3839    </message>
3840    <message>
3841        <source>toggle hedgehog tags</source>
3842        <translation>toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
3843    </message>
3844    <message>
3845        <source>change timer</source>
3846        <translation>atharraich an tìmear</translation>
3847    </message>
3848    <message>
3849        <source>show mission information</source>
3850        <translation>seall fiosrachadh amhisein</translation>
3851    </message>
3852    <message>
3853        <source>clan chat</source>
3854        <translation>cabadaich achinnidh</translation>
3855    </message>
3856    <message>
3857        <source>unselect weapon</source>
3858        <translation>-thagh an t-arm</translation>
3859    </message>
3860    <message>
3861        <source>stand still on slippery land</source>
3862        <translation>seas gun ghluasad air tìr sleamhnach</translation>
3863    </message>
3864    <message>
3865        <source>change direction without moving</source>
3866        <translation>atharraich do chomhair gun ghluasad</translation>
3867    </message>
3868    <message>
3869        <source>switch backwards</source>
3870        <translation>dèan suids an comhair achùil</translation>
3871    </message>
3872    <message>
3873        <source>change bounciness</source>
3874        <translation>atharraich am bocadh</translation>
3875    </message>
3876    <message>
3877        <source>reset zoom to start value</source>
3878        <translation>ath-shuidhich an sùm air an luach tùsail</translation>
3879    </message>
3880    <message>
3881        <source>set zoom to 100%</source>
3882        <translation>suidhich an sùm air 100%</translation>
3883    </message>
3884    <message>
3885        <source>save map as image</source>
3886        <translation>sàbhail am mapana dhealbh</translation>
3887    </message>
3888    <message>
3889        <source>show object information</source>
3890        <translation>seall fiosrachadh an oibseict</translation>
3891    </message>
3892    <message>
3893        <source>change hedgehog tag types</source>
3894        <translation>atharraich seòrsaichean thagaichean gràineige</translation>
3895    </message>
3896    <message>
3897        <source>toggle hedgehog tag translucency</source>
3898        <translation>toglaich trìd-shoilleireachd nan tagaichean gràineige</translation>
3899    </message>
3900    <message>
3901        <source>toggle HUD</source>
3902        <translation>toglaich an HUD</translation>
3903    </message>
3904    <message>
3905        <source>backwards jump</source>
3906        <translation>leum an comhair achùil</translation>
3907    </message>
3908    <message>
3909        <source>screenshot</source>
3910        <translation>glacadh-sgrìn</translation>
3911    </message>
3914    <name>binds (categories)</name>
3915    <message>
3916        <source>Movement</source>
3917        <translation>Gluasad</translation>
3918    </message>
3919    <message>
3920        <source>Weapons</source>
3921        <translation>Airm</translation>
3922    </message>
3923    <message>
3924        <source>Camera</source>
3925        <translation>Camara</translation>
3926    </message>
3927    <message>
3928        <source>Miscellaneous</source>
3929        <translation>Measgaichte</translation>
3930    </message>
3933    <name>binds (combination)</name>
3934    <message>
3935        <source>hold down precise</source>
3936        <translation>cum sìos an t-amas pongail</translation>
3937    </message>
3938    <message>
3939        <source>precise + left/right</source>
3940        <translation>amas pongail + gu clì/deas</translation>
3941    </message>
3942    <message>
3943        <source>precise + switch</source>
3944        <translation>amas pongail + dèan suids</translation>
3945    </message>
3946    <message>
3947        <source>precise + timer</source>
3948        <translation>amas pongail + tìmear</translation>
3949    </message>
3950    <message>
3951        <source>precise + reset zoom</source>
3952        <translation>amas pongail + ath-shuidhich an sùm</translation>
3953    </message>
3954    <message>
3955        <source>precise + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
3956        <translation>amas pongail + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
3957    </message>
3958    <message>
3959        <source>switch + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
3960        <translation>dèan suidse + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
3961    </message>
3962    <message>
3963        <source>precise + switch + toggle hedgehog tags</source>
3964        <translation>amas pongail + dèan suidse + toglaich thagaichean gràineige</translation>
3965    </message>
3966    <message>
3967        <source>high jump (twice)</source>
3968        <translation>leum àrd ( thuras)</translation>
3969    </message>
3970    <message>
3971        <source>precise + screenshot</source>
3972        <translation>amas pongail + glacadh-sgrìn</translation>
3973    </message>
3976    <name>binds (descriptions)</name>
3977    <message>
3978        <source>Traverse gaps and obstacles by jumping:</source>
3979        <translation>Leum thairis air beàrnans ribean:</translation>
3980    </message>
3981    <message>
3982        <source>Fire your selected weapon or trigger an utility item:</source>
3983        <translation>Loisg an t-arm a thagh thu no cleachd acainn:</translation>
3984    </message>
3985    <message>
3986        <source>Pick a weapon or a target location under the cursor:</source>
3987        <translation>Tagh arm no ceann-uidhe fon chùrsair:</translation>
3988    </message>
3989    <message>
3990        <source>Switch your currently active hog (if possible):</source>
3991        <translation>Dèan suids gu gràineag eile (ma ghabhas seo dèanamh):</translation>
3992    </message>
3993    <message>
3994        <source>Pick a weapon or utility item:</source>
3995        <translation>Tagh arm no acainn:</translation>
3996    </message>
3997    <message>
3998        <source>Set the timer on bombs and timed weapons:</source>
3999        <translation>Suidhich an tìmear air boma no arm eile le tìmear:</translation>
4000    </message>
4001    <message>
4002        <source>Move the cursor or camera without using the mouse:</source>
4003        <translation>Gluais an cùrsair no an camara gun a bhith acleachdadh na luchaige:</translation>
4004    </message>
4005    <message>
4006        <source>Modify the camera&apos;s zoom level:</source>
4007        <translation>Atharraich sùmadh achamara:</translation>
4008    </message>
4009    <message>
4010        <source>Talk to your team or all participants:</source>
4011        <translation type="vanished">Bruidhinn ris an sgioba agad no ris a h-uile duine:</translation>
4012    </message>
4013    <message>
4014        <source>Pause, continue or leave your game:</source>
4015        <translation>Cuir an geama agadna stad, lean air no fàg e:</translation>
4016    </message>
4017    <message>
4018        <source>Modify the game&apos;s volume while playing:</source>
4019        <translation>Atharraich àirde fuaime agheama fhads a bhios tu acluiche:</translation>
4020    </message>
4021    <message>
4022        <source>Toggle fullscreen mode:</source>
4023        <translation>Toglaich am modh làn-sgrìn:</translation>
4024    </message>
4025    <message>
4026        <source>Take a screenshot:</source>
4027        <translation>Tog glacadh-sgrìn:</translation>
4028    </message>
4029    <message>
4030        <source>Toggle labels above hedgehogs:</source>
4031        <translation type="vanished">Toglaich na leubailean os cionn nan gràineagan:</translation>
4032    </message>
4033    <message>
4034        <source>Record video:</source>
4035        <translation>Clàraich video:</translation>
4036    </message>
4037    <message>
4038        <source>Hedgehog movement</source>
4039        <translation>Gluasad nan gràineagan</translation>
4040    </message>
4041    <message>
4042        <source>Toggle automatic camera / refocus on active hedgehog:</source>
4043        <translation>Toglaich an camara fèin-obrachail / cuir am fòcas air aghràineag ghnìomhach a-rithist:</translation>
4044    </message>
4045    <message>
4046        <source>Demo replay:</source>
4047        <translation>Ath-chluiche an demo:</translation>
4048    </message>
4049    <message>
4050        <source>Heads-up display:</source>
4051        <translation>Heads-up display:</translation>
4052    </message>
4053    <message>
4054        <source>Talk to your clan or all participants:</source>
4055        <translation>Bruidhinn ri do chinneadh no ris a h-uile duine:</translation>
4056    </message>
4059    <name>binds (keys)</name>
4060    <message>
4061        <source>Axis</source>
4062        <translation type="vanished">Aiseal</translation>
4063    </message>
4064    <message>
4065        <source>(Up)</source>
4066        <translation type="vanished">(Suas)</translation>
4067    </message>
4068    <message>
4069        <source>(Down)</source>
4070        <translation type="vanished">(Sìos)</translation>
4071    </message>
4072    <message>
4073        <source>Hat</source>
4074        <translation type="vanished">Ad</translation>
4075    </message>
4076    <message>
