1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)gnstatus.c	3.3	2000/07/16	*/
2 /* Copyright (C) 1998 by Erik Andersen <andersee@debian.org> */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #include "gnstatus.h"
6 #include "gnsignal.h"
7 #include "gn_xpms.h"
8 #include "gnomeprv.h"
11 extern const char *hu_stat[]; /* from eat.c */
12 extern const char *enc_stat[]; /* from botl.c */
14 void ghack_status_window_update_stats();
15 void ghack_status_window_clear(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data);
16 void ghack_status_window_destroy(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data);
17 void ghack_status_window_display(GtkWidget *win, boolean block, gpointer data);
18 void ghack_status_window_cursor_to(GtkWidget *win, int x, int y, gpointer data);
19 void ghack_status_window_put_string(GtkWidget *win, int attr, const char* text, gpointer data);
21 static void ghack_fade_highlighting();
22 static void ghack_highlight_widget( GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* oldStyle,
23 	GtkStyle* newStyle);
25 /* some junk to handle when to fade the highlighting */
28 static GList	*s_HighLightList;
30 typedef struct {
31     GtkWidget*	widget;
32     GtkStyle*	oldStyle;
33     int		nTurnsLeft;
34 } Highlight;
37 /* Ok, now for a LONG list of widgets... */
38 static GtkWidget* statTable = NULL;
39 static GtkWidget* titleLabel = NULL;
40 static GtkWidget* dgnLevelLabel = NULL;
41 static GtkWidget* strPix = NULL;
42 static GtkWidget* strLabel = NULL;
43 static GtkWidget* dexPix = NULL;
44 static GtkWidget* dexLabel = NULL;
45 static GtkWidget* intPix = NULL;
46 static GtkWidget* intLabel = NULL;
47 static GtkWidget* wisPix = NULL;
48 static GtkWidget* wisLabel = NULL;
49 static GtkWidget* conPix = NULL;
50 static GtkWidget* conLabel = NULL;
51 static GtkWidget* chaPix = NULL;
52 static GtkWidget* chaLabel = NULL;
53 static GtkWidget* goldLabel = NULL;
54 static GtkWidget* hpLabel = NULL;
55 static GtkWidget* powLabel = NULL;
56 static GtkWidget* acLabel = NULL;
57 static GtkWidget* levlLabel = NULL;
58 static GtkWidget* expLabel = NULL;
59 static GtkWidget* timeLabel = NULL;
60 static GtkWidget* scoreLabel = NULL;
61 static GtkWidget* alignPix = NULL;
62 static GtkWidget* alignLabel = NULL;
63 static GtkWidget* hungerPix = NULL;
64 static GtkWidget* hungerLabel = NULL;
65 static GtkWidget* sickPix = NULL;
66 static GtkWidget* sickLabel = NULL;
67 static GtkWidget* blindPix = NULL;
68 static GtkWidget* blindLabel = NULL;
69 static GtkWidget* stunPix = NULL;
70 static GtkWidget* stunLabel = NULL;
71 static GtkWidget* halluPix = NULL;
72 static GtkWidget* halluLabel = NULL;
73 static GtkWidget* confuPix = NULL;
74 static GtkWidget* confuLabel = NULL;
75 static GtkWidget* encumbPix = NULL;
76 static GtkWidget* encumbLabel = NULL;
79 static GtkStyle* normalStyle = NULL;
80 static GtkStyle* bigStyle = NULL;
81 static GtkStyle* redStyle = NULL;
82 static GtkStyle* greenStyle = NULL;
83 static GtkStyle* bigRedStyle = NULL;
84 static GtkStyle* bigGreenStyle = NULL;
86 /* Pure red */
87 static GdkColor color_red   = { 0, 0xff00, 0, 0 };
88 /* ForestGreen (looks better than just pure green) */
89 static GdkColor color_green = { 0, 0x2200, 0x8b00, 0x2200 };
91 static int lastDepth;
92 static int lastStr;
93 static int lastInt;
94 static int lastWis;
95 static int lastDex;
96 static int lastCon;
97 static int lastCha;
98 static long lastAu;
99 static int lastHP;
100 static int lastMHP;
101 static int lastLevel;
102 static int lastPOW;
103 static int lastMPOW;
104 static int lastAC;
105 static int lastExp;
106 static aligntyp lastAlignment;
107 static unsigned lastHungr;
108 static long lastConf;
109 static long lastBlind;
110 static long lastStun;
111 static long lastHalu;
112 static long lastSick;
113 static int lastEncumb;
ghack_status_window_clear(GtkWidget * win,gpointer data)115 void ghack_status_window_clear( GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
116 {
117     /* Don't think we need this at all */
118 }
ghack_status_window_destroy(GtkWidget * win,gpointer data)120 void ghack_status_window_destroy(GtkWidget *win, gpointer data)
121 {
122     while (s_HighLightList) {
123 	g_free( (Highlight*)s_HighLightList->data);
124 	s_HighLightList = s_HighLightList->next;
125     }
126     g_list_free( s_HighLightList );
127 }
ghack_status_window_display(GtkWidget * win,boolean block,gpointer data)129 void ghack_status_window_display( GtkWidget *win, boolean block, gpointer data)
130 {
131     gtk_widget_show_all( GTK_WIDGET(win));
132 }
ghack_status_window_cursor_to(GtkWidget * win,int x,int y,gpointer data)134 void ghack_status_window_cursor_to( GtkWidget *win, int x, int y, gpointer data)
135 {
136     /* Don't think we need this at all */
137 }
ghack_status_window_put_string(GtkWidget * win,int attr,const char * text,gpointer data)139 void ghack_status_window_put_string( GtkWidget *win, int attr, const char* text, gpointer data)
140 {
141     ghack_status_window_update_stats();
142 }
ghack_init_status_window()146 GtkWidget* ghack_init_status_window ()
147 {
148     GtkWidget *horizSep0, *horizSep1, *horizSep2, *horizSep3;
149     GtkWidget *statsHBox, *strVBox, *dexVBox, *intVBox, *statHBox;
