1 #region Copyright & License Information
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS)
4  * This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made
5  * available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
7  * the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more
8  * information, see COPYING.
9  */
10 #endregion
12 using System;
13 using System.Collections.Generic;
14 using OpenRA.Activities;
15 using OpenRA.Graphics;
16 using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities;
17 using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics;
18 using OpenRA.Primitives;
19 using OpenRA.Traits;
21 namespace OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits
22 {
23 	public enum VisibilityType { Footprint, CenterPosition, GroundPosition }
25 	public enum AttackDelayType { Preparation, Attack }
27 	[Flags]
28 	public enum ResupplyType
29 	{
30 		None = 0,
31 		Rearm = 1,
32 		Repair = 2
33 	}
35 	public interface IQuantizeBodyOrientationInfo : ITraitInfo
36 	{
QuantizedBodyFacings(ActorInfo ai, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, string race)37 		int QuantizedBodyFacings(ActorInfo ai, SequenceProvider sequenceProvider, string race);
38 	}
40 	public interface IPlaceBuildingDecorationInfo : ITraitInfo
41 	{
RenderAnnotations(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition)42 		IEnumerable<IRenderable> RenderAnnotations(WorldRenderer wr, World w, ActorInfo ai, WPos centerPosition);
43 	}
45 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
46 	public interface IBlocksProjectiles
47 	{
48 		WDist BlockingHeight { get; }
49 	}
51 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
52 	public interface IBlocksProjectilesInfo : ITraitInfoInterface { }
54 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
55 	public interface INotifySold
56 	{
Selling(Actor self)57 		void Selling(Actor self);
Sold(Actor self)58 		void Sold(Actor self);
59 	}
61 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
62 	public interface INotifyCustomLayerChanged
63 	{
CustomLayerChanged(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer)64 		void CustomLayerChanged(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer);
65 	}
67 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
68 	public interface INotifyVisualPositionChanged
69 	{
VisualPositionChanged(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer)70 		void VisualPositionChanged(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer);
71 	}
73 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
74 	public interface INotifyFinishedMoving
75 	{
FinishedMoving(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer)76 		void FinishedMoving(Actor self, byte oldLayer, byte newLayer);
77 	}
IsValidTarget(ActorInfo actorInfo, Actor saboteur)79 	public interface IDemolishableInfo : ITraitInfoInterface { bool IsValidTarget(ActorInfo actorInfo, Actor saboteur); }
80 	public interface IDemolishable
81 	{
IsValidTarget(Actor self, Actor saboteur)82 		bool IsValidTarget(Actor self, Actor saboteur);
Demolish(Actor self, Actor saboteur, int delay)83 		void Demolish(Actor self, Actor saboteur, int delay);
84 	}
86 	// Type tag for crush class bits
87 	public class CrushClass { }
89 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
90 	public interface ICrushable
91 	{
CrushableBy(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses)92 		bool CrushableBy(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses);
CrushableBy(Actor self, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses)93 		LongBitSet<PlayerBitMask> CrushableBy(Actor self, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses);
94 	}
96 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
97 	public interface INotifyCrushed
98 	{
OnCrush(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses)99 		void OnCrush(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses);
WarnCrush(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses)100 		void WarnCrush(Actor self, Actor crusher, BitSet<CrushClass> crushClasses);
101 	}
103 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
104 	public interface INotifyAiming
105 	{
StartedAiming(Actor self, AttackBase attack)106 		void StartedAiming(Actor self, AttackBase attack);
