1 // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
2 //
4 /*****************************************************************************
5  * name:		l_script.h
6  *
7  * desc:		lexicographical parser
8  *
9  * $Archive: /source/code/botlib/l_script.h $
10  * $Author: Mrelusive $
11  * $Revision: 2 $
12  * $Modtime: 10/05/99 3:32p $
13  * $Date: 10/05/99 3:42p $
14  *
15  *****************************************************************************/
17 //undef if binary numbers of the form 0b... or 0B... are not allowed
19 //undef if not using the token.intvalue and token.floatvalue
20 #define NUMBERVALUE
21 //use dollar sign also as punctuation
22 #define DOLLAR
24 //maximum token length
25 #define MAX_TOKEN					1024
27 #if defined(BSPC) && !defined(QDECL)
28 #define QDECL
29 #endif
32 //script flags
33 #define SCFL_NOERRORS				0x0001
34 #define SCFL_NOWARNINGS				0x0002
37 #define SCFL_PRIMITIVE				0x0010
38 #define SCFL_NOBINARYNUMBERS		0x0020
39 #define SCFL_NONUMBERVALUES		0x0040
41 //token types
42 #define TT_STRING						1			// string
43 #define TT_LITERAL					2			// literal
44 #define TT_NUMBER						3			// number
45 #define TT_NAME						4			// name
46 #define TT_PUNCTUATION				5			// punctuation
48 //string sub type
49 //---------------
50 //		the length of the string
51 //literal sub type
52 //----------------
53 //		the ASCII code of the literal
54 //number sub type
55 //---------------
56 #define TT_DECIMAL					0x0008	// decimal number
57 #define TT_HEX							0x0100	// hexadecimal number
58 #define TT_OCTAL						0x0200	// octal number
60 #define TT_BINARY						0x0400	// binary number
62 #define TT_FLOAT						0x0800	// floating point number
63 #define TT_INTEGER					0x1000	// integer number
64 #define TT_LONG						0x2000	// long number
65 #define TT_UNSIGNED					0x4000	// unsigned number
66 //punctuation sub type
67 //--------------------
68 #define P_RSHIFT_ASSIGN				1
69 #define P_LSHIFT_ASSIGN				2
70 #define P_PARMS						3
71 #define P_PRECOMPMERGE				4
73 #define P_LOGIC_AND					5
74 #define P_LOGIC_OR					6
75 #define P_LOGIC_GEQ					7
76 #define P_LOGIC_LEQ					8
77 #define P_LOGIC_EQ					9
78 #define P_LOGIC_UNEQ					10
80 #define P_MUL_ASSIGN					11
81 #define P_DIV_ASSIGN					12
82 #define P_MOD_ASSIGN					13
83 #define P_ADD_ASSIGN					14
84 #define P_SUB_ASSIGN					15
85 #define P_INC							16
86 #define P_DEC							17
88 #define P_BIN_AND_ASSIGN			18
89 #define P_BIN_OR_ASSIGN				19
90 #define P_BIN_XOR_ASSIGN			20
91 #define P_RSHIFT						21
92 #define P_LSHIFT						22
94 #define P_POINTERREF					23
95 #define P_CPP1							24
96 #define P_CPP2							25
97 #define P_MUL							26
98 #define P_DIV							27
99 #define P_MOD							28
100 #define P_ADD							29
101 #define P_SUB							30
102 #define P_ASSIGN						31
104 #define P_BIN_AND						32
105 #define P_BIN_OR						33
106 #define P_BIN_XOR						34
107 #define P_BIN_NOT						35
109 #define P_LOGIC_NOT					36
110 #define P_LOGIC_GREATER				37
111 #define P_LOGIC_LESS					38
113 #define P_REF							39
114 #define P_COMMA						40
115 #define P_SEMICOLON					41
116 #define P_COLON						42
117 #define P_QUESTIONMARK				43
119 #define P_PARENTHESESOPEN			44
120 #define P_PARENTHESESCLOSE			45
121 #define P_BRACEOPEN					46
122 #define P_BRACECLOSE					47
123 #define P_SQBRACKETOPEN				48
124 #define P_SQBRACKETCLOSE			49
125 #define P_BACKSLASH					50
127 #define P_PRECOMP						51
128 #define P_DOLLAR						52
129 //name sub type
130 //-------------
131 //		the length of the name
133 //punctuation
134 typedef struct punctuation_s
135 {
136 	char *p;						//punctuation character(s)
137 	int n;							//punctuation indication
138 	struct punctuation_s *next;		//next punctuation
139 } punctuation_t;
141 //token
142 typedef struct token_s
143 {
144 	char string[MAX_TOKEN];			//available token
145 	int type;						//last read token type
146 	int subtype;					//last read token sub type
147 #ifdef NUMBERVALUE
148 	unsigned long int intvalue;	//integer value
