1 #include "Gravity.h"
3 #include <cmath>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
7 #include "CoordStack.h"
8 #include "Misc.h"
9 #include "Simulation.h"
10 #include "SimulationData.h"
Gravity()13 Gravity::Gravity()
14 {
15 	// Allocate full size Gravmaps
16 	unsigned int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
17 	th_ogravmap = new float[size];
18 	th_gravmap = new float[size];
19 	th_gravy = new float[size];
20 	th_gravx = new float[size];
21 	th_gravp = new float[size];
22 	gravmap = new float[size];
23 	gravy = new float[size];
24 	gravx = new float[size];
25 	gravp = new float[size];
26 	gravmask = new unsigned[size];
27 }
~Gravity()29 Gravity::~Gravity()
30 {
31 	stop_grav_async();
32 #ifdef GRAVFFT
33 	grav_fft_cleanup();
34 #endif
36 	delete[] th_ogravmap;
37 	delete[] th_gravmap;
38 	delete[] th_gravy;
39 	delete[] th_gravx;
40 	delete[] th_gravp;
41 	delete[] gravmap;
42 	delete[] gravy;
43 	delete[] gravx;
44 	delete[] gravp;
45 	delete[] gravmask;
46 }
Clear()48 void Gravity::Clear()
49 {
50 	int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
51 	std::fill(gravy, gravy + size, 0.0f);
52 	std::fill(gravx, gravx + size, 0.0f);
53 	std::fill(gravp, gravp + size, 0.0f);
54 	std::fill(gravmap, gravmap + size, 0.0f);
55 	std::fill(gravmask, gravmask + size, 0xFFFFFFFF);
57 	ignoreNextResult = true;
58 }
60 #ifdef GRAVFFT
grav_fft_init()61 void Gravity::grav_fft_init()
62 {
63 	int xblock2 = XRES/CELL*2;
64 	int yblock2 = YRES/CELL*2;
65 	int fft_tsize = (xblock2/2+1)*yblock2;
66 	float distance, scaleFactor;
67 	fftwf_plan plan_ptgravx, plan_ptgravy;
68 	if (grav_fft_status) return;
70 	//use fftw malloc function to ensure arrays are aligned, to get better performance
71 	th_ptgravx = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fftwf_malloc(xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float)));
72 	th_ptgravy = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fftwf_malloc(xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float)));
73 	th_ptgravxt = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(fftwf_malloc(fft_tsize * sizeof(fftwf_complex)));
74 	th_ptgravyt = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(fftwf_malloc(fft_tsize * sizeof(fftwf_complex)));
75 	th_gravmapbig = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fftwf_malloc(xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float)));
76 	th_gravmapbigt = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(fftwf_malloc(fft_tsize * sizeof(fftwf_complex)));
77 	th_gravxbig = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fftwf_malloc(xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float)));
78 	th_gravybig = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fftwf_malloc(xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float)));
79 	th_gravxbigt = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(fftwf_malloc(fft_tsize * sizeof(fftwf_complex)));
80 	th_gravybigt = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(fftwf_malloc(fft_tsize * sizeof(fftwf_complex)));
82 	//select best algorithm, could use FFTW_PATIENT or FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE but that increases the time taken to plan, and I don't see much increase in execution speed
83 	plan_ptgravx = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(yblock2, xblock2, th_ptgravx, th_ptgravxt, FFTW_MEASURE);
84 	plan_ptgravy = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(yblock2, xblock2, th_ptgravy, th_ptgravyt, FFTW_MEASURE);
