1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Christopho, Solarus - http://www.solarus-games.org
3  *
4  * Solarus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * Solarus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
20 #include "solarus/core/Rectangle.h"
21 #include "solarus/core/GameCommand.h"
22 #include "solarus/core/Common.h"
23 #include "solarus/entities/EntityType.h"
24 #include "solarus/entities/Ground.h"
25 #include "solarus/entities/CollisionMode.h"
26 #include "solarus/entities/EnemyAttack.h"
27 #include "solarus/entities/EnemyReaction.h"
28 #include "solarus/graphics/SpritePtr.h"
29 #include "solarus/lua/ExportableToLua.h"
30 #include <list>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <set>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <vector>
36 struct lua_State;
38 namespace Solarus {
40 class Block;
41 class Bomb;
42 class Camera;
43 class Chest;
44 class CommandsEffects;
45 class Crystal;
46 class CrystalBlock;
47 class Destination;
48 class Destructible;
49 class Door;
50 class Enemy;
51 class Equipment;
52 class EquipmentItem;
53 class Explosion;
54 class Fire;
55 class Game;
56 class GameCommands;
57 class Hero;
58 class Jumper;
59 class LuaContext;
60 class Map;
61 class MainLoop;
62 class Entities;
63 class Movement;
64 class Npc;
65 class Savegame;
66 class Separator;
67 class Sensor;
68 class Sprite;
69 class Stairs;
70 class Stream;
71 class StreamAction;
72 class Switch;
73 class Teletransporter;
75 /**
76  * \brief Abstract class for all objects placed on a map.
77  *
78  * Example of entities include tiles, enemies, the hero,
79  * non-playing characters, doors, chests, etc.
80  * Each entity has:
81  * - a bounding box that represents its position on the map (a rectangle),
82  * - a layer on the map,
83  * - an origin point, relative to the rectangle's top-left corner.
84  * Some entities can also have a name, a movement and some sprites.
85  */
86 class SOLARUS_API Entity: public ExportableToLua {
88   public:
90     using UserProperty = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
92     struct NamedSprite {
93       std::string name;
94       SpritePtr sprite;
95       bool removed = false;
96     };
98     // Destruction.
99     virtual ~Entity();
100     void remove_from_map();
101     virtual void notify_being_removed();
102     bool is_being_removed() const;
104     /**
105      * \brief Returns the type of entity.
106      * \return The type of entity.
107      */
108     virtual EntityType get_type() const = 0;
109     virtual const std::string& get_lua_type_name() const override;
110     bool is_hero() const;
111     virtual bool is_ground_observer() const;
112     Point get_ground_point() const;
113     bool is_ground_modifier() const;
114     virtual Ground get_modified_ground() const;
115     virtual bool can_be_drawn() const;
116     virtual bool is_drawn_at_its_position() const;
118     virtual void notify_command_pressed(GameCommand command);
119     virtual void notify_command_released(GameCommand command);
121     // Adding to a map.
122     bool is_initialized() const;
123     bool is_on_map() const;
124     void set_map(Map& map);
125     Map& get_map() const;
126     virtual void notify_creating();
127     virtual void notify_created();
128     virtual void notify_map_starting(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination);
129     virtual void notify_map_started(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination);
130     virtual void notify_map_opening_transition_finishing(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination);
131     virtual void notify_map_opening_transition_finished(Map& map, const std::shared_ptr<Destination>& destination);
132     virtual void notify_map_finished();
133     virtual void notify_tileset_changed();
134     Game& get_game();
135     const Game& get_game() const;
137     // Position in the map.
