1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Modern Dispatch #90 - The Watchers	SOURCESHORT:MD90-TW	SOURCEWEB:http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?page=pro&product_id=224	SOURCEDATE:2004-01
4#Original entry by Paul W. King
6# Feat Name			Type						Visible		Required Class			Required Feat				Prohibited Feat				Special ABility																Description																																	Multiple?	Choose								Bonus DR		Bonus to skill rank						Stat bonus				Add to vision			Damage Reduction	Source Page
7# Ability Name		Category of Ability	Type						Visible		Required Ability							Restricted Ability						Required Class			Special ABility																Description																																	Multiple?	Choose								Bonus DR		Bonus to skill rank						Stat bonus				Add to vision			Damage Reduction	Source Page
8Aspect of the Watcher	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=1																			DESC:While holding still the character can go unnoticed even in plain sight--surrounding observers simply stop paying attention to the character. The PC doesn't actually become invisible, just ignored.																																					SOURCEPAGE:p.2
9Aura				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=1																			DESC:The character radiates an aura that has impact on allies and/or foes.																						MULT:YES	CHOOSE:STRING|Calm|Inspiration|Light|Strength|Succor																										SOURCEPAGE:p.2
10Celestial Toughness I	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=1																			DESC:The character gains damage reduction																																																													DR:1/Iron		SOURCEPAGE:p.2
11Celestial Toughness II	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Celestial Toughness I										PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=2																			DESC:The character gains damage reduction																																							BONUS:DR|Iron|1																							SOURCEPAGE:p.2
12Celestial Toughness III	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Celestial Toughness II										PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=3																			DESC:The character gains damage reduction																																							BONUS:DR|Iron|1																							SOURCEPAGE:p.2
13Divine Grace		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial													!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Divine Grace			PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=3																			DESC:The blood of angels flows in your veins granting you additional physical abilities.																				MULT:YES	CHOOSE:PCSTAT|CON|DEX|STR																	BONUS:STAT|LIST|2|TYPE=Racial									SOURCEPAGE:p.2
14Divine Healing		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=2	SAB:Heal one person 1/day for 1d8+% points of damage|TL/2									DESC:Your touch heals the wounded.																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.2
15Free Fall			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Occupation (Celestial)																																	DESC:Angels appear to be remarkably resilient to impact damage from falls or full body shocks.																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.3
16Keen Vision			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Occupation (Celestial)																																	DESC:Your vision is beyond that of normal humans.																																																						BONUS:VISION|Darkvision|60				SOURCEPAGE:p.3
17Languages of Babylon	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=1																			DESC:You have knowledge of languages you never studied.																																							BONUS:SKILLRANK|Speak Language,Read/Write Language|2														SOURCEPAGE:p.3
18Resistance of the Light	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial													!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Resistance of the Light	PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=1	SAB:%CHOICE Resistance 10														DESC:You gain resistance to certain types of damage.																										MULT:YES	CHOOSE:STRING|Acid|Cold|Electricity|Fire																												SOURCEPAGE:p.3
19Sustaining Spirit		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Occupation (Celestial)																																	DESC:You absorb sustenance from positive energy.																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.3
20Tongue of Angels		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial				PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Languages of Babylon																SAB:The character can spontaneously speak and understand any language for 20 minutes %/day|WatcherLevel	DESC:You can spontaneously speak and understand any language.																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.3
21Wings				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Watcher.Nephilim.Celestial																						PRECLASS:1,The Watcher=3																			DESC:You grow ethereal wings of light that allow you the gift of flight.																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.4
23#Nephilim only Feats
24Enhanced Aura		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Nephilim				VISIBLE:EXPORT																																										DESC:The area of effect of your Aura's is extended.																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.2
25Heaven's Wings		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Nephilim				VISIBLE:EXPORT																																										DESC:You fly like an angel.																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.3
26The Touch			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Nephilim				VISIBLE:EXPORT																																										DESC:You can bestow the blessing of Heaven on one target with a touch.																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.3
27The Truth			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Nephilim				VISIBLE:EXPORT	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Languages of Babylon																																		DESC:You can discern truth from lies.																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.3
28The Will			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Nephilim				VISIBLE:EXPORT																																										DESC:The power of the Light influences your words.																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.3