1 #region Copyright & License Information
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS)
4  * This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made
5  * available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
7  * the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more
8  * information, see COPYING.
9  */
10 #endregion
12 using System.Collections.Generic;
13 using System.Linq;
14 using OpenRA.Graphics;
15 using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics;
16 using OpenRA.Traits;
18 namespace OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.Render
19 {
20 	[Desc("Play an animation when a unit exits or blocks the exit after production finished.")]
21 	class WithProductionDoorOverlayInfo : ConditionalTraitInfo, IRenderActorPreviewSpritesInfo, Requires<RenderSpritesInfo>, Requires<BodyOrientationInfo>, Requires<BuildingInfo>
22 	{
23 		public readonly string Sequence = "build-door";
RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderSpritesInfo rs, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)25 		public IEnumerable<IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderSpritesInfo rs, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
26 		{
27 			var anim = new Animation(init.World, image, () => 0);
28 			anim.PlayFetchIndex(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(anim, init.GetDamageState(), Sequence), () => 0);
30 			var bi = init.Actor.TraitInfo<BuildingInfo>();
31 			var offset = bi.CenterOffset(init.World).Y + 512; // Additional 512 units move from center -> top of cell
32 			yield return new SpriteActorPreview(anim, () => WVec.Zero, () => offset, p, rs.Scale);
33 		}
Create(ActorInitializer init)35 		public override object Create(ActorInitializer init) { return new WithProductionDoorOverlay(init.Self, this); }
36 	}
38 	class WithProductionDoorOverlay : ConditionalTrait<WithProductionDoorOverlayInfo>, ITick, INotifyProduction, INotifyDamageStateChanged
39 	{
40 		readonly Animation door;
41 		int desiredFrame;
42 		CPos openExit;
43 		Actor exitingActor;
WithProductionDoorOverlay(Actor self, WithProductionDoorOverlayInfo info)45 		public WithProductionDoorOverlay(Actor self, WithProductionDoorOverlayInfo info)
46 			: base(info)
47 		{
48 			var renderSprites = self.Trait<RenderSprites>();
49 			door = new Animation(self.World, renderSprites.GetImage(self));
50 			door.PlayFetchDirection(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(door, self.GetDamageState(), info.Sequence),
51 				() => desiredFrame - door.CurrentFrame);
53 			var buildingInfo = self.Info.TraitInfo<BuildingInfo>();
55 			var offset = buildingInfo.CenterOffset(self.World).Y + 512;
56 			renderSprites.Add(new AnimationWithOffset(door, null, () => IsTraitDisabled, offset));
57 		}
ITick.Tick(Actor self)59 		void ITick.Tick(Actor self)
60 		{
61 			if (exitingActor == null)
62 				return;
64 			if (!exitingActor.IsInWorld || exitingActor.Location != openExit || !(exitingActor.CurrentActivity is Mobile.ReturnToCellActivity))
65 			{
66 				desiredFrame = 0;
67 				exitingActor = null;
68 			}
69 		}
INotifyDamageStateChanged.DamageStateChanged(Actor self, AttackInfo e)71 		void INotifyDamageStateChanged.DamageStateChanged(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
72 		{
73 			if (door.CurrentSequence != null)
74 				door.ReplaceAnim(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(door, e.DamageState, door.CurrentSequence.Name));
75 		}
INotifyProduction.UnitProduced(Actor self, Actor other, CPos exit)77 		void INotifyProduction.UnitProduced(Actor self, Actor other, CPos exit)
78 		{
79 			openExit = exit;
80 			exitingActor = other;
81 			desiredFrame = door.CurrentSequence.Length - 1;
82 		}
83 	}
84 }