138     int get_layer() const;
139     void set_layer(int layer);
140     Ground get_ground_below() const;
142     int get_x() const;
143     int get_y() const;
144     void set_x(int x);
145     void set_y(int y);
146     Point get_xy() const;
147     void set_xy(const Point& xy);
148     void set_xy(int x, int y);
149     Point get_displayed_xy() const;
151     int get_width() const;
152     int get_height() const;
153     Size get_size() const;
154     void set_size(int width, int height);
155     void set_size(const Size& size);
156     virtual void notify_size_changed();
157     const Rectangle& get_bounding_box() const;
158     void set_bounding_box(const Rectangle& bounding_box);
159     Rectangle get_extended_bounding_box(int margin) const;
160     virtual Rectangle get_max_bounding_box() const;
161     void notify_bounding_box_changed();
162     const Point& get_origin() const;
163     void set_origin(int x, int y);
164     void set_origin(const Point& origin);
165     int get_top_left_x() const;
166     int get_top_left_y() const;
167     Point get_top_left_xy() const;
168     void set_top_left_x(int x);
169     void set_top_left_y(int y);
170     void set_top_left_xy(int x, int y);
171     void set_top_left_xy(const Point& xy);
173     virtual Point get_facing_point() const;
174     Point get_touching_point(int direction) const;
175     Point get_center_point() const;
177     bool is_aligned_to_grid() const;
178     bool is_aligned_to_grid_x() const;
179     bool is_aligned_to_grid_y() const;
180     void set_aligned_to_grid();
181     void set_aligned_to_grid_x();
182     void set_aligned_to_grid_y();
184     int get_optimization_distance() const;
185     int get_optimization_distance2() const;
186     void set_optimization_distance(int distance);
188     int get_z() const;
189     void set_z(int z);
191     bool is_enabled() const;
192     void set_enabled(bool enable);
193     virtual void notify_enabled(bool enabled);
195     // Properties.
196     const std::string& get_name() const;
197     void set_name(const std::string& name);
198     bool has_name() const;
199     bool has_prefix(const std::string& prefix) const;
200     int get_direction() const;
201     void set_direction(int direction);
202     virtual void notify_direction_changed();
204     const std::vector<UserProperty>& get_user_properties() const;
205     void set_user_properties(const std::vector<UserProperty>& user_properties);
206     bool has_user_property(const std::string& key) const;
207     const std::string& get_user_property_value(const std::string& key) const;
208     void set_user_property_value(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
209     void remove_user_property(const std::string& key);
211     // Sprites.
212     bool has_sprite() const;
213     SpritePtr get_sprite(const std::string& sprite_name = "") const;
214     std::vector<SpritePtr> get_sprites() const;
215     std::vector<NamedSprite> get_named_sprites() const;
216     SpritePtr create_sprite(
217         const std::string& animation_set_id,
218         const std::string& sprite_name = "",
219         int order = -1
220     );
221     int get_sprite_order(Sprite& sprite);
222     bool remove_sprite(Sprite& sprite);
223     void clear_sprites();
224     bool bring_sprite_to_back(Sprite& sprite);
225     bool bring_sprite_to_front(Sprite& sprite);
226     std::string get_default_sprite_name() const;
227     void set_default_sprite_name(const std::string& default_sprite_name);
228     virtual void notify_sprite_frame_changed(Sprite& sprite, const std::string& animation, int frame);
229     virtual void notify_sprite_animation_finished(Sprite& sprite, const std::string& animation);
230     bool is_visible() const;
231     void set_visible(bool visible);
232     bool is_tiled() const;
233     void set_tiled(bool tiled);
234     bool is_drawn_in_y_order() const;
235     void set_drawn_in_y_order(bool drawn_in_y_order);
236     void set_animation_ignore_suspend(bool ignore_suspend);
237     void set_sprites_suspended(bool suspended);
238     void update_sprites();
239     void update_sprite(Sprite& sprite);
240     ScopedLuaRef get_draw_override() const;
241     void set_draw_override(const ScopedLuaRef& draw_override);
243     // Movement.