85 	plan_gravmap = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(yblock2, xblock2, th_gravmapbig, th_gravmapbigt, FFTW_MEASURE);
86 	plan_gravx_inverse = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d(yblock2, xblock2, th_gravxbigt, th_gravxbig, FFTW_MEASURE);
87 	plan_gravy_inverse = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d(yblock2, xblock2, th_gravybigt, th_gravybig, FFTW_MEASURE);
89 	//(XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*4 is size of data array, scaling needed because FFTW calculates an unnormalized DFT
90 	scaleFactor = -M_GRAV/((XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*4);
91 	//calculate velocity map caused by a point mass
92 	for (int y = 0; y < yblock2; y++)
93 	{
94 		for (int x = 0; x < xblock2; x++)
95 		{
96 			if (x == XRES / CELL && y == YRES / CELL)
97 				continue;
98 			distance = sqrtf(pow(x-(XRES/CELL), 2.0f) + pow(y-(YRES/CELL), 2.0f));
99 			th_ptgravx[y * xblock2 + x] = scaleFactor * (x - (XRES / CELL)) / pow(distance, 3);
100 			th_ptgravy[y * xblock2 + x] = scaleFactor * (y - (YRES / CELL)) / pow(distance, 3);
101 		}
102 	}
103 	th_ptgravx[yblock2 * xblock2 / 2 + xblock2 / 2] = 0.0f;
104 	th_ptgravy[yblock2 * xblock2 / 2 + xblock2 / 2] = 0.0f;
106 	//transform point mass velocity maps
107 	fftwf_execute(plan_ptgravx);
108 	fftwf_execute(plan_ptgravy);
109 	fftwf_destroy_plan(plan_ptgravx);
110 	fftwf_destroy_plan(plan_ptgravy);
111 	fftwf_free(th_ptgravx);
112 	fftwf_free(th_ptgravy);
114 	//clear padded gravmap
115 	memset(th_gravmapbig, 0, xblock2 * yblock2 * sizeof(float));
117 	grav_fft_status = true;
118 }
grav_fft_cleanup()120 void Gravity::grav_fft_cleanup()
121 {
122 	if (!grav_fft_status) return;
123 	fftwf_free(th_ptgravxt);
124 	fftwf_free(th_ptgravyt);
125 	fftwf_free(th_gravmapbig);
126 	fftwf_free(th_gravmapbigt);
127 	fftwf_free(th_gravxbig);
128 	fftwf_free(th_gravybig);
129 	fftwf_free(th_gravxbigt);
130 	fftwf_free(th_gravybigt);
131 	fftwf_destroy_plan(plan_gravmap);
132 	fftwf_destroy_plan(plan_gravx_inverse);
133 	fftwf_destroy_plan(plan_gravy_inverse);
134 	grav_fft_status = false;
135 }
136 #endif
gravity_update_async()138 void Gravity::gravity_update_async()
139 {
140 	int result;
141 	if (!enabled)
142 		return;
144 	bool signal_grav = false;
146 	{
147 		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(gravmutex, std::defer_lock);
148 		if (l.try_lock())
149 		{
150 			result = grav_ready;
151 			if (result) //Did the gravity thread finish?
152 			{
153 				if (th_gravchanged && !ignoreNextResult)
154 				{
155 #if !defined(GRAVFFT) && defined(GRAV_DIFF)
156 					memcpy(gravy, th_gravy, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
157 					memcpy(gravx, th_gravx, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
158 					memcpy(gravp, th_gravp, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
159 #else
160 					// Copy thread gravity maps into this one
161 					std::swap(gravy, th_gravy);
162 					std::swap(gravx, th_gravx);
163 					std::swap(gravp, th_gravp);
164 #endif
165 				}
166 				ignoreNextResult = false;
168 				std::swap(gravmap, th_gravmap);
170 				grav_ready = 0; //Tell the other thread that we're ready for it to continue
171 				signal_grav = true;
172 			}
173 		}
174 	}
176 	if (signal_grav)
177 	{
178 		gravcv.notify_one();
179 	}
180 	unsigned int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
181 	membwand(gravy, gravmask, size * sizeof(float), size * sizeof(unsigned));
182 	membwand(gravx, gravmask, size * sizeof(float), size * sizeof(unsigned));
183 	std::fill(&gravmap[0], &gravmap[size], 0.0f);
184 }
update_grav_async()186 void Gravity::update_grav_async()
