1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<GameDefinitionFile xmlns:baseTypes="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:GamesExplorerBaseTypes.v1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:GameDescription.v1">
3    <GameDefinition gameID="{F2475C5C-EA7C-41F0-A56D-1ABF7CFEA389}">
4        <Name>ScummVM</Name>
5        <Description>ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!</Description>
6        <ReleaseDate>2022-01-02</ReleaseDate>
7        <Genres>
8            <Genre>Adventure</Genre>
9        </Genres>
10        <Version>
11            <VersionFile path="scummvm.exe" />
12        </Version>
13        <WindowsSystemPerformanceRating minimum="1.0" recommended="2.0" />
14        <Developers>
15            <Developer URI="https://www.scummvm.org">The ScummVM Team</Developer>
16        </Developers>
17        <Publishers>
18            <Publisher URI="https://www.scummvm.org">The ScummVM Team</Publisher>
19        </Publishers>
20        <GameExecutables>
21            <GameExecutable path="scummvm.exe" />
22        </GameExecutables>
23        <ExtendedProperties>
24            <GameTasks>
25                <Play>
26                    <Primary>
27                        <FileTask path="scummvm.exe" arguments="--no-console" />
28                    </Primary>
29                    <Task index="1" name="Play (console)">
30                        <FileTask path="scummvm.exe" arguments="" />
31                    </Task>
32                </Play>
33                <Support>
34                    <Task index="0" name="View README">
35                        <FileTask path="README.txt" arguments="" />
36                    </Task>
37                    <Task index="1" name="ScummVM Website">
38                        <URLTask Link="https://www.scummvm.org" />
39                    </Task>
40                </Support>
41            </GameTasks>
42        </ExtendedProperties>
43    </GameDefinition>