1 /* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
2  *
3  * ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
4  * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
5  * file distributed with this source distribution.
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20  *
21  */
23 /*
24  * Quaternion-math originally borrowed from plib http://plib.sourceforge.net/index.html
25  * This code was originally made available under the LGPLv2 license (or later).
26  *
27  * Quaternion routines are Copyright (C) 1999
28  * Kevin B. Thompson <kevinbthompson@yahoo.com>
29  * Modified by Sylvan W. Clebsch <sylvan@stanford.edu>
30  * Largely rewritten by "Negative0" <negative0@earthlink.net>
31  *
32  * This code (and our modifications) is made available here under the GPLv2 (or later).
33  *
34  * Additional changes written based on the math presented in
35  * http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/mzucker1/e27/diebel2006attitude.pdf
36  *
37  */
39 #include "common/streamdebug.h"
41 #include "common/math.h"
42 #include "math/quat.h"
44 namespace Math {
Quaternion(const Matrix3 & m)46 Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix3 &m) {
47 	fromMatrix(m);
48 	normalize();
49 }
Quaternion(const Matrix4 & m)51 Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix4 &m) {
52 	fromMatrix(m.getRotation());
53 }
Quaternion(const Vector3d & axis,const Angle & angle)55 Quaternion::Quaternion(const Vector3d &axis, const Angle &angle) {
56 	float s = (angle / 2).getSine();
57 	float c = (angle / 2).getCosine();
58 	set(axis.x() * s, axis.y() * s, axis.z() * s, c);
59 }
xAxis(const Angle & angle)61 Quaternion Quaternion::xAxis(const Angle &angle) {
62 	Quaternion q(Vector3d(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), angle);
63 	return q;
64 }
yAxis(const Angle & angle)66 Quaternion Quaternion::yAxis(const Angle &angle) {
67 	Quaternion q(Vector3d(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), angle);
68 	return q;
69 }
zAxis(const Angle & angle)71 Quaternion Quaternion::zAxis(const Angle &angle) {
72 	Quaternion q(Vector3d(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), angle);
73 	return q;
74 }
slerpQuat(const Quaternion & to,const float t) const76 Quaternion Quaternion::slerpQuat(const Quaternion& to, const float t) const {
77 	Quaternion dst;
78 	float scale0, scale1;
79 	float flip = 1.0f;
80 	float angle = this->dotProduct(to);
82 	// Make sure the rotation is the short one
83 	if (angle < 0.0f) {
84 		angle = -angle;
85 		flip = -1.0f;
86 	}
88 	// Spherical Interpolation
89 	// Threshold of 1e-6
90 	if (angle < 1.0f - (float) 1E-6f) {
91 		float theta = acosf(angle);
92 		float invSineTheta = 1.0f / sinf(theta);
94 		scale0 = sinf((1.0f - t) * theta) * invSineTheta;
95 		scale1 = (sinf(t * theta) * invSineTheta) * flip;
96 	// Linear Interpolation
97 	} else {
98 		scale0 = 1.0f - t;
99 		scale1 = t * flip;
100 	}
102 	// Apply the interpolation
103 	dst = (*this * scale0) + (to * scale1);
104 	return dst;
105 }
normalize()107 Quaternion& Quaternion::normalize() {
108 	const float scale = sqrtf(square(x()) + square(y()) + square(z()) + square(w()));
