2	Inherits: ^Defense
3	Inherits@IDISABLE: ^DisableOnLowPowerOrPowerDown
4	Inherits@SHAPE: ^2x2Shape
5	Valued:
6		Cost: 1000
7	Tooltip:
8		Name: E.M. Pulse Cannon
9	Buildable:
10		Queue: Defense
11		BuildPaletteOrder: 110
12		Prerequisites: radar, ~techlevel.superweapons
13		Description: Disables mechanical units in an area.\nRequires power to operate.
14	Building:
15		Footprint: xx xx
16		Dimensions: 2,2
17	Selectable:
18		Bounds: 78, 54, 0, -12
19		DecorationBounds: 78, 54, 0, -12
20	Health:
21		HP: 50000
22	Armor:
23		Type: Heavy
24	RevealsShroud:
25		Range: 8c0
26	Turreted:
27		TurnSpeed: 10
28		InitialFacing: 224
29	AttackTurreted:
30		RequiresCondition: !build-incomplete && !empdisable && !disabled
31	Armament:
32		Weapon: EMPulseCannon
33		LocalOffset: 212,0,1768
34		LocalYaw: 0,100
35	WithSpriteTurret:
36		RequiresCondition: !build-incomplete
37		Sequence: turret
38	Power:
39		Amount: -150
40	SelectionDecorations:
41	RenderSprites:
42		Image: napuls.gdi
43		FactionImages:
44			gdi: napuls.gdi
45			nod: napuls.nod
46	ProvidesPrerequisite@gdi:
47		ResetOnOwnerChange: true
48	AttackOrderPower:
49		PauseOnCondition: empdisable || disabled
50		Cursor: emp
51		Icon: emp
52		ChargeInterval: 3375
53		Description: E.M. Pulse
54		LongDesc: Fires a pulse blast which disables\nall mechanical units in the area.
55		EndChargeSpeechNotification: EmPulseCannonReady
56		SelectTargetSpeechNotification: SelectTarget