StoppedAiming(Actor self, AttackBase attack)107 		void StoppedAiming(Actor self, AttackBase attack);
108 	}
110 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
111 	public interface INotifyAttack
112 	{
Attacking(Actor self, Target target, Armament a, Barrel barrel)113 		void Attacking(Actor self, Target target, Armament a, Barrel barrel);
PreparingAttack(Actor self, Target target, Armament a, Barrel barrel)114 		void PreparingAttack(Actor self, Target target, Armament a, Barrel barrel);
115 	}
117 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
DamageStateChanged(Actor self, AttackInfo e)118 	public interface INotifyDamageStateChanged { void DamageStateChanged(Actor self, AttackInfo e); }
120 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
Damaged(Actor self, AttackInfo e)121 	public interface INotifyDamage { void Damaged(Actor self, AttackInfo e); }
122 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)123 	public interface INotifyKilled { void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e); }
124 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
AppliedDamage(Actor self, Actor damaged, AttackInfo e)125 	public interface INotifyAppliedDamage { void AppliedDamage(Actor self, Actor damaged, AttackInfo e); }
127 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
128 	public interface INotifyResupply
129 	{
BeforeResupply(Actor host, Actor target, ResupplyType types)130 		void BeforeResupply(Actor host, Actor target, ResupplyType types);
ResupplyTick(Actor host, Actor target, ResupplyType types)131 		void ResupplyTick(Actor host, Actor target, ResupplyType types);
132 	}
134 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
PowerLevelChanged(Actor self)135 	public interface INotifyPowerLevelChanged { void PowerLevelChanged(Actor self); }
BuildingPlaced(Actor self)137 	public interface INotifyBuildingPlaced { void BuildingPlaced(Actor self); }
Launching(Actor self)138 	public interface INotifyNuke { void Launching(Actor self); }
FiredBurst(Actor self, Target target, Armament a)139 	public interface INotifyBurstComplete { void FiredBurst(Actor self, Target target, Armament a); }
OnChat(string from, string message)140 	public interface INotifyChat { bool OnChat(string from, string message); }
UnitProduced(Actor self, Actor other, CPos exit)141 	public interface INotifyProduction { void UnitProduced(Actor self, Actor other, CPos exit); }
UnitProducedByOther(Actor self, Actor producer, Actor produced, string productionType, TypeDictionary init)142 	public interface INotifyOtherProduction { void UnitProducedByOther(Actor self, Actor producer, Actor produced, string productionType, TypeDictionary init); }
Delivered(Actor self)143 	public interface INotifyDelivery { void IncomingDelivery(Actor self); void Delivered(Actor self); }
Docked(Actor self, Actor harvester)144 	public interface INotifyDocking { void Docked(Actor self, Actor harvester); void Undocked(Actor self, Actor harvester); }
146 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnResourceAccepted(Actor self, Actor refinery, int amount)147 	public interface INotifyResourceAccepted { void OnResourceAccepted(Actor self, Actor refinery, int amount); }
OnParachute(Actor self)148 	public interface INotifyParachute { void OnParachute(Actor self); void OnLanded(Actor self); }
150 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner, BitSet<CaptureType> captureTypes)151 	public interface INotifyCapture { void OnCapture(Actor self, Actor captor, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner, BitSet<CaptureType> captureTypes); }
OnDiscovered(Actor self, Player discoverer, bool playNotification)152 	public interface INotifyDiscovered { void OnDiscovered(Actor self, Player discoverer, bool playNotification); }
RenderPreview(ActorPreviewInitializer init)153 	public interface IRenderActorPreviewInfo : ITraitInfo { IEnumerable<IActorPreview> RenderPreview(ActorPreviewInitializer init); }
GetCruiseAltitude()154 	public interface ICruiseAltitudeInfo : ITraitInfo { WDist GetCruiseAltitude(); }
HuskActor(Actor self)156 	public interface IHuskModifier { string HuskActor(Actor self); }
Seed(Actor self)158 	public interface ISeedableResource { void Seed(Actor self); }