149 	long double floatvalue;			//floating point value
150 #endif //NUMBERVALUE
151 	char *whitespace_p;				//start of white space before token
152 	char *endwhitespace_p;			//start of white space before token
153 	int line;						//line the token was on
154 	int linescrossed;				//lines crossed in white space
155 	struct token_s *next;			//next token in chain
156 } token_t;
158 //script file
159 typedef struct script_s
160 {
161 	char filename[1024];			//file name of the script
162 	char *buffer;					//buffer containing the script
163 	char *script_p;					//current pointer in the script
164 	char *end_p;					//pointer to the end of the script
165 	char *lastscript_p;				//script pointer before reading token
166 	char *whitespace_p;				//begin of the white space
167 	char *endwhitespace_p;			//end of the white space
168 	int length;						//length of the script in bytes
169 	int line;						//current line in script
170 	int lastline;					//line before reading token
171 	int tokenavailable;				//set by UnreadLastToken
172 	int flags;						//several script flags
173 	punctuation_t *punctuations;	//the punctuations used in the script
174 	punctuation_t **punctuationtable;
175 	token_t token;					//available token
176 	struct script_s *next;			//next script in a chain
177 } script_t;
179 //read a token from the script
180 int PS_ReadToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
181 //expect a certain token
182 int PS_ExpectTokenString(script_t *script, char *string);
183 //expect a certain token type
184 int PS_ExpectTokenType(script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token);
185 //expect a token
186 int PS_ExpectAnyToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
187 //returns true when the token is available
188 int PS_CheckTokenString(script_t *script, char *string);
189 //returns true an reads the token when a token with the given type is available
190 int PS_CheckTokenType(script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token);
191 //skip tokens until the given token string is read
192 int PS_SkipUntilString(script_t *script, char *string);
193 //unread the last token read from the script
194 void PS_UnreadLastToken(script_t *script);
195 //unread the given token
196 void PS_UnreadToken(script_t *script, token_t *token);
197 //returns the next character of the read white space, returns NULL if none
198 char PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar(script_t *script);
199 //remove any leading and trailing double quotes from the token
200 void StripDoubleQuotes(char *string);
201 //remove any leading and trailing single quotes from the token
202 void StripSingleQuotes(char *string);
203 //read a possible signed integer
204 signed long int ReadSignedInt(script_t *script);
205 //read a possible signed floating point number
206 long double ReadSignedFloat(script_t *script);
207 //set an array with punctuations, NULL restores default C/C++ set
208 void SetScriptPunctuations(script_t *script, punctuation_t *p);
209 //set script flags
210 void SetScriptFlags(script_t *script, int flags);
211 //get script flags
212 int GetScriptFlags(script_t *script);
213 //reset a script
214 void ResetScript(script_t *script);
215 //returns true if at the end of the script
216 int EndOfScript(script_t *script);
217 //returns a pointer to the punctuation with the given number
218 char *PunctuationFromNum(script_t *script, int num);
219 //load a script from the given file at the given offset with the given length
220 script_t *LoadScriptFile(char *filename);
221 //load a script from the given memory with the given length
222 script_t *LoadScriptMemory(char *ptr, int length, char *name);
223 //free a script
224 void FreeScript(script_t *script);
225 //print a script error with filename and line number
226 void QDECL ScriptError(script_t *script, char *str, ...);
227 //print a script warning with filename and line number
228 void QDECL ScriptWarning(script_t *script, char *str, ...);