1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code (“RTCW MP Source Code”).
9 RTCW MP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 RTCW MP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with RTCW MP Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the RTCW MP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW MP Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
30 /*****************************************************************************
31  * name:		be_aas_def.h
32  *
33  * desc:		AAS
34  *
35  *
36  *****************************************************************************/
38 #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
40 //debugging on
41 #define AAS_DEBUG
43 #define MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS   2048    //----(SA)	upped
45 #define DF_AASENTNUMBER( x )      ( x - ( *aasworlds ).entities )
46 #define DF_NUMBERAASENT( x )      ( &( *aasworlds ).entities[x] )
47 #define DF_AASENTCLIENT( x )      ( x - ( *aasworlds ).entities - 1 )
48 #define DF_CLIENTAASENT( x )      ( &( *aasworlds ).entities[x + 1] )
50 //string index (for model, sound and image index)
51 typedef struct aas_stringindex_s
52 {
53 	int numindexes;
54 	char **index;
55 } aas_stringindex_t;
57 //structure to link entities to areas and areas to entities
58 typedef struct aas_link_s
59 {
60 	int entnum;
61 	int areanum;
62 	struct aas_link_s *next_ent, *prev_ent;
63 	struct aas_link_s *next_area, *prev_area;
64 } aas_link_t;
66 //structure to link entities to leaves and leaves to entities
67 typedef struct bsp_link_s
68 {
69 	int entnum;
70 	int leafnum;
71 	struct bsp_link_s *next_ent, *prev_ent;
72 	struct bsp_link_s *next_leaf, *prev_leaf;
73 } bsp_link_t;
75 typedef struct bsp_entdata_s
76 {
77 	vec3_t origin;
78 	vec3_t angles;
79 	vec3_t absmins;
80 	vec3_t absmaxs;
81 	int solid;
82 	int modelnum;
83 } bsp_entdata_t;
85 //entity
86 typedef struct aas_entity_s
87 {
88 	//entity info
89 	aas_entityinfo_t i;
90 	//links into the AAS areas
91 	aas_link_t *areas;
92 	//links into the BSP leaves
93 	bsp_link_t *leaves;
94 } aas_entity_t;
96 typedef struct aas_settings_s
97 {
98 	float sv_friction;
99 	float sv_stopspeed;
100 	float sv_gravity;
101 	float sv_waterfriction;
102 	float sv_watergravity;
103 	float sv_maxvelocity;
104 	float sv_maxwalkvelocity;
105 	float sv_maxcrouchvelocity;
106 	float sv_maxswimvelocity;
107 	float sv_walkaccelerate;
108 	float sv_airaccelerate;
109 	float sv_swimaccelerate;
110 	float sv_maxstep;
111 	float sv_maxsteepness;
112 	float sv_maxwaterjump;
113 	float sv_maxbarrier;
114 	float sv_jumpvel;
115 } aas_settings_t;
117 //routing cache
118 typedef struct aas_routingcache_s
119 {
120 	int size;                                   //size of the routing cache
121 	float time;                                 //last time accessed or updated
122 	int cluster;                                //cluster the cache is for
123 	int areanum;                                //area the cache is created for
124 	vec3_t origin;                              //origin within the area
125 	float starttraveltime;                      //travel time to start with
126 	int travelflags;                            //combinations of the travel flags
127 	struct aas_routingcache_s *prev, *next;
128 	unsigned char *reachabilities;              //reachabilities used for routing
129 	unsigned short int traveltimes[1];          //travel time for every area (variable sized)
130 } aas_routingcache_t;
132 //32bit values for pointers to allow loading cache on non-32 bit platforms
133 typedef struct
134 {
135 	int size;                                   //size of the routing cache
136 	float time;                                 //last time accessed or updated
137 	int cluster;                                //cluster the cache is for
138 	int areanum;                                //area the cache is created for
139 	vec3_t origin;                              //origin within the area
140 	float starttraveltime;                      //travel time to start with
141 	int travelflags;                            //combinations of the travel flags
142 	int prev_, next_;
143 	int reachabilities_;                        //reachabilities used for routing
144 	unsigned short int traveltimes[1];          //travel time for every area (variable sized)
145 } aas_routingcache_32_t;
147 //fields for the routing algorithm
148 typedef struct aas_routingupdate_s
149 {
150 	int cluster;
151 	int areanum;                                //area number of the update
152 	vec3_t start;                               //start point the area was entered
153 	unsigned short int tmptraveltime;           //temporary travel time
154 	unsigned short int *areatraveltimes;        //travel times within the area
155 	qboolean inlist;                            //true if the update is in the list
156 	struct aas_routingupdate_s *next;
157 	struct aas_routingupdate_s *prev;
158 } aas_routingupdate_t;
160 //reversed reachability link
161 typedef struct aas_reversedlink_s
162 {
163 	int linknum;                                //the aas_areareachability_t
164 	int areanum;                                //reachable from this area
165 	struct aas_reversedlink_s *next;            //next link
166 } aas_reversedlink_t;
168 //reversed area reachability
169 typedef struct aas_reversedreachability_s
170 {
171 	int numlinks;
172 	aas_reversedlink_t *first;
173 } aas_reversedreachability_t;
175 // Ridah, route-tables
176 #include "be_aas_routetable.h"
177 // done.