160 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
Infiltrated(Actor self, Actor infiltrator, BitSet<TargetableType> types)161 	public interface INotifyInfiltrated { void Infiltrated(Actor self, Actor infiltrator, BitSet<TargetableType> types); }
163 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnNotifyBlockingMove(Actor self, Actor blocking)164 	public interface INotifyBlockingMove { void OnNotifyBlockingMove(Actor self, Actor blocking); }
166 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnPassengerEntered(Actor self, Actor passenger)167 	public interface INotifyPassengerEntered { void OnPassengerEntered(Actor self, Actor passenger); }
169 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnPassengerExited(Actor self, Actor passenger)170 	public interface INotifyPassengerExited { void OnPassengerExited(Actor self, Actor passenger); }
172 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnEnteredCargo(Actor self, Actor cargo)173 	public interface INotifyEnteredCargo { void OnEnteredCargo(Actor self, Actor cargo); }
175 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
OnExitedCargo(Actor self, Actor cargo)176 	public interface INotifyExitedCargo { void OnExitedCargo(Actor self, Actor cargo); }
178 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
179 	public interface IObservesVariablesInfo : ITraitInfo { }
VariableObserverNotifier(Actor self, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> variables)181 	public delegate void VariableObserverNotifier(Actor self, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, int> variables);
182 	public struct VariableObserver
183 	{
184 		public VariableObserverNotifier Notifier;
185 		public IEnumerable<string> Variables;
VariableObserverOpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.VariableObserver186 		public VariableObserver(VariableObserverNotifier notifier, IEnumerable<string> variables)
187 		{
188 			Notifier = notifier;
189 			Variables = variables;
190 		}
191 	}
193 	public interface IObservesVariables
194 	{
GetVariableObservers()195 		IEnumerable<VariableObserver> GetVariableObservers();
196 	}
198 	public interface INotifyHarvesterAction
199 	{
MovingToResources(Actor self, CPos targetCell)200 		void MovingToResources(Actor self, CPos targetCell);
MovingToRefinery(Actor self, Actor refineryActor)201 		void MovingToRefinery(Actor self, Actor refineryActor);
MovementCancelled(Actor self)202 		void MovementCancelled(Actor self);
Harvested(Actor self, ResourceType resource)203 		void Harvested(Actor self, ResourceType resource);
Docked()204 		void Docked();
Undocked()205 		void Undocked();
206 	}
208 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
209 	public interface INotifyUnload
210 	{
Unloading(Actor self)211 		void Unloading(Actor self);
212 	}
214 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
215 	public interface INotifyDemolition
216 	{
Demolishing(Actor self)217 		void Demolishing(Actor self);
218 	}
220 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
221 	public interface INotifyInfiltration
222 	{
Infiltrating(Actor self)223 		void Infiltrating(Actor self);
224 	}
226 	public interface ITechTreePrerequisiteInfo : ITraitInfo
227 	{
Prerequisites(ActorInfo info)228 		IEnumerable<string> Prerequisites(ActorInfo info);
229 	}
231 	public interface ITechTreePrerequisite
232 	{
233 		IEnumerable<string> ProvidesPrerequisites { get; }
234 	}
236 	public interface ITechTreeElement
237 	{
PrerequisitesAvailable(string key)238 		void PrerequisitesAvailable(string key);
PrerequisitesUnavailable(string key)239 		void PrerequisitesUnavailable(string key);
PrerequisitesItemHidden(string key)240 		void PrerequisitesItemHidden(string key);
PrerequisitesItemVisible(string key)241 		void PrerequisitesItemVisible(string key);
242 	}
244 	public interface IProductionIconOverlay
245 	{
246 		Sprite Sprite { get; }
247 		string Palette { get; }
Offset(float2 iconSize)248 		float2 Offset(float2 iconSize);
IsOverlayActive(ActorInfo ai)249 		bool IsOverlayActive(ActorInfo ai);
250 	}
252 	public interface INotifyTransform
253 	{
BeforeTransform(Actor self)254 		void BeforeTransform(Actor self);
OnTransform(Actor self)255 		void OnTransform(Actor self);