4077        <source>(Left)</source>
4078        <translation type="vanished">(Gu clì)</translation>
4079    </message>
4080    <message>
4081        <source>(Right)</source>
4082        <translation type="vanished">(Gu deas)</translation>
4083    </message>
4084    <message>
4085        <source>Button</source>
4086        <translation type="vanished">Putan</translation>
4087    </message>
4088    <message>
4089        <source>Keyboard</source>
4090        <translation>Meur-chlàr</translation>
4091    </message>
4092    <message>
4093        <source>Delete</source>
4094        <translation>Delete</translation>
4095    </message>
4096    <message>
4097        <source>Mouse: Left button</source>
4098        <translation>Luchag: putan clì</translation>
4099    </message>
4100    <message>
4101        <source>Mouse: Middle button</source>
4102        <translation>Luchag: putan meadhanach</translation>
4103    </message>
4104    <message>
4105        <source>Mouse: Right button</source>
4106        <translation>Luchag: putan deas</translation>
4107    </message>
4108    <message>
4109        <source>Mouse: Wheel up</source>
4110        <translation>Luchag: cuibhle suas</translation>
4111    </message>
4112    <message>
4113        <source>Mouse: Wheel down</source>
4114        <translation>Luchag: cuibhle sìos</translation>
4115    </message>
4116    <message>
4117        <source>Backspace</source>
4118        <translation>Backspace</translation>
4119    </message>
4120    <message>
4121        <source>Tab</source>
4122        <translation>Taba</translation>
4123    </message>
4124    <message>
4125        <source>Clear</source>
4126        <translation>Clear</translation>
4127    </message>
4128    <message>
4129        <source>Return</source>
4130        <translation>Return</translation>
4131    </message>
4132    <message>
4133        <source>Pause</source>
4134        <translation>Pause</translation>
4135    </message>
4136    <message>
4137        <source>Escape</source>
4138        <translation>Escape</translation>
4139    </message>
4140    <message>
4141        <source>Space</source>
4142        <translation>Space</translation>
4143    </message>
4144    <message>
4145        <source>Numpad 0</source>
4146        <translation type="vanished">0 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4147    </message>
4148    <message>
4149        <source>Numpad 1</source>
4150        <translation type="vanished">1 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4151    </message>
4152    <message>
4153        <source>Numpad 2</source>
4154        <translation type="vanished">2 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4155    </message>
4156    <message>
4157        <source>Numpad 3</source>
4158        <translation type="vanished">3 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4159    </message>
4160    <message>
4161        <source>Numpad 4</source>
4162        <translation type="vanished">4 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4163    </message>
4164    <message>
4165        <source>Numpad 5</source>
4166        <translation type="vanished">5 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4167    </message>
4168    <message>
4169        <source>Numpad 6</source>
4170        <translation type="vanished">6 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4171    </message>
4172    <message>
4173        <source>Numpad 7</source>
4174        <translation type="vanished">7 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4175    </message>
4176    <message>
4177        <source>Numpad 8</source>
4178        <translation type="vanished">8 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4179    </message>
4180    <message>
4181        <source>Numpad 9</source>
4182        <translation type="vanished">9 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4183    </message>
4184    <message>
4185        <source>Numpad .</source>
4186        <translation type="vanished">. air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4187    </message>
4188    <message>
4189        <source>Numpad /</source>
4190        <translation type="vanished">/ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4191    </message>
4192    <message>
4193        <source>Numpad *</source>
4194        <translation type="vanished">* air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4195    </message>
4196    <message>
4197        <source>Numpad -</source>
4198        <translation type="vanished">- air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4199    </message>
4200    <message>
4201        <source>Numpad +</source>
4202        <translation type="vanished">+ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4203    </message>
4204    <message>
4205        <source>Enter</source>
4206        <translation type="vanished">Enter</translation>
4207    </message>
4208    <message>
4209        <source>Equals</source>
4210        <translation type="vanished">Co-ionnannachd</translation>
4211    </message>
4212    <message>
4213        <source>Up</source>
4214        <translation>Suas</translation>
4215    </message>
4216    <message>
4217        <source>Down</source>
4218        <translation>Sìos</translation>
4219    </message>
4220    <message>
4221        <source>Right</source>
4222        <translation>Gu clì</translation>
4223    </message>
4224    <message>
4225        <source>Left</source>
4226        <translation>Gu deas</translation>
4227    </message>
4228    <message>
4229        <source>Insert</source>
4230        <translation>Insert</translation>
4231    </message>
4232    <message>
4233        <source>Home</source>
4234        <translation>Home</translation>
4235    </message>
4236    <message>
4237        <source>End</source>
4238        <translation>End</translation>
4239    </message>
4240    <message>
4241        <source>Page up</source>
4242        <translation type="vanished">Page up</translation>
4243    </message>
4244    <message>
4245        <source>Page down</source>
4246        <translation type="vanished">Page down</translation>
4247    </message>
4248    <message>
4249        <source>Num lock</source>
4250        <translation type="vanished">Num lock</translation>
4251    </message>
4252    <message>
4253        <source>Caps lock</source>
4254        <translation type="vanished">Caps lock</translation>
4255    </message>
4256    <message>
4257        <source>Scroll lock</source>
4258        <translation type="vanished">Scroll lock</translation>
4259    </message>
4260    <message>
4261        <source>Right shift</source>
4262        <translation type="vanished">Shift deas</translation>
4263    </message>
4264    <message>
4265        <source>Left shift</source>
4266        <translation type="vanished">Shift clì</translation>
4267    </message>
4268    <message>
4269        <source>Right ctrl</source>
4270        <translation type="vanished">Ctrl deas</translation>
4271    </message>
4272    <message>
4273        <source>Left ctrl</source>
4274        <translation type="vanished">Ctrl clì</translation>
4275    </message>
4276    <message>
4277        <source>Right alt</source>
4278        <translation type="vanished">Alt deas</translation>
4279    </message>
4280    <message>
4281        <source>Left alt</source>
4282        <translation type="vanished">Alt clì</translation>
4283    </message>
4284    <message>
4285        <source>Right meta</source>
4286        <translation type="vanished">Meta deas</translation>
4287    </message>
4288    <message>
4289        <source>Left meta</source>
4290        <translation type="vanished">Meta clì</translation>
4291    </message>
4292    <message>
4293        <source>A button</source>
4294        <translation>Putan A</translation>
4295    </message>
4296    <message>
4297        <source>B button</source>
4298        <translation>Putan B</translation>
4299    </message>
4300    <message>
4301        <source>X button</source>
4302        <translation>Putan X</translation>
4303    </message>
4304    <message>
4305        <source>Y button</source>
4306        <translation>Putan Y</translation>
4307    </message>
4308    <message>
4309        <source>LB button</source>
4310        <translation>Putan LB</translation>
4311    </message>
4312    <message>
4313        <source>RB button</source>
4314        <translation>Putan RB</translation>
4315    </message>
4316    <message>
4317        <source>Back button</source>
4318        <translation>Putan Back</translation>
4319    </message>
4320    <message>
4321        <source>Start button</source>
4322        <translation>Putan Start</translation>
4323    </message>
4324    <message>
4325        <source>Left stick</source>
4326        <translation>Stick clì</translation>
4327    </message>
4328    <message>
4329        <source>Right stick</source>
4330        <translation>Stick deas</translation>
4331    </message>
4332    <message>
4333        <source>Left stick (Right)</source>
4334        <translation>Stick clì (gu deas)</translation>
4335    </message>
4336    <message>
4337        <source>Left stick (Left)</source>
4338        <translation>Stick clì (gu clì)</translation>
4339    </message>
4340    <message>
4341        <source>Left stick (Down)</source>
4342        <translation>Stick clì (sìos)</translation>
4343    </message>