244     const std::shared_ptr<Movement>& get_movement();
245     std::shared_ptr<const Movement> get_movement() const;
246     void set_movement(const std::shared_ptr<Movement>& movement);
247     void clear_movement();
248     bool are_movement_notifications_enabled() const;
249     void set_movement_notifications_enabled(bool notify);
250     bool has_stream_action() const;
251     const StreamAction* get_stream_action() const;
252     StreamAction* get_stream_action();
253     void start_stream_action(std::unique_ptr<StreamAction> stream_action);
254     void stop_stream_action();
256     virtual void notify_position_changed();
257     virtual void notify_layer_changed();
258     virtual void notify_ground_below_changed();
259     virtual void notify_obstacle_reached();
260     virtual void notify_movement_started();
261     virtual void notify_movement_finished();
262     virtual void notify_movement_changed();
263     virtual void notify_moving_by(Entity& entity);
264     virtual void notify_moved_by(Entity& entity);
266     Entity* get_facing_entity();
267     const Entity* get_facing_entity() const;
268     void set_facing_entity(Entity* facing_entity);
269     virtual void notify_facing_entity_changed(Entity* facing_entity);
270     static const Point& direction_to_xy_move(int direction8);
272     // Geometry.
273     bool overlaps(const Rectangle& rectangle) const;
274     bool overlaps(const Point& point) const;
275     bool overlaps(int x, int y) const;
276     bool overlaps(const Entity& other) const;
277     bool overlaps_camera() const;
278     bool is_origin_point_in(const Rectangle& rectangle) const;
279     bool is_facing_point_in(const Rectangle& rectangle) const;
280     bool is_touching_point_in(const Rectangle& rectangle, int direction) const;
281     bool is_center_in(const Rectangle& rectangle) const;
283     double get_angle(int x, int y) const;
284     double get_angle(const Entity& other) const;
285     double get_angle(
286         const Entity& other,
287         const Sprite* this_sprite,
288         const Sprite* other_sprite) const;
289     int get_distance(int x, int y) const;
290     int get_distance(const Point& point) const;
291     int get_distance(const Entity& other) const;
292     bool is_in_same_region(const Entity& other) const;
293     bool is_in_same_region(const Point& xy) const;
295     // Collisions.
296     bool is_detector() const;
297     void set_collision_modes(int collision_modes);
298     void add_collision_mode(CollisionMode collision_mode);
299     bool has_collision_mode(CollisionMode collision_mode);
300     void enable_pixel_collisions();
302     bool has_layer_independent_collisions() const;
303     void set_layer_independent_collisions(bool independent);
305     // Detecting other entities.
306     void check_collision(Entity& other);
307     void check_collision(Entity& other, Sprite& other_sprite);
308     void check_collision(Sprite& this_sprite, Entity& other);
309     bool test_collision(
310         Entity& entity,
311         CollisionMode collision_mode,
312         const SpritePtr& this_sprite,
313         const SpritePtr& other_sprite);
314     bool test_collision_rectangle(const Entity& entity) const;
315     bool test_collision_inside(const Entity& entity) const;
316     bool test_collision_origin_point(const Entity& entity) const;
317     bool test_collision_facing_point(const Entity& entity) const;
318     bool test_collision_touching(const Entity& entity) const;
319     bool test_collision_center(const Entity& entity) const;
320     bool test_collision_sprites(
321         Entity& entity,
322         const SpritePtr& this_sprite,
323         const SpritePtr& other_sprite);
324     virtual bool test_collision_custom(Entity& entity);
326     // Being detected by other entities.
327     void check_collision_with_detectors();
328     void check_collision_with_detectors(Sprite& sprite);
330     virtual void check_position();
331     virtual void notify_collision_with_destructible(Destructible& destructible, CollisionMode collision_mode);
332     virtual void notify_collision_with_teletransporter(Teletransporter& teletransporter, CollisionMode collision_mode);
333     virtual void notify_collision_with_stream(Stream& stream, int dx, int dy);
334     virtual void notify_collision_with_stairs(Stairs& stairs, CollisionMode collision_mode);
335     virtual void notify_collision_with_jumper(Jumper& jumper, CollisionMode collision_mode);
336     virtual void notify_collision_with_sensor(Sensor& sensor, CollisionMode collision_mode);
337     virtual void notify_collision_with_switch(Switch& sw, CollisionMode collision_mode);
338     virtual void notify_collision_with_switch(Switch& sw, Sprite& sprite_overlapping);
339     virtual void notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal& crystal, CollisionMode collision_mode);
340     virtual void notify_collision_with_crystal(Crystal& crystal, Sprite& sprite_overlapping);
341     virtual void notify_collision_with_chest(Chest& chest);
342     virtual void notify_collision_with_block(Block& block);
343     virtual void notify_collision_with_separator(Separator& separator, CollisionMode collision_mode);
344     virtual void notify_collision_with_bomb(Bomb& bomb, CollisionMode collision_mode);
345     virtual void notify_collision_with_explosion(Explosion& explosion, CollisionMode collision_mode);
346     virtual void notify_collision_with_explosion(Explosion& explosion, Sprite& sprite_overlapping);
347     virtual void notify_collision_with_fire(Fire& fire, Sprite& sprite_overlapping);
348     virtual void notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy& enemy, CollisionMode collision_mode);
349     virtual void notify_collision_with_enemy(Enemy& enemy, Sprite& this_sprite, Sprite& enemy_sprite);
350     virtual void notify_attacked_enemy(
351         EnemyAttack attack,
352         Enemy& victim,
353         Sprite* victim_sprite,
354         const EnemyReaction::Reaction& result,
355         bool killed);
357     // Interactions.