150     GtkWidget *wisVBox, *conVBox, *chaVBox;
151     GtkWidget *alignVBox, *hungerVBox, *sickVBox, *blindVBox;
152     GtkWidget *stunVBox, *halluVBox, *confuVBox, *encumbVBox;
154     /* Set up a (ridiculous) initial state */
155     lastDepth = 9999;
156     lastStr = 9999;
157     lastInt = 9999;
158     lastWis = 9999;
159     lastDex = 9999;
160     lastCon = 9999;
161     lastCha = 9999;
162     lastAu = 9999;
163     lastHP = 9999;
164     lastMHP = 9999;
165     lastLevel = 9999;
166     lastPOW = 9999;
167     lastMPOW = 9999;
168     lastAC = 9999;
169     lastExp = 9999;
170     lastAlignment = A_NEUTRAL;  /* start off guessing neutral */
171     lastHungr = 9999;
172     lastConf = 9999;
173     lastBlind = 9999;
174     lastStun = 9999;
175     lastHalu = 9999;
176     lastSick = 9999;
177     lastEncumb = 9999;
179     statTable = gtk_table_new( 10, 8, FALSE);
180     gtk_table_set_row_spacings( GTK_TABLE( statTable), 1);
181     gtk_table_set_col_spacings( GTK_TABLE( statTable), 1);
184     /* Begin the first row of the table -- the title */
185     titleLabel = gtk_label_new( _("GnomeHack!"));
186     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), titleLabel,
187 	    0, 8, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
188     if (!normalStyle)
189       normalStyle = gtk_style_copy (
190       		gtk_widget_get_style (GTK_WIDGET (titleLabel)));
192     /* Set up some styles to draw stuff with */
193     if (!redStyle) {
194       g_assert (greenStyle == NULL);
195       g_assert (bigStyle == NULL);
196       g_assert (bigRedStyle == NULL);
197       g_assert (bigGreenStyle == NULL);
199       greenStyle = gtk_style_copy (normalStyle);
200       redStyle = gtk_style_copy (normalStyle);
201       bigRedStyle = gtk_style_copy (normalStyle);
202       bigGreenStyle = gtk_style_copy (normalStyle);
203       bigStyle = gtk_style_copy (normalStyle);
205       greenStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color_green;
206       redStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color_red;
207       bigRedStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color_red;
208       bigGreenStyle->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = color_green;
210       gdk_font_unref (bigRedStyle->font);
211       gdk_font_unref (bigGreenStyle->font);
212       bigRedStyle->font = gdk_font_load("-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*");
213       bigGreenStyle->font = gdk_font_load("-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*");
215       gdk_font_unref (bigStyle->font);
216       bigStyle->font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*");
217     }
218     gtk_widget_set_style (GTK_WIDGET (titleLabel), bigStyle);
220     /* Begin the second row */
221     dgnLevelLabel = gtk_label_new (_ ("Nethack for Gnome"));
222     gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (statTable), dgnLevelLabel,
223 	    0, 8, 1, 2, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
224     gtk_widget_set_style (GTK_WIDGET (dgnLevelLabel), bigStyle);
226     /* Begin the third row */
227     horizSep0 = gtk_hseparator_new ();
228     gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (statTable), horizSep0,
229 	    0, 8, 2, 3, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
232     /* Begin the fourth row */
233     statsHBox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 0);
235     strVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
236     strPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( str_xpm);
237     strLabel = gtk_label_new( "STR: ");
238     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (strVBox), strPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
239     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (strVBox), strLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
240     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(strVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
242     dexVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
243     dexPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( dex_xpm);
244     dexLabel = gtk_label_new( "DEX: ");
245     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dexVBox), dexPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
246     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (dexVBox), dexLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
247     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(dexVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
249     conVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
250     conPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( cns_xpm);
251     conLabel = gtk_label_new( "CON: ");
252     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (conVBox), conPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
253     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (conVBox), conLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
254     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(conVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
256     intVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