110 	// Already normalized if the scale is 1.0
111 	if (scale != 1.0f && scale != 0.0f)
112 		set(x() / scale, y() / scale, z() / scale, w() / scale);
114 	return *this;
115 }
transform(Vector3d & v) const117 void Quaternion::transform(Vector3d &v) const {
118 	const Vector3d im = Vector3d(x(), y(), z());
119 	v += 2.0 * Vector3d::crossProduct(im, Vector3d::crossProduct(im, v) + w() * v);
120 }
fromMatrix(const Matrix3 & m)122 void Quaternion::fromMatrix(const Matrix3 &m) {
123 	float qx, qy, qz, qw;
124 	float tr = m.getValue(0, 0) + m.getValue(1, 1) + m.getValue(2, 2);
125 	float s;
127 	if (tr > 0.0f) {
128 		s = sqrtf(tr + 1.0f);
129 		qw = s * 0.5f;
130 		s = 0.5f / s;
131 		qx = (m.getValue(2, 1) - m.getValue(1, 2)) * s;
132 		qy = (m.getValue(0, 2) - m.getValue(2, 0)) * s;
133 		qz = (m.getValue(1, 0) - m.getValue(0, 1)) * s;
134 	} else {
135 		int h = 0;
136 		if (m.getValue(1, 1) > m.getValue(0, 0))
137 			h = 1;
138 		if (m.getValue(2, 2) > m.getValue(h, h))
139 			h = 2;
141 		if (h == 0) {
142 			s = sqrt(m.getValue(0, 0) - (m.getValue(1,1) + m.getValue(2, 2)) + 1.0f);
143 			qx = s * 0.5f;
144 			s = 0.5f / s;
145 			qy = (m.getValue(0, 1) + m.getValue(1, 0)) * s;
146 			qz = (m.getValue(2, 0) + m.getValue(0, 2)) * s;
147 			qw = (m.getValue(2, 1) - m.getValue(1, 2)) * s;
148 		} else if (h == 1) {
149 			s = sqrt(m.getValue(1, 1) - (m.getValue(2,2) + m.getValue(0, 0)) + 1.0f);
150 			qy = s * 0.5f;
151 			s = 0.5f / s;
152 			qz = (m.getValue(1, 2) + m.getValue(2, 1)) * s;
153 			qx = (m.getValue(0, 1) + m.getValue(1, 0)) * s;
154 			qw = (m.getValue(0, 2) - m.getValue(2, 0)) * s;
155 		} else {
156 			s = sqrt(m.getValue(2, 2) - (m.getValue(0,0) + m.getValue(1, 1)) + 1.0f);
157 			qz = s * 0.5f;
158 			s = 0.5f / s;
159 			qx = (m.getValue(2, 0) + m.getValue(0, 2)) * s;
160 			qy = (m.getValue(1, 2) + m.getValue(2, 1)) * s;
161 			qw = (m.getValue(1, 0) - m.getValue(0, 1)) * s;
162 		}
163 	}
164 	set(qx, qy, qz, qw);
165 }
toMatrix(Matrix4 & dst) const167 void Quaternion::toMatrix(Matrix4 &dst) const {
168 	float two_xx = x() * (x() + x());
169 	float two_xy = x() * (y() + y());
170 	float two_xz = x() * (z() + z());
172 	float two_wx = w() * (x() + x());
173 	float two_wy = w() * (y() + y());
174 	float two_wz = w() * (z() + z());
176 	float two_yy = y() * (y() + y());
177 	float two_yz = y() * (z() + z());
179 	float two_zz = z() * (z() + z());
181 	float newMat[16] = {
182 		1.0f - (two_yy + two_zz),	two_xy - two_wz,		two_xz + two_wy,	  0.0f,
183 		two_xy + two_wz,		1.0f - (two_xx + two_zz),	two_yz - two_wx,	  0.0f,
184 		two_xz - two_wy,		two_yz + two_wx,		1.0f - (two_xx + two_yy), 0.0f,
185 		0.0f,				0.0f,				0.0f,			  1.0f
186 	};
187 	dst.setData(newMat);
188 }
toMatrix() const190 Matrix4 Quaternion::toMatrix() const {
191 	Matrix4 dst;
192 	toMatrix(dst);
193 	return dst;
194 }
inverse() const196 Quaternion Quaternion::inverse() const {
197 	Quaternion q = *this;
198 	q.normalize();
199 	q.x() = -q.x();
200 	q.y() = -q.y();
201 	q.z() = -q.z();
202 	return q;
203 }