4344    <message>
4345        <source>Left stick (Up)</source>
4346        <translation>Stick clì (suas)</translation>
4347    </message>
4348    <message>
4349        <source>Left trigger</source>
4350        <translation>Trigear clì</translation>
4351    </message>
4352    <message>
4353        <source>Right trigger</source>
4354        <translation>Trigear deas</translation>
4355    </message>
4356    <message>
4357        <source>Right stick (Down)</source>
4358        <translation>Stick deas (sìos)</translation>
4359    </message>
4360    <message>
4361        <source>Right stick (Up)</source>
4362        <translation>Stick deas (suas)</translation>
4363    </message>
4364    <message>
4365        <source>Right stick (Right)</source>
4366        <translation>Stick deas (gu deas)</translation>
4367    </message>
4368    <message>
4369        <source>Right stick (Left)</source>
4370        <translation>Stick deas (gu clì)</translation>
4371    </message>
4372    <message>
4373        <source>DPad</source>
4374        <translation type="vanished">DPad</translation>
4375    </message>
4376    <message>
4377        <source>D-pad</source>
4378        <translation>Pada-D</translation>
4379    </message>
4380    <message>
4381        <source>Axis %1 %2</source>
4382        <extracomment>Game controller axis direction. %1 = axis number, %2 = direction</extracomment>
4383        <translation>Aiseal %1 %2</translation>
4384    </message>
4385    <message>
4386        <source>Button %1</source>
4387        <extracomment>Game controller button. %1 = button number</extracomment>
4388        <translation>Putan %1</translation>
4389    </message>
4390    <message>
4391        <source>D-pad %1 %2</source>
4392        <extracomment>Game controller D-pad button. %1 = D-pad number, %2 = direction</extracomment>
4393        <translation>Pada-D %1 %2</translation>
4394    </message>
4395    <message>
4396        <source>(Don&apos;t use)</source>
4397        <extracomment>Special entry in key selection when an action has no control assigned</extracomment>
4398        <translation>(Na cleachd seo)</translation>
4399    </message>
4400    <message>
4401        <source>Mouse: X1 button </source>
4402        <translation>Luchag: putan X1</translation>
4403    </message>
4404    <message>
4405        <source>Mouse: X2 button</source>
4406        <translation>Luchag: putan X2</translation>
4407    </message>
4408    <message>
4409        <source>Keypad 0</source>
4410        <translation>0 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4411    </message>
4412    <message>
4413        <source>Keypad 1</source>
4414        <translation>1 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4415    </message>
4416    <message>
4417        <source>Keypad 2</source>
4418        <translation>2 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4419    </message>
4420    <message>
4421        <source>Keypad 3</source>
4422        <translation>3 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4423    </message>
4424    <message>
4425        <source>Keypad 4</source>
4426        <translation>4 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4427    </message>
4428    <message>
4429        <source>Keypad 5</source>
4430        <translation>5 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4431    </message>
4432    <message>
4433        <source>Keypad 6</source>
4434        <translation>6 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4435    </message>
4436    <message>
4437        <source>Keypad 7</source>
4438        <translation>7 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4439    </message>
4440    <message>
4441        <source>Keypad 8</source>
4442        <translation>8 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4443    </message>
4444    <message>
4445        <source>Keypad 9</source>
4446        <translation>9 air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4447    </message>
4448    <message>
4449        <source>Keypad .</source>
4450        <translation>. air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4451    </message>
4452    <message>
4453        <source>Keypad /</source>
4454        <translation>/ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4455    </message>
4456    <message>
4457        <source>Keypad *</source>
4458        <translation>* air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4459    </message>
4460    <message>
4461        <source>Keypad -</source>
4462        <translation>- air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4463    </message>
4464    <message>
4465        <source>Keypad +</source>
4466        <translation>+ air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4467    </message>
4468    <message>
4469        <source>Keypad Enter</source>
4470        <translation>Enter air pada nan àireamh</translation>
4471    </message>
4472    <message>
4473        <source>PageUp</source>
4474        <translation>Duilleag suas</translation>
4475    </message>
4476    <message>
4477        <source>PageDown</source>
4478        <translation>Duilleag sìos</translation>
4479    </message>
4480    <message>
4481        <source>Numlock</source>
4482        <translation>Numlock</translation>
4483    </message>
4484    <message>
4485        <source>CapsLock</source>
4486        <translation>Caps Lock</translation>
4487    </message>
4488    <message>
4489        <source>ScrollLock</source>
4490        <translation>Scroll Lock</translation>
4491    </message>
4492    <message>
4493        <source>Right Shift</source>
4494        <translation>Shift deas</translation>
4495    </message>
4496    <message>
4497        <source>Left Shift</source>
4498        <translation>Shift clì</translation>
4499    </message>
4500    <message>
4501        <source>Right Ctrl</source>
4502        <translation>Ctrl deas</translation>
4503    </message>
4504    <message>
4505        <source>Left Ctrl</source>
4506        <translation>Ctrl clì</translation>
4507    </message>
4508    <message>
4509        <source>Right Alt</source>
4510        <translation>Alt deas</translation>
4511    </message>
4512    <message>
4513        <source>Left Alt</source>
4514        <translation>Alt clì</translation>
4515    </message>
4516    <message>
4517        <source>Right GUI</source>
4518        <extracomment>Windows key / Command key / Meta key /Super key (right)</extracomment>
4519        <translation>GUI deas</translation>
4520    </message>
4521    <message>
4522        <source>Left GUI</source>
4523        <extracomment>Windows key / Command key / Meta key /Super key (left)</extracomment>
4524        <translation>GUI clì</translation>
4525    </message>
4526    <message>
4527        <source>(QWERTY)</source>
4528        <extracomment>Name of QWERTY US keyboard layout</extracomment>
4529        <translation>(QWERTY)</translation>
4530    </message>
4531    <message>
4532        <source>Menu</source>
4533        <translation>Clàr-taice</translation>
4534    </message>
4537    <name>credits</name>
4538    <message>
4539        <source>Programming</source>
4540        <translation>Prògramachadh</translation>
4541    </message>
4542    <message>
4543        <source>Game engine</source>
4544        <translation>Einnsean agheama</translation>
4545    </message>
4546    <message>
4547        <source>Creator</source>
4548        <translation>Ùghdar</translation>
4549    </message>
4550    <message>
4551        <source>Many engine improvements</source>
4552        <translation>Iomadh piseach air an einnsean</translation>
4553    </message>
4554    <message>
4555        <source>Gamepad and Lua integration</source>
4556        <translation>Amalachadh pada-geama is Lua</translation>
4557    </message>
4558    <message>
4559        <source>Campaign support</source>
4560        <translation>Taic ri iomairtean</translation>
4561    </message>
4562    <message>
4563        <source>Theme customization improvements</source>
4564        <translation>Piseach air gnàthachadh nan ùrlaran</translation>
4565    </message>
4566    <message>
4567        <source>Some Pas2C and GLES2 work</source>
4568        <translation>Obair air Pas2C agus GLES2</translation>
4569    </message>
4570    <message>
4571        <source>Video recording</source>
4572        <translation>Clàradh video</translation>
4573    </message>
4574    <message>
4575        <source>Other improvements</source>
4576        <translation>Pisich eile</translation>
4577    </message>
4578    <message>
4579        <source>Map generation</source>
4580        <translation>Gineadh mhapaichean</translation>
4581    </message>
4582    <message>
4583        <source>Core map generators</source>
4584        <translation>Bun-ghineadairean mhapaichean</translation>
4585    </message>
4586    <message>
4587        <source>Perlin maps and other improvements</source>
4588        <translation>Mapaichean Perlin is pisich eile</translation>
4589    </message>
4590    <message>
4591        <source>Maze maps</source>
4592        <translation>Mapaichean cuartain</translation>
4593    </message>
4594    <message>
4595        <source>Weapons</source>
4596        <translation>Airm</translation>
4597    </message>
4598    <message>
4599        <source>Most core weapons</source>