257     intPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( int_xpm);
258     intLabel = gtk_label_new( "INT: ");
259     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (intVBox), intPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
260     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (intVBox), intLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
261     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(intVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
264     wisVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
265     wisPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( wis_xpm);
266     wisLabel = gtk_label_new( "WIS: ");
267     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wisVBox), wisPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
268     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (wisVBox), wisLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
269     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(wisVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
272     chaVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
273     chaPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( cha_xpm);
274     chaLabel = gtk_label_new( "CHA: ");
275     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (chaVBox), chaPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
276     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (chaVBox), chaLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
277     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statsHBox), GTK_WIDGET(chaVBox), TRUE, TRUE, 2);
279     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable),  GTK_WIDGET(statsHBox),
280 	    0, 8, 3, 4, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
282     /* Begin the fifth row */
283     horizSep1 = gtk_hseparator_new();
284     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), horizSep1,
285 	    0, 8, 4, 5, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
287     /* Begin the sixth row */
288     hpLabel = gtk_label_new( "HP: ");
289     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), hpLabel,
290 	    0, 1, 5, 6, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
292     acLabel = gtk_label_new( "AC: ");
293     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), acLabel,
294 	    2, 3, 5, 6, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
296     powLabel = gtk_label_new( "Power: ");
297     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), powLabel,
298 	    4, 5, 5, 6, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
300     goldLabel = gtk_label_new( "Au: ");
301     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), goldLabel,
302 	    6, 7, 5, 6, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
305     /* Begin the seventh row */
306     horizSep2 = gtk_hseparator_new();
307     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), horizSep2,
308 	    0, 8, 6, 7, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
311     /* Begin the eigth row */
312     levlLabel = gtk_label_new( "Level: ");
313     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), levlLabel,
314 	    0, 1, 7, 8, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
316     expLabel = gtk_label_new( "Exp: ");
317     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), expLabel,
318 	    2, 3, 7, 8, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
320     timeLabel = gtk_label_new( "Time: ");
321     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), timeLabel,
322 	    4, 5, 7, 8, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
324     scoreLabel = gtk_label_new( "Score: ");
325     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), scoreLabel,
326 	    6, 7, 7, 8, GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
328     /* Begin the ninth row */
329     horizSep3 = gtk_hseparator_new();
330     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), horizSep3,
331 	    0, 8, 8, 9, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
333     /* Begin the tenth and last row */
334     statHBox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
336     alignVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
337     alignPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( neutral_xpm);
338     alignLabel = gtk_label_new( "Neutral");
339     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (alignVBox), alignPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
340     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (alignVBox), alignLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
341     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(alignVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
343     hungerVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
344     hungerPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( hungry_xpm);
345     hungerLabel = gtk_label_new( "Hungry");
346     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hungerVBox), hungerPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