358     bool can_be_lifted() const;
359     int get_weight() const;
360     void set_weight(int weight);
361     virtual bool notify_action_command_pressed();
362     virtual bool notify_interaction_with_item(EquipmentItem& item);
363     virtual bool start_movement_by_hero();
364     virtual void stop_movement_by_hero();
365     virtual std::string get_sword_tapping_sound();
367     // Obstacles.
368     virtual bool is_obstacle_for(Entity& other);
369     virtual bool is_obstacle_for(Entity& other, const Rectangle& candidate_position);
370     bool is_ground_obstacle(Ground ground) const;
371     virtual bool is_hero_obstacle(Hero& hero);
372     virtual bool is_block_obstacle(Block& block);
373     virtual bool is_teletransporter_obstacle(Teletransporter& teletransporter);
374     virtual bool is_stream_obstacle(Stream& stream);
375     virtual bool is_stairs_obstacle(Stairs& stairs);
376     virtual bool is_sensor_obstacle(Sensor& sensor);
377     virtual bool is_switch_obstacle(Switch& sw);
378     virtual bool is_raised_block_obstacle(CrystalBlock& raised_block);
379     virtual bool is_crystal_obstacle(Crystal& crystal);
380     virtual bool is_npc_obstacle(Npc& npc);
381     virtual bool is_door_obstacle(Door& door);
382     virtual bool is_enemy_obstacle(Enemy& enemy);
383     virtual bool is_jumper_obstacle(Jumper& jumper, const Rectangle& candidate_position);
384     virtual bool is_destructible_obstacle(Destructible& destructible);
385     virtual bool is_separator_obstacle(Separator& separator, const Rectangle& candidate_position);
386     virtual bool is_sword_ignored() const;
388     // Game loop.
389     bool is_suspended() const;
390     virtual void set_suspended(bool suspended);
391     virtual void update();
392     void draw(Camera& camera);
393     virtual void built_in_draw(Camera& camera);
394     void draw_sprites(Camera& camera, const Rectangle& clipping_area = Rectangle());
396     // Easy access to various game objects.
397     Entities& get_entities();
398     const Entities& get_entities() const;
399     Equipment& get_equipment();
400     const Equipment& get_equipment() const;
401     CommandsEffects& get_commands_effects();
402     GameCommands& get_commands();
403     Savegame& get_savegame();
404     const Savegame& get_savegame() const;
405     Hero& get_hero();
407     /**
408      * \name State.
409      *
410      * These functions provide information about the entity's internal state
411      * and allow to start actions which may modify this state.
412      * Actions can be triggered by equipment items, entities or scripts.
413      */
414     class State;                                /**< base class for all states */
416     std::shared_ptr<State> get_state() const;
417     void set_state(const std::shared_ptr<State>& state);
419     std::string get_state_name() const;
420     void update_state();
422   protected:
424     // Creation.
425     Entity(
426         const std::string& name,
427         int direction,
428         int layer,
429         const Point& xy,
430         const Size& size
431     );
433     // No copy constructor or assignment operator.
