1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
3 Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
5 This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
7 Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
8 and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
10 or (at your option) any later version.
12 Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
13 useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20 ===========================================================================
21 */
22 //
24 /*****************************************************************************
25  * name:		be_aas.h
26  *
27  * desc:		Area Awareness System, stuff exported to the AI
28  *
29  * $Archive: /source/code/botlib/be_aas.h $
30  *
31  *****************************************************************************/
34 #define MAX_STRINGFIELD				80
35 #endif
37 //travel flags
38 #define TFL_INVALID				0x00000001	//traveling temporary not possible
39 #define TFL_WALK				0x00000002	//walking
40 #define TFL_CROUCH				0x00000004	//crouching
41 #define TFL_BARRIERJUMP			0x00000008	//jumping onto a barrier
42 #define TFL_JUMP				0x00000010	//jumping
43 #define TFL_LADDER				0x00000020	//climbing a ladder
44 #define TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE		0x00000080	//walking of a ledge
45 #define TFL_SWIM				0x00000100	//swimming
46 #define TFL_WATERJUMP			0x00000200	//jumping out of the water
47 #define TFL_TELEPORT			0x00000400	//teleporting
48 #define TFL_ELEVATOR			0x00000800	//elevator
49 #define TFL_ROCKETJUMP			0x00001000	//rocket jumping
50 #define TFL_BFGJUMP				0x00002000	//bfg jumping
51 #define TFL_GRAPPLEHOOK			0x00004000	//grappling hook
52 #define TFL_DOUBLEJUMP			0x00008000	//double jump
53 #define TFL_RAMPJUMP			0x00010000	//ramp jump
54 #define TFL_STRAFEJUMP			0x00020000	//strafe jump
55 #define TFL_JUMPPAD				0x00040000	//jump pad
56 #define TFL_AIR					0x00080000	//travel through air
57 #define TFL_WATER				0x00100000	//travel through water
58 #define TFL_SLIME				0x00200000	//travel through slime
59 #define TFL_LAVA				0x00400000	//travel through lava
60 #define TFL_DONOTENTER			0x00800000	//travel through donotenter area
61 #define TFL_FUNCBOB				0x01000000	//func bobbing
62 #define TFL_FLIGHT				0x02000000	//flight
63 #define TFL_BRIDGE				0x04000000	//move over a bridge
64 //
65 #define TFL_NOTTEAM1			0x08000000	//not team 1
66 #define TFL_NOTTEAM2			0x10000000	//not team 2
68 //default travel flags
75 typedef enum
76 {
77 	SOLID_NOT,			// no interaction with other objects
78 	SOLID_TRIGGER,		// only touch when inside, after moving
79 	SOLID_BBOX,			// touch on edge
80 	SOLID_BSP			// bsp clip, touch on edge
81 } solid_t;
83 //a trace is returned when a box is swept through the AAS world
84 typedef struct aas_trace_s
85 {
86 	qboolean	startsolid;	// if true, the initial point was in a solid area
87 	float		fraction;	// time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
88 	vec3_t		endpos;		// final position
89 	int			ent;		// entity blocking the trace
90 	int			lastarea;	// last area the trace was in (zero if none)
91 	int			area;		// area blocking the trace (zero if none)
92 	int			planenum;	// number of the plane that was hit
93 } aas_trace_t;
95 /* Defined in botlib.h
97 //bsp_trace_t hit surface
98 typedef struct bsp_surface_s
99 {
100 	char name[16];
101 	int flags;
102 	int value;
103 } bsp_surface_t;
105 //a trace is returned when a box is swept through the BSP world
106 typedef struct bsp_trace_s
107 {
108 	qboolean		allsolid;	// if true, plane is not valid
109 	qboolean		startsolid;	// if true, the initial point was in a solid area
110 	float			fraction;	// time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
111 	vec3_t			endpos;		// final position
112 	cplane_t		plane;		// surface normal at impact
113 	float			exp_dist;	// expanded plane distance
114 	int				sidenum;	// number of the brush side hit
115 	bsp_surface_t	surface;	// hit surface
116 	int				contents;	// contents on other side of surface hit
117 	int				ent;		// number of entity hit