187 {
188 	int done = 0;
189 	int thread_done = 0;
190 	unsigned int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
191 	std::fill(&th_ogravmap[0], &th_ogravmap[size], 0.0f);
192 	std::fill(&th_gravmap[0], &th_gravmap[size], 0.0f);
193 	std::fill(&th_gravy[0], &th_gravy[size], 0.0f);
194 	std::fill(&th_gravx[0], &th_gravx[size], 0.0f);
195 	std::fill(&th_gravp[0], &th_gravp[size], 0.0f);
197 #ifdef GRAVFFT
198 	if (!grav_fft_status)
199 		grav_fft_init();
200 #endif
202 	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(gravmutex);
203 	while (!thread_done)
204 	{
205 		if (!done)
206 		{
207 			// run gravity update
208 			update_grav();
209 			done = 1;
210 			grav_ready = 1;
211 			thread_done = gravthread_done;
212 		}
213 		else
214 		{
215 			// wait for main thread
216 			gravcv.wait(l);
217 			done = grav_ready;
218 			thread_done = gravthread_done;
219 		}
220 	}
221 }
start_grav_async()223 void Gravity::start_grav_async()
224 {
225 	if (enabled)	//If it's already enabled, restart it
226 		stop_grav_async();
228 	gravthread_done = 0;
229 	grav_ready = 0;
230 	gravthread = std::thread([this]() { update_grav_async(); }); //Start asynchronous gravity simulation
231 	enabled = true;
233 	unsigned int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
234 	std::fill(&gravy[0], &gravy[size], 0.0f);
235 	std::fill(&gravx[0], &gravx[size], 0.0f);
236 	std::fill(&gravp[0], &gravp[size], 0.0f);
237 	std::fill(&gravmap[0], &gravmap[size], 0.0f);
238 }
stop_grav_async()240 void Gravity::stop_grav_async()
241 {
242 	if (enabled)
243 	{
244 		{
245 			std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(gravmutex);
246 			gravthread_done = 1;
247 		}
248 		gravcv.notify_one();
249 		gravthread.join();
250 		enabled = false;
251 	}
252 	// Clear the grav velocities
253 	unsigned int size = (XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL);
254 	std::fill(&gravy[0], &gravy[size], 0.0f);
255 	std::fill(&gravx[0], &gravx[size], 0.0f);
256 	std::fill(&gravp[0], &gravp[size], 0.0f);
257 	std::fill(&gravmap[0], &gravmap[size], 0.0f);
258 }
260 #ifdef GRAVFFT
update_grav()261 void Gravity::update_grav()
262 {
263 	int xblock2 = XRES/CELL*2, yblock2 = YRES/CELL*2;
264 	int fft_tsize = (xblock2/2+1)*yblock2;
265 	float mr, mc, pr, pc, gr, gc;
266 	if (memcmp(th_ogravmap, th_gravmap, sizeof(float)*(XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)) != 0)
267 	{
268 		th_gravchanged = 1;
270 		membwand(th_gravmap, gravmask, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float), (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(unsigned));
271 		//copy gravmap into padded gravmap array
272 		for (int y = 0; y < YRES / CELL; y++)
273 		{
274 			for (int x = 0; x < XRES / CELL; x++)
275 			{
276 				th_gravmapbig[(y+YRES/CELL)*xblock2+XRES/CELL+x] = th_gravmap[y*(XRES/CELL)+x];
277 			}
278 		}
279 		//transform gravmap
280 		fftwf_execute(plan_gravmap);
281 		//do convolution (multiply the complex numbers)
282 		for (int i = 0; i < fft_tsize; i++)
283 		{
284 			mr = th_gravmapbigt[i][0];
285 			mc = th_gravmapbigt[i][1];
286 			pr = th_ptgravxt[i][0];
287 			pc = th_ptgravxt[i][1];
288 			gr = mr*pr-mc*pc;
289 			gc = mr*pc+mc*pr;
290 			th_gravxbigt[i][0] = gr;
291 			th_gravxbigt[i][1] = gc;
292 			pr = th_ptgravyt[i][0];
293 			pc = th_ptgravyt[i][1];
294 			gr = mr*pr-mc*pc;
295 			gc = mr*pc+mc*pr;
296 			th_gravybigt[i][0] = gr;
297 			th_gravybigt[i][1] = gc;
298 		}
299 		//inverse transform, and copy from padded arrays into normal velocity maps
300 		fftwf_execute(plan_gravx_inverse);