434     Entity(const Entity& other) = delete;
435     Entity& operator=(const Entity& other) = delete;
437     uint32_t get_when_suspended() const;
439     // Ground.
440     void update_ground_observers();
441     void update_ground_below();
443     // Collisions.
444     virtual void notify_collision(
445         Entity& entity_overlapping, CollisionMode collision_mode);
446     virtual void notify_collision(
447         Entity& other_entity, Sprite& this_sprite, Sprite& other_sprite);
448     void update_stream_action();
450     // Obstacles.
451     virtual bool is_traversable_obstacle() const;
452     virtual bool is_wall_obstacle() const;
453     virtual bool is_low_wall_obstacle() const;
454     virtual bool is_grass_obstacle() const;
455     virtual bool is_shallow_water_obstacle() const;
456     virtual bool is_deep_water_obstacle() const;
457     virtual bool is_ice_obstacle() const;
458     virtual bool is_hole_obstacle() const;
459     virtual bool is_lava_obstacle() const;
460     virtual bool is_prickle_obstacle() const;
461     virtual bool is_ladder_obstacle() const;
463   private:
465     void finish_initialization();
466     void clear_old_movements();
467     void clear_old_stream_actions();
468     void clear_old_sprites();
470     MainLoop* main_loop;                        /**< The Solarus main loop. */
471     Map* map;                                   /**< The map where this entity is, or nullptr. */
473     int layer;                                  /**< Layer of the entity on the map.
474                                                  * The layer is constant for the tiles and can change for the hero and the dynamic entities. */
476     int z;                                      /**< Z order of this entity on its layer.
477                                                  * This value is abitrary, it can be negative and the sequence can have holes. */
479     Rectangle bounding_box;                     /**< This rectangle represents the position of the entity of the map and is
480                                                  * used for the collision tests. It corresponds to the bounding box of the entity.
481                                                  * It can be different from the sprite's rectangle of the entity.
482                                                  * For example, the hero's bounding box is a 16*16 rectangle, but its sprite may be
483                                                  * a 24*32 rectangle. */
485     Ground ground_below;                        /**< Kind of ground under this entity: grass, shallow water, etc.
486                                                  * Only used by entities sensible to their ground. */
488     Point origin;                               /**< Coordinates of the origin point of the entity,
489                                                  * relative to the top-left corner of its rectangle.
490                                                  * Remember that when you call get_x() and get_y(), you get the coordinates
491                                                  * of the origin point on the map, not the coordinates of the rectangle's
492                                                  * top-left corner.
493                                                  * This is useful because the top-left corner of the entity's bounding box does
494                                                  * not represent the actual entity's coordinates and does not match necessarily
495                                                  * the sprite's rectangle. */
497     std::string name;                           /**< Name of the entity or an empty string.
498                                                  * The name uniquely identifies the entity in the map. */
500     int direction;                              /**< Direction of the entity, not used for all kinds of entities */
501     std::vector<UserProperty> user_properties;  /**< List of user-defined properties. */
503     std::vector<NamedSprite>
504         sprites;                                /**< Sprites representing the entity. */
505     std::string default_sprite_name;            /**< Name of the sprite to get in get_sprite() without parameter. */
506     bool visible;                               /**< Whether this entity's sprites are currently displayed. */
507     bool tiled;                                 /**< Whether sprites should be repeated with tiling. */
508     bool drawn_in_y_order;                      /**< Whether this entity is drawn in Y order or in Z order. */
509     ScopedLuaRef draw_override;                 /**< Lua function that draws this entity, if any. */
510     std::shared_ptr<Movement> movement;         /**< Movement of the entity.
511                                                  * nullptr indicates that the entity has no movement. */
512     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Movement>>
513         old_movements;                          /**< Old movements to destroy as soon as possible. */
514     bool movement_notifications_enabled;        /**< Whether entity:on_position_changed() and friends should be called. */
515     Entity* facing_entity;                      /**< The detector in front of this entity if any. */
516     int collision_modes;                        /**< Collision modes detected by entity
517                                                  * (can be an OR combination of CollisionMode values). */
518     bool layer_independent_collisions;          /**< Whether this entity detects collisions on all layers. */
520     int weight;                                 /**< Weight of this entity (level of "lift" ability required).