4600        <translation>Amhòrchuid dhe na bun-airm</translation>
4601    </message>
4602    <message>
4603        <source>Air mine, rubber, others</source>
4604        <translation>Mèin adhair, bann rubairs airm eile</translation>
4605    </message>
4606    <message>
4607        <source>Drill rocket, ballgun, RC plane</source>
4608        <translation>Rocaid tochlaidh, gunna-bhàlaichean, itealan le smachd chèin</translation>
4609    </message>
4610    <message>
4611        <source>Freezer</source>
4612        <translation>Reòthadair</translation>
4613    </message>
4614    <message>
4615        <source>Mine number and time game settings</source>
4616        <translation>Roghainnean air uiread nam mèinnean is ùine agheama</translation>
4617    </message>
4618    <message>
4619        <source>Frontend / main menu</source>
4620        <translation>Frontend / prìomh chlàr-taice</translation>
4621    </message>
4622    <message>
4623        <source>Many frontend improvements</source>
4624        <translation>Iomadh piseach air afrontend</translation>
4625    </message>
4626    <message>
4627        <source>Keybinds, feedback, maps and hats interfaces</source>
4628        <translation>Eadar-aghaidhean airson nasgadh iuchraichean, beachdan thugainn, mapaichean is adan</translation>
4629    </message>
4630    <message>
4631        <source>Login dialogs, other improvements</source>
4632        <translation>Còmhraidhean clàraidh a-steach is pisich eile</translation>
4633    </message>
4634    <message>
4635        <source>Missions and styles</source>
4636        <translation>Miseanan is stoidhlichean</translation>
4637    </message>
4638    <message>
4639        <source>A Classic Fairytale</source>
4640        <translation>Sean-eachdraidh</translation>
4641    </message>
4642    <message>
4643        <source>A Space Adventure</source>
4644        <translation>Dàna-thuras san fhànas</translation>
4645    </message>
4646    <message>
4647        <source>Created Capture the Flag, Construction Mode, Control, HedgeEditor, Highlander, Racer, TechRacer, The Specialists, WxW</source>
4648        <translation>Ùghdar aig Glac abhratach, Modh togail, Stiùireadh, An deasaiche, Highlander, Rèis, Rèis theicnigeach, Na speisealaichean, O bhalla gu balla</translation>
4649    </message>
4650    <message>
4651        <source>Training, time-trial and target practice challenges, Bazooka Battlefield, Tentacle Terror, Big Armory, bugfixes and maintenance</source>
4652        <translation>Oideachadh, dùbhlanan ùine is cleachdadh amais, Blàr abhazooka, Maoimeadh nan greimichean, Arm-lann mòr, càradh air bugaichean is obair-chàraidh</translation>
4653    </message>
4654    <message>
4655        <source>Some styles and missions</source>
4656        <translation>Cuid a stoidhlichean is miseanan</translation>
4657    </message>
4658    <message>
4659        <source>Battalion</source>
4660        <translation>Cath</translation>
4661    </message>
4662    <message>
4663        <source>Continental supplies</source>
4664        <translation>Solar mòr-thìreach</translation>
4665    </message>
4666    <message>
4667        <source>Teamwork 2</source>
4668        <translation>Obair còmhla 2</translation>
4669    </message>
4670    <message>
4671        <source>Climb Home</source>
4672        <translation>Sreap dhachaigh</translation>
4673    </message>
4674    <message>
4675        <source>Portal Mind Challenge</source>
4676        <translation>Dùbhlan nan doras</translation>
4677    </message>
4678    <message>
4679        <source>Game server</source>
4680        <translation>Frithealaiche agheama</translation>
4681    </message>
4682    <message>
4683        <source>Ports</source>
4684        <translation>Portadh</translation>
4685    </message>
4686    <message>
4687        <source>macOS/iPhone port, OpenGL-ES conversion</source>
4688        <translation>Portadh gu macOS/iPhone, iompachadh gu OpenGL-ES</translation>
4689    </message>
4690    <message>
4691        <source>Android port</source>
4692        <translation>Portadh gu Android</translation>
4693    </message>
4694    <message>
4695        <source>Android netplay, portability abstraction</source>
4696        <translation>Cluich-lìn Android, eas-chruthachd portaidh</translation>
4697    </message>
4698    <message>
4699        <source>WebGL port</source>
4700        <translation>Portadh gu WebGL</translation>
4701    </message>
4702    <message>
4703        <source>iPhone/iPad ports</source>
4704        <translation>Portadh gu iPhone/iPad</translation>
4705    </message>
4706    <message>
4707        <source>Graphics</source>
4708        <translation>Grafaigeachd</translation>
4709    </message>
4710    <message>
4711        <source>General</source>
4712        <translation>Coitcheann</translation>
4713    </message>
4714    <message>
4715        <source>Themes</source>
4716        <translation>Ùrlaran</translation>
4717    </message>
4718    <message>
4719        <source>Nature, Snow, City, Castle, Halloween, Island</source>
4720        <translation>An nàdar, sneachd, baile, caisteal, Oidhche Shamhna, eilean</translation>
4721    </message>
4722    <message>
4723        <source>Bamboo, EarthRise, BambooPlinko</source>
4724        <translation>Bambù, togail talmhainn, BambooPlinko</translation>
4725    </message>
4726    <message>
4727        <source>Golf, Hoggywood, Stage</source>
4728        <translation>Goilf, Hoggywood, àrd-ùrlar</translation>
4729    </message>
4730    <message>
4731        <source>Hoggywood</source>
4732        <translation>Hoggywood</translation>
4733    </message>
4734    <message>
4735        <source>Cave, Olympics</source>
4736        <translation>Uamh, geamannan Oilimpigeach</translation>
4737    </message>
4738    <message>
4739        <source>Fruit, Cake</source>
4740        <translation>Meas, cèic</translation>
4741    </message>
4742    <message>
4743        <source>Art</source>
4744        <translation>Obair-ealain</translation>
4745    </message>
4746    <message>
4747        <source>Beach</source>
4748        <translation>Tràigh</translation>
4749    </message>
4750    <message>
4751        <source>Brick</source>
4752        <translation>Breige</translation>
4753    </message>
4754    <message>
4755        <source>Hell</source>
4756        <translation>Ifrinn</translation>
4757    </message>
4758    <message>
4759        <source>Jungle</source>
4760        <translation>Dlùth-choille</translation>
4761    </message>
4762    <message>
4763        <source>Sheep</source>
4764        <translation>Caoraich</translation>
4765    </message>
4766    <message>
4767        <source>Maps</source>
4768        <translation>Mapaichean</translation>
4769    </message>
4770    <message>
4771        <source>Basketball, BasketballField, Bath, Bubbleflow, Hammock, Hedgelove, Hedgewars, Hydrant, Mushrooms, Plane, Ropes, Tree</source>
4772        <translation>Ball-basgaid, raon buill-bhasgaid, amar, sruthadh bhuilgean, an leabaidh-chrochte, Hedgelove, Hedgewars, hàidreant, balgain-bhuachair, itealan, ròpannan, craobh</translation>
4773    </message>
4774    <message>
4775        <source>SB_Bones, SB_Crystal, SB_Grassy, SB_Grove, SB_Haunty, SB_Oaks, SB_Shrooms, SB_Tentacle</source>
4776        <translation>SB_Bones, SB_Crystal, SB_Grassy, SB_Grove, SB_Haunty, SB_Oaks, SB_Shrooms, SB_Tentacle</translation>
4777    </message>
4778    <message>
4779        <source>Bamboo, Blox, Cake, Cogs, EarthRise, Freeway</source>
4780        <translation>Bambù, blocaichean, cèic, Cogs, togail talmhainn, mòr-rathad</translation>
4781    </message>
4782    <message>
4783        <source>Castle, PirateFlag</source>
4784        <translation>caisteal, bratach spùinneadair</translation>
4785    </message>
4786    <message>
4787        <source>ShoppaKing, TrophyRace</source>
4788        <translation>ShoppaKing, TrophyRace</translation>
4789    </message>
4790    <message>
4791        <source>Battlefield</source>
4792        <translation>Blàr</translation>
4793    </message>
4794    <message>
4795        <source>CTF_Blizzard</source>
4796        <translation>CTF_Blizzard</translation>
4797    </message>
4798    <message>
4799        <source>Cheese</source>
4800        <translation>Càise</translation>
4801    </message>
4802    <message>
4803        <source>ClimbHome</source>
4804        <translation>Sreap dhachaigh</translation>
4805    </message>
4806    <message>
4807        <source>Lonely_Island</source>
4808        <translation>Lonely_Island</translation>
4809    </message>
4810    <message>
4811        <source>Octorama</source>
4812        <translation>Octorama</translation>
4813    </message>
4814    <message>
4815        <source>portal</source>
4816        <translation>doras</translation>
4817    </message>
4818    <message>
4819        <source>Ruler</source>
4820        <translation>Rùilear</translation>
4821    </message>
4822    <message>
4823        <source>Sticks</source>
4824        <translation>Steigeadh</translation>
4825    </message>
4826    <message>
4827        <source>Forts</source>
4828        <translation>Dùin</translation>
4829    </message>
4830    <message>
4831        <source>EvilChicken</source>
4832        <translation>Cearc olc</translation>
4833    </message>
4834    <message>
4835        <source>Olympic</source>