AfterTransform(Actor toActor)256 		void AfterTransform(Actor toActor);
257 	}
259 	public interface INotifyDeployComplete
260 	{
FinishedDeploy(Actor self)261 		void FinishedDeploy(Actor self);
FinishedUndeploy(Actor self)262 		void FinishedUndeploy(Actor self);
263 	}
265 	public interface INotifyDeployTriggered
266 	{
Deploy(Actor self, bool skipMakeAnim)267 		void Deploy(Actor self, bool skipMakeAnim);
Undeploy(Actor self, bool skipMakeAnim)268 		void Undeploy(Actor self, bool skipMakeAnim);
269 	}
271 	public interface IAcceptResourcesInfo : ITraitInfo { }
272 	public interface IAcceptResources
273 	{
OnDock(Actor harv, DeliverResources dockOrder)274 		void OnDock(Actor harv, DeliverResources dockOrder);
GiveResource(int amount)275 		void GiveResource(int amount);
CanGiveResource(int amount)276 		bool CanGiveResource(int amount);
277 		CVec DeliveryOffset { get; }
278 		bool AllowDocking { get; }
279 	}
281 	public interface IProvidesAssetBrowserPalettes
282 	{
283 		IEnumerable<string> PaletteNames { get; }
284 	}
286 	public interface ICallForTransport
287 	{
288 		WDist MinimumDistance { get; }
289 		bool WantsTransport { get; }
MovementCancelled(Actor self)290 		void MovementCancelled(Actor self);
RequestTransport(Actor self, CPos destination)291 		void RequestTransport(Actor self, CPos destination);
292 	}
294 	public interface IDeathActorInitModifier
295 	{
ModifyDeathActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)296 		void ModifyDeathActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init);
297 	}
299 	public interface ITransformActorInitModifier
300 	{
ModifyTransformActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init)301 		void ModifyTransformActorInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary init);
302 	}
304 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
305 	public interface IDisableEnemyAutoTarget
306 	{
DisableEnemyAutoTarget(Actor self, Actor attacker)307 		bool DisableEnemyAutoTarget(Actor self, Actor attacker);
308 	}
310 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
311 	public interface IDisableAutoTarget
312 	{
DisableAutoTarget(Actor self)313 		bool DisableAutoTarget(Actor self);
314 	}
316 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
317 	interface IWallConnector
318 	{
AdjacentWallCanConnect(Actor self, CPos wallLocation, string wallType, out CVec facing)319 		bool AdjacentWallCanConnect(Actor self, CPos wallLocation, string wallType, out CVec facing);
SetDirty()320 		void SetDirty();
321 	}
323 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
324 	public interface IActorPreviewInitModifier
325 	{
ModifyActorPreviewInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary inits)326 		void ModifyActorPreviewInit(Actor self, TypeDictionary inits);
327 	}
329 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
330 	public interface INotifyRearm
331 	{
RearmingStarted(Actor host, Actor other)332 		void RearmingStarted(Actor host, Actor other);
Rearming(Actor host, Actor other)333 		void Rearming(Actor host, Actor other);
RearmingFinished(Actor host, Actor other)334 		void RearmingFinished(Actor host, Actor other);
335 	}
337 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
338 	public interface IRenderInfantrySequenceModifier
339 	{
340 		bool IsModifyingSequence { get; }
341 		string SequencePrefix { get; }
342 	}
344 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetProductionCostModifier(TechTree techTree, string queue)345 	public interface IProductionCostModifierInfo : ITraitInfo { int GetProductionCostModifier(TechTree techTree, string queue); }
347 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetProductionTimeModifier(TechTree techTree, string queue)348 	public interface IProductionTimeModifierInfo : ITraitInfo { int GetProductionTimeModifier(TechTree techTree, string queue); }
350 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetCashTricklerModifier()351 	public interface ICashTricklerModifier { int GetCashTricklerModifier(); }
353 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetDamageModifier(Actor attacker, Damage damage)354 	public interface IDamageModifier { int GetDamageModifier(Actor attacker, Damage damage); }