347     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hungerVBox), hungerLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
348     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(hungerVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
350     sickVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
351     sickPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( sick_fp_xpm);
352     sickLabel = gtk_label_new( "FoodPois");
353     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sickVBox), sickPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
354     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (sickVBox), sickLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
355     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(sickVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
357     blindVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
358     blindPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( blind_xpm);
359     blindLabel = gtk_label_new( "Blind");
360     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (blindVBox), blindPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
361     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (blindVBox), blindLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
362     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(blindVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
364     stunVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
365     stunPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( stunned_xpm);
366     stunLabel = gtk_label_new( "Stun");
367     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (stunVBox), stunPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
368     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (stunVBox), stunLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
369     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(stunVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
371     confuVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
372     confuPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( confused_xpm);
373     confuLabel = gtk_label_new( "Confused");
374     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (confuVBox), confuPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
375     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (confuVBox), confuLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
376     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(confuVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
378     halluVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
379     halluPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( hallu_xpm);
380     halluLabel = gtk_label_new( "Hallu");
381     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (halluVBox), halluPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
382     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (halluVBox), halluLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
383     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(halluVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
385     encumbVBox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
386     encumbPix =  gnome_pixmap_new_from_xpm_d( slt_enc_xpm);
387     encumbLabel = gtk_label_new( "Burdened");
388     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (encumbVBox), encumbPix, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
389     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (encumbVBox), encumbLabel, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
390     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(statHBox), GTK_WIDGET(encumbVBox), TRUE, FALSE, 2);
392     gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( statTable), GTK_WIDGET(statHBox),
393 	    0, 8, 9, 10, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
395     /* Set up the necessary signals */
396     gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (statTable),
397 	    "ghack_fade_highlight",
398 	    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ghack_fade_highlighting),
399 	    NULL);
401     gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (statTable),
402 	    "ghack_putstr",
403 	    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ghack_status_window_put_string),
404 	    NULL);
406     gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (statTable),
407 	    "ghack_clear",
408 	    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ghack_status_window_clear),
409 	    NULL);
411     gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (statTable),
412 	    "ghack_curs",
413 	    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ghack_status_window_cursor_to),
414 	    NULL);
415     gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT (statTable),
416 	    "gnome_delay_output",
417 	    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(ghack_delay),
418 	    NULL);
420     /* Lastly, show the status window and everything in it */
421     gtk_widget_show_all( statTable);
423     return GTK_WIDGET(statTable);
424 }
ghack_status_window_update_stats()428 void ghack_status_window_update_stats()
429 {
430     char buf[BUFSZ];