4836        <translation>Geamannan Oilimpigeach</translation>
4837    </message>
4838    <message>
4839        <source>Tank</source>
4840        <translation>Tanca</translation>
4841    </message>
4842    <message>
4843        <source>Snail</source>
4844        <translation>Seilcheag</translation>
4845    </message>
4846    <message>
4847        <source>SteelTower</source>
4848        <translation>Tùr stàilinn</translation>
4849    </message>
4850    <message>
4851        <source>Hats, graves, other</source>
4852        <translation>Adan, uaighean, nithean eile</translation>
4853    </message>
4854    <message>
4855        <source>See CREDITS text file</source>
4856        <translation>Faic faidhle teacsa CREDITS</translation>
4857    </message>
4858    <message>
4859        <source>Sounds</source>
4860        <translation>Fuaimean</translation>
4861    </message>
4862    <message>
4863        <source>Hedgehogs voice</source>
4864        <translation>Guth nan gràineagan</translation>
4865    </message>
4866    <message>
4867        <source>Default_pl, Russian_pl voices</source>
4868        <translation>Guthan tùsail &apos;s san Ruisis</translation>
4869    </message>
4870    <message>
4871        <source>Various authors from www.freesound.org (see CREDITS text file)</source>
4872        <translation>Iomadh ùghdar o www.freesound.org (faic faidhle teacsa CREDITS)</translation>
4873    </message>
4874    <message>
4875        <source>Music</source>
4876        <translation>Ceòl</translation>
4877    </message>
4878    <message>
4879        <source>City, Rock, others</source>
4880        <translation>Baile, creag, eile</translation>
4881    </message>
4882    <message>
4883        <source>Compost</source>
4884        <translation>Compost</translation>
4885    </message>
4886    <message>
4887        <source>EarthRise, oriental, Pirate, snow</source>
4888        <translation>Togail talmhainn, Oirthireach, spùinneadair, sneachd</translation>
4889    </message>
4890    <message>
4891        <source>Fruit, Jungle</source>
4892        <translation>Meas, dlùth-choille</translation>
4893    </message>
4894    <message>
4895        <source>Nature</source>
4896        <translation>An nàdar</translation>
4897    </message>
4898    <message>
4899        <source>olympics_sd</source>
4900        <translation>olympics_sd</translation>
4901    </message>
4902    <message>
4903        <source>sdmusic (Hitman [sheepluva edit])</source>
4904        <translation>sdmusic (Hitman [deasachadh sheepluva])</translation>
4905    </message>
4906    <message>
4907        <source>Translations</source>
4908        <translation>Eadar-theangachaidhean</translation>
4909    </message>
4910    <message>
4911        <source>Brazilian Portuguese</source>
4912        <translation>Portagailis Bhraisileach</translation>
4913    </message>
4914    <message>
4915        <source>Bulgarian</source>
4916        <translation>Bulgarais</translation>
4917    </message>
4918    <message>
4919        <source>Czech</source>
4920        <translation>Seicis</translation>
4921    </message>
4922    <message>
4923        <source>Chinese</source>
4924        <translation>Sìnis</translation>
4925    </message>
4926    <message>
4927        <source>Finnish</source>
4928        <translation>Fionnlannais</translation>
4929    </message>
4930    <message>
4931        <source>French</source>
4932        <translation>Fraingis</translation>
4933    </message>
4934    <message>
4935        <source>German</source>
4936        <translation>Gearmailtis</translation>
4937    </message>
4938    <message>
4939        <source>Greek</source>
4940        <translation>Greugais</translation>
4941    </message>
4942    <message>
4943        <source>Italian</source>
4944        <translation>Eadailtis</translation>
4945    </message>
4946    <message>
4947        <source>Japanese</source>
4948        <translation>Seapanais</translation>
4949    </message>
4950    <message>
4951        <source>Korean</source>
4952        <translation>Coirèanais</translation>
4953    </message>
4954    <message>
4955        <source>Lithuanian</source>
4956        <translation>Liotuainis</translation>
4957    </message>
4958    <message>
4959        <source>Polish</source>
4960        <translation>Pòlannais</translation>
4961    </message>
4962    <message>
4963        <source>Portuguese</source>
4964        <translation>Portagailis</translation>
4965    </message>
4966    <message>
4967        <source>Russian</source>
4968        <translation>Ruisis</translation>
4969    </message>
4970    <message>
4971        <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
4972        <translation>Gàidhlig na h-Alba</translation>
4973    </message>
4974    <message>
4975        <source>Slovak</source>
4976        <translation>Slòbhacais</translation>
4977    </message>
4978    <message>
4979        <source>Spanish</source>
4980        <translation>Spàinntis</translation>
4981    </message>
4982    <message>
4983        <source>Swedish</source>
4984        <translation>Suainis</translation>
4985    </message>
4986    <message>
4987        <source>Ukrainian</source>
4988        <translation>Ucràinis</translation>
4989    </message>
4990    <message>
4991        <source>Special thanks</source>
4992        <translation>Taing shònraichte</translation>
4993    </message>
4994    <message>
4995        <source>Project founder</source>
4996        <translation>Stèidheadair aphròiseict</translation>
4997    </message>
5000    <name>server</name>
5001    <message>
5002        <source>Restricted</source>
5003        <translation type="vanished">Cuingichte</translation>
5004    </message>
5005    <message>
5006        <source>Not room master</source>
5007        <translation type="vanished">Cha tusa ceannard an t-seòmair</translation>
5008    </message>
5009    <message>
5010        <source>Corrupted hedgehogs info</source>
5011        <translation type="vanished">Fiosrachadh hedgehogs coirbte</translation>
5012    </message>
5013    <message>
5014        <source>too many teams</source>
5015        <translation type="vanished">cus sgiobaidhean</translation>
5016    </message>
5017    <message>
5018        <source>too many hedgehogs</source>
5019        <translation type="vanished">cus gràineagan</translation>
5020    </message>
5021    <message>
5022        <source>There&apos;s already a team with same name in the list</source>
5023        <translation type="vanished">Tha sgioba air a bheil an t-aon ainm air an liosta mu thràth</translation>
5024    </message>
5025    <message>
5026        <source>round in progress</source>
5027        <translation type="vanished">tha cuairt adol</translation>
5028    </message>
5029    <message>
5030        <source>restricted</source>
5031        <translation type="vanished">cuingichte</translation>
5032    </message>
5033    <message>
5034        <source>REMOVE_TEAM: no such team</source>
5035        <translation type="vanished">REMOVE_TEAM: chan eil an sgioba seo ann</translation>
5036    </message>
5037    <message>
5038        <source>Not team owner!</source>
5039        <translation type="vanished">Chan ann leatsa a tha an sgioba seo!</translation>
5040    </message>
5041    <message>
5042        <source>Less than two clans!</source>
5043        <translation type="vanished">Tha nas lugha na  chinneadh ann!</translation>
5044    </message>
5045    <message>
5046        <source>Illegal room name</source>
5047        <translation type="vanished">Ainm an t-seòmair -dhligheach</translation>
5048    </message>
5049    <message>
5050        <source>Room with such name already exists</source>
5051        <translation type="vanished">Tha seòmair air a bheil an t-ainm seo ann mu thràth</translation>
5052    </message>
5053    <message>
5054        <source>Nickname already chosen</source>
5055        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh am far-ainm seo a thaghadh mu thràth</translation>
5056    </message>
5057    <message>
5058        <source>Illegal nickname</source>
5059        <translation type="vanished">Far-ainm -dhligheach</translation>
5060    </message>
5061    <message>
5062        <source>Protocol already known</source>
5063        <translation type="vanished">Tha am pròtacail aithnichte mu thràth</translation>
5064    </message>
5065    <message>
5066        <source>Bad number</source>
5067        <translation type="vanished">Droch àireamh</translation>
5068    </message>
5069    <message>
5070        <source>Nickname is already in use</source>
5071        <translation>Tha am far-ainmga chleachdadh mu thràth</translation>
5072    </message>
5073    <message>
5074        <source>No checker rights</source>
5075        <translation>Chan eil ceadan dearbhaidh ann</translation>
5076    </message>
5077    <message>
5078        <source>Authentication failed</source>
5079        <translation>Dhfhàillig leis an dearbhadh</translation>
5080    </message>
5081    <message>
5082        <source>60 seconds cooldown after kick</source>
5083        <translation>Gabh air do shocair fad 60 diog às dèidh abhròg fhaighinn</translation>
5084    </message>
5085    <message>
5086        <source>kicked</source>
5087        <translation>fhuair thu abhròg</translation>
5088    </message>
5089    <message>
5090        <source>Ping timeout</source>
