1# Play! #
2Play! is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android & iOS platforms.
4Compatibility information is available on the official [Compatibility Tracker](https://github.com/jpd002/Play-Compatibility).
5If a specific game doesn't work with the emulator, please create a new issue there.
7For more information, please visit [purei.org](https://purei.org).
9## Building ##
11### Getting Started ###
12First you'll need to clone this repo which contains the emulator source code, alongside the submodules required to build Play!:
13 ```
14 git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/jpd002/Play-.git
15 cd Play-
16 ```
18### Building for Windows ###
19The easiest way to build the project on Windows is to open Qt Creator and direct it to the Cmake file in `/project/dir/Play-/CMakeLists.txt`.
20You can also build the project using Visual Studio or cmdline, for that you must follow these instructions:
22To build for Windows you will need to have CMake installed on your system.
23 ```cmd
24 mkdir build
25 cd build
26 ```
27 ```
28 # Not specifying -G will automatically generate 32-bit projects.
29 cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64" -DUSE_QT=YES
30 ```
31You can now build the project by opening the generated Visual Studio Solution or continue through cmdline:
32 ```cmd
33 cmake --build . --config Release
34 ```
35Note: `--config` can be `Release`, `Debug`, or `RelWithDebInfo`.
37### Building for macOS & iOS ###
38If you don't have CMake installed, you can install it using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) with the following command:
39 ```bash
40 brew install cmake
41 ```
43There are two ways to generate a build for macOS. Either by using Makefiles, or Xcode:
44 ```bash
45 mkdir build
46 cd build
47 ```
48 ```
49 # Not specifying -G will automatically pick Makefiles
50 cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.1.0/clang_64/
51 cmake --build . --config Release
52 # OR
53 cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.1.0/clang_64/
54 cmake --build .
55 ```
56To generate a build for iOS, you will need to add the following parameters to the CMake invocation:
57 ```bash
58 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../Dependencies/cmake-ios/ios.cmake -DTARGET_IOS=ON
59 ```
61iOS build doesn't use Qt, so omit `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=...`
64 ```bash
65 cmake .. -G Xcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../deps/Dependencies/cmake-ios/ios.cmake -DTARGET_IOS=ON
66 ```
68Note: iOS builds generated with Makefiles will not be FAT binaries.
70### Building for UNIX ###
71if you don't have Cmake or OpenAL lib installed, you'll also require Qt. (preferably version 5.6)
72You can install it using your OS packaging tool, e.g Ubuntu: `apt install cmake libalut-dev qt5-default libevdev-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libsqlite3-dev`
74On UNIX systems there are 3 ways to setup a build. Using Qt creator, makefile or Ninja:
75 - QT Creator
76    - Open Project -> `Play/CMakeLists.txt`
78 - Makefile/Ninja:
79   ```bash
80   mkdir build
81   cd build
82   ```
83   ```
84   # Not specifying -G will automatically pick Makefiles
85   cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt56/
86   cmake --build .
87   # OR
88   cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt56/
89   cmake --build . --config Release
90   ```
91The above example uses a backport repo to install Qt5.6 on Ubuntu Trusty.
93Note: `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` refers to the Qt directory containing bin/libs folder. If you install Qt from their official website, your `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` might look like this: `~/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64/`
95### Building for Android ###
96Building for Android has been tested on macOS and UNIX environments.
98Android can be built using Android Studio, or Gradle:
99 - Android Studio:
100   - Files-> Open Projects-> Directory To `Play/build_android`
101   - Install NDK using SDK manager
102     - Edit/create `Play/build_android/local.properties`
103     - OSX: Add a new line: `ndk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle` replacing `USER_NAME` with your macOS username
104     - UNIX: Add a new line: `ndk.dir=~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle`
105     - Windows: Add a new line: `C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle`
106     - Please leave an empty new line at the end of the file.
108Note: These examples are only valid if you installed NDK through Android Studio's SDK manager.
109Otherwise, you must specify the correct location to the Android NDK.
111Once this is done, you can start the build:
112 - Gradle: Prerequisite Android SDK & NDK (Both can be installed through Android Studio)
113   - edit/create `Play/build_android/local.properties`
114     - OSX:
115       - Add a new line: `sdk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk` replacing `USER_NAME` with your macOS username
116       - Add a new line: `ndk.dir=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle` replacing `USER_NAME` with your macOS username
117     - UNIX:
118       - Add a new line: `sdk.dir=~/Android/Sdk`
119       - Add a new line: `ndk.dir=~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle`
120     - Windows:
121       - Add a new line: `sdk.dir=C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk`
122       - Add a new line: `ndk.dir=C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle`
123     - Please leave an empty new line at the end of the file.
125Note: These examples are only valid if you installed NDK through Android Studio's SDK manager.
126Otherwise you must specify the correct location to Android NDK.
127Once this is done, you can start the build:
128 ```bash
129 cd Play/build_android
130 sh gradlew assembleDebug
131 ```
133##### About Release/Signed builds #####
134Building through Android Studio, you have the option to “Generate Signed APK”.
136When building through Gradle, you must create a text file called `Play/build_android/keystore.properties` and add the following properties to it: `storeFile`, `storePassword`, `keyAlias`, and `keyPassword`.
138E.g for `keystore.properties`:
139 ```
140 storeFile=/location/to/my/key.jks
141 storePassword=mysuperhardpassword
142 keyAlias=myalias
143 keyPassword=myevenharderpassword
144 ```
145Please leave an empty new line at the end of the file.
146 ```
147 cd Play/build_android
148 sh gradlew assembleRelease
149 # or on Windows
150 gradlew.bat assembleRelease
151 ```