356 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetSpeedModifier()357 	public interface ISpeedModifier { int GetSpeedModifier(); }
359 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetFirepowerModifier()360 	public interface IFirepowerModifier { int GetFirepowerModifier(); }
362 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetReloadModifier()363 	public interface IReloadModifier { int GetReloadModifier(); }
365 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetReloadAmmoModifier()366 	public interface IReloadAmmoModifier { int GetReloadAmmoModifier(); }
368 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetInaccuracyModifier()369 	public interface IInaccuracyModifier { int GetInaccuracyModifier(); }
371 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetRangeModifier()372 	public interface IRangeModifier { int GetRangeModifier(); }
374 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetRangeModifierDefault()375 	public interface IRangeModifierInfo : ITraitInfoInterface { int GetRangeModifierDefault(); }
377 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetPowerModifier()378 	public interface IPowerModifier { int GetPowerModifier(); }
380 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetGivesExperienceModifier()381 	public interface IGivesExperienceModifier { int GetGivesExperienceModifier(); }
383 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetGainsExperienceModifier()384 	public interface IGainsExperienceModifier { int GetGainsExperienceModifier(); }
386 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetCreatesShroudModifier()387 	public interface ICreatesShroudModifier { int GetCreatesShroudModifier(); }
389 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetRevealsShroudModifier()390 	public interface IRevealsShroudModifier { int GetRevealsShroudModifier(); }
392 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
GetDetectCloakedModifier()393 	public interface IDetectCloakedModifier { int GetDetectCloakedModifier(); }
395 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
396 	public interface ICustomMovementLayer
397 	{
398 		byte Index { get; }
399 		bool InteractsWithDefaultLayer { get; }
400 		bool ReturnToGroundLayerOnIdle { get; }
EnabledForActor(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li)402 		bool EnabledForActor(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li);
EntryMovementCost(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li, CPos cell)403 		int EntryMovementCost(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li, CPos cell);
ExitMovementCost(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li, CPos cell)404 		int ExitMovementCost(ActorInfo a, LocomotorInfo li, CPos cell);
GetTerrainIndex(CPos cell)406 		byte GetTerrainIndex(CPos cell);
CenterOfCell(CPos cell)407 		WPos CenterOfCell(CPos cell);
408 	}
410 	// For traits that want to be exposed to the "Deploy" UI button / hotkey
411 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
412 	public interface IIssueDeployOrder
413 	{
IssueDeployOrder(Actor self, bool queued)414 		Order IssueDeployOrder(Actor self, bool queued);
CanIssueDeployOrder(Actor self, bool queued)415 		bool CanIssueDeployOrder(Actor self, bool queued);
416 	}
418 	public enum ActorPreviewType { PlaceBuilding, ColorPicker, MapEditorSidebar }
420 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
421 	public interface IActorPreviewInitInfo : ITraitInfo
422 	{
ActorPreviewInits(ActorInfo ai, ActorPreviewType type)423 		IEnumerable<object> ActorPreviewInits(ActorInfo ai, ActorPreviewType type);
424 	}
426 	public interface IMove
427 	{
MoveTo(CPos cell, int nearEnough = 0, Actor ignoreActor = null, bool evaluateNearestMovableCell = false, Color? targetLineColor = null)428 		Activity MoveTo(CPos cell, int nearEnough = 0, Actor ignoreActor = null,
429 		 	bool evaluateNearestMovableCell = false, Color? targetLineColor = null);
MoveWithinRange(Target target, WDist range, WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null)430 		Activity MoveWithinRange(Target target, WDist range,
431 			WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null);
MoveWithinRange(Target target, WDist minRange, WDist maxRange, WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null)432 		Activity MoveWithinRange(Target target, WDist minRange, WDist maxRange,