5091        <translation>Dhfhalbh an ùine air ping</translation>
5092    </message>
5093    <message>
5094        <source>bye</source>
5095        <translation type="vanished">mar sin leat</translation>
5096    </message>
5097    <message>
5098        <source>No such room</source>
5099        <translation type="vanished">Chan eil an seòmar seo ann</translation>
5100    </message>
5101    <message>
5102        <source>Room version incompatible to your hedgewars version</source>
5103        <translation type="vanished">Tha tionndadh dhen t-seòmar -chòrdail ris an tionndadh de hedgewars agad</translation>
5104    </message>
5105    <message>
5106        <source>Joining restricted</source>
5107        <translation type="vanished">Tha tighinn a-steach cuingichte</translation>
5108    </message>
5109    <message>
5110        <source>Registered users only</source>
5111        <translation type="vanished">Buill clàraichte a-mhàin</translation>
5112    </message>
5113    <message>
5114        <source>You are banned in this room</source>
5115        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh do thoirmeasg on t-seòmar seo</translation>
5116    </message>
5117    <message>
5118        <source>Empty config entry</source>
5119        <translation type="vanished">Innteart rèiteachaidh falamh</translation>
5120    </message>
5121    <message>
5122        <source>You already have voted</source>
5123        <translation type="vanished">Rinn thu bhòtadh mu thràth</translation>
5124    </message>
5125    <message>
5126        <source>Voting closed</source>
5127        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh bhòtadh a dhùnadh</translation>
5128    </message>
5129    <message>
5130        <source>New voting started</source>
5131        <translation>Thòisich bhòtadh ùr</translation>
5132    </message>
5133    <message>
5134        <source>Voting expired</source>
5135        <translation type="vanished">Dhfhalbh an ùine air abhòtadh</translation>
5136    </message>
5137    <message>
5138        <source>kick</source>
5139        <translation>thoir abhròg</translation>
5140    </message>
5141    <message>
5142        <source>map</source>
5143        <translation>mapa</translation>
5144    </message>
5145    <message>
5146        <source>pause</source>
5147        <translation>cuirna stad</translation>
5148    </message>
5149    <message>
5150        <source>Reconnected too fast</source>
5151        <translation>Chaidh ath-cheangal ro luath</translation>
5152    </message>
5153    <message>
5154        <source>Warning! Chat flood protection activated</source>
5155        <translation>Rabhadh! Chaidh dìon tuile na cabadaich a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
5156    </message>
5157    <message>
5158        <source>Excess flood</source>
5159        <translation>Tuile a bharrachd</translation>
5160    </message>
5161    <message>
5162        <source>Game messages flood detected - 1</source>
5163        <translation>Mhothaich sinn air tuile teachdaireachdan agheama1</translation>
5164    </message>
5165    <message>
5166        <source>Warning! Joins flood protection activated</source>
5167        <translation>Rabhadh! Chan fhaod torr dhaoine ùra tighinn dhan fhrithealaiche gu luath</translation>
5168    </message>
5169    <message>
5170        <source>There&apos;s no voting going on</source>
5171        <translation type="vanished">Chan eil bhòt adol air adhart</translation>
5172    </message>
5173    <message>
5174        <source>Your vote counted</source>
5175        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh do bhòt a chunntadh</translation>
5176    </message>
5177    <message>
5178        <source>Pause toggled</source>
5179        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh curna stad a thoglachadh</translation>
5180    </message>
5181    <message>
5182        <source>new seed</source>
5183        <translation>sìol ùr</translation>
5184    </message>
5185    <message>
5186        <source>number of hedgehogs in team</source>
5187        <translation type="vanished">uiread a ghràineagan san sgioba</translation>
5188    </message>
5189    <message>
5190        <source>/maxteams: specify number from 2 to 8</source>
5191        <translation>/maxteams: sònraich àireamh eadar 2 is 8</translation>
5192    </message>
5193    <message>
5194        <source>Available callvote commands: kick &lt;nickname&gt;, map &lt;name&gt;, pause, newseed, hedgehogs</source>
5195        <translation type="vanished">Àitheantan callvote a tha ri am faighinn: kick &lt;far-ainm&gt;, map &lt;ainm&gt;, pause, newseed, hedgehogs</translation>
5196    </message>
5197    <message>
5198        <source>callvote kick: specify nickname</source>
5199        <translation type="vanished">callvote kick: sònraich far-ainm</translation>
5200    </message>
5201    <message>
5202        <source>callvote kick: no such user</source>
5203        <translation type="vanished">callvote kick: chan eil an cleachdaiche seo ann</translation>
5204    </message>
5205    <message>
5206        <source>callvote map: no such map</source>
5207        <translation type="vanished">callvote map: chan eil am mapa seo ann</translation>
5208    </message>
5209    <message>
5210        <source>callvote pause: no game in progress</source>
5211        <translation type="vanished">callvote pause: chan eil geamaga chluich</translation>
5212    </message>
5213    <message>
5214        <source>callvote hedgehogs: specify number from 1 to 8</source>
5215        <translation type="vanished">callvote hedgehogs: sònraich àireamh eadar 1 is 8</translation>
5216    </message>
5217    <message>
5218        <source>The game can&apos;t be started with less than two clans!</source>
5219        <translation>Chan fhoghainn aon chinneadh airson geama a thòiseachadh!</translation>
5220    </message>
5221    <message>
5222        <source>Empty config entry.</source>
5223        <translation>Innteart rèiteachaidh falamh.</translation>
5224    </message>
5225    <message>
5226        <source>Access denied.</source>
5227        <translation>Chaidh an t-inntrigeadh a dhiùiltadh</translation>
5228    </message>
5229    <message>
5230        <source>You&apos;re not the room master!</source>
5231        <translation>Cha tusa ceannard an t-seòmair!</translation>
5232    </message>
5233    <message>
5234        <source>Corrupted hedgehogs info!</source>
5235        <translation>Fiosrachadh gràineige coirbte!</translation>
5236    </message>
5237    <message>
5238        <source>Too many teams!</source>
5239        <translation>Tha cus sgiobaidhean ann!</translation>
5240    </message>
5241    <message>
5242        <source>Too many hedgehogs!</source>
5243        <translation>Tha cus ghràineagan ann!</translation>
5244    </message>
5245    <message>
5246        <source>There&apos;s already a team with same name in the list.</source>
5247        <translation>Tha sgioba air a bheil an t-aon ainm air an liosta mu thràth.</translation>
5248    </message>
5249    <message>
5250        <source>Joining not possible: Round is in progress.</source>
5251        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut tighinn a-steach: tha cuairt adol air adhart.</translation>
5252    </message>
5253    <message>
5254        <source>This room currently does not allow adding new teams.</source>
5255        <translation>Cha cheadaich an seòmar seo gun dig sgioba ùr a-steach an-dràsta.</translation>
5256    </message>
5257    <message>
5258        <source>Error: The team you tried to remove does not exist.</source>
5259        <translation>Mearachd: Chan eil an sgioba ann a bha thu airson toirt air falbh.</translation>
5260    </message>
5261    <message>
5262        <source>You can&apos;t remove a team you don&apos;t own.</source>
5263        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut sgioba nach eil leatsa a thoirt air falbh.</translation>
5264    </message>
5265    <message>
5266        <source>Illegal room name! The room name must be between 1-40 characters long, must not have a trailing or leading space and must not have any of these characters: $()*+?[]^{|}</source>
5267        <translation>Ainm seòmair -dhligheach! Feumaidh ainm an t-seòmair a bhith eadar 1-40 caractar a dhfhaid, chan fhaod geal-spàs a bhith aig a thoiseach no deireadh agus chan fhaod gin dhe na caractaran seo a bhithna bhroinn: $()*+?[]^{|}</translation>
5268    </message>
5269    <message>
5270        <source>A room with the same name already exists.</source>
5271        <translation>Tha seòmair air a bheil an t-ainm seo ann mu thràth.</translation>
5272    </message>
5273    <message>
5274        <source>/callvote kick: You need to specify a nickname.</source>
5275        <translation>/callvote kick: feumaidh tu far-ainm a shònrachadh.</translation>
5276    </message>
5277    <message>
5278        <source>/callvote kick: No such user!</source>
5279        <translation>/callvote kick: chan eil an cleachdaiche seo ann!</translation>
5280    </message>
5281    <message>
5282        <source>/callvote map: No such map!</source>
5283        <translation>/callvote map: chan eil am mapa seo ann!</translation>
5284    </message>
5285    <message>
5286        <source>/callvote pause: No game in progress!</source>
