1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
3 Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
5 This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
7 Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
8 and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
10 or (at your option) any later version.
12 Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
13 useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20 ===========================================================================
21 */
23 /*****************************************************************************
24  * name:		l_script.h
25  *
26  * desc:		lexicographical parser
27  *
28  * $Archive: /source/code/botlib/l_script.h $
29  *
30  *****************************************************************************/
32 //undef if binary numbers of the form 0b... or 0B... are not allowed
34 //undef if not using the token.intvalue and token.floatvalue
35 #define NUMBERVALUE
36 //use dollar sign also as punctuation
37 #define DOLLAR
39 //maximum token length
40 #define MAX_TOKEN					1024
42 #if defined(BSPC) && !defined(QDECL)
43 #define QDECL
44 #endif
47 //script flags
48 #define SCFL_NOERRORS				0x0001
49 #define SCFL_NOWARNINGS				0x0002
52 #define SCFL_PRIMITIVE				0x0010
53 #define SCFL_NOBINARYNUMBERS		0x0020
54 #define SCFL_NONUMBERVALUES		0x0040
56 //token types
57 #define TT_STRING						1			// string
58 #define TT_LITERAL					2			// literal
59 #define TT_NUMBER						3			// number
60 #define TT_NAME						4			// name
61 #define TT_PUNCTUATION				5			// punctuation
63 //string sub type
64 //---------------
65 //		the length of the string
66 //literal sub type
67 //----------------
68 //		the ASCII code of the literal
69 //number sub type
70 //---------------
71 #define TT_DECIMAL					0x0008	// decimal number
72 #define TT_HEX							0x0100	// hexadecimal number
73 #define TT_OCTAL						0x0200	// octal number
75 #define TT_BINARY						0x0400	// binary number
77 #define TT_FLOAT						0x0800	// floating point number
78 #define TT_INTEGER					0x1000	// integer number
79 #define TT_LONG						0x2000	// long number
80 #define TT_UNSIGNED					0x4000	// unsigned number
81 //punctuation sub type
82 //--------------------
83 #define P_RSHIFT_ASSIGN				1
84 #define P_LSHIFT_ASSIGN				2
85 #define P_PARMS						3
86 #define P_PRECOMPMERGE				4
88 #define P_LOGIC_AND					5
89 #define P_LOGIC_OR					6
90 #define P_LOGIC_GEQ					7
91 #define P_LOGIC_LEQ					8
92 #define P_LOGIC_EQ					9
93 #define P_LOGIC_UNEQ					10
95 #define P_MUL_ASSIGN					11
96 #define P_DIV_ASSIGN					12
97 #define P_MOD_ASSIGN					13
98 #define P_ADD_ASSIGN					14
99 #define P_SUB_ASSIGN					15
100 #define P_INC							16
101 #define P_DEC							17
103 #define P_BIN_AND_ASSIGN			18
104 #define P_BIN_OR_ASSIGN				19
105 #define P_BIN_XOR_ASSIGN			20
106 #define P_RSHIFT						21
107 #define P_LSHIFT						22
109 #define P_POINTERREF					23
110 #define P_CPP1							24
111 #define P_CPP2							25
112 #define P_MUL							26
113 #define P_DIV							27
114 #define P_MOD							28
115 #define P_ADD							29
116 #define P_SUB							30
117 #define P_ASSIGN						31
119 #define P_BIN_AND						32
120 #define P_BIN_OR						33
121 #define P_BIN_XOR						34
122 #define P_BIN_NOT						35
124 #define P_LOGIC_NOT					36
125 #define P_LOGIC_GREATER				37
126 #define P_LOGIC_LESS					38
128 #define P_REF							39
129 #define P_COMMA						40
130 #define P_SEMICOLON					41
131 #define P_COLON						42
132 #define P_QUESTIONMARK				43
134 #define P_PARENTHESESOPEN			44
135 #define P_PARENTHESESCLOSE			45
136 #define P_BRACEOPEN					46
137 #define P_BRACECLOSE					47
138 #define P_SQBRACKETOPEN				48
139 #define P_SQBRACKETCLOSE			49
140 #define P_BACKSLASH					50
142 #define P_PRECOMP						51
143 #define P_DOLLAR						52
144 //name sub type
145 //-------------
146 //		the length of the name
148 //punctuation
149 typedef struct punctuation_s
150 {
151 	char *p;						//punctuation character(s)
152 	int n;							//punctuation indication
153 	struct punctuation_s *next;		//next punctuation
154 } punctuation_t;
156 //token
157 typedef struct token_s
158 {
159 	char string[MAX_TOKEN];			//available token