433 			WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null);
MoveFollow(Actor self, Target target, WDist minRange, WDist maxRange, WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null)434 		Activity MoveFollow(Actor self, Target target, WDist minRange, WDist maxRange,
435 			WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null);
MoveToTarget(Actor self, Target target, WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null)436 		Activity MoveToTarget(Actor self, Target target,
437 			WPos? initialTargetPosition = null, Color? targetLineColor = null);
ReturnToCell(Actor self)438 		Activity ReturnToCell(Actor self);
MoveIntoTarget(Actor self, Target target)439 		Activity MoveIntoTarget(Actor self, Target target);
VisualMove(Actor self, WPos fromPos, WPos toPos)440 		Activity VisualMove(Actor self, WPos fromPos, WPos toPos);
EstimatedMoveDuration(Actor self, WPos fromPos, WPos toPos)441 		int EstimatedMoveDuration(Actor self, WPos fromPos, WPos toPos);
NearestMoveableCell(CPos target)442 		CPos NearestMoveableCell(CPos target);
443 		MovementType CurrentMovementTypes { get; set; }
CanEnterTargetNow(Actor self, Target target)444 		bool CanEnterTargetNow(Actor self, Target target);
445 	}
447 	public interface IWrapMove
448 	{
WrapMove(Activity moveInner)449 		Activity WrapMove(Activity moveInner);
450 	}
452 	public interface IAircraftCenterPositionOffset
453 	{
454 		WVec PositionOffset { get; }
455 	}
457 	public interface IOverrideAircraftLanding
458 	{
459 		HashSet<string> LandableTerrainTypes { get; }
460 	}
462 	public interface IRadarSignature
463 	{
PopulateRadarSignatureCells(Actor self, List<Pair<CPos, Color>> destinationBuffer)464 		void PopulateRadarSignatureCells(Actor self, List<Pair<CPos, Color>> destinationBuffer);
465 	}
RadarColorOverride(Actor self, Color color)467 	public interface IRadarColorModifier { Color RadarColorOverride(Actor self, Color color); }
469 	public interface IObjectivesPanel
470 	{
471 		string PanelName { get; }
472 		int ExitDelay { get; }
473 	}
475 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
476 	public interface INotifyObjectivesUpdated
477 	{
OnObjectiveAdded(Player player, int objectiveID)478 		void OnObjectiveAdded(Player player, int objectiveID);
OnObjectiveCompleted(Player player, int objectiveID)479 		void OnObjectiveCompleted(Player player, int objectiveID);
OnObjectiveFailed(Player player, int objectiveID)480 		void OnObjectiveFailed(Player player, int objectiveID);
481 	}
483 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
484 	public interface INotifyWinStateChanged
485 	{
OnPlayerWon(Player winner)486 		void OnPlayerWon(Player winner);
OnPlayerLost(Player loser)487 		void OnPlayerLost(Player loser);
488 	}
490 	public interface INotifyCashTransfer
491 	{
OnAcceptingCash(Actor self, Actor donor)492 		void OnAcceptingCash(Actor self, Actor donor);
OnDeliveringCash(Actor self, Actor acceptor)493 		void OnDeliveringCash(Actor self, Actor acceptor);
494 	}
496 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
497 	public interface ITargetableCells
498 	{
TargetableCells()499 		Pair<CPos, SubCell>[] TargetableCells();
500 	}
502 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
PreventShroudReset(Actor self)503 	public interface IPreventsShroudReset { bool PreventShroudReset(Actor self); }
505 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
BotEnabled(IBot bot)506 	public interface IBotEnabled { void BotEnabled(IBot bot); }
508 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
BotTick(IBot bot)509 	public interface IBotTick { void BotTick(IBot bot); }
511 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
RespondToAttack(IBot bot, Actor self, AttackInfo e)512 	public interface IBotRespondToAttack { void RespondToAttack(IBot bot, Actor self, AttackInfo e); }
514 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
515 	public interface IBotPositionsUpdated
516 	{
UpdatedBaseCenter(CPos newLocation)517 		void UpdatedBaseCenter(CPos newLocation);
UpdatedDefenseCenter(CPos newLocation)518 		void UpdatedDefenseCenter(CPos newLocation);
519 	}
521 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