5287        <translation>/callvote pause: chan eil geamaga chluich!</translation>
5288    </message>
5289    <message>
5290        <source>/callvote hedgehogs: Specify number from 1 to 8.</source>
5291        <translation>/callvote hedgehogs: sònraich àireamh eadar 1 is 8.</translation>
5292    </message>
5293    <message>
5294        <source>Illegal room name! A room name must be between 1-40 characters long, must not have a trailing or leading space and must not have any of these characters: $()*+?[]^{|}</source>
5295        <translation>Ainm seòmair -dhligheach! Feumaidh ainm seòmair a bhith eadar 1-40 caractar a dhfhaid, chan fhaod geal-spàs a bhith aig a thoiseach no deireadh agus chan fhaod gin dhe na caractaran seo a bhithna bhroinn: $()*+?[]^{|}</translation>
5296    </message>
5297    <message>
5298        <source>No such room.</source>
5299        <translation>Chan eil an seòmar seo ann.</translation>
5300    </message>
5301    <message>
5302        <source>Room version incompatible to your Hedgewars version!</source>
5303        <translation>Tha tionndadh dhen t-seòmar -chòrdail ris an tionndadh de Hedgewars agad!</translation>
5304    </message>
5305    <message>
5306        <source>Access denied. This room currently doesn&apos;t allow joining.</source>
5307        <translation>Chaidh an t-inntrigeadh a dhiùltadh. Cha ghabh an seòmar seo ri tighinn a-steach an-dràsta.</translation>
5308    </message>
5309    <message>
5310        <source>Access denied. This room is for registered users only.</source>
5311        <translation>Chaidh an t-inntrigeadh a dhiùltadh. Chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean clàraichte tighinn a-steach.</translation>
5312    </message>
5313    <message>
5314        <source>You are banned from this room.</source>
5315        <translation>Chaidh do thoirmeasg on t-seòmar seo.</translation>
5316    </message>
5317    <message>
5318        <source>Nickname already provided.</source>
5319        <translation>Chaidh am far-ainm a sholar mu thràth.</translation>
5320    </message>
5321    <message>
5322        <source>Illegal nickname! Nicknames must be between 1-40 characters long, must not have a trailing or leading space and must not have any of these characters: $()*+?[]^{|}</source>
5323        <translation>Far-ainm -dhligheach! Feumaidh far-ainm a bhith eadar 1-40 caractar a dhfhaid, chan fhaod geal-spàs a bhith aig a thoiseach no deireadh agus chan fhaod gin dhe na caractaran seo a bhithna bhroinn: $()*+?[]^{|}</translation>
5324    </message>
5325    <message>
5326        <source>Protocol already known.</source>
5327        <translation>Tha am pròtacail aithnichte mu thràth.</translation>
5328    </message>
5329    <message>
5330        <source>Bad number.</source>
5331        <translation>Droch àireamh.</translation>
5332    </message>
5333    <message>
5334        <source>There&apos;s no voting going on.</source>
5335        <translation>Chan eil bhòtadh adol air adhart.</translation>
5336    </message>
5337    <message>
5338        <source>You already have voted.</source>
5339        <translation>Rinn thu bhòtadh mu thràth.</translation>
5340    </message>
5341    <message>
5342        <source>Your vote has been counted.</source>
5343        <translation>Chaidh do bhòt a chunntadh.</translation>
5344    </message>
5345    <message>
5346        <source>Voting closed.</source>
5347        <translation>Chaidh bhòtadh a dhùnadh.</translation>
5348    </message>
5349    <message>
5350        <source>Pause toggled.</source>
5351        <translation>Chaidh curna stad a thoglachadh.</translation>
5352    </message>
5353    <message>
5354        <source>Voting expired.</source>
5355        <translation>Dhfhalbh an ùine air abhòtadh.</translation>
5356    </message>
5357    <message>
5358        <source>hedgehogs per team: </source>
5359        <translation>gràineagan anns gach sgioba:</translation>
5360    </message>
5361    <message>
5362        <source>/info &lt;player&gt;: Show info about player</source>
5363        <translation>/info &lt;player&gt;: seall fiosrachadh mun chluicheadair</translation>
5364    </message>
5365    <message>
5366        <source>/me &lt;message&gt;: Chat action, e.g. &apos;/me eats pizza&apos; becomes &apos;* Player eats pizza&apos;</source>
5367        <translation>/me &lt;message&gt;: gnìomh sa chabadaich, mar eisimpleir, thèid “/me ag ithe ceann-cropaig” ’na “* Cluicheadair ag ithe ceann-cropaig”</translation>
5368    </message>
5369    <message>
5370        <source>/rnd: Flip a virtual coin and reply with &apos;heads&apos; or &apos;tails&apos;</source>
5371        <translation>/rnd: tilg bonn biortail is freagair leceannnoclàrsach”</translation>
5372    </message>
5373    <message>
5374        <source>/rnd [A] [B] [C] [...]: Reply with a random word from the given list</source>
5375        <translation>/rnd [A] [B] [C] [...]: Freagair le facal air thuaiream dhen liosta</translation>
5376    </message>
5377    <message>
5378        <source>/watch &lt;id&gt;: Watch a demo stored on the server with the given ID</source>
5379        <translation>/watch &lt;id&gt;: Coimhead air an demo a chaidh a stòradh air an fhrithealaiche leis an ID</translation>
5380    </message>
5381    <message>
5382        <source>/help: Show chat command help</source>
5383        <translation>/help: Seall cobhair air àitheantan na cabadaich</translation>
5384    </message>
5385    <message>
5386        <source>/callvote [arguments]: Start a vote</source>
5387        <translation>/callvote [argamaidean]: Tòisich air bhòtadh</translation>
5388    </message>
5389    <message>
5390        <source>/vote &lt;yes/no&gt;: Vote &apos;yes&apos; or &apos;no&apos; for active vote</source>
5391        <translation>/vote &lt;yes/no&gt;: Bhòtyes” (aonta) nono” (eas-aonta) airson abhòtaidh làithrich</translation>
5392    </message>
5393    <message>
5394        <source>/greeting &lt;message&gt;: Set greeting message to be shown to players who join the room</source>
5395        <translation type="vanished">/greeting &lt;teachdaireachd&gt;: Suidhich an teachdaireachd fàilteachaidh a chì na cluicheadairean a thig a-steach dhan t-seòmar</translation>
5396    </message>
5397    <message>
5398        <source>/delegate &lt;player&gt;: Surrender room control to player</source>
5399        <translation>/delegate &lt;cluicheadair&gt;: Gèill smachd air an t-seòmar dhan chluicheadair</translation>
5400    </message>
5401    <message>
5402        <source>/maxteams &lt;N&gt;: Limit maximum number of teams to N</source>
5403        <translation>/maxteams &lt;N&gt;: Cuingich an àireamh as motha de sgiobaidhean air N</translation>
5404    </message>
5405    <message>
5406        <source>/global &lt;message&gt;: Send global chat message which can be seen by everyone on the server</source>
5407        <translation>/global &lt;teachdaireachd&gt;: Cuir teachdaireachd cabadaich uile-choitcheann a chì a h-uile duine air an fhrithealaiche</translation>
5408    </message>
5409    <message>
5410        <source>/registered_only: Toggle &apos;registered only&apos; state. If enabled, only registered players can join server</source>
5411        <translation>/registered_only: Toglaich an staidBuill clàraichte a-mhàin”. Ma tha seo an comas, chan fhaod ach cluicheadairean clàraichte tighinn a-steach dhan fhrithealaiche</translation>
5412    </message>
5413    <message>
5414        <source>/super_power: Activate your super power. With it you can enter any room and are protected from kicking. Expires when you leave server</source>
5415        <translation>/super_power: Rachnad thighearna. Leis achumhachd seo, ’s urrainn dhut tighinn a-steach gu seòmar sam bith agus thèid do dhìon ach nach fhaigh thu abhròg idir. Falbhaidh an ùine air nuair a dhfhàgas tu am frithealaiche</translation>
5416    </message>
5417    <message>
5418        <source>/save &lt;parameter&gt;</source>
5419        <translation type="vanished">/save &lt;paramadair&gt;</translation>
5420    </message>
5421    <message>
5422        <source>/stats: Query server stats</source>
5423        <translation>/stats: Iarr stadastaireachd an fhrithealaiche</translation>
5424    </message>
5425    <message>
5426        <source>/force &lt;yes/no&gt;: Force vote result for active vote</source>
5427        <translation>/force &lt;yes/no&gt;: Sparr toradh air abhòtadh làithreach</translation>
5428    </message>
5429    <message>
5430        <source>/fix: Force this room to stay open when it is empty</source>
5431        <translation>/fix: Sparr air an t-seòmar seo gum mair e fosgailte nuair a bhios e falamh</translation>
5432    </message>
5433    <message>
5434        <source>/unfix: Undo the /fix command</source>
5435        <translation>/unfix: Neo-dhèan an àithne /fix</translation>
5436    </message>
5437    <message>
5438        <source>/saveroom &lt;file name&gt;: Save room configuration into a file</source>
5439        <translation type="vanished">/saveroom &lt;ainm faidhle&gt;: Sàbhail rèiteachadh an t-seòmair ann am faidhle</translation>
5440    </message>
5441    <message>
5442        <source>/loadroom &lt;file name&gt;: Load room configuration from a file</source>
5443        <translation type="vanished">/loadroom &lt;ainm faidhle&gt;: Luchdaich rèiteachadh seòmair o fhaidhle</translation>
5444    </message>