118 } bsp_trace_t;
119 //
120 */
122 //entity info
123 typedef struct aas_entityinfo_s
124 {
125 	int		valid;			// true if updated this frame
126 	int		type;			// entity type
127 	int		flags;			// entity flags
128 	float	ltime;			// local time
129 	float	update_time;	// time between last and current update
130 	int		number;			// number of the entity
131 	vec3_t	origin;			// origin of the entity
132 	vec3_t	angles;			// angles of the model
133 	vec3_t	old_origin;		// for lerping
134 	vec3_t	lastvisorigin;	// last visible origin
135 	vec3_t	mins;			// bounding box minimums
136 	vec3_t	maxs;			// bounding box maximums
137 	int		groundent;		// ground entity
138 	int		solid;			// solid type
139 	int		modelindex;		// model used
140 	int		modelindex2;	// weapons, CTF flags, etc
141 	int		frame;			// model frame number
142 	int		event;			// impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
143 	int		eventParm;		// even parameter
144 	int		powerups;		// bit flags
145 	int		weapon;			// determines weapon and flash model, etc
146 	int		legsAnim;		// mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
147 	int		torsoAnim;		// mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
148 } aas_entityinfo_t;
150 // area info
151 typedef struct aas_areainfo_s
152 {
153 	int contents;
154 	int flags;
155 	int presencetype;
156 	int cluster;
157 	vec3_t mins;
158 	vec3_t maxs;
159 	vec3_t center;
160 } aas_areainfo_t;
162 // client movement prediction stop events, stop as soon as:
163 #define SE_NONE					0
164 #define SE_HITGROUND			1		// the ground is hit
165 #define SE_LEAVEGROUND			2		// there's no ground
166 #define SE_ENTERWATER			4		// water is entered
167 #define SE_ENTERSLIME			8		// slime is entered
168 #define SE_ENTERLAVA			16		// lava is entered
169 #define SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE		32		// the ground is hit with damage
170 #define SE_GAP					64		// there's a gap
171 #define SE_TOUCHJUMPPAD			128		// touching a jump pad area
172 #define SE_TOUCHTELEPORTER		256		// touching teleporter
173 #define SE_ENTERAREA			512		// the given stoparea is entered
174 #define SE_HITGROUNDAREA		1024	// a ground face in the area is hit
175 #define SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX		2048	// hit the specified bounding box
176 #define SE_TOUCHCLUSTERPORTAL	4096	// touching a cluster portal
178 typedef struct aas_clientmove_s
179 {
180 	vec3_t endpos;			//position at the end of movement prediction
181 	int endarea;			//area at end of movement prediction
182 	vec3_t velocity;		//velocity at the end of movement prediction
183 	aas_trace_t trace;		//last trace
184 	int presencetype;		//presence type at end of movement prediction
185 	int stopevent;			//event that made the prediction stop
186 	int endcontents;		//contents at the end of movement prediction
187 	float time;				//time predicted ahead
188 	int frames;				//number of frames predicted ahead
189 } aas_clientmove_t;
191 // alternate route goals
192 #define ALTROUTEGOAL_ALL				1
196 typedef struct aas_altroutegoal_s
197 {
198 	vec3_t origin;
199 	int areanum;
200 	unsigned short starttraveltime;
201 	unsigned short goaltraveltime;
202 	unsigned short extratraveltime;
203 } aas_altroutegoal_t;
205 // route prediction stop events
206 #define RSE_NONE				0
207 #define RSE_NOROUTE				1	//no route to goal
208 #define RSE_USETRAVELTYPE		2	//stop as soon as on of the given travel types is used
209 #define RSE_ENTERCONTENTS		4	//stop when entering the given contents
210 #define RSE_ENTERAREA			8	//stop when entering the given area
212 typedef struct aas_predictroute_s
213 {
214 	vec3_t endpos;			//position at the end of movement prediction
215 	int endarea;			//area at end of movement prediction
216 	int stopevent;			//event that made the prediction stop
217 	int endcontents;		//contents at the end of movement prediction
218 	int endtravelflags;		//end travel flags
219 	int numareas;			//number of areas predicted ahead
220 	int time;				//time predicted ahead (in hundreth of a sec)
221 } aas_predictroute_t;