431     gchar *buf1;
432     const char* hung;
433     const char* enc;
434     static int firstTime=TRUE;
436     /* First, fill in the player name and the dungeon level */
437     strcpy(buf, plname);
438     if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z') buf[0] += 'A'-'a';
439     strcat(buf, " the ");
440     if (u.mtimedone) {
441         char mname[BUFSZ];
442         int k = 0;
444         strcpy(mname, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
445         while(mname[k] != 0) {
446             if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mname[k-1] == ' '))
447              && 'a' <= mname[k] && mname[k] <= 'z')
448             {
449                 mname[k] += 'A' - 'a';
450             }
451             k++;
452         }
453         strcat(buf, mname);
454     } else {
455         strcat(buf, rank_of(u.ulevel, pl_character[0], flags.female));
456     }
457     gtk_label_get( GTK_LABEL( titleLabel), &buf1);
458     if (strcmp( buf1, buf) != 0 && firstTime==FALSE) {
459 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
460 	ghack_highlight_widget( titleLabel, bigStyle, bigGreenStyle);
461     }
462     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( titleLabel), buf);
465     if (In_endgame(&u.uz)) {
466         strcpy(buf, (Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane":"End Game"));
467     } else {
468         sprintf(buf, "%s, level %d", dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname, depth(&u.uz));
469     }
470     if (lastDepth > depth(&u.uz) && firstTime==FALSE) {
471 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
472 	ghack_highlight_widget( dgnLevelLabel, bigStyle, bigRedStyle);
473     }
474     else if (lastDepth < depth(&u.uz) && firstTime==FALSE) {
475 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
476 	ghack_highlight_widget( dgnLevelLabel, bigStyle, bigGreenStyle);
477     }
478     lastDepth = depth(&u.uz);
479     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( dgnLevelLabel), buf);
481     /* Next, fill in the player's stats */
482     if (ACURR(A_STR) > 118) {
483         sprintf(buf,"STR:%d",ACURR(A_STR)-100);
484     } else if (ACURR(A_STR)==118) {
485         sprintf(buf,"STR:18/**");
486     } else if(ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
487         sprintf(buf,"STR:18/%02d",ACURR(A_STR)-18);
488     } else {
489         sprintf(buf,"STR:%d",ACURR(A_STR));
490     }
491     if (lastStr < ACURR(A_STR) && firstTime==FALSE) {
492 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
493 	ghack_highlight_widget( strLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
494     }
495     else if (lastStr > ACURR(A_STR) && firstTime==FALSE) {
496 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
497 	ghack_highlight_widget( strLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
498     }
499     lastStr = ACURR(A_STR);
500     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( strLabel), buf);
502     sprintf(buf,"INT:%d",ACURR(A_INT));
503     if (lastInt < ACURR(A_INT) && firstTime==FALSE) {
504 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
505 	ghack_highlight_widget( intLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
506     }
507     else if (lastInt > ACURR(A_INT) && firstTime==FALSE) {
508 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
509 	ghack_highlight_widget( intLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
510     }
511     lastInt = ACURR(A_INT);
512     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( intLabel), buf);
514     sprintf(buf,"WIS:%d",ACURR(A_WIS));
515     if (lastWis < ACURR(A_WIS) && firstTime==FALSE) {
516 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
517 	ghack_highlight_widget( wisLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
518     }
519     else if (lastWis > ACURR(A_WIS) && firstTime==FALSE) {
520 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
521 	ghack_highlight_widget( wisLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
522     }
523     lastWis = ACURR(A_WIS);
524     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( wisLabel), buf);
526     sprintf(buf,"DEX:%d",ACURR(A_DEX));
527     if (lastDex < ACURR(A_DEX) && firstTime==FALSE) {
528 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
529 	ghack_highlight_widget( dexLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
530     }
531     else if (lastDex > ACURR(A_DEX) && firstTime==FALSE) {
532 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
533 	ghack_highlight_widget( dexLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
534     }
535     lastDex = ACURR(A_DEX);
536     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( dexLabel), buf);
538     sprintf(buf,"CON:%d",ACURR(A_CON));
539     if (lastCon < ACURR(A_CON) && firstTime==FALSE) {
540 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
541 	ghack_highlight_widget( conLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
542     }
543     else if (lastCon > ACURR(A_CON) && firstTime==FALSE) {
544 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
545 	ghack_highlight_widget( conLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