5445    <message>
5446        <source>/delete &lt;parameter&gt;</source>
5447        <translation type="vanished">/delete &lt;paramadair&gt;</translation>
5448    </message>
5449    <message>
5450        <source>List of lobby chat commands:</source>
5451        <translation>Liosta de dhàitheantan cabadaich an lobaidh:</translation>
5452    </message>
5453    <message>
5454        <source>List of room chat commands:</source>
5455        <translation>Liosta de dhàitheantan cabadaich an t-seòmair:</translation>
5456    </message>
5457    <message>
5458        <source>Commands for server admins only:</source>
5459        <translation>Àitheantan do rianairean frithealaiche a-mhàin:</translation>
5460    </message>
5461    <message>
5462        <source>Unknown command:</source>
5463        <translation type="vanished">Àithne nach aithne dhuinn:</translation>
5464    </message>
5465    <message>
5466        <source>Say &apos;/help&apos; in chat for a list of commands</source>
5467        <translation type="vanished">Can “/helpsa chabadaich airson liosta dhe na h-àitheantan</translation>
5468    </message>
5469    <message>
5470        <source>room</source>
5471        <translation>seòmar</translation>
5472    </message>
5473    <message>
5474        <source>lobby</source>
5475        <translation>lobaidh</translation>
5476    </message>
5477    <message>
5478        <source>(playing)</source>
5479        <translation>(acluich)</translation>
5480    </message>
5481    <message>
5482        <source>(spectating)</source>
5483        <translation>(’na amharc)</translation>
5484    </message>
5485    <message>
5486        <source>Player is not online.</source>
5487        <translation>Chan eil an cluicheadair air loidhne.</translation>
5488    </message>
5489    <message>
5490        <source>/force: Please use &apos;yes&apos; or &apos;no&apos;.</source>
5491        <translation>/force: Cleachdyesnono”.</translation>
5492    </message>
5493    <message>
5494        <source>/vote: Please use &apos;yes&apos; or &apos;no&apos;.</source>
5495        <translation>/vote: Cleachdyesnono”.</translation>
5496    </message>
5497    <message>
5498        <source>Kicked</source>
5499        <translation>Fhuaras abhròg</translation>
5500    </message>
5501    <message>
5502        <source>This server only allows registered users to join.</source>
5503        <translation>Chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean clàraichte tighinn a-steach dhan fhrithealaiche seo.</translation>
5504    </message>
5505    <message>
5506        <source>heads</source>
5507        <translation>ceann</translation>
5508    </message>
5509    <message>
5510        <source>tails</source>
5511        <translation>clàrsach</translation>
5512    </message>
5513    <message>
5514        <source>This server does not support replays!</source>
5515        <translation>Cha chuir am frithealaiche seo taic ri ath-chluiche!</translation>
5516    </message>
5517    <message>
5518        <source>/greeting [message]: Set or clear greeting message to be shown to players who join the room</source>
5519        <translation>/greeting [teachdaieachd]: Suidhich no falamhaich an teachdaireachd fàilteachaidh a chì na cluicheadairean a thig a-steach dhan t-seòmar</translation>
5520    </message>
5521    <message>
5522        <source>/save &lt;config ID&gt; &lt;config name&gt;: Add current room configuration as votable choice for /callvote map</source>
5523        <translation>/save &lt;ID an rèiteachaidh&gt; &lt;ainm an rèiteachaidh&gt;: Cuir rèiteachadh làithreach an t-seòmair ri taghadh abhòtaidh airson /callvote map</translation>
5524    </message>
5525    <message>
5526        <source>/delete &lt;config ID&gt;: Delete a votable room configuration</source>
5527        <translation>/delete &lt;ID an rèiteachaidh&gt;: Sguab às dha rèiteachadh seòmair a ghabhas bhòtadh air</translation>
5528    </message>
5529    <message>
5530        <source>/saveroom &lt;file name&gt;: Save all votable room configurations (and the greeting) of this room into a file</source>
5531        <translation>/saveroom &lt;ainm faidhle&gt;: Sàbhail a h-uile rèiteachadh seòmair a ghabhas bhòtadh air (agus am fàilteachadh) aig an t-seòmar seo ann am faidhle</translation>
5532    </message>
5533    <message>
5534        <source>/loadroom &lt;file name&gt;: Load votable room configurations (and greeting) from a file</source>
5535        <translation>/loadroom &lt;ainm faidhle&gt;: Luchdaich rèiteachaidhean seòmair (agus fàilteachadh) o fhaidhle</translation>
5536    </message>
5537    <message>
5538        <source>&apos;Registered only&apos; state toggled.</source>
5539        <translation type="vanished">Chaidh an staidBuill clàraichte a-mhàina thoglachadh.</translation>
5540    </message>
5541    <message>
5542        <source>Super power activated.</source>
5543        <translation>Chaidh thunad thighearna.</translation>
5544    </message>
5545    <message>
5546        <source>Unknown command or invalid parameters. Say &apos;/help&apos; in chat for a list of commands.</source>
5547        <translation>àithne no paramadairean nach aithne dhuinn. Can “/helpsa chabadaich airson liosta dhe na h-àitheantan.</translation>
5548    </message>
5549    <message>
5550        <source>You can&apos;t kick yourself!</source>
5551        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut abhròg a thoirt dhut fhèin!</translation>
5552    </message>
5553    <message>
5554        <source>You can&apos;t kick the only other player!</source>
5555        <translation>Chan urrainn dhut abhròg a thoirt dhan chluicheadair eile mu dheireadh!</translation>
5556    </message>
5557    <message>
5558        <source>The player is not in your room.</source>
5559        <translation>Chan eil an cluicheadair seo san t-seòmar agad.</translation>
5560    </message>
5561    <message>
5562        <source>This player is protected from being kicked.</source>
5563        <translation>Tha dìon air a&apos; chluicheadair ach nach fhaigh e abhròg idir.</translation>
5564    </message>
5565    <message>
5566        <source>You&apos;re not the room master or a server admin!</source>
5567        <translation>Cha tusa ceannard an t-seòmair is chan eil thunad rianaire frithealaiche!</translation>
5568    </message>
5569    <message>
5570        <source>You&apos;re already the room master.</source>
5571        <translation>Is tusa ceannard an t-seòmair mu thràth.</translation>
5572    </message>
5573    <message>
5574        <source>Greeting message cleared.</source>
5575        <translation>Chaidh an teachdaireachd fàilteachaidh fhalamhachadh.</translation>
5576    </message>
5577    <message>
5578        <source>Greeting message set.</source>
5579        <translation>Chaidh an teachdaireachd fàilteachaidh a shuidheachadh.</translation>
5580    </message>
5581    <message>
5582        <source>/callvote kick: This is only allowed in rooms without a room master.</source>
5583        <translation>/callvote kick: Chan eil seo ceadaichte ach ann an seòmar aig nach eil ceannard.</translation>
5584    </message>
5585    <message>
5586        <source>/callvote map: No maps available.</source>
5587        <translation>/callvote map: Chan eil mapa ri fhaighinn.</translation>
5588    </message>
5589    <message>
5590        <source>You&apos;re the new room master!</source>
5591        <translation>Is tusa ceannard ùr an t-seòmair!</translation>
5592    </message>
5593    <message>
5594        <source>/quit: Quit the server</source>
5595        <translation>/quit: Fàg am frithealaiche</translation>
5596    </message>
5597    <message>
5598        <source>This command is only available in the lobby.</source>
5599        <translation>Chan eil an àithne seo ri fhaighinn ach san lobaidh.</translation>
5600    </message>
5601    <message>
5602        <source>This command is only available in rooms.</source>
5603        <translation>Chan eil an àithne seo ri fhaighinn ach ann an seòmar.</translation>
5604    </message>
5605    <message>
5606        <source>This server no longer allows unregistered players to join.</source>
5607        <translation>Cha cheadaich am frithealaiche seo tuilleadh gun dig cluicheadairean gun chlàradh ann.</translation>
5608    </message>
5609    <message>
5610        <source>This server now allows unregistered players to join.</source>
5611        <translation>Ceadaichidh am frithealaiche seo a-nis gun dig cluicheadairean gun chlàradh ann.</translation>
5612    </message>
5613    <message>
5614        <source>Available callvote commands: hedgehogs &lt;number&gt;, pause, newseed, map &lt;name&gt;, kick &lt;player&gt;</source>
5615        <translation>Àitheantan callvote a tha ri am faighinn: hedgehogs &lt;àireamh&gt;, pause, newseed, map &lt;ainm&gt;, kick &lt;cluicheadair&gt;</translation>
5616    </message>
5617    <message>
5618        <source>Please confirm server restart with &apos;/restart_server yes&apos;.</source>
5619        <translation>Dearbh ath-thòiseachadh an fhrithealaiche le “/restart_server yes”.</translation>
5620    </message>
5621    <message>
5622        <source>Warning! Room name change flood protection activated</source>
5623        <translation>Rabhadh! Chaidh dìon tuile air atharrachadh ainm an t-seòmair a ghnìomhachadh</translation>
5624    </message>