301 		fftwf_execute(plan_gravy_inverse);
302 		for (int y = 0; y < YRES / CELL; y++)
303 		{
304 			for (int x = 0; x < XRES / CELL; x++)
305 			{
306 				th_gravx[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] = th_gravxbig[y*xblock2+x];
307 				th_gravy[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] = th_gravybig[y*xblock2+x];
308 				th_gravp[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] = sqrtf(pow(th_gravxbig[y*xblock2+x],2)+pow(th_gravybig[y*xblock2+x],2));
309 			}
310 		}
311 	}
312 	else
313 	{
314 		th_gravchanged = 0;
315 	}
317 	// Copy th_ogravmap into th_gravmap (doesn't matter what th_ogravmap is afterwards)
318 	std::swap(th_gravmap, th_ogravmap);
319 }
321 #else
322 // gravity without fast Fourier transforms
update_grav(void)324 void Gravity::update_grav(void)
325 {
326 	int x, y, i, j, changed = 0;
327 	float val, distance;
328 	th_gravchanged = 0;
329 #ifndef GRAV_DIFF
330 	//Find any changed cells
331 	for (i=0; i<YRES/CELL; i++)
332 	{
333 		if(changed)
334 			break;
335 		for (j=0; j<XRES/CELL; j++)
336 		{
337 			if(th_ogravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j]!=th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j]){
338 				changed = 1;
339 				break;
340 			}
341 		}
342 	}
343 	if(!changed)
344 		goto fin;
345 	memset(th_gravy, 0, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
346 	memset(th_gravx, 0, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
347 #endif
348 	th_gravchanged = 1;
349 	membwand(th_gravmap, gravmask, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float), (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(unsigned));
350 	for (i = 0; i < YRES / CELL; i++) {
351 		for (j = 0; j < XRES / CELL; j++) {
352 #ifdef GRAV_DIFF
353 			if (th_ogravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j] != th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j])
354 			{
355 #else
356 			if (th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j] > 0.0001f || th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j]<-0.0001f) //Only calculate with populated or changed cells.
357 			{
358 #endif
359 				for (y = 0; y < YRES / CELL; y++) {
360 					for (x = 0; x < XRES / CELL; x++) {
361 						if (x == j && y == i)//Ensure it doesn't calculate with itself
362 							continue;
363 						distance = sqrt(pow(j - x, 2.0f) + pow(i - y, 2.0f));
364 #ifdef GRAV_DIFF
365 						val = th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j] - th_ogravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j];
366 #else
367 						val = th_gravmap[i*(XRES/CELL)+j];
368 #endif
369 						th_gravx[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] += M_GRAV * val * (j - x) / pow(distance, 3.0f);
370 						th_gravy[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] += M_GRAV * val * (i - y) / pow(distance, 3.0f);
371 						th_gravp[y*(XRES/CELL)+x] += M_GRAV * val / pow(distance, 2.0f);
372 					}
373 				}
374 			}
375 		}
376 	}
377 fin:
378 	memcpy(th_ogravmap, th_gravmap, (XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)*sizeof(float));
379 }
380 #endif
384 bool Gravity::grav_mask_r(int x, int y, char checkmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], char shape[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL])
385 {
386 	int x1, x2;
387 	bool ret = false;
388 	try
389 	{
390 		CoordStack cs;
391 		cs.push(x, y);
392 		do
393 		{
394 			cs.pop(x, y);
395 			x1 = x2 = x;
396 			while (x1 >= 0)
397 			{
398 				if (x1 == 0)
399 				{
400 					ret = true;
401 					break;
402 				}
403 				else if (checkmap[y][x1-1] || bmap[y][x1-1] == WL_GRAV)
