1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Wed Sep  3 00:18:24 2014 -- reformated by prettylst.pl v1.51 (build 24947)
2SOURCELONG:Atlas Games - Penumbra - Touched by the Gods	SOURCESHORT:TouchbtG	SOURCEWEB:http://www.atlas-games.com/pen_index.html	SOURCEDATE:2001-01
4#Could not find the Time domain in the book or index.
5#Commenting out the 2 Totem spells since they are exclusive to a class that has not been coded yet.
7# Spell Name			School			Sub-School			Type				Classes of caster			Domains granting the spell	Components		Casting Time	Range			Target Area		Duration								Save Info					Spell Resistance		Description											Source Page		Item
8#Detect Temporal Disturbance	SCHOOL:Universal		SUBSCHOOL:Time		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Wizard=0							COMPS:V S		CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:60 feet	DESC:See text	DURATION:Concentration, up to 1/minute/level (D)	SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No			TARGETAREA:Quarter circle emanating from caster to the extreme of the range.	SOURCEPAGE:p.
9#Dispel Temporal Effect		SCHOOL:Abjuration		SUBSCHOOL:Time		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Wizard=2							COMPS:V S		CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Medium	DESC:See text	DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No			TARGETAREA:One temporal effect								SOURCEPAGE:p.
10#Scry the Ages			SCHOOL:Divination		SUBSCHOOL:Time		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Wizard=5|Cleric=6	DOMAINS:Time-p=4			COMPS:V S M DF F	CASTTIME:1 hour	RANGE:Special	DESC:See text	DURATION:1 minute/level						SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No			TARGETAREA:Scry through time									SOURCEPAGE:p.
11#Hastening of Age			SCHOOL:Necromancy		SUBSCHOOL:Time		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Wizard=7		DOMAINS:Time-p=5			COMPS:V S		CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Close		DESC:See text	DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates		SPELLRES:Yes		TARGETAREA:Ages target rapidly								SOURCEPAGE:p.
12#Wellspring of Youth		SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing|Time	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=8			DOMAINS:Time-p=7			COMPS:V S M XP	CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Touch		DESC:See text	DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Will negates(harmless)	SPELLRES:Yes(harmless)	TARGETAREA:Creature touched									SOURCEPAGE:p.	ITEM:Potion
13# Spell Name		Type		Classes of caster	Domains granting the spell	School			Components		Casting Time	Range			Item		Target Area or Effect								Duration			Save Info			Spell Resistance	Source Page		Description
14Interment			TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=6	DOMAINS:Endings=6			SCHOOL:Abjuration		COMPS:V S DF	CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One or more Undead within 30 foot diameter sphere	DURATION:Instantaneous	SAVEINFO:Will negates	SPELLRES:Yes	SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:See text
15True Passage		TYPE:Divine				DOMAINS:Endings=9			SCHOOL:Necromancy		COMPS:V S M		CASTTIME:1 round	RANGE:Touch		ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Creature touched							DURATION:Permanent	SAVEINFO:Will negates	SPELLRES:Yes	SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:See text
16Claim Thrall		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Totem=1						SCHOOL:Enchantment	COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One humanoid								DURATION:Instantaneous	SAVEINFO:Will negates	SPELLRES:Yes	SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:See text
17Shape of the Spirit	TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Totem=2						SCHOOL:Transmutation	COMPS:None		CASTTIME:1 action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You									DURATION:1 hour		SAVEINFO:None		SPELLRES:No		SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:See text
19###Block: SPELL.MOD generated from the old CLASSSPELL files
20# Spell Name			Type				Classes of caster	Domains granting the spell
21Consecrate.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=2
22Death Ward.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=4
23Detect Undead.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=1
24Hallow.MOD											DOMAINS:Endings=5
25Halt Undead.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=3
26#Haste.MOD				DOMAINS:Time-p=2
27Holy Aura.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=8
28Holy Word.MOD										DOMAINS:Endings=7
29#Mass Haste.MOD			DOMAINS:Time-p=6
30#Slow.MOD				DOMAINS:Time-p=3
31#Temporal Stasis.MOD		DOMAINS:Time-p=9
32#Time Stop.MOD			DOMAINS:Time-p=8
33#True Strike.MOD			DOMAINS:Time-p=1
34Inflict Light Wounds.MOD								DOMAINS:Rage=1
35Bull's Strength.MOD									DOMAINS:Rage=2
36Haste.MOD				TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Rage=3
37Emotion.MOD				TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Rage=4
38Righteous Might.MOD									DOMAINS:Rage=5
39Mass Haste.MOD			TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Rage=6
40Transformation.MOD		TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Rage=7
41Iron Body.MOD										DOMAINS:Rage=8
42Miracle.MOD											DOMAINS:Rage=9
43Sanctuary.MOD										DOMAINS:Nobility-p=1
44Resist Elements.MOD									DOMAINS:Nobility-p=2
45Prayer.MOD											DOMAINS:Nobility-p=3
46Discern Lies.MOD										DOMAINS:Nobility-p=4
47Mark of Justice.MOD									DOMAINS:Nobility-p=5
48Globe of Invulnerability.MOD	TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Nobility-p=6
49Teleport without Error.MOD								DOMAINS:Nobility-p=7
50Discern Location.MOD									DOMAINS:Nobility-p=8
51Limited Wish.MOD			TYPE:Arcane.Divine				DOMAINS:Nobility-p=9
52Calm Animals.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=1
53Calm Emotions.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=1
54Charm Person or Animal.MOD					CLASSES:Totem=1
55Cure Light Wounds.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=1
56Magic Fang.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=1
57Detect Thoughts.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=2
58Dominate Animal.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=2
59Hold Person.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=2
60Greater Magic Fang.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=2
61Suggestion.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=2
62Cure Moderate Wounds.MOD					CLASSES:Totem=3
63Discern Lies.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=3
64Emotion.MOD								CLASSES:Totem=3
65Fear.MOD								CLASSES:Totem=3
66Lesser Geas.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=3
67Sending.MOD								CLASSES:Totem=3
68Awaken.MOD								CLASSES:Totem=4
69Commune with Nature.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=4
70Dominate Person.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=4
71Geas/Quest.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=4
72Mass Suggestion.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=4
73Reincarnate.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=4
74Cure Serious Wounds.MOD						CLASSES:Totem=5
75Demand.MOD								CLASSES:Totem=5
76Insect Plague.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=5
77Insanity.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=5
78Mass Charm.MOD							CLASSES:Totem=5