546     }
547     lastCon = ACURR(A_CON);
548     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( conLabel), buf);
550     sprintf(buf,"CHA:%d",ACURR(A_CHA));
551     if (lastCha < ACURR(A_CHA) && firstTime==FALSE) {
552 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
553 	ghack_highlight_widget( chaLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
554     }
555     else if (lastCha > ACURR(A_CHA) && firstTime==FALSE) {
556 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
557 	ghack_highlight_widget( chaLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
558     }
559     lastCha = ACURR(A_CHA);
560     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( chaLabel), buf);
562     /* Now do the non-pixmaped stats (gold and such) */
563     sprintf(buf,"Au:%ld", u.ugold);
564     if (lastAu < u.ugold && firstTime==FALSE) {
565 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
566 	ghack_highlight_widget( goldLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
567     }
568     else if (lastAu > u.ugold && firstTime==FALSE) {
569 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
570 	ghack_highlight_widget( goldLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
571     }
572     lastAu = u.ugold;
573     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( goldLabel), buf);
575     if (u.mtimedone) {
576         /* special case: when polymorphed, show "HD", disable exp */
577 	sprintf(buf,"HP:%d/%d", ( (u.mh  > 0)? u.mh  : 0), u.mhmax);
578 	if ((lastHP < u.mh || lastMHP < u.mhmax ) && firstTime==FALSE) {
579 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
580 	    ghack_highlight_widget( hpLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
581 	}
582 	else if ((lastHP > u.mh || lastMHP > u.mhmax ) && firstTime==FALSE) {
583 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
584 	    ghack_highlight_widget( hpLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
585 	}
586 	lastHP = u.mh;
587 	lastMHP = u.mhmax;
588     } else {
589 	sprintf(buf,"HP:%d/%d", ( (u.uhp  > 0)? u.uhp  : 0), u.uhpmax);
590 	if ((lastHP < u.uhp || lastMHP < u.uhpmax ) && firstTime==FALSE) {
591 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
592 	    ghack_highlight_widget( hpLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
593 	}
594 	else if ((lastHP > u.uhp || lastMHP > u.uhpmax ) && firstTime==FALSE) {
595 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
596 	    ghack_highlight_widget( hpLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
597 	}
598 	lastHP = u.uhp;
599 	lastMHP = u.uhpmax;
600     }
601     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( hpLabel), buf);
603     if (u.mtimedone) {
604         /* special case: when polymorphed, show "HD", disable exp */
605 	sprintf(buf,"HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
606 	if (lastLevel < mons[u.umonnum].mlevel && firstTime==FALSE) {
607 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
608 	    ghack_highlight_widget( levlLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
609 	}
610 	else if (lastLevel > mons[u.umonnum].mlevel && firstTime==FALSE) {
611 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
612 	    ghack_highlight_widget( levlLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
613 	}
614 	lastLevel = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
615     } else {
616 	sprintf(buf,"Level:%d", u.ulevel);
617 	if (lastLevel < u.ulevel && firstTime==FALSE) {
618 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
619 	    ghack_highlight_widget( levlLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
620 	}
621 	else if (lastLevel > u.ulevel && firstTime==FALSE) {
622 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
623 	    ghack_highlight_widget( levlLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
624 	}
625 	lastLevel = u.ulevel;
626     }
627     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( levlLabel), buf);
629     sprintf(buf,"Power:%d/%d", u.uen, u.uenmax);
630     if ((lastPOW < u.uen || lastMPOW < u.uenmax) && firstTime==FALSE) {
631 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
632 	ghack_highlight_widget( powLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
633     }
634     if ((lastPOW > u.uen || lastMPOW > u.uenmax) && firstTime==FALSE) {
635 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
636 	ghack_highlight_widget( powLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
637     }
638     lastPOW = u.uen;
639     lastMPOW = u.uenmax;
640     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( powLabel), buf);
642     sprintf(buf,"AC:%d", u.uac);
643     if (lastAC > u.uac && firstTime==FALSE) {
644 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
645 	ghack_highlight_widget( acLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
646     }
647     else if (lastAC < u.uac && firstTime==FALSE) {
648 	/* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
649 	ghack_highlight_widget( acLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
650     }
651     lastAC = u.uac;
652     gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( acLabel), buf);
