1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Thu Aug  7 11:38:58 2014 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.51 (build 24365)
2SOURCELONG:Rise of the Runelords - Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings	SOURCESHORT:PF1	SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/pathfinder/v5748btpy7zkr	SOURCEDATE:2007-08
4###Block: Giant Gecko Abilities
5# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type							Define						Description																																																																																																																																									Modify VAR								Source Page		Aspects
6Aura of Sobs	KEY:Aura of Sobs ~ Attic Whisperer	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Aura								DESC:All the voices an attic whisperer steals linger around it in an invisible but audible aura of unnerving - often child-like - whimpers, limericks, songs, and sobs. This aura surrounds an attic whisperer in a 10-foot radius. Any sentient living creature that enters this area loses the benefit of any bardic performance ability and takes a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws. An attic whisperer can suppress or reactive its aura as a free action.																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.92	ASPECT:Ability Benefit|(10 ft.)
7Steal Breath	KEY:Steal Breath ~ Attic Whisperer	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural		DEFINE:AtticWhispererStealBreathDC|0	DESC:A creature damaged by an attic whisperer's bite attack must make a DC %1 Will save or become fatigued for 1 hour. A fatigued creature affected by this attack becomes exhausted for 1 hour, while an exhausted creature falls unconscious for 1 hour. This sleep is magically induced, and a sleeper can only be roused by a targeted dispel magic (dispel check DC 17), remove curse, or the attic whisperer's destruction.|AtticWhispererStealBreathDC																																																																BONUS:VAR|AtticWhispererStealBreathDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	SOURCEPAGE:p.92
8Steal Voice		KEY:Steal Voice ~ Attic Whisperer	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural		DEFINE:AtticWhispererStealVoiceDC|0		DESC:Any creature hit by this touch attack must make a DC %1 Will save or lose its ability to speak for 1 hour. During that time, the creature cannot talk, cast spells with verbal components, or use any other skill or ability that requires speech. This ability has no effect on creatures incapable of speech. Once an attic whisperer has stolen a creature's voice it can perfectly mimic that voice (or any other it has previously stolen) at any time, even after its victim's voice has returned. While mimicking a voice, the attic whisper can speak in any language the voice's owner knew, regardless of its prior knowledge of the language. Those familiar with an individual's voice can make a Sense Motive check opposed by the attic whisperer's Bluff check to realize a mimicked voice is inauthentic.|AtticWhispererStealVoiceDC	BONUS:VAR|AtticWhispererStealVoiceDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	SOURCEPAGE:p.92
10###Block: Giant Gecko Abilities
11# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type						Description																																																						Bonus to skill		Source Page
12Expert Climber	KEY:Expert Climber ~ Giant Gecko	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary	DESC:The unique physiology of gecko feet allow geckos to climb any surface, no matter how slick or sheer. In effect, giant geckos are treated as constantly being under a natural version of the spell Spider Climb. This ability also provides them with an additional +8 bonus on Climb check, which stacks with their racial bonus.	BONUS:SKILL|Climb|8	SOURCEPAGE:p.89
14###Block: Goblin Dog Abilities
15# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type						Define						Description																																																																																																															Modify VAR								Source Page
16Allergic Reaction	KEY:Allergic Reaction ~ Goblin Dog	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Extraordinary	DEFINE:GoblinDogAllergicReactionDC|0	DESC:Goblin dogs constantly shed copious amounts of dander to which all creatures (except for those with the goblinoid subtype) are violently allergic. Any non-goblinoid creature that is damaged by a goblin dog's bite attack, deals damage with a natural weapon or unarmed attack, or attempts to grapple, ride, or otherwise come into close contact with the creature, must make a DC %1 Fortitude save or break out in an itching rash. Any creature affected by this rash takes a -2 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma for 1 day (multiple allergic reactions do not stack). The spell Remove Disease or any magical healing removes the rash instantly.|GoblinDogAllergicReactionDC	BONUS:VAR|GoblinDogAllergicReactionDC|10+(HD/2)+CON	SOURCEPAGE:p.87
18###Block: Goblin Snake Abilities
19# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type						Define				Description																																																																																										Modify VAR													Source Page		Aspects
20Goblin Breath	KEY:Goblin Breath ~ Goblin Snake	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary	DEFINE:GoblinSnakeBreathDC|0	DESC:Once every 1d4 rounds a goblin snake can release a disgusting belch. Any creature within 5 feet of the goblin snake must succeed on a DC %1 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same goblin snake's goblin breath for 24 hours. A Delay Poison or Neutralize Poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throw.|GoblinSnakeBreathDC	BONUS:VAR|GoblinSnakeBreathDC|10+(HD/2)+CON							SOURCEPAGE:p.88
21Lunge			KEY:Lunge ~ Goblin Snake		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary						DESC:A goblin snake can coil itself to attack normally out-of-reach opponents. First, a goblin snake must spend a full-round action tightly coiling itself. In any following round, it can attack a creature within 10 feet as if it had double its normal reach. It gains a +2 bonus on this attack. Moving before it attacks causes a goblin snake to uncoil, preventing it from lunging. A goblin snake must spend a round recoiling between lunge attacks.																															SOURCEPAGE:p.88
22Snake Empathy	KEY:Snake Empathy ~ Goblin Snake	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Extraordinary	DEFINE:GoblinSnakeEmpathy|0	DESC:This ability functions similarly to a druid's wild empathy ability (+%1), but allows goblin snakes to verbally communicate with and be understood by snakes and similar serpentine reptiles. Goblin snakes have a +4 racial bonus on these checks. Its base check equals its racial Hit Dice.|GoblinSnakeEmpathy																																								BONUS:VAR|GoblinSnakeEmpathy|HD	BONUS:VAR|GoblinSnakeEmpathy|4|TYPE=Racial	SOURCEPAGE:p.88	ASPECT:Ability Benefit|+%1|GoblinSnakeEmpathy
24###Block: Sandpoint Devil Abilities
25# Ability Name	Unique Key						Category of Ability		Type						Define						Description																																																																						Modify VAR									Source Page
26Bay			KEY:Bay ~ Sandpoint Devil			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural	DEFINE:SandpointDevilBayDC|0			DESC:When the Sandpoint devil screams, all creatures within a 300-foot-radius spread must succeed on a DC %1 Will save or become panicked for 2d4 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting, fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature is thereafter immune to the Sandpoint devil's bay for 24 hours.|SandpointDevilBayDC																BONUS:VAR|SandpointDevilBayDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.94
27Hellfire Breath	KEY:Hellfire Breath ~ Sandpoint Devil	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Supernatural	DEFINE:SandpointDevilHellfireBreathDC|0	DESC:The Sandpoint devil can unleash blasts of infernal flame in a 30-ft cone, once every 1d4 rounds (damage 6d6 fire, Reflex %1 half). Any creature that fails the save also takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. This effect lasts for a number of days equal to the damage taken, but is otherwise treated and can be removed as per the spell Bestow Curse.|SandpointDevilHellfireBreathDC	BONUS:VAR|SandpointDevilHellfireBreathDC|10+(HD/2)+CON	SOURCEPAGE:p.94