404 					break;
405 				x1--;
406 			}
407 			while (x2 <= XRES/CELL-1)
408 			{
409 				if (x2 == XRES/CELL-1)
410 				{
411 					ret = true;
412 					break;
413 				}
414 				else if (checkmap[y][x2+1] || bmap[y][x2+1] == WL_GRAV)
415 					break;
416 				x2++;
417 			}
418 			for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
419 			{
420 				shape[y][x] = 1;
421 				checkmap[y][x] = 1;
422 			}
423 			if (y == 0)
424 			{
425 				for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
426 					if (bmap[y][x] != WL_GRAV)
427 						ret = true;
428 			}
429 			else if (y >= 1)
430 			{
431 				for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
432 					if (!checkmap[y-1][x] && bmap[y-1][x] != WL_GRAV)
433 					{
434 						if (y-1 == 0)
435 							ret = true;
436 						cs.push(x, y-1);
437 					}
438 			}
439 			if (y < YRES/CELL-1)
440 				for (x=x1; x<=x2; x++)
441 					if (!checkmap[y+1][x] && bmap[y+1][x] != WL_GRAV)
442 					{
443 						if (y+1 == YRES/CELL-1)
444 							ret = true;
445 						cs.push(x, y+1);
446 					}
447 		} while (cs.getSize()>0);
448 	}
449 	catch (std::exception& e)
450 	{
451 		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
452 		ret = false;
453 	}
454 	return ret;
455 }
456 void Gravity::mask_free(mask_el *c_mask_el)
457 {
458 	if (c_mask_el == nullptr)
459 		return;
460 	delete[] c_mask_el->next;
461 	delete[] c_mask_el->shape;
462 	delete[] c_mask_el;
463 }
465 void Gravity::gravity_mask()
466 {
467 	char checkmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL];
468 	unsigned maskvalue;
469 	mask_el *t_mask_el = nullptr;
470 	mask_el *c_mask_el = nullptr;
471 	if (!gravmask)
472 		return;
473 	memset(checkmap, 0, sizeof(checkmap));
474 	for (int x = 0; x < XRES / CELL; x++)
475 	{
476 		for(int y = 0; y < YRES / CELL; y++)
477 		{
478 			if (bmap[y][x] != WL_GRAV && checkmap[y][x] == 0)
479 			{
480 				// Create a new shape
481 				if (t_mask_el == nullptr)
482 				{
483 					t_mask_el = new mask_el[sizeof(mask_el)];
484 					t_mask_el->shape = new char[(XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL)];
485 					std::fill(&t_mask_el->shape[0], &t_mask_el->shape[(XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL)], 0);
486 					t_mask_el->shapeout = 0;
487 					t_mask_el->next = nullptr;
488 					c_mask_el = t_mask_el;
489 				}
490 				else
491 				{
492 					c_mask_el->next = new mask_el[sizeof(mask_el)];
493 					c_mask_el = c_mask_el->next;
494 					c_mask_el->shape = new char[(XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL)];
495 					std::fill(&c_mask_el->shape[0], &c_mask_el->shape[(XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL)], 0);
496 					c_mask_el->shapeout = 0;
497 					c_mask_el->next = nullptr;
498 				}
499 				// Fill the shape
500 				if (grav_mask_r(x, y, checkmap, reinterpret_cast<char(*)[XRES/CELL]>(c_mask_el->shape)))
501 					c_mask_el->shapeout = 1;
502 			}
503 		}
504 	}
505 	c_mask_el = t_mask_el;
506 	std::fill(&gravmask[0], &gravmask[(XRES / CELL) * (YRES / CELL)], 0);
507 	while (c_mask_el != nullptr)
508 	{
509 		char *cshape = c_mask_el->shape;
510 		for (int x = 0; x < XRES / CELL; x++)
511 		{
512 			for (int y = 0; y < YRES / CELL; y++)
513 			{
514 				if (cshape[y * (XRES / CELL) + x])
515 				{
516 					if (c_mask_el->shapeout)
517 						maskvalue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
518 					else
519 						maskvalue = 0x00000000;
520 					gravmask[y * (XRES / CELL) + x] = maskvalue;
521 				}
522 			}
523 		}
524 		c_mask_el = c_mask_el->next;
525 	}
526 	mask_free(t_mask_el);
527 }