521                                                  * -1 means an entity that cannot be lifted. */
522     std::unique_ptr<StreamAction>
523         stream_action;                          /**< The stream effect currently applied if any. */
524     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StreamAction>>
525         old_stream_actions;                     /**< Old stream actions to destroy as soon as possible. */
527     // state
528     std::shared_ptr<State> state;               /**< The current internal state */
529     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<State>>
530         old_states;                             /**< Previous state objects to delete as soon as possible. */
532     bool initialized;                           /**< Whether all initializations were done. */
533     bool being_removed;                         /**< indicates that the entity is not valid anymore because it is about to be removed */
534     bool enabled;                               /**< indicates that the entity is enabled
535                                                  * (if not, it will not be displayed and collisions will not be notified) */
537     bool suspended;                             /**< indicates that the animation and movement of this entity are suspended */
538     uint32_t when_suspended;                    /**< indicates when this entity was suspended */
540     int optimization_distance;                  /**< Above this distance from the visible area,
541                                                  * the engine may skip updates (0 means infinite). */
542     int optimization_distance2;                 /**< Square of optimization_distance. */
543     static constexpr int
544         default_optimization_distance = 0;      /**< Default value. */
546 };
548 /**
549  * \brief Returns the layer of the entity on the map.
550  * \return The layer of the entity on the map.
551  */
get_layer()552 inline int Entity::get_layer() const {
553   return layer;
554 }
556 /**
557  * \brief Returns the Z order of this entity on its layer.
558  *
559  * This is an arbitrary value that can be used to compare the order of
560  * entities. It can be negative. The sequence can have holes.
561  *
562  * \return The Z order.
563  */
get_z()564 inline int Entity::get_z() const {
565   return z;
566 }
568 /**
569  * \brief Sets the Z order of this entity on its layer.
570  * \param z The Z order.
571  */
set_z(int z)572 inline void Entity::set_z(int z) {
573   this->z = z;
574 }
576 /**
577  * \brief Returns whether this entity is enabled.
578  * \return true if this entity is enabled
579  */
is_enabled()580 inline bool Entity::is_enabled() const {
581   return enabled;
582 }
584 /**
585  * \brief Returns true if this entity is about to be deleted.
586  *
587  * When this function returns true, the entity is not
588  * considered to be on the map anymore.
589  *
590  * \return true if this entity is about to be deleted
591  */
is_being_removed()592 inline bool Entity::is_being_removed() const {
593   return being_removed;
594 }
596 /**
597  * \brief Returns whether or not this entity's bounding box overlaps a specified rectangle.
598  * \param rectangle the rectangle to check
599  * \return true if this entity's bounding box overlaps the specified rectangle
600  */
overlaps(const Rectangle & rectangle)601 inline bool Entity::overlaps(const Rectangle& rectangle) const {
602   return bounding_box.overlaps(rectangle);
603 }
605 /**
606  * \brief Returns whether or not a point overlaps this entity's bounding box.
607  * \param point point to check
608  * \return true if the point is in this entity's bounding box
609  */
overlaps(const Point & point)610 inline bool Entity::overlaps(const Point& point) const {
611   return bounding_box.contains(point);
612 }
614 /**
615  * \brief Returns whether or not a point overlaps this entity's bounding box.
616  * \param x x coordinate of the point to check
617  * \param y y coordinate of the point to check
618  * \return true if the point is in this entity's bounding box
619  */
overlaps(int x,int y)620 inline bool Entity::overlaps(int x, int y) const {
621   return bounding_box.contains(x, y);
622 }
624 /**
625  * \brief Returns whether or not this entity's bounding box overlaps
626  * another entity's bounding box.
627  * \param other another entity
628  * \return true if this entity's bounding box overlaps the other entity's bounding box
629  */
overlaps(const Entity & other)630 inline bool Entity::overlaps(const Entity& other) const {
631   return overlaps(other.get_bounding_box());
632 }
634 }
636 #endif