160 	int type;						//last read token type
161 	int subtype;					//last read token sub type
162 #ifdef NUMBERVALUE
163 	unsigned long int intvalue;	//integer value
164 	float floatvalue;			//floating point value
165 #endif //NUMBERVALUE
166 	char *whitespace_p;				//start of white space before token
167 	char *endwhitespace_p;			//start of white space before token
168 	int line;						//line the token was on
169 	int linescrossed;				//lines crossed in white space
170 	struct token_s *next;			//next token in chain
171 } token_t;
173 //script file
174 typedef struct script_s
175 {
176 	char filename[1024];			//file name of the script
177 	char *buffer;					//buffer containing the script
178 	char *script_p;					//current pointer in the script
179 	char *end_p;					//pointer to the end of the script
180 	char *lastscript_p;				//script pointer before reading token
181 	char *whitespace_p;				//begin of the white space
182 	char *endwhitespace_p;			//end of the white space
183 	int length;						//length of the script in bytes
184 	int line;						//current line in script
185 	int lastline;					//line before reading token
186 	int tokenavailable;				//set by UnreadLastToken
187 	int flags;						//several script flags
188 	punctuation_t *punctuations;	//the punctuations used in the script
189 	punctuation_t **punctuationtable;
190 	token_t token;					//available token
191 	struct script_s *next;			//next script in a chain
192 } script_t;
194 //read a token from the script
195 int PS_ReadToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
196 //expect a certain token
197 int PS_ExpectTokenString(script_t *script, char *string);
198 //expect a certain token type
199 int PS_ExpectTokenType(script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token);
200 //expect a token
201 int PS_ExpectAnyToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
202 //returns true when the token is available
203 int PS_CheckTokenString(script_t *script, char *string);
204 //returns true an reads the token when a token with the given type is available
205 int PS_CheckTokenType(script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token);
206 //skip tokens until the given token string is read
207 int PS_SkipUntilString(script_t *script, char *string);
208 //unread the last token read from the script
209 void PS_UnreadLastToken(script_t *script);
210 //unread the given token
211 void PS_UnreadToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
212 //returns the next character of the read white space, returns NULL if none
213 char PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar(script_t *script);
214 //remove any leading and trailing double quotes from the token
215 void StripDoubleQuotes(char *string);
216 //remove any leading and trailing single quotes from the token
217 void StripSingleQuotes(char *string);
218 //read a possible signed integer
219 signed long int ReadSignedInt(script_t *script);
220 //read a possible signed floating point number
221 float ReadSignedFloat(script_t *script);
222 //set an array with punctuations, NULL restores default C/C++ set
223 void SetScriptPunctuations(script_t *script, punctuation_t *p);
224 //set script flags
225 void SetScriptFlags(script_t *script, int flags);
226 //get script flags
227 int GetScriptFlags(script_t *script);
228 //reset a script
229 void ResetScript(script_t *script);
230 //returns true if at the end of the script
231 int EndOfScript(script_t *script);
232 //returns a pointer to the punctuation with the given number
233 char *PunctuationFromNum(script_t *script, int num);
234 //load a script from the given file at the given offset with the given length
235 script_t *LoadScriptFile(const char *filename);
236 //load a script from the given memory with the given length
237 script_t *LoadScriptMemory(char *ptr, int length, char *name);
238 //free a script
239 void FreeScript(script_t *script);
240 //set the base folder to load files from
241 void PS_SetBaseFolder(char *path);
242 //print a script error with filename and line number
243 void QDECL ScriptError(script_t *script, char *str, ...);
244 //print a script warning with filename and line number
245 void QDECL ScriptWarning(script_t *script, char *str, ...);