29###Block: Sinspawn Abilities
30# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type							Define					Description																																																																																																	Modify VAR																	Source Page
31Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A sinspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily wrathful creatures. This includes any creature under the effects of a barbarian rage or similar effect, a creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's wrathful bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively wrathful.																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.90
32Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Envyspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:An envyspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily envious creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's envious bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively envious.																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.90
33Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Gluttonspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A gluttonspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily gluttonous creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's gluttonous bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively gluttonous.																																																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.90
34Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Greedspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A greedspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily greedy creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's greedy bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively greedy.																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.90
35Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Lustspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A lustspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily lustful creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's lustful bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively lustful.																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.90
36Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Pridespawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A pridespawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily prideful creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's prideful bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively prideful.																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.90
37Scent Sin		KEY:Scent Sin ~ Slothspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural.Sense							DESC:A slothspawn has the scent ability, but only against extraordinarily slothful creatures. This includes any creature with the evil subtype, a creature under the effects of the sinspawn's slothful bite, or a creature (GM's  discretion) that is excessively slothful.																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.90
38Wrathful Bite	KEY:Wrathful Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnWrathfulBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by a sinspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of wrath, anger, and rage. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but rage impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's wrathful bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a sinspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the wrath increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnWrathfulBiteDC			BONUS:VAR|SinspawnWrathfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnWrathfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90
39Envious Bite	KEY:Envious Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnEnviousBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by an envyspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of envy. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but glare impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's envious bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a envyspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the envy increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnEnviousBiteDC					BONUS:VAR|SinspawnEnviousBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnEnviousBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90
40Gluttonous Bite	KEY:Gluttonous Bite ~ Sinspawn	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnGluttonousBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by a gluttonspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of hunger and gluttony. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but hunger impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's gluttonous bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a gluttonspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the hunger increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnGluttonousBiteDC	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnGluttonousBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnGluttonousBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	SOURCEPAGE:p.90
41Greedy Bite		KEY:Greedy Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnGreedyBiteDC|0		DESC:A creature bitten by a greedspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of greed. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but covet impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's wrathful bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a greedspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the greed increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnGreedyBiteDC					BONUS:VAR|SinspawnGreedyBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnGreedyBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90
42Lustful Bite	KEY:Lustful Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnLustfulBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by a lustspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of desire and lust. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but crave impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's lustful bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a lustspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the desire increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnLustfulBiteDC			BONUS:VAR|SinspawnLustfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnLustfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90
43Prideful Bite	KEY:Prideful Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnPridefulBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by a pridespawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of pride. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but triumph impotently. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's prideful bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a pridespawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the pride increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnPridefulBiteDC				BONUS:VAR|SinspawnPridefulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnPridefulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90
44Slothful Bite	KEY:Slothful Bite ~ Sinspawn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.Supernatural		DEFINE:SinspawnSlothfulBiteDC|0	DESC:A creature bitten by a slothspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or become overwhelmed by feelings of sloth and inertia. These emotions are so powerful that the affected creature finds it hard to do anything but idle passively. For 1d6 minutes after succumbing to a sinspawn's slothful bite, the victim is effectively sickened. A victim suffering from this effect who is bitten again by a slothspawn must make a DC %1 Will save or the inertai increases, leaving him staggered. Further bites increase the duration of the effect, but not the magnitude.|SinspawnSlothfulBiteDC			BONUS:VAR|SinspawnSlothfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA	BONUS:VAR|SinspawnSlothfulBiteDC|10+(HD/2)+CHA			SOURCEPAGE:p.90