directionVector(const int col) const205 Vector3d Quaternion::directionVector(const int col) const {
206 	Matrix4 dirMat = toMatrix();
207 	return Vector3d(dirMat.getValue(0, col), dirMat.getValue(1, col), dirMat.getValue(2, col));
208 }
getAngleBetween(const Quaternion & to)210 Angle Quaternion::getAngleBetween(const Quaternion &to) {
211 	Quaternion q = this->inverse() * to;
212 	Angle diff(Common::rad2deg(2 * acos(q.w())));
213 	return diff;
214 }
fromEuler(const Angle & first,const Angle & second,const Angle & third,EulerOrder order)216 Quaternion Quaternion::fromEuler(const Angle &first, const Angle &second, const Angle &third, EulerOrder order) {
217 	// First create a matrix with the rotation
218 	Matrix4 rot(first, second, third, order);
220 	// Convert this rotation matrix to a Quaternion
221 	return Quaternion(rot);
222 }
getEuler(Angle * first,Angle * second,Angle * third,EulerOrder order) const224 void Quaternion::getEuler(Angle *first, Angle *second, Angle *third, EulerOrder order) const {
225 	// Create a matrix from the Quaternion
226 	Matrix4 rot = toMatrix();
228 	// Convert the matrix to Euler Angles
229 	Angle f, s, t;
230 	rot.getEuler(&f, &s, &t, order);
232 	// Assign the Angles if we have a reference
233 	if (first != nullptr)
234 		*first = f;
235 	if (second != nullptr)
236 		*second = s;
237 	if (third != nullptr)
238 		*third = t;
239 }
operator =(const Quaternion & quat)241 Quaternion& Quaternion::operator=(const Quaternion& quat) {
242 	x() = quat.x();
243 	y() = quat.y();
244 	z() = quat.z();
245 	w() = quat.w();
247 	return *this;
248 }
operator *(const Quaternion & o) const250 Quaternion Quaternion::operator*(const Quaternion &o) const {
251 	return Quaternion(
252 		w() * o.x() + x() * o.w() + y() * o.z() - z() * o.y(),
253 		w() * o.y() - x() * o.z() + y() * o.w() + z() * o.x(),
254 		w() * o.z() + x() * o.y() - y() * o.x() + z() * o.w(),
255 		w() * o.w() - x() * o.x() - y() * o.y() - z() * o.z()
256 	);
257 }
operator *(const float c) const259 Quaternion Quaternion::operator*(const float c) const {
260 	return Quaternion(x() * c, y() * c, z() * c, w() * c);
261 }
operator *=(const Quaternion & o)263 Quaternion& Quaternion::operator*=(const Quaternion &o) {
264 	*this = *this * o;
265 	return *this;
266 }
operator +(const Quaternion & o) const268 Quaternion Quaternion::operator+(const Quaternion &o) const {
269 	return Quaternion(x() + o.x(), y() + o.y(), z() + o.z(), w() + o.w());
270 }
operator +=(const Quaternion & o)272 Quaternion& Quaternion::operator+=(const Quaternion &o) {
273 	*this = *this + o;
274 	return *this;
275 }
operator ==(const Quaternion & o) const277 bool Quaternion::operator==(const Quaternion &o) const {
278 	float dw = fabs(w() - o.w());
279 	float dx = fabs(x() - o.x());
280 	float dy = fabs(y() - o.y());
281 	float dz = fabs(z() - o.z());
282 	// Threshold of equality
283 	float th = 1E-5f;
285 	if ((dw < th) && (dx < th) && (dy < th) && (dz < th)) {
286 		return true;
287 	}
288 	return false;
289 }
operator !=(const Quaternion & o) const291 bool Quaternion::operator!=(const Quaternion &o) const {
292 	return !(*this == o);
293 }
295 } // End namespace Math