654 #ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
655     if (flags.showexp) {
656 	sprintf(buf,"Exp:%ld", u.uexp);
657 	if (lastExp < u.uexp && firstTime==FALSE) {
658 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
659 	    ghack_highlight_widget( expLabel, normalStyle, greenStyle);
660 	}
661 	else if (lastExp > u.uexp && firstTime==FALSE) {
662 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
663 	    ghack_highlight_widget( expLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
664 	}
665 	lastExp = u.uexp;
666 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( expLabel), buf);
667    } else
668 #endif
669     {
670 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( expLabel), "");
671     }
673     if (flags.time) {
674 	sprintf(buf,"Time:%ld", moves);
675 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( timeLabel), buf);
676     }
677     else
678 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( timeLabel), "");
679 #ifdef SCORE_ON_BOTL
680     if (flags.showscore) {
681 	sprintf(buf,"Score:%ld", botl_score());
682 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( scoreLabel), buf);
683     } else
684 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( scoreLabel), "");
685 #else
686     {
687 	gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( scoreLabel), "");
688     }
689 #endif
691     /* See if their alignment has changed */
692     if (lastAlignment != u.ualign.type) {
693 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
694 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
695 	    ghack_highlight_widget( alignLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
696 	}
698 	lastAlignment = u.ualign.type;
699 	/* looks like their alignment has changed -- change out the icon */
700 	if (u.ualign.type==A_CHAOTIC) {
701 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( alignLabel), "Chaotic");
702 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), chaotic_xpm);
703 	} else if (u.ualign.type==A_NEUTRAL) {
704 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( alignLabel), "Neutral");
705 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), neutral_xpm);
706 	} else {
707 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( alignLabel), "Lawful");
708 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(alignPix), lawful_xpm);
709 	}
710     }
712     hung=hu_stat[u.uhs];
713     if (lastHungr != u.uhs) {
714 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
715 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
716 	    ghack_highlight_widget( hungerLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
717 	}
719 	lastHungr = u.uhs;
720 	if (hung[0]==' ') {
721 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( hungerLabel), "      ");
722 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), nothing_xpm);
723 	} else
724 	  if (u.uhs == 0 /* SATIATED */) {
725 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( hungerLabel), hung);
726 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), satiated_xpm);
727 	} else {
728 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( hungerLabel), hung);
729 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(hungerPix), hungry_xpm);
730 	}
731     }
733     if (lastConf != Confusion) {
734 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
735 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
736 	    ghack_highlight_widget( confuLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
737 	}
739 	lastConf = Confusion;
740 	if (Confusion) {
741 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( confuLabel), "Confused");
742 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(confuPix), confused_xpm);
743 	}
744 	else {
745 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( confuLabel), "        ");
746 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(confuPix), nothing_xpm);
747 	}
748     }
750     if (lastBlind != Blind) {
751 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
752 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
753 	    ghack_highlight_widget( blindLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
754 	}
756 	lastBlind = Blind;
757 	if (Blind) {
758 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( blindLabel), "Blind");
759 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(blindPix), blind_xpm);
760 	}
761 	else {
762 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( blindLabel), "     ");
763 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(blindPix), nothing_xpm);
764 	}
765     }
766     if (lastStun != Stunned) {
767 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
768 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
769 	    ghack_highlight_widget( stunLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
770 	}
772 	lastStun = Stunned;
773 	if (Stunned) {
774 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( stunLabel), "Stun");
775 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(stunPix), stunned_xpm);
776 	}
777 	else {
778 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( stunLabel), "    ");
779 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(stunPix), nothing_xpm);