522 	public interface IBotNotifyIdleBaseUnits
523 	{
UpdatedIdleBaseUnits(List<Actor> idleUnits)524 		void UpdatedIdleBaseUnits(List<Actor> idleUnits);
525 	}
527 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
528 	public interface IBotRequestUnitProduction
529 	{
RequestUnitProduction(IBot bot, string requestedActor)530 		void RequestUnitProduction(IBot bot, string requestedActor);
RequestedProductionCount(IBot bot, string requestedActor)531 		int RequestedProductionCount(IBot bot, string requestedActor);
532 	}
534 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
535 	public interface IBotRequestPauseUnitProduction
536 	{
537 		bool PauseUnitProduction { get; }
538 	}
540 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
541 	public interface IEditorActorOptions : ITraitInfoInterface
542 	{
ActorOptions(ActorInfo ai, World world)543 		IEnumerable<EditorActorOption> ActorOptions(ActorInfo ai, World world);
544 	}
546 	public abstract class EditorActorOption
547 	{
548 		public readonly string Name;
549 		public readonly int DisplayOrder;
EditorActorOption(string name, int displayOrder)551 		public EditorActorOption(string name, int displayOrder)
552 		{
553 			Name = name;
554 			DisplayOrder = displayOrder;
555 		}
556 	}
558 	public class EditorActorCheckbox : EditorActorOption
559 	{
560 		public readonly Func<EditorActorPreview, bool> GetValue;
561 		public readonly Action<EditorActorPreview, bool> OnChange;
EditorActorCheckbox(string name, int displayOrder, Func<EditorActorPreview, bool> getValue, Action<EditorActorPreview, bool> onChange)563 		public EditorActorCheckbox(string name, int displayOrder,
564 			Func<EditorActorPreview, bool> getValue,
565 			Action<EditorActorPreview, bool> onChange)
566 			: base(name, displayOrder)
567 		{
568 			GetValue = getValue;
569 			OnChange = onChange;
570 		}
571 	}
573 	public class EditorActorSlider : EditorActorOption
574 	{
575 		public readonly float MinValue;
576 		public readonly float MaxValue;
577 		public readonly int Ticks;
578 		public readonly Func<EditorActorPreview, float> GetValue;
579 		public readonly Action<EditorActorPreview, float> OnChange;
EditorActorSlider(string name, int displayOrder, float minValue, float maxValue, int ticks, Func<EditorActorPreview, float> getValue, Action<EditorActorPreview, float> onChange)581 		public EditorActorSlider(string name, int displayOrder,
582 			float minValue, float maxValue, int ticks,
583 			Func<EditorActorPreview, float> getValue,
584 			Action<EditorActorPreview, float> onChange)
585 			: base(name, displayOrder)
586 		{
587 			MinValue = minValue;
588 			MaxValue = maxValue;
589 			Ticks = ticks;
590 			GetValue = getValue;
591 			OnChange = onChange;
592 		}
593 	}
595 	public class EditorActorDropdown : EditorActorOption
596 	{
597 		public readonly Dictionary<string, string> Labels;
598 		public readonly Func<EditorActorPreview, string> GetValue;
599 		public readonly Action<EditorActorPreview, string> OnChange;
EditorActorDropdown(string name, int displayOrder, Dictionary<string, string> labels, Func<EditorActorPreview, string> getValue, Action<EditorActorPreview, string> onChange)601 		public EditorActorDropdown(string name, int displayOrder,
602 			Dictionary<string, string> labels,
603 			Func<EditorActorPreview, string> getValue,
604 			Action<EditorActorPreview, string> onChange)
605 			: base(name, displayOrder)
606 		{
607 			Labels = labels;
608 			GetValue = getValue;
609 			OnChange = onChange;
610 		}
611 	}
613 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
614 	public interface IPreventMapSpawn
615 	{
PreventMapSpawn(World world, ActorReference actorReference)616 		bool PreventMapSpawn(World world, ActorReference actorReference);
617 	}
619 	[Flags]
620 	public enum MovementType
621 	{
622 		None = 0,
623 		Horizontal = 1,
624 		Vertical = 2,
625 		Turn = 4
626 	}
628 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
629 	public interface INotifyMoving
630 	{
MovementTypeChanged(Actor self, MovementType type)631 		void MovementTypeChanged(Actor self, MovementType type);
632 	}
634 	[RequireExplicitImplementation]
635 	public interface INotifyTimeLimit
636 	{
NotifyTimerExpired(Actor self)637 		void NotifyTimerExpired(Actor self);
638 	}
639 }