179 typedef struct aas_s
180 {
181 	int loaded;                                 //true when an AAS file is loaded
182 	int initialized;                            //true when AAS has been initialized
183 	int savefile;                               //set true when file should be saved
184 	int bspchecksum;
185 	//current time
186 	float time;
187 	int numframes;
188 	//name of the aas file
189 	char filename[MAX_QPATH];
190 	char mapname[MAX_QPATH];
191 	//bounding boxes
192 	int numbboxes;
193 	aas_bbox_t *bboxes;
194 	//vertexes
195 	int numvertexes;
196 	aas_vertex_t *vertexes;
197 	//planes
198 	int numplanes;
199 	aas_plane_t *planes;
200 	//edges
201 	int numedges;
202 	aas_edge_t *edges;
203 	//edge index
204 	int edgeindexsize;
205 	aas_edgeindex_t *edgeindex;
206 	//faces
207 	int numfaces;
208 	aas_face_t *faces;
209 	//face index
210 	int faceindexsize;
211 	aas_faceindex_t *faceindex;
212 	//convex areas
213 	int numareas;
214 	aas_area_t *areas;
215 	//convex area settings
216 	int numareasettings;
217 	aas_areasettings_t *areasettings;
218 	//reachablity list
219 	int reachabilitysize;
220 	aas_reachability_t *reachability;
221 	//nodes of the bsp tree
222 	int numnodes;
223 	aas_node_t *nodes;
224 	//cluster portals
225 	int numportals;
226 	aas_portal_t *portals;
227 	//cluster portal index
228 	int portalindexsize;
229 	aas_portalindex_t *portalindex;
230 	//clusters
231 	int numclusters;
232 	aas_cluster_t *clusters;
233 	//
234 	int reachabilityareas;
235 	float reachabilitytime;
236 	//enities linked in the areas
237 	aas_link_t *linkheap;                       //heap with link structures
238 	int linkheapsize;                           //size of the link heap
239 	aas_link_t *freelinks;                      //first free link
240 	aas_link_t **arealinkedentities;            //entities linked into areas
241 	//entities
242 	int maxentities;
243 	int maxclients;
244 	aas_entity_t *entities;
245 	//string indexes
246 	char *configstrings[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS];
247 	int indexessetup;
248 	//index to retrieve travel flag for a travel type
249 	int travelflagfortype[MAX_TRAVELTYPES];
250 	//routing update
251 	aas_routingupdate_t *areaupdate;
252 	aas_routingupdate_t *portalupdate;
253 	//number of routing updates during a frame (reset every frame)
254 	int frameroutingupdates;
255 	//reversed reachability links
256 	aas_reversedreachability_t *reversedreachability;
257 	//travel times within the areas
258 	unsigned short ***areatraveltimes;
259 	//array of size numclusters with cluster cache
260 	aas_routingcache_t ***clusterareacache;
261 	aas_routingcache_t **portalcache;
262 	//maximum travel time through portals
263 	int *portalmaxtraveltimes;
264 	// Ridah, pointer to Route-Table information
265 	aas_rt_t    *routetable;
266 	//hide travel times
267 	unsigned short int *hidetraveltimes;
268 	//vis data
269 	byte *decompressedvis;
270 	int decompressedvisarea;
271 	byte **areavisibility;
272 	// done.
273 	// Ridah, store the area's waypoint for hidepos calculations (center traced downwards)
274 	vec3_t *areawaypoints;
275 	// Ridah, so we can cache the areas that have already been tested for visibility/attackability
276 	byte *visCache;
277 } aas_t;
279 #define AASINTERN
281 #ifndef BSPCINCLUDE
283 #include "be_aas_main.h"
284 #include "be_aas_entity.h"
285 #include "be_aas_sample.h"
286 #include "be_aas_cluster.h"
287 #include "be_aas_reach.h"
288 #include "be_aas_route.h"
289 #include "be_aas_routealt.h"
290 #include "be_aas_debug.h"
291 #include "be_aas_file.h"
292 #include "be_aas_optimize.h"
293 #include "be_aas_bsp.h"
294 #include "be_aas_move.h"
296 // Ridah, route-tables
297 #include "be_aas_routetable.h"
299 #endif //BSPCINCLUDE