780 	}
781     }
783     if (lastHalu != Hallucination) {
784 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
785 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
786 	    ghack_highlight_widget( halluLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
787 	}
789 	lastHalu = Hallucination;
790 	if (Hallucination) {
791 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( halluLabel), "Hallu");
792 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(halluPix), hallu_xpm);
793 	}
794 	else {
795 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( halluLabel), "     ");
796 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(halluPix), nothing_xpm);
797 	}
798     }
800     if (lastSick != Sick) {
801 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
802 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
803 	    ghack_highlight_widget( sickLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
804 	}
806 	lastSick = Sick;
807 	if (Sick) {
808 	    if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE) {
809 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( sickLabel), "FoodPois");
810 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_fp_xpm);
811 	    } else if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE) {
812 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( sickLabel), "Ill");
813 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_il_xpm);
814 	    } else {
815 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( sickLabel), "FoodPois");
816 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), sick_fp_xpm);
817 	    }
818 	} else {
819 	    gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( sickLabel), "        ");
820 	    gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(sickPix), nothing_xpm);
821 	}
822     }
824     enc=enc_stat[near_capacity()];
825     if (lastEncumb != near_capacity()) {
826 	if (firstTime==FALSE) {
827 	    /* Ok, this changed so add it to the highlighing list */
828 	    ghack_highlight_widget( encumbLabel, normalStyle, redStyle);
829 	}
831 	lastEncumb = near_capacity();
832 	switch ( lastEncumb ) {
833 	    case 0:
834 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), "        ");
835 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), nothing_xpm);
836 		break;
837 	    case 1:
838 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), enc);
839 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), slt_enc_xpm);
840 		break;
841 	    case 2:
842 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), enc);
843 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), mod_enc_xpm);
844 		break;
845 	    case 3:
846 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), enc);
847 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), hvy_enc_xpm);
848 		break;
849 	    case 4:
850 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), enc);
851 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), ext_enc_xpm);
852 		break;
853 	    case 5:
854 		gtk_label_set( GTK_LABEL( encumbLabel), enc);
855 		gnome_pixmap_load_xpm_d( GNOME_PIXMAP(encumbPix), ovr_enc_xpm);
856 	}
857     }
858     firstTime=FALSE;
859 }
ghack_fade_highlighting()861 static void ghack_fade_highlighting()
862 {
863     GList *item;
864     Highlight *highlt;
866     /* Remove any items from the queue if their time is up */
867     for (item = g_list_first( s_HighLightList) ; item ; ) {
868 	highlt = (Highlight*) item->data;
869 	if (highlt) {
870 	    if ( highlt->nTurnsLeft <= 0) {
871 		gtk_widget_set_style(  GTK_WIDGET( highlt->widget),
872 			highlt->oldStyle);
873 		s_HighLightList = g_list_remove_link(s_HighLightList, item);
874 		g_free( highlt);
875 		g_list_free_1( item);
876 		item = g_list_first( s_HighLightList);
877 		continue;
878 	    } else
879 		(highlt->nTurnsLeft)--;
880 	}
881 	if (item)
882 	    item=item->next;
883 	else
884 	    break;
885     }
886 }
888 /* Widget changed, so add it to the highlighing list */
ghack_highlight_widget(GtkWidget * widget,GtkStyle * oldStyle,GtkStyle * newStyle)889 static void ghack_highlight_widget( GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle* oldStyle,
890 	GtkStyle* newStyle)
891 {
892     Highlight *highlt;
893     GList *item;
895     /* Check if this widget is already in the queue.  If so then
896      * remove it, so we will only have the new entry in the queue  */
897     for (item = g_list_first( s_HighLightList) ; item ; ) {
898 	highlt = (Highlight*) item->data;
899 	if (highlt) {
900 	    if ( highlt->widget == widget) {
901 		s_HighLightList = g_list_remove_link(s_HighLightList, item);
902 		g_free( highlt);
903 		g_list_free_1( item);
904 		break;
905 	    }
906 	}
907 	if (item)
908 	    item=item->next;
909 	else
910 	    break;
911     }
913     /* Ok, now highlight this widget and add it into the fade
914      * highlighting queue  */
915     highlt = g_new( Highlight, 1);
916     highlt->nTurnsLeft=NUM_TURNS_HIGHLIGHTED;
917     highlt->oldStyle=oldStyle;
918     highlt->widget=widget;
919     s_HighLightList = g_list_prepend (s_HighLightList, highlt);
920     gtk_widget_set_style(  GTK_WIDGET( widget), newStyle);
922 }